pi -v^ CANADIAN PACIFIC RESOLUTIONS Mr. Blake's Reply to Sir Charles Tupper's Explanation.. THOROUGH SIFTING i3P A GREAT SCANDAL, ASTOUNDING DISCEEPANCIES IN GOVERNMENT ESTIMATES. Convincing Argument for Rejection of Terms. After Sir Charles Tupper had on Tuesday night brought down and explained Resolutions granting aid to Canada Pacific, Mr. BLAKE arose amid applause which almost rendered inaudible his opening sentences. He said : — I believe that whatever other predictions the hon. gentleman may have made in respect to the C. P. R. in the past which have hardly yet come true, whatever other predictions he may have made to-night, which may yet be falsified, one prediction he has made which I dare say he has taken steps to see shall be verified, namely, that the resolutions shall not be lost but shall carry. Notwithstanding, it is my duty to point out to an assembly which I am well aware does not receive with acceptance some propositions which I entertain, and which I think are fit to be considered by the House and by the country before a decision is reached on the important question submitted to us. It is an important question — the hon. gentleman has treated it as one of very small moment to a country of such lai^e resources, with such a glorious present, with such a wondrous future as he has depicted, to enter into additional engagements involving thirty millions of money, as really nottof much consequence. And when it is so absolutely certain as the hon. gentleman has pointed out that the engagement is only nominal, formal, temporary, sure to be redeemed, it is of less consequence still. But, sir, I think the people at large will believe that before Parliament should have been called on even to take the initiatory step which the hon. gentleman proposes we* shall this night take, it was right that more light should have been thrown on the situation in many respects tiian that vouchsafed to us. It is not to be for- gotten that for years past we have been moving for information upon important particulars con- nected with its progress and operation, answers to which have not even been vouchsafed. It is not to be forgotten that with reference to the price which the stock realized, the mode in which it was distributed amongst the corporators, the price actually obtained for it, the prices in stock which were paid for certain works ; it is not to be forgotten with reference to ihe contracts which the company has entered into, that information has been asked, not this session only, but in previous sessions, and guaranteed so far as the Government were concerned in worcls, guaran- teed so far as assent by this House was given, but not followed by any effectual result, and that to-day we are asked to go into Committee in the face of these REPEATED AND mEFt'EllTUAL DEMANDS for that information jrhich in part under the law of the land the Company was bound from year to year to supply, and in part, under the powers which this House and Government possess, it was on demand also bound to supply. Information has been given us this season with reference to this proposal, and the usual papers have, in part, been laid on the table, but the hon. gentleman presses forward the consideration of his proposals before these papers have been printed — before they have become ac^jessibleto members. I happened to have beon able to read in manuscript some portion of it, and only some portion. I am not aware that any other members of the two hundred and odd who compose this chamber, and are supposed to take an interest in this question, have road any portion of these papers save the letter of Mr. Stephen which has appeared in the Eublic prints. Of course I expfjct the hon. gentlemen who belong to the Admistration have ad previous opportunities for reading, as they were responsible for these papers. But those of us who have not had that advantage are called upon to take the initial step without having had fair opportunity of seeing what, the grounds are. The atateuient which the hon= geBtlemcm himself has made to night, the laaze of figures into which he has entered, varies in some paiti- cuiars from those presented in the letter of the President of the Company. Some more light, it is true, has been thrown on some of the details in the speech he has made to us — but that light is partial and dim. though it is directed on a subject in rcsi)ect of which information lias been repeatedly demanded, and up to this time practically refused. Now this proposal is one of ex- treme gravity. To those of us who recollect the discussion vvliich took place when this contract was entered into, who remember tlie observations which h ive from time to time been made by hon. members who sustained that contract, it conies as a very unpleas- ing surprise. Why, sir, were we not told that the country felt uneasy as to the un- known quantity of possible demands in reference to C. F, R ? Why, Were we not told that the country was decided, and that Parliament, expressing the views of the country, was determined that once for all it should be definitely settled ? What was the limit of our ob- ligations? Why, were we not told that it was Ijetter for us to know how much it was. even though it was a large sum, and make up our minds to it and have an end of the matter ? Why, it was only a session or two ago, that an hon. men^ber, I think the hon member for West Toronto (Mr. Beaty;, recurring to the subject, then perhaps somewhat stale, said that the people were satisfied because they felt such ease at knowing the limit of their obligd^cions. There it was, and we buckled ourselves to the work, and braced our shoulders to the enterprise, knowing the price of the Government sections, and the amount of cash subsidy, and knowing perfectly well that we should not be called upon for any more. Well, two or three years have elapsed since the contract was made, and we are called upon to advance twenty-two millions and a half, a sum very nearly equal to the original cash subsidy, and to pledge our credit for nearly seven millions and a half more, so that the element of finality which was so praised as one of the things which was to cause the contract to be favoural)ly received by the House and the country has pretty v,-ell vanished from the scene to-night. Were we not also told time and again of the enormous resources, the wealth, and the credit of the Syndicate with whom the contrpct was made ; that this was a consideration of the utmost consequence — that it was so important as to enlist not merely Canadians, but capitalists in other countries, in the States, in England, in France, with such ample means that they were themselves able to build a C. P. R ? Were we not told time and again that we were insured in the successful completion of the contract by the enormous recourses of the credit, and of the capital, and of the confidence which had clustered round the corporators to whom the hon. gentleman opposite entrusted the work. It is not so long ago that this statement was very emphatically repeated. It was not merely at the time of the passage of the contract that it did good service, it was nf>t merely in that House which I always thought, "and I say it to its credit," was somewhat reluctant to accept the contract that this statement was made, but at a later period, some time in November, 1881. The hon. leader of the Govern- ment made this statement at Toronto : — " What have we done ? We went to England. We opened negotiations with the capitalists of France, England, and New York. We did not want to have only one string to our bow — we made a selection from these three great markets of capital, and we have have formed the strong- est and most enterprising body of capitalists that ever built a railroad from the beginning of railroads to the present time." Sir JOHN MACDONALD— Hear, hear. A SLBEPISG PARTNER. Mr. BLAKE — Yes, Mr. Speaker, because it appears they have a sleeping partner, the Dominion of Canada. '* The whole country sees it, the whole countiy knows it. At this moment they are laying down a mile and a-half of railway every day, and should no unexpected accident or misfortune happen they intend and believe that they will have the whole railway constructed from Red River to tlTe foot of the Rocky Mountains before tlie snows of 1882 fall." Well, they did not quite do that. They did not quite carry out the scheme which the hon. gentleman was sanguine enough to hope they would carry out, namely, complete the railway to the foot of the Rocky Mouutains bv the end of 1882, Sir JOHN MACDONALD— Very nearly. Mr. BLA.KE — Well, they did not do it, and you may c(mceive how gigantic were their plans when that was their hope, although what they did do ib set forth as wfioUy unprecedented. Now, it seems that THIS OREAT TOMBINATION of capital, the strongest that was ever formed, comprising the strength of Canada, of the United States, of England, and of France — yes, the strongest that ever was formed from tiie beginning of the world to this day — comes to ask us for some m.ore money in order that they may the earlier, it is true, but in order that they may implement the work wliich they contracted to perform ; and it seems tlvat the boasts ,vhich for the last year or two have been resounding con- tinuously in our ears, the statement which ^^ have heard repeated time and again that the Government and Parliaijient which passed the contract were vindicated triumpliantly because of the wonderful display of capital, credit, and energy on the part of the corporators, beaiuse they ^ere going so fast and far, becausi; they were going tc coaaplete the railway at such an early date* is a statement which is to be taken with chis rather large grain of allowance that they will do it if we will pay them for it. Now, there is another point which was much discussed at the time of the contract, and in respect to wh>ch also this might vindicate our position. We heard the hon. gentleman point out, with an appreciation, some three years late, of what the interests of the country rpo^jire, that it was important in the interests of Canada that there should be a new allocatifm of the subsidies for the construction of the road. It luis now dawned uj)on his mind and experience that it is positively dangerous to Canada that the road should be i)aid for at a mileage rate. He says that in the interest of Can ad t — not at all in the interijst of the Company ; oh, no I — it is important that we should take care that the Company does not get an excessive subsidy xor the lighter work that remains to be done, because if that should happen when the} come to the heavy 95 miles of which he spoke, where would be the money to complete it with ? He forgot that they were already at the 95 miles, that they were stopped there, and that the difl&Gulty was not that in the present condition of the work the money would be gone in the ■ lighter work before they came to the heavy, but that they were at the heavy work, and they wanted to get part of the money allocated to the light work which is to come after. But, as I said, it is about THREE YEABS TOO LATE, and I am sorry we could not earlier persuade the hon. gentleman of the soundness of the views he takes to-night. Vi'e argued that the subsidy should b3^di3tributed in proportion to the whole cost of the work. We declared that it was important in ttie interest of Canada that, if certain lauds and certain moneys were to be paid to this Company for the work, they should get it in proportion as the total amount of the subsidy was to the value of the work to be done at a particular point , We pointed out that the hon. gentleman was applying a wrong principle, which gave a wholly disproportionate subsidy to the early and light work, and that thus the resources which were to be retained for the heavy work would be gone before the heavy work was reached, and we begged that the principle of pro rata distribution should be applied at a , time when it might have been usefully applied. But the hon. gentleman could not be persuaded by us. Now that the Company have conie to the heavy work they want the position reversed. They have had all the benefit practically of the other position, of the principle of mileage rates assigned to the difterert sections, and having come to the heavy work it is now proposed that another principle shall apply which shall help them out of that difficulty. I have said the resources wliich were due to the end of the work are gone, and it is necessary to say that a full enquiry as to how the resources have disappeared is the prime duty of this House before even approaching the consideict on of the question whether it will give more. But to-day, when it is indicated that to cany on the plans into which the Company and the Government have entered it is necessary that this enormous advance should be made, it becomes obviously an imperative duty on our part to ascertain really how the account for the past stands, how it happens that so large a sum has been expended in the work which has been done. Now, roughly calculating what the hon. gentleman's figures gave, I apprehend that independent of equipment, and I pre- sume without ballasting the road in the North- West, the main line must have cost something close uj>on ^i 8,000 a mile, and I have never been able to see how such a figure could be justified as the fair cost of constructing that line through that countiy. If you look at the price which the hon. gentleman has allowed for the branch work in the North- West you will find a very different statement as to the mileage cj^st there. I said the other day, and I repeat now, that a large portion of this expense is probably due to speed. You cannot build a railway at the rate at which it has been built without paying more for its construction than you would if it were built at the ordinary speed, or at h speed not so extraordinary as to be called absolutely unpre- cedented. But there is another question — HOW HAS IT BEEN BUILT ? I have called for information upon that subject ; the law called for it. The Consolidated Railway Act made it the duty of this Company to return to the Miniiiter of Railways in each year, on the 30th of June, the contracts which had been made for the construction of the rail- way. That law was violated by this Company. Parliament was informed of that violation. I asked repeatedly for the contriwts. Eventually I moved for one contract and the instrument of association of the North American Contracting Co., but Parliament declined to have the law enforced and would not order the production of those papers Parliament preferred to be kept in ignorance as to these things which the law had said should be disclosed. But it would seem that Parliament has recanted that view within the last few days, having unanimf)U ily passed an address c.tlling for the pro- duction of these contracts, and representing that it was of high public con8e(jueiice that this law should be obeyetl and those contracts should be produced. Still the law is not obeyed ; still the contracts are not pntduced, ahd it is only in the speech of the Minister, when he invites the House to go into Committee of the Whole, to consider the propositions, tliat we are let to a small extent into the secret of the character of the arrangement for the ctmstruction of the line. And tha hon. gentleman now informs us tliat the work has l>een done by a contracting or con- atructioii company in which were many members of the Syndicate, so that the corpoi'utioii has been contracting with its own members for construction. He tells us that the arrangement has now terminated ; that it terminated when the supplies ended, when they could no longer find money to keep the construction going, and among the sums embraced in the total of ^8,700,000 which the President of the Company claims credit for as having provided for the construction of the road, is an adequate balance against the Construction Company and in favour of the Syndicate of $600,000, so that although they stopped operations because there was no money to pay them with they did not do work within $(K)0,000of the money in their hands, paid in advance. And it seems these were the arrangements, so far as light has already been thrown upon them, between the Company and its Construction Company. Now, sir, I do not think I do injustice to the Company and its corporators in assuming, since the hon. gentleman has said that many members of the Company were corporators in this company, that several directors of this Company were corporators in it. I may say I have no knowledge on the subject. I have moved repeatedly, and I have been unablfe to obtain the information as yet. The hon. gentleman indicates that he will lay it on the table. When he will decide what he will do — Sir CHARLES TUPPER— To-morrow I hope. Mr. BLAKE — To-morrow ; then we will not decide to night, I hope. Whether I do in- justice or not I shall assume, in the absence of the information, that several directors of the Company are also members of the Construction Company. Now what relation does a director of the Company who contracts with the Company, whether as a member of the Construction Company or not, occupy ? As a director of the Company he is bound to consider whether the contract is a favourable one for the Company or not ; as a member of the Construction Company he is bound to consider whether the contract is a favourable contract to the Construction Company or not. It is a somewhat DIFFICDLT TASK which he undertakes, to decide to hold the balance just, — to do no injustice to either the Rail- way Company or to the Construction Company. Parliament has thought that men ought not to be placed in such an invidious position, and for fear that in the conflict between interest and duty interest might prevail over duty, it has forbidden such arrangements. If, therefore, it be the case that this Construction Company is composed practically to a large extent, to any extent, of directors of the railway company which made the contract, I contend that they have violated not merely the spirit, but also the letter of the law, and that we may look with not unratural suspicion upon any such contract. The law also provides that no contracts for construction or maintenance, etc., shall be entered into until after tenders havfe been inserted in advertisem-ints given at least four weeks in some newspaper published at some pjace near wljere the work is required to be done. I do not know how many members saw the advertisement published by the Pacific Railway Company calling for tenders. I know I was never able to hear of any invita- tion to the general public to tender for the works of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, and I am not surprised if the works constructed by the Railway Company have been constructed by a Construction Compan}'^ composed largely of directors of the Corporation. Now, we pointed out when the contract was being discussed in Parliament the possibility of arrangements of this description, the possibility of a larger price being thus obtained for the work than the work really cost, and I say again that we are entitled to a FULL AND SEARCHING ENQUIRY into this matter, as a preliminary to considering what further and more intimate relations we shall enter into with this Corporation. It may be, although the Construction Company hd,s been dissolved, or has ceased its operations, that if these fountains of Canadian liberality are opened once again, inasmuch as the hon. gentleman said it had stopped because the supplies had stopped, when the supplies are re-opened the Company may be re-organized. We may find that just so long as our liberality lasts the Construction Company w^ill be ready to spend the money which we liberally providt. But I don't think that will be satisfactory to the people of the couutjy, and I maintani th.it a full, searching, and riyjid enquiry should proceed if this House is to give any recognition of any demands made by ^he Company or any suggestions by the Government that we should further involve ourselves vnth it. Now, Sir, the hon. gentle- man has said that it is demons.trated that the public funmdent thing for these corporations to say thafe** As our stock 's at 46, what it cost us, we wou'd ike to get 11 per cent, while the work is going on, and we" will INSURE OURSELVES three-fifths of that amount, but in order to insure ourselves that deposit we could not deposit it ourselves in a bank, because if any difficulty arose it would be taken away from us. But we will {tat the Government of the country to take it from us, and hold it for us, and pay it out to us in 15 dividends Irom time to time =43 years rol' on. "We will hand over $8, 700,000 of the present as- sets, which otherwise could have been used in the work, in order that a ' rainy day ' may be pro- Tided for by ourselves." After having made that application of the f 8,700,0(>0 of what has been raised one way or the other, to include it amongst the $58,700,000 provided for the purposes of the railway, seems to me to be rather a broad proposition. Well, now, I deduct these two sums. The floating debt we have to provide for, and t8,700,OlX) which is locked up for the benefit of the shareholders in the future, and I find that this, added to the $23,600,000 of public resources to ■which I formerly adverted, makes $39,800,000, leaving a balance of $18,900,000 alone as pro- vided for by the Company for the work, and from this, dealing with the contracted line, there are other deductions. The expenditure from Montreal to Callander includes the various items which the hon. gentleman gave us to night in that connection, $5,400,000 ; for branches, $3,800,- •000 ; sundries, $3,600,000 ; and Credit Valley bonds $500,000 more, which gives us a total of $13,300,000 to be deducted, leaving, dealing with the contracted line alone, only somewhere about $5,000,000, of money provided by the Company out of its own resources. Now, sir, that is the state of things with reference to the contracted line, and that, slightly modified, i'S the state of things with reference to THE WHOLE LINE, and those considerations show how ridiculous it is to say that this money would have been want- ed had the Company dealt with this enterprise with reference to the contract alone. It is be- cause those obligations have been departed from that this result is before us The first thing for them to consider was. Can we perform our obligations to the public before launching out in these various ways ? But the first thing they did was to launch out. They cannot perform their obligations, and they come to us to enable them to do so. If, however, it be the case that the cost will be what it was estimated only nine or ten months ago, then it is clear that the cal- culations of the hon. gentleman entirely fail. According to the present estimate of the cost, which is so very far below what it was estimated to cost before, we find this result : — The Company owns ^7,500,000, it wants to complete the railway for $2';, 000, 000, and it wants to pay its floating debt ; it, therefore, wants $24,500,000 of^ money. And what is it to get from the Government i It is to get its subsidy, $12,700,000, and a loan of $22,500,000, or $34,500,000 in money. It is, therefore, according to the present estimate, to get every shilling that is nt^cessary to complete the road from the country. It is to get not merely every shilling necessary to cqmplete the road, but every shilling necessary to pay off the floating debt besides. I put it forwairtl as A SUBJECT FOR INQUIRY whether that floa ing debt does not itself include the five millions tSmporarily borrowed on the ten millions of st.>ck, and if it does, the result of the payment of the floating debt would be to free the $10,000,000 of stock at the disposal of the Company besides. But meanwhile the hon. gentleman is able triumphantly to say the road will be finished with this money ; that is to say, if these estimates are correct. Yet, if the estimates be under the estimates or something like the cost estimated last year, the real cost account is quite on the other side. The hon. gentleman will say : — " Oh, they will get money out of the lands or the further issue of stock." But the statement which we have as to the condition of the road indicates that there is no ground for believing in that result, because the loan is not to be repayable until 1891, which means that it Is not expected that verj' large resources will come from any other quarter before 1891, certainly not within the next two years, if the estimates of last year be the correct esti- mates. More money will be wanted ; and J^ think this night's proceedings will tell us where that money will be asked from. (Cheers. ) I have pointed out the enormous discrepancies in the estimate of cost. No explanation is given of how it happens that the present CONVENIENTLY LOW ESTIMATE.S are so much lower than those of only ten months ago. Then as to the land sales in 1 882, the report made to Parliament was that there were 6,450,000 acres of land sold ; that there was $17,300,000 worth of land grant bonds to be redeemed by those sales; that there was $18,500,000 worth of land grant bonds sold. In June, 1882, in the statistical returns for the year, laid upon the table of the Hfjuae yesterday, the Railway Company reports their sales of land grant bonds at $18,500,000 ; total sales of land, instead of 6,450,000 acres. 3,750,000 acres ; instead of $16,500,000 bonds sold, $10,000,000 were sold. Fewer acres, 2,700,000 ; fewer bohds, $8,500,000. This change in the circumstances of the Company is a great source of weakness. What I com- plain of is that, with the allegation on the part of the Minister that he was coming forward to give a perfectly frank statement of the transaction and let the whole CAT OUT OF THE BAG, a large part of the cat's tail remained inside of the bag. (Cheers and laughter.) Eight million of the cash which was expected has not been realized in this branch alone. The reason is the failure of the Canada North-West Land Company to fulfil its contract, and we hear now — what I was about to have referred to even without the hon. gentleman's statement on the subject — how intimately associated the C. P. R. Company has been with the Canada North-West Land Co. This corporation was created with a view to assisting the C. P. R. , and wag coraposed in 16 • part, I believe, of some of its originators. The peopleof this country were told it was going to be the best thing of the boom. They procured subscriptions of $10,000,000 in Canada, and they were told the deposit was all tliat would require to be paid, and that " greedy Britishers," it was said, would be so anxious to swallow the stock that Canadians would be able to send it across and sell it at an enormous premium. This was sent to England, and subscriptions, not for ten millions as expected, but for five millions, were obtained there. How much was obtained by others than the projectors I know not. I*^^ dropped, and in my opinion it did so because it was FOUNDED UPON A FAL.SE OPINION as to the amount of capital required to work transactions of this description. Subscribers expected that the sales would be made so quickly that they could carry on the business without calling upon the stockholders, and the public of England did not take to a Company involving such a large amount of liabilities which they thought would be called upon. Stockholders here paid as long as they could, and then sold for a fraction of the cost, and the loss to the capital of Canada was several millions of dollars by the operation of this Company. Now. we learn tliat our money, given to the Canadian Pacific Railway Company to build this railway, has been expended to the amount of $700,000 in sustaining the stock of the 1: . rth- West Land Co. ,— that, operations which, when they occur in banks, of bankers sustaining their own stocks, are treated very harshly, have been going oa ; and the hon. gentleman says it was quite natural and proper, within their charter, because everybody knows how deeply they were interesied in sustaining the stock. I do not think that was a proper application of the money at all. It was one which was to lead the public to believe that that stock was worth more than it really was. IT WAS A MISAPPLICATION of the funds of the Canadian Pacific Railway. Mr. Stephen says nothing at all in his statement of outside land sales or of business ; but returns to Parliament show $200,000 of bonuses at Winnipeg, and I think $490,000 for town sites, already realized. Then we did not get from him any information at all as to the working account or as to the net earnings, and I was at a loss to understand whether the $2, 128,000 which he represents as paid for dividends was provided for partly or exclusively by net earnings. I gather from the Minister's statement that the net earnings are included in the $587,000 spoken of by Mr. Stephen, and therefore he has given credit for them, though the statement would appear to show that it was money provided by the Company ; whereas it was money accrued from the running of the road, and ought to be set off against the interest paid on the capital so far. The hon. gentleman says the returns are satis- factory. I am soriy I caitBot agree with him. If I rightly read the returns of the C. P. R. for the year ending 30th June, 1882, its profits on work over expenditure are placed at about $840,000 ; and I see by the returns laid on the table its profits over the working expenses last year are placed at ' somewhere about $537,000; only the returns say nothing of that for the complete year, but give an account of the nine months which have elapsed immediately pre- ceding, showing some $900,000 odd as the earnings of those nine months. One would like to know what the true running account is, how far those nine months overlapped the previous year, what is the meaning of the disci*epancy in the results between the complete year ending 30th June, 1883, and the complete year ending 30th June, 1882. Then it was not until this evening that for the first time we learn anything as to WHAT THE STOCK HAD REALIZED. We are told nothing as to the purchase of tile other roads. One statement is that those roads cost the Company $3,200,000. I think the hon. gentleman to-night said $3,233,000, and I presume the statement ot the President was made up to the 31st of December. But taking $3,200,000 in round figures there are mortgages for five and a half millions of dollars, it is said, which would apparently make a cost of $S, 700,000 for the roads ; but if you will look at the statistical returns you will find that there is unpaid by the C. P. R. on Canada Central in round figures, $4,000,000, and on the Q. M. O. and O., $3,850,000, a total of $7,850,00). Add to this the $3,200,000 that have been paid, and you find $1,000,000 as the cost of those roads, instead of the smaller sum to which I have referred. To this has to be added, I presume, equipment and other charges. This payment of $2,300,000 as interest on deposit and purchase money, and on the equipment and other charges, will bring the cost up to a very high figure ; but, of course, it includes the nugget of gold which the Company is so delicate in speaking about — the Lauren- tian Railway. We had no information as to this until the hon. gentleman vouchsafed it to us to-night. As to the particulars of the expenditure of $3,500,000 for the roads towards the sea- board, and for the other purposes within the charter, we find now that it is considered within the charter to spend $600,000 in sustaining the stock of the Land Corporation, to buy stock in a United States Railway ; and I do not know what are the undefined purposes yet within the charter when I find these are the DEFINED AND AVOWED PURPOSES which are alleged to be included in it. (Cheers). A large sum is said to have been expended- on the line, which is not yet completed. It will not do, of course, to divide that indefinite amount over the mileage of that which is completed, because that would be to make an extravagant cost 1 17 of the mileage of the completed road, but we have no statement of what the completed railway has cost in its diflferent sections. "We ought to know what each separate link has cost so far as it has been completed. We ought to know what are the arrangements with reference to the most easterly part of that section. We ought to know the class of arrangements with reference to the central part — those entered into with the North American Construction Company with reference to the work recently terminated. Last year some infurmation was given to us. We were told what embankment vaas in the prairie section. We were told that the enormous quantity, for such a line, of 15,300 yards of embankment had been made for this company. But we did not know what had been done in other places. This year, when we are called to advance $22,000,000 and to pledge our credit for nigh ^7,500,000 r ore, we are not given so much infor- mation as was vouchsafed last year when we were told that no demand would be made upon us. (Hear, hear.) We see NOTHING IN THE PRESIDENT'S LETTERS about the contracts made. We have not the instruments of association of these contracting parties. Only two days ago I heard there was more than one, I heard there was two, perhaps three different parties operating at different times. And since then one ol the firms has unhappily dissolved, owing the C. P. C. $600,000 put in as providing for the work. What dependence, under these circumstances, can be placed on the allegation that the road will be completed for the estimated amount of $27,0(»0,000, contradicted as this is by the estimates of last year ? I doubt the estimates. I wis startled last fall to find reported the opinions of the General Manager on this subject, and they correspond so admirably with the losults as they are developed here to-night that I propose to trouble you with some statements made to a reporter by the General Manager some time about the period when the Company reached the foot of the Rockies last fall. A reporter of the Montreal Star recently interviewed Mr. Van Home with the following result : — " We are," said Mr. Van Home, " at this season of the year at the very height of our expenditure ; and it is safe to say that we are spending $100,000 a day. " Then he states what they are doing, and where they expected to be. He speaks, also, of the pass across the Selkirks, and so forth. " Our line is now located through FROM MONTREAL TO KAMLOOPS, and with anything like good luck we wiU be through to that point where we join the Government work in about two years." " How much will it cost per mile through the Rockies 1 " "We don't know." "Have you not estimated the amount beforehand?" " The Canadian Pacific Railway," replied Mr. Van Home, bracing himself up and speaking as if he wanted the reporter to understand that he meant every word he said, "has never esti- mated the cost of any work. It has not time for it. It's got i big job on hand, and it's going to put it through." "Well," said the reporter, " but if you haven't estimated the cost of the construction through the mountains, how do you know you have sufficient funds to push the road, as you are currently reported to have." " Well, if we haven't got enough we will get more, that's all about it." And so it is iretting mure. We are providing for it to night. (Cheers. ) " And how about your eastern connections ? What abcjut the North Shore ?" "That and all other matters in the east are for future consideration. I think we will do well if we get through from Montreal to the Pacific in two years " " And how about your bridge and eastern connection to the Atlantic ? " "Now, come, ' said he (and I think he must have repeated this to the Minister just before he made his speech), "it does not do to give too much publicity to all our schemes, and might do us harm." "Rumour says you will get to the Atlantic by the South -Western. I suppose it is the South-Eastem — unless that road is south-west as well as south-east — and that as a matter of fact you now control that road ? " "Not to my knowledge." "Then you will want the North Shore ? " " The question failed to elicit a reply, and the reporter, seeing that he had probably obtained as much information as possible from the General Manager, retired forcibly impressed with the resolute frankness of character displayed by the mau who is the administrative head of this great enterprise. " THAT IS GRAND, MR. SPEAKER, THAT IS GLORIOUS. That is just what any of us would do if there was no bottom to ©ur purses — if money was no object. That is just the way we would manage if we had the Dominion of Canada to back us ; to bank^or us ; to give us guarantee without authority ; law if we wanted it ; and to give us tweni^-two millions and a-half more if we wanted it. What is the need of estimates ? What difference does it make how much it costs i We have a big job and we will put it through. 2 18 (Cheers.) We huve the Government at our back, and between the Government and us we will put it through. They will find the money. We will riud what we can, and they will find the rest. I say that it was the duty of the Government before they committed themselves to the proposal to advftnce this money and to agree to this guarantee, to have had a thorough investiga- tion into the affairs of the C. P. R. Company right to the bottom. I say that it was their duty to have investigated most, thoroughly the past, prese and future. I say that it was their duty to have obtained fuU and ample information ; to h.. /e got all the details ; to have obtained a detailed estimate of the expenditure for completion ; to have ascert-ained how it was that the estimate runs so very far short of the estimate of ten months ago ; and to have established to their own satisfaction first, and f»s a preparation for the submicsion to Parliament after, all the particulars to which I have generally alluded to-night as a preliminary to their reaching a decision. (Cheers.) They did nothing of the kind. THEY DECIDED FIRST, and then they sent down two gentlemen to report as to whether they were right in coming to a decision or not, and that report is made while Parliament is sitting, within a day or two of this time ; as I say, just in preparation for this resolution being brought before the House. The hon. gentleman has said that the main line, in one of his numerous calculations, the only one which in this connection I will refer to, would cost $49,30(\000, but in this is included the float- ing debt of seven millions and a half, and the future dividends of $8,700,000, and therefore it would not cost that amount according to any fair estimate of funds provided by the Company. He said, also, that in case of default the country would get the road for, I think he said fifty- four millions, and he staked his reputation upon the accuracy of that statement. He did not calculate the lands as part of the cost. Where did the land come from ? If it came from us it is to be charged as part of the cost before he can make his calculation. Sir, the calculation is defective, and he had better submit it to Mr. Miall or Mr. Schreiber. The hon. gentleman adverted to the estimates which had been formerly made of the cost of this road. It is quite true that I submitted to the House, as a result of the calculations of my hon. friend the member for East York (Mr. Mackenzie), based upon the estimates of the engineers up to that date, the probable cost of a first-class railway from Callander to Port Moody at the sum he mentions, one hundred and twenty millions of dollars. But neither my hon. friend from East York nor myself were responsible for more than this — that they were the fair results of the engineer's estimates laid on the table. The estimates of the Company last year came EXACTLY TO THAT FIGURE. They were to spend $91,000,000 on the road from Callander to Port Moodv. The Govern.'nent sections were to cost $28,000,000, and if you add $28,000,000 to $91,000,000, you get just about $120,000,000, as nearly as possible, and if you allow a trifle — if the hon. gentleman be bending enough to-night to allow a trifle or so for the $5,000,000 for s^urveys— you will find that the \ estimate of the last year does accord with the estimates of the engineers made so long before. ! But while I felt pretty confident under these circumstances that they were probably right, my I confidence as to tbeir present attituJe is altogether shaken, because they are departing from : their own estimate and the estimate of the engineers. And they say it will cost 24.000,000 less on a capital of 91,000,000. The hon. gentleman adverted to some of my estimates of the price of the land, made in 1880. I did not think he would have done it. I was prepared for a ; good deal, but not for that, because! 1 thought he would have remembered (unfortunately he forgot) I that this was the calculation applying to the proposal of the Government and estimate of the First ' Minister, and out of his own ^outh he convicted him of extravagance. Now the hon. gentle- \ man says you estimated these figmres. The hon. gentleman says that the earnings of the road are most satisfactoiy. I hope they are. But we should have the earnings of this eastern or dis- i connected portion, and those of the western portion given separately. We want to understand ; to what extent these earnings are due to THE VERY HIGH RATES , 1 charged, so high that they were Litely reduced by 25 or 30 per cent, for east-bound grain. The i hon, gentleman says there will be no default at all, and that if there is a default what a good \ bargain the country will have. Without verifying and establishing those reduced estimates of ; the cost we have no proof that the funds provided are of themselves adequate to finish the road \ in two years. There is a third alternative — the hon. gentleman says it is either pay or hand over ; the road. I say that you may, and probably will, find the Company knocking at your doors : again for further aid. I say that if you set them the example of these lavish subsidies, deal- : ing as they have with outside enterprises, goinj^ on in the magnificent method in which they are : going on, committed as you are, not merely by taking this mortgage but by giving these guaran- : tees, you are powerless to close yoUr hands against their further demands ; and I say that , although you may put in aU these terrible clauses about the Company ceasing to own the road if | they make a default which are enough to astound the stoutest heart, if he did not know the ways ] of a Canadian Government, yet the Company may make default and not lose the road, ^e have s had the Grand Trouk, to which we made advances on first lien — very first lien, a spien^d first \ 19 • - y . lien — and where is that lien now? It is away down among the dead men. I believe it is seen in the public accounts and in our balances, but it is visible nowhere else. So it might be here. (Cheers.) It is impossible not to recognize the lesson and the story of the past when looking at the present and to the forecast of the future, and what position would the Government and Par- liament be in if at the ecd of these two years delault should be made ? Are you going to sacrifice tlie interests of those shareholders, those poor people who have spent money on the road, who have done so much good to the country, who have built the road faster than ever a road was built before and spent more money upon it than ever was spent before ? Your charity and confidence and sympathy are immense ; are you going to foreclose, hard-hearted usurers that you are ; you who thought yourselves, that said to yourselves that the security ia two or three times the price advanced, are you going to shut down and • TURN THESIS PEOPLE OUT of house and home, strip them of their palaces, take away their lordly benefactions ? Surely you will not behave so badly. (Cheers.) That will be the appeal which will be made ; that will be the appeal which will be listened to ; the past tells us what the future will be. Now, then, the hon. gentleman has stated that the prosperity of the North-West is due to the rapid construc- tion of the C. P. R., and he gave us a number of most interesting figures with reference to the development of that country in the last three years. We all rejoice in this development and are aU familiar with the figures. We have had them before us many times. We know that the North-West has grown, but the question is not without another side to it. For example, the hon. gentleman told us that he had received from the lands from the 1st of July, 1881, to the 31st Dec, 1883, $3,572,000. We know that included early payments on colonization schemes, and, therefore, does not represent anything like permanent income, but we know also that in the same period we EXPENDED IN THE NORTH-WEST on the Indians, $3,096,000 ; on the Mounted Police, $1,135,000 ; and on Dominion Lands, $1,340,000 ; a total of $5,571,000. If, therefore, we are getting' we are also paying. If it were proved that this development was due to the extreme rapidi'^y of the construction of the C . P. R. , I could have felt some force in the hon. gentleman's argument. I have denied before, and I deny to-night, that the extreme rapidity of construction has caused this development. It has tended to produce certain evils in that country rather than benefits, and a reasonable rapidity of construction would have been conducive to more permanent good. Then it was urged as import- ant that we should go fast in future — not for the development of the North-West. We have gone through the North-West already, and what is important for the North-West is the imme- diate freedom of railway communication, moderate rates, and more railways. What it is proposed to do is to hurry on the building of the railway on both sides of the North-West — on the British Columbia side and on the Ontario side — and therefore, even if you could argue that the great development of the North-West was due only to the rapid construction of the C. P. R , it would be nonsense to argue that there would be an increased development in the North-West by the rapid construction of lin«s lying far outside of that territory. The hon. gentleman has said that THE COST OF TRANSPORT is enormously reduced. I was glad to hear that cheap rates are to be given ; but when the hon. gentleman compared the old all-rail route of $31 from Quebec to Winnipeg with the new rail and water rate of $12.50, I do not think it was a fair comparison. In the first place he took the old rate instead of the present all-rail route, which is $16.64, and compared it with the new rail and water rate, which is $12. Now the hon. gentleman says the new rate is being established. That is a good thing, but he takes the responsiblility oflf the Pacific Railway and lays it on the Minister of Agriculture. I was glad to hear of this move being made. It is of the last conse- quence. We have heard that we should keep Canadian immigrants on our side for fear of being diverted to the United States. I am glad to hear that there is no danger of their landing at New York, or while travelling on their way, of being intercepted at Buffalo or elsewhere by the Yankee agents, but that steps will be taken to protect them against having any preference for the United States over Canada, and we shall be able to keep them in our own country. (Cheers.) I have always felt a certain amount of humiliation myself that we should be obUged to bring in our own immigrants through foreign countries, though I have thought that the merits of our own country would have been sufficient, even in that case, to induce them to go through to their destination in spite of the efforts of American agents. How much advantage there might be, however, in bringing out immigrants by way of New York and Buffalo, I do not know. The hon. gentleman has told us that THE CAPABILITIES OF THE NORTH-WEST ~ \ are enormous, which is true ; and he has given us an estimate of them . He has toid ua that a hundred thousand faimers would produce 64,000,000 bushels of wheat. I should certainly be glad to see his figures realized, but it is new to my experience that a man puts every acre of his rami i»to wheat, and although the North-West is a great country, I hardly think it is of that 20 character that every acre of every man's farm would produce the average yield of wheat every year. And I fancy that if it did so this return of ()4d,000,0(X) bushels is a return which would be rather laughed at than otherwise by those whf) know practically how many acres it takes in a large country, with a varied climate, to produce a ^iveu quantity of wheat. However, it is not necessary to publish fantastk; statistics. of that character to establish to the world — on the contrary I think it is injurious — the true* merits of the country. What we want to do for that purpose is to ^et authentic statements from practical men of what the country can j>roduce. (Cheers. ) Nothing can be more detrimental to the country, however, than to find peojJe complaining of op})re88ive taxation, vexatious regula- tions, high railway rates, and elevator difficulties, and who tind that prosperity has not been attainSd. It is, therefore, deeply to be regretted that we should have such actual results detailed as have to a large extent been [)ublished to the world during the last fen' months. 1 agree with the hon. gentleman in his remarks on the frost. That, no doubt, was an affliction which ex- tended over a very large extent of the territory. We may calculate that was an unexpected con- tingency, on which we need hardly count if due precautions such as the hon. gentleman has referred to are taken, though we cannot deny that there is a liability to frost in some portions of that country. Still such a calamity on a large scale is not to be expected. Casual and unex- pected as it was, it was extremely unfortunate, and if the expectations of the (iovenmient and of the country at large are not fulfilled to the extent v.e would wish, I dare say it is largely due to that unfortunate accident, for which they are not responsible. But 1 do not regret that while that occurred at A CRITICAL PERIOD, so many things have happened by our acts and the acts of our executive, which could have been prevented, and which, occurring with this unfortunate accident, damped the hopes and weakened to some extent the energies of the people in that country, and diverted to a large extent the im- migrants who would have settled in our Nortli-West to seek homes and give their energies to building up other countries. Now the whole of this proposal is placed on a very simple basis by the hon gentleman. He say's that it is not because the company want this money to complete their contract. He says, speaking somewhat more strongly than Mr. Stephen d(3es in his letter, that it is certain that the Company does not want anything whatever to fulfil their contract, and by 1891 the road will be finished, " but," he says, " we want the road to be finished at the end of 1885. A while ago it was to be finished at the end of 1H86. Now we want it to be finished at the end of 1885, and why ? Partly to develop the North- West, partly to obtain power to compete with the Northern I'acific Rail- way for trans-continental traftic. Well, as to the rules as to trade, etc., I think +nat to-day they are much more easily changed than they used to be. I think if the Canadian Pacific Rail- way is built so as to offer good access and a shorter line it will be very easily able to obtain its share of traffic. No matter whether it is constructed a year or two earlier or later, I do not believe that traffic will be prevented from going there if it is the host road, from the simple cir- cumstance that its completion is delayed a year or two, and, I say, while by lending all your energies now to the completion of the railway through the north shore of Lake Superior and through the Rocky Mountains to Kamloops, by straining every nerve to do that, you are pre- venting yourselves from doing what is most important to the North- West, and you are doing much to depress and damage the stocks of Canada instead of to improve them. There is no really tangible argument given for this EXTRAORDINARY HASTE. ** Btit," the hon. gentlemati saj^s, " the contract must not be touched. I won't interfere with it. I won't alter it in any way." But it is being interfered with. The security for the completion of the road is being handed over ; the mode of paying the subsidy is being altered from the terms of contract ; a guarantee of stock is being given which was not in the contract ; $22,- 500,CM}0 of our money is being loaned, which certainly was not embraced in the contract. Sup- posing these terms had been put in the original C. P. R, contract, would ever you have voted for it, sir ? Therefore are you changing the contract. But the hon. gentleman is right in saying that the contract is not changed in one particular. Although security is to be given by the Company, in order that the road may be built by the year 1885, it is not provided that the road shall be built by the year 1885. (Cheers.) There is no provision that the Company shall be bound to complete it by the year 1885. You are providing them with money to do it, but they are just as free as they were before, in case it is not finished by that time. Now, Sir, whatever might have been the case before now —when Parliament was called upon, as I have shown, particularly to alter the terms of this contract in favour of this Company, and to give them great concessions, to do great things for them— now is the time when we may fairly say, "If you ask, you must also give," and that we may call upon them to give up and surrender THAT ODIOUS MONOPOLY which is going to do more than any other thing to injure the North- West Territories in the years to come. I say that this is the opportunity when auch a stipulation may fairly be laads. I sjiy • 21 further, that we may fairly insist upon the resources which we are providing, which we are enabling to be provided by all these arrangements, not being applied in extensions not contem- plated by the contract, to the ^imerican seaboard to the east. The hon. gentleman has said that history does not show to-day a more courageous or daring instance of action on the part of a Company or Government thiin that of this Government when they entered into the contract. Well, it is, it was, audacious, and the very promises upon which they induced the Parliament of the country to assent to it were audacious. This night proves htiw utterly and completely the Company has failed to realize the expectations of those who favoured it, because I do not believe the country will agree for a moment that it is simply in order to finish the road in two years that we are asked to engage Canada's credit for $30,000,(X)(). When it is found work has been handled, as it has been, unfortunately ; when it is found that the Company, by ita IMPRUDENT SIANAOEMENT, have excited hostilities which have been very unfortunate for them ; that the road has been proceeded with, with reference to speed, in an unfortunate manner ; when, in consequence of the creation of its capital stock, which was unfortunate, the Company has deprived itself of the contidcnce of the world of capitalists ; it must be evident that their object is not speedy to complete the road, but to get money frqm us. The hon. gentleman has made out a case which is audacious, but let u» be prudent in