IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) /APPLIED J IIVUGE . V c ^as 1653 East Main Street _^^m Rochester, NY 14609 USA ,^^= Phone: 716/4S2-0300 ^ST'.ar^ Fax: 716/288-5989 e 1S93. Applwd Image. Inc . All Rights R«s«fved !»rk«l in th. «*, rf S,*^"^" '^« '•'•■ ■"*". wi it i. m«t inohee in the turnips on Jum 22nd. ^''^ ***" ^"^ 20th. and DI.Uno.betw«.nrow.. " :?^!!!:?p^!!^^ Swede turnipa. | Mugeb. 16 inohee. 34 inohee. 88 inohee. 37.89 28.66 28.78 the'J.^ive'*thet4;t*^^^^^ ''eith wfetj. **" '^ **'»^'» ^bich can be followed Conclusiom. 8 2. That while the average yield of the 14 dietinotively lopg varietiee of mangels waa 062 bushels per acre, that of the 6 globe varieties was but 747 bushels. *vf • '^} **i? ^^ yielding varieties of potatoes tested at tus station for the past two years are also possessed of Kood edible qualities. * 4. That for quMitity and quaUty of fodder and earliness m maturiM the Oompton's Barly, Wisconsin White Flint. LeanuMf Yellow and Wisconsin Yellow Dent are probably the most suitable for the silo among the 36 varieties tested here for the past three years. t /?•>. '^^* *" **^ **'** *^® mangels grown on the level gave 10.4 per cent, more of an increase than when grown on If' t^ii h <""®r®nce with the turnips and sugar beets Distribution of Seed. Partieg deairous of obtaining seed of any of the leading varieties of field roots and corn grown at this station, for purposes of testing, should apply for circular, which contains all necessary information in reference to this department of the work of our Station.