IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I IIIM IIIII15 ilM IIIII2.2 MO 12.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 -• 6" — ► ^c? % m. ' ^ /a ■-;■•.:. ^■, .v":. •• -5- ■ 16th Object to and have every one sworn who attempts to vote in the name of a dead or absent person. 17th If a voter refuses to take the oath required, see that his re- fusal is at once entered in the poll book so that he may not be again admitted to the poll. ^ec. 156. 18th When a voter believed to be favorable, receives his ballot paper from the deputy returning officer, if the latter does not clearly explain the mode of voting or make his mark the representative must see that he does so. ' 19th if a voter asks the deputy returning officer to assist him in voting the agent must make sure that the deputy returning officer places the cross opposite the name of the candidate for whom the voter wishes to v jte. Sec. 163. 20th Place the name of each voter as he comes in to vote, upon a list kept for that purpose. 21th Warn voters that they have the right to vote even when someone ha^i provisiously voted in their place by falsely using their name. Sec. 167. . .;;,.:. ,.> ..■,;,.-.„ .'^-i .■.:•. ,r.- .,i-::",vi:-/,. , 22th If a voters f polls, l^ears or destroys his ballot paper by accident, he can obtain another from the deputy returning officer, by returning the spoiled one, if by so doing he does not disclose how he votes. Sec. 166. 23th If during the voting, there appears to be a movement on foot to seize the ballot boxes notify the friends outside at once. Also, call .'-''.-'■'.■''' 1-1 - ■- ■ lirf ■ iiii a^i fill , - -6- attentiou to any irregularity which you see committed in the poll house and notify the returning officer of it. Watch eveiything that happen during the voting and on no account allow yourself to be absent at any time. 24th The voter who cause the mark on his ballot paper to l)e known loses his right to vote. Sec. 171. 25th No more than two agents have the right to vote on the certi- ficate of the returning officer, in the poll 'louses in which they are act- ing as agents. Sec. 175. 26th If it is wished simply to prove the iden- Hy of the voter, it will be sufficient (after the oath has been taken) to ask him the first, of the cpiestions mentioned in the formula of. the oath. Sec. 158. PERSONS WHO CANNOT VOTE 27th The following cannot vote : A. The judges of the Supreme Court, Court of Exchequer, Court of Queen's Bench, and of the Superior Court, judges of Sessions, District Magistrates and Recorders. B. Clerks of the Crown, Clerks of the Peace, Sheriffs, registrars, Crown land and timber agents, (collectors of provincial revenue, and the officers and men of the provincial police. Sec. 13. I — 7 — 28th The followinjj^ cannot vote : (a) Contractors having a contract with the government of (Canada or with that of the Province of Quehec, which was not completed and closed at least six months l)efore polling (iay. (b) Those who have taken an oath of allegiance to a foreign power or have become naturalized in a foreign country. (c) All persons other than proprietors (as designated in art. 2 of par. J 6 of the Electoral Act) whose names are on the voters list, but who for over a year and a day have left their domicile in the Pro- vince of Quebec, to live in the United States, unless they have retur- ned to the country with their families and intend to remain in it. Sec. 14. 1 AFTER THE POLLlSn 29th As soon as the voting is finished pay strict attention to the opening of the ballot hox to see that nothing is put into it. 30th When the ballots are taken out of the box don't lose sight of them for one instant uiitil it has been decided for which candidate they are to be counted. 31th Object to the admission of ballots in the following cases : ;^/-*^<- 7S3 5o ■" (a) If they have not been initialed by the deputy returning offi- cer. (b) If they are not similar to those furnished by the deputy re- turning officer. ; . (e) If they are marked otherwise than by a cross. {(1) If, besides the cross, there is any writing or any mark which could serve to identify the elector e, g, a second cross, a straight line, etc. But it would be well to make no definite objection before the counting of the ballots is finished, in order to see if the objection will turn for or against us. 32th Insist that the deputy returning officer note the objections and mark, on the back of the ballot that tney have been made, and the number of the order of this objection, etc. Sec. 185. 33th As soon as the counting of the ballot is finished make* the deputy returning officer give a certificate of the number votes given for each candidate, and of the number spoiled for each of them, and take good care of said certificate. 34th As soon as the counting is finished go to the central com- mittee or wherever the representatives of the candidate have agreed upon. I* 4ti .^•^.; '■s'-^:'^ iu; 3^