:i CIHM ^■A." Series (Monographs) / .* . A ^- :r'*«^\ " «... ■\- ^ \- ICMH Collection de microfiches (mohographies) "7 .: , - u*- - :i .■■/ ,- ■ ) ■ ■/-"■ ■ ^■- ^«^ . %: Canadian Institut* Tor Hiaiprical MIcroraftnMluctiont /Inatitut Canadian da microraproductiona historiquaa %:■ ^?^ iqu«« ''"■'■■'■■'% X '^■Y--K ■'''■'■ : V' : Ttchnkal and WMfofraphic Notta / NolM tachniquM at bd»liofra|rttiaiMfl TN iMtitutt hai atMinptMl to obtain tti* bM« ori«faMl copy aviilabl* for f ilmirtf . Faaturat of this eo^ wMdi may ba biMiotraphically iiniqiM. wItMt may altar any of tha im«fas in tlM raprbduetion, or wbl^ may fiflnificantly ehanga Mm usual mathod of f ilminf, ar* chacfcad balow. QColourad cowan/ Couvartura da coulaur □ □ Cevar* damaiad/ . Couwartura andommagla Cbvaft rattbrad aiid/or lamiiMtadA Couvartura rattaurto at/pu palliculte Covar titia missing/ La titra da couvartura manbua \^ CohNirad niips/ ;■_ /.:- ,/ ...v;". 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'■^>' ', '..•if'v'-^:.' ' ■■^::" ■,-:,''^^f!^^rK;^_'w^\y r'- ti^.;f ■•. _*•• THE DOCTRINE AND DISCIFLIN^ OF THE f I jtitieh fclwiiist lipisiopaJ Churth Published hy irrdercf the OmtmCon/eririee, held inTorikto City, • Qnt.^ Dominion., of Canada, July, 1890, BY REV. W. T. MINT E R . -•; ^ ,■ •.,.■■■■■ ■./■'.■.■ ■■■ - GKNERAJ. secretary/ AND COMPILER. ? ■■.. " '■■/.. . ■ -. . • ■' ..^■- , MEVI$ERS: Ktv. C. A. WAsumoTONl Rev. T. H. Slater. Rev. T. C. Oliver, A. M. Rev. N. Elsworth. Rev. W. X MiNTER* FOURTH EDITION. 'ifX \%A ..-V \ ,' / TORONTO: W IX Iv I A M BRIG G S , WBSLEimUILDINOS. N. - -y*. TteS»--; '-' /I -4- ^ '■■ f^f ^t*',^ , ♦ f ■ S , CONTENTS. • / . #. Paoi. Addreaa to the Members of the Br^iah Methodist Epiioopal Churob .,..»«.».■».••••••••.«•••••••••«•.••••••••••••• *' Origin of the Britbh Methodist Episcopal Ghnrch : . , . . . . . It Report of Committee on Church Relationship ^•••••^•« '••%•-#•••• •••«>•• 14 PART I. -ARTICLES OF RELIGION. « . CHAPTER I. On thi^ Articles of Religion . . . ... . . . 19 V CHAPTER n. aiHICBAL RULES. BsotlON. I. Rules of the Band Societies .... . . .................. n. General Rules' of the United Societies . . . xlx. vin l/res8 •••»••••...••.• • • • • •••••••• • • . . . . . . • . . v . . CHAPTER IIL ON PUBLIC WORSHIP. I, Morning Services. . . • . . .-. . .... .« • • • • • •,. •^* • • II. Afternooli and Evening Services . ..... IIJw Sacramental Services t . . . ......... 28 30 35 .•*«••••• •;'•> • 35 36 36 CHAPTER IV. BROULAT^ONiS FOB SlKaiNO. , I, On Choirs ,.....•..•...•••••••••••••■•••••»***•*•• U. On Proper Hyi?'*'*''- • • » • • • • • • • • • • • • > * • •:• • • • * • • *• ** • ' ■ in. On Appropriate Tunes . ... . . . . • ; . • . • < • ••-• • • • * 37 37 ■it , 'i, K. It f **** « )^- 1\ "1 CONTENTS. CHAPTER V. ON OLAM MBITIMOS. Yv tootioR. , L Clan LMid«n Paoi. . 88 . 89 II. Duty of Leaders ...» • • • * " CHAPTER Vl. MATSmONIAL BIOULAtlONS. I. On Marriages ..,.. Jf II, On Divorcement . ... .,i ^. ..... . . • • • • • • • • • • • • *" . PART II.-GOVERNMENT OF THE CHURCH. CHAPTER I. TH* OBNBBAL OONtKRlNO*. 1. Composition of *he General Conf eretoce . . ..... i ... .. II. Meeting of the General Conference ............».•••• III. Restrictions of tke General Conference v • IV. The Financial Board .....,...•• ;^' • • • • ' • v* • • • * * CHAPTER n. AJffl^UAL OONFBRBNOW. 1, Their Composition .........•.•••••• ••••• •*•*•;••' II. Annual Conference Meetings. . ....... . v • • • • • • III. Organizing for Business.^ . *...... . . ^ • • • •••••• • • • * * * ' IV. Mode of Procedure . i . ... . . . . . • • • • • . .....-••. . • • • • 40 46 47 48 40 49 49 60 CHAPTER m. I, Their CJomporition , . .... .....^ • • • • ..•••.••• H. Quarterly Confejrerioe Meetingt . ^ ..... . . • HI. Form of Business. . ........ * . • . ■ .« • • • • • •..••••• y IV. Reports— Miscellaneous BusineJM. ... . ^ ........••••• • I • • > • • • • 9 r • •' -m m •'• • * • • • 62 63 68 65 \ ^■^"^PSa^ll ^ jill ^f^ ^ :f '?«.A^^ ■ J . _ ' *• . [ ^ ■" . ■ • . f ' '- : \ -•■,." . '' ■' '' ' ' ■- CONTEMTa • ^ V CHAPTBRIV. OfflOlAL BOAEDS.* % ?*•■. '***'r Member, of the Board • • "^ II. Meeting, of Uie Board • • '^ ^^ ni. BwlneM of the Board....... v ........•.••• IV. RwitHotloM of the Of^olal Board •••• PART in.-REGULATION OF THE MINISTRY. CHAPTER I. ■ . '■■. ^'^. ■ •■ . THE KPIBCOPAOY. I. The Election of EpUwopates ,...*......•.•• JJ TT FilUnfl Vacanoie.. .........•••«.•••••■•••' * * * * ' * V ' in. dS .« . P"ridtog EpUoopate or 0.«rM 8«p.rto. tendent ...,*........•' ••••• ....•..-•••• feeHAPTER II. IVBLLINQ ELDERS. ' ' ■ l ■' 64' I. Election and Ordination....... jr.., * ••r* II. The Duty of the Travelling Eldir ...^. • • . • • V ' .^ III. Duty to Children and Sabbath 8ch90li • V. CHAPTER III. ■•■: ■ ■ • ■ ■ ;■: ■■ ■ , ■ ■ /. - : TRAVBLUNO/ DEACONS. I. Election, Ordination and tiieir Duty ...^. v. . ..... 70 II. Travelling ticentlaies-Mode of Reception.... . . ... ^J IIL Dntyof aLicentiate ,.V.v.. . •• ........•-•••• IV. Special InstrnctioniJ .^ ..••••••••• r'^^^^^^^ -a Preachers from Other Denominations. ..^^..-^.-o . -_ *9 I. 'biose Moved by the/iaoly Ghost t^ .1.. . . • • - 77 •V u 'Tv^ V, r -.. t^ n ' CONTENTS. ' ■ktion. ^ Pa©!, II. Lioenaing Preaohcni 76' III. Eligible to the DiMOB»t« 79 IV. Eligible to the Eldership ..,,. ' 79 V. Obligations of LooaI Elders Mid Deaoons 90 VI. Of Exhortera , .\ ..... . 80 ; CHAPTEirv. ' QDAUrriNG MRBODH, • 1 ?' ^%*o"" Methods .....v^i..^^..,^i% ..,.,. ,,v^,.\, 8L 11. Moral Methods t . . . .* ^* , .?. 83 CHAPTER VL THK MATTER AND MANNER Of PRBAOHINO. I. The Matter ..i........ .:. 64 II. The Manner . , . . 85 III. Desisting from Preaching .......... ,V ..,.....- 85 CHAPTER VII. PAttTORAL VISITS AND THE EMVOROBMKNT OF PRAOTIOAt RELIGION. I. Personal Religion 86 Hf; Instraoting from House to House ....._,,.... \ 87 III. The Hindrances 87 iV.- Objections Offered 4» ....... .... ........... 88 V. Personal Defections. . .......... , ....... 90 ^ PART IV. -^CONCERNING TRIALS. CHAPTER I. .''- THE TRIAL OF EPISCOPATES. I. Convening Committee ......>. ^ ........... ...i. . 98 II. Committee's Decision . , . ....... . . ...... 93 III. Inspection of their Character .......... ............ 94 IV. Final Determination . . ..... . . .... .§. ............ > .94 •-••• • • m • t » m f - \ ' <^\ ■«Mad*vi«*« ' 1. .'.-..,. /■ CONTENTH. ■'.'■■ • ■ CHAPTKH II. THE TEIAL Of ITiriKIUIIT PRtACIItRH. Tiy "P \!**' I. The AocuMktlon IL Oraerof TrW *...• III. Deoblon of the Conference PAer . 90 . 96 . 96 CHAPTER in. TRIAL or LOCAL FBBAOIIKRM r Bxatninfttion by a Committee S T « »-ri »-. » .^ • ♦ . . • » J I f . • ' J 97 97 98 II. The Caee before the Conference ... JIl. The Condemnation ...*..*..••• ^' • GHAPTEK IV. CAU8K8 FOE IMPKACHMK!«T. ■ * ' ■ • , 'j " ■ 98 i. Dealing in Liquors ..•••.•••• VV' '' ':i": *" ^ IL Mai- Administration -? • - y . ....■••.;•'•••• Jj IIL Heresy and Schism . . ^ • '• • - ' • ■ • ' ' • ' ' IV. Unacceptabllity in the Ministry .; • • • • •""•" ^^ V. Neglect of Appointments . . . v . • • • . • • • .*..•• • •; VI. ministerial Interference .... ,,,... «. . VII. VIIL IX. _ , . . 101 Minister's Debts , . . • • / " ^^^ Union among Ourselves , • • • . . . • • - . • ; • • ; ' ^ How to Provide for Circuits In time of Conference. ... IM . , > • . ..•••••. CHAPTER, V. TRIAL OF LAY MBMBER1|. 1. Arraignment ...... II. Tahe Verdict . . '. , . ^ : . • • • * v* * " * * ' IIL Cm Insubordination ly. Dissensions . • • • ^ > • f.^ ' y. Wilful Neglect of Class Meetings . .':• VI. Improper Conduct . ,. ; • • . • . • • • • * • ' ■ ■ VII. C. 110 V. Expelled Members . . V. .... . .;. . ...... . ... ... ... . . HI PART V.--CONCERNING RITfiff. r • ; ' . .;. .■■■ ■/. ■■ ", . ; I ■ ; .■ - -■ ^ .■ I. Receiving Members iptp Full Connexion . . . . . . ... . . 115 IL The Lord's Supper ............................... jig in. Baptism of Infants........ .................... ,127 IV. Baptism (Of Aduks ............................... jai V. Solemnization of Matrimony ................. . ... 136 VI. Burial Serv^. .....!... . . . . .... , . _ ..... ........ 142 VII. Ordination of Deacons . . ... ..... ...... ......... . 145 Vni. Ordination of Elders .. .., .................... . 160 IX. Induction of Episcopates . . . , . ...... ..;.:.,,. ;..... 162 X. LayingComer-Stoncs.......... .......;...,...... 16ft XI. Church Dedication ..../........:........... ....... 177 I»ART VI.— TEMPORAL ECONOMY. I. Boundaries o! Conferences . ; . . . , . . . ........ . . . . 187 II. A General Fund for the Propagation of the Gospel . ... 18^ IIL Financial Department. . . ..,....,..;. . . / . . . y. ..... m IV. Sunday School Department .... . . , . .. . . ;-: . . . JJ^T y. The Primitive Rule of Giving for Benevolent Purposes 199 VI. Church i»roperty,, ...;,..........,... ...... .... 205 VII. Trustees of Church iE»roperty .. . ..... ; . . . . r. . . . . . . 212 yiU. Church stewards. . . .... ;v. ... . .... . . .... ..... , ..... 215 APPBNDix—Courseof Study................ ..,,..,... ..,818 m\ ^i^-: % tH?' ADDRESS • ^ TO THE MEMBERS OF THE BRITISH METHODIST ' EPISCOPAL OHUROH. Bblovbd BUBTHRBN,— We, having become a distinct body by reason of Isepjjjltion from our brethren in the X7nite4,State8, esteem it our duty and privilege most ear- nestly^ recotomend to ypu as members of the B. M. E. Church our form of Discipline^ which has been founded on the experience of many years, as also on the observa- tions an4 remarks we have. made on ancient and modem churcheis. ' ^';;;';' ,-.■■■,"'■. ::':^^- We wish to see a copy of our book of Discipline in the house of every member of the Church, 'and the more so as it contains the articles of religion more or less main- t^ned in part pr-^ whole by every reformed Church in the world. Far from wishing you to be ignorant of any of our doctrines or any part of our Discipline, we desire you to read, mark, learn, and inwitrdly digest the whole. You ought, nejct to the Word of God, procure the Articles and Canons of the Ohiirch of which you are mem- bers; therefore, we have made the present edition very cheap, and we can a^ure you that the profits of the sale thereof shall be applied to a religious purpose. We remain, your affectionate brothers and pastors in the kingdom and patience of Jesus,^ ■;.■■::.■ . .> ■-■;:;,: v.-;- ,^:, •Wai.tbr Hawkins. '•'■'■; ;\'\;': .■>■'• ^^;.',/ .-iv-. '•.:■. -',■■:'■■ ROBBRT MlLLKB. - — — ^~~ ~' EpiscopaUi, i f? V 1 ' ' r"^ WVtffrH t I "k 1 *>► '■^k{,fiWf*^Vjf ' % .» " ; -d A THE DOCTRINES AND DISCIPLINE^ OF THB---':' -'■■/ '-^ ■■ British Methodist Episcopal Church. - CHAPTER I. Section I, ^ — Origin of the British Muhodist Episcopal Church. I ' Jn or aix>ut the year' 1834, certain ministiers o£ God^s word of the A. M. E. Church, United States, cftme over to Canada and preached the Gospel among that portion of the colored settlers who were of the Methodist jiersuasion. ThejL also united them in classes, and formed societies. ATOut 183S, t^«so societies had increased so rapidly that Bishop Brown, of the A. M. E. Church before mentioned, and certain other ministers of the Gospel in conjunction with him, came oyer and organized an Annual Confer- ence under his control, known as /* The Canadian Annual' Conference.". In a few years it was found to be very incopvenient to be subject to a foreign bishop and discip- line ; and therefore, in 1856, a uiemoriaV from the OdJiia? dian AnnuarConfe r ence was sent to the General Confe r - 12 OmOlN OF THE B. M. B. CHURCH. ence of the A. M. £. Ohnrch, settiDg forth the disadvan- tages under which the Canadian Church labored, and praying for the privilege to withdraw from the said A. M. E. Church ; this memorial was granted by a very large majority ; and arrangements were made with the General Conference before mentioned, for the. organization of a distinct, separate and independent Church in Canada, and accordingly, on the 29th day of September, 1856, the ministers and delegates of the before mentioned societies in Canada, met in convention in their (^apel, in the town of Chathaip, Ont., and did constitute and organize an independent Church, to be hereafter styled and knoWn as " The British Methodist Episcopal Church,\and the con- vention did at the same time adopt the Episcopal form of Church goverAment and the Articles of Religion of the Methodist Episcopal Church aA given by the Rev. John Wesley, and did also unanimously elect Rev. Willis Naz- rey (a regularly ordained bishop of the A. M. E. Church in the United States, but having settled permanently in Canada), -General Superintendent of the British Metho- dist Episcopal Church ; said Rev. Willis Nazrey having been ordained a bishop on the 13th day of May,. 1852, in the city of New York, IT. S., by Bishop Quinn, who had been ordained a bishop by Bishop Brown, who was also ordained a bishop by Bishop Allen, the said Rev. Richard Allen being seventeen yei^rs an prdained minister, by Bishop Aib^ry, of the M. E. Church, was on the llth day of ApriCi$16, in the city of Philiwlelphia, U. a, solemnly set apaHk^for the Episcopal oflScje by prayer and imposition of the han<|s of five regularly ordained minis- ' V ORIGIM OF THE B. M. E. CHURCH. Id srs of the Gospel, one of whom was a ptieat of the Pi 3tant Episcopal Church, who was then, and continued\ ,«, be in good standing, under the diocese of Bishop [White, of Pennsylvania. The convention being fiilly [satisfied with the validity of the Episcopal ordinatio^ of Rev. Willis Nazrey, unanimously received him aa tJ General Superintendent. /' , \ '/'\ \ After the decease of the Right ilev. Williir Nazre^j^, I which took place at Shelbourne, Nova Scto^ia, August 22nd, 1875, the General Conference, sitting in Hamilton, Ont., in 1876. deemed it necessary to apwiint a bishop to attend to the business of the connexionV The Rev. R. R. Disney, being a regularly ordaitted elder for many years, was duly elected to fill that office, andXon Sunday, November Slst, 1875, Richard Randolph D^ney was solemnly set apart by prayer, the impositionX^ the liands of the Right Rev. Alexander' Washington ^ay- man (one of the bishpps of the African Methodist copal Church, U.S.), and five regularly ordained elders as bishop of the said B. M. E. Church. In A.D. 1880, Bishop Disney began negotiations looking tbward^* Or- ganic Union ?' between the B, M. E. and A. M. E. Church of the United States. The said negotiations and agita- tions grew into such gigantic proportions that it finally resulted in the dropping of Bishop Disney's name, and tihe severance of all his relations with the B. M. E. Church. See committee'^ report herewith attached as ttiianimbusly adopted by the General Conference, sitting in Oie town ( 9-- 14 .,/ V R'GPORt OP COMMITTEE KEPORT OF COMMITTEE ON CHURCH RELATIOKSHIP* Presentation of Gommittee. on Church Relationehip. Whereas, We your Committee appointed on the Church Relationship of the Right Rev. Randolph Dianey, former r Bishop of the British Methodist Episcopal Church, do hereby erase his naine and ignore his authority, and can- cel his official relationship as Bishop of the^ British Metho- dist Episcopal denomination, for the following reasons : 1. For false statements made by him to the St. Louis General Conference of the A. M. E. Church, saying that the B. M. E. people were anxioua and ready for union with the A. M. E. / 2. For entering a lawsuit against his own Church and people because they wished to maintain their rights and secure their property. j 3. ^or not accepting the (offer made by the High Court of Chancery, wjiich offered to put him back in the Church as a B. M. E. Bishop. He| refused. 4. For not attending the B. M. E. General Confer ence after seeing the notification of the time and place of ^sitting. ' ' ^-■.V - i/^^j^--^ ''■■:\:':y'- '■■ ;."■■ ''■' :■■■•■■'"■ 5. For holding an A. M^ Ik Conference in one of our B. M. E. Churches on or abput the time that our General Conference was in s^ion. 1 Also after the High Court of Chancery had declared ihat there was no unicm be^ tween the A. M. E. 4nd thje B. M. E. Churches, Rev. Disney went and held Confeitence in behalf of the A. M h . ■•«*■■; **l - 'k^. ON OHtJRCH HBtATIONSHIP. u Churoh on our property and in our property in the irmudas. From the above facta we deem him withdriiiwrn from ir Church and authority, and therefore drop his name id official relation accordingly. The said General Conference of A. D. 1886, did also a resolution unanimously, perpetuating the Episco^ oy in five regularly ordained eldierR, and the election and iduction of Superintendent, or Episcopates, to be elected follows : For the District of Ontario and the Canadas^ ly the General Conference every four years, and for the louth American District every eight years. Done at the Jeneral Conference of the B. M. E. Church sitting in its sventh session, in the Town of Windsor, Ont., Canada, ruiy, isSQ.'-^^:..,:-\"'.-/^ ■■'■',: ■ r The General Conference sitting in Windsor, Ont. ^ did >n Tuesday, July 6th, 1886, duly elect Be v. Walter [iawkins, for many years a regularly ordained elder, to ill the office of General Superintendent of the Connexion. On B^riday, July 9th, 1836, the Conference also elected 5V;tBobert Miller, for many years a regularly Ordained bldei^, to superintend the South American, West Indies, Lnd the Bermudas for eight years. On Saturday,, July 10th/ these prelates were duly in- lucted into their offices as Episcopates of the B. M. E. )hurch.--;- ■.::■:/-/■" „'v7 ■■■'.; Vv^ •. ..X;'' . The General ConfereEce sitting in the City of Toronto, >nt, July, A. D. 1890, did unanimously re-elect Rev. ^alter Hawkins, General Superintendent for thfe next four years. — -— -^ ^ . ; .. .- ; , :; .. ' .'^ :^ — MJB»^/jL \ v?. -f In* r*fr r -p .1 ' ii' . '_Sfii »> * ■• '*-■■■' , ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ vV: :.■■■■ . ■■■■' ^ - ■ A"" • ■ ■ '■ .' '^S.t'i^'SWSBSCJIBBSSIBWffwSSeBIG iH^ ■ . "" _, '■-v' '/■ ^ (• ' . .■ "■"■ -!•• ■- ,.-. '-' . >^. 1/ ■•' / V. prt L ARTICLES OF RELIGIOK. 7 ■ 4. .;»' ■ %.A ?. ^»l,■ A'r ■m '■' 't*-^^ / - 1 V, r • 1 ^ J ^^ 1 ^ L^, . j^JL ■.'■■■ ■..■-■ •. ■ . .■ , ■ 0- ■":■-;'■■■.■.: .,•.■■■;-■■■:•..■ ;-; ::■■:: ^ 'v^- ^ ^^ "":.,..■■■*■■■ ■ ■ ^V^ i - > 1 2 '; ±-, -V (. ■/ / -^^ ■■■ .■■--..• •■. . ■' ;■ ■■ X ' ■ ,;, :• ;• ■■■,'-ry j- :"'i''\'^ ■:.■-. ■■:■■■■ ■ ' :■. ' .. :■■ V :; : ■■ i' ■."■:*■ ■ ■ '..''. ' ^" ■-" . /' ''■:'- • ,•,:■■.■ CHAPTER I. Oi; THE ARTICLES OF RELimON. ••x 1. Qfjaitk inthe Holy Ttini\ There is but one living and true God, everlasting, with- lout body or partly qf infinite power and goodness : the ' maker and preserver of all things, visible and invisible — and /in [unity of this Godhead are three persons of one i subertance, power and eternity — the Father, the Son and the/Holy Ghost. ■ ' ■ '{.'■ ■ ' ■• ■ .■■:•'■ , \i. Ofih€ Word or Son of God, who uhm made vev^fman. The Son, who is the Word of the Father, the y^y and eternal God, of one substance with the Fiith^r, took man's nature in the womb of the blessed Virgin, so that two whole and perfect natures : that is to say, the Godhead and Manhood were joined togethec in one per^ soft, never to be divided, whereof is one Christ very God, and very man, who truly suffered, was crucified, dead and buried, to reconcile his Father to us, and to be a sacrifice, not only for original guilt, but also for actual sins of men... \ :.,.--• • , / , J.J.J III. 0/ the Bentrrection of Chritt ~ Christ did truly rise again from the dead, and took tin Hi s body, with a ll things app e rtaining to the p e r — Ifectlon of man^s nature, wherewith he ascended into V 4 \r ~:£ 'if '%.;>. fO » ." ARTrOLCg OF RRMOION. ;v *■»• h««Tmi, Mid there iiltt«»th until Ffn return to juclgmen the laat day. % ■* tl IV, (>/Md i/o/y Ghott. \ ^Jl^, The Holy Ohct proceeding from the Father and tfTe Son, 18 of one eubatance, majesty, power Ind gbry, with the Father and the Son, wety and eternal God -^~^ V. Ths SufficUfu^j o/tf^ rioly Scripturi^sM The Holy Scrfptup contain all things necessary to sal- vation ; so that M«SUoever is not read therein, nor can be proved therebyris n»t to be required of any man that it should be believed as an article of faith 'or thought re- quisite or necessary for salVation. In the name of the Holy Scnptures, we do understand these canonical bo^ks of the Old and Kew Testaments, of whose authority was never.»ny doubt in the Church. ^ TUNam o/the OaJSgg^ ^ , Genesis, Exodus, I^viticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Ruth Judges, Joshua, the First Book of Samuel, the ^1^^°^ Samuel, the First Book of Kings, the Phrf?>JUok (^ King^, the First Book of Chronicles, the • u '^^^^''^''^^^ **>« ^<^^ of Ezra, the Book of Hah t»5 Book of Esther, the Book of Job, the Psalms, the Proverbs of Solomon, Ecclesiastes, or the Preacher, Oantica, or the Songs^of Solomon, Four Prcv ph^ the greater. Twelve Prophet, the less. All the received, we dp receive ami account cationical. i. -v-:^. ' '■ ■ "^^ ♦■» 1^ * 'fW'^f • % ARTfCMfi 6f K«i3bmif. H > vas3^ VI. 0/Ui€ Old Te^tamtni. The QM TettKinent it not contrary to th© Nonf ; for both in th« Old and New Testament •verlaating life ia offered mankind by Ohrist; who is the only Mediator be- tween God and man, being both God and nutn. Where- fore theyare not to be heard, who feign thtkt the Old Fathers did look only for transitory promises. Although the law given from God to Moses, as touching ceremonies and rites doth not bind Christians, nor ought the civil pre- cepts thereof of necessity be received in any common- wealth, yet, notwithstanding, no Christian whatever is free from the obedience of the commandments which are called moral. 1 VII. 0/ Original or Birth Sin, Original sin standeth not in the falling of Afam (as the Pelagians vainly tallc), but it is the corruption of the nature of every man, that naturally is engendered «f the offspring of Adam, wherefore man is very far from origi- nal righteousness, and of his own nature inclined to evil, and that continually* ^. ^^^ YUl. qfl^eeWm .-i;..'. The ooncKion of man is such, after the fall of Aclam, that he„ cannot turn and prepare himself^ by his own natural strength and works to faith, and calling upon God; ^ wherefore we have no power to do good works, ple€isant and acceptable to God, without the grace of God, hy Ohrist preventing us, that we may have a good will, and working in us when we have that will. T», '^ M r.< "r, W^* 28 Mi^^iim&t •7 «' ^^^^^ ii^\-^*g ARTICLES OF BlSUQION. tX, 0/ the Jitstifipaiion of Man. We are acbounted righteous before God, only for tHe loerit of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ by lidtfa, and not by our own works t)r d(98ervings ; wherefore that we are justified by faith only, is a most wholesome doctrine and full of comfort.-:, ' • v- - ■ -. -■:„:-,:^r' - ' '^^.^.X^l /^__^„..li_:: X. Of Good Worh. ^ Although good works, which are the fruits of faith, and follow after justification, cannot put away our sins, and endure the severity of God's judgments^ yet as they are pleasing and acceptable to God in Christy and spring out of a true and living faith, insomuch that by them a lively faith is known as evidently as a tree is discerned by its fruits.- •.: ;.■.■■ ' ' ';/v- - XL Of Works of Supererogation, "/[■'''■_' ■ ■. . »■ '\ ■ ■ . '. .- '■ Viofluntary works, besides ) Over and above God's com- mandments, which are called works of supererogation, cannot be taught without arrogance and impiety, ^or by them men declare, that they.not only render unto God as much as they are bound to, but that they do more f Or His sake than of bounden duty is required ; whereas Christ saith plainly. When ye have done all that is com- manded you,' ye are unpi^ofitable servants. XIL Of Sin cfter Justification. " Not every sin willingly committed after justification, is the sin against the Holy Ghost and unpardonable. Where- fore the grant is not to be denied to such as faH into sin ftfter justification. Alter wo have received the Holy •—^mm iemmmmimmiar ■ «ii i i»» mmmmm ARTICLES OF RELIGION. 2d Ghbst we may depart from grace giveri; and fall into sin, and by the gf ace of God, rise again, and amend our lives. And, therefore, they are to bo condemned, who say they can no more sin as long as they live here y or deny the place of forgiveness to such as truly repent. , y The visible Church of Ohrist'is a congregation of faithful men, in which the pure word Of God is preached, and the sacraments duly administered according to Christ's ordir. nance in all those things that of necessity are requisite to ; the sanfe. ;■;■-.- MJ\ ".. ■ ■';■;■;;:"■: The Eomish doctrine concerning purgatory, pardon, worshipping and adqration, as well as images, and relics, and also invocaition of Saints, is a fond thing vainly in- vented, and grounded iipon no warrant of Scripture, but repugnant to t|ie Word of Grod. , ; /. - XV. 0/ Speaking in the Congregation in such a tongue as : ■ , r^^ Jhe people v^derstand. * j^-.. It is a thing plainly^epugnant to the Word of God, ^d the oust^i of the primitive Church, to have a public prayer in^e OhuTch, or to Tninister the sacraments ih a tongue not understood by the people, A^ -^r — ^ ^ XVI. 0/ the Sacraments. ^ ^ -- Sacraments ordained by Christ are not only badges of Christian men's professions, but rather they are certain pljus pf grftce, ana Qid'^ will ^^ww4 »»! ^y <*« Which V ^ / 24 ARTICLES OF RELIGION. He^oth work invigibiy in us, and doth not only quicken but »lgo stripgthen and comfort our faith in Him. There are two sacraments ordained of Christ our Lord, in the Gospel; that is to say, Baptism md the Lord's ^/Supper. ■; ■■ N Those five commonly called sacraments--that is^j say. Confirmation, Penance, Orders, Matrimony, and Mpeine Unction, are not to be counted for sacram^^^ the Gospel, b^ing such as have partly- grown out ^!l!ie cor- rupt following of the apostles; and partly are states of lif^ allowed in the Scriptures, but yet have not the like nature of Baptism and the Lord^s Supper, because they hake not any visible signs of the ceremony ordained of ■'Goa^ ^e sacraments were not ordained of Christ to bo gazed upo^ or to be carried about; but that we should duly uso thei^. And in such only as worthily receive the same, the3P^ havea wholesome ©fleet or operation ; but they that receive them unworthily, purchase to themselves condem natio|i, as St. Paul saith.r-1 Oor. xi. 29th verse. I ; V XVIL (y ^ Baptism is not only a sign of profession and mark of differ^ce, whereby Christians are distinguished from othersj that are not baptized : but it is also a sign of regeneration, or the new birth. The baptism of young ^ildr«Q is to be retained in the Church, ^ XVIII. (y the Lord's Supper/ The Supper of the Lord is not only a sign that Chrifi- t^ i^r?, ARTIGLEd OP RELIOIOK. M [tiftiiB ought to have among themselves one to another, hot rather is a sacrament of our redemption by Christ's [death :^ insomuch that toN such as rightly, worthily, and with faith receive the same the bread which we break i% a partiking of the body of Christ ; and likewise the cup of blessing is a partaking of the blood of Christ.— Tran- substantiation, or the change of the substance of bread a|id wine in the Supper of our Lord, cannot be proved by holy Writ, but is repugnant to the plain words of Scrip- ture, overthroweth the nature of the Sacrament, and hath given occasion to many superstitions. XJX. Of Both JOmia The cup of the Lord is not to be denied to the lay people;, for both the parts of the Lord's Supper, by Christ's ordinance and commandment, ought to be admin- istered to all Christians alike. ■ ■■■■;■ ■■ ■ -^5;s, . -.^^ XX. 0/ (he one Oblation of Ghiri8t<, finished Upon the | Cross, The offering of Christ once made, is that perfect redemp- tion, propitiation, and satisfaction, for ^e sins of the whole world, both original and actual ; ar^ there is none other satisfaction for sin but that alone. /Wherefore the ^rifice of masses in the which it is commonly said that the priest doth o£Eer Christ, for the quick and the dead, to have rempiion of pain or guilt, is a blasphemous fable, and dangerous conceit. -::yry':^-'''-j—-^- XXI. Of the Marriage of Jjtinisters. bhat Chris- ^ The ministers of Christ arc not cpimanded by God's % 'W. •^» z- -.^r" • T ■"'■", ;> • "V " ' ' ' t. V* ^6 ARTlCliES OF RELIGION. kw, either to vorw the e&tate of single life di* to abstain irom marriage ; therefore it is lawful for them as for all oth^r Christians, to marry at their own discretion^ as they shall ji^ge the same to be best to Godliness. ; / XXIL^^/A« Mites and C&remoniea of Churchei, "^It is not iwoessary that rites and ceremonies should in all places be e>^ctly alike, for they have been always different; and may be^changed according to the diversi- ties of countries, time^ and men's manners, so that nothing may be ordained ^tgainst God's word. Whoso- ever, through his private judgment, willingly and pur- posely doth openly break the riteiskand ceremonies of the church to whicl]^ he belongs, which^re not repugnant to the Word of God, and i are ordained aiui approved by common authority, ought to be rebuke^penly, that others may fear to do the like, as one thatvoffendeth against the common order of the Church, and w^ndeth the consciences of weaik brethren. Every partibiilar church may orcla,in, change, or abolisb rites and cere monies, so that all things may be done to edification ' ■ ' . ^ - - " " ■ - ' ..- . - ■"'.■"■ ■ ■ " " ' ■ ■ . ■ ■ /. " ■ ." . Xl^III. Of duty to the I^ulers of Great Britain, We acknowledge Uer Majesty Queen Victoria as our rightful sovereign, possessing supremacy over all the British Jgmpire, as it exists in Europe, Asia, Africa, AusV tralia,Korth America, SoutH America, the West Indies, and other Islandsjof the Ocean ; also, iihe Governor-Gen- eral and Pnminioh^ P a rliament of Can a da ; and wo also Mm9 tb»t m hmgn potentate ishould 03^erpt8p ftwtl^ority ^IPPaHPiWRftW^-? .-i^T5f»ss»*»* %>a!iW*a»M«4. ■, ,y ' ARTICLES OF RELIGION. tr n%\an the boundaries of her vast Dominions ; and inas- luch as British law throws the broad shield of equal |proteo|)ion over the life, the liberty, and personal happi- Iness of all its loyal subjects, without regard to the clim^ in which they were born, or the huei of their skin, there^ fore we believe it to be lawful for Christian men toj>bey the commandments of the Ma^strate to wear weapons and serve ii^ the wars ; and furthermore, we believe it to be our duty to pray the Most High God, to make ttte reign of Her Majesty peaceful, prosperous and happy, « and- every member of the Boyal Family wise, holy and useful, and. that the British Empire may continue to grow in power and prosperity till Christ Himself descends to reign on earth. XXIV. 0/ Christian Men's Goods. The riches and goods of Christians are not common as touching the right, title, and possession of the same, as some do falsely boast. Notwithstanding, every man ought of such things as he possesseth, liberally to give aJms to the poor according to his ability, / ■ ■ , . •■■■■' ' ' " ♦. ■ . -'■ ■ J ^ " ■'■ ' ^ ■ " ■ ' ' ' XXy . 0/ a Christian Man's Oath. As ^ confess that vain and rash swearing is fordidden Christiar^Q^n by our I^rd and Saviour Jesus Christ and James His ajf>Qstle ; so we judge that the Christian reli^ gion doth not ph^ibit, but that a man may swear when the magistrate requiroth, in a cause of faith and charity, , it be don e a ccordim ^ce^ judgment And trpth, t e achings in jus ^ \/M m '-'l£\ Y ssii 28 OENDRAL RULfe». ^ . CHAPTER II. ■■'-f''. GENERAL RULE^. SiRdnotfJ. RuUb of the Band SocMes, clrwwn up ">v^; / I>ecemb&r 26th, ] 738. ' _Two, three, or fouV,tru6 believers who have confidence in each other, form a band. X. _, %^sign of our meeting is to obey that command of :1^** Confess your faults one to another, and pray for ^e another, that ye may be healed."— James v. 1^. •To this end we agree : " 1. To meet once a week at least. .^ / 2. To come punctually at the hour appointed, unless some extraordinary reason prevent. 3. To begin exactly at the hour with singing or prayer , 4. To speak, «ach of us, in order, freely and plainly the ttue state of our souls, with «,e faults wehave com- mitted m tempers, words, or actions, and the temptations we have felt since last meeting. ^5. To end every meeting with prayer, suited to the state of each person present. 6. To desire some person among us to speak of his own ^tate first, and then to a^k tfre rest in order, a« many lind as searching questions^ may be concerning their ^State, sins, and temptations. ^ \ r Some orthe questions pi^posied to ev e ry one before iie IS admitted among us, may he to this eflfect : V i'iiff^l ■:-m-• i'f^ 'y SW*-* P^' S^t OBNfiKAL RULES. 29 1. Have you had the forgiveness of sins 1 2. Have you peace with God through our Lord Jesua Christi • . 3. Have you the witness of God's Spirit with yours, that you are a child of God 1 , 4. Is the love of God shed abroad in your heart ? 5. Has no sin, inward or outward, dominion over you T 6. Do you desire to be tbld of your faults t 7. Do you desire to be told of all your faults, and that plainly and h^me 1 ' 8. Do you desire that every one of us shall tell you, from time to time, whatsoever is in our hearts concerning ■you? '■:.:-■■■■■■'■■ . ■ '':-■■: -'. ■ 9. Consider: Do you desire we should tell you whatso- p' evfer we think, whatsoever we fear, concerning you ? 10. Do you desire that in doing this, we should come m close as possible, that we should cut to the quick, and search-your iieart to the bottom ? 11. Is it your desire to be upon this, and all other occasions, entirely open, so as to speak without disguise and without reserve I Any of the preceding questions may be asked as often as .occasion requires; the four following, at every : .'meeting : -■ ■. •' 4 ■ ■ ' : ' X ■- . - ■■■' ■ : ' ' 1. What known sins have you Committed since our .^Jast^ meeting? ■/.;■.■■- I; ' ^x\> ■;.■■:;■" v.*./.' -^ ^. 2- What particular temptations have you; met with | ■ 3. How were you delivered! .\ 4. What have you thought, said, or done, of which you „are in doubt whether it be sin or not ? ?.., ' \ 80 SOCIBTT RULES. SOCIETY RULES. SSOTION 11. General Bules oft/te United Soeietiea of 1739. 1. In the latter end of the year 173^, eight or ten persons came to Mr. Wesley, in London, vho appeared [. J to be deeply convinced of sin, and eaurnestly groaning after redemption. They desired, as did two or three more the next day, that he would spend some time with them in prayer, and advise them how to flee from the wrath to come, which thiey saw continually hanging over their heads. That he n^ight have more time for this jgreat work, he appointed a day when they might all come together/ which, from thenceforward, they did every week, viz., on l!liursday, in the evening. To these, and as many^more as desired to join with them, lor their nt^mber inonwd daily, he gave those advices from time to time whidRe- judged most needful for them, and they always ^concluded their meetings with prayer suited to their several necessities. ^ 2. /This was the rise of the United Societies, first in Euipope and then in America ^ such a society is no other than a company of men having the form aiid seeking the power of godliness, united in order to pray together, to receive the word! of exhortation^ and to watch ovejc one another in love, that they, may help each other to work out their salvation. - ' 3. That itinay the more easily be discerned whether they are indeed working out their salvation, each society SOCIETY rules: 31 is divided into smaller companies, oalled clanseff, accord- ing to their respective places of abode. There are aJiOut twelve persons in a class, of whom one is styled "the leader." It is his duty— / . ^ (1) To see each person in his class once a week at least, in order (a) To inquire how their souls prosper. (6) To advise, reprove, comfort or exhort, as occasion may require, (c) To receive what they are willing to give towards the relief of the preachers, church, and poor. (2) To meet the ministers and the stewards of the society once a week, in order (a) To inform the minister of any that are sick, or of any that walk disorderly, and will not be reproved. (6) To pay the stewards what they have i'eceived of their several classes in the week preceding. (3) There is only one condition previously required of those who desire admission into these societies : a desire to flee from the wrath to coioae, and to be saved from their sins. But wherever this is really 'i fixed in the soul, it will be shown by its fruits. (4) It is therefore expected of all who continue therein, that they should continue to evidence their desire of salvation. Firstly^ By doing no harm ; by avoids ing evil of every kind, especially that which is the "^most generally practised, such as. The taking of the name of -God in vain; the profaning the day of the Lord, either by doing Ordinary work therein, or by buying or selling ; drunkenness, or drinking spirituous liquors, unless -in ciwes of necessity; fighting o r quarrelling, brawling, brother going to law with brother; returning evil for ■":-t ,>. 1"^^' V 32 SOCIKTY RULES. evil, or railing for railing ; the using 'of many word, in buymg or selling ; the buying and selling goods that have not.paid dut^; the giving or taking things on usury, that 18, unlawful interpst ; uncharitable or uhpro^table W- versation, particularly speaking evil of illustrates or ministers ; doing to others as weT would n^ey should do unto us ; doing what we know is not for^hfe glory of God, as the putting on of gold and costly apparel ; the taking of such diversions as cannot be used in the name ^ the Lord Jesus ; the singing tHosj^ songs, ^ reading those books which do not tend to fl^ knowledge or love of God ; softness and needless Self-inaulgence ; laying-up treasure on earth; borrowing without a probability of paying, or taking up goods without the probability of paying for them. (5) It is expected of all those who continue in these societies, that they shall continue to evidence their desire of salvation. Seeondly, By doing good ; by being in every, thing merciful according to their power, as they have opportunity ; doing good of every possible sort, and as far as is possible, to all men; to their bodies, of the ability which Godjiveth, by giving food to the hungry , by clothing the (dfted, by visiting or helping them thai «re sick or in brison; to their souls, by instructing reproving, or exWti^g all we may have intercou^ with ; trampling under foot that enthusiastic doctrine -- that we are not to do good unless we feel our hearts free toit; by i6th, 17 44, You ar« supposed to ha^e th« faith that overcomoth the world. To you, therefore, it is not grievous ; 1. CarefulIytoabsUin from doing evil: in particular- ' 2. Neither to buy nor sell anything on the Urd's dLy. . . J ^"^ *^** "° ipirituous liquors, nor dram of any kind, unless prescribed by a physician. 4. To be at a word, both in buying and selling. 5. To wear no needless ornaments, such as rings, ear nngs, necklaces, lace, or ruffles. 6. Not to mention the fault of any behind his back and stop those short who do so. ' 7. To use no iwedleaa «e{/'-indulgence. ^8. Zealously to maintain good works: in particular.- (1) To give alms of such things as you possesiffiiia that according to your ability. ^ ^ (2) To reprove those who sin in your sight, and that in love and meekness of wisdom. (3) To be patterns of diligence and frugality, of self- denial, and taking up the cross daily. ■ 9. Constantly to attend on all the ordinances of Ood • in particular,^ * (1) To be at church, at the Lord'. Table, and at every pubhc meeting ofthe bands at every opportunity. , (2) To ^ private prayer, every day; and family prayer, it you are at the head of a family thireoI^Aqy *° "^ ""' ^""P*"'"- »"<> meditate, VAaJ"- "^'"^^^'^y^ oi fastings or abstinence i ifnaays in theyear, . ., " ^ -»T""^'-»"l-'4\ %'. ■vH _ .>] PUBLIC WORMHIP. 8K0TI0N III. On Dremi. Q. Shoyld wo insist on the rules concerning dress 1 A. By all means. This is no time to encourage super* fluity of dress, therefore let our people l)e exhorted to con- form to the spirit of the Apostolic precept, " not to adorii themBelvos with gold, or of pearls, or oostly array." ■■■.■' ".■' ■'..."■.: ■ -f. • ■■"t^ ■f. CHAPTER III. .^ ■ V ■ ' ". '" '• ' ' -. ■■ ■■ ■ ON PUBLIC WORSHIP. ■ .. . : ''-4 ■ ' ' ■■ Section I. Morning Services, ■ ■■^^-■'^ ^ •■■■§■ r 1. /A voluntary, either sung by the choir or played on * I. A nymn given out by the pastor or ofticiating clergy* nian, and sung by the choir and congregation. 3. Prayer, all kneeling. F 4. Responsive reading of the first Scripture Lesson in . the following order : The minister to read one verse and , the congregation to read the next one, and~~so oi^ to the •close of the lesson. x ■^■: _^ . 6. Reading of second Scripture Lesson b^ihe offioia- ting minister. U 6. Singing by the choir and congregation. . , 4^J[» B^ing of the Ten Commandments by the minis * ;-4 '* ■■i Q #^ ♦'!# if:: ' ' ^- '"•^,.. a H ^*f ,?P, f^- 36 PUBLIC WORSHIP, ter and the following response by the people : At the end of every command the' people shall say, « Lord have mercy upon us, and incline our hearts to keep this law " Sing a verse at end of fifth command and tenth, etc. * 8. A sermon, closed with the jLord's Prayer, by the minister. / ^ 9. Singi^ by the choir, and collection, after which the doxology and the benediction, / - \ SectiW II. Afternoon and Evening Services. 1. The same order of exercises observed in the morn- ing shall be observed afternoon and evening. ^2. Omission can be made on sacrameiltal occasions and when a want of time requires it. ' 3. Every member of the Church and of 4econgreifa. tion should have a hymn-book in hand, to enable him to engage m the singing. But wh^n this is not the case, the minister should give out every ^erse to be sung. Gener- ally, all hymns should he selected hy thejninister. Section III. Sacratnentcd Services. 1. The Scriptures shall be always read at the Sacra- mental services, although the minister may, if necessary omit a sermon. v ' 2. The reading of notices shall be dispensed ^ihh 'fT.'tfi^" -/ REGIJl'ATIONd FOR SINQINO- 87 CHAPTER IV. REGULATIONS EOR SINGING. ■,/'•■■■■;.■;■-,■ •' -Section- X „ . .'''-y^/^ On Choirs, 1. The leader of a choir shall be elected by th0 choir, and confirmed or rejected by the minister in charge. 2. No person shall be allowed to sing in our choirs who will not be subject to our authority. 3. Let the singers be directed to attend singing schools under Our Government regulations for singing. ■ ' : SactioN'^II.' ^ ". pn Proper HyrwiM. 1, The B. M. E. hymn-book shall be recommended to the people, apd hymns used from it instead of any indi viduars composition. ' 2. In every large society let them learn to sing ; let them learn our hymns first. Let every person beex- horted to do this. -- 3. When a hymn is toj^givenrpttt to the congregation and a preacher'^ presiBnt, let him alone give it out, and line it, and ip doing this let him seldom give out more thaii five oir six verses. '^■ Section III. On Appropriate Tunes. •,Kt 1. The preacher should not encourage the singing of '<,■"■■■-*•' 38 CLASS MBBTINCB, WcK tunes a8 cannot be sung by tbi whole congregation. Public smging is a part of divine woreliip. and should be done by the whole congregation. .l.^'.^K^'i"*'"'" " *° ^ t»"«ht to a congre^tion, it *ould be done in a treble voice. a„I the wo„fs of m hymn should be suited to the" tune, and sung in as lively a manner as the tune will permit Segulationa far Singing. 3. When a pastor himself cannot sing he should choose a person or two at each place to pitch a tune for him. . ;*■ CHAPTER V. ON CLASS MEETINGS. : ^ Section I. ■ ■ . '■ ' ■ •/' " ■':' /'■'■fc '■■ ^^^ Leaders. ■ "V' / ^^<^Tf^ f^ - """' "*'""»'* judgment, and truly jlevoted to God. ^ ■ 2. .No pastor or preacher is permitted to appoint a le^er to a class who cannot read the Holy Scriptures. Jhi^T^^"^ '"'^' "^^^ to examine le^iers on biblical studies once a quarter, and to remove those who fail to pursue such studies. The pastor shaU observe which leaders are the most useful, and change all im- proper ones, and remove every one who giv es love-feast tickets' w class privileges to expeUed members. A:i. '?W""'^i'''' GLASS-MEBTIKOS. 89 4. The pastor sliaVtiiake sufficient time, at Icaat once a quarter, ^carefully txamine each leader concerning his method of conducting plaas meetings. ■ - '''. " .Section' II." •..■ ■-.; ■ ■■'■ ' ■■•'■ , Duty of Leaders. 1 1 1. Each leader shall inquire how every soul in his class prospers, how he observes the outward rules, and grows in the knowledge and love of God. 2 The leaders shall frequently and freely converse with those who have the charge of their circuits and stations, and also frequently meet each other's classes. 3. Leaders shall read the rules to^those who m^et for the first time in a class, and shall recommend those who have been faithful and have met class six months on pro- bation. Tickets shall be given to none but those who have served out this probation. 4. Concerning serious persons, at every other meeting of the class, in any place, let no strangers be admitted. At other times they may Wbited from ma^rymg Per^M „ho »^ not of our Church, •p^vided 2.^Every preacherlhail publicly enforce the Ap',"''sv'ij ( •*^B ^1 • ■ - •'. ■■' ■; ' ■■.■ .. ' ' .. ' • ; ■■ . ■ ■ % . ■ ■ ' ' ' . :' f':'^-^-- •■•:-■. ■■'-.' ""■ " . '' ■' ' /■ ■ ■:'-'' ' [|>/;;; ".%,;■■■" • ■' ■ >■ ■■■..>'* ;■:■■■■> .■.■■*;- ■ ' '1 ■ 1^^ • .' ■ - . i* ''■ J 11 -Z-^- . ■ ■ . ■ ' ■ '..*■■"*■."■■.■.■■ ■■.*■■■■ .*■'■' .. ■ ^ ■ * ■ ■ # ; ■." ■ " '- ^ ■ -'" ' ,- >. . ■ ■■ ■■ ' ' ■■" ' . . ■■:■■■_ ^ . >■ ■ , . _ " "■-■.. "' *• ■ - ■■".,»'■■ . ■.,...• ■ ^ ". " ■ ■ - * ■' -1 ' ■:■'-• it *■ ■:.-'"■ ::,"'. ■ - ' ''. ' ■ '■'■■.■,. ■' ' ■ .■ ' • ■.■''; V ■' .' -'.' ■ "/■;■;-■'' ■■ . ■■..■..--., - ■•; m -■'■■-' ■ ' '...'■■■■ # ■ . ■' ' ■ ■ 't ■ " ■ ■ ■ ~ ' ' ■.'■■'■'."." • " "" .'* ■^ ■ '.-■ '■ - . ' .■ '■ ."■.;■.", ?K^-',:\-: ;;::-:■::,:■?■:,. ■■ ■' • " ■' ' '■■• , "■■*_'■ y .■.'.■■ : > . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ V. ■- r ■ ♦-■. "" ■' \ ,"' '* ■.- ' . M ."*■■■■'■ , ■ 4 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ " ■ ; ■ ; ■ r ■ ■ ■ — : '. -J_ : '. , , —i . *_ -. ■ ^ - . .? ^-■. ■■•■■ ■ :■ .?>■ /■ ■ :■'...: i: ■•■■-. • ■ -■•■,■- ' ' '>'," ' t '■■ '■ ■"■ :': J-".- '.;.'' . ■ ■Sr"';-.:-;^?."': . ■;': '■i-'.'-.. ..■VC'•^■^■;■■■^I^;L■■■■^^■■/^ ■: Wr ■ *"■"■"■"■ ■■*''';■■■' ■" s •*'■■- f -*"■■.■ . ■ »■■■■''■-■"- .'.'■■ •■■ " » ■-.''' -■ ' *" ■-'.;■■"; -*^y'''«";.'v* f-m^^^ 1 €- ) ..• ' ' n- fart II. government'of the church. 3 - ** ■■ '■' '■ ■■■: ■■> ;. * . V' ■" "*■',■ » ' '..-*. — . t :--VV'/; '/';■>■-.■ '.-■/-- V' ■■■, '■■':-' '< - t ■ nV ■ ■ . ^- :V-#- AT ■ (tv. ' '. ■ ^ ' . •' ■ ' : • . "* fc ■ ~-^;-'^. -v-... — - 11 ;■ -— ■ -V- -.'-■ T-. :...^.-:,'... ^ ._ ......: -■ -V-— > - -"- - . ^^^.v't-- :. :-.,^:; '.-i-i^-- *^— :'-T— '- *< ' - ■.-»■■ ■■►-"■ 'J 1 ./■■■■; ■- V-*-> .• - ■■. V f 1 ■ *« ; ■,' ■ . -'^^-;;,. ■'' ' ' ■:■. / -v . ■ < .- -■■■-■,- . •' * \ \ ■ • • ■"-'■ -" '. * . . -1. • ■■. ;' ■ "/■'* ; :■■'/ - '■.■■ ■■■■' :. \ - --^— -V-rr- - ,1. t-^^ i \ ■ ■■■.- ._:Lii.„. '■.v: '•■' •^-.:. V ■•■ -;.;.;-,:\ ;y::i '■'■*'■ ;- ' ■ ;: • -.: 1, / ^ ,...;■-■ ■ "■■ W, ' ' .# ' ■' '-^H i.-iitSu' , ^ " ■-, • • J " ■ ■ '. ^ ■1. ■ ^-" ■■'■■^hi ^i^r. A ' ■■'X ' 'l\ ■ ■u ;t'>" . * ^^^g ^> -x h ■'a PRELIMINARY i^EMAEKS. It? U desired that all things b^ .considered on these occasions, as in the immediate presence of God ;• that jlj/^ery person speak freely whatever is tfi his heart. Q. 1. How may we best improve o>ir time at con- ferences 1r^'''- •'-:';:" , ^. ■■■■•■ ■,'^:; ,';• :'.-. -"Cv" A. 1. While we are conversing, let^ us have an e8t)ecial c^re to set God al ways before us/ v 2. In |he intermediate, hours; let us redeem all tha time we can Ipr private exercises. 3. Therein let us give ourselves t6'|)rayer for one another^ and for a blessing on our labors. - 'w '..:-• :■!■._ ■:.'.' ■ 'chapter I.: '■ ■:^/" .'.- rj\ ■• . ■^ THE GENERAL GpNFERENGE. v- ■./■■■':":-■ .-• Section. I.-. ■:-■■- : ' ■: [Composition of 'the General Conference. J L It shall be cobposed of the Episcopates, general^ Officer^, ell the travelling preachers who Jiave travelled" I twn fnll conference years, and whose cKaracjters and startd- * ing are fair, and one delegate, a male member of the B. Jd.$i< Ghurch^ of two years' good stiwif^ng, fprea^^d^ / -^ :."l.. .11,- r .-V. I'.'P^S^i'" -"Ti»-^ 46 THE OENEttAL CONFERBNC£. II: every Circuit, Station, or Miwion, to be elected by th« members thereof at least one month before the sitting of the General Conference. In case of death, resignaticSn, expulsion or removal from the Church of any delegate,' the members of the Circuit or Station where such vacancy may occur shaU fill the same, and it shall be the duty of the minister in charge to appoint the time of all elections of delegates, fend announce or cause to be announced the same at least twice a day on the Sabbath, not less than five days before the time of the election. -^Delegates may be elected by ballot or viva voce, and such delegates shall be furnished with a certificate certifying his or their elec tion, which must be signed by the chairman and secretary of the said election. ' ,■ A.Sbction' II. '• Meeting of the GenercU Conference. 1. The Conference shall meet perpetually, once in four >years, on the first Monday in September. r ", 2, The Conference itself, at every quadFennial session, shall ti;c the place for its next quadrennial session. HT^ 3. The Episcopates, with the advice of two-thirds of the Annual Conferences, Vhen necessary, shaU call an eittra sesfiion of the General Conference ; but if there be nciEpiscopates, five elders, with the advice of two-thirds ^ of l^he Annual Conferences, shall pall it. ^^1^ ^ : 1 ^i It shall be the duty of the ministers in charge to ;notify the delegates^lect of the time of the sitting of Gbu«.i*l Conference and ot their duty to attend at the time and place a|^oiiite(i, and should tbprei>6t b© % 'r^i ^;^-^ ^w -'^W^^^^, ',m THE GKNEKAL OONFKHENCIG. #7 ,on. V ^thirds of 11 call an there be bwo-third> charge to sitting of >nd at the »6t he » majority of the niemljera present after auoh notice, those present shall proceed to business, and their proceedings shall be lawful. •• * <■ Section TTT. % , -i-U^lL Re$triciion9 of ths General Conference. ^^^^^1 . The General Conference shall have full powers to make rules and regulations for our Church, undej^^ the follow- ing limi^tions and restrictions, viz. : . .4 1. The General Conference shall not revoke, alter or change our articles of religion, nor establish ariy new . Wndards or rules of doctrine, contrary to o^^r . present existing and established standards of doctrine* . \ 2. They shall not change or alter apy part or wiie of ^. our government so as to do.away Episcopacy, or destroy •the plan of our Itinerant Geperal Superintendency. 3. They shall not do away the priyileges of q^r min- isters or preachers, of trial by a committee, and of an appeal. Neither shall they do away the<|]rrivileges of our members, of trial bfefttCfr-the Society,. Or oy a com- mittee and of an appeal. The preacher lo charge ^halj have power to decide whether the accused be tried W^^ the Society of which they are memberli, or a coi^mijtiee. 4. They shall not revoke or change the general vT^i of the United Societies. * ' v / 5. They shall not appropriate the surplus of the Boolf Concern to any purpose other than for the benefit of the Episcopates, and Itin^nt, Supernumerary and Super^ annuat^ Preachers ; ' provided, : neverthelessp-that a ma- :-•/■■. ''' rn ' '*'i- y ' " ^t-^yi^ 'i.»'. I A '. * ' V''.' , 18 \- THE OBNERAL CQ^jmRRNOR. Huffico to Hiier any of the above r.^nctionB, excopt tlu, nrst and second. Skction IV. ' Th»FinaneliU Board. ^ +^lt .hall b« the duty sir eiih nm„,her. and ,^oT e«ch drl,.«,it« to the General Oonforoncc, to collet pro- v,ou<, to the sitting of tho General Conferenco,' tho ^.^nount „,.cesaary to Wr hie own' e^pewe. to and fron, tJid Gonoral Conference. 2. At the close of each and every General Conference, .t sha 1 always be the duty of the Financial Committee tir«t, to pay the incidental expenses of the Geneml Con- ference; secondly, to pay over the balance to the Finan- c a Board or General Treasury, to pay for the printing of the Minute, of *l,e General Conference, and the Book ot Discipline, 3. The traveling expenses of the Episcopates to the ?Zi """ «hall be paid out of the General r^Th« amount of IravelHrig expensercolleCed V each pastor shall be presented to the Annual Conference and in no case shall he fail to collect his quota. i ¥ y "W^ M ANNUAt CX)NFJCttBNCE8. »h' CHAPTER II. ANNUAL CONFEllENCES. / Section I. Their CompoiiUon. I \ 1. An Annual Oonlerence shall be compdsed of all the travelling preachers in full connexion and on probation. All local- preachers who are members of the Annual Conferpce, and each Society shall have the privilegf* of sjpndi^yg a lay delegate. : \ :; :^^ ;- SECTION .II. ■ ' . 'y V ■ ■ , . ■ \g AwniMl Cof^erenoe Meetings. 1. Ea«?h Conference, at every Annual Session, shall designut© the place where it will hold its next Annual Session/' "' ' ^' 2. The time at which the session shall be held shall be appointed by the presiding Ejpi^copate, and should I b% done at each Annual Session. ^ 3. An Annual Conference year shall begin when the appointments are read in the Conference, and shall con- tinue until they are read at the next ensuing session. 4. Every seision shall be held at least one week. "^'"^ ■ . Section II L ' '. "7 Organising for Buatnes^' 1. The Secretary of the preceding Conference, devotional services, by order of the Chairman, shal the Conference roll. ^ - v^^^^^ ^^^^ J -i >^ ;v 60 ANNUAI. CONPKRENCEar :^ u ' ■ " ■ ■ ■■ ■ -■.■"■.■*.■■■■-. ■ ■ »^ 1 Iininedtately after this the Conference shall proceed to elect a Secretary and Recording Secretary; after which the presiding officer/unless otherwise ordered, shall appoint all committees necessary to carry on the Conference business. ^ 3. The Recording Secre|j^ry shaW engross all the proceed- ings of the Conference, and aU the decisions rendered by the Episcopate as recorded by the Secretary; and the Episcopate shall see that his decisions are correctly entered in the Journal. ^ , 4. Qne^Episcopate, at least, shall be present at each Annual Conference, to preside over it ; but in case of absence the Conference shall elect a President jm> fern , and he, or the Episcopate, and the Secrfetary shall sign the.Record, which*' shall be sent to every session- of the General Conference. , .> Section ly. Mode of Proceehire. Each pastor shall be asked the^ following questions r 1. What has been collected for the contingent expensesl 2. What hns been collected for the support of the Gen- eral Superintendent ^ 3. What hte been collected for the support of preachers t 4. What has 'been contributed for the support of Missions? * * ' 6. What has been collected fbn^bbath Schools i t' ^/^^ !^^ !^^^ cbllected for the Book Concern i 7. \jri.at has been Contributed for the Superannuated ■^'tlf >.' ANNUAL COl&EBBNCES. 51 Bpiacopate* and Preachers, or for their widows imd orphans! V 8. How have these been expended 1 V^ ^ 9. Are all the Preachers blameless in life and conver- sation 1-"-,;^ ^. :•-,-:;■ -—^^^^ ; -■ . ;/'''■.■••'■■•;'':■■.•■ 10, WhAtPreacher^aire admitted oj^Criall 11. Who rem»i«i on triidl ,r .■r .r ■jT 12. Who are admitted iiitb full connection I 13. Who have beeh elec^ and ordained Elders this yearL:.J:__^^^^^^^^^^^ / ■•.■;;■■ .-: "■;■■■■ 14. Who are the Deacons? ^ " 15. Who have been elected by the General Conference to exercise the Episcopal ofl&ce and superintend the British Methodist Episcopal Church 1 16. Who have located this year ? ' 17. Who are the superannuated Preachersl 18. ViPho have been expelled from the connexion this yeart ,' 19. Who have withcR-awn from the connexion this ^ yearl" " ''"' ■ 20. What Preachers have died this year 1 • 21. What are your statistics :^ >fa/ The number of members: ("fr^ Of probationer^. ^{c} Of local preachers. (d) Of ^xhorters. (e) Of churches in your qharge. (f) The Value of them or it. /^|The indebtedness of the charge. /^^ Is there any parsonage ! (i) The value of iti JL^ , ^ 22. What number of chapels, and their estimated % X' * ^^ 2^. Where are the Preachers stationed this yearl 4!^ •-#- y iv •■»,*■ (^b*iik>rf»lJK»J >T«St:; ■*^*^l***«'*i*w-jv « »^ »-ai-.^ --^, ffiSffiIsC"? 52 \ QUARTBRI^y GONPERENCES. 24. Ib there any other business to be done in the yearly Conference? ■ \ > -4. The electing and ordaining of Deacons and Elders. 26. Where and when shall our next Conference be held I. . ■• , -,■.■.;.:■ -'..'v ^ ^ Q. Are there any other directions to be given concern- ing the yearly Conference ? I -~^ ^. There shall be four Annual Conferences; two in British America, one in Burmuda, and one in Demerara until the General Conference shall deem ion his circuit or station, but it shall be his duty to attend the Conference at the day of its appoint- ment, except in cases of sickness or unavoidable circum- stances., ,-■ '■■■ ■ ..-"■, :■"'-'/. ; CHAPTER III QUARTERLY CONFERENCES. .;:"-;/^;"-v;--v Section' J/-- .;.vV .\. ■.. • Their Compoftition. ^ I. The Quarterly Conference shalfconsist of the travel- ling preachei-s or pastors on a circuit, or in a station or mission, the local preacher/ exhorters, stew ards, ^.^ ) 'f ■ n concern- -■i rirc \ ' ^mj* - .IS QUAHTBRLT CONFERBNGBS. 68 ing that they be members of the OhurcK where the schoql^^ is locatedl and one member of the trustee board. y^ Quarterly Cof the Quarterly Conference. ^rJMrlhe questions shall b6 written out in the Quar- >-fceriyC!onference Journal previous to the sitting of the Oonfeierice, and shall be answered iii general and in par- ticular ,i;he answer being written at the end of each ques- tion. te'f^ Section III. Form of Bttsiness, 1. AfO'there any appeals from members of this Society! 2. Are there Miy applications for licenses to preach or exhori^l ;. ■:, ■ ■ ■■/..-■ .•■'■ '■:'■/■■ -'■■.' M • ixe^ there any licenses to be renewed 'J (a) Of i; ■•f.. J ,. "V k ^TBRI^ QONFERXNOES. ^ - ...■.■■■■■■■ *^ ., : " ■ ' ■.- -v.;-. •■■ •• ■ 4. How many jwrsons have been receive^on probation? r^ How many person* have be^ received into iuJl .membershipr'-'; -■•••■,•■■■• ^-■.;::v.:■'^■ ■;-«^.-:^ -.'..." V ^>^^*' "»**W«"<>n8 aretolfe received intofuii meni^ bershipl/' ^'v : r ^f-'-' -^ ■ ^ • 7. How many haveieft with certificates^ ^-8.«How many have been received by certificate ? ; $. Ho# many have left leithout certificates I } 10. How many have beiati expelled ? . 11. How many members, have died this quarter, and what wer^ their names 7 A . > ""^ 12. What number of ftill members^ If on a circuit f (a) At A ; (b) jLt B^ (c) At C.« Total, etc^ ' ^ -^ 13. What nupib^r of probationers in this Society or On ; this circuits At A, etc. i ^ li. What has been the increase this quarter ? ' ^ ^ J5. flow many infents and adults have been baptized :. this quarterf (a) Infants; (6) Adults. I . 16. Whatartethenam^ of those wlw have been^b^^^^^ ^mS^"^ many Sunday Schools, and wliat ntii^r of pupiW^? sbhools; if B, circuit i pupils at A, B, C, etc.1 t6tal? .18. Wha^numberof books inthelibraiy or libraries r . 19. How' much has been collected for Sunday School purposes? ^ ,^ 20. How and for what purposes hw this amount been ':appropriated9 ' ;: :.; ',.■„■:. -.\- ' .::_.:-.r-- ■■ '■''\-'^ 21. How muchto been ccJlecte^ or m ini ster s this quart c yt Fo r pastor .at % B and 0? / - . ^ QUARTERLY CONWCIUBNCBS. 55 122 Has anyl;Wni^» cojlecte^^for building purposes \ or repairs, and paying debtsl HoW much i M<^^ it <^ been applied? - - '_ > --^ a* m ' 23,^ What is , the present indebtedtiesp 1 (a) jOf Trus? 7 te68r(6r Of Stewards! '* ; : ?; ' I : - la-' .' /*' ■ '•■■■♦-.•■ ■:^7 ,:-■ '^ jReporta. ^: ':r. ■■ • .. ■■,.■■' ."' ' ■■,■■'■.■,*,■■ ■■,■, - ■ .■■■■ 1. The c&irman shall, next in drd0r:>> the questibnsj/ ^ callior:. ■,: ^'■^;-' ■ '^:'/':-:yS:.'^^'r.^.--^-^^ •(a)^ The Trustees* iF^port^i . ^ \ ^^ * r (ft) The Stewards|>Kepori * ; : ,^; V (c) The^abim&i S^ibol l^upet-mtenftpni^s Report^ ^ T^e 0h■,; :.- ;, • ■.■■- - y 2. All ^hese 'reports shall be ckrefully wftten ou^ ; py^vibust•' ■.'.-' . *'•' .v\ ■». N U'. 56 ■ • ■ ; • QUABTEKLY C0NPERENCE8. ./ :^: religim.8, and official character of i^s ni«nb«« ; the WK «... -j-ITose character i, on its passage (at the-ftquest ofa .»e™'-;)»haU withdraw; this concl Jed. the Cfcnfe Jc may act upon such motions and solutions as may come before ,t The jroceedingk of the Gbnfe^koe shall be kept ,n a book prepared for that p&rpose. Avhich book shall ™mam ,n the hands of the stewards, and for wtich they shall be responsible. " " '"»/ S-^- : QHAPTER IV. ^ -O^P'iei AX B 6 A R DS. v.: - Sbction J. ^ ; -^en^ert of (he Board. 1. The Board shall be composed of all thecla^s leadct oxhorters, and stewards of . circuit or statioB.T ' <*i»I:SS^'w'"~"'-'^ the Boan, andit.. bei ^r^^'^'fT'^ ""^-^ as hon6«ry mem. . Section IL " Meeting/ of the Board. hL ?' *^®°*l' ®°^ °* "^'y "'»«<'» **" aeet at " least once a week. ,. ^ J^ X Ilie Offic ial ioar df of every circuit shall meet at least once in every ijwo Weeks. -^ w r*|r .tfc' QUAKTBBI^r CONFBRaNCBS. 57 " 3 Extrii meetings shall be called by the pastor when- ever he sees it necessary, and shall be promptly attended by the members, whether of a station or circuit. ■^4. All meetings^ T)r the Board shall be opened with ■I relifpous service. - ' • ♦ k. Section lit y : ■• ' ' Business p/the Board. ^ I V i: It shall annlially electa Secretary, who shaU keep a strict account of the pjroceedings. v ,j 2^ It shallot the sam^time eledt a Treasurer, to )iold all moneys collected* or obtained by other means under the allspices of the stewards. , ^ v ^ 3. The Board shall require the teaders to pay over to ' 4he stewards, it its sessipn, wliatever sums they may have collected for the Church, the pastor and the.poor. V 4. It shall see, at its sessions,* that the pastor receives his regular 8uppoi:t, and it shaU devise ^ays and means V) pay'liim all that is due him; y ' 6. It shall receive of the Jeadei^i reports on the follow- "ftig subjects : .n ••. ' ; " . \' \ (a) On those who walk disorderly an^ w^U not be [reproved.* , ' ^ I ' I . « (ft). On those who ^r'e sick and nfeed lihe at^ntion of 'thepasiSor. > (c) On the deaiH We^the,ha«^eof^aIadmim^^ nair^an .^^^^^^^ ««ge ma piaofl for the governmen/of the % '• A ^ ' • . -,-r \ '< ■^f^WWf^ k • " .• « • f Xif-1^'-\::- . ' , fy- j ■•■■•:•• .,/t."- --.'^-^ ■■■:■:'■-:{ \ * • »1 ''..' ■■ ■ . •:■ ■■' ' '■ '•■• , „ '.. •' ■■ -■' V s fl - , • ■• ' -S ' - ' ' ' *■ ' ■' ' # / • V 1 * 1 ' - ■-. w' '■ . .. t-.- ■■ s ■ ^- . ■ . ' • *■* ' . ■..'■■■■'■ ' ■ J. •> * \. '■ ? ■■: ■ '." ■ "". . ■ -^ ;;: '.;.'■■. *■ i J *-*" 1 '-. ' .-^ ■ ■•" (■ ■ '■'■:■, . ■ , i. , » ' .. ■••". -',- •.. ■ -f ■■ . i ■ ' ■■<, ■ ■' ■ . '''••■' 1 ■ '■ 1 ' t ' ''■-■' •' 1 '■ ': ' 1' ' ■'. ' ' :, \ ^ - ' (* J \ Jart ^H REGULATION OP THE MINISTRY. r ■ ■ ' ' ■ ' ,■ ' ' J.-,: - ,i ■■ I ,,'■■' ■ ■ • • ' ■ . ' ■■■■■■■ \r- ■'■ I . . .■ .- ■- ■■...., »■ ..;■ ,r \. ;.-.■. V- ••• I- . ■■:- -^-^ • .-" "Vi- 'T' ■.^y?^ 9 <^ ^^w ,^- i i ','■'*• ■c CHAPTER I. THE EPISCOPACY. -^ SEtfTlOW .1. ,• '. m». The Election of Epiacopatea. / ,4k s^. 1 TKb Epiicopatet shHll be elected by the General Conference, providing theii. characters and qualificationi ihould be approved by a majority vote of all the membert present at ii»id General Conference. ^ -^ ' „ . ■2. After his (or their) election, hp (or^^ey) ahall^^ inducted into the office by taking tSe or4Jnation vwr.n» an Episcopate.- ,„;■■..'■■■-;.-" . '~" '""" ■■■•^%„'' - 3 There shall at present be tivd Episfcopates ;lne a General Superintendent, and a Foreign or Missi^^JW Superintendent. The Generri Superintendent shall be elected 4»very four years, and the Missionary Superintend dent for the South American field every eight years. . SBCTidN "it. r Filling Viicavtciee. ■/ 1. If by death, resigna^on, or expulsion, there should* be po one to e^terfcise the Episcopal office, an extra session of the General Conference shall be called at once, according to the third paragraph of the se^cond section of tbA firtit cha pter on the General Conference. 2. The said extra session of the General Conference rfuOl then proceed to fill the vacancy by electing an Epii- ■ i I ^ , L ^1:,_ m or OBNEMt BtTPBBINTtNDBNT. mm taking the ordination vows. ^ .■-■....■':■ . ;SlCTION m. ,t;. , ■• '■ ■,.. removMl fmm xr _.i , ^'^^"^ no wishes a minister removed from. Nevertheless, no minister shall be allows! to remain in charge of any Circuit or Sf^f • , ^ three years, exceot in Ti- T ^''**'' ^'*"««'' <*»" /cars, except in particular cases : the Gener*! a.,.^ -^dent M.a.. have power to ^ W^t^S^ - the Annual ConfeZe "^ '°"' "'•*° '^"«"«^ ''^ .the Di«ripli„e directa. ^ """^ "Hjmre, and a. eni siifr "" ''°'"'"""' "^ '"' '"«"' A»-»I Confer. ««». Wlaect to an appeal to the General Confc™n«, /I ,%i^- _ ^k/"' DUTIES OF aiHERAli BtmCltlinWNDtlft, dt apply ihfi law in eapM <>' imprudent oonduo^. But in alt Xr caiiei the application shall be with the AijnHal ^ Conference. * , . ^ -. « *k-/ 6, To travel throjp^the connexion and vUit all tb^ chargea as often a4^|<^ ^ . ^r~7^Tb oversee th^tll^l and temporal buagfew ^t^ €hurch.. •.•• ■^"'*-^ ■;• ■ f ' ,. • ^,;V '; fpi ; 8 To ordain elders and deacoiH. ifc . . 9 The General Superintendent shall, whenever the officers of any church call him, and necessity requires him,, visit any Episcopal district and act alone, in the absence of its Episcopate, or conjointly with him. in all cases in which the interest of the connexion demand* his service. 10 He shall not allow any preacher to remain on a circuit or in a station when it is evident that his continii. ance is injurious to the prosperity of the Church. 11. He shall not remove a prflftp''* without his con- sent, beyond the bounds of his OSKerence until he has given him at least three mon<||p' notice prior to tjie tune appointed for his removal. ^ ° * U The predding Episcopate, whenever he transfers • member of an Annual Conference, shall give the following form of certificate ; , , I '^ This is to certify that A B , an elder, in «ood and regular standing, has been transferred from tha ^ ^, ^^^^^^Annual Conference of the British Methodist Episcopal Church to the P "C Conference of the same Chu r ch, the transfer to t a ke place on and after - E , \^ ':,*.'.■: "'^'■,..' ',:■'■' , ^ ..s^^^^^:^.^-:^^^:::^^..:^ Presidtog JEjrffQopat^ \ . '/' k M-J ■ fvf ■ . . ^ ■.IkU •^mtm^tim^nrt. I 1 1 H / 64 ^RAViELLlNG ELDERS. 13. He shall entertain all tnotions duly made and seconded in an Annual Conference, when they do not come in conflict with positive law. 14. He shall not exercise his Episcopal office in any degree over the Church, unless he travel at large through, out his district and throughout the connexion when requested. His duty in this respect shall be regulated by the General Conference, and it shall make provision for his travelling expensfes. ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^r^^ -^ J . ,;,^/ ;■; CHAPTER H '■ . :"" ■ ^■"- i TRAVEE^NG ELDERS .'.Section I. "■-.•'■■ Election and Ordination. ' 1, A preacher who has been ordained to the diaconate shall be constituted aft elder by a majority of an Annual Conference e^cting Wm to the office, and by an Episco:^ pate, and the examining eHers ordaining him by the im position of the hands. "^ ■ 2. The Annual Conference that ejects him shall be <5e^ tain that he has been thoroughly instructed in the nature of the vows he must take and perform as an elder. -■•..;■•;? ■ Sbction,iIv. -■-•■■■ 1. He shall attend the General Superintend^ when- -**- ^^^f^mf-'f^'^^ v*W j^J^ ifr. DUTY OF TRAVELLING IfiLDER. 65 ever he is in his charge, and by letter, give hipKj|*»«n absent, all necessary information concerning it.. ; ^% ^^ 2, He shall travel through his charge, administer tiap- tism, the Lord's Supper, perforin th# rite of matrimotiy, and conduct all parts of divine worship* ^^ 3. He f hall not cease to labor in the itinerancy, except in case, of sickness, debility or uncontrollable circum- stances, without the consent of the Annual Conference, certified by the hand of the presiding Episcopate. The final determination, though, of all such cases^ shall be by the Annual Conference. y • .4. He shall call all meetings for the transaction of spiritual or temporal business in his charge, and preside^ over said meetings, except those im which he is to answer accusati(^s?against himself, or where he is the accuser. 5. He shlbU take charge of all the local elders, deacons, preachers and exhorters on his circuit, missioti," or i^bwu station, and shajl be present at alL-<4-4ris Q^aarterly Meetings and shall preside in ^ Quarterly Conferences. l-fie-shall have every part of the Discipline enforced in his charge^ ■.;■ * .. 6. He shall gee that no person officiates as a preacher or exhorter in his charge without first obtaining license, from the Quarterly Conference; and moreover he shall . insist that said license be renew^ once every year. 7. Be shall warn the members from time to time not to move front one charge to another without tt note of recommendation from him, and inform them that they, without such a aote^ will noit be received into otl^^' i J (> . V 66 DUTY OP TEAVELLING ELDER. ■ocieties. Th« note or certificate shall be good for six months only, and this shall be the form : > " ;;\';::\':* ■-■■■:;■',/■'- ■ .- {Form), '.y:;V':;--; This is to certify that the bearer, ' has been an acceptable member of our Society in good standing at Signed, . :» D. * ,■■■■■,'■■"*■■ -^ ;'■■;■•■ <.'■'" -'■■■'■■'■ Pastor. Q. Shall he have power to employ a preacher who has been rejected for immoral conduct at the previous Annual Oonference f ^^^^ ' A. He shall not. without Qie^nseht of ft majority of the Quarterly Conference^ and permission from the said Annual Oonference so to do ; neither shall he admit, or suflfejf to be admitted into any oj^ our pulpits, aiiy preacher or minister, except he be in good standing in somie acknowledged evangelicar church. B. Hf 8|iall meet the Societies, classes, general bands, and visit the sick. 9. He shall be diligent ; never be unemployed ; never be triflingly employed. 1 ^; ,,-:.^^^.^,,^^.-;. 10. He shall see that the other preachers in his charge behave well; renew the tickets quarterly, and regulate ' the 'bands. . . •-■""■, ■.■■^- "•--'■ ■■^•■■■.•'' .•■■■■-.*■ ' :■■'■•■. ■ . ' ■ . -■ '. ■♦.■'■ ■■■■■'■ 11. He shall meet the stewards and leaders as of ten aa possible;, appoint all the leaders, and change them Wh^nhe sees it necessary^; *(but the stewards shall bo appointed in the way the Wsciplme directs), • »UTT OF TRAVBLLINQ ELDER. 67 12. H6 Uuill receive, try, tjtid expel membera, accord* ing to the form pf Biscipline; and, at every quarterly meeting/ shall read' the names of those who have i>etn received, and those who have been excluded. He shall hold quarterly meetings, love-feasts, and watch-night services. The love-feasts he miety permit to la» one hour and a half. 13. He shjll see that every Society is duly supplied with books, and take an exact account of the number of members in the Society on his circuit, mission or station, and deliver such account to the Annual Confer- ence, that it may be printed in the Minutes. 14. He shall meet the men and women apart in the larger Societies, once a quarter, whenever it is practi- cable, and as soon as there are four men or women believers in any place put them in a band. 15. He shall s^ that every band leader has the rules o: the band, and aided by the other preachers in his charge, shall read the rules of the Society once a quarter to every Society^ and once a year to every congregation. 16. He shall overlook the accounts of the stewardsi, trustees, and other organizationR/belonging to the Ohuroh, and^ appoint a perswi to receive the quarterly collections in the classes, when there is lio steward. 17. He shall see that public eollections be made quar* terly if need be, and to assist in making up the aHow- anoe of the preachejr, and raise a yearly subscription in those circuits that can bear it, for the building of churches and paying the debts of those which have been alr^y erectied ; and shall choose a committee of lay v ««♦ ^'m,imitmm' w m iiim* PUTT OF TRAVlUiiNG' ^DEB. >-'■•> members, to make just applioation of tfie mcm^y where it is niost wanted (where there is no steward) ; to ex- amine all the accoukits of the trustees, and see that they make a quarterly report of .iJl moneyft^ received .and eix« 'petoded by them; ; ■■ ^'■- '■' v^'. ' - .; . '■"■.■■''' M'-:\- '^'W-- 18. He sh&ll everywhere rettymmend decency and cleanliness ; enforce vigorously; tut calmly^ all rule»1 of ^e Society; see that in every Society OTLJus^ciron^itj mftlsion, or stetiori, a fast be held on the /Friday preced- ing every quarterly meeting, aiid that a tnemprandumiof it be written on all the class books. | 19. He shall, .whenever it is practicable, assign p^rr spns taken oh prpbation to a class unto themselves, ajnd krep them in it at least six months on probation.^ 20. He shall receivta none into fuil membership l^ut those- who have stood out their probation, been baptized, recommended by a leader, and given on examination.- by himself belore the church, satisfactory evidence of cor- T^e<^ faith and of a willingness to observe the rules ami k'^t>'.them.* : '^ '\ - ■ ' ^:r'.^ ■'■^■%^':--': A 21. He shall give tickets to* none but ihose who have m^t a leader for six months and have been recommended by \ him J neither shall he give certiticates to any but those who have met three or foui^mes in clSBs^ or been recommended by sonieone known t6„ him. " ' . * 22. Whenever he. leavel a circuit or station^ or itf- remoyed from it, he shaH submit to his successor an accurate account (^ its conditicm. ;^ - 234\He shall at once remove a leader when, he deems cesser a;n T'' "-^' W' i I CHILOMIN AND SAMATH SqHOOIA 69 .^iWwMci from hi. Wfloe, whenever he has ^ffident. cau*. I^uIh appoint ...utetitute to^ot until the ejummg ^ ■;^rt»4 (S^nce, whi,h,.l«Jl make a fina^u.po.K tion pi the case. ^ ri : i' V4 Sbotion III/- put}/ to Children and SabbaOi SchMl; 71: Every partorifliaU gatterljlth.r children; »nd Vherever there are five or t«n whce parent* w.11 permit It he shall meet the^ once a week, or in, two weeks, for 4 purpos, pf giving them -instructions aftd trwnwg theiu in the Catechism. _^:^^ . toiw „ith . 2. k.e shall expressly preach on education, taik with th*«iildren at liome; exptain the nature of religion to tbem. and impress the necessity of it upmd form *hen^^u^ ■-. fSchooit ■::.:/.,>■■ ■:■;■■■':.;/:•:,_ ■■:V;' ^_, •; . a-^L A 5 He diaU take their taames and form theto 1W» . classes for the, purpose or giving *emrelig«^^^ gtim. and tpdo this as. reguUriy Myself , ^^tu^^^ ^ dutiea will allow him^ L . - v ^ , , ^^- 6. m shall teach tfc |He nfttu^ 0f religion, an4 ^m^Mi^ *!"* W'. '■».■ ■Av ■ l-.t.M. m ■ )»; ft- .t'><-,'.-- t.' Q. 1 . JBpfvr i^-a trtkveiliag dMcon i<0t^#it^uted 1 s A. By tUe el0oti6)[i of sk majority oii^e yearU" Oonler-^ 6nr€l's Sup^r. Q. 3. /"WBat shf^ir be the tioHwlihe probation o^lF ^travelling deacon tor the <^oe ^Wl^n^^r^ ^ • "^ , A. Every travelling deacon 8ha2|9Bci8e that omc^ for ' two Conference years before HI is flRle to th^ office cii an elder, except when, in the op i nio JF of the Annual Oon* >*♦ 3. ^o dllSJ^U ^be duties t>f a oonsecrat J.' TRATBIXIMO UCEUTIATIS. tortnoe, hU /.ervioes m an elder are wanted, and he is . t J qWiVed for the office. No deacon who cease, to Z,^ wiluu the con«,nt of the yearly. Conference Wtmk Ler the hand of the president 'l-reof except l„ c^ of sickness, debility, or other "■'-'»J»J'«^X .tiices. shall, on any account, exercise the pecul^r frotioJ. of his office, or be allowed to preach among as. ^eyertfeless. the final determinati<^ in allwoh ^«ses^» with t^e Annual Cohference. X , , '/ '' ■ ';"':■ •#•-;■".': \;:-'<-'' ■•■;■;■ . ,/ Travelling Licentiatet—Mode of Reeeptio^i- Q. Ihow is a travelling preacher to be received 1 v A 1 By the Annual Conference. 2 In the interval of the Conference by the Quarterly ^ Meiiig^^gonference, until the sitting pf the Annual "^S^Bod do we use in r«^^ preacher in Conference? • j u.il A AftW^aolemn prayer, eyery person proposed shi^U • ■■ ,. !S«U. A ^ ^ Conference, the following qnes- 16ns -wHWWy^^lW.tJ^t "»y *» t»»o»*''* necessary,— . vis.:«I»v^iai%i*ChAt| Are you going^ on to tMs fifc- 1 Are yoo-groaiunB^rit t. Are ypu r^^ ^ lolly tbd.yot^PVseK^JO^ ^^ wrtr^erul^of th^ie^|w.^f.tlM^a»V^ % %u read A* f?m^i4»J»^^ y°»^**^ L : . _ — j:__ — :; , — , -. , « * ■%■■ f¥^ *■ ■^■. - t« TKAVELLING IJCENTIATI8. to conform to itt Have you considered- the rules of a preacher,— especially the arst, tenth, and twelfth! Will you keep them for conscience' sakel Are you determined to employ all your time in the work of God 1 Will you endeavor not to speak too long or too loud? Will you instruct- the children in every place? Will you visit fro J house to house? Will you recommend fasting and ^abstinence both by jprecept and example ? Are you tn .^ebtr-.-.-^- ■•:'■•■:• : •"■<• ?; '^ ' ' —■' i We may then, if he gives us satisfaction a^ to his know ledge of the discipline and doctrines of our Ohurch; of the understanding he has in the connection neces^^ry in a discourse • of his knowledge of churcli history, pa^^icu* larly ours, and all other studies prescribed in the Appen- dix, receive him as a probationer, by gi^g him the form of Discipline, inscribed thus : "To A. B,„ iTou think it jrour duty to call sinners to repentance. Make full proof of it, and we shall rejoice to receive you as a fellow laborer" Let him then carefully read and weigh. what is contained therein I and if he has any d^ubt it may be ■ removed;. . ■.; 'V;.-'' ' ,|^-';-> ■■ .••^' ^' ' ■■■' ,^'^■^'■■■ Should he be destitute of the foregoingWecessary quali- fications, he may be referred to a committed, who shall examine him occasionally during the yc&k'^And If they recomiziend him, his application may be |||»in presented at the next Annual Conference. %^ '^^ Observe, taking on trial is entirely diflfei&ti^ a preacher into full oAnection. One on trial may be either admitted or rejected without doing him uiy wrqi^; ot h erwi s e, it would be no trial at all. No p re ache r shall % t :4 ^■i DUTY or A LICENTIATE; fa \^j t,e adinUted into full connection without the conBenM^ the Annual Conference. Let every one who has the' charge of a circuit or sUtion explain this to those yfho are to-be proposed in future. But no one shall be admitted on trial, unless h^ first nrocure a recommendation from the Quarterly Conference of bis Circuit, Station or Mission, with the exception of iuflh as may tie received by ihe Episcopate or Elcler in the interval of the Conference, which shall be left to the Annual Conference for decision. After two years' ptoba- tion, which is to commence from his being receiv^6n|;rial at the Annual Conference, beilg approved and exA|^^ by the Conference, he may J* received in*D fuU oohnUjA bygiving him the „f oirm of Biscipline, inscribed th^is: ^^As long as yott freely ccfnsent to, and earnestly endeavoj to walk by these rulesf. We shall rejoice to acknowledge you as a fellow-lBiborer.*! I '' ; ^ If any preacher i^bsent himself from his Circuit without the leave of the General Superintendent, his||^g^shall be filled With another preaclier, who shall be'^Hfet hir labors out of the allowahce pf the absent preacher, in pro- portion to the usual allowance, according to the time.^m- ployed. Section lUl Ifu^y of a LieentiiUe. ' -' ' Efe shall do ail the work of a travelling deacon eltt>t t^t of baptinng-*nd aiwistixys in Uie liord's •«., ^•'^ ■■"'■■ ' . '.§*■ \ ■■'■^■■■■ .Supiwr.- ■ ,v '-'^ ■■■ ■■'♦^■■"^'' A ■■*■■■■■ . ■■- ■ 2. He shall tn l bv e l ti n ^ffil y#g bftfoH he is eUgible .»<■ k~i.>; .^^1 ^ % K: •■fin « •UTT LionrniTB. t<^ the DiacoiiAte, but for _tli e adyantn^e of roiasions, if - Ii0 give satisfactioj^lpiCllirMaol ftudie. prescribed'in • the Book of I^iacipline,^the Annual Conference mayeiect JLmim sooner. 9ri ■ ,. "■■::., ■.'.■ — ...!■■■■ t.. . _ , , .... .....J.- .... ■ . '.* Sbcjtk»n Iv. »••". ^. ../•■ \ #. Special Instruciio'ni, i^Be diligent; tiovwte unemployed ; never be triflingly employed ; never trifle away any time ; neither spend any ^o|e time at any place than is strictly n^^sary. X Be serious. Let your motto be "Holinesa unto t. ^'^'^-^void all lightness, jesting and foolish talking. *3. OlJnverse sparingly and condiict yourselves pru- dently with w,om^.—.l Tim. v. 2. *'# 4. Take no rftfep^towardTmaVriage without consulting >our br^en^.^;;l'l|^;-^,.4 '■ ■'r,,. ■..■,,;.' ■.:. 5. BelP^e evil of ho one without good evidence ; unless you see it dw|e, take heed you jpr^it' it not. Put the best consi^ion on 4^ryth|n|r YdU k^^ow^he judge is always.supposed to beji Ifce prisoiSr'sj^'de. 6. Speak evil o|^ o1R[ liScausa your words especially doth eat as a can] ^^^■...^- . ^^^ %epVour.thought8 within your ^^>^*^?n breast till you^ome to the persons concerned. 7. Telt ©very one under your care what you think wrotig in his conduct and . temper, and that lovii^gly and plainly, as spon as may be, else it will fester inyouf heart. ^•ke all haste to cast the fire out of your bosom. t^: 8r Avoid all aflfeotation. A preach^ir of the Gospel is the servant of all. . "* 9. Be a sha med of nothigg but •^■s T' t>UTY Of A UCIKTIATI. 1 10. B« punctoal. Do ev^ything exactly at the tinii And do not mend our rule^ but keep them ; not |)r wrath, but for conscience' sake. 11. You have nothing to 4> but to save loali ; there- fore, spend and be synt in ^this work. And go always not only to those wiS want you, but to thow who want :you most. '■ ObterveV It Is not your business only to preach so many times, and to take care of this or that Society, but to sa** as many as you can ; to bring as many sinners to repentance as you can ; and with all your power to build them up in that holiness, without which they cannot see ,the Lord. And remember, a Methodist preacher is to oii^ every poinf} great and small, in the Methodist Dis- oiplne. Therefore, you need to exercise all the sense and grace you have. ^ • ^j2. Act in all things, not according to your own will^ but as a son in the Oospel. ^^s such, it ||^your duty to employ your time in the manner in whiA«|f direct j in preaching and visiting from honse to hJI^ in reading, meditation ayd prayer. Above all, if you labor with us m fee vineyard of the Lord, it is necespary you should do ^at part of the work which we advise, at those times and places which we judge most for his glory. i ■ ■ /-.■ -iafc.. .^- -.'■"-ll'^^ V Tft r ** ■• r •''»& • ^ t l'-;1 #.. ( " CHAPTER III. PREACHERS FROM OTHER DENOMINATIONS _:> SlOTION I. Jieeeption of Ordained Preacheri. ^Ministers of the evangelical Ohurohea who may desire to unite with our connection, whether as local or itinerant, may be received on trial, according to our usages, oii condition of their taking upon thorn our ordination vows without re-ordinaUon, giving satisfaction to our Annual Conferences of their being in order, and of their agree- ment with us in doctrine, discipline, government and usages; if the Conference is also satisfied wi^h tlieir gifts, graces and usefulness, provided that ministers from other evangelical Churches must become members of our Church, join a Quarterly Conference, and be recommended to the Annual Conference by some Quarterly Conference of our connexion, according to our usages, before th< can be received on trial in the Annual Conference. On being received, each shaU be furnished with certificate according to this form : FORM. ^is is to certify that A. B., having been ordained to theoffice of ^ ^ accordi^ to the usages ofthe Church in which he has been a member, has been admitr •r*« ^ LOCAL PREACHKUS. '? fed into, the D Conference m preacher, and it hereby authoriMd, lo long m his life and conver»»tion become the Ooepel oC Christ, to exercise his functions in the British Methodist Episcopal Church. Given under ray hand and seal at this day of m the year of our Lord ; . ■ ■ ■ ■ ^ ; • • Signed,^^ ' ._^l^l __. ^: ,■ Section II. Beceptian. of Lieeniiatet. I. Preachers who are not in orders may be received as licentiates, if they give satisfaction to a Quarterly Con- ference that they are proper persons : the Quarterly Con- ference being satisfied that they believe such applicant will be useful. They shall at the same time manifest a full agreement with the doctrine, discipline, government and usages of our Church, having previously become mem;r bers proper, of our Church. >= 'S»ik»' HAPTER IV. LOCAL PREAOHEBa ^ ..sicjTiou:-!,.-;'^- '■;'■;''■■■,■■■■. ■ ^~Tho86 moved hy^B^ Ohoat io preadK, \: To applicants who think that they are moved by the Hols Ghost to preach : 1. Let the following quesuons beC\ '»• *. ■-.-.' ■ ' • •■■■■..-'■'■'» * A local deacon shidlfai^ eligible to the office or-aii elder, after he has preached fpur years fi^ipm the time he was ordained » .d<^keon,' iB^nd hi^ 'obtained a recommendation J ■•■*-*••' -CSaMa WtMUW, x^^r 80 LOCAL; PREACHERS. from two- thirds of the Quarterly Conferenci^ of which he is a naember, C€ft:tifying hig qualifications in doctrine, ) the Annual'. | Conference suph recommendation, and a fcte, certifying his belief in the dodtrines and discipline of our Churcjtf^, the whole being examined by the Annu/^OonferenL' and, if approved of, he may be brdained. ^ j\ .*•»■ ^^iff^iions of Local Elders and Deacofta. 1. Every local elder, Seacon or preacher,' shall h^e his jiame recorded on the J^ournal of the Quartefly Confer- ence of which he is ci. member. And every local elder, deacon and preacher shall have his name enrolled.on a class paper, and meet in the class, it the distance of his place of residence be npt too ^eat from /any class. . I ^' Se shall also teach Mid labor/ in qur Sa,bbath Schools, and be subject to the preacher in charge in repeiving appointments to preach, teach or otherwise labor in our Sabbath Schools as ocjcasion may require "-^M'y attd,* if he neglect these duties, the Quarterly Oon- ierence, if it see proper,^ may depriv^ him of his minis- .terial office. -/■■•■ '^'^.. ■.;,:■■ .-■'.-■^ ;,;'- '' \' -■■.y '..'■.; ; .,»/■.'■ •■■.■■ ■ . .; ^..■■. . . . ~. . ■..*■ ... - ■ ■. ..; ■• ■■ • - ■■." .- . .•.....:. ._ ■■•■,.■ ^ ", b* An^ perscm a|>plying for Ucense to ejchort ih' our /■ .•afeg. A'- n ■ If '^^^:fti'^^''^^'^S^jy^h'^fW^''*' ■ ■ ■ \\ Q0ALIFTIKG HVraOBa 8t ScKuety, ahall produce to the Quarterly Oonference of his isircuit or stuttion a reoommendation from the class of which he 18 a member, and if they believe on examina- tion, thftt he will be useful, the preacher in charge shall license him to exhort. . . 2, After receiving license to exhort he miay be' made a local preacher by complying with the second section of this chapter,^ concerning local preachers. ' 8. And after receiving his license he she^llbe required to employ his talents and time in the Sabbath Schools as teacher, where, they are convenient; and it shall be his duty to lead and manage the prayer meetings, under the weekly appointments of the> elder, deacon or preacher jbaving the charge. Hut the elder shall not infringe on his temporal conoernf. « ..U- H M mLmtma #w CHAPTSa^V. METHODS. ioN;:i:. . ' • ' /;« ReligwfM Methods. Q. X. How shalil i preacher be qualified fbr hlf charge t A. By walking closely with God, and having hw work greatly at heart; and J^ understanding an4 loving I>iscipline^— ;Ours in particulate ^ * ' ^ / Q. 2. Do we sjifficiently watcK o^^r O"^ another! A. We dp "nol;^ Should we not frequently ask each ■*.,-► . ^ «3' ^ -V TS^Msni x '"••■M "Vt: sP, ■ . I W^ •-,/• 82 1 QltAtlFYINa METHODS. \. io^hf»^^ with God 1 kave ^li now fellowghip with ihe Father and the Son 1 At what hour do 74>u rise I Do you punotuallj observe the morn- ing and evening hour of retiremenU Do you spend the day in the manner in which the Conference advises V , Do you converse seriously, usefully and closely I" To fee i»?ore particular— Do you use all the means of grace yourself, and enforce the use of them on ^11 persons! Thejviire instituted and prudential. ' J • t*»e instituted are : Prayer-^pri vate» family, public ; consisting «f deprecation; petition, in intercession, ufld thinksgiving. Do you use each of these t Do ydu for?- cast daily wherever you are, to securer time (or ptivaAfi devotion 1 Do you practise it every where I Do you; ask ^verywhei-ef Have you family prayer? Do you ask individuals ! Do y;pu use private prayer every morning and evening in particulars ^ i Searching the Senpturesj by^ reading conirt part every day regularly, all the Bible in order, ckrefully IwitA notes, seriously with prayer bef^ and after : fruit- fully, ^practising wfiat "you learn there. Meditating, at set times, by rule. Hearing, every opportunity, with prayer before, at, and aifter. Have you a Bible always ■ y*(A*qut'you,i ; - j The Lord's Supper.— Do you use this at, every oppor- tjinity r With solemn prayer ^iefore 1 With earnest and deliberate 8el^devoti MANNER OF PRltAOfilNO. fi bnd that degree whio^ is best for your body and goal 1 yoii see the necessity of this 1 Do you eat no more at ?h meal thaii is necessary ? Are you not heavy or drowsy after dinner I .^ 3. "Do you use only that Iqn4i3r%rink which is best for^odr body and soiiH Do you cho6s%«id use water for your common drink, and only takeynrm medicinally or sacramentally f «§i ^1 Wherein do you take up yQinr crews daily 1 Do you cheerfully bear your cross, however grievous to nature, as a gift Irom Ood, and labor to profit thereby 1 fi. Do you endeavor to set God always before you? Tp see His eye continually fixed upon you 1 Never can you use these means but a blessing will ensue. And the ,mor6 you use them, the more you will grow in grace. CHAPTER VI. THE MATTER AND MTANNER OF PIrTEAOHING. . t' Sbotion 1. Tht Matter, 1. The, mosi^ «ffeetual wiy of preaching is to preaoh Ohriitt in all His offices,^ and'.tb declare His law as well as His jGosj^l, both to believers and unbelievers, and to strongly and closely insist upon inward and outward holi- ness ii> ill its branches. ^ ■ . . ' ' 2. A ^eafiher should, first, choose the plainest text be can ; second, take care not to rambl^, but ke^epto his text ^T'^'f'^'^^^^k Xk- MATTER AND ICANKER OF PREACHING. 8U and make out what he takes in hand ; thirds he should Itlways suit his subject to his audience. < 3. The objects in view should be: (1) To convince. (2) To offer Christ (3) To invite. (4)\To build yp. This, in some measure, should be done in eyiBry sermon. 4. Preach against Sabbath-breaking expressly^ evil speaking, unprofitable conversation, lightnes)^, expemsive- ness or gaiety of apparel, and contracting debts without due care to discharge theni. \ Sbotion ^. The Manner. ■ \ - 1. A preacher should begin at the time appointed, and never disappoint a congregation. \ 2. Let his whole depprtment be serious, so^em^ and^ ■weighty.'- :"•-■■ ■^'- \'^'';.- 3. He should be careful of anything awkward, either in gesture, phrase or pronunciation. Do not pr^y ex- tempore Hsually above eight or ten minutes, at most, without intermission. 4. He should frequently read and enlarge upon a pc^- tion of Scripture^ and young preachers should often exhort without ft text. Avail himself of the great festi- vals by preaching on such occasions. -^ . _-_. "l SBcrioN III. Peeiiting Jrain Preaching, % 1, Is it advisable for us to preach in Ab many placet las we oftii^ without fonnitig any ^ ■ ">■?■"■ i.'«i'^' ■\ : \ r w 'T' ^. ^ 4 I' » * T. • I 1 felf 86 PASTORAL viarrp and t^be ' A By no means. We have made the trtat in various places ; and that for a oonsiderable time. But all the seed has fallen by the wayside. There is scarcely any fruit, remaining. Q. 2. Where should We endeavor to preach mosti A. 1. Where there is the greatest number of quiet and ,willing heiarers. 2. Where tkere is most ft*uit. Q, 3i Ougl^t we not diligently to observe in what place Qod is please^ at any time to pour out His Spirit more '^abundantly t'"'"^^'^?''"^^''^ \~r'~^"~ ^ ^,,---^-,^^^^^— A. We ought ; and to send more laborers than usual into that part of the harvest. ' V: .V' ■ ^■. , t^HAFPER IIL PASTORAli VISITS AND THE^ ENFORCEMENT OF PRACTICAL RELIGION, .' '-/ ,: Section I.- ' .a" ■ > ^' " ■ . '•'.■'' Q. 1. Hdw can we further assist those under our caret r. 1 A. By^'instructing at their own houses. ^ '"y^ " What unspeakable ne^ is there of tbnn^"^^ } ^ The world sayj^, " The Itfethodists are no-b^ter than other people." This is not true in general. But, first, personal religion, either toward God or man is too super- ficial among u«. We can but touch on ft few particulars: How little faith there is unong u»tr Sow little comm^tt- ■#\ •t' ' ENFORCEMENT OF PRACtlCAL RfcUQION. j . 8^ toion with God f Ho^ little living in'heftveii, walking in \eternity, deadness to every prefttuCe! How much love of the world 1 Desire of pleasure, of ease, 6f getting money 1 How little brotherly lov^i^ : What continual judging on© another! Wh^t ^ro^siping, evil speakijig, tale bear- ing! What want, of moral honesty I To iiis^nce ohly one particular: Who does as he would ber done by, in buying and selling? ;. \ * " ( ^ ^ '„■. : '-^ V- .■^':-: • ■• ■"■ "•■ .> 'Section II.: ■ :-■ .; ■ ;. ■ :. ■■ ■-■ ^_ 1 liistructing from Houae^toi Mouse. Family r^ligiott is. wanting in matiy branches. And what avails public preaching alone, though we could^ preach / as J^ngels? We* nStt, yea, every travelling preacher must instruct the |^^le from house to house. Till this is done, Wd that in good earnest, the Methodists will be lio better, Our religion is not deep, universal,- uniforrii; but superficial, partial, uneven. It will be so till we spend half as much in thus visiting, as we do now in talking uselpssly. Can wJB find a better method 0f doing thi» than Mr.Baxter's i If not, let us adopt it with* out delay .1 His" whole tract, ei||itled, " Gildasr SalvianUs," is well worth a careful perusal; Spieaking of visiting from house to house, he says, (page 351), " We shftU find Bwny hindrances, both in ourselves and jthe jieople." -V- ourselv^ there i cea* ulness and laziness, so «i>?' • "W"-' ■'a .1 '^■''■ '81 'Ol PASTORAL VISITS AND THE lO that there will be m\ich «do to get us to be faithful in the work. . , -, 2. We have a base, man-pleasing temper, so that we let men perish rather than lose their love ; we let them go quietly to hell, lest we^ should offend them. 3. Some of us have also a foolish bashfulness. We know not how to begin, and blush to contradict the devil. - 4. But the greatest hindrance is weakness of faith-^ our whole motion is weak, because the spring of it is re are unskillful in the work. How few deal with men, so as to get within them, ind s^l|9l our discourses to their several conditions and tempers— to choose fittest subjects, and follow them with a holy mixture of seriousness, terror, love and meekness ! But, undoubtedly, this private application is applied ini those words of the apostle, " I charge thee before Ood and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appefiinng, preach the word ; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with all long- suffering," O, bi^thren, if we could but set this work on foot in all our societies, and prosecute it zealously, what g\ory would rebound to God ! If the common lukewartki- ness'werebanished,^and every shop and every house en-, gaged in speaking of theJWord of God, surely God would dwell in oiir habitations, and make us His delight. ;''■/■■■" • r: ' Bmynoif XV. ■/-•;■■■■■ ^7"^:: ■■■."■ *>. . .'- jOojecHoru Offered. , ■ / But it ia Qlgectedi--(l) This will Ixjra up too mucli^ ■■. ■)■ .•^ ENfOBCBMENT 0' RELIQION. 89 follow our studi«4 good thing, but i^ery thing you will God and eternity* time. We shall not have We answer,— (1) Gaining ki saving souls is a better. (2) gain the most excellent know lee (3)~You will have time^for gaining other knowledge too. Only sleep not more than you need. But (4), if you do but one, let your studies alone. We ought to throw by ail the libraries in the world rather than be guilty of the loss of a soul. IHrobjected (2). The people wilt lioT submit folfc" If some will not, others will ; and success with them will repay all your labors. 0, let us herein follow the example of St. Paul. (1) For ou^ general business, serving the Lord with all humility of mind. (2) Our special work, •**Fake heed to yourselves and to the flock." (3) Our doctrine, "Repentance towards God and faith towards our Lord Jesus Ohrist." (4) The place, ^' I have tayght you publicly, and from house to house." (5) The object and manner of teaching, "I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears." (6) His innocence and self-denial herein, " I have coveted no man's silver or gold." (7) His patience, "Neither count I my life dear unto myself.". ■ ■ . "'■''' -,..:,.'.--; "';"'■' And among all our, motives, let these be ever before our eyes : (1) "The Church of God, which He hath pur- chased with His blood ;*' and let us remember, that it is written : "Grievous wolves shall enter in among you, not ' sparing the flock." Wri^ these things upon your hearts, and it will do more good t|ian twenty yeafs' study. Theii you will have no time to spak^i yotf will have work enough. :r/ \n m [r7 MICMmPy RISOiUTION TKT CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST 01ART No. 2) • -r'tw. 4- - ■!■ ■ !- 1.0 I.I 1.25 1^ ■ 2.8 L& ■■i lii |3^ Hi |3^ Ul lit Im ■iiftS ■ 25 ■ 2.2 12.0 III 1.8 1.4 1.6 ■^. t-': A /APPLIED IIVMdfe I, # nc 1653 Ca«t Main StrMt RochMtar, N«w York 14609 USA (716) 482 -0300 -Phone ) (716) 2B8-5»8»/ro)c ■^ V"' "**' ^"'"''^-1^*^ ^^w^^"^ 90 PASTORAL VISITS, ETC. I- _ Then, likewise, no preacher will stay with us, who is an salt that has lost its savor. For to siyjh this emploVment would be mere drudgery. In order then to perform your duty, far above your knowledge, you will have need of ail the grace you can obtain. ^ Secstion v. ': , Personal Defectiont. Q. 2. Why are we not more holyt Why do we not live in eternity, walking with God all the day longi "Why are we not all devoted to Qod, breathing the wtole spirit of missionarfes Y- * . •"' A. Chiefly because we are enthusiasts^ looking for the end without using the means. To touch only upon two , or three iTistances : Who of us rises at four, or even at five, when we do not preach 1 Do we know the^obliga- tion and benefit of fasting or abstinence ? How often do we practise if? The neglect of this alone is sufficient to account for our feebleness and faintness of spirit. We are constantly grieving the Holy Spirit of God, by the habitual neglect of a plain duty. Let us amend froni this hour. y rf^ '^^m^^^^& ^ji- ^'*W'.'k.,44»ld»iJK*u4&';ii^^^^u^, r«5»»' , ■ ■ 5'«i* \ r who is an iplbjjroent perform have need lo we not \9ky longi the whole ig for the upon two )r even at (le^obliga- V often do fiicient to irit. We >d, by the end from ■■* -^ .. . Part IV. - ■ . .■ . » CONCERNING TRIALS. .-^ /- . <' v: '' I*. ■■ IN.' \, II ' \ .. i : '*!, 1 1 1 -vA 'V. •4 ^^ r 'ifU ^ "^ at) ^jW'J'!■ >^ > «k' > !,! r r 7*" "w- '~ ■■■ . ,' J#i ■* *,;«^*"^.™' "^. T ? '7*'^*%,*%/* w^w^ y A| I- m ' H r 4^ ■'«.*i'li(^ "■ i n ■\ n 94 THl TRIAL or EPISeOPAtlS. 2. The Annual Oonferenoe then, if it determine in hii favor, Bhall have power to reverse the deoi^on of the comtnittte, and restore him to his former functions. If, thdugh, it should find him guilty, it shall continue his suspension until the next ensuing General Conference. ) •^ Sbction III. Inapection of their Character. 1. The General Conference, at each session, shall choose ^a committee before which each Episcopate in person sh4ll pass an examination. j2. The examination shall concern his travelling among the people in his district, his administration and decisions. 3. If he should be condemned by the committee, he shall be allowed to appeal^ to the General Conference in whole, and may be permitted to object to any one of said committee. v Section IV. • i Final Determination., 1. The General Conference shall'have power to reverse or approve the decision of the commiittee, and if it approve, its decision shall be final. 2. If on examination it be foupd that an Episcopate's character is not fair, or xhat he has neglected his duty, or violated the Discipline, or been guilty of any crime sufficient to exclude a person from the kingdom of grace and glory, or has acted so impi'operly j^s to Justify sus- pension or expulsion, the General Conference shall sus- pend or expel him from his Episcopal functions. -•T* ,■'■ CHAPTER4I. , THE TRIAL OF ITINERANT PREACHERS. Section I. ^ The Aectuation. 1. I! any travelling elder, deacon or pr«acher, nhall he accused of any crime expressly forbidden in the Word o! God, or any practice sufficient to exclude a person from tho kingdom of grace and glory, a charge sliall ho made known to the stewards of the circuits or station, and they shall lay it before the Official Board. 2. The Board shall then, if deemed necessary, authorize the stewards to call in the next neighboring elder, if there be no other travelling elder on the circuit or in the station, to bring the accused to trial. J .', ., -X; ,■ •"Section II. \ ■ ,'■■ \ Order of Tried. \- 1. The elder shall form a committee of not less than three travelling preachers, if they can be obtained ; if not, then of local elders, deacons or preachers:"* If possible, the accused and the accuser shall then be brought face to face. 2. If the accused, though, flee from trial, it shall be taken as presumptive proof of guilt, and Out of the mouth of two or three witnesses he shall be cond|emned. 3* If he should be clearly convicted, he shall be sus- pended from all official standing in theCnurch until the ensuing Annual Conference. 4 4 , r ;i 1." iU 4 ^-4«.Mtti «bV &t^ ''^ A- V««H *).'«.!» tL^t s, », -\.,: 96 Iff #•■ \ \ TBI TRIAL or ITINERANT PREACHERH. .SiOTioir III. 1. 'When iheisAM if laid Iwfor© the Conference, it ih*!! fully ooniider Ai^d d«t«^rinine it, even though it be one in which the Acousi^d hnit fl«d from trial. 2. If the result \m expulsion, the Annual (Jonferenc« •liall demand the qredentiaU of the accunetl, which, on beingf oUtajped, Hhall he filed away among the Conference recordi. •» .^' 3. If the accused l)e expelled for the crime of adultery or forniciition, he shall not be admitted again to the ministry under four years from the time he joins the Church again. Whether he be travelling or local, he must join on probation and come again from his class. 4. If any preacher, deacon or elder, whether travelling or local, be accused of immoral conduct, the preacher hav- ing the charge of the circuit or -station where he resides, shall, if he be proved guilty on trial, demand and receive from him his"credentials, which shall be retained among the records of the Ohurch.^^ J^ should he refuse to deliver them up, his name shall be published by said preacher in charge, without delay, as a refractory preacher. •ir ■aL^ 'A fe#i V 'vK .: .*»■ /^n,^^"^?^^^r^'^s^^''''>-^''^'S^ r. ^'"'^f'- «! . t"i.*' WlAL or LOCAL PREACHERa ©7 CHAITER IIL TRIAL OF LOCAL PREAOHERa SlOTION L ExamiruUion by a CommttUe. 1. If Ml A^ttiatton be brought (igainat a local elder, deacon or preNMsher, the preacher having the charge Hhall lumnion throfi or more local preachers of the neighbor-, hood ; or, for the want of preachers, aa many exhorten or leaden. .1 2. If they, or a majority of them, on due examination, judge that tho local elder, deacon or preacher aforeaaid, haa boon guilty of auoh a crime, or haa publicly or pri >«tely diaaemin^ted auch false doctrinea aa required hi Buapenaion fro^ all public offices and privileges in our Church, the committee shall accordingly suspend him till the ensuing Qui|irterly Medi^iig Conference. • SB(triON II. Caae brftyre the Cor^j^ertnce. 1. When the <^ is laid before the Quarterly Confer- ence, it shall piroceed upon his trial, and' f^iaU have the power to oleaK censure, suspend or expel him, accord- ing to their judgtioent. 2. The elder who has the oversight of a circuit shall, at the commencement of the trial, appoint a secretary, who shall take down regular roinutea of the evidence and pro- oeedingg of the trial, which minutes, when read and ap- "x. ■#'._ ■N. t' I' I', I I.. II / U4'- ' *'<^<''^ « ^ OAUdW rOH IMPIAbuMKNT. proved, fth*U b« tigned by thu udd prtmchtir hnving tl)« ohnrgis *nd alio by thn iiiomU)rt of iho said (juiiri«)rl; Mwting Ooii(er«no«i, or by * m^ority of them. * sioTioN in. Th4 C&ndemtMtion, 1. In cMH) of condetntiation, th« local older, diiaoon or preacher condenmed, thall be allowed an appiml to the • next Ahnuftl Conf«renco, provided that h« signify to the •aid Quarterly Conference his deterntination so to da 2. \Vh(»n said appeal is presented to the Annual Con- ference, the minister in charge of the said circuit or station from which the app<>al comes, shall also present the minutes of the trial kept by the Quarterly Confer- ence. '^ ' 3. The condemned local elder, deac^ or preacher may then appear in behalf of his appeal, and the Annual Con- ference, after hearing it, shall Hnally render its judgment upon the minutes laid before it. CHAPTER IV. CAUSES FOR IMPEACHMENT. - ■ . , ■ 4 - ■ Section I. Dealing in Liquors. No preacher among us shall distil, retail, or drink spirituous liquors without forfeiting his official standing. ■ l ■ ■ ■ 9l 'i.mmHiW ■'S,^' OAUIIMI rott mrEAOUMENT. Sionoii II. f^. Afnl- A dminisiraiioH, \, A pr««oh«r ohargiKl with badly a(iiiittiiit«rttiK thA li^w, improper temp«r, wordior AfiUoiM, thiUl be reproved by an Kpi«cop«ite. 3. In ciue o! m second trantgreeiion, one» two or three prwMshom, or if preaclierw cannot be obtained, exhortera or l«ft« tried «ithor by an KpiHcopate or a committee, in the intisrva! of the Annual (Jonference, and if found guilty, l>e 8U«pondcd by the Episcopate or committee. 4. The Annual Conference ensuing shall fairly try tht cftsi', and if the susjwndod prcaj^r bo found guilty, and impenitent, his suspension sha^ffe continued, and noted in the minutes. f.v - — ""^ Section III. fhtfiiy and Schitm. 1. Ministers or preachers who hold, and publicly or privately disseminate doctrines which are contrary to our Articles of Religion, shall be dealt with as in cases of gross immorality. . . 2. But if he solemnly promise not to disseminate any more such doctrines, either in public or private, he shall be endured until his case can be laid before the next Annual Oonference, and it shall finally dispobe of it. » ,, f I r ft ■I ^■'WMf'^W^ 100 oAvntm fOR mrtACRiciinv . 8mtio« it. Una$0tpUMhili4y in lA« Minuiry. \, WhMi any iu«inb«r of an AnniiAl Ootiforetien thall Im ohMTgid with having lo o(mdaot«d tUmMlClM to rondiir himaelf uimooflpUblo lo tlwt people m * tm veiling preAober, it tluUl b« tho duty of Uio Oonf«r«nc« to w^hioh he helongi to invfmtigiit« the omo^ end if it epiMw%ni thet tho conipUiiii ie^well founded, mid h« do not giv« the Conference lUtitfec- tion that ho will amnnd or voluiOja-ily r«tir«i, they mey looHte him without hiii conAont— pk)vidtng that he ■hall be et liberty to defend hitnaelf Imfore tho Confemnoe in person, or by IiIn rapreiuYntetive. < 2. If he be located in bin elttence, without Iwing pre- viously notitiocl of en intention thus to proc«MHJ against him, he may apply to tho Conference at tte neJit session to Ix) hoard in his dofonco, in which cane they shall rooon sider the matter. Hhould there 1m) an omission on tho par^ of the circuit or station or mission to try tho cas«) 4A. orime in the interval of the Conference, of any travel- ling preacher, it shall not in the l«Mt prove any hinder- ance to the fullost and fairest investigation of the oharao- ^ter of any of its mombers in the Annual Conference. SECTION V. . NegUet of Appointments. I. Should any local elder, deacon or preacher neglect to fill any of ''his appointments, and give no sufficient reason for doing so, the minister in charge shall reprove Mm for the first ^enoe« r?Aimiii won tuvKhrnmnwr. lot 2. If A looul filoiiititi«nt% h» thiill Im •ttiiiin«iuHl U) i%p|wiir W Cor« A ootnmiiUM ; And •hould K« tht^n fnil tc> givii mU*- fA(?itofi, «*id oommittcM) ihutt «il«no«i him until IKa •tiiuing QaAfUirly OonfAr«inc«s whifih tluill hAV« powtr to tako hii lic«na« (mm him S. H unjT IooaI prnnohor, without a proviout agrMinifnt lietwenn hiniMtlf aimI hit pMtor, iitt«inptt in Um AbtuniM) of the ptuitor* t<> coUtwt raonoy for hit Nervii!«t^ \w ahiill, ypon ooiivio^ion, bo lUimitiod for thnto uionthii. Hkotion VI. ^ Minutarial lnUrf«t«ne^, 1. No oldnr, clnnoon or pn^nchor in nny chftrgo shall intflrfflrn with tho httwin^m of an adjointtig chiirge. 2. If any MhouUI Im) found guilty of no doing withcnil having boon calhMl aooording to Ditoiplino, or by th< Epiacopnte, he ■h»ll lie dealt with m in other cMvt ^f violation of the Diioipline. Bkction VII. 3i%nut«r^9 Debit. ^f^. ■r 1. If complaint bo made against a minister or prOach«i( for non-payment of debt in the interval of the OonCbrence^ to an «lder, or if there be no travelling proaoheijon the oirouit or station, to one of the stewardH, who fihall re- quest the neighboring elder to call the said /indebted preacher, and the contending party or parties shaU choose each one an arbiter, one for the plaintiflTand another for f.l / ■^f FT ' t ( t- ^ . ^» 't (^ ^V^ H- _LL ^^- -fx:'-'^n^'T.^ JiW^ t^jrfH'f * t^ IWtl -Vl" ■\ ■' 162 CAUSEi^ FOR IMPEACBiilicNT. the defendant, and the two shall choose a third one, all of whom shall be preacher^ or official memliers of the -Churoh. ' ' ' ■ '■''■^^. ■■ ■ # ' '■ If, on examination, it is proved that the said minister or preacher has ne|(lected of refused to pay h,is debts, it shall be the dutv of the said arbiters to deterihine what longer time shall be given to said preacher for. payment. And if either party be not satisfied with the4«cwion given, they may apply f(»r a second arbitration ; and each party shall choose two arbiters, and the four shall choose a fifth, and their decision shall determine the case. If judgment in the case shall be given by the second arbitra- tion against the said minister or preachej*, and the time specified for payment, and he refuse to comfJly with the decision in the case, after sufficient time has been given, , he shall be suspended from all official standing in the con- nection until the ensuitig Annual Conference ; at which time and place the contending parties shall appear either in" person or by their representatives. And if said Annual Conference should reject the decision of the arbiters, chosen in the interval of the Conference, then they shall determine what |s diie, and the time granted for payment ;- and If not complied with, he shall be sus- pended or expelled, as the ensuing Conference may decide. All accusations shall be given to him in writing, on first examination.. , Provided, nevertheless, that in all the above mentioned cases of trial and conviction, an appeal to the ensuing General Conference shall be allowed.; iw" ^,-,W^'.T>^|r^». ■a:»«}'T!iT CAUSte FOR mt»EACHl»teNT. Section VIIL l6» Union Among Ourselves. Q. 1. Do we not see a great necessity of closer union among ourselves I ^ ^ :. . A. As the ministers of the Lord,®d servants of the Church of Christ, wfe do see the vital importance of it, 4or the advancement of the cause of our Lord and Master. Q. 2. Do we not often cause by our conduct and con- versation, the spirit of disunion, by treating with coldness and indiflference, when in company, and speaking lightly and disrespectfully of any brother, or undervalue his talents, abilities^ or usefulness; but we will strive in all we say and do, as far as consistent with the principles of the Gospel of Chr^^ to support and defend the character and abilities of our brethren atid co-workers in the labor ■ -of love.,:/ :i •___■.:::. .;_:_j^ ^_ ■ •-■> ■ ,, _,.L__:;^ „_. j.___';^;_- ' ■.: ' ■__. Q. 3. What means shall we use for a closer union among ourselves? ^ A. When we have ah opportunity of being in each other's charge, we will promote each other by preferring them to fill our appointments, and as of ten as possible by meeting and conversing freely on the advancement of the Redeemer's Kingdom, and our own Christian progress, ^and in all our meetings to never part without fervently ^invoking the mercy and blessings of God upon ourselves and upon the whole Church. 4' ■M -S- .V • V . 104 i 1 :: '■/■■■-./: TKIAL OF L^T MBMBERa Secti<>n IX. ■I . ,■ ■' ' How to promdh for the Circuits in time of Cor^ference, and to preserve cmd increase the Ward of God* Q. 1. What can be done to supply the circuits dsiring the sittings of 0onfei:ence8 1 ' -P', A. Let aM the appointments siand according to the plan of the circuits, stations, or missions. 2. Engage as many local preltchers or exhorters as will supply them. 3. If preachers and exhorters cannot attend, let some person of ability be appointed to sing and pray and read an evangelical sermon. If this cannot be done, let them sing and pray. i CHAPTER V. TRIAL OF LAY MEMBERS. Sbctiok 1. Arraignment. 1. When a lay member is accused of any crime or mis- demeanor, he shall be brought to trial before the Society, or a committee selected from it.' 2. The trial shall take place in the presence of an elder, deacon, or preacher, and the accused and accuser shall be brought face to fade ; but if this caniiot be done, the next best evidence shall be procured. r, »/ ■< ■ ,'*^ TRIAL OF LAY MBMBER8. 106 1/4 3. it the accused person evade a trial by absenting himself after dueoiotice being given him, and the circuro-. stances of the accusation be strong and presumptive, let him be esteemed as guilty, and be accordingly excluded. Witnesses from without shall not be rejected. *. ■: A Section II, .-. ;A /■'•/■■■,■■:' ■■/;"-;:W Verdict. ■ X. If the accused p^^rson l)e found guilty by the deci- sion of a majority of \he members before whom he is brought to trial, and the crime be such as is expressly forbidden by the Word of God, sufficient to exclude a person from the kingdoni of grace and glory^ let the preacher who has charge of\the qh-cuit expel him. 2. If the minister or preacher in charge diflfers in judg- ment from the majority of tile Society or the select num- ber,Has to the guilt or innocence of the accused person, the trial may then by him Vbe referred to the ensuing Quarterly Oonference. \ -^-^^^^-'-^—-.^-.-^'-^-^^y^^^y^-- .On Insubordination, 1. Should any member or members of any of our churches refuse to be governed by the Discipline by which he, or they, was or were made a member or members of said Church, he or they shall be called before the Society, or a select number of it, according to Discipline, and tried .■■'..-•■,.•-. • ■ ' ■ for insubordination. 2. If said person or persons should be found guilty of 1 l\ :fm>. \ i;- 166 TRIAL OF LAV Mfi:MBiCft8. »\ insubordination, and will not rotract, then hcfor they shall be expelled for insubordination or disobedience to the order and discipline of the Ohurch. 3. Should any class-leader or steward intimate that he adheres to the *' charter" and discards the law of ih'e Church as set forth in the book of Discipline, said class- leader or steward shall be removed at once by the preacher in charge. ,^. Should any local elder, deacon, or preacher favor by word, act,' or influence, the '' charter" instead of the Dis- cipline, h6 shall be called before a committee, according to the Discipline, and if found guilty of pursuing such a course, shMl be suspended from all ojflficial standing in the British Methodist Episcopal Church. Section IV. Dissensions. If a member of \)«r Church shall be clearly convicted of endeavoring to sow\dissension in any of our Societies, by inveighing against either our doctrines or discipline, such person so offending sH^Ube first reproved by the senior minister or preacher of^liis circiyt ; and, if he afterwards persist in such pernicioui^ practices, he shall be expelled from the Society. Sec^ioKj V. . Wilful Ne^ct oj^lobss Meetings. 1. Those members of our Church who -i^ftilly in^d r^pe^i^ly negltot to itH^i tfadfWftissies, shall b6 vidiit^d by ,»_ ttfH ^^ft,t' n _%,- it .#,.. TRIAL OF LAY MEMBEHS. 167 the elder, deacon, or preacher, whenever it is practicable, and'informed that exclusion will be the cgnsequence of their continued neglect. 2. If they should not amend, then they shall be tried before the Society, or a select number of it, and expelled by the preacher in charge, who at the same time shall state that they are expelled for a breach of rules, and not for immoral conduct. Section VI. - ■ ■ ' ■ • . ' ' . ■ '-*■ Improper Conduct. In case of neglect of duties of any kind, imprudent coin- duct, indulging in sinful tempers or words, quarreling, speaking evil of ministers, dealing in lotteries or policies, or disobedience to the order and discipline of the Church, first, let private reproof be given by a preacher or leader ; and if there be any acknowledgment of the truth, and proper humiliation, the person may remain on trial. On a second offence, the preacher or leader may take one or two faithful friends. On a third offence, let the case be brought before the Society, or a select number ; and if there be no sign of real humiliation, the offender must be cut off. ;;;::^:v,:-;\^^~---^- "■■.■. ■■■■;■ Section VII.- ■■-"■.■■:.■ Concerning Spirituous Liquors^. No member of our Society shall give, distil, drink, or traffic in spirituous liquors. Whosoever shall violate this rule, the preacher who has the charge of the circuit or station, shall proceed against such person, as in other -^i^, ■4 -y ■\^ I. •1 ''>i^7.s^h^ WW" .«?»*'>'*'' *' m TRIAL QiF t At MEMBERif). ■X cases of gross immoralities ; and the person so' accused ' shall be deemed censurable, or suspended, Recording to ^ liis or her conduct, as in other charges of iminorality< • Section VIII.' .--- '"^ ■ ._ . '■ _•'' '- ■..■■-' ■'■ ,^ .• ^ a Frauds and Insolpences. '^►Z ' 1. The preachers who have the oversight of circuits are required to exeisixte all our rules fully and strenuously ^lagainst all fraud, and particularly against di&honest in- solvencies, suffering nbne to remain in our Society, on any account, who are found guilty of any fraud. 5. In all cases where a member of the Chufch is accused of any crime, and summoned by the elder or , minister in charge to answer such accusation, it shall be the duty of the elder or minister, upon the request of either or bqth parties, to give his name or official author- ity as minister in charge, fpr the attendance of such per/ sons as witnessess, which either party shall name, to- getheir with any documentary evidence that may be called for, and it shall be made the duty of the members of the Ciiuroh, upon receiving such notice, to attend pursu- ant thereto, and furnish such evidence as shall be de^ manded, if the sam'e be in their possession. 3. The minister shall deliver a copy of the charges pre- ferred to the accused person when ordered to trial. ;^ 4. We will riot receive any person into our Society, as a member, who is a slave-holder, jind any that are now: members, that have slaves, and refuse to emancipate them« shall be excluded. 4'f3AiJ '•,#Jf; .' '"^''^, ^. -■? ''^'^F * ^ '^^^ww^^E?* ^-t Ti -i^ - •i'^ j-ffii-si'-f^ni, -■"'^ X -. \ 109 DEBTS AND ARBITRATIONB. CHAPTER VL DEBTS AND ARBITRATIONS.* Section I. Diaputet Between Members, 1. On ahy dispute between two or more ipembenol oor Society, concerning the payment of debts or otherwise, which cannot be settled by the parties concerned, the preacher who has charge of the circuit or station, shall inquire into the circumstances of the case, and shall recom' mend to the contending parties a reference, consisting of one arbiter chosen by the plaintiff, and another chosen by the defendant ; which two arbiters, so chosen, shall nominate a third ; the three arbiters being members of our Society. ,'■"■■' '■•,■. ■ >' ■ " . ■ ■'■ Sbction.!!. ■: The Decision. I. But if one of the parties be dissatisfied with the judgment given, such party may apply to the ensuing Quarterly Conference of the circuit or station, fOr permis- sion to have, a second arbitration ; in which case, each party shall choose two arbiters, and the four arbiter^ shall choose a fifth, the judgment of the majority of whom shall be final ; and any person refusing to abide by such jodgment, shall be excluded from the Society. i I' I 'I ': 1 hi ■■•■»' ".h %W '^ 't "^' no DVBT8 AND ARBITKATIONH. Sbcjtion III Rejecting Arbitration, ,^^ If any member of our Society shall refuse, in case of debt, or other disputes, to refer the flatter to arbitra- tion, when recommended by him who has Hho charge of the circuit, or shall enter into law suits with another before these measures are taken, he shall be expelled, ex- cepting the case be of such a nature as to justify a pro- cess of law, Skotion XV. Non-payment of Delta. - r 1. To prevent scandal, when any of our members fail in business, or contract debts which they are not able to pay, let two or three judicious members of the Society inspect the accounts of the supposed delinquent and if he has behaved dishonestly, or borrowed moneys without a probability of paying, let him be expelled. 2. Whenever a complaint is made against any member of our Church, for non-payment of debts, when the adoounts are a^just^, and the amount ascertained, the preacher having the charge shall call the debtor before a committee of three, at least to show the cause why he does not make payment. ' 3. The comfhittee shall determine what farther time shall be granted him for payment, and what security, if igiy, shall be given for payment. 4. In case the debtor ref uses^o comply he shall be t^' 'I T * '» ^ ■ ' 7% DEUT8 AND AllBITKATlONa v> pelled ; but in such a case he may appeal to the Quarterly Oonference, and their deciiion shall be final, ,. / ( 5. In case the creditor complains that justice it not done him, )ie may lay his grievance before the Quarterly Confevenoe, and their decision shall be final ; and if the creditor refuses to comply, he shall be expelled. | Seotion V. ; Expelled Members. 1. If there \be a murmur or complaint from any eluded person, in any of the above mentioned instanot that justice has not been done, he shall be allowed to ap- peal to the next Quarterly Conference, except such ai; absent themselves from trial, after sufficient notice is given them ; and the majority of the travelling and local / preachers, exhorters, stewards and leaders present, shall finally determine the case. 2. After such forms of trial and expulsion, such persons shall have no privileges of Society or sacrament in our Churchy without contrition, confession, and proper trial on probation. -r- ■ .'m •■♦/ V ■/•■ I/I • '--ii^ . ^: •' -*^gfi TfTf »afcB,-" *m i5r~ ▼■ "W^W. ™^JJI*l»*«^pf«' '1^^ H ^ ' • f^^ a ^4>. {MSU-k 1 lA,-^ ^i^i£if^:^iif^- '.I '.t-T^^yWj;ir.'«W'f "?■»»«' y ■■ ,-! ,. . . w . '" '• X \ J^ 'v i'k<^ ""' CONCERN IlfG RITEa f i.t^ , _tjf '^^'j Ki^S^^' \ \ .^. \li'' il[: lb '"ir?f A #' ^:,?fc'' n y^^ . ^ ^ ,.™,™^ -^^^ CUAI^ER I. ^RECmVING rtRMnERS INTO VVLt OONNKXION. K #■ ^pm lfc« day appmnted, ttU that art to Ite rteeiml thtdl bt caUtil fimmrd, f*tk/ tKt MiRuttr, addrtuing th€ ^w%eii are, peculiar incitemenU to holinois from the hearing of God's Word and sharing in Christ's ordinances; the being X. M>r ■ n V ... '■ ^ ^■' i I. ■f'Kh n(n r; t \ >'■ 'I / ■> ■■>'■ JL-Jl '..,•>. '/:l ■ < ) 116 BEOEFTION OF MEMBERS. placed under the watchful care of pastors, and the enjoyment of the blessings which are promised only to those who are of the househoFd of faith. Into this holy fellowship the persona hetore you. Aavd already received the sacrament of baptism, and having been under the care of proper leaders for six months on tiial, come seeking admission. We now proppse, in the ^ear of God, to question 6he/n as to their taiih and pnrpioSes, that you may know that 7A«^ are proper persona to be adofttted into° the Church. ^' .-f-- Then^ addressing the applicants for admission^ the Minister shall say: Dearly Beloved, — ^You are come hither seeking the great privilege of union with the Church our Saviour has 'purchased with His own blood. We rejoice in the grace of God vouchsafed unto you in that fie has called you to be Kis/olloweraf atid that thus far you have run well. You have heard how blessed are the privileges and how solemn are the duties of membership in Christ's Church; and before you are fully admitted thereto, it is proper . Uiat you do here publicly renew your vows, confess your faith, and declare your purpose, by answering the follow- ing questions : ; Do you here, in the presence of God and of tiiis ebn- gregation, renew the solemn profhise contained in the baptismal covenant, ratifying and confirming the samtf, and &cknow\edgiiig youraelvea bound faithfully to observe and keep that covenanti v^^ A. X do. -Xi^,.-'- r-*.' -/i.. RECEPTION 01^ MEMBERS. iir Have you iaaving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ 1 A. I trust I have. - >j^ Do you believe in the doctrines of Holy Scripture, as set forth in the Articles of Religion of the British Methodist Episcopal Church 1 -' .A. I do.. ■.. Will you pheerfully fee governed by the rules of the' IPritish Methodist ^iscopal Church, hold sacred the' ordinances of Go4k and endeavor, as much as in you lies, to promote the welfare of your brethren and the advancement of, the Redeemer's kingdom I \ • A. I will. ^t fhen the Mwiister^ ciddremny the Churchy shall say: Brethren,— You have heard the responses given to our inquiries. Have any of you reason to allege why these j;»9rMm9 should hot be received into full membership in tlwi Church? No objection being aileged, the Mvnister shall say to the ca/ndidates: ■. We welcome you to the communion of the Church of God; and in testimony of pur Christian affection and the cordiality with which we receive you, I hereby extend to you jihe right hand of fellowship ; and may God grant that you may be a faithful and useful wwmftcr of the Church militant till you are called to the fellowship of the Church triumphant, which is "without fault before the throne of God." ^ - ■~j- 1 Then shall ti^ Miniaiey offer extemporary prayer. L 118 THE LORDS SUPPER CHAll'ER II. THE LORD'S SUPPER Preliminary. * Note. -^Those persons who have Bcmples aboiit kneeling to receive the Lords Supper may be permitted to receive it whilst either sitting or standing. No person shall be admitted to the Supper among us who is guilty of any crime or practice for which we would exclude a member from our Church. Scripture Selectidns. The elder shall say one or more of these sentences : " Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." " Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust do corrupt and where thieves break through and steal ; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal." ^att. vi. 19, 20. . ■.•..:.::::• ■■\.. :■,,.■,.:'-: /■■ ,; ^^-v;^::./:^:k■^ -. ** Whatsoever ye would that men should do unto f ou,. do ye even so to them : for this is the law and the pro- phets." Matt, vii. 12. _ I *^^Not- every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdorn'of heaven ; bat he that doeth th^ will of my Father which is in heaven." Matt. vii. 21. "^accheus stood, and said unto the Lord, Behold,, *W7 v'-'-^^ft*®*.""" ■ ^, ,'• ,;_■ "*n ■"Jb;'''. *". ■'?(|r >f» r" THE lord's SUPPEIU 119 have taken anything from any man by false accusation, I restore him four folcf." linke xix. 8. "He which soweth sparingly shall B^p also sparingly ; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bounti- fully. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, mM him give ; not grudgingly, or of necessity ; for God /Mkfa a cheerful giver." 2 Oor. ix. 6, 7. 1^^ As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto ' %i men, especially unto them who are of the household ot faith." Gal.vL10. •* Godliness with contentment is great gain. B'or we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain that we can carry nothing out." I Tim. vi. 6, 7. « Charge them that are rich in this wolrld that they be not high-minded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy; that they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate ; laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life." 1 Tim. vi. 17, ■'18,19.^" ■■-'•■:; . ** God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labor of love, which ye have showed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister." Heb. vi. 10. i. u " To do good and to communicate, forget not ; for with such sacrifices God is will pleaded." Heb. xiu. 16i « Whoso hath this world's goods, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassionirom him, how dwelleth the love of God in him t " 1 John iu. 17. -3 • ■.'.•■■ J* 1" ■ :■ 1 'iv im THi: tOKDH 8UPPIBR. *VHe that hath pity upon the poor, )9ii49th )tlA^ the Lord; and that which he h4th given wHl M Pf^y him agi^in." Prov. xix. 17. V "Blessed is hethat oonsidereth the poop; the Iiorcl ^M) deliver him in the time of trouble." Psiilm ^li. 1;; While these sentences are in reading^ some fit person^ ap- pointed for thoit pwrpose, shaU receive the alms for the poor y and other donations of the people^ ir\> a decent basin to be provided for that purposCy and then bring it to ^he Mlder^ who shall pUice it vpon the table. ^ ■■ .i'-'^ '.■'•' ■■■■-■ '■ ■■• ■■ ■' ■■ ^^' ■ - "■/ .• ' . . ' ■ * Tfee Solicitation. Ye that do truly and earnestly repent of your sins, and are in love and charity wilh your neighbors, and intend to lead a new life, following the commandments of God, and walking from henceforth in His holy ways ; draw near with faith and take this holy sacrament to your\ comfort ; and make your humble confession to Al- mighty Cod, meekly kneeling upon your knees. ^ LV / General Confession. . Then ^^shall this general confession be made by the Minister in . the ^ame of aU those that are minded to receive the Holy ommuniony both he and all the people kneeling humbly pon\their knees, and saying : mighty God, Father of our Lord Jesus Ohrifit, maker thiiigs, judge of\im men; We acknowledge and WB^il our iipi^nifold sioiV^^l wiipked^ieai, wh^ch we from ^^^m^ to time most greviously have committed, by thought. TW5 X0BD*8 SUPPKR. "-n m word and deed, againM* Thy Pivme Jf lijesty, provoking most justly Thy wrath and indignation against us; We do earnestly repent, and are heartily sorry for those our misdoings ; the remembrance of them is grievous unto U9, Have mercy upon us, most merciful Father ; for Thy Sp» Ottr Lord Jesus Christ's sake, forgive us all that is past, and grant that we may hereafter servfe^nd please Thee in newness of life, to the honor and glory of Thy nai^e, through Jesus Christ pur Lord. AmbN; S^ :/ Seemud Colkctwn* X Fir»t Collection. Then fhall the Elder aay: O Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, who of Thy great mercy hast promised forgiveness of sins to all them that with hearty repentance and true faith turn unto Thee, have mercy upon us; pardon and deliver us from all our sins ; confirm and strengthen us in all goodness, and bring us to everlasting life, through Jesus Chnst our tord. Ame(N; - Almighty God, unto whom aU he^ are open, aU desires known, and from whom no secrets are liid; cl^W the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, that wo may perfectly love Thee, and worttiily magnify Thy holy name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Frayer of Mora^ism. W' ■^i 122 THE lord's SUPl^ER. t ; / Then sKaUihe Eldtr say i It is very meet, right, and our bounden duty, that We «h6uld at all times, and in all places, give thanks unto Thee, 6 Lord, Holy Fatl^er, Almighty and everlasting God. Therefore, with angels'and arch-angels, and with all the company of heaven, we laud and magnify Thy glorious name; evermore praising Thee and saying, holy, holy, holy, Lo^d God of hosts, heaven and earth are full of Thy glory.; Glory be to Thee, O Lord, most high. Amen. ,■■■*■■*."■■ ■■■.■■" Prdyer of Humiliation. We do not presume to come to this Thy table, O merci- ful Lord, trusting in our own righteousness, but in Thy nSanifold and great mercies. We are not worthy so much as to gather up the crumbs under Thy table. But Thou * art the same Lord, whose property is always to have . mercy. Grant us, therefore, gracious Lord, so to eat the flesh of Thy dear Son, Jesus Christ, and to drink His blood, that our sinful souls and bodies may be made clean by His death, arid washed through His blood ; and that we may evermore dwell in Him and He in us. Amen. X Prayer of Consecration. ' Then the Elder shall saythe prayer of Consecration asfdlrnvs: Almighty God,.our he^^enly Father, who o^Thy tender ' mercy did&t give Thine only Son Jesus Christ, to suffer upon the cross for our redemption; who made there (by His oblation of Himself once offered) a full^ perfect and sufficient sacrifice, oblation, and satisfaction for the THE lord's SUPPER. 123 sins of the whole world ; and didst constitute, and in His holy Gospel command us to continue, a perpetual mem- ory of His precious death, until His coming again : Hear us, O merciful* Father, we most humbly beseech Thee, and grant that we receiving these thy creatures of bread and ,wine, according to Thy Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ's holy institution, in remembrance of His death and pasrion, ihay be partakers of His most blessed body and blood, who in the same night that He was betrayed, took bread; (I) and wj^en He hnd given thanks. He brake it (2) and ga^e it to His disciples, saying. Take, eat, this (3) is My body which is broken for you : This do in remembrance of Me: Likewise after supper He took (4) the cup; and when He had given thanks, He gave it them, saying. Drink ye all of it, for this (5) is My blood of the New Testament, which is shed for you, and for many, for the remission^f sins; do this as often as ye sh^l drink it in remembrance of Me. Amen. TJum kaU the Minister first receive the communion in both kinds himself, and then proceed to deliver tU same to the other ministers {if any he present), after which he shall say: It is very /neet, right, and our bounden duty, that we shqiildatall times, and in all places, give thanks unto Thbe, O Lord, Holy Father, Al mighty, Everlasting God. (li Here the elder is to Ijake the plate of bread into his hand. (2) And here to break the bread. ^ , ^ And here to lay his hand upon all the bread. . U\ Here he is to take the cup into his hand. , . ^) Sd h^to £y his han<£^ aU the v eas e l s oontoining the - 7:f ■ wine. . ■. ■ Ii| i' m THE lord's supper. Therefore, with angels and archangels, and with all the company of heaven, we laud and magnify Thy gl6rious name ; evermore praising Thee and saying, holy holy, Lord God of hosts, heaven and earth are full of Thy glory. Glory be to Thee, Lord, most hish Amen. ® ' m Minuter shall then proceed to administer the communion to the pe^le tn order, kneeling, into their uncovered hands And whm he delivereth the bread, he shall say : "" '**'^*v _^The body of our Lord Jestis Ohrist, which was given for thee, preserve thy soul and body unto everlasting We. Take and eat this in remembrance that Christ died for thee, and feed on Him in thy heart % faith with thanks- giving. And the Minister that delivereth the cup, shall say: _^ The blood of our Lojd Jesus Christ, which was shed fo? thee, preserve thy A and body unto everlasting life. Drink this m remembSKce that Christ's blood was shed ^^^Jor thee, and be thankful. ' ^ - 'ij.Zr^'^F^'^'^^^^ ^' «'^ «pen< 66/m all havee^ "^^^^^^ r^ hirepeati^ Vu pr^er V^^'f^ cmmwned, the Minister shall return to the Lord*ir tableland place upon U what remained of the cmseZt^ elemmts, covering' thi sam^ with a clean linm cloth^ Then shall the Elder say the Lord's Prayer: Our gather w h o art- i n h e av e n. Hall owe d be t hy naine. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth. '^^^*f^^'^ J'-' S,,-^-y, ,/ THK LORDS SUPPER. 126 «i it Ml In heaven. Give us this day our daily br«a4. Aid forgive us our trespasses as we foro^ve those that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil j for Thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. After which diall hetaidf €u follows: :L Lord and heavenly Father, we, Thy humble servants, desiire Thy fatherly goodness meroifully to accept thift our sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving; most huWbly beseeching Thee to grant, that by the merits and death of Thy Son Jesus Ohrist, and through faith in His blood, we, and Thy whole Church, may obtain remission of sins, and all Other benefits of His passion. And here we oflTer ttnd present unto Thee, O Lord, ourselves, our souls, and bodies, to be a reasonable, holy, and lively sacrifice unto Hiee; humbly beseeching Thee that all we who are par- takers of this holy communion, may be fulfilled vrith 'thy grace and heavenly benediction. And alihough we be unworthy, throt»gh/our manifold sins, to oflfer unto Th«e any sacrifice, yet we beseech Thee to accept this out boundift duty and service, not weighing our merits but pardoning our offences, through Jesus Christ our Lord, by Whom, and with Whom, in the unity of the" Holy Ghost, all honor and glory be unto Thee; O Father Almighty, world without end. Amen. \ Glory be to God on high, and on earth p e ace, good will towards men. We praise Thee, we bless Thee, we wor- r:. 11^ w **\*- H- 126 THE lord's StJPPBR. ^ ibip Thee, we glorify Thee, we give thanks to Thee for Thy great glory, 6 Lord God, Heavenly King,/0o4 the Father Almighty'. ; O Lord, the only begotten Son, Jeiua Christ/ ; O Lord"^^- God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, thafUkest awaj(f^|i^j the sin of the world, have mercy upon us. /Thou that,' takest away the sins of the world, have paercy upon us. Wor Thou only art holy. Thou art the Lorfl, Thou only, ■M) Ohfist, with the Holy GJiost, art mosj glory of God the Father. Amen. hi^h in the Then the Eldvr^ if he tee it expedient^ may ml v/p an extempore prayer; and afterwards ehall let the peojfle depart with this , blauing : May the peace of Ciois miercjl He will grant to this child that thing which by nature it cannot have, that it may be baptized with water dnd the Holy Ghost, and received into Christ's holy Churchj and be made a lively member of the same. Prayer OP SxnctipioatioK. Then shall the Mirtister say: ^ V — Let US pray. — - — — ^ Almighty and everlasting God, who of Thy great mercy •1 i- ■V ■ /: 128 BAFTISV or INFAN-ftk didit Eave Noah and Hi Utoil^ in the ark from perUhing by water, and also did safely h^ad the children of Israel, Thy people, through the lied Sea, figuring thereby Thy holy baptism ; and. by the baptism of Thy well-belovcKl Son, Jesus Christ, in the river of Jordan, didst sanctify #ater for His holy sacrament, we beseech Thee of Thine infinite mercies, Thou wouldst look upon this child; wash Aim and sanctify him with the Holy Ghost, that he being received into the ark of Christ's Church, and being stead- fast in faith, joyful through hope, rooted in love, may so pass the waves of this troublesome worid, that finally h« may come to the land of everiasting lif^ ; there to reign with Thee, world without end, throu^ /Jesus Christ our Lotd. Ambw. . ^. [ // O merciful God, grant that' the olf^Adam iathis^liild rfiAybe so buried, that the new man may bijaised in HifVi. AtfBN. ' //• , . ^ /J Otant that all carnal afifecticm« may die in him, ^d \ t!id,« HM things belonging to th6 Spirit may live and grow, inWw. Amen.- ■.■;;. /■ '.■ ■- ^^ Grant that A« "may have power and strength to have Victory, and to tritimph aj^inst the devil, the worid, |i!id ide flesh. Amen. / > Grant that whosoevd/ is dedicated to Thee by ont office and ministry, may alif6 be endued with heavenly virtues, and everlastingly rowkrded through Thy mercy, O blessed Jiord God, who dojit live and govern all things, worlje with him. Jesus answered and said unto him. Verily, verily, T say unto thee, except a roan be l)orn again he cannot see the kingdom of God. Nicodemus saith unto him. How can a man be born again . when he is old r Can he enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born X Jesus answered. Verily, verily, 1 say unto thee, except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of t^he flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit. Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. The wind bloweth where it liateth, and thou hearest the sound there- of, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth ; so is every one that is born of the Spirit, ' Then shall the Minister speak to the persons M) he baptized, on thiswise: Well beloved, who ar6 come hither desiring to receive holy baptism, ye hath heard how the congregation hath prayed that the Lord Jesus Christ would vouchsafe to receive you, and bless you, to release you of your sins, to give you t)ie kingdom of heaven and everlasting life. And our LorchJesus Christ hath promised in His holy word, to grant^^allx^ese things VehfiCve prayed for, which promise He, !or His ^^,will^most surely keep and per- form. ^> ■':•■' .;. ' . • . ;.. ■ i\ V i I^il III i»ii.H •34>. ■HI III ' If Then s/kiH 'fe M^tstei 134 1 BAPTISM OF ADcitft. ,. J Wherefore, afcrUiU promise made by Cl.ri.t, you „.„,t aiso f»ith4ly on your part, promise in the presence of this whole congregation, that you w.U "»<»"«=«>« devil -and all his works, and Constantly believe Gods word, ami obediently keep His commandmenU. am d^mmid cfmeik person to he baptized, aeveraUy: ' ' Q. Dost thou believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker oT Heaven^id earth ^ And in Jesns Chnst H., only- begotten Ston, our Lordi ^nO f »' ^e w^ c^n- •de4d of the Holy GhosV bora of the Virgin M|«y1 . Jhat He sufferU under Pontius Pilate, was cruoiBed. dead, and burii ; ^at He rose again on the thjrd day ; that lie ascehdid into heaven, and sitteth on the ngh hand of God th* Father Almighty, and from thence shaU come again at ke end of thteVrorid. to judge the quick .; tad the dead 1 j ■ ^ ,» . ^i^ i »w« tt/iW 1 And dost tllou believe i» the Holy Ghost, the Hdy J Catholic dhurll}. the communion of saints, theWmission I of Sins, the resurrection of the body, and everlaitmg Me . after deathi" f ■-■;■.■: ■• : \' ' ■■■' - '^ /' ■- V'v ■■■\.', A. All thisjl steadfastly believe. V Q. Wilt th|u be baptized in this feutbl :• ' r ': A This is jmy desire. ■ " •. ' ' ' ".,, T q' Wilt thbu then obediently keep God's holy will and ^mmandi^e^te; and walk in the same all *e days of your. '■'^' N. ".%T *■»--'? " ."■-;^ -. ; "i^f- '**V BAPTISM OF ADUI^TS. 135 Then shall the Minister aay: merciful God, .grant that the old Adam in these per- sons may he so buried, that the new man may be^raised inthem. Amen. ^ ,. ,' - j Grant-that all carnal affectiona may die inthem, and that all things belonging to the Spirit may live and groW in «A6m. Ambn. - ^ Grant that they may have pow^ and strength to har© victory, and triumph against the devil, the world, and ^he aesh. Ambn. - ' ' • _ _^ . Grant that .> ■- / - CHAPTER V. r ■ ' . ' . ■ ■ - , . » SOLEMNIZATION OF MATRIMONY. ;, PUBLISBINO THBl BaNNS. n:' i « , JPirsif the banns of dllthdt are to be married togeiher, must be published in the corig^'egation three several ^indays in th£ time of' divine service (unless they be otherwise qualified ^ according to law^) the Minister sayhuf after th^ a4xmtomed I publish the banha of marriage between M oi ' , And ^of— . If a,ny of you fenOw just <»uso or impedi- inent why these two persons should not be joined tbgether in holy matfimony^ ye are to dectki'e it. This is the first • [second or third] time of asking. /" ^ ' ' SOLEMNIZATION OF MATftlMONY. I8t At the day and time appointed f of soUmnizaiion of matriijfiony, ' m persons to be'matified ddmling together, th*. vMvn iwi thi right hmid a'lid tu\ooman c^thtUfU the Minutf shall De^.^ly beloved, we are gathered together here/itt the s'ght of God, And in the presence ol these witn^sses^ to join tog^her this man and this woman in holy matrimony :' which is an honorable estate instituted, by Gdd in the • time of man's innocency, signifying funto us the/mystical union which is between: Christ and His Church ; wjiich holy estate Christ adornedf and teautifted with His pre- sence, and the first miracle that He wrought ait Cai>a of Galilee, and is commended of St. Paul to bef honorable among all men, and therefore not by any to^ be entered upon or taken in hand unadvisedly but reverently, dis- ' erectly, advisedly, and Ui the- fear^ God. 1 ' • ' Into which holy estate these persons comi nOw to be I Joined. ' Therefore ; if any can show any just cause why they may not lawfully be joined together, let him now speak, Or else Jiere»fter forever )iold his peace. And also speaking to the persons to be married, he u/^W sa/)i: i require and charge yott botli (as you Wijll answer at the dreadful day of judgna^nt, when the^ sekjrets of all V hearts shall be disclosed), that if either of y^ know any limpediment why you may not be lawfully joiiied togethelr. iin matrimony, you do now coiif«s| it. For t». ye well assured, that so many |8 are coupled together^otherwise th8»n Go(i> word shall allow, aye not joined tbgether by Ood, neither is their matrimony lawful. ^ *,!;■■ -V^ • .1. '4 ■ -> 1^ SOLBBtNI25AtION OP HtXtRIItONt. 1/ho tm/)e the man: ' - ■^^■ ■ . ■ " , ^ ■ ■ - "■ , ■ . ■■ ■ . . . » ■ ■■ ,, • Jf, Wilt thou hav^ this woitian to be thy wedded wifd, to live together after God's ordinance, in the holy estate of matrimony r Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honor' arid keep her, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all o-thers, keep thee only unto her as long ^ye both shall live? . - -: '.' ■ . ■■..■.-••■' ■ « ■ . * , ■ ■ ■ ..'-■. ; " The inan shall ansivery ^ *-■:';■.■ ■■;■ ■."'"■■•; -r .- -i. will. •, ;■ ::..:.^ -'■■■/; ' ■ ■ ■ . ■ " ', ■ . , # • . -, ■■ -■ . ■ • •-..-'•..-.■ . - ■. • Then shall tfie Minister say tmto the^voman : ' JT, Wilt thou have this man to be thy wedded husband, to live together after God's ordinance, in the holy estate of iiiatrimony ? Wilt thou obey him, serve him, love, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, keep thee only unto him as long as ye both shalMivel' '"-: -;.:^--, .■■ -y" ■.■:.^ .:■.'- '\'~' ' ■.■/■..-• The woman shOiU dnawtt: f. WILL. f ■^. ' ■■/■ Then the Minister shfdl ca^tse the man u^th his right Jia^ to ■t(dceth^imna/nhyh^ right ha/nd, and to son/ after Mi»>r as * \ folXcyweth: y '^ ■ '.^-r: ■■'-■'_■■:■-■' -. -\ ■■ . i, Jtf- take rtiee, i^ ^^^' ^ ***- ^d to hold, from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love »nsb and to cherish, till death do us part, acco r ding to God's holy ordinance ; and thereto I plight thee piy faith. -. •*r.'- a» SOLEkNlZATlON OF kATWMONY. 1^9 - '^ ^- ^ ■ ■> '■■.■' Thtn shall theifi Ut^se, hatidHy ami the imnan uMh her riffht hatid,t'■■' ' X^t us. piJoiy. ■■..■.'*-.;■,, ;■ , Eternal God, creator, preseji-ver of all mankind, giver / of aH spiritual grace, the author of everlasting life, sen^ Thy blessings ui)6n these Thy servants, this nian and this . wonjaii whom we bless in Thy name ; that as Isaac And Rebecca lii^ed faithfully together, sb these persons/may ' surely perform and keep the vow &nd cbvenant betwixt them made, and may ever remain in perfect Ipve and jwace together, and live according to Thy la^s, >hrough Jesus Christ our Lord. Ambn.: ; / . If the pa/rties de»ire ity the man iM here hand a ring to the Minider, who shall retwn it to himi and direct him.to place U wpon the third finger of the woman's left hand- And the man shall sa^ to fhs ^Mman, repeaiing after the 'Z:y::i!diimteri^^^^ i i; v ./.._:..;• r;/.; ^. With this ringlxthee wed, and with my wcMftdly- goods ;^ee endow, in thkna roe of the Father^ and of the Son,. andvof the Holy Ghok- Amen, / ' ' ' " /\ ^ ^ -^ \ / jUWlTED CHURCH ./ I , . • . !4 146 SOLEMNIZAi'ION Qt PATRIMONY, ^' \ Then Hhnll the MinuUr join their right h4nda together, and Hai/; Those wlioiu God has joined together, let no man put asunder. Forasmuch as M and N have consented to live together in holy wedlock, and have Witnessed the same before O^od and this company, and thereto have pledged their laii^h each to the other, and have declared the same by joinit^g of hands : I pronounce that they are man and wife together, in the name of th6 Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Then the Minister shall add this blessing : A'- Ood the Father, God the Son, God. the Holy Ghost, bless, preserve, and keep you ; the Lord mercifully with His favor look upon you and so fill you with all spiritual benediction and grace, that you may so live together in this life, that in the world to come ye may have life everlasting. Amen. .\. : ^ *rhen sh4jlt the Minister soAf : ■■- ' ''■■' ' - - ■ ' -i ■ '^ • 1 . , Our Father whp art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kiiigdom com^j thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven ; gi^ Us this day our daily bread j and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those that trespass against us I and lead us not into teniptatioh, >ut deliver us from iv^if' ■ ^ *% BOLEMNIZATION OF MATRIMONY. / HI . "^- * V ' r /'■■'.'■ f ■■'•''■ ■ this roan and this woman, and bow the seeds of eternal • life in their heart*, that whatsoever in Thy hMy Word they shall profitably' learn, they may indeed fuJHl the game ^ok, O Lord, mercifully upon them f^om heaven, and bleTL them. And as Thou didst send thy blessings • upon Abraham and Sarah, to their gre^t comfort, i»0 , vouchsafe to send Thy blessings upon this man and thiB ^^ woman, that they obeying Thy will, and always being in y safety under Thy ^otection, may a^ide in Thy love^lfhto their lives' end, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. O God, who by Thy mighty power has made all things- ^ of nothinft who also (after other things set in. order), - didst appoint that o^t of man (created after Thine own " image and similitude), woman should take her beginning; -^ and knitting them together didst teach that it should . never be lawful to put asunder those whom Tho^, by matrimony, hadst made pne ; O God, who hast conse-^ crated the state of iriatrimony to such an excellent^ Mystery, that in it is-lsignitied and ret)resented ^e spiritual marriage and union betjnxi Christ and His Church : Look mercifull^ upon this roan arid this W^^aits - that both this roan may love his Mrifa acSordinfe to Thy Word (as Christ did lov own flesh), and alsot that this woman m*y be loving and obedient to her husband ; and in all quietnfess, sobriety, and peace, be ai followei- of holy and Godly roatrons. Lord, bless them both, and j4nt them to inherit Thy fe v erltts t ing kingdom, through Jesus Ohrist our Lord. J • ■ i'; .' '' 1 m Auvifi ■•f ~^: ,y. ; ^ jf^0^- ■-^'^--^'■' \'-^ 142 BURIAL SKHVlCKa. TKen tfnUl the Minid^ maj : Almighty God, who at the beginning didst create our first parentM, Adam and Evo, and did sanctify and join them together in marriage, pour upon you the riches of His grace, sattctify and bless you, that y« may please Him both in body and soul, and live together in holy love ui>to your lives* end. Ambn. CHAPTER VI. / /^.^ BURTAI^ SERVICES. B.—ThefoUmmng or luyme oilier adcmn mrvi4x shall fee iwwd. \'he Minider meeHng the &Mtpae, and going bt^ore U, atuiU mu{ ** I am the resurrection and the life, saith the LoM ; Ye that biieveth in Bfe, though he were dead yet shall he I ve; and whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall I ever die.'^— John xi. 25, 26. ^-r ^ ^ ^7^^ «* Jrltnow that my Redeemer liveth, and that He shall itand at the latter day upon the earth : And though after itiy skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I lee^God: Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes I liail behold, attd not another."— Job xix. 25, 26, 27. ♦« We brought nothing into this world, and it is certain ye can carry nothing ouL The Lord gave, and the Lord lath taken aw^ ; blessed be the name of the I^rd."— 1 >-»-•, *^' r ,•?■ iuhU^ 8ERV1CSH. 143 ill ihM tjravt, %d€n the atrpi^ i»"inid in the earth, the Minister yihttU mty: • " Man that is borh of a woman hath V)Ut a whort time to livo, andiis fu^l of misury. 11© comoth up and ii cut down like a flowed ; he fleeth as it wore a shadow, and Hfver continueth in one stay." I *In the midst of life we are in death ; of whom may we jeeic for succor, J|«t of Thee, O Lord, who for our sins art justly displeased? Yet, O Lord God most holy, O F^ord most mighty, O holy and merciful Saviour, deliver us »ot into the bitter pains of eternal death. Thou knowest. Lord, the secrets of our hearti^ shut not Thy merciful ears to our prayers, but s^aro us, Lord most holy, O God most mighty, O Holy and nmrcifwl Saviour, Thou most worthy Judge eternal, suffer us not, at our last hour, for any pains of death, to fall from Thee. Then while the earth shall he cetst upon tlm/Offin hy sofM pefson ' . standing by, the Miniateiymall my : "T . Forasmuch a« it hath pleap^ Almighty God, in His wise Providence, to take o^Tof this world the soul of the departed, we therefore ^mit Aw body to the ground ;♦ earth to earth, ashes t^ ashei^^dust to dust ; looking for the general rwurrection inft^e laut day, and the life of the woria^W coke, through [our Lord Jesus Christ; at whose secon^ coming in glorious majesty tdjjudge the world, thfe Mr^'ani the sea shall giVe up their dead ; a^ th e corruptibl e bodie s of tho s e i»ho sl eep in Him •iiall be cW;iged, l^nd mifde like unto His own glorious 4.' \ 144 BURIAL SERVICES. body, according to the mighty working whereby «He in able to subdue all things unto Himself. ' J^n ahaU be said: "I heard a voice from heaven, saying unto rae, write — From henceforth, blessed are the dead who die in the Lord J even so saith the Spirit ; for they rest from their ■.laborsi";-.:.- -^ ■''.■ ''.J.;';- ",; ;, ; :/ •/■:v--^/:-'"^V. - ■;.■.:'■■■•.;.■ Then sI^eM ■[ ^ \ X^c>fd|' have mercy upo you unfeignedly believe all the " canonical Scriptures of the Old and New' Testaments % A. I do believe them. The Episd&pate. — Will you diligently read or expound the same uniJ^^the people whom you shall be apji^ointed to " serve! ■,;:.; ■•■.;. ;. ' ■ ■"■ ■-■■■■■■'< ' -■..A.Iwill. l-f Ths Episcopc^^Ajit wp^T^mtt\i to the office of a dea- con to assist the elefer in divine service. And especially when he administ^reth the holy communion, to help him , * ' i ("// ,..:<^'S '/ 148 'Jib DINATION dp DEACOKS. ^a in the distribution thereof, and to read and expound the Holy Scriptures : xb instruct the youth, and, in the absAnde of the I'elder, to baptize. And, furthermore, it itf his office to sea.i>ch^Cor the sidk, poor an^^ imppt^nt, that they may beVi9ited aiid relieved. Will you do this gjafdly and wiililiglyl^^^^^^^^^^^^^/ ^^^^^ '. I wifl do sb/by the help of God. Mpyfcopi[ttel~-rWi\l you apply all youi diligience 'to, fi'ajbie and^ fashion your own lives (and the lives of yoUr Ja^ilies,) according to the doctiinestj^ p^ Clirist; and to make both yourselves,i,and Uiem^, as much as in you lieth, ^hplesoHigexanamQS of the flock of Christ \ ^ ; - >^: I mffido sa the Lord being my helpert " T/te Bpiscopatt'.. — Will you reverently, obey them to whom the charge^ Wd government over you ifi committed^^ following with a glad mind and will, their gpdly admoni tionsi;:x... ^. :. :■,■■,■■.;...-■'■. "' '"■..■■ - *■■ ^^- ''^ . -": .;/"■■■: A. I will endeavor to do so, the Lord beinj^ my helpf^r. Then shall the Episcopate deliver to eifery one \ of themy! the Boly BibUy sdfymg": j_ : ■ " i , Take thoii authority to read the Holy Scrapture^i and to preach the same in the Church of God. Then the ^mcopatCy Iq/ying his hcmds severaUy upon the of every onfiof thenty shaU sa/y : ^ , Take thou aut|i6rity to execute the office of a deacon in the Church of God, in the name>f the Father, and 6f the ^on, and of the Holy Ghost. .Amen. / ^t *> 1^^ ORDINATION OF DEACONa • : > 14l .. r '■■■■'■■■■ ■'■■■■ / -*'.'-: ■" i ■■ ,':.'^^ '■''■ . ' ,-.^. ■■- '\- " ■ilhenone of theni (vppoirU^ by<4he Episcopate ahM read the \ Ooapd. Litke wi.3B,38. .'. . . • * "/■ ^ ,. ' -j.f*' Let your loins i>e girded about aiid your lights bufBr ii^gy and ye yoursel^s like, unto men that wait for- their" I^rd when h6 will r^tum/from the wedding, that. when ■ ■ I. ■ ■ ■ ^ ■ . ■ •...■■ /•, ' J, I h^ cometh and kQOcketh, |hey may open unto him in)- \, r : niiediatdly. Blessed are those servants whom- 4ihe Lord When he cofneth. shall find watehingT" Verily I say unto you, that he shinU gird himself, and make theiu to sit' down to meat, and will come forth and serve them.^ Anci ).i he shall ;come in the second wa^h, or coifie in the^tliird . watbh, ajid fiitd them so, blessed, are those servants!" j[Then shixU Me Epiacopii^ proceedMii the' coifi'^iiniony^a^d'aU, that are ordained ahaU receim the ffoi)il c(m The commtmion endedf imm£(iiatdy before the henedictum^' ahall ' he mid these collect'i' folloUmw: I - ' - ^» - v - ,- -- .' ■ . " ^ . . *'■•;, '"^ .■■.-. • ■-■' • Almighty God, giver of .all; good tljiiugsj who, ^f* Thy great goodness bath, vouchsafed ix) aocept^alid take these Thy servants in t6 the* offi(^^ of Deacon inXhy^ Church : make 'them|l.we bepeiecb Thee,. O' Lord, to be modest, t'.humUe, and cOBsta&l) in their ministration, and to n4ve a ready will to dbserve all spiritual discipline ; that they having always the testimony of, a good^copsdence, and continuing ever.stable and strong iii Thy Son Jesus Ghrist,- may so«1vell behavp themselves in this inferior office, that they may be found worthy to'be called "unto tjie higher ministries in Thy (^hurcb^ through the same, Thy Son',' our S aviour Jesus Christ, to w hofn - be glory and h onor, ^ • r world without end. AviEjg. ;, ^ ^ W/-' 150 -^^m- TBs oRmNATioi? or mjsmm. Prevent us, JJbrdf in all cmr doings, with [Thy most grttcious favor, and further us^^ with continued ihelp, that in all our works /begun, continued and ended ii|l Thee, we may glorify Thy holy name, land finally hy l(hy i^iercy, obtain everlasting life, through Jesus Christ ou r Eord, The peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord ;^' and the blessing of God Almighty, ihe Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be amongst you and remain with yau always. Amen. > /^\ CHAPTER VIH. ¥ I . THE ORPINAtlON OP BIDDERS. [JVhen the day a/ppmnted by the Mpmo]^^ U comef there shall be a sermon m' exhQrtati(mf d£c^^ duty and office of. such as come to\he admitted Elders: hmv necessary tlmt order is in the Church of Christ. \and also how the' people might to esteem tneni in their o-fficel Afief which one of the Elders shall present uiitothe ^piieqpate ' all them that a/re to he ofdained. ^ Reverend Father in G(d, I present unto you these per- sons present to be ordained elders. The^ Episcopate. — Tab ye present unto us be apjt heed that the pertk)us whom and meet by their godly con- J 'y-i-r^ c THE ORDINATION OF »LDE Ul versation, to exercise their ministry duly tb the honor of Odd, and the edifying of the Church* ■'I: fh£ Mder sh(dl answer : . -« I have inquired concerning them, aiid alsd examined them, and think th^m sp to be. Then their nam^a bemg r^ aiUyndy the EpiJfcopate nJudl nay , unto thfi people; ■■ T Brethren, these are they whqn^, you putpose, God will- ing, this day to ordain elders. Fo|g after .due examin- ation we find, not the contrary, but they are lawfully ialled to thi^ fimction and rainistFy, akd thijj^they are persons m6et W the same. But if -therfe be any of you who knoweth aW impediment or' eriine in an^ of them, lor which he oo^ht no<^ to be receivefl into this holy ministry, let l/im ^wne fbrth in the nkme of Qpd, and show what t he crime^spr impediment is. ff/arvy crime m- impedin^tU^^^p^^ m Epi»copate Ml cease ftmn ardaming thai per sonyiAntU »mh. tivnfi asilw patty cKcmed shoM be f^ Then shall he said the Gpllectf iear &f «i4m«i«.] - *', Gospel. /THE 't!OLLkGt.> C' AJmighty God, giver if all j^ who hT thy Holy S|)irit hast appointed divers otders of ministers in thy Ch4rch ; mere fully behold these thy servants now of elders, and replenish them so with <^ll e d to th e office w , ^' the truth of thy ddctrine, and adorn them with innocency. V .! 162 Tp£ ORDINATION OF ELDERS. ;. ' \'' of life, that both by i^ord and' good example they may faithfully serve thee in this office to the glory of thy name, and the edification of thy Church, through^ the merits of our Saviour Jesus Christ ;^ho liyeth and reign- ^th with thee and the Holy Ohost, world without end. Amek. :l- \, fheEpislh,Bph:iv.7'l$. J ** Unto every one of us is given grace acooDdtn^to the 'measure of the gift of Christ : Wherefore ho saith, when he ascended up-on high, he led captivity captive, and gave jgifts unto men. \ (Now that he ascended, wfiJEit is it but that he also descended first, ij(ito the lower parts of the ee^thl He that descended is the same also that asceii$ied up i&r abdvQ all hea,venS) that he pight fijl all things.) Ati(jl h^ gavO s^me, apostles ; and! some, prophets ; and some, evangelists I ahd some, pasc<^rs and teachers, for the pe,rfecting bf the sainjbs, for t^e woit of the ministi'y, for th6 edifying df th^ body of Christ,^ till we all come iii : the unity of the fkitti, and of the knowledge of the Son of Godj.ufatO .a perfect man, unto tb»j^measure of the stature fulnesa of Ghnst." ... ' hmshail he read for the Oospd^ part of the tenth chapter ^^ SfSt. Jbhn,-^St. Johtii X. i-W. \ ; "yerily. Verily, I say unto yon, He* thai entereth hop by th6 door into thc^ sheep-fdld) but climbeth tip some Other way, the same is a tb^ef and a robber, j^ut he that entereth in by the doorj^ isthe shepherd of V the sheej). To him the porter openeih, and the sheep heai;' his vOice^ •and he calleth his own by name and lead^h them out. A IIS voice: Ix THE OROIN^iON 01^ EEBEBS. 158 And when he putteth forth his own sh^p, he goeth be- fore them^^aiid the sheep follow him ; for they know, his voice. And a/gtmnger willi they not follow, but fleiB from him, tor they knoyr not'the yoice of strangert. Thi« parable spake Jesus unto them : but they understood no£ what things they were Which he spake unto tjiem. Then . '^mi-: said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily I «ay unto -^ ycju, I am the door of the sheep. All thar ever came be4i^ ' fore me i^re thif vea and robbers ; but the sheep did. not , hear them. I am the dobr ;"* by me if any man enter in, he'shall be saved, and shall go in and out and find 'pasture. The thief cometh fiot but for to s^l, and id kill and destroy; I, am come that ye might have life, and thiat ' * they might. haVe it more abundantly^ I am the Good /Shepherd: the Good Shepherd givetJi his life for the : sheep^ Bdt h^^that is an'hirelihg, and not the Shepherd^' whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and "^ j-. V leaveth the sheep and fleeth; and the wplf catcheth ' ' s "Hthem, and scattereth the sheep. The'tfireling fleeth, .;?; because iie is an hireling, and careth^ nbt for the sh<6ep, • I am the Good Shepherd, and know my sheep, and anr known of mine. As the Father knoweth nxe; even so' I kpow the Father : and I lay down my life for the shjeepi And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them aiso I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; ; and there shall be one fpld, and one Shepherd." • iv ^^ And tJididoneyths Epi»Sopaie slidU smj \mto thern ds hereafter " 7^: ; V foUouxlh: \ "^ - ' '. You have heard, brethren, is'^well in your private ■ • il » ■ THt ORDIHATIOK Of* KLmmsf examination, as in the Qxhortntion wliiohr was just made to you, and in the hdly lessons taken out of the gospel, and in writings of the apostles, of what dignity, and of - how groat ifnportan<^ this office is whereunto you are now called And now again we exhort you, in tha^nanie of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you have in remembrance ^ into how high a dignity, and to how weighty an ofiice ye are called, th^t^ is to say, to be messengers, watchmen and stewards of the Lord, to teach and to premonish, to feed and provide for the Lord's family, to seek foV Christ's sheep that are dispersed abroad, and for His children who are in the midst of this evil world that th€^ may be saved through Christ forever. Have always^ therefore, printed in your remembrance, how great a treasure is committed to your charge. For they are the sheep of Christ, which He bought with His death, and for whom His blood was shed. The Church and congregation whom you must serve, is His spouse, and His body. And if it shall happen the same Church, orV any member thereof, to take any hurt or hindrance .by reason of yp|i|' /negligence, ye know the greatness of the fault, and also the horrible^ punishment tlu^t will ensue. Wherefore consider with yourselves the end of the ministry towards the children of God, towards the spouse and body of Christ,- and see that you never cease your labor, your care and diligence, until you have done all that lieth in you, according to your bounden duty, to bring all such as are or shall be com- mitted *to your charge, unto that agreement in the faith, and to that ripene ss of perfectness of a^ in Chri8tjha| r^-i ywj^' THE ORDtNATtON OF ELDERa 166 »,'■ there may be no place left among you, either lor error in religion or viciouiAn«88 in life. Forasmuch then' as your office iff lK)th. of so great excellency, and of so great difficulty, ye see with how great care and study ye ought to apply yourselves, aa _>weU that ye may show younielvea d utif ul and thanklqi to that Tjord, who hath placed you in so high a dignity, as also to beware that neither you yourselves offend, ftor be occasion that others offend. Howl>eit ye cannot )iave a mind and will thereunto of yourselves ; for that will and ability is g^ven of God alqpe ; therefore ye ought and have need to pray earnestly for Hjs Holy Spirit. And seeing that ye cannot by any other means compass the doing of so weighty a work, pertaining to the salvation of man, but with doctrine and exhortation taken out of the Holy Scriptures, and with a life agree- able to the same. JpoD^der how studioui you ought to be in reading and- learning the Scriptures, and in fram- ing the manners* both of yourselves and thos^ that specially pertain, ^unto you, according to the rules of the same^ Scriptures, and this self- same clause, how ye ought to torsake and^'seti aside (as much as ye may) all worldly 'Studies. f -J .... ■ ■■■ A. ■-<-:^ ■ . ■ '■ ^e have gooci hope that you liave M weighed and pondered these jchings with yourselyeiEf^ long before this °t;ime| and thafypu have clearly determined by God's grace to give yourself I to this office whereunto it hath pleased God to call youy ibo that as much as in you lieth, you will i^^ply yourselvj^s wholly to this one thing, and draw all your cares and studies this way, and that you will con* $ :i \ ■ F* V •"fc *■!► / - 1 1 ■ ' : ,. .i ' H; f' ^!*. ^i ■>;:'. #■ f-' j' ■ -■' '4- \$ -. 166 THK O&DINATION OF BLOluyl tinually pray to God the Father by the mediation o( our only Saviour Jesus Christ, for the heavenly assistance of the Hol^ Ghost ; that by daily reading and weighing of the ScHptures, ye may wax riper and stronger in your ministry, and that ye may so endeavor yourselves from time to time to sanctify tlie lives of you and yours, and to fashion them after the rule and doctririe of Christ, that ye may be wholesome and godly examples and pat- terns for the people to follow. .\-i And now that this present confip»gation^ of Christ, here assembled, may also understand your minds and wills in tl^se things, and that this your promise may the more move you to do your duties, ye shall answer plainly these things, which we, in the name of God and His Church, shall demand of you touching the same. Obligation of the CandickUes. ^ Dqyo^ think in your heart that you are truly called, according to the will of our Lord Jesus Christ, to the orders of elders 1 4 A. I think so. . The Episcopate.- — Are you persuaded that the Holy Scriptures contain sufficiently all doctrine, required of necessity, for eternal salvation, ihrough faith in Jesus 'Christ I and are you determined^'out of the said Sbrip- tures, to instruct the people committed to your charge, a nd to te a ch nothing as r e quir e d of n e c e ssity to e t e pial salvation, but that which you shall be persuaded mayM)e cohcluded and proved by Scripture \ ■\ / 1^*^ ;■*■* TH« • k OBDI NATION OF ■LDRBS. A. I am so persuaded, ai/d have no determined, by Ood't grace. • .j ;:;^, .■■■>-^' 'i '■'•,. The ISptacopat^. — Will you then give your faithfal diligence, always Uo to ministtff^EhB doctrine and sacra- ^ ^ ments and discij^Une of Ch^)|^ at^^ Lord hath coni|^ * mandedt ,*5»- A. I will do 80, by the help of the Ijord. fh$' Ejntcopatt. — Will you be ready with all faithful ^ diligence, to barish and drive away all erroneous and strange doctrinei contrary to God's Word ; and to use \ both public and private monitions and exhortations, as well to the sick m to the whole within your charge, Ml^^ need shall requtro and occasion give! . _ A. I will, the Lord being my helper. ] * fr f The Episcopate. — Will you be diligent in prayers and in reading of thd Holy Scriptures, and in Huflk^udies as help to the knowledge of the same, laying asiHRhe study of the world ana the flesh f " A. I wili endeavour to do so, the ferd being my helper. The Epiacopath. — Will you be diligent tp frame and fashion yourselves, and yqur families, according to the doctrine of Chiist; and to make both yourselves and them, as much, as in you lieth, wholosomf examples ai^d patterns to the Mock 01 Christ? A. I will aj)ply myself thereto/ the Lord being my helper; ThAEnhtr.ojiite.-^W{\\y6nm9.\nt&mB,nd set forth as much as lietH in you, quietness, peace and love among all Christian meopte, and especially among them that are, or shall be obmmitted to your charge 1 ^^«^v/ 158 THE OftDlNATION OP SLOEBa A. I will do so, the Lord being my helper. The Bjfi8copate.—Wi\\ you reverently obey your chief nunisters, unto whom is committed the charge and gov- ernment over you; following with a glad mind and will the godly admonitions; submitting yourselves to their godly judgments 1 - A. I will do so, the Lord being my helper. f Then shall thfi Episcopate atariddfigupy scty : Alnaighty God, who hath given you this will to do all these things, grant also unto you strength and power to perform the same, that He may accomplish His work which He hath b^gun in you, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. f: [After this the congregation shall he desired^ secretly in their prayersy to make their humble supplications to God^ for all these thingsy for the which prayers there shall be silence kept for a space."] After which shalVhe said by the Episcopate (the pers(Mris to he ordained MderSj-aM kneding^) Veniy Creator^ SpiritvSy the . Episcopate heginningy and Elders and others thai are present answering by verscy as follovjeth : - ^ Corrte -Holy Ghost, our souls inspire, And lighten ivith celestial J^re ; Thou the anointing Spirit art, -^^^ Who do8t Thy seven-fold gifts impoArt, ^^ ' Thy blessed unction from above Is comfort^ light, and Jire of love. , 1 \ ■ ..^fr-'t'gwT . THE ORDINATION OF EL£^R& fhe duUnesa of our blinded sight ; Andint and cheer our soiled face With the abundance of Thy grace, Keep far our foes, give peace at home ; Where Thou art Guide no HI can come. Teach* us to know the Father, Son,^^ And Thee ofbdth, to be but one, . ^ And through the ages all along 7 Thi^ tnny be our endless song, — Praise to Thy eternal merit, Father y Son, and Holy Spirit. 11 >9 ^fl 'm ' / ■ " " ''1 . ■« • ' ■ : ' , : "^ . .- ■ ;■ •if* ■ •• •■ ■■■'■■ ■ ? ' "f :v .:■. 1 done^ the Episcopate shail prdy in this wisey and say: ■^\ : ■ ;.v " '. ■ ■ ■;.-;,■■■■ Let us pray. .: '■"■ ;'\, ^- ;-;• ■.':;: Almighty God, and heavenly Slather, who of Thy in- finite love and goodness towards us, liast given us Thy only and most dearly beloved Son) Jesus Christ, to be our Redeemer, and the author' qf everlasting life, who, after He had made perfect our redemption by His death, and ^ascended into heaven, sent abroad into the world His iipostles, prophets, evangelists, teachers and pastors; by whose labor and ministry He gathered together a great flock in all parts of the world, -Jbo sit foi-th the praise of Thj holy name ; forthese so great benefits of Thy eternal goodness, and for that Thou hast voljiphsafed to all these Thy servants, here present, to the same office and min- istry appointed for the salvation of mankind, we render unto Thee most hearty thanks : we praise and worship Thee ; we humbly beseech Thee by the s^me, Thy blessed Hon, to grant unto all, who either here or elsewhere call 160 THE ORDINATION OF ELDERS. ■■■Ok ■If '■ ■':^ X upon Thy name, that we may continue to show ourselves thankful unto Thee for these and all Thy other benefits, and that we may daily increase and go forward in the knowledge and fail^ of Thee and; Thy Son, by the Holy , Spirit. So that as well by these Thy ministers, as by them over whomi' they shall be appointed Thy ministers, Thy holy name may be forever glorified, and Thy blessed kingdom enlargelH, through the iame Thy Son Jesus ° Christ our Lord^ who liveth and rei^neth , with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, world without end. Amen. [When this prayer is done^ the Episc(^te, with the-Mders present^ shall l%y their hat^ severally iipon the liead of every one that receiveth the order of Mdersj the receiver^m^^bly kned- . itig upon their kneeSy and the Episcopate saying:'] - The Lord pour upon thee the Holy Ghost for the office and work of mi Elder in the Church of God, now com- mitted unto thee by the imposition of our hand^. And be thou a faithful ulispenser of the Word .of God, and oi His holy sacramente. In the name oi the Father, and of the Son, and of th^ftoly Ghost. Amen. [Then the Episcopal shall deliver to every one of them kneelingy the Bible into hts handsy saying:] Tak^ thou authority to preach the Word of God, and to administer the holy sacraments in the congregation. When this is done^ the JE^piscopate shall go on in the service pf !' the conimunion, which all they whpyreceive orders shall^ijiiki together f and remain in the sam^ plac0 where hands were hbid 'upon them^ y/niHi such timem-jhey have received the communion, ^ •V ik^ THE OKPINATION OF ELDER8. 161 now com- Epistle shall be Eph, this offfM. le shall be JSph, %v. 7 to.lSfOs before m Immediaidy after whichy thetf that me to he ordmned Jka- cona shedl he examined amd ordained cm above pre»crU>tdi ]• The contmnnion being doney after the Uist cfUect and immedi- ately before the bencdictiony shall be said this coll&ct: Most merciful Father, we beseech Thee to send upon these, Thy servants. Thy heavenly blessing, that they may be clothed with righteousness, and the Word spoken by their mouths may never be spoken in vain. Grant, also, •that we may have grace to hear and receive what they shall deliver out of Thy* most holy Word, or agreeable to the same, as the means of our salvaition ; and that in all our words and deeds we may^yseek Thy glory, andf the increase of Thy kingdom, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.,,. Present us, O Lord, in all our doings, with Thy most , gracious favor, and further us with Thy continual helpi that in all our works/begun, continued, and ended in v*i Thee, we may glorify ^hy holy name, and finally, by Thy mercy, obtain everlasting life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. The peace of /God, which passeth all understanding, ke^p your beam and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of ^is Son Jesus Christ our Lord^akd the blessing of God Almighty, th^^ather, thcf Son, a^d the Holy Ghost, be amOng*yoUj and remain with you always^ Amen.-' ■■\':.- ..:.■■■ ■-".■-■ ,.^-.,' '"■ ^- '".'"■...-*■■ '• , ■ ,■':""■. - t .V, ' . , \'. ■ . '!■"■'■■;-'■ " ■-■,*•' ^^ If on the sa/me day the order of DeoMms he given to iomey that of Elders to others^ the beacons shall be first prei^ /sentedy and then the Elders. The (hllects shall both he used; firsts that for the Deacons^ then that for Elders. The ^ ■ .'v^|p^^r./\ ^'' 162 . INDUCTION OF EPISCOPATES. Thtn one of tJui Mdera having read the Gospel, ivhi^ s^U ^ St. Johnx. ly-as before in thifl ojffice, they thnt aa^e toU ordained Eldeh shalllikemse he examined and ordained a^in this ojffiee before appointed. \, ' '<^- m M" CHAPTER IX. INbuCTIo)^ OF EPISCOPATES. The iNTBODUcrroRy Prayer. . Almighty God, who by Thy Son Jesus Chrift, di^st give to^hy holy apostles many excellent gifts, ai|| didst charge them to feed Thy flock • give grace, we b^ech Tliee, to all the ministers and pastors of the Church, that they may diligently .preach Thy word, and duly admin- ister the gfid:^ discipline thereof ; and grant unto \the people that tl^ may^ obediently follow the same: ^ihat all may recfeiveth^ crown of everlasting^ glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Then shall be read by one of th^ EUhrs^ tU Mpistte, . Ads XX. 1^105. '. ' . From Miletus, Paul sent to^ JEphesiis, and calleid the eldfers of the Church. And when they were come to hirti, he said unto them : Ye know, from the first day that II | came into Asia, after what manner I have been with you at all seasons, serving the Lord with all humility of tsAudi and with many tears, and temptations, which befel me by ■\ v^ ' INDUCrriON OF EPISCOPATES. 163 the lyings jfn wait of the Jews, and how I , kept back nothing that was profitable unta you, but have showed ' yon, and have taught you publicly, and from house to house, testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and fsUth toward our Lord Jesus Christ. . And now behold I gritlg^ own blodd. For 1 kno^Y thils, thlit.a:fter my xlepat^ting shall grievlte, Wolves /enter ia, aniong you, i^t sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men. arise speaking ^perverse things, to draw away disciples g^fter them. Therefore, watch and remember, that, by the space, of three years, I ceased not to warn ever^ one night and day with tears. And noHv ., brethren I commend you to God, and to the word of, his gracoj which is able to build you up and to give inheift^ince among all them Which are sanctified. ••ip. • ■'I M s 7 ■ X IriNDUCTlBN OlilCHSsCQPAtES. ,4^ tliat }fer'||at so ^boi to isJTi^^uber ti^tfe ore blessed to Mve than ji'to-"pi^ I^^Ao^fermm^l^ He saitl id^him, ^:'- ' |i^;. tliEi'knowestifck :th^/' H^saiP;unto_ . lii|^^p|tl^--rhy'la to him:;:^-^^ipi: tW V sietjipjl* tiifti^i^moij, l^^n of : fenasi Jovest tlibja. Iiie 1 He . vSaiith IJIm^ ^inii. Yea, :^rd, j^^^'^nqwest thit I ldvQ.the6. -f i^^^%«iiit^)u Hesaithuoi^li^mthe ' 1%bSl^ 'time, Simoi^, soi^ bf ^oi4s, lovest thou ni^s I [Peter : , WasMleV^ii^l^ thitd tiniej||i^vest v^kJU^lIti ^hd he wd unto him, Il)rd, thou! knowest tall||U^h]gsV thou knowest that I love thee: iJeisus saith iin /wrfirr/c'cT?^ irot'her,^ — liVmsniuch as the Holy ScriptU/es comhiand jfiat we should i^pt be hasty in laying on of hands, and jmitting poruohs to government in the Church of Ohrist, ^hioh He hath purchased with no less price than the effusion of His own blood; before I admit you to this ^administration, I will examine you in certain articles, to Che end that the. congregation present may have a fair trial, and to bear witness how you are niinded to behave yourself in the Church of God. / * ^ ' The Episcopate.— htQ you persuaded that you are truly called to the ministration according to the will of^our Ijdrd Jesus Christi , A. I am so persuaded . Tfm Episcopate.— Are , you persuaded that the Holy Scriptures coot{|i\j||, su^ciently all doctrine required of necessity to eternal sMyat^on throilgh iaith in Jesus j!^ (pH|rist ? And are ypii determined out of the same Holy Scriptures, to iustpucfe the people cpmrnitted t6 your ' charge, and to Jjoach anjytmintmn nothing as required" of necessity ^^^^jlll^^^pli^ yo|i shall . be pW^tiad^M^^ he cC^M^adlb^liM proved by the same ? A^ I ^imo persiMK^d atttt;det€5r^riiBd^' ^^(;V>d's ferac§. ^: i some doctrine 4. I will d : The Kpi^o^ .\-i ■c V sei|p?in the sam|^riSii^ Scripture^ and ci8yj\uj)Qn God, by '^ pra^er^^oi the true understan^g pf th» sfl^me, $o'a8 yo^ ^ may be aWe, ^^em, to te^ch a,i^^xh w-? *re ypu reaHy ^ith**faitfiful d[ili(gen<3e 16« INDUCTtO!^ Ot li:PtaCOt»AtftFt. ■\.- to banish And drive away All erroneous and strangf? doctrines contrary to God's Word, and both privately and openly to call upon and encourage othcrrs to do til»<' A, lam ready, the Lord being niy helper. \ | The Mpiacopate—WiU you deny all ungodliness and worldly lusts, and live righteously, soberly, and godly, in this present world, that you may show yourself- in all things an example of gopd works unto others, that the adversary may bt> ashamed, having nothing to say ag^unSt youl;'--- '■■; .T- ■;.■;'■_,:,,.;■ .,■■■■;:■;• 'v •■" V": \ ^' iVf- 4. I will do so, the Lord being my helper, ' The Epi8copaie.-^Wi\\ you maintain and set f^ward as much as lie in you, quietness, love and peace amons all men i and such as may be unquiet, disobedient and Crimi- nal within your distriot, correct and punish according to such authority as, you have by God's Word, and as shall be committed untoyou^ n . ii, I will daso, l)y the help of God. A- - . The^piscopate.—WiW you be faithful in orda^ing, sending, or laying hands upon others^ -4, l;will do so, by the help of God, The £pi.8copate—Wi]l you show yourself gently and merciful, for Christ's sake to poor and needy peopleiantl to all strangers destitute of help 1 ; .4. I will so show myself, by God's help. ;■ jft ■^' . \,^X' .... Then shati he said: v!. ^ Almighty God, otir heavenly i'atlier, hath given you a good will to do all these things, grant akoun to you strength ■I..-- miiEs^M .. \ V TKPIICTION OF KPISbOPATES. 107 ■\i ftiid power to perlform the same; that Heacco^iplishing in you the good work which He hath begun, you may be found perfect and irroprehensible at the last day, through our Lord JesUsChrist, who liveth and reigtieth forever. AMSijr,. ■,.■■"■■■,:.. ' - :■ :■:. .,, .'v; ,■ ■,;''...;- " .- ■ '] l .C:- -."- JKien Hhall Venir 0»'c«^herd, not a' wolf ; feed them, devour. thoii/ not. HcM up the weak,^ heal the" sick, bind up the broken^t>ring again the outcasts, seek the loRt, be not so merciful that yoi| may be too remiss ^ so minister discip- line that you forget not mercy ; that when the Gbi||K. Shepherd shall appear, you may receive the never-fading crown of%lory^ thit'<3(Ugh Jesus Christ our Low! . Amen. ^- '"■4 '% ''■ \^ '. . ._';• .'♦, [Then adminHer the I^cTsmipper to all p}'esent.j ledimon, 9mAl he mm the follmving Iinmediately before tJie ,H^'fc.'.- prayers: Host ilferciful Fathe!^'^ beseeclii|Thee tlPfeend^own uppnjthis Thy servant Thy/'heave C )nlu|.]^essi/)g, iMld S'^he-^pceacjiing Iwiy endue' h|m with Thy Holy ^ir|^h Wrd tnay not only be earnesflp ifeprove, beseech; and rebuke ^Ith Ml patiencl tilnd do^rine, but also may be to suchpIP believe, a wholesome example in word, in conver- sati6|i, in love, irt faith^ in chastity, and in purity ; that faithfully fulfilling his courses, at the latter day he may receive the cgrown' of righteousness laid up by the Lord, . th^^ighteous Judge, who liveth and reigneth, with God rthe Father and the Holy Ghost, world withotit en4'. " Present us, Lord, in all our doings with Thy most gracious lAvor, and furthei: »8 with Thji: continiti^ h^^P^ V •■* , V '*• ;. 74 LAYrNO dbRNtCR STONES. V W" ^y , 169 that in n\\ our works l)egun, continued, ami oiiUcmI in Thee, wo may j^Iorify Thy holy name, and finally, by Thy mej^y, obtain overlaHting life, through Jesud Christ our Lord. Ambn. The peace of God, which ppseth all understand inf|f, keep your heartH and minds in 0e knowledge and love of God, Stt^ His Hon Jesus Christ our Lord, and the blessing o( God Almighty the Father, the Son, and the Holy •'Ghost, be amongst you and remain with you always. . s^>^^ Tlui 7ni)de of receiniig Chajyeln and i^tcietieH. The ||B|eral Superintendent, or any Minister in charge, .shall have pM|wr tO' recei^ any chapel or society that may make apPfcation to unite with us, Antil the sitting ofv'the Annual Conference, and the Annual Conference may perfect the union. The Annual Conference shall have^ full poweft:^ to establish missions, and form circuits and stations ever they consider it necessary. - ■*^"*?'. CHAPTER X. ' " . " ■ ii . * ^ LAYING CORNER STONES. v i^0TB.^Tiiis ceremony should be preceded or followed by the delivery of an appropriate discourse. The officers and m e mbers of the congr e gation b e ing present, th e s e rvic e s are introduce^ by singing a suitable hymn. If the discourse has not been pronounced, the fo llow ing prayer may be used : / 170 tAYiNO OORNRri STOKKS. Pruif^r. Supremely gffllit and glorious Jehovah, who art t\\j Kinpj Internal, iiiiinortal and invisible, the only wise Go^, to whom Itelong honour and glory for ever and eve J?hou tillest all space with Thy presence, pervading lini- versal nature, atid manifesting Thy perfection in all Thy works. Wo desire to approach Thee in deep humility, and in the exercise of living faith. We rejoice that through Jesus Christ, our Mediator and Redeemej, \vv, have access to Thy throne of grace, and are tiiught to call Thee our God, and to worship Thee as our reconsiled Fathec. Wo thank Thee for permitting us to assemble' on the present occasion aftiid circumstances of so much mercy, to lay the corner stone of an edifice which is to be reared to Thy honour, and be dedicated to the exclu- sive-worship of the true and living God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost. We earnestly beseech Thee to draw nigli to us as a God of love, and bless us with Thy special presence. May the object that has called us together bet] acceptable to Thee, and may the solemnities of this joyful and interesting occasion meet with Thy sanction and be "attended by Thy blessing. While we devoutly acknowledge our dependei^ce upon Thee aa well in our attempts to erect a house for Thy worship, as in the ^prosecution of the object for whicji it is intended, we pray The© that no unholy desire may find place in our breast, that all our motives may be parej and "that our kreat aim may be the promotion of Thy glory, the con- yersion of/ siniiers, and the edific ation of Thy |)eople in ■m .;,•■"*■■*;/,■" UVlMft f^ORNun ATrtNKS. m tho truth ftH it in in OhrUt. Miiy w© obtitiit favour in Thy night, and may Thy rich niorcy be upon us. Pardon our HinH, h«lp our intirnii ties, and accept our prayerK, tlirough the uu^ritH of Jesus Christ, our adorahhi Saviour, And to Thoe, the Triune God, lie all praise, now and evermore* Am kHt. — ' — "^- ~"—: — — ^— ADDRESS. '^ Beloved Brktiirrn,— Believing it to \)e your duty as well as privilege, to worship God iti a public and social ojvpacity, and impressed with the conviction that the in- terests of Christ's kingdom and the salvation of souls may be thereby promoted, you have resolved in reliance on God's blessing to erect SS| Mi&^e for purpo^s of public- worship, and are now assemV|^'io lay the corner-stone. Though there is no specific law of God expressly requir- , ing this at your hands, yet you justly infer fr4>i general principles laid down in the sacred Sci'iptures, as Well as from the dictates of enlightened reaison, that it-fs your^ duty; and hence you do well in uniting for theJaccoiii- rplishlbent of a^ork so important, and holding forth th e promise of so much good to yourselves and descendants. We trust yott are actuated by rootivfi which God ap— «v Here .a suitable portion of Scrij»ture niay bo read ; ifor. instance, Psalin xcvi., or 1 Cor. iii., or I Kings v., or Haggai i. I-IO. If the disitourse has been preached, tlui pivceding prayer may bo omitted ; also, if deemed necessary, the Scripture lesson ; and the exercises, after an appropriate hymn, may be continued with the following ; ■ i'> . ■'■y':-: J' ':■■:■'■■ m LAtlNO CORNER STOl^!*. ■ 1^;^ proves, and tliat yqai sincerely love Zion, and can truly adopt the language of the devout Psalmist : *' How ami- able are Thy tabernacles, O Lord of Hosts? My soul longeth, yea, even fainteth, for the courts of the Lord*** . We find frequent allusions in Qod's word to the corner- stone, " Behold," says the Lord in Isaiah, "I lay in Zion for a foundation, a stone, :a tried stone, a precious corner-stone, a sure foundation; he that belie veth shall not make haste." And in the Epistle to the Ephesians, the Apostle remarks: "Being built tipon the foundatidrys of ther apostles and prophets, Jesii^ Christ being the chief corner-stone."' ^hus it appears the corner-stone was ^ part oitho foundation on which the edifice rested. Hav- ing its place in the corner, it united and bound tbgether two walls. One corner-stctne was laid upon another, and the ^ame was done at each jpf the fotir corners of* the building. The corner .stones were therefore many • but " all of them taken collectively were spoken of as o>ne. ^ A single stone, larger,"stronger ai^i more beautiful^han the others^ was laid in One of the corners, either at the top pr the bottom of the. foundation wall as the representa- tive of all^the rest, and, of the whole foundation, and was emphatically termed J/te corner-stone, the chief corner- stone, or the head of the corn^ Hence Jesus Christ is called both ;the foundation i^wf the corner-stone in the 'Stupendous edifice* of Chiristianity:i 3y which it meant, that He is the support iand str^gth of Hia serving it firm and uhshalfen, And, extendinM|^M^pei%^^, ^'till it shall en^compftss the earth; that Ile^JHies and-^ binds together . its, members ' by the ccft'ds t^ love ■* f>\ \ . LAYING Corner stones. 173 which forms the strongest of all incentives to harmony of feeling and action ; and that He is also the glory of the Church, both becaose of the elevating and sanctifying in- fluences of His doctrines on the moral character of His foTIowers, and On account ol His supreme personal excel- lency. *, He is therefore most appropriately denominated a chief corner-stone, elect, precious, sustaining the whole system, and without which Christianity w6u Id cease to be Christianity, and soon fall to the ground. By laying the corner-stone of a house of worship you perform a f decisive act; you publicly an^6unce that a^ iilbmmeScefiient is made to build the hou§e, aad that- it is ^rour determination, by the help of God, to complete it. This decisive act, so full of promise, and waking up emo- tions and prospects so pleasing and joyful, is justly, made H prominent one, and acconipanied by solemnities suited to the occasion, and ^ adapted to inspire us with an abfd- ing sense of God's goddness, and oUr~insuffiBiency without Him. It is right and proper that we should publicly acknO)wlefee our dependence on Him, both in the attenipt to erect aii edifice, and in the discharge of tlie solemn diitiesfor which it is intended. SucK ah acknowledge- ment gives to God an honour whifch is due'td Him, and at the same time impresses our hearts with reverence and awe tpwardg Him. " Except the Lord build the house, they Jabdr in vainwho build it,? T)iis wa$ tlie sentiment of Solomon, the wisest and richest of tfee If ings of Isr^I . whose prosperity la all his great twidertakings was so rfr- ' markabje and brought so much, glory to^ his reig»: It be- comes us, liife him, on all. occasioiisj^ especially in every r <\ 'i.i ' d> / ^^TF' ■1.; 1 ■■ ^ ■'■/ 174 LAYING CORNER STONES, >Ml important matter, to be dB4)ly sensible of the power,\ho universal dominio.n, the /all-Mrise, holy and irresistible governnaent of God ; to feel thkt we are His needy crea- tures, and depende^it on His pleasure for each moment of our existence ; that the success of all our exertions is the result of His blessing ; and that, when we design t(^oii- our Him, or to promote the public good, it is f or J7^ to say whether i^e are the instruments and our meaiireH the means Vliich He will choose to employ for those f]ti(_ When David cont0mplated the erection of a hou«e of 0od, the Lord forbade hi^a^ said :^'I have chosen thy son;] to build Jile ft house.'* ; ^ -v v, • Let u^ therefore humble ourselves before the Lord, cc>tifess His n^me, and seek His blessing in fervent prayer. .-'■;■'' :/■"'- ■■■;■••'"■ ] Prayer. , " " . /.■■,'■■. ■'.■;-.; O Thou, whom the heaven of heavens cannot contain ! Thou fillest the universe with Thy presence, and all the praise of angels and men can add nothing to Thyiinajesty and glory. But though Thou needest not our/Corship, we adore Thee that Thpu art too good to despise it, and that milliona have experienced that Thou art a prayer- hearing ai^jjrayer-answering God. We rejoice that jThou hast ipn>lislied Thy Ohurch here on earth, and- pre- served the same ag3.ins and ^&t i»deth lUii-kwBy. These, and all other nee^ai blessings, we ask fot the sake and in. the mm of our to^ Jesii^ Chriaji, to whom, with f^ ■tf3. ■ ' L-: *' Ju&- *n-'» ■■■f ■■-•»■./• lie 4,*' LAYING CORNER 8TON|G8. / 3^' * "'.Hws^:, , the Father, and the H^y Spirit; be endless praise. ■- ■ Akj^m ;■<, ., I .. -.::' r- %:;, -, \ . ■■_.,. •■■■/. ' ^f?**® prefceding prayer, or any other suitable one hav- Jiig been offered, the/stone shall be laid and ad justed; ''^The officiating minister deposits the documents in the excavation prepared in the stone for their reception. Theate docuqaents niay be the articles of subscription " ■ v'>^^^ names of tlie subscribers : a list of the church officers, il the pastors and the building committee, and of the minis- _-,-^erA officiating bn the occasion ; the Discipline of the .Church, hymh-book, Bible; the names of the (highest - officers of g(/vernment, religious papers of the Ghyitb, etc., ^ etc^ The/minister then concludes with the following jDecld,rati(m. ^€\ In the name of the Triune God, the Father, the\ Son, an4 Holy Ghost, we lay this stone for a foundationVof a hoiise of worship to be consecrated to His service, m so Joing, we acknowledge his all-ruling providence, and pro- claim Jesus Christ as the great Corner-stone of His Church, and the foundation of all our hopes of salvation j4h jtiiue and eternity ; and may the God of all grace hear • us ; sanction our work, and at last accept us through the ;| Son of His love, our only Lord and Saviour. Amen. / ■ -■ II ji- " ".M ,., ;'T p U^ , ^ \ ■ ■ \ CHURCff DEDICATION. CHAPTER XI. CHURCH fitolOATION. 177 The Episcopate with the ministers shall be met by the stt5ward8 and trustees at the door of tHe church, as tliey enter the door ; and passing up the aisle they shall read the following Psalm, the. bishop coramehcing with tlieiirdt verse, *«nd, the ministers reading the second, and so on alternately: . " ^ ' '-. / ^Episcopate, — How amiable are thy tabe^MpE^ar L6rct/ ■pf hostsr:-^-;>!;/^^'\vJ.,^^ -.■-;;■{. •i^^p-.^;.; -^y 7^ ^ Minister.— ^y soullongeth, jea^ even fainteth' for the courts of the Lord ; my heartland my flesh crieth out for /:theUving^od.r;,A-. .V^ '.:■:. ^V: ■";, y '>■■•■;■■■;;;.:, :^•:^■^.■ / Episcopate.— Yesiy th^'sp^irrow hath found a house and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her ypungl even thine altars, pjiord of hosts, iny ICin^, an4 , ■ my Cod;-- .. \. y '■'■,'■'■:■- y^ : .-. J/mtster.-— Blessed cft^e they that dwell in thy bouse 1 they will still be praising thee. Episcopate.— lti\eB9Qd. is the niatt whose atrength is in I Thee ;- in whose heart are the ways of them. ; Minister.— ^ho passing thr<^ugh the valley of Baea /make it a well r the rain also fill^th the pools. - Episcopate.-They go f ro^i sti\ength to strength, every one of them in Zionappeareth before Cod, ? \- .^ giye 'ear, O^od of Jacolji, ; "^ • < . , -: riff- ■ ■~- ..-■■ , ■ /r •■'^-...-t, „ - '>, •:.„ ■,;., .,- • '■ -- • - - ■„» ■ .- :-v-^-:,-.- ■ V :\ :.// If ., 178 CHURCH DBDICATION. ^piacopate.-^Belioidf O God our shield, and look upon th^ face <^f thine annoin^d. Aiiaier.—For a day in thy courts is better than a sand. I hiid rather be a doorkeeper in^t|^ house of od, than to dwell in. the tei^ts of wickedness. JpiscopcUe. ^FoT the Ix>rd God is a sun and a s^Bld : rd will give grace and glory : . no good thin^will he Old fi^om thenr that walk uprightly. > ^. Minister,^— O Lord of host^, Iblessed is the man that trusteth in Theeir:---^^--- ^^^--r^- ■-.---■ ;iL..L^^_^:._;L_^ : ^^^r^..^^:-^^^^^ !nie JS^am are * cises, ivUl 710W take their seats in ^ clergy sitting anytind iff an^ .; foUoiving; > ' Paalrn C3(xm>i. appoints to lead the eacer- the piilpit, the rest of the j the choir ivUh chant the 1. -I was glad when they said| unto me, Let us go into the^ house of the Lord, f^ / ,^ 2. Our feet shall stand within Thy* gates, O Jerusalem. ;^ $. Jerusalem is builded ^ a city that is compact •■.together.,, ^ '.^ O"., . ;. ■-J^.;:^. :, - :■ . -. ;•• ■; . ; ;". ■ ■.:■/■ ■ 4. Whither the tribes:^ig5iip» the tribes of the Lord, unto the testimony - of "Isra?!, to giv^ thanks unto the name df th^ Lord. * ' - , • / 6, For there are set thrones of judgment, thrones of the house of DaVid. ' ' • ■' A ' ^ 6. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, they^shall prosper , that love. Thee. ' ^%- t. Peace- be T^itmn thy walls, and prosperity- Within thy pa,laces. ■X" \ \"T*t -■•iwe' "# CHURCH DEDICATION. 179 8. For my brethren and companions' sake, I will now say, peacQ^be within thee. 9. Because of the house of the Lord our God, I will seekthygoo^. \ The bishop, kneeling, shall then say the foUowling prayer:/ /'^■■■'. -^.^c ■ ■■: ^- ■' '^ / I Kin^a vvH. 23-5Jt. O Lord God of Israel, ihere is lio God li£e Thee, in\ jieiaven above or on earth beneath, who keepest covenant and mercy with Thy servants that walk before Thee with all their heart. But will God indeed dwell on the earths Behold, the heaven of heavens cannot contain Thee, how much less this house which we have builded. Yet have Thou respect unto the prayer of Thy servants, and to their supplication, O Lord our God, to hearken unto the cry and unto the prayer which Thy servants pray before Thee this day, that Thine eyes may open toward this house night and day, even toward the place of which Thou hast said, My nanae shall be there ; that Thou mayest hearken unto the prayer which Thy servants shall make in this place. And hearken Thou to the supplication of Thy ser- vants, and of Thy people Israel, when they shall pray in this plaee; and hear Thou in heaven Tl^y dwelling place, arid when Thoy hearest, forgive. If any man trespass against his neighbor, and an accusation be laid against him f£hd the a^ccusation come before Thee in this house, then herar Thou* in heaven, atid do, and judge Thy ser^^ant8, condemning the wicked, to bring his way upon his head ; i|^d jtwtilying th^f ighteous, to giv ' him accoi ding to his ■:^ \ -■ ■ ''V r'^I v'M m 1 1 \- :■ "M H \ \ . ■ i Hi > .1 i#^ r *.-. ^ • . J ■:■■• ■>.|. m < OHURCH DEDICATION. .*...■¥ righteousness. When Thy people Israel be smitten down before the enemy because they have sinned against Thee, and shall turn again to Thee, and confess Thy nanie^ and pray and make supplication unto Thee in this house: then hear Thou in heaven, and forgive the sin of Thy people, Israel, and restore them agaih to Thy tender mercy and loving kindness. When heaven is shut up, and there is no rain because they liave sinned against Thee ; if they pray in this place and dSnfess Thy name, and turit from ^^ their sins when Thou afflicfeest them, then hear Thou in heaven and forgive the sins of Thy servants, land of Thy people Israel, that thou teach them the good way wherein tl^ey should walk, and give rain upon the land, which Thou hast given to Thy people for an inheritance. If there be in the knd famine, if there be pestilence, blast- ing, mildew, locust, or if th^re be caterpillar ; if their enemy, besiege them in the land or their cities ; whatso- ever plague, whatsoever sickness there maiy* be j what prayer and supplication soever- be made by any^maiv or by all Thy people Israel, which shall know every man the . plague of )^is own hearty and. spread forth his hands in this house /th^n hear Thou in heaven Thy dwelling place, and forgive, and do, and give to every man according to his^ways, whose heart thou knowest ; thjat they ma y f^ r Thee all the days of their lives. Moreover, conc€5Mhig^ stranger, that is not of Thy'people Ismel, but coineth o&y of a far country f6r Thy name's sake, when he shall come and pray within thi^J^use ; hear Thou in heaven Thy dwelling place, andfdtfkccording to ail that the«tranger calleth to Thee lor fthit all the people of the earth may I"* ^ (i • CHURCH DEDICATION.. 181 know Thy name to fear Thee; as do Thy p^le Israel j and thatythey liiay know that thiiS l^ouBe which we huve builded, is called by Thy name. If Thy jMople sin against Thee, for there is no man that siijn^th not, and Thou be angry with them ; yet if they shall bethink themselves and repent, and make supplications to Thee, saying, w^ have siijined, and done perversely, we have committed wickedness, and sp return unto Thee with all their heai% and with all their soul, then heAr Thou their prayer and supplication, in heaven, Tl;iy d,welHng place, and forgive Thy people that have sinned against Thee, ,and all their transgressions wherein they have transgressed ag^in^t Thee, for they ie Thy people and Thy inheritance, which Thou hast bought with the precious good of Thy Son Jesus Christ, our Lord, to whom, WitlS|fe Holy Spirit, be glory, praijse and power, by all in*^arth and all ia heaven. Amen : ^ This prayer being^orePi the Bishop or Elder shall stand /■tip.and say :>^ ■■;■ ■{■.■'■.■,■■,]■.'' '■■':-;■ -i/. _' \ And how, O Lord God, most high, i;^m the heavens, vand heaven of heavens cannot contain, we dedicate this house to Thy iservice ; receive it, we humWy. beseech Jh^,' receive it unto Thyself, and num.ber it among Thy eatthljr sanctuaries, that Thine own presence, the presence of Thy ^on Jes-us Christ,' and the presence of Thy. Holy Spirit, may ever fill the house which weJmi^uilded and called by Thy name, so that wheneve!* ,. this house, it may desceiwl with a}l demonstration upon the impeniten^ ;, darkness to 1%^ and from the powe is preached in rity, power arid ig them from in and Sat^iMi tfJ ^ .^■. '1 ■ -f^- -#.• ■>■ .■: I .\Si ••*-^:5 ^ ' '■■■''* WUHU^'r. ./■ « ■w m Iviiig for tjoice in which uuapoak' s sion of their CHURCH DBDIC||T10 ■..;•■■■ ^ ,-•- ^f •ittt, or lift their voices in praise ' mert;ies past or bonetita received, the the light of Tliy countenance, wit passeth all understanding, with the joy able and fult of glory. Amkn. -^^ Great Head of the Church, we beseech Thee hear us, and grant that whosoever shall in this house be set apart/ or ordained to the holy office of the ministry, may also receive the anointing of Thy Spirit, and go forth in the fulness of the blessing of the Gospel, to preach its un-^ seafchable ri^jhes to a ruined world ; then, having finished their course, fough)^ the fight, and kept the faith, receive the crown^f life, and reign with Thee world without end. Thou God of mis^ioira, hear us, and grant that the sacred caui^ o]t missions; with every other institution of Chris- tianity, may ever find in this house an able advocacy and an a^ple support, so as to be rendered instrumental in ^stening on the day when the kingdoms of this world shfi^U have become the kingdom of ojur Lord and I|if Christ. ■■■AMiMf./;' Thus have we dedicated this house unto 'thee, O Thou /that dwellest in heaven. Receive it, O receive it, among Thine earthly sanctuaries, and grant that all who may ^worship Thee here from Sabbath to Sabbath, and from generation to generation, even our children's children, may feel it to be indeed the housQ of God, and the gate to ■heaven.'- Amki7. ,, ' \.y. -■■••■;■■■ ^'V'^^''^'--^.A7y'- /.•■:-:■■■■•■■■ Then niay be Sung the consecrawon hymn, which' ought . not to exceed six stanzas ; then the sermon ; immediately : •• ■ .:Mf ■ .# • ; ■ :■■ .:■ ^• ■■■ ■■ ■ ■■■ i-'?^ . '-'i ^. /•■ ■..■ ■■.. ' ,. — - - ' , . ' ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ' ■ '■■'''■■,'■'■■ ■ . . . :>:• ' . ; .■ ' ' '.% . ■■'■.'■■■ ■.."•. 'i • .■. . . ■" ■ ■ ■ , ■•■,.■■;■■• ■ ■ ■ ' ■•■•,■ . » ■ .'■,-' 7 ■■■„ • '. ■ . ■ ■ • / ■ \ \ ' .'■ ■ '■ - '■ ■•'■■ ■•„ '■ ■ V ■ 7 ■■-»..• i ■■ ■' .■: ■ ■;... -•. ■ ,' . ■ \ . ■ ■■,.: .-'■■■ ■ '. . , . .. ' -. ^ ■ : " " ' ■' .■ ■' ■ ' : '.;, ,_ ■ "' ■ . ''-\v.. _ .■■''■■• ' ;. ,,' ' .',, ■ vV ■■•■, ^ * ',. ■ 1 ■ '. , ;^;-'.;; . ) ' " * ■ ■ ■ . .' ■ ''•■*-.('■•'• . 1 . "" ^^^^^^^^ '■;.>>';- '' 1 1^1 ■■■■■^■l ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ "' n mB^^n ^^^^M- V / ww^^^^^^^ - * ■ '■' ■■: ' .:•.■■.• ■ ■■■.■■■■ ■ \ . f ' '■■'i' ' ;, • ' ■' . - , ■ " ■■ ■ ■ • . ■ .': ■ •■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ '^- ■■•■ -'; ,■.■■. ^■•: , ■ _ • ■■ .. ■■' ' ■ ■■■.-:■ ■ " ■ ■ '■ ' ' •.:■■■ ■ ■ ■ '•- ■ ■■ ■ " ■•' . ■;, ■ .' ■ - '^ ■ ■■ '. ■ '■ :■'■ ■ " it ■•■-■■ i ' . '■.•'.■■•'.■ '■ ■ ■ ..'''.'''■■■ .■ ;■■■■'■ ■..■■' ■ ../^ ■■■■■: .■.••■ /'■ ':'■■ '.'■''-' ■'; ■'.- ".-. •" ;. ,-;. ': ^S' . ■;..';■:';..;■ ■ ■•' . ■: :. ■ •,/' ' ; . ^,.^., .'. ".-"'■ ■ ' ''■ . ' ' '■ .*-*'■•■ ■■'■.■•■'-..■ . ', '• " .■-"•■'■ ;'" », '■■ ■ ■ ^- ■ ■",.■' : '. ' . - - '.■■:-:. .■ :■• ,J' ■■■■■■ .■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ '*"'■" ■:•'■■. ■: ■ -■: ; ■ ■ _.^: ■■■■■. ■_":■■<•.•■' ■■'...'■'■.'■* •'.» . ' 4, ■ t *x « . J. M- ■ f « ■: 7- MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART ' (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) .- 1.0 1.1 ,» ■ 1.25 L£ |2« y. 1^ |[||2.0 IlL u 1.4 LB 1.6 s /^l=>PLIED IIVHGE li nc 1653 East Main Street, Rochester. New York ' 14609 (716) 482 - 0300 - Phorte (716) 288- 5989 -Fax USA^ ^ ■^.v w \ .•'♦A/"./ ^ ^ 184 CHURCH l>EWCAflON. ftfter let the collection be taken up ; conclude with an appropriate hymn and ^extemporaneous prayer and the^ benediction. ' ,ii»» j ^ After such dedication^ no-minister having the charge of any of our churches shall allow them to be used for any other purpose than for the glory of God : and any minis- ter suffering the violation of this l^w, shall be deemed guilty of grossly improper conduct, and nflay he-suspended according to the decision of the Annual Conference* •■:■■■-.■. ..:-:'.— ? ;.•■ ■>:.■/■■.:-:../■:•■■■ ■ > (^ .^, v^ •:te. y . t\ /^ 5 with an and the ^ charge of d for any ny niinis- e deemed uspended nce» vy ;a r TEMPORAI/ ECONOMY. '^^ >■. .- ' — ■ ■\ /.^'■■ , *..: •* ■' :> ■ > , \ ' ' ■ I*.. . . .r " i ■ . "A. 4 '■'' - ..'-'^ \ ■\ 1 . • \ \ - i. . • -_ , / • ''\ ' • ■■." ■ A V " . ■ ■ ^" 1 .•,■■' -' f^' • A r ... ^ ■^ , >■- * ■ •■ ■' ■'■ •" \ _ < T^. * '>■ ■ '• ■ \ . % ■ A ♦ '"ii, I , ■-■' 6 _■ " ■■■ \ ,. -. ■.■.-• '• ■ , " ■'■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ A .r ■- ■ ■ '-■ .: ' • \;,-ji ■■"■> \ ;, ■ . . ■'"■ .,."■ ■ ' ' ■ ■*.- ■. ' ■ -A -:■.';% .#' ' ■« ■„ \ > ■., ""\ /> o '■ . ■\' « ,.^ \ • n%-;- -' L- — yL->i-. ,. • ^' ■ : . -. . _ ^.• ;^ ^ ■ . V \ \ "-t , -' m,T" '->'_'>," -i"»- „,}v 7 l!*V / /.. Ml- ^ / ; T ..Jii*^.Z:iiU^ iJa/f^^i^M. . .Wa 4 ^■>>^. A CHAPTER I. BOUNDARIES OF CONFERBNCES. • 1. The Ontario Distrjct Annual Conference shall .em- brace the Provinces of Ontario, Quebec, Central America, Manitoba, British Ooluijibia, Vancouver's Island, and all that part of British Teri[itory lying west and north-west of the two Dominion Provinces formerly known as Can- ada East and Wist. | 2. Nova Scotia Distrfct Annual Conference shall em- brace the Provinces of Nova^ Scotia, New Brunswick, Tewfoundland and Pmnpe Edward Island. 3. The Bermuda District "Annual Conference shall embrace all the Bermuda Islands. k The British Guia{na District Annual Conference shall embrace British jGuiana, French Guiana, Dutch Guiakia, Bwtish Hondufus, the West India Islands/ etc. Episcopates of the Districts for the Quadrennium begin- ning 1890: General Superintendeiits, Episcopate Walter Hawkins, Episcopate Robert Miller. EPISPOPAli DiSTElCTsJ First IXistrict: Ontfirio and Nova ^cotia Conferences: Rev. Walter Hawkins. - Second District : The Bermuda and the South America ; *♦ ■ 'W 188 A. OENERAL FUND FOR TflE ■■■.•->; ,-'> CHAFrER II. A Gl^ERAL FUf FOR THE PROPAGATION : V ^E THE GOSPEL. V How shall we send laborers, into those parts where they are most of all wanted 1 Many are willing to hear, but hot to bear the expenses. Nor can it be expected of them ; stay till the Word of God has touched their hearts, and then they will gladly provide for them that preach it. Does it not lie upon us in the meantime to supply their lack of service I To raise money, out of which from time to time that expense may be defrayed. By these means, thoSe who willingly offer themselves may travel through every part, whether there be societies or not, and' stay where- ever there is a call, without being burdenisome tq^ any. Thus may the Gospel, in the life and powpr thereof, be spread from sea to sea. Which of you/will not rejoice ,^ to throw in your mites to proWte this/glorious work? ^ Besides this, in Cfwryingi^ so large a work through ■ t^e Gojitinent, there &re calls for money in various waj^s, \ and we must be frequently at considerable expense, or the work must be at ft^oll stop; It shall therefore be the dutw^f each pastor to hold an annual missionary meeting, ay which time there shall be a collection taken up for the aupport of the missionariea At such meeting one or more collectors shall be appoint- ed and furnished w itn books. — It shall be the duty of said <;ollectors to return all moneys they have collected tfl^ ■IT ^ PKOPAGATION OF THE GOSPEL. 189 to the minister in charge, and the minister shall forward ihe same to the District Treasurer. v It shall be the duty of each member of the B. M. E. Church to pay one cent per month to the missionary iauso, which sum shall be forwarded quarterly to the ' Treasurer, and appropriated exclusively for the miss^u- ary or missionaries. The members of each Annual Gonference, inr addition to the carrying out of the law already established in our Discipline, for raising a general fund for the propagation of the Gospel, shall organize and establish Missionary Societies in their respective fields of labor, for the pur- pose of raising moneys by voluntary contributions; to ' sustain the missionaries in their respective Conference Districts, and forward quarterly the amounts thus raised to the Conferepce Treasurer, who may appropriate half of the said funds collected for support of missionaries during tRe interval of the Annual Conference ; but who ^Shall bring or send the remaining portion to the next Annual Cdnference for appropriation, unless otherwise ordered to be applied by the Bljihop. , Each Annual Conference may procure a Sabbath School Missionary Banner, and the said Banner shaH be presented annually to the Sabbath School that raises the largest amount for the missionary cause. The pastor shdl bring tlie banner to each subsequent Annual Con- ference for presentation. , A Missionary feting shall be fe^ld at each Annual Conference for the above purpose. . ,/ 5?"- ^*pf= Tf^ _ ^ ■'.'^r--:'-%'-^^T}, f ^-^ ^^ .■^^,:r 190 THE HOOK CONCEBN. THE BOOK CONCERN. Article L — The British Methodist Episcopal Book Concern shall be carried on for the time being in Chat- l)y^ni, Ont., except the General Conference see cause to move it, and the a^airs thereof shall bo conducted by a General .Book Steward appointed by each District An- ual Conference where the Book Oolicern is located, to ich he shall be amenable for the faithful dischp,rge of his outy hereinafter described. Article 2.— ^The General Book Steward, in conjunc- tion witffsthe General Superintendent, shall publish all books, pamj^lets, magazines, minutes* papers, etc., when ordered by tne Annual Conference; provided that the Annual Conferences furnish the me^ns to defray the expenses. Article 3.— It shall be the imperative duty of every inister in charge- to act as agent to sellWr publications, aitdhe shall render a satisfactory account of the faithful discharge of his duty in this respect, t6 each and every Ahnua3k. Conference, and anyminii&ter nealecting to per-' form thif duty, may be suspended b^the Bishop in the interval ofc the Conference until the sittlngi of the next Conference, where the case shall be investigated, and if, in the opinion of the Conference, he has acted dishon- estly, they shall hlE^ye power to expel him frim the con- nexion. At every Ai^nual Conference there \shall be a District Treasurer appointed, who shall satisfy the Annual Conference that he will faithfully discharge his .^ duty as Treasurer. \ " \ / :^^^ BOOK CONCERN. 191 Article 4.— He ^all receive all moneys forwarded to him or put in his hands for the use of the Book Concern, and pay out tho same for the use of the said Book . Concern, upon an order signed by the GeneniJ Book Steward. '_" ' ' ' /' : ■ ' # '■■_■, Artiolr 5— It shall also be the duty of the Treasurer To make a faithful report of all his acts as Treasurer at each and every Annual Conference. Article 6. — All agents forwarding nioneyB to the Treasurer, shall send the same either by mail or oxpress; and they shall invariably obtain a receipt for the amount forwarded, and produce the same at the next Annual Conference. / \ Article 7.— The General Book Steward shall make a clear and satisfactory report at, every Annu^Conf erence of the performance of his duty, and furnisHKe Confer- * ence Vith the true^condition of the Concern. Article 8.— To ^fp-y* expenses of our publications,' it shall he the duty of every minister in charge to collect from each and every member of his charge, and all other persons willing to contribute, the sum of twelve cents ■per year. ■• •'■v.. Article 9.— It shall be the duty of the General Book Steward to furnish the agents with our publications, and obtain the receipts for the same ; and it shall be the duty of the agents to forward to the Treasurer, as per rule, all moneys in their hands as soon as possible after the sale of such publications. Article lU.— And if any local preacher is appointed by the Annual Conference a& Treasurer, he shair be I \ 192 •*'' FINAlff.'IAL DEPARTMICNT. amenable to the Annaal Conference for the faithful qis- ohar;e of hiir duty, who are hereby empowered to (leal with him in this re8pe(st_a4 an itinerant preacher. ' Articlk 11.^ — The appointment of the General Bpok Stevard shall be always made after the announcemenPof the ippolntmonts by the Episcopate in the Annual Con- ference. Article 12. — There shall be one District Book Stevard appointed at each Annual Conference, except in tbe district where there is a General Book Steward. .•\ W \: *- V- CHAPTER III. FINANCIAL DEPARTMENT. (PASSED 1890.) ^ Question.— y^h&i^BhaW be done to build up the finan- cial interest of our Church 1 Anstver. — We do hereby establish a Church Treasury « Section I? ^ 1. There shall be a Board of Managers for the Church Treasury, to be known, as the Financial Board of the British Methodist Episcopal Church. ""' ^. The Board of Managers shall consist of three mem- bers ; two ministerial and one lay, who shall be the 'Tifeasurer.,^ ■■.".■; ■■■I. ; , ■. . ■-: ■• ■" ■--■ ■.■•■••; ■ -.■;.-■,.,/ ^ .:. .: A- J^^- I J . Kl N A NCI A I. DEl'AKTM tCNT. m\ ree mem- I ^3. The niembeW of the Ikmrd »^b,\\ be elected by the (veneral Confererice, and shall serve for four years, unless i(«iiioved by deatAi, resignation, or otherwise. 4. The otHcers shall rank as follows : — A Prebident, (ieneral Secretaf-y, and General Church Treasurer. The Kpiucopates shall be ex officio uiemberB of the Board. I 6. The Boanl shall present, through the (lieneral Hecre- tary, a printed report annually, to each Conference of the connexion, of all their proceedings, and also a similar quadrennial rejiort to the General Conference. 6. The Board shall have power to remove an ineHicient or otherwise disqualified Secretary, when it is clearly necessary for the best interest of the Church, provided an immediate investigation be had in all such cases, as required by our Discipline in like cases, as applied to travelling preachers. 7. The Board, wlfHtHe Episcopates, shall fill all vacan- cies in the Board >^fch may odibur during the interval of the General Conference. ■;■ :■. ■ 1: ■:•:,,.:■-■■■.:, ■■■;■,"■: .::■■;■; .: : SbCT|ON II. ; Support of Episcopates. > 1. The Episcopates shall be maintained out of the Gen- eral Treasury, at a stipend of $500 per annum and travel- ■ ' ' 'Y^ I ' •■■■ ■ ling expenses. ;, 2. In case of distant travelling in the' direct interest of the Church, (instant), to the Bermudas, or elsewhere, the Epiiscopate about to make such a trip, shall, at least three months before the time of starting, make appUc&- ' • 13 •■ ' . ■■;■■?■.■;•■:■.:.■.■■.■.:::- a l\ M Hi ■i!i m *. » I,- ■■'* "%*'''^n«rf'. ',;-3P(^ 1U4 riNANOUL DEPAUXMENT. i", tion through the General Hecretary to the Hoard for the amount necowar/to defray hiu expenueii. The Board, in all such cages, are hereby authorized to SoHoitt ir it l)e necessary, contributions from all our churches to aid iu defraying such travelling expens(64 of the Episcopate. 3. It shall be the duty of every minister holding charge in the British Methodist Episcopal Church, to collect the sum of twenty-five cents from or for each member of his church or churches for the maintenance of the Church Treasury. 4. Should any minister having charge fail to raise the above collection during the Conference year, or a fair pro- portion of it, according to the number of membership reported by him to the Conference (the number to be cer- tified to by the Quarterly Conference next preceding, the sitting of the Annual Conference), it sh^Ube the duty of Conference to refer the matter to the Financial Board for enquiry. 5. If, on examination, t^iey find that the said minister has wilfully refused or wilfully neglected his duty in rais- ing the collection, he shall, upon vote of the Conference, be ' reproved- by the presiding Episcopate for thie first *offence, and if he refuse or neglect a second time, he shall, upon the vote of the Conference, be suspended or dis- missed from the itinerant work. 6. The General Sedretary shall publish the appropria- lions, item by item, for the information of the whole Chtirch. — — — . — — — . . . ' 7. . It shall be the duty of the Episcopates and ministers to use the greatest possible diligence in collecting the money thus asked for* ^ J U*.'. ^>.i. ^Sifti- ■■.\ Financial UKrAKiMENt. 196 for th« Mt \m aid iu \ie. ; charge lect the ir of his Church use the Fair pro- ibership ) be cer- ling. the . duty of >oard for minister in rais- iference, /he first 16 shall, I or dis- ►propria- le whole dinisters ling the 8. The Board ithall audit the Treaiiurer's accountit, and advise the disburtementa of all moneys not regularly pn^ vided for. 9. All moneys collected in the interval of the Annual ' A'onfenmco mIihII be sent inunodiately to the Treasurer, and all moneys collected at, or brought to the Aim4IaI Conference for the Church Treasury, shall l)e paid to the Secretary of the Board, in the absence of the Treasurer, and the Oonferenoe shall take his written acknowledg- ment of it, and the same shall l>e transmitted to the Trea- surer. 10. The Treasurer shall open an account in some safe and reliable bank or banks, where he shall deposit all ino;iey8 not otherwise provided for. Hit books,, papers and bank account shall always be open to the in§pection of the Episcopate and travelling preachers. n. He shall, through the Secretary, keep the Episco- pates and all the travelling preachers informed of the state and condition of the treasury, a^nd shall advise them^ if necessary, to use more diligence to secure the success of our financial interest. 12. He shall give bonds to the aiuount oi^,000 for the faithful performance of his duty. 13. It shall not be lawful for any Episcopate, elder or preacher to use or appropriate any part or portion of the money belonging to the treasury, excepting as appropri^ ated by law. Any person so ofiending, shall, upon con- viction thereof, l>e censured or suspended from official standing. Jl„ Li' All moneys collecjbfed under these provisions shall be used for the following purposes : '4 111 «r 1 'Z I-" .y r : 196 FINANCIAL DEPARTMENT. ; (1) For the support of the Episcopate?. (2) To pay Connexional debts. i. * . (3) To aid thecause of Missions. (4) For the relief of widows and orphans of deceased ministers and Episcopates. (6) Should there be a. balance, it shall be constituted a Sustentation Fund, out of which the ministers not re- ceiving the regular allowance ot support as past iP, after it is clearly shown that he did his wh(^e duty in collect- ing the connexional funds and his Own support, and thus failed, the deficiency shall be paid him out of the* said Sustentation- Fund ; nevertheless, the minister or minis- ters on Missions shall have the first claim on said funds, ^ Support of Travelling Preachers. The allowance of the married pastor shall ^e five hun- dred dollars per year for salary. Each Circuit, Station or Mission, shaU provide, a house either by purchase or hire for the residence of the preacher's family. Said_ pastor's family shall be furnish^ with table expenses and fuel, or their equivalent. Should his wife^ie he shall have the same allowance of a married pastor for the support of his children (if any) until they become ten years old. * The salary of an unmarried preacher shall be two hun- dred and fifty dollars per Conference year, his board and travelling expenses* It shall be the duty of each and every member of the B. M. E. Church to pay twenty five cents per year for the Episcopal fund. A StJKt)AY SCttOOL DlilPARtMlCNT. CHAPTER iV. 197 SUNDAY SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. •r ■.■■■■■ - ■'-_■■■■,■.. In order to bring about harmony and uniformity in the government of the Sunday-schools of our Church, the General Conference at i||^ast session, July, 1890, in the City of Toronxo, unanimously adopted the following : ,:/■. ■.'Sbcstion 1. ' ■ ■ dopstitutiou- for the government of Sunday-schools of the British/ Methodist Episcopal Church, 'fr *; i 1. This /Sunday-School shall be under the jurisdiction of the General Conference of the B. M. E. Church, and shall be known as the Sunday-School, connected with the British Methodist Episcopal Church at 2. The officers of this School shall be the pastor in charge, who shall be Chief Superinterident, a Superinten- dent, Assistant Superintendent, a Secretary, an Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, a Librarian j and a Chorister, each t)f whom shall perform the^usual duties of their respective offices,-and, together with the teachers, shall constitute a Sunday-School Board. 3. The pastor shall nominate the officers, and they shall be elected by the Sunday-School Board. 4. The Sunday-School Board shall hold monthly meet- ings for the transaction of business, ge, " Upon the first day of the week, jet every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath pros- pered him, that there he no gajthering when I come."— 1 Cor. xvi. 2. We learn from the verse preceding that the Apostle had given the same direction to the Churches of Galatia. It is therefore probable that the rule was extended to all the Churches that were solicited to contribute for the same purpose. Whether it was the practice of the primitive Christians to lay by them in store for a?^ their pious and benevoleiit objects ^h the first day of every week, we have not the means of determining. When ^e. '^ consider, however, the circumstances of believers in that FOR BENEVOLENT PURPOSES. '201 opportunity atlbrdcMl, us a generat thing, for hiyintj by their benefactions. They were themselves on strictly missionary ground, subject to all the demands and fenibar- rassnients o£ such a posili >n ; and they could not, except ocoasionally, as in the case to which the rule specifically refers, have operated for the benefit of the distant. It was in their power to do but little oeyotid what wa»^ pressingly needed on the spot, and was yppropriated as soon as secured. Bringing in promptly W(| disbursing without delay must ■^ordinarily, with them, have super- seded laying by them in store. But even as the case stood, it is hardly to be doubted that their benevolent contributions were made weekly on the Lord's Day, and\ every one was expected to give as God had^ prospered him. ■ ■ ■-. ; - r« Still they did do for others beyond their own\neighbor- hood, and where opportunities for/ forwarding their donations must have been unfri^quent. Now observe, in the only case of this kind in which we have particular information, they were instructed \ not to defer tbei^r pre- paration until these opportunities .should offer, but W lay by th«m in store in anticipation of these opportunities. Let us now suppose other cases similar to have arisen, in which they were called on to bestow for Objects which could be reached only at intervals greatier than a week ; why would not the rule apply in its full" force to every case in which it was convenient only occasionally to convey their quotas to the general treasury % 1 confess I do npt see. If the rul^ was the best for the original purpose, why is it not the best for every purpose where ■.fv -tW ''^"" fl^'aW ic^ »r ■» » X' 202 ^THK PRIMITIVE RUT.E OF GIVING fauds are not to be appropriated on the spot, and an fast as they can be raised 1 It is difficult to conceive of a case of religious donation to which the rule may not be substantially, if not literally, applied. :_——__ I would not claim too much for this rule. I pretend not to say that the Apostle contemplated for it univer- sality and perpetuity. I pretend not to say that any anathema awaited those who did not practise it, even at Corinth. Still less would I say that it is at this day obligatory in such a cause as to render it a test of piety. But it was clearly the very best that could be followed by those to whom Paul sent it ; and a better cannot be found to guide the pious and philanthropic of the present day. In the name of God and of humanity, let all. who love our Lord Jesus Christ adopt some system by which they shall both do what they can, and do it. the most effectually, for the promotion of the Gospel. [Bishop Nazrey's ejoposption on an impoiiaut item in the General ^ Rules.] X"^ ■ ' ■ * ■ ■ ■ ' I will now invite your attention to a Very important item in the General Rules, which are considered as the Constitution of the Methodist Church. Third edition of Discipline, page 71, third paragraph, the condition re- quire of those who desire admission into our Churches : 1st. "A desir# to flee from the wrath to come, and to be saved from their sins." ' Every one that comes forward and joins the Methodist Church uader those rules ex- presses that desire. But these are only the buds or ■»! -U ^ilJ^^TTlfe^l" ^ ^^Ifii"' FOR BENEVOLENT PUftPOSES. 203 i8 the ueaHon for the appearnnce of the fruit, which con- gistR in obedience and good works, anct is also the con- dition of their continuance in the Methodist Clmrch, for it is said that where this is really fixed in the heart and sotiJ, it will tie shown by its " fruits." 1. They are to " do no harm." Now, you will doubt- less all agree with me, that ft member of the Church who would refuse to pay anything for the support of the preachers, Church and poor, and teaqh others the same wicked practices, would be doing harm. 2. See page 72, fifth paragraph : "It is expected of all thdse who continue in these societies, that they will continue to evidence their desire of salvation ; secondly, li^ doing good of every possible sort, and, as far as possibley to all men." Now, the man or woman that refuses to support the Church and ministry, refuses to do good ; tKerefore, they violate the conditions of their con- tinuance in the Church. 3. They are to evidence their desire of salvation by attending upon all the ordinances of God. (See page 74.) These ordinances are the public worship of God.. Now, I ask, where IS the public worship to be found if the Church and ministry gfet no support! For, if one mem- ber is to be exempted from supporting the Church, all of the members may justly claim the same right of exemp- tion. Their conclusion must, therefore, be that there is no necessity for public worship, and the wqrld must go back into heathenism, with all its doleful conseq^uences and iintold evils. . 5. Th6y forfeit their membership, because they violate the teachings of God's word.-- - -; .;,.rr:.. \/ ;.•■ , '. '.; :\. :-,: ->\ ■M'- 'I ''!"."**7*-k am ' m y M-: 204 THE PRIMITIVE RULE Qt* aivmO. 5. They who are able and not willing to give anything tQwards the relief of the prejichers, Church, and poor, are occupying the position of slave-holders. They are sitting in the Church at ease, wljile tho86 who are willing to give are pfl^ing for the Church idr thein to sit in—paying for, the st i TrT^jW tf- , #»wtT'' ■»t^ 206 CHUBCH PROPERTY. Sbotion II. «■ The Form of De€€f, This Indbnturb, made the day of in the year of liord on^ thousand eight hundred and > in the presence of the Act to facilitate the conveyance of real property, between of .the in the County of and Province of , of the first part, [(see nb^eoiie) wife of the said party of the first pirt, of the sepald part,] and ^Trustees of Congregation of the British Methodist Ejpiscopal Church in Canada, in trust for the use and purposes hereinafter mentioned, of the third part. Whereas a religious congregation of Methodists in con- nection with the British Methodist Episcopal Church in Canada, residing in the of "* ' in the said Province, have occasion lor, and are desirous of taking a conveyance of the piece i6r parcel of land hereinafter mentioned for the site of a Church or Meeting-house, (or as the case may be, for a burial ground, schoolhouse, or the minister's residence,) which s^all be held by the Truettees, who shall be desig- nated and described as Trustees to (describe ihe Trustees hy the name bf the Church, burial ground, schoolhouse, or other name that may be selected, letting it correspond with the name given in the beginning of the deed.) Now this vMienture wUnwHetk that the said party of CHURCH PROPERTY. 't 207 a. •i|tn of of lawful mpney of Oannda, to him in hHnd now paid by the said parties of the third part, as such Trustees as aforesaid, --^tl receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, — doth gi:i^nt unto the said parties of the third part, as such Trustees as, aforesaid, their successors and assigns, all and jugular, that certain parcel or tract of land and premiseii situate, lying, and being in the of / in the County of and/Pro vinoe of , containing by admeasurement / more or less, being composed of (here inijiert particular description of the land). To have and to hold the same unto the said parties of the third part, thei): successors and assigns, forever, upon the trusts, and to and for the uses, intents and purposes following : that is to say ', in trust : that they shall (see note 2) erect, or cause, or suffer and permit to be erected thereon, a Church, Meeting-house, or place of worship for the use of the members of the said British Methodist Epis- copal Church in Canada, to hold Divine services therein and meetings in connection with the affairs of the said Ohurch, according to the rules and discipline of the said Church, which from time to time may be adopted and agreed upon by the minister and preachers of the said Ohurch in their General Conference in Canada. Provided always, and it is hereby declared and agreed, that as often as any or one or more of the Trustees here- inafter named, or any successor or successors of such Trustee or Trustees shall die or c e ase to be a member o r \; tnembers of the said Church, according to the rules and^ » , m 208 CUUUCU HIOI'SHTY. (lUcipHnn aforenaid ; then, and in every tuch case, it vhall be the duty of the mini«ter or preiwher duly authorized^* by 8uch General Conferences from time to tin»e to pfejij God'n Holy Word to the m«ml)eni of i^ich Ohur^, shall have the pastoral charge of the congre|;ation or members of the said Church, for whose use, as 4foresuid, the said land has been required, to call a meeting of |hQ male members of such congregation as soon as conven- iently may be after the deiath of such Truste^^ Trustees, or his or their ceasing tgjjfke a member olr members of the ■aid Church as afor^wid; and when the said meeting •hall be convened, the «aid minister or preacher shall nominate one or more persons to fill the place or places of the Truiitee or Trustees ao dying or ceasing to be mem- bers >» aforesaid ; and the male members present at such * meeting shall thereupon approve or disapprove' of the per- son or persons «o nominated, which ajMaroval or disap- proval shall b^ signitit^ by a major iJUj jj^Jjes, ye^^' nay ; and in case of approval, the pi^/jgf^^lfterionwW nominated shall become a Trustee or Trustees in the m or place of the Trustee or Trustees so dying or ceas Ka member or members of the said Ohurch, and jd Y^h, and have and enjoy all rights, privi- poweii^i'the Trustees herein named, and be to the same rules and regulations ; and in case the said minister or preacher's first nomination shall not be approved by a majority of the male members present at such mftftting , it nhall be lawful for the said minister or preacher to make a second, and in case of a second disap- proval as aforesaid, a third nomination ; and in case of a ♦IVusti v^ • of the tthall 1 and r ceasiii that I ^lecte I for on nomir shoi^i of tw equal persoi preacl 4 Pre or the sums sum said f out fo premi or the mort^ raisin so- pa theit* land '.'»>» ¥. ff» ■* w * ^^J^^ CUUlU'll PUU I'EUTYr ^ Pi 209 ipprovai, the iiitile iiieii»(>or8 so present m ftforo- lid, i^all themselvei proceed to nominate and el<»ct a Vutt«o or Trustees to supply the place of the Trustee, or ^ ♦IVusteiJS HO dying or ceasing to be a nieniher or inenibers *of the snid (church ; and th« person or peraons so elected uhail have all the powers and lie subject to the spue rulei i_ and regulations as the Trustee or Trustees s<> dying or ceasing to be members as aforesaid. Provided always / that no person shall be nominated, or be eligible to b« elected a Trustee as afocfsaid, unless he shall have been ifor one year at the least next preceding the time of such notnination or election^ a member of ^the said Ohurob, and hbail be at the time of such nomination of the full age ■ of twenty -one years. Provided also, that in case of an equal number of votes for or J against any person or persons so \iominated as aforesaid, the said minister or preacher i^ charge as aforesaid shall have a casting ^te. 4 Provided also, that if the skid Trubtees, or any of tlem or their successors, shall at any time advance any sunt or sums of money, or shall be personally responsible for eaiy sum or 811(108 of money on account of the purchase of the ^■::y^- said premises, or for any building erected thereon, or Ii^d out for th*i nefcessary purposes of the said church, land •r premises, alkd shall be obliged to pay the same out of h& or their private means — they, or a majority of them, may mortgage the said It^nd and premises for the purpose of ::___1_ raising money thereon to reimburse him or them thiB money so- p»id for the use of the said church as aforesaid ; or in theii" discretion ma^ sell or absolutely dispos^ of the said land and premises after the expiration of one year from V " X' ■», 1. 1- t "^^-N ' * , '* ■I*'' • ' ^ 1 * s" - " » • r f W ' ■ ■ ' * K - - 9 • - 210 CHUKCH PROPKUTV^. the time of giving notice to the minister or preacher having charge of the said congregation as aforesaid, of their inten- tion so to do, unless the moneys so paid or advanced shall be in the meantime paid to such Trustee or Trustees, of his er their legal repreHcntative or representatives; and in case any such sale shall be made, the purchaser shall not be obliged to see to the application or be responsible for the misapplication or non-application of the purchase money ; and the Trustee or Trustees receiving such purchase money shall pay out of the same to the Trustee or Trus- tees so advancing or paying such money as aforesaid the amount so paid or advanced, and the surplus, if any, to the Steward or Stewards of such congregation, who shall hold the same for the use of the said church, subject to any order or dirijctioin to be made respecting the same at any Annual Conference of the ministers and preacher^ of the said Church held in Canada, as aforesaid, And it is hereby further declared and agreed that the Trustees hereinbefore mentioned, and* their successors, shall have, possess and enjoy allother powers and privi leges given by any of the Statutes of this Province to Trustees holding lands for *ny religious society or con- gregation of Christians. ^ A«d the said party of the first part covenants with the said party of the tWd part, the right to convey the said lands to the said parties^of the third part— notwithstand-' ing any act of the said party of the first part. And that the said parties of thethird part and their successors, shall have quiet possession of the said lands, free from all incumbrances. W' r having ir inten- ded shall 38, of his i in case I not be 3 for the I money; purchase or Trus- 38aid the ■ any, to rho shall ibject to same at icherrt of that tbe iccessors, id privi- fviuce to y or con- '"J^Jtl'-W.* • \. CHUKCH PROPEKTY. 211 And that the said party of the first part will execute such further assurances of the said lands as may he re- quiBito. And that the said party of the first part has done no act to encumber the said lands. (See note 1). And the said party of the second part, wife of the said party of the first part, hereby bars her dpwer in the said lands. In witness whereof, the said parties hereto have here- unto set their hands and seals. Signed, sealed and delivered | in p^enco of, ,^. ^ J [L.S.] [L.S.] N.B. — {1) If the partif conveying the land is nnimtrriedy the iwyfcls hetxveen the brackets 7n>ust he omitted, and the Trustees must he described m parties of the second part, and th£ release of tite Doiver at tfie eml must be omitted. (2) Tfie Declaration of Trust must be nutde to meet the inten- tion of the Deed, a)id the pn^'pose intended in taking or acquir- ing the land — thus, for the purpose- of a School oi- Buried CfrqunB, etc. :.^/..;;: .:'..•■ ■■''■.;.-, . ■-■-.:..■' :-- .--■■■::'■ .:':.--,.'-,'': with the the said ithstand-' And their kid lands. » ■ ' .■;3>i- ■ -■. . 212 TRUSTEES OF CHURCH PROPERTY. HAPtER VII. ml-: TEUSTEES OP CHURCH PROPERTY. ^ Section. I.: .; ' ■■: Th^ Number. "■'> J*** '■**'' 1. Where proper persons can be procured, let nine tees be elected for churches and meeting houses ; other- wise seven, five or three. 2. Each Board shall consist of not less than three, nor more than nine persons. _ ^ . . ■' Section II..;, Qualifications. 1. Every person to be elected Trustee shall be twenty- one years of age, and shall have been not less than six months a full member of oiir Church, except in case of missions, new work or ot^er emergencies^ 2. No person shall be eligible as a^ Trustee of any of our houses, churches or schools who is not a regular mem- ber of our Church. Section III. Mode of Election. 1. AUTrusteissin theB. M. E. Church shall be elected annually by the members of the Church. ' ^^^ 2. The minister in charge shall appoint the time and K"^-? '^r~*5"!« ¥ " ' X TRITSTEES OF CHURCH PROPERTY. 213 place for holding the election, and give notice of it from the pulpit at least one Sabbath previbus to it ; shall con- duct the said meeting and sh^ll nomina,te all candidates for trustees.; 3. Every member of the* dhurch, in full fellowship, shall have the right to vote for the nominees, and if present at the meeting shall cast his or her ballot for those of their choice. And the election shall proceed until by a majority of votes cast, the required number of trustees are elected. The minister in charge shall then make a declaration of the result. ' ;',■■' ^: ' ■" Section IV,v Chairman of the Board,': / 1. The minister in charge shall be chairman of Trus- tee Board (>yhere the laws of the country do not other- wise provide), but in his absence they shall have power to appoint a chairman. 2. The foregoing mode of election shall be legal in all places except in cases where the laws of the country require a specified mode of election. ■ V,; Section V.. Duty of Trustees. ^ 1. The Trul^es shall manage all the temporal concerns of the Church except that which belongs to the Minister and Stewards, and shall have a Treasurer of the Board elected by the Board. 2. They are to guard the real estate, chapels, parson- /, ■'"^■■^-v 21^ TRI7STEES O^ CHURCH PROPERTY. agMAand school houses owned by the people in the cou- nexion. d. They are to improve the said real estate and other. propertV when ordered by a majority of the j members. 4. They shall procure by purchase or hir^, a house for the preacher's family, and also comfortably furnish it for them.' Section VI. Order of Imjjrovement 1. \^heri ever improvements are to be made, the minis- ter in charge shall calK^ogether the legal members of the Church, arid a majoritjrXf them will have to give their consent, by vote, for thoimj[>rovement to be made. 2. Should a iaajority of them not be present at the meeting after due notice has been given, then a majority vote of those present shall be legal. \ ■ \ ..::^t . ': .■■: : - ' ■- ■ ■■;.■■■ ■"■'". ^^ Section yil. ■ Concerning Reports. r 1. The Trustees shall make an itemized report of all their receipts and^ expenditures for the quarter to every Quarterly Conference. ' 2. The Quarterly Conference shall cause a repbrt of the doings ^of the Trustees to be made once* a year to the ^Churchv. •:'■- . '^- ■ •■" 3. They are amenable to the Quarterly Conference for the faithful discharge of all their duties as Trustees. 4. Trustees in the British Methodist Episcopal Church f ■:/ CHTTllCH STEWARDS; 215 AV6 to be tried for any crimes of which they may be accused, as other lay members. 5» They shall hover close any of our chrtpe's a<»ain8t any minister sent them by the Episcopate or by thn General or Annual Conferences, unless I e be supended or excluded by the proper authorities of ihe Church as Discipline directs. •' r'-vv; ■ .Section Vill. - V Effects of Expulsion, 1. No person who is a trustee shall be ejected while hw is a joint security for money, unless such relief is given as is demanded, or the creditors will, accept % Any trustee erasing to be a member of jbur C^'^^'^h by reason of expulsion or otherwise, shall imniee given as the creditors will accept. 5 ' v : ■ v:' CHAPTER Vm. \ CHURCH STEWARpS. \ \ 1 ' Section T.: ._/ ^ /.'■■'■' \-\,\ -■■::'-. Thfi Appointment nfStewarth. \ \^ 1. The number of stewards for ;each church ;shall not ^,- ■-•v.-- be less than three nor more than seven. ' ^3^1 -M. CHURCH STEWARDS. 2. The minister having the charge shall nominate the lumber of stewards needed, and submit the nomina- tions to the Quarterly Conference, #htch shall confirm it, /or, if it see pi^er cause, reject it. 3. The stewards so nominated and confirmed, shall serve for the term of one year; or be appointed annually. A. Q. 1. What are the qualifications necessitiry for stewards?" ' -■';-;,.■ A, Let them be tnen oi solid- piety, who both know and love the Methodist doctrine and discipline, and of good joatural and acquired abilities, to transact the temporal business. Section II. ' * . " ■ * ■ . • The Duty of Stewards. Q. 1. What are the duties of the stewards 1- A. to take an exact accouiit of all the money or other provision collected for the support of the preachers in the. Circuit, Station, or Mission, make an accurato return to each Quarterly and Annual Oonference, of every expendi- ture of moneys whether to the pi^eacher, sick or poor ; to seek the needy and. distressed, in order to relieve and comfort them ; to inform the preachers of any sick or disorderly persons; to attend the Quarterly Meeting of their Circuit or Station ; to give advice, if asked, in plan- ning the Circuit or Station ; to attend jcommittees for the applicationR of money to churches; to give counsel in matters of arbitration ; to provide elements for the Lord's Supper;, to write circular letters to the societies in the Circuit or Station, to be more liberal, if need be ; as also ..t^ z.3t..^*q^z^^^^^::^ M' . ,. w.- CHURCH STEWARDS. 217 to let them know, when occasion requires, the state of the temporal concerns at the last Quarterly Meeting; to regis- ter the marriages and baptisms, and be subject to the episcopate, elder, deacon and travelling preachers of their own Circuit or Station ; to assist the elder or preacher in charge in raising coUectjons, as per Discipline, to sustain the co^exioa* " ■■ /^..■- , ■■' ' **' ' Section III. .."■"■,.■■'■ ^ ■ . "■■'■. A(^ountahility of the Stevmrda, 1. The Stewards, for the faithful performance of their duty, shall be accountable to the Quarterly Conference of their Circuit or Station, and it shall have power to remove them when they fail or refuse to do their duty, . / 2. In the interval of the Quarterly Conference sessions, the preacher in charge shall have power to suspend a Steward who refuses, neglects, or fails to discharge his duty, iB^nd to fill the vacancy until the next meeting of tho Quarterly Conference, which shall dispose of his ' case.- , .. ■■ ,: ' .;.,■ SectionTV. ■ ;' V V ' Church Records. 1, The Board of Stewards shall have a regularly labelled Church Record for the registration of baptisms, ^Jaarriages, d€;M^hs, probationers, and members. :t — ^ , * 2. The preacher in charge of the circuits and stations shall s ee that the foregoing i s enforced . — -— ^ 1 1 R^' /; ■ / 7- APPENDIX. COURSE OF STUDY. \: For Licenfiafeay Deacons and Elders of the British Methodist Episcopal Church. PPEI-IMINARY. For Local Preachers, Students, and all Candidates for the Itinerancy. • # 1/ RBVBALED THEOLOGY. ^ext-Bo<3MBinney *8 Theological Compend. Subjects : Existence of God, Attributes of God, The Trinity, JesusChristjTheSoly Ghost- pages 4744. Read the Holy Bible in connection with the Evidences of Chris- tianity in the Coropend— pages 5-^46. It. COMMON fJNGMSH BRANCHES, ■■ •■ ■■ . :' ■ "V ;V.. ■ , "^ ■ ^- .-,■ :; ■ ■ ■■ :■ J Orthography a7td i%mo%y.— The definition of all the parts of speech, viz. : The Noun, Article, Adjective, Pronoun, Verb, Adverb, Preposition, Conjunction and^ D e clin e all the pronouns in . the textrbook, Interj e ction. and arty nouris, by telling their kind, number, person, -gender, case, -^tc ;-.-™;;l^;-:-vi.-_^:-~:^-^-'^^ V. I :M ...;*■ ,.,,. COURSE or STUDY. 219 Conjugate the verb " To be " in all its iiioocIh and tenses, also conjugate any verb in the active and paii iye voice. ' Parse all the wordH of any given sentence. Text- Book.: Lennie's Grammar, or its equivalent. Arilhmetic.- AW the fundamental rules of arithmetic^ I** visB. : Numeration and Notation, Ad4ition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, Multiplication and Division by , factors, Prfm^i and Composite Numbers. Text-Book : Any standard ^Arithmetic. OeographyX -Geography of British America, and the outlines of gjsijeral geography. t'".. 111. CHURCH GOVERNMENT. Study the Discipline to the reception and expulsion of members. Carefully read the Origin of the British Methodist Episcopal Church. Chapter I,, pages 5-7. FIRkr YEAR. : F&t Candidates for Deacjm^ Orders in the Itineraticy, I. KEVEi^iED THEOLOGY. Bead and carefully i^eigh the Twenty- fiVe Articles of Religion contained in Uie Disciplint, pages^ 9-27. Finish thcLStudy of the DofJoinal part of the "Compend," from page d4^ to the end. Bead Edmondson's Short /Sermons. II. COMMON ENGLISH BRANCHES. Btudy Syntax and Analysis. Define a simplf sentence, ___^ -■■■-/-' ■ ' / ■ .'. ^B^ '-'"*■ ■■ 220 COURSE OF STUDY. a graiuriifttical and JhgicAl subject, predicilti', ftdjunotH. adj«ctive> ad verbal and participle phraaes. li^xplain tht^ rules pt Syntax, etc. Analyze and parse any simple sentence. , • ^ v;t . Arithmfific- Reduction, Addition, Subtracti|||, Multi- plication and Division o! Compound Numberij^;^eight8 and Mtasures. *• Geography. — Study all the particulars contain^ in Chamber's Geographical Primer. III. CHURCH OOVKRNMWh*.. Study the B. M. E. Discipline from page 45 to 111. IV. COMPOSITION. „ Compose an essay or sermon oh Prayer, to be read before Conference or its Committee. SECOND YEAR. I. REVEALED THEOLOOY. Study JamiesonTKotes on the XXV, Articles. Read carefully the B, l(f. E. Discipline from page 112 to the end. 11. COMMON^ ENGLISH BRANCHESr . / G^rammor.— Analyze and parse any complex sentence. Expand the phrases and adjuncts of any simple sentence into subordinate sentences, telling what kind, etc. Il:ilW«7tm6 ' IV. COMPOSlTIONr Study Quackenbos' Composition. Compose an essay or sermon on the TmniortaUty of the Soul, to be read before Conference or its Committee. FOURTH YEAR. For CandidateH for Elder i Orders vn. the Itinerancy 4 I. REVEALED THeOLOQY. Text-Book : Cook's Tlieology, or Shmucker's Popular Theology; Mollvane's Evidences of Christianity. '' li. THE BHANOHEH. Butler's Aualogy ; begiu the study 01 Latin and Creek/ •m;js'WisnTr ■' f giving f before \ Arith "V: ■•<' , .r ^ * COURHK OK HTUHY. 223 Text-Boots: Albert HnrkneM' or their equivalent. Read i Hteven's lliitory of the MethodiHt Episcopal Oliurch ; j Tanner's Apology for African Method ism ; Hollin'H Ancient History. Me.nttd /'hiloMophy. — Dr. Haven's. Naltiral Phi/mopftt/. — (iua<;keniKMl*r- ^^— —- — — ^— -- of Pal mmeut, L n essay be read ranoy* Popular Greeki' in. CIIUKOII OOVKRNMKN'T.' Hoviow the preceding studies. » IV. COMPOSITION. Compose an essay or sermon on the Sacraments, lo be read before Conference or its Committee. Books for the Elder's Library : Bead Smith's Hebrew People; Moslieim's Ecclesiastical History; Hibbard's Palestine-— its Geography and Bible History ; Townley'a Illustrations of Biblical Literature; Watson's Institutes and Sermons; Claude's Essay on the Composition and Delivery of a Sermon ; and all Methodist Literature, ;■ Rkmabks.: •:• ■.,•■■ I, It is impoitant, yea vitial, to the student's future usefulness that he make himself familiar with the first year's study before he iidvances to the second, and wit^h^ the third before he advances to the fourth. -^-A^-, -i'/- / ■ . ' ■ . '* ''".■"■■■ "^ ' '2. Conference sfafbuld never- ordain fe man j nor receive him into full connexion if he does not give evidence of diligence in his studies, holiness in his life, and faithful-. n€ss inbis miuigterii^l offtce, ^ \. V / ♦ <^ 224 COURSE OF STUDY. 3. The minisfcerial gown shall be worn by all the Episcopates and Elders of the British Methodist Episco- pal Church at their own discretion, whenever, and wher- ever it is practical. A KiECOMMBNDATlON TO StUiDBNTS. We recommend those who are candidates for either exhorters' or preachers' licenses, and * also those who are probationers in the Conference, and ^hose who are travelling, and local deacons, who desire most profit- ably to read the Scriptures, that they pursue the follow- ing course, viz. : Read a portion of the Scriptures in each and every day. Let nothing prevent you in this good Undertaking. Read a lesson of one or two chapters from the Old, and the same number from the New Testament. Do not attempt to master a lesson of more thaii two chap- ters from the Old and the same number from the New Testament. These four chapters will be quite as much as you will be able to profitably study. Let your course of reading be regular, and study from day to day. Do liot skip from book to book and from place to place. Such, a course of study will profit you very little, and by it you can never become learned in the Scriptures. Read a few sentences or a paragraph, then stop, reflect, and inwardly digest the subject/; then ^jproceed again in like manner yrith a few more sentences or another paragraph, and. so continue on Until you have completed your Scripture les- sons. This will do more good than an attempt to com- mit the whole to ^nemory. jooubse of stui>y. nt T all the > Episco- nd wher- br either ose who ose who >st profit- e follow, s in each his good iers f rom )staruent. wo chap- the New much as Bourse of Bo not Such, a >y it you ad a few inwardly » manner I, and. so )ture les- b to oom- The course marked out for the study of the Scriptures will be the 1 best, the. most profitable of any for you td pursue in the study of those works which we have giveii to you in the, course of study which we have enjoined ; with this simple difference, that we recommend ybu to take as a l^sson^ a certain number of pages for a daily lesson, :instea(j[ of a certain number of chapters. For i|!istance two or four pages of Jamieson's notes, read and studied per day, would be a sufliciently large lesson for anyone pursuing a regular course of study, and a most certain course to pursue in order to become a master of that work. The same truth holds good of all other books contained in that course. Through nmch prayer and watchfulness, our hearts are made better by study. "Through desire a man having separated himself, seeketh and intermeddleth with all wisdom." Proverbs xviii. 1. " Search the Scriptures, for in them ye think ye have eternal life, tfnd they are they which testify of Me," says the Saviour. "Study to be approved, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed," says the Holy Spirit by the Sainted Paul. In conclusion, we say there is not a book on earth so favorable to all the kind, and all the sublime affections ; or so unfriendly to hatred and persecution, to tyranny, to injustice, and every sort of malevolence, as the Gospel. It breathes n^othing throughout but mercy, benevolence and peace. Poetry is sublime when it awakens in th^ mind any great or good affection, or piety, or patriotism. This is one of the noblest effects of the art The Psalms I 4] -^-^ / . :.-;V"' 1»M COUfiSE OP STUDY. h are remarkable, beyond all other wHtiliga, tor their power of inspiring devout emotions, ^ut it is not in Uiis rospect only, that they are sublime. Of the divine nature, they contain the most magniEoent descriptions that^e soul of man can comprehend. The one hundred and fourth Psalm, in particular, displays the power and goodness of Providence, in creating and preserving the world and the various tribes of animals in it, with such im^estic brevity and beautyj as it is in vain to look for in ^jaiy human composition. < I . /•» *-lJI- > J -N! :.:... , ■ ■ . • "■■.■.. . ■ •-■...■ . .■„■.... . «. • ■ • . - rl f:^- -i ■■'■-,■--.■-.':■. :■ "-■. ..^^^. ■.■.-;, -^ ^ ■.■•■>■■;;■;■-■:■:,••:;■■•■■■■■■;■■■■.■.,.:.■■.■■ ^ i : : /V '^v..- .•\.:y---^- •■ .■■... ■.■..■... ■ ,. : ■.,■.■■..:...■ '■'*'. . ■ : ■• ' ■ ' .■■■■'■■■-' ■■'■;■■.«.' '' ■ ' ■■: ' ■'"■.■ ■ . • ■ . ■■ ■ ■'•'..■ ■ " . ■■■'.■■ ■ :■. 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