T ■i kO IS THE £^ fEAS AND NAYS POLLED IN ME DllKlN ACT CAMPAIGN IN TORONTO. REFT I.LT COMPARED WITH THE OFFICIAL RETURNS. WITL' INTRODUCTORY REMARKS AND EXTRACTS OF .^EECHES DELIVERED DDRIN& TEE CAMPAIGN, WITH AN APPENDIX. TOSOIf^TO: " THE LEADER " STEAM JOB PRINTING OFFICE. 1877. ,#^ f- LBS "* 1* Xr E I^^4. CIC #• The Committee having charge of the publication of this little work intended for the use of the trade alone, while bespeaking for it the patronage of their friends, deem it ri^ht to offer a rew j)ref vtory remarks explanatory of the origin of their connection with it. Shortly after the close of the memorable compaigu which ended in the rejection of the Dunkin By-law in August last, a desire was pretty generally expressed for the publication of the names of those who voted on the question. At a general meeting of the Licensed Victuallers Association on the 28th September, it was unanimously resolved, that 500 copies of a list of all who voted " Yea " and " Nay " be published. Such pubUcation will to a large extent serve the purpose of a City Directory, and has become all the more desirable from the circumstance that the opposing party are said to have now in prepara- tion, a pamphlet designed to exhibit the amount of property and wealth represented by those who voted for the Bill. We are content that they possess the majority of dol'ar>>, we hold a more precious possession, the confidence and support of the majority ofT/i^n, the bone and sinew of the community. Let them boast of the money ipower, we take pride in holding the votim power. But we dispute, at the same time, their pretensions to the pos- vsession of the bulk of the wealth of this city. Be that as it may, our Opponents ought to appreciate our liberality in printing free of cost ito them, what they consider thei? minority roll of honour, need we say how much higher we prize our own beyond all comparison ? We would further explain how this work has assumed much larger proportions than originally intended. It will be remembered that during the progress of the Dunkin agitation, reports of meetings and speeches on either side were read with great avidity by the ublie at large, and even yet the interest thus excited is far from aving died out. Considering how difficult it is to obtain anything ike an unbroken file of the City dailies outside of the printing offices, t was thought that a condensed collection of reports of the most interesting gatherings and addresses might be worth republishing in It more permanent form, and serve in after times, as a reflex of the Stmtiments and arguments of the chief actors on this stage, a kind of little Hansard in the shape of a preface to the main record. While attempting this, the Committee regret the necessity they have been under, after collecting materials at considerable pains, of giving but mere abstracts or outlines of the addresses deUvered. The briefest retrospect of thfe situation at this time can only be ttempted, and in the words of one of the Committee in a public tter to the ratepaycs on the 21st of August. — " At a time when e country is suffering from the effects of a prolonged depression trade and business scarcely paralled in the previous history of nada, a mischievous agitation of many months duration, like ttie -inous sounds which precede the hurricane, has at length burst on you in all its violence, culminating in an extraordinary ele 'on ich has now for a fortnight convulsed the community, L lU ar witness that we are not to be held responsible for any of the ils and losses, or for the serious derangement of the business and ustries of this city, which have resulted and continue to result m this prolonged and exciting contest. In addittion to business rangements, long years will scarcely heal the bitterness of feeling allay the animosities between neighbours and friends evoked by unprovoked conflict." IV. PREFACE. Early in the sprinpf our opponents seemed arming for a serious conflict, but had not yet fullv unmasked their batteries. One of their speakers declared their determination, "to make war upon the Licensed Victuallers.' Other attacks followed. In answer to these, two or three vigorous letters from Mr. James Whyte, King Street, and from the pen of a " Licensed Victualler," and others, appeared. The Dunkin flag was at length run up, and the following requisition presented in due form, asking for the submission of the Act :— " The undersigned qualified municipal elect<»rs of the City of Toronto* hereby require that a poll be taken in terms of the Ttmpeiance Act of 18(;4, to detenniiie whether or not the qualifltd municipal elect rs of the said Municipality will adopt, under authorit\ and for the enforcement of the said Act, the By-law followmg. which we hereby propose for their adoption, to wit : *• The Hale of intoxicating liquors and the issuing of licenses therefor, is by the i)resent By-law proliibited within the Muiiicii)a]ity of the City of Toroiito, under authority and for enforcement of the Temperance Act of 1864. " 15th June, 1877. i^igned John Macdonald, Wm. McMaster, J. C. Aikins, S. H. Blake, Patricl< Boyle, George Wright, * A. M. Smith, Geo. M Rose, David Millar, Walters. Lee. Edward Gurney, jnr,, D. McLean, E. Coatsworth, Alexander GJemmell, James Browne, E. R Colnmn, Robert Hay, John Gillespie, John H. Reid, Lewis Samuel, H. S. Strathy, Wm. B. Hamilton, ' John Hallam, Hugh Scott. H. Blam, W. T. O'Reilly, Edward Beckett, Arthur Manley, James Little, James Hughes, A. H D^mond, John Potts, D, Blain, . Patri«'k Doyle, M. O'Connor, E. M. Morphy, H. Hewitt, ' CD. V> arren, T. M.Bryer, W. P. Howland, ' , : Thomas .i. Lee, D, H. Read, J. K.Kirr, Richard Brown, 'i ■"'■'' W.W. Ogden, ., . W. C. Wilkinson, W. S, Finch, .. John J. Withrow. V: Previous to, and anticipating this action, the licensed Vict- uallers Association held a general ^meeting on the 1st of June, and took active steps for a more thorough organization. The name was merged in the more comprehensive one of the Anti-Dunkin Associa- tion. An executive committee of nine was chosen, with full powers to manage the campaign, and to collect and expend all necessary funds : the committee consisted of the following gentlemen : — Mess -s. J. Severn, J. Timms, S. Richardson, D. Walker, E. G'Keefi, T. McGaw, G. A. Burns, T. Allen, J Cosarrave. Mr. D. Walker, was unanimously appointed Chairman ; Mr. <)"Keefe, Trea- i surer ; rnd Mr. S Ri'jbardson, Secretary of the Association. It wi. s then resolved to prepare at once a counter petition to the City Council against the subraission of the By-law, and which being reported and approved, copies were ordered to be printed and circu- lated under the supervision of special committees, as will more fully appear from the following extract ; — "At a general meeting of the Trade held this day (June 15th), the following resolution was unanimously adopted : — ' Resolved, — That sub committees be now chosen whose duty it shall be to assi^t in carrying out more thoroughly the views of the Association, in the conflict with the promoters of the .Dunkin Act in Toronto, by visiting forthwith, every licensed establishment in the city ; seeing to it .that each is supplied with a copy of a petition to the City Council, ascer- tain t he progress m.ide in signing said petitions ; aiding to obtain addi- tional signatures, and generally urging all within the sphere Of their influ- ence to increased activity and enei^y'ln the work of canvassing the electors to maintain the existing 'icensing law in its integrity.' " PREFACE. ♦.' WARD COMMITTEES. St Gkoroe'8.— Mr. D. Walker, with power to nominate. St. La whknce. -Messrs. G. A. Burn.s, Win. Wright, — Small, VV. Copeland, T. O'Connor. ^ „. ^ , St. Thomas.— O. A. Mitchell, R Waterhouse, Jas. Wright. St. James.— E. O'Keefe, M. McConuel, W. Ledley. St. Anohews.— J. Titnms, Geo. Baker, Wni. Armstrong, Wm, Graham, S. Hunter, John Wilson. St. Patricks.— J. Ball, W. J. Collins, J. Brewer, B. Hinchcliflf, G. Jones, R. Jones, T. Mossop, N. Holman. St. John's.— R. McCleary, A. Bums, J. Patterson, James McFar- land, J. Oulcott. St. David's.— R. Davies, .T. Tillison, Gibson, Abell, Ayre and Wiggins. St. Stephen's.— J. Cornell, J. Mallord, T. Scholes. The petition ran as follows :— TO HIS WORSHIP THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE MU- NICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF TORONTO : The Petition of the Undersigned Ratefayer^ of the City of Joronto humbly sheweth : That your petitioners are itifonneil that certain electors and others of the said Citv of Toronto have requested your Council to submit a By- law, pursuant to the provisions of the Tem{)erance Act, of 1864, (commonly known a:* the Diuikin Act,) for the approval of th^• electors of this City. And your petitioners re-*V)cctful y submit that if such a measure were submitted it would be detrimental to bu.siness. and a serious loss to the inhabitants of the City through the cost that would be entailed in its 8ubmi-;3ion, and that under the oj)en vote much animosity and bad feeliiiijf will arise, and a fair expression of public opinion cannot be arrived at. And your petitioners also respectfully submit that the lart^e amount of Revenue derived by the City from the issuing of Tavern and Retail 8hop Licences is a nutter to be seriously considered by your Council in the present linancial crisis, when a tax rate of nineteen and a half mills on the d tllar has just been levied upon the Rvtepayers for the current year, That while the City would have to make up the above loss by direct taxa- tion in addition to the ah >ve burdensome rate, > our petitioiiers verily beUeve that no benefit would accrue to the cjmmunity by the passage of the said By-law. That as the Crooks Act has been the most successful measure so far adopted, and as it has only been a short time in operation it should re- ceive a fair trial before being supplemented by a measure that bas been for (13) years on our statute books, and wherever brought into force has l)ioved to be comparatively W'»rthl©ss, and more calculated to increase r ither than diininish the evils of intemperance, as evinced by the strongest evidence, more especially the report of the Commission of the Ontario Government. Therefore, your petitioners resp^'ctfully submit that the said By-law slDuld not be submitted to a vote of the electors. And your petitioners as in duty bound will ever pray." The result was that in a short time, the petitions were returned from each ward, bearing in the aggregate the signatures of 5009 and more otbt>naJi t ratepayers of T.oronto, and then presented in due criurse to the City Council, who decided after deliberation, that they bad no power to prevent the submission of the By-law to the electo- livte. Monday the 6th of August was appointed for the opening of tlie poll. Then com uenced an active canvass on both sides. In this s Tvice the most trusty and active agents were employed by our Executive Committee, with instructicns to report daily to the Chair- men of their respective wards, while others were engaged classifying tlie voters' lists, and registering the results of the returns of the canvassing agents. The Dunkin party, on the other hand, were active and aggressive. Tliey projected a series of meetings extending over several weeks. About the beginning of July they began building on the burnt block, corner of Yonge and Queen Streets, a kind of Amphitheatre capable . « 'f seating three to four thousand people, and of giving standing accommodation to as many more, with a covered platf onn to accom- VI. PREFACE. modate two hundred persons, Althoup^h not rivalling? in situation, inugiiitude or architt^ctural beauty the Aini)hitheatre of Titus, yet it served the purpose for many consecutive nights and weeks, of a convenient arena for the display of theslcill of the intellectual gladia- tors who met in wordy conioat on this novel stage. Bands of music were often in attendance, and the meetings thus partook of the nature of open air concerts varied by speeches. The General Committee at first established their head quarters in the spacious offices adjoining the main entrance to the Grand Opera house, and only shifted their flag on the eve of the electit>n, to the near vicinity or the drill shed, immediately opposite the premises of Mr. John Hallam, who on his side, lost no time in defiantly hoisting the Dunkin colours over his factory door. The Opera House offlces when first opened, seemed to attract the curiosity of various loungei-s. Among othei*s an adherent of the Dunkin party from the country, in search of the Amphitheatre in- quired " what place is this ?" He was answered mysteriously, that mia was another Rye House Plot ; he seemed for a moment to muse, and then on being politely invited to retire, retreated with great ex- pidition, as if scenting danger in this dark double entendre. Tht' Executive Committee now engaged the services of Mr. E. King D< ►dds as chief organizer and lecturer, a gentleman of more than Provincial reputation as a jonmalist and public speaker. His stirring eloquence and readiness in debate gairiea him much popularity with the masses, and while shunning all coarseness of invective, his denunciations were not the less incisive and effective when occasion demanded. We regret ou^ inability to do justice to the merits of the princi- pal oflftce-bearers,T)ut it would be ungrateful to pass in silence the valuable services of the Chairman, Mr. D. Walker, and of the Trea- surer, Mr. E. O'Keefe, gentlemen whose personal character and standing, lent weight to tneir public utterances, and to their opinions in council. Mr. John Cosgrave debarred by domestic affliction from personal exertions at a critical time, proved himself on all other occasions, an efficient and influential worker, and so also of Mr. Geo. A. Burns, Mr. Thomas Allen, and Mr. John Timms. Much valuable aid wr.s also rendered by various members out- side the Executive Committee, who served on special committees and in various other ways. Tlie trade and public will not readily forget the names of Messrs. John Bailey, Mat Evans, Wra. Arms- strong, W. H. Minhinnick, Mr. Howe, G. Haskings, N. Holman, John Elliott, Jas. Duffey, John Graham, Geo. A. Mitchell, Geo. Jones, Robert McCleary, W. Stephenson, Geo. Foy, Jas. J Kelly, R. O'Hara, R. Laurence, J. Pattei-son, Walter Grant, Abner Brown, J. Schaeflfer, A. Eiohorn, W. Bell, J. Whelan, W. G. Montgomery, S. Hunter, Jas. Walsh, P. Small, and others. Nor should the labours of the assistant organizer, Mr. J. Glad- 8'x)ne Dodds, be ignored ; a gentleman fertile in expedients and of much electioneering experience, and of note in the sporting world. He it was who planned and successfully carried out the celebrated Yorkville serenade, which aroused the local hostility of the opposite party, their leader having come off "second best " in the legal pro- ceedings to which his unjustifiable aggressiveness gave rise. In a Cftrtoon of Grip, September 1, a good likeness of our friend will be found placed pipe in hand, vis a vis with a distinguished member of the city press. We have endeavoured to J void all undue strictures on the public utterances and acts of those gentlolls. The Licensed Victuallers now were pre- nnring quietly but resolutely to meet the worst. On the way home from the meeting this evening, a little knot took the same route. One of these asked a citizen present, what motto he would suggest for their banner, which must now be unfurled. The reply was the following impromptu— * The flag that waved a thousand years, v O'er beer and bread and cheese. Shall not go down before Blake's frown, .v, . Or noxious Dunkiu breeze ! That night the design was roughly sketched ; but as the cut cheese on the white ground bore a suspicious resemblance to the crescent on the Moslem standard, the idea was abandoned for fear that the symbol might be mistaken for that of the original prohibi- tionists and sons of temperance— The followers of Mahomet. ' ' 7 . - - . - J. . . . ■,■,,'/» I -, - f ...■ i ."'. ; ^ -t^yj: ST. LAWRENCE HALL.— July 10th. A large gathering called by the promoters of the Dunkin Act, several ladies were pre.sent. Mr. E. Coatsworth, occupied the chair and invited the opponents of the Dunkin Act who wished to speak to take a seat on the plat- form. Mr. p. Boyle, was the first speaker called upon, and was glad to see how the cause had been promoted by Christian Churches. Hip Church was in favour of temperance, and advocated the suppresyion of strong drink. Mr. O'Keefe, rose to correct a statement of the speaker. He could tell Mr. Boyle that His Grace the Archbishop had declared, that he himself, and his flock were dissatisfied with the Dunkin Act. He thought it would be inferred from Mr. Boyle's assertion, that His Grace was in favour of the Act, which was not the case. Mr. Boyle, on resuming, said he could assure Mr. O'Keefe that His Grace was in favour of temperance, and enjoined on young per- sons to keep the temperance pledge until thev were twenty-one years of age. He also adduced the testimony of Cardinal Manning and F&tliK v Burke. If the Act was passed, he would be willing to allow con.pensation to those who would be heavy losers by the change in the liquor law. Mr. O'Keefe, wished simply to refute the popular impression that those who were not in favour of the Dunkin Act were therefore in opposition to Temperance. He totally differed from this impres- sion. He advocated the light wine and beer drinking as practised in Germany and France. In the former country, government encour- aged beer drinking to the suppression of more ardent spirits. The Dunkin Act would suppress aimnkenness in Toronto, no more than the Maine Liquor Law decreased intemperance in Maine, where more dMinkenness was indulged in now, than before the State was subjected to its stringent liquor law. He was in favour of Mr. Bine's moral suasion movement, and thought it had done much good. At St. Andrew's Hall, he was surprised to hear Mr. D.rmond make the statement, that the great proportion of Canadian barley was made into whiskey, whereas the proportion was only 3> per cent. The great trouble in this country was poor and cneap whiskey. He would like to see the encouragement of beer and light wines, (cheers.) PBEFACS IX Ald. Hallam, cited some caae« to prove that the Dunkiii Act Yould have the effect of promoting tiiiuperance and order, and eon- lucied by Htatiag that they would know no (h'feat, and if they were lefeated at the i)oll8, they would turn around and Hubmit tne Act igain. Mr. E. Kino Dodds, next addressed the mettine, and in rising vvaa loudly cheered. He said he had not V)een invited to th« meetinsp by the Temperance people, out had simjily drojjped into the HalL and was asked to take a seat on the platfonn. At the one hundred lectures he had deliveretl throuffhoiit the Province, he had always made it a point to invite on his platforii!. the advocates of the Tem- perance cause, he however, and his fiiends, had not met with a reciprocal treatment. He was in favour of the Rine movement, and acknovvledK d the great go«Ml it had brout^ht al)out. He himself was a temperate man and was able to remain one without uniting him- self to any temperance loflge. He advocated that law which allowed drinking by the single glass. Aid. Hallam and the other advocates of temperance wisiied drinking to be carried on by the five gallons. Mr. Blake's statement at St. Andrew's Hall, that tavern- keepei-s had now had thirteen years warning was absm-d, since Dunkin's Bill had remained a dead letter. Mr. Dodfl's combatted the arguments and took exception to the conclusions of Mr, Bovle in his leferences to the Archbishop and Cardinal Manning, and pointed out l)y extracts from the Bo.ston Arqm, that the Maine l..iquor I^w had proved a failure. Of twenty-one convictions under the Dunkin Act in Picton for illicit traffic in liquor, seventeen had been quasheil when brought before a Supreme Court. He thought that tne raising of .*i7,000 additional taxes would appeal to the citizens of Toronto, before they cast their vote at the coming contest. (Cheers.) Mr. SpENf'E wished to contradict Mr. Dodds in several ])Oint8. He could oroduce the testimony of four ex-Mayoi-s oi Portland, who asserted that the law had worked admirably in Maine, and that there had been an apparent diminution of drinking. The meeting closed by singing the National Authem. i, ;% ;. 5 METROPOLITAN CHURCH.— July IttTH. In simport of the Dunkin Ac* , a large attendance. Mr. Rose in the chair. He said he would vote for the Dunkin Act as the best measure they could now get. He would consider any scheme from the Licensed Victuallers, looking to compensation for their losses, if the Act passes. Mr. Garvin had no symi:)athy with compensation ; because the Act w^as arbitrary, it should not be rejected. Every good Act was arbitrary. Anti-t^unkinites as every one knew, made the most bold and untruthful statements at their meetings. Mr. Gurney said that after much trouble he had succeeded in making sober id en of his boys, but taverns and grog shops sprung up around his eyta • .lishraent, and the result was he could not now name one of those young men who did not get drank. Although the neces- sary hotels would be obliterated by the Dunkin Act, yet he was pre- pared to see them sacrificed for the sake of having the corner groggeries annihilated. Dr. Wilmot.— Tile time was now come to put down the evils of intoxicating drink ; to use something stronger than moral suasion. He beUeved with Vice-Chancellor Blake, that what was called the vested interests of the Licensed Victuallers, should be swept away without any compensation whatever. He was willing to buy all the stock in hand of the whiskey sellei*s. and throw it where it should be throw^n, into the gutter. Undeniable success had attended the Dun- kin Act in those counties in which it was passed. IIr. Aikins did not think there should be any compensation. It did not require any capital for a man to set up a w hiskey shop. He showed by statistics that the Crooks Act had failed to suppress the increase of intemperance. Rev. Mr. Gales of the Dominion Alliance. He 'meant to tell the Licensed Victuallers, that they never meant to stop at the Dunkin Act 3 nothing would satisfy them but total prohibition. A meeting in the Dunkin interest was held in the church, at the west end, comer of Spadina Avenue and College Street. X. PREFACE. The Chairman said : The Dunkin Act was almost akin to prohi- bition. For tlie sake of the liquor sellers themselves, he appealed to his hearers to pass the Act, Rev. Mr. Sjiith said they would win if the people were only faithful to the principles they held. He had vowed eternal venge- ance not against the liquor dealers, — because he did not hold with licensing men and then blackguarding them— but against the liquor traffic. Mr. Dymond, M.P., followed with a speech strongly in favour of the Bill. A GREAT MEETING AT THE RINK, ADELAIDE STREET, WEST.— July I&ih. Of 'ailed by the opponents of the Dunkin Act ; over 4,000 perFons present. A number of ladies \ •_ conspicuous among the audience. Mr. Philip Armstrong wa& .nimously nominated to the chair. On the platform, en the back of which was displayed the British flag, were seated on the one side, Messrs. O'Keefe, Walker, Alder- man Comnell, Alderman Ball. Capt. Perry, Mr, Cosgrave, Messrs. S. Richardson, Evans and Waterhouse ; and on the other side. Rev, Messrs, Affleck, Dewart and Gales, and R, Spence and R, Walker, Mr, E. King Dodds, on invitation of the Chairman, stated the programme of the speaking — tnree on each side— and called upon their friends to give their opponents a kind and attentive hearing, and prove that there were gentlemen opposed to, as well as in favour of the Act in question, Mr, D, Walker, the first speaker, was greeted with prolonged applause. He introduced himself as a hotel-keeper, not a pubhc speaker. He was one of the monsters of iniquity of whom their opponents spoke. (Hear, hear and laughter.) The intemperate language of their opponents brought such as he on public platforms to discuss the issue. The best proof of the Duni^'ln Act being a failure, was that it had been so long inoperative. It had been announced that the names of those who dared to vote against the Dunkin Act would be published in a newspaper free of charge. This was the sort of intimidation which it was said would be employed. Some speakers had rated the number of intemperate men here from 500 up to 5,000, and even higher, to something nke ninety per cent of the population. He resided in a hotel, and within 300 yards of ten others near the Union Station, yet he had never seen (and his neigh- bours would bear out his statements) an arrest for intemperance take place in that locaUty. He had heard strangers stopping in Toronto, frequently remark that they had never witnessed SaDbaths better kept, than in this city, or a more orderly place, (applause), W^ho occupied the higher position, the man who could deal in liquor, and handle it without becoming intemperate, successfully with- standing temptation, or the man who could not. He claimed that he stood upon a higher level than did any such man. Business men required hotels and restaurants for their daily accommodation. They were not prepared for the adoption of the Act in the City, unless provision was made for them. He thanked them for the kind hearing accorded him and resumed his seat amid loud cheering and cries or "Dodds," Rev. Mr. Dew art.— He was not there to say a word in an unkind or an unfriendly spirit. This Act was said to be contrary to British law, but we now had laws which restricted the traffic. They were . not trying to make men godly by Act of Parliament ; but he main- tained that they could increase the mor Jity of society by Act of Parhament. Where the Act had been tried, it had been a success. Mr. Evans a working man said. Legislation in France had been : the cause of revolution, and they all knew what the poor law had done for England ; there the poor laws were on the one side, and the aristocracy on the other. He would quote against the remarks of the previous speaker relative to temptation, the high authority of Herbert Spencer. Restrictive laws had never acted beneficially in the past and never would in the future, A law, providing that mothers should be thoroughly instructed how to take car^ of their children was quite as necessary as the Dunkin Act. [At this point it was thoug}it that the speaker was travelling from the question, and the noise and clamour having drowned his remarks, he withdrew.] PREFACE. XU After some observations from Mr. Spence, Mr. E. King Dodds was loudly cheered on coming forward. He said that standing in the presence of that vast gatliering of the electors of the City, he was prepared to a^ree with his temperance friend that this was the all aosorbing question of the day. Standing in the presence of his opponents, who were great at all events in quan- tity, if not heavy metal m quality, he was free to say that he had addressed ninety-five meetings of electors of the Province of Ontario, and over one hundred of his temperance friends had kept him com- pany through his tour. He denied that any speaker on the other side had discussed the Dunkin Act. On the 6th of August they would begin to record their votes not for prohibition, but against a retail law and in favour of a wholesale law, to vote down the single glass and elevate the demijohn of five gallons. An employer of labour not far distant from that building had insulted the intelhgence and respectability of his workmen, by saying that all his eniplo; ees got drunk (cries of shame). The working man was as respectable in his way, as the gentleman who wore patent leather and broad cloth, and was as capable of taking care of himself. A vote of thanks having been given to the Chairman, and three cheers for the Queen the meeting dispersed. AT THE COLISEUM, ALICE STREET.— July 23rd. A meeting in the interest of the Dunkin Association. The Chairman invited any of the opponents of the By-law who wished to spea k against it to come forward. Mr. Gibson and Mr. Waterhou.sc came forwaad. Mr. Knowlton.— It had been said the Dunkin Bill had been a failure wherever it had been passed. Prohibition in Maine, was said by the same class of ;^eople to be a failure. It was not, for he knew it on authority, that in three counties in Maine, there was not a grog- shop, and there was not a prisoner in the gaols. He prophesied the carrying of the Dunkin Act to be f o] lov/ed by another agitation for the passage of a prohibitory measure. Mr. Gibson, of Toronto, characterized the Act in question as most injudicious and expressed himself in favour of the complete extinction of the liquor traffic. He favoured the removal of the cause and the desti-uction of the effects would follow. He was one who assisted in the starting of a well known Temperance Division, which was com- posed entirely of working men. How was it, he wished to know, now that instead of working men, clergymen appeared on the platform in favour of the measure ? Why was it that the clergy did not ip- pear in the lodges ? Was it because the clergy loved the uppermost chambei-s ? (cries of order.) A voice, I rise to a Doint of order ; this meeting has to consider the Dunkin Act. Mr. Gibson, after order had been restored went on to say, that he could not conscientiously support the Dunkin Act, although he was a temperance man. He was sure the passage of the Dunkin Act would be a failure (Interruption, give us the reason). "Jbe law in question would not sustain itself and was consequently bad, and could not be productive of good results. He alluded to tne passage of the General Licensing Act, and held that after a law had been {)assed by our Legislatore, it was not the duty of the people to pass aws which would in effect, repeal it. Such an Act was an insult to our Legislators, and if we waiited to have it repealed or amended, the people should go to the Legislature. Rev. W. B. Affleck was received with cheers. He said he took part in this discussion, simply as a rate-payer of Toronto. If he was sure that the passage of the Act would bring a moral and spiritual improvement, he would support it, but feeling that it would also be a financial benefit, he had all the more pleasure in supporting it. He was soriy that the opponents of the Act, instead of sending a man to support their views, had onlv sent the apology for a man, and expressed his opinion that it would have been well if the Anti- Dunkin Association had purchased a bar of soap and permitted the person in question to have a chemical experiment witn it before he came before an audience. The opposition of many people to the Ihmkin Bill he alleged to be because their craft was in danger. In Xll. PREFACE. Canada, prohibitory legislation was of such a nature that people could take it or refuse it as they liked. How then could the tavern- keepers cry out that the rights of the people were being taken away from them ? What right had the licensed Victuallers to talk of equal rights ? Mr. Waterhouse who was announced by the Chairman as a tavern-keeper, was then called upon and was received with hisses. He wished to know why he was hissed ; he had come determined to defend his interests, and after calling upon him to speak, it was hardly fair of his hearers to hiss him. A person in the audience got up and stated that the hissing was in consequence; of a dog drinking out of a pail, (laughter). Mr Waterhouse said that was all blarney, and he was not to be taken in by it. He had come to hear the Dunkin Act discussed, bnt except a talk about salts and senna and an attack on an old man, nothing had been adduced in its favour. When he saw the way in which the poor man was attacked, his blood boiled within him, and he could not help thinking the man who could attack him so unjusti- fiably deserved ^o be knocked dowTi. He wanted to see justice to all. He could suppor himself independently of his liquor license, should it be taken away to-morrow. In all the audiences he had seen here, he had not seen a drunken man ; had that been the case, there might be some reason for the agitation. He then related the origin of the Dunkin Act agitation, in a general deputation of temperance people waiting on the Premier to ascertain his views in regard to nassing a prohibitory Act. Regard- ing the evils of intemperance, tavern-keepers would as soon see old Nick come into their bar-rooms as a dnmken man. A voice, " Who makes them diTink ? " Mr. Waterhouse. Did his interrupter think that the tavern- keeper took a man by the back of his head and poured liquor down his throat ; no, a man who had no will of his own, was not a man at all. He hoped the advocates of the Act would not ag. in resort to the abuse of the tavern-keepers. He related a case of v/holesale drinking at a private boarding house, where 18 galls, of beer were brought in, and the result was, that in less than four hours, everyone of the eighteen boarders in that house was drunk, and the old wo- man in disgust threw the keg into the yard. He then alluded to the tale told ov Mr. Affleck in the Amphitheatre, the moral of which was that the Government had made pairs of pants too tight for the tavern-keepers to sit down in. [In the midst of the commotion raised by these utterances, the speaker was interrupted by an impetuous innkeeper from Glen- garry springing to his feet at this juncture, and shouting aloud, " Horo, Domhnull Ciomaineach, Rinn Alasdair, Briggis dha." ^ Upon the Saxon ear unattuned to the music of the mountain tongue, such unaccustomed tones fell with a somewhat bewildering effect ; and a few individuals misled by a similarity of sound fancied they heard above the din, the name of their favourite humourist called, and instantly the hall resounded with cries for "Briggs" but JiMUEL, genial jester ! being at the moment over the hills and far away, could not respond to the invitations to rise, and so the exciting sounds grtnlpally died away in faint echoes along the adjacent ave- nues and lan?^ ; meantime the irate cause of this diversion stepped out into the starlight, energetically reminding his attendant associ- ates of the proverbial difficulty of depriving any of his countrymen at least, of his nether garments.] Mr. Waterhouse then resumed. Some village boys were once making a miniature city out of mud. A passer by was shewn vari- ous public buildings including the parsonage Said the gentleman, *' I never saw a parsonage yet without the parson in it, where is he ?" ** Ah master," rephed a little urchin, " but we had \ >t got dirt enough \r> make aparson " Mr. Affleck. They used it all up in making the man who came here to-night. Mr. Waterhouse then retorted upon the last speaker, saying it was not his place to abuse a poor old man behind his back. He then withdrew stating he could not stand on the platform with a man who could do the like of that. Mr. G. M. Rose having been asked to give an explanation as to what the Dunkin Act was, said that fourteen years ago, there was a great clalnour for piohibition, and Judge Dunkin, as it was thought PREFACE. XllU the country was not ripe for it, introd uced the Act. The five gallon clause was iiiserteil in order to meet the views, to some extent of those who were opposed to temperance reform. The provisions of the Act could be enforced by the ^jrovisions of the Crooks Act, which provided that no one should sell hquor without u license. TJie result of the passage of the Dunkin Act, would be the passage of an en- tirely prohibitory law. Rev. T. W. Handford said he had had a great deal to do with elections in the old country. It was t on public meetings alone that success in such matters depended. It was in button-holing men who had votes and working like beavei-s. ^ i;^ :?i . 1 ^.^ ! GREAT MEETING AT THE AMPHITHEATRE.— July 30th. After the customary preliminaries. * ;**5-f r^^ ^« -i: -? Mr. P Walker was mtroduced. He had again to return thanks for the courtesy extended him in the invitation to be present to discuss the opposition side of the Dunkin Bill. It was with much diffidence he rose to address such an audience. He replied to some arguments put forward by speakers who had referred to some remarks he had made on the first evening he visited the Ampliitheatre. The Mayor of Napanee coming as he did a strong temperance advocate, with documents prepared by men under him, to prove his assertions, had denied the statement that he (Mr. Walker) made, — that a certain M.P. arriving in Napanee on a certain occasion, was served with brandy and soda, but it needed only to notice how far astray he was in otner points, to shew how liable he was to be mistaken on that one. People could get all the Uquorthey wanted at Napanee by the back doors. Hj understood that the same gentleman had been in the pay of the Temperance people for a long time, and was so at the present moment. The Chairman He is not paid by us. '' Mr. W^alker. Oh 1 but you pay him as a Temperance speaker, and that shews a little ''twistmg ."ud turning." (Laughter.) A Reverend gentleman had said that granting licenses to those who sold liquor, was a signal that those people and the business they were engaged in, was dangerous. A stander by hearing that state- ment made, said, '• W^ell my bread cart must be dangerous, for I pay a license for it." (Laughter). There must be a great many dangerous men and women in Toronto, according to that argument, for many of them had to be licensed, and all he presumed who came before the Rev. gentleman as candidates for matrimony, had to produce their licenses. (Laughter and hear hear.) His friend Alderman Hal- lam he believed to be a consistent temperance man ; at the saire time that gentleman had ^' ^'^*^ the mark whe ^" offered ^100 to any man who could '' , e mat *- ^d spent five Ccx*.^ in liquor since he had taken t^ ^jiedge. Recei. at the opening of a road at Kinmount, the Alderman was anxioc be the first to send skins over the line, and after purchasing so*, skins at a grocery store wanting to be kind of liberal, asked him (Mr. Walker) to have a dri!ik with him. Aid. Hallam paid the ten cents, and they partook together. He was not a candidate for the ^1()0. The Alderman could send it to the Girl's Home or -o the Dunkin Committee, (Laughter,) He remarked on the inconsistency not only of some of the thirty-eight sign ^rs, but of some of their speakers as well. Few of the former but had been or were now interested in the produce or sale of liquors ; and some of them would not vote for the Act. One of them had his clerks round peddling liquors now. (Cries of name.) The name was Mr. W. P. Howland. He was not the only man on the list. There was another gentleman he w^s sorry to have to name. It was the same who used his (Mr. W. 's) name rather freely a weekjago last Satui'day. A pei'son who was a dealer in hquor himself, should be careful how he appUed such language to other people, (cries of name) he was loth to give the name but was obhged to do it, it was the Rev. Mr. Hunter. It was none of his business if a man used liquor at home, but when he came out as a lecturer on the other side of the question, he should be careful how he talked of other people. He (Mr. W^.) was not ashamed of the part he had taken as Chairman of the Anti-Dunkin Association. He had some illustrious examples, in the late most noble Prince Consort, at one time Chairman of the Licensed Victualler's Asso- ciation, and in H. R. II. the Prince of "V^ales, who lately presided at the supper of that Association. He called upon his hearers to vote in support of their birthright and manhood. XIV. PREFACE. The CHAiRMi N in Rev. Mr. Hunter's absence read a reply from that gentleman, characterising the assertion that he was in the habit of laying in or having brought into his house spirits or malt liquors, for use other than fc^ purely medicinal purposes, as a aeliberate falsehood, and challenged all dealera in the article, in Toronto, to controvert his statement, Mb. Walker said he could prove it by Kerr the baker, and his iuan Gowaus who delivered the article, that the intoxicating liquor was carried into Mr. Hunter's house under cover of a flour bag. Rev. Prop. Gregg said there was nothing in Mr. Walker's speech bat personalities, ard he did not mean to enter into them. He die* not think he had done any good by dealing with nationali- ties. He believed the testimony of gentleriien from places in which the Act had been passed, and he hoped that its passage would be accomplished here. Mr. p. Beverley, B.A., late of Oxford, England, said that he had attended several meetings, but was not to be led away by the sophistry he had heard at some of them. Temperance did not mean teetotalism, and he defied any clergyman present to prove that it did. After some further remarks time was called, and Mr. B. was obliged to bring his speech to a close. Mr. Gibson of Ingersoll. Regarding the ar^iunent of the last speaker, that the passage o the Act would restrict I'berty, he said there was a law prohibiting the sale of whiskey tc ^ndians. That was class legislation, against which no one had ever raised his voice. During the days of polling, it was declared no liquor should be sold, so that men should not vote with their senses dethroned, and urged that the working men would lose nothing by the passage of the Act, and taxes would not be increased. AT THE DRILL SHED.— July 31st. « Meeting of citizens called by requisition. The advocates of the Act refuse to speak. The Mayor declared this meeting open for discussion, and called on the requisitionists to come forward and give their reasons for signing it, A long delay and no response, The following took seats on the platform, to the right and left of the Mayor. For the Act : Messrs. Hallam, Dewart, Maclean, Spence and Gibson. Against it : Messrs. E. O'Keefe, J, Ball, E, K. Dodds, and P. Beverly. A long interval and no one accepted the invitation to speak. The Anti-Dunkin party claimed that those who proposed to mtro- duce a new law, shoudd open the ball, and the Dunkinites refused to speak, until their opponents opened the meeting. The Mayor then after waiting, said he felt it his duty to proclaim the meeting closed. This announcement was received with a storiU of laughter, cheers . and hisses, A vote of thanks to the Mayor was proposed and carried in the midst of the confusion, and the vast crowd, numbering it was supposed, at least 5,000 persons passed out of the building, A l&rge number then gathered around the front of the City Hall, and Mr, E. King Dodds standing on the steps delivered an animated speech, in which he animadverted in strong terms on the position taken by the opposing party, in refusing to advocate their cause, until those opposed to the passage of the Act, had first stated their objections. During the whole of this campaign, they had treated their opponents with courtesy. They had not told any of the work- ing men of the City, when they came to their meetings, as had been told them a few nights ago, to go home, wash their faces with a bar of soap and put on better clothes. Let the people remember, that while as had lately been stated, a Judge could order a champagne dinner in a Temperance County, and afterwards advocated the Dun- kin Act in Toronto, the working man would be unable, if that Act passed, to obtain his singjle glass of beer. He then called for three cheers for the Queen, wmch were heartily given. PKEFACE. XV. ANTI-DUNKIN MEETING, AT THE COUSEUM.— August 2np. > A crowded meef hig. -- . ' -• •,' ,.*- L Mr. John Hewitt was the first sj>eaker. He said all who Iknew him, knew he was not in favour of drunkenness. He was opposed to the Act in concoquence of its manifes; injustice and un- fairness, and because its passage would affect a busineas in leaminff which he had soent many years. He strongly advocated the us3 or moral suasion, l)ut was opposed to coercive legislation 'n any move- ment that would rob a man of his rights. He opp(>sed it also on the grounds of its interference with trade, in depressing a branch of industry in which he was concerned, and a further interference would follow if this Act was passed. [Mr. H.'s calm and temperate remarks were well received by the audience.] After some remarks from Rev. Mr. Dewart, Mr. a. Watts of Brantford was then introduced. He said it had been stated that the Act had been a success in his city : he contra- dicted that. The same number of licensed places were still carrying on the traffic as in 1876, and he had no doubt that there were more than twenty per cent, more places in which liquor was sold. The Act was a fraud In Brantford any amount of drink could be got, and in Prince Edward, as the Ontario Commissioner had reported, the quantity of liquor sold had not been diminished. Regardmg the ! anxiety professed by some people for the workir - men, he said they i knew just as well how to take care of themseh ^o, a .he gentlemen to whom he referred did. Mr. E. King Dodds in reply to Rev, Mr. Dewart, said if that fentleraan was sincere in his conviction, that the liquor traffic rought in its train, poverty, crime and general destruction, how could he consistently now advocate the sale of strong drinks in larger auantities; than were hitherto permitted. In reply to a state- ment or one of the Dunkin advocates on the previous night, he (E. K. Dodds t said, that Gooderham and Worts used last year, over 50,000 bushels of Canadian barley, and paid $52,000 in wages. In- stead of the tavern-keepers alone being affected, many other classes would be. He then discussed the monetary aspect of the question, and pointed out the loss to the city in the event of tke passage or the Dunkin Act ; and concluded by calling for three cheers for the liberty of the subject, and no rich man's law at the expense of the poor man," AT THE AMPHITHEATRE. Same evening. A large attendance, Mr. Dymond, M.P., in the Chair. Rev. Mr. Hunter said, as to the report that had been spread broadcast through the land, and aired in every coarse tavern, tliat a keg of beer had been introduced into his house under cover of a flour bag, he gave it a distinct and emphatic denial, and he challenged the world to prove the truth of the report. It had been stated that the charges against him could be substantiated by Mr. Kerr, a baker of this City, w^o. he understood was present, he invited that gentle- man to come forward and make the charge, (applause,) The Chairman said, that as Mr. Hunter was a minister and a gentleman, he did not believe that the audience wanted anything more than they had heard. It ought to satisfy any one. (Loud cries for Kerr). He invited Mr. Kerr to speak. Mr. Kerr said his name had been mentioned by Mr. Walker ; he did not know that gentleman, and had never stated anything to him. David Walker's statement was false and slanderous (loud cheers). He never sent a barrel of beer under cover of a flour bag to Mr. Hunter's house, (great cheering.) Cries for Mr. Walker. It having been found that he was not present — Mr. Brooks of Leslieville, on invitation of the Chairman then spoke. For 13 years the Dunkin Act had been on the Statute Book, and he believed he spoke within bounds when he said that for 10 years it had been a dead letter. If they wanted prohibition, they should come out in their true colours, and agitate tiu they secured it. He spoke of the evil influence of bringing liquor into the nome circle, and that more drunkenness would ensue oy tour or five men clubbing together and purchasing liquor in bulk and consuming it on the XVI. PREFACE. » premises and not leaving while a drop remained. He concluded by characterizing it as a monstrous piece of legislation— a disgrace to that empire which has but one law for all its subjects. The ('hairman paid a compliment to the previous speaker's manner, and said that he agreed with everything but his arguments. He was always glad however, to meet sucii a gentleman on the platform. Mr. W. H. Howlanp said, one might as well get into the fight Sublicly, as sit contentedly by re*:oi'ding his vote ; he had been iduced to come out and vote for the Act, in consequence of the charges which had been made against his father. He was going to woik, and if it did not tell at the polls, it would be a strange thmg. He proceeded at some length to review the arguments used against the Dunkin Act. Heart-rending cases were brought una er his notice as President of the Hospital Trust, and he was sorry to say that in his opinion, Toronto was a drunken city. Half of the number of patients who were admitted to the hospital, came with diseases which had been instigated by whiskey. Hon. Jas. Rogerson, a member of the Newfoundland Govern- ment, was introduced by the Chaiiman and warmly received. He dwelt on the stories of the Temperance cause, and related what had been done among the fishermen of the Maritime Provinces. It would be a bright day in the Dominion, when the beautiful City of Toronto stamped out the Liquor Traffic. Two other speakers on the Dunkin side, ma^^e the closing remarks. SCHOLES' HALL, CORNER QUEEN AND DUNDAS STREETS. On the bame night a meeting was held at this Hall, under the auspices of the Anti-Dunkin Association. The audience ^vas a fair sized one, and composed chiefly of working men. -, . Mr. John Reid in the Chair. The Chairman, after having called the meeting to order, said that he had occupied the chair at this meeting, because he had not been able to convince himself that the passage of the Dunkin Act would be for the benefit of the greatest number of the people. It would be unjust to pass it, inasrauch as it offered no compensation for the loss it would bring on hotel-keepers, a class of men who had done so much towards the construction of railways and other enter- prises, and would be a means of stirring up animosities between fellow citizens. He was further convinced that the Dunkin Act would not accomplish the objects for which it was intended. Mr. Beverly being the first called on, raised his voice against the Dunkin Act, because it was tyrannical, inconsistent and iniquitous, (cheers.) This Act would cause a man to lose all he had earned, while carrying on a business apheld by the law. It was as iniquitous to offer no indemnity to hotel-keepers, as it had been to free the slaves in the south without compensating the owners ot them. Mr. Gibson on the Dunkin side, took exception to the arguments of the previous speaker. The impatience of the audience at his re- marks caused him to beat a retreat, Mr. Bryce, denounced Mr. Garvin's attack on Mr. Walker, at the Occident Hall on the previous night, and characterised Mr. W, as a gentleman who would not advance a statement he was not able to grove. The Dunkin Act was a fraud, a delusion and a snare. He eld that there were as good men who took their glass daily, as those who do not. The Dunkinites would be the means of creating a ^^volution, Mr. Munn said, he was opposed to- the Dunkin Act for several reasons. It was tyrannical, and elevated the rich man, and crushed down the poor man. He would ^^ote as his conscience directed him, and would not be dictated to. He believed in temperance, but the Dunkin Act was not going to increase temperance. [Some of Mr. Munn's remarks were made in midst of great con- fusion, and it appeared he charged some Temperance man in the audience with selling liquor to a friend, and also with keeping it in the house.] The individual referred to came on the platform, and said he had been charged with giving Mr. Emery a glass of whiskey while killing a pig for him ; daughter) this he strongly denied, and offered Mr. Emery $50 if he would come forward and prove it. PKEFACK. XVI (. Mr. D. Walker said, the petition of the 5,0;)0 against the Dnnkin Act had predicted that its passage would have a bad effect on trade, and excite animosity among the citizens. That prediction had already been f ultilied. Trade and building operations were arrested as instanced in his own case, having by the advice of friemls al>an- doned his intention, since this agitation commenced, —of V uilding a wing tf) the Wo'ker House, which besides giving emploj^ment to mechanics and labourers would have demanded the pu''chase of *H,0m observation by a flour bag.] Mr. Dodds c^ itinued. He contredicted the statements of Messrs. Science and (Hbson, upon the authority of Commissioners in Brock- ville and Leeds, as well as on the authority of the (Jovernment re port, stating that the Crooks Act was working well, mid that under It there was h -is drunkenness than in those sections where the Dun- kin Act had be^n in operation. It had be(»n denied that the revenue of this City was what he (Mr. Dodds) had stated it to be, the other night. He had here Mr. Dexter's official flgur js *o show that he had understated the amount instead of having stretched it. There were 2H0 retail licenses in this City, on which the Government charge was ;?1()J. two thirds of which went to the Municipality, in addition to which it levied a further sum of *50, making a total of ><1 16.67, which went to the City. That, multiplied by 280 gave an amount clear of all encumbrance to the City of Toronto, of )!Ci.J.667.6(). From the wholesale licenses were derived two-thirds of .^,50.) or ■5:3,(X)0, which added to the other amount gave the City a total for this year of ?^W,6-?7. In conclusion, he asked them to join him in a cheer that would re-echo from the Drill-shed, in proof that they v/ould stand no tyrannical legislation, but desired .an equal law for rich and poor. (Cheers.) Mr. Hewitt argued that total prohibition would never succeed in this country. The Minister of Finance had stated in reference to the protective duty on oil. thai 1,200,000 gals., had been smuggled into the country while the duty existed, and no effort of the revenue officers could prevent it. If the liquor trade was driven out, the inducement to smugglers all along the line would be such, that the whole British Arniy could not prevent smuggling. The State of Maine had stood still in material wealth and population, while the surrounding States and Provinces which were without a prohibitory law had progressed. (Cheers.) THE AMPHITHEATRE. On the same night the largest meeting that had yet been held in support of the Dunkin Act since the campaign first opened, was held in the Amphitheatre, On the platform appeared most of the same speakers who usually occupied that post. In addition to these was Mr. O'Leary, a popular temperance lecturer. Space will not permit more than a reference to the concluding remarks of this stranger, who took it upon him to ask every citizen to go to the polls on Monday and exer- cise his highest prerogative, the making or the laws of his country. The Rev. Mr. Poole also said he was certain that success would crown their efforts, and that the passage of the Act in Toronto, would be the key stone to its passage in the whole Dominion. >ii^:! :v i.^ MEETING IN ST. THOMAS WARD.— August 10th. At a meeting held in the Dunkin interest, in St. Thomas Wai-d. on the 10th of August, The Rev. Mr. Affleck said, he had never entertained a doubt but that they were going to win. Rev. Mr. Dewart said, in St. James Ward alone, there were 1500 citizens to vote on their side. Ald. Hallam.— The Anti-Dunkiiiites were paying workmen for votes and debasing them by giving them intoxicating drinks and what was called a free lunch^ He was certain that their opponents had almost worked themselves out. TREFACE XIX. FIRST DAYS POLLING.- AiONr ay Auoibi 6th. As early as 5 o'clock straK^lingr voteis 'iy and \r knotp of twos aiK? threes, were to be seen making their .va^ towards the T)o11. From that time the crowd be^an to collect around the Prill Shed, and the numl)ers kept gradually increasing until ') A.M., when about l.iKK) neople were in front of the building. Tne Anti-Dunkin party on the ground, or the " solid men " formed a cordon or kind of circular wall by tightly l(K*king their arns, and were successful in preventing the Dunkin wave which was srrging around them from making a breach while first recording their '4es. It should have been first mentioned, that as soon as the doors wei '^ opened, a run was made for the entrance to the polling booth, which in a few minutes was surrounded, just as the outer door had been, the solid men being still mastei*s of the situation. The irrepressible Alderman Hallam was several times taken in hand by the crowd, and " run " from one end of the building to the other, by some pei^sons wh(^) did not agree with his arguments, or respect the energy of his gesticulations. It is to be regretted that he was finally ejected and hooted across the street. At first the blame of the disturbance was attempted to be laid on the Anti-Dunkin party, until it became known that some extreme Dimkinites were the fii"st aggressors. Alderman Hallam had publicly boasted, that he would poll the first vote for the Dunkin Act. A number of Anti's determined to disappoint him. met at the drill shed door at an early hour. When the Alderman therefore, and some of his friends ar- rived, they tried to charge througli the solid men, but were advised to respect the rights of "first come, fli-st served.'' Another Dunkin advocate on trj ing to squeeze himself into the polling enclosure, was roughly handled, and came off minus the tail of his coat. Ano- ther suffered an abrasion of the shins. After this, the excitement gradually subsided, and voting went on uninterruptedly on either side. The majority at the close of the first day's polling being 119 against the Bill. When the poll closed at 5 o'clock, 510 votes had been recorded, being at the rate of 70 per hour. CLOSE OF THE CAMPAIGN.— Thursday, August 2Srd. ^ Closing of the poll by consent, after fifteen days voting. Majo- rity against the Bill, 1,116. Immense demonstration. Akierman J. Cornnell, pa.ssing, loudly cheered by the citizens. At ten A.M., the Mayor announced that 4,063 votes had been polled against the Act, and 2,947 for it. The majority against the Act was thus 1,116 votes. He congratulated the people of Toronto on the manner in which they had conducted themselves in a con- test like the present one. A more exciting election had never taken place througnout the country. The crowd rapidly dispersed, but before the scrutineers, both for and against the Bill, left the shed, they held a meeting, and passed a series of resolutions, thanking the Mayor and officials for their courteous and impartial conduct during the contest to all concerned. Vi ^^ THE ANTI-DUNKIN PROCESSION. ; ; In the evening a grand torch light procession was held in honour of the victory, a report of which follows taken from the Leader. The vast procession was ably marshalled by Messrs. John Ball, R. Davies, Samuel Richardson, and Wm. Armstrong. '' Last night the largest procession that was ever seen in Toronto paraded the streets, in honour of the discomfiture of the supporters of the Dunkin Bill. Though got up in great haste, and, as it were, extemporised, the arrangements w^ere such as not only to reflect the highest credit on the committee of management, but also to falsify the predictions and probably the wishes of those who foretold that its component factors would be all the drunkards and " whiskey-heads "' of the city. Instead of rowdyism there was decency and order, and all who took part in the display were evi- dently upon their mettle to afford i.o handle to the opposing faction. The .tavern-keepers themselves were determined that, as far as in them lay, there should be no disorder, and shut their bars, a large number for the whole night, and all till the procession i.ad passed along the route. XX. PKKFAt'E. The meet was In EahI Market Stjuare. and at the time fixed— 7 o'clock— a start was effected. Several four-in-hand gfKxlly teamH and well handleflit on the sea of iip- tinned faces, eMj)eciaIlv in BnM>k Street, was sonu>thinK wondei-ful, and this effect was ad()er their high excellence. The proceedings came to an end aboul < • o clock, and the vast crowd disi>ersed in a most orderly manner. As yet. no accidents, save the ginger beer cart, have been repo-.ted, nor, as far as has been heard, have any cases of disorder come under the notice of the jmlice. Altogether the demonstration was a grand sue •»S8." Such were the c(mcluding scenes of this memorable conflict. The energy* and ability with which it was fought out. are but dimly rettect*Ml from these pages. The outlay for legitimate expenses has been very large. T^) the generous an a clow, the Comniittee have ttMwtn to ©conoiiiize, by aliniiiK at brevity. MoHt abridKineiitH of HpeechM ftre neceKHaiily imperfect. ThiH niUHt be thi'l xeiiHe for the Imperfec- tlonH of this preface. Not a few InterestiiiK hicidents have been curtailed or alto- gether omitted, notably bo, re|M)rtH of nieettnga and speeches at Wln- cheHter Street Cricket (Iroinid and ninchclifT'M Hull, as well as at other pointH. At HinchcliffH. H. L. liinie, Esq.. delivered an able atldress, and at St. Andrew's Hall, Mr. Richard Reynolds si)oke elo- quently and eflfectivcly. The more serious business of the contest was occasionally varietl by incidents of a comical character. An active Anti-Dunkin Com- mltt€»e man one morning in s^'archof votes on Strachan Avenue, was directed to a group a. rossthe way. In this i)arty was an individ- ual whom the Dunkin men had taken out of gaol, and were now about to convey to the poll. On a parley enstiing, the Dunkinite in poHsession, chaffed hisoprmnent ; said he, " Satn, well let you have this man for five dollars.. ' "No," replied Sam, "he will go with UH, and get a comfortable ride in our cab, so mi:ch better tlian your ricketty car." "Boys," spoke the free and independent elector, a(ldressing his UI)erators, • I guess 111 go in the covered carriage, for if I went with you. I would vote against you, anyhow." He was ac- cordingly carried off in triumph, and straightway voted the Anti ticket. Another doubtful character had promised to vote against the Bill. On emerging from the drill shetl, he was accosted by a leading Anti, who said, "1 suppose you voted all right ?" "Oh, yes, " an- swered the other. "Come and have some refreshment," said his questioner, who then letl the wa^y into the tent of the Antis, where the voter's eyes were feastebn Step Step Jas Dav John Dav Geo Jas Pat Dav Pat Pat John Dav Pat Dav And Thos Jas Law And John Dav And And Thos Geo Step Jas And Dav Jas John Pat Law John Dav YEAS. Name. Barley, Alfred Barber, Robt Ban*, John Barlow, Wm Bastedo, John Bateman, G. A Baths, A Bates, Jos Bates, Thos Batten, Wm. S Batstone, Z . . Bawden, Geo Baxter, Geo Baxter, J. R Beaty, Jas Beaty, Wm Beatty , Jos Beattie, John Beard, Robt Beard, T\. S Beard, John Beard, Andrew Bean, Stephen Beavar, Geo . . . Beall, Alfred Bee, Rev.W Beer, George Bell, Anthony Bell, Jas Bell, Thos Bell, Geo Bell, Edmund Bell, John Bell, Jas. W Bell, Jos Bell, Alex Beckett, Edwd .... Bengough, Geo Bengough, Thos Uennett, Geo Bennett, James Bennett, Jos Bennett, Jas Berry, Wm Benson, Henry Beckett, Em Bently, T. R Bethune, Dr. Norman . . . . Benn, J. H. . . . . Birkenshaw, J. C Street. 81 Gould 9 S Pembroke St. Joseph . . 213 Berkeley Lumley Queen W ... Wm. Heniy . 166 Reed 143 Bleeker . . Wellington, E 15 Markha;n . . John 444 Yonge . . Ward. St. • • • • 124 Vic^.oria 172 Jarvis Yonge 2^ Ontario 116 Agnes 17 7*1 venue 93 Carlton 75 High 18 Muter 22 Isabella 55 Brunswick Av. 10 Bleeker 45 Bishop Yonge King J 66 Simcoe 333 Queen 420 Sherbourne . . . 86 Cambridge 311 Queen W 39 Trinity Sq 367 Bathurst Queen W Seaton 5 0rd 36 Tecumseth .... 75 Victoria Muter 91 Mutual Lumley Charles 25 Agnes 15 Charles 186 Simcoe 133 Seaton William Henry . . . Jas Thos John Dav Step Pat Pat Dav Dav Law Step Pat John Pat Jas Jas Jas Dav John John Jas Pat Step Jas Pat Thos Step John Law And And Thos Pat And John Pat John Step Pat Geo Jas Step Jas Step Tho John Jas Pat Thos Step YEAS. Name. Bi^ord S. C ..... Bilton,G Bilton, Thos Bilton John Bird, W. J Bird, Pat Bird, Henry Birmingham, John Birmingham, Robt Birnie, David . . . Bink, Wm Billing, Jas Binnie, Wm Blake, John . . . Blake, Wm Black, Wm Black, Alex Black, Mark Black, Anderson . Black, Davidson . Blakely, Thos Blakely, Jos Blackey, John Blackly, Wm Bla kwell, G. J Blackford, Wm Blackmore, Arthur Blackhall, Chas Blackhall, Jos Blaikie, John L Blair, J. W Blain, Jas Blatchford, Anth Blatchf ord, A W Blanchard, Capt. T. G . . . . Bleckey, P Blyth, Wm Bod well, Gilbert Boddy, Wm Street. Ward. King Wellington 9 Seaton . . St. W Boddy, Wm . . Boddy, Jas . . Bod.iy, Wm . Bolt, Jon Bonnick, Jos . . Bonnick, Jos . , Bonny, Alfred Bond, Jas .... Bond, John S Booth, Geo Booth, Wm . 33 Agnes . . 235 Yonge . . Cedar 484 Queen W, Power , Bleecker 104 Ontario King 40 High. ... Adelaide .... Queen 72 Hayter.. 51 Lumley . . Leonard Av 390 Adelaide 75 Baldwin Toronto Stanley Spadina Av Ann Portland Peter Esplanade St. David's 113 Sherbourne . . . 248 Terauley 475 Jarvis 521 Queen W . . 250 George Carlton Front E Scadding 260 Church North 27 Camden 112 Parliament . . . 658 King West... 108 SPark 8 Francis 32 Adelaide 17 Hayter 15 Front E 120 Portland 7 Phoebe 73 Queen W Wilton Crescent . . . Wellington And Law Thos John Jas Step Pat Dav Tho Dav Jas Pat And Step John Step Pat * And Pat Jas Jas Pat Jas And And Law Dav Jas John Thos And Tho Jo- T. L w Jas John And Dav And Law Jas And John Law And Pat And Thos Geo ^ YEAS. Name. Booth, Jas . . Booth, Thos Booth, John . . , Boomer, Geo. A . Boat wick, George . Bostwick, G. T.... Both well, R. C... Botsford, J. D ... Boustead, J. B ... Bovaird, Jas Bowen, F. J Bowes, Jas. H . . . Bowsfield, Allen N Bowers, Richd . . . . Boxall, Geo . . . Box, Sam Boyd, W. T Boyd, Wm , Boyd, Robt. H . . . , Boyd, I. T Boyd, David .... Boyd, Robt. Boyd, John Boyle, Jas , Boyle, Patrick . . . , Boyle, R. W Bracey, W. B . . . , Brady Mich'] Bradshaw, J. H . . . Bradshaw, John . . Bradley, D. 3 Bradley, Frs , Bradley Jos , Bradford, John . . . . Bradford, Robt . . . . Braid, Jas Braid, Alex Brain, A. W Brandon, John . . . Brandon, James... Brand, Wm Brand, Wm Brasier, Chas ^ Braybon, Stephen . . Breemer, Levi . . . , Breen, John Brett, R. H Brewer, Johir*". . . . Briggs, Dan'l Briggs, S. R Street. Ward. Henderson Av .... St. Step 126 Vanauley Pat 24 St. Andrew .... Pat 26 Adelaide Jas King Law Esplanade W Geo 512 Jarvis Jas Wood Jas Jarvis Jas Lumley Step Yonge John Soho Pat Grosvenor Av Pat 71 Bald win Pat Teraiiley John St. Patrick Pat St. Patrick Pat Simcoe Pat Church Jas Huntley Tho 25 Hope Step 45 Emma John Dundas Step 119 St. Patrick.... Pat Francis Jas 508 Yonge John 29 Walton John 26 Monk Pat 9 Widmer And James John 95 Ontario Dav 16 Bathurst And 9 Spruce Dav 22 Amelia Dav 449 Parliament .... Dav 19 Mutual Jas 285 Yonge Jas 7 Adelaide E Jas Bellevue PI Pat 17 Front W Geo r- Adelaide W And ' Brock And 41 Brant. . . .vs. . . . And 27 Ann Jas Gerrard Dav 6 Afirnes John Welles] ey Jas 281 Spadina Av . . . . Pat McGill Jas Jarvis Thos YEAS. Name. Briggs, Jas Briggs, S. E Brine, Henrj' J Brindle, John Briiiistin, Alex Briinstin, Jas Bright, John .... Bridgenian, Dr. Irwin. . . Brick, Benj Britton, Dr. Wm Brirhiy, Alf Brimer, R. B . . Brighttaii, Fred'k Bridgland, J. W Briscoe, Wm . . . Brown, William Brown, John Brown, George Brown, Rich'd Brown, George Brown, Wm. J Brown, Jas Brown, Alex Brown, J. L Brown, Austin Brown, Frs Brown. Frank . . . . Brown, Alex Brown, Wm . . Brown, Fred Brown, Chas Brown, Wm Brown, Jas Brown, Jos Brown, Robt Brown, H. J Brown, J. Gordon Brown, A. W Browne, Jas Browne, Stewart Browning, H Broome, J. W Broomhall, Thos Brownlee, W. H Brower, E. M Bronson, H Broughton, Jas. S Broughton, Wm Broughton, Jas , Brogden, J. C Street. 417 Yonge East Market 122 Portland 69 Berkeley 288 Yonge St. Charles Kingston Rd .... 80 Berkeley Carlton Bloor 7 Brant Gould 21 Anderson Front, W Queen W Queen W George 89 Centre 412 Jarvis 168 Mill 530 Queen 58 Gloucester University Price's Lane 7 Soho 81 Chesnut 99 Esther Queen E 72 King E Esplaiiade Sword 14 D'Arcy 97 Terauley .... 482 Queen, W . . . 43 Front 66 King, E John John 342 Bathurst 81 Givens Avenue Lane 173 Centre Dundas Hayden r*^ • Conwa-y 51 Stafford 247 Spadina Av. . . 20 St. Andrew . . . Ontario Agnes Ward. St Jas Law And Dav John Jolm Law Dav Dav Jaa , And Jas ^ Paf Geo And Pat Thos John Jas Law Pat Jas John John Pat John Pat Dav Jas Goo Dav Pat John Pat Geo Jas Geo Pat Step Geo John John Step John Step And Pat Pat Thos Pat YEAS. Name. Broiigh, Wm Brodie, Wm Brock, W. R Bruce, John Bruce, Walter Bruce, Job Brunt, Geo Bryce, Jas Bryer, Tliomas Buchan, Dr. H. E... Buchan, Lawr Bugg, John Bugg, Chas Buley , Thos. M Bullnian, Robt Bullman, John Burchard, I. J Burden, Henry Burfoot, Geo Burgess, Francis . . . Burgess, Alfred Biiik, Jas Burke, Edw'd Burke, Mich'l Burke, Mich'l Burke, David Burke. Jas Burke, Wm Burnett, H. W Burnett, Ed Burns, John Bums, W^m Burns, Thos Bums, Geo. F Burns, John Burniss, John . . . . , Burton, Col. Charles Bury, Geo , Butler, Alfred Butler, John , Butt, Caleb Butler, Pat , Butler, H. B , Butt, Ephraim -i ;";^ ; Butt, Jas Byers, Allan , Byme, Sylvester . . . Strkbt. 145 Winchester . . . Parliament 70 ' ond Sherbourne 270 Sumach . ... Wood, Alexander 33 Maitland Suffolk PI Gould 90 St. AlbanB Grenville 279 Yonge Robinson 40 Muter 32 Mercer Berkeley 44 Walton 10 Charles Ontario 100 Richmond . . . 17 Front E 220 George 64 Sytienham . . . . 132 Parliament . . . Beech 62 Berkeley 228 Ontario 299Simcoe Stewart 13 St. Vincent . . . 40 Avenue Lane . . 112 Adelaide E... 13 Alexander 222 Simcoe Seaton Ill Carlton 150 Strachan Av. 95 Queen 304 Queen W Vanauley 304 Queen Church 97 University 9 Louisa St. Patrick's Market 138 Ontario St. Caddick, R. . Calder, Alex 150 Terauley. Adelaide Ward. Day Dav Jas Thos Dav Jas Jas Jas Thos Jas John John Jas Step Step Jas Dav John Jas Thos And Law. Thos Dav Dav Tho Dav Dav And Pat John John Jas Jas Pat Thos Thos And And Pat Pat Pat Jas John John Pat Thos John And YEAS. Namb. Calioon, Abr Calder, Wm Oallaghan, John M Callaghaii, Jas Callaghan, James Callaglian, Timothy. . . . Callender, F. G Cameron, John Cameron, J. J Cameron, Jas Cameron, W.J Cameron, John CamerDn, Angus Can)pbell, D. S . . . . . Campbell, John W . . . . Campbell, Alex .... . . Campbell, Paul Campbell, Robt Campbell, C A Campbell, Jas - Campton, Thos. J Canham, Alfred Canniff, Dr. W. H . . Carnegie, Chas Carthy, Wm Carter, E. T Carter, Wm. Carter, John Carter, Stephen Carson, Jas Carson, Henry Carlyle, Wm Carrie, Thos Carroll, Robt Carruthers, Jas . . - Carruthers, John Carruthers, And Carrier, W. T Cars well, Robt Castle, Richd H Caston, H. E Caston, F. A Caswell, W Caswell, Thos Cassels, H Cather, Jos Chadwick H Chadwick, Hy Chambers, Geo Chandler, John Strebt. Major Russell 8 Sydenham . . . 117 Ontario . .. 117 Ontario . . Power 46 Gerrard Gerrard 49 Oak 116 Brock ... . 9 Centre D'Arcy 276 Yonge Bank of Toronto 62 Princess . . Crookshank .... 75 Duke 223 Jarvis 135 York 36 Victoria . . . . Church 57 King W . . . . . 131 University . . , Front E 89 Chestnut 204 Simcoe Centre 541 Queen W 9 Sullivan 1 57 Seaton . . 106 Huron Adelaide Carleton 265 Queen 36 Maitland 54 Yonge. 26 Adelaide E . . . . 227 Elizabeth Adelaide • Isabella .... * .-. 55 Seaton King Sherbourne . ,£»^is- 41 Gloucester Beech Beech 110 Sumach 168 King E Ward. St. Geo Pat Dav Dav Dav Day Jas Dav Dav And John Pat John Law Thos Jas Law Thos Thos And Jas Jas And John Law John Pat John And Pat Thos Pat And Thos Dav Jas Geo Jas John Jas Jas Thos Law Thos Thos Dav Dav Dav Law 10 YEAS. Name. Cha])man, Robt , Chapman, A. W , Chard Arthur Charters, ^^ in , Charters, John Chartijrs, Wni Charlton, A Charles, Richard Charleswt>rth, H. G Cheadle, Benj Cherry, B . Cheshire, W. H Chick, Jno Childs, Edwd. A ... Christie, Alex. R... . Christie, John Christie, Alex Christie, M Christie, Wm. . . . Church, John Churchill, Ap Clare, Isaac Clark, E. Ferd Clark, James H Clark, Henry J ...... Clark, Richard H Clark, Ashall B Clark, John Clark, A.E Clarke, Robt Clarke, W. S Clarke, John Clarke, F. J Clark son, Thos Clatworthy, George .... Clements, Geo Clements, Wm Clements, John ....... Clendinning, D. W Clendening, R. N . . . - Cleveland, Paul Cleveland, John ...... Clinkenbroomer, Chas . . . Chiff, Rich'd Clutterbuck, Wm . . . Clyde, Graham Clyner, Wm ... Coady, Pat Coatsworth, E Coats worth, Jos [ Street. 60 McGiU Esplanade Grosvenor Av . . 10 Agnes .... 469 Yonge 181 Seat«m Belle vue Place. - . 124 Yanaulay Bloor . . . 91 Queen W ... Sherboume Qiieen Ontario 51 Yonge Wellington 164 Beech ..... 9 Crook shank . 98 Tecui^seth . . . 47 Beech 171 Parliament . 131 Centre 075 Queen W ... 422 Yonge LitMe Adelaide . . . Sherbourne . . . . 48 Sullivan 61 Robinson 76 Gould Adelaide W ... Ontario Lane. 96 Wood 54 Sullivan 7 West 86 Queen W KingW. ..„ Adelaide Monk. 184 Bathurst .... 82 Alexander .... 140 Parliament . . 4 Camden Robinson .^ ♦* • . . Queen W 34 Queen W 19 Bell Windsor Queen & Sherbourne 79 Gerrard Parliament 20 Pine Ward. YKAH. 11 Name. Coatsworth, John.. Cohley, Hy Coburn, Geo Cobban, Win Cochrane, John. - . . Coe, Richard . Coghill, Alex Cowan, David . . . Cowan, W. P Corbett, Patrick . Corbett, Robert . . . Cornish, John . - . . Convey, G. E Coner, Benj . . — Conroy, Wni Constable, Mathias. Connon, Geo . . Connell, Jas Connor, W. F Cole. Jas Colwell, Henry . . Coleman, Wm . . . Coleman, Rich'd . . Coleman, Jas .... Coleman, Jas Coleman, J. S Coleman, C. W . . Coleman, Arthur . . Colville, Jas Colville, Kobt. J. . . Collins, John N. . . . Collins, Wm Collins, Philip .... Collie. David Collett, John Copp, J. C Copeland Thos Copell, John Corner, John Cornish, Chaa . Cotts, John Coyell, Alfred .i^*r Copp, W. W Cornor, W. J Coghill, Robt Cowan, J. J ..... Colby Wm ..... Cowan, Robt Conian, Jos .... Cox, Daniel . • • • .♦/• Strkkt, ] Berkeley • • • • • 238 Chestnut . . 24Gerrard W... 321 Adelaide W. Denison Av . . . 13») Duchess Colborne North Pembroke Bishop 23 Agnes ... . 39 Elm .... 114 Little Richmond 157 Sumach 96 hayter .... 21 Mark ham . 97 Centre 03 Duchess . . . 124 Pine ()9 St. David . 73 Wellington 375 Yonge . . St Vincent . . 211 Jarvis ..... 167 Dalhousie o King E 94 Mai tl and Hayter .... 104 Adelaide 52 Terauley 118 Agnes McGill Queen E . . . Brunswick . <:22 Yonge . . 65 Grosvenor 36 James .... 131 Agnes . . 136 Birch . . 240 Yonge . Brooktield . . Baldwin . . . . Isabella . . . 49 Alice King W .. 42 Sullivan Richmond W 303 Queen W 97 Brock .... Oak . it?8i*# . Ward. St. Dav Geo John John And Fat Dav Law Thus Step John John And Dav John Step John Thoa Dav Dav Geo Jas John Thos Jas Law Jas John And John John Jas Thos Pat John John John John And John Step Pat Jas John Geo Pat And And And Dav 12 TKAH. Namb. Cox, Arthur Cox, Henry Cox, Jas Cox, John M Cox, John H Coupland, Henry Coulter, Jas Coulson, W. J Courtnay, John Coyne, Thos. J Coo, W. H Cooey, Jos ... Coombs, Tlios . . Coons, R . . . ... Cooney, Thos Cooper, J Cooper, Robt ........ Cooper, Herbert Cooper, Frank Cooper, J. D Cooper, Alfred Cooper, John Cook, J()8. H Cook, Robt Cook, Jas Cook, Wm Cooke, Alf . . . . Crane, George Crane, feam'l Crane, Jas Craig T. D Cranston, Wm . . Crawford, A , Crawford, Arthur Crawford, Robt ... Crawford, Dr. Geo . . , Crawford, J. S Crozier, D Crozier, Wm Cross, Chas Crittenden, Thos ... . Crickington, Henry,.. Creighton, J Crimmon, David — . Crosson, Lorenzo D Crealock, Geo Creys, Isaih Crombie, Colin Crodd^^n, W Crouch, Thos. . • . • * Street. 219 University . . . . 3d Avenue . . . 65 Louisa 161 Lumley .... . . 89 Ann 668 Yonge St. Davids 446 Queen W 116 Terauley Richnumd, W 47 Vanauley .... 35 William Baldwin ...... . . 614 Queen 57 Esther 53 Maitland , N Berkeley 91 Beech Nassau Kenfrew Shaw Amelia 7 Balsam Amelia . . .... 164 Lumley Major 56 Hayden. Huron Queen 11 Oxford Grosvenor Bellevue PI .... 134 John ... 164 Yonge Dalhousie 105 Elm 94 Wood 31 Alice 363 Queen W . . 373 Yonge 308 Sumach Queen . 539 Sherboume . 69 Edward Sherboume 242Dundas Edward 74 Louisa 61 University .... Foxley Ward. St. John John John Step Jm John Jm Pat John And Pat Pat Pat Pat Pat Jas Dav Dav Pat Pat Step Dav And Dav Step Pat Jas Pat And Pat John Pat And And Jas John i Jas j John j And j Jas Dav i Pat 4 Thos I Johni Thosj Step John John John Step YEAH. 18 Namk. Crombie, A. T . . . . Crockett Wm . . . . Cropper, Jas Culross, Chaa Cullen, Wm Cuiumings, Jas . . . . Culp, Benj Currie, Peter Currie, John . .. . Currie, J. L (jurran, Jas Curran, Robt . . . . Cuthbertson, Arch'd Cunningham, John Cuney worth, Richd Culhane, Mich .... Cuttle, Thos .... Cutbertson, Ed. J Cuthbertson, R. S . Cuthbertson, Jas . Cununing, Geo . . Cullen, John Cudhie, Peter • •••«• Dack, EJunr.. .. Uadson, Stephen . I >adson, Mark . . . Dalby, G. E Dalton, R. H . . . . Dalton, Oh as . . . . - alziel, Walter. . . Dallas, Robt . . . . D'Ary, Ralph -. Darling, Robt - . Darling, H. W Darlington, W. D. Damp, Wm . . . Dandy, Henry Dancey, Henry N Damp, John Darridge, Wm . . ^a^-y, Wm )aveney, Horace . )avids, Jos .... )avi8, Edwd .... )avi8. Corn )avis, John F )avis, George . . . )avis, Lewis. : . . . . )avie8, Wm Stkbbt. 05 Maitland Borden Buller 169 Sumach Duchess 503 Slierbourne .... 126 Queen Dalhousie 80 Gerrard Nassau 290SpadinaAv .. Parliament 11 Oxford 454 Adelaide Douro Richmond £ 49 Trinity Alexander 282 Yonge East Yonge Tecumseth 139 Brock Yonge Ann 81 Ann 119 Orosvenor . . . 211 Queen W .. . Front E 24 Shuter . . . 116 Grosvenor A v. . Trefann 13 Front W Jarvis 38 Queen . 802 Queen 193i Elizabeth Terauley & Buch'n Tecumseth 17 Brunswick Av . . 83^ Bleeker 81 Lumley Jarvis Conway 79 Bay 7 Walton James 61 Walton Beachell ......... Ward. St John Pat Pat Dav Thos Thos Thos Jas Jas Pat Pat Dav Pat And G^o Jas John Jas John Law John And Pat Jas Jas Jas Pat And Law Jas Pat Dav Geo Jas Jas Step John Dav Geo Pat Thos Step Thos Step And John John Pat Law 14 YEAS. .,..,,.. ,-. Name. Davies, Chag — ... . Davison, Wm Davison, Rev. John . . Davidson, J. B Davidson, Jos Davidson, E. H Davidson, P. R Davidson, Geo Davidson, John B. . . Davidson, Thos . , Dawe, Jon Dawe, Elijah Daw, Jos Dawson, Thos ...... Day, Jas. E Daymond, E. S . . . . Deall, John Dechart, John Dee, Thos Degeer, Wm Delamere, T. D Dempsey, Hy Dennis, Rich'd , Dennison, Jos. H .... Denison, Clarence . . . Denison, Fred C .... Dewart, Rev. D. H Dewdney, R Dermody, John ... . . Deverill, W. H Devine, Edwd . . . ^.. , Diamond, a. H. .... Dickey, James, Junr Dickey, Walter Dickey, Jas. J ...... Dickie, N Dilworth, Jas Dilworth, Jos Dillon, Wm Dinnick, C. R S . . . Dinwoodie, Jerem . . . . . Dixon, J. J. Dixon, Jos Dixon, John ... Dixon, Fred. E , Dixon, Rich'd Dixon, H. C Dixon, Alex Dobbie, J Doane, R. W^ Street. Grosvenor . 28 Carlton ., 407 Church . . St. PatriLk'3 Sq Spadina Av Lippincott . Esther & High 85 Alexander 451 Yonge . 36 Baldwin Stafford 107 Sherboiimie 225 Church 2 Balsaiii ... 82 King E . . 32D'Arcy .. Parliament . 45 Robinson Muter 27 Queen W Simcoe ... Mill 275 Simcoe . 176 Bathurst Denison A\ Dundas Sherbourne . Parliament . 117 Denison Av Dalhousie 17 Adelaide . St. Patrick . 58 Oxford . St. George's Sullivan .... St. George . Louisa ^66 Yonge . . 29 Agnes ... St. Patrick 98 Queen E Parliament . 174 St. Patrick Bay & Temp 72 King E . . D'Arcy .... 68 Yonge . . Front W . . Jit Carlton YEAS. 15 Name. Dodd, Win Duel, W. H Dogherty, Jos Doig, Alex D<»nellv, Jos. Donald, David Donaldson, John Donaldson, J. F D maldson, Oapt. Wm.. D )navan, Fred ...... r c»novan. Jas . Donohoe, Wm Donough, John Donnelly, M ..... ,*^*i Douglas. Wm — Douglas, John Douglas, Kobt Douglas, Wm. A Douglas, W^m . . . . . Doughan, 8. N Doughty, Geo Douse, Rev. John . . . . Downey, J ohn Dower, Jas. H .... . Dowkins, John I Duwswell, Thos ....... I Dowjiie, Thos , Junr i Downie, Hugh Downey, J Downey, Sam'l Dnwnard, Geo Dowling, Isaac Doyle, Pat i Doyle, Jas . . Diaper, Wm . . \ Dransfield, J. M [ Driscoll, Danl Driscoll, Jas Drinkwater, J. E Dredge, Alfred Drohan, Ed . Dudley, Jas Dudley, Thos., Sen . . . Dudley, Thos . ........ Dudley, Thos. J Duff, Alex Duff, John Daffy, John Daffies, George Duffett, Geo . Street. 210 Bathurst ... Adelaide & Bay . . . 125 Berkeley Nelson .... 124 Terauley 64 Sv. Pajrick . . . 41 Seaton ....... Cedar Adelaide W 167 Dundas Foxley Ed'vard Seaton 42UKing E 44 Scott 38 Vanauley 40 Terauley 18 Oak 46 N Pembroke - . Bloor & Brunswick Adelaide E 9 Eim iv: : 19 Breadalbane . . 145 Adelaide W . . 334 Yonge King E McCaul 21 Brant 68 Terauley 68 Terauley 58 Lumley ... . . 85 Sherbourne . . . St Lawrence Mark't Richmond E - - - Ontario 44 Church Foxley Givens . . . George Yonge . . Tecumseth ...... 149 Seaton ...... 135 Seaton 79 Queen E 133 Seaton 9 Gloucester .... 456 King E 14 Little Nelson . 172^ Chestnut 39 Oak Ward. St. Pat And Dav And John Pat Thos Step And Step Step John Thos Law Law Pat Pat Dav Thos Pat Jas John John And John Law Pat And John John Step Thos Law Jas Dav Jas Step Step Thos Law Geo Thos Thos Jas Thos Jas Dav And John Dav 16 TEAS. Name. Durand, Chas . ., Durnan, Geo ...i; Dunian, Thos . - Durant, Wm. A . Duthie, Geo . . . Duthie, Robt Dumphey, Martin Dunn, Ja8 .... Dunn, G. W ... Dunn, Orland . Dunn, John Dunn, R. N ... Dunn, George Duncan, Wm Duncan, L. . . . Duncan, Alex . . Dunlop, Wm Dunlop, D Dunlop, Wm - . * Dunlop, Robt. . Dunston, P. N . . Dunnett, Henry . Dunning, C. H . Dupont, Ed Dyas, Thos. W . . Dye, Wm Dyer, Clement Dyke, Rev. S. H Dyson, Jos ■%;,^» 'A Thos Thos Geo ^ And Audi Dav Thos Jas f John Dav Thos Dav Jas Pat Step Dav Geo Thos Dav Law Pat John Jas Pat John And Dav Pat Jas Dav John Step TEAS. 23 Namb. Hancock, W. G Hanley, Wm Hanna, John Hanna, David Hanna, John Hannon, Jas Hanscombe, Thos . . . . Hasson, Mich'l Hard, Geo Hardy, Thos Hardy, John Hamott, Dan'l Harper, John Harrap, Geo Harriman, Wm Harris, Robt Harris, Geo Harris, W. R Harris, Jos Harris, Thos Harris, W. H Harris, "Wm Harris, Alex Harris, J. K .. ...... Harrison, Wm Harrison, John . . . . Harstone, Archd . », . . . Hart. John . . . Hartill, W. B Hartley, Wm . Harvard, Albert Harvey, John Harvey, John Harvey, Wm Harw >od, A Harw od, Wm Harwood, Wm ... . Harwood, Wm Hasket, J .H Hastings, Geo Hatch, Jas Hatton, John B Hawke, Jos Hawke, John T . . . . Haw kens, Jas ... Hawkey, Lewis C Hawkins, Chas - Hawley, Jas . . .', . Hay, Robt Hay, J. B Street. Sanlter 26 High 66 Elm 63 Elm . 34 Tectimseth .... 421 Adelaide W... 10 Wood . 102 Tecumseth . 344 J arvis Wellesley 70 Denison Av . . . 144 Ontario 167 Simcoe 614 Queen W . . . Britain Walton 102 Lippincott .... Mutual 24 Grosvenor Av. Adelaide 37 Robinson Leonard Av . Emma 19 Alexander .... George .... 665 Queen W 76 Gould Duke 241 Yonge Kingston Rd . . . 316 Queen W High Front W 67 Ontario Sydenham 17 Markham 122 Victoria 804 Queen W 64 Frederick .... 104 Berkeley. . 63 Stafford ... . 412 Church. Walnut Av ... King 209 George . . . Wm. Henry Brock A delaide Stafford ..... s7 Front W Ward. St Law I Pat John, John^ Geo ■ And Jas And Jas Thog Pat Thos And Step Thot V John^ Pat Jas Pat John Step Pat John Jas John And Jas Law Jas Law And Pat Geo Dav Dav Step Jas Step Thos Dav And Jas Geo Law Thos Pat And And And Geo YEAS. • • • • • Nams. Hay, Robt Hayes, Mich'l Hayes, Thos Pilmer. . . . Hayward, Jas . . Heakes, S. R Heal, Sam'l Heal, Saunders Healy,&eo Heard, Thos. B Heaslip, R Heath, Jas ... Heeley, Jas Heffer, Jas Heffernan, EdV .... Helliwell, Jos Henderson, Thos. K . . Henderson, E. R. .... Henderson, S. J Henderson, W. K ... Henderson, W. T Henderson, A.J . . Henderson, Wm Henderson, Wra R . . . Henderson, Wm Henderson, Wm Henderson, Jas Henderson, Ab . Henderson, John . . Henderson, John Hendrie, Andrew Henley, Wm Henry, Thos Henry, Arthur . . Herbert, John Herdman, Jos. . •• •*,.... Heron, Thos Heron, Andrew Hessin, Wm Hester, Charles Heuston, Rich'd flewitson. John Hewitt, John .....•••.. Hewitt, Wm Hewitt, John Hewitt, Thos. A Hewitt, Ed . . . Hewitt, Jas . . - Hickes, Saml . . , Hickey, Jas . . . Higgins, David • . • . . Strkkt. KingW Duke Wellington & John 109 Bleeker 192 Sumach St, Patrick 108 Dundas 159^ Chestnut 19 Douro 260 Elizabeth Hayter King E 5 Markham Walker's Lane .... Bleeker Bond 182 Berkeley St. Patrick Front E Front E 114 Denison Av. . . . 33 Buchanan 105 Elm Mutual 50 McGill 24 Wood 87 Richmond . 5 Front . - , , . Queen's Park Church & Alex . . Chestnut 43 McGill 321 Wellesley .. 93 Seaton 115 Brock 56 Pine 70 Isabella f ront K 1 75 Parliament . . . . 98 Edward Lumley Suffolk PI N. Pembroke BeUevue PI 124 Seaton 164 Parliament . . . 217 Berkeley Ward. St. Chestnut . 62 Wood. Geo Dav Geo ThoB Dav Pat Step Jolm Geo J ihn John Law Step Thos Thog Jas Dav Pat Law Law Pat John John Jas Jas Jas Jas Law John Jas John Jas Dav Step And Dav Jas Law Dav Jas Step Thos Thos Pat Thos Dav Dav Geo John Jas T1A8. 26 Namk. Hill, W. K Hill, Saml Hill, Henry . . . . flail, James Hill, Thos Hill, Wm Hill, ThoB Hill, JohnD .... Hill, B. J Hill, Wm Hill, .lohn Hill, Saml Hill, Erastus . . . Hillam, Geo . . . . Hillock, John Hillock, Frs . , . . Hilton, S. G . . . Hinder, Robt. M. Hine, Geo. A Hird, Wm ..... Hoare, John Hobbs, »Faa Hobbs, Geo Hobley, Dr. Thos. Hocking, Wm . . . Hodge, Robt . . . . Hudgins, Thos . . . Hodgins, Robt . . Hodgins, Thos . - . Holgate, John Holgrave, Thos . . Holioway, Wm Holman, Harry. . . Holmes R. O. . . . H >lme8, W. J . . . Holmes, J. H . . . . Holmes, John . . . Holt, E. B Honan, Mich'l . . . Hook, A. J Hook, Thos Hoolaghan, John Hooper, Henry Hopkins, Thos. H Horlock, R. P . Horsey, J. H ... Horsley, H Horsley, Jno. F. . Horsley, W. H. . Horswell, John . . Strcbt. Ward. Emma 28 Hope 22 High 664 King W 1 4 Chestnut 584 Queen W 14 Terauley 79 Yonge ... Bloor Brunswick Kingston Rd George 75 Terauley Wilton Crescent . . Wilton Crescent. . Standard Bank . . 16() Berkeley 28 Maitland 57 Terauley 37 Pine 30 Gloucester I^athnrst Victoria North St (rear) . . . Lumley 346 Queen W 50 Robinson . . . Bloor Charles . — . . - - Klizabeth Sumach 75 Bay 48 Alice Brunswick Av .... KingW Front King E 42 Sherboume . . . 7 Maitland 758 Queen W 76 Victoria 28 Mutual Conway 22 Beech Dominion Bank . ■ Ontario King Ontario 238 Church St. John Step Pat John And John Step John Jas John Pat Law Thos John Thos Thos Geo Dav Jas John Dav Jas Step Jas John Step Pat Step Jas Jas John Dav Geo John Pat Geo Law Thos Law Jas Step Jas Jas Step Thos Jas Dav Dav Dav Jas 26 YBAB. Namx. Hortop, Wm Horton, E. H h orwood, Richd Hoskin, R, H Houghton, Chas Howard, Wm Howe, Alf Howell, Alfred P owell, Geo Rowland, H S Howland, W. H Holland, Hon. W .P . . Howlett, John Houston, Wm Houston, Thos Hubbard, A. M ........ Hubbard, W. P Hudson, John Huggan, Ed Hughes, Jas. H Hughes, Henry Hughes, J. W Hughes, — Hughes, W. H HugiU, Jos Hull, Saml Humphry, Simon . Hunnisett, Frank Hunter, Thos . .... Hunter, Alex . . . . Hunter, R. J Hunter, R H unter, Hugh Hunter, Rev. S. J Hunter, Alex Hunter, Thos Hunter, Wm Hurst, Thos Hurst, Thos Hurst, Geo Huston. Wm Hutchiiis, Ed. F Hutchinson, J. G Hutchinson, Isaac Hutchison, Geo Hutton, Geo Hyland, Ed Hyslop, David Snuurr. Ward. 367 Yonge West. . . 17 Markham. . . . , Murray 87 Teraulev Madeira PI 22 Hayden Adelaide E 17 Leonard Av . 409 Sherborne . Queen's Park... Simcoe 211 Markham 24 Isabella 56 St. Patrick . . . Queen Bathurst 7 Bishop 90 Portland . . . 197 Sherboume. 51 Ann 416 Sherboume St. 216 Simcoe George . .. .^..* . 56 Hackney.". ... . 63 Terauley 772 Queen W. . . . St. Vincent 214 Terauley KingE Yonge . . Yonge . . Spadina Av 96 Elm 39 King W Seaton 7 Ontario 134 Ontario 152 Duchess Queen E 10 Suffolk PI . . . . 236 Adelaide 116 Duke Sherboume Catiiden 92 Little Adelaide . 87 Esther Jas And Step Pat John Dav Jas Jas Pat Thoi Joha Pat Step Jas Pat And Geo Step And Thos Ja^ Thos Pat Thoi Pat John Step John John Law John John Pat John Geo Thos Dav Tnos Dav Dav Thos And Dav Thos And And Pat YKA8. V Namb. neson, Wm .... Inipey. John ... In(^, Rich'd . . . , Inglis, Hev. W . Ingledew, Ralph Inrig, D Iredale, Jer. . . . , Iredale, Wm..., Irving, A Irvin?', Robt Irwin, John Irwin. John Irwin, Christopher. Isaac, John Jack, Wm Jackes, Geo. W. . . . Jackes, Jos Jack man, H. W . . Jackson, Rev. S. N Jackson, J . L Jackson, Hugh. . . . Jackson, John . . . . Jackson, Geo Jackson, B. T.... Jacobs, John James, SSilas James, John James, N. E James, Wm James, Sam'l James, Foster . . . . James, Robt James, John R . . . Jameson, Jas Jamieson, W . M. . . Jamieson, Philip . . Janes, S. H Jarman, Wm Jarvis, F. W Jaudhier, Jos Jeffrey, Alex Jeffrey, Andrew . . . Jeffrey, George . . . . Jeffries, Frs Jeffries, Wm Jenkins, Thos . . . Jenkinson, Edwin. Jennings, R. C . . . . Jennings, James . . Strbct. Breadalbane Queen 337 Bathiirst Jarvis 169 Victoria Charles E Yonge Mutual 399 Yonge 224 Terauley Russell 24 Alice 26 Little Richmond 64 N. Pembroke.. 28 Edward 17 King King 67 Cherry . . . 72 Gould ... 63 Beech ^.8 Duke 126 Mutual.., 117 Bleeker . 120 Victoria . Jarvis Church Victoria 38 Amelia . . , 142 Jerauley. 6 Duke Mutual Church . . . . . 347 Jarvis . . Bright 66 Adelaide.. Queen . . . . , 21 Front 303 King W Jarvis , Brant 61 Grenville 443 Yonge . . 9 Terauley . . 19 Sullivan.. 327 Front E . Queen E Borden 191 Francis . 11 Front W Wahd. St. John Step Pat Jm Jat Thos Jm Jaft Jas John Pat John And Thos John Geo Geo Law Jas Dav Thos Jas Thos Jas Thos Jas Jas Dav John Thos Thos Jas l^hoa Dav And John Law Geo Thos And John Jas John John Law Jas Pat Jas Geo 28 YEAS. Namk. '.: :^M^.-' Jewell, John H. . . . . Johnson, John . . . . , Johnson, Harlow D . Johnson, Jas H Johnston, Adam . . . . Johnston, Jas Johnston, Jas . . . . , Johnston, J as Johnston, J. D Johnston, Matt Johnston, W. R . . Johnston, Joshua. . , Johnston, Jas Johnst' >n, Jas Johnston, Thos. . , . , Johnstone, Robt . . , Johnston, Robt Johnstone, Thos. R, Joliff<3, James . . . . , Joliflfe, Thos Jolifte, Robt , Jcselin, H Joselin, John , Joselyn, Jas Joseph, H. A , • • • • Joslin, Chas Joalin, E. J Jones, Alfred Jones, Ambrose D . . Jones, Benj Jones, B^^verley .... Jones, Champion... Jones, George Jones, John T Jones, Robt Jones, Thos ..... Jordan, John Joy, R B Joyce, Wm Judd, J. E Judge, Jas Jupp, Jas . . , Jury, Alfred , •'ir^* Kaiser, Joshua . Kearney, Rich'd Kearney, John . Kearns, Wm. P Kearns, John . . . Keaton, John . . Street. (chestnut Amelia 97 Victoria Pembroke. ....... 104 Duchess.. V:.. 46 Ontario 94 KingW 187 George BellevuePl 38 Hayter 439 Jarvis l70 Chestnut 199 Seaton 148 Centre 146 Queen E 11 Seaton 98 Ontario Peter < >ntario 467 Queen 67 Queen , . Sherboume 35 High 149 Bleeker Bay Sherboume ..... Charles Parliament Carlton Yonge Toronto 550 Queen W Pine 121 Denison Av. . . Alexander Bear 141 Terauley 291 Queen W 14 J Richmond W . . 582 Yonge 219 Seaton Saulter 44 Renfrew Queen W 124 Centre Front E King & George Stafford 25 Centre YEAS. 29 Name. Keech, Jos Keefer, Thos A Keeler, J. G .......... Keeler, John , Keighley, Henry . . Keighly, W. W Keith, Geo Kelleher, Dan'l Kelly, John Kelly, Jos Kemp, John Kemp, John Kemp, Wm Kempthome, Wm Kendrew, Matt Kennedy, Robt Kennedy, Thos Kennedy, Geo Kennedy, R. J Kennersley, Jos .J Kennersly, John Kent, Ambrose Kent Ambrose Kent, Benj Kent, John Kent, Henry Kerr, Geo. D Kerr, John . Kerr, John Kerr, George, jun Kerr, Robt , . . Kerr, Wm Kidd, John Kidney, Thos Kilay, Mich'l Kilgour, Robt Killoch, Matt Kincaid, Robt. King, Dr. J. S King, Re>. J. M Kingstone, F. W Kinsman, Dan'l Kinzinger, J Kirby, P Kirby, Thos Kirk, Wm [Kirkpatrick, Thos [Kirkland Kitchen, Jas Kleeser, John Strkst. Shaw ...... King E Queen W . . . , 82 Givens . . , 28Grenville. Front 164 Carlton . 59 Victoria . . £4 Garrison . 79 Boulton . . , Gerrard .... 126Chesnut Walton 132 Queen . . , Yonge St. Andrew's Mark't Terauley Wellington Alexander 220 Queen E Parliament Yonge Alice 166 Yonge 17 St. Vincent .... Front E 24 Edward 322 vueen W 237 Church 225 Jarvis ........ 173 Spadina Av College 63 Seaton 78 Terauley 208 Ontario 86 York 27 Hayden 374^ Yonge 441 Yonge Jarvis Isabella 375 Yonge . rrt-^inr. Temperance Wellington Av . 41 Beech 35 Bleeker 57 Beech 337 Jarvis .... 57 Ann 142 George .... '»*«r*- '-'-■i kt-^** - »;;*■»* 273 Yonge Queen Church 96 Ontario .... 126 Church .... 61 Elm Gloucester . . . Bay 2 10 Church.... 267 Berkeley . . 117 Sydenham Simcoe 24 Breadalbane 71 St. Patrick. Lugsden, Jos Pembroke Lugsden, John Lugsden, Wm. Lumbers, Jas. Lye, Edwd. . Lyma.i, John. Lynch, Edwd. Lynch, Thos. . Lyon, N. A. . Mabley, Albert . . Mackie, Jas . . . . Maguire, Adam . . Maguire, Samuel Maginn, John . . Magurn, J. B. . . . Maiher, Edward . . Yonge Berkeley 188 Sherbourne. 20 Walton 407 Sherbourne. 30 Kerr's Lane . 74 Arthur North 89 Hayter Brunswick Av . D'Arcy 66 Bellevue Av. Front E S Pembroke .... Grosvenor Av . . Ward. St. Thos Thos Step And Pat Geo And And Pat And Thos Thos And Thos John Jas And Thos John Jas John Jas Dav Jas John Thos Geo Jas Dav Dav Pat John Pat Thos Jas Dav Thos John Thos Pat Step John John Pat Pat Step Law Thos Pat TEAS. 33 Name. Mackie, Robt ... Mahaffy, W. J Malcolm, R Malcolm, Mich*l . . , Malcolm, Alex Malcolm, W. B Maltman, C. W Maltman. Geo .... Manly, Rev. John G , Manley, Fredk. F . . Manley, John , Manning, Geo .... Manning, John .... Mansell, John .... Manton, Geo Mara, Thos Mara, Henry S . . . . Marshall, Wm Marshall, Thos .... Marshall, Sam'l . . . , Marshall, Jas. C . . Marshall, Jos Marshall, Jas. B . . , Marshall, Wm Marren, Jas Marriott, Wm . . . . , Martin, John , Martin, Sam'l S . . Martin, Pat'k B . . Martin, Edward Martin, L. D , Martindale, Wm . . , Massey, Geo ....,., Massey, John , Mason, Alfred J . . . , Mason, John Mason, J. H Mason, And , Masters, Wm , Mattheson, Hugh . . , Matthews, John . . , Matthews, James . . , Matthews, H. J. . . , Matthews, W L . . Matthews, Wm. F , Matthews, W. C . . Matthews, Henry . Matthews, W. D . . . Matthews, J. M . . , Mauche, E Strset. 27 Hayter 164 Centre , 181 King 250 Queen E . . . George . Cburch 89 Richmond W Queen W ...... 88 Bond , Jarvis , 386 Yonge Kobinson , 62 Monk Queen W . . 22 Gerrard W . , John . Beverley 456 King W ..., Montague PI ... , Denison Av ... Wellington , Dundas Nelson 60 Trinity , 246 Queen E . . . 91 Ontario Esther 157 Sherbourne . 21 Elm 464 Yonge , Ontario Wellesley 25 S. Pembroke . . . 5 Charles 179 Victoria Ontario 290 Sherbourne . . Baldwin 332 Yonge 599 Yonge 66 Dundas Bay Yonge Isabella 19 Hope 264 Sherbourne . - Grenville 158 Elm 56 Carlton 83 Duke Ward. St. John John Law Dav Thos Jas And Pat Jas Thos John Step Pat Step J-)hn And Pat And Thos Pat Geo Step And Law DaT Dav Pat Thos John John Dav Dav Thos Thos Jas Thos Thos Pat John Jas Step And Jas Thos Step Thos John John Jas Dav d4 YEAS. Namk. Maule, Robt Mavor, Oeo Meager, Wm Means, Alex Medcalfe, W. R Medler, John Meek, John ... . . . Meehan, John Meehan, Ed Melango, Wm. J Meldrum, P. G Meldriim, Rich^d Mellick, Jas Melross, J. W Meneally, W. J Menzies, A. C Meredith, Wm Meredith, W. H Meredith, Thos Afemt, John P Merrill, Jas Merry field, Robt Metge, Jas Miles, John J Milford, W Miln, Robt Milne, Geo - — . . Milne, Wm Millar, John Millar, David Millechamp, A Millechamp, W Miller, Hugh Miller, James Miller, Thos Miller, Wm. N Miller, Wm Miller, S Miller, A Miller, T Milligan, Gilbert Milling, Jas Mills, John A Mills, Frs Mills, Kobt., Jr MiUs, John MiUs, J. J Mills, Robt. , Sen*r Mills, Thos Minet, F. J • ••••• Strkxt. 17 Widmer 188 Victoria Centre . . 50 Charles 29 Camden 30 Francis 103 Ontario St. Law. Market. . 38 Little Nelson . Grosvenor 323 Parliament . . . 75 University 219 Elizabeth ... 128 Sherboume . . 123 Wellington . . Strachan Av 15 Chestnut . Huron 263 George 3 Henderson Av . 18 Madeira PI ... 190 Yonge 58 Esther 56 Lumley 226 Terauley 51 Brunswick Av . . 375 Adelaide, W.... Breadalbane . . . 510 Queen 38 Lumley Pembroke Tarvis . . . . Richmond 369 Yonge St. Alban 182 Mill 43 East 43 East 110 Victoria , 184 Chestnut 26 Nassau King Brunswick Av . . King Hope 313 Queen W 339 Church 15 0rd Front Ward. St And Jas John Jas And Jas Dav Law And Pat Dav John John Thos Geo And John Pat Thos Step Dav John Pat Step Law John Pat And John Pat Step Thos Thos And Jas John Law Thos Thos Jas Johh Pat Law Pat Law Step And Jas Pat Geo' YEAS. 35 Name. Minger, W Minister, Robt. S . . . Mitchell, Wm Mitchell, Rev. David Mitchell, John E . . . Mitchell, Chris. C . . Mitchell, James Mitchell, Alex Mitchell, Jas Mitchell, Wm Mitchell, Thos Moflfatt, Jas Moir, James Moir, George Molle, John Monteith, Rev. R. . Monceith, Wm Montene Montgomery, J. S Montgomery, J. R . . . . Montgomery, Alex . . . . Montgomery, Hugh . . Montgomery, W. A . . . Moorehoiise, Saml. . . . Moody, John Moore, Rodney Moore, Richard Moore, John Moore, C. A Moore, Acheson Moore, John Moore, Robert , Moore, Jas. J , Moore, F. A , Morell,Jas ^ Morgan, Wm Morley, R. L Morphy, Robt Morphy, John Morphy, E. M Morse, A Morse, Geo R Morton, Wilson Morriarts, Daniel .... Morris, Matthew .... Morrisey, Peter Morrison, John Morrison, Adam .... Morrow, John Morrow, Wm • • • • • Street. King 98 Ontario 404 Queen, W. . , . . 18 Grosvenor Yonge D'Arcy 430 Queen Phebe 52 Bellevue Av 80 Lippincott . 75 William Berkeley 44McGill 82 D'Arcy 210 Adelaide, W. . 142 Seaton 74 Colborne . King,^W Maple. Markham ...... . 252 Bathurst 29 Arthur . 397 Queen ...... Walton Dover Court Road . . 246 Berkeley . . , 85 Cherry 90 Berkeley 116 Huron Louisa Mercer 73 Hayter . . 29 Emma Church - • 96 Lippincott 86 Edward 26 Amelia Wellington 42 Duke Yonge 30 Doi^set King. ;. Ward. St. Hackney 16 Edward 156 Terauley . . 107 Adelaide . . Queen 1202 Richmond, [315 Weilesley , And Thos Pat John And Pat Pat Pat Pat John Pat Dav Jas Pat And Thos Law And Step Step Step Step And John Step Dav Law Dav Pat John Geo Dav John Jas Pat John Dav Law Thos Jas Geo Jas Law Pat John John And And And Jas 36 TEAS. Name. Moses, Geo Moses, Frank Moses, And Mossop, John Mowat, Hon. O . . . . Moxon, Rev. Geo. H Muir, Robt Muir, Wm Muir, Wm Muir, Wm Mullen, Alex Mulligan, Thos MuUin, Andw Mulock, W. R Mulock, Wm Munro, Wm Murdoch, Jas Murphy, Jos Murphy, Martin .... Murray, Jas Murray, Geo. W . . . Murray, Jas Murray, Geo Murray, Jas Jr Murray, Duncan. C . Mussen, John Musgrove, J. A . . . . iMutton, W. G Myers, A Myles, Jas Myles, Wm Myles, Fred B McAdams, Hugh . McAgry, G A . . . McAllister, R. A McAree, John . . . Mc Arthur, J. B . . . McBain, Wm McBean, Angus McBean, James. . . McBean, Cyrus , . McBean, Wm . . . . McBeath, Andrew McBride, Robt . . . McBride, R. H . . McBride, S McBride, Wm . . . McBrien, J. fl. »-i^»* Street. Ward. Lippincott .... 301 Yonge 19 St Charles . . Lippincott Simcoe Wellesley 229 Pine KingE .... . King E^ 16 Suffolk PI . . 5 Carlton Huron ........ Elm Sherboume . . . 67 Isabella . . . . , 4 St. Vincent . . , 92 Elizabeth . . . 615Queen W... 109 William Russell 224 Yonge 61 Crookshar^ Church 224 Yonge Yonge 235 Spadina Av Victoria , Seaton St. 2;:^7 Sherboume. 89 Isabella Park Duke 50 Church King E Jarvis . 180 Parliament 488 Sherboume ... 43 Beech . . ..... Carlton , Elizabeth 61 King W .... 27 Walton 7 Douro Centre 105 Bond 139 Elizabeth 223 Beverley Walton McCall, Andrew 80 D'Arcy Pat Jas John Pat Jas I Dav Dav Law Thos Dav Pat John Thos Jas John Johvi And Pat Pat John Jas Jas * John And Pat Jas Thos Thos Jas Pat Dav^ Jas Jas Thos Dav Thos Dav Dav John Geo John Geo John Jas John Pat John Pat YEAS. ST Namb. McCalhim, Geo McCandlish, Jaa McCarthy, Pat McCartney, Wm McCausland, Joseph .... McCaw. Hugh McCaw, Wm McCaw, John MrClane, Samuel McCleary, W.J McClelland, Alex McClelland, W. H McClelland, W. J ... McClelland, Wm ...#.. McCI sky, George McConkey, John McConnell, Nevin McConnell, Wm McCool, T. S McCord, AT. jun McCormick, John McCormick, John McCoy, Henry McCracken, John McCracken, Wm McCrudden. John McCuaig, Jas . — . McCurry, James McDole, John McDonald, A. M . . . . . . McDonald, A. M McDonald, Arch McDonald, Alex McDonald, Donald McDonald, Don'd M McDonald, Finlay McDonald, Jas. H ...... McDonald, John K . . . . McDonald, John .... McDonald, John, M.P . . McDonald, J. F McDonald, R McDonald, Thos McDonald, Thos . . McDonnell, A. J McDonnell, Rev. D. J McDougall, Ruther McDowell, Miles McElrea, Thos McEwan, John 8TRKKT. Agnes Lippincott. Dalhousie ... . - Eleanor Jarvis St. Patrick Caer Howell . . . 420 Queen W ... 32 Baldwin Sherbonme 2 Sullivan ... . . 31 Dundas 15 Vanauley . . . "^ 5 Louisa 335 Church ..... 100 Ontario 256 Yonge 25 Seaton Gloucester . — .... 210 KingE 92 St. Patrick . . 21 James Front E Agnes 31 Buchanan — . 109 Carlton . . . 350 Yonge 173 Beech Victoria Toronto James 74 Major 121 Bond Brock 254 Queen E Charles 506 Church Wellington 277 Spadina Av Lumley 69 Bleecker West 104 King 75 Simcoe Carlton Peter .. Berkeley - ...... 56 Victoria Ward. St. John Pat Jas Pat Jas Pat Pat Law Pat Pat Thos Pat Step Pat John Ja.s Thos John Thos Jas Thos Pat John Law John John Thos John Dav Jas Jas John Pat Jas And Dav Jas Jas Dav Law Pat Step Thos And Dav Geo Dav Geo Dav Jas 38 YEAS. Name. s *•» • McFarlane, McFarlane, L. B .... McFarlane, Peter. . . . McGahay, John McGee, Jas McGee, Pat McGee, Robt McGee, David ... . McGinnis, Pat McGrath McGrath, W. M McGrath, Dennis . McGrath, Frs McGredy McGregor, A McGregor, C. F McGregor, John MacGuire. John McHenry, G. H McIUmurray, Dr. Jas . . Mcintosh, Andrew Mcintosh, James Mcintosh, John Mcintosh, John Mclntyre, Arch'd.. .. Mclntyre, Jas McJannet, Robt McKay, Donald McKay, Kenneth McKay, Thos McKee, John McKee, Sam'l E McKeen, Matt McKenna, Frank McKenna, John McKeown, John McKie, John McKim, Rob't McKinlay, Arch'd McKinlay, Duncan . McKinlav, John McKinnon, John H — McLachlan, H. H McLachlin, Arch'd McLachlin, John . . . McLean, Dan'l ... McLean, John McLean, Jas. S McLean, Jas .... McLean, J. H. F. ..... . Btrebt. 331 Adelaide Front E 44 Robinson 1 06 Vanauley . . . Grenville 17 Mutual 30 Esther . 87 Gerrard 162 York 32 Little Richmond Albert Eleanor Mutual 151 Jarvis 59 Walton Parliament King 200 Sherbourne . . . Jarvis . . 19 Richmond 21 Hayter 347 Church Crookshank & Geo. 136 Parliament. . . Regent 190 Victoria 23Shuter 571 Yonge 227 King E Colborne 463 Parliament — 30 Oak Queen W 8 Douro 37 King . . 320 Queen George 62 N. Pembroke .. 94 Gloucester . Stafford 34 Grenville . — 17 N. Pembroke . . St. Patrick 139 Victoria. . . Denison Av . 149 Wellesley Monk 30 Richmond E 294 King 420 Yonge Wahd. St. And Law Step Pat John Jas Pat Jas And Pat John Pat Jas ; Thos John Dav Jas Thos Jas And John Jas Thos Dav Dav Jas Jas Jas Law Thos Dav Dav And Geo Law Pat Thos Thos Jas And John Thos Pat Jas Pat Thos Pat Jas Dav John TBAS. 39 Nams. McLean, MA . . McLean, R. G. . McLean, Robt . . McTjean, Thos . . McLean, Thos. . . McLean, Wm. McLean, Wm .... McLeary, D .... McLeish, Dan*L . McLeish, Geo ... McLeish, Wm . McLennan, A . . . McLennan, Geo . McLennan, Jas . McLeod, yorman McMain McManus, Chas . McMartin, Isaac . McMaster, Tl. S. F McMichael, J. W . McMichael, John McMillan, David . McMillan, John . . . McMillan, John McMullen, Hugh McMiillen, Jas . . . McMuUen, Jas . . McMuUen, John . . McMullin, John . McMuUen, Thos - McMullin Hugh McMullin, Wm McMurrich, Hon McNabb, Jas. . . McNair, J. H . . McNamarr, Pat . McNaughton, W. McNichol, A. B McPhail, R. .. McPhee, John . McPherson, Geo McQueen, John McQueen, Thos McQuillan, Thos McRae, D. A McRae, Donald McVeain, Wm Nairn, Stephen Nankivill, Ed . John K Strbkt. 71 Richmond W 219 Berkeley. . . 22 King E 550 Yonge Mutual Eilm 43 Elm Yonge Sherbourne PVont 436 Church Shaw ....... D'Arcy Murray 73 (irosvenor Av 145 Elizabeth Parliament ...... South Park Carlton , 77 Charles Mercer Lewis 397 Yonge Strachan Av Chestnut . ..... 449 Yonge . Simcoe Maple Lane €aer Howell 106 Grosvenor Av Chestnut Pine . . 290 Front 55 Queen E ... 11 Wilton Cresc 49 Parliament 17 Montague PI 130 Church Jarvis . ... . J 8 Markham ... 770 Queen W 62 Esther Lum^ey 30 High 498 Church 133 Victoria Queen , 335 Jarvis 670 Yonge Ward. St. And Dav Jas John Jas John John Law Thos Law Jas Step Pat Pat Pat John Dav Thos Jas Jas Geo Law Jas Step John Jas And Pat Pat Pat John Dav Geo Jas Thos Law Tho» Jas Jas. Step Step Pat . Step Pat Ja» Jas And Thos John 4ti YBAS. Namb. Nasmith, John B. Naaniitb, M Noedles, J. H ... Nealon, P. » .... Neil, Arthur ... Neill, John, Senr Nelson, H. A . . . Nelion, H. W . . Nelson, And Nelson, C. H Nelligan, Thos . . Nesbitt, Wm . . . New by , George . - Newell, Wm , . . . Newell, Thos . . . Newell, Jas Newell, John. . . . Newhall, John . Nicholls, Rich'd Nicholls, John Nie, Win . . . . . Nimmo, John . . Nimniv*, Alex Niven, Mai ... . Nixon, J. B Noble, And'w . . Noblett, T. G . . N orris, Wm Norris, W. D . . . Norwich, Jos .. North, Wm Notman, John O'Brien, Den C Byrne, Law O'Farrell, Robt . . 0' Keefe, Dan'l . . O'Reilly, Dr. W. T O' Toole, Mich'l J Oag, Jas Oakley, Corn's . . . Oakley, Geo .... Oakley, Alfred Oal, George ... . Gates, R. H Ogden, Dr. Uzziel Ogden, Dr. W. W Ogilvie, Jas Oliver, Joseph . . . . Oliver, John Strsbt. Adelaide .... Maitland . . . 383 Queen W 130 Duchess Anderson . . . St Georges . Front Pembroke 109 Lumley . 56 Front 121 Queen E Berkeley . . . 110 Teranley Hope Adelaide 110 Duchess George . . Caer Howell 110 Strachan 198 Centre . 18 Pine . . . University . 28 Shuter . 177 Seaton - Colborne . . . Montague PI Terauley 8 Adelaide E 8 Adelaide E 231 Yonge . Victoria . . . 399 King W KingW 88 Victoria ... 95 George South Park . . . Bleeker . 41 Naa?**.'.'* . 103 St. P i;nok 81 Hope 83 Hope 71 Hope 64 Richmond . Isabella Adelaide Queen . . . 39 King, W . . 161 Ontario . . 16 Bond . • . • Av. . Ward. St. Jas Jas And Dav Pat Pat Geo Thoa Step Geo Thos Dav John Step And Thos Thos Pat And John Dav John Jas Thos Law Thoi John Jas Jas Jas Jas Geo Geo Jas Thos Law Thos Pat Pat Step Step Step And Jas And Pat Geo Dav Jas Y1A8. 41 Namk. Oliphant, Dr. D. S Orford, Jas .... ( )rr, Robt. J Orr, W. R OuUter, fhos . . . Ovens, John Owen, W. J . . . . , Oxford, Edw*d . . , • • • • • P "kham, Alfred Piij^e, Gregory . Pace, Gregory Palen, Wm .... Palmer, J. P ... Palmer, Chas . . Palmer, Eli J . Parsons, Frs"*. . . Parsons, W. T Parsons, H . . . Park, John . . . Park, W. S Park, Jas .... Parker, W. H Parker, Thos . . Parker, John . . . Partridge, W. H Partridge, Henry Parkes, Wm. R . Parr, Wm. H . . . . Parry, Wm Passmore, F. F . Passmore, John . Patrick, Alex Paton, R. G. A . . . . Patterson. John S . Patterson, Thos . . Patterson, John . . . Patterson, Donald . Patterson, John . . . Patterson, Jos Patterson Adam . . Patterson, C Patterson, Robt . . - Patterson, John A Paul, John Paiill, A. E Paul, Robt Pearson, W. T Pearson, M Pearson, Chas . . . . • • • • « • « • 4 Street. 203 Church . Parliament . 554 Queen W 12 Mutual . . George ... 126 Yonge . 21 Wood 624 Queen W 15 Sullivan . Ontario 322 King E . 157 Adelaide 84 Gloucester 191 George 117 King E . 49 Oak Yonge .... Strachan Av 114 Duke 386 Church . Terauley ... Bleecker . . . 405 Church 483 Yonge . 5 Wm. Henry Radenhurst 90 Hayter Ontario . . Ill Grosvenor Wood .... 436 Yonge . . 237 Front E 48 Wood 84 Wood . . . 140 Bleeker . . 98 Chestnut Gloucester Park Queen W . . . . 115 Duchess Sumach .... 46 Winchester 72 John 1 1 1 Strachan Av 21 Murray . 364 King E 22 Gerrard 158 Yonge 242 Yonge Wabd. St. Jas Dav Step Jas Thos And Jas Step Pat Thos Dav And Jas Thos Law Dav Jas And Thos Jas John Thos Jas John Pat Dav John Dav Pat Jas John Law Jas Jas Thos John Jas Law Step Thos Thos Dav And And Pat Dav Dav And John 42 YBAS. • • • » • • • Name. Pearson, John F Pearson, Jas Pearson, John . Pearson, Ed Carlt Pearson, J E Pearson, Frank Pearson, Wesley Pearson, W. H . . Pearcy, John Pearcy, Sanderson Pearcy, Gilbert . . Pearce, John Pearce, John S . . . Pearen, J. E .... Peacock, James . . . Pearsall, George Pease, Jos . ... Peake, Louis C . . Pears, Geo . .... Peebles, P Peck, O. R Peel, Geo Pell, John E Pells, Thos Pelaa, Thos Pfindrel, John . . . Pendrith, J. H . . . Penn, Edw'd Persse, R. M Perkins, Sam'l . . . Perkins, Thos. E . Perkins, Jos .... Perry, W. H Perry, R D Perrot, Wm Percival, John Peters, Robt ..... Peters. Thos Peterkin, C. R . . . Peterkin, W. M . Peterkin, S. M . . Peterkin, J. F ... Petrie, Alex Petrie, Alex. sen. . Phillips, Robt Phillips, Wm Phillips, Fred .... Phillips, Robt . . . Phillips, George . . PhilUpr, Robt .... Ti^i' Street. Ward. Louisa ?* John Church Law 3 Madeira Place . . . Dav on & Yonge, James & John Adelaide And 34 Mercer Geo ^ 158 Yongo And 8 S. Pembroke .... Thos 231 Church Jas Bay And Richmond Jas Lippincott Pat Gerrard, W ... John ^45 Yonge Jas 51 Duke Thos Yonge John 162 Simcoe And Isabella Jas 15 Grosvenor .... John 82 Borden Pat Nassau Pat 99 Ontario.. .. Dav 66 Victoria Jae Simcoe . . . . , Pat Queen .... And Lumley Step 166 Berkeley ... Dav Robinson .... - Pat Simcoe ... Geo 288 Parliament Dav 187 Mutual Jas 32 Agnes John S5 Orosvenoi Av Pat 38 Gloucester . — Jas >7 Gerrard Dav 317 Church Jas 38 Terauley .... . John 30 St Andrews ... Pat BellevuePl . . Pat 231 University . . . John 71 Queen W And 177 University . . . John Brunswick Av Pat Brunswick Av Pat 386 Queen W Pat 100 Bond Jas 15 William Henry . Pat Boulton And Baldwin Pat 10 Centre . . John YEAS. 43 Name. Phillips, Robt Phillips, John .... Philip, R Phipps, John Phipps, Wm Phipps, Geo. Piddington, A Pirn, John Pirn, Geo Pirn, Jos Pigott, Wm Pine, Jas Picken, David Pike, Geo Plant, Herbert .... Plews, D Plenderleith, John. Poddon, Geo Pollard, Wm Pomeroy , Chris Poole, Wm Poole, Thos. H Poole, W. A Poole, Rev. W. H . . Pool, E. R Pook. Wm Porton, Wm. . ^,^ . . Portch, James . . . . . Post^''l,Chrictopher . ^ )st, vV^oodruff ' jtts, S. W Potts, Edward Potts, Rev. John . . . Potter, Chas Powell, George Powell, Robt Pownie, Wm Porter, Seymour. . . . Prattis, John Pratt: , Wm Price, Geo Price, Benj . . . Price, John X rice, »i OS Price, Wm Price, Fred Prince, Thos Pritchard, Ed Prettie, John Pudsey, Geo j^ «, Strket. 7 Oak Robinson 39 Simcoe 47 Phoebe 20 Macdonald Sq. 173 Richmond W. Yon^e 521 Yonge King & Yonge . . . 30 Arthur 193 Church .... Denison Av 137 Mutual 130 Victoria 110 Elizabeth.... 501 Yonge 135 Chestnut . . . . Prospect Borden Robinson Ontario Esplanade Duchess Parliament Wellington W . . . 45 Nassau 88 Amelia King W " Hope '"" Sydenham Grosvenor Av . , . 404 Yonge 9 King 181 Ontario 584 Yonge 60 Louisa Baldwin 25Caer Howell.. Lippincott 270 Queen . . .,f j 58 Bathurst . . . . 1 Sullivan Esther 9 Breadalbane . . . 10 Douro 14 Brunswick Av 203 Queen W.... 39 Vanauley .... 156 Duchess .... Ward. St. Dav Law Geo Pat And And John Jas Jas Step Jas Pat Jas Jas John Jas John Dav Pat Step Dav Law Dav Dav Geo Pat Dav Geo Step Dav Pat John Thos Law Dav John John Pat Pat Pat Pat Geo Pat Pat John Geo Pat And Pat Dav 44 YEAS. Name. Pugh Wm Pullei , Jos . . . . Punchard, Chas . Purkiss, John . . . Purchase, Ed. . . . Purdon, Rich'd. . Purdie, A. T Piirsey, Geo. G . . Purvis, Thos Puterbaugh, Jos "^ -le, Thos Street. Nelson 222 Terauley . . . , 123 St. Patricli . . 21 Albert , 165 Luiuley .... William Henry . 307 Adelaide W. 500 Yonge 52 Vanauley . . . Pine 219 Gerrard Rab Johns, Chas Rahalley,G R amsay, Mich'l Ramsay, R. H . Rankin, Y/m Rankin, Jas Rannie,John. Rattenbury , Thos Rattenbury, Geo Rawbone, W. G ....... Rawlin, Wm , Rayner, Jos ... . , Ready, Pat Reed, Wm Reed, John Reed, Chas Reed, Hugh Reeve, Hich*d A Reeves, Edw'd Regan, — Reid, Jas Reid, Jas Reid, George Reid, Jos Reid, John Reid, John G Reid, Rev. Wm Reid, John M Rennie, W. H Rennie, Wm Renton, Jas Revell, Wm Reynolds, Geo Rhind, Alex Rich, Thos Richardson, John ........ Richardson, J Richardson, Chas King W Richmond E 3 Bear 50 Gloucester 103 Denison Av . . . 170 Berkeley Wellesley & Sherb. . 51 Portland 47 Portland N. Pembroke ...... 45 Elm 44 Amelia 15 Sydenham Dundas 20 Pembroke 9 Reed 16 Leonard Av . . . . 22 Shuter Hope 143 Yonge 144 Elizabeth 84 Hayter 234 Berkeley Leonard Av Queen S. Pembroke Bloor Trinity Sq . . . . Wood George 44 Queen W Walton 97 Oak Lippincott Vanauley Robinson ........ Adelaide 474 Yonge Ward. St. And'^ John Pat John Step Pat* And^ John Pat Law Thos Geo Jas Thos Jas Pat Dav Thos Geo Geo^ Thos John Dav Dav Step Thos Dav Pat Jas Step Jas John John Dav Pat John Thos Thos John Jas Law John John Dav Pat Pat Step And John YEAS. 45 Name. Richardson, Wm . . . Richardson, Henry J Richards, Nich Richards, Jas Richards. Henry . . . Rice, Rev. J. J . . . Riches, Ashley R . . . Rickard, Thos Rider, Henry Ridout, John ....... Riddell, Wm Riddell, John Riley, John Riley, Wm Riley, Chas Riney, Jas Ritchie, Lewis Roaf, Jas. R Roaf , Wm Robb, R. K Robb, Geo. C Robb, Rev. J. G . . . Roberts, John Roberts, John Roberts, E. L Roberts, Fred S . . . Roberts, Ed. H Roberts, George . . . Roberts, S. E Roberts, W. R . . . . Robertson, Dr. H . . . Robertson, J. R . ^ . Robertson, Geo Robertson, J. W . . . Robertson, Wm . . . Robertson. Wm . . . Robertson, Wm . . . Robertson, Chas . . . Robin, J. L Robinson, Chas Robinson, George. . . Robinson, Thos . . . Robinson, Fred Robinson, Fras Robinson, Jas Robinson, H Robinson, Wm Robinson, C. B Robinson, J. G Robinson, G. H . . . Street. 112 Jarvis 217 University .... 256 Queen, E 256 Queen, E 496 Yonge 16 Baldwin Adelaide 263 Spadina Av. . . . 68 Staflror4 J » V % •.«! • • 119 Wellington. . . . George 33 King 28 Vanauley 137 York 73 Gould Kingston Road .... Fenning 59 King, W Bay 7 Little Richmond Adelaide, W ...... Carlton 147 Strachan Av . . . 51 George 22 Wm. Henry 107 University 39 George Sydenham 3)4 Jarvis 10 Rossin Block . . . Shuter Yonge , 98 Dundas 25 Gerrard 438 Yonge Maple Queen, E ^.52 Front, E .)1 Carlton ] 2 Wellington . . . . 56 Tecumseth Vanauley Gloucester ........ 28Maitland 11 Madeira Place . . Duchess Esther Bay Court 26 Robert Ward. St. Jas John Thos Dav John Pat And Pat And Geo Law Geo Pat And Jas Law Step Geo Geo And And Jas And Law Pat John Law Dav Jas Geo Jas Law Step John John Dav Jas Law Jas Geo Geo Pat Dav Jas .Pat Dav Pat And Jas Pat m YEAS. Namk. Robinson, John Robinson, Dr. Thoa Slade Robinson, Edwin Roche, Danf ord Roddy, Chas Rodgers, Geo Rodgers, Frank Rogers, Wm Rogers, Geo Rogers, John Rogers, Jas. H Rogers, Bara'l Rogers, Danl Rogers, Chas Rogers, Thos Rogers, W. D Rogers. E Rogerson, E Rollo, J Romaine, Ed Ronald, W. N Roper; George Roper. F. F Roper, Fred Rose, G. M Rose, Rev. S Rose, John E , Rose, Sam'l Rose, Henry J Roseburgh, A. M Ross, John , Ross, John Ross, Rev. W. W Ross, J. F Ross, Dr. A. M Ross, John Ross, John Ross, D. G Ross, b'red'k M. B Rooney, T. senr Rooney, J Rothwell, Benj Roulston, Andrew Rough, James Rowtell, Jas Rowland, J ohn Roy, Reuben Rundell, Chas Rundell, A. H Ruse, Chas • • • • ""•'••-• • t • • Street. 159 Centre 248 George 74 Richmond, W . . . Scott & Colborne . . . 14 Montague Parliament 51 Dundas King 330 Yonge Emma 109 King, E 105 Bay Hay & Co 155 Adelaide, W . . 94 Elm Bay Esther Adelaide ^ 73 Gerrard 162 Bishop . . 15 St. Patrick Borden Leonard Av 55 Maitland St. Joseph 107 Bond King 82 Boulton Queen & Yc .ge . . . 117 Church 42 Louisa 471 Church Prospect 516 Queen W Isabella Denison Av 63 Wm Henry Murray SherbouFiie Church 83 Church 40 Regent Ontario Bond Mutual Yonge & Queen . . . . 201 Wellesley Gloucester Huntley Queen W Ward. St. John Thos And Law Thos Dav Step Geo John John Law And Geo And John And Pat Jas Jas Step Pat Pat Pat Jas John Jas Jas And Jas Jas John Jas Dav Pat Jas Pat Pat Pat Thos Jas Jas Dav Dav Jas Jas Jas Thos Thos Thos Pat YEAS. 47 Name. Rushbrook, Henry Russell, C. B Russell, Jas Russell, Jas Russell, Rich'd Russell, C. F Ruthven, Henry Rutherford, E. C Rutherford, A Ryan, J. B Ryan, Thos . »>. Ryan, John Ryan Mich'l Ryan, Peter Ryrie, Jas .^*,. . Ryerson, Rev. Dr ...... . Sadd, Jas Sale, Julian Salraond, David . . Salmon, Hugh . . Sampson, David. . . . Sampson, Francis . . Samuelson, John . . , Sanderson, S. M. . Sanderson, Thos . . . Saniger, W. P .... Sargent, Jas ... Saunders, Thos ... Saunders, W. B . Savery, Wra Scandrett, John . . . Schofield, H Scholey, Jos ..... Scholery, Geo. . Schomberg, H. A . . Schuch, E. W.... Score, R. J Score, Rich'd, Senr Scott, Andw . . Scott, Douglas Scott, E. Scott, Hugh ..... Scott, Jas Scott, Martin . Scott, Wm Scott, Wm Scott, Wm, L .... Scott, W. R Scroggie, Jas. S ... Stheet. Esther Wellington . . . . Russell , 20 St. Vincent . 64 Sydenham . . . 206 Berkley 302 Yonge ISSuffclk PI... 24 Leonard Av . 1 14 Yonge 413 Adelaide W 202 Parliament . 137 Queen W... Front 10 Sydenham . . . 171 Victoria . . . 93 King W Ontario . ... College 107 Seaton Chestnut .... .... 86 Chestnut — 82 Cambridge .... 120 Bond. 23 Little Richmond 15 Brunswick Av . Walton 136 Carleton .... 10 Denison Av . . . 220 Church 38 Gerrard W . . Elm & Elizabeth . 100 Ontario . . . . 173 Berkeley . . . North Gloucester ... King Elm - 144 Spadina Av - . . Muter 25 Ontario . . . . Church 25 Emma 48 Edward Baldwin 32 Seaton 10 Muter 435 Church . .... Charles Ward. St. Pat Law Pat John Dav Dav John Thos Pat Jas And Dav And Geo Dav Jas Geo Thos Pat Thos John John Pat Jas And Pat John Thos Pat Jas John John Thos Dav John Thos Law John Pat Step Dav Jas John John Pat Thos Step Jas Pat 48 YEAS. Namb. Sears, Robt. , Sen*r Seath, John .... Secombe, John Secombe, Wm. H . Secord, Herbert . . Segsworth, «lohn . Self, Thos . . Sellar, J. M . . . . Sellars, Chas Semple, Robt Severs, Jas Severs, J. W. Seymour, S. J Seymour, Wra . . . Shackleton, John Shambrooke, John Shanahan, John. . Shand, Jas Shapter, JohnT. . Shaw, C. K . . . . Shaw, John Shaw, John A. Sheaf John B . . . Sheara, Thos ... . Shearer, J. H . . . Sbephard, Wm . . , Shephard, W. H . JShepheard, Thos. J Sheppard, H . . . Sheppard, Leeds . . . Sheppard, Max . . Sheppard, R. N . Sheppard, Robt . . Sherris, Harry . . . She wan, Magnus . . Shore, Henry .... Short, Jas Shield, W, R Sheilds, Geo W . . Shields, Rob't . . . . Shields, Wm Shiels, Jas Siddall, W Sills, Geo. F Silverthorne, A . . . Simmons, G. A . . . . Simpson, Douglas . . Simps 3n, Geo . . . . Simpson, T. G . . . . Simpson, Wm • • • • • f Strkbt. 10 Pembroke .... 222 Church .... 80 Sydenham . . . 210Wellesley Bank of Commerce ll3Yonge 219 Sumach Elizabeth 107 cnison Av 59 Renfrew Court House Court-house 61 Eleanor 10 Elizabeth Canada Co. Office . 2< 9 Queen E 76 Power ....... 33 Maple Lane . . . Carleton 11 West . 10 Monk , 148 Victoria 10 Richmond, W . . Sword 226,Yonge Russel Queen Bathurst lU Terauley 32 Edward ...... Bellevue Av ..... 181 Queen W . , , . . 170 Bathurst 444 Queen 21 Dalhousie West Market Sq . . Huron , Berkley 57 Bleeker 1 56 Yonge ... 93 Elizabeth 98 Bishop 196 Victoria 397 Sherbourne . . . Hayter 54 Oak Winchester 126 Duke . 31 Centre 218 Ontario » • • • 4 Ward. St. Jas Ja8 Dav Thos Law Jas Dav John Pat Pat Jas Jas P.'\t John Law Thos Dav Pat Jas And Pat Jas And Dav John Pat And Step Jas J oh I Pat And Step Pat Jas Dav Pat Dav Thos And John Step Jas Thos John Dav Dav Dav John Thos YEAS. 49 Nams. Simpson, Wm Sinclair, Andw Sinclair, Hugh ... , Sinclair, John Sinclair, Peter Skinner, Colin Skinner, Jas Sk'rrow, J L Slade, Simon Slater, Richard Slemin, Frs Slemin, Chas Sloan, Jas . . . Sloan, John Sloan, Robt. Small «las. E Smallpiece, W. R Smart, Eli Smeall, Geo Smeed, Thos Smeliie, David Smith, Alf Smith, A . M ....... Smith, Chas Smith, Chas Smith, Chas Smith, C. J Smith, Ed. A Smith, F. M. B Smith, George Smith, Henry J . . . Smith, Henry Smith, Jas. W . . Smith, Jas '. . Smith, Jas Smith, .Tas . Smith, Joshua Smith, John Smith, John B Smith, John Smith, Rich'd Smith, Rich'd A Smith, Robt Smith, Robt Smith, Robt Smith, T. M Smith, Thos. H Smith, Wm Smith, Wm Smith, W. H Strkst. 9 Britain 9 William Henry 165 Richmond. . Yonge 72 Dundas ..... Yonge Willianr Alexander Beech 51 William .... 39 Esther Manning Av Hope Eleanor Esther . Alexander 101 Bleeker Parliament 129 Victoria 80 Alexander . . . 30 Gerrard Niagara Pembroke. . . . . . 98 Duchess 230 Chestnut . . . 71 Berkeley 25 gueen, *W.... 157 Wellesley . . St. Patrick 41 Pembroke . . . Bathurst .... 78 Dundas . . Adelaide ...... 12 Montague PI . . Leonard Av Cedar 77 Terauley ... 240 Victoria . . . Grenville 385 Adelaide, W 35" Brunswick Av 7t> Terauley . . Dundas 255 King, E 255 King ....... 80 Huron 28 Queen, W Major . i27 Duke 186 King E ... Ward. St. Tho« Pat And Jas fc^tep Jas . Pat Jas Dav Pat Pat Step J*tep Pat Pat Jas Thoft Dav Ja& Jas Jas Geo Law Tho8 John Dav And Tho» Pat Thos Pat Step And Thoft Pat Law John. Jas John And Pat John Step Law Geo J^at John Pat Dav Thos 60 YEAS. • • • • Name. Smith, Wm. L Smith, W. P Snarr, George Snarr, Thos Snell, Kobt Snellgrove, Alfred . . Snelling, Dr. Rich'd "^ Snider, John E Snider, M. E Snook, F. C Snook, Jeremiah Softly, Henry . ... Somerville, J. M. . Somerville, W. J . . Soper, L. N Spanner, Walter - Spanner, Woodman Sparrow, George . . Speller, Newman . Spence, Francis S . Spence, Geo ...... Spence, .iacob Spence, John . . Spence, John ...... Spence, Wm Spence, Wm Spencer, Jos Spiers, Arch'd Spiller, Newman Spring, John E . . . Spurgeon, John . . . Squire, Thos Stack, John Stack, Jos Stagij, Geo . . Stalker, John Stanbury, — Stanley, Alex Stanton, Thos ... Stanton, Thos Stanley, Sam ... Stapleford, Wm Stark, Jas . Stark, John .... Stark, Robt Stark, Will Stark, W. D. . . . - St. Croix, Wm . . - St. Germain, A. H fit. Louis, Edward . Street. 76 Borden ll9Bleeker 104 Mutual 95 Adelaide W . . Parliament 1.3 Walton Murray 78 Alexander . . . . . Bay Bleeker 502 Ontario 514 Queen W 73 Terauley 432 Yonge Adelaide Douro ... 31 Bathurst . . . . Yonge 6 Vincent Winchester ... . . 11 Wellington . . . Parliament 115 Elm KingW 21 Gerrard, W . . . . 59 Chestnut 118 Richmond, W. Adelaide W 590 Yonge Parliament Kinr;. "" 363 \t>nge 91 205 Ontario . . Front E Isabella . ... 122 Bond . . . . . 55 Wm. Henry. Hamsay's Lane 183 Parliament 30 Richmond . Victoria 174 Yunge 10 King E . . 43 Alice 4 Baldwin . Ann . . .. Church Queen's Park.- ruickshank . . Ward. St. Pat Tlios Jas And Dav John Pat Jas Geo Thos Thos Step John John Jas Geo Geo Jas John iJav Geo Dav John And John John And And John Dav Dav Jas Thos Dav Law Jas Jas Pat Dav Dav Jas Jas And Jas . John^ Pat . Jas Jas Pat YEAS. 51 * • • • Nams, St. Leger, Geo Steaduiaii, Wm . . ... Steele, R. C Stephens, Holmes C . Stephens, John ..... Stephens, Jos ........ Stephens, Robt Stephenson, Jas Stephenson, S ... Stephenson, Thos ... Stephenson, Tho ne E Stewart, Fred J Stewart, Chas Stewart, Jas V< .». . Stewart, Rev. Jas Stewart, John . . Stewart, Hobt Stewart, Thos Stewart, W. B Stewart, Win . Stewart, Wm Stewart, Wm Stewart, Wm Stewart, Wra Stewart William Stevens, Robt Stevens, Wm Stevenson, Chas Stevenson, Frs ' Stevenson, Edw d Stevenscm, John Stibljs, Wm. J. Stickles, G.T Simpson, Geo Stinsonj Hy Stinson, James Stitts, Jas . . Stobie, Wm Stock, Geo. B Stoddart, Jas ........... Stone, W. H ......... Stonehouse, Isaac Storey, George Storey, Richd Ston-e, Fred'k P Stowe, Jas Strain, Jos . . . Strathern. Jas Strathern, Geo Strathy, H. S Stbkbt. Queen 79 Tecumseth East Market Sherbourne . . . University 26 William Henry Caer Howell . . . 40 Edward..... 46 Gerrard Agnes Queen E IIOS Pembroke King E. ... .. 64 Walton 82 Bond 57 Albert . . . . 131 Mutual .... Lippincott . . ^. 201 i Sherbourne Dundas 35 Cherry lieech ....... . 13 Brunswick . Little Richmond King W 90 Esther Charles, W 71 Hayter . ... Ontario Lane . 472 Parliament 468 Sherbourne 120 South Park Soho . ... 300 Ontario . . 88 Duke 91 Terauley . . 28 Adelaide . 31 Gerrard - • 427 Parliament Carlton 239 Yonge . , . Gladstone Av . Price's Lane . 485 Jarvis Ill Church .. Cor Agnes & Ches*t 57 Queen, W 57 Queen, W Adelaide W. ... Ward. St. Pat And Law Thos John Pat Pat John Dav John Thos Thos Law John Jas John Jas Pat Thos Step Law Jas Pat And Geo Pat Pat John Thos Dav Thos Law Pat Thos Thos John And John Dav Dav Jas Step John Dav Thos Jas John And And ' And ' 52 YKAS. • • • • • Namk. Stratten, Isaac . . . Str. ton, Wm Street, John Stnart, Elliott Sturrock, W. H . , . Suckling, Hy Snmniertield, Jos .• Summers, John . . Sutherland, Alex . Sutherland, Geo Sutherland, Jas Sutherland, Rev. Alex . . Sutherland, R. W Swallow, John Switzer, Thos . Syer, Geo Sykes, Jas Sykes, S. H . . . . . - ... Sylvester, D Sylvester, Rev. Chas . . . Sylvester, Solomon . — . Syme, And'w Btrkst. • • • • Tackaberry, R. G. Tait, And V Tait, Geo Tait, Jos Tallhurst, T. G . . Tarablyn, Fred... Tarry, Fred Tasker, Henry Taverner, Jos. W. . Tavlor, Alf Taylor, H.J Taylor, John ..... Taylor, John Taylor, Levi Taylor, Samuel Taylor, T. W Taylor, Wm Telfer, Jas. H Telfer, Robt Telfer, Wm Temple, Snowden . . Ternent, Wm Terry, Edward Teskey, Luke Tetherington, Rich'd Thady, Henry Buchanan . Queen W . . , 330 King W Borden . . . . Bay , Wellington Kathurst . . 230 Spadina Av . . Berkley ... 7 Market Sq Sherboume 141 Wellington W Nassau & Gros, Av. 28 West 115 King, E ... 10 Grosvenor Av. . . Huntley 65 Mutual Shuter Vanauley . 268 Sumach Maitland - . - . 315 Wellesley Suffolk Place . Yonge Beech ....... 31 SuUivar. . . . Yonge .... . Jarvis Yonge ... Brunswick Av . Ontario . . , . 16 Bellevue . . 161 Duke 455 Parliament . Victoria . 108 Lippincott . 211 Spadina Av 31 Adelaide High 36 Robinson .. Victoria George 132 Church . . . Esther - 39 Hope Ward. St, Theal, A. M 131 Yonge John And And Pat And Law Step Thos Pat Dav Pat Thoa Geo Pat And Law Vat Thos Jas Thos Pat Dav Jas Dav Thos John Dav Pat And 7ho8 And Pat Thos Pat Thos Dav Jas Pat Pat And Pat Step Jas Law Jas Pat Step Jas y^ TBAS. sm' Namk. Thew, Ed wan I . . Thomas, David . . . . Thomas, Fred C . . Thomas, John . . . . Thomas, M Thomas, William Thompson, Alex . . Thompson, Chas •Thompson, C. W . . Thompson, D. E . Thompson, Edwd.. Thompson, Fred . . Thompson, H. L . Thompson, Jas . . Thompson, John . Thompson, John • . . Thompson, John . . Thompson, John Thompson, John B Thompson, John . Thompso.i, Jos. L Thompson, Jos . , , Thompson, Robt . , Thompson, S G . . Thompson, Thos Thompson, Thos . , Thompson, Wm Thompson, Wm ... Thompson, Wm. S. Thomson, Allan . . , Thomson, James Thome, Alfred — Thorn, Geo . . . . , Thornton, John - Thornton, Samuel Thorold, W. H . . . Thrall, Albert . . . Thrall, Walter Thurston, JohnE. Thwaite, Wm Till, Edwin TUley, Chas Tihey, G. A TiUey, W Timperlake, Jas Timpson, Wm . .. Tiner. Jas . . , . . Tiner, Richard . . Tingie, Andrew . . . Tingley, A. D . . « 1 • • Street. Ward. 37 Brunswick Av . . St. Olinton 23 Wm. Henry . . . Queen, £ Alexander Niagara 4 St. Patrick Colborne 95 Elm 56 King E Chun h 235 Chestnut Charles Strachan Av Seaton Berkeley Duchess lOl Ann King 256 King, E 17 S Pembroke . . 54 Ontario 76 rear of Richmond Wellesley King 68 Muter Bank of Commerce . 67 N. Pembroke . 38 St. Patrick .... Breadalbane .... Yonge 13 Foxley 89 Cambridge North Mutual . - - Dalhousie 108 Mutual 68 LumJey 159 Richmond .... Brookfield Alexander Bathurst . . 197 Church 25^ Church Division ... Gerrard W Hackney 295 Front E 50 Gerrard 126 Sherboume - . Relleviie Av . Pat Step Pat Thoi Jas Geo Pat Law John Jas Jas John Jas And Thoa Dav Dav Jas Thoa Thoa Thoa Thoa And Thoa Law Step Law Thoa Pat John John Step Pat Jaa Jas Jas Step And Step Jas Step Jas Law Pat John Pat Law J(ihn Thos Pat M ^= Nams. Tinsley, John M Tip[)ling, Mark Todd, Henry C ; . . . Tudd, R. M Todd, Wm. T Tolfree, Jos ... ..... Tomkin, John Tonilinson, T ......... Toole, J. H . Tooze, Mark Tosseil, John Townsend, J Townsend, Robt Toy, Ben. Toye, Chas Tozer, Wm Tracie, H. J Trampleasnre Travers, Wm Treble, John M Trees, Samuel Tresider, Jas. Trimble, John Tripp, Benj Trolley, Geo Trott, A. J Trotter, John Trout, Edw*d ... ... Tucker, Edward Tunmonds, G. H . . Turn bull, Adam ..... Turnbull, Geo TurnbuU, Jas Turnbull, M .... . . Turnbull, Walter Turner, F. W ..... Turner, H. S Turner, John ... Turner, John, Jun'r . . Turner, Sidney Turner, W. J Turpin, Henry A Tushingham, Thos .... Tushinghara, Jas Tutty , Fred Tyner, E Tyson, Robt Underwood, J. E Unitt Fred. W . . YEAS. SnusT. Ward. 8l Agnes St. John 9 St Vincent John ii9 Alice John Queen W Pat Strachan Av And 18 Breadalbane .... John George Thos 75 Beech Dav Parliament ....... Dav 77 Gerrard W John Edward John 1 1 6 L. Richmond . . Step 10 Sumach Dav 6H Sydenham Dav 72 Queen, W John 81 Maitland ... Jas Richmond, E Jas St. Joseph College . Pat 50 Boulton And 53 King Geo 42 Wellington Law Brunswick Pat 95 Duke Thos 17 Lippincott . . Pat 524 Queen W Pat 210 Berkeley Dav Berkeley Dav 272 Jarvis Jas 468 Yonge John King E Law - 153 Lumley . Step 80 High Pat Consol. Bank .... Law Nassau — Pat Walton .... John 1 1 Queen, W And 241 Parliament . . Dav 497 Yonge Jas Louisa John 225 Beverley Pat 119 Peter And 13 West And Bf.y And Leonard Av Pat 179 L Richmond . . . And 125 Peter And Harbord . . , Pat Pembroke Thos Queen W Pat TVAS. Namb. Upton, Josiah Upton, K. N Vallery, Frs Vundernaiasen, W. H . . Van ni older, Peter Van Norman, C. C. ..... . Varcoe, John Y Varcoe, Jaa Vardon, Jos Venn, Jas Vennell. J . R Verner, John Vernon, Norton Virgin, Sani'l Vivian, Jos Wade, J. P Wagner, J. P Wagner, Dr. W. J , ... Wainwright, S Wales, Wm. Walford, Joshua Walker, Chas Walker, Fred W Walker, Geo. A Walker, Geo Walker, II. B Walker, John Walker, Lewis Walker. Robt. J Walker, S. A Walker, T w aiK.er, u . a. .. ..•...••^ Walker, Wm. T Walker, Wm Wallace, Jas Wallace, John. Wallace, John Wallace, Eich'd Wallace, Rev. Robert - . Wallaot , Sam Wallace, Dr. Saml Wallace, Wm Walls, John . Walmsley, Wm . . Walsh, Jas Walsh, Patrick Walton, Benj Walton, Geo. A Strkbt. 232 Dundas Queen £ . . . 31 Sydenham . . . 8 Surrey PI Czar . ..... Carlton 120 Agnes 272 Spadina Ave Hu ntly 92 Seaton Wellington . , . . Parliament . . . . 8 Douro 413 King E King W 1 2 Sydenham . . 90 xVdelaide W 104 Queen W . . King SU Elm lOi Elizabeth . 439 Yonge . King, E 22 Robinson . Queen E Richmond W . 299 Church 2G7 Parliament College 193 Mutual 95 Hayter . . . 32 Bellevue Av 38 North . . Carlton .... S Park .... 41 Vanauley Berkeley ... II Mutual . . 234 s^padina Av Wellinhn Jas Pat John Law ■ Dav Jas And John And Ja Jolin Pat Jas Pat Thos Jas And Dav Thos And Thos John Geo Jas Jas Pat Jas John Thos John Law Jas Step Step Pat Step Y£A8. «f Nams. Weirs, Robt. A . Welband, Chas Welch, A. H Wells, Robt Welwood, John Wesbroom, Wm . . . West, Rich'd. ... West, Wm West, Wm, jr . Westacott, Ge-^rge W estman, J — . Westman, J. H Weston. W. H . . . . . Wesfwood, Jas Wexelburg, D. N . , Wey, J OS Wharin, Wm Whatmough, Chas. T Whatmough, Isaac Wheatley, Edmund . . Wheatlev, Jos Wheaton, E. F . Whelan, Pat Whetter, Henry R. . . Whinton, Andrew E , White, Geo. H White, George White, Isaac . White, Thos White, Wm Whiteman, John A . Whittaker, Robt . . . , Whittemore- F. B . . W^hitton. Isaac Whvte. Henry ...... Whyte, Thos Whyte, Thos. J . . . . Wickens, Rich*d Wickson, Fred . . . . Wightman, John Wii cocks, Stephen . Wilde, W. S Wilkes, Robt Wilkie, Alex Wilkie, John Wilkie, John Wilkie, Thos. J Wilkinson, David. . Wilkinson, H. N., jj Wilkinson, W. ... 8TREST. 44 Bleecker . . Sydenham . . . 87 Alice Grosvenor Av High 228 Queen, E Saulter 83 MaHland . . 200 y r./o . 43 Trin. ^^^ „ 42 Richm--l^:: . 100 Bay 622 Yonge . , . Little Adelaide Vanauley — . Sultan ... 23 King W.... Church 213 Seaton Grosvenor Av. Na AU 258 Adelaide W 15 Beverley Arthur .... Mercer North ..... . 51 Sherboume. James & Albert 16 Rerf - jw 68 Vanauley 44 Scott . 122 Agnes . Toronto 156 Huron . 76 Trinity . 127 St Patrick 29 Robinson Sea'on Brock 117 Dalhousie Wellington . . 531 Queen, W Yonge 26 Front .... 56 Adelaide . Victoria 101 Mutual . . . 170 Lumley . . Jarvis Parliament. , . Ward. St. Thos Dav John Pat John Thoa Jas Jas John John And Geo John And Pat John Geo Jas Thos Pat Pat And Pat Step Geo John Thos John Pat Dav Law John Jas Pat Law Pat Step Thos Geo Jas Geo And Geo And Jas Jas Step Jas Dav 68 YEAS. Nams. Street. Wilkinson, W. L llKinirE Wilkinson, Wm 221 Seaton Willans, James 594 King W Willard, Wm Leonard Av Willcock, Geo 131 Brock Will'iams, David Charles ... .... Williams, Douglas 91 Richmond W . . . Williams, E. H . . .-iJ* * >:, . 180 Queen Williams, Fred . .U:, . . . 285 Front E Williams, Geo. W . . . . 26 Czar W^illiams, George Queen W W illiams, Joshua J Lumley Williams, Jos . . . . 1 1 Baldwin Williams, John ..... 14 Madeira Place. Williams, R. S . . Wellington Williamson. A.lex 179 George Williamson, W 22 King, E Vt^ills, Alex 43 Pembroke . ... Wills, Geo. S 93 Hayter Wilman, Chas 555 Queen ^^-^^^i . . Wilmot, John Foxlev Willmott, J. B , . Church Wilson, Chas 23 Robinson Wilson, Chas ■.■ 29 Mutual ^v*v •• . . Wilson, Christopher o2 Soaton . . . . Wilson, Dan'l 474 Queen W Wilson. David 63 Robinson Wilson, Geo Borden Wilson. Geo Rear 65 Queen 118 Portland Wilson, James Wilson, James Stafford : . . Wilson, John Yonge & Joseph . . 82 Centre Wilson, John . Wilson, Robt i^i«ii . 61 Mutual Wilson, Robt Esplanade . . . . W^ilson, l^'obt . Parliament Wilson, Robt. . . •^v?» D'Arcy Wilson, Thos Breadalbane Wilson, Thos, W 57 Hobinson Wilson, Wm Monck . . Wilson Wm 12 Bond Wilson, Wm . . 537 Queen W Wilsont W^m 107 St Patrick . W inchester, J ohn Dundas ... .... . W inchester, Thos - Markham Windeat, E. W . . . . . Baldwin - . •••-.. WingSeld, J. M Terauley W^inifrith, Bernard 6 Toronto Winifrith, Harold Toronto Wiuskill, Hy. Geo Reid Ward. St. Law Thos Geo Pat And Pat And Pat Law John Pat Step Pat Dav Thos Thos J as Thos John Step Step Law Step J as Thos Pat Step Pat And And And J ohn John Jas Law Dav Pat John Sten Pat Jas And Pat Step Step Pat John Jas Jas Dav YEAS. 5d Name. Winslow, Robt. C Winter, Wm Withrow, J.J Withrow, Rev.W. H, Wolfenden, Wm . . . Wood, A. T Wood, Ed Wood, G. W Wood, Rev. Geo . Wood, Henry Wood, Rev. John .. Wood, Sam'l G Wood, Thos. M . . . Wood, T. R Wood, Wm Woodall, Chas W^oodbridge, Thos. . Wocdhall, t red Woodhall, John Wood house, T. . - . Woodhoiise, J. J . . , Woodland, Geo . . . . W^oodland, J. G . Woodley, E. G . . . . Woodruff, Chas Woods, John R Woods, P J Woods, Wm Woodward, Robt Woollings. Jos Worrell, Geo ...... Worrell, Thos Worth, Arthur Wray, Wm Wright, Alex ...... Wright, Fred Wright, Dr. F. H . . . Wright, Dr George Wright, Geo Wright, Geo Wright, Geo Wright, Dr. H. H . . . Wright, Jas. W Wright, John . . . . . Weight, Jos Wright, P. A Wright, Robt Wright, Wm Wright Wm. G Wright, Wm Street. King E l.xODuke Wilton Crescent .. Jarvis Maitland , 143 Jarvis 9 Oak ... . 348 Wellesle> Conway , 30 Maitland 43 Sleeker 12 Victoria Charles 86 Edward 21 Dorset Carlton 100 Lumley 121 Mutual ...... 127 King E 206 Church 228 Berkeley. 29 Esther 446 Ontario 292 King, E Major 25 Bishop Beech 5 Carlton E ... Oder Howell . 137 Sydenham . . . Sydenham 34 Nassau ..... . Hayter 81 Tecumseth — . Gloucester . . , > ... Queen, E Bay Sherbourne ..... 247' Sherbourne . . 15 Muter 147 Queen, E Buchanan .... Yonge Queen & Dalhousie 224 Bellevue Av . . . 19 Vanauley ...... 115 Dalhousie . . . . Gloucester Sherbourne Ward. St. Law Dav Thos Thoa Jas Thos Dav Jas Dav Step Jas Thos Jas Jas John Geo Dav Step Jas Law Jas< Dav •Pat Thos Law Pat Step Dav Dav Pat Dav Dav Pat John And Dav Thos And Thos Thos Step Law John Jas Jas Pat Pat •las Thos Thoa ea YEA». Namb. Wrightman, J R , Wrightson, John R i.f»i Wrigley, Wm — Wyld, Fred Wyrill, Geo - Yates, Hy . ... . . . .. . • Yearsly, Robt Yorke, F. J Yorston, James Yorston, John Yorston, Robt Young, Geo. A Young, Geo. P Young, Rev. Geo Young, Jas t Young, Jas Young, Jas Young, John Young, John Young, John Young, Wm Strkst. Carlton Bloor Francis 76 S. Pembroke n Shuter 140 George. ... . . . 167 Sherboume . . . Yonge University 189 University . . . 1 91 University . . . College 115 Bloor 17 1 George 74 Elm Wellesley 44 Wood Yonge . Yonge 65 Walton 68 Elm Zurhurst, Chas .... 4-}dm . . 55 Queen, W Ward. St. Jas John; Jas Thos Jas Thosi Thos^ Jas John John John Pat thos Thos John Thos Jas And Jas John John And «* ]sr^ Ys * • » * AbDey, Namk. \ Jas Abbott, P. J Abell, Robt. W.... Abernethy , Jno . . . . Ablitt, John Abraham, Jas . . . . Abraham, Jos . . . . Abraham, Joseph . . AchesoD, Jas Acheson, Jas Adams, Alfred . . . . Adams, Fred Adams, Jas AdamSj James ,>... Adams, James . . . . Adams, Robt Adams, Thos Adams, Thos . . . . Adams, Thos Adams, Wm Adamson, Jas . . . . Addison Chas . . . . Addison, Chas Addison, Gasway . . Agnew, Jas Ahern, Michael . . . . Aikins, John Aitkin, Duncan . . . . Aitkin, Jas Albert, Geo ...... Albert, Lewis Alcock, Thos. B . . . , Alderman, J Alexander, Julius . . Alexander, Wm . . Alexander, Wm . . Allan, Jas Allan, W. G . ... AUcock, Masculine Allen, Christopher Queen E . . . . 2H Denison Av Sumach Vanauley 211 Yonge . . . . 250 Carlton . . Grosvenor Av 40 Maitland . . Mill Givens Seaton 55 Terauley . . . College 104 William .. 32 South Park. 254 Queen W Borden 74 Front E . . . 553 Jarvis . . . . 104 John Bishop York Sumach King, W 106 William . . 58 Edward . . . . 470 King W . . Wilton 93 Tecumseth . 53 Lumley . . . . 226 Bathurst . . 16 Queen W.. 173 Victoria . , 350 Yonge ... 18 Bishop ... Front 23 Brant 209 King, E . Ward. St. Dav Dav Pat Law Pat Jas Dav Pat Jas Law Step Thos John' Pat Pat Law Thos Pat Law And Step And Dav Geo Pat John Geo Step And Step Step And Jas John Step Geo And Law 62 NAYS, Name. Allen, Jas Allen, Jas Allen, John Allen, Thos Allen, Thos . Alien, Wm Aliin, Jas Allis, Robt Alliston, A. G Allison, Jas Allworth, Jno Amall, Wm Aniann, Jacob Amor, Frederick Anderson, Bouchelle Anderson, Chas. P Anderson, Geo Anderson, Jno Anderson, Rob't Anderson, Thos . . . Anderson, Thos Anderson, Wm Anderson, Wm. A Ando, Charles . . Andrews, Walter T Anketell, James Appleby, R. S Appleton, E Aptell, Edw'd. Archer, G'*'^ P Archer, ^ . . Arche Arch Arch Art lei, Ardagh, Ardagh, Ardagh, Argue, Jo Argue, Wi^ Armitage, Gt Armita .s,7 ' NAYS. 65 .r'^^^,.. Name. .■'-^.-:/-., Bawden, Wm Baxter, Wm Bayley, Wm Bayley, Rich'd Bay, Rich'd. J Beale, Frs Beamish, Fr Beamish, Geo ..... — Beamish, Jno . . . . Beard, Joshua G BeasJey, M. B Beatey, Wm — Beatty, Chas Beatty , Chris . . . . Beatty, Geo Beatty, Wm Beatty, Jno. H . Beatty, Sam'l Beatty, Wm Beaty, Adam — , - . . - Beaty, Adam . . ...... Beaty, Chas Beaty, Jas Beaty, Jas Beaty, Luke . . Peaty, Robt Beaty, Sam'l Beaumont, Jas Beck, John Beck, Jos Beck, Sam'l Beddon, Alfred Bedley, Emanuel Bedson, J. W. C Beer, Jas Beer, John J Belisle Bell, Fred Bell, Chas. R Bell, Chas. T Bell, John Bell, John Bell, Jos Bell, Robt . . . . Bell, Robt .v^r . . Bell, Thos Bell, Walter Bell, Will Bell, Wm Bell, Wm Street. High Vanauley 408 Jarvis ^ ■. 170 Bleeker .... 109 River King . 107 SumacJi . . . Gen'ard E ... South Park East Market . . . 369 Queen Queen E ... . 183 Jarvis 30 Baldwin 2S2KingE.. .. 296 Queen E . . Ontario Osgoode 72 Terauley St. Patrick Queen ... 261 Parliament . 62 Yonge 164 Richmond . Adelaide 141 Sumach . . . ,. 62 King Wellington Av . 102 Strachan Av Queen William Queen W 372 Queen 135 Yonge . - . . Elizabeth 201 Richmond . Jarvis Bishop . Spadina Av . . . . George Foxley 182 Queen W . . 5 Sullivan 57 Mutual . . Parliament , 226 Victoria Foxier Queen W . . Camden , .. - Ward. St. Pat Pat Jas Tho8 Dav Law Dav Dav Law Law Step Dav Thos Pal Dav Dav Thos John John Pat Dav Dav And And Jas Dav Pat Geo And Dav Pat And Pat Jps John And Law Step Pat Thos Step Pat Pat And Jas Jas Jas Step And And 66 NAYS. Namk. Bell, Wm Bell, W. H Belamore, Anthony Belleisle, Philip Belmont, Bell Belraore, Jno Bennett, Fred'k Bennett, Chas Bennet, Chas. A Bennett, Jas Bennett, Jos. H Benson, David Benson, Jno Benson, John . Benson, Jos Benson, Robt S Bergman, F. Bernhardt, D Bernstein, L Berry, Frs Berryman, Dr C. V . . . Berthon, G . T Bertram, David Berwick, Jno Besant, Geo Bescoby, Ed Besley, Christian Best, Heniy Best, Thos Best, Thos. M Beswick, James Beawick, P Beth :il, John Bethel, Thos Bevan, O. T Beyington, Thos ...... Bever, John Bickford, E. O , Bickford, Henry Bickley, John - Bills, T. A Bingham, Alfred Binyon, Edw'd Birchall, T. S. Bird, Peter. Birney, Thos Birt(.h, R. S Black, Ab. E Black, David Black, D. N Street. 50 Emma 165 Pine 83 Jarvis Prospect Bishop 439 Queen W . . . Camden Queen, W King W ...... 136 University. . 96 Sumach . . ... 331 King E 155 Lumley 176 Gerrard Bay Elizabeth . Gerrard 219 King E • ^ 7 Bloor Adelaide 57 Centre Simcoe 72 Arthur 4 Markham 247 Queeen Shaw 31 Murray East Park Terrace West Market. ... King . 225 Elizabeth . Brunswick Av . . . Yonge Sumach 23 Queen E Queen 44 Winchester 82 Lumley ...... 6G Queen W Market Sq Grosvenor Av . . . . Church Queen W Berkeley 348 Spadina Av. . . Baldwin 8 Lippincott 158 Lumley Ward. St. John Law Dav Thos Dav Step And And Pat And John Dav Law J Step Thoa Geo John Dav Law And Jas Jas Jahn Pat Step Step Dav Step Pat Dav Law Law John Pat John Dav Jas Step Dav Step John Pat Pat J 98 And Dav Pat Pat Pat Step NAYS. 6T Namb. T Black, E Black, Jonathan . Black, Capt. J H . Blackbird, Geo ... Blackbird, G. T . . Blackburn, Jos . . . Blackburn, Robt . . Blackmore, Jaa ... Blackstone, Frs ... Blackwell, J. A ... Blair, Wm . Blair, John Blake, R. B Blp.kely, John .... Blaksten, Levi .... Blevins, John Bluett, Thoa Bluff, Geo Blumbergh, Louis . Boardman, F. G . . Boatman, Chas ... Boeckh, Chas ...... Boddy, E. H .... Bodd}^ Ulysses . . . Bodwell, Gilbert . . Bolden, Geo Bolger, P Bolton, Chas ...... Bolton, H. P Bolton, J no. P . . . . . Bolton, W. B Bond, Chas. Henry. Bond, John ■ Bond, John Bonner, Jas Bonner, J ohn Bonner, Pat Bonner, Thos Boomer, Henry Boon, W. G Booth, Jas Booth, Jno Booth, Wm Boston, Henry . . . . Boultbee, Alf Boulton, Henry P. . . Boulton, Wm Bourlier, Henry Bo veil, Howard Bovaird, Chas Strjcbt. 72 Niagara ....... 163 Centre Queen & Berkeley . Front W Charlotte 80 Mill Sullivan . . . 78 Grosvenor Av . Crookshank Brock 195 Yonge 82 Sydenham John Shaw 527 Queen W . . . . 341 Parliament . . . . Jarvis 98 Berkeley 57 Brant Denison Av Queen 134 Carlton 19 Britain . Strachan Camden Pine 171 Pine Montague 48 Queen W Front Adelaide W . . . . 108 Vanauley Sherboume .... Charles 487 Queen W Yonge . . . Yonge Ann 13 0rd Gerrard Elizabeth St. Joseph 79 Sydenham .... 64 Adelaide St. Lawrence M't. . St Lawrence M't.. 76 John 186 Richmond, W . 107 Lumley . , Ward. St. Geo John Dav Geo And Law Pat Pat Jas And Jas Ihiv Pat Step And Dav Jas Dav And Pat And Thos Thos Step And Dav Dav Thos John Law And Pat Thos Thos And Jas Jas Jas Law Pat Dav Jas John Dav Jas Law Law And And Step 68 NAYS. Name. Bowell, Sam'l Bowery, Geo ... Boxall, W. H Boxsell, Albert Boyce, Edwd Boyd, Geo Boyd, Jas Bovle, Jas Boyd, Jas .A Boyd, John Boyd, Jno . . Boyd, Wm ... Boylan, Pat Boylan, Wm Boylan, Thos . . Boyle, Edward ... Boyle, J. H ........ Boynton, Ed Bradford, Geo Bradford, Geo Bradley, John Brady, David . . .... Brady, E . . Brady, Jas .... ... Braham, Walter , . . . Braniff, John Brant, Chas . . Braun, H. P Brawn, Franois Breading, G. M ...... Breen, J Breen, Jno Breen, Owen Breen, Simon Breer, Fred Brelsford, Chas Brelton, Wm Bremner, Geo Brennan, A. Brennan, Jp,s Brennan, Mich'l Brennan, Pat Bretagne, Julius Brewer, John Bridge, Jas Bridgwater, Thos Briggs, Geo. H Briggs, John Bright, T Bright, T. G Street. 2 Bright ... .. Parliament . . . . 117 Queen 69 King W 155 Sherboume King 38 Sherboume . 49 Jarvis .... Bellevue Av ... South Park ... South Park . . . 291 Front 25 Britain , 599 Qu m E . . 31 River . . Queen E Wellesley . . . . , Yanauley Dundas 106 Elizabeth . , 323 Yonge ..., Richmond . . . - . 21 Strachan . . , 17 Strachan . . , Albert , ^ Queen 91 Sydenham . . Ward. St. 198 Chestnut. Colbome . . , . 59 Jarvis .... 26 William . . Little Nelson Strachan . . . D'Arcy 137 Yonge . . . South Park . . 245 Sherboure 50 Elizabeth ^ ^ Ontario . . . S.: - ley ISydenham . . 114 Elizabeth Queen W ... 61 Esther . .. Victoria 268 Yonge . . . 378 King Peter Dav Dav And Geo Thos Geo Law Thos Pat Law Law Law Thos Dav Dav Thos Thos Pat Step John Jas And Step Step John And Dav John I.^w Thos Pat And Step Law Jas Thos Thos John Dav Jas Dav John Pat Pat Jas John Dav Law And NAYS. 69 Name. Brinkworth, S Britton, Jas Brock, Martin Brodie, James . . . . Brodie, Pat Bromfield, Geo. B Bromley, Jas Brookman, John Brooks, Benj .... Brooks, David v « Brooks, Joseph Brookstein, S. Broomer, John Broomhead, Matthew . . . Brophy, Mich'l Brophy, Wm . . . , , . . Broiighton, Jno Brown, Abner Brown, Arch'd Brown, Chas - . Brown, C W Brown, Geo Brown, Edw'd Brown, Henry Brown, Henry C Brown, J as Brown, Jas. C Brown, Jno Brown, John — Brown, John Brown, John Brown, Pat'k Brown, Robt Brown, R. T Brown, T. T im^^ Brown, Tim Brown, Wesley - - Brown, W. A Brcwn, Wm. C Brown, Wm Brown, Wm Brown, Wm Brownlow, Thos Bruce, Chas Bruce, David Brundle, Chas — .... Brunskill, F Bryan, Thos Bryant, G. T Bryant, John Street. Richmond 74 S. Pembrocke Queen 49 Strachan .... 234 Dundas Spadina Av .... 14 Brunswick Av . 121 Bleecker Gerrard Ill Jarvis 33 Duchess . . . 4 Sydenham Centre 66 Brunswick Av 159 Oak ...... Sydenham . . . .. . 26 Camden ...... St. Charles 65 Chestnut 107 King . Church Front Victoria 325 Adelaide . . . Queen W. ....... St. David Queen 305Welle3ley 170 Strachan Regent 164 Soho St. Albans Charles 57 Emma Esplanade South Park . . . 30 Christopher . 183 Elizabeth ... Queen W 22 Bishop . . Centre .... . 106 Adelaide W Gold Hr ckney John 93 Oak Front 26 Colbome 178 Queen 1223 ^liagara W^ARD. St. And Thos Step Step Step Pat Pat Thos Dav Thos Thos Dav John Pat Dav Dav And John John And Law Law Jas And And Dav John Jas Step Dav Pat John Pat John Law Law John John Pat Step John And Jas Pat And Dav Law- Law Pat And 70 NAYS. Namb. Bryant, T . . . . . . . Brydon, Rich'd. F Buchanan, Dan') Buchanan, Robt Buchanan Thos Buck, Oliver Buckland, Geo. W . .. Buckley, J Buckley, J ; Buckley, Jos Buckley, Thos ... ; Bultjer, Michael ; Bulger, Pat . . . . . ; Bull . Josh Bullock, Emanuel Bunce, Henry Thos . 4 Bunner, Chas Burchan, Geo j Burgess, Charles Burgess, Colin Burgess, J Burgess, John Burgess, R. K Burgess, Thos Burke, Jeremiah . . Burke, Pat Burke, Thos; Burke, Wm Burnett, Henry Burnett, Sam Bums, Alex Bums, C . . Bums, thas Burns, G. A . . . . - Bums, G : Bums, Jas Bums, J as Bums, Jas Butler John ' Bums, John Burns, John Burns, Martin Bums, Mich'l . . Bums, Pat .... - Bums, Patrick „ . Burns. Philip Bums, Simon P Burns, V/m Burns, Wm Burns, Wm Street. 89 Oak 43 Seaton Parliament 64 McGiU Agnes 87 Tecumseth . . . Yonge & Queen . Wellington Wellington 641 Beech Front Maple Lane ..... Adelaide 28 Amelia . — . 136 Bishop 52 Frederick 245 Elizabeth... . Ontario 261 Yonge Simcoe 660 Yonge 1 56 Strachan Front '- King Johnston's Lane . . 62 Stanley 51 King E King E Arthur 24 Vanauley 9 Buchanan 320 King, E Queen W Front E Gerrard Market PI Store. . 262 Front 23 Denison Av . . . 33 Ontario 11 William Henry. Queen & James . . . 102 McGilL ...... 14 Markham University 413 King W^ 85 Lumley Sydenham 101 William .... Richmond |30 Osgoode Ward. St. Dav Thos Dav Jas John And John Geo Geo Dav Law Pat And Dav Step Thos John Dav John Pat John And Law Jas And Jas Law Law Step Pat John Pat Law Thos Thos And Pat Dav Pat John Jas Step John Geo Step Dav Pat And John HAYS. 71 Name. Bums, W. R Burridge, A If Burry , Thos Burton, O . Busby, Geo Busteed, John .... Bu steed, .John .... Busteed, W. T Butcher, John Bycroft, Thos , . . By water. Jos Bywater, Jos By water, Wm .... Cadieux, Jos ........... Cahill, Michael , Cain, J , Caldwell, John Caltart, Wm . . . Cahoon, A. junr , Calhoun, Robt Calhoun, Wm Callaghan, Bartholomew Callender, Henry Calliirhan, Chas , Callaghan, John Cailighan, Jos , Calow, Jos . . Cameron, Angus Cameron, John , Campbell, C. J. ^ . . . . . , Campbell, Dr. D Campbell, Edward Campbell, Geo Campbell, Geo Campbell, Geo , Campbell, James Campbell, Jas Campbell John Campbell, John . . c Campbell, John Campbell, John , Campbell, Rich'd Can, bell, Robt Campbell, R Campbell, S Campbell, Wm Campbell, Wm Campbell, Wm . . . . . . Caraplin, Edw'd Street. 11 Buchanan . 66 Alice . ... Radenhurst Rich'd & Tecum'th , 91 Oxford . , 90 Ann 74McGill 162 Mutual Queen, W Spadina Av 237 University . . 171 Elizabeth 340 Chestnut 390 Queen W 250 Little Richmond 13 Markham 301 Queen W 31 Ontario Niagara 39 Terauley 218 Terauley 82 Stanley Kingston Rd Charles , 9 Sydenham 108 Queen E Pine 276 Yonge 51 Borden King E Bay. Jarvis 73 Lumley Mill . , 31 Walton Beech & River 116 Esther 14 Saulter 67 Chestnut Oak 26 MacDonald Sq . . 53 Edward Cornwall 96 Bolton Simcoe King E 25 Mutual 88 Mill 36 Bathurst Ward. St. John John Dav And Pat Ja» Jas Pat Pat John John John And And Step And Dav And John J.jhn Jas Law Thos Dav Dav Dav John Pat Jas And Jas Step Law John Dav Pat J ohn John Dav And John Dav And Geo Law Jas Law Geo 72 NAYS. Name. Campton Canavan, Jno .... Cariavan, Mich'l . . Canavan, W. B . . . . Gann, Jas. S - . Cannoody, Byron. . Capper, Jas. jr. . . Oapps, Geo Capreol, F. C Garden, Mich'l .... Carliiig, Hon. John Carlton, Robt . . . . Garlyon, Philip . . . Carmichael, Alex . . Carney, Mich'l . . . . Carney, Pat Carey, John Carey, Mich'l Carey, P. F Carey, Wm Carley, Jesse Carter, Rich'd R. . . Carter, Wn> Carr, Jas Carr, Jno Carroll, 0. D Carroll, Geo Carroll, Jas Carroll, Joseph . . . . Carroll, J. W Carruthers, Jas.. . Carruthers, Jos . . . . Carscadden, John . Carvey, Jas ...... Case, Jno Cash, Miles Casey, Bart Casey, Jas Casey, James Casey, Jas Cashman, C Cassidy, Mich'l . . . . Cassidy, Pat Cassidy, Solomon . , Casler, David Caspar, Samuel. . , . Cassells, W. G Castell, Wm Caaweil, Wm Cathcart, Jr.s Street, 146 King Adelaide , 10 Garrison . . . Adelaide 36 Nassau Brunswick Av . 146 Jarvis . . 125 River Clarence Sq ... Pine Front . . . . College 38 High ...... Church Duchess Monck 29 Tecumseth . . 18 Stafford 97 Elm Maitland .... . . Cattle Market . . 45 Center 69 Chestnut . . . 126 Pine 66 Bay Chestnut 82 Bay 187 Terauley . . . 42 Elm 258 Queen E . . . 71 Elizabeth . . . Adeliade 101 Sherboume. 102 George Dundas ..... . 107 Jarvis St. Patrick 21 Elizabeth . . . 425 Adelaide . . . 425 Adelaide . . . St. Joseph Hope & River . . Albert Oak Queen W Richmond King E 140 Brock 36 Queen W.... 12 Vanauley . . , Ward. And John And Jas Pat Pat Jas' Dav Geo Dav Geo Pat Pat Jas Dav Step And Geo John Thos Geo John John Dav Geo John Geo John John Dav John And Thos Thos Step Thos Pat Jas And And John Dav John Dav And And Jas And John Pat NAYS. 73 Name. Cathcart, Wm Cattella, Joseph .... Cautkers, John Oavan, Thos. M Oavanagh, Jas Cavanagh, Wm Cerberry, Kennedj'^ . . Chadwick, Thos Chales, J. W Chalkley, R ... Challice, W. R Chaltis, James Charles, D. Charles, Jas Charles, John Charlesworth, Geo. H Chambers, Geo Chambers, David .... Chamberlain, Henry . Chamberlain, Chas . . Chandler, Geo Chandler, Jas Chanter, Wm Chantler, John ..... Chapman, Ben Chapman, G. W. . . . Chappie, Thos Charlton, C. E Charlton, John .... Charlton, Robt Charteris, Jos Charters, Thos Chater, Thos Chauvin, F , Cheeseworth, J. W . , Cheny, B Cherry, Thos . . Chesman, Geo . Chessell, Geo. D Chesterton, Jas Chick, Henry Chidley, Rock ... . . . . Chipman, Rich'd J. M. . . . Christie, James Church, Jos Churchill, Ed Churchill, Jordan Churchward, Robt Clancy, John : Clancy, Pat » ■ Street. 73 Lippincott . . . Richmond W . . . University Yonge 37 Bathurst 45 Nelson 232 Chestnut . 134 Parliament. 9 Richmond W . 77 High 316 Yonge Queen E Robinson George Sydenham Madeira PI Little Nelson . . . Niagara & King Agnes Parliament . . . . 33 St. Lawrence Edward E 84 Oak 124 Richmond . . 261 Yonge Dalhousie . . . . 156 St. Patrick Oak 117 Strachan . . . Front 667 Yonge 68 Duke Arthur 229 Queen W . , King 25 Tecumseth . , 3i0 Queen Gerrard . . . ^^m 90 Bishop 82 Bichmond W 78D'Aicv 40J Bathurst . . Wellington . . . . , Brant 26 Centre . . . . ]\larkham . . . . , 28 Emma 5 Lippincott . . . , Stracha^* Av . . . 98 Strachan Av Ward. St. Pat And John Law Geo And John Thos And Pat John Dav Step Thoa Dav Dav And Geo John Dav Law Dav Dav And Jas Jas Pat Dav Step Law Jas Thos Step And And Geo Pat Dav Step And Pat Geo Geo nd John Step John Pat And And 74 NAYS. Nam», Clare, Edward Clark. A. M Clark, Bart Clark ... Clark, Chas , Clark, Geo T Clark, John Clark, Jno. H Clark, John Clark, Jolui Clark, Peter Clark, Seymour Jno. . . . Clark, Tho3 Clark, Wm Clarke, Chas Clarke, David Clarke, E. F Clarke, E. J Clarke, Geo Clarke, J. P Clarke, Jas Clarke, Jas . Clarke, Jas Clarke, Joseph Clarke, Patrick Clarke, Samuel Clark ins, Bernard — . Clarkson, Jas Claxton, Jas Claxton. Robt . - - Cleary , Michael Cleary, Walter Clegg, Jos , . . Cleghorn, Jas. C Clements, Thos Clemes, C. P Clendinning, John C . . . . Cliffori, Jesse Clinkinbroomer, Jas Clift, Joseph Close, P. G Clubb, Azariah . . . i* *-» . Coates, Cornelius Cobbin, Fred'k Coblett, John Cochrane, Alex Cochrane, Wm Cochrane, Wm Coffee, Law Coffin, Arthur . Street. ' 5 Dover Court Road Caer Howell 187 Little Richmond 476 Adelaide 167 Chestnut 12 West Bathurst 3 Manning Av .... 70 Stanley 615 Victoria. ... Alice 88 Baldwin 23 Camden ........ Richmond Hope Melinda Victoria Kingston Road .... Queen W 4 Prospect 64 Muter Conway 59 Niagara 32 Muter 329 Front E 153 York 7 Walz's Lane .... 186 Yonge 263 Pine 79 Vanauley ofl* Renfrew Renfew . . •^;- 25 Stafford 04 Yonge 88 Portland Queen's Hotel .... Esplanade 53 Cedar Gerrard 19 St. Andrew Simcoe 50 Arthur 68 Gerrard 52 Power Kingston Road .... 32 Queen E Centre Centre Church 600 Bathurst NAYS. 75 Name. Coker, Geo Coker, Wrn Colbert, Jonn D Colby, Robt, Colby, Thos . Co? dwell, Hugh Cole, Rich'd L Cole, S. H . . Coles, Thos Coles, Wm Coleman, J Coleman, Jno. G Coleman, Pat , . . . Coleman, Will Colenso, Wm Colgan, Jas CoUett, Martin Collett Collier, Geo Collier, Jno Collins, David Collins, Geo Collins, Geo. W Collins, Jno Collins, John F Collins, ^at Collins, P Collins, Robt Collins, S. E Collins, Thos Collins, Thos Collins, W.J CoUwell, Hugh Colpitts, Thos Comerford, W Colton, J. M Comiskey, Bernard Comiskey, >ven ^^^, , . . Conn, J . . . Condell, Thos. H Coneo, Angelo Conlan, Thos Conlin, Philip Conlin, Pat'k Connell, Alex Connell, Jno Connell, John Connell, Mich'l Connell, Thos Connell, Thos Strket. Bell Amelia Queen W. Anderson 229 Berkeley King E ...... St. Patrick 136 Vincent 5Gf> Queen W Hayden 9 Monck 20 Terauley South Park . . . 13 Camden 58 William 131 Little Richmond 498 Yonge 622 Yonge Pine 80 Colborne Wilton & Strachan 33 Wm. Henry . . . 553 Queen W East William Henry . . . 41 Hackney 90 King 557 Queen W 258 Richmond W . . 612 Yonge Queen W Anderson 74 Strachan 273 Spadina Av . . . . William West 1 1 Little Richmond. Kxng 382 Yonore 222 Chestnut KingE 71 George Winchester 256 Front E Queen W 37 Louisa . Borden Parliament ....... Victoria Ward. St. Dav Dav Pat Pat Dav Law Pat Jas Step Jas Step John Dav And Pat And John John Dav Law Step Pat And Law Pat Pat And Law And And John Pat Pat Geo Pat Pat And And Law John John Law Thos Dav Law And John Pat Dav Jaa 7« NAYS. Namk. Connelly, Jas ..... Connery, Joseph. . . . Connolly, Wm Connors, Michael . . . Conroy, John Conhtable, Wm Constadine, Robt . . . Contanche. Thos Conway, Pat Converse, Wm Convey, Pat Cook, Benj Cook^ Chas Cook, Geo. T Cook, Nicholas .... Cooke, Henry Jos . . Cooke, John Cooke, John Cookley, Wm Coolaghan, Pat .... Cooley, Geo Cooley, Henry Cooney, Peter Cooper, Hadley Cooper, Fred'k Cooper, Henry Cooper, Hugh' Cooper, Isaac Cooper, Jas Cooper, Jas Cooper, Robt Cooper, Thos. A ... Cooper, Wm Cooper, Wm Cooper, W. Jas Coots, Wm Copeland, Wm . . . . , Copley, Stephen Corbett, Chas ..... Corbitt, Wm Corcoran, John Corcoran, MichM . . . Cordingly, Wm Corin, C. D. S Corke, J, H Corlahon, Wm Corlin, Pat Cornelius, S. C Cornell, S. F Comey, Wm Str£et. 118 George Lippincott 127 William Front 1 1 Terauley 472 King E 12 Sheppard's Lane St. 40 Sherboume . . . . 54 Bolton 77 University (Jak 50 Nelson Tecumseth 5 Richmond W . , . . 140 Rear Lit. Rich'd 33 Rear of Queen W 150 Bishop Simcoe Pine Yonge Gerrard E ..... Garrison W Market St....... 493 Queen W 109 Yonge ^ 457 King E Yonge Sumach 32 Bishop 99 Bathurst 576 Yonge 263 Queen E Ward. Exchange Bk South Park . KingE 14 Sheppard's Lane enire . . . . .. 'jt^*.. Elizabeth ....... 7 Diichess 15 Drumm ond PI . 160 Beech 86 Terauley 669 Yonge Sydenham 33 Sydenham .... Wood St. Patrick Sq . . . Lumley , Thos Pat Pat Law John Dav Step Pat Law And John Dav And And And And John Step Pat Dav John Dav And And And Jas Law Jas Dav Step And John Dav Law Law Dav Step J<»hii John Thos And Dav Jc»hn Jas Dav^ Dav; Jas J Pat I Step NAYS. 77 Nams. Cosgrane, John Cosgrave, Lawrence J . Cosgrave, Pat Cosgrove, Owen Costello, James Costillo, Mich'l Costello, Mich'l CostelJo, Pat Costello, Pat Costello, Peter Costello, Theophilus . Costigan, Jos Costigan, Wm Cotterill, Jno . . Cutterill, Mich'l Cotterill, Wm Couch, Rich'd . Couch, Wm Coughlin, Jno Coulter, Andw Coulter, Henry Coulter, Jas Coulter, John Coulthard, Jno , Coulton, Joseph Cousins, Jno. A Covell, Jno Cowan, Jas Cowan, Jt hn owan, R. L ox, E. S oxon, Geo oxon, G oxon. Sam'l oyle, Jas rabtree, Allan racknell, Jno - . raig, Andrew raig, J. F raig, W. J , raig, Robt , rane, Jas rapper, Jas , sr rashley, Robt .... rawford, Geo rawford, G. S rawford, Jas raw^fcrd, John rawford, Thos rawford, Wm Strkbt. Niagara Hishop Niagara Queen W 116 William ... 9.5 William 10 Stewart 35 Duchess Adelaide W . . . . Huron Niagara Bright Pine Centre Reed's Lane .... King W. . - . . ... 148 Adelaide W. Queen E East Sumach 187 Bishop 87 Jarvis Terauley Colborne St. Albans Sword 28 Nassau Buchanan Wellington Av . 159 John 8 Wellesley . . . Givens Church Gerrard Elliott PI Strachan Av . . . 86 Major 124 Berkeley . , Duke 65 Terauley . . . 393 Queen W. . 32 Duke Market Square Colborne , Bk. of Montreal Givens , 75 Hackney . . . 53 University . . 121 Pine Ward. St. And Step Geo Pat Pat Pat Geo Thos And Pat Geo Dav Dav John Dav And And Thos Law Dav Step Thos John Law John Dav Pat John Geo Pat Thos Step Jas Dav Geo And Pat Dav Dav John And Thos Pat Law Geo Step Pat John Dav n YSAM* Name. CreigTiton, Jas . Crevier, Ed Crewe, H Crewe, H. S Crey, Rich'd Croake, Michael Crocker, Jiio Croft, Thos Croft, Wm Crofton, Walter D Croker, Wm Crombie, Maroellus Cromwell, Jas Cronan, Win Crooke, Jas Crookshank, David Crosby, Jas Crosby, Peter Cross, A. Fletcher Crothers, Sam'l Crothy, Thos Crouch, Kev. Jasper Croucher, Edw'd Crowley, Timothy .... Ciibitt, John T Ciillen, Francis Cullen, Nichs Ciillen, Peter Cullen, Wm CuUeton, E. A Culleton, Pat Culley, Jas. E Culverhouse, H Cummings, Denis Cummings, Geo Cumming, Jno Cummini^s, W. A Cunan, John Cunan, John Cunningham, Dan'l ...... Cunerty, J is Curley, Michael Curley, Thos Curran, John Curran, John ... Curran, John Currie, EdwM Currier, Wilfred Currier, Wilfred Curry, Wm Strxet. Ward. 1 to Elm 10 Renfrew Wellington .... Ill Bond 100 Sydenham.. Yonge Queen W ..... 01 Lumley 116 Pembroke . . 72 Walton Liitle Richmond East . Power . , Stanley Pine Wellesley . - . . 341 Front E . . . . 70 Seaton King Kingston Road . Agnea 166 Bishop Robinson 33 Bishop ..... 19 Beach 81 Walton 169 Pine 35 Front Elizabeth 42 Edward William Lumley St 15 Huron 36 Mark ham . . , 88 Hayter ... 59 Duchess . . . . , 209 Parliament Adelaide , Strachan Hackney , 68 Strachan . . . . 29 Denison Adeliade W . . . . 333 Queen E . . . 611 Kin? W . . . 121 Richmond . Frederick Frederick 1 3 Bishop John Pat Geo Jas Dav John Step Step Thos John And Thos Dav Jas Dav Dav Law Thos Geo Law John Step Step Step Dav John Dav Law John John Pat Step Step Pat Step John Thos Dav And Geo Pit Geo Pat And Dav Geo And Thos Jas Step NAYS. Name. Ciirtin, James . . Curtin, Jeremiah Curtin, John . . . . Curtis, Corns Curtis, John . . . . Cusack, Tim Custance, Chaa. C Cuthbert, Robt. . Dady, Steph . . . . Dale, Robt Dale, Thos Dallas, Angus Dalton, Edw'd . . ])alton, Pat . . . . Dalton, Pat Dalton, Rich'd . . Daly, Jno Daly, Jas Daly, Jas. P Daly, Mich'l. J . . Daly, Rich Damelc, John . . Darner, John .... Dandy, Sam . . . . Dandy, Thos .... Danford, Jas. . . . Daniels, Geo .... Danman, Jas . . . Dash, Albert .... Davay, Michael Davidson, Ben . . Davidson, John Davidson, Thos . . Davidson. Thos . . Davie, Wm .... Davies, Elijah J Davies, Geo .... Da vies, Geo .... avies, Isaac .... avies, J avies, John. avies, Jos. A . . avies, Robt .... avies, Sam*l . . avis, C avis, David .... avis, David .... avis, Jacob .... avis^ J. B .... Strkkt. Eleanor Cedar . . Dalhousie .... 440 King E . . Foxley 25 Renfrew . . , 110 Lippincott Yonge . . . • . Parliament 87 Centre 28 Oak 419 King W King W 24(> Simcoe Stanley 423 Adelaide W 1 03 Sherboume . . . . 356 Queen E 358 Queen 356 Queen Queen 216 Chestnut 109 Bleeker 28 Albert 86 Elizabeth 102 Elm 39 Niagara 145 Tecumseth . . . . 5 North Mutual . 121 Bleeker 66 Bleeker Grosvenor Av 45 Beech 101 Magill KingK 130 Yonge 664 Yonge Bell Brunswick 203 Ontario Richmond 130 Yonge River Adeliade King 17 Queen E 89 Yonge 484 King N. Berkeley Ward. St. Pat Step Jas Dav Step Pat Pat Law Dav John Dav And Geo Pat Jas And Thos Dav Dav Dav Dav John Thos John Joh 1 John Geo And Jas Thos Thos Pat Dav Dav And John Dav Pat Dav And And Dav And Geo Jas Jas Dav Dav 80 NAYS. Name. Davis, Jno Davis, Jno Davis, Joseph Davis, Julius Davis, Oliver Davis, R. R Davis, Thos Daves, Thos Davis, Wm Davison, Jas Dawes, Edward Dawson, Chas ....... Dawson, Geo Dawzey, Chas Day, Chas. C . Dayment, James Daymont, Sam'l Dean, Sam'l Dean, T. W Dean, Thos Deans, Alex. Death, Geo c . , Dedford, Palm Dee, Rich'd Defoe, Frs Defrees, S. H DeGrassi, Dr. Geo. P. DeGrassi, Wm Degruchy Philip Delaney , Jno Delaney, Thos Delaney, Wm ....... Delany, Jas Dell, Wm Delude, Reny Dempster, Jas Demunn, Emery Denby, Pat Denison, J. George . . . Denning, Fred Dennis John 1 >erry, Hugh Devereaux, John Dev^.reauXj John A . , . Devlin, Hugh Devine, Jno , . . . Dewe, Geo Dewe, Jas Dewson, Thos Diamond, Frank Street. 179 University Major Little Richmond . . Yonge 166 Seaton 30 North 22Douro Pine Alice Elizabeth 7 Terauley 21 Charles 179 Centre 208 Sherboume . . . . 71 Louisa 114 Victoria 123 Terauley 17 Stafford. 26 Esther 52 St Patrick* 35 Duchess 89 Ontario 33 Emma 101 Sydenham . . . . Elliott PI. KingW. 40 Adelaide W..... King Colbome 57 St. Patrick 5 85 Magill 403 King E 83 Queen Pine 49 Emma Robert Lippincott Robinson Maitland Lake View 34 Lumley 60 Colbome 24 W m. Henry Ann Lumley 32 Bathurst Lumley 409 Yonge 42 Tait Dundas 7 Camden St. KAYS. m Namk. Dickie, Wm , Dicks, Alfred Dill, Jno DiU, Moore R . . DiUon, E. W.... Dillon, John .... Di Ion, John . . . . , DUlon, Wm .... Dilworth, Joseph , Dineen, Jno .... Dingwell, Jno . . . Dissette, Rich'd Dissette, Thos . . Ditchburne, T. L Dixon, John . . . Dixon, Tlios . . . . , Dobbin, Jos . . . . , Dobson, W. E ... Dodd, Geo , Dodd, Rich'd Dodds, J as , Dodds, Jno. G . . , Doherty, C. B . , Doherty, Joseph Doherty, Michael Dohoney, Pat . . . , Dolan, John . . . . , Dollery, Wm Dombrell, John Dome, Jas. T . . . , Donaldson, Wm . Donelly , P Donkin, R H . . . Donley, Henry . . , Donnegan, Thos Donovan, Eugene, Donovan, Jas . . , Donovan, Jos. A , Doran, Dan'l. . . . , Doman, Joseph . , Dorricott, Jos ... Dorsan, Ohas . . . . . Dorsan, W. R . . Dorsey, Henry . . . Doughty, Thos . . , Douglas, Jas .... Douglas, Jas .... Douglas, John . . Douglas, Jas .... Douglas, Rich'd . Strebt. 34 Niagara Bathurst Simcoe Chestnut 208 Seaton 108 Sherbourne , . . . )3 Albert 37 Bishop Bathurst & Monk . . 151 Centre 104 Lit. Richmond Esplanade Queen E Monck 72 King E 128 Parliament . . . . Edward King E Queen Lumley 68 Louisa Queen 42 Scott 15 Mutual 51 Agnes Kingston Road . . . . 1 25 Bathurst 380 Adelaide Dufferin Place Buller Little Richmond . . Richmond 188 Centre 32 Victoria 76 Agnes 69 William Henry.. S. Park Joseph . . 14 Camden 35 Edward Adelaide 31 Markham 131 Church Centre 78 Edward ...... . Elizabeth 29 Albert Yonge 186 Lumley William Henry. . . . Ward. St. Geo And Pat John Thos Dav John Step Pat John And Geo Dav Pat Jas Dav John Law And Step John Step Law Jas John Law And And Pat Pat And John Jas John Pat Law John And John And Dav Jas John John John John John Step Pat 82 NAYS. Name. Douno, Wm Dow, Geo Dowdell, Jas. Oraey Dowden, J Down, Rich'd .... Downey, John .... L»ownie, Mich'l Dowson, Edward . . Doyle, James Doyle, J no Doyle, Lawre >oe. . . Doyle, Michael .... Doyle, Valentine . . Doyle, Thos Doyle, Thos Draisey, Jas ...... Di*aper, Wm Drouillard, J Duckworth, Jno . . Dudley, Henry . . Dudley. Wm. H . . Duff, Wm Dufty, James Dufiy, Jno Duffy, Pat'k Duffv, Pat Duggan, John .... Duggan, John .... Duggan, Jos Duggan, Michael . . Duiginan, Wm .... Dulie, Clement .... Dumonchell, X . . . . Dunbar, R ^^p Dunbar, Sam 1 Dundas, Alex ..... Dunham, Jas Dunmore, R Dunn G.G Dunn, David Dunn, H. K Dunn, J Dunn, Jas ... Dunn, Jas R Dunn, John Dunn, John ....... Dunn, Jno R , Dunn, Jon Dunn, Justus iW'*m ' ij* • Street. 17 Baldwin 45 Oak 33 Alice 300 Spadina Av .... Victoria • i 25 Oxford 81 University Queen E Richmond E Sydenham Seaton Duke 1G7 Mill 30 William Renfrew . . Adelaide 32 3 Front Wood 183 Spadina Av . . . . 136 Parliament . . . . 143 Seaton 8 St. Andrews . . . . Chuvch Ontario Lane »,,,.,. . 73 Queen E . . . . . . 52 Ontario Duchess Church KingE 89 Sumach 16 N. Pembroke . . . 33 Bishop Trefann Market Square . . . . Brunswick Av . . . . Stanley 125 Richmond . . . . Agnes & Terauley. . 19 Sullivan 616 Queen W 65 Queen Berkeley 314 Sumach 37 Deuison Av . . . . 31 Hope 792 Queen W D'Arcy River Kingston Road .... St. Dunn, Thos 'Vanauley NAYS. 88 Name. Dunn, Wm Dunning, J. P Dunseith, Jno Durford, Henry Durslon, Wm Dw^han, Dan Dwyer, Mich'l Dw^yer, Philip, Dwyer, Robt Dyer, Henry Dykes, Jas Dyson, Wm Earl, Thos ..".V........ . Earnest, John Eaton, John ... Ebach, F Eckardt Andrew E Edgar, John Edmonds, Geo. W . Edmunds, John Edward, John Edwards, H Edwards, John Edwards, Jos Edwards, Thos. J Edwards, Thos Kgan, Pat'k . . . Egleton, H Eichorn, August . . Elacott, Geo Elder, Ebenezer .... Elder, J. H Elder, Jas .... Elder, J no Elder, Rob't . . . Elliot, Jno ... Elliot, Jno , Elliott, Geo Elliott, George Elliott Jno Elliott, T. W Elliott, W. M Elliott, Wm. A Elliott, Wm Ellis, Henry Ellis, Geo Ellis, Jas Ellis, Jna ..••-. Ellis. P Street. 44 Richmond .... 167 King W . . . . 64 Ibert (rear) . . Adelaide River Stanley ....... S& Bolton 93 Alexander .... Sullivan 507 KingE 112 Agnes 10 Vanauley .... v.,<'eciar ....••..*• 192 Victoria . - 28 West Market.. 30 Sydenham . . . 104 Carlton . . . Berkeley 12 Mill Yonge . Strachan Princess Beech 116 Shuter. . . 22 Erin Hayden . . Pine Baldwin W 157 Richmond. . . Victoria . . -^vt 73 Agnes Queen E Queen E ..... ;^m Queen 245 Spadina Av . Little Richmond . 134 Vanauley . . , 130 Oak 82 Elizabeth . . . Church Church 40 Oak 77 Centre Victoria Oak King 128 Terauley 19 Ann 2 Sydenham . . . Ward St. Geo John And Dav Jafi And Jas Pat Law John Pat Step Jas And Dav Thos Dav Law Jas Pat Thos Dav Thos Law John Dav Pat And Jas John Dav Dav Dav Pat And Pat Dav John Jas Jas Dav John Jas Dav Geo John Jas Dav 84 NAYS. Name. Ellison, Jos . . Ellison, Rob't . 1 ood, Pat. . Eiwood, John . Emard, Gideon Emerson, Chas Emery, Jos . . . . Emilio, Frank . , England, Benj . Ennis, Jas , . . . < Enright, Dan'l. . Entwistle, Thos En Wright, Jas Erskine, John . Erskine, Rob't . Erz, John Espie, Samuel . . Etwell, Thos . . Evans, Eyre . . . Evans, Jas . . . . Evans, J. Ick . . Evans, John. . . . Evans, Matt . . Evatt, W. W ... Ewing, John . . . Eyre, Harry . . Fahey, John . . Fahey, Pat . . . Fairbaim, Jos . Fairbanks, Jas . Fairbanks. Pat Fairhead, Robt . Fallon, Jas Fallon, John . . Fannery, Chas Farley, Joseph . Farley, Wm . Fams worth, Jos Farr, Terence Farrell, Jas . . . Farrell, Jno . . Farrell, Mich'l Farrell, Michael Faulkner, J. H Farrell, Patrick Faurst, Simon Fawcett, Jas . . Fee, John Fee, Jos ••••... Street. 1 3 Sheppard . 29 Centre . . . • •.■-*.-#.* Hackney . . . . Adelaide 76 King E . . Queen . . . 170 King W. D'Arcy 82 Oak Renfrew . - - - Wellesley . . . St. Vincent . . . Duke Pino Huron ...... McGill 449 Queen . . . . 214 Queen W. . . Melinda Parliament . Bay Adelaide 174 Lumley 42 Muter 135 Queen . . 86 William .. St. Patrick. 400 Queen . . . 78 Niagara.. . 9 Dale 5 Reid's Lane 126 Sumach . George 10 Brant 61 Walton . . 350 King.. .. 79 Berkeley . Chestnut . - . . Elizabeth . . . South Park South Park . 38 Niagara . . Clare 170 Ontario Elizabeth . . . King King E •••.. Ward. St. And' Johii^ Pat Pat And Thos And And : Pat J)av Pat Dav Step Johnt Thos- Dav Pat Jas And Pat Geo Dav * Geo Jas Step Step And Pat Pat Dav Geo \ John Dav Dav Thos And John Dav Dav John John Law Law Geo Jas Thos John Law Law NAYS. Namk. Felitz, Fred Fell, David Fennell, Win Fenner, Alf ..... Ferguson, Fras .... Ferguson, Jno. J . . Ferguson, Peter . . Ferguson, Wm . Ferland, A Ferris, John ...... Ferry, Jas Ferry, Thos Fewster, Rich'd Field, Ed Field, Geo Field, Wm Fife, Hugh Filby, Jas Finch, Thos Finch, Wm Findlay, Jas .... Finlay, James . . . . Finlay, Robt Finley, Harry . . . . Finn, Jas Finn, Jno Finney. Jas. A . . . Finnegan, Pat . . . . Finnery, Henry . , . Finucane Finucane, Sam'l Firman, E. J Fisher, Arthur — . Fisher, Ohas Fisher, Thos. S . . . Fisher, W. J ..... . Fitch, H Fitch, John Fitsch, Geo . ... Fitzgerald, E . . . . . Fitzgerald, John . . Fitzgerald, John . . Fitzgerald, Rich'd Fitzgerald, Wm . . , Fitzpatrick, Jos J . Fitzpatrick, Mich'l Flaharty, James . Flahaty, Law ... Flanigan, Pat Fianigan, Thos . . . Strekt. Edward . • • • Ida j or & Buller. 337 Church Cedar ... 4 Oxford . Queen - 392 Adelaide , . 108 Elizabeth .. Market Sq ... 127 Ontario Ont. & Duchess . Duchess 130 Oak 73 Bleeker . Bishop Manning Av 27 Eleanor 41 Emma 16 Bell 134 Agnes . Esplanade . . 311 Front 44 Oak Meliada Queen E 14 East Brunswick Av . King 5 William . . . . Lang Sumach ...... 440 Adelaide W N. Pembroke . . 27 Terauley . . Front 101 Peter Yonge Sydenham . . . Charles Little Adelaide . Queen W . . . . King . , , . Bast — . Adelaide . ... Boulton . MacDonald Av . Queen W 192 Bathurst . . 117 Victoria . . . . Markham Ward. St. John Pat Jas St«p Fat Dav And John Pat Dav Dav Thos Dav Thos Step Step Pat John Dav John Law Law Dav Geo Jas Law Pat Geo Pat Law Dav And Thos John Geo And Geo Dav Jas And Joim Law Law And And Pat Pat Step Jas Step oo NAYS. Name. Flannagan, Dennis. Flannagan, John . . Flannagan, Pat . . . Flannery, C Flannery, Con — Flannery, F. . Flannigan, Jas . . . Flayf 11, Jahn Fleming, Andrew Fletcher, G Fletcher, Gilbert . Fletcher, Jno Fletcher, Mich'l . . Fletcher, Pat Fleming, Chas . . . Fleming, John . . . . Fleming, Thos . . . Flemming, Patrick Flight, Thoa Flood, Dennis , . . . Floyd, Jos Flynn. Michael . . . Flynn, Pat Flynn, Thos Flynn, Wm. J Fogarty, Wm Fogg, Geo Fogg, Geo .... Foggerty, John — Foggett, Wm , . . . Fogler, Sol Foley, Edward ... Foley, Jas Foley, Thos Foley, Wm Follett, Robt Foot, Henry Forbes, G. H Ford, Geo. E Ford, Pat Ford, Thos . . . Ford, Wm Foreman, James Forsyth, Jas . . Forsyth, Jno . . . Forrest, Wm . . Fortune, Jno . . . Fortune, John . Foster Foster, David .:***■ ♦--■ tii'dSK Strbkt, 78 William Renfrew . . 31 Renfrew. 7b Teraulty Soho Bloor 5 Stanley . . Elizabeth . . Edward 40 Elizabeth Pine 526 Yonge 7 Dale ... 119 Little Richmond 444 King E . 84 ]3uller . . . . Toronto 363 Front 48 Brunswick Av King . . 78 High 65 Bolton York and Queen George Parliament . 3 St. George 252 Queen E 157 Berkeley 41 1 King E . High 119 Qaeen W 32 Hanley . 107i George 41 Nelson . . Duke 21 Camden . . 95 Oak Gaer Howell Hope . . . Grosvenor Bloor 128 Jarvis Terauley Victoria . Fredk & Front Tait Buller . . 22 Brunswick . Lumley ... 381 Parliament Ward. St. Pat Pat Pat John Pat John Jas John John John Dav John John And Dav And Jas Law Pat Law Pat And And Thos Dav Law Dav Dav Law Pat And Jas Thos And Thos And Dav Pat Step Pat John John John Jas Law Law Pat Pat Step Dav NAYS. Namb. Foster, E P Foster, Geo Foster, J. R # . . . Foster, Thos Foster, Win Foster Win Foster, Wm Foster. Wm Fowler, Edwin /Fox, Edwd .... • Fox, Geo Fox, Henry Fox, Henry Fox, Henry Fox, Jas Foy, J.J Foy, John *-•-*♦ Fox, Wm. W Foy, Saml Foy, Wm Francis, Wm Franklin, Herman Franks, Rob't Eraser Fraser,, Alex ...... . . Eraser, John Fraser, Jno ...... . Eraser, Wm Frawley, John Freeman, Isaac Frellek, Chas Fremlin, Walter French, Abr Freysing, P Friend, Wm Frizzell. — Fry, William . Fryer, George . Fryer, Morgan Fryer, Thos Fulford, Henry . .. . Fullam, Wm . . ...... Faller, F. R Fuller, Jas Fuller, S. B FuUerton, Wm Fulton, A. F ... Fulton, fJas Funston, Jno. J Funston, Thos Street. 195 Gerrard . . 679 Queen W . U'^ King E . ii 132 Strachan , 10 St. Charles 13 beaton .... 101 Bishop ... 99 Baldwin ... Bleeker 100 Richmond E Beech .... 59 Vanauley 59 Vanauley 125 Berkeley 144 York . . Adelaide . . 23 Front . . . 18 St. David St. Law Market York and Richmond Niagara . . . 110 Parliament Maple . .. 23 Stafford Church .... 80 Gerrard Henderson . David 252 Elizabeth 88 Centre . . . Queen D'Arcy . . Colbome . . . Cambridge . 62 High . . . 14 Terauley 52 Richmond Sydenham . Caer Howell 26 Hayter . . 69 Pine ... Renfrew 80 Niagara Imperial Bank 197 Gerrard . . King . ... Berkeley .... Church ..... 401 Queen E . Ward. St. Da? And Law Step John Thos Step Pat Thos Jas Law Pat Pat Dav And Jas Law Dav Law And Geo Dav Dav Geo Jas John Step Dav John John John Pat Law Pat Pat John And Dav Pat John Dav Pat Geo Law Dav Geo Dav Jas Dav 88 NAYS. Namk. Funston, Wm . . Furlonr. H. J . . . Furlong, Jas . . . Fiimess, J -hti Fiimiss, Aiuert li Furnivall, Geo . FusaUl, Thos . Gadsby, Edward . . Gagnier, Theo . . . . Galbraith, Win . . . . Gallagher, John . . Gallagher, Michael Gallagher, Patrick Gallagher, Rob. C GivUagher, Samuel Gallagher, Thos . . Gamble, Joshua Gange, John Ganning, Edwd . . . Garde, Ohas Garde, Chas Garden, J. G . . . . Garner, Bonj .... . Garrett, G. A . . - Garrett, John Garton, Wm. Jno . . Gates, Henry . . . . Gear, Alfred Geddes, W. A . . . . Gee, Chas. E. . . . . . George, J. H Geraghty, Hugh . . Geroux, Wm Geroux, Louis Gibb, L Gibbs, Robt Gibbins, John . . . , Gibbons. Thos . . . . Gibbon :, Wm Gibson, James R. . Gibson, Jno . . Gib-on, J. G Gibson, John ... . Gibson, Pat ...... Gibson, Robt Gibson, Thos Gibson, Wm. Jas . Gifford, Rich'd . . , Gigory, Wm :-»■'» « • Sthkkt. 15? Mill . . . King W . . . . 136 Apnea . . . . 58 St. Davids . . Shuter 160 St. Patrick Major . . . . 570 Queer W K.ing , Lumley & Arthur. 38 Gerrard E 144 George ..... Don Lard Works . Yonge Don Lard Works. 78 Mill.... 94 Elizabeth 80 Wood Edward 48 Terauley Brunswick Av ... 34 Ann Queen W ........ Brunswick Av . . . D'Arcy 205 Elizabeth 202 Queen . . 50 Charles Spruce 461 King E 220 Lumley Edward 236 King E Funston . . Colborne ... 434 Queen Chestnut Ontario Queen . 3ff Walton 452 Adelaide .... Cor. Albert & Eliz'th Hackney .... — Little Adelaide . . 50 Beech 34 Victoria Emma ... ... 97 Bay Ward. St. Law And J 85 L . rachan Sumach ITlQueon W Centre . ; 101 Jarvis ...... Terauley ........ 84 Sydenham Elizabeth . 77 Bishop 587 King W Yonge .... 116 Richmond " . . . . George 69 Stanley Price's Lane Spadina Av 345 King W 48 Elizabeth 91 > Im 106 George 2 Gerrard W. 21 Vanauley .... 137 Tecumseth. . . 97McGill Lippincott George 169 Oak Jordan Jordan & Melinda. George Chestnut 148 Pine 18 Seat on Queen Ward. St. Dav Dav And And John Thos Pat John And Jas John Jas Jat Jas Step Dav Pat John Thos John Dav John Step Geo John And Jas Jas John Pat Geo John John Thos John Pat And Jas Pat Jas Lav Geo Geo Ihos John Dav Thos Thos 93 NAYS. Namb. Habenitock, M ....... . . Hackett, Jos Hiigan, Edwin Hagan, Henry Haggar, H Haggnrty, Dan'l Haggarty, Dennis Hahndorf, Fred'k Wm . . Hahne, Chas Hain, Wm Haines, David Haldan, R. S A Hale, C Hall, Geo Hall, Jno Hall, Jno . — ........ Hall, .f ohn Hall, Hichard Hall, Sam'l Hall, Stewart Hall, T. H Hall, Wm .... Hall, Wm Hallam, Thos Hallett, Thos Halley, Wm Halligan, Owen Hallworth, Wm . , Halterman, C, F ...... Hamblin, Henry Hamblin, Wm Hamblyn, Sam'l ...... Hamilton, Hugh ....... Hamilton, Jas. M Hamilton, Jas Hamilton, John Hamilton, Wm Hamilton, Wm Hammerton, Wm. S . Hammond, Alfred Hammond, Alf ...,,.,.. Hammond, Jas Hammond, Wm Hancock, H Hancock, Wm Hand, John Hand ley, Rich*d Handley, Thos Handsford Hanford, Jno Wahd. 41 Ivf utiial . . . 66 Princess. . . 4ar'.zabeth . Pine Strachan . . . . 8t. Albans ■ . 26 Arthur . . . Terauley . . . 143 Gerrard . 79 D'Arcy . . 31 Arthur . . . Duke Spadina Queen Parliament . . 42 Elizabeth 242 Elizabeth Lumley ... Spruce 76 Tecumseth 91 Louisa 678 Queen W. Cambridge . . . 108 Sumach Oxford .... 62 Shuter . . . William 42 Amelia 11 Colbome . 119 Beech .. Sumach 110 Terauley St. Eleanor 182 Bathurst , . . Cambridge . . . . . 31 Queen Louisa , Hope 23 Esther . ... 1 ; Osgoode Lane , Borden 13 Temperance Colborne Dover Court Rd 16^ Stafford . . Spadina Av .... Bloor I38G Queen W . . . 1129 Adelaide W Jas Thos John Dav And John Step John Dav Pat Step Thos Pat And Dav John John Step Dav And John Step Pat Dav Pat Jas Pat Dav Law Dav Dav John Pat Step Pat Jas John Step John John Pat And Law Step Geo Pat Pat Pat And NAYM. 93 Namc. Hanlon, Ed Hanlon, Ed Hanna, Wm .... Hannahan, John . Hapley, Wm . . , Happer, Daniel . . . . Harbon, Harry. . . . Harcourt, Geo . . . . Harding, John . . . Harding, Jos . Hardirg, Thomas . Harding, VVm Harding, William . Hardinge, W. C . . . Hards, F Hardy, David • . . . Hardy, Wm Hare, John Hare, Wm Hare, Wm Harley, Timothy H Harman, S. B . . . Harnes, Ephraim . Harper, Chas ... . Harper, Jas Harper, Jos Harper, Mitchell A Harper, Robt . . . . Harington, J .... Harrington, John . Harris, Chris Harris, Geo Harris, Geo . ... Harris, Herbert . . Harris, Leroy Harris, W. H Harrison, Edw'd . . Harrison, H. P . . . . Harrison, Hugh Harrison, Jas .... Harrison, Mintum Harrison, R. F ... Harrison, Robt Harrison, Thos Harrison, Wm Harrington . . . Hartigan, Lawr Hartman, Henry Harvey, Arthur Harvey, Geo . . Btrkkt. Ward. Inland .St. Geo Bathurst Geo Borden Pat Lippincott ...... Pat Parliament Law 201 Queen And Queen W Pat King Jas Brunswick Pat 56 Power Dav Oak Dav 8 Gerrard Dav Trefann Dav 131 Simcoe Pat Edward John S. Park Law 'ront & Cheny .... Law St. Nicholas . . . John 49 Terauley ..... John Rear 110 Terauley . John Adelaide . And City Hall Law Baldwin W St. Patrick Pat 237 Elizabeth John 416 Queen E Dav 127 Seaton Thos Tecumseth And Queen Dav 131 Parliament .... Dav 38 Belle vue Av . . Pat 180 Chestnut ..... John Cornwall Dav 35 BeU Dav York And Seaton Thos Alice John 217 Spadina Av Pat 41 Camden Pat 25 Chestnut .... John 141 Simcoe ... ... And 44 Markham . Step Niagara And Kingston Road . . Law U |49 Bishop Step 58 Princess Thos 271 Front Law 95 Duchess Thos Toronto Jas 682 Queen W ... Step 94 NAY8. Namc. Harvey, Robt . . . . . Uaskin, Jas Haskings, Geo Hasley, Jas Hass, Fred Hassard, Geo Hanson, J. H Hastings, John Hastings, T . Hastings, Thos. W Hatherlev. Ed Hattey, Thos Haughton, Stephen . . . . Hawke, Fred Hawke, Geo. M Hawkes, F. B Hawkins, Geo. A Hawkins, Jas ... Hawley, Jos .... Hay, Alfred Hayball, E Hayes, Dennis Hayes, Henry Hayes, John Hayes, Wm Hays, Dan'l Hays, Mich Hay let, Sam Hayman, John Healy, John Healy, John Heaney, Thos Heap, Richard Heaslip, John Heath, Beverly Heath, Henry ........ Heatley, Geo Hecker, Wm . . Hedge, John . . Heimrod, Ernest Heintzman, G Heintzinan, Theodore . . . Helliwell, Elliot Helrich, Albert Henderson Henderson, Andrew . . , . Henderson, Chas Henderson, James Henderson, John Henderson, Jno ..... . Strskt. William .... 39 Queen W Wiltim . . . Richmond E . Carlton . 385 Adelaide Adelaide . . . 12 Esther . . 164 York ... 27 Monk . . Markham . . 51 Chestnut 42 S. Park . Wellington . . Foxley ..... Esther . . 55 Richmond W l(»5 Queen . . Gerrard E . . 205 Elizabeth 55 Duchess . . 77 Ontario . . Regent . Yonge . . John 361 Queen E 392 Queen W . 87 Hope 369 Adelaide . Denison Av . . 203 Bathurst . Carlton ..... 16 Vaiiauley . 26 St. Patrick York 104^ Chestnut Huron . . -- Bathurst Colborne . . 19 Brant . . 115 King W W. Market Sq 163 York Wm. Henry Victoria . . . , 65 Yonge 185 Oak .... Douro 51 Arthur . . . Ward. St. Pat And Step Jm Ani And Pat Pa\, Step Step John Law Geo Step Pat And And Dav John Thos Dav Dav John And Dav Pat Step And Step Pat Dav Pat Pat And John Pat Step Law And Geo Law And Pat Jas Law Dav Step Step NATS. 95 Name. Hennessy, Jeremiah . H en n easy, .lolin Henry, James Henry, Thomas Henr' all, Aaron . . . - Her^ ort, John Herbert, Peter Heron, Wm H erson . — . Herson. Jas Hess, Jacob W . . Hess, Jos .... ... Hetherington, Jno. A Heward, G. A HewaT'd, J. O Heward, W. B Hewart, Wm Hewett, Wm . . . • . Hewitt, Jno — Hewitt, Wm Hewlett, Jno Heyes, Chas .-....., Hibbitt, Edward . . . . Hicke^% Jas Hickey, John Hickey, Pat Hickey, Wm H icks, Geo , . . Hicks, Sam Hicks, Wm Hider. Henry Higgins, C. P Eiggins, Edw'd .... Higgins, John Higgins, Pat H igirins, Robt Hilder, Wm Hill, And V Hill, Edw'd.... .. . HUl, Edw'd Hill, Geo Hill, Geo Hill, John Hill, Robt I Hill, Stephen Hill, Wm. H Hill, W'm Hill, Wm Hills, Fred Hills, Fred'k Street. 127 Agnes . . 260 Yonge . Wm. Henry 73 Pine Stewart . . . . 13 Robinson 36 Bishop . . 35 Buchanan George 69 Stanley 363 King ..... . . 119 Peter Church King. Road . N. Pembroke ..... Sherboume ...... Front 152 Seaton 151 Parliament . . . . 102 Pine 187 Elizabeth 208 Pine 35 N elson 32 Hackney 199 Beech King 35 Renfrew .... Nelson Bishop 200 Sumach ... . . Simcoe . « Bishop 29 Garrison 144 Yonge 17 Caer Howell . . . 83 Oak 120 River 76 Albert John . 316 Sumach ... 67 Mutual Huron 4 N. Mutual Hope 1 24 Agnes Osgoode 10 Carlton ...... 21 Stafford . . Colbome Ward. St. John John Jas Dav And Step Step John Thoa Tas Li&w And Jas Law Thos Thos Geo Thos Dav Dav John Dav And Pat Dav Thos Pat And Step Dav And Step And And Pat Dav Dav John Pat Dav Jas Pat Jas Step John John Dav Geo Law NAYS. Namb. Hime, H. L . . Hinchcliffe, Benj Hirst, John Hitchcock, Wm Hitt, Jas Hobaii, Martin Hobbs, Alfred Hobson, Edw'd Hockett, SamU Hodge, Archibald G Hodges, S. D Hodgetts, Geo Hodgins, Geo .... Hodgson, John ... . . . Hodgson, Jos Hodgson, Robt Hodgson, '^hos Hodgson. Wm Hogarth, Thos Hogben, H Hogg, W. J Holden, H Holderness, Jno Holding, Jas. W Hollan, Jos Holland, Jas Holland, John Holman, Joseph Holman, N icholas Holmes, Norman Hoist, Chas . ... Holt, Thos Holtby, Geo Home, T. B Honeycomb, John .... Honeycomb, William Hook, Henry H Hoolihan Thos Hooper, Ed Hope, Robt Horan, Michael Horlop, Wm Hornby, Jeffrey Home, Chas Hornibrook, M. B ........ Hornshaw, Geo Hon shaw, Wm B ornshaw, Wm Hosack, John Hosker, Robt ........... Street. Robert Brunswick Av .. 22 Adelaide E 75 Gerrard 593 Yonge 39 Maitland Dover Court Road . 5 Agnes <....... Wellesley 121 Peter City Hall Yonge King E ..... Adelaide Yonge 224 Parliament Sherbourne 228 Elizabeth East King . ... Richmond Wellington Av .... Front Parliament Bathurst 141 Ontario Dundas 13 Brant 234 Queen W Portland Terauley — Little Adelaide .... Robert 74 Walton Leonard Av Leonard Av. ...... 59 Richmond — . 25 Elliot PI, King W Wellington Duchess ...... 51| Ontario 367 Yonge 119 Bishop 250 Front E 118 Mutual . . 106 Centre Church ... 98 Victoria Foxley 30 West Ward. St. Pat Pat Jas Dav Jas Geo Step John Dav And Law Jas Law And John Dav Thos John Law Law And Geo Law Dav P t Dav Step And Pat And John And Pat John Fat Pat And Geo Geo Dav Thos Jas Step Step Jas John Jas Jas And And NAYS. 97 Name. Houghton, Lucius H . . Houlehan. J as ......... Houson, John Hovenden, Rich'd J . . . . Howard, A. W Howard, Wm Howarth, Geo. F Howarth, John Howdon, John Howe, Win . Howell, Jos Howes, Wm H owse, John Howse, Wai Hozack, N Hubertus, W. L Hudson, John Huds Thos Hutf n, Peter... Hughes, Jas . . Hughes. Jno ..... Hughes, Thos ...... Hughes, Thos .... .... Hughes, W. R Hughes. Wm Hnish, John . ..... Hull, Elijah Hull, Geo Hull, John Hull, Thos . . . Hul, Wm . .. Humphrey, Jas Humphreys, Thos - . - Hunt, Geo . Hunt, Wm ... Hunter, Alex Hunter. Chas Hunter, Jas Hunter, .Fas Hunter, Jno . — .... Hunter, J»jhn Hunter, Lewis Hunter, Sam .... Hunter, Wm Hurd, Samuel Hursfc, Jas Husband, A. Hussey, Jno Henry Wm . . Hussey. Wm Hutchins, Wm Street. • • • • f^;!it ♦ • Clifford . 53 Bolton 77 Esther . 124 Hay . . Queen . . . 34 Front . Front Church . . Bleeker . . 158 Seaton Yonge Agnes Wood Front 492 Queen Trefann 105 Vanauly . ... King 272 Yonge 32 Camden 136 Strachan Av . . . Shaw Parliament Beech . )9 Centre ... . Off St Paul t Amelia 34 D'Arcy >8 Hackney .... 577 Yonge dackney . . , SXm Kingston Road ... iO Sullivan ... Vanauley U9 Yonge . ... 148 Little Richmond Jolborne ^24 King W .... 339 Parliament . . . . 133 Tecumseth . . 287 Spadina Av . Queen 212 Centre Brunswick Av . . Adelaide 24 Mutual 238 Elizabeth - . Albert St. Charles. ... Wabd St. And And Pat And And Law Geo Jis Thos Thos And John Jas Law Pat Dav Pat Dav Jas And And Step Dav Dav John Dav Dav Fat Pat Jas Pat J ohn Law Pat Pat Jas And Law Pat Dav And Pat And John Pat Jas Jas John John John 98 KAT8. Name. Hutchison, Chas . . Hutchinson, John Hutchinson, Jos.... Hutchinson, Joseph Hutchinson Thos Hutty Peter Hynes, Richard Hyder, I'hos Hynes, Wm Igelstrom, Carl . Ince, Wm Ingle, John .... Inker, E.G Inker, Wm . . Iredale, Ishmael Iredale, Jas . . . Iredale, Thos . . Irvine, Robt. . . . Irving, Jos . . . Irving, William Irwin, Andrew . Irwin, J. D. ... Irwin, John . . . Irwin, John. . . . Irwin, Rntledge Irwin, William . , Ivers, Jas •••••• Jackes, A. G Jackes, Wm Jackman, F Jackman, Jas Jackman, Stephen Jackson, John . . . Jackson, Moses . . . Jackson, Thos . . . Jackson, W. R . . . Jacobs, Chas Jacobs, Henry . . Jacobs, Jas Jacobs, Peter Jacobs, Thos James, Charles . . . James, Charles . . . James, James .... James, John . . . . . James, Robt Jamison, Frank . . . Jamieson, Rob't . . . Strbst. Front Enuna , Mercer lOi) Oxford 142 Simcoe . . . St Lawrence M't 95 Pine 133 Borden 35 Beech 448 Ontaro . . . . 70 Grosvenor . . . Kingston Rd . . . 28 Queen E . . . Church Caer Howel . . . 92 Queen Queen & Bay 29 Buchanan . . . 14 West Market I sabella 47 Alice Yonge 99 Adelaide . . 163 Elizabeth . . Court 302 King E . . . Brunswick Av . . ■X King Charles ^ . Cherry 214 Parliament Berkeley College 144 Front E 36 Richmond W. Elizabeth 9 Charles 79 Edward 293 Centre 2 Mutual 83 Cherry 33 Bathurst Maple Lane . . . . Duchess 72Colborne .... 1 23 Berkeley . . . . -^haw Tref ann Ward. St. Law John Geo Pat And Law l>av Pat Thos Thos John Law Jas Jas Pat John Thos John And Jas John Law John Jas Da Pat Geo Jas Law Dav Dav Pat Law And John John John John Jas Law Geo Pat Thos Law Dav Step Dav I NAYS. 99 Namk. Jamieson, Robt Janes, Wm J ardine, Alex Jardine, Arb Jarchow, Ludwig. . . . Jarvis, Geo Jetferies, Jno. C... Jeffers, J . .^. Jeflfery, Jon^. Jeflfs, Jno Jeffries, B. Grant . . . , Jeffries, Henry G . . . , Jenkins, Cbas , Jenkins, Fred'k Jenkins, Thus , Jenkins, Wm. Jas. . . Jenkinson, Jos. Jennings, Gej. J. . Jenniiigs, Pat J . . . Jeroux, Albert ... . Jerrat, Jno Jesseman, Petier .... Jewell, Fred. ...... Johnson, Edward . . .Johnson, Henry . . . Johnson, Isaac B . . . Johnson, James .... Johnson, Jas Johnson, John Johnson, Rob't Johnson, W. G .... Johnson, Wm Johnston, Arthur . . Johnston, A. T Johnston. Ed^vard . . Johnston, Follis . . . Johnston, Geo Johnston, Henry . . . Johnston, Jas Johnston, J. E Johnston, Jno J^ohnston, Robt Johnston, Robt Johnston, RoVt Johnston, Robt Johnston, Robt . . . . Johnston, Robt. Jas. Johnston, T Johnston, Thos Johnston, Thos Street. 298 Queen E Tecumseth , 75 South Pembroke 102 Chestnut 252 Front E Sumach 24 Gloucester .... Simcoe 26 Alice Queen E Park & Parliament. Pine 10 Borden 258 Church 144 Bishop Oak McGiU Maitland George 54 Power 20 Denison Av . . . . 215 University Colborne 234 Chestnut 161 York Victoria East Market 104 Beech Robinson East Market Carlton 11 Britain 139 Chestnut River . Queen Centre 98 Berkeley High 25 Queen W 125 Beech Elizabeth King 44 Little ^( elson . . . Huron Adelaide rear of 98 Berkeley. Adelaide William Henry 12 Brant Ward. St. Dav Thos ^ohn Law Dav Jas Pat John Dav Dav Dav Pat Jas Step Dav Jas Jas Jas Thos Pat John Law Pat John And Jas Law Dav Step Law a^ T> Dav Pat John Dav Pat And Dav John Dav And Pat And Dav Jas Pat And 100 NAYS. Name. Johnston, Thos. . . Johnston, Wm. . . . Johnston, W. F. . . Johnstone, Thos . Jollands, Benj . . . . Jolly, Jas Jones, Albert Jones, Chas. B . . . Jones, Elias Jones, F. T Jones, Geo Jones, Geo Jcnes, Geo Jones, Herbert . . . Jones, Henry Jones, Henry Jones, James Jones, John .... Jones, John Jones, Jos Jones, Richard . . . Jones, Rich'd Jones, Robt. , , » . . Jones, Rob't ..... Jones, Stephen . . . Jones, Thos. W . . . Jones. W Jones, W Jopling, Joseph . . Jordan, Henry . . . Jordan, Henry . . . Jordan, Mich'l . . . Jordan, Thos Jordan, Thos Jordan, Robt Jose, John Jose, Joseph H. jr. Joslyn, John . . Joyce, V has Judah, A. H Jiidye, B Judge, James . . . . Judah, John Judge, Mich'l . . . . Kain, Jas Kamm, Julius . . . Kane, Fras Kane, Martin . . , Kane, Michael . . . Street. 115 Ontario 1 1 5 Victoria KingE 84 Muter Duchess Scadding 225 Chestnut Vanaulev & Queen. Lake & K. Rd. ^. . . Income 71 Victoria East Front 101 Queen W King ton Rd , Berkeley . . . . , 165 Richmond W . Leonard Av Queen W Front / Leonard Av Bathurst 66 Esther York Hayter 103 Oak City Hall Queen W 130 Sherbourne. . . York 130 William 165 Elizabeth Wellington 75 Esther 59 Louisa High Hayter Dorset Seaton 57 Pine Queen W . 355 Queen E » • • - Dundas . . . . 76 Duchess, Queen .... Douro .... 26 Mutual Ward. St. Dav Jas Law Step Dav Law John And Law Geo Jas Dav Geo And Law Dav Law And Pat Pat Geo Pat Pat Pat Geo John Dav And And Thos And Pat John Law Pat John Pat Thos Geo Thos Dav And Dav Step Thos Dav Geo John WAYS. 101 Name. Kane, Robt ... Kaye, John Kearney, Peter . Kearsey, John P Keating, Mich'l Keats, W. J .... Kee, Sam'l Keeble, Henry . . Keeble, Jas .... Keech, Geo Keenan, Dennis Keene, Geo .... Kehop, Owen .... Kehoe, Simon . . Keighly, John C .Kelley, Hugh . . Kelley, Hugh . . . Kelly, Chas Kelly, Dan'l .... *Kelly, Jas., sr . . , Kelly, John . . . , Kelly, Joh 1 ... Kelly, John . . . Kelly, Jos Kelly, Joseph J Kelly, Patrick . Kelly, Pat Kelly, Phillip .. 5 Kelly, Rich'd . I^Kelly, Thos Kelly, Wm Kelz, John f Kendrick, Pat . . . , Kennedy, Ed Kennedy, Patrick. Kennedy, John . . Kennedy. Tom ... Kennedy, Thos . . . Kennedy Wm . . . Kennett, A. H ... Kenny, Mich'l . . . Kenny, VVm Keuvh, Chas Kent, H. A. E ... Kent, Joseph, junr Ker, Henry Kerby, Henry J . Kerby, W. J Kerr, Jas Kerr, Jas t • • • » Street. 373 Front M urison 60 Esther Queen W Stafford King Alice 36 W. Market .... Peter Lumley 39 Kenfrew Garrison Ill River S4 River 72 Adelaide E . . . . Queen St. Law. Market . 60 Yonge 412 King E . . . . Fecumseth 654 Queen W 30 Renfrew 30 Renfrew Centre Queen W 46 Pine Bishop Pine.. .. I3li Lumley Rear of 30 King W . Gerrard 358 Yonge Douro Lippincott 57 Cedar 58 Monck King W York 13 Emma 202 Berkeley William 21 William 25 Carlton King Trinity Sq Niagara King Lippincott 1 1 Mercer , 237 Queen Ward. St. Law And Pat Step Geo Dav John Law And Step Pat And Dav Dav Jas And Law John Dav Geo Step Pat Pat John Step Dav Step Dav Step And Dav John Geo Pat Step Pat Geo Geo John Dav Pat Pat Jas And John And Jas Pat Geo 102 NAYS. Name. Kerr, James Kerr, Wm Kerr, Wm Kerr, Wm Kerstead, Daniel . . . Kersteman, Wm., Jr Kett, Thos Kiddy, Jno Kilfeder, Robt Kilner, C. L Kimbler, Geo King, Chaa King, Jas Kingsberry, Jas . . . . Kingsmill, N Kingston, Jno Kingsworth, Ed . . . . Kinnear, Adam Kinnear, Wm Kinsella, Jas Kinsella, Jno Kinsella, Pat . Kinsella, Rich'd . . . Kirby, Thos. E Kirk, Robt Kirkpatrick, Jos . . . Kirkpatrick, Robt . Kirkwood, Alex . . . Kitchener, Wm Kneen, Matt Knight, Dan'l .... Knott, Thos Knowlton, John . . . . Knowlton, R. J . . . Knowlton. Sam'l . . . Koch, Charles Koerber, Louis Koehler, John .... Kohler, John Korman, Ignatius . . . Kupitz, E Kupitz, Julius Kyle, Wm SniKBT. Ward. 1 8 Lumley Louisa Caer Howel Elizabeth 82 Ontario Ann 6S Stanley Sumach 250 Adelaide 114 Bay Saulter 22 High 174 (>eorge 483 King E W^ellington Pine 47 Gerrard KingE Queen W 242 Lit. Richmond 224 Bathurst Strachan Av Walton 393 Queen W 12 Borden Oak 1 Ifi George 92 Grosvenor 94 Brunswick Av . 9 Agnes 97 GrosveuDr Av. . 3l»4 Queen E Conway Front , . . 455 Queen W 143 Centre 110 York 290 Front 138 Dundas Yonge Esther 130 York Wellington Av . . . St Lackey, Jas Lacy, David Lafontaine, Moses Lahl, Randolp Lalor, Richard, ^af o jTj X., ir ............ 15 Camden . 185 Bishop . Cornwall Lumley . . . . 137 Strachan 15 Charlotte Step John John John Thos Jas Jas Dav And And Law Pat Thos Law Geo Law Dav Dav Step And Step And Step And Pat Dav Thos John Pat John Pat Dav Step Law And John And Law Thos John And And Geo And Step Dav Step Step And KAYS. 103 Name. Lamb, Alf B Lamb, John Lam be, Roger . . . Lambert, J , Lambrick, Tho» . Lambrick, VVm . . . Landell, D Lander, Robt Landers, J no Landy, J Landy, J.J Landy. Jas Lane, J no Lane, Pet:r Lang, J . W Lang, Thos Langan. John . . . Langdon, Jas .... Langlois, H.J ... sLangston, Fred... Langston, James . 1 Langston, Thos . . . Langton, Thos . . . Lannin, Thos Lapp, Sam'l Lark in, Jas Lassard. Irene . . . . , -Latham, Robt. H. ; Latham, Sam'l . . . Latimer, Jas Latimer, J no Laud, J. J Lauderville, J ... iLaverty, V\ m ... Lavin, Pat Lavii), Thos Lawless, John ... Law.'ence, Geo Lawrence, Richard Lawrence, Wm . . . Lawson, Jas Lax, Wm , Laxton, Jno Layton, H. W . . . . Laydard, John ... Layton, F. C Leach, Henry ... Leadly, Wm Leamont, John . . . , Leary, Jno Strekt. Pront '>ont tiVont n William .... > Ma])le Lane . . . , 5 Bishop '^ullivan Agnes f^ Seaton '>4 Cherry Baldwin >7 Centre , Vladeira Place . . 1 83 Bathurst Seaton ioh Ontario .... 91 Stanley 16 Garrison .... Pailiament House 23 Gerrard )ruickshank .... Kings 307 Yonge Osgoode 110 Front & Geo. Oak 195 Bishop 127 Parliament . . 153 King E 53 John 49 John 1 14 Terauley Qaeen Terauley Saulter 91 J arvis Trefann 247 King Bellevue Place . . 86 Centre 2 Victoria 140 Bishop i2D'Arcy Murray U Centre Murray 86 Chestnut .... Yonge Brooktield 221 King E Ward. St. Law Law Tiaw Pat Pat Step Pat John Thos Law Pat John Dav Pat Tho« Dav Jas And Geo Jas Jas Law Jas John i.aw Dav Step Dav Law Geo Geo John And John Law Thos Dav Law Pat John Jas Step Pat Pat John Pat John Jas Step Law 104 NAYS. Namb. Leary, Pat Leary, Pat'k Leash, John Leather, Geo Ledyard, T. D Leddon, Jas Lee, Alex. G Lee, Geo Lee, Jas Lee, John Lee, John P Lee, Jno Lee, Ral[>h Lee, Robt Lee, Thos Lee, Wm Lefeubre, Chas Legaree, Jos Leigh, Major E.iward . Leith, Jno Lemon, Wm. L Lenahan, Dennis Lennard, Thos Lennon, Wm Lennox, Henry Lennox, John Lennox, Wm Lennox, Wm Lennox, Wm Leonaid, Thos Lernon, Jas Leroux, John .... ... Leroux, Peter Leslie, Geo Leslie, Geo. , jr Leslie, Jas Leslie, J. K L'Estage, W. J Lewis, Jas Lewis, Jno Lewis, Wm Libby, Eich'd G Liddell, J. A Liddell, Robt Lincoln, J «s Lindsa ,% Henry Lindsay, R Lindsay, Thos Lister, Jas Listen, Jno . . Btrbbt. 18 Regent 219 King 88 Richmond W . . 93 Elizabeth 74 Yonge Street . . Front & East Fnmt Pine 8f Gerrard 11 Power Muter 125 Elizabeth . . 15 Britain 26 Douro Gerrard k Sumach Winchester Nelson Queen E Dundas 12 Sheppard Charles E Muter McDonald Sq ") Church Regent Amelia 51 Portland 187 Centre SJ Agnes D'Arcy 21 St Patrick . . . Strachan Queen Kingston Road . . . Kingston Road . . 18 Shuter , . Kingston Road . . . Ozar York li. 6 Strachan Av . 123 Queen W 6H Agnes sherbourne 295 > delaide Sullivan 60 King W Wm. Henry 116 Chestnut 40 (janison 286 Front Wakd. St. Dav Law And John Geo Law Law Dav Dav Dav Step John Thos Geo Dav Dav And Dav Step And Thos Step And Law Dav Dav And John John Pat Pat Geo Dav Law Law Jas Liiw John And And And John Thos Thos Pat And Pat John And Law NAYS. 106 NAm. laaton, Wm Little, .'ohn Tattle, Sami J Tiittle, Sain'l Littleford, W. O Loane, Sam'l R Loane, Wm Lock, Frederick . , . . Lock, John Lockington, T Loeffler. John Logan, Gilbert Loks, Jas Long, Geo Long, Geo Long, Jno Longnotte, Jno. B . . . Lord, John Lorden, Cornelius . . Lott, Geo Loudon, Thos Longhead, Jas Lougheed, John Lougheed, Robt . . . . Lougheed, Robt . . Louney, John .... Lounsbrough, W. H Love, Chas Love, Geo Love. Joseph Lovell, Jno Lovell, Robt Lovelock, W Lovett, Geo Lovering, Wm. Jas Loveys, Sam'l .... Lowe, Jiio Lowe, Patrick .... Lowe, W. G. H ... Lowry, John Lucas, E. W . . Lucas, Geo. D .... Lucas, John Lumbers, Geo .... Lumbers, Henry. . . Lumbers, Tliomas . . Lumbers, Wm .... Lumbers, Wm jr. . . Lund, I red Luney, Wm SnUBBT. Ward. • • • • 351 Front . . . 204 Elizabeth. 326 Queen . . . 142 Front ... 91 Oak King W 66 River too Cambridge 102 Oak Yonge H ay den Mill 85 Sydenham . . . Lumley 35 Richmond . . Edward 306^ Spadina Av 273 Yonge 197 Queen W... 693 Ycmge Wm. Henry . . . Emma Emma 9 Beachell 123 Agnes 31 Douro St • • • • 1 55 Y(mge , 64 Edward 82 Lippincott . . . , Richmond 86 Richmond W 302 Front Sword Jordan Esplanade 312 Spadina Av. Hackney Wellington .... Shaw 4-2 Bellevue 20 Louisa ...... 239 Spadina Av. 57 J arvis Sydenham 146 King E .... 15 Trinity Sq .. 495 Queen W... 550 King W . . . .^jnelia Law John Dav Law Dav And Dav Pat Dav Jas Jas Law Dav Step And John Pat Jas And Jas Pat John John Law John Geo Law J^'S John Pat And And Geo Dav Geo Law Pat Pat Geo Step Pat Jolin Pat Thos Dav Jas Law And And Dav 106 NAYS. Kamb. Ltmn, ThoH , Lynch, Dennis .... Lynch, Jas , Lynch, John , Lynch, Patrick...., Lynch, ThoB Lynch, Tim , Lyon, Fraa Lyon, Wm , Lyons, Frederick . . Lyndon, Wra. F. W Lyttle, Sam'l , Mackenrot, Alfred. Miickle, Patrick. . . Mackrell, Geo. . Waddaford, John Maddigan, Pat . . . Madigan, Pat Madison, G. L ... Magt/8, Jno Magill, Jas ..... Magill, John . . . Magill, John Magill, Robt. Maginnis, James. . Magson, C. ... . . Maguire, Frs Maguire, Hugh. . . Maguire, Patrick Mahar, John .... Maher, Pat Mahoney, Ed Mahoney, Jas .... Mahoney, T ... Mallord, James. . . Mall me, John . . . . Malone, Jno. Maloney, J ...... Maloney, Jas .... Manghan. J., jr. . . Manley, Rich'd . . Mann, Thos .... Mannell, Jas Mannell, Jas Manning, F Manning, Hy . ... Manning, Jas Mansell, — ManseU, C. F Stksvt. 170 Bay [St. 166 Beech St. David . ... 101 Bathurst Cedar 56 Nelson 156 Pine CheBtnut Ihabella 72 Strachan Av . . . 106 Oak 26 Nelson • • • • • i2 Mttter Grosvenor Av. Klizabeth Outtell's Lane 129Jarvi8. ... 87 Jarvis .... 296 Adelaide . 185 University Baldwin .... 43 Baldwin ... Anne Baldwin 35 Queen W . . 1 79 Victoria . . 68 Markham . . 32 Renfrew... Sydenham .... 32 William . . Tait 47 St. Paul . . . 83 Pine Sumach Queen W Emma 7i^ Sumach Breadalbane Chestnut Well ngton . Borden . . . . Mercer ..... 51 Vanauley . Ill Esther.. . 62 Welling! on. 121 Elm 18 High {Brant . . Ward. And Dav Dav And Step And Dav John Jas Pat Dav And Step Pat John John Thos Thos And John Pat Pat Jas Pat And Jas Step Pat Dav Pat Law Dav Dav Dav Step John Dav John John Geo Pat Geo Pat Pat Geo Pat John Pat And MAYS. 107 Nam*. mm Mansell, Henry M Manuel. David Maras, Michael March, C has ... Marchiuont, 3am*l . • . . Marks, John Marks, W. P Markley, Oeo Maroney, Joseph Marriott, E. R. ...... . Marriott, Jos Marsh, T. H. Marshall, David ....... Marshall, John S Marshall, Robt Marshall, Wm. R Marshman, Ben j Maraianno, Domenicho . . Marston, W. P Martin, Chas . Martin, Chris Martin, Francis Martin, F. J Martin, Fred'k Martin, Geo Martin, Isaac Martin, J as Martin, James, Jr . , . . Martin, John Martin, John Martin, John Martin, John ... Martin, Joseph Martin, Jos. , jr Martin, Nathaniel Martin, Phil Martin, Robt Martin, Sam'l . Martin, Wm Marvin, John, jr . Mashiiiter, Law'r Mason, Chas Mason, Jas . Mason, John ...... Matheson, Angus Matthews, Albert Matthews, Edmunds . . . Matthews, Geo . . Matthews, Isaac — . . . Matthews, Thos Strxct. 37 Dundaa . Arthur . . hathurst Phebe . . Horden . Front E 115 Adelaide . Edward 11 Mutual 17 Maple Lane Dale Peter 325 Adelaide 101 Church. Bell A melia .... 94 Little Adelaide 245 Chestnut . . 99 Alexander . 137 Beverley . . King E 140 Terauley . . 40 King W . . . 190 King E. .. 90River1 58 Richmond . . 103 Chestnut. . . Queen E . . . . 51 Esther 160 Huron Oak . 74 Durhess . . . Leader Lane . . llOYonge ... 18 Renfrew .... 158 Parliament 77 Front E f>6 Stanley ..... 25 L. Richmond King & Portland Brock .... 13 Ontario King .... Gloucester . 176 King .. 21 Centre . 2 Strachan Av. 29 St. Patrick Sq Queen 48 Littk Trinity Ward. St Step Step Step Pat Pat L Mercer IV Bathurst John 36 Mercer Bolton 42 Albert 74 Bolton 89 Bathurst ^7 Alice 73 William Henry.' 418 Queen W , . . . St. David , 60 Sullivan 40 Duchess Pine Adelaide W 222 Parliament... . Saulter Queen . . ^:tf*4«*iii J.. Front E. Simcoe Muter Major Front . , Vine 52 Tecumseth 52 Tec imseth . Denison Av Chestnuc 99Magill ... King & Niagara Simcoe ........ 140 Grosvenor Av . Dundas Queen W Metcalfe 263 Sherbourne . , , Ward. St. Jas Geo Dav Step Thos Pat Pat And Jas Pat And Dav And Geo And Pat Geo Andv^ John And And John Pat Pat Dav Pat Thos Dav And Dav Law And Law And Step Pat Geo Law And And Pat John Jas Geo Pat Pat Step And Dav Thos NAYS. 113 Namk. McCaffrey, Jno McCaffrey, John McCaffrey, Robt McCamus, R. E McCann, David McCann, Jas McCann, Jas McCann, Michl McCann, Thos McCarron, Jas McCarthy, A. E McCarthy, David McCarthy, Thos. J McCarthy, Tim McCarter, John McCartney, Jas McCarty, David McCaw, David McOa^, Robt ... McCleary, Jos • McClelland, John McClelland, Wm. ...... McClure, Wm. J McCoey, Alex McConkey, Geo Mc Jonnell, Mich*l McConnell, Nevin McConnell, Robt McCormack, And'w McCurmack, Jno . McCoimack, Pat McCormack, Thos G. . McCormack, W. J McCormick, Mich'l McCormick, Rich'd .... McCormick, Thos McCormick, Thos McCracken, Jno McCrae, Wm . . , . McCree, Jas. McCulluch, P McCullogh, Sam McCuUough, Wm McCollam, — McCollum, Dr. J. H McCuUy, AndV McCn.tcheon, — ...... . McDermott, Chas McDermott, — McDonald, — Street. 28 Christopher . Metcalfe ... Beech Dorset 44 Louisa .... 52 Agnes 59 Bishop . . . . 24 Mutual 30 Givens Queen E 43 Nassau King Renfrew 30 Givens .... St. Law. Market Spadina Av. .. . 100 McGill 88 McGill Magill 116 Centre . ... . 184 Berkeley . . 43 Dundas ... 81 Tecumseth . . 85 Strachan .... Yonge Denison A v. . . .. 100 Ontario .... 7 Monck Beverley Queen W Park 431 Yonge 30 Grosvenor . . . - Garrison Chestnut 142 Richmond . . Bleekt Front K 146 Chestnut Queen W 220 Yonge. ..... King W 146 Ontario . . . , , Queen W 169 Jarvis Jarvis & Front . . , 23 Parliament . . . Bishop 13 Ontario 45 River ..... . . Ward. St. .John Day Dav Geo Dav John Step Jas Step Jas Pat Law Pat Step Law Pat Jas Jas Jas John Dav Step Geo And Jas Pat Thos Step Pat And Law Jas John And John And Thos Law John tat John And Thos And Thos Law Law Step Dav Dav 114 NAYS. Name. McDonald, Alex .... McDonald, Chas . . McDonald, Chas McDonald, Henry . . . McDonald, Jas McDonald, Jas McDonald, Jno McDonald, John . . . McDonald, Peter .... McDonald, Rich'd . . . McDonald, Thoa McDougall, Hon. W . McDonald, Wm McDonald, Wm McDonell, Thos McDonough, John . . McDougall, Hector McDougall, Joseph E. McDongall, W. H McDowell, Nathaniel. Mc El vane, Mich'l . . . McEnroe, Owen .... McEray, Jas. McEvoy, Chas , McEvoy, Dan'l McFadyen, Jno McFarland, James . - . . McFarlane, — McFarlane, Andw McFarlane, D McTi'arlane, John M . McFarlane, M. McFarlane, Malcolm . McFarlane, Wm McFarren, Jas McFarren, Wm McGann, John Mc »arry, Frs. . . , — McGaw, Thos McGibbin, Jos . . McGill, Wm. H McGinn, Frs McGinn, Jas McGinn, Thos McGlenn. Jno McGou ,'h, Sam M cGough, Wm McGowan, Pat .... McGivern, Felix, ... McGregor, Alex . . . . • Street. Douro .... 31 High 31 High Camden 85 C lestnut 84 Centre 3/^7 Church. Sydenham 105 Ch. & Richm'd. 1014 Queen W Lang Simcoe 29 Elizabeth WelliT^o-ton Av. . . . 97 Wilfiam 78 Elizabeth 2 St Charles Si racoe . . 484 King - ....... 8-*^ Esther Centre 136 Bathurst Richmond 250 Sumach . ... 7 Funston. 39 Cherry Yonge 80 Bond- .!!.*..*.'. Seaton 49 Peter 76 Terauley . Jarvis .... Queen W Queen Queen E 10 Esplanade Esplanade Front ... 120 South Park D'Arcy . Bishop King 28 Duchess Gerrard Queen 139 Ontario 29 Ontario Bolton 171 Yonge Ward. St. Geo Pat Pat And John John Jas Dav Jas Step Ijaw Pat John Geo Pat John John Pat ^nd Pat John And And Dav Law Law John Jas Thos Geo John Thos Pat Thos Thoa Law Law Geo Law Pat Step Geo Dav John Dav Dav/ Dav^ And Jas KAYS. 115 Name. McGrath, James , McGrath, Jas McGrand, J as McGrath, Thos McGuinness, A McGuire, John McGuire, Jas McHardy, P McHeiiry, Henry Mclnerny, Jas Mclnnes, John A Mcintosh, John Mclntyre, Jas . . McKaig, Jas McKay, C. B McKay, Geo McKay, Jno McKay, Mich'l McKee, Jas McKee, Luke McKee, Martin McKee, Robt McKeig, Jno. Geo . McKenna McKenney, Thos McKenzie McKenzie McKenzie, Don'd McKenzie, W. L McKenzie, Wm . . McKeogh, Pat McKeown, Pat McKettenick, Martin . . . McKinson, Geo . . McKnight, Dan McKnight, Geo McKnight, Jno McKnight, Robt McLaren, Dan McLaughlin, John McLean, Alex McLean, Geo McLean, Jasi McLean, T. A McLeary, R McLeary, W. J McLennan, Geo McLoughlin, Chris .... McLoughlin, Jas McMahon, B Strbbt. • » • • . . . College 32 Mutual 1 5 Parliament .... North Berkeley . Bolton 119 Victoria. Gerrard Carlton ........ 140 Vanauley 39 Regent Montreal House . . . 23 Brunswick Av . 107 Sumach 87 Agnes . . . 12 Spruce Morrison .. . Spadina Av .... 155 Queen . ... James Grosvenor .... Kingston Road . 93 Chestnut . . Dundas & Cedar Duchess ....... Parliament ... KingW . .•...•■'.. KingE 61 Isabella . . . . 1)6 York 42 Power 400 King 160 York 114 Queen 17 Bishop . . . . 82 Brock 216 Little Richmond Hope 107 Walton . . 113 George . . . Pine Spadina Av . . . 46 Emma Peter 10 Emma . . . Wellesley . . . 21 Dundas . . . 182 KingE .. 41 Duchess . . . John Ward. St. Pat Jas Dav Dav And Jas J ohn Jas Pat Dav Geo Pat VDav John Dav And Pat And John Pat Law John Step Thos Dav Geo Thos Jas And Dav Pat And John Step And And Step John Thos Dav Pat John And John Dav Step Dav Thos Geo 116 MAYS. Namx. McMahon, Henry MclVfahon, Matt McManus, Jas McManns. John McMillan, Thos McMillan, Thos ... Mc Minn, Thos McMullen, Alex ...... McMullen, Neil McMuUen, Thos McMullen, Thos McMurray, J S McNab, Sam'l McNab, T. H McNabb, James McNamara, James McNamara, Jas McNeil, Jno McNeil, John McNeil, Roderick McNeil, Mich'l McNuff, John — McOwen, Henry McPherson, James ..... McPherson, Thos McPherson ... McPhillips, Henry Thos . McQna'ie, Robt McQueen, John H McQuigan , McQuillan, Jas McQuinn, Jas. F McQuinstan, E. N McSherry, Jas ...... McTaggart, Neill .... Mc Waits, Robt ........ Naber, And'w . . Nairn, Jas , Nash, Geo Naughton, Michl Neave, Spencer L Neenan, John . . , Neil, James . ... Neil, John, jr . . . Neil, Joseph . . . . , Neill, Henry N eilson, .1 as . . . Nelson, Geo . , . . , Nelson, Jas . . . . . Strxet. 61 Strachan Av . Ann Bishop & Wilton Lippincott . ; . 165 King W ... 165 King W . . Grosvenor Av. .. Walz's Lane . . . George Ward. St. KingE Grange , 1 57 Queen Front 12 Erin .. 8 Front 667 King Cornwall Terauley 14 Francis Eleanor Terauley Tecumseth 62 Eim Oak Yonge 242 KingE.... Louisa 15 Stewart . . . 157 Centre .... 282 Queen W... 62 Denison Av. George Scott 47 Elizabeth Brunswick Av. . 85 Queen W 32 Funston . Gerrard . . Duchess . . . 48 North Sydenham .. 10 Dale ... 55 Peter 73 Che.^tnut Cedar Front ..... ICO Elizabeth Queen • »•••• And Jas Step Pat Geo Geo Pat Thos Thoi Pat Thos Pat And Law Law Law Geo Dav John •las Pat John Ani John Dav John Thos John Geo John Pat Pat Geo Law John Pat And Law Dav Dav John Dav John Geo John Step Law Geo Step NATS. 117 Nelaon, John Nelson, Win. John . . Nerlich, Hermann . . Nesbit, Alex Ne»bit, Peter • Nesbitt, SamU Nethery, Thos. Jas . . Neville, Jas Newberry, Ed Newcomber, Dan. R Newell, Wm Newlove, Fras Newman, Edgar Jaa . Newman, Robt Newman, Thos Newmann, T Newsome, iiobt Newson, John Newson, John Newson, Wm. A Newton, Thos Neyer, Anton Nichol, Henry S . Nicholl, J. J NichoUs, Chas Nicholls, Jno ... Nicholson, Frank . . . Nicholson, Jas Nicholson, Jao Nicholson, John . . . . NicoU, Fred'k Nicolls, Robt Nicolls, Simon Nichols, Henry Nightingale, Jas . . . . Nightingale, W. H . . Nixon, John Nixon, Robt Noakes, Geo Noble, Chas Noble, George Noble, James Nolan, Dennis Nolan, Jas . > Nolan, John Nolan, Michael ..... Nolan, Pat Nolan, Thomas .... Nooman, H . G . . ... Noonan, John Strsst. Maple 234 Pine 267 Jarvis Cornwall 244 Yonge Elizabeth Wiliiam Kingston Road . . . 11 Duke 112 Duchess Widmer 71 Centre 26 Richmond W . . 50 Borden 145 Ontario Elizabeth Major Brunswick Av . . . . Major Victoria Duke Ontario 39 S. Pembroke . . 58 Terauley . . . . . 392| Yonge St. Lawrence Sumach St. Lawrence . . . . Sydney . . . 272 Carlton King W 62 Louisa Robinson Vanauley . Grosvenor Av . . - . 424 Bishop . • . 38 Muter 72 Louisa 49 Elizabeth 155 Ontario Centre 160 Victoria 272 Church . . 49 Duchess Baldwin Church . 62 William Stanley Stanley Wakd. St. Step Dav Thoi Dav John Dav tiohn Pat Law Thos Thot And John And Pat Thos John Pat Pat Pat And Thos Dav Thos John John Law Dav Law Dav Jas And John Step Pat Pat ^tep Step John John Dav John Jas Jas Thos And Jas Pat Jas Jas 118 NATS. Nams. Norman, Robt Norris, Alex . . . Norris, Henry .. Norris, Wra Northcote, Henry Northcote, Rich*d Norton, Arthur . Nortf)n, Jas H . . Nott, Fred'k Nottingham, Jno Noverre, F. A Noverre, John H. Nun, Jno Nur^e, Edward . Nurse, Richard. . Nurse, W Nutman, John . . Nuttall • • • • • Oake, Jno Oakley, G. F Oakley, Geo. W. J . Gates, W. H Oats, E F Otfen, W. J Ogden, Jas. W Ogletree, Wm . . . . Oldham. WmW Oliver, David. McM Oliver, Thos Opferssuch, Jas Oram, John Ord, L. W Orr, Rob't Orr, Wm Orson, Steph. B . . . . Osborn, Joseph Osboume, Wm Osier, E B Osier, F Osterhont, Joshua . . Oswin, Jas Otto, Rudolph Oulcott, John Ovens, John Owen, J. G Owen, Thos Owen, Thos Oxenham, Wm Strskt. 139 Tcrauley IM) Centre . . Vonge , 88 Centre . . . 29 Hay den . 49 Charles .., 213 Centre . . Centre 106 Chestnut St. Patrick . . . Beverley King Robinson . . . . 118 Ontario . Church .... 118 Ontario , 27 Robinson Seaton Borden 10 Vincent 13 Huron.. Charles Mill Hayter Elliott Place . Brock 104 Brock Boulton , 238 King 216 Adelaide . D'Arcy 255 Pine Bellevue 32 Colbome.. 158 Ontario . Wellington . . King B Avenue Elizabeth 47 Strachan . . Seaton , Yonge , Adelaide .... 85 Wood 294 Richmond, Robinson 92 St. Patrick O' Brien, David |55 William Ward. St. John John John John Jas Jas John John '^ohn Pat Pat Law Step Thos Jas Thos Step Thos Pat John Pat Law Jas Law John Geo And And And Thos And Pat Dav Pat Law Thos Geo Jas John John Step r\ hos John And Jas And Step Pat Pat HAYS. 119 Namk. O'Brien, Dennis .... O'Brien, E4wd O'Brien, .1 O'Brien, .Tas O'Brien, John O'Brien, John O'Brien, 'lohn O'Brien, John O'Brien, Jno O'Brien, Jno O'Brien, L R O'Brien Mioh'l O'Brien, Michael O'Brien, Michael ... O'Brien, Richard . . . O'Byrne, M. J O'Connell, Pat O'Connell, Pat O'Connell, Peter. ... O'Connell, Richard . O'Connor, Dennis. . . O'Connor, James .... O'Connor, John O'Connor, John O'Connor, Mich'l .... O'Connor, Stephen . . O'Connor, Thos O'Connor, T. J O'Dea, Michael O'Donnell, John.... O'Donohoe, F O'Donohoe, Jas O'Donohoe, John . , . O'Donahoe, Wm .... O'Grady, Jno O'Grady, John O'Hagan, Jas O'Halloran, Michael. O'HalLran, Dan'l. . . O'Hara, Jos O'Hearn, Jas. J 0*Hearn, Nicholas . O'Hearn, P O'Hearn, Wm O'Keefe, Daniel .... O'Keefe, Eugene .... O'Leary, J^ewis. . . . . 0,Leary, Thos O'Leary. Tim O'NeU, Pat Strkst. Wellington Av. . 160 Parliament. 620 Queen VV . . . 36 Front E Carlton 434 King Victoria Adelaide 81 Doulton 13 Strachan . . . . Grenville Lewis 103 Front 421 Queen E . . . 244 Front 82 High 67 Boulton 142 Pine 16 Erin 67 Boulton. 16 St. Vincent. 164 York 34 Ontario .... Ward. St. • . • • • 34Tait Elizabeth King E 405 Vonge , Hackney H enderson Av . . . . 19 East. King 534 Queen W South Park Wellington & York 17 William Queen , 8 Richmond E . . . , 23 Melinda 92 Adelaide W . . . Hackney . . Denison Av 120 Denison 56 River , King W Victoria 172 Beech Jarvis King E 76 Elm Geo Dav Pat Law Jas And Jas And And Step John Law Law Dav Geo Pu And Dav Law And John And T.108 Law John Law Jas Pat Step Law And IftI Law Geo Pat Dav Jas Geo And Pat Pat Pat Dav Geo Jas Dav Thos Tboj John HATS. Navb. O'Neill, Jm O'Neill, Jas , O'Neill, Jas O'Neill, J«.hn O'Neill, T. H , O'Reilly, Jaa O'Reilly, Pat O'Reilly, Philip... O'Reilly, Thos H. O'Rourke, Francis O'Rourke, Jaa . . . . O'Toole, Felix ..., Pacey, Chaa . . Page, Chaa. H . Page, Robt . . . Paine, Alfred . . Palmer, H. J . . Palmer, Jas. R . Palmer, John Pape, .fas .... Park, Jas . . . . Parker, Jas .... Pamell, Geo . . Parrott, Jas . . Parsons, Thos . Partridge, A. H Pascoe, Jas . . . . Pascoe, Wm . . Passmone, Chris Paterson, Jno . Paton, Thos . . Patrick, John . Patry, Jno . . . . Patterson, Geo Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patteson, J. C . . Pattison, Wm Geo James .Tohn Jno Robt Robt ..... Sam'lE Thos Thos .... Thos . . ... Wm Wm Wm STRcrr. Mill Boulton 106 Wellesley Muter . . . . , 60 Adelaide . . . Agnes , 102 Richmond 23Phebe Niagara 53 Denison Ay St Paul Elizabeth 166 Chestnut . . . . . 1 58 Chestnut ... . 46 Alice Buulton 36 Albert 13 Duchess Elm . . ... . St. Law. Market . 80 Duke 89McGill 33 Grosvenor Ay . Centre 132 Pine 44 Louisa 186 Centre College 16 Borden .... Court Bank of Montreal 130 Vanauley . . . . Edward 348 King E ... 195 Church 188 Chestnut . . Agnes Park 2 Hagerman ... Mill 296 Richmond . Ontario & Queen . Robinson . Kingston Road . . 10 Terauley 205 Yonge .... Sydenham .... \1ail Office Duchess Wako. St. Law And Jas Step Jas John Jas Pat Geo Pat Day John John John John And John Thos John Law Thos Jas Pat John Day John John Pat Pat Jas Geo Pat John Law John John John Law John Law And I>ay Step Law John Jas Day And Thos MAYtl. 131 Namb. Patton, John Paul, Jas ...... Paul, Jaa Paul, John W . . . Payno, Jos Payne, Wm Peacock, John H Pearce, James H . Pearcy, Thos . . . . . Poarcy, Win . . . . Poarnon, James . .. Pearson, Jno Peas ey, Edward . Peirce, Felix . . . . Pellett, W Pendrich, Rich*d . Peiison, John Pennay, Wm . . . Peoples, Geo. H . Perry, C Perkins, Chas . . . Perkins, Henry . . . Perkins, John Perryraan. Edw'd Pett, Henry . Peterson, Dan . - . Peters, James . . Pethybridge, Wm Petit, Chas - - . , Petter, Chaa. E . . Pettigrew, W. H Pettigrew, Sam'l Petman, Robt Pezette, W. A Pfiater, M F ... Phelan. J .... Pherrall, Ed . . Phillips, Jas — Phillips, James . Phillips, Jas Phillips. Jos . .. Phillips, Thos .. Phillips, Thos . . Pickard, Wm Pic». ing Isaac . Pickering Jas . . Piddington, S . . Pillar, Wm Pilgriju, Jos tiTRBST. Pine 119 Queen E ... 69i Lumley 88 Cambridge . , 36 Sydenham .... 249 King E 95 Terauley .... Melinda Sumach Chestnut 30 Wellington . . Dundaa • • • • • Trinity 233 Yonge Sydenham ... Cedar 2 1 J Pine 65 Strachan Yonge Vanauley St. Wabo. / • • • • Louisa , Front 260 Yonge . . Ontario Kingston Road 121 Little Richmond King E , MiU .... 45 Seaton Elliott Place . . Berkeley Prospect .... Richmond 124 Elizabeth . . 12 Markham 18 Czar 549 Queen 62 Duke 34 Tecumseth 158 York Ill St. Patrick 141 Elizabeth . (331 Church . . King . .c Chestnut 6 Caer Howel Borden &Lippincott 108 Centre Pillow, Saml Spruce . Dav Thos tep Pat Dav Law John Geo Dav John Geo Step Law Jas Dav Step Dav Geo Jas Pat Jat John Law John Thos Law And Thos Law Thos Geo Dav Dav And John Step John And Thos Geo And Pat John Jas Dav John Pat Pat John Dav 122 NAY8. Nams. Pinchin, Thos Piper, E. S Piper, Harry Piper, John Piper, Noah L . Pitcher, Wm Pitman. Win Piatt, John Piatt, ^am'l jr Piatt, Wm Plummer, Geo Plummer, Wm. Henry . Pliimtree, Thos Pollard, S. B . . . Pollard, Jos Pollock, Ilobert Popham, Henry Pophan, Rich'd B ...... Porter, John Potter, Wm . - P tter, Arthur Poucher, John Pound, Geo . Powell, Jomi S Powell, W. D Power, Maurice . . Power, Joseph ........ Pratt, Jno Prance, Geo Prendergast, Thos Presneil, Thos Prentice, David Prect, Francis Price, VVilliam Price, Stephen Price, Jno Pride, Arch'd Pries :ly. John Pringle, J. W Pringle, Andrew --..... Prior, Rich'd ... . Pritchard, J. J Proctor, Rich*d Proctor, Geo Pullen, Jos Purcell, Jas Purdon, R. A . ^ Purdy, Thos Pursiay, David Purse, Alex , . , Street. Heachell 169 Yonge Yonge 90 South Park ... 169 Yonge Douro .......... 96 Hayter 178 Adelaide Bleeker 117 Richmond . . . Yonge & Breadalban Lippincott . ... Alice Bay 68 Elizabeth 53 Duke 176 King W 47 James 78 William Maple . . .... Pine & Wellesley . Parliament 112 Elizabeth York Ontario Bank. . 82 Sumach 377 King W 406 King E Lippincott Queen W 80 • Ontario 257 Yonge 16 Oak Front King King Elizabeth 27 Cornwall tiames ........ 9 Baldwin Queen . . 402 Queen E 78 Lousia . Church Queen W 9 Mutual 99 Terauley 298 Queen W Queen . . Adelaide] Wabd. St. Law Jas Jas Law Jas And John And Thos And John Pat John And John Thos And Thos Pat Dav Dav Dav John And Law Dav Geo Dav Pat And Thos «)as Dav Geo Dav Law John Dav Law Pat Dav Dav John Jas Pat Jas John Pat Pat And NAYS. 123 Namb. Purvis, W. H ... Purvis, John Qiiinlivan, Michael Quinn, Edw'd ..., Quinii, Frank . . . Quinn, Jas. J . . . Quinn, Jno. Quinn, Robt Quinn, Thos % • • • » Rae, Alfred RafFan, Jos Eaffignon, Alphonse. . . . Rame, Wm Ramsay, Jas Ranee, Jno Randall, Edwin Rankin, Jas Ran nick, Hancock .... Rattray, H. J Rattray, Alex., Junr. . . Ravey, Jas Ray, Henry Ray, Patrick R Raycroft, Rich'd Raymond, Burrows Rea, Jas Rea, Jchn Rea, John Readmond, Thos Read, J. B Recknieyer, W. W.... Reddan, Wm Reddan, John Reddie, Hugh Redmond, Ed. J Redmond, Thos Redon, Walter Reed, A rch'd Reed, John Reed, Thos Reed, Thos Reed, John Reed, Thos Rees, Evan Reeve, Jas Reeves, Benjamin Reeves, Rich'd R^ord, Lewis , Strset. 343 Queen W. 387 Queen W . 3B7 Adelaide W I- 3 Ontario ... 463 f onge 92 King W 26 Shuter . Grosvenor Av . 476 King E . .. 51 Mutual 17 Oxford 107 King W 369 Front .... Caer Howel 21 Elizabeth Vanauley 44 Church , 161 Richmond Gloucester 6 Edward West ^26 Queen King E King . . . . . 6 B(md 211 Centre Brant 19 Regent. 03 Esther ... Dover Court Road 259 Yonge Chestnut Kins? E 20 Esther 209 Bathurst 2S Huron... Bathurst - ... 210 Pine 4 Osgoode 62 Anderson 706 Yonge . William 117 Elizabeth Strachan Av Prospect 110 Elizabeth Centre Simcoe Wakd. St. And And And Dav John And Jas Pat Dav Jas Pat Geo Law Pat John Pat Jas And Thos John And Day Law Jas John And Dav Pat Step Jas John Law Pat Step Pat Pat Dav John Pat Ja» Pat John And Dav John John Pat Ml KAY8. Nams. Regan« Dennis XV61U* v/. X , ••••« ••••• Reid, Thos Reid, Wm Renardson, P-obt Rennie, David Rennie, Jno Reppon, John Reynoldg, Franklin Reynolds, Jno L Reynolds, Jas Reynolds, Jno H Reynolds, Rich*d Reynolds, Wm ^ Rey/iolds, Wm. R * Ric€), Ha^ice Rice, Geo ■; Ricbardaon, Frederick , . . . "Richardson, Jas Richardson, Jos Richardson, John Richardson, J. A Richardson, James Richardson, Sam Richardson, T. J Richardson, Wm Richard, Jose Richards, J Richards, Jno Richards, John Richards, T Richmond, Jas Rickard, Nicholson B . . . . Piddell, Thos Riddell, Jos Riddell, F Ridler, Henry Wm Ridley, Jame& , Rigney, Jno , Riley, Wolstan E Riley, John Ril y, Peter Riley, J. B Riley, Fred Ringham, Geo Ringham, Robert D . . . . . Riordan, Thos Riordon, EHward Riscb, Vincent M Ritcl .e, John • • • Stbjbxt. Wilton .... Fri»nt .... Elizabeth King Esplanade Little Hichmond 46 Frederick . . . . 179 Berkeley . . . . 264 Queen 210 Centre .. 288 Queen W Duchess 25 Hayter 1 16 Ontario . . . . . 25 Erin 63 Centre Portland 74 Stanley 102 Terauley 14 S. Pembroke — Denison Av ... 47 University King&J 6 Wellin^v a Morrison ... .... 577 Queen W Louisa Centre . -..,.. 5 Little Adelaide 403 Queen Queen's Hotel . . . 174 King E Balsam 107 Jarvis Little Richmond . . 37 Denison Av — 448 King W Yonge V\ ellmgton 29 Douro King W Sherboume . . . 330 Yonge 84 Gerrard 29 Elliott PI 198 Richmond ... 468 King W 66 Grenville. Ward. St. Step Law John Law Law And Thos Dav Pat John Pat Pat Thos John Thos Dav John And Jas John Thos Pat John And Geo And And John John And Dav Geo Dav And Thos And Dav Pat And John Geo Geo Geo Thos John Jas And And And John MAYS ]2£^ Namx. Roach, Michael Roach, Jno Roadhonse, H Robb, Jas Robb, C. C Robert, John T "Roberts, Edward John . . . Roberts, Robert Roberts, David Roberts. J. fl Roberts Jas Robertson, Jas Robertson, John Robertson, Ohas Robertson, Alex Robertson, John Ruuinson, Jas Robinson, Thos Robinson, Hon. J. B . . Robinson, John Robinson, Alfred E Robinson, Thos. A Robinson, W . . . . Robinson, W Robinson, Nixon Robinson, Hutchinson . . . Robinson, David Robinson, Geo Robson, Hugh Robson, Fred Robson, John Roche, John H Rock, Wm RockhiU, C. P Rodden, Christopher Roe, Jas Rogers, John Rogers, Edw'd Rogers, Charles Rogers, T. R Rogers, Frederick . . Rogers, Dr. Henry J Rogers, John, sr. . . Rogers, Maurice .... Rogers, Jas F Rogers, Josiah ..... Rogers, David Rogers, Wm Rogerson, Jas. M . . Rohle lor, Francis Strkst. 93 Boulton Victoria Dorset 175 Centre . . . . College . . 16 St. Charles. . 99 Beech Elizabeth 131 River Queen ....... 206 Elizabeth... Bishop 167 Beech Louisa King 164 Chestnut. . . South Park 120 Edward . . College 64 Albert Queen^ King W 15 St. Vincent . . Richmond Yonge Gould Lennox & Hope »•••••• • • • • KingE St. L. Market 266 Queen W . 35 Queen W. . . 588 Qaeen W. . 51 Trinity Stanley 94 Boulton 34 Sherboume, 94 Esther , . . 68 Power . . . 559 Queen , . . 354 Adelaide . 1 65 James . . . . 34 Robert 55 Oak ...... Spadina \v . . . 79 v\ alton . . . . 246 Adelaide . . Gerrard E Spadina Av. . . . York Ward. St. And J-^s Geo John Pat Johi* Dav John DaT Dav Joh» Step Dav Joh» Jas John Law John Pat John And Geo John Jas Jas Jas Step Pat Dav Law Pat And Step Jolm Jas And Law Pat Dav And And Thos Pat Dav Pat John And Dav Pat And 126 KAYS. Namb. Roll, Geo Rolph, J. T Rolph, Frank Rolst^n, John Rolaton Roaar, Frank Ross, Henry C . . . . Ross, James Ross, Wm Ross, Dr. James . . Ross, Wm Ross, R. N Ross, David Ross, John Ross, David Ross, J ohn ........ Rose, Ohas Rosenthall, H .... Rosenbloom, Joseph Rossiter, Jas .... Rossiter, Jas Russiter, Pat Rouse, Israel Rousseau, Dennis . . Routh, Percy J . . . . Routliif, Alfred . . . Rowlands, Thos Rowe, J ohn . . . . Ruwe, Bennett H Rowe, Geo. Oke Ruwiett, Edwin . Rowlett, Robt Royie, Jas Rooke, Thos. S . . Roome, Thos. F Rooney, Nicholas Rooney, Francis Rooney, Peter . . Rooney, Peter . . Ruck, Thos Rudleii, Geo .... Ruf, Vincent . . . Rutter, Thos R\ischer, J os .... Russell, John . . Ryan, Martin . . . Ryan, Michael . . Ryan, Pat'k C . . Ryan, Jas Ryan, Jno Street. Dundas 76 John 324 Adelaide W . . . . College . 50 Little Richmond 240 King E Strachan 293 Queen E 109 Bloor Sherboume 542 Queen Spadina Av ..... 66 Bishop Ward. St. • • • • 4 t • • • •••••• Queen '424 Yonge Dover Court Road York Little Richmond . William , Stanley Ann — ioQ Amelia ..... 55 Boulton Wellington 44 Front W Jentre 52 Bond 507 Queen W . . . 105 Strachan Av >ntario Lane .... 29 Ontario 37 Queen W. . » . . 387 Queen W , , St. Alban's Yonge Yonge 76 Carlton Yonge R^nf orth 639 Yonge Ch;vrles Front W Centre Arcade . ...... 176 Queen W , . . 69 Ontario . . . - 139 Church 207 Terauley . . . . 12 Esplanade Step And And Pat And Thos And Dav John Thos Step Pat Step Dav Dav John Step And And Pat Jas Jas Dav And Geo Geo John Jas And And ' Law Dav And And John Geo Geo Jas Geo Step Jas Jas Geo John Law Pat Dav Jas Jas Law NAYS. 127 Name. Ryan, M. J Ryan, Thos , Ryan, Anthony ... Ryan, Rich'd , Ryan, John , Ryan, W , Ryan, Peter , Ryan, Jno Ryan, Edward . . . , Ryan, Michael . . . , Ryder, Thos , Ryerson, Rev. Geo Saker, Jno Sale, Julius, senr . . . Salisbury, Wm Sample, David . . . . . Sanderson, Geo Sanderson, John . . . . Sanderson, John . . . Sanderson Saunders, Bernard.. Saunders, Jos . . . . , Saunders, Mark Saunders, Sol ... . Saunders, Jas Saunders, Benjamin Saulter, Wm , Savage, Wm . Savigny, t ugh P .. Sawden, Thos Say ers, J os Scadds, Geo Scallion, Mich'l . . . . Scarlett, Robt . , . . . Scarlett, Jas Schaffer, Matt Schaeffer, Frank Schaefer, Jno . . . . , Schaefer, Jake Scheffter, A Schilling, Edm'd . . Schmidt, Jacob Schmidt, John . . . Schmidt, Edwd . . Schmidt, Thomas.., Schmidt, H Schmidt, Peter Scholes, John. . Scholes, Thos. E . . Street. 427 Adelaide W 114 Sherboume Centre . . 7 Tait 47 Melinda . . . Gould . . . . 62 Adelaide .., Boulton , King W 349 Queen E . . , 206 Queen W . Grenville .... Ward. St, King 499 Ontario . . Regent . . . . . Foxley , Emma Chestnut . . . . , 154 Centre . . . 1 19 George . . King W ... 52 Terauley . 545 King W 106 Queen W 77 Oak . . . 119 Portland 1263 Chestnut 92 Boulton . . Kingston Road . 125 Brock 197 Oak 464 Adelaide W 52 Nelson 117 Sherboume . 114 Pine Sherboume . . . . 112 Church . . . . 15 Maitland 82 Vanau ley . , . . Lippincott . . . South Park 9 Sumach ...... 156 Centre 64 Vanauley Adelaide .... 138 Baldwin 824 Queen W And Thos John Law Geo Jas And And Geo Dav Pat John And Dav Dav Step John John John Thos Geo John Geo And Dav And John And Law Law And Dav And And Thos Dav Jas Jas Pat Pat Law Dav John Pat And Pat Step 128 NAYS. Namk. Sch oles, Ric'd Scholes, John F Schadel, Ohas Schell, E Schuch, Chas Scoley, E. K Scott, J Scott, Wm Scott, W. R Scott, Augustine .... Scott, Wm Scott, W. M.. Scott, Henry Scott, Jas Scott, Henry J Scully, Pat'k Scully, John Scully, John Scully, Wm Seaborn, Thos Sedglev, Wm Selby, J. W Sellers, Thos Senior. Thos Sermon, Richard . . . . Severs, John Sewell, Henry Sexton, W. F Seymour, Ed Seymour, Edward . . . Sharpe, Geo. P Shaip, Robt Sharp, Wm Shanessy, John Shannon, Geo Shannon, Jas. N Sharland, Chas Shaud, D. R Shaw, William Shaw, Henry . , Shaw, Hunter ...... Shaw, T. S Shea, Owen . Shea, John . Shea, John Shea, Tim Shea, JS at Sheard, Jos Shears, C Sheedy , John Strsxt. Lumley Albert 66 York 108 Church 328 King E Wilton Cresent . . . 290 Bathurst Seaton . 237i Yonge 100 Beech Anderson 20 Baldwin Richmond 24 Renfrew 68 Church 332 King Tecumseth & King 71 Bishop Scott Front 112 Duke Pine 221 Chestnut 379 King 90 Church Market Sq . . . . . . 83 Boulton. 337 Yonge . . . . Brock . . 56 Little Adelaide . . Spadina Av ...... 45 High Charles . .' Melinda .... . . Boulton Beech , . 115 Queen W King William Prospect Richmond W 11 Huron 26 Hope 129 Seaton ....... Jarvis Tref ann . 3 William McGill Ulub Chambers 40 Stanley War St, Stei John And Jas Dav Thos Step Thoa Jas Dav Pat Pat And Pat Jas And Geo Step Law Law Dav Dav John Law Law Pat And Jas And And Pat Pat Jas Geo And Thos And Geo Pat Dav And Pat Step Thos Thos Dav Pat Jas Geo KAYS. 129 Sheedy, Pat Sheehan, Dan'l ... ... Sheehan, P Sheeh, p, Thos Sheehan, Jeremiah Sheeley, Jos Shelton, E. N Shellabar, Rich'd Sheppard, John . Sheppard, W. H Sheppard, Fred'k ...... Sheppard, Robt Sheppard, Christopher... Sheppard, Ben Sheppard, C Sheppard, J no Sheppard, Geo Sheppard, Jas Sheriff, F. A .......... Sheridan, Alex Sheridan, Humphrey . . . Sherrin, Geo Sherwood, L. P Shields. Miles Shields, Pat Shields, Jas Shields, A lex , Short, Wm - . Short, Michael Shortiss, Thos Shiitt, W. D Shnnk, Abr , Sievert, L Silvas, Peter Simmers, J. A . Simmonds, W. R Simmonds, Henry , Simpson, Wm Simpson, John Simpson, Jas Simpson, Robt Simpson, Andrew Simpson, Robt Simpson, Wm Simpson, A Simington, Jas Sinclair, Geo Sinclair, Thos Sinclair, F. G Sinnot, Patrick . . Btbbkt. Power 9 George 39 Robert Niagara 84 Hanley 33 Vanauley 127 George . 202 Chestnut 117 Grosvenor Av. . Pine 82 Mutual 29 Adelaide E . . . . Bleeker Bathurst Nassau D'Arcy . Queen E . 138 John ....... , Front. . 30Seaton 90 Bishop 129 Lumley Bathurst Jarvis ... 329 Church 16 Esther 151 Yonge Herrick ...... 133 Queen E ... Tecnmseth . ., City Hall 99 Adelaide 70 Queen 28 Duchess 96 Front ... 206 Richmond 35 Regent — ... Richmond Park . . . Esplanade & George Wellington Av . . . . 205 King 395 King E 579 King . 239 King Esplanade Denison Av Shelbourne 102 Front E Strachan Av ..... Ward. St. Dav Law Pat Geo Jas Pat Thos John Pat Dav Jas Jas Thos And Pat Pat Tnos And Law Thos Step JStep Step Thos Jas Pat And Pat Thos And Law And John Thos Law And Dav And Law Law Geo Law Law Geo Law Law Pat Thos Law Geo 190 NAYS, Nams, Singer, -I . Sinnot, Mich*l Rkelton, Krancis F . . . . Skerry, Wm .... Skippon, Thos R Sladek, John Slatters, Phillip Slattery, Thos Slatter, Jas Slean, John Sleeth, David Slee, Geo. Henry Slemin, Robt Slike, Chas Slight, Wm Sloane, Wm Sloan, Jno ........ Sloan, Jas. A ■ . . . Sloan, Thos ^ . .* Sloan, John Small, Peter — Small, Danl Sn>all, John . Small, Chas Smallpiece, Henry . Smedley, Chas . Smiley, Samuel Smith, Chas . . . Smith, Mich'l Smith, Will Smith, Ja3 Smithi, John A. . . . Smith, Thos S^nit^, John Smith, Thos Smith, F. J. D Smith, Thos Smith, W. B Smith, Robt . . . Smith, Dr. Wm Smith, Jas Smith, Wm. Henry . . . Smith, liobt S iiith, Jas. D . . Smith, fi.L. ...... ... Smith, Jas Smith, David Smith, Wm Smith, T G Smith, Hon. Frank . . . . Strebt. 43 Queen W Queen 150 Little Richmond 13 St. Charles 76 Baldwin . . Sydenham . . Sword & Gerrard 4 William Henry 205 Gerrard. 90 Louisa . Nelson ... . Sydenham . . Denison Av 162 Centre . . 83 Pine ... Kerr's Lare. Church & Front 213 Queen W 693 Yonge . . 24 Baldwin . Front ..... Queen .... . 219 Kin^ ... Beech Bleecker ... Portland . — 270 Spadina Av 334 Spadina Av . Douro 9 Alice 73 Bishop 50 Sullivan 95 Alexander . . . 154 Niagara . . . Gerrard E 16 King E ... fiichmoud W^. . 438 King E 27 J ames 292 Yonge Conway & Hope B33Ch 8 ) Cambridge . . Isabella GL)uc3ster ..... Qu3en W ..... Bishop 24 York Major Front Ward. St. And And And John Pat Dav Dav Pat Dav John And Dav Pat John Dav Pat Law And Jas Pat Law And Law Dav Dxv And Pat Pat Geo John Step Pat Jas Geo Dav Jas And Dav John John Step Dav Pat Jas Jas And Step Geo Pat Law KAYS. 131 Nams. Smith, A. W Smith, Robt Smith, Alfred Smith, David Smith, Hy Smith, VV Smith, Chas Smith, John Smith, A Smith, Alfred Smith, Wm Smith, Edwin Smith, Patrick Smith, Henry Smith, Patrick. Smith, Alexander Smith, Christian Smith, Lawrence Smith, Edwin Smith, William Smith, Thomas Smith. Samuel Smith, Thomas Smith, W.J Smith. Jno Smith, Wm Smith, Robt Smith, W. G . . . Smith, Wm Scott Smith, Sydney Smith, Robert A Smith, R Smith, Jas. F Smith. Jas Smith, C. P Smith, Jas Smith, Rich'd Smith. G. T .. Smith, Frank Smith, John Smyth, J ames v Smyth, Robert Smyth, P. S Smyth, Wm Snaith, John Snarr, Wm Snell, Wm Snook, Geo Snow. J no .. Snowdon, Robt Strkbt. Colbome i) r>alhou8ie .... 10 Wilton 118 Denison Av. . . . 83 J Sydenham . . . Hayter & Emma. . . 20 Erin . . Bloor and Major . . York 105 Jaivis 79 Seaton 46 Vanauley 113 Jarvis ....... Brant & Adelaide. . 18 William 22 Agnes 96 Esther .' . ... 44 Gloucester, . . . Bay Baldwin 51 Hayden 146 >huter 254 Elizabeth 96 Maitland 30 William Richmond W c»7 Ontario -padina Av 132 Mill Queen W Mill 45 Phoebe.. Yonge Duchess . — Colborne 6 Regent Parliament 1 00 Duchess . . . 41 Terauley . . . 262 Richmond W Bfcllevuu Av. — Niagara King W ....... . 53 Grosvenor Av . Esplanade . . 33 Walton 198 Oak Markham . University Wabd. St. Law Jas ^'tep Pat Dav John Law Thoa Geo Thos Thog Pat Thos And Pat John Pat Thos Geo Pat Jas Thos John Jas Pat And Dav Pat Law Pat Law Pat Geo Thos Law Geo Dav Law Thos John And Pat Geo And Pat Geo John Dav Step John 132 NAYS. Namb. Somers, Chas Somera, Frank , Somers, 'J'hoa. H. jr Somerville, Wm . . . Somerville, Frank. . . Sonimerville, T Soper, John Soper Jno. G , Souter, A Spaiglit, Pat Spanner, Chas Sparks, Edward . . , Sparks, E Spearman, Jas . . . . . Spence, Jas Spence. Wm Spence, Jas SnuoET. 120 Elizabeth . . . Albert 26 Bloor Adelaide 464 Queen W 127 University 32yorth Pembroke 201 Elizabeth... .. Leader Lane . ... Elliott Place 16 Agnes Beech Queen E 130 Portland Elizabeth King 62 Queen W Spenctr, J. B 153 Parliament . SpinK, Thos Spink, Thos Spinks, John Spittal, Wm Spilkr, John Spooner, Jas ^ potton, Wm Spragge, Arthur G. M. . . . Spratt, Robt Springer, Wm Spry, Dan'l Squarey, Wm Sqiiirrell, Geo Stacy, Ben Stati'>rd, Geo Stafford, Jas Staines, Hv nry . Stainsby, ^^ m Stanley, Wm. B Stanley, John Stanley, Henry Stanley, R. J Stanley, Wm Stanley, Chas. . . . . Stanway, Geo Stapled. Thos. H..... .. Staples, Thos Staples, Richard ...... Staunton, Moses jr Staunt( n, Geo Staunton, Jas Staughton, Stephen .... River . Hiver 15 Beech 561 King Robinson . . . . . . King 294 Spadina Av . Siierbourne 1 5 Charles Chestnut 8 Bond Yonge , Front 60 High 24 Osgoode ...... Borden . . . 117 Bishop Grosvenor Av. . . Victoria 10 Hagerman 77 Elizabeth . - - 482 Ontario 293 Queen E . . . South Park 36 Wood King E ...... 94 \ ictoria Queen E King & Yonge . . Staffi.rd Rear 113 Jarvis. 116 Elm Ward. St. John John Jas And Pat John ThoB John Law Geo John Dav Dftv And John Geo John Dav Dav Dav Ihos Geo Step Law- Pat ThoB Jas John as Law Geo Pat John Pat Step Pat Jas John John Thos Dav Law Thos Jas Jas Dav And And 'Jhos John NAYS. 133 Nams. Steers, Win Stegnian, J. F Stein, Chas Stein, Philip Stephens, Henry P Stephens, Wm Stephenson, Wm Sterratt, Wm . Sterling, Andrew Steven, Rr)bt Stevens. Ohas. H Stevenson, Sam'l Stevenson, John Stevenson, R. C ..... Steward, (>eo. J Stewart. Wm Stewart, Wm Stewart. Thos Stewart, R':bt ^ . . Stewart, John Stewart, R . . . . .... Stewart, Chas Stewart, John Stewart, Thoa Stewart, Thos Stewart, Chas Stewart, Walter Stewart, Jno , Stewart, Jno • . Stewart, Geo Stewart, James Stewart, Maulbie Stev/art, Wm' , Stewart, A.lex Stinson, John Stinson, J Stitt, John . . Stitt, Jno Stockwell, Sam Stokea, Ben *., Stone, Rich . Stoner, Wm , Storey. Thos Stothers, Johnston Stothers, Geo Strachan, Jno Strachle, Jno Stratton, Andrew ...... Street, G . S . . . Street, Herbert Strcst. Yonge Mutual . . . . 15 Nelson . . Cherry .... 8 B tlsam ... 87 University 1 14 York . . Vanauley . . . 71 Duchess. Price & Edward 24 Leonard Av 77 Vanauby Vanauley ... Queen's Hotel 62 Deuison Av Pine Elizabeth .. 7 King W.. Adelaide . . Sumach . . . 19 Eleanor . 17 Nelson. . . 30 Bell .... 22 Centre . . Lippincott . . 103 Portland 115 Elizabeth Lippincott . 53 Strachan . 127 Edward 127 Sumach. Sumach .... KingW. ... 107 York ... Education Office King Gloucester 123 Victoria River ..... 7 Power 128 Elm . . . 29 Bell . . . 36 Oxford . Borden . . . Lippincott 681 Shuter 73 Stanley . 135 Ontario . St. Law. Hall Baldwin .... Ward. St And Jas And Law And John And Thoi John Pat Pat Pat Geo Pat Law John Geo And Dav Pat And Dav John Pat And John Pat Step John Dav Dav Geo And Jas Law Jas Jas Dav Dav John Dav John Pat Pat Jas Jas Dav Law Pat 134 NAYB. Namb Street, R. B Streeter, Wm ... ... Stretton, Alex Strong, S. O ►Stroud, Jno Stuart. Chaa, J Stubbs. Rich'd . Stubbfl, F Stubbg, Sam'l Stuckey, Geo . Sullivan, Jos. P Sullivan, F Suilivan, John Sullivan, B Sullivan, Hugh Sullivan, P Sullivan, E Sullivan, Dan'l Sullivan, Jeremiah Sullivan, David Sullivan, P Sullivan, Patrick .... . Summers, H. G . Suuimers, R. T Sum'iiera, Frs Sutherland, Angus Sutherland, Jas. Hy . Sutton, Sam'l Swait, J. C Swain, John Si^ alwell, John Swales, Sam*l Swanston, Jaa Sweeney, Jas Swe(3tman, Henry Sweetman, G. H Swift, Joseph Switzer, Chas Talbot, A. G . . Talbot, John... Talbot, Silas.. Tambling, Thos. Taplin, Gilbert, Tarlton, Wm. J Tavemer, Jas Tayles, M Taylor, A Taylor, A. J . . Taylor, Albert Struet. Ward. •257 John Mill Itellevue Place .... North Strachan 188 Queen W 18 Queen W ;i3lf Jarvis 136 Oak 163 Ontario 144 Simcoe 230 King E 14 ) Parliament . . . Church 1 3 Parliament .... 230 King E . . . 182 Simcoe South Park Douro . — 93 Bathurst Ann 27 Tait .... 162 !^ )adina'Av... 354 . onije 70 South Park.... 79 * >ntario ... 105 Cambridge . . . 168 L Richmond > . Queen E 20 Victoria 85 Queen 49 Amelia St. Lawrence . . . . Sydenham 125 Grosvenor Av 8 Borden . . . 110 Denison Av. . . Front 37 Renfrew King & Portland . 153 Centre Queen E , 276 Church 252 Qaeen Pine King E St Denison Av .... 445 Queen W... Pat Law Pat John Step Pat John Thos Dav Dav And Thoi Dav Jas ] aT Thot Pat Law Geo And Jas Dav Pat John Law Dav Pat And Dav Jas John Dav Law Dav Pat Pat lat Law Pat Geo John Dav Jas Pat Dav Thos Law Pat And NAY8. 136 NXMS. Taylor, Chas Taylor, Edw'd Tayl r, Edmund . . Tavlor, Frs., Jr Taylor, F. J Taylor, Joseph . . . , Taylor, Jno , Taylor, J 38 , Taylor, John Taylor, Jcihn Taylor Jos Taylor, J as Taylor, Robt . .. Taylor, Rich'd Taylor, Robt Taylor, I hos. C. H . Taylor, Win Ta>lor, Wm Taylor. VVm Taylor, W. D Telfer, VV. G Telford, A. W . . . . Templeton, Allan.. Tench, David Territt, Joshua .... Terry, John Terry, John Terry, John Terry, Jno Tetnar, Fred'k Teedy, Michael . . . Teevin, Jno Teevin, Jas Thomas, Robt Thomas, Wm Thomas, Fred'k .... Thomas, Geo Thomas, Dan'l .... Thomas, W. J ... Thomas, Victor. . . . Thomas, M. A Thomas, John B . . . Thomson, Wm .... Thomson, R J .... Thompsoa, John . . . Thompson, A nthony Thompson, Hugh . . Thompson, Wm . . . . Thcmpsou, John . . Thompson, Robt . • • • • • • • • • Btrebt. Parliament Sumach , Sydenham Lumley , Education Office (Joiborne 60 Richmond . . , 97 Queen W . . . . ")3 Bishop Trinity Queen 103 Ann 104 Oak 93 Centre South Park 152 Strachan Av 130 Chestnut. . . 34 Emma Richmond E . . . 91 Mutual North 59 Esther 248 Queen VV . . . 92 Gerrard 12 Pine Gerrard E 10 Osgoode Huron Front Monk Richmond 38 McGill 40 McGill 9 St. Jtseph . . 99 King 26 Breadalbane. Church 96 John 1 33 Simcoe . . . South '^ark KiigW Kingston Road . 73 Colborne Niagara Alice Berkeley - Kingston Road . 533 Quuen W . . . 95 Strachan Av . Nicholas St. Waed. Law Dav Dav Step Jas Law And And Step l^aw Pat Jas Dav John Law And John John Jas Jas John Pat Pat Jas Dav Dav John Pat Law Pat And Jas Jas John Law Law Law And And Law And Law Law Geo John Dav Law And And John 136 NAYS. Nams. Thompson, EJwd . . Thompson, Charles Thompson, Sam'l . . Thompson, R Thompson, Jas .... Thompson, John . . . Thompson, Jas. . . . Thompson, Thos. E Th nnpson, Isaac . . Thome, Horace.... Thome, Thomas . . . Thome, Chas Thornton, Joshua . . Thornton, Frank. . . Thornton, Francis . Thrush, Mark Thwaite, Jos Ti ly, Stephen Tidy. Wm. J Tieman, John TiUeson, Thos .... Tilly, Arthur Timins, John Timon, Andrew .... Timson, Jos Tinning, Rich'd jr . Tinniui^, Thos Tinning, Rich'd sr . Tinning, J ohn Tinning, R J Tinsley, Edwr'd Tivirs, i^'rs Tizzard, S. L To id, Thornton A . Tolchard, Daniel . . Tolchard. Eiias . . . Tojhurst, H Toner, Peter Toplis, Chas Torrance, .fohn . . . . Torrance, Geo Torpy, Dan'l Touimin, Fred'k Townley, Wm . Towaley, A. B. Towns, Edw*d . Tozer, Wm. H Toogc d, F. W Tracy, Michael Tracy, Thos . . . Strest. 391 King E 162 Jarvis Queen E 42 Frederick .... 4: Muter 30 Queen Duchess River 39 Gloucester. . . . Sherbourne Cambridge 92 Berkeley Edward 4,>7 King E St. Davids 41 Queen Jedar 196 Berkley Vonofe Scadding Gerrard & Pine . . Victoria Bay Esplanade Bellevue Av .... lOOrde I'Vont Murray Front Vork & King 134 Elizabeth . . . 435 Adelaide Sultan Wellington 39 Gerrard E..., Yonge 4 King E Fait . . . , Baldwin CJpper Vanauley . Front 47 Denison Av. . Kmg Chestnut Agnes . . University 59 Bleeker King 9 Duchess 49 iSeaton St. NATS. 137 Name. Tracey, Jas Trainworth, Wm. Travis, George ... Treblecock. W. H Treraaine, Jas . . . , Treralett, Jas . . . , Trimble, Geo Trinder, Chas . . . . Trotter, Robi. H . Trowbridga, John Tuoker, Henry . . . Tucker, W Tuke, H. C • Turner, C Tamer, Edwd ... Tuaten, Sam'l Tyler, Chas , Tynan, Pat Tyner, Fred'k Tyrrell, Rich'd . . , Tyser, Thoa Underwood, D. W Uniacke, Morris . Urquhart, Alex . - . Urquehart, H nsher, W . . ., Vair, Geo Vale, Lawr Valentine, Dr. John Vance, John Van Buren, Uhland Van Kempen, Wm . , Varcoe, Chas Vaughan, T . . . . , Vaughan, Stephen Veil, Elias Venablea, John H . . Verrall, Wm Verrall, Chas ...... Verrall, Robt Victcr, — Vine, Wm Vogan, Jas Vun Zuben, M. . . . . Vose, Chas Vyse, Jlj Strskt. Ward. 16 Power KingW Kingston Rd . . . George 57 Elizabeth 24 Markham . . . Colbome ()9 Louisa 279 Cariton Tait 37 Arthur 596 Queen Seaton Buchanan 31 Vanauley . . . Scadding 614 Queen 531 KingW ... 396 Parliament. Vanauley Kingston Rd . . . St. Jarvis . . - . . . . 52 Garrison . . , 50 Camden . . . 377 Adelaide W 335 Yonge • • • 360 Church Beech & Sumach . 139 Simcoe ...... 270 Pariiament . . 14 Pine 20 Stewart Yonge 104 Bishop 106 Bishop 84 Mutual Esplanade Strachan Av Stafford & Clifford. 64 Givens Kingston Road . . 126 Queen Monck Strachan Av York Dav Geo Law Thoa John Step Law John Dav Law Step Step Thos John Pat Law Step Geo Dav Pat Law Thoa And And And Jas Jas Dav Pat Dav Law Geo Jas Step Step Jas Geo And And litep Law Thos Pat Pat And 138 NAYS. Name. W, de, Joseph M . . Wadge, Jaiues . . . . Waddell, Jas. J .. "Wadden, Geo . . . . "Waddick, Jno . . . Waddington, W. . . Wagstaff, David Waghorne, Charles Wain Wright, Jas... Wakefield, Charles ^lace, R. B . Wallace, Richard . . Wallace, W. J . . . Wallis, Vincent J. . Walls, Andrew W^alton, Mat W^ alder, Robt . . . . Walford, Henry . . W^alker, John Walker, David . . . . Walker, Francis . . . Walker, Thomas. . . W' alker, E. C Walker, James Walker, Thos Walker, J. W Walker, Samuel , . . W^alker, Fred'k ... W^ alker, Robt . . . Walker, Henry G.. Walker, Lewl.> . . - . Walkey, Geo Wahnsley, Alfred.. Walsh, Jos. . , W^alsh, Mich'l .... Walsh, Jas Walsh, Pat'k Walsh, Wm VH alsh Walsh, Will . . . Walsh, Philip Walsh, Jas . — Walsh, Edw'd . . W^alsh, Wm ..., Wa sh, John . . . Walton, R. F... Walt 'n, Jt)hn . Walters, Lipman, Waiz, John Wanty, John. .. . Street. 192 Richmond 32 Boulton... 45 Gerrard W 36 Seaton v\ illiam 40 Queen W Robinson .... 27 Beli 376 King E . . 146 Centre . . 26 Hayter . . . 193 Centre . . . Cornwall . . ^ . Ward. Si 1^^'* • Foxley . Sumach 26 Walton 109 Duchess Clifford Sherbourne Victoria 146 Mill 53 Brant 491 Queen W 48 Camden Seaton Albert 44 Emma 226 Adelaide W.. Amelia Melinda 77 Edward Portland 48 Borden 8t. Law. Market. 73 Baldwin 134 Berkeley .... 103 Yonge 21-5 Queen W Queen W . . Pine 19 William . 131 Sumach Wellesley /. Stafford . . Metcalfe . . . 30 Dorset . . 105 King E 93 Duchess. 28D'Arcy . And And John Thoa Pat John Law Dav Dav John John John Dav Step Dav Jas ThoB And Thos Jas Law And And And Thos John John And Dav Geo John And Pat Law Pat Dav Thos And And Dav Pat Dav Dav Geo Dav Geo Law Thoa Pat NAYS. 13d Name. Ward, Jno Ward, Geo Ward, James . . . Ward, Ben net.. Ward, Albert... Ward, John - . Ward, Mich'l . Warde, Jas Ward rope, Wm Wardrope, John Warren, Alex . . . Warren, John S . . Warren, F Warr ngton, Thos . Warkins, W. M , Warmoll C. V .., Waa3, M. H Waterhouse, Robt Watkins, Robt. T Watkins, Henry . Watkins, John A Watson, Wm. . . . Watson, G , Watson, John . . , .%% Watson, Jno Watson, T. K ... Watson, Rob't . . . Watson, Alex . . Watson, Sam'l . . . Watson, Henry . . Watts, Jos Watts, Jas ... . Watt, Thos. A.... Watt, Sam Watt, Thos Waiigh, Thos . . . Way, Jas Way, Jno Webster, Octavius Webster. Jaa Webb, John . Webb, W Webber, Thos . . . Wedd 1, Eli Weir, Win . - . Weir, John Abel . Weeks, Wm Welsh David . . . . Wells, Stewart . . . Wells, Jas Street. Spadina Av . 40 Niagara . . Oak 37 Oxford . . 448 Yonge . . 92 Sydenham Carlton .... Peter 203 Chestnut Eleanor .... 61 Centre .. 368 Adelaide 358 Adelaide D'Arcy Ward. St. Church Jarvis King 513 Queen W 241 Queen 102 Mutual Adelaide W King E 135 Centre 450 King W 311 Queen W...... Queen 27 Brunswick Av . 116 King E 169 Richmond W . 90 Herbert 17 Madeira PI 173 York 53 Dundas 102 Queen E 66 Elizabeth Way's Klock 636 Queen W 113 Grosvenor Av 58 Hope 116 Lumley 105 Elizabeth 320 Front Esther 42 Garrison 11 Soho 62 Luiuley 226 Queen W . 173 King W Juhn — Pat Geo Dav Pat John Dav Jas Geo John John John And And Pat Dav Jas Thos Thos And Dav •las And Thos John And And Thos Pat Dav And Pat Dav And Step Dav John And Step Pat Step Step John Law Pat Step Pat Step Pat Geo Geo 140 NAYS. Namk. Wells, W H Wenman, Chas West, John West, Jas West, Chas West, Wm. Henry . . Westman, Jos. H . . . . Westman, Elijah . . . . Wexelberg, A. N . . . . Weyler, Utter Whalen, James , . ^ . . . Whalen, John Whelan, John Whelan, John Wheeler, Geo ^^ heeler, Thos Whettem, Wm White, John White, Geo ... .. White, Thos M White, Edw'd White, T White, Thos. G White, Francis , White, Jas White, Alfred Whittield, Chas Whitehead, Jno . . . Whiter, Adolphus . Whiteside, John , . . Whitman, W Whitcome, W Whitneil, Isaac Whittaker, James. . . Whyte, Jas , Why, Edward Wilcock, Able Wickham, RicVd... Wigglttworth, Jas . Wiggins, Jno Wilcock, Levi Wilding, Fred'k Wm Wiley, Jas Willett, William . . Willett, Walter Williams, John Williams, Chas Williams, Wm WilHams, R. T Williams, Fhilipp. . . Strsxt. 65 Lumley Elizabeth 207 Elizabeth . . . 114 Grosvenor Av. . Lumley Wellesley Sherbourne 111 KingE Vanauley King E 09 Agnes Jarvis 69 Melinda 216 Queen Beech 136 Wellesley 1 12 Vanauley 158 Strachan Av. King W . 23 Borden . 1 1 N elson 492 King 4 Madeira Place . . . 17 Vanauley 17 Maple 65 King Spadina Av Alexander itichmond . . . 136 Sumach , 87 Cherry 21 Chestnut ! Ward. St. Av 53 Ann . . . .Cing E . , Brunswick 131 Brock . . Ontario .... 160 Victoria Parliament . . 128 Vanauley 18 Shuter . . 44 Ter uley 17 Garrison . King 20 bright . . . 439 Front .. 64 Centre . . 16 Front Step John John Pat Step Dav Thos Law l»at Dav John Jas Geo Pat Dav Dav Pat Pat And Pat And Dav Dav Pat Jas Geo l*at Jas Jas Dav Law- John Dav Law I'at And Dav John Dav Pat Jas John And Geo Dav Geo John Pat Law KAYS. 141 Name. Williams, Alfred Williams, Thos. R Williams, Edw'd.. Williams, John Williams, Nat. George. . . Williams, Henry Williams, .lohn . . . Williams, Geo Williamson, Thos. H . . . Williamson. Thos Williamson, Jas Williamson. Jas Wills, John Wills, Jas Willis, Robt Wiikins, Kussell ...:•... Wilmott, Chas. W . . . . . Wilson, Samuel Wilson, Jno Wilson, Chas Wilson, William Wilson, Wm W^ilson, John Wilson, James . Wilson, Chris iWihon. Fred'k .... WiLson, Andrew .. Wilson, John Wilson, Robt Wilson, Pat Wilson, Thos. L . . Wilson, Arch'd Wilson, Thos. G . . Wilson, Alex Wilson, John A , . Wilson, John Wils(m. Dan'l Winton, R. B WiLson, Chas Wiidrum, Sam'l B Winden-r, W Wingtield, Thos . . Winuett, John E, .. Witkowski, Louis.. Wood, John Wood, Charles . . . Wood, Fred'kJas.. Wood, Jas . Wood, Edmund Wood, H. J Strbbt. 65 Vanauley 196 St. Patrick . . . Front , 19 High 185 Ontario reraiiley Charles Went Market Sovith Park 102 South Park . . . King South Park 155 Little Richmond 55 Robinson 118 Elizabeth. .... Adelaide 100 Little Richmond George & Adelaide Alexander 223 King E Centre Major .......... 81 Portland Lombard Queen W Wellington Terauley (ieorge . . CityUall ''ivens 53 Peter 24 Victoria 477 King W 32 Adelaide Queen Baldwin 384 Adelaide J7 Centre Duke St. Vincent Major /] Oolbome 9 Power Adelaide 296 Front E 26 Lumley 7 Alexander Oak • '•• ......... York 199 King E Wabd. St. Pat Pat Gea Pat V&r John Pat Law Dtiv Law And Law And Step John And And And Jas Law John Pat And Jas And Law Johtt Thos Law Pat Geo Jas Geo And Pat Pat And John Thos John Pat Law i>av Jas Law Step Jas Dav And Law 142 NAYS. Nams. Woods, Gilbert Woods, Robt S Woods, Wrn . Woods, Kich'd . . W^oods, Jno Woods, Charles Woods, John Woodbridge, Thos Woo ley, Thos Woodman, Jno Woodhouse, Thos Woolatt, Wm Wolf, Bernard Wolf, t^:amuel Wordley, Wm. M Worthy, Frances Worthington, John Wren, Thos Wright, Jas Wright, Thos Wright, Chas W ight, Jos Wright, Wm Wright, Chas Wright, Dan'l Wright, Jos Wright, Jas Wright, W Wright, Jas W^right, Chas Wright, Edvv'd Wright, Rich'd M Wright, Geo Wright, Jas Wriiiht, Jas. H Wright, Chas Wright, Wm Wright, Dan^l Wurtelle. Chris. . . Wylie, W. H Wylie, Jas Wylie, Alex Wymans, E. C Wymie, John Wyndow, Wm Wynn, Thos Yale, H. B Yeaxlee, Sutton Yielding, Wm. Strxbt. Waed. Sumach Parliament D'Arcy 1 . 6 Centre Dundas West 91 Cherry Carlton ... Ma[ le Centre 334 Queen E 12 Baldwin 248 Qu. en 248 Queen Church & Carlton . Nassau Morrison 15 Emily Oxford Pine & Oak .... J?t. Andrew Vanauley 57 St Patrick Bellevue Av , 58 Chestnut High KingE St KingE 101 Mill 22 Teratiley . 18 Clinton . . . York Pine 31 Emma . . , 121 Elizabeth L>enison Av Spadina Av . , Elizabeth . 304 Yonge . . , 8 Richmond . 20 Beech . . , 12 Church . . , Huron 87 Gloucester. Douro Front Grosvenor Av 44 Seaton . . . . Law Dav Pat John Step And Law Thos Dav John Dav Pat Pat Pat Jas Pat Aiid Geo Pat Dav Pat Pat Pat Pat John Pat Thos Law John Law John Step And Dav John John Pat Pat John John And Thos Law Pat Jii Geo Law Pat Thos NAYS. 143 Yohr, H Young, John Youn^, Geo ... Young, J. W ' Young, Geo Young, John Ziehrs, Andrew Zimmerman, Richard . . . STRjkKT. 49 Queen W 211 Queen E West Market Front 1 54 Centre . . Soho Centre . - . . . 10 Church... Ward. St. And Thos And Law John Pat John «ia8 An Act to amend the law respecting the Rights and Liabilities of Innkeepers. [Assented to 24th March, 1874. . Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consenl. of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows : Lien on Bajf- 1 • Every Tnnl« eeper. Boarding-house keeper gage, Ac., lor and Lodgiiig-liouse Keeper, shall have a lien ^n,"X". fur- on. the baggage and property of his guest, nished, and boarder, or lodger, for the value or price oif power to sell. ^^^ ioQ^ or accommodation furnished to such guest, boarder, or lodger ; and, in addition to all other remedies provided by law, shall have the riglit, in case the same shall remain unpaid for three months, to sell by public auction the baggage and property of such guest, board^. or lodger, on giving one week's notice by advertisement in a newspaper published in the munici- pality in which suc'. on, boarding-house, or lodging- house id situate ; oi > case there shall be no newspaper published in su-^h municipality, in a newspaper published nearest to such inn, boarding-house, or lodging-house, of euch intended sale, stating the name of the guest, boarder or lodger, the amount of his indebtedness, a description of the baggage or other property to be sold, the time and place of sale, and the name of the auctioneer ; and after such sale such Innkeeper, Boarding-house keeper, or Lodging-house keeper may apply the proceeds of such sale in payment of the amount due to him, and the costs of such advertising and sale, and shall pay over the sur- plus (if any) to the person entitled thereto, on applica- ti(.»n being made by him therefor. Innkeeper 2' No Innkeeper shall, after the passage not li ibie for of this Act, be liable to make good to any imd property g^'^st of such Innkeeper any loss of, or in- of tfuent be- jury to goods or property brought to his inn, jroiid ^40 m jjy^ being a horse or other live animal, or certain cases. ^^ i • ji ^ any gear appertaining thereto, or any car- riage, to a greater amount than the sum of forty dollars, except in the following cases^ (that is to say : ) APPENDIX. 146 (1.) Where such goods or property shall have been stolen, lost or injured through the wilful act, defaiHt or neglect of such Innkeeper, or any servant in his employ. (2.) Where such goods or property shall have been deposited expressly for safe custody with such Innkeeper : Provided always, that in case of such deposit, it shall be lawful for such Innkeeper, if he think tit, to require as a condition of his liability, that such goods or pro- perty shall be deposited in a box or other receptacle, fa^ened and sealed by the person depositing the same. Liaoiiity for 3- If any Innkeeptr shall refuse to receive refusal to take for safe custody as before mention d any charge of goods. g^J^y^^ ^^j. property of liis guest, or if any such guest shall, through any default of such Innkeeper, be unable to deposit such goods or property, as aforesaid, said Innkeeper shall not be entitled to the benefit of this Act in respect to such goods or properly. Notice of law, 4, Every Innkeeper shall cause to be kept &c , to be con- . % j. 1 • ±\. m 5 ui* spi«*uousiy ex- Conspicuously posted in the omce and public hibited, rooms, and in every bed-room in his inn, a copy of the second section of this Act, printed in plain type- ; and he shall be entitled to the benefit of the said section in respect of such goods or property only as shall be brought to his inn while such copy shall be so posted. Interpreta- 6. In the construction of this Act t}\e tion of Inn and word * ' Inn" includes an hotel, inn, tavern, Innkeeper. public house. Or other place of refreshment, the keeper of which is now by law responsible for the goods and property of his guests, and the word * ' Inn- keeper" means the keeper of any such place. OMISSION. The report of the procession omits mention of the prominent part assigned therein to our friend Mr. Matt. Evans A fine type of the English yeoman, he sat con- spicuously aloft on the front carriage, holding a large )ruom, ornamented with ribbons, and surmounted by the Jnio 1 Jack. 46 AFPEffDIX. A FEW OF THE FIRST VOTES POLLED ON BC SIDES. i I AGAINST THE BILL. Aid. John Ball, Vanaiiley Street. "Robert Harrison, Niagara Street. John Bell, Foxley Street. John Fitzgerald, King Street. * James Duffy, Charles Street. Sixteen votes having been put in on our side bef« the opposite p&rty polled one. FOR THE BILL John Miller, Breadalbane Street A. N. Wexelberg, Yanauley Street. Isaac Stonehouse, Gladstone Avenue. Arthur Farley, Queen Street. Wiu. Tement, Victoria Street. TORONTO : PRINl^D AT *'THE LEADER " BOOK AND JOB OFFICE.