sA, »^^ ^~^r to take advantage of all or any of the provJsionB 6f an; Act to be obtained in the interval by tho Direct- ors of the Bank from the Parliament of Canada, which Act is intended to contain fell ot smnfe of the following pniviBiona : (f.) To extend the period of suapensit* of specBepAyments wUh6ut tbrfek^ (3.) Tri aatlioriae the MrecfoBs of the Bank by Bye^nw to reduce $hfe Caiiltftl Bmi of Ca|Mtal to beaanotioned by. a. Special Oencral Meeting of the Shareholders of the respective Banks. (5.) To coAtain a provision for a change of the header principal jfflce of the Gomttiercial Bank, or such amalgamated Bank, to be sanctioned by the Shareholders last aforesaid. ,' (6.) In the event of failure oh tho |)art of the Commercial Bank to raise additiotiaJ Cp.pital, f^' to amalgamate as aforesaid, or otherwise to continue its business^ such act or sets to contain provisions, for vesting by a geneial assignment all the Estate and efforts of the Bank in Trustees for the speedy liquidatioto of its liabilities, and for distribution of the surplus amongst the Sliarc- holdurs— with special provisions and powers for such purposes— the Trustees to be named, apd the assignment sanctioned at the Special General Meeting now convened. , :, < (7.) And further, such act or acts may contain permissive powers for the Commercial Bank to sdil, and ibr; any otlier Braking Institution to buy the assets of the Commercial Bank, and to assume its iiabilittes. ; '£he tprras of any such arrangement to be con- firmed at the presently convened Special General Meeting of the Shareholderts of the Commtircial Bank, or at any Special General Meet. ing and at a BiKjcial General Meeting of the Shareholders of the purchasing Bank. il, In the event of the hereinbefore mentioned Act not being obtained, or in the e^ent of tlie Shareholders of the Bank not agreeing to acmpt the provisions thereof or if they shall otherwise tliink best, then one of the objects of the said special general meeting now convened, wUl be to (jonnider and to take action upon tho courSe to b«i pursued with respect to the ixisition of the Bank's affairs, and if necessary to authorize a general assignment of the Bank's atwets, to better discharge its liabilities. Dated at the Commercial Bank of Canada, Kingston, October 31st, 1867. By a»d( r of the Board. C. 9. ROSS, OA»fc?m. /z; ^ I t N«)tK,-— The worcls in italics maybeexiamg- td if dt-sirt'd. _i-i-ij<-''4-u '.•'• ';•*•» ''''',1"^ ".•'. -. ■ . . '^f.",:.i ■',,:. i 't.; ;■ (t.'iii ' .i 'U ' ;,i".j,a - KT ML S TP O O TO VOTE. §ttt0w aU, p«« bs theifiie §tmnUr that ._.,:,:o...i . ' ' ■ '. "f '...'. ' - : do make, constitute a|i(i.apj>oiiit of my true and lawful Attorney for: and in jTiamte) an^'xfn-., -i 4 belialf, to vote at the meeting of Shareholders of the ®'0mmerCUll §attfe 0! ^JJaWatU, for the purposes mentioned in the annexed notice, with poiver ta ■ !hstitut£ drkl appoint suck person or pet'mm a8_:. shall see Jit, to act «.9l : .: , .....Attornc'i/ Of Attornies herein, and generally to do all lawfid acts requisite for effecting the premises, hereby ratifying and confirming all that said Attorney, or, said substitute or substitutes, shall do therein, by virtue hereof. * : . I ' ' ^%W\iXim Wbm0f, have hereunto set hand an(' seal, at this day of in the' year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and cfigwa ana J* faUd i« tfte ^xt$imt ot The EDITH and LORNE PIERCE COLLECTION 0/ CANADIANA ^eens '/niversity at Kingston