THE "CANADIAN l • - N BAPTIST V':';S"J^B" .H£':HriiHSON. «•*•'••••• ••••• • ••-•• To the luiilor of flic / Sir, I will tlKink you to do nie tiic ad of kindness and of jiistire (as f;ir as in your power) to insert the following I ci.niinmnication to tlic I'.ditor of i!u' Civuuium Ihif^tht. ;'s lie has refused to insert it, though it ((.ntains not one word ^ of controversy on doc tiine. antl is as lirief an cxpliJiiation as possible in reference to tlie matter of a irross attack upon ' me in the Editorial of that i)apcr. The reasons of the Caiiailian Baptist for refusing to lay my explanation bef(jre his readers must l)e obvious to every reader of my letter to him. I will make no comment upon his conduct. I believe honorable and honest Haptists, as v.eli as others, will stamp that conduct as it deserves. V On the 1 ith (jf January the Editor of the Cauad'nin Baptist, after, as he himself said, he had '"perused it with " a good degree of- interest and pleasure." delibtrately jironounced a decided judgment on both the necessity and character of my book on Christian Morals. \Vhatever he may now say for purposes cannot obliterate what he said on '' Christian and ]»atriotic grounds the iith of January; and his now attacking me for what he commended me for weeks betore for having done, is a^> pitiable for himself as it is honorable for me, apart from the al.)surdity of his charge that I h.admade "an outrageous assault up(.>n the cherished religious belief" of any denomination, contrary to the whole c(yursc of my public life; or of the supposition that other members of the Council would have concurred in such an act, luul I bjen tbolish or base enough to projjose it. Vours respectfully, E. RYERSON. TcjRONro, February 26th, i8y2. TO THE EDITOR OE THE " CANADIAN BAPTIST:' Sir, I have only this hour read in the Canadian Baptist of the Sth instant an editi^rial (cut out and enclosed by a friend), in which you object to the part of my little book on Christian Morals, relating to llaptism and the privileges of [japtized ])ersons. Vou commenie your article by .saying: "Our first examination of this new le.xt Hook for Canadian Schools and fomilies, was somewhat cursory;" and yen conclude your article with the words "(Jur denomination must, in some organized way, make its voice heard in the Council of Public Instruction, in. our Provincial Legislature, and by the l''xecutive Council it.sclf if need be. Indeed, we cannot doubt that all lovers of religious liberty and eiiuality will -gladly make use of every ctiton within their j)ower to banish from the Schools of our iVovince. a book that at least four different denominations cannot fail to regard, in its present form, as anything else than an outrageous assault on their most cherished religious beliefs." Now, Sir, I will (]uote the words of your own editorial of the nth January just four weeks before you published your second editorial of the Sth instant, and before the influences which have prompted your second editorial werj^ brought to bear. Vour own words of the nth of January show whether you made a "cursory" or a c.ireful examination of my little book when you say that you had '' perused it with a ^ood decree of interest ■iW'\ pleasure, and regarded it as, on the whole, a safe and useful handbook of religiotis instruction." 114809 // In the itHjlwn^ - Lord's Siifiper. Now, I think, il luav he left to vourself or to any person of coninion sense to say whether when yon "/icrust-J \u\ book with a i^ood de.i;ree of interest, " you did not peruse what reiatetl to Bapt'um : and if it contained ''an outrageou'; assault on \our most cherisiied reliifio is lielief." wouhl you not in a moment have perceived anil resented it? \oui own word^ I n the i ith of januarv in ren.uil to m\ hook are as follows ; '•The ohjetl of thi> little treatise is to supjily for our Public Schools a text book containinj,' the element-^ oi moral and Christian trutii. We ha\e I'eriised il with a j^^ood de.i;ree of interest and |)leasure, and rej^ard it as. on the whok'. a safe and useful hand book of relij,nous instru( tion. There can be no doubt that it will sui)ply a want that lias long been fell in our Common School system. We reioi