^^ ^f^y^-< IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) .8ou WilliHin... (jrarif'tt Rcibe.ib . Garrobt (jrPorx« C Groven Matthew ., Good Willi'! m . . GreL'g William J. Gilisuji Jaiues . . . Hare Samuel .... Hart Maurice Hart John Hiirt James Hnre Thomas . . . . Houliston George HouHstoii Edmund. Houliston Robert.. Hal man Michael. . Hoople Alonzo . . Jones Thomns. . Jakes Samuel . . Johnston Robert Johnston Henry. Jones William . . Kcllv E.J Kiikhuul William T King John Iv\ Ih Francis Kyle Patrick Kerfo ■(! Ge>rge Kerfo.d William H. Kenny ijdwaril . . . , Kelly .^ilexander . . .. Kelly Uernard Lundv Samuel J. Lundy John . . . .1 7 12 and 13 12 and 13 11 and 13 8 land 2 10 Ei 6 7 6 4F 4 WJ 5 and 6 5 and 6 2 >.nd 3 1 and 2 Gore II K.'. 3 W.C 3 Wj 8 K!, 8 and 9 10 E.V 10 n 12 El 12 W.', 12 Ei" 8 Wi 1 3 A &B 8 A A A 8 (i 6 3 4 5 5 1 4 4 fret'hol'er freehnrer Landhl'sSon frcehorer freohol'er freehol'er freehol'er freehol'er fieeholer Landhl'sSon freehol'er freehol'er tVeehol'er Landhl'sSon ''"''chorer iiechol'er freehol'er fr(!ehorer t'reehol'er freehol'er Landhl'sSon frcehorer froehol'csr froehol'er freehdl'di' fnsehol'ei frcehdi'ei fr(!ehorei freehol'i;!' frcinhol'tM' Landhl'sSon 2 frcfliorer !2 freeliol'ur frochol'fjr POLLING SUB-DI VISION No. L No. on Roll 321 322 338 342 343 344 NAME, Lundy Hugh . . Lundy James . . Littlejohu John Lucas John . . . , Lane Alonzo- . . Lang John Si". . . 349 350 358 359 363 3G4 365 394 395 396 397 398' 399 400 401 347 402 345 348 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 360 362 414 415 558 Minish James Minish Arcl)ibald . Moffatt William J . Moffatt Andrew . . . Maxwell John Maxwell Thomas J . Maxwell Gotdon . . . Maloney Henry . . . . Mussell John H Moxley George . . . Mosher Benjamin Mosher David C Miner Jessie Miner Cliester B . . . Miner James A ... LOT. McLelland Francis ... Mclntosli Hugh .... McDonald Alexander, McDonald Henry ... McDonald John Sr. . McDonald George , . McDonald John Jr McDonald William , . McCoy William J . . . McCoy John McFrtdden Robert . . McKim James Mclntyre Daniel J . . Nelson William Nelson Joseph . . Newman Joseph 3EJ 3 E.', 9 I 4 8Ei 5 FA 5 F| 12 E.', 12 Wi 10 Wh 11 w\ 11 Wi 15 G 8 3 6 o ml 1 9 WJ, W^ W^ 7 5 4 F 4 3 Ei 3Ei 3E| 4 4 E 4 3 and 4 12 II Wi 4 4 11 W| CON. Descripti'n 6 ifreehorer 6 fieehol'er 7 ' ifreehol'er A iSi B f)-eehol'er B 3 6 6 7 7 5 5 6 2 2 1 &2 1 1 A&B B A&B 7 A«kB 6 7 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 6 4 freehol'er freehol'er freehorer Landhl'sSon freehol'er freehol'er freehol'er freehol'er freehol'er treehol'er freehol'er freehol'er freehol'er Landhl'sSon freehol'er freehol'er Landhl'sSon o 3 3 3 2 2 o freehol'er freehol'er ,2 freehol'er freehol'er freehol'ei- freehol'er Landhl'sSon freehol'er fieehol'er freehol'er freehol'er freehol'er freehol'er tenant Landhl'sSon anant POLLlN(i SUB-DiVlJilON No. 1. 410 417 418 420 424 425 426 427 439 428 430 431 445 451 463 464 465 466 467 480 481 482 491 502 492 474 504 505 517 518 519 Oake.s Thomas J . Oakes William Sr. Oakes William Jr O'Donnell Hugh. O'Neil Felix . . . O'Neil Cvius J . Powell William Pirdy Thnmas... Pirdy James . . Pritohavd Joseph Philli|.s Thomas . Phillips George , Payne Edward Pelton David . , . , Roche Peter . . . . Rickey John .... Rickey H. J RowsoDie William Rowsome Henry.., Snowden Acclus. Sriowden James . Snowden Thomas Spicer Robert . , . Spicer John Steacy Joseph . . . Seeley Channcey . Turner George . . . . Thompson George Wright John . , Wright Albert Wright Adam . , 5 R 6 R R 11 F| 1 8 8 and 9 9 5W^ 10 R 6 and 9 9 and 10 Gore 12 R W 11 11 10 10 :9 W.^ and Wi, 9 E.rai.ci Wi 9 Kl and Wf 1 10 and 11 {7 RA F 11, 12 and 13 10 Wk 6 2SE 3 aud 4 3 anil 4 3 and 4 6 6 6 1 A A 8 6 5 5 4 4 8 A&B 5 5 5 freehorer Landhl'sSon freehol'er froeholVr Landhl'sSon freehol'or frcehorer fieehoi'er freehorer freehol'er freehol'er freehol'er freehol'er frechol'fcr freehol'er Landhl'sSon freehol'er Landhl'sSon fi'eehol'er freehol'er Landhl'sSon freehol'er freehol'er freehol'er fieehoi'er ireehd'er freehol'er freehol'er Landhl'sSon Landhl'sSon 5 2 3 3 2 2 5 10 2 3 3 2 2 5 10 11)LUNG SUB-D1V1s>10N Ni'. 1. Weir Dttvitl Wiluier John Jr Wilraer John Sr . . . Wilson Samuel .... Wilson Robot t ... . Wilson David Sr . Wilson DavidJr.. . Wilson William J . Wilson William . . 555 Wilson John 651 Widdis Adam 556 Willonjtliby Jacob. Willoughby Isaac VVhelan Jolin . . . . Wilton Thomas . . Wylie Adam 567 1 Wy lit) James 569lWebstt'i- Albert . . ■ 521 522 552 r)()6 526 526 527 553 554 o57 564 505 568 J J 2 Fi 5 10 V 5 W • 8Ef 10 K} 10 and 1 1 9 WJr 10 4 10 and 11 10 E.', 10 \\l and Ei Gore I 9 W4 4 VVi |7 and 8 N E fieeliol'er |3 freehol'er j3 frt'niiolVr 2 I'leohorer |2 tenant |2 irofhoror"^ J :> & (i bindhl'sSon 2 1 treehol'er 2 2«k3 Ireehd'er 1 2 4 freehol'er '2 3 freehorer 2 7 fre. bol'er 3 T tVeehoVer 3 2 freehol'er 10 3 freehol'er 2 1 treehol'er 2 1 freehol'er 2 B freehol'er 2 Part n.-Persons entitled to Vote at Municipal Elections only. No. on Roll. 57 83 177 NAME. Burchill Elizabeth Boyd Alice E(hyard.s Mary A 207 Fox Mary A. LOT. 229 .141 406 Forrest Jane ... l;ang Catherine Mussell Jemima !8 E.'. 8 11 CON. Descript'u. I ■ CO freehol'er freehol'er freehol'er 3 7T frtiehol'er .3 freehol'er i2 freidiorev freehol'er 12 Pakt III'— Persona eu»itled to vote at Elections to the Legislative Assembly only. NONE. VOTERS' LIST, 188G. MUNICIPALITY OF WOLFORD. • CO ' <1> ly. SCHEDULE OP POST OFFICES : Easton'H (Vd'iierH. I ; Merrickvillc, 2 ; Bishop's Mills, 3 ; .laHpur, 4 : North Auj^Mista. 5 ; Kilmarnock, (5 ; VVhitohurst, 7 ; Smiths Falls, 8 ; Kraiikvillo, 9 ; Burritt's lUpids, 10 ; I'reseutt, II Pollingr Suly-Division No. 2.— C'omprislng all tho Lots in the TownsJiiji of Wolfonl, from Lot No. Hi to Lot No. 22, inclusive, in each and every (-'oncession. Part i.— Persons entitled to Vote at both Munioipnl Klections and Kloctions to the Legialative Assembly. NO.OD Roll n I NAMK. ..OT. AlbeiTV Samuel Anderson William . . . Atkinson Thomas . . . Armstrong William Jr 25 Buker Hiram 26B..ldwin William . 29 Barneit Join 30 Baker George 31 Barber Ninian 32 Barber Elnnthan . . . 46 Barker John 47 Bates Nathaniel Jr. 61 Bates Nathaniel Sr 62 Bates Pfter 49 Bissell Rufus 70Bisfiell Philo 5 1 Barry Watson 52 Begley Robert 58 Baldwin Eli 59 Baldwin Joel B ... 76 Brown Pobert 60 Brown William H . 69 Burchill Thomas Jr. 75BnrchillThcmasSr., 86 Burchill John Sr.. . 87 Burchill John Jr.... 88 Boyd Richard 90 Boyd John 71 Beamish John 572 Bfti-l)*^ Ezra W 18 hi... ' ' i 18 20 19 R 21 EJ 20 R" 20 R 22 22 Fi 20 ■ 20 22 19 18 E 17 and 18 15 W\ 15 E^ Wi 17 Wi 14 Fr 18 " U Wh 15 and 16 15 and 16 15 14 Wl 15 " 19 7 4 2 3 1 8 4 4 3 3 3 4 6 5 3 2 3 2 6 6 5 6 I 4 A A A A 2 9 Descripti'n freehol'er freehol'er freehol'er freehol'er freehol'er freehol'er freehol'er freehol'er freehol'er Landhl'sSon tenant freehol'er freehol'er freehol'er f I eehol'er fieehol'er freehol'er tenant freehol'er freehol'er freehd'er freehol'er freehol'er freehol'er freehol'er Landhl'sSon freehol'er freehol'er freehol'er Honsehl'r 1 2 2 ff 5 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 9. POLLING aiTB-Dl VISION No. 2. No. on ItoU. NAMK. Checkley Richard. . ColV)crne Henry . . . Carnochrtu John Sr. Cai nochan Kdwari', . . Caniochnn Uordon . Cross John Cross iionson CrosH Alanson Cnunpton Siunnel. . Cotnam Jamas 15€ Dunham Francis, 1 5 7 Doyle William J.. 167 Doyle ^imon 168 Doyle John 158 DoolJoseph E.. 164 Dsvei" James . 169 Dover William ITODever John. . .. 172Dri8coll James.. 174 Driscoll John.. 175 Driscoll Daniel 183 197 199 204 Empey 0. W Empey Alexander Empey Josei)h . . . . Edwards "cremiah 209 Fitzgerald Edwavd. 210 220 228 Ferguson John Foy Charles. Friel James , 238 Gardner William H, 244 Gardner Thomas 245 Gardner John 246 Gardner Joel B 247 Gardner Richard 24llGreviUe Joseph LOT, 14 Wh 13,Wll 21 21 21 17 F m 17 F Uj 16 W^ 16 R ^ 20 15 W.^ 13 Eh" 16 eI 15 W^ 13 Wi 14 13 R 13 ^5 and 16 13 and 14 13 and 14 19 and 20 19 22 S. E. 16 19 and 20 21 and 22 14 W| 13 119 Fi 118 Wi 17 n 15 Ei 17 R |l9 F Ri CON. 7 7 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 7 5 3 3 5 3 2 2 1 A A 6 6 7 5 3 DoBcripti'n' -ja 5 frpahoVer freehol'er ireehol'er Landh'aSon Landh'sSon freehol'er iLandh'sSonjl freehol'er 1 freehol'er tenant 1 freehol'er freehol'er freehol'er freehol'er freehol'ur freehol'er freehol'er freehol'er freehol'er freehol'er Landh'sSon 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 freehol'er freehol'er freehol'er tenant freehol'er freehol'er freehol'er fveehoi'er freehol'er 2 reehol'er 2 i'reehol'er LandhrsSon|2 freehol'er |2 freehol'er i2 T -«a.i/A<.\vi P<)LUN«J HUli-DIVlSlON No. 2. 2f)() 271 272 273 269 270 27S 279 293 I Fart HicliHiil i'ire Geoigo Hare lluheit Hare Simon Hunter Kobcrt... Hitchcock Eiram Henry J les , Henry John Joynt. (.'. C. 299|King Joseph. 309 1 Kelly James 315 312 314 242 332 576 ^361 "380 381 391 159 366 367 368 392 403 404 40.5 379 882 393 Keily John , Kenuy' Patrick Sr Kenny Patiick Jr Kna[)j) JoHopii .S23 Lewis James Lang Johu.. , Lee Willard Mills JosRph A" . . Mason Joseph .... Miskcliy Alexander Maguiro Andrew. . . Minisli William . . Mclntyre Daniel Sr. . Mclntyre Joseph McTntyro Daniel D ., Mclntyre .Henry Mclntyre Samuel .... Mclntyre Archibald . Mclntyre William H.. McCrea He man McKini Andrew Mc Martin George 16 E.I 16 Vf .1 16 and 17 R 20. |<^ 15 E^ 15 15 13 NJ 13, 14, and 15 UEi 13 ^ 17 Eh 14 eJ 19 F R^ 14 Ei 21 19 13 E 15 WJ 17 Ri 16 W^ 13 Wh 21 20 R 21 Wi 13 Eh 17 and 18 17 and 18 UW^ 21 Tf 22 22 6 4 4 4 4 1 A A 1 3 5 3 Descripti'ii froehol'or fieehol'er freehol'er freehol'er freehol'er tenant freeliol'er li-eehorer freehd'er freehd'ei freehol'er freehol'er freehd'er Landhl'sSjn tenant freehol'er freehol'er Househl'r freehol'er freehd'er freehd'er tenanv tenant freehd'er LandhrsSon freehol'er fr..ohol'er freehd'er Landhl'sSon freehd'er freehd'er freehd'er tenant 1 POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. 2. 420 422 423 O'Brien Patrick . . O'Neil James O'Donnell Joseph 438 Pearson Simon 440 449 549 452 468 469 473 462 5'78 475 476 479 Polley Dennis ....... Putnam Frederick E Putnam H. H Rathwell Andrew . . Rathwell William Jr Rathwell John .... Roche James Robinson Ezra Rose Robert Sparks Frederick Sunderland Benjamin.. Sunderland William A 477lSr.nderland Thomas , 478 483 496 498 499 501 48 439 512 513 514 515 523 524 547 548 550 563 Sinnot Richard . Snowdon Robert . Smith Lester H . Smith Squires . . . . Smith Alonzo . . . Stephens Robert. Spry Bruce Scott David Tweedy John .... Turner Richard ... Turner '^oraas Sr Turner Thomas Jr Webster Norman . Webster Cyrus — Wickwire Francis B Wickwire Charles .. Wickwire Simon T.. Wilmer Samuel .... 16 Fi 14 W^ 20 and 21 20 18 17 F E| 17 and 18 21 21 13 and 14 F E^ 19 22 21 E 19 and 20 F 18 aid 19 22 19 R 14 E4 19 19 19 and 20 16 S 22 Fi 20 and 21 22 16 R 15 Wi 15 Wf- 17 and 18 17 and 18 C 20 18REJ 18 R E: ■ 16 E^ (fe6 freehol'er freehol'er freehol'er tenant freehol'er freehol'er freehol'er freehol'er freehol'er freehol'er freehol'er Househl'r freehol'er freehol'er freehol'er freehol'er freehol'er freehol'er freshol'er freehol'er freehol'er Landhl'sSon tenant tenant 5 5 5 5 5 3 1 1 1 2 1 Landhl'sSon freehol'er freehol'er Landhl'sSon freehol'er Landhl'sSon freehol'er freehol'er Landhl'sSon freehol'er POLLING SUB- DIVISION Nip. •_'. Part ii.— rorsous entitled to Vote at Municipal Elections only. 11 No. on Roll. L'8 50 85 441 44a 450 500 511 570 Burke Alice... . Barry Eliza... . Burchill Sarah I 'eat sou Olive Parks Oatharirie. Parks Sarah A . Stephens Ann. . . Tweedy Mary. Wylie Ann ... CO > . a> o 3 LOT. CON. Descript'n. P. O Add res 19 5 freehol'er 2 18 W.i ' 3 freehol'er 1 15 F^ A freehol'er 2 20 2 freehd'er 1 16 2 freehol'er 1 18 R EJ 1 freehol'er 1 16 S 4 free hoi 'or 2 22 2 freeliol'er 1 17 and 18 1 fieehol'er 2 Part hi — Persons entitled to vote at Elections to the Legislative Assembly only. No. on Roll. 574 NAME. 2 o LOT. CON. Descripti'n P.O. Address Frank uni Elisha 20 3 WageEarn'r 1 VOTEES' LIST, 188(3. » 4 ♦ M MUNICIPALITY OF WOLFORD. ■ <•» -- SCHEDULE OP POST OFFICES : Easton's Comers, 1 : Merrick ville, 2 ; Bishop's Mills, 3 ; -lasper, 4 ; North Augusta, 5 ; Kilmarnock, 6 ; Whitehurst. 7 ; Smiths Falls, 8 ; Fraukville, 1) ; Burritt's Rapids, 10 ; Prescott, 11. Polling Sub-Division No. 3, comprising all the Lots in the Tcwnship of Wolfordrfrom Lot No. 23 to Lot No. 30, inclusive, in each and every Concession. Part i.— Persons entitled to Vote at both Municipal Elections and Elections to the Legislative Assembly. Arnold John B ... Arnold William H Arnold William . . 27 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 45 63 65 66 87 68 40 132 437 460 571 101 103 Bolton Benjamin . Barber Edward Brown George Ballantyne John . . . . Bradford Vincent , . Brown Livius Brown Hetvey M .. . Bates Thomas Baldwin Sherman . . Banuerman Robert... Brennan William . . Burritt Edmund Bates Robert E Begley John Begley Johnston . . . . Begley Alexander .. Beamish George — Beamish Richard Blumhtine Jacob Brurabridgc Richard Best Samuel Barber Frederick ... Coolidge John H . . Coolidge Harrison 24 Ei 26 E 29 and 30 23 25 and 26 24 25 23 22 and 23 25 27 30 30 30 25 27 23 23 23 24 F| 30 25 24 24 25 30 30 8 A 2 6 5 5 5 5 1 5 2 3 1 A A freehol'er freehol'er freehol'er freehol'er tenant freehol'er freehol'er tenant freehol'er freehol'er freehol'er tenant tenant freehol'er freehol'er freehol'er freehol'er Landhl'sSon Landhl'sSon tenant tenan! Landhi'ojon tenant tenant tenant Landhl'sSon freehol'er I'OLUNU SUB-DIVISION No. 3. 0