.^'Vj ^'^> "^> ^^^^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ^ // {/ yf<° C^x m K< m. 1.0 I.I 1111.25 l^|28 2.5 1.8 R 11 1.6 V] <^ /i ^ "c^l J*.. -7," or other the law for the time being regulating Municipal ''jlections. 2.) It shall state the holding and result of the election, and shall briefly state the facts |^nd grounds relied on to sustain the prayer. 3. The petition shall be divided into jiaragraphs, each of which, as nearly as may be, shall be confined to a distinct portion of the subject, and every paragraph shall be number- ed consecutivel} , and no costs shall be allowed of drawing or copying any petition not sub- stantially in compliance with this rule, unless otherwise ordered by tlie Court or a Judge at chambers. •1. The petition shall conclude with a prayer, as, for instance, that some specified person should be declared duly returned or elected, or that the election should be declared void, or that a return maybe enforced (as the case maybe), and shall be signed by all the petitioners. 5. The following form, or one to the like effect, shall be sufficient: — ii [2] V IHi^ In the Supremo Court of British Columbia Bcribod. ■- • • '*"'' "■■ "f • "^ til" f'Hs.! limy be] whoso naraos are sub- petitionor], <»u ,vo eitcaonj, aud jour potitiou.-r FJ. [hor.' stito u, Ukc m;mn-r tho rinht of each 2 And your petitioners state that the election was holdou on the dav of . .. i Lvel^otSv'^"*^-'-'"'^''-^"'''''^^"^^^^^^^^ -^ that A. B. and C. D. h.n. b. A t'.t usu U nl r.- deda,.! S be (Sigurd) A. B. r/ to iusur . i . V ^ n? S f ^' i^f ^.»T*''''i7 *° P"*^^*^"* '^^•I'"^^ '""^ unnecessary expense, ana to insure a tair and effectual trial, in the same way as in ordinary Droceedin.'s in tliP r Wll,aT:'\,:H i"^"" T^ nr^ l? ^%^'^^^-^ -^^^^ ««-•-- as lnayT^oXe.^^ "^ *'" had a mZiiv^o awJ;7T'*lT"*'^ ^°*' "", unsuccessful candklate, allegin, hat he unless tKi-o?^r?s n M ^° ?«' «^^P^"-tj «o>"pl^}ning of or defondins the election shall. f^,i ;^ 1 ^^"""^S^ o\"i« application be satisfactori y set forth in his petition six d'.vs I.p by thrSi7!;r"ff l"''T^' --"\"— J^ finle^as may be a ^^ih^I^n ha tlS Pnnf^t>i i ^ by the petitioners and respondent, as the case may be the petition Re'r^it ar oi 1 ^IZ fT'n' °^- "^''"'l""" *"f^^^ ^^^'^^^ ^'^^^^ «^' «1'^«-^ '^^ votes, and the col'cei ltd in no tfl ^ f iff''' inspection and office copies of such lists to a 1 p uties nf .,w ° '? """"' l'«i'«"'. liilumls to give oviileiico to Drovo tliat tlie election Sre^n y K:;-e ^ fh ^^'"^"f^^'^* «( ^^ °^i-ti- *« tlJe election not sin^^S in t i ments of Hie- ist > . i ^""/^V?!' ^'^•'^"'l«^^ '^* chambers, upon such terms as to amend- 9 Witli lie n ; i'r, ^ ?';i;"'"^ "^ he inquiry, and payment of the costs, as may be or.lered. h. fl. P^'^ tion p.; itioners shall leave at the office of the Registrar a writin-' si.nipd ati itTin Hie's""'"" ''n'^'^'v ^^ *^ "'^"^'^ °^ «"'"« person en tl^ Tife^e^sa^^ tliev STf ,! t .^''P'?'"" ^''"'^ ^vliom they authorize to act'as their a^ent, or stat n.: Ilmt Mil... tn,ai th, I u,t O.hcd, at which notices addressed to th.Mn maybe h:,ft; and if no s K'h writing ijc left or idd notices and proceodinirs iniv 1 ress given, tlieii notice of obj..ction to the reclxniisai lings iniv be L'iven bv sti.-l.-ii.,,- im f1w> o...»,."*- ii.. iccss, am lall given by sticking up the same at the Registrar's other office J^J:^^i^\^':'l^^"f^^ 1h3 is elected send r,;e^'son' n/if I 1 ; •' H'g.strar a writing. sigiuMl by him or on his behalf, appointing Si^rJ^ o '^^,':: Vm ''' "' =7;'«orney in the Supreme C'.nirt, to act as his agJn\ in ^ eUher c e i , n ' l' ""^^ ■'" n' "'" '^\^'"- ^'"^^ '''' "^^^'"'^^ *" '^«t f'"' l'i>««<^lf. ="^1 in be left ^r in "f ''" •/■""' '/" "^ ^T'''' *''^" ^'^^^ ^'«^'« '"^t which notices may notices .Ml , • "^ *'"''' '^r'ti"f.' iHnng left in a M-eek after service of th.M.etition tti:^JT:^:t^ "'" '" «^""' '^^^^ ^•'^■'■"•^ -^I-tively by sticking up HiJilmHt cuesses and tiie names ot agents given under either of the preceding rules, which book sUiiil be open to inspection ])y .-uiy person d iiring (>!H<-e hours. [3] tor M-]iirh sffur tv is v,>nniiv(l l.v fli,. «•.;,! \..t .. i a: '-"^'lo* . c'i*'it'<»i. tor the purposes MMV 1... .■<,i.v,.i,i,.„t. "^ ' ' -' •'"' "'" «"'-''ti'>s. rc.'o-niz.'Uices by one ii- more fis .■l.un,.ls. la,,,l UU.1 t,.n..„u.„ts, to th. „s.. of ,„„■ " i S .v.,vi.„ iv 1 1 O^ ;';";, ;'U"!'"ry' '•'"•'"^"^"] ««"J« and llir coiulitioii of tills ivco.'iiiyiiicc is Hiif if fl, -,, i„ ,* .i ' ,,■, I' '"' "" '"* "'"1 successors. to lie void, "otherwise to staml in fiili' force" ■''^''<' ■' -,1 aeknou,e,l.ea .,, tlu. al.>ve-ua,nea [uu.ne of sureties] oSle' ,l,.y of ^"'"T"' "'.iS^'nJe, A Tiistico of the Peace [or ns the case may be.] l.,-?ni(';lr'n!r,',"H,'"''''''" .'"•,.';<""'«"'»'"«•« »l>nll l>o loft ivltlio Registrar's offlco, by'oron -1- rii«' tunc for o-iving notice of diiv objection to a recognizance shall he wifli,-,i fl^^ txclusne ot the .Lty of service, or stu-h fnrthor time as shall be specially ordered by t£ fhetn'.H; "^•J''*-'*""' ^^* ;li^' '>^';o^'iii/ance must state the f,'round or grounds thereof as that 1 e .sureties, or any and which of them, are instiflicient. or tlmt a s.irefv is dead or tha £ Ksamor ^'^"''^^' "^' ^^-* '^ person named in the recognizance lias not\l3ySrlS|^ [4] 23. Any objection iniulo to tlw security shall bo heard und (Unuded by th J UeKistrur , snu- ject to appeal v -"thin live days or at the expiration of sueh further tune so ^iKU-uilly allowed as., aforesaid, to a Judf,'e upon summons taken out by either party to decian^ the security sufficient or insufficient. . . . 24. audi hearing and decision may be either upon affidavit or personal examination ol witnesses, or both, as the llegistrar, or Judge may thinli tit. 25. If by order made upon such summons tht^ .-iiuMirity b.* declared siilhcieiit, its suttici- ency shall be deem"d to be established within tlie meaning of the Act, and the i)etition shall be at issue. i i n •». i i 20, If by order made upon such summons an objection \w allowed and tiic security l)(^ de- clared insufficient, tht; llegistrar or Judgt* sliall in such order state what amount he deems requisite to make the security sufficient, and the further prescrilxnl tiimi to remove; the oO- jection oy deposit shall be within tive cially ordered, and such deposit slinll he made in the mannei already prescribed. . . , n i 27. The costs of hearing and deciding the obj.'ctions made to the security given shall be paid as ordered by the Registrar or Judge, and in default of such order shall torni part ot the general costs of the petition. i .■ • ik • t 28. The costs of lusaring and deciding an objection upon the ground ot msuthciency ot a surety or sureties, shall be p lid by the petitioiuu', and a clause to that etl(>ct shall be insert- ed in" the order declaring its sufficiency or insufficiency, unless at the time ot U>aying the re- cognizance with the Kegistrar there be nlso left with tin! llegistrar au alhd'ivit of the suttici- ency of tlie suretv or sureties sw(n-ii by each surety before a justice of the peace, which affidavit any justice of the peace is hereby authorized to take, or before some pers(ni author- ized to take alHdavits in the Supreim; Court, that he is seised or possessed of real or person- al estate, or both, above what will satisfy his debts, of the c-lear value ot the sum ten- which lie is bound by his recognizance, which affidavit may be as follows:— III the Supivnio Court. , . ... ,, . tm *; ., n Victoria Mnnicinal CoriKU-ation Onliiiaiic... 18(17, [or other tlu' .\ct rcKulatin- Munuipa. Llrrtioi s]. I. A. IJ., ot[nsiu ro.M,'iiiz;m,:cOm:Uvr oath ami siy that I am auirtu.l or posscsscl of r.al [or pcrsonalj ostntf above what will satisfy iiiv ilihts, of the clear value of it* Sworn, &e. 29. The order of the llegistrar for pavmeiit of costs shall have the same force as au order made bv a Judi-v, and mav be made a rule of thi' Supreme Court and enfcnred in like manner as a Judge's order. The general costs of the Petition shall be the costs ])ayal)le in a cas(; at ni.si pri^s or as near thereto as the Registrar or an appeal ])y summons, the Judge in his discretion shall pi escribe. 30. The time <.r the trial of each municipal election petition shall be tixed l)y tlie Jutlge or any one of them, who sliall siguifv the same to the Uegistr.ir and notice thereof shall be given in writing by the Registrar bv sticking notice u]) in his office, sending one copy by post to t\w address given bv the petitioner, another to the addrisss given by the respondent, if any, aild a copy by the post to the to.vn clerk of the municipality to which the petition re- lates", with or without au advertisement in some hJeal newspaper or by advertisement alone at discretion of the Judge, a reasonable time befoi" the day ai)pointed for the trial. 31. The sticking u]) of the notice of trial at the ottiee of the Registrar or the publication by order in a uewsi)apor, shall be deemed and takcm to be notice iii the prescribed manner within the meaning of the ordinauce, and such uoticte shall not be vitiated by any miscar- riage of or relating to the copy or copiers th<>reof to be scmt as already directed. 32. The notice of trial may be in the following form: — Victoria Municipal Corporation Ordinance. 18C7, [or other Act rcKulatiut,' Election Petitions]. Elortiou petition of Municipality of ^, , , , „^ „„ ., 'lake notice' that the above petition [or petitions] will he tried at on the day of and on such other subsequent days as may be needful. Dateil the dav of „■■,,-, Signed by order, A. B., Registrar or Deputy Registrar. .3:1. \ .ind.-e mav fr.>M) time to time, bv order made upon the applicatlou of a party to the petition, or by notice in such form us^the -Judgi' may direct, to be sent to the clerk of the Municipuhty, pjslpone Ike begmnmg ol tho tnal to such day he may name. ,^ arrived at the ipBo facto stand [5] tif aj^lt*^^^^^^^^ i« to take p„ce not having adjourned to the ens«i„K day, at 11 of the o'ocTanrSao from "'™?''-f «»«"* of the trial shall T] 35 No formal adjournmont of tho Court for tl. , flini „7 f-""! dav to day. ' 3^ r.. .,,1. „, .,„ c„„, ,.,„ ,„, .,. „,„, „, . ,.„„,^,_., ,,^^„__^ .__ 'Supremo Court of Hriti«h Cohimbia. " and .t shall be HufH.ient so to entitle all proceedings in that Court 4.^ or 1. r of the Court to .ompe. the attendance of . ....son as a witness may be in the following forn>- T„\^:'ir[, ;:.W,,;,Vo nerS"' 'V^t '""l "^ ^^""'"P^' J-^'-""" P"«"'>n Lbriefly describe! the I-*"-. -'1 to attend the said (..urt, until ;-..ur:x:rn:;;]n'sh;dl Ce Sn'com^S '" ''""""^' °' ^'^'^ «^^ it T., n . .: , . ^" ^'•' J^^KiHtrar or Judge. AtaHittingofth...Snprrni,. Court holden on at f„, m » • , , "hiouowb. Minnicipabty of |„,f„re .\. IJ ,. .j,,,],,,, „/ „,• -,,",,. '^"^ J'"' *"'>! of a municipal election petition for tho ""wi„s,!'T,"',"'',','- ■*'■' r ■'»'"Vitai.°,"i":',.;r,;.j.''''"'""' "■ "■" ™°"" «"»-*»■ c.,£mr fct -t.. ...s cMody. and that he shal. t.e detained in the lii.r^aS^pVrTi^L.^Jarli^rl^^lenr^'^ ''"' ""^'^ ^- ^- Signed the day of ^- ^- , shall fhem. over th.> procuH,!li,.l; n ler U.o Vic oHa Mnn ±t'p ^'^" ^^"" '^^ *^^^ «'^°^« '^'^"t^'^l other tho iLv whid, shall foitie^^^ Corporation Ordinance, 1867, [or Judge at Chambers in t o ir L V moceS SI n^^ "'f ^^''^^ «^ P^^^t^^^^] ^^ a wise subject to such cond t^bns as ? !f?';'"f''x .«^»^«« ^^st shown and as to costs and other- plicatioti fcH' leave to wiZr^^^^^ i^^^- Notice of an ap- their agent. ^viuuiiaw apetition shall be in writing and signed by the petitioners or ^n^^S'^'"'''''^^^ [;;;^^ the law regulating Municipal Election Petitions.] ^S^^^^^T^-^ Mlowin^-^d Chere state the ground, and (Signed) 4.. The notice of application for leave to withdraw shall be left at the Registrar's office. [0] ^i^'^&S'^::ln:^l^^ ^''''T' *« T^'^ f- '--o to withdraw ciimlity, .Hi shall be^W nvftl pu^^^^^^^^^^ ^'V**' "'« ^^^'^'k "f tlio mmu- lating in tho place. l>ubli8liocl by tlio petitioner in at least one newspaper oircu- The foll.nm„ nmy bo the form of hiu-I, noti,.,., or to th. liko ..froot^ lu a.„^uS.^:;^i; K'^''-"-^ -^. C ' ^.M;;!,. r .,„.in. Municipa, Election Petitions , Not,,.... ,s h..n.hy Kiv,.n, tlmt tho above .T' .„,.r l.,.s on tC '""■ '""', '•"^'.""-'""t- ■■ offlcc „otu.o of „u uppl ..ation to withdraw th. p.t i,.,, of whirh notion »1, . ^f " • • ''^''"""' "' "'" K'>Bi«trar'8 such notice is publi-sijod by the rXrai / fH ,• ?^ "'r'"'' ""'' '^^. '^''' " ''^' "'•'^^'•'^'•^ '^ftor bis belmlf, to thn lio^'istmi^ f his tl^^ "• ^''''^''r' ^'«'»"^ ''^- •'*'" "" petitioner, but the want of sue not ce s 11 no' ' 1 :f .'^ *'" '"'"■' , ' ^•^. ''^ «"'>--titutc.l for the the hearing. " "'''^ ^'*''" ""* '^^'^^''^t •'*"''b nppl.cition, if in fact made at 8 wli l» give,, t„ „„i ,,o,»„„', ,": ; ; i' ', * ' '""';;';',' l''»'»; -l 'M f..r lI.o hc.a.'i,,^ plica ■„„ to will„l,.a>v a' potill,,,, „ „] the SI , it i,, ll, T " r"";:'' "'' " '",""■" "' '"' "l- Uo :rt «.■ a J,„ls,, at ch,.lal„;rs, ,y „,otio„ ,, , , '^ a,.,,!,,.,!,,.. ,„,.j I,.. ,„,.,I„ to tl„> P't,t,o„i.r, shall bo o„i. <-ai,„„iar „o»tl ,, , sn " .•■l'»>'>b.u», to b, s„bs,it,ito,l as a spocal ci.c,.,^,„„..,. t,,,. C,.,„.t o,- a'y;;,,; aTd . ^ , ' ;;^ ilf,,,;;.""" '™-''-«".' of .>"V !-;p .li.y bv c „„i„g .„e|, ....tioJlV, lop ,u:'ri'"Sf '"',:'"'''■'' "' "'" '"f "' ""•■ '"°"i- it ai,y, a„,l bv oavii,.- , ctoi>v of si„-li „„i , .'"''^V'"" iionsi.apor c-,iv„lat„iK thoroiu, po'L ti,?;„uS;a;;V'o b;l'!:i,:?;\:;i'j;";[:»«^ ■""«-' «»' i- .'oe» „ot i,„e„,, .„ op. s;^.aeop,tho.on,tho;-tt;u;L;t;i!rr-.^ll:;--i,s^raSt;s .ud!„SSotgit,''!:i''E,;Lt;f ;;;,',':t;r .;3""'r,'"' ■:!•"" '"•,»■■'"■" '"- "»>■» ""-r ehambors miiy allow. "Hi'i-toil, o, si.eli otl,„r hint- as tho Court or Judge at whlci,Sfrsl:a,.':";:?.r;,;,^^*LS^w£„ ?'''■■'/'''■ -t "' °'""' ■"■•T-'Iko'^ order bv upou Iho rule of Coult-ordo,-ing tho,u to ll„aid or 7^ '>« ■"'""red by oxocutiou issuoa by making „,ob order a rule of 0™ ,1^01';^,^''^"'°,'!^ "!° <"■'" "' " •'"''B". ">e" order of the c/ourt or a .Tu.tg^'l'itL'ruX'rilr/^iil-f 'L'tlT'oT'c^Lf"'' -"""^ "^ ^5}£t'7if«*'^^'i»'"S;itS.^^^^ ...l»M«.~.li„». ..„ „A«. tor.., not,ces and prooeediug, upS^r^^J 'XTCtS^? f'L'r^^l ^^^^^ [7] otW Ss'S*!ffi,T'^.;!'u:i't;;;.'''"'';'^^' i^"^i--*-" «-linance, 1807 or any aofoatod by any f,,rmHl ..hjfi'tion '^ ''^"•'''*" '^""'"'f"^' ^^'^'^^'on Potitions. slLlb^ ma.lo or .lone l>v or l.ofol't , I ,1'' ) ':;!,'; 7, "^ '" "^ "- Itegistrar of the Court, maybe '^'s*!;;;'^''''''?":?'''" '" - --•^y «:»;[;;:: ;:;Llr ""' "'^"^ ''^^« -^^ validity, La vr^iiJ^Z:^::;! 'i^i^^t- ;!;!;:;;^/;!|;L!rl;;L.T'ft'^' "l^"^^*7 ^^*^*--. -^^ the oases, m an, boforo the SuVn^n.^cv,;,; :;';;; "j' ■ '"".lo ancl done as in ordinary 60. In ad.lition to thi) or.lin.irv ino,l, J ;>f * i^' • /'""'^''■^ tl'^'reof. -^ (^onunissiondobenonssocnltll-^r ;:, ;t^^ -idonce nnw be taken by hereafter be p,j^scd for^l^ r:^J::iiZ^'Ct:^;t>^^^ 'li"^ ^'^^ ^'"^h sha!! bo v.did and of full authoritv' until the f rtl e^ Lr /i " P^^'"':*'"" ^"t^«"«' ^^^^ «J»^" fnrther Order, Ilnl(.s or Ke-nilutions shill n, f 1. Iv ' ! ^ ""'"*' "'"^ «" ^^r «9 any such or any of then.. '^ "''*'" ""^ ''^ve repealed, varied or amended the same HENRY P. PELLEW CBEASE, J. Supreme Court, 10th March, 1875. '^^"^ HAMILTON GRAY, J.