o^.. ^-A^^^ i IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) m W // ^j Vy ^ i !.0 I.I JfliM IIIIIM ^ I4£ 112.0 i-25 i 1.4 1.6 e. \m, ^A A?^ > > ..^ '/ m m <^ ^\ "% V t^^ # r^^ t^ vV CIHM/ICMH Microfiche Series. CIHM/ICMH Collection de microfiches. Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions Institut Canadian de microreproductions historiques 1980 Technical Notes / Notes techniques The Institute has attempted to obtain the best original copy available for filming. Physical features of this copy which may alter any of the images in the reproduction are checked below. n Coloured covers/ Couvertures de couteur Coloured ,iaps/ Car\ni and the Horticiiltiirnl Department — Gko. Lksi.ik, Jr., Toronto Superintendents of the Artx and Manufarturerx l)''i)iirtni-'nt.<. — H. W. Lmhii, Toronto, and Ml! . FiKi.iis, Gait. Committees. On horses. — Messrs. White, Morgan, and McKiimon. CATTLE. -Messrs. Christie, Stock, and Drury. SHEEP AND PIGS. -Messrs. Shipley, Aylesworth and Legge. I:MPLEMENTS and poultry —Messrs. Morgan, Bell and Rykeit, M.P. JUDGES AND DELEGATES.— Messrs. Christie, White, Stock and :\rcCrae. ARTSDEPARTMP:NT.— Messrs. Young, Bnckland, Klotz, Bell, McCrae and W. H. Howland. HORTICULTURAL PRODUCTS.— Messrs. Burnett, Rov and Saunders. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS.— Messrs. Rykert, M.P.,'Drnrv and McKinnon. DAIRY PRODUCTS.— Messrs. K. Graham, T. Ballantyue, M.P.P., and Bell. Ottawa Local Coirmittee- The Mayor and Coi-poration of the City of Ottawa ; Dr. Beatty, Warden of the County of Carleton ; Hon. R. W. Scott, P.C; Hon. James Skead ; J. M. Currier, Esq., M.P.; A. Wright, Esq., M.P. ; John Rochester, Esq., M.P. ; Joseph Tasse, Esq., M.P. ; Hon. John O'Connor, M.P. ; Messrs. John Henderson, R. Cleland, John Dawson, William Cowan, Thomas Clark, Archibald McKellar, A. Rowe, W. H. Hurdman. A. S. Woodburn, E H. Jironson, J. P. Featherstone, Dr. Grant, George Hay, Principal McCabe, H. Robillard. Allan Gilmour, Dr. St. Jean, W. H. Waller, P. B. Baskerville, M.P.P., Col. White, T. C. Keefer, Mayor Leduo, (Hull), and John Ashworth. ORGANIZATION. PATROSr. HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL. VK'K-PATRONS. THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNORS OF THE .SEVERAL PROVINCES OF THE DOMINION, AND THE MINISTER OP AGRICULTURE. HOUrORARY UIRKCTORS. DNTAUIO. THE HON. S. C. WOOD, Commissioner of Agriculture. SAMUEL WILMOT. Esq., Nnccmtle, President Agricultural and Arts Association of Ontario. J. C. RYKERT, Esq.,M.P., .SV. ffif/zfciHcx, Vice-President Agricultural and Art? Association •! Ontario THE HON. MACKENZIE BOWELL, Minister of Custom.'.. THE HON. D. CHRISTIE, P. C, Senator, Parig. THE HON. J. SKEAD. Senator, Ottaw,. HIS WORSHIP THE MAYOR OF OITAWA. QVEBK4'. THE HON. H. G. JOLY. Premier. L. H. MASSUE, Esq., M. P., President Council of Agriculture, Province of Quehec. THE HON. M. H. COCHRANE, Senator, Comptou. 3. M. BROWNING, Esq.. Monh-eal. P. B. BENOIT,Esq., M. P. St., Hnhert.'. HENRY LYMAN, Esq., President Council of Arts and Manufactures, Province of Quebec. C. DUQUETTE, Esq., Quebec. ) NOVA SCOTIA. SIR CHAS. TUPPER, Minister of Public Works. THE HON. A. W. McLELAN, Senator, Lomhnuhmi. IWEW BRVXSWICK. THE HON. D. WARK, Senator, Fredencton. SIR LEONARD TILLEY. Minister oi'Finance. PRIXCE EDWARD ISIiASTD. THE HON. R. P. HAYTHORNE, Senator, Churlottetown. F. St. C. BRECKEN, Esq., M. P., Charlottetown. IKAXITOBA. THE HON. JOHN SUTHERLAND, Senator, KiUiona^ J. RYAN, Esq., M. P., Portage la Prairie. BRITISH COLilJIIIBIA. THE HON. C, F. CORNWALL, Senator, Aschroft- E. DEWDNEY, Esq. , M. P.. Victoria. ^m IN, AND Ontario GRAND J)OMINION EXHIBITION IN CONNKCTION WITH TFIK THIRTY-FOURTH EXHIBITION OK THK OF OI^TABIO, TO BE HELD IN THE CITY OF OTTAWA, ON XOIVDAY, TUEWDAY. WED^iKSDAY, TIirRI91>AY. FRIHAY A!VD NATITRDAY. SEPTEMBER 22iid, 2»rd, 34th, 25th, 3«th anil 27th, 1H7». RULES AND REGULATIONS. MEMBERSHIP. 1. The Members of the Agricultural Societies of the several Townships within the County or Electoral Division o'- United Counties wherein the Annual Exhibition may be held, and the members of the County or Electoral Division Society, shall be also members of the Association for that year, prcided the Agricultural Societies of the said Townships or Society of the said County, or Electoral Division, or United Counties, shall devote their whole funds for the year, including the Government Grant, in aid of the Associa- tion, and shall pay over the same, accom- panied by a list of the members of such society, to the Treasurer of the Associa- tion, two weeks previous to the Exhibi- tion; and provided also that the sum so paid over shall not be less than one dollar for each member of any such Society. 2. The members of the Council of the Agricultural and Arts Association, both elected and e.r officio, the Presidents and Vice-Presidents of all lawfully organized Electoral District Agricultural Societies, and of all Horticultural Societies and Me- chanics' Institutes, all life members, an pnt'tirulniiy i'4'qii«'M(>«l to lake iioti<*<> Hint it Im abNolutcly roqiiiri'd tliat the I'utrics he ina«lc> at tlio «lat<>s above ineiitioii(>4l, in 4»i'4l4>i' to atloi'4l Hiif^4-i4>iil Iiiii4' to 4^xainiii4> tli4> cHti'y |>ap4>rN, aii4l t4> eorrcs- l»oii4i Willi |»arti4'«>>, wiieii ii4M-4>m- »iar)'« for tli4> 4-4>i-r4'4-ii4»ii 4»t' 4>ri'oi-M aii4l oiiii8Mi4>iiM ; an4l no ex4;epti4»ii will l»4> uia4l4' t4» this i-ui4' on any C'onNi4l4>i'ati4»ii «viiat4>v4'i'. 11. Ill the Live Slock C'liihises, the entry must in every instance be made in thV name of the bona j'lde owner, and unless this rule i)e observed no premium will be awarded, or if awarded it will be withheld. If an}' person shall exhibit any animal of •which he is not the h»mi Jhl'c owner, lie shall forfeit any premium which nuiy be awarded lum, and be precluded from ex- hibiting in future. 12. In all the other classes entries must be made in the names of the producers or manufacturers only, and by such producers themselves in person, or their agents duly authorized. Any person making entries as an agent for more tljan one producer or manufacturer must pay the usual subscrip- tion of one dollar for each of such parties. If any person shall enter an article for e.\- Libition, as produced or manufactured by himself, when it has not really been so, he shall forfeit any premium which may be awarded the article, and be precluded from exhibiting iu future. lli.'In all, (unless otherwise specified,) departments, the competition is open to exhibitors from any part of the world, without reservation, on compliance with the rules. 14. Manufacturers are recpiested to i\u- nisb with the articles exhil)ited, a state- ment of the quantity thej' can produce, or supply, and the price, for the infornuUion ot the Judges, whose decision will be based on the combination of quality, style, an^l price, and the adaptation of the article to the purpose or purposes for wLicb it is in- tended. 15. No person shall be allowed to enter for exhibition more than one specimen in any one section of a class, unless the addi- tional article be of a distinct named variety or pattern from the first. This rule not to apply to animals, but to apply to all kinds of grain, vegetable products, fruit, manu- factured articles, t!cc., in which each ad- ditional .specimen would necessarily be pre- cisely similar to the first. No exhiiiitor iu the Arts and Manufactures Department shall be awarded more tlian one prize ia any one section of the same class. 10. Extra Entricn.— Every orticle must be entered under sonu' one of the lieudings in the regular list, when possible; but if any article is of a distinct character from anything specified in the list, it may then be ent«ied in the extra section of that class with which it most nearly correspond.'. No article, however, will be allowed to be entenMl as an e.xtra for want of sufficient quantit}' or number, or any other similar defect, when of the same kind or variety as anything named in the list; in sucli'a case the article cannot be exhibited. 17. All Agricultural or Horticultural prodiu:ts must be the growth of the pres- ent year. jManiifactured articles, or works of art, which have been awarded prizes at any previous I'rovincial Exhibition, shall not 1)1' entered iu competition for the prizes named in ihe prize list for this year, but shiill l)e awarded diplomas, if, in the opinion of the judges, such articles are superior to any others exhibited, and are deemed worthy of the same. 18. On the entry of each animal or arti- cle, a card will be furnished the exhibitor, specifying the class, the sect ion, the number of the'eutry, and the name of the exlii])itor, wliich 4;ai'4i inn«>t remain at- I taclie4l to sn4-ii anfinai or ai'ticie «lnrin|t: the Exhibition. Tn.VNSl'OKT OK ARTICLES, PI..\CIN(; TIIEM ON KMrilllTlGN, AND Cir.\EGE 01-' THEM WHfLE THERE. IU. All ipecimem in the Fine Arts and all ' artich'x other than Live Stock, Fruitii, Flowers, anil Butter, mnut be delivered on the Uroinids, arranyed and placed on exhibition not later than Saturday, :iOth September. Live StocI;. Fruitu, Flowem and Butter, must all be on the yrounds n<>t Inter than Monday, 22nd, (i p.m. Articles or animals arriving after these hours will uol be allowed to com- pete. Exhibitors ol machinery and other lieavy articles are lo have them on the grounds during the week preceding the show. 20. Exhibitors must provide for the delivery of their articles upon the Show Ground. The A.ssocialion cannot, in any case, nake provision for their transporta- tion, or l)e subjected to any expense there- for, either in their delivery at, or return from, the groimds. All the expenses con- nected therewith must be provided for by the exhibitors themselves. SI. Articles not accompanied by their owners mav be addressed to the care of locoin- ll other Ion the the >r the yhow jin any pporta- I there- Ireturn ps con- .'d for their M'e of UU LEH AND RKGULATIONH. the Hiiperintcmlcnt ot the Kxhiltition. who will it'C(!ivo them on their being delivered at the Grounds; hiil in no case will Huch articles he Ijrought on the GrouiidH and placed on exhibition except by and at the expense of the owners or their authorized agents. 22. Exhibitors on arriving with their artieles, will ai)ply to the Kuperintendent of tlu Grounds, "who will be stationed within the entry gate, and will inform them where the articles are to be placed. 2;i Exhibitors will, at all times, give the necessary personal attention to whatever they may have (m exhibition, and at the close of the Show take entire charge of the same. 24. No articles will be allowed to be re- moved from the grounds till the close of the Exhibition, on Saturday. 27th, at '■» a.m., except live stock, which may be re- moved on Friday evening, 2Uth, at 4 p.m. 25. Though the DircctoiS will take rea- sonable precaution to ensure the safety of articles sent to the Exhibition, yet th(!y wish it to be distinctly understood that the owners themselves must take the risk of exhibiting them; and that should any article be accidentally injured, lost, or stolen, the Directors will give all the as- sistance in their power towards tlie re- covery of the same, but WILL NOT MAKE ANY PAYMENT for the value thereof. STEAMBOATS, RAILROADS, CUSTOMS. 26. The Association will make such favorable arrangements as are found prac- ticable with Steamboat, Kailroad and Ex- press Companies for carrying articles and passengers at reduced rates. 27. Arrangements will be made with the Customs Department for the free entry of articles from foreign countries for com- petition. ADMISSION TO THE GliOUNDS. 28. Each member on paying his sub- scription, will be furnished with four small admission tickets, each of which will admit the holder once, and must be given up at the gate on passing into the grounds. By economy in the \ise of these tickets, they can be made to last during the Show ; but if a member shall have u-id them all, and still deiivs admission, he will have to pay foi- ad misnion in the saj\j$ manner as a non-member. Life-members will be furnished as hereto- fore with tickets or badges admitting them during the Show. Delegates from Socie- ties and members of the Press will also be furnished with complimentary admission badges or tickets, as heretofore. 29. The entry tickets upon animals or articles will admit the person bringing them to the Show Grounds for exhibition, along with such atumals or articles, with- out the use of any other ticket. After- wards, such parties'must be provided with proper admission tickets. :?((. Nerexsarn attendants ujion stock and articles belonging to exhibitors will be furnished with a(lniission tickets for each day of the exhibition, with their names written upon them, which tickets will MR GOOD, TO the I'EnSuNH WHOSE NAMKS THEY HEAR, AT THE EXHIBITOIVS GATE ONLY, during the Show. 31. The price of admission to those who are not members will be 25 cents each time of entering through the gates on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. The admission will be by means of Regi.stering Turnstiles, AND EACH PERSON WILL BE REQUIRED TO BE PROVIDED WITH THE PRO PER CHANGE BEFORE ENTERING. Carriages and horsemen will not be ad- mitted. All horses entered for exhibition purposes shall only be ridden or driven while being exhibited, and in the ring. 32. Numbers of carriage, buggy and saddle horses having heretofore been en- tered merely for the purpose of obtaining cheai' stabling, and driving about the grounds, the Committee on Horses will exclude from the grounds any such ani- mals as appear unworthy of entering for competition. JUDGES AND THEIR DUTIES. 3:?. The Judges will be appointed by the Council of the Association previous to the Exhibition, ami will receive a circular informing them of the fact, and inviting them to act. 34. The Judges are requested to report themselves at the Secretary's office, pre- senting their circular of appointment, immediately on their arrival at the grounds. 35. The judges will meet at the com- mittee room on the grounds, on TuesdMy, September 23rd, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of organizing, and immediately entering upon their duties, and will then be furnished with the committee books con- taining the numbers of the entries in each class. On receiving their class books, they will also be furnished with blank piize ticKcts, which they shall fill up and affix in each section as soon as they shall have finally determined their awards. 36. No person shall act as a Judge in any class in which he shall be an exhibitor. 8 KULES AND REGULATIONS. '67. In iuldiiion to the siaUd prcmiunis offcn d foiiuticlcsi'miimiatc'd in the list, the Judges will have the power to recommend discretiouary ])remium8 i'v such urlicles, nol enumerated, as they may consider wortliy, and the ilirectum uill determiiw tin- amount of premium. The Judtjeti may also diHtiiiijv.i.,',! Hv.vh auimait or articles rj.v thcj/ consider ikeerviiig of notice, but wlticl: luire not received prizes, by ticket, with the icord.i '^Highly Commended,''^ or " Com-.iu'nded" upon them. The^e tickets will not entitle the holder to any money payment. 38. In the Fine Arts and Mechanical Departments, Diplomas will be awarded, in addition to the money prizes, to any specimen evincing great skill in its pro duction, or deemed otherwise worthy of such a distinction, on its being recom- mended by the Judges, and approved of by the Committee, to whom all such mat- ters shall be referred. 39. I7i the absence of competition in any section, or if the stock or articles exhibited he of inferior quality, the Judyes tire in- structed to airard only sucli jjremiums as they think the articles tl'servivy of. They will exercise their discretion as to whether they will award the lirst, second, third, or any premium. 40. Under "Extras" in each of the classes when more than one entry of the same kind of article has been made, they will be judged as in competition for first and second prizes, the same as though thej'^ had been in regular sections, and when but one such entry has been made, the article, if worthy, shall be recommended a first or second prize. The Judges, however, are instructed not to recommend prizes in either the "regular" or "extra" sections of any class, unless the articles come up to the desired "standard of excellence." No award of prize for Ex^'as will be paid until sanctioned by the Commiiteeof the Association. 41. Each award must be written in a plain, careful manner, jn the blank page opposite the number of the entry. 42. Any person who khali, attkmj'T to | inteufehe with the .itixiks whu.e in the | discharoe of theiu duties, oil who shalt, | afterwards, on the puemises of the ibsociation, use any conte.ml'tuous or ABUSIVE LANi.fAdE TO ANY .TUDdE IN CON- SEQUENCE OF ANY AWARD MADE HY HIM, SHALL FORFEIT H18 RIUHT TO ANY PREMIUMS TO WHICH HE MUIHT OTHERWISE RE ENTITLED, ANi) SHALL I)E EXCLODED FROM EXHIBITING FOR ONE YIAR THEREAFTER. their entries m a clear and conspicuous manner, in all cases of doubt or difHculty referring freely to the Secretary, or to the Coniniitlee of the Council in charge of the department; and when they have com- pleted their reports, shall sign and deliver their books to the Secretary of the depart- ment to which they belong. 44. "Upon the discovery of any fraud, deception, or dishonest practice, either in the preparation, ownership, or of any representation concerning any article ex- ! hibited, which ma}' have affected, or may have been intended to affect, the decision of the Juilges, the Council shall have power to wiihhold the payment of any prize ('warded, and may prohibit any such party or parMes from exhibiting in any class for one or more years, and may also publish the names of such persons or not, as may l)e deemed most expedient." DEI.EGAT.S, THE ANNUAL MEETIN(5, ETC. 45. Delegates and members of the Press are re(iuired and expected to report them- selves at the Secretary's office immediately on their arrival, when the delegates will be furnished with official badges, and the memjers of the Press will be afforded all the usual facilities. 4G. 'I'he Annual Meeting of the Direc- tors (rf the Association will lake place at the City Hall, Ottawa, on Wednesday even- ing, 24th September, at seven o'clock. 47. Delegates from Country Socio'. ies desiring to obtain a portion of ihe Canada Company prize wheat for their counties, will pleas.: apply to the member of the Council for the' District in which their respective Societies are situated. THE GENERAL SUPERTNTfcNDENT. 48. The General Superintendent will Iiave the entire supervision of the Grounds and the arrangements of the Exhibition. He will have an office upon the ground, where all persons having enquiries to make in relation to the arrangements will apply. I'AVING THE PREMIUMS. EXTRACTS FRO.M BY-LAW. 43. "The Judges shall, in the execu- tion of their duties, be careful to aoi with the most rigid impa.tiality; shall make 4!). The Treasurer will be prepared to commence paying the premiums on Satur- day, September 27th, at 9 a.m., and pa'ties who shall have prizes awarded them are particularly requested to apply for them before leaving Ottawa, or leave a written order with some person to receive them, stating the articles for%vhich prizes are claimed. 50. Persons entitled to cash premiums must apply for them at the Secretary's office, who will give Orders on the Treasurer for the amount. ' RULES AND REGULATIONS. 9 51. These orders must be endorsed, as tbey will be payable to order not to hearer, and on presentation to the Treasurer, pro- perly endorsed, will be paid either in eash, or by cheque on the bank. o2. Orders for premiums not applied for on Saturday, as above, will be given by the Secretary, and the amoiuii forwarded by the Treasurer, on receipt of proper in structions. EXTRACTS KHOM AGUICUI.TURAIi STATUTE. h'S. "A!' ;;ersons to whom a prize is awarded shall api)ly to the Secretary of the Association for paynient Ihcieof before or on the ;30th day of Novemlier of the year in which such prize is awarded, or shall forfeit tuch prize. 54. "The Council or Board of Directors of any Association or Societ}' organized under this Act. on being made aware of any fraud having been coniiuitted Iiy any member or exbi))itor, in the entry of any stock or goods in competition for prizes at any exhil)iti()n, shall have the power of withholding the payment of any prizes that may hav e been awarded by the Judges to such members or exhibitors, ou such fraud- ulent or any other entries made at any .such exhibition. 55. " If any person wilfully injures or destroys any property witliin the Exhibi- tion grounds of the Agricultural and Arts Association, or of any Agricultural or Hor- ticultural Society, or hinders or ob.structs the officers or servants of the said Associa- tion or of such Society, or any policeman or constable duly appointed as aforesaid, j iu the execution of his duty, or gains a'!- missicm to the said grounds contrary to the vules of such Association or Society, he shall be liable to a line of not less than one or more than twenty dollars ; said tine to be enforced and collected as fines are usually collected and to be paid over to such Associa- tion or Society for its use and benetit ; and in default of payment the said oiTender shall be imprisoned in the common gaol for a period of not more than thirty days. •31 v., c. 29, P. 57. 50. " The officers of any such Associa- tion or Society may by their rules and re^ru- lations prohibit and prevent all kinds of gambling, theatrical, circus, or mounte- bank performances, exhibitions or shows, and also regulate or prevent the huckster- ing or trafficking in fruits, goofls, wares, or merchandise on the Exhibition grounds, or within three hundred yards there'^<:' ; and any person who, after due notice of such rules and regulations, violates the same, shall be liable to be removed by the officers, policemen, or constables of said Associa- tion or Society, and be subject to the pen- alty prescribed by the next preceding sec- tion. ;jl v., c. 39. .s. 58. 57. '• It shall not be lawful to carry on any horse- racing duringthe daysappointed for holding any Exhibition by the Agricul- tural and Arts Association, or by any Elec- toral District Society, within five miles of the place of holding the .same. :55 V., c. •S2, s. 10. 2. ' ' Any person who shall be guilty of a violation of this section shall be liable, upon summary conviction before a Justice of the Peace, to a tine not exceeding fifty dollars, or imprisonment in the common gaol of the County for a period not exceed- ing thirty days. .^5 V., c. 32, s. 11." MISCELLANEOUS. 58. Provender will be provided by the Association for live stock at cost price. For information exhibitovs will apply to the superintendent of the grain and fodder department, at his office. 51). In case the directors shall recpiirc any particular informati(m in reference to ani- mals or articles takinf,' first prizes, the owners will he expei ted to transmit it when re- quested to do so. 60. All protests against decisions of the Judges wii.it be made before the close of the Exhibition, and must be delivered to the Secretary in ivritinti, stating the cause of protest. Any difflcu'ty, or protest, in re- spect to the awarding'of prizes in any of the departments, shall be referred to the proper conunittee of the Council over that department, who sh;ill have full power to adjudicate upon the same, and report their decision to the Council, for approval, and such approved decision shall be final, and the protest and report upon it shall be en- tered in a book kept for the purpose. PRIZE LIST, 1879. CLASSIFICATION. Class 1. " 2. " 3. " 4. 5. ft 6. (( 7. t ( 8. it 9. ti 10. fi 11. a 13. a 13. n 14. if 1.3 ft 1(5 (t 17 ft 18 (( I'J If 20 t( 21 <( 00 etj/^ *< 23 (( 21 '1 25 t< 2(5 <( 37 (t 28 (( 29 a 30 a 31 (t 32 t( 33 H 34 ft 3r) it 36 n 37 n 38 THOROUftn-BREB HoRSES. RoADsi'EK Houses. Carriage Horses. Agricultural Draught Horses, EXCLUSIVE OF PURE ClyuESCALBS and suffolks. Heavy Draught Horses, includ- ing Clydesdales and Suffolks. DuRHA5i Cattle. Hereford Cattle. Devon Cattle. Ayrshire Cattle. Galloway Cattle. Jersey, or .^ldebney Cattle. HoLSTEiN Cattle. Grade Cattj.k. Fat and Working Cattle. CoTswoLD Sheep. Leicester Sheep. Lincoln Sheep. SoiTTHDOWN ShBEP. Shropshire and Hampshire Down Sheep. Fat Sheep. Improved Beuk.shire Pigs. Suffolk Pigs. Essex Pigs. Yorkshire and other large breed Pigs. Poultry. Chickens and Ducks, 1878. AdRicuiiTURAL Implements and Ma- chines — for Exhibition only. A(iHICfLTrRAL ImPI-EMENTS. Agricultural Implements — Hand Use. Field Grains, Hops, &c. Sjiall Field Seeds, Flax, &v. Field Roots, Hoed Crops, &c\ Dairy Produce. Honey, Sugar, Bacon, • '. Domestic WpNEs. Fruit — Professional List. Fruit — General List. Fruit — General List. Garden Vegetables. Plants and Fi.owv.bs. Fine Arts- Oil Paintings. Fine Arts — W.vier Colours, Crayon, Pencil, Seim\, .\nd Pen AND Ink Sketches. Fine Arts, Penmanship, Linear Dr.wings, Photography, En- gravings, Maps, Statuary, Ac. Natural History and Mineralogy. Ladies' Wohk— Pl.\in and Fancy Nkbdlework — Knitting and^ Crotchet Work, and Em- RllOIDERY. Ladies' Work,Lace,Twine,Goipure AND Tatting-Berlin Wool, and Chenille Flowers, W.« and Leather Work. Chemical Manufactures, and Prk- PAR.ATIONS and SuUGICAL APPLI- ANCES. Printing, Bookbinding, P.\peb and Type. Musical Instruments. Building M.vrEuiALS, Painting .\nd Works in Marble, &c. Cabinet Ware and other Wood and Hair Manufacti res. Carriages and Sleighs and parts THEREOF. Machinery and p.utTs thereof and tools. Mechanical— Metal Work, (mis- cellaneous.) Stoves and Castings. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Makers' Work and Materials,. EN(iiNE, Hose and Belting. Shoe and Boot-Makers' Work,and Materials. Wearing Apparel and Furs, 1< lax. Hemp and Gotten Goods. " 59 Woollen Goods. •' 60 Groceries .vnd Provisions. Class 39 " 40 " 41 " 42 43 " 44 " 45 " 46 " 47 " 48 " 49 " 50 " 51 " 62 •' 53 " 54 " 55 " 56 " 57 -' 58 Kspecwl aUentiuii u requested to Bulen 6, 8. !> and 10, us they will ^f utrktly adhered to. IN(J8. R Colours, i\, AND Pen: 3HIP, Linear GRAl'HY, En- il-ATUARY, Materials, > Beltino. us' W0RK,AND 1 FuRS.Fl-AX^ i Goods. 8I0N8. Strictly ^'^'^^^^^^'^"^''^"'^^^^Fl^^f^^Wfm^W^'^^'i^W^fWWfW'wm'^^'^'^F'^ff^Fi^ ^^^^^^^VB HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL WILL GIVE THE FOLLOWING pecialIrizes m-^ 4-si- An Exhibitor receiving the greatest number of First Prizes on Cattle— A GOLD MEDAL. i i An Exhibitor receiving the greatest number of First Prizes on Horses— < A SILVER MEDAL An Exhibitor receiving the greatest number of First Prizes on Sheep ' and Swinfi — A RRnN7F. MF.nAT. ^ * and Swine— A BRONZE MEDAL. miiiiiiii -|i h u tAt^t^ t ^ u ^tHu^^utit^t^btif^^niit^t^^bt^^^^AtAm Programme For The Week. > <» M His Excellency, the Gcverncr-General, WILL FORMALLY OPEN THE EXHIBITION ON WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER THE -^iTH. 18711 AT 11 A. M. > <»> » THE PliESENTATION OF THE MEDALS Wllili TAKE PI.AOE IN THE SENATE CHAMBES, ON FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 26th, 1870. »<♦»<- 1. Monday, September 22.— Officers and members of the Association, Judges, exhib- itoi-8, delegates, members of the press, and necessary attendants, will be admitted on presenting the proper credentials, badge, or ticket of admission. Other persons will be . admitted on payment of 2^ cents each time. The rule for admission will be the same throughout the exhibition. 2. Tuesday, 23rd.— The Judges in all the classes will meet in their respective Com- mittee Rooms at U) a.m., and will make ar- rangements to commence their duties. On receiving the cla&n-books, tliev will be also furnished with the blank prize tickets, which tht3' .^haii till up and affix in each section so soon as they shall have linallv determined their awards. The First Prize Tickets will be Red; the HecondBlue; the Third, Yellow; the Fourth, White; Extras, Green, the " Highly Commended" and " Commended " Tickets, White. On completing the class, the Judges shall report to the Secretary. The main exhibition building will be closed till 4 p.m., for the purpose of aifording the Judges an opportunity of discharging their duties properly. Non-members ad- mitted to the grounds on payment of twenty- i five cents each time. The A"nnual Meeting ! of the Fruit-Growers' Association will take I place at the City Hall, at 7 p.m. The I Annual Meeting of the Mechanics' Institute Association, will be held in the City Hall at 7 p.m. 4. Wednesday, 24th. — The Judges of the various classes shall complete their awards as early in the day as possible. All the buildings and grounds will be open to visit- ors. Admission the same as on Monday and Tuesday. The Annual Meeting of the Directors of the Provincial Agricultural Association, for the pui-pose of electing Aud- itors, deciding upon the place of holding the next exhibition, and other business, will take place at 7 p.m., at the City Hall. The President will deliver an address at the Annual Meeting. 4. TnuHSDAY, 2.jth. — Admission 25 cts. The prize animals will be exhibited in the ring at 2 p.m. FitiDAY, 2fith. — Admission the sa-uie as on previous days. At 2 p.m., the prize animals will again be exhibited in the ring. Satukday, 28th. — The exhibition will be considered officially closed at 9 a.m., when the Treasurer will commence paying the premiums. Exhibitors will remove all their property from the grounds and buildings. The gates will be kept closed as long as necessary, and none will be admitted except those who can show that they have businesB- to attend to. P li I Z E LIST LIVE STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS, k COMPETITIOIV OPEN TO THE IVOKLD. (The Ages of the Animals will he odculated to the Ist of September, 1879.) The following special, prizing will be given by the Hon. J. H. Poi'k, Minister of Agriculture: For the best Stallion on the ground, any ago or breed. ^^O. For the best Essay on the Veterinary Art,$ijO. i HORDES. IX.ISS I.-Theroii|i$:li*Br<>(l Horses. P('(li 4 20 12 7 00 00 (M) 00 00 (X) 00 00 00 I 00 00 00 00 00 00 CliANSII. -RoadHterHorse^i for nrlvinsp or (Ue Saddle, 15> hands and nnder. 1. Stallion, 4 years old and upwards 35 00 2d do 25 00 3d do 15 00 2. Stallion, 3 years old .. 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Si ct. 2d Stallion, 3 years old 3d do 3, Stallion, 2 years old, Dominion bronze medal, and 2d do 3d do 4. Yearling colt 2d do 3d do ■'). Stallion of any age, Dominion sil- ver medal 15. Three year old filly. Dominion bronze medal, and 2d do 3d do /. Two year old filly, Dominion bronze medal, and 2d do 3d do 8. Yearling tilly 2d do ' 3d do It. Brood mare, with foal by her side. Dominion silver medal, and.. 2d do 3d do 10. Foal of 1878 2d do 3d do 11. Pair matched horses (geldings or mares), in harness, Dominion gold medal 2d do 3d do 12. Single horse (gelding or mare), in harness, Dominion silver medal, and 2d do 3d do $ c 15 00 10 (0 20 00 12 00 6 00 10 00 7 00 4 00 1() 00 10 (K) n 00 12 00 8 00 5 00 8 00 () 00 4 00 20 00 12 00 t) 00 8 00 (i 00 4 00 15 00 10 00 15 00 12 00 8 00 Cli/iSS Ill.-Oarrlacre Horses— AnlmaU 3 years old and upwards to be over IS^ bands. 1. Stallion, 4 years old and up- wards 35 00 2d do 25 00 3d do 15 00 2. Stallion, 3 years old, Dominion bronze medal and 20 00 2d do 15 00 3d do 1 00 3. Stallion, 2 years old. Dominion bronze medal and 20 00 2d do 12 00 3d do 6 00 4 Yearling oolt 10 00 2d do 7 00 8d do 4 00 isro.) 9 c- 15 00 10 cO 20 00 12 00 6 00 10 00 7 00 4 00 1() 00 10 00 (i 00 12 (K) 8 00 ii 00 8 OH) f) 00 4 00 20 00 12 00 « 00 H 00 t> 00 4 00 15 00 10 00 15 00 12 00 8 00 35 00 25 00 15 00 20 00 15 00 10 00 20 00 12 00 6 00 10 00 7 00 4 00 PRIZE LIST, 1879. 18 Sect $ c. 6 Stallion oi any age, Dominion sil- ver medal Carriage filly 3 years old do do vears old. do do 2d 3d 7. Filly 2 2d 3d 8. Yearling filly 2d do 3d do 9. Brood mare with foal by her side. Dominion silver medal, and.. 2d do 3d do Foal of 1878 2d do 3d 6to Pair matched carriage horses (geldings or mares), Dominion gold medal 2d do 3d do Pair matched eairiage horses, (geldings or mores), under 15A hands. Dominion silver medal, and 2d do 3d do Single carriage horse, (gelding or mai-e) in harness, Dominion silver medal, and 2d do 3d do Saddle ' horse ({^tiding or mare) not over 1(5 hands,) Dominion bronze mtdal, and 3d do 2d do Hunter in saddle over hurdles, Dominion gold medal 2d do Dominion silver medal 3d do '• bronze medal 16 00 10 00 6 00 12 00 10. 11 12 7 00 4 00 8 00 (5 00 4 00 20 00 12 00 f) 00 8 00 () 00 4 00 12 00 8 00 Sect. 9 c. 7. Yearling filly 8 00 2d do 6 00 8d do 4 (K) 8. Pair brood mares, Canadian bred, Dominion gold medal 9. Brood mare with foal by her side, Dominion bronze medal, and. . 20 00 2d do 12 00 3d do 6 00 10. Foal of 1878 8 00 2d do (5 00 3d do 4 00 11. Matched farm team (geldings or mares), in hariiesH, Dominion silver medal, and 20 00 2a do 1.: 00 3d do 10 00 12. Sweey)8tukes— Stallion for agricnl- cultural purposes of any age. Dominion silver medal, and.. lO 00 15 00 12 00 8 CO 13 14. 15 15 12 00 00 8 OU 1 2 15 (;o 12 00 8 00 CI..AMS IV.-Hor«tes for AKriciiItiiial purposes exclusive of pure €lydes« dules and iiiunolks. 1. Stallion, 4 years and upwards.. 35 00 2d do 25 00 3d do 15 00 2. Stallion, 3 years old. Dominion bronze medal, and 20 00 2d do 12 00 3d do 10 00 3. Stallion, 2 years old 20 00 2d do 12 00 3d do 6 00 4. Yearling colt 10 00 2d do 7 00 3d do 4 00 5. Filly, 3 years old,Dominion bronze medal, and 16 Oil 2d do :0 00 3d do 6 00 6. Filly, 2 years old, Dominion bronze medal, and 12 00 ad do 8 00 ad do 4 00 €I^A«.«4 v.- Heavy Itrang^lit Horses, Bni- porte«l or bred from pure inip years old 40 00 •id do 30 (JO Hd do 20 00 3. Bull, 2 years old, Dominion bronze medal, and 40 00 •2d do 30 00 M do 20 00 i. Bull, 1 year old, Dominion bronze raedal, and 25 00 2d do "20 00 Hd do 15 00 ■>. Bull calf (under one year), Domin- ion bronze medal, and 20 00 2d do 15 00 3d do 10 00 ^j. Bull of any age, Dominion gold medal 7 Cow, Dominion silver medal, and. 30 00 2d do 22 00 3d do 15 00 H. Cow, 3 years old. Dominion silver medal, and • • • • 25 00 2d do 20 00 3d do 15 00 It. Heifer, 2 years old, Dominion bronze medal, and 20 00 2d do 15 00 3d do , 10 00 10. Heifer, 1 year old. Dominion bronze n*dal, and 10 00 2d do 12 00 3d do 8 00 11 Heifer calf (under 1 year) 1 00 15 00 35 00 25 00 15 00 30 (K) 30 00 10 00 20 00 15 00 10 20 00 00 15 00 10 00 ' 25 00 20 00 I 15 00 I 25 00 ! 20 00 I 1 2 00 ' L'O (10 15 0(1 10 00 15 00 10 00 8 00 10 00 H 00 5 00 3d do Bull of any age, Dominion silver medal Gov.-, Dominion Hilver medal and 2d do 3d do Cow, 3 yearis old. Dominion bronze medal, and 2d do 3d do ;». Ifeifor, 2 years oil. Do:ninion Inonze niOibii. and •id do • id ^\o 10. Heifer, 1 year old. Dominion bi'on/.e medal, and 2d do 3d do 11. Heifer calf (under one year) 2d do ....: 3d do 12. 3 Milcli Cows, bred and owned by Exhibitor, Dominion silver medal 13. Herd of Ayrshire Cattle, consist- ing of 1 bull and 5 fe- males, of any age or ages. Dominion gold medal iXASS X.— Oalloways. 1. Bull, 4 years old and upwards... . 30 00 | 2d do 20 00 i 2. Bull, 3 years old 30 00 ! 'id do 20 00 j 3. Bull, 2 years old. Dominion bronze ] medal, and 20 00 2d do 15 00 4. Bull, 1 year old. Dominion bronze medal, and 20 00 2d *do 15 ()o 5. Bull calf (under one year) 15 00 2d do ...\ 10 00 <). Bull, of any age. Dominion silver medal Se: 7. {>, 10. 11. 12. 13. 1. 3. 4. 5. (). 7. 8. '. $ c. Cow 20 00 2d do 15 00 Cow, 3 years old. Dominion bronze medal, and 'JO 00 2d do 15 00 Heifer, 2 years old, Dominion bronze medal, and 15 00 2d do 10 (X) Heifer, 1 year old. Dominion bronze medal, and 12 00 2d do y 00 Heifer calf (under 1 year) 12 00 2d ilo 8 00 Female, of any age, Dominion bronze medal Herd of Galloway cattle, con- sistin. of one bull and five females, of any age or ages, Dominion gold medal AUH XL— Jerxcy, or Aldrrney Cnttle. Bull, 3 years old and upwards . . 15 (X) 2d do do 10 00 Bull, 2 years old lo OO 2d do 8 00 Yearling Bull 8 (X) id do .5 00 Bull, of any age,Domiiiion bronze medal Cow, 3 years old and upwards ... 15 00 2d do 10 00 •"^d do 7 00 Heifer, 2 yeius old, Dominion bronze medal, and 10 00 id do (5 (X) Yearling lieifer.Dominion bronze medal, and .- 8 00 2d do 5 (X) Female of any age. Dominion bronze medal Herd of Jersey or Alderney cattle, consisting of one bull and five females, of any age or ages. Dominion gold medal... CLASS XIl.-IIoNl(-iii Cmtle. 1. Bull, anv age 15 00 2. Cow, any age lo 00 CLASS XIII.— 4>ii-a«I« Cattle, 1. Grade cow, Dominion silver medal and 30 00 2d do 20 (X) 3d do 15 00 2. Cow, 3 years old, Dommion bronze medal, and 25 00 2d do 20 00 3d do 15 00 3. Heifer, 2 years old, Dominion bronze medal, and 20 00 2d do 15 (X) 3d do 10 (X) 4. Heifer, 1 year old, Dominion bronze medal, and 1,5 (X) 2d do 10 00 3d do 5 00 16 PRIZE LIST, 1R79. 00 00 00 (K) Sect. » c. 5. Hoifer calf (under oue year,) Dominion bronze medal, and 12 2d do 8 3d do .5 6. Five females of any age, the pro- perty of the Exhibitor, Do- minion bronze medal, and.. . 2o Dii'i,oM.\a will be awarded to tho BreedorB or ImporterH of bulls or stallions which take first i)rizes, when applied for. The exact ages of young animals on 1st Septenibci', 187!l, must be stated on the cards, and it will be taken into consideration by tlie Judges in making their awards ; and any person understating the age of an animal will forfeit the premium to which he might otherwise be entitled. A statement to be produced to show the breeding of tho animals in Class IH. Young animals may compete, if the exhi- bitor thinks fit, in older classes than that to which tliey properly belong ; but the exhibitor must choose the section he will compete in when making the entry ; he shall not change to another section after- wards, and no animal will be allowed to com- pete in more than oue of the foregoing suc- tions, except for the medals for male or female of any age, or in tho Herds. Cows in any of the above classes must be giving milk at the time of the exhibition, or be evidently well gone in calf. An animal will not be allowed to compete as a three year old cow unless she has had a calf, or is evidently in calf ; but a two year old animal having had a calf, will be allowed to compete as a two year old heifer, if the owner thinks fit. Prizes will be awarded to animals of ether breeds than those above mentioned, if deemed worthy. CI.ANN XIY.-F»t nnd Working Cattl any Breed. 1. Pair of Fat Cattle, of any age, not exhibited in other sections, Dominion gold medal 2. Fat Ox or Steer, any age, Dominion gold medal 3. Fat cow or heifer, any age. Do- minion gold medal 4. Fat Ox or Steer, 4 years old and over 30 00 2d do 20 00 3d do 10 00 5. Fat Steer, under 4 vears old 30 00 2d dQ ./. 20 00 3d do 10 00 6. Fat oow or heifer, 4 years old and over 30 00 2d do , 20 00 3d do ...., 10 00 7. Fat cow or heifer under 4 years old 30 00 2d do 20 00 8d do 10 00 Sect. » c. 8. Yoke of working oxen, Diminion silver medal, and 12 00 2d do H 00 3d do 5 00 'J. Yoke of 3 year old working steers, Dominion silver medal and.... 12 00 2d do 8 00 3d do 5 00 SHEEP LON4ii WOOI.LED. €IiANN XV.-Cot«woldM. 1. Kam, two shears and over Domin- ion silver meilal and 20 00 3d do 15 00 3d do 10 00 2. Shearling ram. Dominion silver njodal and 20 00 2d do 15 00 3d do 10 00 3. Ram lamb, Dominion bronze medal and lo 00 3d do 12 00 3d do 10 00 4th do <■) 00 4. Two ewes, 2 shears and over, Do- minion silver medal and lO 00 2d do 12 00 3d do 8 00 5. Two shearling ewes, Dominion silver medal and 10 00 2d do 12 00 3d do 8 00 6. Two ewe lambs, Dominion bronze medal and 1/* 00 2d do 12 00 3d do 10 00 4th do 6 00 7. Pen of Cotswolds, 1 ram, 3 ewes, 2 shears and over, 3 shearling ewes, and 3 ewe lambs. Do- minion gold medal 8. Pen of Cotswolds, 1 ram, 3 ewes, two shears and over, 3 shear- ling ewes and 3 ewe lambs, Canadian bred, Dominion silver medal Ewes, two shears and over, in all the classet except the Fat Sheep, must have raised laiu'os the present season, and the fact of their having done so must be stated in the entry certificate. 2. 3. €1.A8S XVI.-I.elce8terfl. Ram, 2 shears and over 20 00 2d do 15 00 3d do 10 00 Shearling ram. Dominion silver medal and 20 00 2d do 15 00 3d do 10 00 Ram lamb, Dominion bronze medal and 15 00 2d do 12 00 .3d do 10 00 4th do 6 00 lion ers, c. 12 00 « 00 00 12 00 PRIZB LIST, 1H7'.). 17 00 00 LED. nin- . . . . 20 00 .... 15 00 .... 10 00 ilver . . . . 20 00 .... li") 00 .... 10 00 onze . . . . ir. 00 ... 12 00 ".... 10 00 .. <> 00 , Do- .... IC' 00 12 00 8 00 iniou 1() 00 .. 12 00 8 00 •onze ir, 00 . 12 00 , . 10 00 ,. 00 3WeB, .rling Do- ewes, hear- imbs, silver in all the must have )ii, and the st be stated . . 20 00 ... 15 00 ... 10 00 silver . . . 20 00 ... 15 00 ... 10 00 ironze ... 15 00 ... 12 00 . . 10 00 .. 6 00 3. 3. 4. « 7. j8«el. , , . , . i. Two ewes, 2 abeara and over, Do- minion bronze medal and...., 16 00 M do 12 00 3d do 8 00 5. Two Bhearling ewea. Dominion bronze medal and 16 00 2d do 12 00 3d do 8 00 '6. Two ewe lambs, Dominion bronze medal and 15 00 2d do 12 00 8d do 10 00 4th do 6 00 7. Pen LeiceaterB— 1 ram, 3 ewea, 2 aheara and over, 3 ahearling ewea, and 8 ewe lamba, Do- minion ailver medal and 2S 00 «. Pen of Leiceaters — 1 ram, 3 ewea, two ahears and over, 3 shear- ling ewea and 8 ewe lamba, Canadian bred, Dominion silver medal tXAHS XVII.— Lincoln Sheep. Ram, 2 shears and over 2d do 3d do Shearling Ram, Dominion bronze medal and 2d do iid do R:im lamb 2d do ;!d do Two ewes, 2 ahears ami over, Do- minion bronze medal and 2d do .Sd do 5. Two shearling ewea 2d do 3d do '. . Two ewe Iambs 2d do 3d do Pen Lincolns — 1 ram, 3 ewes, 2 shears and over, 3 shearlin" ewes, and 3 ewe lambs, Do- minion silver medal, and 20 15 10 20 ].■) 10 15 12 10 12 8 10 12 H 15 12 8 00 00 00 00 00 (II) 00 00 00 (K) 00 (II) 00 i (10 { CO ! I'tl ! 00 00 20 00 «IIEEP— MEDIUin WOOLED. CLASS XTIII.-SoiitlMlowns. 1. Ram, 2 shears and over 20 00 2d do 17 00 3d do 12 00 2. Shearlinf^ ram. Dominion silyer medal, and : 20 00 2d do 17 00 3d do 12 00 3. Ram lamb, Dominion bronze medal, and 17 00 2d do UOO --C/ f c. 4. Two eweH, 2 bhears and OT«r, Do* minion bronze medal, and. . . . tO 00 2d do : .. 16 00 3d do 10 00 5. Two ahearline ewea, Dominion bronze medal, and 30 00 2d do 18 00 8d do 10 00 6. Two ewe lambs 17 00 2d do 14 (K) 8d do 11 00 ,),, 2d do 10 00 3d do '> 00 jj,,4. Boar, under 6 montliw old. Do- minion bronze luudal, and. ... 13 00 2d do , H 3d do 4 5. Boar, any a^^e, Canadian bred, Do- minion Hilvor medal 6. Sow, over 2 years 15 00 2d do ;.,.,. '10()0 3d do I*..:. 6 00 7. Sow, ever 1 year aud under 2 years 1m (X) 2d do 10 00 3d do 5 00 8. Sow, over 6 montlis u^d under 12 months 16 00 2d do 10 00 8d do 5 00 9. Sow under 6 months. Dominion (^K^ bronze medal, aud 12 00 <> 2d do 8 00 3d do 6 00 10. Sow, any age, Canadian bred, Do- minion silver medal 11. Sweepstakes prize for best im- proved Berkshire boar and 2 ' sows of any age. Dominion gold medal CLASS XXKL-Suifolka. 1. Boar, over 2 years 16 00 2d do 10 00 3d do 5 00 2. Boar, over 1 year and under 2.. 15 00 2d do 10 00 8d do 5 00 8. Boar, over 6 months and under 12 15 00 2d do 10 00 3d do 5 00 4. Boar, under 6 months 13 00 2d do • 00 3d do 4 00 6. Boar, any age, Canadian bred, Dominion bronze medal 6. Sow, over 2 years 15 00 2d do 10 00 3d do 6 00 7. Sow, over 1 year and under 2 years 15 00 2d do 10 00 3d do 5 00 8. Sow, over 6 months and under 12 months 16 00 2d do 10 00 8d do 6 00 •• Sow, under 6 months 12 00 2d do 8 00 3d do 4 00 10. Sow, any age, Canadian bred, Do- minion bronze medal 11. Saffolk Boar and two sows, any age. Dominion silver medal.. . . 3d do 5 OO 7. Sow, over 1 year and under 2 . . . . lo 00 2d do 10 00 3d do 5 00 8. Sow, over 6 months and under 12. 15 00 2d do 10 00 .Sd do 5 (K) 9. Sow, under 6 months 12 00 2d do 8 00 3d do 4 00 10. Sow of any age, Canadian bred, Dotilinion bronze medal PRIZE LIST, 18T0. 19 Seek • 0. 11. YorkBhiro or other lar^e breed Boar and 2 Sows, any age. Dominion uWer medal.... •• In all olaHB«B of Pi^^H, the prteite age of the animal muut be stated on the carcU. BPXOIAL NOTIOB TO IHP0RT1R8. With a view of encouraniuf,' largely the importation of improved ntock, the exhibitor of any animal imported into the Province from liny foreitjn country, and not previously exhibited, which shall taku the first prize in any of the above claaHOH, will be paid doublt! the amount of the premium offered in the liut, Huoh auimalH to be the bona fide property of perHonH reHidin^^ in Canada, and to have been uued at least one year in this Dominion previously to tlie exhibition, or to be retained in the Dominion for at least twelve months after being awarded the prize. Satisfactory evidence must be given at the time of making the entry that the animal has been imported, and not previous- ly exhibited at any Ontario Provincial Show, and siifliciiiit evidence must bo afterwards produced that the animal has boun used in the Dominion one year, or retained in the Dominion twelve months after the Exhibi- tion, or the additional amount will not be paid. Sect. I 0. 10. Fair Game Fowit, daokwing .... 3 00 2d do 2 00 17. Pair Oame Fowls, any other variety 3 00 2d do 2 00 18. Pair Leghorns, white 8 00 2d do 2 19. Pair Leghorns, brown 'A 2d do 2 20. Pair Spanish Fowls 3 00 00 00 00 2 00 2d do 21. Pair riamburgs, golden-poncilled. 2d do 22. Pair Hamburgs, silver-pencilled. . 2d do 2.S. Fair Hamburgs, golden-spangled. 2d do 24. Pair HambuigH, sdver-spangled. . 2d do 2 0!) 25. Pair Hamburgs, black ,H 0(> 00 0;) 00 00 H 00 2 00 3 00 2d do 2 00 POUk^rKV, ETC. Tlie Poultry will be fed and taken care of at the expense of the Associutiou. C'iiASH X.W. 1. Pair Dorkings, white 3 00 2d do ...;..: 2 00 2. Pair Dorkings, silver grev 3 (M) 2d do ..! 2 00 3. Pair Dorkings, coloured 3 00 2d do 2 (H» 4. Fair Polands, white 3 (M) 2d do 2 00 5. Fair Polands, goiuca 3 00 2d do 2 00 6. Fair Polands, silver 3 00 2d do 2 00 7. Pair Pdlands, white-crea^d, black 3 00 2d do 2 00 8. Pair Plymouth Rock 3 00 2d do 2 00 9. Pair Brahmas, light 3 00 2d do 10. Fair Brahmas, dark 2d do 11. Pair Cochins, buff 2d do 12. Fair Cochins, white 2d do 18. Pair Cochins, Partridge 2d do 14. Fair Houdans 2d do 15. Pair Game Fowls, black-bret.8ted or other reds 3 00 ad do 2 00 26. Pair Bantams, Seabright :{ 0() 2d do 2 01) 27. Fair Bantams, black-breasted or other reds H 00 2d do 2 :',. Pair Houdans 21 do .'>7. Pair Game Fowls, black-breasted and other reds 2d do 5b. P li*" Game Fowls, duckwing '^d do Zd Pair Game Fowls, any otliur variety 'id 'do ' ■ ■ ', 60. la f Leghorns, white 2a do ■ . (il. Pair Loghorus, brown 2d do C'2 Pair SpuuiKh Fowls . . . 'id do '.■.■,..■ (13. Pair Hamburgs, goldeii-peiicillrd 2d do 64. Pair Hamburgs, silver pencilU'd. . 2d do C.J. Pair Hamburgs, golden snanc'led •id do OCi. Pair Hamburgs, silver spaii;,'led. . 'id do 66. Pair Hamburgs, black 2d do 67. Pair Bantams, Sebright . . . 2d do 6rt. Pair Bantams, blackbreasted or other reds 2,1 do ." 6y. Pair Bantams, Duckwing game. . J I do 70. Pair Bantams, any other variety 'id do 71. Pair Turkeys, anv colour 2(1 do 72. Pair Turkeys, wild 2a do 7.'}. Pair Geese, Bremen 21 ao 74. P.iir Geese, Toulouse 2a do 75. Pair Geese, English Grey and common 2d do 1 o. 2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 81 82. f 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 0. 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 IK) 2 0(1 1 (){) 2 00 1 ((0 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 •i 00 I 00 •2 0(» 00 oil ou 00 00 00 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (',) 00 00 Sect. 76. Pair 0«eBe, any other kind 2d do 77. Pair Daoks, Ayleibary 3d do 78. Pair Ducks, Rouen 2d do 79. Pair Ducks, any other kind 2d do 80. Ptfir Guinea Fowls 2d do Pair Pea Fowls 2d do Pair any other variety not in- cluded in these sections 2d do 83. Pair Carrier, Pouter, and Tum- bler Pigeons 2 2d do 1 84. Jacobins, Fantails, Barbs, and Trumpeters 2 00 •2d do 1 Collection of Pigeons, any other kinds 2 00 2d do 1 00 2 0^ 1 00 00 00 85 00 RabbtlK. 86. Pair long-eared Rabbits 2 00 87. 2d do Pair Common Rabbits 2d do 00 00 00 2 OO 1 00 AGRICVLTl RAL. IITIPLi:. ]fIEl\'TS. CT.AI> ■neiitN HiHl iHncliineft Tor ICxhIbition only. In this class, by request of numerous manufiicturers, entries of the undennen- tioncd articles ^vill be received for exliibi- tioji only, not in competition for Piizes The articles must be entered in the books in the same manner as articles in other classes, and they will be provided with ample space for exhibition in the same manner as if competing for prizes. 1. Grain dril% 2. Seed drill for sowing two or more drills of turnips, mangels, or other seeds. 3. Broad-cast grain and seed sower. 4. Mowing machine. 5. Reaping machine. 6. Combined Mower and Reaper. 7. Self-binding reaper. 8. Horse-power thresher and separator. 9. Vibrator thresher and separator. 10. Smut machine. 11. Clover cleaning machine. 12. Field or two horse onltivator, iron. ];;. Two-horse cultivator, wood. . ^. Two furrow plough. 15. Double-shear trench plough. 16. Cylinder cultivator. 17. Drauiini; (ilough or ditching machme, for digging drains. f e. 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 GO 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 PRIZE LIST, 1879. 0? 00 2 00 1 GO 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 13. Implement or maehine for catting, pull- ing, or otherwise harvesting peM. Id. Portable grist mill. 20. Grain cracker. 21. Corn and cob cmsher. 22. Flax pnlling machine. 23. Two horse power for general porposes, for farmers' use. 24. Drag saw. 25. Hay baling press. CULtiH XXTIII.-Avricnltnral lBpl«- nsenta. Rur.E. — It shall be distinctly understood that all unnecessary and inappropriate or- namentation of Agricultural Implements is expressly prohibited, and Judges are hereby directed not to award prizes to implements BO finished or adoraed. 1. Cider mill and press. .■>'"2d do 2. Clod crusher , 2d do 3d do 3. Double mould plough 2d do 3d do 4. Gang plough, Dominion bronze medal and 2d do 3d do 5. Horse-hoe, or single-horse culti- vator, iron 2d do 3d do 6. Korse-hoe, or single horse cultiva- tor, wood 2d do 3d do 7. Horse pitchfork and tackle. .^. .. 2d do ■ . . . 3d do 8. Horse rake without wheels '. 2d do 3d do 9. Improved liquid manure drill, for drilling two or more rows of hqaid with turnips, mangels, Ac, either on the ridf^e or flat. Dominion bronze ineutil. iiiid. . ad do 8d do 10. Iron-beam plough, with steel mould board and wood liuu. lies. Dominion bronze medal, und. . 2d do 9 c. 8 00 4 00: 8 00 I 00 4 00, 10 00 : 7 00! 4 00 12 00 8 00 4 00 4 00 3 00 2 00 I 4 00 I 3 00 2 DC I 6 GO 4 00 8 00 4 00 3 00 200 10 00 8 00 6 00 11. 3d do Iron plough, medal, and. Dominion biouze 2d 3d 13. Laud 2d 8d do do presser. do do 12 00 : 8 on 4 00 15 00 I 10 00 I 5 00 i 8 001 6 00 I 4 00' 8tet. 18. Machine for oatting roots for stock, Dominion bronze medal, and 2d do 8d do 14. Pair of iron harrows, Dominion bronze medal, and 2d do 8d do 16. Pair of wood harrows, Dominion bronze medal, and 2d do 3d do 16. Potato digger. 2d 17. Straw 2d 3d 18. Stump 2d tl • a 8 00 6 00 4 00 10 00 8 00 6 00 6 OO do cutter '. . do do extractor do 19. Subsoil plough. Dominion bronze medal, and 4 2 10 5 8 6 4 8 4 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 00 00 2d 3d do do 20. Sulky horse rake. 2d 3d do do 21 Wooden plough. Dominion bronze medal an i 2d do 3d do 22. Wooden roller.' 2d do 23. Collection agricultural imple- ments for field use, Dominion gold medal 2d do Dominion silver medal 3d >lo Dominion bronza medal a4. Extras. OI.AS8 XXIX.— AKriealtnntI Tools ^ Implementi, chiefly for hand noe. 1. Machine for making drain tiles. Dominion silver medal and., 2d do 2. Set draining tools , 2d do 12 00 8 00 4 00 8 00 6 00 4 00 12 00 8 00 4 00 10 00 6 00 3d do 3. Assortment of drain tiles. 2d do 3d do ■?, Half-dozen spades 2d do 3d do 5. Half-dozen steel hoes 2d do 3d do 6. Half-dos^en steel shovels... 2d do 3d do 7. Half-dozen grain scoops . . . 2d do 8d do 15 00 10 00 6 00 4 00 2 00 4 00 8 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 8 00 a 00 1 00 PBIZE LIST. 1879. 8. HaU-do2oi),niaaax« fork*.. 8 00 2d do 2 00 /,,. 8d do ••••••• 1 OOJ 00 i ad do 2 00 8d do 1 00 , 18. Ualf-dozeu scythe snaiths 3 00 i 2d do 2 00 ! 3d do 1 00 j 14. Grain cradle 2 00 I 2d do 1 00 1 16. Half-dozen grass scythes 3 00 I 2d do 2 00 i 3a do 1 W 16. Half-dozen cradle scythes 3 00 2d do 2 00 3d do 1 00 17. Lawn mowing machine 6 00 2d do 3 00 18. Half-dozen hay rakes 3 00 ,, 2d do 2 00 0(i 3d do 1 00 M. Half-dozen hay ferks 4 OJ W do 2 00 3d do 1 (H) 20. Straw or barley fork, wood 2 (K) 2d do 1 00 3d do Trans. 21. Fanning mill, diploma and 10 00 2d do 8 00 3d do 6 00 22. Cheese press, Dominion bronze medal and 8 00 2d do 6 00 23. Churn 3 00 2d do 2 00 3d do"*'"'*'. 1 00 24. Cheese vat, Dominion bronze medal and 8 00 2d do 5 00 3d do 3 00 25. Assortment of factory milk-cans and pails 5 00 2d do 3 00 3d do 2 00 26. Collection of Dairy Utensiln, Do- minion bronze medal, and. . .. 10 00 2d do 6 00 37. Bee-hive 3 00 2d do 2 00 3d do 1 00 38. Half-dozen axe handles 2 00 2d do 1 00 29. Set horse shoes 8 00 2d do 2 00 3d do 1 00 lOk Ox-yoke and bows 2 00 Of 2d do . 1 00 '- 8d do .. Trans. 31. Farm gate 3 00 '2d do 2 00 3d do Trans. 32. Specimen farm fence, wood, Do- minion bronze medal, and 3 00 2d do 2 00 3d do Trans, 33. Specimen wire fencing, not less than two rods, erected on the ground, Dominion bronze med- £.., and 8 00 2d do 6 00 8d do 4 00 34. Assortment of malleable castings, for agrio'iltural purposes 12 00 2d do 8 00 35. Assortment r.gricultural tools for hand use, of Canadian manu- facture, Dominion silver medal. 86. Extras. AORICULTIIRAL PKODIJC- TIOIVS. CLASS XXX.-Ftelil Oraias, H*p«, *«. 1. The Canada Company's prize for the best 2o buHliels of fall * Wheat, the produce of the Pro- vince of Ontario, being the growth of 1879. Each sample must be of one distinct variety, pure and unmixed, of the best quality for seed, and not to be tested merely by weight. The prizes to be awarded to the actual grower only of the Wheat, which is to be given up to and become the property of the Association, for distribution in the several Agricultural Dis- tricts for seeds 100 00 2d do by the Association. 40 00 8d do do . . 20 OC The winliers of the 2nd and 3rd prizes tc retain their wheat. The winners of these prizes will be re quired to furnish tlie Secretary with t written statement of the nature of the soil, mode of preparation, the variety and quan- tity of seed and time of sowing, manure (if any used), produce per acre of grain, and any other particulars of practical import- ance, before being paid the amount of pre- mium. Winners of prizes in the succeed- ing sections of this clu will also be ex- pected to furnish information when applied for. Persons competing for the Canada Com- pany's prize are requested to bring a sample m the straw, pulled from the ground when ripe, with the roots remaining attached. ?, White winter wheat, 2 bushels. Dominion silver medal, and . . 10 00 2d do 8 00 8d do 6 00 4th do 4 00 . 3 00 . 2 00 .Trans. 8 00 600 4 00 2 00 8 00 10 00 800 6 00 ,4 00 ^W^ W?T, If 7fl. M Mr '(iVaftf''*:* $. fled winter jjl^ftf, 2 bushplB, ^f^-. miuiou bronze medal, ai^a^ .... ,2d •' ■'do ,. 3d • • ■ gy • ■Ith ■ ild 4. ClaMHon wheu^t, 2 buBliels, Domin- iou broQ/^ti medul, aiid » 2d dp 3d do 4th do » 9:.. 6,o6 6 00 4 00 2 00 8 00 6 00 4 00 2 00 5. Fyfe spring wheat, 2 bushel. Do- minion brouse medal, and.... 8 00 2d do 6 00 8d do 4 00 •6. Spring wheat, of any other var- iety, 2 boBhels, Dominion bronze medal, and 8 00 2d do 6 00 3d do 4 00 7. Barley (2 rowed) 2 bushels 6 00 2d do * 00 3d do 2 00 4th do Trans. 8. Barley (6 rowed), 2 bushels, Do- minion bronze medal, and .... 6 00 2d do 4 00 3d 4th o do Winter rye, 2 bushels. 2d do 3d do 4fch do . 2 00 .Trails. . 6 00 . 4 00 . 2 GO . Trans. bushels 6 00 4 00 10. Spring rye, 2 2d do ad do 2 00 11. Oats (white), 2 bushels, Dominion bronze medal, aud 6 00 2d do 4 Oi) 3d do 2 00 4th do . Trans. 12. Oats (black), 2 bushels, Dominion bronze medal, and 6 00 2d do 4 00 3d do 2 00 4th do Trans. 13. Small field peas, 2 bushels, Do- minion bronze medal, and. ... 6 00 8d do 4 00 8d • do 2 (K) 4th do Trans. 14. Marrowfat peas, 2 bushels, Do- minion bronze medal, and .... 6 00 2d do 4 00 8d do 2 00 4th do Trans. 15. Field peas, 2 bushels of any other kind, Dominion bronze modal, and 6 00 2d do 4 00 3d do 2 00 4th do Trans. 16. Small white field beans, bushel. . 6 00 2d do 4 00 3d do 2 00 4th do Tnot. Sect. $ c. 17. Larg(B white field beanB, bushel. . 6 00 2d do 4 00 3d do 2 00 4th do Trans. 18. Indian com in the ear, (white), 2 bttshela 6 00 2d do 4 00 3d do 2 00 4th do Trans. 19. White Dent corn in the ear, 2 bushels 6 00 2d do 3d do 4th do 20. Indian com (yellow), 2 bushels. 2d do 3d do 4th do 21. Yellow Dent com in the ear, 2 bushels 6 2d do 3d do , 22. Bale of hops not less than 112 lbs. Dominion silver medal, and. 2d do 3d do 23. Extra entries. All the grain in the above class must be the growth of the year 1879, in accordance with the Rule 17. The Council reserves the right of purchas- ing part or the whole of the prize samples of grain ar>d seeds at the market value. The names of the different varieties of wheat or othei grain must be inserted by each exhibitor in his list of entries. 4 00 2 00 Trans. 6 00 4 00 2 00 Trans. 6 00 4 00 2 00 15 00 10 00 5 00 CLASS XXXI-Smitll Field Sccda, Flax, ll«aip, Ac. 1. Timothy seed, bushel 6 00 2d do 4 00 3d do 2 00 4th do Trans. 2. Clover seed, bushel 6 00 2d do 4 00 3d do 2 00 4th do Trans. 3. Alsike clover seed, half bushel.. 6 00 2d do 4 3d do : 2 Alfalfa seed, half bushel C 4. 2d 3d do do 6. Flax seed, bushel 6 2d 3d do do 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6. Swedish turnip seed, from trans- planted bulbB,not less than 12 lbs 4 00 2d do 8 00 3d do 7. Grey stone turnip seed, 12 lbs. 2d do 3d do 8. White Belgian field carrot seed, 12 lbs 4 00 2d do ■« 8d do-<^ 2 00 4 00 3 00 2 00 8 00 2 00 n w PRIZE LI8Tt 1979. 8eet. $ 9. Long red mangel-wortzel seed, 12 IbB 4 2d do 3 3d do 2 10. Yellow globe maugel-wurtzel seed 12 lbs 4 2d do 3 3d do 2 11. Tares, buRhel of 4 0. 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Trans. bushel 4 00 2 00 Trans. , 4 00 . 2 00 . Trans. . 4 00 . 2 00 . Trans. 2d do 8d do 12. Buckwheat, 2d do 3d do 13. Millet, bushel 2d do 3d do 14. Hungarian grass seed, bushel. . 2d do 3d clo 16* Curou tobacco leaf, growth of Canada, ten lbs.. Dominion bronze medal, and 4 00 2d do 3 00 3d do 2 00 16. Broom com brush, 28 lbs 3 00 2d do 2 00 3d do Trans. 17. Flax, scutched, 112 lbs , Domi- nion bronze medal, and 12 00 I 2d do 8 00 j 18. Hemp, dressed, 112 lbs.. Domi- nion bronze medal, and 12 00 ! 2d do 5 00, 19u Sample of any variety of grass not heretofore cultivated, as a farm crop suitable for winter fodder, and capable of producing the ' ■■ ■. same year it is sown, two tous or over, of dried hay per acre, with statement 10 00 2d do 5 00 %0. Extra entries. All the seeds and other products in the above class must be the ^Towth of the year 1879, in accordance with Rule 17, except clover and grass seeds, which may be the growth of 1878. OI.ASS XXXII-Flrld Roots, A«. Climax potatoes, bushel of. . 2d do 3d do Suowflake potatoes, bushel . 2d 3d . Garnet 2d 3d Compton's bushel . . ad do 8d do b Early Rose 2d do M do do do chilis, bushel. do do Surprise 8 00 2 001 001 00 i 00 I 00 ' 00 4th do ..-.,.. 4 00 5th do 2 00 5. Best 5 factory cheese, capacity of factory and manufacture of not less than the milk of 100 cows, " white or colored. " 1 oheese last week in July, make. 1 oheese &nt week in August, " 1 oheese second week in ** " 1 cheese fourth week in '♦ '♦ 1 cheese first week in September" Information to be furnished complete same as in section one, and also a declara- tion will be required from each competitor that the cheeses shown were made according. to that above date. let Prize, Dominion gold medal and 50 00 2d do Dominion bronze medal. 3d do . 40 00 40 00 4th do 80 00 8th do . 20 00 fitix do . 10 00 7*h do . a 00 rr -at PBIZE LIST, 1879. I ! 10 00 8 00 Q 00 4 00 3 00 10 00 8 00 6 (M) 4 (K) 2 00 above ■ Smt.v $ 0.V 6. BcstClireeiaotoi^chAMe.wliiteox coloured, iiiiwie during month of AugUBt, 8«a80D of 1879, 1st Prize, Dominion silver medal, and 2d do 31 do 4th do 5bh do 7. Best 3 cheese, made any date, sea- son of 1 871), white or coloured. Ist Prize, Dominion silver medal, and 2d do Dominion bronze medal and 8d do 4d do 5th do Each cheese exhibited in any uf the ^9ections to weigh 40 lbs. or over. 8. Best dairy cheese, not less than 80 lbs. each, Ist Prize, Dominion bronze medal and 2d do ad do 4th do 5th do 9. Best 2 Canada Stilton cheese, not less than 8 lbs. each, 1st Prize. Dominion bronze medal and ^ do 8d do 110. Best 3 Canada Gloucester or Wilt- shire lonf or truckle cheeses, :iot less than 8 lbs. each, Ist Prize 2d do 3d do 11 Best collection of bu^^ier tabs for sliipping purposes 6 (K) 2d do 4 00 12. Best 5 cheese boxes for shipping purposes , 6 00 do do 4 00 Rules and Conditions. 1. Declaration as to mode of manufacture and treatment, cun:;g process, &o, , must accompany each entry, and be given to the ' Secretary at the time of the entry, or pre- : vious to the exhibition. | 2. Any exhibitor misrepresenting as to I dates or otherwise, will forfeit any prize I that may be 8.warded to him. 3. Any factory or manufacturer can com- pete in all classes, but no factory or many- 1 jactorer can compete ut^der different names in the same class. 4. ^o cheese to be bored or tested pre- #foas to the exhibition. 5. All cheese to be the manufacture of «S79, except,Stilton in sectioa 9, in ;rhich age JB optional. 6. After the judges have made their Awards, time will be allowed to competitors X) examine the cheese and butter, b^ore v«h« general public are admitted. 10 00 8 00 6 00 4 00 2 00 8 00 6 00 4 00 8 00 G (K) 4 00 CMjABB XXXIV.-HMC7, Safw, Sect. ♦ o. 1. Honey, in the oomb, not less thanlOlbs 4 00 2d do 2 00 3d do 1 00 4th do Trans. 2. Jar of clear honey 4 00 2d do 2 00 3d do 1 00 4th do Trans. 3. Maple sugar, 30 lbs., cake, Do- minion Silver medal and 3 00 2d do 2 00 3d do 1 00 4. Maple sugar, 80 lbs., stirred .... 8 00 2d do 2 00 8d do 1 00 5. Beet sugar, 25 lbs.. Dominion Silver medal and 5 00 2d do 3 00 3d de 2 00 6. Maple syrup, ,'> gallons 3 00 2d do 2 00 3d do 1 00 7. Side of cured bacon 4 00 2d do 3 00 3d do 2 00 8. Ham, cured S 00 2d do 2 00 3d do 1 00 9. Best display of cured bacon and liiiinu 1st Dominion silver medal 2d Dumiuion bronze medal .... 10. Extras. CXASS XXXV.-I>omefltlc Wlacs* All wines to be exhibited in a oniform manner and quantity, in the ordinary pint bottle, known as the English wine bottle.] Fro/<'tsiotial and Commercial List. 1. Half-dozen dry wines 10 00 2d do 6 00 2. Half-dozen sweet wines G 00 2d do 4 00 3. Half-dozen sparkhng wine .;.... 10 00 2d do ^.^.. 6 00 4. Half-dozen Canada claret 6 00 2d do 4 00 0. Open to all professional and amateurs. Best assortment j \vine8 made from grapes of Canadian growth Ist Dominion silver medal. 2d Dominion bronze medal. Oeneral Lisl, Profettional and ' awuercial Wine-makert excluded. [All wines to be from the hardy grape, and to be exhibited in a uniform manner and quantity, in the ordinary pint bottie, kaowa as the Enough wine bottl^J PRIZE I^WT, ^7?. ^ Stct. • c. 6. Three bottles pf dry wine, white 6 00 2d do 8 00 3d do 2 00 7. Three bottles dry wine, red 6 8. 2d do 3d do Three bottles sweet wine, white. . •Mi do 00 3 00 00 oe 00 9. Three bottles ap^rmflg wine 2d do 10. Three bottles any other sort of grape wine 2d do 11. Extras. I 4 2 4 2 0. 00 00 00 00 10 00 6 00 () 00 4 00 10 00 6 00 6 00 4 00 reial le, and iT and town HORTICULTURAL DEPARTMENT FRUITS. VEGETABLES, PLANTS, * FLOWERS. 1 1 » 1 1 [No " Kinged, or " Rung" Fruit will be allowed to be exhibited in competition for the Prizes.] After the fruit is put upon the table before the Assooiutiou for Exhibition, it must, not be V hanged, or interfered with, unleBs by express leave of the Superintendent. leXAHS .XXXVl.-Frnit-ProrcMHlanal Nnnterynnien's Ll«t. Compi'titorn can make only one entry, and re- ceive only one premium in each nection. Winners oj prizes in the Pro/ettional Nursery- men's list, in sections 1, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 16, . '.'i, will be required to furnish the Secre- tary with a written statement of the manner of cultivation, the nature of the soil, the locality, and any otiier particulars of prac- tical importance, before being paid the prize. Sfi£t. $ C. 1. Twenty varieties of apples, cor- rectly named, six of each, Do- , minion silver medal and 10 00 ' '2d do 8 00 : 3d do 6 00 Sect. $ c. 2. Six varieties fall table apples, named, six of each 3 00 2d do 2 00 '3. Six varieties of fall coukiug apples, named, six o' each 3 00 2d do 2 00 i. Six varieties of winter table apples, named, six of each. . . . ad do o. ^is. varieties winter cooking apples, named, six of each .... 2d do 6. Collectiou l.^i varieties pears, cor- rectly named, 3 of each, Do- minion bronze medal, and .... 2d do 3d do 7. Six varieties do., correctly named, six of each 2d do 8. Collection 6 vaiieties [)liitiis, cor- rectly named, six ot « acli, Do- ininiou bronze medal, and. . . . 2d do U Three varieties do , correctly named, fi of each 21 00 8d do 2 00 Sect. 10 9 c 3 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 00 8 00 6 00 -) 00 3 00 5 00 8 00 Collection of peHeliiH correctly named, 6 varieties, six of each. Dominion bronze medal, and. . 2d do 11. Three varieties do., six of each. . 2d do 12. Collection grapes, grown in open air, 13 varietits, two bunches each, named, Dominion bronze medal, and 2d do Hd do 13. Collection grapes, 6 varieties, grown in open air, two bunches each, correctly mimed 2d do 14. Three varieties black grapes, grown in open air, two bunches each, correctly named 2d do 15. Three varieties grapes, any other color, grown in open air, two bunches each, correctly named. 2d do ;.. 16. Collection of grapes, 13 varieties, grown under gl.ass. one bunch of each sort, correctly named, Dominion brouzi medal, and.. 2d do 17. Three varieties black grapes, grown under glass 2d do 18. Three varieties white grapes grown under glass '.. 2d do 19. Three varieties grapes, any other color, (?rown under glass 2d do 20. Heaviest 1 bunch black Hamburg grapes, grown under glass.... 2d do 21. Heaviest 1 bunch black grapes, any other kind, grown under glaiss.. ......'. :. 2d d6 5 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 8 00 6 00 4 00 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 8 00 6 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 8 00 2 00 $ w 18 PRIZE LIST, 1879. 38 Beet. • <>• 32. Heaviest 1 banoh white grapes. fzrown under glass 3 00 2d do 2 00 Display of fruit, the growth of ex- hibitor, distinct from other en- tries, tiiree specimens of each sort, named, grown under glass and in open air, Dominion sil- ver medal, and 15 00 2d do 10 00 3d do , 5 00 34. Collection of nne dozen each of 6 varieties of crabs, cultivated.. 2d do ',.J.i 25. Extriis. ' 3 00 3 00 CIjASS XXXYII.-Fral(-«>eii(ira1 Iila(— Apples and Pears. Professional Nurserymen excluded. Competi- tors call make only one entry and receive only one premium in each section. (By a variety of Fruit is meant an established variety, knoton as such to pomologists. New varieties, with only local names, are classed as seedlings.) 1. Twenty varieties apples, correctly named, three of each, Dominion silver medal, and 10 00 2d do 3d do 4th do 3. Four varieties dessert apples, cor- rectly named, six of each .... 2d do 3d do 3. Four varieties cooking do, correct- ly named, six of each 3 00 «d do 2 8d do 1 00 00 4. Twelve Early Toe 2 00 2d do 1 00 5. Twelve Summer Rose 2 00 2d do 1 00 6. Twelve Benoni 2 00 2d ' do 1 00 7. Twelve Hawley 2 00 2d do 1 00 8. Twelve Duchess of Oldenburg.. 2 00 2d do I 00 Twelve Snow apples 3 50 2 00 Sect. 17. Twelve St. Lawreno* 2d do 18. Twelve of any other variety fall apple 2d do 19. Twelve Bihston Pippin 2d do 20. Twelve Alexander 2d do 21. Twelve ^sopns Spitzenburg 2d do 23. Twelve Beauty oi Kent 2d do 23. Twelve Baldwin i. J. . 2d do .'..'.. 3d do 4th do 24. Twelve Pomme D'Or 2d do 36. Twelve Rhode Island Greening. . 2d do 8d do 4th do 10. 3d do 8d do 4th do Twelve Fall Pippins. 2d . do ^0 00 00 00 3 00 1 CO 00 00 Oi' 00 00 00 2 00- 00 00 00 .')0 00 50 (X) 00 00 50 2 00 1 50 1 0(/ 8 00 6 00 4 00 3 00 2 00 j 1 00 ! 32. 36 Twelve Wagner 2 00 2d do 1 00 27. Twelve Colvert 2 OO o,d do , 1 00 28. Twelve Yellow Bellflower 2 00 3d do 1 00 29. Twelve King of Torakius Co 2 00 2d do 1 00 30. Twelve Talman's Sweet 2 00 2d do 31. Twelve Grimes' Golden 2d do Twelve Porter 2d do 33. Twelve Seek no Further 2d do 34. Twelve Roxbury Russett 2d do 8d do 4th do 11. Twelve Gravenstein 2 00 2d do 1 00 12. Twelve Shiawasee Beauty 2 00 2d do 1 00 IS. Twelve Minister 2 00 2d do 1 00 14. Twelve Maiden's Blush 2 00 2d do 1 00 15. Twelve Cayuga Bed Streak 2 00 2d do 1 00 X6. Twelve Mother 2 00 8d do 1 00 ,'ii. Twelve Swaar 2d do 36. Twelve Fallawater 3d do 37. Twelve American Golden Russet 2d do 3d do 4th do 88. Twelve Swayzie Pomme Grise. . 2d do 3d do 4th do 39. Twelve Pomme Grise., '>A do 40. Twelve Northern Spy., 2d do 3d do 4th do •.r 41. 42. 48 Twelve any other variety (winter) 2d do Twelve fall seedUng apples 2d do Twelve winter seedling apples . . 2d do 00 OO OO 00 00 Oil 00' 50 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 50 00 50 2 00 1 50 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 50 2 00 1 50 1 00 •' 00 1 oO 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 PRIZE LIf»T, 187p. 99 Sect. -44. Collectioa «f pears, 10 vaxieties, three of eaoh, Dominion oronze medal, and. , .,. 2d do :!d do 4th do 45. Four varieties do., 3 of each. . . . 2d do 46. Six BartletB 2d do Hd do 4th do 47. Six Seckel 2d do 48. Six Whito Doyenne 2d do 49. Six Lawrence 2d do 8d do 4th do 50. Six Flemish Beautv 2d do 3d do •Ith do 51. Beun-e Dicl 2d do , -'>2. Six Louise Bonno de Jcisev.... 2a do ■ 3d do : 4th do 53. Six Todleben 2d do 54. Six Belle Lucrative 21 do 65. Six Duchess d'Augoulemc 2d do Sa do 4tn do 56. Six Beurre Boso • C. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 63. 63. 64. 05. 63. 67. 2d do Six Beurre d'Anjou 2d do 3d do 4th do Six Beurre Clairgeau 2d do Six Beurre Saperfin 2d do 3d do 4th do Six Beurre Hardy 2d do 3d do 4th do Six Goodale 2d do Six Clapp's Favourite 2d do Six Beurre Gris' D'Hiver- Novcau 2a cBcriil I.iM— C'ominue*!. ProffxKioiHil Nnrtcrymen excluded. Com- pclilors can .take only one enti-y, and re- ceive only Twelve Coe's Golden Drop 2 00 2a do ..:.:•. .....:.. i oo Twelve Yellow Eg^-i'luins 2a ao ....... Twelve Smith's Orleaus 2 00 2a ao r'oo Twelve Grfen Gage 2 00 21 .1 I 00 8. 9. 10. 11. ...',',1,2 m PRIZE LIST. 1«79. 14 TweWe Imperial Oifit ..\k'f/i!.i"'i 00 ' ' 2d do I GO 18. Twehra MoLaaghlin 2 00 2d do 1 00 14 TweWe Pond's Seedling 2 00 2d do 1 00 16 Twelve Olaes BeedUug 2 f 66. I'hret) varieties ouitiTated crab, 12 eaoh 2 2d do ...i 1 Largest and best collection culti- vated crabs 4 2d do .^UWj 2 68. Dried apples, half bushel. . t . . . .K ■ 2 00 2d do ■.■."... I 1 00 69. Dried Peaches, half baftfael 2 00 '>' 2d do 1 00 f^70. Dried plums, half bushel .......'. 2 00 2d do ....... ;«t!**V.' 1 00 (>■ lb J. ( „ COLLECTIONS. ,". (,i. Open to all, professional or amatrnr. Optn also to Agricultural or Ho:ticiiliiiral '' Societies, or to any one or any number '"of allied individuals dcBiroiis of compe- ting, one individual only to pay entry fee. 'I'welfth rule not to apply. Applet, 1. CoUectiou of 40 varieties, named, six of each, Dominion gold medal 2d do 3d do Pearti. 3. Collection of 20 varieties, named six of each, Dominion silver medal, and 2d do 3d do Plum.i. i. Collection of 20 varieties, named, six of each, Dominion silver medal, and 2d do 8d do Peaches. Collection of 12 varieties, named, six of eaoh. Dominion silver medal, and 12 00 2d do Sd do Orapes Grown in Open Air. 5. Collection of 20 varieties, named, tLree bunches of each. Do- minion silver medal, and. . . . 2d do 3d do Collection hybrid seedling gi-apes, Dominion silver medal, and. . . 2d do 3d do 1879. Sect. 6. Three heads cabbage (Oxhoart) . . 2d do 6. Tliree heads cabfaag* ^Bl. D«uiii)< 2d do 7. Three heads cabbage (Qointal) . . 2d do 8. Three heads cabba^^e (Dramhead) 2d do •. Four sorts winter cabbage, inolnd- iug Savoys, one of each sort . . 2d do 10. Three heads red cabbage 2d do .V .Sd do ...'.;'.: 11. Twelve carrots, for table, long red 2d " do 3d 'do .""f^.i.Wt'Jjt.iV.'.^'i Twelve intennediate or half long ■ carrots 2d do ., ' 3d do ".'...■?. Twelve early horn carrots 28" do 3d do Twelve table parenips 2d do 3d do Six roots white celery , ^ 2'1 do- ...,,r.„j,r>t/..-. 3d do Six roots red celery 2d do 3d do Dozen capsiviums (ripo) 2d (1.) 3d do 18' Collection of capsicums (ripe) 2d do 3d do .«. H). Three egg-plant, fruit purple... 2d de 3d do 20. Twelve tomatoes (Trophy) ...... 2d do 21. Twelve tomatoes (Gen. Grant) . . 2d do Twelve tomatoes (Cook's Fav- ourite) 2d do Twelve Arlington tomatoes 2d do 24. Twelve Conqueror tomatoes .... 2d do 25. Twelve Dempsey's seedling 2d do 26. Twelve tomatoes (large yellow) . . 2d do 27. Twelve any other variety tom- atoes 2d do 28. Assorted collection of tomatoes. . 2d do 3d do 29. Six blood boots, long 2d do 3cL do •.•.•.•.•-• •■• • • • ■ •• ti 16.. 12. 13 14 15 1(5 17 22. 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00. 00 00 50 00 00 50' 1 00 2 00 1 50 1 00 2 00 1 50 1 00' 2 00 60 00 00 ■ 50 00 1 1 2 1 1 2 00. 50 . 00 00 r,o 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 00 50 (0. 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ■ 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3 00- 00 00 00 50 oa< .»!>.! «l ir atOtt V 40. 'Six turnip rooted beets. 3 2d do k>«.......»....4 1 8d do ^. 1 Peok white onioiM..... 2 91. »2. as. 84. 35. 36. 37. 38. 3«J. 40. 41. 42. 48. 14. 45. 46. 1. 2d do 3d do , Peok of yellow onioue ad do . 8d do Peok red onioiu - 2d do 8d do Two guarts pickling ouiouB. . .« . 2d do Twelve white tamips (table) . . 2d do 3d do Twelve yellow tornipB (table) . . 2d do 3d do Twelve ears sweet corn, fit for the table 2 2d do 1 3d do 1 French beane, quart. 2 2d do 1 Six winter radish 2 2d do 1 Three Scotch Kale 2 2d do 1 CoUectio!! pot and sweet herbs . . 2 2d do 1 Six varieties of potatoes for garden cultivatiou, half i)eck of ouch sort, named, Dumiuiou brouze medal and 4 f BIZE LIST. 1879. i ■■.l;:-! 6. Pair aide table or fan bonquett. . . . 2d do. u.-i , T. 1 . . . . < k 8d do 6. Hand houqatt 2d do .i..„i 4 8d dn 7. Bonqnei, everlastiugn 2d do 8d do 8. Bouquet wild flowtub 2d do 8d do 9. Hauginfl baaket of flowers 2d do 8d do 10. Largest and best collection of greenhouse plants, Dominion silver medal, and id do 8d do 11. Cacti, 10 species and varieties. . . . 2d do 12. Twelve pansies • . . . . 2d do .* 3d do 18. Six varieties fnchsins, in flower.. 2d do ; 'r-1 0. I 00 I 60 00 00 60 00 00 60 00 00 60 ()0 60 00 00 60 00 00 60 00 00 oO 00 (H) o 00 00 00 0. 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 50 (X) 3 00 2 00 00 00 60 00 » 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 a 1 1 15 00 10 00 6 00 14. 15. 16. 3d do Six ferns, 2d 3d Six 2d 3d 3 2' 00 00 00 Class X li. -Pluntui and Flowers. Twelve varieties standard dahlias, named, 1 of each 2i do 3d do 2 00 1 50 1 00 2. Twe •'Q bouquet dahlias 2 00 .■)() 00 2c do 3d do 8. Liirgest and best collection of dah- lias 5 00 2a do 4 00 3d do 3 00 4. Two large vase bouquets 4 00 2d do 8 00 3d do 2 00 cultivated do do ferns, native do do Six foliage plants 2d do 3d do 17. Collection annuals, in bloom, named, Dominion bronze medal, and 2d do 3d do 18. Six cockscombs 2d do ad do 19. Six varieties balsams, in bloom . . 2d do 3d do 20. Twelve German asters 2d do 3d do 21. Collection of asters 2d do ; . 3d do 22. Collection of|10-week stocks .... 2d do 3d do 23. Collection of marigolds 2d do :kl do 24. Collection hybrid prepetual roses, named .' 2d do 3d do 25. Collection of Bourbon, Tea, and Noisette roses, named 2d do 3d do 00 00 00 60 00 00 00 2 00 4 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 00 00 00 00 00 5 00 3 00 00 00 oO 00 00 50 00 00 50 00 00 2 00 1 00 'J 00 1 ;•() fO •-o CO 5 00 3 00 •2 00 4 00 2 00 1 00 PRIZE LIST, 187H. 88 00 00 50 00 00 oO (»0 •i 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 50 1 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 00 00 00 3 00 2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 50 00 00 50 00 3 •2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 00 •2 1 '2 00 00 00 50 00 (0 •..0 00 Sect. VCi. Tliree roseH of auy one Taricty . . 2d do 3d do 27. Floral design for supper table 2d do 3d do 28. Twelve verbeuan, named 2d do 3d do 2S). Collectiou verbenas, named .... 8d do Sa do .HO. Six petunias, siufjle •2d do 3d 'do 31. Six petunias, double 2d do 3d do 32. Collectiou Phlo.\ Drunnnondii . . 2d do 8d do .13. ( Collection Dianthus '2d do M do 34. Collectiou perennial phloxes .... 2d do 3d do 36. Six hardy shrubs, spikes in flower 2d do 8d do .SO. Collection hollyl lOcks 2d do 3d do 37. CoUectioii of gladiolus •2d do 3d do 38. Collection of double zinnias 2d do M do 30. Twelve single geraniums in pots, named , ■2(1 do 3d do 40. Six double geranijims, in pots — 2d do 3d do 41. Display of plants in Hower, dis- tinct from other entries, Do- minion silver medal, and.... 2d do 3d do 42. Collectiou ferns •2d do 3d do i c.| 8 00 2 00 1 00 r. 00 4 00 3 00 2 00 1 50 1 00 3 00 2 00 1 (X> 2 00 1 50 1 00 2 00 1 50 I 00 2 00 1 .50 1 Oi) 2 00 1 .-,(» 1 00 3 tK) 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 50 1 , (Collection of cut flowers 20 Of •2d do 10 00 3d do .■> 00 4th do Floral chrojno. These prizes are offered to umiiteurs onlj'. The awards to Ijo made by tlie re^nilar Judges, nv by auy committeeappointf-d for the purpose. When only one colUcdon is i exhibited, the .ludges may award the first, or any other premium, according to merit, i but the exhibition must be a f rt;ditat)le ' one, and if not so in the opinion of tUe Judges no premium to be awarded. The i flowers not to be made up in boiKjut'ts. but exhibited separate and named ; ihe o' jeet 1 being to award the premium to liie flowers I and not for tasteful arrangement. Almo, 1 47. Ornamental floral work (either j bouquet or floral ornament. ... 5 tK) I 48. Extras. Competitors in Chisses 37, ;w. 3!'. 40. and 41, are required to deliver their v;aious productions in a elean and proper state for exhibition, and .-itrix proper n;im''s ro ♦fiir-li variety As the exhibition closes ou Saliirday, at n a.m.. it is particularly reFlni) Art4 lii Wnter Colors. ClrnyoiiM. &c. Water Colors. Professional List — (Originals). (Definitions same as in previous Class.) TVater Colors. Any subject, best 3 pictures, Do- minion silver medal and 2d do Animals from lilo. Dominion bronze medal aud 2d do Flowers or fruit. Dominion bronze medal and 2d do Figure or historical subject. Dom- inion bronze mtdal and 2d do , Land^cape, Canadian subject, Dominion silver medal, and. . . 2d do .Hd do , Landscajie or marine view, not Canadian subject. Dominion bronze medal, and 2d do t 00 00 00 00 G 00 4 00 8 (.0 5 00 3 00 oa 4 oa t.' PRIZE LI8T, 1171). 8 00 5 00 •A 00 H 00 ■i 00 8 00 4 00 8 00 4 00 8 00 4 I'D 8 (.0 4 00 7 00 4 00 ss.) t, 10 00 00 8 00 4 00 6 00 4 00 , G 00 4 00 8 (0 5 00 a 00 ot JU See*. • go. 7. Marine Tiflw, Canadian sabjeot, Dominion brooz* medal, and.. 6 00 Id do 4 00 3d do 2 00 8. Portrait, Dominion bronze medal, and 8 00 2d do 4 00 9. Still Life, not flowers or fruit, Dominion bronze medal, and.. 6 00 2d do 4 00 Part 2. — Amattur List — (Originals.) (Dtfinitions same aa in previous olaas.) Water Colors. 10. Any subject, Dominion silver med- al, and 6 00 ad do 800| 8d do 2 00 1 11. Animals from life, Dominion I bronze medal, and 5 1 2d do 3 uO 12. Flowers or fruit, Dominion bronze medal, and 5 00 2d do 3 00 13. Figure or historical subject, Dom- inion bronze medal, and «5 00 2d do 8 00 14. Landscape or marine view, Cana- diau subject, Dominion bronze medal, and 6 00 Id do 4 00 Part 3.— Amateur Lwt— (Copies.) 15. Animals, grouped or single. ..... 4 GO 2d do 2 00 16. Flowers or fruit 4 00 2d do .. 2 00 17. Figure or historical subject 4 GO 2d do 2 GO 18. Landscape 4 00 2d do 2 00 I'J. Marineview 4 00 2d do 2 00 20. Still li^e, not flowers or fruit 4 OC 2d do 2 00 Crayon PkhcU, Sepia, and Pen and Ink sketch. Part l.—Pro/e$»ienal Li«t— (OrigiDdB.) (Dttkiitioiu nam* ai in preriooi lift.) 21. Crayon, colored 6 00 2d do 8 00 22. Crayon, plain 5 00 2d do 8 00 23. Crayon, or pencil por^fait 6 00 2d do 8 *" 24. Pen and ink sketch 6 2d do 25. Pencil drawing 2d do 2(. Sepia drawing Id do 00 00 8 00 6 00 00 00 00 8 6 8 00. 4 00. Pari i.— Amateur Li«l— (OrigiMk.) (Dsiaittws taoM ai ia pNviMe «tMi. f7. Crayon, colored 4 00 9d do a OC Seel. f a. 23. Crayon, plain 4 00 2d do 2 00 29. Cravon or pencil portrait 4 00 2d do 2 00 30. Pencil drawing 4 00 2d do 2 00 31. Pen and ink sketch 4 00 2d do 2 00 32. Sepia 4 00 2d do 2 00 Part 3. — Amateur Lisf— (Copies.) 33. Crayon, colored. , 4 00 2d do 2 00 34. Crayon, plain 4 00 '2<1 ' do 2 00 3.3. Crayon or pencil portrait 4 00 2d do 2 00 36. Pen and Ink sketch. 4 00 2d do 2 00 37. Pencil Drawing 4 00 38. 39. do 2d Sepia 2d do E.\tra entries. 2 00 4 00 2 00 800 4 00 CLASS XLiil.-Penmanahlp. Unear Drawing, Pboto«rm|»hlny Kngtmrtugt Mapa, .Statuary, 4be. Part 1. — Penmanship geometrieal. Architectural and Mechanical Drawin§t, Engravings, Lithography, dtc. 1. Drawings, architectural, geo> metrical and perspective view, Dominion bronze medal and.. 2d do 2. Design and plans for dwelling for working class in cities giving cost of diflferent material... . Ist Dominion silver medal 2d Dominion bronze medal.... 8. Design and plans for farm hooae giving cost of different materials 1st Dominion silver medal 2d Dominion bronze medal.... 4. Drawing of machinery, in per- spective. Dominion bronze medal and 4 qq 2d do 9 OC 6. Drawing, frometrioal, of engine or mil] wo'A, coloured, Domin- ion bronzo medal and 4 QO 2d do 2 00 6, Penmanship — Business hand, without flourishes 4 Ot 2d do 2 00 7. Penmanship — ornamentiU (not pen and ink pictures) 4 bo 9d do 2 00 Part 2. — Photography, Lithography, EnffraV' ingi und Etchings, printed maps and atla$e$,, i. Fktoiograph portraita, collection of, in doplio||e, oae set ool- oored. Dominion lilTer medal and 2d do rs ''/ -^ M rniZE tlST. 1879. i 8tU % c. 9. Photograph portraits, eollectioD of, plain, Dominion bronze medal and 6 00 2d do 4 00 to. Photograph landscapes and views, collection of, Dominion bronze medal and 6 00 2d do 4 00 11. Photograph portrait finished in oil, Dominion bronze medal and 6 00 2d do 4 00 12. Photograph portrait, fiinished in Indian inK, Dominion bronze medal and 6 00 2d do 3 00 13. Photograph portrait, finished in water colours 5 00 2d do a 00 14. Engraving on wood, with proof, Dominion bronze medal and.. 4 00 2d do 2 00 15. Engraving on copper, with proof, Dominion bronze medal and.. 4 00 2d do 2 00 16. Lithographic drawing, plain, Do- minion bronze medal and 4 00 2d do 2 00 17. Lithographic drawing, colors printed 4 00 Jd do 2 00 18. Lithographic commercial work, in black or colors 1 00 •id do 2 00 19. Printed maps and atlases 8 00 Z(\ do 4 00 Part 3. — Statuary, dr., Profettional or Amateur. 20. Carving in wood, Dominion silver n:edal and 8 2d do 5 Carving in stone, in relief. Domin- ion siher medal and 8 2d do 5 Model in cluy or wax, with plaster cast. Dominion silver medal and 2d do Stiitac or j^ronp, in stone, Domin- ion silver nutdal and 15 00 2d do 10 00 21. Anatomical models, for school purposes, Domiuisu bronze Niciial and 6 00 2d do 4 00 25. School appliances, Dominion bronze med&i and 6 00 2d do 8 GO 26.* School maps, Dominion bronze medal and 5 00 2d do 3 00 27. Modelling in plaator. Dominion bronze medal 5 21. 9'> 23. 00 00 00 00 8 00 4 00 28. 2d Extras. do 00 »00 *x It eoloHred photottapha. th« nomo of the artist mvfi colors, as well ks the mne of the photovrapher to t)e attaohed to al! Fpeoimens. CLASS XLIV.-JTatanil HtotAfy yiimtvmtogj. Sect. I e. 1. Birds. — Collection of native, stuffed, with common and teclinical names attached, and classified so as to show those injurious and those beneficial to Agriculture and Horticulture, Dominion silver medal and 10 00 2d do 6 00 2. Collection of living fishes of salmon family 8 00 2d do 5 00 3. Collectisn of living (food) fishes other than salmon 8 00 2d do 4 00 4. Collection of food fishes living and stuffed witli tomujon and tech- nical names. Dominion gold medal 5. Collection of livipg ornamental fishes H 00 2d do 2 00 6. Fishes. — Collection of native, stuffed or preserved in spirits, witli common and technical names attached 8 00 2d do c, 00 7. Collection do. . of other countries. •^ with lommon and technical " names attached ' iQ 2d do ^ oo 8. FosshjS. — C^olleetiou of Canaiiinn, named and classified, Dominion 1 ironze medal and t< 00 2d do 4 00 9. Insects. — Collection of native, with common and technical names attached, and classified so as to show those iuji)ii(jus and those beneficial to agricul- ture and hoi-ticulture. Domin- ion gold medal 2d do 10. Insects, collection of foreign do., exclusive of species fomul in Canada, named and classified.. 2d do 11. Mamm.\L!a ANn Reptiles— Collec- tion of native, stuffed <^r pre- served in spirits, with ci^miuon and technical names attached, and classified, so as to show those injurious and those V^ene- ficial to .VgricTilture and Horti- culture, Dominion bronze medal and 10 00 2d do 6 00 12. Plants — Collection of native, arrajiged in their natural families and named, Dominion silver medal and 8 00 2d do 4 00 13. STUFFtn AkiMALB of aoy oouit^, collection of 8 00 2d do ; 4 0« 10 ()0 K 00 1 00 PRIZE LIST, 1879. ST 00 00 '»0 >< 00 1 00 8 00 4 00 8 00 4 09 Sect. • c. 14. 8rxirr«D Bibos of any country, oolleotion of 6 00 2d do 4 00 lo. Apparatus for artificial fish breed- ing 8 00 2d do 4 00 16. Fishing tackle, including nets, &c. 4 00 2d do 2 00 17. Pish aquaria 8 00 2d do 4 00 3d do 2 00 MiNEBALOGT. A'C. Each specimen mutt he labelled, giving name of specimen and locality where found. Sect. I c. 7. Shirt, man's coarse, unwashed, handmade 3 00 2d do 2 00 8. Shirt, man's fine unwanhed, hand made 3 00 2d do 2 00 9. Shirt man's fine, machine made. 3 00 2d do 2 00 10. Shirt, man's flannel, hand made. 2 00 2d do • 1 00 Part 2. — Knitting, Crochet Worfc itc. 18. Clays, Canadian, for paint, best 50 lbs.. Dominion bronze medal and 5 00 19. Copper ores of Dominion, best collection. Dominion bronze medal and 8 00 20. Iron ores of the Dominion, best collection of. Dominion bronze medal and 8 00 21. Iron manufactured in Canada from Canadian ore, best sam- ples of, Dominion silver medal and 8 00 22. Lead ores of Dominion, best col- lection of. Dominion bronze medal and 8 00 23. Silver ores of the Dominion, best collection of. Dominion bronze n jdal and 8 00 24. Specimens, illustrating ihe min- eralogy of Canada, beit collec- tion of. Dominion silver medal and 15 00 2d do 10 00 3d do 5 00 25. Mineral phosphates, display of Canadian 1st Dominion gold medal 2d Dominion silver medal 26. Collection of Canadian gems 1st Dominion silver medal 2d Dominion bronze medal. . . . 27. Display of plumbago, Canadian Dominion gold mi^dal 28. Extras €IiABS XI.V.- LadiM* Work. Part 1. — Plai.i and Fancy Needlework. 1. Child's dress, machine made 3 00 3d do 2 00 2. Cretonne work 3 GO 2d do 2 00 3. Fancy work, any kind, for chil- dren under 12 years of age 3 00 2d do 2 00 4. Ladies' bonnets (best collection). 5 00 2d do 3 00 5. Ladies' mantles, collection of 3 00 2d do 2 00 6. Machine sewing, family 3 00 8d do 200 11. Counterpanes, domestic wove. . . . 2d do 13. Counterpanes, crochet 3d do 13. Crochet work, in cotton 2d do 14. Darning, best specimen 2d do 15. Fancy knitting 2d do 16. Gloves, three pairs 2d do 17. Knitted shirts or drawers, hand made 2d do 18. Mittens, woollen, three (>air8. . . . 2d do 19. Quilt, calico patcLwork 2d do 20. Quilt, cloth patchwork 2d do 21. Quilt, silk, patchwork, or other- wise 2d do 22. Bag cai-pet 2d do 23. Rag mat 2d V do 24. Socks, fancy, for children 2d do 25. Stockings or sock, 3 pairs woollen, knit by hand 2d do 26. Stockings or socks, 3 pairs cotton, knit by hand 2d do 27. Stockings or socks, 3 pairs, knit by a girl under 12 years 2d do 28. Tidy, crotchet, cotton 2d do 29. Tidy, knitted, cotton 2d do 30. Wool mat 2(1 do ••••••••••■••• 3 00 2 00 3 00- 2 00 3 00- 2 00 3 GO 2 00 3 00 3 00 3 OO 2 00 3 oa oo oa 00 00 00 3 00 2 00' 00 00 00 oo 00 00 oo 00 3 oo 2 00 00 oo 3 00 2 00 3 00 2 oo 3 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 Part 3. — Embroidery, <£c. 31. Applique work 3 00 2d do 2 00 32. Bead work 8 00 2d do 3 00 83. Counterpanes, knitted 3 00 2d do a 00 H4. Cosy, or teapot cover 2 00 2d do 1 OO 88 PRIZE LIST, 1879. Sect. 9 o. 3; . Crewel work, in wool 3 00 2d do 2 00 ! 36. Embroidery in cotton 3 00 ! 3d do 2(0, 37. Embroidery in muslin 3 00 2d do 2 00 ! 38. Embroidery in silk 3 00 : 'id do 2 (M3 39. Embroidery in worsted 3 00 2d do 2 00 ' 40. Indian beadwork.bv Indians only. 3 00 i 2d do .' 2 00 41 . Society regalia 3 00 j 2d do 2 00 42. Toilet cushion 3 00 2d do 2 00 3 . Collection of knitting. Dominion bronze medal 44, Collection of Embroidery in cot- ton, muslin and silk. , Ist Dominion silver medal. ' 2d Dominion bronze medal. | 45. Extras. • ; ri.ASS XliVI.— Ladlefl' H'ork. Part 1. — Bacp, Twine, Guipvre Work, Tatting, dc. 1. Guipure work 3 00 2d do 2 00 Lace Honiton 3 00 2a do 2 00 Lace, point 3 00 2d do 2 00 Lace, any other kind 3 00 4. 5. Twine lace 3 00 2d do 2 00 6. Netting, fancy 3 00 7 2d do 2 00 2 00 2d do J. Tatting 3 00 2d do 2 00 Part S.—Flowerg, Wax Work, Leather Work, (ix. Sect. $ c. 18. Flowers, artificial, in feathers.. 3 00 2d do 2 00 19. Floweis, artificial, in hair 3 00 2d do 2 00 20. Flowers, artificial, in paper 3 00 2d do 2 00 21. Flowers, artificial, in wax 3 00 2d do 2 00 22. Flowers, artificial, in wool 3 00 2d do 2 00 23. Hair, Ladies' head-dress of 3 00 2d vl;. 2 00 24. Hair jewellery 3 00 2d do 2 00 2'). Leather work, ornamental 3 00 2d do 2 00 26. Moss ornaments 3 00 2d do 2 00 27. Plait, for bonnets and hat, of Canadian straw 3 00 2d do 2 00 28. Seed wreath 3 00 2d do 2 00 29. Skeleton leavea, ornament of . . 3 00 2d do 2 00 30. Wax fruit 3 00 2d do 2 00 31. Wax work, ornamental 3 00 2d do 2 00 i 32. Work basket 3 00 ] 2d do 2 00 ' 33. Collection of lace work. Domi- nion silver medal 2d do Dominion bronze medal 34. Collection of Berlin wool work, ! Dominion silver medal , 2d do Dominion bronze medal i 3.5 Collection of wax work, Domi- ni'on silver medal 2d do Dominion bronze medal 36. Extras. Part 2.— Berlin Wool, Chenille Work, 6, Berlin wool work, for framing.. 3d do 9. Berlin wool work, flat 2d do Berlin wool work, raised 2d do 11. Carrisige Affghan 2d do 12. Chenille work 2d do 13. Chenille work, with silver or gold. 2d do 14. Embroidered chair, or Ottoman covers 2d do 15. Pair slippers, in worsted 2d do 16. Sofa cushion 2d do 17. Tidv, woollen 2d" do iCc. 3 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 -.', 00 2 . Mangle 3 00 2d do 1 00 27. Pleasure skiff 5 00 2d do 300 28. Rowing boat 5 00 2d do 3 00 29. Washing machine 3 00 2d do 1 00 30. Window blinds and sashes £ 00 2d do 3 00 31. Thebest Willow-peeler, for taking bark off OsierWillows, that will do the best work in a given time; cost of machinerv not over 110 .' 4 00 2d do 2 00 Part 3. — Hollow-ware. Brmhet, Broovu, &c 32. Brushes, hair, assortment of, Dominion bronze medal, and. . 4 00 2d do 2 00 33. Brushes for manufacturing. Do- minion bronze medal, and 4 00 2d do 2 00 34. Buttons, an assortment of Do- minion silver medal, afld .... 4 00 3d do 2 00 35. Casks, barrels, kegs, Ac, assort- ment of. Dominion silver me- dal, and 4 00 2d do 2 00 36. Corn brooms, 1 doz 3 00 2d do 1 00 37. Turning in wood, collection of specimens. Dominion silver medal, and 6 00 2d do 3 00 38. Turned hollow wooden ware, assortment of 6 00 2d do 3 00 39. Wash tubs and pails, factorj- made, three of each 4 GO 2d do 2 00 40. Willow-ware, six specimens 4 00 2d do 2 00 Extras. 41. CLASS LII^CarrlAfM and Slelyks, and yarto M«rear. 1. Axle, wrought iron 4 00 2d do 2 00 %. Buggy, double seated, covered. Dominion bronze medal, and. . 8 00 ad do 6 00 00 00 Sect. % c. 3. Buggy, doable seated, uncovered, Dominion bronze medal, and . . 6 00 2d do 4 00 4. Buggy, single seated, covered. Do- minion bronze medal, and. ... 8 00 2d do 6 00 5. Buggy, single seated, uncovered. Dominion silver medal, and., ti 00 2d do 4 00 6. Carriage, hack, Dominion silver medal, and 10 00 2d do 6 00 7. Carriage, two-horse, pleasure. Do- minion silver medal, and 12 00 2d do 8 00 8. Carriage, (child's (perambulator) 3 2d do 3 9. Carriage and buggy, woodwork, as- sortment of. Dominion bronze medal, and 10 00 2d do 6 00 10. Democrat waggon. Dominion bronze medal, and 7 00 3d do 4 00 11. Farm sleigh 8 00 2d do 4 00 3d do 2 00 12. Horse cart 6 00 2d do 4 00 3d do 2 00 13. Hubs, carriage, one dozen 3 00 2d do 2 00 14. Omnibus 6 00 2d do 4 00 15. Two-horse team waggon. Domi- nion silver medal, and 13 00 2d do S 00 3d do 4 50 16. PhsBtou, pony, Dominion bronze medal, and 3d do 1 7. Phsetou, covered. Dominion bronze medal, and 2d do 18. Pleasure cutter, Dominion bronze medal, and 3d do 19. Rims, or felloes, one dozen 2d do 20. Sleigh, two-horse, pleasure, Do- minion bronze medal, and. . . . 2d do 21. Sleigh, hack, Dominion bronze medal, and 2d do 00 00 00 00 6 00 4 00 3 00 2 00 00 00 6 00 4 00 22. Best display of veiiicles — *l&t, Dominion gold medal. 2d, *' silver " 3d, •' bronze " 23. Sleigh and cutter stuff, assort- ment 6 00- 2d do 4 00 24. Spokes, carriage, machine-made 3 00- 2d do 2 00 35. Springs, one set steel carriage.. 5 00 2d do 3 00 w 42 PRIZE LIST, 1879. i ii Sect. * c. 26. One-horse light market waggon, Dominion bronze medftl, and . . 9 00 2d do 6 00 3d do 3 00 -27. Two-horse spring market waggon, Dominion bronze medal, and.. 10 00 2d do 7 00 M do i 00 ■28. Wheels, 1 pair of carriage, un- painted 3 00 2d do 2 00 •29. Extras. c. 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CLASS LIII.— Machinery and parts thereof, and Tools. Part 1. — Steam Ennineg, Hydraulic M a- chinery. 1. Steam plough or cultivator, in op- eration on the ground 100 00 2. Best portable steam engine for agricultural purposes, not less than (J-horse power, to be put in operation ou the ground, Do- minion silver medal,and .SO 00 2d do 20 00 ad do 10 00 •3. Boiler, for steam engine 12 00 4. Agricultural boiler, for steaming food. Dominion brou/e medal, and 6 00 2d do 4 00 o. Engineers' brass work, assort- ment. Dominion bronze medal, and 8 00 2d do 5 00 6. Engine, steam, stationery, one to four-horse power, in operation. Dominion bronze medal and . . 15 00 7. Engine, steam, stationery, five- horse power or upwards, in op- eration , Dominion silver medal, and 20 00 2d do 12 00 8. Engine, portable 15 00 2d do 10 00 9. Engine, steam, model of im- proved Diploma. 10. Fire engine, steam, in operation on the ground, Dominion silver medal, and 20 00 2d do 12 00 11. Fire engine, hand power, Domi- nion bronze medal, and 10 00 2d do 6 00 12. Fire Extinguisher, self-acting, or chemical ' 6 00 2d do 4 00 13. Fountain 6 00 2d do 4 00 14. Low water alarm or indicator.. 4 00 2d do 2 00 15. Pumps, metal, for wells or cis- terns, assortment. Dominion bronze medal, and 6 00 2d do 4 00 Sect. 9 IG. Pump, double acting, lift or force 4 2d do 2 17. Pump, force, for hand use 4 I 2d do 2 ; 18. Pump, steam 4 I 2d do 2 00 1 19. Pump wooden 4 1 2d do 2 20. .Steam engine governor 4 I 2d do 2 21. Steam gauge 4 I 3d do 2 00 j 22. Valves and gearing for working steam expansively, either in model or otherwise ; principle I of working to be the point of ' competition 10 00 2d do 5 ©0 "2H. Water wheel, Dominion bronze medal, and 12 00 I 2d do 8 00 I 24. Windmill in operation. Dominion j bronze medal, and 6 00 i 2d do 4 00 !25. Extras. I Part 2. — Metal Working Machinery, and j Machinists' Tools, dr. 1^6. Blacksmith's bellows I 2d do I 27. Blacksmith's tools, assortment of, ' Dominion bronze medal, and. . 2d do I 28. Chopping axes, 1 dozen I 2d do ' 29. Drills, taps, dies, and rimmers, I assortment j 2d do 30. Edge tools, largest andbest assort- I ment. Dominion silver medal, i and I 2d do ■ 31. Emery wheels, assortment 2d do ! 32. Emery grinding machine 2d do 33. Files, an assortment 2d do I 34. Machinists' tools for working in ' metals, best and largest display of. Dominion bronze medal and ! 2d do ; ' 35. Machinist's vice 2d do ' 36. Milling machine 2d do I 37. Picks and Mattocks I 2d do : 38. Planing machine, for metals. . . . 2d do j 39. Planer, compound. . k 2d do 40. Radial driller 2d do 41. Saws, circular, assortment. Do- minion silver medal and 2d do 4 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 20 00 12 00 4 00 2 00 6 00 4 00 4 00 2 00 10 00 5 00 4 00 6 00 6 00 4 00 4 00 2 00 10 00 6 00 10 00 6 00 6 00 4 00 6 00 4 00 PRIZE LIST, 1879. 18 00 00 00 ami 4 00 2 00 00 00 00 00 GO 00 20 00 12 00 4 00 2 00 6 00 4 00 4 00 2 00 10 00 5 00 4 00 6 00 6 00 4 00 4 00 2 00 1 10 00 6 00 1 10 00 6 00 6 00 4 00 6 00 4 00 ■Sect. 42. SawB, hand, iucluding crosa-cut. . 2d do 43. Tinsmith's tools, assortmeut, Do- minion bronze medal and .... 2d do 44. Turning lathe, iron work 2d do 45. Turning lathe, brass work 2d do 46. Collection of iron working machinery 1st Dominion gold • medal 2d Dominion silver medal 3d Dominion bronze medal.... 47. Extras. Part 3. — Woodnorking Machinery. 48. Band saw 2d do 49. Barrel, machinery 2d do 50. Boring Machine for wood 2d do 51. Collection of wood-working ma- chinery, Dominion gold medal 2d do o2. Cord wood sawing machine, steam or horse power 2d do .53. Jig saw 2d do * 54. Mitreing machine 2d do 55. Morticing machine, foot 2d do 56. Morticing machine, power 2d do 57. Moulding machine 2d do 58. Re-sawing machine 2d do 59. Saw mill, steam, in operation, Dominion silver medal and .... 2d do '60. Shaping machine 2d do 61. Shingle and heading machme, Dominion bronze medal and.. 2d do '62. Stave cutter 2d do 63. Surface planer, for wood work.. 2d do 64. Tennoning machine 2d do 65. Turning lathe 2d do •66. Universal wood- worker 2d do •67. Window blind machines, best set. 2d do 68. Wood planing and matching machine 2d do 'B9. Extras' $ c. ] Part 4.^ — 5Vlf/ and Fartory Machinery, and 4 00 . MiHtfUttnemnf Articles. 2 00 I Sect. $ c. 70. Bolting Cloth 4 GO 4 00 1 2d do 2 00 2 00 j 71. Boot and shod machines, assort- 6 00 , ment of. Dominion silver medal 4 00 ! and 6 00 6 (10 -id do 4 00 4 00 i 72. Bran duster 4 00 2d do 2 00 I 73. Brick-making machine, Dominion silver medal and 10 00 2d do 6 00 74. Card clothing, assortment of, Do- I minion bronze medal and .... 4 00 2d do 2 00 75. Carding machines, mannfactur- ing set of. Dominion silver medal and 10 00 4 00 2 00 i 6 00 ' 4 OOi 6 00 4 00 I 76. 77. 2d do Carding machine, for custom work. 6 00 8 00 3d Car 2d do break, do automatic . 00 00 00 78. Car coupling, railroad 4 00 2d do 2 00 6 00 79. Grist mill, portable 6 00 2d do 4 00 80. Knitting machines, (power) for manufacturing. Dominion bronze medal and 4 00 2d do 2 00 81. Knitting machine, (hand^ Domin- ion bronze medal anil 4 00 2d do 2 00 82. Middling purifier 6 00 8 00 4 00 4 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 6 00 4 00 6 00 4 00 4 00 2 00 20 00 12 00 4 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 6 00 4 00 4 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 6 00 4 00 6 00 4 00 10 00 6 00 2d do 4 00 83. Mill stone, host pair 4 00 2d do 2 00 84. Platen printing press 4 00 85. 8C. 2d ^ do Printing press, power or treadle. 2d do Smut machine and separator. . . 2d do 00 6 00 4 00 6 00 4 00 87. Spinning machine, hand 4 00 2d do 2 00 88. Weaving loom, hand 4 00 2d do 2 00 89. Weaving loom, power 00 ' 2d 90. Extras. do 4 00 for CLA8A I.I 11, A.-«ewin|{ Machines Bxhlbitlon only. The prizes in this class have been discon- tinued, by request of the manufacturers. Ample space however will be provided for exhibitors." 1. Sewing machine, manufacturing. 2. Sewing machine, family. 3. Sewing machine, button-hole. 4. Sewing machine, embroidery. 6. Sewing machine, single thread. 6. Hewing maobine, wax thread. 7. Extras. 44 PRIZE LIST, 1879. CXASS LIV.-MrelukBlrul, Mstal W«rkt (MlMMllMlMW). Pa«t I.— Hardware, Cutlery, BelU, Safes, Scalei, dbe. Sect. 9 c. 1. Bells, obarch aad school, assort- ment 6 00 2d do 4 00 2. Bells, hand, assortment 4 00 2d do 2 00 H. Carriage and waggon hardware, Dominion bronze medal, and . . 4 00 2d do 2 00 4. Fire-proof safes, Dominion silver medal, and 00 3d .lo 4 00 5. Malleable hardware, assortment, Dominion silver medal, and . . 8 00 2d do 5 00 (). Nails,201bs.,cut, Dominion bronze medal, and 4 00 2d do 2 00 7. Nails, 20 lbs., pressed. Dominion bronze medal, and 4 00 2d do 2 00 8. Horse shoe nails,20 lbs,, Dominion bronze medal 9. Nuts, hot pressed, assortment . . 4 00 2d do 2 00 10. Refrigerator, best, ^ominiou bronze medal, and 4 00 2d do 2 00 11. Scales, counter. Dominion bronze medal, and 4 00 2d uo 2 00 12. Scales, platform. Dominion bronze medal, and 4 00 2d do 2 00 13. Screws and bolts, assortment, Do- minion bronze medal, and .... 4 00 2d do 2 00 14. Show case, best, Dominion bronze medal, and 4 00 2d do 2 00 15. Skates, an assortment. Dominion bronze medal, and 4 00 2d do 2 00 16. Soda water fountain 4 00 2d do 2 00 17. Sugar and coffee mills 4 00 2d do 2 00 18. Table Cutlery 4 00 2d do 2 00 19. Telegraph suppUes 4 00 2d do 2 00 20. Water filter 4 00 2d do 2 00 21. Extras Part 2. — Gold, Tin, and Coppenmitht' Work' Locks, d'c. 22. Bank lock, combination 4 00 2d do 2 00 23. Coppersmiths' work, assortment, Dominion silver medal, and . . 4 00 2d do 2 00 24. Door locks, aaaortmant 4 00 2d do 2 00 Sect. f c. 35. Fire arms, assortment, Dominion bronze medal, uud 2d do 36. Gas flxtores, Dominion silver me- dal, and 2d do 27. Gold and silver leaf 2d do 28. Goldsmiths' work, Dominion sil> I ver medal, and I 2d do j 29. Iron work from the hammer, or- uamental. Dominion bronze 1 medal, and i 2d do 30. Locksmiths' work, assortment . . 2d do I 31. Mirror in frame, Dominion silver ' medal, and I 2d do 32. Plumbers' work, assortment. Do- minion silver medal, and .... I 2d do { 33. Picture frame, ornamental gilt . . 2d do 34. Bifle, breech loading 2d do 35. Sheet brass work, assortment, Dominion bronzeraedal, and . . 2d do 36. Silversmiths' wodi, Dominion silver medal, ana 4 2d do 2 37. Tinsmiths' work, assortment. Dominion bronze medal, and. . 4 00 3d do 2 00 38. Tinsmiths' lacquered work 4 00 2d do 2 00' 39. Wire work, assortment 4 OO 2d do 3 00 40. Extras. Pakt 3. — Imtrumeitts, Mathematical and engineering instruments. Dominion bronze medal, and 10 00- 2d do 6 00 Optical instruments, assortment. Dominion bronze medal, and . . 6 00 2d do 4 00' Surgical Instruments, assortment 6 00 2d do 4 00* Extras. () 00 4 00' 4 00' 2 00 4 00' 3 00 4 00' 2 00 4 00 2 00 4 no 2 00 4 00' 2 00 4 OO' 2 00 4 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 4 00 2 00' 00 00 41. '42. I I [« "44, CLASS liY.— Stores and Caatlncav Acw 1. Car wheels, set of, Dominion bronze medal, and 4 OOt 2d do 2 00: 2. Castings for general machinery, Dominion silver medal, and. . 10 OOi 2d do 6 OO 8. Castings for railway oars and loco- motive. Dominion silver medal and 10 00 2d do ►... 6 00 c 4 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 4 00' 2 00 4 00' 2 00 4 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 4 00 2 00' 4 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 4 00 3 00 10 00- 6 00 00 00' 6 00 4 00* Acw 4 OOt 2 00' 1 10 OO" 6 0» 1 10 00- 600 PRIZE LIST, 1879. 48 Sect 4 4i. 7. H. it. 10. 11. 12. IH. 14. 15. 16. 17. IH. IK. ■20. n. % c. Caat'iroD work, oruamental, for fences, Ac, Dominion bronze medal and, 00 2d do 4 00 Cast wheel, spur or bevel, not Icmb than 50 lbs. weight 6 00 2d do 4 00 Cooking range, portable 6 00 2d do 4 00 Cooking stove, for wood 6 fK) 2d do 4 00 Cooking stove, for coal 00 2d do 4 (H) Enamelled hollow ware, assort- ment 4 00 2d do 2 00 Furniture for cookiug stove, 1 set. 4 00 2d do 2 00 Hall stove, for wood 4 00 2d do 2 00 Hall stove, illuminated base- burner 2d Hot-air furnace for coal 2d do Hot-air furnace for wood 2d do Parlor stove, for wood 2d do Parlor stove, for coal 2d do Parlor cooking stove 2d do Parlor grate •id do Parlor fireplace, complete, includ- ing setting of grate so as to economize fuel, and arrange- ment for ventilating room. JJo- niiniou bron/.e medal, and. .. . (1 (K) 2d do 4 »X) Stoves, ranges and Imlloware, l)est and largest ilisplay, Do- mii)ii)n gold medal 2d do 00 Extras. 4 00 2 00 00 00 00 00 00 (X) 00 00 00 00 00 (H) C'l^AMS liVI.-Satldle, HarneMtt, and Trunkmaker'M Work, an k Maierialit. Engine Hone and Belting. Part 1. — Saddlery, ((v. 1. Collars, an assortment 4 00 2d do 2 00 2. Engine hose and joints, 2^' inches diameter, 50 feet of, copper riveted, Dominion silver medal, and 00 3. Harness, set of double carriage, Dominion bronze medal, and. . 6 00 2d do 4 00 4. Harness, set of single carriage, Dominion bronze medal, and 6 00 2d do 4 (X) •5. Harness, set of team. Dominion bronze medal, and 6 00 2d do 4 00 Sert. V c. 6. Harness, sot of oart 4 00 2d do 2 00 7. India-rubber belting, engine hose &o., an assortment. Dominion silver medal, and 00 2d do 4 00 8. Leather machine belting, an as- sortment. Dominion silver medal, and 6 00 2d do 4 00 !». Haddle, lady's (i 00 2d do 4 00 10. Saddle, gentleman's, full (juilted, Dominion bronze medal, and.. 5 00 2d do 3 00 11. Saddle gentleman's plain shaftoe. ."• 00 2d do 3 (X) 12. Trunks, assortment. Dominion silver medal, ^d 6 00 2d do 4 00 IH, Valises and travelling bags, an assortment 4 00 2d do 2 00 14. Whips, an assortment. Dominion bronze medal, and 4 (X) 2d do 2 00 15. Wliip thongs, an assortment .... '2 <)0 2d do 1 (X) Part 2. — Saddle and Hurnesii Stock. 16. Brown strap and bridle, two sides of each 4 00 2d do 2 00 17. Carriage cover, 2 skins, whole.. 2 tX) 2d do 2 00 18. Check, for horse collar, 1 piece.. 4 UO 2d do 2 00 19. Deerskins, .S, dressed 2 OO 2(1 do 1 UO •20, Enamelled cloth 4 00 2d do 2 (X) '2d do 4 00 *J. Bootu, gentiomun'H,hundi£ade, an auHortiiiuiit, Domiuiou Hilver medal, aud 6 00 2d do 4 00 3. BootH, f 19. Cow, pebbled, two sides 2 00 ad do 2 (X>. 20. Dog skins, two drf.«iHod I imrel nnd Flint, Fin X, llenip, and I'ottou Oo«>(ls. Part 1. — Wearini) .-Ippdrel. 1. Caps, cloth, assortment 4 00 '2d do 2 00' 2. Collars and cuffs 2 00 2d do 1 00 3. Gloves and raits of leather. Dominion bronze medal, and 4 00 2d do 2 (JO 4. Gloves and mits, of kid 4 00 '2d do 2 00 o. Gloves and mits, woollen 4 OOi 2d do 2 CO 6. Hats, folt, assoi-tmcut, Dominion bionze medal, and 4 00' 2d do 2 00 7. Hats, silk, Dominion bronze medal and 1 0(1 2d do 2 00 8. Overcop.t, of Canadian cloth 4 00 '2d do 2 00 9. Shirtii, gentlemen's, assortment, Doinin- ion bronze medal, aud 3 00 2d do 2 00 10 Best made gentleman's suit, Cana- dian cloth, Dominion silver me- dal, and ,'» 00 '2d • do 3 0(.S c. 00* (X> 00 00. 00 00 PRIZE U8T. 1879. 4T' 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Hiiit, boy'a 3 OQ ,'^,^ do 3 oq lies aud acarfs, aHsortmeiit, Do- minion bronze medal, and 2d do Part 11. 12 ffett. 86. OOi 00 14. i.j. hi. 17. 18. Fum. F1U8, aot of lady's, Canada mink t 2d do 2 J'urs, set of lady's, seal (5 2-1 do 4 Furs, set of lady's, lambskin . . (i 2d Furs 2d Furs 2d Best do 00 00 00 OC 00 00 00 act of lady's any other kind do 2 00 sot of gentleman's 00 Best assortmeut of cotton goods manufactured in Canada, Do- minion gold medal 2d do Dominion silver medal, ad do Dominion bronze medal 36. Yarns, assorted colors, 3 lbs. each 2d do 37. Cotton yarns, assortment of, Do- minion bronze medal, and '3d do ■* .W. Extras. AH fabrics in classes .jH and T)!) must be exhibited by the actual uuiuufiicturers who usually and customarily manufacture for sale. 0.. 00 00 00 00. do 4 00 00 00 00 00 collection of manufactured furs, Dominion gold modal, 2d do Dominion silver medal 3d do Dominion bronze medal 19. Pur sleigh robes, ussortment, not less than three kinds 2d do 4 20. Sheepskin mats, dressed and col- ored assortment 4 '^d do ;;;; •> Part 3.— Flax oiui ll,mp GoodA. Articles exhibited under this htiid must be made from tlax or l:emn, the growth Caniida. , 21. I3.i,gB, one dozen 2d do : : : Cordage, assortment, not less than 10 lbs. each 2d do ; ; : : Linen, unbleached, ;i pieces. (i 2d do ;; i 2-1. Linen- 'oleached, H >>iects .. rt 2d do .....■.■..:.■.■: 4 2j. Linen thread, assortment of not less than three pounds of each kind I 2nd do . . ' " " " ■) 1. 3. CliASS I.I.\. Woollen CtoodH. Ali>aca, l)lack lustre from Cana- dian wool, 3 pieces fi 2d do ..." 4 Ali>acas, grey, frum Canadian wool, 3 pieces 2d do ." Blankets, white, 2 pairs, Dom- inion bronze medal, and 2d do 'i-i 23 On 00 00 OOj 00; 00 00 00 1 4. Blankets, grey, 2 pairs (! 2d do Cassimere, assortment, ;j pieces. 2d do 8 !t 26. Linen yarns •> 27. 2nd do Twines, assortment, not less than 3 pounds each, Dominion silver medal, and 2d do ....'.!.■".'.;; Part k—Cotton Gonilx. '28. Biigs, :tssortiiU'Ut .... -'^ do ...;;.'.■;;:;; 2!l. Bt'am warps, assoi-tment. •id do ." ; .■ ." ;!0. Calico, unbleacht'vl, 3 nieces 2d do ..:....'. [ [ [ [ ;il. Calico, bleached, 3 nieces. •2d do ;;.■;;; 32. C'iunterpanes, assortment .1 21 do ; ; ; ; 2 33. Hosie^^, nssuhm! iit, Dominion bronze medal, and .... 4 2d do ;;;;;; I 34. Prints, an assortment n 2d do :::; .4 00' 00 I 00' 00 10. 11. 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00: 00 i 00 i Oo 1 OOi 12. 13. M. 1(5. 17. 00 00 00 00 18. Cloth, black broad, 3 pieces. . 2d do Cloth, fulled, .3 pieces 2d do ■ ■ Conilied dress goods. 3 nieces. . . . 2d do .' Doeskins, assortment, 3 pieces. . 2d do l'jti)£fes, assortment, 3 pieces Dominion bronze medal, and.. 2d do Flannel, all wool, white and col- ored, 3 pieces 2d do Flannel, union, white and col- ored, 3 pieces 2d do .' Best assortnunt flannels of Can- adian manufacture. Dominion Silver medal. 2d do Dominion brrinze medal Satinets, assortment, 3 pieces.... 2d do Sfrge. white and colored, 3 pieces 2d do Tweedy, v/iiiter, assortment, (i pieces 2d do Tweeds, summer, iissoitment, 6 pieces 2d do ■ ■ Tweads, waterproof, asosrtment, 6 places (\ 2d do [[ 4 00 00 00 00 00 00 (U) Ov;. oo 00 00. 00 00 tM> 00 00 « 00 4 00 (> 00 4 00 00- 00 00 00. Of> oo. 00 00 00. 00 6 Oft., i 00 00, 00, ^T PRIZE LIST, 1879 6 00 3 00 G OOi 48 ' Stct. ^[). Best aesoi-tmeut of Canadian Tweeds, Dominion gold medal 2d do Domioion Silver medal 3d ^o Dominion bronze medal 20. Wincey, assortment, 3 pieces 2d do 21. Worsted cloths, assortment, 3 p'aoes 2d do 22. Yarn, made from Canadian super wool, white and dyed, 3 lbs. each. Dominion bronze medal j and 3 00! 2d do 2 00j 23. Yarn made from Canadian super ; wool, assortment of mixtures, 3 lbs, each, Dominion bronze , medal and 3 00 i 24. Yf "u made from merino or foreign i wool ?hite, dyed and mixtures, 3 lbs. each. Dominion bronze medal, and 3 00 2d do 2 (X) I -25. Yarn, combed, white, dyed, and mixture, H Ibn. each 3 oO Sect $ c. 39. Yarn, white and dyed, not factory made 2 00 2d do 1 00 40. Yam, fleecy, woollen, not factory made 2 00 Id do 1 00 41. Woollen shawls, home made 3 00 d do 2 00 3 00 ' 42. Blankets, home made 3 00 2d do 2 00 i 43. Extras. 2d 2(i. Extras. do 2 00 Part 2.—Kiiitti'd Goods. .27. Cardigan jackets, one doz., Dom- I inion bronze medal, and 3 00 ' 2d do 2 00 •JH. Drawers and shirts, plain, i doz. of each 4 00 i 2d do 2 00 1 2'.t. Drawers and shirts, ribbed, J dozen of each 4 (tO 2d do 2 00 30. Half hose, assortment, 1 dozen.. 3 00 •2d do '. ... 2 00 31 Hose, ladies and misses, plain and ribbed, assoitment, lialf dozen of each 3 00 2d do 2 00 32. Nubias and scarfs, assortment 1 dozen 4 (X) 2d do 2 00 Part n. — Carpets. <0c. 3.3, Carpets, 3 pieces, Dominion bronze medal, and 6 00 •2d do 4 00 34. Carpet, stair, 3 pieces (5 00 •2d do 4 00 35. Carriage rugs, 3 pieces. . 4 00 2d do 2 00 30. Cocoa matting 00 2d do 4 00 Pai-t 4. — Domestic Woollens, from Hunf S'lmn Yarn. 37. Cloth, fulled, farmers" make, 2 pieces 4 00 d do 2 00 38. Flannel, not factory made 4 00 2d do 2 00 OLAI99 IjX.— Oroceriea and Provisions 1. Barley, pearl, 25 lbs 3 00 2d do 2 00 2. Barley, pot, 25 lbs 3 00 d do 2 00 3. Barley, flour 3 00 •2d do 2 00 4. Biscuits, collection of. Dominion silver medal, and 4 00 2d do 2 00 5. Bottled fruit, an assortment, manufactured for sale. Domin- ion bronze medal, and 4 00 2d do 2 00 6. Bottled pickles, an assortment manufactured for sale 4 0() •2d do 2 fX) 7. Buckwheat flour, 25 lbs 3 00 2d do 2 00 H. Candies '> 00 •2d do 3 00 0. Candles, tallow, lo lbs 3 ilO •2d do 2 (10 10. Canned meats, an assortment. Dominion silver medal, and.. oO 2d do 4 00 11. Coffee and spices, assortment of 4 IM) 2d do 2 00 1^2. Chicorv, ^20 lbs. prepared 3 00 •2d ' do 2 00 13. Cigars, Canadian manufacture, assortment. Dominion silver medal, and 4 tX) 2d do 2 00 i 14. Cigars, liest made and flavored, I single box 4 •W 2d do 2 00 15. Confectionery (plain). Dominion silver medal, and 4 00 2d do 2 00 1(5. Confectionery (fancy), Dominion silver medal, and 4 00 2d do 2 00 17. Fish, preserved in tins, best as- sortment, Dominion silver medal, and 4 00 •2d do 2 00 18. Fish, dried or smoked in kiits or boxes, Dominion silver medal, and 4 00 •2d do 2 00 19. Indian corn meal, 25 lbs 3 00 2d do 2 90 PEIZE LIST, 1879. c. Stet. % c. 20. Oatmeal, 25 lbs, standard, Do- miuion silver medal, and.... 3 00 2d do 2 00 21. Oatmeal (granulated) 3 00 2d do 2 00 22. Salt, 1 barrel coarse Canadian, Dominion silver medal, and.. 4 00 2d do 2 00 23. Salt, 1 barrel fine Canadian, Do- minicm silver medal, and, .... 4 00 2d do 2 00 24. Salt, 30 lbs, table or dairy, Cana- dian , . 3 00 2d do 2 00 25. Sauces for table use, an assort- n>ent, manufactured for sale, Dominion bronze medal and.. 4 00 2d do 2 00 26. Soap, 1 box of common. Dominion BrcHize medal, and ...» 200 2d do 4 00 27. Soaps, collection of assorted fancy Dominion silver medal, and.. 4 oO 2d do 2 00 28. Starch, 12 lbs, corn. Dominion bronze medal, and 2^00 2d do ., 100 €C t 29. Starch, 12 lbs, flour 2d do 30. Starch, 12 lbs, potatoe 2d do 31. Sugar, 1 loaf refined. Dominion silver medal, and 2d do 32. Sugar, refined Muscovado, 5 lbs. Dominion silver medal, and . . 2d do 33. Tobacco, smoking, best assort- ment, Dominion bronze medhl, and 2d do 34. Tobacco, chewing, best assort- ment 2d do 35. Vegetables, hermetioally sealed. Dominion bronze medal, and. . 2d do 36. Wedding cake 2d do 37. Wheat flour, 50 lbs, Dominion silver medal, and 2d do 38. Exti-a entries. 49 $ o. 2 00 1 00 2 on 1 00 00 00 3 OO 2 OO 4 00 2 00 OO 00 OO 00 00 OO 00 OO, M « M EKRATAr After going to press, the Hon. J. H. Pope, Minister of Agriculttrre, decided to offer a prize for the best Essay on Pleura-pneumonia and Contagious Diseases in Cattfe, instead of "the best Essay on the Veterinary Art." (See page 12.) Vick's Floral Premiums on page 33 (sections 46, 47 and 48) have been can- celled.