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C«fMdi«n iQMltKt* for Historical Microraproductioiw / ItiilltiitrcaM^poir.do microro^roductioiM titotoriqiMt
^' •»-
■ V »•
TttflkiNCt' "Ml BiMioffipliic NvMs / Ni^lM MdMiNiim 4t MMi0^i|NllpuM
Tha ImtitMi* hMtllMivM to
co^miiliMiferfMiiiint. FwiMw of rti^ flopv
of' 1119 MM|M Wl Mm fiPMMMtlOII) Of
I MMOIOfl of
^ L'liMtitiit imiefofHrn* hi wmtlwir m i m pl W ^ qo'll
l«i a M poMiMt 4i M procmar. Ui (MtaNt tfa eat
covafi ranoiaa anwor
C ooaart Mia raitaiiria at/o« pameMlW
Covar tHla
ia tHra drMmanura mmmiim
CohNirad mmm/
Co|ioahf«dMli(i.a.otliarlhaiibliiaor _
alon. and andlngoa tho iaat paga with jT printad
or Hluatratad ifnpraaaion. | / -
Tha Iaat raeordad frama on aaoh mlerofioha
' ahall oontaio tha aymbol — *> (moaning "C0Ni '
TINUED"). or tha tymbol V (mOanlna'^EI^"),
whiohtvar appliaa^ v ^ .^^
Mapa, platoa. chana. ate, may bf fiimad at
diffaront raductlon ra^. Thbaa too larga to bo
ontiroly Inoiudod bi ono axpoaura ara f llmad
baginning In tha uppar laft hand eornar, laft to
right and top to bottom, at many f ramat as
ragulrad. Tha following dlagrama illuitrata tha
f' ■■; •-■.. ■ ■ : V '.-^ ■'
^:' ■'
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i:*K%mmnmmt f at rvpr^dult grlM A to
f«n#rotft« 4t: ^
N«troFro|lt«n Tordntb Mf«rtruA. trbriry
Ui lmt9M tuivantit bm 414 raprMiaitM avtc !•
pfuf flrand toin, aom^a tanu da la odnditlon at
. da Ja rtattat* da i'axainplaira fllmi at an
eanf armha avaa M aondMona du aomrat da
. -fiima9a> ' ...■'■ .'
U# axampialraaiarlgifMiux dont Id coii^rtura w
paplar aat impifm4a aamfllmilf an aa«iman9ant
par la prainiar plat at a^tarmlnant aait papla
^ni^n paga qui aomporta una ampfaMid^
dimpraaalan au iflNuatitttlon. aolt paria aaaond
plat, salon la Oaa. Toua laa autraa axfmplalraa
orieinaux aont f llmds an oomnMQ^ant par la
praml#ra paga qui comporta una ampralnta ^
fflrn^r»»Blon ou d'illuatratian at an'tarmlnant par
i lii darniira paga qui aomporta una tdiA >
'^ampralnta.A.,.-'' '-' ^r- ■■■■■■■ ■
U.rdaa aymbolaa aiiivanta apparaftra aur la ^^
. darnl*ra imaga da ahaqua 'mlcrofiaha. aalbn la
caa: la aymboia -^ signlfia "A 8UIVRE", la
aymbola ▼ signlfia "FIN". > >
V". •■ . ' *•■■ '''.*.■'■"'■■■■'■ ■ ' - '../
Laa cartia pif nohaa. taWaaux. ata.. pauvaiit «tra
film4a4 daa taux da I:«duatl9n dtfTdrania.
Lorsqu^ la doeumant aat trap grand pour Atra
raprodtfit wh un saul allaM. 11 aat fNmd 4 partir
;da Tangla |up4riaur gaueha. da gauaha 4 droita.
at da haut an baa. an pranant la nembra
d'imagaa n46atsaira. Ua diagraiQinaa autvanta
llluatrant la m4thoda.
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1653 Eo»« Mohi Stfi^ '-
RochMtcr. N«l» York 14609 USA '
(716) 462 -0300- Pt>po«
(7ie>288-9SW-fcDi ,
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Mt^iollowiiig Poems are mgi regpec^
My dedicated to the Loyal B^^
^*°*^*' ^ ^ wttall token or his esteem bf
Humble sertant,
A ?'•.;■
!•» f
7 *•
Thb fdU«wiBf Potnt ar« praMntod to the iattlogtBl pvMIt 1^
; tiitir wuM and oaraftd oonuderation, an a apaoiman, and aa a Ibftk
nuinar of tha ** Uppar Canada tianiua,** whioh la to ba tlM thia of
lay volama of Poapoa St otharmiacalUnapoa writinfs Chat I tetattd
shortly to pabliah. Tha folio wing Poama will aompriaa part of
tha aaid Tolnqia. Tbia Tolunia will ooatein Ava or all haadiad
•atavo pagaa. Mj pooma and writinga ara all para original, aB4
" do not plagiariia and borrow from other puthorat aa 1 am oftfa
W meat falaaly aaetiaed; I oannot platiarlaa and bonow from
any other antHira, if 1 waa ao inollned, f6r t never road any other
Mlumo orpoama or other booka exeaipi tha Bible and New Tea.
tament In my lifii ; I am often told th4t I ought to Mad poatiaal
wprha; my anawer alwaya la that I have no time to read no 'hooka
bottha BiMe, that my time ia entirely oooapiea in irriting poama
and other miaeellanaoua writinga. My anawer ia let them read
that eannot write, I do not eee the aae of Bpendiaig m^ma in
veading when I eon write withoat thia waata oi my «9laA||^tima.
i eoald aot repeat one veree of any poem written by any paim' but
my8elf-4'l waa btoaghtup upon a farm.and my eduealion ia vary 1|.
mitad, only mifficient to anawer ma aa a farmer. I never attempted
to writa one word 6f a poem natil three years next Mareh, and the
•itat poem tliat I ever attempted to write, 1 wrote aixteen varaea
anawar to a aatrioal poem of eleven vernes from some peraoa that
waa aahamad to aign the aaid poem that I received throngh
featdfltoe,andl waaaitoatfhedand aurpriaed with myaaU;
maoh 86, aa though I hadaean a peraoii fly to the moon.
I have, foltowed the plough many a long and a hot dayl l%a
way and the manner that I come to £nd out ti^at | cou|d write a.
word or varae of a poem waa entiMly aecidd^tal, aa I a^aya aa.
taitaiaedtbe belief that I eould aot writaAoae verae of a poam,
bafora I reaeived thkr aatrioal poem of eji^en veraea without the
aithai^ aama aa I manUonad baibrt^ I thaa th|>u|ht I waa oaHai
• ■ ' ■ '"■ *.■'
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w-MTrilton. .nd .f I «oald .ncoe^ h. dohig .o. .nd m -on m f
T^ t!.??*" '*:! '^***' •*"*»• >^«» ' ^•^W "» J it to tho wrIUr
i ^1*^*^^ "^^^ ^ high «y^««lii> fer mj i rridng,. J^
J^»ar hdmb?li tottAnl knd wIMidr, r .
a[^C '•;,'■ ••^^- ■ :■ " ; ^(>W ^MVtH. L. U D. ■ . ;.'
-.-■r Vr^ ^'*
finNw, m rvy--
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friend tlie ingeniuf Sir John Smyth of .To!ronto> hat
produced a poem on the occasion of fi[ef l|^ajeatv't
nuptials. It is difficult to. say vrh^l^er t^ simplicity
of the style, the beauty and harmony of the language,
or the orginality of the ideas are most to be idmiredr
In order that our readers roav pantjjQiplte I& the^
amusement of the; poem afior^ed us» m bfitQ lay it
before them.* ' ,v - ,. . / ■ -(
Upon the most ccUhrated marrut^ of Her Uoit ChU"
cious Majeety Queen Victqria^ to HhUfj/^f High*
nets Prince Albifrt, ■
Hbw happy is the ma^n
Who has g|p&rttam*s Queen,
Prince Albert^lra out-ralk /^
All others it may b^ seen.
BritaiA^i best and sweet rose,
f Prince Albert has qow wod»
And to his rival foes
He can say he's them 6i^t*doae»
The lilly of Britannia
Prince Albert has now got^
And pur Queen Victoria ;
is blesiBed in her lot* / >
• •*-
i '■ 1
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■ i!^:
Britdo'i moitlofdhf flower '
It mott happily united, W-
And what a mott happy hoar,
WI19 hat our Queen plighted.
j(ritain*t most costly pearl
, ^ prince Albert has now founds
• And he hat now won a laurel '
J' That't not in the world round..
The liett diamond of England
- Prince Albert hat now gained ;
And mott high he doei ttand» *-
Ai he't now the mott fumed.
Prince Albert it the ttar,
^ Now of Great Briiain't Itle,
Hit like youll meet but rare.
At God upon, him did tmile*
OurQuJBeo It like thetun
Shining over creation.
And when their livet are tpun.
Be bibtted with talVation.
+. — i
v ;:■■:;-.■:■- •;•■-, /A. POEM"-'-'
WnUen upon the CeUhratiun of the most Cehbr^UH
^rrxageofUtr Mou Gracious Majegty Qtuei
Fictoiw, to Hti Royal Highnesi PriJe Albert,
Hw greatW the peace, good will and harm. i
Md mnj mm ciytmy ere be Mtihrw^ -—-V
And*tiQr;lo)*% td oar Quetoi filfew^etr t:
' And John Bull like the pfurn pud^itfgdt the roft^cbe^f
And ^It that %vigh*d of it dfd partake at the timcL ^^
i%e peQ^|g4\wrate cotrntiy ib great crowJi ca«i^
r - To see thi^amtisefnents and the great dfspk»y^
i Made for our Queen and th(^ Pfince/fbt^rcat » tWir
--'■■.■■--u-.ftme;";-"--^ '.., ■; ;" ■""■', -'^-v' •. ;' ;Vv :^'-,v;V..™ ;
^ndthehajpy pair are like two flowers in May. '
AQ wasinfipaiieht to Rave the satisfaction, ^'^
V To have th0 pleasum of theev«ii^
The great aiid the expectcdateminallon, ^ n
>^nd all appear^ to shew good wiJ] aiid it express '
The dliiizens all appeared to ha ve a Ivlsfe:
.Their neighbours if possible for to exC6l; t "
Their loyalty for to shew and it to cherish,
That ttey mac^ the best appearance that all (fould
.,,,.■■:, •:;^::;-:telt:-;;:;:-.;^::-^ ' '
i '■ • •- .. n.;- ■■-:■.■■■■■ • "■■..--?-<»■>• .;>C. V- ...•-■.:.■■■■••:: ■^■
The boo-fires, the rockets, and the fire-tetlls,)
.And the balloons added' to the eveniiMfs eraa^r i
OmrceJebraUn^this day on ihe^lVovkceca^^
^ To foll^oE example and shew their^p^ndotir.
^.^. . -v' '■" ' ■ '" ■ '- ■ ' ■■■"■•^ '■ " ' '-■■' ' -''^
And Bwit ebaraaing^d: Jtaoseendam tlke^^dap^
And' ttie eity woi noiti d^igk^^^
Aniyt would ev^c3l^beb^^
-'' N ■■■■■, ■ ■■' .{-: •■ V. %^)'k\"''"-'\' i !■ i" •■■!■■■•■' : "■••'■*.'"'(. ■ ■■.»]
hi Ihe evening Qiir tlteets W6re thi'onflea to exoefp^
Wlthttadies and geodeioeii oC all dMaeit , ; ;
^fae gfiand jBihd most superior scene to witness, i.
^ And all exclaimed this of all scenes surpassei. ^
This grand ^elebradoii day will make a lasting^ '
Impression of loyaltyJiieirery heart,
To our Queen in all-— in chi||^en now aclsing
In di|Fticttlai^ and from pur nofjiHrt^H^
:•■■ . ". '^' ':'■ '-«>■ V '/ ■■ ' ■■ '■*"■" ■■• ■':■■ ■■ . -^
' " ■ * '■' ■ ■ ■/ ■ *v
I vGod bless bur Queen Sl Her Royal Consort the Prince,,
And may our Qiieen and Pripce Albert long live.
And may we always show our loyalty and good sens^
By our allegianoe to our Queen to show and give.
And wben our Qiiecm aiid P^^ shall be n»
'..'■■ "■""'rooro,.-- .-: :■ ■ ;^ ■■.•.
^Be received into beaven with God above»'^
To reaitibe'rewitrdpf the righteous, that's in 8tpre»
e?dr more tQ/sing all redeeming Ic^ve.
' '.\\ ,\ •^■■- -^ ■■■"■■■.■ '■ ■ .;'■■./" ■^■•■■. -
Thb Celebrated Captain B^arr^attVieiiEiarks wpon^e
a^ld one ci my poems, copied frohd his wocks, entitlec
Ills ** Diary is AmencmJ^ *^I must noi^however omit to
iofomii my jreaders, that at Torontori received a letter
frttiifi I l^i^r uml^ir whn was polite enough to teoid
me sevt^ specimens of his poetry, stating the re*
in^lljlbi ^ iact» that he had never wntten a veirse until
beSi fort^lbnr y^isaip irf" age^and that ai |o the 0%
^fe aQC«tk« of WiWvW froni ftrron
it.wti not true, for he netfr Iwd read ByitH i i« hi.
life. Havijff put our reaJeri in pv
^ 1*hey iare nir before the wealth of the Indies, ^^^
With all their flowing' sweet nmelling spicies— • ,
To lore them Is the duty of our species.
llie ladks are always, to be^^^ ^, ,
And for their great value to be desired ;
the ladios can banuh all of our sorrows, « *
And fmkd all righrand pleasaAt that follows.
Who wodld not honor and love the ladie^s fair^
F6r they Ire \o us like a bright mqrning Jtar ;
the ladies can sootfie our troubles^ and oare» '
And chase awftyoiA- grief and bur 4iaj|)^r.
.'.'r- ■«-.W^
the ladles are att our thoughU^^^
Andifre are pleased when they are in oqr sight ;
'"' ■ " * our troubled br e ajt,
For with them we fancy #e arO irith^^e yest.
. 4^
^hfr^Mes charm 0$ «o4 are «lf oar joy,
To hoAor aod |)rai8e theur'oQf tiirie WeUI emBloy
The ladies ^e wHr cnrer love fuidtdo^
lor of all earthly blefsiiigf they are bi^fci^ •
! The ladies are. to us a stai: and a crown, V
Their beautres/are like a sweet rofie just blown r
rrom theseji^ely ladiesmay alt choQsfe.a wife,
And in peKbe anajnloYe lire during our Jffe.
^mw most lovely and beautiful are women, ' . ^
And man is only bles^d with tliem ^c^ imH till tli^n;
How most chairming ^nd so Hoe is a^ wofina^ fajr,
And she will sootjie all^of owr troubles ^nit care, w
i.'f J^V-
A fine woman islike a benntlfiil flawer,
Placed intoour most fevoorite bower; i Vfr
^ A fine wonnnan is like a most costly cBmsioiid^
And ahewilfall other eaurthly blessiu^i iraoaeewft
Agoo^oman is like ai costly pearl so fine; {
bl^ win {)rove a blessing to Rian in his \m&M0
A good Woman it of a great valuatbn, v*' ^ ; ^ I ^
For s'wr WiH e^^lal^ourantic^tioii. ^ i / f^
"; Who^i^d «ot lov^ i| woman and her adore t ^
And^such oartbly U^iiffil^ W ife iv^o hiv^ liutfi^
bf mon^li^ IK^
,riimii0^ ^m^m,per$on when they cannot JirMi gain
There are many peraons that wish to mafry; -^^^
1 Think that if they can got one forcVi into their handi
All wiHIiowdKbiiHhey will ever be sorry, r » l
That they were joined with them in wedlock bands.
For wliere thereis no aflfection whatlivfll follow^
. Hatred and ill will, now will be the consequence.
And your Jipart wjH be filled with keen sorrow,
j And'yoii witl find against yourself In this' oflettb^.
It is thO hdi^ht bffolly^r ^ne to ifency, IP^ ' ^
Without afl^ection you will ever be liappy ;
Tiiii 19 acting like one that's insane and crazy, *
' Aod you will be tiiiscrable and unhapf^. -
This^ketkie making a leap in tho dark, '
Audit- vjfilf pi^ve your riiin aod'defttrue^,
For in» their heart there is no love, no not a spark I
And for this step you^will 1)0 dnven to distfaetM*
. ■ '■ ■. , ■■.•^"' -^ . . ■: '■■■ •• .;■;.■■_- , ■ ■■ J -../;,■>
How unhappy now is your miserable itate,
Your^how bound to one who has no ai^otion^fbryiMu
RepeiiiftlHie now wiU avail^^ all ia^tooilato^
And peace and happinjesa^ou must now bki adie«.
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WfUi^ agiiikiii par$tU$ tmremioiuM^ oppaiing\ iitir
ddUrm Jhm hofring^ir firm wilt tmd mthaUary
cMm of a iuUable and JU companion ffohom^^iko^
Ob i how grieftt and molt eof a
M by iudi oppod^ are to dittra^ - ^
Drii^Mi, iod they ^ vory ^Idom rd^vcur. >. t
ITm*.— *A JbiiMnv girl Minfd CkiadiloaM LtM, mM t^ Imht*
-jmllM BMitbMatUbl wMnui \m. Tmm Utoijr d#«tr*j«d haiMlf
EiTeMiMiMnoe of li«riaoUi«riiMiiUaf upon hor manjriliig %m%n
tifct h om with m
rtto JfbniiiiflRWi:¥roato IVuuwHp
. -1,^..,
.1 V-
:■ / ,"■
May WQ an remember that we must shortly die,
And into the cold sileibt tomb must shortly lie, ;
As our beloved sister that is here jg;one before, '
And ever Kve prepared to heaven t6 soar^ , { k,
How euUed is tfa^ British sMdier's^situBtionf
And proud he may be to belong to wch a nation^
for £»ia of Tery superior grandeurv ^ .^
I And to bel(Hi|^toiheir forces is a great honour^ \ 7^
ay ItjMMr be said that a British soMier^ . n^^^
' Ihim such a superior coloui:r^^^^^^^^ ^^- .
eaaked is the'British high namft
Aid lhn|>iig)i the timverse k^ their great ftme.
jQf^ oUier wMtofi tli0y itre«li»jMl«'<
'And 10 ight thoy «Te Uko aroqk at dtfenw, / ^
In appearaiMst ihow ttry neat thoyi^ra atid ir1(Mui>
TNjr wil^Mrfttfi^l oiho^ ididiera«?«r/jeQii.
Like brave heroes they will most cheerfully fight
And the^iftht of them Will Itue Brttom iiesrt d^Ughu
With ttacnty wllltJheei^fillly advaiiee, -^^ fy^^^^^
la tkeliankst figbt with their enem3r triiitiDg/dbincfl.
Who would not be the soldier's advocate and !friend,
For upon them our natioii^ destinies depend ;
For instance Lord Wellington tlie great conqueror.
And Britain'a proteclor^Jddli^eiiet aiid jreal warior.
Afid'the immortal Admirnil Nelson the fcero, -'Ur^- -
WhogainMmanyiavictory and subdued his foci
Britoos'timy ivell be prond of tfeir gallant men, :
And forward iheyMI go whto they igot the ward when]
Who would not love aifid extol Queen Viotoria,
And do all for the good cause of^ritannia;
And may God bless our QueeilancNll of her sobjeeUJ
And be i^ceived above at last and skinaJik^ planetsJ
J^on.^ Chinmrondihewarbetweei^i
The ruin itttd>lhettey^ill4|fi%hSf o«iwbi^iMUI/ftar\
GhiMM are very wiie in their own eyei, *
Barbarooi erael and very conceited, i
ind all other nations they do much despife, '
Andfor it they will be abhored andMedv : i
; .■^; ■ - ; . . ■■_ ■ ■;,''■■■ ,. ■".v.-/ ■:■,•, ':'■': ■-:/'■-.::
Chineie may boast of their long continu'd peace,
And4heir millions and their most numerous host;
'he insulted British heroes will not cease :r^-
Until they shall cry for peace and all is lost.
'he Chinese vainly call themselves celestial, ,^ ^ ^
And all other or the nations barbarians ; y
^or this they will be brought to a just tribunal, [tians.
Andthay will have to learn that they must be chris-
'he ffallant British forces will teach China,
A lesson that th^v were never tauffht before,
'hat ihoy mqst yield to the arms of vicforia.
And this lesson Will make them feel very soar.
'd conquer the Chinese numerous legion,
Will be the greatest victories ever gained,
^nd this will m for the cause of relinon.
For with their Idols they have God Jong profaned.
ta$t ruj^ttfuthf dedicated to the brave and jjoliaht
JbimmiiMtBaen Stefiwd, Rear AdmiralWalkir
MmEMgUehf and Admiral Bendiera m Auitrian,
a ni^kfi i he combin e d for ce s un d er their commav i idi
whe iMf 01 the eeige and the taking of ^Jfean
StAien in Sgufit uikick uuu wMdsr the c em ma nd o)
Mehmet AH rM!ka.
Behold I bohold St. Jean D^Acni it takaiV ^
By the combm'4 fleeti of Turkey, AiiMtrm & EnghMl
Ana th^y did yield after their city waa well ihaken.
And Aree hours la bard iNilUe wo Mif^ ft^ did
■ .;. ptand. , ■■:•:■■■■ .- ': \r :.;'^\ ■ v;:^- ■■^■■■.•\i\
Thia aetipn waa fouglit the aecond of November,
In the year one tnOiitand eiffht- hundred and4brty,|
When the enemy made a^omf^te luscei^er ,
Tio otrr btave forces thaiwaa in the i«%>riQr.
In three hours tu«e twwity lhousand^sW^ai|(i shot
From our comtMn'd fleets into their city wj^rei firedJ
And they soon began to lament and morn their sad lot,
And mm our &ids they very soon ppaof des|red.|
Xwonty-five hundred of the onemy were slain,
And three thousand gave up and made a surrender,]
For our shot and shells fell into their ci|y like rs^in, '
And all that wero there witl this very welt remcm-
Upon our dde &ere were only thii^ killed,
Whieh is very remarkable for to tell ;
And our enemies vtjsre very soon with great fear fillei
For they very fast in the city in ^ath fell.
Adittinda Baiidiit«L,Sir RoIrL Stoibrd dtl^^ Bayj
ThBiH W9l^tibt4d1&r Ite wtah IbM to
Jpon th§ moit «/
Ocv^moff Ckmtral
Vjpp^r Canadcu
crifM of ike M(«mpf to dti-
ih$ much $tt$mtduii€ LUfU.
[r liOMc Brack, ikt Jftrp #/*
[ow mean* contenptibM and low ta the wr^tek.
Who attempted to blow i» the moniuneot
»r Sir htm Broek the-devil wUl him aoon ketch.
And he will he paaish'd for ever in tocmeiU.
I how depraved is the man, who is guilty
Of theawfiolerimeof diiturbiogthe dead;
[e wiUbeahhof^d, for he if the moat ^Ithy*
AodaU will hip deteatas f snakes and hioi4r<|id.
[t it oMt d* the power, Sir Isaac Brock's (ame^
For any wretch his transcendant ^me to prevent ;
^or great and most high is his exalted name» : «
And his death we will all ever deplore and kment
' . • ■ ■■' . ■ ■■ ■ '.''.. ■ ". ' . ■ *• '
iirisaae Brook was a star Irom the east ttixndk >
And like as the sun^s briffht and most shining ray,
|We wiU seldom meet his like and the lamo,
For kis..exceUence shone like the aun mi ooon^ay.
Ht Isaac Brook waa a hero and a eoiMuejrer» ^
Which most be allowed and acknowledged by ail,
Lod a ftatesman as well as a great warrior.
In htaconne all would like lo ruo^bothj^tat d(^ amid].
loaiw and gaUant hao Sir fsaaft^Rict^
laiheiate war with oorenemy and Ibe^
'i^', .
W^K to Detroit with a %fave tittle flock
To attack Qcneral Hull the pretendc44icra „ >
'' Oiir hero lent a truce for him to wirrenden * ' ^
We will fight a little first he replied ;
We foon made him ffive up to our commandcr» I
After a few thoU from our cauDOQ were fire ^
The victory we gained and so nobly won,;- ;^
' Then to Niagara we oame to our home ; ''
When our fijght was finished and done, >l
And then we had no more so far from home.
*'.''"-■ «* .-■■','■
Shortly after we liad t6 0ur station retdrhed,
The Yankee rogues jikmpted to take Queenston.
We gave them battl%iAd.|hey soon their fete mourned
And soon off Queenston heights we made ther'
: himpdown. ■ . ^ ^-:>:^ymi:
In this action as vie advanced up the heightsi ^
Igv Our brive General Sir Isaac Brock was shot,
^%M be alwayi went forward in jthe hotest fights.
This was to be the end and our bravpibofipV lot.
^ : .•'■■■%■ '''^■^'^■A.'-
Now our leader was no more, us to
Bat we the enemv sharply pursued, .
same time Sirlsaac Brock we did much deplorej
ywe ^nquerad and our foe subdued.
ikedfeHows to get back.
,__ rtcrois tiraiapra'a railing flood,
Leatwd off the Niagarri tovrering bank,
And itteoipt'd to Croat, but tbey tbnttd it wm m
, :go6d.
i^ — ^-..
ii*tt«mplUigtofetdowo,ioiiieweff killed. "
Others fiC^A the topi of the treoiL «nd were dead,
ror timmmMl^ roguei in great terror were filled,
^they would feel the cold ateelor the lead.
r M^Iiafio Brock our brave General
-Waadead, a monument upon the balUe ground ^
riM'Tiyied to hip name and for a memorial, .
Hii superior you'll not meet in the world routed.
[any years has past by when this desperado ^ I
Of depravity, the monument to destroy, M.
ind insult the Most High, and show his bravado,
Did a great quantity of powder employ. ^ a
aneral Sir Isaac Brock in death do sleep,
Underneath this monument so tali and so high ;
Jl that ever heard of this good man did weep.
And a great distance you could it behold and spy.
f ' 1 •' ■' ■'/ ■ '■■"■■^■' ./;-,;. ■^•.■■•^■;■-.'^; ■■•>''■■■ ,
iiT IsMc Brock has now gone to heaven to rest,
To teign with the righteous in happiness above^
Lnd to remain forevermore ^ith the blest,
A^#forevermore lo sfaig all redeeniing. love. ; *
Lfter the momuiieiil was greatly injured; * --
A very great number m the militia \:"'!:Z
' this Frovince upon the spot askemUed^
And to rebuilt ttie monument gave one day's pay.
ly this means theri was twenty thousand pounds got
To build anew monument to hismemory, ■■-.
fludi iato be so wdl gufti^ed ^ere can no plot
Be ibnned siich a sacred building to destroy.
. ''^h
Tbeir were alkiul-ive IKbiiiand da Ae oeetfton^
. or iU ekiMi ind eU wet' mSumigaifioeiit gnnd,\
I!o iee 10 many aeiembled of oar ti^ti^
In our gocKl nappy faroorite^ iiK)tich«rmii||^
To lAfiMit €«l9to«lM iJapiaim Mmrryak
THe moat eelabtated Captam llarrYau; ^ -
. : Of olv 4ay alUMl ittri^^ ma,
■ Whoie gmt fame a)[ would wi A to arrive iV
.And ia ms moit traniceiidant course to ruor^
Hi^ iMi the iiinacle of h^^
CaptaM Mjirryatt ia now a aoari^g.
And great and eUlted ia Im good naaoe, :
Andmost widely tbroqglitteworid itilpesring.
^G^Mokih^ writer reigos a kiqg
Y Over the known worJd molt tnumphanUy,
And hii miaei^ will e?er ttOg'-^
;\And tma iongAll will di% moat cheer jyiy.—
Cajbtaiii Manyai^j|aie ihinet most brilliantly^
Giving lisht 0lne^bofe ^A^
^n4%li win remember continoaUy,
'And will ever look up to him ai their jguide;
mtiuillMibriglit light
-=-r-"-. l-l
lent gmd,\
\ Vv
5rrV ;
■ - - . . A .t -
■' -.y
- " '■■:»■■
;:.,iii-:: ■-
. r ■;■'
\_. ^
Broih^ the JUv, WiUiam Cate^ a Briiish W<«;
kjfdn Predeffr, ,■■:. .;■, v:':.:^^- :•;;_,, :,,^,:^^^
'"•■■■'■''. ■■/'■'.■■■■■'■ ■'"■'■■ '^''.- ■■■'■•;'■'■■•' •■
,f |^.^Th6 poiingipMii Ryihii er Siimiiiiit. "^ ^
ir most dealty bdloVd Brbthelr, the Rev. Wm. Case/
Wai tlteHKnt perton titsow tbe gdckt seed
moDff the native and the Indian race,
Andfbf it thqrwerein very great need.
;■''■ ■ ■ ■■ ■' ' ■: . , / ■ ■ - '-/-■
|How most degraded were their situation ' ^ >^ : .;
I Befinre he ivent to thcto to preach the jpMiper. ' v
[Sofik ^p foto depravitjr were their natto^, ^ ^ '
And Veiy deep into misery they had fell*
-V;'.^ "
Great is their change since they embrac'd Christianity,
And took upon tnetn the Ghriitia^holy name;
[iNo more live and act like men of insahity,
'^Alid ever to be liable to censure and blam0. .
The Indians are* now a relicious and good class,
And respectable good and loyal subjects^ ^
[Now altmay see what religion hieis broi^t to pa
And they are no more aadegradedrusticB..
[.,• -■;:..■' ■■ ■:■:"^■■<. ■■"■■.■ :--'v^^'-V~'/-/--;V
[In one thousand eight Jiundred and iwenty-fivet
Was the y^r Brother Case preached glad tidkiffs
To the iMiyveSt^nll the Lbird with them then did stnve,
And thefi they did rise likfB eagles upoii^
How gr^t Itti been the Aim
In raising these poor mortaljs irom their low estalg,
And maluD|^ them like a Iwauti^
And faving them fVqm their miflerable fiite. |
May God ever blets the IndiaDfl and Brother Case,
And when they an|here no more be received above
In heaven, forevermore to sing God's free grace,
And forevermore to sing all redeeming love,
^ Hotsr-^Thein4uj» above a«atioiMd iff w
Moit pdriiatlarfy dedicated to our Most Oracious
Mt^ettty Qvesn Victoria and Hor Ifoyal Coiuori
Prince Albert, upon their miraculous escme Jrom
instant death. ■■^/■^V^:/;■•. :v-^ '^^^
How thankful we ot^ to be to God for alibis mercy,
PWicularly ijMfcfeattempt of assassination
Of otu* Queen and Prince Albert in the late tragi^dy,
And hotr great is God*s goodness and manifestation.
May we continudly Jraise God for all hit gopdnesii,
k ^serving out Sovereign and Her Consort from
. Y-deathg-.-- -■^/■:-- . , v^..-.
A^d may we never be ashamed God to own dc confess,
/ Forliealways watches over us dc keeps os in health.
Hi^wgfeat and horrid is thecrinne^ to try to take the life
Of oor most gracious Queen Victoria d^ her Consort,
; And to hurr^ into eternitjr husband and wife,
And definve the British nation of their hope and
:::•■;,>■■ 'Comfort :v . -^ * ': ;: .'• • ■■/;
i ;
jf moit graciouf l^ueeo «nd her Hoyal GoMort
PdnieAlbertt , . \,
I Aro liwrtwo rowi orlwo miieg only ju^^^
tnd how cruel is the enemy, and hard is the heart.
To cawie our Queen and the Prince unto death to go
■" down. /-■r^v-'. ''.':•• V -;^r'--;-^-.v ■-■:•■■•;.>:■: •■;;:-■■;
V ■ ■•■■ ■^-' ■:■-■ :■■■•• '■■'■' - • ■ -■• ■' v'
ur ffobd and moat gracious Majesty Queen Victoria
^ Ami Prince Albert, are m a bright tnormng atar
jindthesun; ^ ^ „ • *
ley are the exalted pride of Britannia, ^
I oiir apvere?gn has the hearts of her loyal sub-
jects, woii.';';. ■v-';-::;.:,-*:.'^'' ■.'■.::■.
Lnd may God blew our good Qiieeii and lier Royal
' (iwasort the Prince > ^ , c ^ «
With hjBalth, long life, and from them may a host of
, yoiungptenett spring r^^^^^^^^^ ^^. .
ind may we lo?e our Queen and the Prmce* and
V «howoargoodsen8^ . ^ - .
And be received in heaven at last, God's Ipye ever
.■...,. :to-. «Dg- '■:.■:. ■•■.■ ■■' ^-4. ■-.::: ■:*'■■■■: '■■'r':-::-^-:^:
Non-^or gwSi iiidmort grMiwi MigaiU Qmm ▼i«toH*>
'-*if alir boittfwiDg i^ light from the «»,
J^ana^NorOi^Easlern Baundartf Queititm.
yloDK dipplited iiorth-easlera boosdi^
ihalbas eiioited Britain and America^ ;
ImmmmnmM host%, and like war a^auwaign,
^or Bntons will protect Bie claims of Bntanma.
BliMitr JMMitlHtii mml aot^vaiiilv msppomt
That Britain will ev6r mmncler Mr jnst clainit
Forrika uHll her anemies to the laat oppaaa»
Aid ti^fiin her just righta wiii oaTer tpare no paiiM^I
Brother Jonathan ne^ih^t think that John Boll
Will ba fHffhtened lor all he can do or say ; '
Ha tHll find that he cannot hhn hombuff and gull,
Ahd With him to trifle and hifnaTish tricks to phiy.
Brother Jonathan will fear when John Bull doeekroar,
%^d bia enemies will mightily ^^^^^
And if they go near him he wifl make theHn feel sore,|
Aod th^ will most terribly tremble and snake.
i, *.".., } ■»,«■.
t t»«Mld advise Brother jonalhan to be oai^M^^ ,
:' Not to awaken the strbqg Lion of England ;
For the Lidn Urill act and behavi inoat fearful,
And the Um will always maintain his hold stand.
Brother Jonathan will find that it wiH hot do '^
For him with the Lion to trifle and to play.
For the lion will sharply U%b all thit naar hrm g^
And are so fooiisii and ailly to go in his way*
Let Jonathan ieam to Miiie Lion alonot "^ v
For thcf strong* powerful, and furions Lion,
Will make Browet' Jonathan for his firinies atones
Ai^ Bliother Jomthan^ tfie L^
liM-^iii ' ; ; minority. :. . ■- .■ • . •: . . .. .. . ^ ;.; . -. .; :r i^ :^:: •; ■::
Lnd may she and her extdted
him confesSt
^nd from his holy laws and
to ' ^
Grod oiBrn and
latt^ibeibis n^ver
t^nd oiir #tteft ViotOria, tnd her Boyftl CJoHiort
And wbofli the Royal Family are bfre on earth no
Be rboeived by our bletied Redeemer in heafen
From the most adorable %viour whom all bleiaingi
ever flow*
'There evermore ta sing Christ's unspeakable and
redeeming love.
I., -■
A POBM^ .,,,,....,..:,. .4,,..
I^JMH iile Seat of Gover^meiU being removedjrcm the
pity (f Toronto.
Fellow-citizens of the city qf Toronto,!
Ifou must not be frightened and alarihed»
Andlet your property for a little go, ^
7or 1 am resolved you shall not l^ hkhned^
If the seat of ^vemment is taken awav, [grow,
My projected improvcmeDts will make this town
"S^n tjiiey are finished it will shine like a bright ray«
Aod noHmy in this town like a ri^oi^^
■) -■...
Yoii must now unite with me and give me yo>ur aid^
To bring my prqjected plans into eflect^
And then astonishinff and grea^ will be pur trade* >
And immense will be the money wei will* collect^ :
I don't aikyoiir money these impmvements to make.
My plans provides for raising the money required ;
What I am DOW dobig is tUl^ (^
; AM dieseimip^^
irmeetfd improvenientt are iit foUowa :—
I im^nln thfl town to bring the Do^
Iwien thete improvenxenta are made we'll have no
. aorrowB, . , •.
For oar richef will increase beyond number.
I ■.■■■■■'■■,'■■■■■' ^-A*"
\ind alio to make a railroad to lake Hwon, ^ ' .
From this town through ^ most beauufui tractof land
That all things may in great speed be carned.ujwn, ^
' These improvements will appear most majestic and
\;ffrand#. '■.:■' ■^■"•■■i ',/■■•;;:■. ^ ';,-, .;■
And also a railroad to the Balsam lake, " . , , ,
From this city the distance is seventy mile,
Then to go there from this town will a short time take,.
And from thew to thia <|^ will ti^k^ a jhor^
The great advantages of these projected improvements, .
Will make ihis town flourish and blossom like a rose,
Independent <^ the profit of fifty governments, ^ ^ _^
And when these improvements are made we'll laugh
N^k.^T1m Bfebani tak» is nortlMaii of th« eity of Toriatf,
«5^S«ltPta^ "illete^rt of Iid» Wmepa, M^
SJrlhor Uk« OnUrio, in Uio foarth towwWp nojUi of tbo Iowa.
•f iha aamawMW e&tia of liikot of tiio EiTor Tftat.
,:"'■-.. ■/., ]'„: ': I ■-
J^w^ Brother JimaAaM 4;^^ t^ IkiMt$^
:'. :'. ■■■■■"■■I .-■ I' ■•■ ■ , ■"' / ''■'■, \'' : ■ '
Brother Jonathan has now roused the British Lion,
And he wfl|#d■
N -rf. Af oflnoDf went to iee Stm Uk« hii leV
SXy into *• «»«?»« '[^rj^l^ -■ "
rkenSam Pttch wat ab^
S on Of the mue, begotten by ApoHo
In most harmonious embrace, while music
R uK ttei r bed-chamber making the offspr ing^
itrivervatlribntoof rotnd«1roetv
H ear thou the humble praise of •ne*
N ever till now who tried a iingle nne.
S incere my lay. short tho* it be ; ^ *
My fancy flattens as it tnej to soar ^^
Yin clouds amOD^inwhicklhou sifstenthroi
T Z adored of alPwho know true poesy :
P wl - Sir John Smyth f
L ong ihayest thou liine t0s^
L Sue till now she neV^r though
D ebtors to Aee her sona cpnfesa themseWcs, .
feofierthee^ ^
P raise which to unsainted wouliTbe sinful! ^
L et us have something more m thy own style.
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