IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) i #. 1.0 I.I 1.25 ■u m 12.2 £ US IIZO 1.8 U 11.6 % <^ /a /a m f># > # ■>w Photographic Sciences Corporation \ ...>^^ <^^ ^ ^ \\ signifie "A SUIVRE". le symbols V signifie "FIN". Maps, plates, charts, etc.. may be filmed at different reduction ratioa. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hend corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrama illuatrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc.. peuvent itre fiimAs A des taux de reduction diffArents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul clichA. il est fiimi i partir de Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche i droite, et de heut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nAcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent le mAthode. irrata to pelure, n d D 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 .A/f -Ucoc^o,-' 6k}^. ^.^, /l^/O 4 i l^*^,;.*"'^^^^-^*"^ Ai\ 01 CF ■V V i • ^ ^ MONTREAL; Canada Railway News Company, Limited!" 1884. / / ililliiiiiilfil' Pi nnBlIiiiiiBiiiiH'lllimilllllillllDIlIllQD mm monmmJL. The above Hotel is the only First CJari House situated in the 41 WHOLESALE, 273 NOTRE DAME STREET, MONTREAL. Will be found complete, and consists of m- Hi iws kt \f MISSES' and CHILDREN'S BOOTS and SHOES, MEH'S M^ND-SIWIB WOBK. TOBOGGANING, See next page. I TOBOGGANING. ■■■ Until some one invent* wings, you cannot better realize the delight of flying than by indulging in this splendid pastime. Montreal goes mad every winter about this sport, and the madness is contagious. Not only are the natural hills well patronized, but within the last two years artificial slides; such as are used in Kussia, have become popular ; so that those who live on a prairie can toboggan as well as those who live on a mountain. Of all our sports this is the one in which ladies and even people up in years can participate, and, under a good guide, with perfect safety. Our American cousins will find the club members only too anxious to give them many and pleasant opportunities to enjoy this exhilarating pastime. The fact of being a stranger come to see the Carnival will ensure every possible hos- pitality and kindness. Si better in this ivinter igious. 3d, but as are t those ; those is the ,rs can perfect he club ny and arating r come )lo Jios- De mUGEE 8l ATWATEE, IMPORTERS OF SOLE AGENTS FQR THE CELEBRATED H^KAK, EMEESON, JAMES * HOLMSTEOM. and othera IPUMMm mmV « HAMLnr. and others ®M©m SiQQI\ID-HAI\ID p) A /If OS FOR SALE AND ON HIRE. 49 BEfl¥ER HJILL, MONTREAL SPECIAL NOTICE TO STRANGERS VISITING THE CARNIVAL CANADA HOTEL, ST. GABRIEL S^T R E^E T , (Near Notre Dame Street,) MONTREAL. This Hotel, which is famed in the annaUof TraveilerH, is for situation the bent in the city, being near to the Post Office, principal Ban kp. Railroads, and facing the St. Lawrence River. The Hotel has recently changed hands, and Mr. J. Rivard, the present proprietor, has thoroughly renovated his House, adding all the modern improvem«»fe8 and furnishing it anew. One visit is respectfully solicited to convince the public of the comfort and completeness of our Hotel. The table is one of the best in the cfity, and always will be found to have all the luxuries of the season. The proprietor is justified in assuring the Guests that they will find at the Canada Hotel every comfort that an Hotel is capable of affording. _ . , ^ The Bussea of the Hotel will be found waitmg the arrival ©f all Trains. _ J. RIVARD, PROPRIETOR. NIVAL. EL, r, 'llerH, iafor ?08t Office, Bnce River. J.RlVARD, hiK House, Dg it anew. e public of ays will be bs that they an Hotel is le arrival ©f | RIETOR. 0BrS0«LE & PULLIISGIO, 96 ^T. jJames ^t. West, a siei FOR THE CARNIVAL. BEST VALUE IN THE CITY. SPECIALTIES : Builders' Hardware and Mechanics' Tools IN GREAT VARIETY. t»-Call and See us before purchasing elsewhere. DRYSDALE & PALLASCIO, ^^ ^t. James, ^t. /U/est, MOJSTTBEAL. 7 I ^ S ! ! Oa:^NIVAL IROtTlNG RACJJS to be held at the Montreal Driving FaEK, PoiNt St. Charles, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Carnival Week, 1.30 p. m. each day. No. 1- m, 2- I IBST DAY. -Purse $300, 2.30 clase, $225, iV5,f25. -Purse f^^O, 3 M. class, $225, $75, $25. SECOND DAY. No. 3— Purse $300, 2,45 class, $225, $75, $25. Ko. 4 — Pursue $100, colt race for 4 year old colts bred in the Dominion, $75, $25. i THiED DAY. ;No. 5 — Gents' road race, for Carnival Cup, valued at $ 1 50, gi ve;i by H. Beaugrand. No, 6— Purse $600, free for all, $400, $150, $50. AU of these races to be mile heats, 3 in 5 to sleiijhs. The course is well laid out and conveiii^t}y situ- ated to the hotels. There i* a first class hotel tept by E. H. Dunham near it. The races held on this course have alwayw been firbt class and most success- ful, having been attended by the best people and un- exceptionably conducted by Mr. C. M. A^;er. Tha races always attract the best horses in lb© country. 8 9 IK, PoiNt Saturday SCENE AT ACER'S DRIVING PARK, Point St. CHarlis^ #25. $25. $25. old qolts ip, valued ;150, $50. 3 in 5 to j^tjy ^itu- iiotel topt Bid on this St success- fle and un- L^;ei*. The i) country. )l HI •^ 0^* B. ^^fb. SPECIAL ATTBACTIOHS S roR CAHNITAL WEKK. IN GREAT VARIETY. XJ SASff^ES, IHOSIJEBT, 4bc. FRANK B. SMITH, WS9 ML ^mtkmm& MiF§M» 3 Minutes Walk from l() WINDSOR HOTEL and ^ s K. rcigs '^ HOTEL M/\RKETS. Scotch, English, American, Canadun. m ^ '-■"«-■- ^ rH. Fi,Sm 3 Mimites Walk FAOM r JS gfflg Crapes Bath Tw!8 Parasols Umbrellas Laoee Nets Ribbons Embr^der's Muslins Prints * Cottons Silks J. Veilings,' Kid Gloves Corsets Cretonnes Counterp's Kid Mitts Clouds Jerseys Dress G'ds Sc.Finger's Hosiery Cloth Glo'B Fur Trim's Sc^ Underw Over Hose Skat. Mitts Tuques Flaisieis Comforters Blankets SPECIALTIES. Gent's Furnishings, |, Velveteens, Linens, Smallwares, 1388 Si Catefi SL ^ Cor.lof Mansfield St. h n i> i H^i THE LATEST AND GREATEST Of flECTRICin js Tap PHOTOfiBAIPH inr IpCTRle LIGHl G. C. Arlsss, 261 St James Sti^et, was the first artist to introduce this highly novej and effective method of taking pictures, wiierejby the »i08t truthful and finished effects can be produced at ni^ht, and without the aid of sunlight The Gallery is most centrally situated near Victoria Square, and is most commodious and complete in all its appointments. Fancy Groups in Carainal Spwts aHd Costumes a Specialty. GO A Sf»SB¥. M O NTRE A L. 12 4 S D < S > o CO III z < lil O i. THE CHAMPION PLAYERS' PAfENTEO LACROSSE SHOE. THE ONLY ONE NOW IN USE BY \m OHl first artist nethod of S d finished >■ o the aid of ■1 CO z Victoria I z III 3 in all its 1 i Specialty. 5. CB¥, Cr, BOIVIN, Fatentee aiv.. Mauufaoturar, 42 Jaoques-Cartier Square, Montreal, 1 Lacrosse. One of the characteristics of our best Canadian sports is that they are identified with the Indians. Lacrosse, the summer out-door " national game of Canada," as well as snow-shoeing and tobogganing, owe their origin to tLe Red-skin. There is no field sport whose history has been more thrilling, and whose popularity has been more wide-pread, than Lacrosse, the old " baggataway " of the Objiway. After seeing it played at the carniyal we recommend our friends to read Parkman's ''Conspiracy ofPon- tiac " to learn the part it was made to play in the past history of this continent. The peculiar features of the game are that any number can play it at once ; every player has his "innings" at the same time: its wonderful variety and beauty fas- cinate the looker-on beyond comparison with any field sport in the world. The annual contests for the championship are the most exciting events of our summer season. It is usually played by twelve men on a side. Each side has a goal of two flags six feet apart, at about 150 yards distance, one from the other. The game is begun in the centre of the field, and the object of each side is to throw the ball into the goal of the opposing party. It is, without doubt", the most fascinating of all field sports. 14 IPECIAL NOTICE TO VISITOBS VISITINa THE CARNIVAL AT MONTREAL IN 1884. 'e have the pleasure of stating to the public that we have to offer Stationery, Fancy GoodiSr Albums^, Novelties of all kinds, TOBOGGhNS. SNOWSHOES. [Our Uptown Store is within two minutes* 'walk of the Ice Palace, being situated on T. CATHERINE STREET, No. 13i4, almost Opposite the Academy of Music. [Also my East End Store can be found at 816 ST. OATHEEINE STEEET. I ! I!i >!il ESTABLISHED 188 2. FIRST PREMIUM PRACTICAL HATTERS & FURRIERS, No. 81 St. Lawrence Street, Montreal. RIERS, treal. This Church is the largest in North America, and capable of Dldinc 10,000 people. It is about 260 feet long, by 140 feet i width, and the front facing the Square is flanked by two massive ""owers, 220 feet in height. In the one on the left there is a »al of bells. The tower on the right can be ascended on the lymentofa small fee. In it is placed the monster bell, called Oron Bourdon,'^ wei;rhing nearly 3,000 lbs., and having [rich, deep tone. From the top of the tower a^wpnderful prospect obtaine4» 17 LEADING STORES. For t( it It it li t( ti (t ST. JAMES STREET. GO TO— Jewellery : Thomas Allan & Co., 167 St. James J Jewellery : Cochenthaler'*,, 165 St James st i Jewellery: Henry Birks &'Co.. 222Sname8 st Pholographs: J. G. Parks, 195^ St James st ^ jimcnr^' ''''''•'«'' ^'«*»»d-, 2,fst| ^'nitwel' ■^'■^«^"'«& P^'lascio, 96 St. JameJ Laundry: Victoria Square Laundry, 3 St I James st. west. ^ ' °^-\ Office furniture : Tees &Co., 16 St. James stJ BEAVER HALL HILL '^ ^':Zt^T'- ''''' ^^^^0^ corner or Dor. ST. JOSEPH STREET. For Clothing: C. A. Workman, next City Hotel ^^ Boots & Shoes; B, J). Johnson Tso? 13 St 18 ■Bffl ^ ■MH«M O— St. James st! ^ C. ArlessI Fames st. St. James stj James st. r, 219 StJ 5 St. Jamee »dry, 3 St.! t. James St. '., 55 Hade-j 31* of Dor- Uwater, 49 Hotel. S. DAVIS & SON, SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF THE Cable, " " El Padre " AKD " Senecal " ice : M Deor to Alln Hotel Mcliill Street MONTREAL. n, 13 ist, moronto Branch : 34 Church St. 19 M !i 1! HENRY BIRKS & CO., 222 St. James Street, Invite inspection of their Large and Varied Aesortment of Gold and Silver Jewellery, &o. (i«lil and Sikr Caiiaiiaii hnkl A SPECIALTY. Toboggans, Snow Shoes, Lacrosses, &c. In Brooches, Earrings. Scarf Pins, Lace! rms, Solitaires, &c. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBR..ri;D Xnysse-Nardin Watches. ^ M. & ill 20 ^g» 'aragbn Indian Moccasin, G. BOIVIN, Patentee and Manufacturer, 42 ^acques-Cartier^Square, Montreal. \V' •V" ■' \ I m'i \m\ SNOW-SHOEING. Cf a:i Canadian sports in ,.inter thi. fans bean the ongest enshrined in the afteetionsof thepeop,.; J besides the Montreal club, which w«, the onl^ one in «..stence for ™any years, we can count them *, the ^-dred. "The snow-shoe is the oniythinTeveJ -vented to ^-litate waiting over soft snow^nd it ■s au'te iite., that, in spUe of a., the;anica J^now edge of this age, nothing better or simpler wil, ever be contrived." If, gentle stra„ger„o«- doubt be rea..t. Of the jo, we Canadians f.e. When out on a tramp With the Cub, fai,„ot to see the snow-shoo Pn>— . the races, and the snow-shoe concert. ^ature has given us a friend, dr, snow-,ou iong ^PO-l to be a fiend ;aud the happiest hours Of 'tew,th,oungCanada are those ho spends in this glomus and health, exercise. There is no reason wh v «now.shoei„g should not become as popular a sport wherever the snow is dry. P ' 22 A- ; I (DJJTt JJ^s beon the! people; and| > only one inj hemtiy thej ' thing ever] »now,^ijd itj mechanical impler wilj you doubt hen out on snow-shoo >© concert, —you Jong it hours of ds in this ^asonwhv ^ a sport /INTER CABiyVAL I ANMI mR JEWEUm ! mB CHEAI'EST SPOT IS CAWADA. NO DISCOUNTS ALLOAA^ED. K)ODS SOLD AT LOW PEIOES. W. J. CLARKE, Importer, in^m^s. g\ffif ]^i^^te^* Jfain from the }fi^4pQf ffotel, 33 ' Hh LEADING HOTELS. This is on| of the oldes and best conj ducted hotelj on the cont( nontofAmerl ica, and ha| always beer patronized bj Royalty ani St. Lawrence Hall. the best people of the U. S. and Canada UnderthemanagenaentofMr. S. Montgomery w,th the supervision of Mr. Henry Hogln th,' failed /'''""'' ""^ ^"^^^^^ LveT^'n at Windsor Hotel One of the finest Hotels on th Continent ; G. W. Swett, Mana/rer i EicHEHEu Hotel. A first-class House in everv Cana'dT'h;. ^"'"T ^- ^"'•*"=''«'-' Proprietor. '^' Canada Hotel. A very comforteblo Hou^e cen trally situated ; Jos. Eivard, Proprie.or ' Albion Hotel, a favorite commerc a House Saratoga Hotel. This Hotel has been reoentiv opened by Mr. McKown of Pittsburgh Pal new and has been furnished and fittfd 'up w'ith a^l the latest styles of furniture and the mott modern irnprovements. It is close to h^ Ran way Station, and most convenient to all thl Carnival attractions. Mr. McKown's long ex Cs win b;''\i^rP;"§ '" •* g'"«-ntee thihU guests Will be well looked ftft^r ar.A I...i._. tionein style. "'* *"'"* ^>^-^yujing IS This is on! of the oldeg and best coi ducted hotel! on the conti nontofAmei, ica, and ha| ftlways beet patronized h\ Royalty am and Canadal ilontgomeryj Hogan, tht ve been atj otels on th( le, in eveiyi ietor. House, cen-i tor. louse, en recently gh, Pii., isi ed up with fid the mosti o the Rail- to all the^ 's long ex-j tee that higi THE IMPERIAL ;tl 1323 ST. CATHERINE STREET, Within a short distance of the Windsor Hotel and Ice Palace. Before patronising other Cigar Stores, where you are ade to pay for high rents and gew-gaw decorating, give \B a call and provide yourself with the genuine article at asonable figures. . xt t, j We always have on hand all the Choice Havana Brands ; Iso a large and choice assortment of Meerschaum and Jriar Pipes, and a grand display of Smokers' Requisites, ,nd Fancy Goods. , x. • ..u Our stand is in the most fashionable thoroughfare in the ,ity, close to the Academy of Music, and convenient to .11 the Attractions of the Carnival. E. A. GERTH, PROPRIETOR. p^ g, — We pay no commission to runners. yt«ing» * 25 CVCi ml •i TeoS. piL0 -& go., jfw^II^', ])^j^i|Ml»i^ ^'li^ J^W — OP — Gold AND Silver Jewellert. — REPRESENTING THE Winter and Somnier Sports ° MONTREAL. £0 We request strangers visit- ing our city during the Car- nival to call and see our large stock of Gold and Silver Jewellery, of our own Manufacture, and from the BEST ENGLISH MAKERS. No Trouble to Show Goods. Repairing Neaflj Dooe. m IS. ALLAN & CO., ,w m^. ^^mmm mTmrnm^ 9 M@MTMEAE, if PLACES OF INTEREST. S I ^ ParW Studio, 195J St. James St. Court House. I^'rench Cathedral. Post Office. Bank of Montreal, Arle«' Pio * • r. Molsons BanI 'r f ^"•"' ^'S^tt Studio, 251 St. James st BankofBritishJfortb America. Tlie Merchants Bank Grej]\-unnery. -WcGill College. English Cathedral. Art Gallery, Phi llina' Q«. ' Y \f n A A ^"'iiips Square. ■ 'r;- ^- ^' Association Buildings Henri Larin'B Photograph Gallery 18 Sf t rpnce Main st. -^ ^*' ^^^i T. |8itors to the City should not miss seeing the BI^EeANT AKB COSTIT STOCK OF — J^lV^L jeWimi^Y" NOW BEING DISPLAYED AT I. leons Ban] nes St. de LourdesJ — COMPRISING — .MONSS of unsurpassed quality, rE GOLD JEWELLERY in choice and various designs, ILD AND SILVER WATCHES of the finest manufacture, in great variety, And a varied assortment of icy Goods, Silver Jewellery, Opera Glasses, Plated- ware. Clocks, Notions, &c. SEE OUR GREAT — Manufactured and sold only by n ips' Square * St. UwM 165 ST. JAMES STREET. r«rst Jeweller West of St. JLawrence Hall, CLOSE PRICEtS, on PROeRAMME, If h ! MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4th. Morning and afternoon. — Grand Hockey Tournl ment on out-door Skating Rink. Evening. — Inauguration of Ice Palace on Dominic Square, illuminated by electric light .with pyre technic displays every evening during the week. Special Illumination of the Grounds of the Mod] real Tobogganing Club, Sherbrooke Street West. Hockey Match at Victoria Skating Rink. i I '' ■-H* !l TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 5th. Morning. — Commencement of Curling Bonspeil. Hockey Tournament continued. Contractors' Drive and Banquet. Trotting Races at Driving Park. Afternoon. — Snow-shoe Races, Montreal Lacrosf Grounds. Bvening.—Fifteen Mile Race, Victoria Skating Rink. Fancy Dress Carnival, Crystal Skating Rink. Grand Opening and Illumination of the TuquJ Bleu Toboggan Club Grounds, Sh^^brooke Street, 30 WEDNESDAY, FEBllUAM 6th. [!IVIC HOLIDAY AND GRAND OALA DAT OF CARNITAL. Morning.— Skating and Concert, Victoria Skating link. Curling Bonspeil continued. Hockey Tournament continued. Afternoon.— Grand Drive from Dominion Square. Lacrosse, the national Game of Canada, on skates. Evening.— Grand Torchlight Proces**ion of Snow; thoe Clubs of the city and vicinity, and impromptu boncert on return. Attack and Defence of the Ice Palace, with special li splays of Fireworks. Mam THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7th. Morning. — Curling Bonspeil continued. Hockey Tournament continued. Afternoon.— Trotting Races at Driving Park con- tinued. Snow-Shoo Steeplechase over Mount Royal. Evening. — Grand Fancy Dress Carnival at Vic- oria Skating Rink,— Ice Temple, Grotto and Foun- tains. Groups of skaters will illustrate the chief [ietorical Celebrities of Canada, the leading pur- suits and the principal sports of the Dominion. 31 7 imnm 3jijiii!iiiiiinit CO w •-D CO 00 00 (X PC PQ w M- CD ^ o ■*» o "iO Oi o t*^'^ 2 rS ee 5^ be t; p?3 a 2 W) c8 (-! ^ on '^n, rP "Ti ^ 88 O a> .5 fl X! '3^ ^ OQ ^-^ P •>— I err rs O CO rti -^ ^ -p ,ja -S •- ^ -^ O C3 ^ - c8 <1» 0) ^ -J=J Tt< O) a ^ OJ CO H o Q 0) ^ §-« I ^^ CO o ^ bO ^ =^ f D ^ 03 0) OQ ^ a OQ e8 "^ §22 ffl w O c2^ <^ rt P Pq 9 i-J 12; ^ c 9 V CO OQ 03 § «^ ^ s s^-i ^ r-2 (M 0) (V O) _= ..^ '^ .I? c3 V OQ cS a» IL- «+-^ ^ o Ci a> Ol a •f-H .iO . OQ O) CQ H ^ d) rt «+H OQ .1-1 O W ^j FEIDAY, FEBRUARY 8th. f|iil A M Morning. — Hockey Tournament continued. Curling Bonspeii continued. , Sicating and Promenade Concert at Victoria BinkJ Afternoon. — Trotting Races continued. Races and Games on the out-door Skating Rink. Evening.— Grand Ball at the Windsor Hotel. Skating competition. Ten Mile Race, Crystal] Skating Rink. Races and Games, Victoria Skating Rink. Grand Opening and Illumination of the Grounds o^ the Park Toboggan Club, Mount Royal, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9th. Morning. — Termination of Hockey Tournamenj and Curling Bonspeil. Afternoon. — Montreal Snow-Shoo Club's Annui Games on Lacrosse Grounds. Meetof the Montreal Tandem Club on Dominioi Square. Evening — Hockey Match, Victoria Rink. Grand Pyrotechnic Displa}^ at Ice Palace. Special Illumination of Toboggan Hills. The Carnival is held under the auspices of a Coml mittee of Citizens, the SPORTS being under the iml mediate direction of Committees from the varioi Athletic Clubs. 34 A detailed programme of each day's proceedinc-a w,ll be issued during Carnival JeekSTl"^- fclude novel attractions which are now' under con- Heration by the Executive Committee. Special ICurniva excursion trains have been arranged fcr bv hhe railways entering Montreal. Full particulars .8 to reduced fares, etc., may be obtained at railroad ticket offices in Canada and United States. '""'' Extensive accommodation for stranijers has been ecui-ed by Mr. W. B Salt,«, Chairman LodgZ pommitteo, who may be addressed at 178 St. Jimea ill v/"[( The Toboggan Hills of the Montreal, Tuaiie Bleu .nd Park Clubs will be at the disposal ^f v i^itors dur- hg Carnival week, and members of those clubs will "velcome strangers to their grounds. Special tickets for Carnival week, admitting holders all thejjnvi oges of membership, will be issued bv he Victoria Skating Club, whose rink is (he laries^ BoTadierS"""^ '" ^''"*'"- «-"--. Visitors to the ci(y bringing fancy dresses will be tenTh P'f'"'P"i" '" th* Grand Carnival t«b^ ^eld on Thureiday, 7th. His Excellency the Govern or-General of Canada j.ord Lansdowno, Lady Lansdowne, and suite will be he guests of the city during Carnival week Joseph Hickson, Chairman. K D. McGiBBoN, Vice-Chairman. CrEo. Iles, Treasurer. . George B. Starke, Hon. Sec. 30 1] h '. V' v ■ v"; lit if ' »■ PLACES OF AMUSEMENT. Academy of Music, Yictoria street, next Queen's Block, St. Catherine st. Theatre Eoyal, Cote street, near Craig st. Dime Museum, Mechanics Hall, St. James st. SKATIXG RINKS. Victoria Skating Rink, Drummond street, behind Windsor HoteJ. Crystal Palace Skating Rink, Dominion Square, Metcalfe st. Champ de Mars Skating Rink, Champ de Mars, Craig St. 1® 1. liiiii /«^ ^xoim '^ame ^if^eei DEALERS IN — SNOWSHOE MOCCASINS, SEATINO BOOTS, Warm Lined, FANCY FELT OVERSHOES, — AND ALL KINDS OF — FINE BOOTS AMD SHOES. Special Inducements to Purchasers daring Gamiyal Week. 36 \> Queen's t. it. t, behind 1 Square, de Mars, ned, LSHOES, OSSe ^al Week. EMPLOYMENT FOR ALL THE INTERNATIONAL EHPLOTHENT LAND AND EMiaBATION BUREAU, 29 ST. JAMES STREET WEST, Contractors for the Canadian Pacific Railway, Quebec Government, South Eastern Railway, International Rail- way and other large Companies. Ladies provided with Servants for every branch '^f thei j establishments. Gentlemen supplied with Valets, Grooms, Coachmen, Gardeners, men of all work, etc., on the shortest notice. Applications personal or by post. Hotels and Clubs furnished with Cooks, Waiters, etc. Contractors can at any time have from 150 to 200 good Laborers on giving 24 hours' notice. Skilled J aborers furnished by arrangement. Messrs. EESS, C. VIDLEE & CO. 37 ttimJfeott mi f tiling ^o$m, CHAS. ALEXANDER, ^J9 St.CTcLmes Street, MONTREAL. Visitors to the Winter Carnival are respectfully invited to call at the above well-known establishment where will be found a large and choice assortment of ' Put up in 1 lb., 2 lb. and 4 lb. boxes, fresh daily and warranted pure. I MM. m Breakfast, Dinner and Tea, % OYSTERS SERVED IN EVERY STYLE. 219 St. James Street. 38 L |aow, •espectfully iblisiiment, ent of esh 9> STYLE. FOE DESCRIPTION, /Si!e next naae. t If ~ - 39 SKATING. h> i h .''Is- m< m When you have gazed upon the Ice Palace, whether reflecting the rays of the sun, moon or lesser constellations, or spark h'ng with the myriad scintillations which their great earthly rival, Elec- tricity, can conjure from its glacial angles and prisms, in a wondrous play of colors, you may be even more electrified by a visit to the skater's kaleidoscope, the Victoria Eink, during a Fancy Dress Carnival. The Arabian Nights are not a circumstance to our Canadian Nights on the ice. The rink becomes en- chanted. What fairy land of fancy can surpass this tout ensemblt of fact, with its beautiful blending of motley costumes and characters, living, moving, laughing pictures — a perfect melody of color, more like an Eastern fable than a foreigner's conception of a Canadian winter's night. Of course the Skating Rink is more than a mere field of ice inclosed, where the poetry of motion is seen in perfection, — it has become a sociable club for both sexeSj where they may meet and enjoy a chat, etc., as well as a skate; where the nerves and sinews of the robust lad and tender maiden are strengthened and developed, and their forms made pliant and graceful ; a club, where all ages can meet in enjoyment and friendly rivalry, and the wearied to'ler from the office, as well as the fretted house- W fe, can gather relaxation and obtain that greatest of all boons to mankind^a good digestion. 40 Photographic Studio, 195J ST. JAMES STREET, IS THE PLACE TO GET A SOUVENIR OF THE CARNIVAL. MANUFACTURER OP Lip Views, Stereoscopic ill Laotem Slides Of all Places of Interest to Tourists in the Dominion of Canada ; ALSO BMY-FJ^AfB MANWFA&TWME&. GIVE US A CALL. fhot:qbafhs taon instantaneously. Eighteen First Prizes awarded at various Exhibitions. 41 If The Only First- Class Hmise of its Kind in the City. 7. H. Importer and Manuftu3turer of 547 CRAIG STREET, MLOJ^TREAL. 9 A 42 ROSftlRE ROY & CO., MertlaBi TMlors 9 9 ST. LAWRENCE STREET, 9 Close to Craig Street. SFLIMBIB ASSOBTMEITS. line igress guits a Specialtv. STRICT ATTENTION PAID TO CARNIVAL VISITORS. Suits Made in 24 Hours' Notice. A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED OR NO PAY. Bemember the Place, 9 ST. LAWRENCE STREET, dose to Craig. 43 One of the Oldest and most Reliable Photographic Studios In the City is — nmx LJiBiH i(Bf ^> SO. 18 ST. LAWRENCE MAIN STREET. For Style, Finish and Truthfulness, M. Larin*s work is excelled by few photo- graphic artists anywhere, and his studio is the favorite one in this part of the city. |i >■ •; ONLY PIEST-CLASS WORE TURNED t "", — AND — SATISFACTION GIVEN TO AIL. Remember the place, 18 ST. LAWBENCE MAIN STBEET, Near Craig Street, 44 ible [ios ET. IS, M. >to- LS - t» EET) Youna Men's Christian Association Building, - - / ^ FREE READING ROOM. STRANGERS WELCOME Victoria Square ! t k i ATHLETIC CLUBS.— CUELING. EoYAL Caledonian Curling Club.— Club Room at Thistle Club Room, St. Monique st., off J>or- chester, near the Ice Palace. Montreal Thistle Curling Club.— Same as above — St. Monique st. Montreal Curling Club.— Club House. 1079 St. Catherine st. Montreal Caledonian Curling Club. — Rink, corner of Mountain and St, Catherine sts. SNOW-SHOE CLUBS. Montreal Snow-shoe Club. — Club Rooms — The Gj^mnasium, corner of Mansfield and Burnside sts. St. George's Snow-shoe Club. Tuque Bleu Snow-shoe Club. Lb Canadien Snow- shoe Club, I. A. Beauvais^ President; C. 0. Lapierre, Secretary. TOBOGGANING CLUBS. The Lansdowne, Slide on Fletcber's Field, Pres., Alderman J. C. Wilson ; Secretly, Mr. John Coristine. The Tuque Bleu. The Park. LACROSSE CLUBS. The Shamrock. J. McShane, M. P. President; F. E. McKenna, Secretary. The Montreal, A. W. Stevenson, Pres.; T. L. Paton, Hon. Secretary. The Independent, John Lewis, President j W. Scullion, Secretary. 46 ) Room off J>or. ame as 1079 St. — Eink, is—The urnside Tuque Snow- ; C. 0. Pree., . John sident ; TREAL, t Hon. Lewis, IMTi , , . . i-mm a ii FOR mmm m loeoGGtii pmities, IN STOCK AND RNIT TO ORDER Also for Sale Sole Agents lor the Celebrated FRANZ AND POPE FOB FAMILY USE. FISHEIS; &c CO., 52 RADEGOfi/DE STREET (Beaver Hall HiW, MOH°rM£Ald. 47 F. X, BRAZEAU & CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN I !DirosiTi. M% Join Jj^m k, m — AND 252 ST, PAUL STREET. 252 MONTREAL. BOYS AND GENTLE MEI^. ^% 252 INDIAN WORK AT E. A. OERTH'S, 1323 St. Catherine Street, Queen's Hall Block. CURLING. Montreal's oldest curling club was 77 years old on the 22nd of January, and never, since its organiza- tion, have curlers been lacking to keep this fine iScotch game *' a-boiling." In addition to its enjoy- ment out-doors, many clubs possess substantial rinks in-door?, which enable them to inH,ulge in the game in every kind of weather. It is a matter of pride and satisfaction to Canadian curlers that of the clubs in existence in all parts of the globe, the Montreal ties with the Barrhead. Eenfre vshire, i?cotland, for se- cond place. Wherever Englishmen go, they instinctively look out for a good cricket crease, and, in the same way, the Scotchman picks out a good clean nook for curling. A good description of the game, as it strikes an uninitiated observer, is that given by the French habitant after witnessing it for \he first time. Translated from the vernacular, his description was, that <' he had seen a gang of Scotchmen throwing on the ice large iron balls, shaped like bombshells, after which they yelled 80Mp/ soup/ laughing like fools," to which ho added, "and I really think they were fools." In Canada the sons of Scotia have made curling one of the finest winter pastimes. In fact, long before any other winter sport had any sort of organization, Canada had her regular curling clubs; and every winter saw the enthusiastic players stealing away to their rinks. "Out flee the lads, to draw, inwick and strike, J^rae plough, counter, desk, bar and pulpit." 60 irs old ^atiiza- is fine enjoy. rinks game de and libs in %\ ties for se- Jtively same ok for as it >y the b time. 1 was, ing on , after fools," were made n fact, ^ sort urling siastic EAGLE FOUNDRY. 14 TO 34 KING AND QUEEN STREETS, MAKER OF Steam Engines, Steam Boilers, Hoisting Engines, Steam Pumps, Circular Saw Mills, Bark Mills, Shingle Mills, Water Wheels, Mill (bearing, Shafting, Hangers and PuUies, Hand and Power Hoists for Warehouses, &c. AGENT FOR " Water's Perfect Steam Engine Governor,'* and Heald & Cisco's Centrifugal Pumps. SOLE MAKER OF Blake's '' CHALLENGE " Stone Breaker, CPELIHG STOMIS A SPECIALTY. Di Established 18]2. Established 1872. TEOH© OS.t '9 MONTREAL, (WTAWA, KINGSTON, BELLEYILLE, 91 SI. UTOIE Mil SIREIl MONTREAL. 5)4 TARIFF KOR HACKNEY SLEIGHS. One-Eorse Vehicles.-Yvom any place *» »"? °'^f "X": vided the time occupied does not exceed twenty mmate? • forlne or two pereons, 25 centa , three or four per80u8, 60 cents. . - From any place to any other, provided the time occupied doesTot e^xc^eed half an hour, for one or two persons, 40 cents; three or four persona, 60 cents. When the drive exceeds the time linuted as aforesaid, hour rates to be charged. By the hour.-Yov the nv^tUour, one or two persons, 75 cents; three or four persons, f 1. For every subsequent hour, one or two persons, 60 cents; three or four persons, 75 cents. Tn,o-Horse Vehicles. -F com any place to any other, provided the time occupi^l does not exceed twenty minute , Sne or two persons, 50 cents ; three or four persons, 65 cents. From any place to any other, provided the time occupied dolTot e^xcmi half an hour, one or two persons, 65 cents; three or four persons, 75 cents. When the drive exceeds the time limited as aforesaid, hour rates to be charged. By the hour. -On^ or two persons, $1.00; three or four persons, $1.25. Fractions of hours to be charged at pro r.^«ho^^^^^^^^^ not less than one-auarter of an hour shall be charged vMien the time exceeds the hour. Fifty per cent, to be added to the tariff rates for rides from 12 midnight to 4 a. m. 53 , PEmCIPAL EAILWAY TICKET OFFICES. Canadian Pacific Railway, Head office 101, 103 ot James st. ' Grand Trunk Railway, 143 St. James st, W. 1>. O'Brien, Agt. Delaware & Hudson Railway, 143 St. James St., V. U. McFall, Agt. A Sf T'*'' ^*"«?''' Eailwat. 136 St. James st., A. U. Stonegrave, Agt. ' SoiTTH Eastern Railway, 202 St. James st.. A. B lyhatiee, Jr., Agt. NoETH Shore Eailwat, 143 St. James st. CARNIVAL WEEK AT VICTORIA EINK. Monday evening-Hockey match ; band ; 8 o'clock. Tuesday morning— Band from 10.30 to 1 o'clock, o'cfi.^"^""'"'" """" '■^''*' «'^*""S' •'«"'<»' 8 Wednesday afternoon— Band from 4 to 6.30 o'clock. 8 o'clock!^^ ^''*'''"^~^'""'^ **•■*'" carnival; band; Friday raorning-B.-nd, 10.30 to 1 o'clock. Even- ing— Kaces and games ; band ; 8 o'clock. .•n.?'"^?r'Y"*"''^''"''?''~^''"'''*t«6 30 o'clock. Even ing Hockey match; band; 8 o'clock. The rink will be open from 9 a. m., to 10 p. m. m LEADING STORES. ST. CATHERINE STREET. For Cigars and Tobaccos: E. A. Gerth, 1323 St. Catherine sfc. "Fancy Goods: J. J. Greaves. 1344 & 816 St. Catherine st. " Fancy Dry Goods : Frank B. Smith, 13S3 St. Catherine st. " Drugs and Toilet Eequisites : H. F. Jackson, 1359 St. Catherii e st. NOTEE DAME STEEET. For Boots & Shoes J. & T. Bell, 273 Notre Dame st. ** Indian Curiosities: F. X. Brazeau & Co., 262 Notre Dame st. " Sewing Machines : Singer Company, 281 Notre Dame st. CEAIG STEKET. For Ostrich Feathers : J. H. Leblanc, 547 Craig st. ST. LAWEENCE MAIN STEKET. For Photographs: Henri Larin, 18 St. Lawrence Main st. " Clothing, etc : Eosaire Eoy, 9 St. Lawrence Main st. " Hats and Furs : Lorge & Co., 21 St. Lawrence Main st. 65 FICTOBIA SOOilltE UONDfiy. m GENTLEMEN'S L ^ UN DRY A SPECIALTY, — ALSO — SHIETS AND COLLARS MADE TO ORDER. Please Read thefolloiving Letter: WADLEIGH's head GEAR PARLORS, 476 Washington Street, Boston, Mass., Feb. 5th, 1883. L. W. Scott, Esq., Dear Sir,— Pardon me for taking this wavof thanking yon, as soraetimes a few words encourage one when starting a new enter- prise, as 1 judged this was. While visiting your city during Carnival season, I had occasion to patronize a laundry, and on my way down town, I, by chance, dropped into your place. In a few davs I received my pirre), and much to my surprise found the best laundried linen I ever saw I had always thought we had good city, and even the Troy, laun- dries to boast of, but yours beats them all. Mor.trealers certainly ought to feel proud of such an establish- ment, tor of all ihmgs th.U a man pays out his m.oney for with pleasure it is when he gets a good, clean-washed and nicely- laundned linen. ^ Wishing you every success in your undertaking, I remain, respectfully yours, R. H. WADLEIGH. 56 Ry. [/■n S,DEB. LORS 1, 1883. ff yon, as sw enter- occasion ' chance, tcq], and ' saw. I oy, laun- stablish- for with i nicely- EIGH. The Singer Manufacturing Company's New Family Sewing Machines. denuine SOfiER SEWIHCI HACHL^ES. § S SOME VERY HARD HUTS TO CRACK brass and tin never^ l»ference. Gold is oontmually eonterfeUed ; wriy did they take Genuine Singers ? 1881 ." ! .* .' .' ; ; ; ; : ; ; ; : .'567'^? Genuine singer MacWnes. saHL'^^hS*? ^n^T}^^^ ^ other Macf,lneg refu-e'to state their Siy VrJ7i?i£\r«i9^'fhi? ™«^«<^«»»«jne Singers sold in 1880 than in f«hottte^SSldF»^^^^^^^^ Machines sol<5 Tlie Singer Manufacturing Co., of New York 281 NOTRE DAME STREET, MONTBEAL: ' 68 'W chlneti liVES. world for liar Com- ie»? The ter/eited ; E OVEB ertook to pplicants 168. 2 944 16 Singer r kinds of nes. e People BS. ate their than in inea sold »rk, ,^4?''S, J UI I h Ul E (D V- 0) UI z 2 g T. 3 2 •^ 2 ^ S § 5 w CO 13 *^ 2 S ♦, «2 3 *-• tS V V C3 O S c4> C O ^ pO «« as .O « S2 •" .a S3 M = be 2 ► OS •*=* 21 •S o _ ;=, ^ 'S 3C J -a « ^^ - - ^ ^ i tf s UI « S „ _ f 5 I l^tl 1. s I XI "■ 5 i ' J '3 "^ 2 . '^< o d !a g m *3 •a 7. H i g « « " '^ i w * £ » « bo S ** » * -a Q « ^ .£ ^ 2 a < O ^ «*- «2 ^ '^ f> 2 1 - 2 8 I O V .s a Q • «^l # 204 & 206 ST. JAMES STREET West, Corner of Chaboillez Street, near Grand Trunk Depot, tm Dow's India Pale Ale and Sand Porter on Draught or in Bottles. Finest Quality of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Oysters in all Styles. Visitors to the Carnival would find it to their advantage to stay with us, as they will save cab hire, the house being so near the Railway Station and convenient to all the Carnival attractions. RATES, $2.00 PER DAY, 60 I/Vest er on ty of in all it to they near o all ^EMmMMMM! AffMMfmW! Clean, Stylistunil Diifabie. Visitors at our Carnival would do well to give us a call be- fore going elsewhere. The following are the REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY FROM US. 1st.— We have NO MISFITS from Boston. 2iid.~We have ONLY ONE PRICE. 3rd, _ We MANUFACTURE OUR OWN GOODS. 4th.-We SELL CHEAPER than any other Clothing Store. 5th.- We employ no r^i^ners. "AND OIVB YOU THE BENEFIT OF THE TEN PER CENT. OTHER STORES HAVE TO PAY THEM. — Ij4»ok out for — C. A. WORKMAN, f NEXT TO Cir¥ HOTEL. 61 THE ICE-BRIDGB RAILWAY. When we were schoolboys, there was a story among us of a Sailor and an Eastern King. The former had been wrecked on a coast where they had perpetual summer ; and, when brought before the hot- headed and sun-burned potentate, was giving an account of his travels. When the sailor beiran his yarns of snow-storms and icebergs His Majesty became incredulous, and his incredulty g-rew into royal wrath. At last, Jack gave a vivid deHcnption of how the rivers were frozen so thick that they bore the weight of great merchandise and multitudes. This seemed too much to bear, so poor Jack's head was cut off, to prevent his tongue taking any more liberties with Royalt3^ How His Majesty would stand aghast in wonder, were he alive to-day, and should bo transported from the Tropics to the broad St. Lawrence, and watch a locomotive and tender weighing over 50,000 lbs., with cars weighing 100 tons each, crossing the frozen St. Lawrence to Longueuil, opposite Montreal. On the 30th of January, 1880, a light engine first crossed the ice at that point and returned in safety The train consisted of two ordinary platform cars of about 80 tons, each carrying 250 guests, moving at the rate of about 10 miles an hour. No jolting was felt upon the iron rails laid upon wooden sleepers frozen into position. 62 GLAD TO SEE YOU BACK AGAIN. »« Welcome Jonathan, we are extremely glad to have you at our Carnival. You are not afraid, ap- parently, to join in our athletic sports once again. *« That's right; we will soon make a healthy Canadian of you I Yes, and we are awfully pleased to see so many of your fair ladies with you,^ and hope that thoy will heartily enjoy themselves." u Why, yes, ever since my last visit, and in spite of the recollection of bruises, I have longed to see one of your beautiful Canadian winters again ; and, after several winters spent in the Tropics, I am per- fectly converted to the value of a Canadian winter for health, as well as novel, exhilarating pleasure. ''Thank you, Jonathan, for speaking of our dear old Canada from an unprejudiced point of view Remember that we have a great many additional attractions to oifer you this Carnival, and we hope that you will carry away with you the brightest re- collections of the Montreal Carnival of 1884. *' Good bye, old fellow, au revoir, until the Carnival of 1885, but not adieu" 63 / / /i H. F. JACKSON, DISPENSING CHEMIST, 1369 ST. CATHERINE STREET, PROPRIETOB Of JAbKSON'S IMPROVED C0L03NE WATER, Jackson's Old English Lav|dfir Water, JACKSON'S CHAIVIOMiWpILLS, « Jackson's Nenralsia Powders. — IMiPORTER OF — ENOLISH HAIR, NAIL & TOOTH BRUSHES, FRENCH and ENGLISH PERFUMES, — AND — BUEE SBUQS AMB GEEMWdliS, 64 V EET, fATER, ter, -LS. It HES, s, JEim 9t 60 m oFssn^si ci^' 3J Q m mim •» 1 6 SI \fames St West, MOHTREAL ^^ Travel doth make one far more clear and excellent ; ^^ It drams the grossness of the understanding " And renders active and industrious spirits.* 1^ He who knows men's manners must of necessity Best know his own, and mend him by examples. It s a dull thmg to traveKlike a mill horse '' Still in the place he was born in. " THEREFORE When going to the Orange Groves of Call-, fornia, the Gold Mines of the Pacific, the Wheat Fields of the Great North West, Is inrariably the Choicest Route to travel by between CHICAGO, OMAHA, ST. PAHL AND KANSAS CITT, And see that your Tickets read by the Great Rock Island Route, OR THB Albert Lea Route. ASK FOR FOLDER MAP. J. FRANCIS LEE, E. ST. JOHN, Gen. Ticket and Pass. AgL, Gen. .Agent, C. R. I. & P Rv a R. L & p. Ry., Chicago, Ills. Tormto. I —