Kmmr .^^ >/ * r Photographic Sciences Corporation aV s v>- \\ s een of latt< years reduced, in the casa of OoTernment saviuKs banks, to one. ihiii the iiUonnt formerly allowed. In the case of the postal RaTings banks, the limit for snr one depositor is three bandred dollars, with the exception of estates of oiiiors apd one or I wo other cases, when, by special permlssio;^ of the Postmaster-Oeneral, the deposits may )ii< as high as $I,GUO. A return to the House uf Commons in 1889 showed that out of 61^,- CHI itepiisitors in th'se l>anks. S3, 432 had deposits under $900, and that 34,412 of these < •rn under $100 ; su that is plain that the saTings banks represent the saTlngs of the peo- i<'e — 'h« mechanic^ the artissnn and the women of Canada. In urery country the savings hank depositii are regarded as one of the best tests of the I .>ndi!ion of th« |ieople. The following table will xhow whether Sir Richard Oartwright'a statement about the " woiihlfS'^nese " of the present system is borne out by the facts. The column of hM!tR '-;:< $ e,lli6,321^>__a_i^ii^ U74 7,310.260^B^^lBBHHa 1 ■?» 7.171, IS^^^^BBiHHHi l'<7e 7.044,1 IS^HaaHHiHB :'477 7.47U,0:iaH^BnBiBB^^a 1H7A 8,497,01 SBiBBiB^^^^BHL^n )8*a 0,207 08:Ba^ 1'<8J ll,O52,9.,0~»^_a_>iaa__aaB 18X1 l&,83g,072a>— ^a^a— 1^— >iB>ii>«i~B )I«8J 21,7B8,eei— awB^»«— ^w-^^^-a^oBMHB 18H:| 20,219, 107a»^^B>-—a^^^^^_^^ )8H4 2n,217,S»ei— •^i— »— ■»Bi-^_i»^_..i^^_^.i^ )b8» »2,9Tn,073^i^^— ^^— aB-^B_a__^._M.^^_^ai IHKll !<8,164,0HUaaaii^— ^__i__aB^_ia__„____i^,^._ I'he ihii'kor linoH indicate the Cartwright tariff years. The lighter linps below hem r (iiHSi-iit liie new tariff years. It will be seen tbat during the old tariff years thei was no uaiy It decrease iu two years, and that the total increase in 1!?79 over 1874 was only $' 00 i.iiiiO. Nolo also that the increase in 1886 over 1871/ was $29,000,000, and that each \VK MO.Ni;v. VOTE AGAINST THE MEN WHO ARK THE ENEMIKS OK HE NAi lO'lAI, I'OLICY, " The Protective System Is pulling this country down hill every flay."- fhi"ii/ii'-i Tniif^ t iiLtikf. orytin,) % IIEFOKITS IN nSNSIllI, CHARTKHRD B1NI9. Am. ., III! ill 11, irii. wiih MiM batiks of Canada, Icr tbo years given indicating iucrean- i i{ till. ini'r.H iirid iiicroisln^ uccii'Ui.'latiiiii If otherwise This l..blo Is made up by taklug lii • HVeriige deposits at the end of the months of September and October last : V -^r. AinuiiDt. onDdposlt. 1x74 $ Ull,946,385a^a— B___i_>Bia_i^>ai^a»_aBM^ iiTiv i».' "'',°" .""" 'ii "" ■"""■■■■ I 'SI """"■"■' >0 RH,4liH,ll:l4aa___>i_^____ia^_^^.^___i_i___i_ -"'> in,..ii.,o.. ■■- ■■ I'hi-i-e deposits, at the end iil Oneiuli r lii^t, Hminiuted to $1 1 l,;trt.'i iiilO. 'I'lie llii ker lines iudicato the Cartwright tariff yeais. The lighter liaes show tlie Prii" leelivn tariff yiarn. Note how the deposits failed to Ih.ld their own during the Caitwrlnht i.ais. Note Low tuey bnunded up uniinr the impulse of (he new tariff, and hnw, in spite . t ih« liail times nil over the world In 1883-8.1, they held their own, nil last year they weie SI'i 1100,000 more than in 1879 Uiiring the previous seven lean years under the Cartwright i.iiiff they decnmsid over two mlllious of dollars. Stand fljily, shouldur to shoulder, In lupport of too system which has wrought such woiiilors, and . < not beguiled by any man Into supporting a ijibeial candidate. l.lki! eveiythlug else, these figures show cleaily how much astray Sir Richard Cart, "right Is when he declares that "no more stupid act of folly was over emnmitted than in i i»l-iitig In iinilHting the piotecliva policy of the United States j there never was a country les.s fulieii for that expnrlnieut than this 1) imlniou of Canada." fir the Niii.inai I'lilliy eatididates every time, and don't be misled by Ele<;lioii promises of old upponent.s of tlio N iiloiial Policy. rested in every way hy whicli men are aceiislomed to test the prosperity of a eoiiiitry t'.(imd> Is seen 111 liava advunced riipldly ill iier onwird march to full doveloptnont under te pi I'sent tariff The deposits of ilio ponplo iu the variiiin forms of banks, biiildlug »ii- I lei|i.«, limn null invesloirintoumpanles are generally recogiiisod as one of the liest tests ul n cuiiiiiij's priigieis. I ■OILDIXg ■OCIITin AKO LiiAS loMl'AltlBS UKHOBITS AT »«l> Or lUOl TIAt. Ye«r. 1874 V AfiM.tis^mmimt^a^mmmt 1875 bfiiofif^i^mmmmmimm^atmm 187S »,i2ii,»i%mi^immmmmammmimmm 1877 7,102,1 H6MBaaaBa^HHaB^aH^aa lb78 8,3l9.'.|l!i^BBBaHiBi^ai^HHHiMi^^ 1871) 9,428,1 48>a^_>i__a___^_^__ 1880 i>.7U,68S^_BaBi>uw_>____a__aaa>_ia_ii^_^.__ Observe tbe fact that the deposi's have iiearlv il'iili'i'ii fir.ce iImi Na'i<.tml roiirv whs introduced, and are now close upon fifteen and aba'_a^^ii_a___»->_aa>_^ l*7B t.sti.onmm^m^i^mmmamammmmmmmimm 187S »fii»,snmmimmmmmmmmmm^^mmmammmm 1177 B,849,fiS3aBHHHi^^B^HiHBBiHii^^ 1878 ifiw,mmmmmamtjmmmimmmmmmmm, 1879 bfiw,'iy.\mmmmamtmm^m^ma^mn 1^80 7,118,486 1881 '.— ".""' 1882 8,908,829 1883 8,787,412— ^—i—^^——— ——— i 1884 B.»91,B90 I • 188S "."•".-•- 1886 9,403,6.0— —<-■— .i— ^»— — ■^» Observe how, in 1880, after the new t'lntt li-*! ii len la o.ieraii'ni fir eighteen months, the deposits began to accumulate, and liow they remained during the whole period at th» larger amounts, closing last year with the largest amuunt on deposit ever known in the history of these banks. The comparatively slight decrease in 1883 and 1884 will show liuw easily the people passed through the cisis which so deeply and disastrously afi'scteti other countries. Observe too how coutiouous was the decrease in the accnmuIstloB of deposiis from 1871 down to 187», when the Cartwright tariff was in force. In 1879 the derrease wiis 30 per ceut , while from 1879 lo 1880 the increase was 76 per cent — an average decrease of 6 per cent, a year In the Cartwright tariff period, and an average Increase of over 10 per cent, a year under the proltctiou tariff, uotwil.'isianding the fact that the deepest depression the world has evi I known was r ;;lug among Iliu ijations ontside of Canada. The wage earners of the country can tiius reaiiilv measure the aiivautiige to themselves of having tiie present tariff coutiuued tluder the care of its fri'inds instead of being placed in the charge of men hostile to it.. Vote for the Liberal-Conservative candidates and for good wnges. Don't vote for Ihe bad times of tbo Orits and Rouges to come back again. A good way, perhaps the very iicst, to Judge of Itie effects of the National Policy upon the wuges receiving classes of the ciiy ^iBaa_a_a_ InaJ 6,n79,49ftaB~Baa>^aaaaB^»aai^B— >B^~i^a>.a>_i_ai_ '^ |sa« t.lff t.-f 1II8.S «.4'.'H.'MI I InHil II.SKI.iI'll — »»— — — .»— The Ibloner lluea show the years before and after Ihe Cartwiighi puiiod, ard InillcHia l<< ihe eyo th« difference Iwtween the free trade and the prolei live (terlid. ,. You wii| s e iliat duriiig the free trade neriud thfl iendencv was to liocreasn, so that iu 1879 the deposiis wer one million 'l,-.!lari less than In 1874, while under tlie prolm'livniariff the de|ioiitla innrei eeil over ihien millions iit.:! a half — or more than doubleit. It Is ol«« thai tlin people ot M'nt- leal have been able to lay by for ■' a rainy day ' ' more than ilonme what they war* able to lay ky under thn