SMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 1.0 I.I 1.25 2.5 1.8 I U i 1.6 ■7^ <^ /M -/^ '^ ^^^'^ %. # 7 %^ >^.J<> # U2 LEGAL AND BUSINESS FOUMS. Soods, chattels, furniture and household stuff hei einafter particularly mentioned and aescribed: One matcht'd bay team, black mant and tail, five years old, fourteen hands high. One democrrit wagon, painted black, green striped, manufactured by Augustine & Kilmer of Humberstone One set double carriage harness, black leather and silver mounted, in good condition. And one Iwittle Massy-Harris self binder, nianufactured by the Massy-Harris Com- pany, Toronto, All of which said goods and cliatt'. Is are uow lying and being on the premises situ- ated in the Township of Stamford, l.ot Xo. 19. in the Seventh Concession in the Township aforesaid, and being in possession of the said James Smith, the party of the first part, To II wi-; AND TO HOLD all and singular the said goods and chattels, live stock and farming implements unto the Mortgagee, his ex^(jjU(jrs, administrators and assigns, to the ONLY PROPER I'SE AND BEiinoi' of tlu: Mortgagee, his executors, administr.itors and assigns FOf< EVKR. I'Koviohu ALWAYS, and these present are upon this express condition that if the Mortgagor, his executors, administratort- do and shall well and truly pay, or cause to be paid, unto tht: Mortgagee, his executors, administrators and assigns, the full sum ol Five Hundred Dollars, with interest for ihe same at the rate of seven per cent per annum, on the fourth day of March, 1803. Then these presents, and every matter and thing herein contained, shall cease, determine, and be utterly vuid to all intents and purposes, anything herein contained to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding. And the Mortgagor, for himself, his executors and administrators shall and wilf war- rant and forever defend by these presents all and sin(}ULar the said goods, chattels and property unto the Mortgagee, executors, administrators and assigns against him, the Mort- gagor, his executors, administrators and assigns, and against all and every other person or persons whomsoever, And the Mortgagor doth hereby for himself, his executors and administrators, COV- ENANT, PROMISE and AGliEE to and with the Mortgagor, his executors, administrators and assigns that the Mortgagor, his executors or administrators; or some or one of them, shall and will well and tru y pay, or cause to bi paid, unto the Mortgagee, his executors, adminis- trators or assigns, the said sum of money in the said proviso mentioned with interest for the same as aforesaid, on the day and time, and in the manner above limited for the payment thereof: And also in case default shall he made in the payment of the said sum of money in the said proviso mentioned, or of the interest thereon, or any part thereof; or in case the Mortgagor y'lall attempt to sell or dispose of or in any way part with tht possession of said goods and chattels or any of them, or to remove the same or any part thereof out of the County of Welland, or suffer or permit the same to be seized or taken in execution with- out the consent of the Mortgagee, his executors, administrators or assigns to such sale, removal or disposal thereof, first had and obtained in writing, then and in such case it shall and may be lawful for the Mortgagee, his executors, administrators or assigns, with his or their ser- vant or servants, and with such other assistant or assistants as he or they may require at any time during the day to enter into or upon any lands, tenements, houses and premises where- soever and whatsoever where the said goods and chattels or any part thereof may l)e, and for such persons to break and force open any doors, locks, bars, bolt?, fastenings, hinges, gates, fences, houses, buildings, enclosures and places for the of taking possession of and removing the goods and chattels. And upon and from and after the taking possession of such goods and chattels as aforesaid, it shall and may be lawful, and the Mortgagee, his executors, administrators and assigns, and each or any if them, is, and are hereby authorizi- 1 and em- powered, to sell the said goods and chatties, or any of them or any part thereof, at public auc- tion or private sale, as to them or any of them may seem meet. And from and out of the pro- ceeds of such sale in the first place to pay and reimburse himself or themselves all such sums and sum of money for principal, interest, insurance and expenses as may then be due by these presents, and all such expenses as may have been incurred by the Mortgagee, his executors, administrators or assigns in conseciuence of tl^ default, neglect or failure of the Mortgagot, his executors, administrators or assigns in payment of the said sum of money, with inteiest thereon as above mentioned, or in consequence such sale or removal as above mentioned, and in the next place to pay unto the Mortgagor, his executors, administrators and assigns all lUch surplus as may remain after such Fale and after payment of such sum or sums of money and interest tnereon as may be due by virtue of these I'resents at the time of such seizure and after payment of the costs, charges and expenses incurred by such seizure a-.ul sale as aforesaid . Provided always, nevertheless, that it shall not be incumbent on the Mortgagee, his executors, administrators au'i assigns to sell and dispose of the said goods and chattels, 382 LEGAL AND BUSL\E88 FOKMS. but that in case of default of payment of the said sum (A money, with interest thereon as aforesaid, it shall and may be lawful for the Mortgagee, his executors, administrators or as- signs peacefully and quietly to have, hold, use, occupy possess and enjoy .the said goods and chattels without the let, molestation, eviction, hindrance or interruption of him the Mort- gagor, his executors, administrators or assigns, or any of them, or any other person or per- sons whomsoever. And the Mortgagor doth hereby further COVENANT, PROMISE and AGREE to and with the Mortgagee, his executors, administrators and assigns that in case the sum of money realized under such sale as above mentioned shall not be sufticient to pay the whole amount due at the time of such sale, that the Mortgagor, his executors and admin- istrators shall and will forthwith pay, or cause to be paid, unto the Mortgagee, his executors, administrators and assigns all such sum or sums of money, with interest thereon as may then be remaining due. Ami the Mortgagor doth put the Mortgagee in the full possession of said goods and chattels by delivering to him the Mortgagee this Indenture of Mortgage in the name of all the said goods aad chattels at the sealing and delivery hereof. And the Mortgagor COVENANTS with the Mortgagee that he will, during the con- tinuance of this mortgage, and any or every renewal thereof, INSURE THE CHATTELS hereinafter mentioned against loss or damage by hre in some insurance office (authorized to transact business in Canada) in the sum of not less than I'ive Hundred Dollars, and will pay all premiums and moneys necessary for that purpose as the same becomes due, and will, on demand, assign and deliver over to the said Mortgagee, his executors and administrators the policy or policies of insurance and receipts thereof appertaining. I'kovided that if on default of payment of said premium or sums of money by the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, his executors or administrators may pay the same, and such sums of money shall be added to the debt here- by secured (and shall bear interest at the same rate from the day of such payment), and shall be repayable with the principal sum hereby secured. In witness whhreof the parties to these presents have hereunto set their hand and seals, Signed, Sealed and Delivered | Ja.mes Smith, (L. s.) In the presence of ^ Charles Summer. ) Walter Winters, (L. S.) Affidavit of Mortgagee— PROVINCE OF ONTARIO: \ I, Walter Winters of the Township of Stamford, County of County of Welland, ^ Welland, yeoman, the Mortgageein the foregoing Bill of Sale, to wit. ) by way of Mortgage named, make oath and say: That James Smith, the mortgagor in the foregoing Bill of Sale by way mortgage named is justly andftrulv indebted to me this deponent, Walter Winters, the mortgagee therein named in the sum of five hundred dollars mentioned therein. That the said 15UI of Sale by way of mortgage was e:^ecuted in good faith and for the express purpose of securing the payment of the money so justly due or accruing due as aforesaid and not for the purpose of protecting the goods and chattels mentioned in the said Bill of Sale by way of mortgage against the creditors of the said James Smith the mortgagor from obtaining payment of any action against Him. Sworn before me at Welland, ) in the County of Welland, this ^ Waltek VVinteks. 4th day of January, 1892. I James Brown, a cvmmissioncy for Idkiiii; nffiiiovits in H. C. J , Affidavit of witness — PROVINCE OF ONTARIO; | I, Charles Summers of the Township of Stamford, County Cot^NTY OF Welland, -of Welland, mechanic, make oath and say. That I was per- to wit; j sonally present, and did see the within Bill of Sale by way mortgage duly signed, sealed and delivered by James Smith and Walter Winters, the parties thereto, and that the name Charles Summers set and subscribed as a witness to the execution thereof, is of the proper handwriting of me, this deponent, and that the same was executed at the Town of Welland, in the said County of Welland, Sworn before me at Welland, in the| County of Welland. this 4th day ofj- Chakles Simmers. January, in the year of our Lord. iS()2 ) James Brown, a commissiuufr for tnhint; affidavits in H. C. J. Recived on the day of the date of this Intlenture from the mortgagee the sum of five hun- dred dollars mentioned. Witness, ) • Charles Summers )■ James Smith. ^^1 LEGAL AND BUSINESS FORMS. 338—^04 3ii'3. FORM OF DISCHARGE OF CHATTEL MORTdAGi:— DO^H^'ION OF CANADA, To the Clerk of the County Court of the County of Welland, I, W'.ilter Winters, of the Township of Stamford, County of Welland, yeoman, do certify thai James Smith of the Township of Stamford, County of Welland, Province of Ontario, hath satisikd all money due on or to grow lue on a certain Chattel Mortgage made by James Smith, aforesaid, to Walter Winters of the Township of Stamford aforesaid, which mortgage bears date the fourth day of January, A. D. 1892, and was registered in the office jf the Clerk of the County Court of the County of Welland on the fifth day of January, \. D. 1892, as Xo. 4287. That such Chattel Mortgage has not beer assigned, and that I am the person entitled by law to receive the money, and that such moiLgage is therefore discharged. Witness my liand this fifteenth day of December, A. D. 1S92. Witness, \ ClIAKI.ES SrMNtEUS, | ^Valtek Wi.nteks. Stamford, resident. >■ Student, occupatio'i. ONTARIO: ) I, Charles Summers, of the Township of Stamford, County of County of Wef.i.and. Welland, student, make oath and say: TO wit: ) 1. That I was personally present and did see the within Certificate of Discharge of Chattel Mortgage duly signed, sealed and e.xecuted by Walter Winters, one of the parties thereto. 2. That the said certificate was issued at the Township of Stamford. 3. That I know the said parties. .}. That I am a subscribing witness to the said certificate. SwoKN before me at Welland, in the County j of Welland, this fifteenth day of December, in (■ St.m.mers. the year of our Lord 1882. ) James Brown, a commissioner fur taking affidavits in the H . C. y . 3;J4. RENEWAL OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE— Statement exhibitiiig the interest of Walter Winters in the property mentioned in a Chattel Mortgage dated the fourth day ot January, 1892. made between James Smith of the Township of ' tamford, County of Welland of the one part, and Walter Winters of the Town- ship of Stan-.lord aforesaid, of "the other part, and filed in the office of the Clerk of the County Court of the County of Welland. on the fifth day f)f January, 1892, and of the amount due for principal and interest ther'"'n, and of all payments m.ade on account thereof. The said Walter W mters is still the mortgagee of the said property and has not as- signed the said mortgage. One payment has been made on the said mcjrtgage. The amount still due for principal and interest on the said mortgage is the sum of three hundred dollars, computed as follows: • Principal $500 00 Interest i year, ending January 4, 1891 •j5 go Cr. By cash January 4, i8gi 235 00 Balance due $300 00 Affidavit of mortgagee as to correctness of statement and the balance. County of Welland,) I, Walter Winters, of the Township of Stamford, County of Well- To wit: [and, the mortgagee named in the Chattel Mortgage mentioned in the annexed statement, make oath and say: 1. That the annexed statement is true. 2. That the Chattel Mortgage mentioned in the said statement has not been kept on foot for any fraudulent purpose. Sworn before me at the Town of | Welland. County of Welland, this I Walter Winters. and day of January, !8()2. ) James Brown, a commissioner for taking affidavits in H, C. J . J L LEUAL AND BU8INE.SS FORMS. 835 :j35. btll of salp:— THIS INDKX'rrUE, made the fourth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two, between James Smith of the Town of Welland, in the County of Welland, "■ ' I'rovin. v of Ontario, merchant, vendor of the first part, and Walter Winters of the Town oi Welland aforesaid, gentleman, the ven:lee of the second part. Whereas the said party is possessed of the stock of d^y goods and groceries and store and office fixtures hereinafter set forth, described and enumerated, and hath contracted and agreed with the said party of the second part for the absolute sale to him of the same, for the sum or six hundred dollars. Now THIS Indenture Wit.nesseth, that in pursuance of the said agreement, and in consideration of the sum of six hundred dollars of lawful money of Canada, paid by the said pv. ly oi the second part, at or before the sealing and delivery of these presents; (the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged), he, the said party of the first part hath bar.;ained, sold, assigned, transferred, and set over, and by these presents dch bargain, sell assign, transfer and set over unto the said party of the second part, liis cxecu-.jrs, administracors and assigns, Al[. Those the said dry goods and groceries and store and office fixtures as per inventory hereunto attached and marked ".\." And all the right, titfe, interest, property, claim and demand whatsoever, both at law and equity, or otherwise howsoever, of him the said party of the first part, of, in, to, and out of the same and every part thereof. To Have anu to Hoi.n the said hereinbefore assigned dry goods, groceries and store and office fixtures and eve y of them and every part thereof, with the appurtances, and all the right, title and interest of the said party (jf the first part thereto and therein, as aforesaid, unto and to the use of the said party of the second part, his executors, administrators, and as- signs, to and for his sole and only use forever. Ano the said party of the first part doth hereby, for his heirs, executors, and admin- istrators, covenant, promise and agree with the said party of the second part, his execut rs and administrators, in the manner following, that is to say; That he, the said party of the first part, is now rightfully and absolutely possessed of and entitled to the said hereby as- signed dry goods, groceries and store and office fixtures, and every part thereof; and that the said party of the first part, now hath in his good right to assign the same unto the said party of the seci.nd part, his executors, administrators and assigns, in manner aforesaid, antl accord- ing to the tr;ie intent anil meaning of these presents: and that the said party here, of the sec- ond part, his I'xecutors, administrators and assigns, shall and may from time to time, and at all times herealter, peaceably and cpiietly have, hold, possess, and enjoy the said hereby as- signed goods and fixtures and every of them, and everv part thereof, to and for his own use and benefit, without any manner of hindrance, interruption, molestation, claim or demand whatsoever of, from or by him the said party of the first part, or any person or persons whom- soever, and that tree and clear, and freely and absolutely released arry on any business that shall be dt nuisance on the said prensises; and that he will leave the pre j^ood repair. And also, that if the term Inn-eby granted shall be at a seized or taken in exc^cuiion, or in attachment, by any credito said lessee, or ii' the said lessee shall make any assignmen benefit of creditors, or bei'ominii' baiikrupt or insolvent shall bent^lit of any Act that may be in force for l)anknp"' or ii debtors, ihc then i-urrent quarters rent shall immediately bec< and ]iayjvble, and the said term shall immediately become : and void. And it is hereby dei'lartnl and au'reed that in case the ] hereby demised or any i)ari thereol shall at any time during t hereby granted be burned down, or danuiged by lire, so as t( the same unlit for the piu'i^oses of the said lessee, then, and sc the same shall liap})en, the rent therel)y reserved, "h said land in ea«'h year during said term (seven) inc] and at the end nf said term Avill leave the land so manured as a And will crop the same during the said term by a regular ro crops in a proper iarmer-like manner, so as not to impoverish ( the soil of the said land, and Avill use his best and earnest ei to rid said land of all docks, wild mustard, red roots, Canada James Smith. AVaLTKI; WlXTEKS. 888 LEGAL AND BUSINESS FORMS. aud other noxious weeds. And will preserve all orchard and fruit trees (if any) on the said premis' s, from waste, daiiiai^e or destruction And will spend, use and employ, in a husband-like manner, ui)on the said premises, all the straw and duni^ which shall grow, arise, renew, or be made thereupon. And will allow any iiu!omin<>- tenant to plough the said laud after harvest in the last year of the said term, .iud to have stabling' for two horses and bed room for one man. And will ieav^e at least ten acres seeded down with timothy and clover seed. And shall not nor will dm'ing thc^ said term cut any standing timber upon the said lands, except for rails or for buildings ujwn the said demised premises, or for lirewood upon the premises, and shall not allow any timber to be removed from oif the said premises. And ALSO shall and will, at the cost and charges of the said Lessee, well and sufficiently repair, aud keep repaired, the erections and buildings, fences and gates erected, or to be erected, upon the said premises. 338. FORM OF WILL— This is the last Will and Testament of me, James Smith of the Town of Niagara P'alls, in the County of Wclland and Province of Ontario, merchant, made this fourth day of Ai)ril in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hiindred and ninety-two. I revoke all former Wills or other Testamentary ])ispositions by me at any time heretofore made, and declare this to be my last Will and Testament. I direct all my Just debts, funeral and testamentary expenses to be paid and satisiied by my executors hereinafter named, as soon as conveniently may be after my decease. I give, devise and bequeath all my real and personal estate which 1 may die possessed of or interested in, in the manner follow- ing, that is to say : I give, devise and bequeath to my beloved wife, Florence Ethel Smith lot No. 6 in the second Concession of Township of Stamford, County of Welland, and Province of Ontario, containing by admeas- urement one hundred acres, be the same more or less; also lot No. 4 on the east side of Sirncoe street in the Town of Niagara Falls, contain- ing by admeasurement three-quarters of an acre, be the same more or less, which is my present residence, and all appurtances connected therewith, with all my household goods of which I am possessed. I give, devise aud bequeath to my son Charles Edmund the farm known as the Walnut G-rove Place, being lot No. 8 in the first Con- cession of the Township of Niagara in the County of Lincoln, together with all the crops, stock and utensils which may be thereon at the the time of my decease ; and also the property in the city of St. Cath- arines, Out., known as the Arlington Block, being Lot No. 18 on the east side of King street, subject to a legacy of live hundred dollars to be paid to my nephew, John Alexander Smith, in two equal annual in- stalments of two hundred aud fifty dollars each without interest, the '\ .. V CiiAUTiEs Summers. F. W. Williams. LEOAL AND BUSINESS FORMS. 339—340 first payment to becomo due and payable one year after my death, said leyaijy to be the first charge on the said property. I give, demise and bequeath to my nephew, John Alexander Smith aforesaid, a legacy of five hundred dollars hereinbefore provided for. All the residue of my estate not hereinbefore disposed of I give, devise and bequeath unto my beloved wife, Florence lilthel Smith. I giv(», devise and bequeath to my daughter G-race, wife of .Tames D. Chamberlain, twelve shares in the capital stock of the Provincial Natural Gas Company, which now stands in my name on the books of said company, also two thousand dollars in cash. And I nominate and appoint my wife, Henry Simmons and I)onald Henderson, all of the Town of Niagara Falls, in the County of Welland, to l)e co-executors of this my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking- all former wills by me made. In witness thereof I have hereun'o set my hand the day auu year first above written. James Smith. Signed, Purlished and Ueclared by the said James Smith, the testator, as and for his Lit Will and Testament, in the presence of us. who both present together at the same time, in his presence, at his request, and in the presence of each other, have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses. .•5;«). AGREEMENT FOR HIRE OF LABOR— This agreement, made the 3rd day of April, 181)2, between John Smith of Grantham, yeoman, of the first part, and James Robinson of St. Catharines, laborer, of the secoi 1 part. Witnesseth that the party of the second part agrees with the party of the first i)art to serve him as a farm laborer and general servant for the period of one year from this date, and in all things to faithfully observe and do all the reasonable wishes and commands of the party of the first part. And the party of the first part agrees to pay the party of the sec- ond part one hundred and fifty dollars and to board and lodge the party of the second part during said period, and to cause all necessary laundry wash to be done, for him. Said money to be paid as follows: Fifty dollavs in six months, and the balance at the expiry of said service. Witness our hands the day and year above written. Witness : \ ' James Rorinson, Charles Summers. \ James Smith. 340. REGISTRATION OF PARTNERSHIP- PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. ) We, John Smith and John Robinson of / the City of St. Catharines, County of Lin- County of Lincoln. ) coin, Pl-ovinv^e of Ontario, hereby certify: 1. That we have carried on and intend to carry on the trade and 841—344 LKCaL AND BUSINESS FOIIMS, busiiiesK ol Carrifiire Building and General Bhi ksniithint»- at St. Cath- arines in piU'tnernhip, under the name ol' the ;'rm of Smith & Rob- inson. 2. That the said partnership has subsisted since the 15th day of Dceember, 18M1. 3. That we are and have been since the said day the only mem- bers of the said partnership. Witness our hands at St. Catharines } Jamks Smith. this 2nd day of January, 18!>:i. \ Jamks IiOHINsox. 341. KHGISTRATION OF DISSOLUTION— A notice of dissolution of a partncr:?hip is also reijuiicd to be recorded in the County Registry OlHce. The l■ollo^ving form will answer : PROVINCE OF ONTARIO : ] I, James Robinson, formerly a mem- CouNTY OF Lincoln. \ ber of the lirm carrying on the busi- ness of Carriage Building and General Bhuksmithing at St. Catharines, County of Lincoln, under the name aiul ibrm of Smith & Robinson, do hereby certify that the said partnership was on the '2m\ day of September dissolved. Witness my hand at St. Catharines this the third day of Septem- ber, 18!i2. J.VMi:s RoHiNSON. 342. NOTICE TO QUIT BY LANDLOKD— Please take notice that you are hereby recpiired to surrender and deliver up possession of the house and lot known as No. 4 James street, in the Village of Merritton, Avhich you now hold of me; and to remove therefrom on the first day of June next, pursuant to the provisions of the statute relating to the rights and duties of landlord and t:euant. Dated this 2r)th day of April, 1802. To Walter Wi//fn-s, James Smith, Tt'iKiiit. Landlord 343. NOTICE TO QUIT BY TENANT. I hereby give you notice that I shall quit and deliver up posses- sion of the premises I now occupy as tenant, known as house and lot No. 4. James street, in the Villan'c of Merriton. Dated this 2oth day of April. 1892. To James Sniilh, ' WALTER WINTERS, Ijuullonl. Tenant. 344. NOTICE TO TENANT. To Mr. Walter Winters. St. Catharines, Out. Take Notice, that I claim the sum of fifty dollars, for rent due me in respect of the premises which you hold as my tenant, namely Lot No. IC) on the North side oi St. James street in the town of Niau'- ara Falls, in the County of Welland, and unless the said rent is paid I demand from you immediate jiossession of the said i)remises ; and I am ready to leave in your possi'ssion such of your goods and chattels as in that case only you are entitled to claim exemption for. LEGAL AND BUSINESS FORMS. 345—347 Take Notkje Fuiitheu, that il you neither pay the said reut uor give me up poisKessiou of the said premises alter the service of this no- tice, I am by hiw entitled to seize and sell, .I'd I intend to seize and sell, all your goods and chattels, or such part thereof as may be neces- sary for the \)ayment ol the said rent and costs. This notice is given under the Act of the Legislature of Ontario respecting distress for reut or taxes. Dated this 4th day of April, A. D. 1892. James Smith. 345. FORM OF ACCOUNT— St Cath\rines, April 4, 1892. Mr. A. J. Simmons, in nccovnt with D. W. Jones: Jan, 4. To one set double harness To repairing harness To one set single harness To one saddle To one set of collars To repairing Jan. 21. Feb. G. Feb. 24. Mar. 8. Mar. 12. $28 00 1 50 18 00 8 00 6 00 60 —Cr.- Jan. 10. By cash |15 00 Feb. 27. By cash 25 00 862 10 -$40 00 Balance due |22 10 The name shottld not be signed at the foot of the account where it is not paid in full. 34« A BILL SETTLED BY NOTE— St. Catharines, April 4, 1892. 3Ti'. A. J. Simmons, Bo/fy two. ;'. Example — How many feet of scpuire edi>'ed boards can be cut from a log 2lS feet lonji'. 24 inches in diameter? 20x1 (»x2H ==700 feet. H 3r,:$. NUMBEROF PLANTS KOI{ AN ACRE OF GROUND - 1 foot by 1 foot 43,500 5» fc(;t by 5] feet 1,417 1J feet by li feet 1!»,360 feet by 6 feet U210 2 feet by 1 feet 21,780 (i?, feet bv 0.^. feet UOMl 2 feet by 2 feet 10,H!>0 7' feet by 7 feet SHI 2^ feet by 2 it feet (i,!»y '^^^.ft'''* ''••>''>•'> 1- feet by 12 feet 302 4 feet by lAwl 1 t»,S!>0 1:; feet by 1 3 feet 257 4 feet by 2 fe.'t 5,445 14 3 4 leet by 4 feet 2,722 10 feet by 10 feet 170 4i feet bv 4^ feet 2,151 10^ leet bv lOJ feet liiO 5 feet by 1 feet 8.712 17" feet bv 17 feet 150 5 feet by 2 f(!et 4,350 1 8 feet by 1 8 feet 134 5 feet by 3 feet 2,004 10 leet l)v 10 t(!et 120 5 feet by 4 feel 2,178 20 feet by 20 feet 108 ;] 5 feet by 5 feet 1 ,742 25 feet by 25 feet 09 I ;{o4. Nl MBER OF NAILS TER POUND. I 2 penny — 1 inch, 557 nails {ler povmd. 4 penny — 1| inches, 353 nails per pound. 5 penny — 1 ',' inches, 232 nails per pound. penny — 2 inches, 107 nails per pound. 7 penny — 2i inches, 141 nails per ])ound. 8 penny — 2| inches, 101 nails per pound. 10 penny — 2'i inches, 08 nnils per ])ouiid. 12 penny — 3 inches. 54 nails i)er pound. 20 penny — 3.^ inchcis, 34 nails per pound. Spikes — 4 inches, 10 nails i)er ])ound. I Spikes — 41 in»-hes, 12 nails per pound. i Spikes — 5 inches, 10 nails per i)oji 11(1. MISCELLANEOUS liULES. 8r);-)-,35f$ From tho almve table an ostimat,. of,|ua.ititv of any job ot work can \h' made. ■^ ' wn. TO MEASURE HAY L\ MOW— ! w'l A'l r''r' 'i''\^ ''"•''r'^^ ^"^ ^^•' ^"""' ^-^ '^^^'''l^^^ ^"^^ 'h,. hay not well Kottlcd, divide by (Mi>hto<'n. ' .ywi. KL\DIN(I VALUE OF LUMBER- To lind tho valu.'oi a (juantity ofluiiibcr Avh.M. the pri.-e is -nvm per thousand eet Multiply the number ol feet by ihe ,,ri,-e per housand and divid.- by 1,000, or simi,lv oil' three from the riif'ht. " ■" *«""■ Example: L720 IWct of luml>er ^4 ^i'') p.-r thousand f-ef lj-'0x2.')=s;4.'5.00. ;jr,7. FIN1)IN(J THE VALUE OF HAY— To iiiid the value of hay, multiply the number ot jK.unds bv th(^ price p,.r ton and divide by :i,000; ,„• shorter, multiply the number of the'ri'.'ht*^' ' ''"*'' '"''" *''" '""^ ^"*"" olithn.,> liyures irom Example: I'.tOO pounds @ ^-[H per ton 2,700x',« ""_"■■ *««Wfi„^.. _ ^ !$24..'50 2,700x!» = )f 24.300. 2,000 j'-^T.t-.vv. 3r,s MEAS^RIN(^ LAND— 1 i^i" "at^ j he number of aeres. or fra.^tion of an a.-re, m arertan-u- ^' irn -^w,"'^''*'-^' *'"' '•'"-!'^ '*>' ^^'' ^^''iec,> ot land havii.n- one rec- tano-ular corner. M/miph/ f/w Iwo slwrin- sides loo;,'thn- and lukv on,' half th- resn/L will yivc th.' number of r(,ds or feet a.vordin-.' as thft nn^asurement is g-iven in rods or feet. J<:xample— HoAy many square rods in a triaufrular lot haviiurone rectan^o-ular corn.'!-, one side beii.o- s rods, the s ^^ The cin-umference of a, circle multiplied by oue-fourth the dia- meter g-ives the area. 3«3, MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS— Oue cubic foot of water weighs 1,000 ounces. One cubic yard of sand is estimated one load. One hundred and twenty-eight cubic feet make a cord One cord of broken .stone builds 100 cubic feet of wall 12 inches thick. v>".t;o One ton of hard coal measures 83 cubic feet. One ton of soft coal measures 42 cubic feet. Three bunches of shingles cover one square— 100 feet One gallon of water is equal to 277.274 cubic inches, Imperial measure; and 231 the old Wine measure, also the United Stated measure, •^i^ One cubic foot of water equals 25 quarts, within a small fraction A cubic yard of mortar requires one cubic yard of sand and nine bushels of lime, and Avill fill thirty hods. One thousand bricks, closely stacked, occupv about 5(3 ciibicfeet abou?7L'ubTfeel^^ '"^'^^^' ^"^^"^"'^ "^^ '"''^'^^ ^^^^'^^^^' ^^^^^^ Stock bricks commonly measure H^ inches by 41 inches bv 2? inches, and weigh from 5 to (J lbs. each. ' ^ 1 000 shingles, laid 4 inches to the weather, will c-over 100 square ieet of surface, and 5 lbs. of shingle nails will fasten them on. One-fifth more siding and flooring is needed than the number of square feet to be covered, because of the lap in the sidiuir and matching. » 3G4 MIvSCKLLAXEors RULES, 1,000 laths will cover 70 yards ot sartace, and 11 pounds ol' lath nails Avill nail Iheni on. Eitiht bushels oi'i«o(»d limo, sixteen bushels ol' sand, and one bushel oi' hair, will make enouyh r^ood mortar to plaster 100 s(juare yards. A cord oi' stone, three ]>usheis of lime, and a cubie yj^'d of sand will lay 100 eubie I'eet ol' AVall. Five eourses oi' briek will lay 1 I't.ot iu heiontains 'Ji'lS.KH inches. The Imperiiil i>:ilton contains 277.1*74 inches. The Imperial (juiirt contains Oit.-'.IS inches. To ascertain the si " of box to make in ord(^r to hold a peck, half bushel or bushel, tak«» i;n> desired Avidth and depth, multiply them together and divide ihis pioduit into the number of inches in a peck half bushed or Imshel as the case may b(», and the quotient Avill be the leuiith of the box inside. For a laru'er number of bushels simply re- duce them to inches and proceed as already mentioned. Example — How lonck. A box 4 inches deep, 7 inches long and 4.8 inches Avide Avill hold a gallon. MISCKl.LANEOUS RULES. 865—3(36 A box 4 inches sqiuuo and 4| inches diM'p will hold a quart. A box 8 ino 'OS s(|uan' and •).[ inrhcs dci'p will hold a pint. A box •_' eo long, 1 it. 4 in. \vid(^ and 2 It. s in. deep will hold a barrel. A box 2 teet lon^-, 1 ft. 2 in. wide, and 1 ft. 2 in. deep will hold a half l>arrol. am. CAPACITIES OF CISTEUXS— 2 feet in diameter, 1<) inches deep holds lit.o gallons. 2 feet in diiuueter, 20 inches deep holds ;}!» gallons. 8 feet in dijunete'-, 10 inches deep holds 44.0(i gallons. 8 ieot in dianiete., 20 inches d<>ep holds SS.12 gallons. 4 feet m diameter, 10 inihes deep holds 7^.88 gallons. 4 feet in dinnn^ter. 20 inches dee]) holds l.")t;.(i(! a-nllons. •"> feet in diameter, lo inches det>j) holds 122.40 gallons. ;■) feet in diameter, 20 inches deej) holds 244. SO gallons. feet in diameter. •") feet det>p holds 7 )4.40 gallons, 22 barrels. (! fei't in diameter, ."i fet't deep holds 10.')7.,")() g.dlons, 88 })arn'l'<;. (i^ feet in diameter, o feet deep holds 1241.10 uallons, :>!i l)arrels. 7 feet in diameter, o feet deep holds 148!t.28 gallons, 4.") barrels. 5 feet in diameter, '> feet d(^ep holds lS7!>.'.tS gallons. ")S barrels. 8 h'et m diameter, (i feet deej* holds 22'").').!i7 gallons, 71 barrels. feet in diameter, .1 feet deep holds 2870.81) gallons, 7;') barrels. feet in diameter. 6 fei't deep liolds 27")'). 28 li'allons. S7 barrels. 10 feet in diameter. ;"> feet dee]) holds 2!'->5.20 gallons, !I8 barnds. 10 feet in diiinn^er, I'eet dee[) holds 8.")22.24 g;illons, 112 biirrels. 10 teet in diameter, 7 feet deep holds 410!i.2S gallons, 180 barrels. 10 feet in diameter. H teet dec]) holds 4.V.h;.:!2 li'allons, 14") barrels. 11 feet in iliamcier, .') feet dec]) holds •■l.").")4.40 gallons. 112 barrels. 11 feet in diameter, (! feet deeji holds -12t).").2S gallons, 13;") barrels. 11 feet in diameter, 7 feet dccji holds 4!'70.1(I li'allons. 1.')8 barrels. 11 feet in dianit.'ter, 8 feet dccj) holds .")(;s7.l.-|. gallons, Isd barrtds. 12 feet in dinmeter, ."> feid deep holds 42-)0.0() gallons. 184 barrcds. 12 feet in diameter, ti feet deej) holds r)07<).nO gallons, l(»l })arrels. 12 feet in diameter. 7 feet diM']) holds r)lt22.00 gallons. 1S8 barrels. 12 lect in diam»Mer. feet dee]) holds OOil!* liO u'allons. 20ii ban-els. 15 feet in diametci'. feet dee]) holds 7081. 52 uallons, 251 l)arrels. 15 feet in diameter, 7 feet dec]) holds 025:;. 44 uallons. 208 barnds. 15 feet in diameter, 8 feet dee]) holds 10575. ;)t) gallons, '■>'•)') barrtds. 15 fei>t in diameter, !• teet dee]) hoMs 11S!»7 2>^ U'allons. :177 barrels. 20 feet in diameter, 10 feet deej) holds 2:)50 I. so o'allons. 740 liarrels. In I he above table only *^\'*'n b.irnds hive 1» 'cn counted, th.'' fractions beinu' i>mitte(l. and ;'>I.^ ^lallons to the baind beinu' rcckont^d .•MWJ. CONTENTS OF VESSl^bS— To Mnd the solid contents of a cylindiical vessel : Mti/li/j/// the 'irro of I If hof/oiii 1)1/ /he liciiilif "f f'^'c ''''>>'"/. 807— 3V0 MISCELLANEOUS lU'LES. To lind the area, multiply the square of the cliamt>ter l)y the deci- mal .7854. Example — The iuside of a cylindrieal vessel is 20 iiu!hes in diam- eter and the height 3 feet, how many oubic; iuohefe does it t^outaiu ? 20x20x.7854x8G = 11809.76 To find the eiibieal contents of a vessel with rectangular base and Vertical sides: Multiply the length and breadth of the bottom by the height of the vessel. Example — How many cubic feet are contained in a tank feet long, 4 feet wide and 3 feet deep? 6x4x3 = 72 feet. 307. SQUAKl^] TIMBER— To find the cnibic contents of square timber: Multiply the area of one end in inches by the length of the log in feet and divide the pro- duct by 144. Example — Find the cubical contents of a stick of square timber 86 feet long and 20 inches square. 20x20x36 = 100 feet. 144 368, ROUND TIMBER— To find the cubical contents in square timber of a sti(^k of round timber: Deduct one-third from the mean diameter in inches and mul- tiply the square of the remainder by the length of the log in feet and divide the prodiict by 144. The mean diameter is found by adding the two ends together and dividing by 2. Example — Find the cubii-al contents in square timber of a stick of round timber 26 inches at the larger end, and 22 inches at the smaller end, and 30 feet long? 2 4 inches mean diameter. 8 one-third deduction. 1 6 remainder, hence 16x16x30 = 53^ feet. 144 3«9 SURVEYOR'S MEASURE— 7.92 inches make one link. 25 links make 1 rod. 100 links make 1 chain. 4 rods, 66 feet, make 1 chain. 80 chains make 1 mile. 640 acres makes 1 square mile. 160 square rods make 1 a0 25 cents. For not over 40 .'!5 cents. l'\tr not over 50 45 cents. For amounts exceeding !*!50 at saine rates. Telegraphic traufer of money can be made bet\veen all com- panies" au'encies with great promi)tness at the foUoAving usual rates, in addition to cost of teU'graphic servi(x>: !*il00 or less, one per cent. (n<; charuv less than lift vci-nts): over ij^lOO to !ii!200, s;1.25: over s20() to ^30(1. s;1.50; over n3()0 to !i|;400, sil.75; over .s400 to s;500, s2. For rates for larger sums it is necessary to apply to agents. Farm Ac3eounts. TnK ohjoct of Bunkkeopinp; is tt) rovcal tlio f naiieiiil conditidti of (lir husinpsa. This is what every cautious business man waUwS to iviiow. Kveiy faiuicM' should know at the end of eaoli year wliether lie has '.mule money or h)st, how mucii, and wiiei-e tlie j^ain or loss nccurred. Tilt; following iiictiiod of Farm Accounts is easily iiiulcrstotKl, reciuires hut little time to keep, shows at any day in the year just what each ciop or kind of stock has cost ami jjroduced up to that day, and at the end of t\w year presents a detailed and aci'Uiatc account of tlie (intire business. Only two hooks are used - a Per.sonal Ledf^er and a Cash IJook. Instead of using the ordinary I)ay l»ook, and making entries successively jiage after page, as is usually done, the work can he wonderfully simplified and shortened hy the Personal Ledger. Take a Journal, about 8 by lli inches, with doubh' money columns, costing about -iO or 50 cents, then two pages for t^ich account, the left hand for the debtor and the right hand for the cn'dit, as siiowii in the model. (){)arate account for capital, plant, farm jiroduce, each kind of grain, the hay, cattle, horses, sheep, jioultry, farm e.vpense, garden and orchard, house (!, etc. Then, when- ever an entry is to lie made, ojien the Personal Ledger to the projKT account. Thus every item recorded will be under its own pro[)cr heading, and no other {wsting is needed, and no hunting through a Day Book to make out an account. For everything except cash transactions, once a week would answer for making the entries, as any farmer could tell Saturday night all that hful i)een doiu^ during the week. The cash, liowevi>r, should be enteretl at once, as the numerous small expemlitures are hard to recall, and particularly where anything is paid or received on account it should be entered immediately. The first thing to be done is to take stock, that is, an imcntoiy of .ill tlu; assets and lialiilities. Then open CAPITAL ACCOUNT, and place on the right hand side the total as.set.s, and on the left hand side the total liabilities. The dillerence will be the net capital at (oiunicnccmcnl. Then oi)en PLANT ACCOUNT, and enter on the debtor or left hand side tlie total \alue of (the farm,) the carriages, plows, harrows, and all other farm implements and machinery, also the working team and household efl'ects. Next open FAK.M PRODUCE ACCOUNT, and enter tm the left hand side the value of the fodder and grain on lianil. Open accounts also for the cattle,, sheep, pigs, jujultry, etc., and enter on the debtor side of the various accounts their present values. If there is winter wheat in tlio ground, open an account for wheat, cliarging it for what it cose to put it in. 2 FARM ACCorNTS. r Fiuiii Pi'ddiici! Acimiiit is used to simplify tlit^ work. Ac tiio time of tliri'sli- in>^, unless tho jjniiii is soUl immoiliatcly, crfdib each crop foi- tlu* present value of lilt! yiain (Iiii'slicd and for the straw, and debit Farm I'roduee for t lie total. Do the sjime with the hay as it- is cut, also with I he routs, corn and potatnes, etc. Tlifn credit Faiiii Produce foi all that is sold ilurinj^ the year, taken tor family use, or fed to the stock. F.MIM i:XI'F.NSK Account slmuld he carefully ke]it. This account should he charjLfcd for the taxes labor, repair.s. keep of working,' teams, and rent, if the fanner is not the owner of the j)i'oj)eily, aLcrieidt nral papers and fairs, nails. i,'lass, etc., hut foi'ks, rakes, bIiovcIs, etc., purchased during tht; year sluadd l)ij cliai'gi'd against Plant .Vccount. r.\MIl.V KXl'KXSK Account is tlie hardest of all to manage. Credit l-'ainily Expense Account for the female help and the hoard of the men, at the same prices luhor and hoaid r'un at in your community, and charge I'^ainily Kxpenst? for cerything that goes in the house. Where milk is sold, cows should he cicdited for all the milk obtained, and Family Account debited for the part that is not sold. When the milk is not sold, the butter should be weighed at each churning, and "cows" ci'ere not charged for theii' full cost, hut the one balances the other, and it would scarcely pay to fw the jjroccss .any further. Poultry shiaild be credited for all the eggs brought into the itouse, and Family Account charged. When butter and eggs thus treated are exchangeil for gi'ocerics or dry goods for the use of the family, it would not be jiecfssary \» make any entry, as it is simply an exchange of connnodities. But if nails, rakes, etc., for farm use, ai'e jau'chased with butter and eggs, then "Plant," or Firm Expense Account should be cliarged and I'"amily Account credited. A CASH nooK should be kept, and all cash taken shoidd be entered on left hand, or debtor side, and all cash jiaid out enteicd on the right hand side. l"he form of Cash Book shown her<-' is \(My easily kept. Till-: liLACKSMITH AM) CJKOrKR. If farmei'S knew how much they lose every year by running on credit with their blacksmith and storekeeper, they would pay spot cash, even if they had to Ixiri'ow the money. Whei'c cash is not paid tlien a Pass Book should be kept with each, and never fail to luvve it always go to the shop or store to receive every purchase ! or item of repair. Then when th<' bill is paid make an entiy in the Casli Bonk, i! giving the merchant's or blacksmith's name, and state wluther it wjus in full (>f account, or only a part payment. The Book should also show tlie payment. These Pavss Books should be preserved as well as receipts. In this way it is but little trouble to handle those numerous items as they will be entered in total. If the payment is nuule in produce, the proper account, us hay or oats, would con- tain the entry, instead of the Cash l>ook. FARM ACCOUNTS. 3 lAlIM I.AIIOK. Kvcry crop sliMuIfl lie cliiiryrd with tlic viiluc of tlic lalior lU thai sonsun ot' the yciii tlml is iM-siuwcd upon it in pic]>ariiiL; tht^ j;i'(iiin(l, cost of hucd, luiiNcst- iii;,', tliicshiiij,', and luaikctiiii;. It is nol ditlituit to tiiid tlu! value of th(* labor, as csciy faiiiii'f knows what hn would havf to pay if lin wt-fc hirinj^ a laboier, and his own laltor oui,'ht to lie wni'tli as much as that of a liii'rd man. It will l)t! notiicd in tii« model set. \v(! have, for all the crops, used tin- lirsi column on tip- debtor side for the ialxjr, and llio second, for the value of the seed and money paid out. This is dune so that at the end of the yeiir, by addiriL;' iqi that (irst eolumu, it will be known how miieji of the l.ibor of the men has iM'cn eharfied against the various crops: then the remainder of the year's wa^es for yourself and man, if oiu! is employed by the year, should be ehari^'ed in ihe Tarni E.\]iense Aceount. •nil'; wouKiNf; tkam, properly, should be classed alotij,' with "]ilant," the same as the Mfi!j:uons. jiai- rows, etc. AN'heii this is don", their lab(H' should be cliaru'ed a;:ainst the lopeciive crops, and Farm I'roduee credited for their keeping. Hut when they are classed as " horse.s," instead of " jilaiit," the crojis are char;;e(l for their labor, the same as in the other ease, but "horses" are credited for the same. J'^or their kee])inj;, J'"arm I'roduee will be credited, anank Ac- counts. IJills Keceival)le and l>ills Payable would be closed iJalance, instead of and (iain. Then open a Loss and (Jain Account and enter in it all the accounls that have been closed Loss and (iain, writing tlu; name of the account, the ilate of closing and the amount of the difference. Be sure to make tiie entry (m the proper side of Lo.s3 and (Jain. The credit side will contain all the gains, aiul the debit the ex]>i'ases aiul losses. Take Wheat Account, for instance, the credit side is th(^ lai'ger, henco shows a gain. The red ink is on the debit side, and in carrying that amount into Loss and (Jain it goes on the ofijKisite, or credit side, in black ink, (see model). All the accounts similarly ai'e jiliiced on the .opposite sid<> to that of the red ink. After all the accounts have been closed, except Loss and (Jain and Capital, then close Loss and (Jain itself into Capital Account. The difference between the two sides being carried over into Capital, in black ink, writing Loss and (Jain for the amount. If it is a gain it will lie fm the credit side, but if a loss it will be on the debtor side. Then Capital Account is closed by writing on the debtor side, in red ink, 7'o JiaUmce, for the ditl'erence between the two sides. This ditliM'enee will now be your net worth, or capital, at closing. Then this Balance is written, in black ink, over on the credit side, under the ruling, ready for next years entries. Do the same thing with the Personal Accounts, liank, Bills Receivable, and Bills Payable. The difference between the two sides of your Cash Book will show the amount of money you have on hand. Material for Model Set. ►Stamfoup, April •Jml, ISO'J. Jiin^Wi Smitli ('(iiniiioiicr'd this (lay to kcop accuunts with the hiisincss of liis t'iinii. He lias J. M. Hfiiiy cniploytMl as farm laliorcr by thn yar, at !?12 ptT month, incUHlin;; hoard and laundry, payahlt! half-yearly. Ho will also (;har;,'o tiic farm tin- same piirc for his own lahor, His wife has a youn<,' woman hiicd for lir>uspwork, at $1.50 pel' week. Shr will also chnr^'c Family Exjionse the samo for her own lahor. Mrs. Smith will keep a Family Kxix'tisc hook, in which she will (credit "Poultry" for all the *'iiook, on the debtor side. Then open real estate, horses, cattle, sheep, farm produce, wheat, and poultry, and enter tin; propter amounts cm dei)tor side of each (see model). Your books are now open leady for the year's business. A few transactions in connection with the putting in, harvesting, threshing, and marketing of each of the crops, except the roots, corn, and potatoes will be given ; a' a few transactions in connection with the live stock, .so as to furnish a sample entry as a guide. 'rnANSACTlONS. Aprl. 4. Si 1. 0. !) (lays in proparinj? oats .i,'iituiul, (. .'50 lAislifls seed nuts, (,1 'M) ii-nts 1) 00 1(). () (lays jjii'iiiuiiii,' Ixiilt-y ;,'i(iuii(l, "J tt-uins JW 00 10. 20 l.iislirls s.fd hdilcy, (rt 1^0 cents 10 00 " 2'!. Ui.utjht tor (iisli, piiif ImhiIs for self 3 00 " 2'.. I'iiid casli for j(n.c..ricH 1 20 •' .",0. I'ai.l .1. Willimiis (-ash fi.r ft'ncin« :i 00 " .'50. I'aitl .J. Jnlmson casli for Mutlvsniilliiii!,' . . , 1 10 May 2. Today turned eatlle, slieep, and horses to pasture. *• 2. Feed consumed by aittle, !i*12 ; slieep, .^.'j ; horses, .^S " 2. Sold 5 busiiels potatoes, f(>r ca-ih, ut 10 cents 2 00 " 18. Paid cash for work in oreliard C 00 '• .'50. Paid cash for shearirii; sheep 1 00 June T). Sold for cash 17;") ihs. wool, (11 20 cents 70 00 " n. I'aid J. Johns(»n cash for lihicksnuLliini; 2 GO '• n. Paid casli for diy i,'oo(ls for family ^^ r)0 " .5. Paid J. M. ilvnry cash on wa^es 10 00 " r>. Paid c(i h for hou.sehold expenses 20 00 July .'"•. 1 days for 2 teams and man makini,' iiay 20 00 " .'"). Paid casli for hired help in havin;^ 10 00 " 7. S(.ld for cash .3 loads of hay from Held 10 00 " 8. Remainder of hay crop, estimated at .'50 tons, fe .^8 - 210 00 " 2 1. 1 days for 2 teams and men harvesting wheat 1.') 00 " 21. Paid\-ash for hired help in wheat 00 Aug. 2. 2 days for 2 teams and men ha. vest ing barley 10 00 It. Paid' cash for threshing wheat '. 12 00 " 9. Labor in threshing .'i 00 •' 9. Value uf wheat crop, 250 bushels (« 90 cents 22.") 00 " 9. Value of wheat straw 9 00 " 9. Value of .'500 bushels barley, at GO cents ISO 00 ♦ 9. Value of the stiaw 14-^)0 " 9. Paid cash for threshing barley 7 00 " 9. LalKjr for threshing 2 .')0 " 9. Value of oats, 280 bushels, («; 28 cents 78 40 " 9. Value of oats straw 8 GO " 9. Paid cash for thi-eshing oats 6 00 " 9. Labor for threshing oats 1 7.') •' 23. Preparing ground for fall wheat 20 00 " 23. 20 bushels Wed wheat, («; 80 cents 1 00 Sept. 4. Sold 1 horse for ca.sii 10'] 00 .'). Sold for cash 18 bushels apples 'J 00 «' 25. Sold for cash 20 lambs 40 00 " 2.'). Paid cash towards church funds 10 00 " 2.'). Paid cash for county fair expenses 8 00 " 25. Sold for cash 30 baskets ])eaches 45 00 " 25. Paitl cash for household expenses 15 00 Oct. 5. LalK)r in picking and barreling apples 5 00 " 5. Paid carh for 50 apple barrels 5 00 " 5. Paid J. M. Henry balance half-year's wages 02 00 •' 7. Sold 50 barrel:, of apples from orchard for cash GO 00 *' 7. Bought for asli 4 head of young cattle 00 00 " 1 2. LalK)r in picking apples 15 00 " 1 2. 200 bushels apples put in cellar, valued at 00 00 6 MATERIAL FOR MODEL SET. Oct. 12. Took .stock from pa.stui'c, and charge horses $!•"); cattle, S25 ; and slieej), .S9 Oct. IG. Paid casli f(.i- taxes 2.' 00 " 29. do ci'ih i'of huusohold expenses 20 00 Dec. 22. Sold foi- casji -1 doz. fowls 21 00 Jan. ."). Hold for cash 100 bushels wlieat (ci^ 8.5 cents per bushel Oats crop, 280 bushels, © 28 cents Oats straw ; To loss and gain 00 *Apl. 30 $856 20 Dr. HORSES. April May Oct. 2 2 12 30 2 young horses and roiul team , $ 8 15 120 00 00 00 $320 143 00 Cost of feed Pasture 1893. Mar. Cost of fodder for wintierinu a 1 * To lie written in red ink. 00 $463 00 ^^ACCOUNT. PERSONAL LEDGER AND JOURNAL 1892. ~~ 2 iBy SundiicH Apri 1^93 Aprii ]89.'3. April Cr. 2 I " Loss and Gain. 2 jBy Balance— net capital , 88,354 00 979 20 j.*9,333 ~20~ I!#9,333l20~ ESTATE. *Apl. 2 By Inventory PRODUCE. ]892. April May Oct. 1893. Jan. S6,000 00 Cr. M.^ ar. 9 Exchanged 8 bushels wheat for flour ^ 90 c. . | .^ ^ Sold 5 bushels potatoes for cash, @ 40 cents-. 2 I Feed consumed by live stock 7 jPastui-age for stock 5 Sold fur cash 100 bushels wheat @ 85 cents. 19 Sold 250 bushels barley (a; 70 cents 10 30 ^\p]. Sold for cash 5 tons hay fe $1 2 Received cash for wintering 2 head of cattle 30 jCost of fodder for wintering stock I i 2 By Inventory 7; 20 I I 2 00 25, 00 49 00 85i 00 175 00 GO 00 20 00 228 00 205, 00 $ 856 20 $ 856 I 20 HORSES. Sept. *Apl.; Sold 1 horse for cash , By Inventory " Loss and Gain. . "fobe wrllUn in red Ink. Cr. $ 105 oa 350 I oa i 8 , 00 1$ 463 I 00 'J Pr. I'lillSONAL LHIXjKR AND JOIJIlNAL. FAMILY April 25 l';iiii i.'.isli for ^locfiics JiJiK; 5 i " " " ilry ;,'<)u(is S<'j)t,. 2r*|I'ui(| c-isli lowiird.s i:liijr(li futidh. Oct ! 12 j'JOO IjuhIicIh iijiplfiH piil, ill Juii. 5 I'iijil t'of ("lijiity ;tii<»iij.'lil, 4 li.a.l of i-att,l(!. . " I I. 'J I'asluiaj^i- for siiiiiKii; I M!i;{. .Mar. *Apl. .'JO CohI of wiiit,crifig. 2 To loss and i/ajii. Dr. April 2 May 2 it 30 j Oct 12 ♦Apl. 2 i5 h.-.wl . . . . (Jost of fcMtd 30 jl*ai *' I " l{' ,f I.I,.; „„;„ ' i . AjjI I 2 \'; \oo I 20 Cr. 30 1 I ')<) II.,. of liuM,..,- for yan,. (,^ 2r>(; *Api.| 2 I{> li.v<;i,Lory 8 40 2^7 00 : 8 no .300 ; 00 (iS7 50 8087 I no Cr « 70 I 00 40 00 200 ! 00 310 9310 00 00 i Dr. PERSONAL LEDGER AND JOURNAL. POULTRY. 1 ><'^}'^. Mar. ♦Apl. 2 30 liens and 10 ducks. ! 30 .Cost of wiiitoring. . . . 2 To loss and yain . GO 8 U 00 S 00 82 ! 00 Dr. WINTER. April 2 Co«t of lalx)r and seed for 10 acres •luly ! 24 4 days for two teams and nion harvesting. ' Paid cash for labor Aug. 9 Labor for tluvshing ' Paid cash for threshiii' 1893. •Ian. *Apl. f> Lal)or in marketing 2 To loss and gain $ CO I 00 00 00 22 00 134 00 $234 I 00 Dr. OATS. Apiil 9 h days preparing giound . . " '30 bushels .seed @ 30 cents " 'Paid cash for threshing . . . " DvlM)r for threshing Apl. 2 To loss ami gain $12 1 50 1 75 8 9 6 14 57 00 00 25 15 88G 40 Dr. PLANT 1892. .\pril 1S93. Jan. 2 i Value of plant fis per inventory 5 Bought light sleigh tor note at 3 months. " llors.. lor, 9 40 00 00 00 " Apples " -JO luml.s (a 82 2r, " ."JO baskets peaclies (" '^lf>0 4i) 00 12 " r.O hhls. )ipples^;i .fl.20 r,o 00 22 " 4 doz. fowls 24 00 00 " 100 bushels wheat @ 85 cents 19 " 2.->0 " barley («' 70 cents .... 175 00 10 " T) tons hay fe.Sl2.00 GO 00 .'JO " Uec((i'd for winter'^ 2 head of cattle. 20 00 1901 1 1' 1 00 April 2 To balance brought forward |520 60 $901 00 BOOK. PEIIHONAL LVJM'.KU ANM) .roTTRNAL. Apri 1 2r> Paid fur ImioI.s for solf ~* ■ 1 3 00 20 00 .$ ^1 • it 25 " " ;,'rf work ill oivliurd . . . 1 00 00 i 1 ^% ■50 1 " " slu'ariii|i( sluM^p 4 -} UJIU '> 1 " .J. Jdliiisdii for l)lacksniitliiri<( . . . . mi 60 1 i( •' " *"!■ Iionschold (!xpensos 20 00 50 00 it ■'» " " ihy ffmh for fuinily. .. 5 10 u •' j " -'. M. JI(;iiiy oil wfi^'os account. .July - t " for l;i,l)or ill wlicat liarv(;st 6 00 Auy. '•^ " " tlircsliiiin- wheat 1 12 7 G 10 15 8 00 00 00 00 00 1 00 ' fch ■>! • h:iv\vy . . . . (« 'J ' Oat;; Sc])l,. 25; " towards cluircli funds. j i 1 j »t 1 -5 ! " f,,!- housoliold expenses 1 " 1 1 -5 ; " " county fair (^vpensns Oct. 5 : " J. M. Honry, lial. Iialf year's wa^v's. 1 1 G7 00 j i( 5 " for 50 apple bai-roLs ' 1 i i 5 GO 1 00 : i 00 i " 1 ^- " " •+ iiwid of young cattle ii Itj " tax ii „., 00 00 1 " 1 1 29 '• for liouseliold cxpo.i„,-„s il 20 .fan. ; 5 '• " iiowspapcrs . 00 00 i 1 April 2 •' J. M. P[(!n ry bal. of n-agos !. ^ i 1 72 : 8374 40 1 ! . <( - *By balance on liand . 1 I~ 52G GO — 1 II TJUl 1 [)0 i 1 I' I INDEX. ^•«H»™ i»..l";T" Account -M- ■).,• ( 'utlawini,' iif <)(; Ac(!()inmi)(Iatii)ri I'apef ji;J AiMrcsH ..f KiivulopL's '47 Ailiiiiiiistrati.r ......'. ''in 'l-'"":y .'.'.'.'.'.'.".".■ to lio!) 'i", ■■■\ 200 to 20(i A^'n-.irient to J lire '. '.,'!,, Alici I'liifinies ]'\ '-,. A pjniciition of Piiyiiieiits !!!.'.'.' 'ui, AsHent, Mutual ' •/■'' 'ti ' '.„■ 'i -o I inie for ' „/' Arliitratioa and Awiir(J AHNiL'tuncnt Auction .Salen Auctioneer 20 84 71, 1!»7 , . . . 17.i ... 174 liailnifnt 15^l(.'^'a-e l!lM|U(!sts Hill ■;. Hill of I'lxchani'e. Bill of Sale ..... Form of Iioardcr.s Hoarding''H.. . Breach of Contract . :nv, 12.S. lieniedie.s for j^j CJaiwcitieH of clHternB . . . ''itrriers, Coniinon ItcHpoMsiliility (.V. ■tion to lieljtors ('ertiticitc of dcpoMit ... Clian'^inv,' of WIiIh .' Cliattcl .Mortgages Forni of. . Outlawini; AhHi;. Dischai Kcncwa .f 272 274 141 l2(i .{14 140 .■J{2 m ( 'liei|ue <'linicti 'IVuMtees '. ''odicil to a Will <;oll'^( tion of Notes ,]] ConKidciation.Sutticicnt < 'ontent.s of Vcs.sels, Finding (.-'ontracts ClasHCH of iiieL-ai ;■.; Drawing,' of f'o-T'artnor-liip (Compromise . . ' Corporations ;-t.s ]!)4 2:it;, Hty of Claims ■•', ..J..1 .... T. f !• Fraudulent I'referenc^.o!.' Mi 1!»8 27.5 277 318 ;{4(i 123 104 271 28,3 8G I 'ays of Grace I / >atna},'es I I >eed, Statutory .....'.'.'.'.'.''.' ■ Quitclaim ■ Defcnct!s iJifference in 'I'ini.. l5etweeiiV;itie.s; " " liiHsolution of I'artnerHhip J>iHtrainint,' for Jicnt '....'...'..'. ,,. ., , I'enaili.s 'f,,r Il'le.' l>lvIdendH . " "rafts :;; "runkfu Persoiw -,V Due IJillH .■....'.'.'.'.'^. "[['.[ i,-57 KndorHementH .... Hndorsfcr.s . . . To iiol.i I'.ntrieH in Account Hviction i'l.vecution I'^vecutor K-xemptiouM from Soizu i'.xtradition HKCTION . 101 . . .•)2(; ... ; . . 02 .. .idl . . 2;{.{ . . 202 . . 20K .. 24!) 12:{ Hooks 127 to i.n l:i2 i:;;{ 172 2(i1 M) ;!07 'M, 20.!, 200 :i:>!i Kalhf Pedigree .,.,- Farm Accountn '.' '.,X'! Findini,' I'rojjerty ..".'.'..".*.'.'. ;{i(> Value oiP i.nmlier ■jr',- ^^''y ;r.7 209 Ill Fi.vtures .... ]''or>,'ed Xote Kraud Fi.-iudulent C'ontractH Frei'djt . 0,S 274 Guardinj. Ajjainst Fraud . . •«,., Guaranty and Suretynhij) .".".'.".'.'.'" lis.5 (juarantee Insui-; ISU Guarantor, DiHcharKe of.. .'.'.'.'.'. ',", .'.'.'.." {^i ...324 . . 2.S0 . . IM Heirs Hotel Keepers llusljand'H Ij'aliility. . . . . . . ...''' IdiotH ^ lllej,';d Contracts ..!' ;'. Fiidiaiis 1''' Infants jr Innocent Purclnisers .......'. ll Interpretation of ContraclH .' i- f iitnxieatcl Persons ' l- Indor.sement Vot' i' \'l'. Injunction i.o.ij :::: «^ In-sol vent Oebtors .'■,] ' ;; ' .,,1 InHuriit.ce ..,....■.■; .' .' .' ." ." " ' ' ' ' iJJ | 1 ! 28.-, I'ire .... Life Marine . . Aecident. 304 INDKX. Insurance A iiont 2S7 Iiiteri'st. 122 Joint Stock ('inn)ianioa 23(), 2i Jii(l,L,'iinnt .Suniiiwnis ill Jurisiliction of Gaiiadian Courts 320 ]i:iiiillorl ati'l Tenunt 252 Laiull'nil'.s l{ic;hts luifl Remedies 201. to 2(i() Pen.'vlues for Illfjfal Seizure 208 Notici' to 'J "enant ;{42 to ;U4 tyOiiii>nl-ory Repairs 321 Lftw lto8 LeaB3 254, 255 House ;{.'il) Farm :«7 Legiitfe :W.\ Lieti Note 12t* liimitatioiis', Statute of 74 Liiiuor to Alinorti 327 Lodb'ers 271 Losses, Insurance 28'.(, 292, 2 ,.-.. ' / ■ y ,o -^f: c ^';' ■'■■ -■'-' u--* ^' V- . ^ c * i ^, cy. ' .1. -> ■ / i - , ^V.v •< '". / i . # *- " , _. ^* ^ i t , ■ * r c ' -u. ^^ A, _;^. ^ t _-<.'t.,^. VJ""