r IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) / O .^ 1.0 I.I 1.25 '-la ■ JO == 156 Wil 2.5 2.2 1.8 lA ill 1.6 V] <^/ \ mmm for the advancemeiit of science, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24. OFFICERS OF THE ASSOCIATION. FOR THE MONTREAL MEETING. PHBSZDKNT. J. W. Dawson, of Montreal. VICE-PRESIDENTS. A. Mathematics and Astronomy— William. Harkness, of Washing- ton. — Absent. B. G. D. E. P. G. Physics— T. C. Mendenhall, of Columbus. Chemistry— H. C. Bolton, of Hartford. Mechanical Science— W. p. Trowbridge, of New Haven. Gteology and Geography- E. T. Cox, of San Frr.ncisco. Biology— W. H. Dall, of Washington. Histology and Microsoopy-A. H. Tuttle, of Columbus, H. Anthropology — Daniel Wilson, of Toronto.— Absent. I. Economic Science and Statistics— E. B. Elliott, of Washington. PERMANENT SECRETARY F. W. Putnam, of Cambridge. GENERAL SECRETARY. William Saunders, of London, Ontario. ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY. J. R. Eastman, of Washington. SECRETARIES OP THE SECTIONS. A. Mathematics and Astronomy— H. T. Eddy, of Cincinnati. B. Physics— Chas. S. Hastings, of Baltimore. C. Chemistry— Alfred Springer, of Cincinnati. D. Mechanical Science— J. Burkitt Webb in absence of Charles B. Dudley, of Altoona. E. Gteology and Gteography— H. G. Williams, Ithaca, N.Y. in absence of C. E. Dutton, of Washington. P. Biology- Wm. Osler, of Montreal, in absence of Charles S. Minot, of Boston. G. Histology and Microscopy— Robert Brown, Jr., of New Haven. H- Anthropology— Oris T. Mason, of Washington. I. Economic Science and Statistics— F. B. Hough, of Lowville. TREASURER. [William S. Vaux, the Treasurer elect, died in May last] MEM BERS OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE FOR THE MONTREAL MEETING. Past Presidenis.— James D. Dana, of New Haven ; James Hai,l, of Al- bany ; Stephen Alexander, of Princeton ; Isaac Lea, of Philadelphia ; F. A. P. Barnard, of New York ; J. S. Newberry, of New York ; B. A. Gould, of Boston ; T. Sterry Hunt, of Montreal ; Asa Gray, of Cam- bridge ; J. Lawrence Smith, of Louisville ; Joseph Lovering, of Cam- bridge John L. LeConte, of Philadelphia ; J. E, Hilgard, of Washington ; Simon Newcomb, of Washington ; O. C. Marsh, of New Haven ; George F. Barker, of Philadelphia ; George J. Brush, of New Haven. Vice-Presidents of the Last Meeting.— "^vlxapm Harkness, of Washir^on ; E. T. Cox, of San Francisco. Officers of the Present Meeting.— 1- W. Dawson, of Montreal ; Wm. Hark- ness, of Washington ; T. C. Mends;nhall, of Columbus ; H. C. Bolton, of Hartford ; W. P. Trowbridge, of New Haven ; E. T. Cox, of San Francisco ; W. H. Dall, of Washington ; A. H. Tuttle, of Columbus ; Daniel Wilson, of Toronto ; E. B. Elliott, of Washington ; F. W. Putnam, of Cambridge i Wm. Saunders, of London ; J. R. Eastman, of Washington ; H. T. Eddy, of Cincinnati ; C. S. Hastings, of Baltimore ; Alfred Springer, of Cincinnati ; J. BURKITT Webb, of Ithaca ; H. G. Williams, of Ithaca ; Wm. Osler of Montreal ; Robert Brown, jR.,of New Haven ; O. T. Mason, of Washington ; F. B. Hough, of Lowville. From the Association at Large.-On^ Fellow elected from each section. W W. Johnson, Annapolis; Dr. P. R. Hoy, of Racme; E. W. Blake, of Providence; S. A. Lattimore, of Rochester ; G. H. Cook, of New Bruns- wick ; A. J. COOK, of Lansing ; R. H. Ward of Troy ; E. W. Blake of New Haven. 8 ^ ANNOUNCEiMENT OF THE LOCAL SECRETARIES.' )f >; ^, '■ > of i; of n; of is- ew The sessions of the Association, which begun on Wednesday, August ^3rd, at lo a.m., will be held in the buildings of the McGill University. The offices of the Permanent Secretary and the Local Secretaries, with Post-office, Express, Telegraph and Telephone, will be in the central building of the College, and the General Sessions will be held in the William Molson Hall. The Queen's Hall, in University Street, will, however, serve for public evening meetings. Members are requested to call and register their names at the offices of the Permanent and Local Secretaries, in the central building, McGill College, as soon as possible after their arrival. They are requested to enter separately each member of their families accompanying them. Each person so registered will receive a ribbon, stamped with the number against his or her name on the register, and is requested to wear it during the meeting. This will greatly facilitate the local arrangements. Upon register- ing their names, members will receive a hand-book of Montreal, prepared by the Local Committee. The present programme states, as far as possible, with the exception of the papers to be read, the events of each day. The subsequent daily programmes will contain the order of papers to be read in the Sections, lists of members present, lists of members elected, and Other information. Members of the Local Committee will be in waiting at the Committee Room each day, and at the Windsor Hotel each eve- ning, to render such assistance as may be needed, and will be designated by a badge. Members of the Lodging Committee may also be found in the same places at the same times. Members of the Railway Committee will be in attendance at the Committee Room, daily, to give such information as may be in their power. Members of the Excursion Committee will be in attendance at the same place, and members of the Association intending to avail themselves of the opportunities offered, will please register their names for the several excursions as soon as possible. The excursion to Ottawa by the Canadian Pacific Railway, that to Quebec by the Richelieu & Ontario Go's steamer, re- turning by North Shore Railway, that to Lake Memphremagog by the South Eastern Railway, and that to Lachine by the Grand Trunk Railway, are given by these lines free of charge. Through the liberality of the Western Union Telegraph Co., and the Great North-Western Telegraph Company, telegraphic mes- sages relating to family, social or scientific matters, will be sent Irom Montreal, during the meeting, for members of the Associa- tion free of charge to all parts of the United States and Canada. Members going to hotels will be taken thither with baffffage at twenty-five cents. There will also be omnibuses plying between the College and the principal hotels for a fare of len cents. Ihese omnibuses will be marked, A.A.A.S. There will be a daily luncheon in a temporary building in the College grounds, for which tickets may be purchased at the door The Association Post-office will be found in the central bmlding of the College. The office will be open from 8 am to 6 pm.. from August 22nd to 31st, excepting on Sunday, when It will be open only from 2 to 4 o'clock p.m. Mails will be received three times a day ': at 8 a.m., 10 a m and at 2 p.m. Letters will be sent to the main office at 2 p m" 5 p.m., and at 6.30 p.m. Express packages will be received and delivered at the Association Post-office. The City Directory, Pathfinder, Railway Time-tables, Railway Guides, ^c, will be found at the office of the Local Secretaries. Representatives of the press in attendance upon the meeting can obtain special tickets on application to the Local Secretaries'! General invitations have been extended to the members of the Association by : — The Library and Museum of McGill University • The Library of the Mechanics' Institute of 'Montreal, St James Street ; The Gallery of the Art Association of Montreal, Phillips Square- The Museum of the ^Natural History Society of Montreal University Street ; ' The Collections of the Numismatic Society in the Natural History Society's building. University Street ; The Reading Room of the Young Men's Christian Association, Victoria Square ; Merchants' Exchange Reading Room, St. Sacrament Street ; EXCURSION TO LACHINE AND DOWN THE RAPIDS. Persons desiring to make this trip may leave the Bonaventure Depot either at 7 a. m., 7.55 a. m., or p.t 5 p. m. on any week day from the 23rd to the 30th inst. The ticket, with which each will be provided by application at the office in McGill College, must be given up on board the steamer at Lachine. EXCURSION TO QUEBEC. Persons desiring to make this excursion will leave in the Str. Canada, of the Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co., at the Jac- ques Cartier Wharf, on Friday, the zsth inst., at 7.45 p. m., s/iar/>. Breakfast will be provided on board after 7. a. m. on the follow- ing morning. The return will be made by train leaving the Quebec depot of the North Shore Railway at 6.45 p.m., s/iarp, on Saturday. Sleeping-berths and tickets may be secured at the office. EXCURSION TO OTTAWA. Persons desiring to make this excursion will leave the Mile End Station, of the Canadian Pacific Railway, on Saturday the 26th inst., at 7.30 a. m., s/iarp. The return train will leave Ottawa at 6 p. m., s/iarp. For the accommodation of a limited number who may wish to remain in the Capital for a longer time, the Canadian Pacific Rail- way Co. have kindly offered to make special provision by the ordinary train on Monday. EXCURSION TO NEWPORT. Persons desiring to join this excursion will leave the Bonaven- ture Depot on Thursday, the 31st inst., at 8 a.m., sharp. The S. E. R. will entertain the excursionists at dinner at the Mem- phremagog House, Newport. The Steamer Lady oj the Lake will then leave for a trip on the lake. The train will leave for Montreal at 6.30 p.m., sharp. EXCURSION TO HARBOUR, VICTORrA URIDGE, AND GRAND TRUNK WORKSHOPS. Wha^? w"r'*°r ^°™'"''''°-"' »'e='n>er mil leave .l,e Mand- au7p „":::; T " ^, "■'"■' "'"'■ ''"•■"'■"^ "■» c"-' °- - shopsf etc ' "- '"' ™" ""^ ^'"""^ I'"JS0. Work. Qf : "rsL\?d'"oro^ -- ir^ Jr 'r ^ '- and return bv the Mnrm qu n ■. ^^^'8:ation Co s steamer, y these companies free of cost T Jk wr;,W '"h'M ""'""■ ''"-"'""^ «-'*'-• »" Grand runK Workshops is by the courtesv of the Hirhr^,,, r- ■ • ers and the Grand Trunk Railway Co Commission- IROQUOIS HOUSE, ST. HILAIRE. for^'atal": ™;:""' "'"^ •'■ *■ ^- '■ ^'---Campbell Brothers. ' McGill n °' "'°''' '"^" "> P™"'*!* »" °'""il".s from McGUI University at ; p. m. to the G. T. R, Station for train a" o h':erdo;i:r Th " :r ''■ "''"''-■ -'"'''■ '^^ -" ^-'^"- ciose'ro:' mi:;. it^r.rr 1^ i iz i::r r "-''- '- availing themselves of thL iSbel^l .erms ' '"'* ""'^ LOKNE HOUSE, VARENNES MINERAL SPRINGS VARENNES, P. Q. rents' ZV'T'"''' ''^^' ^' ^"^ ^^ ^^^ --^ popular summer resorts m Canada, may be reached by Steamer Lvino- t Cartier Wharf at ;: D m P.. • { ^^^^mer leaving Jacques at ^ CO . l.^" ^et"'-"^"? the Steamer leaves Varennes at 7.50 a. m., reaching Montreal at 9 a. m. varennes The trip through the St. Lawrence is delightful and will K. found refreshing after a days Association work! " ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE PERMANENT SECRETARY. Members will please call at the office of the Permanent Secre- tary, central building. McGill University, as soon as possible after arrival, to receive their members' tickets. All assessments and admission-fees must be paid at the office of the Permanent Secretary, and the assessment for the meeting must be paid before registering with the Local Secretaries. A list of newly elected members will be kept at the office of the Permanent Secretary, and the admission fee of $5.00 and assessment of $3.00 must be paid before membership is secured. Members will please report any change of permanent address, or the decease of other members, at the office of the Permanent Secretary. Blanks for entering the Tit.es of Communications and for Recommendation to Membership can be obtained at the office of the Permanent Secretary. A subscription-list for the Montreal volume will be opened at the office of the Permanent Secretary ; and subscriptions are solicited from friends of the Association, and from such members as v/ish to obtain duplicate copies of the volume. Every person subscribing ^1.50 or more, will receive a copy of the volume, by mail, as soon as published. The volumes of the Proceedings of the Association can be obtained from the Permanent Secretary at the price of $1.50 per volume ; or any member wishing for ten or more volumes, in order to complete a set, may obtain them at |i. 00 per volume. The volumes may be had bound in cloth for the extra price of 50 cts. each, or in half morocco for the extra price of $1.00 each. Uniform cloth covers for the volumes will be furnished by mail 8 at 30 cts. each, or by express for 25 cts each r ■ r 2. ". 27 and 28 will be received in u ^^"' °^ ^"''""'^^ or will be purchased at « 00 h It"^^ '" ^''^'^ ^^'"'"^'^' .7 can only be furnished to L^be^ ^'^ T" °' ^°'""^^' obtained. members, or on orders, as thoy are The Memoir on Fossil Butterflies, by Mr S H 9.. ^ 1 I'shed by the donation of Mrs Flizab.th tk '"■' ^"^• Will be furnished at $2.00 coj^ t , ?'"'7"' ^^"' '«75. morocco. The Trnn»o ♦• .' ^^'^^ ''°""^' m half Geo,o,s.s a/^Lixrr;," r .iTr r^"-- »' be obtained at «, oo a rnn„ „ k :' *^' '"'""'' '" '='°"'' "» attemio^t ttt;„:::"ro ''■'^ "^""""^ '^""■■"■"- ""«> Proceedings of t;;ro:t°?rst:e!,:rr:;:™'"'"'' -^ "-^ done witliout the nber,-,T T ."""=°"''l "« >>« interested, and aLtlh—ro'th-:?'''^ ""^ °'^^'' setsoftheProceedinrrco • '^ °"^ '°-' ^^'^ purpose. As full or .he iate ^nc^ ■:^r ^S! i^rhttLrt^^^^ := ni-i[:^'-i- ^" " ~™ Of copies ren,ai„^"slc Pi 1':?: r?"'^^'"^" """"'" earnestly solicited and »ll T ,, ^ *"°""' "f" ">orefore subscribers. The S creta .h, T , '" ' P"""='' "« <" have airead, been rSr;; 1' H^^^ZTr"' '"'' ^"^ that Gen. Wm Liilv h.. ""noers for th,s purpose, and stereotyping orvolum . S'ven$,ooo for the re-prin.ing and P.eas„reto/dd thai ire^ber^ho'rhrTo t"T ''^^ '"^ S.venS850 Since the Montreal n^ee^ng has begun ""■" "" Those paying since thaM TIT ^'^'"°'" '° "^"8"*' '7th. a. Montreal, wurreceive the '' "'''"^ back-assessments «.ail early <; SepreX, " '"" '° "'"^' '"^^ ^'^ ^''''^^ ^^ MORNING. Meeting of the Standing Committee at 9 o'clock, at th« Windsor Hotel. General Session in the Molson Hall, at 10 o'clock. Meetings of the Sections directly after the adjournment of General Session. Section B. — Physics. (Will meet in Library, First Floor, Presbyterian College.) Vice-President. — T. C. Mendenhall, of Columbus. Secretary. — Charles S. Hastings, of Baltimore. I Sectional Committee. T. C. Mendenhall, of Columbus. Charles S. Hastings, of Baltimore. C. K. Wead, of Ann Arbor. A. E. Dolhear, of College Tlill. H. a. Rowland, of Baltimore. Nominating Committee. T. F. Jewell, of Newport. Sub- Committee on Nominations. T. C. Mendenhall, of Columbus. C. S. HaoTIngs, of Baltimore. N. D. C. Hodges, of Cambridge. J. D. Murdoch, of Annapolis. PAPERS TO BE READ IN SECTION B ON THURSDAY. 1. (2) The color of the Sun. 30 m. S. P. Langley. 2. (s) Danger from Lightning increased by Telegraph wires. 5 rn. Stephen S. Haight. 3. (63) On the Apparent "ize of Magnified Objects. 20 m. Wm. H, Brewer. 4. (64) On Vision by the Light of the Electric Spark. 15 m. W. LeConte Stevens. 5. (33) Atomic Phyllotaxy. 10 m. Pliny Earle Chase. 6. (94) On Secondary Batteries. 15 m. George F. Barker. I 10 Section D. — Mechanical Science. (Will meet in Class Room No, 15, Second Floor, Centre Building.) Vice-President. — W. P. Trowbridl>e, of New Haven. Secretary. — J. Burkstt Webb, of Ithaca. Sectional Committee. W. P. Trowbridge, of New Haven. J. B. Webb, of Ithaca. PAPERS TO BE REA.D IN SECTION D.— THURSDAY. 1. (15) Newly discovered absolute limit to Economic Expan.lon in the Steam Engine. 10 m. R. H. Thurston. 2. (42) Transverse Strength of large Spruce Beams. 25 m. Proj. Gaetano Lanza. 3. (90) A review of the subjects of atmospheric currents.electricity and gases, with a view to practical Aerial Navigation by nieai's of Balloons. 25 m. Joseph L'Etoile. 4. (93) St. Lawrence Bridge and Manufacturing Scheme. 40 m. F. Foster Bateman. 5. (118) A method of Cutting Screws of Increasing Pitch. 15 m. J. Burkitt Webb. 6. (121) The Permeability of the Linings of Housewalls to air. 10 m T. R. Baker, 7. (127) The future of the Balloon as a practical means of aeria) travel. 25 m. W. H. Lynch. 8. (131) Indicator Attachment for High Speeds. 25 m. J. Burkitt Webb. 11 Section E. — Geology and Geography. (Will meet in Theatre Room in Museum.) Vice-President. — E. T. Cox, of San Francisco. Secretary. — H. B. Willi AM.s, of Ithaca. Sectional Committee. E T. Cox, of San Francisco ; H. B. Williams, of Ithaca ; C. H. Hitchcock, of Hanover ; N H. Winchell, of Minnea- polis ; E. T. Nelson, of Delaware. Nomination Committee, J. W. Spencer, of Paxton. Sub-Committee on Nominations. P. W. Sheafer, of Pottsville ; Alex. Winchell, of Ann Arbor ; Wm. Lilly, of Mauch Chunk. PAPERS TO BE READ IN SECTION E.— THURSDAY. 8i) On the relations of Dictyophyton, Phragmodictyum and similai: forms with Uphontaenia. 30 m. James Hall. (82) Note upon the genus Plumalites. 15 m. James Hall. i) A Source of the bituminous matter in the Ohio Black Shale, (Huron Shale of Newberry.) 20 m. Ed. Orton. 9) Contribution to Seismology. 25 m. Richard Owen. 11) The Topography and Geology of the Great Salt Lake Valley. 12 m. William Bross. 22) Pre-glacial channel of Eagle River, Lake Superior. 12 m. Charles Whittlesey. 39) Recent Discoveries of Fossil Fiohes in the Devonian Rocks of Canada, ism. J. F. Whiteaves. 46) The Eozoic Rocks of Central and Southern Europe, 15 m. T. Sterry Hunt. 47) The Serpentines of Italy. 10 m. T. Sterry Hunt. 49) Note on the occurrence of Siphonotreta Scotica in the Utica formation near Ottawa, Ont. 5 m. J. F. Whiteaves. 62) Arctic Explorations in North America. m. John Rae. 66) Recent Investigations and Paleontological Discoveries in the Wappin^er Lime Stone of Dutchess and neighbor- ing counties. New York. 30 m. Wm. B. Dwight. 72) A Mastodon Americanus in a Beaver Dam near Freehold, N. J. 10 m. Samuel Lockwood. 75) Silicified Stumps of South Park, Col. 15 m. Robert B. Warder. 4- 5- 6. 7- 9- 10. 1 1 12 13 14 12 i\ : ii Section F. — Biology. (Will meet in Room No. 2, in Museum.) Vice-President.—^ . H. Dall, of Washington. Secretary.— '^YLiAKVL Osler, of Montreal. Sectional Committee. W. H. Dall, of Washington. William Osier, of Montreal. J. A. Lintner, of Albany. W. J. Beal, of Lansing. H. F. Bassett, of Waterbury. Nominating Committee, Lester F. Ward, of Washington. PAPERS TO BE READ IN SECTION F.— THURSDAY. The Fertilization of Yucca. Address by Thomas Meehan. 1. (24) Demonstration of a series of Brains prepared by Giacomin's method. 5 m, William Osler. 2. (42) Description of a new species of Alcyonoid Polyp. 10 m. RoBT. E. C. Stearns. 3. (ySjOn the Polymorphism of Lycaenapseudargiolus. 15 m. W. H. Edwards. 4. (100) Note on the Sterility of the Canada Thistle at Yellow Springs, Ohio. 10 m. E. W. Claypole. 5. (113) On the Mouth of the larva of Chrysopa. 5 m Wm. Saunders. 6. (91) Cross Heredity from sex to sex. 15 m. Mrs. a. B. Blackwell. 7. (52) Some remarks on the Flora of North America. Prof. Asa Gray. Section I. — Economic Science and Statistics. (Will meet in French Class Room, Second Floor, Centre Building.) Vice-President. — E. B. Elliott, of Washington. S'cretary.—Y. B. Hough, of Lowville. Sectional Committee. E. B. Elliott, of Washington. F. B. Hough, of Lowville, PAPERS TO BE READ IN SECTION I.— THURSDAY. 137. I. Notes upon some methods and results of collecting statis- tical matter by mail. 1 o m, Charles W. Smiley. 152. I. On International Standard Time. 30 m. E. B Elliott. 13 Section H. — Anthropology. (Will meet in the Molson Hall, Centre Building.) Vice-President — Daniel Wilson, of Toronto, {absent). Secretary. — Otis T. Mason, of Washington. Sectional Committee. 4 Otis T. Mason, of Washington. A. S. Bickmore, of New York. Garrick INIallery, of Washington. N. S. Townshend, of Columbus. Nomination Committee. Horatio Hale, of Clinton. Sub-Committee of Nomination. Otis T. Mason, of Washington. J. Owen Dorsey, of Washington. Geo. H. Perkins, of Burlington. Joseph Anderson, of Waterbury. PAPERS TO BE READ IN SECTION H.— THURSDAY. 1. (53) A Scheme of Anthropology. 15 m. Otis T. Mason. 2. (14J The Cross and the Crucifix. 5 m. Charles Whiti'lesey. 3. (17) Notice of a collection of Sioux Weapons and articles of Dress. 5 m. G. H. Perkins. 4. (18) Recent Archaeological discoveries in Vermont. lo m. G. H. Perkins. 5. (31) Stone implements from Bomoseen and Castleton Valleys. 10 m. J. McNab Currier 6 (54) A Stone Grave in Illinois, ism. Charles Rau. m 14 AFTERNOON. Recess for lunch from i to half-past 2 o'clock. Tickets for lunch can be purchased at the door of tent. Meetings of the Sections at half-past 2 o'clock. Section A. — Mathematics and Astronomy. (Will meet in Room 3, Second Floor, Presbyterian College.) Vice-President.— V7iLhiAM Harkness, of Washington. — Absent. Secretary.— U. T. Eddy, of Cincinnati. Sectional Committee. H. P. Eddy, of Cincinnati ; G. W. Hill, of Washington ; Leonard Waldo, of New Haven ; C. A. Young, of Princeton. Nomination Committee. W. W. Payne, of Northfield. Sub-Committee on Nomination. H. P. Eddy, of Cincinnatti : F. A. Sherman, of Hanover ; R. W. Wilson, of Cambridge ; C. H. Rockwell, of Tarrytown. The Address of Vice-President Harkness will be read bv Prof Eastman at the opening of the Section. PAPERS TO BE READ IN SECTION A.-THURSDAY. 2. (138) Parallax of a Lyral and 61 Cygni, by Prof Hall. 18 m. (40) Description of the new 23 inch Equatorial recently erected in the Halstead Observatory, at Princeton, N. J., by Prof. C. A. Young. 15 m. (73) Inverse Elliptic Functions and the Imaginary Period by Prof. W. W. Johnson, (35) A correction in Newton's Principia in regard to the time of the approach of two Spheres, by Prof. De Volson Wood. 5 m. (153) A mode of representing any cyclical fact in meteoroloffv. by W. E. Hamilton. 5 m. ^^ (147) Note on an experimental solution of a problem in the doctrine of chances, by Prof. T. C. Mendenhail. 8 m. (32) A. Conservatism of Solar Energy, by Prof Pliny Earle I c 15 8. (37) On the Arithmetic of Chords, by C. P. Hart. 15 m, 9. (48 ) Circular Co-ordinates, and Complex Anharmonic Ratios. by Prof. W. W. Johnson. 25 m. Section C. — Chemistry. (Will meet in Chemical Class Room, First Floor, Centre Building.) Vice-President, — H. C. Bolton, of Hartford. Secretary. — Alfred Springer, of Cincinnati. Sectional Committee, H. C. Bolton, of Hartford. Alfred Springer, of Cincinnati. Geo. C. Caldwell, of Ithaca Robert C. Kedzie, of Lansing. E. W, Morley, of Londson. Nominating Committee. A. A. Julien, New York. Paul Schweitzer, Columbia. A. R. Leeds, Hoboken. PAPERS TO BE READ IN SECTION C— THURSDAY. 1. (50) On the causes which render flour and organic dust explo- sive, with suggestions for the prevention of such explo- sions. 10 m. Thomas W ToDiN. 2. (68) Action of water at 100" C. on the B. Phenyltribrompro- pionic Acid. 15 m. Leonard P, Kknnicutt. (69) Preliminary Notice of anew Organic Base. 5 m. Albert R. Leeds. 3. (3) Application of Organic Acids to the examination of Min- erals. 20 m. H, Cakrington Bolton. 4. (95) The action of Basic Hydrate on Chlortribrompropionic Acids. 15 m. C F. Mabery and Ralph Wilson (96) On certain substituted Acrylic and Propionic acids. 25 m. C F. Mabery and F C. Robinson. 5. (130) Notes on effects of different soils upon soluble Phos- phates. 10 m. Chas. W. Dabney, Jr. ^« (97) O" the Products of the Distillation of Wood at low temperatures >? m. C. F. Mabery. 7. (128) Some Derivatives of Isopicraminic acid. 15 m. Charles W. Dabney, Jr. (129) A Benzoyl Anhydro Acid from T>Metamidosalicylic. 10 m. Chas. W. Dabney, |r. 16 By recommendation of the Sectional Committee the following paper will be made the special order for Mo.vuav afternoon : (+4) Experimental Researches on the Sources of Nitrogen in ^'°P^* ^- ]■ B. Laaves and J. W. Gilbert. Section G.— Histology and Microscopy. (Will meet in Room No. 3. in Museum.) Vice-President.— K. H. Tuttle, of Columbus. Secretary.— Kq^y.^t Brown, Jr., of New Haven. Sectional Committee. A. H. Tuttle, of Columbus. Robt. Brown, Jr., of New Haven. A B. Hervey, of Taunton. Louis Elsbury, of New York. Romyn Hitchcock, of New York. Nominating Committee. J. D. Haytt, of Morrisania. Sub-Committee on Nominations. G. H. Tuttle, of Columbus. Robt. Brown, Jr., of New Haven. G. O. Mitchell, of New York. T. J. Bunille, of Champaign. C. C. Merriman, of Rochester. PAPERS TO BE READ IN SECTION G.-THURSDAY. 1. (154) On Angular Aperture in relation to Biological Investi- _ /,,\ f. ^°"' ^ . ^ , ^ ^^^^- B. Carpenter. 2. (23) Demonstration of the Bacillus of Tuberculosis, ro m. 3. (25) The third Corpuscular element in the Blood. 10 m^^^' 4. (26) The development of Blood Corpuscle in the bone-mar-* 5. (27) Note on the Microcytes of the Blood, and their'^probabfe °"«""- 5 "^. W. OSLER. EVENING. p ^^^? m" ^^ '^^ P^^esident of THE ASSOCIATION in the Peter Redpath Museum and formal opening of the Museum, at 8 o'clock TITLES OF PAPERS ENTERED. {Conlimtcd from page 27.) '35- E. 136. E. '37- I- 138. A. 139. E. 140. F. i + i. E. 142. E. 143. E. 144. E. 145. H. 146. G. 147. B. 148. B. 149. F. 15c. F. Occurrence of Magnetic ore deposits in Victoria County Ontario. m. W. Hamilton Mkrritt- The Undulations of the Rock-masses across Central New York State. 15 m. Henry S. Williams. Notes upon some methods and results of collecting statis- tical matter by mail. 10 m. Chas. W. Smiley. Parallax of a Lyrae and b Cygni. 18 m. Prof. A. Hall. Freshwater lignitic series of beds in the Cretaceous for- mation of France. D. W. Kowalensky. The Jessup Collection to illustrate American Forestry in the Museum of Natural History, Central Park, New York. ID m. Albert S. Bickmore. On the surface limit of the thickness of the Continen- tial glacier in New Jersey and adjacent States, with notes on glacial phenomena in the Catskills. 15 m. John C. Smock. Terraces and Beaches about Lake Ontario. 5 m. J, W. Spencer. Occurrence of Graptolities in the Niagara Formation of Canada. 6 m. J, W. Spencer. The Caves of Staflfa and their relation to the ancient civi- lization of lona. 15 m. F, Cope Whitehouse. A find Ceremonial weapons in Florida. 10 m. A. E. Douglas. On the Epidermis of Marsipobranches. 15 m. A. H. Tuttle, Note on an experimental solution of a problem in the Doctrine of Chances. 8 m. T. C. Mendenhall. On the Reduction of the electrical resistance of the car- bon button by the passage of an electrical current. 5 m. T. C. Mendenhall. Achaenodon from the Bridger Eocene Beds. 15 m. Henry F. Osborn. Notes on some of the peculiarities incident to the Dis- eases of Fruits. I <; m. D. P. Penhallow. 18 r >5'- 52- 53- 5+. 55- 56. 57- 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63- 64. 65. B. 1. A. G. C. F. H. C. F. A. E. C. C. B. 66. B. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71- 72- 73- 74- B. B. B. E. G. B. B. Radiiint Heat an Exception to th-j second law of Therm- odynamics. 10 m. II. T. Ejujy. On International Standard Time. 30 m. E. B. Elliott. A mode of representing an^ cyclical fact in Meteorology. 5 m- W. E. Hamilton. , An Angular Aperture in relation to Biological Investiga- tions. 8 m. W. B. Cari'enter. Pemberton's method for the volumetric determination of Phosphoric Acid. 10 m. C.C.Caldwell. The Organic Compounds in their relations to life. 30 m. Lester F. Ward. , Anthropology. 20 m. Clinton Roosevelt. Notes on the Present Status of Sanitary Inspection, with special reference to the Examination of Water and Air. 10 m. RoMYN Hitchcock. Observations on the Elm-leaf, Beetle (Galeruca Xantho- melaelna) 10 m. G. Macloskie. On the temperature of the Sun. 10 m. A. E. Dolhear. The motion of roots and radicles of Indian Corn and Beans. 15 m, W. S. Beal. Suggestions as to the History of the Lower Coal mea- sures of Ohio. 20 m. Edward Orton. Carbon dioxide in the Atmosphere. 20 m. Ernest H. Cook. A simple Laboartory Appliance. 10 m. Ernest H. Cook. On Electrical Conduction vs. Induction. 10 m. A. E. Dolbear. On the Telephon as an explorer in an electric field. """• A. E. Dolbear. On Vortex Ring Phenomena. 5 m. A E. Dolbear. On Telegraphing without Wires. 10 m. A. E. Dolbear. On the constitution of Magnets. 5 m. A. E. Dolbear. On the character of Heat. 10 m. A. E. Dolbear. The Glacial Flood of the Connecticut River Valley. 15 m. c. H. Hitchcock. A new form of constant Injection Apparatus. 12 m, William Libbey. A study of the problem of fine rulings with reference to the limit of naked eye visibility and microscopic reso- lution. 24 m. ' W. A. Rogers. Determination of the relation ; Metre des Archives = Imperial Yard X 3.87015 inches. 18 m. W. A. Rogers. MEMBERS ELECTED. AUGUST 23rd. 1 Col. James W. Abert, Newport, Ky. 2 U. E. Archambault, Montreal. 3 Rev. Wm. D. Armstrong, Ottawa, O. 4 Miss Mary Austin, Milton, Mass. 5 Frank Baker, M. D., 366 C St. Wash- ington, D. C. 6 Prof. Philip S. Baker, Ashbury Uni- versity, Greencastle, Ind. 7 Miss Mary A. Baldwin, Newark, N. J. 8 H. Ballard, Principal, Lenox Academy, Lenox, Mass. 9 Charles H. Banes, Philadelphia, Pa. 10 Martha M. Barker, Lowell, Mass. 1 1 Henry Barnard, Hartford, Conn. 12 F. Foster Bateman, Montreal. 13 Pierre Janvier Ubalde Baudry, Beau- harnois, P. Q. 14 Delos W. Beadle, St. Catharines, Ont. 15 Thomas Beall, Lindsay, Ont. 16 J. Alphonse U. Beaudry, C. E., Mon- treal, P. Q. 17 Alexander Melville Bell, Georgetown, D. C. 18 Chichester A. Bell, Washington, D.C. 19 Mrs. Albert S. Bickmore, New York. 20 George John Bowles, Montreal. 21 Milton H. Brissitte, Montreal. 22 Prof. C. J. Brown, Chamberlain Insti- tute, Randolph, N.Y. 23 Prof. William H. Burr, Troy, N.Y. 24. Lt.-Comdr. Albert G. Caldwell, Torpe- do Station, Newport, R.L 25 H. L. Cargill, Montreal. 26 Charles Carpmael, Director of Magnetic Observatory, Toronto, Ont. 27 John Healey Childe, Boston, Mass. 28 Prof. John Mason Clarke, Smith College, Northampton, Mass. 29 Miss Cornelia M. Clapp, South lladley, Mass. 30 Amory Coffin, Phoenixville, Pa. 31 Miss Emma Oberin Conro, Keesville, N.Y. 32 Dr. B. E. Cotting, Roxbury, Mass. 33 Francis William Crosby, Washington, D.C. 34 Hon. Rodney R. Crowley, Randolph, N.Y. 35 Miss Elizabeth Curtis, Boston, Mass. 36 Abijah Curtiss, Yonkers, New York. 37 Peter C. Dempsey, Trenton, Ont. 38 Wm. H. Dennis, Assist. U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D.C. 39 John M. Denton, London, Ontario. 40 J. Richards Dodge, Dept. Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 41 Rev. James Owen Dorsey, Bureau of Ethnology, Washington, D.C. 42 Andrew E. Douglas, New York. 43 Walter Angus Dun, M. D., London, England. 44 Richard J. Dunglison, M. D., Philadel- phia, Penn. 45 Robert G. Eccles, M.D., Brooklyn,N.Y. 46 President J. T. Edwards, Chamberlain Institute, Randolph, N.Y. 47 William Cole P2sty, Amherst College, Amherst, Mass. 48 Frank H. Fairfield, Amherst, Mass. 49 A. G. Fenwick, M.D., London, Ont. 50 Bernhard E. Fernow, Slatington, Penn. 51 James Ferrier, Jr., Montreal. 52 Walter F. Ferrier, Montreal. 53 Sanford Fleming, Chancellor of the Queen's University. Ottawa, Ont. 54 James Fletcher, Library of Parliament, Ottawa, Ontario. 55 Wm. W. Folwell, Minneapolis, Minn. 56 Cyrus G. Force, Jr., Cleveland, Ohio. 57 Rev. T. W. Fyles, Cowans ville, P.Q. 58 Benjamin D. Gilbert, Utica, N.Y. 59 H. D. Garrison, Chicago, 111. 60 Stephen Samuel Haight, New York, N.Y. 61 Miss Mary Male, Roxbury, Mass. 62 R. G. Haliburton, Ottawa, Ont. 63 Lyman B. Hall, Haverford College, Penn. 64 Albert P. Hallock, New York, N.Y. 65 Henry Harding, Salem, Mass. 66 Miss A. Maria Harmon, Ottawa, Ont. 67 Dr. P. L. Hatch, Minneapolis, Minn. 68 Henry Hemming, Finance Department, Quebec. 69 N. H. Heming, Minneapolis, Minn. 70 F. H. Herrick, Burlington, Vermont. 71 Charles N. Hewitt, Minneapolis, Minn. 72 Prof. Lewis E. Hicks, Denison Univer- sity, Granville, Ohio. 73 John S. Hicks, Roslyn, N.Y. 74 Joseph Lawrence Hills, South Boston, Mass. 75 Miss Mary H. Hinckley, Milton, Mass. 76 Arthur Hollick, New Brighton, N.Y. 77 Miss Rose Hollingsworth, Milton, Mass. 78 Joseph Holt, M.D., New Orleans, La. 79 Geo, Henry Hudson-. Platts.lnn-gh, N.Y. 80 Ray Greene Huling, Fitchburg, Mass. 20 87 88 89 I02 103 ?94 loS io6 107 108 109 122 123 124 81 Charles VV. Hutchinson, Utica, N.Y. 82 George lies, Montreal. 83 John G. Jack, Chateaiiguay Basin, Due. 84 Mrs. Isabella James, Cambridge, Ma'ss. 85 Lewis C. Jones, Hartford, Conn. 86 William Schuyler Johnson, Washington, Frof. James Kirkland, Toronto, Ontario. J^r. Isidore Kitzie, Cincinnati, Ohio. Miss Elizabeth G. Knight, New York. N. Y. ' 90 J- C. Lathrop, Bridgeport, Conn. 91 L. A. Huguet-Lutour, Montreal. 92 Prof. George Lawson, Dalhousie College, Halifax, Nova Scotia. 93 Prof. Geo. Dudley Lawson, Cambridge, Mass. 94 Edward W. Lee, M.D., Randolph, N. Y. 95 Joseph Libbey, Georgetown, D. C. 96 Mrs. Rachel Lloyd, Louisville, Ky. 97 Horatio Loomis, Burlington Vt. 98 Prof. Thomas R. Lounsbury, Yale Col- lege, New Haven, Conn. 99 Joseph L'Etoile, Dept. Interior, Quebec. ICX3 John VV. Lovell, New York, N. Y. 1 01 Albert Lufkiii, Newton, Iowa. Prof. I,ouis L. Mclnnis, College Station, Texas. W. 11. Manning, Reading, Mass. Prof. Wm. J. Martin, Davidson College, N. C. Prof. Samuel T. Maynard, Mass. Agri- culture College, Amherst, Mass. W. Hamilton Merritt, Toronto, Ont. Capt. James H. Merryman, U.S.R.M., New York. President James Mills, Ontario, Agri- cultural College, Guelph, Ontario. . T. Wesley Mills, Montreal, no William Hamilton Mills, Hamilton, Ont. 111 Mrs. Mary E. Morgan, Rochester, N.Y. 112 Charles J. Morse, Youngstown, Ohio. 113 Capt. John H. Mortimer. 1 14 William Muir, Montreal, 115 John P- Munn, M.D., New York, N.Y. 116 Henry M. Newington, St. Louis, Mo. 117 Stephen Prendergast, Phcenix, N. Y. 118 Arthur Perkins, Hartford, Conn. 119 George Phelps, Nashua, N. II. 120 Dr. Cyrus Newlin Pierce, Media, Penn. 121 Louis H. Pignold, Montreal. Prof. JoL --n T. Piatt, Yale College. New Haven, Conn. Frederick B. Power, Ph. D., Philadel- delphia, Pa. Prof. George D. Purinton, University of Des Moines, Des Moines, Iowa. 125 John Stephen Renninger, M. D., Min- rieota, Minnesot.''.. 138 139 140 141 126 Edgar Richards, Washington, D. C. 127 Bates S. Hideout, Lewiston. Maine. 128 Mrs. Susan Riley, Mobile, Alabama. 129 Thomas S. Roberts, Minneapolis, Maine. 130 Thomas P. N. Rogers, Burlington, Vt. 131 Rev. James Roy, Montreal. 132 Prof. Alvah Horton .Sabine, University of Vermont, Burlingcon, Vermont. 133 Mary Jane SafTord, M.D., Boston, Mass. 134 Daniel Elmer Salmon, Asheville, N. C. »3S J- W. Sanborn, Hanover, N. H. 136 George H. Seyms, Hartford, Conn. 137 Chas. S. Shultz, Hoboken, New Jersey. Dr. Hrbt. E. Smith, New Haven, Conn. Miss Marian M. Smead, Batavia, N. Y. Marcell N. Smith, Boston, Mass. Thomas H. Smith, Chicago, 111. 142 Miss Augusta J. Solomons, Sumter, S.C. 143 Miss Kate C. Solomons, Sumter, S.C. 144 Miss Maude Cohen Solomons, Sumter. S. C. , 145 Jas. H. Stibbins, Jr., New York, N.Y. 146 Horace Ed. Stockbridge, Amherst, Mass. 147 Levi Stockbridge, ' Amherst, Mass. 148 Lincoln R. Stone, xvf.D., Newton, Mass. 149 Jacob H. Studer, Columbus, Ohio. 150 Frederick William Taylor, Smithsonian Institution, W.ishington, D.C. J. E. Thompson, Spalding, Mich. Herbert G. Torrey, New York, N.Y. C. W Volney, Mott Haven, N.Y. Prof. Carl Warrecke, Montreal. Joseph W. Warren, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass. 156 John Hosea Washburn, Bridgewater, Mass. Miss C. A. Watson, Salem, Mass. Prof. J. Burkitt Webb, Cornell Univer- sity, Ithaca, N.Y. .. Iltn. Jos. E. Weeden, Randolph, N.Y. 160 Artaur W. West, Salem, Mass. 161 Alice Walker Wheildon, Concord, Mass. 162 J. F. Whiteaves, Geological Survey, Ot- tawa, Ontario. 163 F. Cope Whitehouse, New York, N.Y. 164 Prof. Sarah F. Whiting, Wellesley Col- lege, Wellesley, Mass. 165 Francis Augustus Wilber, New Bruns- wick, N.J. 166 J. Francis Williams, Salem, N.Y. 167 Janet Webster Williams, Newton, Lower Falls, Mass. 168 Miss Hannah S. Wingate, Brooklyn, 169 Thomas Fanning Wood, M.D., Wil- mington, N.C. 151 152 153 '54 15s 157 '59 /6g, in addition to the Members of the Local Committee. [ton, D. C. >n, Maine. , Alabama, eapolis, Maine, irlington, Vt. le, University Vermont. Boston, Mass. iheville, N. C. N. H. rd, Conn. , New Jersey. Haven, Conn, aatavia, N. Y. Mass. ;o, 111. Sumter, S.C. amter, S.C. ons, Sumter, York, N.Y. Tiherst, Mass. t, Mass. ewton, Mass. J, Ohio. Smithsonian D.C. Mich, ork, N.Y. 1, N.Y. real, ard Medical Bridgewater, Mass. nell Univer- iolph, N.Y. iss. ncord.Mass. Survey, Ot- York, N.Y. ;llesley Col- few Bruns- N.Y. i-ton. Lower Brooklyn, I.D., Wil- .f of the REGISTER OF ARRIVALS. -I «•» I AUGUST 23, 1882. No. Name. I 2 3 4 10 II 12 13 G. F. Barker Mrs. Barker Miss Barker R. G. Huling 5 Mrs. Huling 6 S. V,. Paine 7 r. V. Williams 8 S. M. Hedges , 9 Mrs. Hedges Miss E. M. Hedges I). W. Beadle Mrs. Beadle Miss S. E. Beadle 14 W. I). Boardman 15 Mrs. Boardman 16 Miss M. H. Hinckley 17 Miss M.Austin 18 Miss R. Hollingsworlli 19 Mrs. \\ R. HoUingsworth, 20 J. W. Dawson 21 N. H. Winchell 22 E. T. Cox 23 W. F. Ferrier 24 J. Ferrier, jr 25 Miss C. A. Watson 26 Miss Sarah E. Hunt 27 Miss A. L. Page 28 Mrs. C. H. Dall 29 A. E.Pook, M.D 30 G. J. Brush 31 Mrs. Brush 32 C. W. Smiley 33 W. H. Stephens 34 H. S. Williams 35 John Hagemann 36 J.F.James 37 Miss E. W. James 38 Miss A. James 39 A. E. Highways 40 H. C. Bolton 41 Mrs. Jackson Bolton 42 C- H. Rockwell Permanent Residence. , Philadelphia, Pa do do .Pitchburg, Mass., do , Fall River, Mass .Watcrtowr., N. Y , Boston, Mass do do .St. Catha.incs, Ont.... do do , Roxbury , Mass do .Milton, Mass do do do . Montreal . Minneapolis, N. inn . San Francisco, Cal , . . . . Montreal do , Salem, Mass do do .Washington, D. C .Philadelphia, Pa . New Haven, Conn do . Washington, D.C . Louisville, N. Y .Ithaca, N. Y.. . Cincinnati, Ohio Jo do do do . Hartford, Conn do .Tarrytown, N-Y Residence during the Meeting. .130 Mackay Street. do do do do do . St. Lawrence Hall. .1431 St. Catherine St. do do .168 Mance Street. do do . <43l St. Catherine St. do . King Street do 22 Cathcart Street. do .McGill College. .Windsor Hotel. do . 144 Metcalfe Street. do . Windsor Annex. do do . 107 Union Avenue. .1531 St. Catherine St. .Windsor Hotel. do . St. Lawrence Hall. .273 Bleury Street. . Windsor Hotel. 824 Ontario Street. do do 903 Sherbrooke Street. . Windsor Hotel. do .211 Peel Street. 22 No. Name. Pomatunt Rendmct. 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 SI 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 94 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 yS Residence liurinc: the Meeting. 28 St. Denis Street, do do No. p. Mohr Cincinnati, Ohio MissE. Mohr do Miss M Mohr ^^ o loscph Szabo .". Ruaa-l'esth, Hungary 256 University Street, John I'allon Lawrence, Mass 40 Osborne Stree . H S lewett Dayton, Ohio 62 Cathedral Street. T." Sterry Ilun't". Montreal 256 Univer.sity Street J. L'Kloile Ottawa Kagle Hotel. W. Tracey Detroit, Mich American House. D. l"lWhanowV^'\........V..Mountainville, N. Y 58 Drummond Street Mrs. J. James Cambridge, Mass do Miss F. H. James do «lo Mrs. Dawson Montreal McGdl College. Miss Wilson Toronto Miss Dawson Montreal no Miss C. Crow .•'••;;, T.J. Hurrill Champaign, 111 ,, , , F W Putnam Cambridge, Mass Windsor 1 lotel. Miss Alice K. Putnam do Windsor Annex. W. E. Archambault Montreal 846 Ontario Street. Daniel Draper New York, N.Y. ,325 St Catherine St. E. H. Dixon Hastings-on-Hudson ,,, ^^ » J. M. Edwards Marlboro, Mass 2-3 Blcury Street. Mrs. Edwards do a.n.^, •« c. Rev. James Roy, M.A Montreal I464 St. Catherine St. Mri. Roy do do MissRoy do ao E.' A. Cofk ^.'.■.■.■.'.'.' ::'.:!'.'.;*.'. '. '. Bristot Eng 31 McT a°vish St reet. Mrs. Z. D. Butcher Washington, D. C ZZHH Miss R. Fieeland "° , .„ ,., ,r . Tames Hvatt Stanford ville, N.Y —7 . 1). W. Kowalesky Moscow, Russia 295 Upper University St Alfred Springer Cincinnati, Ohio 758 Dorchester Street. Miss Cora Elsas do r- 11 •„- O. T. Mason Washington, D. C Diocesan College. Mrs. Martha J. Lamb New York City loi Metcalfe Street. H. B. Nason. Troy, N.Y Windsor Hotel. Mrs. Nason ^" .^ „ J. F. Williams Salem, N. Y.. C. V. Riley Washington, D Miss N. Lafargue do A. W. Wheildon Concord, Mass -— T B Fdwards Montreal 55 Radei^oiifio Street. r A W Beaudrv do 6 j., '" .no - treet. LIIl'I'oS:..:::: do 36 McGiUCoUege Avenue E. L. Sturtevant Geneva, N. Y Windsor Hotel Tames Mills Guelph HdS St Mrs. Mills do John Thorb'v.n Ottawa Thomas C, do , . . . . Windsor Annex, do Catherine St. do . St. Lawrence Hall. Kii'' k* > ' ....I.. '^!^ ^^foronto ....... .^... McGiU College^ Geo. H. (tCK Miss A. £. Ct c. ... ^^''' A.R'Coot.;V.*.'."..*.*.'.'::'.'.Holm"del, N.J. 38 McGill College Avenue New Brunswick, N.J 23 McGill College Avenue do do do do Mrs. J. E. Cook. Hanover, N. J do 23 the reet. et. reet. reet. et. teSt. t. ne St. reet. \ .fersity St. Street. reet. Street. reet. !ge Avenue rine St. Hall. ige Avenue ege Avenue 99 loo lo; 1 02 «o3 104 105 106 507 loS 1 09 MO III 112 IlS 114 "5 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 13' 132 •33 134 135 «3f 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 I44 145 146 147 148 149 ISO »Si 152 Name. Pt't-MtiiHent Kesiih-tue Matin ■. 11. Russell Wintlsor Hotel. IJrisselte Montreal, V. (j Montreal. VV. H M. H, ChiirloUe S. Tower Mrs. J. I'errier do . Lexington, Mass 144 Metcalfe Street . J. O.Dorscy Washington, 1). C loH Stanley Street. Mis8 M. Howies Colunjbia, Tenn 903 Sherbrooke Street. Rev. Dr. Houghton Dublin, Ireland vVindsor Hotel. K. H. Elliot Washington, D. C A. H. Ormsleys Dublin Windsor Hotel. Miss K. L. Hamlin New York, N. Y 35 Tujiiier Street, 1 1. A. Wan! Kochesttr, N. Y .47 Mctiill College Avenue W. L. Dudley Cincinnati, Ohio Wind ,or I lolel. «. D. Gilbert Utica, N. Y do Mrs. Charlotte F. Wells New York, N. Y 27 Windsor Street. Wm. Wallace Ausonia, Ct Windsor Hotel. W. S. McCays Dublin, Ireland do James Hall Albany, N. Y 600 Sherbrooke Street. L. F. Ward Washington, D. C 1394 St. Catherine St. Mrs. Ward do do I'roff. C. Hertzberg Brooklyn, L. I C. S. Wheeler Chicago, 111 I08 Mansfield Street. Mrs. Wheeler do do Wm. Muir Montreal 1395 .St. Catherine St. Mrs. Muir do do S. C Caldwell Ithaca, N. Y Diocesan College. F. C. Caldwell do do John Rae Kensington, Lndn 290 Mountain Street. H. E. Olbord Mountainville, N. Y (31) Windsor Hotel. G. E. Howell Rochester, N. Y 2 Mctiill College Avenue P. W. .Staebner 47 McClill College Avenue Y P. Bassnett .Jacksonville, Fla 6 Victoria Street. Mrs. Y. Bassnett do do Miss H. H. Mays Georgia, Fla do Miss M. C. Solomans Sumter, S. C 903 Sherbrooke Street. Miss Kate Solomans do do Miss A. Solomans do do J. F. Whiteaves Ottawa, Ont St. Lawrence Hall. N. S. Townshead Columbus, Ohio New York House. W. R. Lagenby do do J. R. Eastman Washington, D. C 2 and 3 Diocesan College Mrs. J. R. Eastman do do S. W. Burnham Chicago, 111 City Hotel. H. D. Garrison do Albion Hotel. Rev. T. Fyle Cowansville, P. (^ Diocesan College. .City Hotel. A. J. Burnham Chicago, III John Michels New York, N. Y 893 Sherbrooke Street. 903 Sherbrooke Street. .Windsor Hotel. H. Lord do Mrs. K. Smith Jersey City. . . Chas. Carpmael Toronto, Ont W. H. Dall Washington, D. C Diocesan College. Wm. Landers London, Ont Windsor Annex. J. M. Denton do Rev. M. P. Costin Fordham, N. Y St. Mary's College, Blcury .Street W. P. Trowbridge New Haven, Ct Theology College. Mary A. Baldwin Newark, N. J loi Metcalfe Street. 24 No. '54 155 156 15/ IS8 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 Name. Permanent KcsiJenct Residence during the Meetiui;. J loi Metcalfe street. .Riche'ieu llo'el. Alice Rikcr Newark, N Chas. We.U Vienna F. \l. Lond Colorado Springs Albion Hotel. Mrs. Lund do do Mrs F M Wileys do "° Miss e'. N."Hunt: Montreal, P. Q 256 University Street Miss M. Hunt do Robt. C. Kedzie Lansing, Mich.. . . W. E. Cutler Worcester, Mass.. S. W. Johnston Washington, D. C Miss. E. B. Johnston do Rev. 1 h-. Shackelford New York, k do . Richelieu Hotel. .Wiivlsor Hotel. . i;8 Drummond Street, do N V 21 McGill College Avenue do do do Windsor Hotel, do do D. c 216 Bleury Street. Q 37 Union Avenue. Miss Shackelford do Geo. R. Shackelford do Eliz. P. Shackelford do A. S. Bickmore do Mrs. Hickmore . . , do A. E. Douglass do A. S. Gatselet ^^ asiiington, W. H. Hingston Montreal, P Mrs. J. Kirkland .• McGill College Obs. S. H. Brackett St. Jchnsbury, Vt 23 Shuter street Alex Graham Bell Washington, D. C Windsor Ho el Arthur W. West Salem, Mass 1 596 .,t. Catherine street T. C. Meiidenhall Columbus, Ohio Windsor Hotel Mrs. Mendenhall do Byron 1). Halsted Broadwiy, N J. Henry Comstock Ithaca, N. Y. Mrs. Henry Comstock do Miss II. Willets do Miss E. Halbrooke Alto, N. Y P. W. Clarke Cincinnati, Ohio W indsor Hotel Miss Mary Hale Roxbury, Mass - ' C. P. Gardner Rochester, N. Y 49 Mance street do Y American House 1462 St. Catherine street do do do Mrs. C. P. Gardner D. A. 15assett S. C. Heighways . . John Hey wood W. A do do . Crawfordsville, Ind , . Cincinnati, Ohio ■ Weslerville, Ohio, Richelieu Hotel , I42>^ St. Denis street , . . . Windsor Hotel do Conklin New York, N. Y . W. Van Valkenburgh do A. II. Worthen Springfield, 111 . „ . , Mrs. A. H. Worthen do Wincteor Ho el E. R. Chadbourn Lewiston, Me J,°7j\leury st eet W. II. Mills Hamilton, Ont ....Richelieu Hotel Mrs. W. H. Mills do a .r -^^ ■. . ^ Winslow Upton Washington, D. C 80 University street Mrs. W^inslow Upton do Dr. Frank Caldwell Cincinnati, Ohio . do I R, J- W. Rideout Lewisfon, Me 207 Bleury street Spencer Columbia, Mo Cor. Sherbrooke and City Spencer • do A. Warren do J. J. Bell Exeter, N, Mrs. J. J. Bell do Miss Mrs. Councillor streets -do do H Windsor Hotel do do 25 'le i ^enue ilreet street eet id City ;ets M. 209 210 211 212 2'0 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 227 229 230 231 232 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 A'a»u: Pcnnamnt Residence. -^■'''■"'"''''"v dmingthe Meetiii^^. C. Schaeffer Philndelpliia. P.i Windsor Hotel I; }^?^'T'^r ''•"'*'" "^''^y' ^^'' 42 Victoria street Mrs. J. D. McGuire do do ,!o F. C. Seagrave Providence, R.I Windsor Hotel .Mrs. .S. A. Seagrave do d*" rio ^•P- f- Hodges Salem, Mas- '. ". 7 Burnside Place {•,-'• ';''Y ;: liaston .viass .T-H.R.Molson, Piedmonf Mrs. J. J. May do ,;,, Miss May Davis do ,Vi Miss M. Win.^on do ,]c, A. J. Cook . Lansing, Mich Richelieu Hotel Mrs A. J. Cook do f]^ Miss A. Curtiss Owosso, Mich (^j,-, Arthur F. Taylor Cleveland, O St. Lawrence IL-.ll J. E. Hendrick Des Moines, Iowa St. lames Hotel' [f ^'^'V^ If""";' Koslon. Mass 20 University street Mrs. M. Hartley b.ovvn New York City £oi Metcnlf^ stret t L "^O^P'^T;.;, ^'e«' Brunswick, X. J 77 Mansfield suett Mrs. F. A. \v liber do (i,, S. A Miixwell Cincinnati, O ! ! ! St. fames Hotel H. A. Hagen CamLridsre. Mass Windsor Hotel K. L. P. Mason Providence, R. I N. M, Mason do ?V "^.^'f'"''}!'^'--, O"""""' -"^^e '.'.■.■.■.'.■■.o; Cathedral street Mrs. C. H. Fernald do do S. Henshaw Boston, Mass .'.".' Windsor Hotel J^- }^- Hall Haverford, Pa St. Lawrence Hnll J. A. kirkpatnck Philadelphia, Pa 344 Bleurv street L. W. Kn-kpatrick do do ' Mrs. S. L. Fish Brunswick, Me 91 Cathedral street <-;l''sh do do W. J. Martin North Carolina 56 University stre-t B P orgate Auburn, N. Y 31 Victoria street ' Mrs. B. Forgate do ' do Miss M. Kelsey Clinton, N. Y do A. P. Kelsey do 31 Victoria street ^^"''"Henderson Montreal W J- E. S. R. W S. C. Painter Washington, D. C 1325 St. Catherine street Hitchcock New York American Hotel , Osier Montreal 1 35 1 St- Catherine street H. Freeman Cleveland, Ohio — — E. Hausmann Troy, N. Y St. James Hotel Miss L. E. Payne Montreal 130 McKay street G D. Phippin Salem, Mass Windsor Hotel E J. Partlett Hanover, N. H 903 Sherbrooke street J.' J. Justice Standforville, N. Y 21 McGill College Avenue Dr. A. A. julien New York do do Ann Arbour.Mich 1591 Jul Mrs. Julien A. Winchell Mrs. Winchell Miss J. D. Winchell do do do St. Catherine street do do 27 street. ;t. :t. ^!> itreet et It street ;et street treet street street street street ;et A'enue street /^ No. 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 35. 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 366 C. K. C. C. Mrs. Name. . Permanent Residence. Residence dining the Meeting. "^^iflii Ann Arbour, Mich 903 Sherbrooke street N. Y 24 Lome Avenue do do R. ! Miss 256 St. Antoine street do do C 903 Sherbrooke street Merriman Rochester, Mernman do Miss G. B. Merriman do C. H. Fisher Providence, H. M. Newington St. Louis, Mrs. Ireland do Mrs. H. Ireland do G. W. Winchell. . . ., Raleigh, N. _ ,^^ .^^^^ ^, ?■■' J^-i^--P°Sgett Chicago, 111 256 Bleury street ^- "• ^^"'^'""•. Yonkers, N.Y 24 Lome Avenue G. H. Scribner, jr do do ^•^- J^°'^"'l Baltimore, Md 42 Victoria street L. 1 . kelson Delaware, Ohio \: W. Blake, jr Providence, R. I 340 Bleury street Mrs. Blake do .. do E.W.Blake, 3rd do \\ do J.D.Hyatt New York St. James Hotel Mrs J D.Hyatt New York St. James Hotel E. S. Atwood East Orange, N.J 9 Richmond place Mrs Atwood East Orange, N.J 9 Richmond Squai L. Carman Bengali, N. Y American Hotel H. A ' '■ -- -- R. C. are E. H. \V W F. W. T w-T? •;; Albany, N . \ 903 Sherbrooke street J. Wickstead Ottawa. Ont Cote St. Antoine M. Knight Akron, Ohio American House C. Denassy Trenton, Ont do H. Lyman Montreal 74 McTavish street ftL Anderson Columbus, Ohio H. Ranch Chicago, 111 H Herrick Tilton 80 Union R. Pedrick Lawrence, Mass Albion -Vvenue ,,,»,_, > ..»..^.>^.. Hotel Mrs. L. M. Barker Lowell, Mass do J. S. r)ixwell Cambridge, Mass 27 Windsor street Mrs. Dixwell do do S* t u°V"S Princeton, N. J 68 St. Famille B E. Barker . Lowell, Mass Albion Hotel Eleanor B. Tednck Lawrence, Mass do J- L°g^" New York, N. Y St. Lawrence Hall Miss Logan do ... . do J '"^ -Robertson Rockford, 111 108 Mansfield street Mrs. Robertson do . . do S. W. Holman Boston, Mass .' .' .* \ \ '. '. [ '. '. [ [ 164 Peel street Arthur Perkins Hartford, Conn Diocesan College Horatio Hale Clinton, Ont 916 Dorchester street A R. Leeds Hoboken, N. J Windsor Hotel Mrs. Leeds do do S' ^'i^'^^^ Cincinnati, Ohio . . . , 1 128 Sherbrooke street Mrs. Eddy do do Miss Eddy do do I^^l-n'^'"''"' ^''''^°"' P''^ 208 Peel street Mrs. Silliman do E. G. t^?^''^" •. Philadelphia, Pa 21 1 St. Antoine street "■ / ^""Vr' Burlington, Vt 31 McTavish street 5; ^T Rochester, N. Y Windsor Hotel "• ^^"^'"^ Burlington, Vt 947 Dorchester street '-• novey ^'e^\• Haven, Conn 80 Union Avenue 28 A'o. 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 374 385 386 387 3S8 3S9 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 Name. Permanent Rtsidcncc Residenee during the Meeting. E. T. Ilovey New Haven, Conn 80 Union Avenue Mary Moodie Buffalo, NY K. Moodie do A. E. lleigluvav Cincinnati, Ohio 903 Sherbroolve street P A. Siierman .' Hanover, N. II 16 University street Mrs. Siierman do do S. H. Hudson Clinton, N. Y 23 Shut^r street R. P. Whitfield New York city Windsor Hotel Wm. Johnson Annapolis, Mi's IW Union Avenue Mrs. "Johnson New York city Richelieu Hotel M. Hoffman do Mrs. Fred. Hoffman do 27 \ oria st. Master O. Hoffman do do H, I.oomis Burlinfjton, Vt 78 Mansfield St R. W' . Wilson New Haven, Ct Windsor Hotel M. G. Wilson do no Miss N. O. Glover Brooklyn, N. Y 288 Bleury st Miss M. Glover do do Miss L. Ordway Jamaica Plain do P. H. Yander Weyde New York city 104 St. Famille st Mrs, Vander \Veyde do ' do INlary P. Palmer Boston, Mass 258 Bleury st Miss C. P. Ames Jamaica Plain do P. R. Hoy Racine, Wis 21 Mark st Miss J. Hoy do loi Metcalfe st E. W'. Davison Baltimore, Md Windsor Hotel H . C. Lewis Germantown, Pa Mrs. Lewis do ■ M iss Lewis do W. B. Dwight Poughkeepsie N. Y 55 Argyle st Mrs. E. H. Dwight do do Miss E. Dwight do do L. ^L Holstein Belvedere, N.J 1460 St. Calherme st Mrs. S. W. Holstein do do G. W. Holstein do do Mr. H. E. Holstein do do S. W. Hammoivl Boston, ^Lass Windsor Hotel Mrs. HaruiiOiid do do A. W. Schaefer Pottsville, Pa 1363 St. Catherine st A. H. Ch^'ister Clinton, N. Y 79' Sherbrooke st J. Taturn St. Louis, Mo 826 Ontario st Mrs. Taturn do do H. Davenport Cincinnati, Ohio Windsor Hotel L. H. Armstrong St. Nicholas, Fla St. Lawrence Hall Mrs. Armstrong do do J. C. Kimball l^oston. Mass 42 Victoria st.