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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 1^ Malioicil Library Bibliothfeqiie nalionaie c Canada du Canada THE ■^ INDEX TOPICAL AND PERSONAL TO CANADA : AN ENCYCLOP/EDIA OF THE COUNTRY rw Six Quarto Volua\es J. CASTELL HOPKINS, F.S.S. EDITOR THE LINSCOTT PUBLISHING COMPANY TottONTO AND tONDON, B. C. 1)1 .1 iippnff^pigpt' I. 2. .' V ^v 4. ] 5- i Jjte lluuisuiid Xiiie lluM.lred. bv the l!i-,i,l|ev-Ganx-t-OA Co I.imitea, 111 the office of the .Miuistc'r U Agriculture II. III. IV.- A KEY TO THE INDEX. mnfla. In the vfn r ly-GaircboA Co., I.— Articles" AND Editor's Notks. 1. Constitutional and Political History 2. Commercial, Finr cial and Indus- Index Page trial History. 4- 5- 6. 7- Transportation and Public Improve- ments Religious History Art, Mu3ic aiism History of C Canadian Res Progrc-Hs . 8. Military History 9. Relations with the Empire and ih..- United States ID. Laws Pud Judicial Systems 11. ( anadian Natural Plistory 12. Miscellaneous Canadian HiM(. IV II.-C0NTRIBUTOR.S,^.v-i u-jy-' AND Maps. 1. Alphabetical List of Coi;;; ii,iu,,.-.s. . . 2. Alphabetical Li^t of Portr;iit- 3- Canadian Scenes 4- Plans and Maps 5. Canadian Buildings 28 29 30 30 32 36 4' 41 42 III.— Topical Indfx, Ai.phahetci- AI.LY ARRA.\t;;;n 42-109 IV.— Index to I.kaiknt, Mkn and Their Acm.m.-. i::,::;.vts I I i-iSS i 31. EXPLANATORY. The Articles in the six vohinies of the EncycloP/Kdia, together with the accompany- ing Editor's Notes, are first indexed ander the main divisions of Canadian History and Development into which they naturally fall. Then follow Indices of the Contributors, Portraits, Pictures and Maps. Section III, or the Topical Index, gives in alphabetical and more detailed order the contents of the Encyclopedia relating to History, Provinces, Politics and general and material development, with several special headings covering such subjects as Documents and Education, l)Ut each appearing in its alphabetical place. The last Section is the Personal one and deals with the leading names which are referred to throughout the Work. i of the ompaiiy- iider tile )ry and lly fall, ributors, III, or cal and of the oviiices, opnieiit, g such )iit each he last ■ith the •ughout Constitutional and Political History. The Quebec Act of 1774: '""'""• ^-S* J^y William Houston, M.A., former- ly Librarian of the Ontario Let'is- lature ° j ^^^ The Constitutional Act of -791 ; Hy 1'. 1'. Cronin, Editor of the Catholic Kcfjistrar, Toronto i ,36, The Rebellion of 1X37 in Upper Canada • By William Canuifl, M.D., Author of the History of the Early Settlement of Upper Canada j;; ,^ The Troubles of 1S37 in I^wer Canada • By N. K. Dionne, F.R.S.C, Legis- lative Librarian, Province Quebec. , iii .7 The Sei^'iieurial Tenure in Lower Canada • "^ By Benjamin Suite, F.R.S.C .' iU ng. The Abolition of the Seigncurial Tenure : By the Hon. Alphouse Desjardins ex-M. P., formerly vSenator of Can- ada and Dominion Minister of Militia and Defence jj; j^. History of the Clerpjy Reserves : By the Ven. Alexander Dixon, B. A D.C L., Archdeacon of Niagara....' iij i,& Review of Canadian Constitutional His- By the Editor ^ Constitutional Development of New Brunswick : By S. D. Scott, M.A., Editor of the St. John "Sun" and President of the N. B. Historical Society y .^9 Constitutional Progress of Nova Scotia • By the Hon. J. W. Longley, M.A Q.C., M.P.P., Attorney-General of Nova Scotia The Origin of Confederation : By the Hon. Sir Charles Tuppe' Bart G.C.M.G., C.B., D.CJl"' LL.p., MD., M.P., late Prime Minister of Canada y .^a The Confederation Movement in Prince Edward Island : By the Hon. Andrew A. Ma^donald Senator of Canada ^ . History and Functions of tfle Canadian Senate : By the Hon. Lawrence G. Power Senator of Canada ' y The Provincial Legislative Councils " of Canada : By Alfred A. Stockton, Ph D hL.n, D.C.L., Q.C., of St. John,' Municipal Institutions in Canada • ' ^ '^'^^ By Robert Stanley Weir, D.C.L. of Montreal The Electoral Franchise in Canada : ^^^ By Thomas Hodgins, M.A. O C Master-in-()r,linary of the SupTeme Court of Ontario ^. g The First Premier of the Dominion • By D.ividCreighton, ex-JI.P ^i zit The Fifth Premier of the Dominion • Bv J. Lambert Payne ^.j 1 Premier of the Dominion : ""^J^-'"^"' VI 22S s The; CANADA : AN KNCYCUOPiKDIA OF TlIK COUNTRY. The Seventh Premier of the noniiiiioii ? Hv Louiii l"reilK-tte, C.M.G., 1,1,. I)., l/it.l)., I'.K.S.C French CuniKhi and the ICiupire : liy the Hditor The C.inadiun I'eoj.le unci Political Parties: liy the ICditor tiketch of the Orange Order in Canada : liy the Hon. \. Clarke Wnllace, M. P., Orand Ma.sler of the ( Irder, and William Uanks, of the " Orange vSentinel" Historical Sketch of the Conservative Party in ynebec : Uy the Hon.ThomasChn]ais, 1. 1,. I)., M.L.C Historic I,il)eralisni in the Province of Qnebec : Hv the Hon. P'rancois C. S. I,an,qe- lier, Q.C., I-I-.D History of Canadian Temperance I.cgi-ila- lation : By J. J. MHcI! '.i5 '35 '35 '•J 5 '-15 146 i.;6 '-!7 45 46 55 59 66 69 72 SS 90 94 q6 96 97 98 99 99 100 COMMKRCIAI,, FINANCIAL AND IMIMSIIUAI, lIlSVoRy. Skptoh of ArchilKil.l, 2111I Hurl of Cosfoid. Cliiirlis Criiiit, rsi Lord Crleiklf,' !| Major Cfii'l Sir (H-ori;^ Arlluir II yUv iloii. Denis Ilcnj;iiiiiii \'iv;cr 'I'lu- iioii. AiixnsUii .\. .Moiiii. . . The lion. Dr. Jolm Kolpli. IiiiIH-nal Ofluiiils (Inrinx tla- U '33 '34 I.S5 155 '59 4^9 470 470 240 241 ^47 396 302 ,',oS 3^7 3<'7 3'2 313 315 315 3'6 3'S 318 319 321 I'lige 285 335 371 4-7 432 452 CANADA: AN KNCVCI.Ul>i«DIA OF TIIK COUNTRY. Tllf CMiuxliiiik and Atiicrican lluiilciii); Systems : Hy 11 R. Walker, Gciii-ral Maimjjer Caiiailiati Hank of Coninu-rce The liuiikinf,' Systi'in i>f Canada ; Hy I). R. VVilkii-, (U-iuthI Manager Iilipt-rial Hank !.I'; C Hon. John Molscjn, T.i.L.C Hon. James Crooks Hon. John Young Hon. IVter MeCVill Senator Skead Hon. .\nsliii Cuvilier Senator Siinjison Hon. I.saac Buchanan Hon. John JIclMurrieh Senator Benson Senator Ho]k' Ja'ues Goodfv'nani \\'orls William ( joodorlu'.m Joseph McKay Hon. Henry Rhodes William Worl;nuin D.iiiiase JIason Hoi.. Jsaac Burpee Hon. Charles Serapliin Uodi^'r Hon. George Moffatl Senator Murphy David Torrance Hon. James IVrrier Hon. Isidore ThihaiuUau Hon. William Todd Senator Carrall James MacLaten Hon. Billa Plint Robert Hay, M.I' Hon. Klijah Leonard Philemon Wright Senator John JVIacdonald Hart A. Massey Henry Frankhn Bronson S-inator Hamilton D. D. Calvin, M.P.P Hon. James G. Ross Senator McMaster ... Hon. J. L. Beaudry Senator Turner Volimic Page i 410 411 414 414 Early Stages of Cai:adian Banking Mr. Breckenridge on Ivarly Bank Char- ters The Bank of Upper Canada Political Banking The Pinancial Crisis of 1837 Influence of the Imperial Authorities Banking in Nov.'i Scotia Position of Canadian Banks in 1S57 Montreal City and District Savings Bank Banking in New Brunswick Positi in of Canadian Banks in 1S67 415 416 416 419 419 420 421 422 422 42,^ 424 42.5 426 4.^7 437 437 437 43S 43a 43» 439 439 439 440 440 44J 440 440 441 441 44 J 441 44 -^ 442 442 443 443 444 444 444 445 445 446 446 446 447 447 448 448 449 450 4.50 451 451 461 463 464 465 466 467 469 470 471 172 473 7. »l TRANSPORTATION AND PUBI.IC IMPROVEMKNTS. "se 5 410 ^ 414 1 )i4 ! % 415 ■■ 416 416 419 419 420 l| 421 422 422 4-\3 4:4 425 4^i> 4:^7 437 437 437 43S 43» 43» 439 439 ■<•'} 44" 440 440 440 440 44 1 *. 441 441 441 44-? 442 442 443 443 444 444 444 445 445 4^6 446 446 M7 447 44S 44S 449 450 450 3 451 I 451 i 461 ' 463 464 465 466 467 469 470 471 472 473 Review of the System in 1869 by ''Gliomas Paton Mr. Hague's Coinnients before the Parha- iiieiitary Coinniillee of 1869 Views of the Hon. K. I). Wihnot Bank of lirilish Norlh America Sketch of Sir P'rancis Ilincks Institutions formed in 1858-66 Pvxpansion Period of J86S-74 Expansion Period of 1SS2-6. The Manitoba luflption Numlier of Canachan Chartered Banks. . .. Canadian Hank Suspensions Bank Slock y notations, 1875-95 The Canadian Bankers' Association Sketch of the Bank of Montreal History of the Quebec Bank Bank of British Cohimbia The Merchants' Bank of Canada La Banque Du Pcuple Canadian Bank of Commerce Some further Historical Details The Free Bankiu}; System Mr. BreckenridKe compares the Systems Comparative Merits dt cribed by Mr. Watson Mr. Arthur Weir upon the United States Monetary System Mr. W. Weir's Letter to the U.S. Congress Mr.'s Banking Scheme of 1S69 Sir Prancis Hincks' Banking Measure in 1S70 Bank Act Renewal proposed by Sir Leon- ard Tilley in 1880 Bank Act Renewal i)resented by the Hon. G. K. P'oster in 1S90 Statistics Re.i;arding Cliarlered Banks. . . . Sketch of Mr. E. H. King The Canadian Currency System Banking Capital, Notes and Deposits Sketch of Sir John Rose Canadian Bank Statistics in 1897 Volume I'nge i 474 475 477 47S 479 4S0 480 484 485 486 486 486 4S7 487 490 491 49 1 493 493 494 505 506 507 5C7 508 516 5i6 5'7 51S 5>9 5 '9 520 522 522 523 transportation and Public Improvements. Historical Sketch of the Intercolonial Railway : Bv'SirSandf.ndrkniing.K.C.M.G., LL.D., C.E The Fxirly History of the Gr.ind Tnink Railway : Bv" Thomas C. Reefer, C.K., C.>L G., F.RS.C Historical Skctcli of the Gv.ind 'I'runk Railway : liy J. J. Lanning, formerly .\ssistanl General Manager History of the Canadian Pacific Railway : By Molyneux St. John, late Ivlitor of the Winnipeg " Pr^-^' I'r ss " . . . . Canada and the Canadian Pa^-ific Railway : By the Ivlitor ". . The W:iterways of Canada : By Watson Gritiin History of Canadian N.ivig ition : By James Croil, lale PMilor of " The Presbyterian R.'Curd," Montreal, and .Xullior of " St.'ani X.iyigalion and its Relation to the Commerce of Canada and the United States". . Ship-Buildin.g in Nova Scolia : By Robert M. MucC.regor, B.A Vohune Tnye 73 . 97 105 •55 167 285 29T 3"3 CANADA : AN BNCYCI,OPi«DIA OF THB COUNTRY. Canadian Electric Street Railways : Bv Granville C. Cunninghuni, M.I. CE History of Canadian Telegraphy : Hy Charles Prentice Dwight Canada and llie Atlantic Cables : By \V. J. Brown BY THB BDITOR. Intercolonial Railway : Tabular History of the Railway. . . . Lord Durliam's Prophetic .State- Ult'Tlt The Earl of Derby and the Railway Imperial Defence and the Inter- colonial Canadian Address to the Queen .... Nova Scotia Legislative Address to the Queen Address from Ntew Brunswick's Legislature The Intercolonial and the Asliiiur- ton Treaty Necessity for the Intercolonial Rail- way Finance of the Railway Sketch of Sir Sandford Fleming Sketch of Sir Richard Brown, Bart. Sketch of the Hon. Edward Barron Chandler Grand Trunk Railway : The Promoters of the Railway The Grand Trunk Prospectus The Company and the Canadian Government Sir Francis Hincks and the Grand Trunk Summary of Grand Trunk Expendi- ture Sketch of the Hon. John Ross.... The Grand Trunk and Canadian Waterways Sketch of Walter Shanlv, C.E., ex-.M.P ; Capital of the Railway in 1858 The I'inancial Historv of the Grand Trunk ' Sketch of Sir Joseph Hickson Presi 143 ii '44 ii t.i4 ii ■45 ii 'Sa M ] W TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC IMl'ROVEMF.NTS. 17^ 86 87 87 83 90 9' 92 95 94 94 94 95 95 rii 1 12 "3 "5 I2r 122 124 125 125 127 I2S I2S 129 130 130 •31 '32 '33 '35 '36 '36 '37 ?4o '13 '14 M4 '45 '50 n ii ii 175 i.So. 181 ii ii 181 186. ii ii ii '94 '94 '95 ii ii ii '95 197 205. ii 209. ii 209. 213 214 217 215 2'5 „ . . Volume Pager rrtsent Position ot the Grand Trunk Railway {{ jry Canadian I'acilTc Railway : A Propliftic View of the Railway . . The I'acilic Railway Cliariei Ques- tion Air. D. h. J^IcI'liersou's Cuiupaiiy, . Sir llu^^h Allan's Coinpauy The I'roctedinj; of the Royal Coni- niissiou Sir John A. Macdonald's Defence.. SkcLch of the Hon. Lucius Seth iluntin.Ljlon Sketch of Sir Huf,'h Allan Sir D. h. Macl'her.son.. . Events Connected willi Construc- tion Parlia.iientary Ili.story of the Road British Colunulia and the R;uh^ay Car/adian Pacific Receipts and Ex- penses The Canadian Pacific and Western CoiU])etition Railway Subsidies to Trans-Contiii- ental Lines The Retiienient of Lord Mount- Stephen Officials of the Canadian Pacific...'. Sketch of Lord Mount-Steiilien " Sir William C. Van Home. International Position of the Rail- , way ji The Canadian Pacific as a Short Route jj The Crow's Nest Pass \rrangenient ii The Canadian Pacific and the Rates (Question ij Miscellaneous Railways : Pioneer Methods of Transportation ii Provincial Kxpenditure Upon Roads ii Pioneer Can.idian R.iilwavs... ii of Canadian Railways'.'.!! ii The Railway Ccniniittee o'f the Privy Council j. The Nova Scotia Railwav and'other Roads ' jj Heads of the Canadian R:aiiwa'y 'De- partment jj done bv Canadian'Rai'l'. ways jj Sketch of George I.aidlaw ii Railway Accidents in Canada !!!!*' ii Canadian Railway Pinancial Metli- "ils ii Opening of Railways in Canada .... ii Sketch of Colonel Sir Casiniir Gzowski jj Capital of Railways in the r!)o- ininion - The Hudson's Bav Railwav Project li Cost of Canadian Railwavs'. ji Progress of Canadian Railwavs.!!! ii Horse Railwavs in the Cities'. . " ii The Municipal Loan iMind aiui'tlie Railwavs ;; Sketch o! Hugh Sutherland," ex- ^^' '^ ,,, JJ Canadian Railways anr' the Rondins I'rivilege " ^ jj Miscellaneous Railwa-. Facts ii Trans-Continental Railway Projects ii Water Transportation : Ship-IUiilding in Quebec Province. . iii ^ir Early Statistics of Canadian Vessels iii '^iS' I loiicer Conditions of Navigation.. iii '^m Early History of Inland Navigation iii Izi u 216- 217 217 219 223 225 225 226 226' 230 230 23 1- 231 231 232 232 234 235 235 237 237 237 23S 240 240- 242 243 cannda: an kn"Cyci,op^dia ov tiik country. ■Open Ports an?able Waters of Caiuula Survey of Canadian Titles ami Cur- rents Early Ivxpenditnres uiKin Naviga- tion History of Canadian Canals ■Canadian Canal Ivxpi-ndilure Report of Dominion Canal Com- mission Sketch of the Snult Ste. Mane Canal Miscellaneous Canal Stalistiis The Deepening of Canadian Canals International Deep Waterways Question Sketch of the Hon. William Hamil- ton Merritt Sketch of Sir Samuel Cnnard •Canada and the I'irst Allanlie Steamer Canadian Transportation Routes. . Hudson's Ray Navigation Canadian Shipping and Steam Sta- tistics "Competitive Land and Water Trans- port History of the Allan I,ine Steaui- -ships Sketch of the Cunard Liu'* The Dominion Line of Steamships Tonnage of Vessels to or from Can- adian Ports ^Sketch of .Andrew Allan The Hon. L. R Haker.... " Allan (rihnour " The Hon. L A. Seiieoal. . The Canadian Pacific Steamship Line Sketch of the Teinpeiley-Ross TJne The Richelieu and Ontario Naviga- tion Company Voliimt Page iii 323 iii 324 iii iii iii 325 327 332 iii iii iii iii 33:. 334 33,S 336 iii 337 iii iii 3,'<) 340 iii iii iii 34" 342 342 iii 3-)5 iii 348 iii iii iii .^.'i3 3.S3 354 iii iii iii iii iii 3.=;'5 .\S7 357 ^57 357 iii iii .3.-9 361 3GI Religious tlistory. Historical Sketch of Canadian Metlwdism : By thf Rev. Dr. Carman. Creneral Supevinteudi-ut of the M^^thodist Church W.thodisni in the Maritime Provincs : Ry the Rev. T. Watson J^niith, 1) D. Polity of tlie Methodist Church : By tlie Rev. S. O. Stone, D. I)., Pvesideut of llu- Toronto Conference The Doctrines of the Melhoilist Church : Bv the Rev. Professor E. I. Badglev, B.D., LL.D Historv of the Church of Kuglaiid in Ontario : By tlie Rt. Rev. A. Sweatnian, D.I)., D.C.L , Lord Bishop of Toronto, and The Rev. Professor Clark, M.A., LL.D., D C.L., I'.R S.C 'listory of the Cliurch of Knglaml in Quebec : By the VeneraMe Henry Roe, D.D., Archdeacon of Quebec The Church of lusglaud in the Maritime Provinces : Bv the Verv Rev. Praucis Partrijer pert's I.aiiil, and ^K'lrojiMlit 111 of all Canada j; -5, The DoctriiifS and I'olilv of thtt Cluiroli uf liiiglaiid ill Canada : l!y the Ufv. John Ihicdonnell Ecclesiastical Trial Works of Presbyterian Reference. . Sketch of the 'Rev. Dr. William Oriniston Honian Catholic Notes : The Catholic Church in the North- West Archbishop Tache and the North- west Sketch )f Archbishop Langevin The Catholic Church in British Col- umbia The R( man Catholic Hierarchy of Canala Francovs de Laval de Montmorency Sketch of Bishop Plessis 18 Volume I'ape n ii 426 433 ii ii 4:S ii ';:>! ii A -,2 ii •l.i4 ii ii •l.>9 405 406 ' 72 IV iv 7.^ 77 iv ?) iv 80 iv iv «3 iv S5 iv iv iv iv 83 .S9 iv 90 iv iv 9' 9' iv 93 iv 93 iv 93 iv 91 iv 95 iv 96 iv iv 96 97 iv iv iv 98 ICO 102 103 504 ii ii 506 510 ii 510 ii ii ii 513 5'6 RKMGIOUS HISTORY. The Church and the Invasion of >77S Tile Church and the Crown in 1874 Tlie Cliurdi aii.alists in Canada. ...... The Adventists in Canada Volume P«Be ii 5'7 11 5>.S 11 5" ii 52.1 11 524 11 527 11 ,S2S 11 5.SO 11 531 u 532 11 533 11 533 11 534 11 535 11 536 ii 536 ii 537 ii 5.3« ii 541 ii 541 ii 543 ii 546 11 547 n 54.S ii 548. ii 549 u 551 11 552 iii 502 iii 503 iii 504 iii 507 i'i 508 iii 509 iii 509 iii 510 iii 5'2 iii 512 111 514 111 516 iii 513 IV 161 IV i6r iv 162 IV 164 IV i6,s IV 165 I> CANADA : AN RNCYCLOPiflDIA OP THB COUNTRY. Art, Music, Literature and Journalism. Volume Vngc Artnnd Artist* in Ontnrio; ny J. W. L. Korster, A.R.C.A iv 347 Art in Quebec and tile Maritime Pro- vinces : By Robert Harris, President of tlie Royal Canadian Academy iv 353 History of Art Societies in Ontario : By Robert F. ('.axon, A.R.C A., Si'iTi'luiy I jiitario Society of Artists iv 360 The National Asjiect of Canadian Art : By \V. A. Sherwood, A.R.C.A iv 366 The Development of Sculpture in Canada: By Hamilton MacCartliy, R.C.A. . . iv 371 Musical Proj;res9 in Canada : By 1''. H. Torrinjjlon, Mana)iin).j Director Toronto Collcfje of INIusic iv 383 Historical Sketch of Music in Canada ; By Mrs. S. Frances Harrison, "Seranui" iv 3S'9 A Review of Canadian Literature : By the Kditor v 117 I'rench-Canadian Literature and Journ- alism : By Benjamin Suite, I'.R.S.C v 135 UuKlisli Literature and Journalism in Quel)ec : By John Reade, F.R.S.L., F.K.S.C, Associate Editor of the Montreal "Gazette" v 1.^7 A Sketch of Canadian Poetry : Bv A. C. DcMille, M.A., Professor of Knjjlish Literature in Kinjf's Col- lege, Windsor, N. S v iC5 Canadian Women Writers : • By Thomas O'llagan, M.A , rii.D. v 170 Thomas Chandler Halil)urlon : Bv F. Blake Cn.l'ton, M.A., Pro- vincial I^ibrarian of Nova Scotia ... v 177 Historieal Sketch of Canadian Journalism: Ity Arthur F. Wallis, llditor of the Toronto " Mail and lunjiire " v 1S2 Character and Position of the Canadian Press : Bv F'.dward J. P> IViisr, Ivlitor of the " Kiiiijstoii Whiy " v 191 Oecrge Brov.n anil the " ('.lobe " : Bv William Buckiimh.ini, ex-Presi- dent of the Canadian Press Associ- ation and one lime De]nit\-JIinisler of the Interior v 196 The I'ublic Libraries of Canada : Bv James Bain, jr., Librarian of the Toronto Public Library v 207 History and Work of tlie Royal Society of Cana la : Bv Sir John Geori^je Bourinot, K.C. M.G., LL.l)., D.C.L., Lit.D., Hon. vStcretary and ex-President of the Society v 212 A Review of Canadian Journalism : By the Kditor v 220 BY TItl'; KIIITOR. Canadian Wongs and Compositions iv 394 Canada from an Artistic Standpoint iv 395 Sketch of Maniil Fowler, R.C.A i v 396 The Growth of Art in Ontario iv 397 Canadian Art and Art Schools iv 398 Biography of Otto R. Jacobi, R.C..\ iv I;fo " Lucius R. O'Brien, R.C.A. . iv crt, R.C.A. iv 406 Sketch of llaiiiilton MacCnrthy, R.C.A.. iv 4"7 " Nu|>r. Jean Ilapliste Meilleur " The lion. 1'. J. (). Cliauveau. . . . The Hon. C. IC. Horn Iut de lloudierville Sketch of the Hon. C.edeon ( )uiniet " The Hon. V. Itouilur de la llruere " The Hon. Ailatn Crooks Bioj^raphy of tlie Hon. (ieurj^e \V. Ros.s . . The Rev. Dr. I'orrester " Dr. Alexander 11. Mackay. . " The Rev. A. S. Hunt •' Dr. Theodore H. Rand «' Dr. James R. Ineli " Tlie Hon. George K. King Canailian Educational I'l^ures in 1880.... ReliKion in Ontario I'libllo School.s Recent Edueational Statistics Sketch of I )r. David Allison " The Rev. Dr. Ceorfje Itryce.... " The Hon. Tlionias A. Bernier... " The Rijdit Rev. Dr. I'inkham. . . " John Reaufort Soinersi-t " The 1 Ion. Josepli Martin Educational Works of Reference The Western Uiuversity The Seminary of Quebec The University of Re){io])oli.s St. Mary's College, Montreal St. I'rancois Xavier's College Sainte Anne's College St. Josepil's College Trinity College School, Tort Hope The Toronto Church School All)ert College, Helleville Upper Canada College, Toronto Sketch of the Rev. Dr. John McCaul Rev. Dr. Donald H Mac- Vicar "• Rev. Alexander MacKnight, D. D Statistics of the Higher Educational Insti- tutions Sketch of the Rev. John Mark King, D.D. Queen's University and the Sectarian Con- troversy Biographv of the Verv Rev. Dr. George M. Grant '. Biography of the Rev. William Caven, D. D Biogrophv of Sir John William Dawson, C.M.'G McGill University and its Principals Donations to McGill Universitv Sketch of Sir Daniel Wilson . .' The Educational Work of Dalhousie Col- lege Sketch of the Rev. Dr. John M. Cramp.. " Very Rev. John Machar, D.D. " Very Rev. William Leitch, D.D. a,1 iii ill iii 349 350 350 iii 252 iii iii iii 253 255 357 111 257 111 iii iii a.S7 265 26O III iii 267 a68 iii 268 111 iii 269 269 111 270 111 271 111 271 111 272 111 273 111 273 III ^74 111 274 111 iii 277 278 III 279 111 279 111 iii 279 '2S0 111 281 111 281 IV 310 IV 3'1 IV 3" IV 3'2 IV 313 IV 313 IV 3 '3 IV 314 IV iv 3'6 IV 3'7 IV 321 iv 323 iv 324 iv iv 324 326 iv 326 iv 32S iv 329 iv 330 IV iv iv 336 336 iv 338 IV 339 IV 330 IV 141 CANADA: AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE COUNTKY. Sketch of the Rev. Dr. Samuel Nelles " James Loudon, M.A., LL.i^. The Collejjes of Miinitoha University... IJishop Ridley Collefje, St. Catharines.... The Ontario Education 1) -partmcnt Volume I'lige IV .^I ly 342 IV 343 IV MS IV 344 Canadian Resources and Material Progress. Volume Page Canadian Mineral Resources and Devel- opment : I?v William Hamilton Merritt, F.G. S:, A.R.S.M iii 365 The Jlinenils of Nova Scotia : liy rCdward Gilpin, Jr., M..\., LL. I)., I'.R.S.C, Provincial Inspector of IMiiics iii 386 The Gold Deposits of Ontario : liy Professor A. P. Coleman, M..\., I'll. I)., of Toronto University iii 390 Some INIinor Canadian Minerals : Rv Professor Arlluir 1!. Wilhnott, Tii.A., B.Sc, of McMaster Univer- sity iii 3)4 Mineral Wealth of British Columbia : Bv Geor;;e M. Dawson, C.M.G., I.L.D., F.R.G.S., P R.S.C., Director of the Geological Survey of Canada iii 404 The Mining Laws of Canada and its Pro- vinces : By George Johnson, F.S.S., Do- minion Statistician i'i 413 Pioneers of the Canadian Parm : By William K. McNciiight, Presi- dent of the National Chih, Toronto, ^ and one-tinie President of the Can- adian Manufacturers' Association. . v ig Canada's Wheat Area and Resources ; By Sydney C. D. Roper, late H litor of the Dominion Statistical Year- Book V 27 .Vgricultural Resources an-^ Development in Ontario : By C. C. James, M.A., Deputy Min- ister of Agriculture in Ontario v 34 Agriculture in the Maritime Provinces : By W. W. Hubbard, Editor of "The Co-Operative I'armer, " Sussex, N. B V 41 .\gricuUure in the Province of Quebec : By G. A. Gigault, ex-M.P., Deputy- Commissioner of Agriculture for the Province v 43 Resources and Development in Manitoba : By Eic'ut-Colonel the Hon. C. A. Boul ton. Senator of Canada v 53 Ranching in the Canadian : Bv John J. Young, Editor of "The Herald," Calgary, N.W.T v Cs North-West Resources and Development : Bv William Trant, of Regina, N. W. T v 64 Agriculture in British Columbia : By R. E. Gosnell, late Provincial Librarian, Yictoria, B. C v 63 Development of Canadian I,ive Slock : By Daviil McCrae, Director of the Dominion Cattle Breeders' Associ- ation. Guelpli V 72 Dominion Ivxpcriniental I'arnis : By William Saunders, LL.D., F.R. rTRY. line Page V W V 342 V 343 V 344 Ogress. line I'age ^i 365 ii 386 ii 390 CANADIAN RESOURC8S AND MATERIAL PROGRESS. S.C., Dominion Director of IJxperi- mental Farms Agricultnral Societies in tlie Provinces : By C. C. Jiiin>-s, M.A., Dv.'i)Uty Min- ister of AKiiciillure for Ontario .... Agricultural Kducatioii in Ontario : By James Mills, M.A., M,.I)., Presi- dent of the Ontario Agricultural College, Guf Iph Historical Sketch of the Grange in Canada ; By Henry Glendinning, of Manilla, Ontario History of the Patrons of Industry Order : By Caleb .\. Mallory, Grand Presi- dent 1891-9S Canadian Forests and Timber Interests : Bv Miss Catherine Hughes, of Ottawa Forest Tree Culture in Canada : Bv the Hon. Sir Henri Joly de ''r'biniere, K.C.M.G., M.P The Fisheri'jJ of Canada : By the Editor Volume Page 79 86 95 97 100 525 526 11 304 ii 404 ;i 413 '9 27 34 41 45 53 d 64 63 ^ BY THE EDITOR. ■References Re,c;arding Mining Laws The Discovery of Caiiadiau Nickel Canadian Iron Resources and Production Jlineral Ivxports '>f (.nnada Sketch of Dr. George M. Dawson. C.JI.O. An English View of Canadian Minerals.. Gold Production of three Provinces Alining in the Kooteuay, B. C Canada and the Yukon Mining Trade. . . . Gold IMining in the Canadian Yukon Misi'ell.uieoxis Minerals in the Yukon.... Ilrilish Columbia Mineral Production.... Sl-etch of William Ogilvie Tlie .\sbestus Iniluslry in Canada Ciinadian Coal Resources and Production Mineral Waters in Canada Nickel Mining in Canaila The Peat Resources of Canada Canadian Lake Shore IMinin.g Region.... The Silver Islet Mine, I.ake Superior. . . . Dr. Selwvn on the Minerals of Ontario. . . Proiluetion of Natural Gas Cau-'ilian Petroleum Production Discovery atul use of Acet\ietie Gas Coal Prodiu-lions of British Colnndiia .... Development of IMining in Ontario. Precious Stones in Canada General Survev of Canadian Mineral Wealth ..." Sketch of Sir William E. Logan, F.R.S. . " Dr. A. R. C. Schvvn, CM.G.. Works of Reference on Canadian Minerals Dominion and Provincial Ministers of Agriculture Farmers and p-arming in Canada Impres.sions of the North-West Some Proviiu'ial .Vgricidtural Statistics. . . The MacKenzie River Basin Dominion Agricultural .Statistics Dr. Parkin on North-West Production... Forest Wealth of British Columbia ni 420 in 421 ni 122 111 423 111 423 111 424 111 423 111 427 in 42H 111 42S 111 430 111 43' 111 431 III 432 111 4 '3 111 437 111 437 111 43« 111 440 r,i 444 in 44'i IM 449 111 43" r.i 453 111 454 I'l 45.5 111 45f> iii 461 111 464 111 4'\S 111 466 V 106 V In6 107 109 no "3 114 521 7a I ik CANADA : AN HNCVCLOP.SDIA OV THE COUNTRY, MHitary History. Origin of the French-Ciinadiaiis : By Ueiijamin Suite, F.R.S.C Exploits of the French Canaiiiaiis IJy R. \V. Shannon, lidilor of the ' ' Ottawa Citizen " The Struggle Between France and Eng- land ; By the Editor Canada Under Early British Rule : By John Reade, I'.R.S.C, Associate Editor of the " Manlreal Gazette" Canada and the American Revolution : By the Editor Th" United Empire Loyalists : Bv Lieut.-Col. George T. Denison, F'.R.S.C, President of the British Empire League in C:' nada Historical Sketch of the War in 1S12 : By ^liss Agnes Maule ]\Iacliar, "Fidelis" The Militia System of Canada : By Colonel Walker Powell, C.M.G. Origin and Nature of the Fenian Rai3 514 514 5 '4 516 517 517 A Sketch of the Royal Colonial Institute : By Sir Frederick Young, K.C.M.G. BY THK EDITOR. Colonial Secretaries since 1768 Imperial Defence Expenditure in Canada. The Colonial Conference of 1887 The Imperial Trade Congress of 1896 liritish Treaties and Iniperial Trade The Diamond Jubilee Conference Canada and the Treaty Making Power. . . . Imperial Titles in Canada United vStates Ministers to Great BriUi n. . Ministers to the United States .... Export Trade to Britain and the United States " Chronology of the Reciprocity Movement Commercial Union with the United States Newfoundland Statistics Governors and PremieiSof Newfoundland Newfoundland and Canada Volume Page vi 37 VI 152 VI 154 VI 15.5 VI 157 VI I<>t VI 16.5 VI 170 VI 173 VI 177 VI 173 vi 178 VI 179 VI 181 VI 496 VI 497 VI 497 Laws and Judicial Systems. 73 no 4' 14& 32 119 So 4S3 63 461 '3» The Judicial Committee of the British Privv Council : By John R. Cartwright, B.A., Q.C., Deputy Attorney-Geneial of Ontario The Supreme Court of Canada : By Donald MacMaster.Q.C, D.C.L., ex-M.P The Judiciary and Laws of British Cohimbia : By The Hon. Sir Henry P. I^-Usw Crease The Judicial Svstem of New Brunswick : By John'B. M. Baxter, of St. John. . The JuiHcial System of Nov:\ .Scotia : Bv C. Sidney Harrington, Q.C., of Halifax Tlu' Judicial System of the Province of Quebec : Bv James Kirbv, Q.C., D.C.L., LL.D., Editor of the Montreal " Legal News." The Judicial System and Laws of Prince Kdwanl Island : By George S. Innian, of Cliarlotte- town The Ju;. E. A. Du Vernet, of Toronto. Inventions ami Letters Patent in Canada : By Kred B. Felherstonliaii)j;li, of Toronto Tlic Law Relating to Snbjects and Aliens in Canada : By Thomas Ilodgins, M.A., Q C, ex-M.l'., Master-in-Ordinary of the Supreme Court of Ontario Insolvency Legislation in Canada : By D. E. Thomson, Q.C BY THE RDITOR. Chief Justices in British America Capital Ullences in Canada Volume Page 370 VI VI VI vi 364 343 353 457 45S Canadian Natural History. The Birds of Ontario : By Thomas llcllwraith, Member of the American Orinthologists' Union The Birds of the Province of Quebec ; By Sir James ^L IvcMoine, P.R.S.C. Canadian Kntomologv : By The Rev. Pr. C. J. S. Bethune, M.A., n.C.L., K.R.S.C, Editor of the "Canadian Entomologist".... Zoology of the Maritime Provinces : By R. R. Mcl.eod, of Halifax, N. .S. IIY THE EDITOR. The Animals of Canada The Birds of British Columbia The Birds of Manitoba Sketch of the Flora of Canada Volume Page 351 359 336 376 V 380 v 384 V 387 V 388 Miscellaneous Canadian History. Principal Events in Canadian History Voyages and Discoveries of the Cal-ots : Bv The Rev. Moses Harvev, LL.D., F^R.S.C, F.R.G.S '. Early Explorations and Discoveries : Bv SirSandford Fleming.K.C.M.O., LL.D., F.G.S., F.R.S.C, F.R.C.S. Acadia and the .-Xcadian People : By James Uaiinav, VMitor of th.- ,^t. John (N.B.) "Telegraph" The Indians of Canada : By the Editor The Indians of Western Canada : I.— By The Rev. George Brvce, M. A. , LL.D '. II.— Bv The Rev. John McLean, M.A., Ph.D Place Names of Canada : By George Johnson History of the Hndsou's Biv Compaiiv : Bv The Right Hon. Lord .Stiatlicona and .Mount Royal, G.C.M.G., LL.D. The Amials of Quebec Citv : By Sir James M. LeMoine, F.R.S.C Sketch of the City of Ottawa ; By L. A. ^lagenis-Lovekin, Edi.or of the Ottawa " l'"ree Press " Historv and Progress of .St. Jo^m ■ By I. Allen Jack, Q.C , D.C.L Volnnie p.ige 1 37 i 17 i 30 i 77 i 205 i 220 i 2 28 195 19 241! 249 255 MISCKU-ANKOUS CANADIAN HISTORY. Sketch of the City of Halifax : Hv Alexaiuler H. MacKay, B.A., LL.l)., K.R.S.C Historical .Sketch of Moiitrt'ul : l!v the Rev. J. Doiif;las Borlhwick, LL.D The Cities of Victoria ami Vancouver : By Airs. F. G. lleushaw, "Julian Durham" Historv of the City of \Vinnipe<( : Bv Charles N. B.-U, F.R.G.vS Historical Note, By Lady Schultz. . History and Progress of Toronto : By the late Jauies BL-aty, Q.C., D.C.L., ex-Mayor of Toronto The Scenery of Canada : By v. Barlow Cumberland, JI.A. , . . Physical Geography of Canada : By Sanmel E. Dawson, l,it.D., F.R. S. C Historical Sketch of the Masonic Order in Canada : By George J. Bennett Canadian Achievements Abroad : By John Hampden Burnham, M.A. The Climate of Canada : By Robert F. Stupart Postal Service of Canada : By Lieut. -Colonel William White, C. M. G BY THR EDITOR. Newfoundland as Cabot's Landing Place,. Cape Breton, the Probable Landfall Table of Continental Discoveries Memorial Tablet at Halifax The Norsemen and America Jacques Carlier and Canada Samuel do Champlain French and English Sovereigns De La Verandrye and the North-West. . . . French Pioneers in Canada Origin of the Indians Early Friendship towards the Wh'.;e -Man Indian Cruelty Considered Franklin and the Indians Indian Land Question in Canada The Micniacs of Nova Scotia Indians of British Columbia The Yukon and Coast Indians Sketch and Character of Pontiac Career of Thayendanegea Letter from Thayendanegea Life and Character of Tecumsch Tecumseh's Great Oration Sketch of Oronhyatekha , . Indians in the War of 1812 Indian Address to S. P. Jarvis, Chief Superintendent The Oka Tribe Statement Regarding the Okas, by Sir Hector Langevin Commissions of Inquiry into Indian .affairs The Western Indians and their Canadian Treaties The Indian and the Buffalo Sitting Bull and Major Walsh The Indian Half-Breeds Sketch of Hon. John Norquay French and Indian Half-Breeds Mr. F. N. Blake's Report to U. S. Govern- ment Early Official Documents Relating to Indians Indian Act of 1876 1 ndian Population and Expenditure Indian Progress and Present Population. . Volume Page V 360 V 364 V 270 V V 278 3c>a V 2S5 vi 541 VI VI 509 VI 271 vi 282 vi 503 S16 25 25 26 26 26 27 28 29 3t> 36 2.v1 236 239 240 240 24 f 24,S 245 249 250 251 2.SI 252 253 253 25,S 256 257 257 2.SS 260 261 261 264 2S5 265 267 368 270 271 31 CANADA: AN SNCYCLOP^DIA UF THK COUNTRY. Volume I'Hge Early Treaties with the Indintia i 272 Hon. Alex. Morris and his Indian Treaties i 273 Sir 1-'. B. Head and the Muhans i 376 Annual I'resents by tlie Itrilish Govern- ment i 277 Despatch from Lord Glenelj; i 27S Lawrence Oliphant and llie Indians i 27!^ Sketch of Lawrence t)lii)luinl i 280 " Viscount Bury i 2.S0 " Hon. Alex. Alorris i 2^0 " Hon. David Laird i 2,Si SuperintendontsCicneral of Indian Affairs i 2.S1 Indian Display at Kejjina I'".xhiliiti<)n i 281 Schoolcraft on Indian Life and Cluiiucter i 282 The Hudson's Bay Coiniiany and ihe North-West I'assaj^e ii 30 Pioneer Fur Trading li 30 The Legal Position of the Conii>any ii 30 Charges against the Company Ji.xiiniined ii 33 Disputes with Russia ii 34 The Rivals of the Hudson's Bay Company ii 35 Forts Founded by the Company ii 37 Sketch of Sir Alexander JIackenzie ii 37 Rivalry with other Comjianies ii 38 Management of the Company ii 39 Customs of the Hudson's Bay Company. . ii ^o The Company and Vancouver Island ii 41 Sketch of Sir James Douglas ii 42 Charges against the Company Investigated ii 43 The Karl of Selkirk's Colony ii 44 Canada and the Hudson's i;..y Company. . ii 45 Capital of the Company in iS;,6 ii 46 The Company and the Rejiorl of i.Ss; ii 47 Sketchof The Right Hon. Ivdw.ird ]■;) lice. ii 49 Sir Edward Watkin and the Comiiaiiy ii 50 The Duke of Newcastle and the Company ii 51 The Con'pany's Negotiations with Canaua ii 52 Sketch of Sir Edward Watkin, liart ii 54 The Transfer of the North-West to Canada ii 54 Sketch of The Right Hon. Sir Edward \V. Head ii 58 Sketch of the Karl of Selkirk ii 59 The Company and the Indians ii 58 The Company Since the Cession of its Territories ii 59 Sketch of Sir George Simpson ii 65 The Company and liritish Treaties ii 66 Sketch of Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal ii 67 The Rulers of the Hudson's Bay Company ii 69 The Company and llie Oregon Treaty ii 70 The City of Montreal v 294 Mayors of Canadian Cities v 295 Canadian Civic Statistics v 298 Early English Governors i 84 OfTioinl Letter by Ciovernor Lawrence ... . i 84 Earlv I'rench Governors i 85 Acadians of To-day i 85 Chinese in Canada vi 314 Divorces in Canada vi 314 Canadian Social and Miscellaneous Sta- tistics vi 324 Progress of Population vi 325 Post OfTice Changes and Regulations vi 1S4 The Telegraph in Canada vi 535 Alphabetical List of Contributors. Abel, Sir Frederick A., Bart., K.C.B. . . . Adams, The Rev. Dr. Thomas Allison, Dr. David Badgky, The Rev. Professor E. I Bain, James Jr Ball, The Rev. R. R 3' Vulume Pflge VI 41 IV 2«S IV 302 11 276 V 207 IV '36 COUNTRY. V'oluiii e VHgt 1 272 I v^ 1 276 i 277 1 27ti 1 27S i 2S0 i 2to i 2Ml> 1 281 1 2,S| 1 28 1 1 2S2 ii 30 II io 11 30 11 33 11 34 11 35 11 37 11 37 11 3S 11 39 11 40 11 41 11 42 11 4i 11 44 11 45 11 46 11 47 11 49 11 50 11 51 11 52 11 54 11 54 ii 5S 11 59 11 5» ii 59 11 65 11 66 ii 67 11 69 II 70 V 294 V 295 V 298 1 84 1 84 1 ■^S 1 «5 VI 3 '4 VI 314 vi 324 VI 325 VI 1S4 VI 535 ime Page v\ 41 V 2SS V 302 II 276 V 207 V 136 AI.PHAUKTtCAI, UST OF CONTRlBUtORS. Voliiiiie Page Banks, William vi 266 BiiniL-s, The Rev. William S >v laS Haxter, John U. M vi 403 Uoaly, James, y.C, fx-M.r v 285 IJill, Charles N., I'.R.G.S v 27ft liemietl, GforKe J vi 27I: li.-Uiuiic, Tlu- Kev. Dr. C. J. S v 366. UifjKiir, K. H v 4^*5 Ulair and Bhiir vi 411 liorthwick, The Rev. Dr. J. DmiKlas v 264 Boultoii, Lieut. -ColdiR-l Tlio Iloii. C. A. . . v 53. Bourinot, Sir Jolm Ocurge y 212: Browu, W.J vi si'** ' Briier.;, The 1 Ion. 1'. Boufher de la iii 200 Br\ CO, The Rev. Professor Cieor^e iii 235 Br\ ce, The Rev. Trofcssor George i 220 Buckingham, William v 196 Bunictl, Geor);e (i v 347 Burnliaiii, John IlanipdLMi, M. A vi 2S2 Burns, The Rev. Alexander, JI.A., S.T.D.. vi 146 Burwash, The, Re v. Dr. N i v 202 CaldecoU, Stapleloii i 432 Cameron, The Rt. Rev. Dr. John ii 467 Cainpiiell, The Rev. I'rofe.ssor John iv 53 Caniiiff, William, JI.D iii 19 Carman, The Rev. I)r ii 247 CarUvright, John R., B.A., Q.C vi 329,379 Casniain, The Hon. Thomas Chase, Q. C. vi 389 Cassidey, J. J v 473 Caveii, The Rev. Dr William iv 211 Cliadwick, Edward M i 217 Chapais, The Hon. Thomas, I/L.D vi 207 Charlton, John, M. r i 371 Chisholm, J.M vi 411 Clark, J. M ^ iv 154 Clark, The Rev. Professor Wililam ii 327 Clark, The Rev. Profes.sor William iv 191 Cochrane, The Rev. Dr. William iv 63 Coleman, Professor A. P ill 390 Ci.lemaii, The Rev. J. C iv 135 Colnier, Joseph G vi 32 Colciuhouii, A. H. U i 320 CoMiiinir, The Rev. J. S iv 1 30 Cowan, George H v 499 Cox, The Rev. Jacob W iii 473 Craifj, The Rev. James iv 115 Crease, The Hon. Sir Henry P. Pellew vi 433 Creighton, David, ex-H.P.P vi 213 Crofton, F. Blake v 177 Croil, James iii 29S Cronin, P. F i 136 Cumberland, F. Barlow, M. A. vi 544 Cunningham, Granville C, M.l.C.E vi 527 Currie, The Rev. Dr. John iv 299 Dawson, Dr. George M iii 404 Dawson, Sir J. William iv iSi Dawson, Samuel E., Lit. D., F.R.S.C vi 509 Day, The Rev. Frank J iii 475 DeMille, A. B v 166 Denison, Lieut.-Colonel George Taylor. . . i 104 Denison, Lieut.-Colonel George Taylor. . . iv 423 Desjardins, The Hon. Alphonse iii 124 Des Voeux, Sir George William, G. CM. G. vi 47^ Dilke, The Rt. Hon. Sir Chartes W vi 19 Dionne, N. E., F.R.S.C iii 37 Dixon, The Venerable Dr. Alexander iii 136 Dixon, Captain Francis J iv 4 14 Drumniond, George E v 508 Du Vernet, E.E..\ vi 370 Dwiglit, Charles Prentice vi 530 Ferguson, Dr. John v 339 Fetherstonhaugh. Fred B vi 364 Fleming, Sir Sandtord i 30 Fleming,iSir Sandtord ii 73, The Rev. Dr. John iv 271 Forster, J. W. L., R.C.A iv 347 Foster, The Hon. George E v 301 Frechette, Louis, C.M.G., LL.D., Lit.D.. . vi 235 Gagen, Robert F., A.R.C.A iv 360 33 CANADA : AN ttNCVCI,OPKKiii. I>. J., M.A GoMu-11, R. Iv Gosnell, K. K Grant, The Very Rev. Dr. Georj^e M Gre^j^', The Rev. IJr. William Grillin, Walson lla^ne, Georj^e Itaniel, M^r. Tlionia.s Ivlienne Hiiiinay, J.;niis, I'.R.S.C Harrinj^lon, C. Sidney, y.C Harris, Robert, R.C.A Harri.s, The Very Rev. Dr. VV. R Harrison, Mrs. S. Frances Harrison, Dr. Thomas Harvev, The Rev. Dr. Moses Heiiek'er, Dr. R. W 1 Unsliaw, Mrs. 1''. G Hmd, Miss K. Cora Hodniiis, Thomas, Q.C., M.A Hodgins, Thomas, (j.C, M.A IIod;,'ins, Thomas, Q.C., M.A Holhium, The Rev.' Ji Hopkins, J. Castell Hopkins, J. Cn- tell Hopkins, J. Ouatcll Hopkins, J. Castell Hott, The Rev. Dr. J. W Houston, William, M.A Howland, Oliver A., Q.C., ex-M.P.P Hovles, N. W., n.A.. Q.C Hubbard, W. W Hu};lies, Miss Catherine Inch, Dr. James R Innian, George S Jack, I. Allen, Q.C, D.C.L James, C. C, M.A Johnson, Miss E. Pauline Johnson George Johnson George Keeler, Thomas C, C.M.G Kennv, J.J Kingsford, R. R., M.A., LL.D Kirl)v, James, Q.C, D.C.L. , LL.D Lang'elier. The Hon. C S., Q.C Langtry, The Rev. Dr. John Limning, J. J Lazarus, The Rev. A LeMoiue, Sir James M Liudsey, Charles Lilt, The Rev. J. G Lotbiniere, The Hon. Sir Henri Joly de. . . Longley, The Hon. J. W I.,oudon, Dr. James Louglieed, The Hon. James A., Q.C Lovekin, L.. A. Magenis- MacBeth, The Rev. R. G M.-icCarthy, Hamilton, R.C.A Macdonalil, The Hon. Andrew A MacGregor, Robert M Machar, Miss Agnes Maule Machar, Miss Agnes Maule Machray, The ISIost Rev. Dr. Robert Machray, The Most Rev. Dr. Robert Mackay, Dr. Alexander H Mackay, Dr. Alexander H Macklem, The Rev. T. C Street Maclaren, J. J., M.A., LL.D., D.C.L Maclean, The Rev. Dr. John MacMaster, Donald, Q.C, D.C.L., ex-M.P. Macrae, The Rev. Dr. Donald Mac Vicar, The Rev. Dr. D. M 34 llillie I'nge V 4S lit 3ho v 97 ill a^i> III 240 V 6.S IV 49 IV 29 iii 2H,'> i 4.1 2 IV 241 1 77 VI 399 IV 3.S.'. n 45 ■! IV 3h9 IV 275 1 17 lit I.SS V 270 IV 14" V 4'\S VI .S8 VI 31.1 IV 117 1 61, 86 ' <'.S,2S5 3.15 11 J 67 V 1 17,220 -1 9.^.52') VI 2 I. .SI 73.i'^7 22S IV 119 I 120 VI no VI 374 V 4« V 5" 111 225 VI 4oei V 2.S:. V 34, »^ 1 2l.'i 1 19,5 111 413 11 97 V 3<« VI 80 VI .3'^2 VI 196 11 3^9 11 I "5 IV 14.S V 24 1.. ^59 VI 119 IV 125 V ,523 V 41.5 IV ifcg VI 42,5 V 249 IV 4.16 IV 371 V 43' 111 3'3 1 15.S IV 291 11 361 IV 2.S5 111 212 ▼ 260 11 376 VI I.SH 1 228 VI 332 IV 298 IV 297 JUNTRV b'olninc I'lige V 4S 111 .V''" V 97 iii a4'> III 2411 V 6:i IV 49 IV 2^- 22.S IV 119 1 120 VI 1 10 VI 374 V 41 V 5" 111 225 VI 4(in V 2,S.". V 34. «'^ 1 2 IS 1 195 111 4"3 n 97 V 3>« VI 80 VI 3«2 VI iq6 11 3^9 ii I "5 IV 145 V24 .359 VI H9 IV 125 V 523 V 415 IV ifcg VI 425 V 249 IV 43& IV 37 « V 431 111 313 1 155 IV 2<:)l 11 36. IV 255 111 212 T 260 11 376 VI 35« 1 228 VI 332 IV 298 iv 297 AI.PBABKTICAI. LIST OP C0NTRIBDT0K8. Mallory, Caleb A Mason, Lieut. -Colonel James Merrill, William Ilamillon Millar, John, M.A Miller, W. N., Q.C Mills, James, M.A., LL.D Morris, Hon. Edward P., Q.C., ex-M.L.A. McCabe, William AliCrae, David McDiariiiid, Professor H MeC.oun, Archihald, M.A., n.C.I,., {J.C. . Mcdtickin, The Very Rev. Dr. J. M Mcllwrailh, Thomas Meheod, D. J McLeod, R. R MoNauKht, William K JUI'lierson, William David Newman, The Rev. Professor Albert II . . . O'Doiionluie, D. J O'ilajjan, Thomas, M.A., LL.D O'Leary, The Rev. P. M Pa<,'e, Adjutant Allies I, Parlridfje, The Very Hev. Dr. Francis I'arlri(i),'e, The Very Kev. Dr. Francis.. . . Parsons, The Rev. J. T Patterson, Georf;e, M..\ Patlon, The Rev. Dr. W. II Payne, J. I.aiuhert Pedley, The Rev. Hugh, pdward J. H p. .well, Colonel Walker, C.M.G Power, '1 he Hon. Lawrence G Pralt, Fiaiik INI Piowse, I). W., Q.C., LL.D., D.C.L Reade, John Read.', John Robertson, The Rov. Dr. James Roe, The Venerable Dr. Henry Roper, Sydney C. D R..SS, The Hon. G. W, The R-v. P Saunders, William, D.C.I< Scliullz, Lady Scoble, Lieut. -Colonel Thomas Clarkson. . vScotl, The Hon. Richard W vScolt, S. D Shannon, R. W Sher.iton, The Rev. Dr. James Patterson. . vSherwood, W. A., A.R.C. A Short, The Rev. Charles H Smith, The Rev. Dr. T. Watson Slair, James R. L St. John, Molyneux .Stockton, Alfred A., Q.C., D.C L Stone, The Rev. Dr. vS. G Stratlicona and Mount Royal, Lord Stupart, Robert F Suite, Benjamin, F.R.S.C Suite, Uenianiin, I'.R.S.C Suite, Benjamin, F'.R.S.C Sweatman, The Ki.'^lil Rev. Dr. A Tafel, The Rev. Louis H Teefv, The Rev. Dr. J. R Thomson, D. K., Q.C Tonilinson, R. H Torrance, The Rev. Dr. Robert Torrinjton, F. H Traiit, William Trotter, The Rev. Dr. Thomas Truax, Alfred Tnpjier, The Hon. vSir Charles Ttipiier, The Hon. Sir Clmrles Hibbert Walker, B.R WiUace, The Hon. N. Clarke, JI.P W illice. The Rev. Dr. O. C. S W.illis, Arthur F Walsh, The I^Iost Rev. Dr John Wat riiier, The Rev. W. Henry Weir, Robert S 35 Volume P«ge V 100 Iv 519 lit 3''5 iii 169 IV "37 V 93 VI 4«3 V 325 V 72 iv 1,56 VI 63 IV 233 V .VSi iii 2.34 V 376 V '9 VI 443 iii 493 VI 251 V 170 II 48S IV 112 11 .352 IV 2(>2 IV no VI 4:6 IV 3CI VI 223 111 460 V 191 IV 4'5 V 435 IV 123 VI 461 1 148 V 147 IV 3« 11 336 V 27 111 174 IV 305 V 79 V 282 IV 428 m 181 V 409 1 51 IV 222 IV 366 IV 159 11 255 IV 132 11 155 V 445 11 273 11 19 VI 502 1 47 111 Iiq V 136 11 327 IV 121 IV 308 VI 353 V 313 IV 19 IV 3«3 V 64 IV 2,SO IV i,5« V 422 VI '3' 1 495 VI 266 IV 227 V 1.S2 11 474 111 480 IV 152 !' -l CANADA : AN KNCVCl.OP^UIA UK TIIK COUNTRY. Vuliiinr l'iig« Weir, Dr. R, Stanley v 45» WfllH, J. IC, LL.I) iii 4H7 While, I.ieut. -Colonel Williani, CM. O.. . vi 516 Withrow, The Rev. Dr. W. H H 4M Wilki, I).R 1 510 Williiixlt, I'roffssor Arthur II iii yyi Wilson, The Rev. Dr. Janu'S I) iv ill WoixU, R. S., UC iv 107 Vouiij.;, Sir I'rederick, K.C.M.O vi .'^y YouiiK, Tlic Hon. Jamea 1 427 Vouiig, John J V 61 Alphabetical List of Portraits. Volume Abbott, Hon. Sir T. J. C vi Aberdeen, ICarl of i Adams, Rev. Dr. Thomas iv Albani-Gye, Madame iv Allan, Andrew iii Allan, lion. Georjje W iv Allan, Hon. William v Allan, Sir Hugh iii Allen, Hon. Sir John C v. Amherst, Field-Marshal, I.,ord i Ami, Dr. Henri M., P.G.S vi Anderson, Right Rev. Dr. David ii Angus, Richard H ii Annand, Hon. William vi Ari-hil)ald, Hon. Sir Adams G v Bad^jlev, Rev. I'rofessor E.I ii Baldwin, Right Rev. Dr. M. S ii Baldwin, Hon. Robert, C. B iii Bathurst, Henry, \vd Earl iii Bayne, Rev. Dr. John i v Benin, Most Rev. Archbishop ii Btlleau, Hon. Sir Narciss'' I'ortunat v Bernier, Hon. Thomas ,\lfred iii Berthoii, George Thei dore iv Belhune, Ri^dit Rev. Dr iv BeUuiiie, R. H i Bibaud, Michel v Biniiey, Right Rev. Dr iv Black, Rev. Dr. John iv Black, Rev. William ii Blake, Hon. lulward, Q.C., M.P i Blake, Hon. S. H., Q.C iv Body, Rev. I'lovost iv Booth, Miss Evangeline iv Boucherville, Hon. C. E. Boucher de iii, Napoleon iv Bourgeois, INIarguerite iii Bdurget, Most Rev. Ignace, D.D ii Bourinot, Sir John George v Bovell, Dr, James iv Bowell, Hon. Sir Mackenzie, K.C.M.G... vi Brant, Joseph (Thayendnnegea) i Breynton, Rev. Dr. John ii Brock, Major-General Sir Isaac i Bronson, Henry Franklin i Brown, Hon. George v Bruere, Hon. P. Boucher, de la iii Bryce, Rev. Dr. George i Brvdges, Charles J ii BuUer, Right Hon. Charles, IM.P iii Bums, Rev. Dr. Robert iv Burton, Sir George W vi Burwash, Rev. Dr. N iv Caldecott, Stapleton i Cameron, Right Rev. Dr ii 36 Pnne i44 .S 2,S,S 387 35' iA9 V9 304 3,V 75 .^69 .^6^ 161 .(S ^ 427 Jm 27.S ^1 410 H .\t fl 156 « 221 iB 5'^^ ^H 406 fl 23S M 3,5' 9 192 ■» 5<'Q '•9 '% 2fM ■1 4.S 259 ?■ ' > sS' 12.-, xS !()(» ^ 114 1^ 2.6 M ,\S4 M 201 ' 520 214 194 22.S 207 ,\5.i 17.^ 44« 197 211 227 109 no 33 373 209 4,'; I 469 uniKi foliinif IBKB V 4S2 III 4H7 VI 5'<» II 413 1 Sio III .^94 IV lit Iv 107 vi 37 1 427 V 61 Volume I'nRC \l 244 1 8 iv 2SS IV 3«7 111 3S' IV 349 V .V9 111 3"t v: 331 1 75 V! ,'.'^9 1' ^-6^ 11 161 \1 4« V 427 11 27« II 410 iii 31 ill 156 iv 221 ii 5-3 V 40A 111 23« IV 351 IV 193 1 5"P V 1:9 IV 2(M IV 45 11 259 1 3'3 IV 22.-) 1V 199 IV 114 111 2(6 IV 354 111 2l)I 11 S2P V 214 IV 194 VI 225 1 207 11 353 1 173 1 44H V 197 111 211 1 227 11 109 111 no IV 33 VI 373 IV 209 1 451 11 469 ALPIIADKTICkl, UST OP PORTRAITi. Votum* Pict Ciinip)iell, Liriit.-General Sir Archibald... ii 75 Cuiii]>l)tfll, William Wilfrid v a.^7 CurliiiK, lloti. Sir John v 94 Curniitii, Rev. Dr. A ii 249 Ciiroii, Moll. Sir Ailolpbe P iv 520 Caroii, Hon. R. K iii a66 CiirttT, Hon. Sir l-'redericlc B. T vi 415 CurtitT, Ht)ii. Sir George K ii if<9 CarliiT, JiiC(|ue» i 27 Carl\vri^;lit, Hon. Sir Kiclmrd J i .V)9 Casaiilt, Very Kcv. Louis J iv 2.(,5 Case, Rl'v. Williain ii 2.S3 Casuraiii, '1(111. T. Chase vi 7,^ Cauili'iii, Itoii. Joseph Kdouard iii i ^s Cavi'ii, ki'v. rriiiciiial iv 2i3 CliaiiilK-rlain, Rl. Moll. Jo.seph, M.P vi 163 Chaiiiplaiii, Saiiiiu'l lit' i 2^ Cliauv.MU, Hon. rierre J. O iii auj Charlton, John i 374 Clark, Rev. Professor William i .131 Clarke, IMwanl F., M,l' vi 26^ Cleaiv, Most Rev. James Vincent ii 462 Cloiis'toii, Iv. S i 4''^7 Cochr.uie, Rev. Dr. William iv f.«j Colciiiaii, I'rofessor A. P., M.A., Ph.D. .. iii y)2 Colimr, Joseph G vi ,',6 Coli|iilioiiii, .\. 11. U i 324 CoiiHori, H. R. II. The Prince vi [Frontispiece] Connolly, Most Rev. Archbishop ii y-^S Coiissliat, Uev. l'rofes.sor iv 61 Cook. Rev. Dr. John iv sy Cornish, Rev. Dr. George iii 479 Cox, I Ion. Gi'ortfe A v 324 Cramp, Rev. Dr. J. M iv 254 Cridne, Dr. I'Mwaril i ,• ill Crooks. Hon. .Vdain iv 175 Cuiiard, Sir vSaniiivl iii 354 Dalhoiisie, George, Rarl of v «7 Daiiversiere, I 'oiK • William vi .;7S P " in, Veil. .\reh(le,icoii .... iii 13S 1 .v-h 'sler, Guv C.irlelon, Ivord i .S7 Dorioii. Hon. Sir .\iitoine Aiille v 4^i Doiij,'las, Rev. Dr. Georjje ii 3('3 Doiiifl i-i, General Sir Howard iv 277 DowliiiK, Rt. Rev. Dr ii 464 Drurv, Hon. Charles v S9 Di ydeii, Hon. John v 91 Dufferiii and Ava, Marquess of ii 2;)6 I )iirliain, The Ivirl of iii 51 Dwight, Harvey P vi 531 Ivlgin and Kinourdine, The Harl of i 3^7 Fahre, Most Rev. .Vrchbishop ii ^\i I'islier, Dr. Edw.ird iv 391 I'leniing, >Sir Sandford i 32 Forrest, Rev. Dr. John iv 273 F'oster, Hon. George F^nlas v 311 Fowler, Daniel iv 3''!9 }''rechette, Dr. I^ouis Honore v ifiS Fulford, Most Rev. Dr ii 349 Fyfe, Rev. R. A., D.D iii 404 Gait, Hon. Sir Alexander T i 2S3 Galvanometer, The Mirror vi 541 Garneau.jFraiicois-Xavier v 145 Gaspe, Pliilip|)e Aubert de v 156 George The Third ii [Frontispiece] George The Fourth iii [Frontispiece] SI CANADA : AN BNCYCtOP^DIA OF TI' Giltnour, Jlar Gisborne, F. N Gore, Hon. Francis Gosford, Archibuld, Karl of Gosnell, R. E Graham, Hugh Grant, Very Rev. lYincipnl G. M Gregg, Rev. D? . William Griffm, Watson Griffin, William H Gzowski, Coloutl Sir Casimir S Hagarty, Hon. Sir John Hawkins Hague, George Haliburton, Thomas Chandler Ha ailton, Hon. John Hai.nan, Most Rev. Archbishop Hannay, James Hardy, Hon. Arthur S Harris, Very Rev. W. R Harrison, Dr. Thomas Harvey, Major- General Sir John Hay, Robert Haycock, Josejli L Hays, Charles M Hea 111 2.^ 111 T^ 111 245 \' 227 IV .S<> IV .^1 111 204 VI 5i,> 11 2H VI ,1-12 1 -1.5.S VI 1 1 111 209 11 ,S.=i2 1 r*) v: ."« 11 455 III 227 11 7') I 446 V '05 n '5- 11 5' I 4J6 IV .vHi 111 iqr IV 5,^.'> 111 471 11 1 10 I 4S1 t y^7 111 .>,•« 1 .V5 111 ,'f u l."-r> IV 448 111 2.54 11 ,"7o 11 ,'.^7 IV 279 IV 27.S IV .rSft VI 7'"^ n 4.SI I 205 V ,S-4 11 <9 I ^■'i 111 232 IV 2.s;» V 211 V 126 V 7 111 13.^ IV i''4 V 2-C) 11 7 IV 204 V 24S iii '2.^ II :^^^ 111 4.18 V 421 VI 212 IV '7» VI 72 IV 423 11 466 IV ^74 V 2S4 V I I I -•^99 ii 4.SS IV 4V> IV 2i;2 ft! i OUNTR^ '• Vohiinc I'nge iii .V» VI 5^0 11! 23 Ill 7** 111 245 V 227 IV 5" IV ,11 111 294 VI 515 11 2,'4 VI 342 1 453 VI II 111 299 11 552 1 79 v. ."« 11 455 HI 227 11 70 I 446 V 105 11 >52 11 5' 1 446 IV 3«i 111 191 IV 536 111 471 11 no 1 4St 1 3'^7 111 3.-« 1 3.-: 5 HI 3t> 11 I So IV 44 S 111 234 11 370 11 357 IV 279 IV 27,S IV 356 VI 7S 11 451 1 205 y 5^4 n f9 1 503 111 2'?2 IV 253 V 211 V 126 V 7 111 133 IV K'4 V 2'p 11 7 IV 2Q4 V 243 iii >23 11 331 111 4.|f \- 421 VI 212 IV ■71 VI "2 IV 422 11 466 IV 374 \' 2S4 \' 1 1 1 399 ii 45S IV ■V-.'} IV 292 AtPHABETICAI, UST OF PORTKAITS. Volume Page Macliray, Most Rev. Archbishop ii 367 MacKay, Dr. Alexan;ht Rev. Dr. John ii 365 McLellaii, Hon. A. W v 310 McLt od, D.J iii 234 b McMaster, Hon. William i 355 McNab, Hon. Sir .\llaii .N'apier iii 141 Nelles, Rev. Dr. vSaniuel S iv 207 Nel.son, Dr. ,Wolfrehical features of Canada. 6. TeinptTatiire of Canada. 7. Plan of Toronto. 8. I'jivirons of Toronto. 9. Plan of Ottawa. 10. Plan of Winnipeg. 11. Plan of .St. John. 12. Plan of Halifax. 13. Plan of Montreal. 14. Environ.s of Montreal. 15. Plan of Queliee. 16. Knvirons of yuebec Map of Canada Jlap of Ontario Maj) of Quebec ^lap of the Maritime Provinces Map of JIanitolia, Norlh-West I'rovinces and Hritish Columbia Shadow River, Jluskoka Siphon Recorder St. John's Gate, Quebec St. Lawrence River Scene Sudbury, Town of Timber Cove, near City of Quebec Toronto, Ontario, View near Volume I'age V 17 1 17 m 17 ni 2H5 IV 17 iv 415 ni vi i 22^ 76 1 iii 123 289 V 513 11 519 Canadian Buildings. Acadia University, Wolfville, N. S Dalhousie University, Halifax, N. S Kin,i;'s College, Windsor, X. S Knox College, Toronto Laval University, ^Montreal I.aval University, ^hiebeo McGill University, Montreal McMaster University, Toronto New Brunswick, Univer.sity of, Prederic- ton Normal School at Toronto Ontario .Agricultural College, Oueljili Ottawa, University of Parliament Buildings, Ottawa Pioneer School House in ( Jnlario Queen's University, Kingston Roval Military College, Kingston St. Boniface College, WiMiii]ieg St. John's College, Winnijicg Toronto, University of Library Building, University of Toronto. . Trinity College School, IN.rt Hope Trinity T'niversity, Toronto Upper Canada College in 1S29 Victoria University, Toronto Volume Page iv 2S^ IV 274 IV 270 IV 216 IV 248 IV 243 IV 179 IV 231 iv 282 nt 179 V 95 IV 243 V 423 111 187 IV 289 IV 4.(6 IV 2,s6 IV 260 111 1 1 IV 173 IV 3>.S 111 189 JV 3'9 IV 203 Topical Index. Volume Tnge Agriculture in British Columbia : Area Available for v 70-1 Agassiz I*;xperimental l"arm and. v 84-5 Aid given by Societies and Gov- . ernment to v 88-9 Character of v 69-70 Cattle Raising and v 47 I'artn Prices and v 71 Hotse Raising and v 73 Local Conditions of v 68-9 Productions of v 27,69-70 Pork Production and v 78 Sheep Raising and v 77 Slow Progress of v 70 Agriculture in Canada : Census Statistics of v 107,113-14 4> TOPICAt INDBX. V 17 1 17 111 17 111 2«5 IV 17 iv 415 Ul 223 VI 538 1 76 1 123 111 289 V 5'.^ 11 519 I 'aire 2,S2 2-4 270 216 24« 24:1 179 231 2S2 179 95 243 423 187 2S9 446 256 260 II ■73 3'5 189 3 '9 203 Volume Page Early Conditions of v 19,20,21,22,72,90 Early History of Live Stock and. v 72,75 Exports of Horses and v 73 Exports of Cattle and v 75 Experimental Government Farms and V 79,80-1-2-3-4-5 Forest-CleariiiK, Sta^t^ of v 23,24,25,26 Goveriiiiient Administrators and. v 106 Grange, The, and v 97-S-9 Live Stock Statistics and v 73-4-5,77-8 Ministers of v 106 Pioneers of v 19,20,21,22,25 Prospects of Canadian Wheat Production and v 31-2-3 Patrons of Industry and v 100-1,102,3,4,5 Wheat Area of C.ip.ida v 27-8,31,32 Wheat P: odnction and v 27-8-9,30-1 Agriculture in ISIanitoba : IJrandon ICxperiniental Farm and v 83-4 Climatic Conditions and v 54,55,58,108-9 Cattle Raisinjj and v 74 Elevators and Wheat Storage. . . v 109,110 Horse Raising and v 73 Milling and Grading Systems for. v 55 Ministers of v 106 Pioneer Conditions of v 53-4 Progress of ii 28 v 1 14 Possibilities of v 56-7, 107-8-9,114 Pork Production and v 78 Sheep Raising and v 77 Societies in Aid of v 88 Wheat Prodrction and v 28-9,30-1 Agriculture in JNIaritime Provinces : Cheese and liutter v 47 Cattle Raising and v 74 Education and v 47 History of v 41-2,45-6-7,86 Horse Raising and v 73 Lumber Trade Injures v 41-2 Land Regulations and v 45 Live Stock and v 47,72,87 Nappan Kxperiinental Farm and. v S3 Opportunities of v 44 Products of V 46-7 Pork Production and v 78 Slow Development of v 27,41 Sheep Raising and v 77 Societies in Aid of v 86-7-8 Agriculture in the North-West Territories :l Area for v 61,67 Cattle Ranching and Raising. . . v 61-2-3,74,76 Climatic IviTects Upon v 63-4,66 Capabillities of v 114 Government Aid to v 88 Horse Raising and v 73 Indian Head Experimental Farm v 84,88 Markets for v 62 Mackenzie River Region and... v 110-11-12-13 Ministers of v 106 Pastoral Character of v 61 Productions of v 65-6-7 Pork Production and v 78 Sheep Raising and v 77 Western Stock Association and., v 63 Wheat Production and v 29,311-1 Agriculture in Ontario : Cheese and lUitter v 36,39 College at Guelph and iii 178 iv 325 V 93-4-5-6 Cattle Raising and v 74-5-6 Early Character of v 35 Insect Rnemies of the Fanner. v 38 Government .Vid to v 91-2-3,96 Goveriinuiil Ivxpeiiditure Upon. v> 39 4} F Canada: an kncvci.op^dia of tuk country. Volume Page History of v 35-6-7-8-9 Horse Raising and v 73-4 Live Stock and v ,15-6,72 Ministers of v 106 Progressive Nature of v 36-7 Production of v 2S Pork Production and v 78 Poultry Production and v 78 Statistics of V 34-37.::9i40,iIO SSheep Raising and v 77 Societies in Aid of v 90-1-2,93-4 Transportation and v j7 Teaching of v 37-8 Value of V 38 Agriculture in Quebec : Hducalion and v 48-9, 50 Goverinnent aid to v 48-9 Hurse Raising and v 73 Live Slock and v 72 I\linislers of v 106 Opportunities for Development of v 52 Production of v ^7,51 Pork Production and v 78 Report of Commissioner to Europe v 51-2 Sheep Raising and v 77 Societies in aid of v 89,90,50-1 Allegiance, Law of : British Rules regarding vi 348,349,350 Canadian History of vi 345-6-7-8 Canadian Kiiactnients regarding vi 350 Double Nationality and vi 344-5 Expatriation and \i 35 1 Infant Children and vi 3;, 1-2 Imperial Parliament and vi 345,352 Married Women and vi 35 1 Naluralizaticin and vi 351 Principles Underlying vi 343,344-5 Repatriation and vi 35 1 American Revolution ; Causes of i S6-96, 104 Colonial vSecretaries during i 99 Dorchester, Lord, and i 87,92-3-4,99, 101-3 126-7 D'Estaing's Address to French- Canadians i loi French Canada and the Thirteen Colonies i 86 French Aid to i 102-3 Franklin, IkMijamin, and i 9^,97,153 George the Third, and i 8g.c_)()-i, 95-6-7, 113 122, 126-9, 130-6-7 145 Gerniaine, Lord G. and i 89,94-5 German Mercenaries in i 96-7 Indians and i 98-9 Manchester School Theory ot . . . i 90 Montgomery and Arnold K\- pedition i 92-3 Middleton's Address to French- Canadians i 99, loo-i North, Lord, and i 91,98,106,116,123 1 24-8 Stamp Act and i 86-9,91,120 Troops, Congressional i \oj, Washington, George, and i 90,91,57,101-2 Anglo-American Negotiations of 1782-3 : American Loyalists and vi 95-6 American Proposals in vi 94-5 Anifricaii Rcpres.iitiitivi;; dnrint; vi 889,90-1,94 British Representatives during. . vi 8.S-9, 90-1-2, 94-5- 6-7 Canada's Place in vi 89, 90, 91-2-3-4-5, 97 Congressional Instructions Re- garding vi 9-, Dr. l'"ranklin and vi 88-f;, 90,91-2, 95 44 H« COUNTRY. TOPICAL INDKX. Volume Page Lord Slielburne and vi 8.S-9, 90, 91-2-3-4, 96 Animals, Canadian : Bears v 379,382 ii 24 Buffalo ii 24,25 Deer v 379,380-1 ii 24 Foxes V 379,381 In Maritime Provinces v ^79 Miscellaneous v 379,380, 381-2-3-4 Seal V 3H2 Works of Reference Upon v 380 Wolves V 3S1 Art in Canada — I. Painting : Beginning of iv 347.353-4-5-6,357 iv 360 Berthon's Place and Work iv 351,368,404 Early French Contributors to. . . iv 353,354-5 Edson's Place and Work iv 358,404 Eaton's Place and Work iv 358 Early Patrons of iv 360-1 Education Along the Lines of . . . iv 39^,399 Fowler's Place and Work iv 349,3;o,396-7 Foreign Influence Upon iv 366 Haniel's Place and Work iv 356 Indian Influence Upon iv 347,349,367 Jesuit Influence Upon iv 353 Kane's Place and Work iv 347,348-9,367 KreigliolT's Place and Work.... iv 356 Leaders of iv 4(0-1-2-3-4-5-6 Miscellaneous Contributors to. . . iv 349,351, 357-8-9, 360-1-2,364 Nature of iv 352,36.S-9 Needs of iv 352,369,370 Ontario Society of Artists and. . . iv 361-2-3,364,398 Ontario Government Aid to iv 362,364,368 Progress of i v 397-8 Religious Character of iv 352.353-4.359 Royal Canadian Academy and. . iv 35.S-9, 362-3, 372, 400-1-2-3-4-5-6, 407-8 Scope for i v 395-6,398 Societies for the Development of . iv 351-9,360-1-2-3-4- .S.39«-9 Vicc-Regal Encouragement of. . iv 362-3,368-9 \rt in Canada — II. Sculpture : Bourassii's Work in. iv 373-4,408 Character of iv 374-5-6-7-8-9, 380-1 Early Contributors to iv 373 Heberl's Work in iv 374,378,407 MacCarlliy's Work in iv 378-9,407 Macdonald Statues and iv 376,378,379,380, 4' 8-9.410 Necessity for iv 381-2 Oflicial ICncouragement of iv 372 Origin of iv 371 Australasian Colonies : Abbott, Sir John, and vi 264 American Trade with vi 78 Canadian Tariff and vi 63 Canadian Trade with i 428-9 vi 78-9 D amond Jubilee Conference and the Pren jiers of vi 1 66, 1 69 IVderalion of vi 22-3, 1 66 Imperial Defence of vi 154,166,167-8-9 Imperial l'"ederation and vi 23 Political Position of Women in., vi 22 Preferential Trade Policy and. . . vi 159 3ueLnslaiul, Rectorial Appoint- ments in ii 451 Reftrred to vi 20 Tariff- JIaking Powers in vi 172 Tasmania, Rectorial Appoint- ments in ii 421 Trade of vi 66,78 45 CANADA; AN ENCYCLOPiKDIA or Till; CiU MKY. Volume Banks and Ranking in Canada : American Intluenci' upon i Bfiikers' Association of Canada, i Tranch System of i Bank Failures i I'uge Bank Reserves. Bank Inspection i Bank Competition i Bank Capital i Canadian and American Systems Compared i Currency Questions i Circulation System i Charters of i Described by Thomas Paton Depositors' Position Directors' Position Early Development of Ephemeral Institutions i Financial Crises and i Free Banking System Government Bank of Issue. History of Imperial Influence upon. Inflation Periods Legislation Concerning. . Notes of Issue Origin of System i Over-Issue of Notes Pioneer Conditions of . . . Political Influence upon. Private Institutions and i Returns to Government i Stock (Quotations i Scotch Influence upon i Specie Payments and i Shareholders in i System of, Summarized v British North America, Bank of : Branches of Business of Capital of History of Organization of Powers of Referred to Reserve Fund of British Columbia, Bank of Commerce, Canadian Bank of : Branches of Business of Capital of History of Organization of Oflicers of Referred to Reserve Fund of i 46 452,456,461-2-6, 49«-9,5"5-6 4S7,5"7 5("..Si4->5.52» 459-60-61-65-67, 475-7. 4«'-3-4-5. 4,S6, 4(),S, 503,505- 6-7.5i2-'5 5"3-4. 511-12,517- 19 5<'4 506-7 496, 507-8,511-12- »«.523 495,504. 506-7-8-9 457, 461, 463,474- 6-7,4y7-,S-9,5oo- 1-8,520-21-2 46 1, 47 '-5. 478, 49i-,S,5oS, 510-12- 1.V16-1S 4.Si,4«3-4.497i 503,510-17-18 474-5 5^2,515 .SI I 452-3,461-2-3,502, 495 456,465-6,473,486 297-«-9.3oo,456, 51 '5 456-7-9,505-6 5'6 452-494.505-6, 516-17-16,520-1 467-8 484-5-6 .152-7,461-2-3-6-7- 9.473-5.5'5,5io- 11,516-17-18,521, 523 457-^.474-5,476-7, 497-''*-9.5"«-9,5'o- 12-16,517-18,520 452, 461-2, 463-4 477 45H 455,461,520-21 463-4, 465-6, 483, 5'''< 471 5 '5-17-19.506 4S6-7 461-4 298-9,477 47f'.4y6,5ll-l8 307-8 470-^,522 475-9 474.470-8-9,522 478-9 454.469,478,522 475 470-73.505 479.522 491.522 457.493.522 494 484,493.522 493-4 457.483,522 494 456,470, 480, 487, 495,501,519 494 TOPlCAl, INUICX. Vuliime I'lRe Coiiinierciiil Uislrict ... Bank of Midland City Bank Consolidated Bank Central Bank of Canada Coniuiercial Bank of Manitoba. Uu I'euple, La Bunque Dominion Bank D'Hoclielaga, La Banque Eastern Townsliips's Bank Kxcliange Bank uf Canada Federal Bank of Canada : History of Organization of Gore Bank Hamilton, Bank of Halifax Banking Company.. , Imperial Bank of Canada.... Jacques Carlier, La Banque. . Merchants Bank of Canada : Business ot Branches of Capital of History of Organization uf Ofhcers of Reserve Fund of Relerred to Montreal, Bank of : Branches of Business of Circulates Government Notes. Capital of History of Orgiiii/.ation of. Ollicers of Referred to Res -r .e l"uiul of Molsons Bank Montreal City and District Savings Bank Mechanics' Bank Meirupolitaii Bank Maritime Hank of St. John Merchants Bank of Halifax .Miscellaneous Institutions Nationale, La Banque New Brunswick, Bank of. Nova Scotia, Bank of. . . . , Niagara District Bank, (See also Imperial Bank ) Ontario Bank. Ottawa, Bank of Quebec Bank : Business of Branches of Capital of History of Organization Officers of Reserve Fund of Referred to Royal Canadian Bank Standard Bank of Canada, "Toronto, Bank of Upper Canada, Bank of : Branches of i 455, 460, 463.7, 470.474-5.492-3 i 474 i 460,484-6 i 46i,4«4-5.5o6 1 46i,4«4-5-6 i 453-7,460,470-4-5 i 457,480,494,52a i 457.4«3.522 i 474,475.494,522 i 460,483,486 i 483 i 483 i 455. 467, 470i474- 5.484,493 > 48,?. 522 i 469,483.522 i 483,494.506,522 i 457.474-5.522 i 475.492 1 522 1 474,484,491-2, 519.522 1 49 '-2-3 1 49'. 522 i 492-3 1 522 i 4S7. 493-4 i 455.463.470,522 1 475,4««.5i9 1 459 i 470-4,484,488, 519.522 i 487-8-9,490,519 1 452-3,488,522 i 488-q i 454.437.438-9. 464,465,470-1, 494,501,510 456,522 437.457.506,522 470-1-2 46^1,480-6,506 460,486 461,483 457.474-5,480,522 470,473-4-5,4^0-3- 4-5,522 457,474-5,480,522 457, 472-3-4-5,522 457,469,470-4-5. 494.522 i 470-4-5,483,494, 506 i 457,470-4-5.494. 522 i 484.522 475 522 470-4.491.522 490-1 454,462,364,490, 490-1 522 464,470 474-5.480-4 483.522 455-7.470-4.475, I 470 47 CANADA: AN BNCYCI/}riei/IA OP TIIK COT'NTRY. Customers of. . . History of Organization of Position of Suspension of . .. Union Hank of I^ower Canada. Ville Marie, La nanciiie Volume rage 4.S9 464-5 455.463 457.460,470 465-7.493.519 474-5,522 457.4^3.522 Baptist Denomination, Canadian : Convention of iii Doctrines and Polity of iii Early Records of iii Ef vi 437-442 I,anil Ri'Kiil'>li"'isnml Prices in., v 70-1 MvCvStockof V 7.V4>77-8 Labour l,aw» in vi 260 lA'(,'islali VI- Council of v 450 Masonry in vi a.So-« Municipal System of v 461-a Mines and Aiint-rals of ii 39 iii 374-3S1. 396. 401, 404-412,425-6-7-8, 43 '. 434-5. 454-5. 457.463 Jlinin^ Laws of iii 415-417 Mftliodisi Church in ii 32'. 333-4 iv 164 OranReisni in vi 331 Officials of ii 4.'3,5'5 iii 366 V 297-.S vi 314,331.458 Physical Geographv of v 68 vi 513-14 Place Names of i 1 96, 1 99 Roman Catholic Church in iv 164 .ii 510-513.538,515 J^leani Navij^ation in iii 307-8 Steam vSea-fi;oin>; Tonnage of ... . iii 346 Trade of ii 29 Timber Resources and Interests of ii 29 V 5r 1-13,514-15,516 534-5 British Kmpirf, The : Australasia and i 438-9 vi 20,22-3,63,66, 7''i-9. 154.159. '''6. 169-8-7,172,246, 421 105-6-7-8-9,110 177 American Hostility Toward",.... vi Amcr can Ministers to I ondon vi American L(jyalists and i Bel75, 358-9,360 165-6-7-8, 169,17a 415-6-7,419-20 154-5 m M CANADA : AN BNCVCI.OPJCDIA OF THR COl'NTRV. Volume I'nKC Bvolution of vi 19, jo-i-i-j EtniKratioii yui-stion mid vi 160 Frencli-Catiiuliaii HiHtury Hiiil. . . vi 34,35,36,189,190 Frencli-Cnimilinn I.oyHlty to.... vi 35,30 rrcnch-Canadiun I.fsHuiis fur. . . vi 31 Frutich CunaS7-94, 116- IIH Itidi.mH and i 3.S2-3,253-4i2t'7-''* Laiirier, Sir W., and the Unity of vi 33S MonnH- Doi'trine and vi 147-8.149,150-1-2: MiniNters to W'uMliin^^tun from. . vi 1" Macdonald, Sir J., and the Unity of vi 31 ,.i2\-2 Newfonndland and vi 30 Ottawa Conference of 1894 nnd. . vi 74-5-6-7. S-9 Pacilic Calile and vi 77-.S, |6(., 169 Postal Rules of vi 161,169 rrefeieiitial Triide Policy for. .. . vi 6^-4-5-6-7-8-9, 70- i,i5«'» Peace Negotiations of 1781-3, and vi 88-9,9(1-1-2-3-4-5- 6, 97-^1 "3 Royal Colonial Institute and ... . vi 37-8-9,40 Sir Charles Tiijiper on Closer I'nity of vi 53-4 South Africa and vi 30,74-5-6,77-8-9^ 392-.V4 Trettties with United States of. . vi 98-9, ico-i-2 3, 104-5 Trade and Commerce of i 429 vi 64-5-6,67,78-9, i,s<> Tille.s of Honour and vi 173,174-5-6-7-8 Trade and Tariff Relations with, i 2H7,2Hg, 396-7, 3(x)-i, 31.1-5,317-8, 3»' ■''.3.VJ..'%4,S, .' ';5-6,377-«, •\92-3-4-5. ,-4.'l<'7. 409, .,,j,422,425-6 United Kmpire Loyalists and . . . . vi 96 West Indies and vi 3i i 300- 1, 3 18, 328, 336,3.5'2,4^S-9 British Empire I.engue in Canada : Ori).;in of vi 61 Ollicers of vi 62 Platform of vi 6l-3 Cables, .Vtlantic : Oisborne, K. N., and vi 536 History of vi 536-7-8-9,540-r Nature and Operations ol vi 537.541-2 ( )ri^in of vi 536-7-8 Statistics of vi 543 Canadian Pacific Railway : American Coin])etitioii with ii 172-3,210-11, 216-7 Allan, Sir HhrIi, and ii 175-6-7,181, 1.S3-4- 5-8■9,l9o•l-2■3• 4-5 Allan Company and ii i8r, 188, 191-2-3-5 Acquired Lines of ii 161-2 Bondiiijj Privilege and ii 242 Bu.siness of ii 23 1 Branches of ii 157-6,161-2,233-4 British Columbia and ii 155-6,157,171-2, 187,201,202-3, 205-6 iii 410 Con.struction of i 291,399,514 ii 27,69,156-7-9,160, 162-7, 195-6-7,211 Cost of ii 237 V yii,io^ Charter of (1872) ii 156,149-50,175- 195- 197-8-9 vi 219,220,243-4 [fR COl'NTRV, e I'nue I9,3i>-l-3-3 l6(i 24,15,26,189,190 25-3" 3' „ 92-3,98-10^,121- 147 4i-2-.V4-5-''-7-'' 51-61 7S-H6, 87-94, 116- IlS a5»-.VJ53-4.2('7-'* 23« 147-8.149,150-1-2: 1- ai ^,i2i-a 30 74-5^7-8-9 77-8, i6(.,i69 161,169 63-4-S-'>-7-*<-9. 7"- 88-9, i>i-l-2-:j-4-5- 6,97-8,103 37-8-9,40 53-4 292-3-4 98-9, ICO- 1 -a- 3, 1 04 -5 429 64-5-6,67, 7R-9.>59 i73.i74-5-6-7-« 287,289,396-7, 3(x)-i, 314-5. 3'7-8, 32- '6,\39,345. 1^5-6, 377-**. •\92-3-4-5. ,-4.407. 409, ,..),422,425-» 96 21 300-1,318,328, 336,355.42^-9 61 62 6i-a 536-7-8-9,540-r 537.541-2 536-7-8 543 172-3,210-11, 216-7 175-6-7. 181. 183-4- 5.8-9, 190-I-2-3- 4-5 181,188, 191-2-3-5 161-2 342 231 157-6, 161-2,233-4. 155-6,157.171-2, 187,201,202-3, 205-6 410 291.399.514 27,69, i56-7-9.'6o, 162-7, 195-6-7,211 237 303,307 156,149-50,175- 195.197-8-9 219,220,243-4 TOPICAI« IND8X. Volume r*g» Crow's Nett Prm Branch of ii 217-8 vl 263-4-5 Drnperj Chief Jimtice, Pro- pliecirMof ii 22,244 DilTioiiltie* ill Constnictioti of . . . ii 159,161,167,175 iK'spalcli l)y Lord DiitTeriii ii 176-7-.S-9, iHo Dcl'tMice of Sir John Miiciloiiald KeKiirdiiig ii 186-7-8-9, 190-l-a- 3-4 Finances of ii 159,160-1.164, 196-7, 204-5-9,237 I<"reij{lit Rates Upon ii 210, 219, 318,220- 1-2 Orain lUevator* of ii 162-4 <.;ov(.Tnineiit I'olicy Toward ii 156-7-8-9,175,181- 2,1.87,188,196 Huntington Charges and ii 175-6,177-8-9,180, 194 History of ii 155-164,186-7-8 Impenul Charncter of ii 167,172,174-5, 202,211 I^egislalion Regarding ii 155-6, 197-8, 199, 2ix)-i-2-3-4 Manitoba and ii 155, 158, 169,209, 21(1-1 1-13-13 Macphcrson Company and ii 180,1,88,191-2-3-5 Mission of J. 1), }';dgar and ii 2115 Mileage of ii 216,237 Management of ii 196,197,214-15- 16,219 Monopoly in Manitoba of ii 158,209,210-11- 12-13 Necessity for ii 155,173-4-S Origin of ii 155 Opposition to ii 159,160-1,196, 204-5 Place Names Given hy i 199 Postal Service and vi 522 Projected or Planned ii 155,173-4-5,197-8- 9, :'oo-i-3-4,205, 2 . -,-4 Referred to ii 2 ; 'S4, i m, 130,247 vi 2 Jil, 245-6 Rolling Stock of ii ib Routes of ii 156, Vl, 198,200, 201-J Royal Commission Regarding. . . ii 181-2-3 I 5-6,192 Receipts iiml Hxjienditures of. . . ii 209 Steamship Lines of ii 29, 153-4,211, 216-7 Syndicate Contract and ii 157-8,159,204 Scenery Upon Route of ii 167-S-9, 170-1-2-3 Shareholders in ii 214-5-6 Value of, to Canada ii 28,29,163, 167, 172-3,211-12-13 Canadian Treaty-Making Power : Canadian Exercise of vi 171-2 Evolution of vi 170-1-2 Parliamentary Resolution of Sir R. Cartwright on vi 170 Parliamentary Resolution of Mr. Mills on vi 170 Parliamentary Resolution of Mr, D' Alton McCarthy on vi 173 Trade Relations and i 386-7-8,401 Canailian People, The : Americ.-.n Tendencies of vi 192-3 lirilish Tendencies Amongst. .. . vi 193-4 Classes Amongst vi 188, 190 Character of vi 189,190,194 Divorces .Amongst vi 314-5 ICarly Struggles and Achieve- ments of vi 187-8,254 Orowing Unity .Vmongst vi 190 Immigration and vi 326 .\umbers of vi 325 I'olitical Development of.. vi 190-1 Pursuits of vi 195 i'rogressof vi 195 $« *• rr^ r CANADA: AN BNCYCtOPiKDIA OF THK COUNTRY. Volume I'age Religious Principles of vi 194-5 Social Statistics of vi 325, .(5.S Canada, Dominion of : Arbitration and vi 105, roS, i ro-ii, 112-3,114-5,116- 119, 120, 127, I^;». 9,140-145,148- 150,130,249 Atlantic Cables and vi 536-544 Art and Artists in iv 347-382 A^iifricaii Revolution and i 86-1 19 American Influences I'pon iii 169 American Trade Relations of ... . i 336-426 vi 179-183,178-9 Acadians in i 76-85 Allef,'iance Laws in vi 343-352 Agricultural Statistics of v 113-14 American Policy Toward vi 88-151,179-181 •v 423-435 111 43-4.59-66 ii 172,240-242 i 9i-93.9S-'02, io9» no, n6-r,i55- 194.336-426 4«7,50i.509-5'8 161-2-3-4 452-523 298,467,470-1, 474-5 88-109,119-130, I3i-i45,i46'i52, 232,249 3 '4 499-510 241-298 298 502-508 326-337, 339, 340, 47-135,132.213. 215.235,278-9 120 45.49.436 21-2,26,44-5,47, 59,244,263-4 469-4^4. 5o2-5"9 161 327-440 161,162-3-4 291-2-3.297,319, 331.333-4,341, 344-5.350.362. 375,377. 380, 395, 418.427-435 370-73 80-87 1,8-36 315 527-8-9 169-282 Baptistst in iii iv l?aiikinji Ilisto'-y of i B inking Statistics of i British Diplomacy and vi Chinese Popul.ition of vi Chinese (Question in v Cities ot . . v Civic Statistics of v Clini.ite ,f vi Canals ot iii Coloni/ulion of i 111 iv ii Congregationalism in iii iv Churcli of England in ii iv Commerce of i Criminal Irial Preferential Trade and i vi 63-72 Inijifrial Unity and vi 51-62, 154-175 Jews in iv l45-'53, 161 Konilon OfTices of vi 32-36 l.aliour iiiu-rests of vi 254-265 Mines and ;\Iiiierals of iii 366-466 ^Ittliodist Church in ii 24.S,324 iv 1 6 [,162-3-4 Mdvnionisni in iv !'ii-2 ]\lusi(al Develojnnent in iv 3^3-394, 4in-4i» j\Iiiiin),' Laws of iii 412-419,420 Uliisoiry in vi 271-2X1 Military History ot i 51-103,109,110 155-194 ui 34-5,40-44,59-66, «5-94 IV 423-536,488-491 Militia System of iv 415-422,450-1-2, 508-516 vi 292-3-4 Military Education in iv 444-449,466-469 Military Aid to the Empire of. . . iv 464-5-6, 469,470- 1, 493 ' ^Inyazines of v 233-4 Miinicii)al History of v 452-464 Name of i 145-6 Navi>;at)le Waters of iii 323-4,342-345 Newspapers of v 222-3, ' 92-3-4-5> 234-236 OfTici.-d Titles and Precedence in. vi 312-13 Ojv.'n Ports of iii 323 Ocean Navi;;ation and iii 340-r Orani^cisni in vi 266-270,316-320 Ofiicials of and in i 70,7^,84-5,145, 281 ' ii 69-70,197,128, 218,230,432-3-4, 5 '4-5 iii 366 iv 452-3.506 v 106,295-298 vi 220-1,226,233, 237,2.(0, 250, 302, 307,31^14.315- 321,3 (2,.i57-8 Ottawa Conference and vi 73-79 Physical Geography of i 293,;^7i iii 285-297 vi 50')-5i5 Postal Service of vi 516-526 Presliyt'-rianism in iv 19-104,161-2-3-4 Place Names of i 195-205 Political a:ul Constitutional '_ (is- tory of i 120-117 iii i9-;,9,45-59,69-85, 119-166 V 252-3,395-408, 422-430 vi 1.87-195,215-16, 301-307 213-250 3"7-3i 2,358-363. 445-451 470 Prime Ministers of vi Prohibition Question in vi Provincial Councils of v Parliament of v Relii;iousr minor) Denominations of iv Religious .Societies in i v Roman Catholic Church in ii iv Scenery of vi Steam Navigation and iii Social and Political Clubs of vi Supreme Court of vi Senate of y • S3 107-123,125-130, 135-158,161-2, 165-6 123-4-5,130-135, 159,160,164-5 443-552 l6l-2-3-.t 5.14-55 1 29.^-312,345-343, 350-362 321-324 332-342 435-444 9BSSS CANAD/i : AN BNCYCtOPjEDIA OF THB COUNTRY. Volume Page Telegraphs in vi 530-5 Timber Resources of v 511-525 Transportation Routes of iii 342 Treaties of Commerce and i 294-296 Tariffs of i 289,290,332 United States Annexation Policy toward i 408-9,413,416, 419,420,425-6, 442 War of 181 2 and i 195,205 Canals, Canadian : American Influence Upon Con- struction of iii 331 Rurlington Bay Canal iii 326,330,33a Hritish Contributions Towards. . . ii 98 iii 326,331 Beauharnois Canal iii 327,332,335 Culbute Canal iii 332 Cornwall Canal iii 328,332,335-6 Described iii 289,290,326-332 Expenditures Upon iii 332-3 Crenville Canal iii 300,321,332 International Use of i 394,424 Lacliine Canal iii 321,323,326,332 335-6 Legislation Regarding iii 322,326-7-8-9, 33", 33 1-2 Mentioned i 319,320-3,350-1, 261,381-2-3,433, 291 ii loi Murray Canal iii 33.^ Ottawa and Georgian Kay Canal, iii 290-1,292 Railway Competition with ii 122,123-4 Royal Commission Upon iii 333-4 Richelieu Canals iii 321,331-2 Rideau Caiial iii 3c»,33i-2 iv 233 V 249,250-1 Statistics of iii 33S-6 Sault Sle IMarie Canal iii 33^-5-0 St. Ann's iii 332 St. Peter's Canal iii 332 Soulauges Canal iii 336 Tolls on i 362 ii 241 Tay Canal iii 332 Trent Valley Canal iii 291,326,332 Williamsburg Canals iii 328-9,332,336 Welland Canal iii 321, 329, 330,33a, 3,36, 339. .340 Church of England in Canada : Hritish Government and ii 328-7,336,340, 353.3«i'.3SS-6-7- 8-0 Bishops of ii 327-8-9,330,332, .3.34-.S,,3,39..Uo-l-2- 3-4,33.S-f>-7-8-9. 35'>i.3.S.S-6,357-S- r*. 9.360,362-3-4, 3C)6, • 369.375,3>''i-2-3. 422-3-4-5,428-9, 430-1-2-3-4-6-7- 8-9 Clergy Reserves and ii 328-9,330,332-4, 39^ iii 24,25-6-7, 56, 125, , 136-159, 160-1C6 iv 34 V 203-4 vi 215-16 CliurchMissionary Society and. . ii 361,362-3-4-5-6-7, 427,428-9 Church Temporalities Act and., ii 333,4' '6-7-8-9 Divisions ofl'liought in ii 3,So,377-8-9 iv 222 Doctrines of ii 372-375, 3(/', 393 4.414.417 Education and ii 33i,333-4i344i 3^^^, .350, 359«6' 34 TOPICAL INDBX. Volume i'age 2-4.365-6-7, 39i-»» 417-18,419,420, 422,430-1 Establishment Claims of ii 397-S.399,4oo-i-> 3-4-5 Finances of ii 3^5-6-7-8-9,426- 427-8 History of ii 327-375. 378-3''<9 Indians and ii 327-^33 '.362-3-7, 427-8-9,431,434, 435-6-7-8 In Ontario ii 327,335,383-4. 385.387-8. 416-17, 419,420,422-5-6-7, 431-2-3-4,440 In Quebec ii 336-35 ' .386-7-8, 3.S9, 416, 419.420- 1-4.427.433 In Nova Scotia ii 352-359. 387. 388- 9,416,420,427,433, In New Brunswick ii 359-60, 387-8,416, 420,427,433 In ISranitoba and the North- 'Vest ii 361-368,389,416, 428,433,506 In Cape Breton ii 378,381-2-3,427 In Prince Edward Island ii 357-8-9,416,428, 434 1 11 Briti sh Col umbia ii 4 20, 4 1 6, 4 2S-9, 43"-'. 433-4-5, 436, 7-8-9 Loyalists and n 327, 336, 341,354, 355-6,369.373 Lennoxville College and ii 344.347-8,350 Lambeth Conference and ii 422-3,424 Methodism and ii 251-3 Metropolitan See Appointments, ii 346,319,351,360, 366-8,424-5,4.-\o Missionary Work of ii 331-2-3, 349,357-S, 368,431-2 Numbers of ii 332-3-5.354,4i6- 17 Pioneers of ii 327-8-9,330-1-6, 339.34"-'' -2-3-4, 352,353-4-5-6 7, 361-2,363-4-5,309, 378,380,381-2, 431-2,434-5.506 Polity of ii 370-1-2,389,390-1- 2-3,394,4'3-"i4-i5- 16-17 Progress of ii 332-3-5,345-6,370, 416-17.431 Pioneer Conditions and ii 329,339,340-1, 352-3-4-5-6, 361-2, 383-4-5 Relations with Mother Church of ii 393-4-5-6,397-404. 405-6,422-3,427, 440 Rectorial Appointments in ii 420-1 Ship Fever Kpideniic and ii 345 Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge ii 365-6,426,439 Society for the Propagation of the Gospel ii 340,347-8-9.352-3, 356.366-7,360, 381,385-6-7-8,392, 426-7-8-9,430,434- o • . , 567 Societies of 11 440 Sy nodical Organization of ii 334-5,345-6,349, 360, 366, 389,393. 4-5-6,397,400-1, 409,413-14,415- 16, 422-3, 428,440 Statistics of iv 161-164 Trinity College and ii 334,35 'i42a Tithes and ii 397 » 'S mi CANADA : AN CNCYCLOPiEDIA OK TlIK COUNTRY. 'i Volume I'liKt Union of ii 33.S. 349. 36^,409, 410-1 1-12-13-14- 15-16 Works of Reference on ii 439 Clergy Reservfs Question : Attitudu of Imperial Government Towurils iii 137-^-9,1401-2-3- • 4. '45-6-7,149. i?3- 4,156-7-8-9,161-2- 5,166 Disposition of iii 141,144-5,148 Elgin, Lord, and iii 140, 14S-9 History of iii 13.S 9, 140-1, i4!''-9, 149,150.1-2-5.15^, 160-1-2-3-4,165-6 iv 34 Legislation Regarding iii 149,150.151-3-3 Origin of iii 136-7,1.^5-4 Presbyttriaiis and iii 1556-7-8-9,165 Referred to ii 328-9,550.332-3, 334.391 iii 24,25,26,27,56, '25 2"3-4 .S^ 215-16 138-9,146-7, 160-1 '39. 147. i49.i.=ii- 2,160, i63-.t 140-1 '49. i5",i5i-.2-3 V vi Rectories Established iii Sydenham, Lord, and iii Settlement of Value of Clubs, Social and Political : Albany Club, Toronto Hamilton Club Halifax Club Manitoba Club, Winniiieg Nation.ll Club, Toronto Ofiici.ils of Queb.c (iarrison Club Roval Mililarv Instilute, Toronto) Ridfau Club, 'Ottawa St. James's Club, Montreal Union Club, Victoria United Kmiiire Club, Toronto... Vancoi\,fr Club Colonial Conference of 1S87 : Oele.uates at Opening of Work Done by Colonial Oflice : Department Created Grenville and .\ct of 1 79 1 Influence of Indian Payments of Object.s to Canadian Tariff Secretaries and Names of Places. Secretaries of Traditions of Coloni/atimi of Canada : Company of the Hundred Associatt s and l-"ur-Trade Companies and Halifax Settled Influence of Charles I. Upon .... Influence of Louis XIV. Upon.. Iroquois I.(.\alists and Loyalists Share in Maissonneiive and Mont' .al.... Montreal Settled Origin of the I'reiich-Canadiaiis and Quebec Settled Selkirk, Lord, and in iii VI vi vi vi vi vi vi vi vi vi vi vi vi vi vi vi i i i 323 324 334 3.^4 32 1-^ 322-3-4 324 323-4 324 324 324 .332 324 i,S,S-6 155-6 73.1.56-7 '37 146 '37 4"7,4"8 277-8 301,314-15 '99 I.S23-4 418-19 4«,5n 120,132 3«.65 29,62 29,64 2'3.2'5 108.9,1 11 37.54 47 -14 £tirhng, Lord, and. in iv v i 47-9 (12 .•'1-2.26,4.1-5,47, 59.244,363-4 2.V5 45,49.436 27,8-9 62 Topical indkx. Volui Confederation of the Provinces : Archbishop Connolly and ii Advoc.'itts of. V Hanks at Time of i ]iriti>!i Colunibii. and v liritish Ivmpire and vi (ieorge Drown and v Canadian Pacific Railway afd. . . ii CliarloUftown Conference and. . . v Consummation of v vi Constitutional Conditions of.... v Events Leading up to v vi Financial Effect of v IVIacdonald, Sir J., and vi Nature of vi North-West and v Nece.ssity of v Objects of V Prince Edward Island and v Quebec Conference and v Referred to i Congregationalism, Canadian : Congregational Union Chairmen ICducalional Influence of Influence of Rev. W. 11. Heu-de- lionrck Upon Influence of Henry Alleine Upon London r.Hssionary vSociety Aids INIissionary Work of C.i^ai of Pioneers of iii Principles and Polity of iii Progress of iii Pul)lishing Work o iii Statistics of iv Wilk*"?. Dr. Henry, and iii Constitution, The Canadian : Appeals to Judicial Committee Under v r ,■ Changes of 1 841 and v '/ Confederation Changes and Completes v Canadian Parliaments Since 1 841 and v "Double Shuffle" Question and. vi Durham Report and v Early Development of y Early Political Parties and v Events Connected with Develop- ment of v P'lectoral Franchise Under v PUective U])per IIousjs and y General Elections Held Under. . v Later Questions and Events I'nder v Necessity for an Upper House in v Origin of the Senate and v Provincial Controversies Under, v Provincial Councils and v Respon.sil)le Government and ... v Senatorial Legislation and v Territorial Additions to Scope of. v Constitutional Act of 1791 : Division of the Provinces by ... . Debate in Commons Upon Effect of I'age .535 401-2,422,43,5-6 470-3-4 403-4 73 205 190.203,244 426 V 402,426-7 218 402-3 4(X), 401, 422,425- 6,4289 217-18 301 218 402-3 404 428-9 480 431-2-3-4 402,426 2«9. 325, 342,373, 427.431 19,29,87,426 473 .S03.. 504,509 471,478 470,508-9 473-4 474-.S.S04 471-2,478 469, 470, 473,475, 504-5.6-7 469,470-1,473-4-5, 476-7-8 480-1-2-3-4,502-3, 504-5-6-7 472,479 472,478 1 61 -2-3-4 470,471,478,507-8 429 39« 402-3,428-9,430 470 ' 217 448 395-6,409,410, 422,425,446-7, 448,454-5,466-7, 397-8 400 466-7-8-9 436-7-S 469 404-5,406-7-8 439.440,441-2-3. 445-6,451 435-6-7 405-6-7 446-7-8-9,450-1 399-400 443-4 403,404,427 139, '44 139, '4»i 144-5 57 I CANADA : AN KNCYCtOPiEDlA OF THE COUNTRY, Lvniburner's Testimony Regard 'inj; Ongin of Principles of Proclanmtion of , Referred to ii Views of Lord Oreiiville Upon . Views of Chief Justice Smith Upon Constitutional and I'olitical De- velopment in New Urunswick : Conflicts Hetween Council and Assembly v Crown Land Kej^'ulations and. . . v Church of I'jijiUmd and v Early Efforts at v Gradual Nature of v Legislative Couticil and v Responsible Government and. . . v Constitutional and I'ulilical De- velopment ill Nova Scotia ; Bej^innings of v Governors and v Howe's Influence Upon v olu tiic Page 136-7 136-7 138 iii V vi i 144 137-8 44«.455,473.396 25.196 146 Nature of Karly Government and Powers of the Council and Constitutional and I'olitical De- velopment in Quebec : Cartier, Sir G. K., and Constitutional Act of 1791 and. . i 146-7 411-12,413,449 412 413 410-11 409 414,448-9 413-14 415-16 41^,420-1,451 4i7-if^-i9.42o, 421,446-7 Dorion, A. A., and Ivirly Conditions in History of Liberalism and. Imperial Parliamentary Debates LTpon vi Influence of Liberalism Upon. . . vi IiiHuence of the Clergy Upon... vi ■Jesuits Estates Question and .... Laurier, Sir W., and Lafontaine, .Sir L., and Macdonald, Sir J., and Mercierism and Manitoba Schools and Organization of the Liberal Party and Orangeism and Organization of the Conservative Party and Quebec Act and Copyright in Canada : American Citizens and Berne Convention British Authors and Conditions of Colonial Reprints and History of Proposed Act of 1889 and Principles Governing Protective Tariff Principal and. . Proposals of Mr, Hall Caine Report of 1874 Regarding Referred to 1 iii V vi vi vi vi vi vi vi vi Criminal Law : Codification of Constitutional Conditions of. VI vi 416 417-18,446-7 199,200 136-147 i37-« 44^^,455,473.396 196,25*1 198 189,196,207-8 197-8-9, 200-I-2-3 4-5,206 24,94 198 198-9,200-1-2,203 4-5-6 419 257 405-6 203-4 205-6 197-8,208 209 203-4, 297.300-I 204-5-6,2I2 197-8 203 308-9,210,211 120-135,136-7 396,447,454,473 84,85-6 80,83-4,86 82 ,85-6-7 86 81-2-3-4 S3, 86 80 80-1 85 " '' , 397 44 370-1 371-2,443.4 JNTRY. '«ge 5,473.396 1,413.449 ,8-9 \ 5 20-T,451 S- 1 9,420, 46-7 8,446-7 00 47 > 155,473,396 96,207-8 ;-9, 200-I-2-3 16 ,200-1-2,203 po8 L297.3«>-I 6-6,212 ^,210,211 J35, 136-7 Im7, 454,473 •4,86 l3-4 k 443-4 ! TOPICAI, I OBX. Volume P«g« Evidence Under vi 372 Nature of .. vi 370,372-3 Statistics of Crime nd vi 458 Documents, Official and Miscellaneous. Volume rage Acadian Expatriation : Governor Lawrence's Defence. . . i S4-5 Aji;riculture : rialfonn of the Patrons of •■ Industry v Id Impressions of the North-West by Colonel Sir C. E. Howard Vincent, Michael Davitt, Sir Georj^e naden-Powell and Dr. Georjre R. Parkin v 107-109,114 Report on the Mackenzie River Hasin by Sir John Christian Schultz V 110-113 Report by Quebec Comtnissioners Sent to Visit Europe in 1894. . v 51-2 Declaraction of Principles of the Granf,'e in Canada v 97-8 American Revolution : Address by .\nierican Congress. . i 99 lol Appeal to P'rench-Canadians. . . . i 101 Washiuj^lon's Canadian Pro- clamation i 101-2 Loyalist .\ddress to King George III i 113 Arbitration : Award by the Paris Behring Sea Arbitrators vi 141-143 Report of the "Congress of .•\nierican Nations" Washing- ton, l.Sgo vi 1 1 2-3 Banks and i'ankiug : I.e^'islative Petition in l.SoS i 461-2 I.ej^isliitive Petition in 1.S17 i 462-3 Resolution by I'pper Canadian Assembly in 1S21 i 463 ,', Regidations Issued in 1840 by Lord J. Russell i 46S-9 Views of Sir John Rose i 516 Views of Sir I'raucis Hincks.... i 516-17 Views of Sir Leonard Tilley i ."ilT-KS Views of Hon. (i. Iv. Foster i 518-19 Canadian I'acific Railway : Lord Dvifl'eriu's Des])atch Upon the IIuntiuKton Charges ii 176-180 Speech 1)3' Sir \V. C. Vanllorue. . ii 216-7 Report of Roval Commission of 1893 .' ii 181-186 Lord Carnarvon's Report on British Columbia Claims ii 206-7 \VliileTli()mi>s()n Re^wrt on Manitoba Railway Charters. . . ii 210-213 Commission on Railway Rates (1S9.S) " ii 219-222 Letter of Sir John A. Macdonald to Lord DuflVrin ii 186-194 Letter by Lord Mount Stephen, ii 214-15 Canals : Report of Royal Commission in i«7i iii 326-332,333.4 Clergy Reserves : letters by Lord S\-denham iii 147 Canadian .Xssemlily's Address to the Queen iii 149-153 Letters by Hisho)) Strachan to the Duke of Newcastle iii 159166 Letters by Lieut. -(iovernor vSimcoe, Kt. Hon. Henry Dundas aiul Duke of Portland, iii 142-144 S9 CANADA : AN KNCYCtOPiGDIA OF THE COUNTRY. Volume I'nge Constitutional Ivegnlity of iii 145.6 Despatches by Lord Bathurst, Lord 0(xlerich, In by Canadian , Manu- facturers .Association M.inifesto by Toronto Young Men's Libend Club Congressional IMeasure of Hon. I'.<'iijaniiu lUuterworth Resolutions by Toronto Board of Trade Letter by Elijah Ward of New York Speech by Hon. Tliomas White. . I^etter by Dr. {iohlwin Smith... . Coniiregationalisni : OlUcial Statement of Rebef. Copyriglil : Terms of the Dominion Coinright Act of 1875 ' vi Provisions of the Berne Convention v' Terms of the Imperial Copyright Act of 18S6 vi Letter by Lord Roseberry, 1.S92. vi Education : Letter by Rev. Dr. William Ormiston on the Work of Egertun Ryerson iv Despatches of Lord Dalhousie anil Lord Bathurst regarding Higli.r Education in the Maritime Provinces iv Report ui^on Schools of Lower Canada, by Arthur Huller, in 183S iii Report in 1.866 by Rev. Dr. James I'Yaser upon the Canadian School .System iii Report in 1857 by Rev. Dr. Ryerson upon Religious In- .struction in the Scbi ols Terms of (Quebec Separate School .'\ct of 1869 Terms of Manitoba School Act of I S; I School Ordinance of the Nortli- West Terril I'nilfst liy Ciiiiadiaii Oovernnieiit Against H<)nrt • •' iv 73-77 Synod Letter of Retiu)nstr,ince hv Rev. Dr. John Cook iv 77-79 Articles of Union Hetweeii DilTer- ent Hranches at Various Periods iv 79-So, 80-83,85-87 Letter on Manitoba Missioi s hv Rev. Dr. John Hlack '. iv 83-S5 Constitution of Pan-l'reshyterian Alliance .' iv 97-S Pnihihilion : Minority Report of Royal Coin- inission of 1892 vi 310 Majority Report of Royal Com- mission of 1S92 vi 310-11 Quebec Act : Message to Commons from King George i 126 .■\d(lress to King George from Corporation of London i 1 20, 130 Lord Mansfield's Judgment i 135 Rebellion of 1837 : Maritime Province Legislative Addresses iii 66-69 Mackenzie's Navy Island Pro- clamation iii 69-72 Report by Hon. Henry Sherwood iii 73-S5 ^lackenzie's Narrative iii 85-90 Narrative by Sir F. Bond Head. . iii 90-94 Views of Rt. Hon. J. A. Roebuck iii 94-96 French-Canadian Ninety-two Re- solutions iii 45-6 Address of Montreal Constitu- tional Society in 1834 iii 46-50 Extract from Lord Durliam's Re- port iii 50-55 Reformer's Declaration of Rights iii 55-59 Despatches from Sir F. Bond Head to British Minister at Washington iii 59-66 Rebellion of 1870 : General Order to Canadian Troops by General Sir Garnet Wolseley iv 4S0 63 M C '^r 91t,SfL--£X)JS Tr' CANADA : AN l(NCYlI,OIM!I)IA Ol' TlIK COl'NTRY. Vuliitiir runt Oencriil Onler Issiu'd l)y II.K.II. The Duke i)f Cuinliriilge Iv 4H0 I'roclanmtiona IhsuimI l>y huiiiH Kiel iv .>Si-4H.i 1 ii's|)aU-lics by Hon. Jo.seph llowe, Sforelary of Slate iv .lKj-4 Maleineiil l>y Sir Dmialil Smith (Lord Slratheoiiu) ciii the Rlunkr cif Scolt iv •:S5-487 •174-478 Kcl)elli(>ii (if iSSs : SlaleiiK 111 liy Airlihishop Taelie iv Historical Summary \>y the ICarl uf Minto iv References to the Chnrj^e at the Tiattle of llatoehe l>v I.leut.- r.eii. Sir !•'. Middleton, I,ieut.- Col. U. \'()n Slraul)eii/rie and Lie'. CdI. C. a. ItDuliDii iv 51S-7 Gene- 1'. Order l)y I,ieut.-Cien. Sir l-'. Mi(l..\S2-3.36i-2 Sir Jiihn Rose's Views 1 Terms of i Resohitions of New York Stale I,e>,'islature i SjHi ell at I lelroit by Hon. Joseph llowe i Letter l.v Rl. Hon. John I!ri>;ht. i v.. H. iJerhy's Reiiort i J. \V. Tayldr's Report i 341,359,360-1 Israel T. Hatch's Report i 346 Kiel 5}uestion : Manifesto by Sir J. A. Chaplcau. vi 296-302 Roman Catholic Church in Canada : " Mandemeiit " by Bishop nrifl'' ill '775 Si>eech by Bisho; ' 1794 8-5- " Jlandement " by B. I'lessis in 1S07 521-523 Report by Bishop PlesnlB to Sii Geor^;e I'revost ii 523-4 " Mandement " by Itisho; I.artifjiie in 1,^37 ii 525-527 HiicvclicBl Letter ReRardinj.; Manitoba School Question .... ii 539-40 Letter l)y Archbishop Iy OentTiiI I^ord \Viilfii'li-y Ri i.iirdiiij; tlio Ciiii- .KlimiCoiitiivi'iit iv 47t Tanll MmUIiih I'nwcr : Mem r;iiiihim l)v Sir A. T. Gait, i 3iS.3'7 Ki'|«>rt iif Sir J. Rose i 301 |)i's|iaU'li of Duke of Nvwctistlc (iHS9) i 314 Taiilf Relations : Riiinrt of Special Cotiitiiittfe I'.osloii Hoard of Tradi', 1865.. i 3.(6-348 TitUs of IloiKiur ; 1 trsiialilu'S liy the Duke of ItuekiiiKliani and Clmiiilo!! and Uie Maniness of Ri])oii vi 313-3 Tnide and TarifTs : lion. David MilU' Report in 1S76 on Dr|pressioii i 305-6-7-8 Treal\ Makin^,' TowL-r : ReMilutions of Sir R. Cartwrijjlit and DAIlon McCarthy i 387-8 Speedi l)y Hon. George E. I'osti-r vi 170-173 Unrestricted Reciprocity : R.sdhiliotis of Inler-rrovincial Conference i 38S West Durham As iv 2.1.1,3-5 Chanibl y College ii 506 iii 2,vi Coiigrefiatioiiul ColK>;,'e of IJ. N America iii 471,478,508 iv ifS8 Graiiil Sciniiiaire de Quebec, Referred to ii 493-4, 4ij5,,sci2, 515 '6-17.527. 5.^' iii 201,250 iv 241,325 Sketch (if iv 311 Grand vSoiniiiaire de Montreal, Refenvd to ii 463,533 iii 205,250 Sketch of iv 305-6-7-S Guelph Agricultural College.... iii 17S iv 175.325 V 37,93-96 Ilavergal Hall, Toronto iv 226 Halifax, University of iii 215 iv 269 Joliette, College of iii 205 iv 245,325 Levis College, Quebec ii 505 iii 205 iv 245,325 Iv'Assomption College iii 205 iv 245,325 Mining ami Agriculture, Ontario School of i V 293, 2t;6 Music, Dominion College of, Montreal iv 7S7 Moulton Ladies' College, Toronto iv 229,230 Medical College, Halifax iv 273 JIaniloba IMedical College, \Viniiii)eg iv 257,259,343 Montreal Diocesan Theological College ii 350,424 iv 2S7 Medical College for Women, Toronto iv 175,201 Morrill Collei'e, Quebec, Referred to iii 187 iv 36, 9". 99, '^''^,327 Sketch of iv 29H 9 Nicolet College ii 5( 0,527-8-9 iii 130,205,250 iv 245,325 Ontario College of Pharmacy. .. . iv 175 Ontario j)ental College, Toronto, iv 175 Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto iv 175 Presbyterian College, Montreal, Referred to iv 36,5S,93,96,99, .323,3'!5.327 Sketch of iv 297-8 Presl)yterian College, Halifax, Referred to iii 214 iv 35, ,86,93,99, 324-5 Sketch 01' iv 299,300-1 Prince of Wales College, Charlottetown iii 234-5 Practical Science, School of, Toronto iii 178 iv 175 Petit .Seniinaire, Quebec ii 494 iii 201-203,205 iv 245,311 Regiopolis College, Kingston, Referred to ii 533 iii 171,177 iv 170,172 Sketch of iv 311-12 Riniouski, College of iii 205 iv 245,325 66 TOnCAI, INDKX. Vdlmnf Page Sherbrooke, College of iii 205 iv 245.325 Ste Aii"e's College, niRby, N. S., Referred to ' ii 472 iii 214 Sketch of iv 313 Ste Amie's C<>lK>j;e, o 325 .^i2-'3 173,175,209,324 308.9 205 245.325 47 5i6 114,203,205 245.325 245 175. '94-5. 20 « 2(15 245.325 3i4-'5 301-2 172,17 310 ■i f, n t If CANADA: AN ENCVCT.OI'^DI A Cll' THIi COIINTIIV. Volume I'ugo Endowments of iii 255 iv 170,319 Origin of iv 317-KS OfTicials of iv 320 Referred to ii 1 29 iii 172,269 iv 321,342 Students of iv 318,320 Education in Canada : Endowments of Ladies' Colleges in iv 325 Influence of Dr. McCaul Upon. . iv 321-2-3 Statistics of iii 27.1,324-5 Eilucation in British Columbia : Denominational System of iii 244 History of iii 240 High School System aud iii 242-3 Indian Schools and iii 244 Legislation Regarding iii 240 Public School System of iii 241 Statistics of iii 241-2,2 4-5 Education in Manitoba : Commencement of iii 235-6 Half-breed Schools and iii 235 Legislation Regarding iii 236-7 Leaders of iii 279,280-1-2 Public School Administration and iii 236-7,238 Progress of iii 239, 27S Red River Pioneers of iii 235-6 St. John's College and iii 235-6 School Law of (187 1 ) iii 236 Sectarian Differences and iii 236 University of Manitoba and iv 255-26 ,343 Education in New Brunswick : Administration of School System iii 233-4 Commencement of ii 225-6 Early Conditions Surrounding. . iii 225-6 Higher System of iii 228-9 Legislation Regarding iii 225,228-9,230-1 Leaders of iii 227,231,272-3-4 Madras System and iii 226 Public Schools and iii 229, 230, 23 1 Sectarian Differences in iii 226,231,232-3 School Statistics and iii 234,278 Universities and iii 226-7-8 iv 275-284 Education in Nova Scotia : Administration of School System iii 218-9,2201 Agriculture Taught with iii 221 Coitnnencenient of iii 212-13 Council of Public Instruction and iii 217-8 Denominational Conflicts and. . . iii 212 iv 252-3, 267-S Leaders of iii 212,214-5,270, ;7i-2,278-9 Miscellaneous Institutions and. . iii 221-2 Progress of Higlwr inystem of .. . iii 214 Public School System Developed iii 215-16-17 School Statistics and iii 216-7 Universities and Colleges aud. . . iii 213-14-15 iv 25()-254, 262-274, 299.300. .^02-3-4. ^. . . . 313.33S-9 Education in Ontario : Actofi84iand iii 180,251 American Influence upon iii 170-252-3 Act of 1850 and iii 173-4-5 Actof 1871 and iii 173-4,176 Act of 1863 and iii 173, 176, KS4-5-6, 253-4-5 Agricultural Part of iii 1 78 Commencement of iii 169,170-1,172 iv 169,170 Education Department Organized iii 175,178 iv 344 High School System Organized, iii 176-7 Influence of Governor Simcoe upon iii 169,171 68 TOPICAI. INDBX. Voliim Influence of Bishop Strachan upon iii iv Influence of Dr. Ryersou upon. . iii Legislation Regarding iii Leaders of iii Normal Schools Established .... iii Progress of iii ProfjresB of Schools iii Public Libraries Fonned iii Policy of Sir J. Macdonald iii Policy of Sir O. Mowat iii Religion in Public Schools and. . iii Separate Scbools and iii Statistics of iii School I'inances and iii Training of Teachers iii Universities, Colleges and iii iv Upper Canada College Founded . iii Education in Prince Edward Island: Commencement of iii Catholic Branch of iii Normal School Formed iii Progress of iii Prince of Wales College and .... iii System of iii Education in Quebec : Act of 1841 and iii Act of 1846 and iii Government of iii Catholic Colleges Founded iii Council of Public Instruction and iii Early Conditions Surrounding. . iii iv Early Statistics of iii Grammar Schools and iii Influence of M. Chauveau upon, iii Influence of M. Meilleur upon. . iii Influence of Rebellion upon .... iii Legislation Regarding iii Legislative Grants to iii Leaders of iii Labours of I'rench Missionaries and Nuns iii Model Schools Formed iii Normal Schools Established iii Progress of iii Rcyal Institution Established ... iii iv School Inspection and iii School Funds and iii Universities, Colleges and iii iv Work of the Catholic Committee iii Work of the Protestant Com- mittee iii I'Mucation in the Territories : A(iministration of jH .'rogress of in School Districts and iii Studies, Ordered iii «» P.ige 169,170-1,175 ■«3 172-3-4,175,182. 28 1 171-2-3-4-5-6-7, I Ho- 1 -3-4 -5, 186, 251-2 269,270 176 17.1,175-6-7 '75-6 _ 178 11 ■1 183-4,185,253-4 m I 186-7 T 274-5-6-7 f! 173,176,180-1-2-3- !' 4-5-6-7. 251-2-3-4- I 5 255 ! 277-8 1 175-6 f 171,177-8 ! l69-i8 Origin «f iv 233-4 Progress of iv .^35-6-7-8 Referred to ii 463,510,535 iii 171,177 Statistics of i v 324 72 TOPICAT. INDKX. Volmiie P*ee Queen's University, Kingston : Constitution of iv 327-S Curriculiini of iv 29,5-4 Ivirly Ililliculties of iv 326-7 l'"e(!iT,ili()u Discussed by iv 324 lu)Unilersof iv 291 l'"i nances of iv 324 Origin of iii 34 iv 1711,291-2,326 Oflicinls of iv 292-3 I'rincipals of iv 328-9,340-1 Progress of iv 293,328 Referred to i 43,8,449 iii 17! ii 95 iii 356,424 iv 35,36,86,90-1,99, 172, 205, 282,298, 3".33'J.342 Religious Tests Question and. . . . iv 326-7 .Statistics of iv 294 Toronto University : Huilt, John Cabot, Sebastian Campbell, Robert Cartier, Jacques Franklin, Sir John Fraser, Simon Great Lakes Hearne, Samuel La Salle Mackenzie, Sir .\lexander Miscellaneous 74 372-3 373-4 5 3>*<.3''7.,'.c"'^,375 366-7 366-7-.S-9, 370-1 373 375 368-9,370-1-2 . 17-25,26 22-3-4 32 33,200 3' 26,36,54,60 3> 31.56 31,200 30 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8, 60,62 tOPICAI, INDEX. 2S2, 286, a88, Voliiine Pane Norse Vikings i 27 R»f. r>r i 33-4 Simpson, Sir George i 31 Thompson, David i 31,34 Ven-nclrye, I)e la i 36,65,204,228 Kxlriulition : Canaiiian Resolntions Regarding vi 380 Imperial Legislation Coneerning vi 380 Relations with the United Stales Regarding vi 379.3^ Treaties nuule about vi 3M0-1 I'Vnian Raids into Canada : Origin of the I'eiiians iv 423-4 l're))arati(>ns to Invade Catnida. . iv 424,428 Raid of I S66 into Ontario iv 425-6,430-1-2,433, 4,S3-4. 479.496 Raid of 1.S70 into Quebec iv 427,433,496-7 Raid of 1H71 into Manitoba iv 427,434-5 Raids anil the Treaty of Washington iv 435 Readiness of the Militia iv 429,430 Referred to vi li«)-i, 105,120-1 Ridgeway, Hattle of iv 426,431-2 I''lora, Canaiiian : General Divisions of *, , v 3X8 Labrador Species of v 389 Novii Scotian Species of v 389 New Hrunswick Species of v 389,390 Ontarit) Species of. v 390 Prince I'>hvard Island Species of v 389 I'rairie .Species of v 391 Quebec S|)eeies of v 390 Rocky Mountain Species of v 391-2 Works of Reference upon v 392 Finances, Canadian : Banking .System and v 307-8 Ca]iital Account Kxpeni. .:\72-s-7-S,.^H<),395. 427-«-9.43f>' 178-9 2.S6 2.S5-6,432-6,437- 451 289,301, ai4-'5. 317.346 2g7 290,301.2-5,314, 318,396-97, 404.5, 417,420 293-2,314,311,346, 3''o.37 1.396-7. 428,431 3'3-'4..V'*5-6, 399. 4(.i-9,424 292,307-8 293.3S)5,4'8 293.360,375,380, 395.418 3". 329.408 292,301,314,396-5 418 292,106,311-12-13 .332-3 288-9,341,360 289,291 310-11-12-13,386- 7. 399. 400.1-3-4-9 413-420 311-12 301-2-3-4,399 291-2,302-3-6-7, 3 '7.385-6-7, 399- 400 I 302-3 271-2-4,302-3,304- 7-8-9,310-11-13-14 399,400-3,421 29'..VJ4.3o6,3io, 311,396-7.9 312-13 416 373 .392-4 389-90 • 121-2 ■114 .rS6,37l 424 ... 425 411 •2-3 302,385-6 411-14 181, 182-3 1 413-14,415 Re; n Re< ' r Spe Tej Vie ' Vie Vie , Vie Vie - ,; Vie Vie V. Br Bel> Brit Brit Can Can TOPICAI. INDRX. Letter by Cotif^rcHHiimii Ilittupoii i Miiiiitobii I,rK"»l"t>l'''" ""• ■ Niiiiif )^'\v^•n l>y (loldwiii Smith to <)])])i)S('(l liy Sir A. T. (fiilt <)|)])().sf(l by lliill. Jaillf.s Young.. OpjKisoil liy Hon. T. While I'roposals of Hon. J. U. Hhiitic Ri'HiinhiiK SiKTchfs upon Uniform Tariff Intended under. . Zollverein I'roposals of 1H62 ami IV. Continental Reciprocity : Ahro^'ation of Klgin Treaty i American Opinion of IClgiii Treaty i American Policy of i Brown-Fish Treaty Itlake, I'i-2-3- 4,397-8,403-8, 419-20 384 385-6-7 361 410-11 366-7-3 - 365 39'ka£s£^^di:^.^EIK£i^^^i;.;ll=i^n£t^;&iXii£i^ ;£l&iIluL':^^ i3fATJ:J^ I i CANADA : AN KNCVCI,OH*I>IA OP TIIK COUNTRY. Voliini Cnlnninl Trade and vi I'icldiiif,' TarifT unci vi ( )t)ifrliiiiiH Id vi ()ri){iiiiil SyHlem of i Prci|)()sal» for vi VI. riiri'Hlrii'ted Recij)rocily willi tlu- I'liitc-d Stiiteit: Advoi-alcd i Clirotioiony and History of vi Cuii'lciiiiii'd i Dcfiiiitioii of i Speeches aiin i VII. 'Die .\iiii'iicaii TarilT : J. (). Hlaiiu-'» Policy and i Discriininiition a){ainst Canada of vi iJiitii's in iS7,S under i DiiiHlcy Bill Duties under i vi KlTect on Canada i Early Protective Policy of i McKinley Dill Duties under.... i vi ".Slaughtering" Process and. . . i VV'ilson Hill Duties under i 66 69,70.1 jH6-7,jq7,.'^36, 67 ,S-9,7<).| 3nH-9„vi,,^7I-»?. 3S6-7.S, MP-3\V4. 4o.V4,.i(>.s,.i2o-i, 432 l!V>-l ;.9(, .|<^.-i-.j-6-7-9, 4i7-i.S,.tio,43j 4.4'>7-^.l'>9.4'3. 4'5-4"9.425 410-11 392-3-4 105-6 290 4<\S,4I4 106 29o,.v>fi-7,3i4, 3.S'.374-.S,39''.4I4 37.'i,3'''4-.'),4i4.430 106 29". 396. 404-5 376 Fisheries of Canada, Atlantic : American Precedents for Seizures in vi As n Training-Ground for Seamen vi Government Protection of vi General Duller and vi Hinh Commission Appointed Regarding vi Negotiations of 1S91-2 nhout.... i President Grant and vi Referred to i vi Tieaty of Washington and vi Treaty of iSi.S and vi Treaty of 1.S54 and vi Treaties Concerning i ii Fisheries, Miscellaneous : Cod I'Mshing and v Exports of • v I'Vesh Water Fish of Maritime Provinces and v Herring iMshing and v Lobster I'lshing and v Oyster I'isliing and v Production of v Salmon I'"ishing and v Seal Hunting and v Statistics of v Value of V French Canada: Abraham, Heights of fi Aristocracy in i Acadians and i Acadia, Governors of i Act of 1791 and i iii V vi 78 123-4 124 122,125 '23 119 39" 124-5-6-S 356,363-4,373- 379.382-3.3S7-8, 408 100 121,130 121-2-3-4,126 122,127-8 7'.3«3-6 67 5 28-9 526-7 379 52.S-9 528-9 .')2H-9 34 529,530 34,526-7,528-9, .S.1<> 5^6 6S-9 72-3 47,62,77-83-4.5 «4-5 1.36,147 (1 37-8 44«.455,473>396 25,196 JUNTRY. I'igt •I y.V4.343 .1<>.S,420-I, |(«)- 1 -4-6-7-9, S,42o,4jj ,S6-7-.S-9,390- -\409.413. 19,425 I •4 14 i< ''^■-7.314. (71-5,39'~.4'4 I i«4-5,4i4,430 iofi. 404-5 i-6-S 163-4,373- S2-3.3«7-8. I-3-4.I26 27-8 ^3-6 30 6-7.528-9, ,77-83-4-5 47 55,473,396 tOHICAt INUUX. V.ilii llriiililiK'k'M l'lx|i"iliti>auiiiUubl>cc 1 I'Micl i)f Nanlfs and iv lin^lanit, Kind's of, During Karly History of i ICtiXlisli Claims to i I'raiicf, Kiiijjs of, During Uurly History of i I'reiK'lj Claim* to 1 Frontenac's Acliii'vi-incnts in.. i (iallissoniere, De la iind i < iitviTnors of i l,i- Moyne I<'amily in i Inxjiiois Indians and i l,i>nisl)c>nr>{ and i I/yin'iiirncr's (irievani'i'S in i Rldiitcalni, Mar<|ui'ss dc, and. ... i Niiliiilson's ICxpi'dition to i IMiipps' ICxpiMlition ajjainst. . i IV])iKTui;'s I'A])edilion and i Tolii-y and Condition of iii (jucliec .Vet and ... i V St-'igncurial Tenure in iii V Talon, Jean and \V dker's ICxpediiiDii to \',.adreiiil, Alannu'ss dc, and. . . . Wasliiiij/toii, (iiorKi', and Wolfe, James, and Wheeler's ICxpeditioii against, ('.rand Trunk Railway : Allilialed Lines and ii American Conneelions of ii Ainalfjam.-itions with ii Ilusiness of ii Uraiiclies of ii Construction of i ii Commercial Depression and ii Canal Competition with ii iii Cost of ii Conlraclors for ii Ivfjuipment of ii Kinuncial Record of ii I'ailures of ii < lovernments and ii History of ii 1 iiduence of i I,e>;i.slative Aid to ii Mileaj{e of ii Management of ii Michigan Line of ii Necessity for ii Negotiations in London for ii Origin of ii Promoters of ii Progress of ii Prospectus of ii Referred to ii Routes Promised for ii St. Clair Tunnel and ii Shareholders in ii TrafTicupon ii loi Mr l'«K* f>6 6 J 57-S-9 &3 29,3",5t.56 29 6 J 29 61 58.,59.fi3,74 65-6 73 578-9 61 138-9 f>7,f'8,75 'H ''3,73 '>5.74 1 19, 1 JO, I JI-J-3 12U-.VS.I37-8 39'', 447, 454, 473 119-123,1 J9-I3J 39'' 7". 72 (.4 66-9, 1 2 1 66 67.68,74 63 101-2 llH), 101-48-9, I 1(1, '27,131 99, 101,106-9, I 10, 125-6-9.152 231 232 3.(0,259,260 9S, 107-8-9, 125-6, 1.^6 loS 101, 122-3-4 349 2.W 9S-9, 106, 114, 115- 6-9,120, 131-7,148 III 9S, iix), U)6-8, 1 12- 3,120-1-2-5-6-7, 147-8 IiK)-I-2-3 99, lul, 1 14-15-16- 19-20, 146-7 97.111.115-21 4,^3 99, I IX) 126-7,231,237 103-6-7-8-9,1 lo- ll, I2.S 100-2 97-106 9S, 101-6, 114 5".83.97,136 98, 103-6,1 1 1-12- 15 152 99,102-3-6-7,112 1 '3, 120 1 S9, 1 96 98-9,101,106 ~ 127,130,131-a 98-9,115,146-7, 196 79 Il CANADA: AN HNCYCI,OP.»CDIA OF THE COUNTRY. Victoria liriilge Construction . Volutne PaRC . ii 'oo, IO--.S, no, 119,122-6,132-3-4- 5-6 Great Western Railway : Aina'.f^aniation with Cr, T. R. of., ii 129,139,140 lioniiiiiji; I'rivilej^e and ii 241 liranclic . iif ii 232 Connnercial H:nik and i 46- ii 138-9 Competition Willi 11 150 Construction of ii 107, 1 28 Cost of ii 1 26, 138 I"iiiances of ii 147-.S History of ii 137-8-9,140 Mentioned i 359,360,446 ()riji 433.435-6-7 Maiiageinent of ii 39-4i>, 60-3-4-5-6 Oregon Treaty and '■! Privileges 111(1 Powers of li 30,56 I'rogiess of ii 22,51 Posts and i orts of ii ; ',25,28,37 Referred i 454 V 19,279,280 Rivj'liy of the North-West Compny with ii -'(,33,35-6-8,40, 42,50 Rivalry of the X. Y. Company w'th ii 21,40,50 Rivalry 01" the South-West Cuiiipa; y with ii 36-7-S Red River Rebellion and ii 60.68 iv 436,4,9- to Rei)ort of 1.S57 upon ii 47-8-9 Ke-orgaiiizatioii of ii 51-2 Sill ct Committee of 1857 reports. on i 22 Stores of ii 29 " T Stock and Shares of i' 21,39,46-7 Selkirk Sittli-mer' and i .■•, 3 2,45,59 Saskatcb"\vaii Rebi llion and. . . . li 05 Treaties Regarding i 7')-i li 66-7 80 ON TRY. TOPlCAr. INDEX. )7-8, no, !J-6,> 32-3-4- Jndians. J9.140 28 3« -9,140 6i',446 ,137.226 -3 •3.29S >i33-4.'t6. l-5-7-« !,48-q 3,33-4,43-4- 50-1-2-3-4 51 5, 30»34,37-S. Tiansfer Of Territory to CaiiacUi l,44,5S-9.>''J ,6<>.v4-5-''i I3.S-6-7 ,60-3-4-5-6 ,2'S37 V 35-6-8,40, 1 3,50 8 1,^9- »o 1.4^-7 2,45.39 I) Trade and liusint'ss of. \'aiicouver Island and .M^onciuins : Nation of .Vlliance with Acadians of Divisions of — Abenaciuis, Crees, Mic-inacs, Ojibiwavs and Dhu-kfeet '. Grants from Government to I.oralion of Mic mac History and Mii-niai" Half-breeds and Sales of Land t( Sanlt St. Marie Meelinj; of A])])e.iranci' of Anierii-an Treatuient of Ainuscnunts of Arclueoloi^y Ainon.L;st liiitish Cohnnliia Tribes of lUiiTalo and 'Character of ■Chipevvayans and CriiLlty c'f Coiinnissions of Inqniry anil Cnslonis of ■Civi! /ition .\inoiijj;st. Dress of IvhKalion of Ivskinios and I'ranchise of Government of Imue I'aRC ii 23,26,54-5-6-7-8 ii 2i-v3-4-5-6-9,3o 57 3 4 ii 2J-3, 41-2, 4,1,47-3 i 54 5.211 i 243-4 220,229 25,S-9 220-1,229 242-3-4-5 262 257-8 220 210,229,245-7 211-2-3,214,270-71 224 222-3,228 222 260-3 2o6-9-io,2i3-4, 220-1-2,236-7-8, 245-7-8, 25 ',282, 279 221-9 239-44 257,266 230-1-2-3-4,240-2- 3-7-8-9 234-5,251.281-2 223,230-1,244 226,236,240 222,231 216,2(9 210,265-6-7-8-9, 270,278 Half-breeds : Apijearance of ( :liaraelfr of Ihirons of I.orettc- aii;iven to History of Institutions of Loyalty of 1 ,< cation of Leave New York State for Canada Land Grants to I.#figue of 263-4 262-3-4-5 762 262 2^)4-5 i 262-3-4 i 263 i 26'2-3.4 209- ro 2ir 56,217 ,5,8-9.2 1 1- 13-17 .54-5.211 255-6 2q,5i-2-3 209-10 55 57 .59 ,5.8-9,63,218 216 2 1 7-8-9 216-7 216-7,252-3,255-6 209 » 213,215 t 216,240-1 i 116-7-9 ts*. !i CANADA : AX KNCYCLOPiEDIA OF THK COUNTRY. Numbers of Progress of Referred to Vercheres, Madeline de, and. Johnson, Sir William, and . . . . Language of Ivi(|uor Regulations and Lands Tk'longing to Legislation Regarding Nuudiers of Occupations of Origin of Oronlivateklia, Dr., and OkaTn1>e of I'lace Names given l)v rayivents by Government to. . . Pontiac's Conspiracy and Pontiac's Character and Royal Proclamation of 1763 to. Religion of Sioux : Location of Character of Major Walhb and Tecuuiseb : In the War of 1S12-1.1 Portrait of Biography of Oralorv of Volume l'*iS« 217 219 61-2,66 57 21 1-2,219 27.^,2:,4 26S-g 2l6,2.(o-i,357-K-7, 265-6-7-^-0,^70 2C'9-|n, 2;'^,2.(9- 5n,27o-I•2 271 2.VV6 2,S,^ 2r,6-7 •97 2.5S,277-8-9' 112,Sn 267-S,27,S 211,22.1.234,2.(3, 272 229,233 221 221 260-1 Theyendanegea (Ih;int) : Portrait of i Land Dealings of i Hiot'rarhv of i Visits Ivoncieties doing Business v 335,339 St5tis'.icsof v 3.(0,345-6-7 - - Valuations under v 344-S insurance, Canrulian Life : ('i>nipaiiies Doing Husiiiess v 329-30,336 . «3 fil CANADA : AN RNCYCI.OP^DIA OF THE COUNTRY, Volume Page Industrial branch of v 3,^,^ Ltjiisliition Regarding v 326-7 Ori; H and History ol v 325,3267-8 Statistics of V 327-«-9-30-l-» Inter-Colonial Conference, Ottawa : Preliminary Steps to Holding of vi 73-4 I'rffL'reiilial Trade Discussions at vi 75-6-7-8 Pacific Cahk- and vi 77-8 Representatives at vi 74 Resolutions Passed by vi 75-6 Results of vi 77-S-9 Inter-Colonial Railway : American Interests in ii 81 Asliburton Treaty and ii 93-4 Advocated by I^ord Durham .... ii 77 Advocated by Lord Derby ii 87-S Cost of ii 237 Construction of ii S3-6 Deputations to London Regard- ing... ii 75,7s, 81-2-3-4,96, 117 Finances of ii 95 Financial Considerations and... ii 75, So-i-2-3-4-5-6- 7-8,93,126,149 Importance of ii 76, 79 84, 88-9, 90- 1-2-3 Inter-Provincial Negotiations for ii 74,Si-2-3-4-5,96, 1 16-7 Iuii)erial Aid asked for ii 78, .Si-2-3-4, 91-2-3 Imperial Defence and ii 88-9,90 Loan for Construction of i 523 ii 86 Legislative Resolutions Regard- ing ii 75,\V5,90-i-2-3 Mileage of ii 87,232-7 Jlaine Houndary Question and. . Ii 76-7,80-1-2,93-4 Necessity for ii 84-8-9,90-1-2-3-4 Proposals for Construction of . . . i 319 ii 5«, 73-4-5.78, 80-1- 2-3-4-5,1045.116 Referred to v 303,307 Routes Proposed for ii 74-6-8-9,81-2,86, 88,93-4 Report by Sandford rieniing upon ii 85 Surveys of ii 74,77-9-80,83,85 Trade between the Provinces and i 326-7-8 I'rged by Sir John A. Macdonald ii 88-9,90 Tnternalional .Arbitration : .Alabama Claims and vi 110,119-20,138 Ik'liring Sea Question and vi 105,138-9-40-1-2-5 4-5.2.49 Congress of "American Nations" and vi II 2-13, 148 Early Schemes of vi mi Halifax Fisheries Tribunal and., vi 127,138 Propo.sed Court of \\ 1 12-13, ii6-T7-l!i St. Juan Question and vi 110-11,130 U. S. Ojiposition to Treaty of. . . vi 116,118 Vene?.uelan Question and vi 108, 1 14-15-16, 149-50 Jonnnliiim, Canadian : Br. ,vn's Influence upon v '99,200-1-2-3 Character of v 182,190-1-2,195,. 220-1,236 Dates of Newspaper Origin in. . . v 222-3 French-Canadian Section of ... . v 137-8-9-40-1-2-3- 4,225 Howe's Inflneuce upon v 184,223 Humorous Side of v 234-5 ~ "'"" Magazines iuid v 145-6,154-5,195, 232-3-4 Modern I'osition of v 189-90 Mackenzie's Influence upon. . .. v 189,223 Modern leaders of v 189-90, 105, 223-4- 5-6, 228-9-30, 232, a24-5,238 TOl-lCAI, INDKX. Voliime HoKe Nuiiuiical Progress in v 153-4,192-3-4,221- 2-3 rioiieer lifforls in v 136-7-S, I47-.S-9- 50,165,182-3-4-5. 6-7-8,190,221,227, 229-30-1-2,254 Press Association imd v 230 Sp-'cia! .Snhjfcts and v 235-6 Sinilh, I)r. Goldwin, and v 228 Women and v 172-3-4-5-6 Judicial Committee of the Privy Council : Appeals to vi 330-1,336-7-8. Caiiadiaii Supreme Court and .. . vi 339,3)0-1 Colonial Participation in vi 330-! Early Piinclions of vi 329 C)rigin of vi 329,330 Judicial System of British Cohiiiibia : Aliiiiibia Laws and vi Con>;resses of Working-men and vi Dominion Laws and vi Manitoba Laws and vi Macdonal 4.V'-i 431 431-2 432 432 429 432 411 411.413 411-12 412 4'3 412-13 2.18 14.S-6 .148-9 453-4 4.55-6 TRY. TOPICAI, INDEX. -5-6 )>4o t,423 Voluiiif I'dgt AfTectitifj Insurance vi 449 AfTeclin>{ l'r()|)erty vi 450,452 Affecting' Transfers vi 450 .VfTectinK Trials in vi 453-4 Authority of vi 445 Constitutional Powers in Connec- tion with vi 443,444 Disallowance of vi 444-5 haws of Prince Edward Island : Affectinjj Arrest \i 406 AfTectinjj linrristers vi 407 Affeclinjj; Contracts vi 407,409 AfTcctinj^ Debtors vi 406-7,409 AfTeclin^ Inheritance vi 4uS 9 AfTLClinj^ Property vi 407-S Affectiu),' Tul)erculosis in Cattle, vi 409-10 Affecting Women vi 409-10 Laws of Quebec : Affectinjj; Contracts vi 394-5 Affectiu).; Inheritance vi 391-2,393 Affecting Municipalities vi 398 Affecting Procedure vi 396-7 Affecting Persons vi 390-1,393-4 AlTecting Properly vi 391 AfTecling Trade vi 395-6 Codification of vi 3i~>9.396 Krench ( )rigin of vi 3.S9 Principles Unilerlying vi 3X9,390 Reform of vi 3>':'7,39"o9'^ Literature, Canadian : .'\utobiography and v 125 Biography and v 1 24-5, 1 73-4 liibliograpliy and v 131 Church of I^ngland and ii 439 Character of V 117,135,146,167 Constitutional Section of v 125 Ecclesiastical and Religious Sec- tion of V 130-1 French-Canadian Section of v 117,119,122,124- 5-6-7,136-7-8-9, 140-1, i44-5-6,23S General and Miscellaneous v i;i 2,238 History of v 1 17-77 Historical Section of v 117-18-19-20-1-2- 3-4.144-5. 146-7-8 9-6c>i-2,l73-4,238 Ilaliburton and v 177-1S1 Humorous Element of v 178-9-80-I IHeinent of v 130,139 Methodists and ii 322 Poetry and v 1 27-8-9, 1 36, 142, 144,151,103-4-5-6- 7-8-9-70-1-2,174-5 238 Political and Controversial Ele- ment in V 131-2,1378-9, Public Libraries and v 137-89,150,207-8 9-10-11 Quebec Literary and Historical ' .Society, .and .' v 152-3 Roin.'in Catholicism in ii 551-2 Roni.inlic and Fictional Part of . v 126-7,162-3,170, I72-3-4-5-6 Smith, Dr. Ooldwin, and v 125-6 Sci.titi(ic and Learned Section of v 129-30 Women Writers and v 120, 1267, 129, 154-5,161,163-4-5, 169-70-1-2-3-4-5-6 Loan Companies, Canadian : Char. liter of v 313 Combinations .Xniongst v 317 in Xumt)ers of v 314 Legislation .\ffectiiig v 31.1-15 Origin of v 31.V14 Stalisti'-s of V 314-15-16 Wk: ill 'lit I : HI 1^ ' n CANADA: AN UNCVci.oPiisniA oi' •rill'; ((untkv. Vollll JIunitolKi, ProviiK-e of ; Agrictiitiiial l'ro}; of ii V Aiiiinals rt-rlaiiiinj^ to v Hirds IVrtaiiiinj; to v Uiiptisls ill I iv Hanking History of i Church of Kngluiid in ii iv Church Jlissionary Society and., iv Climate of v vi Conj;ro).;atioiialisin in iii Canadian racilic Railway and . . ii Disallowance Agitation in ii Early Development of ii V Ivducational Development in. . . . iii iv Ivlectioiis I Kid in v I'eniaii Invasion of iv r'isheries of v Hudson's liay Route and ii History of v Hudson's Bay Company m ii Hudson's Hay Railway Project and ii Indians of i Judicial System of vi Journalism of v Live Slock in v J^abour Laws in vi Laws of vi !\Iasoiiry in vi Municipal System of v I^Iennonites in iv Slethodist Church in ii iv Orangeism in vi Officials of ii V vi Physical Geography of v vi Productiveness of v Presbylerianism in iv Place Names of i Kiel Rebellion in iv ii Roman Catholic Church in ii iv Soil of V Schcxjl Question in vi Steam Navigation in iii Telegraph Communication with, ii Trade of ii Transportation History of ii v Timber Resources of v Wolseley Ivxpedition to iv Manitoba School Question : Manitoba's Policy Regarding. . . vi Origin of vi Privy Council Decisions upon. . . vi Protestant View of vi Referred to . . . . i ii V VI Remedial Order and vi Roman Catholic View of vi 88 2S 3,S()-i-2-3 KM .)S.|-,S-6 ^.V- 1.433-4 104 51 .ss .S04-5 471 15S, 169,20913 209-13 26 .S3 2,3.S-.^<).27'''-^' 2.';.S-6i,34.i 4 "9 4-!7,4,'vl-5 ,S27.,S29 237-S-9 ,S.V4.-'7«-9 .9-22,23,2 |-2,S, 14- .'i,52-5«..S9 67 2.^,5.237 220-227,228-235, 25tS-2() 1,262-2'. 5, 270-1,273-276 ■ 416-17 1 94, 230- 1 73-4-.S.77-« 260-1 .li.S-424 2.S0 461 1. 10- 1. 15 32i.3-'4 164 3I.S-I9 69. 7". 4,^4.. S 14 1 06, 297 314.3'9.4.SS .1,5-6 .S>3 lo7-,S-9, 114 ■l.Svl7.49-.S2, S3-4, 164 22" 7-'''-.v5.2,iS, 261-2-5, 270-1-V6 4.Vi-443.4fu,53S.5M 164 .S4-6 .^"1-7 3"4-7 27 28 27-8,366-7 57-« 511-12-16-18 443,47«-8i 3"4 ,302-3 3i'3..V'6-7 3f'4-,S 41 68,509-10,547 406 204-5-6 3K3 3"5-6 I ^y. roPiCAi, iNi)i;x. Alasciiic Order in Canada ; llntisli Coluiiiliia lininch of vi Manitoha liiaiuh ol vi Nova Si'oliaii lirani'li of vi New llninswick Uraiicli of vi Ontario Branch of vi I'rincf I'Mward Island Hranch of. vi yui'bec Hrancli of vi Rolifrtson, J. Uoss, and vi Wilson, W. Meri't-r, and vi SI . diodistn ; Drilish VVcsleyans and ii lilnck's, Dr., Labours for ii Doctrines of ii Disabillitif s of ii iii Ivpiscopal Form of ii Ivducation and ii t'lCneral Tacts Renardiny ii History of ii Indians and ii In Nova Scotia ii In Hrilish Columbia ii In New Hrunswick ii 111 Prince I'Mward Island. . ii 1m Cape liielon ii In Manilolia and NorUi-West. . . ii III Ontario and Quebec ii Loyalty of ii Leaders of ii Moravian Influence upon ii Missionary Work of ii Nutnbers of ii Origin of ii Polity of ... ii Publishing Interests of ii Pioneers cf , ii Progress of ii Statistics of iv Union Movements in ii United States Connection of . . . . ii Wesley and ii Works of Reference on ii Methodism, Divisions of : American Methodist-Episcopal., ii Hritish Methodist-Episcopal.... ii Bible Christian Church ii Canadian Wesleyan ii Jlethodist Episcopal ii »» Volumi- Page 2S0-1 J So 271-2 2.-t<) i7»-3-4-5-6-7-8-9. 2^0 2. So 27' 277-8-9 27,V4-5-6 2.SO-3-4.2S2-3-4- .S-9. 29"-'. 31-1-15 2,-;9, 260-1 -3-5 27'5-7-,S-9,2!So 2,s 1, 268,287 247-8,251-4,291- .'. I -.x5-4-5,27J •2,313- 1 |i5-"7 2|8 .■17-72,314-5-6 3-"' 256-67,300-14 321-3-4 2')7-7c),3(x)-i4 2 ;u- 1-2, 297 271 .^-i^-4 2 17-55-^^1-97-8-9. 3.K)-i-2-3-4-5-6-7- 8,314-15-16-17-18- 19-20 253-6,281,298-9, 300 "252-4,293-5-7,306- 7-8-9,3 17- 1 8 276 254-5, 2''>I, 290-2-6, 3'2-i 1-15, 321-2- 3-4 2.(8,316-17,323-4 247-8-9-50-1-5-6- 9,271,286,291-3- 5-6 2 7.3-4-5. 3"9- 10- n- 12-13-14 -'53-4-5.289,311- 1.1-15-16-18-19-20- 21-22 250-59-60-1-2-3- 4-5-6-7-89-70-1, 300-1-2-3-4-5 6-7, 323-4 248,251-2-4-5,269, 272-293-4-6,316- 17.324 161-4 254-5. 273. 2S8-9- 9o-3-4-6-7-8,3()9- '4-15 2.(8,251-2-3,281-2- 3-4-5-6-7-,S 247-8-9,850,260, 276-7-.S-9,29o 322 248,316 2.4.8,316 254-5. 27,V29^'-7S. 309-12-16-17-19 253-4 9.2'''6 9 9<)- 1-2-3,314-15-16-17 24''*-9-5o-i-2-3-4- 273,282-6-8,293-4 8,309-12-14-15-16 17-1.8-19 ■ I: Wi cannda: an kncycw)p*,dia OF THK COUNTRY. Volume l'n«« Methodist New-Connexlot: il a5'> i-.V29'>3. 315- 16-19 Methodist Church of Canada . . . ii 2M. 16-1 273-293. 3"9- 7 ' New Metlio;inKMil of iv Reference Works upon iv Strength of iv Soudan Ivxpedition and iv Usefulnes.s and Character of iv Withdrawal of British Troops and iv 2')i-3-4 251-5.273,295-^ 3U9-I2-I6-I7-I9 248 418,44s, .t5S-9.6n- 1-2-3,517-19 452.449 444-5-6-7.8-9 416- 17-19, 421,450 419-20-1-5-6.7, 43o-i-2.3-4-5,443 506-7 415-17 452-3.497-«-9.507- 17 469-70,493 451-2 4^5-6,508-9-10-1 1- 12-13-14-15-16 471-2-3-4 4i5-i6,45o-i 464-5-6 4K.S-9 416-17-19,421-8-9 470-1,493 4i7,42o-q,4;4- .!5i-2,5i^i.535''> 4I5-1S-19-20 Mineral Resources and Development. Volnmc J''iK*^ Apatite iii 370,385 Asbestos . |iii 369-7"-',,v\5.4i<'. 423,432-3,463 American In Ihience upon iii 428 Acetvlen • (',as iii 4534 Antiinony iii 3^5-8,401,463 As])halt iii 397 British Columbia Mines Depart- ment iii 366 British Columbia Mines and Minerals iii 37 1 s-6-7-.S-9-8f)- i-.'-3, 4()4-5-6-7-,S- 9-10-1 1-12,425, 454-5 British Investments in iii 425 Copper iii 37o-i-4, 3'''-2-5-8- 9,410-11,423-5, 430, tio-i-7-s, 462 Coal iii S''? '*'..v4-5-6,382- 3-5-6-7-g, 404-5-8- 9,412.423-5,430-1. 3-4-5-6 Discoveries of Gold iii 368,372-6,380-3, 39", 405-6.439.442 Early Stages of Mining Operations iii 367,371,405-6 Geological Reports iii 365-6-7,456 Gypsum iii 368,374,383-8, 395-6,423,449,463 Gold in Canada iii 368-9, 37 r -2-3-4-5- 6-7-S-9-8U-1-2-3-4- ^ 5-7-9 90-1-2-3-4-5- 6-7-8,410-1 1-12, . - __ 423-5-6-7-8-9,430- ""... i,41-'-3-6-7,463 Geological data iii 390- 1-5,. 146-7-8-9 Iron Ore iii 368-9-70-1-2,3.85, 7-8-9,410,422-3-5 448-9,461-2 90 Salt.. . Silver. lif TOPICAI, INOKX. Voliinie rnge '•«^'>'l iii 3»i-2-5-«.4J5.43'. 463 I.oile Miiiin)( iii 379-.SC1 I.f^'islatiun Ktf){nr(lin>; iii 422-3 INIiriurv iii 381-5,410 ^lic.i iii 37<>-i.3S5,4io, 423.449.4ft3 Minernl I*.xp(jrts iii 408,423 Milling Laws uf Caiinda. u. Nova Scotia iii 413 I). Ontario iii 414 c. Drilish Coliiniljin iii 415-16-17 d. yuelR'C iii 413 e. Doiiiitiioii iii 4rS-i9-2<) Mim-ral Waters iii 437 Nova Scotiaii Mines and Miiiernls. iii 367-8,386-7-8-9, 425 Novn Scotia Mines' Departniefnt. . . iii 365,389 Norlli-W'est Territories' Mines and Minerals iii 383,425 New Hrunswick Miiiiii>{ and Minerals iii 374 Nickel iii 373-4-5.3''*5-9.42i- 2-3-5.437-^462-3 Natural Ons iii 374, 396-7, 449-50 Ontario Ituivau of Mines iii 366 Ontario Mines and Minerals iii 371-2-3-4, 390-1-2- 3-4,425, 44<'- 1-2-3- 4.5.6-7-8-9,456 I'latinuin iii 381-2-5,410 Placer Mining iii 3 76-7-8, ,406-7-8 Teat iii 438-9-40 Petroleum , iii 385,450-1-2-3 Precious StoiK.i iii 456-7-8-9-60-: Quebec Mines' Department iii 366 (jiiebcc Mines anil Minerals iii 368-9-701,425 Stiitislics of Production iii 369,371-4-7,3^2-3- 5,403,426,431, 445-6. I.S3-,S-6 Suit iii 374.3''*5, l""-2-3, Silver iii 370-3,381-25,409, 4' 1,423,4311-1, 441-2-3-4-5,447-8, 463 Sulphur iii 39S Works of Reference iii 466 Yukon Mines and Minerals iii 383-4,428 9-30-1 Zinc iii 382,398,401,425 Monroe Doctrine : liritisli Responsibility for vi 147-8 Canninj?, George, and vi 147-8 Mexican liinpire and vi 149-50 Origin of vi 146-7-8 President Monroe and vi 147-8 President Cleveland's Inlerjireta- tion of vi 149-50-1 United States Attitude Towards, vi 147-8-9-50-1-2 Montreal, City of : History of v 265-6-7,294 Mayors of v 296 Origin of v 264-5 Progress of v 269, 295 vStatistics of v 294-S Municipal Institutions : ICarly Canadian ivvolution v 454-5-6-7-8-9 (irowtli in Manitoba of v 461 G.owtli ill liritisli Columbia of . . v .(61-2 (Irowtli in New Hrunswick of. . . v .162 „^-^ ... (Iri)wtliin Prince ivlward Islaiul of V 462-3 Growth in Nova Scotia of v 463 vi 248 Ivater Development in Quebec of v 456-7-8 Later Development in Ontario of v 459-60 Under the French Regime v 452-3-4 91 I IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) / O (./ V ij. s /^ % M. (/. 1.0 ltt|2J "■ iM ill I.I 1. 1.25 1.4 M llll^ M 1.8 !6 6' <^ % /.^ ^. e}. sm. ^/' .■>!'"'■ m ■ o^i # Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTEH.N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 '^WV ^v <^ ^ \ \ 'i6 iv 385 New Brunswick, Province of : Agricultural Conditions in v 41-4-5-6,87 Agricultural Products of v 46-7,87 Animals Pertaining to v 379-8o-i-2-3 Art and Artists in iv 357-8-9 Hirds Pertaining to v 376-7,378-9 Baptists in iii 488-9-^,0- 1 iv 163 Banking History of i 472-5-7,483-4-6, 516,522 Climatic Conditions of v 44-5 vi 507 Constitutional History of v 409,414 Congiegationalism in iii 473-4 Church of England in ii 356,360,416,401, 427,424-5.433 iii 225 iv 163 Elections Held in v 469 Educational Development in. .. . ii 472-3 iii 225,234,273-4-8 iv 275,284,324-5 Fisheries of v 527-8 Fenian Threats JAgainst iv 424-9 Free Baptists of iv i lo-i I Geological Conditions of v 43 Intercolonial Railway and ii 74-5-6-7-8-9, 80-1- 2-3-5-6-7,92-3. 116-17-18 Indians of i 262,270-1 Inter-Provincial Trade of i 325-6-7,331-2-3-4 Judicial System of vi 403-5 Journalism of v 187,193-4,223-4 Lumbering Interests of v 41-2 Live Stock in v 7 j-3-4-7-8 Labour Laws in vi 261 Legal Education in vi 376-7 Laws of ■<-i 413-15 Literature of v 120-8 Legislative Council of v 448-9-50-1 Loyalist Settlers of i 114-15 Masonry in vi 280 Municipal System of v 462-3 Mines and Minerals of iii 374. 395-7-8, .402, 422,437.45s Methodist Church ;n ii 267,270-1-2,300 iv 163 Orangeism in vi 31.8 Physical Geogra;'hy of vi 511 Presbvterianisin in iv 32-3-4-5-6,40,163 Rebellion of 1.S37 and iv 66-7-8 Roman Catholic Church in ii 470-3,514-15 iv 163' Steiiwi Navigation in . . . iii 309-10 Steam Sea-going Tonnage of ... . iii 346 Timber Resources and Interests of V 511-13-14-16-1S TarifT in 1.S61 of i 332 Newfoundland : Address to the Queen from vi 493-4 9' 1 INTRY. 'age i-6, 390-1-2- II 391-2-5 1-12 i-6, 87 '7 0-1-2-3 "9 ^ ,37S-9 i-c,o- 1 ,-7,483-4-6, ;22 114 ^60,416,401, 124-5,433 234,273-4-8 284,324-5 |8 .7-8-q, 80-1- -6-7,92-3. 17-18 270-1 ■7,331-2-3-4 193-4-223-4 -4-7-8 7 15 S 9-50-1 15 395-7-8,402, 37.45S 70-1-2,300 •4-5-6,40,163 .8 3,5'4-i5 10 13-14-16-1S TOl'ICAI. IN'DICX. Voliimc Pnge Uritish Policy Regarding vi 478-9-80-1-4-^ 491-2 Bait aticl Bouiuy Question in vi 4X1,492-3 Canadian Trade with i 324 vi 64-f,6 Church of England and ii 358,389,392-8,. 4i6,'.|27,439 Cabot's Discovery of i 19,20-1-4-5 vi 4(34,4/3,483 Canadian Relations with i 324 vi 497«-9 Captain Cook and vi 470-1,477 Coiign-galiuiialisin ill iii 469 Colonial Ollicc Adiiiuiistration of vi 461-2,477 Conslitulional Slnigg'es of vi 462,477-8 Early Sotllenieiits in vi 468-9,474 Early History of vi 461-2-4-5-6-7-8-9- 70-1,483-4 fisheries of vi 465-6,484 l-'islijng, Admiral Rule in. vi 467-8-9-70-5 French Shore Question and vi 478, 484-5-6-7-8-^ 90-1-2-3-4-5 French Claims in vi 487-9-90 '. French Aggressions upon vi 20-1,480-1-2 Geographical Features of vi 463-4 Governors of vi 497 Gilbert, Sir Iluinphrey, and vi 465-7,473,484 Influence upon the Empire of. . . vi 461-4 King George's Declaration of 1 783 and vi 479-80-6-7-90-91; Labouch—'; Despatch and vi 492 Modern .listory of vi 471-2 ' ' Modus Vivendi ' ' Arrangement and vi 49J Naval Governors of vi 470-497,476 Negotiations of 1782-3 and vi 97 Origin of French Shore Question vi 478,484 I'rime Ministers of vi 497 People of vi 468-9 Progress of vi 463,472 Proclamation of Sir H. Palliser in vi 487-8 Referred to i 44 ii 85-6,255,261 vi 169 Royal Commission of 1898 and. . vi 483,495 Raleigh, Sir Walter, and vi 467,473 Statistics of vi 496 Steamship Lines and iii 308-9 Sectarian Animosities in vi 462-3 Treaties Relating to i 71,193 ii 67 vi 471-8-9-80-1-4-5- 6-7-8-9-90-1 Tariff in 1862 of i 332 Trade of i 324,331-3-4 vi 64,493-6 United vStates Reciprocity and. . i 361,382 West of F;nglaiid Adventurers and vi 464-5-6-7,473. Northern Railway : Amalgamation with G.T.R. of . . ii 110,142-3 Branches of ii 232 Construction ''f ii 141 Finances of ii 141-2-4-7 Mentioned i 361 ii 115,120-4 Management of ii 141-5 Origin of ii 105, 140-3-4. North-West Territories : A'ea of V 61-7 Animals Pertaining to v 380-1-2-3 Agricultural Progress of v 88 liaptists in iv 164 Climate of v 61-6 vi 503-4-5 Constitutional History of v 404 Church of England in ii 4i6,428-9-30-3-* iv 164 n ,jiH ^' CANADA : AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF T.Il'. COUNTRY, Volume I'aRe Canadian Pacific Railway and. . . ii 169-70 Educational Development in. . . . iii 246-9 Elections Held in v 469 Explorations in i 11-2-3-4-6 I'isheries of v 527-9 Hudson's Hay Company in ii 23 4-^5,35-6,6^-5 Indians of i 22o-7-.S,23,s,258, 261-2-5,270-1-3-6 Judicial System of vi 425-9 Journa'ism of v 114,231 Live Stock of . . , v 73-4-6-7-8 Legal Education in vi 375 I^aws of vi 429,432 Mineral Resoi rces of v 65-6 Mackenzie Riv?r I?:isin and v i lo-i 13 Methodist Church in ii 324 iv 164 Middleton's Campaign in iv 45S,464,4S7-8, 5 >5 17,520,536 Mounted Police Force of iv 471-4 Mines and Mi nerals of iii ,^97, 402, 435, 434- 5-6-7,-l64 Oran^eism in vi 321 •Officials of ii 433-4,515 vi 314,321 Physical Geography of v 61-4-5 vi 5i-)-i5 Productions of v 65-6 Presbyterianism in iv 164 Roman Catholic Church in ii 5f'4-9 53^,515 iv 164 Riel Rebellion in -i 65 iv 474-S,;'i3-4-5 ■Stock Raising in v 62-3 Soil of v 63-5 Timber Resources ami Iiitncsls of V 51 1-12-14-16-18 Wheat Production of v 29,30-1,66 Nova Scotia, Province of ; Agricultural Conditions in v 41-2-4-5,86 Agricultural Products of v 46-7,87 Animals Pertaining to v 379 So- 1-2-3 Art and Artists in iv 356-7-9 Acadian Period in i 77,85 Birds Pertaining to v 376-7-.S-g Baptists in iii 487-8-9-9(1-1 -2 iv 163 Banking History of i 469- 70-4-5, 4,S(-3- 4-6.516,522 Climatic Conditions of v 44-5 vi 507 ■Oongri;raphy of v vi Progress of v Pioneer Conditions in v Preshyterianism in iv Rebellion of 1837 in iii Religion in v Roman Catholic Church in ii iv Railways in ii Steam Navigation in iii Transportation Development of . v Timber Resources and Interests of V Trade Pioneers in i War of 1812 and i Orange Order, Loyal : Howell, Sir Mackenzie, and vi Canadian Organization of vi Grand Lodge of Qntario East in. vi Grand Lodge of New Brunswick in vi Grand Officers cl vi Irish Origin of vi Manitoban Historv and Progress of vi Progress of vi Objects of vi Ornithology, Canadian : Hritish Columbia Division of . . . . v Classification Systems and v Ducks and v Eagles and v Habits of Birds in v Miscellaneous Orders of v Manitoba Division of v Maritime Provinces Division of., v Owls and v Ontario Division of v Pigeons and v Quebec Division of v Study of V Writers upon v Ottawa, City of ; History of v Location and Origin of v Mayors of v Progress of v Statistics of v 96 .•57l--l..'<9"-t-5-6- 7,4')l-2,430-I-2- .V.S,-l37-H-q,454- 5-6-7-H-9-60- 1-2-3 414-15 272,280 4.SK,46l 249,255,281-5-6, 247-!^-9..V'o-8,3>7 1 8- 19-20 316-17 18-19-20 432-3-'l,5i4-i5 106,295-6 3'^2, 3>3->7 'S-'9 20,457 34 34-5 511-12 35 19 20-I-2-3-4-5-6, 90 32-4-5.41-2-3-4-5, 72-8,S3,i63 i9.36,5.S-<),69,73, 80,94, ia.-4 23 4r, 151-2,4(^6, 5.^--5-S.5'4-i5. 97!^' 32-6, 1 52 3004 37 511-12-13-14-16- 18 432-6-7-8,440-5, 451 158,171-5,180 226 267-S 316-17 3>S 268,317-18-19- 20-1 266-7 318.19 268. 2'0 269 3S4.5.6-7 .\Si-9 3.S3-4.3'^2-3,37S, 3«5-7 355-6,363,378,3^^6 352 352-3-4-5-6-7. 361 2-3-4 387-8 376-7-8-9 .\s6,36i-3,37S, 3S6-7 352-3-4-5-6-7-8, 361-2 355. .■^63,385 359.36<>i-2-3-4-5 35 1 -2-9-60-1 359-60-1-5 251-2-3 249-50-1 295 253-4 293 TOI'ICAI. INDEX. Vohiine Pny* Parli'imentary Conimittees : B iiikiiij; and Currency, 1841.... i 468-9 Bmkin},' and Currency, 1H69 i 474-5-6-7-8 Causes of tlie Kel)ellion of 1837.. ii 73,85 I'-inancial Depression, 1.S76 i 290-1,302-5-6-78 Hudson's Bay Navigation,, 1S84. iii 343-4 Hudson's Hay Company, (Im- perial), 1S57 ii 22,47-8-9 Inler-Provineial Trade, 1883 1 334,325-6 Inte'-I'rovincial Trade, 1877... i 334 Inter-Colonial Trade, 1855 i 328-9,317,314 Insolvency Laws, 7S68 vi 355 Manufacturing Interests, 1S74. . i 395-6-7 Methodist Loyalty, 182S ii 298 Parliamentary Resolutions : Anglin, Hon. T. W i 304 liecliard, I'rancois ii 204 Blake, Hon. Edward ii 198,204 Burpee, Hon. Isaac i 304 Cartier, vSir G. R ii 197-8 Cartwright, Sir R. J i 386-7 ii 199,204 Davies, Sir L. II i 3b'; De Cosmos, Hon. A.... ii 201-2 Dorion, Sir A. A ii 197-8 Fisher, Hon. S. A vi 309 Foster, Hon. G. H i 386 vi 309-10 Gait, Sir A. T i 385 Huntington, Hon. L. S i 302,385 ii 175-6 Irving, AemHius i 302 Kirkpatiick, vSir G. A ii 201 Laurier, Sir W i 304 Mf.cdonald, Sir J. A i 302-3,385 Mackenzie, H( n. .■V i 303 ii 199,203-4 McCarthy, D' Alton i 388 McDouKall, Hon. W ii 53-4 Merrill, Hon. W. H i 345 Jljrris, Hon. Wdliam iii 157 Ncrtjuay, Hon. Ji-im ii 209-10 Oliver, T' nias i 301 Orton, G T i 303 Plumb, Hon. J. Ii ii 201-2 Ross, Hon. G. W ii 202 vi 308 Schultz, Sir J. C vi 308 Tilley, Sir S. L i 517 Tupper, Sir Charles ii 201-2-3-4 Wood, Hon. E. B ii 199 Patents : Canadian Inventions and vi 368-9 Lfj'i.slation Regarding vi 365 Legal Decisions Regarding vi 367-8 Origin of vi 364 OHie? for .Vdniinislralion of vi 367 Regulations Concerning vi 365-6 Statistics of vi 367 J'ostal Service : Description of vi 517 External Countries and vi 523-4 History of . vi 519-20-1-2 Imperial Penny Postage and vi 526 Regulations of vi 524-25 Tran.sactions of vi 524 Presbyterianisn), Canadian : Burgher and Anti-Burgher Sections of iv 31,99 British Columbia Mission Work for iv 46 Church of Scotland and iv 20-1-2, 33-4-5, 4^- 6.58, 73-4-5-6-7-8- 9.S3-5-6-7.909. 103 Clergy Reserves and iv 34,75 Canada Presbyterian Church and iv 36,45,58,70,85-6- 7.91-9 97 II' CANADA: AN «NCVCI,OPiBDIA OF THE COUNTRV. Volume I'nRe Doctrines of iv i9-2(>.v-t-5-6,63- 6-7-8-9,7o-i Early Conditions of . . iv 7J-3 Educational Work of iv 3^', 47,•4-5-6,6I,75- <',9c)-5-7•9 First Presbytery Meeting; of iv 30-1,99 Free Church Synod of Nova Scotia and iv 2''), 34,40,79,80,9^ Free Church Secession and iv :'.3-4, 33-4-5, 44. 77-8-9; 99 French Evangelization Work for iv 47-8, 56-7-8-9, 60- 1-2,99 Glasgow Colonial Society anil. . . iv 33-4,88,99, 103 General Union of 1S75 and iv 37,60,85-6-7, 100 History of iv 29,37-8,48,98-9, 100 Huguenots in Canada and iv 29,30,53-4-5-6,93 Indian Mission Work of iv 48,51-2 Macdonnell Ecclesiastical Trial and iv ioo-i-2 Manitoba Mission Work of. ... iv 45-6, 50-1-2, 83-4- 5,97 Missionary Work of iv 35-6, 40-5-6, 94-5- 7-9-100 Pan-Presbyterian Council and. . . iv 97-8, 100 Pioneers of iv 29-30-2-8-9-40-1- 2-3-4-5-9 Polity of iv 21-2-3-4-5-6, 63-4- . 5-6 Progress of iv 94-5 Presbyterian Church of Caii.-ida (Free Church) and iv 22-3, 34-5-6, 44-7, 80-2,96,103 Presbyterian Church of Lower Provinces and iv 26,35,40,79,80-3- 6-7,99,103 Presbyterian Church of the Mariliine Provinces and iv 35,85-6-7, loo Presbyterian Church of Nova Scotia and iv 7'^,3i-5-9,4o,;9,, 80,99 Presbyterian Church of New Brunswick and iv 34-5,99 Presbytery of Stamford and iv 35,44,99 Red River Settlement and iv 45-9-50,99 Statistics of iv 32-5-6-7, 46-7-S, 61,71,87,94-5,161- 2-3-4 Training of Ministers for iv 35 United Secession Cluircli .ind. . . iv 234-5,44.103 United Presl)yterian Church and iv 25-6,35-0,47,80-2 Union of Synods in v 25-6,31-2-4-5-67, 40-3,901 Works ■ 'f Reference upon iv 102-3 Yukon Mission Work of iv 46 Prince Kilward Island : Agricultural Conditions ill v 41-2-4-6,87-8 Agricultural Products of v 46-7 Baiitists in iv 164 Climatic Conditions of v 45 vi 5<'7 Constitutional History of v 431-4 Church of England in ii 356-7-8,416,428, 433 iv 164 Elections Held in v 469 Educational Development in ... . ii 472-3 iii 235-6,278 Fisheries of v 527-8 Inter-Provincial Trade of i 331-3-4 Indians of i 270-1 Judicial System lof v 406 ^ive Stock in v 72-3-4-7-8 Labour Laws in vi 26 1 Laws of vi 406,410 Legislative Council of v 448 Masonry in vi 280 Methodist Church in ii 2^9,271,2)7 iv 164 9S NTHY. iige •4-5-6,63- 70-1 -5-6,61,75- 7-9 40, 79.*^'. 99 ,-4-5,44, 99 b-7-8-9, 60- !,99. '"J i5-6-7,K)o i,4«,9«-9. 53-4-5-6,9^ io-l-2, 83-4- to-5-6, 94-5- 00 2-8-9-40-1- 5-9 ■4-5-6, 63-4- 34-5-6 j6,io3 44-7 ,4i-',79 9, '"3 8o-3- ;-6-7,iO() ;-5-9.4^^;9. 99 1,99 50,99 ■6-7,46-7-"', ,87,94-5,161- •5,44. '"3 35-",47.^''-2 31-2-4-5-^' 7. ,90-1 -4-6,87.8 .7-8,416,428, •3 ■6,278 -8 -3-4 I 3-4-7-» ,410 ) »,27«.2)7 TOPICAI, INDKX. Volume Page Orangeistn in vi 320 Officials of ii 514 vi 3"2.3 '4,320,458 Presbyterianisni in iv 35,164 Reciprocity ami v 431-3 Roman Calholic Church in ii 469-70-1-2-3 iv 164 Steam Navigation in iii 310-312 Steau; Sea-goiiifj Tonnage of. .. . iii 346 Timber Resources and Interests of V 511-14-16 Tariff in 1861 of i 332 rrohibition and Temperance : Constitutional Discussions Re- garding vi Dunkin Act and vi Kiirly License Systems and vi Foster, Mr. G. E., and vi of Commons and vi Laurier, vSir W., and vi McCartliy Act and vi Provincial Legislation Regarding, vi Plebiscites upon vi Reports of Royal Commission upon vi Ross, Mr. G. W., and vi Statistics and vi Scott Act and vi Quebec Act, The : Address to King George Regard- ing Burke, Edmund, and Complaints against Debate in Commons upon Effect of Hey, Chief Justice, and Investigation by Conmions of. . . Maryott's Report upon Mansfield's Judgment upon Masseres, Baron, and Modification of Proposed Origin of Provisions of Referred to v Repeal of Proposed Treaties Affecting Thurlow's Report upon Wedderburn's Report upon <2uebec, City of : History of v Improvements in v Mayors of v Statistics of v Quebec, Province of : Area of vi Agricultural Conditions in i V Animals Pertaining to v Art and Artists in iv American Revolution and i ii Benefits following Cession of . . . i Birds Pertaining to v Baptists in iii iv Banking History of , British Legislation and. Ill v VI Church Influence upon vi 359-60I 359 35«-9 309-10 307-8-9,360-2 363 308-9, 360- 1 359-60-2 312,363 310-11-12 30S 311-12 360-1 129 127 '36-7 127 125 1 2 1-2 4-5 126 131 135 1 2 1 -4-5-6-8 126 1 20- 1 -3 123-4 396,447,454.473 124 13 1 -2-3.4 130 '30 241-2-3-4-5 246-7-8 296 298 27 148 48-9,50-1-2,89,90 3S0-1-2-3 .^53-9,373-7,399. 41)1-2-3-6-7-8-9 92-3-8, 102 516-18 i,St>-4 361-2-3-4-5 4«H-9,492-3 163 452-4. 461-4,470-2 4-5, 480-2-4-6-7-8, 493-4,505-6,516- 17-19.520-2-3 120,147 137-S 396,447.8,454-5, 473 24-,s,94,i96 27-8-9,3f,i9S-9, 200-1-2-3-4-5-6 99 ! I CANADA : AN BNCYCLOPi^niA OF THK COlt,\T.«V. Volume I'sge Climate of v 52 vi 5<>6-7 Classes in i 72-3, M.'-g Churcli of Hitglaiid in ii 3,^6, i,si, 415,4 J7r '423-4. 4W-4 Coiij^>rcj;ationiilisin in it' 4r)9-7r-i-2-5-9 Cusloins of the reoplr of i 151-2-3 Kducatiotml Develop! aeut in. .. . i 151 iii i8-<,2ii, 249-50-5, 2ft9. 492-3 iv i.Si,Hj5i4-i5 iii 366 v 106, 296 vi 3'3-iS-i6,32o,457 Orangeism in vi 320 Political History of v 407 vi 24,31,196,212, 296,30a Political Progress in vi 26 Productions of vi 27 Physical Geography of vi 5 1 1 - 1 2 Presbyterianism in iv 29,30-2,41-7-8, 53,. 62,163 Place Names of i 195-68,203 Rebellion of 1837 in iii 37,54, 73-9, 108 no Roman Catholic Church in ii 4^S,503,5i4,53a- 7-8,543-6-7>552 iv 163 St. Jean Baptiste Association of., vi 315-16 Seigneurial Tenure in iii 1 19, 135 100 .NT.«V. ige i3-4 I-2-S-9 I, 249-5o-5i. .,241-9.2-5 VV'i -5,311- • 20,147-8, .64-5-6-7 S, 207-8 >33-4.49tT 131 -•' 72-3 J20 3g-I0-l1-l8, 262,270 1-7, -7.S-9, 8o-3- 6-7-H 7 1 52-3-4, 165, 6,i93.a24- .5-7-8 116-7.165-7* f3-4-7 1-2-3.4 308-9 ?o. 397-8,401 6. 432-3-7-8- 57-8-9,460-1 514-15 I 16,320, 457 )6 196,212, 2.41-7-8, 53^ 5 3,203 73-9, 108 53.514,532- 3-6-7,552 S5 TOl'ICAI. INDl'.X. VoliMllP PflK' Rtennt NnviRntion in iii 29.S-9,3oo Ship-lmildiiin ill iii 315-18 Steiiiii Seii-j;oiiiK Tonimjjf of. . . . iii 346 SoviTei^fii Coutiiil in i 7" TiinlKT Rf soiuTf.s iiiiil Iiitfifs.ts. v 51 i-i3-i4-i5-'6- IS Trade I'ioneers in i 432-5-7-8,44o-4, 4,S'>-i Viclorin Hri(lK<-' nnd ii !32.6 War of i8ia and i 16 •2-7-8-9,179, 181-3-5-9 ii 521-2-3 Rii Iwavs, Canadian : ^ccid 'Mt.s itpoii ii 231,243 Pusii-Bsof ii 231 Capitilof ii 235 Cost if ii 237 Dejia tnu'iitnl OoviTiiiiient of . . . ii 230 V'inaiical Methods of ii 232-3-4 Sovernmettt Sulisidii-s to ii 235-S-9-40 Horn's and ii 237 Iii(U')tediiess for ii 238-g Mis.ellatieons ii 230-2-3-4 Mi'i'Sfje of ' ii 226 Opi-MiiiiK of , ii 232-3-4 PiDj^ress (if. ii 237 rioMfff Dcvdopi 'iMit of ii 225-6 I'rivv Couiuil .\riliorily Over. . . ii 226-7-8-9-30,?4I Royal Coiniiiissi'in on ii 24^ Rales' Coniiniss'on and ii 243 Sunday TrafTic ind ii 243 Railways, Mi^ct'llaneous : Hmokvilie and Ottawa (Canada Central) ii 148, 159, 161,23* linffalo and l,ake Huron . ii 126-9, 149,233 Cliaiiii)lain and St. Lawrence ... ii 104-5-6 Canada Southern .*.. ii 121,147-8,150, I 231-7 Credit Valley 1... ii 149,161,231 Calvary and I'Mnionton. ...... ii 161,237 Crow's Nest I'ass Line '. ii 217-18 Canada Atl intic ;i 231-7 Poniinic \ Atlantic ii 231-7 Hainillc,. ai.d Xortli-We^iern. . . i' 142-5 Montreal and .Xtlantic ii 2^1-7 Midland li 110,147-8,150-1-2 Manitoba and Nortli-We stern. . . ii 2317 North Shore ii Northern Pacific ii ?io-it-:4,22I, 23.6-7 New Brnnswiok Line ii 162 233 Nova Scotia Line ii 23< -3 Ontario, Simcoe and Huron i 14,), 150 Prescott and Ottawa ii 147-8, 232 Quebec Central ii 231 Red River Valley ii 2 10- 11 St. Lawrence and Atlantic ii 102-4-5-6, 115- 1& 19-20-6,234 St. Paul and Manitoba ii 215 Wellington, Grey and Bruce. . .. ii 149,233 Railway, Grand Trunk, (See Grand Trunk Railway) Railway, Canadian Pacific, (See Canadian Pacific Railway) Railway, Intercolonial, (See Intercolonial Railway) Rebellion of 1S37-8 in Lower Canada, The : Administration of Lord Durham and iii 43,99, 100 A-7 , iii 42 Racial Condition* of iii 47-8-9,50-1-2-3-4, 73-4-.5 Treatment of Reliel Prisoners and iii 44, 109-10 Works of Reference upon iv 491 Rebellion of 1837 in U])per Ciiiiada, The : Adnniiistrators Prior to iii 20-1-2-3-4-5-6-7, 80-1-2-3-4,96-7 Administration of Sir J. Colborne ami iii 28-9,801,97-8 Administration of Sir K. Bond Head and iii 29,30-3-4,55-6-7- 9-6.'), 1-2-3-4-5-8, 72, 81-2-3-4-6-7-8- 9,90-1-2-3-4-7, 101-3-7-8,115 Atpericau Agressions and iii 60- 1-2-3-4-5-6 Armed Action in iii 31-5.59.611.84-5-6- 7 '^-9. V'-'- 2-3 -4 British Politicians and iii 29,78,9-4-5-6,110- 11-12-13 Conditions Precetding iii 20-1-2-3-4-5-6-7, 79, ,S,.- 1, 94-5 Executive Council and iii 21-2,30-3,81-2 Gourlay's Career and iii 25-6, i(x)-i-2 Grievances Alleged for iii 22-3-4-5-6-7, 55-6- 7-,S, 101 Iniperial Government's PositionJ Towards iii 29, 30-3-6,55-6-7- 8, 79,, So- 1 Ivoynli.sts part in defeating iii 19,20-3 Loyalty of Maritime Provinces., iii 66-7-8-9 Mackenzie's Navy Island Pro- clamation and iii 69,70-1 Mackenzie's Influence upon iii 26-7,33-4,55-6-7- 8,102,3 Position of Lieutenant-Governor during iii 26-7-9, 3"-5,55-6-7 Reform Party and iii 22-6,55-6 Republicanism and iii 2236-9,30-3-5, 69,70-1-2,85 Rebel Proclamations and iii 72 Responsible Government and. . . iii 28,3^ Radical Party Kvolution during, iii 26,30-3,80-1 Reformers' Declaration of P.ights and iii 33,55-6-7-8-9,85 Sedition Develops toward iii 3;, 52-6-7-8, 76,80- I Tory Party Organization and ... . iii 22-3-6,73-4-5-6-7 8-9,80-1-2-3-4-5 United Slates Policy and iii 59,60-1-2-3-4-5-6 Works of Reference upon i v 491 Rebellon of 1869-1870 : Dominion Government's Position and i V 4S4-5 Indians and iv 483 Macdougall's entry as Gover- nor Opposed i v 440, 492 Mission of Donald A. Smith iv 4.;2, 484-5-6-7 Murder of Tlinmas Scott ' v 442,485-6.; Origin of the Trouble iv 436-9,503 Policy of Louis Riel iv 440-1 Progress of the Rebellion iv 441 Riel's Chan .ter and Career iv 445,455 Riel's Proclamations iv .t.Si-2-3 Reference Works upon iv 491-4 loa OINTRV. I'n«» (1,11)8 1" 2-,1, loH.g 2, loy (,.7-8.9 •-s,67 I .6.7 9,50-1-2.3..), 5 19-10 2-3-4-5-6-7. 2-3-4,96-7 .S<,-.,97-8 '>-3-4.55-6-7- ,i-2-.V4-5-8, < I -2-3 -4-6-7-8- 2-3-4-7. 3-7-«.'>5 2-3-4-5-6 ,59.6". H4-S-6- j.i/i-l-2-3-4 ■''.9-4-5-6, 110- 2-'3 -2-3-4-5-6-7, 0-1,94-5 ,30-3,81-2 ., l(X)-l-2 -» -5-6-7, 55-6 10 1 10-3-6.55-6-7- j,,So-i !o-3 ^8-9 lo-i '.33-4.55-6-7- >2,3 '■9. 3'>5,55-6-7 '.55-6 16-9,30-3.5, ro-i-2,85 \\ SO-3,.So-i i5-6-7-.8-9,H5 52-6-7-8,76,80- !-6, 73-4-5-6-7 .So- 1-2-3-4-5 io- 1 -2-3-4.5-6 i<92 >4«4-5-6-7 .4«v6-7 ■9.503 ■I 1 455 •2-3 ■4 ^'^pB TOPICAL INDBX. Volume Page Dr. Schultz Opposes Riel iv 441-2,499,500 Wolseley Iiurd utul iv 443,456..s,479. „ , „• , cc 480-1; 494. 5"3.536 Rebellion of 1.S85 : Alberta I'ield l-'orce iv 529-530-1 Bailie of l-'ish Creek iv 523-4;5i5-i6 Itttlllc of Ilatoche iv 525-6-7,48.8,516- 17 Battle of Cut Knife Hill iv 52.S-9 I'innl Military MovetueiiU ill. . . iv 532-3 Half-breeds and iv 475-6-8,519 History of iv 5<>4 5.S '9.536 Indians' Connection with iv 477-8,519 Mi'ldlcton, Sir Kred, a.s Coni- inander in iv 458-9,460-1-2-3, 519..S,U Origin and Canses of iv 474-5,502-3-4 Reference WorkH upon iv 4;y ResiTves and iii 164-5 Doclriiies of . ii 465, 4/5, (Sy .^•Mucation iiiul ii 463.4; j 3,40-91 5o"i-6,5ri-i3, 529, 532-3-4-6-CS-9-40 Kcclesiastical Councils :!nil ii 5S2 German Iinnii^iauts ami '' 460 Indians and ii 443, 4=; 1,467-8-9, 4S«,4yi-2-3.5"4-5- 9-10 lustitutiuiis of ii /63, 472-3, 495-6-7, 5(X)-i-2-6. 511-13, 533-7-''<,54-'<-9-5"-" Irish Iniin'ijraiits and ii 461-6 In Trencii Cmada ii 443,451, 4S-, 497, 514-15-16-17, 523- 4.57 In Ontario ii 452,466,514,532- 3-4-5-«,54" In Maritime Provinces ii 46;, 473,514-15, 5.Vi-6-7-S In Quebec ii 4^8,503,5 14- 1 5- 16-17-18,523-5-6- 7-«-9-3"-i-7-«. 543-4-5-6-7 «-9- 50-1 la Manitoba and tlic North- West ii 5(4, 510-14, 53S-9- 40 In British Columbia ii 5ii'-ii-i2-i3-i4- 15,53^ Jesuits and ii 443,451-9,468-9, 491-2,504-5,516- 17,52!^ Loyalty of ii 498-9,5fx),5i7-iS, 52 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 Missionary Work of ii 504-5-6-7-S-9-10- II " Mandements " of ii 5i7-i,S,52i-2--^-5- 6-7-S Numbers of ii 455-6.41)3,471, 501,538.551 Origin of ii 443,45-2,467, 488,491-2-3-4-5 Pioneer Conditions of li 443-4-5-6-7-8-9- 5o-9,48S,5u6-7 Pioneers of ii 443-4-5-7-8, 456-7- 8-9,4t,7-S-9 4,S8, 491-2,504-5-0,510- 11-12 Priest's Position i'l ii 463-4 Press ami ii 543-4-5-6 of ii 461-3,471-2-3,501, 511-13,528,53,^, 551 iii i,'",9-6o State and ii 54 1 -2-3 Statistics of iv 161-4 Scotch Inunigraiits ami ii 457-8,470 Works of Reterence on ii 551-2 Wealth and Projvjrty of ii 548-9 Hoyal Colonial Inslitutf ; I'inances of vi 40 Origin of vi 3S-9 Objects of vi 38,.to Officials of vi 38-9-40 Royal Society of Canada : Character of v 213-14,219 Early Meiiil)ersliip of v 212-13 Founders of v 212 Objects of V 212-19 Present Membershi]) of v 214-15-16 Referred to i 26, (2 ii 95 Transactions of v 21617-13 Seigneurial Tenure in Lower Canada : Agitation against iii 1 34-5 104 w TOPICAI, INUKX. Volume PaRC Conditions under iii 126-7-8,131-2 Legislative Proposals for Aboli- tion of iii 1 24 5-6 Nature of Tenure under iii 1 29, 130-1 (Irigiu of iii 119, ijo-i-a-j Referred to v 396 Seigneurs of New France iii 121-2-7-8 Settlement of iii 126,135 Selkirk Settlement : Boundaries of ii 44-5 Claims of ii 21-2 Kinigralion to ii 45 History of ii .14-5.59 iv 436 V 27.S-9 Organization of iii 233 Presbyterians in i v 45-9 Referred to i 263 ii 26,244,363-4,22 Struggles of ii 45,59 Sale of ii 22,45-7,59 Society for the Pi uigatioti of the : Gospel, (S. P. G.j Referred to ii 33 1-2, 340-2-7-8-9, 353-4-6,364-6-7. 385-6-7-8,4^6-7-9 434-5-6-7-9 iii 141,212, 225, 160, 213,504 iv 43-193.262-7-8, Society for the Propng.ition of Christian Knowledge, (S. P. C. K. ) : Referri-d to ii 354,366,388,426 iv 193,267-8 Society, Church Missionary, (C. M, S. I : Referred to ii 361-2-3-4-6-7,426 7-8 IV 51 South Africa : Canadian Contingents and vi 30,292-3-4 Ottawa Conference of 1S94 and. . vi 74-5-6-7-8-9 Steam Navigation and Stoaniship I, i lies : Australasiaii'Liiie ii 29,164 iii 361 Allan Line ii 195 iii 308,350-1-2-6 China and Japan Line ii 29,1634,211-16 iii 308,360-1 Canadian Pacific Lake Line ii 163-4 Cunard Line iii ,^08,340,352-3-4 Dominion Line iii 298,354-5-6 Early Statistics of Canadian Vessels iii 318-19 First Atlantic Steamer iii 308,340,1 Halifax Dock iii 309 Lake Ontario Coasting Traffic. . . iii 304 Niagara Navigation Company. . . iii 304 Ottawa Navigation Company. .. . iii 300-1-2 Pioneer Steamboats on the Pacific iii 307-8 Pioneer Steamboats on the Atlantic iii 30S-9-10-11 Pioneer Steamboats on the St. Lawrence iii 298-0,322,357-8 Pioneer Steamboats m the Ottawa iii 301 Pioneer Steamboats on Lake Ontario iii 302-3,323 Pioneer Steamboats in Manitoba iii 304-7 Pioneer Conditions of Navigation iii 319-20-1-2-3 Prince Edward Island Winter Ferry iii 311-12 105 ii-'i CANADA : AN BNCYCI,OPiEDIA OF THE COUNTRY. il i ;, Volume Page Referred to i .^99,409. 437. 4 13 8-9 ii 189 Richelieu Line iii 3ue Bn(lj»ley, Rev. C. H Iv 1S7, 3(4-15 Hiiilglty, IIoM. William vi 271,375 Bagot, Sir Charles i 193 Hi loS, 171,265 iv I7« V 161,399,400 vl 132-4, 17^,208,307 Bailey, Prof. Lr. W v I3(),2i3-i5 Buillari;ec)ti, Archbishop C. K ii 5<'i-2,5i4,52H-9, Baker, E. Crow vi 52 Baker, Hon. James iii 366 Baldwin, Bishop Manrice S ii 349,4i"-ii-'3.433 iv 222 Baklwiii, Hon. Robert; Appointed to ICxecutive Council, iii 30,81,107 [ Advocates Non-Sectarian Educa- tion iii 171 Administration formed l)y v 399 Bio({rapliy of iii 107-8 Carries Governor's Mes^^ne to Rebels iii 87,107 Educational Policy of iv 171,206 Joins Draper Administration ... v 398 Leads Upper Canada Refonurrs. vi 207 Moderate Views of v 397 Polit'cal Career and Policy jf. . . vi 208,214 Portrait of " iii 31 Referred to i ■'79 iii 1 70 iv 219,501 V 226,2^7,398 vi 174-6,215 Responsible Government and.. . iii 28 Retirement of ii 116 v 203 Baldwin, Dr. William Warren iii 28,107,170 V 2.S7 Balfour, Rt. Hon. A. J vi 71 Baltimore, Lord iii 119 vi 4f>-i,A7A-5 Bannatyne, Hon. A. G. 15 iv 442 vi 324 Bannerman, Sir Alexander vi 302,497 Barbour, Dr. W. M iii 471-S Barkl y. Sir Henry vi 40 Barr, Robert v 1 25, 132 Baring, Thomas ii ill Barrington, Pishop .Sliuu iv 262 Barthe, Georges Isidore v 225 Barthe, Joseph Guilliiume v 142-5,225 Barton, Hon. Edmund vi 74 Bathurst, Earl : Colonial Church and ii 357,381 Clergy Reserves Policy ol iii 138, 145-6-7, 156-7 Educational Policy of iii 204 iv 191,272 Portrait of iii 156 Referred to i 99, 199 ii 455 vi 152 Roman Catholic Church and ii 51 7,524 Bayne, Dr. John iv 103,213,221 V 124 Beaconsfield, Lord iii iii vi 193 Beaty, James v 189 Beaubien, Hon. Lewis iv 409 V 50, 106 Beaudry, Hon. J. L i 355,451 ii 181,186 V 296 Beaugrand, Honore v 145,225,296 Beaven, Hon. Robert v 297,403 Beche, Sir Henry de la iii 464 "4 Hiniic niachf Black, niais TT INDBX TO I,BADINO MVN. Volume Pagt Bedard, Hon. Pierre v 139,186,225 vi 307 Reecher, Henry Ward iv 69 Beers, Dr. W. Georj^e vi 52 BcK'>ie. Sir M. B vi 176,436-7,440 Bi^iii, Arclibishoj) I,. N ii 5"3i5'4. 53». 544* 7-8 V 213-14 vi 205 Beiqiie, 1'. I^ vi 1 44 Belcher, Hon. Jutiutliitii v 416,446 vi 286,399,457 Bell, Sir P. Dill. )ii vi 155 Bell, General h r Guorj^e vi 38 Bell, Dr. Rolnsri iii 342-3,466 v 129,213-15-17,392 B.'lleau, Sir N. F v 106,296,399,406 vi 176,210,313 Belleniare, Riiphnel v 1.(2-3,224 Itell-Sinith, !•■. M iv 361-4,401 ItenK()U).;li, George v 129 llenKouKli, J. W ,.. v 235 lleiniett, Hon. C. F vi 497 lU-nniU, Dr. John iii 2^1 Ben jiiniin, George v 190,229 vi 223-4-5,268,315 Berczy, Willinin V. M iv 355 lU-niiird, Lt. -Col. Hewitt vi 177,324 IkTiianl, Prof. P.Iontague vi 119 Hernier, Hon. T. A iii 23^,279 Herrv, Sir Graham vi 155 Itcrthiaume, Hon. T v 225 licrthon, George Theodore ; Artistic Talents of iv 351,404 I'ortniits hy iv 351 Portrait of iv 351 Referred to iv 352,360-8 Besant, Sir Walter i 112 Bethune, Bisho]) .\. >J ii 331-3,434-9 iv i9i-2-3-.( V 124,130 Bethune, Dr. C. J. S iv 315 y ',10,215,366-9,370 Bethune, Dr. John li 329,340 iv 3.^2-3 vi 242 Bibaud, F. M. U. M v 119 Bibaud, :\Iichel v 119,140-1 Bidder, Samuel P ii 107 Bioii Imperial P-eference Tariff vi 69 West 'lurhain Address of iSSj.. i 31 j West Durham Address of 1.S91 . . i 3'S9,^90,4io Wycliffe Collef;e and iv 222-4-5 niake. Sir Henry A vi 49 Ulake, Hon. S. H iv 222-4-5 V 2S7 Ulake, Hon. William Hunii; v 2H7 vi 457 nianc, Louis vi 1 97 Blanchet, Hon. J. G ii 176,180 vi 197,207 BlaiKibard, Richard v 270 vi 4.VVI-5 Blewett, Mrs. Jenn v 175 lilowcrs, Hon. S. H iv 265-6-7 vi 4,S7 Blue, Archibald iii 366 394,415 V 5"9 BIyth, Sir Arthur vi 155 BtKiy, Rev. C. W. H ii 411 iv 199 Boinpas, Bishop W. C ii .V'4,375,428,430- 3-4 Bond, Hon. Robert vi 497-8-9 Bond, Bishop William B ii 351,433 iv 222 Bond Head, Sir Francis : Administration of iii 29,30-1-2-3-4,81- 2-3-4-5-97, '"3. 107 IV 320-6 Attacked by Mackenzie iii 85 Biography of iii 96-7 Congratulated by New Brunswick Legislature iii 68-9 Despatches to British Minister at Washington iii 59,60-1-3-4 Defended by Select Committee of Assembly iii 81-2-3-4-5 Indian Treaty of i 276-9 Monetary Policy of 1 466-7 Portrait of i 466 Referred to ii 459 iii 71,86-7-8-9,115-16 151 iv 491 vi 302 Reformers Attack upon iii 55-6-7 Relations of, with Gourlay iii loi-2 Relations of, with Bidwell iii 103 Writes Narrative of the Rebel- lion iii 90-1-2-3 ' Booker, Lieut. -Col iv 425-6,431-2,455-4 Booth, Rev. William iv 112-14 Borden, Hon. F. W ii 204 iv 506 vi 237 Boscawen, Admiral v 261 Boswell, A. R v 291-6 Boucher de la Bruere, Hon. P iii 200,211,268-9 116 INOKZ TOLSAUIMO MKN. Vol urn* Pa>t nonchette, Jogfph v 140,152-5-71*85 lloiilton, Lieut. -Col, Hon. C. A iv 463,.i9i), 5i4-«5-I7 522-5-6 V 5,Viai lluiilton, (). D'Arcy v 2M7-.S,2i>5 vi .•^ 1 7- 1 9, 268 lloiilton, Hon. Honry J i 4S5,4''.V493 Iluulton, Hon. W. H. iv 351,360 V 295 vi 268 Uuurxeois, Marguerite ii 494 iii 2iK),a57 iv 3.S4 V 125 Honrgct, Archbishop Ignace : nioKraj)hy of , . . ii 527-8 lUiiliU a K'ri-at Cathedral vi 30 (tuibord Case aiul ii 543 vi S(xj Jcsuita and iv 31a Laval University and iv 241 Portrait of ii 520 Referred to i 4-2 ii 5 '4. 530. 550-1 Iv 333.373 Bourassa, Napoleon : HioKruphy of iv 407-8 Church Decorations of iv 359,408 Literary Work of iv 40S V 126,145 Portrait of iv 354 Referred to iv 359,407 V 213-15 Sculpture work of iv 373-4 Dourinot, Sir J. G : Article l)y v 212-19 Canal Re]>ort of iii 326-7-8-9,330-l-a Journalistic Work of v 223 Literary Work of v 121-2-4-5,131 Letter to Lord Aberdeen iii 341 Portrait of v 214 Referred to i 25 iii 116,274 V 167 vi 176-7,247 Royal Society of Canada and v 212-13 Bovell, Dr. James iv 193-4, 19S V 132 Bovey, Prpf. H. T v 130,215-17 Bowell, Sir Mackenzie : Australia Visited by vi 74 Biojjraphy of vi 223-7 Cabinet Positions of vi 220-5-6 Character of vi 226-7 Karly Life of vi 223-4 Enters Political J,ife vi 224-5 Journalistic Work of v 190-230 vi 223-4 Ministry of vi 226 Moderate Protestant Views of .. . vi 225 Orange Order and vi 226,270,317 Portrait of vi 225 Prohibition and vi 308 Presides over Inter-Colonial Conference vi 75 Referred to i 44 iv 407 vi 176,191, 212, 233, 356 Reciprocity Negotiations of i 376,392-4 vi 250 Remedial Order and v 406 Serves in the Militia vi 226 Supports Pacific Cable Project. . . vi 77 Unveils Statues of Sir J. Macdunald i 408-9,410 vi 268,499 117 ii)( If; I I CANADA : AN ENCYCI/JP BDIA OF THE COUNTRY. Volume I'age Bowen, Hon. Edward iv 2.^7 Boyd, Hon. Sir John Iv 201 V 122 vi 6(1314,449,457 Brabourne, Lord vi 154 Brackenbury, Gen. Sir Henry iv 456 Braddon, Sir Edward N. C vi 159, 166 Braniston, Sir John vi i5t.4'^3 Brassey, Thomas ii 131-6 Brassey, Lord ii 137 vi 40 Brebeuf, Jean de ii 443-4-5-7-8,492 iv 55 V 249, 295 Brewster, Sir David iv 279 Brcynton, Dr. John ii 261,352-3-6 Briand, Bisliop J. O ii 497-8,5 14-17-18, 524 Brierley, J. S v 230 Bright, Rt. Hon. John i 357-8 vi 15« Brigstocke, Dr. F. H. J ii 417-18-19,421 Broadhurst, Henry vi 42 Brock, Major-General Sir Isaac : Adiiiinislralion of iii 23 Biograpliy of i 181 Manifesto of i 178-9 MoiiuiiR'iit at Qneeiiston to i 185-5-7,255 Portrait of i 172 Referred to i 40 iii 104 iv 490 v 125 Speech to the Legislature by . . . . i 176-7 Tecuniseh's .\dniiration for i 251 Tribute From the I'lince R.egeul to i iSo Warofi8l2and i 159,160-1-2,183-7 190-1,213 V 245 Brock, Rev. Isaac iv 270 Broiulel, lUshop J. B ii 512-15 Broome, .Sir K. Napier vi 294 Brougham, Lord iii 37.43.57-8,85.99. 101,113,505 vi 348.3*^3 Brown, Hon. George : Advocates Representation by Population v 425 vi 216 Appearance of v 199 Constitution of the Senate and. . v 429,437-8 Character of v 196 Controversy with Dr. Ryerson of v 200 Clergy Reserves Policy of ^ 203-4 vi 215 Confederation Views and Policy of V 205,425-6 vi 199,218,230 Confederation Delegate at Lon- don and Quebec v 402 Death of v I9''i, 206 " Double ShufHe " and v 204 vi 217-18 Edits the " Globe " v 189,199,200-1,228 vi 215 French Canadians and vi 29 Founds the "Globe" v 199 Hudson's Bay Region and ii 54 Journalistic Work of v i99,2rjO-i,369 Knighthood Offered to v 205 vi 173 Opposes Separate Schools iii 185,254 vi 216 Personal force of v l9'-9,2ol Portrait of v 197 Protestant Opinions of v 202 vi 225 118 JNTRY. 'age 449.457 ;-7-H,492 2-3-6 i 14-17-18, ■ 19,421 7,255 0-1-2,183-7 2'3 57-8,85.99. 3.505 3 7-8 :5-6 H,2^o )9,2CX)-I, 22.S 30-1,369 54 201 INDKX TO I,BADINO MRN. Volume Page Political Career of v 202-3-4-5 vi 191,208-9,210-15- 16-17 Referred to i 42,200,359 iv 492 V 124,290,399 vi 191-2-3,230,240 Reciprocity Negotiations of i 342,359, 373, 381- 2-3-4 V 205 vi 101,180 Statue of iv 379 Brown, J. Gonlon v 228,189 Brown, Hon. James iii 227,230 Broun, Sir Richard ii 78,80,95-6 Brown, T Storrow ii 107 Bryce, Dr. George : Article l)y iii 235-9 Biography of iii 279 Educational Work of iv i4V4i343 Literary Work of v 238 Manitoba University and iv 256 Referred to iv 45 V 120 Bryce, Rt. Hon. James v 215 vi 111,151 Brydges, Charles J.: Biography of ii 128-9 Grand Trunk RaUway and ii 108-9,124-5-6-7 Great Western Railway and .... ii 138 Hudson '.s ]!ay Company and. .. . ii 64 Intercolonial' Railway and ii 86,147-8 Portrait of ii 109 Referred to i 355.480 ii 127,411 vi 324 Brydone-Jack, Dr. William iii 227 iv 279,280-1-2-4 Brymner, Dr. DougUi.j v 123,214,230 Pvuce, Sir Frederick W. A i 359,363 vi 180 3nichesi, Archbishop L.P.N ii 514,546-8 Buchanan, Hon. I.saac ; Biography of i 439 Commercial Uii'jii Advocated by vi 181-2 Referred to i 355, 440 ii 80 V 131 VI 324 Bucke, Dr. R. Maurice v 213 Buckingham and Chandos, Duke of i 44 ii 55 vi 3«-9, 153,312-13 Buckinghamshire, Hobart, Eurl <«i. vi 152 Buckingham, Will am v 124,230-1,189,190 Buller, Charles iii 1 10-1 1 Buller, General Sir Rt'dvers iv 456,503 Bulwer, Sir Henry I'". G vi .40 Bunting, C. W v 228,189 Burdett, Sir Francis ii 49 Burgoyne, General Sir John v 249 Burke, Edmund i 86-9,90-5,117,137, 141,127,139.140 Burke, Edmund ii 457-6,470,517 V 125 Burnham, J Hamndcn v 132 Burn, Bishop W. J ii 433 Burns, Dr. Robert ; Biography of iv 91-2 Portrait of iv 33 Referred to iv 33,93,103 V 125,130 Services to Church of iv 45,92 Services to Glasgow Colonial Society iv 88 Services to Knox College of ■:•• 92,213-15-19 I!9 ! (' CANADA : AN ENCYCtOP^DIA OF THB COUNTRY. ill 1 Volume Page Bums, Dr. Robert Ferrier : Biography of iv 93 Connection with Chiniquy Riots of iv 59 Moderator Presbyterian Church, iv 87 Referred to iv 5H,io3 V 125,130 Burpee, Hon. Isaac i 334,441-2,304 V 259 vi 240 Burton, Sir Fxancis E iii 116 V 152-9 Burton, Sir George W v 33 1 vi 447.457 Bury, Viscount vi 38-9 Burwash, Rev. Dr. N iv 202-9 Butler, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Willium F.. iv 503 V 120 Buxton, Sydney C vi 154 Byron, Lord ii 49 Cabot, John i 17,18,19,20-2-4-5- 6,38 v 124 vi 464,473,483 Cabot, Sebastian i 21-2-3-4-6,38 Cadogan. Earl vi 155,154 Cahan, C. H vi 57 Caine, Hall vi 85 Cairns, Earl vi 336 Calkin, John B iii 221 Calvin, D. D iii 333 Calvin, John iv 69 Cambridge, H.K.H. Duke of iv 456,480,497,509 Camden, Earl i 99 Cameron, Major-General D. R iv 469 Cameron, Hector vi 52,3:2 Cameron, Hon. J. Hillyard : Canadian Pacific Charter and ... ii 1 76-7 Grand Master of the Orange Order vi 317 Presents Orange Address to the Queen vi 317 Referred to vi 226,322 Supreme Court Legislatio:i ,iMd. vi 332 Trinity College and iv 197-8 Cameron, Bishop John ii 467-9,471,514, 536-7 iii 214 Cameron, John v 1.^9,228-9,230 Cameron, J. Rnbsi 111 v 189,229 Cameron, Sir M. C iii 269 vi 176,314,322,457 Cameron, Hon. Malcolm ii iii iii 115 v 203 vi i.Si Cameron, Sir R. \V vi 176 Campbell, Sir Alexander : Career of vi 213 Confederation Delegate at Lon- don and Quebec v 402 Delegate at Colonial Conference London vi 55.155-6 Member of I'irst Dominion Government v 403 Opinions on Senate of v J36-7, 441-2 Referred to i 4.'>,2,Si,3-,9 vi 176,220-1,313,322 Campbell, Sir Archibald ii 74-5 iii 33 iv 506 vi 302 Campbell, Sir Colin ii 3S1 iii 66-7-8 v 419,420 vi 302 tto INDEX TO LEADING MICN. Vollll Campbell, Sir Donald vi Campbell-Bannernian, Sir H vi Campbell, Prof. John iv V Campbell, Dr. P. C iv Campbell, Sir William vi Campbell, WiJliam Wilfrid : Literary Work of v Poetry of v Referred to v Canniff, Dr. William v vi Canning, Lord i Canning, George i vi Capreol, Frederick Cliase i Carberry, Bishop J.J ii Cardwell, Lord i ii v vi Carleton, Thomas iv V vi Carling, Sir John ii V vi Carlingford, (Fortescue) Lord vi Carman, Dr. Albert ii v Carman, v Carnarvon, Earl of i ii vi Caron, Sir Adolphe : Announces Col. Williams' Death iv Biography of ; v Connection with Charges against General Middleton iv Delegate at the Inter-Colonial Conference vi North-West Rebellion of 18S5 and iv Portrait of iv Referred ' o i iv vi Riel'.s Execution and vi Caron, Hon. R. E ii i'i iv V vi Carrall, Hon. R. W. W v Carroll, Dr. John ii v Carter-Cotton, Hon. F v vi Carter, Edward v Carter, Sir F. B. T v vi Cartier, Jacques i ii v Cartier, Sir George E : Attends Charlottetown Con- ference V Biography of iv British Loyal'y of vi Canadian Pacific Charter an-!. ... ii vi C. P. R. in Parliament .'itul ii Clergy Reserves and v Confederation Supported by — v vi m rie Pnge 302 3' 217,29s 130-1.21S 292 176,457 12S-9 169,237 215 120,132,290-4 321 343 34« 133-4, 1 47-S 143-4 462,514 2f»,343 53 426 38-9,153 275 448 302 i8l 93-4,106 176,220,250,322 i54,,-i8-9,4o 247-9,254,304, 318,322 13" 129,169 '99 156,206-7,244 38-9,42,82,153-4 438 S02 460-1-2-3 74 5 1 9- 5 20, 535-6 5^<> 480-3 409,so6-7 17(1, 191,211,220, 25u 296 1 1 1 266 502 296 207.313,389 404 3"7,322 232,275 58 402 415.497 26-7-8,38,256 488 359,242 426 500-1-2 30,193 177,181-3-4-5- 6-7-9,190-1 244 197-9 204 401-2,422 27,i99>2.'i'J »■ V, CANADA : AN encyclop*;dia ok thk country. Volume I'age Confederation Delegates at Lon- don and Quebec v 402 Co-operates with Sir J. Macdonald vi 2119,210,216-17 Character of iv 51'J Death of V 26.S Educational Policy of iv 1.S7 Grand Trunk Railway and ii 1 1 2, 1 28 Hudson's Hay NV-xotialioiis and. ii 54-5-6 Hudson's Hay Territory Purchase and iv 436-9,492 Intercolonial Railway and ii 90 Militia Department and iv 4,Si',479,502-6-7, 5'2 Member First Dominion Cabinet v 403 Musical Composition of iv 394 v 142 Opposes Bishop Bourget vi 200 Participates in Rebellion of 1837 iii 43 Portrait of ii 189 Political Career of iv 501 Political Views of vi 191-8 Referred to i 42,210,316-17-18, 359.3«5. 479.523 V 399 vi i75,3i5,333>3S9 Reciprocity Mission to I/ondon of i 35,9 Reforms Quebec Judicial System vi 3.S7 Royal Colonial Institute and vi 39 Statue of i V 378,407 Seat of Government Question V 252-3 Cartwright, John R v 1 25, 130, 238 vi 329.379 Cartwright, Hon. Richard i 39S ii 422 V 125 Cartwright, Sir Richard : Biography of i 398 Commercial Union Movement and vi 54 Canadian Pacific Railway and. . . ii 204-5 Fiscal Views of i 289,309,310 Portrait of i 369 Referred to i 302,310,410 V 328 vi i<)9,i74-6,i9i-2, 231-7,240,324 Reciprocity Resolutions of i 386-7 Reciprocity Xe;jotiations of vi 181 Treaty Making I'owcr and i 387-8 vi 170 Carvell, Hon. J. S vi 60,314 Casault, Lieut. -Col. Loiii.i .\ iv 481,508-9,511 vi 177 Casault, Sir L. E. N iv 50S vi 176,457 Casault, Very Rev. L. J iv 245,508 Case, William ii 252,282-5-6-8-9, 291-9,300-1-4-7. Casgrain, Dr. P. B vi 60 Casgrain, Abbe n. M v 119,213-14-18 vi 27 Casgrain, Hon. T. Chase vi 75,389 Catlicart, Earl iv 171,312,326,45a V 400 vi 307 Cauchon,Hon. J. E : Appointed Lieutenant-Governor of Manitoba vi 236 Journalistic Work of v 142,225 I..eads Quebec Ultraniontanes. . . vi 200 Mayor of Quebec v 296 Proposes Elective Legislative Council iii 125-6 Portrait of iii 125 Referred to iii 266,359 vi 191,314 i» INDKX TO I,KADING MEN. Volume Page Supports Canadian Federation., v 143,402 Vetoes Manitoba Orange Incor- poration Bill vi 319 Caveu, Dr. William : Article by iv 211,221 Biography of iv 329,330 Knox College and iv 217 Mo<4-5 Cockhurn, G. R. R vi 52-3-6 Cuckhurn, Hon. JanKs v .102 vi 324 Cofifin, Hon. Thoma.s vi 240 ColTm, I.ieut.-Colonel VV. !'■ v 120 Colbert, M iv 306 V 360,452 Colby, Hon. C. C v 125,131 vi 221 Coldwell, William v 189,190,230-1 Colebrooke, Sir William JI. G v 413 vi 302 ColeniJin, Kathleen Blake v 172 Cole.s, Hon. George v 399,402,432 Colmer, J. G vi 32-6,54,68-9,177 Columbus, Christopher i 17, 18,23-6-9 V 124 Cominjjoe, liruin Ronicas iv 30-8-9,99 ConnauKlit, H.R.H. Tlie Duke oi ; Montreal visited by v 268 Referred to i 44 1 Toronto twice visited by v 287,290-1 Visits Canada in 1870 iv 496 Connolly, Archbishop T. L. : Biography of ii 535-6 Portrait of ii 535 Referred to ii 471,514 Conroy, Bishop vi 202 Consort, H. R. H. Albert, Prince : Death of v 26S Portrait of vi I'Vontispiece Cook, Rev. Dr. John : Biography of iv 89,90 Chairman Union Committee iv 86,90 Moderator Church of Scotland. . iv 83,90 ^loderator Presbyterian Church in Canada iv 87 Morrin College and iv 298 Portrait of i v 27 Queen's University and iv 291,293 Remonstrates agamst Secession, iv 77-8-9 Cook, Captain James vi 470-7 Cooke, Bishop Thomas ii 515 Cooper, Sir Astley iii 115 Cordner, Dr. John iv 1 28 Cornish, Dr. George iii 471-8,503 Cornwall, Hon. C. 1" vi 314 Cornwallis, Lord vi 88-9 Cornwallis, Hon. Edward i 38,84 ii .352 iii 212 V 261,416,446,487 vi 399 Cossitt, Rev. Ranna ii 357,378,381 Costigan, Hon. John vi 221-6,233,250 Cotton, Lieut. -Col. W. I' iv 489,490,509 Courcel, Baron de vi 138,141-2 Courtney, Bishop Frederick ii 359,383,413,433 iv 269 Courtney, J. M vi 177 Courtney, Rt. Hon. L. H vi 154 Coussirat, Professor D iv 58,61,298 Cox, Hon. George A i 494 ii 219 iii 428 iv 210 V 320,324 Cox, Dr. Thomas iv 266,270 I i't ;l :;»3i -M T !i CANADA : AM ENCYCI,OP^DIA OF THK COUNTRY. Volume Page C.-aig, Sir James H i 145 ii 499.517 Hi 95-9. "3 iv 452 V 140, 1. S9, 186 Cramp, Dr. J. M iii Ji4,4S7,493 iv 56, 25 1 •3-4, 339. 340 V 131 Crampton, Sir John T, F i 36s vi 178 Cranbrook, Earl of vi 40 Crawforil, Isabella Valaiicey v 127,170 Crawford, Hon. John W v 205 vi 3'3 Crawley, Dr. E. A iii 491,213-14,272 iv 251-2-3 Crease, Sir H. P. P v 403 vi 176,433-6,442 Creelman, James v 236 Creelnian, Hon. S.iimiel iii 365-8 Creighton, D v 189,228 vi 62 Cremazie, Octave v 167 Cridge, Dr. Edward i 323 ii 43S.9 iv 111-12 V 270 Crinnoii, Bishop P. F ii 462,514 Crocket, William iii 231 Crofton, F. Blake v 126,177 vi 56 Croke, Hon. Alexander iv 265-6 Cronyn, Bishop nenjaniin ii 331-2-4-5,433 iv 310 Cross, Viscomit vi 155 Crooks, Hon. Adam iii 175,269 iv 361-2 vi 360 Crooks, Hon. James iv 291 Crozier, Dr. James Beattie v 132 Cruikshank, Lieut.-CcJl. Ernest. .. . iv 489,490-1 Cuj^nel, l''raiicois Jo.sejili v 130-7-9 Cumberland, Barlow iv 409 V 132 vi 322 Cumberland, Lieut.-Colonel F. W . i 493 ii 141-3-4-5 iv 38 1 Cumberland, H.R.H. The Duke of vi 267 Cunard, Sir Sanmel iii 340-1,352-3-4 V 262 CunniiiKliaiii, Granville C vi 59 Curran, Hon. John J iv 234 vi 226,250 Curzon, Mrs. Sarah A v 129,171 Cuvillier, Hon. Austin vi 207 Dalhousie, F.arl of : Agricultural Policy of v 86 Biography of iii 9S-9 Character of. iii 77 Educational Policy of iii 203-4 iv 267 I'ound.s Dalhousie College, Halifax iii 213 iv 267,271-2 Glasgow Colonial Society and. . . iv 33,88 Portrait of v 87 Pays a Tribute to iMgr. Plessis. . ii 5(xi,5i7 Quebec Literary and Historical Society founded by v 151-2,245 Quebec Assembly and iii 74-5-6, 108 Referred to i 84,1.^5,200,343 iii 74,96,116 iv 452 V 147,151-8-9,161 vi 302, 193 Wolfe-Montcalm Monument and v 245 136 INDBX TO LBADING MKN. I Volume I'Dge Dalling and Bulwer, Lord i 365 vi 149,178 Dalton, Thomas v 227,230 Daly, Sir Doniinick v 39S vi 207-8,302 Daly, Sir M. B i 26 vi 56,60,314 Daly, Hon. T. Mayiie vi 226,250 Daiisereau, C. A v 225 Darliiijj, Sir Charles 1 1 vi 491-7 Dart, Uishop John ii 433 iv 270 Dartmouth, William, Ivarl of i 99 vi 152 Dartnell, Colonel J. G vi 177 Daulac, des Ormeiiux v 395 Dauversiere, Royer ile la iv 305-7-8 David, 1,. O v 119,124,145,214, 224 vi 315 Davidson, Hon. C. I' vi 204,396 Davie, Hon. Theodore vi 458 Davies, Sir Louis H.: Portrait of i 310 Referred to i 310,388 V 4M vi 109,176,237 Resolutions on Fisheries and Trade i 386 Reciprocity Views of i 408 Reciprocity Ne);oli.'\lioiis of vi 181 Davin, Nicholas Flood iv 347-8-9 v 121-9,230-1 vi 56 D'Avray, J. Marshall iii 230-1 iv 2S0-1 Davison, John ii 295,302-3,319 ] )avitt, Michael v 108-9 I)a\v.son, Dr. .Kneas M v 131,213 Dawson, Dr. Citorj^o AI.: Member of Ifchrini; Sea Com- mission vi 1 38 Royal Society of Canada and. ... v 213-15-17 Referred to.'. i 35,245-7 iii 404-6, 423-4,434-6 454-5.466 V 129 vi 177 Scientific Services of v 392 Dawson, Dr. Samuel E. : Article by vi 5"9,5i5 Literary Work of v 122,238 Royal Society of Canada and... . v 215-18 Referred to v 1 22-4,225 Dawson, Sir J. William : Article by iv 181,190 Biography of iv 330-1-2 Connection with McGill Univer- sity of iv 185.6-7-8-9,190, 3.V'-4-5 Educational Work of iii 215-16,227,282 iv 1S6-7-8-9 Literary Work cf v 129 Portrait of iv 182 Referred to i 262 iii I9V4.395,423 iv 377,401 vi 1 76-7 Royal Society of Canada and. ... v 212-14-15-17 Scientific Work of iv 331 Day, Hon. Charles Dewey ii 180 iv 185-6-7-8,334 V 398 vi 207,220,375,389 Day, Forshaw iv 359,364,404,410 Deakin, Hon. Alfred vi 155 D'Esglis, Bishop L. P. Mariancheau ii 498,514 «»7 im ! ill ill • 13 m I I I II 5 CANADA : AN BNCVCI.OP;ltDIA OP THK COUNTRY. Volume Page Denellefeuillc, U.-Col. L.C.A.L... iv 465-6,481 DeBUquiere, Hon. 1'. n iii 142 DeBoucherville, Hon. C. B. Boucher : Biography of ii! 267-8 Bducational Policy of iii 204-5 Governments of vi 21 1 Portrait of iii 206 Referred to iii 359 V 106,407 vi 177,201 DeCelles, A. D v 214 DeCelles, Bishop Mnxiine ii 515 Dechene, Hon. P. Ci. M v 50,106 DeCosnios, Hon. Amor v 190,403 UeCazes, Paul v 213,214 Delfosse, M. Maurice vi 1 10 DeGaspe, P. A v 125-6,144-5,156 Demers, Bishop Modeste ii 504,510-11-12-13- 15 DeMonts, Sieur iv 29,53 V 86,255 Denaut, Bishop Pierre li 458,500,514-17 Denison, Lieut. -Colonel George Taylor : Addresses on Imperial Federation of vi 56-7-8-9,60 Api-ointed Police Magistrate of "foronto V 293 Article by iv 423-7 British Empire League and vi 61-2 Canada First Movement and ... . vi 321-2 Contributions to Military Litera- ture of iv 489,491 Food Supply Oucstion and vi 62 Imperial Fe'der.ition and iv 494 vi 5.^ Literary Work of iv 494 V 132 Painting of ivj 351 Participates in Fenian Raid Campaign iv 426,479,494 Participates in North-West Campaign ... iv 535 President Imperial Federation League in Canada vi 52 Referred to i 4S0 iv 493 V 213-15 Denison, Lieut. -Colonol F. C: Biography of iv 493-4 Given a C. M. ('. iv 470,493 Imperial Federation and vi 56-7 Participates in Soudan Campaign iv 470-1,493 Portrait of iv 493 Particijjates in Red River Ex- pedition iv 493 Referred to iv 489,494 vi 177.323 Denison, Lieut. -Colonel George Taylor ( i ) iv 492-3 Denison, Lieut.-Coloncl George Taylor ( 2 ) i v 493 Denison, Lt. -Col. R. L v 290 Denison, Major-General Sir William vi 38 Dennis, Lieut.-Col. J. Stoughtoi. ii 177 iv 425-6,432,440, 454-5.510 Denonville, Marquess de iv 55 Dent, John Charles ii 307 iii 116 iv 491-2 V 120-4,294 Derby, The 14th Earl of : Advocates Canadian Confedera- ation v 401 138 1 INDKX TO I,BADlNCi MKN. Voluiin? r'KRe Colonial TiirifF Conlnil iiiul i 346 Hiiilson's Hiiy Ci>iiii)aiiy nii'l... . ii 47 Iiiter-Coloiiiiil Kiiilway an 1 ii H2-.V7-81I17 I{islativf Councils ami v 449,451 Porlriiil of. ii 82 Referred to i 343 ii 82,386-7 iii 116,140 vi 153 Derby, The 15th V.arl of i 373 vi 153 Derby, Tbe i6th ICarl of, (Lord Slaiilpy of rruston ) : Portrait of i 391 Referred to i 21)0 iv S'^.SiS V 404 vi 153-5.307 Reciprocity Nc^otintions of 1891 and i 391-2 Royal Society of Canada and. ... v 21H-19 DesHarres, Hon. W. 1* v 399 Desjnrdins, Hon. .-Mplionsc ii 530 iii 124-7 iv 506 V 296 vi 233 Desola, Dr. Abraham iv 146-7,150 V 130 Dessaules, Hon. h. A. v 224-5 vi 197, 20S Des Voeux, Sir William Gfor-jt'.. . vi 158,473s, 493-7 De Villicrs, Sir J. H vi 74-5-9 Devonshire, Duke of iv 470,493 vi 40,62 Dewart, Dr. E. H ii 318 V 128, 13 r, 155, i'''3 4-5, 230-6 Dewdney, Hon. Ed^ar iii 426 iv .t6i,52i V 270 vi 221,31) D'Herbomez, Bishop I,. J ii S"-'2-M-l5 Dibbs, Sir G. R vi 74 Dickey, Hon. A. R iv 506 ' vi 226,233 Dickey, Hon. R. n ii 90 V 402 Dickson, R. Casiniir vi 52-3-8-9,61 Dilke, Sir Charles v 119 vi 19,23 Dionne, N. E v 125,145,214,218 D'Iberville, LeMoine vi 470 Dobell, Hon. R. R vi 51-6-7,157,237 Dodds, Sir John Stokell vi 155 Dollard, Hishop William ii 470,515,535 Dollier de Casson iv 306 Doolittle, Dr. Lucius iv 285 Dorchester, Lord, (Guy Carleton) : Agricultural Policy of v 50,89 Adniinistralion of v 244 Biography of i 103 Character of i 121 Church of Ivnjjland and ii 357 Clergy Reserves Policy of iii 142 KIA aiiy vi Referred to i Dougall, John v Douu ill, Lily v Dou .; ill, J. Redpath v Dowling, Bishop T. J ii iv Downer. Sir J. W vi Dowiisliiro, Mills, Marquess of vi i Doyle, Lieut. -Gen. Sir C. II iv vi Doyle, Hon. L. O'Connor v Drake, Sir Francis vi Drake, lion. M. W. T v Draper, Hon. W. H.: Administration of v vi Church of England and ii Educational Policy of iv Hudson's Bay Company and ii Musical Patronage of iv Prophecies Canadian Pacific Railway ii Referred to v vi Supports Trinity College iv St. James Cathedral Bust of iv Views on Law of Allegiance of. . vi Wycliffe College and iv Drummond, Hon. George A i iv Drummond, Hon. L. T.: Biography of iii Referred to i iv vi Seigneuriel Tenure Measure of. . iii 13a I'lKP 2.(2 i7fi-7, |H..-7,I9I 2.3<'2 27H,2,S4 . 431 42-3 270 4.35-6-7 . 435 4c 189,165,226 127,176 I ''^9, '''5,226 462-4. 5'4. 540 3<'9 '.S5 152 99 453 3»2-7.3i4 399 47t'.4-"'3 Dunra 297 Dunsii DuMo 39S 208,214 Dninii D'Url) .397-S-9.4oo-l-a- Durlia 3-4 Adti 171 47 Abai 3«4 Biog Pro] 22,244 Port 131 Refe 176.457 '93 380 344 222 49' 1)V 403 Rejic 130-1 Steal 471 View 501 me 316 Duriiu 125-6 Duveri UNTRV. Pdffe 180.7,194 15 i«,457 4. "5,397 S5 514 65,226 65,226 ,514.540 .314 S3 5-9,400-1-2- 4 i57 tNDKX To I.I.AUINO MK.N. Voliiiiie I'iKt Dniiiitii'inil, Dr. W. H v I29,i6() Diiiry, Hull. c'liarli-H v .S9,9i,i(6 1 )r\iUii, Hon. Jolui v til,l(i6 |)iil>iii', Hull. J,i»i'|ili \i .116 l>iiCiilv»'l, I'lciTf V 1.^7 l)iulu Niiiiy, I,ii'iit.-Ciil. T. J iv 511 Dulfrriii, I.Dicl ; Art l''itri)iiiii{i' of iv 361-3-8,405 A'ltmmslniroii of iv 191 Canniliiiii I'ai-ilic Chiirter nud.. ii 176-7-.S-9, i8o-6 V 40s Canailimi I'lU'ific Riiilwny ivtid. . . ii 205-6 Dt'HiTilx'H till- Half t>reeilH of Mimilcl'u iv 475 DulTcriit 'IVrr.icc, QiU'lwc, fuul. . v 2.|6 I'orlits' I'ditruit of iv .105 Imliim I'olii-v "l i 2,s'<,265 I,itt;))re, I.o\iis iv 355 Duncan, ( .Mrs Ivverard Cotes) S. J. v 127,175 Duiiconibe, I)i. CIktU'S iii 33,59,70,83-4,93 Ounkin, Hon. Christopher ; Canadiiin Ttiii|)er;inof .\ct and. . vi 359 McOill Univtrsity and iv i.S7-8-9,324 vi 375 Referred to v 106 Supports Sei^jnenrial Tenure. .. . iii 125 Seat of Governnient Question and V 252 Dunn, Bishop Andrew Hunter ii 3).S,434 iv 2.H7 Dunn, Col. Alexander Roberts. .. . iv 464 vi 2S8-9 Dunn, Hon. John Henry iii 3o,,Si V 3q.S vi 2S9 Dunraven, Karl of vi 40. 154 Dunsniuir, Hon, Robert iii 375,455 DuMoulin, Ilisliop John Philip. . . ii 349,433 Du])uis, Prof. N. F v 213-15 D'Urban, Lt.-Oen. Sir Benjamin. . iv 453 Durham, luirl of : Administration of iii 43, KKvq V 246,396,447 .Abandoned by Lord Glenelg. . .. iii 113 Biopraphy of iii 99, too Prophecies Intercolonial Railway ii 87 Portrait of iii 51 Referred to i 41,145,200,278, 343-4.49,1 .li 49.,3'<3 iii 98,110,257 V 161,199,450 vi 1 88 Responsible Government advised by vi 197 Report of iii 50-3-4, i lo-i i V 159,401,422,448 Steamboat Residence of iii 299 Views upon Responsible Govern- ment of V 418 Duricu, Bishop Paul ii 513-15 Duvernay, A.N v 224 131 m ii il !l Iff CANADA : AN KNCYCI,OPiUDIA OV THK COUNTRY. Volume I'nge Duv..nay, h. M vi 315 Dwight, Harvey, P vi 224,531 Dyde, Colonel John iv 508 vi 177 Eaton, Rev. A. H. Wentwortli v 126-9,130 Eaton, Wyatt iv 357-S Earle, Hon. S. L iii 2VJ K(l. 7" Elniskv, Hon. John iv 311 vi 457 Eiidv, ( Moused ) Lord vi 154 IvMfdanil, Lt -Gen. Sir Richard vi 2'M),-2cp p;rskMie, Lorii vi I 7S '•"sconilie, Kt. Hon. Harry vi i(:6 Evans, General ,S-.r I)e Lacy v 163 Dr. ivi.'iraini ii 3-' 1 -2-3 Ivvanturel, lion. F v 106 Hw.irt, O. C, J. S V i;,i-2, r.isho]! J JI ii 515,530 Exinoulh, .Admiral Lord vi 286 Eyre, Lieut. -Gen. Sir William 'v 453 vi .•^07 Eabre, Archbishop Edonard C ii 5>o->4.53' -'. 54.S- 48 Fabre, Hon. Hector v 153,213-14,225 VI 177 Eairfield, Edwar.l vi 154 Eaiiljairii, Sir William Hi 422 Ealardeau, Antoine S iv 3,s') iMlklanil, lord v 420-1 vi 1^2.302 Eallon, .\l)be Etienne M v 1 19, 124, 130-1 Fallows, lUshoji Samnel iv 112 Faraud, liishop Henri J ii ,S'>5-7-^.515 Faribault, G. » v 131, 14> I'arrar, Wry Rev. J". W iv 135 TRY. "5 2-3 221,259 I2S ,2So,.iSo ,336,.VS6 7.3W 366-7-S .53<-i, 545- 3-M.225 )2 !t, 130-1 «.5i5 It' INDHX TO SHADING MKN. V.'lnnir I'ftJ?* Farrell, Bishop W ii 462,514 iii 186 Farrer, Kilward v iS9,228 Fauclier (le Si. IMriuriie v 212 Fauquier, liisliop F. I) ii 3:^5,432 Ftild, HisUo]) vi 472 Feuety, G>'(>r>{e K v 124,187,221 FerKusson-Blair, Hon. A.J v 40^ vi 218 Ferguson, lion. Donald v 434 vi 226 Ferland, Ablj^' J. H. A v 119 Ferrier, Hon. James; Hionrai)liy of i 443 Grand Trunk Railway and ii i2.i Mayor of Montreal v 246 Referred to iv 187,334 FioldiuK, Hon. W. S.: .■Attends Inter-Provincial Con- ference i 388 British Treferential Tariff of vi 237 Journalism and v 224 Reciprocity Views of i 407-8 Referred to i 310 vi I57.i9'i237 Tariff Le^asiation of i 311-12 Fife, Duke of vi 42 Fisher, Hon. Charles : .advocates Responsihle Govern- ment in New Hrunswick v 399,413,449 Confederation Delegate at Lon- don and Quebec v 402 Intercolonial Railway and ii 90 Moderate Views of v 397 O], poses Paying Members of Council v 451 Referred to . . i 355 iv 279 Fisher, Dr. Edward iv 390-1-3 Fisher, James ii 235 Fisher, Hon. S. A i 3:0 V 106 ''i 2o7,3"9,367 Fitzgerald, Hon. N vi 74,76 Eitzlierbert, Sir William vi 155 Filzmaurice, Lord ICdiuoiid vi 90 , Fitzroy, Sir Charles A vi 302 Flannery, Rev. Dr iv 30S-9 Fleming, May Agnes v 132 Fleming, Sir Sandford : Article by i 30-6 ii 73. 86 Biography of ii <) (-5 British Kinpire L:'a,i;ue'aiid vi h2 I'.icific Railway an 1. . . ii 1^7.244 Delegate at Intercolonial Con- ference vi 74 Delegate at Colonial Conerence London vi 55- '55 Inter-Colonial Railway I^ngiueer ii 83-6,95 Imperial I'Vileration Movement and vi 53-6-7-S Portrait of i 32 Pacific Cable and vi 60,77-S Referred to i 43 •ii 341 iv 38.) v 121,132,213-15 vi 176-7 Fletcher, Dr. James v 129.215-17,371-2, 392 Fletcher, Lieut. -Col. John iv 434,464-5-6,489, 511 vi 177 Fletcher, Col. H. C vi 177 Flynn, Hon. !•;. J vi 211 I. ■51 !! 1 Ii [0 CANADA: AN KNCYCI.Ol'^DIA OF THU COUNTHY. Volume I'nge Foley. Hon. Midiiiel H iii s.^s V 2;o Torbts, J. C iv ;,6i-4,,^i)9,4o | I'onl, Sir Clare vi i;,S.492 Forget, lion. A. U vi ;,I4 Porrest, Dr. John iii 214 iv 271-2-3 Forrest, Sir John vi 155, 166 Forrest, lion. William vi 74 Forri'stfr, Dr. .Ak-xaniUr iii 2],si6, 221, 270-1 I'orslrr, J. \V. 1., iv 3 |7,;/)4,.104 Forster, Rl. Hon. \V. E vi 23,51, i,';4 Foster, Sir .-\ii^ustus J vi 17.S I'oster, Hon. George E.: Article l)y v 301,210 Hanking Policy of i 510-18-19 Delegate at Ottawa Intercolonial Conference vi 74-6 Imperial Feileratioii Advocicv of vi 52,60-2 Imperial Preferential Trad,- and. vi 76 Moves .•Vniendmenl to Recipro- city Re.solntion i 3S6 New Hrnnsuick I'niversit V .iiid. . iv 28i-a Political I'latform in 1891 of i 409 Prohil>ition Policy of vi 309,310 Portrait of v 311 Reciprocity Negotiations of i 376,392-3-4 vi 250 Referred to i 3SS vi i9!,22o-i-6,233, 249 Treaty Making Power n;id vi 170-1-2 Foster, Q. C, W. A v 131 vi 321 Fonrnier, Hon. TeIes))hore vi 197-8,240,332-3, 342 Fowler, Daniel : .\rl SUidies ■ f iv 349,396 liiograpliy of i v 396-7 Comes to Canada iv 350,396 Portrait of iv 369 Referred to iv 352,360,364 ^Vork of iv i5'\i9T Fowler, Rt. Hon. Sir H. I! vi 42 Fox, Cliarles James i 86-9,90-5, 1403 vi 89,90-1,196,282 Fox, Henry S vi 178 iii 59 Franklin, Sir John ii 508 iii 3.V v 251,366 vi 287 Franklin, Michael ii 256 v 487 Fraser, Hon, C. F i 3S8 Fraser, Dr. I)oiialil iv 323 Fraser, John A iv 35 '-8. 36 1-3. 39* 401-2-5 Fraser, Hon. John A vi 314 Fraser, Hon. J.J iii 232 Fra.ser, Hon. Simon vi 74 F' aser. Bishop William ii 470-1,514 F.aser,IW. A v 126 Frechette, I.ouis H.: Honours Won by vi 27 Literary Career of v 1 27 Poetry of v 167 iv 366 Portrait of v 168 Referred to v 135. '45 vi 177 Royal Society of Canada and .... v 214-15-17 Freed, A. T v i.';9,229 vi 262 Frere, Bt. Hon. Sir Dartle vi 39 '34 INDEX TO I,BADING MKN. Volume Page Frontenac, Comte de ii 493 iv 354 V 241 2,264,395 vi 189,470 l''ioucle, James Anth>)ii y ii 465 Fulfonl, Hishop Francis : Appoiiilnient of ii 34S-9 Art I'atrriiKige of iv 375 Hioyraphy of ii 423-4 Labours of ii 350 Oi)iiiioi;s ou Church Status of .. . ii 392-3-4 Portrait of ii 349 Referred to ii I34.335.345>433 iv 287 V 130 Signs Bishops' Doclaratiou it 389,392 Fuller, BisVp T. r, ii 335.433 Fyfe, Dr. R. A iii 492-3-4,514-15 iv 228-9 V 124,131 Gagnon, Ernest iv 394,411 V 136 Gagnon, Phileas v 131,145-7-8,156- 7-9 Gait, Sir Alexander T. : Atnendment to Huntington Rosolution of i 3S5 Attends Charlottetown Con- ference V 426 Approves and Assists Imperial Federation Movement v 51-4-5 Biography of i 316 Banking Policy of i 45^>505 Chairman of Railway Com- mission ii 242 Confederation Delegate at Lon- don and Quebec V 402 Educational Policy of iii 195-6 Grand Trunk Railway and ii 118-19,122-8 High Commissioner to T,onS-9 Grand Trunk Railway and ii 97-117 Hudson's Hay Company and ii 33,43-4 Intercolonial Railway and ii 80-1-4 Referred to i 2(w,343 ii 49 vi 153 Grier, E. Wylie iv 364,405 GrifTin, Martin J v iS9,22H Giiflfin, W. H vi '77, 515, 522.1 Griffith, Sir Samuel vi 155 Grisdale, H shop John ii 413,433 Grouard, Bishop K. J. 1!. M ii 515 Guiges, Bishop J. E. B ii 462, 5o<'. 5 14.534-5 iv -'33-5-7,379 Guildford, North, Karl of \ i 152 Gv.ynne, Hon. J. W vi 342 Gz.owski, Col. Sir Casiniir S.: Biography of ii 5^4-5 Bust of iv .jSi Entertains Princess v .91 Grand Trunk Railway and li 128 Imperial Kederation and vi 51 Musical Paintings of iv .•vS4 Portrait of ii 234 Referred to i .149 iv 4.19 vi 176 Railway Contracts of ii ii,S, 195 Royal Canal Commission of 1.S70 iii -,33 Wycliffe CoUtge and iv 222 Haggart, Hon. J. G li 230,243 vi 221-6,233,250 Hagarty, Sir John H iv 197 V 227,238,291 vi 176,342,457 Hague, George : Article by i 452,461 Banking Views of i 475-6-7,520 Banking Career of i 492 Portrait of i 453 Referred to i 4«7,494 iii 5'>3 V 131 VI 52-4,62 Haldimand, Sir Frederick v 147,142-9,207 Hale, Horatio v 129 Hale, Sir Matthew vi 344-8 Halihurton, Sir Brenton vi 176,457 Haliburton, Lord v 1 78 vi 294 Haliburton, Thomas Chandler : I'Uirly Career of v 177 Literary Work of v 178-9,180-1 Political Views and Career of.. . . v i77-8-9,i8o Portrait of vi 11 Referred to iii 469 Halifax, Lord ii 352 v 261 Hallam, Henry iv 336 Halv, Lieut.-General Sir William O'Gradv iv 453 vi 307 «.18 INDEX Tu l,KADINO MHN. Volume I'iifjv IlMitiel, Tlifojiliik- iv 356,.10-v Haiiiel, Virv Rov. T. V. v 213-15-17 vi 27 Himiilloii, liislidii Cliiir'.cs ii 335.425. 433 Hamilton, IWjii. Joliii : Hio<,'ra]>hy of i 44^-9 Controls Lake Pass iiKor. Tr.ilTic. iii 302-3 Portrait ol iii 299 Referred to i 49* Hamilton, Pierce Si. V 'MS iii 363 V 1 3 1, 40 1,/ 22 vi 5«-9 Hammond, George vi 17S Hampshire, Sir T1u)1:kis vi 466,484 Hani])tun, I.ord, (Sir]. PakiliKtoii) ii 47,117 iii 140 vi 39. 153 Hannan, Arclibisl: .p M cliael ii 47',5i4.536.544 Hannen, l.ord i 43 vi 138,141-2 Hannay, JaiiKS v 120,224,234,413 Harris, Robert : Article by jv ^53-9 Bio^rapliy of iv 401 President llnval Canadi:ui Academy iv 363.4'^l Referred to i v 339 Harris, Verv Rev. W. R ii .l,S2,455 , iv 309 V I 3 1 , 1 22 Harrison, Hon. R. A v 130,235 vi 457 Harrison, Hon. S. n v 398 Harrison, S. Frances iv 3H9 V 126-7,131,171-2 Harrison, Dr. Thomas iii 227 iv 274,281-2-3-4 Harcourt, Hon. Rich.ird iv 368 Harcourt, Sir Willi nn \' vi 31 Harrinj,'lon, Prof. I!. J v 124-9,213-15-17 HarriiiKton, Hon. I). I ii 4'o-i3 Harrin>,'loii, T. Don;;las vi 271-4-5 Hardy, Hon. A. S i ,3.88 iv 495 V 2()I vi 378 Hart, Ezekiel iv 146-9 Harvey, Hon. A. W vi 499 Harvey, Dr. Moses v 124,215,234 Harvey, Major-General Sir John : Administers New fouml land Affairs vi 472.497 Biography of i 1.S6 Constitutional Government ol". . . v 413 Commands at Stoney Creek i 164-191 Inter-Colonial Railway and ii 79,243 Policy in New Urunswick of ii 76-7 Portrait of ii 79 Referred to i 1.S6, 166 vi 193,302 Rebellion of 1837 and iii 66-7-8 Writes About War of 181 2 i 184 Hatherley, Loril vi 345 Hathewa'v, Hon. G.I, iii 273 Haultaini Hpn. R W. G iii 249 Hawes, lien jami n vi 153 Hawkins, Rev. ISrnest ii 349.353.426,4.^9 V 162 Hawthorne, Nathaniel v 164 H.ivelocU, General Sir Henry vi 292 Haviland, Hon. T. ;I v -102,432,434 vi 314 Hav, George U v 1 29, 2 1 5-1 7 Hay, Robert v 286 Havcock, J. I, V 103-5 Haytliorne, Hon. R. P v 433.434 ' I ! 't 1, ill I Ii CANADA : AN KNCYCI.UI'iliUIA OF THK COUNTRY, I Voliiincr l*age Havs, Clinrles M.: , Grand Trunk Railway and ii in Portrait of ii 152 Referred to ii lo.) Hea, Dr. Joseph R iv 281 Head, Sir Kilinund W.: A);ricuUural I'olicy of iv 279 Aiiininistration of v 2().|,264 niojjniphy of ii 5.S Ivlucational Policy of iv 1 '\S-6-7, 279, 280-1 Hudson's Day Company and. ... ii 52-3,69 Portrait of ii yi Prince of Wales Receiveraj)hy rif iv .lo'i-7 Portrait of iv 4i)()-7 Referred tij iv .^7^,110 Stalue.s Spiilptnred by iv 3S1 Hector, Sir James v 215 Helltnuth, Bishop Isaac ii 433 iv 310 V 130 Helmcken, Dr. J. S v .104 Hencker, R. \V ii 413 iii i.H?<, 191 iv 2SS Ilcimepin, I,o\n's v 117 Hi-nry, .VUxatider v 118,158,278 Henry, Hon. W. A.: Conf'derat'on Didt-pite at I.on- d > 1 and Oac'i .0 v 402 lnterc>>lonial Knilway and ii 90 Reciprocity Report of i 362-3 Reciprocity Nej^otiations ( f vi 180 Referred to vi 229,324,342 Hehert, Rishop J. F ii 498,514 iii 203 Herbert of Lea, Lord i 343 vi 153 HerSert, Sir R. O. \V vi .10,154 Herbert, .Major-Oeneral L J. C iv 453,536 Herchiner, Lieut. -Col. \V. M iv 481,527 Heriot, Pieor^je v 118, 140,156-7 HiTscbell, Lord vi 42,44,47, 109, iSl Heu-(K--Iioiirck, Rev. W H...... iii .170-1, 5a8-9 Hey, Chief Justice v 4S5 Hey, Hon. William vi 385,457 Hewitt, I,ieut. -Gen. Iv O iv 469,498-9 Hicks-neacli, Sir M. E i 199 V 4".S vi 51,153 Hickson, Sir Joseph : hiography of ii 1 27-8 Chairman Royal Prohibition Commission vi 310 Manages Grand Trunk Railway, ii 1 lo-i 11,127, 142-3 Portrait of ii no Referred to iv 403-9 vi 1 76 St. Clair Tunnel and ii 127,131 Higgins, Hon. D. W v 189,232 Hill, Hon. P. Carteret v 297 vi 324 140 ■(TRV. 279, 280-1 63-4-6-8 8,27s 4.3 U 4 6 7 0,156-7 J7, 109, 181 508-9 7 ,8-9 1,127,142-3 ,1 i2 INDBX TO I,SADING MKN. Volume Hafre r'iUs, nishnp George ii 4.V^-6-7-8-9 Hill, lames J vi 245 Hill, Sir Stephen J vi 497 Ilincks, Sir I'raiicis : Achnitiistration of v 203,399 BankitiR I'olicyof i 5''''7 HankitiK Rxperieiice of i 471. (So Hi(>){rai)liy of i 470. 4*"3 HiiMwin replaced by vi 2oS-9,2i5 Clernv Reserves Policy of lit i.|o-s ^ Caiiailiaii Pacific Railway and. . . ii iti),iSi-7-8 r)i';itli of V 26') Efforts to obtain Reciprocity of., i 410 vi !()()- 1 So Grand Trunk Railway an 1 ii 9S, 101-6,1 11-14- 15-16-17-1S-19, 120-1-8,136 Intercolonial Railway and ii 82,96,116-17-18 Jonrnalistic Work of v 161,1.89.226-7 Portr.iit of i 481 Referreil to : i 3i7,3'''5,439 iii 108 iv 506 V 1 2';, 131 vi 176,191 Hin.ijsloii, Sir \V. H i 472 v 131, 26S, 296, 336 vi 29,176 Hobart, I,iird i o ) ii 381 Ilubson, Jii-ierh ii 131 Hod.ler, Dr. K. M iv H),3-5-6 Ho.l'.^es, Jiini'S ii 132-4 Hodgiiis, Dr. J. George ii 105.413 iii 2,52-5,281 iv 205,222 v 122-3-4 Hod.niiis, Thomas v i3o,.j65 vi 3 13, ■''•'' Hodffson, Hon. Rduard Jarvis... iv 270 Hodjjson, Sir Robert vi 176,314.458 Hoffman. Dr. O. C v 213-15-17 Hofmeyr. Hon. J. H vi 74-9, 155 Hotjaii, John Sheridan v 131,152,230,290 Holmes, Heiijamin i 48S li 112,123 Holmes, Hon. Simon H v 23V[ vi 2 (7-8 Holton, Hon. I.. H.: Referred to i 355.471-2,523 V 21 >5 Railway Contracts of ii iiS. 195,234 Home-Home. M.ijor-Gen. George. . iv .153 Hooker, Richani iv 70 Hopkins, J. Castell ; Articles by i '^'.■'"6,205,2.85,335 ii i''7 V r i7,2.'o, ^95,526 vi • i. 5 1,7.1, i^'^?, 228 Hritish Kmivre I,eaj;ne .ind vi '1.1 Imperi.i! I"ederalioii I, '.(line and. vi 52-3 Imperial I'ederation Movi invnt and vi 5 <-5-7-S-g Imperial R'C'procity and vi 59 Imperial Trade Congress of 1891 and vi 159 Referred to iv 409 V 125,189,294 Koran, P.ishop R. J ii 4''2.5i4 iii i8f) Horden, Bishop John ii 375,433-9 Hosmer, Charles R vi 532-4 Honston. W v 2V) Houj,'litnii, I,ient.-Col, C. I" iv 463,490,512-13, How.ird. J. G iv 3 17, 360- 1 Howard- Vincent. Sir C. R v 107 14 ' CANAIM: an ICNCYCLUPiKUIA l)l' TIIU COUNTRY. Voliiiiif I 'age t'li Ilowf, Holt. Josi'ph : CliaractiT iiiul Al)ilitie9 of vi aaS Detroit SpffCli of i 356-7,413 Dfli'x.ile to I'.hkIuikI ii Ni, 1 16-17 K9.42^l. 446-7 Howe, Admiral Lord vi 92 Howe, General Sir William v 261 Howells, \V. D V 174 Howlaii, Hon. G. W v 434 vi 314 Howland, Oliver A iii 337-*^ V 132 vi 110-17 Howland, W. H iv 361-2-3 vi 321-2 Howlanil, Sir W. ]'.: Canadian I'acifii' Railway and. . . ii 219 Con federation Delegate to London v 402 Enlert.iins Prince .\rthur v) 290 Leaves I.ilieral Party vi 191 Member of I'irst Dominion Government v 403 Portrait of i 335 Report upon Intercolonial Trade i 329,334 Referred to i 359,372,494 iv 361 vi 176-7,313.322 Report on Reciprocity of i 365 Rfclatioiis with Georjje Brown of v 196 Recijirocity Negotiations of vi 180 Howley, William ii 332,440 iv 2?)7 Hoyk'S, Hon. H. W vi 497 Hughes, James Iv vi .305,319 Hughes, Ivienl.-Col. S vi 57-.S Hugo, Victor V 127,141 Hume, Jose])h : Referred to ii 49 Writes I'amous Letter to Mackenzie iii 29 Portrait of iii 36 Sup]K)rts the authors of Rebel- lion iii 83-4 Biography of iii 11 1-12 Humphreys, Hon. J. n iii 365 Hunt, Rev. A. S iii 216,271-2 Hunt, Dr. T. Slerry iii 4^9 iv i.SS v 129,212-17 Hunter, J. Howard v 336,340 Hunter, Lieut. -Governor Peter. .. . iii 22 vi 302 Hunter, Samuel v 235 Hnnter-Duvar, John v 168,234 Huntington, Hon. L. S.: Biography of ii 194 Commercial I'liion Resolution of i 302,385-6 I4J rt Si Jem INOKX TO tKADINO MKN. V'oliiiiif I'auf Canadian Pacific Charter and.. . . ii i75-'>-7, iSi-4 vi J3C, 243-4 Portrait of ii 1 So Referred to v 1 26 vi 191,24" Huntley, Sir Henry Vere vi 3112 Huskisson, Rt. Hon. Willium i .139,348 iii ir6 vi 153 IIuss, John iv m'^ Hutchinson, rioneral, Loril iii 99 Huntingdon, Hon. Herbert v 399 Hutton, Major-Gen. E. T. H iv 448-9,453 IddesleiRh, Lord, (Sir S. Northeote) : Hudson's n.iy Company and it 5S-6-7,6o-3-9 Royal Coloni.'d Institute and .... vi 3S.9 Washinjjton Treaty and vi 119 Inch, Dr. James R iv 303 iii 225,231,234,273 InRlis, Tiishop Charles ; Hiof;raphy of ii 356 Consecration of ii 327.355,368 Dealh of iv 266 Kind's Collej;e and iv 2624-5 Labours of ii 356-7 Portrait of ii 370 Referred to ii '261-9,382,422,433 v 1 30 vi 241 Visits Quebec ii 328,339 Visits Cape Rreton ii 381 Inj,dis, Major-General Sir John .... vi 290-1-2 Inj;lis, Kishop John : Kinjf's Collej;e and iv 264-5-7-8 Labours of ii 358-9 Portrait of ii 357 Referred to ii 357,382,433 iv 261-5-6 Irvine, T,ieut. -Col. A. O iv 481,504,519,527 Irvine, Mathew Hell yi jyy Ives, Hon. W. R vi 226,233,250 Jackson, Francis James vi 178 Jackson, General Sir R. D iv 453 vi 307 lackson, Dr. S. N iii 503-8 Jack.son, William ii 1 14-15, t36 Jacob, Dr. Edwin iii 226 iv 278,280-1 Jacobi, O. R iv 351 '-6-9, 363-4-8, 400-5 James of Hereford, Lord vi 42-4 Jameson, Hon. R. S iv 195-7,360 Jamot, Bishop R. A ii 462,515 Jarvis, Hon. William i 241 iv 318 vi 272-3 Jarvis, Major-Gen. Samuel Peters, iv 4Sr,509 vi 177 Jarvis, Stinson v 132 Jehin-Prume, F iv 386,393 Jenkins, Edward ii 145-6-7-8-9 vi 32 Jenkins, Dr. John : Biography of iv 93 Moderator Church of Scotland . . iv .83 Moderator Presbyterian Church, iv 87 L Referred to iv 85 V 131 Supports Presbyterian Union. ... iv 60 Jennings, Sir Patrick vi 155 Jersey, Earl of : Delegate at Ottawa Colonial Couference vi 74-7 «4J 1 11, ^ 1^1 1! BWllSWiStirwra I CANADA; AN KNCYCI.OIMiUIA Ol rilK CoUNTItV Vdllllllf Viiw Pi)rtriiit of., vi 7S Koy.'il Coliiiiial IiiNtiliitf mill . . . \'i 40 Jfttf, 11(111. I,. A vi 37fi,J Jiiliiisdti, It. A V ai,<-i5 JdlnisuM, Iv I'liuliiie .. V 169 Jolmsdii, Sir l''raiii'i» (1 ii 6.S vi r76.3i4,38H Johnson, (»forj'irts on I'orciiU v 511-12-17 Reierrcil lo i 521,19,'i • 3^5.4^2 •- -450 V 294 vi I7.~s, iSo Johnson, Sir John i 117 vi 175,272 Johnson, Sir William i 66,74,211-12-18, 250 ii 457 Johnston, Hon JnniesW.: Advociiti's Colonial I'nion v 401,422 I.c'iids Nova Scotiuii Conservative I'arty v 401,42a Referred to iii 491 iv 2,S2-3 VI JJ9 Johnston, lion. John M v 41 >j Joly (le Lolhiniere, Sir H. G.: Artick- l)y v 521-3 Caimdian raiific Railway ami. . . ii 17b l'"av()urs MoiUnite rrotcclion.. . . i 290 Ini|nrial l"eileration Liiij;ue and. vi 60 I.iads (JufbfC Liberals . vi 199 Oppostd by yuebec Clerj^y vi 21)1-5 Portrait of v 522 yuel)ec Administration of vi 211 V 407 Referred to i 310 iii I2.S,359 V 106,130 vi 176,191 Jones, Mr. Justice iii 91 Jones, Sir iMvid vi 176 Jones, Hon. A. C. i 119,310 iv 500 Jogues, Isaac ii 443-4,451,492 Kane, Paul : Artistic Studies of iv 347-8 Indian Iiilliieiicf upon iv 347 Referred to iv 352,360-8 V 1 20 Travels of iv 3.(.^ Work of iv 349067 Kecfer, Thomas C: Article by ii 97, 103 Biography of ii 129,130 Canadian Pacific Railway and. . . ii 160-2 Grand Trunk Railway and ii 128-9 Member of Deep Waterways Cimimission iii 337 Portrait of ii 99 Referred 10 ii 46,134,237-9,^18- 19.326 V 132,215 vi 177,324 TransjKjrtation Methods I)e- scrit)ed by ii 223-4-5 Victoria Hridjje and ii 134-5-6 Kellerman, Due de Valmy, Marshal vi 282 Kelvin, Lord vi 295,537-8 144 INDSX TO LKADINO MKN. Kempt, Sir Jamei. Viiliime I'mr- Kennedy, Lieut.-Col. W. N.. . . Kvmiy, Sir Ivhviinl ; Advocates liili'ri'oloiiiiil Kail- WHV MiMiiher I'iral Uoniiiiiun Cabinet Referred to i 145 ii 77.,^«< iii 77,Hi),()9, ir)S, 113, 1 1 6, ju4, 259 iv 45 i V 153 vi .v>a iv 4.Si,5'".!Sio Kent, Hon. John. . . Kfin:}{han, R. 1' Killaly, Hon. H. II. Killuni, Hon. A. C. Kimberley, Karl of. King, K. H.: Banking Policy of Biograpliy of Portrait of President of Bank of Montreal. Referred to King, Hon. George E. : Biography of Commissioner re Behring Claims Character of Educational Policy of Portrait of Referred to ii 9' V 4"3 i 4.S0 ii I St V 297 vi 176,231,314 vi .197 V 129 V 3'>'< vi 41^45'^ i 199 ii 55,69,17'^ vi 153,161,172 5>6 519 5",1 4h.S-9, 490,520 355 324 StM 111 232 Kinjf, Dr. John M.: Biography of Moderator Pre.sljyterian Chi Manitoba College and Portrait of Referred to VI vi iii iii vi IV iv iv iv Kiiigdon, Bishop H. T ii V Kinnear, David v Kiiigsford, R. E v vi Kingsford, Dr. William : Journalistic Career of v Literary Work of v Portrait of v Referred to i ii iii iv V Kingston, Rt. Hon. C. C vi Kingston, W. H. G v Kipling, Rudyard vi Kirby, Dr. James v vi Kirby, '•Villiam v Kirk, John Foster v Kirke, Sir David iv vi Kirkpatrick, Sir George A i iv vi Kitson, Lieut.-Col. G. C iv Knutsford, Lord : Despatch Describing Colonial Conference Work vi Presides Over Colonial Con- ference vi 144 405 2.V-2,273-4 342 326 87 326 258 131 360,421,433 226 293 .So 227 119,121,131 21 1 96-8,181-9,190 516,551 45.113-16,131 4.S9 157-8 . 159,166 119 20 I30-5.225 3S2 1 2 2-6-7, 21 3- iS 132 3". 54 468-9,474 197.483 379.407 279.313.176 469 156 155 III Hi I' 145 ii 'i CANADA: AN BNCYCI.OP^DIA OF THE COUNTRY. Volume Page Referred to vi 42.5 ii 153-5-7. 250 Reciprocity with U. S. and i 391-2 Krc'ifjhofI, Cornelius iv 356,360-8 Kribs, L. P v 1^9,230 Labouclierc, Henry vi 73 Lahrecque, lUshop M. T ii 514 Lal)rie, Jacques v 140 Lacoste, Sir Alexander iv 288 VI 176.457 Laflatnine, Dr. J. C. K v 213-15-17 Laflainnie, Hon. Rodolphe v 224 vi 191-7,208,333 Lafleche, Bishop Louis F ii 515,530 iv 373 vi 202 Lafontaine, Sir L. H.: Adniinislration of li 115 V ^99 Character of vi 19S hater and Moderate Views of . . . . v 397 Portrait of iii 133 Papincau and the Rebellion Suj-norted by vi 207 Politual Career of vi 197,208-9 Retirement of ii 116 Refomi-s Administration of Jusii'.-e vi 387 Referrctl to iv 50 1 v 226,398 vi 174-5,214-15, 388, 457 Supports Ninety Two Resolutions iii 39 t tigneurial Tenure I'olicy of iii 124-5-6-7-8 V 203 Laing, Dr. John iv 87,91-5-8,104,214, 218 V 131 Laird, Hon. n.avid : .\ids to Bring I'rince Edward Island into Confederation v 434 Biography of i 281 Journalism and v 224 Negotiates Indians Treaties i 275-6 Referred to i 2S1 ,310 ii 536 VI 3 '4 Lake, General Lord iii 1 1 1 Lalemant, Gabriel ii 444-7-8,488,492 V 249 Lainartine v 141 Lampinan, Archibald : ., Poetry of v 128,169 Portrait of v 219 Referred to v 214-15,129 Lauclot, Mederic v 224 vi 2;,5 Lang, Capt. J. T iv 448,467 Langelier, Iloii, i'rancois C. S i 3"> V 296 vi 196 Langevin, Sir H. L.: Canadian Pacific Charter and. ... ii 1H3-4-5 Coiifederation Delegate London and Quebec v 41 12 - Journalistic Work of v 143-4-5,225,434 Leads yueljec Conservatives.... vi 2iu-u I.,etellier (Question and vi 245 Member of First Domii;ion Government v 403 Kiel's Kxecution and vi 296 Referred to i 21x1,359 v 296 vi 176-7,191,210 Statement re Oka Indians by. ... i 257 146 ;OUNTRY. Page [.1 53-5-7. 250 2 }6o-8 83° 457 15-17 7,208,333 530 208-9 398 5,214-15, 388, .5-6-7-8 )j-5-8,io4,2i4, -6 .310 -7-8,488,492 .169 I -15.129 U67 > !-4-5 1-4-5.225,434 j-ii 3 & '.359 5 S-7,i9i,2a<> 7 INDBX TO I,EADINO MEN /•• Volume Paife Seat of Government and v 253 vi 217 Supported by the Church vi 20t-2 Langevin, Archbishop ■"■.. P. A ii 510-14,530 vi 21)5 Langevin, Bishop J. P. F. L ii 515 V 131 Langhonie, Rev. John ii 327-8,385 Lanignn, George T v 129,143,235 Lanadowne, Marquess of : Addresses Presented to ii :!gq,3oo vi 56-7 Letter From Lord Wolselev to, . iv 470-1 Patronizes Canadian Art i v 369 Referred to i 200 Jv 493.521,407 V 404 vi 307 Statesmanship of vi 194 Speaks to the Indians at Winnipeg iv 477 Visits Hishop's College, Lennox- ville iv 288 Lareau, Edmund v 130-1,145 Ir<)C(|ue, Bishop Paul ii 515,530 Lame, Hon. J, E vi 396 Lartigue, Bishop Jean J ii ,50(1-1,514-17, 525 7-8 iii 40 La Salle, Chevalier de iv 55 Liiiii,'try, Rev. Dr. John ii 360.405,413,439 iv 316 V 130 T.aulieriviere, Bishop Pourroy de. . ii 497.514,552 Laurie, Major-General J. Winiburn iv 491,507 vi 56,162 Laurie, Capt. Sir Robert vi 283 I.aurier, Sir Wilfrid ; .\)'.pearanoe of vi 239 .attends the Queen's Piamoud Jubilee vi 238,296 Attends Diamond Jubilee Con- ference vi ?66 Becomes Prime Minister v 405 vi 191,212,234-7 Character and .Abilities of vi 235-9 Canadian Pacific Railway and.. . ii 204 Church and State Views of ii 541-2-3 Early Career of v 235 France Visited by vi 238 Fiscal Views of i 290,304 Honours Conferred upon vi 238,296 Imperial Preferential Tariff and. vi 69,71 Loyalty and Imperialism of vi .'^o, 74, 193 Ministry of vi 237 J ii 217 Manitoba School Question and. . vi 205,237 Manifesto in 1891 of i 4ot-2-3-4 Oratory of vi 235-6-8-9 Political Career of vi 236-7 Personal Popularity of vi 237 j Prohibition Policy of vi 363 Portrait of ! ii 7 Preface by ii 9-10 Referred to i 294,310,388,411;, 444 Ji 547 iv 515 v 214 vi 100,175,191,231 Reciprocity Negotiations of vi iSi Resolution Proposed by i 304 -«» \ '., 1:1 1 if' 'ill ■I! »*e=I»S!yw^^^^«ir'fSTOrawff;0R«^;^'^"^«5rf;f.i?*w^3r«5a^T.rf^.**5T^.>*?fc.fS>i?y.'- r,~r>i73grri-..7^,-._^;?.T;- ,.-■■ T CANADA: AN KNCVCLOPilvDlA Ol' THl' CUUNTRY. VoUim Laval (le Montmorency, Bishop : liiojjraphy of ii Ednealioniil Work of iii Li'bonrs 4.5,S2 125,209,244,395 5,\ >\V4-5 469 416,446 292 1 29, 2 1 2 351 29I..V33-4 74-6-7-S i,S2 153 59 32 47 343 24«,.^55 213-14 .341 S3 294 293.341 302,497 i67,2i3-r4 27 512-15 241-S.359.365 24S 122,161-2 152-3 "■'3 3>5 54.48Q 145.152 176 212-13-14 126,155,163-4-5, 170 26S,359 106, 124,405-7 191,211,240-4-5, 313 242-4 90 2S2 227 391,410-11 416 425-6 ,334-5 422-3 334 433 '99 293,326,340 63.225 126-7-9,131, 162-8 503S 473 131.227 > 19.321 454,480,496,506 2<.u 27 404 3».307 r INDKX TO I.KADINO MI;N. Volume I'age r^istoii, Sir Robert vi 178 I.istfr, Lord vi 295 Little, Hon. P.I' vi 497 Liverpool, IC;irl of i 99 vi 152 Livinjjstone, John v 1^7,224,231 Lobley, Dr. Joseph ii 344,35° iv 2S7 Lockhart, A.J v 16.S Lo).;an, Sir Williiini ; Art I'atronn^'e of iv 336 l!iogra])hy of iii 464-5 Geok)j,Mcal Work of iii 440-1-7-9,464-5 I'ortrait of iii 44S Referred to ii 1 34 V 124-9 vi 176 Londonderry, (Castlereagh) Mar- quess of i 99,199,347 vi 152 Longfellow, Henry Wadsworlh .... ii 487 Longley, Archbishop ii 422,440 Longlev, Hon. J. Wilbcrforce : , Article by v 4 ! 5,421 Jonrnali.stic Work of v 224 Literary Work of v 132 Portrait of v 421 Roval Society of Canada and .. . v 215 Referred to i 4"". 3^8 Supports Connnercial I'nion Movement vi 54 Loranger, Hon. L. O vi 31,5 Loranger, Hon. T. J. J v 125 vi 3'5,3'*9 Loring, Arthur H vi 6f, Lome, Marquess of : Art Patronage of iv 3.'i<\3')2-3-S, 400-1 Establishes Royal Society of Canada iv 337 V 212 Literature and v 25S Letellicr Case and v 407 Montreal Visited by v 269 Portrait of ' vi 212 Referred to i J •',:?'^i i;i 26S.466 iv 377,452,4qi-4 V 121,215,404 vi 40,3^7 Toronto Visited by v 290 Writes upon Colonial Knight- hoods vi 1 73 Loudon, Dr. James : Article by iv 169,178 liiographyof iv 342 Portrait of iv 171 Referred to v 130,213-15 Toronto University and iv 342 Louise, H. R. H. Princess: Buys Canadian Pictures iv 403 Montreal Visited by v 269 Portrait of.. ..*. vi 72 Patronage of Canadian Art by. . . iv 3,50,362-3-89 Roval CanaSir Henry H vi 495-7 McCarthy, D'Alton : Attends Imperial Federation Orf^aniz.- ion Meeting in Lojidon vi 51 Addrcsseson Imperial Federation of vi 568 British Kinpire Lea>;ue and vi 62 Helps to C)rjianize Imperial Federation Leajjue in Canada., vi 52 Proposes Canadian Representa- tive at Washington vi 173 Portrait of v 464 Referred to iii 281 . Services to Imperial Federation ; Movement of vi 52-7,60-2 1 Supreme Court atul vi 341 1 Treaty Makiiij.; Power and i 3S,S 1 Temperance Lei;islation of vi 3r iv 321-2-3 I'Muc.Uioiial Work of iv ' 78,321-2 Mu Ucal ratrona^e of iv 383-4 Paintini; of iv 35 r Portrait of i v 1 76 Toronto Tniversity and iv 321-2-3,337 Upper Canada College and iv 3i9,32" ii 176 vi 220-9,338-9,341, 373,487 INDEX TO SHADING MEN. Volume Page McDoiigall, J. Lome vi 177 McDouKall, Hon. William : Atteiijs CharloUetowii Con- ffwive V 426 Biography of [y ^g,.2 Coiiffderation Supported by v 205 • V' ^^^ Dominion Governniciit Insln.c- tionsto iv 4S4-5 Hudson's Bay ComiJiuiy and ... ii 52-3-4-5-6 T ,. , iv 4,'i6-9,4g2 Journali.sinand v 1.S9.227 Leaves I,il)eral I'artv vi 191 Member I'irst Dominion Govern- "'e'lt V 403 North -West Territories Govern- ment and iv 439,440-1, 483-4, _ 442 Portrait of .... i y 439 Relations with Brow n of y 196 Royal Colonial Ins'.iiute and vi 39 Referred to • i 42,200,281,300, .•^59 V 131,204 vi 177 Separate School Policy of iii 253-5 Victoria CoUejje and iv 205 McDowall, Rev. Robert iv 4^ McEachern, Lieut. -Col. Archibald, iv 4'27,434,5ii vi 17- McKachern, Bishop Bernard Angus ii 470,514 McEvay, Mgr iv 309 McCee, Hon. T. D'Arcy : Attends Charlottetown Con- ference V 426 Advocates Federal Union v 401 Assassination of v 2C8 Confederation Delegate at Lon- don and Quebec v 402 Declines Place in Dominion Cabinet vi 230 Journalistic Work of v 226,231-4 Literary and Poetic Work of v 129-131-2, 165 Oratory of. iii 267 Ottawa University and iv 2-',7 Portrait of ' y 35S Political Views of vi 19S Referred to i 42,359,523 ii 5\S V 106,120-3,164,196 yi 242 McGill, Hon. James : Founds McOill University iv 181-2-3 Life and Labours of iv iSi-2 Nature of ICndownient Fund iv 184-9,332-3-5 Portrait of jv 184 Referred to v 149,744,266 McGill, Hon. Peter: As a Pioneer Merchant i 433 Biography of i 438 Grand Trunk Railway and ii ill Masonry in Quebec and vi 271 Portrait of i 489 Referred to i 488 iv 291 V 296 McGill, Dr. Robert iv 72,83,291 McGillivray, Simon vi 273 McGregor, Dr. James v 124,130 ' '"' McGregor, Prof. J. G v 213-15-17 McGoun, Archibald : Addresses on Imperial Federation of vi 54-5-9 Article by vi 62 British Empire Iveague and vi 62 ' Imperial Federption League and vi 51-2-3 Portrait of vi 70 Itsi 1 i CANADA: AN KNCVCI.OIVUDIA ol' TIIIC fni NIKV. VciUi McGregor, Dr. J.itnes : HidHrapliy of iv I,iO)ours (if iv Ueferrcd to iv RlcIUvraith, J. N v Mellwraith, Sir Ttionias vi Mclniies, Hon. T. R vi Mcliityru, Duncan vi Mclntvre, Hisho]) Peter ii McKellar, Hon. A v McKiniion, Archbishop C. I" ii iii iv IMcI.achlan, Alexander v McLa>;an, J. C v McLean, Hon. Archibald iii iv vi McLean, Bishop John ii McLellan, Hon. A. W ii V vi McLennan, William v McLeod, D. J iii Mcl.eod, Lieut. -Col. James I'" iv McLeod, Dr. J. H vi iMcMaster, Hon. William : Bu.siness Career of i Bankin>; Experience of i Establislies McMaster CoUoge. . . iii iv Referred to i ii McMurray, Dr. William ii iii McMurrich, W. Barclay iv V McNab, Dr. Alexander iv • McNab, Sir A. N.: Administration of v Canadian Masonry and vi Clergy Reserve.) Policy of iii V Portrait of iii Political Careerof v Referred to i ii iv vi Speech at Brock's Monument of. i iv Supports Trinity University iv Shares in Suppres'iing Rebellion, iii .Separate School I'olicy of iii McNeill, Alexander : Addresses on Imperial Federation of vi British Empire League and vi Speaks at l"irst Meeting Imperial Federation lycague vi McNeill, General Sir John C iv McPherson, Sir David L. : Biography of ii Canadian Pacific Charter and ii vi Entertains Prince of Wales v Railway Contracts of ii Referred to y vi Macaulay, Lord ii iii iv Macaulay, Sir James iii iv vi MacCabe, Dr. J. A v ne I'iige ,SH9 40, I02» 1-6 71-7 2-15 47 1. 514.^30-6 1(6 471-2.514.53^ 214 3'.^ 127-8,234 232 92 291 457 365-6,434 86 310 220-1,314 127,131,176 2.34-5 481,508 310 436 493-4 494 229,230 355 i.So 332.431 "43 2^'", 393, 409 296 2,5i5 ii 156,202,231) iii 1 26 «v 378.492,501-2, 510-12 V 155.174, 22S. 290. 399. 4"5 vi 175-6, 1.S8.19.1, 201-3,225,231-2-3. 4,240-3-4-6-9,250, 322-4.463.498 Resolution in Commons of i 302-3 385 Reciprocity Negotiations of i 342,359 vi 180 Separate School of iii 1.83-4-5,253-4-5 Statues and Memorials of iv 376-7-8-9,380,407- 8-9,410 vi 222 Scat of Government Question and v 252-3 vi 21416-17 Supreme Court Measure of vi 332-3-9 Welcomed Home in 1 8H4 i 314 Work in Campaign of 1878 vi 322 Washinj^lon Treaty and vi 109,110,119,219 Macdonald, Hon. J. Sandfield : Administrations of...., v 399 Clergy Reserves and v 204 Political Careei cf vi 210,217 Referred to i 494 ii 194 iv 377 v 205 vi 242 Separate School Policy of iii 185,253-4-5 Macdonald, Ronald v 142-3 Macdonald, Sir VV. C i 434 iv 1.^9,336 VI 176,375 Macdonald of Earnscliffe, Lady. . . vi 175,221 Macdonell, Bishop Ale.\ander : Government Allowance and iii 15S . Labours of ii 458-9,460 Letter to Lord Hatluirst ii 455 Portrait of ii 458 Referred to ii ,157, 460-2, 5 14 Regiopolis College and iv 311-12 Macdonnell, Gen. Sir R. G vi 302 Macdougall, Col. Sir Duncan iv 517 Macdougall, General Sir P. L. : Biography of iv 517 Commands Militia During Fenian Raids iv 429 Commands Militia in Canada... . iv 453 Commands I'orces ill Canada. .. . iv 453,517 Referred to iv 496,506 vi 307 Macf 'rlane, Thomas v 213-15 vi 52-4-5-6 Machray, Archbishop Robert : Article by ii 361-8,255,261 Appointed Metropolitan ii 366,416 Biography of ii 430-1 Educational Work of iii 235-6 iv 257.343 Portrait of ii 367 INDRX TO I.EAUINO MKN. Volume Presides over Winnipeg Con- ftrence ii Referred to ii I'age Ii ^ w Mnclinr, ARnes Maule iv V IMadiar, I )r. John iv Mackay, Charles v Mackay, Dr. Alexander H iii V Mackenzie, Sir Alexander : Hiof^'rapliy of ii Discoveries of i ii Portrait of ii Referred to ii iii V Mackenzie. Hon. Alexander : BioK^iipliy of vi Becomes Prime Minister v Canadian Pacific Railway and ... ii C.inaiiian Pacific Charter and.. . . ii Dtcliiies Knif,'litlio<)(l vi (iiral Hritaiii Visited hy vi Literary Work of v I/. Iter from Lord Lome to vi Legislation Promoted by vi Ministry of vi Opposf's anli-Iiritish Tariff Sii.u.uestions vi Political Career of vi Political Privileges of vi Proliihition Attitnde of vi Portrait of i Referred to i ii iii iv V vi Royal Military Collcfje Kstab- lislied l)y iv Se])arate School Policy of iii Tariff Views of .' i Mackenzie, William Lyon : Acts as a Filibuster iii Hio).;ra])hy of iii Described by Sir F. Bond-Head., iii Early Career of iii Escapes to United States iii Elected I-'inst Mayor of Toronto, v Journalistic Policy of iii Journalistic Career of v Objects of v Portrait of iii Political Career of iii Promotes and Leads Rebellion. . iii Proclaims a Canadian Republic. Referred to lU i ii iii iv V Republican .\iivocacv of iii Reward OfTi red for Capture of. . . iii Supports Provincial Union Pro- posals V Visits England iii Writes .•Vbont the Rebellion iii Mackintosh, Hon. C. H 412-13 364-5-6-H,4J5.9, •l.M 49.51 29 1,. 329 123-6,171 «3i 103,291-2-3, 34"-' 119 213-1,15,271 2i5,3f>i 37-S 31,228 3'^ II 39 32' II S, V vi 58 240-1 405 156-7-S, 203-4-5- 6-7 I76,I.S6 '73-4 240 124,159 '73 240-1 240 241 240 241 308 308 43.4.36 119.541 567 37'\4<>5 191-2-3,231 445 254 303-^-9. 3^5 .35.64 102-3 9'i 26 60, S4. 90-3 2.'^S.29.i 26-7,33, 102 184-9,223-7 397 27 28-9,30 ?,}, 4. l4,S3.9o-i- 2-3. 1 "3 69, 70- 1 110 459 11.S 491 120,131, 199, 202, 204,2.89, .(1 9 l,S8 3.^.'^6 72,90 401 29. liM 85-6-7-^ 124.13' 310-14 •9,90 ,229,230 IS5 •li CANADA: AN KNCVCnOPifilHA KV TIIK COINTUV. Viiliiiiir I'ltgc MacKlli^;ht, Dr. Alfxiimkr iv .Sy.v"'- 1,334 Macl.ari'ii, Dr. Willimii iv .S-,2i.S Mai'Uaii, \V. 1' v iHy Maclcay, Sir C.i'urnc vi 39 M.iiMasUT, Donald ui J.JJ vi '^W-,S M.ii-Mulleii, J. M V 120,161 M.icoun, I'rof. John \ 121). Jl V15.361, Macrai-, Dr. Dcmalil iv ti7,ai).S-9 MaeVicar, Dr. D. 11 iv 5i>,6o-i,. -17,93-8, 297-8 fll:n'Vii'ar, Dr. M.iIcdIiii iv 2^1 Malum, I.ont ^ liarl SUiiihopf ) i 97 Maisonnuuve, Chumedey dc iii 201,257 iv af'-S.^T^ v 12.1,264.5,394,452 vi .^H2 Mair, Charles iv 500 V 129, 1 6s, 215 vi 321 Maitland, Maj.-Gen. Sir Peregriiiu i 191) iii 2 1-5-6.7, Ho, 96-7, 116,13s, 146, 155- 6-7-S,i7i iv 169, 191,347 vi 302 Mallory, CharlfS A v ux)-i-2-3 Maritiiiij;, Rt'v. Ivlward iii 49i>,5i3-i4 IManiier.s-Sultoii, .Vrclihishop iv ?67 Manners-SuUon, J. II. T vi 302 Mance, Mdle ii 450,494 V 1 25 Manchester, Duke of vi 3S-9 Mansliuld, I.ord i 132-3-5 ii 33 V 447 ' VI 3(6 Marchatid, Hon. V. G.: Journalism and v 145,225 Portrait of v 225 Referred to i 310, ■vSS,4H4 vi 191,211 Royal Society of Canada and v 2i3-i4-i7 Marie de r Incarnation ii 494 iii 122,200-1,256 iv 353 Markhain, Sir Clements v 1 24 Martin, Georj;e v 1 2.S, 164-8 Martin, T. Mower iv 361-4,395,406 Marlborough, John, Duke of ii 20,69,250 iv 456 Marniette, Joseph v 213 Marryatt, Captain Frederick v 119 Marsliall, Hon. John G v 131 Martin, Hon. Joseph : Advocates Hudson's Hay Rail- way ii 235 Biography of iii 281 Educational Policy of iii 236,281 Opposes Canadian Pacific Rail- way ii 213 iii 281 Portrait of iii 237 Referred to i 394 iii 2S0 Mason, J. Herbert iv 3S5 V 317.33!^ VI 53.62 Mason, Lieut. -Col. James iv 515-16-19 yi 324 Massey, Hart A iv 205,210 .V 533 Masson, Hon. L. F. R i v 506 vi 210,220-1,315 Masseres, Baron v 137. 155-7 iv 30 156 Merrv, INOl'.X Tl) I.UADINC. MKN. Viiliiini! I'age Mathiesoii, Dr. Alexander: Hioj;rii|)li.v of iv lyo-i ModiTiilor I'liurcli of Sootlaiul. . iv Svgo I'ortrait of iv f}3 Referred to ." , , ' ij i ^4 iv 83,111.^,291 .. . V iVs.i.v Rlnuhfw, Dr. G. I- v I2y.jivi5,i7 Maltlicws, Jcliii vi SZ-V'J Mattlu'ws, M iv 36i"-2-3-4,4o6 Maurice, I'aiiclu'r 5 Melhouriie, Lord iii 110-12-13 Melville, Ivord (Henry Dmirlas;.. . 1 99 iii 142-3 VI 152 Mendip, Ellis, Lord i 99 vi 152 Mercier, Hon. Honore ; Attends Inler-l'rovinciid Con- ference i 3.S8 vi 203 Anti-ICiif^lish Views of vi 30 Disniissel of v 407 Jesuits ICstates and vi 204 I'olitical Career of vi 203-4,211 Referred to iii 268 iv 492 V I06, I2,S vi 191 Riel Question and vi 29, 296-7 Religious Appeals of vi 29 Meredith, Sir William Collis vi 176,388,457 Meredith, Sir William R ii 533 iv 405 vi 176,449.457 Meredith, I)r ICdmund A iv 333-4 V "153 Merivale, Dr. Herman vi 154 Merinet, J. J. D v 140 Merrilt, W. Hamilton iii 3''5-6,46& vi 53-6-7 Merritt, Hon. W. Hamilton : Advocates Colonial t'nioii v 401 vi 181 Biography of iii 339.340 Chairman of Legislative Com- mittee (1854) i 317-8 Free Banking .\cl of i 456-7-9,505 Report on Inter- Provincial Trade i 328-9 Reciprocity Resolution of i 345 Referred to i 494,505 v 124,131 vi 1 2S Welland Canal and iii 329,330-9 Merry, Anthony vi 178 Me.Kplet, Kleury v 137,185-6221 Metcalfe, Lord : Educational Policy of iv 171 Describes Canadian Parties v 399 "57 I .1^ :i 111 CANADA: AN RNCVCt.OI'«DIA OI' TIIU CilllNIHV. Oppose* I'oputnr Governtnrnt. . . I'orlriiit ol.. , Referrud tu. 'Michel, I.iout.-Cfi'ii. Sir Joliii . Miililli-liiii, I.ieiitenaiU-ritfnerul Sir I'lvil. I),; Aililrissfs till' Caiiaiiinii lV<>))li'.. llu>Kr:ii)liy (if lliittii' 111' ll:il(i(lif Di'snilii'il liy . CiirtiniaiKls Militia in Canada.'... Cli.irai'lLT of I)t f'-iioi- .AKainst IViliticnl Cliar).;i'S of I''uri-\vfll Cifiifral Order to Tniiips ill lyss In IImuiIumUIi Ui>j;iinuiit Norlli-Wi-st Ri'iKllion of iHSs ami ParliaiiU'iitary \\..e to I'oitrait of Ri-C(iintnt'ti(ls Officers for Hon- ours anil I'roiiiotions Referred to Miles, Dr. Henry H Viiliinir Hng* i' V'S iii loS V iiw,,vnii3 vi a.iM vi .V).S i imt 'i .VV^ iii 115 V 1 19, in, 161-2,400 vi 2i).,V'7 iv AS.^ vi 307 Mills, Sir Charles Mills, Hon. David : Balance of Tr^idf Theory I'nvonrs Miulcrate rrolectioii .... Indian RcikhI of Journ.ilisni and (Jpposes C. I'. R. Contract I'rohitiitioii I'lehiscite Favoured liy Referred to Select Committee Report (1876) of Supreme Court T.,e^islntion and.. Treaty Makiiif^ Power and .... Viesvs Ke;;ardiii)^ Senate of Miltu-, .\]ex. R Millies, Sir Robert Shore Milton, John Minto, ICarl of : Descrihes Rebellion teeiith Centurv ". Letter to thi Particip ' Camp. Referred Referred li4it. in "Nine- ton. ^ iv: V vi Mitchell, Hon. I'.ter : Confederation Delej. at Lon- don and (jneliec v Member First Dominion Govern- ment V Reports on Reciprocity i Referreil to i RejKjrt on Canadian Fisheries. . . v Moff.itt, Hon. Oeorj^e : I!iot;raphy of Business Career of Referred to M .150. f^io-i-j-a 4.V> r-S-9 si'i-17 •l,S-'-.V5-S-9 •4.S9 iv 'l,')9.-l'i"-i-J-4 iv 5.M iv 466 iv .Sf St. Lawrence Stfiitn Navijjatiuii lil ayS-g Portniil (il iii 30.^ kcfi-rrfil to i ."(,SH,.}9o iv iif> vi 271 Molson, J. H. R iv 107-9, a8S, ;;}6 Monck, Visi'ouiit : AMKlo-Anii-riCiUi Cahle Compntiy and vi 338 Di'spatch re Intercoiuiiiul Rail- way i 329 First V'iceRi');al Spetcli to Dotniiiioii I'ariianuMit v 404 liiulson's Ilay Cotn]>aiiy anil. . . . ii 52 Ififhiciice of vi 194 Portrait of v 430 Montreal Visited liy v 26.S Referred to ' i 42,2ix),35S ii j.i 1 iii 26.S iv 237-8, 2SS, 379 V 4().)-4,426,447 vi 307 Royal Colonial Institute and vi 3U Montcalm, Marquess de : Hiojjraphy of 1 74-5 Canipaif^n of ly^S-y i 67-S-9 Colonial Views of i 2H6 Portrait of i 67 Referred to i 3^,49. "o iv 374 Moreau, Bishop I.ouis Z li 515 Morin, Hon. A. N.: Administration of v 399 liiojjrapliy of iii 114 Clergy Reserves Policy of iii 140 Character of vi 198,209 ' Co-operates with Conservative Party vi 209, 215 Codifies yuehcc Civil Law vi 3H9 Journalistic Work of y 141,22.} Lafontaine Replaced by vi 208 Portrait of iii 39 Referred to iii 183 iv 501 vi 109,315,396 Supports Ninety Two Reso- lutions ' iii 39 Mornay, liisliop I)u])lessis du ii 496,514 Morfjaii, Kl. Hon. G. Osborne vi 154 Morgan, Ilenrv J v 123,131,143,158 vi 321 Morrill, Hon. J. S i 336 Morris, Hon. Alexander : liiojiraphy of i 2S0 Confederation and vi 218 v 401,425 Half-breeds Described bv i 265 Manitoba University and iv 256 Negotiates Indian Treaties i 273-4-5-6 Referred to i 225 V 121,131,152 vi 3'4.45S Summarizes Indian Treaties i 25S 9 Separate School Policy of iii 184 Morris, Hon. E. P vi 4^3.4^9 Morris, Lewis vi 42 Morris, Hon. William iii I55-6-7-S ! '■■! i CANADA : AN KNCYCI.OPiKDIA OF THE COUNTRY. Volmre I'ngc Morrison, Daniel v 227-9 ISIoss, Hon. Charles vi 447 Moss, Hon. Thomas vi f'-z, 321-2,332-3, 457 Mountain, Bishop George J.: Bi.sliop's College, Leniioxville, and iv 285,297-8 Consecration of ii 332 Labours of ii 342-3-4-6-7 McGill University and iv 332 Portrait of ii 341 Referred to ii 335.34o-i.375, 433-9 V 124,130 Reports to Lord Durhatn ii 3H3-4 Sijins r.islio])s' Declaration ii 3^19,392 Ship Teve-- of 1847 and ii 345 Monntain, Bishop Jacob: Aiipoititinent of ii 328,339 Character of ii 342 Death of ii 342-3 Ivhicational Influence of ii 341 « i'i 235 V 139 Labours of li 329,330,340 Portrait of ii 351 Ref rred to ii 375.422,433 iii 143 Mount Stephen, Lord : Art Patronage of iv 401-2-3 Business Career of i 434-5 V 4«9.495 Biot;raphy of ii 215 CanadianPacific Contract and.. . ii 27,69,196 vi 245 CjiMierositv of vi 246 r.if ts to ^icGill University of i v 336 President of C. P. R ii 167,196-7,214-15 218 Referred to i 199,488 iv 409 vi 175 Victoria Hospital, Montreal, ano Chairman of Tnter-Provincial Conference i 43,388 Career of vi 213 Confederation Policy of v 205 vi 218 Confederation Delegate at Lon- don and Quebec v 402 Defends Acceptance of Knight- hood vi 174-5 Entertains Princess Louise v 291 Imperial Federation and vi 51 Paintings of iv 401-5 ite INDKX TO LEADING MKN. Volume Page Referred to i 2cx5,4ll iv 492 vi 157,176, 191, 217 237-313 Speech on Municipal Loan Fund ii 23,S-9 Separate School PwHcy of iii 186-7 Wuir, Alexander iv 394 Mulock, Hon. William : Imperial I'euny Postage and vi 526 Portrait of vi 517 Referred to i 3'o.407 vi 237 University Federation Policy of., iv 20.S-9 Mulvey, Lieut. -Col. Stuart iv 4S1 vi 3i« Munro, George iv 272-3 Murphy, Hon. Edward iv 409 Murrav, Alexander v 213 vi 177 Murray, George v 213-15,235 Murray, Sir George i 1 99 iii 116,159 iv 74-5 vi 153 Murray, Sir H. H vi 497 Murray, General The Hon. Jatius : Administration of v 265,454 vi 3«5 Biograpliy of i 76 Church of Koine and ii 497-8,524 Capture of (jueljec i)y v 242-4 Describes Protestant Popul.itioii of L. C iv 41 Referred to i 68,103,121,1456 199,200 Ji 336 iv 489 Murray, Dr. John vi 2q5 Murray, Prof. J. Clark v 129,213-13 Musgrave, Sir Anthony v 404 vi 442,497 Nantel, Hon. G. A v 225 Napier, Mii'or-G-'fral iv 454. 5'^ Napier and'Utlrick, ^^ord i 349.354 vi 178 Neilson, Hon. John : Journalism and v 143-8,165 Referred to i 438,454 1 iii 266 vi 207 Nelles, Dr. SumielS.: Biography of iv 341-2 ISIethodisni in Canada li 254 Portrait of iv 207 Victoria I'niversity and iv 205-6-7-8,342 Nelson, I^rd i 181 Nelson, Sir HugV. v 52,60.403 vi 159,166,314 Nelson, Dt. Wolfred. . iii 38.40-1-2-4,98, 109,110 v 296 Nesselrode, Count vi 132-3 Newcastle, Duke of : Accompanies Prince of Wales to Canada ii 13 1 V 28) Canadian Orangeism and vi 316-17 Canadian Tariff Powers and i 301,314-15 Clergy Reserves and iii 140, 159 Hudson's Bav Company and ii 41,51-2-3 Inter-Colonia'l Railway and ii 85,95,244 --£- Referred to i 200,343 iv 377 V 422 vi 153 161 ' I I 1 CANADA . AN KNCVCr,OI-iBI)IA OF THK COUNTRY. Volume Page Views upon Colonial ITnion Question v 425 Newnhani, Bishop J. A ii 433 Newton, Gilbert Stuart iv 357 Nichol, Walter C v '232 NichoUs, Dr. Jasper Hutne ii 344 iv 2)S6-7 NichoUs, General Sir Juse])h iii 96 Nicholson, Sir Charles vi 3.S-9,4o Nicholson, General v 264 Nicholson, Sir I'rancis v 401 Norfolk, the 15th Duke of vi 526 Nornianby, Jlarquess of : Governor of Nova Scotia vi 302 Helps to Found Royal Colonial Institute vi 38-9 Imperial Federation League and. vi 51 Referred to i 2ix),329 ii 3.S1 iii 1 16 vi 153.193 Norquay, Hon. John : Biography of i 264 3 F'avours Reciprocity i 390 Hudson's Baj- Railway Project and ii 235 Imperial Federation and vi 5K Opposes C. P. R. Monopoly ii 209,210-13 Referred to ii 363 V 106 North, Lord iv 262 vi 24,88 Norton, Lord, (Sir C. B. Adderley) ii 47,55 vi 3M.154 Norton, Sir Fletcher vi 346 O'Brien, Lieut. -Col. W. E iv 489,491,534 vi 5(1 O'Brien, Bishop J ii 462,514 O'Brien, Sir Terence N vi 497 O'Brien, Archbishop Cornelius : Biographyjof ii 536 British Empire Iveaguv and vi 62 Imperial Federation Movement and vi 53-7,60 Literary Work of v 1 24-5, 131 Portrait of ii 473 Referred to i 26 ii 471.514,530.551 Royal Society of Canada and v 2i5-]8 Ste. Ann's College and iv 313 O'Brien, Lucius R.: Art Schools and iv 362 Biography of iv 400 Portrait of iv 363 President Royal Catuidian Academy iv 363,400 Referred to iv 362-4 O'Connell, Daniel iii 42-3 vi 267 O'Connor, Hon. John vi 220 O'Connor, Bishop R. A ii 462,515 O'Connor, Archbishop Denis ii 462,515,540 iv 309 Ogden, Hon. C. R iv 509 v 39^ vi 207 Ogilvie, W. W v 535 Ogilvie, William iii 3.^3-4,429, 430-1- O'Hagan, Dr. Thomas iv 309 V 129,131 Olier de Verneuil, J. J iv 3115-6-8 V 29.( Oliver, Major-Gen. J. R iv 469 Ommanney, Sir M. F vi 40 Onslow, l(arl of vi 154 Osborne, Bernal v 178 i6a NTRY. '3 534 530,551 540 9, 43"-»-2 INDEX TO READING MEN. Voluiiii; I'age Cogoodf, Hon. Williaiii v 266 vi 457 Osier, Dr. William v H2,2i3-t6 ( ).sler, Hon. I' vi 447 O'Sullivan, Dr. I). A iv 309 V 1 25 Oswiild, I,ieut.-Col. W. R iv 452,535 Oswald, Richard vi .SS-9^ 90-1-2-3-4-5- 6-7,103 Ortniston, Dr. William : Advocalis Presbyterian Union. . . iv 85 liiojiraphy of iv 103-4 I'orlrail of iv 85 Referrod to v 131 Victoria College and iv 2)5-6 O'.ter, Lient. -Colonel William D. ; Biography of iv 513-14 Contributions to Military Litera- tiireof iv 489,491,514 Commands I'irst South African Contingent vi 293 .Northwest Rebellion and iv 514,522-7-8-9,532- • r 3-4 Portrait of iv 528 Referred to by Oeiieral Middleton ' iv 463 Referred to iv 491 vi 323 Recommended for a C. M. O iv 514 Ouimet, Ueut.-Col. Hon. J. A iv 534 vi 226,250 Ouimet, Hon. Oeoige vi 201,21011 Ouimet, Hon. Gedeon ii 181 iii 193,208,210,268 vi 315 Outram, General Sir James vi 292 Owen, Admiral vSir Rdward vi 285-6 ' Oxenden, liishop Ashtoii ii 350-1,424,433 V 130 Packenham, Sir Richard vi 178 Palmer, Hon. Edward v 402,432-3 vi 45« Palmerston, Lord i 2ix),365 iii 340 vi 162,193,491 Palliser, Sir Hugh vi 470,487-8,^97 Pauet, Bishop B. C ii 5c>j-i,5i4 iii 204 Papineau, Hon. Louis J.: Annexation Views of vi 208 Association with Mackenzie of. . iii 86 Biography of iii 108-9 Connection with Journalism of . . v 131,140-3 Kducational Opinions of iii 265 I'oUowersof vi 197,208 Liberal Opponents of vi 207 Leads Lower Canadian Rebellion iii 39,40-1-2-3-4,109 vi "197 Leads I'reiich Party iii 49,108 Opposes Lafontaine vi 197, 2a8 Ol)jects of V 397 Portrait of iii 43 Praised by Upper Canada Reformers iii 58 Revolutionary Appeals of vi 25 Referred to iii 98, 1 14, 266 iv 408 V 244,419 - vi 1 89 Re]niblicaii Sentiments of. ... .. iii ,v>,4,^ Parent, Hon. S. N v 296 .— Parent, I'Uienne v 141 Parker, Hon. Neville vi 405 Parker, (■.ill)ert : Literary Work of v 1 26-7 Portrait of v 133 163 |l» CANADA : AN KNCYCLOPiBDIA OF THE COITNTRY. Volume Page Preface by vi 9, lo Referred to v 135,214-15 Parkin, Ur. C'.eorjje R.: Addresses on Iini)erial I'edera- tion in Canada vi 58,60 Addresses on Imperial Federa- tion in Australia vi 5S Addresses on Imperial Federa- tion in Great Britain vi 58-9 Imperial Federation Movement and vi 54,62 Literary Work of v 132 North-West Production De- scribed by v T 14 Portrait of vi 60 Royal Society of Canada and. ... v 215 Referred to iii 434 iv ,^20 vi 177 Parkman, Francis i 250.285,520 iv 54-5 V 118,125, 153, 241 264 vi 25 Parnell, Charles Stewart vi 23 Partridge, Dr. Francis ii 352,360,410-13, 421 iv 270 Parthenais, Anatole i v 373 Paterson, Hon. William i 310 ii 204 \ ; vi 237 Patterson, Hon. C. S v 2^7 Patteson, T. C v 189,228 vi 322 Patterson, Dr. George iv !ii2 v 122,131,216 Patterson, .\. D iv 404 Patterson, Hon. J. C iv 500-6 vi 226,250,314 I'atton, Dr. W. M iv 301-2 Pattullo, .V v 230 Pattullo, f'r. R v 230 Patrick, Alfred vi 177 Pascal, .Vlbert ii 515 Pauncefote, Lord i 391-2-4 vi 145,154,178 Pcto, Sir Samuel Morton ; Hiojiniphy of ii 1 V'- 1 I'irm of i'eto, Hrassey & n.-lls. . . ii 106,114-19,126, 131-2-6,148 .SliMi-s of, in G. T. R ii 1*15 Phelan, liishop P .. ii 462,514 iii 183 iv 233 Pickard, Dr. Humphrey ii 272 iv .303 Pinkham, Bishop W. C ii 4i3.4,34 iii 2J^o-i Pinsonneault, Bishop P. A ii .162,515,530-4 I'irbri.ylit, I.oril vi 154 Pirie, A.I" v 230 Pirrie, Rl. Hon. W. J vi 294 Pitt, William i 67,74-5-6,136-7- 8-9,140-1-3 ii ,1^9 iii 137,157,162 V 241,396 vi 1 96 Plamandon, .\ntoine iv 355-6 Planiondon, Hon. M. A v 141,225,238 vi 197 Playfair, Lon' vi 42 — Playfonl Hon. Thomas vi 74-5 Plessis, llisho]) Jean Octavi- : Biography of ii 516-17 Educational Policy of iii 203-4 164 V I' .J^' *^, NTRY. age 1-15 ,520 , 153, 241 ,410-13, 216 314 t,i7« -19,126, ,14.S ,530-4 -6,136-7- -J-3 ',162 5.238 INDEX TO I.EADINO MEN. Volume I'nRe Labours of jj 4^,^.^ Loyalty of ij 499, 500- iS, 521-2- 3-4 vi 25,193 Maialeinent Issued by ii 521-2-3 Referred to ii 501.514.528,551 Report of ji 523.4 Plumb, Hon. J. n ii 202 V 52,441-2 vi 322 roIiKiiac, Prince de vi 147 Politicii, M. I'ierre de vi 131-2 t, Pontbriand, Hisliop H. M. D. de. . . ii 497,514 Pope, Hon. J. II ij 23a V 106 „ vi 220-1 Pope, Hon. W. H y 402,432 vi 230 Pope. Hon. James C v 433-4 vi 221 Pope, Joseph iji 253 „ v 1 25, 1 74 Porter, Dr. Charles iv 266-8270 Portland, W. H., Duke of i 241 ii 457 :;, : ■ ^ : , iii 143-4 V 4-19 _ vi 152 Potter, Richard ij 109,119,120-8, 147-8 9.150 Potts, Dr. John iv 124-5,210 vi 52 Powell, Hon. William Dummer... . vi 457 Powell, John iii 87,91 v 287,295 Powell, Colonel Walker iv (15-18,463,506, VI -^24 Power, nishop Michael ii 461-2,514 Power, Hon. L. G i ^10 Peacocke, Colonel iv 425-6,4312-3, Peel, Sir Frederick vi 15-5 Peel, Sir Rol)ert i 3^^9,457,480 vi 2S5 Peel, I'anl i v 351,364,404 vi 294 IMly, vSir John H ii ^^-S, 41, 69, 70 Pelletier, Sir C. .-V. 1' i 310 V 1 06 vi 176-7 Peltrie, Mde. de la ii 494 iii 21) -4,256-7 Pender. Sir John vi 539 Peiiliallow, I'nv. 11. P v I 29, i3(i.2i5-17 Penny, Hon Iv. ColT v 165,189.226 Pense, !•;. J. R v 19(1-1,229,230 Perreault, J. X vi 157,315 Peterson, Dr. \Vi!li,iin iv 3^5-6 Perrin, Hisliop W. W ii 433 Peters, Hon. !•■ red i ;io '^'' '44 Preston, T. H v 230-1 Prevost, Sir George : Biography of i 181-2 Referred to i ,84,145 ii .199 >\' 452 V leo Roman Catholic Church ami ii 517,523-4 War of 1812-14 and i 160-1-2-3-4-6-7-9, i7o-i-2,'iS4.5, - - '9'-3 IV 490 ^' '59 Pnce, Hon. J. Hervey iii 148 iv 491 V 293 ft ■ mmmmmm CANADA : AN KNCVCWP^DIA OF THK COINTRY. 1' r Volume Page Prince, Bishop Jenii Charles ii 515 Prince, Colonel, The Hon. John... iii 66 I'riticess, II. R. II. CliarloUe iii 269 Prior, Lieul.-Col. Hon. IC. C"» v 273 Vi 2Ti\ Pro-.dfoot, Dr. J. J. A iv 2i--lS Provanclier,' I.con v ,^69,370,392 Provencher, Hishop N. U ii 5<)<)-4-5-7-S,Sl4 iv .343 V 1 2.S, Dr. D. W v 1 24 vi 459, .(62, 475, 496 Pryor, Dr. John iv 251-2-3 Punshoii, Dr. William Mork-y ii 254,306-7 Qnesuel,|Joseph v 137,149 vi 207 Queylus, Baron de iv 305-6 Racine, Hishop .Vntoine ii 515 Racine, ll'.ishop D ii 514 RaS-9 RolH-rtson-Ross, Colonel P iv 4.Vi>.153i479,5o6 Rol)<.-rtsi)ii, Hon. Rohert iii 365 Roliertsoii, Hon. J. ('• iii 476 RolnTlsoii, Dr. Jiiiues : .\rlii-le by iv 38,48 Appointed Sniierintenilent of North-West I'n-sl>yteriuii Missions iv 52 Hionnipliy of iv 96-7 Moderator I'rest)yteriiin Church, iv IS7 Manitoba Mission Labours of .. . iv 96-7 Portrait of iv 40 Referred to iv 9.S, 102, 135 Robinson, Major-Cieneral C. W... vi 177,294 Robinson, Chnstoplier v 130 Robinson, Sir \V. C. P' vi 302,314 Robinson, Sir John vi 155 Robinson, Hon. John Beverley. .. . iv 193,379,409,494 V 294-5 vi 53."76,3«3.32a Robinson, Sir John Beverley : Biography of i 119 iii 104-7 Early Career of iii 25, 104 McGill University and iv 332 Portrait of iii 105 Painting of iv 351 Referred to i 175,1^7 iii 9'.3i9.325i iv i9S,36o V 131 vi 175,457 Supports Trinity College iv 193-4-5-6-7 Supports Canadian Confederation v 401,422 Robins, Dr. S. P iii 187,193-4 Robitaille, Hon. T vi 313 Robsou, Hon. Joliii ii 322 iii 366 V 232,403-8 Roche, James Jeffrey v 236 Rochefoucault-I.iancourt, Ducdela v 118,138,157 Rockingham, Marquess of i 137 vi 88,91 Rodier, Hon. C. S v 296 Rodney, Admiral Lord vi 92 Roe, Dr. Henry ii 336-9 iv 288 V 130 Roebuck, Right Honourable John Alexander : Hud.son's Bay Coin])any and .... ii 47 Canadian Pacific and ii 244 Defends Rebels of i,S37 iii 95-6, in Portrait of iii 95 Biography of iii 1 11 Rogers, Bishop James ii 471,514 Rollit, Sir Albert Kuye vi 157 Rolph, Hon. John : Appointed to Executive Council, iii 30,81 Biography of iii 1 15 Carries Governor's Message to Rebels iii 87,107,115 Escapes to United States iii 84,93 Praised by Mackenzie iii 71 Shares in Rebellion Movement. . iii 34-5,85,115 Romanes, Dr. George J vi 295 Romilly, Sir Samuel ii 33 Rose, (ieorge Henry vi 1 78 Rose, Dr. S. P iv 132 - — — - Rose, Sir John : American Zollverein Approved by vi 181 Banking Policy of i 516,520 / ITRY. J2r-7-8, ) 479.506 I ^1/ 35 409,494 13.32a 2S 4 8 157 "5 ,115 INDIiX TO LUADING MKN. Volume ''>>B* Hiof;ni|)liy of j 522-3 Ciiinuliim I'acific Railway niid.. . vi '245 Hudson's Bay Coinpany Claims ""'I ii 70 Imperial Federation Supported '>y vi 51 IiitiTcoloiiial Railway and ii fSS-g.go Mission to VVasliiii(rton i -573 Reciprocity NeKoliations of i 342 vi I Ho Report on Reciprocity of i 365-6 Royal Colonial Institute an24,i3i-2 Prohibition Attitude of vi 308 Portrait of i 406 Reciprocity Opinions of i 406-7 Referred to iii 282 iv 409 V 215 Supports Closer Imperial Unity., vi 62 Ross, Hon. John : Biography of ii 122 Delegate to London v 401 ,422 Grand Trunk Railway and ii 106-8,111-18-19, 128,133-6 Hudson's Bay Company and ii 47 Intercolonial Railway and ii 90 Portrtiit of ii 1 22 - Referred to i 480,493-4 iv 501 Rothschild, Lord vi 42 Rottenburg, Lieut.-Col. Baron de. . iv 464-5,470,506 Routhier, Hon. A. B v 155,213-14 vi 202 Rowen, Lieut.-Gen. Sir William. .. iv 453 vi 307 lfi9 CANADA : AN KNCVCI.UP'filil V '>1- TlIK COI'NTKV. Volume Hnpe Roy, J. IMllKlllll V I32,2I4-|S Koyjfl, Hon. Joseph iii ,VJ3 i V as^-7 vi .^14 Royer de lit Dnuversicre v 264 Rupct, II. R, H. I'riiue; Hudson's Hay Coini)iiiiy Cliiirter niii)rne): Address from Meltiodists to ii Administration in I'pper Canada of iii V Art Patronage of iv Bionrapliy of iii Cleri; y Reserves and ii iii Establishes I'pjier Canada College iii iv Portrait of iii Referred to i iii IV vi Suppresses Lower Canada Rehellion iii Scadding, Dr iv v Schurman, Dr. J. G vi Schreiber, CoUingwood ii vi Scluiltz, Sir John Christian : A Red River I'ioneer iv lliograjihy of iv Ca]iture by Riel and Escape of. iv Defies Kiel's .Xssiimed .Amlidiity iv De.scriljes Trealnuiil (jf lUilTalo. . i Iiiil)erial I'ederatioii and vi Mackenzie liasiii Report of v Names City of Winniiieg v Portrait of iv Political Services of i v Prohibition and vi Referred to v vi Unveils "Seven Oaks" Monu- ment v Scobie, Hugh v Scoble, I.ieut -Col. T. C iv vi Scott, Duncan Cimii)bell v Scott, I'rederick ( reorge v Scott, S. D V vi Scott, Hon. R. \V.: Article by iii Ottawa University and iv 1 rliait of iii Uelerrcd to i iii V .--'--'.- vi l'«Kr Ihj ■4S9 23.73. 15-1 ■55 2(j5-7 154 351-9.399. 41 )S I27-'<.154-5,I''.V4- 6.H,3n 2f>.S 127,172 .S(i,q6,i 2q, 2iyi('i, 368-9,370-1 214 254 1 15-16-18, 402-4.5 299 28-9,80-1,98,103 326 360 97-S 332 i3''<-9. '5i'f<-9 '79 31.S.19 25 145.200 66-7,97,112-16, 160-1 14^152 I93.3"2 40-1-2-3,83 I9'.34«.379 122,lH,S,2.S6, 290-4 52,294 230,242 "'77 499 499,500 441-2,499.500,515 441 260 61 Pciliey of iii »5 V4-3 Temperrtiioe l.fKitliil'"" of vi .<6i) Se;ir|,i''6 ,Si-ilj{ewick, Hull. K(>l)ert vl .<5.,VtJ.376 Sftrnors, Itisliiip L'liiirle* ii 51215 Sillxiriir, Ivirl of i \,4\ vi 1,54 .Selt>y-Siiiyth, Major-Genenii Sir V,. iv 4!,2-3,5o6 Selkirk, luirl of : HioKra]>hvof ii y) Coloiii/atiuii HfTurts of i 3h,^ ii aJ,44-5,59 iii J.V5 iv 436 V 278 Educational Policy of iii 3.v5 Portrait of ii j6 Places Named After ii 45 Referred to i 29 iv 343 V 53. "8 RelixiouB I'lffortu of iv 49 Selwyii, Dr. A. R. C iii 446,. 165-6 V 1 2<), 212-15 vi 177 Senecal, Hon. L. A iii 357-8-9,362 Serfjeaunt, Sir W. C vi ^9 Service, 1 toil. James vi 155 Sewell, IIoii. Jiiii.itliiiti : Advociitcs t (iloiiiiil I'l'dtTiilion. . v 401,422 lli()nr:i])liy of i iiH I'oruail of., V 425 yuflifc Literary iiikI Historical Socifl\ anil V 152-3 Referred to v 257, 1 25 vi 3^5-8,. 157 Sheraton, Dr. J. r iv 222-3 Slierbrooke, I.ord i 343 ii 47 vi 15.S Slierbrooke, Sir J, C i 84,145,172,200 iv 27 1, .(52 V 1,59 vi 193,302 Slicrwood, Hull, Henry i;i 73 V 295 .SliuliUiaiii, Admiral Lord vi 489,497 Sicolte, Hon. I.onis V.: Ivlncalioiial I'olicy of iii 210 Leads Moderate Liberals of yncbec vi 210,242 Relerred to v 394 vi 217 ' Sifton, Hon CliiTord i 310 Sijjnay, Arclihisliop Joseph ii 500-1,514,525 iii 40,204 Sillitoc, nislioj) A. W ii 4^3 vi 58 Simcoe, Lient. -General J. (Graves : Uio^-raphy of i 145 Educational Policy of iii 169, 1 70 1 V 1 69, 1 83 Genera! Policy of iii 20-1 Grants laiiurSlic])j)arii, ( ii'orxf v 236-7-9 iilu'pparci, Iloii. VViHiiiin v 151-3 Siiiiiison, Sir Oeur>{e : Hio^jrapliy of ii 65.6 IvxploratiotiN of i 31-3 IIikIsou's Uay Company and ... ii 47,65-6 Indian Trealirs of i 335 I'aul Kanr and iv 349 Portrait of ii 33 Referred to v 53, 1 18 Writes on Iluclson's Uiy Co ii 31 Simpson, Hon. John i 4^8 ii 180 Skinner, Hon. C. N vi 57 Small, John T v 53,63 Smith, Sir David W vi 176 Smith, Sir I'rank ii 143,180 iv 41 19 v 2.Sq vi 1711,221-6,233,250 Smith, Ur. Cioldwin : Aniipxatioii X'iews of i 4256 Canada's iMrst Movement and. . . vi 321. 3 Commercial Union Views of i 415,425 vi 54, 'S3. "92 IJescrihes American Treatment of Loyalists vi 96 Jonrnalistic Career of v 228 Literary Work of v 1 25-6 Manchester School and vi 73 Manifesto in 1S91 of i 415 Names Coinniercial I'liiiJii Movement i 41213 President Commercial Union Clnl) i 414 Referred to i 419,423 iv 405 V 205,213 vi 471 Smith, Sir A. J.: Intercolonial Railway and ii 90 Report on Reciprocity Treatv ... i T,h^ Reterretl to '. ' i 3.^5,483 vi 174-6,240 Reciprocity Nej;otialioiis of .... vi 180 Smith, Philander ii 254,304 iv 210 Smith, Samuel iii 24 Smith, Dr. T. Watson ii 256,268,319,322 V 13" Smith, Chief Jnstice William v 401 vi 457 Smith, Rt. Hon. W. H vi 51, '55 Smith, Hon. William iii 203 v 120,139,147-9, 1.56-7-8 Smith, Lient. Colonel W. Oshorne: Bioj^raphy of iv 496-7 Con>;ratulated by General Lindsay iv 497 CANAIJA : AN |;NCYCI,0P*DIA ok THli COLNTRY. Volume IMgB Given a CM. O iv 434 North-Wi'st Caiiipain" and iv 53"-4 ParticipatL'S in I'enian Raid Uamiiaign iv 49''-7 Rfferrud to vi 177 Snntliers, C.I" v iji Smyth, Major-Gf.ieral C.eurge S. . iii 226 vi 302 Snodjjrass, Very R v. Dr. William: Moderator Cliurcli of Scotland. . iv S3 Qneen's I'niversity and iv 293 Siipiiorls l'res!iylerian Union. .. . iv 87 Sonierville, Dr. James iv 277-8 Somerset, John Ueaufort iii 2f>o-l Sovereigns, British : Anne, yiieeii i ^o-' vi 4''4 Charles I i 29.62 iii 409 V 241 vi 474-7 Charles II i 62 ii 406 iv 71 vi -^59,469,475 Cromwell, Oliver i 29,o.i,i53 vi 109,475 Edward I vi 344 Edward III vi 344 Edward V ^i 4*4 Edward VI i 24-9 Elizabeth i 29,-35 ii 4ot) iii 469 vi 465-'^-7,473,484 Geor,<»e 1 1 76,'">i-2 George II i 273 George III i 6y,ft9,o<).i. 2-5-6- 7-0,113,127-9,132- <>-7, 150,170-9 19.^, -73 ii l'roiitispi."ee,49,'. 517 in 171,225 .V 169,377 \ 149,205-6,4!;; \i 9t),lo3,4.-«j,49i George IV 1 i7t>, '00,347 •' 5"" ill rrontispiece, 2S, 300 'V 272 \i 204,441 HciryVII 1 i7,-!3 t>-9.6i 111 104 vi 343.47 V4S3 Ht,.ry VIII 1 ~9 vi 4"5 Jan -si i 29, 152 iii 409 vi 3b4,467,474 James II ii b9 vi 206 Mary I i 29 Marv (Jiieeii of Srots vi 405 Will' III i 03-4 iii il iv 112,423 vi 147.200,469 Willian IV il I04 iii 67, i96.'2"3 i\ I'loiuispiece, 205 Victoria, II M. Queen : Addres!" from ( )ttawa Colon .1 Coiifi.-i.iH"e lO vi 74 Albani, -Mde. and iv 393,412 Cinadian Indians and i 2- .-u iv $2.j «?4 [TRY. ^75 73.484 1.2-5-6- ■27-9. '32- )i."ce,49,\ ■Hj,4yl 347 )ieci.', 28, ?,6l 4S3 474 .469 !U3 piece, 205 INDKX To rS2 ^ Diamond Jubilee of. .'..'.'.'.[ " .' ' iv 515 V 291 Decision Making Ottawa the ^ Canaiiian Capital vi 216 Dedication to , y Frontispiece i i Ivays F()un{ Imperial Institute vi jt 1 ^"''*°"«"'°f ■ iv 376-7.3.S0-..407 Til XT - V 26.S I lace Names from \ , gy I'atronizes Canadian Art" iv .00 Receives Canadian Oranire Address '^ ^j ^^ ^'^f'^"^'! t» .■.■.■■.■:.■: i 26,366 '." 3^.67, r(jo, 205 iv 37f<,465-6,c(,;s, 510 V 247,426 Sir John Macdonald and v! 222^' ""' '^^ Sir John Thompson and vi 250 Sovereigns, Foreign : Alexander VI., Pope. . i -lo Alexander VII., Pope .'.['. a 5,- Alexander the Great. ... ,> ^o' Anastatius IV., Pope ' ' ' ij if,, Catharine II ^. ;'! f^ Charles Vin ": [^^ Charles IX i^ CharlesX y.:,', ' ^^ Clement X., l,.p..... •: 'ji Clement X I \- . Pope. . .' .' ." .' ! ! .' .' ,' .' i " '^ [ ^ Ferdinand VII.. " ^o| Francis I... . 11'^ Francis II ',]'. ^''9 Frederick Ti.e Great.. ; a^ Gregory XVI., P,pe. . .['.[ j =26 7 ,^, Henry II ' " .S26-7.4''i Henryiii.. .:::::;::;;;;;;;■••• II "----V :: 1 n,, ^-^^'•••^■"p^ 'h ^^,,,,,, Loui.s XII.. . . \ I'' ^"'«^'i' :::::::::;::: i l^^ t " 414 'V ,S4 Lous XIV y ',^\ , .. '37.1.52,273 » 495 iii 1 ;,.-.; 7 >^ 3o>,S5.3'0 Y '3'S, 243-4 Louis XV.. .. ^? ■■^'<.3'>V9 ' ''i<'.4.;2 Louis XVI ^.y '/l'^ Maximilian ..f Mexico ... ." ' .' .' .' vi i ,0 1 -,. Marie Antoinette vi 2S2 Napoleon I ; ', ^ ' 96, 1 7,';-6 'V 24.^,3,1 Napoleon III :l ^.'•' V 190 Paul II. of Russia....... kI ['^'^ ~ Tins VII., Pope > '}' PiusIX., Pope '^'7 IV 212 Bl CANADA: AN ICNCYCtOIMvlHA Ol' T.ll'; COINTRV. Sparks, Dr. Jared vi iov4 Sparliii),', Dr. J. \V iv 261,3.(3 Siit'iicc, Dr. Ak'x.iiult'r iv .S3 Spencc, !•*. S vi 307,363 SpragjjjL', Hon. J. G iv "195 V 2.S6 vi 4,S7 Spnjjfi, Sir J. Gordon vi 166-7 Spunif!!, Dr. Charles iii s iS vStaal, Mile, dc vi 137 Stanhope. Kl. Hon. Kdward vi .51,153-5-6 Stanley, I lean iv 63 Stan.ser, liishop Robert ii ,^57-'S,,'.S2,43^ iv 266-7 Starnes, Hon. Henry v 296 Steele, I.ieut.Col. S. B iv 5,iii-i-3-4 Steele, Sir John iv 375 Sleeves, Hon. \V. H v 402 Stephen, Sir James I'itz-Janies vi 154,370 Stephenson, Robert ii 134-5 Stephenson, Rufns v 229,230 Stevenson, Dr. J. 1' iii 47i-.S-9,5o3 Stewart. Hishop Charles Jaires : Consecration of ii 330,343 Death of ii 332 Labours of ii 330-1, 341.2-3 Referred to ii 375,433 'V 305 Stewart, Dr. Gforjjje : Journalistic Will k of v 226,234 Literary Work of v 121 Portrait of v 1.(6 Referred to ii 205 V >53. 213-15 Stewart, J. J v 1X3-9,224 Sterling, Earl of (Sir William Alexander) i 37,62,77,152 'V 54 V 1 4S Stisted. ALijor-General H. W v 29.) vi 3'3 Stockton, Hon. A. A v 234,445 Stokes, Sir Gabriel G vi 245 Stone, Dr. Samuel G ii 273,318-19 Strachan, Bishop ii 549 Strachan, Bisho]) John : Attacks Methodist Denomination ii 29S Biography of ii 422 CoiKsecration of ii 332 Colonial Federation Proposed by v 40I Death and Iie(|uesls of iv 19S Eulogizes S. r. G ii 427 Early Career of ii 329,330 iii 24 Educational Work of iii, 169, 170 IV 170-1 Educational Opinions of iv 193 King's College, Toronl ■ and. ... ii 171,333 iv 170-H Loyalty of i 175 Lafiours of ii 3 v>,44o Literary Work of v 120, 130-1 McCiill University and iv l!^3,332 Pamphlet Written by ii 3.S5 Portrait of ii 337 Political Influence of iii 24-5 Referred to i 463 ii 335,3:5. 434-9 IV 10^,326,348,360 v 124 Supports and Defends Clergy Reserves ii 251 iii 140-1,157-9,160-1- 2-3. 1 '^-J •5-6' Si^ns Bishops' Declaration ii 3^9392 Trinity CoUe'je and ii 334 iv 191-2-5-6 I'ppit Canada College and iv 318 Writes to Thcmas Jeflt.son i 187-8-9 i7f. St. V 1 Sniliva Sulliv^ Siilliv^ Sulliv: Suite, Artie Lilt Portr Poet r Refer! Sussex, Canad Sutherla Suttor, Sweatmt I \7, 2-.% 152 I434-9, 1348.360 I7.0, 160-1- Is-o INDEX TO LEADING MKN. Volume I'nge Strachej', Sir Henry vi 96-7-8, 103 Strange, Major-General T. Bland : Biography of iv 497-S Canadiim Military Services of .. . iv 497-8 Literary Work of. iv 489,498 Nortli-\Vest Column of iv 527-9,530-1-3-4 Portrait of i v 53 1 Referred to iv 512 Recommended for C. M. G iv 463 Stratlinairr., Lord iv 497 Strallicona and Mount Royal Lord : Art Patronage of iv 377 Article by ii 19,29 Acts as vSpecial Commissioner to I'orl Garry iv 442-3,484-5, Attends Inii)erial Trade Congress vi 157 Banking Ivxperience of i 488,490 Biograpiiy of ii 67-8-9 British Kiiijiire League and vi 61 Cttnadir.ii Pacific Ridhvay and.. . ii i6o-.i-7, 196-7,218 vi 245 Describes Murder of Scott bv Riel '. iv 4S5-^-7 Generosity of vi 246 Gifts to McGill University of... . iv 189,336 High Coinmissioner to London., vi 32 Hud,son'.s Hay Company and ii 60-3-4-5-8-9,70 Imperial l'"ederalion and vi 5i,6<) Portrait of ii 31 President Montreal Macdonald Committee iv 409 Referred to i 4 U-5 ii 215,36^ V 173 VI 17.S-6 Speaks of North- West BniTalo. . . i 260 Victoria Hospital, Montreal, and v 269 Stratford de RedclilTe, Lord vi 133-4, 178,291 Stratton, Hon. J. R v 230 Strong, Sir Samuel Henry iv 7,9 vi 17.5.331-342,457 Stuart, Sir Andrew vi 176 Stuart, Dr. George O' Kill ii 328-9 iv 3i« Stuart, Sir James iii 109 vi 175.388.457 Stuart, Dr. John ii 3278,385 iii 170 iv 264 St. Denis, Mar'iiiess (le \i 282 St. Leonards, I.'iri iii 140 St. Vallier, Bi.-.a.ii J. Ii. de i 468,488,494-5-6, 5"4 V 125 St. V ncent. Admiral, Earl of i 146 vi 284 Sullivan, Sir .■Vrlhnr vi 13 Sullivan, liishop Ivdward ii < 19,432 Sullivan, Hun. K. 1; v 1 ',1,287,295,398 Sullivan, Hon. \V. VV vi 4.'^8 Suite, Benjamin : Articles by i 47,50 iii 119,123 V 136,140 Literary Work of , . v 119 vi 27 Portrait of iii 1 20 Poetry of , v 167 Referred to iii I j8 V 213-1417-18 Sussex, H.R.H. The Duke of : Canadian Masonry and vi 271 Sutherland, Hugh • 235-5,240 Suitor, Hon. F. B vi 74-6-7-8-9 Sweatman, Bishop A it 327-8,4!o-i3,4^ iv 108,223 "77 ¥ K m U § CANADA : AN ENCYCUOPiiiDIA OF THK COUNTRY. Volume I'nce Sweeny, Bishop John ii 471,515 Sweet, Alexander Kihvin v 236 Sydenham, Lord : Administration of vi 207-8 Banking Policy of i 516 Clergy Reservts I'olicy of iii 139,147,151,163-4 Describes Colonial Conditions in 1839 V 407 Promotes Canadian Provincial Union v 393-9 Portrait of v 39S Referred to i 145,480 iii uhS, 1 13 V 119,161-2,396 vi 193.307 Roman Catholic Clnircli and iii 160 Relieves Sir C. Campbell of Hs Position V 420 Sydney, Lord i 99 ii 37S vi 9.1-5-7 Sydney, Townshend, Lord vi 152 Tache, Archbishop Alexander A.: Biography of ii 5116-7-8-9.510 Labours of ii 504-5-6-7-8-9 Portrait of ii 508 Referred to ii 510-14,530 iv 4>'<5.5o3 V 120 St. Boniface College and iv 343 Writes on Rebellion of iS.'^c iv 474-5-6-7-8 Tabaret, Dr. Joseph iv 235-7,379 Tache, P^ugene . iv 374 Tache, J. C v 1)6 Tache, Archbishop vi 298 Tache, Pir K. P. : British Loyally "f vi 30, 193, 208 Confederation Delegate at Lon- don and (Juobec V 402 Grand Trunk Railway and ii in Intercolonial Railway and ii 116 Military Career of iv 506 Presides over Confederation Conference at (Quebec v 246 Portrait of v 399 Political Career of vi 209,210-16 Referred to i 200,359 ii 506 iv 377-501 V 205,399 vi 176,218 Relations with Honorable W. McDougall iv 492 Taillon, Hon. L. O v 145 vi 211,233 Tail, Sir Melbourne M ii 545 vi 176,382-S T don, Intendant Jean i'i 201,315-16 iv 55 V 233,395 vi ' .S9 Talon-Lasperancc, John v 125,167,189,213, 226 Vanguay, Mgr. Cypriin v 123,131,213-14 vi 27 Tardivel, Jules P v 14S.2»5 Tarte, Hon. J. Israel : Imperial l-ederati )n League and. vi 60 Journalistic Work of v 133,225 Supports Church Interference in Politics vi 202 Referred to i 310 vi 237 '7« INDUX To LKADINli MUN. Vollill Taschereau, Hon. H. E v vi Tasclureau, Hon. J. T vi Taschereau, Cardinal E. A.: Biography of ii Labours of ii Opposes Political Intervention of Clf rgynien vi Referred to ii Tasse, Hon. Joseph v vi Taunton, Lord i ii vi Taylor, Fennings v Taylor, Sir T. W v vi Teefy, Dr. J. R iv V Temple, Earl i Temple, Rev. William ii Templen;an, Hon. William v Thayandaiiegea (Joseph Brant) : piogra])hy of i Indian Lands Controlled hy i Patriotism of i Referred to i ii Visits London i Tennyson, Alfred Lord vi Tessier, lion. I'lric J v Telu, Mk''- Henri v Theal, Dr. (.'.eorge McCall v Thiers, Li'uis .Vdolphe v Thring, Lmd vi Thompson, .Mexander Slason v Thompson, Ernest Seton iv \' Thompson, John Sparrow v vi Thompson,' Samuel v Thompson, Sir John : Becomes Prime Minister v vi Biography of vi Character of. vi Copy right Policy .)f vi Criminal Law Codified hy. vi Death at Windsor Castle of vi Diplomatic Services of vi Dalliousie Law School and vi Early Career of vi German-lk'lgian Treaties and vi Insolvency Legislation of vi Judicial Career of vi Ministry of vi Nova Scotia Politics and vi Ottawa Career of vi Oratory of vi Portrait of vi Paris Arbitration S-Tvices of . . . . vi Promotes Closer Relations with Australia vi Painting of iv Ueciprocity Negotiations of i vi Referred to i ii iv - - - - - V vi Supports Canadian Pacific Railway ii Unveils Statue of Sir J. Macdonald iv le Fage >30 342 531-2 502-3 200 514.548 124,1.15,213,225 27 2S0 47 I. 53. 49 1-2 124-5,142,154 13" .i5S 308 '31 99 266 232-7,297 250-1 240-1 213 111,211-19 327 250 51 296 124,131 •32 141 44 236 .ib2-4, 402-5-6 i32,36i,;,So 223 247 125,227 405 226,250 247,250 247-9 •\5o .i7o-l,3i"'9 -■26,250 -'49 ,v6 247 '65 356 249 250 247-S 249,250 2.19 21.S 250,138,141-J 74 401 37^392 250 42-3,3^>'' 53'' 407,502 •25 175-6,191,211, 220,2,13,246, 498-9 210 I I-I2-13 409 179 CANADA . AN KNCYCI,OPiBDIA OF TIHC COUNTRY. Il ' It' li Vohinie I'nRC Thomson, E. W v 126-9,189,236 Thomson, D. E v 1,^0 vi • 353 Thorlnirn, Sir Robert vi 15,=!, 497 Thorncloe, liishop George ii 413,432 Thornton, Sir Eilwurd i 349,373, 3'^i-3 iv '147 ' vi 101,119. 130, 173, iSo Thorpe, Robert iii 22 vi 45S Thurlow, Lonl i 130-1 Thviine, 11(111. A. J vi 74-,S-6-7 Til'ley, vSir S. Leonard : ]ii(ij;raiihy of! i 316 Haiikiii).; Policy of i 517-18 Ivinpire League and vi 62 Canadian Pacific Charter and ... . ii 178 Confederation Delegate at yuehec and London v 402 Fiscal Policy of i 289 V 405 vi 221 Imperial I'ederalion vi 5J-7 Member First Dominion Cabinet v 403 Oratory of vi 231 President Imperial l''e(leiation I eagne vi 52,60 Portrait of i 321 Responsible Government in New ' Brunswick and v 414 Referred to i 201 >. 303 ii 17.S iv 401 V 125,259,434 vi 176-7,220,261,314 Supports Canadian Confederation v 401-2 vi 191,218,230 Tisdale, Lieut.-Col. Hon. D iv 506 Todd, Dr. Alpheus ii 396 v 125,162,213 vi 177 Topp, Dr. Alexander ; Biography of iv 93-4 Knox College and iv 217 Moderator Presbyterian Church., iv 87 Supporls Presbyterian L'liion ... . iv 86,94 Torrance, David iii 2qS,362 Torrance, Dr. Robert iv 19.21,88 Torringtoii, F. H iv 383-4-5. ,^9o-'.394 Traill, Catherine Parr v 1209,155,163, 170-1 Tremblay, Hon. P. A vi 201-2 Treworgie, John vi 469,475 Trollope, Anthony. v 119 Trotter, Dr. Thomas iii 214 iv 250-4 Trudel, Hon. F. X. A v 225 vi 200-1-3 Trutch, Sir J. \V ii 205 iii 211 V 404 vi 176-7.314 Tnck, Hon. W. H vi 458 Tupper, Rev. Dr. Charles: Biogra])hy of iii 512-13-14 Character of iii 514 Labours of iii 513-14 Portrait of iii 485 Referred to iii 271 iv 252 vi 228 Tupper, Sir Cliarles : __ _. , . _ Advocates rinon of the Colonies v 401 Article by V 422-430 Becomes Prime Minister v 405 vi 191,227,233 T?: ^tisli F"'pi'o T,eagi,e and vi 61,234 C.uiaaian Pi.cillc Charter and ii 178 INDKX TO r.BADING MliN. 178. .314 >394 Volume Pagt Canadian Pacific Railway and.. . ii 202-3-4-5 vi 221,231 " Confederation I/irgcly Aided l)y v 401-2 vi 21.<,230 Conft'di'r;ition Didcgate at London and Qnelicc v 402 Character and .Vliilitics of vi 22S,234 Delegate to London n 90 Declines I'lace in First Dominion Cabinet vi 230 Ivducalional I'olicy of iii 216 Ivnters IXnninion Government. . v 405 Early Career of' vi 22S-9 Father of iii 51,1-14-15 vi 22.S Hifjh Connnissioner in London., vi 32,2-!2 Honours Conferred n])oii vi 2 4 Intercolonial Railway ami ii 1. Imperial I'ederation and vi 51-3-4,60-2-7-8, 157.233 Manitoba Schools and Reniedi:'.! Bill of v 406 vi 205,212,233-4,304 Ministry of vi 233 Negotiates U. S. I'isheries Treaty vi 101-2,232,249 Nova Scotian I'reniierslii]! of . . . . vi 229,230 Oratory of vi 231 Opposes Unrestricted Reciprocity vi 233 Portrait of iii 7 Preface by ii; 9,10 Protection Defended by vi 232 Referred to i 119.200,385,410 ii 69.230,535 iv 4' '5 v 2i4,4v'5.434 vi 171-5-6-7,219,220, . 25''.322 Reciprocity Negotiations of i 343.376 vi I ^o Relations with Sir J. JIacdonald of vi 22S,231 Relations with Joseph Howe of. . vi 228-9,230 Tupper, Sir C. Hibbert : Article by vi 131,145 Acts as British Agent ;it Paris Arbitration v i 138 Behring Sea Connnission and. . . vi 144 Imperial Federation Movement and vi 5v6,62 Moves to Vancouver v 276 Portrait of vi 134 Referred to i 119 iv 409 vi 176, 191, 221, 233, 250,49s Tupper, J. Stewart vi 51 Turcotte, Hon. J. E v 142 Tnrcotte, Louis P v 119 Turgeon, Archbishop P. F ii 511. 514, 529. 531 Turner, Sir Georire \i 159, 166 Turner, Hon. J. H v 297 Turenne, ]\Iarshai de iv 306 Tyler, Sir Henry W.: Biograjihy of ii 130 Grand Trunk Railway and ii 1 1 1 , 1 2.S, 130-9, 14"- 2-3 Portrait of i; 1 30 Referred to . i 44 St. Clair Tunnel anjrii)hy of Canadian Tacific Railw iv and. General Manager of C. 1'. R Iin|)erialisni of Names Vancouver City Portrait of Recii)rocity Views of Referred to Van KoUKlinet, Hon. P. M. M. S.. Vansittart, Vice-.\dn). R. W. Van Slraubeiizie, General Sir Charles Van Straul), Lieut. -Colonel Bowen Vaudreuill, Marquess de Vauglmn, nenjamiii Vauj.;lian, Sir Charles R Venosta, Marcpiess Iv. Vi.sconti Verdon, Sir (Icorj^c Ver>;ennes, M. de Verner, F. .\ Verreau, L'.Milie Hospice Vi^er, Hon. D. B.: Bioj.jra]>liy of iii Opposes Responsible Govern- ment vi Portrait of lii President St. 'Jean Baptiste Society! vi Promotes Lower Canada Insurrectionr iii Referred to i iii V vi Vi^er, Hon. I,. :SI i Villicrs. Kt. Hon. Sir J. H. de vi ViiKi;!il, R-.-v. Charles iv \'incc-iit. Sir C, K. Howard vi Vine, Sir Sinners vi Vogt, .-Vdolplie iv United State's L-^.iders : Adams, Samuel i Arnold, Benelict i iv v Adams, Jolni i vi Anj^ell, James B iii vi Astor, John Jacob ii Adams. John (jiiincy i vi Apploton, John vi Adams, Cha'les F'rancis vi Atkinson, IMward vi Blaine, James G i iv vi Buutwell, George S i vi lUittcrwiMlh, Benjamin i vi Barbour, James i vi Butler, Bf'iij imti F vi Bayard, Thomas I' vi ■I8»; - , ■ olut ne Pagt iv 506 IV 357 ii 216-17 n 215-16 ii 164-7,197,218 ti I59.«96 VI 74 V 273 11 '53 1 404-3 11 214 IV 4'>3 VI 176 IV 195-7 VI 457 V '77 iv 513 iv 463-6.5 '3- '6. 524. 532-3 v 265 VI '«9. 345-6 VI 92-3-5-6 VI 17s VI I SH, 141-2 VI .^«-9 VI 90-2-4-7,103-4 IV 3^'-7.399.404 V J13-14-16 114 208 4' 315 40 |S, no 13' 207 193 ;()S 15S, 1 61-2-5 •42-4 357-«,405 ^■9.'98 92-3. '21 ■\S' • 2-11,266 12N356,347 f^'i-9,94-7. 103,143 33; 102,117 ,v'-> 347 131-2-3,148,177 "77 '77 33'i.34.';, 376, 39'- 2-3 4 [3-16 111.132-3-1-5-7-S '36 3 12,41 1-12,421 l'\i.I92 348 '77 '23-4 101-7,136,151, 177 fH! lY. i3 5,5*41 3,148 77 39'- -7-S •77 Vfe'' INDHX TO I,RADINO MKN. Volume Page Bancroft, dec )rj;e vi 177 Baynrd, James A vi 177 Hm-hanan, Jniiies vi 177 Bi'tiiii'tt, James Gordon vi 5.40 Clay, Henry i 156, 1S9 vi 148,177 Cliiilon, I)e Witt iv 263 Cleveland, Grover i 376 ii 172 vi 114-15.16,149, -, '5"-i Carnegie, Andrew vi 114 Co(>li'l),(e, T. Jefferson vi 109 Clloate, Joseph II vi 177 Carter, Joliii T vi 138-9,140 Callumii, Jolm C vi 148 Coiidert, l'"rederick R vi 138,140 Cooper, I'eler vi 534 Dinjjley, Nelson i 407 vi 109 Dickenson, Don M vi 144 Dallas, George M vi 132-3,177 Derby, !•;. H vi 182 Depew, Chauncey M vi 294,536 Kverett, Kdward' vi 104,125,149,177 Franklin, Benjamin i 95,126,153,240 iii 94 v 147,185401 vi 88-9, 90-1-2-3-4-5- 7,103-4 Fillmore, Millard i 505 V 26S Fish, Hamilton i 265,373,381-3 vi ioi,iig Foster, J. W i 376,392 vi 109,138 Porsvth, John vi 12'; n2-^ Fields, Cyrus \V vi 534-6 Garfield, James A v 196 vi 182 Grant, riyssisS i 38^ vi 124-5-6-8,130 Gallatin, Albert j ^_j,s vi '177 Gray George vi 109 ^°»'' J-^y vi 540 Gould, Ira vi 181-2 Henry, Patrick i S9 Harrison, lienjamin ' , ii 172 Hoar, George K { ^07 Hitt, Robert R i 342,407, 4, 3-, 4., 9 vi 183,192 Hoar, Ebenezer R vi 119 Hay, John vi 177 Harlan, John M vi 138,141-2 Irving, Washington ji ^,s Ingersoll, Joseph R vi 177 Jefferson, Thomas i 90,187-9 vi 103,120 Johnson, Reverdy .. vi 391-7 J^y' Jo'^n vi 88:9,' 9I-3-4-5-6-8. '"3.177 Kasson, John A vi 109 Kellog, E. H ■ .■ vi 1 10 King, Rufus vi 177 Lincoln, Abraham i q [ V 196 Lowell, James Russell 1 156 vi 177 Laurens, Henry vi 89 Lawrence, Abbott '.". vi 177 .-— ~^ Lincoln, Robert T ., vi 177 Larned, J. N '.■.'. vi 182 Madison, James \ 90,156,188 ii 252 vi 471 t •!< CANADA: AN KNCYCI.OP.r.DI \ OK TIIH CorNTUV. hV^ P': i:^ Ji MonlgoiiKTy, General i .\9,')i-y><, 1 2i ''».. 9» iv 45" V 3.11, ,195 vi u/> Mnrcy, Williatii I, i .1,l''.356, j6H iii ('3 Middletoii, Henry vi 132-,^ Mackny, J. \V vi 5. 10 Mason, \Villi:mi IC vi 125 Motley, John I. I'tlirop vi 1,^'',I77 Morj;aii. John T vi l.^S Monroe, Jiinies vi II7 f^'), 17" ftlorrill, Justin ,S i .142.373 McLane, Ivouis i y\H vi 177 McCulloch, HuhIi i ,i.S2-9 vi 122 Oliiey, Richard i 376 vi iiM, t49,i5i Phelps, Edward J vi i3S,i.)o,i77 Tolk, James K vi 14S I'iiU'kiiey, Tlionias vi 177 rinckiiey, William vi 177 I'litnatn, William 1, vi 101,144 rierce, I'ranklin ii m Vierrepont, Edwards vi 177 Russell, Jonathan vi 177 Russell, John K iii 317 Rainlolph, John iv 263 vi 1 20 Roosevelt, Theore iv 490 R.iiiilall, Sanniel J i 423 Rush, Richard i 193.347 vi 12'>, 132-3 147 Sinalley, George W vi 114 Selienk, Robert C vi 119,177 Stevenson, Andrew vi 177 Sumner, Charles vi 1.15 Scott, General Winfield i 70- 1 iii 44 V 2S,S vi 1S2 Seward, William 1 1 ii 70,175 vi 122,149,150 Springer, William M i ;-,<.)[ Taylor, Zachery i 411 Vail, Aaron vi 177 Van Buren, Marlm i 348 vi 177 Washington, George i fi6, 90 1-3-4-5-^ 9. MI-2 iv i.;9 vi 9;, 120 Walker, Robert J i _;39 Williams, George II vi 1 ; > Welsh, John vi 177 V.'elister, Daniel ii 33 vi IC4, 123 Wilson, William Iv i 405 Wakefield, Edward Gibbon v 119 Wales, H.R.H. The I'rince of : Addresses Hundredth Regimt nl. iv 465 Al>proves Colonial Union I'n)- posals V 401 Canadian Visit of ii 93 iv .107,380,400 V 400 vi 274 Canadian Orangeism and vi 3i''-i7 Imperial Institute Founded by. , vi 42-3-4-5,73 Letter Suggesting Imperial Institute... vi 41 Mark of Honour to Colonel Kennedy by iv 510 Opens Victoria Bridge ii lo.s, 132-3-4 V a6a INDI'.X To I.I'.ADINC. MI!N. Volii Ottawa Hust of iv ralri)iii/(.-s Canmliiin Art iv Portrait of v rurliaiiuMit liuiltlitiK'' Corner Stoiif lf Kecijirocity Treaty liy i Grand Trunk Railway ami ii Hlld.son's Hay Company and .... ii Portrait of ii Referred to i ii Watson, Homer iv Watson, Prof. John v Wats^3-4-5 474, 4S7 53.V4 51" 47,S .}02,5i4 47"-i, 514,535 iSl 60-1,94,298 I.S2 471.480-3.503 54 1 7.V4-5 351-2-3-4 10S-9, 127-8 5"- 1 -3 54 355 3".I9 3')7,4"5 129.213-15 310 2(5 343 331 3b8 13« 282 2( ,^6-7, 60-2. 376 157.171,181,199 97-8 4.Sf' 246-9 147 4S7.3 273 84 265,450-1 193 123. 169.175 91,107 247-8-9,250 9, 260- 4,276-7-8-9,280- 9,290 108-9,128 m IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) /. L'?< ^- 1.0 I.I f B IIIIIM ;" IM |||||Z2 ?,/- IM III 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 ^ 6" — ► v^ ^ /} VI '^' /. y ^a /a Va Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y )4580 (yi6) 872-4i03 ^%* y"- 'i 1 CANADA : AN BNCYCtOPiEDIA OF THB COUNTRY. Volume Page West, Rev. John ii 361-2-3 iv 255 Westgarth, Hon. Williiiin vi 38 Westphal, Admiral Sir. G. A vi 284-5 Weymouth, Lonl vi 489 Whelan, Hon. Edward v 223,399,402,432 White, Richard iv 409 V 225-6-9 White, Hon. Thomas : Commercial Union Views of i 424-5 Hudson's Hay Routi Select Committee iii 343 Journalistic Career of v 189,224-5-6-9, 230 Literary Work of v 122,131 Portrait of v 153 Referred to i 281,334 iii 384 vi 221,249 Supports Canadian Pacific Railway ii 210-11-12-13 White, Lieut. -Col. William vi 177,516,522-6 Whiteaves, J. F v 213-15-17,361 Whiteway, Sir W. V vi 166,494-5-7-9 Whittaker. Rev. Prevost ii 334,350 iv 195-6-7-8 Wickham, H. J vi 57,61-2 Wild, Dr. Joseph iii 484,503 V 131 Wilkes .)r. Henry iii 470-1-2-6-7-8,503- 7-8 iv 57 V -25,131 Wilkie, D. R.: Article by i 510-15 Opposes Commercial Union i 422 Portrait of i 513 Referred to i 487,494 vi 62 Willets, Rev. C. E iv 270 Willis, Dr. Michael iv 212-13-14,331 Williams, Lieut -Colonel A. T. H.: Biography of i v 487-8 Character of iv 48S Death of iv 488,534 Leads in the Charge at liatoche.. iv 487-8,516-17 Portrait of iv 488 Referred to in Gen. Middleton's Report iv 463 Referred to iv 534,378,407 Williams, Sir George iv 124 Williams, Dr. John A ii 254, 299, 300, 317- i;i,322 Williams, Bishop J. W ii 347-8,434 iv 197,287-8 V 153 Williams, Lieut.-Gen. .Sir William Fenwick : Bioj^rapliy of vi 290-1 Commands Forces ill B N. A... iv 453,496 vi 291,307 Referred to vi 175-15,302,314 Siege of Kars and vi 290-1 Williamson, Dr. James iv 292,380 Willison, J. S v 189,206,228 W ' llson, H. Beckles v 236 Wilmot, Hon. Leniu d A.: Advocates Resjionsilile Govern- ment in New Br>inswick y 413,449 Methodism and ii 269 Portrait of v 399 Referred to iv 279 V 399 vi 314 Wilmot, Hon. R. D.: Banking Views of i 477-8 NTUY. ge 402,432 5-6-9, 230 '/ !-I3 i22-6 ',361 i-7-9 7-8, 503- ,331 17 07 100, 317. .314 23 INDBX TO I,EADING MEN. Volume Page Confederatioii Delegate at London v 402 Referred to v 297 vi 3i4>"i Wilson, Sir Daniel : HioRraphyof iv 366-7-8 Indian Studies of i 262-3 Literary Work of v 129 Poetry of v 23H Portrait of iv 178 Paul Kane and iv 348-9 Referred to iv 272,342 V 287-9,295 vi 176,457 Royal Society of Ca !■ ■. ind. . . . v 212-17 Scientific Work of iv 337 Toronto University and. . . iv 178,337-8 Wilson Lieut.-Col. William Mercer vi 273-4-5-6,281 W'iiiKin, Erastus : I!ij};raphy of i 426 Connnercial Union History by.. . i 411-12-13-14 Commercial Union Work for i 412-13 vi 54,183,221 Describes Canadian Resources. . . iii 461-2-3-4 Journalism and v 235 Portrait of i 412 Referred to i 355,400-8,424 vi 192 Windham, Lieut.-Gen. Sir C. A... . iv 453 vi 307 Windham, Rt. Hon, William i 99 vi 152 Wingfield, Edward vi 154 Winter, Sir J. S vi 109,482,497 Wisdom, Sir Robtrt vi 155 W. throw. Dr. W. II ii 318,320-1,443,451 iii 64,116 iv 135 V 420-6,215,236 Wolfe, Major-General James : Rioj^raphy of i 74 Gainpaifju of 175S-9 i 67-8-9 Portrait of i 67 Referred to. iv 41,374,49s V 119, '5"> 177, 242- 4-3 Siege and Capture of Quebec liv. i 68-9.75,120,149 V 2645 Wolff, Sir Henry Drummond vi 38 Wolsey, Cardinal vi 465 Wolseley, Field Marshal, Lord : Address to Red River Force liy. . iv 480 Biography of iv 4,'i5-6 Character and Abilities of iv 4,s6 Canadian Career of iv 478-9,480-1-2, 494 I)escril)es the Manitoba Half- Hreeds iv 476 Leads Expedition to North- West i 42 ii 23,60 iv 443.455. 47S-9. 480-1,493,503,536 V 53-4 Portrait of iv 437 Praises Soudan Contingent from Canada iv 470-1 Referred to iv 454-8,491, 506-8, 5'o vi 287,318 Wood, Hon. E. Burke vi 458 Wood, Dr. ICnoch ii 25 4, 25s, 272,306 Wood, Joanna E v 127 Wood, Hon. John F vi 22(1,233,250,309 Wood, Hon. S. C v 106,317 Worrell, J. A vi 53-7 Worts, J. G V 287 Wright, A. W vi 256 Wright, Philemon v 250 187 CANADA : AN ENCYCI,OP.1vDlA Of TlIK COUNTRY. Volume I'liue Wright, Prof. R. Ramsay v 129,213-15-17 Wrixon, Sir Henry J vi 74-,'5-7 Wurtele, Hon. J. S. C v i2,s vi 324 Wylie, David v ifg, 229,230 York, H. R. H. The Duke of iii 368 iv 4,51 vi 267 York, H. R. H. George, Duke of : Portrait of vi 7 Royal Colonial Institute anil vi 40 Toronto Visited by v ^87, 291 Yeo, Captain Sir James iv 487 Young, Bishop ii 368,413,428,433 Young, Sir Frederick vi 37-9,40 Young, Dr. George ii 324 Young, Hon. George R v 223,399,401 Young, John v 223 Young, Prof. George Paxton iv 214-15,379,393 v 213 Young, Hon. James : Article by i 427-31 Commercial Union Views of i 416-17-18-19 Opposes Commercial Union vi 183 Portrait of i 417 Referred to i 310 V 106,122,131,230 Young, Sir M'illi.-im iv 185,273 V 210,520 vi 176.457 Youl, Sir James A vi 38 Youville, Mde. d' ii 497 V 125 Young, Hon. John : American Zollverein Supported by vi 1S2 Biography of i 437-8 Grand Trunk Railway and ii 128 Intercolonial Railway and ii 116 Referred to i 437-8 Victoria Bridge and ii 132-4 tM