IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) % vV. ^o &?/ •% (A fA 1.0 I.I 11.25 u Hi 2.2 12.0 1.8 i^ 11 1.6 ^

^ pf'v ?v \ :\ "^^^ 6^ o "b -u^ <». ^■^".^y^ ■-signifie "A SUIVRE ", le symbole V signifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre film^s 6 des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en u.i seul cliche, i! est filmd 6 partir de i'angie supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prrnant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Le^^ diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 BY-LAW No.. / 4 BY-tAW to ruto!, 6y ««y iiu uidmrniihlng a nnw Rohool HomM in uid Tulag«, aad have appliwi U- the Manioipal Connoil ol uid Villnge to niw the anin of twt- thonund doUlun for the purpoeo* afoieuid. And wherau the Munioipa] Council ' >n >•• qoirad by law to raiie aaid anoant as rflquind. And whereat, it hai been deemed ailriiaU* by the said Manioipal Councilto raiae the aaid •moont of two thouund'4oU«n by the iame ol Debenture*. And whereaa it will require the mm of Btt Hundred 'and Sixty Dollar* to be raiaed anna, ally by ipeoial rate for the payment of aaid De- lientnret and inlereat aa alao hereinafter men- tioned. And wherea*, the whole rateable prapartyM the aaid Municipality, irr««pectiTe of any fntuv increaae of the eaiiie, and also irreipeotiTeol any iacome te bo derived from the temponuy investment of the einking fund hereinafter men- dioned, or any part thereof, according to the laat reviled asieaament roll of eaid Munioipalii^ being for the yoar one thouaand eight handroo and Bixty-eipht, waa two hnndnid and eat thousand ana fortvrone doUara.. And whereaa the existing debt of tKe ni(i Municipality is aa followa :— Principal, the iun>j of (3000, and Interest theiamof^OOOOO^mak- ing.ia the aggregate the eum of (3,000 of which . no intereat is in arrean. And whereaa, f6r paying the aaid >um 01 two thonaaad doUira and iotcreit aiul creating , • yearly sinking fund for paying the aaid ina> of two thBuaanii dollars and interest as herein' after mentioned, it will require an equal an- nual special raU of Three Mirts and three- tenth* ofaMiUintheDoUarin addition to all rate* to be levied in each year. , . Be it Iherefort Enacted by the Mnnicipd Council of the Villaue ol Petrolia; Ist. That it shall be lawful f4»ithoRoeve to . liise, by way of loan, from any persom or per. sons, bodv or bodies corporate, who nay be mlling to advance the eame upon the credit of the Debcutnree heninftfter, mentioned, a «um of money not exceeding in the whole the aum of Two Thousand Dofiare, and to cause the- aaiuu to be paid into the handa of the Treaaurer for the putpoae and trith tha object above re- cited. , . , 2nd. That it ahall be lawful for the said Keevc to cause any number of Debenturea to l» made for such Bums of money ok may be re- quired, not leaa than ona hundrtiWollara each. And that the fjud debentur«a Ehall be scaled with theaealrof the aaid Munioipal Council,, and be signed by the said Reovei 3rd That die aaid Delxntnrea ahall'b* mode payable within FOUR YEAIIS at the furthcat, from the day hereinafter mentioned for this By-Law to take etfeot, at the oUice of the Treaaurer of the said Municipality, and ahall have attached to them Coupons for the payment of interest. 4th That the aaid ! Pebentnres ahall bear interest at the rate of Eight rsr Cent, per an- num, from thi. date thereof, which interest ehall be payahI».on the thirty first day of De- cember in each year, at tha office of the Trea- surer aforesaid. 5th. That for the purpose of forming a sulk- ing fund for the payment of: aaid Delienturee and the intertsst at the rate aforesaid to liecome due thereon, nn equal special rate of Three Mills snd threetenthf of one Mill in the Dollar ehall, in adilition to all other rate*, be raised, levieil and cwiected in each year, upon all the rateable projwrty in the said Municipality dur- ing the continuance of said Debcutnres, or any put of them. "6. Thatthia By-Law shall take effect and eome into operation upon the Fourth day of May, one thousand eight hunilred and sixty- nine. 'th. Tbi'^'.hevotoof -he Elector* -shall 1* ttiicn upon this By Law at the Town H.ill, in ■aid Village, on Saturday the Twenty-fourth davof A!)ril, I8()9, at ten o'clock am,, and that John 0. Bolt shall !«■ the r'-turning officer te take the vote as aforesaid. Rei-ve. Village Clerk. TAKE NOTICE That the foregoing is a true copy of a propot- ed BylJiw which w3l b« taken into considera- tion by the Council of th.i Coriioration of th* Village of Petrolia, aftortho ciinration of on* m-aib from the first pubhcation of aaid By-Law in the Bkitish C*n*uia.'< uewepajier, published in the Town of Sarnia, in said County of I,amb- taii, the date of such pubhcation being the thirty-first day of March A. D. 1869; and that the votee of the Ele*tor»of aaid Village will be received and taken thereon, at the Town Hall, in util Village, on Saturday, the 24fh day of April next, commencing at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon, by John G. Bolt, the Clerk of uaid Corporation and the person Uierv- anto oppointcd to receive aaid votea. Dated at Petrolia, this 23rd day of March, A. D. 1897, JOHN O. BOLT, Clerk of aaid Villi^