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V^^im^\s^n of tde m\^ si^^octfitfon. jS'o. 1.— JVcrwie of the Afisociation. 1st. This Association shall be called "The Conservative Association of the North Riding ot the County of York." So. 2.-^ Members of the Association, •2ud. This Association shall consist of all thus* persons, being Conservatives, who are entitled to vDte at elections in this Hiding. No, S,--OlIiccrs of the Association* 3rd. That the oiTicers of this Association shall be a President, a Vice-President, and a Secietary- Treasurer, to be first chosen at the fornialion of I he Association. ^o, ^,-^locat and Central Committees, 4th That the Association at its first meeting divM appoint Local Conuaittees, composed of the mo>it prominent Consowative electors in each division uf the Kiding ;--«and a Cental CcmmiUee chosen from the Local Committees, and constituted as follows:— Sii HlMBbera from !lio Towuship of King, Fivo Fof'T Three Three Thro© " Three «• Three " It t/e of Eiutct'uig a New By-Law. 12th. No new By-Law can be added to the Constitution or By-Laws as now a'Jlopted, unless said proposed Now By-Law has ^m\o through the Forms provided in By-law No. 11, for ttie alteration of a By-lnw, provided also that it shall bo ncccKsary before the Jidoplion of the New By-Law can be legal, that UiO Secre- tary give the same notice in the Summons calling the JMembers of tliQ mectin;^^, at which it is pro- posed to adopt said new By-Law, as is provided by No. 11 in the Sumaioiis to the meeting for the purpose of a! teriii^ a By-Law. No, 13. — Duties of Central Committee Drfined. 13th. The duties of the Central Coiuniittee shall be to consider and decide upon all questions af- fecting the general intcrosls cl the Assuclation, to decide upon a!l political action to be taken by the Conservatives of the Kidiag as a Body. To re- ceive the reports of Local Comniittccs, and to adopt thcni or make sucli suggestions to the said Local Corii mil lees as shall appear to a majority of the sa:d Central Committee host adapted to the united intercfets of the Conservative Association, and generally by its action the Central Committee shall govern the aflairs of the ('onservatives of the Ridiuj^ as a United Body, No. I i.-^Importunt Duties of Local Comminets. 1 1th. The duties of the Local Committcca be- ing most iiupoitant, it is alaio^st impossible to dc- fine tlicmiu any IJy-Uiw; anil as upon their el- forts the succf^ss of the Associntioii must in a great degree depend, it is iniportant thut they shonlii bear in view thr? norc^sity for constant vigUauco in tfie diftthargo of their datk-s. It is the dtity ol tire Local Coninilllt'os to Keep alive amongst the inhabitants of the di^^trict in which tliey operate, a sense of the importance of liic obj','Ct of the An- sociatiiy.s, to endcnvor by every means in their power to procure adhLroits to the p.ineiph^.; of the body; to promote ha:in!)siy and good Reeling amon.i^^Kt the Wenihcr.-.-; to pvcpMic au'i tja!;.-rnit Uf the Secretary, from time to time, aecnrate lijsts of tliose vvithhi tlieir ^sphere of action, who hi the day of trial men' be depended upon, as well as snch other inform^Jlion as may in their opinion conduce to the succesti of the ^^reat object the Association has in view. On the Local Committees will de- volve tlie duty of appohiting and procuring teams and Teamsters, by which at elections Voters can, without dimcalty, get to the VuWs, It will be their duty to take npon themselves the energetic dis- charge of those functions in their localities, upon which the fcuceoss of Contested Elections must entirely depend. It will be their duty to inculcate and impress upon the well known and trusty ad- herents of the Conservative cause, the importance of early voting on the first day of Polling, thereby encouraging the zealous, confirming the wavering, and striking terror into the hearts of opponents, thus weakening: and discouraging tliera ; and, in 6 short, it shall be the duty of the Local Coniniitteos to do thes-c and all other lavvfiii things in order that success inny crown tlic eflorts of the Association— all r.oi.Ml CumuiittoCvS to lune the power of addin<( to their nu labors. « So. la. — Pt'incifilcH vp'ii whh'h ihe AsHociaiion h Baaed^ and (foon wUkh thn/ nu'tl fhett' Collars to the 3I(Hl. I *)lli. Tiic fiind.«nu»nt;il principle of all Conser- vative Associntlons hciu:^ to preserve the I^ritish Constifi:tiun as bv hwcf:i1ablii^;hod. tins, combined v/jili llio unaltcra!)!;.' tlclcnniiiiitiou to presrrvi' inviolate iUo cxisii!ji«- ("jnncclion bctwecMi Canada and (Jrt'at Britain, v.'ill ibvm the h:\sh upon wliicli tlio pulitics of thii; A.^sociation wiil be founde. \(i.~. Organization ant Cmstltutlon of Local Com- uiHU'cs ; diifica of their Sccrelai'tcs. ICth. Local Committees on commencln,^ opera- tions will select their Pieyklent and Secretarvt and as soon as they arc organized it v/ill become th'j duty of the Secretary so appointed to commu- nicate in writing the names of the Otncers to the Secretary of the Association, in order that he may know the proper persons to address his correspond- ence to in each locality ; as it mast be obvions to all, that without this J3y-Law thorough organiza- tion could not exist. It is hoped that Local Committees will strictly carry this regulation into eflect. Approvt?(l, conlirmcd and adoptotl at a fnl! moot- nig as t!ic Hy-Lnws of Uic Cunscrvntivc As.s'Kin- lion of liio North liiiUni; of York. VVM. INIOSLKY, Sfec'Ctihy, THOMAS I'YNi:, iloLLAN'D La.M>INO, Julv 29, iStll. PHINTKC AT THE ICKH HERAT L oyHd;, 'RriHMOSl) Hll.f>.