'^ ^. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) /. 1.0 I.I " 1^ 12.2 " lis iig 11:25 lllll 1.4 1.6 V <^ /a >? '"f, % ni n hotographic Sciences Corporation as WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 # iV qv ^\ "% V ;:<7 .^'#^<- THE HOUSPJ OF COMMONS -o- or private circulcUion only. 1878, INDEX TO CONTENTS. PAOB. (1.) Persons who are entitled to become Voters .... 3 (2.) Value of Property sufficient to qualify 4 (3.) Persons who are not entitled to vote 4, 5 (4.) Persons entitled to have Voters' Lists revised 5 (5.) Revision of Voters' Lists— proceedings j 5 g 7 3 for correction ot same J ' ' " ' (8.) Re-revision of 1877 Voters' Lists 8 (7.) Persons who may be struck off the Voters } g 9 jq Lists ) ' ' (8.) Definition of final revision of the Assess- ) ,^ ^| ment Roll J' ^^ (9.) Forms for making Appeals 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 Persons who are entitled to become Voters- {I.) Owners. — Every person who owns property of the ralue mentioned below, in his own right, or in right of his wife for an estate for life, or any greater estate (either Legal or Equitable). (2.) Tenants.— K^Qty tenant of property, of the value mentioned below, (3.) Occupants. — Every person who, although he is not the owner or tenant, is yet the occupant of property of the value mentioned below, being in possession of it, and enjoying the revenues and profits for his own use. (4.) Farmers' Sons.—Ry which is meant every young man of 21 years of age and upwards, who though not otherwise qualified to vote, has for 12 months prior to the return of the Assessment Roll by the assessors, re- sided with and on the farm of his father, or step-father, or mother. By "/arm" is meant land actually occupied by the father, step-father, or mother, not less in quantity than 20 acres. In determining the right of persons to vote as "farmers' sons " the question of the value of the farm is of importance. Only so many of the elder sons— with the father or step-father, (but not including the mother if she is owner)— as the assessed qualify, rating each at $200— should be entered on t" Voters List. All such persons, referred to in paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4, should be entered on the last revised and corrected Assessment Roll, but if not so entered the application can be made to the Judge for an order under sec. 22 of the Voters List Act, to have them entered nn a Snnnl«^maT.<-««, a „..-.„. ment Roll. (5.) rncome To^er^.-Everyperson who has continuously resided iu the municipality since the completion of the laat reviaed Assessment Roll, and who at the date of such revi- Bion, and for 12 months previously, was in receipt of an in- come of not less than $400 per annum. The names of such persons must be entered upon the Assessment Roll by the Assessors, as no appeals can be made subsequently to have persons assessed who are entitled to become vroters on in- come. Value of Property Sufficient to Qualify. In order to qualify an owner, tenant or occupant or farm- ers' son to vote, the real property in respect of which he is rated, or the farm in the latter case, must be of the actual value— (1). In cities of $400. (2). In towns of $300. (3). In incorporated villages of $200. (4). In townships of $200. The Election Act further provides that " when any real property is owned or occupied jointly by two or more per- sons and is rated at an amount sufficient, if equally divided between them, to give a qualification to each, then each of them shall be deemed rated within this Act ; otherwise none of them shall be deemed so rated. " Persons who are not entitled to Vote. The following persons are not entitled to vote, although they may be entered on the Assessment Roll, and may possess the requisite amount of property, or be in receipt of a sufficient income : (1.) Aliens, t>., persons not born in any country under the sovereignty of the British Crown or naturalized therein. (2.) Pei-sons who are not 21 years of age, and who will not attain that age within 60 days from the final revision and correction of the assessment roll. (7.) (8.) (9.) (10.) (11.) (12.) (13.) (14.) (15.) (16.) (17.) (3.) Women. (4.) Judges. (5.) County Attorneys. (6.) Clerksof the Peace. Deputy Clerks of the Crowu. Sheriff8 and Deputy SheriflFs. Registrars. Crown Land Agents. Custom House Officers. Inland Revenue or Excise Officers. Postmasters in Cities and Towns Returning Officers (except in case of a tie) Election Clerks. Election Agents receiving payment &c Electors, who on the trial of an election petitiou have been proved to have been bribed (18.) Persons found guilty of corrupt practices after notice of the charge. The Persons E'^titled^ tc^ W the Voters' Lists Every voter and every person entitled to be a voter ••- the municipality for which the voters' list is made, or '2 the Constituency, i. .., County or Riding as the case may be, in which the municipality is situate, may have the voters list for the municipality revised and corrected. (K. 8. O. chap. 9, sec. 8.) Revision of Voters' List. On receiving the voters' list, the 1st and 3rd parts should be examined to ascertain : First. Whether the OnriStian and nnrnamea nf fV»-a- r , '"^* 01 tliusu persons favourably in- chned, and of those who are doubtful, are correctly entered and speUed ; this should be attended to carefuUy, other. wise there may be a loss of votes, as a person wishing to vote may hesitate and have difficulty in swearing at the poll that he is the person intended to be named in the list. Second. Ascertain what persons named in the list have, before the final revision and correction of the assessment roll, parted with the i>roperty in respect of which their names were entered in the voters* list, and the persons to whom they have transferred the property, or who are in possession of it. (R. S. O., chap. 9, sec. 8, sub-sec. 3.) Third. Ascertain what persons in this list will be of the age of 21 years at any time within 60 days from the final revision and correction of the assessment roll. Fourth. Ascertain what persons, although duly quali- fied and entitled to vote, have been improperly omitted from the list. To save trouble, all persons should examine the assess- ment roll and see that their names and qualifications are properly entered. In determining who are and who are not entitled to vote, the assessment roll is not conclusive as to the value of pro- perty, or the amount of income, but evidence may be given before the judge to show the real value of the pro- perty or the amount of the income . (R. S. 0. chap. 9, sec. 8.) Fifth. Ascertain what persons are entered upon the list, although not entitled so to be. 'Sixth. If a voter have more than one qualification, for example, if he be entitled to vote in respect of real pro- perty and also in respect of income, see that he is rated for both in the list. Proceedings for Correction of List. If, upon examination of this list, it appears that certain persons should be struck oflF or added, carefully prepare a notice in the forms given in the schedule on page 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. The notice must be given to the Clerk of the Munici- pality, or left for him at his residence or place of businens, within thirty days after the Clerk has posted up the vottrn Hst in his office. If the office of Clerk be vacant, then give the notice to, or leave it for, the head of the Council of the Munici- pality, t. e. , the Mayor or Reeve. No fees are to be paid. The judge of the County Court will appoint a day for hearing complaints. When you have given'the notice as mentioned abov^', devote your attention to preparing evidence to support th<» alterations and additions which you consider should be made. This should receive immediate attention, and not be left to the last moment. If the persons whom you desire to give evidence, before he judge, the day appointed, refuse to attend, or you do not think that they will attend to give evidence unless compelled so to do, obtain a subpoena from the County Court, and have a copy .^v- ved on each person whose attendance you require, 'hy the subpoena such persons may be compelled to produce such papers and documents as you think necessary. The person served with a subpoena (vith the exceptions mentioned hereafter) will be entitled to his witness fees according to the Division Court scales, which are as follows :— 75 cents per day in Court, and 10 cents per mile travelling expenses, or Railway fare actually naid. You need not, however, pay the fees if the person served is a person complaining of the lists or is a person in respect of the insertion or omisaiun of whose name upon the list the complaint ia made, provided he be resident within the municipality the list of which is the subject of complaint, or within the municipality in which the Court is held. On the day appointed by the judge for hearing the com- plaints, attend with your evidence prepared. It will be well also to be ready to prove the service of your subptenas, (by the party who served them) with a view to hrtving the hearing adjourned or the vote struck oflf should the witnesses disobey the subpoena. If any Appellant or complainant entitled to appeal, dies or abandons his appeal or complaint, or having been on the alphabetical list made and posted by the Clerk, is after- wards not found entitled to be art appellant, the Judge may if he thinks proper, allow any other person who might have been an appellant or complainant, to intervene and prosecute such appeal or complaint upon such terms as the Judge may think just. (H. S. 0., c. 9, sec. 19.) «w Re-revision of 1877 Voters' Lists. *©» By the " Voters Lists Finality Act" (41 Vic. c 21). The Voters Lists of 1877 may be revised by the County Judge, except as to cases where the right to vote had been inquir- ed into and "expressly decided" by such County Judge. All Appeals in respect to the Voters List of 1877 must BE MADE ON OR BEFORE THE 15th May, 1878, and in the manner and form provided by the Revised Statute of On- tario respecting Voters Lists, chapter 9, and explained above, pages 3, 4, 5 and 6. Persons who may be struck off the Voters' Lists. In addition to tht? Tkersons under the 1? classes on pages 4 and 5, the following persons, although entered upon the Assessment Roll and Voters' List, may be found not V \ I! qualitiod to vote, and may be struck off on a revision of the Voters' List by the County Judge on the following grounds : {a) Voters on Real Property. (I.) No bona fide title or interest in the real property, giving up possession or removing frou' (if tenant or occu- pant), or selling (if owner) th« assessed property hejore Uu date of the. Jinal Revision of the Assessment Roll. (2.) Property not of the value Assessed. (3.) Joint ownership, or joint tenancy, or joint occu- pancy with some other person, named or not named on the Roll or Voters List, when the real property is not assessed at a sufficient amount to give a qualification to each per- son interested therein, i.e., in Townships, ^400 for two, or 1600 for three, etc. (4. ) Ceasing to be owner, tenant or occupant of such real property. By giving up possession, or selling ajter the final revision of the Assessment Roll, and removing from the Constituency . {b) Voters in Respect of Income. (1.) Not in receipt of a bona fide income to the amount of 1400 at, and for the twelve months prior to the date of the final revision of the Assessment Roll. (2. ) Not being assessed for Income of not less than $400 on the lust revised Assessment KoU. (3. ) Non-residence in the Municipality (City, Town, Village, or Township) where assessed for Income, at the date of the final revision of the Assessment Roll. (4.) Non-payment of Municipal Taxes, prior to the period prescribed by law. (c) Farmers' Sons. (1.) That the father or mother or step-father of the farmer's son was not oivner and actual occupant of the real property assessed. 10 (2.) That he is not a son, or step-son, of such owner. (8.) That the property is not assessed at sufficient amount to give the father (or mother or step-father) and sons and other joint owners the requisite (^200 in Town- ships) qualification to each. (4.) Non-residence on the assessed property for twelve months before the date of the assessor's return of the Roll. (5. ) Non-residence in the Conslituency. Final Revision of the Assessment Roll. The date of the final revision of the Assessment Roll may be ascertained from the foUowing rules :— l8t. In cities, towns, townships and villages (when no By-iaw is passed), (a) If no Appeals to the Cmrt of Re" vmon~on the day the Court finally passes the Roll as certified by the Clerk, {b) //there arc Appeals to the Court of Revision, but tw Appeals to the Cmnty Judge— on the 6th day of July, (c) If there are Appeals to the County Judge from decisions of the Cour: of Prevision— on the day the County Judge finally decides such Appeals. If the County Council has passed a By-law for taking the Assessment in towns, townships and viUages between the Istdayof February and the Ist day of July in each year, the above dates will not apply. 2nd. In cities and separated towns (where a By-law is passed . ) (a) If no Appeals to the Court of Revision— on the day the Court finally passes the Roll as certified by the Clerk, (b) r/tf^^re are Appeals to the Court of Revision, but no Appeals to the County Judge—on 21st November. («) If there are Appeals to the County Judge— on the day the County Judge finaUy decides such Appeals. In any City or separated Town which has pased By-laws altering the statutory period for taking the assessment, then the Assessor J are to make up the Assessment Rolls between 11 the Ist July and 30th September. The Roll is to be re- turned to the Clerk on the Ist October. Appeals to the Court of Revision are to be made within 14 days after such ist October, i.e., on or before Oct. 15th, and the Court of Revision must close on the 15th November, and the County Judge must complete his final revision by the 31st Dec- ember. Form 4. — (Section^, Sub-sec. S.) Voter's Notice ok Complaint on GtRound of Dis- qualification, To the Clerk of the Municipality of the Town of I, A' _^us Bell, a voter (or "a person entitled to be a voter") in the said Municipality (or "for the Electoral District in which the Municipality is situated "), complain that the name of John Jack is wrongly entered in the Voters' List for the said Municipality, he being a person disqualified under the section of " The Election Act ;" And take notice that I intend to apply to the Judge in respect thereof, in pursuance of the statute in that behalf. Dated the 't * day of 18 Anous Bell. Residence — Township of York: Form 5.— (Section 8, Sub-sec. 3.) Notice and Application by Voter to whom person assessed has transferred property. To the Clerk of the Municipality of the Town of I, Luke Doran, a person entitled to be a voter in the said Municipality, complain that the name of Peter Short is wrongly inserted in the Voters* List for the said Munici- 12 of the same") • AndS« w' 1*^.*I ^ ^"^ '» possession the Judge to have mt nf J?« '!' *^^* ^ ^"*«^d to apply to stead of the said L^J S? f ^"*^''^ °^ *^e «aid List, in- the statute iXfbehfu' ^""''""* *" *^^ provisions of Bated the day of 18 LUKK DORAX. Form 5\~a. -(Section 8, Sub-sec. 4.) Notice and Application by a Pkrson undkr 21 vkabs OF AOE. To the Clerk of the Municipality of the V*ote^8'ii;t^TlThPX*" ^^""^ "^y "^°^« ^'^tered on years on the dav of 1 J ^® f twenty-one the case may he\ mironanf +« u''^ "iLome 01 $ ^^ the Fo... L^^J,?rSd thif -^^^^^^^ ^t"f*"" *^' 18 ■ (Signed by the applicant.) ^ Notice and APPLicAnoN by a Farmer's Son. To the Clerk of the Municipality of I. F. A. H., hei-eby apply to have my name entered on 18 the Voters' List for the Municipality of on the fnder th« 5* ^ ^"^ ^Farmer's son. entitled to be assessed under the Assessment Act, m respect of the following pro- fJVf%Z'^K ■'> P"^«"an* *o sub-section 5 of section 8 of the Voters List Act. Dated this day of 18 . (Signed by the applicant.) Form ^.—{Section 9.) Voter's Notice of Complaint. To the Clerk of the Municipality of the Town of vnl^y^nT ^^''t\ V^^f^Ll^^ /'person entitled to be a voter ) for the Electoral District of , in which the said Municipality is situated, complain {state the names of n^JZT/ *" r^^mttowhom complaint is made, and the grcnmdof complaint touching each person respectively -or set forth tnlisis as follows, van,ing according to circum- ,^nces), that the several persons whose names are set forTh m the subjoined list No. 1 are entitled to be voters in the said Municipality, as shown in said list, but are wroL! fully omitted from the Voters' List : That the Several persons whose names are mentioned, in the first colum-i of Voters' ^L?.f ''* ?"' ^ ^'^ ^-^^^^ ''^^^ ^^ ^^e sa'd .voters l.ist, as shown in said list No. 2 :— That the several persons whose names are set forth ih the first column of the subjoined list No. 3 are wrongfuUy nserted T wVt'? J^*""^ ^^«*' ^ «^«^« i« «aid fist No 3 _ ni'rf V fn ^'^ w '''T l"" *^« description of the pro- party m respect to which the names respectively are sTo^l^i, the Voters' List (or stating other errJ.). Is I inTI^V^^ subjoined hat No. 4 :-And take notice, that I intend to apply to the Judge in respect thereof, pursuant to the statute m that behalf. F"»«"an» Dated the day of 18 James Smith, Residence— Township of Beby. 14 Lists of Complaints mentimed in the above Notice oj Com.. plaints. List No. 1 (shewinff Voters vmrngfully omitted from the Voters Li$t.) N AMB8 OF PERSONS. »R0UND8 f N WHICH THEY ARK ENTITLED TO BB ON THE voters' list. James Tupper, Simon Beauclerk. Tenant fo John Praser, of N. i lot 1, 2nd Con Angus Blain i P'^"®'" '.^'*^*'' ^' ^' i '«>* «. ?» 8th Con Angus main Assessed too low-property worth $ LiSTNo. 2 (shewing voters wrongly named in Voters' List ) NAMES OF PERSONS. | POLLING 8UB- I . LlVISION. ''*?L°'' r"* '«'»««» '» 8TATE- I-lBT I JiBNT UPON VOTERS' LIST. Joshua Townsend.. John HcBean S. Connell 2 4 3 1 1 2 Should be Joseph Town- send. Should be John Mc- Bean the younger. Should be Simon O'Con nell. List No. ? {shewing persor.s wrongfully inserted in the Voters' List. I NAMES OF PERSONS. POLLING SUB- DIVISION. I STATEMENT WHY WllONO- PART OK FutLY INSERTED IN LIST. I VOTERS' LIST. Peter White.. John May David Walters. 4 3 3 1 2 2 Died before final revision of roll. Tenancy expired ~ left the countrv. -— ■wj.T.Tta luu High — pro- perty worth under f 16 LwtNo. ^ (»h»wingvoUr» tohose property i« erroneoutly deterihed in Voters' List, He.) NAM88 OF PBR80MB. Stephen Washburn Thomas Gordon.... Ronald Blue ERRORS IN RK8PICT TO PROPBRTY OR OTHIRWISI 8TATBD. Name should be in Sub- division No. 2. Property should be W. A lot 7, in 3rd Con. Should be described as owner, not tenant. The above instinction s are only intended to serve as a general Guide to OflScers of Reform As8ociation.s. G. R. PATTULLO, Sec'y Reform AMociation o/Onttario Toronto, April 22nd, 1878.