IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I |4i KB 4,*S IIIIM IIIIM 13^ li M 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 ' .< 6" — ► Photographic Sciences brporation G 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 873-4503 i m \ :\ iV \ <>^ mcB. 1883. Archives of British Columbia O'REILLY COLLECTilON ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION — OF THE — Albion Iron Works Comp'y, Limited SHAHES. 1 If sevral persons are registere.l as joint hol.lers of any share any one of such pers.,ns n.ay give effectual receipts tor any ,Uvi lie paid. It sliall als«» Datnc tlir |)liict' Nvlicn' paymnit is to )«' iiwulr, (tlu' place MO iuuihmI Ik'Iiil' tlic rciristrrcd otlicj' of tlie Coinpaiiv, or sonic otluT ])lacc at wliicli calls of tlic ( 'oiiipnny arc usually made payaltlc). The notice shall also state that in the event of non- pavmcnt at or hefore the time and at the place appointed the share in respect of which such call was mam all calls due prior to such purchase, and he shall not be bound to .see to the application of the money, nor shall his title to such share be affected by any irregularity in the proceedings in reference to such sale. INCUEASK IN TAIMTAL. 2.*}. The Dirt'ctor.s may, with tlu- sanction <>t" a special resolu- tion of the Company })n'viously ^iven in ^^^eneral meeting, in- crease its capital l»y the issue of new shares, such a;^;j;rei;ate increase to he of sudi amount and to he divided into shares of such resi)ective amounts as the Com|)any in general meet- in. The instrument appointing a proxy shall be in writing, iinder the hand of the appointor, or if the appointor is a cor- |)oration, under their common seal, and shall be attested by one or more witness or witnesses. No person shall be appointed a proxy wl is not a memberof the Company. 47. The instrument appointing a proxy shall be deposited at the registered office of the Company immediately before the time for holding the meeting at which the person named 11 ill such instniineut proposes to vote, but no iustrunicnt ap p )inting a proxy shall be valid after the expiration oF twelve months' from the er to be Chairman of such meetini;. 65. The Directors may delegate any of their powers to Com- mittees consisting of such member or members of their body as they think tit; any Committee so formed shall in the ex- ercises of the powers so delegated, conform to any regulations that may be imposed upon them by the Directors. ()(). A Committee may elect a Chairman of their meetings if no such Chairman is ele(;ted, or if he is not present at the time appointed for holding the same, the members present shall choose one of their number to be Chairman of such meetinof. 67. A Committee may meet and adjourn as they think proper. Questions arising at any meeting shall be determined by a majority of votes of the members present, and in case of any equality of votes the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote. 68. All acts done by any meeting of the Directors or of a Committee of Directors, or by any person acting as Director, IS shall, not\vitli.staiKiin;:»- tluit it Ir' afterwards discovonMl that there was some defect in the a})})()intnient of any such I)irect<»rs or persons actinjr as aforesaid, or that they or any of them w<«re dis(|iialitied, he as valid as if every such person had heen duly appointed and was (pialilied to he a Din^ctor. DIVIDENDS. (iJ). The Directors may, with the sanction of the ('ompany in General Meeting", declare a divitlend to he ])aid to th<^ nu^m- hers in proportion to their shares. 70. No dividend sliall he payable except out of the profits H vising from the husiness of the Company. 71. The Directors may, before recommending any divid<'n«l. set aside out of the profits of the Company such sum as they think proper as a reserved fund to meet contingencies, or for equalizing I)in.( suLscqurnt auditors slwvll hv ai.i.ointc.l hy th. Omipany ... (it'iicral Mooting. SI. If oi.o a.Klitor only is ai> a\\ tl.o provisio..s n»ntaino.l rclati..g to anait...-s sluill apply to 1...... S-> Tlio an.lito.-s ...av l.o ,no.,.l.»M-s of tl.o i\n^^\^imy, la.t no person is rlioil.lo as a., mi-litor who is i.ito.ostnl tl.a.i as a uwmU.v \n a..y tra.isactio.. of tl.o (\), an.l ..o Diivctor <.r oth.'r officor of ll.o (^^.lpa..y is oli-.hle .lurni- Ins continuance in otHcc. Hll Tl.c election of au.litors sIimII l.c W tl.»' (^..npa..y at tl.oir ordinary meeting in each year. S4 The ren.uneration of the Hrst auditors shall l- fixed hy the Directors, that of s.ihsecpient auditors shall be l.xed hy the CNniipany in ( Jeneral Meeting. S5. Anv aurs shall ...11 an'extraordinary General Meeting for the purpose of supply- ing the same. 87 Every auditor will he supplied with a (-(^py of the balance sh'eet, and it shall he his duty to examine the san.e with the accounts ami vouchers relating thereto. 88 Eyery auditor shall have a list) delivere.l to hi... of all books kept hy the Company, and shall at all reasonable tinies have access to the books and accounts of the Compa.iy. he may at the expense of the Company employ accountants or other persons to assist him in investigating such accounts, an. I he may in relation to such accounts examine the Directors or or any other officer of the Company. 89 The au.litors shall make a reporc to the members upon the balance sheet and accounts, and in every such report they shall state whether in their opinion the balance sheet is a lull 18 und fair lialance slicct, coiitainliii,' tln' particulars rcquircfl hy fclu's<; r('<,nilati«)ns anrt of the Directors at the ordinary meeting. NOTICKS. 90. A notice may he serve-< I— I *T > • S '-' T c H a «5 apf rj en cc u. ^ w cr; .« 3" C*. "=• -51 S.X Xf. — •- t "t -K -^^ o -•re 5. r c ? -t £.7r cr ji^S 5 r»i; ^ ^3 ' =•£•1 • ^ M tCi t-« o CO it H"- O fC .. P O o ►*> P C ^ 5 2.S ^-^-s P < Q* ^"^ *s- ^ P' *" -- » a " 5: rt (» ■ i3xp'2: 1 I s o 3 a 3 2- r re ■ 5 » H P t^ 2 ^ Ti c3 ■< P^ s-p-g-l £.5 P ^ I 3 93 • & p "4^ n tc . p^ i ^ i' C ! P ^u ■ ^ <^ 1 1 E- hd ! W ' /— w , - H i ' P •^ •-> w H CO ft GC ?itei> ^ I \.5i5aft-w6i»<«> ■asi