.?u ^ «%. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) »\ THE FLYINO SyilUllEL. not very unlike that of my seal-skin slippers. The Indians eat beavers' tails at their great feasts, and think they make an excellent dish." I ■*i 1 « V . riie and THE FLYINO SQUIRRKI^ 11 '• Tf thoy aio black, and look like leather hIjocs, I um very sure I hHouUI not like to cat them ; ro, if you please, Mrs. Frazer, do not let mo liavc any heavers' tails cooked for my dinner," said tlio little lady, in a very decided tone. " Indeed, my lady," replied her nurse, smiling, " it would not be an easy thing to obtain, if you wished to taste one, for beavers are not brought to our market. It is only the Indians and hunters who know how to trap them, and beavers are not so plentiful as they used to be." Mrs. Frazer would have told Lady Mary a great deal about the way in which the trappers take the beavers, but the little girl interrupted her by saying, " Please, nurse, will you tell me the name of your pretty pet ? Ah, sweet thing, what bright eyes j^ou have!" she added, caressing the soft little head which was just seen from beneath the folds of the muslin handkerchief to which it timidly nestled, casting furtive glances at the admiring child, while the panting of its breast told the mortal terror that shook its frame whenever the little girl's hand was advanced to coax its soft back. " It is a flying squirrel, Lady Mary," replied her nurse ; " one of my brothers caught it a month ago, when he was chopping in the forest. He thought it might amuse your ladyship, and so he tamed it and sent it to me in a basket filled with moss, with some acorns, and hickory-nuts, and beech -mast for him to eat on his journey, for the little fellow has travelled 12 WHAT ARK HICKORY-NUTS ? a long way : he came from the beech-woods, near the town of Cobiirg, in the Upper Province." " And where is Coburg, nurse ? Is it a large city like Montreal or Quebec ?" " No, my lady ; it is a large town on the shores of the great Lake Ontario." " And are there many woods near it ?" " Yes ; but not so many as there used to be many years ago. The forest is almost all cleared, and there are fields of wheat and Indian corn, and nice farms and pretty houses, where a few years back the lofty forest grew dark and thick." " Nurse, you said there were acorns, and hickory- nuts, and beech-mast in the basket. I have seen acorns at home in dear England and Scotland, and I have eaten the hickory-nuts here ; but what is beech-mast ? Is it any part of a Canadian ship ?" The nurse smiled and said, " No, Lady Mary ; it is the name that is given to the fruit of the beech- tree. You have seen the beech-tree in England; the nuts are enclosed in a rough and somewhat prickly husk, which opens when it is ripe at the top, and shows two or more three-cornered shining brown seeds, in a smooth, tough, leathery skin ; these fall when the branches are shaken by the wind in autumn. Hogs fatten upon these nuts ; and squirrels and dormice and wood-chucks gather them into their granaries for winter stores ; and wild ducks and wild pigeons come from the far north at the season when the beech-mast fall to eat them ; for God i : A CRUEL BITE. IP. /; teaches those, his creatures, to know the times and tlie seasons when his hounteous hand is open to give tliem food from his boundless store. A great many other hirds and beasts also feed upon tlie beech-mast.'' " It was very good of your brother to send me this pretty creature, nurse," said the little lady ; '' I will ask papa to give him some money." " There is no need of that, Lady Mary. My brother is not in want ; he has a farm in the Upper Province, and is very well off." " I am glad he is well off," said Lady Mary ; " indeed, I do not see so many beggars here as in England." " People need not beg in Canada, if they are well and strong and can work ; a poor man can soon earn enough money to keep himself and his little ones." " Nurse, will you be so kind as to ask Campbell to get a pretty cage for my squirrel ? I will let him live close to my dormice, which will be pleasant company for my dear little squirrel, and I will feed him every day myself with nuts and sugar, and sweet cake and white bread. Now do not tremble and look so frightened, as though I were going to hurt you ; and pray, Mr. Squirrel, do not bite. Oh ! nurse, nurse, the wicked, spiteful creature has bitten my finger ! See, see, it has made it bleed ! Naughty thing ! I will not love you if you lite. Pray, nurse, bind up my finger, or it will soil my frock." Great was the pity bestowed upon the wound by Lady Mary's kind attendant, till the little girl, tired 1 14 WHERE ARE ITS WINGS 1 of hearing so much said about the bitten finger, gravely desired her maid to go in search of the cage and catch the truant, which had effected its escape, and was clinging to the curtains of the bed. The cage was procured — a large wooden cage, with an outer and an inner chamber, a bar for the little fellow to swing himself on, a drawer for his food, and a little dish for his water. The sleeping-room was furnished by the nurse with soft wool, and a fine store of nuts was put in the drawer ; all his wants were well supplied, and Lady Mary watched the catching of the little animal with much interest. Great was the activity displayed by the runaway squirrel, and still greater the astonishment evinced by the Governor's little daughter at the flying leaps made by the squirrel in its attempts to elude the grasp of its pursuers. " It flies ! I am sure it must have wings. Look, look, nurse ! it is here, now it is on the wall, now on the curtains ! It must have wings ; but it has no feathers ! " " It has no wings, dear lady, but it has a fine ridge of fur that covers a strong sinew or muscle between the fore and hinder legs ; and it is by the help of this muscle that it is able to spring so far and so fast ; and its claws are so sharp, that it can cling to a wall or any flat surface. The black and red squirrels, and the common gray, can jump very far and run up the bark of the trees very fast, but Jiot so fast as the flying squirrel.'' . PINING FOR LIBERTY. 15 i i i! At last Lady Mary's maid, with the help of one of the housemaids, succeeded in catching the squirrel and securing him within his cage. But though Lady Mary tried all her words of endearment to coax the little creature to eat some of the good things that had been provided so liberally for his entertainment, he remained sullen and motionless at the bottom of the cage. A captive is no less a captive in a cage with gilded bars and with dainties to eat, than if rusted iron shut him in, and kept him from enjoying his freedom. It is for dear liberty that he pines and is sad, even in the midst of plenty ! " Dear nurse, why does my little squirrel tremble and look so unhappy ? Tell me if he wants anything to eat that we have not given him. Why does he not lie down and sleep on the nice soft bed you have made for him in his little chamber ? See, he has not tasted the nice sweet cake and sugar that I gave . him." " He is not used to such dainties. Lady Mary. In the forest he feeds upon hickory-nuts, and butter- nuts, and acorns, and beech-mast, and the buds of the spruce, fir and pine kernels, and many other seeds and nuts and berries that we could not get for him; he loves grain too, and Indian corn. He sleeps on green moss and leaves, and fine fibres of grass and roots, and drinks heaven's blessed dew, as it lies bright and pure upon the herbs of the field." " Dear little squirrel ! pretty creature ! I know now what makes you sad. You long to be abroad 11 IKMMMNMVi IG THE HOME OF YOUTH. among your own green woods, and sleeping on the soft green moss, wliich is far prettier than this ugly cotton wool. But you shall stay with me, my sweet one, till the cold winter is past and gone, and the spring flowers have come again ; and then, my pretty squirrel, I will take you out of your dull cage, and we will go to St. Helen's green island, and I will let you go free ; but I will put a scarlet collar about your neck before I let you go, that if any one finds you, they may know that you are my squirrel. Were you ever in the green forest, nurse ? I hear papa talk about the * Bush ' and the ' Backwoods ; ' it must be very pleasant in the summer to live among the green trees. Were you ever there ? " " Yes, dear lady ; T did live in the woods when I was a child. I was born in a little log-shanty, far, far away up the country, near a beautiful lake called Rice Lake, among woods, and valleys, and hills covered with flowers, and groves of pine, and white and black oaks." " Stop, nurse, and tell me why they are called black and white ; are the flowers black and white?" " No, my lady ; it is because the wood of the one is darker than the other, and the leaves of the black oak are dark and shining, while those of the white oak are brighter and lighter. The black oak is a beautiful tree. When I was a young girl, I used to like to climb the sides of the steep valleys, and look down upon the tops of the oaks that grew beneath, and to watch the wind lifting the boughs all glitter- (211) '■»• I-. NIGHT IN THE WOODS. 17 le 2k te < 1 a ^K to )k ^ 1 ^ .'. i r- ing in the moonliglit ; they lookcil like a sea of ruffled green water. It is very solemn, Lady Mary, to be in the woods by night, and to hear no sound but the cry of the great wood-owl, or the voice of the whip-poor-will, calling to his fellow from the tamarack swamp, or, may be, the timid bleating of a fawn that has lost its mother, or the howl of a wolf." " Nurse, I should be so afraid ; I am sure I should cry if I heard the wicked wolves howling in the dark woods by night. Did you ever know any one who was eaten by a wolf?" " No, my lady ; the Canadian wolf is a great coward. I have heard the hunters say that they never attack any one unless there is a great flock to- gether and the man is alone and unarmed. My uncle used to go out a great deal hunting, sometimes by torchlight, and sometimes on the lake, in a canoe with the Indians ; and he shot and trapped a great many wolves and foxes and racoons. He has a gi*eat many heads of wild animals nailed up on the stoup in front of his log- house." " Please tell me what a stoup is, nurse?" " A verandah, my lady, is the same thing, only the old Dutch settlers gave it the name of a stoup, and the stoup is heavier and broader, and not quite so nicely made as a verandah. One day my uncle was crossing the lake on the ice ; it was a cold winter afternoon ; he was in a hurry to take some food to his brothers, who were drawing pine-logs in the (211) 2 \ 18 A GALLANT ENCOUNTER. I AOVENTUBE WITH A WOI,F. bush. He had, besides a bag of meal and flour, a new axe on his shouhler. He heard steps as of a " < lour, a IS of a \ THE WOLF KILLED. 10 dog trotting after him ; he turned his head, and there he saw, close at his heels, a big, hungry-looking gray wolf; he stopped and faced about, and the big beast stopped and showed his white sharp teeth. My uncle did not feel afraid, but looked steadily at the wolf, as much as to say, ' Follow me if you dare,' and walked on. When my uncle stopped, the wolf stopped ; when he went on, the beast also went on." " I would have run away," said Lady Mary. " If my uncle had let the wolf see that he was afraid of him, he would have grown bolder, and have run after him and seized him. All animals are afraid of brave men, but not of cowards. When the beast came too near, my uncle faced him and showed the bright axe, and the wolf then shrank back a few paces. When my uncle got near the shore, he heard a long wild cry, as if from twenty wolves at once. It might have been the echoes from the islands that increased the sound; but it was very frightful and made his blood chill, for he knew that without his rifle he should stand a poor chance against a large pack of hungry wolves. Just then a gun went off; he heard the wolf give a temble yell, he felt the whizzing of a bullet pass him, and turning about, saw the wolf lying dead on the ice. A loud shout from the cedars in front told him from whom the shot came ; it was my father, who had been on the look-out on the lake shore, and he had fired at and hit the wolf when he saw that he could do so without liurting his brother." -^ H 20 AN INDIAN WIGWAM. " Nurse, it would have been a sad thing if the gun had shot your uncle." " It would ; but my father was one of the best shots in the district, and could hit a white spot on the bark of a tree with a precision that was perfectly wonderful. It was an old Indian from Buckhorn Lake who taught him to shoot deer by torchlight and to trap beavers." " Well, I am glad that horrid wolf was killed, for wolves eat sheep and lambs ; and I daresay they would devour my little squirrel if they could get him. Nurse, please to tell me again the name of the lake near which you were born." "It is called Rice Lake, my lady. It is a fine piece of water, more than twenty miles long, and from three to five miles broad. It has pretty wooded islands, and several rivers or streams empty them- selves into it. The Otonabee River is a fine broad stream, which flows through the forest a long way. Many years ago, there were no clearings on the banks, and no houses, only Indian tents or wigwams ; but now there are a great many houses and farms." " What are wigwams?" " A sort of light tent, made with poles stuck into the ground in a circle, fastened together at the top, and covered on the outside with skins of wild animals, or with birch bark. The Indians light a fire of sticks and logs on the ground, in the middle of the wigwam, and lie or sit all round it ; the smoke goes up to the top and escapes. Or sometimes, in the %. "11 " HOME, SWEET HOME !" 21 \: INDIAN WIQWAMa. warm summer weather, they kindle their fire without, and their squaws, or wives, attend to it ; while they go hunting in the forest, or, mounted on swift horses, pursue the trail of their enemies. In the winter, they bank up the wigwam with snow, and make it very warm." " I think it must be a very ugly sort of house, and I am glad I do not live in an Indian wigwam," said the little lady. " The Indians are a very simple folk, my lady, and do not need fine houses like this in which your papa lives. They do not know the names or uses of half the fine things that are in the houses of the white people. They are happy and contented without 22 "WATER OATS. them. It is not the richest that are happiest, Lady Mary, and the Lord careth for tlio poor and tlio lowly. There is a village on the shores of Rice Lake where the Indians live. It is not very pretty. The houses are all built of logs, and some of them have gardens and orchards. They have a neat church, and they have a good minister, who takes great pains to teach them the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. The poor Indians were Pagans until within the last few years." " What are Pagans, nurse ? " " People, Lady Mary, who do not believe in God and the Lord Jesus Christ, our blessed Saviour." "Nurse, is there real rice growing in the llicu Lake ? I heard my governess say that rice grew only in warm countries. Now, your lake must be very cold if your uncle walked across the ice." " This rice, my lady, is not real rice. I heard a gentleman tell my father that it was, properly speak- ing, a species of oats * — water oats, he called it ; but the common name for it is wild rice. This wild rice grows in vast beds in the lake in patches of many acres. It will grow in water from eight to ten or twelve feet deep ; the grassy leaves float upon the water like long narrow green ribbons. In the month of August, the stem that is to bear the flower and the grain rises straight up above the surface, and light delicate blossoms come out of a pale straw colour and lilac. They are very pretty, and wave * Zizania, or water oats. ,.| -:*t AN USEFUL ri,ANT. 23 in the wind with ti rustling noise. In the month of October, when the rice is ripe, the leaves turn yellow, and the rice-heads grow heavy and droop ; then the squaws — as the Indian women are called — go out in their birch-bark canoes, holding in one hand a stick, in the other a short curved paddle with a sharp edge. With this they bend down the rice across the stick and strike off the heads, which fall into the canoe, as they push it along through the rice-beds. In this way they collect a great many bushels in the course of the day. The wild rice is not the least like the rice which your ladyship has eaten; it is thin, and covered with a light chaffy husk. The colour of the grain itself is a brownish- green, or olive, smooth, shining, and brittle. After separating the outward chaff, the squaws put by a large portion of the clean rice in its natural state for sale ; for this they get from a dollar and a half to two dollars a bushel. Some they parch, either in large pots, or on mats made of the inner bark of cedar or bass wood, beneath which they light a slow fire, and plant around it a temporary hedge of green boughs closely set, to prevent the heat from escap- ing; they also drive stakes into the ground, over which they stretch the matting at a certain height above the fire. On this they spread the green rice, stirring it about with wooden paddles till it is properly parched ; this is known by its bursting and showing the white grain of the flour. When quite cool it is stowed away in troughs, scooped out of ^1 J. ■♦ I! 21 " MULTUM IN PARVO." butter-nut wooil, or else sewed up in slicets of birch- bark or bass-mats, or in coarsely-niado birch-bark basketK." " And is tlie rice good to eat, nurse?" " Sonic people like it as well as the white rite of Carolina ; but it does not look so well. It is a great blessing to the poor Indians, who boil it in their soups, or eat it with maple molasses. And they eat it when parched without any other cooking, when they are on a long journey in the woods, or on the lakes. I have often eaten nice puddings made of it with milk. The deer feed upon the green rice. They swim into the water and eat the green leaves and tops. The Indians go out at night to shoot the deer on the water ; they listen for them, and shoot them in the dark. The wild ducks and water-fowls come down in great flocks to fatten on the ripe rice in the fall of the year ; also large flocks of rice bunt- ings and red wings, which make their roosts among the low willows, flags, and lilies, close to the shallows of the lake." " It seems very useful to birds as well as to men and beasts," said little Lady Mary. " Yes, my lady, and to fishes also, I make no doubt ; for the good God has cast it so abundantly abroad on the waters, that I daresay they also have their share. . When the rice is fully ripe, the sun shining on it gives it a golden hue, just like a field of ripened grain. Surrounded by the deep-blue waters, it looks very pretty." t^ \\ .■I 80MF.T1IINO WORK TO COMK. 25 " I am very jnuch ol.ligod to you. imrso, for tell- ing me m mucli about the Indian rite, and I will ank mamnui to let me hav§ some one day for my dinner, that I may know how it tastoM." Just then Lady Mary's pfoverness came to bid lier nurso dress her for a slei.s-h-ride, and so for tho present wo shall leave her; but wo will toll our little readers something more in another chapter about Lady Mary ami her flying squirrel. f CHAPTER 11. SLEKilllNG — SLEIGH KOBKS — FUll CAPS — OTTEU SKINS — OLD SNOW-STOKM^OTTEJl HUNTING OTTEE SLIDES — INDIAN NAMES — KEMARKS ON WILD ANIMALS AND THEIK HABITS. URSE, we have liatl a very nice sleigh- drive. I like sleighing very much over the white snow. The trees look so pretty, as if they were ''ovcred with white flowers, and the ground sparkled just like mamma's diamonds." " It is pleasant, Lady Mary, to ride through the woods on a bright sunshiny day, after a fresh fall of snow. The young evergreens, hemlocks, balsams, and spruce-trees, are loaded with great masser. of the new-fallen snow; while the slender saplings of the beech, birch, and basswood (the lime or linden) are bent down to the very gi-ound, making bowers so bright and beautiful, you would be delighted to see them. Sometimes, as you drive along, great masses of the snow come showering down upon you ; but it is so light and diy, that it shakes off without wetting you. It is pleasant to be wrapped up in warm l)lankcts, or buffalo robes, at the bottom of a lumber- sleigh, and to travel through the forest by moon- THE MKRllY, MERRY SLEIGH. 27 light; the merry bells echoing tlirough the silent woods, and the stars just peeping down through the frosted trees, which sparkle like diamonds in the moonbeams." " Nurse, I should like to take a drive through the forest in winter. It is so nice to hear the sleigh-bells. We used sometimes to go out in the snow in Scot- land, but we were in the carriage, and had no bells." "No, Lady Mary; the snow seldom lies long enough in the old country to make it worth while to have sleighs there; but in Russia and Sweden, and other cold Northern countries, they use sleighs with bells." Lady Mary ran to the little bookcase where she had a collection of children's books, and very soon found a picture of Laplanders and Russians wrapped in furs. " How long will the winter last, nurse?" said the child, after she had tired herself with looking at the prints; "a long, long time — a great many weeks? — IX great many months ? " " Yes, my lady; five or six months." "Oh, that is nice — nearly half a year of white Bnow, and sleigh-drives every day, and bells ringing uU the time ! I tried to make out a tune, but thoy only seemed to say, ' Up-hill, up-hill ! down-hill, down-hill ! ' all the way. Nurse, please tell me what are sleigh-robes made of?" " Some sleigh-robes. Lady Mary, are made of be."v-skins, lined with red or blue flannel ; some are mmm 28 A NOVEL IIEAD-DRKSS. of wolf-skins, lined Avith bright scarlet cloth ; and some of racoon ; the commonest are buffalo-skins ; I have seen some of deer-skins, but these last are not so good, as the hair comes off, and they are not so warm as the skins of the furred or woolly-coated animals." " I sometimes see long tails hanging down over the backs of the sleigh and cutters — they look very pretty, like the end of mamma's boa." " The wolf and racoon skin robes are generally made up with the tails, and sometimes the heads of the animals are also left. I noticed the head of a wolf, with its sharp ears, and long white teeth, looking very fierce, at the back of a cutter, the other day." " Nurse, that must have looked very droll. Do you know I saw a gentleman the other day, walking with papa, who had a fox-skin cap on his head, and the fox's nose was just peeping over his shoulder, and the tail hung down his back, and I saw its bright black eyes looking so cunning. I thought it must be alive, and that it had curled itself round his head ; but the gentleman took it off, and showed me that the eyes were glass." " Some hunters. Lady Mary, make caps of otter, mink, or badger skins, and ornament them with the tails, heads, and claws." " I have seen a picture of the otter, nurse ; it is a pretty, soft-looking thing, with a round head and hlack eyes. Where do otters live? " 1 INDIAN NAMES. 20 " The Canadian otters, Lady Mary, live in holes in the banks of sedgy, shallow lakes, mill-ponds, and sheltered creeks. The Indian hunters find their haunts by tracking their steps in the snow ; for an Indian or Canadian hunter knows the track made by any bird or beast, from the deep broad print of the bear, to the tiny one of the little shrewmouse, which is the smallest four-footed beast in this or any other country. " Indians catch the otter, and many other wild animals, in a sort of trap, which they call a ' dead- fall.' Wolves are often so trapped, and then shot. The Indians catch the otter for the sake of its dark shining fur, which is used by the hatters and furriers. Old Jacob Snow-storm, an old Indian who lived on the banks of the Eice Lake, used to catch otters ; and I have often listened to him, and laughed at his stories." " Do, please, nurse, tell me what old Jacob Snow-storm told you about the otters ; I like to hear stories about wild beasts. But what a droll sur- name Snow-storm is ! " " Yes, Lady Mary; Indians have very odd names; they are called after all sorts of strange things. They do not name the children, as we do, soon after they are born, but wait for some remarkable circum- stance, some dream or accident. Some call them after the first strange animal or bird that appears to the new-born. Old Snow-storm most likely owed his name to a heavy fall of snow when he was u r "■S fel^H t W lll Ul Bp >-*6«**5 I 30 ^V^ATS IN A NAME? haby. I knew a chief named Musk-rat, and a pretty Indian girl who was named ' 13adau'-bun ' — ■ Lifjht of the MornirKj." " And what is the Indian name for Old Snow- storm?" " ' Be-clie-go-ke-poor,' my hidy." Lady Mary said it was a funny sounding name, and not at all like Snow-storm, which she liked a great deal better; and £ihe was much amused while her nurse repeated to her some names of squaws and papooses (Indian women and children); such as Long Thrush, Little Fox, Running Stream, Snow- bird, Red Cloud, Young Eagle, Big Bush, and many others. " Now, nurse, will you tell me some more about Jacob Snow-storm and the otters ? " " Well, Lady Mary, the old man had a cap of otter-skin, of w^hich he was very proud, and only wore on great days. One day as he was playing with it, he said: — ' Otter funny fellow; he like play too, sometimes. Indian go hunting up Ottawa, that great big river, you know. Gro one moonlight night ; lie down under bushes in snow ; see lot of little fellow and big fellow at play. Run up and down bank; bank all ice. Sit down top of bank; good slide there. Down he go splash into water ; out again. Funny fellow thoso ! ' And then the old hunter threw back his head, and laughed, till you could have seen all his white teeth, he opened his mouth so wide." f % \ H t l^ * ll m m ALL ABOUT THE OTTKRS. 31 THE OTTERS. Lady Mary was veiy much amused at the comical way in which tlie ohl Indian talked. " Can otters swim, nurse?" " Yes, Lady Mary; the good (^lod who has created all things well, has given to this animal wehhed feet, which enable it to swim; and it can also dive down in the deep water, where it finds fish and ^ 32 A BEAST OF PREY. mussels, and perhaps the roots of some water-phmts to eat. It makes very little motion or disturbance in the water when it goes down in search of its prey. Its coat is thick, and formed of two kinds of hair; the outer hair is long, silky, and shining; the under part is short, fine, and warm. The water cannot penetrate to wet them, — the oily nature of the fur throws off the moisture. They dig large holes with their claws, which are short, hut very strong. They line their nests with dry grass, and rushes, and roots gnawed fine, and do not pass the winter in sleep, as the dormice, flying squirrels, racoons, and bears do. They are very innocent and playful, both when young, and even after they grow old. The lumberers often tame them, and they become so docile that they will come at a call or whistle. Like all wild animals, they are most lively at night, when they come out to feed and play." " Dear little things ! I should like to have a tame otter to play with, and run after me; but do you think he would eat my squirrel? You know cats will eat squirrels — so mamma says." " Cats belong to a very different class of animals ; Ihey are beasts of prey, formed to spring and bound, and tear with their teeth and claws. The otter is also a beast of prey, but its prey is found in the still waters, and not on the land ; it can neither climb nor leap. So I do not think he -^ ouid hurt your squirrel, if you had one.'* I I 'I GOD IN CREATION. 33 '* Soc, iiurso, my dear little squirrel is still where I left him, dinging to the wires of the cage, his bright eyes looking like two black beads.' " As soon as it grows dark he will begin to be more lively, and perhaps he will eat something, but not while we look at him — he is too shy for that." " Nurse, how can they see to eat in the dark?" " The good God, Lady Mary, has so formed their eyes that they can see best by night. I will road you, Lady IMary, a few verses from Psalm civ. : — a o IS le i 1^ " * Verse 19. He appointed the moon for seasons : the sun knoweth his going down. " ' 20. Thou makcst darkness, and it is niglit : wherein all the beasts of the forest do creep forth. " '21. The young lions roar after their prey, and seek their meat from God. "'22. The sun ariseth, they gather themselves together, and lay them down in their dens. " ' 23. Man goetli forth unto his work and to his labour, until the evening. " ' 24. O Lord, how manifold are thy works ! in wisdom hast thou made tliem all : the earth is full of thy riches.' " Thus you see, my dear lady, that our heavenly Father taketh care of all his creatures, and provideth for them both by day and by night." " I remember, nurse, that my dormice used to lie quite still, nestled among the moss and wool in their little dark chamber in the cage, all day long ; but when it was niglit they used to come out and frisk about, and run along the wires, and play all sorts of tricks, chasing one another round and round, and they were not afraid of me, but would let me look at them while they ate a nut, or a bit of sugar; aud (211) 3 .» s > ■ V •• ■ t now TIIR DORMICE FRED, I.ADT MARV SLEialllNO HER DOLL. '^/^/^^^ „,„ dear little things wonW rtrink out of thelv little white saucer, and ^va* their faces and ta,ls-,t was «o pretty to see *';«'"'•" ^^^ ,!„„,;,« "Bid you notice, Lady iuaiy, no\> held their food ? " DOLLY S SLEIGII-RIDE. .9r. / f/ I " Yes; they sat up, and hold it in their fore-paws, whicli looked just like tiny hands." *' There are many animals whose foro-feet rescmhle hands, and these, generally, convey their food to their mouths — among these are the squirrel and dormice. They are good climbers and diggers. You see, my dear young lady, how the merciful Creator has given to all his creatures, however lowly, the best means of supplying their wants, whether of food or shelter." " Indeed, nurse, I have learned a great ileal about squirrels, Canadian rice, otters, and Indians ; but, if you please, I must now have a little play with my doll. Good-bye, Mrs. Frazer; pray take care of my dear little squirrel, and mind that he does not fly away." And Lady Mary was soon busily engaged in drawing her wax doll about the nursery in a little sleigh lined with red squirrel fur robes, and talking to her as all children like to talk to their dolls, whether they be rich or poor — the children of peas- ants, or governors' daughters. little t was irmice V|bB»f" -i CTIAPTEll III. LAUY MAUY ItKADS TO MI!S. FUAZEU TlfK r'HtST V\UV 01'" THli inSTORV OF THE .SCiUIllUEL FAMILY. NE tlay Lady Mary came to her nurse, and putting lier arms about lier n.x'k, wliis- pored to her, — '' Mrs. Frazer, my dear good governess has given me something — it is in my hand," and she slily held hw hand behind her — " will you guess what it is?"' " Is it a book, my lady ?"' " Yes, yes, it is a book, a pret'} book ; and see, here are pictures of squirrels in it. i»irs. Frazer, if you like, I will sit down on this cushion by you and read some of my new book. It docs not seem very hard." Then Mrs. Frazer took out her work-basket and sat down to sew, and Lady Mary began to read the little story, which, I hope, may entertain my little readers as much as it did the Governor's daughter. ^iirt i. TUn niSTORY OF A SQUIRREL FAMILY. It must be a pleasant thing to be a squirrel, and live a life of freedom in the boundless forests ; to (' 1 n SQUIUIirX 1,1 FK. 37 here you read ird. and the ittle and ; to ■ loap and bound among the branches of the tall trees; to gambol in the deep shade of the cool glossy leaves, through the long warm summer day ; to gather the fresh nuts and berries; to drink the pure dews of heaven, all bright and sparkling LAKY MAliy READING IIEU nOTD RK-IJUOK. from the opening flowers; to sleep on soft beds of moss and thistl6-down in some hollow branch rocked by the wind as in a cradle. Yet, though this was the ha})py life led by a family of pretty gray squirrels that had their dwelling in the hoary ' * 38 THE IIEUO OF THK TALK branch of an old oak-trco that grew on ono of the rocky islands in a beautiful lake in Upper Canada, called Stony Lake (because it was full of rocky islands), these little creatures were far from being contented, and were always wishing for a change. Indeed, they had been very happy, till one day when a great black squirrel swam to the island antl paid them a visit. He was a very fine handsome fellow, nearly twice as large as any of the gray squirrels ; he had a tail that flourished over his back, when he set it up, like a great black feather; his claws were sharp and strong, and his eyes very round and bright; he had upright cars, and long, sharp teeth, of which he made good use. The old gray squirrels called him cousin, and invited him to dinner. They very civilly set before him some acorns and beech- nuts; but he proved a hungry visitor, and ate as much as would have fed the whole family for a week. After the gray squirrels had cleared away the shells and scraps, they asked their greedy guest where he came from, when Blackie told them he was a great traveller, and had seen many wonderful things; that he had once lived on a forked pine at the head of the Waterfall, but being tired of a dull life, he had gone out on his travels to see the world; that he had been down the lake, and along the river shore, where there were great places cut out in the thick forest, called clearings, where some very tall creatures lived, who were called men and women, with young ones called children; that though they were not so A L'UNNINO FKLLOW. no Itretty as 8(iuiirelH — lor tlicy luul no lur on tliein, ,'Mid were obliged to make clothes to cover tlieni tind keep them warm — they were very useful, and sowed corn and planted fruit-trees and roots for K([uirrels to eat, and even built large grain stores to keep it safe and dry for them. This seemed very strange, and the simple little gray squirrels were 'cry much pleased, and said they should like very much to go down the lakes too, and see these wonderful things. The black squirrel then told them that tliere were many things to be seen in these clearings; that there were large beasts, called oxen, and cows, and sheep, and pigs; and these creatures had houses built for them to live in; and all the men and women seemed to employ themselves about, was feeding and taking care of them. Now this cunning fellow never told his simple cousins that the oxen had to bear a heavy wooden yoke and chain, and were made to work very hard ; nor that the cows were fed that they might give milk to the children; nor that the pigs were fatted to make pork; nor that the sheep had their warm fleeces cut ofi' every year that the settlers might have the wool to spin and weave. Blackie did not say that the men carried guns, and the dogs were fierce, and would hunt poor squirrels from tree to tree, frightening them almost to death with their loud, angry barking; that cats haunted the barns and houses; and, in short, that there were dangers :«. 40 TIR TAKRS IITS LEAVE. US well as pleasures to be met with in these clear- ings; and that the barns were built to shelter the grain for men, and not for the benefit of squirrels. The black squirrel proved rather a troublesome guest, for he stayed several days, and ate so heartily, that the old gray squirrels were obliged to hint that he had better go back to the clearings, where there was so much food, for that their store was nearly done. When Blackie found that all the nice nuts were eaten, and that even pine-kernels and beech-nuts were becoming scarce, he went away, saying that he should soon come again. The old gray squirrels were glad when they saw the tip of Blackie's tail disappear, as he whisked down the trunk of the old oak; but their young ones were very sorry that he was gone, for they liked very much to listen to all his wonderful stories, which they thought were true; and they told their father and mother how they wished they would leave the dull island and the old tree, and go down the lakes, and see the wonderful things that their black cousin had described. But the old ones shook their heads, and said they feared there was more fiction than truth in the tales they had heard, and that if they w^ere wise they would stay where they were. " What do you want more, my dear children," said their mother, " than you enjoy here ? Have you not this grand old oak for a palace to live in ; its leaves and branches spreading like a canopy over your heads, to shelter i I BE CONTENT WITH THE PRESENT. 41 I you from the hot sun by day and the dews by night ? Are there not moss, dried grass, and roots beneath, to make a soft bed for you to lie upon ? and do not the boughs drop down a plentiful store of brown ripe acorns ? That silver lake, studded with islands of all shapes and sizes, produces cool clear water for you to drink and bathe yourselves in. Look at those flowers that droop their blossoms down to its glassy surface, and the white lilies that rest upon its bosom, — will you see anything fairer or better if you leave this place? Stay at home and be con- tented." " If I hear any more grumbling," said their father, " [ shall pinch your ears and tails." So the little squirrels said no more, but I am sorry to say they did not pay much heed to their wise old mother's counsels ; for whenever they were alone, all their talk was how to run away, and go abroad to see the world, as their black cousin had called the new settlement down the lakes. It never came into the heads of the sillv creatures that those wonderful stories they had been told originated in an artful scheme of the greedy black squirrel, to induce them to leave their warm pleasant house in the oak, that he and his children might come and live in it, and get the hoards of grain, and nuts, and acorns, that their father and mother had been laying up for winter stores. Moreover, the wily black squirrel had privately told them that their father and mother intended to 42 PLOTTING AN ESCAPADE. ; I i tuiii theui out of tlie nest very soon, and make pro- vision for a new family. This indeed was really the case ; for as soon as young animals can provide for themselves, their parents turn them off, and care no niore for them. A^ery different, indeed, is this from our parents ; for they love and cherish us as long as they live, and afford us a home and shelter as long as we need it. Every hour these little gray squirrels grew more and more impatient to leave the lonely little rocky island, though it was a pretty spot, and the place of their birth ; but they were now eager to go abroad and seek their fortunes. "Let us keep our own counsel," said Nimble-foot to his sisters Velvet-paw and Silver-nose, " or we may chance to get our tails pulled ; but be all ready for a start by early dawn to-morrow." Velvet-paw and Silver-nose said they would be up before sunrise, as they should have a long voyage down the lake, and agreed to rest on Pine Island near the opening of Clear Lake. " And then take to the shore and travel through the woods, where, no doubt, we shall have a pleasant time," said Nimble-foot, who was the most hopeful of the party. The sun was scarcely yet risen over the fringe of dark pines that skirted the shores of the lake, and a soft creamy mist hung on the surface of the still waters, which were unruffled by tlie slightest breeze. The little gray squirrels awoke, and looked sleepily I V 4 AN AMERICAN LANDSCAPK. 43 i out from the leafy screen that shaded their mossy nest. The early notes of the wood-thrush and song- sparrow, with the tender warbling of the tiny wren, sounded sweetly in the still, dewy morning air ; while from a cedar swamp was heard the trill of the green frogs, which the squirrels thought very pretty music. As the sun rose above the tops of the trees, the mist rolled off in light fleecy clouds, and soon was lost in the blue sky, or lay in large bright drops on the cool grass and shining leaves. Then all the birds awoke, and the insects shook, their gauzy wings which had been folded all the night in the flower-cups, and the flowers began to lift their heads, and the leaves to expand to catch the golden light. There was a murmur on the water as it played among the sedges, and lifted the broad floating leaves of the white water-lilies, with their carved ivory cups ; and the great green, brown, and blue dragon- flies rose with a whirring sound, and darted to and fro among the water-flowers. It is a glorious sight to see thS sun rise at any time, for then we can look upon him without having our eyes dazzled with the brightness of his beams ; and though there were no men and women and little children, in the lonely waters and woods, to lift up their hands and voices in prayer and praise to God, who makes the sun to rise each day, yet no doubt the great Creator is pleased to see his crea- tures rejoice in the blessings of light and heat. Lightly running down the ruggea bark of the old 44 THE TRUANTS ON THE LAKE. oak-tree, tlie little squirrels bade farewell to their island home — to the rocks, mosses, ferns, and flowers that had sheltered them, among which they had so often chased each other in merry gambols. They thought little of all this, when they launched them- selves on the silver bosom of the cool lake. " How easy it is to swim in this clear water ! " said Silver-nose to her sister Velvet-paw. " We shall not be long in reaching yonder island, and there, no doubt, we shall get a good breakfast." So the little swimmers proceeded on their voyage, furrowing the calm waters as they glided noiselessly along; their soft gray heads and ears and round black eyes only being seen, and the bright streaks caused by the motion of their tails, which lay flat on the surface, looking like silver threads gently floating on the stream. Not being much used to the fatigue of swimming, the little squirrels were soon tired, and if it had not been for a friendly bit of stick that happened to float near lier, poor Velvet-i)aw would have been drowned ; however, she got up on the stick, and, setting up her fine broad tail, went merrily on, and soon passed Nimble- foot and Silver-nose. The current drew the stick towards the Pine Island that lay at the entrance of Clear Lake, and Velvet-paw leaped ashore, and sat down on a mossy stone to dry her fur, and watch for her brother and sister : they, too, found a large piece of birch-bark which the winds had blown into the water, and as a little \ ]• KxNEMIES ON S1I0K15. 45 breeze had sprung up to waft them along, they were not very long before they landed on the island. They were all very glad when they met again, after the perils and fatigues of the voyage. The first thing to be done was to look for something to eat, for their early rising had made them very hungry. They found abundance of pine-cones strewn on the ground, but, alas for our little squirrels ! very few kernels in them ; for the crossbills and chiccadees had been at work for many wcf^ks on the trees ; and also many families of their poor relations, the chit- munks or ground squirrels, had not been idle, as our little voyagers could easily guess by the chips and empty cones round their holes. So, weary as they were, they were obliged to run up the tall pine ami hemlock trees, to search among the cones that grew on their very top branches. While our squirrels were busy with the few kernels they chanced to find, they were started from their repast by the screams of a large slate-coloured hawk, and Velvet-paw very narrowly escaped being pounced upon and carried off in its sharp-hooked talons. Silver-nose at the same time was nearly frightened to death by the keen round eyes of a cunning racoon, which had come within a few feet of the mossy branch of an old cedar, where she sat picking the seeds out of a dry head of a blue flag-flower she had found on the shore. Silvy, at this sight, gave a spring that left her many yards beyond her sharp-sighted enemy. A lively note of joy was uttered by Nimble-foot, 4fi OUT IN THE WORLD. I for, perched at his case on a top branch of the hem- lock-tree, he liad seen the bound made by Silver-nose. " Well jumped, Silvy," said he ; " Mister Coon must be a smart fellow to equal that. But look sharp, or you will get your neck wrung yet ; I see we must keep a good look-out in this strange country." " I begin to wish we were safe back again in our old one," whined Silvy, who was much frightened by the danger she had just escaped. "Pooh, pooh, child; don't be a coward," said Nimble, laughing. " Cousin Blackie never told us there were hawks and coons on this island," said Velvet-paw. " My dear, he thought we were too brave to be afraid of hawks and coons," said Nimble. " For my part, I think it is a fine thing to go out a little into the world. We should never see anything better than the sky, and the water, and the old oak- tree on that little island." " Ay, but I think it is safer to see than to be seen," said Silvy, " for hawks and eagles have strong beaks, and racoons sharp claws and hungry-looking teeth ; and it is not very pleasant. Nimble, to be obliged to look out for such wicked creatures." " Oh, true indeed," said Nimble ; " if it had not been for that famous jump you made, Silvy, and, Velvet, your two admirers, the hawk and racoon, would soon have hid all your beauties from the world, and put a stop to your travels." IN SEARCH OF A DINNER. 47 " It is very well for brother Nimble to make light of our dangers," whispered Velvet-paw, " but let us see how he will jump if a big eigle were to pounce down to carry him off." " Yes, yes," said Silvy ; " it is easy to brag before one is in danger." The squirrels thought they would now go and look for some partridge-berries, of which they were very fond, for the pine-kernels were but dry husky food after all. There were plenty of the pretty white star-shaped blossoms, growing all over the ground under the pine-trees, but the bright scarlet twin-berries were not yet ripe. In winter the partridges eat this fruit from under the snow ; and it furnishes food for many little animals as well as birds. The leaves are small, of a dark green, and the white flowers have a very fine fragrant scent. Though the run- aways found none of these berries fit to eat, they saw some ripe strawberries among the bushes ; and, having satisfied their hunger, began to grow very merry, and whisked here and there and everywhere, peeping into this hole and under that stone. Some- times they had a good game of play, chasing one another up and down the trees, chattering and squeaking as gray squirrels only can chatter and squeak, when they are gambolling about in the wild woods of Canada. Indeed, they made such a noise, that the great ugly black snakes lifted up their heads, and stared 4Q WEARY OF READINr.. at tliem with their Avicked spiteful-looking eyes, and the little ducklings swimming among the water- lilies gathered round their mother, and a red-winged blackbird perched on a dead tree gave alarm to the rest of the flock by calling out, Gcck, gcck, ycck, as loudly as he could. In the midst of their frolics. Nimble skipped into a hollow log — but was glad to run out again ; for a porcupine covered with sharp spines was there, and was so angry at being dis- turbed, that he stuck one of his spines into poor Nimble-foot's soft velvet nose, and there it would have remained if Silvy had not seized it with her teeth and pulled it out. Nimble-foot squeaked sadly, and would not play any longer, but rolled himself up and went to sleep in a red-headed wood- pecker's old nest ; while Silvy and Velvet-paw frisked about in the moonlight, and when tired of play got up into an old oak which had a large hollow place in the crown of it, and fell asleep, fancying, no doubt, that they were on the rocky island in Stony Lake ; and so we will bid them good night, and wish them pleasant dreams. Lady Mary had read a long while, and was now tired ; so she kissed her nurse, and said, " Now. Mrs. Frazer, I will play with my doll, and feed my squirrel and my dormice." The dormice were two soft, brown creatures, almost as pretty and as innocent as the squirrel, and a great i MORE ABOUT THE TRUANTS. 49 as (leal tamer; and they were called Jeannctte and Jean- not, and would come when tliey were called by their names, and take a hit of cake or a lump of sugar out of the fingers of tlieir little mistress. Lady Mary had two canaries, Dick and Pet ; and she loved her dormice and birds, and her new ])et, the flying squirrel, very much, and never let them want for food, or water, or any nice thing she could get for them. She liked the history of the gray squirrels very much ; and was quite eager to get her book the next afternoon, to read the second part of the adventures and wanderings of the family. Satt ii. i > WHICH TELLS HOW THE OKAY SQUIRRELS GET ON WHILE THEY REMAINED ON PINE ISLAND — HOW THEY BEHAVED TO THEIR POOR RELATIONS, THE CHITMUNKS — AND WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM IN THE FOREST. It was noon when the little squirrels awoke, and, of course, they were quite ready for their breakfast : but there was no good, kind old mother to provide for their wants, and to bring nuts, acorns, roots, or fruit for them ; they must now get up, go forth, and seek food for themselves. When Velvet-paw and Silver-nose went to call Nimble-foot, they were surprised to find his nest empty ; but after searching a long while, they found him sitting on the root of an up-turned tree, looking at a family of little chit- (211) 4 r>o UNCOrRTEOUS HI II AVIOUK. "^f^fi: 11- \ "'^'/r . THE GRAY SQUIKREL AND TIIK CHITMUNKft. nmnks busily picking over the pine-cones on the grountl ; but as soon as one of the poor little fellows, with great labour, had dug out a kernel, and was ? \> --<«>; RAT OR SQUIRRFL? fit propariiijL,' to oat it, down leaped Nimble-foot and carried off the prize; and if one of tlic little cliit- nninks ventured to say a word, lie very uncivilly gave liim a scratch, or hit his ears, calling him a mean, shabby fellow. Now the chitniunks were really very pretty. They were, to be sure, not more than half the size of the gray squirrels, and their fur was short, without the soft, thick glossy look upon it of the gray squirrels'. They were of a lively, tawny yellow-brown colour, with long black and white stripes down their backs ; their tails were not so long nor so thickly furred ; and instead of living in the trees, they made their nests in logs and wind- falls, and had their granaries and winter houses too underground, where they made warm nests of dried moss and grass and thistledown ; to these they had several entrances, so that they had always a chance of refuge if danger wcro nigh. Like the dormice, flying squirrels, and ground hogs, they slept soundly during the cold weather, only awakening when the warm spring sun had melted the snow.* The vain little gray squirrels thought themselves mudi better than these little chitmunks, whom they treated with very little politeness, laughing at them for living in holes in the ground, instead of upon lofty trees, as they did ; they even called them low- ■ ^ It is not quite certain tliat the chitfnunk is a true squirrel, and lie is sometimes called a striped rat. This pretty animal seems, in- deed, to form a link between the rat and squirrel. . J:. .. 62 ^VIIAT THE ClllTMUNKS SAID. bred fellows, and wondered why they did not imitato their higli-breediiig and behaviour. Tlio ehitmunks took very little notice of their rudeness, but merely said that, if being high-bred made people rude, they would rather remain liunible as they were. " As we are the head of all the squirrel families," said Silver-noso, " we shall do you the honour of breakfasting with you to-day." " Wo breakfasted hours ago, while you lazy fellows were fast asleep," replied an old chitnmnk, poking his little nose out of a hole in the ground. " Then we shall dine with you ; so make haste and get something good for us," said Nimble-foot. " I have no doubt you have plenty of butter and hickory- nuts laid up in your holes." The old chitmunk told him he might come and get them, if he could. At this the gray squirrels skipped down from the branches, and began to run hither and thither, and to scratch among the moss and leaves, to find the entrance to the chitmunks' grain stores. They peeped under the old twisted roots of the pines and cedars, into every chink and cranny, but no sign of a granary was to be seen. Then the chitmunks said, " My dear friends, this is a bad season to visit us; we are very poor Just now, finding it difficult to get a few dry pine-ker- nels and berries; but if you will come and see us after harvest, we shall have a store of nuts and acorns." LEFT IN TIIR LURCH. M of *' Pietty follows you are!" repliod Niniblo, "to put UH oft' with promises, when we are so hungry; wo might Htarvo hetween this and harvest." ** If you leave tliis island, and go down the lake, you will come to a mill, where the red squirrels live, and where you will have fine times," said one of the chitmunks. "Which is the nearest way to the mill?" asked Velvet-paw. " Swim to the shore, and keep the Indian path, and you will soon see it." But while the gray squirrels were looking out for the path, the cunning chitmunks whisked away into their holes, and left the inquirers in the lurch, who could not tell what had become of them ; for though they did find a round hole that they thought might be one of their burrows, it was so narrow that they could only poke in their noses, but could get no further — the gray squirrels being much fatter and bigger than the slim little chitmunks. "After all," said Silvy, who was the best of the three, " perhaps, if we had been civil, the chitmunks would have treated us better." " Well," said Nimble, " if they had been good fellows, they would have invited us, as our mother did Cousin Blackie, and have set before us the best they had. I could find it in my heart to dig them out of their holes and give them a good bite." This was all brag on Nimble's part, who was not near so brave as he wished Silvy and Velvet-paw to suppose he was. i ■^ fl 54 THINKING OF llOMK. After spending some time in hunting for i.c jrns, they made up their minds to leave the island, and as it was not very far to the mainland, they decided on swimming thither. " Indeed," said Silver-nose, " I am tired of this dull place ; we are not better off here than we were in the little island in Stony Lake, where our good old mother took care we should have plenty to eat, and we had a nice warm nest to shelter us." " Ah, well, it is of no use grumbling now ; if we were to go back, we should only get a scolding, and perhaps be chased off the island," said Nimble. " Now let us have a race, and see which of us will get to shore first ; " and he leaped over Velvet-paw's head, and was soon swimming merrily for the shore. He was soon followed by his companions, and in half an hour they were all safely landed. Instead of going into the thick forest, they agreed to take the path by the margin of the lake, for there they had a better chance of getting nuts and fruit ; but though it was the merry month of June, and there were plenty of pretty flowers in bloom, the berries were hardly ripe, and our little vagrants faied but badly. Besides being hungry, they were sadly afraid of the eagles and fish-hawks that kept hovering over the water ; and when they went further into the forest to avoid them, they saw a great white wood-owl, noiselessly flying out from among the close cedar swamps, that seemed just ready to pounce down upon them. The gray sq^uirrels did not like the > A NARROW ESCAPE. 55 look of tlie owl's groat round shining eyes, as they peered at them, under tlie tufts of silky white leathers, which almost hid his hooked hill, and their hearts sunk within them when they heard his holh vv cry, ''Ho, ho, ho, ho!" '' Wauyh, ho!" dismally sounding in their ears. It was well that A\'lvet-paw was as swift afoot as slie was soft, for one of these great owls had veiy nearly caught her, while she was eating a lilbert that she had found in a cleft branch, where a nuthatch had fixed it, while she pecked a hole in the shell. Some bird of prey had scared away the poor nut- hatch, and Velvet-paw no doubt thought she was in luck when she found the prize ; but it would have been a dear nut to her, if Nimble, who was a sharp- sighted fellow, had not seen the owl, and cried, " Chit, chit, chit, chit !" to warn her of her danger. " Chit, chit, chit, chit ! " cried Velvet-paw, and away she flew to the very top of a tall pine-tree, springing from one tree-top to another, till she was soon out of the old owl's reach. "What shall we do for supper to-night?'* said Silver-nose, looking very pitifully at Nimble-foot, whom they looked upon as the head of the family. " We shall not want for a good supper and break- fast too, or I am very much mistaken. Bo you see that red squirrel yonder, climbing the hemlock-tree ? Well, my dears, he has a fine store of good things in that beech-tree. I watched him run down with a nut in his teeth. Let us wait patiently, and we 56 THIEVES ARE ALWAYS COWARDS. shall see him come again for anotlier ; and as soon as he has done his meal, we will go and take ours." The red squirrel ran to and fro several times, each time carrying off a nut to his nest in the hemlock ; after a while, he came no more. As soon as he was out of sight. Nimble led the way and found the hoard. The beech was quite hollow in the heart ; and they went down through a hole in the branch, and found a store of hazel-nuts, with acorns, hickory- nuts, butter-nuts, and beech-mast, all packed quite close and dry. They soon made a great hole in the red squirrel's store of provisions, and were just choosing some nuts to carry off with them, when they were disturbed by a scratching against the bark of the tree. Nimble, who was always the first to take care of himself, gave the alarm, and he and Velvet-paw, being nearest to the hole, got off safely ; but poor Silvy had the ill luck to sneeze, and before she had time to hide herself, the angry red squirrel sprang upon her, and gave her such a terrible cuffing and scratching, that Silvy cried out for mercy. As to Nimble-foot and Velvet-paw, they paid no heed to her cries for help ; they ran away, and left her to bear the blame of all their misdeeds as well as her own. Thieves are always cowards, and are sure to forsake one another when danger is nigh. The angry red squirrel pushed poor Silvy out of her granary, and she was glad to crawl away and hide herself in a hole at the root of a neighbouring tree, where she lay in great pain and terror, licking I, THE TREACHEROUS RACOON-. 6/ her wounds and crying to think how cruel it was of her brother and sister to leave her to the mercy of the red squirrel. It was surely very cowardly of Nimble-foot and Velvet-paw to forsake her in such a time of need ; nor was this the only danger that befell poor Silvy. One morning, when she put her nose out of tlie hole to look about her before ventur- ing out, she sa;v seated on a branch, close beside the tree she was under, a racoon, staring full at her with his sharp cunning black eyes. She was very much afraid of him, for she thought he looked very hungry; but as she knew that racoons are very fond of nuts and fruit, she said to herself, " Perhaps if I show him where the red squirrel's granary in the beech - tree is, he will not kill me." Then she said very softly to him, " Good Mister Coon, if you want a very nice breakfast, and will promise to do me no hurt, I will tell you where to find plenty of nuts." The coon eyed her with a sly grin, and said, " If I can get anything more to my taste than a pretty gray squirrel, I will take it, my dear, and not lay a paw upon your soft back." " Ah, but you must promise not to touch me, if I come out and show you where to find the nuts," said Silvy. " Upon the word and honour of a coon ! " replied the racoon, laying one black paw upon his breast ; " but if you do not come out of your hole, I shall soon come and dig you out, so you had best be quick ; and if you trust me, you shall come to no hurt." 68 THE INDIAN TENT. IMien Silvy thought it wisest to seem to trust the racoon's word, and she came out of her hole, and went a few paces to point out the tree where her enemy the red Sjuirrel's store of nuts was; but as soon as she saw Mister Coon disappear in the hollow of the tree, slie bade him good-bye, and whisked up a tall tree, where she knew the racoon could not reach her ; and having now quite recovered her strength, she was able to leap from branch to branch, and even from one tree to another, whenever they grew close and the boughs touched, as they often do in the grand old woods in Canada ; and so she was soon far, far away from the artful coon, who waited a long time, hoping to carry off poor Silvy for his dinner. Silvy contrived to pick up a living by digging for roots and eating such fruits as she could find ; but one day she came to a grassy cleared spot, where she saw a strange-looking tent, made with poles stuck into the ground and meeting at the top, from which came a bluish cloud that spread among the trees ; and as Silvy was very curious, she came nearer, and at last, hearing no sound, ran up one of the poles and peeped in, to see what was within side, thinking it might be one of the fine stores of grain Is, as her cousin people squi IJhickie had made her believe. The poles were covered with sheets of birch-bark and skins of deer and wolves, and there was a fire of sticks burning in the middle, round which some large creatures wore f I #« C.VUOIIT IN A TRAP. 59 #» J sitting on a bear's skin, eating something tliat smelt very nice. They had long black hair and black eyes and very white teeth. Silvy felt alarmed at first ; but thinking they must be the people who were kind to squirrels, she ventured to slip through a slit in the bark, and ran down into the wigwam, hoping to get something to eat ; but in a minute the Indians jumped up, and before she had time to make her escape, she was seized by a young squaw, and popped into a birch box, and the lid shut down upon her ; so poor Silvy was caught in a trap, and all for believing the artful black squirrel's tales. Silver-nose remembered her mother's warning now when it was too late ; she tried to get out of her prison, but in vain ; the sides of the box were too strong, and there was not so much as a single crack for a peep-hole. After she had been shut up some time, the lid was raised a little, and a dark hand put in some bright, shining hard grains for her to eat. This was Indian corn, and it was excellent food ; but Silvy was a long, long time before she would eat any of this sweet corn, she was so vexed at being caught and shut up in prison ; besides, she was very much afraid that the Indians were going to eat her. After some days, she began to get used to her captive state ; the little squaw used to feed her, and one day took her out of the box and put her into a nice light cage, where there was soft green moss to lie on, a little bark dish with clear water, and abundance of food. The cage was hung up on the no SICK AND SULKY. bough of a tree near the wigwam, to swing to and fro as the wind waved the tree. Here Silvy coukl see the birds flying to and fro, and listen to their cheerful songs. The Indian women and children had always a kind look or a word to say to her ; and THE PET SQUIRREL. her little mistress was so kind to her, that Silvy could not help loving her. She was very grateful for her care ; for when she was sick and sulky, the little squaw gave her bits of maple-sugar and parched rice out of her hand. At last Silvy giew tame, and A BREAK IN THE STORY. 61 would suffer herself to be taken out of her house to sit on her mistress's shoulder or in her lap ; and though she sometimes ran away and hid herself, out of fun, she would not have gone fur from tlic tent of the good Indians on any account. Sometimes she saw the red squirrels running about in the forest, but they never came very near her; but she used to watch all day long for her brother Nimble-foot, or sister Velvet-paw ; but they were now far away from her, and no doubt thought that she had been killed by the red squirrel, or eaten up by a fox or, racoon. " Nurse, I am so glad pretty Silvy was not killed, and that the good Indians took care of her." " It is time now, my dear, for you to put down your book," said Mrs. Frazer, " and to-morrow we will read some more." " Yes, if you please, Mrs. Frazer," said Ludy Mary. JPart lil. now THE SQUIRRELS GOT TO THE MILL AT THE RAPIDS- WHAT HAPPENED TO VELVET-PAW. -AND NiMBLE-FOOT and Velvet-paw were so frightened by the sight of the red squirrel, that they ran down the tree without once looking back to see what had become of poor Silver-nose ; indeed, the cowards, r 62 TFIK MILL AT TIIK RAPIDS. ; instead of waiting for their poor sister, fled tlirougli the forest as it' an army of red squirrels were behind them. At Last they reached the banks of the lake, and jumping into the water, swam down tlie current till they came to a place called the " Narrow," where the wide lake poured its waters through a deep rocky channel, not more than a hundred yards wide ; here the waters became so rough and rapid, that our little swimmers thought it wisest to go on shore. They scrambled up the steep rocky bank, and found them- selves on a wide open space, quite free from trees, which they knew must be one of the great clearings the traveller squirrel had spoken of. There was a very high building on the water's edge that they thought must be the mill that the chitmunks had told them they would come to ; and they were in good spirits, as they now expected to find plenty of good things laid up for them to eat, so they went in by the door of the mill. " Dear me, what a dust there is ! " said Nimble, lookirg about him ; " I think it must be snowing." " Snow does not fall in hot weather," said Velvet; " besides, this white powder is very sweet and nice ; " and she began to lick some of the flour that lay in the cracks of the floor. " I have found some nice seeds here," said Nimble, running to the top of a sack that stood with the mouth untied ; " these are better than pine-kernels, and not so hard. We must have come to one of the great grain-stores that our cousin told us of. Well, Wi WONDERS UPON WONDERS. 63 I am sure the people are very kind to liavo laiil up so many good things for us squirrels." When they had eaten as much as they liked, they began to run about to see wiiat was in the mill. Presently, a man came in, and they saw him take one of the sacks of wheat, and pour it into a largo upright box, and in a few minutes there was a great noise — a sort of buzzing, whirring, rumbling, dash- ing, and splashing — and away ran Velvet-paw in a terrible fright, and scrambled up some beams and rafters to the top of the wall, where slie sat watching what was going on, trembling all over ; but finding that no harm happened to her, took courage, and after a time ceased to be afraid. She saw Nimble perched on a cross-beam looking down very intently at something ; .so .she came out of her corner and ran to him, and asked what he was looking at. " There is a great black thing here," said he, " I cannot tell what to make of him at all ; it turns round, and round, and round, and dashes the water about, making a fine splash." (This was the water- wheel.) " It looks very ugly indeed," said Velvet-paw, " and makes my head giddy to look at it ; let us go away. I want to find out what these two big stones are doing," said she ; " they keep rubbing against one another, and making a great noise." " There is nothing so wonderful in two big stones, my dear," said Nimble ; " I have seen plenty bigger than these in Stony Lake. ' 64 THE MILLER S DOO. %. '' i^iit they did not move about as these do ; and only look hero at the white stuff that is running down all the time into this great box. Well, we shall not want for food for the rest of our lives ; I wish poor Silvy were with us to share in our good luck." They saAv a great many other strange things in the mill, and they thought that the miller was a very funny-looking creature ; but as they fancied that he was grinding the wheat into flour for them, they were not much afraid of him ; they were more troubled at the sight of a black dog, which spied them out as they sat on the beams of the mill, and ran about in a great rage, barking at them in a frightful way, and never left off till the miller went out of the mill, when he went away with his master, and did not return till the next day ; but whenever he saw the gray squirrels, this little dog, whose name was " Pinch," was sure to set up his ears and tail, and snap and bark, showing all his sharp white teeth in a very savage manner. Not far from the mill was another building : this was the house the miller lived in ; and close by the house was a barn, a stable, a cow-shed, and a sheep- pen, and there was a garden full of fruit and flowers, and an orchard of apple-trees close by. One day Velvet-paw ran up one of the apple- trees and began to eat an apple ; it looked very good, for it had a bright red cheek, but it was hard and sour, not being ripe. " I do not like these big, sour { SWKKT AUTUMN-TIMK G.1 lieiiii's," saiil she, making' wry facrs as slio triea\v. Niinhle hail founil some rl[)0 currants ; so lie only huigljod at poor Velvet for the trouhle she was in. These little gray S(|uirrels now led a merry life ; they found plenty to eat and drink, and would not have had a care in the world, if it had not been for the noisy little dog Pineh, who )et them have no (piiet, barking and baying at them whenever he saw them ; and also for the watchful eyes of a great tom- cat, who was always prowling about the mill, or creeping round the orchard and outhouses ; so that with all their good food they were not quite free from causes of fear, and no doubt sometimes wished themselves safe back on the little rocky island, in their nest in the old oak-tree. Time passed away — the wheat and the oats were now ripe and fit for the scythe, for in Canada the settlers mow wheat with an instrument called a " cradle scythe." The beautiful Indian corn was in bloom, and its long pale green silken threads were waving in the summer breeze. The blue jays were busy in the fields of wheat ; so were the red- winged blackbirds, and the sparrows, and many other birds, great and small ; field-mice in dozens were cutting the straw with their sharp teeth, and carrying off the grain to their nests ; and as to the squirrels and chit- munks, there were scores of them — black, red, and gray — filling their cheeks with the grain, and laying (jr; mki':tin(j with iiklations. it out oil till! rail fences and on tlio to[) of tlio stmnps to (liy, liefoio they carried it away to tlieir storc- lioiises. Ami many a Itattlo the red and the bhick s«|uirrels had, and Hoinetimes tlie gray joined wiUi tlie red, to heat the hhick ones off the /j^round. Nlnihlo-foot and liis sister kept out of these (|uurrels as iiiucli as they could ; but oiico they got a severe beating from the red squirrels (or not help- ing them to drive olf the saucy black ones, which would carry away the little heaps of wheat, as soon as they were dry. " We do not mean to trouble ourselves witli laying up winter stores," said Nimble one day to his red cousins ; " don't you see Peter, the miller's man, has got a great waggon and horses, and is carting wheat into the barn for us?" The red S(|uirrol opened his round eyes very wide at this speech. "■ Why, Cousin Nimble," he said, '• you are not so Ibolish as to think the miller is harvesting that grain for your use. No, no, my friend ; if you want any, you must work as wo do, or run the chance of starving in the winter." Then Nimble told him Avhat their cousin Blackie had said. '' You were wise fellows to believe such nonsense ! " said the red squirrel. " These mills and barns are all stored for the use of the miller and his family ; and what is more, my friend, I can tell \at men are no great friends to you poor squirrels, and will kill us when they get the chance, and begrudge us the grain we lielp ourselves to." i 3 MAKK HAY IN HIJNNY WKATHKH. (i7 IS my do, ickio ucli liUs and tell poor ance, " Well, tlmt is very Ktiiigy," said Vulvct-puw ; " [ am sure tlicro is enough tor men and squinvls too. However, 1 suppose all must live, so we will let them luive what we leave ; I shall help uiysell' alter they have stored it up in yonder barn." *' You had better do as wo do, and make hay while the sun shines," said the red sipiirrel. " I would rather play in the sunshine, and eat what I want here," said idle Velvet-paw, setting up her fine tail like a leather over her baek, as she ate an ear of corn. " Vou are a foolish, idle thing, and will conic to no good," said the red s(purrel. " I wonder where you were brought up ? " I am very sorry to relate that Velvet-paw did not come to a good end, for she did not take the advice ol" her red cousin, to lay up provisions during the liarvest ; but instead of that, she ate all day long, and grew fat and lazy ; and after the fields were all cleared, she went to the mill one day, when the mill was grinding, and seeing a quantity of wheat in the feeder of the mill, she ran up a beam and jumj)ed down, thinking to make a good dinner from the grain she saw ; but it kept sliding down and sliding down so fast, that she could not get one grain, so at last she began to be frightened, and tried to get up again, but, alas! this was not possible. She cried out to Nimble to help her ; and while he ran to look for a stick for her to raise herself up by, the mill- wheel kept on turning, and the great stones went i f ') 68 NTMBLE-FOOTS HOUSR. round faster and faster, till poor Vol vet- paw was crushed to death between them. Nimble was now left all alone, and sad enough he was, you may suppose. " Ah," said he, " idleness is the ruin of gray squirrels, as well as men, so I will go away from this place, and try and earn an honest living in the forest. I wish I had not believed all the fine talcs my cousin the black squirrel told me." Then Nimble went away from the clearing, and once more resolved to seek his fortune in the woods. He knew there were plenty of butter-nuts, acorns, hickory-nuts, and beech-nuts, to be found, besides many sorts of berries ; and he very diligently set to work to lay up stores against the coming winter. As it was now getting cold at night. Nimble-foot thoucrht it would be wise to make himself a warm house ; so he found out a tall hemlock-pine that was very thick and bushy at the top : there was a forked branch in the tree, with a hollow just fit for his nest. He carried twigs of birfh and beech, and over these he laid dry green moss, which he collected on the north side of the cedar trees, and some long gray moss that he found on tho swamp maples, and then he stripped the silky threads from the milk-weeds, and the bark of the cedar and birch-trees. These he gnawed fne, and soon made a soft bed ; he wove and twisted the sticks, and roots, and mosses to- gether, till the walls of his house were quite thick, and he made a sort of thatch over the top with dry TIIK LONELY SQUIRilEL GO loaves and long moss, with a round liole to creoi^ in and out of. Making this warm liouse took liini many days' labour ; but many strokes will fell great oaks, so at last Nimble-foot's work came to an end, and he had the comfort of a charming house to shelter him from the cold season. He laid up a good store of nuts, acorns, and roots : some he put in a hollow branch of the hemlock-tree close to his nest ; some he hid in a stump, and another store he laid under the roots of a mossy cedar. When all this was done, he began to feel very lonely, and often wished, no doubt, that he had had his sisters Silvy and Velvet-paw with him, to share his nice warm house ; but of Silvy he knew nothing, and poor Velvet-paw was dead. One fine moonlight night, as Nimble was frisking about on the bough of a birch -tree, not very far from his house in the hemlock, he saw a canoe land on the shore of the lake, and some Indians with an axe cut down some bushes, and having cleared a small piece of ground, begin to sharpen the ends of some long poles. These they stuck into the ground close together in a circle ; and having stripped some sheets of birch-bark from the birch trees close by, they thatched the sides of the hut, and made a fire of sticks inside. They had a dead deer in the canoe, and there were several hares and black squirrels, the sight of -which rather alarmed Nimble ; for he thought if they killed one sort of squirrel, they might another, and he was very much scared at one 70 BnOTIIER AND SISTER. of the Indians firing off a gun close by him. Tlie noise made him fall down to the ground, and it was a good thing that it was dark among the leaves and grass where the trunk of tlie tree threw its long shadow, so that the Indian did not see him, or per- haps he might have loaded the gun again, and shot our little friend, and made soup of him for his supper. Nimble ran swiftly up a pine-tree, and was soon out of danger. While he was watching some of the Indian children at play, he saw a girl come out of the hut with a gray squirrel in her arms ; it did not seem at all afraid of her, but nestled to her shoulder, and even ate out of her hand ; and what was Nimble's surprise to see that this tame gray squirrel was none other than his own pretty sister Silver-nose, whom he had left in the hollow tree when they both ran away from the red squirrel. You may suppose the sight of his lost companion was a joyful one ; hq waited for a long, long time, till the fir'^ went out, and all the Indians were fast asleep, and little Silvy came out to play in the moonlight, and frisk about on the dewy grass as she used to do. Then Nimble when he saw her, ran down the tree, and came to her and rubbed his nose against her, and licked her soft fur, and told her who he was, and how sorry he was for having left her in so cowardly a manner, to be beaten by the red squirrel. The good little Silvy told Nimble not to fret *m A FfAPPY MKFTINO. noso her loft the fret I im NIMBLE HECOVERTNG IflS SISTEIt. ahout what was past, aiul then slie asked him for ],or lister Velvet-paw. Nimble had a Ion- sorrowful tale to tell about the death of poor Velvet ; and 4 72 A LIFE OF FIlFKDOAr. Silvy was much grieved. Then in her turn she tohl Nimble all her adventures, and how she had been caught by the Indian girl, and kept, and fed, and tamed, and had passed her time very happily, if it had not been for thinking about her dear lost com- panions. " But now," she said, " my dear brother, we will never part again; you shall be quite welcome to share my cage, and my nice stores of Indian corn, rice, and nuts, which my kind mistress gives me. " I would not be shut up in a cage, not even for one day," said Nimble, " for all the nice fruit and grain in Canada. I am a free squirrel, and love my liberty. I would not exchange a life of freedom in these fine old woods, for all the dainties in the world. So, Silvy, if you prefer a life of idleness and ease to living with mc in the forest, I must say good-bye to you." " But there is nothing to hurt us, my dear Nim- ble — no racoons, nor foxes, nor hawks, nor owls, nor weasels ; if I see any hungry-looking birds or beasts, I have a safe place to run to, and never need be hungry ! " *' I would not lead a lifelike that, for the world," said Nimble. " I should die of dulness ; if there is danger in a life of freedom, there is pleasure too, which you cannot enjoy, shut up in a wooden cage, and fed at the will of a master or mistress. — Well, T shall be shot if the Indians awake and see me ; so I shall be off." ft- I SlLVy AND NIMKLE. ::\ i Silvy looked very sorrowful ; she did not like to part from her newly-found brother, but she was un- willing to forego all the comforts and luxuries her life of captivity afforded her. " You •will not tell the Indians where I live, I hope, Silvy, for they would think it a fine thing to hunt nic with their dogs, or shoot me down with their bows and arrows." At these words Silvy was overcome with gri(;f, so jumping off from the logon which she was standing, she said, " Nimble, I will go with you and share all your perils, and we will never part again." She then ran into the wigwam ; and going softly to the little squaw, who was asleep, licked her hands and face, as if she would say, " Good-bye, my good kind friend ; T shall not forgot all your love for me, though I am going away from you for ever." Silvy then followed Nimble into the forest, and they soon reached his nice comfortable nest in the tail hendock-trce. " Nurso, I am glad Silvy went away with Nimble ; are not you ? Poor Nimble must have been so lonely without her ; and then you know it must have seemed so hard to him if Silvy had ])rcrerred staying with the Indians to living with him." " Tho.:f \vho have been used to a life of case do not willingly give it up, my dear lady. Thus you s(>e l()\e for her old companion was stronger even r 4 PRKPARINO FOR WINTKIJ. than love of solf. But I think you must have tired yourself witli reading so long to me." " Indeed, nurse, I must read a little more, for I want you to hear how Silvy and Nimble amused themselves in the hendock-tree." Then Lady Mary continued reading as follows : — Silvy was greatly pleased with her now honn?, which was as soft and as warm as clean dry moss, hay, and fibres of roots could make it. The sf[uirrels built a sort of pent or outer roof of twigs, dry leaves, and roots of withered grass, which was pitched so high that it threw off the rain and kept the inner house very dry. They worked at this very dili- gently, and also laid up a store of nuts and berries. They knew that they must not only provide plenty of food for the winter, but also for the spring months, when they could get little to eat beside the buds and bark of some sort of trees, and the chance seeds that might still remain in the pine-cones. Thus the autumn months passed away very quickly and cheerfully with the squirrels while preparing for the coming winter. Half the cold season was spent, too, in sleep ; but on mild, sunny days the little squirrels, roused by the bright light of the sunbeams on the white and glittering snow, would shake them- selves, rub their black eyes, and after licking them- selves clean from dust, would whisk out of their house, and indulge in merry gambols up and down the trunks of the trees, skipping from bough»to SNOW ON TIFR « ROUND. ra bough, ami frolicking ov