-^- IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) V L<*/ / Ua (/f. ^ ■1 1.0 I.I 1^ 11^ |50 12.5 ; -''fc IP 2 I4£ mil 2.0 1.8 1.25 L4 1.6 ^ 6" — ► V] Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ' ,.1'j' n,w,w»,'H.V-: ' V.'' ^J ii ' -< '- 'J' ! '--.V,"'. ' . i^TBCT ^/i.vsrf &. .fjfitpv ^^r.v'^'vy-va- -T •*»? i .1 ■'A i j^PPEISTDIX B. MATERIAL FOR A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NOETH AMERICAN MAMMALS. Prepared by Theodore Gill and Elliott Codes. Several years have passed since a Bibllograpby of North American Mammals was begnn by Dr. Gill, and coutinned with the cooperation of Dr. Coues. The design was to make it as complete as could be reasouably expected, and to include (a) all works and papers on Mammalia at large published in North America, (6) all works and papers, wherever published, relating to North American Mammals, and (d) such general works or collateral special papers as bear more or less directly upon the subject. Pressure of other engagements upon each of the authors, however, obligeil them to suspend the work in 1874, and the material now published represents simply the progress they had made at that date toward the oqnipletion of their plan. The Bibliogrephy is therefore not supposed to bo brought beyond 1874, when systematic compilation of titles was abandoned, although a number of titles of later date havo been collated by one of the authors daring his preparation of the index-slips for the press. In the full- est sense of the term, this compilation is only " material " for a Bibliography ; the compilers are fully cog- nizant of its defects, and no criticism could be more severe than that which they themselves would pass upon it. But even in its present state, the Bibliography is much more extensive than any hitherto prepared ; it is published iu connection with these Monographs of by far the largest order of Mammalia, that the material which it represents may at length become available for all those who are working upon North American Mammalogy ; and it is believed that it will be very usefdl to all who duly regard the purport of this explanatory note. ' The titles are arranged in chronological order under a few beads. The first set consists of general and miscellaneous publications on Mammals at large ; the second of fannal publications, or those relating to the Mammals of particular geographical areas; while the remaining sets are those of orders or sub- orders of the Mammalia. The Bibliography of American publications is believed to be very nearly complete down to 1874 inclusive ; in other resiiects, the work is very imperfect. Many of thp titles, especially the foreign ones, are taken at second hand, and those which have not been verified may not be fonnd to be literallj correct. The titles of many of the general works are not given in full. A cousiderablo part of the Bibliography— that relating to several of the families of the Koden- tio — has already been presented on earlier pages of this volnme, and such titles are not here duplicated. In the labor of preparing this matter for the press, which has devolved uiH>n Dr. Coues, mnch assistance has been rendered by Mr. Allen, who has kindly revised the proofs, adding some titles, and making many valuable suggestions. Very great assistance has also been rendered by Mr. William Young, the occoniplished proof-reader of the Government Printing Office, to whom special thanks arc due for his valuable services iu securing accurate typography, and in perfecting the arrangement of the titles. 9&1 1 952 MONOOTlAPns OF NORTn AMERICAN RODENTIA. A.-OENERAL AND IVIISCELLAIVEOIJS PUBLICATIONS. 1991.— Oesner, O.— Conr. Oeioeri bistoriie aniniAUniu lib. i de qoadrnpecllbas viviparii. Folio. Ti- gnri, 1651. 1669.— Oeaner, C— AHKninninoH Tbierbuoli, durob Conr. Qesnerum in lateiiilHoher Bpracbe beschriebon, diircb Conr. Fureruni ins Deutacbe Ubenotzt. Folio. Fraiikf. 16C9. 1693. — Ray, J. Bynopoia inotbodica aninialiuni qnadrnpixluni et serpentini generis. VulgariDin notaa obaracterioticaa, rariorum deacriptioncB integrus exbibeus: cum liistoriis & observationibns anatoniicis perquani ouriosis. Prosmittuntur nouuulla dl^ aiiimalium in generc, sensi', genera- tione, diviniono, dec. H". 8 p. 1., 336 pp., witb portrait opposite title. London: iinpenais S. 8mitb & R. Wnlford, 1(>93. 1704. — Tyaon, H- A now division of terrestrial brnto animols, particnlarly of tboso tbat have their feet formed \\k» hands. <^ Pbilos. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, xxiv, 1704, pp. 1566-1573. 1734-69.— Beba, A. Locapletissimi reruu'* naturalinm thesaurus occunUa descriptio et ioonibiu artiliciosisdiniis expressio, per nuivor.ukm physiues bistoriam. 4 vols. Folio. 1734-65, 1739. — IiinnaBua, C. Caroli Linnwi, 8veci, Doctoris Medicina), Systema naturae, sive regna tria natnm ' systeniatice proposita per classes, ordiues, genera & species. O Jehovat qonm ampla sunt '* operaTual Qnaui ea omnia sapienter fecisti! Quam plena est terra possesMiono Tna 1 Paalm. civ. 24. Lugduni Dalavoruni, apud Tbeodorum Hattk, 1735. Ex typographia Joannis Wilholmi de Oroot. Folio. 7 1. unnunibore10S ; pt Ui, plL 106-157 ; pt It, pll. 156-811— French tranal., 1745.) ••'S. BIBLIOGR. AI'PENDIX— A. GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. 953 1744.— Llnnasaa, C. Carol! Linntel Modio. A. Dotan. In AomI. UpaalienHi ProfoMiorla Aoail. Iniporiiilis, Upaallonsla, Stmikholineiiaia St, MoDapellooaia Sue. Hyatema nuturte In qao pro)>oonntur natura re|{ni tria aocundiini rIaiMM, ortlln<>a, ({vnora &, H|>«cina. Killtio qimrta al> auotoroonuindata & auota. AccesHoriint iiuinina Oallica. I'lirlaila, HtiniptibiiH MIchaellH-Antunii David, bibliopolm, via Jacubo&i Hub slgno Cttlanil anrel, 1744. Cum privilegio rt>({ia. H°. 3 p. 1. [Fuiitlainoiitu Botnnica], xxvil, [I], 108 pp., tab. (ThU I* niil, b)- Llnnt, to have boon odited by B. Juulea, anti vd lonam Schmidt, bibl. Lvboo, 17">1. 4". 2 p. 1., 127-f 1 [>p., 5 pll. folded. Steller, G. W. De beatiia mariula. ^ Nov. Comment. Acad. Petroi>ol. ii, 1749 (1751), pp. 289- 298, 3 pll. 1752. — Anon. Scbanplatz (Systematlscher) allot einbeiniiaobeu uud aaBlUndischen vierfilasigen Tbiore. NUrnberg, 1752. Hill, J. Au biatory of animals. Folio. London, 1752. 1754.— BrisaoD, M. J. Systitnie naturel du rfegne animal, par cloaaeH, faniillea on ordrea, genres et eapdcoH. Avec une notice de toua lea auimaux; lea noma greca, lutina &, vulgairea, que lea naturalistea leur ont donn6a; les citutiona dea autenrs qui en out 6crit; une table pour cliaque claaae, qui d<$aigne la famille ou I'ordro, lo genre & I'enpece, do cbaque animal. Ouvrage enriobl de flgurea en taille douce. Suivant la ni^lbode de Klein ; avec une notice de celle de M. LinniBua, et I'ordro dea poisaona, auivaot ladi viaiou d'Artedi et I'ordru dea ouraiua de mer. Trad, de I'Allom. par Math. Jocq. Britwon. B°. Baucho, Paris, 1754. "' Klein, J. T. Doutea ou observations de Mr. Klein . . . aur la revCie des animaux, faite par lo premier bomwe, anr quelques animaux dea clasaeH des quadrupkles & amphibics du syat^me de la nature do M. Linnwus. £t des remarques sur lea cru8tac6eB, aur les animaux qui ruminent, & aur la vie do I'bomme, compar^e aveo celle dea animaux. Avec flgurea. Ouvrage traduit du Latin . . . [par Fr. Al. Aubert de Locbesnaye dea Boia]. 8". 2 p. 1., 108 pp., 1 pi. folded. A Paris, , , . cbez CI. J. B. Bauche, . . . 1754. LinnaeuB, C. Museum 8. K. M. Adolphi Friderici, Regis Snecorum .... Folio. Stockholm, 1754. 1755.— Johnston, J. Theatrnm universale omninm animalium quadrupedum. Folio. Heilbr., 1755. 1756.— Briason, M. J. Regnum animale in clasaes IX distributnm, aive synopsis methodica alatena generalem animalium diatributionem in classes IX, & dnarnm primarum clasaiuin, quadru- pedum scilicet & cetoceorum, particularem divisioneui in ordines, aectionea, genera et apeciea. Cum brevl cujusque apocioi dcscriptione, citationibua auctorunrde iis tractantium, nominibua eia ub ipsia & natiouibua impoaitia, uominibusque vulgaribua. . . . Cum figuria aeneia. Pariaiis,adRipam Aujnstinoram, apudCI. Joannem-BaptiatamBauobe, . . . 17.'>6. . . . lOr"] Briason, M. J. Le riigno animal divia^ en IX classes, on m^tbodo contenant la division gdn^rale dea animaux en IX cloases, & la divlHion particull6re dea deux premieres clitHaea, R9itvoir du celle dea quadrup^des & do cello des c6tac6eB, en onlres, aectiona, genres & espftccs. Auxqiiflb's on a joint uue courto description de cbaque espJice, avec les citatious dea autoura qui en ont traits, lea noma qu'ila leurs ont donu&4, ceux que leura ont donuda les difiVSreutea nations, & lea noma vulgairea. .... Aveo figures en tailie douce. A Paris, Quay des Auguatins, cbez CI. Jean Baptiate Bauche, L75(3. vi, 382 pp., 1 1., 2 tab., 1 pl. rr- 954 MONOQEAPHS OF NORTH AMERICAN KODENTIA. f' 1756.- IiinnasuB, C Systouia itnrro sistens regna tria natnrffi in classes et; ordines genera et species redacta tabulisqne teneis illustrata. Accednnt vocabula Gallica. Editio ninlto ano- tior & eniendatior. Liigdiiiii Hatavoruni, apud ThecKlorura Ilaak, 1756. HP. 4 p. )., 227 [+ 1] pp., [index] 9 1., 8 pi., with 4. 1. oxplan. [This nilUton Is rocoj{ulzed by I.lnii6 as the 9th, nnd »aia to have been edited by Gronovtna, and to be the aamn as the 6th, with very few odiUtioDs rogpectinj; the birds and flsUcg. (" Per Uronoviam. Paucisaima de Avthiis, FUcibiis, idem cam 6.")] ANALYSIS. ....>,,, 1. QuADRCPEDiA [pp. 2-15]:— 34 genera. I. Anthropomorpha. — Homo, 1 sp.; Simia, 16 spp.; Bradypns, 2 spp. [3 genera]. II. Fertc.—lJnna 2, Felie 8, Mustela 9, Lutra 2, Cauis 7, Pboca 2, Meles 3, Eriuacons 2, Dasy- pu8 7, Talpa 2, Vespertilio 5 [ 1 1 genera]. HI. Ord. Agrice [not in eds. i-v].— Myrmecopliaga 3, Mania 1 [2 genera]. IV. G/«rc«.--Hy8trix 4, Sciurus 3, Lepus 4, Castor 3, Mi ', Sorex l,Didulphis 2[7genera]. y. - livm in vavin avditervni, cvi accedit nomenclatvra oninivm hvivs clu^&ia civivm, vno cvm cbaractere generico et ajtecifico, dcnominatioue germanica, ao deaignatione iconvm. 16°. 5 p. 1., 90 pp., 1 1. Roatoobii, apvd lobanneni Cbtiatianvm Koppivm, 1778. 1778-83. — Zimmermann, B. A. W. Oeographiacbe Oeacbiohte der Menacben und der vierfUsaigen Tliierc. H". 3 vols. 1778-83. 1780.— Storr, O. C. C. Prodromua nintbodi roainnialiutn. ... 4°. 43 pp., 4 tab. TUbingen, 1780. [See Gill, linll. PbiioH. Soc. of Washington for Got. 1874.) 1781. — Pennant, T. A biatory of quadrupeda. 8 vols. 4°, lat ed., London, 1781 ; 2d ed., 1793; 3d ed., 1793. \V :. I BIBLIOGR. APPENDIX~A. GENBltAL AND MISCELLAKEOUS. 957 1783.-Henn«nii, J. Tabula afflnitatnm animalium olim acadenilco sneclraine eA\t». n„n« ..k. . polK, 1783. : ^' ' ' Argentorati, mipeusis Job. Oeorgii Treuttel, biblio- lMamm.p. 115.] 174 pp. Roterodami, apud C. E. Hake 1784 *»»viii pp. ^l i.;, iiiM5'i6 .. pars i^ il^;!;':^a iT-^') i^J "Ip^lTr'S.^r' '.r '•■ ''■ ^? ^"*'^'^' 1 p. 1., pp. 2225-3020 : pa.s vi (Veru,.«), l , ^{ ^^'il aSo T "^'.^^r."- "' "'*''"*' =^'^' 3911-4120.3 1789. [The first^wo parts diteiTfiT] ''"" '"• (^"«''«=*'')' ^ P- >•• PP- TomusII. [Regnnm vecetab.le : narsi \ n ^ -.t boa ^^ . ^ •• , vh.™ of tt, .s,.!*™ M.,;:;,™ "7" '"■" "" '^ "' "» "'"»• <"• "ij. p«Kw«d tag .n„ ,b. ,™ anD6«, tome ii, 1795, pp. 164-190. '"''" *** *''*^"'^- < **"«• ^""y"- 1" "'"•""^^r^^p.^ul.tlSe""""" '" ''"^•«'™ — '-» L'— n.. resp. Jac. Sonnerberg. ivinr^^rT"'"'-''- ^•"^'"'-«--^-''«e«e-'^n 958 MONOGRAPHS OP NORTH AMERICAN RCDENTIA. 'ft . 1799.— Dnm^ril, A. M. C. Siir la forme do derni^re phalange deb doigts dans lea animanx raammifiirea. . Tableau des divisions, Bons-divisioDS, ordrea et genrej des luaniniifbreH, del c^tuc^H . I doii oiseaux. 4'^. Paris, 1799. Pennant, T- Thomas Pennant's allgemeine Uebersiont dor vierfUasigen Tbiere. Ans dom Eng- lischen Ubersetzt und mit Aumerkungen und Zusiitzon versehen von Johann Matthiius Becb- Bteiu. Er^tor Band. Mit Knpfertafeln. 4°. xxxi, 319 pp., 34 pll. Weimnr, im Verlage dea Industrie-Comptoir's, 1799. 1800.— Iiao^p^de, B. O. B. Classification dus oiseaax et des mammif itres. < Ser Cuvier's Einthcilung der Sangethiere. > le 1815.~Meckel, J. P. Versuch einer Entwlckelungsgeschichte der Centraltheile des Nervensystems in den Saugethiercn. < Meckel's Deutsch. Arch. f. d. Physiol, i, 1815, pp. 1-108, 334-422. 589- 639, 2 pll. • ' . . f t . . 1816.— Blaiaville, M. H. D. de. Prodrome d'nne nonvelle distribution sysf^rnatique du r^Rne ani- mal. < Nouv. Bull. Sci. Soc. FMIom. Paris, 1816, pp. 105-124 ; Jonrn. Phys. Chim, d'Hist. Nat. et Arts, Ixxxiii, Oct. 1816, pp. 24'*-2e7 (Mammiferes, pp. 250-251) ; also transl. ( Vorlauflge An- zeige einer neueu sy sterna tisohen Eintheilung des Thierreichs, ....), Isis von Oken, 1818, col. 1:160-1384. . . ,1 i . Sli 9G0 MONOGRAPHS OF NOKTH AMERICAN RODENTIA. 'I I' 1616. — Levrault, F. O. Dictionnairn deHHcienrcs uatorcllcH, daiiH Icqiu-I on traite nKStbodiquoment dea diflVSrenH 6truii do la nature, consid^rds Noit en eiix-ni6ni• 3817.— Cuvler, O. Le rfigne animal. 4 vols. 8°. Paris, 1817. Fiacber, O. De systemato mammalium et de mammalium geueribns. <^ M^m. Soo. Nat. Mos- cou, V, 1817, pp. :i68-446. Jager, O. von. Eiuige Bcmerkungen tiber die Kotb* und Harnaasleernng bei nengebomen Siiu- ge»Jiioron. •< Deutsches Arcbiv Physiol, iii, 1817, pp. 546-553. Meckel, XF. Bilduiigsgeschiohte des Darmcanals der Siiugetbiere nnd namentlich des Men- Rchcn. < Meckel's Deutscb. Arch. f. d. Physiol, iii, 1817, pp. 1-84, 2 pi. Rafineaque, C. S. New species of mammifers noticed in the Tableau M^thodiquo des Mam- niifferos, by Desniarest. ■< Amer. Monthly Mug. i, 1817, pp. 361-363. 1818.— Blainville, M. H. D. de. MammifitreB. (Organisation.) < Nonvean Diet. d'Hist. Nat par uiie H()ci6t6 et de naturalistes et d'agricultenrs, nouv. ed. xix, 1818, pp. 75-152. Wistar, C. Observations on those processes of the ethmoid bone which originally form the sphenoidal sinuses. <^ Trans. Am. Philos. Soc. Phila. n. s. i, no. xxx, 1818, pp. 371-374, pi. 10, figs. 1-3. 1819-29.- OeoSroy Bt.-Hilaire, fi., and Cuvier, F. Histoire naturelle des mammifbres, aveo des figures origiuulesenlumindes, dessindes d'apres des animaux vivants. Par MM. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, . , . . et Frdddric Cuvier, .... Publi6e par M. C. de Lasteyrie. Paris, & I'imprimerie litbograpbique de C. do Lasteyrie, .... et cbez les principaux librairvs de France et de I'dtrauger, do riinprimerio de Firniin Didot, 1819. 3 vols. Folio. (IsHiiod in parts, 1819-39.J 1820. — Kuhl, H. Beitrtigezur Zoologie nnd vergleicbenden Anatomie. 4°. Frankfurt am Main, 18£0. 1820-21.— Ranzani, C. Elenienti della storia natnrale del mammiferi. 8°. 3 vols. Bologna, per le Htumpe dl Anne«io Nobili, 1820-21. 1820-22.— Desmareat, A. O. Mammalogie, ou description des esp^ces de mammif^rea. Par A. G. Deumarest. Ire partie, coutenant les ordres des Bimanes, des Quadrup^des et des CainasHierr', pp. viii, 1-276, 1820; 2e partie, contenant les ordres des Rongeurs, des fident^s, des Puchy- dermes, des Ruminans et des C6tac68, pp. viii, 277-556 ; atlas, 112, 14 pi., 1822. In 1 vol. 4°. A Paris, chez luuie. veuve Agasse. [Ad important and almost indispeoBablo general treatise. It forms vol. clzxxii of the Encyclopedia id6- tbodiqne. Tliore is a compauiou volume (clxxzlii of Eucycl. ro6tli.) of nncolored plates, by Danbouton and Uesmarost, publinhed in 1836. W ith this volume of plates is bound Bonuaterre's C6tologle, bearing date 1789.] 1821. — Bowdicb, T. E. An analysis of the natural classitications of mammalia, for the nse of students and travellers. 8°. 115 pp., 15 pll. (4 folded). Paris, printed by J. Smith, 1821. Gray, J. E. On the natural arrangement of vcHebrose auimals. [Sect. 1.] 'Wilbrand, J. B. Ueber die Familien der Siiugethiere und der Vogcl. insbesondere liber das gogensoitige Verhalten diesor Familion. < Schrift. d. Gesollsch. z. Belord. d. ges. Naturwiss. zu Marburg, Bd. i, 1823, pp. 188-226; Fdrnss. Bull. Sol. Nat. tome 3, 1824, pp. 2.i2-224. 1824. — Bailly, E. M. M^raoire sur I'usage des comes dans quelqucs animaux et particuliJtrement dans le bufflo. < Ann. Sci, Nat. tome ii, 1824, pp. 369-386, avec planches. Kuhl, H., and Hasselt, J. C. van. Sur plnsieurs aniraanx vert6br68. < Bull. Sci. Nat. (F6rn8- sac), ii, 1824, pp. 277-280, Ziatrellle, P. A. Esqnisee d'nne distribution g^ogne animal. 8°. 22 pp. Farisyde I'imprimerte de nime. veuve Agasse, 1824. Prevost, C, and Dumas, J. A. De la g6n6ration dans les mamnitf5refl, et des premiers indices du ddveloppement de I'embryon. <^ Ann. Sci. Nat. iii, 1824, pp. 113-138, 3 pi.; Fror. Not. ix, no. 188, 1825, pp. 177-186, 198-201. Rltgen, P. F. A. Natiirliche Eintheilung der Siiugothiere. 8°. Oiosseu, Mlliler, 1824. 1825.— Blumenbacb, J. F. A manual of the elements of natural history. Translated from the tenth German edition, by R. T. Gore. London, printed for W. Simpkiu & Ii. Marshall, 1825. b°. 5 p. 1., 2 pll., 415, xiv pp. Cuvier, P. Des dents des mammifftres, considdrdes comme caracteres zoologiques. F. G. Le- vrault, Miteur, k Straaboarg, . . , 182,5, 1 vol. 8°. pp. Iv., 258, 1 l.,pll. 117 (1-94, 96-103, -f- 3 bU, 11 W», 22 6i«, 23 A, 23 B, 230, 34 »is, 38 A, 38 B, 39 A, 39 B, 43, 86*i», 91 6{«, 93 its). > Cuvier, P. Sur la domesticitd des mammif^ns, prtSuSdd de conBid. OrlfBtb, B., and otbers. Tbe animal kingdom, arranged in conformity wilb its organization, by tbo Uaruu Cnvior, .... witb additional dosoriptionsof all tbe species bitberto nnmed, and of many not before not ico«l. By Edward Qriffitb, .... London, George B. Wbittaker. The class Maiuiualiu, arranged by Baroo Cnvier, with Hi>ecilic descriptions by Edward Griffith, F. L. S, Mnjor Charles Hamilton Smith, F. K. S, and Edward Pidgeon. 1827. Vols. i-v. SP. [Tbo 5th volunio (pp. xxvli, 301) ii a KenernI Hyoopain of ninmmiUii.J LeaaoD, R.-P. Mannel de niammalogie, ou histoire uatarello des mammifires. 18°. xv, 441, • (1) pp. ; tatlas, HO pU. Paris, Koret, IH'/T. Paatr6, T. Exposd succinct des opinions dmiscs jusqn'ici snr la cause de I'engourdissenieut pdriodique qn'6proavent lea animaux appelds bibernuns. <^ M6m. de la Soo. Linn, de Paria, vi, 1H27, pp. 121-138. Rltgen, F. F. A. CInssifluation dos manimif^res. < Fdrnsa. Bull. Sci. Nat. tome 10, 1827, pp. 131-133. Temminok, C. J. Monograph ies de mnmmalogie, ou description de quelqnea genres de mam- miforos, dont los esp5nes out 6t6 observfSoa dana lea difii^reutes musdea d'Enrope. In 2 vols. 4". Vol. i. Paris, 1827. 1827-34.— Llchtenatein, H. Darstellnng nener oder weniger bekannter Siiugrthiere, in Abbildnogen iind Bescbreibungun von fUnfundaechzig Arten. 2 vols. Folio. Berlin, 1837-34. 1828. — Geo£b'oy St.-Hilaire, ti. M6moire od I'on se propose de rechercher dans quels rappcta de structure organique et de parent6 sont nntre cnx lea animaux dea &ges historiquea, et vivant uotuellement, et los espiicea ant6diluvionnoa et perdues. <^ M6m. Mna. Hist. Nat. Paris, xVii, 1828, pp. 209-229. 1829.— Burnett, O. T. Illnstrtitiona of the Quadrnpoda or qnadrupeda, being the arrangement of the true four-footed beasts indicated in outline. < Quart. Journ. Sci. Lit. and Arts (Roy. ' ' Inst. Great Britain), London, July to Dec. 1829, xxviii, pp. 336-353; transl., laia, 1833, pp. 941-943. Conutook, J. Z<. N.atnral history of quadrupeds; with engravings, on a new plan, exhibiting their comparative size : adapted to the capacities of youth ; with authentic notes, iUustraling the habits and characters of the animals ; together with reflections, moral and religioua ; de- bigned for sabbath school libraries, families, and common achoola 12°. 201pp. Hart- ford, D. F. Robinson & Co., 1829. Cuvler, F. Zoologie = mammalogie. < Diet, dea Sci. Nat. (F. G.Levranlt, dditeur), lix, 1829, pp. 357-519. Fiaober, J. B. Synopsis mammalinm. 8°. xlii, 752 pp. Stnttgardtiro, sumptibuaJ. Q. CottsB, 1829. Oeofiroy St.-Hilaire, fi. Conrs de I'histoire natnrellea de mammif^res, .... Partie compre- uaut quelqubs vues pr61iminaire8 de philosopbie uaturolle, et I'histoire des singes, dea makia, des cbauve-Houris et do la taupe ; ponvant servir de complement & I'histoire naturelle dea quadruples de Buffon. 8°. [19 "lemons" in 1 vol., each paged separately, and with 40 pages, more or less. ] Paris, Pichou et Didier, t^ditours, libraires commissionaires, 1829. Minding, J. Ueberdie(;eographi8cbe Vortheiluhg der Siiugetbiere. 4°. 104 pp. Berlin, Ens- lin'sche Bnchhandlung, 1829. < Fdruss. Bull. Sci. Nat. xxi, 1830, pp. 463-472. Paatr^, T. De la cause de I'bybernal ion chez Ies animaux apx>el6a dormenrs. <^Nova Acta ": Acad. Leop. Carol. Nat. Cur. xiv, pt. ii, 1829, pp. 659-669. Plagge, M. "W, Ueber das Ei der Siingethicro vor dor Befrnchtung. <] Meckel's Arch. f. Anat. u. Pbys. 1829, pp. 19.1-202. mit Abbildgn. 1830. — Kaup, J. J. Vrrsnch ciuernalUrlichen Eintheilnng der SUuKethiere. <[Oken, Isis, sxiii, 1830 -Kaup, J. J. Vrrsnch ciuernalUrlichen Eintheilnng der SUugethiere. col. 799-H02. LinnsBUB, C. Editio prima reedita, cnrante Antonio-LaurentioApollinario F6<;. vi, 81 pp., 1 1. Parisiis, apud F. G. Levrault, bibliopolam, 1830. 8°. 2p.l. BIBLIOGB. APPENDIX— A. GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. 963 ISaO.— Wagler, J. NutUrlichM SyBtem der Aiuphiblen, mit vorangwliender Clawincation der SUiiRe- thlero and Vogel, ein Ikitrag rnr vergleichendon Zoologie. 8". vi, 354 pp., I pi. hMvA, 1 dittg. folded. MUnohBii, Stuttgart und TUbingon, In der J. O. Cotta'i)ch«n Bnolihandlung, 1830. 1830-33.— liMSon, R-P. Ccnturio zoologiquo ou cholx d'anlniaux rare* ou imparfBitenitiiit oonnns .... Llvr. i-xvi. 8° or 4^. Paris, 1830-32. 1831— Botsvparte, C. L. Saggio di una dlstribnzione niethodica degli aiiluiali v«rtebratl. < Oiornale Art.xdicu dl Scleuze, Roma, xlix, 1H31, pp. 3-77; Appendlce, Hi, 18321, pp. l!»-aO« (lido R. 8. C» .); tranid., -73 ; no. 776, pp. 81-89. h ordrcA, des fainlllen, <1ra (((^nmii do 1» olaaaea des mammif^TMi' < IiiHtitiit, ii, 1H34. pp. a«l-afl2; Ann. Hcl. Nat. l«, IKW, pp. 375-.T76. Oeoffroy St -Hllalre, ii. IliHtoire nntnri*lle drs n)alnmif^rnH, conipreimnt qnolqnoR vn«8 pr<<- liniinuirei An philoiiophiu natiirollo rt I'hiHt^iro d<>« aingeii, do8 mnkiH, dca chauvu-BouriB, et de latiinpe. Coura pnifcBti<^ |)ur M. OpofTruy 8t.-HilBlro. .... 8°. 47 pp. -f (lele(on)'.Wpp.,(lie) «4 pp., (Ik)) :il pp., (4(>) :«) pp., (fw) 31 pp.. (Oc) a? pp., (7o) 39 pp., (8«) 32 pp., (Iki) 36 pp., (lOe) :!« pp., (lie) 4i pp.,(iae) :W pp.,(13i)) ;«:> pp.,(14o) 47 pp.,(154)} 40 pp.,(IC«) 40 pp.,(17e) 1 p.l. 18pp., (18(«) 40 pp.,(10e) 40 pp., 3 ])11. I'uriB, Llbrairiedi-s Sciences M6dicales de Just Kouvier et E. Le Douvier, 1H34. [Bee »b, pp.l8:i-ie0; Fror. Not. xlvi, 18-.>5, col. 148-150; Ann Sci. Nat. iv, (Zool.), 1835, pp. a-W-'iCU ; InHtitut, iii, 1K15, pp. 325-326. Duvernoy, O. L. Tableanx dosordres, dea families et des genres de mammit'breB, adopts ponr le conrH d« zoologio de la faculty des sciences, par M. Duvernoy; r^lig^s sons scs yeux, par M. Lurebouilet. 4^^. 10 pp., 5 tables folded. < M.4ifsiw[ BIDLIOOR. APPENDIX— A. GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. 965 1837. — Oray, J. S. Doioription* of aorae u«w or littio known mammalia, prinoipolly in the liritiah Muiwum collection. < CbarUw. Mag. Nat. Hiat. 1, 1H37, pp. 677-5H7 ; Arch. fUr Natnrg. v, IKiO, pp. IH1-IS)4. Raloheit, O. B. Uober die Viaceralliogen tier Wirbelthiere im AllgAniuinen nnd doren Motft- morphoaen b«t don VflKelu und SUuKotbiereu. < Aroliiv Aiiat. (MUller'a), 18*17, pp. VM-V£i. "9711 aon, J. Tlio natural liiHtory of qiindm|>cdii and wIiaImi; \}ning ttio artiolo "Mnmnialta" from the 7tb ed. of the EnoyclopoMlia liritannica. Wilb above lOU illiiHtratioDH, 4". U p. 1., pp. 73-10t2, pil. cocssviii-oooxliv. Edinbnrgb, Adam & Charles Ulaok, 1837. 1837-38.— Breaohet, O., and Oluge, — . Reoheichoa siir la structure dna membrun<«!t do I'neiif dea mam- niifJ)r<-8. nipt. Rnnd. Acud. 8ci. PuriH, vi, IKIiS, pp. 71)-8tj (avcc plaucheH) ; Inatitut, vi, no. 2-J4, 18.18, pp. 43-44 (avoc flitnreH) ; Ann. 8ci. Nat. 2e a6T. Zuol. viii, 1837, pp. '.M4-'^8 ; Fror. Not. Ikl. V, no. 106, 1838, pp. !i77,!ff8. Nouvelle olaMifloatlou dfM animaux vert^br^. <[ Revue Zoologiquo, i, 1838, 1838.— Bonaparte, C. L. pp. W8-217. BoDapart9i C. L. Synopaia yt^rtebratornra ayatfrnatia. <^Nuovi Annali delle ScienzA Nntn- rali, anno i, tomo ii, Bologna, 1H38, pp. 10r)-133 (Claania i, Mammalia, pp. lOG-113); Anuali Medico ohirurgioi del Dott. Telumaco MuUxi^ (Roma), i, 1830, pp. UVi-'/iid, mi-'J7V (lido K. 8. Cat.); IhIh von Okon, 1839, col. 848-8CI. [After tbo i11i>|{no8iii of the brnnch (" provinoio") follow "Cinwium diatinotio" (p. 106), "ClftMlit I, Mnmma- lla" (dlaKDoaU, p. 1(M)| "Ordinum dUtrlbutlu" (with dliiKiioalii, pp. 107-110): and, liut!y, "Index familinrani et •obfaniilliiniiii " (pp. 111-113). A like feqiienoo Is adoptml for the other oImhwi (Ave*, Auiphibin, ami Place*). The iDanimalfl are divided into 41 fanilUea and 75 subfamillc*, moDolyplo famlliea being repreavutod by aubfaoi- Uiea of eqaul extent.] Comte, A. Coura de pbiloaophie positive. G v. 8°. Paris, Bauhelier, 18—. ^Tome 3e, contonant la philosopbie cbimique et Itt pbiloaophie biologiqno, 1838, 506 pp. Jjeurst, F. Anatomie compar .'^?/ v*"5^ ff 966 MONOGUArilS OF NOUTU AMERICAN UODICNTIA. 1839. — Anon. TTlMoliw naf iiivlln (1m nnlnmnx 1m pin* iwmiirquabloa de 1» cIbmw iIm inAininiftrM'(qn«- (lrM ft <'<n, IKIl). (RrenKDli/'ii "loiu-rliwM diw Ornitbmlnlplifl*" p. rll, Mid " Dld«Ipbi« tleutbtrodaetylr* " p.SI3,*( "D.iyn- diirtyl«ii " |i. SIS, >nrtM avito riiit<>lliK«ii('<)- 3 vola. Paria, J.-H. I)ailli6r« ot AIh, 1839-57. (AtlM lie 3a plau«biM iI«uIii6iiiu Ta given, litlea for tbi< four volumeMof text and foarof plntei, table ofcoutentii and index, by tbe BuilllArea, In 1IM4. Tbe culpable nei;lect of the pnbliabera to give the dateaof pablioatlun of tbe several faaoionlea baa doubt- lens devolved opoo luany iuveatlgatora, as upon tbe writer, much trouble and annoyance In ascertaining tbem, and t4i save to otbers sinilla. trouble, a collation Is liere presented, the dates bsving obietly been aaoertalned from Wagner's annual ropurts in tbe " Arcblv fUr Naturgeaohiobte". Tbe appearance of successive faaulculea liiM not been nolloed iu tbe " ]}ibllograpbio do la France". Tbe titlea of tbe res|M)cllve nionograpbs given below are those at the upper fourth of tbe first psge of each nionograpb, and which are the only apeoial titles published. The work is more remarkable as a metbodioal repertory of facts respecting superficial ostoologlcal details than as a digest exbibiliiig ac'ite appreciation of the value and sobonllnation of characters and thoir taxononil- cal application, or orthodox views respeoling ciaHslHnatioa and tbe geological succession of animals— the con- current views of the most ri1. 1) of the preceding, vlzi " Ost6ographie des mammit'dres de I'ordre des Primates, suivie de rncherches snr rbistoire de la science It leurigsnl, les prlncipes do leur classification, lear distribatloa giograpblque actuelle et leiu: anclennet6 a la surface de la terre."] (rC] Ost6ugrapble des Primates.— Sapa.ions (CediM)) [1B39.— 31 pp. pi.— F. 11.] (|Z>.] Ost6ograpbie des Primates — Makis {Lemw).) 1 1839.-48 pp. II pi. < T. ill.] ([£.] M6moire sur la veritable place de TAye-Zkye dans la r6rlc drs maromifires. Ln & la 8ocI6t6 phlloiaa- tlquo, le 10 msl 1810 ) (1839.— 40 pp. < F. iii.-Plate <.K. 111.- Platc=pl. 5 < D.J {[F.\ Del'anciennetfi des Priinat<»8& la surface du la terre.) 68 pp. [1839.] < F. Ir.—jians planches.] (10.) Ost^ograpbio des ChelroptAres {Veipirtilio, L.).) (1^39.-104 pp. 15 pi. < F. v.] (1/7.J Ost6ograpbie des Mamrolfdrcs Inaectlvorcs (To/pa, Sortx et StinaetMi, L.).) (1840.-115 pp. 11 pi. = F. vi.) Tome denxi6mc | Seonudatds | Aveo atlas do 117 pinnches. [tIIL pp. + S parts.] Atlas— Tome dimxi6nie | compost de 1 17 planches | Secuudatia. [2 p. I. + 8 parts, vis : — ] ([/.] UHt6ograpliie des Caruasl(l«i Ub. lu pi. - F. xll. ( + pL SO < F. sit., 18»).1 (fj*. 1 DraCani*.) (I«43.-Ifl0 pp. 1« pi '-■ F.xlll. ) l[Q.\ I>M IlyAoea. ) (XM4.-N1 pp. M pi. - F. xlv. ) . , v Torao troUidmn | QiintcriiKt6ii | Avtw adaa dn !>i pUiicbca. [vlll pp. + 9 part*.] AtlM— Tomn trtilnlAmii | cuiii|ni M planclittN | Qiutornaliii. [tip. \. + 6 part*, ria i— 1 ((K.or«. 1 l)=F.ZT.| , • ((r.J De» DamaniKBuflroii), (ffj/raa).) {1R4.V— 41 pp.3 pi. - F.xvUI.J (ir.orX. J !)«• KhinocAnw (lluffiii). (O. ff*otanii-a.) |1M«.-I0fl pp.8+ 34-S+ 1 , (-15|pl.-F.xxl.) ((«. ) Dea Tapir* (Biiiron). (O.Tapina, IMuon).) [184(1.— 59 pp.a pl. = F. xlx. 1 HAA. ] Bur Uw lilpimpotanica (Uuffuii), lUippcpolamus, L. ) ot Ira Cocboua (Bailbn), (Am, L.).) U47. [94fl pp. 8 + [-17] pi. < F. xxll.l ([BB.] Dea Anoplotb^rium* (0. CuTicr) et aar Uia genres plaa oo molna dUISirvnta i 1840. [155 pp. pi. =: F. xxlli.] XIpbodon, 1 MeryooiM'tnr^, > Faloouar et Caoteley, t Uiohubano, }• O. Cuvltr, l«n. HlpiwhynK, J 1847. Adapis, ) Paluplotberiiim, \ , " : CbaIiooth«rluin,J. KaDp.lti33. Dicbodon, ^R Owen, 18481 Caluotb6riuin, Brarard, 1839. Hyopotamaa. j _ , Mlon)cboerns, Ho. t Wuod, lt44fl. ((00. 1 Di>e Rnmluanta {Peeora, h. ) no K6n«ral et en partlculler dea Cbameauz, dea L«mai, Baffoo. {Q. Oa- melu;V) ie.V). {131pp.5pl.= Rxzlv.l {{VV.l OelAograpble dea Paremieuz (iJfOdwpia, L.).) (1840.-64 pp.6 pi. = F. T.J '([££. Qcneral title.] Piibllisutloii pnatbume.— Expllcatlun dea plancbea aiilTantea, PlLlFtUEe. Genrea. Gorilla, Smllodon. Scluriia, ArctomyH,C»«tor. Capromja, Mjopotamu«,ny»»rlx,CaTla, Equu^ CuniolopardallH, Myrniecopbaga, Macrotborium, Megatberium, Glyptodou, T^xodon, Eloamotberlnm, Macruucbeula et granpca qui a'y rattaobent. SouAMUivlcaEB. QoDD) C^rooodlliiK et groiipea g^niriqiies ToUina. OHTfiozOAlUKS. Hl^niHcalioD dosoadu cr&uedaDB lea diveraeaolaaaeadece type. 1859. [63 pp. 41 pi.] Table alpbab^tlqao dea quatre vulamea. 1B59. [IxtI pp. < F. zztI.] 1840.— Blainville, H. M. D. de. Couaiddrationa gdu^ialea snr les animanx et lenr olaaaification. < Diet. 8ci. Nat., 8uppl6raeut, 1840. 1840-95. — Wagner, J. A. Die Siingthiore in Abbilclnngen nach der Natiir, init Bescbreibungeo. . . . Fortgeaetzt von Dr. Jobann Andreaa Wagner, . . . Supplementband [inut. niut. ut infra]. l8te-4te Abtb., Erlangeu, in der Expedition dt^a Scbreberacben Siiugthicr- uud dea Esper'- Bchen Scbmetterliogaworkea und in Comniiaaion der Palm'acbeu Verlagabucbkaudlung, 1840. CONTKHT8. «■' Erate Abtheilung : Die Affcn uud Fliedertbiere. 1840. [xiv, (1), vi, 551 pp.] Zweite Abtheilung : Die Raubtbiere. 1841. fviii, 558 pp.] Dritte Abtbeilung : Die Beuteltbiere und Nager (erater Abachnitt). 1843. [xiv, 614 pp.] Vierte Abtheilung : Die Nager (zwciter Abacbnitt), ZahnlUcker, Einbufer, Dickhiiuter und Wiederkiiuer. 1844. [xii, 523 pp.] J'tinfte Abtbeilung : Die Affen, ZahnlUckor, Benielthiero, Huftbiero, luaektenfreaaer und HandflUgler. 1865. [xxvi, 810 pp ] *Tbo flrat Koriea H). |Iti RequRDcr, tills ii PMentiallv Hlniilar tniho " 8ynopi3 pp., 22 pll. ; vol. ii, Rodentia, or gnawing animals, 1848, 1 p. 1., 500 pp., 22 pll. [No mora published.] 1846-49.— VroUk, W. Tubulffi ad illustrandam embryogenr sin hominis et mammalium, tam naturalem qnam abnormem.— [Also with the title:] De vrucl^t van den mensch en van de zoogdieren, afgebeeld en beschreveu in hare regelmatige en onregelmatige entwikkeling. Fasc. ii-xx. Cum 62 tabnlis lithogr. Fol. Amstelodami, Q. M. P. Londouck, 1846-49 ; Leipzig, T. O. WcigeL 184€-Sa.— Schina, H. R. Monographien der Siiugethiero. Mit Abbildgn. naoh der Natur nnd den vor- zflgliohstcn Werken gezeichnet von J. Kull. 11.-29. Heft. 4°. 41 pp. (mit 74 lith. u. col. u. 4 schwarzen Taf.). ZUricb, Meyer «fc Zeller, 1846-52. 1847.— Bckhard, C. Das Zungenbein dor Siiiigathiere, mit RUcksicht anf du« Stimmorgan und allge- meinen zoologischen Bemerkungeu. Mit 2 Taf. < MUUer's Arch. f. Anat. 1847, pp. 39-87. HoUard, H. Consid6rations sur la classification des mammifiires. < Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Non- cbatel, ii, 1847, pp. 86-90. Lesson, R.-P. Description de mammif^res et d'oiseanx reoemment ddcouverts. 12°. Pari^ 1847. [A rare and not well known traatlse, containing do»cripUon» of many now speotes of North Anierioan mammaU.J Medlous, K. JP. O. Idea de miimmalium systemate. Diss iunug. (Monac.) Lntrinw, 1847. «'-". 56 pp. . , n 970 MONOGRAPHS OF NORTH AMERICAN RODBNTIA. f : U ' -f I" i II !l\- 11 ^t?i: 'Its. 1847. — Pouchat, F. A. Tli6orio positive de I'ovnlation Bpontan6e et do la i6condation des nianiniif&res et du I'cHp^ce bninaine, liatM^ Biir I'observation do tonte la B^rio animate. Oiivrage qni a ob- (enn le prix do pliysiolo^fio exp<^rimentale b, I'Acad^mio royale des Bciences. Accompagtiizo; adapted to the capacities of youth; with authentic anecdotes, illustrat- iug the habits aud characters of tho animals, together with reflections, moral and religious; j'..'„ designed for sabbath-school libraries, familieSrand common schools. 4°. 73 pp., with S3 figs., frontispiece, 1 folded pi. New York, published by Pratt, Woodford i& Co., 1848. D'AltOD, B. Beobuchtungen iiber die verschiedenen Typeu in den Hand- nnd Fassknochen der Siiugetbiere. < Zeituug f. Zool. Bd. 1, 1848, pp. 25-29, 33-36. Milne-Bdwarda, H. On certain prhiciples bearing upon the natnral classification of animals, and more particularly on the methodical distribution of the mammifcra. <^Am. Joum. Sci. ■ ' and Arts (2), v, 1848, pp. 428-431 [from Ann. Sci. Nat. 3e«B^r. i, 1844]. NilsBOD, 8. Undersogelse over Pattedyrencs Udbreu^lse. K. Oversigt K. Dausk. Selsk. For- handl. 1848, pp. 3-5. 1848-49. — Fraaer, L. Zoolo^in typica; or, figures of new and rare mammals and birds, described in ' .. the proceedings, or exhibited in the collecti ^ of the Zoological Society of London. 20 parts, with 100 pi. Folio, London, Fraser, 1848-49. 1849. — Agaaaia, li. [Ou tho egg, in vertebrata, as a means of classification.] <^ Proc. Am. Acad. Arts aud Sci. ii, 1849, pp. 163-184. . Deen, J. van. Beitrag znr Entwickelnngsgeschichto des Menschen nnd der Sungetfaiere, mit besondcrer Berlicksichtigung des Uterus masculinus. (Mit2Taf.) <[Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. * : Bd. 1, 1849, pp. 295-340. Waterhouse, G. R. The physical atlas of natural phenomena. By A. Keith Johnston. Ta- bles of the orders Rodentia and Ruminantia. No. 5. By O. B. Waterhouse. Fol. 1849. 1849-50.— Kiliao, F. M. Die Strnctnr des Uterus bei Thieren. < Heule u. Pfenfer, Zeitschr. f. ration. Med. viii, 1849, pp. 5.3-90, 1 pi. ; J. Artikel, ibid, ix, 1850, pp. 1-51. 1850.— Agaaais, L. Tho zoological character of young mammalia. <^ Proo. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. ii, 1850, pp. 85-89. ■^*y * Beta, F. Uebor don Uterus masculinus. Ein Beitrog zur Eutwickelnugsgeschichte der Ge- schlechtsorgane. Mit 1 Taf. < MUUer's Arch. f. Anat. 1850, pp. 65-70. f Bro'vvne, P. A. A microscopic examination and description of some of the piles of the head of albiuos. <^Proc Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. iii, 1850, pp. 108-114. Burnett, W. J. Researches on the origin, development, and nature of the spermatic particles throughout tho vertebrata. < Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. iv, IS&O, pp. 22-25. Oeoffroy Bt.-Hilaire, I. Cours de zoolugie (manimifi^res et uiseanx) fait au MnE6nm d'Histoire Naturelle en 1850. -AgaB8lK, L. (.On the allantois.] < Proc. Am. Acatl. Arts and Sci. iii, 1852, pp. 15-16. Browne, P. A. Trichologia mammalium ; or a treatise on the organization, properties and uses of hair and wool; together with an essay npon the raising and breeding of sheep. Pnblishe^l under the patronage of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania. With iltnstratious. 4°. 188 pp. Philadelphia, 1852. Burnett, "W. J. [Formation and Jnnotion of the allantois.] 8seren Vogeln, iiebst physiologischen Bcmerkungon. < Nova Acta Acwl. Leop. Carol. Nat. Cur. xxiii, pt. ii, 1852, pp. 659-766, pll. 28. Petera, "W. Naturwissenschaftliche Relse uach Mossanibiqn' Befehl seiner Majestiit des , Konigs Friedrich Wilhelm IV in den Jahren 1842 bis 1848 au» rt von Wilhelm C. H. Peters, Mitglied der konigl. Akudemie der WissenscUaf ten zu Berlin, /-oologie.— I. SUugethiere. Folio. xvi, 202 pp., 46 col. pll. Berlin, Druok uud Verlag von Georg Reimer, 1852. 1853.— Browne, P. A. Trichologia raamnialinni ; or, a tniatiso on the organization, properties and uses of hair and wool ; together with an essay upon the raising and breo date In qusatluii : aoe litSS, Bbowne, l>. A.] 9 972 MONOGRAPHS OF NORTH AMERICAN RODBNTIA. i| m f' II 1853. — Burnett, W. I. Rosearclies npon the origin, tnodo of development, and nature of the sper- mutio particlus among tlio four cluascs of vortebrated animals. <^Mom. Am. Acnd. Arts and 8ci. V, ISThJ, art. iii, pp. 5JS)-46, 1 pi. Dareate, C. Douxiitme nidmoiro sur les ciroonvolutions du cervean chez lea mammif^res. < Uomptes RenduH, Paris, xxxvii, 1853, pp. 4ii2-425 ; Ann. 8ci. Nat. i (Zool.), 1854, pp. 7»-103. Oreene, F. V. Cbemicul investigation of remains of fossil mammalia. <[ Proo. Aoad. Nat. Scu vi, 1853, pp. 1292-290, Oirard, C. [Classification of mammals.] < Edinb. New Phil. Jonrn. Iv, 1853, pp. 167-184. Joly, N., and Lavooat, A. £tndo d'anatomio pbilosopbiqne sur la main et le pied de I'homme et sur les extrdmittSd des mammiftires, ramendes au type pentadactyle. Aveo 2 planches. 8°. 52 pp. Toulouse, impr. de Chauvin, 1853. . ' Joly, N., and Lavocat, A. fitudos tendant h, ramener an type pentadactyle les extr6mit6a des mammif^res fossiles. <^ Comptus Rendns, xxxvii, 185.1, pp. 342-244. MeigB, C. Ou the corpus luteum. < Trans. Am. Philoa. Soo. Phila". n. s. x, 1853, pp. 131-139. Owen, R. Descriptive catalogne of the osteological soiies contained in the Museum of the lio.val College of Surgeons of Englau d. 2 vols. London, (printed by Taylor & Francis, 1853. Vol. i. Pisces, Keptilia, Avus, Marsupialia. xlv, pp. 1-350. Vol. ii. Mammalia Placentalia. pp. 351-914. Baint-Martin, P. de. D6uauverto d'un ciuquii^me os de la chalne tympaniqne chez quel- ques auimaux. < Soo. Philom. Extr. Proc6s Verb. 1853, pp. 86-88; Institut, xxi, no. 1020, 1853, p. 244. Sohaiarda, L. K. Die geographische Verbreitung der Thiere. 8°. Wien, 1853. -^""^ 1853-57. — Piotet, F. J. Traitd de pal6ontologie ou bistoire natnrello des animanx fossiles consid£r68 dans leiirs rapports zoologiques et g6ologiqnes. 2e 6d., revue, corrig6e, considdrablement ,» augment6e, accompagn5, pp. 683-686. Fitzinger, L. T. Wissenschaftlich-populiiro Natnrgeschichte dnr Siiugethiero in ihren siimmtli- cbun Ilauptformen. Nebst eiuor Einleitung in der Natnrgeschichte Uberhaupt und in die Lehre von den Thieren insbesondere. Ein llUhsbucb fUr Lehrer, auch beim Unterricht der Bliudon. 8^. viii, 499 pp. Wien, 1855. (Leipzig, Brockhaus.) Olebel, C. O, Artenzahl der L ber dur Siiugethiere. <[ Zeitscbr. gesammt. Naturw. Halle, vi, KV), pp. 24-29. Oiebel, C. O. Die Siiugethiero in zoologischcr, anatomiscber und paliiontologischer Bezie- huiig, umfasscnd dargestellt. 8°. xii, 1108 pp. Leipzig, Verlag von Ambrosius Aliel, 1855. |Thu dale aH8i;;no pU. Keasler, H. Einige mammalogische Notizen. < Bull. Soc. Imp. Natur. Moscou, xxxi, 1858, pp. 567-580. Lartet, B. " Sur les migrations anciennes des mamroif^res de l' Naturgescbicbte des Thierreichs. Erster Band. Die Siiugetbiere. Mit 926 '"' Abbildniigen. 4". Leipzig, Verlag von Otto Wigand, 1859. ' " [Also entitled "))in drni Reiche derNntiir. In drei AblheiluDgen. Hit eOOO Abbildnngon. Erste Abtbel- lang : Die Xatargeiichicbte de* Thierreichs Erster Band. Leipzig, Verlag von Otto Wigaud, IS.'W."] Owen, R. On tba classification and geographical distribution of the mammalia, being the lec- ture on Sir Roliert Reade'o foundation, delivered before the University of Cambridge, in the Senate- House, May 10, 1859. To which is added an appendix "On the Gorilla," and 'On the extinction and transmutation of species." <] Can. Journ. Ind. Sci. and Art, v, 1859, pp. 58-59. (Also separate, 8°, 2 p. 1., 103 pp., London, John W. Parker and Sou, 1859.) Palacky, J. Ujbersicht dor geographiscbeu Verbreitnng der Siiugetbiere. < Lotos, 9. Jahrg. 1W)9, pp. 176-181. I860.— Hincks, W. Uemarks on the claBfiification of uiommalia. < Can. Journ. lud. Sei. and Art,n. s. v, 18W), pp 512-516. Pucberan, J. Des caractiires zoologiqnes des mammif^rcs dans leurs rapports avec les fonctions de luoomotiou. <^ Comptes Reiulus, Paris, 1, 1860, pp. 1045-1U48 ; Institut, xxviii, 1860, pp. 206- 207 ; Mem. Acad. Sci. Lisbna, ii, 1860, p. 3. Owen, R. J'alteontology or a systematic summary of extinct animals and their geological rela- tions. 8°. XV, 420 pp. Edinburgh, Adam & Charles Black, 1860. 1860-61. — Fitzinger, L. J. Wissenschaftlich-popnliire Naturgescbicbte der Siiugetbiere in ibren siimuitlictien Hanptformen. Nebst einer Ei'nleitnng in die Naturgescbicbte tiberhaupt nnd in die Lehrei von den Thicren insbesondere. 6 vols., 8° ; Bllderatlas, 4°, enthaltend 248 Abbildan- > , gen, 1 title. Wien, aus der kaiserlicb-koniglichen Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, 1860-61. [Com{inre ante4, same anthor, nnder dates 1855 and 1857.] 1861.— Kolllkei , A. Entwicklnngsgeschicbte des Menscben nnd der hoheren Thiere. Akademische Vortri'ige. Mit Fignreu in Holzschnitt. 8<3. x, 468 pp., with 225 figs. Leipzig, Verlag von Wilholm Engelmann, 1861. Wol^ J., and Sclater, P. L. Zoological sketches by Joseph Wolf. Mode for tbe Zoological Society of Loudon, from animals in their vivarium, in tbe Regent's Park. First and second series. Edited, with notes, by Philip Lutley Sclater, M. A., secretary to the society. 2 vols. Folio. First series, eng. title, frontispiece, 4 p. 1., 50 col. pll., with 50 11. descriptive; second series, eng. title, frontispiece, 3 p. 1., 50 pll., with 50 11. descriptive. London, Henry Graves and Company, printsellera to Her Majesty, 1861. -> ; : [First series, with plates of (6) the eyra (Fells eyra), (U) the Canadinn lynx (Fells canadensisT, (14) the bas- saris (Dassaris astuta), (18) the walros (Tricliechns roeroarus), (19) tbe Wapiti deer (Cerrad canadensis), (SO) tbe wblte-tallcd deer (Cervus Icuciims). Second series, with plates of (5) the yagaaruDdi oat (Fells yagaamndi), (21) the collared peooary (Dicotyles torqaatns;.] 1861-62.— Jager, O. Ueber das Skelet. < Scbrift. Ver. naturw. Kennt. Wien, ii, 1861-6i,j)p. 137-177. 1862. — Brodeiip, 'W. J. Zoological recreations Eighth thousand. 1 vol. 12°. Frontisp. and eug. title, viii pp., 2 1 , 382 pp., plates. London, 1H62. [A series of )>opular essays nhlch appeared in the Now Monthly Magazine, ander the editorship offbeodore Iliiok and Thomas Hood.] ' ' d^ulliver, O. On the red corpuscles of tbe blood of vert^brata, and on the zoological import ot the uucloUB, with plans of their stractnre, form, and size (on a nuiform scale), to many of the different orders. < Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1862, pp. 91-103. l.i BIBLIOGR. APPENDIX— A. GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. 975 1862.— Jilger, O. Ueber die Spracho der Thiere. < Der Zool. Onrten, ill, 18(», pp. 245-248, 2(«(-{>68. ■■ 1863.— Brebm, — . Illnstrirtes Thierlcbeu. HildbnrKbauaeii, 1863. Dana, J. D. On cephalization, and on inpgoHtbcnes and microMheneii, in classification. No. i. < Am. Jonrn. Sci. and Arts (2), zxxvi, 1863, art. i, pp. 1-10, art. xxix, pp. 321-354. (Appeudix, pp. 440-442.) (Pmf. Dana's views ot cephklization were first applied to the classtflcAtion of the mammals in a fuot-not« of liis excellsnt " Manual of Oeology ", antl iu a special memoir on the cloaaiflcation of tho mammals, printed anbseqiieDtly but pnblUhed pre\ iously to tbe manual.] Dana, J. D. On tbe higher subdivisionB in the classiflcation of mammals. <^ Am. Journ. Sci. and Arts, 2d series, xxxv, art. x, Jan. 1863, pp. 65-71. Dana, J. D. On tbe parallel relations of the classes of vertebrates and on tbe bearing of these relations on the question of the distinctive features of tbe reptilian birds. <^ Am. Jonrn. Sci. 2d series, xxxii, Nov. 1863, pp. 315-321. Dana, J. D. The classification of animals, based on the principle of cephalization. No. i. <^ Am. Jouru. Sci. 2d series, xxxvi, pp. 321-352, 440, 441. Dana, J. D. Manual of geologj : treating of tho science with special reference to American geological history. Philadelphia, published by Theodore liliss & Co., 186.3. [Foot-note, pp. 431-434, on oeplialization as a principle cf claiwtBcaiion.] Bai'dy, C. C. Noctnrnal life of animals iu tbe forest. <]Truu8. Nova Scotian Inst. Nat. Sci. i, part i, 1863, ort. 11, pp. 11-19. Jeffries, J. B. [Ophthalmoscopic examination of two albinos.] <^ Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. ix, 1863, pp. 32»-331. Koch, — . [On hairbulls, concretions, &c., in various animals.] <^Mitth. d. ntrw. Vereines nir Steiermark, i, 1863, p. 24. PflUger, B. F. 'W. Ueber die Eierstocke der Stingethiere nnd des Menscben. Ausgegeben deu 28. Miirz 1863. Mit fUnf Kupfertafcln. 4'\ 4 p. 1. 124 pp., 5 pll. Leipzig, Yerlag von Wil- belui Engelmann, 1863. Rorie, I. [On tbe anatomy of tbe olfactory lobes of certain mammals.] <^ Nat. Hist. Rev. 1863f p. 287. Bobopfi^ — . [Ueber eine Auzahl Gebnrten verscbiedener Siingetbiere etc.] Zool. Gart. 1863, p. 66. Sondevall, C. J. Die Tbiere des Aristoteles von den Klassen der Siingethiere, Vogel, Repti- lien nnd Insecteu. Uebersetzt ans dem Schwedisohen. 12°. 242 pp. Stockholm, 1863. (Mammalia, pp. 39-93.] Wilder, B. Q. On morphology and teleology, especially in the limbs of mammalia. <[ Mem. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist, i, 1863, pp. 46-80. Zahn, — . [Noliz iiber den Ban nnd die Mecbanik des EUenbogengelenks einiger Siingetbiere etc.] < WUrzbnrger ntrw. Zeitscbrift, iv, 1863, p. 12. 1864. — Dana, J. D. The classification of animals, based on tbe principle of cephalization. No. iii. Classification of herbivores. [No. ii relates wholly to insects.] <[ Anj. Jonrn. Sci. and Arts, 2d series, s.xxvii, March, 1864, art. xiii, pp. 157-183. Gegenbaur, C. [On the episternalia of mammalia.] <[ Jenaische Z itEchr. i, 1864, p. 75. Huxley, T. H. Reports of Professor Huxley's lectures on "The structure and classification of tbe Mammalia ", delivered at tbe Royal College of Surgeons. <[ Med. Times and Oaz. 1864, i and ii, viz: — Lecture i-ix. Anthropini. [i, 153: Distinctive characters and skeleton, ii, 177: Muscles, iii, 20 : Extremities, iv, 229 ; v, 256 : Brain, vi, 284 : Teeth and organs of reproduction, vii, 812 : Development, viii, 343 ; ix, 369 : Variations and number of species.] Lecture x-xix. Anthroporaorpha. [ (Troglodytes iiiger.) x, 398; xi, 428; xii, 456: Skele- ton and muscles, xiii, 486 : Larynx, Teeth, Brain, xiv, 509 : Organs of reproduction, develop- ment, variations. Troglodytes gorilla, xiv, 509 ; xv, 537 ; xvi, 564. (Simla satyrus.) xvi, 564; xvii, 595; xviii, 617. (Hylobates.) xviii, 617 ; xix,647. (Characteristic* of Antbro- pomorpha.) xix, 647.] Lecture xx-xxi. Cyuopitbecina. Vol. i, p. 671 ; vol. ii, pp. 12, 40, 93, 123. Lecture xxii-xxiii. Platyrhiui. pp. 93, 123. Lecture xxiii. Arctopithecini. p. 124. Lecture xxiv. Lemuriuo Cheiromyini. Recapitulation, p. 145. N <^'<7fcr»Mfe.%si£^'^-3-^w:jSS>,t'»««* ^'«^^ ' ■^^i»i-^f".*^"%^--»*»vi*i''K»'^ vvs- i*-", ^. 970 MONOORAPnS OP NORTil AMERICAN RODENTIA. i m it 1664.— Peters, "W. Ueber eioige nene Suugtsthiere. < Moiiatsber. Aoad. Wisa, Ikrlin, Jane 20, 1804, pp. :W1-:W4. , Poeohe, H. Dai* LuImhi der Ilauittbiero und ibre BMInng scr Faiuilitt, Staat nnd dor Land wirth- »cb«ft. B'J. Glogiiu, lH(i4. Soeva, O. [New method of uiouuting akelutonii.] <[ Proc. Boston Soo. Nat. Hiat. x, 1664, pp. 74-75. 1865.— Cornelias C. Die Ziig- nnd Wanderthiore. 8°. .341 pp. I)«rlin, 1865. (The Hutbor treat* In aystfimatic ordnr of tbe anlmnlH, from tlie mamnialU to tbe mollasoa.of which periodica] or lMil»tt>oii ACc, 1866. Vol. i. FiHluta and roptileii. xlil, UCU pp., with 45,'i HkK- Vol.11. Hird8 and niummols. vlii, 512 pp., wilb 406 llgg, 2 tablo* folded. Vol. ill. Mainmalii. z, 015 pp., with 01.1 IIkk- Peremeaohko, — . [On tho strncturo of tlio bypophyHiH cerebri of man uud mauimalia.] < Ccutriilbl. f. d. med. Wiat*. l«Jfl, no. 48. Kollaston, O. On tbe placcntol utrnctures of the tonreo (Centet«Mi ecandatun) and those of certain other uianimaliu; with remarks on the vuluo of tho placental system of classitlc^tion. 1863. < Trans. Zool. 8oo. London, v, 1866, art. vli, pp. iW5-3l6, pi. 60. Sander, J. [On the slKuifioanoe of tho anterior cerebral oommiwnre of mammalia.] < Rol- cbert's Archlv, 1860, pp. 7M)-7.')6; Sltz. Oesellsoli. naturf. Froundo, Burlin, Nov. 20, 1800. 8ohl«ge], H. Observations z»H)loj[ique«. li &. Hi. Mamipif^res. < Nederl. Tydschr. Dinrk. ill, 1800, pp.!Kir-258, 3&0-35H. Tr<soli, — von. [On the Eustachcan tube of mammalia.] < WUrabnrger naturw. Zeitschr. Bd. 6, 1866, pp. xxi-xxil. • 1866-67.— Haughton, S. Notes on animal mechanics. Nos. vi-xvlii. < Proc. R. Irish Acad, ix, part 3, I860, pp. 'Hn-'Mi, and ix, 1867, pp. 401)-&'26, with womlcute. 1867._Allen, H. [On certain features— tho sotnres— in tbe conformation of the mnmmaiion skull.] < I'roc. Acad. Nat. 8ci. Phila. 1867, ppT U-13. Brandt, J. P. Zoogeographische und palaeontologische licitriige. < Verhandl. Mineral. Oe- sellsch. St. Petersb. ii ; also separately printeauz ot do qiielques autroH vert6br^ <^ Robili. Juurn. Aiiat. et Pbya. IHtlH, pp. l-2fi, pi. 1-5. Mikluobo-Ma^lay, — . Il«itrnK cur vergleicbendon Anatomie dea Qubirna. < Jona. Zettacbr. iv, 1H6H, pp. 553-.WJ, witb wmMlcuts. • Moseley, H. ff., and Ray-Lankeater, B. On tbe noniunclatare o( inaromalian teeth, and on tbA dtMitition u{ tbu iiiolo (Tulpa europasa) and of tbe badger (Moles tuxus). b of tbe »traotnre and duvelupinent of the Hboulder-girdle and HUtriiuin in the vertebrata. 4°. 237 pp., witb :I0 pi. London, publlHhed b; the K>»y Society, 1H08. Solater, P. L. On the breeding of nianiniala in the gardens of the Zoological Society of Lon- don dnring tbe paut twenty years, < Proc. Zool. Boo. Loudon, 1868, pp. 01W-0!W, with 1 pi. and w(M>dcuts. Smith, 8. I. Tbe geographical distribution of animals. < Am. Nat. ii, 18G8, pp. 14-2:), 194-131. ^KTagner, M. Die Darwin'sche Theorie und das Migrationsgcsetc der Organismen. iP. &l pp. Leipzig, 1H(>H. T^lniwarter, A. v. Zur Anatoniie des Ovariuins der SUngethiere. a. Boettober, A. Uober Entwicfcltin und Ban des Gehorlabyrinths naoh Uutersnchungen an Siiugetbiereu. Part i, Act. Ac. Loop. Nat. Cnr. xjcxv, 1869, 203 pp., 12 pll. Flower, W. H. Keniarks on the homologies and notation of the teeth of the mammalia. < Journ. Anat. oud Physiol, iii, 1869, pp. 262-278, with 6 figs. Friedlowaky, A. Ueber MiHtil)ildungen von Stiugetbierziibnen. <[ Sitz. matb.-nat. CI. K. Akod. Wiss. Wien (1), pt. lix, 1869, pp. 33:1-350, 1 pi. Oray, J. B. Catalogue of carnivorous, pachydermatous, and edentate mammalia in the British Museum. 8". 4 p. 1„ 398 pp. London, printed by order of tbe trustees, 1869. Huxley, T. H. An introduction to the classification of animals. 8°. viii, 147 pp., 47 figg. London, John Churchill &, Sons, 1869. Htudey, T. H. Ou the representatives of the ma Ileus and the incns of the mammalia in the other vertebrata. < I'roc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, pp. 391-407, with 8 figs. Kinberg, — . Synopsis suturarum et epipbysium. < Ofv. Kongl. Vetensk. Akad. Forh. 1869, pp. Lw-iee. Murle, J. Notes on some diseased dental conditions in animals. <^ Proc. Odontolog. Soc. Great Britain, 1869, pp. 37-69, with woodcuts. 1870. — Couee, B. Antero-posterior symmetry, with special reference to the muscles of the limbs. < N. y. Med. Record, vol.—, nos. for June-Sept. 1870, pp. 149-152, 193-195, 222-224, 273-274, . 297-299,370-372.390,391,438-440. Figuier, JU. Mammalia. Their various orders and habits popnlarly illustrated by typical spe- • ■ . . cies. With 267 eugravings, by MM. A. Mesnel, A. de Nenville, and E. Rion. 8°. xi, 606 pp. (witb 267 figg.), frontispiece. London, Chapman & Hall, lr70. Flower, W. H. An introduction | to tbe osteology of tbe mammalia: | being the sabstance of the course of lectures | delivered at | the Royal College of Surgeons of England in 1870. | , •. .... I With numerous illustrations. | London, | Macmillan &. Co. | 1870. 1C°. xii, 344 pp. with 126 figg. Oill, T. On tbe relations of tbe orders of mammals. e abuorinal ami dldcowid dental condlHonn In anlmnU. No. U. 1. (raoutli of hipiwiiotamuii) and woodouU. Vuho, A. lleber die Mngenformun der WIrbellhiere. < Arohlv Auat. Vhyti. 1870, pp. aail-IMfi, 2 pll. Stlada, L. Btudion Hl)er doH cenlrale Nervennyitein der Wlrb«ltLlero. gi«H in the luamnialia. < I'hil. Trans, dx, 1870, pp. 83-1 Ifl, ;< pll. 1871,— Dietl, M. J. Unteniuohungen Ulier Tanthaaro. < Wion. Sitzggber. Ixlv, 1871, pp. 62-70, with 2 pll. Flower, W. H. Notes on the.flr«t or milk-dentition of the niammalia. < Tramt. Odontol. 80c. ill, 1871, pp.8ll-«32. Flower, W. H. On the connection of the hyold arch with the cranlnm. < Rep. Brit. Awwo. ( 1870), 1H71, Trans, of the Sections, pp. VM, 1:J7. Oarner, R Comparison of the thoracic and pelvic limbs in mammalia. ort8. Feb. 81, 1874. Cbatin, J. K<'cb(«rchen pour (Mtrvlr h I'hiittoire anatouilque dea glandua odorautes dea nioDiini- U'ren. <^Ann. 8ci. Nut. 5o MSr. xiz, pp. 1-135, pi. i-ix. Cope, B. D. On the honioloKiux and ori)(iii of the typos of molar teeth of mammalia mluca- bills. 4". Ul pp., 1 1., Mrith '/^ woodcuta iu text. Pbiludulphia, priuted for the author, March, 1874. Mllne-Bdwards, A. Annaica don nclencea iiatnrellea | Cil>4]ni^mo iM^rie | Zoologie et pal6ou- tologiu, uoniprenana I'anatoniie, la pliyHiologie, la clatBitlcaiion et I'hiHtorin natiirullo i\t« aniuiaux publi^e aoua la direction do U. Milne-Edwarda | Tome xix. | Tarla | librairio de Q. MuHHon .... 1874. OigUoU, B. H. Kcchercbea aur la diHtrlbution g6o){rapbiqtie gdu^ralo, on corolo^ie, dea aniniunx: vert^lirt^H : 3* region, bor6o-ani<^ricninn, nt 4* rdgion, ,Gth series. 1874, pp. G7-84. 18"^. TeutlebsD, B. ▼. Ueber Kauniuskein und Kanmechanismua bei den Wirbeltbieren. < Archiv Naturg. 40. Jahrg. 1874, pp. 78-111, pi. 2. Wilder, B. O. The pectoral musclea of mammalia. < Proc. Am. Aaaoc. Adv. Sci. xxii, 1874, pp. Wilder, B. O. The outer cerebral flsHures of ninmmalia (especially the camivora) and the liruits of their homology. < Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. xxii, 1874, pp. 814-234. WoU J., and BUiot, D. O. The life aud habits of wild animala. Illustrated by designs by Joaeph Wolf. Engraved by J. W. and Kdwaid Whyniper. With descriptive letterpress by Daniel Giraud Elliot, F. L. 8., F. Z. 8. 4'^. 5 p. 1., 72 pp., 1 1., 20 pll. London, Alexander Maomillau & Co., 1874; New York, Harper & Brothers, 1874. [With plates of <7) the female wiipltl niKl pnma ("Strntpgy term* Strength"); (9)t1he Jiigtiar<'»TheSle»tA")i OS) the uittlu wapiti and wulvea ("A Itace for Life ") ; (IS) bleou aud grizzly hear ("Bival Mooaroba ").] Jmm. Have animals souls f Am. Sports. Dec. 19, 1874. [From Atlaotlc Monthly.] AnoH. Longevity of animala. < Am. Sports. Mar. 7, 1874. 1875.— Sclater, P. L. On several rare or little-known mammals now or lately living in the Society'a Collection. 'i'f^ ^^'&, Ji '>S!k^ ' ^ ' M^Mf-.' . [?$^£'. '' : ' BIBLIOOK. APPENDIX— B. I'AUNAL PUBLICATIONS. 981 B.-FAriVAL PUBLIC ATIOIV§. t w f. . 1 1711.— LawBon, J. Marteo, P. 1712.— Iiawson, J. 1718.— Lawaoa, X 1632.- Morton, T. New KukUnIi Canaan, iini. ^t^. London, 1A33. (■(•■print In Kiirnti'a lllatnrlcnl Traota, vol. II | 1636.— Bagard-Tbtfodat, F. O. HUtoirtMlii Canada. W>. Pariit, IftlM. ' *' { Tlixni U » Krnnch edition nf Ihm, k lltrral rrjirint, Indlcftting p«)(lii«tl«D of theorlgliial mi Klrlng hA«lmtl« IliH|ianiin llirannrnH, wn plantaniin, anlnialium, nilno> • raliuiu ni*^xlciknoriini liiiitorin, ex Frnno. Hernandez rnlntionlbas a Nardo Ant. Uocobocollncta. Folio. KiMu. ttlTil. 1672. — Joaalyn, J. Now Hnglnnd'a raritic*, diacovcred in birds, bcBHtit, fliibu*, s«ri)cnti, and plants of that country. Irt'^. Ij. 1698.— Hennepin, R. P. L. ds. Nonvelle dikouTerte d'au tria grand pays aituiS dans rAai6riqiio. Aumturduin, 11)1)8. 1703. —La Hontan, C, //aron de. VoyngcHdana I'Ani^riqae doM.C. Unron de la Ilontan. S vola. 13°. La Huyo, 17U3. 1709.— Lawaon, J. A now voyage to Carolina. 4°. London, 1700. Deaoription of North Carolina. London, 1711. ,v '«•• Voyage to Spitsbergen and Greenland. H°. London, 1711. Ueacbreibung der Provins Carolina; una dem £ugl. iP, Uaniburg, 1713. Hiatory of Carolina, &o. 4°. 1718. ^n :.:•'> .-. r 1731-43.— Cateaby, M. Th« natural history of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Tslanda : containing thu tigurea of birda, b«a«ta, flalirs, attrpenta, iuHecta, ond plants: particulurly, the foreat-treea, shrubs, and other plants, not hitherto diHcribtd, or very iucorri'-'!/ ligured by authora. Together with their description in English and French. 8 vols. Folio. London, vol. i, 1731 ; vol. ii, 1743. pp. xii, xliv, 200; 200 pi. and mop. 2d ed. 1*54, revised by George Edwards. 1737.— Brickell, J. The natural history of North Carolina. 8<^. vii, 408 pp. Dublin, 1737. 1741.— Bgede-Saabye, H. [Deitcriptiun ot GrteDlaud, etc.] 4°. Kjubtuhavn, 1741; Eng. traiisl. 4°, London, 1745 ; French truusl. H°, Copenhagen and Getfeve, 1703 ; Germ, transl. 8", Berlin, 17(53, 1744.— Cbarlevoijc, F. F. Z. de. Histoire ct descriptiun gdu^rule de la Nouvelle Fiance, i-iii, FoJio. Purls, 1744. Dobba, A. An account of the countries adjoining to Hudson's Bay. 4°. London, 1744. 1748.— milB, H. Voyage to Uiidson's Bay iu iLc Dobb» and California .... in the years 1746 and 1747. 8". London, 1748. 1750.— BlUa, H. Reise nooh Hudsons Meerbusen. 8°. Goettingen, 1750. 1759.— Kalm, P. Beschreibnng der Reise nacb dem nordlicbon America, i-iil. [Same, transi \ted by J . B. Fonter, with notes and plates by Furater. 3 vols. 8°. 1765.— Cranz, D. Historio van Gronlaml. 8°. 1765. 1772.— Forater, J. R. Accoun t of several qnadiupeds sent from Hudson's Day, < Pbilos, Trana. Lood. Ixii, 1772, art. xxviii, pp. 370-381. [Twenty species, with descripttvo and biographical matter.] 1774. — Du Pratz, Le P. The Mstory of Louisiana, or the western parts of Virginia and Carolina, con- ttiuing a description of the countries that lie on both sides of the river Mississippi, with an account of the settlemouts, inhabitants, soil, climate and products. Translated from the Fn?nchofM. lePageduPratz[8c. 3 vols, Paris, 1758]. A new edition. 8°. London, 1774. (Coutaius notices of various North American mammals.] 1776.— Romana, R Natural history of Florida. 8°, New York, 1776. 1777. — Cbarlevolz, P. F Z. de. Histoire de la Nonvelle France, avec le Journal d'un voyage dana I'Ami'rique septentrionale. 12°. Paris, 1777. 1778.— Carver, J. Travels in North America, by J. Carver, esq., in the years 1766, 1707 and 1768. London, 1778. [There are subaeqnent editions.] ''' ' . ■ -■ 8°. Goettingen, 1759. London, IITO-Tl.] . '^i^»ir\.>-^ ..-:y.^-'-M-riif^iim^.^,ST,( Jufferson'a "Notes" was printed in Paris for private circulation (200 copies) without title- page, and is not to be regarded as published. I have not seen a copy ; above title is quoted from Bartlett's Cata- logue of tho Llltr.iry of John Carter Brown. From this came a French version, 178fl ; some say also 1785. For ciroumstanres of the work prior to tlie regular pultlication of the Knglish ed., see Bartlett, op. cit., 192 1 and especially Kaudnll's Life of Jelferson, vol. i, p. 414 (0°, New Yorli, 185«).— Tho date, 1788, is supposed to be that of preparation, not of printing, of the work. Tlipre have been numerons imprints; O'Callaghan's list of them (with some additional data) is as follows:— Ed. of 1782, without a title-page, 200 copies (privately printed].— Phil- adelphia, 1785 [supposed to be merely circulation there of some of the copies of n€i od.].— French version, 8°, Paris, 1785, and ParU, BaiTois, 1786.-8°, Loudon, Stockdale, 1787 [the first properly published ed. from which Jetferson'slist of mammals acquires date].- 8°, Philadelphia, Priobard & Hall, 1788, Philadelphia, 1792.— Philadel- phia, Carey, 1794.-8°, Baltimore, 1800.-8°, New York, Davis, 1801 [called tb i " :jd Amer. ed.", which it is notj.— 8°, Philadelphia. Vta«Ie, 1801, " 1st hot-pressed ed."— Boston, Carlisle, 1801, the 8th Amer. ed.— 18°, Boston, Sprague, 1803, tbo 9th Amer. ed.— 10°, Trenton, Wilson & Blackwoll, 180J.-Ncw York, 1804.-12°, Philadelphia, Hogan &. Thompson, 18 IS.— Boston, 1829.-10°, Boston, 18J2.— 8°, Kichmond, Eandolpb, 1853; also, 6°, Washington, 1854, being in vol. viii of Jefferson's " Works".] 1784. — Cook, J. Voyage to the Pacific Ocean in 177G-1780, performed under the direction of Cai.taiu Ooolc. 3 vols. 4°. London, 1784. Peuuant, T. Arctic zoolojyy. Vol. i. Introduction. Class i, Quadrnpeds. 4°. Eug. title, 4 pi., cc pp., 3 1., 18;") pp., frc:Dtiijp., 8 pi. London, printed by Henry Hughs, m.dcclxxxiv. (The w hole work, in 3 voIk., dates 1784-87. There is a 2d ed. in 2 vols. 4°, 1792.J 1784-92.— Belknap, J. History of New Hampshire. 3 vols. SP. Philadelphia and Boston. 2d ed., S"^. Boston, 1813. 1786. — Jefferson, T. Observations | sur | La Virginie, | par M. J * • *. | Traduites de I'nnglois | [par I'Abbi; Morellet.] | [Vignette.] | }i Paris, | chez Barrois, [etc.] | — | 1786. l'i°(1). 2 p. 1., pp. viii, 2110, 1 1. map, tab. [Contieut une liste des mammif dres de la Virginie.] [A copy of the privately printed edition of 1782 having been snrreptitionsly obtained, this Fronch version was made, printed, and pnbUshe Vol. II, Chup. VII, " A general description of the beasts, birds, and plants, &c. found by the party in this expedition ", pp. 148-201.) [Thl» la the'orlglniil ed. of the authentic Darrattve ; there are many other* later, q. v. See especially Cones, Bull. TT . S. Oeol. Snrv. no. 6, 8d ser. 1876, pp. i 17-444, for an account of Iheae book*, and of nnmeron* ipurloua or oollatpral pnhltcatlnna relatiofc to the travels of theso explorers. ' Contains pauim, and particularly at the place above apeclally indicated, an ncoonnt of nnmerous mammals observed in the region traversed ; none under binomial names ; some of the acconnts are our original notices of species. Tbo mammalogioal matter is important, as the basis of various binominal species, especially of Ord and Rafincsque.J Irtjwis, M., and Clarke, W. Travels | to the | sonrce of the Missouri River | and across the American continent | to the | Pacific Ocean. | Performed j by order of the government of the United States, | in the years 1804, 1805, and 1806. | — | By Captains Lewis and Clarke. | — | Published from the official report, | and | illustrated by a map of the route, | and other maps. I — I London : | printed for Longman, Hurst, Reea, Orrae, and Brown, | Puternoeter-Row, | — I 1814. One vol. 4P. i-xxiv, 1-663 pp., 1 folding and 2 full-pnge maps. (> Chap. XXIV, " A general description of the beasts, birds, and plants, &c., found by the party in this ex- pedition ", pp. 450-489.) (Nearly identical, except In form, with the orig. ed. of same date, I/, v.] 1819, -Inewli, M., and Clarke, W. Travels | to the source of | the Missonri River | pud across the I American continent | to | the Pacific Ocean. | Performed by order of | the government of the United States, | in the years 1804, 1805, and 1806. | — | By Captains Lewis and Clarke. | — I Published from the official report, | and illustrated by a map of the route, | and other maps. I — I A new edition, in three volumes. | Vol. I, [II, III]. | — \ London : | printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, | Putemoster-Row, | 1815. 3 vols. 8°. Vol. I, pp. i-xxvi, 1 1. not paged, 1-411, maps 3. Vol. II, pp. i-xii, 1-434, maps 3. Vol. HI, pp. i-xii, 1-394. (> Vol. Ill, Chap. XXIV, " A general description of the beasts, birds, plants, &c., found by the party in this expedition", pp. 1-73.) [Except in form, and in tome minor details of typography incident to resetting of the typo, tbis is identical with the 4° edition of 1814, g. «. It was reissued, 1817.] Lewis, M., and Clarke, W. "Tngebuch e. EntdecknngKieine dnrch Nurd-Amerika In d. Juhren 1804-6. Aus d. Engl. v. Weyland. Mit 1 Korto." biladelpbia, 182:S. ' (Contains uiimorous important notices and original deaoriptioos of mammals, by Thomas Say.] iHMI BIBLIOGU. APPENDIX— B. FAUNAL PUBLICATIONS. 985 . 1823. — Booresby, W. Journal of a voyage to tbo nortbeni wlialo-Oskery 1vol. 8°. Ediu- biirRb, 1823. (Zoolo^cal appoudiz on tbo mammals of Grnenland. Uui graanlandlonK, TradI, n. «p., p. 41T] 1824. — Sabine, B. Jonrnal of n voyage for tbu diecovery of a northwest pawago from tbe Atlantic to the Pacific, iierformcd in tho years 1819 and 1820, in HIh Mnjesty'a sbipa Hcclaand Griper. By Capt. W. K. Parry: with a toientifio appendix. .... 2 vols. 4°. Louduu, 1821. — Supple- ment to tbe appendix Vertebrata. By Edward Sabine. 4°. London, 1834 1820.— Harlan, R. Fanna Americana : being a description of tbe niaromiferous anim.ils inhabiting North America. 8^^. 316 pp., 1 1. PLiladelpbin, poblisbed by Ant bony Finley, J. Harding, printer, 182!. KiohardBOD, J. Journal of a second voyage for tbe discovery of a northwest passage fVom tbe Atlantic to tbe Pacific, performed in 1831-23 in His Blajesty's ships Fury nnd Hcula. By Capt. W. E. Parry. 4". London, 1824. — Appendix: Vertebrata, by Dr. J. Richurdiion. 4°. London, 1825. 1826-28.— Oodman, J. D. American natural history. Vol. i[vol. ii]. Parti. Mustology. Philadel- phia, H. C. Carey and I. Lea, Chestnut-street, R. Wright, printer, 182C. [8°. V«l. i, eng. , ' title, xvi-f 17-362 pp., 21 pU.; vol. ii, eng. title, :i31 pp., 19 pit.] Vol. iii. Part I. Mastology. * Pbiludulpbia, Carey, Lea & Carey, Cbestnnt-Htreet, 1H28. [Eng. title, 264 pp., 9 pU.] |Th« foresning is tlin origtnal oditinD, now a mther raro work. A second rdition, in three vols. 8°, woa published in 1831, at Philadelphia, by Stoddart iL Atherton. It In supposed to have been printed from the oriK- ionl stereotypes, as there appenrs to bo no alteration. There ia at least one other edition, of mocb later dale.] 1827. — Harlan, R, Notice of certain prepared specimens of quadrupeds in tbo posscsfiion of a gentle- man lately returned to Philadelphia from his traveltt in tbe United Stales and Territories. < Jouru. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philo. vi, 1827, pp. C5-5C. liiobtenstein, K. M. H. ErliiuteruDgeit der Nachrichten dcs Franc. Hernandez von den vier- lUssigen Tbieren Neuspaniens. <^ Abhaudl. K. Akad. VViao. Berlin, 1827, pp. (^9-129. 1828. — RicliardBon, J. Short characters of a few quadrupeds procured on Captain l''rankliii'a late ex- pedition. <^Tbe Zoological Journal, iii, no. 12,Jan.-Apr. 1828, pp, 516-520. [All but 3 of the I'J spp. desuribed are new, these short notices anticlpatini; the fuller descriptions in the Fn. Bor.-Am. tt'SS. Sorex forsteri, p. 518; S. palusU-ia, Arricola borenlis, A. (Lemmas) helvolns, Myoinsdrum- mondil, p. 517; Cricetus talpoides, Mas leucopns (Raf ), Arctouys prulnoss (Ponn.), p. 518; A, (Spennopbilus) lateralis, Sclurtis (Tsrains) qaadrlvltutns, Pteromys sabriuns, P. alfUons, p. 519; Lepus (Lngomys) piloccpe, p. 5:0. Republished, F«niss. Bull. ZTiii, 1699, pp. 102-103; Isis von Okon, 1830, pp. \1A^\%H.\ 1829.— XLaup, J. J. Skizzirte Entwickelungs-Gescbicbte and natUrliches System der europiiischcu Thierwelt. 8°. Darmstadt, 1829. RichardaoQ, J. Fauna | Bureali-Americana; | or tbe | eoology f of tbe | northern parts | of | British America; | containing descriptions of the objects of natural history collected on the late northern land j expeditions, undercommand of Captain Sir John Franklin, R.N. | By | John Richardson, M. D., F. R. S., F. L. S. | ... | surgeon and naturalist to tbe expeditions. | Assisted by I William Swainaon, F. B. S., F. L. S., &jc., \ and the Reverend William Kirby, M. A., F. B. 8., F. L.8., &c. 1 — I Illustrated by linmerous plates, ] — | Published nnder the authority of the right honourable tbo secretary of j state for colonial afi'airs. ) — | London-: | John Murray, Albemarlo-str6et. | — | mdcccxxix. Part first, containing tbo quadrupeds. By John Richardson, pp. xlii, 1 1., 300, pU. 27. 4<^. (One of the moat important works ever published on Xorth American mammals; for many years aprincipjl source of our information respecting those of Arctic America, and contlnninK to be a standard treatise.] 1829-33. — Eaohspboltz, F.- Zoologischer Atlas, enthaltend Abbildungen und Beschreibungen neuer Tbierarten, wiibrend .... in den Jahrcn 1S23-S6 beobachtet vou Dr. Friedr. Escbscholts. Folio. Berlin, i-iii, 1829, iv, 1831; v, 18.33. (The last part, posthumous, edited by Dr. M. H. liathke, contains descriptiouH and flgurea of Canis ochropna, Arctomyscaligata, Oris nivioota, etc.] 1830.— Oapper, — . Observations on tbe quadrupeds found in the district of Upper Canada extending Itetween York and Lake Simeoe, with the view of illustrating their geographical distribution, OH well OS of describing some species hitherto unnoticed. <^ Zool. Jouru. v, 1830, pp. 201-20"', (Sorex tnlpuldea, Cricetus myoldes, etc.] 1830-31.— Richardson, X [Birds and ninmmalia collected during tbe lust urclic land expedition under Sir John Franklin.] < Proo. Comm. Zool. 80c. Loudon, i, 1830-31, p. 132. "wr' : .• '.'•-i*;- r HMilHiP 986 MONOGEArnS OF NORTH AMERICAN RODBNTIA. m 1830-33.— Cnbinot uf natural history and American rural sports. With illniitrationa. 3 vols. 4°. Philadelphia. PubliitbiMl by J. & T. Doughty. Vol. i, 1830; ii, IKtt; iii, parts i-iv, 1833. (A raro book, of aeroi^olentiflo obamcter, coDtaiuing maoy acconnta and colored pla'eaof North American ninminala. etc The article* have been fully iodoxed for the preaent bibliography.] 1831. — Ellsworth, H. L. Notes on the wild animals of Illinois. < 111. Mag. July, 1831 ; Fentherston- haugh'x Month. Am. Journ. Oeol. and Nat.'Sci. Oct. 1831 ; Illinois in 1837, pp. — . >VagIer, J. Einige Mittheilungeu ilber Thiere Mexioos. <^ Isis, xxiv, 1831, col. 510-535. 1831-36. — Wagner, J. A. Ueitriige zur Kenntniss der warmblUtigeu Wirbelthlere Americas. ^ Ab- liandl. MUucheu, ii, 1831-:i6, pp. 417-1)10. 1832.— Cox, R. Adventures on the Columbia River. 8°. New York, 1832. 1832-41. — Bonaparte, C. L. Iconogratia delta fauna Italica, per le quattro classi degli animal! vcrte- bruti. Tomo i, Mammiferi e uccelli. Folio. Roma, 1832-41. 1834.— Brandt, J. F. Prodromns deecriptioiiis animalinm ab H. Mertensio observatorum. <^Aoad. Sci. Recueil. St. P^torsb. 18:14, pp. 201-ii76. ° Harlan, R. Critical notices of varions orgMoio rrmains hitherto discovered in North America. < Trans. Geol. 8oo. Fenna. i, 1-^34, pp. 46-112. 183S. — Bennett, E. T. Sangethiera aus Califomien und Mexico. < Isis, 1835, pp. 524-525. Rosa, J. C. Appendix to the narrative of a second voyage in search of a northwest passage, ■■•■I and of a residence in the arctic regions. By Sir John Ross. ... 1 vol. 4°. London, 1835. llno'.udiDg account of the objects in tlie sevrral departments of natnral hiatory aeen Mid diacovered doting the expedition, by Captain Jamea Clarli Boaa, R. N.} Trooat, O. On the organic remains which characterize the transition series of the valley of the Mississippi. < Trans. Geol. 8oc. Penna. i, 1835, pp. 248-250. 1836.— Brandt, J. F. Conspectus seotionum, geuerum, sub-generum ot specierum novornm, quio in fasciculo priini Prodromi desoriptionem animalium a Mertensio in orbis terrarum circnmnavi- gatione observatorum reperiuntnr. < Ann. Sci. Nut. v (Zool.), 1836, pp. 180-188. King, R. Narrative of a journey to the shores of the Arctic Ocean in 1833-35, under the com- mand of Captain Back, R. N. By Richard King, M. B. C. 8. ... 2 vols. 12°. London, Richard Bentley, 1836. [Notices Barren-ground Keindeer, Arcttomys okanaganos, etc.] Ricbardsoo, J. Nurralivn of the Arctic land expedition to the month of the Great Fish River and along the shores of the Arctic Ocean, in the years 1833, 1834, and 1835; by Captain Back, R. N. ... 8°. [Other copies in 4°.] London, mdcccxxxvi. pp. i-x, ll.« 1-663. Map and plates. [Appendix oontaina zodlogioal remarks by John Richardaon.] 1837.— Bell, T. A history of British quadrupeds, including the cetocea. . . . Illnstrated by nearly 200 woodcuts. 8°. xviii, 526 pp. London, John Van Voorst, . . . 1837. ' Oervaia, P. Sur les animanx' mammif^res des Antilles. m drnwiugs by W. Nicholson. 4°. London, Longman, Brown &■ Co., 1840-41. 1840-44.— Waterhonae, O. R. The zoology of H. M. S. Beagle. 4<'. Lont'.on, 1840-44. [Uammalla by O. B. Waterhoase.] 1841. — Andubon, J. J., and Bacbman, J. Desoiiptions of new species of North American quadmnods. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. i, 1841, pp. 92-103. Andubop, J. J., and Bachman, J. Descriptions of new species of quadrupeds inhabiting North America. <.Jonrn. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. viii, 1841, pp. 280-323. ' Eydonac, F., and Souleyet, — . Voyage antonr dn monde, ex6cnt^ pendant les ann^es 1836 et 1S.37, snr la corvette La Bonito Paris, 1839-44. 8°. Zoologie, par Eydoux et Sou- leyet, 1841. Lund, P. V. BlikpaaBrosiliensDyreverden < Kongl. Danske Videnak. Selsk. Naf;nry. ooh Math. Afhaodl. viii, 1841. 1842.— De Kay, S. B. Zoology of New York, or the New York fauna. By James E. De Kay. Part. i. Mammalia. 4°. Albany, 1842. [Many plates.] [Besides descriptions, biographical notices, and flgnres of the animals of the States, lists of extrt-Iimital species are given, inolnding all those then knowb to inhabit Korth America. The work has not be«n recog- uize^ as of high anthoiity, uor has It exercised mnch influence npon the progresa of the science.] Bachrlcht, D. F. Jagttngelser paa Naebbehvalen eller Islaendemes Andarnefio, FnerSernes Dogling. < Forhitndl. Skand. Natnrforsk. 3. Mote, 1842, pp. 651-658 ; Isis, 1845, pp„ 437-440. Harlan, R. Notice of two new fossil mammals from Brunswick Canal, Georgia; with observa- tions on some of the fossil quadrupeds of the United States. <[Am. Journ. Sci,, and Arts, xliii, 1842, pp. 141-144. Hays, I. [Remarks on Prof. Owen's paper on Missouri fossils.] °, HoiDO of the iuuei forDiiog part of Ilartwr'ii aeries, "The Family Librnry". Vol. I, pp. i-vi, , ■>' l*-v*, Til -li, 5.1-371, 3 maps. Vol. ii, pp. i-i, 11-39.'!, 3 map*. (>Vol. ii, Appomlix, "Further eonmeratlon and deacription of tbo qoadraped*, birda. flabua, nnd planU noticed doring (bp expedition", pp. 330-.'l79.) Momorandn of rb« datea of tbo Rocceaalvu iRauea, moat of wiiicli oonaiated of iUOcopiea: — September, 1849 1 January, le^^; May, IMi; Janaary, 1844; July, lH4.'>i April, 1847; May, IKiO; Auxuiit, 1831 ; Jane, 1835; April, 1858; Novomlwr, 18(10; Fiibrimry, 1868; HikT«h, 1871 (vui. ii); April, 1679 (vol. I) ; February, 1874 (vol. ii)i De- cember, 187S (vol. i) ; in nil fourteen iaauea «f the whole woric, under a'xteou different datea. This Is an editorial abi idKmoDt, or digest, of (be original of 1814, g. c, fitilbfully and, oo tbo whole, Judl* oionaiy exeouUid. The natarol-biatory chapter, besides being relegated to an appendix, ia trauspoaed aa to ita botanical and zmdogical purtiona. It ia fartbermoro abridged at tho editor'a diacretton, the omlaalona belDK indicated by asteriska. A now fifstare ia foot-noto referencea to the pagea of the body of the work on which the various apoclea were before mentioned. Thia is a valuable set of orosa-referenoes, for the narratlvo ao- oouiita aoattered through the work are often no Iea< important thou the formal notices themaelves.J 1843. — Harlan, R. Reniarku on Prof. Owen'H letter. [About Harlan's notice of new fossil mammalia.] < Am. Journ. 8ci. and Aii;8, xlv, 1843, pp. 208-211. 1843-45. — Oray, J. B. Zoolofjy of the voyage of II. M. 8. Snlphnr, nuder the command of Captain Sir Edward Delcher Parts i, ii. Mammalia. By J. £. Gray. 4°.- London, 1843-45. 1844. — Oregg, J. Cnmmerce of the prairies, 2 vols. 12°. Philadelphia, 1844 [Coutaina interesting notioea of aome of tbo birger mammala of the plains : — blaon, elk, doer, bear, wolves, prnirie-dngs, etc.] Schubert, O. H. Mittheilung von Correspondenzcn ans Labrador [Uber seine Landsiiugothiere, Wassur-, Laud- und Strandvugel]. < MUnchou. Bull. Akad. 1844, col. 121-126, 129-133; MUucheu. Gelehrte Auz. xviil, 1844, col. 418-422. <^ Revue Zool. viii, 184S, pp. 184S. — Pucberan, J. Description de quelqnes mammif^res am^ricaius. •iXy-'M-l, 369-373. 1846. — Carpenter, W. hL Remarks on some fossil bones recently brought to New Orleans from Tennessee and from Texas. <[ Am. Journ. Soi. and Arts (2), i, 1846, art. xii, pp. 244-SCO, with 4 &ie- Falconer, H , and Cantley, P. T. Fauna antiqua sivalent>is, being the fossil zoology of tho Sewalili Hills, in the north of India. .... [Edited by Hugh Falconer.] Letterpress.-' Part i. Proboscidea. tP. 64 pp. London, Hmith, Elder & Co., 65 Comhill, 184G. Oodman, J. D. Ameiican natural history To which is added his last work. The ram- bles of a naturalist, with a biographical sketch of the anthor. In 2 voloines. 3d ed. Philn- •,• delphia, Uriah Hunt & Son, 1846. Vol. i, oiig. title, 345 pp. (xiii + 332), 27 pli. Vol. ii, eug. title, ;m pp., 2a pii. , '" Hallo^rell, B. [Descriptioii of the locality whence a collection of fossil bones presented to the academy by Mr. Wni. Puucoast had been obtained, and an enumeration of the same.] <[ Proc. Acad. Nat. Soi. Phila. i.i, 1846, p. 130. Owen, R. Observations on ceitain fossils from the collection of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. iii, 1846, pp. 93-96. 1846-S4. — Audubon, J. J., and Bacbman, J. The viviparous quadrupeds of North America New York, 1846-54. 3 vols. Roy. 8°. Vol. i, pub. by J. J. Audubon, 1846, pp. xiv, 1,389, pU. 1-50. Vol. ii, pub. by V. G. Audubon, 1851, title, pp. 334, 1 1., pll. 51-100. Vol. iii, pub. by same, 1853-54 (entitled " The quadrupeds of North America", date 1854 on title-page), 1 p. 1., pp. v, 348, pll. 101-155. (Tbo plutes of ibis work are said to have been originally publiahod iu numbers, in oblong folio, without text, beginning aa fur back as 1840. The plates in tbe edition above given are in roy. 8°, intercalated with tho text. j„ . Another edition or rrpriut, in roy. 8°, platrs intercalatttd, appears, pub. by V. G. Audubon, in numbers, ' '• ■' 1851-54, deaigncd to bo bound in 3 vo's. The cepy examined is as follows:— ''The quadrupeds of North Amer- ica ... . Vol. i. New York, pubiisbod by V. O. Audubon, 18Jl ", pp. i-vlil, 1-384, plL 1-50 , Vol. ii (nu title-pagr>), pp. 1-334, 1 I., pll 51-100. Vol. iii, ieS4, 1 p. 1., pp. i-v, 1-348, pll. 101-133. Vols, ii and iii thus sfem to bo identical with lliu originals. Though vol. iii Is dated 1854, pp. 1-354 are said to have appeared lu 18S), tbo remainder ill li<>4, ■ ' ,) _' TboBO authors treat of 197 species, of which about 100 are fignreii. Few are here dencribcd an new, the Y 1 original desoripl ions having mostly appoared elmtwherc. Bee r. 7. under datea 18.'i9 aud 1841. liii) t ethnical portions of the work ure supposed to lie luaiuly ottribulablu to Bachiuan, tbe other auilior having attended to tbo illuatrationa and porlions of the biograubicul matter. Many of tho plates were drawn by J. W. Audubon.] A—^ ! *■ < ''»'t' l ' BIBLIOGB. APPENDIX— B. FADNAL PUBLICATIONS. 989 \ 1847.— NUMon, S. Skandinavisk fauna. . ." . . Ffireta delon : Daggdjuren. Andra omarbetapp., pp. 468-464) and other notes iu the general text.] 1850.- Baird, S. P. On the bone caves of Pennsylvania. < Proo. Am. Asaoo. Adv. Soi. ii, 1850, pp. :i52-355. Oould, J. Low state of development of mammals and birds in Australia and New Zealand. < Am Journ. Sci. and Arts (2), x, 1850, p. 124. Oray, J. B. Narrative of an expedition to the shores of the Arctic Seas in 1846 and 1847. By John Roe. With a zoological appendix in part by J. E. Gray. London, 1850. Leidy, J. On some fossils from Missonri. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. v, 1850, pp. 121-122. (Rfaiooceroa nebraakenala, n.ap.t Agriuoboerna (n.g.) nntiqunri, n. ap.; Palaiotherlam bairdli, n. ap.J Cambury, Lord. The first discovery (probably) of fossil bones and teeth in t)ie State of New York. [Abstract from Weld's History of the Royal Society, vol. i, p. 421.] < Third Ann. Rep. Reg. Univ. N. Y. 1850, p. 156. Thompson, 7m. An account of some fossil bones found in Vermont in making excavations for the Rutland and Burlington Railroad. < Am. Journ. Sci. and Arts (2), ix, 1850, art. xxviii, pp. 250-263, with 13 flgg. 'Wyman, J. Notice of fossil bones from the neighborhood of Memphis, Tenn. < Am. Journ. Sci. and Arts, (2), x, 1850, art. viii, pp. 66-64, with 5 flgg. Wyman, J. Notice of remains of vertebrated animals found at Richmond, Va. < Am. Journ. • Sci. and Arts (2), x, 1850, pp. 228-235, with 9 flgg. * ; [MammnU, pp. i(39-833.] 1851.— Baer, K. B. von. Bericht Uber einige ichthyologische Nebenbeschaftignngen anf der Reise an den Peipus, vom Ende Aprils bis Anfang Junis. < Bull. Sci. St. P6^tersb. ix, 1851, col. 359-362. Burnett, W. I. [Notes on the fauna of the pine barrens of Upper South Carolina.] < Proc. B -ston Soc. Nat. Hist, iv, 1851, pp. 115-118. Harrla, B. List of birds and mammalia found on the Missouri River from Fort Leavenworth to Fort Union, at the mouth of the Yellowstone River. < Fifth Ann. Rep. Smiths. Inst. 1851, pp. 136-138. [Mammalia, p. 13S.] Hind, X. R. Brief notices [chiefly statistical] of the for-bearing animals in Rupert's Land and Canada. < Report on the exploration of the country between Lake Superior and Red River Settlement, 1858, pp. 401-405. [Extracted from Rep. of the Jurors, Exhib. of All Nationa, 1851.] 990 M0N0GRAPB8 OP NORTH AMERICAN RODBNTIA. .V.TTi \f^^ k ,,, lesa.— Baird, fi. F. An expedition to the valley of the Great Bait Lake of Utab, including a descrip- tion of it« geography, natural history, and niiDeraU, and uu analysis of its waters, with an authentic account of the Mornion settlement, dto. By Howard Stansbury, capt corps topo- ' graphical engineers. 3 vols. 8<^ (one embracing the maps). Philadelphia, 1852. [The procedlDg titio ia thnt uf • aeparate editloa liiued fh)m the same xterootypo platei u^ the (coremmer edition. Tbe Utter beara tbo title of "BipluratloD and Kurvoy of the valley of tbu Great Bait Lake of V tnoludlBK a reooDoalMaooe of a new route throagh the lluoky Mountalua. Jiy Uuward Stansbury, oapt toposr'Phicol eD,{iuneni. Printed by order of the Senate of tbe United BWtea. Philadelphia, LIr Orambo & Co., IMS." (An e«lition of tbe aame work was aubseqaently printed by the Public Prlnte Ilouao of Ilepreaentativea In llU3. This la mncb Inferior In typography and llluatratiuua) Tbe e u i *. portion of Stanabury'a report waa pobllabed In a aeparate pamphlet by tbe Hnillhsonian luatitatlon, ttom the aame Biereotypi' plates, miller the title of "Zoology ottlie valley of tbe Great Salt Lake of Utah. Mam mala, by S. F. Uaird, &u. Kxtruotud Iruui Capt. H. SUnabnry'a report to tbe United HUlea Senate, March 10, 19%i." b°. Pblladelphia, Lipplnoutt, Orambo & Co., June, IfUa. The entire work waa publlahed early In ISMi. Tbe pamphlet edition of tbe aoology IMS publUbed and dlatrlbuted in June, 1853.— (fiairtt.) I lie Contfl, J. [Additional remarks on some fossil pachyderms from Illinois.] ed to tbe glory uf the chane, the preservation of our ' game, oud the religion of the "Wilde". 12°. 358 pp. New York, published by Fowlers & Wells, 1852. Warren, jr. C. [On the F.ppelsheim fossils, and Dinotheriom giganteum.] <[ Proc. Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. ii, 1852, pp. 305-310. 18S3. — Baer, K» H, von. Materialien zn ciner Oeschichte des Fiscbfanges in Rnssland nnd den angrtiu- zenden Meeren. < Bull. Sci. St. P^tersb. xi, 1853, col. 225-254, iil>7-1i8i. Leidy, J. [Remarks on various fossil teeth.] < Proc. Acod. Nat. Sci. Phila. vi, 1853, p. 241. [Eqnua americanns, Hlpporlon venustum, Oromys csopi, Bnbrodya antlqnua, Kieptodon prisons.] Leldy, J. [Remarks on a collection of fossil mammalia and chelonia, from the Mauvaises Torrea of Nebraska.] < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. vi, 1853, pp. 392-394. Middendorft A. T. v. Slbirisoho Reise. Band ii. Theil 2. Wirbeltbiere. Erste Lieferang. 4". St. Petersburg. Kaiserl. Akad. der Wissensch., 1853. Thompaon, Z. Natural | history of Vermont, | with | numerous engravings, | and an | appen- dix. I 1853. I . . . Burlington, published by tbe author, | Stacy & Jameson, printers, | 1853. 1 map. 8°. 2 p. 1., 224 -f- 64 pp., 1 1., 1 map folded. Mammals, pp. 23-56; api>endix, pp. *, ,; . 11-20. Woodhouae, 8. VIT. Report of an expedition down the Zufii and Colorado Rivers. By Cap- V tain L. Sitgreaves, corps of topographical engineers. 8°. Washington, 1853. pp. 198, pU. xxi. [Mammals, by a W. Woodbouse, pp. 43-57, pll. 1-6.— Other copieit date IP54.] 18S4. — Bnrmeiater, H. Systematische Uebersicht | der | Thiere Brasiliens, | welche | wahrend oiner Reise durch die Provinzeu von Rio de Janeiro und Minas geraos | gesammelt oder beobachtet I wurden | von | Dr. Hermann Burmeister, | . . . . | Erster Theil. | Stingelhiere (Mam- . . ■ nittlia). I Berlin, 1854. I .... | 8°. x, .342 pp. Zweiter Theil. Vogel (Aves). LeConte, J.L. Noticeof American animals, formerly known, bnt now forgotten or lost. <^Proo. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. ie54, pp. 8-14. I Mammals, pp. S-1 1.] Le Conte, J. L. [Remarks on a fragment of tbe jaw of a new pachyderm from the tertiary of Virginia.] < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. vii, 1854, p. 69. w. '■**** -.fiaMa iaittiaAku., BIBLIOGR. APPENDIX— B. FAUNAL PUBLICATIONS. 991 ) 1884.— X(«idy, J. Notice of some fowil bono* Appen- dix F. Zoology. Mammals. By Captain R. B. Marcy. 1888. — Baird, 8. F. Characteristics of some new species of North American mammalia, collected chiefly in oounection with the U. 8. surveys of a railroad route t«» the Paoiiic. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phlla. vil, ia>5, pp. 333-336. Baird, 8. F. Characteristics of some new species of mamninlia collected by (he U. 8. and Mexican boundary survey, Mnjof W. H. Emory, U. 8. A., commissioner. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sol. Pbila. vil, 1855, pp. 331-333. Baird, 8. F. The U. 8. naval astronomical expedition to the southern hemisphere, daring the years 1849-'50-'51-'52. Lieut. J. M. Gilliss, superintendent Washington, A. O. P. Nicholson, printer, mdccclv. 4°. > Appendix F. Zoology. Mammals. By S. F. Baird. pp. 153-171, pi. xl. [iDoladea a •ynoDymstlo lUt of mamaiala fonnd In Chili, pp. 163-171, and pUte of Cblnmypboras tmnoatu*.] Brandt, J. F. Beitriige zur uiibern Keiintniss dor Stiugethiere Russland's. Von .1. F. Brandt. 3-54, 1855, pp. 577-580. [48 species.] Strang, J. J. Some remarks on the natural history of Beaver Islands, Michigan. <^9th Ann. Rep. Smiths. Inst. 1855, pp. 282-288. '% 992 MONOORAPns OF NORTH AMERICAN RODBNTIA. 18S6. — Burmeister, H. Krlitiitcmn(;nn xiir Tnuna nruilioDH, enthiiUenU AlibililiiiiKeii uud aoMfUhr- liotie lioac-hruibungflti nenor <>der iiiigonUgonil bekantiU'r Tbierarten von Dr. Herin. Biirmeitter. 1 vol. Folio. Iturlin, 1K>G. Jonaa, J. IiivuHtigutionH, vhtnnioal nn. X«eldy, J. Description of soino roinninn of extinct mammalia. <[ Junrn. Acad. Nat. 8ci. Pbila. (a2. Xieidy, J. Notice!* of rcniuina of extinct mammalia, discovorwl by F. V. Hayden, in Nebraak» Territory. < Proc. Acad. Nat. 8ci. Pbilu. viii, IKAi, pp. 88-00. Leidy, J. Notices of remains of extinct vertebrated animals, discovered by Prof. E. Emmons. < Proc. Aco5, 256. lOryoteroontas oornotlden*, d. up., dvaorilied p. 355.) Xieidy, J. Notices of remains of extinct vertebrateG, pp. 77, Ul,92. Leidy, J. Notices of some remains of extinct mammalia, recently diaoovercd by Dr. F. V. Hay- dun in the Bad Lands of Nebraska. <^Proo. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pbila. viii, 18GC, p. 09. Pucheran, J. Essui de ddterminatinn du cafactbre fannique de I'Europe ot du nord de I'Asie. < lust i tut, XX iv, 1856, pp. 2H2, 283. 'Bclater, P. la. List of mammals and birds collected by Mr. Bridges in the vicinity of tbe town of David in tbo province of Cbiriqui in tbe state of Panama. < Proc. Zool. Soc. London, xxiv, l&W, pp. 138-143. 1857.— Baird, S. F. Catalogue of North American mammals, chiefly in the Museum of tbe Smithsonian Institution. 4°. 21 pp. Washington, Smithsonian lustitation, Jnly, 1857. Baird, S. F. Reports of explorations and surveys to ascertain the most practicable and eoonom- ical route for a railroad from tbe Mississippi River to tbo Pacific Ocean. Made under the direction of the Secretary of War in 18r)3-56, according to nets of Congress of March 3, 1853, May 31, 1854, and August 5, 1854. Vol. viii. 4°. pp. i-xlvii, 1-757, pll. i-lx. Washington, Bev- erly Tucker, printer, 1857. [The contents of this Tolome (which is " Part i " of a " General npoti on tbe zooIo|ry of the several Pacific Kailroad rontos") consint entirely of " MammaU, by Spencer F. Baird". It ia • work otherwise known aa " MnmmaU of North America ", the text having; been reissaed, in 18S9, with tbe plates, and with the plates of the other volumos of Pooiflo Kailrood reports, and others. It is a systematic account of the mamuials (oxclnaive of Cetacen, Chiroptera, Sirenia, and Pinnipedia) of North America, aboat 390 in number, and is by far the most importaut and most anthoritative treatise which has ever appeared upon the sabjeot.] [Billiaga, E.] Gleanings in the natural bisto'y of tbe Hudson's Bay Territories, by tbe arotio voyagers, [anon.'} < Can. Nat. and Geol. ii, 1857, ort. xxi. pp. 170-185, 185, 186, 186-188, 17»- 178. BlaaiuB, J. H. Naturgescbicbte der Siingethiere Deutschlands nnd der angrenzenden L&nder von Mitteleuropa 8°. vi (including 2 titles), 549 pp., 290 figg. in text. Braun- schweig, Druck uud Verlag von Friedrich Viuwcg nnd Sobn, 1857. Also entitled : Fauna der Wirbeltbiere Deutsublands und der angrenzenden Liindcr von Mittelenropa Erster Band, Situgetbiere, mit zablroichen Abbildungen im Texte. Kemp, A. F. Notes on the Bermudas and their natural history, with special reference to their marine alga;. <[Can. Nat. and Geol, ii, 1857, art. xix. pp. 145-156. Kennicott, R. Tbe qnndrupeds of Illinois injurious and beneficial to the farmer. ^ Rep. of thu Cummissiouer of Patents for tbe Year 1856, Agriculture, 1857, pp. 52-110, pll. v-xiv. lie Conte, J. L. Descriptions of several new mammals from Western Africa. <^ Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pbila. ix, 1857, pp. 10-11. K BIBLIOGB. APPENDIX— B. FAUNAL PUBLICATIONS. 993 .'ir-f t 1897.— Leldy, J. Lint of uxtiiiot vertobratA, the romaiDHor wblch have be«u ilincovored In Uio rcKiun uf tbo MiHsuiiri River: with remarks uu tbeir KooloKicul age. p. HU-»l. Leidy, J. Kictinoatlou of the roforcnoc* of oortaiu of the extinct niauinialiou genera of No- liniHka. < I'roc. Acad. Nat. 8ci. I'hlla. 1857, p. 175. N«wberry, J. B. ReiMirtu of explorations and surveys to ascertain the most practicable and economical route for a railroad from tbe MiHsiosippi Kiver to tbo I'aoitio Ocean. Vol. vi. 4'^. WashiuKton, 1857. (Till* tho Hlith volamo of tbe Paclflo Railroail IleporM oouUlna an important and IntiTfiatlDK article, chiefly blographlcnl, on the Mammal* of California anil OregoD, by Ur. J. .S. Newljorry, Iwiuu PP- 34-7il (with 3 plate*) of tho rtiport upon tho Zooio){y of llie Houte, = chap, iot ao.% of part Iv of tho volume.) Reinhardt, J. Fortegnelso over Gronlands Pattetlyr, Fugle og Fiske, .... < Rink, H., Groulaud, Joograpbiiik og statistik beskrevot. KJobenhavn, 1857. (Reprlntoit (fh»u same type*) with reat of natural hlattiry in tho foUowioK work :— " NaturbUtorlake Bldrag til en Ue*krivol»o of Or«ulan-95 (original pagination pp. I3i-137), by Dr. Harden. It i* subatantialiy the same as that published iu 186i. See ' this date, Qatdbn, F. V .J ;; Hayea, 1. 1. Observations upon the practicability of reaching tbe north pole. With a map. < Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. xii, 1858, pp. 234-254. Holmes, P. S. Second edition | — | Remains of domestic animals discovered among post-pleio- cene fjssils in South Carolina. | — | Also, extracts from a paper by Professor Leidy, of Phila- delphia, and a letter by Professor Agassi z. Charleston, S. C. James & Williams, printers. 1868. 8°. 10. pp. . * Leidy, J. Notice of remains of extinct vertebrata, fVom the valley of the Niobrara River, collected during the exploring expedttion of 1857, in Nebraska, under the command of Lieut G. K. Warren, U. S. Top. Eng., by Dr. F. V. Hayden, geologist to the expedition. < Pioo. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1858, pp. 20-29, Leidy, J. [Remarks on fossil mammalia from Nebraska.] < Pfoc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1858, p. 7. Tomes, R P. Notes on a collection of mammalia made by Mr. Fraaer at Qualiqiiiza. < Proc Zool. Soo. London, xxvi, 1858, pp. 546-549. 1859.— Baird, 8. P. Mammals of North America; the descriptions of speoies based chiefly on the col- lections in the Museum of the Smithsonian Institution .... with eigbtysoven plates and original figures, illustrating the genera and species, and including details of external form and osteology. 4°. 4 p. I., xi-xxxiv, 1-7G4 pp., with 87 pll. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1859. IReissuo of the text of the government. ««!ucer F. Dairil, with note* by the natiintllitU of tho Hiirvi'y. Ilart of tho lllu<«trationa of Baird'a ManiuaU of North AiDnrlca.) Balrd, B. F., and Kennerly, C B. R. RoporU of rzploratioiia and iiirreya to ascertain the niont practiouble and ocoiioinicHi ri>iit« for a railroail from the MimlNHippi River to the Paclflo Ocean .... Vol. s. 4°. WaHhiiiffton, 1H50. ((,'untaloa the followliii; nrtlcloa on mammala: — UaikI), 8. F. Ituport of Lii ut. E. 0. Duckwith .... Zoological Report, N>i. I. Report on niaminalH colhwttMl by the anrvey. pp. &-i), with 3 pll. Thi* artU-lo belonit* to tho ritporl In vol. II. KKNNKiti.v, C. H. R. Kttport .... by Liont. A. W. Whip|ile. Part vL Zoological Report. No. 2. Report oil niiiiiiiualM colluctod on tho Hiirvt'y. i>p. 11-18, with fl pll. Uaikd, 8. F. U<-port .... by Liuut. R. 8. Williamson. Part iv. Zoological Report. No. 3. Report on mauinmla of the route, pp. 81-82. Tham ropnrta ara rathor of a perfunctory oharooter, aa offlolalltlea of the pnblloatlon, obtefly Talnable for the platn*. Thn niaknup »f this tenth volume of thn I'aelflo Itnllroml Keporta lit aucb that it nil||ht bo atyled '' Tbo UllilioKrapher'ii Deapalr " ; It oontolna about 80 different tltlc-pagea, and a corrpapondlnK number of diflbront paKlualluus.) * Holmes, F. B. D<^briH d'nnimnux domestiqiu-B m^lang^s aveo dcs fossiles poat-plioc^nes dans lu Caroline du Kud. (TruuBl.) < Bibl. Univ. Archives, v, la'iU, pp. 37-44. Leldy, J. [On extinct vertebrates of Nebraska.] <[ Proc. Am. Philos. 8oo. Philo. vil, 1859, pp. lU, 11. Leidy, J. [Ruuiarks on Dromatheritim sylvestre and other fossils from Chatham Coanty, N. C] (>1. [5<{ species enumerated.] I860.— Cooper, J. O., Suokley, O., and Oibba, O. Reports of explorations and surveys to oscertaio the most pritcticablo and economical route for a railroad fronr tbo Mississippi Rivor to tho Paciliu Ocean .... Vol. xii. Book [or part] ii. 4°. Washington, 1860. {The volume contalna :— CooPKH, J. O. Report on the mammals collected on the survey. Being chap, i of no. 2 of part iii, or the Zoological part. pp. 73-88. SucKi.BV', Q. [Report on mammals, continued.] Being chap, ii of the same. pp. 89-106. SuCKLBY, O., and GiUBS, O. [Report on mammals, continued. J Being chap, iii of the same, pp. 107-138. Fonr platea with these report*. The book was reisaned nnder title of "Nataral Blatory of Wsahlngton Ter- ritory".) Du Challlu, P. B. [Descriptions of ton new species of mammals discovered by him in western equatorial Africa.] < Proc. Boston Soo. Nat. Hist, vii, 1860, pp. 296-304, :).')8-367. Leidy, J. Extinct vertebrata from the Jndith River and great lignite formations of Nebraska. [18;.9.] < Trans. Am. Philos. Soo. Phila. n. B. xi, 1860, art. xiii, pp. 139-154, pll. 8-U. [Mamma's, pp. 130-151.J Pucheran, J. Caract^rcs g6n6ranx de la mammalogie de I'Europe et da nord de l'Am6rique et de I'Asie. < Institut, xxviii, 1860, pp.^41-143. Wagner, J. A. Ueber foasile Stiugothierkuocben aus der Umgegend des Chimborasso. <[ Sit- znngsber. Mtinchen, 1860, pp. 330-338. 1861. — Cooper, J. O. New Califoruian animals. [$ B. Known species of animals new to California.] < Proc. Cala. Acad. Nat. Sci. 1861, pp. 118-123. Ross, B. R. An account of the animals useful, in an economic point of view, to the varioos Chippewyun tribes. •< Can. Nat. and Geol. vi, 1861, art. xxxii, pp. 433-444. Ross, B. R. Liist of species of mnnmuils and binls collected in Mackenzie's River District during 18C0-61. < Cana«l. Nat. and Oeol. vi, 1801, pp. 441, 442. [17 spp. of nianiniulH.] Ross, B. R. A popular treatise on the fur-bearing animals of the Mackenzie's River District. < Cauad. Nat. and Geol. vi, Jan. 1861, pp. 5-36. r;Vi;.> M' ii BIBLIOCB. APPENDIX— B. FAUNAL PUBLICATIONS. 995 1861. — Tomca, R. P. NotM on a cnlleotion of niammaiN iiuMln l>y the Into Mr. Oatiiirn in Jnmalc*. < I'roo. Zool. Hoc. I^ndon. tH«;i, pp. (VMU), pi. xlll. 1861-62.— MKximlllaii, — . VvrxttiohuiM dur, niif iirlner Knine In Nonl-Am<>rica bcohaohtntt-n HiinKO- thinrn. < Arohiv (tir NatnrK. xxvii, IHfil, pp. tH|--:tl7 ; art. xsziii, pp. :M4-:<7ll; art. xxxlx, pp. 401-430. Hayd«n, F. V. On the K*>"l<>Ky (^t"' uatnral hiatory of the Upper Miwionri. [Maniiiialla, pt. ill, ohap. XV, pp. l:)8-ir)0.] < Trana. Amer. Philoa. Hoc. xll, imi. (lt«publUbeo. i, 1H09, p.R5. (fi'i B|M-oi)>a.) MazlmlUan, — . VerzelohniM tier auf aeiner Heiiu) in Nord-Aniuriku Iteobochteten Siingethiere von Maximilian Prineen zu Wied. Mit 4 Tafeln. H^. 240 pp., pll. iv, v, yl, viil. Dorliu, Niooialacho Verlai^a-HuohhandlunK (0. Fertba), 1809. (HeparsUbdraok aua Arob. fUr Nktnrg.] Ron, B. R. Liat of mammalH, birds, and egga obaervetl in the Mackenzle'a River Diatrict, with noticea. < Can. Nut. and Oeol. vli, lH6:j, art. xiii, pp. lUT-l.V). Rosa, B. R. [On the mammalia of the Mackenzie River Diatriot. ] < Nat. Iliit. Rev. l&fi, pp. !j(i9 . (48apeolea,) ^ Roaa, B. R. On the mammala, birds, etc., of the Mackenzie River Diwtrict. <^ Nat. Iliat. Rev. im-i, art. xxvil, pp. 209-290. Verrlll, A. B. Mammals observed at Anticosti during tbe summer of 1861. <[ Froo. Dontoa *Soc. Nat. Hist, ix, Deo. 1802, pp. 13r>, 130. Wayne, — . Four years in British Columbia and Vancouver Island : an account of their forests, rivers, coasts, ifold fields, and resources for c<>lds and the white llasof Westt^rn and Central Somerset, and on the discovery of a new fossil mamniul !n the gray-marl-stoue.' bemath the bone-bed. < Am. Journ. 8ci. and Arts (2), 1864, xxxviil, pp. 284,285. OllpiD, J. B. On introduced species of Nova Scotia. <^ Proti. and Trans. Nova Scotlau Inst. Nat. Sui. Halifax, ii, pt. i, 1864, art. vii, pp. 60-68. OUpin, J. B. On tho mammalia of Nova Snotia, No. ii. <^ Proc, and Trans. Nova Scotian Inst. ' ' Nat. Sci. Halifox, i, 1864, art. i, pp. 8-15. Malmgren, A. J. Beobachtungon nnd Anzeichnnngen Uber die Stiugethier-Fauna Fiomarkens ■ f nnd Spitzbergens. < Archiv flir Naturg. 1864, pp. ftV.97. Wewton, A. Notes on tbo zoology of Spitzbergeu. <^ Proc. Zool. Soc. Nov. 8, 1864, pp. 494-502. Small, H. B. The animals of North Amcfioa. Mammals. 8°. 112 pp. with woodcuts. Mont- reol, 1864. ■ [A poorpopalaracooantof CaDodian mammalB, illnitrnteil b; rude woodoota.] 1865. — Duvar, S. H. Some additions to the game of Nova Scotia. <^ Trans, and Proc. Nova Scotian Inst. Nat. Sci. Halifax, ii, pt. iii, 1865, art. vii, pp. 59-69. Fellner, J. Exploration in Upper California in 18G0, under the auspices of tbe Smithsonian In< Btitution. < Ann. Rep. Smiths. lust, for 1864, 1865, pp. 421-430. Qervala, P. Animanx nouveanx on rares recneillies pendant I'exp^dition dans les parties cen« ,. : trales de l'Am6riqne du Sud, de Rio do Janeiro b, Lima, et de Lima an Para ; exdcuU^e par ordre du gouvernement fran^ais pendant les anodes 1843 ik 1847, sous la direction du comto ^'.ancia de Costelaau .... Mammif^res, par M. Paul Gervuis 2 p. 1., 110 pp., 20 pll. Paris, chez P. Bertraud, .... 1865. ^Castbuyau (Francois de Laporte, Comfe de). Exp6ditioii dans les pai ties centrales de I'Am^riqae du Sud, de Rio de Janeiro ik Lima, et de Limaau Para. -. ' 7e partie. Zoologie. Hoy, P. R. Journal of an exploration of Western Missouri in 1854, nnder the auspices of the Smithsonian Institution. <^ Ann. Rep. Smiths. Inst, for 1864, 1865, pp. 431-4:)8. Macfie, — . Vancouver Island and British Columbia. London, 1865. [21 sp<1. xii, pp. 3-11, .53-57, 97-1 10, 241-254, 281-293, 377-383, 425-131, 458-T, 479-494. [Date or dates uncertain.] * 't^tffKf-Kiarifvffi-asseftiit'K ," J 996 MONOGRAPHS OF NORTH AMERICAN RODENTIA. I ^ •m 1865.— Satiasure, H. de. Note BuppI6menta!re siir lea mammi^ ea da Mexiqae. <^ Rev. et. Mag Zool. Sept. 18(>;), pp. 257-202. (See prece«liug title,.) Solater, P. L. The tnamDials of Booth America. < Quart. Jour. 8oi. Oot. 1865, pp. 605-621, with a lithogr. Hketch, *' Wymau, J. [On fossil raammalia from the Andes of Pern.] <[ Proc. Boston 8oc, Nat. Hist, x, m-^>, pp. 105-107. 1866.— Oilpin, J. B. On the mammalia of Nova Bcotia, No. iii. <^ Proc. and Trans. Nova Sootian Inst. Nat. Sci. Halifax, ii, 18f')G, art i, pp. 8-lG. ._ Lord, T. "%,, The naturalist in Vancouver Island and British Columbia. 2 vols. 8°. 358 pp.; 375 p.. London, 1876. Welz, S. List of vertebrates observed at Okak, Labrador, by Rev. Samuel Weiz, with anno- tations by A. 8. Packard, jr. < Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist, x, 1866, pp. 264-269. , [ Mammalia, pp. 365, 306, 36!)-373. ] 1867.— Cope, B. D. An addition to the vertebrate fauna of the miocene period of the United States. ,66. [Khinocerotid nod AelunxIoDt forms indicated,] Leidy, J. [On fosnil tiiaramalian remains from Idaho, Utah, and Oregon.] < Froo. Acad. Nat. Sci.Phila. 1870, pp. 66,67. Leidy, J. [On fossil mammalian remains from Illinois.] < Proo. Acad. Nat. Soi. Phila. 1870, p. 13. (Megsloo.yx, BUon, Plktyginas, Procyon, snd Anomodon remoini indicated ] Leidy, J. [On fossils from Bridge Creek, Oregon.] < Proo. Acad. Nat. Soi. Pbila. 1870, pp. 111-113. [Oroodon «nperbu«, Lophlndon oocidentaliR, SbinoceToa Bp., and Aochittaerinm cordon! deacribed.) Leidy, J. [On fossils from Church Buttes, Wyoming.] < Proo. Acad. Nat. 8ci. Phila. 1870, pp. 113,114. [Palieoayopii palndoaus, MicroBos onspidataa, and Motharottu tenebroaai deacribed.] Leidy, J. [On fossils from Sweetwater River, Wyoming.] rtioDB of the United States, inclnding many not collected by the Snrvey, and embraces also a monograph of tho Chlroptcta of North America. Prominence is given throughout the article to synonyraatic lists uf Ihu species, these being more extensive than any previously collated. The text relates mainly to the habits and guugraphical distribution of the species, but the characters of the species and higher groups of the Bats are givou, mainly upon the basis of Harrison Allen's memoir.] Blliott, H. W. A report upon the coudition of afi'airs in the Territory of Alaska. By Henry W. Elliott. 8*^. 277 pp. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1875. [A moditted reprint of bis oblong 4'' report, which is practically inaccessible. Cbnp. v, on the Sea Otter; 6hap. vii, on th} Fur Seal; both very imiturtant contributions to the knowledge of the subject.] Oriuuell, Ot. B. Euginuur Departineut, U. 8. Army. | — | Report | of a | reconnaissance | of the I Black lUWn of Dakota, | made in the summer of 1874. | By William Ludlow, | [etc.] Washington, Governuieni Printing Ofllce, 1875. I 1 vol. 4°. 121pp. > Zoological Report. By George Bird Grinucll. Chapter i. Mammals, pp. 79-84. I Field-notes ou 34 spp. J \ >'' ,i,'>/>: "«•■ , BIBLIOGB. APPENDIX— 0. PRIMATES. 1001 1875. — OUnther, A. Instructions for making obsorvntiona on, and collooting speoiuiona of, the inom- nialia [nut including cetacua] of Greenland. <[ Instr. for Use of 8ci. Exped. to Arot. Regions, 1875, pp. 36-39. (8°. London.) Osbum, W. Maninials of tbo Kansas plains. <[ Observer of Nature (newspaper published at Lawrence, Kansas) of Mar. 24, 1875. . (Annotated list of 14 Bpp.] Relnhardt, J. Note on additional mammals of Greenland. . . . <[ Man. Nat. Hist. ... of Greenland, . . . 1875, p. 34. 1876. — Allen, J. A. Description of some remains of an extinct species of wolf and an extinct species of deer from the lead region of the Upper Mississippi. -2L. 1855.— Keep, N. C. [On supernumerary teetb in man.] <^ Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist, v, 1855, p. 101). 'Warren, J. C. [On suporuumerary teeth in man.] <^rroo. Boston Soo. Nat. Hist, v, 1855, pp. KiS, 159. Wynum, J. [Accountof thedisaeotion of a black chimpanzoo (Troglodytes niger).] <[ Pron. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist, v, 1855, pp. 274, 275. Wyman, J. [On a *' spongy disease of the bones of the head " in a young Cynocepbalus.] <^ Proa. Boston Soo. Nat. Hist, v, 1855, p. 275. Wyman, J. [On supernumerary teetb in Troglodytes gorilla.] <^ Proe. Boston Soo. Nat. Hist, y, 1855, p. 160. 1856. — Brooks, C. Laws of roprodaotion, considered with particular reference to the intermarriage of first cousins. < Prco. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. ix, 185(5, pp. 23«-246. Dareste, C. Sur quelques caraot^res que prdseute le cerveau des singes. <[IuBtitut, xxiV| 1856, p.. 17. Qlbaon, Capt. [Account of orangs.] <^ Proc. Boston Soo. Nat. Hist, vi, 1856, p. 71. Holmberg, H. J. Ethnograpbiscbe Skizzen tlber die Volker dcs Kussiscben America. < Hel- singfors. Acta Soo. Sci. Fonn. iv, 1H56, pp. 281-421. Wyman, J. [On a fourth molar in the skeleton of the chimpanzee in the Boston Society's Cabinet.] niiirkx on the cant of tbo bruin of tliu gorilla. <^Am. Jouru. Bci. and Arts (2), xzxiv, Ititi'i, pp. 44(M42. Saiif ord, L. J. The gorilla. < Am. Joiirn. Soi. and ArU (-2), zzxiii, 1H6J, art. vii, pp. 4li»-64. Slack, J. H. Moiingrapl) of tbu probi^nHilo-tuiled (iniMlrumana. <^ I'roc. Acad. Nat. Soi. Pliila. lrt(>'2, pp. r)07-.'>lU. Slack, J. H. [ UunmrkH on the Oorilla costaneiceps, n. sp.] < Proo. Aoa4l. Nat. Sci. Pbllu. 146'}, pp. i:)S>, u9. 1867. — Allen, H. [Remarks ou the tertiary occipital condyle iu man.^ <^Proc. Acad, Nat. Sci. Phila. 1867, p. 137. Jackson, J. B. S. [On perfomtiou of the faumerns in roan.] <[Froo. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist, xi, 18(57, p. 113. Parrille, H. de. [Translation of an account of the capture of a gorilla. By Dr. S. L. Abbot.] < Proc. Bositon Soc. Nat. Hist, xi, 1867, pp. 137-139. Reade, W. [Ou the habits of the gorilla.] < Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist, xi, 1867, p. 113. Slack, J. H. Mammalogical notices. [Ou sjiecies of primates.] <^ Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 181)7, pp. M-m. Wilder, B. O. [Ou the alleged gorilla and " What is itt" in New York.] < Proo. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist, xi, 1867, pp. 305,306. 1868.— Wilder, B. O. Extra digits. < Publications of the Mass. Medical Society, vol. ii, no. 3; also st^p. panipb. 19 pp., woodcuts. 1870.— Leidy, J. [Ou the reversed viscera of a human snbject..] < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1870, p. l;i4. 1872.— Cope, H. D. [Intelligeuce iu monkeys.] ire mir leu formoii c^i^lirnles proproii it, I'onlre dnii l<\, i, lH7'i, pp. r>-'>!7, pi. 9. Oervals, P. Sur luti n«M*tinciit8 d'luiimaiix rucueilliH danH li« cavemen de DoniiiuMS-UouMM^, prfei Muiiton, uvec iiii sqiiulctte Iiiiiiialn nmioiitaiit ii l'6pI. 1, pp. '294-ii9y. Nlcbolaou, H. A. Sexual Beleotlon in man. ^ Can. Nat. and Q. J. 8. n. h. vi, 1K7'J, pp. 440-4r>9. IBTS.—WlUlams, H. 8. CiM:lir)'lbiin({ ilea atnerikaniMhen LuohaM ^Feljs boreolis]. <^ Bammlungen i. Pbya. u. NaturK- i, 1770, p. UVfi. 1784.— Olahn. H. C. Om den gronIiiD-370; Frur. Not. v, lttt:», no. lOi, pp. aia-iiK,; F. (8eo »lw> op. clt III. p. 107, V. unloolor, F. pum*.] 1823.-Piiher, H. L. Uoln^r don W..lf [Caiiis lupus]. < Fror. Not. ix, 1885, uo. 194, pp. a78-2, pp. ^d-e-i. Horafield, T. Descrlpiion of the Helarotos euryiipiluB; exhibiting in the bear from the Island of Borneo the type of a subgenus of Uiws. < Zool. Journ. ii, IWKi, pp. iH-'iM, I pl.j F«ruH«. Bull. Set. Nat. vi, ISa.'i, pp. 399,400; Isis, 18.10, pp. lOaS-lOW. 1827.-Childr«i, .T. O. On the Esquimaux («og. . 64-5C, 1 pi. ; F6rn«i. Bull. Bel. Nat. xlli, 1828, p. 351. 1828.— Wiegmann, A. P. A. Ueber merkwUrdigo Bastarde von Wolf und Hund. . T. [Lntra chilensis, n. ep.] , p. 365. FoUer, D. [Report on certain experiments on the feeding of carnivorous mammalia.] < Proc. Coram. Zool. Soc. London, ii, 1832, pp. 49, 50. Puller, D. TKeport on the period of gestation of the puma (Felis concolor).] < Proc. Coram. Zool. Soc. London, ii, 1832, p. 62. Gray, J. B. [On the family of Vlverridte and its generic subdivisions; with an enumeration of the'specu'S of Paradoxnrus and characters of several new ones.] c. London, Ifi'JSl, pp. 18i>-102. Martin, TV. C. L. [Noten of Ihu (liiuwotion of n pckan, or flHber-marton (Mustola canodcnaia, Hchnl..).] < Pnic. Conini. 7am\. Hoc London, i^ IH'W, pp. U7,98. Martlji, W. C. L. [Notim on thu iliHHoctiou of tho pnnia (Fells conoolor, Llun.).] <^Proo. Zool. Hoc. London, i, Hm, pp. 130, ISil. Bykea, Vf. H. [On thu fcctua of a panther, exhibiting jiU tho markinga of tho adult animal.] < I'riH). Zool. Hoc. London, 1, 183;i, pp. 49, M. 1834.^Jardine, Sir W. The naturnlial'H library. Edited by Sir William Jardinc, Bnrt. Vol. xvl. Mammalia. Liona, tiKera, &c., &o., by the editor. .... 18°. Eng. title, 4 p. 1., 17-27G pp., portrait of Cnvier, 34 col. pll. Edinburgh, W. II. Lizam, 1834. Martin, W. C. L. [On the occurrence of aneurism of the aorta in tho browu ooati (Nuaua fust'o, F. Cuv.).] < Proc. Zool. Soc. London, ii, 1834, p. 0. Oweo, R. [On the diatinguiahing pouuliuritiea of the crania of the lion and tiger.] <^ Proo. ZiH>l. Soc. London, ii, 1834, pp. 1,2. 1839. — Owen, R. [Notea on the anatomy of the kinkf^ou (Cercoleptes caudivolvulua).] ^ Proo. Zool. Soc. London, iii, 1835, pp. 119-124. , . 1836.— Baxin, A. Note anr la atructnre dea ponmona des animanx comaaaiom. <:^ Comp. Rend. Aoad. Sci. PiiriH, ii, 18:)G, p. 570; Inatitut, iv, no. 102, 1836, p. 1H9. Oray, J. B. Charoccora of aome nenr apeuiea of mammalia in the a'-Hsiety'a collection, with .reninrka upon the dentition of the oarnivora, and npon the value of the characf^rH naed by Cuvier to aeparate the plantigrade from the digitigrade carniroru. <^ Proc. Zool. Soc. London, iv, 183(5, pp. 87, 88. Martin, W. C. Ii. [Deacription of two species of tho genns Cerooleptea.] <[ Proc. Zool. Soc. London, iv, 183t{, pp. 81-83. Martin, TKT. C. It. [On the osteology of Enhydra lutris.] <^ Proo. Zool. Soo. Lond. iv, 1636, pp. 59-fli ; Inatitnt, v, 1837, no. 192, pp. 15, 16. 1837. — Welasenborn, W. Remarks on the habits and economy of the commoa fox. ■ don, vii, 1839, pp. i;i5-137. \ •laMaiAii dUU BIBLIOOU. APPENDIX— D. FER^ (FISSIPEDIA). 1009 \ 1840.— Smith, C. H. Colonial wlltlon. | — | The | iiattirol hlntory | of | i\ogn | Cunilnti«, with | |M)rtruit ami iiii»- motrof Don Felix D'.VMra | W. H. Liaiarn, E«Uiibiirj{li ; | Armour ami HuniM'y.Moiifrpal; | Kam- imy. Armour and Co., KinKitton ; and Kaiiii«»y and M. Knndrick, Huiiiilton. Ki"^', 1840. IftW pp.. 41 pll. Gon. Mtlo and Bixic. title, ll-'^JK pp., a II. 8mltb,C. H. The naturaliHt'n library. Edited by .Sir William .lardine, Hurt. Voln. xxv, xxvlii. * Mammalia, I)oj{b. Vol. I [vol. ii], Enn. title, 4 p. I., 17-5W7 pp., with iM)rtralt of Pallaii, 31 eol. pll. Edinburgh, W. n. Liasam, IKW uml IH40. !i vols. 18". Watorhoose, O. R. On certain churacterM in the erania and dentition of carnivora wkioh may nerve to diMtluguiHli the subdivlHiouH of that order. < Ann. Nut. Hint, v, 1840, pp. aft-iW. 1841.— Cbarleaworth, B. [On tho babitnof UaitaariH antuta, Licbt., and of Aouomyrt niexicanuii, Licht.] I'roc. Zool. Hoc. London, 1H41, p. <>0. Morton, S. O. [On an albiuo raccoon.] < Proc. Acad. Nat. Hci. Phila. i, 1H41, p. l!4l. Waterhouae, O. R. On the ttknll of the North American badger, MeleH labrmloria of authofB. < TrauH. Zool. 8oc. Loud, il, IH41, pp. ;i43-348, pi. 59. 1S42.— De Bltlnvllle, M. H. D. de. 0»t6ograpbie et odontographie dos mnatelaa. < Compt. Reud. Acad. 8ci. PariH, xiv, 1842, pp. aiO-'.'l'J, pll. Oervida, P. Hur le carkujon on bluireand'Am<^riqueet lobali-saur de rindo(Arctonyxcollari8, Cuvicr). < Proc. Verb. .Soc. Philoni. Paris, 184a, pp. 30,31. TbomaoD, T. S. [Notes ou tbo habits of the HiwBaris aiituta.] 7, art. xiv, pp. 116-119. [Billings, B.] On the foxes of British North America, lanon.] < Can. Nat. and Geol. i, 1857, art. xxxv, pp. 216-228. [Billings, B.] On the grizzly bear (Ursus ferox). [anon.] < Can. Nat. and Geol. i, 1857, art. xiv, pp. 104-109. [Billings, B.] On the loup cervier, or Canadian lynx (Lynx canadensis), and the bay lynx, or wild cat of the United States (Lynx rufus). ianon. ] MA>n.]. 32°. 04 pp. incL frontispiece. Sun- day-School Union, Now York, 1866. "Ranger, R." The tiger. By Uuberl Hanger [pseudon. J. 32=. &'( pp. iucl. froutispiuce. Sunday* School Union, Now York, 1866. \ Mmtm UIBLIOOR. APPENDIX— D. FEUM (PISSIPEDIA). 1013 ,'^ \ 1866.— "Ranger, R" Weasels. By Robert Ranger [p«oudon.]. 32°. 64 pp. incl. frontispiece. Sunday- School Union, New York, 1866. "Ranger, R." Wolves and foxes. By Robert Ranger [pteudon."]. 32°. 64 pp^iincL frontispiece. Sunday-School Union, New York, 1866. Striker, W. [Etymology of the word " Biir".] < Zool. Oart. vii, 1866, pp. 25-27. Wilder, B. O; On a cat with supernumerary digits. < Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist, xi, 1866, pp. 3-19 ; Abth. ii. lix. lHi'9, pp. 211-279 ; Abth. iii, lix, 1869, pp. 629-716 ; Abth. i v, lix, 1869, pp. 17.'}-2G2. ' , 1869.— Bannister, H. M. The Esquimaux dog. < Am. Nat. iii, 1869, pp. 522-530. Dall W. H. [The distribution of marine animals.] <| Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist, xiii, 1869, . P-'l64. ■'-■"' ■,-^. [Refera to polar bear and eeals.] Dall, W. H. Alaska'and its resources. 8°. Boston, Lee & Shepard, 1869. . •' 1 (Notes on tnaminaU, pairim, chapter on fur trade, and a formal list.] Droste-HiilBhof^ M. von. [Summaries of sales of pelts of North American fur-bearing animals, 1769-1868, etc. ] < Zool Gart. 1869, p. 317. Flower, W. H. On the anatomy of the Protcles, Proteles cristatus (Sparrman). < Proc. Zool. Soc. Lend. 1869, pp. 474-496, pi. 36. Flower, W. H. On the value of the characters of the base of the cranium in the classifloation of the order Carnivora, and on the systematic position of Bassaris and other disputed forms . . . < Proc. Zool. Soc. Loud. 1869, pp. 4-^37. FrantxiuB, A. von. [Lutra canadensis T) in Costa Rica.] < Arch. f. Naturg. 1869, p. 2^9. Oray, J. B. Note on the varieties of dogs. < Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist, ii, 1869, pp. 836-240. HamUton, B. On a variety of the Canis vnlpes (Vulpes vulgaris, Brisson) found in the Forest of the Ardennes, Belgium. < Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, pp. 247-248, with 3 flgg. on p. 246. r 1014 MONOGRAPHS OP NORTH AMERICAN RODENTIA. 1869. —Putnam, F. W , and Packard, A. B., jr On the polar and other species of bears. < Ball. E88CX Inst, i, 1869, pp. 138, 139. V. {Mrs.). Familiarity of a weasel. < Am. Nat. Jii, 1869, p. 279. 1870.-'Colvln, V. Narrative of a bear-Iiunt iu the Adirondaoks. < Albany Inst, vi, 1870, pp. 227-240. Couea, B. Disposal of the placenta [of dog]. < Am. Nat. iv, 1870, p. 56. Oervals, P. Mdmoire sur les formes cdr^brales propres nux carnivores vivants et fossiles, Btiivi do reniarques sur la classification do ces aniniaux <^Nouvelle8 Archives du MuB^^uni d'Histoiie Naturelle de Paris, .... tome vi, 1870, M^nioires, pp. 102-168, pU. 3-9. Xieidy, J. [On a fossil mandible of Patriofelis ulta, n. s., from near Fort Bridger, WyomingJ < Proo. Aoad. Nat. 8ci. Phila. 1870, pp. 10, 11. Parker, H. W. The little striped skunk in Central Iowa. < Am. Nat. iv, 1870, p. 376. Scammon, C. M. The sea otters. < Am. Nat. iv, 1870, pp. 65-74. Anon. Tod eiues Vielfrasses, Gulo boraalis. < Berliner klinische Wochenschrift, 1870 ; Zool. Gart. xii, 1870, p. 31. [Autopsy.] 1871.— BUlot, D. O. Remarks on various species of Felidse, with a description of a species from North- western Siberia. <[ Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1871, pp. 758-761, pi. 76. Flower, W. H. On the composition of the carpus of the dog. < J. Anat. and Physiol. 1871, pp. 62-64, with a woodcut. Higginaon, T. W. Hybrid between cat and raccoon. < Am. Nat. v, 1871, pp. 660, 661. (Tlitt alloged hybrid was au Angola oat.] Parker, H.W. Mephitis bicolor. < Am. Nat. iv, 1871, p. 761. Parker, J. 8. Anatomy of the skunk. < Am. Nat. v, 1871, pp. 246-248. , ' [Ut'ferring to the aual elands and nrighboriug parts.] [Putnam, P. W.] American panther, {anon.) < Am. Nat. iv, 1871, pp. 692, 693. [Species still commou in the Adirondaoks, and " often found killed by the spines of hedgehogs ", i. «., poroa> pines.] Sclater, P. Ii. Notes on rare or little-known animals now or lately living in the society's gar- dens. < Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, pp. 221-240 (with 6 figg.), pll. xiv-xvii. [Ursns nasutns identified with U. amerioanus, p. 333.] Sclater, P. L. [Rejwrt on the additions to the society's menagerie in April, 1871.] < Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, pp. 478,479, pi. 38. [Felis [Lynx] rnfa vilhout " ear-penciU" mentioned.] VSTeale, — . African ant cats [i. e. Viverrida"]. Hiilsho^ M. von. [Simulation of death by Putorins erminea.] < Zool. Gart. 1874, pp. 193, 194. Falrobild, O. M., jr. Canada lynx. < Forest and Stream, Aug. 27, 1874. "Fred. Beverly" [j)wiirfo«.] (F. A. Oljer). Florida sketches.— No. 2. The Florida panther [Felis coucolor]. < Forest and Stream, ili, Dec. 17, 1874, p. 290. Olll, T. On the genera Tremarctos, Ger^'uis, (Neaictos, Gray), and iBlurina, Gervais, (Ailu- rogle, Fitz.). < Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), xiii, Jan. 1874, pp. 15, 16. Gray, J. B. List of the species of feline animals (Felld»). < Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (4;, xiv, Nov. 1774, art. xlii, pp. 351-356. Oray, J. B. On the colour of the kittens of the species of cats [Felida]. < Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), xiv, Nov. 1874, pp. 377, 378. Oray, J. B. On Nearctoa and iElurina. < Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), xiv July, 1874, p. 93. Hovey, H. C. Rabies mephitica. < Am. Journ. Sci. and Arts, 3d ser. vol. vii, no. 41, art. xliv, May,'lS74, pp. 477-483. [CoDBidtriDg it a peoaUar apeolea of hydrophobia.] Kirkpatrick, J. [On the oecnrrence of Biusaris astuta in Ohio.] ka, cliiip. V, i)p. 54-62 (8°, Washington, Oovcrnniont Printing OfBce, 1875). Hoffman, W. J. Beari), otu., in Arizona. < Ainer. Nat. ix, 1875, p. 516. Janeway, J. O. On hydrophobia. < Now York Medical Record, x, no. 227, Mar. 13, 1875, pp. 177-180. [CungiUeriug the so-oalltxl rabien mepbitloA as (imply bydropbobia.] Jiickel, A. J. Uuber Leucismen nnter den Mnatelen. < Zool. Oart. xiv, 1875, pp. 45(>-459. 1876.— Alien, J. A. The extirpation of the larger indigenous maninials in the United States. , pp. 104, 105, (Orig pub. Greifsw. Acad. Zeitschr. i, 1822, p. 139 scq.) King, P. O., and Ludlow, E. O. Appearances on dissection of the Phoca cristata. •< Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. New York, i, 1824, pp. 99-103. i ■' Knox, R. Obsertations on the anatomy of the lacteal system in the seal and cetacea. u«aytii> ■• ^ ■ j\'' '' \ BIBLIOGE. APPENDIX— E. FER^ (PINNIPEDIA). 1017 \ 1838.— Baer, K. B. von. Anatomische und zooloRioche Untersuchnngen lllwr das Wallross (Triche- ons rosuittrus), und Vergleicliung dieses Thiers niit aiidern Seo-Suugethiereu. < Acad. M6m. St. P^tersb. iv (pte. 2), 1838, pp. 97-236. HallgrlmMon, J. Beniaerkninger om den Islundske Utselur (Phoca [Halicbojnis] gvjplinsT). ra cristatn, and on a new species of the genus from the West Indies. < Proc Zool. Soc. London, 1H41, pp. 91-93. Selby, P. J. Observations on the great seal of the Faru Islands, showing it to be the Hulichoo- rus griseus Nilss., and not the Phoca barbata. < Ann. Nat. Hist, vi, 1841, pp. 462-406; Fror. N. Not. xviii, no. 390, 1841, pp. 244-246. Wyman, J. [On the Stenorhynchus loptonyx.] < Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist, i, 1841, pp. 2, 'i. 1842.— Stannius, H. Ueber Gebiss und Schiidel des Walrosses, unter BorUcksichtigung der Frage, ob die Verschiedenheiien ini Bane des Schiidels zur Uuterschs idung mehrerer Arton dor Guttung Trichecns berechtigen. < Mllller's Archiv, 1842, pp. 390-413. 1843.— Reinhardt, J. T. Bemaerkning om Tandforholdet hos HalichoBrue gryphus. < Kroyer'e Naturhist. Tidsskr. iv, 1843, pp. 313,314 ; Isis, 1845, p. 702. 1844.— Jager, O. von. Ueber die Stellung und Deutung der Ziihne des Wallrosses. < Mttller's Ar- chiv Anat. 1844, pp. 70-75. 1845.— Sundevall, n. J. Om en Phoca fr&n Ladoga (Ph. annulata). < Ofversigt K. Vet. Akad. Forh. (Stockholm), ii, 1845, pp. 187, 188. 1846.— HIU, R. [Description of a seal found on a shoal south of Jamaica.] < Proc. Zool. Soo. London, xlv, 1846, pp. 80-81. 1847.— Bonsdor^ B. J. Anatomiska beskrifning of ver de sex forsta cerebral-nervparen hos graa bafs- skiilan (Halichcerus gryphus), resp.Joh. Just. Staudinger. 4°. 46 pp., 2 pll. Helsingfors, 1847. 1848— Lesson, R.-P. Sur un phoque de I'Am^rique du nord. < Revue Zocl. xi, 1848, pp. 1,2. 1849.— Wagner, J. A. Bemerkungen ttber die Beschaffenheit des Knochengerllstes des Seebaren und des Seeotters. -51. 1850.— Wyman, J. [On the pertinence of the walrus to the i)achydcrm8.] < Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist, iii, 1850, p. 242. 1853.— Oervais, P. Description de qnelques espfeces de phoqnes et de c^tac^s. < Ann. Sci. Nat. xx, (Zool.), 1853, pp. 281-292. Oray, J. B. O j the attitudes and figures of the morse. < Proc. Zool. Soo. London, xxi, 1653 - pp. 112-11.6, with 10 flgg. Owen, R. On the anatomy of the walrus. < Proc. Zool. Soc. London, xxi, 18.53, pp. 103-107. 1854.— Ii«a, I. [Reference to the tanned skin of the walrus, used for polishing cutlery, at Hull, Eng- land.] < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. vii, 1854, p. 265. Wlieatland, H. [Skull of walrus.] < Proc. Essex Inst, i, 1854, pp. 62-64. 1855.— Ayres, W. O. [Remarks on the skull of a sea-lion (Otaria jubata »). ] < Proc. Gala. Acad. Nat. Sci. i, 1855, J). 61. Dareste, C. Note sur les caractferes eno^phahques des mammifferes aquatiques (phoques et c^tac^s). < Comptes Itendus, Paris, xli, 1855, pp. 361, 362. Pucheran, J. Sur quelques caructdres ost^ologiques et eiic^phaliqnes propres aux mammifferes palmipedes [Pinnipedia]. < Comptes Rendue, Paris, xli, 1855, pp. 282,283. 1856.— Iieldy, J. Notice of the remains of a species of seal [not named] from the post-pliocene deposit of the Ottawa River. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. viii, 1856, pp. 90, 91, pi. 8; Can. Nat. and Oeol. i, 1857, art. xxxviii, pp. 238,239. i'" ■'I ; I" ■■J ^ '1 1018 MONOGRAPHS OF NORTH AMERICAN RODENTIA. 18S6.— : 1859.- 1860. 1862. 1863.- 1864.— I 1865.— 1866. 1867.-: 1867 ? 1868 Leldy, J. Notice of rrmains of two spocies of seals. < Proc. Acad. Nat. 8ci. Pblla. vlil, I860, p. aoi. fMlnoeno: Phnca wymanl, VlrRiuia; P. dnbilia, Sonth Csrol!n«.] Gray. J. B. On the sea bear of Forster, the Ursus niariuiiH of Stcller, Arctocephaliis arsiiiaa of authors. < Free. Ziji^^ BIBLIOGU. APPENDIX— E. FEUM (PINNIPEDIA). 1019 \ \ 1868— Burmeliter, H. Ucber die Olirenrol.beu der OslkliBte 8Ud Am.riku'ii. ecic». < Ann. and Mug. Nat. Hist, i, IHW*. pp. air>-!«0. Oray, J. B. OhucrvationH on Bea-bi-are (Otariada>). and .Hpeiially on llio fnr-HcalH and haii- aeaiH of the Falkland IslaudH and Southern America. -32a, pi. iii-vi. McBalD, J. On thoBkullofanOtaria(Otaii»ulloR!T)IromtheChinchal8landB. - ■■■ Atwood, N. B. [Broken sknll of a walrus from the Gulf of St. Lawrence.] |i. 145-ir)tj, with woiMlcutM. 1872.— Oray, J. H. On tbu Hca-livnr of New Zealand (Arctoc(>|>balufi ciiierouft) and the North AuHtralian H)>u-b('ar, (OypHophnca tropicaliit). <^ Proc. Zool. 8oc. Loudon, 1H<^, pp. ()5:i-(S4i'^, with fit;K> Oray, J. B. A(Ulitioiiul uotvH on Arotocephahm cinorciiM and on Oypsophocu. < Proc. Zool. 8oc. Loudon, lti7)i, p. 743. Oray, J. E. Di'Hcription of the younger Hknll of Steller'u m-a-bvar (Eunietopioti atellori). < Proo. Zool. Hoc. London, 1H<2, pp. 737-74:1, with & Ugg. Pain, Capt. H. [Letter from . . . , containing remarks on the sea-lion (Otarin Jubata) and other HHaltt.J ortH. Juno 27, 1874, with ligg. Oray, J. E. Hand-list of seals, morses, sea-lions, and scu-bears in tho British Museum. 8°. 8 p. I., 43 pp. (with 15 iigg.), 3U pll. Loudon, 1674, printed by order of the trustees of tho British Museum, IH74. Oray, J. B. Notes on the skulls of two undescribod species of sea-lions (Otaria). <^ Ann. and Mug. Nat. Hist. (4), xiii, April, 1874, pp. 325-326. |N. spp., O. minor »nn the anatomy of the Fiuuipediu. (Part iii.) I)escriptive antitomy (if the sea-lion (Otaria Jubatu). <[ Trans. Zool. Soc. Loudon, viii, 1874, art. xvi, pp. 501-582, 5 flgg., pll. Ixxv-lxxxii. \ \ F.— ARTIODACTYLA. 1S81. — MenabenuB, A. Tractatns domagno animali, quod Alcen nounulli vocant,GennaDi Tero Elend. Item liistoriu Cervi rangiferi et Gulouis I'Mlfros vocati. 8°. 88 pp. Colonia, 1581. 1582. — Wigand, J. De alee vera historia. 4°. 11 pp. (with woodcuts). Regiomonti, 1582. 1584.— MenabenuB, A. Trattato del grand' animalo 6 gran bcstia, tradotto da Costanzo Felici. 8". 155 pp. KG&-9, pp. 235-2:J7. Darelli, J. af. UeriittelBo oni Elgar, horando till dema djurs natural, bistoria (Cervus aloes). < K. Vet. Akad. Handlgr. Stockholm, 1819, pp. 207-241. Jager, O. von. Uobor das Vorkonimon eines Knochons im Herzen des Ilirscbes und insbeson- diTo oincs Knocbens im Zworchfelle des Dromedars und des Vicunna. < Deutsches Archiv Physiol. V, 1819, pp. 113,114. —Smith, C. H. Observations on some animals of America allied to the genus Antilope. < Trans. Linn. Soo. xiii, 1822, pp. 28-40, 3 pll.; Fdruss. Bull. 8ci. Nat. i, 1824, pp. 373-375 ; Isis von Okon, 1826, col. 93-ir7. — Oeoffroy St. Hilaire, 6. ConBid6ration ot rapports nouveanx d'ostdologie comparde concor- nunt les animaux ruminants. -148. 1827.— BpjanuB, L. H. De uro noBtrate ejusque sceloto comnientatio. < Nova Acta Acad. Leop. Carol. Nat. Cur. xiii, pt. ii, 1827, pp. 411-478, 5 pll. ; F^russ. Bnll. Sci. Nat. xvii, 1829, pp. 121-125. Do Kay, J. B. Notes ou a fossil skull in the cabinet of the lyceum, of the genus Bos, from the banks of tho Mississippi ; with observations on tho American species of that genus. < Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. New York, ii, 1827, pp. 280-291, pi. 6. 1828.— Prevoat, J. L., and IieRoyer, — . Notosur la circulation du fojtus chez les ruminants. er die Verbindung zwischen Mutter und I-YuchtdcsElennthicreB (Cervus alces). < Meckel's Arch. f. Anut. n. Pbys. 18:12, p;i. ;W9-392. \ 1821 1823. \ BIliLlOtlU. APPENDIX— F. AUIIODACTYLA. 1023 1832 1632 1833 1834 1835. 1836. \ 1837 1839 1840 -33,— Flonreiis, M. J. P. Ex|W(rienof>ii tiiir lo rndcnnlitino (1)> I.k rumination. < Ann. Hci. Nat. t. 77, ih:r», |i|). :m-:.7, ain-WJ; M($mi. Acn<$rlrnr(M tuuclmiit I'lwtioii do I't^iii6tli|iih uniniiinx riinilnnnii. i). 4t>-07; IhIb, KUJ, pp. 013,014, U0t)-l>7t ; Ann. tki. Nat. *.<, wSr. Z.H»1. t. M, 1H37, pp. 50-08. , — Adun, W. On lluMintoologlcalnyninictry of lliooaninl, CauinhmbitvtriMUUiiuf Arintollo, Linnujui, uiul C'livier. < Trans. Linn. 8oc. London, xvi, ltiX\, pp. r>!ir>-f»<.. Flourens, M. J. P. Sur lo vuiuiiiMiueut dauN leu runiinaua. <[Nuuv. Dull. 8- Bujaok, J. a. Ueber don Aucroohfieu mil DerilckHiohtigunt; der Htaminru^o uua«rea Kindua. < I'renHH. Provinzialbl. xv, 1836, pp. 4'2:>-444. Oray, J. E. [On the tufm of hair obHvrvitblo on the iiosterior leg* of the genua CervuH, aa a character of that group, and n nieuna of subdividing it into natural aectiona.] ndon, iv, 1830, pp. 01^-08. BarriMon, R. On the bonea which aru found in the heurta of certain n^minant aniuiala. <, Kep. Brit. Assoc. Adv. 8ci. 5th meet. 18:15 (1-30), pp. 85, 80. Jacob, A. On tho infraorbital cavitiea in duera and ariteloi)es, called larmlora by the older Fr-snob naturalists. < Kep. Hrit. Assoc. Adv. Sc». 3d. meet, 18:J5(183OORAPH8 OF NORTH AMERICAN RODENTIA. 1840.— Llohtenstein, K. M. H. Mitlbeilnng Uber mohrero im iidrdlicben America gefundcne Pachy- (hriiiou [Ungulata]. < Isis von Oken, 1840, col. 90;}-906. Ogilby, W. [Monograph of tbe hollow-liorned ruminants: abstract.] <] Proc. Zool. Boo. Loiidoii, viii, ll:i40, pp. 4-10. 1840-43.— Gulliver, G. Observations on the blood corpuscles of certain species of the genus Cervus. f, hippopotamus. < Joiiru. ; i Acad. Nat. 8ci. Phila. (2), i, 1849, art. xviii, pp. 231-a:i9, pll. 32-S . Am. Jonrn. 8ci. and Arts ;' (2), viii, 1849, p. 152. ?: ' Turner, H. N. On the evidences of affinity aftordcd by the skull in the ungnlate mammalia. < Proc. Zool. Soc. London, xvii, 1H49, pp. 147-158. Wyinan,J. [On thefoot of aspeoiesof mnsk (Moechus).] < Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist, iii, 1849, p. 203. (The specie! was a Tragolns.] 1850.-OTay, J. B. Knowsley Menagerie. Gleanings from the menagerie and aviary at Knowsley Hall. Hoofed quadrupeds. Folio, pll. 59. Knowsley, 1800. Oray J B Synopsis of the species of deer (Cervina), with the description of a new species in the gardens of the society, < Proc. Zool. Soc. Loudon, xviii, 1850, pp. 222-242, pll. 2a-'i8. Morton, S. O. [On Mr. Layard's plates of the camel and dromedary from ruins of Nineveh.] < Proc. Aciid. Nat. Sci. Phila. v, 18.i0, p. 84. Sundevall, C. J. Methodische Ucbersicht der wiederkauendon Thiere. Liune's Pecora. < Hornscbuch's Arch. Skand. Beit, zur Naturg. ii, 1850, pp. 78-160, 291-320. [Translatod from Kongl. Svensk. Handl.i Turner, H.N. On the generic subdivision of the Bovid*, or hollow-horned ruminants. 2. -38. 1854 -Adam, W. On the osteological relations observable among a few species of the Imvine fam- ■ ily. < Proc. Linn. Soc ii, no. Iviii, 1864, p. 332 ; Trans. Linn. Soc. xxii, MitA, pp. 237-241. 65M ■■M 1026 MONOGRAPHS OF NORTH AMERICAN RODENTIA. 1854,— Brown, O. T. The teoth of the ox as indiCativo of age : an explanation of the signs aflforded by the inclBor teeth during ♦einporary and permanent dentition. 8°. 29 pp. London, Ham- ilton, 1854. Jager, O. von. Ueber die Identitiit des EuropiiiBchon nnd Americanischen Bison. < WUrttem- berft'. Jahreshefto, x, 1854, pp. W0;W09. Leidy, J. Description of a fossil apparently Indicating an extinct species [Camelops kansanus] of the camel tribe. < Proc. Acaio«.] < Can. Nat. and Geol. i, ia57, art. viii, pp. 71-76, with 2 figg. [Billings, B.] On the American buffalo (Bison americanus). [a».'j».] '■/■:'... BIBLIOGR. APPENDIX— F. ARTIODACTYLA. 1027 1857.-Jaoob, A. On the infra-orbital cavities in deer and antelopes, railed larmiers by tbe older French naturalists. < Can. Nat. and Geol. i, 1357, art. xii, pp. 9G-100. Leldy, J. [Observations on the introduction of the camel in North Amerioa-l 6, pp. 41-47, pll. i-vi. Anon. [On Cervus virginianus.] <[Proc. Chicago Acad, i, 1866, p. xxviii. 1867.— Agasslz, L. [Comparison of the bison and aurotihs.] r"' r-'^nr;* BIBLIOGR. APPENDIX— F. ARTIODACTYLA. 1031 \ \ 1874. — "Aroher " [«. c, 0. A. Stockwell]. Qnadrnpecla of Arctic lands, No. 2. — Cervaa alecs, the elk. < Forest and Stream, April 16, 1874. Avery, J. Caribou buutiu(( in New Brunswick. <^ Am. Sports. 1874, p. 138. ■-■ /, ■ "Baaso." Buffalo bunting. < Forest and Stream, Feb. 12, 1874. > ,1, V Batty, J. H. Hunting the pronghorn [Antilooapra americaua]. <[ Am. Sports. Feb. 7, 1874. Bptty, J. H. Interlocked antlers [of CervuB canadensis]. <[ Am. Sports. Feb. 28, 1874. Batty, 3. H. Large elk antlers. <[ Am. Sports. July 4, 1874. Batty, J. H. The Rocky Mountain sheep, Ovis montana. <^ Am. Sports. July 4, 1874. Boardman, O. A. Antlers of moose, caribou, and deer. <[ Am. Sports. April 25, 1874, with fig. "Bob White." Moose. Cervus alces or Alces malchis. <^ Am. Sports. Nov. 7, 1874. Brooke, Sir V. On Sclater's Muntjac and other species of the genus Cervulus. m1on, 1F74, pp. 33-4'i, pll. viii, ix. Caton, J. D. Deformed antlers [of Cariacus virginianns]. <^ Am. Sports. July 4, 1H74. Caton, J. D. Distinguishing marks of mule and black-tailed deer. <^ Am. Sports. Apr. 4, 1874, with tigg. Caton, J. U. Judge Caton in reply to Snap-Shot [respecting American Cariaoi]. <^Am. Sports. Jan. 31, 1874. «. Aug. 15, 1874. < Am. Sports. Jan. 24, •< Am. Sports. Feb. mmmmmmm i 1032 MONOGRAPHS OF NORTH AMERICAN RODBNTIA. 1874.— "T. J. S." Tho wliitc-tailod «leor. < Forent nnd Stream, Doc. 17,1874. " TVolverlno." Deer Hlieilding their liorns. < Am. Sports. 1874. Anon. Albino deer froin,8ontli Carolina. < Forest and Stream, March 5. 1874. Jnon. Tho antkred doe. < Am. SportH. May 2, 1874. Anon. The bnfifalo's fate. < Am. Sports. Deo. 19, 1874. • (On the trade in fl<«li anil bonoii. From Iho New York Tribune.) Jnon. (W. F. Parker.). Elk antlers. < Am. Sports. Feb. ai, 1874, with flg. • Anon. Elk antlers. < Am Sports. March '21, 1874. Anon. Large antlers [of Cervus canadensis]. Forest and Stream, March 5,1874. y • Anon. On migration of bnffalo. < Am. Sports. Nov. 21, 1874. Anon. The quadrupeds of Arctic lands [on reindeer]. < Forest and Stream, March 5, 1874. Anon. Slaughter of reindeer. < Am. Sports. March 7, 1874. Anon. Stratagem in deer hunting. < Am. Sports. Jan. 24, 1874. Anon. Woodland cariboo, or American reindeer, of Newfoundland. < Forest and Stream, July 2, 1874. 1875.-AlaBka [i. c, H. W. Elliott]. Tho leap of the bighorns [Ovis montana]. < Am. Sports. March la, 1875. Batty, J. H. Diseobcd liver iu deer. < Forest and Stream, Jan. 7, 1875. Batty, J. H. [On presence of a canine tooth in Cariacns virginianus.] < Forest and Stream, Feb. (>, 1875. Caton, J. D. Antlers [their mode of growth, etc.]. < Rod and Gun, Nov. 27, 1875. * Caton, J. D. Wounds from deers' antlers. < Am. Sports. April 10, 1875. .. . Coues, B. Chips from the buffalo's workshop. < Forest and Stream extra, printed for spedal distribution, April 1, 1875. . (A humorous contribution to scafology.l . ' "B." Does with horns. < Forest and Stream, Jan. 28, 1875. Fltzinger, L. J. Die Gattnngen dor Familie der Hirsche (Cervi) nach ihrer natUrliohen Ver- wandtsc'haft. < Sitz. d. K. Akad. Wiss. math.-naturw. Classe, Ixviii, 1. Abth. 1874, pp. 332-362. Flower, W. H. On the structure ami afUnities of the musk deer (Moechus moseblferus, Linn.). < Proc. Zool. Soj. Lond. 1875, pp. 159-190, many figg. [lucludes an important examination of the etructur j and dasglflcation of Uie ruminanta at large.] "Pacific." No gall in deer. < Forest and Stream, Feb. 4, 1875. "Tahawas." Freaks of nature in deer. < Forest and Stream, Feb. 11, IW5. " W. W. B." Worms in deers' livers. < Forest and Stream, Jan. 28, 1875.- 1876 -Allen, J A. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Kentucky. | N. 8. Shaler, director. | Yol. i. Part ii. I - I The American bisons, | living and extinct. | By J. A. Allen. | With twelve plates and map I — | University press, Cambridge: | Welch, Bigelow, & Co. | 1876. Memoirs of the Museum of Con.parative Zoology, | at Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass. | Vol iv No. 10. I — I The American bisons, | living and extinct. | By J. A. Allen. | Published by permission of N. S. Shaler. director of the Kentucky | Geological Survey. | With 12 plates and a map. | University press, Cambridge: | Welch, Bigelow, & Co. | 1876. 4°. pp. i-ix, 1-246, 1 col. map, 12 pll., 13 11., 2 woodcnts in text. Ed. of 600 copies. ITheae two pubUoatlons were aimuUaneone, and only differ In the Utlea. The following are the contentei- Tltle. p. 1. Preliminary note (N. S. Shaler). p. ill. Introdaction. pp. v-ix. Paht I. i. Distlnotire oharaoterlstlca and affintties of the bisons, pp. 1-3. 8. General historical account of tho remains of oiticct bisons hitherto found in North America, pp. 3-7. 3. Description of the extinct species, pp. 7-31. , ,., , « _.v a_,.j-. 4. Geographical distribution and geological position of the remains of the extinct bisons of North America j-p. 38-35. 5. Relation of the existing species of bisons to the extinct species, pp. 35, 36. 6. Description of the existing species, pp. 36-70. .. , . \ \ 5ii BIBLIOGU. APPENDIX-G. PERI8S0DACTYLA. 1033 \ Pabt II. I. OeoBr.phio«l. M»n mill la ulalp». each with nnpftged explanatory loaf. #«„., A J^mplete^ . thoroughly roliublo hUtory of tho mo.t con«plcuo.« an.l n,o«t l.nportant <»»«f '"P"*^ °'^^,™;; U»p~S«» with the Ae.t care and ,«.!.... after p.otr«,tedaudp.tlcutr««..rc,h. byoneof the .«o.t eminent tberologlnte of the country.] 1876.-CatOD, J. D. The Ainericau antelope or prong buck. < Am. Nut. x, 187(J, pp. lOr^SO... with 13 Caton.J.D. ADewCaliforniandeer[C.iuacroti8var.cttliforuicti»]. 1746. — Bertin, B. J. Siir lu stnictiirn do I'vHtoniau dii cbeval et nnr leii caiiseB qui enii)Achent cut animal du vnniir. <[ Mt^ni. Acad. Sci. Vati», 1740, pp. *23-r>4, 5 pll. 1796.— Freeman, 8. OMfrvutiunii ou ttie ujechaniMni uf the liomu'a foot. 4°. 107 pp., Ifl pll. London, 17110, 1804.— Cuvler, O. DpHcriptlon O8t6olof;iquo du tapir. < Ann. Mua. Hlat. Nat. Paris, iii, 1604, pji. 122- i;i(), i:jvt-i4;i. Cuvler, Q. 8ur qnelquoa dents et os trouvds en France, qui paraisaent avoir appartunu h dea aiiiinaux du ki^uiv du tapir. <[ Ann. Muh. Uist. Nut. Paris, Iii, 18U4, pp. I32-I4:t ; v, 02-ri5. 1807.— Clarke, B. DcMtription of a lougiMidinul section of lh« liead of the borae. With 2 large oolunred plutvs, drawn by Kirtland (natural aize). 4'-'. London, 1H07. 1810.— Bojanaa, L. Ueb«^rdio DarmblasedesPferdeltctus. < Isis, 1818, pp. 1033- l«i30. MitAbbildgn. 1822. — Husard (/!/«), — . Description d'une valvule spirule h, I'ouverturc cardiaquo de I'estouiao da clievul. < M6ni. du Museum, viii, 1822, pp. 111-114, 1 pi. 1023.— Bojauua, L. Adversaria ad dentitioneui equiul generis et ovis domesticn] spectantes. <[Nova Autu Acad. Leop. Carol. Nat. Cur. xii, part 2, 1825, pp. (19r>-708,2 pll. L827.— Breaohet, O. Uel>or die Geaicbtsnerveu dcs Pferdes. <[ Ileusinger's Zeitacbr. f. organ. Pbys. i, 18J7, pp. 4«>2-4)>4, 2 pll. Oeoffroy St.-Hllaire, tl, Sur nn fcetna do cheval polydactyle ayant aes dolgia s6par£a par nne niembruuo. < Ann. Sci. Nat. xi, 1827, p. 224 ; Heusiuger's Zeitscbrift, i, 1827, pp. 418, 419. 1829.— Yarrell, W. Observations ou the tapir of Auierica. < Zool Jonrn. iv, 1829, pp. 210-213. 1830. -Oravea, R. J. An account of a peculiarity, not bilherlo defcrilied, in tbe ankle or bock-joint of tbe borso; with remarks on tbe structure of tbe vertebras in tbe species of wbale entitled DelpbinuH diodon. < Trans. Roy. Irish Acad, xvi, 1H30, pp. 85-93 ; ( Abstr.) Edinb. Now Pbilos. Jonrn. x, 1831, pp. 59-64 | Edinb. Journ. Sci. a. s. iv, 1831, pp. 47-52; Fror. Not. xxx, 1831, no. 649, pp. 164-168. Anon. The mule [from Mason's Farrier]. < Donghty's Cab. Nat. Hist, i, 1830, pp. 248-251. 1830-31.— Porter, Sir R. K. [On the tapir (Tapirus americanus, Gmel.).] < Proc. Zool. 8oc. London, 18:W-3l, p. 94. 1841.— Smith, C. H Colonial edition. Tbe natural history of horses, tbe Equido) or genns Equus of authors. . . . Illustrated by thirty-Qve coloured plates, with portrait and memoir of Gesner. W. H. Lizars, Edinburgh ; Armour & Ramsey, Montreal ; Ramsey, Armour &, Co., Kingston; and Ramsey & M'Kendrick, Hamilton. 16°. 352 pp., 35 pll. 1842.— Selya-Dealongcbainpa, E. Remurqnes anatomiques sur lo tapir d'Am9. Leldy, J. (Ou Rhinocvroa ocoidentalio.] < Proo. Acad. Nat. Soi. Pliila. v, 18&0, p. 119. — Bouloy, H. Traits de rorganisatioii du pi'id do clioval, coniprcnunt i'6lud« do in Htruuturf, dca fonctioiis et dea maladica do cet organo. Avec un atlaa do 24 planclicH lithogruplii '^ ' —Hays, I. FRemarka on n tooth of a foaail tapir from North Carolina.] 1,52. White, R. B. Letter concerning the hairy tapir (Tapirns roulini) of the highlands of the Columbia. <^ Proc. Zool. Soc. Loudon, 1870, p. 51. 1871. — [Bennett, A. W. ] Madness in a horse, lanon.] <[ Am. Nat. v, 1871, p. 781). Leidy, J. [Note >>n Ancbitherium.] < Proc. Acad. Nat. Scii. Phila. 1871, p. 19i). Leidy, J. [Ou polydactylism in a horse.] <^ Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1871, p. 112. Marsb, O. C. [Tooth of Lopbiodou validu8,n.8.] < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pbiln. 1871, pp. 9,10. Murie, J. On the Malayau tapir (Rbinochocrus sumatranus. Gray). <^ Journ. Anat. and Pliysiol. vi, 1871, pp. 131-169, pU. 8-10. Wood-Mason, — ? [A case of polydactylism in a horse described by Wood-Mason, P. A. S. B. 1871, p. 18, pi. ].] 1872.— Gray, J. B. Description of a youngitapir from the Pcrnviau Amazons. ^Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- don, 1872, pp. 624,625, pi. 45. Oray, J. E. Notes ou a new species of taprr (Tnpirus loucogenys) from the snowy regions of tlie Cordilleras of Ecuador, and on the young spotted tapirs of tropical America. <.Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, pp. 48:J-492 (with 1 fig.), pU. xxi.xxii. Perkins, G. H. Calculi from the stomach of a horse. <[ Am. Nat. vi, 1872, pp. 552-554. Sclater, P. L. [Exhibition of the skull of a hairy tnpir (Taiiirus rouliui), and remarks on its diil'eronces from that of T. torrestris.] 3, art. vi, pp. 48-55, with 3 figg. Wyman, J. [The lower jaw of mastodon — from Chili.] . The hairy mammoth. < Am.Nat.ii.lflCS, pp.«3-3S,p]. 1. Parker, J. D. The mastodon in Kansas. < Am. Nat. ii, 18GH, pp. 5l,o2. SlUlman, B. On the exiHteuce of tlie mastodon In the doep-lyinR gohl placurM of California. < Am. Journ. Sci. and Arts (2), xlv, 18C8, art. xl, pp. 378, 371). 1869.— Brandt, J. P. Do dinotheriornm genere olephantidorum fonitliaj adjugendo uec non de ele- phant'idoruni generuui crauiolot;ia comparata. 8M'6tor8bourK, 18C9. 4". pp. 1-38. « M6m. Acad, xiv, no. 1.) 1970.— Leidy, J. [On fossil remains in the museum of Amherst College.] < Proc. Acad. Nat. 8oi. Phila. 1870, pp. 9^,99. (Maatodon shepardl doscrl>>ed.] Leidy, J. [On mastodon remains.] < Proc. Aoad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1870, pp. 9C-98. Shaler, N. B. The time of the mammoths. < Am. Nat. iv, 1870, pp. 148-16C. lB71._Brandt, J. P. Elephas piimigenius. A contribution to our knowledge of the hair.j and integn- ments of the mammoth. < Bull. Acad. Sci. St. Pdtersb. xv, 1871, pp. •.147-351. Hartt, C. P. Discovery of mastodon remains at Mott's Corners near Ithaca, N. Y. < Am. Nat. V, 1871, pp. 314, 315. Leldy, J. [Uemains of mastodon and horse in North Carolina. J < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1871, p. 113. Leidy, J. [On mastodon, etc., of California.] < Proc. Acad. Nut. Sci. Phila. 1871, pp. 198, 199. 1872.— [Cope, E. D.] The jroljoscidians of the American eocene. < Am. Nat. vi, 1872, pp. 773,774. Dall, W. H. Kemarks ou elephas tusks, etc., from Kotzebue Sound. < Proc. Cala. Acad, Sci. iv, 1872, pp. 293, 294. Leidy, J. [Kemarks on mastodon from New Mexico.] < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1872, p. 143. ia73.-Leidy, J. [Remarks on fossil elephant teeth.] < Proc. Acatl. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1873, pp. 416, 417. 1875.— Leidy, J. [Remarks on elephant remains.] < Proc. Acad. Nat Sci. Phila. 1875, p. 121. J.876.— Leidy, J. [On maatodon andium.] < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1876, p. 38. ■ J.— SIBEIVIA. 1749._Bteller, G. W. Descriptio manati sen vaccaj marinas Hollandorim, sen cow Anglorum, Russo- runi Morskaia korowa; occisa d. 12. Jul. 1742, in insula Beringii, Americam inter et Asiam ia cauali fita. Staunlus, P. H. Beitriige zur KenntuisH der Auierikauiscben Muuatia. 4°. 38 pp., 2 pll. Rostock, 1H45. 1847.— Perkins, a. A. [Description of a West African manatus.] < Proc. Boston 8oc. Nat. Hist, ii, 1847, pp. 11)8, 199. [Named by J. Wynian, in a foot-note, M. na«Htu».] 1849.— Agasals, L. [On some points of resemblance between the skulls of Manatns and Mastodon.] < Proo. Boston Soc. Nut. Hist, iil, 1849, p. 209. Brandt, J. P. Synibolio sin^nologicas [fasciculus i], quibns praecipue Rbytinffl historia natn- ralis illustratur. < M6m. Acad. Imp. Sci. 8t. P<5tersb. (ie 88-564. Brandt, J. P. Bomerkungen Ubfir die Zahl der Halswirbei der Sirenien. < Bull. Acad. Sci. St. P6lersb. v, 1803, col. 7-10. [ Brandt, J. P. Einigo nachtriigliche Worte Uber die Nasenlieiue der Sirenien. < Bull. Acad. Sci. St. P6tersb. vi, 1863, col. 111-115. Brandt, J. P. Einige Worte Uber die verschiedeuen Entwickelnngsstulon der Nasenbeine der Seekiihe. < Bull. Acad. Sci. St. Pdtersb. v, 1863, col. 10-12. Brandt, J. P. Quelques mots sur nne osttSographic des sirfeues, accompagndes d'une ost6ologie des pachydermes et des cdtacds. < Comptes Rendus, Paris, Ivii, 186.1, pp. 489,490; Rev. Zoolo- gique, XV, p. 345; Ann. Nat. Hist, xii, p. 406. Nordmann, A. von. [Coutribution to a knowledge of the osteological strncture of Rhytina stelleri.] < Act. Soc. Sci. FennicjB, vii, 1663, pp. 1-33, with 5 pll. 1864.— Plower, W. H. Note on the number of the cervical vortebrie in the Sirenia. < Nat. Hist. Rev. 1864, pp. 259-264. Latimer, (3r. Letter offering to forward manatees for the society's menagerie. < Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, pp. 167, 168. [Contains information respccliug habitg.] 1865.— Gray, J B. On the species of manatees (Manatus), and on the difficulty of disWngnishing snch spf(!i<;s by osteological characters. < Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist, xv, Feb. 1865, pp. 130-139. 1866.— Brandt, J. P. Noch einige Wort© Uber die Vertilgung der Rhytina. < Bull. Acad. Sci. St. \ l'6tersb. ix, 1866, pp. 279-282. . I \ BIBLIOGK. APPENDIX— K, CETAOEA. 1043 \ ^ 1866 1067. 1868 1868 1870. 1871, 1873. 1874 1875 —Brandt, X P. NoohmaliRer Nachwois der VertilKung »1er nonllschen cnler Steller'iichcn Scekuh (Rhytiiift IwrealiH). < Bull. 8oc. Nut. Mo8Cou, xxxix, XWA), pp. OT'i-WJT. Solater, P. L. Notice of adc.itions to the Hociety's meaaget ie, and of the traimmifHioii of a man- atee to the society, by Mr. O. W. Latimer, of Porto Rico. < Proc. Zool. 8oc. Loud. IHCti, p. liOl. —Brandt J P Kiiiigc Worte ilher elne neue uiiter nieiner LeUiiiiK eutworfeno idrale AbhildmiK der Steller'Bchen Seekuh. {. Bi(,loR. vi, 18(!7, pp. 304-3(16. Brandt, J. P. Ergiit,zcnde Mitthoilungeii znr Erliiiiternng der ebeTOuligen Verbreitnng nnd Vtrtilgung der Steller'schen Seeknh. < Bull. Acad. 8ci. St. P<5ter«b. xi, 1867. pp. 445-451. Claudius, M. Das Gehororgan von Kbytioa seller!. < M<5in. Acad. Soi. St. Pdtersb. xl, no. 5, 18(i7, p. 14,with2pll. .-Brandt, J. P. Einge Worte in Bezng nnf die Erwiedcrungen in BetreflF der Vertilgnng der nordischen Seekuh. < Bull. Acad. Nat. Mohcou, 18C8 [ 1867], Heft 4, pp. 508-524. Brandt, J. P. Uober die Grnppirung der Oattungcn der Ordnniig der Sirenieu. < Bull. Acad. St. Pdtersb. xiii, 186-^, pp. 21-23; Mdlang. Biol, viii, 1868, pp. 593-596. -69.— Biohwald, B. von. Die Lethaa) rossica und ihre Geguer. 8ero : uti (Jrin- ooruiii, Uoiiianorniii, Uarbaroriiui, iico iioii oiniiiiiiii inBcqiU'iitiiiin iclitliyoloKoruin una cum noiiiiiiibiiH in(|iiiliniH variantin natioimin. Opus nine pari. Ichtbyoloulm pors iv.— Lugdunl Uatavoruni, apud Conrailuni WiBhoff. 17;W. iv, 118, 2ii pp. [v. B.] P about 965, without counting the species enumerated under tho new genera of authors appended to the volume. The compilation has some value, not only on account of the original descrip- tions of species copied from previous authors, but because of tho reproduction of the descriptions of the new genera introduced by various authors into the system. It is also of interest to the student of Amcrir^iu species by reason of tho incorporation therein, under spcci&c names, of anonymotw American species described liy Schuopf.J 1804.— Proriep, L. P. von. Tabelle der Unterordnungeu, Geschlecht'er nnd Gattnngen der VVallfische auH Lacdp^de. Mitgetheilt von Froriep. < Voigt's Mag. vii, 1804, jip. 445-450. 1809. — Traill, T. S. Description of a new species of whaht, Delphinns melas, < Nicholson's Joum. xxii, 1809, pp. 81-83. 1811.— Neill, P. Some account of a fin whale (Balienoptera acuto-rostrata). < Mem. Werner. Nat. Hist. Soc. i, 1811, pp. 201-214. Qooredby, 'W.,J»'. Account of the Balteua mysticetus, or great northern or Oroeniaud whale. < Mem. VVern. Nat. Hist. Soc. i, 1811, pp. 578-580, 1 pi.; Ann. Philos. i, 1813, pp. 51-55, 1 pi. 1812. — AlbeiB, J. A. Ihideihugelse oni eeuhiuruiugeiis (Mouodou uarval) hierte, w.'>, a pll. (Apart, H", I^ndon, 1810.) 1818.— Barclay, J. Ueber dt>ii Ouii dttit Udhiga (DelphinuH nlbicanH L., DelphinaptiT\iH btiliiKn Lac(^p.). < M<<<:kt.rH Deutsch. Arch, f Pliy«. iv, 181H, pp. 'Mi-'iah. Lac6pide, B. O. B. Note sur lea cdtacda dea niers ToisiDes dii Japon. pll. 1823.— Scoresby, W., jr. Atalysisof ajournalof a voyage to the northern whale-flghery ; including re- searches on the eastern coast of West Greenland. < Phil. Joiirn. Edinb. viii, 1823, pp. 340-3(58. 1824.— Knox, R. Observations on the anatomy of tho lacteal system in the seal and cotacoa. < Edinb. Med. and Snrg. Journ. xxii, 1824, pp. 23-31 ; Fror. Not. viii, 1824, col. 40-53. 1825.- Chamisso, A. von. Cctaceorum inariB Kamtschatici imagines, ab Alentis e ligno fuctis. < Acad. Cass. Leop. Nova Acta, xii, 182,'>, pp. 249-262. 1826.— Baer, K. B. von. Die Nase der Cetaceeu erliiutert durch Untersuehung der Nase des Braun- flsches (Delphiuus phocmna). < Okeu, Isis, 182C, col. 811-847. Baer, K. B. vou. Ueber den Brauntlsch (Delphinns phoccona). < Oken, Isis, I82fi, col. 807-811. Rapp, W. von. Untersuchnngen Uber eiuigo Tbeile der Anatomie der Cetaceen. < Wllrttemb. Abbandl i, 1826, pp. 257-270. 1827.— Linden, P. J. van der. Notice sur nn sqnelette de baleuopti)re. Lue h la Soc.des Scieno, m6dic. ft natur. de Bruxelles et publico 8<)(>. BampKon, W. Notice of a cetaceous animal, supposed to be new to the American coast (Del- phinuH K'obitieps). < Am. .Journ. 8ci. and Arts, xxiii, 1833, pp. 301-3G3, with Qgg. 1834.— Cbauvln, — . 8nr la mode do nutrition des jounes bak-ines. < Institut, ii, no. 48, 1834, p. 118. Dewhurat, H. W. The natural history of the order cetacea, and the oceanic inhabitants of the Arctic rii^ions Illutttrated with numerous litho<;rai>hic and wood cngravioBS. London : luiblishod by the author, 16 VVillium street, Waterloo Bridge Road, u.dcccxxxiv. 8^. XX, Udi pp., !i3 pll. Dum^ril, A. M. C. Rapport fait ii rAcoddmie des Sciences sur un nidmoire de M. 0. Breschet, intitul6: " Description d'une organo vasculaire d6oonvert dans les c6iac68,8uivie de qnelqncs considerations sur la respiration chez ces animaux et chez Ics amphibies." < Ann. 8ci. Nat. ii (Z.ml.), 1834,pp. 370-380. Oeoffroy St.-Hllalre, 6. Lecture dcs anci<5n8 en ce qui touche la naissauoe et la preniifere Education des e.6tac6s. ■< Instil ut, ii, 1834, p. 54. Gteoffroy St. Hllalre, 6 Sur Templdi des diverses parties des glandes roainraaires chez les (•6tac6s. < luHtitut, ii, 1834, pp. 102, 103; Zool. Soc. Proc. ii, 1834, pp. 20, a7. Oeoffroy St.-Hllalre, I. Kxtrait de deux Merits sur la lactation des c. (Spennaciiti wbalo, pp. 138-153; taitaA dolphin, pp. 153-160; riioctena globicepR, pp. 160-167 ; Pbocsona oom- munis, pp. 107-171.] Jackson, J. B. S. [On the skeleton of a wbalo, related to the Rorqual du cap of Cuvier, taken off the coast of Maine.] < Proc. Bostuu Soc. Nat. Hist, ii, 1845, pp. 53, 54. Knox, R. Observations on tho anatomy of the rorqual, drawn up from the dissection of a specimen found dead off North Berwick. < Proc. Roy. Soc. Ildiub. i, 1845, pp. 14, 15. 1846. — Buckley, S. B. On the ZeUj^lodou remains of Alabama. <[ Am. Journ. Sci. and Arts (2), ii, 184G, pp. 125-i:U, with 2 figg. Eacbricht, D. P. Om Balcenoptera, om deres ostcologie og artsforskiel. ■< Oversigt K. Dansk. Selsk. Forhandl. 164G, pp. 2-5. Reicbenbacb, H. Q. L. Die Cetaccen oder Walthiere, nacb den neuesten Entdeckungen mono- graphisch zusammengestellt nnd durcb 78 Abbildungeu auf xxv : i-xxiv und ii ^ — Kup- fertafeln erliiutert Die Anatomic bierzn mit Ixv Kupfertafelu wild besonders aasge- gebeu. Dresden und Leipzig, Expedition der vollstiindigsteu Naturgeschichte, 1846. 8°. vi (incl, 2 titles), 172 pp. Rogers, H. D, [On the bones of the Zeuglodon] < Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist, ii, 1846, p. 79. StanniuB, H. Ueber den Bau dos Delphiugehirns. <^ Abhandl. aua d. Qeb. d. Naturwiss. Ham- burg, i, 1846, pp. 1-16, 4 pll. 1846-48. — BroTwne, J. R. Etchings of a whaling cruise; with notes of a sojourn on the island of Zan- zibar, and a brief history of tho whale tishery, in its past and present condition. With numer- ous engravings and woodcuts. 8°. 594 pp. Loudon, J. Murray, 1846-48. 1846-49. — Eschricbt, D. P. Undersogelser over hvaldyrene. <^ Dansk. Vidensk. Selsk. Afhandlgr. 1. Afhaudlg. Bemaerkuinger over cetologiens tidligere og naervaerende skiaebne. <|D. xi, 1846, pp. 129-202. 2. Afhandlg. Anatomisk beskrivelse af de ydro fostcrforroer hos to nordiske finvbalarter. Ibid. pp. 203-280. 3. Afhandlg. Om fosterformenc i bardehvalernes ernaerings- og forplantelsesredskaber. Ibid. pp. 281-3-0 (4 pll. with nos. 2 and 3). 4. Afhaudlg. Om naebhvalen. Ibid. pp. 321-378, pll. 4. 5. Afb.andlg. Fiuvhalernes osteologie og artsadskillelse. <[ D. 12, 1846, pp. 225-396, pll. 8. 6. Afhandlg. Udpytte paa en reiso gjennem det nordvestlige Europa i sommeren 1846. <5. R. 1. Bd. 1849, p. 85-138. 1847.— Oibbes, R. W. On tho fossil genus Baailosaurus, Harlan, (Zeuglodon, Owen, )with a notice of specimens from the eocene green sand of South Carolina. < Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pbila. (2), i, art. i, 1847, pp. 5-15, pll. 1-5. Oray, J. E. Ou the iinuor whales, with the description of a new species. <^Proc. Zool. Soc. London, xv, 1847, pp. 88-93. Meyer, H. von. Die erloscheno Cetaceen-Familie der Zeuglodonten mit Zeuglodon nnd Sqna- lodon. < N. Jahrb. fur Min. 1847, pp. 669-674. Miiller, J. Ueber den Bau des Schtidels des Zeuglodon cetoides, Ow. <^ Bericht. Verb. K. Pr. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1847, p. 160. ' Miiller, J. Ueber die Wirbelsiiule des Zeuglodon cetoides. <^ Bericht. Verb. K. Pr. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1847, pp. 185-200. Tuomey, M. Notice of the discovery of a cranium of the Zeuglodon (Basilosaurns). <^Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. iii, 1847, pn. 151-153, with 2 figg. ; Am. Journ. Sci. and Art8(2),iv, 1847, pp. 283-285, with tig. ; Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. (2), i, 1847, art. ii, pp. 16, 17, pi. 5. figg. 1, 2. ■Wyman, J. Ou a case of anchylosis of tho first four cervical vertebriB in Delphinns globiceps. < Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist, ii, 1847, p. 243. 1848. — AgassiJE, L. [Letter to Dr. Gibbes in relation to Zeuglodon cetoides, Dorudon serratns, and Saurocctus gibbesii, u. g. and sp.] ocimens of mammalia in the collection of the British Museam. Part i.— Cetacea. 12°. xii, 153 pp., 8 pU. London, printed by order of the trustees, 1850. Maury, M. P. On the currents of the Atlantic Ocean. < Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. iii, 1850, pp. 74-79. [With remarks by Professor Agassiz.] [BelatoB in part to the distribntiou of wb*Ic8. ] Stannius, H. Ueber eine osteologiscbo Eigentbtlmlicbkcit des Delpbinus globiceps. < Miiller's Arch. f. Anat. 1850, pp. 508, £09, with figg. Vrolik, W. Over bet bekken van der bruiuvisch (Delpbinus). -24G. 1852.— Gray, J. B. Observations on Hyperoodon latifrons. , pp. 258-271. Mayer, P. J. C. Ueber die Sfructur der Hautbedeckungeu der Cetaceen. 2 (Quebec, 1863), pp. 109-124, Oray, J. B. On the arrangement of the cetaceans. ^Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1863, pp. 197- 202. Merer, — . [On a dolphin.] < Arch. Vereins Meckleub. 1863, p. 290. ■Wyman, J. Description of a " white fish," or " white whnle," (Beluga borcalis Lesson.) < Bos- ton Jouni. Nat. Hist, vii, no. iv, Ist Jan. 1803, art. xvi, pp. C03-612, pi. xii. -Baer, B. von. Noch ein Wort iiber das Blasen der Cetaceen, mit bildlichen Darstellnngen. < Bull. Acad. Sci. St. P6tersb. vii, April 1, 1864, pp. 333-341. Beneden, P. J. van. Le rorqual du cap de Bonne-Esperance et le k^porkak des Grocnlandais. < Bull. Acad. Sci. Lettr. etc. Belg. xviii, Dec. 3, 1864, pp. 389-400, with wowlcuts. Crisp, B. On some parts of the anatomy of the porpoise [P. communis]. < Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, p. 17. Bscbriobt, D. F. Kecherches sur la distribution des c6tac€s dans les mers bor6ale8. < Ann. Sci. Nat. i, April, 1864, pp. 201-224. Floorer, W. H. Notes on the skeletons of whales in the principal museums of Holland and Belgium, with descriptions of two Bi)ecie8 apparently new to science. < Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- don, 1864, pp. 384-420, with 17 flgg. Oray, J. B. Note on the bonnet of the right whale [B. mysticetus]. < Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, i>p. 170, 171, with fig. Oray, J. B. Synopsis of the tribes, genera, and species of whalebone whales (Mysticete baliBuidie). <^ Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist, xiv, 1864, p. 345 Ritter, C. von. Die Structur der Retina. Dargestellt nach Untersuchungen liber das Wal- flsch-Auge. 6°. With 2 plates. Leipzig, 1864. 1865.— Cope, B. D. A contribution to a knowledge of the Delphinidffi. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1865, pp. 198-204. Cope, B. D. Note on a species of whale found in the river Delaware [Balasna cisarctica]. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1865, pp. 137, 108, 169. Cope, B. D. Notes on a species of hunchback whale [Megaptera osphyia]. ,pp, 290, 2»3-;?00. Flower, VT. H., editor. Recobt mcraoirs on the cotacea, by ... . Edited by William Honry Flower London, published for I he Kay Society by Kobert Hardwicke, 1866. xii, :U'2 pp., with 5 pll. Bschrlcht, D. F. On tho species of the genus Orca, inhabiting the northern sens (Read before the Royal Danish Society of Sciences, May 9tb, 1862.) Translated from the "Oversigt overdet Kongelige Danske VidenskabernesSelskabsForhandlingcr", 1862. , ■ Pontoporia blainvillei, dcmonstratiug its affinity wilh the Dolpbinidee.l Cope, E. D. New finuer whale [Sibbaldlus tectirostris]. < Am. Nut. iii, 1869, pp. '^7, 278. Cope, E. D. [Ou the cranium of Hyperodon bidens, and on Mcsoplodon, Eschrichtius, Iladro- saurus, and Polydectes.] < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1869, pp. 191, 192. 1054 MONOGRAPHS OP NORTH AMERICAN RODENTIA. 1869.— [Baohriobt, D. F.] Ni tavler til oplysning nf kvAldyrenes [Cnt^fl] bygning, ud(5rt« til ntrykta forodriig nf iifdotln Etatsrand Dr. D. F. Efchricbt, ined tilbun^ndo forklaring. <;Viden»k. SelHk. 8kr. O.Her. ix.Kjubeub. ISfiO.pp. 14. Flower, VT', H. Ou tbo osteology of tbo cacbnlot or sperm wbule (Pbyseter niacrucepbalns). < Trans. Zfwl. 8oc. Loudon, vi, 1869, art. xii, pp. 309-372, with 13 flgg., pll. CMil. Zilndemann, — . "Eine Qescbichte dcr arktiscben Fiscberei dor deutBcbvu Scestiidte, 1620- 1H68." < I'eterniaun's Mittheil. 1869, Ergsiozungshcft no. 26. Reinhardt, J. [On tbo hlructure of Cetacea.] < Vid. Selak. Skrift. 5. Ruekko, ix. Ud. KJoben- havn, 1869. Scammon, C. M. On tbe cetaceans of the western coast of North America. Edited by Edward D. Cope. < Proc. Acad. Nat. 8ci. Phila. 1869, pp. ia-<)3, pll. 1-8. Editorial. Note on the " blowing " of whales. < Am. Nat. iii, 1869, pp. 3.13, 334. Editonal. Variation in tbo skelotoos of whales. ^ Am. Nat. iii, 1869, pp..52,.53. (From " Cosmos ". I 1870. — Beneden, P. J. van. Les c<^tac68, lenrs commcnsnux et Icurs parasites. < Dull. Acad. Roy. Belg. XX ix, 1870, pp. 347-368, with woodcuts. Gray, J. E. Notes on tbo arrangement ofHhe genera of delphinoid wbalon. <] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, pp. 772.773. Owen, R. Monograph of the British fossil Cetacea from tbe Red Crag. I. Genus Ziphius. 4°. 40 pp., 5 pll. Printed for the Paltcontographicul Society, Loudon, 1870. Turner, W. Ou the stcrnnin and ossa innominata of tbe Longuiddry whale ( Baltenoptera sibbaldii). < Journ. Anat. and Physiol, iv, 1870, pp. 271-281, wiib 4 flgg. 1871. — Beneden, P. J. van. M6moiro sur uno bal6nopt6re captur6o dans I'Escaut en 1869. <^ A6m. Acad. Belg. xxxviii, 1871, 36 pp. with 2 pll. Clark, J. W. On the skeleton of a narwhale (Monodon mouoceros) with two fully developed tusks. •< Proc. Zool. Soc. London, li^l, pp. 42-53, with 2 figg. Cope, E. D. Ou Megaptera bellicosa. <^ Proc. Am. Philos. Soc. Phila. xii, 1671, pp. 103-108, figg. 21-28. Cope, E. D. Additional note on Baltenoptera vel Sibbaldius enlfureus. <[ Proc. Am. Philos. Soc. Phila. xii, 1871, p. 108. Dwigbt, T., jr. [Remarks on mounting the skeleton of Balsenoptera musculus.J < l^oc. Bos- ton Soc. Nat. Hut. xiii, 1871, pp. 305,306. Oervais, P. Remarques sur I'anatomie des c6tac itf.riiima fgniifgwn 1056 MONOGRAPHS OF NORTU AMERICAN RODENTIA. 1810.— Oeoffroy St.-Hilaire, fl. Snr Ioh phjUoHtomPH et les nK^gadermei*, decs genre de la famille des cliiiuvc-HoiiriH. 7-19H. 1817.— Wiedemann, C. R. W. Ut-bor die Flederthiero (Chiropteru), iiach Oeoflfroy- Saint -Hilaire. < Wiidemuiiii, Zool. Mag. IH17, i, pp. 110-149; ii, pp. 110-169. 1818.— Emniert, F.. and Burgatzky, — . Beobathtungen liber einige schwangere Flederniiinse und ibre Eiblilli'ii. 2, pp. 131-136,2 pll. ; ab- stract in Proc. Roy. Soc. London, no. 85 (Abstracts of the Papers, etc. vol. 6), 1852, pp. 147- 149 ; lustitut, xx, 1852, no. 964, p. 194 ; Fror. Tagesber. m>2, no. 664 (Zool. iii), pp. 215,216. ig54._I,e Conte, J. Observations on the Vespertilio Icporinus of Linnaeus. < Proc. Acad. Nat, Sci. Phila. vii, 1854, pp. 190, 191. 1855.— Le Conte, J.— Observations on the North American species of bats. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila; vii, 1855, pp. 431-438. 1856.— Peters, W. Systematischo Stellung der Oattung Mormops, die Classification tier Fbyllostomata Bowie eine neue Art der Oattung Vampyrus. < Monatsber. K. Pr. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1856, pp. 409-415. { BIBLIOGK. APPENDIX— L. CeiKOPTEllA. 1057 ( -( 1887.— Le Conte, J. Ou thnse now bimjoIcs of VeHixirliliouulio. < Proo. AcwI. Nat. Sol. Phlla. 1H57, pp. 174, 175. Tomea, R. P. Monograph of tLe gouus LosiurUN. < Proo. Zool. 8oc. Loniloii, xxv, 1857, pp. 34-4G. 1858.— Balrd, 8. F. [D««crlptlou of a pbyllontomo l>ftt (MarrotuB californicnn, n. «.) fn)ni Cnllft)rnift, ill the nniuDuiu of the Suiithsouiuii Institution.] < Phk;. Ac-ail. Nut. 8ci. Phila. 1H5H, pp. 110,117. 18S9.— Peter% W. Neue Bcltriige zar KcnutulsB der Chiropteren. < MonatBber. K. Pr. Akwl. Wii«. Ik-ilin, 1859, pp. liti-tXy. I860.— Peters, VT. Ueber die Chiropterengattiing NectopbilnH. < Monot«b<(r. K. Pr. Aliod. Wins. Ber- lin, p. VZ7, 1H59; Abhandl. K. Akad. WisJ* Berlin, 1860 (PhyB.), pp. 18:1-1:!?. Peteni, W. Eine neue Gattnng (Phyllonj uteris) von Flwlertbieren mw Cuba. < Monatnber. K. Pr. Akttd. Winn. Berlin, IWW, pp. 817-819. Peters, 'W. Neue Gattung von Flwlertbieren (Chirodcrina vlUosuni) au» Brasilien. < Monota- ber. K. Pr. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 18«iO, pp. 747-754. 1861.- AUen, H. Description of a new Mexican bat. < Proc. Acad. Nat. 8ci. Phila. 18(il, pp. 359, :'60. Allen, a. Dodcriptions of new pteropine bats from Africa. < Proc. Acad, Nat. 8ci. Phila. 1861, pp. 156-lC-O. Petera, W. Uebersloht der von Herrn Dr. Gundlacli beoUachteten Flcderthiere auf Cuba. < Monatsber. K. Pr. Aka5, pp. 61-85. Peters, W. Hr. W. Peters legte Abhandlungeu zu einer Monographic der Chiropteren vor und gab einc Ubersicht der von ihm belolgten systematiHchen Ordnung der hieher gehorigen Gat- tuugen. < Monatsb. K. Preuss. Akad. Wise. Berlin, 1865, pp. 256-258. [Cont. pp. 351-359.] Peters, W. Hr. W. Peters las Uber Flederthiere (Vespertilio soricinus Pallas, Choroeuycteris Licht., Rhinophylla pumilio uov. g*!h., Artibeus fallax. A. coiicolor, Dermanura quadrivittatuin, • Nycteris grandis, u. spp.). < Monatsb. K. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1865, pp. 351-359. {Contains « aynopato of StenodermiDJB, pp. 3S6-359. Contlniieorie den FlngeH dor VSkcI, der Inftokten nnd FledcrniiiiiHc. 8°. 42 pp., with woodcuts. Copenhagen, 1809. [Uf. Zwtl. Reo. vi, p. a8.] (niKhtnrimU, onp iM.) Petrra, W. Ueber neue oder wonigrr beknnnto Flcderthiere, inNbvRondcro den Pariser MuHenniH. < MonatJib. Akad. Witw. Herlin, lrt)9, pp. ;{91-4()6. Scbdbl, J. Die Flnghaut der FledermiiuHe, nanientlieh dio Kndignng ihrer Nerven. '^Aroh. niikr. Anat. vii, ]>p. l-:il, pll. 1-5 ; (analyse) Arch, de Zool. Exp. et U6n. i, 1872, pp. sxxv-xxxvi, pi. X, fl^g. fi. [DtiteH nndeterniined — al>out 18C9.] 1869-72.— Pitzinger, L. J. KritiHcho Diircbmcht der Flattertbiorn oder IlandllUgler ((Jhiroptera). <8itzb. Malh.-Nat. CI. Kiingl. Akad. Wien, Ix, 18(59, pp. :»8r.-47J, .^95-4152. 1 pi., pp. 82:»-88»; Ixi, 1870, 123-198, 447-030, 715-828; Ixii, 13-144, 211-317, 353-438, 527-582; Ixiii, 1872, pp. 803- 29.'>. 1871.— Sch6bl, J. The wing of bats. w»«iMleii) Raub- thi«r« niit d«ii Nagorn. < Ablmndl. K. Akud. WUii. Uorliii, 1831, pp. IMn IMK). 1033.— Oeoffioy 8t.-Hll«ire, L [La iuunttrttij{iic mamiuloKii|n« Hur leu iiiuMft- raiRiieH (Sorex). < Iimt. ii, no. 70, IKM, pp. !«•«; nuito ibid, vi, no. WO, WIW, pp. 111-142; M6III. H.MJ. Nat. Hint. StriwUmiK, ii, IKK), :«> pp., :i pll, + 7 nuppl. pp.; Bibl. L'uiv. II, iMlMi, pp. 195 IIHJ; iHiH, lH:m, pp. Zi:>,1iM\ ; 1H31), pp. 3«0-:tti'i. 1835.— WoodruH 8. T!io mol« (Scalopii c«UB«len8iB, Cuv.) carnivoronn. < Am. Joiirn. 8ci. and Arta, xxviii, 1S3&, pp. 168-171. 1837.— Baohman, J. 8<>mo remarks on the geiinit Sorcx. with a iiionogruph of tbn North American Bpecies. < Journ. Acad. Nut. 8ci. I'hila. vii, pt. ii, IKH, pp. ■MVi-Wi, pll 'i^.'U. (Tho tint formal rnvlilon of tbo iubjoct, IhiIdb «bo founilBtlon of our knowWdae of t o American iip«cle»:— ». rarolln«u«U, D. ap.. p. 3«fl. pl.-i.), fl«. 1 1 H. loiiKlroalrla, u. «p., p. TO), |.l. ii:), (Ik. «; H. ciucr«uii, u. ap., p. :iri. pi. SO flu. 3 1 8. dekayl (Co«p«»r), n. ap., p. 377, pi. 23, n«. i; 8. brevloaiulim, Sdy, p. .M i 8. rl.lianlaoiill, Hnch. ( = 8.p«rvua, Rich. nooSay), p. 3«.1, pi 84, flR. .1i 8. foratcrf. Rich., p. 3«6, pi. a4, flg fl ; 8. CiK)|N«H. n. ap., p. 3HS. pi 84 flg. 7i 8 flinbrlpca, n. ap., p. 391, pi. 84, tig.H; H. parviia. Hay, p. 304 (9. The plates repreeent akulU of Arvlcolic.] 1840.— Llnaley, J. H. Sorex parvus and Sorex brevicoudis. tM^r. vi, 1M41», pp. WMJ4 ; ulwtractH, Arcliiven 8ci. Nut. et I'liyi. x ; Fror. NoU :«. Ileilm, xi, no. TM, 184!», pp. 4ll-i>3. 1890.— R^dar^*, M. L«' cliiwwMir UiipiiT ou Tort d« prendro I«8 \M\\im [Tulpa] por den nioyoiiH nun «it fiMMltm; pr^^c^'iW d« li-iir hmtnlri) nalurulln . . . Noiivello (Edition, niiKinoiiK^ti d'liri trultrt mir lit dt-Hlriirtion dt-H uniiiiHiix «'t dcB inwctcH iiiiinil)l«it iiii Jiirdiiiano. Oiivriinc orntf d« ilKiiruii. IHO. Kl pp., a pll. r«riB, la Lilirairie Knoy(;l(>p«Sdi(iue de Horct, lH.''iO. 18Sa.— Peters, "W. IMm di« OobinnfoniiBl d«r SpitzniiiiuM!. < HiTiclitu lUirlin. Akad. ia''>2, pp. 160-179 ; An-hiv f. NiitiirK. xviii, IWia, pp. !«0-227; Fror. Tag«»l)«r. no. 570 (Zool. ill, IHSi), pp. 81-86. 1893.— Caaaln, J. [Exbibitioii of a n«w mole, Scalopn nintalle»c«MiH (doner, nulla).] lo,(. H«m). v, 1M<(7, pp. 'M-'M4, fl pit. FltBlnger, L. J. Di« nntiirllcho Kuinilio r I((nl (KriniuuM) nitcli deni g«|{«)iiwiirtiK«n Btnude (t«r WiMM-nMcliitrt. (l«riM«]lion anKH;M;44. Mlvart, St. O. Notes on th*t oHteoloKj- of tli« InM-ctivora. <[ Joiirn. Atint. and IMiyH. i, 18(17, pp. i{Hl-:Utt; ii, pp. 117-154. (Frincb tranHlatioii : NottmHnr roMt6olo|{iu dim inHuotlvorea. . . . < Aou. 8oi. Nat. Tm) »6r. Z1. «t Pal^ont. viii, lH(i7, pp. \Ul-UM; ix, 18(M, pp. ait-:i7!{.) 1868.— Leldy, J. [Hxtinut InNoclivorn IVoni Dukofa.] < Troc. I'blln. Acad. lH(iH,pp.:iir>,:U(l. Moaaley, H. N., and Laukeater, B. R. On the nuuienclaturo of niamnuilliin ti'«lb,nnd on tlio dentition of tbe niolu (Tulpa ouropiDu) and tbu bwlK^r (MoleH tuxun). <^ Joarn. Anat. and I'liyHiol. iii, 1808, pp. 73-80, pi. ii, i\gg. 5,(1. 1869.— Fltalnger, L. J. Die nutUrliubu Familie dnr Maulwilrfe (Talpas) und ibre Arteii, nach kritisobun Uiil^rHucbunKen. < Sitz. uiatb.-nat. CI. K. Akad. VVIm. Wien (1), lix, 186U, pp. 35:i-4!W. Fltzinger, L. J. Diu natUrlicbe Funiille d«r Hpitzhorncbon (Cladobatie). < Sitz. matb.-nat. CI. K. Akud. Wi88. Wicn, Ix, WW, pp. 2ti:i-iWa Reinbardt, J. MadkutaudHnttet og tand«klftniiiKi''> honCentetcH ccaudatuH (Uchr.). <^ Overs. Dnnsk. Ved. Sulnk. Forbandl. f. 18(19, pp. 171-178, witb woodcuts. 1869-71.— Brandt, B. UnterHnchnngen Ul)cr dits OubiHs dur Spitzniiiuse. <^ Bull. 8<>c. Imp. Nat. Mos- con, xli, 2e partie, 18C5», pp. 70-95, pll. 1-0 ; xliii, 2e partie, 1871, pp. 1-40. [See 18(l.'i, IJruudt, E.] 1871.— Fowler, A. Woodcock and moles. <[ Am. Nut. iv, 1871, p. 701. Mlvart, St. O. On Heniicentetcs, a new genus of Insectivora, with some additional remarks on tbo osteology of tbut order. < I'roc. Zool. Hoc. London, 1871, pp. 68-79, pi. v. Tenney, S. [Appearance in winter of] the star-nosed mole. <^ Am. Nat. v, 1871, p. 314. 1871-72.— Sahlortz, —. Taudsosttet og tandskiftet bos pindsvinet (Erinaceus europanis). < Vidon- skull. Mwldels. fra Naturb. Foreuing Kjobenbavn for 1871, (3) iil, 1871-72, pp. 350-385, pi. 9. (U6Huni6 frau9ui8, pp. 30-42.) 1872.— Elmer, T. Die Schuautze dcs Maulwurfs [Talpa] als Tastwerkzeug. -281. [Keprlnt of tbo H«8UDi6 fron9nl8 from Vld. MeddoU. fl-a Nat. Forening KJobenhnvn, 1871-73, pp. 30-48.] 1874.— Anderaon, J. On tbe osteology and dentition of Hylomys. < Trans. Zool. 8oc. Londoii, viii, 1874, pp. 453-407, pi. Ixiv. 1875.— Coues, B. Tbe silvery mole [Scalops orgentatus]. < Roold, A. A. Ueber die Kopfknochen der Nagetbiere. < Isie, 1825, pp. 907-920, 983-1003, 1 pi. ; F6i U88. Bull. Sci. Nat. vii, 1826, pp. 240, 241. Lichldneteiu, K. M. H. Ueber iiussere Backentascbeu an Nagethieren. < Abbandl. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin (1822-23), lri2.'., pp. 13-20. Lichtenetein, K. M. H. Ueber die Springmause oder die Arten der Gattuug "Dipus". <[ Ab- bandl. K. Akttd. \Vi»8. Berlin, 1825, pp. 133-162. 1829.- Jenyne, L. Observations on a preeternatural growth of the incisor teeth occasionally observed iu certain rodents. <^ Loudon's Mag. Nat. Hisi. ii, 1829, pp. 134-137, with flgg. 1830. — Farrar, 'W. Observations on tbe prajternal ural growth of the incisor tieth occasionally observed in certain rodents. < London's Mag. Nat. Hist, iii, 1830, p. 27. Jnmi. American varying hare, Lepus virginianus, Harlan. < Cab. Nat. Hist, i, 18:{0, pp. 217- 220, pi. 19. Anm. Canada porcupine, Hystrix pilosus. < Cab. Nat. His^ i, 1830, pp. 241-243. pi. 12. Jnon. Cbiucbilli, Chinchilla lanigera. < Cab. Nat. Hist, i, 1830, pp. 127-131. ■ Anm. Great-tailed squirre", Sciurus macrourus. < Cab. Nat. Hist, i, 1830, pp. 265,266, pi. 23. Jnon. Ground squirre!, Sciurus (Tamias) lysteri. 4, p. 323 1855.— Brandt, J. P. Mitlheilnngen iiber den Bil>er, wohl ricbtiger di« Fisch- nod Meerotter ans obiuesisubeu (kibrifistelleru uacb Stanislaus Juliun. 1066 MONOGRAPHS OF NORTH AMERICAN RODENTIA. 18SS.— Dareste, C. Note mir le cerveau des rongetini et particallbroiuent sar le cervean da Cabiai. ( < Ann. 8ci. Nat. ii (Zool.), 18.'>5, PP- 3G5-365 ; Comptes RendiiB, Paris, xli, 1855, pp. 199-201. Dehne, A. Muscnlns (Raf. Seliiimlz.) nioUiBsimiis Dehne, Oiebel, C. O. Zur Osteologie der Murraelthiere [ Arctomys ]. < Zeitschr. gesammt. Naturw. Halle, xiii, 1859, pp. 299-309. I860.— Baird, S. P. [Capture of Lagomys princeps in the Wahsatch Mountains.] to the question of hybridism. 7-168. Oray, J. B. Notes on the skulls of bares (Leporido;) and picas (Lngomyidie) in the British Museum. < Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (3j, xx, 1867, pp. 219-225. [Several new genera proposed, iuolading, for American Bpocies, Bydrolagot, p. 9S1; Sylvilagss, p. 933; Tapeti, p. 334. For full annl.vsis of paper, aee antei, p. 380.] Oray, J. B. Synopsis of the species of American bqnirrels in the collection of the British Mu- seum. <[ Ann. and Mag. Nat, Hist. (3), xx, 1867, pp. 415-434. [About 40 1 B|)p. recognlu-d, nearly half of them doncribed as new ! !] Oray, J E. Synopsis of the specieB of burrowing squirrels (Tarn las) in tbe British Museum. < Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (3), xx, 1867, pp. 434-436. [T. qua^ Sayles, I. IIablt« of the stripetl squirrel [Ti^miiw striutus]. <^ Am. Nat. iv, 11^0, pp. 249,250. Tenney, S. A white wocHlchuck. > 1S71, pp. 549,550. , — . Wild rabbits [of Sable Island, N. 8.— their coloration]. < Am. Nat. v, 1871, p. 437. 1872.— Llaoecum, O. Swamp rabbit (Lepus aqnatious). <[ Am. Nat. vi, 1672, p. 771. Peters, W. Contributions ik la counaissance du Pectiuator, genre de mammif^res rongeurs de la e6te uord-est d'Afriqne. (Trans. Zool. Soo. London, t. vii, partie v, p. 397, pll. xlviii-1, 1871.) < .J.mrn. de Zool. i, 1872, art. iv, pp. 63, 64. Sheltou, J. Beavers and beaver dams in Mississippi. <^ Am. Joum. 8ci. and Arts (3), iv, 1872, pp. 422, 423. Wilder, B. Q. Note on the prairie dog. < Am. Nat. vi, 1872, pp. 46, 47. i 1873.— Buokley, J. B. Texas rabbits. < Am. Sports. Jan. 3, 1873. Qentry, T. O. [Habits of Sciurns budsouius.] < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1873, pp. 101, 102. Perkins, O. H. The flying squirrel. < Am. Nat. vii, 1873, pp. 132-139. • - \ > Anon. Hare and rabbit cross. < Am. Sports. Dec. 27, 1873. Anon. The squirrel pest [Spcrmopbilus bcecheyi. In California. From Daily San Francisco Call, Ojt. 10, 1873]. < Am. Sports. Nov. '2i, 1873. 1874. Allen, J. A. American squirrels. [Abstract of paper by J. A. Allen, in Harper's Weekly— R. F. Baird.] < Am. Sports. —, 1874. Allen, J. A. Ou geographical variation in color among North American squirrels; with alisfc of the species and varieties of the American Sciuridse uccuring north of Mexico. , pp. 515, Mfi. -' -» 'J M :■(. Rotbrook, J. T. leaver habits. < Am. Ft|>ortH. Murch 0, 1875. 1876.— [Allen, J. A.] Recent contributions to North American mammalogy, lanon.} <^Am. Nat. x, 1876, pp. 3(U-3ti5. [Review of Coaea't) Muridua and Zapodidu).] Allen, J. A. [On the Higniiicance and use of the termH] "Hare" and "Rabbit". < Forest and Stream, June 8, 1876. Alston, E. R. On the classification of the onler Oliros. < Proc. Zool. Soo. Jan. 18, 1876, pp. 61-98, pi. iv. (A new sulmnlor— Ollroa bnbetrdnntati -i« prnpoMtl to acoommndate the geDiiii Meaolhemm of i^erreit, Compt. ' ;< Kend. xliv, 1837, p. 96t. The Ol. daplloidnntsti are divided into li famlliea, the 01. (:ni|>liridenUti into 18 families uudnr ibreo eeries — Sciunimorpba, Myomorpba, and Uystrioomorpha. 8«e an(«i, p. 5.'>1.| wMaton, E. R. Ou two new species of Hesperomys [II. teguiua (Qray, 184:t, descr. uuIlA), H. couesi. Mus tHzaniaoa, Gray, 1843, descr. uullA^^ Keithrodou mexicaua, De Sauss. U. «t M. Z. 18(50, 109.] < Proc. Zool. 8oc. London, Nov. 21, 1870, pp. 755, 75(). Oilliss, Mrs. J. S. Prairie dogs [Cynomys ludoviciauus] na pets. < Rod and Oan, Sept. 2, 187C. [With comment by £. Cones.] Oilliss, Mrs. J. B. Pet prairie-dogs [Cynomys ludoviciauus]. < Forest and Stream, Nov. 2, 1876. Jameson, A. C. Singing mice. <^ Forest and Stream, Deo. 28, 1876. \ Merrill, H. W. History of the prairie dog [Cyuoniys ludovioianus]. < Forest and Stream, July 13, 1876. Pierce, M. P. Singular disaster — muskrats destroying fish work. <[ Forest and Stream, May , ... 11, 1876, "Plume del Rosa." Habits of the prairie dog. [pseudon.'i < Poorest and Stream, Aug. 31, 1876. •^. ■■■ '■„ Trotter, S. Habits of the white-footed mouse [Hesperomys leucopus]. <[ Am. Nat. x, 1876, pp. 555, 556. . , ,.^,^ ^ .^ 1877.— Barber, B. A. Notes on the beaver. < Am. Nat. xi, 1877, pp. 371, 372. Bishop, N. H. Introduction of a western rodent [Spermopbilus franklini] into New Jersey. <^ Forest and Stream, Jan. 4, 1877. I Ooodbue, C. F. A word about flying squirrels. (Pteromysvolucellaand hudsonius.) <^ Forest and Stream, May 24, 1877. Ingersoll, E. Wild mice and their ways. < St. Nicholas Mag. iv, June and July, 1877, pp. 534- 588, 600-603, with flgg. "<' ' »•.;>. , [Popular biograpbles, with outs, of several North American species.] -.-•-.^ Matteson, F. S. The mountain boomer, or show tl. [Habits of Haplodon rufus.] <|Am. Nat. xi, July, 1877, pp. 434, 435. Murpby, J. M. The shewelel or showtl (Aplodontia leporiua). <[The London Field of May 5, 1877. [Popular account of habits, with a cut] * O.-EDENTATES. 1799. — Jefferson, T. A memoir on the discovery of certain bones of a quadruped [Megalonyx] of the clawed kind in the western parts of Virginia. < Trans. Am. Pbilos. Soc. Pbila. iv, 1799, no. XXX, pp. 246-260. Wlstar, C. A description of the [Megalonyx] bones deposited bp the president in the museum of the society, and represented in the aunexeti plates. < Trans. Am. Philos. Soc. Phila. iv, 1799, no. Ixxvi, pp. 526-531, with pi. 1800.— Cuvler, Baron O. Nachricht von dem Scelette einer sehr grossen Art von bisher nnbekannten YierfUsser [Megatherium], welche in Paraguay gefunden und in das naturhie^Arische Kubi- nett nach Madrid gebracht ist. (Transl.) < Wiedemann, Archi v, i (Heft 2), 1800, pp. 208-215. Wiedemann, C. R. W. Beschreibuug des Knochengebiiudes vom Armadill. < Arohiv Zool. u. Zoot. i, 1800, pp. 94-132. 1804. — Cuvier, O. Sur les megalonyx, animal de la famille des paresseux, mais de la taille do bcBuf, dont les ossemeuts out <$t6 d^ouverts en Virginie en 1796. <^ Ann. Mas. Hist. Nat. Paris, t, 1804, pp. 358-376. Cuvier, Or. Sur le megatherium, autre animal de la famille des pareasenx, mais de la taille dn rhinoceros, dont nn squelette fossile presque complet est conserve an Cabinet Royal d'Histoire NatureUe a Madrid. < Ann. Mas. Hist. Nat. Paris, v, 1804, pp. 376-400. 1070 MONOGRAPHS OF NORTH AMERICAN ^ODBNTIA. ■ill 1820.— Rafineaque, C. 8. Snr 1a gonre Mania et doscription d'uiv) iioo vollo esp^co, M. oeonyx. <^ Ann. Mii. vM.i. I'Uyn. v'A, IH-JO, pp. 'il4,'i\r>. 1823. — MltcbUl, 8. Zi. Observatiium on tho tvoth of the MoKatherinm rocontlj' discoTored in the United HtateH. < Ann. Lyn. Nut. HiMt. Now York, i, l&£i, pp. 5tMil, pi. 6, Ag. 1. 1??4. — Cooper, W. On tboroinaiuHuf tlio Me|;atheriiiin recently diocovered in Georgia. <^ Ann. Lyo. Nat. lliHt. New Yoric, i, 18:24, pp. 114-l-.J4,pl. H. 1825.— Harlan, R. DuHcription of a now genus of nianimiferons quadrupeds of the order Edentata (CblamyplioruH Iriiiicatus). <^ Ann. Lye. New Yorl<, i, l%'i5, pp. 235-240, pll. 19-21 ; Zo-23*>. 1827. — Cooper, W. Furtlier discovery of fossil bones in Georgia, and remarks on tbeir identity with tbuMu of the Mugalliuriuiuof I'uruguay. <[ Ann. Lyu. Nat. Hist. New York, ii, 1827, pp. 207-270. 1828.— Wagner, R. Uebur die Tliiere det Hiihluu in Aiuurica uud die Megalonyx-Kuocheu der llUn- cbeuer Saninihuig. <[ Kustuer, Arcbiv Naturl. xv, 1828, pp. 31-U5. 1830.— [Waterton, C] Tbe sloth. 8. L^VatertOD, C] Auts and nut-bears of South America. <^ Cab. Nat. Hist, i, 1830, pp. 83,84. 1831.— Harlan, R. Description of the fossil bones of tho Megulonyx [M. laqueatus] discovered in " White Cave ", Kentucky. < Journ. Acatl. Nat. 8ci. Pbila. vi, 1831, pp. 26U-288, pll. 12-14. Ov7en, R. [On tbe anatomy of the 9-banded armadillo (Dasypus peba, Desm.).] <^Proo. Coinm. Zool. Soo. London, i, 1831, pp. 141-144. Owen, R, [Ou the auutomy of the weasel-beaded armadillo (Dasypus sexcinctus, Linn.).] < I'roc. Comm. Zool. 8oc. Loudon, i, 1831, pp. ir)4-l!>7. 1832. — Owen, R. [Ou the anatomy of two species of armitdillo (Dasypus, L.}.] <^Proc. Comm. Zool. «(ic. London, ii, 1832, pp. 130-132. Owen, R. [On the osteology of the weasel-headed armadillo (Dasypus G>cinctuB, L.).] <[Proo. Comm. Zool. Soc. Loudon, ii, 1832, pp. 134-l:i8. 1833. — Cooper, 'W. A report on some fossil bones of the Megalonyx, from Virginia; with a notice of such parts of the skeleton of this animal as have been hitherto discovered, and remarks on the aiUnities which they indicate. <^ Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. New York, iii, 1833, pp. 106-173. 1834. — Harlan, R. On the structure of the teeth in the " Edentata", fossil aud receut. <^ Trans. Geol. Soc. Penua. i, 1834, pp. 40-45. 1835. — Harlan, R. Notice of the os ilium of the Megalonyx liujneatus from Big Bone Cave, White County, Tennessee. <^ Trans. Geol. Soc. Pennsylvania, i, 1835, p. 347, pi. 21. 1841. — Harlan, R. [Description of the bones of a fossil animal of the order Edentata — abstract.] ne8 of Orycterotherium, Supposed to be those of a megatherioid animal. J < Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist, i, 1842, pp. 56, 57, 62. 1843. —Lund, P. W. ConsjK'ctus Dosypodum. — Fortegnelse paa bieltedyrene fra Rio das Velhaa Flod- dal. < Oversigt K. Danske Vid. Solsk. Forh. (Copenhagen), 1843, pp. 79-83. O^^ec, R. Description d'une squelette d'un paressinix gigantesque fossile (le Mylodon robustus). suivio d'observations snr les quadrnpi^les ro^gath6rioides en g^n^ral. <[ Ann. Bci. Nat. xix (Zool.), 1843, pp. 221-263 ; Froriep,Notizen,xxii, 1843, col. 65-72, 81-88, 97-104, 113-119; xxviii, 1843, col. 4-10. Owen, R. Zoological summary of the extinct and living animals of the order Kdentata* < Edinb. New Philos. Journ. xxxv, 1843, pp. 353-361. 1846. — Alessandrini, A. Structura integumeutorum armadili, Dasypus novemcinctus, L. J m«-.v<;>.^- J , \ BIBLIOOR. APPENDIX— O. KDBNTATES. 1071 < / \ 1846.— Fry, B. On tlw rvlution (if tbo Eiloiiltita (o tint rrptilcn, CNp4>cially of tbo uiniadilloM to lh« turtoiwH. <^ Proo. Zool. 800. London, xiv, 1840, pp. 7tt-78. 1847. — Harlan, R. II«>iichreibunK der in dvr i;n>Hw>n Knochon-Huliln, TenneMic« (Nord America), gefun- di'unn i'u«Mili*n Kuocben dca SJvgalonyx luqueatuii. <^ Bull. 800. Nat. Moacou, xx (pte. 3), 1H47, pp. 114-139. 1847-48.— Meyer, O. H. Uobttr don Bau dor Haut von Damypui* nnd der Staobeln von Uujo. <^ Mit- thiil. Natnrf. Oesellacb. Ziiricb, i, 1H47-48, pp. 87-0-2. 1848.— Meyer, O. H. Ueber den Bau der Hunt des GUrteltblerea [Daaypodidoi]. < Arohiv fUr Anat. 1848, pp. SW«}-23a. 1850.— Wyman, J. [On tbe oUwa and teetb of Megalonyx from Mompbls.] <[ Proc. Bo«t. Soc. Nat. IliHt. iii, 18r>0, p. 281 18S1— Turner, H. N. On tbe arrangement of tbe edentate mammalia. < Froo. Zool. Soo. London, xix, 1851, pp. 20,5-iWl. 18S2.— Leidy, J. [KemorkH on tbe fossil Edentata of Nortb America.] < Proo. Aoad. Nat. Sci. Pbila. vi, 1862, p. 117. Owen, R. Comparison of tlie modiflcatiouH of tbe osseous stiucture of tbe Megatberium with tbat in otber known existing and extinct eimoies of tbe class mammalia, being an abstract <'f a memoir read by Professor Owen to the Kuyal Ho^iety of London. < Am. Journ. Sci. and Arts (2), xiv, 1852, art. xvii, pp. 91-97. [Cited from Jameson's Edinb. Journ. li, 350.] 1853. — Leidy, J. A memoir on tbe extinct slotb tribe of Nortb America. [Accepted for publication December, 185!}.] 68 pp., 2(i pll., witb 3 II. explun. < Smithsonian ContribAtions to Knowl- edge, vii, 1853. Thomaa, TV. H. B. [Notice of tbe discovery at Tnscumbin, Ala., of bones believed to be tbose of Mcgalouyx. J < Proc. Bost. 80c. Nat. Hist, iv, 1863, p. 376. 1854.— Buimelater, H. U«.ber einige Dnsypus-Arten. < Abhand. Nat. Gesell. Halle, ii (Sitzber.), 1854, pp. 18-14. 1856. — Aleas'Jidiliil, A. Cenni sull'anatoroia del dasipo minimo Desmarest, Dasypns 6 cinctus et 8 cinctus L. < M6m. Accad. Sci. Bologna, vii, 185C, pp. 285-340, 7 pll. Leidy, J. Remarks on tbe strncture of tbe feet of Mcgalonyx. < Trans. Am. Pbilos. Soc. Pbilu. n. 8. xi, 1856, art. ix, pp. 107-108, pi. 6, fig. 1. 1861.— Giebel, C. Q. Zur Cbaracteristik der Giliteltbiere [Dasypodidoj]. ente> ;. xxxviii, 1864, p. 295. Welcker, H. Ueber die Entwicklung nnd den Bun der Haut nnd der Haare bei Bradypus, uebst Mittheilungen Uber eine Im Innern des Faulthierhaares lebende Alge. iiilH ilo In Htriiolnrn aiiatoiulqnn PAblico do Buenoa Aires. < Anal, Miia. Tulil. Kiiuiioh Airua, It, 1870, pp. 1-107, pll. 1-18. [To bo contiiined.] Zieldy, J. [On tlio liunicrUH of a aloth fruin Central America reaenibling Mylodoii robantua.] < Vt(h.. Acud. Nnt. Hci. I'bila. 1870, pp. 8-9. 1871.— Perkins, H. C. Tim MegatLerinin nnd ita ulliea. < Am. Nat. iv, 1H71, pp. 703-765. 1873.— Oenralfl, P. Reolinrclica aur 1*>h MbhUh tardiitradea. umo of Paris. 8°. Philadelphia, 1806. [Qu. date.] 1812.— Valentin, L. Notice snr I'oposaum et aur qnelquea aniinanx h bourae. < M6m. de I'Aoad. de Marseille, ix, 1812, pp. 131-147. 1813. — Barton, B. S. Additional facts, observationa, and conjectures relative to the generation of the oiKHwum of North America. 8°. Philadelphia, 1813. [Compare 1806 and 1823.] 1819.— Ooldfuss, Q. A. Ueber Lipurua cinereua and die Ordnuug der Bentelthiere Uberbanpt. <[ lais, 1819, pp. '.'71-274. 1823.— Barton, B. S. Facts, observations, and conjectures, relative to the generation of the opossum of North America. < Thomson, Ann. Philos. n. s. vi, 1823, pp. 349-354; Froriep, Notizen, vi, 1824, col. 129-144 ; F^russao, Bull. Sci. Nat. vi, 1825, pp. 402-403. [Compare 1806 and 1813.] 1824.— Gtooffroy St-Hilalre, H. Snr dea vestiges d'organiaation placentaire et d'ombilic, d.ion des animnnx h bonrse et le d^veloppement de lear foetus. .i. 1834.— Dumtfrll, A. M. C. Rapiiort v«rbal mir iiimj lettre d« M. I^ Pi. .atlvft & I'auatoiiilo da mar- Boiiiii. < Ann. Sci. Nnt. ii (Zoo!.), 18:«4, pp. 3«0-:W-.<. 1837.— Oweii, R. [K^bibition of a feotal kuugaroo, proviii(t tlio oziittenco of an allantois.] -333. Waterhouae, O. R. The naturalist's library. Edited by Sir William Jardine, Bart. . , . Vol. xxiv.— Mammalia. Marsupialia or poached animals. . . . Edinburgh: W. H. Lizars, . . . [1841]. 18°. Eug. title, 4 p. 1., pp. 17-323, with portrait of Barclay, 34 col. pU. 1842.— Mayer, C. Ueber die Bestimmung der sogenannten Beutelkuochen. < Fror. N. Not. xxi, no. 451, 1842, pp. 164, 165. Selys-DealongobampB, B. Remarqnes anatomiqaes ear le Bteruum dn Didelpbis virginiaua. < Mdm. Soc. Linn. Normandie, vii, 1842, pp. 37-40. 1847.— Owen, R. [On th« generation of the opossum.] ' ( 1074 MONOGRAPHS OP NORTH AMERICAN RODBNTIA. ■lu.f 18S3 18SS. 1863- 1869— : 1866. 1867. 1867 1868 1869. 1871 1872 1876 M«l(«, C. D. Memoir on tlio rflprodiu tioii of the opHK1, p. 284. Bbute, J. O. [On the mode of birth in tbu oposHUin.] < Proo. Boaton lioo.Nat. Hist. Ix, 1863, p. sat ; Proc. Ehiwx hmt. iil, 1H«3, pp. !W«, 5489. Tomea, R. P. Notice of a new American form of mamupial [Hyraco-:«; abtttraot in Proc. Roy.Soc. 18ontological papers by Leldy, Marsh, and Cope.] ■r." . 1780.— Clavlgoro, P. 8. Storia antica del Messico. 4 vols. 4°. Cesena, 1780. 1782.— Mackenzie, A. A general history of the fur trade from Canada to the northwest. < Macken- zie's Voyages, etc. vol. i, 1792, pp. 1-162. 1787._Clavlgero, P. S. History of Mexico, translated from the Italian by C. Cnllen. 2 vols. 4°. London, 1787. [Contains an alphabetical list of Mexican mammals, with descriptions and remarks.] 1815.— Illlger, C. Uoborblick der Siingthiere nach ihrer Vertheilung iiber die Welttheile. < Abhandl. dor Kouig. Akad. der Wisscnsch. in Berlin, 1804-11 (1815), pp. 39-159. BIBLIOUU. APrENDlX— g. ADDENDA. 1075 \m ' \ ^ %J 1821.— Kanutan, H. CaplU* Trlchecbl ro«m«rl tlencrlptlo onteoloKica. Berol.. lfl'31. 1826.— Ross, J. C. Zoologlcul ap|Mioiilx to I'ltrry'* Hiiril voyt»K«. MnniiimlM, pp. lW-«:>. [M •iieolnn,] 1827.- WUllamo, J. L. A view of Wi«t Florhlii, aiiil)r»cliij{ iU KeoKr«phy, toimnraphy, etc. 8°. Phil- kilnlpliia, IH-/7. [Contkin* li*t of inkinmalii.] 1828. -Rom, J. C. Zofilogical uppwmllx to I'arry'ii fourth voyane. M«min«U, pp. lOO-llW. [0 ii|Kicieii.J 1829.— Fl«ld, D. D. HUtory of Burkithire County, Mimm. IB°. l*Ut«fleld, 1«W. [Liitt of in«mmal*, pp. :W-J8.] ' - ■ • 1830.— .4noh. Qiiwlrupcds. 1871, p. 15. / BIBLIOGR. APPENDIX— Q. ADDENDA. 1077 'l| ^ % i 1871. — Cope, B. D, Preliminary report on the verfebrata discovered in tbe Port Kennedy Bone Cave [Chester County, Penna. ). < Proc. Am. Pbilos. Boo. Phila. xii, 1871, pp. 73-102, flgg. 1-20. ' [Kenialns of 34 spfcoloaof mammalia, nearly all Mctiuct, aafollowo:— Edentata, 6j Rodentla, 14 ; In»pctlvora, 8; UnKnlata, 10; Carnlvora, 4. Tbe foUowinK described as new :— Megalonyx loxodon, M. wboatleyl, M. sphe- nodoo, M. tortaluR, SclaniH calyoinus, Arvicola speotben, A. tetradelta, A. didelta, A. Involuta, A. sigmodus, A, hlatldenn, Erethlson cloaoiunm, Praotherlum palatinnm.J Leidy, J. Notes on the American mastodon and other fossils. < Am. Journ. 8ci. and Arts, 3d ser. i, 1871, pp. 63-65. (From Proc. Acad. Nat. 8cl. Phila. Sept. 1870.) *'- Leidy, J. Report on the vertebrate fossils of the tertiary formations of the West. < Ann. Rep. U. 8. Geol. Surv. Terr, for 1870, 1871, pp. 340-370. '- ' > [A general summary, ao far as mammals are concerned, of the same antbor's "Extinct Mammalian Fauna of Dakota and Nebraska ".] Marah, O. C. Notice of some new fossil mammals from the tertiary formation. ■< Am. Journ. ,. Sci. and Arts, 3d ser. ii, 1871, pp. 3.5-44. [8pp. nn. Titanoths;riam f anceps, Palieosyops minor, Lopblodon balrdlanns, L. aCBnis, L. nanus, L. pnmilus, > Anchitberinm gracilis, Lophiotherium Tinoceros, and itahtd to be a Proboaoidino.l Marsh, O. C. Noticeof a new species of Tinoceras. <^ Am. Journ. Sci. and Arts, 3d ser. iv, 1872, p. 3-i'3. [Tinoceras grandis. The peculiar gronp to which it belongs nanted Tinocerid».] Marsh, O. C. Notice of some remarkable fossil mammals. <^ Am. Jourd. Sci. and Arts, 3d ser. iv, 1872, pp. 34;{, 344. (DInocera* Iscnstris described. Dinoceras and Tinoceras considered as representing a distinct order, called Diaocera.] Marsh, O. C. Preliminary de«icription of new tertiary mammals. Parti. edition of 1872, with notes on the geology. < Ann. Rep. U. 8. Geol, Surv. Terr, for 1872, 187.1, pp. 545-649, pU. i-vi. (MammalB, pp. 546-611 j general review of the vertohrato fauna of the eocene of Wyoming, pp. 641-649.) Cope, B. D. [Remarks on mammalian remains from the miocene of Colorado.] < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1873, pp. 419,420. , Iieldy, J. [Notice of fossil vertebrates from the miocene of Virginia.] < [ Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1873, p. 15. > Xieldy, J. [Remarks on the occurrence of an.extinct hog in America.] < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1873, p. 207. [Doubts the occurrence of Sua In America as an extinct animal. I Leidy, J. Department of the Interior. | — | Report | of the | United States geological survey | ' • of I the Territories. | F. V. Hayden, | United States geologist-in-charge Volume i I - I Fossil vertebrates. | Part i. I — | Contributions | to the | extinct vertebrate fauna | of I the Western Territories. | By | Prof. Joseph Leidy Washington: Government Printing Office. 1873. 4°. Tit., 3o8 pp., pll. i-xxxvii, with 37 11. expl. fOontalns " Kitinct vertebrate fauna of the Brldger tertiary formation of Wyoming Territory " (mammals, pp. in-195) , " Description of remains of mammals from the tertiary formation of Sweetwater River, Wyoining (pp. 198-808)- "Description of vertebrate fosMls from the tertiary formation of .John Day's Kiver, Oregon" (pp. 810- iB3)- " De«5ripUon of remains of vertebrata from tertiary formations ofdiffoi-enf S.ates and Territories west of the Mississippi River" (mammals, pp. 8a7-2(a) j " SynopsU of the extinct verUbrata described or noticed in the present work" (mammals, pp. 315-338),] Marsh, O. C. Additional observations on the Dinocerata. < Am. Journ. Sci. and Arts, 3d ser V, 1872, pp. 293-296. ' Marsh, O. C. New observations on the Dinocerata. u, ■ ; : ■ (Spp. no. OrohippuB agiHs. Colonoceras (nov. gen.) agrestls, Dinoceras lucaris, Oreodon occidentalis, Rhino- ■' . ceros annectens, R. oregonensis.! Marsh, O.a Notice of new tertiary mammals (continued). < Am. Journ. Sci. and Arts, 3d ser. v, 1873, pp. 485-488. > - ■ ISpp. nn. Tillotherium (nov. gen.) hyraooides, Brontotherium (nov. gen.) gigas, Elotherium orassom.) Marsh, O.C. On the gigantic mammals of the American eocene. < Proc. Am. Philos. 8oo. Phila. xiii, 1873, pp. 855-25(.5. ■ Marsh, O. C. On the gigantic fossil mammals of the order Dinocerata. < Am. Journ. Sci. and Arts, 3d ser. v, 1873, pp. 117-122, pll. i, ii. Marsh, O. C. Supplementary note on the Dinocerata. < Am. Journ. Sci. and Arts, .3d ser. v, 1873, pp. 310,311. 1874.— Cooper, J. O. Animal life of the Cnyamaca Mountains [California], , 41)1-510, 5lf>-U3. Ix xulophotlon galeatuB, SfmborcxIoD hypoceraa, Acers- thtrium mite, ADcbltheriiim exoletani, spp. nn.] Cope, E. D. [MaHtodon productuH, Steueotiber panHUR, spp. nn.] <[ Pro«. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pbila. 1874, pp. ii2l-'223. Cope, B. D. Synopsis of Ibo vertebrata of (ho niiocene of Cumberland County, New Jersey. < I'roc. Am. Pbilos. Soc. Pbila. siv, 1874, pp. 361-304. [List of niamnials, p. 3b3— 6 specioa.] Gtervais, P. Remarque au snjot du Bystismo dentaire du I'ai. <^ Jouru. de Zool. t. 2, Pario, 1874, pp. 434-43G, pi. 18, figg. 1-2. Xteidy, J. Notice of remains of Titanotberiuro. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pbila. 1874, pp. 165, 166, 2-^3. Marsh, O. C. Fossil horses in America. <[ Amer. Nat. viii, 1874, pp. 289-294, figg. 73-75. Marsh, O. C. On the structure and ufBnities of the Brontotberida). '<^Am. Joum. Sci. and Arts, :id ser. vii, 1874, pp. 81-86, pll. 1, ii. [Sp. nov. Brontotheriura iugens.] Marsh, O. C. Notice of new equine mammals from the tertiary formation. <^ Am. .Toum. Sci. and Arts, 3d ser. vii, 1874, pp. 247-2.58, with woodcuts. [Spp. nn. Orohippas major, Miobippns (nov. geii.) aiinectoua, Ancbllhoriom ancepa, A. celer, Pliobippna (nov. gen.) perniz, P. mbustua, P. arns, Auchippus brevidens.] Marsh, O. C. Notice of new tertiary mammals, iii. <[ Am. Journ. Sci. and Arts, 3d ser. vii, 1874, pp. 531-534. ISpp. uD. Marotberlum (nov. gen.) gigas, M. leptonyz, Stylinodon (nov. gen.) mlrus, Tillotberinm lalidena, Elotberium batbrodon.] .Marsh, O. C. On the structures and affinities of tbo Brontotheridin. <[ Am. Nat. viii, 1874, j)p. 79-85, pll. i, ii. [Publisbed in part in tbo Am. Journ. Sci. and Arta, 3d ser. vii, Jan. 1874.] Marsh, O. C. Sm.^11 size of the brain in tertiary mammals. <[ Am. Jonrn. Sci. and Arts, 3d ser. viii, 1874, pp. 66,67. 'utnam, F. W. [Acconnt of a blackfisb taken in Salem Harbor, Mass.] <^ Bull. Essex Inst, vi, 1874, pp. 22-24. ~: — Anon. [Notice of fossil walrus skull from Accomac Harbor, Virginia.] <^ Proe. Am. Pbilos. Soo. Pbila. xiv, 1874, pp. 17, 18. 1875.— Cope, B. D. The feet of Bathmodon. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1875, p. 73. Cope, B. D. The phylogeny of the camels. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1875, pp. 261, 262. Cope, B. D. [On fossil lemurs and dogs from the eocene deposits of the Rocky Mountains.] < Proc. Acud. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1875, pp. 255, 256. [Sarcolemur, g. n. ; Canis nrsiuus, sp. n.] Cope, B. D. On some new fossil Uugulata. Abstract of remarks made before a meeting of the Acudeiny of Natural Sciences of Pbiladelpbiu. =Paleeont. Bull. no. lU, June 28, 1875, pp. 1-4 ; < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pbila. 1875, pp. 258-261. [Spp. uti. Pliauchcnia (gen. nov.) bumpbreysiaua, P. vulcauoram, Hippotberium calimarinm, Apbelopsjamo- zaniiB ] Cope, B. D. On the antelope-deer of the Santa F6 marls. d in 1874. < Otol. .nnd Geogr. Expl. W. 100 Merid. April 17, 1875, pp. 1-37. [Spp. nn., Anibloctonns (g. n.) sinosn!!, Prototomus seouudnriuB, P. niulticuapia, P. atrenuns, Didymictis (g. n.), Diucodon (s. n.) nUica>piH. H. rrlatus, Polycodaa (p. n.) frugivunis, P. an^ulatux, Pantalestea cbaceni!iR, Opistho toroiiii (g. n.) aatutus. O. tiagraiiH, ApliolisouH (k. n.), Antiacodon inentalis, A. craHsuu, ITyracbyuD Hinga!aris, UrobippuH tiipiriniia, U. anguHtideni«,0. (-UMpidatui), Batbmodonlitideua, B. caspldatus. Also, new order Ambly- . poda prtiposed.) ■■••<■ Cope, B. D. The Wheeler geological survey of New MexiCq for. 1874. Nat. x, 1870, pp. 4iM>2> [RtilateH obiefly to extinot mammalia.] -I BIBLIOGE. APPENDIX— Q. ADDENDA. 1081 ♦I ^ 4 187S. — CoaoB, B. The craninl and dnntal characters of Mpphitino), with clexcriptinn of MephitiH fron- lata, u. np. fo88. , pp. 35;j-;{57. KJlppart, J. H. Dinoovery of Dicotylen (Platygonn8)cnmpre8iinH LeConto. <^ Proc. Am. Ahmou. Adv. Sci. xxiii (meeting for 1H74), 1875, pt. ii, pp. 1-6. Marah, O. C. New order [Tillodontia] of eocene mammalH. <^ Am. Joarn. Sci. and Arts, ^d ser. ix, 1875, p. 221. Marsh, O. C. Notice of new tertiary mammals. IV. <, Am. Jonrn. Sci. and Arts, 3d ser. 187i, ix, pp. 239-250. (3pp. no. LemuraToa (i ot. gen ) distana, I^aopitbevas (nov. gen.) robnalnii, Tillotherinm fml'eos, Dicoratbe- rium (DOT. gen.) crmatnni, D. nanum, D. adrenum, Anlsacodon (nov. gen.) noutanDu, DIplacodon (nnv. gen.) elatu8, Orobippua uinton>ia, Tbiuubyua (nov. gen.) lentaw, T. sooialla, Agrircbeama pumiliia; alao uov. genn. Meaobippna (typo M. bairdl= Ancbitberlum bairdl Lehily), Eporeodon (t;pe E. occidcntalla >• Oreodon occi- dentaliB Marali).] Marsh, O. C. Reindeers in Southern New England. <[ Am. Journ. Sci. and Arts, 3d eer. 1875, '■ X, pp. 354, 355. (In an artiolo by Prof. J. D. Dana, entitled "On Southern New England daring the melting of the great gla- cier, No. Ill; reiudeora in Southern New England".] 1876. — Cope, E. D. Fourth contribution to the history of the existing Cetacea. <[ Proo. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pbila. 1876, pp. 129-139, pll. iii, iv. Cope, Ij. D. On the geologic age of the vertebrate faunae of the eooene of New Mexico. ^ Proo. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pbila. 1876, pp. 63-65. = Palteont. Bull. no. 21, pp. 1-3, April 26, 1876. [llyracotherinm and Corypbodon are identified] Cope, B. D. On Tffiuio-.,_.;^.-^^l^•{v I