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Pages decoiorees, tachetees ou piquees The copy filmed he to the generosity o Llbr Pho The images appear possibte considerin of the original cop\ filming contract sp Original copies in p beginning with the the last page with < sion, or the back c< other original copic first page with a pr sion, and ending or or illustrated impre "1 Pages detached/ Pages detachees U/ nojrel Showthrouqh, J Transparence Quality of print varies/ Qualite in^gaJe de I'impression Includes supplementary material/ Comprend du materiel supolementaifp Maps, plates, chart different reduction entirely included in beginning in the up rinht fk nri tnn tn hn 3 copy filmed here has been reproduced thanks the generosity of: Library of Congress Photoduplication Service 9 images appearing here are the best qnality ssibie considering the condition and legibility the original copy and in keeping with the ning contract specifications. ginai copies in printed paper covers are filmed ginning with the front cover and ending on » last page with a printed or illustrated impres- n, or the back cover when appropriate. 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Tous les autres exemplaires originaux sont film6s en commengant par la premiere page qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'illustration et en terminant p la dernidre page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent d film6s ^ des taux de reduction diff6rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est film6 d partir ria rnnnio ciin^rioiir nQiir>ho Ho naiir»hQ A Arr\tfi it grice it ia iress ^n Service eproduites avec le de la condition et ilm6, 8t en J du contrat de t la couverture en ^s en comnnen^ant nant soit par la ie empreinte soit par le second res exempiaires lenpant par la ne empreinte 9t en terminant par une telle , etc., peuvent dtre diff6rents. grand pour 6tre BSt film6 di partir Does the bene This iii([iury is very tuctive tariff lic-iielits the farmer (juite as niucli as that our system of import snifcrs most. As hMjili ea A g-ood ma..; farmer; \)V our tariff kiws, that thi a.rtiek\s i^^rown and produ' not, thatlhevmake nodi ft the priees of their ptroduei d on a farm. '\ eoru lo eents, rye lo cen^ eeiits ; on hav two dohar ll( !ur 2 :^ per i : \'a]or a. n < I o L V'Utti'r 4 ecnls p^er })Ourid oes the Protective Tari bene armer i ? inquirv is very pertinent, rrotcctionasts assert that our pro- s the \vb<-'_' |H'<)])|c oi tlie United States and the (luite as niucli as arivl)()(l\' ; free-traders, however, insist ' s^'steni of ini])()rt taxes is a rn])her-tarifi" J'rcni whieh the farmer [rifist. As botli eannot be ri. ,.., ,,_l us see whieh is. ;-ood many farmL-rs are of the opiruon that they are ne)t proteeted tariff krw:-v tlud there are either no, or iriadecpiate duties upon *^n"own arid ])roduced bv them anrb A\'hetrier there are du.ties or ttheymake no difference wliatever to tliem anrl (h) not iniluenee :es of their produce. Well, there are dmties on about everything; :.d on. a farm, d lie dCity on wdieat ; cents per Inishel, on cents, rye lo cents^ oats lo cents, barley lo cents, })otatoes 15 on hay two dollars per ton, tobacco 35 cents ],)er {)ound ; wdieat ' per cent ad valorem, meat 20 percerd ad valorem ; beans, peas er \ec,etabu:-> n. ])(.t ^. :. ad \alorem : cheese 4 cents |)er])ound, ■■•Ills |)er pnniid ; picldc'^ f>fr ■?:: ner cent a'l '/.'ilorem ; hops 8 ' w n 1 1 ^ I I • ^\■ , ,_\^:!jL-_^j_ij i ,, > ;• / ■< n if J_LLi m..v7rc.f.!!i^. 1 l.::.U-L .0 \f ...j. ...J_ • I .25 1.4 6 // Photographic Sciences Corporation 1.0 11 .! s- '■' u 1.25 P ■ 1 r 3 6 1.4 2,2 2,0 1.8 1.6 // Canadian Institute 3nces oration 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y 14580 ( 716 ) 872-4503 anadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions / Institut canadien de microreproductions historiques 3ns historiques "^ Coloured maps/ J Cartes geographiques en couleur Coloured ink (i.e. other than blue or black)/ Encre de couleur (i.e. autre que bleue ou noire) Coloured plates and/or illustrations/ Planches et/ou illustrations en couleur Bound with other material/ Relie avec d'autres documents [ Tight binding may cause shadows or distortion along interior margin/ Lareliure serree peut causer de I'ombre ou de ia distorsion le long de la marge interieure Blank leaves added during restoration may appear within the text. 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Additional comments:/ Commentaires supplementaires CIHM no. 60405 This item is filmed at the reduction ratio checked below/ Ce document est filme au taux de reduction indique ci-dessous 10X 14X 18X 22X *■ ■ J 12X 16X 20X Toire) f — 1 -J 1 Pages detached/ Pages detachees Showthrough/ Transparence jrtion y de ia i, these outees ie texte, s n ont Quality of print varses/ Qualite m^gale de I'lmpression Includes supplementary material/ ^ Comprend du materiel suppJementaire Only edition available/ Seule edition dispomble Pages wholly or partially obscured by errata slips, tissues, etc., have been refilmed to ensure the best possible image/ Les pages totaJement ou partiellement obscurcies par un feuillet d'errata, una pelure etc., ont ete filmees ^ nouveau de facon ^ obtenir la meilleure image possible Maps, plates, chart different reduction entirely included in beginning in the up right and top to bo required. The follov method: ). 60405 sd below/ ique ci-dessous 22X 20X 26 X 30X 24 X 28X 32 X ompreinie ps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at Parent reduction ratios. Those too large to be irely included in one exposure are filmed ginning in the upper left hand corner, left to ht and top to bottom, as many frames as lulred. The following diagrams illustrate the thod: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent §1 film6s d des taux de reduction diff6rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour §tre reproduit en un seu! clich6, il est film6 ^ partir de I'angle sup^rieur gauche, de gauche ^ droitf at de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n^cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m6thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 , etc., peuvent dtre diff6rents. grand pour dtre 5St film6 d partir e gauche d droits, le nombre ammes suivants > I that our s\'^trtiv<)f import siitfrr-- n \- ]>(ith > Llkl 111*. 1 lint, liuu llu'V iiKiKC no (J' " t'r pri >)t their i)rc)(luLA pio(liK\Mi oil farm. 'I (nvu I o cents, ry rU I ints ; on hay two dollar jlour J per ^ a?! valor< i\i\d other \'e i hllttcr .1 Ci'lM^ . . . : !T"if 1 71 tr- 'ieniand the r< I 'Ml, sa}'s the free-trai n(»t protect the farmer, l)e A; .^onable as this soui oiir wheat and ^orn v'< n amount to ' a .^ •-•\'enths l)ein<^ sohi in oi : lin:^- e' -c the laiiner raise .aid lu . '1^- the protect ' e;< )od pn^v r , .< , ., . lireacL^L: aiaaa I liiled Mates li( )ni ' ' ui A-s \ here 1 1- ; ) < ) 1 1 r\[ last year from Canad value of $17,692,586. ^^' lofifiH. tX'cs iVnm which till' tarnuT '.hich is. (iiii.v..^. ...,.,,,..., .,... '•'*y ar-v ,. — . u-d itf hr' - ^^ '^ ♦K..f.. r ;, :":i^" 'iutics up'''> icvinakc lux what * '' ni and do iu4 inlhiencc ot tlu'lr j-rodiuc. U cll, there arc i])()iit evt'rythini^ d on a I'arii: T" (hitv on whca: cents jicr husliel, on cent onts, oat cent cents, [)otatoes 15 :)n hay t\\() (h)llars ])er ton, toha j5 cents per pound; wheat per Ci^]\t ad vrdort'tn. ni<'af 20 percent ad valorem ; beans, peas ilort'iii : clier^e 4 cents per jiound, , . ,.tuid- pickdr .. .. i \alorcni ; liops 8 '"'."■' ,.. , V ent ; ''r!nl.\ Vw.r^fQ and r 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 ,1 w , I, 1 1 ■^-u tiii.lL '■ , lA'tiiiV III! Oi liiLUi, Liie liL•Le^^4.LliL:^ Ui liic: and Uts deniann tiie removal n( all tarilf taxes on them. irader, these duties amount to nothini^ ; they do I the larnic!. because lie has no competitors from other lands. d)le as t ounds, it is not true. While it is true that some of 'at and corn foes to Europe, it must he remend)ered that these amoui- about one seventh wliat we ])roduce, six s l)einL^ sold in our home-markets and consumed here; every- flic fnr-Tn^^r rr!iK,>>- i< -ihviost cntircl'. . iisumed in this countrv^ ...^ i.:w,. v.:.v .,;, ,,r on these farm-jjro'1'- ts to insure him i^'. .-•. ^ ''^ us see win' ruistutl^, animals r- ..a ( >i. i, li: iVom ('a I I Jiere ' ■a a ( lai in p'i u( iia l.s brou_i;'ht in a) the or imj^o^ ^ ' '.e cited. 1 1 the 'v're than hi Canada, none :\ ai ■ protective duty aiian seller. Still. nn])oi-t rc\enues. we hnd that VVG ilTlpOrlcd 3ar from Canada al! kinds of farmproduce of the total farm ]>roduce to that \>^ 1 'it thi" protec- a of SM.MO t; 1 tioii tlicsc (lulic-s now :i taki'ii iiwnv ? — Tlif -. :,. markets with their jvro* nuT'-. h )rciiig" dt )Wn ])r 'ihiis is not onl v 1 ties ol w\i;-et:il)les- — es]^ (la's., That jM'ievajs ih: ^ oniu'ction with l)ntter niaj! >rity of fanners 1 ( rs. can Ite raised chea hihor there. Tlies^, few sini|)K' ])roteete com])ete with Iun"o{)e ^ fau'o] )ean A\"ai^es, or 1 * they e;.in'-"Kay less and tonicrs, the home con; lited by the induistries < Keprosentative MeKin '"The estahlislime liorhood has the elteet all values for nnles sua" d he hirnu'r has a bette eliant, the huteln/r. tlie is in u'reater denunid ; hraneh of trade, e\'er; the L'n'v'rjdzinL:- inllueiie mand : the perishaM , ' :t-es wdll Jiot heal" c tlicsc (hitii'S ]\()\v ■,\[U)ri\ the fanner <>! the Ihhh/d States sIiduUI be T away ?- The eii-wiT is sin^j)le : Tiie ( ..;.... ......sWouM vuicv our v'ets with tlic'ir j.roth''-" ;iinl heeonie tVee c()ni})elitn-- witli our tar- foreiiii^- (h )\\ri ])rier>. 1 iiis is not onlv true ()f( anaha. We now iiiiiHirt hiro;e (|uanti-- >t \"ei;'etahK.'s — es]>eeially ]>(;niio^s — from l-'.urcipe and the P)erniu- That i)rovrs that all truek and e-ar(UMi stehf, tlie A'erN' tldrn^s in leetion witli ])Utler and ^ ' ''i; f'em tlie ehiet niefnne ot the )ritv of fai'niers V.n^i of iii<' ^hi-.-issiiipi and ^n'oi'IIi ef llie Ohio Ri\'- ean l)e raised c]K"a|>er in fan'oj e than liere. oni aeeount (d the cheap r til ere. d'hes-. few simple statement^ ^ellice to show tliat the hinner is not xded on pa])er onjlv, Init in rv..>:iv a.nd tliat he wonld l)e most fool- '.>i all. shorild hie insist tliat he wemld fare better under free-trade. A'oidd be tlie lie:i\-iest loser eaider the i'wc com]>etiti()n of the J'hiro- 1 tniek-hn-mer. ho])-_e;roA\'er, dairy man and eheese-manuiaeturer. would these be his ondy lo>S('s, if the freedraders, or re\'enue re- iL-rs, or wlnitcwer othei" name die enen.iies oj' ])i"otectioii bear lor the ose of deceixine," |)eo])le, should sueeeLci. If our working-men must pete with I'huope without a ])]"oteetive tariff, tin-)' must work h)i- )]>ean waives, or beeome ia.rmers themsi-lves. With lower wages ean-b-uv less and only at lower ]U"iees. d lien the farmer's best cus~ ;rs, the home eonsinners. are ruinetl, J low the farmer is l)ene- 1)\' the industriv's ean best be described in the lollowini>- words of rrsentative' ?vbd\inley of ( >hio, wh<) said : '"The establishment ol' a furnace, or lacloiy, or niill hi any neigh- ood has the elteet at once to enliance tlie \'alue of all ])roperty and alues for ndles surroundinjL^ it. 1'hey jirodiiee increased activity, hirmer has a better and a nearer market for his prochicts. ddie mer- it, the butclier, tlie grocer, have an i; d trade. 'J1ie carpenter Lfreater denunnl ; he is callod upon to build more houses. Kverv cli of trade, e\'erv avcMiue of labor, wilf leel almost immediatelv aiergazing inlhiencL' ot" a Uiew industry. IIm- trrck larm is in de- '' : die ]ierishrd)le produL .. , Jne fruits, the ve; 'S, \\diich in many - will not bear exportation and which a i.»;>.igM market is too utspokei I'KKMUi.XT Cl.F.VF.LWD S in i!io Protestant religion." Si>!;ak1'K Caruslf. said: ?dR. M ! said: *d ai IIf.nky Wai'i i'.KsoN sai( 1 r- (!e ])artv, or it is notldno I i !;.\RV (jFoRm': said: ' eiiort, .Mk. Miffs, in a spec gress, said : ' ' We fnUiSt remove, be dering cause that ])re\'ent labo:- with all the marlcets and let e\'erv muscle stril "*' riien every mchistrv '^' ' iNp ■, ity, and ])ower will HAT labor and Free Trade!' LJ-i i . \ l..» .,l->..l..l.l. 4 ■ . ^ . 1 O. • ■ * /> I ,.. . 1 .. i .^JL Cddiada wai ' 'il \R1.FS d'ri'FFR, W ' ■ in answerin.i: '^i this si ma'i >iu rdi tiH- a\'t>wed ()l)i! :t tin btspoken Free - Traders iDi.NT Ci.F.vFi.ANi) saiM; "I believe in Free Trade as I believe ntestaiU rcli^'ion. " Ki'-.K Caklisij-: said: '^All trade should be iree.'' said: "I ani for free speeeh, free men and free trade." KY Wati KKsox Said: "The democratic party is either a f^ee- 'tv, or it is nothim;'' ! '' Kv (iF()R(;K said; *'I\Ir. Mills' speech was a vigorous free-trade Mills, in a speech made in the first session of the 48th Con- id : .' must remove, both by legislation and diplomacy, every 1 in- aus'v" that prevents the free exchange of the products of our [h all the markets of the world. We must unfetter everv arm e\'ery muscle strike for the highest renumeration for its toil. len every mdustry will s}>ring forward at abound, and wealth, y. and |)()\ver wdl bless the land that is dedicated to free men, r and Free Traded' C;uiacla wants tlie Mills Bill badlv. '11 AH 1. - I'li'i'KK, who was the Canadian member of tlieFisheiies i*Mi. in answering to the C'anadian Parliament for his doings ^ed this >ie-nihcant lanu*ua<'-e • oricessions. as I ha aid, l)ut we have matle h ,i\(.\\'mI (.bjrtt i)f jdacing tdl our ])eople. not only the the lund)ermen, rv man in this Endisli Press Cpin; / " \\\- sliall 1)C much mist will not hi: to siriMii.;;lhcn cons parts of tlu" world. It will l)t by all who brlicvc in the soiin *'!\Ir. Clcvrlan.l is entitles l)cforc Con_L;"re>s wilho't i',^ ^cr stone now sc:t roll in t^^ WjII I'ot tcction to pieces. "Mv. Cleveland demands, revenue ])urposes only. Xo ti justnn?nt of duties will do. accc])t is one wdnch unaltecte imports lor that ot tariff re<^ale T)u7idtc ' For the ])resent the cha beneficial to this countiy, and throu^i^hout l)usiness circles." The '• L President Cleveland's and iron and steel larg-ely w ])roportions. " Tilt "The messa ot stop until it ha:^ \ .dvcn the i ' )1 ol pro- eces. Li :.:^n Daily Standard. leveland duniands. ;• ei^ect, that there ^hall . ■ uiriif for poses onlv. No tiuivu-uMr of the leritf ' dl sullicc . no read- duties w'ill do. The "nly reform tliat couivnon sense can c which unatfecte Uy substh.ates the principle of unimpeded that ot tariff ren-Lihitions ' Dundtc Peoples JownoL lie present the change in the Am an fiscal policy wiU be ) this country, and the prospect of it has diffused tresh hope business circles." The London Time-. sident Cleveland's taritf reforms are carried, Knglisli goods id steel largely will go to the States in greatly increased The Morning Post. message will produce a profound sensation in Europe as imerica, and will strengthen the free-traders' case through- Id." t Bismarck thinks of American Protection. ^ •* ''^ "^-fc * 1 r _i 1 ► >■>-*'■ *..*,A-, 1 'm^'} loinors, lUc home con^ lik'd by llic indiistrk'S t Kc])rc'scntativ(.' IMcKinl "The estalilisliiiic] In )r]io()(l has the effect ah vaKies for iiiiles sur 'i'he laniier has a belle eliant, tlie buleher, tlie is in _<:;reater denuiiid • branch of trade, e\ri} Iho ener^dzini^ inlhienci iiKind ; die ]K'risha]>h' }) cases wiU not beai" e (h'stant to l)e a\'aihd)l |>a\'ip.^- prices. *" What tlie a|n"ii. else, after he ha.> i,;'atiu. men wdio do n< 't ])rodii consinne ; men \\ ho ar ton-spinning, in tiu- |>o stries which (Munmand ments do not admit • if ]Mr. ?\lcKinlL'\- i- i-i tlie best assaraiic ■ The American t'ccrnu r l^rotection U )Y his |)rodi customer. Ts, tlie Monie consumers, are riuiRMi. iiowmc lanner is iteiie- 1)}' the industries can l.iest l-e described in tlie following words of 'esentative McKinley ot" ( Mii lio said : ■The estaldislinient (it a turnace, or facioiN', or niill in any neigh- ood has ilie eit'ect at (Uice to onhance the value of rdl ])roperty and allies for Uiiles surrounding: it. 'ITiev ]>rodih;L; increased activity, farmer has a lietter and a lu.-arur market for his |)roducts. Tlie mer- t, tlie liutcher. tlie g-rocer, have an increased trade. The carpenter i'-reater denuiiid ; he is called ui)on lo hnild more houses. J^\'er\' ch of trade, cwrv avenue of" labor, will iecl almost immediatelv 'n.eri^-izini^' inllueiici' of a new industry. 'Ihu trnck farm is in de- d : the ]>er.isl!abu' preMlucts, the fruits, the vegetables, which in many s will not bear exportation and \\hich a foreign nuirket is too .lit to l)e as'ailable, lind a constant and ready demand at good ng juices. ••What the agriculturist of tins cjc It tl le agncui U -:i' ■•■■ill'/! I, iiu ..•( »iiiUr\-. in a b' ' - ■!" relation ^' * "" What i- ... • result' lore M ■•. Mills, as tlie repii of 1 lie \\'a\'s and Means, bri U) jiee articles tliat ee ■ I a I which i a ^ t year $ i , 8c ^'' > Sir Charles Tuj)])er riea i m.e kets to Canada 1 » Ui.... aial tlie otluu' free tr; tax eaid b\' dl<-' '. on.'-eni. 'r. ' I " t Si ^- o r i e \\ <;> 1 lo lai In -ii i.u \a mo; e. \\a.> .• . o ;rii every ]n(lu>lrv will sprint- forward at abound, and weriltli, y, and ]:K)\ver will bless the land that is dedicated to free men, r and Free Trade!' Canada wants the Mills Bill badly. 'ii \i;i.i— TiiMM-R, who was the Canadian rnend)erof tlie Fisheries ion. in answerin,i^^ to the Canadian Parlianient for his doing-s :<)n, used this hi^-nilicant lan.^aiai^e • ■ lia\e made concessions, as 1 have said, but we Inive made h the a\-o\ved object of ])lacin^l^^ all our ])Cople, not only tln^ . luit the a.Lniculturists, the lund)ermen, every man in tin's iii a better relation v/ith the United Statics tlian he was before. h;it i^ tlie result.'' 'ITie ink is ])arely dry upon this treaty be- Mills, .IS the rej)resentati\-e of tlie (ioverinnent and chairman i\'s and ?vb'ans. brini'-s forward a measure to do \\-hat.'' Wdiv Iree articles that Canada sends into the United Stcates, ai'id ich last \'e[ir $!, ScOjOco of dut} were paid." ir Charles d\ip])er not only ]io|)es for the openini^ of tlie Ame- :kel.s to (kmada but iL^larini^dy disai,^rees with Cleveland, d'hur- i llie otluM- free traders. Vvdiodeclare that an impoil tariff is a by t'W> .^ oiisumer. Mr. 'J'up])Cr is of the ojiinion that Canaila tvr ' c •-' ■ o more for what she sold to the United -tates - u'; Ui.iii uu;\. l>esides. slie woctld lia\'e lu'en al»le to sell ' ror tiic ])reseni uie cna beneficial to this country, and throuu:h()ut business circles." The "L President Cleveland's and iron and steel larij;-ely \\\ proportions." The "TliL' niessa