MAJOR-aENERAL EDWARD BRADDOOK'S ORDERLY BOOKS, FROM February 26 to June 17, 1755. FROM THE OBIGINAL MANUSCEIPTS. CUMBERLAND, MB: JtlJuL H. LO WJH; 8 MILK, 1880. SSSSSmSm i^w. MAJOR GENERAL EDWARD BRADDOCK'S FKO.M FEBRUARY 26 TO JUNE 17, 1755. From the Okiginals, IK THK CONGRESSIONAL LIBRARY. Cumberland, Md. WILL H. LOWDERMILK, 1878. -iH What immediately follows, is the Orders of his Excellency General Braddock from his arrival in Virginia until the 17th of June following, when Indisposition obliged the writer, or copier, thereof to seperate from him and remain (until he was in a condition to move forward again) with the rear division of the Army. Rejoining in a low and enfeebled state, only the day before the Action of Monnongalia (which happened on the 9th of July) there was not time even if he had been able to enter the Orders that had issued during his seperation; which is mresent Expedition. That the articles of War be publickly read to the Officers and men, and that every man severaly shall take the Oath of Allegiance and supremacy; and in consequence of these articles they are to obey from time to time any orders they shall receive from me or pny of their superior Officers. E. BR.\DDOCK, By His Excel'ys Com'd. Feb'y. '2lith, 1755. Wil'm Shirley, Secret y. By His Excellency Edward Braddock, Esq., Genl. Commander in Chief of His J^fafty Forces in North America, Quarters of Sir Peter Halkets Eegim't: Orderd, That it proceed to Alexandria in the Transports; five companies to remain in the Town w'tii the company of artillery and stores of all kinds. One company at Dumfries, two days march from Alexandria, thirty miles to Halt the first night after they cross the Ferry ot Occoquan; One company at Bladensburg, one days march, they cross the Potomack at Alexandria: One company at upoer Marlborrough two days march first night at Bladensburg; Two companys at Frederick; These three last cantonments in Maryland; L'pon application to Major Carlyl magis- trate of Alexandria, the whole will be furnished with Guides Quarters of one Regiment. The Transports w'ch have them on board U> stop in the Rivor Potomack as near Fredericksburg as thpy can; These and an halt com- pany at Winchester, six days march from Fredericksburg, halt a company at Conogogee eight days from Winchester; six comftauys at Fredericksburg and Falmouth on the other side the River of Rappahannock. The five companys of the Regiment that disembark at Alexandria which are to be cauton'd to be landed first and to begin their march before the other five debark. The Engineers and other Officers, not immediately wanted to be at hand, may be conveniently lodged on the Maryland side of the Potomack leaving a direction where they lodge Application is to be made to the several magistrates lor carriages to convey the stores, Baggage and Tents of the cantoned companys to be given by the commanding Officers lor the numbers employ'd. The Regiment whose head Quarters are at Fredericksburg, will halt ab't 15 miles from place of disembarking. Waggons will be ordered to attend them. Three companys which are to march to Winchester and Conogogee are to march first to JF.Tdericksburg. The vjorapa Quarterd at Falmouth need not cross the Rappa. v\ aggon's to each compa to be assertained, a field Officer to go with each of the five comnas and every Officer to go with his com pas. Given under my hand at Williamsburg, this 28th Febry, 1765. E. BRADDOCK. general ukaddock s okdekly hook. v. Camp at Alexandria, Thursday 27th March, 1755. Parole — Williamsburg. Capt" Robert Orme of the Coldstream Keg't of Guards, and Capt" Roger Morris of Cols. Dunbara Regiment of Foot, are appointed aids de camp to His Excellency Gen'- Braddock. His Majesty has been pleased to appoint Capt Halket, of Sir Peter Halkets Regiment; Brigade Major. As the Troops have taken the Field His Excely. Gen^ Braddock is desirous the Officers and men should be informed of the Duties he requires of them, and of some Regulations he thinks beneficial to the service: and as the two Regiments now employed have servd under the command of His Royal High- ness and are well acquainted with military discipline. His Excellency expects their conduct will be so conforhiable to order as to set the most soldier like example to the new^ Service of this country; and the (jreneral orders that the articles of War be immedi- ately and frequently read, and that every body may be informed all neglects or disobedience of them or any Orders will not be forgiven. Any Soldier who shall desert tho' he return again will be hanged without mercy. As an Incouragement to the men, and to promote their diligence and activity, every man will be allowed daily as much of fresh or salt Provision, and of Bread or Flower without any stoppages for the same as long and in as great proportions as it will be possible to provide them unless any man shall be found drunk, negligent, or disobedient, in such case his gratuity shall be stopped. All Orders relating to the men are constantly to be read to them by an Officer of the Company. The eldest captains company of each Regt is VI. GENERAL BKADDOCK 8 OKDEKLY BOOK. to act as a second Grenadiers comp.'iny and to be posted upon the left of the Battalion, leaving the same Interval as the Grenadiers upon the Right; This company is to be kept compleat of Officers and two of them as well as of the other Grenadier company are to be posted in the Front and tlie other in the Rear. The eight Battallian companies are to form so many Firings and to be commanded by their re- Bpective Officers. The commanding Officer of each company is to give the word, the second is to be posted in the center of the Front Rank and the remaining Subaltorn Officers of the Regiment after this dispo- sition are to divide the ground equally : These Firings are to begin by the colonel's company, second by the Lieu' col*' and continued from Right to left as fast as possibly, but the two Capt"'' of Grenadiers are to take particular care never to give their Fire till the , impany's upon the Right and left are loaded. To avoid confusion if the Regiment should be ordered to wheel or fire by Platoons, every Officer commanding a company is to tell it off in two divisions and to post the second commissiond Officer and non commissioned Officer's, and when the Regiment decamps or are to form, the commanding Officer of the company is to instruct his mens arms, compleat the Files, Post the Officers and see his men loaded that they may wheel up and ye Battalion be instantly formed. The Officers upon a march are to remain in the same Order with their companies, and Those Officers who were placed in the Rear are to march as posted which will consequently be upon the Flank as the Regiment moves by Files they are therefore required to keep the Soldiers in their Files, and if .any lag behind one or more of these Officers is to bring them up. Every Officer leaving his company upon a march GENERAL BRADDOCK'S ORDERLY BOOK. VII. will be cashierd, and ever}' commanding Officer will be answerable for the men of his company left behind; and the comman ling Officer of the Regiments are ordered to punish with the utmost severity any soldier who leaves his File but in cases of sickness. Commanding Officers of companies are to have their arms in constant good order, and every man to be provided witli a Brush, Picker, two good spare Flints and 24 Cartridges. The Roll of each company to be calld by a com- missioned Officer, morning, noon and night, and a return of the absent or disorderly men to be given to the commanding Officer of the Regiment who is to order proper punishment. The Women of each Regim^^nt are to march with the Provost and none upon any acct are to appear with the men when under arms. Each Regiment is to mount a Piquet Guard con- sisting of one capt" and three Subalterns and 100 men to be paraded at the retreat they are to report to the Field Officer of the Day. The two Regiments are to find the Genls Guard alternately consisting of one Lieut, and thirty Private and report to an aid de camp. The Regiment which finds the Guard finds also the adjutant of the Day. All Guards are to be retird at 8 Oclock; all guards to be told of in two divisions Tho' ever so small. Guards ordered at Orderly time are to remain for that duty and a new detachment is to be made for any orderd afterwards. All returns are to be signed by the commanding Officer of Regiments. Reports of all Guards except the Generals are to be made to the Field Officer of the Day who is to visit them once at least and to go the piquet rounds. All remarkable occurrances in camp to be reported to an aid de camp. Returns of all commands to be made to the Brigade VIII. GENERAL BRADDOCk's ORDERLY BOOK. Major, and every Regiment, company. Troop, &c., are to make a daily return to him specifying the numbers wanting to compleat, who is to make one Generi return to his Excellency. A daily return of the sick is to be made to the Geni thro' an aid de camp. As the nature of the country make it impossible to provide magazines of Forage, and as it is appre- hended the Quantity will be very small, uncertain, and difficult to be procurd his Excellency recommends it to all the Officers to take no more baggage than they find absolute occasion for. Commanding Officers of Regiments are directed by His Excellency to inform their men not to suffer themselves to be alarmed upon a march by any stragling Fires from the Indians in the woods, they being of no consequence nor liable to any inconve- niences but what arise from their misbehaviour. Any Soldier by leaving his company, or by words or Gestures expressing Fear shall suffer death and the Gen' will greatly approve and properly reward those men who by their coolness and good Discipline treat the attempt of these Fellows with the contempt they deserve. The Sergents of the two Regiments are to be pro- vided with Firelocks and Bayonets, but to wear their Swords — They are to leave at Winchester under the care of the Train their Halters and all the private men their Swords. His Excellency likewise recom- mends it to all the Officers to provide them selves if possible with Fuzeis, as Espontoons will be extreamely inconvenient and useless in the Woods. As the good of the Service renders the presence of all the Officer's absolutely necessary His Excellency cannot suffer any commissiond Officer to act as pay- master, the General therefore desires the colonels and captains will agree as soon as possible for a proper person for that purpose. GENERAL BRADDOCK'S ORDERLY BOOK. IX. The Line is to find one Field Officer daily to be relieved at 10 o'clock, this dutv to be done bv the two Lieut cob and two Majors, the Field Officer, is to visit all the Guards except the Generals and to go the rounds of the Picquet which as well as other Guards and Posts are to report to the Field Officer and he is to make his report ot'y« whc -_ at nine o'clock every morning to the Gen' and in case of any alarm the Field Officer is to repair to the place of alarm with all expedition and to send for all necessary assistance to the two Regiments who are immediately to comply with his Orders. All reports and returns to be made before nine o'clock, all out posts are to receive the Gen' with shoulderd arms and without beat of Drum or Salute. Upon any application from S"" Jn^' St Clair Quarter Master Gen' for Men the Regiments are immediately to furnish them. Sir Peter Halkett is to be applied to for all Regu- lations of Provisions and his OMers are to be strictly complied with. All Guards are to rest and beat two Ruffles to his Honour Governor Dinwiddle. The Regiments are to hold themselves in readiness for a muster, each company is to provide their Rolls one of Parchment, and those Officers with new com- missions are to have them in their Pockets, after the muster the Geni will receive the two Regiments by Companys the Officers to be in Boots and the men in Brown Gaters. The adjutants of the two Regiments and artillery, and also the adjutant of the Rangers to be at the Major of Brigades Tent, every day at eleven o'clock to receive Order's. A Surgeant from the two Regiments Artillery and Rangers to attend the Major of Brigade as Orderly, and to be relieved every day at Guard Mounting. The Gentlemen of the Hospital and their Ser- X. GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. vants are to receive to morrow three Days Provisions. Field Officers for the Day Lieut Col" Gage. Alexandria, March 28th, 1755. Parole — Albemarle. The Generals Guard to be mounted in Brown Gater's, and the Officers in Boots. Sir Peter Halkets Col" Dunbar's and the Royal Regiment of Artillery are to be mustered, on Monday morning at seven o'clock, and afterwards they will be received by Gen' Braddock. Robert Webster of Sir Peter Halkets Regim^ is appointed Provoest Marshall and he is to be obeyd accordingly. One Sergeant ; one Corporal and twelve men to mount as a Guard for the Provost Marshal and be relieved every 48 Hours. The Adjutant who does not send in his return to the Major of Brigade, by seven o'clock in the morning will be orderd under an arrest. The Quarter master of the Corps which is to receive provisions is to give to the Commissary a signed Return of the number he is to draw Provisions for every Saturday at six in the afternoon : The Quarter masters of the different Corps are to give into Sir Peter Halkets a return of the Provisions they delivered out that week, distinguishing the quantitys deliverd each Corps ; In this return he is to have Colums for the quantitys of each species of Provision's he has receivd that week and a Column for the Quantitys remaining in Store. To morrow at Orderly time the Adjutants are to deliver in a return of the number of Serv^ who are not Soldiers and for whom Provisions are to be drawn for ; The Commissary are to make two Copy's of this return, one for Gen' Braddock, the other for Sir Peter Halkett. Field Officer to morrow Lieu^ Colo Burton. For the Geni^ Guard 48 th Regiment. GENERAL BRADDOCK'S ORDERLY BOOK. XL One of the Orderly Sergeants or the Major of Brigade is to carry the Orders to Sir John St. Clair. A General Court Martial consisting of one Field Officer, Six Captains and Six Subalterns, to sit to morrow morning at 8 o'clock. Lt Col" Gage, President. Sir Peter Halkett gives 3 Capf's and o Subalterns ; Col" Dunbar gives 3 Capt"s and 3 Subalterns. Mr. Shirley Judge Ad- vocate ; The Picquet to consist of one Capt", two Subalterns and fifty men till further Orders. No Officer, Soldier or any other Person to Fire a Gun within a mile round the Camp. Camp at Alexandria, March 29th, 1755. Parole — Boston. For the General Guard 44 th Regiment. The alarm Post for all the Virginian Troops Quarterd in the Town of Alexandria to be before the march. When any man is sent to the General Hospital he is to bring a certificate signed by an Officer, of his name, Regiment and Company, to what dfiy he is subsisted, and w hat arms and acoutrements he brings with him. The arms and accoutrements to be bundled up, and marked, with the mans name and Company Col*^ Dunbars Regiment to morrow to receive three days provisions. On Sunday every Regiment in Camp, is to have divine service at the Head of their (Jolours. AFTER ORDERS. Each Regiment to send to the train for twenty Thousand Flints out of which number they are to pick five thousand, .and to send the remainder back again ; The Commanding Officers giving their receipts for what number's they receive. XII. GENERAL BRADDOCK's ORDERLY BOOK. All the Virginia Troops that are Quartered in Alexandria to be under arms, to morrow morning at half an hour after seven o'clock. The Officers that were formerly appointed Pay masters, to continue so till further Orders and are to issue out in payment to the Trocps, each a Dollar at 4c|9«shil'g. When either Regiment have occasion for Ammu- nition, or any Military Stores the Commanding Officers are to send to the Artillery w^hen they will be supplied giving their receipts accordingly. The General Court Martial where of Lieut Colo Gage was President is dissolv'd, and James Anderson of Col« Dunbar's Regiment who was tryed by ye General Court Martial is orderd 1,000 lashes with a Cat and Nine Tails which he is to receive in such manner as the Commanding Officer shall think proper. Field Officer for to morrow, L^ Col<^ Gage. Camp at Alexandria, 30th March, 1755. Parole— "Chichester." The two Regiments are to be musterd to morrow morning at seven O'clock but the General will not receive the Troops till further Orders. The two Regiments from Ireland are to acct for their men for their Sea pay giving them credit for their subsistance to the first of March and for their Arms to the 24th of Feby ; The Captains are to take credit for their Watch Coats, Blankets and Flannell waistcoats brought from Great Britain for their Corapanys. The men listed or incorporated into Sir Peter Halketts, and colo Dunbar's Regiment are to have credit for twenty Shillings and to be chargd with the above mentiond necessarys His Excellency orders this to be taken from the recruiting Fund, and gives GENERAL BKADDOCK'S ORDERLY BUOK. XIII. it to those men for their Incouragement that they may do their duty like good Soldiers. The first company of carpenters are to march to morrow morning to Sir John St Clair for further Order's. A Return to be sent to morrow morning to Sir Jn" St Clair from Sir Peter Halketts and Col" Dun- bars Regiments of the number of Draughts they have receivd by whom they were enlisted and from what companys draughted. Camp at Alexandria, 31st of March, 1755. Parole — Darlington. Field Officer for to morrow, Lt Col" Burton. For the Generals Guard 44th Regiment. All casualties or occurrances that happen in camp to be reported immediately to the Geni through an aid de camp. Whenever Sir John St Clair has occasion for arti- ficers Tools, or Implements he is to apply to the commissary of the Train, who will supply him with what he demands taking his, or his assistants receipts for the same. The Officers to provide themselves with Bat Horses as soon as possible. The artillery to have their men upon the Wharf every morning at 6 O'clock precisely to send their Stores k^ and care must be taken that they have their Waggons at the Wharf exactly at the same time that their may be no delay one Sergant and 12 men from the two Regiments to march immediately to the Wharf in order to assist the Artillery in the Landing of their Stores this party to be reliev'd every morning and to be on the Wharf precisely at 6 Oclock. Sir Peter Halkets Regiment receives three days provisions to morrow. XIV. GENERAL BRADDOCK's ORDERLY BOOK. Camp at Alexandria, April 1st, 17^5. ■ Parole — Esse. Field Officer for to morrow For the Generals Guard 48th Regiment. Col« Dunbars Regiment to receive three Day^ Provisions. The two Reg" are to send to artil)" for 1 Doz" of cart*^ made up with Ball in order to try if they will fit the men's Firelocks. Camp at Alexandria, April 2d, 1755. Parole — Farn ham. Field Officer for to morrow Maj"" Chapman. For the Generals Guard 44th Rej^iment. The Artillery and Hospital receive three days pro- vision to morrow. Tlie two Regiments are to apply to the Train for Paper, Powder & Ball sufficient to compleat every man with 24 rounds which are to be made up, and distributed as soon as possible. The commanding Officers of companys are desird to give particular directions to their men to be careful of their Ammunition and to inform them tliev will be very severly punishd for any abuse or neglect of it, and the Officer's of company's who calld the Evening Rolls are to inspect the Ammunition of their several companys and to report the defficiencys to the commanding Officers of the Regiments who are desird by his Excellency to keep them compleat with 24 Rounds. His Excellency General Braddock Orders that the Soldiers should be told that any man who upon a march by fastning his Tent Pole, or by any other means incumbers his Fire lock, shall be immediately and most severely punished. One corporal and eight men of the Line to attend GENERAL BKADDOCK'S ORDERLY BOOK. XV. at 6 Oclock every morning, to assist the Engineers in Surveying. The Artillery, Hospital and Engineers to receive three days provisions to morrow. AFTER ORDERS. One Sergant one Corporal, and twenty men of the Line without arms to March to the Wharf immedi- ately to assist in disembarking the artillery. The Virginia Troops as appointed to the particular Regiments. Sir Peter Halkets. Capt" Stephen ~J l^t T Company Capt" Peyronny > A -| of Capt" Cock j 6 ( Rangers. Colo Dunbars Regt. Capt" Waggoner ^ 3 f Company Capt" Hogg V 5*h < of Rangers Capt" Poison ] 2^^ [ Comp'^ of Artificers. Sir Peter Halketts and Col" Dunbars Regiments to find three Corporals one for each Company of Rangers to assist Lieu^ Allay ne in the dissiplining the Troops. Camp at Alexandria, April 3d, 1755. Parole — Canterbury. Field Officer to morrow Lt Col^ Burton. For the Generals Guard 48th Regiment. The Generals Guard is this day reduced to a Corporal and nine men and the Corporal is to report to the Officer of the main Guard. Sir Peter Halkets Regiment to receive three days Provisions to morrow. Camp at Alexandria, 4th of April, 1755. Parole — Dorsett. Field Officer to morrow Major Sparke. For the Generals Guard 44th Regime XVI. GENERAL UKADDOCK's ORDERLY BOOK. Col'^ Dunbars Regiment to have one Corporal and six men ready to march to morrow at 6 o'clock from Alexandria to Frederick with the Hospital stores they are to carry six days Provisions with them and to take the Arms and accoutrem'^ with which they are to take the field Each man to have his Blancket and 29 rounds of Ammun". Col" Dunbars Regiment to have three days provisions tomorrow. Alexandria, Saturday, April 5th, 1755. Parole — London. Field Officer to morrow L^ Cob Burton. For the Generals Guard 48th Regime The Tents and clothing for the Virginia Company to be brought on shore as soon as possible ; Their tents are to be pitched the first fair day after they are on shore. The Artillery Hospital and Engineers to receive three days provisions to morrow. Alexandria, April 6th, 1755. Parole — Kinsale. Field Officer for to morrow Maj' Chapman. For the Generals Guard 44th Regiment. All Departments for Duty of every nature what- ever are to parade at the Grand Parade ar.d to march from thence, Detachments from different corps to draw up by Seniority. The Grand Parade for this camp is appointed to be at the head of Sir Peter Halketts Regiment. A report to be made every morning to Sir Peter Halkets, of the Sergeants, Corporals, Drummers and Private men who are Drunk upon Duty, the Sergeants of the Companies they belong to, to keep an exact Roll of their names, Sir Peter Halkett being deter- mined to put a stop to any more prov"^ being drawn GENERAL BRADDOCK's ORDERLY BOOK. XVU. for such men. Sergeants, Corporals. Drummers, and Private men who appear Drunk in Camp tho they are not upon duty will have their provisions stop'd for one week. Sir Peter Halketts Regiment to receive three days Provisions to morrow. The Detachments from the Ordinary Dutys of camp to change from Right to left every Day. AFTER ORDERS. One Sergant, one Corporal, and thirty men are to morrow at 6 o'clock in the morning, to go to Alexan- dria to assist the Officers of the Artillery in loading the Waggons for Winchester and Shipping of Stores for Rock Creek One Officer and thirty men from Colo Dunbar's Regiment to march to morrow for Rock Creek The Officer to call this night upon Sir Peter Halkett who will give him his Instructions. Alexandria, Monday April 7th, 1755. Parole — Dublin. Field Officer for to morrow Lt Col^ Burton. For the Generals Guard 48th Regim*. One Officer one Sergeant and 20 men of Sir Peter Halkets Regiment to hold themselves in readiness to morrow morning to march to Winchester the Officer at Retreat beating to call upon Sir Peter Halkett for his Instructions; They are to take six days provisions with them, subsistance to the 24th of this month and every thing with which they are to take the Field. Every Party ordered to march from camp is to have 24 Rounds per man. A Greater number of Women having been brought over than those allowed by the Government sufficient for washing with a view that the Hospital might be servd; and complaint being made that a concert is enterd into not to serve with out exorbitant Wages 3 XVIII. GENERAL HKADDOCK S OKDEItLY BOOK. a Return will be calld for of tho^e who shall refuse to serve for six pence per day and their Provisions that they may be turnd out of camp and others got in their places. Col" DunbarsRegt is to rec. 3 Days Prov'» to morrow. Col" Dunbar's Regiment is to march at 5 Oclock on Saturday Morning for Rock Creek. Waggons will be ordered on Friday to carry the baggage and whatever Tents may be struck to the Boats destend for their Transportation and at Day break on Saturday morning Waggons will attend at the head of the Regiment f(jr the mens Tents &c. A Subaltern Officer with three Sergeants three Corporals and thirty men are to be sent on board the Boats as a Baggage Guard, and this Guard is to assist in conveying the Tents &c to the Boats and to help in putting them on board. All the Boats upon that part of the River near Rock Creek are ordered to attend to cary the Troop over. The sick men that are not able to march with the Regiment, to be left in the General iiospital. AFTER ORDERS. As Colo Dunbars Regimt is to march on Saturday, they are to receive to morrow nine days Provisions one for to morrows use and the remaining 8 days the men are to carry with them. The four companys of Sir Peter Halketts Regim' the Royal Regt of artillery Engineers and the Hos- pital are to continue to receive their provisions as usual till further Orders. March Rout of Col" Dunbars Regiment from the camp at Alexandria to Frederick in Maryland. MILES. To Rock Creek — To Owens Ordinary 15 To Dowden's Ordinary 15 To Frederick 15 45 GENERAL BRADDOCK's ORDERLY BOOK. XIX. Within a few miles of the Minocasy cross the Minocasy in a Fhjat. Alexandria, Tuesday, April 8th, 1755. Parole — G uilford. Field Officer for to morrow Maj"" Sparke. For the Generals Guard 44th Regim*. The Quarter Masters of Sir Peter Halketts and Colo Dunbars Regiments to meet Mr. Leslie assistant Quarter master General this afternoon at 4 Oclock who w^ill show them their Regimental Store Houses. The Commanding Officer's of each of the Regim* as soon as their Regimental Store Houses are fixed are to order their Officers baggage and their mens Stores to be immediately lodgd. The Soldiers are to leave their Shoulder Belts, Waist Belts and hangers behind and only to take with them to the Field one spare shirt, one spare pair of stockings, one spare pair of Shoes and one pair of Brown Gater's. For the future the Generals own and all other Guards are to beat a march to him and the Line is always to turn out when the General passes. As a mistake has happend in regard to the Com- missions of the youngest Subaltern of the Rangers; The Commissions of Second Lieu^ being deliverd to them instead • of Ensigns are to be immediately changd to avoid any Inconvenience, which may arise from disrules of Rank. His Excellency Gen^ Braddock Orders that all Ensigns bearing Commissions in any of his Majestys Regiments shall take post of the third Officer in any of the Companysof Ranger's. after orders. Six Companys of Sir Peter Halketts Regiment are to march for Winchester at 6 o'clock on thursday morning ; Upon your arrival at Rock Creek you are XX. GENERAL BRADDOCK's ORDERLY B(M)K. either to Encamp or lodge your Men as you shall find most convenient and as fast as the Waggons arrive you are to employ them in the Service of ye Regiment and Regulate your Detach ni en t'-'' ac- cordingly and to be particularly careful not to use any more Waggons than are absolutely necessary. You are to leave at Rock Creek an Officer and 30 men who is to remain there till all the Stores of the Train and Hospital are put into the Waggons is then to march and form the Rear Guard of the whole. You are also to leave at Rock Creek a Subaltern and 20 men who are to wait there till the arrival of M^ Johnston the Paymaster and to Escort him to Frederick. You will be joined at Rock Creek by an Officer and 30 Seamen who you are to take under your command and give them your Orders and Regulations as they will want some conveyance for their baggage you will dispose of it as you find most convenient. Upon your arrival at Frederick you are to encamp your men the Troops to remain there till further Orders except a Capt°, two Subalterns and 50 men who are to be sent immediately on to Conogogee as a covering Party for the magazines and you are to direct the Commanding Officer of this Detach^ to stop all Waggons which shall brs in Flower, &c, from Pennsylvania and to send a dailj' to you of the numbers which return you are to remit to me unless you should see Sir Jn" St. Clair and that he should have securd a sufficient number for Transporting the Stores from Frederick to Wills Creek in such case the Waggons are to be dismissd. You will find provisions at Frederick which you are to issue to your men in the same proportions as at Alexandria and to begin upon it as soon as you have expended the Provisions can^ with you. You are to direct your Officers to provide them- selves as soon as possible with Bat Horses as no GENJ:RAL BKADDOCK S orderly B(X)K. XXI. more Waggons will be allowd after they get to Frederick. Alexandria, Wednesc'ay, April 9th, 1755. Parole — Henry. Field Officer for to morrow L'^ Colo Gage. For the Generals Guard 48th Regimt. Col*» Dunbars Regiment to send this forenoon two Sergeants and twenty men to Rock Creek to reinforce the Officer there. A return to be given in this Day of the two Regiments specifying all extraordinary's that have happened since their embarking in Ireland a monthly return of the two Regiments to be given in to Gen- eral Braddock every first day of the month — The companys of Rangers Artificers and the Troop of light Horse are to give in a monthly return at the same time: They are to apply to the Major of Brigade, who will shew them the proper form. The Officers to see that their men are provided as soon as possible with Bladder or thin Leather to put between the Lining and crown of their Hatts to guard against the Heat of the Sun. One Subaltorn Officer of Dunbars Regiment to march to morrow morning to Frederick in Mary- land who upon his arrival is immediately to take upon him the command of the several Detachments of the Regiment that are now there or may arrive and he is to see yt they are properly provided and Subsisted. Alexandria, Thursday, 10th April, 1755. Parole — Winchester. A Detachment from the two Regiments of a Subal- tern, two Sergeants, two Corporals and 20 men is to remain at Alexandria as a Guard for the Hospital and to march with it to Frederick. XXII. GENERAL BRADDOCK's ORDERLY BOOK. The Generals Guard is to be taken off on Friday. A Sergeant and twelve men of Col^ Dunbars Regi- ment to mount as the Generals Baggage Guard and to March with it. The Provost Marshall is to March with Col^ Dun- bar's Regiment and to have a guard of a Sergeant and ten men who is to make the rear of the whole. Two Officers and forty men of the four remaining companies of Sir Peter Halketts Regem^ is to mount the Town Guard till further Orders. Alexandria, Friday, April 11th, 1755. Parole — Kendall The Officer of the Town Guard to make his report to the General through an Aid de Camp. AFTER orders. Col*^ Dunbars Regimen^ to hold themselves in readiness but not to march till further Orders. They are to give their proportion of men for the Guard to morrow ; one Sergeant, one Corporal and 12 men to parade immediately at the Town Guard of r'olo Dunbars Regiment. They are to take their Knapsacks, Haversacks, and provisions with them, when they come to the Town Guard the Sergeant is to enquire for M"". Leslie assistant Quarter master who will give him Order's. No Person whatever to press or employ any Waggons without an Order from General Braddock the Quarter master Gen^ or his assistant. This Order to be read not only to the Soldiers but to the Officers, Servants and followers of the Army as any one who shall be found guilty of disobeying it shall be severely punish'd. AFTER ORDERS. As there are Boats provided to carry ( ■ol*' Dunbars Regiments Baggage to Rock Creek the former orders relative to their march to be obeyd. i. GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. XXIII. Eight Waggons will be orderd to be at the head of that Regiment on Wednesday night for the Tents, Baggage, &c. of those Corapanys application is to be made to M'" Leslie assistant Quarter master for a. proper Guide ; Every man is to receive 8 Days Provisions to carry with him. The Lt Col" is to be left with the 8 remaining Companys till farther Order's. All the sick are to be left in the General Hospital. The Regiments find the Generals Guard as usual and the proportion of Duty is to be made up by Col" Dunbars Regiment in the Town and other Guards. March Rout of Sir Peter Halketts Regiment from the Camp at Alexandria to Winchester. MILES. To y^ old ( ourt House 18 To Mr Colemans on Sugar Land Run were) ^q there is Indian Corn, &c j To Mr Miners 15 To M" Thompson y^ Quaker w'^ ye is 3000 wt corn 12 ToMrThey's ITy^ Ferry of Shan » 12 17 From M' They's to Winchester 23 97 If the Bridge should not be laid over the Opeckon Canves will be provided for the Troops. As soon as the Artillery arrives at Winchester a Detachment of their Regiment and what ever part you shall judge proper of the Rangers must be orderd to march with the Artillery to Wills Creek. But if the road should be cut from the bridge on the Opeckon to Bear Garden and is made passable for y« Artillery, It is then to go along that Road and not by Winchester and your Detachment from Win- chester must join them at Henry Enochs , A Report will be made to you whether this road is passable or not. As the Removal of the Troops from Winchester XXIV. GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. to Wills Creek must depend upon the Quantity of Flower that is to be sent from Pennsylvania when a proper Quantity is arrivd you shall receive advice of it. Alexandria, Saturday, April 12th, 1755. Parole — Leicester. One Company of Sir Peter Halketts Regim* .o March to morrow Morning, they are to Parade opposite to the town Guard at 6 oclock where they will be joind by five Waggons belonging to the Artillery, which they are to take under their Escort to Winchester. The Town Guard to be reduced to morrow morning to one Subaltorn Officer and thirty men. Mr Leslie will take care that there shall be at Sir Peter Halketts Quarter Guard this afternoon 3 Wag- gons, one for the Companys Tents and Baggage and the other two are to carry ye Regiments spare arms and Stores. The Men are to take eight Days Provisions with them. , Alexandria, Sunday, April 13th, 1755. Parole — Marlborough. Alexandria, Monday, April 14th, 1755. Parole — Oxford . Alexandria, Tuesday, April 15th, 1755. Parole — Petersborough. Alexandria, Wednesday, April 16th, 1755. Parole — Rochester. Thursday, April 17th, 1755. Parole — Queen Town. GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. XXV. Friday, April 18th, 1755. Parole — Salisbury. Saturday, April 19 th, 1755. Parole — Tarn worth. The commanding Officer of the Artillery to apply to Mr, Leslie for a Store House to lodge their new cloathing in, and the Officers are to see that their men comply with the Orders of the S^^ of Ap' (viz) to leave their Shoulder Belts waist Belts and Hangers behind, and are only to take with them to the field one spare shirt one spare pair of stockings one spare pair of shoes and one pair of brown Gaters. Frederick, Monday, April 21st, 1755. Parole — Dunbar. Frederick, Tuesday, April 2'2nd, 1755. Parole — Westminster. One Sergeant one Corporal and 12 men to parade immediately at the Town Guard to March with the Waggons laden with Artillerj^ Stores to Conogogee and to return back with the Waggon's to Frederick as soon as thev are unloaded. Frederick, Wednesday, April 23rd, 1755. Parole Exeter. The commanding Officers of Regiments to order their Officers to provide themselves as soon as possi- ble with Bat men out of such recruits and Levies, as are unfit to the Duty to do the of solder and such men are to be enlisted as can act as Bat men and are to be taken for any Term and to be alowed as effectives; and according to the number settled in Flanders 3 men to each company and 4 to the staff, you are to go immediately to that part of the XIVI. GENERAL BRADDOCK's ORDERLY BOOK. Antietum that lies in the road to Connogogee and press such Boats or Canoes as you shall meet with upon the river agreeable to the Orders you shall receive from Governor Sharpe If you shall find any difficulty in the execution of this Order, you are to send an express to me and you shall be immediately supplied with a party of men to inforce it sending word when they shall join you, and you are to collect all the Boats &c at that pass by the 28th of this month. Frederick, Thursday, April 24th, 1755. Parole — Yarmouth. Frederick, Friday, April 25th, 1755. Parole — Appleby. Colo Dunbar's Regiment to hold themselves in readiness to March by the 29th. AFTER ORDERS. One Corporal and four men to March to morrow Morning to Rock Creek with four Waggons that came up this Evening; when the party comes to Rock Creek they are to put themselves under the command of Ensign French. Frederick, Saturday, April 26th, 1755. Parole — Bedford. Colo Dunbars Regiment to furnish 3 Officers for a Court Martial, to try some prisoners of the Inde- pendant Company & Capt" Gates Preside the report to be made to General Braddock. Frederick, Sunday, April 27th, 1755 Parole — Chester. CoIp Dunbars Regiment is to march y« 29th and to GENERAL BRADDOCK's ORDERLY BOOK. XXVII. proceed to Wills Creek agreeable to the following Route : MILES. 29th From Fred"^ on ye road to Conogogee 17 30th From that halting place to Congogee 18 1st From Conogogee to John Even's 16 2d Rest 3d To the Widow Baringer 18 4th To George Polls 9 5th to Henry Enock's 15 6th Rest 7th To Cox's at y^" mouth of little Cacaph 12 8th To Colo Cresaps 8 9th To Wills Creek 16 Total, 129 The men are to take from this place three Days provisions ; at Conogogee they will have more, at the Widow Baringers 5 Days, at Col" Cresaps one or more Days, and at all these places Oats or Indian Corn must be had for the Horses but no Hay. At Conogogee the Troops cross the Potomack in a Float When the Troops have marchd 14 miles from Jn" Evans they are to make the new road to their Right, which leads from Opeckon Bridge. When the Troops have marchd 14 miles from George PoUe's they come to the great Cacapepon they aire to pass that River in a Float, after passing they take the road to the Right. If the water in the little Cacapepon is high the Troops must encamp opposite to Cox's. At the mouth of the little Cacapepon the Po- tomack is to be crossd in a Float Four miles beyond this they cross Town Creek if the Float should not be finishd Canves will be provided. If the Bridges are not finishd over Wills Creek and Evans Creek, Waggons will be orderd to carry the men over. It will be propr to get 2 Days Provns at (yol" Cresaps yp whole shd not arrive till ye lO^b. XXVIII. GENERAL BKADDOCk's ORDERLY BOOK. A Subaltorn and thirty men are to be left behind with a proper number of tents which will be carried for them ; these men are to have six days Provisions. The Generals Guard is not to be relievd to morrow but proper Centrys are to be found from the 30 men orderd to remain. Frederick, Monday, April 28th, 1755. Parole — Daventry. The Detachment of Sailors, and the Provost Marshalls Guard consisting of one Sergeant, one Corporal and 10 men to march with Col " Dunbars Regiment to morrow morning, and to make the Rear Guard. ToCapt^ Gates, 28th April, 1755. You are directed by His Excellency Gen' Brad- dock to proceed with your Company to Conogogee where you are to act as a covering party for the magazines, and you are to remain there till further Orders unless all the Stores, Ammunition, &c, should be come up from Rock Creek and forwarded to Wills Creek, in that case you are to join the General at Wills Creek as soon as possible. You are to give all possible assistance and use your utmost endeavours in transporting the several Stores, Ammunition, Provision, &c to Wills Creek with the utmost expedition. Whilst you remain at Conogogee you are to send a Sergant or Corporal with such of your men as are to be trusted with all the Waggon's which arrive at that place from Rock Creek allowing one man to each Waggon and you are to send them immediately^ back to Rock Creek for more Stores till you shall be informd from the Officers there, that every thing is sent up. To Ensign French, at Rock Creek. 28th April, 1755. You are ordered by his Excellency Gen' Braddock GENERAL BRADIH)CK'S ORDERLY BOOK. XXIX. to forward with all Expedition the ammunition Stores &c at Rock Creek to Mr Cresaps Conogogee taking care to send the ammunition Train Stores &c first, then the Hospital Stores and Salt Fish. You are not wait for the Beeves but as soon as the aforementioned things are gone up you will move with your party and join the Regiment at Wills Creek agreeable to the foUowf? March Route; as you will find Provisions very scarce on the Road you must take with you as many days of salt Provisions as the Men can carry. MILES. From Rock creek to Owens Ordy 15 To Dowdens 15 To Frederick 15 On the Road to Conogogee 17 To Conogogee .18 To John Evan's 16 To Widow" Baringer's 18 To George Pol Is's 9 To Henry Enocks 15 To MrCox's 12 To Col" Cresap's 8 To Wills Creek ! 16 Total 174 You must if you should find it necessary, take with you Guides from place to place, and make such halts as you shall find absolutely necessary being careful not to loose any time. If the Waggons should come in very slowdy make your application to the Civil Officers and if that should not succeed send Parties to fetch in any Waggons you shall hear off. Inform Lieut Breerton of the March Route, and tell him it is the Generals Orders that he make all imaginable dispatch. As soon as the Paymaster arrives he must also victual his men when the last Stores of all kinds XXX. GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. which are to be sent and diamissd from Rock Creek, you are to send a Letter to Cap' Gates at Conogogee informing him of it. The hand barrows and wheel barrows of the Train except 6 of each are to be left behind all but the Wheels and Iron Work which are to be forwarded. Camp at Fort Cumberland, Saturday, May 10th, 1755. Parole — Con necticut . Mr. Washington is appointed aid de camp to His Excellency General Braddock. Field officer for to morrow Maj^ Sparke. The articles of war to be read to morrow morning, at which time the servants, women and followers of the army are to attend with the respective corps and companies that they belong to. The two Independent companies and Rangers to receive three Days provisions to morrow. For the Generals Guard 48th Regiment. Col Dunbars Regiment to relieve the Fort Guard immediately, and the Fort Guard is to march to Fraziers as a Grass Guard, and to be relieved every 48 hours. Cap^ Pilson's company of carpenters is to send one corporal and 6 men with their tools and to make such fences as the officer of the Grass Guard shall think proper The Virginia and Maryland Rangers and the com- pany of carpenters to settle their men's accts imme- diately, giving them credit for what arrears &c are due, and they are for the future to be subsisted regularly twice a week as the rest of troops are. A return to be given in to morrow morning of the strength of each of the Regiments by company s, the return to be signed by the commanding officer of each corps the Independent Companys, Virginia and Maryland Rangers and the Troop of Light Horse are also to send in a return to morrow morning of their GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. XXXI. strength, which return is to be signed by the captain or officer commanding each company, and to be given in separately. The General has fixed the hour for his Lew, from ten till eleven in the forenoon every Day. Camp at Fort Cumberland. Sunday, May 11, 1755. Parole — Al bany . Field officer to morrow L^ Col Burton. The Generals Guard 44th Regmt. A return to be sent in of the numbers of men who understand the springing of rocks, & those men that are fitt are to be told that they will receive proper encouragement all the troops are to begin their field Days. Powder may be had from the train by apply- ing for it, and each man is to have 12 rounds for every field Day. A Return is to be given in to morrow morning at orderly time of the recruits of the whole army, setting forth their age size country and occupation one Sargeant and 6 men from piquet to attend during the time of marketting to prevent Disputes, and if any should happen he is to apply to the capt" of the Picquet he belongs to. This duty to be done alter- nately. All provisions brought into camp to be settled according to a settled rule, a copy of which will be given to the troops by the Major of Brigade and no person bringing provisions shall presume to ask more nor shall anybody offer less for good and wholesome meat. The 48th Regiment is to receive their Days pro- visions to morrow at 10 o'clock. AFTER ORDERS. All the out guards to be relieved to morrow morn'g and parade at 5 o'clock. XXXII. GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. EVENING ORDER?. It is His Excellency*^ Genenil Braddocks orders that no officer soldier or others give the Indians men women or children any rum other Liquor or money upon any account whatever Camp at Fort Cumberland, Monday, May 12th, 1755. parole — Boston . Field Officer to morrow Maj"^ Sparke. The Generals Guard 48th Regiment. Whereas Capt Poulson, one of the Virginia com- pany of carpenters desired a court martial to enquire into his character, having been accused of being in arms in the late Rebellion in Scotland His Excellency has been informed that the accusations is scandalous and groundless ; if therefore any person whatever can prove Capt" Poison to have been in the late Rebellion they are desired immediately to send their accusation to the General ; if not His Excellency entirely frees him from any imputation of that kind, and desires that no reflections for the future may be thrown on Capt" Poison on that acC. AFTER orders. A General Court Martial to sit immediately at the President's Tent, it is to consist of one field officer, 6 Capt"8 and 6 Subalterns. May Sparke President. Mr Shirley Judge Advocate. His Excellency has thought proper to Brigade the Army in the following manner and they are for the future to encamp accordingly : The first Brigade, Commanded by Sir Peter Halket. Compliment. Effective. 44tli Regiment of Foot 700 700 Captn Rutherford's ) Independant Corapy I ,f>„ q, Capt" Gates \ of New York , ^"" ^^ Capt. Poison's Carpenters 50 48 Capt. Peronnee's I Virginia Rangers 60 47 ' Cai>t. Wagner's ) Virginia Rangers 50 45 GENERAL BIIADDOCK's OllDEULY BOOK. XXXIII. Capt. Dagworthy's Maryland Rangers 50 49 Second Brigade, Commanded by Colonel Dunbar. 48th Repiment of Foot 700 650 Capt. iVinerie'p South Carolina Detacht 100 97 Capt, Dobh's North Carolina Rangers 100 80 Capt. Mercer's Company of Carpenters 50 86 Capt. Stevens's 1 Virginia Rangers 50 48 Capt. Hogg's \ Virginia Rangers 50 40 Capt. Cox's J Virginia Rangers 50 43 Any soldier or f'.)llower of the arm;' who shall stop any one hrinj^ing in provisions or Ibrage to the camp shall ininiediately suffer death. No out post to march from or to camp with beat of drum, nor is any heat of drum to beat before the Troop unless when any of the Troops are out at exercise, and of which they are to acquaint the General the night before thro' one of His aid de camps. Camp at Fort Cumberland, Tuesday, 13th May, 1755. Parole — Charleston. Field Officer for to morrow Lt Col Burton. For the Generals Guard 44th Regiment. The quartermasters, Camp colour men, and Pioneers of the two Regiments with two men of the Independent Companies with proper Tools for clearing the ground in the Front to parade at five o'clock in the Evening at the head of the 48th Re2;iment, and to remain there for the Field Officer of the Day'3 orders. The Picquetts are to hiy advanced and to remain att their parade till they receive the Field Officers orders. Each of the two Regiments to send 6 tents to the companies in each Brigade, and also to send 6 tents each for the men of their advanced Picquets. The centrys on the advanced Picquetts not to suffer any body to pass unquestioned after sun set. The Picquett returns at 6 o'clock in the morning. The quarter Guard of Sir Peter Halketts Regi- 5 XXXIV. GKNKKAL BHAI)IK)CK S OKDKRLY BOOK. ineiit for the futuiv to be ponted on the right Hank. Camp AT Fort (-umbkrland, Wednesday, 14th May. 1755. Parole — Dinniries. Field Officer tomorrow LtCol Burton. The Generals (iuard 48th Regiment. The General Court Martial is dissolved. Luke Woodward soldier in the 48th Regiment, commanded by Col Dunbar, having been tryed for Desertion by a General Court Martial whereof Maj^ Wm Sparke was president, is by sentence of that Gen' Court Martial adjudged to sutler death, liis Excellency, Genl Braddock has approved of the sentence, but has been pleased to pardon him. Thomas Conelly, James Fit/gerald and James Hughes, soldiers in the 48th Regiment, and tryed for theft by the said (Jonrt Martial wlu'reof Major Sparke was President, are by the sentence of the s'd (>ourt Martial adjudged to suffer the following punishments : Thomas Conelly one thous*^ 1 Lashes att the Jas Fitzgerald, eight hund^' V Head Jas Hughes eight hund'l J of the Line. Also that they be obliged to make satisfaction for the Kegg of Beer stolen by them to the value of thirty three shil^* Maryland Cur), and that proper stopages be made out of their pay by their officers for that purpose; His Excellency has approved the vsentence, but has been pleased to remit one hundred lashes from the puishment of Conelly and two hun- dred from each of the other two. Conelly is to receive 900 lashes at 3 different times 300 lashes each time. Jas Fitzgerald and Jas Hughes are to receive 600 lashes each at two different times, 300 lashes each time. The 48th Regiment to send the Drummers to the head ofy- line, to put the sentence in execution, the first time of punishment to be to GKNEKAL liUADDOCK S OKDEKLY 1J(X)K. XXXV. morrow morning at troop beatiiifj^. The two Picquetts formed from the Independent (Jom})anies Virginia and Maryland Rangers, to consist of one (Japt» 2 Subalterns, 2 Sargeants, 2 Corporals and 88 Cen- tinals. Camj' at Fokt Cumberland, Thursday, loth May, 1755. Pan )le — Portsmouth . Field Officer to morrow Majr Sparke. For the Generals (luard 44th Regiment. The Officers who were ordered to get themselves in readiness to go with the paymaster are cont^' On subaltern, one serg' 1 corpl and 80 cent'l to march this evening to Mr Martin's where the troop of Light Horse graze, the men to take tents with them and provisions for three days, the officer to receive his orders from Capt Stuart of the Light Horse ; this guard to be relievd every 3d Day. One SergS one Corpl and 12 men to parade att the Fort Guard this Day at 12 o'clock m. The Surgeant will receive his orders from Capt Orme. AFTER ORDERS. The Subalterns Guard that was ordered to march to Martin's is countermanded. Camp at Fort Cumberland, Friday, 16th May, 1755. Parole — Winchester. Field Officer to morrow Lt Col Gage. For the Generals Guard 44th Regiment. Any Indian Trader. Soldier or follower of the army who shall dare to give liquor to any of the Indians or shall receive or purchase from them any of their presents made to them by His Majesty thro' His P]xcellcncy Genl Braddock, shall suffer the severest punishment a court martial can inflict. XXXVI. GENERAL BRADDOCk's ORDERLY BUOK. There will be a public congress of the Indians to morrow at 12 o'clock at the Generals Tent. Camp at Fort Ccjmberland, Saturday, 17th of May, 1755. Parole — Esk aw . The congress of Indians mentioned in yesterdays orders is put off. Field officer to morrow Lt Col Burton. For the Generals Guard 48th Regiment. The Two Regiments, the Independent compys, the companys of carpenters, the Virginia and Maryland company of Rangers and the Troop of Light Horse are to send immediately to Mr Lake, commissary of Provisions a separate return of the number of persons they each of them draw provisions for, this return to be signed by the commander of the two regt and by the captains or officers commanding each of the Inde- pendent companys &c. The form of this return is sent to the Brigade Major and is to be given in regularly every eight Days. His Excellency expects that this order will be punctually obeyed, as the commissary will not be able to provide a proper quantity of Provisions for the army unless he has the above return sent to him regularly. One Subaltern, one Sergt 1 corporal, & 30 men to mount as a guard on the artillery. They are to parade this afternoon at 5 o'clock and to be relieved every 48 hours. Camp at Fort Cumberland, Sunday, May 18th, 1755. Parole — Farnham. There will be a public congress of the Indians this day at 12 o'clock at the Genls Tent. GENERAL BRADDOCK's ORDERLY BOOK. XXXVIl. Field officer to morrow Maj Sparke. For the Genls Guard 44th Regt. One corpl, & 8 men of the line to attend the Engineer in Surveying; they are to parade at 9 o'clock. Each Regiment, Independent Company &c in the making up of their cartridges are to allow 36 round of ball to 1 lb of powder, and for Field Days or* Exercise they are to allow 46 with or without ball. Six women per company are allowed to each of the two Regimts and the Independent companys; Four Women to each of the companys of carpenters Virginia and Maryland Rangers five women to the troop of Light Horse, as many to the detachment of seamen, and 5 to the detachment of artillery. His Excellency expect that this order will be punctually complied with, as no more Prov^" will be allowed to be drawn for than for the above number of women. Camp at Fort CuxMberland, Monday, 19th of May, 1755. Parole — Guilford. Field officer to morrow Lt Col Gage. For the Generals Guard 44 th Regiment. Each Brigade to send a man to the Gen'l Hospital as Orderly who are to receve and obey the directions of Doct'" Napper Director of the 2d Hospital. All the troops are to acct with the Director of the Hospital once in three months or as soon after as can be, for stoppages at the rate of 5 pence stirl'g per Day, for every Man that is admitted in the Gen'l Hospital; this stoppage to commence from the 24 th of May ensuing. As soon as the Retreat has been beat this night the Drum Maj"" of each of the two Regimets are to march with the Drummers and Drumers to the Head of the artillery where they will receive orders. XXXVIII. GENERAL BRADDOCK'S ORDERLY BOOK. AFTER ORDERS. A return to be given into the Brigade Major to morrow at orderly time of the number of smiths and carpenters that are in the two Regiments, Inde- pendent Companies &c. Camp at Fort Cumberland. Tuesday, May the 20th, 1755. Parole — Hendon. Field officer to morrow Lt Col Burton. For the Generals Guard 48th Regmt. One Subaltern, 1 Sergt, 1 corp & 24 men tc parade to morrow morning at 5 o'clock They are to have three Days Provisions with them and the officer it^ this night to recieve his orders from Sir John St. Clair, Camp at Fort Cumberland. Wednesday, 21st of May 1755. Parole — Ilchester. Field officer to morrow Maj Chapman. The Generals Guard 44th Regmt. No soldier that is employed as a Baker by Mr Lake, commissary of Provisions, is to be put upon any duty whatever till further orders. It is His Excellency's orders that no Sutler give any liquor to the Indians on any account: if any one does he will be severely punished. The provost is to go his round every Day through all the Roads leading to the camp. Every soldier or woman that he shall meet with on the other side of the River, or beyond the advanced Picquets without a pass from the Regiment or from the officer com- manding the company to which they belong, he is to order his executioner to tye them up and give them fifty lashes and to march them prisoners thro' the camp to expose tliem. One gill of spirits mixed with three gills of water GENERAL HRADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. XXXIX. may be allowed each man per Day, which the officers of the picquet are to see delivered out every day at Eleven o'clock, any settler that shall sell any spirits to the soldiers without an officer being present shall be sent to the Provosts. Camp at Fort Cumberland, Tuesday, 22d May, 1755. Parole — Kensington . Field Officer to morrow Maji^ Sparke. The Generals Guard 48th Regiment. Camp at Fort Cumberland, Friday, May 23d, 1755. Parole — Lincoln . F'ield officer to morrow Maj'" Chapman. For the Genls Guard 44th Regemt. A (general Court Martial to sitt to morrow morn- ing, at 8 o'clock at the Genls Tent to consist of one F'ield officer, 6 captns 6 Subalterns. Lt Col Gage President. Mr Shirley Judge Advocate. If any officer, soldier or follower of the army shall dare to give any strong liquor, or money to the Indian Men or Women, if an officer he shall be brought to a General Court Martial for disobedience of orders; if a non commissioned officer soldier or follower of the army he shall receive 250 lashes without a C't Mart'l. C'amp at Fort Cumberland, Saturday, 24th May, 1755. Parole — Monmouth . Field officer to morrow Lt Col Burton. For the Genls Guard 48th Regmt. XL. GENERAL BRADDOCK's ORDERLY BOOK. . Camp at Fort Cumberland, Sunday, May 25th, 1755. Parole — Norwich. Field officer to morrow May Sparke. For the Generals Guard 44th Regmt. If any non commissioned officer or soldier belonging to the army is found gaming he shall immediately receive three hundred lashes without being brought to court martial, and all standers by or lookers on shall be deemed principals and punished as such. One Capt", 1 Leut, 1 Ensign and 70 men of the 2 Brigades to parade immediately att the Fort. They are to take Tents and 10 days Prov"^ with them. The Capt is to receive his orders from Sir John St Clair. A Genl Court Martial of the Line, to sitt to morrow to try Lt McLead of the Royal Regt of Ar- tillery confined by Genl Braddock to consist of one Col. 2 Field Officers, and 10 Captns. Sir Peter Halkett President. Mr Shirley Judge Advocate. To sit at the Presidents Tent and to meet at 12 o'clock. Camp at Fort Cumberland, Monday, 26th May, 1755 Parole — Oxford. Field Officer to morrow Lt Col Gage. For the Generals Guard 48th Regiment. The General Court Martial whereof Lt Col Gage w^as President is dissolved His Excellency having approved of the several sentences allotted them. John Nugent of the 44th Regiment having been tryed for theft and found guilty of the crime laid to his charge as an accomplice in receiving a share of the money that was stole, is adjudged to receive one thousand lashes, and to be drum'd out of the Reg't GENERAL BRADDOCK's ORDERLY BOOK. XLl. through the line with a halter about his neck. Samuel Draumer, of the 44th Regim't and George Darty of Capt Demere's Independent Company having been tryed for desertion are adjudged each of them to receive two hund'd lashes. Henry Dalton, of the 48th Reg't having been tryed for shooting Henry Pelkington, sold'r in the said Regiment the Court Marshal is of opinion that the said Dalton did not shoot the said Pelkington with design but that it was done by accident, there- fore His Excellency Gen'l Braddock has ordered him to be released and to be sent back to his duty. If any soldier is seen Drunk in Camp he is to be sent immediately to the quarter guard of the Regmt he belongs to, and the next morning he is to receive two hundred lashes without a Court Martial. Camp at Fort Cumberland, Tuesday, May 2^, 1755. Parole — Petersfield . Field Officer to morrow Lt Col Burton. For the Generals Guard 44th Regiment. The party of the Picquets that lay advanced to load with raming ball, the rest of the picquets to load with powder and to have their ball in their pockets. The following detachments to march on Tuesday morning to parade at Revelle beating. The men to be provided with two days provisions ready dress'd. The 44th, 48th Regts are to furnish 1 field officer, 4 capts 12 subalterns 12 sergeants and 250 rank and file. Capt Rutherford's Capt Demere's Independent Companys, Capt Waginer's Capt Peyrouneys Com- panies of Virginia Rangers and Capt Poison's Company of Carpenters are also to march with this 6 XLU. GENERAL BRADDOCK's ORDERLY BOOK. det.achmeiit, who are to take with them their camp equippage and baggage. Major Chapman' Fiekl Officer for the detachment. The Independent Company and companys of Vir- ginia Rangers ordered for this Detachment to furnish no men for the guards to morrow and any men that they may have upon the out Guards are to be relieved imniediately. Particuhir care is to be taken that the men's arms are in good order and that each man is provided with ten fliv.ts and compknited to 24 rounds of ammunition. The Tools and Tomahawks of the 2d Brigade are to be given at Gun firing this evng to the quarter master General at his tent and a dem'd to be made to morrow nig at 6 o'clock of ve number of Tools each Brigade will want, the quarter master to attend. Camp at Cumberland. Wednesday, xMay 28th, 1755. Parole — Quarendon. Field officer to morrow Maj Sparke. Generals Guard 48tli Kegt. The Regulation of stoppages with the Director of the Genl Hospital to commence from the 24th of this month. As it is necessary to employ the soldiers in making and amending the roads His Excellency has been pleased to appt the foUowg allowances s d To overy sub: officer 3 0^ Sterling To every serTreant 1 | To every corporal 1)1 To ever}' driiuier and private letitinal ». (! j Day But as at present there is no public market and of course the men will have no opportunity of making use of the ready money His Excellency is so kind as to promise that he will see that they are punctually paid whatever is due to them when they arrive in GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. XLIII. winter quarters therefore whatever Subaltern oflicer or sergeant has the command of any working party as soon as they are relieved or come back they are to make an exact return of the number of men of their party and give it in to the quarter master Genl. But if hereafter there should be any public market or that the money will be found to be of use to the men upon a proper application His Excellency will give orders for their being paid. The companies of Rangers are for the future to furnish their proportion of men for duty with the rest of the line. As there will be an express going in a few days, any officers that have any letters to send to Great Britain are desired to give them to either the Genl's aid de camps or to Mr. Shirley. AFTER ORDERS. The men of the Detachment that march to morrow to be commanded by the officers of their own corps or company. Sixteen men from line to be appointed to the Guns to morrow that march and to be under the direction of the officer of artillery. The Independant company and Rangers of the two Brigades to mount but one picquet. Camp at Fort Cumberland, Thursday, 29th May, 1755. Parole — Queensbury. Field officer to morrow Lt Col Gage. The Genls Guard 44th Regiment. Camp at Fort Cumberland, Friday, 30th of May, 1755. Parole — Rochester. Field officer to morrow Lt Col Burton. XLIV. GENERAL BRADDOCk'S ORDERLY BOOK. Generals Guard 48th Regmt. The troops to hold themselves in readiness to march in 24 hours warning. * Whatever Barrells the Regiments and companys have got belonging to the artillery are to be sent back immediately with their troops to the foreman of the train. Camp at Fort Cumberland, Saturday, 31st May, 1755. Parole Field Officer to morrow Majr Sparke. Generals Guard 44th Regiment. Camp at Fort Cumberland, Sunday, 1st of June, 1755. Parole — Tamworth . Field officer to morrow Lt Col Gage. Generals Guard 48th Regmt. Camp at Fort Cumberland, Monday, 2d of June, 1755. Parole — Weybridge. Field Officer to morrow Lt Col Burton. Generals Guard 44th Regiment. The Hatchet men of the two Regements and one man per company from the rest of the line to Parade this afternoon att 3 o'clock at Mr Gordon's (En- gineer) Tent. Four Sergeants 2 corporals & 100 men with arms 1 subaltern, 1 sergeant 1 coporal and 30 men with arms to parade to morrow morning at Revelle beat- ing at the head of the Line and to receive their ©rders from Mr Gordon Engineer. His Excellency has been pleased to appoint Col Innes Governor of Fort Cumberland. GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. XLV. MONDAY EVENING. Three subaltern officers to march with the detach- ment of 100 men without arms, which is to parade to morrow morning at Reville beating. Camp at Fort Cumberland. Tuesday, June 3d, 1755. Parole — Yarmouth A General Court Martial of the Line consisting of 6 captains & 6 subalterns to sitt to morrow morning at 8 o'clock at the Presidents T«^'.it. Major Sparke President. Mr Shirley Judge Advocate. Field Officer to morrow Lt Col Burton. Generals Guard 48th Regiment. Four Subalterns, 5 Sergts, 5 Corpls, and 150 men without arms to parade to morrow morning at ye head of the line at Revelle beating. One Subaltern, 1 Sergt, 1 Corpl, and 80 men with arms to parade at the same time and act as a cover- ing party ; they are to receive their Order from Mr Gordon, Engineer. Camp at Fort ('umberland, Wednesday, 4th June, 1755. Parole — Doncaster. Field officer to morrow Lt Col Burton. For the Generals Guard 44th Regiment. The 44th Regiment and Capt Mercer's Company of Virginia Carpenters to hold themselves in readi- ness to march in an hour's warning. The working Party to be relieved to morrow^ morning, and by the same number. Camp at Fort Cumberland, Thursday, June 5th, 1755. Parole — Boston . XLVI. GENERAL BRADDOCK's ORDERLY BOOK. Field ( )nicer to morrow Major Sparke. For the Generals Guard 48th Regiment. The working party to be relieved to morrow morning and by the same number of men. Camp at Fort ('umberland, Friday, June Gth, 1755. Parole Field Officer to morrow Lt Col Barton. Sir Peter Halketts Regiment to march to morrow morning ; the sick of the Regiment unable to march to be sent to the Gen'l Hospital. One Subaltern officer to be left behind with them. The men of Sir Peter Ilalkctts Regiment now upon Guard when they are relieved or ordered to come off are to be assembled together and marchd regularly to the Regiment by an officer. C«apt" Gates's Independant Company and all ye remaining companies of provincial Troops to march on Sunday morning with the whole Park of Artillery. No more women are allowed to march with each Regiment and Company than the number allowed of by His Excellency in the orders of the 18th of May. Any soldier, sutler, woman or other person what- ever who shall be detected in stealing, purloining or wasting of any provisions shall suffer Death. The General Court Martial whereof Majr Sparke's was President is dissolved. Michael Shelton and Caleb Sary, soldiers be- longing to Capt" Edward Brice Dobbs's company of Americans tryed for Desertion are by sentence of the Court Martial found guilty and adjudged to receive 1,000 lashes each. John Igo, a convict servant, accused of theft is by the sentence of tHe Court Martial found guilty of GENERAL BHADDOCK S ORDERLY ROOK. XLVIL receiving and concealing goods tlie property of soldiers in His Majesty's service and is adjudged to receive 500 Ljishes with a cat and nine Tails by the hands of the conmion hangman. John McDonald soldier in Sir Peter Ilalketts Regiment accused of being an accomplice and con- cerned with John Igo is ac(iuitted. The Guards advanced up Wills Creek, the Potomac and the Flats''' to he taken oft' to morrow morning, and to join their several corps, the other guards to remain and to be relieved as usunl. Capt" Gates Independent (company and ye re- maining companies of the Provincial Troops to furnish their proportion for the Guards to morrow and when they are relieved they are to join their companys in the same manner as those of Sir Peter Halketts Regiment are directed to do in this davs orders. No Soldiers wife to be suff'ered to march from this around with a Horse as their own. Camp at Fort Cumberland, Saturday, June 7th, 1755. Parole — Doncaster. Capt Yates's Independant companies & the remain- ing companies of Provincial Troops & ye whole Park of Artillery to march to morrow^ morning and to be under the command of Lieut Col Burton. The artillery & companies that march to morrow to receive this afternoon Provisions to compleat them to the 11th inclusive & ye women to ye 17th. The 48th Regiment to take all the Guards to morrow; the men of the 48th Regiment now upon ye train Guard are to join their corps to morrow morning when the Artillery marches off & that Guard to be mounted by the companys that march to morrow. *Tbe Flats were on the East side of Will's Creek XLVIII. GENERAL BRADDOCk's ORDERLY BOOK. The 48th Regiment to hold themselves in readi- ness to march on Monday next. AFTER ORDERS. The Generals Guard is to be reduced to morrow to 1 Sergt 1 corpl and 12 men who are not to be re- lieved but to remain with the Genl's Baggage. Camp AT Fort Cumberland, Sunday, June 8th, 1755. Parole — Essex. Capt" Gates's Independant Company and the re- maining companys of the Provincial Troops and artillery are to march to morrow. The 48th Regt to march on Tuesday as Col Dun- bars Regiment is not to march to morrow the Genl's Guard to be relieved to morrow morning. The Companies that march to morrow to send immediately 1 Sergeant corporal & 12 men to assist Mr Lake commissarv of Provisions at the Fort. A Return to be sent immediately from Col Dun- bar's Reg't Capt Gates's company & the American Troops of the number of men they have fitt for Waggoners or Horse Drivers. In the return of Col Dunbar's Regt they are only to include those men that have joined the Regiment since they have been landed in America. Camp in Fort Cumberland, Monday, June 9th, 1755. Parole — Fallmouth. Col Dunbars regiment to send their sick unable to march to the General 'Hospital and to leave a subaltern officer behind with them. One sergeant, 1 corpl and 24 men without arms to parade to morrow morning at Day break to assist Mr Lake, commissary of Provisions in loading of ye waggons. general braddock 8 orderly book. xlix. Camp at Fort Cumberland, Tuesday, June the 10th, 1755. The Fort Guard to join their Regiments as soon as Governor Innes has taken possession of it and placed his centrys. Camp at the Grove, (First Camp from Fort Cumberland.) Parole — G ain sbo rough . All the officers of the Line to be at the Gen's tent to morrow morning at 11 o'clock. No Fires to be made upon any acct whatever within 150 yards of the Road on either side, any person acting contrary to this order shall be very se- verely punished. All the waggons to be drawn up to-morrow morn- ing as close as possible and as soon as the^waggons belong to the detachment under the command of Majr Chapman have closed up to the rear of the Artillery that Detachment then to join the respective Corps. Col Dunbars Regiment to encamp to morrow morning upon the left of the whole, according to the line of Encampment. Cami'*at the Grove, Wednesday, June 11th, 1755. Parole — Hartford . Captn Rutherford and Cap" Gates Indep com- panys and all the American's Troops to be under arms immediately att the head of their respective encampments. Any person whatsoever that is detected in stealing shall be immediately hanged with* being brought to a Court Martial. One Subaltern Officer 1 Serg^ 1 Corporal & 40 men 7 L. GENERAL BRADDOCK's ORDERLY BOOK. with* arms from each of ye two Regement to parade immediately at ye h^ of the artillery. One Sub: 1 Serg^ 1 D^' & 30 Men of the line to Parade in the Rear of Colo Dunbars Regt as soon as they have come to their proper ground The Officer is to receive his Orders from Maj'" Sparkes. Whatever number of Horses are furnisd by the Officers are to be paraded as soon as possible in the Rear of Col^ Dunbars Regimt and to be revievvd by Maj"" Sparkes. The Officers are desird to acquaint Maj^ Sparkes which of their Horses for carrying Horses and which are for Draught and to be so good as to send with the carrying Horses, Bat-Saddles & etc. if they have them. The Commands officers of the two Regt'^ ^ the capt"s of the Independ^ and Provencial Troops to send in a Return to the Genl of the number of Horses furnished by their respective Officers, and opposite to the Officer's names, The number of Horses furnishd by each officer; that the Gen' may be able to inform His Majesty of the Inclination and readiness of the particular Officers in carrying on the service. AFTER ORDERS. No more than two Women per company to be allowd to march from the Camp, a List of the names of those that are to be sent back to be given into Capt" Morris that there may be an Order sent to Colo Innes at Fort Cumberland to Victual them A List of the names of the women that are allowd to stay with the troops to be given into the Maj"^ of Brigade and any woman that is found in camp and whose name is not in that List will for the first time be severely punished and for the second suffer Death. AFTER ORDERS. Colo Dunbar's Reg^ is immediately to furnish a Sergt & 12 Men as a Guard for the Provisions on GENERAL BRADDOCK's ORDERLY BOOK. LL their Left and the Sergt is to receive hia orders from M Lake Corny of Pro^^ The Line is to furnish two Sergts & 30 Men with* arms who are to attend M'' Lake Corny of Pro"« to morrow mong at Day break & assist in loading the Horses. It is the Geni Orders yt M"- Lake Corny of Pro"^ with his People & ye Party yt is allowed him begin weighj? out y^ Flour & oth^ Prons for back 2 ds to morrow ms by day b^ & his Excellency yt every th? will be in readiness by 1 Oclock in y^^ afternoon. GENERAL BRADDOCK'S ORDERLY BOOK, NO. 2. Camp at the Grove, Thursday, June 12th, 1755. Parole— "Ilford." Field Officer of the Picquet Lt Col Gage. The Picquet to load with cartridges, and not with raming Ball, to challenge and demand the counter- sign till troop beating ; and the Field officer and Picquet to be always received as Grand rounds as often as he thinks proper to visit the out posts, by Night or Day. The advanced corporals and sentrys to have their bayonets fixed ; the Detached partys from the ser- geants guard to have corporals with them ; the ad- vanced sentrys not to suffer anybody to come within ten paces of their arms without demanding the countersign. The advanced partys not to build any bowers, upon pain of severest punishment; those already built to be immediately destroyed. These orders to be read to the men, by the officer of ye Picquet before the out guards are posted. . Whatever communications from sergeant's guards to sergeants guards, and from corporals guards to corporal's guards are not yet opened to be done immediately. This to be a standing order, and to GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. LIII. be observed by y^ troops in all camps, and no person whatever to fire their arms within a mile of ye camp, but in case of an alarm or their being attacked. These orders to be read to the men by the com- manding officer of each company, and the orders relative to the men of the picquet to be read to them before they are detach'd on y^ out guards by the officers of y^ picquet. The captains of y^- several Picquetts to be at ye Field officer of y- Picquet's tent an hour before retreat beating in order to receive the countersign from him. All the troops to be compleated this afternoon with provisions to the 16th inclusive and the waggon and horse drivers to the 26th. AFTER ORDERS. Sir Peter Halkett's Grenadiers and the battalion companys of that regiment to march immediately to the crossing of the new and old road, a little beyond where the detachment of seamen are now encamped. They are to encamp there; the Grenadiers camp across the road and the battalion companys according to the present line of encampment covering the ad- vanced wagons. The commanding officers to take care to advance picquets in the same manner and proportion of numbers as ordered in the disposition of march and to take care that his advanced picquets comply with the orders of this da}'. The detachment of seamen commanded by Mr Spendelow to be disposed of in such parts of the line as he shall think proper, and their arms and accou- trements are to be carried in whatever waggons he shall appoint. Three hatchet men of ye line with their tools to remain constantly with the detachment of seamen, and to receive their orders from Mr Spendelowe. One Tumbril with tools to march in the front immediately after Captain Poisons company of UV. GENERAL BRADDOCK's ORDERLY BOOK. carpenters and another Tumbril of tools to march in the centre of the carriaures. One engineer to- march with captain Poison's com- pany of carpenters and another engineer is to march in the centre of ye carriages. The Pioneers of every company of ye Line with their tools (except those that are ordered t ye detachment of seamen) to march constantly in ye centre of y^ carriages and to be under the directions ye Engineer who marches in the centre. The troops to march to morrow and the General to beat at four o'clock in ye morning. Camp at Friday, 13th June, 1755. Parole— "Hertford." Field officer to morrow Major Chapman. The Line is not to march to morrow. Camp at Martin's, Saturday, June 14, 1755. Parole — "Leicester." Field Officer to morrow Lt Col Burton. Upon the beating of the General which is to be taken from Sir Peter Halketts regiment, all ye troops are to accoutre turn out and form two deep at ye head of their respective encampments, and there wait for further orders and no soldiers tent to be suffiired to be struck till ordered by the General. As soon as the tents are struck they are to be immediately loaded as also the officers baggage and then the troops are to lay upon their arms till they receve an order to march and upon the beating of ye march the whole to face to the right and left. The Field officers are not to be particularly posted excepting the one who marches at ye head of ye vanguard. The number of carriages to be equally divided and GENERAL BRADDOCK's ORDERLY BOOK. LV. Sir Peter Halkett and his Field officers with the troops of his brigade are to take under their care half of carriages and see that their officers order their men to assist the waggoners upon any point or difficulty that may happen. Col Dunbar and his Field officers with ye troops of the Second brigade to act in the same manner with the remaining number of carriages. In case any wagon should break down in such a manner as to be unable to keep with the Line it is immediately to be drawn out on one side of the road and a report of it with what it is loaded to be sent to Mr Scott Wagon master general who is to order it to be repaired, or see that the load is divided among the rest of the wagons as he shall think proper. Upon any halt, tho' ever so small the Company s are to form two deep and face outward. Upon a march the captains and officers of ye picquet to visit frequentlj- their out detachments, and see that they keep at a proper distance from their companies. Upon y^ firing of a cannon either in y^ front, centre or rear the whole line to form face outwards and then wait for further orders. When the troops come to Savage River the ser- vants, bat men Waggoners and horse drivers must take particular care to prevent their horses from eating of laurel, as it is certain death to them The General to beat to morrow morning at 4 o'clock. AFTER ORDERS. Upon the beating of the General to morrow morn- ing two companys from the right of Sir Peter Halkett's regiment to strike their tents and march as an escort to the carrying horses of y« army The Commanding officer to apply to Captain Morris to morrow morning for his orders. LVI. GENERAL BRADDOCK's ORDERLY BOOK. [Here is an omission of two days' orders, which cannot be supplied, but a blank may be left in the records to show the chasm.]* Camp at the Little Meadows, Tuesday, June 17th, 1755. Parole — Orford. Field officer to morrow Lt Col Burton. A detachment to march to morrow morning at 4 o'clock consisting of one Field Officer 2 Captains 6 subalterns 12 sergeants and 150 rank and file of ye two regiments; Captain Gates 2 subalterns 2 Ser- geants 2 corporals and 50 privtite men of his inde- pendent company, Captain Waggoners and Captain Perouney's companys of Rangers. Lt Col Gage to command this detachment A de- tachment to march on Thursday morning at 4 o'clock consisting of one Colonl 1 Lt Col 1 Major the two oldest companys of Grenadeers 5 Captains 20 subalterns 22 sergeants and 550 rank and file of ye two regiments. Sir Peter Halkett Lieut Col Burton and Major Sparke field officers for this detachment The King's colour of y«^ 44*^'^ reg't and ye second colour of ye 48th regiment to be sent with this detachment. The men of the two regiments that are to march with the detachment of to morrow and Thursday to be taken out of those which landed from Ireland the commanding officer of each regiment to be an- swerable to his Excellency that this is complied with. A return to be sent in to-morrow morning to either of ye aids de camp signed by the command- ing officers of y^ companys of y^ two regiments of ye names and countries of y^ men that are for *rhi8 note is written iu Washington's handwriting. GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. LVII. ye above two detachments their term of service and the regiments they have served in. His Excellency has been pleased to appoint the fol- lowing captains and subalterns officers for y« above detachments and desires that tli«y will take with them as little baggage as possible. For y« Detachment and conmiand of Lt Col Gage. Of ye 44th regt Of yf' 48th regt Capt Beckwith Capt Morris Lieut Treby Lieut Harsard Lieut Sittler Lieut Barbutt Ensign Clarke Ensign Dunbar For the Detachment that marches on Thursday. Of the 44th Regiment Of the 48th Regiment Captain Hobson Captn Dobson Gethius Cholmley Bowyer Lieut Halkett Lieut Walsam Bailev li athorn Pottinger Edmonstone Simpson Cope Lock Brierton Kennedy Hurt Townshend Gladwin Ensign Nortlow Ensign Cowart Pennington Harrison Preston Crowe McMuUen. The Surgeons Mate of y« 48th regiment to march with this detachment. Capt Rutherfords Independent Company and Capt Stephens company of Rangers, to march to morrow morning with the detachment under y command of Lt Col r !;e and to return to camp at night. One Corporal and 4 light horse to march to mor- row morning with the detachment under Col Gages command, and to remain with him. The detachment of Seanien and Capt Stuart with 8 LVIIl. GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. 1 subaltern, and 18, light horse to march on Thurs- day morning. No woman to be victualled upon the detachments that march to morrow and Thursday. AFTER ORDERS. Each of the two regiments as also Capt Gates Independent Company to send a sufficient number of tents for y*' respective detachments that march to morrow under y« command of Lt Col Gage. AFTER ORDERS. His Excellency has been pleased to appoint Lieut Buchanan of y« artillery to march with y« 2 guns to morrow morning and Capt L Smith and Lieut McLoud of y^ artillery to march with y- detach- ment on Thursday morning. The men that march to morrow and on Thursday morning to be compleated to 24 rounds of ammunition. *N. B. — After the orders in this, and the book preceding it, are transcribed, leave six pages blank for insertion of the commission of G. W n and the proceedings which intervened between the defeat of Gen. Braddock and the resumption of the com- mand by G. W. Next, the Letters, Instructions, and orders, in the order they appear in the parchment covered book, are to be transcribed. ^The above appears in Waahii,gton„ handwriting, on a page following the last of the record^