- I •- • • eiHiVi Microfiche • Series ; (Mondgraplis) ^■'•iS^-^ ' / . , f. :*■ :. / ICMH Coliectiori de microfiches (monographies) 1' 4: Cansllian InstHuM for Historical MIcroroproductions /bittitat canadion da microraproductions Mstoriquaa ■•-■ ■ ■ ■/ :■. , ', . ■ ■■ ■ ' . ' ^ " -^ ■ ■ - ' ■ . - ^ ••» • 'i^ ■' ^ ^r k 1 •-: 1 w. ■ / .^ '■ The ImtitMt* hM atMnipMl to dktiM tfM c0^awii(ablaforfilMiiit. FaMMrMoftMs Of OM MNipN HV lIMi. f«pnMIIS1Nin« w* wfi^Mt tttntfiiMltlV ChMp llli.llMMl UMllMi off □ ColoM(«d eowm/ CoMvirtur* dt eoulwir ^M^^f Oi^^w ^OT^ ■ ./ riquM QCovtri dMnifid/ COMMrfllM □ Covfrt rtttorad MMl/or taminalMl/ CouMTtura rwiMfte tt/oi^paiHMllo p~*-| Covar titit minlnt/ I I U tHra 4i eomamm (Coiomml □ Cotoorad ink (U. otfiw thao Mm or Mack)/ (ncn da coulaiir (U. a*** «*t Mtna oo noiia) □ CokHiiad plalai and/br illustratioiMA jNaiWlMt at/ou iNustratioiA an eoolattr ' D Bound wMi othar matariai/ RalM a«ae d!a««rat ( Tight bindinfl may cauM iliodom or dkrtortioii alone intarior inar|in' La raliiini tarrla paut ca mar da I'ombra oo da la dittorsion la long da la marta 4nfiriMn« . ' ■ «> ■ ' ' ■ ■ ■ Blank laayat addad during railoratioii may appaar witllin tna taxt< Wnansvar poMiMa, UMMa liava baan omittad from f ikninf/ ^ II sa paut qua cartaiOM pogM Manehai ajoutlai km d'una rattauration apparaknant dan* la taxti, mait, hinqua eila^Atait poMibi*. caipagM n'ont ' pninfcfilmiat; D imunn a nhpioiniim iv inaiiMiir'VipaniiPwiiw i kiiaAlii i'il qui paownl wodiltai ■M -^— tfl^^MA^M ^ak^i# l^^k^m^^A^ V9 vllfflMipv SUiSl mMI^OTV m □ Colourad pagai/ Ngaadai r^ flHN rattorod and^ Htm rastaurAaa at/ou paNi rv|pi oimMowrav* vimmo or iomjo/ n EShowrthrough/ Trampofanoa Quality, of print varias/ Quali^ i n tpda da I'iniprttsion □ Centinuoui pagtaiation/ Pagination continuf *^ □ lncMdatindaK(a«)/. Comprand un (dM) indax TitIt on haadar takan ffrom: / La titra da I'an-Uta proyiant: Titlapagiofinua/ . Pma da titra da ia/li^^oiton □ Captktnof ritiadad* a depart da lair Thi« Ca ^lox- Additionaleomnianti:/ Wrlnklid page Conunantairafl tupplimantairat: is flknad at tha raduetkm ratio diackad balow/ Mt fikni au taux da rMuetion indiqui Ci-datsoM. 1 4X- ' iix Q4nftrk|ua (pir i odkpiat) da la livraiion aay fllii slif^tly out of focus,. •^ 123r ~2«r SQV 12X • IfX aox 24X 2tX ■** ;■;, -ii^ • ■ * iV<.' ■■*■' 32X ■ Tilt 00^ ftkiMtf hm9 htt bMO rt|iroduo«d thanfct t» IIW gMMTOSitV of I ^tropoU.tan Toronto Rofirtnco Ubrfry : ; BoldMin Room v Tho Imagot appMring h«»« ■?• t^ b«tt quality'' '^ poaalMa aonaWarins tha aonditlon an4 taglbllity of tha arigtiMd aopv and in Icaaping with tha fHmint aontraot apaalfiaationa. OHolnal eaplaa in printatf papar oovara ara fHmad baginnlng with tha front aavar and andihg on tha laat pao« with a printad or iiluttratad Imprat- aion. or tha baelt eovar whan appropriata. All othar oriflinal eoplaa aifa fi|mad haginnino en tha firat pa«a with a prin^d or inuitratad inipraa* aion, and anding on tha laat paga with a printad or iiiuatratad impraaaion. Tha laat laeordad fniina on aaoh mlardfloha " ^^afwll oontain tha aymboi— »> (maaning "CON' TtNUlO"), or tha aymboi ▼ (maaninf "END'X Miiohavar appllaa. Atopa. plataa, oharta, ato., may ba fiimad at ^ diffarant raduotion ratioa. Thoaa.too iaroato ba antlfaly inaludad m ona anpoaura ara filmad booinning in tha uppar lift hand eornar. laft to right and top to bottom, aa many framat as raquirM. Tha following diagrama illuitrata tha mathod: , , L'axamplaira fUm« fut raprodult griaa * la tt«naroait« da: ^ Matropolttan Tbi^to Ha faranca Library Baldkfin Itoop Ua imagaa auh^antaa ont M raproduitaa avaa la plus grand aoln, eompta tahu da la eondltion at da la nattat« da raKampfoira film*, at an aonformlta ttvo iaa eonditiona du aontrat da filmaga. \ L*a anampiairaa originauii donrfa aotivartura ah } paplar aat Imprimiiraant fiimtfa an oomman«ant ^ par la pramlar plat at an tarminant soit par la darniara paga qui compoita una amprainta d'impraaaion ou d'illua|ration. abit par la aaeond plat, aalon la eaa. ToiTa Iaa aut^as akamplairaa originauii aont filmla an aomihanaant par la prami*ra paga qui eomporta lina amprainta v d'impraaaion ou dliluatratlon ^ an'tarminant par la darni«ra paga qui eomporta^ una talla ompralnta. \)i^ daajiymboiaa auKran^ appitattra aur la darnlAra imaga da chaqua mlorofloha. aalon 1%, oaa: la aymbola -^ algnifia "aTsUIVI^E". la aymbola ▼ ai^nifia "flN". ■ ' ■' ■ ■.■"-■ ■ . -■• ' ■ . . ^■, Laa cartaa. planchaa/tabiaauK^ato;, pauvant Atra filmia A daa tpux da rAduotion diff«cantf . ioraqua la doioifmaht aat trap grand' pour Atra raprodult an un aaul ellohA. II abt f HmA A partir da I'angia aupAriaar gaucha. dalgaucha A drolta, at da haut anbaa, an pra;nant la hombrA ^ d'Imagaa nAopaaaira. Lar diagramm'aa auivariti illuatrant i« mAthoda. «*..^ •*•*■>« 1 - 2 f ■.y ■ .'"■- v^*.. ■■'' ;' ■ 3 • i ■ ■ ■■■ ' ■■>■■ J"'- ■ v. 6 ' MMMOOn'/'MMMItlON /Wf CNAIf ■ / i /■ • ■ "* (ANSI ynd (so TEST 9MIT No. 3) / /. vV ' : /■ i^- fc- ♦ / 'Sk^4t s'i m:^XB(- ^mi^'Ste ' ^ }!'■ ■' txx>i '- K-i^^ ! ^^s - e^tfdc ' ^^ - t"'»:^T''C^'C'"» ' ^«:?'Byn ^■^^"T^ v i-j"i:!5r^r- ^wj i yr"^ i- M t V>fc ' & : ;v ' i"'* ' ifl r "V wO^, ,\ ./■ i^- Si 9 *■ ♦ TES' I>B. J. B. 050VER, iit RICH AEI? MCiTGOMERY/, \ ■ I I Military OmiH (Um^ ASSASSINATIOlf OF PSallDEND LINCOLN, :4 Jit .^. . ili iaq^' THE PROOra DISPBOnNO JpBIR STATEMENTS. AN^HOWING THEII PERJURIES. ?*^ *.' t tdi .%' ■■."?« PBIinraO BT LOYBLIr ft fin||[OirOB SflBBT, .•V '¥:ri i ^iiV-Vft .« 'f l' / r ./ IT ' :■ '\ : \ > I m ♦ ■-■:,. -'■'"] ^■. ' t / — - i *^ *■ • r* <4 • * . >. -■; .,..;;, _._ ■•-% •_ s ,A^^ ■ 3^" • • %. ■ it^WliSltM^^mKtBillftUUSM ^■MHI^ ^-i^?^ |B||||jm|fe * ffl "- -^/V j^ . ^ , ' » '< Wr^'-^'^^ SBi^BBBRC^^^^^^^ t f ^ . i,.:^ ' i SANDFORD CONOVBB, ALIAS JAMES I ■ . WATSON WALLACE. . lUa ,p«iion, who«e real name •ppMurp. to b« OIuvIm Danluuoa, tMtifl«d ti^M befora th« MilitMry OommlHioii At Wuhiagton ; onoe in the om» of the Bi, AlbuM nidan at MonttMl, and again bj an eat parU aflida?it mad* at MontnaL Hit itatvinenii made on theae oooMdona mider o«th, and • letter writtfai to Ogl. Jacob Thompaon, dated March 90» I860, will appear in the following pagea, all oontradieting one another, and hi* teltimony oontradiot- ed alao by the proob taken in Canada. The f o|lo«riag ia a report of hia teatimony before the Military Oommiarion aa reported in the New York T'tiM*; ' » . k ■ : t TESTIMONY OF SANDFOBD CONQTEE. ' 8«ndftird Oooorar, a wltoMi ealUd fbr the proMentiea, biAg dnly swoni, t«tia«d a> followi: Bp A$Mt*mt Mgt'Aiim U t Biiv h m -<>■— Strteyoor full name and yenr pmwt pltM of rMidenoe. A.--S«odfMa ddoorar, If ootntd, Oinadtt Q.— How long h»T« yoo r^ded in IMtreal t A<--8iiM« Oetobar last Q.»SUte where yoa rcilded prerioae to going to Canada. A>— I resided a dioH iime in Bdtlmore. ' Cp-8li^ whether yon redded fbrlher South befinre thai. A.— Tee, Sir; at Biuunond, Q>-SUU what yon n^ere dbittg al Rlehmond when ydo WIM Ibwe. A^-i wM a elerk hi the War Department fbr a tine. '< Q.— How long t A.— tTpward* 6f ei;r mdnths. (ir-v6 yoa inean the War Depaitiaeat of fbe Ooofederste Btatise OoremnenV ae itwaieaUedf A.— TefcSlrj ther^WkrWpart^aeot Q.~Who was at that time SMrMa^ of War for that «tg«iil«^ A.— Mr. Janes A.ScddoB. . . 0.— Hew did yoa eone to be fai thU nM s^rvlee I 4^I)iraa eofMMoipted and de- tidled for a eleikdiip. It was a dieap way of gettbg derka. In .the Si. AlbanaoMe'liesvirae tl^iha waa >nq«^^|dS^ie^^ niajot.to VMie a battalion } tiiat he nevw aenred^ being ino^Muitecl by «n aoddtnt and ihen kidnapped by the^Northeneri ; that he waa in Biohmond in 8ep« temb^ ISH "^ then viMted the War OepartmcHit. (jp. 17.) Q.-"8ute to the eonrt whether, when yon were In Oiuiada, yoa «iide the aeqttkib* tanee of aay of the penHini esoaeeted with the Oonfedwate esganiaatioo, as fl was called. of tebeto'frpta Sotthem BlatesI Ar-l did, and harf Aee heaa iatiaaMy eaeoeiated with then. " Q.^-Stata the ntunee of thsee with whoni yo« we^eiio wqwoM t A^-^-Oetage N. Banden^ Jaeob nonuptao, Dn Bladtamk Bnveriy. SMnn Willfaws .0. OkMy. . Iiawis Oastleman, Bar. Kr. Oanenn, Mr. Fpttsiiald, Oapt. Ibgnidcr, aod anmbir • of ethers of ^tespaotsk.' ' ■ ■ ' •■ • ■> ' •^. f^ * ■I^ t ^^^01^ ' "Mr-l > ■ 4 . '• - ■ .'f. ^^ii^Did you know Mr. Cl»in«nt 0. Clay I A.— I kn«w him. I m»y tl»o loolode CUnTFroit of MiMluippi, nod Carroll, of T«nn<«««. He donloi IhU in hU affidavit at Montreal, and it ia diaproTad by affid»TiU of pXh, Magrudor, and Carroll, (pp. 17 and 28.) O—Wara too alio aeqoalntad with any parwma who Tiaitatl th« p«raoiii namtd In Canada from Iha Unlltd ftlataal A.-I 1id«w Mr. Sorratt; I knaw Mr. Booth. o— JohnWilka. PoothI A.— Yaa, Sir. .- „ .u o u i o — fllata whathar you aaw altbar of tba paraona laat named, Booth or Burratt, in Canada mora than onca » A.-I narar aaw Booth mora than oooa. I aaw Surratton ••varal auooataiva daya. . . > < u a O-Wlth whom did you aaa th.m whan tbay wara Ihara I A.--I aaw Mr. Bur- r»tt7n a number of diya In April Uat I aaw him in Mr. Jacob Thompaon'a room. „d I aUo law him Inooipany with Mr. OMrga N. Saondara, at two or tb«optaeaa. a-Did ha paaa by tha dama of John H. Burhilll A.-8nrratt I am mil poai tiTa about hia Ant naba ; I haard him caflad Jack by loino-by Mr. Oaatlamw. o UmmIim iha DOnooal appaarMMa of Mr. Burratt t A.— Ha la a man of about n.'i'hSXti^oTSS^ SCrSLwhar. I. thanlghborhood. lri«nldjudg. -* aparo man, light oomplaalouad, with light hair ^. • _ „, 7^JLTouaayySuaawi>imlnMontraalioAprillaitf_^A.^^ _^ d_About what Uma In April waa it I A.-It waa within « w«ak baf..ra tha fto- aiaanfaaaaaaainatlon: I think about tha «th and 7th of April-aomewhera in that 7' Q^^lB wlioao oompaay WM ha at tha tima you aaw him thara » A. -I aaw him In %!^Sr..VyrrJh'SJSTho2^^ A.-I «.whimlnMr.Thomp "^ rTi^Wata whathar ha gava any aommuniaatlon to Thompaon in your praaanaa in UaVoom. and what that oftnmnnicatloo waa. A^Thara waa a coowraatfao th«ra at that timi from whlah It appaarad that Mr. Burratt had brought diapatohaa from BkfamMd to Mr. TfiompiST Tbaaa diipiOehaa wara tha a^aot of th4 eooauL UUon. He aays below that Geiv CtwoU wm pwwnt and took part in this ooiiTer- ■atidn ; «• to which he i* oontiwdioted bf Gen. CMroll'a affldant. (p. 26.) Q -Piom whom in Ridimond wora tha diapatehea brought f A.--From Mr. Ban- Jamin. and I think thara waa alao a latter in dphar from Mr Datla. I am not ao MiUre aa to tha latter, but thara waa" a letter from him, whither In oipb«' or not "^Ito you mLa« Jndah P.BanJamin, Sacratary of 8UU of tha ao oalled Confader- "^—You aay tha dlapatcbea wera tha auljaot of oonToraatioo, what did thay aay warthaauhatanoaofthadiapatehaa,flFwhardid^lhay^j«rport to bai A.^1 had aome conteraaUon ifith Mr. Thoopawi PJf'^P"'r«' ♦•»• *»Mt* «' * P'** ^'"triTr abate Mr. Lincoln ai»d b{a CaUnut, of whioh I had inforrtad the paper for which I waa correapondent, and 1 had bean infited to parUolpaU in that enterprUe. Thia pwvioos oontemtion U mcM fwUy deeoribed aftwrwaria and di^iowB^^ a— By whom had you been ao intited to parUdpate in that eaterpriaa f A.— By Mr Tho&paon ; abd ofi tbia oeeaatoo he Wd hia hand on the papeta or dupatchaa there. Mid laid thlaioak«lbe thbg all right, (raftrring to tha afaaot of the rebel authon- All these rtatementa ate donlradicted by the aflldatit of Wallaoe (or OOn- 0T«r) at MontreaL (p..l7-) O-Did they apeA^Aepawont that the rebal authorkiea had cooaanted mig^t be th^ SShM^fW rt^'l r-Y«, «r ; Mr. Lincob. Mr. Johnatoo. the Searetary of War, the Secretary of BUto and Judge Ohaae^ ^ _ ^^ a<-Did thay aay iaythhw about any of the Ocnerala? A.— And Grant QUln^harWac^w& anytUoi aaid, and if ao. what wai laid br ThonHMB "l^.y.3rtbt,eBpon the p^pte^tTflie United Statca, and their power to electa ■^ mnj alfo looludo r«U by affitUTito p«rMiit namtd in r Mr. Booth. oth or Surntt, in I Mw Surratton —I iftw Mr. Sur- Thomptoa's room, to or ibrco dImm. 1 I an DM poai- r. OaatlaniMi. la a map of about >od,Itbouliljudga Sir. •k boforo th« Pr«- »mewb«r« in that A.—Iaaw him la lim In Mr. Thomp- 1 your praoanoa in DvaraatMla thara at it diapatohaa from loot of Qti eooauK iTt iQ this ootoTw* lavit. (p. 26.) k.— From Mr. B«a- avia. I am not ao in oiphor or not w OMled Oonfader- what 4id (hay afty o bafv A^I hud ; of • plot to aaaaa- paper, for whicb 1 interpriie. vb and digpioreA. iterpriaat A.— By or oiapatohaa there, ItheTCbelauthorH Wattaoe (or 00n< utd oonaeated mi^^t wtoo, (be Sametary Lad Grant llaidbT ThoBpaon Ltloa of the offiaata > air power to alaeta Prwridanll A.-¥r. Tbompwm aald oa that ocanaioa (I thiajt I am not ao poaitlTe that it waa upon that ooomIoo), but ha did .ay on tha day h»(m* tha InUrfiaw of wbleh I iitaalc. that it would laa»«j tha gofaminaot •ollr«ly without a haad; and •^ • ■ * " ' Mlitatlun of lh« Uiiltml Hutat by whiah they oonld jed #«ra put out of tba.way- amber of the OaMoat waa named in that ooaneetioa, proval (Vom Uichmond » A — No, further than thia, »., .. .... — , »...w, .jompaon aaid it waa not worth while to kill him, ha waa of no conaequenoe ; that waa the remark thai waa made at the time. . Q.— You lUted there waa a laUer in eipher ttom Daf la, aa well aa the diapateh of Saorctary Ilenjamio f A.— Tee,|Blr. <^— 'Waa tlie aubataoce of the rally. ((.—In oooneeiioo with the dla| atah I there waa no prorlaion in tha aleet another Pretidcnt If theMi Q.— Stale whether any other touohlng the diapatchea and tha Mr. Wella waa named, but Mr. etter of Daria alio apoken^of I A.— No, only ftne- A^Tea. ^-WaVan? otbar aut^eel meijUoned f A.- Yea ; If I may bo allowed, I will ataU A.— In February my Aral InUrTiew on that aabjaei , , . Q.— When waa your flrat iatef^iaw with him on thataubjaoti Wallaoa (orOonorer) to OqI. J. Thompson pro- Water Worka, and dated 20th of Mareh, l666, aoquaintad with Thompaon, and it is prored Ohadwiok, &o., that Thompaon waa not in the lat of January and the 14th ol Ifebnutfy. mii Q.— About what Uma In February t A<*» la the early part of Febroaiy, * It ia ahown by the letter of poaing to destroy the Croton that up to that date he was by the affldavita of Dennison, Montreal at any time betweei. (pp. 27, 69, flO, and 61.) Q.—Tliat waa where! Av— Tl uU was in Mr. Thompaon'a room^, in the St Law- ranoe Hall Hotel. . •. Q.-8Ute, If you pleaae. what araa aaid at that time by Mr. Tbompoon on that anb. jeot, In yourpreaeooet A.— I hid oalled on Mr. Thompaon to make some nqnirr about Ivrald whi«A bad been «>ntempkted on Q«imb!i»glr,lfew York, which had failed bceanae the United Statae Qovemmant had rebel, hs laid, " We would V»e to drop it for a Ume ; but we wiUoatoh them aaleep yet;" asd he obeerred, "There ie a better oppoHunlty, a better chanoe to immortalise youfaali; and aave your eountry 5 " 1 toW Wm I was reajhr. to do anything to aave the cduntry, and aeked him what waa to be done; be aaid, tolplay a grand Joke on Abe and Andy ; " that waa his ibna,whenbe informed me it waa to kill them, or ice ; to use hie own ezpreaaion, he aaid, " It waa only fthe killing of a tyrant waa no murder.** ig {was said at that time 00 thaaubjeotof commiaalons all hands ki blank. A.— He had eommisaions and eon* ferred one on Booth. I am not ao poaitire whether he had conferred it on l^th then or not; but he told me either then or aubacquently that Booth had been eom- miaaiooed and that cTcrybody engaged in the eoterpriaer:would be eommiaaioned ; and if It aueeeeMed or failed an 1 they caeaped to Oonada they could not be aueceefr fully claimed under the Extrad Uon Treaty. ,, ^ Q.~^tate whether you hart any peraonal knowledge of their holding theae oom* miaaiona in blank from the Oon federate Statca. A — Yea, Sir ; the cbmmlaaion con; ferred on Bennett U. Young, t le ^t Albans raider, waa given to him in bltmk. "Some of our bore are going 'opreaaion ; thia led to exjplai rather to remore them from remoTingthem from ofllce; Qj— Bute whether anythlni^ from the rebel authorities in hi that Oontradioted by Yotqig's Affidavit, (p. 69.) Q.— By whom t A.— It wsi a blank commiiuioa filled up and conferred by Mr. Clay. . I:- ' ' . Q.— What names wore attached toitaa it came into the handa of the inen from Bichmond,lf any I A.r—Jan^e8 A' Seddon, Secretary nf War. .j, * Q.— State to the court whether you aaw the commiraion youraelf. A^'—I did. Q.— At whose Instance were you called to aee it I A. — Mr. Thompaon'a. ^ \ Q.— State whether you were naked to teatify about the genuineness of Seddon'e aig< natur e , yon having b ee n a ol e rk In hi e department f — A . »-I w ai. ' y » . ^ '*. n Q..^Br wbon «trt jvt Mkad t A.— Rv Mr. Tlwamwi m4 V r. Abbell, Um Wl la Um om«, aod alto by SMidan uwl Yoong bimMll II Kpp«ws by OlMulwiok'a ftAdATil that ThotniMon did nol arrivo in Montrwl nntil noon, Uth FabmAry, ra tbatima you mat bun wiUtSorratt ; vmL. tima in February waa It that you Md (hat tubiaquant couranatiou t A.— I had MO*^ ▼arMtiona with him from day to day, almoat atary day during tba wbola of Fabruaijr, for tbit moath. Ilia provad by aiBdavita of olarKa in tha hotaLi, ia, thai Thompaon waa nol in Montrad in Fabmary until the lAlh, and by Wallaoo'a l«tt«r thai ho did not know Thontpaon bafora tha 90th of March, 1865. (pp. 27 and 60.) Q.— SUta to (ha aourt wbathar or not» on anr of thoaa oaeaiiaaa ba offiirad tou ooa of theaa eommiitiona in (hia work of tba awaMinatlon of tha Pratidcnt I A.— Ifotbing furthar than tbia, that ba auggaatad (bat I lUgbt tmmortaliaa myMlf and aara tha aountry, audio thai aamaaonnaotioo,aaid that Booth bad b«an aommlaiionad, and f vary roan irho would angiga in tha antarpriM would ba. Q.— In tbOM Bubaaquant aoofaraationa atata anything that wai said about tha axtoQl to wblah tbIa plot waa to ba oarriad —what languaga wai uiadt A.— At anothar tIma I bad a oouTaraatiott with Mr. Wm. 0. Olaary. That waa tlia day bafora or tha Mune day of tba aauMination. It ia proved by Donniaon, Chadwiok, Ae., that Oleaiy left Montreal on the 10th of April, four days before the Maaaaination, for Riviere do Loup, (more than three hundred milca from Montreal), by I* Muqnia and La Boohella that he waa at Biviera du Loup from the 11th untU the 23rd of April, (a week after the aaaaaaination), when he left for OanaAi Weat, and by a paaaport from OoL Hill, that he waa in Detroit on the i29th of April, (nine htindred nulea from Riviere du Lonp), to hold. an intenriew with Mr. Bmmona, a(pnt of the State Department of the United Statea. (pp: 68, 60 and 26.) Q.— Where at I A.^At St Lawrenaa Hall. We ware tpaakrng of tha r^oiaiog in tba Stataa over tha aurran<||ir of Laa and the aaptnra of Riobmond. and ao on, and Olaary remarkad (bat " (hay would put tba laogb op the other aide of (hair mouth in a day or two." I think (hat waa (he U)|l,tiM ivoinMooirMl kI. Ik ftppMkA i kntmr Thw»p- Itb (h« budwrit- htur«tolh«bUiik I hit f muiiM •%* ■fUr tha 09« tou UtSiimU; WhftI A.— I had «on-, tiol« of Fabruu^t Thompaon WM • ktlOT that ha p. 27 And 60.) I ofTarad you ooa It I A.— Votbing tlf Mid WT« tha mmiiaionad, and •boat tha axtant A.— At Koothar bkj bafora or tha lontteal on iha in Loup, (man ndLaBoohflUa [ April, (a w«ek i hym paaaport (nine hondred EBmmona, •gmt tdS&) I of tha r^oioiiu> d, and ao on, aail if thair mouth in okplaoa. furtbar thaa that ; waa tbat ba bad tbaweatbar. I about it t Oua Booih ▼arj wall. n\; tbat ha waa oTaafidlnre. in Oanadm while w York Jvibwu. ealdent, 700 eom- td recairad ^loat Mudeot ma hia n t-H^ujwfiBfi.(e OiUaatl A.-I did, to tha Maw York JVikmM, and that daaljaa.! I0 PJ'hIW*'*. *•; !h!J^r.\l^ad (lira mighl ba nothing lo It, a«3 did aot wUh f ba acaoa^l of pubUahieg TSla'u 'lHathar you maau to ba wnlaratood aa aaylag that J«"« •r"««»*«J^ both tha pl«. to maba a raid on OgdanatHirgh, and tha olbar tin ragard to tba aaaaa- •^nt^^l-ll^rateaaiJa^^^^^ .laUoo T A.-I dIdTt In Marab Uak and alao in f *»>ruar,, I thlok. I gaf a than, a tT51«^l I A -ItWok It WM Kout tha 1th or Htb «f April laat. aotnawbara la IbM 2 ibt^bJ^f reL\dt^iUiJt» a da,. It mi.bl ba Jbaaa tha .th o, 9.b. but It waa wIthlDfoir or fl»a day a praaading tha MaMafnatlon of iha 'ratldant a-SuU what waa aaid bV SurraO. If anythlag, ladiaaUug hIa a«i»aaUoo with tha «i^l A -Thara waa eonaldarabla aooTaraall.m 00 tha autdaet; I am unabia to jtdlr atiliihli 8».^tSd il^tJaMlar. butfrom tbawboU^oraraaUon I iofarr«l thai ba waa toTaha hIa part, wbatavar It might ba. - ^-^-^ Q -flSa wfiSar tliaobatanaa of hi- oaJTar-allop waa that ba wu ooa of Iba paf^ «»2"illheii!!t toaxaouU tha acoaplraoy on tha IVewdaut aod hia cabioat ! A.-fbal '''(^^^tTS!!^»uM»^tothlB<^f«ui\^^no^i A.-Tbatwaatha.ub. •T^f l^uKa't" ?.;ow whatbar auTtbiugwaaWld in th. MTard *<«'«~g« *ra bad with nompaoo. Otoy ind Sanaara Aiout l^ uaa of the "waaj •«> j^,^: IZTnTi if-fdoiot tfiink thar. waa. but U waa alwara wall undaratood that SSa WMpUty of monay wbara tbar. waa aoytblag to ba doo* I do not thiok I arar heard anrtUac aaid about mooay or oompanaatton at all a-^fhJnWw It waa alwayi undaraCod, do too maao U waa ap aUtad I« ;a?e^ tiSaCtSJ. mall" Dotl^A.-! do^t thlnt ^'* ^fiTJl^'^U^^. ieaobjaat Tfiara may hata baan, hot not ta my praaanoa. I tbiak there w»a noth- >1iiild8rt.^tt:'at"ri^l^ at what time ba ball Uft B[J»ood or ooti A -Tdo not remambar that ha did. but It waa a wrr few daya before. I do not f.;^ whatbar he^U^d it or whether 1 underatood it from Mr. Thompaon, or how, & tU^lJaJidtaJ wiaThJ T ^^ a Tar, dK,rt time before. II. wm juat from i^^^lTSSdal X-No. Sir Ido not Jpk I •;« .aw any of them -.ywbare. %e priaoner, Oeoige a' Ataeroth, atood npfcr «<»"J«-«»»- , ... . WUntu-vi. Sir ; I baTO no reooUeeUoo of eyar teeing hfan ; I think not. a-?S^t; that yon bad nereraaen the Maooer Payne in Oan;^ <^,^?.P^ onS. Ja PaToe. atfKl up for id«U«eeUony A^^^^ Q.l-Wban did you laaTa Riobmood to go North f A.— In Daoamber, IBBI. In the St. Albaoa caa« ka vwon hi wm in Richmond in Soptomliipir, X864. ,(p.i7.)-:: ■,■■:; \''':'v-:j/:.: .^ :'y\:; ;-■.;',. .^.- -^^ ■■ '■_ ap-DldTougoimmedUtelytoNew Yofkl A.— Yee,8ih "^ j^ ^ d-DldTouInNaw York make an arrangement to become the oorreapoodent of thrnlrihunil A.--N0, Sir : 1 oontriboled aradaawUeh were poWlahed. and my en- M^ment WM mi^ in i^ng afterwarda; the fiiet article I epnirihuted wm fmn Q.-Vm *• •rradgament made irfilew York! A—No, Sir; It wm made by ^''aLwbare wm It made f A.-It wm made io antwar to my Jret oommunlcati* ; leodoeed the iHUr Ibr putllcatlon to the Editor of the New York 2W6imk wUeh WM put ouiand I wm requeatad to coattnoe my eorreapondenee, and did ao, and ra- oaiTcd eoropenaatioa from time to time. ^ . Q.~Wbat I want to get at la, where yon were at the time /wj^Jf^^Wyjif* • eorreapflodent of die 2f{ftwM Ware yon In WaAingloo at the time yo« ttade a BhTiUteaonwlUitiieTWIiiaaMaeorrMpoodw^ ^^^'-^**'°^^-^^t^^^^j^ ^.— T |iai> haw aoon did yon go to Chmada I A.— 1 went to Panada Uat October. K Jt' ■J 8 Qw In addition to hting • corrMpoodent of tlio THftwM, were yoa in the lerTie* •ad pay of oar goTeniaent t A.'~N0k 8ir. Q-— Bare yon erer reedlved eompeoMtion or pay from our goTemment for •errlece rendered t A.— Not one eent nor promiee. Q.— Didyou ffiTeoat inOaoada— ires it generally nndentood— that yoa were a r the TVitmntr A.— Ko, Sir; it was acderstood that I was a rebel. apondentof , . „ Q^Wben yoa asked these gentlemen irlHnn you hare named iif they had itrani that jronid be fit for pablleatlon, what paper did they suppose yoa were in oorres- pondlDce with t ^L.-^I nerer aslied them for any items. They never supposed I was a oorrespoadent liar any paper, Q/-to« said something abont items for a paper f A.— I was seeking items but 1 did not ask for them; what I. however, IdhiedT hi conTcrtation/ and l^med from tfieae parUee, beeanse they soppoaed that I was a rebel, and I was in thdr eon- fidenee. ^ *^r"?"° *^*y "•'^•' '"^ ""J "■«*«» o' knowing that you were a oorrespoadent of the Tributu / A.-~1Sl9, Sir. » . * Q._Were you admitted fireely to their meetings t ^ A.— Yes, Sir ; quite so. Q.-T-And to thdr eoofidenee. too t A.— I think so, Sir; thsy may have had seerets that I am not aware of, bat I eertainly knew of a great many of thdr matters that ther intended to Inep seeret from the putdle.. Q— Wasthediselosareof the intended rdi^apoo Ogdensbargfa published in the zWftaiiir / A.— I think it was ; I contributed a fetter with information of tiiat kind inii« . ■ ■■ • . ■ *, ■ Q;— Did londerstand yon asstating to tbo courtthat yoa also communioated to the aViiMN* something of ^e plot about the assassination t Ar-Tea, Sir ; I wrote them on that subjeet. Qr-IMd yoa eommnnieate It to any one else t A.->-No one bnt to tiie IWitme and myownfiunily. Q.-^Wliat was your idea In not eommunieaUng that important mtdligenee at once to the BoyerDmentt instead of to the 2W(ihm/ A.— I sanposed that hi glTing it to the arHMoM that it amounted to the same thi iig as giving it to the fforemmeot ; I aopposed that the relations between tiie editor and proprietors of the JVUhhu and the government %rera sneb that they would lose no time m giving them faiformation on tbeaubieet, and I did not choose to have'the informatimi go tothe Kovemment di- rectly from ne : in regard to this, as in r«ard to some other secrete oF the rebels in Oanadai that I have ezpeaed. I redaested Mr. Osy, of the IHiime to give informatioa to the mvemment, and I believe he has fiirmerly done sa Q.— Too must have been aware, as a newspaper man, that if the fact was publish* edin the newspapers It would defut the opportuidty of eapturing the parties t A.— 4!ertainly so, Sir. ^ It wonid aeem here that Conovei^rematiied all winter at Montreal moxdj to pick op items f or a newapaper ; tiiat he waa to be paid only for what was pmhliahed ; that the most important items he got from the rebels were not publiabed ; that to get sach items he changed his name and pretended to be » rebel; tliatto doceive the rebels he perjured himself f or theirtwDefit in the St. Albans case ; entered into pfims for poisoning, assassinating, A^o., andwroto'a proposition to destroy the Oroton Water Works. He talked with them about the assassinaiaon of Preridentj Linooln as he would about the weather, bnt n^ected from February till April to communicate his informa- tion on that .aubject to any officer of the government. But he swears also here that be was in the e;mployment of tiie Federal Govemmeitt. ,. Q.— How many times did von see Safratt in Canada t A.— I saw Um for three or four times in encoessioa ; I think in April last , «Q.-r-In i»hoee room did you meet hhn t A.— I saw him in Mr. Jacob Thompson's room '» I also saw him in Mr. Sander's room once. Q.— Had you aDyconVersation with him personally f A.— I had. , Q.-rWhat did be say to you t A — Nothing more than speaking about Richmond, I asking )iim how it looked, and what chauges there were in it. Q. — H e never asid a n ything t o yo a , psrsonally, himself, about the intended i / raiDthaMrrtM nmt for •arrleM that yda wmnft « at I waa a rebel, they had Hema a were in oorrea- iver auppoaed I iking itenu bnt I id leiim^ from 'aa in thdr coo* eorreipoadent of qnlteao. have had aeerela hdr mattera that Snbliihedinthe on of that kinf imonioi^d to the ir; IirrotetlieiB the iWiwM and 4 elllffenee at onee lat m giTusg it to ) MTemmeat; I mfruMandthe I bfommtiooon I ffOTemment di- orthe rebeli in gire informaUoa raet vaa pnUiah: ■ ng the parties t iontreal meidy y for what was rebeb were not pretended to be theirlMBefit in Minating, &fi.y ka. He talked iroald about the kte hia inf onna- 1m BweatBabo Jit.,^ iiim for three or Mob Tlwmpeo&'a ibont RicfamoDd, eintwded aination t A.<— Ko^ Sir: only what waa nUd in Mr. Tbompaon'^ room ; I m* intro- dneed to him by Mr. Sander^ ; that waa the flrat I had acea of higs. * Q.— Since yon learped of the aaaaarinatioOt to whom did you communicate your preriooa knowledge of it I A.— To the THImm people, Q.— Pidyongoin CanaiJabT thenameofSandfordOonoTer? A.— Ko, Sir. Q.— What name did yoago Vf there t A.— Jamea Wataon 'Wallace. Q.— Fix the precise date, if you can, when you met Mr. Surratt at Mr. Thompson's room t A f-l eonld not lay wlUiin two or three days ; I think it might have been the ftbor 8th or 9th of April. Q.— On or about that time t A.— Tea, Sir ; it waa near that time. Q.-»Did yon learn anything while in Oaaada of the attempt to fire the city of New Torkr A.-^Tes, Sir ; I heard the matter disenssed. Q.— Sid you eonimuDicate that intelligence to any one t . A.— I knew nothing of it nntil alter the attempt had be«in made. il9^ ^r-iln representing yourself to those parties aa being lUpBd rebel and being in eonfidenoe, were yon ever charged witbthe cancuUoo of any plot or project of |hein t A.->No, Sir. \ . ^ ___ Q.— or any description I A.— Tes, I waa expected ta 4. — ^You neTsr re««iTed any pay from our goTernment or frtm the ao>eaUed Ooa> federat* OoTcmment, since you were in Canadal A. — ^No, Sir, from no one except ' the New Tork 7H6Mii«. Q/r-Did yon aign your name to your articles iririh^TViftun* that were published f A.— No, Sir. ' i H^.*-NOt Sir, none at all : it waa not deurAble to the pnb- Q.— Gare n1ans. Q.— Were you present at any meeting in wlueh a letter from Mr. Davis was read t iu— No; not when it waa read; those letters were all in cypher, and I merely heard the snbstanee of them repeated. ^ Q.->Ton spoke of Mr. lampoon's laying his hand upon some letters and saying ijbat made it all right t A.— TltiC referred to the cBspatdiea from Richmond bronght qr Surratt * Q.-'Tbiit was in April, waa it nott ilL— -Yes, Sir ; it waa in April ; I bad previous. ly aaked Mr. Thoi thompaon diat it wai not mardartoUll atyrantf A.— Te^Sir; kaaald ttiMkni- iDK a tTrwit, in anefa a eaaa, wu no mnrdcir, and ba atltad ma at tba aama tiaa if I bid OTor read tba work anOtltd, '•'Killing too Mardar," a lattar addraaaad bj Qol. Titna to 01iT*r CromwalL . -- . ..u . . . Q.— In wbat eonTanation waa it tbat Jacob Tbompaon mode tua of tbat axpraaaion I A>~Tliat «aa in tha oonraraation in Fabraary. > . - " qt— Waaitin tbatoonfaraation ba oamad tba Gabinat offieara andotbara tbat vara to ba tba fiotima bf tb)a eont^ai 1 A.~-tai, Sir; it waa at tbat tima. Mr. am' lin waa alio tQbaT0 baan iMmd, ■ 7- - . -.'.■■ L^anuDg in Febrouy iM th9 Maaiuiiaabn might be attain]^ before the 4tb of Mitvdi^ the.witneaa waa not in nrgeni haste to warn the goTenuneiit even when he found the TtUmnt people treated his stoiy as apochryphal I Q.—^ J3 0. ■ ' *^tiu CbMrt— Q— How did you come fhmi Wchiiond f A.— I rap the blockade ; I walked it moat of the way ; I rode in the aara to BanoTar Jonetloo, and fk»m there Q.— By way of the Potbmae I A.— I eama up through SnickerriUe to Charlestoo. Vs.. and from there tqdpiurper'a Ferry, and ao on. , . . . . ^. ^ O—Aa I uAdarstanTyoa, you said you saw those Uaak eommiaaiona that were aignad by Saddon. Sacratatr of War, to beglTaa to the peraooa that ware cojiag^ the aasa^natioa'of the Frssidant and 0(#tet4 A.— I saw eomn^ssions after thegr bad been aUed. ' .-• ^ .^■■f:w^v;.-\--..-.>> v.;: ;-^. ;■■■■■ ■■-■■;; Q^In Oanadat A.— Yes, Sr. | ^ ■■^■^- *__ »!j™..-.4 • Q.— Did jou se^ bow much of them was Mwik whan they eame firom BicInnoiMl I Aj—Tb«f were aUMank bat ibe rignatarei. ^ Q.--^«s there ntf gradaa of rank on them I A.— Ko^ Sir; that was put in by the aaentsfliemselTaai&ycwifeTed these eommisdonssAplaasara. .. , ' Q.— Did Tou uhdentand tbit theae oommiidomwere tobe givoinpoa their «igag- ing in this d&ir 88 a sort of eotar in the ease ; TO^ere te begi9@ fV^J^^^f^ guing in this afhir as a sort of eOTcr in case theywere taken, ••."»* "^T'J"^'? golta^e army foUowing it! A.^I« was a eore^io tUt in^ ^^i*^ S^ liey ooald dalm that thef were reb^tspldiers. and would tberrfore ^hT «» «^. «' ^ *^f SKS of a con^ t Did yon iinderstand that! A.— That I do not know, bat they took theoathofoffiee, IsuppoacorwhateTerit^^htbecaUed, Bfi Mr. «•»•— Q^Were Oicse commjisicos to be eooferred priocipally as a re* ■ _L for c arrying out th e asiaMinstioapi«i» < ^«fJ« "J »[*»»*• *"**ny^ i^^ ^ere pnwacutid ob the border ! A.— 1<> wi* to enrijle the paiUaa apon whom tbe^ ; bat I knaw «f niUitlMMrclMte id, M • fri«nd of annrertooneof rk of Mr. Jaadb ^ Mid tdMUn- e uune tin* if I dre«p«d bjr Qo\, Uwt ocpreMion t otban that vera ima. Mr. Ham' bafora tha Sth of ' '/ " . . fM.htioi6i!b.B le goTemmeBt ^ochryplial ! ■ so In February t tha Seeretary of IimoId. Ih tho ezcaptioB pliMa. ha rab4 aanrioa. a yon a na^at -Naar OolnmUi*> m tha bloakade ; , and Anm thara loto CharleBton, isiom that wara wara angagad in ■iont afMr ^h^f fiom Bidunoodl raa put in by tba . i|iOii their angag- @ nwMi th(3r aa- faat fibey wara to BTwafw'dataetad daitt to ba traftt* trotaetad aa mdb 1 aatbay engaged by tba obUgatwO w, bnt thay took incipally as a ra* a entarprisea ttat npoo ^i^/m tba^ ' \ '•^w^rty^Vo "'■*' ' u waraeooferradtoact offlqlally.and aat aa4rtlRriSWIar, and be proteatad aj euah ''S!!oJ;&Th."a^? te-anytWng b«t raid, on Iha border! -niey aould noti. paet an sManin to K protected by a oonuniMton. I euppoaa f A.— It was not mnnMr. \T^n.'SiiiTth"eli;'S«n.l,.ion. 1«^^ M.re«e.to tha ".•"J-t.^J^, jaat; or embrace all le enterprtae. on the harder I A.-It embraeed the whofa of thaB»,bat I think Booth was especially tha latter part of *^_WiO.*'ih'Jm''w.. he! A.~I saw him with Sanders. I saw himat Mr. TlS^iv I ^rTm more about the St. Lwrence Hotel. He was strutting shoot the hotel dlsupating, plajring billiards, Ac Ac It is proved by th^ clerks of the Queen's Hotel that Thompson wa« never absent from Toront6i' between the 17th of October, 1864, and 16th Februaiy, 1866, except three days between tlie 31st wid 24th December, and abfoni only a few days^between the 17th Y>f July and 17th of October, 1864. By Jfr. CIb*.— Q.— Was it in Febrnarr that Mr. Thompson saf^ ha bad aAnClRad^ OMeommisaion on Booth!- A.~It wan in Februaiy. ■ . ■ _, _» ^. Q.— Can you teU what partof February! A.— It was m tha^early PVt of •FeSroary. or it might havf bean tha lattat part of January ; but I think it wae the early part of February, ;. — ^'•■ It is proved that Thompeon wto not at Montreal ai all in January nor in Februtay,Tuntil the 14th, when thar^t. Albans trial waa going ^ (P- ^) Bk the flburfc— a— Did'tha same p?J^ that planned tWs assaaaination plan the bornioe of New York and other ciUcs! %— Ido not know; I do not knw W thing&th^ ihap that I have an (pinion on ft| subject ; I presume they did. No eowt of justioe would pennil iltis sty) a—It^ your bdief that they did! A^Y«s,Sii- . . • ..^ Q.— Tlids same psrty ! A.— I have heard them tMk of pm» other entarprwa of the same ebar»at«r; soma they have nnder conuderati^noW • _,. Q.~Yo« have a knowkdga about thaflt. Albans nud K^L-Yes, Sir. - Q,—J)id they plan it! A^Tha san»« men planned it^ , . j v »i.^ Q.-^Wera the commlsttoos yon spadk of simlhur to the Oommissions issued Inr tba government to army ofliaais, or have you aeen them! JL-Ihave never saan them. a^Were they ajgned by the Fneideot as wall as the Secretary of War ! Bm AttUUmt Jmlge^AthoemU Fumsft— Q— When yon say yon have never aeen thei^ whidi eoiBBitMaos do you rtfar to! A.— United States Anpy commissions; was asked if tha eommie«ions were similar to United States srmy ««"J"SJW-. ,. . By Mr. ^it«--Q.— You referred to tha aama party in spesking of the Bt. Albans nid. WhatpartydoToomean! A.— Mr.. Thompson «ad^tendam. <^— You do not mean Sarratt and Booth !^ A.-No, Sir. „ (]|..\|f«r« theae aommiwoM "gned by Jett Davis in bhmk! A.— Mo, Sir, oy Jamea A. Seddon, Secretary of War. ^ ' Q.— Is it not the custom for the Prendant to sign them also I AHiHant-JudgfAdtoeate Bingham.'-Th^ have not lived long enough to have a onstom; " . . \u Oarrotl snd a number of otn sr lof ezamlnatioh. A.— On the trial of the St. Albaaa raidan t:ilen; ■ fc'. J / ' ^- \ ' V '«fi \ ' • ' •':^4i^\ . ■ .;. ■ . •■ / ,* offioera of tba'tfonfedartte utaj t«UiIed tbat tb« etutom wM tlut th^ r«b«l offlo«n bad lji«ir eommiiiioni ligned only by tba Reerelary of War. Sjl ths Coiirl— Q.— Areroo familiar wUb the cypher which tbe;^ bad in (bo rebel War Department f A.— no, Sir, I am not. ,, Q.— Yoqeooldnottelloneifyonaceitt Ai— I oould not. /^ -:.'•» Bjf AuUtant-Jvdgt'AJhooeatt Bingh*m,—\ aXd initruetad to nak« an Ipqalff of yon, in oonteqnenee of a queation M\ed yon by tb« Court, what oOnvenation, if any, did you bear among tbwe rebel refugees In Canada about the.baming of New York . City and other Korthenl cities f A. — ^There wet a propoiitlon before Uieir council, their junta, to destroy the Oroton dam, by which the City of New Tork is inpplied with water, and it was sopposed it.would not only damage the muiafactories, but ^istrcM the people scDerally, ererywherc i but Mr. Thotapson remarked that they 'irottld haTC plenty of force, and the whole city would soon b« destrored by a genenu/ conflagration, and without sending any Kennedy or anybody else there, apd If t had thought of this toroetima before they might nave saTCd some neelu. ^ See thia witneaa's tetter of 20th March to Thompson, propoaing to destroy the Orotoa datn, and the affidavit of Oamerop, that when he carried such a tetter to Thompson he said, "Is the man mad? -is he a fool?** gw) also affidani of Gen. OairoIL (pp. 22, 26 and 27.) Q.— When did he say that I A.— That was a few weeks ago. Q.— Who was present when he ssid thatf A^^-Mr. Thompson, Michael, Mr. Sa^^ ders, Mr. Costlemao and Oen. Carroll. Q.^Do you know of anytbiiic[ beiog sidd between those psrties or any others of the same man you bare named ill regard t to4o nothing^in violation of the laws of Canada or the nentnlity tews. It i^fs^^tr^-^ . >th^r«b«l offlo«n f had in (ho rtb«l .,/>. , •..<«, . ■'" ak« iui Igqniff of iTemtion, if uy, ling of N«w York , ifort Uieir couneil, ' Tork (■ inpplitd ■uuiafactoriM, but narked that they 'oted by a generu there, apd If elu. KNung todi ke oarridd aj fool?"^ alao Sliehaei, Mr. San- I or any othere of laatyeart A.— I I eonoealed there, leago, lome eight k.— Releasing the died it, or Oamp called it J^amp oek. t in aome jndiei^ u been^made to b elothn infected ag t^ postilepee he Dr. Blftokbnm liotti yon referred Jacob Thompaon, IthgUy. Ilia Dr. sllaekbam Banders^ (aon of i.'^O. Oleary. i,th him; atao Mr. ere and known aa iraa aaid to be an tmong theie men Jnited States, and ikburn employing ia;t Col. Thomp" rith inBtniBtionw ':r >'-''.'. ' - 0-'V':\ ''^..^ ■■■•'■♦ ^ iinot known or believed that the Confederate goreriiment had any other ■geiit in Canada except Mr. C. C. CUy, and (for a Aoti time and for a ape- dfio purpose) Prof. Holcomb. Mr. Clea^ had an official positi'oii nnder Col. Thompion »B his Secretaiy. I^oept mflitary or naval officera, author- ized only aeoording to the purport of their oomutiaaionB, it ie not probajitle ' that there were any other agei^a ever in Canada. Q.--Name the person. A.— Mr. John Oaracron, for the purpoae of taking charge of goods and bringing them to the cities of New-York, Philadelphia tad Washington, as I understood. Thia i» contnidicted by Cameron's affidavit, (p. 22.) Q^Yon mean goods infected with yellow fever! A.-*Yes, Sir; I heard Dr. Blaokbnm say that about a year before that time ho had endeavored t* introduce the vellow l^ver in New-York, but for roOsons, Which 1 do not remember, failed : he went from Montreal, about a year ago hut January, ifi Bermuda, or some of the West India Islands, for the ezpresa purpooo of aitendlDg eases of yellow fever, ooUooting faifected clothing, and Bo on, and forwarding it to New.York, but, for some reason, the s^cme fkiled. . . . . ,-. . »'~v i j' Q.— Did you learn on his return, in the course of these oonsultationo. what be bad done, and what had interfered, if anythinB bad, to lead to a failure of the enterprise I ■ A.— I have seen Wm, but toot to speak to him, since his return. . Qw^Was Jacob Thompson present at those consultations t A.— On one oeeaslon, I rlmember, Jacob Thompson and Mr. Oleary, tad I think also Lewis Sanders: Q.— wm you state whether or not they were concerned in the •ntofprtoe of^ Dr. Blaekbam btroduclDg the pestilence In the manner mentioned ? A.— Yes, Sir ; they all favored it, and were all very mneh intorested In this, until it was proposed to destroy the Oroton dam, and Dr. Blackburn proposed ]to' p(^ w« r«««wolra. *nd made a cslculatlonof the amount of thcpojsonons matter It would take to impregnate the water so far as^to render an ordinary draught poisonous and deadly. ^ a— Had he taken the measure of the aqueduct so as to ascertain what amount woSd be reqdred I A.»-He had the capadiy of tlie reservoirs, the amount of water Q.— Wastho kind of poison he proposed to use mentioned t A.--8tryohnine, arqenie and adda, pruisie add, and a number of others which I do not remember. Q.^Did he or not regard the scheme •» » feasible ope I A.— Yes. Mr. Tbomp- oonT however, feared it would be Impossible to collect so large a quantity of poisons witiiout exciUng auspieion, and leading to the detection of parties; but vwhether the scheme has beeS abandoned or not, I & not know. So far aa the blowing up cf the dam is coocemadi it has not been. ;, „ . . i ^i. 4.. Q.— Will you etete whether or not Jaeob Thompson fully' approbated the entet- prise if practicable I A.— Yes; Sir. ,. Q.— Discussed it folly! A.— YeB,Bir, . . , ., , .,.,JL».,«m Q.— Did the other person whom you have- named also discuss and approve tti A.— Mr. LewU Bandera and Mr. Cleaty, 1 remember very woU, did. _.,„«, Q.-;When was thwmatter discuMwd ! In January hut: I have heard it spoken of sinee.:' ■ ' , ' ■,■ . r It is dwffly proved that neither Thofmpson nor Cleary was at Montreal in January and that Conover (or Walla«e) did not know Thompson at aU before 20th March, 1865. See affidavits^of the hotel darks and Wallace's l^^tev to Thompson of 20th March. Q^Among the same persons! A.^Wid» the excepttop of Dr. Blackbprn ; jt vraa spoken of by a Mr. Montreu A. Palldn, of Uiaatssippi ; also a rebel wjw had been a medical purveyor in the.rebelarmyi ^ . ' . ..• „ Ka-_ Q.— Where does the agent, John Cameron, of whom yon speak " n»*jn8. ~~ employed by Dr. Blackburn for this purpose, live! A.— He hiwlived m Montreal , he declined to go, being fearful of taking the yellow fever and dying himselt ^ - 1 ktmw whether a large cprnpenaation wm offered him! A.— i«s,oir, •' x- \ '•f^^/'H vndantood br Dr. BUAbani. or bj the •gmto. I think Mr. Thompton wm th* UMDlad anot for all tll« othar agcnta. I ttiiA Uiay dl dr«w oi^ bim for what moMj tlMf rMUrad. I know that aoDM of than did. . ., . 4— Yon MT that up to tba tUna whan you left Oanada, or at iho aausalnatioD of tba Fraaident, you did not knoir wbathar th« antarprlaa for polaoning th« pcopla of tba CntT of Naw Tork had baan abaadooad or not^ by thaaa aoujpiratora t A.— N«^ Sir; 1 did not know whethar it had baan abandonad. So far aa tba daatraction of tha dam ia aonearaad, that part of tha aehema had not baan abandonad. Q^Tha oolr difflenltjr whidi Jaaob Thom|ifmi inggaatad, I nodaratood yon, waa that the Mllanion of ao laroa an aitwant of poiaon might attract attaotion to tha operation r A.— Tea, Sir : Mr. ThomtMon made a aoggeatipQ of t|iat Uitd; but Mr. Fklloa and othera thonght it eoold be mi)n»B*d in Europe. Fallan^a affidavit oontcadiQta this atory. (p. 26.) Q/i^PalloBhlmsalf iaaphyaMan,i8Jieaott A— Taa,Slr. Q.— State whethar, b oowiMtioa with thla anlerpriie for inlrodudng paatileaae into oar eitfea, yon hare heard menUonad the name of Harria an an MjnH in any wayf A.-^I do not diatinetfy remember thit I hftTe; I think I have beard him BlenttonAd; bat I have never aaaq the peraon. Q-^Have yoa'any rceolleetioo aa to where be probably reaided at that time. A.—Toranto^ t think. Q.— Ton have no knowM|g« 9f any port that ha aatoilly peribrmador aoflertook ta parform t Aw— |(r^ Bohinaon, are es^oaed in hia card. Ql—Did y«n aea tl^ia Doetor of Diviid^ in aaaoeiaUon with thoaa man of whom you have apoken. A.— I hava aeen him inth Thompadn and with Blaekbnm. Q.^Waa he or not preaentatany of theeeeoovemitloaaof wMeh yon have apoken t 'A.— Qa baa been jireaeot when aome of tMr adiemea were being dheuiaed. I do not remember whether he waa preaeat when the pn^eet for intradndftg yellow fever wns diacnaied or not ; or whether it waa propoaed to poiaoo the Orotdo water ; bat Ml one or the other of theae Meaalqa^ he waa praaenfc ~ ,— Will foa state nfhather on that oeeaaiMr he approved theaeham^f Aw— He approved eflt ; he ^iproved anytUng that eoold be dpoe wider Heaven that wbald be jnmable under the eireomataneei— that waa hia eapreeaion. 4--He1NroDoaaead that aa an eiponeot of divinity I A^Tea, Sir ; he ia n}«tad lo flw Bredptradgee of Kantadcy» rthink, Q^-tEi hef^D^rM|i^«d aa obe of the most btenae of all the traitora who have Q.— Vni apeak of unmg aeen Dr. Robinaon with Dr. Bbu^kbam and, Jacob Thjasn)* son : i; aak yon tot elate w^Uier iuf juaoeiation with thdm did not aaem to be of the aaaia fiitimate uid eonfidemfa} diaraeter whidi waa made by theae men with eadk other t---v.^They ■Vpn d«itt^.-Tea,Sir. X . . . tii^^Oa irbalb day did yon aae Urn— d)KJoa yemember. A— X thbk it waa three or fonrdays after tte aateirination. X ir daya al rWEmi Q>-rWE«^ att A~I aaw him b the atre«t Irith Mr. Fdvterfleld. ~^. Qr^Who is Mr. Porterfield t A.— Mr. PorteHbld ia a 86athem goitleuan ; not a British Bnl{{eet, t believe, ly qiedal aet of Oaniidian Flariiiuneli^ ■/•■, XXt_ bomptoft WM th* n for what inoMj kc uuMlnatioa of ling tli« people of nton t A.— N«^ deetnictioaofthe identood yon, wu )l Attention to the katlditd;batllr. [tdadng iMitile m an MgfiA in any [havrncard him led at that time. medor OD^ertoolc bat Dr. Bkekbnre mber their mmea ■ee them. Ilier* im when ho went Btkiiow. I think ith Dr. Bluekbom Dr. Stnari Bohin- -Tea, Sir ; rtiid- b,It]iUk,haara- ittwdn, with ra- lae men of whom tla«kbam« yoafaaTefpokent dheuiaed. I do dftg yellow ferer Jrotdo water; bat :hem*'f A^— He eaten that wtald 3ir;heieri}fted raitofi whobare ■d, Jaeeb ThjaBp> leem to be of t£e M men wiA eadi tionofthePrcai> link itwaathre* • y -^'-^rmu.j^p^' . Ql-^He ia flrom the South f A>^Yee,ter, be has been for loBft time a broker or a banker there ; he ia the gentleman who took charge of the St. AlbaneT phmder for the Ontario Bank, when prcmatnrely given up fay ^ndge Oonraol. 0.— He ia one of the intimate anoelatea of the Soothern traitora of w|iom jon have ap<^en t A>— Very intimltle; on the moet Intimate terma with Thompeon and Bandera. ^ Q.-^Toa think it wu three or four dftja after (h«^ aiaaMination that yon taw 8nr- ratt there t A,— Yea. Sir, it might have been three di^a ; It waa Terr toon after, Q.— Did yon learn from any aonree there when 1^ ai^Ted In CwKaak t A.— I did not : but I. leaned immediatelr aftfr that he wu raepvetM* ood that ofBoera were on bb traeic, and that he had decamped. \ Sg Mr. Jtt«n— Q.— At what time did von tay yon a«w Kr. Stirratt in Oanada after the aeMMinatioo t A.— I think it plight have been thret^or foar daya. It might haTobeenaday more or len, either way. \ . Sp tkt CtoNr/^Q.— The witncM hu mentioned in hie teatimci^ Oapi Xagmder'a .name two or three tfanea. Ia that thn Oapi Magmder who wia formerly in tho^ United Stotu NiLvy t ^— Tea, Sir. A brother of Qen. Mai^mdtr of tfie rebel army. ' , .■'..■..■ ' \ .. ''i-.' Q.--Clan yon atate the ftilLname of thia Dr. Blaekbntn yon referredioi, and'*lrhat State he ia from t A^I do not know. I think he ia from MifiiaBipfi, bat I am not enre. I do not remember hie fbll name. I do not think I ever he«rd it. Q^-Wuthereonly one Dr. Btaekbam aboutthM«t A.— Tbatiaall. Itiathe eame party who wu connected wiUi tho yellow fiter prb|eei There lenodOqM about ita Ming the one and tho eame periwn. . B]f tkt /iid^J«fvo(«|«— Q.— Will Tott auto your iyteil and where yon were boio^ and edneaUd f A.— I am 28 yeara cld, born in New York and edneated thei^ He had awpm before in the St AlbnaCi caae, and he awore aftorwarda, in the affidavit made at Montreal, thai he waa bom in Virginia, (pp. 17 tanA IS.) Q.~I updcratood yon to eUte the Other day that you were oeneeripted and fonMd into the rebel eerriee I A.^Yea,Sir. j ."■ ^ Q.— And yoto eecapod the firat momont yon had en ogportnnity f A^Yei, Sbf ; after being detfiiled u clerk in the War Department Q.— Wlir yoa ttate whether or not fhronghout you ImTe not been, in your etmvie- tione and ibeliuga, loyal to the OoTemmeot of ttie United Stateel Av^I have alwaya been so. ({.—Have you or not personal knowledge that Jefferson Davia wu the head of the so^Iled Confederate States, and wu ^led ito President, and aoted u eieh, oontraH: ing ita armiu and dTil admlhistrationl A.--It wu a matter of publlo notoriety in theoOeeeoantrolledby bim,andIsnwhimnoteasn<4i. ^ Q.— In the ^ar Department where yon were detailed aa an offieer, he wu fnlljr reeogniied u wieh I A.--Yee,air. , , , , Q.— I am not anra whether yoa have atated preafoly. If yon have not done it I wish yoa ^on!d. Now who were ptreeent at the oonTemtion which yon had with Jacob Thompsoo early in April^ when he laid his hand on the diapatchu I A.— Mr. Snrratt, Oen. Carroll, 1 think, myself, and I think, Hr. OastlegMnt and I boUeve there were one or two otbera in the room, sitting further back. Q.-'-Oaojron state whether any of ^cae persou partidpfted in the eonVenation t A,— Oen. CfiuMll, of Tenneeeee £d. He waa more anzi Q.~Did he ao espreas hhnael|ri A.->He did. He edd if the damned piick«l6ase weranotldliedhyaomebody :^\i_ ^^s^t^^^ii^-wr-^w^y^^^p;—:?-^^^ "-r' ¥ Uon Uib|Ui«7 itgtrdad tii« •nUrprbii of MMMinadog Ui« PrMidcot fuUy eonflraiiad bT(h«IUb«UoUMMriUM«t1Uehmoadt A.— Tlut «m diatiotUv lald. Q.^Will Toa itato whatlur or nok jea mw J- Wilkct Bootb utociatlng at any tin* with Oooigo K. Bandtnl 1.^1 naT«r aaw Booth except on ooa day and «T«oliii ; than ha waa atrottlni abottt tha 8t Uwramia Hall, aa I hava already aatd, andhawaa in ooorenatioo with Bandera and ThompMm; I aaw him talking, with them, but I waa not praaant at any eonrersation with either. Q.--8tata whether or tmi J. Wilhea Booth had in Oanaik, in aaaoeiation with thaae men, any niokname, and, if ao, what waa it I A.— I hare heard him ealiod Pet. Q.— By whom! A.^1 do not diatinuUy ramamber; by BurraU, I thinlt; hy Thompaon ; by Oleary, I am iure. .. '^ Mr, aeary haa denoonoed »U the atoriM of ihia witnaM, abont him, aa "falae. See hia Card. Q.— In that elrcla of men yon haTO mentioned, yowfouedlilmeooalled I A^^Tea, Sir ; I ean apaak poaltive aa to Otaary, and I think alao Mr. Tliompeoa Q^ThiaBtuertRobiuen, Doctor of Divinity, of whom you have apoken— ia ha not the editor of the Joomal called the Ftm Pntbifttriam, In Kentucky! A^He waa an editor, bat the paper haa been aan>reaaed by order of the Oommanding>Oeae- ^1 ral in that depertaMnt, I baliera. r^_ "■^ 4— Ton hare heard ao I Aw-I waa told ao. . ' ^^, " •■ t i- Q.— Were yon to Oanada at the time Kennedy waa exeeuted in HeW'Tork lor having Bred the olty I A— I waa. ' Q —Waa thia exeontion the ratijeet of eooTeriakon among the men of whom yoa heve apoken t A.~Oh I yea, BIr. a great de^ ..-, , ui k u- Q.-'WiU you ataU whether or not, ia theae oonTenatlona, the crime for which he waa ozecnted— firing the dty of New-Tork-waa reoogniied aa havlog be«n per- formed by the anthority of the rebel goTamment t A.— It waa by the direction of Mr. TheaapaoU. The ohUMter which the witneaa Maomea for himaelf, whether aa • apy or an aocomplice, wotdd diaoiedit hia teatimony. On better eridence than hia ■ oath, we now know that he made m written proportion to deatroy the Orbton Water Worka. He had • atrong motive to gratify thei proaeeutora, by aweering to whatOTer they wiahed to prove, even if there w»e no money in the oaae. Accordingly, hia mode of anawering the leading qneations ia that of » adrift witneaa. a— Did yon learn that much from Mr. Thompaon himaelf r A.-<-Tea; I thtak I may aay I learned it from Mr. Thompaon, or at leaat by eonvenatlon in hia preaenee. ^ 4— Kennedy waa apoken of and rteogniaed aa an agent of the rebel goverament t A.— Tea, Sir ; Thompeon aidd Kennedy doaerved to be hanged, and he waa deyiiiah ghd he had been hanged, becanae he wia a atupid feUow, and had managed thinga ■■■.-■ -very badly. . ■ ..■ '-^ , -^^ .^:^^----.-^ -_ Q.— On the groond of hia being a bungler t A.— Tee, dr. ',„.■.,- ^ Bp Mr- AUt«n—Q,-'ViA yon ever meet more than one Bnrratt to Oanada I A.— ITa Hit* " 4— Waa Sarkatt introduced to yoa aa coming from Bliaalaalppt f A.-JIo, Slr.^ Q.— Waa the place mentioned where he came from! A-— I do not reipember that it waa. but I waa left with that impreaaion ; I knew that.8ur«tt waa from Mtl- more; I never heerd that, and do not know how I gained the uformation, bat I had an impremion of that kind. . . Q.— Did you ever hear of any Bnrratt flrom Miaaierippi while yott were there! Q.— Did you have a regntar weekly aahiy from the TVOfMM, or were yon paid by theletur! A.— Pddbytheletter. ,. .\, . .t i' t ' Q.— Where did yon toerd to Montreal? A.— I boarded in two or three plaeea; I boarded in Craig-elreet and in Monida-Btreet . ^. ,, g— Yoa didnot beard at the St Uwienea Hotel t A.— NO; Sir ; ali theee pattiea I teve nmed did not hoard there ; aome did; Mr. SandMa did not, Mr. Toeker only part of the time. QrrWW»didJaeob Thompaon houd I bel gQTaramant t 1 ha waa deriliah I managed thinga B Oaniidat A.— A.-4T0, Sir. ot reinember that i waa from Bnlti- nation, bat I had > yoti ware there t were yon paid fay >r three plaeea; I ; all theee partiea t, Mr. TudunMiidr Sotd. The following is a oertiSed oopy, from the 8t. Alban'a oaa^ ol tha VOLUNTART BXAlilNATIOW OF J. WATSON WALLAOl. PaomoB or Oamida, ) Tha anuinatioo of Jamaa Wataoo Wallaea, of Virginia, Diatriat of Montreal. \ and now in tha olty of Montr.aI. taken on oalh tbia fourtatnth dav of rabmarr in tha rear of oar Lord onla thoniand eight hundred and aiitrflTa, at the ooart hobae in the dty of Montreal, in the dittriet of Hootieal •/or-si^ before Se^ndanrtgnad the Hoooiible Jamaa 8mltb.4)naof the Joatleee of Her Maiaaty'e SaporioroSutafor Lower Canada, ta the pr^noa and hearing of Sj"''* J""« TeMia, Oharlaa Moore Swager, Bennett H. Young. Marono Spurr.antf WlUiam H. HuteUnaoD. who are now charged before ne. upon aomplalnta made under oath before me under the proriaiooa of the Treaty between Her Mi^eaty the Quean and the United Btatee of Ameriea. _ . — . , . * ai. amee Wataoo Wallaae. on hia oath. aaith>-I am a b*"'*^ ▼''««?••' «)• ?'-J¥ OMfadaraU Btat«. I »«elded lo JaAraoo County, in the eaid Stat^ J, l«ftthat State in October laat I know Jamaa A. Sadden, who waa Bearelary of War during Uak year. Being ahown, and hating eaamined the papera M. K. and O, I aay that from my knowle&e of hii handwriting, the aigmitarea to the aald papere are the genuine aigmtturMTDl the aald Jamee A. Beddeo. 1 hare Mea him «|k« eetrerid oeeaaiona write and aisn his name. He haa aigned dpdumcntt, and afUrwarda handed them to me.lnmyp?eaenee. I nerer waa to the Confederaie army. I ws.eommiialoiiedas raidor to ralae a battaUoo. I hare seen a nubber of the oommiieiooa issued by the Confederate Ooremment, and the oommiaalo^of Llautenant Young, marked " M," is to the usual form «f Jl oommiseioos iaeue^ to the am»y. and are always rtjned bj the Becretorjuof War. I nerer aerred. I wu InoapacltaM by an J«id«nt, and then kidnapped by the Northerner* I wa* In Richmond in September last I then risited the WarDspartment. It waa then notorious that the war was to be oarried toto New Englsnd> the ssms way as the Northerners had done to Virginia. When I was In VlrginisI tt*«d «» m7 0#ii house unUl I wss burnt out, and my family were turned out, by the Northern aoldiira. 111.^1 The eouneel for the United Statee o^jeeto to the whoU of thia ertdenoe aa lUag^. irrelarant. and foreign to the iMue. and eoosequently deeltoce to eroae ezttmine. And fiirther thiadepooent saith oot, and halh signed, the foregoing hartog been preriou.1, read to the presence «dhj»l.g;iflh.^ WALLAOK Swon. and taken belbre me thia 14th FW./(i«»; jameS SMlTH, J.C.4 We eerUfr that the abore ia a true cony/of the «aminationof Jamea WaSon WaUaee, the original ol which remamed ijl/leeord to (he Peace Offlee. ^^ ^ CARTER k DBSSAULRS, ' Clerks of the Peace. WALLACE'S AFF/iDAVrr AT MONTREAL. Jb tk$ Editor of lh*3i*ningTtUgrai>h: . Snu-Please publish my sffidarft now handed you, and the adrertissmSntsab- ioiosd. I wm obtain and fumlah others Ibr publication hereafter. I wlU add that if 1?2Seui Sison win send me a i^^duet *^e^ };'^f'^°^ '^i'^lTJut!: Iwm proceed thither and go before the Military Court, and make pnfert of myaelf to order ESISy may see wither or not I am' the Sandfoi^Oonorer who swore as '^ W. WALLAC MoatresI, Jmia 8,1866. ■■-".'■■-- / ' ' PaomoB or OAVASAi r . , , ;\ V DistrietofMontreri.J James Wataen Wallaae, of the City and District of Montreal, counsellor at law, James Watseo Wallaea who gareerideoea upon theaubjeet of the Sb AlbraTs Raid, 'V^'l; . Uitrtin m«ntiuD«Hl. That my t» WM tliRlit; anci. in fine, I li«v« ii4 Jd Sandford Conovnr p<-rsunatinK m^ ^ Uginnlog to «nd a Umu« of mImK 18- which avldtnaa appaara on papa 2la of tiia printad rapdrt of iha lald OMa. I am « iMtiv* of tha County of Loudun. in Uia commonwaalth of Virginia. I nrrifcd In Montreal in tho month of Octolx-r laiit i>a«». I realdad during: a imrllon of lait winter and aprlng in houaea in Oraig ilraTt alld Mooiqua atreot, in the city of Montreal. I have aaen and exanuned tho r<'|Mirt of what U called Iha iiippreeicd a»ld*n«a Iwifor* the court-martial now being holdeo at Wiwhington City on Mre. Hurratt, rayne. and athara, and ( liara looked aarafully through tha report of Iho ovidenoe In tlio New York papera of a paraon calling hlniei-lf Handford Oonoyer, who d«po«od to the faotn that whrfit In Montreal h« went by tha name ol Jamea Wataon Wallace, and ^ave evl- deoM In the Ht. Albau'a raid Infeatigallon. That tha aald Handford O.^orer «»ideotly peraoDated me before tho aaid court martial. 'Iliat I never gave any teatlaiony what- aoever befbra tha aald curt-martlal at Washington city. 'ITiat I ne»er had knowledge of John Wllkaa Booth, except aeeiug him upon the etaga, and did not know ha waa in Montreal until I law it publlihrd after the murder of l'reiiden| Lincoln. That I never waa a corroipndtnt of tho New York Tribnn*. That I nafar went under tka name of Bandford Conorer. T»»t I noTer had^ny eonfldentlal oommunicallon with Mr. George N. Sandere, RevarJiy Tucker, Hon. Jacob Thompaon, Oepand^ (krroll of Tanmaaee, Dr. M. A. Pallan, o*' any of the othif flnaintanea with averr on* of theto gentUmaf haaiUtloD In atatiog that tha oTldenca of tha ^ ia falaa, tntroe, ana no founded in faat, and ia fro I haT« made thla depoaition Tolitbtarily, aad Id juitica to my own charaotar ond """•■ (Sigived). J. WATSON WALLACE. Svom to bafora me at Montreal thia eighth day of June, 1 886. _ . , „ da SMITH* J.P. t806 reward will bo gUren for the arrnt, po that T can bring to puniihment itt Canada, the infamoua an<^ perjured icoundrel who recently pcrtoiiated uio under the name of Sandford ConoTer, ami dvpoied to a tiaaue of falaeboodl before the milltar}' commander at Waahington. " JAMES W. WALLACE. I.Alfred Perry, of Mootreal, do hereby certify thnt I wna preaent when the aaid Jamea Wataon Walloea gave the above depoaition, and that he gave it of hia own free will ; and t further deelore h4 ia theaame individual who gave evideuce before the Hon. Juatiee Smith ia the CAie of the St Albana raider*. „„„„„ ■ .^ Alfred pbrrx. ^fontreoj, June 9, \^A9. ^ ' .. . . «» ' # * CONOVBB BEFORE THE MILITARY COMMISSION AGAIN. FULL HEPORT OF THE PROOEEpINGS ON TUESDAY. /■ -WAaiirNOTOK, Tuesday,. June 27. The Court met at 11 o'clock, when JudgeAdvocateGenerol Holt, rcealled Sanford OonoTer, tUiat J^ W. Wallace, as a witneu for the government Gen. Holt aaid he held in hia hand a volume containing the judicial proceedings in the case of the St. Albana raid, and oaked tl)e witnesa wbetliar hia evideuce was therein truthfully reported. The witoeaa aaid the teatimooy to which Gen. Holt has eipeeially referred, waa portly hia, but aasooioted with Chat of another person named Wallace. Q. — Doyod remember how many peraona named Wallace gave testimony on that . triall Av-.There were' three so for as I know : Williiim Pope Wolkce, J. Watson Wallace and J. Wallace. What waa read from the book juat now waa the report of the Montreal HUffrapk, printed from the type of that newa|>a|ier. Ilie report which appeared -in the Montreal WUntu waa correct. Thia read as follows : "Jamea Wotao^ WallMe aidd: I reside at preaent in this city, and hatve been here ace Octobe r : I Waa fornie r l t a re aida i it of the Co n f e derat e B tat ea ; I know J a m es since O c tobe r ; I Waa forn>e r ly a re aida i it of the Co n f e derat e B tat ea ; I know J a m es A. Seldon ; he ooeupied the poaitbd of Sectary of War; T should say the signature to the papers, M,K and 0. are thou of the said Seddon ; I have. on several occasions, seen n a^rerol oeeasioas sign t be« rec aoi Yo ' we ma Tu th( r oie 0*1 -all wld «u«. I tm « nin. I Arrirrd in lion of Uit winter ij of Houlranl. I cd •vlJcnvi) iKiforA lurraU, I'ttynt, untl rld«n«« In ttiu Naw apoMd to Ui« footi llaM, and )<•*" •'!* OtmuTar avidanily ay tMtiaaony wbat- rer had knowladge 1 not know b« waa i| Lincoln. That I •r went untlar tb« tmmnuieation with (>eD«rul Carroll of D«d. That my >» , in fine, I liava nd r«r pt-raunatinfr m* id ■ tiaaua of ' own oharaottf am 3N WALLACE. Gl* SMITH, J.P. g to puniahmeat in ^ated uio under the Mfora ttio military V. WALLACE. lent when tb« aaid I gave it of hia own ,ve ttvideuce before FRED PERRY. ION AGAIN . BSD AY. 'iiesday,. June 27. lit, recalled Sanford . Qen. Holt inid he the ca«e of the St. I therein truthfully [olt hns eipeeially >n named Wallaee. » teatimony on that Wallace, J. Watson r waa the report of The report which >wa: und baive been here tt ea ; I know J a m ea ^^^ri^ri'^'f^^m^^^^^'~'*'''^''^i^f^d^^r'^^^f^'^^^m^'^'^'^'^'^w''^^'ff'^'T~^<^ ^-.i. . ■■ it . . ^ ■■■ ,.;■:; , hia Doma ; ha b»a aignad dooumawla in my pf«aan««, and haiid*d tliein to ma oft« alining ; I ne»ar Ulongad to th« Uonfadarata amiy. but ha»a aann many commiaaiyna iHU« Q.— What did Tucker aay, ao far oa the purpose of tboae men were oonceroed i A.— They hod not the allgbteat idea that I had teatiaed before thia oommlaaion, and recelTad me with great cordiality. The aobject of thia trial waa generally dii«ua«ed< looker, afur deoouneiog Stanton and Pretident Johnaoo aa great ooouodrala, apoke of Judge HoltM* bloodthiraty old vilUln. He aaid they muat protect themaeVreo by a guard i^preoent. But, by the Eternal, a day of reckoning would come'; then they would have a heavy aoeonnt to oettle. Bandera did not make each Tiolent threaU aa Tucker did. William B. Cleary, whom he alao mat, made aimilar violent threata. He aaid Beale would bare been pardoned by the President had iknot been for Judge Holt. He alao said blood ahbuld follow blood. He reminded me of what he haatormerlr remarked of Fieaident Linoohi, that retrlbative juatlee had come, and the asaosaination of the IVcsident waa the beginning of ii Vq, It ii piored by tho affidavit of Mrs. loglia with whom he boarded at Toronto that Oleary was not in Montreal while Conover (or Wallace) there in June. (p. 21.) Q.-«After giving your testimony did yon not to get a certified copy of the report at llontreoi. to Canada for mo t A. — I did, met the oooapirators. I had not been there long when they diooorered that mr teatimeny hod been publiahed. I received a meaaoge from Sandera, Tueker, Carroll and O'Doonell. a Virginian, aometime* called lieDonnelL Tho man who booated «f setting Are to houses in New YorkI A.— He so boasted; I Went into a saloon to ^ait until the public oflBcea were opened ; while sitting th^re, In about ten minutes a doaen rebels surrounded me ; (hey aeensed me of having betrayed their secrets ; not knowing at the time that my testimony had ever been published, I denied it ; they sfdd if I would give them a letter to that effect, it would be well ; joat aa I was about to get*awav, Beverly Tucker eame in ; he said a mere letter WouM iot do, beeanse I had testified before the oourt'therefore I moat give some paper ander oath to make mr denial suffi- ciently stfoog; about a dcaeji of these men aooailed ma in a Airioiia manner; O'DonneU took out hia pistol, and aaid unlesa I did so 1 should never leave the room alive ; at but Sandera said, •• Wallace, you aee what kind of hands yon are in ;" I a( length consented ; it was understood fliat I was to prepare the paper In my own way ; I intenJed, however, not to prepare the paper, bnt'to eseope from them at the I most convenient opportunity ; they insietedthey must go to O'DonneU s room, and I was forced to comply ; Mr. Kerr, who had dkfeoded the St Albans raiders, waa then sMit for to prepare the paper; two of Morgon'amen were thrfis ; a pistol ireaagnhi Id cay the signature n several occasions, reral oeoasions sign dnwa OB m«; Kan «um i Ui« tfflikTil via praparad, aad I algnad II, aiul want UmwcI* ^ «araiiM»7 of aa oalh. If JiMl0« Ilolt luMi • cMiifl«d sopy ha kMw bk wltaaai VMlhaa parjaring Q.i^Dld TOO know that Karr had kaovladga 9f !>>••• maiMusaa I A.— II nual kava •• ap6aarad to kin, aa Toakar aald If I dkl not aign Uia p«p«r I ahookl aarar laava tha town aU?a, and Ikal tbay would follow na to baiL .'K^r awaan th»t no foroa or thraala war* daod, bnl WiUlaea Jio^ to maka tha attdavit. Alfrad Ftrj oartiflad that Wnllaoa gavtit lia^own fi^ will. Than waa an obvioua raaaon why Ihia man (who went f otttraal whila hia taatimony bafoia tha miUtaiy oommiwion waa aaoral found hinualf thara when it waa nnaxpaetedly dirulgad) ahould haatan to ■atiaty Soatharn men by a lie, and he Muni narer to have h«itat«d to «|inoh • Ha with a perjury, (pp. 18 and 91.) Q.—Did that papar appaar in tha Iha Naw York Wtidf The papar waa raad waa it aftarwarda ooplad Into appeared In Iha Vonlieal EHnimg Taitgrmpk, of Jane II 10, and la to tha alJbat that if Praaldaal Jtlinaoo wMl aand him, Jamaa W. Wallaoe, a aafa eoodael to go to Waahlngton and ratara to Ifontraal, he would proeaedkthithar aad go before the military eoort, in order that thay may aae whather ha waa ttieaame Banford Oooorer who awore aa atalad. Thia la dated Jane 8, I860, and algnad Jamaa W. Wallaea. To thki the aflUarit bafiM* Nferred to, la appended, via : "I am the aama Jamaa W. Wallaae who gare eridaaee on the aal^eot of the Si Albana raid, whiol ividenee appeared on pege tit of tha printed report of the aaae. I am a u^ve of the QoontT of Londoo, Virginia; I reaided hi Ifontraal in October. I hara^aMn and eiaminea the report of what la eallod the auppraaaad eridenee before the (OM^roartlal, now being holdea at Waaidngtoo, en Mlalreaa Samtt, Payne and othentlnd I hare looked earafblly «hron||h the report of the eridenee, hi .the N^w Tork papara, of a peraoa ealUiy lumaelf oanford Oenorer, who referred to, the fh«t that while in Montreid, he went by the name of Jamea Walaon WaUaeailtf JM* atldanee hi the St Albaaa raid lavaatlgatlon; Olat aaid Banford Oooor^ peraonitad me before the aald eowt-marlial ; tli|l9l'neT«r gare any teati aoever before the aald eonrt«iarthd at Waahfaigton Oity; thatlna ledge of John Wilkea Booth, awepthig aeehig Urn ea the ataga, and i wag bl Mont^aal nntil I aaw it pabUahad after the murder of Piaaidant Unooln ; that Inerav WMaeopraanondant of the New Tork J\rttmu; that I never ' want nnder the na4*f!P^SMl'ora Oonorer; that I Berar had aar ooofldaAtiai eommnnieiUion &uidar% Bererly Toeker, HIm. Jaoob Thompaon, Qea Carroll, of '' V. -Kttoa, or aiiy ef the othera therefa^ mentioned; that my of thaaa^gantlanaa waa alight, and, hi fine, I hare no Idine^f the aaid Banford Oonuvar penonatiiw me with aeqnaini haaitation iafitlae,ui I fiMt^'ud b horn beginning to end a Uaaue of lilee- it|rily and in juatioe to my own fl0A, of June , JamM W. WallaM, ould pnM«««LUiitk«r thar M WM tii«MUii« B, I860, and ■i|DKl ipmdad. Til : "I am St of Um 8i Albaiia t of the «aa«. I am itnal in Oetobar. I ■Md rridanM bafora Samlti Parna and ifidanea, in tiM Naw rafarrad loth* f^t ■ Wa J OoooW WTlaatl tl nari nddrl iidaotUnoola; that Inavarwantgndar Atial aommuiieation aoo, Qaa. Oanoll, of nantionad; that vaj nd, in Una, I hara no inrar panonatiiw ma md a timua of uka- o ukj own b praaantad at yobr >ra to it Tolnntarify. ira, WM alio faduaed 10 that I «aa brinf to raoaotly panaoalad '^IR'. ma tMd«r I ha iba miliUry tl I of falMhiMHla bafera XII InOwun^f A— I iafloMMa of Oao. DiA ovar, aod d«tMM«mantionad, from tha tMr^ ^v ,y^& AFPIDAVIT OP WILLTABI HASTINGS KERB. Fbotinok or Oamida, \ < \ DUtriot of Montr«al. J mmua BiuUngi Kerr, of the «i^ »nd dlitriot of MoDtr«aI, Ejquir^ AdTooate, beKSi7w"n.>th depoM and .wear that he know. Jame. WaUpn W'ltooe jaj Jr^fSa. hut now and iSrthe last wen month. reelAsnt in the eity of Montreal. *l?iJ«r» Uw • thAt he. thia denonent. waa one of the counsel engaged for tUe S^in liSiir^tt^S^tlSSn before the Ho„^^^^^^ af aCm wid^t he was preeent In Court and examined the «dd Jamea ^at«>n Wid^I^ wS.t thS «id inyertigaUon was A on (a report of whose t«^^^^^ aDMiS at page 212 of the pfint«a oaae, publisWAf by lohi, LotcH, of Ihe """d C^^X f Brrtl .ythat this deponint ha. freqamtlr seen tbe^«aid James Watwn W^laee S SS;^iSne«u anih» aeted as (bejd James Watson. Wallace's pj^eMbnal SvK^MontnS; that this deponent yesterday '^Z^'^fd'^^A^mi^wYl^ lace in the said city of Montreal ; that he was present whilst the said James Wat«» CllMOdeSSd tlit he. the said James WatsoS Wallace, was the ijerson who, under tte So of SsndSd OonoTcr, gaTe before the Mllitoiqr Commission or Court Mar- tW X and Sriome time partassembled at Washfagton. evidence which has since Ken Sshed ssTe suppreswd evidence in the NeW York papenj. He, the s^id jSmeSwatsSw.Haoe,Uen and the.* declaring that some P«/?«° *•«» P«^* «J hS^rsaTjame. Wataon Wallace, and had tiventwiUmony which, from beginning to^S WM a tissue of falsehoods; that this djjponent was present whilst the state- meSsan"deSiofthesaidJan;e. Wat«,n WSlace wore reduced to writing in h« nwsence andsigned by the said James Watson Walhice. and sworn to by him before SmbSa HMU^ne of Her Majesty's Justices Of the Peace ; that ^tiie said Jamea WaSiw5lffii.enaSS.ere declared tiiat he made the |aid^affidatit voluntari y SiTordertodear himself from any suspicion of being Uie Sandford ^Conover in r««tion And this deponent sailh that nS force or violence was used towards the Sd jSee WaUkm wXce. nor were «.y menaces or «*«'»«, "fj,^""'^^^ :-,him bv any one, but he seemed to be an«ous to make the said affidavit^ and to use '•Slmeffl hi.jK»werio di«over the person who had so Pf'f na^<1.5|".,i^« '^^ " JaiSs Watson Walhice,beforetiieMilit«y Commission; and furtiier tiiis deponent saith not, and haUi signed. ^ ^ ' ^y^j^^AM^. KBRIL SwombefoMmeatMontrenJ/thisnuithday of June, eighteen hundred and sixty- fi'*- ' ^ JAMES SMITH, J.S.a AFFIDAVIT OP JOHN CAMERON. P«oviNO« or Canasa. lcityofM«itreal,6ot. District of Montreal. ) ' I. John Cameron, being duly wrom on ttie Holy Evangehsts. do, on ^7.«>^»^^^' dei^M and say:-I am about twenty-three SMra of age. I am » "'t'/ViSS* vifleTcanada Westand am now.and bavebe^or some time, a resident of Montreal. DuSigXe year 1864. 1 went iiito tile .o-«alKd Southern Confederacy fnim^w^^^^ by sef andlrelmned here by land, about the ffiddle of February hui. ^^^^ my^n private aflWrs, amongst which was to awSlaid th« P'".'J«*"'''?.^iJS^ medicines into the SoutiiemStotee. I sympathis^ strongly with t!>o Confederate «^use. I have read what purpprts to be a aynopaPs of testfmony said tohave been riven by a person calUngfihnielfSandford^onover before the M.htary Commission S Wnafingto. City foy the-trial of Harold. Ataerot Payne, wd others, '«PJ«''"« *he killing of President liiicohi, which is published in the Sew York pawrs of the 6th of Juneistant; and, Hkewise, what purports to be a full reporfof said tf «"ony ?o^ toined in tiiesapie newspaper, of the*^th and 7th of June, instant ^I'»""»*^«J tiiat in the said testimon^H isnitated tiiat said Sandford Clover pa«od in MontrMj by Oie name, of Jaines Watson Wallace. I know James Watson WJ'^"' J'J^i" m^ade an affidavit denying that said tesUmony^i. t^ue^^d degosiog Jhat^^^e person made an amaavit aenying mibs soia unuuiyujr » «.»■«=. — - r^-j: ,-"<'"; y"_-j "^ t ,.„ hadi per s onat e d him. and tii a t sa id preten d ed te s t i mo n y W falsO ■°y ence which has since mpeni He, the said arson had personated 'hidi,from beginning ent whilst the state- iced to writing in his orn to by him before that the said Jamea I affidavit voluntarily Sandford OonoTcr in ras used towards t))e made use of towards I affidarit, and to use tonated him, the said urther this deponent LIAMn Wallace, who has sing that some person Bfe audi forged. I am omes Watson Wallace Albans raiders' trial, gwssstsrw 4 M he statet. He told me in February, Mareh, and April, \i% gave his evldenoe in the Talde«' case. My attention has been dir«!t«l to varioua ^legations cooUlnod in Jho^tcsUmony. of Sandford Conover, '^If'^n^ Hoa J««>b Thomp«,n, Hon.^^^^ ment 0. Clay. Ocoige N. Sanders, Esq., Colonel Beverly Tueker, WmJam W. Olewy. SS John ftrterflSd. Ekj.. General darroU. Doctor Montrose. A. PalleB. Commodbr. jMq., .ruiiu '""™"". • , ."^ ' - .„ n^ji. ,„j „,i,_— ^„A MnMiallv to that nart re- is an utterly intrue and malicious fabrieatlon from the beginntog to the end. and that I have no doubt said person was bribed and suborned to make it, or^lse made it under threats, compulsion and terror. So fiir as relates to what la said to have beea sworn to by said person calling himself Conover. I hove to say that I cajinot truth- fMlTstato anything Unding directlv or indirectly to implicate any cf the pe«ons Immedin sail deiSsitloo, or any offcers, in burning any Northern citlc. or towns, or kidnapping or killing anybody, or poisomng any reaervoirs or T^t«' T[«;';"|f ' 'P'^ ins any iirfectious or-oontagioiis disease. I never heard of J. W. Booth till after Mr. LftcolV. death, and I dolot believe any person In Cawda was <»n««'?«'l '».«'i"jj any knowledge that Uooth intended anytting of the kind. I have heard "t d.ffe^^ times several of the Southern gentlemen referred to and aboye n««»«^ •P«*«^,'» ^j^'^'' en^ToJIi but I never heard Lythlng or saw aoytU-g to justify th^«l^^^^ pieion of any obe of tiiem being concerned in or of having any knowledge of ho burning of cities or towns, or p^eonlng dsterns or reservoirs, or Wdnapping or killing anybofy. or introducing infectious or cootaglous diseases, and I never told Conover, or Wallaccnoratty oneel80.that Iwas to get some «>™P«°«*'?°/'';. "S '*t: ting, or assisting in any such infamous deeds, or anjAwK of,>l''^c'l''r.''<'*«J-„„^' dfferenttim«iiSFeer4y,l^iM>. and Uie first part of April Ust, ^^"JOon- federates, refugees in Canidar-S*scaped pHsoows i)f w«r-allude to »ho pra*ticabiUty of expeditions being made upon towns on th* Yankee side of t^e lak«^^and of tb, Si liwrence river. «nd I agreed with those who thought ?"»»» ."P'^^i"'" f^Sf'Sr' andespeeially as to an attack on OgdenAurg. I never heard Mr. Thomp«m. Mr^ Clay, Mr. SaLders, Gen. CarroU, Doctor Fallen, Doctor Blackburn, or Commodore llirade;. s^ anything ou^ucbsubjecu. I^''" ""de"t«»d tbat Mr 'HiomDs^ and Mrfcray had something to do wiOi tiie raids on Lake Erie and at St Albms as agetitaoY the Confederacy, but it wa« notorious that^the ««»«» *»»?^« »f"«M^ many other Senthemcra here were opposed to and dl8«)antonanced all such raids. I heard several of tbem express such sentiments after I returned borne. I do not conceal that I favored ~me of tiie raids talked alM,ut^nd was wilhpgloj^^^^ I carried a letter to Mr. Thompeoii, tome timm March, I believe, f^^^ • i#h«e name I decline to state, snggesHng the destruetioa of "Xf^^^lf T^Ll tiiS northern city. After Mr. Thompaon had read the letter, he a^ed toe ""«>**"« SSJSe of iVand whenlsaid y«Ge wplto^^ bo tabooed the proposition. I ftotfaer atakto^hat when I went SonOi >n^S«Pt«""»«r, in 18M,Tr. BUekburVwas not in comptay with me at ""T time opthe voyage. J neve^ was in Bermuda. I never heard tiie" Doctor say anythfcag •»»°y.«"«Y/*^ ' :;«rwas empWedlyhimoranyone else to introduce in «^^^^^ ver is made to state. That I waa not in Canada m January, 1866, whe» Conover fays I w« so^mployed ; nnd that tiio whole etaWment %Opnor^ ^rtt^n^ rnj^ti and yellow fever .nd Dr. BlsckbMf fa anWamous f*"^^ noteoQO«aledanything^respectin«ffiy««>f •* ««? **r*'^''i-'* f 5!™«TSf«m- by several persoi to Worm^Zsmefliing out of me to the prqudiee of some of Ae gen- tiimeo I have mention«l,8iWl I have beard of ms-representatiow of whati in respect to them. Consul Oenwal Potter and Mr. B«"««d ?«!j";£^"Sj*! UniteSstates in this city, bare both aoo^^t to get me^ go to ^ashii^Cigto give testimony before fte Milita ry Co ur t Ma r tial th ere , but I r e fused beo a uM T k n ew t4 BOlhiiMt of the ■lightMt nitmavf or eooMqaaiM to tb« omm on trial thor*. I havo hoardUwt It hu bom rcportad thai I did go to Waahfoftoa etty. or that I did git* aamo tattimooy in thia dtj to bo naod btiiw* tho liilitarr Oonrt at Wadiington, but both raporta art nnfoaiided. I rappoiglMM faaao man baa gatharad a batw of ana* pidona and conjeotaraa and romora andll|Mnrta and hwraaj and goaaip of •tr«*lii and girqggoriea and gone off to Waihingtoo and amaad tho alio nana of Sanford Obo- oT«r, and made oath to aaeh bndnt, and told ancb taatimony to (h« proMontora in that eaao. I bnva hoard aemo of tba traah oootahied in Sanford Oooovor's taatimony in drenktion h«r«^ iomo of whieh aa wdl aa pnrfrcta of raida and tho like, I waa ■atiiiied waa mannflMtnrad and put afloat hj jTankee dotootivca to nuka thair anployai a tblnlc th«j wore doing great tbingii JOHN CAMERON, Ji. 8«om and anbaoribed baforo mo thia ninth day of Jnnt, 1905. y J. SMITH, js.a BXTRA.OTS FROM CARD OF GENERAL CARROLL It will bo aaen that OonoTor tostifiaa that I wu preaent in Janoaiy hut, and on tho dtb, ?th, 8th and 9th of April paat, whan the plot to aiaaaainata Praddant Lincoln and CaUnat, and other infamooa plana vara dlaooaiad by tho, pretended '* Coofederata orgaoiiatlon." The appendon certiflcatea of Dr. MoDonnail, one of the moat eniiinent phjudana of thia caty, and of Mr. Hnntington, will ahow the atter faldty of thia atatemcnt : MomaiAL, Jane 22, 1866. I certify that General Carroll waa .confined to hia bed in oonuqnenee of a Tcry painfol dficaM, from April 6th to April 16th 1866, end that he waa nnder my pro* ' nadonal care for Uie aaid diaeaaer R A. MACDONELL^ MJ). MoMTBiAL, June 28rd, 1866'. I hereby certify that I boarded at the lame house in thia dty with Gen. Wm. H.' Carroll, in the month of April last, and that from abont th« first to the fifteenth of that month he waa confined to his bed by aicknesa, and was under the medical treat* ' moot of Doctor MacDonnalL Au a ^NTINGTON. FMm the eztraeta aboTO taken flrom the pnUidied testimony of Sandford Oonorer, it -will be seen that the first meetiDg of the "junta," at whieh the pdsoniog of the CrotoD reserToirs was disenased— I bdng preaent-^waa in the month of Janouy last On the hst day of Not., 1864, 1 left this d^ for Halifak, N. 8. On the l«tb of Deci, following, I sailed on tho Alpha for St. Oeorge'% Bermuda. On the 14tli of January I left that port on the steamer Chariotte, and waa captured by the U. 8. naval forees at Wilmfawton, N.C., on the 19th of the aune month-HMut to^Fortreaa Monroe on the D. 8. Steamer A. D. Yance, Uiat Upahnr commanding. At Nor- folk, Ya., on the 2Mh of Jannaigr. Lieut Upihur admfadstered to me the parole oath and released me u a prisoner. I rctumsd.to thia dty on the 6th of Febma^. the record of my ezamuiation «a f^le at the Navy Department, a| Washiqgton, wiU diow that I tmthfiMIy answered every question. «. These fade show the fabitv of donover'a testimony, thai I was preaent in Montreal % fa. January, when the pretended idiotic scheme to poisota ttie Crotonreservotra iraa a«d to have been planned and diaeuased. Again, he ia spedfic in statii^ that on tlie tih,'iat, 8th or 9th of April but, I wss present, when the alle^ epnsultationa were held m relation to tiie ufamons propwitions to murder Preddoit Lincoln, Yiee>' Flrendent Johpsoa, and the inembera of the Oabinet-'the poisoning of the Croton ' *e»«rroinr—ih« blowing up of the dam, and the Ogdcnstnirg raid. The certifieatea of Dn MaoDonnell and Mr. HunUi^ton — ^to whidi a number of otBers could be added —prove the utter untruth of this statement Oi^one of these d8ya,Iammade to aay that if no one el»i oonld be found, I would kill Yice-Preddent Johnson myseE. I can establiih by DumerotiS witnesses that ndtber before, nof dnee the puUication of the article aigoed Destra, have I nttered anv exprfenon at vnrianoe with my then wri tten opnion in relation to the cha racter ind abili^ of Preddent Johnson. The faeile ease with which thn infamous^ Wretoh OOnover commits pcfrjuy is only ^ ^^ ^ trial thwt. I Imt« . or that I did git* kt Wuhington, but md • iMitui of au* oMip of atrakla and DO of Sanford Obn* i tha pmootiton in lloQOTer's teatimoDj md tlw like, I waa vea to make their 3AHER0N, Jr. .SMITH, J.9.a lOLL anaiy laat, and on waaiDat* Preaident by the, pretended MoDoDoeil, one of irill ahow the atter I, Jon* 82, 1866. leqaenee of a Tory raa under mj pro* DONELL^ HD. fnne 28rd, ISei vith Oen. Wm.H.' to the fifteenth of the medical treat* ^UMTINiBTOif. Sandford Oonorer, * pdaoniog of the month of Janoaiy f.8. Onthelftb Ida. On the 14tli tnred by the U. 8. i-'-aent tOfFortraaa landing. At Nor- ae the parole oath i>f Febma^. The hington, will idMur reaent in l^ontreal ' onroerTDira iraa tatii^ that on tlie eonawtatlona were ent Lincoln, Viee*' ng of the Oroton L The certifieatea are oonld be added aya, I am made to It Johnaon myaeUl lee the puUieation inoe with my then nt Jbhnaon. The .^^ V,. eqnalled by tha fertility of hia brain in oooceiTrDg^abolical plota and involving innoeent people in them; ** ' ATFIPAYITS OP OAPT. MoGRUDBR, D». FALLEN, AND OEN. CARROLL. /■ PkOTWO* or Oaraoa, Diatrift of Montreal, ' ) Montreal, to wit,^1866.y, ( Oeoig* A. Magmder, late nptain in tlie navy of the United SUtaa. and ebief of the Bnrean of Ordnanee and Hydrography, now reaidingJn the eity of Montreal, in the aaid Provinee, havlDg been duly awom upon the Holy Erangeliata of Almiriity Ood, doth depoae and aay : That hayiog read tbe evidenee or teatimony of one Ban* ^ for^^fepover, aliaa Jamea Watacn WaOaee, aa reported in the pnblio papera to have fcn bVi Urn, and taken before the Hilitair Oommiaaion now rittlDg at Waah* >,0.. fit the laid Unite4 8tatf% in whSefa he dcdarea that, with othera named . Gooovar, tiiaa Walhee, he wat • intimaUly aeonainted " with me. TbU I to be abaolntely falae and nntme. ■ Furthur, I dedare never to havd aeen thia 1 to my knowledge, nor have I ever heard hia name, or aaanmed name, beibre attention waa drawn to it Igr Ua teatimony whiek appeara in the publie printa. d not even know Wore that aneh a peraon a* aaid Qonover or Wallaee eziater other peraoo or pertooa whomaoever, advene to, or in any manner hoatile to the government and people of the United Btatea ; neither ngu I now, nor have I ever been, a aeeeaaioniat (Signed) . O. A. MAO RUDER. Sworn to and anbaeribed before me at the U. S. Cooaolato General, in Montreal, thia dzteenth dayof Jnne, A.D. 188S. (Signed) § JOHN P. FQTTER, ;* U. S. Oonaul General, B.N.A.F. ':'..■ PB0VI50I Of OANAaa, ) * Diatrict of Montreal, y I,Montro8eA.Pallen, areaident of the city of Montreal, a native of the United Statea, being ddy awom npon the Holy Evangelista, before Almighty God, depoae and aay*p-Ib»ve read the teatimony given by one Sandford Conover, o/iaa Jame* Waiaon WaBace* and do aolemnly awear that, in aa far aa eoncema mnelf in eon* section with a eonveraatian or meeting poiportiog to have been held in the St. Law* irence Hall ia Montreal, or other phcea, between and with Jacob Thompeon, Lewia Bandera, Dr. Blaekborn, W. W. Oleaiy, and othera, the teatfanony of aiUd.Conover ia fUae; Deponent fiirther iaith that he never waa in a room with Jacob Thompeon, W;W. Cleary and Dr. Blackbdm togfther ; that he never heard of or knew aught .concerning uy ndda, eonapiradea, bominga, kidnaminga, poiteninga, or any thing whatever eontruy to the digni^ nnd peace of the United Statee, attributed to tiie •gcney or coonael of Jacob Thompson, a 0. Clay, or any one whomaoever, either aeoredited or preanmed agento or oo'mmianonen from the Confedeiiato GoTernment, enept after aa plot to deatroy the Croton Dam, and to poiaon reaervbin, nntil he read it in the teatimony of Sandford Conover. Furthermore, deponent aaith that h* never aaw or apoke to Sandford Conover, a/i«« Jamea Wataon t^allace ; or if he did, he had no knowh^ of taid Conover at the time, and bean no recollection of him now. ^ .^ MONTROSiE A. PALLEN, M.D. Swi»m and Btibiwribed to before me at Montreal, Ihia ninth day of June, one thonaand .eight hundred and lizty-five. " ^^ * ' , JAMES SMITH, CJLO. I pcfrjaiy ia only ^ ^IrU^il*^^ fJr > J pUm inter to oi uae, the tj I a'rder of Froiident Iiincoln aqd litdn reaer«oIn, t>loir n]^ tlie Chroton danu, ■or didJI ever hear any penon speak of iweithet putpoie liDove mentioned. ezpretiidv in retatl^n to Freaident iT« invariably defeti4ed bi^ niminat ' - - ■ v^ PBOnKOi'or CUnada, DiwBior Of MoMTaiAL, I City of Uontreal, Jane 18tb,18«6. f I, Wm.K Carroll, of the City of If emphia. State of Tenneasee, now of the Citv of Montreal, depose and state that I have carefully examined the testimony of Saodford CopoTsr alios James Watson Wallace, as rented in the New Tork papers, purport- ing to bi^Te been given during the secret session of the Court Martial no«^ sitting on the trial of Mrs. Surratt, fayne and others, for complicity in the murder of Presi-. dent lincoln at WoiriiinttUm City. That I oerer buf any ooDversation or communi- Mition with Messn. nompson, Sanders, IVickeiy Cleary, and others mentioned uereio, or any person else, in relation to. the Cabinet, nor In relatim to any jp'*" *-'—'"- -— tbe St i;lbans Raid, or Ogdens^ or intimate anything about a < Jfor did I ever bear,^ueh U^ Johnson attributed to me. On iuv^aaumuf, » ■«»«. «..»..-m,j ■"~-~"y~~ .—■ r- •••"••—; abusive attacks made by otbers^ as be was mi old acgnnintaoce of Um) ■«me polttieal party, a fellov citizen of the eame state, knd I knew him well In phJof of this I append an article I wrote and published the last part of April in the Evtninf migrttph of this dtj. Another Southern gentlemaD, who setved several years b Congress with President Johnson, sgreed With me and wrote a iavorableldograplilcal notice of his life and character for publlbaMon, but withheld it on the reoeipt of the New Tork papers, a day or two afterward.. WM. H. CARROLL. John Holder Isaacson, J.P. * ,* SAFE CONDUCT. DlETaorr, 28th April, 1865. A safe conduct js gmnted W. W. Cleary to virit I^^it and return to Canitda for the purpose of holding an interview with H. H. Emiitons, Esq., agent of that depart- ment. . til. ' ■ This safe guard to expire at 7 o'clock p.)n>, on tha 29th instant. B. H> HILL, Lt CoL U. S. A. Commanding. AFFIDAVIT OF M. LaMARQUlS. . PaovniflB OF Oahada, J^ower Can^ ) i" to wit c District of Kamoaraska. J Stephen E. A. LeMarqaiSj of fba Yillage of Fraaervllle, in the pariah of River da Loup, In the County of Temiaeouata in the Outlet of Kamooraska, General Agent, being duly swohionthe Hwer Canada,) unoaraska. f «riab of Riter du a, General Agent, aa fdlows: Ti&; Dptoo' and W. W. n 'f La Rodielle^s ed there until the iT.tiT. Oleaiy left lained mt the said id afterwards left ws with the said /Abraham Lineoln, lace eaUed on the eommunicated to he United States, pson and W. W. a it as a great eal* ) words " |(oo 6«f, LeMARQUIS. to t a ke affida vit s . ■"pv^ . /y ■\ '17 ■ AFFIDAVIT OP M. LiROOflELLE. ., ■ • PaoTwoe OF Camada. Loww Oah*da, ' V- District of Kamouraska. Plewe Eugene LaRochdle. Esqoito of the Village 1>^ Fraserym.. in {• P«J* «f Rlvilre du I^up,in'the County of Temiscousta, In/ 'the district of Kamouraska, ?f™iH ^•naeman belnff duly sworn on the Holy E^angeUstt, doih depce and say « Mfn«* SatTtii^r S on the eleventh day of April last (1866) (Wooel S«S ThS^sS -an^ W?W Cleary .took lodjdng. asWrs. in W^-".,^^ " ZZTtu, •• Tj»Pfl<*all«'« Hotel." in the ▼ lege of FiaserTille aforesaid, kept hy hlmj_tM deS^enSregrrtcredlMr names Inl book kept for that purpoWthat both gSmenTemained with him until th._twenty third J «'?<''•??'• °«y»{;.,.^ .,{.,„ •^ TT^at on or«bout the said tarerttythlrd day of Apnl the said W. W. Ole*ry leftfor iT«n«r CanaA and that the said 0. . . . ■ ■ ■■ ^ ■..'■^"r- ■■'■'■:.:.. ■ Odx*. Xhomfson ' Si.-B<>Be.iil«yoatob«imofflc«r,otBg.ll^of lb«C!on(.derale«o».niin«.t, '^M^JrS'iS'bSmt.wt Wl «pl.i. t..J.. U„«».of my«ld«»i.« ""KSr: Slid fl;''.^,Si:r& tb. «*t. »d '«^-««"tz f^^ i»vfero>n|ain more than a supply for two or two and a-half days. luly one thousand LLAND, U.S.O. S^ ft i ^^ r I • v^ <^ ^ _:ft^- DtltTOTthtaDjiaMd w# d«pnT«tb« eitjot ito aole MurM of nppW of wftt«r. TIi« fbandriei and faetories engaged in t&« manufaotur* of maoitiou of war and army nippliaa, bebg dependant on tha Orwtoo for aUam and other parpoaaa. moat n««Maaril7 aoapand oparaUona. 8t«unboaU and railroad looomotlvaa. likawiaa da. Efk".Jrhw?*Jliril'*^i!!S*' V" ***•• r"*'' **" ^S^^ ambarraaaad In ihair mora, mkot^and wHI be oUiged.^ at a great eoat of tine, mooay and labor, to aaek r aopplY •'TAI!* The engin*a daily and nighUy ealUd into reqniaiUon to anppraaa S^ would baeoina oaelaaa. and the beat, parta of the town, without the aid of ineendiariaai H^J^J^^ ■ P?^ *• <»o«i;g,SB*. WaUr in New York would a^ bUSS !?i.!SI?* w? •*??^1* 'V^'H^ in Rlehmood. Thowanda of poor detJlMrho wUT 2^57^. ^iT'i^ the Yankee arniea will be required to reooVatruet the Dam-a » *TiffT " *Ui/«a«^'« "Jx inootha, and coot upward* of 16.000,000. to oonplete. But thijie not all. \he Dam which ia mtod milea aboTo tbemonthof thoSyer iS^!^n!^iT'T^A^^r i^/'' "''"^ «*«-•»• roiuViiirfoiidriS SJ!S »-1Xl'!i?"''i^.*•^. iaoluding the great bridge of the ludaon Rirer lUU- ?^i.i ' )?"• 'J!*!" deatniction of the Dam aU theae work* would be awept away. S^.l«'«V^iftt^'"'r ""-i*^'*?!^**' P""««of the watSrlbJd luull ^ *" **• *^*^ •°'"'' •*** "Mwnfcrtorfea below were awept oflT, together wiUMnany permie. and a great numbed pf «itUe «nd awine. Let the watenlooM atthe preaentUmeaiid the daatruetion w!in» flirtee aa great niepeo3"oftS Z^?.L*r.*?i*^*I*V""«**^r' *• Crotoo would rl^TO «>m.SISmlW ^fiV!!?!!**", *![ ""T*""**? »»▼• •!»««• «JoiW thebanka of the Shenandoak — i^ ■«h«n»o i* not^only praeUcable but may be ezMuted with Tery little trouble SSJ-^Kr.:! ^ «'"?y/«'*t^ Vj-KWa W,and an enwny to oTerything ySS owna the land upon which the Dam ia bnllV an^ her >«aidenc^ and out-buiilinga are ffi.«ii!? "^ ''*" *• •bntmento of the work. Thia will ailbrd you aome idea of ?iSm SraTrJady e^S^*^ *° ""^P""" """''■'"*• ^ ^""T^ ""» '" «"• ^«nn^'^ our propoaitlon,.Vahall Uka pleasure in laying them ijef^'yon in ^nntiaj, and«f giving you an eatimate of the ram requiaitefor their execuUonf ReapectfoUy your OVt Serrant, J. "WATSON W^LAOE. y iouaan ^i,!^'lt^^^^4^V^A:^ preferable to you or Our govemment, the matter of deptmo-. tloo tan be effeeted in aueh a way aa to appear entirely acddental ^ " / . ., ■;■■.; .'■ ■'■ . ', xw.w.:, ■ ■ Onthosothdw^^une, A.D.;1865,W.wrCleary exhibi to me the withb IB aaying that it ia the haiid-wntiog of J. Wataon WalUice, aliaa Saodford Oonorer. letter, and dcair „ . ,» \ JOHN P. POtTER, Montreal. June 80, 186fi. " X ' U. 8. Oonaul Gen'l, RNA-P. See afBdavita of Book-keepeii^^of St. Lawrence Hall, at Mo&foeaL and Queena Hotel, Toronto, (printed iqth Montgomery** teatlmony) ahowing that Thompaon and Cleaiy w«re not in Ifontreal, aa sworn to by Conover ^f \ SANMX)RD CONOVER. ' ; i^oOT l'^:^:^l^7^'"'J^ V^- »«>*, ««?weding ■» a lawyerrPunham natnaa AUaer. Thia waa ten yeara ago. Prerioua to thIa time he had marriea ad*. :. 7 t9 tor of Admt (who twMura Won th« ooort martial that he haa known Dnahant (Ooofr- Tor) tight yaara), and wa hara tha moat nndouhtad aoihority for aarlnjr ha ( Anaar) haa baaa inihnatalT aeqaabtad with Oonorar (Dunham) dnoa tha hoyhood of tha lattar. Upon tha braaung oat i>f tha war, Dunham atartad to ndia a ragimant in thia dty, of whieh flotitiona ragimant Anaar was to hava baan qnartarmaataf . 8000 aftar tha jf««M of hia military earatr, Dunham IcR tha dty, graatly to tha mlafortona of Ua paUant eraditora, and waa naxthaard from by laltar to hia bro(har-in So much peijniy Ox: -ft aingle depaniel Hibler, Thoinas Perkins, Bobert' Bae, George 0ilkes and of numerous witneeses pre^ntly to be eiied for their direct contrn^etions of his testimony, v Several of ihem say they wotild not believe^idm 0|n bath. (pp. 39, ^, 46 and46.) " t\ Q.^-Were yon, or not> in the Oanada t A.-^Iwas. Q.><-Stato whether you mat there a man by tha Qwtfge'Ybnng^thera; ■■■-■;■":..: ':.b --■ '.'■ of Cetobet or Woveinber last, in Toronto, of Toung t A.— I met .>;'■. f 1 , ■ ! k, •< i' .!-..■■ ■ '■■ ;r ■- ■ ! 1 i 1 ■ - Q.— Did Yonng profes* to Im from KcoUidiT I A.— i btlUve Uiat he did ; I b«> )i«T« he «u foroMlrly of MorgKa'i Comnund, Kmtuokjr. Q.— Did you mMt a man aamad Ford, of Keotuoky, a daatrter I A.-rYaa^tlN . Q.— 'Did you in«et a moo nani«d Orovea, from I^iuiaville t A.-~Y<«, air. Q.-.9id you have any ooar«rwtiun with Young iu regard to publio aflUra of that tlmtl A.— Tea, air, aoma. ... Q.— Will you itat* what h« jald to you, if anytbiog in regard to aome rery imporUnt matter being oo the tapia in the iotereat of tha rebellion t A.— He aaked me if I hiul seen Colonel StMiie before I left Windaor. OiZ-Who woa Culunel Steele t A.— Cojonel Steele ia, I beliere, • Kentuekian ; what hi» glren nome ia I don't know. „ . . . , , ^ . Q.— Wm be a rebel in the rebel aerfice t A^He had been, oa I underatond, a Q.— Proceed with wliat Young told yopl A.— He aaked me If Col Steele had eaid anything to me b reUtioo to the Preaidontiol election. I told him that he had uot ; then he aaid : " Wo Lave lomething on the tapis of much more importance than any raid we have made, or can mike," or something of that character. Q.— Did ho prooetid to ^ate what it wu f A.— I aske«l him what it waa. Ho ■aid it waa determined thatVld Abe shonld never bo inaugurated. Ifdi understood it right, that was hia expression. I asked hin« how he knew. He said that he knew he would not be inaugurated. They had plinty of friends, I think he said in Wash- itigton. He spoke in relation to Mr. Lincoln, and used -sdme ungentlemanly terma, eaUed him a d—d old tyrant, or something like that. ^ Q.-.That waa Young f A.— Yes. sir. ,..,,. Q.<<>-Did you afterward aee Steele and Sanders together I A.— Yea, ««r. Q._Do you mean George N. Sanders! A.— I do. I waa introduced to George N. Sanders by Ool. Steele. 6.— Will yon stale what, if anything, was said in relatioi to the aomto matter by either of them on that ocoasion f A.— I aaked Ool. Steele what was going to be done, or liow he liked the prospects of the Presidential election; Ool. Steele'a ezpreasion was, " The d— d old tyrant will serve another term If he ia elected," George Sanders ■aid' ** he would keep hbnself eloee if he did seife iibother term." . Q.— Did Sanders say tliat the aame time that Steele said, *' That d— d old tyrant never should servo another term I A.— Yes, Sir. " ■ "' st^eal in the month of February loatt A.— I was. trebels there the subject of the asaassipation of the fes. Sir. ] the names of the persons who were willing to ^ Sanders name over a number of persona that were ready and willing, aa he said, to ebgage in the ondettaking to remove the President, Vice-President, cabinet and some of the leading OeneraW, ,Q.— What, if anything, did George Sandera say in relation to their having plenty of money to aecoraplisn those assassinations t A.— Snndera said their was anv amount of money to accomplish the {yurpose. I think that waa the^ezpression used. Q.--That yrta the assaaaination I A — ^Yes, Sir. He read a letter which he said he had received from the President t>f, the Confederacy, ' '. Conover'B sfory before the Military Commuaion waa that the rebeb at Montreal only wrote to Jeff. Davis in February to get his approbation of the aasaaBinatipn in project, and waited until April, when they got such a reply as Merritt said they had in February, and held about the same sort of a meeting /^ver it. ' Q^Uueaning Jeff. Davis I A.— Yes, Sir; which letter justified him in making any arrangeifleote that he could to accomplish the object. Q:— Was there not a meeting of thoM rebels at that time in Montreal where Sanders was, and where you were also t A.— Yes, Sir. Q.— Was it at this meeting that Sanders read that letter from Jeff. Davis I A.-*- Yes. Sir. * Q.— Were yon afterward in Mi Q.— Did you not heat amoi — " Preddent freely spoken oft Q.— Did you or not hear mi assassinate him? A.— I heard irm I A.- DMqgtl'eal loaflkrel ^^■es, onHnd nroHr. 6 Q.— Will you state some o* the langoage of that letter, the strong language which I used, if the tyranny of Mr. Lihcoln "was submitted to I A.— I do not kaoir. as I lie used, if the tyranny ean use the exact language. \ s- •1 • Kentuokiao v I UD(]«ntaDd, a d— d old tyrant Q —TIm tubtlwiM of li. A.-^Tb« latter wna iu iuImUuim that if th« p«opU lu Canada, and the South«rner« In the HUHtm, were willing fc> inbmit to b« govamad by ■u«h a tyrant aa Lincoln. b« did not with to recogniio Ibem.aa fncmli or o«iociat«i, or lomctUng Uka tbat , , ., ... ... Q— And yon eay Ihnt in that Ultw ha expMited Lb approbaliou of whatotar tnenaoraa tbey mlgbt take to nccomplith that objccti A.—Yee. Sir. Q._Waa that lettar rand openly in tbia ni««tlng hi Sandarf ? A.— v on, Sir, Q^AAar it waa read, wa» it. vr not, bandad to Ibe mambora of tbu inmiling, and raad by them ona a(t|.r auotber J A.-Ool. yte«l« read it, I ibibk; Cupt. Scott rcud it, and Young and IlilL >■ At tho timo of tliis protended inoetlng it U proved that Mcrritt, tho witneaa, andjDapt. Scott, Col. Stoelo and Guorgo Young were aoveral hundred milea from Montreal, and they oowld not have been in that city during tho month of February. 'Ab to Scott aee the ufBdavita of P. S. Worthington, barrister apVindsor, and of Dr. 0. B. GUkrt ; as to Young the affidavit of Wm. Ohahman, book-keeper of a hotel at Winc^or ; aa to Col. Steele tho affldavitaAmd ceriificatea of Annie M. Palmer, O. McMiokon, magistrate, S. S. MoDonell, Mayor of Windsor, «id of Judge Leggatt and others ; and as to Merritt himself tho affidavits of Thos. M. Cook, Thomas Scott, Dr. Wm. Bell, Wm. Jackson, and the statements before cited, (pp. 43, 44 and 45.) Q.— These wore all known as rebels, ware tbey cot f A.— 1 belicvo they were. ^ Q.— Did they or not all acquiesia, after reading it, in Uie oorrectneaa with which Sanders liad read it openly to the meeUng I A.— There was no remark made a» to any misstatement ofthe letter by ^Sandara. ^ ^ ...» ., it.*:* Q.— Aa far as you could judge, did it seem to be tho sense of that moeting^tbat it was proper to bare this object ncooropllshed I A.— I did not boar any objeotton Q.— You said that was in the month of FebruHry ; ran you say at what time of the month that meeUng was, held I A.-I should think i^ was somewhere about the middle of February. Thomas Scott swears that on the 16th as well ason tho 10th, 11th and 18th of that month Morritt w*as attending Scott's wife in Ayr, several hundred miles from Montreal. Both Scott and Cook swear that on tho 20th Merritt was attending a c^M of Cook's in the same village, (p. 41.) Q.~By whom wjero you invited to attend the meeting f A.-^apt. Scott invited me to attend the meeting. . , .i. Q.— Waa it on that oecasion or on some other that Sanders named over the persons who wore willing to accomplisli the assaasiiuition I A.— At that tlino. _ Q.— Will you state wfaetiier among the persons thus named John Wilkes Jiootn was mentioned I A.—Booth's name was mentioned; 1 do not remember that the John Wilkes was added to it . ,„.!.• Q.— Did you see Booth yourself in Canada » A.~Not then : I saw Booth in October, 1864. . . . . . . . „ .u. a- Q.— Can you recall some other namea that were meoUoned besides Booth I A.— Yes, Sir ; Qeorge Harper was one, Okarlas Oauldifrell one, Randall and Harrison. Q.->Did yon hear that person Harrison spoken of by any other name t Did you bear the name Surratt mentioned ? A.— I heard Surrattfs name mentioned. ^ Q.^Do you know whether it was the same person or not! A.— I do not think it 'VQS Q^— His name is John Harrison Surratt f A.— Surratt's name was mentioned. Q.— Did you see the prisoner HerToId in Canada at (bat time » A.— I say I saw Herrold ; 1 saw the one who was called Harrison in Toronto. Q.— Would yen recognise him— look at these prisoners and see if yon recognise Mm t A,— After looking at tbeprisooers I should think that third one on the bench there was the man. poinUng to Herrold. , ,. ,. . "T Q._He waa rooken of as one who was ready to accomphsb assassination f A.— i understood |Ir. Sanders to say he was ready to accomplish it, or asdet mU; his \;; .^ ' mm -A. 1 1 *■■■ s ■ .»- . .♦•■ Jll. .^- V ntn* wu mMtioMd in eoanaotion wllh Ik* oth«n ; h« w«i#^liMr« bf Um mum of BarriMMi. ' Q^—Look at Um rtnaindtr of tha priMiMn, and ■«• If you rocoioiM mj of UMm ; do you romcmbor (o havo m«o th« priaontr Payn* in Canada t A.— ( do not ; I do not M« any olbar tW I ahould raoogniM aa avtr haTlog mat in Canada, axoapt Htrrold. >, Q. — Did I nndantand yon to lay, Utat io tba oottTtnalion ocoarrinK batwaao thaao Nbala and their fiianda, thera waa no raaarro at all in dlMuaaing tho quMtion of tba aaaaialnatioa of tba Praaidant and hia Oabinat t A. — I do not taink you undantood ma oorroetly, if you undantood ma that tbaro waa no raaarra ; thara waa not a grant amoont of raoanra. Q,— It waa diaodaaad flraaly among thamaalraa then t A. — Taa, air r|.— Among tho paraona nancad waa Ihara notooo who bora Iha niaknama, probably It \vaa,of Plog Tobaoool A.— I naror aaw him (hat I know of, but I hoard tha Q.— Waa ha in thia list that Sandora ■poko oft A.— I am not poritiro wljatbor ^Sandara niad hia nama or not, but I tiiink ha did. Q.-'Do yon ramaubar that Sandara, in ^pfiaking of Booth aa ona who wm 'willing to aaaaiainata tha Plr'aaidant and Oablnot, mantionad aa among> tha roaaoQs for it that ha waa ralatad to Baale. who had baan raeantir hangad in Naw Torkl ^A<— Ha aald Booth waa haart ana aoul in tho mattar, and fall aa mnoh aa anr ttftamt oonld, for tha raasoB that ha waa a oouain to Baale, who waa bung in Naw YvatS^'.' < Q.— What did ho ua, if aoything, in ragard to tha aasaaainatioii of that* Ic#{Vaal> dent, now Prasident of tha tTnitad Stataa I A.— He aald that if they ooutd dispbao of Mr. Uneoln, It would bo an eaay matter to diapoaa of Mr. Johnson, as ha waa auoh a drunken aot, It wonld ba an eaay matter to diapoao of him in aomo of his drunken ravalrieo. Q.— Did he eay anything in regard to Mr. Seward. Saeretary of JBtata I A^-Whan ha read iha letter he apoka of Mr. Seward, and I (nfarredkthat that waa partly the language of the letter; I Uiink it was that if thnae partiea, the Preatdent, the Vioe- Presldent and Cabinet, or Mr. Seward, eould be dispoeed of, it would aatisfy the peopla of the North, that they (the Southemere) had friends in the North, and uat a peaoe oonld be obtained on better terms than it oonld o\^arwiso be obtained ; that they (the rebels) had end4arored to bring about a war between tha United Slatea and England, and that Mr. Seward, through hia enorgy and sagaaity, had thwarted all their efforta. Q.—That waa suggested aa one of the reasona for getting rid of hhn t A<— Yea, Sir ; for " removing nim. Q.— At a later period, aay early in April, did you meet any of these parties I A.— Tee, Sir. Q.-^tate who they were and what oonvenation ooeorred botweea yoa and them I A.— I waa in Toronto on Wednesday and Thuraday, the'Cth and Hth of April laat. And in the eTeoint Of Wednesdi^ I waa on my way going to the theatre, when I met Harper and Ford. They askea\me to go with them and apend tho evening, and I dedlned, as I was goinff to the uieatre. The next morning I waa around by the Qoe«n*e Hotel and aaw Harper, CaUiwall, Randall, Ford and one Charles Holt. Qw— DidyonaeoamanoalledTekasr A.~Te8,sir. ington t A.--I think that Booth'a nam* was mentioned aa being at Washington ; but I do not remember hearing Surfatt'aiat that time. to their haTiog frienda at Waahhigton t A. — it there w e re a cm e fift ee n or tw e aty Q.— Waa anything aaid in regai Th a y aa id they had pl e nQr of frienda going to Washington, Q><^DId yon or did yon not call aflerwarda and aseertain that Haner had, in fao^ left on the 8th of April t A.— On ttte Saturday afterward I waa at Oalt. Bar- poritlM whttbar per** mothtr b living aomt four *r tU ibIIm from Oali, b«lw««a tbAt an J i'aria, I MMTislnad llian tliat ha hail baan to tha pl«ca ha had baan atopping, Mil OalJwall'a, «n(l at«rtao yba Of not know at what tima thia roan Harper ralnrnad from tha Btataa to Canada t A.— I hava not paraonal linowlad);o that ha ratumad at all. Q. What knowledga hav«>ou on tfta aubJAatl A.-^l wu in Oalt on Fridar again, and I found ttiara firom If r. Ford that ha had b«i)n homa on Thuradny, and had atarted to go book to tba Stataa again; that waa tha Tliursday after tha aaaaaalnatlon. Q.— Did you know whiTa thera oo^ Ool. Aihl^y, a rabal offloarl A.— I did not khow that he wa% a rebel ofHoar; I knaw that ha waa a rebel aympathher; he waa a broker at Windaor, opposite DetroiL Q — Did you ever sea p letter frorh Jaoob Thompson, formerly Seoratary of the Interior, to himt A.—Some time last Pall— I otinnot tell exi^otly what time— Ool. Aahley handod me a letter, wliioh he aaid ho had reeelvud from Jacob Thompson. Baking him for fonda for the benefit of the rebcla to earnr out their objaota in Canada, ' and be asked me if I oould not oontribute: he read me the letter, . Ool, Aahley aweantU^thiittorjia untrue, (p. it3.) Q.— What did you understand t^omhim and fiom thitt letter to be those objeota f A.— My understauding was that tM'pukiose wiia to raise means to pay the expenses of those who wer».«nable to pay their 6wn expenses to get to the States and make raids; I so understooc^ the meaning of the letter; I may have/ misinterpreted it. Q. — Did you have any conversation with Jacob' 31>omps<^ or Clement 0, CUy f A. — I had a conversation with Mr. GUy. ' * Q.--At what timri I)'" A.— In February. ^ 1% ia ahown tfa^yi^r.'^lAy waa not in Canada after November, ^804. (pp. 49iknd60.) f Q.— St«te what it waa t A. — I spoke tp him in Toronto about the/ letter that Vr Sanders had exhibited in Montreal — tho letter of Jefferson Davis. Q.— Did you atute to him what that letter wnsf A — He seemed to ui^derataiid the nature ami oharocter of the letter perfectly ; I nskett him what lie thougfit aboi it, and he said he thought "the end would justify the means;" that was hi* expi •Ion. -y ,r \ Q.— Justify the asaassin'ation t A^— That the eud^WbVtlU justify the meatus Q.— ^Tou say (hat when you mentioned to liim thia letter from JeiTerso^Davis, approving of th>a pLin of aaaassinattOD, he seemed to understand it perfectly I A.-^ Tee, Sir, ne seemed to understand it. Q. — Too spoke of having heard the name of Surratt. Do you rmiember that he waa at any time pointed out to you when you yere in Canada t A.-YHe waa pointed out to me oDoe. Qv^Afe what time waa that, and where f A— It waa in Febn)4ry, and I think in Totont o. 1 — ■— — - — — '— Q. — With whom waa he there I A.— I did hot observe him ' walking on the other aide of the atreet, -and wiu pointed out and I am inclined to think it waa Soott who/pointed him on^ out, Beott, Ford, and myoalf were atanding ob the sidewalkr , (th any one; he' me aa bahigSurrat; when he waa pointed I V- I ^*- • ■■ i t " *- .' ■ '■ s ■ ' -f ■■'•-.■ I ' '1 * •1 ■.■ / 't- ■. .'■. ■ » I:--.. )■ , ■ ■.-i?- hi - . .. I- ' .•'■•■ •■ 1 ■ ■ ; • . a— ttov oAw did yoii M« Booth ihtn I A —I ••» D«»«»>" »•»•'• »''« «* »'•'* a— With whom did you gmonilly ■•• bim ••«)«l«»hif I A.— I do no! know Ikal I Quald Ull. I Mt *l lh« taWo wllh him oo«o at ih« St. Lawrmico. 8«nd«rt *m at ttM Min« ••bl«. «wl H«o" Mid 8t#«t«. and myMlf. .u . t lu -^ U — DUI YOU ••• H«»Ur» Mid Ikwth (ofttbcr I A.— I do not know that I UM. M>jr mora than at Iha labia. Tl»«f war« nonvaraloc with aaeh othar at tha tabU. Wa all drank torn* wina •! Mr. Hamlof*' aipanaa. . . , , . . .„ ,., , Q —Waa not IJoolb r«ro|oiMd bj ih«m all aa thalr friatid. and aa ftillr parroiltad, le know any aiitarpriaa «h«y wara tugagad In I A.— I oannoi anawar thai quMtioa,^ for I do not kno». 1 1 . .«. a— Did you haar what Bandera aald oC Booth I A.--1 kitow what waa laJd o tha maating ; oitalda of that I did mI km any panM fptak p«rtiMkrly Jn ralaUoo to Q^^Did you ha»a paraonal aoquainlanoa with Bool|i youraalft A.— No, Sir ; I had Man him a good many tlm«a on tha ataga, and know him very wall by alght. 'riio photograph of J. Wllkaa Booth, eihibit No, I, waa ahown ti> tha witntaa, Q.— fa that a oorrtat raprcaantatlon of him I A.— I ahoold think that waa tha maa. Q.~What la tha full nama of " Harpar," of whom you ha»a apokau 1 A,— (laorg« ^Km* txamintd by Mr. fl/o«» — Q-Did you aea iha nnan who waa callad Harrjaoo •nd whom you think ia Uanold, more than onca in Canada t A.—l think I aaw him two or thf«a timaa. . „ . Q.--At what Uma did you aaa bim I A.— In Fabroary. .„ . »u Q.— What tima in Pabruary I A.— About tha middla, or aomawhara about tb* lAth or 20th of tha motith. Q.— Did you maka hia Miqualntnbfce I A.— I did nott , . , . . « Q.— Do you rammnbar who pojutad him OHt to youf A.— 1 think it waa a Mr. Brown and Ford and Holt togathar. N. Q.— Waa It in a atraatr A.— In aialooo, Q— Night or day I A— In tha atenlnjj. „ , , .i* a— Did you notioa him mora parUoularly than Ilia ganerallty of poraona in tha ■alood I A.— I notloed him a Ilttia more particularly on aooount of hia nama having baan mantlonad In oonnaetlon with othan at MontraaL Q.— Waa thla in Montreal I A — No ; It waa In Toronto. . Q^Waa Booth in tha aaloon f A — So. ..... . u^ Q.— Aftar ha waa pointed oi»t yow aaw him oooa or twica, and that he went by tua name of Harriaon, you aay I A It ia my impraaaion that he went by that name ; I do not rememtier to haT« heard the name of Herrold mentioned at all. Q.— Did you aee him after that at any time till now f A — No, Sir, I did not, Q.— And you aaw him to-day for the flrat time ainoe then f A.— Yea, 8ir, Q.— How waa ha dreaied then, do you remamber I A.— I do not know that I do. Q.— I inaan the general atyle of the dreea; waa ha well dicaeed or not! A.— I did not aee anything about hia dreaa that parlieularly altraotcd my atUntion. Q.— I do not mean tha eolor of hia olothca. but waa he genteely dreaaed f A.— I ahould think ha waa comfortably dreaaed : aome people'ai Idena of gentility dilfcr from tboaaofothera. « Tha hour fixed by the rule for that purpoae hating arrived, the eommia«lon tookT reeeM till 2 oolook, p.m. ^ , CooaT Room, WaaHiMOTOi*. D. 0. I Friday, May 12, 18«tt— a o'clock, P.M. f Janaa J. Mnrphy, Edward V. Morpby, and Robert Colmyaga were duly aworn bf the Judge>AdToeate aa reportera to Ihe commiaaion, in the preience of the aecoaed. Jamti B. M*rrUe» Crou exnmin^ioH eoutiniud by Mr. Jli*m.—Q.— Where wer« you bom t A.— 'I waa bom in Canada. Q.-rTben yoa are a native of Canada f A.— The firat queation aaked me by the ■Tnrfge. AdTociUfc waa, " What State are you a native of.'* and my anawer waa that I cou^ not tell. I can explain that. My people lived in Rome, Oneida County, New York. Father and mother were In Canada viailjng and taking eare of looe of tbeir frienda at the lime I waa born. The queatloo waa rataed, the firat time I ofiered nj tote, whether I waa a native of New York «r OfHiada, and wa* Badeeidad. ^« n (wo or Uirm her* about Um lok it WM ft Mr. Q.— When -wtn JylA« Jm^-/1Awm««.— Q.— Tl«twai«lMt ;o«i n«ui( bj jrotir aatirtrl ▲•<* Yt«,Blr. Hy Mr. ^OMt^Q.— WkftliiyoarMof A.— Nearly forlr. <^— llow ofUn (lid you viaU OwuuM lait Hutniii«r mi<1 Fall I A. — Iliav«b«Mi tlMr« all ih« lima aiiM* Mav last, pratty muck. Willi (ha aioapiioo of ft Alw dajra ia Da««inl>«r, (hat I ooaaiitmally w»iil baak and forth in Datrull. Q. — What waa your Initlucaa In Oanada t A-— l'ra«(iolng madldiMt Q. — Wh«ii did you ttrat iiiaat any of Uia parlita you hava uamad in Caaa<^at A. —Soma of (ham 1 mat tha flrtt day I waa (n«ra. , Q.— Vou want in May f A.— Yaa, Hlr; I w«nt lo May. Q.->Whara want Ibay I A.'-Kord waa (bara in May. Q. — Oy whom waro you Inlrodaoad to thtie partiaa I A. — Soma of tbau intro- dnead thamiclraa. Q — W«r« you Idtroduaad to ftoy of tb«m f A.^Tb«o I Wftt lotroduoad ftAarwinl tft aom« ; Cul. Athlav iutroduood ma to Mr. Otay. ^ ^ Q.— Waa that tha flrit introduction you h4d to thoaa partiaa f A.— TUai waa tllft flrat Introduction I hud to Mr. Clay. Q,— To any of tham I A,— Oh, no; I think Col. Aahlay introduood nia to (wo or tbraa othara tbara, among ttia raat waa Oaptain Houtt Q. — How waa it that you wara oo auan oonlidt-ntial tarma with tbtaa galitUmaa I A.—Beoauaa I waa a K<>*>d Houthamar— rapreaaiitod mraalf aa auoh. Q. — la (bat tha rcaauu wby you wara aakad to contribula f A.— Yaa, Sir. Q. — Ou account of yuur known atatua tbara aa u Houthcroar I A.'— Thay aujppoaad I waa a good Southarnar, aud I prtauma that waa tha raaaoii Mr. Aahlay aakad ma to oontributa. « Qw— You apoka of drioking wina with Mr. Snoiara ; waa that bafdra or aftar tba morning at whioh tlia lattar waa rand to which you rafarrad t A.— That waa aftar tba intanriaw w« bad in Ootobar, but before tiia meeting at whioh tha latter of JDftVi* waa read. Q. — Where waa that meeting hebl I Aj—la Mr. Bandera' room. Q — Who invited you to be praaeot at thftt meeting f A.-I then called upon a Judge of the Court of Aaelaea, made my atata- ment to him, and he aoid I ahould hate to go to the Grand Jury. Q. — What did you do tbeik?- A. — I did not do anything ; went home. Q. — When did you firat eommuoicftta to tba government tbia information tbat yotf bftTO detailed here f A. — I think it waa two weeka ago tonjay. <].— Sioee the aaaanaination of the Preaident t A.— Yea^ Bir. ' "^ Q.— What waa your object in keeping tbia information ao long to younelf I A.-!- Tbere waa no authority to communicate it to. What sort of a looking man was he! A.-^I never saw him but onee; he is a man, I should think, as tall as I am, neaily five feet six inchesv or seren or eight Jnches, rather slim and he wore a moustache. Q.— What was the color of that moustache t A^'^^Dnrk. * Q— What «as the color of his hair I A.— I did not notice his hair particularly. I noticed that he' had a moustaehe. ,« Q. — What was thie color of his eyes) A.— I do not know that I noticed. Q.— How was he dressed t A- — Dressed in ordinary clothes, ^ike any gentleman would be. Q.^Dark eOlored clothes f A.— I should think they were, but I might be mis- taken. Q.— Are you pretty pobitive that Ihey Were dark colored clothes t A.— I would not be positive that they w«re. I would not be positive tiiat it was Surratt, either, because I do not know the man. I beliere they liad been ; I think thqr aald tbey had been in the rebel aerriee ; whether they were commiaaioned or priTatea I cannot aar. ' y-. Q.— 'The Clay of whom you haTe apoken ia Clement 0. CflaT, of Alabama, Dmnerly of the United Statea Senate, ia it not I A,— Tea, Sir ; 0. 0. Clay, a tall alim mu. By Mr. 4Adf:o9ite, without objection, oifered the letter in OTidcnce. It ia aa foUowa: Was DiPABXVKiiT, PBovMT-MauBAiACtennai'a BnUMJ, ) . Waahington. April 20, 1886^ > To Dr. J. B. MmrrM, Agmt, Canada Wut:. 8n: I have been informed that you poaaeaa information eo&nected with a plot to aaafasinate the Preaident.of the United Statea and other prominent heada of the gwr« emment The bearer haa been aent tonveaent thia letter to you, and to accompany jou to Una city. If you will come the Seeretary of Wai^ authoriaea me to pledge yon protection and aeonrity, and lo pay M expensea connected with ^onr joumejr both - vaya, and in addition to prondae you a anitable reward if uaefnl information ia fur> ^ahed. Independent of theae considerationa it it hoped that the cause of bnmanity and jnatieewill induce yon to aetpromptly,inditidnaliaing anything ymi may know oeonected with the reoent tragedy in thia city or with aAy other plota yet in operatico. The bearer ia directed to pny all expenaea eonneeted with yotw trip. I am, ete., Tery reapectfnlly, your obedient acHrant, , ^^: .^^ JAMES B. FRT, Pnr^et^rahatOenecaL , The original of tbe foregoing ia annexed to this record, and marked " EihiUt No. fi.** The promise of a " suitable reward'^ for "useful information," when made by a wealthy government, could not fail to procure whatever information . ■oeh a government might happen to desire. JByfAe^wfjWr^dvorafr.-r-Q— It waa under that letter that you camet A.— Tea, .'Sir. : xr By th» C9iir(.-.-Qd— The witness, in giving the Teason for hia admission to the meet* ing of the conspiratora in Canada, said it waa because he was a good Southern man; ^ and then, in giviog a reason for not communicating thia information ^o tbe govern- ment, he said empbatic^ly be waa not a good Southern man. How is that discre* panoy explained I A.— I said thev admitted me because I was a good Southern man, and I aaid it in auch a way that I thought it would be undetstopd that I had made the i m pre e don on th e ir minda tha t I waa a good Sontlicrn man^ — Qod knowa I am not a Southern man in sentiment, because I have Udten the oath of allegiance too often. ■ 1: r. '5!;,: >; 1 , ' • ■ ■ ■ ■ J9y J/r.2tt«i— Q.— tyfcerewe»you«t»fi«Um« Mr. Aihley uk«d joa to oontri- bntet A.— In Windtor, oppodto D«tlroit. , ^. . 0.— Too tUted that yon did not oonlribnto Mythinir at that tim« I A.— I did not. Q.-^Did yoa erar contribnta any thine for that apeeial .parpoM t A .— No^ Sir. Q.— Either in money or aerrieaa or advice t A.— No, Sir. Q.— When did yon leaTe Hew Torlif A,— Four or llTe or aix year* ago; more than that. •.•_.. Q,— When were yon teat in New York city f A.--I hare not been there, I tU9k, aince 1868 or 1869. • ' . ^ . , ., . Q.— 'Did you knoir aoTtbing of (he jplot to bom that eity 1 A.*-I didv. Q._Did yen oommnnieate tliat to any one I A.— I did. Q.— To whom I A-— To Ool. Hill, of Detroit. . : ,^ ai. • ... Q.— BoW did yon come to find ont anything abont tfaatt A.— 'I heard it m the talk at Windaor. - . ^^. . ' ^. .. . Q.— Did yon eommnnleate your knowledge before ot after the^ttempt to bum that eityf A.-^Before the attempt. * ^ *'„ Q.— Are' yon acquainted with Robert Kimball, of Toronto t A.--Noi^8ir. . --- — Q.— Did you ever lee him t A. — ^Not that I know of. Q.— HeietheOonauItheret A.— I do net know him. . » Q.— Who of Uie Boutiiemen communicated to you this Intention to bum New York dty at WlndK>rt A.— Robert Dnfte,formeriy of Moijpin'a command. Q.— Waa he the only one t A,—Another of d^ namrf orsmith ; 1 do not know Smith's firet name, but they werA both of Morgan's command, and they had been to Chicago to attend the Presidential OonTeotion there, and went there for the purpoao 6f diaturUng the publie and releasiug the rebel priaonera at Oamp.Dougks; at least they told me that that waa their object in going, after ther returned. •• 4— After yon had thus been made aware of the plot to bum the eity of Hew York, and commit that depredatiMi in Chicam why did yon eonUnne your friendly nlations with that elass of men t A<— Por the purpose of giving information when I .should find itof importance; another thing, my practice waa mostly among »•*«»*» of men— among Southerners; if you go to Canada, you will find that nioe^tentba Or Ihe people ara rank rebel aympathisers. , . \ .. ^ Q.— Did yon oontinne yottr friendly and eonfidential rdations with them alter that? A— I did. . , t • Q._By whom were yOn pidd for oommnnioiting the Information? A.— I never have received a dollar from the goveiiimeat for fumlahing any informauott from Canada. , . Q.~Have yon ever reeeived anytUng firom the rebels for any rervieea rendered to them I A^Nd, Sir ; 1 say I never reeeived a dolter ; the government did edvanoe me money here the other day, to pw nfir expenses ; I have proofs In my iwj*"^'"** . I can ahow, if nedessary. from the ProvostMarshal at Detroit, that I furnished valo* d>!e information without renunention. . . . ^' . \. *j Q._Why. after this, and after you were eootinnlng jour relatione with them, should they continue to t^ink yon • goml Southerner I A.— You must ask them; th^ oan rive^yonmwlinfonnatkm on that point than lean. . „ .. ^--Did you intentionally deceive tiiemr A.— My intention waa to get all ttia information 1 eoidd from them. ^ c . I . (Qt^At the same time pretending to be their friend! A.— Yes, Sur. t • v5?, -esS^, •.;a: ■JW^TBiyH^ V so with tbem after APFIDAVIT OP Jf. A. Sf. LAWREKOE. / . .. /. • ToBotTKH Jon* llth^ 1868. On tha eighth of Jane I proea«deil to Oalt in tfao towntUp of JTorth Dunqfriea and OoantT of Waterloo, to iovostlgato the evidence of JaiD«« B. Merritt, giren in leeret at WaehingtiMi, diieoTered that there wak a Jnstioe of the Peace manned DaTidioo at that place a^ atated by Merritt ; oalied en him ; Mr. DaTidaon aMured me that until I drew hie attention to the eriden^. thai he bad not Icnown there waa aocl^a peraoa , inexiiteneef as JameaB. Merritt* that neither Merritt nor anr other ptfraon had OTer laid an information before him reipeptipg Harper and Oaldvell, or viT ,<^her penone, in «nj matter haTiog refeiwnee to the assaaainatton of Lincoln, a^nd that the teatimonT 4^ Merritt in the matter nu ntterlj falie and without Ibundation, obtained the affidaTit of Mr. DaTidaon na to these facts which ia hereunto annexed. J oalied vpoa Jud^ Miller the only rerident Judge either in the town or county— and upon M«sars^ L|ttte,Blaib, and Bampaon, the only other Jnatioea of the Peace in the town ofOaltiWid thathoBueb information had ever been laid before any of them,inadii diUgent taqniries as to whe,ther any purtiea of the name of Harjper, Caldwell, or ■, ford, had been during the entire war known at Oalt, and asoertidned as a faqj^be- Tond all dispote that no such parties fai^d erer been in the town pr county : next ^Sd to inrestigate the tmth of Menitt's statement as to the mother of Harper lident tb\k or ira milea from OaU on the Paris road; there are tworoada ., to Paris frOm Oalt; no woman having a son named George Harper has, during /the last twenty-fiTe years lived^ on either of these rojad», nor in the Township of Dumfries; nor in the County of Waterloo; statothis upon the testimony of men whp knowlyery person resident in the neighbourhood, ^ : SjWanos Wrigley, the Tut ;or,farkpatrick,UieBailiir,Th6maa Chisliolnjp.P, tad others; alao state it .aa lultof myownminnt^invebtigMbion. * «i .^ proceeded to Ayr in the aame township arnd ooDnl^, the residence of JimttL erritt, called upon the Justices of the Peac* afld i^iinolpal residents' of the |>roeeed Dein^re leading! Colli the I B. ▼iUi Mer f($und the whole of them highly indignai^ that suoh'a man as' James tt shonld be a reaident of the Tillage; they Sid i^esd the testimony giTeh-by leat character ; waa neeea* rritt had'nef er ?; f itt, and well > being a amall known to CTery whit, m w»» »m ■»«••»»••-■ i.»»».».«..j,'.-.— — — — - — — -av" absent from Ayr for; two oonsecnaTC days for six months last paat, nntil ho ded to Washhigton rcMatly ; uid any rilimber of aflMarite ean be pbtaiaad to .< his preseneein Ayr, upon Ae days that he awor« heVasrin Montr^pal and _^ ita; obtained the affidaTit of hb sarrant man, Jadnon„wlip alept in^the hoose^'. that he, Merritt, was not from home on any two oonseeutiTO daya during the mmittL' February lairtt when he swears he iru m Montred ; found that affidavit eould be .bdned to prove thai from the Iftth to the 26th of February he was each day it the lopse of Thomas M. Cook, in attendance upon a sick tohiU, also at the house of one Jeott ; and that upon one of the days he swore he was in MontreaLhe had deUvered Wwotnin of child in the village of Ayr; abundance pf. testimony can be procured as>to these facts. , ■ ■ '' ' The man Merritt, when he eamCto^'Ayr, had made ao many false statementa that he had utterly fidled to obtain the respfctpr confidenee of anv respecUble man. Dr. Bingham has a letter from an eminent physidan^at Enozville,' TennesMe,fraiii which ^oe he hailed, which elhitnto the man Merritt b a very unCatorable light; much surprise had beep expretaed at the auppression of the secret testimony at Waahiogtoif, aitd on one 9e«aMon lately, when this surprise warexpiiased to Merritt by Mr. Rhineck, he sUted Umt it fos perfeetly right, for that be Merritt wao indijjnantMthe assaMlna lifaathehatd been 'oUiged to testify, but thathewoiAl.be, ▼isiy sorrf to see hirtestimony in print . < ^ i_ Since Merritt's retnrh from WaaUngtop • huge amftunt of money' m jreenb«^ has been seen in hik possession, and hia rather extensive liaMUties have bcMtdia- ehaixtd, he now bouta that «he owes no man anything." Merritt ba8%t«ted te Mn Hepderaon and to Mn Boea that he never waa in Montreal and that m &•▼«- «aid he hfd betti there. > / ■■^^, Rev. Mr. MeOlure has seen in'MarittTa poeseiMon f^ee passes over the Nofthem B al liH i y, pr e v ious t o hf s vi si t t o Wa aotable famlliea in tbi> neigl^ boorhood, and it ia tboagbt.by tba petfple of Ayr that be used these nkmea beoMia^ thqr ware the fimt that'eame into his mind. 1 proceeded tp PariaintUe Township of Dumfries, and (bond that Uerritthad been ta the Oore Bank abont a month ago and stated hia desire to «pen an aoqoqnt^ there, alao called upon the droggist from whom' he has been in the haUi of obtislniag Ida medrdnea and found thai therewillbeno difficulty in proyiqg his presence » Ayr and Paris ypon days en which he swore he was elsewhere. •' '-; F. A. St. LAWM5N0?. ' Isbottldaddtbatthe wilful perjury of this man Merritt has entirely succeeded in banlshioK,Jrom tho minds of the good people of the County of Waterloo all idei that ttefferson Davis, Mr.'Ulay, Mr. Cleary, or Mr. Thompson, had any knowledge or complicity in the recent tragedy at Washington. F. A. St. LAWBENQ£. . . AFFIDAVIT OF WILLIAM JACKSON. > Atb, Co. Watkbloo, 0. W., Jnqe 9tb^ I86S; I, William Jaekson«d#niake oath and fay, that daring the mopthof Fabnunpand Mwch last I liTcd in the servioe of James W. Merritt. ofthia Tillage, pbysiciuE! an^ tkntto the beat^of my. knowledge and bdief Uie aaidLJaoMa B. Merritt warnelt •ibaent ftom Ayr during any two coaseeutiTe di^a donng the month of T^bmarj .last post.. . *•■ " his WILLIAM BELL, Witnesa. •/ - X WILLIAM x Ji ■ . '• ,;,». : < ■■ mark. Swom^ before no'Chis ninU> day of June, 1 866, at Ayr, in the County of Waterloo. . JOSEPH KILGOUR, J.P, AFFIDAVIT OF JOHN DAVIDSON. ■ ■» , , . -. ■ , !RKOTnoB Of Cahada, Oonnfy of 'yfaterloo, to wit : X John DaTidaon, of t^ Town of Gait, b the County of Waterloo, and ProTiaoa of Cbaada;^Esqolre, say aa follova ! 1.-I am one of 'fier .Majesty'a Justicea of the Peacf, in and fw tba Coiwty - ^ W. NICHOLAS MILLER, ^ AFWDAVlt OP THOMAS SCQTT;^^"~~"-r. • Air«,Conntyof WatterIoo,C.W., Junel8,l80S. I, Thomaa Sontt, do ablemnly affirnf and aweor that Dr. Jamea B. Merritt of this daaot wa in attendaiba upoq my wifa in my hooao #|t A jr, tia Friday the tenth of fabrnary laad; alpo, ott Saturdur tb« efayenth, and on Wednesday the fift^Bnth, and •nSatucday tb**«ighkeantboCFebri|«rylaat; and that upon the Mowing Mopday, rtlia iwaatnth dasof Febmavy^hiat,^! ««w the add Dr. James B. Merritt at the honao 9t Di>.. WiIliainJUUifi>thia sfild town of Ayr. : WitoM»-4r.'A«ST. LAWBAWoa. TBOMA3 800TT. Swortr ftafore m«i this thirtecintii dbhr of Jane, 18«5, at Ayr, in the County of Wat(|loo. ' JOSEPH KILGOUR, J. P. , V 1 , '',:):::^:^JifgTt^Tt b^tnoMAsM. cook. ji, Tbmuu M. Ooplb of tho TilUgOjOf Ayr, in the County bf- Waterloo, do aolenmly awear and lUDrm that Jiiojiep A JIMr^U* who was pHteti^ng tbedlelne In thiri vlll«ge. minatt«iidaiH;odpoif iOTc^rd;j^m^^ in Ayr, tm thtf night of th«>,twentt«th dw of Febhiary laat, aqilq^ day ni» to tbe twentyaisth day of Fabnuryhst ■ » ■ . TBOHAS M. COOK. Sworn bef9r» ma, thia thirtaafith day ht June, 1$65. Wiineaaed by P. A, Sr- lAwaiHOt GJSOROB CHITTENDEN, J. P. -^^- ^k, Jf^mkYTt OF WILLIAM BELL. Van^ U. D^ GOBOIWiR JFOR THE COUNTY -.:-.,\.v ,;;.-■ ,; ,,■:.■:,.,';.;:. OF.WAa«RLoa.:^: ;■•:;:/:• ■::'/■.'; , ^, WilKam BelU Dodmr J|f Medidna, and Coroner fsr the Ootn^of W'atwioo, do MiMttrily 's^aaf and afflrmrtl»t fire county of J^Tatorloo, r«jMoilng tt. SSSterTDr. Morrilt^Ku of the yilfiga of Ayr. on. of thoiaont ''ito^MW nnin.! wb.t bM b«en Mid before in Twioui wtyt ud on pretty good^utborltt ; but thjw iMt ■Utetnenta, taken in «onneoti«in'wlth the prerioue OBe% nppenr nlterly to^deetrey the T«lue of MerriU'i evidence. , . DR. MERRriTS EVIDEKOE. (To t^ Editor of IktOlobt.) 8«,-I h»Te leefi eeTeral «ion]rinoui lettere in tbe public prinSj b«Y*»« "«»» *•;• «Tid»e. taken in^et .«»ion J W«hin^. nnd "«»«/, P^W'^J',"* " «?? of the witaeue. [Jeme. B. Merritt] UwdTn Ayr .mo. •J»»Si„1J ^J^ISt (VeanentlT been called upon to gl»e my opinion w to hie etanding and TerMlty. ffo?. to the pubCob of anythlM relirtlng to the WUington erld w tilKumaZces. not if any way connected With h . or my ih)UU«I. tenaenc^ ledme iTwatoh Mr. Merritt clMcr dm I othenrite would haTe «o««»«»«y- ™ nSgb mentTon in thia connicfion a faet whhib will be readily '»d«'»««»d*rtte putRat while tho«i fi^>er. which bare |jf«f^«i*«*»*«S:a5.!!J*th'rS£ md here, the circulaUoii of Tm Gtona, whIA b jwderafawd a. *d»ooJtoM^^ ^of the North, ia, inpropertton to the popnhticiv Uteg» in wd aroond Ay* tbw in "{.a'^eSllSJ-uSS:^.!! known ^ i^.^„lH«rU« be«. tog;»her * tt« «jJoriti««TthceTidenbe giVen Iqr Mr. Merritt at WMhtogteo, I.^»? ■" J*J^^^^ ta\M;i«>« that I would nrt bellew him on hia oath; nor la thto my ing7W«» qiinlonnt ia enditraed W two of my b|oth«r magiatratea, and la the opinion of public fa eathnatinjtM talue of the eTiaebce l^*«» ^ff, *J^ *?IInJl!^?iSi nply to the aeTcnd applications made to me to giro RubUcity to the d^frrent feeling intfcaneighbodrhood. / ; > , Vi^„.pectftilly, ' ^" ■;.:-.. JOHN: WATSONiV- ■ h.'S^, O.W., June 21, t$W. > ■ - ,;;.;•:"'•, ■ ^. I belicTe the f8i«going atatement of Mr. W»taoo'a'to be trae,*nd^f mj wjn knowledce ean tow£ for Uie oorrtctneas of that part of it which r«i«n to «te evidenceV^B Vj J"»«" B- Merritt, at Waahtogton t*»*^,*J'the^ I haTOiw^ ' tion in dellariikg Uiat Mr. MerriU's venMitj is not to be leUed upon, and th^ I wooM *ot beUcTo himonhiaoeth. - ^^. ..^ -^ JOMM KIM<«JE. r: I bdieve the filing s land, one of ^e United Statee of Ameriea, to try eertain. pertone' diarnd with, or implicated bi, the assassination of the lato President of the United Jtates, (Mr. ■ LiadbIa) ' -, 'J 2. That I have read the evidence of the aaid Merritt, implicating or dirging Steele, Scott, Toung, and others, as being present at a meetinr held in the city 4. Thst from busiuMa traosactiqiBa which ^k; place between eaid Soott and ' myii^lf, both in the latftr end of the Ihnnth of Jannaiy and the month of Febwiwr« I •tate oonfldently that aaid Soott oonld not have been preawt at the meeting in Mod- treal oo the twentieth of Febmary lut, M atated in the evfdenee of add Merritt| m \t' M I r ■,-. I I- ^ ^^ v^'JM'.'. 7* - tife^-^ . )^ ^ . r ' ■ \, 44 ■ I f' I Um nid Scott WM at that iiin«, and during th« wbol* numth of Fabraary, to th« b««t of tny kDOwUdge ond belitf, in the Town of Wiodior aforMaid. P. T. WORTHINOTOW. Bworb before me, the ondenigned United States Ooniul, at Windier aforesaid, this ttbetceDtbdaTof June, ISeO. " ■ ^ D.K.HOBART. U, 8. ConittI, Windaor, 0. W. /■ r AFPlDAVit OF a B. OILtiBRT, M. D. / Stan or MicaioM, Wajrne County : C. D. Gilbert, M. D , of Detroit, Wtlyne Ooafitf, Ulehigan, being duly ewoni, depoeea and ewra tbat iie ie a practising Physician in lietroit, and also has an tftteusiT* pnM> . tin in Windsor, a W., where ha haa resided tntll May «th, 18^5 ; that he ia ' ■iqiMinted witb oike Thomas & Seott, known aa OapUin Seott, whosa family haa realdeti at Windsor aforesaid, during the past winter, «dd who formerly resided in tU State of Kenttteky. ... That he biw attended the fimlly of the said Seott professionally dnring the past irbter, and knowa that from the 25th to the t7th days of Febmanr, 1890, Inolnslvo, from the Isl to the Sih daya of March, UM, inolosiTO, from the lOthtothe 18th days of ApriU 1665, inelnsive. and on the Sftlh day of April, 18«6, the said Captain Soott waa with bis family in Windsor, C. W. aforesaid, he baTing seen and conrerted with bin on the daya and datea abora mentioned. '' '. C.B. GILBERT. Babseribed and aworn to beforo me, this twentieth day of JoAe, A. D. 1866. D. W.HOWARD, Notary Public, Wayne Oa, MIeb. % i f # i.iii AFFIDAVIT OP WIIiLIAit CHAPMAN. , OaiMftA, OoUnty of Esses, to wtt : I, William Chapman, of the Town of Windsor, in the County of Essex, Oletjyaike oath wd say :^ ^m 1. Thau am, ai>d have been for the last five years, clerk and bookkeeper 1W Wil- liam Birone, the proprietor of the "Hirons^ House," Windsor, a publte Hotel for the aaeommodation of trareUera and others. ..-,'' 2. That I am well acquainted with George Toung, who baa for a long time boarded at the aaid " Hirona' House," the party referred to in the evidince of Jamea B. MmrritK ' iven befora the Court now sittiut in Washington trying the alleged conspirator* In le aasaiiination of the lute Pre«i4ent ... i. Tbat I have read the evidence giren by the said Merritt, respecting the aaid Tomg, a* Tcgwrd* hia bdiig present at a me^ng held io Hontcaia in the month of Febmary but, at wbiili nSeting a certain letter pnrportin(rto hate been written by one JefBirsoD Davis, is as^brted to have bkcn read by said Tonng and otbera. 4.°TbatItweai>,afterf «arefnle3(amb»ationof tie Hotd Boob kept fay me,thnl it waa in^possiUe fortbesaid Tonng to have been present at the time and plaee mentioned in said Merritt'a evidence, as I am positive that he, said Toung, was at tb* time apedfied, in the Town of Windsor, in the Qounty of Siacx, and: Province of OaMkda. ■■:■:": ^"'' WILUAJC CHAPMAN. JStrom before me, at Windsor, in the County of EeseoK, tids 14th day of June, 1885. ---■.-^u:v-..-v.-' ;::-;.-. V >.: .^^.,1-..:.:. ;. .; . D.KHOBART\ .:;;;.. ; w' ; 'v U. S. Consul for Windsoft > AFFIDAVIT OP ANNIE PALMER. ' ra ov uwifc O F Oa h aJ'a, Oonnty o f Esb c k, to wit : — —— — : — - — ^ 1, Annie Palmer, of the City of Detroit, in the State of Midiigan,one of the United 8t«tM of America, Spinster, make oath and say :— •ry. to th« b««t 45 Pnrin; th« lut ^nt«f I wi^ a Arcaacnt vlxitor at iho houM ot/Vol 8l««I«, •iluat* batween Windwr and Sudileb, and from tlio entriea inrojr diaW, I oaii poaiUrely awoar ibal Ool. 8U«I(< VM fit home on the 3nt and S2nd daya of l4btu»ry laat.' 1 "* ANNIE M. PALMER./ Sworn before me, at Wlitdior, in the County of Eawk, thii ninetecntb day of June A. D. 1886. V R. J.'BLOOMmt.D, Reeve br the Town of Wiudaor. CERTIFICATE OP O. MoMIOKEN. VV: on« oflhe United \ Offioe of Stipendiary Magjutratc, Wettern C«^«r» • WiNDSoa^ C. W., 10th June, 18«J, Thii la to certify tbit I have known Colonol Steele more or le«8 iotimateiy ainm within a abort period of hia arrival in Canada. ^, That owing to iiia bcintf prominently knuwn as a Southern refugee, he hnf, ainM"^ the twentieth (20th) day of December loat, bton more immediately and directly under ■ my obiervntioikand that of members of my foroo of Prontior Police. That ainoa the said date (although myaelf nboent at intervals from my headquar- tera here, in the neighborhood Of which Ci)l»nel Steele rosidea), ypt my meana of inforaiation were such, that I do not believe it possible he could have visited Mon- treal withont its being made known to me, and I therefore do not belioTft he baa been in that city 08 alleged. Robert flae, Distiller, here; George Gllks, Exchange Broker, here; William and Robert MoQregor, Bankera, here; P. T. Worthlngton, Attorney-at* Law, here ; 0. Grassett, Mnnager of the Commercial Bank, here ; James Frnser, Wntoh maker, here,, and Mrs. George MacDonald, widow, here, are persons of respectability-,'of good repute,.and whose veracity may be fully relied upon. .► G.MoMICKEN,P.M.W.P. ^ AFFIDAVIT OP DANIEL HIBLER. Pa^Pba OP Canada, County of Essex, to wit : ' I, Daniel Hibler, of th« Town of Windsor, in the County of Emcx^ Gentleman, make oath and say :— 1. That I know James B> Merritt, the person who gave evidOnce before tlie court eatablishcd to trv certain portiea cban^ O.w; AFFIDAVIT OF JAMES FRAZER. * / PiotirobovCarada, County of Essex, to wit: "— I, James Fraxer, of the Town of Windapr in the Cnnnty of R—pt ^ nd Pr^vinfle of Canada, jeweller and watchmaker, make oatb and say :•<- 1. That I know James B. Merritt, a witness examined before the eonrt assembled at Washington, to try th6 partiea charged with, or impli<»ted in, the ass^iaination of Abriduun Lincoln, late President of the United Statea of America. A!imMia&^-.:,.«Jt 9. Thtt liftUl M«rtilt for wmttlme rnlddd In "Jd fo^o of Wladaoiv 8. That r ha»« ha«l buiioMa truiMolioM wllh uld Mtrrilt - . , ^ . » 4. Th«t from mI. AFFIDAVIT OF THOMAS PERKINS. CouNTT or Embx, to wU : 1, Thomas Porkina, of Wlndjwr, lit tha County of Eutx, gOniUmBn, do maka OAtb and any aa followa :- . . / i. •. i ' 1 I knaw Jumaa B. Marrilt, who I haliare to both* »• "•««^«»°, ofthelateAbiliham Lincoln. Preaident Of the United Stotea,waa In the month of October laat engaged by me aa a millwriehtin my dlatillerT in Windaor. i. In the folE)wlng month he propoaed to purchaao one half of mr inlereat In aaid diatiUery, and become vaj partner therein; and he then to^d me that he had depo- dted with Meaaieura McGregor and Brother*, brok#r^ m Windaor, aixteen thouaand domra AMarican currenc*. ind that ha had lent Aehley and OIlkM, alao broken in Windaor, four tbouaand dfidlara. \. - .j ,. i 8. I thereupon made enquiry of arid brokere, and fbond that aaid at^tamenta war* falae. and 1 declined hia offer above mentioned. . ... « *„v 4/ He aubeeqncotly mentioned to me that he had jutt lent^ neighbour, Mr. Hib- ler, four thooaand dollara, which I afterwards, on^nqttiiy, fonodjo be false. 6. From my knowlege of hie character I would not believe himon hia oath. 6. Said Merritt nererbaabtan my parlher, nor o(«nected with in* otherwiae than aaft>re.aid. ^ ' ;;^ Sworn before me at the Town of Windaor, in the Oonnty of Emex, this l«tb day of Jun*. A.D. 1865. , ' , * ' •/•' / I D. K. HOBARtx Vf& Oonsnl, Windsor, (f.yT, \ iMted with Om 4t AFFIDAVIT OF OKOROB OILSKB. ■ ¥* ■ ■ FkOTHKn Off Canada, Coaoty of E»mx, to wit : I, QMrgo OilkM, of Iho Town of Wiodtor, In tho Couaty of Km«x, and Provinco of Canadu, broker, niak« oath and vay a* followt : 1. la th« T*ar \H(iA I waa a partner in tk« banking firm of Athlay and Qllkta, doing boalDMa in WiodMr. I am now doing boiincM on mr own aeeonnt. t<>,b« tiia I S. I know Jamaa B. Merritt, who 1 ballava i I Mm* paraofl who !ali>ly gava avidf n«a boforo tha Commitiioncrt iiiT«ati|{atinfr tlia aiMwination of tha lata I'raal* 4m% I^ineolii. Ila waa iu Wiodaor last year, lie lifed In (lie tame hoiiM wiili mt. ^ ita r^prcMOted to oar flrU that h« waa a partnrr of Hr. Ua«, a dittiller in Wlndaor, and oDlainad from us a loan of |I0 on tha strenRlh of such representation, lie aiin 'rapresentcd to ua that b« had a credit of |35,()0U in tha Oomnieroial Dank of Canada at Windsor, which lie desired to loan thwugh us. These atat«meuta tuma«l out to ba false, and to be made for tha purnoite of impnaitinn by leading to tha belief thrtt said Merritt was a man of means. Said Merritt told me lie waa an alhelstb Frooi my kuowledgAt of bis ohnraeter I wouft not believe liimwn bia oath. 8. I know €ol. Steele, in'entionev In said eridonco ; be bankea with said firm. I bava examined the books and papera of the Arm, and find that at the period said Marritt's evident* Itatea said Steel a waa in Montreal there are ehequee drawn by him on said Arm in their office. I have no donbt whatever that said oteela waa then in Wiudsor. OEOROE GILKBS. Sworn before me at Windsor, in the Oounty of Esset, this — r— < day of June, A.i> 1860. D. K. BOBART, U. E Consul, Windsor, O.W. AFFIDAVIT 6F J^C. LAWtEB. ^ Oaraoa, County of Elf ex, (o wit : ,/ > I, JiAp Lawltr, of the town of Windsor in tha County of Esaax, Gmtlanan, maka oathMBny:— Tkflpwaa. during laat year, a partner in the Banking Office of Mesaleurs Ashley and Onkes, in Windsor aforesaid; that I kpow Jamea B. Merritt who, I believe to ba tbe person who g.oiiwrrf. Caw»d*. Oounly of Eim, to wU: I Okm«nl OnwoH. of Iho Town of Wlwkwr. In Iko dmntj of K«i««, Kwjuir*. Ca.hl«r of ll.« Coiniiierclal TUiik nt Wlndwr. ni«k« oatli mmI mj t— Thi»lJ«irM H ll«rrilt, who I »miII«v« to b« th. wtiiio* Ufurt tli« CoinroiwJoiiw InToaiRntinK tl.« M«i.io«tioii of Ui. Ut« I'rMid.ot Jiiwoln, who ii Mid to lu*« midctlin Win.l«.r mm* tini. Id lb* j«v 1864. iM.«r li>«i >nT mou.) a«ii.«l»«.l lu. nor onv Mcouiit with Mid Iknk Ag«o«y, M (piMari by th« UkJ.. of Mid Ajt^iioy. ' CD. OKABBTT, Aural Hworo |)«f"M «•. it Winder, lu the Coontj of E.««. thU 2Ut «Jny of Jon#. A. D. . . ^ U* K.. I Ivlll A 111 I "*** . ■ '■ ' • ^.^ ; ' , •' ; ' tr. B. CoMul. Wimli«r, Q.W. OERTIPiCATIt Of JODOE LIOOAtT AND OTIHSRS. Tho und«Mlfn«d mldmltof Wlndwr, Onwi.lft W«it. having r*H4l Iho pnbll»h«d •vIdenM boforo iho CommiHioo of Inquiry re.p«icllng tlio ■•MMinatioii of th« UU Pratidmt of tho Unllwl 8Ut««, dwiro to n»U froomlly known ih.ir o|>inioot opoa tt>« •tU«k therein upon oerUin K«ntUm«n. retidenU of their n»i||{hbourluKMl. Colonel Steele end Mr. Aehley have ll»«d amonK ue, the former for »b4)0t three, end the UtUr for about Om year, during which time they bare eorned our friendahlp end rcaDCot. by gcnUemwIy demeanour, kindly and oliariUble diepoeition. and in •bort bra dliplay of all thequalitlee which ehould atamp goolrM7 triile. I obeerre that OoloMl Steele of Sandwich, b charged m baTlng been preeeot in MontreiJ ia the month nf iNrtiniary 1«1^ Md IwMiln; foterflew e irlth eertain pM- I baT« been abown a dBeumeot op aerttleata Hsnad br peraona Tcaident In thia neigbbourbood, ehowing tbat Colonel lEtteele eoukl not bave been abaent from thk idikM at Um tlma atated wttboat their kbowtedge; ao^d mentiMiing the DMBcafof ««• Kai««, l£«quir«i, taio DUtiM M fsraiablaff 4«po«iUoM m Io faelt, lb* MlaUooa of which wonltl, und«t Um (Mij of th* wlliMM, Marritl't tUlMMnl with ragard Io OuIoimI BimU, m M«m- mtj toftrMiM. I tmUfy Ut Ik* (TMl rMp««labilUy of Ui, and alao to IM rMBMUkbiUtr and truthfula«Na of olmraotar of (hoM parwuua nam«d lu Uia doaumaol aa |lvi'4 tlMlr d'poaiUooa. WiUwttI MIM iotlmaUly aeqoalntad with UoIdmI SUalt, I know mougb of bli habiU to aUto tbal b« (^•quaottd WUidaor In auoh a way that hia alM«n«« from Iha plaoa for a pariod of aaveral dajra woald b« notioad l^ oiUaana of Wlndaor, and by tkoao who hava aignad Uia duaumaot givtn to him, and bjr thoao who liava giran tbair daiMiailioni Daladat Wiadaor, Ihia 30Ui day of Jona, X. D. I86B. 8. 8. MACDONELL, _^||ajor of Windaor. J 'certificate OP REV. MR ELLIOTT. Sahdwioh, Canada Wcat, IBth Juna, 1 8A^. OoL BUala having ahown to mo a mnabar of the Litdir oontaining tba auuninatioo and cvidanoa of J. p.M«rritt, in which it ia alleged that the former TndiTtdual waa in Mootreal during th« month of February laat. In refcrtnea to auch atatemant, I bag to certify that Ool. Steele haa been 9f next door ntig^bour upwarda for upwarda of •year and a half, whom I haTe been in tba htMl almoot every day of meeting, and Meiog paaaiog and re-paaaing, and tbarefoi * «iui oonftdently aflirm that, during the month Above alluded to, Col. Steele ««tuM net have been abaant without my notice or knowledgt of the circumitance^ ,. F. 0. ELLIOTTii^oumbent, • .' St. Johft'i Churab, Saadwieb. Biaex, O. W. ■'■■..' • = -t .. .'■• / •^■. •'•■ ■ ' . :0- Vf^ that ha if in WaahiDgtoo, Conover haa, it would appear, given an explanation that^aa tin merit of bravUv if nona other. He aaya ha is the man who awora lu Montreal that he waa Jamea wataoa Wallace, and thai ha never g»va evideoM b*- fora the Military Court at WaaUnBton. But, he aUegia, the Montraal CoofedMrataa Bade Urn aiga that Ctlae affidavit Dy boTdii^ A loaded piam at hia head t It ia tor- ' liag it never oecnrred to OoiMvar to aipoke thia outrage before he Idt MontroaL olevar a nan aa b« aunly pould hava fonpd lome meana of preferring a eomphdnt against Uio aulhora of aaeh an outrage. We auppoea the Montreal , Coorederatea^^ill Beit be heard from in rajoiadcr. : ■•■ ■ • 'I . ■■■: ■ •.■;■,■.■■,..■. The New Tork Herald of June 1, 186S, pabliahea what it terms "suppressed •vldenee," taken before the MlHtary tribonal at Washington, with closed doors. ' From peraoiial knowladgo wa ara prepared to state ttiat maeh of this avideooe Is vboUy mlaa; and that when facta are stated, they are so distorted aa to convey an -inMr«y diffireat impression irom the correet one. Wa quote hi fttU the TKrrj )M7 OP JAMIS B. MBBBITf V Mr. Olay arrived ia tjiis eiiy on or abont the middle of Decetnber, 1884. The reeise date can be g ivfh. if need be. Onthe l»th of Janntrf ho left in tta stifcmct Dominion for £e^uda, with the IBtettien of returning to the Ooofederacy le Old Dominion, bofWever, was ordered to England; and Mr.^lav went on board the Rattleenake. eomiianded by Captain Usina. We subjoin Captun Usina's Utter, nUeb appeared ia 1^ Celoniat of Saturday morning,. r __^ '«» " 'M ^ ""^; * ' Mr. Editor : I doUm ia the rapiirMMd eTideiiM pnblislifi in the Kew Tdrk jNtpm of Jim«6tb,ih*folbwIligit«t«m«Btofoaa JamMB.M«rritt: <* I had • oMvtn^oa with 0. 0. Olay in Torooto in Febroary last Ht •pok« of the httor of Datit wUeh SandaM had evhibitad ; ho aeoned to widmtaiid tho char* aotar of tho latter porfeotlT." , i. . .. .. .«, It ia well Imowo in HaUflu that Mr. Clay arrived here about the lit of Deoember. and that he left tn the eteamer Old DomhiloD, Jannatr 18th, fi>r Bermnda, and on tho 19th of fame month waa a paetcnger in (he eteimahlp Rattlaenake, tmder iht oom* maod. He was with me on boord said eteeme^ outil February t, when Iland«l him at OharlestgH, a 0. Comment woold teem to be entirely nnneeeaaary. Truly yonn, V^ - M. P. USWA, ^_ ,' itaster Steamibip ;#hiaper. Hauvaz, Jiine 9, 1866. ? We have also reeeired the following letter, conoemiDg this anppresied eTidenee : JhtlUSdUwofaU UmUutiU: Sn : In The New York Herald of the lih of Jane, there is published what pur* porta to be a portion of the " suppressed e^denoe" taken in the course of tlie aasaaa- inaUon trial before the Military Court at Washington. This evidenee Implieates more or lose direetly, Messrs. Clay, TbiUnpson, Oleary, Tucker and Ssnders, in the murder of President Lincoln. lam prepared to show, not only tihat aumyof Ihe atatemente made in this auppresa^d eridenee ark utteilv &1mi ; but that at Uio tl«ie Mr. Clay ia said to haTo been in (Chmnda he was in tho Confederate States, To eommence at the beginning. In Febraanr, 1864, BoTerly Tueker arrived in this d^ from Richmond, m Wiunington aud Charleston and Bermuda, Mie mission ws* to arrange for ^e sending of prorisions into the Confederate SUtea, to be ex- diaaged for eotton. Ho romained in Haltbz for aorae time, and waa auffering , aoTordy from a Whitlow oo hia right thumbs vhioh preTeifted him from writing. Hb dispatches and private letters Hrere written by myselt Dispatches were sent to President Daviii, R. M. T. Hunter, and others^ urging upon the Confederate Oovem- mont: First: The importanee of making aome provision ft>r relieving Confederate eddiera, who had escaped to the Provinces from Northern priaona; and, aeoMdly, theaendbg of an agent to Canada to influence the Pireaidential elections, vpon these representationsb the Hon. J. f; Holeottbe waa sent out to arrange the first matter, and to bvestigate the dheiapeake aflkb ; and Jacob Thompson and Clemen! 0. Clay want to Caiuida to eany out the other half of the programme. When they speak of •« removing President Lineoln from office "—if, indeed, they made any such remark— it referred to their manipnktions of the pditical campaign against the. Republican «mdi NMhvnif»„«od pirt «t Kaoa- fille. He had biwn a praetiaing phVdeian in tlioee plaees, and in that eapaelty had been the family physician of President Johnson, Parson Brownlow;^d other per- sons of diiUnotlon. He hitA been Suigeon to a rcsimeat of the American regular army before the breaking out of the war. He had' abo DAm enttit oontradiotion, tlie charge kui bemi/rdfnted by disin- terested testimony. The same testimony will serve in a great measnre to refute the most important part of the following evidenob of Montgomeiy. Coming forward in the avowed character of a spy, of oomse hit evidence, nn- snpported, is of |io w«ght. But even witE rnpect to a charge brought by him against CoL lAompton, in a manner so vague at/ to scarcely admit of contradiction by proof , a substantial refutation it madto by evidence that at the time when a private and confidnitial conversatioa between the witness and Col. Thompson is supposed to have taken plaoey Col. Thompson knew that the witness wai a Federal' sj^. A still more serious charge— the conver- sation at Montireai in January, 1865— has already be6n disproved by tUowing that CoL Thompson was not At Montreal in that month. So it has already 'when this witness alleges . heard him taUt wi^edly matipp, being duly sworn, testi- fewTorkl A,— Yes, Sir.' I Summer of 1 864 1 A. — I did :^" been proved that Mr. CSeary was not at Mont th&t he saw him there after the assassination, about that crime and about burning papers. \ diehard Montgomery, m iHtneu called for the fn £ed' as follows: 'By th* /i«fjfe-il-I>id yon or not know in Waahinlitpn City/Jacob TbompaoD, forlnerlj Secretary of the Interior, and Clement 0. Olay, formerly jbf the United States Senate! A.— I did. -A ■..■■■■■ /■ • , ■ Q.— Will you state'Whether you met these penons in Canada and when! Ay— I met them in Canada, at Niagara Falls, at ToMnto, at St Catharinea, and at Montreal a number of times, and very frequently ainee/the Summer of 18fi4^np to tbia time. Q.— Did you or not meet George N. Sandirs I A.— I did. Q.— And a man by the ilame of J. P. Hdcombe t A.— Yes, Sir; Prof. H<4oombe. Q.— Can yon name any other rebel dtiien of the United States in Canada of note that you met t A.— Tea, Sir, I met Beverly Tuelter, N. C. Clearj— I think those am the initials— and a great many others under fieUtioua names; there was another one by thi name of Harriq^n. Those ace the ones thati prind^lly had communication ;: with. I met another one~NokSir; fai the BUfl^Ber of 1864^' immediately after Mr. Thom^Mn said, anything under the eun,"'iraa Uaezpreiaion, Q.— Look at these priibera at fh« bar, and see if you rceognise any of them ta havhig been seen by you in Canada, and^derwhaMrenmstauceat ^$1.— Ibaveae^ that onb without hia ooat there (pelting to Louia Payne, one of the aocnsed;) I do not know hia name. Q.— Will you atate where and under what ciroumalanoes you aaW'hilb t A.— I have aeen 1dm a number of times in Canada. laaw him about the Falls In the Sotamer of 1864, and I saw him again, I gneaa it was, the last time that hyuid I had eome words. ~ at the Qneen^e HoteL at Toronto City, Canada Weet ^ Q.—Stoto all that oceurred at that timet A.— IhadhadanintenriewofaomeUme with 9lr^ Thompson. Several others had sought an interriew while I wosdoeeted •with Mm. and bad been refused admittance. After I was through with Mr. Thomp- • aqn, and in leaving the raniftf, I aaw the man Payne in the paswure-wat near hia door. hhimt A^-No^Sir; b the Bui]|»Ber of 1864, immediately after Mr. TbompMn I told me what he was aUe to do,l xepsated tlie conversation to Mr. Clay, and he J, "That'a'ao; we are all devoted to 4>ur eause, and ready to go any length, to do rthing under the eun,** waa ba ezpreiaion, I remember, " to eerre their cause. m ■ son, and m leaving the ranm, I aaw the man Payne in the immm-way near nia oo mr. Clement 0. Clay, Jr., iraa taUdng with him aV the time. Mr. Clay stopped 1 t -.' ^ ' 54 { Md btld mf htuidi, flnlihing n flonverMtioa in «ii imderton* with thli inmi, tad whm h9 Un m« for m momwt be Njd : •« Wdt for m^ I'wiH retnra." We dien went oat Wd •poke^towme other Matltnqid who wu entarlog Mr. D'i door, itiid ha • *^tf'"* ^'i "• ?***• 'V' '?"'* "»• ^^"* •"? «>«'W •«• m* in hiUr an boor, uH, I* told bim, end made an appointment to meet Mr. Olay. While Mr. Olaj Iru awar flrom me I npt^ to tbt^iian and aiked him who he was ; I oommenced talking abonl ■ome of thetopiea tbafWere oanal topiee of eonvenation among the mi>n tber^ andbe rather heritated telling me wbodie waa He (P||be) lai^ •■Oh I I am a ObtiVdian '* giving meto iibdmtaod that I wu not to aak aoir more, r Qr-Did you not aeljThompwin or dk:^wbo he waef. A.— Tee, Sir', I made lome meptioa in renrd to this man to Mr. Clay in an interrieir I had with him abontHalf *" «'*o'^',^.?*^ .'i'^ iUndibg in the paiHve way,- aiid hjt eaid, "What did he ' •ayr Said ^, he aaid he ^ae a Canadian, add he aaid that he it a Canadian and kufffaed. ' .', ^• Q.--I>id be lay he wa| pfie of theirfriendi, dr make aoty remark of tbat boH f A. He aaid we can tmat him. ^ to underatand that I wu not to adE any more qnestionsh tbat their intereourae wat of a yery confidential nafare. and that theb - bnameaa wai q^Tcry oonfldentiai nature. \ C ■ _,Q-—HaToydtoeen to Canada aince the a|ia«dnWIoo of the Preiidentf,, A.--^Teai. ■ Bir. _ .^jk ■ ^ ^'' Qr'-f late wb«tun,you m«t uy^of theae men, of whom yoo Hit ipoken. on yoor ret)irn to Canada, and, jf ao^ what eonTeruUon yon had with the^ therein regard to ^ ^^l'^^ */ **^ Preddent I A.-I metj&ererly TWier a Tery few dayTafWr the aiMMination three or four or fiTetimea, "''.„■. ' Q.— Wheret .'A^At Montreal, . "^ A9'Z^\^ZV*a^t.^ui^'^K ^-HeaddngnatdealideoJiTerMatenabont ^^!a^ ibatr the Soitb h^ reeelrcd from the banda of Mr. Lincoln, and that be too bad that the boya had not been allowed to aet aa they wanted to. ei *^ir^ yon mean by the boya the men who veto to aiaaaainate him f , A.-rTe8> ar; the Confederate aoldiera who wer«.up there who had been engaged in their raida. they need the expresaion their boya in regard tP thfir soldiei« andthe men in their employ; it ia common among Uttm. . * OaSidfc''** you. meet with Booth there I ±—t(o, Sic; I neTeraawMr.fioothin Q.--pid uy of theee men of wh^m you have apoKao aay tbat Booth waa one of the men nfernd to by JwBob Thoinndi wlio waa wiflug to aaaiUainate the Preddentt - C5*^ ^'Ja ^t.F-J"^ toldlhe ; 1 rekted to Sim the qonTereation I bad had, or * PJf*'*? "r T!"* ¥■"• Thompood to January, and he aald^hat Booth waa one of the pvtiea to whom Thompaon had referred. ■ The time andplaoe of thia ctmytiraation with Mr. Cleuy is not atated, nor that any third peiMn was pBesdh^ so that it eannot be ditectly disproved. Bat once the c '65 rmtioii abbat and thai h« / lloatiMl «t Any Ifttor di^ ui^ thenluTe been at Waahiogton on the day hfr ' itaflflftfl What did oooar witiiin • few days afteMbe unMinatkm, and ^htia. ' CoL Thompaonand Vb. (Olearj, heard' ol it at BiTiere da Loqp, is atAed in the aifflda^te bt Mr. Lafkoohelle, jiiotel-keeper there^ an^ Hr. LeHiuqiiia, of the lUgm pbuie. tBothThompMmiaad Olearyexpteaied regret, and regalded the al|MMn«tion al a.gteat <«lamity. And then, Mr. deary, who is said to^ ^hate knovn :fliat he was suspected,, and tWt he was about to be indicted, 'travelled ba<^ ^ all the wi^ to f>eteaH to put liimsdf in comtnunioation with * Federal oflacets, and returned firom there again to Toronto where, in fact, ha- wasindiotedl (pp.28iu»d«r.); , * tarV to Mr lliompson. Mr. Thompson toldine he was posted on all his kOUrs, and ^thaVif I SQOght bin at i^y time that he mijiht be sway, Tifonld sUte niy bosinas to- Mr.01ss^^ditifCttld be.sll the same; thst I could have perfect codB^snoeitif him; ■ that he «ss a Tery^losejnotit^ man. ' t ' , ..",;. ;•* . a— Did Olearyniaks any remsA whip ipeaklng of hfo regret tl^t^^s whole irork hadnot been do&t Was any threat nlfwi* to the eflbet ^i it ^onld^et be done I n' •A.— Yes; Sir; he laid -they bad better look oo^^wearenetjli -that they nerer Would be-coognered-rosver wimld mre np. QAWbnt statement dWpdieery attketoy*,.!? aly,I•reiardtoBoq^j•*4ating Tislted Thompeool A^He siddih|t be hsd been iMre in.the WnMr ; thnt be ^ thought the fist time was in Deeeinbsr; keliad also *!« there ip the Swnnier; h^- sal«Uehadbeentherebe6nfePeeemltr;hethdaght«tthatw«sthelMtttaie.; ^ , a^-On your retnm to OaoSda did ybn learn from theipe psrties thst they sunpoiid thnMelvestobesosDeeted'of ihis'ais«NdDation,.and wevtf tb^ UUng ant stenCt^ oonoeal the evld^ of .their ggiitt A.-0h,7esSlr;tbeykiiaw;ateiy few days ^ after the ssssMinat^ that they weresnspected of it . . i. ^- >..,. . Q—What did yoo leum th^ were dolng.1f snything t A-^-^fe^JTSl^^' j? a neat many panSs; they also knSw that ihsr wefs golnrf to be ta«otAl in Osnada
on look at that p«i«^ and staU if yon are ihmlliar with «b* dphes used by the Ooafed^ erate anthonliMt A.— I sm familiar with two'of tiiem. -Q.— Is that one of them or noti A.— Yes, Sir. « t * ! The paporcontalning the cipher -was here offers in eviaenoe.^ «ii , -. . • Q.HP?jou- recognise that as one of the ciphers m \u» kmoog the Ooitfederatesi a— During /onr stay in Canada ware yon or not in tbe>erTice of the government- and seeking'to- acquire for its use infomation in regard to the plans on* purposes of the rebels who were known to be assembled there I A.— I was. ^ '" »u / Q.—to enable you to do this did yoo, or not, deem It proper nod neeessary that yon shonld assume a different name frona your real name, and.uiidcr which you appear- now before this Gourtt A.-^Ye«, Sir, I did. ' • Q^How did yon iSafe they were destroying papers abonl that tjme I Af— They toldme. •• . > ^^ * ;i I made mentli>n a that ■ toM Q. — Whi c h one 'of them t A« -' E ae h of t h ey i ■■J ■' '\ '^ % Q.--What name did yon assume in your intercourse with (hem f A.— I assumed' , <*< 1 -.^ -\ ^H; \- f M / ; ^r«FTI^Mj«- on th. book. I [.Tti.,. »o .oSl ufiW^^^ ^Q S':5'?7*lll^*jft?i!^ *t* **^' •' di»P»toho« for th«M penoDi f i.^Y«i tb2T,!:?np?!i:,SftlL tb«; ■ '^•^"^ *" Oordo„.,iUo, wiU. inotruotion. Q^INdyoarocoivodkpotoiMsiBnplTl A.-'-OneoIdid Q^WorothfywrfodUAf A.-!f 2. rfr^U^TiSii Si .5d?*i.r"A**"^J''^'':^*f'^"W»~'. Did Jou nuAo «iom"know» to tbo , tboT woro ewriod hMk.- ■ i'l ^•..«n.^t'i A V-- fiST* "•-»•"»"»' i/ra you nuwo uom Mowa to tbo goYoromwM ,^-rJ«^ 8fr; ooob time; I dolivond (bo dinMteboo »l#on to tbo g«W«>k oftbo UnitodStotoo: IpM^ notbint tbotlSffSSjtbjfifr ,2! X -5"?""" ^'*^J!J?? tbo divrtoboi neoiTod at GordouTillo I A—A gioUo- WitbtboanoworbfjrtboirSoerotuyofStiUoT *«!|i«i««Ht, owj ■«» Ibo^feTSTrl^ifSJISSSSil*^^'-^ A.-Itw«ln # «:~^^^*° '/" hiM tbo miWoot of tbo nidt from Ouiodo apoo oar frontior of onbobanungof ooroitioi. opokon of «aopg tb.M «»n.pir»toi»rrS, Kl^ T iS£^{ Thompjop, Oti»y. dw. Toekor. Sindor. ud tboM mon I X-To^ 8ir : . ^--^Yi «^««*d, in yoiNr mnreno^on with tb««i» that aU tbcM mon fuUT on. ST;Sftfwi^^Jato^^ ««— bdV.aortolropr,,-.*.. JiTi^^t "ot ooDrider tbat yon enibyodiolfar tbo ooniUoAoo of (boM mon. lo oi ftSL!^ freely «»ommnnh»lod to yoaf A.^X; I do not tbink Sw^roSdK .. '*— "'d *"V n®' •*.•" *>n»~ r^reoent tbouMltoo m ooti^ nndor tbo nnotka ot tboirgoyonimontot Riobmond I A— Tb«y ropromM oZia^mZhSSiS ppwor to act intboot ro^roneo to it; tb^ wpMtodly toldino boUi M?ClX «^ -^ fe Tbompooj. that tbey Sd fWl pow^lKt ^SS^^^rSSi^^^i^^ ^ doemod expedient and for tbo bon^t of tbeir canao. -?"»••» wi/juuij yi^ tST aJI!^"" Sir*'^''* ** **^ ""* tto "Itompl waa mado to flro tbo City of Now Q.--Waa, tbat tbo anbjeoi of mneb oonrenation iunone theaa ncoMo f A-— I loft ^(.^^TbatBiKbaproaeietwasoonti^piate^ A— YeB,Sit; * vX^ Jl-Y^*Sir*''*'"' »* orig»<»t«l «*«». and had tbo fdllaaBelioDof theaalimt:^ I mT'^J'^ "?^ *? ^y *•* "^* in regard to tbo St. Albana raid I A.-Yea. Sir^ " *4 S«M„^!rJM"* **•'• .^t »Jd '"to bo made, bat I told tbo «oymmont ^* V-hingtott that t bg r were a bout to aet ogt on a raid o f that kind, hefero tboSt AIUvis raia. Talao told tbem of tbo intended raid oo BaffalcMand Kwt« : aSd S that meanaproTented theae ndda, -»« «««««wr , biki (^ K m Q.— OiBi Bail*, who WM MbNqMmOT hwMd at Ktv Totk wukqowB Han M ImAiW ia this wtanrlM, wM Im noil A^I did not kooir kin bf that aaoN. <^— Wai iha ittoim oT aaionf thaaaTaMBl A.-~I M?«r hMrd him MwlnBer. TbcT war* in thalNihlt of inlnff thair flatltkM nam** b mmmml ik n with aaeh otbar. 4— Tooaay jondo Botknowaaythfaif aboat BmIoI A.--Nok Sir; I kntw that tba oUaal of hia odMloo wal oootaoplatMi; I did not know wkft wara to ba tha Ioh I y^^ nadiiSa asaantori tft'tha plot) I knaw oltha plan at tha tida and raportad It Q,-»Did Toa haar tha aal>jaat of tha ftaoda by irhieh all thaaa aatarpriiaa wara ear- riad on apohwi of amaiw thoaa oQoapiratara aa to who had tha fbttdf, or tha aaaoant' thar had. air anything tf that aort I Av^^aa, Sir ; in ragatd to tha raidbfr. Ifr. Olas^ hadfnnda. ' • I , Q.— Did yon avar haar of tha nrobabia amoqjit apokao of by any of tham t An— Moi-SIr ; ha rapraaaotad to ma that.ha had always planl^ of monay to pay for any tUng that was worth paying for; ha told Baabs had nonay. Q,~Do you know in whAt>buk in Moatraal thaaa rabala kapt thair monay and IWdal A— No^SirjIdo^ot U Q>-Toa know that thfra la a'.badt of Ontario it M on|r«al I A — Taa, Sir. I know . thattharais aodia bank. Iknow that tM^°dcpositad in aararal dlflbrant banks. Twy tranaaatad a good daal of bosiaaM la which I think la aallad tha ^uara Dia- trlot Bank; It ia dnioit opi^ta whara Mr. OUy'a rasidaaoa*>lraa in St CEUhailnaa daiing last Summar. Thqr tranaaatad a Ciraat i/^iX tit bnsinaaa at thmf bank. Q.— What satmad to ba OaorgaN. Saadata poslthm thara, if ha bad a dafload'jpo- aitfoB I . A.~Mr. Ohy told ma that I had bcttar iwt toll Mm tha thinn thai thay ., btrostad to ma ; that ha wu t raiy good mad to do thair 4iity work. That is Just what Mr. Olay told me. - - ^' ' ' J' Qi— Ha was than doing.th«ir work, bat iiwss dirty work t A.— Hr. guy sidd ba aaaodatCid with man that- thay oonld not assooiate.with; thatha waarary nsafalto tiiaminthatway; tbathawaaavary usafUmantothamindaad. _i Oroti-nimintd iv Kr. 4ttMi(— Q^Wlura ara yon from I 'A.— Now York City ori^nally. * . . Q.— What time in the year waa It thM y aition had bean made to him t A.— lajUMraarly part of the year ; in January.^ . Q.— Ton sUted, I think, immediataiy after that you saw lit. Olay t A.^No^ Sir ; I did not '^ Q.— Whan did you uf^ffRHi^ Bummer. ■ \ ■ ' ' ■ ■ '-«■.'. Q^Tba summer of 18M> A.— T«s,Sir|in whkdH hespoketoMr,Thoropso^of' being ahla to«put the President out of the way whebeTer he waa ready. , Q.~PM yon avOT hear a^thiog i^ Oaaada of Mr. Snrratt aa bdag eonneeted with < thaplott A.— ^Ididnot " ^ v ' " i Q.~Did yon raoeira any pay firott tha Canfedferata lay 1 A^-— Immadiately aftw tha aotiTaraation in tha tfedarata goreromaDt (ok goias to Qot- ' for the — It waa. I kkVa foigottan thai amoaat in • OUMldii mB0 M tba time. I have fon^ •n«edfMF, but ra^rtad' fha faet of bsTiag reerired it to flw War Diapartmant at WiryMiyVy, and i^liad it oil my aipeoaa aoeount a» having jeceiTad it ftom tha - gorammant ■.' ^ ,.:■"..■;'".■ Q.— On your return irith tha Oordonsrniedispatdies for tha'rebaia in Canada, did' you leave a copy of thoaa dispatohea beral Af I handed ^(a (Htoinal diapatdiea over to tha authoritraa, and thoaa of them that they aeleelad to go Torward I eairied on, and thoaa they did not they retained. Ba tht Obwrt— Q.<-4 want to a^ an explanation of an aaaww mida. I oadaratood ^yon, In your taatimony, to any that after tha assassination of tiia PraaideBf, soma of> thoaa who had been engaged in it ratanwd to Canada, and you aay they amraaaad ra|^ that thay had not been aUowed to proeeed earli«. A^Tou aaiaundentood ma. I did not say that any at thoaa who had been engaged in the attempt of aaaaa> Bivatioa, or in tha aaaaadnation, had ratttmad to Canada. Q.-^Batflioaa who direeted it Arom Ganada expressed regret that thay bad noti r t A.*~Ol>a of the pnrtiaa, tha ona who rapraaantad hlmaelfaabeinga eommeraial agent, Mr. Beverley Tnder.' said it Wi« a pity thai tha b<^ had not bate allowed to aet whan they first wanCed ta '' ^ 1 -■'■m '^ r. I did Mil I iofmH IhMfb, fnm mhU Ihmti tram Mr. IVmpMa balbrt, tlukt Im had d*Mla«d Umhd in «rd«r tksi ba migkt chooM « tttiof opiKtrtanity, Q^Toor InpnMiM wm that Umj w«r« d«taiiMd op to that Umt by Hr. JaMb TbonpMttt A/— I laAmd to, bMaoM whM h« apoka of Um mattmr to n«. Itt hla aooTenaiioa of Jaaqaiy, 1860, ha aaid ha was io hnt ot tha pcapoaiUon that had baan mada to him. to pat tha Praaidaot, Mr. Staatoa, (% Oraot and othara pat of tha way, bat had dafarrad giving bit aaawar aoUl ha hditoMaltod hU gOTammaat at JUahoMnd, aad waa than oolj waiting titair opprdval. Q-j^id yoa oadarataad that ba had raaaivad tha aaawar, aad had givan tba diraa- tlon fdlowing that t A.— I naTtr undantood ao ; I naTar aikadf tha quaatioa or !•• aaivad that raplj. . Q^WhatwuToar impraMioot A.<-My inpraMdoa wm that ha hadraaalvad tba anawar. I infarrad that ba bad raoairad tbtlr approval, and that thar bad baan ^•tjtoad walti^ for that, from what Barariay Taokar aald. .u T"::l"^*'*?S* y"'" J® morion tha nama^f Prof. Boleonba in oonnaotiai with th^ of Buidar% Clay and olban ; I would Mka >o know how far yoa aan idonUfy him in tha moramanta, plana, and oparatiooa of thoka man t Ar-I mada a pnpMitloD » * 5.^'*^ HS*^ ditoatobao for tbam, and to dp thia work aa a maaniofMtting Into thalr oonfidanaa. and Mr. Olaary told ma, baforaMr. Holoomba, that ba baifaathf ri^ to aign bia (Olay'a) nama by powar of attmnay, and bia own. both of tbtot baiur rapraaaoUtivea of tba OooMaiato Slalaa OoTammantTtt tbay aallad it ^^ • :'■.'■ . «'■ ^■AAA^A^^|^^A^^A^*7jM bful at Qia Tomba. and tha partlaalan of hla milltarir exploit I obtainad OoL «oodwln, of No. 104 Waat Fortyi^nth atraal^ who ia ready to aabatantiato '••IjJf ■■■■' ■ ■■.■.•;■■"' ■■•.-■ Yottra,- ■ :•:"< ■ ■ ..■••■ ■■: ••■■ R.^BAXTBB. '■; ' AIWiJAVIT OF OKCX T. DBNISOW, JK * Girioa; City of Toronto^ to wit: . ' _I,Oepm Taylor Daniaon. tba youngar, of the Oify' of Toionto^ ili.tha Comity of York, Barriator-at-Law, make oa^ and my aa folloira, 'that ia to say : I'^J^^I haTo raiMl tha pabOibed totiaoBT of ona Riebud Mootgomary. in tta MHMhatipnoonapiraey trial jpaiiding ia WaiUiigtaa^ in which boTa aaid to haTO KJr*- .V K^iT ^T ?*»•- A«obT!iotopaoB ia Mcptreal In tha moiiib of Janoaiy, MM, m tha mlddla of tha month.. That J hara ala6 r«ad tha pabliahad taatimooy of ona Bnsdfiird Ooporar, on tha aama trial, in wUab ba ia add to haTO awom that ha bwrd aooTaiytiwM, abont the poianoiny tha firwtoo Raaarroir, batwoan lawla 9«>Mn> JMOb Thompooo, and Olaary, hi JaBnaiy hat; 1 That I know tba ritatamant^ of Ridiard Mmtgoihary and Sandfml OonoT«r» aa ab( me dm Itl 801 fotr bat tin tbi Mc Qtt ) «ai St. for To Um Qs rai th« thi tb4 ab I A. Fa i of Ja .Ml dc St Ji ba ml th lal •« «f TT !;,i ',!»*«£ lMlbrt.Ui«tlM • bjUr.Juth ir to in«, Itt bla •iUoB t^t had d othan pat of liU g«rrarnB«oi :ivM Um dirM- ;|UMtioo or rt* I hadrMtlTod thf7 tad boon MinaetlMi with a idimtlfy him I • proDMitioo ■ana of Mttbg I he had aotlio- of Umob baiog 'V- le IS, IMS. tapirMji rfaig thomuv bofthodfil a hutar atato- ^t I.obtainad . > •abatantiate BAXTBB. leOom^ty of Q«7, io a« •aid tohaTO I of Juioaiy, taatimooTor ran that ho w a ao i e wi a OonoTor, aa -W u -■■•■■.• •boTo ttMUoMa. ttkr M t4tm te ooi./M*Th<«paq.' wigf i«* "Tf^iSLS! noMi of JaaoarV kat, at« untrua. That 1 aaw Col. Jaaob Thoupaoo^ io Toroirto dSSi wh37««HU. of Ja««ary. 1M». from (bo .a«»ul of thoaanth ontiUbo l«hof IWbraary. That 1 «# Wm lko» dty to day, art^ day but ona day, aw>«t Sndnardarbctbat «bol« tint*. »« woat to the Matioo with^iia, attd aaw hini off fiTlKItSrVUw thirt.«th dt* of February laat IWi ha ««Id not poaalbit baro fODO tJllootrarii or bare loft iho OiU of Toronto^ a dar, doriog U>o whofa tinia. ftom the tad January unUl tha llth Februory. withftnt my Inowlog of It. And that I haTO no bealUtlon ft laying tUt th^ aboTe-manUonod atotamraU of Riofaard llonUptmaiy a^d Bandford Gbnot«r, ao far •• rdatea to Gol. Jaaol^ Thompon,-«ra " jTilMt I haTO read al^ io Sandford CoiH>,teT'a published testimony, io tbe^iamo oaae a itatament to the eijhet that ho bad heard a eonvereation with Chary in the St iawrence Hall Hotel, in Montreal, on llio day before, or the eaine day, of the eMaMinatinn of Flreeident Linooln. ' TTrSt I loft Montred oo Monday, tha tenUi dny of April, in the erening *rato for Qnoboo. with Col. Jaeob Thompaon aad W. W. deary. a»l. on the toSninmjt Tma»T^ nth, Heft them an/bade them adien on the ataUoo ^V^f\^ tiMvbeWlhni on their way t* Biviero dn Loup. On the tUrtaonth of April I Ufl Qaebee. and arriTod in Montrod on the footteentb, ah^nt aeren am, at the ^^J*^ SuetSaU fioUL That I waa about the Hdtel aearly alTdw. and did not aeo Oljwy Sera £n1pg the time I waa there; and thsKl do not beOeTe he oimld boTO beea this ^SSt mo knowingjt, aa I eaw^ Mye^l of hia friend^ Bonthern gonUemen, ibere, who, knowing thalVhad Uft MflOtNal with bim a fow djJi^to". •^•f "5 •boot bim/and bow ho aUd OoL ThoSpaon had got along,' and wM^ther I hadleft them «t Point LoTi. ^r^ — . ^ OKOBO? T. DENIBQN, J.. ' Sworn bofoN mo at Toronto, in the Odnaty of Torh, tbia twerttT-tblrd day of Jane, AJD, 18M, 0. B«iimo!(,'a Commietioner in B. R, Aol, in and for tho/Oounty of Yoifc. • • • .' ' ^* . ' ''■ ' ■ ■' ■ * ■ ; "^ '■ " ' - :.. ■ ■ ■■■['■■ ; ■ ■■,■■;■.; C .i ^ AFFflMLVIT OF B. H. YOaKO. • • I V ■' . .■..-■■'■ ' ■"■ ■' ■.'■■.■■',''■'■'■ "'■ ' PwmiiOTor Oamda, OityWToionlOktowit: » ' ; . , I, Bennett Henderwm Tonnrf, at pweent rorfdtng i» «»• «tf •' ''S.'^f STSS of iho Ifewil of NidiolaaviUoJn *'-^ ^*'*' '* ir.-.--.irw l.(».rlv offioer of the Oon« Potato Army, make oath fend ii , l.ThatlhaToroadbthoynt . ^^ of the anppreaaad teathnonyof Riehard Montgomery Jamaa Wauon Wallioo. ' M ' vrf;- > irf, at prcaent reuowg in ue uny m '^"f-^, VU^ / i.ln thVdtato of Kentucky, latterly offioor of thoOoi*. J!rmfor»Tlmtmh».t la atatcd to be an atSHilu oopy of Riehaid Montgomery and Sandford OpnorenofMi n ^ioSKSt •SbgModtgomety fa tho •wlj pwt of An«nat, in the year one thou. Mnd eight bundiod and aizty-four, at tha Queen's Hotel, in Toronttv 8. Bo eama to Toronto under the aama of JmcoThomMn.^ ^ ^ . . i. On the day of hia arriral I waa bfbtmMl by Mr. Ja^b Tliompson, ttat 1« aid Mr. Otatty bad been notiied that the aahl James Thomaoi *••• United Stotea doteetitrmy, in tho employment of Mr. MnrraT, United Stot«s Marshall for tho State irf How York, and that hia red aamo was Montgoaofy. . ^ .^ : fc ViOm the lutmotite of Mr. Jaaob^ Thompa«to, Ij^»»f,Rfi SL^^JJ* JaMi Thomaon aad addNsaed him hj the name of Mootgoa^ry, tolling him I knrr ba waa Ml omphijto fa tho aerfioo of Maiahril Morwy. . _^ •. At flwtr3%i ooaaderably ooirfkMd. be iri-ito . perwademo ^J^ miotakiniBttomi? but when he tmad that^I wm podUfo «^>2'I "Si "J th^ I did not aoom to be ahakea ifi toTWwittion, ho tntMd •f^i««SS'2_?2 left BM^ and. I beUoirOb !•» tha^ty oTTbrdato «!^ «»*^ ,''^»/:?\t2~?2!S •ther^^a were OD the look out to get a sight ot hipi.agaln. W t ^^_" wor «rw hgnafter that day. aad I do aol bdtero, •«« *«*^^^^ T^VS^TSPosX •f Toraata Aad IlioUevo aooo of the coOTsraatlona detailed by him in tha Oity €f Toronto ooidd havo taken phMa in that oity; . ,1.:.— . Aa to the aTideaoo glTOfe^tho aaid OdaOTer, fa which N ««*«• ,»>»*, * 'S™ ftaomnlisio i i hrtiiMifcr^ — "-^ : « ■ ■«■» ■ ■- * ^ - . . ^«i .. un i n « h « . nonfanarato ■.1^- jd but on e eommi p siti Armr. aad' that I raedfod &at uaBiiiimTnii a eofamissioo for a first lieutenant in Oo aaid army-from tho banda of Mr. Seddin himself fa the City of Richmond, aiid timt ^ •*, f k : #' '' SI"'' r». 10 ▲fPIDAVlT OP JOHN B. OABTLVIiAV ^ > " PiMTiwi or Oamapi, 01^ of Twooto, lo wit: I, Jobn B. OHtUnua. i Ayotto Oonotj, in Uio 8 'sifi'TKjSSfl^i; 5«^^^^ but f n-^J of Mupuy jwovwtrr, ttM pMdof aodor tho dw« of Jum >?£; ts ss.^ ^±3!s Sir ,J{lMt(18M)iii(b« J«uT. andlknowtlMtRloluutl Wm Md w«Vr3Ule to flBdhS. ' "^ ^"***^ '" ' "'"» ••»••" "-wh^ «* ^KFIDAVIt OF CHABUW B. Q^ADFIQK. l^fiMfli Of Camab^ W"*^ of Montml : r »•". of lOnd^MM^ fcLOTL"**^ "^^ propriotor of tho Sdat lAwmS? Hwoo tho l«i2ior^n!^trf#S? '^^ *5?*7 writod ot tho BiUnt Uwrtooo • ,^s-^- >., ia Om Books of Um oaoMni, ud tb« mmobU from tho boolu, and fbrtbor dopoiiMl Mith nol of tho |UMta art MMrdio|fjr mad* 0HABLK8 B. OBiDWlOK. Sworn bflforo mo iltiio OII7 of MootiMl ibii (ixUi day of Jul|| 000 thoniMd •ighlkmdr«d and liitf'flTO. . • ■ ' . J, JA& SMITH, OAa . AFFIDlvrP Of HENRt WINNETT. \^ PkOTnoi or Canada, City of Toronto, to wit : id/Book« I, Henry Winnctt, of lb« City of Tonoto •fomaltK' Book'kMpor In th« Qliom'a Hotel, In the said City of Toronto, roako oath and tay : 1. T^t I am «mploytd In tha Quom'a Bote), ia the laid City of Toronto, and have, togntbar with Mr. Thomaa MeOaw, ekargo of tke book in wnidi the namea of all ~ viaitor* to tbo laid Hotel ar« regUtored. a. That I hare been enoafed In Mjald HoUi flrom the let day of Aoguat, A.D. IIM. . 8. That I know Jacob ThompaoiCOokmd/ln the serriee of the Ooofoderato State* • of Ameriea. / " 4. That from 4he entrlc* In the mid mk. the taid Colonel Jacob Thompeon appear* to bate b<«n a iriiitor at the eaid Hotel tnm the fourteenth day of June, A.D. 18M, until tha thirteenth day of February AJ). 1868. 5. That b*tw*en the aaid fonrtaehth day of June and the taid tMrteenth day of February, A.D: 1868, tha aaid Colonel Jaeob Thoropaoo waa at the eaid Hotel erery day, axeept duHog the foUowbte pertoda, namely : Irom the eigbtoenth day of afeid month of Jnne,. 18«4. tmtil tb0 Jghteenth day of July then neit eaaulng; and fWmi the twentysercnth day of September, AJD. 1864, until th* third day of Oetober. A.D., 1864; and f^om the tenth iUj of October;' A.D. 1884. until the twenty-firat day o( PNCmber, A.D. 1864, until th* twentyfonitt day of the earn* month. 6. That I alao knew W. W. Oleary. . , ^ 7. That he, alao, ink a «iaitor or Mardar at the aaid Hotel, from the aeveath day of Felbruiury, A.D. 1869, OBlil the fourth day of May, in the aaid year of 188S. 8. That betweei/th* aidd aeventh day of Ftbmary, A.D. 1866, and th* fbarth day of May, A.l>. ItM, th* aaid W. W. Olaary waa at th* aaid Hotol *T«ry day, axoept during the foUowiog period*/ namely : frooi the ninth day of Februanr, A.L). 1865, until the thiity-firat day of March, A.D. 1865; and from the third day of April, til the twentyrninth day of eame month ; and waa not absent at anv . J exception* above mcntlonod, *uffieiently long to haTC gone to Montreal, bellcTe he waa not in Montreal during that period. ^ » r ^ WINNETT. A.D. time, wit ■ndlTc V- before me, at the City of Toronto, this 19th day of Aagust, A.D. Oakatam, Jtwtic* of the Peace for City of Toronta ^ 1865k « i.-.f' i- ' J • -v ^ W' 'i . -^ pi ¥ 'm t' J I ,w ♦ w *, • •,.*.«<-. f U) M- M $ ■y *m- L •f-^ 'I/. t ,/. .J" f- ''■$■' . ■ , ■ / '.ft-- ■ F . . -■-.,-. 1 ■ *■ ■ ' ■ ' ' ' -.■•","■ ■■■.■■, V, :■■■:..-',■ •*^ ;■/_ '-'..■ ■' ' ;■ • f ,,;.; ' •'. -■ ■. " .V'«*' " . ■-,'.■' '',,, ^' ■;.■ '■ « ■•'- -; ■ v^- ■■'•:-; .:' f ...■■■•; V ■ .,?;;■ • .-■ '■' ;' " ■ ." ;^ -V' •■-_;:/-.. , • ■ ' ' ■ ^ ■ •( . - ■ : ■:„ ;■/;.■'■.■•■ ... '.■ ■-■ ',-.■'■ ''r''-:- ' ■' ' 4. ' ; . '■ •• ' ^ .- , • - , - . ■ ■ •■.. -^ ■. .. ■ ' t ■ '■" ' ''- ' . * ■ " ' .* r « t -,•■;.;. ■':-.-. "^-- _^- ". -. /.— 4.. ,.•■ ■>.r*-^» ■ . ■ ■-:■. ..•■■ • ■■:■■-■.■- ■:■ -■>•■ .--::■ « \ • « ■■> ■: ■■■,. ■ ■ ■■■-■- ./■■..:•■ v.. ; .__• « -;v!-'^V"-:r^ '--,--■■ '■'^. ■ -' - ■-■ ^ . - ■ •. ■ fe- ■ ..■ ■■■■ :'• - : ^' .''■ ' ■■',,■: ■ ■ ■■ ' :,, ,:■ ♦ '' ■. . '.;■■ '^^ : ':■.-■ V ■ ■■ •'".;• ■.''-:".■■• ;■■ V f ■- . ' . ■■'"■•- ,,■'•'■'*''■ '■■:'- ■ " . 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