niain!;iincd a
systiiii df ciKTnaclim(.'nl and df liy lisliini; v ithin thri'i' iiiik's
(if tlu- Cdast, and by (.•nlcriiif,', willunil diK' jiisiilicaiidn. tlu' hays :iiid
llarlxmrs nf iho jirdviiK'i':-. .Marine I'dlice (.•raisers were kept up by
the i'rdviiu'ial (idvermr.eiits and the Imperial ,slii]is nf war aided llie.-.e
ill si'iziii;..; frinii time In lime the ves.^-els wliieli were sn found trespass-
iiii,'. I.'dn(leniiialidii> df ihe^e tnnk place under ihe lmperi;il and
C'lildiiial .^laliites jiisl cited.
In Slime cases these sei/iiie> were made fur vidlalimis (if the I'us
ldin> laws. 1 hev were, neverllieless, in iiearlv everv case, sei/.nre>
pr.ielicilly for vidlatidus nf the ( 'dnveiitidii df iSlS and nf tile I'isliery
The vcssils seized wen- I niled Slates fi.diini,'- vessels ; the (.'nslnnis
(iflicers alun;,'^ the line df oa^l nf the dilTerciit prdviiiccs were in reality
tlshcries ]'dlice nf lirilish .Xdr'.Ii .\meiica. The vessels in liid.->l in
stances, frecpieiiled the liaibd;i.>. pdrl> and baxs nf .\dva .^CdPa and
Xew I'lrunswick, fdipurpusis dtlier than the fdiir alldWfd ')\ ihe I'dii
\eiitidn df iSiS, viz., the purchase of wodd and the dbtainintj of w.iter
and fur shcller and ri'pairs. The eiifdi'cemeiit df the ('usinnis re^n-
lalidii^ was fur the avdwed piirpdsi- df denvin^ In such vessels .all
rii;h|s nf access, exceptini^ thnse whii-h nkued In the ri^iit nf asyluni
as recni^nizcd and preserved in e.spress words b\ die Tnaly nf iSiS.
The Idlldwiiiuf is a list of the difences fdr which cdiidcmnatidn (if
I niled States ti-liiiii; vessels Imik place : —
(al \ idlatidii df (.nstdiiis laws ;
(li) I'ishinL; williin liie fdrbidden limits ;
10 .AnclidriiiLj nr hoveriiiif inshnre withoiil necessity ;
(d) Lyinj; at anchor inside bays, iVc. in clean and pack tish ;
(e) linteriiij;^ the furbidden limits In bn\ b.iil ;
(f) I'reiiarinj; In ti>h within the prescribed limits ;
(i;) I'lirchasiu^' siip]ilies ;
(li) l-andini;; and Iranshippiiij carL;(ies df tish.
l''nr upwards nf twenty years this cniirse nf prnccedii;^' carri.'d
(111. with hardly any (.(nnplaint from the ('idveriinuiii df ilie I 'niled
St;iUs .i^aiiisi ihe llrilish cmisii iiclidu nf the Tre.aly ;is In the head
land i|iie>lidii, (ir .as tn the ri,iL;lil !.■ i-u.'chase bait .■ind snp|ilies nr In
tranship cari/nes. .Any Cdinpkiinis which were transmitled were based
on controversies as in the facts on which the seizures were made.
' .>NIC .\|J|.nMlK \''. III.
H I'^iv li-l 1.1 r. S, li^liiii^ M'.:..! ■ii/...l li,iHiMii IMS. ,11. 1 is.'il. inl"iii>;iii;.
\rllti"ill 'it I'.dtli-r yriH. ^S(■^• .\ |l|),'ll< I n .\i'. I\'.
■lli'ilivi', ihv
' I'arlia
iiiiilar liii(-s,
M.I ailnpli'd
Tlio ii)m|ilaiiits iiidood at that luTiml were more frc(|ueiit cm llie pari
..I thf I'.rilisli aiillKiriliis. hi Jaiiiiary. iS.^f), llie rrisideiil dircclcd
tin- Sccrilarv of llio Treasury ti) inslnict tlie eoUeelnrs to inform the
masters, owners and others ent;a,Ljed in the fisheries that eoinphiints
liad been made, and to enjoin upon those jurs ms a striet ohsrrvanee
1,1 the limits .-issif^ned for lakini^, dr>in,L; and unini; ti.^h iiy Anuriean
lisiiernun mider the Convention of iSiS.
Tiie (iovernmeiit of \ova Seotia not only maintained an elTcctive
marine police l)y which mimerous seizures were made, hut they pro-
ceeded to close the Strait of l'an>o a(,'ainst li^lu•nn(■ll of the Tnited
, I'.
,1 Sr,
1.. m
I In the J/th March. 1S41, Mr. i'orsytli, I'nited States Secretary of
Slate, directed .Mr. Stevenson. .Minister at London, to complain to Her
Majesty's (iovernmei
It of the application of the headland rule, of the
fr of the Slr.iit of C'
and of the severitv of the N'ova .Scotia
statutes re
lavniK I'e
latiiiR to the protection of the fisheries. A copy of this letter
en sent to the I.i.utenanl-Ciovernor of Xova .Scotia, Lord
I'alkland replied to Lord John Kusse
11, Secret.irv lor tlu' Colonies, to the
L'ffect that the frreatcst anxiety was felt hv the inhabitants o
North .Xiiieri
•a I'r.
L-es that the Convention of iXif
f tlie liritish
d he strictlv
(forced, and inclosed a copy of a series of ipiestions pro|)osed hy the
ihlv of Xova Scotia, for the consideration of Her
,f As
Majesty's lejjal advisers. I hese (|iiestions were
■• I. Whether the Treaty of I7S^ was annullec
111 tne
1 by tlie war of 1812,
f tlie Ciiited States jiossess any ri.uht of tisliery
waters of the Lower Provinces other than ceded to them by the
and whether citizens
if 1S18, and if so, wliat riKht
American citizens the riKlil. under convention, to
enter any of the I'.ays of this L'rovince to take fish, if, after they have so
entered, Tk prosecute the fishery more than three marine miles from the
1 the i-rescribed distance of three marine
lavs, or slioinii
miles be iiuasnrec
as to exclude them
i from the headlands, at the entrance of such hays. s<
if three marine miles to be computed from the
lents of the Coasts of ih-itish .Xmerica, or from the extreme head-
Is tl
le distanci'
d what is to be considered a headland
American vessels,
titted out for a fishery, a rij^lit to pass
in.i;h the Cut of (
m the jirescri
which thev cannot do without coming with-
bed limit, or to aiiclior there, or to lish there, and is
lit to hire fish in tlie track of the vessels, fi.--hin,Lr. within the mean-
ing of the convention
:;. Have .\mcricaii citizens a ri.ichl to land on the Magdalen Lslan
and coudtic
t the fi.sherv from the shores thereof, by using nets and
seines, or what right of fishery do they po.ssess
islands, and what is meant bv the term shore "
on tlie shores of those
•6. H:i
Harbours of this Province for the 1
taining water, having pr<
•"isliermen the right to enter the Hays and
)iirpose of purchasing wood or ob-
(iVKled iKiliier o
)f th
articles at the com-
ciMiient of the voyage in their own country, or have they the right
ilv of
entering such
,1 Hi
irl lours in c
ases of distress, or t(
nnrchase woo(
1 and obtain water, after the usual stock of those articles
for the vovage of such fishing craft has been exhau.sted or destroyed
er existing treaties, what rights of fishery are ceded to the
iliz'ens of the I'nited States of .\merica, and what reserved for the ex-
clusive enjoyment of British subjects ? "
■fo which the Law Officers of the Crown. Sir J. Dodson and Sir T.
Wilde (afterwards Lord Tniro) replied :
" We have tlu' honour to report that we are of the opinion that the
IV'-.-itv of i/.S,^ was annulled l)y the war of 1812, and we are also of
opinion that the rights of fishery of the citizens of the I'nited States
must now be considered as defined and regulated hv the Convention of
iSiS, and witli ri'S|Hrt tlaiin'il and
fliii-idatcd liy tlic iil)scivatiinion that that convention did not either ex-
pressly or hy im])Iicatiou concede any such rij^dit of usint;; or navi^aiiny;
the passajje in (piestion. We are also it rt-fcrr-nd to t'n; woril '■ lir;i
iiiitti' i>|>iiiiiiri will li>ail In tl i>iii:hision tlhit it iliil
iiMl liy any inc.iMs icst ^ilrly "n tl»' .■>:.sinii|.li..M lliat tla' Hdnl " liiiaillMii.l" liail lucii
ii-si'il 'I'hc liuit;iiai!i' (if ilir IliinI |iiiniL;ia|ili uf llir nialii' this plain."
(Muniiiianilinn on nninls of law cimni'itcil willi tliu I'isliKiiis, l.y .Sir ,(( lin 'rhoiniiKciii,
"~. '\'\n- ri,L;lils of li^-lurv i-cilcd t.i llu' litivens of tlif Tiiili'd States,
aiiil iliiisi' HMiMil for llic I'Nclii-ivc cnj' lyuii'iil of I'.ritisli suhjci-ts,
(k'lR'iul ;illiimiluT ii|>ii]i till' ciinvi'iilinii nf iKiKllif only (.•>isti!iK treaty
" W'f liavc, vScc.,
••J. 1)1 )lJSt »N',
••"l 111 IS. WlLUlv"
rnmiiiirnl anidiif; llu- |iniiiis nf (liii<'rcn<'i' at lliis |i(.rii"l was wlial is
kiiDwn as tlic Ik'aiiland iMiitnivt-r^s , wliiil) fnfiin'il tlic .-.ulijrcl nf i|iu's-
liiiii and ans\\i'r"j" ahnve.
'I'lic dilToii'Mci- ariJM- iiut of the inti.i|)rilation of thai part of Articli'
I. of tlu' ( 'on\enlion of i8lS, whicli dcelari"; that ;
'■ riir Iniled States liercliy reiioimee iiri- e\er. an\ lilierty hereioloie
enjoyed or elaiined by the inhahitaiUs thereof, lo lake, dry or cure fisll
on or within tliree marine miles of any of the coasts, '"i.v<, creeks or
harl)(.nr> of His llritannii' Majesty's dominions in America not in-
elnde:l within the ahove mentioned limits," ive.
The coiitidwrs) turns upon the me.aninu; of the word "liays." Th.e
colonists inaiiil.-iined that hy the terms (.f tliis article, rnited States
fishermen are prohihiied from iiiterin.L,' any hay, irrespective of si/e,
such, fo,- txaiiiple, as t'le lla\ of !-'i,n ly, or the llaie des t'haienr.^, and
th;it the limit of exclusion should Ik aline dr.'iwn hetween headlaiifl and
headland across the months of all hays, j^iilfs, or indent.'itions of the
The liiited States, on the other hand, insisted that the three-mile
limit should follow the coast par.allel to its sinuosities, and should he
measured from the mouths of hays onlv when the distance front head-
land to headland did not exceed six miles.''
In ii's.V), the I'resident of the liiited States, called tii)on the Depart-
meiU of St.'ite "to rcjiort to hini the treaty stipulations which liear
upon the suhiect (the seizure of American vessels on the coast of
Xova Scotia') : the conflictinLj (ptestions of rifjlit, if any, which have
.■irisi-n nndi" li-.em ; and the n.aturi and circnnistances of the cases
which have heen presented to the I'nited .States tiovernment by the
citizens as infr.actioiis of ritfhts on the ])art of the I'.ritish authorities.
* I'i'i!' Wii-i i! (' |ii,ii'lk':i! viiv, til lihir- M-lninicii fnHii ini i-^iily jmidd n\ llii.'< ■•nfi-
tri)Vi'i'~y, Imt .smiu' lime cliiji.sivl iii' il» iiil"|itiiiii ii. il.-i i-nl irity liy llir Aiiiciii'iiii
rliciii i(.n, 1H77, ],. HI.)
.Sciiil.^o, Ml-. Wi-tister, llicii .Sici-ctary of Sfato, in a .Slate piijiei' daleil (itli .luly,
jS.Vi, a!llio'.i;.'li eomeiidiiij; tliat tlie H(itilin:;of the t'onvoiition of ISIS was not i-on-
foiioatdi' to tl:e iitli tiiiiiit.t of tlie I'hit'-d .State-; a- one of ilie eoiiiraetinL' parties,
adii.ils lliat :--
'■It. woidd aiUKa:-. that liy a sh iel and i i-id .-iins.! i-ii,-tioii i,f this .\i-iirlf ! l.-i Aili-
i-le of Convenlioll of jSI.Si, li.sliiny v.-s.-a-ls of til" fliitid .•Stales an- ]ili'i'hlded flolli
eiiti-i ini: into the hay.s (11- h.ailiiiiii.'i of lite iJt-iti.vii i'roviiiees, e\ee)ii foi- tin- [uti-iioses of
sliidtt f. re|taii-inj^ ilanf,'.,'e.-,, .ti.d olitaining w I and watei-. .\ liay, as i.s usually
nndei-slood, i.s an rii-in or i-eees.s of ili" sea enti-i-ini; fi-oin the oe"im Iietween rapes ot-
lie.idlant's ; fitiii ihi h nil i> fifi/iiiiii u/iiiili'i/ In . ihiil',iinl: ,tli/ mi nri r-i:j/il in the ('..nventioii of ISIS to
make so lat\;:e a ennei-s.-.ioti to luiglaud, siuei- l!ie ('ni:,'d .Stales hid usually eoioii|,-r;'d
ili.u tlios" vast inleis, or of ihe oeeaii, ou;;h! to lie open (o .Vmerieaii lisheniii-n
as fr.'ei^ .-IS Ihe .Hia itself, to wilhiii three miles of tin- shore." (/'<.. p. MH.)
Siihsi'liuiilh. llu' I'n-sidiiil en
1 J'
ay 11(4
IMlH'l til
M a
liiitiil Stati"
vi'ssi'l In till' N'ova Si'iilia cnasi ami
tiiiaiil I'ayin.' ri'|inrtoil (111 llic _'i»lli Di'i'iiiiIkt, iH^i. llial
rf|i(irl. 1 ii'ii
••ilic (|iiistiMns oil wliicli (lispiiU- may arise an' (ii lln' iiuaiiiiiK
>f il
.1 •!
III llH'
rntlVilllli'U 1
if iSlH ; l-M llu- ri.;.;lil . f ri'si .rlin;; l.i
])iiri^ fcii >l rliiT ami in pr
lu'uri' u>MM
ami waK'i.
'itii".ii loiiU'iitiiiii nil llu- liiM |intiil lias alicailv ini'ii (■N|)laiiH(l
••a"l In till'
tn I'M-liuii- all vi'ssc
sn-niiil 111 a. I, ilu' .\n\a Si'nliaiis i-laiiiu'i! tlii' rij^'lii
Is iini ill actual disinss. Tlir AiiuTii-ans i-laiiiiiiiviniciK-i', llu'ir calling; al sia. 'I'lu' Xnva Scntians
iiisisU'il ilial llii' AiiK'ncaii tisliiii^: vt'sscis slmuli! Iiavf Ih^mi stipiilinl on
linllK' Willi wnnd
1 ami waUT fnr tiuir iiihiiilul irtiisc.
nf Uk' I'niivcillinil, llll'V
till' U
(1 anil tlu'ir cnmciiii'iu-i'. ami
■>.., :i
I.- I.V
AiiH'Hcaiis atVirmcd ilial
ri'snrt In till' pnrls In pnioiiri' wnnd anil walir ,
witliniit having In prnvc that tlifir supplies had hci'ii exliaiistrd hy nn-
tnwanl circiiiiistaiu'cs.
Lii'iltiMianl raym.' repnrled that the oniiteiilinii nl lliu Xnva Sentiaiis,
if admitted, wmild drive ilie Amerieans fmni llmse parts nf tlie en-ist
where were the iiinst vahiahle lislierie'-. while if the f^minid maiiilaiiied
t)\ ihe Anurieaiis were iisserled, il wnllld he dilTienll In prevent llletn
frniii ]irneiiriiii; arlieles nf eniiveiiieiue and /""'iiJai/i/ Imit, from wliicii
thev were preelmied hy the C'i>iivelitinn.
The lieaill.iiid dnetrine was fniiiially elialK'ii!,'-eil h> llie I 'iiiled
Stales nil tile neeasinii nf ihe seizure nf the " \\'ashiii;jtnii," an Aiiie-
rieaii ri>liiii)j; sehn, iiier in the ISav nf I'liiidy, nii the /tli May. i^t.V ai
a distaiiee nf ten miles frnm slmie. This eaptnre led to iiiiuii dipln-
niatic cnrrespniideiice, and nn tlie jStli heiiriiary, iI^-|.S. was made the
siihjeel nf a special niessaj^e to the Senate nf the I'nited States hy the
In Aii^''tist. 1S44, the r. 1^. schoniier " Ar>,'ns " was seized while
fisliini; ntY the coast nf ('ajie liretnii under similar circumstances to the
" W'ashiiif^ton."
( )n the loth March. 1S45, l.ijrd .Mierdieii inforinod Mr. I'.verctt
"dial, althoui.;h the llriliNli tinveriiment adhered tn their ]irevinus
cniistruciinii nf the Treaty, and denied any rij;ht nf .\iiierican fisher-
men to lish williiii llirei' miles nf a line drawn frnm headland to head-
land across the mniilhs nf the hays mi the Canadian cnast, yet the nil'-
wn-aid Iv relaxed sn far that .\meviean vessels would he permitie 1 to
fish ill the liay nf I'Tmdy al ,iii\ part iini less than three ii.iles frntn
sii(..e. and ' jirnvided they dn tint approach, except in the ca>es sjieii
iud ill liie Treaty nf dSiS, within lliree miles of the entrance nf any
hay nn the coast of Xov;i ."scotia or Xew llninswick.' " .\lr. I'",vereii.
in reply, thanks Lord .Xhenleen for "the amicaliie dispnsition evinced
hy Iler Majesty's ("loveriv.iieiit ' ; hut he still maintains the .\inericaii
c iiisiriutioii of die rival\, .sa\imr that
It fn.- tlr
nf detraciipL;' frnm the liherality evinceil hy Her Majesty's (i»)veni
meni ill lelaxinfi: frnm what they rejjard as their rij^ht, hut it wnnld I)
lil.'uin^;- !iis nwn (lovernment in
a fah
e position to acce[)t as 111
favour that for which they have so Inn^ and strenuously contended a-
line In them imii
the t
In 1S45. LnnI Stanley intimated tn I.oi'tl halkland, Lieiitenanl-
(Invernnr nf .Xnva Scniia, that the Ilritish ( 'invernmeiit " cnnteniplated
die further exteiisinn of the .same policy hy the adoption of a fjjeneral
regiilalion that the .Vmerican fishermen should he allowed freely to
I'litcr alt liavs of wlucli tlic innnllis vi-ri' timrp than six niilos \vittiii
liiT, iH(5, I.cinl Staiik'\ iiidiinuMl Loid l''allani|cpii-
^^l\ tlic iiiU'iitiuii \\.- hail I litiTiaiiuil mi liu' Mihjii't, aiul siuill aiilK'ii'
Id till' .-.iiKt lcttv.r nf ihi' maiii-s * * " i'.\ci'|)i in !.ii far
a,^ lluv may iiiaic in llif Hay nf JMindy, which has liccii llii'nwn njn'ii
tn the Xnitli Atmiicaiis iindtr i-uiiaiii rostiiitinn>."
indue], I .ni'd AlaTdi'iii made it clrai at the niil-fl, that tliis wa^ tin.'
nrij,'iiial inli'iilinii, tnr in a Kikr tn Mr. I'.vcrrtt, daliil Jist Aiiril, if^4>
ill' says :
'• in IJK' incaiiiinic, Imuivir, liu nndcrsii^iu'il i!iinl nf i'lmdy. 'I'lial nnic wa^ iiiti'iidcd tn nfcr to the
I'.ay nf l"niidy almic."
'I'lu' case nf till" "\Vasliiii),'tnn" was made niie nf tlii' matters nf rcfci'-
iiiii' tn till' Cmiimissii III a|i| mint I'd tli liankiiif; lunise. w;i> ehnseii nin|iire hy
Int. Mr. Hates decided in favour of the I'nited Slates contiiitinii " that
the Hay nf h'tindy is nnt a Hritish lia\ iinr a ' hay ' within the meaning
nf the wnrd used in the Treaties of I/H,^ aiul iSiX."
This deeisinn, as well as the ("nnvtntion hit ween JMiKlaiid and I'Vaneo
of the Jiid of Aiif,'nst, iH.VJ*. ''y wiii.Mi the e.seliisive ri);lit of tiie fish-
eries niioii the coasts of the two toiintrit -i with respect to hn> s, the
mouths of uliich do not exceed ten miles in widtli was to he measured
from a straif,dit line drawn hetween headland and lii'adland, is fully dis-
cussed hy the late Sir John Tho'iiii.snn in a i)apcr entitled " Memoraii- pp. 4ii..|i.
. ;!7.3!i.
Mr. I'ates settled no principle whatever, hut merely disposed of the
pecuniarv claim of the owners nf the " Wa.shiiif^tnn." Indeed, that
claim was the niily matter referred in refjanl tn this seizure. The Cnii-
vention of 1.S53 was for the settlement of ontstandiiip claims and no
(|uestions relating to the rij^hts or powers of either country, or as to
treaty interpretations were referred. Indeed, it would have heen ahsurd
that either country should have heen williiifj to accejjt the decision of
Mr. Hates on a iiuestion of international law, a; to the riphts of either,
or as to any interpretation of a treaty. Mr. Hates was in no sense an
expert in rej^ard to such m.-ittcrs ; he was not even enpaj,'ed in {)ul)lic
affairs, and had only heen known as a junior ])artncr in an .\mericau
hraiich of an English hanking house. ( )f sucii little importance were
the references considered, that the referee was chosen hy lot in any case
of disagreement hy the Commissioners. The reasons given hy the
umpire, such as they are, apply only to the Ray of Fundy, and he says,
"the conclusion is, therefore, to my mind, irresLstihle that the Bay of
I'nndy is not a Hritish hay, nor a ' hay ' within the meaning of the word
used in the Treaties of 1783 and 1818.'
" Mr. Hates said : ' Tliis doctrine of tlie headlands is new, and has
received a iirojjer limit in the Convention hetween France and dreat
Hritain, of the 2nd August, 1839, in which it is agreed that the distance
tr;iiKlil linf ilrauii frmii liciulliiiiil tn lir;i(lliiiiil.'
u ;• I
liivi' iilri;nl\ ^.^ I'll ili;ii till' ilcu-innc was li\ im niciiiis iii'u tlial
il liiiil lii'iii laiscil and iiifciii'iil fur iicail
) xcai'i |pri\ ii '\[>\\ III
iKa'il I" '!"' '';'>- "' l''i'iii"«li N'irili Aini'iica, and liad fur a \<>\\^ liiiii'
luiii inailically ai i|iiii'>i'i'i| in mi llii' par
I iif llic I iiili'd Siair>, aiii
iN|ilaMifd as an ini|H .riant anil praiii
l''i)rs_vlli iHiiri' than tliirliin Noars ln'fnri'. Tlii' auriiMiuiu arrivrd ai
lnlwi'i'ii I'raiu'i' and (inat llrilain was not an inli'ipiviali'iii of am
I'sistinj; Inaiy on ilu' snlijii-i Imt a i-iiin|)niiiiisr uf ri);lils, siu li a^ ni>
oiticr iMiwcrliad a rinlit m sliari' in witlmnl I'xinvss stiiinlalimt.
assiTtid tliat ilu' dniir
.r tlu
luaiMamls uas
luw, 111' M'lins tci liavf civciliK iki (I liic fail tliat fnrinciri' than a iriiiiirv
It had fnll rc'i-c'^;niliipn \>\ all \]\r writers nil pnlilu- law, ai
111 that the nllK
iiiifsliuii which I'nnld pn'-sihlv arisi' was, whcllur llu' dmirinr w;i-, an-
W tu Ihf
.f I'
ind tl
(■ srlli inner
till' ('iiiiM'nliiin ii( iSiS. I Ujurhaps 'ivii
,f I
islnn^jtnn, under
) nf its jurists
en w
e mine to examine ftirtlier the reasmis whieli indneed his deei-
sinn, eiinfidenee in its si
ness IS mil nureased
width nf 43 111
.f I'
Iv at its llritisli lieadl.'iiids does nut exceed tlie
.Mr. I'ales eniioeived it tn lie fti, tn
75 iinle>- wide.
He stales that it hiis si\er;il hays nii its enasts ; this inij,'ht he said nf
anv and overs hav and h.-irhnnr mi the .Atlantic, hnt he draws fmni th;it
fad 11
le inference th;it ' ihe wnri
plied In this L;reat lindy nf
water, has the same nieaniii;.; ,is that applied tn the Itay nf lliscay and
the lla> nf l'ieiij;al, nwr which tin natimi cm h;ive the riijlit tn .i-
n' inferred frmii tins thai, aecnnlni),' tn Ins decistnn. ;i hay
can nii|\ mean an inlet which has nn indentations nn its coast, and tiial
if it had indeiitalions it can mily he cninpared In the \'>:\y nf liisi-;iv ;iiid
till' r.;iy nf I'lenj^al. His next reasnti is, that mu' nf the lieadl.i.ids nf the
liay of iMiiidy is in the I'liiteil .^t.-ites and that ;i line dv;iwii from head-
land to heiidlaiid wnnld p;iss neiir the Isl;inds nf ( Irand .\lanan ( I'.ritish")
;ind l.itlle Maiiaii (.American.) The accnr.icy nf this statement can only
he m;iinlained hy dniwini; the headhnid line to suit the imrpnse. 'I'liere
has heen nn cmiieiitimi and there is nmie. th;it Ihi' line of exclusion in
i.'lV n
f I'
shmiM he dniwn ntherwise than from one pirt of
liniish ternlory to annilur, am
md lint merelv inside the heail
1 th
ashnnjtnn " was iiisn
id which Mr. I'.ates imaj,'ined. Il is
dilTicnll In see, however, hnw the case shmild he alTected liy the fact, if
it were a fact, that the headland line wnnld hi '(.' these islands.
Mis next reason is, that the islands of 'iraiul Manan and Little .Manaii
are represented in the ^,'eo,u;ra|)liies us situated in the Atlantic ( )cean.
It is not plain how this descriiitioii "in the ),'eof;raphiis ' can hear on
the interpretatinii nf a treaty. The conclusion of Mr. liates niinht have
heen properly inlliienci
the fact that these islands "■'(•« in the
.Atlantic ( )cean, if they were so, or in the Hay of I'lindy, as distinjj
the .Atlantic ( )ceaii, hnt how cmild it have hi
inilnenced hv the
di'scriptinii in the nenj^raphies ? In sn far as the circnnistaiice was im-
linrtant, the ,/'"'' and iint the descri|ition in the fjenj^raphies was to he
cnnsidered. .Mr. Hates savs, linwever, that the coiicliision was, to his
Again :
r. Id. '" Tt has hecn already mentioned that Great liritaiii, in niakint; the
concessinn tn the .American fishermen, in reg'ard tn the I'.ay nf I'lindy,
declared that a privilc},'e, and not a ri^dit, was conceded. X'ohvith-
sL-niilinj,' that the rii^lit was claimed mi the part nf ilie United .Stales,
Iter Majesty's (inveriiment has iidhered strictly tn this pnsitinn. In
the case of all hays other than the I'.ay of I'undy, Iler (invemme-n has
refused to concede tlu' privilej^'e ami has enforced its views al'iimi^li
no seizures were made."
And ajj^ain:
I', n. " It will he seen hy a reference to the protocols of the Treaty of ( iheiit
and the declaration of the t'onimissioners, Messrs. Holmes and liar-
1^ lll'U llijit
•'■^i'liislv III
.1 Imiij^ I'iiii,.
ii\ ,111(1 lii„|
Ii.v \ir.
1 .urivc.l ai
"'"I "f ;iiu
>ii( li ,1, II,,
"Il,iiiils \\as
'I ;i >-c'iiiiii-v
:il lllc uiilV
'«■ w;i-. ;i|p
"II." nil, Id-
"■ f.'K'i thai
"Mil .•lJ,Mi|i
"'^ jlil-isls.
■>l Ill's .|,.,-i-
■^lIC'll lllc
iiiK"- \vi(|c.
lie sail I of
fi"in llial
■nt ImhIv of
i-iay and
t" ,1S. |Si»of Hi'i-Nli'll's i-ollccii .11 of ■|'i\alii's') thai llic l!;i\ of l"nn,I;,
l.'iiid l'a'<-;iiiia<|noc|i|\
liiili IS |,ait of ill \\;i> iic.-iiid as a I'ritisli
iia\, and ilial icilain islands tlirn in were Inal^'d eMi|iiionalU and
dn l.ilid lo luloii^ (o llu I niled .^1 all's. Tliis innld iiol have hei'ii had
the liay of JMindy heiii uiher tlian a llriii>!i i'ay."
Ill I1S77 the Jiidiiiai t'oinniiiUe oi the l'ri\_\ t'oiiiuil dceid.d thai
('iiiue|)tinii I lay, in Xewfoiindiand, whieii is jo miles wide at the in, lUtli,
is a ■■ hay " wiihin ihe o|Kratiun of the C'oiueiition of i,'^!,"^.
Lord UlaeUlnun, in cieh\eiinn the jmlKinent of the C'oiiri, saicj :
"'I'iuTe \v;i!t a Coiuciition made in iSi.s heiween tlie I 'iiited .*^t;it«'s m,,,., !■ s
;mil 'Ireal Hiitain rel;iiin|,' to the lislieries of I .ahiinl, ir, N'ew fonndlaiul, ' it'i'i'i,
and His \laji'st\'s oilur possessions in .\ortli .Aimriea, liy wliiih it was a,',, •'|'f|"c,,.
;ivrei,l that ihe li>hermeii of the I'niled Sl,'iles shonid havi' ihe riv,ht to llnu-. I.i«_lli'
li-h on pjirt of the loasis (not inehidini,' ihe |i;n't of ilie isl.-md of .W'v, • '^'.'',',1^'.,',^.-
f,,nndland (,ii whieh I 'oiiee|ilion l'.a\' lies), ;md should not enter .-mv |,iiri :', |.|..
'Ii;iys' in any pari of the eoiist eseepl (or tlu i)itr|iose'. of shelter and '-" '-'•
ripiiiriiij; danni.ijes, and |)mehasin^,' \\oo,|, and ohciiiiiiiL,' water, ami no
iither |,nr|io.,es whalevir. It s;i_\s, whether lai>;c' or ■.nial!. on that eoasi, and
iiinsei|neiiily to ( oneeiilioii Hay. Il i.' line that the ('oiisiiition would
only hind Ihe two nations who were p.irties to it, and eonsei|iiently that
ihoiijjh ;i stroll).,' .'isserlion of o\\iiershi|) mi the part of < ireat Hiil.'iin,
ae(|nieseed in hy so powerfnl a stale as the I'liiled Slates, the C"nnven-
lioii, tlioiijjh wciyhly, is not decisive. Ihit the .\et ahiady referred to,
5'; ( ieo. ,^, e. ,v*^, tnon.:,;h passed ehiilly for the purpose of ni\iiin el't'eet
to the Convi iilioii of iKi,S, t,iies further. It in.'uis that not merely
s'.il'ji els of thi I nil e, I Si, -lies shall ohsvrve the reslrit-ti, m aLjned on hy
this ( onveiitioii, hni ihai all piTSoiis, not hcin^; iiainral horn snlijeets
il the KniK o| I neal liiiiain shall oliser\e them niiiler piiialiies
in pariienlar, hy see. 4, it eiiaets that if 'any ])erson' upon heinj^ re-
ipiired hy the (governor, or an\ olTieer aetin^j under sniii novvrnor. in
the exeeniioii of any order or instriielions from His M.ajrsty in fomi-
eil, shall niter alia refuse tr) depart from sneh l)a\s, he shall he snhjei'l
to a peiiali)' of .f-'ixi.
.\o stidii^^er assertion of exelnsivc dominion over these hays eould
every sense
sider.'ihle uii
as heeii al
rea pariienlar wi
1th. thi
nnei|mvocal a-seriion ol tlie liritish l.ef^i-
over this ha\ as nart of the Ihiiish lerriti
exelnsive (
IS this assirtion of
n has not heeii (piestioned hy any ii.'ition from i.^io down t.
leii a fresli ('onvenlion was maile, this would he vi'rv slroni;' ii
the trihinials of an\ n.alion to show ihat this h.iy is hy iiresi-ription p irt
of the eNelnsive territory of (ircal lirilaiii. As already ohserved, in a
liritish trihimal it is deeisive."
It is, however, proper lo ohserve that, while adheriii),'' to its ori.uiinl
views on the headl.nid (piestioii,' it has heen of reeeiit years the prae-
tice of Her .Majesty's ( ioveniiiient to suspend their literal applieatioii.
Thus, al the pe
perioii w
hen tile I nited Stales lislie
rmeii were pass
from the free use of all C'anadiaii fisheries j^raiued hy the Reeijiroeity
Treaty of 1854, to the limitations of the Convenlioii of i.SiH, Mr.
(.'ardwell, Seerelary of .'^tate for the Colonies, thus iiistnuted the 12 .\|.iil, i.-iii
Lords C'(>inmissioners of the .\dmirallv ;—
Ilcr Majesty's (iovermnent are elearly of opinion that,
)f liSi.'^, the I'llited .Stales have reiioimeei
I 11
.v the ii„
rht of 1
•,1 ,,f 111,
fisliinj,', not only within three miles of the Colonial shores, hiil within
iree miles of a line (h'.'iwn aeros
le iiiou
Ih of
r III,' iiMiifiiv
ritisli bav or Cnniiii-^
ereek. Ihit the (|neslion : What is a liritish hay or cree
whieh has Keen the oeeasion of dilTuniltv in former times.
k- ?
;.. 141
It is therefore, "' invsrut, the wish of Iler ]\t.ijc.sty's riovenimciit
neither to eoncede nor,
''. to enfriroe any rif;;Iit.s
respeet whieh are m their nature oi)en to any seritiiis (piestion.
l-'or it ^Htijkiii^ oiiitiniiatioii ,,1' tli,^ ^lah'ini'iil lliitl. Ilt-i- Mtijt-.-«ty'M lM,v,>rMni,'ni
I vii'lil",| llh'ir '.;i,i'iii,l ,>ii iliis ijiicslidii
rii,-l,)Miin>s in ('. ()
tial clis|iateli, laili i'l^liiuaiy, ISltT, I'livy ('i)iiiicil Sn. Kl.iK.
MU. on 111
71, Ni.. I'J. tliL'>c iii^tnk'lioiis 1(1 ilii iilli
I- 14th .\l;i), iXpi, llic ( ;inailiaii ( iovuniiiunt IssirmI
ii);a,L;ril III ihi'
\:.;.„A':I ih-
111- limits v.iiliiii \'.liiili voii will, if in.-i'c.-5s;iry, iwt ri;i>c tin- |mi\\i':
nf III.' Il,.iif.i
( nl.illli^--iMh
|. Ill
"■'r t'l i-xiliiilu I, iiiu-il .■^Kiti-- ii-luniuii, i>r {. > iii.'iiiiii .\iiici'iia:i li^liiir.
/'■ i. III.
/'. |. II.-
h'sm;1.^ mi- Imal.S, arc l'"l ilir jiliMllI !■
lavu ari>L-ii in foniRT liiiu-:. uiili n'>\.i.
it !i. il
iMi'iiiiiiiial. I jIiVk iiliii';
r (ni>iiiiii, uixllur till-
isivc limits sliiiiil
lir iiica>iiri-, di" on lijic^ id^ ii|ii(.(.(l
iTniii ii(.-a(llanil tn headland aiiuss the (.■iiliaiK\> of lia, n, cri'(.-i<-, i .r
liarlxiiirs. lirr .Majesty's ( idvernnieiit are eleaily nf M|>iiii(in tli.ii, li\
the (■(inveiitimi (if iJ-iiX, tlie I iiiicd ."stales li.ive li'iioiiiieed the ri^iil
■if I'lslnni;', iKit (iiil\ wi'.liiii three miles nf ihe ( nh nial sin ires, Imt u ill'.
ill three miles of .1 line drawn acniss the iiki'.kIi ni any I'.ritish lia\ nr
I reek, ll is, I'dWiMr. the wi-li nf iier Majesty's ( iiivcrniiH'm iieitlur
In eiiiu((le, iiur fill' ll.e tire^eiit In f;ifiiivu, any ri^^lits in this r(-.|ie(i
:i''li .•lie in i!.'-ir n.itiire ( ecu In ;iiiv s
eridii.i (|iiesti(iii, I ntil fiirth
1 _ 1 ■ ' •
in-lnu'(((l, theicfi ■•(■, ;, u'l will iii.l interfere with .iny Anieriean fislier-
iiieii, unless finnid within three miles of the shme, nr "iM/k //w-. niilr.-*
fij' tl /lift; drairn to'rosi^ l/t*- jnmitli nt' tl fiiti/ nr rri'fk irhirli ik /rnv f/iiin l"rt rfn
yrti/J,:.i,l iinli- hi iriilil,^ \n the case of any other -a-, the Hay of
Chalenrs, for example -yon will not admit any I'nited .^tates I'lshinj^
ve-sel or lioat, or any .\iiieriLaii ti.shermen inside (jf a line drawn aeri ss
at that |i;irt of .sllch h.'lV "/('/'■ //,. iridlh ilm < nu/ I II,, (I I, II ini/'K.
< In the Cilli June, l.ord ( Iraiiv ille t( K };ra|ilie(l io ihe ( lovernor < len-
er.d :
" Iier .M.ajesty's ( iovernmenl holies tli;il the I 'iiiteil ,st;i!es tisherinen
will Hot he for ll.e iireseiit iirevenled Iroin lishini;, i\(( jit viilhin tlnee
miles of land, or in hay.^ whieli are less than six miles hroad at th.e
In coiiseiinenie of ti'.is iiitiiii;ilion, the iiisii-ni'tions were amei.deil
to rea'l ;is fi illows :- -
" I mil fuilhei iiis|rni'l(il, tluicl.ire. \oii will not iiilerf(r( with any
Aniei'ic'ui llslieriiieii, unle-o. found within tiiree miles of the shore, or
within three miles cf a line drawn aeros... the month of a has or ereek,
whicli, iliiiiiijli III |n^rl^ nmr'
.ll. . U /.x.y ll,
II II .11 r If
oifrniili ii'al
,iitli ni i'n tiiiiiiili. Ill the ( ase of aii\ other liav — as Hav de^
(haleurs. for evamjile — \on will not inlerferi- with any I'liitid Stales
tisliin^,' vessel nr hoai, or any .\nieriean tishermen mili-in ili'ij nn- /niiini
■nil III ll,
,;/,.s .,/ //,-..,•/„
In 1S47 ne^'oliations were (.jiened iietweeii ( Ireal I'lrilain and the
I'nited States for the estalilislimem of reei|iroe;il fn-e traile lieiwceii
< 'an.ida .■iiid the 1 iiitid .'^t.'ite-, aiiil on die I ^t .\o\(iiilier, l.'^i'i, Sii II.
I'liilwcr. who w.i- then alioul to jirocefrl to \\ ;ishinj.;ioii as Ihrisii
.\liiiis;i r, ;iiuhori/(d to i-nur inl > a iii-j.','(i'.ialion liy which aece-s
lines le.M'ejil .X'ewfoundl.ind which vefii-e.l
L:r>( 'I to tl;e c'lizeiis ol tin
10 the lisheries of all the c
lii CI .n-1 III •■;. ;iiu leriiis)
States, in n Inrii for recijiroeity of trade with the I'nited .•stat( s, in .all
iiatiii;il jirodnciious, such ;i- lish, whtat, tiiiiliir, \'c.
'The |iro;iosal wa- favoural'ly received hy the I 'iiind Si;ites ( ioveni ■
iiient, hut some delay occtnM.d owiiiLj to die ile.uh of < ieiieral Tash'T
si'leiil, how(\(r. donhted whether it was ;i
1.^;... 'r
!(• new Ik
|iro|.er snhject for a Trcity, and ihoii;;hi th;il it should he done hy
and accordintjK' a I
ill wa~ liroiiidil III for the ]iiiii
The Hill w,i-, however, lhro,\ii om, ami I'lie i,in-e or im.iih.r
iioihiiii' w;is iiiine from lime iiiilil iXs-'. v.lieii a de-ire was evinced
in the j.
,i Ih
lileil States (io\cinmeiit to coiiie to an arran^re
iiK lit on the snhj'it. and a draft c.iiuen'ion h.ivin^' heci |ire|)ared, ;i
Irilish .\liii:-.ter on the Mith
)eceinlier, l.'^sJ, to-ellu r w iih reni.ii lis iii,ide li\ the I'n .ideiit thereon.
MIMCIII issik'd
'■' IViilii'lii,;]
SU tllf pliWlT
V.ilillul- (li,.
ir.illcl ivctv
||■^ i.r. ,iliu;,|
^ ircfk-, „•■
ii"ii iliai, |,v
III i!i<' nVii'i
^N l»U ui.'l;
'■'IinIi 1i;i\ i,|-
in'iu nvi'ilid-
liiis rt.s);.ii
'mil fiirilur
II Ihfif luili-s
lliiiii l-n r/,.,,
till' |!;iy of
■tli-.s fl>iiiiij^
'a\Mi acn ss
i-iii'ir (icii-
nliiii iIimt
'••111 ;il \\'.v
with any
siiiTc, I'r
niirnjil, irnJ
■i liay <|rs
t. Sii II.
~ Ihi-i-ii
h access
1 ri'fii-e,|
■ I'nit-,-,!
■S in all
i in\en;
uas a
I'liie hv
lll|H,.~t .
.'I red. a
I- I'ltli
A ^(»»\ (leal of Cdm-spniideiiee [la'-sed hetwcen tile twn finvern-
incuts (111 the >nliject, lillt owili^,' to dirticnities eoiiliected willi the
i|iiestioii ol 'I'arilT. the I iiiied Slate> ( ioveinineiil a|i|Kared anxious to
have the I'i^lieries (jue>lioii dealt with separately, i)lU to this the
nriti>h (iovermiieiil would not absent. 'I'lie h-hiiiK' season of iSj,^
aeeordiiij.;ly o|Feiu,(l without any a.L^iceinenl liaviiiK' hen eoiiie lo vulh
ihe Inited Stale-, and fortunately, ov.iiu; 1'^ the measures t,il,ui hy
hoih ( (overnineiil-. lor the preservation oi I'.ritish ri.L;ht-, iMine to a
close uilhoiil the occuirciicc of li'.rtlur causes of dissalisfiicMon.
In the lueanlime, iicj^'otiatioiis had been continued li> the two
Coverninenls, and in the month of May, 1S3.4, l.ord 1'1^,'in. then
on his wa\ lo resume his duiics as ( ioveriior ( .eiural of ller
MajesU's .X'orlli American possessions, received iiisiructions to visit
\\ashiii};toii, and to ascertain the views of the rniled Slates (i.rvem-
meiil, ami, if an> f;ivour,ah!e (.pporumily |ireseuled iiself, to conclude
a I'reats on the tsulijecl. >o succo-fuUv were Lord h,ii;'in's iie;4olia-
lions conducted, that in a letier dated i_'th luiie, 1S54, he was aide lo
announce that he had executed a 1 reaty with Mr. Secretary .\larcy,
nlalive lo tisherie- and reciprocil\ .pf trade hetweeu the rniled States
and the Krilish i 'roviiu es in Xorih .America. '1 his was the reciprocity
ireatv si^,nied on the 5tli June, |S,S4, and eonhrnied hy the L'nited States
Senate on the ^rd Ani^ust of the same year.' Its inaiii provisions
were as fi illows : -
I'.ritish welters on the east coast (.f North America were thrown
o|ieii to l'nited States cili/eiis, .-uid l'nited States waters north (jf the
.V'tli (le^,M-ee of iKprth latitude were thrown 'ppen to Urilish (ishermeii,
excejiting always the salmon and shad fisheries (which were exclusively
reserved to the sulijccis of each country) ami certain rivers and mouths
of rivers to he determined li>- a ('ominissi.,u to he appointed f' if tliat
purpose. Cenain articles .ji" produie of the i'.ritish Colonies au'l of
the I'liiteil '-Stales were admitted to each country nsptctively free of
dut\. 'The 'Treaty was to leinain in force for ten ;.ears, ;iii.l, liirtlief,
for twelve months after either party should h.ive ^;iven notice to tli^'
other of its wish to terminate the same.
Some difticulty was experienced in re;,Mrd to Xewfomidlaml, hut
at lenj,'lli a clause was at^reed to, providing- that if the lni|ierial I'.irlia-
t of (ireat I'.ritain.
.al I.
iture of Newfoundland.
the (■
ness of the l'nited States should at,aee that .Xewfound-
d he included, all the prov
isions ;mi
1 stipulatii
.f tl
Treaty should apply to that colony.
The Coinmission for the designalion of the plai'cs reserved to lach y
cotmtrv from llie common ri^dil of lishiiij; met suhseipieiitly, and was ^'
.\'.. ir.
d f.
ir some vears in determining- the places to which the ex- I1t|iiiiw
elusive right of fishing ajiplied.
■'rom the year 1S54 until lH'15 the Reciprocity Tre.ity continued
11(1 no further dit'ticulties appear to have arisen on (|uestioiis
ill force,
ith the llsheries, hut on th
7tli of .M.arcli of that \car,
.Mr. .Ndams, the United States Minister to I'Jigland, informed the
llriiish (iovernmeiit that he w.'is instructed to give notice that at the
exiMiatioii o
f tw
cive mon
ths from that dav the Reciprocity Treatv was
to terniinale. This notice was given in pursuance of a res(
Congress approveil hy the I'resident of tl
■■.tT( ,rl
s were m.'i'li
on the par
t of 11.
ivernmenl I0-
v.ards ;i renewal of the Tre.alv, hut tin
\;irious reasons.
l''i.l llie lev. I m| I I
M tcc.iiy sf<
mi.-.iu-(r>sfnl. the 'I'lv.-ily caiiir t(i .-in end (Hi llir 171I1 M;itTli, iSir/p, nivl
.'IS ;i iMPii-cqiiiiiic, llu- |ir
the siuiif (l;iv.
i\i>iciiii iif llif ( liiivt iiiidii 111 iSi.S It
ilic (invriiinr ( ni Canada, iiMiihiiiK tl
if III
Stalt-s Uiat llicir tisliinK pnvik'Uo in I'liiiisli v.aUr-, uniild ii-a^c .n
tlio i7tli .Manli Ukmi ctisuin^j.
I.'iiiti-il Siuii-M In llu- month nf A|iiil ni lln- same vtar, Mr. ' liaiU-s I'laiKis Ailanis
I'liitt-d Stall'.; .Minislir tn |-Jit;'iaiid, cdimnunii ati'd in tlic |-!ail ui 1 lar
N". ■-'. (IS.H*
cndiin, llu- I''(iri'i^ii SctTctarv, a
nii'iniirrnuhim I'li
iil; a |.
.Niilh Atliii
til- ]•■:
piisal (if lln- I'liitid .'~^lal(-s I luvcrnmi lil fur llu- a|)|"iinlnicnl nf ,-i inisi-d
Km. I-K7, |,|, ('iiiimiissioii tl) ailjnsi tin- dilTcri.'i;fc.s arisiii;; mi
11 of I'nrdlict
nil'- n.icr-
:."i :>'. I
I'ial I'lilit
rilaliuns of llu- ri-ininriatinns maiU' bv llu
1 niti'il States ill .\rti
liUu llllil
S..,,. .-.'.Illi
•■i.ii.'. v., I.
i.s.;i:';;. ,,,,
!M IDI, il .
if the ( in tish, on the iiaMiient of a Irilliiif^ fi e. This
sihenie |iroved a failnri-. .\l lirsi a cnn-idi-raliK- iinmli(-r of lii'(-nses
VM re laki-n out, Inil in iXdiS, when the fei- was iiu-r(ased to a siiiii wliieh,
llion),di still moderate, liore some |(roporiion to the privilege il repre
>i-nled, till- niiinher r;ipidl> dechiu-d.'j" .Meanwhile llu- Ciiiled Slates
hsliiii},' vessels |ilyiii>4' their lallini;- within the territori;il waters of ('an
ada, showeil no si^ns of dimimition. In other words the I'niled .''ii.-iK-s
ll-'lK-rnun insi^u-il on fori iii^ Mu iiisi-lves into ( aiiaili;in w;iU-rs " with-
i.ul le;u-r or licc-nse.'
In coiisviiiience of lliis stah- of thins^s, the I )oi;iiiiii,ii ( iovi-nnni-nt
,-ifit-r (-onsnltatioM with the aiithoniies. rt solved tol do away
with llu- li(-<-nse system alio^^ilher, aiul to e,\eliide forei,L,nii-rs from fish-
ing' in ( anadiaii w;it(-rs. This policy was annoiiuet-d hy f )rder in ( onii
lil of llu- Xth jannarv, 1S70, ;md a sm;ill fled of cruiser., was ch;nlir(-d
.-md c'lnippid in ilefencc of the tisheries. Tlu-n came the rc-cnrrenct- in
an aj;L;r;i\-;ih d form of all the troiihh-s which had lakin pl;ici- l)(-fori- the
Rc-riprocity '1 reals' of iS^.p Thcri- ui-ri- iiiv.'^si. iiis of ( ;niadian w-;ilers,
person.'il conllicis ln-uveen ( ':in;ii|iaii and ,-\nieric;in ci(-ws, deslrnclioii
of nets, s(-iziire aiul ( ondi-mnatioii of vi-ssels, ami inU-nsC coti.seinii-nt
irril.-ilii III on In iili sides. J
In |;mu;iry, iK6'p, two months before ilip time fixed for the ahrn|,'a-
lioii of the Tre;ilv, the I loiionrjil k- Missrs. (lull and ilowlai
-enlnif till
,f (
:inaf \h
fl-1- 1.11- 1
Ml l.i-.M. Ill Isi-iS llii- III
III* li'-\l yi .11 w.
MNi- li-r v^ :i
^•.ipc ili.llie
ll.ll~.ll III Iv
lull, mill III!' iiiiiiil.i'i' III
.Mi lil
Mii-i- liikiii mil. Ill Isilil, i.iih
|i.r imp.
lli-l-lpll-H w iTc I>M1II-I|
iPii Ml.' II. ill s.,,.,.i, isi;i|, r. ,s, Vi
>in Hi-.
uilliiii Ilii- till
.X.liliiril W. !l. -Is 11 |ii.:1i-.l Hull iliioii;;
i-Ih liiiit lif-i'ii lintirili-ij liv till- III itivh I'l'iiii^i-i'H, i.f vvliii-li I'll
nil' limit, liaii III
■i-l) wai-iii ij iiiii-i', HI
iiiit 111 liiiil lii'i-ii w.-iriii-il 1 1\ il-
fell, (Xnr,, and,
S|,S l(.vi\C(| nil
was issiu'd hy
"f tlic ( nilcd
'iilil ret, I- ,,1,
'.'iiicis AdaiiiH,
l-ail .,1 ( 'lar-
"lyiiiL,' a |,ii,
il iif :t Kiisrd
lii'iini.; ii.icf
in Arii. ',■ I,
ly aiiii'-d at a
iiinaiiii}; ,hc
( OllVt'llU'ijII
'J'ls uitli ncr
ishfriiicii (,i
1 "ilu' aci|i;i-
L- lcni|iorafv
'< f' 0. 'i his
• li licnisis
Mini wliiih,
K^ il rcprc-
litfd Slates
(Ts of Can
)ittd Siaics
tcrs • with-
" di) a\',av
from tish-
I" in ( (iiin
irrcncc in
before the
III waters,
■ al)ro(;a-
I'l, re|,ie-
i\inc e of
( I iiii'd
fifty ri'iilH
riiiiiilii'r' iif
. m.l Mi.iy
'll ililllll;;
ivlii'h i;!l
hV l.'M.
Slates House of Re])resentativ<'s' Coininittee of Ways and Means for
llie |iiir|>ose of discnssint,^ the suhjret iif rceiiirocal trade. The ^^eiieral
liurporl of lliis ne^,^itialion can he feathered from the re|iort of the
colonial delegates to Sir h'rederiek I'.riice, K.C.ll., Her ?\lajesty's
Ministtr at Washin^jton/
In iXr„S, i«7o and 1871 certain statutes were passed hy the I'arlia ^^ ylf" Ji *'-';
nienl r.f Canada, having,' for their ohject the more effeciual protection ;u Vii,-.,' c. l'.').
of the fisheries, 'fliese enactments dre\'.' forth many protisis from the
I'nited States (iovernment on the f,'r(jniii Vice .Ndiniralty
in St. lolni and Halifax. These wen- the '• While h'awn " ami the " |.
II. Nick.
In 11
of the laller il was h -Id hv .Sir W'illiaii
\'otitig. Chief Justice of Xova Scotia, silting as \'ice Admiralty J\idge,
dial " iiurchasing hail " was " |.'rei)ariMg to lisii," an loll HO'
A|>|irnilix .No. I \.
U. IIm.h, Mii.l fl.oi^M II. Wilii.MMs. 'llMsnl,j.. tsnf llicir iirKMiiaiioiis.
iii,li..l<-.| aiiic.nn (illiciN llu' lisliriics, till- dr.- n.iwi'.ali'.ii ..f ll.c K'ivi r
Si. I ..-iNM' h. «• ami iilivll-Ki- of u-iiiK ( anailiaii ..inal, ; t!i. Iiaiisil ..f
KM.iils tlirnii;;li .\laiiK-, aii'l i!i« ira.( tin liiiiaii lai'is,
I iii-. ( ciiiiiii ,M"h imi .il W.iJiinui "' ill' -'/I'l I'l'iii-'i). 1^7'-
Ai liic . ( uimI I ~si- .[.' .Man h, liu- lliiiisli oiiuiiii-ni'.ii
.1-, |,ii.|,n,<-.| il.c iciKV'.al ill piiiKipli- of llif Kdipnuily 'Inaly of
1X51. 'Ilii, |,r.,|pn'.iii.,ii v,a'- ill, In;. . I. On iht- j'.Hi il a^ain r»'-
nrvM-.l aii'l aK.'iiii iii-< lim M. In iln' miI.-ii|Ui nt iii ^I'Mialiuns tin sillij'il
iif il'i- li liciic-. uas lr<;iliy it'-i If.
'Mr ilii- J.'ninil, r.Mcjil .-,lii-ll I11I,, i..) II..
M-a i'j,ni-> anil ^linn . ami in ilic- hays, liarltniirs, and creeks "i iln
I'li.vimis lit ijiiilni, ;.ua -.'.li.i, aii'l .iv. lii ii)M\'.ii U, an. I lln
('I'luiiy of I'riiice Ivlv.ard l^lanl| ,11. d ..1 i!i. ■I'l'ial i>lan.K ilni. iin'. .
;idja. .-nt, williDiit liejn^' p.-stri't. d |.i any diil;iiii' fi'ini iIn- slmrc.
v.iili'iM 11) land n|ii)ii lln i.nd i..a-.u and slion ■ ami islands
.ind .il.ii ii|)iMi tile Ma^;dalin Inlands, lur lli<- |iiiriii.M- lA dryint; llnir
iHis nr ( nring llnir (is!i ; prDvided thai in sn duin^^ lliey do nni inter
nri' wiili till' ri;;lus uf prlvaii- |irii|iiTiy ..1 .uili Kiiii.^li li-,lirriiien in
le |ie;iceJil)le n
se nr anv liar
I iif II
1-.1 in tiii'ir (ic< ii|)a!ii\ I'lr
tlie same |/lir|)i(sc.
" Il u iindcrsl.ii.d lital lln- alu/Vi im nli..m .1 lili. rlv .iiipli.- -..Id;, li.
till- sea lisliery, and thai ihi- ■.ilnii.n and sliad lisiierie-,, and all i.thii
lidieriis in rivers and ihi- niu'.itlis ni river- are herehy n s« rvid <\
'111 ively l..r I'.rili^li liiliernii'ii.
"J, 'I he adniissiijii intu (.anada m lish ml ;iiid li-.ii ..I .ill I'.inil-. (i\
>i'|it lisli of the inland lake
if the rivi
rv lal'liic ilito l.e 111. all'
,f 11,.
e.\it|it fish |ire.-.<-rved in i.ili lieiiij.' llie iirodiv i- ..f lln' liJnriis
I niled Slates, fri I- lit dill V.
,V Tlie elljuyim III of lln -. |irivili[;
■s In riilllinili illlDllj.
if tvvelei. years ciTtriiu,"
linii h -nl.ji-i I ■ i.n il.
AIM- In eiijny
Il- iiiii-rf,
iki- I
1 II 111 evi-r,
I astern sea coasts ami shop
iii'iiullel I.f north latitiidi' atii
ml, <-xcijit --hill lish, 1.11 till-
if the I 'nitcfl St.'tles north of the .V;'''
lit ijie shoii's
if t!i<
ilo a.ljuieiit, .iml in the ha):, lu'irhoiirs an
It crii-i\s
il id;
if 111
nih lilt r.-
e -aid ea
coast and shmci i
if tlie I iiited Slalch and of the haid islands vvithoiit
I'intf ri •,iriiti-.| to ,.ny di i.ame from the ■iliorc, vvith |iirini>sion to
id . Il,-; •l^ of lie I nitnl Slates and of ilie islands afoti-
land ti|.iii! liii' s.'i
iiaid for tin- i-iiriime of di\in},' llnir net, and ciirin;,' iliiir lish ; |i
vided that in so
I io|jerly or with the ii,!ii-iii
Use of an
lart of ll
dcr I
thi-y do not interfere with the li^^hi- of piivili
■n of ihe I nit(d States in tin jiraci-.ilili-
I'- Kia-.l UI their ..rcii|iancy
for ti
e -anie )iMi|»ose.
t is under loud lie almve nicMliniii-d hherlv ,i|i|)liei -.ilely In
'•;i tislierv, and that salmon and shad lislierie- and all otln-r lish
!s an- henhv reserved exi hisivelv
eries III rucrs ,iml inoiilh.s
isherim n of the I iiiteij St.'ites.
le admission into tin- I nilid Mali- of f'l-h oil ,ind Cisli of all
kinds (e,Me|,t lish of tin- inland l.ikrs and of ih
lein, ami ( xcc|it lisli |ireservecl in oili l.cin^' tin- pi
ll I..
erics of the l)oiiiiiiioii of ( anaiki
of l|lll\
.f I'
iveri falling; iiiii
dui e of the fi'.h
.s.'iid Kl.'ind. fill
ilii .,1
< »iiii.l|.iii iu,ii. miml |iu|H:rii, IH'i'j, Nn. |)i
Si, \ I h.
.I/....! Mill 1,1: i.
iiiii.l ill
I "f IIm- Iv'jv, ,
li" Uaiisii ,ii
^" >i. John :
ii'l 111.- daiin^
I'lU,,!^, )«-,
i> l t, ,ii\ ,,f
■ ;is ;i}.;aiii ic
fill' l'lsll(T>
>'■ i i< .t\\ (,\
in adfliiioii
''"1U( U!i.,|]
"MJ, ".1 II,,
i-cks (,f ill,
Is an. I III,
1 lln-liUU',,
ill'- siiorc.
iii'l islaii.K
iyi:i),' linir
' ii'ii Jnur
'll'll/Ull III
i)/a.'i.v |,,r
- -.Id, |„
I a!! .,il„.,
SilM'il c'v
llllii- (c^
'i" III. airl
ii >, .,f (l„.
a i.iri,„|
I, "11 llic
till- 3(^tli
'K ilurr.
^ai(| la
i'.sidii 1,1
iK iiinti-.
'Ii ; I'l-/-
f I'livalc
I'T ilsil
Ii "f all
UK iiili)
Nf fish-
I'l, free
f..iii,.l ill
" .^. 'I'Kv ciijojirii'Dl of tli(sc |iiivilit;iT to coiilimic (liiiiii^ a |), iKj.'i- VViiili- it failcl to
ri'Mori- llic provisions of liic 'Iri'aly of 1K54 for nrijaoiai fnc tiail<-
(I'.xi r])! in lisli) it al Nasi l-i|,i llic )iiai l, ami tli.-rc v,a>. lr,an.|inllil> al.-nj;
;| ('anaijian slioirs for Iwclvc years nnlil 111 Jnly, 1K.S5, il wa-, tiTininatiiJ
jjy iIk; I 'nili-ii Males.
Ill 1X7,1, Sir l-.'lwanj 'I li..riiloii an. I iIk lloii..ilialite ( koi ^^e I'.rowii,
'I were a|i|)oinieil joiiii rieniiiolenliaries .if I lei I'lriianni.' .Majesly, with
fnti powers for the nef^'oiiaiioii ami (ondi-i.iii of a ireai^wiih im
I'liiidr Si/iies rda'ive t'l Tsheric s, cinniMei.c aii'l iiavi}(.'ilioii. I 'n'h 1
their |ir.i)i.isals it wa^ iiioviilcl ilial eciiain animals an.l llieir jiro'lnet-,
a. well as eiilaiii jiroihu Is of the faun, forest, mine aii'l w.aler slioiiM
he ailniitlK! re. i|,id( ,illy frci- into the I nited .Stales, the I Joiniiiioii of
' ana. la . •III. I ih.- I.laml of .Wwfoiimllaml.*
'I hi-y also |)ro|).)s. il .eitaiii arli. hs in a.l'linon t.) the free libtf
'i'lieyt further |iro|,ose'| ihat the tnal) should Ik; for a term of 21 |i,nii..|i .st:ii,.
years ; "that the eiijoyineiit of the ( aiiadiaii eoast fisheries shoiiM he ('J'^L",')" ■^" ''
'■once. led to the I jiited "States during' the eontinnanre .jf ihe 'I'naty in
llie manner and on the eondilioiis providi-d iin.ler the \S .-rhin^ton
Treaty, o.ecpl th.ise in re^,'ard to the payim ill of money compensation the privilet;<'s; that the e>iasliiiK trade of ( and of the I 'iiitid
Slates should !).■ thrown open |m the vessels of liotii eouiitrie , if lie Kiv.-rs St. < l;iir and
Detroit and Lake St. 'lair f'lr the pnrpos.- .if deepenin(.f riiim till- I Imr 1 ' onimillli 1
y Si! |-:.l«iii.l 'f IcMil-.ii, tin- Hull. 1;
'il^l- ll|-.|\\ll ill!
.1 III.' fl'i
I .S,.|. A|i|».-ii.lix .\.i. .VI |.,r ilii-M.. Aii|.-|i.
i.| III..., fill Ih.. l..-it .if .Irnfl tri'iily
iij/fi ('.I ii|i.
at. III.- Ii
I .Nfr. Ili-.iw ii'h h| in ilm ( 'iiiii.,ili;iii s,.,i,,t,. .|. alJn;/ u itii iImh hi-;/. ,11 .M.:l..air.>iiiiKM> aii|;nniled tnidcr
Arlieles \XI
..f till' Halifa
\ X 1 1
.f tlu
reai\ n
I W;
nmi III the .Sth Mav. 1S71. n
ilelernmie, liavnii;' re^^aiil In the iinvilei;es aeeurUci
)V the United
p."S'."''"''""' ^'"''■■^ '" '''^' '^"I'^'^'s "' lii^'' lhitaiin;e Majesty, as stated in Artielos
XIX. and XXI. of said 'J'reatv, the annuint I'f any coiiipensatinn whieh
ill their (ipininn iinf^hl in lie paid li\ the (Invernment nf tiie I'niied
States to the (Rivernment ni Her llrilaniiic .Majesty, in return fur the
privileges accorded to the citizens of the L iiited States, uiuler .\niele
X\"lll.of the said Treaty ;
lla\inn' canfnll\' and impartially ex.amined the ni.allers refi'rred in
them accordinj.^ to justice and eipiity, in conformity with the solenni
di-claralinn ni;ide and suh^ciihed hy them on llu' tifteenth day of June,
nne tlmnsand eit;ht hundred and seventy seven ;
•• AWAUD ■riH'. si'M oi" I'txi: Siii.i.ioxs i'i\h: iirxi)
Ul'.l) 'rilor.^AXD DOl.LAUS, IX CiOl.l), to he paid l.\ the ( inv
ernment nf the I'nited ."States to the (lovernment of Her I'.ritannic
M.ajrsty, in accnrd.aiice with the provisions of the said Trealv.
"Signed at H.alifax, this twenty third d;iy of .X'nvemher, one ihnii
sand ei^jhl hundred ;md seventy-seven.
".MAL!RIfi>: Dl'ld-OSSR,
"A. 'r. f;Ai;i'."
" The I'nited States Commissioner is of opinion that the advan
latjes .accniiiijj to Great Britain uniler the Treaty of Washin.^ton .are
,L,'reater than the advanl;i^es conferred on the I'nited States hy said
Treaty, and he cannnt ilurefoir concur in the iniiclusions ;mnonnce,l
hy his collea),'iics.
" .\nd the .\nu-ric;in ( 'nmmissioner deems it liis duty t.i state fur
iher it is (|uestinnalile whether it is competent for the Hoard tn
make an award mider the Treaty, except with tlu- unanimnns cnnsent
of its niemhcrs.
Thi.^ mim nf !?5.5()n,(K)o represents the ditterence in value of these.
Concessions fnr a perind nf twelve years, the ohli)4;;itnry tenn fnr the
duration of these .\iticles.
The amount oi this aw.ard was paid hy the Iniied States in Decem-
her, iH/i<, Canada (''itaininf,-- as her share $4,4i>o,.SS_>, the h.alance ijoiuf,'
to Xewfnimilland.
( )n the J7th hehrniiry, lS,S^, Conj^ress pas-eil a resohitinn directinij;
the President tn give notice to Cre.-it I'ritain that the provisions of
.Articles nnmhercd from X\'llf. I.i XX\'., and of .\rticle XXX. of the
I'reatv nf W.ashinpton would terminate on the expiration of two xe.ars
from the time nf (^'iviiif; such imtice. which the President was further
directed to ,i;ive nn the 1st July, lH8,V
( )ii the .vst January, 1X85, thelVcsidem is>ued a I'mclamation an-
nnnnciuf: that on the I si July ensuing, Articles Xn. XV HI. to XXV.
riziil In Articio
ir 'lifTiTciiif ill
l>\ (iri'at llritaiii
Stales to (;ri'at
I'Hicrs wi'ie His
i"v and Minister
Ills at Wasliiiij;-
lial .Majesty the
^11 II. Keli.ij^M,
■^ii- A. 'J'. Ciall,
fed tile fdlldw-
\iliiies \.\li.
May, 1.S71. In
l'\ ilie United
ited ill Artieles
leiisatiDii wliie'i
"f the I'niied
return fur ilie
luider .\rtie!e
lis refi'rred in
illi llie .sulenm
h day (,f Juno,
l\l': IIC.M)
il l».v the (li.v
ii'i" Mrilannii-
ler, one tli.,n
I'' ).^.S|';,
U the advan
:ishiiij;t(in are
'tales l)v said
IS aniioimced
t.i Slate fur
Ihe lioard to
lion.'; consent
ihie of thfso
term for the
s in Decern
ilanee ,t,^oiiif^-
'11 orts for ihe purchase of
liait and supplies, and the transhipment of fisii caught mit.srde the
ihree mile limit. The latter point, raised in the lirst instance by the
United States Consul licneral at Halifax, was replied to as follows by. ■
the Canadian (jovernment, in a Minute of Council appmved by the
(Jovernor Ceneral on the 6tli April, 1886 ; —
'' The sub-committee are of opinion, from the laiigiiage of that Con- Com'sii .11
vention — ' I'roviiled however, that the American lishermeii sh.all be 'I "'i' '-.Iraiir
permitted to enter such bays or harbours for the purposes of shelter ^'J|,'.J,'j,',,'„' '
and for repairing d.unages therein, of imrchasing uood, and of obtain- FwIht
ig water, and for no other iiurjiose whatever' — that, under the term
if the Convention, United Stales tisherme
from entering any harbour of the D(
11 may ])r(jperly he \
for tl
('. S. N... 1,
i.s,sr. ii. :).".,
le puri
ise of Iran- '"M"
shipping cargoes, and that it is not material to the '-juestion tiial sucli
(ishermen may have been engaged in fishing outside of tiie 'three-mile
limit ' exclusively, (jr that the fish which they may desire to have
traiislii|)ped have been taken outside of such limit.
" That to deny the right of transhipment would not be a violation of
the general bonding arrangement between the two countries. That
no bonding arrangement has been made whicii, t(j any extent, limits
le o|)eratioii
if the C(
itioii of 1818, and, inasmuch as the right
to have access to the ports of what is now the Dominion of Canada
for all other purjioses than those named, is exjilicitly renounced by the
Convention, it cannot with i)ro[iriety be contended that the enforce-
ment of the stipulation above cited is contrary to the general pro-
visions U|)on which intercourse is conducted between the two coun-
"Such exclusion could not, of course, be enforced against United
.States vessels not engaged in fishing.
''The subcommittee in stating this opinion are not unmindful of
the fact, that the resjionsibility of determining what is the true inter-
I)retatioii of a Treaty or Convention made by Her Majestv must re-
main witii Her .Majesty's Ciovernment. but in view of the necessitv of
|irotecting to the fullest extent the inshore fislieries of the Dominion
according to tiie strict terms of the Convention of 1818, and in view
of the failure of the United States Ciovernment to accede to aiiv ar-
rangements for the mutual use of the inshore fisheries, the snbcom-
I 'i>ri'i'-<|'<. \c)v;i Si-mia. 'I'iuri' win'
scvfiai cliarj^i-s .inainst this vissi'i, liii.' inimical nni' JH'inj; i\\v pnrcliasc
lif hail in a t' pnit in c. mtravintinn nf tiii' pruvisinns of tlu-
Convention of iSi.S. A fiw days later tlic " h'.lla M. I )ou>,dily " was
seized for the same olTeiiec in the hariionr of Sle. Anne's, Xova Seotia.*
'i'iie Ciiiled Slates ( ioverninent indlesti'd against iliese seiziiri'S, and
an ;ininiali(l rt ' fi
)r any pnrposi'
lalever.' exce|)t to fibtain wnod or water, to repair damaijes or to seel
le eNlreme penalty of con
shelter. Whether it would be liable to tl
tion for a l)reacli of this prohibition, in a trilliut,' ;md !iarmli'ss inslauci,
niifjht be (|uito another (piestion."
There beinp some doubt as t.i whether the intention of the (Vmven-
tion of 1818 was (■(Ticliuilly carried out by the Imperial .\ct of i8i<;, or
by tlu' t'anadiati sialules passed in conformity therewith, the l'arli;i-
1:1 Vi... i':i|.. nicnt of C.-mada in the sessi.m ..f I1S86, passed an .\ct removing;
• 'iii'.i'aiiihnii
itn |n,iiiis
law .■■titi
uiili 111.-
1 i.-h.ri. -
11. 111^
iinestion as to the liability of forfeiture of all fishiiij.; vessels re.sortin^j trder of the (jueen in Council on the jfith Xovcmber, i886.t
The claim of the Cnited States lh;il its lishin},' vessels should be per-
mitted to enter Cai
mailiaii lia\sanil h.arbours fur llu' purposes o
)f oht;
intr b;iit, ice and other snpjOies ami transl.ippmLj their car^ois in llritish
waters is resisted upon iwi
thai the
re never was an\
treaty or sli|nilation in the nature of a treaty conferring,' this privile,m'.
and the Convention of 1818 exiiressly ])rohibits them from entering for
JM.r li,t ..t V. S. lishiii^' vt'SK-ls seii-u.l, ili-iainc.l (ir wnrnc.l r.fV !,■> in rmiiidiaii
piirts ilii,iii_' \. u Issii, sii. Appi' Ni). .Mil.
+ 'I'lii.s .«tulii;c iiiiitiili-l " ,-\ii Alt fiii-tliir- to ainiiiiil tli.. .Ai't rn^|io.'iiiiL' li-sliiiii,' by
fiiLJun v.■^sl■l,^ ■■ ili.iiiirji pa.swil li.v I Im' ( 'all i.j iiui I'.irliiiriii'ni in l.SSd, will l.i- fuiin.l,
..wing t.i ilM r.'Mivalii.ii, in tlie .Stiituli'.f ..f f.ii- 1.SH7, laat , liapliT .if I'lilili.;
ConiTal Act.s, pp. KiillTd.
'I HI- •• |)avi,|
'ivc sifanu'r
I lurr ^\^•|\■
'i^' piiivliasc
^'""^ iti till'
I'.U'liiy " was
'^;i Sciifia.*
•iziiifs. ami
■'^l' llf ulljcli
West. 1)1)-
"■('Slllllc lo
<<>lll(l IlDl,
'•-nf,'lisli of
fiitin-Iy III
adiaiK that
rotation of
iliiTc Wire
'in I koso-
[u'tliiT the
I of .Vova
i''l lliat, if
lly, rather
ill (ishitijr
y purpose
ir to seek
i8iy, or
I' Parlia-
■iiif,' aii.v
'rtiii(,r to
V. This
iK-ed hv
l)e ]>er-
las an\
iiif,' for
liini,' by
r I'uMi,;
anv purpose wliatevcr other tlian that of ohtaiiiiiifj wood and water, or
for shelter and re|>airs.
The contentions of the I'nited States are mainly these : I'irst, the
prohiliition of the (onveiilinn of iSiK wa:> in effeet repealed or super-
seded h\ snl)se(|neiil eoinnureial arranj^enieiits ; and, second, it is in-
hospital)le and nnneij^hhonrly not to permit its lishinj; vessels to enter
onr l)a\s and liarhonrs, Motwithstandmij; the Convention of iSi8.
To tile lirst contention the Canadian (ioveninient replied that there /',. \,]>. iii 17.
never was any treaty or other provision conferriiiff n|i4 as to commercial privileges provided that it .should 'not
extend to the admission of vessels of the Cnited States into seaports,
harhours, hays or creeks of His Majesty's said territories in America.'
When the Convention of 1818 was framed an attempt was made to stiitn I'iii„ivh
place the commercial hetween the two countries on a per- l**lii l,**-".
nianent A reference to the i)rotocols .shows this,* and the follow- i'i'>! ifs ms.
ing extract from a letter addressed hy the United States Secretarv of
State to Mt. Rush, one of the American rieniiwtentiaries, explains the •-■a!.''''' """'
reason of the failure to incorporate any stipulation on the suhject in the isi'-k'''^'
Convention of 1818 : —
" From the documents transmitted hy Mr. Gallatin and you, relating
to the negotiation of the Convention of 20th October,
it appears :
" .Sec Appcnilix No. XIV.
II. ■-I"
ili'ii .■ rihiliv
Aiih ricui)
lilicl SlMlr
. 1, (1W7),
Iiiil>i'i iai
i|.. :i;m.
"Tlinl, at till' tliinl intifcnnci' a draft of two ariii-Irs was iirn|Kisi'(l
li\' till' Anuricaii rirni|iiiUiiliarii's, for ii'iiiilatiiii; tin- comiui'ivial inliT-
iiiui-M' liiiui'iii iIk' I'liitiil Stall's ami (l) tlu' liiitish Islands in tin-
Wist Inclirs. ami (Ji tlu' ]iniviiu-i's of N'nva Si'niia and Now llniiiswick
in N'urtli Anirrii-a.
" Tliatat till' lifth innfi irmi', tin llntisli I'lrniimtiiitiariis ;es
' have since received a large extension, and that in some cases favours
have been granted by the L'liited Stales without ei|uivaleiit concession,
such as the exemption granted by the Slii])ping Act of the j6th June,
1841^, amounting to one-half of the regular tonnage dues on all vessels
from I'ritish North America and West Indies entering ports of the
Cnited States.'
" Jrlc has also mentioiie|II|H1S(.(|
'HiiiTiial iiittT-
l.iiids ill III,.
■<">v MlMIISuii-l^
•fii till' I'liiU'.l
1*' i'IkIiiIi ooii-
iil llic llriiisli
'"■y I'MlM lint
iKiii-.m I'Kiii.
'I"isc.| nt till'
^"irk, mid Id
K/lli .March,
itl the islaiiil
s tlk'iiisclvi'.s
lii'Io a.s [iro-
''''"11 of tin.
'•il ilati'd 5(li
(-•laiiiird had
■•■ of .Man'iic
vcriinr (ifii-
^M Jai-lvsoii
'■Ills i)f IHT-
• ish AiiiiTi-
il |)rivili'j^i..s
iscs favours
-'f)ll| jiilU',
1 all vossi'ls
oris of the
■''It for tJR.
nil! Ilriiish
\idciu-c of
r<.'lation to
loiiiiit; ilu.
"W which
H' rnitcd
■•d i.y Mr.
'' purpose
Ills of the
ic liriiish
! of cc.iii-
Ihe (iov-
iiitlcd in
1 .•\cl of
lada has
lii'f pro
inir die
States. Till' ports of ("anada in iiilaiul waters are free to vosspI< of
the liiiud ."states, which arc adiiiitlcd to the use of lur canals on ei|u,il
terms with t anadian vessels.
"Canada allows free registry !o ships Imilt in the I iiiled .^laie> and
pinchased iiy liritisii citi/.eiis, charj^es ncj lonna.t;e or li;,dil dnes on
I niled ."states ship|)inn, and extend... a slandiii^j invitation for a lai>,'e
ineasnre of reciprocity in traije hy her tarilT le}.;isialioM.
"Whatever relevancy, therefore, the arKUiiienl nia\ have lo ihe snh-
jict nnder coiisideialion, the iiiidersiniid snhniiis that the concessions
which .Mr. I'ia\ard refers to as 'favours' (granted hs the I 'niled States
can hardly lie said not to have lieeii met hy iMpiivakul concessions on
the part of the 1 loininioii, and iiiasinnch as liie dis|)(isilioti of ( aiiada
conlimies to he the same, as was evinced in the friendly lej^islalion
jiisl referred to, it would seeiil that .Mr. Ilavard's chai'),'es of showili),'
'hoslilily to commerce under the (^nise of protection to inshore lisli-
ciics,' or of iiiurrnplin^.'' ordinary conmienial inUrconrse hy
measures and unfriendly administration, is hanlly jnstitie(|.
"Ihe (piestioiis which wiTe in controversy helweeii ( Ireat Ihilain
and the I iiited States prior to iSiH ii'lated not to sliippinj,' and comi-
merce, hut to the claims of I nited States lishermen to lish in waters
adjacent to the liritisii .\ortli .American provinces.
"These (piestions were delinilely settled hy the Convention of that
year, and althouj,di the terms of that (onvention have since heeii twice
sn>peniled, lirsl hy the 'Treaty of 1H54, and sul)sei|uenily hy that of
1S71, after the lapse of each of these two treaties the provision made in
iKiiS came attain into operation, and were carried out hy the Imperial
and (.Colonial aulhorities without the slif;hlesl douhi heiiijf raised as to
their hein^; in full force and vigour."
It may he well to ohservc :
1. 'That never once in all the correspondence prior to the nejjotia-
lions which resulted in the arran^;ement of i.H^^o, is the suhject of fish-
inji; vessels mentioned.
2. That in the course of the argument hefore the ll;ilifa\ iMsheries
Coinmissi(iii, this ( )rder in Council and I'roclanialion were never al-
luded to.
The proceedings hefore the T'isherv C'oinmission which sat at Mali- .Mi'iiuinunliiTii
fax: ntuler the \\'asliin(,'lon 'Treaty, 1S71, clearly show that the privi- ']»„•' r."m("t,.il
le^es now in disiiute were enjoved under no treaty or airreement he- "I"''''."'
twi'eii the twr„c.|.c.iiiiii.'s
jiensated for allowing United States fishermen to buy bait and other "f *!"• lliiHf:ix
supplies of British subjects finds no semblance of foundation in the J'i'i''"'!''^
treaty, by which no right of traiiiic is conceded. 'The I'nited States p.' wi."
are not aware that the former inhos|)itahle statutes have ever been
re[)ealed — their enforcement may be renewed at any moment."
/'.. |.. w.
I.. |.. 17
I 'urn ■» I" 111-
• if
" Tlial till' v;irinii> Jiu' ainl rci-ii'imal advanlanf* "f t'l'' Hrfitv.
Mi'li a> ilif |iri\ilf(.;rs nf iratVir, |invliaMiin Kait iiml uilur siipplii'S
■,u-'' nni till >iiliir> I'f iiiiii;iiii>aliiiii. ImaiiM' llic Trcalv "if \\ as'i
iii),'tuii i-onfiTS 111) stii'li ri^'lils mi tlu' iiilialiilaiilH nf ilii- I'liitnl Slalis,
iiiiii iiiiir rhjiiii /Ir III I'livli/ I'.i/ •"'//' ' 'ii/urisiinaiil i/r.i'iDliilij luifii «;• ri lUhir.'iimiil nl' jimiii i
iifitu'r!4Mii'i' uliihih I*.
Till' CiiiinM'l f'lr ( in ai I'.riiaiii iii>isU(l lliat llu>i' ailvaiilai,'i'> wric
rciiii'i'iUi! I'.v ilio Tivai;, nf \\a>liiiii;l"ii. iH;i. •" iiu'iik'iilai In tlu' I'li
lar),i'il nt'lil^ in li'^li tlnirl.> ^;raiitiil, nr ilial ilic> wiTc imi cuiucdnl
at all. Till' I'miiisfl tnc iln I 11111(1 Staiis (aiKd in imim niil an>
sii|iiilalinit wliairvir, i'\i^tiii|L,' lirturi'ii lln' iwn (•niuiliic'*, iiiuKt
llu'ir |Kii|iU' nijn\.(l ilicsc |>iivi1f!;t".. 'I'liv IVnclamatinii and < )iiUi- in
t'nlllU'll, nf l,S_^ii, well' ll(\liratii ii tlif W a-liiii(;inn Tii'ai) MTiircd tn tlic I nitid
Stall"* llu'^c advanlaj^os. and |iii'firri'd the altiTiialivi' lliai they win-
iiMi ciini-i'dtil at all, at li'aM imi h\ any i-\|irt'ss sti]nilali<)ii.
Mr. I''n;.tir, .\t;i'nt tnr liu' I'liitcd Stall'.'*, saiil : "Tlu' 'I'li-aly nf
Wa'-hiiiK'tnii cniifi'f.; ii)inii n- tm rii;hl whatcvi'i In hn\' anMliiii^; .11
IIiT Mr.ji'slv's dnniininns"
'I'lir I 'ninniis'iinn innMi|iU'ntly held that c(ini|ii'nsatinii cniild imi hf
awardi'd fnr oninnici'i-i.'il ini''i'i'nni<(' ln-twrcn tho two cnuiitrii'S imr fnr
ihr advanta^jc-* nf iMirrhiisintj li;iil. ii'i'. sn|)|ilii's, \'i'., nnr fnr the piT-
inis^-inii In ir;in'-lii|i in r.rili>h uaUTS.
ill snp|inrt (if the rniiU'iilinn that tin.' .AtiU'Hi'an iKlu'rini-ii shniiM he
lnTiiiittcd tn ciitir (aiiadiaii pnits and to liny halt, t'<-c., llu'rcin, ii has
luin iiin'i'il hy till' I'niti'd Stati'.s that :
" Dryinf; and i-urin^,' fish, for which a iisf nf thi' adjaoi'iit slmfcs w;
l,> ilii' Niiilli
issi sil.
Cllit,,! Sla
at unc tiini' fiMHiisili", is imw
111) li
of prucissis cif aititii'ial fi
nllt,'iT fn|ln\V((l
i'i7.iiiH', aiK
and inndiTti invintinii
I till' i'irpln\ ini'iit (if'l.s uf a
ar^jir size, piTinit tlu' rati'h and diiiil tianspniiatinn nf lisli tn tlii'
iiiaik('l> nl till'
niti'd ."^taii"- wiiliniu riiiMirsf
In il
Nm. i.(1.>s7i, tn the lishin^; ^'rnunds.
H' >hnns ci iiiti^rnniis
Print, [ip. :'"*^-
'I'liL' Hindi' nf taking li.^h iiish(pic has alsn luiii whoU
frnin the hi^lnst auilmiily nw such siilijccls I learn that li;iu is im Iniincr
.Ml. I'.i.vMiil needed fnr sneh llshin^', tlijil purse seines have
siilisiitnted fnr tl
\V-t, III
Miiy. l.s.(i;.
ilher inethnds nf taking,' mackerel, and that liy their eniplnvinent these
lish are mnv readily c;i:i,u,h'. in deeper water.s entirely eMeiinr tn the
tlirei'-inile limit,
" .As it is ;idmitted th;il the i|eep-se;i fishing; nnt under cnnsidera-
tiiin ill the nenntiatinii nf the Treaty nf 181H, nor was alTeeted therehy,
and as the use nf liait fnr inslmre lishin); has iiassed ulmlly intn disuse,
the reasiins uliieli nia\ ha\e fninurlv e.sisted fnr refiisinn tn permit
lishermeii ti
1 catch nr iirnen
re liait within the line nf a in;',rinc
nil the slinre, lest llie\ shniild alsn use it in the
same 111
waters fnr the purpose of catchiiij^' mlier fish, iin longer e.\ist
wincli answer was
/'.. |.. SI.
The cnnteiitinii that the changes which 11
las fi
(iiii lime In lime
cur in the liahits nf the lish taken nff our coasts
ill the nietli
the lernis of the Trealv,
d he rejjarded ;is juslifyimr ji periodical revisinn of
or a new iiiltrpretatinn
if it
s provisions can-
not he ;icieded to. Such changes may from time to lime render the
cniiilitintis nf the cniilriict inconvtnient In one iiart\' or the other, but
the validitv of the agreement c;ui hardlv lie s.iiil tn diiieiid mi the con-
venience or incmiveiiieiice which it imposes from lime In time o
p.irtv or other of the tnutiactiii); I'arties, When ll
niieratimi n
its indvismiis can he shown
to h
ia\e lioconie main
utmost that j^i
y iiie(|
iiilahlc, the
iir-ijcilm^j e;m sugm'st is that the terms
should lie reconsidered anil a new arran.u'emeiil entered into ; hut this
the < iiiveninieiil of the L'niled ."states does not app
sidercd dcsirahle,"
tn ll
'> till' Ili-dlV,
''iir iiiiiiilif.,,
||||'' v^i.,1.
lal I., ilu. ,■11
l"l I'UIKlllllI
inl (Mil ;iin
nil. In-
I'i'l ' >i.l(i- in
ll'l' I MIIU'II
III!' I '.lilnl
II lllcy were
<■ Tri'aiy ,if
aiiMhiiij; ,11
■<||il(l llol In.
lii's ihii- f(ir
f'lr the per
ti sliMiilil lie
i''"<'iii, ii has
slinrcs was
11 in\riiticiii
v iHIMlil
'I' a iii.-'.riiie
• iiihihilid
I' to tiiiii'
ii'tiidds of
■vision (if
'ions can-
•ncKr tlio
itlicr, l)nt
till' con-
c on one
ration of
ahlo, tJK-
ic ti'iins
1)111 this
SVC i-oii-
Mr. Ilavani also drew llir allrnlioii o( Sir I,. West to tlie fart lliat a
|iro|iosilioii |o i'\i hull' IJu' vcssij, i 'I' I lie I llilrd Slairs rll^aK" il ill li^li
iiiK (roiii rairvinj', also iiirri-liaiidi^e was iiiadi' Ity ilir I'rilisli n(';,'oiiators
of the 'Irealy of iSiM, luit, hcini,' ri'sisli'ij l)\' iliu AiiuTiian llt•^;l>tia^rlrs,
was aliaiidoiicd.
Tills point was tliiis nut liy the I loiiiiiiion ( iovi'iimiiiit :
"Air, lla>aii! stated liiat in tlu' iiroit'i'diii^-. |piioi to ijir 'i"iiat\ of
iHiH tlif iliitisii t oniiinssioiiiis proiiosid tliat tiie Slalis lisli-
iiiK vessels should lie eMlnded 'frmn lanyiii^ also inereliaiidisi',' lull
that this |irii|iiisiliiiii, 'luiiii; resisted liy the .\iiienraii lu Lfotialurs, was
aliaiidoiieil,' and ^'oes mi to say, ' tliis fart wmild seem elearlv to indi-
lale llial the luisiness of I'lsliiii),' did not then, and does not now, dis-
i|iialily vi'ssels froiii also tradiinj in liie nmilar |ioits nf entry.' ,', 'e-
feieiiie In llic prm eeiliiiKs alliidid lo will simw that tlie iiro|iositioii
iiieiilioiied related oiilv In I iiileii Sliiles vessels visilin^ tiiose |Hiitiiins
( if (he coast of I .aliiador and .\eu foinirjland on wliii li liie I niled Stales
lishirnieii h.'id In en ^rallied llie ri^iii to hsli, and lo land for dr\iiiu and
eiiriiin lish, and llie nji'i'lion of iJu' |iro|iii>al eaii, at tlie nlinost. In' sup-
posed only III indieiite that the lilierty to earr\ nuirehandise iiiii,dit exist
wiilioiil olijieiinii in riiatinii to those eiiast*. and is no niinnid for sup
posinj; that the ri^ht e.steinis to the re^ilar |)iirls of entry. I'lU'iinst the
I'Npress words of the treaty. The |iroposiiion of the liritish iii').;oti;itors
was to append lo /Nrticje 1. the following; words : - ' his. therefore, well
iimK'rstood tiiat the liliert\' of t.ikin^;, dr\int,', ;iiid Hiring lisli. granted
ill the pieeediiij,' part of liiis .\rliele, shall not he loiistriied to e.stelid to
aiiv privilej^e of i-airyiiii,'- mi trade witii ;iiiv of His llritannic .Majesty's
siiliji'its residing; within the limits iiereiiiliefore assi(,nied for the use of
the lisliermen nf the I 'niled .^l;iles.'
" It was ;ilso proposed to limit them to h;i\iii|,' on lio.ard siieii jjoods
as niij;ht ' he neeess.ary for the proseeiiliim i if the lisiiery or tlie siijiport
of the lisliermen while eiif^^.-if^'ed tinreiii, or in the proseeutioii of their
voy.'ij^es to and frotii the lishiii); i;roiiitds.'
"To this the .\mi'rie;in nei;oiiators ojijeiled on the urmind that the
si'.'Mvh for eontrahaiid K'hhIs, and the li.iliiliu to seizure for having
them in possession, would expose the tlshermcn to endless vexalimi
and, in eonseiinence, the propos.'il was ahjindmieil. It is app.'irent, there-
fore, that this proviso in no way referred to the hays or harhmirs out-
side of the limits assi>;iied to the .Vnieriean li.shertnen, from whieli hays
;iiid harlioiirs it was aj,neeil iinth liifore and after this iiruposiiioii was
in Miiv,
//.. |.. ;m.
/'.. |.|.. Ml SJ,
ilisenssid. thai I niled Slates fishing vism'Is were |i
he I'MMUilr
d for all
purposes other than for shelter and repairs, and piireh.'isiiif; wood and
olil.'iinin^c water.
" If. howevi'r, wei^dil is to he gi\i'ii to Mr. I'lavard's ;ir},'iimenl th;it
rejeetimi of a |)ropositioii advaneed hy titlier side during; the emirsc
of the nej,nitialimis slmul
leld to neeessit.'ile ;m inter]irelation
verse to the tenor of sneli propositimi, that artjiinient tn;iy eertainly he
used to prove that Ameriean tishinj.,'' vessels were not intended to have
the ri^dit to enter L'anadian waters for liait to he used even in the jirose-
eiitioii of the dee])-sea fisheries. The I'nited States ne.tjofiators in I8t8
le the propositiiin that the words
li.'iit ' he added to the
er.'ition of the ohjeets for whieli these lisliermen miyht he allowed to
enter, and the proviso as first stihtuitted had rend 'provided, however,
tli.'it the Aineriean fishermen shall he adinilted to enter siteii haxs and
harlioiirs for the ]nir|)ose only of oiitainiii},'' shell
er, wnod. water aiu
hail.' The addition of the last two words was, however, resisted hy the
liritish I'lenipoleiiliaries, and their omission aeiiniesced in li\ their
nienean eo
ireover, to he ohserved that tliis pro]-
.'jition eonld only have had refeieiue to the deep-sea fisliiiif;- because
the', iiisliore fisheries had already been speciC'eally renounced by the
representatives of the I 'niled .States.
In addition to this t'videiu-e, it must he rememhered that the T 'nited
.States < lovernment adiiiitli
eii, in the case suhimitei
hv tl
lem helore
Halifax fominissimi in 1877, that neither the Convention uf 1K18 nor
the Treatv of \\'ashini;toii conferred ;my ri^ht or privilege of tradiiij,'
oil .American fislurrnen. The IJritisli case claimed compensation for
the privilege which had been given since the ratification of the latter
ln'.-ity li' till' I'liili'il St.'itfs Cisliiiij,' vrsscls ' t(i ir;m>ifi-i' (•.■irj,'ii(s, tn oiiifii
\issi|>, liii\ Mi|>|.lics. iilil.'iiii iff. <'iii;,iKf ^inl'i?-^, |)riu-iirf liail, ;iii'l
iraflic nfiifially in I'.riti-li pnrl'^ ami liailiuiirN.' "
Willi rflCrfiiff In llif --((.iikI iihjrcti'iii mi ilu- |iaii c,f tlic' I 'iiitfi
Stalf^ that llif fiilnrcfiiifiil <•] tlif Ifniis nt ilic f'iiii|iafi is iiaisli air!
iiiiiifij^liliuurly, il i- .-iiflififiit tu re state thf fafl liial tlu- \vi;i'l-. of
ii nuiH iatimi "i llif risluiifs'i- iiiMihiJ in tlu ( ■ .infiui' mi 1.;. Ill-
2 Missis.
V..1, 7, |.. II.M. ( |.j||_.j,j|| .j||,| |.;,|.,j|_ ,,, \|,- Aijaiiis, iIk' riiilfil Sialfs Sffifiar\
■ HI llif same fiiiiiiii;^. _'imI. ' M it- hfin^f f\|iivss|y viai((| tjiai mii n
iniiifiali'Oi fxtfiidfil mils lu llu dis'.aiici- i.f tliivf liiilfs fnmi llif
cuasls. This last point wa die iiiurf iiiipnrlaiil. as, with tlic cxfi'p-
liuii III llif lisluTv ill (ipfii linaN. wiiliiii i fiiaiii liarliimrs, it ap|>farfil.
ficiiii the foiiiimiiiiiatiiiiis ah'Af nu iiiKHR-tl, that the lisliiii),' j;!iuiml
cm llif ■aIiiiIc fuasl nf Xnva Sfutia is iiidic than tliffc iililfs Irmii llf
sliutcs ; wjiil-i, .III till- fiiiiiiary. it is alinosl uiiivi'rsallv fldsr I'l llu
slmif 11,1 llif lua^t iif i.a'iradui'. Il i-. in lliai puint nl view, llial ili'-
privilfu'f "I fiiifiinK ilif imiis |i ir slu-lifr is iiscfnl, and it is iinpid,
llial uilii llial pruvisiiiii, a fDiisiilirahlf pnrlimi uf tin- afliial lisliiiies
nil dial inasi (i)f Niiva Sfiiiia) will, nuiuiilisiandinj^ the rfninifialinn,
I'f plf siiAcd."
Il iiia\ hf addfd llial all iiatinns pnsscssfd uf lislifiifs liavf iiisisifd.
Ill ilifii ( iiiivfiiliiiiis, siainlfs and iisa^fs, iipmi cM-ludint,' alln^fdifr
iruni iliijr tisliin^^' limits, llu- lisliiiiL; Vfssi-U uf llif suIijitIs nf nllur
i-iiiinirifs, ■ nr, jf tlifv allnw tlii-iii In iiiiir, ilif\ liavi- sulijccicd tlu'iii In
rf^,^nlaiiniis siiflicifntly siiinjr,-iit i,, pirvini iliiir fnj,'af,nii^ in fisliinj,'
nr fiirrnarliiii;,' iipnii iniilnrial lijdils nr icsiiiUf laws.
llif I'laini nf llif Aiiifriiaii tlshin^ Vfsscls ininiir (anadian jinrls
fnr iiiiipnsfs iitlicr than tlinsc sjKfilifd in the ( niivfiiiinii nf iXiK was
i"f sisicd I III iii,iii\ ^Ti Hinds ;
'I'lif fulniiial lislifnncn cutiiplaiiifd nf lifinj,' " siipplantfil liv Aiiif
rif.'lll ll^llfniifll, fVfll llpnil lllr \rl\' slinri
if tlif Itriiisli dninininiis
r-iili nd il
as iinl |;iir In I'nilipcl l||(|ii tn Cnlllf illtn fiilll
pililinii willi nifii wlin had an .-nUanla^jf nvfi thfiii in
^flliii^; lliiii'
in llif Ainiriian i
iiaiKfl. i luy fnniplanud nf tlu- " pif niin|ia
linn nf r.riiisli liailmiiis and ini Us in Nnrili .Anii-ii. a li\ ihf lisliin^
Vfssil, nf llif Inilfd .^lalfs." Tin- rnlnnisis lilu\vi«f had icasmi m
rninplain nf tlif ilaiidfstiiif inlrndiulinii nf prnliiliiicd j^nnds into ilif
I'lnlish cnlniiic^ li\ Anuriran \f-sc |,. nslm.ilih
•n^,'a)4fd ill ihr lish.ii
Iradf. In ihf ^^ii-at injury nf the nviniif, and In Ifj,'itiiiiatf tiadf.
If ihi Inii.d
"-l.-llfs lnd,l\ d.
tlif iinviii'm-'
llnl fill
ivf ' mlv llu nisilvf s ii i Ma
lishill^' nil r.litidl in.lsl, llu
'775 'll'y fnlffitfil it hy Ifhillinn. Ill I.HlJ tlif\ Inst il
iHOriaiid 1XX5 llicy voltinlaril) iflinipiisliid il.
iiTf iinw only ifinaiiis in 1)1- rnnsiilcicl tli,- |:iii~t rffnri
Canada In rminvi' ihi- \f\ii| ipu -linn fmni tin- dnmain nf cnntr
mill lIlM I'llill.j Sl;,'|. ., Ill
»X.'llll|)|e!l llf \\lin I'tl'llMinli liy (il II
Sir ,l.iliii Til.
siM.ill, 11,
,ll,..„l,. \l
I' III hilii nil
|iiiiiiin nf liiw ..pim.-. Ii.l Hill, 1 1,1' |'if.|ii'rii;,, |ip t\-i 7'.'
t Till' ll'J.ll uspnl nf llli» .l.iilli i« .1,11.1. |i|,',| .-il __ ^
will ill liin " .Mi'iiini.iiiiliiiii nil iHiiiita nf law iiiiiiit'rtnl with Uii' I'iHJtiirii.H," pp. KiSK.
Ki'i'.il I'll III liy ^il■ .Inlin 'rii.iii,|i
"■'-. t Missis.
Sicniar\ i,f
I'l.llilljr III,.
I, |IIC.1„|>
lliai I Mil- n-
'■~' Indii till-
I lllc ex, ■(•;,-
II .•||'|.v Aiiic
lull) 1(11)1
liiij.; llirir
'•' (ishjii^r
ii'.'lSiiii In
' illdi file
II- lisli.iv
iiiir. Ill
wir. Ill
ii.hIi- I,.'
I lllllll,
li urn irli,
II liilij nil
', lln'*7).
I 1 ,11
lln- jiiiijiiisal, Iii;;i;tliir with iIh- iii)M-r\atiiiii
'iiivti iiiniiil lli(.i(ii|i, uill Ik- fiuiiiil (Isi-wlici-c. '
In llio iatli-r part of the y.
I ,n|', 1 lul
.-;i; - - - ■■' -■ "• I'l inr. ,i!-,,
-fy: •!,,,■ ■ , i'.l,ll-li^ir,il
',:j III till- cmii'-c 111 till- fiiiiiiwiii^^ yar, a si-ni-s uf ii fi,nii;il 111^1, tialioiis l',.ii-,j/i, .sun
S,- lifturcii .\lr. liayanl ami Sir ( liarli-s Tiiiijur, ;it iliai tiim- a iii<-ml)cr |.J.!,'f''v,,p;„
'if till- Caiiailiaii < iii\i-niiii(iit, n-siiltiil ii tin- a|,|,iiiiitmriil i,f a (,',,111- I'l • 'i-''' '"'i'-'-
missiiiii amlii,ri/cil 1>\ (jriat Hiitaiii ;inil tlu: I '11, lul .-^lates ri':,iK'( lively
"tn trial ami ilisiiiss tin- iiiuiir uf ^ itliii); all iiiR-stiuiis wliicli liavc
arisen unt nf the fisheries mi the cnasts nf I' i'.isli Xnrlli Aiiieriia, anil
all ntlii-r i|iiesiiiiiis .irfniiii^,' ilie n-laiiniis luiween tlic I Jiiliil States
.mil lli-r r,iiiaiiiiir .Majesty 's ims^issinii.s in .Xnrlli America."
(hi the 2.4tli ( h-lnl,er, 1KX7, the Kij^lit llnmniraldi- |n-H'|ili ('hani-
lierlaiii, Sir l.iniiel Saekville .sael.ville Wi-st ami Si; ' liarles Tiipijer,
( i.( '..U.< i., were ajijiniiileil liy the <)iir, 11 ili-r I '!eiii|iiilriiliaiiis fnr tills
IMirpiise. 'i'lic Linileil Stales rieiiipnti iiliaries were .Messrs. T. I'".
I'ayanI, .Seen tary nf .'■tale, Williaui I., ruiiiam ami Jaim s I!. .Xii^'ell.
'j'he ( oiifereiiee iiiel at W asliiiij^'tmi nn '.In- 2_'ii(l .Nnvemlier. 'j'lieir
ileliheratioiis resulteij in a Treaty fur the settlement nf the l-'ishcry
ijuestinii, which was sij^'iu-il nn the 15th leliriiars, iXXX.f
It prnviileil fnr the a|)i„ liiilmeiil nf ;i iiii.\eil cnmmi^sinii tn ililimil
llie I'rilish tt.'tters, havs, erei-Ks aiiil h.-irliniiis nf (In- inasls nf (aiiaila
ami nf .Xewfniitiillaml, as In which the I'liiieil States hy Article I. nf
the t ■onveiilinn of iHiH, reiioiinced for ever the liheriy tn take, dry jr
( nn- lish,
'The extreme he.'idlaiid floclrine was waived hy;(ireat lirltaiii, and
with the exceplinii nf the liaie des ( haleiirs, Miramiehi llay, aiiil
,,lliir s), I died hays, reservnl Inr llnlish li^hermeii, the limit n| i'.\clu-
sinii from h.iys, creeks and harhmirs was fixed at three marine miles
seaward fmni a straight hm di.-iwn across such hay in the ju'rt neai'st
ihe eiilraiice at the tirsl pniiit while the width dues iint exceed tell
marine miles.
liiij.; vi-s els eiilennn Caii.-i'lian liarliniirs iindei stress nl weather
•re exempli d fmiii leporim^; at the < Usloins fnr a
lev were alsn dec
liniiis, prn'.idiil they did nnl tniuli .slmrc.
lint liahle fnr cian
.Sl;ites llsllin^ vi-ssris uillinUl charm'.
le niiisi iiiijinriaiil /\rl
tele was en
iititi},'eiit III its character.
prnvided th;it
'• W'henevir
wh.-ileiiil, seal nil. ami lish nf .ill kinds (e
the I 'niled Slali
ill reiiinve the diilv frnm fish oil,
it fish
iirc'irveii III 111
iii>; the pr
nilllcr 11
f fl
sheiics carriril nn 1)\ the- fishermen of Can
+ Km 111, lixl ,,f liiin tii-nly
/ ■«*»■
a'l;i ainl of N'c-wfoitiidlaiKl, including,' l-'tlirridMr, as well as froin llic
Usual ami nci essary tasks, harrtls, kcfjs, cans, and dllw r usual and
Mi'icssars' ii/v-
like ploilucls, l;(ill^,' iIm; pl'iiduic uf (islitliis lairiiil i;ii liy llic Inlicr
MICH of the I 'nitcrl States, as well as tin- usual and iie( iss.iry i', lim--, ;uid all other
supplies and outtils ;
" 2. Traiishipinent oi catch, for trans|)ort hy any means of convey-
ance ;
" .^. Sliippuij,' of crews.
Sup|)lies shall not he ohtaineil hy harler, hut hait may he so ohtained.
'■The like privileges shall he continued or j^'iven to fishing vessels
of (Canada ami of Newfoundland on the Atlantic coasts of the I 'nitcd
This Treaty nevir hecanie o)Kralive, having heeti rejttterl hy the
I 'nited States Sen;ite.
Attacherl to the draft, however was a jirototol emhodvint; a lein
porary ;uian;.jenienl for two years, pending,' tlie ratilicaiion of the
'1 re.ity. Tliii il,4^ i-inii'li. provided that the privilege of eiileriiit;
I'.ritish hays and h.irhours on the Atlantic: coast nji^jht he j^Tanleii to
I riiicd Stale fi'.hiriL' vessels hy animal lieensr's at a fic of om dollar
and a half pir Ion, for the followinj^ piirjioses: '
1. i he purchase of hait. ice, seines, lin<-s, .'uid ail other supplies .-nid
2. '1 ran^liipment of i aich, and shipping oi crc-ws.
In lH";o, the ' ';iii,-ii|i;ii] l';irli;iinent pa-,eil .-in \i\, in .'u e(,rd;me,.
with the provision-i of lh<- inndiin rnviuli ;iuthori/ini' the issue of
licenses to fiTiin).^ vessels f. ,r pun has<- of supplies and outfit,, the
Iranshipmeiit (,f lalch and lln -hipping; of ( re\v , for the c;ilind;u- \e;ir
iX*/). A similar Act was passed in and for iM'>(, and one in the yar
lK«;_' without a liim- limil;ilion.
Ill .Voveiiiher iK')5, ih<' ' (jeneial issued ;i 1 Vo. l.-.m.-iiii.n
declariiijf the Act of iKW i,, )„■ i,,, |,,nKer in fr,n e. and lic.-,i,,.s have
since issued under diapler }, of the Statutes of iK^Z
" I'li'lirllii-uiniiiK'Mioil leei,«.« l„.w l« .n iNJin.-.| l,y IIm. ( ■.ii,.,.li,ir, <;.,v.ii,ri,..Mi
I" IjlilUl Sluloi li.iliolliii'ii mi fxlliiwn :
img. .
.Nllllllll I of \,\lf\\UM
'lolut 'I'lltlll.i^l-,
l*'(^-»i cfillf!4:ti..r|.
« '.'t..
.'I.H.'I| (Ml
;i,.'iMf ]ieai<- ami recfincilialion, l)\' the pro
vi' jirticles, si^nerl at I'aris, on tin ioth of .\ovinihei, tjKj. hv
the c omniissioners empowered on eaeli part, which articles were aijreed
to lie inserted in ;inil to coiisliiiiti' the of jd'ace proposed to he
coni hided hetween the ( row n of (in-.ii I'.ritain an ;
.•inc| the iieatv hetwi-en (ireat I'.ritain .and I'lance haviii(.j since hcen
com Indeil, His I'.ril.ninic Majeslv an, and ' liief jn.lice of the ■•aid State,
and .Minister I'letiipotenti.iry of the said I iiilerl .St.ales to their llii,di
.\Ii^dititii-sse, the .'-'l.iles ( ii nenii of till I 'iiit( r| \( therlaiids ; lienj.amiii
Irrnikliii, I'.sipiire, lale Meh^ale in ' on^ress from the Sl.ale of I'enn
sylv.ini.i, ('resident of the < onvinlion of the said .St.ile, .and .Minister
I'lenipotiMitiai'. from the I inied Stale, of Americ.i ;it the ' oint nf
\ ersaille- ; John Jay, h.scpiio , laic I'resirlent of ( onj^iess, and ( hief
JiHtice of tlie '^i.ile of ,\'fw N'lirk, ;md Minisler I'leiiipnientiarv froii,
till- s;iid I 'iiilfd Slale^ at the r,,nr| of .M.idrid, Ir. he the I'lenipoteii
tiaries for the 1 orii lndin>^ and si^^'iiint; the present ditinitive ire.alv ;
who, afli r h.-iviii); reciprocally coinmnnic.ited their respective full
|)Owers, have a^,'rel■ll upon .and conlirnieil the following; articles :
Ak'iK i.|-. r.
His r.rit.annic M.ij(sly a( knowh d^'e, the said I'nitid St.ites, viz.,
New llainpshire, Mass.ichnsells I'.ay, Khode Island, and IVovidenre
rianlations, ( oimei liciit, N'i'w \nrU, New Jersey, rcnns\ Iv.ania, Dela
ware, Maryland, N'irKinia, X'orlh f'arr>lina, .South ( 'arolin;', and (ieor^^ia,
to he frci-, sovi ri iijn and inde|>endent Slates ; he treats with them
as such, and for himself, his heirs .and successors, relin(|uislies all claims
til the >,'ovennnent, ])rf)priety and territorial rights of tliu same, and
every |arl thereof.
Ami ;i!l (lis|iiili-s uliiili iiiiKiil .'ni-''' in fiiliirr, on llic siilijcii of
I'll- liwiiiii|;irii-s nf lln- •y;\u\ I nitnl Males uiii> In- |invi-iili-l. it i. Ii. ili'ii l"iutiil
aril-.-,, u/.; In. in lli^- noiiip ui-,( an^^lc of >,ii\a >(-
wliiili is fdinii'il li\ a iiiir draun dm nuiiji I'luni liu- .(ihhc of .Saini
(Jriii.N Kivtr ic tin' ilij;lilaii(is, aiunj; tin- said ilinidands wliidi divide
tliDse rivers thai eiiii4_s tlieiiiselves into llie River M. I.aisreiice from
those vslnili fall iniM ineAll.nitK ( )( ean, 1" llie noi in v. e-.teiiinio,i It ad
of Connecticut River ; tlieiice detwei|)|ii ; thence li\
a line to he drawn alon^ the middle of the 'aid River .Mississipijj until
it shall inter>( ct the iiortlRrnniost part of ihe thirt>-lirsi d^rce of
north latitude. South !>> a line to he drawn dne east from the deter-
mination (if the line la^l mc-nlioiied. in the lalitnde of thirty one ile^ree-,
north of the Ivpiator, to the middle oj the Rivei Apalachicola c)r<'ata
hoiiclie ; thence aloiij,' the middle thereof lo iN jui.clion with the l-liiil
River ; theme sirail lo ihe head of .Si. .Marv's Rivei ; and Iheiiic down
aloiiK the midilh' oi .^i. .Mai.'s River to llie .\tlaiilic < )i can. I'^a^l,
l)> a line to he di.'iAii ali.ii^ ihe middle ol IIk Ri\er St. ( roi\, from
Its ni'iiiih ill the llav of liindv to its sotinc, and from it- soiirci
direitly iiorlli lo the .-iforesaiil lli^hlaiids, which diviile the rivers that
fall into the .\ilaiiiic < Jce.iii from tho^i v\hich fall into the River Si.
Lawremr; cmpK landing all islands wiihin twenty lea^'ies of air.
part of ihi ^hore^ oi the I niled .states, aii(| Iviii;^ hetween lines to hi-
• irauii iliii- ea-.l from ihe points where the aioies.iid hoiiiiilarie-, hei\'. n n
.\ova .'"•critia on the mik- pail, and 1 ,a^l I I'liida on the ollnr, -hail
ri-^peciivi-K loni h ihe I'.a, ol Inii'lv .'I'ld llie Allaiilir i h ran ; esc > m
\\\^r ^mh islaiid-v as le rw 'ire, or lerelofc iie have liei-ii, u ill mi llie limit -
of ihe ^aiil prowncc of Nova .Si olia.
It is a^reeil that the peopU- of the L'liitcd States shall continue to
iiijiH iiiiiiii .li ^l shall have lihertv to lake lisli ol every
kind on siu h pari of i!.c i o:i>,i of Xewfonndlaml as Ihiiisii tishermeii
sh;ill use (hut not lo dr\ or cine the same on that island) and also on
llu- coasts, hays and cneks of all ollnr of I lis lirit.iiniii .Majesty's
iloiiiinioiis in .\iiiiii.a ; and ihal tin .\meri. an hshermeii shall hav<'
lihertv lo diA and i nii p h m an mI the miMitlMJ havs, harhonrs and
creeks of .\ova .Si oii.i, .\l;:(_'d;ilen IslaiKL, ami Lahrador, •-o loii^; as the
same shall remain niisetiled ; Iml so soon as the sanic' or liiher of them
shall 1)1- seitled. it ^liall no| he lawful for the saiil I'lshernieii to drs or
cure fish at sill h sriilinnnls, wilhoiil a previous .■i^re<-menl for that
purpose with the jnli.-ihilanls, jin iprieinr, or possessors of the j;ronncI.
AIM K LI-: l\'.
It is agreed that creditors on cither side shall ineei with no lawful
iinpedi il lo the recovery of tin full \;iliie in sleiliiifj nioiiev of all
hoiia hd( ill his hi rdofoic contracttrl.
.11 till-
Airrrci-R v.
It is ;i(/ni(| tli.'it tlic ('(iiif^rcss
inicstlv rfcutiiiMcMil it td l\\c
I j^lsl.iliitis 111 'lie i(-i|/i'itivc Mates, tu |)li)\l(|c |i
atcs, rif^lilsaml |i;ii|i(iti(". wliii li lia\c- Imi
:llli( .'lliij
riitimti'iii III ;i;
.nlnli SI,
ijliji-i t
s, :iiii| alsii lit t
IllTSIlIlS l('SI<
est. lie-.,
Kilt ill ilistrirts ill the Imsscssii
'iiUUiK I'
iici|)crti.\-i- ]ireniises, su as tn render the s.iid laws or
I All
s nr laws
(iiiisisleiii, mil uiiK with iiisii
('lll.'llliill w
jilllv ,
ill with that spirit nl con-
ihe relnrn nf the hlessin^js iif jieaec, sli'iiild
.•lil. And dial • uiif^res, sh.ill alsn e;irnestly rei
i;ik1 t'l the .States that the (stales, rif^dits and properties of siiih l;ist-men-
lidlied persons shall he restored to them, they refninlmj,' to any persons
who may he now in jio'-sessioii the hoiia tide priie fwheic ,iny ha^ heen
^jiveii) whii h sin'li [leisons may have paid on pnp liasiiif( any of tin-
said l;ini|s, ri^,diis or properties, situ e the i onlisiation. Ami it is a^jreed,
thai .'ill persons ulio li;i\e any interest in ' oiilisi ated lands, either hy
dehts, marri,i>;e settlements or otherwise, shall meet with no l.iwfiil iin-
pedimeni in the prosecution of their jii-it ri^jhts.
ar'hci.I'; \ i.
Thai there sh;ill he no fiituie (onlisiation made, nor an\ prosecutions
(diiimeiiccd at4;iinsi an\ pel ^on oi |,ersons for or li\ ri-;isoii of the jiart
which he or they nia> have taken in the present war ; and that no per
son shall, on that .n count, suffer any future loss or dani.ij^e, either in
his p( rsoii, liherty or |(riiperl\ ; .111(1 ih.'it those who in.i_\ he in confnie
Hunt on siuli ( harj^es, at tin lime of the ratiliialion of the tre.ity in
Ameriia, sh.all he immedialely set at liherty, aiul the prosecutions so
ciiminenccd he discontinued.
AU'llCLl'; \ II.
lere sh.'ill he a linn and piipetnal jiiace hetween
His Britannic
.M.ijesty and the s.aid St;ili s, and hetweeii the siihjei Is of the (iiie and the
if th
le other, wlieiefore all hoslihtles.
li liv sea anil
roin lieiici
fort I
I lis I'.i il.'llll
I ( cji^e; all prisoners on In
illi sides shall he set al lihirt\
ajest\ shall, with all convenient sjieed and wilhoiil
aiisint.' .'in> desiruction, or i;irr\in^^ away any iieffroes or other pro-
if Ih:
an inhaliitanl^, .all his
.armies, jjarrisoii!;
and Meets from the said I nited .States, and from every post, place, an(|
li.-uhoiir within the same, leaviii)^ in all forlificaiions the American
artillery that nia> he therein; ;ini| sh.all also order and cause all archives,
citizens, which, in thecoiirse'of lli
irds, deeds and papers, helonniii),' lo any of the said Stales, or thi
ar, inav have fallen into the hands
( cr-
foil I
iwilli lestored and deliveied ti
persons to whom they helolig.
le iiavi>;;ation of the River .\lississip]ii, from its source to tin
ever remain tree ami
shall for
the citizens of the I 'nitdl Sl.'ite:
to the suhjects of (ireal Uritain and
In case it should so ha|ipeii th.'it ;in> pl;ic(.' or territory lieloii^jinK ti
(ireat I'.rilain
the I nited St.'lles, sliould have heen coil'juer'd
the arms of eiilier from the other, hefore tin arrival of the said pro- :irli( les in .\iiieric:i, it is a^jrced that the same shall he resl(ire(|
without difficnltv, and without rc(|iiirinj:f any compensation.
TIic sdlcniti ratifications of llic imsiMit tivaty, I'xpivlital in pood and
(hii< form, slwill hi' i-\iliaii);r(l i)il\v<.'ni tliu rontractiiiK partii'S. in tlii'
space of six montlis, or sooner if possil)li', to he idnipnted from tiii' day
of till' si>,Miatnii- of llii' prt'seiit treaty. In witness wliereof, we tiie mn-
der.sif;ni'd, their Ministers i'ienipoteiitiary, iiave in tiieir name and in
virtue of our full powers, si);iied willi our iiands the |)resent detinitive
treaty, and caused the seals of our anus to l)i' aliix'd tli'reto.
Dune ;it Paris tliis third day of Septeniher, in tlic year of Our Lord
one tiiousand seven luindred and eigiity-three.
Concluded Ootoher 20, 1S18 ; Ratifications exclianfjcd at Wasliinnton
January _^u, iHii; ; I'rodaimed January ,p, 1811J.
His Majesty the Kinj; of liie Cniled Kinf,'dom of (Ireat I'.rifain and
Ireland, and the I'uiteil Slates of America, ilesinnts to cement tl^'
^jood luulersiandinj; whicii huppilv sulisists hetwecn them, have, for
tiiat purpose. n;uued tlieir respective rieuiiiotentiaries. that is to say :
His Nlajesty on His jiart has ajjpoiuted the Right llonoiirahle I'red-
cricis loiui i\iihiu>iin, I'reasurer of His Majesty's Navy, and I'residen'.
of the Committee of I'rivy Council for Trade and I'laulalious ; and
Henry Cioulhouru, Es(|.. one of His Majesty's I'uder Secretaries of
States: — .\nd the President of the Inited States has appointed Alhert
Ciallatin, their Envoy I'.xtraordiuary and Minister Pleni])otenti;iry to tlic
Coiu't of I'rauce ; au<1 and
ill the
till' (lay
!(.' (Illl-
aiid in
for till' said fistHniuMi to dry or i-tm- I'l'^li at suoli purtion so settled,
williipiit pri'viiitis af'rci':'ii.'iii lnr sin'li iiiir|insi' with llir iiilialiilaiils,
l]rn|iritt(irs, nr pusscssnrs ni' tlii' ^rnimd. Ami tlir I nited Slati-s
lKtvl>\ riimuiH't,' fur iver, any lilii'riy luri'tnfiin' iiij'iyi'd ur clainu'd hv
ilu' inlialiilanis thereof, tu take, dry or i.-iire llsh nii, ur wiihhi three
marine inili-, (if ,any uf the eoasts, bays, creeks i>r h.arhnurs of His
liritannie Majesty's dominions in America not inchide
(ir rarrvinf: awav ativ "f iIh' artillii v nr d
(•apnirnl in llic saic! imM'^ "i- |ilarcs ulnch shall rcinaiii iluTnn iii).iii
llv cM-liaiiiM' (il the iMlilicaliniis if iliis iniMv. mi- any ■lavrs ..r nilur
privalf pni|pfitv " ; ami ■Alu-icas iiiulir llic aluirsaid ariiclc tlir liiilol
Males liaiiii Inr ilii'ir liliziiis, ami as llicir \>r\\Mv i>rn|.iit\ , the ivstiiii
liiiii iif, (II- full i-iiiMiKiisalinn f(ir all slaves who al llic >late i.
cliaiiK*' "I '11'' ralil'ualiniis ni tin- saiil inaiy, svoie ill any UTrilmy,
|ilaii's, 'ir |i(.s>-tssiniis uliaisiu'vi'V liincied liy llu- said irealy tn 'ic
rcsturiMl In llir I iiiti'd SiaUs. Imt llun siill nccniiinl hy llif lUiti-li
fdiri's. wlu'tliiv siH-li slaves were, al llie tlate afnresaid, oil sliure, nr n;i
l)iianl aiiv llritisli vcsm-I lyiny; in waters within the territory ur juris
diilinii (if the Itiited Stales ; and whereas diltereiues have arisen whe^
tiler liv the true iuteiit am! nieaiiinj; nf tiu- afuresaifl artiele (i( liie
Tieatv ;ind i-ii;ht hnndied and eiu;lileen.
I'RI'.I). IDIIN Ror.lX.SO.X (L.S.) Al.lll'.Ur (i.\LL.\TI\ (L.S.)
III'.XUV ('.(iri-lUIRN IL.S.) UUII.VUD KISII ll-.S.)
IMI'I'.RIAI, ACT •,<) (-.E( ). 111.. CAl'. .^H.
is .Majesty In make Refjulatinns with resjiect in
iiriii}; li~h Mil certain parts nf tlie cnasts nf Xew
An .\ct tr Ml'.'
Ill Hi, III'
I'l' lli«ll
S. illlc
|ni(l ilic
si. ill .;f
all the
said ("onvcMtiiiii fiRri'rd, ihiil tlic Aiiifricaii l"islii'niicii slioiiJd Imvf
lilnTiy fur v\vr \n ilry ai:d fiirr li^li in aii\ nf llic nii'.rtlliij H.i>s, Hat-
Ipiiui'.i and ( ivrks ni tjii' Scuidii'iM piil ni ilii' I na-i >if Xiwinnndland
aliii\(' iU's>'rili''i|, and i>[ llu' ( '<>as| nf l.aliradnr, Km llial sn simmi as llic
^aini'. Ml' aM> |Miriiiin tin rfnf, slinnld lie M'tllrd, it sliuuld nL'inl)U(l, and ))y tlii' au-
llioriiv of ilk' sanu'. That from and aitii' tlic pas>inj; uf this Act, it
shall and may In- lawful for Ills Majcsts hy and with the advice of
llis .\lajest\'s I'riv) I'omuil, hy an\ < kind, whatc\i'r. within three marine miles of .any t'oasts,
Ha\s, Creeks or fiiu-bours, whatever, in any fiart of Mis .Majesty's
Dominions in .America, not incltided within the limits specilied and
described in tln' hirst Article of said Convention, and liereinbeforc
recited : and that if any such I'oreign Ship, Vessel or lioat or any
I'ersons on board thereof shall be found fisluiig, ur to have been fish-
ing, or preparing to (ish within such distance of such Coasts, Bays,
Creeks or llarbours within such parts of Ilis .Majesty's Doiuiuious in
America out of the said limits as .'iforesaid, all such Shi|)S, \'essels,
and I'loats, together with their cargoes, and all ( luns, .Vmnmnitifin,
Tackle, Apparel, h'urniture ;md Stores, shall be forfeited, and shall and
may be seized, taken, sued for, prosecuted, recovered and condenmed
by such and the like Ways, .Me;ms and .Methods .md in the siune
C'ourts, as ."^hips, Vessels or lloals may be forfeited, seized, iirosecuted
and condemned for any olTence against an\ Laws relating to the
Kevenue of Customs, oi the Laws of Tr.ide ;md Xavigation. under any
Act or Acts of till' Parliament of ( ireat liritain or of the Cnited King-
dom of (ireat I'lrii.tin and Ireland ; I'rovided that nothing in this Act
conlaiiu'il shall aiiplc, or be conslrued lo ;\]>\)\\ to the .^hips or Sub-
jects of any I'rince, I'owrr or State in Amity with His Majesty, who
are entitled by Tre.ity witii His .Majesty to .any privilege fif taking,
drying or curing b'ish on the Coasts, ISays, Creeks or Harbours, or
within the limits in this Act described.
I I I. l'ro\ideil always, .'mil be it enacted. Thai it shall and may be law-
ful for any I'isherman of the s.aid United States to enter into any such
liays or llarboiu's of His I'.r.tamiic .Majesty's Dominions in .XmV'rica,
as are l;ist mentioned, for the purpose of shelter and reii.'iiring Dam-
age-, therein, aiid of purchasini; W'ood and of obtaining Water, and
for no other puriio>e whatcser : subject nevertheless to such Restric-
tions as may be necessary to j>revent sttch iMshernien of the said
Cnited States from taking, drying or curing I'ish in the said IJays or
Harbours, or in any other maimer whatever abusing the said IVivi-
Icges by the said Treaty and this .\ct reserved to them, and as .shall
for that F'urpose be imposed by any ( )riler or Orders to be from time
to tiine made by His Majesty in Council under the Authority of this
Aft. ;ii)cl l'> :iin l\i'^;ul;i'iiiii'. \,liii'li ■•liiill !»• !• Mcil In llii' (liPNcninr or
I'lTsnii I'xcifisinj; ll"' cil'tiir >■( (iii\triiiii in ;m> siifli r:nis of Hi,
Miijt'st\'s I )(iiniinciii^ in AnuiiiM, iiiulir en in luirnaiii' •■I' im\ siU'ii
< •rdif ni I'uiMU'll as alnii'^aiil.
I\'. Ami 1)1' il fiirlliiT ina(lcil, llial it an\ I'itmhi m- I'itmhis, nimu
Rn|iiisitinn iiiadi' \<\ tln''rnnr . f N'fwfiiitnilland, nr lite IVrsmi
I'M'ii-isiii^ tln' I iiVki- of (iovcrimr, < af. iii"-aiil, nr li\ any < )lVuir nr ( Mlu-i-rs art
inj^ iMiik'f siitii linvcrnnr nr IVi.^nn csiivisini^' ilu ( )tVm' nf (invi-riinr,
in ilu' iMiiitini) nf any Mnirr nr lii--trni-iinii> frnm Ilis Maji-sty in
l"nnni-il. shall nftisc tn depart fnun such Itays nr llarlmnrs ; ur if any
IVrsnii nr l^■l■^nl|^ «iiall ri'fiisi' nr iu't;li'Ot in i-nnfnrin In any Ki'^nla
tiniis nr I )ir(.'i'tiniis which >hal! Iio iiiadf nr ^iww I'nr liic t'Xi'cntinn ni
an\ iif the pnrimses nf this Act : cvirv such I't-rson sn rcfnsiiif; nr
ntherwise ntTeiKhni; a.L;aiiis! this Act shall fnrfcit the s' ■■ • ,f twn Inilld
red |innn;ns " and
taken into port for trial.
3. July iS, 1824, "(iallinn " seized, lakcii in St. j.ihn. and cnndemned
Angnst If). 18J4.
4. July 18. i8.>4. •• Willia.n " seized, taken In .^1. jnhn. and cnndemne(|
Auf,'nst 16, 18J4.
5. Octoher 7. 1824, " Ivscape " seized, taken In St. John, and condemn-
ed Xoveinher 18, 18J4.
C>. ( )ct(jl)er 7. 18J4, •• Kover" seized, taken to ,'-;t. John, and condemn-
ed .\'o\emlier 18. 1824.
7. Octoher 7. 1824, ".Sea I'lnwer " seized, taken to St. |nhn. and con-
demned .Xoveinher 18, 1,824.
8. Jnne I. 1838, "Hern" seized, taken in Halifax, and cnndemned
January 28, i8,vj.
9. November I. 18.^8. "t'nniheiie" seized, taken in Halifax, and cnii
(leinned Jaimary 28, i8,V).
10. May — , i8.iM. "Java" seized, taken in Halifax, and condemntil
Aujjfust 5. i8,^().
1 1. June 4. i8v>, " Shetland " seized, i.aken io Halifax, and con.lemned
July 8. i.8,V).
12. May 26, i8,V). " Independence" seized, taken to Halifax, and eon-
ilemncd .Auf^nst 3. 1839.
13. May 23, 1831,, " Magnolia " seized, taken to Halifax, and condemn-
ed August 3, iS.^f).
14. May — , i8,V), "Hart" seized, taken t.i Halifax, and coiulenmed
August 5. 18.V).
13. June—. 18.V), "I'.alelle" seized, taken to Halifax, and condemned
July 8, i.Vv,.
16. June 14. i8,V). " ilyder Ally" seized, taken t*3'>. "May Mowfr" sci/rd, tak Halifax, and condcnined
Jnly 10, 1S40.
Si'|)lnil)ir II, 1840, " .Mnis " hti/id, taken Id llalifa.x, and con-
dennied 1 )(i-enil)iT S, 1840.
S<'iiteinlier 18, 18.(0. " hireelDr" seized, taken to Halifax, and con-
dennied December 8, 1840.
( )et(il)er I, 1840, " ( )i-ean " seized, taken to Halifax, anil contli
Decenilier 8, 1840.
.May 6, 1841, " I'itnieci" seized, taken to Halifax, and condcnnied
An>,'ust 18, 1 84 1.
May 20, 1841, "Two I'riends " seized, taken to Halifax, and re-
September 20, 1841, "Mars" seized, taken to Halifax, and con-
demned .Vdvemher 2, 1 841,
September jo, 1841, " l'".),Met " seized, taken to Halifax, and con-
deinne)>t'r ai)() Dllicr I i.slirry on lli<- (oasts <;( (in;ii iJiii.un
;iii'l of Ir.-iiiic. SiKii"! n) I'.iri-, ^ihI Aiu;ii4, iKyy.
\V1I1-,I oi ilic
two ( oiiiitrics, r Aliiiji lli.p(; Her Majt.sly llii- 'Jincn of llii-
I iiii«'i F.Hifi'loiii of (ir lo Innih suhje,t,; and tlu'se
lines are as follows, that is to s;,y ■
The 1st hue run- iiom the poini A, .( ni:h - from low v.aier mark
f IViinte N«eiiif.a Ixarinj,' South) to the point I'., of whii h the landmarks
are A'" ,1 lower, oti with il,. r|ii,„p ,,f trees upon Mount IIm hon
and li.e uimml of f.ros Mom in a hue with the ■-i(Mial p.,-t on < ,rand
'Ihe and line n.iis from ihe .aid poim Ii, towards Auon Towei ami
the I lump of trees upon .Mount iltichon, m the direction Vorih (,|
decrees I-.a,t, unlil, al il.e |„,nii ( , u l„n,t;, i|„ Windmill of l.ini-ie
villi- t., hear due |-.a I,
;i he . from point 11 to point I, iM-arly alir'-ast of I'ort
I'.ail ; j(oiiil I haviti); tor lati'l mark-, tin- I'ort of I'ort I'.ail in a line
with the St'-r'pic of I'ort I'.ail.
An'l. final! V th<- 'y'h lim- runs fr'
I K, .vli
■r.- (
f arid. I
]licrv oiilKi'li' of th(! limit-, v.ilhin which that
hshi-ry is cxrhisivi'ly rfscrvcil to I'rili-h an'l Ircnrh siihjccts, ris|)(M-
tivrly, as -.tipiiiatcfl in the jiri' ( 'linj,' Arlii Ics, shall he comnion to tin:
snhjci ts of both rotiiitrics
IV. l!it;Mi-ii siiiisft ;inil till' cii-.niii^ ^niiri-i-, the -iilijrils of
liolli loimlrii,. n- pi I tivly, shall Iw iiroiiil.iti i| from ilrc(U;in(j for
ovsti r's hrtAicii the ( oa >t of Jcrsi'V aii'l tin- 'oast of fTaiKf, fiom
< api ( arti II I to I'oint Mcinna.
\.'li :i-. till- lav,' of Irani'- n-'piir's that all I r'li' li fi-J
iiij; hoals shall 1"- marl ' 'I aii'l numl>i-r<-'l, ii i- li'-n h-, ai^n-'-'l, that a'l
I'.ritisli fisliini^ hoals 'lr'-i|;,'iii^ f'(fii ' '.f tin- In pi-it'ir ','e, or of evi'lenl
had weather.
\lll. Whiii'-.i-r tl.M- li .,!iiiit;1ioaN of 1 ithir 'f tin- tv.o riatimr-
sh.-ill he lairied -.vitliiii the liniii> e-lahlished f'lr ihe fishery of the
other (oiintry, hy 'ontrary winds, hy stroii(,' tide,, or hy any other
I anse inde|,( nili-iit 'if tin v.ill of the iiiasti-r .'uid 1 rew ; or whi-nevcr
thcv shall ha'-e pa-si'l ,', i'hin ih'j'^e limits in v.orkint; ha'k t'l rejjain
liieir fishing; ^ronnd, tin- masters shall he hound immedi.itely 1,, l|i,ist
a hhu- (l.i>,' of two feet loiiK, I'l'i'l ihri-e fr-ei hroa'l, and to keep that flavj
;it the mast head, so Ion;,' as they -hall I'-mai.i within tin- said limits.
'I he I riii/'ers of e,-i( h nation shall eyer(•i-■^e lln-ir jud^^Miient as to the
laiM- "i -II' Il tre,ji,-|-.-i.-j;,'s ; and -.vlien ihey shall he sali-fi<-il that lln-
-aid fidiin^,' h'lats have neiiher drcdfjed nor fish'-d within the limiN
.-ili'i'/e mentioned, the afore^ai'l rrni/.er-- shall n"' di-iain 'itlier the
ho.'iis 'ir ih'- '-re.vs. ti'ir n <■ any mi-aviire.^ of :,(--,-(-rity t'/wardi ih'j
IX. The -I1l,jel-t■^ of ller I'ritatiiiic Majest-. shall enjoy the
evilnsiv- ri(^hi of fisherv within the di-iari'e of 3 riiilcs from low
w-at(-r mark, alont; the wIkiIc; extent 'if the nia'-ti 'if the I'.rilish Ts
laii'ls : ami tin -iil,jeiis '.f th'- Kint; 'if tli'- Iriiifh shall enjoy the ex
'Insive ri>,dil of fishery within the 'Hstanee of -5 miles from low water
mark, alon;,' the whole evtrni of tlv '-'la'-ts ',f iTame ; it heintj under
si'i'i'l, that np'iii that part 'li ili' '•< a t of I ran' '- whi'li lies 1,f1-,i,-een
('ape Carteret an'l C'lini .Mein^a, l-nii'-h -tihj'-'ts shall 'iijoy the ex
chisive ri;,dit , miles h>:e'l as the (general
limit for the 1 yi hi,ive rijrht of fidiery upon th'- "lasls 'if ih'- two
' 'iitiitries. shall, with resp<-' t to liavs, th' ni'iiiths f)f whirli 'I'l n'lt rx-
I ' r-d 10 l^ile^ 111 wi'hh. h' measure'! fr'nii a straight Inn- 'Irawri fr«rtii
headland to headland.
\. It is a},'ncil and imdcistocjil, thai tlic iiiilcs iiiciiticiiicd iii ilic pic
si'iil Cciini nlimi, arc j;ci)j;ra|'liiral miles, uiuKnf (mi iiiakf a i|c,i;rcr of
\l. Willi a view tn prevent the ■.ijllisidiis whieli iinu fnun li.iie
Id lime take plaee (jii the seas lying lielweeii ihe enasls ol ( in at lirit
aiii ;....! nf Iraiiee, l)elv\eeii the Haulers and liie line and Inn^ net
lislier-< 111' die tun ediiiitrie.^, the High < cintracling I'ariii's agree tn
appcpiiil, within j iiimiuIis after llie exchange (if the raliliealKms nf llii'
present ( Diueniioii, a CJ)minissiiin consisting nf an eqnal nimiher of
indiviilnals nf each iialimi, ulin shall |ireiiare a set nf regu!alinn^ fnr
the guidance nf the lislienneii nf the lun cnnntries in the seas above
'J'lie rcynlations so (]rawii up sliall he sulmiittcd liy tiie said (mil
missioners In the two ( itjvernnients rcspecli\el\, fnr apprnval and
eontirmali(jii ; And the Iligli Coiilracting I'arlies ensjage lo pinposc
In till- I.egislatnres nf tlieir respective cnunlries, such measures as may
he necessary for the purpose nf carrying into elfect tiie regiiLllio!i.->
which may he thus apjiroved and conlirmed.
Xll. The |)reseiit ("onventinii shall he ratilied, .ind the ratilications
shall he exchanged within 6 weeks from tlie dale heieof.
in witness wherenf the respective rieiiipnteiiliaiies have signed the
same, and have afiiNcd therein the r^cals nf their arms.
I )nnc at Paris, the Jiid day nf .\ngnst, in the year nf nnr Lnrd iH,^ij.
(iK.X.W II.LI',
.MAL. 1)1 ( Dl'. 1)\1..\1 \ri|-.
Treaty Ijetween Her .Majesty and the I nited .'^lates nf .\merica relative
In I'isherics. Cnmmerce and .\a\igatinn. Signed at Wash-
ingtnij, Jmu' 5, 1X54; ratilications cm hanged at
Washington, Septemhir >), 1X54.
Her .Majcsly t!ic (_)iucn nf ( ireal I'.rilain, being e(|n;dlv desimn-
with the (invernment nf the I 'nited ."Stales In a\nid fm-ther inisiineclivc lerrilories ;md people, and nmre especiallv
b<'lvveen Her .Majesty's possessions in .\drth .\nurica and the rnilcd
States, in such manner as In render the same reciprocallv benelicial and
satisfactory. h;i\.- re^peclively named I 'Icniimteiiti.trie,' in cnnfer .-md
.•igrce iherenpnn, lh;it is |(, say :
Her M.-ijesly ihetjueei; nf ihe I'liilcd K mgdniii of ( Mrilaili and
Irel.-md, James, k'.arl nf l.\^\u and Kincardine, l.nid llrncc :v-J I'.lgin,
a Peer nf the I'niic.l Kingdon,, Knight of ihr Mnsi NncicMi and
.Mnsi .\nble ( trder nf the Thistle, and rmvernn,- ( ;,ii,r;d in ;md nver
all Her llrilaiinic .\|;ijesty's Prnvinces on the Coiitinrni nf Xorlli
.■\iiienca. and in ami over the Islan.l of Prince k'.dward :
And the President of the Ijiited States of America, William I..
.Many, Secretary of .State of the I 'nited States :
Who, after having cnmmimicated In c.ich i.,eir respeciive full
[MAvers, found 111 good and due form, have agreed upon the following
Articles :— "it.
It is agreed by the High Contracting Parlies that hi additimi tn tlu'
liberty secnivd to the I'nit..,! Stales hsliermen bv llie .ahnve-meniinned
o.nveul.on of October 20. iKiX, of taking, , uring, and drvinr lisli m,
ceilaiii enasls of the Xorlh American C< .Ionics thereiirdefmed,
the inhabitants of the United Slates shall have, in common with the
■r lit
subjects of Ht T'.ritnniiic ATajesty, tlio lihorty to lake fisli of every kiiul,
except sliellHsli, on the sea coasts and sliores and in the havs, harlxmrs,
and creeks of Canada, \ew r.rnnswii 1%, Nova Scotia, I'rince Ivlwanl
Island, and of tiie several islands tiicreunto adjacent, without heinj,' re-
stricted to any distance from the shore, with ])erniission to land upon
the coasts and shores of those colonies and the islands thereof, and also
iilioii the .Maj,'d.ilen Islanils, for the purpose of dryin^c their nets and
curin{,f liieir lish ; jirovided that, in so doiiif,', they do not interfere with
the rights of jirivale property, or with lirilisli fishernien, in the peace-
able use of any |)art cif the said coast in Iheir occupancy for the same
It is understood thai the abovi-nientioned liijcrty apjilies solely to
the sea lisliery, ;uiii liiai the salmon and shad fisheries, and all fislieries
in rivers and the months of rivers, arc hereby reserved exclusively for
I'lritisli lisliermen.
And it is further agreed that, in order to i)revcnl or settle any (Jis-
pnles as to the places to uiiicli the reservation ot cxilnsive right to
Kritisli tishermen ((jiitainerl in this article, and that of lisliermen of the
i iiited Stales contained in the next succK'ding article, api)ly, each of
the High ('oiilracting Parties, on the ai)plicali or with the tislierr.ien
of the I'nited States in the peaceahle use of any part of the said eoasts
in their oeeupaney J(ir the .same |)Urpose.
It is understood that the above-nienlioned liberty aiiplies solely to
the sea fishery, and tiiat salmon and shad tisheries. and all fisheries in
rivers and mouths of rivers, are hereby reserved exclusively for fisher-
men of the L'nited States.
It is agreed that the articles enumerated in the schedule hereunto
annexed, lieing the growth and produce of the aforesaid iSrilish Colo-
nies or of the I'nited States, shall be admitted into e.ich eoimtry re-
spectively, free of duty :
Grain, flour and breadstufTs of all kinds.
Animals of all kinds.
I'Vesh, smoked, and salted meats.
Cotton-wool, seeds and vegetables.
Indried fruits, dried fruits.
l"ish of all kinds.
Products of fish, and of all e.s,snients as now are, or niav hereafter be, ex-
acted of Her .Majesty's .said subjects; it being understood, however,
that the liritish Government retains the right (if suspending this privi-
lege on giving due notice thereof to die Goveriiineiit of the I'nite.l
It is further agreed th;U if ;it any time the liritish Governnu'ut should
exercise the said reserved right, the Government .if the I'nited St;iles
sliall have the right of suspending, if it tliink fit, the operations of
Article III. of the present treaty, in so far as tlie province of Canada is
aflfected thereby, for so long as the susjiension of the free navigation of
the River St. Lawrence or the canals may continue.
It is furtlu'V :ip;n'<.'(l that llrilisli suliji'rls shall have the ri,i;ht freely
ti) navijjate Lake .\iichi}^aii with their vessels, hoals and erafts so long
as the I'rivilc^e of naviuatin^' the Kiver St. Lawrence, secured to
American citizens li\- the almve clause of the present article, shall con-
tinue ; and the ( ii)\ eminent of the I'nited States further enna^jfcs to
urj;e u|ion ihe Slate ( iovenmieiUs to secure to the subjects of Her
liritannic Majesty the use of the several State canals on terms of e(|nal-
ily witli the inhahilants of tlie I'nited States.
.■\nd it is fi;- '.■■•<■ agreed thai no export duty, or olhei duty, shall he
levied on hnulier or timber of any kind cut on that portion of the
.American territory in the ,^tate of .Maine watered hy the River St. John
and its tributarieSj and lloated down that river to the sea, when the
same is .shipped to the I'nited Slates fmm the province of New Bruns-
The present treaty shall lake effect as soon as the laws required to
carry it int(] o]ieraiion sh.ill have been jiassed by the Imperial Parlia-
ment of (ireat I'.ritain and by the I'rovincial Parliaments of those of the
Hritish .\'orth .American colonics which arc atTecled by this treaty, on
the one hand, and by the Congress of the Tnited .States on the other.
Such as.sent having; been j;i\en, the treaty .shall remain in force for ten
vears from the date at which it may come into operation, and further
until the expiration of twelve months after cither of the High Con-
tracting Tariies siiall give notice to the other of its wish lo terminaie
the same : each of iht High Contracting Parties being at liberty to
give such notice to the other at the end of the .said term of ten years,
or at any time afterwards.
It is clearly nnderstooil, however, llial this stipulation is not intended
to affect the reservation made by .Ariicle W . of the present treaty, with
regard I'l the ri,L;ht i>f leniporarib sn>pending die (j[)eration of Articles
HI. and IV. thereof.
.And it is herein furlher agreed thai the provisions and stipulations
of the foregoing articles shall extend to tiie Island of .\ewfou:ulland,
so far as thev are ajiplicalilc lo that colony. lUit if the Imperial Parlia-
ment, tlic I'rovincial Parliament of Newfoundland, or the Congres.s of
the rniled States shall not embrace in their law.s, enacted for carrying
this treatv into effect, the colony of N'ewfonndland, then this article
shall be of no effect : but the omission to make i)rovision by law to give
it clifect, by either of the legislative bodies aforesaid shall not in any
wav imiiair the remaining articles of thi? treaty.
The present treatv shall be duly ratified, and the mutual exchange
of ratitications shall take place in 'Washington within six months from
the dale hereof, or earlier if liossible.
In faith whereof we, Ihc respective rienipoteniiaries, have signed
this treatv and h.ive hereunto affixed our seals.
Done in triplicale. al Washington, the fifth dav of June, 1854.
,1,.S.) W. L. MARCY.
Draft I'roUicoI CoinimmicatLd liy Mr. Adams to tln' l''.arl nf t'lairndnii
in i8()().
WllKRliAS in llic ist article differences liavv arisen in regard
to the extent of the ahuve mentioned renunciation, ilie (iovernmenl of
the L'nited States and Her .Majesty the CJueen of Cireat I'.riiain, being
equally desirous vl avoiiling further nii.-^undersianding, have agreed to
appoint, and do hereby authorize the appointment of a mi\ed com
mission for die follouing purpose^, nainelv :
1. To agree upon and deliiie by a series oi lines the limits whicii
shall separate the exclusive from the eonnnon right of fishery on the
coasts and in the seas adjaceiii of the lU-iiisii Nortli .American colomes
in conformit) with the 1st article of llie Couvenlion of 1S18 ; 'the sai be neeessar\ to secure a
S|reedy trial and judgmeiU with as little esjiense as possible, for the
violators .if rights and the tr;msgress.
"Washington, ;ili b'ebniary, 1866.
" .Sir,- We have the h.nionr to inform \\,uv I'.xeellencv that our
negottations lor the renewal of reciprocity tr.ide with the I 'n'ite.l States
have terminated misuccessfnlly. > ,,,, have been ,nf,,nned from time
to line of our pn.ceedmg.s bul we prop, .sc briellv to recapitulate them
Ok our arriv.-d here after consnltatio,, witliNour I'.xceliencv. we
addiv.ssed ourselves, with y,,ur saiidion, to the Secretarv of tin- trca-
ury, ati.l were In hmi put into communication with die Committee of
Ways ami Mi^aiis <,i ilic 1 1,, use nf kc].a'sciitati\Ts. After rcpcati'.l
inti'l-vicws uilh llicni ainl mi a^ vn.niiiii'; llial nn rcinnval or cxtfiision
of llii' fxislmjj;\ uiMiM I,, l.v ilic AnuMii-an anlii.irilii'S,
l)iit tliat ulialoviT uas ddiif mnsi he liy U'i;islati(iii, \w snhiiiilicil as
till' l)asis n|ic>u wliicli ui' ili^ind arian'<;viiK'iils in \k- maili\ tlu' fii-
clijsod i)ain.r, niarUol 'A.'
■' I'aiicr 'A.'
" Ihc traili' bctwcrii ilk- I'liili'd Mates and tlie llrilish IVovincts
should, it is jjcliuvi'd, uiidiT didiiian eiivuiiistaiKos, l)c free in R'tcr-
cnce to llicir naiural piodiuticns, Inil as intcnial taxes exccpiioiiaily
exist in tile I niled Mates, it is now projiosed dial the artieles eiiihraeed
in the hve list of the Reeiimieity 'i'lealy (l><34) should eonliiuie to he
exehan^ed. suhjeel onl> lo sued duties as may he equivalent to that
mtei-nal taxation. It i> su->;ested th,u \tn\\\ parlies niav add certain
artieles to iliose on the said list.
•'With lefeienee to the l'islierie> and the navigation of the internal
waters of the eomineni, the llritish I'rovinees are willing that the ex-
jsti'iR regulations should eoiiiimie in elTeet ; hut Canada (Province ofj
is roaily to enter arrangeinents with the \iew of improving the means
of access to the ocaii. provided the assurance he given that the trade
of the Western States will not he diverted from its natural channel hy
legislation. .Vnd if ilic Iniiul Slate:, are ikjI prepared at present ti)
consider the general '.i-eiiing (jf llieir coasting trade, it wiiuld ap)>ea;-
desirahle that ;is regards the iiitenial waters of the. continent, no distinc-
tion should he made helweeii the vessels of the two eountines.
■' If the foreg. -lug points he satislaci. .riU arranged Canada is uilling
to ailjtist her excise dulies upcni spirits, lieer and tohacco upon the hesl
revenue standard which ma\- In- mutually a, the (lisjic -sition of die Cana of the delegates and handed in the
following memor;mdumi :— -
" In n-spouM- to tin- mrmi.raiidum i .f die llonouralile .Mr. ( lalt and
his associates, linn. .Mr. Smith, linn. Mr. Henry, and the lion. Mr.
lIowl;md, the C'nmmillee nf \\ .-ix s and .Means, with the ;ip|)rnval of
the Si-cret;irv of tin; 'rreasiuy, are iirepared In rec for their ;idnpiinn, a Liw prn\-idiiig for the
continuance of some of the measures emhraced in the Reciprocity Treaty
soon to expire, viz.. for the use and jirivileges as enj•'■""■ !''■'■ "'•
f'lirrsi. I 'I" , , ,
(■, liiiliiin. aliil nail 10 irlil.s |k-i l.n.slirl.
('.irninral aii.l iialnii III li' il"
Ciiiil, liiliiiinii..i;s .Miifnts prr tmi.
ill. all iilliiT -■■' ''"
|.'l,„i|. '.i.'i |..r ii'iil .1.1 Miliii'rin.
Mains' '.'.'. '."..' •.'.•.■r.lsiiiM III.
Hav ^■'I l"i'""i-
lliil,.^ Ill jiiT .-fMl ail \ aliili'lii.
I,aiil .•)..hls per Hi.
I'ini'. r.'iiii.l I'l in I.n.' *1..'>" I'lr M.
.1.1 s;,u,.l ..1 111 vm '-'.."ill il.i
ilii planc'l, liiiw I mil tii'iiM''! "iiil lini-.hi'.l -.'i p.i .iiil a.l vali.nMii
SpriiiT an. I lirnilucli, -.ui. .1 i.r lii« n si p iM
ilii pi iiic.l, linislii'il III- pait
ly liiii-lii'il -■"■ p'li' i'<'nl ail \ aliiid.n.
Sliiiijjli' li.ill.s Id pi'i- .'I'lil.
Sliin^l.-s -M ilo
All .ilh.M-. iif walnut, .h.'-lmii, l.,..-!*,
wliiU'W I, ash, iiaU r.iiiiiil, hiwtil nr
.suwnl 'Jli piT I'l'lil a.i \ aliilfln.
Ores Ml il"
I'l'as -■'• .illls per lillnlli-l.
I'l.rk I il'Ill pi'l' Hi.
|*..lali..-s Id crntH per lill.shi'l.
,S 1, liiiiiithy uii.l rlowr 'Jit pi-r '.'i-iil a.l Milnrcin.
'I'l-.-i-s. plant!-' aiiil sliriilis urimini'iilal an.l fiaiit , l.'i .In
TallKW 'J I'i'hi.s 1 11 Ini.shcl.
Wlii'Mt 'Jii .ill
".And lindiiif.;' after discussinn that nu ini|Hirtant innditicuinns in
their views ciiulil be uhlained ;uk1 that we were n'i|uired ti i eniisiiUi"
their prniKisilinn as a wlinle ue felt mirselves tinder the necessity < f
decliniiii^ it, which was dune b\ the nirinnranduin alsii eiichised (C"l.
Meniuranduin ' C
"In reference tn ilie meninrandinn received frnin the ('(inmiittee ,Tet to be olilif^ed to state
that the jirupusition therein contained in regard to the cnnnnercial
relations between the two countries is not such as they can recoinniend
for the adoption of their resjicclive legislatures.
" 'Jhe imposts whicii it is proposed to l;iy upon the production of the
British Provinces in their intry into the markets of the I'nited States
are such as, in their opinion, will be in some cases prohibitory and
will certainly >erioiisl\ interfere \utli the natural course of trade. The
imposts are so much beyond what the dele<.^ates conceive to be an etpii-
valenl for the internal t.i.xatioii of the I'nited States that they are re
luclantly brought to the cunelusioii th;it the cnmmitee no longer desire
the trade belwcen the two countries to be cjirried mi upon the princi])le
of reciprocity.
"Willi tlic iiiiicuiiTiiic <,f ilic Hiitisli Minister al Wasliiii^jton tbey
arr tlicrcl'iirc nljli^cil ri'S|i<'ctluii\ \n lirrliiu' lo nilcr iiitu llu' I'lij^'ayc-
iiunl'. ■.nj;f;rsic(l III liii' iiii'iiKiraiuliiiM, l)iU liu'v trust tiu' iircsini vii'ws
ipf till' I iiiiiii Stall's may Iju sd far iiinililii.Mi as In |icrmil nf llic iiiti-r-
cliaiif,'!' ipf the iiriniui-tiniis nf llu- i\v(i (;iiimtrir> ii|)i)ii a ninri' liltcral
••' \Vasiiin>,'t(in, i).l'., I'dmiary Olli, 1866.'
" It is lU'iiiiiT 1. 1 explain llii' j^nunuls of uur linal ai'lion.
"It will III' ii'i)sirvi.(l tlial till' nidst iinpurtanl provisions of the ex-
pirni},' irealN ro.atiii); lo llic free intinhan^^e of tlic products of tiie
two iouiitiii.'.-< wii'i' entirely set aside and that the duties proposed to lie .
ievietl were alniosi prohibitory in their character. I'lie piincipal oh-
jeet for our eiilerinj; into ne)4olialions was therefore uiiattainai)le and
w< liacl only to idusiiler whether the minor points were sncii as to
make it desirahle lor u> to eiUer inio specilic enj^fa^'ements.
"lliese ))oilUs were iliree in number.
"With leg.'ucl III tile lirst, tlu' pi"o|iosed mutual use of the waters
(if l.alu' Michiinan and the St. Lawrence, we considered that the pre-
sent arrauj.;eiiienls were sntlicient and lliat the commun interests of
lioth conniries would prevent their disturliance. We were not pre-
pared lo yield the ri[,dit of interference in the imposition of tolls upon
the canals. We lielieved. ninreover, that the privilege allowed the
Iniled Slates of navif^atiiin the waters of the .St. l^awrence was very
much niore than an ei|uivalent for our use of Lake Michigan.
•• rpnii the second point, pruvidiiij; for the free transit of .ifoods
miller liniid helween the twii countries, we believed thai in this respect
as in the former case the inleresls of both countries would secure the
maintenance of existing; relations.
■■ t ■oiniectid with this point was the dem.and made for the abolition
of the free ])iirts existing in Caiia In' iiiiuud liv llii' vissi'ls and li^lurni. n
of said Island, siiliji'iM to a (iinininali Imnsf (nnl> ) nni i xi-ii'dln^; li\>
dnllais (.'S5) |nr aninnn, and tn iias>.;ial>U' rc^nlatinns : .nid imiMdid
InriluT thai tn jinnnoti' fivi' inU-iVDiirse Iti'tuii'ii llic inlialiitanl.- .(
said Island and tiu' 1 nitrd Mates ii is in lir pidvidt'd li_\ law that n.i
iVis as liglil nmni'v. aniiinraj;i fits, nr innsiilar iVrs, Ici's nr diii's fni
|iilnlaj4i', I'xi-cpt wiU'n |iii(iis aic atinall> taken, sliall In' iicinircil nf, ni
cliarj^i'ij In, .my sfssci lulnnj;in,L; In s;iid Island nr tlii' I nilcd Stjilis
ani-ler pro\inees, thus
roitndinj,' off the Doinininii of (anail.i.
.'XPl'HiNDIX No. .\
Treat V between f ireat r.ri'.ain and the I'niled States nf .\nu rica. the
amicable settlemeni nf all causes of dirferenee between the two
cnimtiies l.\lab;ima (lainis : I'ishiries : Claims ni ( 'orpnritions.
('om|,;ini,s, .>r Private Tndividn;'.!s : .\avii;atinn nf Rivers and
Lakes; .-^.-in Juan \\';iter P.nnndary ; and Utiles detiiiini; Unties
of ,-i \eiitral Clnveniment diirin.t; \\'ar). Sij^nied at \\asliint;lnn,
M;i\ ,H, iS-i ; Kalilii;iliniis e\cli:inmd ;i! London, June 17, 11X71.
ller Pritannic Majesty and the I'liiled States nf .Xuierica, beiiifr
desirous lo provide for an amicable .-ittlement of all cuiises nf dilTer
WliiTiiis ililTiri'iicos have .iiiscii hetwccii llic Cjoverninent of the
I 'iiiiiil Stall's ai!(l tlif ( MiviTiiimiil '^t Hit Hi-ilaniuc .Majfsty, and still
ixisi, j^niwiii.n mil of ihi' ,n;> CMiinijiiicd l)y ilic several vessels whicil
have niveii rise ici the claim-. !;eiiefally known as the •'Alabama
( laiins " :
Ami whereas ller llritaniiie .Majesty has aiitluirized her ili^h Coin-
inissiiineis I'leiiliiuleiiliaries l(i ,x|iress, in a Irieiull) spirit, iTic
renrel felt hy Her Majesl/'- t iuvernnieiit lor the estape, iimler what-
ever eireiliiislaiiees, ni the " Alahaina " and nther vessels Iriiiii iirilisll
|imM-,, and I'nr the dei)ridalivim; manner, that i^ to sa> : ( 'tie shall he named hy Her Rrilan-
nic .\\ : one sluill he named hy die {'resident of the L'liited States;
Ills Majoiv the Kin^ of Ital\' shall he requested to name one ; the
President of lln' .Swiss (oiu'cderation ".hall he reipiested to name one ;
and His M.ijesty the hjiijieror of llrazil sh.ill he reijtiesleil to name
In tlu' case of the di'ath, ahscnce, or incapacity to serve of any or
either of the >aid Arhitrators, or, in ilie event of cither of the said
.'\rhitrators omittini; or decliiiin!.;' or ceasing to act as such. Her I'ri-
latmic Maji'stw i ir the I'rcsidi'ni of the I'liiicd .Siatse, or His Majesty
llie Kin)4 of Italv. or the rresideiit of the .Swiss Confederation, or His
Majestv the I'.mperor of Hrazil, as the case may he, may forthwitli
n;ime another person to act as .-\rhitrator in the place and stead of the
.'\rhitrator oriy;inally named hy such head of a State.
.\nd in the event of the refusal or omission for two months after the
rei-eipt of the request from either of the hiuh coiitractin^r parties of
His Majestv the Kin^' of Italy, or the President of the Swiss Con-
federation, or His Majesty the l".ni|>eror of Iha/il, to name an Arhi-
tr.'itor either to fill the oriijiiial ;ippointmeni or in the place of one who
mav iiave died, be absent, ur incapacitated or who may omit, decline,
or fru.n inn rauM' a;,... L. ,. , a^ m„1, Hi. M;.j.-tv tlu-
Ki.,K ..( Sunl.n i.n.l Nuruav sliall Uv .o|n.HU;,l m name ..>..• .., incu-
,u.,>r,„.. as ll,c ras. n.a> W. U, act a. s.kI. Arl.iUalnr ,„■ A.I.UraiMis.
AUTin.l'. II.
Tlu' \ihitraturs sl.all iikcI at (uiicva, in Switzcrlaii,!. ai ilu' i'arlif>t
cunv.Micil .lav atUT Hk'v sl.all hav. luxn na,iK'|l, an.Uliall |
„„,,i,-„all. aiui .aiviulK I.. cNaininc a.ul ,Uri.U- all .^.W^us hai shall
Ik' lai.l liofui-c thi'iii .111 tlK' pail of llif ( ...vmininils <>\ I K r l.niamiu-
Maii'siv an.l ilio liiilnl Slaii's, ri'Siarlivdv. All .|uisli.iiis o.nsi.Urnl
i.yllu'iril.nnal.iiK-lii.linKtIu' fmal awani, shall l.f ,Kri(K'il by a niajcnty
ii'f all llic Arhitiatnis.
I'.aih of tlu' lii^li i-oiilrailiiiK panifs shall also iiaiiif on.' prison lo
aiuml 111.' tribunal a> it. A.i;rnt to iTpicscnt it p'n.'ially in aH
i-oiiiu'i'lnl with tin arbitration.
'I'hi' wiitti'ii or printed case of each of tlu' two parties, ,u-eoin|.aiiie(l
bv tile in> df this treaty.
AKIULl'. I\.
Within four in.iiith- after the deliverx on b. .ih -ides of the written
or printed ease, either iiarty may, in like iiiainnr. deliver in dnplieate
to eaeli of the said .\rbilr;ilors, and to the .XKeiit of the other parly, a
eonnter ease and additional iloeiimeiils, e(irres|)iiiidenee, and evideiiei',
in reply to the ease, ddemncnts. ri irrespoiideiiec and evidi'iiee so |ire
sented by the otiier i)arly.
■j'he Ariiitrators may, however, extend the time for deliveriiij; sneh
eonnter case, doeuineiits, eorrespoiidenee, and t'videnee. when, in their
indynieiit, it beeonies necessary, in conse(|iience of the distance of the
place from which the evidence tu be presented is tu l)e procured.
If ill die ease snbniittid \'> the .Arbitrators either parly shall have
>pecirted cr alluded to an repurt .ir dnenineii! in its own exclusive
l„i>>i>sion without ,-miiexin,i; a vojiy. such party shall be bound, it the
other parl\ tliinks projier to ap|>ly for it. to furnish that party with a
cojiy thereof ; and either part\ may call upon the other, throuijh the
.Xrliitrators, to produce the ori^in;ils or certitied copies of any papers
adduced as eviilence, ^i^''''^' '" '''"'' '""•'•'nice suih reasonable notice
as the Arbitrators may re(|uire.
ft shall be the duty of the .\f;eiU of each party, within two niontlis
after the exiiiraiion i.'f the lime limited for the delivery of the counlci-
case iiii<|
I M^l, [n II-
If ilili^i'iici- 1(1 iniM'iit the tilling iiiit, ariniiit;, nr
•■i|iii|iiiiii)^, wiiliiii i^ jiiiixliciioii, nf imv m'smI wliicli it lias rtasdiialil
Kiniitid 1(1 liiliivi' is iiiiciiditl I
(1 iriiisi- or ti) carrv mi war anjimst a
I'livvn' with wliiili it is at inaci' ; ami alsd td iisr like (lili^;iiuT In pro-
vi'iit till' lU'parliirf ffmii its jtitisdiclidii of any m'SsiI iiitiiiil'/il td riuiso
ur I'arry dii wai as alidvc, suili vissil li
laviiij; lici'ii spfiially ailap
ill wlidU'di- ill pari, witiiiii siu'li jiiii^diiiidii, id waiiiUi ii.-i'.
.SiTdiidly, iidt Id piTiiiit (II siil'lVr cilliir In lli^;iTi'iil Id maki' iisu df
lis pdiis (i|- wali'i- as llii' ha.^i' dl naval dpiialidiis a^;aiiis| tlic dilicr, df
renewal or aii^iiienlalidn df miliiaiv supplies
fur llle IMI
'f III
nr anils, (.r ilic reciiiilnieiil (i( tiien
'I'liirdI), 111 I Neieise diic dilij^eiiei' ill its dwii purls aii> them.
AKTK Lh: \ H.
'Ihe deiisidii df the lliliuiial shall, if iinssilile. he made within three
mouths fidin ihe close of llic ai^;imieiit (in lioth sides.
Il shall lie ina(|e in writing; and dated, and shall he si};n>-'il hv the
Arhitrators who may assent Id it.
The said trihunal shall lu-.-t deurmine as to eaeh vessel seiiarately
whether (ileal llrilain has, hy any act nr dmissidii, failed In fulfil any
df the dutiis si't full in llu fi iR'l^i linj;' three rules, nr leedKui/ed by
the iirineiplis nf inlenialidual law no; ineonsislent with siieh rules,
ami shall eeriifs siieh fael as in eaeli df the said vessels. In ease the
iril'un.'il liiid ihal (Irr.ii I'rilaiu has f.-iiled id fulfil aii> duly (ir duties as
al'nres.-iid. it nia\, if il lliink proper, pnieeed to award a sum in aro'^-^
lo he paid hy ( Ireal llriiain to the I'liited Slates, for all the elai.iis
referred to it ; and in sueli e.ase the uri'^"- ^"i" S" iiwardeil shall he
paid in eoin hv tin- (invermneul of (ireal r.rilain lo the (ioverumeitt
of the I'niied States, at \\':ishinL;inn. within twelve months .after the
dale of the award.
The .-iw.ird shall he in du)ilie,'ile. one eopy whereof shall he delivered
lo ihe \}.;ent of ( Ireal llritain for his ( iovernmeul, and the other copy
sh;ill he delixereil to the .\.i;ent of the rniled Slates for his Ciovern-
ARTKI.h: \Tir.
I'.aeh ( loveniinenl shall pay its own .A^jent and provide for the pro-
per reiuuner.itioii of the eoUUsel emi)loyed hy it and of the .■Xrhitrator
appointed h\ it. and for the e.xiunse of prepariiiir and sulnnittint; its
case to the trihunal. All other expenses eonnecled with the :irhitra-
tioii shall he defrayed by the two Covernmcnts in equal moieties.
The .Xrhitrators shall keep an accurate record of their ])rnccedings,
and may appoint and employ the necessary oflficers to assist them.
AUTK I.I'. .\.
Ill f.iM- tin- iriliuiial tiinl- lii.ii < .rial r.nlaiu lia.-, lailnl Im luiril air.
aii|. aiwl lUn-- nci awanl a sum in ;.;rii>^, il,i-
liij^'ii iniiiraiiiiif,' |iartiis ai^rcf iliat a liuaid nf a-.^c-.>iiis ^hall in- ap
|iiiiiiIl(I 111 aMiTiaiii ami ilctrriiiiin- what liaiin-. an- \aliil, ami ulia:
aiiicniiil nr aiii'.iiiii.s >iiall Ire paiil by i ircai liniam H' \\iv I iiiu-i! MaK'.-^
Mil aiiii-Ii failure a- in raili vi-ssil,
aiciirdiiiL,' tu iIk- i .xiciit of siuli iialiiliiy as ik'cidid l)\ tin .Xrhitraii.r-.
Tlu- 1)1 an! uf asscssnrs shall he i nti-lililliil as li.llnus : < Mu' iiuiii
hi-r tlu-n-iif shall he iiaiiu-ii In' licr Uritaiinii' Majrsly, niic iiiciiiImt
ilicn-i)f siiall 1)1- iiaiiifil l,v ilif rrisiiliiit uf tlu- I iiiti-d Statis, ami niif
iiR-iiilnr thi-n-iif shall he iiaiiKiJ h\ tlu l\c|)rrsi'ii!aiivi' at \\ a-liiii^^!(iii
iif His .\lai<.'>t\ iIh' Kiii;^ ui Italy ; ami ;ii I'aM- nf a \araiir\ lia|>|iciiliii;
fiiiiii any i aiisc, it siiall In- lillfil in iIh' saim inaiiiur in winch llir
iiri^inal a|)|)i)intini'iit was iiiadi'.
.As ^iM.ii a^ )iiiisil)lr aftiT siiili iiiiminatiun^ iln- lii-aid ui as-^cssurs
shall Ik- i.ri;aiii/i-d in \\ a'-hiii),'tnii. with imwi-r tn liuld tlit-ir ^iltin;;-
iIk-h, '.r in .\<\', Surk. ur in I'.Mstnii. I lu- im-niln.-r-. tlun-uf ^hall
>t-vi-rall\ suliiirilii' a >'ili-nin di-ilaratinii iliat thi-y will iinpartially and
larcfiilly cxaniiiic and di'iidc, tn tin- hist nf tlii-ir jiidt^iniiit and ar-
ripi-iliiji,' III ji.istK'f and uijiiity, all mailers siili'iiiiirl tu them, and shall
furtliwith pn.cci-d under «mh niU-s and rej;iilaliiiiis as tlie\ may pre-
serihe, tu the inve>ti};atii m mI iI e claims wliu'li sliail lie presented In
them hy the ( e.'>i riimeiil nf the i iiited .states, and shall e.samiiie and
deeide iipmi tin in in such order and inaiiner a lliey may tliiiiU prnper.
hut Upnii such e.idi'lice ni ini'i iniialii ill niih, as -hall he liiriii-.hed hv
• ir 111) liihalf nf lln- ' iovernmeiiN nf < iri-al Ihilaiii and nf the I iiihd
M.iles, n-spectivi Iv. Iliev shall h'- Imniiil In hear mi eacli separale
I'laini, if reipiired, i uh- pi-r^i iii i ai In-half ■ if i ach ( e iverimii iit, a> c i inn
sel nr a^elll. .\ lliajnllly of llle .-\sse.^snr- 111 each caM shall he siilli
eic-iit fur a d(-i-i--inii.
'llle decisinli of the .Xs^essnr.^ shall he ;;l\eii ll|iiiii each claim III
wriiiiij^r, and shall he .sij,'ned hy them respeclively, and dalc-d.
I'.\ery claii;. shall he pre.-cntcd In the .\s>essnrs uithiii sis nionlhs
from till- day nf ihiir tirsi meeting,', lait liu-v may. fur ijnod c;m-e
shown, e.xtemi ihe time for the pre-c iiiaiinii nf ;iii\ ilaitii tn a fiirlliiT
period not e.-^ciedinj,^ three months.
'Ihe .'\ssessiirs shall repnrl In e.'icli i lovermneiil, at or hefiiri- tln-
e.-Npiration of fmm tlu- d.'iie nf their first iiu-din^;, the .'imniMi
of claiiiK (let ided h. ihi-m up to the date of -ii. h n-pi rt ; if furthi-r
c'laiin-. then riiii.iiii iiidccideil, ilu-,- shall iiiaKe .1 fniihei report .'it .ir
hefnie the i-x|,ir,-ilinn nf twn yeai- fr. .m ihe (l.iti nf -lull |ii...t meetiiij,' ;
ami ill ca-i ai.y -l.-iim- rc-niain inidc-lermiiied ai tli.-n liim , the-, -li.dl
make a liiial n-pnri v.iildn a further period of six iiiDiiih,.
I'll'- r-pnii .,r ii;n!-t- ,hall he- made- in ihiplicati-, .iml om- copy
tlic-n-nf -I'all 111- deli' -i-d tn the K'c-piis,-iiii,tivi- nf !ler liritannic- Ma
jesiy at Wa'-hin^in- a:;-! ■ ,;,|,.. il;,i. .,f i,, ili,. Seiri-iar\ nf the
I 'iiit(-d States.
.-Ml -inn- nf ■nniiey which may In- awarded under this Arlich- -h.ill
he oai.'dili ,-1.1. V\'asliin,^tnn. ip cniii. within lueKi mmithv afii-r ;lie
dehver. nf cicli repnrl.
i he hnaril nf a--es-nr- in.iy eiiipin', -11111 c lerl.- a> llii . -hall think
'IIh- e-sp.ii-.,-., nf i|,i l,.,;;i.l nf a-M-.snr- -hall he horm- ,-i|iialK h\ tin
twn ' nni-iniiii ill . riMij ],:ij,l I'miii time i,, tim,-, :,s m.-u h, f.,iin.| i-\
I'dhini, nil till- prmhiriinii nf ari-nimt c-irlirii-d !i\ il',. I„,,nd. I ln-
I. mnnnahnn nf ilu- ,\, -,..-,„■- sh.-ill also 1., paid \>\ lli,- two (.nverii
iiienl-. Ill (ipial mni( tic ■- In a sniiik-n m.-ninei.
AIM K 1.1, Xl,
III'- hikdi iniilrac-iiiu; paiii.-s i-i\^:,^,- |,, ,-,,nsi,|,r die ri -nit nl th.-
prnc .-i-dni;; , nf ih.- nf .'iihiii.-iimn ,'iiid ni tin Imanl nf ,'i^si-s,,,|-.,
should Mieh 1,...,m1 |„. appniiii.d. a, .1 iiill. p.-if, ii.and Inial setllemenl
"' "'' ''"■ ■"■•■'"" l.'reiiih.-fiiie 111.-:.,,! In; and finlli. r , iiKav-- thai
every -.lie !i 1 laim, wh.-ther lln- same in.-iv ..r ina\ 11..I: haw- Ih-.-ii pre
:'■"'';' ';' [[■■ ""^'•' "f. inade, pr. ferr.-d, , n l,-iid I'lc-for.- ih,. inhiinal .,r
lioaid, sh.ilj, fi.i.ii and after the coiichi,ion of the proceedings of the
lriliiin;il nr lM,;inl !■(• .-(Misi-lcrcrl :,u,\ \rr:i\v<] ns fmalK sctllcl, liarrc
ami ilii 111 iinrili lllac||lll^sll,l(■.
If IhkI' "Mlt^a^■lill^^' partiL-. anicc tliat all claim
s III! ilic par
rl (if
I' HI-. Ill
in).aiiii ^. III private imlivMliials, lilizciih of ll
111. (
II 'VI lllllii'll
I 111 I III I
acts niiiiiiiiii.ii aL;aiii : il
liiaiiiiii- Majf^iy, arisiiif; niii nl
III-.. , II., ,,r I
liiperly nf eilizeiis of llie
I Male, illinilH Ih; ,ieiH,.i !>elueeli llie lllirti-eillll nl April, ei^l
eeii huiiilri i| ami sixl
V nil
lllil >l.\l\ live, llie|il-,|vi', lint li
e, ami llic iiiiilli ui Apiil, einlilieii liiimlreil
llle ve^^el^ relelTnl
llie lil.e e.\eepllnli, nil llu
inn iii'iiiii-' K''"\^ii'K "11' "I '11'-' ^■
ts of
'.Itiele 1. nf llij, ucats, aii
ihe I lilldl Mai
LllllS, Allil
e pan nl eorpoiatioiis, companies, or piivalc
Ijjeil^ ni Her i li llaiMiic. Majesty, llpmi llie ( mvei .iinent
le lielsi Ills
IS, arisiii;; nnl nl aeis enminitted af^anisi ll
nr prnpeii\ nf siilijeels nl 1 1 er I'liiiaiiiiie Majesty ihiriii^; llie .aiiie
|>ellnii, uliiel: may lia\e lieeii plesellleil In either ( in\ einmelit fnr ilS
mlei|M.,ilinii Willi llie nijicr, aii'l wliirli \el remain unselllcd as well
as any nllier sinli elaiiiis wliieii iiia_\ lie preseiiteij uitliiii llie lime
s|ieeini ll in Arliele .\ I \ . nf this ileal} , shall he referred to lliree (om-
missinini-, !n 1,1- ^ipjiniii:, ll in ihr fn, lowing maimer, th;it is to say :
( )iii- ( iiiiiniissiniier shall lie named hy iler r>rilanni'' Majesty , one hy
llie President of llie I 'iiiied Slaies, aiiil a third hy Iler liriiamiii Ma
ji'sly and llie i'resideiil of the I'liilid Slates eniijnintly; and in ease
llie third I niiiini-siniier sliall nnl liave heen sn named within a peri id
of three iiiniilhs linin ilu- dali nf liie e.\elianne nf the ratiliialiniis of
liiis Irealv, then the lliiid < nnuni-siniier -hall he named hy ihe Kepie-
sciilalive ai \\ a-liiiif^inii .,f jli, .\laji,s:\ dn- Kin;^ nf S|iaiii. In ea-ic
nf ihe dealli, ahsijiie, nr llu apai il_. of any < i immissioiier, nr in the
eveiil nl all) 1 nii.mi-iMnner niiiillin^ nr eeasiny to ael, the vacancy
shall he lilled in llie iiiaiiner hereirhefnre prn\ided fnr makiii),' the
nri^;inal appninlnuiil ; im pcimd m' li;ree iijniiihs in i ase nf sucli siih-
sliuilinii heiii^ call nlaled fmni Ihe dale nf tin- happeiiinj; nf the
Ihe ( niiimis, loners sn iiatneil shall meet at W ashiiif;lnn at the ear-
liesl cniivinieiit period after they have heell respectively named ; and
shall, hefnle pr-'Ceeihllit; In ail\ hllsillesS, make ami sllhscrilK' a snleimi
diclaralimi thai tl ey will iinparliall;, ani! careiiilly examine ami decide.
In ihe hisi nf ilieir jiidL;nuiii. iiid .-n cnrdinK '" jnsl'i'i' and i-ipiiiy, all
sUch claiiie. as shall In laid h •fnri ihein mi the |iarl nf ihe (ioverii-
meiils of Iler llritannic .\lajesly and of tlu' I'liited .States, resiiectivcly ;
and siich drclaralion shall he enured on llie rei ord of their proceed
.\kil( i.h; .Mil.
■| iie ( niiiiiii>sioners di;ill then forlinsuh pmceed to the iiiveslij,';i
lion of ihe claims which shall he piesented to llieiii. 'lliey shall in
vestij^ate ami decide siicli claims in such order ami siicli manner ;is
ihey iii:i\ llniih proper, iiiil it]ioii siicli ( vidence or iiiforiii;itioii only
as shall iie furnished hv or on hehalf of llicir respective ( iovernmeiils,
'Ihev sjiall he Ijomcl In re. eivi .ind cniisider .ill vwitleii dncmmnls iir
slaleineiiis which may he iircenied to them In or on helialf of their
respecii.e I n i\ ( iiinn 111 s m snppuri oi, or in .iiiswei In, any claim,
;i,iil In heai, II i tlu- ( "■ mimissiciiu'i>. wiiliin 'ix
muiillis from the dav ..f tiicu' first inci'tint;. iiiiU's> in any ai-o
reason, for dcla\ >liall la- vstahiislK'.l to titi' satisfaction ot the ( .;m
inissiuiicrs, and tlicii, and in anv sudi case, the peru.,! f..r mweiitiiii;
the i-laini may be extended by them to any time lua exeeediiiK three
months lont;er. ,11
The c:oniiiiissiuners shall he huiiiid in examine and decide upon
every claim within Uvo year> from the day of their first meetniK. It
.•,hall be competent fiir tl'ie (.'oiuniis.-iMners to .lecide in each ease wlu •
ther anv claim has or has nol Inen duly made, preferred, and laid
before tiiem. utlier wholly or to any and what extent, aecordinj,' to the
true iiiteiu and ineaiimg' of this treaty.
All Slims of money which may be awarded by the toinmissioners
un account of any claim shall be jiaid by the one (lovernment tcj the
other, as the case inay i)e. within twelve months after the date (jf the
fmal award, without interest, and without any deduction save as speci-
lied in Article W I. of this treaty.
AKTlfl.l". X\ 1.
■file (.'ommissioners shall keep an accurate record and correct
minutes or notes of all their proceediuj^s. with llu' date^ thereof, and
mav appoint and em|iloy a >ecre!ar\ and any nther nece>sary olhcer
or (jftieers to assist thcni in the Iraiisacti^'n of , the business which
may come before them.
Kach (iovernment shall i)ay its own t ommissiouer and A,L;ent or
Counsel; all other expenses shall be defrayed ii\' ihe \\\i' llh;!'l \h- defr,i\ed at ;i ratable deduction dii the aniounl of the
sums awarded bv the C 'ommissioners, provided alw;i\s that such lU--
(Uiction shall not exceed llie rate nf live per cent nil llie sums so
The high contracting parties enga;w;e to consider the result of the
liroceedings of ibis Commission as a full, perfect, and final settlement
of all such claims as are mentioned in Article XII. of this treaty upon
eitluT (JovermiKnt ; and further engage that every such cl;iini, whether
or not tiie same may have been jiresented to tl;e notice of, made, pre
feried. laiil before the suid cointnissii m, shall, from and after the
conclusion of the ]i;-oveed!iigs . .f ihe s;i;(l 1 (inntiission, be considered
and treated ;is linalh settled, barred, and thenceforth inadmissibk'.
It isiagreed by .he high contracting parties that, in addiiion lo the
liberty secured 'o the I iiited .states lishermen by the convention be-
tween Ciea' .tain and tlie Cnited .states, signed at London on the
2()tli day of ( iciobcr, iiSiS, nf taking, curing, and drying lish vjii certain
coasts uf the British North .-Vmerican (.'ninnies therein delined, the
inhabitants of the Cnited .states shall have. 111 cniunioii with the sub
jects of lli-r llritannic .Majesty, the libeny, for the term nf \ears men-
tioned ill .-Xniclo XX.VIU. of this Ueaty, in lake lish nf every kind,
excejit shell rish, nii llu sea-coasts and shores, and in the bays, har-
bours, and creeks of the prosiiites of (Jiu bee, .\ova .Seolia, and New
lirmiswick, and ihe eoloii\ of I'rince f'.dward's Island, and dis
lanee from the .sbcjie. with permission in land n))on the said coasts anii
shores and islands, and also itpnn the .Magdalen Islands, f, 1, the pur-
pose of drying their nets and eurinv iheir lish ; pinvideil thai in .-n
doing, they cin nnt interiere with the rights of i)ri\ate properly, or
with I'.riiisli fisliiTnnMi. in tlir pcaceatilc use nf any iiart of tlic said
rnasls in liicir ncrii|,ani\ iny ihc saini' j.uriiosL'.
Il is nn(lri>i(iii(l ihal ilic almvc niunii(MU'(l liln'ily apjilics soli'ly to
liu' sra lislicn. ami llial tlic saluKm and >liail li>li(rii.'s, ami all ollirr
lislui-ifs ill livt-rs .and llic inmuli- of riwrs, are lieichy reserved ex-
clusively fur lliiiisli lislienuen.
AKTUl.l-: XIX.
h is af^reed by the high eontracting- iiariics that British subjects shall
have, in luinnuju with the citizens oi the I'nited States, the lilierty, for
the term uf jear^ mentioned in Article XXXIII. of this treaty, to take
tish of e\ery kind. e>;c.|it shellfish, on the eastern sea-ci 'asts and shores
of the I nhed States north nf the ihiity ninth [larallel of north latitude,
and on the shores oi the several islands ihereuiUo ailjacent, and in the
bays, harbours, and creeks of the said sea-coasts and slnjres of the
L'nited States and of the said islands, without heiui; restricted to any
distance frutn the shore, with ])erinis>ion to LumI upon the said coasts
of the I'nited States and of the islands aforesaid, for the purpose of
drying their nets and curing their fish ; provided that in so doing, they
do not interfere witii the rights of private property, or with the lisher-
nieu of liie I'nited Slates in the peaceable use of any i)art of the saiaine purpcjse.
It is understood that the above nientinned liberty applies solely to
the sea t'i.-hery, and that salmon and shad lisheries, and all other fish-
eries in rivers and mouths (jf rivers, are iiereby reserved exclusively
fill lisheimen nf the I 'niled States.
.Mvl'KlJ': XX.
li i> agreed liiai die places designated by the Coiimiissioners ap-
pciitiied under the Uv~\ .-niiele uf ihe treaty between Great llritaiu and
ihi' I niled Sl,.le-. i-Mulndecl at W .i.-limgtu,i ( n the ^ih of June. 1S54,
upiiii ilie coa-^t- nf llei ihiiannic .M.ijesiy's dominiims and the I'nited
."^lali s. as placi > re^vrved fmni die ciiniiiMn right nf li>hing tinder
treaty, shall be reg.'irded as in like manner reserved from the conmion
right I 'I lis-hiiig- uiuler the preceiling articles. In case any ()tiestion
should arise between ihe ( iuvernnieiits of IKr ririiamiic Majesty and
of the I'liited Stales as to the common right (if lishiiig in places not
thus designated as reserved, it is tigreed that a coniniissioii shall lit
ajipoiiuid to designate such jilaces, and shall lie constituted in the
same manner, ;uul have the same powers, duties, and authority as the
ci iniiiiissiiin .■ippninted under ihe saili of all kinds (esee|it lish of the inland
Lakes, and nf the ri\ers f.illing inin them, ;ind exceju fish preserved in
oil), being the pmdnce nf the lisheries of tlu' Domininii uf t'anada, ur
of Prime l".dw;u-d Island, ur nf tlie I'nited States, shall be admitteil
inin I'acli cnimtrs, respectively, free uf duty.
In;ismueh .'is it i~ asserteil b\ llie ( ioveniment of ller Uritannic Ma-
jeslv that the privileges accorded In the citi/eiis nf tlie I'liited .'^l.atcs
iindCr .\riiile X\ III. uf this treaty are of greater value than those
;u corded bv .Xrlicles XIX. aiicl XXI. of this treaty to the subjects of
Her liri'amiic .Majesty, and this assertinii is not admitted by the ( lov-
eiima'ul nf the I'liil-d Stato, il is further agreed that ( 'oinmissioners
shall 111 appoinltd to delermine, having regard to the privileges ac-
corded bv the L'nited States to the subjects of Her Hritannie M;ijesiv,
as sl;iled in .\rlicles .XIX. and X.XI. uf this Irealx'. the ;imninit' uf
ci mpeiisalioii \;hicli. in their opinion (Might In be paid by the ("lovern-
iiieiit uf the I niled States to the (ioveniment of Her llrilannic V.a
ic-u ill reiMiii fnf the privileges accorded to the citizens nf the Ihn'ted
Slates nil ler .\rticle X\ HI. of this treaty ; and that any sum of
iii<-ne\ wliii-li :li(.' said C'cinniissiniu'ts ni;iy sn award hliall \k- paid l>v
llu' riiilcd Stall's (l.ivi'niim'iit, in a i^mss >\u\\, within iwclw iii.mtiis
at'tiT sikdi awai'l sliall iiaw Uvvu i;iv','il.
AKT1( LK XXlil.
i'lic e nniiii-.ssioiicr.^ i\lciTcd lo m Uw [nxwtUuii dviwW ^iiall ln'
ai)jKjnUi.'d ni lin.' ioiinuing manner, llial i> iv >a\ : t na.' i (luiini.^-
sioncr siiall be uamLd In" licr iiiuannii: .\iaji.>i\ , imk- ii\ iiu- I'leMucMi
111 iliL' L nital Malfs, and a tlmd In Her iliiiainiK- AiajcsiN and Ine
I'rcsideni ui tile L iiilcd .'lUKs conjointly; and ni case ilie tlurd
Loninnssiuner snail noi have i.eeii su named wiiiim a i)enod ui mite
moiuiis ironi ine uaic when lliia arucle shall lake eileel, ttien the hiii'd
(Jomniissioner shall he named ny me KeprcsenlaliNe ai l.undun ni 1 1:-.
.\lajesiy the Liuperoi- ul Austria and King oi lluugaiy. In ia,-e m
the death, absence, or incapacity, ui any Commissioner, or m the event
ol any Lomini>sioner omiumg or ceasing lo aci, llie vacancy shall he
lilled ill the manner herembeiore proviuetl lor making the original aji-
poinlment, ihe period oi tiiiee months in case ol silcli snhstitiuioii
l)eiiig calculated Irom the date e>l the happening ol ihe vacancy.
The Lommi.-sioners so named sliall meet in die city of ilalitax, in
the province of .\ova .Scolia, at the earliest conveiiienl peri. id alter
they have been respectively named, and shall, before proceeding to any
business, make and stibscribe a soleinn deciaiat.oa lliat they will mi
partially and carefully examine and decide llie mattirs referred lo llicm
to die best of their jndgiiient and acciprding to justice and e(|iiilv ;
.'iiid >licli declaialioii shall be eiileied on the record nl their pinceed
liach ol the high coinraciing pani.'> ^li.i.l .■ii>o nauie one pii>iin to
attend the cuniiiiission a> its .\.gent, to rcpre^ m it generally in all
matters coniiecled with the commission.
ARilCLl': XXl\ .
The pr 'Ceedings shall be condiictci] in such order as the ('omiiiis
sioiiers aiipoinled under Articles XXII. and XXI II. of iln> treat v
shall determine. Thev Miall be bound to receive such oral or vvritleii
testimony as cither ( iovernmeiit may present. If either party shall
offer iiral le>linioii\, tiie oilier parly shall liave llie rigln i.| ciii>s-
c.xamination, under .such rules a^ the (.'oiiimissioiiers shall prescribe.
If in the case submilied to ihe I iiinmissioners eillier party >hall
have specilied or alhuled to any report or document in its own ex
elusive pussessili,ill In
bound, if the other party thinks proper to apply for it, to furnish that
party with .i ccqiy thereof , and either jiarly may call upon llie other,
through the i umnii.--sioiiers, to produce the origiii;ils or cerlilied
copies of any pajiers adduced as evidence, giving in each i'lstaiice such
reasonable notice as the L'omniissicjiiers mav recjuire.
'I'lie case on either side ^.liall 1/e closed within a pel i. .,1 nf >in nioiiilis
from the date ,.f the org;mi/.ation nf the I'ominisMou, and the I om
mi^sioliers shall be re(|;irsted !• i give iheir .-iwaid ;i-. si„,ii a^ |„,s~il,lf
thereafter. The ;iforesaid period of si\ month- m,i\ br cMrnded for
tliree nioiilh- of a v;ic;incv oicmring :un"ng tiu ( MtiiniisviMi:
ers under the circuiiislaiiee> c nnttiii|i|,-ii,d in Article X.XIIl, i>i \h'u
AkTIt Li' XX\.
The ( oniiiiisMMiier> -hall keep an .■icini;ite record ami c. .ne, i
mniutes or n..te- of ;ill their proeeediiiL'-.. with the d.ates liiereof, ;i,id
may apjii lint and enipl..\ a m crelarv and anv other necessarv oH'icer
or oUicers to a>si-i them iii the Iran-.-icti iii ..f'lhe busiiu— wliieh m;n
come before tluin.
l".acli of the liiglivoiitr.icting parlies shall | av i|, uwii (■oinmi-intiei
and .Agent or Counsel ; all other expenses siiall be defrave.l by the
two liovenimini- in eipial moieties.
'I'lic iiavi^aliiiii df tin- Kivcr Si. l.iiwrfiR-c, .■isi'ciiiliiiK and ik'sccilil-
ini;-, iiiini ihc inri\ fifili panilU'l nf imrlb laliiink', wIrti' il ceases tn
I'liiiii ilic 1m. mill, u\ liilwi'in till' tuti nmnirifs, frum. to, and into tlu'
sea, sliall li>r r' ci iiinain iiw and upi'n lor tlu' iiui'imses cil connnercc
tn llu' L-ui/rns iif ilk' I'niU'd SlaU's, snl)ji'ii to any laws .ind iT^^nila-
litms (if ( ireal lliilain, nr of die hnniinion of Canada, not inconsistent
witii sneh privilege of ffee navigation. 'The .lavii^ation of the rivers
Yukon, l'oren]iine, and .Stikine, a.^eendini^ and descen din};', from, to,
and into the sea, shall for ever remain free and opi'ii for the purposes
of eoimneree to the snhjeels of ller IWitannie .Majesty and to the
eili/ens of tlu' I niied States, subject to any laws and rej,nilalions of
either country within its own territory, iu)t inconsistent witli such
privilc'ue of free navigation.
AKIKl.h". XX\II.
The tiovermnent of ller I'.ritamnc .Majesty engai,a^s to urge uiion
the (iovcrnnienl of the Dominion of (.'aiiaila to secure t(j the citizens
of the liiited Slates the use of the Wellaiul. St. Lawrence and other
canals in the 1 Jouiinioii on terms of ei|uality with the iuhaliitants )f
the Doimnion ; ami the (KiverinneiU of the L'nited Slates engages
that the suhjects of ller llruamuc Majesty shall enjoy the use of the
Si. I'l.iir I'i.ii- t :m,ii on term> of equality with the inhabitants (if the
Inited State-, .iiid Inrther engages to urge ui)(m the .State ( ioverii-
nienls to secure to the subjects of ller liritanuic Majesty the use of
the several State canals comm led with the navigation of the lakes (.r
rivers traversed bv or contiguotis to the boundary line between the
possessions of the liigli contracting iiarties, on terms of e(|ualily with
the inhabil.-mts of the I Hiled States.
AKTlCl-l-: XXVlil.
The navigation of Lake Alichig.ui -haU also, for the term of years
mentioned in .\rticle XXXIII. of this treaty, be free and open for the
purposes of commerce to the subjects of Her Ihitanmc Majesty, sub-
ject to anv laws and regulations of the l'nited States or of the States
bordering' thereon not inconsistent with such privilege of free naviga-
It is agreed that, lor the term of years mentioned in Article
X.\Xlll'"i lhi> ireatv. good-, uares, or inerchaiidise arriving at the
ports of \e\N Nork, lloston. and I'ortland. and any other ports ni
the Lniled .States which have been or ma> , from tune to tune, be
speciallv designated bv the I'resident, of the Imled States, and des-
tined for ller L'.ritannic .Majesty's i-ossessions in North America,
niav be entered at the proper cnstom-house and conveyed m transit,
wiliioiii the pavment of duties, through the territory ot the I luted
State, under MU'li rules, regulations and conditions tor the protection
;„• ,1,; ,-(.v,iu,e as the ((ovennnent of ihe Inited Nates may ironi
lime to time prescribe; and under like rules, regulations and coiuli-
tiniis -..ods wares, or merchandise may be conveyed m transit, with-
out tlR- pavment of duties, from -uch p,.ssessi(,ns thn.ugti the territory
of the l'nited .Mates for export from llie said ports of the L nited
^''iTis furtlui- aL;iee(l that, lor the like i.eriod, goods, wares or nicr-
clnndise arriving at anv of the ports of Her I'.ntannicMajestys
\:::!!^1^.^ in Xonl, America and destined for the I luted States nuiy
be entered at the I'roper custom house and conveyed in transit, witli-
,,ut the ,.avmem of duties, through the said possessions under such
rule, md regulalion-. and conditions for the protection of die revenue,
.,^ uie Covernments of the said possessions may front tune to time
; rescribc • and under like rules, regulations aii.l conditions, goods,
ares or 'merchandise mav be conveved in transit, without ,,ayii.ent
of duties lr,,m the l'nited States through the said possessions to other
phu-c's in till' I Hill
fill- t'spuH fitiin porls ill tlu' said |)os
'icLi': XXX.
ri'cil liial, for liic Uiin?. cif years tni'iitiuucd in
It IS ag
XXXlll. ul iiii> ircau, siilijci'is
A 11
>tv n.a\ rair\
r.riiisli vi'>, witiiiiui ])a\iiicnl oi iliitv. gnods, wari's or nicri'liaii-
disf I'lMiu .lui' jMiii (If piaii' wiliiiii llu' ti'iriturv m' liic I'liiud StaU's
iipitii the St. L,;
L-c, the i.;ri.'at lake?
d the riviis loniu'cliPLr t!u'
.same, to anuther pun ur jiiacc witliiii tiu' territDry of tiii.' L'nitcd .Siati-s
as aforesaid : provided, that a jxirtion of sncii transportation is made
tln'ongii tile I 'oininioii oi (.'aiiada hy land carriage and in hond, under
Illations as may be agreed upon between llie tiov-
ilaimie .Majesty and Ihe ( lovernmeiit of the I'nited
siien rules and reg
ernment of i ler 111
Liti/ens of the I iiited Slates iiia\ for the like |ieriod earry in Iniled
."Stales vessels, without |iaymeiit of duty, good>, wares or merehandise
from one jxirt or place within the possessions of Her I'.ritaimie .\la
jesty in .Vortli .America, k) another port or place uilhin the said |ios
provided, ihat a portion of such lrans|)ortation is made
carriage and in
agried upon hi-
throngh the terrilorx of the Inited Slates hy land
hond, under such rules and regulations as may h
tweeii the ( iovernment of llir I'lrilaimic Majestv and ihe < ioxernmenl
of tile I'liited States.
The ( ioverniiient of the rnilcd Stales fiirlher engage.- iiol to ini
any exjiort dnlies on goods, wares or iiierehaiulise carried under
nid Her .\la
the Parliament of ilie I )ominion
this article thrinigh the territorv of the liiiied Sl.iU
iovernment eiig.ages tu urj
of C'lnada and the l.egislalures of il,e odier colonies not to im|M).
der til
aiiv export diuie>
ir iiu rchandise carried
se siicli
arlicle ; and the ( iovenuiKii' of I'.ie Iniled Slates ni;i\', in ca
export dnties are imposed \>\ ihe 1 )oiiiiiiioii of (.'anaila, snsiieiid, dm ■
ig the |)erii
,n-anied under this arlicle in lav. .ur of lli
lilie- ,ne ini]io>ed. the right ot c;irr\iiig
e siil)|ect> . ii I ler Unianiiic
'J'lie (iovernnieiii (,f the Iniled Sui'es nia\ suspend the right of
arrymg grained r.i lavoiir ..I il
-nhjecis of I ler I'
under this article in ca^e llie Dominion ,,f C'aii.ada should
deprive the citizens of the I "niled Sl;ites of the Use of llu
lie .Majesty
at anv time
canals in llie
Dominion on terms
million, a- pro\i, led ill .\iiicle .\ .\ \ 11.
il ecpiality wilii the inhahitanls of the Do
The (loviTinnent of Her I'.nlannic MaiesU lurlh
igages to nrg.
uiion the rarliameiit of the Duiiiinion of Canada and the l.egish.
of .\ew r.rimswick, thai no e\|ion duty, or other duty, shall he levied
ime watered hy the Uiver St. |■, 11 is ai;reed lli,-il the (iovernment . .f die I niled
■hi ..f
Arlicle .\.\X. of this treaty for such |)criod
ihitv iiia\ he levied.
lereinhefore granled under
as siicli export or
ARTICLI-. X X \ 1 1
It V
nr agreed that ;li.- proviMon^ .-md -lipulations of .\rti.-l.'-
X\ 1 1 1. Ill .X X\'. of llii-. iiealv, iiicl
of .Xewfoimdland
ll-.I\f. -^ll,•lll eNleiK
1 lo th .'i-^ ilie\ .nr
.uluinieiii. Ihe
.1 X
e apiilicaMi
111 It !he liinii
ew i. iimdl.and
ihe ( 'ongn
il llu
I'nited Slales, -li.ill nut emhrace the colony df Xewfoimdland in tlieit
nto elTecl, then thi-
,-ted f,
the f.
it no effect ; hut the
jinission tu ni;i
Uc provision Ijv
law Ici Ljivr it I'lTccI, liy citlur (if tlic Icj^islativo Imdii's afdrcsaid, shall
iinl in any wa> ini|>air any ciIIkt artifU's i>f this liH'aly.
'i'iir fmv^.iin'; Artick's Will. In XX\'., inclusive', and Artick'
X X .\. I if iliis trcaly, shall take vtUxl as soon as tlii' laws ri'(|niivd t)
cany tluin intd I'lu'ratinn shall have hccn passed hy the Imperial
rarliammi nf i ireal I'.ritain, hy the I'arlianu'nt of Canada and hy the
l.e,:;islatnre iri rrime I'.dward's Island liic oilier of its wisli to terniinaie
the same ; each of ttie hij^h coutracliiiL; iiarlies heinj; at liherly to give
such notice to the other at ihe t'lid of ihe said period of len years or at
an\ time afterward.
Ihe sail
ARTiri.l'. XXXIV.
Whereas it wa> slipulaied hv .X.ticle I. of the treaty eonchided at
Washiiigloii Mil ihe l.^lh of June. 1X4(1, hctween 1 ler I'.ntaimie .Majesty
and the I nited ."^lales. llial llie line of lioundary hetween the terri-
t(^rier, Ml llcr I'.riiaimic Majesty and those of the L'nilcd Slates, froiu
Ihe point nu the lorty ninth i)aralkl of north latitude up to which it
had alread\ heen ascertained, should he continued westward along
Ki'rallel of norlh latitude "to the middle of the channel which
the CMiilir.enl from \ancouver's Island, and thence .southerly,
ihiough Ihe middle of the said channel and of I'uca Straits, to the
Pacific ( )eean :" and whereas the Commissioners appointed hy ihe
two high coiilracling parlies to delermine that portion of the houndary
which ^rmis southerlv through the middle <.f the channel aforesaid
were un;ihle t.' agree' upon the same ; and whereas the ( iovernmenl of
Her .\lajesl\ claim,-, tiial such houndary line should, under
the terms Ml the Ireatv tihove recited, he run through the Kosario
Straits, and i!ie ( nivenmient of the Cniled Slates claims that it should
he riui through the Canal de Haro. it is agreed that the resiiective
claims of the ( ;overnnieut of Her r.rilaimie Majesty and of the C,ov-
ernnieiit of the Cniled States shall he suhniilted to die arhitraliouaud
award of His .Majestv the iMuperor of ( ierniany. who, having regard
to the ahovi- nietitioiied article of the said treaty, shall decide there-
upon, tinallv and without ajiiieal. which of those claims is most in
.•icc.inlance with the tnu' inierpretation of the treaty of June 15, 1846.
AKllCI.F. XXX\-.
The aw;ird Mf lli> Majeslv the iMnpemr of ( lenuany sh;ill he con
sidered as :ih>olu'elv final and conclusive; and full effect shall he
given lo such award' without any ohjectioii. evasion, or delay whatso-
ever. Sue': dccisiMii shall he given in writing and dated ; it shall he
in wh.alsoever fMrni His Maic>t}- may choose to adopt; it shall he
drliv.ird to the 1 r other puhlie Agnts of ( Ireat lirilain
■md of the Cniled . States, respi^clively, who may he actually at I'.er-
Iin. and shall he considered as operative from the day of the date of
the delivery iherc f.
The written or iirinted case of each of the two parties, accompanied
hv the evidence .iffcred in snpporl of the same, shall he laid heforc
liis .Majeslv the lunperor of Cerm:my within six months from the
dale of'the cNchange of the ratihcalions of this treaty, and a copy of
siich c;ise and evidence shall he communicated hy each party to the
other, through their respective Reiire.sentalives at Merlin.
The high contr.acting parlies may include in the evidence to he con
sidered hv the Arhitrator such ilocuments. official correspondence, and
other olVicial or puhlie statemeiUs hearing 011 the suhject of the refer-
ence as tlu'v m;iv i-nnsidcr ikih' ?ar\ '. liic Mi]i|'ciri ,.f iIkmi- ivs|)eciivo
i-asis. Afli'f llu' wrilti'ii or |iniilt llu- dllicr, oai-li |'arl> shall have llu i"i\\fr nf drauini;
iiji anil laviiij;- Iji'fmv llu' Arliiiralnr a -ivdixl and (Uliuilivi' slaU'imiil.
if h think fit Id ilci sn, in ri'iil> ti. llic rasi' of the uiIut parlv si . iMni
nuiiiicaii'd. which lU'tinilivf slaiuni'iil shall \k- v laid lnli>iv ilic Arhi
Irator. and alsn ho nuiliiallv ccinnnniiiiaiiil in tlu' same manner a-
ai'dicsaid. Iiy lai'li iiart> In tiic cjIIkt, within .-i\ nn'ntlis I'r.iin the dak-
iif Luinj,' the lif.-l .•.tattimiit ni the ease lielme the Ailiiliatnf.
If, in the ease snliinitted to the Ariiitiatnr, either party >liall speeily
iir allude to any report or doeiinient in its own eselitsive |)o>ses.:oii
without atniexiiif; a eopy, sneli part) ^hall he honnd. if the other ]iaity
thinks |)roper to apjil) ior it, to furnish that part\ with a eopy thereof,
aiilance such reasonable notice as the Arlii
trator may reipiire. And if the Arhnialor should desire further ehici
datioii Lir evitlence with rejuard lo any point cont;iined in the state
inent> laid hefore him, he .shall lie at lilierly to recpiirc it from either
party, or lie shall lie at lilierlv to hear one t'onnsel or .Xgeiit for i-ach
party, in relation to any matter, and at sitch time, and in stich nianne!-,
as he may think lit.
ARTKLl'. X.\.\\ 111.
The Kepresentati\ es or other pnlilic .\miits of ( in;it Ihiiain and of
the I'nited Stales at llerlin, re>pccii\el\ . shall lie considered as the
.•\gents of their respecti\e I ioveriimenis to condnit their cases iKl'ore
the .Arbitrator, who sh.ill be n(pie.sted to aildiVs.s all his eonninmica
lions and give ;ill his notiiT- to M:ch h'epiesentatives or other public
.■Xgents. who shall represent their re.->pective < lovernmrnls giner.illy,
in .'ill matters coimecled with the arbitration.
.\ .\ \ 1 .\ .
It shall he comiietent to the .\iiiitr,itor to proceed in the said arbi-
tration, and all matters relaling tiieretu, as and when he shall sec lit,
cither in person, or by a person or iiersons named li\ him for lh;it
|)iir])ose, either in the |Meseiicc or absence of either or both Agents,
and either nrallv, or b\ written discussion or otherwise.
The .\rbitrator niav, if he think lit, ajipomt a secretary, or clerk, for
the purposes of the prop.,Ni(l arbitration, at snch I'ate of lemnner.ition
as he shall think projur. 'I'liis and all other expenses of and cm
neeted with the said arbitration, shall he provided for as hereinafter
AkTlCM/. XI. I.
The .Arbitrator sli.-ill be ic.|iusted to deliver, together with his ;uvard,
an account of all the costs .iiid expenses which lie ma\ h.ive been put
to, ill relation lo this matter, which shall forthwith lie repaid by the
two ( icwerniiients in e'pi;il moieties.
'I'he .Arbitrator shall be recpiested to give his award in writing as
early as convenient after the whole cisc ,,n each side shall have iieen
laid before him, ami to deliver one c.pv thereof to each of the said
Tlir |.r.siin treaty slmll lu' (lii!> ralirud by Hit I'ritaiinir Nlajcst\
and li> llu rn'>iik'iii i>f llu- I iiiti'd Stall's nf Aim'Hca, hy ami with tlu-
ailvici' ami t-dusciit of llu' Sinato tluivdf; and the talit'icatinns shall he
e\rlian,i;ol either at I .onddii nr at \Vasiiint;t(in within six months fnmi
the \Vl). 'riloRXTOX,
|( )11\ A. MAtDOXALl),
MolXXXCL'l'. lU'KXAKl),
uor.r. c. sciii'ixcK,
i.-.r.i'-.xi'y.i'.u kocKWooi) hoar,
List i.f Arii.les whieh it was |irdp"sf'l ''.v ^i'' I'-'lward Thcrnton and
the lloncinnihle CeurKv I'.niwn in the nei;otiatidns .-;fj,
lliiliii, \iMc'nv^->f 1.
M.Hts, li.sll, Mlldkcil 'IV .sllltUll.
Skill:*, uiiilrt'sseil.
'I'.iils, uiiilpfseil.
,'" „ „,„| ,„. ,,,„„,nniil ^l"i'>' "I '•" '•''"'"' "'■ '"»»>'<"'Kl't' "'"t*-
(Ivpsnni. ^tdiiiMi 01 iiii^iiMui'i.
. V l''is|i nil.
KiTpi'ni'l.K'ts nf all ntlirr riralnins livin,i; Maniiivs.
in li-«al,T '^'^-'^
1-1 I ,11 Lin 1^ .Stinilnes.
I' ihIi lit all km t^.
Tlu'v ]>ni|iii>;c(l ilii' fcilliiwiiiL; iirlirlrs ;i>i .■Klililinii-- In llir fffc li^il : —
Awllrlllilil'.ll inicli rill 111 -, III iir iliiiUl'li. Millllll.ii lull • 111 I .illil 'lil'l ,il|i| Hllilil,
Hull l.riik.- i..iiiil>.
Iliirk. I'Miii' I" iif. fi'i- iiiiiiiiiiK |iiir|niTs. M,iiiiir,i. iiiri'^ "I vmmi.I.
Ilrirk", till liiiil.liiiii |iiii|i..N, s. Miiiri.iU .iikI iilliir lul.-,
klllll urlili'M, i'l Ihl 1.1 illl^niilliil. I'lii"!. 1, lilW illl.l 1 .llillii-.l.
Iliiv. ■'^■'1'
I, III',,.. Siiiiic. iiiiiMr 111' ^rinil'-, |iititlv 111 ttliiill>
M„ll. ■■"' "!■ «|-llMKllt.
M.iMii.i.inir^ i.f iiHii .iii>l -li'i I, Mi.m.
I'liilt iif l\ivi|)rin'it\' 'l'ri';il\ willi the t niliil SlaU's ;iL;itTil n|)iiii hr
twi'i-n Sir I'.ilwan! Tlinnilnn, llic llnii. iii'iirL;f Uruwii, ami tlif
Hull, llaiiiillnii I'iMi. ill luni', 1S74.
Ilir .MajcsU llu' (Jikhii nf ' Ircal i'.ntaiii ami ihv rnilnl ."^l.-tli'- nf
.\iiuTii'a, lnMiij;' (K'siriMis (if iiii|irci\iiiK iIh' iniimu'iTf and iia\ i^aii'i'i
I I iwi'i'ii llii'ir ri'S|ic'i-li\(.' urrilnriis ami ]h'>i]iIc. ainl imirt- sinHiall\- lic-
lUd'U I Kr Majoly's po.sM'ssiins in NUrtli .\iiioviia ainl tiic Iniiiil
Slau>, in sui'li inainuT a> In rtiuKr llu ^anu- ri.'i-i|iriically In lU'licial.
lKi\f ivs|)ri'tivi'l> nanii'il i 'K'nipnUnliaiiis In I'niilir and aj;ri'i' llurc-
nimn. that is to say :
Willi, after lia\in),' ronii inricaUd In each nihcr iluir respiv-iivi' fnll
piiwiTs. fmniil in a I and ihu' fnnn. have a^ried n|inn tlu- fnllnuiiiL;
Artiiies ; -
AKnn.i: \.
It is a,t;ree tishenmn hy thi' ('niivcniinn he
Iween I ireal lirilaiii and the Iniled States. sij.;neil at i.nndn'i on the
jolli day of ( >etnlier, iSiS. nf taKimj. enrinj^. and dryini; tish nn certain
enasis 'li ihe P.ritish Xnrth .\nierie;m enlmiies therein dermed. the in
li;ihilaiits nf the I'liited Slates shall have in ennniinn with '.he Siihjeels
nf llir I'.i-iiannie Majesty, the lihert\, fnr the term nf year.-- nieni'oned
in Anil li- W. nf this Tre.-ity, In taki' tish nf everv kind, e\ee;il slcll-
fi^h, nil llu ^ea-cnai-ts and shi ires, and in the h;i\ ^. hiirlmiir^ .'nid eriek-
nf the |irn\iiu-es nf (Jm-lice. Xnva Senlia. .•ind \\'\v I'lrniiswiek, .'iid the
mlnin 111 IVini-e I'.dward Inland, nf the si'veral i^l.inds iherennin adja
eeiit, withimt heinj;' re>iricled to any dislaiiee fmin tlu' shme, with pi r-
missinn to laml npnn the s.-iid coasts, and shores, and islands, and also
npnii the Ma^d.alen Islands, for the purpose of dryini^' their nets and
cnrint,' tluirli--h : ]i;'n\i(Kd that, in so doiti^-, ihey do not inierfere with
ihe riijiits of private pro]ierty, or with I'.ritish tishennen in the peaee-
;iMe use nf aii>' nf the said coasts in tluir nccn|iaiu-y fnr the same
It is undcr^ ihal the ahnveinenlinned lilnrt\ applies >olely to
the; Sea lisl;er\-. and that the salnimi and .shad fisheries, and all ntluT
fishirifs ill lii, lis .iiiil the niniiths nf the rivers. ar>- lierehv reserved os--
linsivelv fnr I'lriiish fishernien.
It is aj-jreed liy the Ili.i^h ("ontr.u'tin!:; Parlies that ilrilish snhjects
siiall ha\e. in d iniinon uith the citizens of the 1 iiiled .States, the hlu'rt) .
for tlu' term of ye.irs nienliniied in .\rliele .W, nf this Treatv. tn take
lis!) of every kind, except shellfish, on the eastern sea-coasis and shores
of the I'niteil .Stales iinrlli of the thirty-ninth p.arallel of north latitude,
and on the slmres of the several islands therennto adj.-irenl. and in the
lays, harhnnrs. and creeks of the said sea-coasts and shores of the
I'liited States and of the said islands, willnmt licinfj restricted to ;m\
distance from the .shore, with |>ennissioii in land niioti the said coasts of
the I 'iiited St:ites and of the islands aforesaid, for the purpose of dr\in^-
ll.cir nets and cnrim:,'- their fish ; (irovidcd that, in sn dninj^-. tlie\ do
II il inlerfrre with the ri},dits of private |.roperty, or willi the fishermen
III the I iiiird States, in tl-,e ]>eaceal>le use nf ,an\- part nf the said coasts
in their iiccnpancy for the same purpose.
Il is nndirslood that the ahnve-nienlioiu'd lihertv .'iliplii s snlelv tn
the .sea tisiur\', and that salniun and sliad fisheries, and , ill nther fisheries
ill rivcr-i ami iinmtli'i i>f riv(T>i. arc licrrliv rcscrvpil i-sclnsivi'ly for fislicr-
iiR'ii lit till' I iiitctl Stall's.
It is auri't'ij lliatl llic plairs ili'sinnatid hy ttic C'nminissintuTs ap-
liiiiiitcil iiikUt tin- isi Article nf tiic Tioaly lutwciii ( inai I'.ritaiti anil
till' I'liili'il Statis. coiK-liiiU'iI at W a^llin^;t^)ll mi tin- qtli nf Jiiiii', 1S54,
npuii till' inasls iif llir Uriianuii' Maji'sts's ilimiiiiimis ami tlii' L'niti'il
Stalls, at plai'is ri'siTvril frniii tlii' ciiiiiiiinii ri).;lit of tisliiiif,' nniliT that
Ti-i.-itv. sliail 111' ii');;inlril as in liki' iiiaiiiH'r rcsurvi-d from tlic cuinnum
ri^ht uf lisliini; uiicjrr tin- |irii-i'(iin),f Anii-Ies. In case any (|ncstion
slimilil iiri-'C luiwcin ilic < iii\i'rnnunl of Ilcr I'.riianinc Majesty anil of
tlic I'nilcij Stales ;istii the conimnn ri^'.iil "f lisliin^j in |places not thus
ilesiijiiaieil as reserv'i'd. it is aj;reeil tliat ;i ( innniission sliall he appoint-
ed Id designate siicii places, and shall he constitiiled in the same man-
ner, and have the same powers, duties, and authority as the Comniis-
simi appuiiltid under the s.aid 1st Article of tile Treat) of the 5tll of
June, 1S54.
emimerated in Schedules .\, 15 and C
It IS a^Mced that liie Articles
heri'imto annexed, lain)j; the growth, produce, or manufacture of the
I )oiiiiiiion of (■.'iiiada or of the I'nited States. sh;ill, on their imi)orta-
lii.n frmu the one country into the other, from the tsl day of July, l!^75>
to ihe ,v"h ila\ of }um\ \H-h (liotli included) ])ay only two-thirds of
the duties payahle at the date of this Treaty 011 the iini)ort;itioii into
sncli ci.untr\ of sucii articles respectivel\' ; rind from the 1st of July,
i.sjo, to the ,vith day of June. 1H77 liioth included) shall i)ay only one-
third of such duties ; and on and aftir the 1st day of July. if<77, for the
lieriod of \ears mentioned in Article XIII. of this Treaty, shall he
.tdmitled free nf duly into each country respecticel\
r the term mentioned in
no otiier or higher duty
shall he imposed in the I 'iiited States upon other articles not emmierat-
ed in said Schedules, die ^rowlli. produce, or maiuifaciure of Canada ;
nr in i '.■mada. upuii micIi other articles, the (growth, produce, or luaiiu
l.'iclmr ol ihe
■■■l lies, than are rcspec
\ imposed U|)Oii
ifactiire of (ireat Britain, or of
arlicles. the .L;roulii. prmliice, or man
aii\' oilier country.
SCIlh;i)CI.l''. (.\), cniisisiiiif,'- of the follouiii^^ Natural Products : —
.\inm.ils ni all loiuls. .\siies. jioi, pearl, and soda. Hark. I'>ark extract,
for taimin.i; purposes. I'.ath hricks. HreailstulYs of all kinds. Bricks
fi.r liiiiltliii'i;. and lire-hricks. lirooiii com. Burr or f^rindsioiies, hewn,
uii\' IV nu;lii. i'liUKr. I Ik
lotion waste.
t oal and cok
IS. clavs. oc
■lires, and sand, (,ainuKl
ir nii.Lcroiind. I^K.^s. Fish of all kinds. ImsIi. products of. and of all
idler creatures liviiii.;- in liie walers. e\ce)U lisli ]
amid. hla\. iiiimainifactureil. I'loiir, and niea
L'reeii 1 n dried
)reserved in oil
•'urs, um
mcil. II
lis of all kinds. Fruits,
Iressed. drain of all kinds. ( iypsiim, t^round,
factured. Hides. Horns.
a\. 1 leinp. unm.'iiiu
l.ard. I.ime. Malt. Manures. .Marhle, stone, slate, or fjranite, wn
iiwrnnehl. .Meats, fresh, smoked, or s.ilted. ( 'res, of all kinds of
I'clts. Teas, whole or split. I'etroleum oi
crude, refined, or
lie. Pitch. PLints. Pouhr\ , and birds of all kinds. Rags of all
Ills. R
Salt. Seeds. Slirnhs. Skins. Straw. Tails. Talk
milter, am
I lui
if all kinds
md, h
:d. and .sawed, un-
III whole or in
ohacco. uuinauufactnred. Tow.
iiiimaiiiifactnred. Trees. Turpentine. W'getables. Woo
I I'll. CI iiisisling
M-.. Ilau-h.ilder!
if llii
Implenieiils ; .\vc-..
jiarls there.if. ( 'iiliivators. 1 ir parts ihereo
Bone-crushers, or
f. Chaff cutter.s, nr parts
ir parts tin
(,'hecse vat.'
■CSC press
ir )iarts thereo
if. Chiirus, or parts
( .illle ti
hoilers and steamers, or par
rts thereof. Ditchers,
nr ii;irts tliereot.
pans thereof. I
•d clio|
or parts thereof. Fanning mills, or
larts thereof. Forks for hay and
or 1
drain drills, or ))arts thereof. Ciraiii broad
St sowers, or parts thereof, (jrain
L-rushers, or parts thereof. Har-
niws. lidso, linml nr tmrsi'. Ilmsc nikr.. Il(ir>if |iii\mt iiiacliiiu"*.
iir |iarK ihrrciil'. Il:i\ irddiTs. ni |>arl> llifircif. I.ii|iiir| iiiaiiiiic larls.
(ir parts iluiinf. Mamiii shwiTs. nr |miI> ilu'icni. Mmvcis, of iiarls
llii'iviif, ( )il and nili-aki n'ii>l)fr>, nr parN llnimf. I'ImihIis. i;
jiarts tlicrint, UiMit and si'id iil.itiui>, nr pan^ thrrmi, Un. ii lutiiis.
piilpors an
UuTfnf. Kiapti- and innwiT v-ninMni'd, nv part'* tlu'ri-nf. Spado-,
Sliiivcls. Sculii-. Siiaitli'', Tliri-liiii;^ niai'liinc-, nr ]iarts llicrcnf.
SCI ll'.IH I.!'! (('). i-nitsisiiiif,' nf llic fnllnwin^; Mannfailnrcs ;-
Axk's, all Uinds. Itnnis and shncs nf KallnT. I'mnt anil slini' inakin^r
niai-lniK's. I'.ulTaln rnbo, drcssicj and triininrd (nltnn K'-'i'i I'-'K".
Cntlnn ili'iiiiiis. C'nti.iii jiMM^-. niii 'Ic a.'iu il. (niinn ilrillint;^. nn
lilcaclu'd. ("niton lifkinns. (ntinn plaid^. ( 'nltnuadrs, nnhlcai'Iii'il.
Caliinil ware and fnrnitniT, nr jiarls tiKrcnf. ( arrianc larts, ua^;nns,
and nilur vvlirclcd \r|iii-k's, and sIi'IkIis. nr parts tlu'rcnf. l''irc i'n>;ini's,
nr parts tlurcnf. I'clt cnviriiif,' fnr IxiiUrs. ( intia-ptii ha lu'ltiM.; and
tnliiiif;. Irnn, liar, Imnp. pii;, pnddlcd. ind, »lut't, nr siTap. Irnn nads,
spiki's. Iinlis, i.'n'ks. liriK'Us. i r -prit,.-. Imn i'iistiii!,-. hdia rnlilur I'l'lt-
in^T anil tnliiny;. I.ncnnintivi's fnr raiKva\s, nr parts thiionf. Lead,
^luit nr pii^. 1,1'atlii'r, snli' nr n))ptr. I Aatlu'r, liarnt-.s and s.'iildUry nf.
Mill, nr factory, nr sii';Mnlpnat. lixi-d iiiy;in('s and iiiailiiius. nr parts
llicrtdf. Mannfactnri's nf niar'>k'. slniic, slate, nr granite. M;innf;u'-
iiiri's nf wnnil sniflv, nr nf wndd n.alli'd, Iminid, Iiini^iMl, nr Incki'd, with
metal inntorials. ManyU's, washint; macliincs, \\rin|^ini; tnarliiiu's, and
dryinj; tnru'hincs, nr pans thcrcnf. Printing; paper, fnr n(us]iapers.
I'aper-makinij ni;iehiiK'S, or ))arts tlKTcnf. I'rintint; Ivpe. presses and
fnlders, ]iaper eiitters, rtilinij iniieliiiies, pai;e nnnilierin;; inaehines. and
sterenlypin.i;- and rleetmiypint; app.aralns, nr parts thereof. Kefri^'
erators, or pints therenf. Kailrnad ears, i;nriat;is, and Irneks. nr ]>arts
thereof, .'satinets nf wnnl and entinn. Steam engines, nr parts tlurenf.
Stei-I. \vriMi!.;ht nr east, and steel |il;nes and rails. Tin tnhes and pi])in,i.,'.
Tweeds nf \v ml solely. W'.ater wheel niaeliiius and apprratiis, nr parts
.AKHtTJ'. v.
It is a!,'reed that the ( '.anadian Canals nn the main rnntc from Lake
I'.rie In .Mnntreal shall he enlar).^cil forthwith, at the ivpense of the
Dominion of Cana.
nr aiinther eanal. nr eanals
the pmpnsed C;n;i;|;|,;i\\;,„;| Cm.-il
n;ivij,'ation of the llmlson kiver ti
mstrni-teil ol eipial capacity wilh
s hereinhefore speeilied ; aiicl the
he improved, so ;is in admit ihe
l)assaf,fe from L.ake Champlain to the lower waters of the llnds.n
River, of vessels drawin;; twehe feel of water.
Citizens of the 1 'niied Sl.atis may, dnriiifj the lirm of \e,ars men-
tioned in Article XIJL of this Treaty, carry in tlieir vessel.s' cai^;o and
lakes nr i;i\iT M. I .a« icmc in aimtlu'r mi tlic >aiil
/(•lis nf llic I iiiii'd MaliN ill ijuir \
Mil)jivis nf I li-y Uriiaiiiii,- \|
cs nil rlif ^rnat
alts nr river. ( iti-
esseis, and in
nils n
f (
liUe lenn,
>lales nr nl' ( aiiaija nil llie k'eil kive
with, In any nilier jmri mi liie said river nr waters
ijesiv, 111 ilicir vessels, iiia\, diiniiL' llie
lairy ear^n ami i^a-'-eiiyers frn'ii any |inrl nl the I iiited
r nr till waters eminei'iiiij; ilieie
cniiiiectiiiy; Uitrewilli.
It is a),n-ee(l that fnr llie leriii nf uars nieiilinned in .\rtiele .Mil. of
tins Treat), the i ili/eiis nl llie I'niled Staler sliail eiijn\ llie use nf die
Wellaiid, tlie .St. I.awrtiiee, and nllier eanals in ilie Dniiiiiiinii of I'aii-
luiiimlin^; ilie jirnpnx'd ^ au^;liiiawaKa •■ aiiali nii terms m ei|\ialui,
v\itli tile iiilialiilaill.s nf tile I)
ninininll n
f c
.\iid lliai, wiiliniit inierU'riii^; witli tlu' ri^:lit nf tlie linvernineiit nf
I aiiada, \n inipnse siicli inlls, nn the afnrisaid I'anadiaii eanals respee-
tivi'ly, as it iiia\ think lit, llie ti
iiiiiiiher of Ineks
nils shall he le\i((l in relalinii In tile
nil eaeli eaiial wiiliniil anv draw
nr (liseniiiiii:!
I inn, whatever the destinalinii nf the vessels, nr wiielher niie nr iiinre
e;nial nr eanals m pan nf a e,iiial he passed.
if (■
Uid It i> ai>n anieed that Inr the like lenn nf ve;irs, the iiili
inad.i shall eiijny the use nf the .St. tiair Mais (anal, nn icriiis nf
ihe I iiiUil .Mati'>, ,and thai the iiavij^a
eipialiiv Willi till- iiilialiiiaiUs
linn nf Lake ( 'haiiiplaiii .ind ai Lake .\iielii^;aii, shal
i he fi
Inr th
pnrpnses nl eniiinierei' In ilie
ee and np<
laws ami leLnilati
ants nl (. aiiatla, siihjeel tn
the I niled .states, nr nf the .State>
iiiK theremi re>]ieili\el\ , iini iiu-nn>islenl uilli sneh privilege nf free
And the I niled Slates further eii>;aj;e tn nrL;i' n])nii the t iovenniients
nf the Stales nf .\'t\v N'nrk and nf Miehij^an m seeiire tn the inhahitants
il ('anada the ti-e ni the llie Whitehall, thi
It Ste. .\larii
t'aniils, and nf ,iiiy enlar^eil, nr extended, nr new eaiial, or other ini-
prnvenieiil ennneetiiiL;- Lake t liainplain with llie lower waters o
f th
Kivi'r, wliieli iii;iy he made as ennieiii|ilated in Aitiele \ I.
terms nl e(|ii
iilit\ with till' inhahitriins of llie I nitul Slates.
11(1 II IS nmliialh a;rree(l
that full
I'liwir sliall he niven and allnw
tn tranship earj
trniii vessels intn eaiial Imals and frnin eaiial hnats
ltd vessels at either terniiiuis nf ever\
^lul fiinlur, that it the use nf the h'.rii and \\ hilehall, nr other eaiial
eoiineetiii!,' l.aki' ( liaiiipkiin wiili the Inwer waters nf ihe III
River and nf tlu' Sault .'^le. .\!aiie (anal, he imt i^raiiled tn the in
laiits nf ( 'aiiad;i. nn terms nf ei|iialily with the eiti/eiis nf tin
states as emiteiii|ilated in this ArtieU', ilici tin' use nf the prnpnsi'd
( "ani;linawa^;;» ( .'inal l)\ eilizeiis
if llu' 1 'nitul Stall
leiJi]ilaled. shall he suspended and eease until the use nf the said eanals
in the liiited States shall he seeiired tn the inhahitants of Can.ida as
.■llinve ecpiilemplateil.
AK'nrLh: t.\.
I'nr the urin nf \e;irs mentiniied in Arliele XIII. of this Treaty,
vessels nf all kinds Imilt in the 1 'niti-(l Stales may he purehased hy in-
haliitanis nf t'anada, snlijeets nf i ireal I'lrit.-iin. and rej^'isU'red in Can-
ada .'IS ( 'an;idi,-in vessels
anil reripi neatly, v(
if all
anada iiia\ he purehased liveilizens nf the I 'uited Stales, and re^isler-
d ill the I'lnied States a-
l 'niled States vessels
.\ jnint C'niiiniissinii shad he estahlished and maintained at joint ex-
pense diirinu; tin nperatinn nf this Treaty fnr advisinj^ the ereetinii and
proper rei^ulaiinn nf all li^duhnuses on the great lakes eoiimion to hotli
countries, neeessai) to the seeurily of the shipping thereon.
\ jdint C.inmission Miall als,. b- rslaLlislu ,1 at •■Niicnsr an.l
niaiiilaiiK'.l .IniiMi: llu- .■..nimuaiuv ..i ilir Inaiv. 1m |.r..„i..l.' (lio j-ro-
,,:i"alion , .1 Ik-!', in tin- mlan.l> ^-..ii-n.m i., l».tli .■,,-,inln.'s In
.■n'l.Mvr the law- c'iKU-lr.l i"V ibv i.f.'livli..n ..I tlu- n.-li and li-hmj;
AUl'ULl", Xll.
It is fnrtluT a«Ti'e TuMty
slall iNUnil u- ilu' i-nlnnv nl Xowl'unndland -m far a^ tlicy arc apjilii--
alilc. r.'.ii ii !l.-' Iniin'rial I'arlianu'nt. ilu' i.c.i^islatnri' oi W'wfoiin.l-
iand or iIr' r.. .,\ law [■< i;i\> il I'ltn'i. I'v oillu'r of tlu'
k'Sisl.'Hivi' liodi.s aforesaid, -iiall not ni aii\ way impair any ntluT
ArticK-.s of till- rrrai\ .
AKrUd.l'; Xlll.
Tliis Ti-faty shall taki- rtU-ot a.- -"'ii as tlu- laws rctptirod to carry it
into ..i) the other hand, then Ariicle,- X X 1 1. X X 1 1 1., X X n .
a'ld X.XW 'if the 'I'ri'atN of .\Ia;, S. 1S71. bitween 1 I'.ritain and
the I. nileil Staee-, ^l.all become mill and void.
ARTlCl.l-: XV.
T'li-; 'Ifeal) -hall be .liii\ '•alllle'l 1 \ llcr 1 '1 il.imiic Maie-.|\' an.l by
the I'rcsi'lent .■! th.' I 'nil.'l "^tat. - an.l the vatili.'ation- -hall be . \-
cliaii'^'-ed cither at ..rat \\'asliiiii;ton within nioiilh- fr.mi
the dale here, .f, . .r earlier if pos-ible.
'V i T
.\ N
I > .\
Air. W.'ir.l'- r.|i.ii'l to ! 'nite.l -^talc- 1 ..n.i^n--. L'^^Ci. . .ii llu Mibj.'''t of
re. ipf i.-al ti'a.l'- relation- \\\\]\ (ana. la.
"The .^nb I '. finmillee .:• ( '. rmnierc. t.. wh.mi \\a- referred llu-
j.'iiii ii-ohui'.n re.pii stint; the rresi'leni of llu 1 tiitt.l --tales to a|)
point three .•.•inmihsiotui>. b\ and with the advice oi ihe Senate. 1..
C"iifi'r wit'i otlnr cotmni-sioners dlii\ aiilhonyil be tlu- (Mixcrnnunt
.if (ireat Britain, or whenever it shall appear In. be llu- wi-h .if that
( iovermii.-nt i.r appoint ■■n.h c.inimi--ioiur. to invesiiL;;ilc ,111. 1 a-ccr
lam .111 whal ba-i- .'i Ir.'atv oi recipro.-.-il trad.', for the imiMal bcnelit
•1 till- pi>M|,lc ,i| llio I iiiud Sl.-iifs and ihr I).
><• n<-,, 11,11,, 1. n'-.|„,-iinll; np, m ;
iniiiiiiiii of ('aii;i(l;i t-oiild
'■ \\ lulluT ill
priipn- ,,hj,ct ,it ;, i;i|-j|y j^ ip,. ,i,||,.,.,i,„, ,|f m^
nAriuu', ,.,-, Ml a,i,lili,,t, I,, iliis, -po-ial i,-anl .li,ml,| !„■ had
1- uiiiH'd • pr,,u-. lii.ii t.i ii
lU- I lil/i'lls I il til,
t(i wiiat
'HiK' iiiiliislry,' tlir i-,iiiiiiiriTia! ivlaiii.ii.s nf
into I Mai
1' imiili aR' 111 an I'xctMiiiiina
rs Willi ihi'ir ranadian uciuiil
i;hl)(ims (111
111 111- (i| ( anada aiv chiellv 1
lllXUlV, ,111 wllK-ll llii;|| ,luii
pliimal and iliarafUT.- '^'\\^^ imuku--
K- prime luiissarius c
if lil
I', nol arlu'k-s
I's arc must apprnprialcl) Kxird, and alike
o inniiio, are cdlUvled fnnn arlieks inipoVted linni lue uld
W'irld. The I lumiiiioii i., in mam plaei's 1
dcinrs, Us tnnilier exlend> a
ilie laeilie, aini nn Uriiidiit
n> plaei's literallv close to our own
llie roiilineiU from the Allantie to
elosely iiulenled willi each olher
ward 111 oeeaii
Mai a hue drawn from the iiorilieni limit o'f Maine e;isl _.,
and we-tw;ird [,< ^\w luMilnrii limii ,ii ili,- I nil,,] Slates, on l.ak-
>iiperiMi, u,,iild separaie ii.a;l\ al! the well settled portion of Canada
11. .111 ll;,- rest ol he; p, .--o-sions. IneUidiiii; both sides, there is, under
the p
e-eiil ,-,ir.,liii.iii ,.| laritiv, a frontier of lake and river haviin.
iim.' o.uHi I
rile> ..I >hi.i\, al'InrdiiiiL; j;fea', f;ieilities for smui^i.
he j;iiarded, and for m.uiy thousands of mil
west the honndary i> marked hy iiiia,iL:inar\ 1
.-■lores niij;ht lie hiiilt on them, as lliev are said to li,
Imi;, to
• l and
es more on the ea
ines so easily passed thai
ive heeii, in sueli
numiKT that .i;o.)ds imporled inuler the tariff of the I'liiled .Staler
prochieeil there iiiii;lu he sold on one side, and lliose ini|)orteil into
V anada or pmdueeil there iiiii;hl lie si.lil ,.ii the ,,ilier, for die henefil
ol eii-n liter- who kn iw liltie p,ilrioii-iii or friendship in trade. Xo
woiuKr thai the .'-eerelary oi tlu' I'leasiiry in his reeent report, refi-r
liii.C lo a small part oiiK ,>l the disl;mees, found il his duly to point
• iiii Mile ditlu-ullies .itleiidiiii; a iirojier surveillance of oar north
eni lror,ti,r are. iiiuler esisliiiL;' nii'iinislances, verv f^reat, if not in
soiiH' re-| eel iii-iiriiuuiiit.ilile,'
.\i\l to t!
e iiiai;niti'de of lur own natinai and imparalleled i\
Source-, till, fill ^\, iiai'L;^- ^i the proilnci.- of indiislrx. witli nntrani-
melleil iransll, helween '.he Stales, eoiuril)ntes more than aiiv other
-iii.i;le ia;.-e to , ,;ir pr,i-i>eriiy, W'ithotil il te.iily progress of lu'r jieo-
tilrcadv shown, not ies- in liie succe-s of their w;ir upon the
llie ar.
wilderness th.-ni I'y the fact thai, wilh a |iopulalion small in compari
th that of l-fauee. .\nsiria. liai\- or .'-^pain, they rank as the
son wi
fourth power on the ulohe in the eMeiit oi their mercantile navy,
lakini' prece.leiue 'f .ill >oi,ii;iie- i xcept ( ireat Ihit.iin, the I iiited
;ites .■iiid < leniiain .
•■ i'lii lii-lack - lo -lU'h Ire,' viinmiercial intercourse with us as
exists hetwe, n our various Slates htive deprived t'anada of her iiaiural
prosperiu, while it h.i- also injured the hiisiness of niaiix ol onr
St.'ites, aiiil iiio>! -erioiisK impedcl the pro^iess of those portions of
our ioitntr\ whiili are near tlic I'aiiadiaii frontier. X'olwithstaiulin.t;
the adverse law- in hoth countries, preveiltiii}; the free excli;iut;e of
llu- |)rodiicl- ..l 1 'I industries of iluir people, llie exporls of our pro
(iuctions lo ('.'I'Mida, ace
iiient, aniouMieil in il^7.i 71 to in
irdinv; to the rejiort of the Treasnry Depart-
llian $42,505,01-1., heiiij^ m. ire
than tweiilv limes as lar^e as Ihose lo t'liiiia, whence we dr;iw .so
larj^e a proporlion "i our impori-. and larger than our exports of a
-imilar characlei li' any couiiliy in the W'.rld, excepting only (Ireal
liritaiti, '\ lln' |Tiu1',u-i- cI lalH.iir in 'ii
tlu' iriai\ tile i'\rlianv;>'-
I )tirr,ii: UU' la->t lliin
ir>' f' 111- liiiu^ a-- lar^c a> in llic llirci- Mar--
Ilk' am ■mil in ilu' !■ inioi- ]>■
(I 1.
M S^( ).( II S.
■lo. and Ml llu' lallcr ^..'-•;,.,i54>'M,V
It i> (plni'iii- ili;ii ;lif ri'"i'!c Mil ImiiIi ^idc- I'.Mind \Uv rr;-iils '>i tlu
treaty pfi'liial'lf it
\n ('\idiaii!^> iln'ii' |iri
I!;r\ Ui iilid i:i'\ I'l
■ar alh'i \c:|i'
idiu'is .ii' till.' iiulnstrits
Hit C .iiiaihi In 111 main
likr ciiir ;i
irtli \\\'-.liTii iniiiiirifs -pmdiu-in^- a iai-\' .siiriii
lit iinidnot^- I'nmi Ikt fdiv^l-- and farniini;' lands ; and llu'si'. nmUT a
IT s
vsti'in (il ri'iMurncilv. would
H'l'ii t\cliani;i
for litis iiad lnon made in tliis trcaiv, aiiil li.e
( aiiadiaiis. needini,^ iiKTeased revenue, nnl mily U'\ieil heavier diltie-
willi a iiiiisl in|iiniiii> elleet iiiii'ii nin mann
lull made eirl;iiii ntlier di^eriminalini.s imemled in di^eiM
. ^'nrk. I'.iivl.iii .iiiil llie iillier .\iiii'riean purls .'ii the .\tlan-
tic, the lieiU'lits iiatiira!l\ r■.■^ul^illL;■ li«i;r, I'.-.e relative :.;e,>^ia|iliie,il
piisititrr',i (aiuida, and in ^eiid tnule t.i ( JiuIh-i
and .Mmitreah Tinis. mueli disei.nient with the uid ireai> w.ts jnsiK
l)r nl the .Seeretary
if die i'rea
snr\, ili.ii dni"
-. I if tl
le ireaU llieie \\,i> a ea>li
favour nf S')J,oi ,^,545. 1 inriiiu ilu remaining liiri'.' vear.-, die demand
created liy the war for l!nr--e>, eallle. .'ind nllier (.'anadian prndiu I--.
increased tile imporlalinn- wid. m;inifi-t lunetit to ihis enintry, \'e!,
on the basis of thirteen years nf ilu- !uai\, the "lialaiice in iiir favour '
".\ er since the u rmin.atinn nf the iriaU in iSno,
was ^2t 453.744.
until 1S74, when the iire>>iire m niir .■i.Uiiirs tended to fi
low price> there has heeii a lar!;\ :ii;ain>l ll e I'liiud .'^tale>. in
the trade with the 1 )nininii in.
' halanee of trade
1- \'\ iin means the true tot of tlu'
tai^es of intercoiirsi w
ihouijh erriiiieoU'!> , c
'iintrv , 1)111 it has li'
•iiMikred a-, the criteri
itfairs shown !<•. I'le lepnrts of tne ."Secretary 01 the liea>iii
on. iliai the coiulition o
IS we!
\vorth\- ol llntict
>iiKe I u- termination oi the tre,it\ the |i;i norli 111
if the foreign enimiieive of t aiuid:; wliiih was lr;in-,,
iiitr\ ha> lieeii rediKed linni ;j i.
with ;lii-
111-- \.i- ;ire di'.v
iiif,' her trade Imni -.i-
"The test nf niir trade with ;ii,\
iiintrv is niainlv w helln-r it
ducted on jii>t and e' •.rineiile-, iini what tlie respeetive aniomus nf
our jiiircliases may 1»
true test, aiu
.as heiwei'i: iiidividiia
1 that
IS wluiher the piiivhaser Miii|)iies Ills wants aiicl |!ie
r-ller makes a fair protit. not whether t!ie lalioiirers or other consume!
■ lu s more lionr tfn 11 ilie iiiiher.
■r nil -w iroiii tlu wlin sell these ariirles hnv fron
I icer th.-m
Since the termination .,f the treity. the press and chief coniiiiercial
liodies of till' I'liited States h
le Ireiptcntlv t;iv
en ])ri
us (I
leir ai>pre-
I'iatinti nf tlie henetits which won|,l accnii' in the people ftdm a f:iir
he .\'ew \'orl; I hamlier
iillv dvsirahle on polilieai
arran.ueiiieiii nt reciprocal trade 111 ( aiiada.
ot t (iiiiineri-e. for ni-!aii
as \vi'
ci , r<'.t;;iril
It a-
;is eci mninical
that all u
lie removed finni the commercial iiilercoiirse hel
le ^,'ri
at l».
mil eissarv li
the I
•s should
nitcij ,Stales
niiiiioii \Uiieli liorder-
iii.any nf md< s.
thorities at Waslmii'ton ti
iiir iinrllierii Irnrilur lor
■strongly recommends ilu> proper an
r into such treaty stipulations whenever
the ('anadi;iii authorities in;i\ he ready 10 tiieel them on ;i basis of
feet f;
iirness ani
.tiid maiiv other similar associations. 1
11 and < liicaf,'o
lave e;iniestlv esiilessed the same
•>taie le^^islatnre-. ,1. t;,li|;. iIkiI ,.f >,,■,«■ >'nrk. i
passed resohiiiniis to ilie same elTeci. Proof, that the importaiici of
the iu'erests iii\nl\,-,| ;,r.' fiillv api.rei iaud, and a wiiiiii.i^ness in ue.;o!!
ate, abounds ill Canada,
li- presi'iitiv! a meii'diial to Karl Dut-
'uminion, cMurssins.
"Tile niini()n Board |iiiiMtiin'iii of ;i
('oiiinns-.ii ■
o iiuTi and
'f till' ( iovfriinu-nt of tlu' I'liiled Slates
ulrr with a similar' in on llir paiT
such coniinission has
lii'eii iir -hall 1k' appointed) fur the pnrpose , the I'rivv ( oniui!
ml ihe ( iovenior lii'iuial liilK' en-i
cuired in these views, and (he ( lovernor in Cotineil formally promised
that 'should the ( ioveniment of the I nited Stales eoniiily with the
wishes expressed by tlie .\aii<.pnal Hoard of Trade, the snhjeet will re-
ceive the fullest consideration of ihe t lovermnent oi t'atuula.' Thus,
there is anii)le proof that comniissioiiers wmild he promi)tly appointed
to meet and confer with our own.
" I he main can-e of the (iissansf;ictilates with the
Treaty of 1854 wa--. as has aire;
leii stated, that it did not yive ihein
a fair share of commercial freedom, hec.ause it extetided to little more
than the rau articli> which are common in hoth countries, and of which
Canada e.s].eci;illy, 11: propnriion to her [population, has a surplus to sell,
but did 'loi include ilinse pn..diicts of indiislrN of which, under a free
svslem, she wm:
ihe I
mled .^lates.
It was
believed that an arraii;.,'' inent of n.cii>;oc,il trade between the two coun-
tries, if justly beiieficial lo both, must iiichule, more or less, the niaiin-
factnrcd as well as the raw productions r.iid dilTeriii!; iiulustric
lib sides
line and ])triniltini; labo\ir in each coniitr\ to adjust ii.self to the most
advantai;eous cmployiiienl. .\o adecpiale test has yet been made of the
which the markiis |(ir the iiianutactureH ain
n thus be extenikd.
)f our
T'l ].lace the two coii.ilries uii a fair basis of reciprocal trade. b\' the
free admission 1 if all iiianui.icuires ,is well ,i> raw products into each
fri'm llle other, it is nee-essary mat no hii;iier duly shall be levied in one
iian in the other on the m.iierials used in manutactures, such as iron.
Wl i< I
so lorih.
he problem is
ow can
done m Mich a coiulitK.n nl mir imaucia
uianv vears to coine ?
1 at?;
urs as must prevai
1 for
o relations ol
lonmiion am
1 the I 'nited .States towards each
other resemble those iKJt loiiy ai;o existing between the (ierinan stales.
It has been the misfortune ..1 ( ierinany in l)e divided inlo a large nuin
pemlent states, most of them of petty dimensions and small
all having disiinci custi
ises, tiirifl and revenue laws.
ber of
often dilVering very wiilely
them. ."^ouietiiiK's one pan
parts, and was a commercial island eiicojiipassed by states having dif-
from those of their neighbours surrounding
if tl
le state was Sep.
araied from its otlier
ferent laws.
he ci
■ndiiiiiU was such as won
Id lue
or aiiv ol our .-i.Je.-
It eavli of the dillereiit com
lilies had been
coninuiiaaiiv divid '1 irom the rest, ;um
1 the inhaiiitaiits ol one couiit\
could not, without paying heavy inipi
St, p.iss inlo another with a horse.
ox, or
lad ot grain,
irodiici of their own farms, or take 11111
g(jods iiu 1 any other counties m
leir own
and the ditlicull v
ncreased on passing through additional counlie.s
ins the 111
i| ( .erniaii\ w:is
ibjecied to a
II the
restrictions are usually
,■11(1 (111 the 111
itercoitrse lu tweeii distant and indepei
dent states.
much t" ll
ic we
,-ersally admitted thai no one cause has coninlnited so
Ifare and iirosperity of all parts of our own country, as
the I
leriectiv untraniinelle(
intenmirse which the Slates eii]o\ w'l
of til'
at 111
ll other ; and it is to see
ow (ll
Iferent the present couditioiis
lied states would
if lacli wcr( commercially mdei
.( ll
lose around it. aiu
how to e.\al
use o
f the rest, rather
b\ dc
opiiig Its own 11
t itself
,int;iges to the ulim
,ind trcelv aval
f tl
sources (1
1)0 entire an^
le olliers.
if th
U!"-eslricted freedom
the Stales which are its men
ilself of Ihe speii,il re-
lion is, »b,it there shall
exports, and transit
L'rfect freedom of the ex-
iliansc uf all the iinKlncl.-- nf liuiiian imlnsiiy iwisis IhUvocii llu' Stales
thus allied.
••A tfcatv liclwirn llir I nili'il Stale's and Canada, siiiipl) adniiltiii);
all arlick's Viriproi-allv livr ol diil\. Irnm I'ac'li e:uniilry iiiln lln' -all\ abulish all diilics mi iiii|'Mnali.pii> Inmi an\ i)an of
tlu' wipfld. I'jtlur i.-()imtr> iiii^hi dimu "I'ni Us pi'iis In all idiiiiTS,
and ilnis (.-(jmpcl tlu- nlhcr to follow its cxainplo. lUil, iiiitkr ilir
/oUvcrcin, the sank' duties arc collected on tlu- outside frontier ol the
union llui.-, established. Within that line all trade is as untraniinelled
as within our present union. .\v. etiuitahle dislrihution of the revenue
thus ubtaiued is mmle ainoity- the States of the confederation.
"The ZolUerein is eoiniireheusilily delined to he the association ol a
number of stales for the eslahlislnneiil of a common customs law and
customs line with regard to foreii;!! countries, and for the suijpression
of both ill the inlcrcotirse of the stales within the border line. If a
Zollverein existed between llie I'uiied Slates and Canada there would
be no ini])edinient by discriniiiiatinj;- duties on the imi)ortatic)
found it to their interests to inirchaseat .Montreal they could do so, and
buyers from the new |"-oviiice of .\!:mitoba i!ii;.;lil buy and sell at .'■^1.
Paul, Dnlutli, St. I.ouis, or New t >rleans as freely as at Halifax or any
city in the DoininiiMi. 'i"he merchants of Itritish eolumliia would buy
and sell in the ir.arkets of .^an I'fancisco as freelv and with as little
hindrance as those of C'alifor'.ia or ( ^res^'on. R.ailroads. canals and
rivers— all the means of trar.sil, would be used in each country by tlu'
citizens of tlie other is freely as by its own. Internal revenue laws
Could, so i'.ir .a.-- iiecessar} . be made in coiiformitv with the iirincijiles of
the iini'in. There would be fair and comiilete competition everywhere
within the Confederation, and full scope would be given to ihe develop-
ment of natural advaniases wherever ihey would brintj )irotil to the
merchants, save needless lal)our of the jieople. or yield remunerative
employment to them. In ("icrmany, the Zollvereiii be^an in iSi8, a
little more than half a century a.i;ii. Its progress tu the ])reseiil time is
-ultic'rut ;inicf 111 ilu' ixcelKnce of liie principles it emboilirs and of
the iikhIc by which the', are carried inhJ elYecl. 'Ihe enlightened .State
of Prussia was the orig, lalor and leader in the movement, by forming
a commercial union with a few min')r ."^tales, the whole population thus
included being at lirsi I'lily iM,e ^lR■ iniliaud by dirfusion of education and in
" In 1S65. the biiietits of the < iermau ZolKerein had become so well
proved anil appreciated thai, instead of the three criginal stales or
iluchies, il included fu.nuen. with a population of _V'.'xx),ii(X). .\fter
Icrman states to the south of the River Main,
the war of 1866, the (i
having ])re,serve
il tlu
he Z(
ir iiiilei
were not under any oblig.uions to
oilverem. Inu Ihev preterred to co.(kx).' The ciisloms league or union
now embr;ici'> the whole ni the St.ates of iu'rman\. willi ;lie exception
if the 1
Wo citie-
if I lamb
anil ISreiiieii
It is evident lh;it a luutnally beneficial policy must te
ml to lessen
the iliwill
constituted, while ii d<
' f anv, ;inil lh;it .1 sU'lul' h'..i-,
or promote liu- friendship of ilu' (iovermnents dilTereiitly
ie> not interfere willi tlu' |iolitical institutions
iward.H t.,r tiiii^i iriendlx ul;itions on
ler poinis. naturally ari-es upon
the 1
la.^is I if iiiulu.'d pecuiiiarv in
teresls .■mil intmiate social intercourse.
vi'i\ consiiii
)le saving is mm
le .111 li.ilh sill. ^ b\ ih
of customhouses bttweeii the States which biiume tiirinbers ni ihe
w> ailnptfd iiicliiilc
iiiean'i fur timtnal iiivcstipitioii sf>
ii'iii, anil I.
••A. ih
<• ri'vciiiic Iriiiii lacli
iMvidc (cir ilu' tstiiisiim nf il
iiiliil Siati
if oill
I >ll'lll Id nllu'f StaU'-.
ITIllnlr lidill lllDSC |lali(
■fii|u a lafijc iiiirtiiiii m' a n)iilinciit far
iislU 111:11111
H's tiir I'spurts arc
we havi- 111 (iiir pdsiiinn ;;ival iai-iliiii's fm- 1
^'■ii""ii "I illi'-it iiniiuriatinii-, aK.iii;- ilic slinr.-. ni tin
U' |iro-
-aiiir i> ir;u
llic I iiiit'.l Mali
t" ( aiKi
.il>l_\ ^rral( r.
l.iit the Mi-ililR-s lor >imii;i^!iiij,f ln'tui'iii
diaii'iit lo iiiL'iii arc iiu'onipar-
il' anil I!R- I )iiniiiii(iii is a huul,
lak*' and nvii irmiiu 1,
intc-iuU'il a> ic) .iiia^nrc niori' l)\ iiiaiiv tlu)ii-
saiuls 1
Is I'l iiiik:. tliaii a stiai_i;i'l liiif draw 11 airw-.s ili
ilUlllCMl 111 It
\Milia pan
lipMrliimiu- III]- ..imip^'iniL
lid till' ti'nipiaiiniis to it
^naUM- as llu pi ipniaiiuii nt mir rts])i.'(.-iivc i-oiiiiirics liccdiiK'
luirtlicrn frcnii
H's ailiiidiiiL;' a prupcT surveillance nl mir
ii'r (wliiih llu Svcrctar\ ui tlir Tifasnrx liiuls nf snCli
neni iinpiiriaiu-r lu dirui-t >pi.'i-ial aiioruiun td in liis la>t report, as
hi'iiii;- even uiiiler rxi>tini'' i'iri'uni.;iaii>-cs \-er\
at, if
mil 111
rcspiTis iiisuniioiiiitalik') will lie inealeuiahlv iiureased. and it wil
liilely ini|iO'siliie to prevent iiiinuiise (|uantilies nf v.'ilnalile j,^oo(ls
oni heiiij;- liiniiLjlit into the U'rritiirie> of 1 illier eonnirv willmiit uav-
inellt III ;iii\ c;iu\.
■nsiiiins nninii is
inl\ reiiKih for llie
dilTienllii s.
"Til llie-r >u,L;,L;eslive fails il -111 ■nil] l,r added liiat sonie of llie
iiiipsi lilieial and adv.'ineed slaK>iiie;i in ( J'eai liritaiii. iml eonleiit with
iiesini aiionialous relations oi ilii
uiitrv and the eolo
ilertaiii the projeel of a /nlKeiein or (/nslonis I nion hetweeii
The iieiiple of these euuii'.rie-- have as nildonhted riLriits to as
Willi eael
itlier as ihe rili/ens ul nnr dilTi'rent States now
r.ii!. if llie diriieulties atli'iidin;^' our pre
lie re-peei> iiisiiriiii iiiiilahle,' what wouh
lhe\ lieeoiue if tile same freed. 'in i.f trade as exists helween tiie .'^tate:
sent '.anil are imw
of I nion V, en
llie liritish I'.n
111a. ter iif faet liet\u\ii the ditfereiit ]i.iil> 1 if
Slu.uld i
t 1
e fi'nnd iiniiiMetiealile ti
mon l-elween liie
[■■rni a eniiip,
lete C nstonis
nileil Mates and tin
li iininion it niav imt he
diHienii tn elleet an ;i>;reenn Pl |i.irlakiiii.; ui that diaiaeler. hy estah-
li^liin;; a .oiiiiih'ii laril'f mi inaii\ artules, a> to the t;i\;ilinii of wliiell
arran.ueiiieiil^ iiiiunall\ sati-faet'ir\ eaii he made. >a!;aei()iis and
earefiil iiivestij;alor> and lu i^dlialors I'luld surely, hy eonferriiif^ to-
gether, lix upon a larL;i' and inipnrtani lisi "i et'iiiiiiodities in which the
trade nf the two countries iiiit;ht tin's liecoinc coniiiion and free he-
lween them, with .■ichantaj^e to lioth. Iv.|>erieiii-e would rapidly en-
large the list. I-Aeii -'i sueh .1 step, aii'l a-iile froin the industrial and
comiiiereial lienelit- wlmh wmili! he ^viined hy the people, the saviiifj;
and piiiiils which \\onlil accrue to the revenue are worthy of serious
lliou;^hl. I >li all .iilicles such as silks, l;ices, hrandies, wines, jewel-
ler\. \c. the iinportatiiiii of which is laxed only fur revenue, and in
regard !.■ which tin irrecuncilahle dil't'crences of pulilico ecniioniical
theory ;iri;;e, il uui^lil nut lo he dillicillt to ai;ree upon the hasis of a
cniMinoii tariff or '.n lix ihi/ lenii- 1 pf a division of llie re\eiiiie collected
fruin tliem in conmioii. If this Wvie dmie. the iimst extensive snuif;-
tjliiiL; I'mni '\hicli tlie icci:nic- uf die I iiiled .s^talcs -.nrfer would lio
sloppid .'iiid mir nwn ]inlilic !reasur\ would lie the L;aiiier hv niaiiv
•' \\ r ha\e oinliniil the commercial policy which it seems to 11s
would he the nio-i henelicial t>i 1 lur ; mple and thnse uf t!ie I >omiiiion,
( )ur present larilT, special intere-ts and the condiiimi of pulilic opin-
ion in one or liolh of tin iwo countries may pre\ent the early con-
stiinm.itiiin of a system so much to he desired. In that event it is
desirahk- to ascertain what reciprocal arrantjeniciits for the extension
of traile can he in;ide hy treaty. There :ire douhilcss many manufac-
liires which iiiii,dit he admitted from eaih country into the other free
of duty with manifest hencfit to the peojile of holli. Many of the raw
products wliieji are alike in tlie two countries, and are ex]iorted hy
1 can iiv
.'xch.-iiiLjed with f/rcM convenience to the jieoplo
nis liic'ililies ;iiid to lliusc who ,ire iiilcn
in varii
and canals of this coiintr\
111 the railroads
d the 1
if its
.anorts Irotvi
for niaiiy years, a large proiiortioii even of our own [iroducts has now
Isem (liveried and fiijii\ cd hv ( aiiada. her tariff a i.i ,L;raiii cM-lian.ici'd lifUvou I'lc
two coiiiilrii^ uiTi' aliiinsi i \ai-li\ cinial diK iiii^liniil a luiii;* Sfiu--^ i.i
vears. At |iri'si'!ii, lakiiij; llu' lasi year U'V wliicli ue imw have (jfrieial
statistics fiirnislu-d |]\ die >ei'relar\ ni the Ti-ea.-'nr) as die lest, niiv
esimris 111 t',rain and lireadstnfis tn tlie I >riinini>es ul pr.idncl-, ircnn
oiir shippiiii,', railmads. elevators and warehotl.-es, with incalcnlaMe
iiljnry to all classes of mir people, and force it intu ( anadian channels.
Tliis is more fully shown by die nliicial report.-- oi i anada, wlieie ii
ajip.'ars that in the same year nearly twenty of lui.-'hcl.^ more tluni her imports.
" .Mthoiitjh a Continental or irnlv American -.yslein of irade cannot
lie duly discussed in the i.ii>ent report, it -hoiild iml be eiilirel)
omilteil. I'radi' with the iJomiiiion of which, exclusive oi Alaska,
the territory i xteinls aloni^ our own from ocean to ociaii, is an es'icn
tial part of the [greater commercial plan it is our i.t (.'anae of
our Southern .'--late>. and in part of rcyions yet farther south, wliosi
])ro(liicts would thus be brought dndni.;ii our territory, and afford cm
ployment and pr. pfii to mir people, with adxanlaj^e-- lo .-ill countries
which Would be parlies to the arrangement. < 'iir a.icnciiltiue. maun
lactuies. and carrvin:;' trade would alike He benefite-h
uotild be most affected bv exchant
litlur wlio!l\- free
■r more
than they now are. with the people of the Dominion, an.l the neces
sily (jf careful aii\
illi- ll"n--r (.1 l\r|iri-.( lUallM'S. rrriiliiliK'ndilli; lllill llli' rri^iillrnl .if
llif I iiiUil , lllill > !,(• ri'(|iK'sI(.'(l III .-ippdilU lliivr ( ■|iiniiii,>i,,inT, |,\
.111(1 uilh iIk' ,iil\iic Ml' llir Si'iialc, III i-i.iitir wiih nilirr ( ■iiiimiissinii
CIS iliilv ;iuiliiiii/.i-.l li\ llii ( i'i\i riitiuiil ni t ii-cal I'.riiain nr wlicncv.T
il .sljall ;i|i|n:ir in In- iIk' uisli 1 1( liiai ( |.i\i'nmi.'iii In a|i|iiiiiU mum
( 'oiniiiis.-%iniu is, In iii\i'.,iit;ali' aiul asciriain mi wliat liasis a Ircalv n\
rfciprncal naiK- fnr tin- nuitnal I'tiulii nf ilic |nn|iK- nf iln' I nil .l
Stale- ami llic I )niiiitiinii ni Caniila cai. l..' in'^nliali'd, ami In ri-pnn
llii- ivsiills nf ilifir iiivcsiiraiimi In llii I 'rrsiik'iil nf ilii' I'niud SlaU'S."
\ 1 ' i ■ ! '. M ) i X
List nf i nil<. U.'lcaMil afii.i" i\\<.-nl\ -fniir Imiirs' (Icleiiiinii.
J. "Si'tli SiocUlindi^c, " I ilnuci'sU'r, Mass.; AiitniK' ( )slon, mastor.
Waniiil nti finin St. AiulrLUS. \.\\., almiit April ,^o, i.S8().
,V •■ Annu M. Jnrtlan," ( iluni'isti'r, Mass.: Ak'NaiuJjr llainc. niasicr.
\\ arm-d nil at .~-!. Andriws, .\ I'.., aliniii ,\lay 4, iSXti.
4 '■Maud J. A. lams," 1 ilmu'i-^U'r, Mass.; .Mdi'ii Kiiincv, niasUT.
.^ci.'.-d ,n I 'i,l;Ii\, .\nva Scniia, .May 7, i.ScSd, fnr alK-ycd vinla-
linii nf 1 reaty nf i.^i.S. .\(.-t of 51; ( icorgi' 111., and .\ci of iiS.S_<.
I'un sniis bniuiilit in \ ici.- .\ released June _'ij, l.SSo,
7. •• leiiiiie and Julia." i-a»tport, .Me.; W. 1 1. Travis, in.ister. Warned
off at I'ighv, .\ova Sceitia, hy eustnnis otticei.-, ,\la\ 18, i fnr .ilieL;ed vinlalion ni riisinnis laws,
ahont .M.iy ,^1, i.SHo.
III. •■ lames A, ( i.irlield, ' ( ilniiei -.ler. Mass. I hreatened ahniit June I,
t8iSii, with seiziir ■ fnr liaviiig purehased halt in a Canadian liar-
•• .Marih:). W . Urailly," dlnueester, .Mass.; J. 1'. \ eiitier, master.
W arned nlf .U ( ';uisii, .\nva Seniia, helwccu June 1 and 8, l88().
'• I'.li/a linyninii.' ( .Inncester, .Mass.; (.lenrge I'".. .Martin, master.
Warned <■(( at ( aiisn, .\. XewfniimllaiKl, June IJ. l88().
•• lames (J. Craig," l'ortlan demanded. Money deposited un-
der jirolesi, Julv 12, and in addition ,$iJo cnsts depo.sited July
14. I-'iiie and costs refunded July 2t, and vessel released Aug-
ust 26.
1 1.
17. "C. I'. Ilainni;l(
I'll llii-k, n.;i'-!va Si-ntia, ali.mi Jiil> ,\. iWi. for sliiii-
mit;' soaiiicn cinilrary in [mi't laws.
(i. W. (.'nshintj," I'nniaibi. .\l
k'Wi'tl, iiiastvT.
I 'I'tainci
(liv aiiiitluT rci'iiri Jiiiu-I ,^ iSWi, at Slu-lli',iriu'. K'uva ."^ii'lia. f"r
alk'j;i'(l viiilaiidii nf the i-iistniiis laws ; rnii'ii S-|()<) ; iimiu'v dr-
liliiidr at Halifax alMuii julv unr 14, aiiil Suo
lii>ltl'(l Willi (.•
lists cl(.'|iii>iU'cl I |tll : i-ii-ls rrl'illicU'd Jillv Jl, ailil vrs>rl ri'-
' ( lcl(k-ii I liml. "( lldiu'i-.sti'r. .\la>s. : Uiilmi ( aiin'mii, niasici-. Waiii-
I'd i<\\ at r.a\ of (.liai'-iir-. .\(i\a .^roiia. on or ahoui Inh J.^,
o\(.'lt\," I'orllaiul, .\lc.; II. .\. lovcc, iiuisUT.
iriK'tl oil at
U'ti '11,
Nova .'^(.■ot
la, jiiiK J' I.
I SSi <
n. liiscu iiitraiu''- ai
.\iiilii.'r>l, ,\'o\a Scotia,
.\. J. .Mill
Inly J.j.
K.Krth r.av, .\lc.; I »K-k
soil, master.
1 tclaiiu i| at
liopoutll L'a|)<.'. .Ww Uriiiiswiik, f<
loin,-, laws, on July J4, iS,S(). liiad $4(^0
(1 \ 11 ilati. >n • if ciis-
J,V " kattlir," ( ihjiKi'sicr, .Mass.; .\. !•". C'nnninijliaiii. iiiasur. \\';iri
i oil ai t aiiso, .\ova Seoliu, Juiu-. iShd. |)i'taiiu(l in poi
I of
.'^Ik'IIuiiih', .\ova Si-otia, .\ii),nist ,v iN;.,'). Kiwi iindir 14111''
ill ni);lil and rek-
J4. •■ ( arolinc \'oiiiilit,
isi-d on Ilk' 4tl
lotli r.av,
W ariii.l I lit ai I '.i>|iei.'ia
.Me.; I harks .S. Keed. master.
.\ew |!nins\viek. .\ni,;:iM 4. i.SSii,
.-^liiloli," {,
ster, .Mass.; t liarles \e\ii, master. Iloarded at
l,i\ei'|ioiil. N . 'va .'^I'oiia. .\ii.i,ust i).
until lia\.
iiirnes, nia.->tv-r.
l-i'i-rpool. .\iiva .Seolia. AuyiiNl u. iSiSii.
I'r' idle W. .\llluii," l'ro\iiKct()\vii, .Mas.s.; .Mlii
I'loaided at
eil at 1 .i\i rill "il, \ova >*'oli
d Holitrook," ( iloiici
nj;nsl m, i,-;Seii-
linSijinlKd In Selitciul
',(1, Alastcr adniilled
miied and
the cliari;e and confess .d jud^jincnt. \ essel conde
sold Uecemlier 1 j I'll
32. " Pearl Xe
.scd In I aiiadiaii (iovenmient,
I'roviiicetown, .Mass.; KeiU|), master. Detained
It Arichat. tape I'lreioii. Si|)teinl)er S, iS.Sd. for alle),;i'd viola-
1 l^-ejileiiilier '), on de|iiisi! of
tioii of inisinins laws, Keieasei
$;;«). Deposit refumk'd ( )ctolH 1 j(k IiS,S(i
'ioneer. " ( iloii
ester, Mass.; I"
C niched, niasier.
ilT at ( Xova Scotia. Se)itemlM.'r o. 1K86
.Morrn ('astle," f ;!(nicester. .Mass.; ICdwiii .M.Joyce, master. De-
tained at [ l.awkeslmrc. Xova Scmia. Sepit'inher 11. iSSfi, mi
liarye ot li:i,iii^.
no (duster, .\'
ova Scoli;i,
1KS4, and also of violating customs laws. .\ (kjposit of Si.fxio
demanded, \essel discliartfed Xovenilur 2o, iSSfj. nn |);iy-
iiient, li\ a^^reiineiii, of Si.ixh) to Canadian ( iovennneiil,
Kverelt .Steel." ( ■.loiicestcr. Mass,: riuirles II, FoH)es, master.
Detained al Sliclbitrnc, Novii Scotia, September Kj. 1KS6, for
.•ili'7;«'l viulaliMii ,,t nisiuiiis laws. [{Hca'-.Ml |)v oid.r frniii
' »llau;i, Scploiiihor I I, iKSfi.
.;<-. "William I), i .■,isl,._v;' (.l,„uTsUr, .\la^>.; |. I'. ( I.Tinan. inast.T.
I MaiiicMl ai Nhmi., I'liiu-c IvlwanI Ma;i,|. i ).-|,,|,.t .|, iSS(, |,,r
allf.!;f(l vKilaiMii) nf i-iisloiiis law. Iinnl $.\<»^. and nlrastd on
paviiuMil ; .^5;- ,,f the liiu- iviiiillcl.
.^7. "l-auia Scywaid," ( llotm-sltT, .Mass.; .\k,k.„ |<,,si., mastiT. Uv-
ins^il I nvi!r,i;i' Ml laii.lir,,i, ai Sluiliuriic, .\(.va ,S.-ntia, ( U-lnlHT
i, iXKo.
.). i"(,i- \i(,lalioii uf |>(iit laws in failing to re-
in. ri ;it iiist,,m iMMsr .111 cnlcriii},'-. I''iiic(l ;ti4<>fi. Moiiev paitl
iindir ].r..u -,1. an.l ri!ea ..(.■( I, Imik' rcniitti'd I Jei-enilxT 1,
I XXh.
,;■). ■'.Irnnic Sciwi-iK, • (il(,ii.-rsliT, \la^s., j(isc|.li 'Clipper, iiiasltT. Kv
fi-srd privilege . if laiidini,'. and ves-ei j laced under );iiard at
Liverpool, Xova .'^e(jtia, ( lelnher 20, \HH(i.
d". " i'lyiiij,' .'^e^ld,•• (iloiieesier. .Mass. Detained for alleged violation
"f i-nsldins laws at Halifax. .Xnveinlier i, or alnnil that time.
Ivel"asrd .\'( i\cmlier \(i iXSfi.
41. "Saia!! II, I'ridi-," H(ist,,n. .Mass, Refused the of a lost
seine, uliicli was fimiid liv a Canadian sehndin'r, I )eeeiiil)er,
1 SSf ).
-I-'. •■ I'.na; " (nana unkiinwin ; Stephen K'. I'.alenm. master, h'.astpnrt,
,\le, W'.irned 1 iff at .^t, ,\niire\vs, ,\i w Uninswiek, July (), \HH(>,
with oilii'rs.
.),?, "Twu small liiiats" (nnnamodl; Charles Siiiitli, iVnilimke, !\Te.,
masler. Seized at h'.ast tjuaddy, Xiw r.ninswiek, Seplemher
1, i.'-!S(), for allej^ed violation 1 ii eu--to!ns laws.
Id- •■ I iiiiid " (loreij,ii hu'lli, Chi,u ,-,er. ,\|,is-,. Sei:.'e.l and warned
off, ,11 some lime pric • lo Se]ia'iiilH'r d. 18X0.
45, "Wideawake," Ivastport, ,Me.; \Villiam holey, master, h'iiied at
l.'h'.tant;-, Xew I'.riinswiek, .S;^ f,ir t.akint; away lisli without
Uettint^ a eleanmee ; ;i,!.;aiii .Xovemlier 1,^, iXiS(). at Si. (ieorgo,
.\i\\ r.ninswii.k, liiu'l Sju for di.iilar olTtnee.
APPl'NDIX No .\I\'
,\lr. ,\dain--. Iiiited Stales .Seeretary of Stale, thus instructs Mr.
( iall.aliii, otK- nf die rieni|) wliieli the President hopes iiia\' be adju.sted
liy this .Xi ijoii.ation. are :
"I, rill- inlereoursi' with the I'.ritrdi eolonies in the West liulics
and XoiiJi .\iiieriea. N'oii are well aeijuainted with the failure of ihc.'
attempt to e.xleud the Coiiveutioii of 1S13 to this intereourse, and ;it
the neudtialiou of the C(jnventioii aiul at a snli,-^e<|Uent period, when
four additional .\rtieks were piNHioscd .11 llu I liiiil I ml
itU'iui-, lull! nil llu' i;ili Si|iU'llll'i'r, .".illiiiiilUil iIh'm' |)|ii|)nMil> ;
•ami \ i>hI> III llic I iiiiiil Mau> .shall, in \ik.-
iiiaiiiu'i', liavi' lilnii^ ii iiiiiHui, iimu an* m ilii' aliiiv>aiil jinrLs ni llu'
L i\ Mau>, iiiiu any ni ilic alniisaid puns uiUiiii tiu' saul I'lu-
viiiccs di .\ii\a >ioiia ami New llriin>\\ii.U, aii\ cii ila aitiili.s, llii'
j,M-ii\\lli, [innhu'c nr iiiaiiuiai.'liir<.' ni ilii- -.inl I. iiilitl MaUs, il'c i'\-
IHPiiatiuii III uliifii, irmii ila' I luuil Maii> tu ilu' >aiil 1 'rnMiu'i's, .shall
Ik' alliiwi'il ill r.niisli \ I. SSI' Is, ami ilic iiii|)iii laiinii ni v^lmii, iiiin iln
saiil I'mvim-is, irinii c\i'i\ ullici- I'lmigii LoiiiiH) ur I'kui', .shall imi
liu (.iiiiiclN pruliihilfU."
' ' "ail.! \ I'.-srls ul ihc I iHlid Males shall liavL- lib
111) lu ixpori, irniii ihi' saiil I'roviiu'cs tn llic saiil L iiitcil Slalos.
yviisiiiii ami yriiiilshjiK.s, tin.' piDiUkc ur iiiuiiul;n;turi' nf llii' :>ai ;—
■• I). - ,\n\a .'seniia. iS>c.- I'liiiish visscLs shall lia\e hlien_\ in exii.iii.
tnilii any ni ihv I'nrl.s nl the I. iiileil .'~>lau > in ivhuli aii_\ inrei,i;u ve--
sels are i>eniiitleil lu eniiie, tn die I'mt ni llaliiax, in I lis r.riianuii-
.\laji>i\'s I'rnsiiKe iniia, in ihe Tnrt nf m. Jnlii;'> in lli.
Urilaiiiiie .\laje.sl_\ s J'ruMiiee ni .New liruuswiek, and In an} nliier
i'nrt within the said I'rnvinies ni .\n\a .'svntia nr ,\e\\ ilniiisw lek, m
wliii'h vessi'ls nl any other 1 ureigii Xalioii ^hall he adinilleil ; llu
i'nlln\uiiy articles, heni^ nl iiie yiuv\lli, prnduce or inainiiaciiiii. , .1
the I'liited Slates, vi/. ; .■scanlliny, planks, sia\e«. lie.tilinj; l.naiiU,
shingles, houps, Imrses, callle. sluep, lings, |)nnllr\. nr Iim sincl,
of any sort, bread, biscnii. Ilniir. pea.s, beans, pntaines, wheat, rice,
nats, l)arle\, nr i^raiii nl aii> ,-nri, pitch, lar, iiirpeiiiine, irnii •, ^ceis,
and lobaccn.
"Anil \ essels nl llu- i iiited Mates shall, in liki iiianiicr, li.ivc
liberty to import, Iroiii aii\ ni the al'niesaid Tnils nl the I nited ."^lalcs,
into any ot the ainre.said I'nris uiilnn the said I'mvinces nl .\ova
Scnlia and Xew Unniswiil., llie aimve nientiniieil ailicles, being ni t'n-
growlli, prmltice or inamiiacuire, nf ihe I'nileil .^la'e.s.
•■ llnu^ll vesseks shall .,ksn hav\ ;il)eit_\ in iiiipnri. frnin any ni ihi
ainresaid I'nrls wiiiiin uie rrn\inccs nf .\n\a ."scniia and .\ew iliili:-
wick, iniii ail} ni the aiore.saiil I'nris ni the 1 nited Stales, gypsum aiul
grindsiniies, or aii} oilier articles, being of tiie growtli, produce .ir
luamifaciure, ni the saiil I'muiices, and alsn, .ui} prnduce or nianu
facture uf any part of His liriiannic .\lajeM\'s ik •iniiiiniis, iIk- iin-
pnrlalinii nf wIkcIi. iiiln the I niti.(l .'suucs, ~liali imt be entirel} pin
■■ .\ml vessi '..^ nl ll.e I nilcd ."slate.-, sluiil lia\e hberiv In inipnii iimn
the said I'rnvinces tn the said L'nited States, slates, g\psiini, and grind-
slones, or aii} nther article, being nf liu- ginatli, |)rndiicc nr iiiauu
facture of an} [lart of His riritannic .\lajest\'s doniiiiions, the im-
inirtatinn of which iiitn the I nited .^tates, frniii aii} niher place, shall
not be entirely pmliibiicd.
"The vessels of eitliei- nf the two i)arties. eniplo} cd in the tj-ade
provided for by this .XriicK-, >liall be adliiitled inln the I'nrN nf il-.i
other jiarly. as above iiieiiliniK-d, willinui paying any nther nr higlier
duties, or charges, than thnse p.ivable in the same porl.s b\ the vessel.-,
of such other parly. I'm- s.-inii duties shall alsn be paiil, resjiecliveK',
in tlie (loniinions of bmh parties, on the importation and on the e.x-
porialioii of the articles wliieli may be iiiipoiled or exported, bv virtiu-
of this Article, and the same iKjiinties sliall also lu- allowed on the
<-.\l)nrt;itioii tliereof, whether such impnit,ilinn nr expnrlatinn shall be
in vessels of the L'nited .Slale.s or in Uritisli ves.scls."
" At ihi' (Mini nf St. jiinics,
•■ .XiiyfUibcr 5, liSjo.
" rrtsi'iit : I lu' Kiii^;'s Must r..M- .'Ik'niy .Majesty in Cuiiiicil.
" W lull as, liy a eiiiaiii .\i:t of ['arliamuiit, passed in tiii; 61I1 year nf
tho leij;!! of liis iaii. Majesly Ki'Il; ( iooii;c tlic I'liiirtli, eiitilied ' .\li
.\i;l U) tc).;iiiaU' llie Hack' of liir I'.riiisli pn^M-.ssions al)roaii,' afur niit-
inj,' thai, 'lis llic law cf iiavi};atioii fi.i\i;^ii ships atv piiiiuited to im-
porl into aii\ of the Ihiiish po>M ssiiiii.~> alHuad, from tht' coimlriis lo
«!:iih they luloiig, j^oods the produce of iho^e eounlries, and to export
^ooils from sueh poM>essioii> to lie earriid lo .(iiy fori i^;ll country what-
ever, and that it is espedieul that such permission should lie snl)je( t to
certain conditions, ii is tlieicfoie enacted tli;it ilie priviK^fes lheri'lj>-
granted to foreign siiips shall lie liniilet)', liy his ( Mder in I'ouucil, sh.ill in
any dniu it expedient to grant the whole or any of suih privileges
to the .shi|ih of an_\ torci)4ii country, altliou^li the conditions aforesaid
shall not in all rojiects lie fullilled liy such foreign country.
■• Ami whereas, liy ;i certain order of his said late .Majest) in Council,
hearing dale the -71)1 JuK. nSjd, after reciting ihat the conditions inen-
tioued anil referred to in the said Act of Parliament h;id not in all re-
spects lieeli Inltilled hy tin (iovernment of the I uited .'^l.ites of
.America, and that, therefore, the privileges so granted as aforesaid liy
the law of navigation tif His Majesty's possessions in the
West Indies or .America, with articles of the growth, produce, or inann
facture of the said Slates, certain duties of tonnage and of cnstonis
therein parlicul.arly specified ;
"And whereas, it hath been made to appc;ir to His Majesty in
Council, that tin- restrictions lieretofore imposed by the laws of the
[fnited States aforesaid, upon I'.ritish ve.-isels navigaiing between the
said States and His .XJajesty's possessions in the West Indies and
America, have been repealed, and that the discriminating duties of
tonnage and of customs heretofore imposed b\- the laws of the said
I'tiited States upon riritish vessels and tiicir cargoes, entering the ports
of the said States from Ifis Majesty's said jiossossions, have also been
repealed ; and ihat the ports of tlie ['nited States are now open to
llritish vessels and their cargoes, coming fnim His Majesty's posses-
sions aforesaid ;
"His Majisty doth, therefore, with llie advice of his Privy Council,
'ind in jiursuance and exercise of the |iowcrs so vested in him. as afc-e-
.said, by the .said .Act so passed in the sixth year of the roign of Ii'..-. said
late Majesty, or by any other Act or Acts of Parliament, declare that
■Si|2£ IM
U i 1.6
(716) •73-4503
till- said R'citi'il (Vdcrs in t"(itircii , and the said ( )r \cv in ('(Pinuil of tin- i')tli
(lav of |iil.\. iSj" ('o far as the siudi !asl-i:n'n'ioncil order rolatis to ilu-
said I'niU'd Slausi, shall hi', and thr sanii- arc lurrhy ri'sptctivi'l) ri-
V( iki'd ;
•• And His Majesty of His
Majesty's |)rincipal secretaries of state, are to i;i\e the necessary direc-
tions herein, as to them may respectively appertain.
••jAS. lU l.l.l'.K'.
" A true copy :
" Colonial '( )ffice, ^Vhitcllall,
■' XovemluTGtli, 1830."
\\y the i'resideiit of the L'nited States of America.
" Wiiereas l>y an Act of Congress of the liiittd Stmes, passed on the
2«;th day of .May, iHj^o, it is provided that whenever the i'le^i.lent if
the L'nited States shall receive satisfactory evidence tli.r die ( lovern-
inent of Great llritain will open the ports of its coK in ,' ))>ion , in
the West Indies, on the continent of Soii-.ii .Nmcica, the I'.idiania
Islands, the Caicos, and the liermuda or Some'- Islands ' ' ''le vessels
of the L'nited States, for an indetinite or for a liiiuted tirm ; :hat tln'
vessels of the L'nited States, and their cargoes, in enterinj; ;!)r colonial
ports aforesaid, shall not be subject to other or liigher ihtti'S if l-nnaiic
or, or charges of ;uiy other descrijition, tlian would be imposed
on I'ritish ves.sels or their cargoes, arriving in the said colonial posses-
sions from the L'nited States ; that the vessels of th" L'nited .States
may inijiort into tlie said colonial possessions from the l'nited States
anv article or articles vsliich eould be imported in a liritisii vessel into
the said possessions from the United States, and that the vessels of the
L'nited Mate> niav export from the I'lriiish colonies aforemeniioned, to
any coinitry whatever, other than the dominions or possessions of
( Ireat I'-ritain, an_\ article or articles, that can be exported rheiefrom in
a llritish ve.■^•>el, to any country other tlian the I'.ritish dominions or pos
sessions .iforesaid — leaving the commercial intercourse of the l'nited
.States with all otiier parts of the I'.ritish dominions or possessions vn
a footing not less favourable to the l'nited States than it now is — that
then, ;uid in such ease, the President of the l'nited St,'ues shall be au-
thorized, at any time before the next session of longress, to 'ssue his
proclamation declaring that he has received such evidence, rnd that
therenjion, and from the date of such proclamation, ihe port si of the
l'nited States shall be opened indefinitely, or for a term fixed, ,is the
c;ise may be. to Ihitish vosels corning fp.m tile said llrilish colonial
fxisscssions, and, their cargoes subject to no other or higher duty of
tonnage or iin]>ost or charge of any deserii)tioii wliatever than would
l)f levied on the vessils of the l'nited States or their cargoes arriving
from the said I'.ritish [.ossessions. and that it shall be lawful for the
said British vessels to import into the l'nited .States, ;uul to tx])ort
therefrom, any article or articles which may be imported or ex|)orted
in vessels of the 1 nited Stales, and that the .\ct entitlerl 'An Act con
cerning n;»vigatiim,' passed on the iHth da\ of April, one thousand
eight hundred ;mil eighteen, an .Act suiiplementary thereto, passed Uie
I5,tli day of .May, one thous;md eight iuinilred ;iiid twenty, and an .Act
entitled "An .Act to regulate the commercial iiitereoiirse between the
I'nitul .States and certain I'.ritish ports.' passed on the first clay of
.March, one thousand eight hundred and twenty three, shall, in such
case, be suspended or absloutel} repealed, as Ihe case may re(|iiire :
" And wluTi'.ns l>v tlic said Act it is fiirtlit-r pmvidcd that, whenever
till' porls (if till- I'liitcd Stall's shall liavi' bci'ii (ii)CihmI iituk'r tlir au-
tlmrity tlieivhy ^ivcii. Ilritisli vessels and tlu-ir cartjocs shall l)f ad-
mitted li> an eiitfv in the ixirts of the I'nitid Mates from the islaiuls,
|)iiiviiiees, or enloiiies of ( ireat Uritaiii, on or near the North American
eoiiiincnt, and north or east of tl-,e I'nited >Mates :
"And \v!iereas satisfactory evidence has heen received hy the Prcsi-
di'Mt of the 1 'nileil Stales that whenever he shall {;ive elTect to the pro-
visions of the Act aforesaid, the ( lovtrnment of (ireat Britain will rpcii
for an indermite period the jjorts in its colonial [>ossessions in the West
Indies, on the continent of South America, the I'lahaina Islands, the
Caicos, and the Itermtida or Somer Islands, to the vessels of the L'liited
Stales, and their cargoes, iijxm the terms and according to the requisi-
tions of tile aforesaid Act of C ongros :
•' Now, therefore, I, Andrew Jackson, President of the United States
of America, do heiehy declare and proclaim that such evidence ha.^
heen received hy me ; and that, by the o|)eralion of the Act of Con-
gress ))assiiiii'nt prnpiiscd
liy th.> liiited Slates (lov-
eiriiiieiit in I SjSG.
\Vni.i(t;A , in llic Isi .Vrtielo of
I h" ('iiioi'rilinn hetttiTM tile l/'lliU'd
Sial.'s and I lial, liii, e'liieludeil
.Uiil -.i.;iied ill I,iMid;iri'il hetween
llie iliijii ( null '(•! iie; I'ailiei " tllilt
tlh' iiilialiilaiil ; of tlie s.iid Uiiited
Slate.-' .shall liini'fur ever, in euliimim
with the sulijiHis (if Ills Biitaiiiiie
.MajcMly, llic litii'ily In lake fi'^h nf
I'vci'V kind (III that [lait <'f iIih
smillieiii coast of Nevvfoundjanii
■,v!ii( li extends from Cipe l!.i.y 'o tin'
Itaiiii'iii I'-laiid-i. on tin' western and
noi'tlierii eoast of Newfiuindland,
fiiiiii Mie said tJape Biy to the
(^uirfKiii Islands, on llic shores of
ill" .M.iiid.ilen Fshinds, .and also on's, liays. harliours .ind eieeks,
from Mount .lolv on the 'out hern
coast of j.ahiadoi'. In .and t.hroii^li
the iSlruits uf lielleiiile, and tlieticu
I >lis"rvations of Hor M ijesty's (iov
(.'rniiiHtit oil .Mr. i'myHrd's
Till' ino-t iinportnnt departuie in
this Article from the I'rotocol of
■ •■■■(Ki i< ilio iiileipiijalioii of the
sli]ie!alioii, " that the hays and
liaiiioiirs froiii wiiicli .\iiierieiin ve«-
si'is .ire in future to h- ('xchided,
.-..ive for till' pdrposcs for whiuii
I'litraiico inio haya mid harhom.'* is
pennitted hy s.iid .-Vrtieie, (iio hurehy
a:;re('il to Im taken to ho .such har-
liours as are lU, or loss than 10
miles in width, and the disliincc of
:i niarine miles from such hays ami
liarhours shall he measured from a
str.iijjrht liiK^ drawn across the liay
or h.iiliour in the part nearest the
cut laiu'C at the first point where the
width does not exceed 10 miles."
This pi-o\isioii would involve a
siirr'nder of lishinj; rifjhts which alw.iys heen rej^arded as the
'•xclusiM' properly of Canada, ami
would make eoiMiiion tishing gronmis
uf lurritutial waters which, by the
nortliwanlly indi't'miti'ly aloni; tlio
coiist, willumt. in'i'jniliii'. Imwi'vcr, lo
any of tlic t>x(liisi\c liylils iit' tlio
Huilsiiii's Hay ('oMiimiiy ; iiixl lliiit.
tlie Amsvicmi lislicriiicn .sli.ill .•ilso
liiivd lil)i'rt.y till' evrr In iliy .iiid iMi'i'
(isli in liny oi lln^ uiiscnlcd li.iys,
liarljours iinil cn-oks of ll.r suutiiii ii
part of tlif coast of Nrwtoiiiuli.iinl.
hereaWove (lescnlii'd, and of tlic co;i>i
of Labrador; l)iit so soon a- llic
same, or any portion tluifof, shall
be sottlfd, it shall not hi' lawlid for
tlio said tialifrinen to dry oi' iiur tlsli
at s\ich poition so setlk'd ssilMout
previous a^'rcfincnt for su.'li puqiost'
with the inhabitant.-, ]ir.)|iiieiiir.- oi-
possessors of the ^Monnd;" and was
dechirod iliat ''the liiitcd Slalt^s
iierel)y renounco for (ncr any lilorly
heretofori' iMijoyed or flaiini'ast
nnd in the leljaeem waters i>f ihe
Briti-'h North American Coioidrs, in
oonformily with the Nt Article of
the Convention of ISIS, except that
the bays and harbours from which
American lishermen aic in the tiiliire
to be excluded, --ave for the purpo'^i's
for which entrance into bays and
harbours is permitted by said .\rticle,
are hereby agreed to be taken to be
such bavs and hirbouis as are 10 ays and harbouis shall be measured
from a stivdght liiu' diviwn ; the
bay or harboiir, in I lie |iart iiean-st
tiie entrance, at tlie 111' t point
where? the width doe~ imi ex.-.iil 10
miles, the said lines i i be rcjuUrlv
numbered, dulv describcil. and also
law of nations have Ijeen invariai)iy
regardefl both in (treat Britain and
the liiiled States as belonging to
the adjie ■lit country. Ill the ease,
for instaiire. of I he Bale lies C'lialeurs,
a pectiliarh well marked and almost
laiiillockcd indentation of the Uana
dlan coast, the 10 mile line would be
dr.iwn from points in the heart of
Cinadian tei riltiry, and almost 70
miles dislance from the natural
en, ranee or mouth of the bay. 'J'liis
would I)'.' done in spilc' of the fact
that, both by Imperial legislation
and by judicial interpretation, this
l.iy has been (hiclared lo forma part
of the territory of t'.aiiada. (See
liiifierial Statine U an. I I'l \'ict.,
cha]!. ('>:\ : atid ■' Mount v. MclMiee,"
.") Sii(i. ( ourt of Canada lieporis, p.
(Ill ).
The t^onveniion with France in
l.s.'iil, and similar UonviMitions with
other Kuropoan Power.s, form no
precedents for the adoption of a 10
mile limit, 'liio^e Conventions wi-re
doulitless passed with a view to the
geographical peculiarities of the
coast to which they related. They
had for their obji'ct the delinition of
boimd.iry lines ivhich, owing to the
idiitigiir.ilion of the coast, perhaps
could not reidily be se.tled by
rcierence to the law of nations, and
■iivolve other coiidilioiis which are in
applicibic to the territorial waters
Oi V 'aiiada.
This i- .>hown iiy the fact that in
the l''ieiicli Convent ion the wlioio of
the oyster bed> in (1-anville Bay,
oMierwiM) called the I'.ay ot Caiical,
the enti.mce of which exceeds 10
miles in width, wen? regarded as
I'li'iich, and tli>' enjoyment of thnii
is reserved to the io al lishermen.
.\ refi leiice to tiie action of the
L'liiti'd States (loveriimenl, anil to
tile a liiiission made by their states-
iiiiM in regard lo b lys on the A.ineri-
c.iii coal-, -trctigtheiis this view;
and liie e ise of the English ship
'■( lran:.'e"shows that tLcl I'overnnient
of the I'liited St lie-- in I 7 '.!•'! claimed
|lelawai-e l>av .is biliiu within terri-
tiiri 11 waters.
.Mr. Bayard contends tli .t the rule
which he asks to have set up was
adopled bv the l.'mpire of the Com
mission .ippoiiiteil under theCoiiven
lion of ISfi.i in tlie ease of the I'liited
Stateslishiiigseh ler" Wa^hingl.di,"
that it was by liiiii applied lo the Bay
of I'uiuly, and it is for this
re.i^OM ap|ilicable to other (ain.idian
It Is iibmitted, however, that as
one of ill' liiMd'.inds of the li.iy of
l''uiidy is ill ill. leirit.iiy of the
rnited States any rules of interna
tioiial l.iw applicable to bay are
not therefore eonally applicable lo
other bays tin,' headlands of v^llicll
flBiiriy liiiirkcil on CliaHs pi-cparccl
in diiplifaU' fur the |viii|">si'.
2. 'I'd .i^ict.' ii|iiiii mid csinlilisli
sui'li Ut'j;nlMl,ii)ii< us rniiv l>i' iii's:iiy
iiiid |ii(ip('i- 1(1 scfuic til till' lislicrmcii
of ihe l'iiitei:iissiiry lu piconl. tlii'
ultUM- of lIlO privilfir,. |(.>,.|\(ld liy
said CoiivviiLiiiii L.I ilui li.-,ln I'liien of
tlie UuiU'd Stales.
.'}. To a;;iL'c upon and fctuiiimcnd
the p«'iiiiltiL'i< to lie ad.]iidj{t'd, anil
sucii prucvedinj;^ and jinl.Mlic; ion a^
may !)>■ uc'Lt.ssary Lo sccujv a spifdv
trial and jiidKiiicnl, 'aIUi a.s little
I'Xpelisi' iis possible, fur [hv vi'|latol'^
of riijlits and liii' Uau ;,'ii ssors of ih.'
liiiiils and iv-slrioliiuis \\ iiicli ipay Uc
lif'rcl'V adopted ;
I'l-ovided, lio«evci, lliat, ijie limits.
rfbliieUim.s and l!e;,'iilal ions wh.eli
Uiiiy bo agreed upon liy llie Siud
Coiiiinissioii shall noi lie iinul. nor
have auy elU'i;t, unlil S(j joinily e.iui
firmed and dtulared by iht- fniled
iSt-iles and Jier .Majesty the (Jiieen
of bleat Jirit'iiu, eitliti hy Treaiy or
by luwN mutually uckjiowled^e.d.
I'endin;; a dellnae ariaiii.'i iiieni on
tlie subjeet, lli^r llritannie Majesty s
(ioveinment iifjree lo instniet the
proper Colonial and other Hiiiish
orticcrs to ab-tain from sei/.ing or
molesting lishiiii; vos.sel.s of lli"
United Stales unl '.ss lliey aie found
wilhiii .'i niiiriiie miles of any of t li'>
coasts, bays, ereek<, and h/ii bciiiis nf
Her ISiitHimie .Majesty s diinnnioii <
in .\ineri:M, there li.-l iii", or lo have
lv, "as may Ih^ neeessuiv
t.1) prevent, should be iii-sHroeti,
"tlieir takiii;.'. diyiii^, or eiiiiii); lish
therein nr iu any other luaiiiior
abiisiii,<{ the prl\ ile>,'ts.s renervwd, ' tkc.
I'o make the lan;;ua;4e eoufui'iu
oiiiTeetly to (he C invention of \H\H,
seM-ral olhei verbal alU'iulions,
wliieli need iiii lie enuuttuHtud hern,
woultl be luuosiiary.
This Vrtielo would suspi'iiil the
opeiMli'iti nf the Statules of (Ireat
Itritalii and .if Canada, and of the
I'i'iniiiees now eunstiliaiiiL' ('"lii'da,
ii:il a< to the various ollenees
i.'oiMi'' ii. i! Aitii lislnii'.', but as to Cus-
tiiiiis. haibour-', and shippin;;, ami
w.iiild ,y;ive to the (isjijnjj vessels of
the I'liited Siale.s privileges in Can.i-
diaii ports wlee!, are not enjoytxl by
vessi 1:. Ill Ui^ 111 her class or of any
iitliei nation. .Such vessels would,
for exauiiile, lie free from the duly of
t'ppiiitiiin :it the Customs nil ent< riii^
a ( anaiiian haroour, and no safe
i;iiard could be adopltnl to prevent
iiifr. ■•ti.iii of the Customs laws by
any vessel as.seitiii^' the eharaeter of
a lishiat; \essel of the United State.s.
Iiisteiil lit' allowing to suc'i vessels
merely the reslrieled privilejfes re-
seiM'd by ihe Convention of 1818, it
would i^ive them ;;reater privileges
tiriii are enjoyed at the present time
by any ve.s.sels in any part of the
V'or the ])Ui|Hiseiif exeeuiini,' Arti-
cle I of llie t'linvention of IHIS, the
(iiivermiieiit lit the I 'niled States and
tisli williiii .'{ m.iiiiir inilcs nf .iny I'l'
llio coasts, Imys, iri'i'Us, Mild Inirliiiiirs
i)f llrr ISiitamiic M.iii'sly's (loiiiiiiiinis,
iiu^hulcil witliiii llii' liiiiils witliiii
wliifli tisliini; is liy the tonus ct' the
said t^mvetiliiiii riMioiiiniMl, suili
voKSfl sliall fiulliwilh lif rc|ii)ili'il lii
the dIKcit ill idmiiiami iit' mu' nt' llii'
said national M'ssoi.--, v.lmin <(iii|iino-
tion with tlic dllici'r in cuinniand of
anothiT ot llivould sidiinit sueli rights to th
adjndi'ation of two naval otlirers,
one of tlii'in lii'loiiL;in^ to a foi'f'i;;n
eonhtrv, who, if tli"y ^li >lllil di.sai;rep
and lie uuahl.' to ehoose an I'mpire,
nnisl refer the linal dei'ision of the
fjroit interests whiili mijjlit he at
stake to some person elioMen liy lot.
If a ves.sel eliar;;ed with infraction
of ('aniidian lisliinu' rights should l>o
tlioiij;ht Worthy of lieini^sulijeeled to
a "jiidieiiil examination," she would
lie sent to the \'ice .\(lniiralty Court
al llalit'a.x, liiil there would he no
redress, no appeal, anil no reference
111 any Triliiinal if the naval olliier.s
should tliink proper to release in'r.
It should, however, he olxserved
that the limitation in the second sen-
tence of this .\rticle of the violations
of the Convention which are to ren-
der a vessel lialile to seizure could not
he accepted by Her .Maje.sty's Uov-
l''or these reasons, the Article in
the form proposed is iiiadinissilile,
hut Jler .M.ijesty's lioverninent are
not indisposed to .-igree to the prin-
rijile of a joint enipiiry hy the naval
ciliicers of the two countries in the
(irst instance, the vessel to he sent
for trial at Halifax if the naval oHi-
. crs do not af,'ree that she should he
They fear, however, that tiiere
would he serious practical dilliculties
ill jjivini,' etVect to this arrangement,
ovi inj; to the ^reat length of coast,
and the ilclays, which must in con,se-
ipn-nci' he fieipient, in se uriiij; the
presence at tin- same time and place
of the naval olliceis of hoth phed
IMirls of entry 'd' Her llniannir
.Majesiv s dominion^ in America the
.same commercial pri> ilcye'; as other
vessels of the I 'nlud Sl:itis. incliid
ili^ the purchase of hail ami otliei-
supplier ; anil such privilei;c-, ^hiil he
exercised sulijccl to the .ame liiili ^
and Hej;nlalioiis and payment ol ihc
same port cliar;,'es as aic pie^crilvil
for other ves.scls of ihe Ciiiled
riu.^ Article IS al o open to i;i'.e of shelter, re
|iairs, and the purchase of wood and
walei , it has fieipiently heen pointed
out that an .attempt was made, dur-
int; the nejiotiatioiis which Jireceded
the Convention of IMIM, to obtain for
the tishermeii of the United State.s
the rie|it of olitaininj; bait in Caiia
dian waters, and that this attempt
was siici't'ssfully resisted. In spite of
this fact, it is proposed under thi.s
Article, to decl.aii' that ihe Conven
tioii of 1H18 f^avc! that privilege, as
well as I he. privilej;e of puicha-in;;
other supplies in the harliour.s of liie
The (iovciiimt'iil of licr iSiit.iii-
nic Miijfsl.y iihiim' Io h'mms,. mII
Uriilcil Sillies lisliitif; vessels iiiiw
under' M^i/iiie I'm l'ailiiii> In ii )iiprl il
Clist. liiMlses wlii'ii M!e|.ili;i slii llir,
rejmiis m' sii|i|ilies, miil Io lel'iiiid ;ill
tines ex iii.ed lor smli t';iiliP(! in ic
porl. And llie lli.;li C'oiiliiieliii!{
Piiilies aj 'I'realv
of IMS, saiil < 'oiniiii>sioii i i make
ivwards ilierefor lo ihe parties in-
Tile (jo\ernnieiil of the I'ailed
SlateH and tlie (iovernnenl of lli-r
iSritanniu Majesty a),'ree Ui i-ive eon-
current noliliealioii and warning of
Canadian Customs itefjuialions, ae.d
tliH United States aj,'ri'cs toadmonisii
its lislieiiiieii L p i-oiiiply with iheni
und cooperate in secunnj; llieir en-
I'y this Arlirle it is proposed to
i^ive ri'tidspii l,ne elVeel lo the un-
jusiilied iiHerpretalioii sougilt to he
plaieil on Ihe Coiivenlion liy tho hist
piei'edinj; Ailirlip.
It is avsiimi'il, wiiliout. discussion,
that all I'liited Stales lishiii;,'-vessels
vsliiiii liave iietMi seized sinee tlu! i x-
piialioii of thi' 'J'reaty of Washington
liave heeii illej,'allv seized, leaving as
tlie only iiuestion still open for con-
sideralioii, tlii^ amount of the daiiia-
;,'es for whicli i lie t-"ana(haii authori-
ties aie lialile.
Sucli a proposal appears to Her
Majesiy's (JoviMiiinenl (luite inad-
Tills All iele calls for no remark.
'•I'riaty iiotwccn Circat iiritaiii and tlie L'nitcd States for the Settle-
iiicni of tlic l''i.shcr\ (Jiic.^tioii mi the Atlantic Coast of North
America. Signed at \\ asliingtoii, hchruary 15, 1888.
■• Whereas differences liave arisen conccniiiig the inleri)retation of
Article 1. of llie Cuuvetition of the Jolli ( )ctol)er, 1818 ; Her Majesty
the yiieeii of the United Kingdom of (ireat l?ritaiii and Ireland, and
the l'nitcd ."States of .\nieiica, l)eiii,t; iiiutiiailx' desirous of removing all
causes of tiiisiiiidcrs'aiulitif, in relatiuii tlu'ieto, and of promoting
frieiully intercourse and .L;iiod iicigiiiiourhood iietween the Iniitcd
States and the ])ossessions of Jlcr .\lajcsl\ in .\ortli Amcricji, have
resolved to conclude a treaty to that end, and have named as their
riciii|)otetitiiirics. that v.- to .-.ay :
"Ilcr .\lajcst\ the (Jiiceii of tlu' I nitcd Kingdom of (Ircat I'ritain
and Irclimd, the Uigiit lloiioiiralilc Joseph I h.-iitilicrlain, M.I'.; the
iioiiomahlc Sir Lionel Sackville Sackvillc West. K.C..\1.( i., Ilcr Brit-
annic .Majesty's Envoy l".\traordiiiaiy and Minister I'lcnipotentiary to
the l'nitcd States of .\iiicrica; and Sir Charles Tiijjper. Ci.C..\l.C;., C.I>.,
Ministir of I'inancc of ihc Dominion of (.'anada :
•'And the I'rcsidciit of the l'nitcd States. Thomas 1'. llayard, Secre-
tary of State ; William L. I'utiiani, of Maine ; and Jai'H's H. Angell,
of Michigan :
" W'ho, having comniiinicated to each other their resjicctive full
jjowers. found in good and due fomi, have agreed upon the following
Articles : —
"The High Contracting Parties agree to appoint a mixed Comtnis-
sion to delimit, in the manner provided in this Treaty, the Hritisli
waters, bays, creeks and harbours of the coasts of Canada and of New-
fouiidlatid, as to which the United States, by Article I. of the Conven-
tion of Ihe 20th October, 1818, belweeii (ireat Britain and the I'nited
States, renounced for ever any liberty to take, dry, or cure fish.
"'I'lu- l'(iiiiiiii>siciii sliall I'liiisisI of twd (.lUiimissidiuTS to ho iiaiiu'il
by lliT riritannic .\laji>ly, and of Iwii C'diiiitiissioiuTs (n 'u' naiiU'd
l.iy tlic I'lisiilfiit 111 till- Iniliil Stales, witlinut dilay, after tlii'i-xcliaii^v.'
ol latiru'atiiins (if this Troaty.
"Till' C'uiiiiiiissii)ii shall iiici't ami coinpk'ti' thf (leliinitation as soon
as possible tlKTiaftcr.
" In I'asL' of tiic (hath, absoiici', or incapacity of any I'uniinissioiit'r,
or in the event of any C oniinissioner oniillin^; or ceasinj; to act as
such, the l'resiuch three marine miles shall be measured
seaward from a straight line drawn across the bay, creek or harbour,
in the jjart nearest the entrance at the first i)oiut where the width does
not exceed tan marine miles.
'• At or near the following bays the limits of exclusion under Article
J. of the Convention of the Joth ( )ctober, 1818, at points more than
three marine miles from low water mark, shall be establislied by the
following lines, namely :—
"At the JJaic des Clial<^urs the line from the light at Birch Point on
-Miscuu Island to .Maoiueieau Vuhn Light ; at the liay of MirAmichi,
the line iwnw the light at I'omt h^scumiiiac to the liglit on the eastern
point of Tabusintac Gully ; at Egm^nt Bay, in Prince Edward Island, 'I
the line from the light at Cape Egniont to the light at West Point :
and off St. Amj's liay, in the i'rovince of .Nova .Scotia, the line froiii
C^apt: bmoke to th e light at I'oint -AciHii.* f
" .At b'urf'ujie liay, I'n Xewfoumlland, the fine from Connaigre Head
to tJie liglit on the south-easterly end of Bruiiet Island, thence to
l-'orlune Head ; at .Sir Charles Han)iilton Sound, the line from tlie
'^, y ^ /^/w' t I ^-""^outli-caat point of Cajje b'ogo to While Island, thence to the north
■ / "^ ' "f^ C\ '^t- *^'"' '-'^ I'eckford Island, and from the soutti end of Peckford Island to
^'/^^^ " ' "* f>/^i tile east headland of Ragged Harbour, x
^ " ear the following bays the limits of exclusion shall be til rei.
.-,» '/,.,. marine miles seaward from the following lines, namely :—
"c V landA
' ^.^'^^T^'i^'ig Island and Kn'er Island, at St. Mary's Bay, in Nova Scotia,
shall, for the jjurposc of delimitation, be taken as the coasts of sticli
•• X'lPtliiii).; ill lliis 'Vii'iiiy sliall 111' i-ciiistnuil tn iiulitdc williin flic
ciiiiniiipii uatir- ;m\ :,miIi inlirici imhMmms of aii\ hiu.', irct-ks, iT
hailxitH'i as lanimi lij' ic.kIuiI irum tin ,i;, uiiliMiit )iassin^; williiii
ll'i- three marine iiiilis tin niiniuii in AiiuK' I. i.f tlie ( 'inixfnliiiii nf
llle Jolll ( lelnlier, iSlS.
ARTU1.I-, \ I.
•■'rile l'(iin!iii>^.iniiirs >liall fi.iiii lime to lime reimu i .>iieii lines as liiev may lia\e a;;reeil uiuiii,
nnnilieivil, ileserilieil, ami maii^ed as lielein |ini\i(ie(i, wilii <|na si i ie|Mirtecl sliall fmlhuith finm tiniv;
tn lime he .'inmhaiieuiHlv |iriielaimeil li\ ilie lli^h C'lmliaetitiy;
I'arlies, ami he hiiniiii)^ at'tef tun mnnilis tVum sueh |iiipelamati(in.
"Any (lisaj,'R'iMncMit nf the ( (immissionors siiall forthwith l)c ro-
ferred tn an nnii)itv seieeted hy ilcr I'.rilainiie Majesty's Minister at
\Vaslnnj,n(in ami tiie Secretary of State of the rniteil Slates ; and liis
(leeisidii sliall he final.
" Kach of the T-IiRh Contracting; i'arties shall pay its own Coniinis-
siniiers and otlieers. All other expenses jointly incurred, in connec-
tion with the |ierfc)niiaiice of ihe work, iiulndinj; com|)ensation to the
iimiiire, shall he jiaid hy the llijjh Lontractinjf I'arties in equal
" Nothing; in this Treaty shall interrnpt or affect the free navigation
of the Strait of Canso hy fishing vessels of the I'nited States.
" United States lishing vessels entering the bays or harbonrs re-
ferred to in Article I. of this Treaty shall conform to harbour regula-
tions coinmou to them and to Hshing vessels of Canada or of New-
"They need not report, enier. or clear, when putting into such
bays or harbours for shelter or repairing damages, nor when putting
into the same, outside the limits of established ports of entry, for the
purpose of [)iHciiasiiig wood or of obtaining water ; except that any
such vessel remaining more tl i twenty-four hours, exclusive of Sun-
days and legal holidays, within any such port, or coinnmnicating with
the shore therein, may be retjuired to rei)orl, enter or clear ; and no
vessel shall be excused hereby from giving due infoniiation to board-
ing officers.
"They shr'.i not be liable in such bays or harbours for compulsory
pilotage ; nor, when therein for the purpose of shelter, of repairing
damages, o{ purchxsing wood, or of obtaining water, shall they be
liable for harbour dues, tonnage dues, buoy dues, light dues, or other
similar dues ; but this enumeration shall not ()ermit other charges in-
consistent with the enjt)ymenl of the liberties reserved or secured by
the Convention of 20th ( )ctober, i8i8.
" LTnited States fishing vessels entering the ports, bays and harbours
of the eastern and northeastern coasts of Canada or of the coasts of
Newfoundland under stress of weather or other casualty may unload,
reload, tranship, or sell, subject to customs laws and regulations, all
fish on board, when such unloading, transhipment, or sale is made
iii'ifisan as iiu-iili'iilal In lYpairs. and may ri'pli'ni«.li imtriis, pruvisions
mill Mipiilii's (lamaj;i'il nr lust liy disastiT ; ami in lasc of lUatli or siok-
iifss >.liall lif alliiwid all iicnKiil laiililics, iiulndiiii,' llii' slii|)|)iiiK ul
■• l.u-i'iiso !•! imn-liasc in cstaMislu'd polls of cntiy of ilu' aforesaid
(•o:i>N of ( aniiila :if of Ni wfoinidlaiid. for liif lioincuanl voNaj^i-, siiili
pld\i^io||^ ami >ii)iplii> a> air oidiiiaiil) sold |o iiadinj,' vessels, shall
Ih ;;iaiilti| to t iiiti'd Sialic lisliiii)^ vessels in siuli ports, proiilpll)
npoM appliealion and uillioiil eli,irne ; ami siieli vessels having;- .ili
i.iiiied iieeiises in the inaniur afores.iid, shall also he aeeofded upon
,ill invasions siieli faiililies for the pnivhase of easiial or needful pro-
visions and supplies as aie ordin:irily uninled to tiadinj; vessels ; htil
siieli i)rovisions or supplies shall not he ohtaiiied hy barter, nor pur-
ehasod fur resale or tratVic.
" l''isliiii>r vessels of I'anada and NewfoiiiHlland shall have on the
Atlantii- eoasts of the I'nited States all the privilej,'es reserved and
seeiireil li\ tills Treaty to Iniled Malis fishing vessels iu the aforesaid
waters of I'anada and Newfoundland.
"The Secretary of the Treasury of the Tnited States shall inak.'
rej;ulatious providini; for the eonspieuous exhihitioii hy every I nited
States lishiun vessel of its otVieial nuinher on each how; and any such
vessel, rei|nired l)v law to have an official ininilier, and failing; to cuin^
plv with such rej,'\ilaliiiMs, shall not he entitled to the licenses provided
for in this Treaty. . ,
•' Such ie},nilatioiis shall he conununicated to lier Majesty s Govern-
ment previously to their takiiij; ePfect.
"The penalties for unlawfullv tishing in the waters, hays, creeks,
and harhouis, referred to in Article 1. of this Irealy, may extend to
forfeiture 111 die boat or vessel ami apiiurteiiances, and also of the
supplies and cargo aboard when the offence was committed ; and for
piepaniig ill such waters to unlawfully tish therein, penaUies shall be
fixed bv the ( ouit not to exceed those for unlawfully tishing ; and for
anv oilier violation of the laws of dreal Uritain, Canada, or Newfound
land relating to the right of tisherv in such waters, bays, creeks, or
harbours, penaltv shall be fixed by the Court, not exceeding m all
three dollars for every ton of the boat or vessel concerned. I he boat
or vessel niav be holdeii for sucii penalties and forfeitures.
"The proceedings shall he summary and as inexpensive as pra.--
ticable. The trial (excei.i on apiieal) shall be at the place of delenlioii.
unless the |udge shall, on rei|uesl of the defence, order it to be held
at some other place adjudged In him more convenient. Security fur
costs shall not be ie(|iiired of the defence, except when bail is offered.
Reasonable bail shall be accepted. There shall be i)ioper appeals
available to the defence only, am! the evidence at the trial may be
used on appeal.
" ludgments of forfeiture shall be reviewed l)y the (iovernor General
III Canada in Council, or the Governor in Council of Newfoundland,
before the same are executed.
Whenever the I'nited States shall remove the duty from tish nil,
whale oil, seal oil, and fish of all kinds (^excejit fish jireserved in oil),
being the produce of fisheries c.irried on Ijy the fishermen of Canad.i
and of .Newfoundland, including L.nbrador, as well as from die usual
and necessary casks, barrels, kegs, cans, and other usual and necessary
coverings coniaining the products above mentioned, the like products,
being the iiroduce of fisheries carried on by the fishermen of the
United States, as well as the usual and necessary cf)verings of the
same, as above described, shall be admitted free of duty into the Do-
minion of Canada and Newfoundland.
"Ami ii|iiiii siuli ii'iiiiiMil (if (liiliiN, ami wliiK' llic aforisaiil articles
Mil .illciwiil 111 lie |pripiiv;lii inln ilif I iiiud Slalf>i li\ ISiilisli >.nlijt'cfs,
wiiliniii iliiiv luiii;^' 11 iiiijin-.cil tlnrciiii, ilu' privili'ni' ui intirin^f tlie
|iiiii>, li,i\« and liarl'ciiii> nf llic alnic-aitl lua-ls ii( Canada aiul of
\'( wliiiimlland shall Im' ainirdt'd In I'liilcd Slalcs risliin),^ vi'sst'ls hy
animal liii-M-.c^. (n i nt i-liai(;i', im' ilic i'mIIi iwiiij; |iiir|Hisrs, iianu'ly : —
'■ I. Till' |iiiii'iaM' 111' |iniv isi. ills, jiaii, ui'. Mines, lini's and all hIIkt
sii|i|ilii'-' and iiiitlils.
■J. Trair^liiiiimiil nf cah li, fi ii' liaii-iiHiri l)y any nii-aiis (if cdiivey-
" 3. I^liiiiiiin); I if iTi'ws.
" Snpjilii's shall nul he nhl.iiiiiMl liv liailiT, Iml halt may l)c so ubtaiti-
" 'I'Ir' liki' i)rivilfni's shall In- ciMitinni'd or nivi-n to fisiiinp; vessels of
Canada ami of Xewfonndlaiid 011 the Atlantic coasts of the United
"This Treaty shall lu' ratified l)\ IKr I'lritaniiie Majesty, liavinp re-
leivid the assent nf ihe rarlianieiii of Canada and of the I.cgislaturo
nf \e\\fn\indlaml ; and hy the President of the Cniled .'states, hy anil
uitli the adviee and toiiseiit of the Senate ; and the ratifications shall
he eMhan;^'e(| at \\'asliinj;ton as soon as possihle.
"Ill faith whereof, we, the respective I'leiiipotentiaries, havi' sifjned
iliis Treaty, and lia\e hermnto affixed onr seals.
"Done in dnplieate. at \\'asliiii};ioii, this 15th dav of I'ehrnary, in
I he \earof ible '■nbjects f ilir lisliciirs dnrtii>' llif period wliirli
may It ri'c|iiisiii' fur iltc loiisidcalinti hy tlio Sfitali' "f tlu- 'I'l'i'aly this
day si^iu'd, and llu' rnarlnuiil nf \\w I(|;islatii)ii l.\ the rcs|)cctivi' Gov-
iTiunciits tluTi'in ])rii|)nso(!, di-sirc to lApnss tluir satisfaiMion with iliis
niaiiifostaliiiii nf an intcnlimi nti the |)art nf tht- Ilritisli l'li'iii|)(itfiitiarics
l>y the means referri'd tn, to maintain tlie relalinns "f pndd nt-iRlilMMir-
hciiid liftwcen tlic ISritish )in-isessi(ins in Nntih Amoriea and tho I'nited
Slates ; and they will eniivey the cinimmiieiilion of the I'.rilisli
I'leiiipoteiitiarios to the IVesidcnt of the I'nitfd Stales, with a reeoin-
mendalioti that the same tnay he by him made known to the Senate,
for its informati'iii, tonedier witii the 'rreal>. when the latter is stth-
mitted to that liodv for ratitieatioii.
" Washinplon. Febninry 15. 1888.
"A. II. WouMon " r. S. IIhIiIiik vchni'I Nfiwil III INTO, |i. UTi (Noto).
" A. I(. t'rliti'ii(l>>n" r. M. tiNliliiK vi'riMi'l liriiiliK'il III IM^4•>, |i, Ml.
•• A. T. I'l-illlkllll " r. S. llshliiK VfMHfl Hi'l/,f(l III IM70, |). •.';> (.Viilc).
AlH'i'ilcfii, Lortl I'iiI'i'Ikii Sci'i-t'tiiry, |N||. (>'(irr('M|i(iuil)>iii'i> willi Mr. Kvi'i'ett,
|i. IT i.S'dt)'), |i|i. IH, It).
AiliiliiH, CliarU'M l''i'iiii('iH. . . Sll|:K<'Nt^ ii|i|iiiliittii«'iii ol' n .MLxftl (;j.
CiiiTi'Hpiiiiilciii'i' M'ltli Karl lliitliiirHt, pp. .'i, H.
t'liiilriivi'i'My Willi .liiliiilluiii UilHMi-ll, p. Ti.
" AllM'rl " r. S. IIhIiIiik vckkcI wlzcd In 1870, p. J.'i (Xolc).
■■ AllllH " I'. S. IIhIiIiik vchncI mcI/.imI III IKIO, p. 4U.
AliKi'll. .IllliK'H It r. S. I'li'iilpiilfiilliny. WiirtlilliKtoll, l»4HT. pp. :{', U.'i.
" Aiiiili' .M. .Iitnlaii " r. S. llsliliii; vc^ist'l wariicil Iu Ism, p. 8u.
•• AlKll.s" r. S, llshliiK vessel si'l/,f(l ill 1H4I, pp. IN, IU.
" Uall " rrlviU-Ke nl piiivIi.imIiik aHkeU tur liy AuiericuiiH In 18tK v- !*> i
Uerilwil, p. Ill iNiitel.
t'liiiailiaii ar):iiiiieiil itaseil lliereiiu, p. Xi.
■- Itatelle " I '. S. tlHliiiii; veHHel Helped III J.SUU, p. 48.
Kales. .luHliiia Iieciiles thai Kay til' I'linily In iiut a " Itay " witliiu meuulUK
III' Ciilivelilliill of IMIK, p. IU.
Katlnii'Mi, Karl Ciiiili'iivei'sy witli .luliii (jiiluey Ailuiim, pp. .'i, S.
Kayaril, lluii. 'I'. I'' VrKiiiiii'iit re rlKliti* ol' I'. S. llHlienueu Iu oiiiiiiiiereial prlvileifeti
III (laiiaillaa piirlH, p. ',K> ; replied tu liy Uauudluu Ijuveru-
ini'lil, p. .'(>'■.
.NeKiillalliillM Willi H\t *'. 'I'lipper iu 1»8T, p. 37.
r. S. I'leiilpuleutlary, WasliliiK'tuu, iml, p. [>o.
.Meiiiii. Ill' and iiiileH IliereiiU liy II. M. liuvl., p. Ul.
Knyg t'liiilidversy over uieaiiiUK ol word, pp. 17. IS.
Keek, .lames K \ Isil to I'. K. Islaud. I.SIW, p. J.V
Keriiard. .Moiiulat;iie II. .M. I'leiilpoteutlary. WashiiiKton, 1S7I, pp. 'S>, (IU.
Ulaekliurii, Lord Heeisliiii re Coiieeptliiii Kay, p. 'Jl.
Krowu. Iliiti. (ieorKi Krillsli I'leiiipoteiillary, WaslilUHlou, IS74, pp. 27. 73, V4.
Kiiller, Keiijaiiilu 1° \'iKit to I'. K. Island. IMIM, p. Jo.
Kulwer, Sir U Coiidiiels ueKoHatloiis Willi l'. iS. in KS4U, p. Zi.
" C. 1*. Ilarrlnutou " 1 . .s. iIsIiIuk vessel ilelalued Iu 188«i, p. 80.
Caiiipliell, Iluu. Alexander .Mission. IS7II. p. 26,
t/'annlnK'x opiuiou u( Treaty ol' 17M:t. p. 7 (Note).
(^anso (JlosiuK Strait of aKalust 17. 8. ti8hcrmeD. p. IS.
" (Jarollue Kulgbt " I'. S. tlMliiliK vohhcI seized In IS'il!, p. 4U.
" Caroline Vuuglit " I". S. IImIiIuk vessel warned and refUHod water in 1880, p. 80.
(Miainlierlain, Ult;lit Hon. .1.11. M. I'leiilpotenliary. WashiuKton, 18H7, pp. :IT, l*>'>.
(.'luiniliers, Captalu, II. M. 8. " l»ee," seizes IJ. S. tIslilUK vessel, p. 8.
•• diaries of York " l'. S. lisliiiiK vessel seized in IKUt, p. 48.
•• Cily I'olnt " r. .»*. lishlnK vessel delallied in 1880, p. 85.
"Clara F. Kriend " I'. S. Ilslilujj vessel selKed iu 1870. p. lio (Note).
Clarendon. Karl of Iiraft niemorandum from Mr. Adams re appointment of a
Mixed Commission, p. oO.
" Comliene " t'. S. llsliInK vessel seized Iu 1838, p. 48.
Cuinmcrclal privileges V. S. tlsliiU); vessels In Canadian ports. Agreements re, p. 2U.
Conception Kay Lord Klaeklmrn's decision re, p. 21.
Convention between l''ranee and Bnglund, 1839, p. IU ; Test of. p. 5U.
Convention of 1818 See Treaties.
" Coral " U. 8. flslilng Tesael seised in Vi6'A p. 49.
Itiilnialie. Mnl. Due De. . . Kiviich Clftiiputfiilliii-.v, 'I'l'fiit.v ol' IS.'IU. p. I'O.
■ liiivld J. Adams" l'. S. IImIiIuk vi-hscI sci/.i'd lu IMMti. pi). ;ui. H,">.
" Uci' " II. M. S Scl/.int' ol I . S. llsliliiK vcssi l.s li.v. Ill 1MI7. p. S.
(k' ||, Kill'l.. II. M. I'li-ulpotoiilliir.v m WiisliiiiKlnli. I'^Tl. pp. \i'i. liU.
lli-H'uSM-, .Miiiu'ici' ('i>liiiiil.'4si()ii iiiutci' 'I'l'ciil.V III' \\ iishliiKtoli, lltiMriix < 'lllllUllS-
sl p. -JS.
■• Uiri'cUir " I'. S. llsliiiiK vi'ssi'l sclZA'il lu lS-10, p. 111.
I )islliiii, pp. ITilT.
'• Drultl" r. S. Ughiug vi'sscl wiirucd iiud m'l/.od in l.SNti. p. ST.
" Kt'i't't " I'- S. lislilug vessel nei/.t'd In tH4I. p. 411.
Klein and Kincarilliie, Karl
of 11. .M. I'lfiiipotentiary, Ti-faly of Washington, ISM. pp. •_•;!, TiL'.
" Kllza " r. S. HsIiiuK vessel seized in ISIlt), p. lU.
•• Kllza Ho.vnion " l". S. llsliiUK vessol warned and delailiiMl in 1H8(>, p. Ho.
•• Klla M. IHiUKlity " I'. S. tUhiUK vessel seized in lS8(i. iip. .'id. .So.
•• Kscape " 1'. S. IIhIiIuk vessel seized In 1S1!4. p. AH.
Kvtrelt, Kdwnrd V. S. Minister to Kugland. 1844. Correspondenee with Lord
.\berdoen, p. 17 (Note), p. IS.
•• Kvoretl Steel " T. H. lislilug vessel detuiued in IS8(>, p. 8li.
KalUhiud, Lord I.ieuleuant-Goveruor of Nova Seotia, re applliiition of Head-
laud rule, p. lu.
I'Msli. Hamilton f. S. I'leuipoteutlary, Washington, 1S71, pp. L'.'i, tid ; 1.S7 1, p. 74.
•• Klorida " I'. S. lisliiug vessel seized lu IS.'ji;. p. 4!l.
■' Klylng Scud " 1' S. Usiilug vessel detained in ISSti, p. ,S7.
I'orsyth. John l". S. Secretary of State; protests n^alust iipplicallou Head
laud rule, 1S41, p. lo.
I'osler. Dwlght 1'. S. Ageut Halifax ("omiuissioii ; opinion as to rights roii
ferred on I'. S. by Treaty of Washiiiglou, p. ;t4.
I'lanlilin, Itenjamlu I'. S. rieiiipotentlary, Treaty of I'aris. 178,'!. p. 41.
•• I'reddie W. Alltou " 1". S. llshiiig vessel lioarded in l.S,S(i. p. Sll.
I'uudy, Bay of Uelii.vatiou "Headland rule" in respect of. awaril .losliua
Hates re, pp. 19, 20.
•' C. \V. Cushing " T. S. lishlng vessel detained in l.S,S(i. p. 8(1.
» iailalin. Albert 1". S. I'lonipotontlary. (Jouventlon of ISIS. pp. it. 44, .'{(i, S7.
"(ialliou" I". S. tishlug vessel seized in 18'J4. p. 4S.
(Jalt, \. T .Mission to Washlugton lu l.SOi;. p. 24 : Report, p. ,'iti. Couimis-
siouer under Treaty of Waslilngtuu. Ilalil'a.\ Coiunilsshin.
p. 28.
(;eorge 111., cap. Its. pp. 14, 4(i,
" (ioldcu Hind " V. .S, tlslilng vessel warned in IHSi!, p. Kti.
"(iolilen Uuie " r. S. Ilshiug vessel seized in 18,-i2, p. 4!l.
Coulburn. Henry II. M. rienipotentlary, (Vinventliiii of IMS, pp. !i. 14.
(Iianville, Lord Suggests suspension of Headland rule, i). 22.
11. .\1. rieulpotenllary. Treaty with Kiaiice. IS.'{y, p. ,->(!.
deal IJrllaln Denies perniaiicut character Treaty 17.K! ; refuses I'. ,s. per-
mission to enter li:'rbour for ball. p. l.'i ; rela.\es applica
tlou HeaiUaiid rule Id Hay of Fundy. \i. 21 ; sustains imsi
lion (.'auadian (ioverunieut, p, ;!(i ; mainlaius
Headland content ion. waives its aiipllcatioii. p. 22.
Halifax' (.'oiiiiulssloii \ward. p. 28.
"Harp" r. S. tishlug vessel seized in IS.'tl. I). 4!l.
" Hurl '• I. S. tishlug vessel seized lu IS!!*, p. 48.
Iliirllcy, I> 11. .\1. rienipoteutiary. Treaty of Paris, ITKt, p. 41.
Hmzim. .ludge ludgment of case of " White Fawn," p, 2.").
I Icadlaud rule Protests of t'. S. iigaiust, p. 1,") ; Kxplaiialiou of, pp. Id. 17. IS.
Imperial (Jovcrnmcnt relaxts applleallon of as regards Hay
of Fuudy, p. 21 ; general suspension of, p. 21 ; modillcs lu
Treaty of 1SS8, p. ;{7.
1 leiiiy, W. A Mission to Washington. IStifi. p. 24 ; Keport, p. .-)(>.
" llereward " V. S. nshlng vessel detained in ISSti, p. Stl.
" Hero" r. S. tishlug vessel seized in ISJi.S, p. 48,
" lliglihind Light " P. S. tishlug vessel seized in IHStl, p, St!.
I lour, v.. IJ P. S. Plenipotentiary, Washington, 1,S71, pp. 2.''i. W.
"Hope" P. .S. fishing vessel seized In 1841, p. 4!t.
" Hiiward Holbrook " P. S. tishlug vessel detained in 188(1, p. 80.
Ilowlaud. W. r Mission to Washington, IStW!, p. 24.
Keport to Urltlsb Amliussudur nt WaNhlnglon, p, IV!.
Huntingdon Islands, p, 11.
•• iSr \iiv '•• !:■'"*• "'"""' *■"'*•"■' "'•'"•'■•'' '" 'S '«. I'- •!••
' ■* ' • •'^- "'"'i"K v.'SN..| 8..i/.f='■-' i-M.S.'«, n ,s
"'^""•^"=*"'•■■'- 'i"»- 1 . s. los, ri«h, ,., „. a.;
inslrucluns iss,,..! .„ Ca linn Ms....,, ,.,M....,-s in ,ST... .Mclin.a.lo,. of ,
:; -^y "• ^'- « «>"''-' ^. «. "sim.K vo.h..... p. «.
J." jy,,|, '.'';'• "*''''"« *i'««'l si'i'-i'il ill isau. p. 48.
'.,' , , ' • '^- l''>'i'll">l<'iillar.v, 'rr..aly 111' I'aiis I7,s;i n 41
.. ";;;;" '!"" •""'".: • • ^- '"<"'"« >•.■.... .an„.., L i,^T^: ■ "• ''•
' "'* ' • -^^ 'i's.., ,l...,:n,vvn. Kepi, .,. .,„.s,i.,„s of Nova S.oUa l.eglsiat.nv, p. 15.
*' "•^' '"■'■'"' '"""'" '""I tin. Colouies for the prote.tion of .l.e
lislieries, p. J4.
, . ' " ■ ' ■ '^^ '"^I'iiiH vi'ssel si'ized in 1,S4|), n. 4y
i!"";: ;;; !;:;:'"?' 't '""""I"" ^^--"-"^ <" i^^'^^. p. :^*; ^.i-imou of system, p. -a.
1. . "s. s .„ i.Mnug V ..S.S..IS issued under .\i,„|„s Viveudi of 1SS.S, p y.s
, '■ ,;; -^^ ^'"■'■" ^- ^- "'*'""'-' >■"««'•' »"'i^-"' ill 1«70. p. 1'.-, ^^•oloJ
l..";k. ConimuMder Sei/.es ,S Anierieai, ve^ssels. p. 8.
'■ "''l'"' '■ I'. S. lisiiiiiK' ve.ssei seize.l iu I8JU', p 48
'•"''^' '^"" " ' • ••^- 'i-^I'l'iK vessel waiued in 188(i, p NT.
..Iieueli iliuister al i'liiiadelpuia. p. ...
I.u/,enie, M. do Iu.
" .Miigiiolia '■
.Manning, Uauiel. .
.Ma ley, \V, I.
■■ -Marion (ii'imes "
r. S. lislung vessel seized in Isast, p. 48.
iSeei-.^tary V. S. 'I'reasni-.v ; opinion as to i;. S. riglits iu Cana-
dian i)ons, pp. r>, 31.
I'. S. rienipoleniiaiy. Treaty of Uasiiingtou, 1854, pp. S^, 52.
' S. lisliliig vessi4 d<.|iiiu..|| in l,S8ti, 11. 87
'"''*' ■ ■ ■. ;, • ■ '"'• iisliing ve.ssei seized in 1,S41, p. 4y.
■ Martliu W. Uradly " T. ^. lisldng vssel warned in INS.irp.^.
„ ^''"■•^' •„■ '■■'*• lisliiUK vessel s.'lzed in 1840. p. 4U.
. vllir.'!?.'..'.' i- „■ ,'.' *^' "'*'''"*'' ^■'''''*<'' »;irned in issii, p. 8,5.
' ' '^^ lislduj; ve.ssei detained in 18,S(i, p. 8.5.
S. lishinK vessel .seized in ISill, p. Ml ; 1841,
I'lider Cliainlierlaiu. I'reaty of 18,88, p. 3,8.
'• ^- li^iliiii!; ve.ssel warned in J88(i. p. ,S(i.
.Mallliew Keany
■ .May {''lower ". .
.Modus Vivendi. . .
• Mollle Adams".
.. r
p. VJ.
" Morro Castle " l. s. tisiuug v..ssel de,.,i.ied iu 1S811, p. 8«;.
.Moimt ,loly, pp. HI, II, II'.
. II. .M. I'lenipoleiitiary. Wasldnglon, 1871, pp. :;.5, tlO.
Maedonald, Sir JoLn.
".N, .r. Miller"
Nelson, Samuel
.New Hrtinswiek
New Kngland tisliermen.
.Vorilieole. Sir StaB'ord...
Nova Scotia
' Novelty '
II.', 13 ;
■ 1'. 8. lishing vessel delaiiieil in issd. p. ,S(;.
. f. S. I'lenipoienilar.v. Washington. 1,S71, pp. :;5, ,;ti.
. l-e>;lslalion for proleelion of lislieries. p. 14.
.Karly aequaintanee with Hritisli lisliiiig grounds, p. 5.
. I'rlvil..ges granted r. S. tisliermen on sUoivs of, pp. d.
Sliare of Halifa.x Coniniission award, p. -JH.
• H. .M. neiiipolenliary. Washington, 1,871, pp. ■;.5, til).
I.eglslallon lor protect l.
" KIkIiIs " Meaniuj; of word, p. ti.
KIpoii. Karl of See 1\ T. Koblnson.
Itoliltisoii. Kt. lion. I". T. .11. .M. Plenipotentiary, Convention of ISIS. pi>. i). 14.
•• Uoiii)) •■ I'. S. lisliinK vessel seized in 1870. p. '-'."i (Notel.
K.ise, Hon. .lolin Mission to Wusiiington, IStil), p. 'S>.
lioseiiiiy. Lord Itiploniatle eorrespoudenee re seizures I'. S. tisliitis vessels.
1880, p. 30.
•• Kover " 1'. .S. nsblnj; vessel seized In 1824, p. 48.
Kiisli. Itichard L". S. reiitiuelallon of right to lislierles, p. 13.
Value of Canadian tisheries ; perinaneul cliMiaeter of Treaty
of 1783, pp. 7, I) ; U. S. I'leulpoteutlary, 'I'reaty of ISIS,
pp. 9, 44.
Uiissell, Jonatbau Controversy with ,lolin gtiiuey Adams, p. 7 (Note).
• S. li. Marshall " I'. S. lishiUfe' vessel seizeii in 1S70, p. 2,5 (Notei.
Sabine, Lorenzo lleport on tisheries to I'. S. (joverniuent, p. l.'>.
"Sarulill. Prior" I'. !S. lishiUK vessel refused the restoration of a lost seine.
ISSti, p. 87.
Selienek. lloberl CJ 1. S. Plenipotentiary, Wasblnglou, 1871, pp. 2:>. lilt.
■ Si'a Flower " ['. .S. lisUing vessel seized in 1824, p. 48.
Seizures I . S. lishiug vessels between ISIS and 18.")4, p. 14.
•■ Silli Sloililiridge " f. .S. lisliing ves.sel warned in 1880, p. So.
■ Shetland " I. S. lisbinj,' vessel seized in 1830, p. 48.
" Shiloh •■ I'. S. tlsliing vessel boarded in IS&li, p. SO.
Smith, \. J .Mission to Washington. ISOl. p. 24 : Keport. p. .">0.
Stanley, i,ord lloiouial Seerelary, 1844. Currespondenee with \A. (;overnor
of Nova Scotia, pp. IS, 11).
Stevenson, Andivw L. S. .Minister to England, 1S41, eomplains of api)iiiiition of
Headland rule, &e., p. 15.
■• Susie Cooper " (Hooper Vi 1'. S. tishlug vessel boarded aud seaiehed in lS,sci, p. S5.
• Tiiomas I'. Uayaid " U. S. lishing vessel warned in 1880, p. 85.
Tliomijson, Sir Joliu Memorandum on points of hiw eouueeied willi lite lisherles ;
(.'ritieism on Mr. Bates' ileelsiou re Hay of l-'uudy. p. 1!».
Headland rule, li. 10 (Notel.
'Ihorntoii. .Sir Edward II. .U. I'leuipotentiary to Washington. 1S71. pp. 2.'., 00; 1874,
lip. 27, 73, 74.
•■ 'iilier " i:. S. lishiug vessel seized iu 1851, p. 4'J.
I'l'Miisliipmenl of tisii. p. 38.
Treiiiy of Cheui, 1814 Negotiations, p. 8.
'I'reaty of Paris, 17S3 Negotiations, p. ; Text of I'reaty. p. 41.
Treiiiy of ISIS. p. 44 ; under terms of, V. S. renounced the right to lisli iiro'ind Colonial
shores, p. 21.
Treaty with France, 1S,'{!I. . Text of, p. 50.
Treaty of Wasblnglou, 18.".4 Negotiations, p. 2,'{ : Text of Tresity, p. 52 ; renunciation of by
I'. S., p. 24 ; 1871, p. 34.
Negothitious, p. 20 ; Text of Tr.'aly, p. 00 ; deuuni-iation by
1". S. In 1885, p. 28 ; 1874 (Drafti, p. 74 ; provisions, p. 74 ;
text, p. 74 ; 1.S88, p. 05 ; provisions itnd text. \>. 95.
Truro. Lord See Sir T. Wilde.
Tupiier, Sir Charles II. .\l. Plenipotentiary. Washlngttin. 1887, pp.37, 05.
" Two Friends " I'. S. tishing vessel seized In 1841, p. 49.
'■ I'nlou '■ U. S. Ushlug vessel seized In 1852, p. 49.
fr'IsUiug ve8«el8 selzeU between 1«18 and IfAl „ 48
Hmug vessels seized, warned. &<•.. 18W1 „ 85
Value of Uanadlun flslierles. pp. 5, U (Note)
Vergenucs, (Jouut de. . . l-'orfeUni-. ..r « ■ .
deice p 5. ""^ •""""^"^ "^ ^- "• ''^ W*' «' 'nlepen-
" Wampatuck " 11 u h„i,,„
Ward's report o. trade' reiatons. pp"">f T" """" '" ''''' "■ ^•
••Warrior" ,, J „,' ' '
" Washington "... .;.■. us mZ 'T' """"' '" "^'' P" ■»" <^°*«>-
^- f„, ";"'"^ ''^•''"•"'^■■' """'"'J '» Bay of Kundy, 1843, pp. 18.
Webster, Uanlel ir u'u " .
U«llesly. U 8. Admiral ... Report of seizures 'm S" te Z
West. Sir Uone. HaeUv.lle.n. M. ..e.dpotent.aUXton, l^T, pp. 37. 05.
•• White rawn " \"'s ^^Z^!":" " '"' '""" ""'^•"""•>' «•« ««'=">■«« "f 18S«. P. 30.
Wilde, Sir T A " ,. ^ """"'' ""*"' '" ''*"'• P- S7.
•• William " : ""'f ;," ,7 "^'""•""' <"—""'. »P- 1-17.
•• William U. Dalsley " " ' ' « „,""-' ''"''"'' ""'='''•' '" l«-'4. P- ■»«■
Williams. George li ■■ ' .i..^; "'."""f ^■'''''"'' •"''"'"«' '" !«»'. P- «7.
* " * l«-ul|.otentlary. Washington, 1871, pp 25 «o
Voung, Sir Winiam j..ugment In case of •• J. H. Mckersoo." p. :»".