same to the patient on leaving the Hospital, or in ease of death, to any person whom the Committee of Management shall authorise to receive the same. Provided that if the clothes of any patient be in such a state as to render it necessary that they should be burned, it shall be done, if sanctioned by the attending Medical Officer. 8. He shall keep in a book for the purpose, an account of the servants' time and wages, and pay the same when ordered by the Committee of Management. 9. It shall be his duty to take care that every part of the prem- ises, without the Hospital, be kept in proper order. 10. He shaU keep the keys of the outer doors and gates, and lock them at ten o'clock, P. M., and open them at 6, A. M., from the first of May to the first of November, and lock them at 8, P. M., and open them at 7, A. M., during the rest of the year ; unless ordered otherwise by the Committee of Management, or in case of emergency, for the service of the patients. 11. He shall report, to the Committee of Management, any misconduct or irregularity that may come under his notice. 12. He shall write the minutes, &c., of the Committee of Man- agement when required. 13. He shall hang up in the Hall of the Hospital the names of the weekly visiting Governors and shall on the Saturday pre- ceding their week of attendance, give them notice thereof by letter. 14. He shall lay his book of accounts on the table in the Com- mittee Room at all meetings of the Governors. 15. As soon as the body of a patient, dying in the Hospital, is laid out in the dead house, it shall be the duty of the Steward to see that the body be safely kept there, until delivered for inter- ment or to such authorized party as the Law may direct, and he shall be responsible for the faithful execution of his duty. 16. He shall give reasonable security to the Governors for his fidelity. 17. He shall not absent himself from the Hospital, except on duty, without the knowledge of the House Surgeon. 18. When any patient shall wish it, the Steward shall send im- mediately, in writing, for such Clergyman as the patient may desire. Of «A« Mair