PLEBISCITE BULLETIN NO. 2. INFORMATION ABOUT VOTERS' LISTS. A PRESSING DUTY. It is <)f the iitinost importance to our cause that every avail- able prohihitioii vote Hhouhl be polled on January 1st next. In this contest we do not win l>y a bare majority. We win a victory that will be of value in ))ropoi-tion to the size of the majority rt*cord<'d in favor of prohibition. The voting is not upon a direct law. It is simply an expression of public- opinion, and its worth will be in its magnitu(l(>. lOvery v«)te poiletl will b<» an increment of strenj^th to our cause, and every prohibition vote un)>oll(>d will be a weakness. These facts place upon us a heavy re'siionsibility to do owv utmost in the impending campaign. In order that our votes may 1)6 polled it is absolutely lu'cessary that they should first be made poUable. VoU's cannot be polled unless the voters' names are on the voters' lists. Bearing in mind this important fact, we earnestly urge upon prohibitionists eveiywhere to at once take steps to see that the voters' lists to be used on .Taniiary 1st next are made as complete as possible from a temperance standpoint- There shoidd be at once appointed in every munici])ality an active working committee to see that this result is attiiined. The subjoin<>d information has been carefi'My compil(>d for the use of workers generally, and such connnittees in particxdai*. WHO MAY VOTE. The persons entitled to vote on the prohibit ion (|U(>stion on January 1st n<'xt are : — 1. All men entitled to vote at an elec tion for the Legislative Assembly. 2. All womc!n entitled to vote at numicipal elections. Any male person twenty-one years of age, a British sub- ject by birth or naturalization, has a right to have his luime placed on the votej-s' lists il he has (a) resided within the i)ro- vince for the nine mt)nths next preceding thti tinu^ fixed foi- beginning to make the assessment roll, or {b) has residtul within the province for the twelve months next preceding the time up to which application can be made to the (\)imty Judge to insert his name on the list; provided that he was in good faith at the time of beginning to make .such roll or complaint, a resident of and domiciled in the nnuiicipality in the list of which he is entered. Temporary absence at work, as hunberman, miner, fisherman, or as a student in (Canada, shall not disentitle such persons to be entered on the list. Any enfranchised Indian, or non-enfranchis«'d ;i'- ,■''■' J I «, Indian not residing among Indians or on an Indian reserve, may also have his name placed on the list. A person who is to be twenty-one years of age within sixty days of the date of the final revision of the assessment loll may be placed on the list. Unnmiiied women or widows of the full age of twenty-one years, and subjects of Her Majesty by birth or naturalization, have a I'ight to be entered upon the assessment roll, and upon the mimlcipal voters' lists who are : (1) in their own right free- holders in the municipality, or (2) householders or tenants in the nuuiicipality, or (8) in receipt of an income of not less than four hundred dollars per annum. The property to be owned or occu- pied in ordcn* to entitle a person to a vote must be worth in trjwns and incorporated villages at least one hundred dollars ; in towns where the i)opulation is not over 3,(KX), two himdred dollars ; in towns with a population of over 3,000, three hundred dollars, and in cities, four hundred dollars. The following persons are not permitted to vote :— Judges, C^lerks of the Peace, County Attorneys, Custom Officers, Regis- trars, Sheriffs and Dejiuties, Crown Land Agents, Postmasters, Stipendiary Magistrates, Excise Officers — prisoners in gaol, patients in asylums, patients in nmnicipal or provincial charit- able^ institutions, or receiving aid therefrom. No person is entitled to vote whose name is not entered on the vot^M's' lists. The voters' list is made up of three pyrts : — Part 1 — Names of men entitled to vote at municipal elections and Legislative Ass(>mbly elections. Part 2 — Names of men and women entitled to vote at numicipal elections only. Part 3— Names of men entitled to vote at Legislative Assembly elections only. To enable them to vote on the prohibition question on .January 1st next, men's names must be enterson entitled to vote, is through the assessor. The law has, however, provided for securing the rights of voters who have failed to obtain recognition in the regular way. The following summary of information will show how this can be accomplished : — ' FROM THE ASSESSMENT ACT, 1892. Unless in special cases hereafter mentioned, the assessment is to be completed in each nuuiicipality, and the assessor's roll is to be filed with the clerk of the nuinicipality, on or before April 30th. 3 . • - ''v The roll shall then be open to the public for inHpoction. (See. 5().) Any person aggrieved by Mio assessment, or whos(« nauu' has been wrongfully omitted from the roll, may have the error eor- rected by giving to the clerk notice of his intention to appeal. Such notice must be given within fourteen days after the day of the return of the assessor's roll, if that i-eturn take place later than April 9()th. (Sec. 64, s-s. 1, 2.) A Court of Revision shall then be held to consider all appeals against the assessment. This Court is not to hold its first sitting until at least ten days after the end of the time during which appeals may be made. (Sec. GO.) The sitting of the CJomt nnist be advertised ten days in the newspajiers. Notice nnist be given to persons concerning whom complaint has been made. (Sec. (Vt, 8.8. 7.) The work of the Court of He vision shall be trompleti; before Jidy 1st. (Sec. 64, s.s. 10.) If any elector has failed to seciiro his rights from the Court of Revision, he may appeal to the (bounty Judge, notice of such appeal being given to the Clerk of the nnmicipality within five days from the date fixed for (*losing the Court of Revision, that is from July 1st. (Sec. 68, s.s. 2.) The County Judge shall fix a date for hearing these appeals, which must be heard and determined before Aug. 1st. (Sec. 68, s.s. 7.) The foregoing provisions of the Assessment Act are those applicable to municipalities generally. It is provided, howevei*, that cities, towns and incorporated villages, may pass by-laws providing for the taking of their assessment between the 1st day of July and the 3()th day of September. In such cases the assessment work shall be completed by October 1st ; the Court of Revision shall close on November 15tb, and the Judge's work must be completed by December 31st. Of course, this has all been done in those muni(;ipalities in which it could affect the voters' lists to be used on January 1st next. There are also special provisions for the taking of assess- ments in the municipality of Shunia, and in certain mimicipali- ties in the Districts of Muskoka, Parry Sound, Nipissing, Thunder Bay, and Riviny River. It is also in the power of County Councils to fix dates for the taking of the assessment in the municipalities within their jurisdiction. Such dates must be fixed between February 1st and July 1st. If the dat« for the completion of the assessment is later than May 1st, then the Court of Revision is to finish its work six weeks from the date on which the assessment closes, and the final return of the Judge is to be made six weeks later. The cases just mentioned ari\ howev(U', exceptional. Full information as to whether or not they apply in any particular inuiiicipiility may always b<» dhUiiiird from the f'lerk of that Miuiiici|Miltty, who will generally l><> found willin)< to k>v(> all Hiich iiifonnatioii. FROM THE VOTERS' LIST ACT, 1889. Immodiatt'ly after the final i-evision l>y the Judge, of the assessment roll, (he Clerk of the Municipality shall make and post up in different phu-es, a list of persons appearing fi'om the assess- ment roll to bt? entitled to voU' at Li'gishitive Assembly elections and Municipal elections. The list shall be posted in cities within forty days, and in other nnmicipalities within thirty days from the dat,e of the final revision of the assessment roll. (Sch*. '.i.) Cojiiesof the list shall be Hied at t'very post oflic(( and at every public or separate school in the nnmicipality. (Sec. 5.) If no appeals are made against this list within thirty days from the time of its being post^^-d, the (.oimty Judge shall certify to it as being correct. (Sec. 10.) Appeals may be made against the list if iiu^orrect. Kotice of such appeals is to be given to the Clerk within thirty days after the posting of the list. If such ap])eals are made, the County Judge will hold a ('ourt to decide them, iu)tice of such C'oiu't being pid)lished t<>n days. (Sec. Hi.) Th(> Judg(> shall so hold his ('ourt that all complaints shall be heard and the list finally certified to, within two months of tha last day fixed for making ccnnpl.aints. (Sec. 1.5.) It will be seen from the foregoing st^itement that appeals may be made to the Coiu't of Revision against the assessnuMit, to the Comity .Judge from the Court of Ilevisi