% «>. ^c,"^ -^^ „0. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1^ mil 2.2 Hf m Ui 1 2.0 1.8 1-25 1.4 1 1.6 .4 6" ► V] VQ / c*l ^: ^J"^ %^^ 4V^ 7 Photographic Sciences Corporation m s %' :\ ' 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ) <<., I/. .

signlfie "A SUIVRE ", Ie symbols V signlfie "FIN". Maps, plates, charts, etc., mey be filmed et different reduction retios. Those too lerge to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hend corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, plenches, tableeux, etc., peuvent Atre filmte A des taux de rMuction diffirents. Lorsque Ie document est trop grend pour Atre reproduit en un seul clichA, ii est filmA A partir de i'engie supArleur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de heut en bas, en prenent ie nombre d'images nAcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants IMustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 C(>,i>'foiirii:,' Office y^ ,,il'ri|cr |ii(\ iidi ly i iicil ifl;iliu": t<> Culoiiial ' 'fi lific'ilc:; of ( .iiii|-i(r!icj , liihi titii'olidnti : :ill Ww. i'cf>;iilations im;w ill I'orco if'lnlinij; Id Mhmi' no, hm<\ di'livfry, (itiictilalioii, •ijid sii';[H'niioii. As the Colonial (Jertidcfilc:-, of Coni|ietri)cy iffened to in llu; ■dd Ordfi" in ( 'iiiinoll 'lie lo liavtlic f a mo I ore o a-? tlio sindlar i "eitiflcalt's "ijnil plaoo ol' one ol' the lalttT, and a.' cntitlino- 'f ! bona /ido Imjilfr to act in llu- capacilv staled in it, or any infevMii' (I:>ut not a sn|)oiior) (•.■t]>a<'ily in any IJritish ship, all over the world without the j)ossesHio!i (•[' n llonrd of Trade Certilicate. Colonial CortificfitOK will liavf to bo uf^od, ]M'oducod, and deli- vored fit l.ho times and on the occasions at and on which Imperial CVrtilioatos of C'Omi)otoncy would luivo to ])o used, j)roduced, and delivered. Whon it np))onrs from a Corliticato (Frnporial or (,'oloninl) oflleially ]»ro(lucod <«> the ( Ulicer that itfj owner j)of-sof^ses otliei* (Vrlificates, theii' production abo should !«• rcfjuircd, and if i riSOf, ^vt. llM4-t. A llicy aro not proauccnl their nwiioi's oxplanation in writing should l>o (lonianclod and forwardod to tho IJcgistrar-Oenoral of Soanion with the least possildo dtday. Officers in British Poss(>ssions nbroad aic eni|)oworod by Refjulatiori 9 attached to tho Onlor iu Council to demand, and if necessary detain, any such Colonial Ccrtilicatf which they have reason to believe has been improperly issued, or has bern forujed, altered, ean<^ellcd, suspended, or to which the person nsino: it is not ju.tly entitled. Whenever this power is exercised a report of tho facts and circumstances must bo sent by the Ofiieer, with the least possible delay, to iMlw.v the Board of Trade or the iTOvernment of the Possession in which tho Certificate was orijriually granted or may purj)orl to have been granted, accordingly as communication may bo easier and fpiicker. As the withdrawal of a Certificate woukl in some cases entail inconvenience, not only upon its possessor l)ut also u|»tin the tnvners of the ship and cargo, it is scarcely necessary to caution OHicers that the exercise of this power should only be resorted to when tho evidence is perfectly clear; and if the ship is hour a lo the Ignited Kingdom, and the report above mentioned has been S(Mit to the Possession in which tho Certificate was originally granted, the Board of Trade should nevertheless be inlbrmed of the facts. Every case of death of a Colonial Certificate-holder which may come to tho Officer's knowledge should be roj)ortod without delay to the Crovernment of the Possession in which the Certificate was granted. The attention of Officers and Functionaries in British Posses- sions abroad engaged in the conduct of Official Inquiries in wreck and discipline cases is directed to tho fact that the Certificates to which the Order in Council applies will be liable to cancellation and suspension in i)recisely the same way as Certiiicates granted by the Board of Trade under the Merchant Shipping Acts, and by the same Boards, Courts, and Tribunals. The provisions of "The Merchant Shipping Act, ISol," and " Tho Merchant Shipping Act Amendment Act, 1802," as to Courts of Inquiry will therefore be applicable to the Colonial Certificates in (juestion, with the exception of the provisions specified in the Order iu Council. Attt'iition is ftullior tlircotcd to tl»o i)rovision now for tlio first liiiK! inserted in Tlo^uliition 6 fvttachod to the Order in (onneil, nndor wliicli Coloniiil Authorities are onipoworod lo issue ii lower 5frn(Ie of Certificate in lieu of a Certificate cancelled or suspended l»y an oflieial Court of Inquiry, if tiie Court of Inquiry make a reeonuncndation lo that effect. It will he noticed that llcf^ulation S attaelunl to the Onler in ('onneil provides that the cancellation or suspension oF a Certificate shall involve cancellation or suspension of all the other Certilleatt's (if any) possessed by its owner. Witii the view of carrying this Herniation strictly into elfcct, it will be desirable liiat tlic Court shoidd endeavour to ascertain and should sjx'cify in their decision the jiartienlars of all the Certificates possessed by any IxMson whose conduct is the subject of an invesiigation by them. In cases of cancellation or suspension of such Colonial Cer- filicates, copies of the report of the Court and of the evidence, together with the respective Certificates, should be sent to the Covcrmnents of the Hritish Possessions by whom the sexeral Certificates possessed by the offender wcrc^ originally granted. A full report upon the case and the evidence should, at the same time, be sent to the Board of Trade, as required by the Act, and the sentence, giving the number of each Certificate dealt with, and the Possession in Avhich it was granted, should be men- tioned in it. The holders of Colonial Certificates which are cancelled or suspended should l)e referred to the Government of the Possession in which the Certificate was originally granted, instead of to tliis Hoard, if they desire to appeal from the sentence or to apply for a mitigation of it. These instructions must be understood as having reference only to the Certilicates referred to in the said Onh-r in Council. IIEXRY C. CALCR/VFT. Sceretiiri/. THOMAS CRAY, Assistant Sccrefari/. M. 17665 1887. o AT TiiK conirr at i;ai,M()1ja[., TIk! 1. ')I Inlay of Si!|>l(inlK'r. IS.sJ. 1M7ESKNT, Tin-: ijuEKN's Aiosr kxcellent i\rA»n:s'rv in COUNCIL. VViii'.UKAS by iho "Morcli.'int Sliii'piiUi; (Coloniiil) Acl, IMfW," it is (mnoiii^st oilier tiling's) cnacleil, llia( wlicrc llu^ Lo^ijlslaliiro ul' any Hritish Possession provisos for (lie oxaminafioii <»(', and y;vi\ut of CVrtificalos of Conipelenoy lo, |Mi'sons intciKliiij; to aol as Masfer.s, Mates, oi* Kiij'iiircis on l»oar»l Hrilisli ships, ami llie HoHid of 'i'rado reports to Her .Mjijesty llial; tliey arc satisiied liial the examinations aro so comluetcd as to l»e ((pially cHieient as the examinations foi" the same puri)OS(' in the rnited Kinj^doin under thn Acts rehiting to Merchant Shi|»|Mn!';, and (hat tlie t'ortineates are I'l'anted on snch principles as to slmw the like fpialifleation and competency as those {^ranted umhT the said Acts, and are liable to lie i'orfVited I'or thr like reasons and in the like manner, it shall be lawlul I'or Her Majesty, by Order in Council : — ;. ''\) d' Clare that the said Cerliticates .-hall be of the same force !is ir th<>y had Ikm'ii i^M'anled under the said Acts ; ■J To tleclar(> that all or any of the pro\ i^ions (»r the saiti Acts which relate to Certificate'- of Competency granted under those Acts shall apply to the Certificates roterred to in the said (>rder ; A I'o iiii|)Ose snch <'onditions an.] to make snch rc,<;ulationf^ with respect to the siiid Certificates, and to the use, issue, tielivery, canctllation, and suspension thereof, as to Her Majesty may seem fit. and to impose ])enalties not cxeeedinj.'; lifty pounds for the breach of -ueh eoiiditions and i-egulations. An(l for the purpose in such Order, tak(> ell'e(>t. a;"^ if they hail \)ron contained in the Act, and that if '^hall be lawful for Ib'r Majesly in Coiuu'il (n reviht^ anv ()rdei madi' a-- 'd'orrsuid : Aim! wlu'uni liy tin .Muicliuiil Slii|iiiiii^ Acl, \uiy, it i:- |in)- \ Midi (li;il lltr Aliijiiy iiiity, Ity Onirr in ( 'uiincil, i r\ cilu , mIipi, (M ;iiii<4 Ads : Ami wlirnas hy wirinjis Onlorn in L^'uiiiieil, Jlui Majoty wu.. |»k'ascvl out in (In- Sclu'diilt,- llioi'cU), tlic Colonial (A-rlilicalos «,'i{iiitf(l Ji.s rollow>, \u. : 1. On oi' al'Uji lli(! llMh day ul' An},Mi>l, 1S71, hy ijaj Miniftlci ol' Alarinc; and Fislicrics in Canada, lu persons inU-iidin;^ to at'l as Mask'i's (,i Males on lioard Hrilisli >liips, and rcloirud « (() in an Orde) in Council dalud ihu IDlli diiy ol" Augnst, 1S71; 2. On and al'ter tliu 12tli day of :\lay, 1874, by llio head t.l' the (ioveriinieiit ol' the To. .^est^iun of Malta and its J)ei»pndcii- cie^, lo jiuisoiis inlendin;^ to act as Ma.stei>, IMiUt;s, or En^ineei'M on hoard IJritish sliij)s, and refcncd to in an Order in Council dateaid llith day of May, 1871 ; 0. On and ar(er (he K day ot April, 187f), hy the Steam Navi- gation Uoard oi Victoria, to [)ersons intending to act a.- ^lasters, Mates, or Kuifineers of Ihitish sea-^oing Steam Shii»s, and rel'erred to in an Order in Council dated the iL'th day of Fehrnary, 187U; 1. On ajul alter the Ist day ol" A[iril, l,s7t), hy the ({uvernur for ihelime heini; oi' the i'osyession oi' New Zealand, (o person.-, intending to act as ^Masters, ]\hitos, or Engineers on hoard liritish ships, and referred lo in an Order in Council dated the ll'th day of Fcl.ruary, I87(i; ■). On and ul'te-i the I. L da) ol' Ai)ril. is7(i, hy tin- IMarnie lioard of the I'ossi-sion of New South Wales, to ])er.-ons intending to act a-: Ma-^leis, First l\h-ites, vSeeond Ma(c.>, First Class ]*Jn<^ineer^. or Second Chiss Fiij^ineers on hoard Ih'itish s]ii[)s, and rd'erreil to in an Order in ('1 dii}- ol" Ai>rii, lS/(i, hy the Marine Board of (he Fossc-sion ol South Anstraliii, to persons intending to act a.-. Master-, First Mate>, Only Mate,-., Second Mates, Fir,-?t Cla.-s l'Jn[:incer.-, or Second Clas.- l"iii;;iii('U (»ii Itn.iiil liiiiili -liiii:-, uinl iilrricil t(t in .111 (lidcr ill ('(HiiK'il tlalc-l llii' i2lli iliiy nl' I ; 7, On :iii)l after iIk! Isl ilay ol' April, IS/'fi, liy die (Jovcriior ol' tlio l'osses>i<)H of Tasinixnia, (o jjlihohs iiilciuliiig lo act as Miisd IS, Males, or Engincdi's ()i\ Ijoard Urilish sliii)S, ami lolcnod to ill ail Order iu CouiK'il, (liit«,'d the I7tli day ol' May, ISTfj; S. Oil and alk'i' tho 27tli day ol' June, ls7(>, hy the JiioutcnaiiL- (lovciiior oCtlie I'ossossioii ol" Jlciigal, to |iorsons iiitciiding; lo act us Masters, Mates, or I'jigiiicers 011 hoard J*ritis.i sliii>s, and referred to in an Oriler in Council dated the said 27tli day of Juno, IS76 ; 'J. On and after tho 14th day of A fay, 1877, by the (lovcrnor of tiie Possc-jsion of Newfoundland, to jiersoiis intending lo act as ATasters or Mates on board IJiitish ships, and referrelioiil.| III' ol'llic hiiimi IWicc as il'tliiy liati lict-n ^raiilfd -iritlri' the . !ii, !iu(l Milijt'ct to tin- coiMlilioiis and ivj^iilaiioiirt impoMil ;iimI iikkIc I.y tlic Hoard ol 'IVadc, and suL onl in (liu Schodnlcs to the riiiid u.'cit-«d Ordur.-i in Conncil rt!S[)tictivuly : And wliuivas hy Orders in Conncil of tlu! 2J)lli day of dnnc, I8S2, and the lUlli d.-iy of XovcnduT, 18H(>, Her Majesty was pleased to ro.sfind the, said Conditions and Uoj^nlatiun.s (t'xcejtt in ao liir as the same related to Certilieatcs of Competency "granted to Masters, Mate^, oi- Kn^iiK-crs l>y the (iovcjinor of llon;^ Kon^), and to snltstilntc theivfor the Conditions and Herniations set onl in the Schednle to the said last recited Order in Conncil, and inmiliered 1 to lU res[iectivcly, and to dechnv that the same shouM apply to all Colonial Certiticates ^'ranted nnder any of the said recited Orders : And whereas it has been nnide to appear to Her ^Majesty that it is expedient that the- condition and I'egnlation nnmliered six, ^el ont in the Sehe;inles to the said recited Orders in Council, shonld be alteretl so as to allow, upon tin; recommendation of the Court or Authority which canuils or suspends aC'ertillcale, whether ;;ranled by the JJoartl of Trade or by the Goviirnment of a Hritish I'o;,- session, the grant, to persons wliose Certiticates have l)een cancelled or suspended nnder the })rovisions of the s.iid recited A«-1s, or of any Act or Ordinance for the lime being in i'vwo. iu any purl of Hrv Majesty's Dominions, of a Colonial Certificate of a lower grade witiiont the i)revions sanction of the Board of Trade or (jf the Authority b}' whom such cancelled or snspcndctl Certificate was originally granted, and that tin; conditions and regulalions set out in the said recited Orders in Council shonld I)e rescinded and the said recited Orders in Council revoked, and a new Ortler in Council containing such modified and amended conditioui and regulations substituted in lieu theicof : Now, TiiKiiKFORi^, Her Majesty, l)y and with the advice aiul consent of Iler Privy Council, is hereby pleased — 1. To declare that the Colonial Certiticates of Competency granted — (a) by he Minister of Marine and Fisheries in Canada from and aft(>r ) \*y llic llciiil ol' llic ( iiiM'i iiiiifiil (i| the ri).-,s(-M- sittii of iM.ilIji iiml il.i l>('i)fink'iifi»'.i iVoiii iiml Ml'ltr (lie I'illi liny (iT iMuy, ls7J, ht |u'rs<>iis iiilciiilin.u In acl ;i .MmmIcih, iM!i(('<, or I'ji^iiK'ffs on lidjiid IJiili^li .-liip , lli.it is t(» siiy : — To MiisIcth oI" tin; Fir.sl ('li..s,-i, or AlasU-rs ul' ii l''oii'i,^ni^oiii,L,' sliip, to Mutes of llic l<'ir,-l Cliiss or l''irsl, Miilu of ii Forciyii-^^oiii;^ slii|>, lo Alalt^ ol' llic Sofoiul C'liiHS OI' Second Mute of a l<'urci,'j,ii-;;oiii;; ^.jiip, lo Kii<;iiicor!i ol' llic l''ir.st t'la^.s oi V'\\s[ ('la:-.'-. I'^iigiiiecrs, and to ]0ii<5iiicci.s of the Second ('la.^s or Second C'hiH.s lMi;4inccr.-5 ; («•) by tlie Steam Na\i;;iUion Hoard ol N'icloiia api'oinlcd liy llic {Joverinmiit ol' (lie rosHcit^ion ol Vicloria, rioiii and al'lcr IIh' i(li day ol damiary, I'^TO, lo iirisons intt'iidiiig i<» act a^- lMastcr,s, Males, oi Mutineers of l''oroign-goin;; iJrili.-li .slcani ,sliij),s ; {^(1) l>y llic (Jovonior I'or IIh; lime being ol tin L'os.'-cs^ioii ol' New Zealand Iroin and al'ler the Ist {\,iy ol May, 1^71', lo [M'lMMi- intending to act as Master.-, Malc,^, or I'^nginecio on buaitl Foreign-going l!iilisli .vhip.s; {<) by llic Marine IJoard of the iV^s.ses.sioii ol' New .Soiitli Wales, Ironi and alter the IHth day ol .hine, 1S72, to |»er.soiis intending to act a;; Masters, Fir.l Mates or Second Mates, or h-s Firat Cla.ss l*jiigineei.>, or as Second Clas.s Fngineer.s on board Foreign-going Jb ili>h shijis ; ( /') by the Marine lio.ird ol' the I'o.sscssioii ol Sonib Anstralia Trom and after llie 12lli day of May, IS'/ I, lo persons inleiidiiig to act as Masters, First Males, Only Mates, or Second Males, or Fir.sl Class Engineer.-, or Second Class Engineers on board Foreign-going British ships . {(f) by the (ioveriior of the Possession of Tasmania from and nfter the Ist day of April, 1876, to persons 9 iiiteiulin;: to iict, ii,^, AhistPi'.-, Alato-, or Eii"iiHtis on lH>;i!il l'oicigU-;^uilig Bliti:-li ^lii|i.'; (//) by llic LicutPiiniH < Idv ci iinr ol ihc 1*(j..m'^-,i(iii (,t Bf'iiij;;il iVom ami al'lci- IIk; -iTtli day of .Juih', I'>/(», Ik [it.'1'suii.s iiik'tMliiii; (u act a.s j\J.asU'i's, Mali;.:, or IOiiL;iii(.(:i. on boanl T'orei^iigoiug l{i"iti>h sliips; (/') Ity (lie (Governor ol' (he I'o.s^^ossion oL' Newrouml land iVoiii and a('(ei' (lie I Kh day of May, l!^77, lo |)('rss ; (/) by the Marine Hoard ol'the Possession ol' (jjneen.i- land from and after the 1st day ol Uelober 1^77, (o persons intending to act as iMasters, Mates, or Fiiginecrs on board ] oreign-g(.>ing Uritisii shi[)s ; (ill) by the (iovcrnor ol' llie Possession ol lloiig Kong from and after the 1st day of Jaiuiary, IStSl, to [lersons intending to aet as IMasleis, Males, or Enguieerd on board l'\)reign-going Brilisli slii[»s, oliall be ol the same Ibree as if they had l)een granted undei' the said Acts : 2. To declare thai all the provisions of tlie said Aets whieh relate to C'ertilieates ol" Competency for (lie foreign trade granted nnder those Ao(s, exee[»t so nnieli of the l.'JDdi section of "The Meichant Sliip[)iiig Ae(, IS.rl," and of the l()(h section oi'^'l'lie Merchant Shipi)ing Aet Amend- ment Ael, I8'i2," as re(iuircs the deliveiy l^y the Board of Trade lo any Master, jMate, or Engineer of a copy of ,iny cerlilieale to which he ap[K'ar.T to be enlitled a- (herein meiitioneil, and exe(^[)t si) mneii of the I bird .^nb- section of the 2.'>r(l section of (he said la-4-mentioned Ael Hs reipiires, a( (he conclusion of a e'a'-e relating to the cancelling or suspending of ;i certilieale, such ceililicate^ if cane^iled or siis]iended, to be forwarded (o (he Hoard of Trade, and except the whole ol the prcivisioiio ol' the I'ourlii subsection of (ln' -iMue -eeliun, -hall a[>[il) to ,. ueli 10 Culoniai Ccrtiticatci of Coinpftt'iicy ; provided, howe\er, lliiit in llu! cii.st' oi' Now Zcul.'iiul tho Ibrcgoing exceptions biiali not iiiteii'cie with or auspeiid the oi)eration of iiu Act ol" the Legislature of New Zeahvud, intituled " The Meicbaiit Shipping Act Adoption Act, 1809" {'A2 & Xi Vict., No. o) : .;. To inipcse and make the conditions and regulations set out in the Schedule A. hereto, numbered 1 to 10 ics-pectively, with respect to the said Colonial Ccrtiticates of Compe- tency, and to the u!:e, issue, delivery, cancellation and suspension thereof, and to ijnpose for the breach of such conditions and regulations the penalties therein men- tioned : J. To revoke the conditions and regulations, numberetl 1 to 10 respectively set out in the Schedules to the said recited Orders in Council, and to substitute therefor the conditions and regulations set out in the Schedule A. hereto, numl>ered 1 to 10 respectively, and to declare that, from and after the time when this Order takes etleet, the conditions and regulations set out in the Schedule A. hereto shall apply to all Colonial Certificates that nuiy have been or shall be hereafter granted as albresaid : .3. To declare that this Order shall take effect in each of the ifaid Possessions immedhitely it is published iu the said Possessions enumerated in the Schedule B. hereto, and that all Certificates granted in the said Possession sub- sequently to the dates named in the Schedule U. and l)elbre this Order comes into force shall have the same eilect, and be of the same valuf;, and confer the same privileges on the holders thereof as if granted under this present Order. 6. To direct that the said hereia-before recited Orders in Council shall Ijc rt^voked in each of the said possessions on the day on which this Order takes effect thercl.x as provided in the preceding ])aragraph (o) hereof: provided, however, that the revocation of the said Orders in Council shall not affect or invalidate any Colonial Certificate of Competency previously granted there- 11 under, or .ifittct ilic validity or invalidity of imvtliiii,:^ done under the buidOi'ders in ColukjiI ht'lbru llii., ( )rdor takcb C. L. I'lll. SCHEDULE A. ('ONDrriUxN's and Ukci i.ations \villi n'^j)cl'l (o the use, isMie, delivery, eaneellation and riuspousjou oi" C'oj.omal C'eu- TIFICATES of CoMl'ETENCy. I)Ucr])rctation claifsc. In tlu! eonstruction and for the jjurposcs ol' these eonditions iiiul regulations, the following tcvnis shall have the rcspeetive meanings hcrcin-al'tor assigned to them, that is to say: — " Colonial Ccrtljivatc of Compete net/" shall mean a Cerlilieate of Couipctency authorised to be grauted by the Legislative authority of a British Possession to Persons intending to aet as Masters, INIates, or Engineers of British ships on siiuihir principles and conditions us those granted under the Imperial Acts relating to Merchant Shipping. ^^ Author iff/'" shall mean the Governor, Lieutenant-Go vornor, Administrator, Head of the Government, Minister, Board, Body or Corporation of or in any British Possession for the time being authorised by the Legislature of such Possession to grant Colonial Certificates of Competency. Kkgulatfons and Conditions. Forin of Certificate. 1. A Colonial (.*erlificatc of Competency shall be on parchment, and as nearly as possible similar in shape and form (o the corre- sponding Ccrtilicate of Conn)eteucy for the Foreign Tiade granted by the Board of Trad(^ under the Acts relating to Merchant Shipping. Name of J Possession to be inserted. 2. A Colonial Certificate of Competency shall have the name of the British Possession in which the same is granted, inserted prominently on its face aiul back. Certi/r'cates to he numbered consecutively, ;}. The Colonial Ccrtiticates of Comp«!tency gnuited in each i>ritish Possession shall be numbered in consecutive order. 12 Ltsf:, iif ('( ifi/i(iit( ;< t/nnifr*?, cmici Ilttl., iS'-, f<> f>t ^oit to H<y (lie persojis to whom sucli Certificates art; grunted. Cc/ii/aaics io he (/ranted oidj/ upon proof of service at sea. ->. A C^olonial Certificate of Competency shall he gnuiled only iqxiii pruoi' that the [)revious service at .sea of the person applyinj^ lor the same has been sucli as is re([nircd l)y the regulations lor the time being in force in the United Kingdom with respect to ei'rtifu'aies of the like grade. Ccrtilieatcs of Compctcuey granted contrary to this regulation, oi upon any false, incorrect or insulHcient proof, ceriilicate, or lepoit of service, ijuaHfication, conduct, or character shall be regiirdcd as improperly grunted. Certificates not to he (jrantcd when former are cancelled. f>. A Colonial Certificate of Comj)etency shall not be granted Io any person who may have hud a certificate, whether granted by the Hoard of Trade or by the Government of a Hi'ilish I'o^;, . %.lv,.., "aneelled or suspended under the provisions ol.' (he ^aid Acts or ot' any Act or Ordinance fur tlic time being in force in any part of Her iNJajesty's dominiois, unless the same ii a eertilieate of a lower grade than (he one so cancelled or suspended and is issued upon the reeonnaendatiou of the court 'tr authority which cancelled or suspended the original certificate, nr unless the period of .suspension has expired, or unless intima- lion lias been received from the J5oard of Trade, or the authority by whom (he cancelled or suspended certificate was originally !.';raiile(|, to the ell'ect that no objection to the grant of such ( 'olonial Certillcale is known to exist, or unless a new ccrlificate lia.s been granted to him by such lioard or authority; and in the last-named e\eiit no such Colonial Certificate of Competency shall lie I'ui a higher grade than the certificate so last granted a.s aibivsaid, <'olo!iial Cfrtilieatcs of Competency granted eontrai-y to this iegul.i(ion shall ),>e regarded as improperly gi'anted. ( 'erlifiates inipvopcrli) pn)[icily gianled, wlu'dier in !he abo\<' or in any other respect, 13 may bo canoollfMl ])y flio iuilliority hy wliich tlio snino wtn rrmntod, or l)y tlif llo.'inl (>r Trade in the United Kingdom, wilhoiil any t'oi'iiial invest ijfal ion nnder " TIk- Merclianf Sliippino- Act, is.li," and the Iiolder of siieh eerlilieate sli;ili I liei i'n|ii>n deliver it to ili(> IJoai'd of 'iVa recoveraldi' in the'.-aine manner as penalties impo.se(l 1)y the Aets relaliu!,;- to .Merciianl Shipping; are thereby made rccoveral)[e. Ctnirclhf/oii, ^-c. of a Ccrtificntc s/n/// utvolrc niii((//ii/init nfKH the other ('frtijicdtrs possessed h,/ its Oirt/er, 8. I'']vory decision with rcspoet to the oaneeilaiion or su-^pensioii oC a certillcato prononnrod by any board, court, or (ii!)un;d nndei the provisions of tlie said Aets, sliall, nnles;. utiieruisi. directed, extend e(jually to all the Colonial ( 'ei'filieates .il i|ic limepo-- riessed by the person in respect of whom the deeisioii is n.ade. as W"ll as to all Cert ilicatcs gTiinted to him nnd-ratiy oT the Acts i'ela,tin^' to Merchant Shipping, and whether siieli crrlilical.- )„■ ■ liogistrar General of Seamen, or any of liis Oilict rs, or a SiiprrintcndenI ol' ;i Mercantile Marino OlUce, or a Consnhir OHieer. oi- did\- appoinir,! Shipping Oilicer in a IJritisli I'ossession, may ^h^m.-ind ihc (leli\,MT to him of any Colonial Cerlilicate of CompeteiU'v which lie has reason to believe has l)e( ii ini[»roperly issued, w is forged, altered, eaneelled, or suspended, or to wbieh the person using it is nf>i justly entitled, and may detain sueh Certilicnte for a leasonalde period for the j)iirpose of making inquiries respecting sudi i-siie, forgery, alteration, cancellation, suspension, or ])ossessi(iii, and any person who, M'ithont reasonalde cause, neglects or refuses i',, comply with such demand shall incur a penalty not e\e(edin..- twenty pounds or its etpiivaient in local currency, Avhieli ^.hall l-e recoverable in llu; same manner as ju'iiallies ini|)osiMl b\' the Ael^^ relating to Merchant Shij)ping are tliereby made recoverable. Susjtrnded Ccrti/le.afes 1o h< rc-issiicd o,il// I,// ('(,l,,,n/ hi/ v-lml, orifi'nia/ltf i/ranted. 10. A Colonial Cerlilicate of Cdinpeleney which has Ii-m,! any cause bien cancelled or suspended, shall be remwed or le i^ iied o)d\ by the niilhority hy wliiidi the ^anie wa^ oiioinall\- c.-ianli d. 14 SCHEDULE iJ. Possession. Nature of Ccitilicato. ('(inadd Mdllii, and if a Depcn- driicirs, Ni'io Zealand New Sdiifh ]V(i'rs - Sindh Australia Tasmania fJetu/al Newfoundland Bombay Queensland Uony Kony - Musters and INfatos First Clnsi, Engineers, and Second Class Kngineers - . . Masters, Mates, and Engineers - } Masters, Mates, and Engineers ^rasters, Mates, and Engineers - Masters, First ATates, or Second Elates, ' and First Class Engineers, oi Second Class Engineers - - . Masters, First Mates, Oidy IMates, or' Second Mates, and First Class En- gineers, or Second Class Engineers Masters, urates, and Engineers Masters, iSFates, and Engineers !S Tasters and Elates ^Tasters, ]\rates, and Engineers - Masters, Elates, and Engineers Masters, INIates, and Engineers - Date. 19th August 1H71. 1st Jaiiuarv 1HH7. 12th ^ray 1874. 4tli .Tanuary 187ii. 1st :\ray 1872. 18th .June 1872. I2tli Alay 1874. 1st April 187C. 27th June 1876. 14th ^[ay 1877. 11th July 1877. 1st Octoher 1877. 1st January 1384. I'liiiM rs to llic Qiu Ill's niu.sf KxcHlli-nt Maji-sis. For n< r M-ijc i^"'. I^i liimi. i v ( Hlii't-.