IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) €o /#/ in ,^ 4^ ^ M/. ^ y A VI %^ %. # 1.0 I.I li.25 1.4 Photographic Sciences Corporation 1.6 23 WEST MAIN ^ TREET WEBSTER, N.Y. M580 (716) 872-4503 #» iV iV \\^^ ^ ^ |5.0 f»EO Q^y ■fie ■ John HUCHILL, PROPR/£rOR. FIRSTCLASS IN ALL ITS APPOINTMENTS. ALL ELECTRIC CARS PASS THE DOOR. IMMORPRiO 1.11^)1 lOI-JH AXn CK.ARS. JOHN HUCKELL, ,-', .■.'.^J 7^290 PROPRIETOR the Gil neccs> uiibrol I imporl TO CR/ SI'S' uriDK TO OTT-llWi. V- < \ . |T'rAVV'A, ihc ( apilal ('it\- of l^ritisli Aincrira, dates its ^)ri^Mii tVoiii the v„y coinincnccineiit of" the Kideau Canal, under Lieut. -("ol. \\\ , l\o\ ,d iMi'^incers. ill the \'ear 1826. l*'oll()\viii<4- the troops ^that accompanied \\\ to the scene of operations came first the chister of laborers' shanties which tornied around the canal s eastern terminus at I''ntrance Hay, uith.the somewhat better cUvelliiijjjs in which t'.ie traders who furnished the necessarii's of life were accommodated. Situated at the connuence of the Kideau aiuf (iatineau with cae .'•%'&«iiiiKLi,^i:iai.;.; -.i^j:?:' ICE CASTLE. the Grand River (now called the Ottawa\ each of them draininc( districts rich in a^^ricultural and timber resources, and just at the point where it became necessary to rearran<^c the rafts broui^ht down from the immense timber reijions of the Upper Ottawa on account of the impossibility of carr\inL; them unbroken over the Chaudicrcl'alls, the villaLi'e trrew raT)idl\' to be a town of importance, -fin 1854, a population of 10,000 beinc^ attained, the town was trans formed by Parliament into a city under the name it has since borne, the chanc^j taki;v^ .place i^t of Jan lary, 1835. Under the, Act in question the city wa.s divided into five war^ls, each of which,,becamc, entitled to representation in the Council of three Aldermen. From this period the city has gone forward with leaps and bounds, and has probably made greater headway in j^roportion to its population than any other cit\- in the Dominion. In 1857 Her Majesty fi.\ed upon it to be the permanent seat of governmentkof United Canada, a decision ratified and confirmed by Par- liament. In 1859 the public buildin..^s required for the acconnoiation o 3utterworth & Company, (^ 0^. •jJ- T^l-t^V"W ^y V~'V~^,J'^ "V '^"^ Iron Founders, liardware Merchants vij Heating Engineers. MAM i-At rntKifs oi' 'I'lii'; cki-kbratki) "Butjerworth's" Steel Plate French Ranges.' ' ri-'.. irl**'. ^'Diamilld*' Hotl. Water ^Boilers. "Diamond'\Hof« \ir Furnaces. -I z t - o □ i '.li I I J3 b"^o I • -. (?£/^^iV ^r. cnrmfA. or W arehouse, no sparks street, = » = = = Factory, 1 3 1, 133 and 1 35 Queen street, Ottq^^q, - - - Oiit. HRATKl) e French ^Boilers. :es. CO o z 5 D CQ t- Z Hi cc < a as u ^ s. o c < i: — x. ^ ,- ». •'! -^ ij I ^ till 1 1 ^ D ^ ■^, t^^ -: XI •- 1J :!i E r- rt X. T < ^ (/j !:: cz '•. s C ^ 1J ■"1 iJ < UJ cc CO n "J- < \:^^ >. ; XI t^ I'J - — cc < 5 CfJ o o en ^ C c >r c EU z 5 z UJ o m r o ^ nj — f \ --; XI ?j C 'J XI 'J ^^ J rt >, ^ -r-r "^ rt *" > t^ ^ 00 Pj XI 00 flJ -c ii'~ .s > .^ I/) .s ■I "1 /^\ / _ —I en • 3 I 1 I ! I *-^-- '•'Ji v^^w. ■!# ;-''!» »,1 i :^ 1 h^. i ;.. ';^. "f 11 A. McMillan, JEWELLER -HIE icmum;— AND OPTICIAN, -lAIIIlll'.H IIIK l,AR(il>T .-llil K OK- Watches, Clocks, Jewellery and Silverware. PHONE 1145. '.VHOLESALH AND RETAIL JEWELLtF 83 SF*A5KS STREEiT. as ~ ■r. OS = as-: OQ "^ o o cc o r m gtsD - SO -r ri X O H •xS _ 2 J' LIBRARY. T. W. CURRIER & Co., MANrFvACTCIU'KS AND Dl-AlI-.KS IN . . . o l>l. V nr - h- 186-190 RIDEAU STREET, OTTAWA . ;FURNITURE, carpets, oil CLOTHS.i ""•'{curtains, stoves, Etc. Ilpholstcriiuj a 5iwialtu. ^ — v WE SELL CHEAP FOR CASH OR ON EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT. i CIAN, ire. L JEWELLin I OTTAWA IRON and BRASS FOUNDRY Cor. LYON and QUEEN Streets, OTTAWA. MM|()s. ]a\\\ son, Pi'oi;;. >[ANI l'.\( 'l I l!i;i£ (IF AM, KIMtS ( H' CMSTirSCS IN IRON t^^nd brt^ss. AND OK KINI:SI' (•rAHTV. SIR JOHN MACDONALD IVIONUtVIENT, rXAWA CLOTHS^ NT. w. n. n/iRTiN, mi ^ m m THE r/£i5niONflBLE tailor. "THE BR.OAIDlxTjPi.Y " 133 Sr^RKS STRfcCT, OTTAWA. *. -♦$♦-"<— t—^ — The Largest and most Select Stock of Suitinjjs and Trouserings to select from in the Civy. Charges Moderate. Your Patronape always most Kcspectfully Solifiteil. m I 7, 6 The Best Brandy Imported into Canada. CO > q CO > .C^.v _.. Ill' -r-\-J •s!?X|i?iiV ^^ ^MW po^'^iWAvnr) J o FISHERY AND ART GALLfRY. Watches, Diamonds, Fine Jewellery. iFINE WATCH REPAIRING GPAr.UATE OPTI^niM? OBSERVATORY TIME. J Sole Agents for Dominion Coat of Arms Souvenir Spoons. 1 m sted cc H u rd m a n , "'"""' " 67 SPARK5 STREKT. 8 i \(Sts» o^ J K lU h z r K It RY TIME. Spoons. ^OPEiT ■v^^'^^j W VJ V^ '.V~ i HE liiijtiest grades of Ceiiielery wi.ik in SliIcIi. Swede, and all ( best j^rades of Marble and Cjianite Moniiinents. Headsiiines. MeiVKiaial Tablets, c;;(ipini',s. i'ost Cemetery Inclosures ot all kinds. have the best improved machinery fur polishinij i-ranite, which enables me to ijive the best stock and workmanship at the lowest price consistant with i;ood Work. Why i;ive your orders to agents and take interior stock and Work wlienyou can do much better to select at mv sliop r iioHKfVl' BnoWX, marb; & grwe works, NEAR BY-WARD nARl\ET. 94 CEORCiEi STREET MANUTACTURER AND DEALER IN GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. -^ 196 SPARKS ST.. 'Zl^^Z^;;;^. OTTAWA, ~- I All Tourists to Ottawa -"^'"'^''-iJ p-iy-i ^'-^'t «""i"' -*^tore ■■ ■• ■- ■ and see the collection ot rare Canadian and Foreign precious Stoiier. and Gems, all of which are CUT ■ .^.^^r ON THE PREMISES. "<^^^" \VP AUP THP OMI V l-ll>'^ ■ . IN THK boMINloN ^ doniK (.)ur Own Cultnii;. No Msitor should leave the Capital without a Souvenir of Canada. /»LL conns CHEERFULLY SHOWN INSPECTION EARNESTLY SOLICITED. >■ "'> /•'' "^ S'"*^ CANADIAN COLLEGE of MUSIC COR. BANK J llfELLINGTON 8TS. G^ ATRON: I His Excellency The Qovernor= General. VVrh For Quot J. edcjar birch. Principal. 55 ^f 4j ) ■ >» '.' Xj Xn^ ,j -•\tjr '-r K, ,. ^^J ' r.\. '^ ■■'•-J 'f* ',.. J' 1 • LOVER'S WALK. III tH [•] :li] W. n. Fliqq THE BEST BICYCLES, THE BEST CYCLE REPAIR SHOP, THE BEST STOCK OF CYCLE SUNDRIES. To UK !I''(IIM> AT If you wish to ride .-» hiRh record and rank with i;rcat stars, equip yourself for so doing by callint; W. H. Fligg's, 65 Sparks St., Ottawa. ((> I THE IN E/ AIko 1 A lar Ail(li'< ^ MU8IG ivernor= Principal. GARRIOCH, GODARD & Co., pLECTRICAL CONTRACTORS ^ g^^^^^> .4. ^^*- t Electric Railnads, Lit;hliiin, eic. ; f' Arc. Incandescent and Combina- c: Write ^:^^ "^'j tion Systems. Fire Alarm Services, Quotations 'f ''liv^ite Telephone Systems. M^- ■Sp tors, Dynamos, Lamps, t-tc, •1^^ General B'.'li Supplies. '^' '^S^ 55 Sparks St. Ottawa. OR OOTWE/IR THV fl, J. STEPHENS, 39 SPARKS STREET, l|l|i(i-llc' -'I'l i.' i;iis-i' ■/« INTERIOR CF LIBRARY. WM. MASON & SONS NDRIES. igg's, THE LARGEST AND BBST EQUIPPED MANUFACTURERS IN EASTERN CANADA OF DIMENSION TIMBER AIho' .>laiiuf'aotiii-(>rs at' Lumber, Lath ^ Shingles. A larjTc and well assortt-d stnck always on hand to select iKmi. No tionhle to quote prices or show goods I ANH, P.O. l)ox 120. OTTjOl^X/jPl, Canada.. 11 'l'«'lf|)llOIM' l.J.'.a. l'arli;uncnt luA the ('i\il S-'i\icc wcm'c coniiiicnccd, and were completed n iH(.)5, ( ausi.iL;- the removal to Ottawa of an army of public oOlcials with their families. In 1866 Parliament met in Ottawa for the first time, thus further ad- dint( to the jjopulation and importance of the jjlace. Ottawa added to her ij^reatness and dij^nit)' in 1.S67 \)y hecomini!' the Capital of the Dominion under the !)olitical system then established. The follow in<^ table shows tlic raj)id <^rowth of the cit\-: Incorporated as a town tlu population of H\- Town was, . 5,000 1854, 10,000 iiSCji 14,669 '«7' 21,545 ^^^^ 31.30; '^^59'' .... 44,154 1892, 50,000 1895, 60,000 W'itli the addition thereto :if t!ie pojjulation of Hull, which is practicall\- a suburl) of the jjolitical mctri)])()lis, ^^C 1 1,265, the population of Ottawa staiul's at f I ^: LB • t-FPite^i I '«««'•>.■ J«L iOVERNMENT PRINTING BUREAU. the ])resent UKMuent at 71,265. No other cit}', cast of W'innipet^, has shown such a mar\ellous rate of growth, and warrants the belief that at the same rate of increase it will not be lons^ before Ottawa will take third place amontj^ the cities of the Dominion. She now ranks secoiul in Ontario. In point of wealth and commercial e.\pansit)n and importance the development and incrcasj ^o hand in hand. The ci\ic assessment and customs returns are the best guides in this respect. The former shows that while the a.sscssment in 1867 was $5,167- 686, it is now, in 1893, $[8,616,985. DuriuL,^ the last ten )-ears the cii>' has nearlx' doubled in wealth and ])opulation. The customs returns slunv that in 1869-70 the total amount collected was $98,622, while in 1876-77 the collection had increased to $205,616, and in 1892 to $367,629. The value of imports in the year mr.iitioned was $3,741,201, and of exports $1,942,051. Truly Ot- tawa has no re. >n to be ashamed of the showinty which she is makini:^ among the cities of the Dominion I iplctccl n lith their iirthcr ad- L'd to her on uiulcr ooo ooo 669 545 307 154 000 000 uCtically a L stands at B^NNERn/^N &■ I 72 SPARKS STREET, unci; a (TSIOMI'.K, Ai WAYS A CrsTO.MI.K, Marine, Stationary, House Heating, AND Cheese Faciof.v Tanks, (iirders, Bank Vaults, and Smoke Stacks. <;^ Sheet Iron Work of Every Description. <^ I — :-• >■— -< •-; — e tr /, ELGIN STREET, .. ^^^ COR. ISABELLA. OTTAWA. i MASSON'S BOOT AND SHOE STORE. ...uf ^^*',i"i-! ■ MOTTO "Not huw cheap, but how ,Ui II id. 4 4 LANGEVIN BLOCK. IS shown same rate naui^ the of wealth trcasj go St Li'iiides as $5,167- cit)' has \v that in collection n]K)rts in Truly Ot- ; among The PEOPLE'S Life iNSURfl/^CE Co. Head Office, Ottawa Vol/,;iW' » INCORPORATED BY SFECI.AL ACT OF THE LEGISLATURE. President -JAMES GILLIS, Esq., Carleton Place. Vice-President- R. W. BAXTER, Esq., Late Finance Dept. Superintendent JAMES WALLACE Esq. T'h.- IVopk ■> Life I'r()\ idr-^ the same Reserve as *-if ' ^4# all (tther regular Companies in confoimity with th2 stringent Insurance Laws 13 I DROLET & Cos M sMM'^m^ BELFAST GINGER ALE, | i««^J13W^ LEMON SOUR, GINGER BEER &c. HAVE NO SUPERIOR IN CANADA. •PMO/SE 565 (II I ICK AND FACTORY: NO. 424 SUSSEX STREET, OTTAWA. I I i jPs. (t c I is/ p. POST OFFICE. HAVE YOU A GAS COOKING STOVE? A match is all you need. Can be used winter or summer. No coal, no wood, no ashes, no labor. A Luxury. Call and see them. OTTi:tWA GAS Co., | 23 SPARKS STREET. 14 Je i Mill and Mining Machinery. Sl R &c. 4 I Steam Eni^ines, Rock Crushers, Boilers, Derricks, ^)^ Steam Pumps, Water Wheels, Brass and Iron Castings of every description jPlLEX. fleck, OTTKAaZM, ont. yulcan Iron Works riAWA. winter shes, no •5 rREET. 1 z o < Q < Z ? < -;^ UJ S -J ^ < r UJ X c/) < ^ H UJ - z " (JL 5''^'^^' s' s' -i' t UJ UJ I QQ 1^^ I CITY...HALL. fl. ROSENTM/IL, Jeweler. g1] i s H % 3D 3D ?^ ^-^ 7s 0) S I ■V i til ^.LKr^$2/ \:V:. ._.<5^ ^^% Optician 87 SPARKS STREET, OTTAWA, 15 W^ ^ ^ JJ £. 3 o = H =• -r m r n 7 2 UJ -i > / v; O V ^ 3 3 r-. D n ■< y ^ rj -• n X, ,. o X o n S o r t> C X ^ I o T : - s -( 7. :j. H o •n 3 «i a > ^ z •w 3" •i t-f H m m -^ -C^- H 2 O ^^ -0 V, > r N O »» H H > r < tr > ^' CD c : \ n O en ^\ &9 H 3 &9 H (y o ru en < O O r- r ■n o m O m n H • "t ^ — t/) T o n; 3 -^ — m ,_^ O r, e-* ^ 2 o H 3 r, o O H Z ~ X > X o 2 •^ o r. c O " C- 7-; T. H— — C •~ z I Z .T) ■r >* U I O .- ro r-t- ^ij- <^±hs-^'> <^ H —J a o < _. DO j^ r" i—i (y; r-+ J~^ * •-J rt "TO 00 o 2 H n c H m D (/> C n n m 73 % U) 0) 0> H 3 o ~ C/5 S- ^ IT' ?0 (T) 3 ■n K) (D 73 Z m 73 O r. p-r i I U) 0) 0) 03 m 09 (0 01 I » \ 'alio IK 1 1 Bui Id in ii^. ^^jl'^V) the tourist Ottawa's chi-fcst attractions arc the national Iniiklinfrs, VJI/ erected by the country for the use and acconunodation of the I'arha- ment and jjuhlic servants of C'ana(hi, rcspectin^i; whose artistic merits so much has been said and sun^^ In approaching,' Ottawa, from whatever ijuarter, the Parliament building's are the most conspicuous. 'l'he>' stand('Ut a^'ainst the clear sk\' in all the beauty of seemini;!)- varied architecture. '\ov ers, ])iimacles, buttresses and ^'ables are in the ilistance apparenll)' heaped U|)on each other, and only become well defined on nearer approach. In speaking' of them, Lovell says: "Their splendor, their fine, commanding' site, toLjether with the bcaut>- of the surrounding' scener\-, place them in a very enviable position compared with other structures used for similar purposes, ami must ever be ob- jects of interest to the and stran^'cr. and pride to the people of Canada." The\' are four in numl)er : the rarliament Huildint;, the I'.asfern l)ei)artmental Buiidin!.;, the \\'(;stern b)ei)artmental Huildin-, and the Laiii;evin i^iock; the last WATER WORKS, SO called after the Minister of the Crown umler whose supervision the building was coiistructetl. With the exception of the Lanj^exin Block, wh ch stands on Wellint^ton Street, almost facini;' the Parliament House, these buildins^s are all on the "Hill," formini;' three sides of a quadran;4le; but they are not joinecl, the vacant spaces at the corners beini^ of considerable extent; the fourth side of the quadranL;le opens on Wellington Street. The)' coxer a space, with surrounding walks and drives, of thirty acres. The style of architecture — as Anthcnn' Trol- lope, the ncelist, allows — is almost pure Gothic. The central, or main building is devoted to the service of the Senate and the of Commons. It stands on the north side of the (luadranglc, upon which it presents a front of 472 feet in length and two stories in height above the basemeiit, its breadth being 370 feet at the centre and 181 feet across the main, eastern and western entrances; height of tower over entrance, 220 feet. From this tower — which can be as- cended by any one u{)on ajiplication to the ])roper officer it is said the view of at least half a dozen counties can be obtained. The Eastern Building has two IS I I l)iiilcliiif^s, ic I'arlia- so much artcr, the ;;iinst the |)iiui;iclcs, ch other, of thcin, with the : position /cr be ob- C anrul.'i. lartmcntal l<; the last THE YOr^K COUNTY LOAN ^ 5AVIN(i5 Head Office: Toro/nto. BRANCH oniCH: 104 5I>ARKS ST., OTTAWA. A. W. 1 . 1 1. went K, IjuikUnLj stands on ;s are all )ine(l, the ide of the rroundin^ ony Trol build ini^ it stands 472 feet eint,^ 370 ntrances; m be as- c view of / has two Co. Siipt. i 9 a o V . |.§ a D jf O -3 a SI J3 « The Object of the York County Loan and Savings Co., is, ist. To liclp all who become iiicnibeis to secure their own homes. 2nd. To promote thrift and saving, especially among the young. 3rd. To earn fair profits for its members. \*> F I 0UNDER8 AND MACHINISTS. ALL KINDS OF 0A8TINQ8 IN IRON OR BRASS. A. r ' ■■■ — Watc Wheels, Steam l-nKines, < ', K' J^ MANUFACTURFR8 'f', '>^ OF /^ •••••^t MANUFACTURFR8 'f'^,.,. '''rt-' PumpS, '>/ OF /'■■ Automatic Mose Keels. Mill Machinery and Electric Power Plants a Specialty. ViCTOi^l/\ rOUNUi^Y CO.. i Repairing. i-:^.. ()'1"M\\\':\, (:i|i|i|C'h|. DRILL HALL. ¥HE fTlERY CJROSS ct ^nontblu ^HajAi-inc for Treats of Scutti.sli and Canadian History, Poetry, Husic and Folklore. PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED. ScottishCanaManH. i;i)rn:i) .and I'lni.isiii-.i) iiv I'. I). M.vcl )()n \i n, .at 51 Si'.akks St., Ott.wv.a, ( )m', rOlKTI^/^iTS ^ PlIO'^ill/^riHIiES EXCEPTIONAL ADVERTISING MEDIUM. PRICE $1.00 PER YEAf, PAYAELI IN ADVANCE. 20 I )F 0A8TINQ8 on BRASS. Hose Keels. Specialty. I ^'r|l|i|('h|. ladian History, oiklore. iTRATED. \ .\, ( )NT. DVANCE. Ill fc th principle facatlcs at ri^ht aiiL;lcs to each other, one 319 feet in len^jth and the other 245 feet on \\'ellini;ton Street. The Western block is somewhat similar (|u 1 siiape to the Ivistern, havin^r a fronta^a> of 220 feet on the Scjuare and 27; Jul 2Ct upon \\'ellin<;"ton Street. The public dei)artmer." arc distributed amontf |eni he several bui'dint^s as follows : I'lastern BuildiuL;' (lOxernor-C^reneral's office, 'in PrivN' Council, Secretary of State, Justice, l'"iiiancc, Interior, and Auditor-Gen- clc' cral.' Western I'lock Railway s and Canals, I'ublic \\'()rks, Militia, Trade and d)u Commerce, Customs, Inland Rexenue, Marine and h'isherics. Mounted Police, 1i)hoi and Arch.ives. Lani,^evin Block -Post Office, .\i^n-iculturc, and Indian Affairs, 'a ' The Patent Office is attach(;d to the Department of Ai^riculture and in the tlu same buii iin.14". The (ieolot.^ical and Natural IIistor\- Sur\'ey, with its splendid Th museum, which is dail\' attended b\' many \isitors, occupies the old barracks |wil on Sussex Street. _ -pS- In 1S75 an (.-xtension was made to tiie W estern buildiiu;" under the adudnis- Sli tration of Mr. Mackenzie, iience the name of the tower then \n\t u]) facinij the bel (!haudierc. This tower is 274 feet in altitude, the hii;hest in Ottawa. The I LADY STANLEY INSTITUTE Librar\- buililm^ ir. the rear of tlie Houses of Pariiament was not coin])lete(l uii til 1877. It was this buildin-;— an (--ta^oual one in shape like the chaiiter-houst of a cathedral which Mr. I'rollop- declared would alone be wortlu- a triii across the Atlantic. It is circular inside, and 290 feet in diameter. The maii. wall is ab(Hi«- four feet thick, and possesses an exterior fa-x- of sixteen sides, at each ani;-le of which there is a ll\-in<,^ buttress spanning; the roof of the leaii ti and joinint,' the main wall at a heii^ht calculated to resist the thrust of the rooi The librar\' is fioored with Canadian woods in oak,, cherr>' and walnut The fittinos and bookcases are in pine, the latter in three .stories'with eiL;ht di visions, the spaces formino- small alccnes enclosed with iron railing;. Thelibrary was desii,med to contain loj.ocxj volinnes, but there are now no less than I55,ax stored therein. .\ life-si>:e marble statue of the Queen, executed by the 'late Marshall Wood, an Enrtli\- a trivil*^''- Callery and l""isher\\lC.\hil)it; and the l,)rill Hall on ("artier .Sijuare, ile\otcd riie maii'il^" military purposes, and in wliich exists a museum containini;' a \ariety of in- een sides at |^'-'''^'-*'^"^k^ relics connected with the militarx' iri^iiiit' the lean-te; of the root. J and walnut. ith eii;ht The librar} than I SSiOt'*^^ fthe hf^di cliffs, on which our noblest buildiii_L^s have been erected, can be w it- b)- the latc|iicssed scenes of natural beaut>' unsurpassed by aii)' on [the continent; rich in, A rei)li(:a|HJ| the \aried charms of moimi-^in ri ,-er and forest, and enhanced b\- the sur- triumphs of architectural skill. 'I'he river Ottawa, on the southern bank of which the capital stands, raid- the dividin*,^ branches of the Rideau River, arc cxceedin;ularl\' {^rand and picturescjue in apoearance. ©TTAWA has a number of public parks and .squares, sonic of them hi<;hly ornamental, andfor beaut\- of surroundini^s cannot be excelled. Tar- stant cot- ale scene, ;ian Hills. e\ cry (le- of lumber ler up the s over the i wendintj d arc the ises down lides on a is laid out i trees and I compared 8. J. JARVI8 mmm PHOTOS. :s from all t facilities '\ land sister | Ure of the :ceedin<^ly alls, tumb- ' feet, arc lem biijhl)" lied. Par- in? SF^MS STIEET. CLJ3 ■=2:: ■. (D DO _■ c^ Z —J z •^ J -:^ J ^(1) [±^'^ SZE PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS EXECUTFD BN.. . 25 1 I Yon UMiii Willi |iM|i('i- lit Miiy prici-. \Vii>liii'i|i' j;olil I'liMiiiird |iiiliil, Sciiiii.vV ci'Ii'Iii'mIimI lliiiir ii.'ihil. ItlllM^l, v'> lllll'NCl'lli'd ll,)l]r [IMilll, Mixi'ii iiiiiiil, :ill enjoin ^'ii;iiiiiili'i>il. Vainl>li, Oil, or liir|)('iiliiii', liriislii'^, irl!l>^'. piiiiy. fic, A iii>i c'l!i>s jol) of pnpc'i' lumiriiit:, ( ir :i lii'ii (•lii>s jol) of piiiiM iiii.'. Window Sli.KJi's, (liolci'^t for lilt' prlc*-— :i(J I't'iils. ill fMcl if yon wiint iiiiytliiiii.' ill I In' pMin' inir trudi- t,'o to F. STETX/'AKLT THE LEADING PRACTICAL PAINTER ANlJ DECORATOR. 236 and 238 SPARKS STREET -^.•^ FOR BUST VALUE FN Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, etc (AI.I. ON-^ I W. n. /PKOULE, 135 sparks St., Ottawa. Spectacles and Eyeglasses for all sight-. iOvcs tested free of charge. , \ Manufacturing and fl.n. y/''-. ^^'( Kn•o^. er. 27 liamcnt Hill has already been mentioned, and a frrcat deal of what has been said of it will appl)- to Major's Flill I'ark, l)f)th of which are under the control and supervisi a han domain, situatci Rr'cau Ri\ i r. n. ar t'^ i) iiUiinij'. near New Edinburgh, "-at the'other d!s of that name, and about a mile, 'and a , Here ar.' about /S acres of land sLu-romid- 1 is (!l\ |;IC Th w .1 intc parks, dri\ts and fields for athletic sports. Ksjiciiiju'iiinl Fniin. EGISLATI VI-'. ;)uthorit>-''w as obtained in iS.S/ for the establishment of five (io\ernment Ivxperimental J'^arms in various parts of the Dominion. The first Slcj) taken was the piu'chasj of 500 acres of land outside the cit)' of Ottawa, Hipon whicli has beci established the Central h'arn.i, which is now in workinj^' order as a complete;,trial farm, the arrani^ements having all been made accordiuL^ to the newest desij^ns and the latest knowledge. The farm occupies a fine position on the Merivale Road, about two miles from thej centre^ of Ot- tawa, and can be reached in summer either^by^boat orjand^convcyancc. 28 las been : control . beyond )ni/.c(l in la for tlu- it around Cajjital. :ozy and ) tcstifx'. JD he other e.'and a jrround- K)rts. nent of |)niinion. cit)' of now in Ml made )ccupies ], of Ot- i THE .'WOMAN'S' JOURNAL SIXTEEN PAGE PAPER. The Official Organ of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of the Dominion of Canada. 'iil)ll.slii'(l MoiUhlyal.'Jti Alhi'i-i Siiv.'t, (tii:iu,i. dm SiiiisiTipliDM prici- W» cciils ;u \.'iii-; «'iiil), .,f i.-iiic IwiMity, 10 ri'iilf^ Cliibs.of iw,.|ity miiiI iipwiinl^. Miss; Maim .McKa vJ S( ,>tt, Kilitoniiid I'lililiVlHT. Tk.mi'ki(an(k;I.itkuati iiK'DKi'dMToin .yiiJAIhi'ri.M. ottavvii, Oiit.- Hand of \\,,\n- siipiilieh. I'lf(lf.'fs. UiiciUHU. iMc. l,it<>iature for ovitv (l<'parlrn.'iil n( ri'inpiM-uiicc work. French and (iiTinan Lfulli'i- • iiialojiiies on iippliration. Miss MAUvJMrKw _Scott, ('ii>t(idiiiti. YOUNd WOMAN'S Christian Association. Corner Hurial^and Hetcalfe .*^treet». I5(>,\itreet. Ottawa Bkancii •••••- Carpets, ^^ StOT7e:3. CASH OR CREDIT. COnPLETE nOM5EFURNI/HEK5. THE BE5T BREAD IJAS. A. WARNOCKJ HAKtM To HIS t-;XCFLUENr;Y. '/J VIENNA ^^. V ^ V 1^ THE OOVERNOR-UENERAL. '$, fA — >• >• In Canada. The above tells the whole story and tells it with exactness. Wat( iyes e.\ OJR MASTE.R BAKLR M^ ^ *1n>^ '^^ "^,'1 •S.- R( T7' J-v, I tea i*: 36.' RIDEAU HALL a^ K. KRTER, Estimates .uiven for all kinds of Plain and Decorative Work. Ready Mixed Paints, all Colors. Wall Papers, all kinds. House and Sign P/IINTER. HYDR SIGN PAINTING AND NATL'RAL WOOD FINISHING SPECIKLTieS. COR, LYON AND SPARKS STREETS, OTTAWA, d-so cai 30 R BAKIR •••••• FOR RBLIABLB •••••• 'atches, Clocks & Jewellery -GO TO Allan H. Fraser, 152 liank Street, oijposirf sunN's nLor.K. fUTCHMAKER, JEWELLER i OPTICIAN. Ivi's oxamiiied free. Wcikiini; Riiins :uk1 lewL'llery made tn oidt'i. P,S. Diamond Setting and Watch Repairing a Specialty. Don't Read This ! Don't read tliis dear people, unless you I wisji to know that' you should ^ci your Photo; and llie best place to go is THE SNII)F:R 5rilDI(), 131 (Jink Street, Ottawa. AM, STVI I'S AND ^1/1 x. I'UU I'.S KK.Hl'. 7X, S. DICKeNSON Propriet<»r. i falls. Law Bros. & Co., ER. FINISHING CALEDONIAN FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOPS. HYDRANTS, VALVES, WATER WORKS SUPPLIES, SPECIALS, SHAFTING AND MILL V.ACHINERY. Al^o castings of every description. Ridccau Falls, OTTAWA, ONT. 31 LAVERDURE. E. J laveroureI E. Q. LflVEKDURE & C2, ESTABLISHED 1865 HARDWARE MERCHANTS. NEAR BY-WARD MARKET. Tclephdiie 102. BY WARD MARKET WHEN COMING TO OTTAWA DO NOT FAIL TO VISIT Kettle Island Fakk I TAKE ELECTRIC CARS TO GET THERE 15 Cents Ketu-Tn. .N' . '' J LAVERDURf "O i;is .■ind Sumi! 1 l.cail I'ljii'v lii;iss (lonilv, t^ and (ilas- tory Siiii|tlu-, 1(1 r>rass, I'ti , and /iiu'. w 9 'A, (>n . 7S/T flRK HERE csldencc .m) Waver Icy Street. PHONH. •* V. S ~ — (_>j ^' '-^ '-" o <^ 3- o<-" o ? P o o p ?888 8 888 8 r^ ^ (' I