THE ORIGIN OF LANGUAGES, AND THE ANTIQUITY OF SPEAKING MAN. AN ADDRESS befoke the section of anthropology of the american association for the advancement of science, At Buffalo, August, 1886. By HORATIO HALE, vice-president. [From tlie Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Vol. XXXV.] CAMBRIDGE : JOHN WILSON AND SON. tanfbctsfts |3tes9. 1886. ADDEESS BY HOKATIO HALE, VICE-PKESIt»ENT, SECTION H. THE ORIGIN OF LANGUAGES, AND TEE ANTIQUITY OF SPEAKING MAN. In the studj- of every science there arise from time to time difricult questions or problems, which seem to bar the wa}- of tlie student in one direction or another. It becomes apparent that on the proper sohition of these problems the progress of the science mainly depends ; and the minds of all inquirers are bent earnestly' on the discovery of tliis solution. Such in biolog}' are the questions of the origin of life and the genesis of species. Anthropology, and its auxiliary or component sciences of comparative philologj', ethnol- ogy, and archaeology, have their share of these problems. Among them two of the most important are undoubtedly, in philology, the question of the origin of linguistic stocks, and in archaeology, the question of the epoch at which man acquired the faculty of speech. In the language of modern diplomacy, these would be st3led " burning questions," which must be settled before any hopeful progress can be made in other discussions. A brief consideration of these questions, in the light cast upon them by the most recent discoveries, maj' therefore be deemed to form an appropriate introduction to the work of our Section. Brief!}' defined, then, our inquiry on this occasion will have for its subjects, or rather its subject, — for the two questions are closely coiuiected, and form in reality but one problem, — the origin of languages and the antiquity of speaking man. Tiie question of the origin of languages must be distinguished from the different and larger question of the origin of language, 4 SECTION H. which belongs rather to anthropology proper than to the science of linguistics, and will come under consideration in the later part of our iniiuir}-. Nor yet does our question concern the rise and development of tlie dilierent tongues belonging to one linguistic stocli or family, like the sixty languages of the Aryan or Jndo- European stock, tlic twenty languages of the Hamito-Semitic family, the one hundred and sixty-eiglit languages enumerated by ]Mr. R. N. Cust as comi)osing the great Bantu or South African iamily, and the thirty-five languages of the wide-spread Algonkin stock. Such idioms, however much thej' may ditfer, arc in their nature only dialects. The manner in which these idioms originate is per- fectly well understood. When two communities, in the barbarous or semi-barbarous stage, whose members spoke originally the same language, have been separated for a certain length of time, a dill'cr- cnce of dialect, due to differences of climate, culture, customs, and otlier circumstances, grows up between them. They can still un- derstand each other's speech, but there are variances in pronuncia- tion and in the use of certain words, by which they can readil}' be distinguished. In the progress of time these differences increase. Grammatical peculiarities are developed. Permutations of ele- mentary sounds, like those which are manifested in the famous "Grimm's law," alter whole classes of words be3-ond the recogni- tion of a hearer familiar only with the original speech. And, finall}', two distinct languages are found to have come into being, so diverse in vocabularj- and grammar that each must be learned as a foreign speeeh by the speakers of the other tongue. Yet, however wide may be the diversity, a careful analysis and comparison will always disclose the kinship, and indicate the common origin of the two languages. But while the manner in which different languages of the same family arise is thus evident enough, not merely in theory, but in the numerous instances which have occurred within historic times, we Lave neither instance nor satisfactory theory to explain the dis- tinction between the families themselves. "When, for example, we have traced back the Ar3-an (or Indo-European) languages and the Semitic languages to their separate mother-tongues, wliich we are able to frame out ot the scattered dialects, we find between these two mother-tongues a great gulf, which no explanation thus far proposed has sufficed to bridge over. How strongly the sense of this difficulty has been felt by the highest minds engaged in philo- ADDKEaS BY HORATIO HALE. logical study will be evident from two striking examples. Sixty years ago, Baron William von HmnlioUlt, who held in this branch of study the same position wliieli was held by liis illustrious brother in the natural sciences, found it — as Dr. IJrinton states in the excellent Introduction to his translation of Iluniboklt's •* Philosophic CJram- uiar of the American Languages" — "so contrary to the results of his prolonged and profound study of languages to believe, for in- stance, that a tongue like the Sanscrit could ever be developed from one like the Chinese, that he frankly said that he would rather accept at once the doctrine of those who attribute the dilferent idioms of men to an immediate revelation from God." Fifty years later, the distinguished representative of linguistic science in France, Pro- fessor Abel Ilovelacque, pronounced in his admirable comi)endium, "La Linguistique " (ISTO), what may be deemed the "last word" of science on this subject. " >«ot only," he allirms, "is there no grammatical identity between the system of the Semitic languages and that of the Indo-European tongues, but these two comprehend inflection in a manner entirely dilfcreiit. Their roots are totally distinct ; their formative elements are essentiall}- dilfcrent ; and there is no relation between the two modes in which these elements perform their functions. The ab3'ss between the two systems is not merely profound, — it is impassable." Such then is the difliculty and the gravity of this question of the origin of languages, — a problem as serious and as fundamentally important for philological science as the question of the origin of species is deemed in biolog}' ; and, as has been alread}' renuirkcd, on the correct solution of this problem the progress and the future, not merely of philology, but of the whole " Science of Man," may be said to depend. For not until it is finally settled will the minds of the students of this science be in accord on the all-important ques- tion whether tlio human race belongs to many species or to only one. Attempts to solve the problem have not been lacking. Several solutions have, indeed, been proposed, but no one of them has met with general acceptance. One of these suggested explanations takes into account the element of time. If man has existed for tiousands of centuries, his speech might, it is supposed, have undergone in that vast period all the alterations required to produce these various linguistic stocks. But the conclusions of William von Humboldt and of Professor Ilovelacque, already cited, — conclu- sions which express the generally received views of the best philol- 6 SECTION n. ogists, — show that this cxplauation cannot be entertained. If the (levclopnicnt of a language lilvo tiie Sanscrit from a language like the CliiiK'se is inconceivable, — if the abyss between the Semitic and the Indo-European tongues is impassable, — then it is clear that the mere element of time canncjt help us in this dillieulty. Moreover, we know, as a matter of fact, that the passage of time has not the effect sui)i)oscd. It is certain that the distance between a Semitic tongue and an Aryan tongue in our day — as, for example, between the modern Arabic and the English — is no greater and no less than was the distance between the Semitic As- syrian and the Aryan Sanscrit a thousand 3ears before the Chris- tian era. If thirty centuries have made no appreciable change in the distinction between these two linguistic families, why should we suppose that three thousand centuries would produce any effect in that direction? But in reality, as will be seen in the progress of our inquiry, it is most probable that no such element of long- protracted time can be admitted in the present case. Another theory which has been favored b^- some esteemed writers, and among others b}' Lyell in his famous work on the " Antiquit}' of Man," supposes that, when men first acquired the capacity of speech, their use of language was probably confined to a few mono- syllabic roots, of vague and fluctuating import, and that, when those who spoke this primitive and half-formed tongue were scattered abroad, their imperfect speech developed into the widel}' different languages which became the mother-tongues of the various linguis- tic families. This ingenious hypothesis, however, is liable, as will be seen, to all the objections which the previousl}- described theory has had to encounter, and, like that, does not stand the test either of reasoning or of facts. If those who used this primitive speech were — as we must suppose them to have been — human beings like those who now exist, their language was a language complete in all its parts ; for no tribe of men has been found in any part of the world so low in the scale of humanit}' as not to have a complete and thoroughly organized language. This language may, like the Chinese and the A'namese, consist wholly or mainly of roots ; but it is none the less complete, and — what is more important to the argument — none the less permanent. In the vast Chinese em- pire, after an existence of more than four thousand years, one spoken language prevails, with dift'erences of dialect not so great us the differences which exist between the Romanic languages of ADDIUCaS BY HORATIO HALK. 7 Europe. If it be suggestpd that this pcrniancnco may be due to the existence of one government and of a written iliaractor, tiie same cannot be afHnned of the nnm}' nionos3llabic hingiiagcs be- longing to the great linguistic families of Trausgaugetic India, — the Tibeto-lJurnian family, tlie Tai family, and liie Mon-Anam family, — where sometimes, as is shown by Mr. Cust in his valu- able work on the "Modern Languages of the East Indies," twenty different languages belonging to one linguistic stoeiv are spolven by connnuiiities living under a dozen different governments, and in every stage of culture. Furthermore, it may be asked, How is it possil)le to suppose that the nineteen distinct linguistic stocks which have been found to exist in what is now the State of Cali- fornia can have originated in dialects of a monosyllabic language spoken thousands of years ago on anotlier continent? Where did these dialects lose all traces of resemblance, and how did the speak- ers of them come to be living side by side in this narrow area? This theory, it will be seen, raises dilllculties far greater than those which it undertakes to explain. Finally, the latest proposed solution, and one which merits spe- cial attention for its scientific interest and the weight of authority in its favor, is the theory first propounded, I believe, by the dis- tinguished Viennese etluH^logist, Dr. Frederick Miiller, and adopted b}' Dr. Ernest Ilaeckel, by Professor Ilovelacque, by General Faid- herbe, and other eminent authorities. This theory supposes that men, or rather the precursors of man, were at first incapable of speech, and that they acquired tliis capacity at different jilaces. This opinion is so important tliat it should be stated in the language of one of its chief .advocates. In his work, "La Linguistiipie," already quoted, Professor Ilovelaccjue, after describing the im- passable gulf which separates the Semitic and the Indo-European languages, adds that tlie case of these languages is the ease of a considerable number of linguistic vsystems ; and he proceeds : " The consequence of this fact is important. If, as we have shown, the faculty of articulate speech is the projjcr and the sole charac- teristic of man, and if the different linguistic systems, which we know, are irreducil)le, they must have come into existence sepa- rately, in regions entirely distinct. It follows tiiat the precursor of man, the first to acquire the faculty of articulate language, has gained this faculty' in different j)laces at the same time, and has thus given birth to many human races originally distinct." 8 SECTION H. Dr. Frederick Mlillcr, whoso noble work, "The Outline of Linguis- tic Science " ( GrniHlriss (kr iSprac/i ir !nnensch((ff) , is for stiulcnts of our time wiiat the " Mithridiitcb" of Addung luid V'atcr was to those of a former generation, — the great thesaurus of pliilologic research and analysis, — not only maintains this view, hut lays down specifi- cally the divisions of race into which the speechless descendants of the primitive precursor of our kind — the homo priinhjcnius (Xlalus — had separated before the}' acquired the faculty of langunge. Yet, notwithstanding the weight which may be justly given to the opinions of such high authorities, it may bo afllrmed in this case, as in the case of the earlier theories, that the difliculties raised by the hypothesis are immeasurably greater than those which it is designed to remove. The number of totally different linguistic stocks, so far as now known, is at the lowest comi)utation over two hundred ; and of these the greater portion belong to the western continent. The theory- now under consideration supposes that both continents were in early times inhabited throughout by beings resembling men, but incapable of s|)eech. It is evident that the process of this wide dis- persion of l)oiiigs in that serai-brutal condition must have occupied a vast space of time. We are reciuired to believe that suddeidy and separately, with no common impulse or cause, but at one time, all these scatiored tribes, which had existed for countless ages without language, fortuitously acquired the facult}' of speech, invented each its own language, and began to converse. Such a stupendous event — the sinndtaneous acquisition, by more than two luuuli'cd distinct communities of speechless beings, of the facult}' which specially distinguishes man from the brute — would well deserve to be styled miracidous. To come down to specific particulars, — many years ago, in mak- ing the first ethnographical survey of Oregon, I found that there were in that region no less than twelve linguistic stocks, — that is, families of languages as distinct from one another in words and grammar as the Semitic family is from the Indo-J^uropean. The able linguists of the Bureau of Ethnology, INIessrs. Gatschet and Dorsey, have made further investigations in this region, and have visited portions of it which I was unable to reach. Their re- searches have confirmed m}' classification, and have added two or three additional stocks. South of this district, Mr. Stephen Powers, in his excellent Report on California, published by the same Bureau, ADDUESS nv HORATIO HALE. 9 has continued Ibo survey in tUat direction, and has found sixteen additional linguistic stocks (besides three of the Oregon stocks) within the liuills of that State. Thus, in a region not much larger than France, we find at least thirty distinct families of languagt's existing together. We are expecteil to believe that tliirty sepai'ale communities of speechless precursors of men, after living side by side in this inarticulate condition for an indelluite period, sudilenly and sinuiltaneonsly acquired the power of speech, and began at once to talk in thirty distinct languages. The mere statement of this grotesque proposition seems sullicient to refute it. AVhile some of the ablest reasoners have thus been groping vaguely and blindly, in wrong directions, for the solution of this problem, and while others, like Humboldt und Whitney, hi' /e given it up in despair, the simple and sufllcicnt explanation has been lying close at hand, awaiting oidy, like many other discoveries in science, the observation of some facts of common occurrence to bring it to light. In the present case, the two ol)servers who have made the conclusive facts known to us have both been Americans, and both of them writers of more than ordinary intelligence ; but both were entirely unknown in this branch of investigation, and both, moreover, had the singular ill-fortinie of pul^lisliing their ob- servations in works of such limited circulation that tlieir important contributions to science have hitherto failed to attain the notice they deserved. Their observations were made at about the same time, nearly twenty jears ago, but published at different dates, — the first in 18(58, the second ten ^-ears later. It was the latter i)ub- lication which first attracted my attention, soon after its appearance, and led to a course of study and inquiry resulting in the facts and conclusions now to be detailed. Before setting forth the facts, it will be well to state at once the result of the inquiry. Briefly, then, the plain conclusion to which all the observations point with irresistible force is, that the origin of linguistic stocks is to be found in what may be termed the lan- guage-making instinct of very young children. P'rom numerous cases, of which the history has been traced, it appears that, when two children who are just beginning to speak are left much to- gether, they sometimes invent a complete language, suflicient for all purposes of mutual intercourse, and yet totally unintelligible to their parents and others about them. It is evident that, in an ordi- nary household, the conditions under which such a language would 10 SECTION II. be formed are most likely to occur in the case of twins. One of the most remurkiible instances is thiit of wliicli a record has been preserved in oneof tlie publications to which reference has been made. Tliis is a volume, published in lH7f<, by E. II. Watson, a lady of Boston, the authoress of several esteemed works on histor- ical sul)Jects. In performing the pious duty of giving to the world an essay by her father, the late tieorge Watson, on "• The Structure of Language, and the Uniform Notation and Classification of \'ow- cls for all Languages," the eilitress has prefixed to it two essays of her own, on ''The Origin of Language," ami on " Spelling Re- form," which show evidence of much reading and thought, and con- tain many valuable suggestions. The volume bears the peculiar title, apparently adopted by JMr. Watson, of " The I'niverse of Language," ami api)earcd under the ausi)ices of the now defunct "Authors' Publishing .Company," by whose lapse most of the edition was cast back upon the hands of the ee htngxuuje, — as it would have been. They per- sistently refused to utter a syllable of English. Not even the usual fn-st words, ' pa[)a,' ' mamma,' ' father,' ' mother,' it is said, did they ever speak ; ami, said the lady who gave this infoiination to the writer, — who was an aunt of the children, and whose home was with them, — they were never known during this interval to call their mother by that name. They had their own name for her, but never the English. In fact, though thc\- had the usual alleclions, were rejoiced to see their fatlier at his returning home each night, playing with him, etc., they would seem to have been otherwise completely takvii up, absorbed with each otlier. . . . The children had not yet been to school ; for, not being able to speak their ' own English,' it seemed impossible to send them from home. Tluy thus passed the days, playing and talking together in their own speech, with all the liveliness and voluliilit}' of common children. Their accent was Gti'UKOi, — as it seemed to the family. Tiiey had regular words, a few of wiiich the family K'arned sometimes to distinguish ; as that, for exami)le, for carriage, which, on hearing one pass in the street, they W'ould exclaim out, and run to tlic window." Tills word for carriage, we are told in another place, was nl-si- i}()0-(i, of which, it is added, the syllal)les were sometimes so repeated that the}' made a nmcli longer word. This, unfortunately, is the onl}' word of the language which Miss Watson was able to ascer- tain ; but even from this one example some interesting inferences may be drawn. The sp«'i'eh was plainly not monosyllaliic ; and the word in (juestion is neither English nor (Jerman. In the conclml- ing syllables, if lengthened b}' repetition, we may perhaps discern an attemfitto imitate the rumbling of a carriage. '' The children,' we are told, " went in the family by the name of the little ' Dutch 12 SECTION 11. bo3's ' ; and the father, at first inquiry of the wfiter, called their speech ' a mixture of German and English.' But the chiUIren at that time had never hoard any German spoken ; therefore it could not have been the former ; and if some English words were picked ui) — as would be but probable — the}' seem to have been so trans- formed that they were not recognizable as such, unless rarely. . . . Tlie mother relates that, although she could not understand their language, she contrived, by attention, to discover what they wished or meant." If the quick car of a mother, after years of intercourse, could not discern the English words, it is clear that the}- were not used in a form which would have proi)erly entitled them to that name. The important information is added, that, "even in that early stage, the language was complete and full ; that is, it was all that was needed. The children were at no loss to exi)rcss themselves in their plays, their ' chattcrings ' with each other, as our inform- ant expressed it, all day. Indeed, the writer would gather from the description given that they were more than usually animated between themselves." The sequel of the story, as graphically told by the authoress, has an interest, as showing that the language spoken around these children was to them really a foreign speech. " It finally seeming hopeless that they were going to learn their ' own tongue,' as we call it, it was concluded to send them to school in the neighbor- hood, they being now six or seven years old. For a week, as the lady teacher described to whom they were sent, they were perfectly mute ; not a sound could be heard from them, but they sat with their eyes intently fixed upon the children, seeming to be watching their every motion, — and, no doubt, listening to every sound. At the end of that time they were induced to utter some words, and gradually and naturally they began, for the first time, to learn their ' native English.' With this accomplishment, the other began, also naturally, to fade away, until the memory, with the use of it, passed from their mind." We cannot but share in the regret expressed by the accomi)lished authoress that she was not acquainted with these facts until it was too late to preserve a record of the language itself, which, it is evident, would have been of great scientific interest. Indeed, but for the facts now to be related, a suspicion might naturally remain, in spite of all that is said of the total strangeness of the children's ADDRESS BY HORATIO HALE. 13 speech, that it was, after all, onh' an exaggerated specimen of ordinary " baby-talk," — a mere babble of imi)erfcc't English, mixed with some mimicries of r.utural sounds. Most fortuiiatcly, another example atl'ords the precise evidence required to dispel all such suspicion. Though in the case now to be described the circumstances were somewhat dific'rent, and the language was probabl}- less complete than in the instance just recorded, yet it happened, by good fortune, that a careful and scicutiiic observer was in a position to preserve at least a portion of it for oin* infor- mation. "While these interesting twins were chattoiing their pecu- liar language in Boston, a little four-year-old girl and her jounger brother in Albany were perplexing their parents by a similar vagary. A clear and satisfactory account of this phenomenon was given by the late E. R. Ilun, M.I)., of that city, in an article pub- lished in the ^Monthly Journal of Psychological Medicine (in the volume for IHOS). under the title of "Singular Development of Language in a Child." For my knowledge of tiiis most important evidence, as well as for man}" otiier valnal)le suggestions, l have to thank our distinguished associate, Dr. Brinton, whose attention no essential fact relating to his favorite sciences is likely to escape. The statements with which Dr. Ilnn commences his account are too succinct to be abridged. "The snbject of this observation," he writes, " is a girl aged four and a half years, sprightly, intelli- gent, and in good health. The mother observed, when she was two years old, that she was backward in speaking, and only used the words 'papa' and 'mamma.' After that slie began to use words of her own invention, and though she understood readily what was said, never employed the words used bv others. Clrad- uall}" she enlarged her vocabulary nntil it has reached the extent described below. She has a brother eighteen months younger than herself, who has learned her language, so that thej- talk freel}' together. He, however, seems to have adopted it only because he has more intercourse with her than with others ; and in some in- stances he will use a proper Avord with his mother, and his sister's word with her. She, however, persists in using only her own words, though her parents, who are uneas}- about her peculiarity of speech, make great efforts to induce her to use proper words. As to the possibility of her having learned these words from others, it is proper to state that her |)arents are pci'sons of cultiva- tion, who use only the English language. The mother has learned 14 SECTION II. French, but never uses the language in conversation. The domes- tics, as well as the nurses, speali English without aii}' peculiarities, and the child has heard even less than usual of what is called baby-talk. Some of the words and phrases have a resemblance to tlic French ; but it is certain that no person using that language has frequented the house, and it is doubtful whether the child has on any occasion heard it spoken. Tliere seems to be no difliculty about the vocal organs. She uses her language readily and freel}-, and when she is with her brother they converse with great rapidity and fluency." Dr. Ilun then gives the vocabulary, which, he states, was such as he had " been able at different times to compile from the child herself, and especially from the report of her mother." From this statement we may infer that the list probably did not include the whole number of words in this child-language. It comprises, in fact, only twenty-one distinct words, thougli nuiu}- of these were used in a great variety of acceptations, indicated by the order in which they were ari'anged, or by comi)ounding them in various ways. As we know, however, on excellent autiioritv, that the conversation of English laborers has been found to be carried on with no more than a hundred words, we may believe that the talk of the children might be fluent enough with a much more limited vocabulary. " I once listened," — writes Archdeacon Farrar, in his work on '"Lan- guage and Languages," — *■* for a long time together to the conver- sation of three peasants who were gathering apples among the boughs of an orchard, and, as far as I could conje-jture, the whole number of words they used did not exceed a hiuidred ; the same word was made to serve a variety of purposes." This, it will be seen, was exactly the case with the language of these children. Three or four of the words, as Dr. Ilun remarks, bear an evident resemblance to the French, and others might, by a slight change, be traced to that language. He was unable, it will be seen, to say positively that the girl had never heard the language spoken ; and it seems not unlikely that, if not among the domestics, at least among the persons who visited them, there may have been one who amused herself, innocently enough, by teaching the child a few words of that tongue. It is, indeed, by no means improba- ble that the peculiar linguistic instinct may thus have been first aroused in the mind of the girl, when just beginning to speak. Among the words showing this resemblance are fi-u (pronounced, ADDRESS BY HOKATIO IIALK. lii we arc expressly told, like the French word), used to signify " fire, light, cigar, sun"; too (the French tout), meaning "all, every- thing " ; and ne pa (whether i)ronounced as in French, or other- wise, we arc not told), signifying "not." J'etee-petee, the name given to the boy bj- his sister, is apparently the French ^)e^7, little ; and ma, I, may be from the French moi, me. If, however, the child was rcall}' able to catch and remember so readily these foreign sounds at such an early age, and to interweave then) into a speech of her own, it would merely show how readily and strongl}- in her case the language-making faculty was developed. Of words formed by imitation of sounds, the language shows barely a trace. The mewing of the cat evidently suggested the word ine((, which signified both cat and furs. For the other voca- bles which make up this speech, no origin can be conjectured. We can merel}' notice that in some of the words the liking which children and some races of men have for the repetition of sounds is apparent. Thus we have tni(/no-9niffiio, signifying " water, wash, bath"; f/o-ffo, "delicacies, as sugar, cand}', or dessert"; and waid-ioaiar, " black, darkness, or a negro." There is. as will bo seen from these examples, no si)ecial tendenc}' to the monosyllabic form. Gunnnvjar, we are told, signifies " all the substantial of the table, such as bread, meat, vegetables, etc." ; and the same word is used to designate the cook. The boy, it is added, docs not use this word, but uses giia-migna, which the girl considers a mistake. From which we may gather that even at that tender age the form of their language had become with them an object of thought ; and we ma}' infer, moreover, that the language was not invented solely b}- the girl, but that both the children contril^utcd to frame it. Of miscellaneous words may be mentioned gar, " horse" ; cleer, " money of any kind " ; hecr, " literature, books, or school " ; ^wtr, " ball" ; hau, " soldier, music" ; odo,, " to send for, to go out, to take away"; kch, "to soil"; jm-ma, "to go to sleep, pillow, bed." The varietj- of acceptations which each word was capable of receiving is exemplified in many ways. Thus feu might become an adjective, as ne-jyafeu, " not warm." The verb odo had many meanings, according to its position or the words which accom- panied it. Ma odo^ "I (want to) go out": r/dr odo, '"send for the horse"; too odo, "all gone." Gadii signified (iod ; and we arc told, " When it rains, the children often run to the window, IG SECTION n. and call out, Gafin odo migno-mi pno, feu odn, wbioli means, ' Gonta ic(iia-ws, and partly from the inherited conformation of the brain. Of the former class of influences, — the ellect of the environing circumstances, first on the character and then on the speech, ^ — we have an elab- orate and most suggestive discussion in INIr. Byrne's recent work on the " Principles of the Structure of Language." As regards the inherited powers of mind, we have to consider that when, in any group of children, the faculty of language was strong, their speech would probably develop into a highly complex idiom, like ADDUESS BY HORATIO HALE. 25 tlie Aryan, the Semitic, the Basque, or the Algonkin ; when this ruculty was loss powerful, the speech would be simpler, like the Malayan, the Mongol, and the Maya ; and when it was very weak, the language would remain, like the Chinese and Anamese, in tlie monosyllabic or infantile stage. It is proper, further, to bear in mind, that a strong or weak capacity for language does not neces- sarily imp]}' a corresponding strength or weakness of the other intellectual powers. On this point Professor Whitney, in his " Life and Growth of Language," well observes : " The Chinese is a inost striking example of how a community' of a vcrj' high grade of gen- eral abilit}' ma}' exhibit an extreme inaptitude for fertile linguistic develo})ment. AVe ma}' suitably compare this with the grades of aptitude shown bj' various races for plastic, or pictorial, or nnisical art, which by no means measure their capacity for other intellectual or spiritual products." A glance at other linguistic provinces will show how aptly this explanation of the origin of language-stocks evei'jwhere applies. Tropical Brazil is a region which combines perpetual summer with a profusion of edible fruits and other varieties of food, not less abundant than in California. Here, if anywhere, there should be a great number of totallv distinct languages. We learn on the best authority, that of Baron J. J. von Tschudi, in the Introduction to his recent work on the "Organism of the Khetshua Language," that this is the fact. He says : "I possess a collection made by the well-known naturalist, Joh. Natterer, during his residence of many years in Brazil, of more than a hundred languages, lexically completel}' distinct, from the interior of Brazil." And he adds : " The number of so-called isolated languages — that is, of such as, according to our present information, show no relationship to any other, and which therefore form distinct stocks of greater or less extent — is in vSouth America very large, and must, on an approx- imate estimate, amount to manj' hundreds. It will perhaps be pos- sible hereafter to include many of them in larger families, but there nuist still remain a considerable number for which this will not be possible." The explanation which the learned writer gives of this great diversity of languages is that which has been heretofore received by most philologists. "The cause of this remarkable i)henomenon," he writes, "is evidentl}' to be found in the subdivision of the Indian population. The evidence of language leads to the conclu- 2G SECTION H. sion that the separation of families and tribes from the main body of the descendants of the first in-comers must have taken place in A-ery early times. In their wanderings toward the south, the de- scendants of these straggling hordes must have separated again and again. Many of them may have been brought into positions wliicli were remote from the great lines of migration, may there liave remained more or less isolated, may have naturally, in their new relations and surroundings, formed a new vocabulary, and have cast aside and forgotten much of their old speech as useless in their new circumstances. But this forgetting and new-making took place not only in the names given to objects, but in all lin- guistic expressions as well, including the structure of words and sentences. Languages wholly- new arose. Frequentl}' a single family, which broke off from the horde, and moved away in a separate course, has given rise to an entirel}' new speech " If by the phrase " a single family-" we could understand such a group of young children as has just been described, this explanation would exactly accord with the view proposed in this i)aper. Tliis, however, is evidently not the writer's moaning ; and, with all due deierence to the eminent and justly esteemed author, I may venture to aflirm that the process which he describes is opposed to all expe- rience and observation. There is no Instance known of a ti'ibe or family of grown-up persons losing their original language in the way he has supposed. The branches of the great IMalayo- Polynesian family, scattered over a thousand islands, large and small, from ^Madagascar to Hawaii, have retained evcrywliere the mass of their vocabulary anil grammar with remarkable uniformity. The thorough analyses furnished by Dr. F. Miillcr, in his latest work, leave no room for doubt on this point. It is plain that each island has been peopled by one or more canoe-loads of emi- grants, bringing their language with them. A still more striking example is to be noted in Australia, where a vast region, larger than Brazil, is found inhabited by hundreds, perliaps tiiousands, of petty tribes, as completely' isolated as those of South America, but all S})eaking languages of one stock. And if we inquire whj' many different linguistic stocks have not arisen in that region, as in Cali- fornia, Brazil, and Central Africa, the explanation presents itself at once. Though the climate is as mild as in any of these regions, the other conditions are such as would make it impossible for an isolated group of young children to survive. The whole of A us- ADDRESS BY HORATIO HALE. 27 tralia is subject to severe droughts, and is so scantily provided with edible products that the aborigines are often reduced to the greatest straits. It is well known that an entire exploring party of white men, well provided with tire-arnis, perished of famine in attempting to traverse the interior. The suspicious and unsocial character of the Australian natives, the smallness of their tribes, their wide dispersion, and the little connnunication l)etween them, are all well-known facts. If linguistic stocks could arise in the waj' sui)posed by Ilcrr von Tschudi, there should be hundreds in Australia ; but there is only one. A curious ethnological fact, which tends strongly to confirm the view of the origin of linguistic stocks now proposed, is the circum- stance that, as a general thing, each linguistic family has its own mythology'. This remarkable fact has been noticed, and well set forth, l)y Major Powell ; and it had, I may add, already occurred to myself in connection with the present inquiry, in which it finds its sufficient explanation. Of course, when the childish pair or grouj), in their isolated abode, framed their new language and transmitted it to their descendants, they must necessaril}' at the same time have framed a new religion for themselves and their posterity ; for the religious instinct, like the language-making faculty, is a part of the mental outfit of the human race. But we are now brought face to face with another problem of great didicnlty. The view which has just biou presented shows that all the vast variety of languages on earth may have arisen within a comparatively brief period ; and many facts seem to show that the peopling of the globe by the present nations and tribes of men is a quite recent event. The traditions of the natives of America, North and South, have been gathered and studied of late years, by scientific inquirers, with great care and valuable results. All these traditions, Eskimo, Algonkin, Iroquois, Choctaw, Mexi- can, Maya, Chibcha, reruviau, represent the peoi)le who preserved them as new-comers in the regions in which they were found by the whites. Ethnologists are aware that there is not a tradition, a mon- ument, or a relic of any kind, on this continent, which requires us to carry back the history of any of its aboiigiiuU tribes, of the existing race, for a period of three thousand years. In the Pacific Islands the recent investigations have had a still more striking and definite result. We know, on sudiciently clear evidence, the times when most of the groups, from New Zealand to the Sandwich Islands, 28 SECTION U. were first settled bj- their Polynesian occupants. None of the dates go back beyond the Christian era. Some of them come down to the last centiuy. In Australia the able missionary investigators have ascertained that the natives had a distinct tradition of the arrival of their ancestors, who entered by the northwest coast. It is most unlikely that, among such a barbarous and wandering race, a tradition of this nature should be more than tw( ' isand jcars old. Probably it is much less ancient. "We k .\ positively that the neighboring group of New Zealand was settled only about five hundred years ago. Passing on to the old continent, we find that the Japanese historical traditions go back, and that doubtfully-, only to a period about twent3'-five hundred years ago ; those of China, onl}' about four thousand years ; those of the Aryans, vagucl}-, to about the same time ; the Assyrians, more surely, a little longer ; and the Egyptians to the date fixed by Lepsius for Menes, not quite four thousand years before Christ. No evidence of tradition, or of an}- monument of social man, points to his existence on the earth at a period exceeding seven thousand years before the present time. Yet the investigations which have followed the discoveries of Boucher de Perthes have satisfied the great majorit}- of scientific men that human beings have been living on the globe for a term wliich must be computed, not by thousands of jears, but by tens and probabl}' hundreds of thousands. Writers of all creeds, and of all opinions on other subjects, concur in the view that the exist- ence of man goes back to a remote period, in comparison with which the monuments of Egypt are but of yesterdaj- ; and jet these monuments, as has been said, are the oldest constructions of social man which are known to exist. How shall we explain this surprising discrepancy? How shall we account for the fact that man has existed for possibly two hundred thousand years, and has onl}' begun to form societies and to build cities within less tlian seven thousand years? In other words, how, as scientific men, shall we bring the conclusions of geology and pala-ontology into harmony with those of archaiology and history? Fortnnatel}', the geologists and physiologists themselves, b}' their latest discoveries, have furnished the means of clearing up the per- plexities which their earlier researches had occasioned. We learn from these discoveries that, while a being entitled to the name of man has occupied some porti< is of the earth during a vast space of time, in one and perhaps twu geological eras, the acquisition b}' ADDKESS BY HORATIO HALE. 29 this being of the power of speech is in all probabilit)' an event of recent occurrence. The main facts on wliicli tliis opinion is based must necessarily, in this summary, be A'cry briefly stated. For other evidences, reference must be made to the sources where they will be found fully set forth. The question of the existence of man in the tertiary era has been so thoroughly and ably discussed by my predecessor in this oflice, Professor Morse, in his address at the Pinladelphia meeting in 1884, that I need not add a word on that subject. The fact that man existed in the subsetiucnt period, which is known among Eng- lish geologists as the pleistocene era and ii France more commonly as the quaternary age, is questioned by no one. The men of that era, the Palit'olithic men, as they are styled, arc distinguished by the investigators, as is well known, into two distinct races, belonging to widel}' dilferent epochs. These races arc variously designated by the eminent authorities to whom I shall have occasion to refer, and who, while they differ on some points, are on the the main question of the existence and the distinction of these races fully In accord. These authorities, it may here be stated, are, for France, Prof, de Quatrefages and Prof. G. de Mortillet, and for England, Prof. Boyd Dawkins. The views of M. de (Quatrefages are set forth in his work entitled "Ilommes Fossiles et Ilommes Sauvages," published in 1884, and in his well-known treatise on " The Human Species," of which the eighth edition has appeared during the present year. The work of M. de Mortillet, " Le Prchistorique," appeared in 1883, and that of Prof. Boyd Dawkins, " Early Man in Britain," was published in 1880. Those who had the pleasure of hearing Professor Dawkins at the Montreal meeting of the British Associa- tion, in 1884, are aware that his researches subsetiuent to the publi- cation of that work had only conflrmed the views expressed in it. I have also referred to the work of Dr. Paul Topinard, " L'Anthro- pologic," of which the fourth edition appeared in 1884 ; to the work of Prof. George II. von IMcyor, of Zurich, on tlie " Organs of Speech" (1884), to the monograph of Dr. Robert Baume, of Ber- lin, on the " Jaw-Fragments of La Naulette and the Schipka Cave " (1884), and the work of Prof. Robert Ilartmann, of Berlin, on "Anthropoid Apes," which has just appeared. Professor Dawkins styles the earlier PaltBolithic race the " River- drift men," and the later " the Cave-men." The River-drift men were, in his view, hunters and savages of the lowest grade. In his 30 SECTION n. opinion, the mcc is now " as completely extinct as the woolly rlii- noc'cros or tlie cave bear." We have, he considers, no chie to its ctlniology ; and its relation to the race tliat succeeded it is doubt- ful. The Cave-men were of a much higlier order, and were espe- cially remarkable for their artistic talents, lie is inclined to believe that their descendants survive in the Eskimo ; and whether we accept this view or not, we learn from it that, in the opinion of this eminent investigator, the Cave-men were men of the present race. M. de (^uatrefages designates the two races from noted localities where their osseous remains were found. The River-drift man is witli liini the " man of Canstadt," from the place near which the portion of a cranium belonging to this race was discovered ; and the Cave-man is the "man of Cro-Magnon," a well-known locality where several skeletons of this race were brought to liglit. M. de Mortillet draws his designations from the places in which the im- plements used by the different races are founc in their most t\-pical form. The man of the earlier race is with him the " Chellean man," from Chellcs, a place in the Department of 8eine-et-Marne ; while the later is the ISIagdalenian man, from La Madeleine in the De- partment of La Dordogne. lie makes two intermediate races, the Mousterian and the Solutrean, which Professor Dawkins is inclined to combine with the Magdalenian in a single race, corresponding to his Cave-men. But in one respect M. de IMortillet makes an even stronger distinction than that of Professor Dawkins between the earlier and later races. Professor Dawkins expresses no opin- ion on the question whether the River-drift men were or were not endowed with tlic faculty of speech. Prof, de Mortillet is clear that the}' were not. This view might fairl}* enough, as will be seen, be based on the pithecoid character of their remains, and the low grade of intellect shown by their imi)lemcnts ; but M. de Mortillet finds a remarkable, and, in his opinion, a decisive evidence, in a lower jaw belonging to this race, which was discovered in ISGfi in the cave of La Naulette in Ik'lgium. It is only a fragment, but it contains the central curve, or symphysis, forming the chin. In the inner centre of the ordinary human jaw, there is at this curve a small bony projection or excrescence, usually somewhat rough to the touch, which is known to English and American aiuitomists as the "mental tubercle," or "the genial tubercle." B}- French writers it is termed the apophyHe (/mi, or genial apophysis, and by German authors the spina mentalis. These epithets, "mental" and "ge- ADDRESS BY HORATIO HALE. 31 nial," it may be remarked, are not the common English adjectives with which we arc familiar. "Mental" is here derived, not from the Latin metis, the mind, bnt from nientum, the chin ; and, in the same way, "genial" in this case is to be referred, not to the Greek ytVos, family or kindred, but to yeVvs (or its derivative ycvcKis), which means in that language the chin or under-jawbone. AVitli this preface, I give in full the author's description of this remark- able relic. The bone is small, and is supposed to have been that of a female. But though small, it is a powerful jawbone. " In fact," he continues, " the essential character of this fossil is its ro- bustness, if 1 may so express njyself. The bone throughout is thick and stock}', and thus approaches much nearer the jaws of anthi-o- poids than those of man. The chin, in lieu of projecting forward beyond the vertical line, inclines backward. It is something inter- mediate between the man and the monkej'. The sockets of the teeth show that the molars, in place of diminishing from the fu'st to the last, were developed in the opposite wa}-. Finally, in the middle of the inner curve of the jaw, in place of a little excrescence called the ' genial tubercle,' there is a hollow, as with monkeys. We may, then, sa}' that this human relic is the most pithecoid that has yet been found." The inference to be derived from this forma- tion is thus set forth b}' our author: "Speech, or articulate lan- guage, is produced by movements of the tongue in certain ways. These movements are effected mainly by the action of the muscle inserted in the genial tubercle. The existence of this tubercle is therefore essential to the possession of language. Animals which have not the power of speech do not possess the genial tubercle. If, then, this tubercle is lacking in the Naulette jawbone, it is be- cause the man of Neanderthal, the ' Chellcan man,' was incapable of articulate speech." It must not be supposed, from this brief description, that M. de Mortillet imagined that the genio-glossal muscle, the muscle vviiich moves the tongue, and which in fact, as Prof, von IMeyer states, contributes most to the form of that member, was lacking in the Chellcan man, as it certainly is not lacking in the anthropoid apes. It is not the muscle itself, but the mode of its insertion, which is to be regarded. In the apes and other lower animals, where the tongue is mainl}- used to aid in taking, masticating, and swallow- ing food, much less freedom of motion is required for it than in man, for whom its chief use is in the man}- delicate movements required 32 SECTION U. in fmming the elements of articulate utterance. It is for this greater freedom that tiie insertion of the nnisclo — or ratlier of the muscles, for there are two of these — in tlie genial tubercle or tubercles (for there are also two of these) is required. Or, to speak still more precisely, it should rather be said that it is by the incessant action of the muscles pulling on tiie bone in tliese varied movements, that the tubercles themselves must be deemed to have been developed. Such is the explanation given by the able anatomists whom I have consulted on this curious and important point. It will seem that a single jawbone affords but scanty evidence on which to base so momentous a conclusion. But conhrmation has not been wanting. In August, 1880, Professor Maschka found in the Schipka cave, in Northeastern Moravia, among bones of the elephant, rhinoceros, and other animals of the pleistocene era, a fragment of a human jawbone, bearing a remarkable resemblance to that of the Naulette cave. Like the latter, it inclined backward at the chin, being in this respect intermediate between the jaw of the ape and that of the man ; and, as in the Naulette jaw, the genial tubercle was wanting. The two jawbones have been submitted to a most careful and thorough scrutinj' and anal3'sis by Dr. Robert IJanme, a distinguished writer on dentistry-, who has brought out some novel and important points. He shows that, fi'om the great backward inclination of the chin, the jaw must, when the mouth was open, have pressed upon the lar^-nx and closed it entirely-, utdess the individual to whom the jaw belonged was of a much more prognathous type — or, in other words, had the lower part of the visage much more projecting — than is known in an}' now existing race. His conclusion is, that there lived in the diluvial or quater- nary age races of men who were markedl}' inferior to the lowest races now existing. His view of the total disapi)earance of these ancient races, therefore, harmonizes entirely with that of Professor Dawkins. This view is further confirmed liy an examination of all the crania which arc believed, on good grounds, to belong to this pristine people. These skulls are not numerous, but they are sufHcient in number to characterize a race, and they are all of one cast. The Canstadt skull, the Neanderthal skull, the fragment of the Eguisheim skull and that of the skull found at Briix in Aus- tria, as well as the skull lately discovered at Podhaba in Bohemia, all belong to this earlier race, and all show the same peculiar char- ADDKESS BY HORATIO HALE. 33 aetoristics, — namely, a reniarkablo projection of the superciliary ridectures on "Man's Place in Nature," Professor Iluxley says: "Under whatever aspect we view this cranium, whether we regard its vertical depression, the enor- mous thickness of its superciliary ridges, its sloping occiput, or its long and straight squamosal suture, we meet with ape-like characters, stamping it as the most pithecoid of human crania yet discovered." But he adds that the cubic capacity of the skull is about seventy-five inches, which is the average capacity given b}' Morton for Polynesian and Hottentot skulls, while the average capacity of the gorilla skull is only about one third of that amount. Thus it is clear that the Neanderthal skull is that of a man, and not of an ape. But in these ancient crania the greater portion of the capacitj' is in the posterior part of the skull. The narrowness and depression of the forehead are remarkable, and exceed anything known in the skulls of existing races. The height of the forehead depends, of course, upon the development of the frontal lobe of the brain. The frontal lobe is made up, as regards its height, of three folds, or convolutions, termed by anatomists the first, second, and third frontal convolutions. These convolutions lie one above the other, the third being the lowest. This third convolution is some- what thicker than the other two, and adds therefore, in general, somewhat more to the height of the forehead than either of the others. Its absence, or almost entire absence, from the brain, would produce just such a depression, or extraordinary flatness, as we find in the foreheads of these ancient skulls. Now it is a remarkable fact, that, while the brain of a monkey is much smaller than that of a man, its general outline is very similar to that of the human brain. As Professor IIuxlc}- sajs, "the brain of a monkey exhibits a sort of skeleton map of man's." Most of the convolu- tions which are found in the one are present in the other. But there is one remarkable exception. In the lower apes the third frontal convolution is, according to Ilartmann, "entirely absent." In the higher or anthropoid apes, it appears, but only in a rudi- 8 34 SKCTION 11. mcnl.iry form. " Its groat devclopincnt in nipn," writes r.cwfihrs. iiuuin, " coiistituti's one ol" tlio most marivcd clistiiiclions botweon the bruins of apes and those of men." Tiiis statement has been questioned, as there is some dilferenee of opinion in regard to the analysis of tin- (•(involutions ; but IWschoir, the higlu'st anllioritv, coiilirms it; and Professor lIovehie(ine, in an article recently pub- lished in the Heme IScloitifique on "The Evolution of Language," repeats the statement in these signilieant words: "We mention here, without dwelling upon it, that tiie faculty of language stands in elose relation with a certain one of the frontal convolutions of the brain, which tlui inferior monkeys do not possess, and which is found in a rudimentary state in the anthropoids, but of which the full acciuisition and most complete development have made man what he is, the master of articulate speech." This third frontal convolution is sometimes called " Broca's convolution," from the fact that the distinguished French physiolo- gist, Dr. Paul Broca, was the fust to localize the faculty of lan- guage in it. This faculty, according to the description given by Dr. Topinard in his " Anthropology," has its seat in " the posterior portion of Broca's third frontal convolution." " Its surface has a vertical height of about four centimeters " (or a little over an inch and a half), "and an antero-posterior extension of from two to three and a half centimeters," that is, from a little less than an inch to nearly an inch and a half. Any lesion or disease of this part of the brain, as is well known to medical men, produces ai)ha- sia, or the loss of the power of speech. If this convolution were absent from the human brain, or were only present in a rudimentary form, as in the anthropoid apes, the man would be incapable of speech, and the height of his forehead would be greatly diminished. We should have, in fact, the precise difference which exists be- tween the frontal portion of the Neanderthal or Podhaba skull, and that of the average skull of the present race of men. Some eminent writers, and one who may justl}- be styled pre- eminent, INI. de Quatreftiges, have sought to show that in modern times skulls similar to those of this ancient race have been met with, and in some cases have belonged to persons of no mean intellectual capacity. In his admirable work on " Fossil IMen and Savage INIen," he gives pictures of the skulls of St. INIansuy, Bishop of Toul, and of a Danish gentleman, named Kai-Likk(i, who took some part in politics in the seventeenth century. These are ADDHESa HY HORATIO HALK. 35 compared with the Neanderthal skull. Tiie measurements arc not given, bnt their outline, anuatr<'fages, " in this savage, u contenip(jrary of tlu; mammoth, vn- lind all the craiilological characters generally re- garded as the signs of a great intellectual development." To this may he added, that in the earliest lower jaw of this race which has been discovered the genial tul)ercle is fully developed. The man of this epoch was a social being, endowed with the facidty of speech. His frontal lobe was large and high, and every convolution of the brain must have existed in inuisual size. His intellectual pow- ers corresponded with this di'velopmcnt. Of this fact we have the most remarkable and indeed astonishing proof in his works of art, — his pictures engraved on pieces of stone, ivory, and bone, and his sculi)tures in bone and ivorv. Ilis rei)rescntations of the animals of that period — the mannnoth, the reindeer, the elk, the bear, the horse, the urus, the chamois, the whale, the pike, and many others — are most admirable for the .artistic skill which thej' display, and for their evident truth to nature. On this point all ol)servers are agreed. " We recognize in them," writes ^I. de IMortillct, " the works of a people eminently artistic. In these primitive engravings and sculptures we remark so true a sense of form and movement that it is almost always possible to determine oxactl}' the animal represented, and to perceive the intention of the artist. Some of the works are really small masterpieces." " So natur.-vl are the attitudes, so exact the projjortions," writes IM. do Quatrcfages, '■' that a decorative sculptor of our own days, in treating the same subject, could hardl}' do better than to copy his ancient predecessor." Dr. "Wilson speaks in the highest terms of the " skill and intellectual vigor" manifested in these works of art, and adds the noteworthy remark: ''In truth, it is far easier to produce evidences of deterioration than of progress, in instituting a comparison between the contemporaries of the mammoth and later prehistoric races of Europe or savage nations of modern cen- turies." In short, the evidence is clear and unquestionable, that, 38 SECTION 11. while the earliest race, the Itiver-drift men, were in form and intellect the lowest nice of human beings that have ever existed, their immediate successors, the Cave-men, or race of Cro-Magnon, must he ranked, in shape and aspect, in cranial development, and in intellectual endowments, among the very higiiest. It is i)roper to observe, that M. de iMortillet and Professor Dawkins make a distinction between the Cave-men and the " Neo- lithic men," or men of the Polished Stone era, who immediately followed them ; and they ascribe the remains of Cro-IMagnon to the latter I'ace. M. de IMortilii-t admits, however, that the peoi)le of Cro-Magnon Avere " evitlently descendants of the jMagdalenians," or Cave-men, who wrought these works of art ; and Professor Dawkins shows that the art-loving Cave-men and the less artistic Neolithic poi)ulation were at one time contemporaries. Jt should be added, that the fact that this artistic race lived at the same time with the mannnoth, which is now extinct, affords no evidence of its great antiquity. The mammoth was merely a variety of the elephant, differing so little from the existing varieties that some naturalists have refused to consider it a distinct species. It proliably became extinct at a (piitc recent period. Another extinct mammal, tlic great Irish elk, which was hunted both by the Cave-men and by the Neolithic men, survived down to the Bronze age ; and the urns, another animal of the quaternary era, only became extinct a few centuries ago. The Cave-men of Professor Dawlvins, the Cro-JNIag- non race of I'rof. de Quatrefages, were really a modern people, — a people of our own age. And the question naturall}' arises, When did this age, the age of speaking man, commence? The answer will doubtless surprise many persons who have been accus- tomed to consider the question without regard to the primary- and all-imi)ortant distinction between the two races of men, — the speechless and the speaking race. The former can, no doubt, be traced back to an immense and undefined antiquity. The appear- ance of the latter dates back probably less than ten thousand years. We might feel tolerably sure of this fact, as a conclusion of sin]i)le reasoning. It is impossible to suppose that a people pos- sessing the intellectual endowments of the Cro-Magnon race would remain long in an uncivilized state, if tlR\y were once i)laced in a countr}- where the climate and other surroundings were favorable to the increase of population and to improvement in the arts of life. ADDKF.SS I5Y UOKATIO ll.VLK. 39 "Even ill the thon rigorous climate and other hard conditions of Western Kiu-ope, they liacl advancetl, as Dr. I'aul Itroea declares, *' to the very threshold of civilization." What must they have become in Kgypt and in Southern Asia? In point of fact, during a comi)aratively brief si)ace of time, ranging from five thousand to seven thousand years ago, the men of these regions developed in widely distant centres — in Egypt, in Mesopotamia, in I'lKcuicia, in Northern India, and in China — a high and varied civilization and culture, whose memorials, in their works of art and (heir litera- ture, astonish us at this day, and in some respi'cts (k'(y imitation. To what circumstance can we attribute this sutldcn anil wonderful flowering of hiunan genius, after countless ages of torpidity, but to the one all-sullicient cause, — the acquisition of the powei' of speech? Many skilled obsi'rvers have sought to discover by various indica- tions, such as the accinnulation of del)ris in caves, the layers of cartli formed b}' streams, the growth of bogs, and other evidences, the time which has ehipsi'd from tiie era of the Cave-men and the Neolithic race to our own time. ' Professor Dawkins, in his account (given in his work on " Cave-iruntiug") of (he exploration of the Victoria Cave, at Settle in Yorkshire, makes an estimate, from the uccunuihition of talus in the cave, of the time whicli has elapsed since the cave was occupii'd by Neolithic man, anil fixes it at about •1,800 or 0,000 years. JMany other investigators have reached sim- ilar results. Their conclusions are well summed up by I'rof. Alex- ander Wini'hell, in his work entitled '* Preadaini(es." "IMorlot," he tells us, ''from the stu*!}' of tlu' layers constituting the ' cone of the Tiniere,' — a deposit formed b^- ji torrent discharging itself into the Lake of (ieneva, — concluded that the rolishcd Stone epoch dates l)ack 1,700 to 7,000 years, (iillieron, from researches at the Bridge of Miele, is led to lix the ci)ocli of Polished Stone at (1,700 years. Steenstrup, from investigations in the bogs of Denmark, is led to regard 1,000 years as the mininnim for that epoch. De Ferry, from a study of the river-drifts of the Sauiie, puis the Polislied Stone epoch at ■\,'AS',\ years, anil the ei)och of the manimotli at r»,.s 1 1 to 7, 30;') years, — "fortunate," adds Professor Winchell, dryly, "if the thousands are as exact as the units in thes(> figures." Areelin, he further tells ns, from a se|)araio study of the drifts of the same river, arrives at a very close agreement with De Ferry, i)utting the epoch of Polished Stone from ,'5,000 to 1,000 years back, and the blue claj-, containing the mammoth, from G,700 to 8,000 years. 40 SECTION H. Finallj', Le Hon, in view of all tlic results, fixes the age of Polished Stone III from 1,000 to 0,000 years, the age of the reindeer (which is in fact the age of Professor Dawkins's C'ave-men) at a point beyond 7,000 years, and carries back the age of the niannnoth to an indefinite period. All these estimates are in substantial accord ; and none of them place the appearance of the Neolithic race, or men of the I'olished Stone epoch, earlier than seven thousand years, or that of the Cave-men, or men of the Reindeer period, more than eight thousand years back. The terms in each case are as likel}' to be less than tho<^e numbers as they are to be greater. It is impossible not to yield assent to such a mass of concurrent evidence. If a pair of human beings, male and female, endowed with speech and possessing the faculties of the earliest known people, the Cro- JNIagnon race, appeared in some region of the old continent where the climate and the natural productions were favorable to the exist- ence of men, M'hat time would be required for their descendants to become numeroufc, enough to found the early communities of Eg3'l)t and Mesopotamia, and to spread into Europe and Eastern Asia? The question is easil}' answered. Supposing the population to double only once in fifty j-ears, which is a very low estimate, it would amount in twelve hundred years to about fort}' millions, and in fourteen hundred years would be over six hundred millions, or nearl}' half the present population of the globe. That less than a thousand j'ears will sufTice to create a high civilization, tlie exam- ples on our own continent presented b}' the INIexicans, the Mayas, the Muyscas, and the Peruvians amply prove. And that the same space of time would be sufficient for the development of the plnsi- cal peculiarities which characterize the various races of men, by climatic and other influences, is made clear by the evidence accumu- lateil b}' Prichard, De C^uatrefages, Huxley, and other careful and trustwortii}- investigators. Nor need the change of climate which was undoubtedly in progress during the earlier part of the exist- ence of the Cro-lMagnon race, and which is believed to have con- tributed to the extinction of the mannnoth and otlier animals of that era, have occupied a longer period. In fact, the observations and estimates just quoted from Professor Winchell seem to show clearh' that it did not. If the diversity of languages has had its origin in the cause suggested in this essay, and ma}' therefore have arisen in any period, however brief, during which the peopling of ADDKESS BY IIOUATIO HALE. 41 the world has proceeded, there would seem to be no grounds what- ever for referring the first appearance of speaking man to a greater antiquity than eiglit, or at the most ten, thousand years. How, and where, did this momentous apparition occur? These arc questions which naturall}- arise, and our inquiry would not be complete without a brief consideration of them. That the " speak- ing man" of our era is a descendant of the ''speechless man" of the River-drift period cannot be doubted. We have not to deal with the origin of a new species, but simply witli tliat of a variety. There can be no question that this variety arose in the usual way, by what is termed the process of heterogencsis, or, in other words, the law by which the oflspring differs from the parents. As every child has two parents, it cannot resemble both, and, in point of fact, it never exactly resembles either of them. Ordinarily, this unlikeness is restricted within certain defined and rather narrow limits ; but occasionally, as when dwarfs or giants are born to parents of ordinary stature, it is vcr}- great. Among the lower animals, when such offspring propagate their like, a new variety or breed arises, which sometimes differs very widely from the origi- nal stock, — as occurred, for example, in the Ancon or otter breed of sheep, which thus originated in New England, and in the horn- less cattle which have overspread several provinces of Paraguay. That in some family of the primitive speechless race two or more children should have been born with the faculty and organs of speech is in itself a fact not specially remarkable. JMuch greater dif- ferences between parents and offspring frequently appear. Among these, for example, is one so common as to have received in physi- ology the scientific name of polydactylism, — a term api)lied to the case of children born with more than the normal number of fingers. M. de (^uatrefages mentions that in the family of Zerah Colburn, the celebrated calculator, four generations possessed this peculiarity, which commenced with Zerali's grandfather. In the fourth genera- tion four children out of eight still had the supernumerary fingers, although in eacli generation the many-fingered parent had married a person having normal hands. Plainly, he adds, if this C'olbnrn family had been dealt 'ith like the Ancon breed of sheep, a six- fingered variety of tlie human race would have been formed ; and this, it may be added, would have been a far greater variation than was the production of a speaking race descending from a speech- less pair. The appearance of a sixth finger requires new bones, 42 SECTION n. muscles, and tendons, with additional nerves leading ultimately to the hrain. There is good reason to l)elieve that the first endow- ment of speech demanded far less change than this. All the an- thropoid apes can utter cries of some sort, and some of them can make a variety of sounds. Professor Ilartinann expressly informs us that the larynx in these animals resembles in the main that of man. "We cannot doubt that our primitive ancestor, the ILnno alalus^ in spite of his name, could utter man}' sounds, and pos- sessed the usual vocal organs. Professor Huxley has dwelt with nuR-h force on the slight anatomical difference which might exist between the speechless and the speaking man. A change of the minutest kind, he tells us, in the structure of one of the nerves which comnnmicate Avith the vocal chords, or in the structure of the part in which it originates, or in the supply of blood to that part, or in one of the muscles to which it is distributed, might render all of us dumb. And he adds (in words similar to those already quoted) : "A race of dumb men, deprived of all communi- cation with those who could speak, would be little indeed removed from the brutes. The moral and intelle(;tual difference between them iind ourselves would be practically infinite, though the natu- ralist should not be aljle to find a single shadow even of specific structural difference." In the actual case, so far as can bo judged from the osteology, the changes which took place when the speaking children were born to the speechless pair were in the greater development of the cere- bral convolution in which tlie faculty of language resides, in the new direction given to the under part of the lower jaw, which now pro- jected forward instead of receding, and in the increased volume and strength of the genio-glossal muscles, which by their acfion devel- oped the genial tubercle, and gave at once greater si/e and more freedom of movement to the tongue. These changes, though so important in their results, Averc really slight comi)ared with the changes in a case of polydactylism. Tlic chief alteration was, of course, that which took place in the brain. It was simiily fhe on- laigcmcnt of a fold of that organ ; but its effect was prodigious, and has transformed the globe. This enlarged fold was the seal, not merely of the faculty of language, but of rmmx other facullii's. all of which showed at once the effect of their newly ac(iuireil power. And here it is proper to remark on the mistake, or the confusion of processes, which has led some esteemed writers to sujipose that ADDKLSS Ijy HORATIO HALE. 43 the first spoaking men, originating from parents of weak mental eapaeity, must have i)artaken oftlial intelkictual fcjebleness. EUibo- rate works have been "written on tliis siil)jcet, in which the wliole argument has been based on tlie supposition that tlie oarUest of speaking men were inferior to their successors, not merel}- in accunmhited knowledge, — which was a matter of course, — but in mental power, whicii is a very different affair. The lowest tribes ol' our time — the Australians, Hottentots, Fuegians, and other savages — have l)een assumed to be lair representatives of what our earliest ancestors must have been when the}' were lirst endowed with the facult}- of speech. This supposition is contrary botii to reason and to the known facts. Jt confuses two processes, which are totally unlike in their working and in their results. The changes caused by climate and the other external influences which are commonly known as the " environment " arc gradual. The changes which arise from hcterogenesis are sudden, and are at once comi)lete. In the cases of polydactylism, we do not lind that a mere germ or stump of a finger first api)ears, and graduall}' becomes longer and stronger in succeeding generations. The perfect finger ai)i)ears at once. So in the lower animals : the Ancon or otter breed is known to have sprung from a single shee[), born with ab- normally short legs, which became no shorter in its descendants. The hornless cattle of Paraguay are known to be all descended from a single animal, which was born without horns. There is no rea- son for sui)posing that the earlie.'':.t speaking men may not have been endor,.'d with the higliest intellectual faculties of the human race. There is ever}' reason to believe that they were so endowed. The race of Cro-Magnon, the earliest known race of social men, though barbarians, were, in point of cerebral development and of artistic powers, not only superior to any barbarians of the present da}', but certainly equal, if not superior, to any civilized race that has ever existed. The otlier earliest communities known to us, those of Egypt and of Southwestern Asia, have surpassed in their architectui'c and their inventions all succeeding races. Their tem- ples and other structures are the desi)air of our arcliitects. All the first elements of knowledge and of progress have come from them. The}' invented pottery and glass, the plough and the loom. They invented the alphabet, and with it a varied and voluminous litera- ture. They invented astronomy, geometry, and history. They smelted copper and iron. They tamed almost all the most useful 44 SECTiox n. animals. The}' first cultivated almost all the most valuable oscu- Icuts. They and their earliest oll'shoots devised all the forms of settled government, — monarch}' in Assyria and Kg^'pt, theocracy in India, aristocracy in l^enicia, and democracy in Arabia. They invented the great Egyptian, Assyrian, and Aryan religions, and endowed their gods witli the qualities of knowledge, power, and jus- tice, which they most admired in their rulers. In Egyi)t they in- stituted the judgment after death, and in Assyria they established the Sabbath. Their period was that which has been well styled by Mr. Gladstone the "youth of the world," — Juvoitus niinidi, — when the human race, on its thinly i)eopled planet, felt all its ener- gies called forth to meet the wants and solve the problems of its new existence. This conclusion as to the high intellectual grade of the earliest speaking man is very important in its bearing on our views respect- ing the so-called inferior races. It is clear that they represent, not this primitive man, but simply a degeneration caused by unfavorable inlluences. If this degeneration has taken place, as there seems every reason for believing, within a very brief period, — five or six thousand years at furthest, and most of it prol)ably within a few centuries after their separation from the original stock, — there seems good reason for believing that an miprovement in their sur- roundings will be followed b}- a gradual elevation, and a return to the high primitive t3pc. The question of the I'cgion in which speaking man first appeared is one on which there is room for a wide difference of opinion. It is a question about which no one will venture to dogmatize. The natural supposition, of course, would be that this first appearance took place somewhere near the centres of the earliest civilization. These centres were in Egypt and Assyria. Between those coun- tries lies Arabia, in which, amidst the sand}' desert that protects the land from invasion, there are many oases, large and small, blessed Avith a most genial climate and a fruitful soil. In these oases, w hich have never known the swa}' of a foreign conqueror, the native traditions go back to a dim antiquity, in which no evi- dence of early barbarism is discerned. From that primitive centre, if such it was, the increasing population would speedily overflow into the plains of IMesopotamia and the fertile vallc}' of the Nile ; and there, or in their near vicinity, nearly all the animals which were first tamed, and nearly all the plants which were first culti- ADDIIKSS BY UOUATIO HALE. 45 vfitcd, would be found. Wc need not be surprised, therefore, to find tliat tbo great majorit}' of investigators liavo looked to South- western Asia for the primitive seat of tlic human race. The most distinct tradition that has come down to us of the earliest belief re- specting the creation of man — the tradition wliich is preserved in the Hebrew narrative — places it in an oasis on the Arabian bor- der, and dates it apparently at about the time when, as all the evi- dence seems to show, man endowed with speech first api)eared. One otlier question, not certainly of the first importance, but still of curious and genuine interest, remains to be considered. If the first language spoken by man was invented less than ten thou- sand years ago, it may be deemed next to a certainty that this lan- guage has survived to our time, — not, of course, in its exact original form, but in some derived idiom. It raay be taken for granted tiiat tlie population speaking this language would be widely- difl'used, and would have man}' descendants, now speaking affiliated languages of the original stock. Tliere are three families of languages clustered about the supposed centre of this priscan population, the Hamito- Semitic, the Arj'an, and the Ural-Altaic. The Hamito-Semitic stock has for its earliest representatives the Arabic, the Assyrian, the Hebrew, and the Egyptian. The Aryan family' numbers among its most ancient members the Sanscrit, the Zend, and the Greek. The Ural-Altaic stock, to which the Turkisli, the Finnish, and the Hungarian languages belong, finds its chief, but sufficient, claim to high anticjuity in the Accadian, whose discovery- and decipherment, from the hieroglyi)hics of the Assyrian inscriptions, have furnished one of the most notable triumphs of modern scholarship. Each of these three great families of speech is very widely diffused, and each of them n)iglit advance strong claims to this curious genealogical distinction of being the direct representative of the earliest tongue. The question is one whoso determination by strictl}' scientific methods does not seem by any means beyond reasonable hojie. If science can weigh the planets, can define the chemical components of the fixed stars, and describe the shape of continents that ex- isted millions of years ago, it may surel}' bo expected to find evi- dence for determining the particular linguistic stock to which the earliest spoken language belonged. Such evidence as we have at present certainly seems to favor the Hamito-Semitic famil}'. This family possesses the most ancient literature, and, if the difference between the Ilamitic and Semitic gro'ips is considered, seems to 46 SECTION 11. have varied, in the long lapse of ages, most widcl}'. Lopsius and V. Miillor have traced its inlkicnce far into tlie interior of Africa; and Professor Gerland, going fnrtlier still, nnites the whole jxipn- lation of that vast peninsnla witli the Semitic group in one great Arabic-African race. There is a certain evidence — not perhaps decisive, but wortliy of consideration — which seems to connect the Cro-Magnon race M'ith tlie llamitic branch of this family. The extinct population of tlie Canary Islands, the (Jnanches, are known to have belonged to this llamitic branch, and their crania, as Prof, de Qnatrefages shows, bear a striking resemblance to those of the men of the Cro-iNIagnon era. This cautious investigator does not hesitate to pronounce the Guanehcs to be evidently the descendants of that ancient race. lie declares that " the resemblance of cranial forms sometimes amounts to identity," and he adds the confirma- tory fact, that a late observer, M. "N'erneau, has found among the present islanders — who are in part descended from the (luanches — implements precisely like those which were used in France by the Cro-^Iagnon liunters. Tlie conclusions to which this inquiry, guided bj- the most recent discoveries of science, has directed us, may be briefly summed up. We find that llie ideas of the anti(]iiity of man wliicli have pre- vailed of late 3-cars, and more especiallj' since Lyell published his notable work on the subject, must be considerabh' modified. iS'o doubt, if we are willing to give the name of man to a half-brutish being, incapable of speech, wliose only human accomplishments M'ere those of using fire and of making a single clumsy stone implement, we must allow to this lieing an existence of vast and as j-et un- defined duration, shared with the mammoth, the woolly- rhinoceros, and other extinct animals. But if, with many writers, we term the beings of this race the [precursors of man, and restrict the name of men to the members of the speaking race that followed them, then the fli'st appearance of man, properly so styled, must be dated at about the time to which it was ascribed before the discoveries of Boucher de Perthes had startled the civilized world, — that is, some- where between six thousand and ten thousand years ago. And this man who thus appeared was not a being of feeble powers, a dull- witted savage, on the mental level of the degenerate Australian or Hottentot of our daj-. He possessed and manifested, from the first, intellectual faculties of the highest order, such as none of his descendants have surpassed. His speech, we maj' be sure, was ADDKKSS BY HOKATIO HALE. 47 not !i im>rc mumble of disjointod souiuls, framed of interjections tmd of imitatiuus of the cries of beasts and birds. It was, like every language now spoken anywliere on earth bj- anj* tribe, how- ever rude or savage, a full, expressive, well-organized speech, cou'plete in all its parts. The first men spoke, because they pos- sessed, along with the vocal organs, the cerebral faculty of speech. As Professor jNIax Miiller has well said, "that faculty was an instinct of the mind, as irresistible as any other instinct." Jt was as inipossii)le for the first child endowed with this facult}' not to speak, in the presence of a com[)anion similarly endowed, as it would be for a nightingale or a thrush not to carol to its mate. The same faculty creates the same necessity in our days ; and its exercise b}' young children, when accidentally isolated from tlie teachings and iuHuence of grown companions, will readily account for the existence of all the diversities of speech on our glube. If the views now i)resented shall be confirmed Ity further in- vestigations, the}- will serve to clear up uncertainties which have pcri)lexed the minds of students of linguistic science and of arclwe- ology, and have seriously' impeded the progress of all the anthro- pological sciences. Tiie views, with the evidence which seems to sustain tliem, arc therefore resix'ctfully submitted to the candid consideration of the meml)ers of our Section, and through them to the students of those sciences in other countries, in the hope of inducing further incjuiry which may lead to decisive and satisfac- tory conclusions on these important questions.