V] I):S ()|- .SILS lyVIMirKi FROM Till: .S()UI>(.l: or /\l L .srui:ri(ilU; WITH KiNi:)KKi) ruorc.nrs in \i:k.sk »v WW i>/\ui;irLS()ri, Ai TiK)R oi- " LOVK THROlK.n ALL." Tin: I i'n:i< canaiva ikaci sikii:i\' \(i?. voNCfi'. siRKirr. E)ntcred according,' to Act iif the Parlianu-nl of Canada, in the year One Thousand Kij^-hl Hundred and Ninety-seven. hy Amy Parkinson. in the ofVue of the ^Minister of A^^rieultnre. at Ottawa. r ) I>l>l:r-/\(r:. if IKE its pi-eclocessof, Loi'e Throu^Jt All, tliis si!nj>le ci)llocti(>n t)f brief daily ro.iilinns is A Voice frotn a Sick Rootn, the Di'ciipant of wiiifli is uiiril^k" to wrlti' her own thoughts, or to luaUo evt'ii the small ainoimt o( Biblical rosi-aixh whirh siu'h a work wouUl oiJinarily reiiuiro. Tlie Seripdire (|uolatioiis are all from matUetl passaj^'os in her Bible, which have Ivon truly IVords of Snstainifiir, spoken ill times ol" spi-rial weakness and ti-i,al, thriin^h the lipsi^la iVienil \\\\o possi'sses, inileed,^ " the toni^ue ot them that are taught."* The ]L;"reat comfoit thus 1 rou]L;'ht to a mmv Nwary heart has miviMi rise to the wish within it to senil these sanu' ti^xts rt>ith to others, with tlu; adtlition ot some exliaets iVotn the verses, dictated from lime to tinu>, whivh haw been so pre(.Mi>us a means of communion with (lod in lon^ hours of stren^lhlessness aiul seclusion. At the toot oi i-acli exliaet will be found tlu* title o\' \\\c \>oc\\\ \\on\ which it is taken. May tlu' lit ill* book have a mission ol i-hei-r \'o\' man\ who are sulTeiinj4' or in sorrow : aiu! to all into wlu>se hanils it shall come may it biin^- anew the tlionuhl i.'<\~ "liim that is able to Ki':i';r them from falling', ami to presont them laullless before tin* piHvsenci* o^ I lis ^loiy with I'Xieedint;- joy/" " lln- i.iM'd ("loil lialli f^ivcii nil- tlu- loiii^ucol llu-m tliat aw t;m)^li!, llial I slu>iilil lv\ liow 1o siisiait) with woiilv lilm tlia! is \siai\. Isaiah 1. 1, R.\'. ^'' Kept hv llu' powor dI Cutil. " " Me kept him .is the appK> ol His eye." " Thou uih keep 'liiii in iHM-f'tHl poaco vvhosi' luiml is staycil ow Thoe, " I N Jesus' keeping', Here and There — On earth and in His heaven so fair — And Love through All between : No season sh il be ours, of woe ; No time -^ sullerinf* we shall Know — In days 1;uit intervene Between ihis moment and the hour When, answering Hir word of power, T(» yon bright world we rise — But to our highest good will tend. When pain shall cease and sorrow end, Beyond these darkened skies. "in MLS i;i:i:i>iri(i." J/iVKit IDav, Zhc Koxi\ i-^ t\\v keeper. \0m\ ^^'' '^^''^ '^^^^^ ^tt^, by nighl and Jay, ^^^-\ His people e\'ery;\'heie ; None too remote or lowly are His i;iiardian>iiip to share. . . • • He smoolhs the way lor those amid Earth's busy throng who tread, And watches tenderly beside Each lonely suilerer's bed. To weary ones He whisperelh Of the resting-time to come, And comforts grief-bowed hearts with hop Of a glad, immortal hojiie. "Tfir iturti (« tTfiP Hrrprr.' in MLS lU:l:l>iri(i." ^^rronti TBav, " 'I'o. i ;im luitli imii alUMii / Ij JiV SO cast ihwfi, ivhcn thou kfiowes C^w J^'i not My Presence sufficient to die. st Me neu?' ttiee ? cr th UJ -J Streugtli i)i thy 7V"ah/ies^, and comfort for sadness. Power is in Me t^ tur>i monoi/no- to uitulness : Rise, drooping heart, /'>r, bv ?iioht and by day, Lo .' I aoi with thee, am withttu'ealivay. . . Look onward/ took tip! there are joys set before thee! Liglit is beyond the dark ctowis that hang o'er thee ! Let liope with thy patiowe be sweetlv cotnbinino- To drive from thy soul every thouglit of repi)ii)i-> : Soon skat around iliee shine heave n\s bright day And thou ska it be wit it A/e, be with Me tor aye. (< IM MLS lil;l:|)|N(i.' Q^ ^^ iri(i." ,lfoiuti) 33ai,>. !})i' yilu-lli poluii Ui tin- I, mil ^ORKOWS siinound- and oh, niv heart i^iows faint, C^j 'I'lie journey seems so hnv^ ; ^-^ Vet can 1 still endure : ihe Lord, Himself, He is my strength and song. His Presence will be with me all the way, To cheer, sustain and guide, Until, at last, 1 come where nevermore Shall aught of ill betide. — (Tonfitirnrr. '■|M MLS |-vl:l:|)|M(i." Q^ >^ 4f(fti) Wa}}. " ^IxcnqUxcncb luilh ,ill initjhl. .u■an•^mo to i)i'> Qloruniti ^.lolurv. unto ,ill p.ilinuc ,\nb loiujoiiffaiiui luitli jiiuful)U''JiK" HALL I not e'en with thankfulness Lndure this sad unrest, Since Thou dost let me lean niv head Upon Thy gentle breast ; And since 1 never should have known, But for these day., of pain, How tender and how strong Thou art, To comfort and sustain ? I will, 1 will be patient, Lord, Yea, even joy to bear The weary hours, on eanh below. Which Thou with me wilt share- Till the blest time wlien, folded in Thine arms of might and love, With Thee my happy soul shall rise To the glad world above. - lirfiVinisr. IN IMS i;i:r:l>lM(i." 3i.vtJ) J3av. ' J\\v piMii" X ailicunto vov. OVV sweet is the soothing with Jesus we tiiid, Jjt For sorrow-pressed spirit or care-hiden mind ; How precious the peace His redeemed ones know, Though roimd thetii lough tides of adversity flow. No grief-bended head but may lean on His breast, No earth-weary heart in His love but may rest ; He hath solace for each,— and in safety, at last. He will bring where all trouble for aye shall be past << IN IILS Kr:r:l>IN(i." Q::^M^^mm<^^ 5^rlirntl) JDay. 'Olnlo Hlhrc, (0 }L'nl■^, ^o E lift up my soul. Y soul is waiting for its God, His ways, His times are best ; " I build my hope upon His word, And here I lind my rest. But while ! wait 1 lift to Him An earnest, longing gaze, As watchmen wait, with wakeful eyes, For the first morning rays : Yea, even more than watchmen look Until the darkness flee, Looks forth my soul, with strong desire The Lord of Light to see. .-t3«alm (a XX. Cfiflljtl] Dai). " ^lu-p th.it luait upon thr I'oih .>h.ill inu-lu tlirir '^liciuith." I N quietness : not in vain, freiful ch:Uing- A^^'mst the limits God halh set for thee,- Biit in a calm and patient acquiescence Thy strength shall be. . . . > * Then chafe not, fret not, make His will thy pleasure ; Trust His wise love, and wait unnuirmuringl}' ; So Shalt thou prove how perfect in thy weakness His strength can be. "iM IILS Kl":l;l>lrl(i." Q^o h=:D Xinii) XDai). ".Ttofnt-lifirs iBitli ^Tfirisf: ff so lir thii ttif siitfrr tDitl) ?tMm,t()at tor man br also QlonficD toQftiirr." I I No/ to thee there comes A time of suffering, Imt I do long For that gliid dav wlien these, Mine arms, spread now Beneath and ronfid t/iee, swift shall raise and bear Where pain is not. And even now thou shouldst Arise witii Me were not My love for thee Strong as 'tis tender : so that it can clioose Thy present so -row^ Juiowing this doth tend lo future happiness Thou read'st not nozv This mystery aright ; but thou slialt read Hereafter. An(f meanwhile, with patient heart Sure tiwu canst wait ; for to, f wait with thee — Unto the bright, brigJit end ! V I "in iii> rvi:i:i>iriiri(i." Q^ s^ i 1=lrlirnt1) TDai), •'^ji6 ii'.hfvil.iiui IS, His are we I— Oh, thought supremely sweet! — His, Who is pledged that He will keep the feel Of His redeemed ones: His, beneath Whose wing They are secure from every hurtful thing : His, Whose compassionate heart toward them doth move. With truest sympathy and lenderest love, In every time of woe: His, His alone Who is, in all things, mindful of His own Yes, we are His !— Oh, happy, happy thought ! Oh, words with richest consolation fraught! — His, for all days of time. His tender care To prove, in every trial we must bear ; And more than this; we still His own shall be. Throughout a sorrowless eternity. ~U}i^ (num. I i (( in IILS l\l:i:|)|ri(i." Q^ ■A >^ ijru)rilt1) 73ap. jWv lio.Wi and inp hi'.iH l.uhth; iml o,oi\ n. Ihc slirnatlt of liiii hf.iil ,iiiti inn poitinn foicbcr " I N Thee we trust : hold '! hou our hands in Thire Stay human feebleness on might divine ! Thou art the one support that can avail Fo bear us up when heart and tlesh do fail. J • \ O let us cling to Thee ! and ne'er remove Till safely brought to the bright world above ! For thus alone it may to us be i^iven To gain an entrance through the gate ("f heaven, -at Xiijf)tfaU. :l <( in iii> i;i;i:i)iri(i." Q^^ i I I "in iiiN rj-ri>iN(i/' Jfouvtrmtl) 13d]} jWv lluuiglU'.^ .lie not youi tUuinjhl'., luitlui f;;:^^v O gift save of Thy choosing ! l:^ 1 No joy Ihctu dost not send ! ■ . No path but the one Thou pointest out, Dear Lord, till earth shall end ! The heart of tlesh may falter, And long lor some boon denied ; But the soul hath ever its wish with Thine, And would follow where Thou dost guide. —"€\)v diilill br Dour." IM MLS lvl:l:|)|rKi." .Iftftrnitf) Dai). '•I am tin iioin. I diaiiflr not. U IM(i." : iitcrnti) Hai). " Jc.ii- thou not , foi' I .im luitit thn- HAR Lord, ni}/ heart hath sorrows it would confide to Thee, And fears that it would ask Thee to dispel,— Bend Thou more closely o'er me, to catch the whispers low, And breathe Thy sweet "Tis I, all shall be well." While Thou dost stay and comfort the feeblest cannot fall,- The saddest souls smile, even through their tears, And, 'neath the sure protection of Thine Almighty w'ing. Hearts that grew faint triumph o'er boding fears. Before Thy children call l^hee Thou answerest, O Lord ! H'en now my head reclines against Thy breast ! And Thou wilt soothe my sadness, banish my every fear, And safely bring me to Thy Hndless Rest. — "itrrsrnt iiKlp." "IM IILS rxr;l:|)|M(i." Q^ ^^ ^rbnmciU) IBav. "i luiU luuti Ic.ilu- lluc, luu tovs.ilu- tlu-c. ITH hand dose clasped in His, all fearless tread The unknown way before thee ; His presence on thy path will radiance shed, Though dark the shadows o'er thee. His strong right arm shall thy frail form surround, If enemies o'ertake thee, — No ill can harm whilst thou with Him art found, And He will ne'er forsake thee. — " Crust in il^im at aU rtmrs." IN Hi:S l\l:l:l>lN(i." 3£igi)trnui) J3av. •'JFrar nof, littlr flotU for tt is noiir jFatftcr's flooD plrasiirr to gilir nou tfir tAingOom ' OUGH is the path ? Still thy feet shall not stumble ; Steep the ascent ^ Thou shall fail not of strength ; Thy God will make plain the rough places before thee — On His arm thou shalt lean thro' the journey's whole length, Is thy life sad ? There is bliss in the future ; Knowest thou sickness ? In heaven is no pain ; The Lord doth prepare thee a crown of rejoicing— If thou sutler with him, with Himself thou shalt reign. Krassuraiirr. ({ IN lll.s i;r:i:|)|M(i." c^^ §^ II iSTiuctfcntl) Hai). •iTaU upon j«r. anO 1! lutii anstorr fftrr. anfi sftfii) tlirf gn\n atiD luonOrrous tfiings luliirfi tftoii luiolur&t not. // ERE / ani^ close htmdiug o'er thee ; None beside was e\'r so near ; Speak but in thy -weakest whisper — Every word will reach My ear. No, not here thou comprehendest _ Why I let thee suffer so, When I love thee ; but hereafter ' Twill be granted thee to know, And amid the joys supernal. Which thou soon with Me shall share, Thou wilt praise Me for each sorrow That it 710W is thine to bear. in MLS iu:r:i^iN(i." iiriacntietJ) TDav. "tTiur [tQdt attliitioii, mimf) isOiu fora momriit. tuorkrrt) for us a far moi rrrfffiing anO ftfrnal lurigjit of glorn." (^ HESH, our afflictions, soon shall fade and vanish : But the exceeding- joys whereto they tend— And which will far outweight them— shall be changeless Through years that cannot end. We see not, now, how from earth's bitter sorrows Heaven's fruitage sweet of happiness can grow,— Bui He Whose promises have ne'er been broken Tells us it shall be so. — <3farrablr .-ffniits. << IN MLS Ki:l:|)|N(i." 0:==^ :5nR'^55=:9 E'mtntv^fixm 73ap. " JiK sliall GiUr «i>is aiiflrls cljaror olirr tfirc." N their strong hands, gentle to soothe, but firm To give support, thou shalt be borne o'er all The roughest places And though a swift, dark stream Flows near, and in its windings often comes So close it seems that it must cross thy path — Though rough winds catch the rising- spray, and leave Its cold touch on thy face, thou need'st not fear ; God's ministering spirits have their charge That harm befall thee not. And though, indeed, The tide must once be crossed— that crossing o'er, The angels' charge may end ; tor thou shalt then Be sheltered, safe, and fearless, where no ways Are wearisome, no rough winds ever blow, And dangers all are past. -~(ri)c Unqd^' ^fiargr. I tt IN WIS i;i:r:l>lM(i/' c^^ >^ ^iMrntnrsrrouii 33ai). "In nil) jratlicrs liousr >i!r nKiiuj marisioiis £ Qo to Dirparr a pLur for luui." HHRh" stands for me a mansion, glorious bright, In a far land where ne'er is grief nor night/ But where, through endless rounds of happy days, From care-freed hearts rise joyous songs (jf praise.' 1 have a Friend in that glad world above, A Friend Who loves me with unequalled love ; ' ris He Who makes my home so wondrous fair, And His dear voice will bid me welcome there. O Saviour- King- ! Friend of the matchless love ! When glad 1 enter to my home above— Farth's sorrows ended, and its darkness o'er— How shall my songful heart Thy praise out-pour ! * "IM IILS i<;r:r:PiN(i." Q^ 5==^ 4!rU)nun=tl)ivti E>aij. " (Of Qilifiii iiiou- ijiair. h'ST thee, () rest thee, thy Saviour is nigh, Shrink not from the days which before thee may He ; The Friend Who has hitherto watched by thy side Will never forsake if new trials betide \ I Trust Him, O trust Him, He loves and He knows — In love He hath planned all thy life to its close ; Contide in him fully, leave all to His care, Each cross that He gives He will help thee to bear. — "Urst in tfir ?iorti." (t IM HIS IU;l:l>iM-,." Q::^mm^(m^^^ Eiunujj^fourtl) JDav, " I'ri mill i; (ir to ilinii a;, a little saiu'iianj III tlif coiiiitrifs uiiirrf ilirn shall coinr. ' HhRb'Hf^ Thou an, C) Lord, is Holy llace— And soliiary souls may claim Thy grace ; Then, though 1 go not forth to woi>hip Thee, Oh, let me ceaseless feel Thy Presence circling me ! Accept ihe i^altering prayers 1 feebly raise, And listen to my few, faint words of praise : I hee doth this trembling heart truly adore; Thine is its deepest love- would i. could render more ! Thyself my sanctuary ; blessed Lord, If Thou, indeed, fultii to me this word, Well may I stay content where I am come. Till Thou shah bid me rise to i hy Eternal Home. • — c^lorsfiip. "IN IILS rvl;|;|>IM(i." iiruirnti;=1ifH) Uaij. " Mr arr jttu ii)itnrtt;:irs. y NWOK IHY, oh, all unv-oitliy am 1, To be used, dear Lord, by thee ; Yet many a message, glad and sweet, Thou ha^t trusted to me, even me. IP I wonder, 1 wonder, and oft 1 weep, ~ When 1 think how Thou honorest me- And how all unworthy 1 am, dear Lord, ']"o utter a word for Thee. But, though I have nothing of worthiness, My wish is, indeed, Thy will ; And I long, 1 long to be used by Thee — O give me I'hy messages still ! m 1 in iiLs Kr:i:i)iri(i." iiriurntn-Kii.iH) 73av. '•?Lrt not luiiir lirart dr truiiDlrti. iiritlirr I N all thy afrlictions Ht\ loo, i$ altlicted ;-— No season of sutTcriii*^ or soriow is ihine, Oh ! nauoht that Thou dreadesi doth ever approach ihee,— But wakes a new thrill of compassion divine. . . List thou to His voice, which, in softest of accents, Most sweetly doth speak to thee : ''Be of good cheer, My strength through each trial shall surely sustain ihee; Peace, peace troubled heart, let Me banish thy fear." " irimev tfian a Lirotfirr." iri-iiis i-iinrPiMd." Q^^ ^<^ i!riurntP=*rl'fnH) TBav. "Zht tMif fining's of tliio pn-'scnt limr .ur not luaillu,) la br l■o)np.u•c^ luitlt the glniy lohiih shall be vrbcalcb in m." Then, though the cross Press heavily upon us, and remove not Till we have trod life's pathway to its close, — We will not e'er repine. He, who, for us, Doth keep such bliss incomparable in His heavan of joy, will, while we wait on earth, Permit no useless pain. . . So, when His ways are most inscrutable, — Be our faith but the stronger ! When the road O'er which He bids us journey, steeper grows. While thickening cloud'^ surround,^be hope more sure! The darkest hour is Usher to the Dawn ; The steepest path, and most beclouded, ends Upon the mountain top in light resplendent. — " Xot 5i4};lortf)ij to tt (Tomparrti." I|h|i << in MLS i\r:i:i)iri(i." Q::=^Mk^M^:^^ iirUirntP:^rioi)t1) Dan. " riir ttmifls riiliiii) vitr firm arr triii' poral; but tiir things wtitrh art not srrn arr ftrrtial." ^^lO^'S fair flowers— in life's fresh morning [Q)J Fade they fast, and die ? Thou shah gather brighter blossoms, 'Neath a purer sky. Stars of hope that sparkled o'er thee— Do their lights decline ? Falter not— for straight before thee Heaven's glories shine. —CompriHatmu. u IM lll.s i\i:r:i>iri(i." Q^ K S^ III |:i < !l {[ruirntP=niml) Dai,t. 'ftviiiinfl a lifftiif to Drpart, . . . iiriirr tJiflrss to aOiOf . . . U:^ uunr nrrUt'iiI. Thou cans't not err — And, knowini^ this, the spirit stays her tlis^ht Without demur, To hsten if, perchance, Thou make her yet Thy messenger : For Thou dost breathe, To souls that wait and listen, words of cheer ; And so dost wreathe Their grief with joy, that they to other souls May joy bequeath. If this be why 'I1iy weary one still lingers 'mid the scenes She fain would tly — l.ord, let the lips that speak Thy messages Hmit no sigh ! xli niij Uilir'it. i iSM . "l\ IILS i'>i:i:i>iri(i." Cijirttrtij 23ai). UUt\) (/'"tjriBt I I' matters not whether I go or stay : Since He will be with me, either wav . . . He will give me glad foretastes of rest and joy, And His praise shall my feeble lips employ, While I still dwell under earth's stormy skies :- And when to His heaven serene I rise, Calmer and fuller and sweeter shall be The rest which will last eternally, While richly up in my thankful heart A perennial spring of joy shall start— And with tuneful voice, from all faltering free, 1 will render Him praise that shall perfect be- When my King, in His wonderful beauty, 1 see. — PKrr or Tfirrr. tt IN MLS lvl:l:l>iri(i.' Q::=^m^^m^>^ i!ri)irt))::ftrfit JUaiK ^Jii'iiou^^ in the 'MglU of tiic I'oih i'> liif i.f.ith of Ii^i'e. '■:i.iint'r." ("-s.ibcb ones"). P\ O fear I feel, though I must fall asleep, Folded in His embrace; For ere 1 wake He will have brought me to My longed-for resting place ; — Almost before 1 know the final step Of my life-journey trod, hi His dear home 1 glad shall ope my eyes And meet the smile of God. -ri)roiujf) Dartinres to lt)r ?tti]f|t. "jtu IKis l^rrping." Words by Amy Parkinson. Musii.- In- \V. I, HuNTKK I';moi