■'jP' V S^:. , CIHM >• Microfiche Series ionograplis) ■4- <- • 1! > ■y _' / ^ M ICMH ibollection de microficlies (monographies) ■ ' ' 1. ' ■ 1 ■■.".'• ■ » ■ n ■ '•* '-'■■: c I ■ I, ■■*-'"■ r • ■ ■ /. CaMdian Inttitut* for Historical IMicror^producti^ns / Inatitut Canadian da microraproductiona hiatori<|uaa 1% ■ L A ■ * J ^ /•l •;■ 4« \. I ' J i \ . ■ ■",. ■■"■"■;- ■" 1 4 Tachnical «nd BiMofrapliic NoIm / NotM MchniquM at biMiofraphiquM TIM Imtituli hn ammipMd to'obttlM'ltM lM«t orifiiMl copy availaMi for fllminfl. FMturM of itiit eo^whidi may to WMiOfra|i( 1/ Quality Of print varias/ ^^aliti migala da Hmprassion -Continuous pagination/ Pagination conttnua Includes indax(as)/ Comprand un (das) indax ^ .^tia on haadar takan from:/ ' ; L* titra da I'an-tlta prowiant: □ titia paga isf issua/ Paga da titra da la livraison □ Caption of issua/ Titra da depart da la livraison D Masthaad/ ^ G4nirM|ua (piriodk|uas) da la livraison J21L 26X »X 12X '^%x 2DX 24X •W ( ' ■^■■aiM i_ — II — 1 28X X2X fH. Th* oopy fllm«4 h«r« hat b—n rtproduotd thanks to th« oanarotity of : Motropotlton Toronto Rofortnct Library Baldwin Room Tha Imagaa appa'arino Hara ara tha bast qiiaHty poaalbia oonaMaring tha oondition and laglblllty of tha original cof>y and In fcaapino with tha • fllmbif eontraot a^aalfloatlona. ■ ^ ,. :' ' . '■ 'j^'* ■■■ ^ ■ ■ Original eoplas In printad papar eovart ara fOmad - baglnnlng with tha front covar and anding on tha lapt paga with a printad or illuitratad Imprat- alon,.or tha baok oovar whan appropriata. AH othar original eopiaa ara fllmad bagtnning on tha firat paga with a printad or llluatratad Imprat- alon, and anding on tha last paga with a printad or llluatratad Impraaaion. Tha last raoordad frama on aash mioroftcha ahaH oontain tha symbol -^ (msaning ""CON* TINUID"). or tha symbol y (Inssning "END"). whiohavar appiias. Mapa. plataa. charts, ate., may ba filmad at diffarant raduotion ratios. Thosa too larga to ba antiraly Inoludad In oha axposura ara filmad - baglnning \it\ tha uppar iaft hand eornar, laft to right and top to bottom, as msny frsmss ss ' raouirad. Tha following diagrams illustrstft tha mathod: ■-■.-'• 2 3 . L'axamplaira fllm4 fut raproduH grAoa A la g4n4roalt« da: ^ ^•, Hatropol I tan Toronto Rafaranca L Ibrary Baldwin Kooin kaa Imagaa aiihrantaa bnt 4t4 raprodultas avao la - plus/grand soln, eompta tanu da la eondition at da la nanata da ranamplaira fllma. at an - oonformitA avao las oondltlons du oontrat da filmaga. ■ :■-' '■■ ' ■■■'■" ■■■ ' • • ■ ■;■ ■ '\ » . ■ . - ( -■■■■ Las SKamplalras origlnaux dont la eouvartura an paplar ast iniprimaa sont filmAs an oommanoant. par la pramiar plat at an tarminani soit par^l darnidra paga qol oomporta una amprainta^ d'imprassion ou d'iilustratlon. solt par la saoond plat, salon la oas. Tous laa autras axampiairaS originaiiJi aont f iimia w\ oommanoant par la pramlira paga qui oompoffa una amprainta d'imprassion ou d'iilustratlon at an'tarminarkjiar la darniara paga qui oomporta una talla amprainta. k-' - ' . :■'"■' ^- "^^ . . ■ :-:■ r ^ . , ■ • ■ •':■ ■■■■•' -.",■■■■ : ,''- das symbolas sulvanta apparaftra sur la- -'"' ■ - ■ darniara Imaga da chaqua riHerofieha. salon la cas: la S)^bols -♦ signifia "A SUiVKE!', la symbols Vsignlf la "FIN". ■ ■-■•'■' ■'■ 'v ■■■/■■ :■ •■' "■" ■ Las cartas, planchas, tablaaux, ate, pauvant itra fiimis A daa tauxtia riduotlon dlffArants. Lorsqua la document aat trap grand pour Atra raproduit 9n un ssui cllohA, II sst fllmA A psrtir da i'angia supArisiir gaucha. da gaucha A droita, at da haut an bas« an pranant la nombra d'Imagas nAcassaira. Laa diagcammaa suivanu iliusjlrsnt la mAthoda, !-*, '^ ^ 1 6 ' ■■m MNCROoorv nMimiON na (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) ^. "T 1.0 u I M Itt lit Itt 133 IM i5 2.2 2.0 i:8 1.25 i 1.4 I 1.6 t « /APPLIED IM/OE Inc i tU3 Cl TPl \^(SSt CATALoan: or THS HORSES, CAmE- SHEEP, ASSOOIAXION'S a -■f''' KNITTED lOR IBJ ':■■' !NTH ANNUALEXHIBITION ATTORONXd, ' On THE 23rd, 24th, 25^h and 26xh SEPTEMBER, 1862. If R. P, W. STONE, GUELPH. MR. ASA A. BURNHAlf, OOBOURG. MR JAMES JOHNSON, LONDON. .1. ;■'■•'■,■' jit.xvumn: .^ MR. R. L.DENISONA TORONTO. ■^: Vifcl:* 'MntalB of lie Bokrt ol ajtbnltew: ( MR. HUGH 0. THOMSON, TORONTO. " Jpiiml «uprtSow SqiaTtntiit i 7 W. A. OOOLEY, ESQ., ANCASTBR. TORONTO: PEINtED BY W. 0. CHEWETT k ^, TSSSQ, STREET 1862. -J. ■i' 8^tii''!i" '1'' "*"' "^, ' ■<» -■ ' ■ '■•S*,, , LIST OF EXHIBITERS, WITH THI NUMBSBS OV l^HEIB ENTRIES. m / Arklaad, Edward, 8, 1803, 180q» 1810, 1820, 1821. 1880, 1831, 1882, 1387, 1888, 1844, 1846, 1461, 1477, 1602, 1608, 180^ 1804. ArmstroDg, Robert 67, 1717. Alton, Qeorgo, 68. AUiaoD, Andrew, 104, 206. Aafabtagh, DaTid, 121. Annitrong, Jamea, 124, 170, 277. Andfraon, Hiram, 267. Armstrong, William, 280, 768. Armatrong, Joha S., 887, 744, 766, 766. AUin, Tliomaa, 484, 404, 483. Auld, Jamea, 628, 666, 667, 686. Anderson, George, 682. Asli, William, 1162, 1166,. 1192, 1224. Allenby, James, 1488, 1644. Anderson, Andrew, 1666. Addy, Hannah, 1639, 1761, 1752. Armstrong, Philip, ltf46, 1082, 1787, Abbott, P. C, 1792, 1798. Beattie, Simon, 2, 408, 661, 671, 688, ^ 606, 606, 628, 782, 825, 826, 827, 948» 949, 1007, 1081, 1082, 1204. Beolt, John, 88. Borgess, Alexander, 60, 166. Bentley, Godfrey, 87, 306. Beith, Robert, 90, 130, 181, 291, 788, 871, 872, 926, 952, 979, 1100, 1101, 1117,1181. Battell, Henry, 96, 198, 780, 929, 1118, 1890, 1402, 1411, 1447, 1461, 1466,1606. Bond, John, 116. / Blanchard, William, 186. 7": Boalton, John, 178, 100, 199. Boyle, Joseph, 188,651. Bonner, Thomas, 204. Bell, DaTid, 209. Bush, T. J., 210. Brown, Jamea, 226. Brown, John, 238. Bellwood, John, 807, 847, 880. Belts, John, 825. Bowes, William, 868, 802, 400. Barker, Thomas, 461, 478. Bellwood, James, 687, 688, j 788. Baker, John, 762. - Bethell, N. k J., 874, 875, 1177, 1 f94, « 1212, 1368, 1883, 1582, 1683, 1721^ 1722. Barnes, Jonas S., 1482, 1448, 1690^ Bnchan, Datid, 1481, 1487, 1488, 1601, 1502, 1508, 1516, 1516, 1617, 1618. Bull, John P., 1495, 151t), 1529. Bogue, John, 1571, 1672, 1680, 1681, 1596, 1597, 1606, 1607, 1610, 1011, 1619, 1627, 1628. 1641, 1668„1654, 1668, 1664, 1668, 1669, 1680, 1697, 1698, 1707, 1711, 1716, 1718, 1719, 1729, 17^0, 1784, 1786, 1742, 1748, *1768, 1764, 1762, 1768, 1768, 1769, 1778, 1785, 1791, 1796, 1797, 1798. Bidrd, Samuel, 1640. Cooper, George, 1, 186, 809, 886, 870, 871, 864, 860, 851, 018, 014, 967. Cowie, Jamesj 89. Cook, PanielB., 49, IHt Cummer, Samuel, 80. OTwlr, J6liB, Itl. Campbell, John, 160. GoUty, John, 169. H04. M, 084. »3f>, 030. 087, 98^ m,mO, 061, 062, 008, 080. 900.001,002.008. . Cameron, Baiflatl, 282. 16|6, tJWg, Otrtln. 828, 702, 708, 886. 882, . pa. 0«dWl« John B., 880, 423, 877. 1400, 146T.^^ .- • CouPtkJftkriitopher. 486. 487, 440, 4 lOJ. 4606, 696, 597, 608, 604, 612, 619, 620, 621, 1496, 1496J, . : 1511, 1612, 1680, 1681, 1636, 1709, 1738, 1776, 1779. : Elford, Wmiam, Jan., 107. . . ^ Eaatwood. Jamee, 181. Ewart, Jamee T., 141. EllloU, John, 224, 709, 882, 1164,; 1103. * Elliot*, Datld. 1230, 1287, 1288, 1241, -mi, 12(»5. 1246, 1247, 1248, 1261 Ede, Henry, 1414. >. Frleby, ThomM, 29. Ferrii, Jamee. 40. Foiter, EmantiM, 70, 276. Forbei, D. 0., 120. 188, 107, 244, 1880 Fitzsimmona, James, 172. P(pl8. Robert. & Ritchto, W., 269. Poott, John, 881,, 870, 1491. 1492, " 1608. 1609, 1626. 1627. Faneon, A., 848. Forgnsson,- Hon. Adam, 802. Fleming, John, 627, 652, 668, 678. 074. 678, 079.\ Fehwiok, A.H., 708,803,1485. Foriter, W. R., 714. Fargeeson, John, 746, 746. 765. Fraeer. John, 764. Ford. Jamei, 1895, 1407. Fanquere, Fred., 1607, 1601. Foarnelde, E. C, 1706. Forfar, William, 1720, 1744. Grange, Oeorge J., 12. ■ Gatee, Nelson, 20. Gowland, Thomas, 37, 96. . Olaister. William, 88, 77. >- -I; ' ' '» -'mmvw* 1164. .4 ;i .1 ■.:i UtT Of MIIIBITKU, 5> Qowtond, Oaorgf, iOT* Oalbralth, Jubo, ttf NT, 40. Oralitm, KItchaa, AAy 101. OcildM, Ii»iy>, flo, 6«, 1C8, IM. 0»rrl«, AUiandar, 82, «6, 108, 1B3J, lft38, 1420, 1407, 109ft, 1714, (iny, Qtorgt, 83. Oill. TbomM, 114, 803. (IIU, Joho, 127, 180, 407, 600, (J9I, 718, 727, 727 J. 1007. 0«mbl«, 0. W., 182. * Olbton, Johd, 148. Qrahurn, r«llt. 108. Orant, 0. 8., 268. flwii, Pr«d., 292, 304i. OooiUll, John, 444. (TrAham, Jamai, 620, 64 1, 649, 660, 670,671,683. Gould. John, 740. Gould, Heary, 761. . Graham, John, 816. Gardner, Rob«rt 774, 778, 770. 818, 819. . Goy, Ihomaa, 797, 1284, UBS. Gibb, John, 1411), 1429. Girouard, Menry, 1506, 1018, 1626, 1661, 1666, 1685, 1094, 1 1777, 1780> 1806. Hornby, William, 26. Holliday, Daniel, 26. Ilewer; John, 48. Higginbottom, George. 60. Harrison, Johnson, 69. Hunter, Richard. 99. Hart, John, ICO. Henderson, John B., 184. Hugill, James, 167, 187, 196. Hutty, Peter, 261, 1479. Hanje, Andrew, 201. Hugglns, Edward, 811. Harrison, L,, 827, 861. Hetherington, Arthur, 842. Hodgskin, Samuel, 868, 896, 709, 724. 726, 760. Hendrie & Co., 670, 686, 687, 622, 786,787, 1861, 1862. Hogge, Arthur, 703, 722, 723, 786, 681^424. , Hayd«, John, 710, 1640. Howland, Henry 0., 768. Henry, John, 707. Halllday, fl. H., 189, 140. llarUey. John, H87, 966. Hastings, CunnlDnImm, 1434*. Hornsbaw, Uaurgs. 17H3. Inglesoo, John, 167, 701, 1640. Irtlng. Ersklne, 287, 240, 210J. lies, John, 410, 816. IngUs, William, 1190. Jeffrey, Alfred, 48, 64, 188, 166, 777, 778, 770, 820, 821, 822, 861, 8«2, 863, 910, 920, 944, 946, 016, 978, 974, 1004, 1019, 1082, 1033, lOU, 1048, 1010, 1050, 1067, 1847, 1348, 1849, 1360, 1861, 1862, 1853, 1866, 1866, 1357. 1882, 1807, 1480, 14;J8, 1440, 1402, 1686, |640, 161)1, 1606, 1606, 1706, W40, 1741, 1794. Jefferson, George, 44, 146, 162. Jackson, William, 47, 60, 270. 1008. Jennings, P. B., 86, 710; 812, 868, .,. ,972, 1017, 1080, 1079, 115»1, 112'i, 1137, ia07, 1298, 1813, 1814, 1826, 1827 J, 1841, 1869, 1860, 1370. Jfteniqgs, Henry, 101, 880^401, 707, 910,940,964,994., Johnson, James, 148, }71. JarTis, William D., 177, 220, 698, 690, 729, 1606. f Jackson, George, 200, 790, ^89, 890,» 89^892,898, 894, 895, 8^,/980, 081, 982, 986, 986, 987, 988, 1072, 1108, 1104,1106, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1142, 1148, 1144. Jonea, Edward, 810, 891, 726, 1161, • 1176, 1211, 1164, 1191, 1266, 1271, 1280, 1286, 1298, ldp9, 1795. James, George D., 812, 868, 809, 899, 409, 1629, 1066, 1677, 1728, 1766. Jones, A., 886. . Jeffrey, William, 789, 880, 878, OiW, 953, 964, 980, 1069, 1002, 1182, 1140, Jordisoin, C. A., 1884, 1891, 1892, 1898, 1894, 1408, 1412, 1418. \ \ ■ fii^aiyim UWt or UUIBITMI. ■I*...*' . • Jfutlnif, iimiiim\^ U70, 1171, IW6 ''"'•■',. ^ • KntRhl, R. W., 5T. . . RlngtbUrKb, Jftinw. 112, 903. Ktiuiedy. Jmbm, ITik . f;iB, DoMld. 161, 800^ 114, 82J. v ^ RItehle. Johfl, 108. . Ji|rL Rich. Charlee 0., 207. * ^ ' RaUey, T. R.O., 210. Rykert, Qeorge Z., 819, 487, 600, 688. Roddiok, Qeorge, 888, 086. . . Rjrkert, Jahin (^arlea, 488, 488, 480, 440, 470, 480, 481, 482. 402, 612, 613,614, 1160. Rjland, 0. H., 660. * Randall, John, 701, 889, 1088, 1119, 1120. 1114, 1141, 1498. Rake, John 0„ 748, 749. Robaon, John, 796, 840JB8O^887, 888, 982,988,984. RenneUon, R., 869, 860, 1008, 101», 1081. RIddell, Andrew J., 1680, 1681, 1781. Ronntree, David, 008, 1879. B/mal, Jacob, 1801, 1802, 1807, 1808, "" 1817, 1818, 1828, 1829, 1886, 1848, Row, John, 1806, 1811. Rutherford, John, 1806. RceTea, Sanh«l H., 1881, 1888, 1806, 1404. ... V .-....:■ ^ Sanl, ll^mUm, 8. Seett, Hector, 84, 84, 84. Smith, Adam, 42. Smith, Thomaa, 71, 176, 771 , 807, 862, 868, 884, 866, 918, 941. 969. 997, 1010, 1021. 1022. 1028. 1024, 1086," 1048, 1061, 1069j 1074, 1090, 1091, ' 1062, 1098, 1111, llUi 1186, 1866, — ~ 1807. v> ■ -a,/" F-s^^rfrapsflpi^w^ij^ 8 LIST 07 IZBIXITIM. f^ Snell, John, 68. 186. 884, 848. 844. 869, 860, 861, 889, 412, 687, 689, 6«0, 641, 646. 647, 648, 6<(7, 668, 601. 668, 676, 677, 760. 772, 778, 809, 810, 911, 866. 867, 917,918. 942, 948, 970, 971, 998, 999, lOU, 1012, 1018, 1026, 1026, 1027, 1087. 1088, 1044, 1046, 1062, 1068, 1060, 1061, 1076, 1077, 1078, 1094, 1096, 1112, 1118, 1126, 1U6, 1186. 1187. 1868,1868, 1869. si O«orge. HeoryQ., 7,1^66.12^ / 1268. . ■ I ■ " ■ fitong. Jacob, 68. 92. 169. ' BWey, Joib., 66. 911,996*illl«, 11« Scott, George, 78, 78. 669./668. Smitb, Alex., 88. j JItewart, J»me^ 89, 298, ?482. floariet, B. C, 94, 102. 8^8. SbuDk, Simon, 98, 194, 294, 818, 1449. Sbedden, Jobn, 106, 267, 296, 297. Smith; Gilbert, 120. Spronl, John 8., 122, 14f. Stephen, Robert, 128. Stripp, Thomas, 164. Snare, G. W., 187. SoTereign, L. A.. 201. 20]!, 866}. 1886, , 1404, 1406. " \ - Sanderson, John, 268, 264, 274. Sheppard, Matthew, 266. Salt, George, 283, 681. 1689, 1602. 1669. Stone. P.W., 806. 845, 846, 887. 888, 894, 896, 402, 408, 404, 418,414, 415, 416, 625, 626, 627, 629, 680, 531, 682, 685, 686, 637. 638. 640, 641, 642. 648, 646, 646, 647, 648, 767, 1000. 1001. 1002. W14, 1015, 101 15, 1028, 1029, 1089, 1040, 1046, 1047, 1054. 1065,1146. 1147, 1148, 1161, 1172, 1178, 1189, 1206, 1207, 1219, WflD, 1166, 1178, 1195, 1876, 1584, 17fe, 1799. Stock, Thomaa, 840, 898, 421, 695i 714,872,856. Scott, William, 429, 601, 620. • Smith, H. D., 48a ^ ^ .^ ^_-- Storey, James, 780, 828. Spencer, J. & H., 446, 608, 1168, 1167^ 1182, U88, 1184, 1198, 1199, 1214, 1216, 1227, 1228, 1229, 1260, 1268, 1264, 1272, 1278, 1274,1281,4282, 1287, 1%88, 1294, 1298, 1296. Stanton, George, 664, 577, 678. Stnart, John, 626. ' ; Sammerrille, James, 684, 680. Savage, George, 1464, 1466, 1466, 1463, 1468, 1469, 1664. Shaw,Joha, 1714, 1766., Trann, Jamea, 27. Teaadale, Thomas, 64, 818, 814, 816. 816,817. . - Tynrhltt, Septimns, 118. J Tinlin4 Robert, 138, 1494, 1628. Tl^ompsbn, Daniel, itS. Thompson, Joseph, 260. Taylor, John, 276. Thomson, John, 301, 422, 878, 874. Talbot, Henry, 828. Tye, Daniel, 436, 442, 446, 462, 468, 466, ;466, 467, 468, 484, 486, 486, 498, 494, 495, 496, 604, 605, 615, 516, 617, 1149. 1160. 1162, 1168, 1174, 1176, 1208, 1209, 1221, 1222, 1262, 1268. 1261. 1262, 1265, 1266, 1276,1276,1288,1284.1289.1290. 1542,1650.1668.1659. Todd, Jantes R., 448, 718,° 784. Torrance, John, 658, 672, 689, 690, 691, 607, 608, 609, 616, 616, 621. Thomson, E. W., 681, 661, 660, 662, 672, 1158, 1490, 1520, 1686. Telfer, William, 4, 806, 916. Thomas, Morris, 1886. Vine, John, 867, 398, ,789. Vine, James, 748, 764. Vassie, John, 1645, 1667. White, Jaittes, 6, 11, 16, 18, 19, 22, 24' 878. 817. Whiteoak. William, 81. ■ Warrilow, John, 85. Watson, Daniel, 4l. Wilson, R. S„ 63. ~ Wilson, Waiiam, 81, 768, 1422, 1428. ;^ ■^, r -1 T 1 1 1 \ V ^S*' mii^0^im^'itrltr LIST or IXBIBinu, .■■^< Webb, ThomMi 100. Wadaworth, A. H., 182, 189. Wllaon, John, 268, 281, 290. Watt, John, 818. Welford, Henry, 820, 888. White, JTohn, 821. Wade, Ralph, 829. Welford, W. P., 849y 417. Walton, JohQ, 862, 419, 420, 858, 884 886,426,427. * Williams, Rev. G. C, 262. Wilison, J. W., 469, 472, 611. Wright, Patrick R., 660, 662, 668, 67„ 674, 676, 676, 692, 698, 699, 600, 610, 611, 617, 617}, 1418, 1426, 1489. Wheler, John P., 664,666,679,693, 694, 1210, 1889^ 1899^ 1410, 1440, 1622, 1666. Waitee, William, 794, 888, 884, 886. Walkeo^ Chriatopher, 829, 867, 868f 869, 870, 928, 824, 926, 961, 977. ' 978,1086,1116,1878,1874. , C White, ftoliert, 846, 846, 899, 967, 96a '' *- Winter, Franoia, 1448, 1688. Wynn, John, 1686, 1769. Willcock, Abel, 1686. Wood, Samuel, 1698. Tonng, Tamea, 61, 162, 271, 284, 162 ~oung, Uriah, 806. / * onng, Alex., 1804, 1806, 181Q^/1822. 1828,1824,1888,1884,1389,1840' 1846. Zimmerman^ H. P., 217. -Ill' . A-'- -.■-va-. 'salVurfiil'l^ : ^^ ' '^. ~g-" i i( ^%trr ^5-^g^T ^ ' ^^gy»"g 'itgf-'~njae fe aa ai^ > • s ■ • ^ '-.*.- -.9 ■a *• : ..■^■■- ' «'■ .1 J . .' £ ■ ■ t • . ■/' ■ ■ 1 .J '.¥. . ' #■■ ' .. ,^j*_ ■■ ■ ■ " J *■ • > ■i A A ■ r \ ■ -2 I \ -I "i .^.. CATALOGUE OF Liyl! STte. BLOOD HORSES. ' ' •■,/;'■" \: CL48S.L '■.;,;■-.:• ^riz0in5i Thir4Pnze,$12 2 Simon Beatti vMarkham, York, TounglrUh Bird Catcher, blood bay 4^ %ntrj not oomplieted. 6 WmUm^ul, Lonaoii, Midai«Bfe^ ito»» Walter, bMnl br th6 late 5'««fo, 2.-TH0B0nGyBBBDST^iiH)H, SHAM OLD. "■■■■• : FKIZES pFFBliED':' ''" A ^ ^- •#«■ 12 BLOOD IIOB8C0. 11 J.,!« WhlK Br».to, lUIto.^ T«,^<««, 1-^ "y «»»"• •'» a«^i^ 8.-TH0E0U0a BBED 8T*LU0N a™**. 014.. PRIZES OFITEREP: • «>.< ivi«, »i4 i »co«i p*., »io I nw «*«. »^ &««»4.-THOEOtI(3H BRED YBARUNG COLT. PRIZES OFFERED U George Timer, Guelph, Wellington, bred by exhibiter. sire CHarm. MM-garet Carter hyiledoe. SPECIAL ENTRIES. SecUont-TnOl&orjm BRED STALLION any aob. PRIZE OFFERED: - The Atiociation't JHphma. 9 Simon P Dumond, MaiveriH York, Tr«i;i;o?i ./«<»*»• i ,, -ll Gt^TSe,GWwellmg^n,P^«^^ ; 7 Homy Q. St GeotgCWhitchurcli, York, CA«ro»,a^ fifecefon 6.-TH0R0UGH-BEED FILLY, 3 yeaes old. PRIZES OFFERED : FiraPrizeMi Secmd F^e.mi Third Pti''^^ . 16 James White, Bronte, U^Ant^I^ie, bred by exhibiter. 6«ro Margaret Cartw,hjMed^- 48 John Hewer, Guelph, WelUngton,\Btoei/««l^ sire m.p./.A»2;< York Mills, York. Section 3.-AGW0lTI,TURAL STAJiMON, 2>baes old. PBIZES QFFBRBdV ■ FiraPHz^,m}Sec(>iidP»ize,m)fk^ 62 DayidMe88enger,Cook8yil^P*eCbwdbyexhibiten_ , 68 JohuSnell^BdmontoD, Peel, bay, ayears8mo^,8.rerm^^^ 64 Thomas TiMdale,Gr.h«m8vme, 2 ys. 8mo. 18ds siremrdfbr««n*. 66 Kitchen Graham, iBelleTUle, Hastings, bred by exhibiter. s 66 George Higginbotham, Balsam, Pickering. _^ 67 R. W. KniAt Aurora, York, br«l by exWWter. _^ _ S L^ S. YoS; York, 2 years 4 month. » days, n^Br^tuK ■-.-.- Splendor, itm\ij Phenomemm. ^ _ wfcii«- ~^^^ 69 JohnsonHanison,Maton,Halto«Jbred5r^btt«-_ . „, 60 Wm.Jackson,YoricMil^York,T«>«ni,<7««*«;?*»f.27.8in.8d. ffi .T.».eaYoun,t .Indian».G.R.P.O..bredbyeriubitor. :;A. MummivnAL aoBoi. 62 Dancui If cGoniiMhick Qrono, I>iw:baav 68 B. 8. Wilmn, Whitby, Ontario. 64 Alfreil J«fflrey, Woodbridgtv ^o^lt* 65 Joshitft l^fapliajt Sofrb^roucll, York. I )' . 1» »•'■«:.. 6r 68 60 10 Stft^X^AQ^lOVhTV^AL COLT, ybablwrkh»in, Tork^ _ Oeoi|(e Alton, Nelson, Halton. Imm Qeddea, Indl»nl^ G. R., bred-bjr eihibiter. ' ' Emanuel Foster, Humber, York, IT m., bred by V.iteanian. ^ .-.■y- • 54 . • 28 29 We»t. ' 80 kh8,ia 81 - 82 .ong. 88 68 fartin. , 84 ■ ■ • - . ■ ■ ■; -. 4« . 8« OLD. ' 68 \ ■ 36 69 61 ■ J 40 '. 41 mb. . 60 forHne. * SPCOIAL EI^TRIES. Section 6,-f-BBST AaRICULTURAL STALL? QN, awt aob. PRIZE dl^PEaiED : The AMtociation'e D%]fioma, Thomas Teudale, Grahamflrille, Peel, 2 years 8 months 18 days. Thos. Dunn, Morriston, Wellii^;ton, Tmng Ouniberland, 6 ysiirs old. Thoipas Frisby, ¥ariilMM% Yorl?, Monareh. JmiaUian Newlore^ Harkham, YoriE, Young Arthur. ' William Whitodt, UnioBTiUe, York. Patrick Murphy, Guelph, Wsm^ffioi^ Priaee Alfred, 7 years. John Beck, Weston, York, Toung Wameork, 6 years old. Jacob Stong, Yorkrille, York, 2 year8>4 months 9 days. Hector Scott, Brooklin, Ontario, l^ng jRritain, 4 yis. 8 mos. 26 d» James Fenris, Gait, Wentwortii. John Warrilow, EgUngton, York, Toutig SOin Segd, 6 years dd. George AHOD, NelM>% Bftltm. Thomas DaT^Is«ngton,Ypric,r«»»2rAi«ii^hped!ipBnglatf4 v ISla4Gedd«s, lAdiaiM, EUdimsnd. J^es Young, Indiana, Haldimand. Thomss Qowlwd, JKork, Hridimand; a ^ Daniel W«ts«n, Haple^ Y»Sd^^^ 98 John Moore, IsUngton, York, 10 years old, siroOW Clyde. 95 Thomas Gowland, York, G. R, P. 0. 96 Henry BatteU, Grafton, Northxunberland. 97 Duncan McConnachie Orono, Dorham. . ^; 98 Simon Shunk, iJ^^ ",. / ^'vr ■ .- MAO OB OAmAOl flUUM. IT y- 106 lOd 107 108 «r. 109 no 111 , -. .' . ■ 118 U 11» 114 116 S$eti9n 10.-^BS8T SPAN MATCHED FABM OR T£AM HOBSJSa PRIEES OFFERED: Fint 'BriM0, 120 ; Second PriM, %\ 6 j third Prixe, 110. Andrew AlHaon, Burnhunthorlpe, Peel, bred by ezhtl^ter. . ^■' Jobs Shedden, Toronto^ York. John Nixon, Schomberg, Yo^ bred by Ourr 4 Goll«rd, King. Williun Elford, Jun., Dvlington, Durhun. H. A & Lemon, KetUeby, YoriL Hoa John Rom, Toronto Township, York. Ohwlei Pilkey, Clwemont, South Ontario* Johik OUrk, Bnuapton, PeeL — ^— ^^^ — ^ -^^^ ^ Jamea KiiigBbutgh, Ayr, Brtnt Henry Oochitader, North Oayop, O. B., Hftldimand. ThomM Gill,lDeOewiTiUe, Haldinuuid. Newbury Button, MilueBTill^ York. ;^ dLASS m. ., . ROAD OR CARRIAGE HORSES. ^onft Union, ^K^ff^ Diploma, Hjvi^^^ by H. R G. Dmndrest, Norham, Northumberhmd. -._^-- _ : _ - J. E. DaTia, Ridimond BBH, York, 7 years. John Gill, Grahamsvillei PeeL Robert Stevens, StreettriUe^ King WilUam, « yrs., bred jn A^laiid. ~ — ~2 ■ ■ ■■ ■ .- ■■■. ^^ ' : — ~-7 ■ ir 116 117 118 119 120 121 182 128 124 12S 186 187 128 y / _^t:. -• 'y rm \t \ 190 ISl 188 188 184 185 188 \ / ■ D O/ Forbid OokmAoi, 8. <>«>*«^ R. B«lth, BowmMiTin*, Durbwn. •**^^'**' «r.^ JK-«i«i iW«.» 1Rh»1, *«•» In Ohio, iw Arthur Mc<>>«l^ OmwDM, vicwn^-g^/^^ 140 i R Halbday. Toronto, Yo^ C*"*^ <^"' '*-*«. 2^B0AD » OABWAOB STAIMON, S «.. o^1>^ PRIZES OFFERED 5 14!r Johi«WhnatK,OronovDarhjm,ta«Jj)njrjy^^ iS JohnGib«nHN«r«.tt^^bMn,br^b,^«WWt« 14» Joh»PMJ»ytO<»wrf.»<**' „.^ v^K>«Mbtor.*e ^ngf<>- IW JohnO«pb*,5Bw-«-°»***^/*^"^ in ©•(waBoMh.HwnlUan, W«kiw«j|^^J|rj^^ riw 158 A*»SS.fj^=-*'S^^ IM Ale«ndsrBurB«MS Aglnoourt, t«k, ?«-« W-*-^ S«^ 8^olfflT«B OE CABIOAGE SIAIMOH. «» •"--. _> 'r' \ \ 158 vAhf 159 X f\ ■ ■ by. . 1«0 1«1 1«9 168 ipb«n. 164 166 166 yO«o. >, olW^ ter. thAfM- biter, ■ir« ^ bndbf 0N,T#6 MOAD Ot OAUIAQI lOMM. It 157 JamM lliigill, VorkTill«, York, Jirtnm Mtmtngmr, 9 Twn. 8 ""^^^t 91 (by a, Hire Hard P\trt%>u. ^ Daniel Thompaon, Stamfbrd, Wflllttnd Jacob 8tonf(, YorkTilla. York, Oanadimn Spltndoitr, a« 9 r«ra, 4 montha, 91 da/a, aira Jfrititk Uplenilour, (lain by OldPwrftetion. Thdniaa Webb, Toronto, York, af(« 9 yawl^ 4 ntonpi, air« LufHitt, Donald Roblnaon, Quotnaton, Unooln, br«d by axhibUar. JamM Young, Indiana, llaldlmand, brad bj exhlbiUr. Johi) Ritchia, Bradftrd, Slaooai Thomaa Stripp, Balmont, MIddlaaax, brad by axhibltar. R li. Dmilaon, Toronto, York, Sultan. Alfred JeAvy, Woodbridge, York. IW /ohn lagleaon, Toronto, York, 9 y«ara, 6 montha, brad by uhibitar i&st LapidUt, iBBi tk Mmteng»rm»i% iy«rtwii 4.-YBAIILING BOADSTBR or OABRIAGB COLT. PRIZES OPPERED: . FirU Prize, |8 ; Svfond Prixt, 16 ; Third I\vu, |1 168 laaao Oeddea, Indiana, H«ldimand brad by ezhibiUr. 169 John Oolley, Mount Hurat, PaeL iro Walter Oatin, Edmonton, Pad. % . ( 117 118 119 144 12p 121 198 194 196 127 198 199 168 169 SPEOIAL ENTirilt. Section 6.— ROADSTEB OE OAEBIAGB STALLION of ' PRIZE OFFERED :' ■ • ■ \, . ■ . ■ \ Tht AsMsiation'i D^tUma. Robert RMnadala, Whitby, Ontario. Septimqa Tynrhitt, Bradford, Simooe. Robert Reaouo, Richmond HUl, Ontario^ bred by ezhibiter. John 8. PalmW Rouge HiU, Ontario, bred by exhibitor. Gilbert Smith, Toronto, Yorir:, 0»aehman>, bred in England. Darid AabbMig^Qlanford, Wentworth, 7 years. John Dixon, EtoMcoke, York, Soyal Eehibition, 8 jmt§. James Armstrong, Union, Elgin, 6 yeargi J. E. Daria, Ri(jimond Hill, York, 272a(!iiira«9^J6fiM, 7 yssn. John Gill, GrahamsTille, Peel, JfaUor, 6 yearsw Robert Stephens, StmtoriUe, mng Wim^m, bwd ki Bigiand. D. G. Forbef^ Opluoibua, S. Ontsria Daniel Thompson^ Stanford, WeUaad. J*h,"*n.lltim,W.ntworUi, Ml jMn«« KMtwowl, MJmloo, York. , ,M jT- Young. Indiana lUlOlnunj^ « J-^ «»^ t84 John ini«namon, IMhl. Nortoft. !l« WllM^m BUnch.nl, 8«n,c^ IUWt«.»n.1 lAfi AJM."«l«r niirnww, Aglncourt, York, t""^ «^ ' ^ ul !?Jll T^i^t, wLlbridg., Vaughn, /*.6 MankaU. • y-«. I« 'i- >..«•.* 6.-FRteN0H OAtTADI AN WaU^^^ /Vr.l/V.«.l80; *«J>r,-, 120 ; Wirrf /»«.., HO. ,n J-n«. Johnnton. To^l^to T.^n.hlp, Peel, Youn, t^^ek Hock, .Ire 179 JamM FitMlminon«, 8t ThomM, imt"" f •Ire 8, Toronto, York. _^^ ^ '" pulton, Xownto, York. • \ !^Ti^^ ROADSTER OB CARRIAGE FILLY PRIZES OFFERED: firHl^iu,9ii- Second Prize,9Qi Third Prize, ^. ^9 James Armatrong, Yartnouth, Elgin, r 180 James Preston, Hornby, Halton. __^ _^ ,^^ __ lA^ 166 OeoigeCoop«r, Toronto, York. ^ irt. 0. i 9 yMtrt, FIIiliY • .... ^ , ', Tf MAO Oft OAfttUW KOftni. M^mrWW -^^^^'^^ ^^^^' ^^^ OARBUQi FILLY, kjB ^^^ . PRIZR8 orrBRRD: -'*■ ' ■' : # ' ^ |(kl ' JVr*« /Vi«, 18 J S$rond Print, 10 ; Third l^riu, $4. ^ im John Hill, Orahunafill*. PmI, brwl bjr MhibiUr. ^87 JaniM llugill, YorkvUK York, •«•, 15 montlu, 17 dayi, •(!• iTbf^ 188 D. O. PorbM, Oolumb«u, 8. OnUrio, brad by «xhiblUr, 189 A. IF. R WnUworth, Toronto, York. 190 John Boalton, Toroo^ York, •«•, 10 monUMi bj X TatUn. ^00 George Jaekaon, Oaatlemore, Peel ^ 201 L. A. SoTeraign, Piuria, Brant .^ ' 209 L. A. 8ofer«ign, Paris, Brant "^ , 208 Georjpe Murray, Yorkfille, Yoit. "*' / 204 Thomas Bonner, Toronto, York. E FILLY ,i*. 19 days. '5r«iwn ll.~^AIB OF^ATCHED OARRIAGB HORSES. PRIZES OFFERED: Itr$tPrix«, 120 ; Shcond Prife, flS ; Th{r4 Priu, flO 206 J. Ham Perry, WWtbj, Ontario. 206 Andrew Allimn, Burtihamtlwrpe, PeeL 207 Charles 0. Rich, St Thomas, Elgin. 208 John NiekersoB, Delhi, Norfolk. 209 David Bell, Brampton, Fed, fMurs. 210 T. J. Bush, irin, WeUington, 6 and 6, Sir Henry breed. SlI Oeorge S. Dsintirjr, Ooboutg, Northumberland, bred bj M..MeK«chnle, Oofaouig. w I t.. \ M ! ' JMMUD OH OASUAOB SOI its 0«wieDJtorton,Briidfl>rd, Simeon «8 Hon. J<*n R«m, Toronto, YoA. _^^ 814 Qilb#t MatheBon, Woodrtock, Oafcrt. 818 Beq|«ninD«ritt, W»t«ftoo, Watorloa 816 Ol6montD»weB, mitby, Ontario. ^ 817 H. P. ZimmonwHi, ammwrnn, Hriten. ^ S18 Henry l>ooJi8ti4«,N.O»yng»,Hdtowna. 81» T. R. 0. RuUiy, OhathMB, Kent 880 John Lindsay, Woodsto**, Ojtfcrd. 881. John Coote, London, Middlesex. 'W^- S^orto* 12.--SINGLB CAEBUGB HOESB i» HARNESS, 826 827 828 829 280 > 881 288 884 286 286 288 240 841 PItI22BS OFFERED: PirU1\tie,my fifexmd A«e, 18 j ^W iV««, W, Heniy Lutes, Boston, Norftlk, 6 yesw^ ^ ^_ . ^ A!wdkirNor^«l, Hdton, 6 ye«rs, bred by W. Morr.^. John BDiot, DufflniJ C5roek, Ontario. G«»rge D. Morton, BradM, Simoom , >- Jsmes Brown, CWt, Waterloo. John Kidney, Toronto, York. , DoMld Cameron, Klinebuigh, York. _/ William I>. Jarris, Toronto Township, Y^ik^ . L. Coffee, Toronto, York. ;^-_- i -^f W. W. Nelijh, Norwichrille> Oxftrd. - John Keating, Hamilton, a Wontwertb; • John Keating, Hanulton, a Wentworth Robert Carrie, St Catharines, London, Abi»m Logan, Whitby, Ontario. ^ ^ Henry Dfechstader, North Cayuga, HaWmiMd. Erskine Irving, Hamilton, Wentworth. John Brown, Streetsrille, PeeL Robert W. Calder, Brampton, Peel. O. A. Coates, OakviUe, Halton. Wiffiain nepew, «nw»e, Norfolk. 1 ■ .« a -. ■ a 2 *• " ■ . '■ ■ .-. 'a a ' a a - :■ ■. : ; a ■.'•■■■■■; j5 NESS, a • ■ ' • t ' ..:: I byekMbitor. ^■:. SecUm 18.-^ADDLB HORSES. PRIZE^OFFBHED: 848 John Ni<*er8on, Delhi, Norfolk. y 842i John Nickierson, Dellu, NOTfiJk. ; 848 John Nixon, SchonAerg, York. \ ,« - '^''^ #; ■ ' ' ' V ■ . , . ■ S4« George D. Morton, Bnidfcrd,.SImoo«. a4T Hon. John EeM, TMBiitoT«wi»iaftT«*. i48 Henry Doehstader, Nerth Oijagm BtldiminA 849 BraUne Irving, Huailton, Wentworth. 2491 SnkiM Iittag, HMnOton, Wenl^orllt 260 0. L. Deniaon, TotobIo^ Toik. 261 Peter Hatty, T«r«nto, Tort 262 Rer. G. 0. WilliMU, Toronto, York. V 268 John Coote, London, MiddleMl. ,, Seetim 14.— EXTRA ENTRHBB nr BOAD ou OABRIACiS HOB8B8. ■ ■ , ' ■ .. . • ■ •' . ' ■ ■ ■ ■■■'■■'■■■■ './■■■ Ifii^ Bi^A. McDo^d, T OVBE.y ■. . ' ; 'i / PRIZES OFPE»EDii r •£ie/f40/>eo>uiPi^«25; Third Prize, %\Z. Bobertieirig and W. Bitchia, lUcfamoDd Hiil," York, Jeoftin BooA, 10 10 years, bred in IlUgUnd. Josq[)W Thompson, Maifcham, York, teai k Engbnd. ABdi«)r Harrie, Beverley, North Wenlwarth, bred ki BritahL Jl^mea'Ik]^ Ayr, Waterloo, bred by J. Dalaiel in Scodand. JbhnSanderaon, Markham, York, iSSr K FoHaM^ aged. ^ Johd/Saadcnoni MaiUttoi, Toric, iTonpormZ, 4 years. IL aiieppard, YartEVfllf^ Yorit, CoMiian £*M, sire Y^ung Lhn. JotuL MiUer, BnH«hMB, SMth Ontario, 6 yean, bred in Britun. Ml Stetion S^-HEAVT DRAUOHT BTALtlOK, B tbaiis old. Pira Prize, %l%) Second Prixe^My 9liMPrke,%1. 267 John Shedden, Toronto, York. ;_ C i^j^ ; " '2«8 JohnWilaoB,OBhawa,Ontario^ JMBJlbJ*nf^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .r^ M HIATT DBAIKIHT HOBSW^ ^tttKatS OFFBRBDi Mt D»tidMM«wwer,Co©l«Tfll«,Ped,bn>dl»yMWbit«. sow wmTia jBwi«i>B»« -1 montitf. rire Ctam*«r- •yO "Wnii ^ ^ i JMtaoPr Y. PRIZB9 OFFERED : IVrUFHte,$lSi Second PHzi^tll-, Third JPrkce, 97/ ^^ ^**jSr!f^"*'' ^^^^'*^ ^^'^ sirofmportwl BohSoy^ dam* Olidt 280 J^ O. L. PMnon, Township of King, York. 881 John Wilson, £link Sonny, Ontario, bred by eithibiter. ' 882 SunuelOununer.'Willowdale, York. 888 George Soott,Wobum, York, bred by exhibiter. &tfBATj6ttr H0R8BB. PRIZK8 Orf5Mp> s ^ 206 John Shedden, Toronto, YoA. ^ ; >^ «fiV Jolni 8h«4*ML Toronto, ^orit ■■ iSm Moore, JBUmton,ToA,b«ja^«Wblt«. DoMld Robertaon, Qa«eMton,Ltoooln. John.Thomwn, Whitby, OntMio. Jamrt Kingsbargh, Ayr, »«"*• ^ Thomu QUI, DecewsYille, Hiddiinifld. S99 800 801 802 808 z ixnsisrr.^^ 3", 'fc ' '•/v'-^'^^'--- CLASS, A.; HORSES OF ANY BafiBD- S.^i._ STALLION, 0. aht >«B 0. »<«». PWZE OFFERED: M Tl.>.Te«drfe. Gna-n.ayme.Pee., Agricultur.1 St-Uion, ^ ^^^ » DaTid Asbbaugt, Ql«fc^ 5«*'^'^ ^^2 toidBtflr, 8 y. old. Jdlm I)i>h, Ifellington, Plato, thoAnwh^ind staUioo. 8yMra. ' Joseph Thompma, MvUiMn, Ytfik, faapOTtBd, hmrj dnughi i Hector Scott, Brooklin, Ontario, Tomg Britain, 4 yews 4 monthi. John Dsnby, Concord, YorV, Brent NtUon, roAdster. 8 yews. 4months. i w -» Andrew Hurie, Kirkwall, N, entworth, Wheary draught ^ JMBfls Ferriea, Gait, Waffington, 8 yean, agrieoUural atalUon. John Warrilow, EgUogtoo, York, T«wng Bobin Hood, 6 yean agricultural stalUon. .. ' James DaUel, Ayr, Waterloo, beayy drau^ __^:_^ __l Qeoixe Alton, Ndaon, Halton, a^rioultttral yearling oolt George Boadi, Haailton. Wentworth, 8 years old roadster. Thiwaai^idjJWMon, York, Tbsi 7»imft, « yean old'apicaltana James Bastwood, Mimioo, York, nwbtcr. James Young, Indiana, EUdimand, 2 years, roadster. Thomas Gowlan4, York, Haldimand, ««riailtivaL John Sanderson, lifrkham, York, Sir W. Wallaet, heaty draught, aged, imported. ■ ' J. Sanderson, Ifark^m, York, Noi^Mirigl, heaTydnught,4 years. Jolm Sanderson, Markham, York, Wondnfid Lad, heavy draught, J(^ B. Henderson, l)d^ NorfUk, madstet. Villiam Bhmchaitl, Seneca, Haldimand, rtmdstef. BiBiel Watson, Maple, Yori^ agrieultnmL • * John Bond, Toronto, York, Po«^n 8 yeara^i month* 12 dara. bred by eihibitor, aire Brinu qf Walu .800, dam Swett iVa, by ir(itton|11552). Donald Robertaon, Qoeenaton, Linooln, J^frtdt 8 ya. 4 moa. 19 da.. bred bT Thomaa Smith.! Eaat Flamboro'. aire iM«{ft«r< .444. dam 8nov)t!wd,bjffaUm{mi7). * 323 GaTin Craijf, Qrafton, Nortiiumberland, Omtt, red and white, 3 yra. 2 moe. 24 da., bred by John Miller, Piekerinff, aira Ytmng TmeA- aide ,376, dam imported Immo, by Baron ofKidtdale (11156). 324 Thomaa Martindale, York, Haldimand. Faeourite, roan, 3 yeara 6 m. 12daya, bred by Gilbert Davia, Nelaon. aire WaUaee ,356. dam » KatiHkahfhj EtUton {IU62). .^ S8o*t<. (isjMy. ^, white, 9 iMiitfw, 10 d*., 72). ' arham, IFiU iVmce, roan, 11 aonlhtt Ltd,4»i, dam iyr«wA«n Lilf, by WO 351 352 853 854 355 350 357 358 F. W. Stout, QiMlph, WaHii bnd hj •ikibitav, tin I .' Pima, 2, bj ChagMUr John Ballwoodi NtwoMtl*, bnd bj omiOT, ilrt 2UMb (0778). A. Fmuoo, BownaovilW DirUnglas, Roffol Qtaratt 6 montba, 7 dt., br«d bj B. Arkbuid/OihAws, iIn ibtcAn ,377, dam JMtmtia by I Veiiw wrt (188251/^ H. P. Welford, WooditMk, Oiford. faDnktofYoit, 7 noatht, 17 ds.. bred by •xhibiMir, aire 6th Duh of Tork,WO, dSin Jhtni Mnid i by Mbgntt (10469). ■ ' v . - /. . . ■' • ■■ : . . Oeorn MUlar, IMkham. Ttfrk, JIMMTeaBoalh^ Viad liy whiUlw •iit iVtfiet i^WaU$ (608), dan ladjt Jaiu by iSir /o*ii (13735 ). L. Harriaon, lurlay, St. Lawrtnoa Co., N. Y.,ChaniUr, 6 montha. 26 daya, bM W axbibiter, aiia iig«pNr [4030], dam OUoe by Bann^fUm [1229j. Jobn WaltoD, PMarbon/, PtotarboroV CbrndL wfaita, 11 aonUia, 10 daya, aire. Dukt o/Neweattle ,4^\ dam BiAf by N/Slar (1940]. William Bowea, Concord, York, Xotmg JEmpmtr 2imL roaa, 8 monthtt 19 daya; bred by exbibiter, aire J^utg Chntral Baodoek ,682. George Cooper, Toronto Tp., York. QkfaUr, 4 mo*. 26 daja, bred bj exh'r, aire Qmtnl Htneleek ,682, dam .Awper, t>y air OkarUa ,4 87, Tboa. Stoek, Walirtows, Weotworth, light roan, 4 m. 21 d. bred by exh^r, aire Q uHku Ui ,535, dam Bmpreta, by PriitM AXberi ,74,. N. J. BfeQiUiTraj, WiMMMtown, Oleikaary, bred by exbibiter, aire Ronal Qmrgt (16860) dam JfodleJ, bylfafladoiv (11800). George W. Miller. Bomer, Linoolb, OnmAtm^ red, 7 moa. bted by elh'r, aire AHf\ni ,519, dam Bemd^, by Qm^ Fm»v«r [20131. John Walton^ Balaam Grove, Plstarboro', Gbmd, 11 m. 10 d., bred by ezh'r, aiit JM» ^ Ameoaffa ,465, dam Aiiy, by ^i>resra. Henry WeUbrd, Woodstock, Oxford, 6M JhOce of York, 3 yeara. John Miller, Bronglbam, S. Ontario, Camadian Punch, 2 y, 7 m. 28 d. P^rge Miller, lUrUmm^Xwk, Prinee of TFoIm, 4 ya., 2 ma., lO ds* George Cooper, Toronto, York, Vamig Emgpinr, 6 yaws, 4 months. -#• yf!li%piil^i^P^t' 83 ■\^ IMmVAMt. 312 Gaorip D. J«.««. Toitmto. *•'«• ^^'T* ,Vj 3 rt.. 4 mo... 19 d«. 817 J»mHWhlU.BroDU.IW«oo,Jfitoi. *!••"• ' >^i.r«.,»30i ^g^/-^.'!?' «'«'^'*''" Itth Prine, $4. importad Rot* by if^w* »/ **°~^ \ _^„ 4 months, br«d bj 3,1 Job. 8"^ M-K3:'-"i'^^'^'i-^ <"""• "*" *^''. : Oounim\ij BaUim ,12,. fi-owirop. white, bred by ezhib., liw Wik* lZ»*rL 74i — — — ^^rm^lTPrinee^Aaurt, 74* mnuum. "'^ ■ ^^ m 37S John Thom«M. Whitby, Ontario. Lady ^ AUukttNt*, mm. S yotrfl 7 no*. 10 «Uyt. btwl hj Jmim DovcIm, BooUmiL airo T\tmb9ur (15300). dam AnAy. by IVMMri (1M«0), 374 John ThoiMoa. WhlMrr. 0*Uri^ Jfnim lltk, mm. S y«M« 7 moa. 18 dnv«. brod by Jmm DontiM, Boolhmi, tin #«f)iM (Sm), dnia NtriMa SlA. by £«rrf /T^i (il4«). . . • ^ ' 876 N. J. MoOilUfn^, WUHnmatown. Ql«n|iir]r. AwMii'fr. roui, 4 TMfi 8 mna. 18 d«yt, brod by J. (laadry. lacUod. oiro Hooh Knight (lftl«7). dMi AMMlMy. by ifb^Mwr ($082.) 379 N. J. MoOilUvTay, WiliUnotowa. OUafary. man, 9 yoani. brod by Mr. Qrttikohaak. Sootland, olra MaUttUrt (U800) dim UrunstUt by /'Wikw Sdward IWr/w (9600). 377 John B. Ooaio, St. Thoaiao. BIgia. Qttf, rod roan. 6 jtfun, brod by tho Shakor Suoloty, Kontuoky. oiro Stnator iij [21871, dam __ _ Afric; by KiffW [1070]. 178 Jmboo White. Bronte, Ilalton. Lady Day tnd, rod and white, 10 ,.;i- 379 380 381 382 383 884 886 yoaro, brod by II. Paroono. Oaolph, olra JMUt ,200, dam Vaung lady J>ay, bj Ikrrp (Siii^. John PootI, Port Hopo, Dnrhom, MapU L*af,4 yoam 6 «ioo. 20 daya, brod by oihlbitor, olro Young JDuJt* ,373, dan PoeaJkonUu.hj Am^riean BelUd Will (12384). John Bollwood, Jan., Noweaotio, Darham, JtttU, rOM, 4 yn. 1 mo. 7 daya, brod by John Walton, Polorboronth, olro Tteunuetk (13825), dam i>M« Mhmom, by Wellington [2304J. Arthur IIoKgo, aaolph, WolUDRton. Mary, rod. 4 je«n, brod by oihibUor, atro lUh DuU «f Ox/M [16061, ^am kavd4, by GauntUt {VnaM). -v -x^ i i i John ElllotI, Dafln'a Orfok, Ontario, StrattUrry, 6 yaaro 11 moa. brod by J. P. Wbolor,. Soarboroagh, airo Jhtke ,94, dam Baity, by iVinw 7Vi«i ,89. n. P. Wolford, Woodotook, Oiford, J?it/%, white, 8 yoan 11 moa. 2 dara, brod by o«)iibit«r, iir« Magtut (10489), dam Nora, by W%«atear ,10. John Walton, Balaam OroTO, Potarborongh, Jbthf/^ 7 Toara. brod by ozhibltef, alro Jfbrth Star [19401, dam Young fhtorite, by «»mol[1885.] ■ ' ■ ' ^ John Walton, Balaam Grove, Potorboroodi, iMtdy Sd«n, roan, 7 yra. bred by exhlblter. aire Korth Star [1940]. dam Lady Jaat, by Prince Albortl'^''^ -i- ^ Seetiom 8.— DUBHAM COW, 8 tbabs gib. PRIZES OFFERED I FirH PriMe, 116; Stamd Prim, $10} Third Pn'ae,Mi Fourth Prize, H. 386 Henry Jennlngi, Yiote^ Sq[«ara, Tork, Snowdrop, loaa. 8 years T,!2??^* 1" **y»» "»"* ^J Mr. Syme, Sootlao^ aire TiemMdt (12241), dam Jant, by Xomoii* (11668). 387 Tidd. W. Stone, GtMliih, Wellington, JtaMIa itk,9 yewa tOnioc 13 dam, bred by eshibiter, aire »rd Grand Duks ,883, dam Itab€llaind,i^Bueeane«r (11217). 8 ^ ^^^—'^— ■ - V. t-, ! •■ ■ y- ^ fc^.w.»«*aj-,kjWjV».5«^5r*^fS4aM.- >--' (ir- S^9.-DUBHAM HEIFER. 2 m..0L.. PRIZES OFFBRKPt T'.frf.Pm-, »!»} ^^^^^ p^^ 18. ^^ (12246) -. ■ ^ \ • ■ ■ ■- '-■•..■ ■■ /;! ;'-' ^^ 4; r . - - • ■ ■■»■.■■■■■■■ - ? ' ■* . ■'. *■" ■ ■ ,' " .■ ' / '■■/■■:>■ !"■■'■■•.,■'• -..v, •-*'. . dftja. JaiM, dAJtf Ibiur. 2691). 2 daji. h * 409 fni. W. 8tOB«, OmUIi. WcHlngloii. /)imiAmi «/ d/Ar<< imi, 1 jMr nonllM 10 dftjt, br«l bv •ihibltor. air* rrmiiitHi 12040] dM />MNik« ^ OV'>^ ( l'27Aa). 403 rr«d W. 8loa«, Quclpb, WalllMlon. Maid nf Honour. \ ymr 9 «M. 8 day*. br«l bv MhiblMr. •frt ri«i«9f 14404]. dm Mim Mmr. garoi, bj Untvball {M01).\ 404 Frtd. W. 8too«, Qadlph. W«llli„WeUiogton. ^f '3- George Milled Markhain, York. • ^ '^ Se(Aim\.-mSfm BUIX, 4 tEARS old anb UFWAja,8.- PRIZES OFIPBRMJ: \fl0retMM, ,41,. ^. :• """ '""'"(ftfefe'"" ■■*- . ' 480 i^illiun Sflotl. N»w HMBbarcfa, Wttotloo, Young WiUiam, 5 jem, bred by John Moore. Etobiooke, aire imporUd DuU .100. dam Beautg,hjCharU$2nd. 430 H. D. Snith. Aldbovoach. Weet EI|tiD, Sauta Anna. 6 t. 4 m. 20 d^ b'*iSiS' arn^ *^* «w» t4«6), dm lady 2nd, " 431 John DavoT, Leakaid, Darham Weet, LuMJohn ButteO, 7 yean, bred by W. U. Look, YarmoOth, sire OU Rea^, imported from Ens., dam imported from England. 432 J. E. W. Norman, ifonnt Hope, Wentworth, Blain, 6 yean II mon. bred by W. H. Looke, Tarmonth, aire bred by Mr. Lydoo, England, \ dap Za<;y wBi>n<2««r, grand-dam imported; 433 John O.Hykert, St. Catharinee, Lincoln.' forrfAam. 7 yeare, bred by Tboinaa Gould; Caynga County, N. Y., aire ffoliham (218), dam Cherry (677). 434 Thomas AlUn, Whitby, Ontario, Dlmmim, 5 years 3 months, bred by exhibitor, sire Dmonian (20), dam Stately, imp. from England. 434J John 0. Rykert, St. Catharines, Lincoln, St.CathaTine$,& years, bred by ezhibiter, sire Touag StanUy ,2i„ dam Jmny Lind ,22,. V Su2;0. 3} years bred by John Moore,^Et9biooke, aire Buck of Deton ,100, dam' J?«au«v ,61, imported. 437 Christopher Oourtice, BowmanTille,,West Durham, Gonqueror, bred b^ J. Burk, -BowQianville, sire lord John, bred by W. H. Look. Yarmouth, dam bred by Mr. Turner, near Exeter, England. 439 John C.Rykert, St. Catharin.es, Lincoln, /;i»i<}(»?», 3 years 2 months. ^ . bn»«»P«rr» (349), dam Z«M2y EMter,hj Qmrjtly (284). • S9^ion 8.— DEVON BULL, 2 ybars W ~ ,^ ' PRIZES OFFEIRED : I FtrU Prize, $iif Second Prize, $16 ; Third Prize, $&; FimA Prize, $5. ' ■■■ 441 Jo»»nJIalo6m, Sheffield, Wentworth, ZTmifaiSto^ bred by W. H. look, YarmoBth, ahro a»«iAi, dam Xo-«.*-"''^ ^ '-* * ■*"*•' '^'^ '^ bred by «»»'»»**»'' ^-f;j^*SBuK 6^4^^ bred gexhibiter .ire &J»««^_^^^^^^^ ^^^ bred by '^^^Wter ^^^«|^j^ ^*„,„tt,,2lday., bred by exhAiter, "*" j^^LrfT— —. 5 month.28 day. bred : i6a(1496J. ' ■ ■ 4fl 4fl , '44 42 ■•■•..,■ 43 f . : 43 t :■..■■ .43 I ,43 i '■-■■:' ■ 4,y^ja VKfonu, M '-, 6 moQthi, bnd bjr •xhibUMrb 460 afoha Moore, blingtoB,. York, •^ itm &i»rr^ hj Duke. . 461 TbomM Bkko^, WollinKton Sqium, Hriton, JZad Bird, 11 months 25 d»7s, bred hjQ.Z. Bjkert, St. XhUhHrinw^ tire Jfbrdham dam JmH^ Lmd hj F. Jenmfti,. 462 Christopher Oonrtioe, BowmUTille, W. Dnthain. JMnet A^ired, 5 months, 22 days, bred by ezhib., sire Duke ,104, dua Beautjf ,01,. 463 Ohristopher Ooartiee, BowmknVille, W^ Durham, bred by ezhibiter, sire Obfisiwror ,105, d«m <3Voo;/U ,60,. 464 Thomu Allen, Whitby, Ontario, IVtiioe qf Walea, 3 mos.,1 day, teed by ezhibiter, dire DeoimkM, dam ToHng Statehf. '-. •:*",.■■.-■'■'■ ^COIAL ENTRIES. ..■ ::' ' ' " Sietum 6.—DBV0N BULLy of art Aonr ■ , [■' ..: " PRIZE OFFERED: Tfte Aeaoeiation'e IHplofM.^ ^^ . •. ' 442 Daniel Tye, WHmot, Waterloo, Lord Elgin, 2 years. 429 WiUiam Soott, New Hamborglu Waterloo, Jbwn^TFiBia^ 430 H. D. SraiUi, AldboroagUf Elgin, Santa Aitna, 5 yrs. 4 mos. 20 ds* 431 Johfa Datey, Leskard, Dorham West, Zord Jekn SueeisU. , 436 Ohristopher Ooardee, Bowmanfille, Wept Dorham^DiKA:^ 31 years. 437 Christoptjier Coartioe,BowmanTille, West Dorham, Conqueror, 3yn. S^tiMi 7.— DEVON COW, 4 tbabs oli> ai^d upwabds. ' . ^FRIZES OFFERED: Firet Prixe, ^0;. Second Pme, $12 ; Third Prize, |8 ; FowrihTrixey%^, ' 465 Daniel Tye, WiWot, Waterloo, Mary [U93], bred by A. H. Farmer, sire^ Xiii]^[570]. dam l)HeAeMX12^]. 466 Daniel Tye, wilnnot Waterloo; %Am| [1499], 12} years, bred by ezhibiter, si^e iVjh«eiia«r< [530], dam AmeeM Ll^^^ 467 Da&ielTye, prineipa, bred by ezhibiter, sire Don JutM, dam Prmeeu [1440). 468 Daniel l^e, IHlmot, Waterloo, Atau^, bred by ezibitor, sire Dm Jiiait, dam ItsMeeB [1436]. 469 John Pjnoombe, London, Middlesek, Xodj^ Qiiar%, imported by Mr* Look, sire OfijSirXiitoii. 470 John Pjnoomb^ IiondoB, Middlesez, ixM^ floMBi^, imported by Mr. • 471 JohnJKi;iioombi% London, Middlesez, Lady QuarSy, importeil by Mr. '.Loek.^ ' 472 J. W. WiUsoo, Ontario, Wentworth, OymiAo iMft. 6 yews, bi«d by Lewis F. Allen, BaflUo, N. t., rfN^iar% (284), dam ^SbppJlo 3ril(i;38). ^ • / 473 Christopher Conrtioe, BawmanTille, W. Dorham, Beauty, 9 yearst by Mr. filaoey, BBglaod, sire Duke, dam Btoiaom. 4r4 DITOllt. Iron Sngland. *. ■ -SeeUan a.-l>EVON OOW, « tBABS old. * V ' PHIZBSOFFBRKD: ^ .. *• ■ ■ ■,• ■ ->- V 50! ".■«,■■■ \ J ■■ -,.- v^''-:-' ■^ /^. t«. ♦ ,/'• mtom. «l ; ;, ' Burn- / • ■ - 1, im- < . \ lomM I, dtdi ^x..l.. L. F. (52). ye»M, ■_•■-:*■ lonth*. iportod t Steti^n a.^DBYON HEIF]||^^mB8 old. PBIZBS OTFES^tf; . '- fVr»< iVu«, %\^; Steond Prizt, |8; nVnJ PrUe, |5j il»i»rt» /VtM,W. ' ,, 493 D«Bl«l Tyv, Wilinot. Watcirloo, Sophia 4 499 John 500 /John Pincombe, London, Middlesex, Ikdy Houteher 5th, bred by 1^ exhibitor, sire Tounff S&mpion Bfd, dam Lady Boutehtr. <(K)I William Scott, New flambargh, Waterloo, Jai^, 2 year* 1 month 12 days, bred by exhibitor, aire iWAam( 430), dam sire by Ford- W .. Aam (430).' : ' "^ SOff OhristoplierCoartice,BowmanvilIe,Wel»tDurham, ffffyXaM. 2ye«ra ' t, 3 moa., bre^br exhibiter, aire Duko of Darlington, dam Graeeful; hj Duke 0/ Banutaple. " -» > j * *05 J. & n. Spenper, BrooUin, Ontario, Pnneeu Royal, 2 yeaw 6 montha, f/.W* '^'^ by Lord Portman, Doraet, England, aire Victor (543), dam minty (12S6), ^ .-» , Seetwn W.-DJEVON HEIFER, 1 tbab old. PRIZES OFFERED, First Prize, $10; Second Prize, 9Qi Third PHze, ti; _'" ■ ;• ' : , Fourih Prize, %!. r^^_ _.^ 504 . l)toi|l Tre, Wilmot, Watorloo, 8ophiam,\mA by exhibitor, aire WootSUtoek, Atm ^^iaind, , 505 Daniel Tre, Wilmot, Watorloo, Sad^ Ann, bred by exhibiter, aire Woodttoek, ^m Maty. 506 Gemve Z. Rjfkert, St. Catharine8,Linooln,A«. bred by exhibiter. Mre J^bnMom ,51, dam /Sbf>p^^ 507 Johii Pincombe, .London. Middleaex, La^ Qrnrtly 'ith, bred by ^ JohnG,Bjkert,8t.OaflI«U»w,I'»n«>»»- BltolfOftM. rt CLASH VIL HERJEFORDS. ' Section 1— HEREFORI^tJLL, 4 tbarb old and upwards. I»RIZES OFFEREDl ^Pint PriKt, ^Aja i Second /Vim, |24; 7A . * ,' Section S,^EEB:EfORD BULIi, 2 tkabs old. PRIZES OFFERED : Pint Prize, 924 ; Second Prize, $16 ; Tkird Prize, $9 ; PouHh J\ize,%b.^ • • 525 Frederick W. Stonei-Ouelpli, Wdlinctoo. Bariot,2 jean 10 montfn 21 dftje, bred by Lord Bateman, England. ^ . £^ec(i^ 4.^1IEREF0RD BULL, 1 tbar old.. >- PRIZES OFFERED: - Firtt Prize, $20; Second Prize,, $12; Third Prize, $8; Fowth . Prize,M^; 526 IVederiokW. Stone, Gaelph. WellingtoD, Tifilor, 20 moD^s 23 days, : bred by Loi^,Ba^iDan, England. Section 5^.— HEREFORD BULL OALF, i^dbr 1 tear, . y PRIZES CMTFEREp: . Pirtt Prize, $16 y, Second Prize, $10 ', Third Prize, $6: Fourth Prize, $». SZJ^ Frederiok W. Stoneii^aaelph, Wellington, Ouelph, 10 months 1 day, bred by exhibitor, aire huriot, dam ifete, imporMd in .1860. '528 Jamea R. McHicking, Qoeenslftn, W^land, bred by ezbibitoe. . .-"). m' ■t ■ ■ '■ ' SPEOIAL INTIIIES. . HERBPORD BULL, or ANY AaB. '. PRIZE OFPERBDj ThA AttotAaHon** Di]fiama. / 526 F.W.8u.n.,Ga.lph.W.mnRton. patriot. 2 J..r. 10 -^o..^'^^^^^^^ 534 i2^ MiMlokWg. Qu-«.too, Wdl«.d. aged, bred b, M. Remington, N. X. 8tot«. . >;^ ' >. &,rf^ 7,-HEREFOBD C6W, 4 tiarb old a5D i;pwaed8. ^ -"'v PRIZES OFFERED. * JV« Pr^, MO; &».•*■^^;^iss^ 'BI«lfoi»t, 10.— HEREFORD HBifER, onb yiar old. r V* PRIZES OPFERlSi^ ' F\r%t PrtMt, $10 ; Second Prite, |6 j f^iVrf Pn'tt, 4 j iWrrA /*«»*, $2. 540 ' Fred. W. Stone, Quelph, Wellington, Orae^l,. 1 yewr lOt montht 10 dave, bred by Itfrd B«teoiM, Epgtand, tniported tbenoe bj > exhibitor, October, 1801. 541 Fred. W. Stone, Ouelph, Wellington, OenlU 2nd, I jear montht ' 23 daja, brqd bj exhibitor, aire Ootden Horn, 4M9i Oentle. ^ Fred. W. Stone. Ouelph', Wellington, Wildrote, 1 jMr montha 14 ^ daja, br«d by Lord Batoman, England, imported by eibibitoh ^ , October, 1861. , ^. 543 Fred. W, Stone,'Ouelpb, Wellington, Sweetheart, 1 year montha, bred by Lord Bateman, England, import, by exhibitor, Oct., 1801. V 544 Jamea R. MoMicking, Queenaton, Welland. Section 11.— HERfiFORD HEIFER CALF unoer one year, BRED BY EXHIBITER. e FRIZES OFFERED i Firat Prit$, 16; Sedond Prite, $4: jKird Pn'zt, 12; Fourth ■■'•'■' ^' , " " Pfi'e, |1. :,.■._ 540 fred. W. Stone, Ouelph, Wellingtoli, .0an>M«« 2'iu^ 9 moa. 10 dayi, ^ bred by exhibiter, aire ib/nM, dam £arone$t. 546 Fred. W. Stone, Ouelph, Wellington, NeeHaoe, 7 moa. 4 daya, bred . by exhibiter, aire iwrio/, dam J\ip%. 547 i'red. W. Stone, Ouelph^ Wellington, Oentle Zrd, 6 moa. in daya, bred . by ei^hibitor, air« /Un'ol, dam Alrfty. 548 Fred V. Stone, Ouelph, Wellington, Van^ieh, 2 moa., bred by ezhi- biter, aire JPairiot, dam Vei^^mi, 549 Jame^R. MoMiolpiig, Queenaton, Welland, bred by exhibiter. 550 Jamea^ MoMicking Queenaton, WelUnd, bred by exhibiter. Section \2.^WBB.T> OF HEREFORDS ; consisting of one Bull and five Gqws or Heifers, or Cows and Heifers OF ANY AOE. PRIZE OFFERfiD'-|40. \ I 1 Fred. W. Stone, Ouelph, Wellington. • " t •'i m ■* 1 , / >K^pj— Ti^w^fK^ -7 ■pB^^'^^wpipw; -g^-ys-f^ ,^,-^y ^Fty'^-f>i'gq*y {^ jr"''"r l.'^r^ J^'^'°i^P( wipwii t'' '11" ATlitHniM. 5^ff aga 7 waaki. George Morton, Morton, lieeda, Domdbi IIth,. . George Morton, Morton, Leeds, Dtmoia ISth Georgo ^tt, Wobum. York, PicEAiinnr, age 7 montha 81 daya. • • R. L. Deniaon, Toronto, York, Dona Oovrt, age 8 montha 87 daya. , Hendrie k Co., Hamilton, Wentworth. age 8 montha 88 daya, bred by J. McCrackan, Bonavanture, from imported atock. Simon BeatUe, Markham, York, Roan BvBifs, white and red, »g« 8 montha 18 daya, bred by Jamea Beattia, Scotland (imp. 1868). John Torrance, Scarboro', York, Youiro Avon, age 6 montha, bred by . exhibitar, lira Miltom, dam Araaaiai Lasb. , ^ _rr ■ Seetwn 6.— AYRSHIRE BUJ^L, of Aifr Aot. PRIZB OFriRID.—THB ABSOQIAtlON'S DIPLOMA. 600 Patrick R. Wright, Cobourg, Northun^ierUnd, Loan Cwdi. 661 Joaeph Boyle, Flamboro', Wantwofth, Nobtai. 669 George Scott, Wobum, York. . \ ^'v^ 668 R. L. Deniaon, Toronto, York, Lirrnicon. >. .. . 666 R. L. Deniaon, Toronto, York,, Bitlbush. 666 Rw L. Denitoii, Toronto, York, Dqtkb Codbt, 8 montha 87 days, V' ■ . ■■"""■.-■■ ■. ^ - ■.■■ £;i0(Mm T^^AYRSHIRE GOW, 4 tiars old ahd tjpWARDB. PRIZES OFVBRBO : ^ Fif^ PH*e, $20 i Second Pm«, $12; Third Pritt, $8: Fourth :../:■ ■■■.■ -iV&a, 14. ■■ ■;■ ■ • ; Pitriqk R. Wright^ Cobourg, Northumberland, MABomoinsa, 6 yeara, bred by exhibiter. -. -». 7 -. 'X, 678 674 676 Patrick R. Wright Oobouig, Northumberland, PbxblbM, 6 yeara. bred by ezhibiter. Patrick R. Wright, OobourR Nof^umberlan^ Luxr, 4 veara, bnd by ezhibiter. . . /r ' . 6t« Plitrick R. Wriiht, Ooboorg/'Northambwiuvdi'BiinBBOirPf 7 yeara, bred by J. Gilmour, Quebec. 677 GeQtge Stanton, PBria, Brant i 67 8 Q eo ige St a nton, PMia, Bfint . \ " >" *%: 48 fl7tt &80 (183 087 686 Johrt P. m,l*r, W«H.in.. York. bf.d In SooUwd/ ' 7 iZrKo Morton. Morfm. I-«lm U.r, br^ by ..hftaur. / , Gfor«HooM, Woburw. York, U*.Hri.4in. 7 y«rfc , / R. I.. Ikniwn, Toronto. York. IkrriKVr. / ,/ n. r* Dcniuon, Toronto, York, Sro^ / It L. Uenlion, Toront«», York. Yobwo 8m. ijr. * 0... H.«Uton, W.n««th, « j-r., ««*'>»•'• "• «". ,U„^^Tc«., .u™, "l b^b^^^ from «01 John Torrwo*. 8<»rbort.\ York, Biut FAC^urta Bj « Imported stock, »ire MawH, d»wBl.Ae» Bti. 5«di«m i-AYRSHlRB COW, 8 tBAiB ow. PRIZES OFFERED s BM P.trick R. Wright, 0<»bo«H, NorthumbcrtanNl. Mat-dat, br^ b, B08 Johrlf1ller,Wob«r.^%or..^bJ^bye^^ N B04 John P. Wheler Wobum, York, -«-. br«d by "fa^. BOB R I^ Denison, Toronio, York, P«, bred by e^Wtor . BOB R. L. Deni«,n, Toronto, York, DaWT, ^^"^^'^^^'^ W! RKDeniBon, Toronto, York, Pom, brtd by wWbltw^ ■m- • .■■;•■' 0'-: '■ ••■■ ■■:■*■;■■ ^ ■■■. /■•'. g^^ 9.-AYRSHIRB HEIFBB, 2 yiuitM^d. ^ PRIZM OFFKRrot ^ JhriMtf 68. 608 Patrk* R. Wright, Coboarg, Nortbumb-tand, If pauiAll. 9»p. b«d 699 P-tJw^R^'*' '^'"''^ ^orthumberi^d. lKi«r«a«ci, «' 600 Pa^k R^Wright, Cobonrg, NorthumbtoUnd, Rpw. bwd by exhib. «01 George M«l«m MoHon, Leeds, Peach BWMOU, ' «0a Gert«y «xkll)it«r IMt. Simon llMttie, MMrkluun, York, If art (Irat, dark r«l and whiU, i vearM « monUia IH Uajrii, l)r«%;■ '^y . ■ ' ^ Section U#--ATRBHIRB HfilFER OALF uffDKR onb teab. PRIZSa OFFERED: iiil/Vikt,fl2. Third lt(Ke,9Si > John Snell, Edmonton, J>«eL Dbii>, 18 monthg, brtd by J, GnOuun. •ire IfosMMOPiB, dub Sau, imported from Sootlud. ^^ ^88 John McCUin, doror Hill, Simooe, bwd by W. Petenon, V«ughan. «w<<to"«, *** "^ GrthiS^*' "^^^ ^'*°** "*" MossTnooPBB, dam imported by W. R 648 Arthur McNeil, Woodbridge, York, 8 mo., sire BtAck TOM, d«nBm.^ bL2 jS? ^*^*^^ ^""^ McQuHOBN. 8 months, .in» 645 Geoige Davison, UnionviUsi York, fi months, bred by ezhibiter. 8PECIA4. tNTRIES. Seetim 6— GALLOWAY BULL, a»t agb. ; PRIZE OPPBRBD : The AuociatipnU IHploma. 687 John Snell, Edmonton, Peel, Dian. 628 Junes Auld, Hunaton, Wentworth, 4 years 1 month 2 days. ^'^^'^^^J^^^^^ COW, 4 YBAftS OLD AJH) tJPWABDB. PRIZES lOFFERED : ■ ;]:*..■ FirdFh'ee, $20; Seetmd Firm, $12; Third Fritt, |8 : Fonrih FriMtyH. ' ' 646 John Snell; Edmonton, Peel, Saix, imported by W. R. Gnhun. JohnSnell, Edmonton, Ped, Bojnra. siro Jodc, imported by W. R ,.«. , ^"^"^ ^^ Whitmiau, fanportod by W. ior^au ^ , «48 John Sndl^Edmontpn,PeeI^AiBT Maid, 4 years 6 months, bred by It W yS 5lf^ unported Jooc, dam GAtLowATlass, imported ' 'i» I \. :il -^ ":■■'••%;■■■• ■'°'.- ■ •iMJumtn. eso JuM G«hMii, WoodWd^^ yoA, aiiuw, i y«n, Bin • puw^bred 961 IBntrywiflKlrawn. •62 John Flciiitag, V«uj^M»> Tork, " w, ^~~^- «8 John Flemiiift VMgban, Todt i_^ v- t uni-. 665 Junes Auld, Hiiaillton, W«ntworth* bred In SooOMid, 666 Andrew ityle, Ayr, Bnni, bred ^W Mr. Gnh»m'« irtock. 5lweib» 8,~GAIJ.0WAT OOW, 8 YBAM oti. 1 • JFYrt* IVtJM, |16 : /Second I)rize, 110 j 2%ifrf Prize, $6 j JVurtt . «67 John Snen,Wniont(m,PW,Buio«iHoHBATB«B, bred by Ja».B«ttie, NewblQ HtRDM, Sootiind. 858 John SndL Bdmontoj Ped, Lrcr, 8T«*5 montt.^ ^ZLi"" BtAOkJOtX, dun GAixcrtriT Lam, hnported by yf.K Qnbam. 669 Arthur McNeil, Woodbridga, Yorit, bwd by exhibtter, iire BtAC k ^^011, dun Bituu • 66D Bitrywithdnwrn: Section 9— GALLOWAt HEIFEB, 2 y«ab olp. nO^BS OCTEBED: , .. I^ru/^ze, $12 iSee(m4l^ye,$»yThir^^ Fourth 661 John SnelL Edmonton, PoABwoiok^Bbadtt, 2^ye«rt 6 months 20 daysT^ BfcACK JooB, dsm Qau-owat La«b> by Jock. 662 Entry withdnwnL, / ; *^ ^«, . 668 John Moore, EtoWooke, Toifc, 2yesfa 6 months, bred by* Flemmg. 664 JsmesMet«I^B^ington,York,Mooi*T,bred,inSootlandi 666 George Mffler, Mukham, York, bred by Mr. Gr»hMn, Dop^iesBhire, Seothmd. 666 George Mffler, MMkhsm, York, bre^ by Mr. Gwhsm, Dumfrieaahire, .Scotland., ■ • '■• ■• N: .• -■ 667 James Auld, Bamflton, Wentworth, sire McNeffl's bnU, Vaughan, damunportod. ■' . ' ' ■' 0.'-' ■ , '.'.'■"'■ Section 10— GAttOWAY HEIWSR, 1 tkab old. * ^N. • : ■.■■■■ • * ^ ; FBIZES OTFBRED: Tint i>w^ iiO J &COIHI Prize, Wj Third Priz»r I*? ^r* :-:•■;-■■;■■ j^^ |2. ; , .--r--^--— ^y-^— -7-^:^ 668 John ^neU, Edmonton, Ped, Laviwa, 1 year 6 months iy»^ »»» Black ^^ock, dam Eiipbsss, by Jock, g. d. Bkactt, t^iqwrted. •72 Kndy withdrawn. ' dnths, sire Black «W George Miller, MarlAanL York Jkwt tiro, 6 months 13 days. ri>« from J. Beattie's sto^ Soottand, dam from Mr. Orahun. 686 Geoige Mmer, MaAham, York, Eowmv, 8 mniths W days, bred by a^^ Seotland. dam importS 686 James Aald, HMultw^ Weirtworih,---.-r^ Sma., bredbywhibitw. «f««pn^l2^HEBD ov aALLOWAYS ft POLUSD ANGUS OR ABERDEEN CATTLE, consistiho ov 1 Bull ahd 5 Cows or HsmBtfl, OB Cows trndHsoMBa, of aht agi. PBtZB OFFBBBP; % \ .•4; ,:r^;i,... It^T-^yv -I- { .'», dLAai X— BPBOIAXfc * , ' THII PRINCE OF WALi» PRIZB, A^Sn?^^^^ :^ OPEN TO ALL BREEDS OF CATTLE. ' .s«rfi^i^-THiBES#l>tIfHAMBUIJ^ PWZB PBBSlNm BY H, B. D. THE PWNCB'OT WAWS: M6 1. W. Stone. Guelph, We^ingtoi^ 8«i) 0.a«dDccM 7.9 «»• \*^ -itf. SJL wSw Bronte. Hdton, ¥«/««. 4 ^y^^ manthH« d^ ^ ^ StK»tikLA»,Tye»«^ r\ A .V- rs. 11 mo. 8yeM»4 if-..' ■■■* nos. 6 ds. ' ^y ■ i ■ sb."'- , / • ■ i &0<^oii a.—J'oA xm BES7 ANIMAL IN TBB TABD, ■ "■; .■;-;"""^'' Mam or fKMALB... ' *':-' . */ T/!i« AitoeiatunJ^M Diphma and Sttoer Medaj. . 62ft F,W. Stone, Outlph, Wellington, Hereford cow Ormtlb,. S jreuri 1 .month 20 dajB. »• ' » 884 Johh Sneli,' Edmonton, Peel, Durham bull BAjtON Sotwxr; 1 yetr, tl . ; monUis 14 days. ^ * » 88JI John Snell, Bd^pnton, feel, Durham cow STBBir, fryrtirB, • . " 406 Fred. W. Ston^^ Ouelph, Wellington, Durham bull 8rd ■Qrakd Dcki. '-><>. 6ye««9month8i4d*ys.'^ ^. ., 881 Fred. W. Sto^e, Guelph, Wellington, Hereford ^ow H^*, 4 yiyvrfu ! ^887 Fred. W. Stohe, Ouelph, WelHpgtoh,- Durham heifer Isabkixa 4th, 2/' years^O months 18 days. . . .^ ,« \,. .-., 895 Fred. W% Stone, Ouelph, Wellington^ Durhami heifer CAMBBiooi 2sB, > ; ; a years 6 months 24 days. ' -^ 808 : Godfrey Bentley, CooksviUo, HaHoii, Durham buUXiUi'n'v'i' y^ 807 John BeUwood, Newcastle, Divham,Durhain>4iL6Ni>OH Las, Yy. 820 %nry Welford, Woodstock, Onffiird, Durl^ bull 6)n Ddu or Yo»|l, . 8 yoarsll months. ; ; , ^ l' - ■ :^ "' 826 Jbhn MUler, Brougham, South^^Ontarib, Durham bult OiiiADUK ' - ;Pu»iBH,2year8|month^28dSl^B. ^ V. : /f /^ , ^- .- BOS GeoMpHiUer, Markh«m,-Yorl^Dui*iu6'bullPBiW^^ ♦ ' 2 months JO days. :"•. ' ^. .h ' - ~, * , J2l John White, Qeorgetowi^ Hajiro, Durham biitt UAVto$ 2kD, 8 years . ' .-.v:.;; .; 6Jnonth8lad■y8^,^^-^~^"^^^•-■" \ v^ ■ •„. .' ' ,> ^10 Edw^ Jones, T^orold, Weliaifd^lDlurham bull Robik B^d ,4 Jc_ • *2^ ., W. Scot^ New Hamburgh, Waterloo,^ Devon bullYocHo W«,^rAir, 6. 812 ' Geo. D. Jam<*,Toronto, York, Dar&uo bull Gb«bral HAvwioot 6 , years ir months. ' . \/ • v ' 892 Wm. Bowea^ Concord; yoirk, Purhani cowXniT,,8 year8^4 nww/22 ds; ' ^^^ ^P»-Bowe8,Coricord,York,i)ui^mheiferRo9ABEi2)ro,ay.yj^l64. ' 322 UNiald Roberts^ Qqeenston, Lpndon, Biirham bttU AlfwS 8 years ' 4 months 19 dayis. » 7^ , ♦ •' * 872 Thomas Stock,'Waterdown,,WentwortK Durha»^t6i8r, 4 years' 6 months 20 days. f" . ' , . , . *■ '' ,481 J. Davy, Leskard* Durham West; Devon bull, Idt^ John SwuU, aged. 821 James White, Brontb, Hilton, Dm^ait bull Mii;to»,4^ 6 mo. 6 ds. •\ ■ar. ■r 3. CLASS XL-ORADE GATTLE. &tftM>n l.^aRADB COW, 4 tKAB^ CLP AND UPWARDS,^ Mrtt Prize, %iO; -a»«m James BeUwood, Kewca^^e^ Durham; J5 yearst h^Thy C. « JEfe11wood> BeHwood.. -'. i < 989 690 691 692 ■- "M 694 696 696 697 699 700 701 7(0 708 704 706 706 707 708 709 710 „.,.,^ Pr«ttoD, Hornby, Hftltoa * John GUI; G^riMto«Tfll^ P«d. . ^ ■' > > jMob Ldu»*, ll.p^ York, <^^\Y i^L^ ' -A John Rom. LontUc Asylum, Toronto, 61r yews, I>«r»»^ :" WUliun Mootiomery: Wingtto, Yori^ bwd by exWWto^^ WflM«nMontgom«iy,lBUngton,Yorl,brtribyexhiblUir. W. D. Jarria, Btobioolw, nw Toronto. W.D.jMTi»,Ktoblcoke,B««r Toronto. - , , Robert NiTen, Nli«UPB, linooln. . , John lUiidtll, "PvAa, JitnA, bred by ethibitpr ; - ■ ■ _^ . ■ \ ,-. A John Pwker, QiMWMtoo, Lincoln, i Durban. # Arthur Hogge, Oudph, WeUlngton. ; i- ■ Jmbm Lwrrte, MdTwti; YoA.-. .: Jwnetf Lawrie, liklTem, York* Peter X-yon, Oakville, Baiton. Henry Jennings Victoria Square, York. A. H. Feliwidc, Cashel, York. ^,v^_i. «-.;!- Samuel Hodg9kin,Quelph, Welling CB«i«tr, DuAwn gi*^e. John Hayden, Toronto, York.. , .« . . Sidi^S.-JaBJim HBIFBB, 2 TiAE ou», 1 PBiaaBS OPFBRWK Firt Prize, $lii Second Prize, $10; Third Prize, m Fourth Priife, $*. til - Jame. Bdlwood, NewcaaUe, Durham, bred by ChariesBeUwood. 712 Johri Nixon, ScbombeitfcYoik, bred by RJennm^^^^ 718 James R. Todd, Brampton, P*l, seTen^aghths P^ham^ _^ 714 Thomas StodTwaterdown, Wentworth, nearly pure bred Durham. ^6 m> IVwater, Credit, Peel, U Durham. "^ Section 2.-GBADB COW, 8 tbah om). 716 719 720 721 Snell, P.R Jemiings, OooksTiU^ Peel, 2 years 2 days, bred by J, Edmonton, «reP*mc»»Ti«WBST- ^^ _ j^kii-n^ 717 James Bemrood, W^rcastK DuAam, Itfed t^^^fhjri^wood. . 718 John GUL GrthamsTiHe, Peel, 2 yeaw 6 months 21 day*. ^ " AS^arker.Cooks.me.Peel.bredbyW. B. F^^^^ John Rosa. I^tic Asylum. Toronto, 2y«. » ™*-. ^^^T ^^ Geonse Murton, Guelph, Wellington, bred by exhibit si» Jobs ifQxxm, dam three crosses of Durham. ■ . ,^^^ Author hSso. Ctueipb, WdlingtoP. ?> 8m.4d.s«e Jwh ogAti.t. IJ^l- 1 /• ' . ' • ( 798 Arthur Hogts, Quelph, WdUngton. 724 SMnuel Hodgikin, QiMlpb, WtlUngtoo, Xat, bnd bf «xKiMUr, ' . f OuriuuB gnulo. T25 SunuQl Hodgskio, Oudph, WaUlngton, Baia, brad bj •xhibltor, Durham ^«de. 720 Sdwwrd Jooea, Thorold, Welluri, Roakit, bred hj ezh. Durham grade. Steiion 4-^RADB HSIFBR, 1 tba» old. . * • I PRIZES OFFERED: ' Fir$t Priae, flo ; S$eoni Prite, $6 ; nini Ai^/i ; JibtirtX JViM, |S. 727 4ohn Oill, GrahamsTUIti, PmI, 19 months 21 days, bred by exhibiter. 727i^iohn QUI, Qrahamsyille, P^ 17 moQtha 21 days, brod by exhibiter. 728 John Rosa, LnnaticAsylum, Toronto, 14 months, Ayrshire grada. 728j^ John Ross, Lunatic Asylum, Tdjr^qto, 14 ttoiiths, Ayrshire grade. ■ 729 Wiiliam D. Jarria, Etobiooke, York, Qallkway and. Durham. ■ 780 Henry Battell, GrafUm, Northumberland , . ' 781 George Morton, Guelpb,- Wellington, bred by exhibiter.' 782 Joseph C%pner, Kleinburg, York, 18 months \ $eetton 5.— GRADE HEIFEE OALF,»undbb 1 tear. ^ '.. PRIZES OFFERED: , IHntPriae, |6; Second iVtM, |4; Third Frite, $2; limrth Priti, %!;, 738 James Beliy^od^^ Newcastle, Durham. ' \ 784 Ju0k R Todd, Brampton, Peel, •}! Durham. '■ ' ' \ ■ 786 ^tmrisp Morton, Guelph, Wellington, bed by esdiibit^. ^ 786 Arthur Hogge,Guelp1^ Wellington. - , ^ , ' 787 Joseph Capner,KlQinbuiK, York. 8 months 14S days. 788 George-Mifler, Ma rkh a m , York,. 7 nwrnths, Durham grade. " ,' • ^ ' \u Sferffon 6.— THE FERGtrS OtTP--.i'0|l BEST GRADE BEIFER, not MORI THAN 2 TEARS OLD ON. MaROH 1, 1862, -^.TftB PRODUCE OP A PURB BRED DURHAM BVLL, HAVING ^ A RECORDED PEDraRBB, AND OP A COW OP ANT Blt1BEI>, NOT ^ MORE THAN J. BBkOVE PROM ThOROCOH BreD. "t •V'^:* \,. ■ : .•'■ ;■•■ :'■ ■ ■.,.• ■ '■' ■ ■. .;:.,•■' ' prize presented BT HON. A. FEBCiUSSON: ■.; - ^. • ',, ' iSilpetf Cup. ' ., , • Albert Parker, Cpoksville, Peel, sire Raoi-ar, dam | Durham, 2 y. 8 m* B. Jones, Thorold, WeUand, RoASEr, 2 years 6 month842 days, sire FaBMosi [1679]. ' James Bellwood, Newcastle^ Durham, Victobu, red roan, 2 years 4 m. 18 d., rire AwiilioAif Bbixevulb (12898), dam hy Tecc>8bth. F. K. Jennings, Cooksrflle, Peel, 2 years 2 days, bred by J. Snell, Kdmontonj sire Pmnci or thi Wtt> ,819, dam 'by Belted Wux ,68. .1- . .< . * 7ii 726 717 71« # . •, igg7 , M •shibltar, air* Joa« 'rtl Arthur H a.cti 760 761^ 762 768 756 760 767 F. W. St one, flnrfpV hii bred and fed by exhibiter. .;•'. :if' OXWt -rf >\ 7M Htnrf&Howbuid.Kleinburt.'York. . 7S9 John HitelwIlMn, London, IfiddltMS, M bj •xhlbitM'. 76:6 SMnuol Hodgskin, Quelph, WelUii|ton, fed by oxhibiter. 701 JohnJngI«ion, Toronto^ York, ifmn, bred br exMblter,— fradt :■■';■ ff' •■;'■,'■ ■'■*•■..'■ '• ' Siiftion 8.--Y0KB OF WORKING OXEN. PRIZES O^FfeRED: > . Fir$t Prize, $20 ; Second |Vw«, $12 j nird PfUe, |», 78S John BiUcer, Wnterdown, N. WentwtwOk 7M WUUMa Armstrong, Murkhun, York - 764 JohnFruer, Q«lt, Waterloo. 705 John I'eigusBon, IndialM, HaldinuoidL 766 Henry-J. Liwry, HMnilton,'Ventworllk #, 7»7 John Henry YorkTlUe, York, • - - 708 J^iUiam Wibon, bUm(ton, York. v > ^ ' , iStetion i,^^(yKE OF STEERS, 8 TI4B OLft. ■ V vVr PRIZES OFFERED/: . - . '%, .->.• ■■. -^ ■ ■ ■ ' - - ♦ f' FiratPHxe $16 j &coii: 771 No entries. First Prize, Forty Ddlaru *:: I » ( -V- '■« / ^ SHEEP. LONG-WOOLLED^ ' ' GLAtt xni. .LEICESTER SHEEP. ^ Irtiim ii--LBIOBSTBB BAM, 2 mi-am a«d ovM. PRIZES OFFERED r kr.« 7»rto, 116; &con. ^^r^'" 'XJ;;'^' / , John 8n.«. Chlnga«»u.y. P.-. Jw pL, bX^»»>"«- ; Rob«i 0«d«o«r. Toronto Town-Wp, Pjd. ^^77,^1^^. I Rob«tOMd««. Toronto Jowwh P. Pjd,ta^jr« - A;fr«lJHrroy.V«gh.n.York.br^by«MJ^^. » Andrew Kyk.Ayr3r«t.1»^»'J"J"»"f-^ Ml John MtlUr. Pickling. Oni«ioJ^«dby^^^ ., JO Hendri.*Co..H«nJton Wentwo^^^^ 89 WiUi«nJeft^.^*»"*V'^^' ^ s 3* 90 ThomM I)»»i«. W"8ton. ^"V '91 JohnMdeom,Agio«onr»,YOTfc.^ • '92 Qmin Cmig. On^fton. Northambw^wJ [94 wim«.wi»*.^cu^^^^^ 795 John Robion, London, awaoiesBx, u™» m OwrgeJ«ekMn,CMa«nore,PoeL ^ .^ 797 Thomw Gny, Chaw*. Ontorio^ • - 798 ThomuM-anddo. York^HddUm.n^^^ ^red b, «bibitT. 799 WaUtm Pnrkor, QB*«n.town, WellMia, proa »T 800 O. A. Co»tot, 0»kf aio, Hdton. «ni n A Co»too.OaktiU«,Halton. ■ \,..^ ^1£:- - • : ■ - , 8^ lhn'S^kMU.«n. York, bred by «bib.tor.-^^ «^ \" n'r u:.«rSa;.I Poil bred by J. Snril. Oh!ng«.0ou.y. 804 John Oolly. M«w nt ?"»*' K^l\r^_ ^.^ w. .MVAtmr. »» w Ik ,807 808 800 810 811 812 813 814 815 810 817 8i8 810 820 821 822 623 824 825 826 827 ^- 829 830 831 I _ «irt*m f-SHtARLINO iAIK PRIZKAOfmiD: K«//»/^,fl6; Second PHte, 910; Thfrd f^, U. ThMu Bmiih, Jhnj Wmt, PmI, br«l bj owMr. D*tW MMMDger. Ooolufin*. PmI. bnR»»«»«I, importwl by n- ^'TbitSTife!'*'^^'^* ^•'^' ^"^ ** *'^^** ^f**^ ^^ •* ^"JrbiSj'm2""*^*'"' ^"*''*"^ *" Inglnnd, imported by •!• John Miller, Brougham, S.Ontnrb. Cbrietopher Walker, London, MiddlMez. bred by ezblblter. ^ William Jeffery, Whitby, Ontario.. John I«ong, Loodoin, Middleeex. P J. 4 M. Kirby, NoTTtl, Halton, bred in Yorkehlw, lngland,^pdf|. ed irora thenee in 1862. » » 1 i~ ^ tSram'ffinMTn^'lsS^*""' '"" '" ^*'^*'''^ ^''«'"'^' '-««'»* j. AM. Kirby, Norral. Ualton, bred In Yorkabire, Eoglaod. iaport- ed from thenM in 1861 " T John Maloom, Af^noonrt, York. Garvin Oraig^ Qrafton, Northnmberland. . ^ John Hartley, Zimmerman, Ilalton. William Waites, CMtiemore, Peel, bred by ezbibUor. John Randal, Pittie, JBralit. %t-^««^ John Rbbton, London, Middleaei, bred 1^ exbibiter. JamM Piokard, PiokerinsrOtttario, bred by J. Miller. William Donglae, Caledonia, Brant, bred by 0. Walker. WHIiam Buvglia, Caledonia, Brant, bnd by C. Walk«r. •■ri ^ ^R w Robert WW!., T«M* »*• 0; »**>-«•' 4^ fi^ewii 8.-1BICESTBR RAM. LAMB. '^ V #V«l/V/«.l8i &«m.l/Vi«.,Mj ^j^'-*'^- 854 Tho— 8mUh. Dm, W^^ P«^». J^ Jj ^^, 85A ThomM8mUb,I)•rryW••^^••^wJ«"J r 856 J«hn8o.H.lM»ontoo,P«el.br«dbr«hWUr. ^ 862- AlfwdJefftey. Woodbrldge, Yort. j Importtd. Andrew Kyle, AjnBrtnl.^ T. !!:Z'^2i*^nAon:^^^-. br«i b, «blblfr. ChrUtopber Walker. London. JWdtoi... ^ J ChrUtophT Wnlkw. London. M WdU^ br^ g Cbri.topbor Walkar, London, Midd^ bwtt ny w Robert BelUi,I)»rlingt«n,DorbMi. _ ___^^ Robert Belth, DwUngton, DotkMi^v «ft TbomM !)»▼>•. Btobiooke, York. | TbomM DMJi» KtoM«*«. ^o"* t" ~^^-^^-^— TbomM D»tI«, S*»blooke, York. TbomM Datie, Etobicoko, York. 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 678 «74 875 876 878 879 880 881 -882 TbomM imtie, i!iwmw»«», *- — ^ i fltrtin Cmif . Omfton, NortbnmberlMid. 884 WUUma Wiatei, OMttf more, Feel, bred by exmoiier. -SK*- « » ^ ■*' ft^' ,1 1 ■■- ■- j f .■.•..•■■■/. t /, '• ' % .1 , ; .i;.'» f • T f Irti 1 ^,, 1--^^!:. tttd dam m / 8M 887 KM 889^ raiv. Wllliui WtllM, OMUMMlk, PmI. hrMl by tibiUiiib John KobMO, LoDdon, MiddlMM. bt*A bj MUbilw. Juhn RubMR, Londoo, MlddUMi. brwl by Mhibitar. John RobMa, Umdun, Middl«MM. br«4 \tj •«UMt«r. Gtorg* Ja^Uon, OMtlMiort, J^ ,^l 890 Otorpt JmImod, OMU«nioi;i 8»1 899 893 894 895 890 897 898 899 OtX) 901 902 908 904 90S 90« 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 Oeorgt Jaflkaoo, UmiUoi Qcorgt JMk*M. OmUii O«org« JMluon, OMtlcmoi ,0«org« JMkton, OMlltaorc a«org« Jaflkaon,. OaatitiQorr,^< Oaorga Jaoluoa. Caadamora, PmI Williaa Duaglaa. Oaladooia. Brant, brad bj aihibiUr. WllHam^Dounlaa, Oaladonia, BranI, brad bj aihibltar. Robart Wbila, Talfar P. 0.. Middlaaai. 0. A. Co«taa, Oak? ilia, Ilalton. 0. A. Ooataa, Oakrilla. Ilalton. ' f^ | 0. A. Ooata% Oakvilla. Ilalton. '^ 0. A. Ooataa. Oakfill*. Ilalton. i 0. A. Ooataa, Oaktilla, Ilalton. 0. A. Coataa, OakfVIa, Ualton. 0. A. Ooataa, Oakfllla, Ilalton. * ^ T 0. A. Coataa, Oakf Ilia, Ilalton. .vF - 0. A.-Coataa. Oakvilla. Ilalton. 0. A. Ooataa. Oak? ilia, Ilalton. Ilanrj Jennings, Victoria Square, York. Joabua Slaley, Soarboro', York. ' '^ John OoWj, Mount Ilurat, Peal. Qaorge Cooper, Toronto, York, bred bj axL.„, Oeorga Cooper, Toronto, York, brad by axjtiibitar. ' William II. Telfer, TeMkr. Middleaei, brad by aihibitar. "N't T S..1. Section 4.-2 LEICESTER EWES, 2 Sbiam Ain> oywu ^TT^ — ' ' •■■■' ■■ '-■',;.' PRIZES OFFERED , ^ >- -r?^-^^^ lint Prizi, 116 ; Second Prfu, 112 ; Third Prfgf, W 916 Thomaa Smith, Derry Weat, Peel, bred by exbtbiter. 917 John Snell, Edmonton, Peel, bred by azhibttar. 918 John Snell, Edmonton, Peel, bred by axHibiter. i 919 Alfred Jeffrey, Woodbrldge, York. 920 Alfred Jeffrey, Woodbridge, York. 921 George Miller, Markham, York, bred by exbibitar from imported aire and dam. 922 John Miller, Brougham, South Ontario. m Cfa'Mtopher Walker, London. Middteaex, brad by ariiibiter. 9a| Chriatopfcw Walker, London. Mlddleaa^ brwl by axhibitw. ~' • . ■-« «i : v..',* t 025 ;. ■;,>. 0^ '." '■ ' 027 - .'' ' • ■1 ■ 028 020 *"■*■ ■■.- 03CU ^. "f .031 032 . 033 034 0^5 ' ?, V- ' • ■ 036 037 038 039 4 ■,:'-'. ■' ^-^ 040 ^ ' / OhrWophw Wtlkw. London, inddl««x^ bt«d by «liiblt«r. Robert Beith, DkrlliigtOB, DaAm. WmiMB Jefiwry, Wbiiby. Ontwio. ^ V _ ^ John Long, LwdoD, Middlete*. br«i by Mhiblur. Henry Battoll, Grafton, NortbombwlMid* ^ -• Oeorjse Jaokson, CMtlemore, Pwl. y ' Owge Jaokwn, OMtlemorB, Peel. ': ofirge Jackson, CMtlemore, Peel. . fhomae M*rtlndale, York. Haldimand. * 0. A. Coatee, Oakf me, Halton. 0. A. Coatee, OakTUle,Halton. * O. A. Coatee, OakTllle, Halton. • , O. A. Coatee, OakTine,Halton. O. A. Coatee, Oakville. Haltoiir-7-~^ _ . ^^^ ^ ^ _ John Colly. Mount Buret, Peel, bred bJ^«WWtor. Henry Jenningi,Markhani, Y4)rk,bred.hyethlbiter. ■ ■ . -r : ' . ■ ' ' - ■ '■ ■ -■-• ■ Sead. . 1004 Alfred Jeffrey, Woodbridge, York. 100& George Miller, Markham, York, bred by John Lain, Barton Mill», Gloucestershire, England. 1006 George Milter, Markhaoi, York, bred It^^^a Lain, Barton Mills, Gloucestershire, England. «- ^^%f" 1007 Simon BaiiUie, MArkhani. York, bred in Big[iand. 1008 William Jackson, Yotk Mills, York. 1009 John Malcom, Agipcourt, York. Seetwn 2.— COTSWOLD SHEARLING RAM. PRIZES OFFERED: f First Frizff m ) Second Frizi, $10 ; Third Prize, 4$. ♦ 10^0 Tfiomaa Sotith, Derry W^^ t^eel, bred by exhibiter. * ,1011 « Jdm j^Qell, Edm9nton, Peel, bred by tebtbiter. 1012 jim Snell, Edmoriton, Pe^l, br»d^ by exhibiter. 1013 John SneII, BAM^j^MB. V . ■ PRIZES O^FKjtED: 1021 • Thomas Siknitb, Detry Westt-Pb^l, bred by eibibitor: ^ 1022' Th«fl«wi,J9Buth,.DQr»;y,i!re8t/Pfeel,bridbyexhiS»iter. 1023' t^Mttas Smi'th('tMrry, West, Peel, bred by exfi^bitot. ' ^ i^4 Tiiokttii ^I'.h, Perry W»«, ^el, bred bj eihfciter. / * • 10 10 / 10 10 10 ' ■ ■ ■ .10 10 ' ■. 10 10. .10, " fr ■ ^ : 1 , • f " \i ^ I ■• n't V ;r. |025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 .1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 ■HIO. John Saell, Edmonton, Pod, bred by «ihibit«r. John Sit«ll. Edmonton,' Pwl, brad by exhibitor. John Snoll. Edmonton, Peil, bred by exhibitor. F. W. Stone, Goelph, Wellington, bred by exhibitor. fW. Stone, Qoolph. Wellington, bred by exhibiter. F. R. Jenninge. CooksTille, Peel, bred by exhibiter. R. Rennelaon, G»It, Waterloo, brad by exhibitor. Alfrad Jeffrey, Woodbridge, York. Alfred Jeffrey, Woodbridge, York. • George Miller, Markham, York, bred by exhibiter. Oeotge Miller. Markham, York, bred by exhibiUr. 9t '■'9 n . :f 1 d. id. Mille, Mills, 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 rif»>{. 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 10S48 1049 1050 ^ 1051 1052 1053 1054 10$5 1056 1057 JQ58_ ^cfu)» 4.-:^ C OTSWOLD EWES; 2|HiABS m oY«. PRIZES O^VKSED : f'mtPnge,mi- Second PriMe, 9m , Third PHze, H. Thoma$ Smith, Derry West, Pool, brad by exhibitor. ' John Snell, Edmonton, Peel, bred by exhibiter. John Snoll, Edmonton, Peel, bred by exhibiter. >-^^ ♦ R W. Stone, Gaelph, Wellington, bred by exhibiter. W ;?*!^'' ®"*'P''l Weflington, bred by exhibiter. Alfred Jeffrey, Woodbridgo, York. poorge Miller, Markham, York,' bred in England. Section 6.— 2 COTSWOLD SHEARLING EWES. ^ PRIZES OFFERED; First^ze^mj Second Prite, $S ; Third Prize, %i. Thomas Smith, Derry West, Peel, bred by exhibiter. John Snoll, Edmonton, Peel, bred by exhibiter. John SneU, EdmontonfPeel, bred by exhibiterj F.W. Stone, Gaelph, Ifelliggton, brad by exhibiter. F. W. Stone, Guelph, WeUington, bred by exhibitor, Alfred Jeffrey, Woodbridge, York. '' Alfred Jeffrey, WoodbridgiB. York. ., George Miller, Markhaii|tf York, bred b^ exhibitor. ^^ Seetion e.^2 COTSWOLD EWB LAMBS. PRIZES OFFERED : Pint Prize, $6) Second Prize, $i; Third Prize, »2. ThoiiaB Smith, Derry West, Pool, bred by exhibitor. John Snell, Edmonton, Peel, Peel, bred by exhibiter. John Snell, Edmonton, Peel, brad by exhibitor. F. W. Stone, Guelph, WeUington, bred by exhibiter. F. W. Stone, Gaelph, Wellington, bred by exhibiter. Alfred Jeffrey, Woodbridge, York. ■ Alfred Jeffrey, Woodbridge, York. George Miller, Markham, York, bred by exhibiter. ^ § QLABB XV« ' \ ( OTHER LONG-WOOLLED SriEEF, UOT tKIOESTER OR COTSWOLD. " • Seetion 1.— LONO-WOOLLSD BAM, 2 SHftABS and ovbr . PRIZES OEFERED: '* Fint Fri)ce,$li', /SfeconS iVw«, flOj Third Prize, $6. 1059 ThomM Smitb, Denj W«il» Peel, bred by FranoU bles, Unooln- ■hire, EnglqAd. > ;\;>^ 1060 ^ John Snf 11, Edrndnton, Pkel, brtd bj exMMter. **106i 4obn Snell, Sl^nton, Peel, bred bj exhibUer. l6d2 JIunee Damn*, Oedu Orofe, YorL ^ 1063 OMrge HUlw, MarUuMn, York, bired by exhibitor. ^ 1064 George Hiller,red by Fi Smith) Toronto Township. 1080 George Blfill«r, Murkham, York, bred by exhibitor. . 1081 Simon Beattie, Markham, York, bred in England, imported 'by ' exhibiter, 1862. ., " 1082 Simoii.,Beattie, Markham, York, bred in England, imported by exhibiter, 1862. ' ' 1083 John Miller, Brooghaa, 8. Ontario. ..i-y^-^rr^---^-;-- --v ^ ,1084 John Miller, Brongham, S. Ontario. 1085 Christopher Walker, London, 'Middlesex, Leicester and Ootswold ■-■ .cross. ^ ,■ - . "' 101 f08 » • i ,, 109 * 109 _; iP9 109 . 109 109J 1094 109: ' 1091 * 1091 iio( 110] 1105 iios 1104 1105 k. 1106 |f.iib7 nod ip ^110 1112 H^ 11]# 111$ A HMh 1118 )VBRr dooln- 1 V i.. laville. ■?V ■ ship. . ted 'by ted by Bwoldi I I *V '* W8« John Long. London. MiddleMk, brad by eihibiter. ' :fy'i^-: JoM^^JI. KJ^. NorM Hdlon. bM In «n«Und. imported ' i^ John R«idjlCari>, Brinl. br«l hw Mr. Iwinge. Br»«6«d. * • tm iohn Crawford, Malmm, York, bwS 1^ <«ihibiter. -'■!■»■■•'■■* ■;•.■(.. 1 &«'y Weal, Pad, b,«| by ^hibiter. f^ IS! ?^rS^»'2i''^^^-VPeeUbredbyertibiter. ' > . 1094 John Snell. Edmonton, FM. bred 6y exhibitor. , , W John SneU, Edmonton, Peel, bred by exhibitor. JJJ! Jamee Dumma, Cedar Gro«e. Tork, bred by ezhi„., * JSI S*^**^ ^^^' M^rkhw, Yi*k, bred by exhibiter. ' S ?~'8^j;"'«'; *^»"»* York, bred by exhibiter. 1099 _ John Miller, Brougham, Sonth Ontario. 1100 T Robert Beith, Dariington, Darham, bred by exhibitor. 1102 ^lUUmJeflTery, Whitby, Onta#:. , 1103 'George Jaokaon, 9a8tIemore, P^. i ' ' 1104 George Jaok«>n,Caetlemofe; Peel. ' 1105 George Jackson, CasUemore, PeeL ' fe 1106 George Jaokson, Castlemore, Peel. " jJ| 1108 GeWge JaoksoiPSiUUemore, PeeL W James Laurie, Malvern, York, bred by exhibiter. , ^110 Joafaoa SisJey, Soarborof York. ' V • i y. h 'I See^i.-Hom WOoSd EWES, ^iftEABS and ovkb. . NOT I^rCBSTBR OR COTSWOlJF^ . ? ""V ^^IZES OFFERED r FiVrt iVIiif, 116; Second Priztf «I2; TAirrf />/««, |6. ^ t -^ Ilii V'T^ ^^^' '^•^ ^••*' ^^'' ^^ bJ exhibitor. 1112 John SneU, Edmonton, Peel, bred by exhibiter. lya John SneU, Bdmonlfe, Peel, bred by exhibiter. 1114 James Dammer, Ctfdar GroYo, York. / 1115 f ohn MiUer, Bion^ham, Sonth Ontario. / 1116 <3»jg'to^^^ London, Middlesex, oros. ^^M^ «nd 1117. Robert Beith, Darlington, Darhan. / 1118 Henry BatteU, Grafton. yorthamberland.( / # -tS. itL- \ I illd Jolb RandiOI. Brit. BrnC "^^lao JobaBftkidiai.Mi|BnBy .' ''';''.ll21. Ileorg* Jaokion^JoUbmorft ' "-.1122 6«org« Jjwfab^ pi pi B ow. , / ti23 J|i(i«t XMriiL.l^ni.Tork; :D«nj WMt, PmI, Ifffd t^ embitar. ^ , .^ tttintoo, Pwl, Jl)r«d/bj «ad»ibi|f^ ' > 8i|«ll^.s4montoD,. Feel, bred byesbibrti Rj^^iiiipigi^ ObokeTilla, Pell, bre^ by!A. |)^7; YMghko. ^128 "^tp Milljw^ Itarkluun, Totk. bred )>y|xh ' Wi^ Jo^llnleviBtojtig^^ Ontario. ;:; ' j^i '^;;;| ,1il$0 • Jolm M^iei^ JB|oiigli»ai, S. Ontario. ' ^^ ^ ' Hf [ ^ ':-fl3r Bo$iptVe^'^tengicip,Ditfh«ai. < ' (b-'r' '|l; 1132 WilHjIlnJett^fWtt^OoW^^ ; i'l ,1133 3Q\i%i4iiigitln^% Mi^Itaez, bred bj |ixhiMMf I 1134 J9hitiiU&di^,'|H^ iexbibitiar,' : ..r1- ■*«!■'• ,, 1 /^^■- V > 1135 Thomas ^mitbiDerry West, F^, brecl by exKibiter. ' 1]^ John Snell, E4monton, Feel, bi^ by eshfbiter. . .1137 John Snell, Edmonton FmI, bred by ekhibiter 1138 6ep.Miller. Markhatt, fired by ezbibiter. 1189 Johii Miller, Broi%bB{|t. S. Odtario^ ll4(![ William Jeffrey, Whitby, Ontario. t , y ; >, 1141, Johi^^all, Fkris, Brant, bred by 1142 GeodHhbksdn, C|wtlem°ore, Feel. 1 fohi^l^al] leqSn^ks §' 1143 Ge^^Mpdcioto, Caatlemore^ Feel. 1144 Geor^ JiMskson, CtMtlemoref Psel. 1145 Josbaa Sisley, Searboio', YorH. r \ M .-m" .•■■.; J, V ^*l; snup. / n * \ s: SHEEP-MEDIUM WOOLLED. / U '" OLA98 XVL SOUTHDOWNS. \ I' ^ , Section 1.— SOUTHDOWN RAM, 2 buears an0 ovkr. ' - , ' PRIZES OFFERED: ^ Fir$l Prize, |16 ; JSfCondPrfge, $10 / Third Pnue, $5. ' ^"^ ^'E^iriand** ^'''''P'** "'^•"'•»«*<»n'^"<* »»J Jo"" Webb, Babrahtin. 1147 R W. Stone, Gaelpb, Wellington, bred bj Jonaa Webb, Babrahan. ., 'England. ■ . /■ /..■/'■ ■ j\V " 1148 F. W. Stone, Goelpb, Welllngii. bred bj exhibiter, . 1149 DapielTjre, Wilmot,Waterlo«: 1150 Daniel Tje, Wilmot,' Waterloo. 1151 Edward Jones, Tli^Id, Wetland. 1152 William Aeb, Tho^ld, Welland, bred in England. 1153 Ey^W. thOBHon, Toronto, York, bred by W. Forfar, Scarboro'. 1154 JohnTllliott, Duffine Creek, Ontario, bred by T. A. Milne, Markham. 1155 John Kerr, DmmmondTille, WellanJ. 1156 (}««^ K, Jtftllar, Homer. Lineoln. / 1157 George J. MjIIer, Virgil, Lin<»6ln. 1158 John A H. Spwoer, Brooklln, OntoHo, bred in United States, imp. from thenoe since last show. ' 1159 J. C. Rykert. St. Gatharinrfs. Lincoln. 1169 Thomas A. Milne, Markham, York. Uk|^|i^TOiJ)OWN SHEARLING RAM. ^r,4 'Att^S OFFERED: ^ 'inntPnie, 116; hecond Pri,^ $10; p^rd Pn'ife, 95^ ^IjV F. W. St(&«», Guelph, Wejliijln, b>^ by eihiUf^. '^ . '^ ^ 1K2 Daniel Tye, Wilmot,,WatArloo. V \ ** , " ^'*^ . \ *■ •♦ Daniql Tye, Wilmot,,WatArloo. Daniel Tye, Wilmot, Waterloo. - x^4 Edward Jones, Thorold^elland. .^" ^^ i • ** 165 William Ash, Thorold,Weliaod,br^lhyexh|b|tef.' j. 166 F. W. Stone, Gaelpb, WelUngt«v^l,red byjMJifbW. ■ ' / U67 J|A 11. Spencer, BrooVlin, Ontario. -^2 . /?^J8fc>- Mitee. Markham, ^rk.-*^ .4 ^ «.*,>,J' ''^'*^^ / 11 ^^■R.''^*"'""*"' I-loydtown, York* „ ' ' 1 171> Bfti |ps i» J e nnings, Lloyd tow n, Y^rk. ' ' " •M,i « ■» * • t .Z> \.' ■M tVMKf, ^■■■.'■'7-:. 1189 ■■, ' i „ 1190 ■ ■•'■' / ■ / 1191 1192 ■ •■' '/' ' 1193 •-•--■.-rf 1194 ■■ _■]■ 119$ / . 1198 "■"■■/ - 1197 ■ '^ ■ ■ '- 1198 • 1199 1200 1201 1202 *'..■■ 1203 "■ ■• 1204 •,»■ . - ,:; " I20S Stction Z.-BOUTEDOYm RAM LAMB. PRIZES OFFERED : rint PriMt, $8; attond PrtMt, |4; Uird Pme, 12. F. W. Stooe, Oaelpb, WelUngton. bred by eibibitor. i F. W. Stone. Oaelpb, Wellington, bred l^ «ibibiter. i Daniel Tje. Wilmol, Waterloo. | DMiiel Tye, Wilmot. WnterUxi, Edward Jones, Tborold. Welland. N. t J. Betbell, Sk Oatlialtinaa, bred hj exbibitet. F. W. Stone, Oaelpb,,W«U]ngton, bred bj eibibiter. Jobn Kerr, DrammondTille, Welland. Q. J. MiUer, Virgil, Ltnooln. jo. J. MUler. Virgil, Uncoln. |7. & n. Spenoer, Brooklin, Oqtorio. I J. Sb H. Speneer. Brooklin, Ontario^ J. & H. Spenoer, BrooUin. Ontario. Thomas A. Biilne, Harkbam. York. Thomas A, Milne, Markham, York. Joseph PMn| Woodetoek, Oxford. ; \ ?5s; > Joseph Peers, Woodstook, Oxford, brsd, by exbibite&^ ^ •■•■.•..■ . -, . -v .^ :■ Stertibn 4.— 2 SOUTHDOWN EWES, 2 Shbaks and over. ' PRIZES OFFERED : iVrrt i*n«, $16 j Second Prize, 9V2 ; Third PriMe,tQ. F. W. Stone. <^elph. Wellington, bred by exhibitei^ William IngYis, Markham, York. i^ Edward Jones, Thorold, Welland. V William Ash, Thorold, Welland, bred by exhibitor. \ John Elliott, Doffin's Greek, Ontario, bred by t. A. Miine, Bjlatkham. N. t J. Bethall, St Catharines, Linooln, bred by exhiWer. .F.W. Stone, Gaelph, Wellington, bred by exhibiter.lj > ^^ . John Kerr, Dmrnmondville, Welland. O. ^. Miller, Virgil, Linooln. -■-''---■A" ..^..-.i-^^uM FBR. Lham. "ki. ^t ../■ V. 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 12M 1215 1216 1217 1218 S€Hi(m6.—2 SOUTHDOWN SHBARtlJ^O B]WrES. PRIZES OFFERED: . N JirK Pme, $12 ; 8}cotui Pritt,^ $8 ; Third Priie, $1. jr. W. Stone, aaelpb. Walliagton. brad by nbibitor. F. W. StoD*. Qa«lph. WellingtoD, bred by eihibUw. Dimel Tye,' Wllmot, W»terloo. Daniel-Tye, Wjlmot, Waterloo. V ' > J. P. Wheler, Sewboro', York. ' /• Edward Jonee, Thorold, WelUnd. 1212 TS.kS. Betball, St. Gatharinee. Linooln, bred by ezhiblter. 1218 John Ker, D/aromondTille, Welland. ^ J. k II. Spencer, BrooUin, Ontario. ^~"~ . . '■ r'^ ' ~^ J. ft 11. Spencer, Brooklin, Ontario. Themaa A. Milne, Markhao. Yorfc - , Joaeph Peere,' Woodstock, Oiford. |< •; » ' Joaeph Peen, Woodetook, Onford. »1k ' ■■..,■ ■ '■.- " - ' . •■' ■•■'^•1 '■■^^'- ■' ■ '■■■,t Section e.-^vSOITTHDOWN EWIi„ LA^^PS: PRIZES OFtaED : v' Pint Prtte, |8; 3teond Pnte^ U, Third Priiefn. Fred. W. Stone, Ouelpb, Wellington, bred by exhibitor. 1220 Fred. W. Stone, Guelph, Wellington, brad, bylexhibiter.' 1221 Daniel Tye, Wilmot, Waterloo. i Daniel Tye, Wilmot. Waterloo. i E. 0. O'Brien, Barrie, Simooe. .WillHun Aeh, Thorold, Welland,' b^ed by exbibiter. John Karr, Drammondville, Welland. . 0. J. HUler, Virgil, Linooln. j J. H. Spencer, Brooklin, Ontario. I J. n. Spenoer, Brooklin, Ontalrio. J. U. Spenoer, Brooklin^ Ontario. Thomaa, A. Milne, Markham, York. Joseph Peers, Woodstock, Oxford. — ih Peers, Wo^took, Oxford. « > T» X v.. 1210 1^22 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 •■ST. ■S" CLASS ZVII. CHEVIOTS. r/umt-CHEVIpT RAM, € shears and over. ^^ . . . . |BIZBI^OF^RBD: • ' FirU Prize, mySecoHdPrizeMh)T1^Prixi,^^^ Jl to Thomaa Guy, Oshawa, OntariorpJK^E^ H %^r r^' Section I— OHIVI 't* , f, BlIIAftLIlfa. |. r*Vi* PHMt, 116; -Skon<|J»r,t«, ||. 12S5 ThnmM Qay, OthftWA, Ontiurio. V^ . ••* , % \ ' Wflt*^^ I>"»«. Flimboro' Wut, brwl ia SootUnd. '^ 5^»tftland. . -^J[S OpERBO r ' / - \ 1246 David £lKott, StrabanATFlamboro' Weet. * , 1247 Darid fillrtt, Strabane, FUmBoM' West 1248 ^arid Elliot^ Sthi6«ne; FUmboroMiyeet, bred in Scotland. Seetibn 6.-2 CHEVIOT EWE LAMBS. X > -- =7 PRIZES OFFERED ; ' • ^ FirUPrige, $6; ,S%mm<< />ri«, 14; 7%irrfB-,w, $2. 1249 Geo. Miller. Markham. York, bred bj exhibiter fkom imported stock. 1350 Geo. Miller. Markbam. York. . i~ ^ « mi Dav i d Ell i ot t, S t raban o . Flambo r o' If eat ". / — ^— ^ .— „4*.^^_ w- ■ ■ r took. 75 CLASS XVIU. ■,.0,:-^- OTHER MEDIUM WOOLLED SHEEP. NOT SOUXHDOWNS Oli CHEVIOTa Station 1.-MBDIUM WOOL^^BD RAM, 2 sniRiNoe a ovia. vgc > TRBteS OFFERED] ' Firtt Prige, 910 ; &coiirf Prfu, $10 ; nirrf A/w, |5 1252 Daniel Tje, Wilmot, W.Ur|<», nmnpthir* Dowit. 1253 Dwiiol Ty«, Wllmol, WaUrloo, H«ap.hlr« Down, JoJ;f 2~'''* **"'•'• "•'k»'»". York. Shrop«h!re Down, bred in En.Und. ]f.i S "* *'•"'•■• '^'•""•'*' WellMd. bred bj F. W. Stone. Ouelph. ,o«, „ ^ ^*- °**'**» W'>i»«huroh, York, BlMk-fkoed Highlander. 1257 H. Q. St. George, WhliSBA-oh, York. Blaokfaoed Highlander. 1268 H. Q. St. George, Whitohoroh. York, Bltok fkoed UigbUnder. 1259^ George W. Miller. Homer. Lincoln. 1260 J. A H. Spencer, Brooklin. Ontarb. iwn 2;-MEl)IUM WOOLLED SHEARING RAM. M PRIZES OFFERED: rVhtPriu,, $16; Stcond Prizt, $10 j Third Prize, $5. 1261 Daniel Tye, Wilmot, Waterloo, Hampshire Down. l^j Daniel Tye, Wilmot, Waterloo, Hampehire Down. ^ ''"J" *;;• Sr~c9r, Brooklin Ontario,>^^ EoglanjPlwprted from thenoe by eihibitere, 18G2. ^Htw^*"" 1264 John A H. Spencer, Brooklin, OnUrio< % Spencer. Brooklin. Ontario. '_ 1274 John A n. Spencer, Brooklia, Ontario. _. ''^'^ . 1265 1266 "^ '• .X • .. Jl±. MUK 4' StcticH 4.-2 MEDIUM WOOLLED EWES. 2 bubam amo OVM, HOT BOUTUDOWHr OR OliaviOT. J: PRIZES OPriRKD : Fini l»rft*/ 116; Smmd Pritt, %\2; TkM Print, Ifl. 1275 D«nlfl Tj% Wilnol, Waterloo. 1276 DwiUI Ty«, WiliBoi, Waterloo. ISI n**'"* S!!"' !;»'^»'»»' ^«'k. Shropahlr. Down. br«l In KngUnd. ^J 2'!T«'I" •'■ *'"^''"»' ^'''k. Shropahlr. Down. briKl in Engltud. 1279 K. O. O'Brlw. Shantj B.J, lUrrie. * 12fl0 Edward Jonas, Thorold, Wallaod. brad bj aihlblt w, 1281 J. 4 11. Spanoar, Drooklin. Onterio. 1282 J. *^il. Span««r, BrookUn. Ooterio. 'ir«. T7 f^NE-WOOLLED SHEEP. I 0LA88 XTX . *^ MERINOS AND SAXONS. Section l.-MERINO OH SAXON RAM, 2 aiURiea a oviif PBIZEA OPFERKD: * ^I'ri* 7Vi'f#, 116; Stcmd Prigt, 110; JAiVd /Vft» ,f5. f 1^ F. R. J«niilD|{., Oookifill., PmI. i IS! S*"** y- ""'"• """'•'- L«««»i». J!? ?•*"«• ^MlUtr.Uonw. Lincoln. 301 JMobRjni»I,Hjokniw'.Cornm.WeDtworth. WUJ Kdw.nl ArkUnd, (^h»w«, Ontwio. 1304 Al«i. Yoang, Wentworth. 1305 ^'S-V^oar.tth\":'J^""^^ W.ntwo,th.p„,ch„,d from 1306 John Row, QlenmoRia. Brant, br«d bj A. Fwie. Swtum 2.^MERIN0 OR SAXON SHEARINO RAM. PRIZES OFFERED: .[: Firti Prize, $10 1 Second Prixe, $10; Uml Ptize, $5. 1307 Jacob Rjni.l, Ryckman', Corner.. Wwtworth. im itiJ^ri' ^rirr'' °°"""' ^•r'kwanh, b«Ki bj •.hiwur. IdW ^owsroArkland^shijwiij,. Ontario. y- 1311 John Row, Ql«ni[|,/nl|j{g«nt, bred bj A. Farrie. •..V «•,>■ / Seetiim 8.-MERIN0 OR SAXON RAM LAMB. -- ■: 1*BIZES OFFEREDt ]?}? J*S'*?'r"«ri^~k«*»»*«P»«^.bredbjexhibiter. . ^1313 F, a Jennings, CooksTlIle, Peel. J!!5 2~1l« W. Miller, Homer, Lincoln. 1316 Oeorge W.Miller. Homer; Lincoln. «J;o~'*'^^"»''*^''^""°'"<^«««'». Wentworth. ' MI8 «•«>'«• «y'»»*l.Bjokma»'aComer«, Wentworth, bred by elhibi^r '■ .<■•«■ ■,/ ■%: 1 ^ ■ Q iWt*,r ;. a \ ' ''f^'W I ■■-p n* apiBlk flstO Edwwd ArU«pd, OahawMi Ontario. 1320 Edward ArkUnd, 0«IuMmi Odtario. > ■ 1321 Edward Arklaad, 0«h*ira, Ontarid. < 1322 ' Aleiandar Toung, Ryokifiui'a Oor&en, Wentworth, ^~''~132S—JUtjander Young, Rjokman't Comera, Wontwoi'th. 1324 Al«x. Yoang, RjokDan's OoAera, Wontwortb, br9d by exbibiter. «M^»i Co:. Hamilton, Wentwoif til* */f^>^^^^ i * ^• 1363 N, * J. B^»^^»U, St (Ja^ijrfiii^, ti^noaia.lftre^ ^ ^V ' ■ 1384 pafid Moblbttiv N, Pajjag*; K IJi, ^dtiiijHja, bred bj^Mhibitei^r ^ 13to ' John RufiierfQrd, Oleniflorrie, Bii«^^ 1365J L. A. Spye^eign; Parie, Dra^tk Tt'\' . r /; li;"',.-: t' ■'.'*'.;■'■ 1^.,- <", s'' , /;f;■ '.'■;■>„" ■'."■■"i 9'!4- '-&>: -.1 I' ■", • ■" '! ■ 138 .v':,-. .'. 138 •". ' ' 138 'M. ■'':!].. 1366 Thomaa Smiih, Dwry iVPeet^ P^^ii»^;j»jrl»^ib**ef • -^^^^ ^ ■ 1367 Thopiaa'&mith, Deny Wlfest^ P#I, bMi|^^btbit©i^V ;f ^ 1368 Jofll» gnell, Edmonton,' PeeU W«d lp&htiM(*er, ; ; < 1369 John SneU, Edmonton, Peel, bired l^eilrtb^t#it.r ' / /;^^l*i, 1370 F. Ri Jennings, CookaTaie, Psel, bred by eihiMtor.^^ rtir^ J!^ 1371 George Biiller^ Markham, York, bred by exhibitoti J- > 1372 John Miller, Bronghamt S. Ontario, bred by exhibitor. 1373. Christopher Walker, London, Mitfdleeex. *„ 1374 ChriMopher Walker, London, Middlesex, bred by exhibitor. ^ 1375 John Long, London, Middlesex, bred by exhibiter. 1376 P. W. Stone, (Jlaelph^ WeUington, (Cotswold,) bred by exhibitor. • 1377 Thomas Martindale, York, Haldimand. ' 1378 Johri'Colley, Moapt Hurst, Peel, bre4 by exhibiter. "; •>-^-~ 1379 ' Dafid Boontroei Carlton, tordntp. ll l;^^:: '■■.^- -'■■'.'■/■ ':"' .^■■^>■t ■■■':•:"' ' "■•■';.■ -,--■:'■■ ■■''..:'.:- •.;-..■;■- Sw^wn 8.— EXTRA ENi*mES IN SHEEP. ' ■■-."<'■ ' ' ■ i '■ ■'-, .. WXrVy O. Forbes; Cjolnmbas, S. Ontario, Top Knot or Polfuid Ewe. ''"' ,'■ ■■'■:* ■ "'■: ■ / e^'^.-'-, ;■..#■■■' • -i -. t;r' ' 1S9( .-_• 1391 » 1392 ; ' 13^3 • i. i- 139-1 • ^ " .^' ;'4' ' 'v • ySect -> -,^ ."* :^^^-:-x ■^'■: '■■■:. * f ;tt^,; ;-' •i . '■ ■,■'.' .■>'■ 1395 rtM,<|0; Third PrUe,$i. 1381 Samuel H. Bfiwet; Dwry 'W^Oit, peej, bred by exhibiter. ^ laSSl Alfred Jeffrejr,.Woodbridge, York. 1383 N. & J. BetbisM, StkOattaMriuee, Lincoln, 18 moi, bred by exhibiter. 1384 « C. A. Jordisod, BeUeyUK Haktinge, 1 year 9 monthe. 4385, L. A. Soverergii, RarW, BAat. , " USa Morria Tbomaa, MohaWfc, Brant. ' Sectiifn 2.--ybRKSiftmE BOAR, Ikd^r 1 year. ' ' . /PRi'zES OFFERED:! a '' 1387 Jam^ Maine?, 0i:a»npfen, CUiIniaacou8Y,|j1i»ontl»g 2 days. 4388 Samuel H. "^ns.Jhtrj WeeC P««l, ft months 21 days, bred by exblbiter, ' -*" * "^ ' West, Peel, ,SJ- ' 1390 Henry BttteU, Grafton, . Ij^rtiWiikJlfetland A monthe. ♦ ^ 1391 C. A. Jordison, BelleviUe.'^aatlngs, 7 mofiths. >' 1392 C. A. Jordison, Belleville, Haityxgs, 7 radnthe.- ^ "J393 C. A. Jordison, Bellevine, Uu^sft, 3 months. 1394 C. A. JordisoB, BelleviHe, Ha8tiQgs,'3 months.* Secfwn. 3.-Y0RKSHIRE BREEDING- SOw" 1 year and ~^ - PRIZES OFPH^D t*f Firtt Prke^ $10 y Second Prue, $7 ; ' Third Prize, 'H, ' 1395 James Ford, Dramguin, Ha'lton^ ISvonths; bred by exhibiter. 1396 ^7JJj'jH.^RMy%8jJerry West, Peel, 4 yeai^, bred by W. Moore. 1397 Alfred Jeffrey,. W9oi^idge,Ybrk.'* ''^ - ■ 1398' George Miller, Ma^kkaip, York, 16 inonths; bred by exhib^ler, from imported stock. *■* '^ • . ; • *. / imported stock. -^r ^ n ■V o I y \ *'^ ■xr 1' » .V If Is i: 88 ««•■ 1399 JohnP.WH«.Wobnni,York. jr , ' 1400 . WiBiam OoUett, Yorkrllle, York, 8 yean, b»e* by eiblWUr. 1401 WiUitm Oullett, YoAfiUe, York, 16 moathi. 1402 Henry B«ltoll, Grafton, Northumbwland. • 1403 0. A. Jordl»n, BeHeTllle, H««ting^ 1404 L. A. SoTerrign, Pa^ii, Brant 1405 L. A. SoTereign, Parii, Brant. 1406 Morris Thomas, Mohawk, Branl. ^ ^ &n 4.— YORKSaiRB SOW, undbb 1 year. >- PRIZES OFFERED; Firtt PriMy $6 ; Seemd Prite, |4 ; Third PrUe, |8. 1407 James Ford, Drumguin, Halton, 2 months, bred by exhibiter. 1408 James Maines, Brampton. Peel, 6 months. ^ - -- • --, 1409 Samnel H. Reeyes. Derry West, Peel, 5 mos. 22days, bredby exhib. 1410 John P. Wheler, Woburn, York, 9 months, imported from England. 1411 Henry Battell, Grafton, Northumberland. m 1412 C. A. Jordison, Belleville, Hastings, 7 months. ^ 1418 O. A. Jordison, BeBeville, Hastings, 3 months. V -fe, V CLASS xxni^ LARGE BERKSHIRES. Section 1.-1-LARGE BERKSHI^B BOAR, 1 year * over. ,v PRIZES OFFERED : Fint PrUe, f 15 ; Second Priu, $10 ; Third Prize, $6. 1414 Henry Ed«,Ie8kard, West Durham. ^ 1415 George ifotton, Morton, Le«ds, bred in England. - ^ 1416 Entry nok made. 1417 John.Davey, liesfcard, West Durham. , Section 2.-LABGE BERKSHIRE BOAR, under 1 year. PRIZES Offered : Fir$tPrit^ $10; See9nd Prke, $6; Third iWe, $4. [ . 1417J James Maines, Brampton, Peel. ' ' 1418 Patrick R. Wrighli .Cobourg, Northumberland, 4 mont^. 1419 John Gibb, Lindsay, Victoria. ^ 1420 Alex. Gerrie, Ancaster, Wentworth, 3J months. '^■ *T'3l' nof. •V! - 9i &(?; $8. 1427 Ge<>rge Morton, Morton, Leeds. JIS ?~'«eM9rton, Morton, Leeds, bred by exhibiter. * 1420 John Oibb. Lindsay, Victoria, bred by Mr. MoNaaghtOn, 3 m. 26 d. ■1 * \ ■ f .CLAIMS XXIV. ' ■ ALL OTHER LARGE BREEDS OF PIGS. \[ ' Section l.-OTHER LARGE BREED BOAR, 1 ybar ak© . ; » OVER. ' PRIZES OFFERED: ' FirHPHze,%\^',SecoiidPrize,%\Q,; Thwdprize,^ 1430 Alfred Jeffrey, Woodbridge, York. 1431 George Maier,Markhta., York, bred in BngUnd. lis ' ?• ^•.P«;'»«'. Jhurlow. Haetings. bred by Mt. Morrow, Pteacott. \T. Cunningham Haetinge, Bradford, Simooe. , 1435 ,A.H.Fenwick,CaaheI, York. ' ., ' -At* ^ «?cfton;^^LARGE BREED BOAt, under 1 year ' PRIZES OFFERED: ^ ' ^ntPfki,%\^.^aec^Prize,%^.^ Third PTLe,%A, t^G Jwrge Miller, Maykham, York, 4 mopth*? f< I'^o ueo 1437 P, B. Pdmer, Thurlow, Haatinga, bred by eihibiler, ' 1 \ \ 1 _ll •■•""H" TP^»*i^ ':r ♦• V I' \ \.\ w '04 ' ■ , 9m, .'-"-. ; ■• S«rtft«. L-ULBGB BBEEPINa Sd- in U. S.. 15 month., imported thence since last show. £ 1450 John S. Couse, St. Thomas, Elgin, 2 years. ^ 1451 Edward Arkland. Oshawa. Ontario. 18 month, old, bred m U. S.. imported from thence since last exhibition. 1452 Peter Lyon. Oakville, Halton. ^ , fection 2.-SUFf6lK BOAR, u3?der 1 year. '- PRIZES OFFERED: Fird Prize, m-, Second Brize,$ii', Third Prize, tir 1453 'James Maine., Brampton, Peel, 4 months 12 day.. _ . 145* George Savage, Wnhamthorpe, Peel, 4 months. oeci -^^ PIOS. \ 1465 0«org« SaTft|«, Burnhamthorpe, Peel, 14 wMkl> 1456 Oeorg* Sarage, BurahamthoriM, Pe«1, 14 we«ki.' 1457 John ttoOUahan, Wallaqd, Lineolo, 8 montha. 1458 Joho MeOlaahao, WeUand, Lioooln, 3 montha. 1450 Peter Metier, Jan., N. Pelhau, WelUnd, 5 D)onth«. 1460 Peter Metier, jun., N. Pelham, Welland, 5 monttis. 1461 Henry Battell, Qrafton, Nortbamberland, - M ,\ \ ^^i0(taMa.-^SUFFOLK., BREEDING SOW, 1 year * oVps. PRIZES OFFERED; \ Fint J^iixty $10 i Second Pf^,Vi Third I\ilze,^. , 14^2 "AlAred Jeffrey; Wopdbridge, York. "" 1463 George Savage,' Bamhamthorpe, Peel. > w . 1464 John MoQlaahan, Pelbam, Welland. ' 1465 Peter Metier, jun., Felham, Wllland. , ' 1466 Henry Battell, Gtnfton, Northumberland. . 1467 John L. Couae, St Thpttu, Elgin, 2 yean. ■ ' Svstim «.i-SUF]FOLK SOW, under 1 YBAiii : "' ^' PRIZES OFFERED; •' ' ' . . ■ .-/*iV*< PriiM, $5 J StKond Prize, $4 ; Hird Prixe, ^. 14(18 George Savage, Bui'nbamjthorpe, ^eel, 11 Months. 1469 - Qe6rge Savage, Bdmhapothorpe, Peel. ' < 1470 John Nizon,-*Sohoml)i«rg,.Tork, bred by Mr.^Mill^r of Stamford. 1471 John McGlaehaft, N. Pelham, We)Iand,'5 m(M9tba. 1472 »John AfoGlnahan, N. Pelban, WeU«nd. 3~month8. - - » 1473 John MoGIaahan, N. PeUka^, '\f«ll«nd, 3 moi^tfas. J 1474 Peter Metier Jun., N. Pelbam, Wetland, 5 montht. ' ' . . ; 1475 Peter Metier, jun., N. Pelbam, Wtliand, 5 ntontba. ' ' - ' 1476 H. 4 S. Lemon, Kettleby, torlc. •. ' . ' 1477 Edward Arkland, Oobawa, Ontario, bred in tT.S., imp. einee last abow. 1478 Thomas Mills, Albion, P^l. age 4 months, br«d by ezbibiter. ^ 1479 Peter Hutty, Toronto,' York, 9 raonfha old, ^red by Jease Noble, , . York 1\)wnship. " .'<>•' - " / V \ A CLASS XXVI; IMPROVED BERKSHIRE^, ' Sectioh 1.— IMPOETEd' BEEKSHIRE BOABf(^, / ^ PRIZES OFFERED : ^ ^ Fira ^*w,|15 J Second Prigef $10 ;. Thinl Prixe, |6. 1480 -Thoma* Penton; Paria, Brant, 2 ;«ani, bred, by 'E, Wirt; Orange Pountjr, New York. ^ ■ ^ ' ^ ' » ■^if^ 86 ■ woi. V;' ■: 1481 DftTid Buohan, Parii. Bnuil, 16 monthi. 1482 JBmw Stewftit, York Milli, York, 2 yean 25th September. 1483 Jkinee Allenby, Woodstook, Ox(6rd, 1 jtfkr moDtba. ' 1484 Thomaa Ptonton, Paria, Brant, brad by azhibitar, 15 months. 1485 John Dixon, Weaton, York. «. , ' ' ■ " Sietim 2.1-IMPORTED BERKSniRE BOAR, undeA YBAR. PRIZES OFFERED t Firt PriUy 110 J Second Prizt, 16 ; Third Frizt, W. 1486 Thomas Penton, Paris, Brant, 10 months, bred by exhibitor. 1487 DaTid Buohan, Paris, Brant, 7 months. 1488 Darid Baohan, Paris, Brant, 4^ month*. 1480 P. Rose Wright Cobonrg, Northnmberl«nd, 4 months^ 1490 E. W, Thomson, Toronto, York, 11 months, bred by exhibiter, 1491 John Foott, Port Ilo{>e, Durham, 5 months. ]i492 John Foott, Port Hope, Durham, 5 months. 1493 John Randall, Paris, Brant, 4} ngiths, bred by exhibiter 14&4 Robert Tinlinff, Waterloo, Ifaterloo, 6 montba 1| days. 1495 John P. Bull, Yoricville, York, 10 months. 1496 R. L. Denison, Toronto, York^^bred by F. W. Stone. ^ 1496J R. L. Denison, Toronto, York, bred by F. W. Stone. ' 1497 Alex. Gerrie, Anoaster, Wentworth, 3 months. Section 8.-^IMP0RTED BERKSHIRE BREEDING SOW, 1 YKAK AND OV^R. PRIZES OFFERED. ^ * Jy Firit Prize, $10 ; Second Prize, $7 ; Third Prize, $4. ' ; Thomas Penton, Paris Brant, 4 years, bred by exhibiter. ./ Thomaa Penton, Parii, Brant, 2 years, bred by exhibiter. Thomas Penton, Paris, Brant, 1 year 1 month, bred by exhibiter. • Davidi Buohan, Paris, Brant. Datid Buchan, Paris, Brant, 2 years. .• ^ David Buohan, Paris, Brant, 18 months. ,v '. * » f Sec 15; 161 R 1 161 161 t 161' 161 151 152 152 162 152 • ." ■■ 152 162 152 tin ■jL j: 1X98 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1611 1512 John Ross, Toronto, Ydrk, 2 years 6 months^ John Boss, Toronto, York, 1 yeaf 6 months.. William D. Jarvis, Toronto, York. Frederick Furgusson, S, Zorra, Oxford. John Foott, Port Hope, Durham, 2 years 4 months. ^ John Foott, Port Hope, Durham, 2 years 4 months. J. P. Bull, Yorkyille, York, 18 months, bred by E. W. Thomson, York. Richard L. Denison, Toronto, York. _ Richard L. Denison, Toronto, York. ' „ ' 87 OW, Stciwn 4.-IMP0RTIID BERKSHIRE SOW, uhmb 1 ybar. _. PRIZES OFFERED: - ' , Fiett Prize |5; Second Priu, $4| Third Prixe, |3. IS^d Thomu P«nton, Parii, Brant, 10 montht, brad bj ezhibit«r. 1514 •ffhomM Penton, Parii, Brant, 11 mootlu, br«d by ethibiter. 1515 D«Tid Bqohnn, Pftrfi. Brant, 7 nontha. 15]$ Dsrid Buobkn, Pwii, Brluit, 7 months. 1517 DkTid Baehou, Pari*, Brant, 4i montha. 1518 DaTid Baohan, Paris, Brant, 4} monthi. '. 1510 Patrick R. Wright, Ooboarg.^Northnmbarlaad, 4 montbt, 1520 B. W. Thornton, Toronto, York} 11 months, bred by exhibitor. 1521 John Ross, Toronto, York, 10 months. ""* - 1522 John P. Wheler, Woburn, York. ^ :,__ 1523 Oeorge Morton, /Morton, Leeds, bred by exhibitor. - ' '" . 1524 George Morton, Morton, Leeds, brod by exhibitor. 1525 Qeorge Morton, Morton, Leeds, bred by exhibitor. lo2d John Foott, Port Dope, Durham, 4 months. ' 1^27 John Foott, Port Hope, Durham, 4 nkontbl 1528 Robert, Tinling, Waterloo, Waterloo, 5 mot 1529 . John P. Bull, Yorkville, York, 10 months,! , ,. 1530 RiobairdL. Denison, Toronto, York, brod ^1 * '; ' 1531 lUol^ard L. Denison, Toronto, York, bred'Sy exhibitor. 1532 Alex. Oerrio, Anoastor, Wentwortfa, bred by oxhibitor. ^ 1583 Alex. Oerrie, Anooster, Wentwortb, brod by exhibitbr. .* 17 days, by exhibitor, ibitor. w CLASS ZXVIL tor. York. OTHER SMALL BREEDS NOT INCLUDED IN PREVIOUS CLASSife- : Seetim 1.— SMALL. BASED BOAR, 1 ybar anp over. ^ ' ".■•." ■■■•"■':'■: '■ PRIZES OFFERED ; ■ - . ,, -'^ ' ■S''; ,: I'irst Prize. 915 : Second Pri^^jftik^Third Prize, 99. 1534 James. Mainetf', Brampton, ^^^^'jifjHn l>'od '^^ England. 1535 Alfred Jjiffrey, Woodbridge, York, r^pk : • ' 1530 -John Malcom, Agincourt, York, 1 yeJ^URntbs. ; 'f ^ 1537 John Hailcom, Agincoprt, York, 2 years Surn^s. - ' 1538 Frwois Winter, Oooknillo, Peel, 1 ]|p 4j& 1539 Jaines Cowan, Qalt, Waterloo. ^flT 1_ 1540 John Ingloson, Toronto, York, 2 years, brod \^mt, Samson, Toronto. .^- rf ' -pf* ^ 84etion 2.— SMALL BRBEI) BOAB, cndkh 1 ybab, PRIZB8 OFFERED* Firtt ttitt, 110; Second PfUe, •«; Thinl PrUe, %i 1541 JftmM M»ln«», Brwnpton, Pwl, 5 montht 2 dajr. . 1542 .Daniel Tye, Wtlmot, Waterloo (Em«x). ft month* 2 dv«. 1543 George Miller, Markham, York, 6 monthe. 1644 J^mee Allenby, Woodetock, Oiford, 9 montha, Ired by exhlWUt. V145 John Vaeele, Dunda., S. Wentworth (Ewei), 3 monthe. 1546 Jamee Cowan, Oalt, Waterloo., - V V 1547 Jamee Cowan, cult, Waterloo. j- ,! *. • I, Oolt, Waterloo. / . . ; *^ / . ALL MEED BREEDnmlOWrr^T^^ ■ AMD^VBR. PRIZES OrFEREDt ' Firtt /Vi»c, 110} Senond JPrizt, »7 ; Third Prize, H. 1549 Alfred Jeffrey, Woodbrldge, York. 1660 < Doniel Tye, WUmot, Waterloo (Beeex). - 1651 Thomai McCrea, Qaelph, Wellington. 1652 John MoOlashan, North Polham,WeUond. ' ^" 1663 John Maloom, Aglnoourt, York. 1654 Jamee Cowan, Oalt, Wateitoj. 1655 John P. Wheler, Woburn, T^rk. 1656 Samuel Cameron, Willowdiae, York, 2 yeare 3 monthe. ■'■■■■'■>■ t -. .■'..-■<■- Section 6.— SMALL BREED SOW, undbr 1 year. • .' PRIZES OFFERED: Fir$t Prhe,$bi Setond Prize, Ui Third Ptizf, $^. 1557 Jaines Maines, Brampton, Peel. 1558 Daniel Tye, Wilmot, Waterloo, 5 months 2 dnye, (Essex). 1589 D^miel Tye, Wilmot, Waterloo. 1560 OeorgeMillerj Markham, York, 3 monthe. - 156i George Miller, Markham, York; 1562 Robert Doreey, Sommerrille, Peel, 5 months. ' 1563 JRobert Dore^, SummeirTille, Peel, 5 monthe. 1564 Oeorge Sava^, Barnhamthorpe, Peel, 5} montln. 1565 Andrew Anderson, Islington, York, 3 months 25 days. 1566 Henry Battell, Orafton, Northumberland, G montha. 1567 John Vassie, Dundas, S. Wentwort*i, (Essex) a n^pntha. 1568 James Cowan, Gait, Waterloo. i;,.:^.:;_2i:: ^i' 1569 * James Cowan, Oalt, Waterloo. * ^ ; 1570 James Cowab, dalt, Waterloo. . C>' • f . ' • ■k ''. ^ I It C'^' rootnT U7l 1572 1S78 W74 1578 1576 1577 1578 POULT CLASS XXVIU Section L-PAIR QF WHITE DORKINGS. PRlZEfl OFFERED: u JTtVif Prim, H ; Second JViM, 12. ; , John BdKU*, London, Middletat. John Bogae, London, Middtetex. '■'^ ' ' John K«nr, Drammoodf lUe, W«tlMd. OhulM NoarM, Wfaitby, OnUrlo. ;^ CbulM NouTM, Whitby, On«»rlW I 8. P«ten, Mn., London, MiddlcMt. S. P«ten, wn., London, MiddleMi. AduB lUtlur, ItUogtoo, Xo'k* . Sietion 2.-PAm OP iSPANGLBD DORKINGS. I. land, y ,; PRIZES OFFERED: : Fint Prize, W ;, Second Prize, |2 157d 0«o»g« Miller, Markhtta, York, Imported 1862. 1580 John Bogue, London, Middleaez. • 1581 John Bogue. London, MlddleMX. n 1582 N.&.J.Belhell, StCatharinee, LlocolOf 1583 1^. & J. Bethell, St. Gatharinea, Lincoln. 1584 F. W. Stone, Guelph, WelUngton. > 1585 • John Kerr, DrammondTlUe, Welland. 1580 E. Wu Thonwon,- Toronto, York. 1587 Charlea Nour^e, Whitby, Ontario. 1588 Charl'ea Nouirse, Whitby, Ontario. 1539 Gedrgo Scott, Woburn, York. 1590 ,8. Vetera, MB., Loiidon, Middlesex. • 1591 . 8. Peters, sen., London, Middleeex. 1692 Edward Arkland, Oishawa, Ontario. ,_^ ,. : 1593 - Edward AAlandlOshawa, Ontario. "■■\ Section 8.--PAIR OP BLAOK POLANDS, *' ' PRIZES OFFERED t - . - Pint Prize, fl; Second Prize, |2. AlfrW' JefRreyTyoodbridge, York. Alfrei Jeffrejr, WSddbridgtJ, York. - - --^H -7" John Boj^ei Ldndod, Middlesex.- : ( 1594 1595 1596 „ V .' •*■ ■.-'Vi, ■■ M *'• "■*':.• ^^■^ * ■ ""(I^A . , ■ . ' i ■ » n f,. - r ■• ,1 ^ «-* * ••> * ■J 4 ♦^ .■ ' '■■•■ .\'*^ ' ''1 :* . / ' , .' ► ' * 7- "* t • f^ . /<* . " •> '• ■ '' - : ■■■7 '• ^ 1 "• f, . ' ' ■ '* • --' ■ ' '-A' *'*;.' J'; . .is- 'Hh 1' ■ ■ - • • %* % '1 .'■ ' ■ " >' t « 1 ••,:',, _^^ ' a^ 1 1 . *^- 1 1 HIH ^ ^^^^^^^^^^r ' ' ' ■ ' ' • ' "■ *■ " ■ ^^^T !■''■■■■ • * ■ ^^ ■ ' / • - , ' . ■'■■-!• W \ » 4r 1 % ■/' •' ' .. ■■"■ - ''•■■' ■'■„ • • • • 1 ■ ■ / ./ > '*. -* . -X , , U - ■ "^ V / v. ■ .' ,\ rr. .... ^ / - - ■',-.- . •■ . ' s: ■ y..^' ' - ' ■* ■ ^■■^^■ t: l'. ;■■ ■■ « , • \ .* ,• r ' . . ' •*', • ■ ■'■.■." ■' J,- i : * *1 . 1 / ■ . ( . ■ * ' , . ." ». ■ % . # ^ :•"■■■■■■ •■^■- » ^' * ' ♦ >.' .' ■■-■ ■ ■■ * «■* « 1 . *' ■ ■ • '.*t A t ■ J i . ' ■-• f * ■^ .-. ■ ■ . ( •■■i, >> ■ 1 , " 1 .* 1 \> , - ■ V / ■■'.,■.«-■ 1> •* " 1. 'M' ' • ■' » , ' 1 1) *'' ,« ■^ c i, * • ■ ■' ■ ■ tt ■■»■ « * -. ■ 4 ' "■ « *- . , ■ 4 „ \. / k « «» " r k • n • ■■* . « " " '% : *■ ' . ** '<» " ^ -/ . "■' 1. ,, * ■. ' . . C • X L '^ # # ■ • r / ,. V- ■ „ ■ ♦ . «^' . ■■ " ■ ' •-■ 1 ' -.# '■■ ' . * - ! % ^' f . * - * t* * " ® . A 0- n • * • " ■ , * ■' ■ "" - 4 '■^ i ". .* • , i w „ " • ,■ ■ ■ • - xt • ■ ' • ... ^ • " ' If .: ^ -■ ^''- .« ■■" .'I /■ * * . (^Z rf r " • . V '1. -^ " • 1 /— * o . S „ , - '' " ■ . , *• MCRooorv moumoN mr CNAtr (ANSI and ISO TCST CHART No. 2) 1.0 1*3 lift m tti, I.I IM 123 la? IM |4X> 2.0 1.25 .v* ■ K8 ;tk -ED nVHGE Inc IIHI^^s ISS3 Eo«« Moid StcMt RodiMtar, Nm York uaot USA (716) 482- (U6Q- Phew (7ie) 2W-59aS-F« 90 POULTBT. I{f97 John BogaflfJQotadon, Middletez. 1598 ^oha Kerr, DraininondTiUe> Welland. l69flM Charles NoarM. Whitby. Ontorio. 1600 Charles Nourse. WhUby, Ontario. 1601 , t. Forgeson, S. Zo^ra, Oxford. 1602 George Soott. IV^I^am; York. 1003 Samuel PetBrs, sen., London, Middlesex. 1004 Samuel Peters, sen., London, Middlesisz. 1605 Ilenry Oirouard, llamilton, Wentworth. "l Section 4.— PAIRj OF WHITE POLANDS. PRIZES OFFERED: "^— ^"^^ Fir$t Prize, $4 j Second Prize, J2. — r 1606 John Bbgue, London, Middlesex. M|^ ' I 1607 John fiogue, London, Middlesex. 9 160^ John Ker, DrummondTille, Welland. ^'■ Sections.— VAIB. OP .GOLDEN POLANDS. ■■■'■■ . ' vPRIZES OFFERED:^ ^ ■ ■- ■: -■ ■ ■■ S- Fir$t Prise, U} S^ond Prize, Z2. 1609 Edward Jones. Thorold,.Welland. > 1610 John Bogus, Lpndoil^ Middlesex. 1611 John Bogus, London, Middleanift; 1612 John Ker, Drummdndvilie, Welland. 1613 Charles Nonrse, Whitby, Ontario. ^ 1614 Charles Nourse, Whitby, Ontario. 1615 Samuel Petws, lien., London, Middlesex. 1616 Samuel Peters, sen., London, Middlesex. < 1617 James Metcalf, EgUngton, York. 1618 Henry Oirouard, Hamilton, Wentworth. ;^ Section 6.— PAIR OF SILVER POL ANDS. PRIZES OFFERED : FirU Prize, Hi Second Prize, *;%. 1619 John Bogue, London, Middlesex. /P. 1620 John Ker, Drummondville, Welland. 1621 Charles Nourse, Whitby, Ontario. •* * 1622 Charles Nourse, Whitby, Ontario. 1623 Samuel Peters, sen., London, Middlesex. 1624 . Samuel Peters, sen., London, Middlesex. ^ - ,^ 1625 James Metoalf, Bglinton, York. .^ 1626 Henry Oirouard, Hamilton, Wentworth. . > >l V 1627 • 1628 1629 1630 ■; ■ 1631 1632 V 1633 11634 1635 1636 ■ - V 1637 ■ "• ■ . . 1638 ■, -If 1639 ■ w 1640 ■ .■ ■ ' 1641 1642 1643 •^ ■ 1644 ■ POULTRY. ^ * ■ '"■.■.-■ ■ '■ . • n SMtion 7.— PAIR OF G AME FOWiiS. / * PRIZES OFFERED : fiVi/ iVu«, $4 ; Second Jf^-ize. $2. John Bogue, London, Middlesex. • .John Bogiie, London, Middleaez. George D. JuTis, Tolront9, York. Andrew J^ Riddle, Toronto, York. Andrew J. Riddle, Toronto, York. John Ker,J^niinondville, Welland: Charlea No^e,' Whitby, Ontario. Charles Nourfte, Whitby, Ontiirio, Johta Wynn, St^ford, Welland. ■ : - ■ "■:■. -'■■ Rif^ard L. Denison, Toroiito, York. ^ Samuel Peters, sen., London, Middlesex. ~ Samuel Peters,, sen., London, Middlesex. ' Hannali.Addy, Toronto, York. Samuel Baird, Toronto, York. ' ^ i Section B.—TAIR OF JERSEY BLUES. C : PRIZES OFFERED : • Ftrsi Prize, $4 ; Second Prizes $2. John Bogue, London, Middlesex. . ' John Ker, DirummondTille, Welland* Samuel Peters, sen., London, Middlesex. * Samuel Peters, sen., London, Middlesex. Section d.^TAIR OF COCHIN CHINA, SHANGHAI, CANTON, OR BRAMAH POOTRA. ,■■.'%- • ■ . • ■■ PRIZES OFFERED : - ^ ' First Ihize, H', Second Prize, $2. 1645 John Ker, Di-ummondTille, Welland. 1646 Philip Armstrong, Toronto, York. ' 1647 Samuel Peters, sen., Lovdon, Middlesex. 1648 Samuel Peters, sen.,' London, Middlesex. 1649 John Hayden, Toronto, York.* 1650 John DixonfWeston, York. 1651 Henry Girouard, Hamilton, Wentworth. -^Section 10.— PAIR OF BLACK SPANISH FOWLS. PRIZES OFFERED : First Prize, $4 y Second Prize, $2. 1652 George Miller, Mwrkham, York. 1653 tfohn Bogue, London, Middlesex. ' ', ':-, ,. , ' 91 i^' jt^V { / \^ v%.. c 02 ■■.. ■ ' ^-■■-•' . ■ poutTBY. ,-;■ \." ■■^'"■:. 1654 John Bogue, London, Mid^MM. 1655 George D.Jamw, Toronto, York. 1650 John Ker, DruminondTille, Welland. J657 Oharlee Nouree, Whitbj, Ontario. . . 1658 Charles Nourse, Whitby, Ontario. 1659 George Scott, Woborn, York. , ' *" 1660 Samuel Poters, sen., London, Middlesex. 1601 Samuel Petew, een,, London, Middleaex. 1062 James Met«air, Eglington, York. * Section 11.— PAIR OF JAVA BLACK FOWLS. PRIZES OFFERED : V \ JVrit Prize, 9i; Second ^rize;t^. 1663 John Bpgue, Londo9, Middlesex. 1664 John Bogue, London, Middlesex. ' 1665 Ilenry Oiroaard, namittoit, Wentwortb. :>■ ' BeotionU^AJB, OF BOTTON BAYS. \^ tRlZES OFFERED: . Firii Prize, $4; Second Prize, «2. - 1666 Charles Nourse, Whitby, Ontario. 1667 Charles Noutse, Whitby» Ontario. Sectioti 18.-PAIRS OF BUTTON PRIZES OFFERED: «! Pint Prize, ^) Second Prize, t>2. 1668 John Bogue, London, Middlesex. 1669 John Bogne^, London, Middlesex. •' 1670 John Ker, Drummondville, Welland. !,* 1671 Charles Nourse, Whitby, Ontario. 1672 Charles Nourse, Whitby, Ontario. 1673 Samuel Peters, sen., London, Middlesex. 1674 Samuel Peters, sen., London, Middlesex. Section 14.— PAIR OF HAMBURGH FOWLS. \ PRIZES OFFERED : Pint Prize, $4; Second Prize, $2. .1675 John Bogue, London, Middlesex. 1676 John Bogue, London, Middlesex. "~r""~r-'. 1677 George D. Jarvis,' Toronto, York. 1678 Samuel Peters, sen., London, Middlesex. 1679 Samuel Peters, sen.. Londo n, Middlesex. ^ *^J ^ i -■•■y V POULTRY. .-^ Y Section 16.-PAIB OF DOMENIQ^K PRIZES OFFERED : > ' First Prize, $i; Second Friae, $2.- 1680 John Bogue, I^ioijoii, Middl«MX^ 1681 John Ker, Druinii»on4vnj«, Welland. 1682 Philip ArmstronR, Toronto, York. 1683 Samuel Petew, sen., London, Middlesex. 1684 Samuel Peters, sen., London, Middlesex. 1685 litinry Oirouard, Hamilton, WentiTorth. « "»5cewi| 16.V-PAHI OF FEATkER LEGaED bWKTAMS. x. ^•f: PRIZES OFFERED: X ; First Prize, %2 ', Second Prize, 9^ . 1686 Abel Wiloook, York. 1687 John Ker, Drummondville, WcUand. 1688 Cbades NoOxse, Whitby, Ontario.^ 1689 Charles Nourte, Whitby, Ontariof 1690; Jonas S. Barnes, St. Thomfts, Elgin. 1691 Samuel Peters, sen., London, MiddlesM. ' 1692 SamuelPet6rs,^n.,LondoK Middlesex. ^_ .1693 Saihuel Wood, Islington, York>x ^ . ^ 1694 Henry Girouard, Hamtlton, Wentworth. * '' 1695 ' Alex. Gerrie, Anca^ter, Weptworth. \^ Section n. -PAIR ok SMOOTH LEGGED BANTAMS. PRIZES QFFEpED : First Prize\t2 } Second Prize, 91. _ ."^ 1696 Alfred Jeffrey, WoodbridW York. 1697 John Bogue, London, Middlesex. 1698 John Bjpgue, London, Middwsex. ^ 1699 John K.er, Drummondviile, Welland, ^ 1700 Charles Nourse, Whitby, OntArib. , , 1701 Charles Nourse, Whitby, OntaW ""^ 1702 Samuel Peters, sen., London, Middlesex. 1703 Samuel Pefers, sen., London, Middlesex. 1704 Henry Girouard, Hamilton, Weniworth. 1705 E. C. Fearnside, Homilton, Went#iprth. Sertwn 18.-PAIR OP W^TE TURKEYS. ^ PRIZES OFFERI First Prize, U i Second\^rize, $2. 1706 Alfred Jefirey, Woodbridgc, York. 170T John Bogue, L ondon, Middlesex. / 7*' /■ €l y 94 POUiliTRT. 'V. 1708 John Ker, Drummondville, WelUnd. 1700 Bichard h. Denison, Toronto, York. 1710^ John Sh»ir, Toronto, York. 'N, X. 1711 1712 1718 1714 Section 19.— PAIR OF COLOURED TURKEYS. PRIZES OFFERED: Fir$tPrne,%i', Second rriie,fll. John Bogue^ tondon, Middleaex. John Ker, DrummondviUe, Welland. Adam Mather, Islington, York. > Alex. Grarie, Ancuter, Wen tworth . - • Section 20.— PAIR OF WILD TURKEYS. PRIZES OFFERED: ^ S, ;._ FititPrue, (4; Second Prite, $2. 1716 ^ohn Bogue, London, Middlesex. 1716 H.Girouard, Hamilton, Wentworth. ^\ ■I Section 21.^^ Am Qjf LARGE GEESE. PRIZES t)FFEllED: * Firtt Prite, %^\ Second Priee, $2. ^ . 171 7\ Robert Armstrong, Markham, York. 1718 John Bogu^ London, Middlesex. 1710 John Bogue, London, Middlesex. \^ i 1720 William Forfiu',Ellesmere, York. \ i 1721 N. k J. Bethell, St Catharines, Lincoln. 1722 N. ^b^. Bethell, St Catharines, Lincoln. ' 1728 George D. James, Toronto, York. 1724 John Ker, DrummondTille, Welland. 1728 Charles Nourse, Whitby, Ontan> 1726 Charles Noorse, Whitliy, Ontario. 1727 GeoiTgeCabout, Lind^y, Victoria. ; 172a John Dixon, Weston, York. *■'., Seetwn 22,— PAIR OF BREMEN GEESE. ^ /'PRIZES OFFERED: -7^ . JSwe iVfe«, $4; 1729 John Bogae, London, Middl^^ex. 1780 John Bogue, London, Middlesex. 1781 John K e r, DrummdndTill e , W e lland. — — ■ ■' ■ii*'-' X. ^\, 7 *rr -T'- ^\ rOULTRT. Section 28.-^PAm OF CHINESE GEE8E. PRIZES OFFERED: 1 Br$t rriit, t*; Second TrUt, ^. 1782 John Ker, DrummondvUle, Welltnd. 1788 R James Cowan, Gftlt, W»terloa NSw<^ 24.— PAIR OF MUSCOVY DUCKS. PRIZES OFFERED : - -— — lirH Price, $4 j Second Prite, t^. 7 — ^^ 1784 John Boguc, London, Middleriox. 1785 John Boguc, London, Middlesex. 1780 John Ker, Drnmmondvllle, Welland. 1787 Robert Currio, St Catherines, Lincoln, 1738 R. L. Donison, Toronto, York. 178&-Samuet Peters, sen., London, Middlesex. >• \ -5wOhtario. Samuel Peters, sen-Pr^lRlon, Middlesex Samuel Peters, sen., Loi^oti, Middlesex. Hannah Addy, Toronto, York. Hannah Addy, Toronto, York. Section 26.-^! 1740 1741 1742 1748 1744 1746 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 OF AYLESBURY DUCKS. FRIZES OFFERED: Brtt Priuir Hi Second Ptis^ |2. 1758' John Bogue, London, Middlese^^ ; flf A ^'' ; 1754 John Bogue, London, Middlesex. 1766 F. W. Stone, Guelph, WdUngton. ioorgo P. JamoB, Toronto, York. . Chiarlcfl Nourso, >Vhltby, OnUrio. CharlcH Nour«e, Whltl^, Ontwia, John Wynn, SUmford, WdUnd. *, SanuicI Potcrn, sen., lK)n(lon, MiddloMX. Samuel PpterA, son., London, Middlesex. Section 27.— PAIR OF POLAND DUCKS. ^ PRICES OFFERED! ' * JYf%7Vwe, $4 ; Second FHtce, $2. 17(12 .^John nogue, London, Middlesex, l7rtS> John Boguo, London; Middleso*. ' " " 1704 John Kcr, PrummondviUe, Welland. 1705 Samuel Potera, sen., London, Middlesex. 1760 John Shaw, Toronto, York. 1707 John OliTer, Toronto, York. " . Section 28.~PAIR OF ROUEN DUGKS. PI^IZE3 OFFERED : 1708 John Dogue, London, Middlesex. 1760 John Boguc, London, Middlesex. 1770 Frod'crick George-Nash, Niagara, Lincoln. 1771 Samuel Pef era,' sen., London, Middlesex. 1772 Samuel Peters, sen., London, Middlesex. • . Section 29.— PAIR OF GUINEA FOWLS. PRIZES OFFERED: Firit Prize, ti; Second Prize, $2. / 1773 John Boguo, London, Bfiddlesfix. 1774 John Kcr, Drummondville, Welland. 1775 R., L. Denison, Toronto, York. / 1770 John Dixon, Weston, York. 1777 >H.Girouard, Hamilton, Wontworth. * Section 30.— PAIR OF PEA FOWLS. , PRIZES OFFERED V " V Firtt Prize, M ; Second Prize, t2. ^ - 1778 John Kcr, DfummondvUlo, Welland. 1779 R. L. Denison, Toronto, Yoric • Jl80—JJuneaJLlessli£!,-To^mto,lYotk.- Bjj^iii. ^Sflffl"' 97 ^ POULTRT. Stction 81.-^BEST COLLECTION OP PIOBONS. PRIZES OFFERED : I^ril Prim, 94 ; Second PHft, |2. 1781 A iMlrow J. RIddcll, Toronto, York. 1783 (Jcorgo IIornHhaw, Toronto, York, 1788 Smmicl PetcrH, Hen., London MiddleMX. 1784 John Dixon, Wentoh, York. Siction 82.-LOT OP POULTRY IN ONE pl^L ownbd ^ BV BXHIDITER. ^ _^^pL p R I x E F F E R E D t — ^ ^ . 1^ • Six Dottart. . / 1786 Tohn Boguc, Uiidon, Middlesex. * 1780 Charles Nour«o,Whitb3< Ontario. • ■ 1787 Philip Armstrong, Toroijto, York 1768 Samuel Peters, sen., London, Middlesex > 1780 Henry Qirouard, Ifamilton, Wcntworth. / 8e,tion 38.-COLLECTION OP POULTRY IN VARIOtJS l^ijAStoL.8, BY ONE EXUIBITEB. . PRIZE OFFERED: Eight DoUar$. 1 John Boguo, London, Middlesex. ^ • 2 Johrx Kcr, DrummondvlIIo, YTeUand. ' •3 - Charles Nourse, Whitby, Ontario. .4 San(iuel Peters, sen., London, Middlesex. r> "cm-y Girouard, Hamilton, Wentworth. . Section 84.— PAIR OF RABBITa ,, PRIZE OFFERED : :: TicoDollaH: 1790 James Maines^ prampton. Peel. 1791 John Bogue, London, Middlesex. 1792 P. C. Abbott, Toronto, York. Section 35.-LOT OP RABBITS. PRIZE OFFERED: - Four DoUan. 1793 P . C . Abbott, Toronto, Yo r^ . "ft ' ■■»• "^ rouTHY. I'AIR ,f 1704 ■ " . .•' 1705 1700 *'^ 1707 1708 1700 1800 * 1^01 UJ ■ 1801 i 1802 1808 1804 1806 8«etim%S.—'niE FERGUS MEDAL— Bkht i-Xir (Cock AND IIkn) or DoMBBtIC FOWW, ANY UKEKl), IIUZK D . Hon. Adam Ferouhhon, PHIZES OFFKUED: Firtt Priit, Stiver Mxfal', SWnnd Prhe, Silver Mrdol. Alfred .IcfTVoy, WoodbriilRf, York. Edwonl JoiM'H, TlioroM, WolliuiJ. John Boguc, London, Middluttux. ; , John Boguc, (iOndon. Middlenqi^ - Jolin Doguc, London,- MiddlcHoni. F, W. Stone, Guolph, VVelllnKton. ^7" ' John Kcr, Drmnmondvillo, Wolland.,/ Charles Nourso, Whiiby, Ontario. ,'' * Charles Nonruo, WWthy,'Qritari(h' V Samuel PcterH, sen., LondoiJVJtfWdWiSVv ♦ Edward Arkland, OHhnwii, Ohtwm^., ;, Edward Arklnnd, Onhowa, Ontinoo*^. ' Henry, CI irouard, .Hamilton, WontwoWh. 5'we/o» 87— EXTRA ENTRIES, 1806 James >IameB, Brampton, Peel, pair of India Oaiie FowIb. ; 1807 Jo^^n Ker, Druwmondvillo, Welland, Fritiled F(iwl«. r 1808 John Ker, D^^mmondvillo, Welland, Canadian Red. 1809 John Ker, Druromondvillc, Welland, RumplMS Fowls. ' 1810, John Ker, Drummondvillo, Welland, Wild Geese, 1811 Charles Nourse, Whitby, Ontario, pair of Chlttognat FoW|«. 1812 S. Peteifs, sen., London, Middlesex, Golden-erested Ilomburgh. ; 1813 S. Peters, sen., London, Middlesex, Spring Chickens. 1814 S. Peters, sen., London, Middlesex, Golden ond Silver SeabriKht ' Bantams, Chickens. / •■V' ^■f-' w ■ ■i A X 1 [>CK : II ( right '■-^ DISTRIBUTION OF CLASSED If}^ SHEDS ANP'PENS. 1 * ' TA!BLE No. h ff. D. — Tht lif/trtnet fMler Uona White Placard at the end qf taeh Shtd. CATTLE. Durham DulU u, ., ^ 8h»d A. Durham Cow« ftoJ II«lf»r» .i.i„,i...*..M... .irrr.7T. .^i.,.iiv....r.r.... ♦• D. Detoh Dulli ,,„., ,,, , ,„..,.... •* C. DoTon OowM nn*l ileifera .,.,.. Bh«. Hereford Ilulli, ,. ..,.....'. •' CAD. nereforil Cows Ami ITetferi .", " CAD. Ayrihlre IJulli-... ...., /.. Hh,,] p_ Ayrihlre Cown and Ilolferi .;...,,........... „ .. Sheds E & F. Gollowny, Polled Angus and Aberdeen Bulli Bhed P., Oallowny, Polled Angus and Aberdeen Cows and Ileifert. Sheds E & F. Qrndes ,..- ' ' F»t Cattle Bhed 0. » G. SHEEP. Long-'Vrooled. A.^.,.,......... :,„. v^'tiotSWolds.v... M......... i, Oother Long- Wooded, not Leicester or CotswoldJ 8outhdo#n8 Choviots ... ^V • •••■• •••■ .7j>,.rrt:... Sheds II to H. .'........... •' Itol. ..........v "» J to J. ' " KtoK. „ ............. '• Lto. L. Other Medium-Woolled, not SouthdownrdrCilievlots . : •• Jk^to M. Merinos and Saxons..... .V... ;, " NtoK- Other FIne-Woollcd, not Merinos or Stxona ij... „. ... " to Ci Fat Sump Sheds P to P (West of the Exhibition Ballding), '.'■.■ PIGS." . ■;•■;•:;•:■-■ _ LargeJJrofids-YorlcBhirc.. ......Sheds Q to Q. Large Berkshires ,.... .. r »„ B. All othef Large Breeds <4 stoS. Small Bree||. .., , ^est of "Exhibition Banding. f"**'^" •• • - Sheds TtoT. Imported Berkshires All other Small Breeds..... " U to U. " >toV. ronltry .j. ......... .,.,.... .^^, .„,. „... , Shed W. V HOESES. ■^- -^ . I florses. .. Sheds XYZ. &&iy^jAltii£&-{sl4 \ t */ >w I # M i \ .\ '^^^"^ j^ m i\^