ADDITION TO CATALOGUE -OF- Brantford Free Library DECEMBER, 1885. CLASS A. — Natural Science and Mathematics 270 — 289 Natural History Buffon 290 Recent Improvement in Steam Engine. .Bourne 291 Electricity and its Uses J. Munro 292 Mysteries of Time and Space ....Proctor 293 Truths and Untruths of Evolution J. R. Drury 294 Study of Virgins ' De Pressense 295 A Chapter of Science I. Stuart 296 Biology Joseph CooU 297 Benderloch. Notes from the Western Highlands W.A. Smith CLASS Vi. — Social, Political & Medical Science. 219 Property and Progress , , Malloch 220 Principles and Practice of Banking Gilbart 221 Contemporary Socialism Rae 222 Criteria of Diverse Kinds of Truth . . . .James McCosh i!23 — 23T Papers on Health. o sf^ries Professor Kirk 2 > CLASSES C, D, AXD E. . CLASS C.-^Religious Works. 157 Natural Law in Spiritual World Drdm.aond 158 Loss and Gain .....Newman 159 Canadian Methodism Ryerson 160 Utilitarian Theory of Morals ... .Rev. F. R. BeBttie 161 The Doctrine of Retribution Jackson 162 Mistakes of Modern Infidels .......... Northgraves 163 The Present Truth '. C. H. Spurgeon 164 Farm Sermons ' 165 The Relations between Religion and Science Bishop Temple i€6 Spirits in Prison, or the Life after Death E. H. Plumbtree, D.D- 167 The Light of the World and the Light of Asi.'^ Kellogg CLASS Tf.-^Art. 62 The Drawing Room Mrs. O. Smitfo 63 Art in the House W. J. Loftie 64 " " Bedroom and Boudoir Lady Baker CLASS 'E.-'Coilecfed Work, 640 Public Life in England. Daryle 641 Canadian Pictures Lome 642 Swiss Letters :. . F. R. Havergill C43 Familiar Talks on English Literature ..Richardson C44 Development of English Literature .... Welsh 645 Black but Comely j. B. Gibble 646 Speeches of John P. Curran T. Davis 647 " " Right Hon. H. Gratton . . . .D. D. Madders 648 Irish Race, Past and Present A, J. Thebaul.; . 649 Ireland Among the Nations J. J. O'Leary 650 The Irish in America Maguire 651 Book of Blunders D. Macree 652 The Poet at the Breakfast Table O. W. Holmes 653 Mottoes and Apporisms from Shakespeare 654 — 655 Picturesque Canada 656 The Girliiood of Shakespeare's Heroines. M. Clark fi5~ AVorks of Father Prout '. 65tS Ilnw to Succpe'. J. McCarthy 474 Rise and Fall of the Irish Illation Barrinf^ton 475 Maritifne Ports of Ireland Mart.aoin's 476 — 478 History of Peninsular War Napier 479 Newfoundland Hutton Sc liervey 480 Child's History of England Bickens 4S1 Ireland of To-Day Sullivan 482 War in the Soadau, ... A Ilaultain 483 Afghanistan: England versus Russia..Theo. F. Rodenbough 484 North-West: its History and its Troubles. G. M. Adam 485 The North-West Rebellion C. F. Mulvaney 486 The Seven Wonders of the WorM W. Harvey 487 The Works of Josephus 488 The Coming Struggle for India Vambery 489 Hayti, or tbo'Bkck Ropubllc Sir Spencer St. John CLASS. H.— Biography. 487 Chinese Gordon A. Forbes 48S My Reminiscences Gower 489 Queen Victoria Grace Greenwood 490 Life and Letters of E. Prentiss 491 Chevalier La Salle J. S. G. Abbott 492 Life of John Geddie, D.D Geo. Pa tterson 493 " Duncan Matheson J. Macpherson 494 " Elizabeth Fry 3Irs. E. R. Pitmaa 495 "• Napoleon 496 Some H'-^eiics^'" Yesterday Herrick 497 Life of John Banim P.J. Murray 498 " Gerald Griffin 499 " Oliver Wendel Holmes W.S.Kennedy 500 — 502 '• George Elliott CLASSES I. AM) K. O 1 503 Life of J. C. Maxwell Campbell & Garrett I .504 Women of the Day . . F. Hays I 5<^5 Christian Womanhood •. ' 5^>€> George Washington W. M. Thayer ' 507- -308 Autobiography of Henry Taylor 509 Memoirs of an Ex-Minister Malmesbury 510 Memoirs Mark Pattison 511 Nathaniel P. Willis H. A. Beers 512 George Moore S. Smiles, LLD S 513 Anthony Trollope ; an Autobiography . . 514 Life and Letters of John Brown ' . . .F. E. Sanborn 515 Memorials of James Hogg, the Ettrick Shepherd J.IrB. Garden 5t6 Carlyle Personally and in his Writings ..David Masson 5^7 — 518 William Loyd Garrison CLASS 1,— Poetry, 151 Ballads Wm Thackeray 152 Poems and Songs E. MacColl 153 Night Thoughts E. Young 154 The Poetical Works of Griffin G. Griffm 155 " " •' i^ovel 156 Dramatic Works S. Knowles 157 Philip Vauartevai 1 H. Taylor 158 Iphigenia to Goethe 159 — 160 Poetical Works F. R. Havorgil! i6x Lyrical Poems Lord Tennyscn 162 Poems ( i the Old Days and the New. . . .Jean Ingelov/ 163 Poems and Ballads Heine CLASS K — Per icdicah . 280 Contemporary Review, January to Nov., 1881 281 Chambers', , January to June, " 282 " July to Dec, " 283 Manufacturer & Builder, Jan. to Deo., 1881 284 *' " Jan. to Dec, 1882 285 " •» Jau. to Dec, 1883 286 English Mechanic, Dec, i88a, to March, ^883 287 " " March, 1883, to Aug., 1883 288 •' " Sept., 1883, to Feb., 1884 289 Westminster Review, January and April, 1884, 290 '• " July and October, " 6 CLASS L. 291 British (Quarterly, January and April, 1S84 292 " . " July and October, 293 Edinburgh Review, January and April, " 294 " " July and October, " 295 Quarterly Review, January and April, " 296 " " July and October, " 297 Harper's, Dec, 1883, and May, " 298 " , June and November, " 299 Century, • ' Nov., '83. to April, •* 300 " ■ May to October, 301 Popnlar Science, May to October. " 302 Temple Bar January to April, " 303 " " , May to August, " 304 " u Sept. to Pecember, " 305 Blackwood, January to June, »• 306 '• "■ July to December, ' 307 Cornhill, , January to June. " 308 " July to December, " 309 Belgravia, •:. March to June, " 310 " July to October, " 311 " Nov., i884, to Feb., 1885 312 Atlantic Monthly, Jannary to June, 18S4 313 Atlantic Monthly, July and Dec, 1884. 314 London Society, January and July, •' 315 " '• Holiday No., Dec, " 316 Chambers', January and ]>ec, " 317 Longman's, Nov.. 1883, to April, " 318 " May to October, 319 Macmillan's, " " " 320 Our Continent, 1884. 321 •' " 322 English Mechanic, March and August, 1884. 3*23 Manufacturer and Builder, January and October. 1884. CLASS L —Fiction, 1 176 An Accomplished Gentleman Sturgis 1 177 A Six Months' Friend H. Shipton 1 178 Vfvian Grey Disraeli 1 179 Sea Lions, or Lost Sealers Cooper 1 1 80 Tancred, or the New Crusade 1 181 The House with Seven Gables Hawthorne 1 182 Stage Struck Rosevelt CLAS^ T.. 1 83 Princess Napraxine Ouida :i84The Triple E S. R.G.Clark 185 Phoebe Mrs. S. Harris 1 86 Professor Conant Huntington :i87 Fridolin's Mystical Marriage .Wilbrandt [188 Miss Ludington's Sister Bellamy i8g A Country Doctor B. O. Jewitt 1190 Tinkling Cymbals Favvcett iigi Treasure Island , K, L. Stevenson ; 192 The Crime of Henry Vane ; 193 Fate of Mansfield Humphreys Grant White ; 194 San Ilosario Ranch Maud Howe 195 Justines Lovers 196 Robert Ord's Atonement R. N. Carey >i97 Set in Diamonds B, M. Clay rtgS Rob Roy, Old Mortality, &c Scott 1 199 The Throne of pavid Ingrah?m 1200 A Fool's Errand A. W. Tourgee 1201 John Eax 1202 Figs and Thistles " 1203 Bricks without Straw 1204 A Royal Gentleman 1205 The Man of the House .^ Pansey 1206 Sidney Martin's ChrLgtnias " 1207 Aurora Floyd M. E. Braddon 1208 Robert Ainsleigh " 1209 Taken at the Flood ■' * 1210 Eleanor's Victory *' 121 1 Run to Earth , '• 3212 Phantastes, the Portent Geo, Macdonald 3213 Lovel, the Widower ...... W. M. Thackeray 1214 J^remoirs of C. J. Yellowplush, Sec... •' 12 15 Vanity Fair, i vol ,.. " 1216 " " 2 vol " -!2i8 The Newcombes. 2 voir* 1219 Burlesques " 1220 Roundabout Papers " 1221 Paris Sketch Book " 1222 The Four Georges " 1223 Catherine, Men's Wives, &c " 1224 Christmas Books " 1225 Book of Snobs ., , " V226 Barry I^y ndow ...*...,.,, " O CLASS L. 1227 Hoggarty Diamonds ^ W.M. thackeray 1228 Irish Sketch Book " 1229—1230 Davenport Dnun (2) Charles Levef 1231 — 1232 The Knight of Gwynne (2) " 1233 Lord Kilgobbin .. '• lijf One ef Them " 1235—1236 Roland Cashel {2) " 1237— 1238 The Martins of Cro' Martin (2).. 1239 Luttrell of Arran " 1240 That Boy of Norcott's " 1241 Hir Brooke Fossbrooke " 1242 The O'Donoghue '* 1243 Tony Butler " 1244 The Pillar of Fire J. H. Ingraham 1245 Guild Court Geo. McDonald 1246 Alexander Forbes, of Howglen '^ 1247 St. George and St. Michael " 1248 David Elginbrod " 1249 The Heroes Kingsley 125;) Hereward 12.51 Water Babies " 1252 Bread Winners 1253 Beyond Pardon , B. M. Clay 1254 Contarini Fleming Disraeli 1256 Beyond the Gates E. S. Phelps 1256 Rachel's Share of the Road Round Robin Series 1257 Willie Reilly Wm. Carlton 1258 In Durance Vile Duchess ] 259 The Cameron Pride M. J. Holmes 12G0 Claxton's Rangers 1261 In Silk Attire ...... Wm. Black 1262 White Wings ,. 1263 Kilmeny ' « 1264 East Lv nne Mrs. H. Vv »od 1265 I Say No Wilkie ColiinS 1266 An 01<1 Man's Love A. Trollooe 1267 Jane Eyre C. Bronte 1258—1269 Adam Bede. 2 vols G. Eliot 1270—1271 Mill on the Floss. 2 vols 1272— 1273 Romola. 2 vols " 1274 The Canon's Ward James Payne 1275 Her Dearest Foe» *........ .".Mrs. Alexandei? 1276 Near to Nature's Heart (2) .E. P. Roe • CLASS L, 9 1377 Carola » H. Stretton 1278 The Bay Path J. G. Holland 12T9 Miss Gilbert Career 1280 Thorns and Orange Blossoms B. M. Clay 1281 Wife in Name Onlv 1282 Love Works Wonders 1283 A Bitter Atonement " 1284 Her Mother's Sin 1285 Dora Thome 1286 Lord Lynne's Choice , " 1287 Romance of a Black Veil '• 1288 Divers Women Pansy 1289 What She Said ; People who hadn't Time " 1290 Hidden Path M. Harland 1291 Her Wedding Day 1292 Cancelled Will E. A. Dupny3 1293 All for Love 1294 Married Above Her 1293 My First Offer M. C Hay 1296 For her Dear Sake '♦ 1297 The Arundel Motto " 1298 That Lass O'Lowrie's .F. H. Burnett 1299 Airy Fairv Lilian The Duchess ISOO Faith and' Unfaith " 1301 How he won her. Mrs. Southworth 1302 Set in Diamonds The Countess 1303 The World Between Them 1304 In Peril of his Life Gaborion 1305 A Woman's Atonement A. M. Howard 1306 Farmer of Inglewood Forest Elizabeth Helm 1307 A Perilous Secret C. Beade 1308 Readiana " 1309 The Man She Cared for F. W. Robinson 1310 Was I Right? O F. Walton 1311 The Octoroon M. E. Braddo n 1812 Phantom Fortune 1319 The Race for Gold 1314 Queenie's Terrible Secret Mrs. A. McVeigh 1S15 Jaquelina , " 1816 Brownie's Triumph Mrs. George Sheldon 1317 Wedded and Parted E, S. Southworth 1318 Ernest Maltraver Bulwer Lytton 1819 Alice 10 CLASS L. 1 320 Twenty Years After Alex. Dumas 1321 Through a Needle s Eye H. Stretton 1322 Denny, or from Haven to Plaven Annie Gray 1323 Arminius Vambury 1324 Vidocq, French Police Spy 1825 Oakly and Twenty -Nine Mrs. Prossor 1326 Off to the Wilds Geo. M. Fenn 1327 Sylvester Sound Cockton 1328 Minna Raymond 1329 Gold Foil J. G. Holland I3e0 Mutiny on Board the Leander B. Heldmann 1331 Mark Dennison's Charge G. M. Craik 1332 Launching Awav J. R. H. Hawthorm 1333 Friar's Hildebraud's Cross M. A. Paull 1334 Glenairlie R. F. Hardy 1335 In Partnership . . . .' Mathews & Bunnej 1336 Hester Mrs. Oliphant 1337 In the Tennessee Mountains Craddock 1338 The King's Men R. Grant 1339 A Nihilist Princess Gagnenr 1340 Bethseda B. Elbon 1341 Dr. Sevier G W. Cable 1342 The Average Man R. Grant 1343 Our Own Set Schubin 1344 Inchbracken Robert Cleland 1345 Those Pretty Girls of St George 1346 Armourer's Prentices C. Younge 1347 Times of Gustave Q. Topelius . 1348 " " Battle and Rest 1349 " "CharlesXlI 1350 " " Frederick I 1351 " "Linnaeus 1352 " " Alchemy 1353 Carried by Storm M . A. Fleming 1354 The Heir of Charlton 1355 Called Back Conway 1356 The White Rose of Langley E. S. Holt 1357 The Maiden's Lodge " 1358 Not for Him 1359 Yensie Walton S. R. G. Clark 1360 The Flower of the Family Mrs. Prentiss 1361 The Letter of Credit Mrs. S. Warner 1362 Orange Blossoms T. S. Arthnr CLASS L. 11 1863 Sunflowers G. C. Gedge 1364 Hard to Win '. Mrs. G, Cupples 1365 Saxby E. Leslie 1366 Booth, or the Factory Boy . . . ; Blackwell 1367 To the Bitter End , M. E. Braddon 1368 Lucius Davoreen " 1369 The Seaboard Parish G. MacDonald 1370 A Waif of the Sea Kate Wood 1371 Some Other Folks S. P. McLean 1372 Brother and Sister E.J. Lysaght 1373 The War Tiger Wm. Dalton 1374 Book of Boyhood S. R. Hope 1375 The Crust and the Cake E. Garrett 1376 Family Fortunes 1377 Gold and Dross 1378 House by the Works 1371) Occupations of a Retired Life 1380 Premiums paid to Experience 1381 Crooked Places 1382 The Dead Sin 1383 Doing and Dreaming 1384 By Still Waters '1385 Her Object in Life 1386 Glen Luna Amy Lathrop 1387 A Red Wallflower S. Warner 1388 Life and Work among the iSlavvies. . . .D. W. Barrett 1389 Leisure Hour, for 1884 1390 The Sunday at Home, 1884 1391 The Quiver, 1884 1392 The Boys' Own Anniial,Oct., 1883. Sept., 1884 1393 The Girls' Own Annual, " 1394 Mrs. Hurd's Niece Ella Farman 1«9 > Kitty Kent Julia A. Eastman 1396 The Shadow of the War 1397,Florence Macarthy Lady Morgan 1398'Bits of Blarney Mackenzie 1399 The Yankee in Ireland Paul Peppergrass 1400 Thaddeusbf Warsaw Jane Porter 1401 Callista Dr. Newman 1402 Irish Fireside Stores 3 403 Legends aud Stories Lover 1404 Treasure Trove " 1405 Rory O'Moorc " 1406 Handy Andy " it (I 12 CLABS L. 1407 Grantley Manor Lady G. Fullerton 1408 Ellen Middleton 1409 Lady Bird. 1410 The Aylmers of Bally Aylmer Gerald Griffin 1411 The Collegians 1412 The Rivals and Tracy's Ambition 1413 A Night at Sea 1414 The Coiner, &c 1415 Tales of the Jury Room 1416 The Invasion 1417 Duke of Monmouth " 1418 Bit 0"Writin' Michael Banim 1419 Peep of Day and Grehoore " 1420 The Ghost Hunter 1421 Peter of the Castle and the Fetches 1422 Tithe Proctor Carleton 1423 Black Prophet "■ 1424 Black Baronet 1425 Fardorougha, the Miser ''^ 1426EvUEye 1427 Valentine McClutchey '♦ 1428 Emigrants of Ahadarra " 1429 Jane Sinclair 1430 Poor Scholar 1431 Emerald Gems 1432 Fabiola Cardinal Wiseman 1433 Dark Days Hugh Conway 1434 Campaign in Kabylia .Erckman Chatrain. 1435 All Sorts and Conditions of Men "Walter Besant 1436 American Family Robinson D. W. Belesisle 1437 Strange Adventures of Gooroo Simple.. A. Crowquill 1438 A Daughter of Heth Wm. Black 1439 Yolande ; 1440 Monarch of Mincing Lane 1441 Henry Eighth anh his Court Muhlbeck 1442 Standard Tales by Standard Authors. 1443 Night and Morningand Godolphin. . . .Lytton 1444 The Caxtons and Leila " Vim A Strange Story and Zanoni " 1446 Lucretia, or the Children of Night .... Lytton 1447 Elective Affinities, Sorrows of Werther.Goethe, 1445 Wilhelm.Meister's Apprenticeship .... (I CLASS L. 13 1449 A Midsummer Madness Ellen O. Kirk 1450 Peril Jessie Fothergill 1451 Doctor Gratton Hammond 1452 Breton Folk Blackburn & Caldicotb 1453 Half Hours with Great Story Tellers.. 1454 A Hard Heart Golo Baimund 1455 Wane of an Ideal Clara Bell 1456 Tarantella Mathilde Blind 1457 Roslyn's Fortune Christian Reid 1458 Mystery of the Locks E. W. Howe 1459 Money Makers 1460 A Young Girl's Wooing E, P. Roe 1461 Shadowed by Three L L. Lynch 1462 Doris Duchess 1463 Jill E. A. Dillwyn 1464 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn .... Twain 1465 Serapis ; ..... Ebers 1466 The End of a Coil Warner 1467 Pilot Fortive Read 1468 A Carpet Knight H. Fleming 1469 The Lost Trail E.S.Ellis 1470 Trojan Kennan 1471 Jan Vedder's Wife A. E. Barr 1472 Doris and Theodora M. Vandegreft 1473 Hawthorndean CM. Thompson 1474 Pearl O. Meara 1475 A Woman of Culture J. T. Smith 1476 The Queen of Hearts Collins 1477 The Fallen Leaves ** 1478 The Moonstone " 1479 The Woman in White '• 1480 Basil 1481 The Haunted Hotel " 14S2 My Miscellaines 1483 Hide and Seek 1484 Antonina 1485 Waverley and Woodstock Scott i486 Rob Roy and Heart of Midlothian. . . . 1487 Bride of Lammermoor 1488 Peveril of the Peak and the Betrothed 1489 Fortunes of Nigel, &c " 1490 Ivanhoe and the Talisman " 1 491 Fair Maid of Perth and the Antiquary It ti t< l< tt 14 CLASS L. 1492 The Monastery and the Abbot ........ Scctt 1493 Guy Mannering, &c " 1494 Kenihvorth and St. Ronan"*s Well .... " 1495 Black Dwarf and Old Mortality " 1496. Red Gauntlet and the Piraie " 1497 St. Elmo (2) Augusta Wilson 149S The Dynamiter R. L, Stevenson 1499 Boots and Saddles r. E. B. Custer 1500 The Duchess Emelia B. Wendell 1501 Within the Capes Howard Pyle 1502 Letters from Hell Geo. Macdonald 1503 Across the Chasm 1504 One of the Duanes A, King Hamilton 1505 The Adventures of Tunias Terrystone Bunce 1506 Daisy Snowflake's Secret Mrs. J. S. Reany 1507 Weaker Alison, his Friends and Foes.M. L. Ridley 1508 Daisy in the Field Mrs. Warner 1509 That Boy W. H. Daniels 1510 Sister Rose, or St. Bartholomew's Eve 151 1 Mrs. Skagg's Husbands Bret Harte 1512 A Superior W^oman No Name Series 1 51 3 A Marsh Island S. O. Jewitt 1514 By Shore and Ledge Bret Harte 1515 Down the Ravine C. E. Craddock 1516 Upon a Cast Charlotte Dunning 1517 At the Red Glove 151^ Qoroaster F. M. Crawford 1519 Troubled Waters B. E. Warner 1520 Mr. Oldmixon. Hammond 152 1 Annals of a Sportsman I. Turgenief 1522 Vain Forebodings E. Oswold 1523 The Fatal Marriage Mrs. Southworth 1524 O Tender Dolores The Duchess 1525 A Maiden all Forlorn " 1526 The Lady with the Rubies Mrs. A. Wisler 1527 Barbara Heathcoat's Trial R. N. Carey 1528 Ester Ried yet Speaking Pansy 1529 A New England Conscience Greene 1530 Silken Threads : a Detective Story (2).Geo. Afterem 1531 A Little Upstart Rideing 1532 Enthralled and Released .Dr. Raphael 1033 Aulnay Tower Blanche W. Howard 1534 The Gambler's Wife Mrs. Grey f'LASS L. 15 1535 The Scottish Chiefs . .'. Jane Porter 1536 One Commonplace Day .... Pansy 1537 Interrupted : " 153S Tip Lewis " 1539 Mrs. Deane's Way " 1540 Cunning Workmen > " 1541 Modern Prophets . . . . " '.542 Mrs. Solomon Smith Looking on . . . . " -' 543 Those Boys " 1544 Breach of Trust Fern Glen Series 1545 Uncle Anthony " " 1546 Drayton Hall Golden Ladder Series 1547 Jack Sheppard H. Ainsworth 1548 Island Home Christy Romant 1549 Silver Sands G. E. E. Crompton 1550 Hill Rest Susan Vv. Moulton 1551 Onward F. L. M. 1552 The Last Meeting (2) B. Mathews 1553 Red Ryvington Wm. Westall 1 554 Sweet Mace G. M Fenn 1555 The Red Route Wm. Sime 1 556 Bound Together Hugh Conway 1557 Love or a Name Julian Hawthorne 1558 An Original Belle E. P. Roe 1559 Driven Back to Eden " 1 560 BessFe's Fortune M.J Holmes 1561 Andromeda Geo. Fleming 1562 A Model Wife G. L Cervus 1563 A Mission Flower G. H. Picard 1564 Maruja Bret Harte i565 Criss Cross Litchfield 1566 Prophet of the Great Smoky Mountain. C. E. Craddock 1567 Without a Compass T. B. Nan Varst I j68 Mignonette Sangree r 569 Macaria A . E. Wilson 1570 The Black Speck F. W. Robinson 1571 A Haunted Life {2) « B. M, Clay 1572 Put Asunder (2) •' 1573 The Earl's Atonement (2) " 1574 Dicks Sweetheart (2) The Duchess 1575 Lady Isabel's Atonement (2) Mrs. H. Wood 1576 Passion and Pride E. A. Dupuy Sworn to Silence Mrs. A. McV. Millei" >// 16 CLASS M. 1578 Lost for a Woman (2) M. A, Fleming I"? 79 Maude Percy's Secret (2) " 1580 The Queeu of the Isle •• i58i The Actress's Daughter ♦* 1582 The Boys' Own Annual, i885. 1583 The Girls' Own Annual, 1584 The Quiver, 1585 Brothers in Arms F. B. Harrison 1586 In Freedom's Cause , G. A. Henty 1587 Facing Death " 1588 By Sheer Pluck 1589 Nat, the Naturalist .... G. Manville Fenn 1590 Menhardoc " " 1 5gi A Little Country Girl Susan C oolidge 1592 Aurora M. A. Tinckner 1593 Jack o' Lanthorn , Henry Frith 1594 Wreck of the Nancy Bell J. C. Hutcheson 1595 Picked up at Sea " 1696 Wigwam and War Path A. R. Hope 1597 Rise of Silas Lapham W. D. Howells 1598 Slings and Arrows Hugh Conway 1599 Roses of Shadow T. R. Sullivan 1600 The Pirate Island Harry Collingwood 1601 On Both Sides Francis Courtenay Bzyljt 1602 Traitor or Patriot Mary C. Boswell CLASS M. — Juveniles. 271 Out on the Pampa«; G. A. Henty 272 Little V/omen and Good Wives L. M. Alcott 273 Manco, the Peruvian Chief Kingston 274 True Blue " - 275 Fred Markham .■.. " 276 The North Pole " 277 The Fiery Cross B. Button 27S Silver Lining Mrs. Bray CLASS M. 17 279 Alda Graham E. M. Norris . 280 The Pirate and the Three Cutters . .Marryatt 281 011a Podrida. : 282 Japhet in Search of a Father " 283 Monsieur Violet " 284 Young Fur Traders Ballantyne 285 Wild Work in Strange Places 286 Adventures on vhe Coast " 287 " " Sea 288 Flood, Field and Mountain " 28g Round about the Minster Green .. ..A.R.Hope 290 Daisy Mrs. Warner 2gi Giving Honor ' 292 Sceptres and Crowns " 293 Pine Needles and Old Yarns " 294 Peter Trawl W. H. G. Kingston 295 Celebrated Dunces Tom Brown 296 Max Victor 297 The Madman and the Pirate Ballantyne 298 Dora and her Papa E. Meteyard 299 Battling with the Sea .... Ballantyne 300 Unac, the Indian H. Frith 301 Diana Mrs. Warner 302 Jack Haliiday R. F. Hardy 303 Climbing the Ladder 304 Cripple Jess L. Marston 305 Kidnapping in the Pacific Kingston 306 French Fairy Tales De Segur 307 Bfar Hunters of the Rocky Mountains. .Anne Bowman 308 The Kangaroo Hunters " 309 The Young Franc Tireurs C. A. Henty 310 Round the World Kingston 311 Young Foresters '' 312 College Days at Oxford H. C. Adams 313 Harty, the Wanderer Fairleigh Owen 314 The French i'risoners Edmund Berty 315 Charlie Asgarde A. St. Johnston 316 Wild Sports of India Henry Shakespear 317 Our Captain M. L. Ridley 318 Alleen Aroon Gordon Staples 319 Pioneer Bjy W. M. Thayer 320 Capital for' Working Boys J. E. McConaughy 18 CLASS N. 321 Summer Crt'isings C. W. Ftcddard 322 The Young Wild Fowlers H. Castleman 323 Miss Fenwick's Failures EsnxC Stuart 324 Windies Secret Kate Wood CLASS ^.—Reference. uC — 127 Debates, House of Ccnimcns Dominion of Canada, 1884 128 Indexed Atlas cf the World Eand, McNally & Co. \