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Gilpin, Jr., Ll.D... F.G.S., F.R.S.C., &c. (Deputy Comijiisaioner and Inspector o( Mines, Nova Scotia.) Read before the Nova Seo/ia Miniwj Society, June meetinij, 1S93. These brief notes are internled only to bring to the notice of the members of the Society an occurrence of manganese in a form which is, I think, new in this Province, and of an interesting specimen of zinc ore. In the CMse of the former, samples of rock were brought to me from Whitehead, in 'jiiysboio' County, which had excited the curiosity of the di.sciverek the readiness with which pieces of it fused in an ordinary fire, ii is ready fusibility of certain rocks is not generally known, and is usually considered a mark of the presence of some valuable metal. In this case the metal was, for some reason unknown to me, considered to be zinc. The rock, a sample of which is sub- mitted, is light brown and grey in color, weathering to a light drab. It is hard, brittle and subgranular in texture. The sample shows a folding in the shape of the letter S, and has crevices, apparently due to the folding, filled with crystalline matter slightly darker than the surrounding rock. The samples, although tesembling in a general way the rocks called felsites, had features of novelty about them, and I sent some to Mr. Leckie, manager of the Londonderry Iron Works, and the analyst of the company. Mr. Smaill, was kind enough to make a par- tial analysis (if it. He reports that it contained : — iiliea 7025 Alumina 1 5 25 Manganese oxide 9 25 Iron oxide Small quantity. Lime " Magnesia ' Zinc ... none. The remainder being probably tnoisture, with some potash, so Ja, carbonic acid, etc. Having disposed of the zinc theory, the presence of manganese became inlere.sting. Presumably the manganese present is in the form of a bi-silicate of manganese, such as rhodonite, and that the greyish red or brown color of part of the sample may be due to the partial penetration of the rook by some carbonate of lime, manga- nese, etc. Dana, in his Mineralof>y, does p ., yive any analyses of the varieties of the silicates in any way resembling that under con- sideration. Allowing for the presence of a certain amount of free silica, as is usually the case in rocks of the class under considera ^ ^£^- ■ , _,\^ , ^- /^^'l^^'f .7^ , _^^_;5^ ^J *: %^i _.; ^ ^: tion, the analyses given by him of orthoclast, present a parallelism with the exception of the absence of potash and the presmce of manganese, the typical composition of this iniueral beinj,' : — Silica 64 60 Alumina 185() Potash 16-90 It would appear probable that the mangunese has replaci-d nearly all the potash. The addition of moisture and free silica, and the replacement of purt of the alumina and potash by the Htnall quan- tities of iron, lime and magnesia would give a compound almost identical with that before you. A '1 the analyses of nrthoclase given on pages 356 to 361, of Dana's Mirjeralogy, have silica CDnteiits of from 64 to 75 pereentum, and contain iron, magnesia, lime, soda, etc., in varying amounts up to about four per cent. The same may be said of the possibility of the mangane.se having replaced the soda in an albite, the typical composition of which is : — Silica 68 6 Alumina 196 Soda 118 In this case also the other foreign oxides would have replaced part of the soda and alumina. It appears thut feldspars are altered by the action of wat' rs con- taining carbonic acid, or alkalies, or rendered acid by the decompo- sition of sulpliurets. The cninpletion of a course of decomposition of" feldspar by the agency of water containing caibonic acid is the formatioti ot a kaolin, or hydrous silicate of aluiidna ; but theie are many intervening steps modified by circi'iistances. Thus the pre- sence of lime, iron, etc., leads to chaii'^es in composition, foiming one or more links in the process. In the case before us it would ap- pear that the mineral most convenitnit or most applicable has re- placed the potash or soda, and marks an impoitant change in the ultimate decomposition of the rock. The following analyses given by Dafia, of minerals resembling most closely in their silica and alumina contents the simple from Whitehead, may be -of interest : — I. All>ite 71-60 •_'. do 70-68 3. Siiiiadin 67.4'J 4. Microlin 66 '9 5. Felsite 71-17 6. Pumice 7000 Professor Lawson has kindly handed me an analysis uf " Rhooi- liohedral Feldspar" occurring neiir Rome, \>y Jameson. This is ap- parently a Lepidomelane with mnsf. of the iron replad-d by man- aiid liuH-. a 1 < 3 1 i '5 ■r. J3 O 1 is 14-7.5 1-41 trace 1 -06 10-(«) •32 19 -80 •11 •23 9-06 16-88 •2-83 •15 2-77 -43 io-r)5 17-8 -6 -(> c-s 8-3 13-6 1-40 •i -4 3-19 ^•o 16-00 •-)0 2-r)0 (i-50 30 ganese ^<<. I' J lii W WMm |Wii ? ult of surface decomposition and erosion has been leached out liom it and deposited in the joints and fissures. It is to be regietti;d that, analyses of the country rock were not given The mode of occiinenceof the on; de.scribe I by Mr. Halse is that usually affect <1 by manganes-, and a good example may be seen near the Salmon River of Truro. The (ithei- sani[)le is a compDund containing zincite, red oxide of zinc; Kiankiiiiitc. an iron bl'iok ci'uipound uf iron, ma'igamse and zinc; and WiHemite, a whiti-h silicious oxide of zinc. r- T^r^^r W!ii §^M:jch'i''^&M£!^jAtti^^ a'*- ^; '^^^^,^'-'•14 1 This was found at Forrest Glen, on tlie line of the survey of the Stewiacke and Lansdowne railway, by Mr. T. Ritchie, civil engineer. The samples were submitted to Mr. Fletcher of the CJeolofjical Sur- vey, He expres.sed a doubt as to the .specimen beinj^ from any local deposit on account of its strunj,' re.semblance to the New Jersey ore. Mr. Ritchie, however, assured me that he had i.ade full enquiry, and was .satisfied that the sample had not been introduced, but was actually discovered. I give the occurrence as of interest on account of the rarity of zinc ore in the Province of Nova Scotia. It is found in small quantities in ilie gold bearing quartz veins, as tiaces in man- ganiferous ores, and occasionally in the carbonate ores of the coal measures. In New Jersey, at both Franklin and Sterling, these three ores occur together, and in such quantity as to furnish an important ore of zinc. If, on further examination, the authenticity of the occur- rence at Forrest Glen is confirmed, and the float traced to its source, an important addition may be made to the list of our mineral resources. ^ -^ I w i • ', t • 5#^^ "f*- - * ■.'?-