^# \^ ^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I Ui|2£ |25 lis ^^ "*" ■tt lii 122 ■63 ^^^M lit L25 iu *A **' THE l^ I h MERCHANTS' & FARMERS' \ 9 FOR THE YEAR OF OUR LORD ,r»iiir. *• \ s S S \ S \ BEING THE THIRD AFTER BISSEXTILE, OR LEAP YRAR, > AND THE FOURTEKNTH TEAR OF THK REIQN OF HER MOST GRACIOUS S MAJESTY ^ 1851. QUEEN VICTORIA. ,.'ii-i/n" Coutainifni; — in addition to the usual Inforra&tion — % An Equation of Time Table, a Table for calculating \ Seamen^s Wages, a Weather Table, and an ■interesting selection of Reading Matter. \ ^^S«^ ^^^^'^i^*'^'^*^M>»^^^»'%^^>*»%»%%%%»i»<»»'»<»»»V^'»^%»%^»»^^i^»»»»i»^^»W»%%»^%%W%%V»%»»»^%»%<<«»»%^%%» tt SAINT JOHN, N. B. PRIifTBJD A.T THE BRUKSWICK PRESS, AND SOT.D, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, BT , WILLIAM L. AVERY, ^t kis Store, Prince William Street^ and to be had of the Prin- cipal Booksellers tkrou^iout the Province. le Prin- S t i INDEX. K u i( 4( Army, Staff of page 48 Auctioneers, 23 Baptist Ministers, 42 baptist Education Society, 45 Banks,, 45 British India, 57 Calendar Pages, 11 to 22 City of Saint John, S3 Chamber of Commerce, 25 County of Saint John. 29 ofYorlv, 32 of King's, 33 of Carleton, 34 of Charlotte, ib of Westmorland, ib. of Gioucoster, ib of Queen'te, 35 of Sunbury, ib of Kent, ib. of Restigouche, ib. of Northumberlund, ib of Albert, ib. of Victoria, 36 Courts, 37, 38, 39 Custom House, 39 Church of England, 40 Catholics, Roman " 41 Church of Scotland, 42 Congregational Church, 43 Counsellors and Attornios, 46 Cottagt in the Glen, 52 Disciples of Christ, 44 Diocesan Church Society, ib Equation of Time, 3 Eclipses, *l Executive Council,. 3G Emigrant Department, 64 Falls, Time of going through 10 Fire Department, 24 Fire Clubs, 26 Free Ch. Bap Chuf^;2i, . 44 Farm Accounts, ' 52 Fish MaikeC Dues, * 10 < I rammer School, 25 Hackney Coach Fares, 10 Hand Cartmen and Porters, ib 52 57 5 36 29 10 25 44 29 54 56 37 30 51 25 39 House of Assembly, page 34) Hungary, ' 57 Improvements on the Farm, 49 Joint Stock Companies, 26, 27 living's College, 44 Killing Sorrel, Knaves and Rogues, Light Houses, Legislative Council, Lunatic Asylum, Market Tofls, Mechanics' Institute, Madras School, Marine Hospital, National Debt, Niilrilive Matter, Officers of iho Crown, Parish of Portland, Peat aa a Manure, Police Dopartmenl, Post Office, Presbyterian Church, New Brunswick. .• ^ 43 Penitentiary, 29 Provincial Militia, (Staff) 47 Preparing Land for a Crop, 50 Q,ucer Simile, 56 Rates of Pil itage, iSuj. 8 Rates of Wharfage, &«. 9 Rales of Carleton Steam Ferry, 9 Rates of Cartage, 28 Revenue, Provincial 40 Ref, Presbyterian Church, 43 Roads and Distances, 66, 87 Reading Books, Sea. 57 Russia, ib. Signals, 7 Societies, Public 25, 26, 27 Table for Calculating Wages, 50 The Gregorian Year, 58 The Earth, -■^ 55 Weighing Machines, 10 Wesleyan Missionaries 42 Wesleyan Academy, 45 Weather Table, 57 Waste of Manure, 51 OmaiioN — At Page 36 (County of Victoria), add ! Terms nMi— ! Second Tuesdays in March and Oitober. _ JAfC d > o • M. 1 3' 2 4 i'i >A 12 ^5 12 ■26 12 27 13 •^8 13 •29 13 30 13 31 13 -tm. ••**.,., - 1 EQUATION OF TIME FOR 1851, 1 page 3<) 57 a Farm, 49 • '. ' ' For the Meridian of Greenwich, ;• , > •< jA1tT.\ rsBv.^ MRCH. APRIL. MAT. 0F JUf*B. JULT AUO. 081 • BPT 0F OCTO. NOV. DBC. (S>Fa li ^^ O^t ^'^ OFa QUI ^Fa ^Fa ies, 26, 27 44 M ~1 M. ■. 3 43 M. S. 13;>l M. II. 12 39 M. 1. M. 8. 2"59 M. S. 2 M M. S. 3 22 M. 8. 6 3 M. S. M. S. 1011 u. •. 1615 M. 8. 10 52 4 4 52 2 412 13 59 12 27 3 46 3 6 2 25 3 34 5 59 19 10 30 1616 10 29 ii 1 57 3 4 40 ^4 6 12 15 3 28 313 2 15 3 45 5 55 38 1049 1617 10 6 li 5 4 5 8 1412 12 2 3 10 3 20 2 6 3 56 5 50 057 11 7 1616 9 42 36 5 5 35 14 18 1148 . 2 52 3 25 1 55 4 7 5 45 117 1125 1615 917 29 1 6 6 2 14 22 1135 2 35 331 1 45 4 17 5 39 136 1143 1613 8 52 10 .; 7 623 14 2() 1120 2 ]7 3 35 1 34 4 28 5 33 156 12 1610 8 27 1 1 25 8 54 14 29 11 6 2 3 40 1 23 4 37 5 25 2 17 1217 16 7 8 1 1 44 , 9 719 14 31 10 51 1 43 3 43 1 12 4 46 5 18 2 37 1234 16 2 7 34 i 29 10 7 44 14 32 10 35 1 26 3 46 J 4 55 5 y 2 58 12 50 15 57 7 7' 54 il 8 8 14 32 10 19 1 10 3 49 49 5 4 5 319 13 6 15 51 6 40 56 ;^ 12 S3l 14 32 10 3 54 3 5^1 37 5 12 4 51 3 40 13 21 15 44 612 J n, 37 : 13 854 14 31 9 47 38 3 52 25 5 19 4 41 4 1 13 36 15 36 5 44 30 14 916 14 29 9 31) 22 3 53 12 5 28 4 30 4 22 13 50 15 27 5 15 51 i 15 93S 14 21) 9 13 7 3 53 5 33 4 19 4 43 14 3 15 17 4 46 ' 25 1 16 9 59 14 23 8 56 m/u.^ 3 53 KSi^-^'^ 5 39 4 7 5 4 14 16 15 7 417 if; 39 y 17 1019 14 18 8 3S 22 3 52 25 5 44 3 55 5 25 14 29 14 55 3 48 ; 1, New m 18 10 33 14 14 8 20 33 3 51 37 5 49 3 42 5 46 14 41 14 43 318 1 43 1 19 10 57 14 8 8 2 50 3 40 50 5 51 3 29 6 7 14 52 14 30 2 48 ! 29 Staff) 47 » Crop, 50 56 c. 8 &«. 9 mm Ferry, 9 26 40 hurch, 43 66,87, 57 ib. 7 2;% 26, 27 'M 20 1115 14 2 7 44 1 3 3 46 1 3 5 58 3 16 6 28 15 2 1416 219 m 21 1 1 33 13 5f) 7 23 1 16 3 43 1 16 6 2 3 i 6 49 1512 14 1 149 1 m 22 1149 13 4S 7^8 J 28 3 39 1 29 6 5 2 47 710 15 22 13 46 1 18 f i 23 12 5 13 41) 6 50 1 41 3 35 1 42 6 7 2 32 7 31 15 30 13 29 48 ^ i 24 1220 13 31 31 1 52 3 3U 1 55 6 9 2 16 7 51 15 38 13 12 18 1 25 12 34 13 22 613 2 3 325 2 8 6 10 2 1 812 15 45 12 54 <*|s.ll • 3 26 12 47 13 12 5 54 2 14 319 2 2i 6 Jl 1 44 8 32 15 52 12 36 41 , i 1 •27 13 13 1 5 36 2 24 313 2 33 6 11 I 28 8 52 15 57 1216 1 11 1 •28 1312 12 51 5 17 2 33 3 6 2 46 6 11 I n 912 16 2 1J56 1 40 ■ i 29 1323 4 59 2 42 2 59 2 58 6 10 53 9 32 16 7 1135 2 10 ;j ; 1 f 30 13 33 4 40 2 51 2 51 3 10,6 8 36 9 52 16 10 111^ 2 39 j [ 31 1343 4 22 2 43 16 6 18 16131 3 1 ]■ Note.— When the riun i^ slow, Equation to be added to Apparent Tinae— > W ■ hen thu Sun is Fast, Equation to be subtracted from Apparent Time. ' i II ( ; . T f g Wages, 50 {;■ ECLIPSES OF 1851. t ■ f 53 !^ There will be four Eclipaea this year, two of the Sun, and two of the Moon, 55 f namely— ! 10 ■■;i 1. Th8 first will be a Partial Eclipse of the Moon, but invisible here, begin- 1 niag,or first contact with the Penumbra, at 9h. 50in.42d. mean time in the morn 9 168 42 of Friday the 17tli January ; Opposition, at 3 min. pa^t noon ; middle, at 11 niin. :« , 45 past noon ; and last contact with the Penumbra, nt2h. 31m. even. ; and magni- i^H 57 51 tnde, 5'' 31 8, on her North Limb. ^ ^H 11. The second will be an Annular Eclipse of the Sun, on Saturday the let of iM February : invisible here. Conjunction, at Ih 23m. mean time, morn. ; when Moon*h- lat. will be 34' 40" S. deacending, or tending S. Central Eclipse on the Meridian, in the Southern Ocean, at Ih. Im. morn, of our time ; magnitude, 7" -I Inferior Cimtt tMtuU TVniM — t^^H IS', on his Southern Ltnnb.— At Cape of Good Hope, Sun will rise partially eclips- '>JH ed at Oh. 44m. our time. mdmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmm^ymmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 111. The third will be aPr.n!al Eelipte of the Mooa, ou Saturday and Sunday, July 12th and 1 3th ; and visible here ax follows : Firfit* contact with the Penumbra at Jib. 55ni. 11 13 •Seven, of ISih. '1 luorn. of 13th. >1 do. do. 1 do. do. S First contact with the Shadow, 1 Middle of the Eclipse, S Last contact with the Shadow, 4 Last contact with the Penumbra 5 (when Moon will have been InnR set), 5 S9 ^ pniation. from first contact with the Penumbra to last do. do* 5h. 34m.' Digits eclipsed, S*" ^\' on her Southern Limb. IV. The rourth will l)e a total Eclipse of the Sun, on Monday, July seth day ; and partially visible hero, and in Euroipe; Moon's «:cllptic conjunction here at lOh. Om. 468., mean time, in the morning, and its phases to us as follows :, ; Jleginningat 8h. 35m. "i ».««« : Greatest Obscuration, 9 20 f Jr*"" ' Apparent Conjunction, 9 65. t „.,,«* Eid, J • g 50 ^morn. Duration, Ih. 15m. DlRits eclipsed, S** 27J* on Pun's Northern Limb. The Eclipse will begin at about 71° from the Sun's Vertex, or the highest point of his Disc, round on its We»t or tight hand side. The Sun will he centrally eclipsed, on the Meridian, in the vicinity of the Sandwich Isles, in the Antarctic Circle, or at some distance, on the southeast, from the not long since discovered island, named i^mith's Land, at9h. 42m. of our time. MORNING AND EVENING STARS OF 1851. The Planet Venus ( $) will he Morning Star till Sept. 30 ; then Evening Star till Ihe end of the year, — Mars {$) will be Morning Star throughout the year. — Jupiter (11) will be Morning Star till April 8th ; then Evening Star till October 27th ; then Morning Star- to the end of the year. — Saturn {f?) will be Evening Star till April loth ; tlion Morning Star till October 24th ; then Eve- ning Star to the end of the year. Doniin. Letter, E. Golden Number, ) q or Lunar Cycle, J Chronological Cycles of 1851 Epact, 18 Solar Cycle, 12 Roman Indiction, 9 Julian Period, 6564 Hegira, 1267-8 \ Jewish y r. a. h. 5611-12 The Sun. The Earth. 2iS^^ The Moon. J^ames and Characters of the Planets. i) Merctiry. 2 Venus. ^ Mars. fi Vesta. ?5 Juno. $ Pallas- ? Ceres. It Jupiter. ^ Saturn. IJI Herschel, or Uranus. iJS'ames and Characters of the Aspects and Nodes. ..-(5 Conjunction. a Quadrature, 90°. 8 Opposition, 180®. Q Ascending Node. ^ Descending Node. Inf. Inferiour.. Sup. Superiour. N. North. S. South. E. East. W. WqsU Jiamcs and Characters of the Signs of the Zodiac. ii,m?i T Aries, head. 1 >^ Taurus, neck. 2 II Gemini, arms. 3 ^ Cancer, isreast. 4gVEeo, heait. 5 1^ Virgo, belly. 6 s£b Libra,, reins. 7 trt Scorpio, secrets. 8 / Sagittarius, thighs. 9\^ Gapricornus, kijees. 10 5SJ A time, V morn. ern Limb, e highest point 1 ho cenimlly I the Antarctic ice discovered 851. pt. 30; then be Morning ing Star till 3n Morning Evening Star then Evt- liction, 9 iod, 6564 .M. 5611-12 Jupiter, Saturn. Herschel, or Uranus. odes. periour. S. South. W. West. tac. ' ' - ius, thighs, ornus, kqees. 38, legs, feet. Moveable Festivals of the Church in 1851. Septuagesinm Sunday, Feb. 16 Sexngeainm Sunday, ** 23 Ciuinquugesirna Sunday, March 2 Ash Wed. Lent beg. '* 5 Good Friday, April 18 jEa&ter Sanday, "20 [January 1, New Year's Day, 'March "^17, Saint Patrick, April 23, Saint George, May 24, Queen's Birth Day, 'June 20, Q,ueen's Accession, [June 24, Saint John, [June ^, duecn's Coronation, [Sept. 29, Michaolnias, Rogation Sunday* May 25 Ascension Day, Holy] \ ,^ „« Thursday, } '^'^ Whit Sun. or Pentecost, June 8 Trinity Sunday, "15 Advent Sunday, . . , Nov. 30 ;h'io i»fwt,f ImnH 'YfU ' Holidays at the Public Offices. u\ i' Nov. 30, Saint Andrew, 'J r. Dec. 25, Christmas D^y,' '* 27* \ ^^^^^^^^ Holidays, Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, ... , , Easter Monday, Easter Tuesday, * "' I - . ■»™— ^ ^ ^— ^"ff -At A L.. *, I ,. ,.t : » _*J**1I LIGHT HOUSES. Board of Commissioners for the several Light Houses in the Bay of iindy. — Robert W. Crookshank, John Ward, Isaac Woodward, Ion. W. F. W. Owen, John Wilson, Lieut. Charles Hare, R. N.; %\\A John James Robinson, R. N., Esquires. ^' Isaac Woodwar-J, Esquire, Surveyor of those Light Houses in the "^.ly of Fundy belonging to New Brunswick, and also of those be ongingto Nova Scotia which are partly supported by this Province. Cape Sable Seal Island Light. — ^The first Light in approachmg the ay of Fundy, is on the South Point of the Seallsland. This is a plain bite Light, elevated about 80 feet above high water mark, and mav e seen in approaching the Island from any point of the compass. A lery dangerous rock, under water, but upon which the sea always breaks, called Blonde Rock^ lies about 3| miles S. by W. by compass, R'om the Light House. Between this rock and the Liiand, there are ^me dangers— the ground is xocky throughout, and large vessels, perefore, otight not to attempt passing between them. ; Brier Island Light. — In advancing up the Bay, the next Light is si- mated on Brier Island, about half a mile N. £. from the N. W. point pereof. A plain white light. li Digby Gut Light.—The next light on the coast of Nova Scotia is ^Viced onse. is Light beaj^ircMiiii' the Light house «n Brier Island, N.N.W. | W* mmmi'mmgmfm ' From the Gannet Rock to the Old PropriHtor E. Ij^ S. di$itance7 miles. From the Gantiet Rock to the Black Uock, off White Head Island, N. £. ^ E. 7 miles. From the Gannet Rock to the South West Head of Grand Manan, N. N. W. 6|| miles. From the Gannet Rock to the Northernmost of the Murr Ledges, N.W.-^N. Similes. To the Southernmost of ditto, called Saint Mary's Ledge, W. S. W. 2 miles. i From the Gannet Rock to IVfachias Seal Island, W. and by N. \ N. 12j| miles. Note. — Between the Northernmost and Senthernmostof theMurr Lodges, there is a range of dangerous rocks and shoals, many of them I always above water, and which Light extends Westward from the I House about four miles; from this range, farther Westerly, about! six miles from tho Gannet Light, lies a dangerous breaker called the I Bull. This may be avoided by keeping three remarkable headlands ! near the S. W. end ef Grand Manan, open. From Brier Island Light to the Old Proprietor, N. and by W. i W, : 18^ miles The Blonde Rock from the Southernmost point of the Cape Sable Seal Islands S. and by W. 3^ miles distant. | Machias Seal Island Lights. — There are two fixed white lights npon thi9 Machias Seal Islands, elevated about forty-iive feet above high, water, and bear from each other E. S. E. and W. N- W. distant about 200 feet, by which circumstance of two Light Mouses at the same ^ station, they will be immediately distinguished from all other lights upon the coast, (British or American) Both the Buildings are painted white. The following are the bearings from them, viz : To the Southernmost Murr Ledge, (St- Mary's) E. S. E. easterly. Gannet Rock Light E. by S. | S. 13 miles. Southern Head of Grand Manan, E. by N. i N. '>ii' » Northern Head of Grand Manan. N. E. ^ £. » 'i t. N E. Rock, distant 2 miles, N. E. by N. ~ ? i :;in '• uhi Little River Head, N. by W. Libby Island Light House, (American,) N. W. by W; Vessels standing to the Northward, between these Lights and the Gannet Rock, should tack or haul off the moment they bring these Lights in one, as they will not then be more than three fourths of a mile from the Murr Ledges, if more than five miles to the East of the lights. m| . .'i A— »- nu r.ii >j> -d ^ \' hrH^^Mf •>}■■ . .;■» • ■ mt I It is rocommended that the Ship's Compasses should be wetl eompareil aod^ adjusted (pnrticularly in new ships), before they leave Partridge Island, as w rious errors hnve frequently occurred from want of attention on this point ; ani! a as the variation in the Bay of Pundy is seventoen defcrees Westerly, or {1\ points .| it will be found by the latest published Admiralty Charts, that the course froic Partridce Island down the Bay (South Channel) between the Old Ptroorietor am N. W. Ledge, is S. W. ( S., but the course to be steered must depend on the d rectlon of the wind on leaving Partridge Island.] | Htitd Harbour Ligkt^fiext in G:rder af\er paaiing Grand Manai | and the |>lain white Light, (American) on We«t Cfnoddj Point, i I Head Harbour Light. This is placed on the N^rth East extremity o I f* V*. i ince 7 miles. iead Island, and Manan, urr Ledges, 0, W. S. W. dbyN.iN. t of the M urr aany ofthein rd from the jsterly, about :er called the t>le headlands by W. k W. j J Cape Sable Ite lights n{)on! it above high , distant about ;s at tiie same II other lights luildings are lem, viz: 3. E. easterly. iN.'v..v.... « ( 1 1 «. • W. by W; Lights and thel ley bring these Be fourths of a the East of the ell compared aoi Age Island, aa ae n tbis point ; ani: jrfy, or (li points L ttM course froa M P«roprietor am depend on Ibe d CSrand Mnnai loddy Point, i kit extremity o i" «i-*— . ^.^ Cauipo Bello, and is a guide to votsela entering the main Channel to ; Went Isles, Moose Island, and tho inner Bay of Pasaama^uoddy ; it onables vessels also at all times to enter Head Harb^ jr — it is a fixed tchite light. The building is painted White, with a red cross on it. Point Le Prcau [Aghts. -U port this projecting head land two lights are placed, one above the other, in the same house, and distant 28 feet. — Uuth lights can be seen from every point of the compass, where they may be useful—both are fixed >ind white. The Light House is pii'nted red and white, in stripes of five feet broad each, norisontally. Partridge Island Light. — This light, at the entrance of the River and Harbour of Saint John, having been established upwarda of forty years, requires no particular notice, further than that it is a fixed white light, and that the Light House is red and white, in vertical stripes. Beacon Light. — Within Partridge Island, and upon a Spit or bar which extetids about half a mile S. S. £. oflf Sand Point, and^which dries at two-thirds ebb, stands the Beacon Tower. Upon this Tower a light is established,, which is eminently useful to the ^coasting trade of Saint John, and to all other vessels having pilots on board, as it en- ables them to enter the harbour at all hours of the night A fixed ithite light. The House is white and black, in stripes vertically. ^taco. — A revolving white light is placed on a small rock off Q,uaco Head, showing twice full and twice dark in a minute. This light can b^ seen from any quarter where a veesel can approach. The Light Honse is painted white and red in horizontal stripes. Cape Enrage Light. — On the point of that name, in Westmor- land, nearly opposite Apple River Harbour, N. S. A plain vihiU licht. The House is painted wriite, and is about 120 feet above tide mark. West Qnoddy Light. — This is an American Light, and is placed on the West side of the entrance into the Saint Croix by Ltibee and Eastport. ^ Cupt Forchu Light — On Cape Forchu,on the western side of the entrance to Yarmouth (Nova-Scotia), in lat. 43,39, N. long, 668. W. It exhibits a plain revolving light — visible one minute and^ quarter, and invisible half a minute The building is painted white, and is elevated 135 feet above the level of the sea. f#iC ^.t -" ,i.^n SIGNALS. Displayed at Partridge Island^ on the approoeh of Vesads to the Harbour <^ Saint John. One ball close, for one squaie-rigged Vessel. ditto. Vessels, ditto, ditto, ditto. !i !nt> •J y»:J ,**itt One ball half hoisted for two Two Balls close, for three Tw« Balls separated, for four 4' A ffendbint of any eoluut, for five A ditto under a Ball, for six ditto over a Ball half hoisted, er seven ditto. ditto undei two Balls close, for eight ditto. ditto between two Balls separate, for nine ditto. j Flag of any colour, for ten or more ditto. The above are displayed at the East or West yard arm, aseord* ing to the direction in which the Vessels are at nrst observed, and as soon as their kio can be distinguished, descriptive Coloars will be hoisted at the mast head, in the following order : mm ' ~^~ ' A A A A A Union Jack for a Flag Ship, with or withoul a squadron. *^ with u Rui IN.Midant over, for a two-ducker. ** witii n Blue Pendant over, fur a Frigato, *^ with a white ditto, for a small armed vessel. A blue Pendant for a Merchant Ship, j,,,., , .. ^^ ,., v \ A red ditto, for a Morckunt Brig. A white and blue ditto, for a Foreign Vessel. A white ditto, [without n ball,] for a Topsail Schooner or Sloop. A blue Flag pierced white, for a steamboat from Saint Andrews or £astport. A Red Flag pierced white, for a Steamboat from DIgby. ' A Red Flag with a white square, for a Steamboat from Boston. A Ball at the matit head. Vessel is on Shore or in distress. O* Sbould immediate aid bo necessary, guns to be 6red. I'M foggy weather a gun will be fired from Patridge Island, in return ^r each heard at soa. There is a Fog Bell on the Island, which is rung in foggy weather, to warn vessels of their approach to the shore. Should a vessel require a Piiot her de^eiiptiye Pendant will bo displayed at a yard arm in the place of a Bail , I •■((.'1;^ ,i. RATES OF PILOTAGE, Established by a Law or Ordinanco of the Common Council of the City of Saint John-^pussed'M Au^usty}i^48. ^\^^^ Five Shillings per foot, for hringinij any Ship or Ve»:«iRl into the Harbour of Saint John, and mooring her into a safe place or berth', oi^ securing her alongside of one of the Wharves; and Five >5:hiHini^S' per foot for removing and taking any Ship or Vetwel out mf the Harbour. rK;.|:Hii Id oases where Pilots shall be detained on board of Vessels, under and by Virtue of the Quarantine or Health Laws of the Province, they shall b« entitled to demand and receive from Masters oC such Vessels, the sum of Ten Shillings per day, for ^very day of such detention, id addition to the allowance aforesaid. Coasting Vessels, going from one part of the Bay of Fundy to another, British Steam Boats, or British Vessels drawing under six feet of water, are not compelled to take pilots ; when employed, they are to be paid according to the rate above mentioned. For removing Vessels from any mooring ground to any Wharf, or from one Wharf to another Wharf, and seeing the^n properly moored or secured, the following rates: For Vessels not exceeding One Hun- dred Tons, Seven ^hillings and Sixpence ; for Vesseb over Pne Hundred and not exceeding Two Hundred Tons, Ten Shillings; for Vessels over Two hundred and not exceeding Three Hundred Tons, Fifteen Shillings; and for all Vessels over Three Hundred Tons, the sum of l^wenty Shillings. ^* ,.,j,,.r < *? ^ '' First Distance. — From Patridge Island to Musquash Cove Head, beairing North West, |*ive ShUIinga per f6ot. ^ebpfUC Di^tancd. — From Musquash Head to Point LePreaux, ( ii boarif^^ N6tth VV'est, Six Shillings and Threepencle per foot. ^ird DistdAce.—TtoiA Point Lepreaux \6 North ilead oi Grand SB 1 ■'■4 8 ■w )n. r. 9l. or Sloop. \ndrew8 iioston. lUSB. aland, in Ifiiand, ipproach scriptivo ►f rt Unll ' the Ciii^ j into the berth', or* >JbiHings tit mf the Is, under *rovince, I of such of such ''nndy to nder six iployed, V^harf, or moored nt) Hun- ger .One hillings; I'lindred hindred ) Head, Preaux, I Grand Mannn, bearing North West — or North Channel, bearing Ijouth Rant, Seven Shillings and Sixpence per foot. Fourth Distance. — From the North Head of Grand Manan— or North Channel as aforeitaid— tn Machias Seal Itdand, hearing 8outh, or Brier Inland bearing South South E ist, P.ight Shillings and Nine* pence per fool. Fijlh Distance.— Atiy where outside the aforesaid distance, Ton Shillings per foot. HARBOUR MASTER'S FEES. On Vessels of 30 Tons and under 50, 2s. Gd. ; VomoIs of nO Tons and under 75, 3s. 9d. ; 75 and under 100 tons, 5s.; 100 and under I.''»0 tons, Gs. 3d. ; "IIjO and under 200 tons, 7s. Gd. ; 200 and under 300 tons, 10s.; 300 and under 400 tons, J2s. Gd.: 400 tons and up- wards, J5s. ; Decked Vessels, under 100 tons, owned and registered at Siint John, and all British Vessels under that tonnace trading within the Bay of Fundy, or arriving from Ports to the Northward of Cape Cod, or the Westward of Cape Canso, or from any Port in Nova Scotia, to pay annually as follows: Under 30 tons, 3s. 9d. ; over 30 and under 50 tons, 5.4. ; over 50 and under 75 tons, Gs. : over 75 and under 80 tons, 10s. , Ratks or Wharfaor, esttihtished by Act 5 Vict. cap. 49, in the City of Saint John and Parish of Portland.— Yox every dftcked ves- sel, or wood boat, of the burthen of 40 tons and under Is. M. per i3niy\ above 40 tons, and under 50, Is. 9d. ; above 50. and under 60, a*. ; above 60, and under 70, ^s. 3d. ; above 70, and under 80,2i <•- - • - - '^ l';r»f ,«-•» . !-. i RATES OF SLIPPAGE AT THE CORPORATION SLIPST All Decked Vessels, same rates as for Wharfage; W^ood Boats — Three half-pence for every Ton burthen, and allowed to remain six days each trip, for the purpose of discharging : if they remain longer to pay One Penny per ton idditioual for each day. No Boat to re- main longer than twenty days. ... RATES OF FERRIAGE ACROSS THE HARBOUR OF ST JOHN — Foot passenger; Sd.; Child undertwelvc years, Id.; Horse,! 3d. ; Ox, brother large animal, 3d. ; Elephant or (jatnel, 1.^. 3d ; sin-j gle VVaggon, ndt loaded, !Jd.; single waggon, with horse andone man, i iGdy single waggon, with hor^se. load and man, 7d. ; double waggon, i not loaded, 7^d.; double waggon, with horses and man, 9^d{.; double ! waggon, with horses, lead and man, Is. 3d.; barrel, Id.; bag. contain- 1 ing two bushels, Id.; firkin, keg, or box of th« same size, Id.; cank of« kmm tt/mv lime, 2d.; pipe, hogshead, or puncheon, whether in waggon, cart, sled | or other vehicle or not, except containing molasges, vinegar, rice or sugar 9d. ; every cwt. of iron, steel, or copper, whether in waggon, cart, or other vehicle or not, Id. — Cart**, sleds, drays and catriages, same as waggons. RATBSOFFRRRIAGR FOR THE FERRY AT INDFANTOWN.— Etery grown percoii, 3d.; child under twelve years of age, 1 1-Sd.; hor«e, Is.; ox or other large animal, Is.; calf, swine, sheep, or goat, 1 l-Sd.; waggon, cart, sled, carri- age, eleigh, or other vehicle, 3d.; waggon, cart, or sled, loaded with hay.onts, or potatoes &.c.,3d.; handcart, handeled, or wheelbarrow, Sd.; barrel. Id.; bag, containing two bushels. Id ; iirkin, keg, or box not larger than a firkin, Id.; cask of lime, 3d ])ipe, hogshead, or puncheon, 9d.; hundred weight of iron, steel, copper, lea , &g., 1 i-3d. Al*. other articles not enumerated, to b« charged in the same ratio. • , . ■ RATES .iT THE PUBLIC WEIGHING MACHINES. Every Load not exceeding 1000 lbs. weight, One Sliilling ; and One Penny for every additional cwt. ; payable, half by the seller, and half by the purchaser. HACKNEY COACH FARES — For conveying one passenger from any public stand to any part of the City, or from j^y one part of the City to any other part thereof, Is. ; nnd for every passenger exceeding one, 6d. additional ; and ifany driver of any Carriage or other vehicle, shall be detained at any plac« by any ptisienger, or shall make any agreement for carrying any passengers by the hour, he shall be entitled to ask, and receive the following rates, viz :'->For any time not exceeding half an hour. Is. 3d. ; and in that proportion for every half hour that such Carriage, ar other vehicle ahall be detained or employed. Pro- vided always, that in case any driver shalt be required to cross the Ferry to Carleton, he shall, in addition to the foregoing fares, be entitled to demand and receive the ferriage for himself, hiscarriage and horses, both going and returning. PUBLIC PORTERS AND HAND CART MEN.— For loading, carrying, and housing any goods, or any other articles, on any Hand Cart, from the Market Slip in King's and Queen's Wards, or from any other place within the limits of the first district, to any other place within the said several Five districts, the rates of prices areas follow :~Forthe first district 3d.; second district S^d. ; third dis- trict 4d. : fourth district 4(d. ; fiAh district, Sd. MARKET TOLLS.— Beef, per quarter, 2d. ; Calf, Sheep, Hog, Ooat, Lamb, Kid, nr Shoat, id.; Tub, Pail or Jar of Butter, l|d.; Firkin, 3d.; every 10 lbs. of Roll Butter, Id ; Cheese, |^.; load of Potatoes under 15 bushels, 3d.; ditto over 15 bushels, 6d.; loadof ^>y8ters in shell or tub, Od ; Turkey, Goose, or dozen of rigeons, |d.; pair nf Ducks, Fowls or Partridges, |d.; bag of Flour, Meal, Oats, Peas, Of Beane, ^d.; Ifam or Shoulder, Id.; Eggs, per 10 dozen, (d.; and all other articles in like proportion. F(8H-MARKKT DUES For every Salmon, Ud.: Codfish, Pollock, Bam, or Shad, each (d.; Halllbut, not exceeding 20 lbs. Id.; exceeding fiO Ihs. and for every 20 lbs.. Id.; every Lobster, |d. ; dozen of Haddock, I|d.; every 100 of Gaspereaux, Alewivesi Herrings, or ot-^er small fish, l|d. TIME FOR GOING THROUGH THE FALLS— (wear St. John.) The FalU are level or atill water at about three and a half houra on ihefiood^ and about two and a half on the eM, so that they are passable four times in twenty four hours, about ten or fifteen mi- nutes each time No other rule can bo given, a« much depends on the floods in the River 8aint John, and the time of high v/ater or full eea, which is often hastened by high winds, and in proportioo to the height of thein. 10 ! tmmmmm MEMORANDUM BOOK AXTD REGISTER, I il HI liii 'A I FOR THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 1851. ■■Ji ■* . -.- , a tli£^:ianJl'-ui|W.^»'iar=«* ■aa I J4NUABV. [1851. A Tear ago ! a year ago ! How chequerM in that lapse of time, Though brief its space; — what grief and woe. What steps towards the ver^je of crime, — What changes may the spirit know In twelve short months — a year ago. A year ago — that Parent tree, ' '^' In green old age its branches spread, And circling arms to shelter me, Now numbered with the silent dead; And shrouded is that head of snow. Where wisdom dwelt — a year aaro, ' .V ® New Moon 2d day, 6h. 5m. morning. C First Quarter lOth day, llh. 42m. morning. # Full Moon 17ih day. Oh. 3m. evening. (^ Last Quarter 24th day, 3h. 37m. morning. E. N. S. E. C^ Ol ] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 , 9 !10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 "22 23 25 2(> 27 28 29 30 31 W.! Th Fri Sat SU Mo Tu W. Th Tri Sat SU Mo Tu W. Th Fri Sat SU Mo Tu W Th Fri 8at SU Mo Tu W. Th Fri CALENDAR, &c. Circumcision. :. SU Mu Tu W, ., Th m Fri 20 ^7 A year ag<) — care had not chang'd .., My raven locks to early grey ; Nor had my feclinu'^ grown e^stran^'d From creatures of a kindred clay ; But others' joy and others' woe, Could touch my heart — a year ago. Yet mourn I not earth's tinscl'd dross, Nor would the flight of time recall ; For death's herenveraent — friendship's loss, k Are common ills that come to all ;* No murmuring thought my heart shall know, When Fancy paints — a year ago. / .nvHW ^ New Moon lat day, Ih. 23tn. mornin"^. N. E. D First Quarter 9th 'day, 4h. 36m. morning. N. ^ Full Moon 15th day, lOh. 49m. evening. S. E. (^ Lnst Quarter 22d dav, 4h. 59m. evening. N. W. ^ R&S h CALENDAR, &c. eel. iiivis. Mid. high tid. 4thSuud. after Epipli. 0ap S{>ani 10 16 33 17 111 5 13 15 57 15 5 1515 38 13? 1615 20 12 .3 1715 1 115 1914 42 9 6 47 6v45 5 2014 22 22 23 24 26 27 30 31 6 59 6 58 G 56 6 55 6 53 6 61 6 50 6 48|5'a9 14 3 13 43 13 23 13 3 12 42 5 mV2 21 1 12 U 39 33(11 18 3410 §7 5*3510 35 5.3710 13 5 38| 9 511 5 41 5 42 6 43.S.43 (J 4315 45 ni sets. 6 37 7 8 37 36 9 36 10 37 11 39 morn 43 1 2 4 5 48 55 1 2 57 rises. 6 21 7 38 8 54 5 10 11 7 18 moFii 026 I 30 9iU9t2 31 '9-7 .8-fe 8 22 8- 3 Hi2h water h. m. egs. legs. feet fevet head head head uec Bee- arm. arm. bres bres h'art 11 30 ev. 2 34 1 r.' 1 38 2 12 3 52 3 41 4 45 € 4 7 31 8 45 9 44 10 34 h'art 11 20 bely bely rein rein sedr seer thik tthil ihi. kiie 3 26 4 I6|kii6 4 59 legy. 5 3B|logs.l 9 56 morn 4) 2 41 1 21 6 46 3 39 [4:45 6 1 7 19 i8J5 9 15 (H^An Agricultural Fair is held in ^^|,t%,^ ^^H^.d^h*^* ^ ^^ last Thursday o/enery month. . ' ("^^^ ,■ • i^ >,. j^h, .^ , ■' » ; ':• 2. 3. 4. 5. / D. 7. 8. 9. 0. J. ^H^« ^K^* ^F^' ^^L^i t Hf^^ * 1. 'JM 12 tmtmm ,High water ■h. m. ?8. 3t ad ad ad c c- tn. tn. B8 BS irt irt ly ly n ir e 6 1 II 30 ev. 2 34 1 r.' 1 38 2 12 2 52 3 41 4 45 'tf 4 7 31 8 45 9 44 10 34 11 20 morB 4) 2 41 1 21 2 6 2 4« 3 39 I [4 451 7 T9 J8 85 9 15 9 56 , If,'!' Is ■•'-'■ niARCII. [1861. The snow lies thick upon the ground, In coat of mail the poois'are bound; The hungry rooks in squadron;} fly. And winds are slumbering in the sky. Drowsily the snow-flukes fall ; The robin on the garden wall Looks wistful at our window-pane, The customary crutnb to gain. On barn, and thatch, and leafless tree The frost has hung embroidery, P'ringe of ice, and pendants fine, Of filagree and crystalline. n. © New Moon 2d day, 8h. 36m. evening. (§ First Quarter 10th day, 5h. 6m. evening. Full Moon 17lh day, bh. 40m. morning. orn 19 58 37 20 9 8 20 38 48 843 9 29 10 5 10 39 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 u im A' 1651.] APKIL. Thii gloomy Winter — who iahe f I never i^aw him on the lea, I never met him on my path, Or trowed old stories of his wrath. . 'Tis ho that feeds the April buds. 'Tishe that clothes the summer woods; 'Tis he makes plump the autumn grain, And loads with wealth the creaking wain. Pile up the fire ! and ere he go, Our ble88in;;8 on his head shall flow — The hale old Winter, bieiik and sere, The friend and father of the year. 9 New Moon 1st day, Ih. r>3ua. evening. S. W (D First (Quarter 9lh day, 2h. 23m. morning. N. W. Full Moon 15th day, 5h. 56m. evening. E. ® Last Qnurter 23d day, 2h. I9m. morning. 8. C. 1 Tu 2W. 3Th L 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 32 23 24 25 Fri Sat SU Mo Tu CALENDAR. &c. Ovid born b.,c. 43. All F. D. Mirabeau died 1791. Cool ^ se. 7, 16 even. High tid. Goldsmith died 1774, age 45. Stow died 1605. 7*'s6© 5th Sunday in Lent. Fine. (5)Mulinyorthe Bounty 1789 Easter Term begins. W.i© high N. U8^' Low lid T+i'Catholic Rel. Bill pass, 1829. FrilThoraas DiUvorthdied 1781. SatjAlio. 80. 11, 24 ev. ^ per. S-Ufith Sunday in Lent. © per. Mo; ''?con.v'!i. Jup. so. ll,33ev. Tu'Shakspeare born 1564. Frost. W.|Buffond.l768 Day br. 3, 30. Th 9 ri. 3, 52 morn. High tid. Good Friday. ,? ri. 4,7 m. Easter Term ends. Clear. SUi Easter Sunday, ^i^ con. 0. MoiHeber born 1783. © low S Tu Chariotte Circuit. © in y. W.St George. [5gr. h. I. N. ThVenus ri. 3, 43mor. Low tid Fri Cromwell born 1599. ©apo. ^ Ri.&Setadc.N h.ra. h.m d. m J 26 Sat David Hume born 1717. o 27 SU Low Sunday. ^ con. 75|c'8. 4 28aioMerc. gr. ci.el. 20'3I ". fist. 1 29 Tu Peace ofAix-laChapIe 1748^1 30 W.i Washington inaug. Pr. 2789. 14 44 42 40 38 37 35 33 31 29 28 26 24 22 21 19 17 16 14 12 11 9 7 6 4 2 1 59 58 5616 5517 25 26 27 29 30 31 32 34 3.5 36 37 38 40 41 42 43 44 46 47 48 49 51 52 53 54 55 57 58 59 a 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 U U 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 30 53 16 39 32 25 47 10 32 54 16 381 22 43 5 26 47 8 28 49 9 29 49 9 28 48 7 25 44 © R&S h. m. sets. 7 25 © head head 8 28 nee 9 32|nec 10 37 arm 11 41 morn 42 1 39 2 29 3 14 arm. arm bres bres h'art h'art 3 52 belly 4 28 bell> rein rein 5 rises. 7 44 8 56 10 4 11 8thig morn kne 5 54 seer seer thig High water h. m. kne .kne 1 37 {legs 2 ]4|legs 2 46;feet 3 I5jfeet 3 41 feet 4 6 4 31 4 57 head head nee 11 6 I] 42 ev. 14 47 1 24 2 5 2 53 3 55 5 17 6 49 8 8 9 10 9 58 10 40 11 20 11 58 morn 36 1 15 1 56 2 43 3 35 4 37 5 48 7 1 8 1 8 50 9 33 10 9 10 43 *^ .«»«•» WV«^Wi^."<" I** *■ »^t; i V li'i | i'»i»J'^ ^^ db^l^ APRIL. [1851. 1 1. 1 1 2. 3. 4. 1 5. 6. 7. 8. &. 10. 11. il2. 13. 14. [l5. tl6. i 117. 118. 119. ko. r^' ^ ^■vOik B4. K5. mS, ^^r * ^^BO* i) 1851.] MAY. ••1. • I 2. :i 4. ij 5. 1 6. ij II T. j 8. ^i< 9. "■ ■ ' ' III , , 10. ■ I ..... * 12. 13. !f 14. 1 1 15. 16.' i . 17. ll 18. 1^ 19. 20. 1 '21. . \ 22. Ji 1 ''• 1 I 24. 1 25. 1 26. 1 1 - S7., .? 1 ,28. 1 ~ ■-'29. . 1 ■ i ■•• 30. ; :i ^ 1»1- 1 t^^l *--j — 1 ■ i- ■ , . ■ ■ . „ : 1 iJ t....>- 1 iriAY. []8ol. The Hpriiig, tiie ^Fntf, the briglit, the glowing ^pringreturns, Pouring furtli life and light from Nature'o Uiousand urns ; The earth has deeper green, the ^ky more heavenly blue, And the world's a fairy Rcene of fragrant scent and hue. The i^pring, the glad, the bright, bids the tender vi'let bloom, And to the lily's white. add% (ragrance and perfume; It bid8 the primrose pale, put forth its moJest head, That hath slept through Winter's gale, in earth's maternal bed. The Spring, tho glad, the bright, bids Nature to rejoice, Beneath its genial light earth tiQsher gratefcl voice; It brings plumage to the Bird and revel to the Bee, And ev'iy heart is stirr'd hy its jovows melody. # i\ew Moon 1st day, 4n. '4Za\. murning. iM. h. ^ First (Quarter 8th day, 8h. 54m. morning. N. K. % Full Moon 15th day. 3h. 26m. morning. 8. W. (^ Last Quarter 22d day, 8h. 26m. evt^ning. N. F. S New Moon 30lh day, 4h. 8m. pvening. S. W. CALENDAR, &c. Wellington bo. J 769. Fair, Tjjc's con. ©. 9 «<>«• ©• Jamaica discovered 1494. 2(1 Sunday after Easter. © high N. Venus apli. (5) Napoleon died 1821. Alioth so. 9, 46 e. Pleasant. 11 so. 9, 49 eren. Low tid. Teal and Gorpor. acts rep. ^ri. 3, 15 morn. [1848 3d Sund. after Ea. © per. Lord Ashburton died 1848. (14) Grattan died 1820 Vaccination firsttried 1796. Venus ri. 3. 16m. Low tid. Day br. 2,27. 24180. 9 15e. (15)0'Connell died 1847. 4th Sunday after Easter. fi perih. ^ ri. 3, '^2 morn. Lafayette died 1834. ©y. [Pope born 1688 Showery. Th {Jup. 80. 8, 51 even. Lo. tid. ~ ' Francis shot at the Queen Queen Vic. b. 1819 [1848. Rogation Sunday. (25S Princesa Helena Au- Pitt'b. 1759. [gustab. 1846. T.Moore born 1780. Fair. Restor. of Charles II. 1060. Mackintosh died 1832. Wm. Baxter died 1723. Ri.&Sots h.m. h.m. 53|7 I 52 7 2 51 49 48 46 45 44 42 41 40 39 38 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 27 26 25 24 23 23 22 22 4 5 6 7 6 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 dc.N. d. m. 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 ^17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 2 20 38 56 13 30 47 3 19 35 51 6 21 36 50 4 18 31 44 57 10 22 33 45 56 6 17 27 30 45 © iHigh water h. m. rises. 8 51 9 52 10 47 11 33 morn 14 48 1 18 1 45 2 10 2 34 2 59 3 26 3 56 sets. nek nek arm ev. 30 arm bres bres har't har't hely bely rein, rein, seer, jsecr. seer, thigs thigs kne knc legs legs 55i 8 28 1? morn 17 arm ^rm :.)( "■ \l I& lli \h 1851.] . r. JUNE. *Tis the glorious Summer lime, When the woods are in their prime ; Nnture in her bridal dreas, Walks the earth to glad and blera. Fields are verdant, flowers are gay, Earth around keeps holiday; , ' Tis the glorious summer-tima When the groves are in their prime. Brighter shines the ozure sky, ^ Earth's most gorgeous canopy ; 'Tis the glad year's Summer-time, Trees, hearts, hopes, are in their prime. t 'I 1 i' I f I >; t C) Firdt Quarter 0th day, Ih. 48m. evening. ^ Full Moon 13th day, 2h. 5m. evening. Lnst Quarter 21st day, Ih. 5Cm. evening. #) New Moon 39th day, Ih. 45m. morning. S. E. N. E. N. W. N. P\0 SU Mo 3|Tu W. Th Fri Sat SU 9 Mo 10 11 laiih m 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Tu W. CALENDAR, &c. Fri Sat SU Mo Tu W. 19 Th Fri Sat SU Mo Tn W. Th Fri Sat SU Mo Sunday after Ascension. Keg. se. 0, 13 mo. ©high N. Lord G. Gordon's mob 1780. Lord E, Fitzgerald died 1798. © per. g le 12 le le gs 5s et et et ^ad tad JC iC m m m ■es 1814 1 45 34 30 36 52 10 30 14 1 41 21 morn 36 1 13 1 49 2 29 3 10 3 57 4 56 6 2 7 13 8 15 9 8 9 56 10 41 11 25 es ev. 8 10. II 12. 13. 14. 15. 17. 1 "" J UN K. ■ —•at': [1851. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. -.1 18. 19. i 1 10. 21. i2. 23. J^^,^ fJL^ > ^-/ .^ 24. c/^ '^ ^ >5. ) 26. / 1 J7. m !8. !9. K ■ : ■V JULY. How aweetiy now within the wood. And 'mid the tall old trees All dress'd in Summer garmenture, Comes the refreshing breeze, Lulling the o'ertasUed brain i ' i*^^- With dream-like ecstacies. Oh for the hills! I'm stretching forth My arms to greet them now, And fancy almost brings the breeze Upon my burning brow, As sighing through the pines it seems As sweet as love's first vow. [il851. tivenmg. ^ First Uuarter 5lh day. bh. '.iyra # Full Moon 13th day. '2h. 35m. morning. Last Quarter 21st day. 6h. Om. morning. # New Moon 28th day, lOh. Im. morning. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Irl3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Tu W. Th (Fri Sat SU Mo Tu VV. Th Fri Sat StJ Mo Tu W. Th Fri Sat SU Mo Tu VV. Th Fri Sat SU Mo Tri W., 31! Th n CALENDAR, &c. Eastport tak. 1814. ©per. Sir Robert Peel died 1850. Rousseau died 1778 Hot. American Independ. 1776. 2i so. 6h. even. Low tid. 3d Sunday after Trinity. Sheridan d. 1816. Showery. King's Circuit. [ ^ perih. Gen. Z. Taylor died 1850. All. so. 5, 36 morn. Fair Bruce b. 1274. Lelande b. © ecli pse v isible. [ 1 782. 4th Sun. after Trin. © Q. Mrs. Siddons born 1755. AUtert Circuit. ^ inf.con.HSl Day br, 2, 14. Pleasant. Michilimaoinac taken 1812 Alio. so. 5, r^ ra. bel. Pole. Odillon Barrot born 1790. 5th Sunday after Trinity. Lord Rpssell behea. 16S3. Westmorland Circuit. Eramett's revolt 1803, Hot. $ ri. 0, 38 morn. Low tid. Bat. of Lundy's Lane 1613 ©'s^ 25° 43' in S. Rain 6th Sunday after Trinity. Ld. Dnrham d 1840. <^6C. Kent Circut/ ©per. [vis. Penn died 1718 Ciov4yii Loyola divd 1566. Ri.&Sets h.m. h.m. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 21|7 22 7 22 23 23 24 25 2'5 26 27 28 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45^ 46 47 45 45 45 45 45 44 44 43 43 43 42 41 41 40 40 39 38 37 37 36 35 ?A' 33 32 31 ^'0 dcN. d. m. h. m.! Sf 29 7 28 7 27 7 26 7 25 23 8 23 4 23 22 55 22 49 22 44 22 37 22 31 22 24 22 17 22 9 22 1 21 52 21 44 21 34 21 25 21 15 21 5 20 54 20 43 20 32 20 20 20 8 19 55 19 43 19 30 19 16 19 3 18 49 18 34 18 20 9 55 har't nek nek arm arm bres bres harj^i har't 8 rbely 9 40 bely 9:» 10,^1 II 14 11 57 \n 'ir' ♦ 'I 1 1 i?'^ ■■< M .'I I \\ V % B Vi m m ^»ii lasi.] AVOVST. SEBC \ . f fji ♦: The Angust moon is ■hining, Shinm* through the night« Bnthing hill and meadow *; In floods of azure hght f" ' Oh! the golden Augiut, '' August, when the grain Q,uits the hi!) and lowland^ ' in the loaded wain ; "li^'i When the busy reaper* In the fields appear, : n' n Garnering thy treasures^ ii'^i'; Sweet mother of the year ! ^ '■'■»!•.'. C First (Quarter 4th day, Oh. 28m. morning. W. # Full Moon Uth day, 5h. 4m. evening. £. (^ Last Quarter 19th dav. 6h. 19m. evening. N. E. ^ New Moon 26tb dav,' 5b. 4Ira. evening. W. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ^ 9 10 11 12 n FrT Hat SIJ Mo Tu W. Th Fri Sat SU Alio Tu W, lllTh 1 15iFri 16 17 Sat 8U l^iMoj m.w. '^Fri 'i3Sat 24 SU HSMq 26 Tu nyf l«d|Th Fri' J t.< CALENDAR, &c. ^ Columbus diiicove America Ark Wright died 1792. [1498. 7th Sunday afier Trinity. 9 ri. 3, 30 morn. Low tides. Saint John Circuit Prince Alfred Ernest b. 1844. (i. Caroline d. 1821. ^D^. Ney shut Itf 15. © low S. ®t5- 5 St Fair and fine. 8 h »*iunday after Trinity. Ali. 80. 3,31 mor. bel'w Pole. George IV. born 1762. 5 ?3. ^ ri. 9, 66 even. High tide. © apo. ^ ri. 0, 5 mor. Rain. Sir Walter Scott born 1771. A. Marvel d. 1678 Daybreak fHhSun.afierTrini. [3,11 (17) Great Fire in St. John, De Kalb died 1780. [J 839. William IV. bo. 1765. Lo. ti Dr. Adam Clarke Hied 163-2. Warren Hastings died 1818. Ali. so. $, 43 mor ©higbN. lOth Sutjday after Trinity. Jfliues Wan died 1819. Hot. fUitygouoke Circuit. $ 6 ©• (28) Prince Albert born 1819. I Grotius died 1645. High tid Jnp.con0. Jup.se. 8,83 ft. Jerusalem deair. by Titus 70 Iljth8jai»dity after Trinity. Ri.dlrSets h.m. h.m. — — — #- 487 23 49,7 22 507 21 517 527 54 55 56 57 587 59 1 217 37 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 o i6 13 14 15 17 20 18 17 15 14 13 11 10 8 67 76 59 96 56 106 56 116 54 126 53 6 5] 6 49 6 4S 6 46 186 44 Ida 42 206 41 216 39 5 226 37 dc.N. d m. h. m. 18 5 17 50 17 34 17 18 17 2 16 46 16 29 16 12 15 55 15 38 15 20 15 2 14 44 14 26 14 7 13 49 13 29 13 10 12 51 12 31 12 11 11 51 11 31 11 10 10 50 10 29 10 8 10 10 10 40 11 10 11 42 morn 17 58 1 43 2 34 3 ^ rises 7 52 8 19 8 44 9 8 9 31 9 56 10 22 10 53 U 29 morn 1 5 2 6 3 sets. 7 35 9 471 8 8 9 26 9 4 8 41 8 39 9 9 9 43 ST High water h. m. rein rein seer seer thi. thi. thi. kne kue legs. legs. legs. feet feet head head head nee nee arm. arm. ISibrcs hres bres 'art h'art bely 16 h 2 2 46 3 32 4 45 6 2 7 23 8 31 9 24 10 7 10 45 11 20 11 53 morn 23 54 1 25 1 57 2 35 3 19 4 15 5 .30 6 59 8 18 922 10 13 10 59 11 41 bely >ev. 20 rein. 1 rein. 1 39 seer 2 24 Z6 ilgh vAtef 1. m. Z 2 46 3 32 4 45 6 2 7 23 8 31 9 24 10 7 10 45 11 20 11 53 morn 23 54 I 25 1 57 2 35 3 19 4 15 5 30 6 59 6 18 9 22 10 13 10 59 11 41 '•ev.20 1 1 39 2 24 tjtmm AUGUST. [1851. 1. 2. X 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. ?e^4^ 15. 16.^ 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. £7. 28. 29. 30. 31. f I. n "i\ 'fi .f f i 111 !i} 1851.] SEPTEMBER. ■A- 1. 2. 5. 6. 7. /8. 9. 10. 11 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19, 20. 21, 2'^. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 3. fU^ /y^-^ ^/^ 1 2 4 6 8 9 13 44a4 10 11 12] Fr Tu W. Th Fri Sa SI M( Ti W Tl 15 16 17 18 191F SI M( Ti W T 20 21 22 2:3 24 SJ 3 IVI T W ,10. ■MN^ 25T 26 F 27 2dS 291M 31) SlblPTKRIBER. [1861. Regai summer Htands beside me, /^^^ But her brow is wan and pale; „;; Yet she smilos o'er hill and valley. While the low winds chant her wail, She is dyin^ ! — she is dying ! Tread with solemn step and slow ; For her reign will soon be over, With her brilliant pageant show, See the flovv'rets sadly drooping ! List how low the brooklet's tone. While the green fern on its margin Bends to hear her waters moan. (f) First Q,uarter 2d day, 9h. 13m. morning. N. E. Full Moon lOlh day, 9h. 5m. morning. N. W. ($ Last Ctuarter 18th day, 8h. 41)m. morning. S. W. S New Moon 25th day, Ih. 33m. morning. N. E. 1 2 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 «l4a4 15 16 17 18 < iHo Tu W. Th Fri Sal SU Mo Tu W. Th Fri Sat SU Mo Tu W Th 191 Fri CALENDAR, &c. 27 Sir Richard Steele dtod 1729. Gloucester Circuit. Battle of Dunbar 1650. Fair. ©lowS. $ri.4,47m.Lo. ti. Malta taken 1800. Rainy 7^'8 ri. 8, 52 even. ©^5- 12th Sunday after Tfiniiy. Warsaw tak. by Russia 1831- Noxphumherland Circuit. (9) T. Coke b. 1747. © apo ^ gr. h. 1. S. Hig.tid. Five. 20 21 22 2:3 24 25|Th 26 Fri Sat SU Mo Tu Wolfe and Montcalm d. 1759. Charles J. Fox died 1806. 13th Sunday after Trinity. Day br. ^59. gD^. Cool. (14) Moscow burnt 1812. $gr. h. I.N. [7>|<'8 6 Wm. Hazlittdied 1830, high N. i con. 0. Lo. ti. © Q. ^ri. 7, 25 even. Fair. 14th Sunday after Trinity. Dr. Boeerhaave died 1733. Dr. Baillie d. 1823. Aut. bog. W.| Victoria Circuit. per ~ (25) Brainard died 1828. Ri.&Sets h.m. h.m Sat 28SU 291M0 ^a Tu Philadelphia taken 1777. 75|c'8 ri. 7, 30 even. High tid. 15th Sunday afler Trinity. Lord Nelson born 1753. CarUtonCircuit. ^st.^ in Q. 24 25 26 27 2S 29 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 39 40 41 42 43 44 46 47 48 49 50 51 63 54 55 56 57 6 35 6 34 6 32 6 30 6 23 6 27 6 25 6 23 6 21 19 17 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 1 59 57 55 53 51 49 48 46U 44 42 dc.N. d. m. 21 59 37 15 ^«3 8 7 7 7 6 o 6 31 6 8 46 23 38 5 5 5 4 2 2 1 1 1 4 15 3 52 3 29 3 6 43 19 56 33 9 46 23 N. S.24 47 1 11 LS4 758 2 21 2 45 © Ri&S h. m. 18 10 10 II 40 morn 1 2 3 4 30 23 20 20 20 rises. 7 7 8 8 8 9 10 10 li 12 36 25 54 27 6 53 48 morn 52 2 3 4 4 21 40 sets. 7 5 7 38 8 13 w^- 8 51 thig. 9 35lthig. © sec thig. thig. kne kne legs legs legs feet feet head head head nee nee arm arm arm bres bres h'arl h'art bely bely rein rein High water h. m. 3 14 4 14 3U 54 4 45 .sec sec 10 22 10 54 11 26 11,56 morn 26 57 1 29 2 6 2 50 3 46 5 1 6 30 7 54 9 3 9 30 10 40 U 21 ev. 1 39 1 19 2 I 2 5t) V i M iU ^ OCTOBER. All ia still within the forest, Not a single sound is heard, '* Save the death-tick's measured beating, And some wailing, wind-like bird. See the sttotig boughs slowly swaying, As some form that hopeless grieves! While like mourner s tears are falling, A few withered, .struggling leaves. Ah ! the summer soon has vanish'd With her gay and courtly train ! But not so the sad'ning memories Which pfie leavrs upon the brain. (^ First Uuarter ist day, 9h. r>Jm. evening. O Full Moon 10th day, ]h. 53m. morning. ® Last Quarter 17th day, 7h. 33in. evening. ^ New Moon 24th day, lOh. 31m. evening. (^ First Quarter 3l8t day, 2h. 38m. evening. C5. W. S. W. N. S. S. E V' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 3,5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 131 ^ W. Th Fri Sat su Mo Tu W. Th Fri Sat SU Mo Tu W. Th Fri Sat SU ,Wo Tu W. Th [Fri Sat SU Me Tu W Th Fn CALENDAR, &c. © low S. 2^ se. 6, 30 ev. First Assembly in'N. Scotia ©t5- $ 6t. Lo. tid [1758. ?a^. bri. 6,28even. 16th Sunday after Trinity. Louis Philippe born 1773. Ohristophe d. 1820. Cool. First Amer. Congress met Benj. West b. 1738. [1765. Father Mathew born 1790. Bahamas discovered 1492. 17th Sunday after Trinity. 7>|c'fl con. (g). High tid. Michaelmas Term begins. ICavaignac bo. 1802. Rain. i© highN. 9 se. 5,28ev. JBurgoyne surrend. 1777. ^ c5©. ^ ri. 10, 3Gev. 18th Sunday after Trinity. Battle of Navarino T827. Battle of Trafalgar 1805. Mrs. Ann Judson d. 1826. Sir J. Mackintosh b. 1756. Alio so. 10h,38ev. b^^- Michaelmas Term ends. 19th Sunday after Trinity. If con. Q. h so. 11, 32 ev. St. Sinafdn ahdSt. jude. Bristol riots 1SSI|. Frost. Solomon's Tem^e dedic. AUballow^-e. [a,'ii 3000. i% o e <^ ® Ri.i&Setf* dc.S. Ri&S Hi^ h.m. h.m. d. m. h. m. 5" kne 5 59 5 40 3 8 10 23 6 5 38 3 31 11 16 kne 6 ] 5 37 3 54 morn kne 6 2 5 35 4 18 13 legs 6 3 5 33 4 41 1 12 legs 6 r 5 31 5 4 2 12 feet 6' ( ) 29 5 27 3 12 feet 6 7 .') 27 5 50 4 12 feet 6 e 5 26 6 13 5 12 head 6 It 5 24 6 36 rises. H^ad 6 IJ .5 22 6 58 6 29 nee 6 12 5 20 7 21 6 56 nee 6 13 5 19 7 44 7 28 nek. 6 15 5 17 8 6 8 4 arm^ 6 10 5 15 8 28 8 47 arm 6 17 5 14 8 51 9 39 brea 6 19 5 12 9 13 10 36 bres 6 20 5 10 9 35 11 45 h'art 6 21 5 9 9 56 morn h'art 6 22 5 7 10 18 57 bely 6 24 5 5 10 40 2 13 bely 6 25 5 4 11 1 3 31 rein 6 26 5 2 11 22 4 48 ruin 6 27 5 1 11 43 sets. seer. 6 29 4 59 12 4 6 6 seer. 6 30 4 58 12 25 6 43 thigs 6 31 4 56 12 45 7^5 thigs 6 33 4 55 13 5 8 12 thigs 6 34 4 63 13 26 9 5 kne 6 35 4 52 13 45 10 3 kne 6 37 4 50 14 6 11 1 lees High water h. m. 3 47 4-58 6 15 7 27 8 30 9 15 9 52 10 271 10 57 11 30 morn 1 33 1 8 1 46 2 32 3 28 4 6 7 39 4 30 8 40 9 135 10 19 11 11 40 ev.2e 1 1 42 228 3 21 4 18 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. iJL 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 797 20. 21. 22. 237 24, 257 267 277 28. 29. 30. 31. 20 — p- 1 CvT w. ■• J- t) High H water 1 r h. m. e a 47 e 4-58 e 6 15 58 7 27 js 8 30 Jt 9 15 H 9 52 Jt JO 27* ad 10 57 ad 11 30 c morn c 1 k. 33 nv 1 8 m 1 46 es 2 32 es 3 28 art 4 39 art 6 4 •y 7 30 ly 8 40 in 9 :35 in 10 19 cr. 11 cr. 11 40 iga ev.2« is,a 1 igs 1 42 le 228 le 3 21 ?s 4 18 1 OCTOBER. [1861. 1. ■ ■• ■ - ■ * ■ — 2. j 1 4. i i 5. 1 i 6. i! 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. B 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. • , , „ . „ i 27. 1 128. 1 29. 1 30. ■vm ■ 31. Ij I i if m Uh ¥n i''9 1851.] NOVEMBER. i 0^ 1 1 1 ! Oj C ■ 1 ■ \ IS. ■ •2 31 3M 4TP 5VV 6T 7Fi 8S{ ti»9Sl 10 IM 11 T 12 W 13 T 14 F 15 S) -aes 17 M 18 T 19 V\ 20T 21 F l22S '23S 24 M 25 T 26 VI 271 28F 29S 30S 1. 1. f r ■ j 2. 3 4. 1 5- 1 c. 7. 8. 9. i . { i IQ.' i In. 1 ■•''■ 12. 13. ! ^4. 15. -^ .■ 116. I ; 1 ' jl7. i j i8- • ' . 19. ' 20. i !21. ■ ^ !22. : i 23. 24. i 25. : 26. . [ '. 127. 28. 29. , k i 30. 1 NOVJBiTlBCH. [1851. The Winter is a friend of miine, His step is light, his eye*balls shine ; His cheek is riidJy as the morn, ' llfi carols like the lark in morn. His tread is brisk upon the snowa — His pulses gallop as he goes ; " L He hath a smile upon his lips, With songs and welcome, jests and quips. The friend of every living thing, <>ld Winter — sire of youthful Spring — The glooms upon his brow that dwell, Are glories whtm we know them well. ^ F'lll Moon 8th day, 6h. 42m. evening. £. C) Last QNurter 16th day, 4h. 42ni. rooming. S. # New Moon 22d day, 9h. 27m. evening. N. W (D FirKt Q,aarter 30th day, lOh. 48m. morning. C O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ^9 10 U 12 13 14 15 ae 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Sat dU20th Sun. after Tr. All Souls. CALENDAR. &c. All Samts. ^ con. 11 . Lo. ti. Mo Tu W. TH Fri Sat SUi Mo Tu W. Th Fri Sat SU Mo Th Fri Sat SU Mo Tu W. Th Fri Sat SU Princess Sophia born 1777. CharltUte Circuit. © apo. ^80- ^ so. 10, 34 even, [nsurrecti. at Montreal 1837. ^ &f^ eon. (^. High lid. lohn Milton died 1674. Fair. 2l8t Sunday after Trinity. C I Ri.<&SeJdc.8 h.m. h.m. 6 38 6 39 6 41 6 42 6 44 6 45 6 46H 15 4^4 6 49(4 6 50 6 52 6 53 6 54 6 56 6 57 658 7 [9] Prince of Wales b. 1841 Lafayette escapes fm. Olrautz td. L. r. 7, 55 even. [1794. Curran died 1817. © high N- C. Carroll died 1832. Rain or Day br. 5, 15. Mars con. (^. 22d S. after Tr. ?st. snow. Le Sage died 1747. Low tid Aliotb so. 8, 57 even, i} aph. 7 The Pope crowns Napoleon 7 per. Marsri.9,29e.[1804. 7 U6®' 9 86. 5, 10 even. 7 [21] Princess Kojalb. 1840. 7 23d Snnday after Trinity. 7 Zacbary Taylor born 1784. 7 New York evacaated 1733. 7 Cowper born 1731. © t3 . ^ ^^^ Princess Mary Adelaide born 7 13 4 Aliadi so, 3, 58 even. [1833. 7 )4 4 Newsp. first; prioted by sfieatn 7 1^' AdveqtSan. St And. [1814.17 I'' 21 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 64 74 94 10 4 49 47 46 45 43 42 41 40 38 37 36 17 35 3417 33 3-2 31 29 28 27 27 26 25 25 24 23 22 a&s d. m.|h. m 14 14 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 18 18 18 24 43 2 21 39 58 16 33 51 8 24 41 57 13 28 44 30 18 morn 2 feet 1 2 3 4 i 5 4 rises. 529 6 4 645 7 34 8 31 9^5 10 44 11 56 58kBorn 13 1 11 2 feet 27 54 2 26 3 42 23 21 19 19 19 19 20 291 5 14|thig 20 20 4 57 seer Sisets. seer thig kne kne 21 22|21 21121 3^ 6 45 6 511 66 7 47 a, 8 47 jegs 18 9 49kegs 39 to 5(feg8 3911 6llleet High water h. m. feet 3|head head nee nee nee arm. arm. bres bres h'art h'art h'art belly belly rein rein 5 27 6 40 7 43 8 37 9 18 9 55 10 29 11 4 n 39 morn 15 053 1 2 3 4 5 7 35 20 13 18 36 2 8 13 9 10 9 56 10 40 11 21 ev. 2 43 11S3 2 4 2 49 3 38 4 34 ir i ii f;'"» 'iii i-.i Hi. 1651.] DECfilUBER. Wd *' Pile up the fire ! the winter wind, Although it nip. is not unkind ; "/> And dark mid-winter days can brin^ As many pleasures as the spring. If not the floweret bnddinir fair, , And mild efTulgence of the air, They give the glow of in-door mirth, ., And social comfort round the hearth • Pile up the fire f when storms are rude, We feel the joy of gratitude; And thankful for the good possess'd, Have welcome for the poorest guest. 9 Full Moon dih day, lOh. 48m. morning. N. (9 Last Quarter 15th day, Oh. 46m. evening. W. # New Moon 22d day, lOh. 55m. morning. 8. ID First Quarter 30th dny, 8h. 55m. evening. N. E. T O m Ml 1 2 3 4 5 () 7 e 9 10 i\ 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2D 21 22 23 24 25 Mo To W. Th Fri Sat 8U Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat su Mo Tu W. Th Fri Sal su Mo Til W Th Fri 8st sy Mb Th W. CALENDAR, &c. Battle of Ausierlitz 1805. Mariner's comp.inv. 1805, Mnrsri. 8,50 ev. Low tid. Insurrec. at Toronto 1837. Mrirbeth kiHed 1056. tHne. Si.ri. 8, 41e. 7:|c'8Con.O. 2d Suudny in Advent. Air Pump invented |G54» John Milton born 16D8. © high N. 0^. Low tid. Ali. so. 7, 27 even Cleat Dr. Darwin bor^ 1732. and Dr. Johnson d> 11784. cold. 3d Sunday in Movent. Day br. 5, 44. ^so. $, 9 e. Leopold K. o( Belgium b. S. Bolivar d. l|30. [ 179^. Lewiston bumi 1813. Fort Niagara taicen 1813. « 6 9. \gr %e{A^V\ 4th Snndky in Advent. . Aliso.444e.'Win. beg. 0^. allows. High tid; Treaty bfOheiit 1814. Chfistmai Dhen. ', wind^, 8f. Jbhn.Mavsri. 7. llev. l9t,9tindili^ aller Christm. CatoUne ^ttam. bmt. 1637. iemu^ht. fottflded 1540; mm%6mty ^ kiUad 177$^ o © Ri.(& Sets dc. S RAS h.m. h.ni. d. m. h. m. 7 17 4 21 21 48 morn 7 lo 4 20 21 58 51 7 19 4 20 22 6 I 51 7 20 4 20 22 15 2 52 7 22 4 20 22 22 3 53 7 23 4 20 22 30 4 57 7 24 4 19 22 .^7 6 2 7 25 4 19 22 44 risen. 7 20 4 19 22 50 5 28 7 26 4 19 22 55 6 23 7 27 4 19 23 1 7 26 7 28 4 19 23 5 8 ;» 7 29 4 19 23 10 9 47 7 30 4 20 23 13 11 7 31 4 20 23 17 morn 7 31 4 20 23 20 13 7 32 4 20 23 22 1 26 7 33 4 21 23 24 2 10 7 33 4 21 23 26 3 53 7 34 4 22 23 27 5 6 7.:: 4 22 23 27 6 16 7 35 \\n 23 27 sets. 7 36 4 23 23 27 5 32 7 36 4 24 23 26 6 31 7 36 4 24 23 25 7 33 737 4 25 23 23 6 36 737 4 26 23 21 937 737^ 4 26 23 18 10 38 7 36 4 27 23 15 11 «7 7394 26 23 11 morn 7 38 4 29{ [23 5 0^7 /ieet head head head nek nek. arm arm. bres lires bret* ha'tt har't bely bely rein rein seer. seer. tbiga Ihigs kne kne kne J8 legs feet feet feet head head High water h. m. 5 36 6 43 7 44*1 9 39 9 22 10 2 10 42 11 21 morn \* 42 1 26 2 9 2 57 3 54 5 7 6 25 7 41 -,8 43 ^9 37 10 23 11 6 11 46 ev25 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 2 39 16 55 40 33 35 n High water h. m. 5 6 7 9 9 10 10 II 3G 43 44fj 39 22 2 4y 21 morn 1* 42 1 i^i 2 9 2 57 3 54 5 7 6 25 7 41 ,8 45 ^9 37 83 1 6 1 46 >v25 1 2 t 39 2 16 2 55 3 40 4 33 5 35 DKCKMBEK. "*■ - [ie5r 1. 1 2 I' ^ 1 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. !il2. 13. 1 M. 15. ' 16. 1 17. 18. 1 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. , . 26. il ^7. 28. 29. 30. 31 — -—-—-- — — . — — '• i. mi 'hi 1.!:! ! •lUia , »' > I *■ > 'i\< Wi VVi Th Gr( Ro Oli ( J Stc Pir M' ant • J. Mi CITY OF »Alf%T JOUl«. FIkkry CnnBB, Fnqaira. Af«yor f( .^«e.>i Honorabb Robert L. liAtKr«, lUeordtr, Aldermen, i'* * William H. Nerdham, VViitiam O. Smith, Thomas Harding, Gregory VanHorne, Robert D. Wiimot, Oliver R. Cougle, JS s m CoMncillors. Wards. Mr. Joieph Fairweather, King's. Mr. George V. Nowtin, Queen's. Mr. William Hagt^rty, Duke's. Mr. Thomas McAv ty, Sydney. Mr. J. C. Littlehale, Gay's. Mr Joseph Beatteay, Brook's. Thomas Merr:tt, Esquire, Treasurer, or Cbnmherlain. George Wheeler, E^ouire, Common Cl«rk. ^ i « ri? Mr. James R. Ruel, Deputy Common Clerk. ^ ai ' Simeon L. Lugrin, Land />gent. James Stockford, High Constable; Jami^s Stoekford, George Stockfurd, Bernard Murray, George M'Kelvey, and Charles Pidgeon, Marshals ; Georce t^tockford, Robert M'Kelvey, Bernard Murray, John Lannrill, J. Budge, C. Pidgeon, John Dnlcy, J. M'CIoskey, Hugh M Geary. P. Farrtok, G. M'K«lva^, J. Sweet, and William Follis, Constables. i. i John Idulliraii, Deputy Clerk of the Market, King's Square ; J- M'Bay, do. do. Market l^quare ; C. Magee, do. do. of the Fish Market, Duke ^Uef>t. John Boyd, M. D , G. J, Harding, M D., Jnmes Coxetter, M. ) D., and Robert l^mythe, M. D , ViMtinc Physicians. i\,[ ^ J ha V. Thurgar, Thomas Hanford, W. D. W. Hubbard, Henry ll'ivvkins. Joseph Lordly, George A. Lockhart, Thomas Raymond, W. G«rn«tt, I. H. Andierson, and John W. Codlip, Licensed Auctioneers. William D Faulke, Thomas M. Smith, Thomas Leavitt, Isaac Woodward, James U. Thomas, Giforge Thomas, James Robertson, Fuvvard Hippisley, J. W* M. Irish, Charles M'Lauchlan, William Leaviti, John Fisher, Zebedee Ring, and T. Kaymondt Port Wardaos. Thomaa Reed, Port or Harb«>Dr Master. . „. John Reed, George Thomas, John Mills, John Murray, l^aniel Hatfield, Alexander Mills, Edward Morray, James Reed, John Spears, James P. ThonTas, Thomas Vaughan, William Spears, John Scott, John W. Seeley, Donald M'Dougal, William Leavitt, Jtfaior, John Havlin, William Dougan, Michael Garrity, Michael Lan^n, Patrick Trainor, Richard Cline, George Mulherrin, W. Donaghey, William Hatfield, £. J Fletcher, George Thring,, Walter Walsh, William Lahey, Henry Thomas, and Edward Curry, Branch Pilots. ^» Alexander Reed, Light House Keeper at Partridge Island; Geo. Lane, ditto at the B«acon. Edward L. Jarvis, William Wright, and William O. Smith, Commissionors to settle disputes relating to Dockage and Wharfage. R. C. Minnette, City Sttrveyor. Daniel Ansley, John Sears, John Sandall, and William Colrill, Assessors of Taxes and Statute Labor. 23 James Gerow, Junior, Coll' -* r of Taxes on the Eastern side of the Harbour ; Charles Pid^ j, on the Western side ; George Stockford, Collector of Dog Tax. James Williams, Collector pf Wharfage and Slippage at the Market Slip ; Thomas M'Kenry, Collector of Slippage at Union Street; J. fi. Davison, ditto at North Slip ; G. M'Kelvey, ditto at Lower Cove; John Walker, Collector of Wharfage at the Breakwater ; Peter Besnard, Collector of Wharfage and Slippage at Rodney Wharf; John Hennissy^ Collector of Anchorage James Williams, Weigh Master at North Slip ; Ceorge G. Scribner, ditto at Union Streets Wm. H. A. Keaiis, Superintendent of Flour Inspectors, and Superintendent of Measurers of Coals and Salt. Nathaniel Clinton, John Humbert and John Berryman, Inspec- tors of Flour • .- \ -.• •'■' ' ". George Stockford, Inspector of Bread. ,'''-''-'^y/',-'^'''''^' '^ David 8. Marshall, Inspector of Lime. ■ - ' •». ^ ,.- . Benjamin Chaloner, and James Stewart, Guager of Liquors. Samuel Gillespie, and James Peacock, Guagers and Searchers of Oil. Jdcob Wilson, William M'AuIey, Thomas Rankin, Francis Wilson, J. Bogan, F. Mann, U. Riley, James Culliman, James Stewait, and W. J. Lock hart, Measurers of Salt and Coals — W. H. Williams, and T. Rankine, of Coals only. • ■*^ .' ■^■"'- ; • _ James Peacock, and Thomas Miles, Inspectors of Latliwbod, Staves, Hoop Poles, &c. Samuel Gillespie, Culler of Dried Fish. '''^''' ; "^' ^'' John Christopher, Junior, John Kinney, Henry Nice, T. Wilson, William Dunham, S. Gillespie, Andrew Hamm, S. Miles, John Gallagher, Joseph Grain, and J. Stackhouse, Inspectors of Pickled Fish. Fyler Dibblee, Inspector of Cordwood and Bark at Market Slip; John Paul, ditto. Lower Cove; James Williams, ditto. North Slip. Fyler Dibblee, Superintendent of Glarts, Hand Carts and Hacks. . George Stockford, Pound Keeper on the Eastern side of the Harbour; William Cronk, and Robert Irvine, ditto at Carleton. Alexander M 'Grotty, Samuel Jordan, John Jordan, Thomas Leach, David M. Whiting, George Cassie, Jacob Snider, Thomas Fairweather,, Edward D. Gore, James H. Fairweather, William Shiv >s, Stephen G. Blizzard, George H. Robertson, G. W. Fair- weciier, Charles E. Fairweather, Charles E. Harding, David Porter, W. C. HiII,A.M'Harg, W. Grady, E. M. Hoy t, Nathaniel Adams, James Hunter, John Dowling, C. N. Perkins, Vv. War- wick, J. H. Bartlott, Josiah Adatns, Francis Jordan, and J, Wetmore, Junior, Surveyors of Lumber. a;,.:^:fcii'K FIRE DEPARTMENT. X C".i..' 7J! •"♦'fT.'? Thomas M. Smith, CJUtf Engineer. David Waterberry, Samuel Jordan, James E. M*Doniild, William Olkre, and Michael Thompson, ^^911^07:1 Engineers. 24 I Engine Company JV0. 1.<—Jaines Poittnore, Foreman. Engine Company M'o. 2. — J. J. Mtinro, .Assistant Engineer. . .i L . .».w^. . . Loren/o F. Langan, Foremen. ' William Farnham, ^MMtoniC J^oreman. Engine Company ^To, 3. — Juvn^a M. Decker, Assistant Engineer. treorge Yeats, Foreman. " -^-" DBLnielheavitt, 4mitant Foreman. Engifie Company Jfo. 4. — Daniel Jonei, Foreman. ' • •-' Engine Company J\ro. 5. — John W. Cutliip, Jlssietant Engineer. Charles La>vton, Forem4in. t i:n;; y T, ,1;, ;.ff- ,T ,T George V. Nowlin, ^«ijfCant Foreman. Carleton Engine Company JV*o. 2. — John Munroe, Foreman. Jainea Irvine, .Assistant Foreman. u>\ .^ze Company.'— Charlea E. Raymond, Captain. - - ' Hook and ladder Company.— J oteph Mercer, Captain. '' ' William O. Smith, Joseph Fairweather, Henry Porter, Gregory VanHorne, Thomas Harding, Thomas Coram, George. Bond, Bartholomew Coxetter, W. H. A. Keans, William H. Needhara, George A. Lockhait, James Robertson, Geo. V. Nowliii,C. Johnston, William Hagerty, Thomas M'Avity, Alexan. Balloch, Joaiah Wetmore, J. C. Littlehale, and J. Ueattey, Firewards. •'.■«/((i Hfti'. ! ^i\'h POLICE DEPARTxMENT. Benjamin L. Peters, Esquire, Police Magistrate ; George A. Lockhart, and W. O. Smith, Esquires, Sitting Magiettrates. v.^v ,-. Benj. L. JPeters, Junior, Esquir«, Clerk. r . ^ ; «■ i.;- ,i;'j - i, Mr. George Scoullar, Captain of the Police Force. ; -^, ; ;■ r' 1 / > j f".» > Chambsrof Commexck. — Hon. John Robertson, President ; John Duncan, and John V. Thurgar, Esquires, Vice Presidents ; Robert Jardine, Secretary and Treasurer ; John Wishart, William H. Seovi)^ John Pollok, William Parks, Ed. ward Allisei), F. A. Wiggins, Jai^ies Kirk, Wm. 11. Street, and Charles Ward, Committee. "«» Sai9t JoHif l^fccHANics' IinTiTUTE. — William J.Ritchie, Csqniie, President ; James fateralbn, LL. D., and Joseph W* Lawrence, Vice Presiidents ; James R. Ruel, Corresponding Secretary ; T. R. Gordon, Treasurer ; William Htitcb- inson, Jr., Recording Secretary, and Secretary to the Board of Directors ; Robert Shives, William W. Emslie) J. J. Munroe, J. G. Melick, G. Flemming. Robert Foulis, 6. N. Lawrence, Isaac Woodward, J. Allan, John M'Lardy, W. F. Smith, and Robert Jjorimer, Directors. Charles P. Betts, Clerk. The Museum is open on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, at 8 o'clock. PitBMc Grammar ScHOOt. ik the Citt of Saiki John. — The Reverend the Rectorof Saint John, President; the Mayor, the Recorder, the Hon. Ward Chip- j man, LL. D., the Hon. Jndge Parker, Robert F. Hazen, William Wright, | John H. Gray, Esquires, and Rev. William DonaM, A. M., Directors; John H. | Gray, Esquire, Treaurer and Clerk ; James Paterson, LL. I)., Principal. j SiiNT John Disvrict Gommittke of t::? Society for Promoting CnRiSTtAif I KifQWLEDOE. — Reverend the Rector of Saint John, President ; William Scovil, t JSpqiiire, Vice President; Beverley Robinson, Esquire, Secretary and I'reasurer. i Books sold at John Kinneaifli, Prince William Street. I SAiNTJoHrrRsLioiovsTRAOTSociETT.— Rev. William Donald, A. M., Presi-| dent ; John Kinnear, Esquire, Secretary. 8«itrT John SociETT Library. — The Rev. F. Coster, Preiident; George D.j RobJinson, Esquire, Vice Preeident; J. H. Hartt, and James R. Ruel, Esquires, I Committee ; James W. Peters, Esquire, Secretary and Treasurer ; J. £. Barnes, Librarian. Library open from 3 to 4 o'clock, daily. ; Saint GcORas'* Society.— Sir Edmund Walker Head, Bart., Patron ; John j H. Gray, Esquire, President ; Henry P. Sturdee, Esquire, Vice President ; Jatnf.a j R. Ruel, Treasurer ; T. E. G. Tiadale, Secretary. | Saint Andrew's Society.— Adam Jack, Esquire, President ; Robert Jardine, j Esquire, Vice Preeident; Alex. Jardine, Treasurer; William Ttwrnson, Secre- 1 25 I t I' i >t id It m tnrj ; Joba M. Walker, James M 'Farlane, and W. W, Emelie, Committee of Charity. .. f,-. «;-«,- ''".it^u Saint PATmtca'e SoeiCTr.— William Smith, Esquire, President ; Thomas Parks, Esqatre, Vice President ; WilHain Hutchinson, Esquire, Treasurer ; Mr. Williaan Patten, Secretary; Wm. Hutchinson, Jxia., Esquire, AssiBtalit Secretary. HioHLAND SoctcTv oF'^AiifT JoHiT. — Hon. John Robertson, President ; John Duncan, John Boyd, M. D., and John Wishart, Esquires, Vice Presidents ; Rev. William T. Wiehart, Chaplain ; Adam Jack, Esquire, Treasurer; James Robert- son, and Robert Thomson, Secretaries. Orphan BcKEVOLENT Society. — Jatnes tjiallaghcr, Enquire, President; John Dougherty, Vice Prenident ; P. M'Conrt, Treaiturer; John Cunningham, Se- cretary. Sacreb Mrdic SociBTr.— Georfje A. liRwrence, President; James Gcrow, Junior, Vice President; Levi H. Waterhouse, Treasurer; Henry Card, Secre- tary; Samuel Steven, Conductor; Messrs. A. D. Blakslee, John Magee, A. Kidd, Samuel Steven, Musical Committee. PHrL'HARMONic Society,— Richard Seely, Presrdent ; George Hutehinson, Junior, Vice President ; Robert Thomson, Treasurer ; Charles Camidgc, Con- ductor ; Ebenezer B. A. 6. Blakstee, Secretary. Saint John Agricultural and HoRTicuLTttRAL Society. — The Honorable Judge Parker, Patron ; Robert Jnrdine, President ; Robert Bowes, and Robert F. Hiizen, Vice Presidents ; Frederick J. Ayres, Daniel Brown, James Brown, Henry Blakslen, G. C. Carman, Hmry Chubb, C'hnrles Drury, Peter Dewar, James Dunn, Willam Hawks, Wiriiam Howard, John Henderson, Alexander 1.ocl(hait, James Moran, Archibald Menzies, George P. Peters, and Thninns Tnilton, Directors ; John Duncan, Esquire, Treasurer ; Moses H. Perley, Esquire, Cori-esponding Secretaiy ; D. B. Stevens, Esquire, Recording Secretary. New BnoNSwicic Auxiliary Biblb 'Society.— Hon, Judpe Parker, President ; Hon. William B. Kinnear, and Hon. NeviMe Parker, Vice Presidents; Jnhn M. Robinsen, Esquire, Treasurer; James Paterson, LL. 1)., and Mr. S. U Tiiiey, Secretaries; I,. H. DeVeher FiSquire, Depositary ; Samuel Huyghuc, John Kin- near^ John Wishart, Samuel Bi\yard, M. T)., Nathan S. Demiil, Gilbert T. Ray, J.imes Agnew, George A. Lockhart, A. Cnmpl'ell, J. F. Marvters, W. J. Starr, Jaa.9s M'Millan. Edward Sears, D.J. ftPLau):l)lin, .larnets Ruddock, M. D., and Ti.B Dotslnrrt, Committee. Committee fm- Portland — John Duncan, Jaraes FJew- ellinsj, an '1 Moses Tnck. Committee, for Carlitvn—dL'orge Bond, and Robert Salrter. QeufToL Di.i!rihuti*'r ^^eni—Johli C M*inl(>i:h. LAfwrs' Bknet««lentSociett. — Mrs. W. Chipman, President ; Mrs. Gray, Mr:9. White, Mrs. Sears, and Mi»a Debiois, Committee ; Miss L. Kinnear, Se- cretary and Traasmrer. Saint John Total Amtinbnce Soccety. — N. 8. Demiti, Esquire, President; TItotnasHArdinff, Johfi Paddock, M. D., W. R. M. fiurtis, and John Humbert, F.jiqnirAfi, Vice Presidents ; John R. Marshall, Treaaurer ; W. U. A. Keans, Cor- responding and Rectirding Secretary; R. RobHrtson, Rol)ert Reed, Willian Hewett, L. H. WaAerlieuse, George P. Sancton, Z. Ring, J. V. Marsters, James Gerow, Jr., John Ansley, Alex. Campbell, John E. Ganong, Thomas M'Henr;, George Salter, George Tbomaa, Edward E. Lockhart, and George A. Lockhart, Committee. Saint John Roman Catholic Total Abstinence Relief Sooiety. — Rer. James Quin, President ; W. H. Needham, and T. W. Anglin, Vice Presidents ; Mr. William Howen, Secretary ; Mr. John M'Gotirty, Treasurer ; Messrs. Ste- phen Thomson, John M'Gourty, Michael Lyons, Patrick Gallagher, John Brad- ley, John M'Guiggan, John Campbell, Philip Monahan,Lauroncd P. Eagan, Pa- trick Toole, V^illiam Bowen, and Patrick Doyle, Committee. Protection Fire Club. — 8. I*. TilJey,, Preaident ; J. Leavitt, Vice President ; John Chiiloner, Secretary. Union Firb Cluv.— Benjamin L. Peters, Esqaire, President; Simeon L. Lu- ?rin, Esqtfipe, Vice President; Jc/hn Wit>hart, Esquire, Treasurer; Joeeph Lawrence, F^squire, Secretary. Saint John Gaa Light CoMrANV.— Capital Twenty Thousand, with power to incrense toThlrty Thonsand Pounds.— Robert Jardine, Esquire, President ; John Dunein, William Parks, W. G. Lawton, John M. Walker, George Carrill, W. 26 AiJ Ball J te of I omas irer ; stalit John Rev. [)b«rt- John I, Se- crow, ier.re- inson, Con- lorable Robert Irown, j >ewar : xander 'hoifins I equirc, i ;ickt)aj-t, '.— ReT. identa ; :r«. Bte- iji Brad- gan, Pa- Mi4eot ; » L. Lu- Jo«epii f)ow«r to nt ; John rill, W. i J. Ritchie, John Withart, and Daniel J. M'Langhlin, Enquires, Directors ; Robert Brittain, Secretary and Treasurer ; William J. Ritchie, Eequtre, Solicitor ; G. Peebles, Manager. FRBDERicToif 6ai Compaht.— S. Barker, Esquire, President; F. W. Hathe- way, J. Wilkinson, John Davis, and , Directors i William M'Beatb. (Secretary and Treasurer ; John MMnnis, Manager. HAitfT John Water CoMPAMT.— John Duncan, Require, President; Honor- able John Robertson, Henry Chubb, R. Jardiue, ana W. H. Street^ Esquiies, Directors ; James Robertson, Secretary and Manager. Nbmt BaufswiRK Benefit Buildino Societt and Rati^u* Pawo — (In 9l. 3ohn)— Established 30th September, 1847, under ^et of Assembly 10 Viet. e. 38.-- Shares 1202. each, payable by monthly subscriptions of 12.». per share.— 7V».«fsM— with a seat at the Boards William Wright, Robert F. Hazen, and Henry Chubb, Esquires ; Directora-^Charlea Drury, Charles E. Raymond, John H. Gray, James Aguew, George Wheeler, John C. Littlehale, Thomas A. Sancton; Bankers— Bank of New Brunswick ; Stfiicrr^r— Gustavus R. Jarvis, Esquire ; Secretary and Treasurer—Charlea L. Street ; Office of the Socieey— Prince William Street, Saint John— with Agencies throughout the Province.— N. B. Members are admitted at any time with equal advantages. Rural Cemetery Compart. — Direttm's— George P. Peter?, M. B., LeBaron Botsford, M. D., Hon. R. L. Hazen, Bererly Robinson, William Parks, Solomon Herney Charles Drury, W. G. Lawton, Adam Jack, John M. Walker, and Wro. J. Riichte, Esquires : John M. Walker, Fsquire, President*, Edward ti. Pt>tf>rs, Esquire, Secretary and Treasurer ; Matthew Stead, Landscape Giirdener ; Ro- bert Mills, Superintendent. South Bay Boom Compart. — Alexander M'T*. Seely, President; Hon. John Robertson, John Potiii- can, R. Reed, Esquires, Saint JoIm, and James Donaldsf>n, LVq. of Halifax, Directors. * St. Joiir ARr> FsxnrPicTON Vir-crvxc Tii.eo-raph Cpmpahy. — G<>orge Bots- ford. Ksriuire, PresiilKnt ; ?, Barker, W. H, UobirisiuM, S. W. Paiibiir. -icd II. Jardins, EsquircH, DiretUir^. -^ SairtJohr Hotel Compart.— Wiiram W^n«bt. Esquire, PresHent ; Dirf r!of :» j —Jc»hn Wishart, George V. Nowlin, Uobert Jar*line, and (.'hiirifs n.-«7.cfi, Ks- nuirert ; Secietary — Alexander noberttou, E>-(;iiiie ; MaiiaptttH— WjJijfun nud Joseph Scammell. I'onTi.ARo and Ijarcastkr Steam Fesrt CyMPARr.— Alex. MM.. Heely, President ; Richard Dalton, Secretary ; Robert Robertson, A.M'L. Sesiy, Robeit Stevens, M. Tuck, and J. Lingly, Directors. New Brurswicx Marire AssirRARCis Company — In St. John. — Capital Fifty Thousand Pounds, with power to increaae to One Hundred 1'housiiiui Pounds^. 'Ihos Lftavitt, Esquire, President ; John Wishart, Thomas licaviit, John Ward, John V. Thurgar, Frederick A. Wiggins, William H. Siovil, Daniel J. M'l.augb- lin, William Parks, and E. Sears, Kfiquires, Din^ctorss i Adaui Jack. Enquire, Secretary ; George Wheeler, Et>quii-e, Solicitor. Globe Assurance Compart — fn St. .fokn.— John Dtincan, E^^iuire, Presidet»t, George L. Lovett, Thomas Vauierhan, Edward Hippisley, Henry Chubb, James Smith, and Joseph Fairweather, Directnia ; I. L. Bedell, Esquire, Scctetary. The Mutual Insurance Company— fn St. John. — Joseph Fairweatber, Esquire, President; W. H. Adams, Samuel L. lilley, Joseph W. Lawrence, and T. M. Smith, Directors; Isaac Woodward, £s(|uire, Secretary. J. M. Kobin>«u, Esquire, Solicitor. VoRK ARD CARLETOr* MiRiNO CoMPART.— James Harrij«, President ; James i Smith, I'homas Allan, John Jwei|s, Henry Vaughan, John K. TAp|ier, Nathan | S. Oemill» Alian M*Ijenn, James Harris, and Thomas Vaugkan, Direitors ; Jubo j Owens, Treasurer; Thomas Vaughan, Secretary ; Allan M'Le^n, Manager. I Alhior Urior Society. —Mr. Ball, Vice I'resl'Jent; Mr. - W. H. A. Keans. Prasidont ; Mr. William -. ■ , Treasurer ; 87 Spcietary, i| •1 ^■iti I 1*^ t If i- Rates of Cartag^e in iSaint John. . -t> V ARTICLES AND WEIGHT. For a load of Wmid, (Quarter of a Cord,) For a load of Coals, (Half a Chaldron,) - . - For sload contatninK J5 bushels of Grain, Salt, Fota- toes, or any othier articles measured at loading or unload- ing, except Coals, ...'-..- For a pipe of Wine, Gin, or Brandy, and housing within the door of the first floor, For a puncheon of Uum, or a tierce of Supar, from 7 to 10 cwt., and housing, - - For a puncheon of Molasses, a hogshead of Sugar of 10 cwt. or upwards, or a hogsliead ot Tobacco, ix. housing. Fur a hogshead or puncheon of Cider, or a load of Dried Fish, of 15 cwt. or a common load of household Goods, and storing, .-._--.- For a load of Shingles, Hoop Poles, Heading, Staves, Treenails, Smoked Fish in boxes, Salmon in kits, Dry Goods, or a load of any other articles not herein men- tioned, or a hogt^head of Xime, or a hogshead or crate of Earthenware, or two tierces of Earthenware, a hogshead of Dried Fish, two tierces of Coffee, or quantity in bags not exceeding 12 cwt. or a lend con- taining 6 bbls. Flour, or 5 barrels Sugar, Fish, Beef, Pork, Turpentine, or Cider, or half a ton of Iron, or the same Quantity of Cordage, in coils not exceeding 4 cwt. or a load of Any articles not herein mentioned, For a 64-gallon cask of Wine, Rum, Gin, Brandy, Molasses, or Porter, or for a load of Sand, Gravel or StOi.eq< or a load of 4 barrels of any Spirituous Liquor or molasses^ For Cables and Cordage, in. coils above a cwt. or if 'to coil, per ton,ot if for Hay loose, per ton, - For Hay, screwed, per ton, ----- For Bricks, per thottsuid^ . - . . For Lumber, per thousand feet, - - - . For the carriage of an)^ aiticle or articles not exceeding half a load, --..-.--. 1 3 lOi 30 1 6 2 1 3 Ist. "THai'ilKjTa. 2d. id. 14th. s. d. s. d. 9 I 4i 1 3 1i in 9 1 50 2 6 4 3 d. 8. d. lOi 1 6 I 1 3 3 1 9 s. d. 1 in 1 3 3 4i 5th 1 U 1 9 14^ 3 6 1 10|2 2 1,^2 3 12 412 6 144 lOi Hi 53 2 8 4 3 33 [ 6 1 7U 9 1 1 3 5 6 2 10 4 6 3 6 n 9 Hi 14i 5 9 30 4 9 39 lOi 1 3 I 6 6 3 2 5 4 1 The First District to comprise all that part of the City between the south line of Pond street and north line of Duke street, which lies to the westward of the East line of Mill street, Dock street, and that part of Prjnce William street situated between the north line of the brick building belonging to Mr. James K. M'Kee, (northward of the Mar- ket square,) and the north line of Duke street, and including King street, to the westward of the west line of-Germain street. Second District to comprise all that part of the City between the north line of Union street and south line of Saint James' street, which lies without or beyond the First District, to the westward of the east line of Charlotte street. Third District to comprise all that part of the City, which lies with out or beyond the Second District, to the westward af the east line of Sidney street. Fourth District to comprise alt that part of the City lying without or beyond the "Third District, to the westward of the East line of Car- marthen street. Fifth District to comprise all that pait of the City lying without or beyond the Fourth District. 28 . i'of Cumi John \ Eaouin Ward. Pro VVilhaj Wiliuc Alexai] Pro John \ ijohnC Jarvig, ~Cl The Tiiei Thorn B. Co Wil Carm; bert, : baldlV Willia Ansle; Samu Robei Walki Alexa Jamc£ Ch« Ge( Wi Isas Jar Al Ch Be theS Al H.N ILL H. ? Robe Ritcl Burt Hare Geoi T. C belt, Nels I 1 ^HSH MARINE HOSPITAL. For iht Belief of Sick and Disabled Seamen, (in Saint John ) Commissioners — John Ward. R. W. Crookshank, Ezekiel Barlow, Johii Wishart, E. L. Jarvia, Thomas Leavitt, and W. D Faulke, Eaquires; Trertsw/er-— The Bank of New Brunswick; Secretarv--C. Ward, Esquire; Physician and Surgeon-^J. Boyd, Esquire, M. D. Provincial Lunatic Asylum. — [At Saint John.] John Ward, VVilham Jack, Frc»deYick A. Wiggins, William Olive, Hon. L. A* Wilmot, Hon.Willinni M'Leod, J. W. Chandler, John Simpson, and Alexaudvif Campbell, Esquires, Commissioners. Provincial Penitentiary. — [At Saint John.] Commissioners ■ John Warrt, Hon Robert L. Hazen, John V. Thurgar. Henry Porter John Ov;ens, John M. Robin^jon> William H. Scovil;, and Edward L. Jarvie. Es»q aires. ^* - '--,■■ lirnTTND COIINTY OF SAINIWOHN. The Mayor and R.ecorder, Justices of the Mayor's Court. The Mayor, the Recorder, William H. Needham, William O. Smith, Thomas Harding, Gregory Tan Home, R. D. Wilmot, and Oliver B. Cougle, £:a]jrs.. Justices of rhe Peace and of the Quorum. William Scov:J, Ralpfi AI. Jarvis, Charles Simonds, GehardusC. Carman. John Jurdan, George Anderson, James Moran, Henry Gil- bert, Roben W. Crookshank, Noah Disbrow, Robert Payne. Archi- bald Menziea, Benjamin L. Peters, Charles Ward, John Robertson, William 11. Street, Daniel Leavitt, John Gillie, James Brown, Daniel Ansley, John Kerr, John Pollok, William Leavitt, William Olive, Samuel Strange, James Gallagher, Jacob Allen, John Wishart, Robert Keltie, Leveret H. DeVeber, WilHam Hawks, Moses Vernon, Walker Tisdale, George A. Lockhart, Henry Chubb, William Parks, Alexander Lockhart, John Haws, Thomas Allan, Hugh Sharkey, James Travis, and George Henderson, Esquires, Justices of the Peace. Charles Johnston, Esq., High Sheriff; G.V. Nowlin, Deputy Sheriff. George Wheeler, Esquire, Clerk of the Peace. a'^'taV Wiliam Bayard, Esquire, M. D., Coroner. .. j^ ;, ^ jj^jg ,,:„;t,liC n; Isaac L. Bedell, Esquire, County Treasurer. ' James R. Ruel, Auditor of County Accounts. Alfred L. Street, Esquire, Surrogate, "iki Charles Drury, Esquire, Register of Deeds and Wilis. Benjamin L. Peters, Esquire, Commissioner for taking Bail in the Supreme and Mayor's Court. Alfred L. Street, Robert F. Hazen, William Wright, Peter Stubs, H. N. H. Lugrin, John M. Robinson, Mosei< H. Perley, Honorable R. L. Hazen, John Johnston, J. W. Boyd, George Wheeler, W. H. Needham, Wm. Jacki J. H. Hartt, Alex. Campbell. Duncan Robertson, John H. Gray, J. W.Peters, Robertson Barard, W. J. Ritchie, Charles W. Wardlaw, Sanftuel J. Scovil, William R.M. Burtis, Edward B. Peters, Charles Duff, James A. Harding, William Hare, ^ustavus R. Jarvis, JanAesJ. Kaye, Andrew R. Wetn ore, I George F. Rouse, William M. Howe, Charles Doherty, Humphrey T. Gilbert, B. Boyd Kinnear, John G. Campbell, William J. Gil- belt, Chailes A. Hartt, Andrew Mackenna, Robert Parker, Junior, Nelson DeVeber, Richard Sands Armstrong, Samuel B. Davidson 29 =^ h f 1 i : ' .il i ' i if ■ »! I ' I i i i { Douglas B. iStevHiiB, Charles Walters, George Hare, George Blatch, ' Ward Chipman Drury, W. H. Ilatheway, Frederick Coster, Jun., Allison Lewis, Henry W. Frith, William Hutchinson, Benjamin L. Peters, Junior, Charles W.Stockton, George G. Gilbert, Junior, John Simondi), Samuel R. Thomson, Edward Jack, and Frederick C. Frith, Esquires, Commissioners for taking Affidavits iu the Supreme Court. Robert F. Hazen, Esquire, Commissioner of Bankrupts. Gehardus C Carman, John Jordan, and James Moran, Esquires, Commissioners for Solemnizing Marriage. George Bond, George Blatch, and John Sears, Esquires^ Trustees of Schools, City of Sairt John. Rev. James Dunphy, James Gallagher, Esquire, and William Car- vill, Commissioners for the Management of the Free School at Saint John, unconnected with the Madras Board. Moses H. Perley, Esquire, Commissioner of Indian Resorvos, under Act 7 Vic. c. 45. Charles Drury and Bradford Gilbert, Commissioners of Sewers. Gehardus C. Carman, John Kerr, James Dunn, James Moran, Jamos Gallagher, Henry Chubb, and William O. Smith, Esquires, Commissioners of the Alms House and Work House «nd Infirmary. Wlliam Bayard, Esquire, M. D., Physician. Robt. Reed, Keeper. SHrveyors of Lumber in the County. — Thomas Jordan. Ezekiel Jor- dan, John F. Godard, John Morrison, Geo. W. Roberts, David Tapley, John Logan, John M. Campbell, John Henneberry, Thomas F. Langen, Thomas J. Fairweather, C. E. Godard, G. Clark, Thomas B. Vincent, David V. Roberts, James Pratt, Robert Ewing. James M'Loon, John G. Tobin, Stephen H. Shaw, Moses Tuck, J. H. Bartlett, J. Clark, Joseph Travis, Clayton Scott, R. Rossiter, E. J. Wetmore, J. N. Whipple, G. Jordan, Jr., S. S. Littlehale. W. Moore, VV. D. Shaw, S. E. Stephens, J. Flewelling. C. Eagles, J. S. Brown, C. N. Brown. J. Crawford, and R. Cunard. James Stockford and Charles Pidgeon, Overseers of the Fisheries. Terms of tJie General Sessions and Common Pleas. — Third Tuesday in March, and first Tuesday in June, September and December ^.•^^T^ PARISH OF PORTLAND; ' ^ " * Jacob Allan, Esquire, Police Magistrate ; Hon. Charles Slmonds, Thomas Allan, and John Haws, Esquires, CommissionefB of Police. James Flewelling, Samuel L. Tilley.and Hugh Sharkey, Trusteee ofSchooto Richard Dalton, S. L. 'i'illey, and W. Ruddock, Assessors of Taxes. George Stewart, Collector of Taxes. James Dixon, Samuel Peters, D. P ritch, D. Odell, Jacob Pidgeon, Hueh Do- herty, and George M'Anley, Constables. Samuel Peters, D. M. Fritch, D. Odell, J. Dixon, H. Doberty, J. Pidgeon W Armstrong, A. M'DermoCt, and J. Woods, Hog Reeves. * Ptolemy Lombard, Patrick Harrigah. and Patrick M»Goldrick. Fence Viewers Michael Campbell, P. Harrigan, and Berling Vincent, Pound Keepers. Richard Dalton, Francis Ruddick, and Robert Thompson, Commlssiouow of Highways. Patrick M'Goldrick, Patrick Harrigan, W. Connor, J. VV. Wetmore^ J. M»El- heney, J . Cuuard, and T. B. Millidje, Surveyors of Highways. D. Collins, Ferryman at Indian Town. Philip Nasa, Superintendent of Ferry Landings. 'l Daniel N. Fritch, Town Clerk and Clerk of the Market. ' Tbonas Logan, Surveyor and Weigher of Hay. 30 ! Blatch, »r, Jun., 3njamin Junior, ederick iu the squires, rrustees im Car- at Saint esorvos, Sewers. Moran, squires, firmary. Keeper. kiel Jor- , David rhoinas Clark, Ewing. r»ck, J. siter, E. lale. W. igles, J. isherios. L'uesday ibcr TfK>ina« rscboola. [fugh Do- geon, W. Viewers, irs. liouars of » J. M*£t- John Butler and Philip Mnrphy, lni|>cclur ot' Fiata. Goorge £)tewart, Collector of Dog Tax. ^ PARISH OF SIMONDS. ' ' John Jordan, Jr., Robert Jardine, and Claudius HamiUon^Trustoea of School*. Robert Power, C. Hamilton, and i>. Gallagher, Assessors of Tales. John- Johnston, Collector of Taxes. John M^Avoy, Samuel Wethers, Neit Qain, R. Mebre, B. Fitzpatrick, J.Ciea- ry, W. O'Neil, Anthony Bean, Peter Poy, I. Moore, and Jas. t)owd, Constables. Thomas Garnett, Thomas Bean, Winthrop Robinson, William Bean, Senior, James M'Court, William Daley, Edward Gibson, William Wood, Thoa. Trafton, John Moore, James M'Kee, and Robert Bowes, Fence Viewers- Robert Moore, Samuel Wethers, T. Murphy, P. Fergurson, J. Smith, Thomas Owens, and W. Hannah, Hog Reeves. James M'Court, Philip Furlong, John Johnston, Daniel Gallagher, Neil Q,uinn, VVm, Craig, John Russell, Jas. M'Guire, Henry Graham, E. Douglass, and E. Riggs, Pond Keepers. Peter Dewar, Kolit. Bowes, and J. Leke, Commssioners of Highways. William Bean, Thomas Bowes, Senior, Thomas Garnett, John Crozier, Jame« M'Court, Jame;) Bowe». Bernard Kilpatrick, James Stewart,. Daniel Gallagher, George Wark, Peter Cleary, G. Anthbny, R. Moore, J. Clark, J.Stanley, J. Dew- ar, Junior, G. Cody, J. Cunningham, J. Wallace, Thomas Diividson, J. M'Guire, M. Caasidy, W. M'Geoch, James James, Warren Smith, Alexander Elliott, An- drew Moore, — Kearns, W. Daley, David Daley, C. Stackhouse, P. M'Guire, M. Cullarton, L. Donovan, J. Conway, J. Brown, J. Robertson, T. Fiern, P. Brown, J. I>olan, C. Quin, J. Gallagher, W.Evans, A. M'Avoy, and W. M'Gre- gor, Surveyors of Highways. Robert Bowes, Town Clerk and Clerk of the Market. ;; ^;xlV t H" PARISH OF LANCASTER. Rev. T. W. Robertson, Barnabas Tilton, and W. Cox, Trustees of Schools. Barnabas Tilton, William Lewis, and A. Menzies, Aasessors of Taxes. J. P. Lord, CoUectorof Taxes. James M'Auley, J. Dunham, Michael Downey, and J. Hargrave, Gonatabtes. John Morrison, John Cunnable, and John Donnelly, Hog, Reeves. i^U R. Robinson, Clayton Scott, and James March, Fence Viewera. William M. Tilton, and W^illiam Harding, Pound Keepers. George Anderson, Archibald Mensies, and James Gautt, CominisaioaerB of Highways. James Wynn, Leacy Hay ward, John Tynor, Daniel Morria, John Hooper, Daniel Thomas, A. Kean, H. Balmon, Junior, W. Craig, W. Brown, W. Clark, John Harding, James Quinton, John Baird, R. Avery, John M'Donald, Samuel Fergufijon, M. Russell, T. M'Arthur, and P. M'Laughlati, Surveyors of High- ways. Cieorge Anderson, Junior, Town Clerk and Clerk of the Market, f :ni':li ■iy.i V- PARISH OF SAINT MARTINS. Rat. Wm. Jackson, William M'Affee, and Wm. Vail, Trustees of Schools. Stephen Mosher, Thomas Stevens, and T. H. Black, Assessors of Taxes. Daniel Brown, Collector of Taxes. Archibald Parks, William Alexander, William Davis, William Compton,aad C. Templeman, Constables. Alexander Douglass, John Ross, J. O'DonneU, and J. Patterson, Hog Reevea. John Smyth, John Howard, and Edward Brown, Fence Viewers. Alexander Douglass, and Sand ford Brown, Pound Keepers. Thomas H. Black, Town Clerk and Clerk of the Market. Andrew MlUigan, Philip Mosher, and William Vail, Commisaionera df Highways Robert Floyd, John Davison, Wm. Sands, William Fownes, Z. Reed, O. Lea- vitt, H. Sands, W. Floyd, R. Patterson, J. Moran, Junior, G. Fownes, J. W. Patterson, Israel Mosher, M. Frazer, 3. Orier, Aaron Delong, E. M'Bride, John Hnratord, John Bean, Jacob Walton, J. Grant, S. Ryan, J. Kelly, Jamea Curry, J . Dualop, J Fritch, fi. Brown, J. Sevim, W. Murphy, Jobez Wright, J. Sey- mour, J. Cronk, S. 'J'abor, C. Qtiigley, J. Keenan, Surveyors of Highways. 31 ■==" 'I, i I i'A i ! 1. ^ V I y i '11.- i i'i COUNTY OF YORK. CORPORATION~OF FREDERICTON. John Simpson, Esquire, Mayor. Wtllinsston Ward. Edw. W. Miller, Henfv Fisher. John Simpson, W. Watts, Jr. King*s. Chas. Fisher. r.^R. Barker. St. JSnrOs. Carleton. H. Garcelon, S. J. Barker, J. L. Marsh. F.W. liatheway. J, ticnry Phair, Esquire, City Clerk, lion. Thomas Baillie, City Surveyor. Rol>ert Gowan, Auditor. Asa Coy, Treasurer. James E. Perley, Surveyor of Highways, Streets, and Bridges. William A. M'Le,aD, and John Fradsham, Wharfingers and Harbour Masters. -rt. .- ...... ., William Smith, Marshal. . .^. ... ... .„ .^ Hon. John Simcoe Saunders, John Allen, John Robinson, George Minchin, Benjamin olhaupter, and William H. Odell, Esquires, JuHticei) of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas. Hon. John iS. Saunders, John Allen, John Robinson, George Min* chin, Benjamin Wolhaupter, William H. Odell, Hon. Thomas C. Lee, James A. Maclauchlan, Thomas Jones, James Harrison, William Davidson, Patrick Campbell, James Miles, Ross Currie, Adam D. Allan, George Garden, L. Bradshaw Rain.oford, Hugh J. Hansard, So- lomon Parent, David B. Shelton, George Cheyne, William J. Bedell, Thomas Gill, Thomas Earles, Richard Hayne, George Clements, Jas. Taylor, Allan M'Lean, Thomas Pickard. Thomas R. Robertson, W. Dell Hartt, Asa Coy, Isaac Kilburn, Lewis D. Wigan, Edward 8i- monds, Joseph Gaynor, Frederick W. Hatheway, Charles M'Pherson, George Morehouse, Robert D.James, George L. Hatheway (of the Quorum), and Ira Ingraham, Esquires, Justices of the Peace. Benjamin Wolhaupter, Esquire, High Sheriff; Charles Brannen,^ Deputy Sheriff. George J. Dibblee, Esquire, Keeper of the Rolls, and Clerk of the Peace, and of the Inferior Court ofCommon Pleas. George F. H. Minchin, Esquire, Surrogate. . ; ' John C. Allen, Esquire, Register of Probates. Joseph Beek, Esquire, Register of Deeds and Wills. Henry Fisher, Jun., Henry Jones, George Morebouse, and Judah Hammond, Esquires, Coroners. . , ,,^,> i,. , « ; vi Mark Needham, Esquire, County Treasurer. Hon. John S. Saunders, Commissioner for taking Bail in the Su< preme Court. Hon. Lemuel A. Wilmot, John Ambrose Street, Hon. William B. Kinnear, Daniel Ludlow Robinson, George J. Dibblee, Charles P, Wetmore, Hon. Charles Fisher, George F. H. Minchin. William H. Odell, David Shank Kerr, Edward A. Clowes, George Botsford, Francis A. H. Straton, John C. Allen, William Watts, Broke W. Hammond, George NSegee, James P. Wetmore, James F. Berton, Edward H. Wilmot, Geo. W. Ritchie, J. Henry Phair, Jamos Odell, Edward W. Miller, Bernard C. Friel, Henry Barclajr Robinson, Qoorge J. Bliss, and William W. Street, Esquires, Commissioners^for taking Affidavits in the Supreme C»urt. D. Lodlow Robinson, Esquire, Commissioner of Bankrnpts. James Taylor, fisquire, Commissioner of Public Buildings James A. Maclauchlan, John Allen, John Robinson, J. Harrison, and James A. Miles, Esquires, Commissioners for Solemnizing Marriage. 32 I AsaC E. Perle tioneers. Alms mas Mui ining, K Termi in Janus Third T Provh Lieutoni time bei Freda N. Park surer; ] siter, Li I Fredei Presidei M'Pherj JobnNc Fredfi dent; H Treasuri Frndef J. E. W Treasuri Fireuk ham, B< Robert ( and Syh Floral J. E. W L. A. W stitute t Esquire, Rober Wetraoi the Infei Rober Wetmoi Evanson Foster, . Chatles rum), at Robei LeB.^ Mr. J Edwa the Peai p Asa Coy, Mark.Needh«in, F. W. ttatheway, Hcni'y Fisher, Jbiri^if E. Perley, Samuel A. Akerley, and Joseph MythraiH, Libenttfd Auc- tioneers. '.^' fiUii s^'vriU ^'^ '.'I ! . ■ ■>■ ,..'.t Alms House and Work House.^Thom&s Gill, Moses Piclcard, Tho- mas Murray, and Asa Coy, Esquires, Commissioners ; /oseph Fle- ming, Keeper; Joseph Beek, Treaauj-er. Terms of tfte General Sessions and Common Pleas. — First Tuesday in January and June. Additional Terms of tke Common PUas.-— Third Tuesday in March, and second Tuesday in October. Provincial Board of Education, under the Act 10 Kief. c. 5(>. — ^The Lieutenant Governor or Administrator of the Government for the' time being, and the Executive Council. John Gregory, Secretary. Fredericton Library. J. E. Wooiforde, Esquire, President; Hon. N. Parker, Vice President; R, Gowan, Esquire, Secretary and Trea- surer; Dr. Hobb, and E. H. VVilmot, Esquire, Committee; G. ROs- siter, l^ibrarian. ^Terms, 10s. annually. Fredcricton Society of Saint Andrew.-^ nmea Robb, Esquire, M. D.; President; John 'Simpson, Esquire, l«t Vice President; Charles M'Pherson, Esquire, 2d ditto; John F. Taylor, Esquire, Treasurer, JohnNeile. Esquirre, Secretary; Rev. John M. Brooke, Chaplain. Fredericton Society of Saint FcfncA:. —Hon. Thomas Baillie, Presi- dent; Hon. Lemuel A. Wiimot, Vice President; Samuel Fleming, Treasurer; T. O'Connor, Secretary. Fredericton Society of Saint George. — Hon. George Shore, President; J. E. Wooiforde, Esquire, Vice President; , Secretary and Treasurer; Ven. Archdeacon Coster, Chaplain. Firetoards in Fredericton.'-4iojk. Lemuel A. tVilraot, Mark Need- ham, Benjamin Wolhaupter, William D. H^rtt, John A. Beck with, Robert Chestnut, Charles M'Pherson, Justin Spahi\n, Johi^ C- Allen, and Sylvester Wood, Esquires. n ,^ , . ,. ..v 'i Floral and Horticultural SociemofNeu) Brunswick, (at Fredericton,) J. E. Wooiforde, Esquire, President i Hon. Neville Parker, and Hon. L. A. Wiimot, Vice Presidents; who, with Mr. S. Flemming, con- stitute the Committee of Management aud Decision. — Esquire, Secretary and Treasurer. KING'S COUNTY. Robert F. Hazen, Hon William M'Leod, Thomas Beer, Justus S. Wetraore, Henry A. Scovil, and John C. Vail, Esquires, Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Picas. Robert F. Hazen, Hon. William M'Leod, Thomas Beer. Justus S. Wetraore, Thomas Ketchum, Henry A. Scovil, John C. Vail, A. C. Evanson, John Barberie, Ebenezcr Smithy Isaac Haviland, Samuel Foster, John Wightman, John Brittain, James Brittain, John H. Ryan, Chailes W. Stockton, John C. Price, Elias S. Wetraore (of the Qjuo- rum), and John Hagarty, Esquires, Justices of the Peace; '; Robert F. Hazen, Esquire, Commissioner of Bankrupts. -.j^ | Le Baron Drury, Esquire, High Sheriff. ' ' Mr. John Crookshank, Deputy Sherifi. Edvirard Betts Smith, Esquire, Keeper of the Rolls, and Clerk of the Peace and Inferior Court of Common Pleas. I 1 .1 1 "'J aai 33 Edward B. Smithy Esquire, Surrogate. Honorable William M'Leod, Resiiter of Deeds and Wills. The Honorable 'William M'Leod, Register of Probate. Isaac Haviland, Sylvester Z. £arle, A. C. Evaiison, and James Wetmore, Jr., Esquired, Coroners. Jolra C. Vail, A. C. EvaDson,^ £. B. Smith, and George Otty, Es- quires, Commissioners Coh taking AffidavitH in the Supreme Court. John C. Vail, and A. C. Evanson, Esquires, Commissioners for ta- king Bail in the Supreme Court. E. B. Smith, Escjuire, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. - -^ "'^ Hon. William M'Leod, Henry A.Scovil,ani JohnC Vail,. Esqrs., Commissioners for Solemnizing Marriage Edward B. Smith, Esquire, Receiver of Crown Debts, under Act 7 Victoria, c. 36. C. Wetmore. B. R. Gidney, E. S« Freeze, D*. Sheek, and Elijah A. Perkins, Auctioneers. Board of Education.-^KdwArd B. Smith, Esquire, Rev. William E Scovil, and Hon. William M'Leod. E. B. Smith, Esqinre, Rev. William E. Scovil, Rev. William W. Walker, and Hon. Wm, M'Leod, Tniatees of Grammar ScheoL Tertmqf tkt General Sessions and Common Pleas. — First Tuesday in March and Third Tuesday in October. Additional T^ms of Oa Common Pleas. — First Tuesday in May and Januai^. The Surrogate Court for King's County, is h«Id at the Coart House, on the first Tuesday In every month, except the month of March, and for that month Qjk the Monday next before the first Tuesday. COUNTY OF CARLETON, It'/ '^iivts-ik k'r: a. A. N.Garden, Esquire, Commissioner of Bankrupts. John F. W. Winslow. Esquire, High Sheriff. Terms of the General fiessions ami Common Pleas— Virsi Tuesday in January, and fourth Tuesday iifjune. Additional Terms of the Common Pleas — First Tuesday in March and October Jilt COUNTY OF CHARLOTTE. Honorable Harris Hatch, Commissioner of Bankrupts, '^''^'i Thomas Jones, Esquire, High Sheriff. r^ »«^'*' Terms qf titc General Sessions and Common Pleas — Second Tues- day in April and third Tuesday in September. Additional Terms oj the Common Pleas. — Second Tuesday in July and December. COUNTY OF WESTMORLAND. Robert F. Hazen, Esqnire, Commissioner ofBankrupts. Blair Botiiford. Esquire, High Sheriff. Terms of the General Sessions and Common Pleas— Third Tuesday in June and November. Additional Terms of the Common Pleas. — First .Tuesday in April and second Tuesday in September. COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER. ' William Carman, Esquire, Commissioner ofBankrupts. \ Henry W. Baldwin, Esquire, High Sheriff. Terms of the General Sessions and Common Pleas. — First Tuesday in January and first Tuesday in July. Additional Terms of the Com- mon Pleas— First Tuesday in April and last Tuesday in October. •/« 34 \a. ind James Otty, Eb- me Court lers forta- Eli};. Esqri., under Act and Elijah tVilliam E rilham VV. cheoL stTiwBday yrM» of Oa ml : i,i ti) ouse, on the that inontb St Tuesday rms of the ( " "■ • ''. -1 mi l.,mn.«, Dond Tues- 2I Terms oj ber. rd Tuesday \on yuas. — er. g. . rat Tuesday ofihA Com- )ctober. QUEEN'S COUNXy. D. L. Robinson, Esquire, Cominiisioner of Bankrupts. Nathaniel Hubbard I)e Veber, Esquire, High Sheriff. Terms of thi General Sessions and Common P^a«.— Fourth TMesda? i n January a nd J u ne. AddUional Terms of the Common P^«.— Fourtn Tuesday in April and October. COUNTY OP SUNBURY. D. L. Robinson, Esquire, Commissioner offiankrupts. John Hazen, Esquire, High SheriflT. Terms of the General Sessions and Common PUas. — Second Tuesday in January, and Third Tuesday in Juno. Additional Terms of the Common P/e«5.— Third Tuesday in March and October. t i- COUNTY OF KENT. William Carman, Esquire, Commissioner of Bankrupts. Joseph VVetmore, Esquire, High SheriflT. Terms of the General Sessions and Common Pfcas.— Second Tuesday in January, and Fourth Tuesday in July. Additional Terms of the Common Pleas, — Last Tuesday in April and September. COUNTY OF RBSTGOUCHE. William Carman, Esquire, Commissioner of Bankrupts. John L, Barberie, Esquire, Hioh SheriflT. *ui' -, Terms of the Genernl Sessions and Common Pleas. — First Tne»!day in January, and Second Tuesday in July Additional Terms of the Com- mon Pleas. — Second Tuesday in Octbber and April. COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLAND. William Carman, Esquire, Commissioner of Bankrupts. William A. Black, Esquire. High Sheriff. Terms oftlte General Sessions ana Common Pleas, — Second Tuesday in January and July. Additional Terms of the Common Pleas.—Tlrat Tuesday in May and October. COUNTY OF Al.BRRT. Hon. Edward B. Chandler, John Smith, Peter M'Lehin, ami Jas. Brewster. F^sqiiires, Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas. Hon. Edward B Chandler, John Smith, Peter M'Lelaii, James Brewster, Elisha Peck, George Sieves, John Lewis. Enoch Stiles, George Calhoun, James Ganong, William Stone, William H. Steves, John Read, Edward Stevens Co/ /Ac Qaorwrn), and James M'Nangh- ton, Esqnires, Justices of the Peace. Thomas Gilbert, P^quire, High Sheriff. Samuel G. Morse, Esquire, Keeper of the Rolls, and Clt^rk of the Peace and Inferior Court of Common Pleas. George Calhoun, Esquire, Register of Deeds and Wills. John Edgfitt, and Joseph S. Reed, Esquires, Coroners. John Snilth, Peter M'Lelan, William Stone, and John LewiS, Es- quires, Commissioners for Solemnizing Marriage. Martin B. Palmer, Esquire, Receiver of Crown Debts. Samuel Goss, Thomas Kinne, Enoch Stiles, and Isaac Turner, Li- cenced Auctioneers. Terms of the General Sessions and Common Pieas.— fourtli Tuesday in June, and Second Tuesday in November. Additional Terms of the Common Pleas.— Second Tuesday in .March and September i '4 I (.;. 35 il ' ;!i t .(« ,., , ' 4- M COUNTY OF yUlTOHiA. A. |C. Smodes Wetmoro, Leonard R. Cnombes, and Bonjatnin Boverid|;e, Daquireti, to be Justices of the Common Ploni. A K. Smcdcs Wetmoro, Leonard R. Coombefi, Benjamin Be- « Yfiridge, cJhnrloi A. Hammond, Henry Baird, William Hallett, Richard Randolph Ketchum, Peter C Amifaux, John Keaton, : Vital Tibidnuux, Francis Rice, and Leon Bcllefleur, Esquirea, to bo JuHticeH of the Peace. Francis E. Bociiwith, Esquire, to bo High Sheriff. William T. Wilmot, Esquire, to bo Clerk of the Peace and of I the Common Picas, and Register of Deeds »nd Wills. Williurn M. Maclauchlan, Esquire, to bo Surrogate and Judge of Probates, and Deputy Treasurer. John Emmcrsjon, apd Francis Tibbetts, Esquires, Coroners. PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK. His Excellency Sir Edmund Walker Head, Baronet, Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief of the Province of New Brunswick, &c; ^c. &c. Richard T. Pennefuthcr. Esquire, Private Secretary to the Lieu- tenant Governor. Lieutenant CoTonel Richard Hayne, and Lieutenant Colonel Charles Drury, Provincial Aid»'de-camp, Executive Council — Hon. Lemuel A. Wilmot, Hon. Edward B. Chandler, Hon. Robert L. Hazen, Hon. Alexander Rankin, Hon. George S. Hill, Hon. John R. Partelow, Hon. Charles Fisher, Hon. William 13. Kinnear, and Hon. Daniel Hanington. Legislative Council. — The Honorable William Black, President; Hon. George Shore, Hon. Joseph Cunard.Hon. JohnSimcoe Saun- ders, Hon. Amos E. Botsford, Hon. Edward B. Chandler, Hon. John Robertson, Hon. Harris Hatch, Hon. William B. Kinnear, Rear Admiral Hon. William F. W. Owen, Hon. George Minchin, Hon. Thomas H. Peters, Hon. Robert L. Hazen, Hon. George S. Hill, Hon. Charles F. Allison, Hon. Charles Harrison, and Hon. James Davidson. HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. County of York. — James Taylor, George L. Hatheway, Thomas Pickard, Esquires, and Hon. Lemuel A. Wilmot, County of Saint John. — Robert D. Wilmot, William J. Ritchie, John H. Gray, and Charles Simonds, Esquires. County of Westmorland.— William Crane, Daniel Hanington, Bliss Botsford, and Robert B. Chapman, Esquires. County of Charlotte. — John James Robinson, Robert Thomson, William Porter, and B. R. Fitzgerald, Esquires. King's County. — Matthew M'Leod, John H. Ryan, and Henry Purdy, Esquires. Queen's County. — John Earle, and Thomas Gilbert, Esquires. County of Sunbury. — George Hayward, and William Scoullar, L- Esquires. ■nmi 36 say Off Gener Wrigl rial S Hon. • "ou, A Willia Hazer Off Clerk. Off quire, ( Esquir Gcorg Off Esquir Garde Chapli Cou Chanc R. Pai binson gister; Timo Street Georg S. Kei Andre Matte; TCRMJ week; Tuesc siness Sup Chipn ter O rtjamin lin Be- lallett, Leaton, irei, to and of udge of ers. L utenant ji' New e Lieu- Colonel Edward Rankin, Charles ngton. resident; 96 Saun- on. John ar, Rear in, Hon. (ill, Hon. )avid8on. Thomas . Ritchie, aningtoii, rhomsoD. id Henry uires. Scoullar, ■<■■■■■ ii County of Carleton.—Charlcs Connoll, and ilorare II. Beards- ley, Fiquires. County of Nuithutnberland.— Hon. Alexander Rankin, Jofin M. Johnson, John Ambrose Street, and John T. VVilliKton. Esqnirea. County of Kent —Robert B. Cutler, and M'Phelim, Ksq uires. County of Gloucester— Robert Gordon, aid Jos. Read, Esquires. County of Restigouche. — Hon. John Montgomery, and Andrew Oarbcrie, Esquire. Coiintyof Albert— VVni. H, Steves, and Riuben Stiles, Esquires. County of Victoria.— Hon. John R. Partclow, and Francis Rice, Esquire. City of Saint John.— Samuel L. Tilley, and William H.Needham, Esquires. • •n'i ■ V.Ml'- T- "*■[' Officers of the Croww. — Hon. Lemuel A. Wilniot, Attorney General; Hon. Willinra B. KInnear, Solicitor General; William vy right, Esq., Advocate General; Hon. John R. Partelow, Provin- cial Secretary^ Honorable Thomas Baillie, Surveyor General; Hon. Thomas C. Lee, Receiver General ; Hon. Frederick P. Robin- son, Auditor General ; John A Street, Esquire, Hon. E. B- Chandler, William End, Esquire, Hon. John W. Weldon, and Hon. Robert L. Hazen, Queen's Counsel. Officer of the Executive Council. Robert Fulton, Acting Clerk. Officers of the Legislative Council. — George Botsford, Es- quire, Clerk; John Gregory, Esquire, Clerk Assistant; B. R, Jouett, Esquire, Sergeant at Arms, and Usher of the Black Rod ; Reverend George Cosier, A. M., Chaplain. Officers op the House op AssEMBLY.'-Charles P. Wetmore, Esquire. Clerk ; George J. Bliss, Esquire, Clerk Assistant; George Garden, Esquire, Sergeant at Arms ; Rev. William Q,. Ketchum, Chaplain I ^ ti. , ^ t.fti. Court of Chancery. — His Excellency the Lieutenant Goveroor, Chancellor; Hon. Neville Parker, Master of the Rolls ; Hon. John R. Partelow, Clerk of the Crown in Chancery; Daniel Ludlow Ro- binson, Esquire, Register; Henry B.Robinson, Esquirci, Deputy Re- gister; George J. Dibblee, Robert F. Hazen, John Ambrose Streel, Timothy Robert Wetmore, William Jack, Charles Fisher, George Q. Street, Willinm Carman,'Junior, John Af Robinson, George Kerr, George S.Hill. Christopher Milner, George J. Thomson, an4 David S. Kerr, Esquirep Masters; A. K S. Wetmore, Alfred L. Street, Andrew Barberie, W illiaip Chandler, and Alexander Campbell, Es^rs., Matters Extraordinary ; William M'Be^th, Esquire, Sergeant at Arms. Terms: i/i/ary— Last Tuesday in jrannary,to end on Saturday same week; Trinity -First Tuesday in June do. do.; Hhchadmoi — First Tuesday in October do. do. The Court sits f«r the transaction of bu- siness on the first Tuesday of every month. Supreme Court of Juwcature.— Chief Justice, Hoiw Ward Chipnian,L. L. D., 29th September, 1834 ; Justices, Hon.James Car- ter. October 1834 ; Hon. Robert Parker, October 1834 ; Hon. George I 1 m I I 1 , ;f I,: 1 1 F. Street, December, Jd45; John Ambrose Street, Esquire, Clerk of the Crown ; !Hon. George Shore, Clerk of the Plens ; Hon. John S. Saunders, Clerk of the Circuits, and Clerk of the Crown on the Circuits Terms: /fiterf— First Tuesday in February ; Easter — Second Tuesday in April ; Trinity — Second Tuesday in June ; Michaelmas — Second Tuesday in October. Nisi Prius sittings in «Ac County of York — Third Tuesday in February and fourth Tues- day in June. John C. Allen, Esquire, Reporter of the Decisions in the Supreme CouKt. Circuit Court. — Saint John : Second Tuesday in January, and first Tuesday in August; Charlotte: Fourth Tuesday in April, and the Tuesday after the Fourth Tuesday in October ; Kings : Second Tuesday in July ; Qiteens : First Tuesday in Mafch ; Kent : Tuesday after Fourth Tuesday in July; Westmorland: Fourth Tuesday in July; Gloitcester: First Tuesday in September; Northumberland: Second Tuesday in September; Carleton: Last Tuesday in September; Sun bury : Last Tuesday in February ; Rcstigouche : Last Tuesday in August; Albert: Third Tuesday in July; Victoria : Wednesday be- fore the last Tuesday in September. Courts for the Probate of Wills and Gtranting Adminis- trations.- York County : OJecF. H. Minchin, Esq. Surrogate; John C. Allen, . 'iuire, Register. St. John : Alfred L. Street, Esquire, Surrogate ; Charles Drury, Esquire, Register. Westmorland : Hon. Edward B. Chandler, Surrogate; Thomas S. Sayre, Esquire, Register. Charlotte: Hon. Harris Hatch, Surrogate ; George D. Street, Esquire, Register. King's: Edward B. Smith, Esquire, Surrogate; William M'Leod, Esquire, Register. Queen's: M. H. DeVeber, Esquire, Surrogate ; Henry S. Peters, Esquiie, Re- gister. Sunbury : John Hazen, Esquire, Surrogate ; Nathaniel Hubbard, Esquire, Register. Northumberland : Thomas H. Pe- ters, Esquire, Surrogate ; George Kerr, Esquire, Register. Kent : William Chandler, Esquire, Surrogate ; Hon. John Wesley Wei- don, Register. Gloucester : Henry William Baldwin, Esquire, Surrogate; Robert Gordon, Esquire, Register. Carleton: Lewis Peter Fisher, Esquire, Surrogate ; A. K. Smedes Wetmore, Es- quire, Register. Restigouche : Chipman fiotsford. Esquire, Surro* gate; Andrew Barberfe, Esquire, Register. Albert: M. B. Palm- er, Esquire, Surrogate; Samuel G. Morse, Esquire, Register. Vic- toria: William IM. Maclauchlan, Esquire, Surrogate ; - — — ^-, Register. frThe Probate Court for the City and County of Saint John is held every Monday, at three o'clock, at the Chamberf of the Judge ; 'and the like Court in the other Counties of the Province is held at the times specially appointed by the respective Judges. Court of Gotbrhor aicd CovnciLj for hearing and determining causes reiating to Marriage and Divorce. — His Excellency the Lieu- tenant Governor, President ; Honorable Neville Parker, Vice Pre- sident; the Honorable Her Majesty's Executive Council, Mem- bers ; John C. Allen, Esquire, Registrar and Clerk ; Terms .- The ■■■■■MMiiiiiiMiiM 38 I, Clerk on. John Crown ibruarj ; jsday in s sittings th Tues- Supreme lary, and pril, and Second Tuesday in July ; Second i Sun esday in esday be- jer; \dmikis- ate;Joiin Esquire, noriand : , Esquire, teorge D. Esquire, jb's : N. uire, Re- lathaniel JsH. Pe- Kent: ley Wel- Esquire, : Lewis lore, Es- B, Surro' B. Palm- ier. Vic- ( John is e Judge ; 8 bttid at irmimng heLieu- ^ice Pre- I, Mem-^ IS : The seeond Tueidajr in Februarji and third Tuesdays in June, and October. CovRT OF ViCB AoMfRALTr. — Honorable Robert L. Hazeni Judge and Commiisar^ ; William Wright, Esquire, AdY<»:ate Ge- nefal; John M. Robinson, Esquire, JK.egi»tiiar ajid Seribo ; John Humbert, Esquire, Marshal. CeuRT for the Trial and Pnnishment t>f Firctey and other Offen- ces on the High Seas — The Governor ; The Chief Justiee, and other Judges of the StipremeClt)nrt, the Members of the Executive Council ; Judge of the Vice Admiralty *, The Public Secretary ; Public Treasurer; Ctnnmander in Chief, Flag Officers, and Cap- tains, and ComraaAders of Ships of W-ar on thisi Station for the time being; — , Registrar and Scribe; Cavalier H. Jouett, Esquire, Marshal. O* The Court sits at amy place witfiin the Pr>)vince to be ap- pointed by any three ef the members, the Governor,^ Chief Justice, or one of the Judges of the -Supreme Court, or Judge of the Admi- ralty,, 'being one. -^ '■■:■' ■ ' > * » ♦ < 1 I POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. . ai, a John Howe, Esq., Deputy Poet Master General; W. W. Barnard, Snrveyer; J. H«pley, First Clerk; W. D. French, Second do.; V. B. Hutchinson, Thikl do.; H C. (rink, Fourth do., Saint John ; Post Masters: A. S. Pliair, Esquire, Fredericton ; William V Bonnell, Es- quire, Gagetown; George F. Campbell, Esquire, Saint Andrews; David A. Rose, Esquire, Saint Stephen ; John Wallace, Esquire, Saint George; Christopher Milner, Esquire, Sackville ; E. J. Smith, Esq., Shediac: G. Pitfield, Esquire, Salisbury; J. Crandall, Jr., Esquire, Bend of Petitcodiac ; James Caie, Esquire, Chatham (Miramichi) ; Hugh Morrell, Esquire, Newcastle, (Miramichi); William Bow- ser, Esquire, Rtchibucto; Geo. B. Cowner, Esquire, Dalhonsie; Thomas H. Carman, Esquire, Bathurst; ' James Grover, EsqUire, Woodstock ; Samuel Foster, Esquire, Kingston; Hugh M'Monagle, Esquire, Sussex Vale ; A. VV. Raymond, Esquire, Grand Falls; John T. Hodgson, Esquire, Madawaska; Alexander Lockhart, Esquire, Quaeo; B.Beveridge, Esquire, Andover; JabezE. Uphara, Harvey (Albert)^ S. Hallett, Hampton ; James Bowes, Milltown; J. R. M - Pherson, Oromocto; Albert Robinson, Upper Mills; W. H. God- frey, Dorchester. HER MAJESTY'S CUSTOMS. Port or Saint John. — Controller of Customs and Navigation Laws, Alexander Grant, Esquire; First Clerk, William Ellman, Es- quire ; Second Clerk, Mr. William Smith ; Superintending Officer of Itnportsi, C. V. Forster, Esquire. Port of Mikanichi.—- Controller of Customs and Navigation Laws, David Svvayne, Esquire ; Clerk, Mr. Henry Wright. Port of Saint Andrews.— Controller of Customs and Navigation Laws, William Whiteside, Esquire ; Clerk, Mr. Garby* Richibucto.— Controller of Customs and Navigation Laws, Rich- ard lloeken, Esquire 39 f .•! -~« ^ r I Rt ,. if- ■ l)*'J * tto^ciTE^tERi— CbiArollW^f fcbstd^i^ iiih Navigation Laws, John Mackedie, Esquire. DAiiiou8iK.*~Adinff Controller of Cnstdmsand N&viibtioA LtiWi, Dugald SttiWartv ;E_BquJr«: :;..■)>.' . • ,!ii>/ j •/•», -^-i, ;::-.•..» bar :h . :Wopi>^TOpK> — Henry E. Dibblee, Deputy Treasurer. ;^ : :Coi^«9ftoosB. — William M. Maclauchlan, Deputy Treasurer. .MiRAifrcm.-rHon. Thomas H. Peters, Deputy Treasurer ; Wil- liiiuii Carman, and John Fraser, Waiters, Searchers, and Lockers. DjALHpvsiE. — Dugald Stewart, Deputy Treasurer ; Charles Lloyd, Waiter, Searcher, and Looker. .uBathurst. — John Miller, Deputy Treasurer; William Napier, Waiter, Searcher, and Locker ; Joseph Read Preventive Officer. Skippeoan AND CaRaquet. — Perry J. N. Dumaresq, Deputy Treasurer. RicHiBUOTO. — Hon. J. W. Weldon, Deputy Treasurer; George Pagan, Waiter, Searcher, and Locker. • -.i.»,.j •» v. f Sheoiac. — Daniel Hanington, Deputy Treasurer. Bat Vertb. — Edward Wood, Deputy Treasurer. DoRCHEsf Bit. — William Carter, Deputy Treasurer. Hopewell. — John M'Almon. Deputy Treasurer. ~~ CLERGY. y THE Established "church of England. Rigbt Rev. John, JLord Bishop of Fredcricton. Venerable George Coster, A. M., Archdeacon. — Rural Dean. Rev. Benjamin G. Gray, D. D., Retired Missionary, S. P. G. ' Rev I. W. D Gray, D. D , Rector of Saint John.— Rural Dean '* 40 Rdv Alexander Stownrt, Curate of Saint John; Rev' Richard R. Wiggins, Curatoyof ditto ; Rev Frederick Coster, Rect<^r of Carleton ; R«v William Harrison, Rector of Portland; Rev Wil- liam H. Shore, Curate of PDrtland ; Rev Thomas W. Robertson^ Rectnr of Lancaster; Rev James W. Disbrow, Missionary at Si- monds; Rev. Christopher Milner, Rector of Westfield ; Rev William E.Scoyii, Rector of Kingston.r-Rurai iPparx; Rev Wil- liam Scovil. Rectpr of Norton; Rev Joseph Bartholomew, Reetor of Petersviiie ; Rev Ahrdbam Wood, Rector o^ "Vtraterboroagh; Ret, James Cobkson^ Licensed to officiate at.Jielteisle; Rev N- Allen Coster,' Rector of Gapetown ; Rev George Gosler,.A, M. Heclor of Frederictoh ; Rev William Q,. Kelchum, Curate of Fred- ericton > Rev Charles Lee, Assistant Minisier atSt. Ann s Chdpel, Ftedericton ; Rev Eldwiri/Jaoob, D. D , Principal of King's Col- lege, Fredericton ; Rev J()hn iilack, Rector of Kingscleur; feev Alexander V. Stuart, Rector of Dbuglas j Ijley. Josepli Elwell, Missionary at Prince William ; Rev Si; D. Lee Street, Rector of Woodstock — Rural Dean; Rev E. A. Warnford, Curate of Wood- stock ; Rev S. Jones Hanford, Missionai-y at AndovW; Rev John McGivern, Rector of Saint George ; Rev Jerome Alley, D. D., Rector of Saint Andrews — Rural Dean; Rev R;. T. Ketchum, Curate of Saint Andrews; Rev George T.Carey, Rector of Grand Manan; Rev Skeffingtoi Thompson, LL. Rector of Saint Stephens; Rev John S. Thomson, Missior, u Saint Patrick's and Saint David; Rev William H. Tippett,K..,£orof Queensbury; Rev Thomas Maghee, Rector of Sussex Vale; Rev William H. De Veber, Missionarv at Upham ; Rev R. Drake Palmer, Mis- sionary at Smringfiela ; Rev William W. Walker, Rector of Hamp- ton;: Rev Tl^Inas N. De Wolfe, Rector of Sackville; Rev George S. Jarvis, D. D., Rector of Shedlac— Rural Dean ; Rev Alfred W, Weeks, Curate of Cocaigne; Rev. William N. Boyer, Curate of Moncton ; Retv Richard Sirtionds, Rector of Westmorland ; Rev Samuel Bacon, Rector of Chatham.— Rural Dean ;.Rev Noah Dife- brow, Reotor of Bathurst; Rev James Neals, Rector of Richibucto ; Rev Charles P. Bliss, Missionary at Hopewell; Rev William N. Jaifrey, Missionary at Saint Mary's; Rev James Hudson, Visiting Missionary, Miramichi ; Rev David I. Wetmore, Missionary at Welford ; Rev Donald Bliss, Missionary ; Rev Charles Coster, Missionary ; Rev Samuel Thomson, Retired Missionary, S. P. G. '.If.- CATHOLIC CLERGYMEN. In the Diocese of Neio Brunswick. The Right Rev. William Dollard, Bishop of New Brunswick, Rev. James Dunphy, and Rev. James Quinn, Cily of Saint John ; Rev Waller Aylward and JohnQ,uinn, Frcdericton; Rev^ James McDevitt, St. Audrews; Rev. Michael A. Wallace, St. Stephens ; } Rev. A. Barron, Quaco ; Rev. Luke O'Regan, Sussex Vale; Rev. i F. Gauvreau, Dorchester; Rev. John. Sweeny, Barachois ; Rev. | Joseph Madran, Shediac; Rev. Julian Rioux, Buctouche ; Rev. Hugh IvicGuirk, Richibucto; Rev. Richard Vereker, Chatham ; Rev Michael Egan. Nelson, CMiramichi) ; Rev. S. Lafrance, Trn- miiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiimma^^ 41 ' .)| m cadie; Key. Joseph Pa^uet, Caraquet ; Rer. Michael Power, Bathurst; Rev. Edward J. Dunphy, Petit Rocher; Rev. Thomas Connelly, Woodstock; Very Rer. A. Langevin, V. G., Mada« i^aska; Rev. Anthony GosselaD, St. Bruno, (ditto;; R«t* Henry DionDe Satnt Luce, (ditto ; ESTABLISHED CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. f'«''^' Synod or New BRUnstwicK, Presbytery of Saint Johiif City of Saint lolin : Saint Andrew's Church, Rev. William Donald, A* M. : Fredericton, Rev. John M. Brooke; Saint Andrews, Rev. John Roes; Saint Patrick, vacant; Sussex Vale and Springfield, vacant; Nash wa«k and Boiestown, vacai^. Presbytery of Mira- mtcAi.-^Newcastle, Rev, William Henderson, A.M.; Chatham, K ev. Mr. Stewart ; Restigouche, Rev. J. Steven : Bathurst, Rev George McDonnell ; Tabi^intac, raca»<,' Glenelg and Carleton, vacant ; .Mi^sioakry Rev. John Hunter. . STATIONS Of" THE WESLEYAN MISSIONARIES Of the /few Brtmswick District, ■4'-''-^*-^ Rev. Richard Knight, Chairman^of the District. Saint John, South (Germain-street, <&c.,) Rev. Rich^ard Knight, Rev. Robert Coohey, A. M. ; Saint John, North, [Portland], RcT. WiMinm Smith : Saint John, WeKt, [Carleton], llev. H^nry Daniel, Rev. James Taylor; Fredericlon, Rev. William Temple, one wanted ; Na^hWaRk.one wanted*, Sheffield, &c.. Rev. William Hmithson; Mill Town, Rev. Ingram Sutcliffe; Saint Stephen's and Saint David's, Rev. George M. Barratt ; Saint Andrew's, Rev. George MiHer; Sackvitle, Rev. Jnmes G. H«nnigari Point de Bute, Rev. George Johnson; Peticodiac, Rev. Robert A Che«ley; Hopewell, Rev. William Allen; Sussex Vale,^Rev. Joseph F. Bent; Woodstock and Andv)ver, Rev. John Allison; Annapolis, Rev. Michael Pick<«s; Bridgetown, Rev. Arthur M'Nutt; Ayles- ford. Rev. Richard Shepherd ; Dishy and Sissiboo, one wanted ; Miramichi, Rev. Christopher Lockhart; Richibucto, Rev. Robert A. Temple: Bathurst, Rev.' John Prince; Dalhousie, one earnest- ^ ly requested; Wesleynn Academy, Mount Allison, Rev. Hum phery I ickard, A. M , Principal ; Rev. Albert Desbrisay, Cover- 1 nor and Chaplain. BAPTIST MINISTERS IN NEW BRUNSWICK. Wfsterh AssocuTiorr — Jnmes Tozer, Ludlow; William Harris, Jackiiontowii ; Thomas Magee, Saint James; Thomas W. Saun- ders, Prince Wiiiiaui; Samuel Robinson, Saint John; A. D. Thomp- 8or), Saint Andrews ; Edward D. Very, Portland; James Walker, Saint («eorge ; John Magee, Noshwaak, CJharles Spurdyn, Freder- icton; Alexander McDonald. Hampton Ferry; George Kigby, Kingsclear; William Hall, Saint George; James H. Tnpper, Kes- wick; William L. Hopkins, Saint David; William D. Filch, Can. •iiig; Samuel Elder, Fredericton ; George F. Miles. Maugerville ; Gideort Estabrooks. Simonds ; William A. Coleman. Nurthesk; 42 M Re of A. |iey> eld, ira' lain, ley ton, ight, ind]» *nry nple, lliam hen's ew's, Point j«ley; jh F. polis, lyles- nted ; obert rnest- Hum- lover- i "I arris, S,a«in- homp- ^alker, 'reder- Kigby, r, Kes. I, Can. rville ; thesU ; Thomas Todd, Woodstock ; E. N. Harrin, Carleton. Licensed to Preach — William Gremley, Robert II. Emerson. Ebenezer Webb, Fiedcriclc Joice, llichajrcl Wills, Thomas Magee, Jr.,,Joteph Cathe- rine, Edmund M'Innis. Eastern Association. — Joseph Crandall, Snlisbiiry ; James Blake- uey, Gondolo Point ; John Marsters, Grand Lake ; VVm. Sears, Hopewell ; James Wallace Hillsborough i James McPhee. Salisbu- ry; Titus Stone, Sussex Vale ; David Crandal, Springfield; Wel- lington Jackson, Saint Martins ; J. C. Skinner, Wickham ; Peter Spragg, Springfield; James A. Smith, Wickham; Charles Thorn, Johnston; W. G. Parker, Sackville ; Joshua Iviinting, Saint John; Nathaniel Cleveland, Shepody ; John Francis, Hampton ; James Herrit, Butternut Kidge ; Meritt Keith, (ditto) ; Samuel Bancroft, Hampton; Donald McPliail, Buctouche; James Newcomb, Hills- borough ; Patrick Duffy, (ditto) ; Elias Keirstead. Studhclm ; Alex- ander Much, Norton ; Elijah Foshay, Harvey. Licenced to Prear.h. — ^John Sears, George Burns, Hezekiah Harris, Daniel Crandal, John Hughes. THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF NEW BRUNSWICK, adhering to the fFestminster Standards as interpreted by the Free Pro- testing Church of Scotland. — City of Saint John: St. John's or Third Presbyterian Church, Rev. Robert Irvine ; FonrlJi Presbyterian Church. Rev John Thomsou ; Hammond River Suit Springs, and Londonderry, Rev A. Donald; Saint Stephens, vaeafif; Saint James, Rev Lewis .fack ; Bocabquire, Acting Emigration Officer at Saint Andrews. The Deputy Treasurers at the other Ports of the Pro- vince act as Emigrant Agents when requisite. (See page 40). COUNSELLORS AND ATTORNIES PRACTISING IN THE • PROVINCE. Frednricton. Hon. Lemtiel A. Wilmot (Attorney General), John Ambrose Street (Queen's Counsel), Hon. William B.Kinnear {Solici- tor General), Daniel Ludlow Robinson, George J. Dibblee, Charles P, Wetmore, Hon. Charles Fisher, George F. H. Minchin. William H. Odell, David Shank Kerr, Edward A. Clowes, George Botsford, Francis A. H. Straton, John C. Allen, William Watts, Broke W. Hammond, George N Segee, James P. Wetmore, James F. Berton, Edward H. Wilmot. Geo. W. Ritchie, Thomas F. S. Street, J. Henry Phair, James Odell, Edward W. Miller, Bernard C. Friel, Henry Barclay Robinson, George J. Bliss, and William W. Street, Esquires. Saint John. Alfred L. Street, Robert F. Hazen, William Wright, Peter Stubs, H. N. H.Lugrin, John M. Robinson, Moses H. Perley, tlon.R.L. Hazen, John Johnston, J. W. Boyd, George "Wheeler, W. H. Neediiami Wm. Jack, J. H. Hartt, Alex. Campbell, Duncan Robertson, John H.Gray, J. W.Peters, Robertson Bayard, W. J. Ritchie, Charles W. Wardlaw, Samiiel J. Scovil, William R. M. Burtis, Edward B. Peters, Charles Duff, Jumcs A. Harding, William Hare, Gustavus R. Jarvis, James J. Kaye, Andrew R. Wetmore, George F. Rouse, William M. Howe, Charles Doherty, Humphrey T. Gilbert, B. Boyd Kinnear, John G. Campbell, William J. Gil- bett, Chailes A. Hartt, Andrew Mackenna, Robert Parker, Junior, Nelson DeVeber, Richard Sands Armstrong, Samuel B. Davidson, Douglas B. Stevens, Charles Watters, George Hare, George Blatch, Ward Chipman Drury, W. H. Hatheway, Frederick Coster, Jun., Allison Lewis, Henry W.. Frith, William Hutchinson, Benjamin L. Peters, Junior, Charles W. Stockton, George G. Gilbert, Junior, John Simonds, Samuel R. Thomson, Edward Jack, and Frederick C. Frith, Esquires. Saint Andreios. — Hon. Harris Hatch, Samuel H. Whillock, Jas. W. Chandler, Richard M. Andrews, George Dixon Street, Wel- lington Hatch, Thomas Burton Wilson, and Alexander Thomson Paul, Esquites. JtfiramicAi.— -Thomas H. Peters, William Carman, Jun., George Kerr, Edward Williston, John M. Johnson, Allan A. Davidson, 46 Samuel Thomsan, Peter Mitchei), Junior, William Wi^kiiwonynnd Jamea Fraser, Esquires. Dorchester. — Hon. Edward B. Chandler (Queens Coun^elf) T. , S. Srtvre, Robert K. Gilbert, A. L. Palmer, Albert J. Hnfith, WiN i lidm H. Duckerfield, and Edward B. Chandler, Junior, Esquires. Sackville. — Christopher Milncr, Junior. Bend of Petiteodiac. — Bliss Botsford, and Jas. Steadman, Esqrs. Bay Verte. — Thomas C, Chnpham, Esquire Hopewell, — Samuel G.Morse, Martin B. Palmer; and Thomas B. Moore, Esquires. Bathurst. — William End, (Queen's Counsel,) and Theophilus DesBrisay, Esquires. Dalhousie. — Andrew Barberie, and Charles Simond«, Jr, Esqrs. ^ L.itM i^i,: D-.*_<» I J T__ Li Af t' : Grimmer, Esquires. Richibucto. — Hon. John W. Wcldon, William Chandler, James A. James, and John Johnston, Junior, Esquires. Saint George. — Samuel G. Andrews, William B. Chandler, Petdr Clinch, Junior, and Wellington Cameron, Esquires. Gagetown. — T. li Wetmore, Henry S Peters, William Tyng Peters, Gabriel DeVeber, and Samuel Ei. Gilbert, Esquires. Kingston — Edward B. ^mith. Esquire. Hampton. — George Otty, Esquire. Canning (Queen's County). James R. Currcy, Esquire. Sussex Vale. — Theophilus D. M'Elmen, Esquire, Woodstock, — A, K. Smedes Wetm')re, A. Nelson Garden. David Lewis Dibblee, Lewis Peter Fisher, George Conneli, Horace H. BeirdsIey.Edwin J. Jacob, A.M.,and John C. Winslow, Esquires. Restock. — Andrew W. Rainsford, Esquire. Madawaska.—Vfm. T, Wilmot, and W. M. Maclauchlan, Esqrs. Oromocto. — Thomas W. Bliss, Esquj|ro." .bjr PROVINCIAL MILITIA. m STAFF. " - His Excellensv Sir Edmund Walker Head^ Bart., Commander iu Chief. ' The Honorable Lieutenant Colonel George Shore, Adjutant General, 21st March, 1821. Lieutenart Colonel R Hayne(N.B. Regiment of Artillery), Assistant Adjutant General— 4th Aprii, 1848. LJeutenant Colonel John Allen^ (Quarter Maste*' General— 4th May, lieutenant Colonel Charles Drury, Deputy QuarterMaster Geneial, 18thJuiie.'1847. Lieutenant Colonel Hayne CH. B. Regiment of Artillery), Provincial Ald-de-Camp— 11th April, 1848. Lieutenant Colonel Charles Drury (Saint John City Light Infantry), Provincial Aid-de-Camp-^l 1 th A pril, 1848. Major the Honorable Lemuel Allen Wilmot, Judge Adovcate Gene- ral— 6th August, 1834. li III m mm 47 STAFF OF THE ARMY. • 'i SERVNG IN THE PROVI NCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK, UNDER His ExcQliency Lieutenant General Sir JOHN HARVEY, K. C. B. and K. C. H., Coinmanding Her Majesty's Trooj^a in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and their Dependencies. Lieutenant Colonial H. F. Lockver, K. H., [97th Regiment,] Com- manding ilerjVIi^esty's Troops in New Brunswick., Oarrisons. — Sain John, Mnjor A. F. VVelsford, [97th Regt.1 Com* manding; Town Major. J. Gallagher, [H. P. 98th Regt.]; rreder- icton, LieuK^nant Colonel H F. Lockyer. [97th Regt.] Command- ant; Lieutenant P. W. Phillips, R. A., Town Adjutant ; Saint An- drews, Lieutenant A. R. Harenc, Commanding. Chaflains. — Fredericton, Venerable Archdeacon Costor, A. M. ; Saint John, Rev. Benjamin G. Gray, D. D.; Saint Andrewej Rev. Jerome Alley, D. D. Commissariat Department. — Saint John, J. W. Wybault, Esquire, Assistant Commissary General; R. C. Ferguson, Treasury Clerk ; U. C. Pouimey, Commissariat Issuer; Henry Marshall, Ottice Keeper. Fredericton, ~~- Shepheard, Esqtiirfi, Deputy Assistant Commissary General ; W. Warren, Treasury Clerk ; Thomas Pais- ley, Commistturiat Issuer. Ordnance Department. Frederick C. Fritht Esquire, Deputy Ord- nance Storekeeper; Lieutenant Samuel Huyghue[H.P.60thReg]., First Clerk; Robert Picklhall, Second Cle/k; William Bond, Store- houseman; Frederick Harrison, Armourer; James Emison, Q|iice Keeper. Barrack Department. Saint John, George Priestelyj Esquire, Bar- rack Master; A. White, Barrack Sergeant. Fredericton, John E. Woolforde, Esquire, Barrack Master; John Edwards, Barrack Ser- geant. Saint Andrews, James Kyle, Barrack Sergeant. Rifyal Engineer Department. Saiut John, Captain C. E. Ford, Commanding ; Edward Lloyd, Clerk ; Henry Hennigar, Overseer of Works. Fredericton, William Smith, Clerk of Works. Board of Respective Offii^rs. Saint John, (O. D.) Captain C. E. Ford, R. E., Captain S. L. Eigee. R A., and Frederick C. Frflh, Esquire, Deputy Ordnance Stofekeeper. OFFICERS OF CORPS SERVING IN THE PROVINCE. Boyal AttiUenf. Saint John^ Gaptaia C. J. Dalton, Commanding ; Lieutenants C. H. Ingelby and Griffin. Fredericton, Lieutenant P. W^ Phillips, ' 97th ikgmenti^ Fredericton, Lieutenant Colonel H. F. Lockye Captains R. Colvill, M. A. Obert, E. C< Legh ; Lieutenants Thomas Biggs, S.M. Hawkins, E. D.* Harvest; Ensigns, O. B. Cannon, E. R. Mackesy; Paymaster, George Grii^n.; Acting Adjutant, T. Biggs; f^uarter^ast^r:,. J. Desmond; Surgeon, H. Downes. Saint John* Major A. F. Weli»l'oitl j Captains, I. Moore,, F. Bur- ton; Lieutenant, — — Venables; Eiisign, p Holmes; Assistant Surgeon, J. Ewing. At Saint Andrews. Lieutenant A<. A. Harenc. mm 46 ■MIM mm 'rUh, r AGKICULTUllAL. ImproVrmknts 0!« thk Faum.— The latter port of August and the fore part of Soptoinbnr ..loy bo considered the most favorable part of the ycai for niauing improvements on the farm. At this season, the earlier crops have betsn socuredf the cultivation of the later ones has been finished, and the farmer is only waiting for their maturity. Jn addition to the comparative leisure which is thus afforded, tliero arc other circumstances which render this a suitable period for such operations. The ground is generally drier than at any other time during the year, which permits the labour of men and teams on places which at other times are inaccessible from wetness. This is particularly favorable to the drainage of bogs; and to the excavation of peat or muck for manure. The growth of hushes and shrubs has also reached that particular crisiv in which they may be more easily killed by cutting or bruising. One of the first objects to which attention should be directea in the improvement of the f^rm, is the eradication of bUsihes and per- nicious plants in fiehhs, Along lines offences, roadsides &c These are not only great drawbacks on the beauty of the farm, being un- sightly to the eye, and conveying an unpleasant idea of careless and slovenly habits; but they are very detrimental to the pecu- niary interest of the farme/. They draw nourishment from the ground which should go to the support of valuable plants, and by propagating themselves, are constantly increasing and spreading the injury. Thistles, docks, briers and thorns, are often allowed to flourish unmolested in the situations mentioned. On the bor- ders of fields they occupy the richest of the soil, and annually ex- tend their encroachments. They are not unfrequently seen in good lands, that are devoted to various crops, and in pastures are quite common — many farmers being apparently regardless of their presence and effocls. The greater extent of ground that is occu- pied by those worthless pe?;ts, is a dead loss ; but besides this, grass and olfier crops are robbed of moisture by them during drouth, and at other timco are soured and diminished in growth by their shade and root. It should be an invariable rule with the farmer to prevent all injurious plants from seeding. This will at all events keep them from spreading — except such as increase by root. Annual or bi- ennial thistles are easily destroyed by being cut while in blossom and before any seed is matured; and even Canada thistles may be destroyed by following up this course for several seasons in succes- sion. They should be cut dose to the ground^ and just at that junc- ture when they are in the fulk it bloom. A few will start, which if untouched will produce seed in autumn ; but this second crop should be cut without fail, when in the same stage as the first. The readiest and most effectual mode of destroying Canada thistles, where they occupy ground th^t will admit of cultivation, is by fre- quently working the soil with the plough, or some implement that will entirely prevent the growth olt! rt7/. We believe this is in many in- stances, urged merely as an excuse for carelessness and negligence. It is a safe max'm that, vvliat is worth doing, is worth doing wdII. We could refer to hundreds of instances where such improvements as we have spoken of have beon made, with a greater profit on the rnoney so expended, than is realized, in the ordinary routine of farming. Tho lands operated on are frequently of little or no value ; but by an outlay of £5 or £{) are made to pay au onnnal interest of from £12 to £25, and sometimes £50 an acre. f . Preparing Land for a Crop, — A farmer has a field of clayey loam, which requires a week's work at Ie:'.st to prepare it forcorn, oats or barley. Now how ought he to proceed ? It is not uncommon to see such lots turned over, and the furrow- slice left day after day, to dry and bake in the sun, without the least attention till the ploughing of the whole field Js completed. Well, what better could he do ? ' . Reduce what he has ploughed to a fine tilth whilQ. It is moist and easily crumbles — not leaving it to lio one day before he puts on the harrow or the drag roller. A small share of labour at this time will do twice as much to pulverize the soil, as when it is har- dened like an unburnt brick. What ! stop the plough before finishing the field ! Farmers, that drive a-head don't do so. That is, they drive one day a-bead, and leave their work two days behind But let me ask what istiie use of ploughing land ? The uaie ? why to put the ground in order; you could not ex- pect a crop without it Neither ought we to expect more than half a crop when it is only half pulverized. 'If wo plough eight inches deep, and one half of this soil is in hard clods, how much better is it than to " 50 * ploi mu( P cuiti peat of hi by V prov Is as to not I II wliic of fe and I for mi stud' the ft I'' 2(h and L peat ( 1)0 foi ill for th ij loriH I I then a ofpoii with I nioro son, 1 field, tiiy ol < veget.' til well r likew to use 3d. S;applio |, rate o i i \Va ! thy liq benea ated, t [j-'itroet, !i little s H rate lu 1 1 yards I may a w lie re be tak compo plough four inohesdeep, ond liuve it thorn much bettor is a clod on a flehi thon a tlone f \\y pulverised ? How Jin Old Farmer. 1 1 Peat a>« a Manvkr — In tho Report of tho York County Agri- cultural Society, we Hnd some useful observutionson tho value of peat as manure, by ProfuMsor liohb, of Frederictnn, a gentleman of high standing as a geologist and chemivt. He gives three modes by which this subataitco may be ndvantugenusly used for the im- provement of soil as follows: Ist. It may bo carted to tho barn yard and spread all nround, so ns to absorb all the liquid manure, wiiich it will do liUo ii sponge ; not only will it thus Honk up antl lix liquid and g.iHeous matters', wiiicli would otherwise he loat, but it will thereby take on n stnto ol fermentation itself, which will r<}snlt in its becoming solubin and proper for the food of crops. When one layer is so.iked and fermented, more or less, it must bo rtnevved, or replaced by frenh stutffrom the bog, which will thus become a permanent benefit to the farm. tidt The peaty subslanco njay be very advantageously compostnl and brought to usoluble form thereby. If tliroH loadsof half dried peat eaitir be mixed with one of stable manure (green), there will 1)0 forme({ four loads of manure equal in value to cow dung itself, for the ordinary root and grain crops. A layer of dry peat should lorm tho base of the compost heap, then a layer of green manure, then alternate layers of peat and niauure, ending with a tliictt layer of peat. If a^hes be added, or if the heap be occasionally watere sn h the liquid manure of animals ; no earth or saw dust is placed in er beneath the stable to absorb it; and the barn-yord is often so situ- ated, that all the liquids that would collect in it, run ofi' into tin; street, or are conducted to the adjoining field, where they are j^i- little spread about, as to injure the crtip by producing an immodf - rate luxuriance. Liquid manure is exceedingly valuable, and tiit yards and stables of the farmer should be bo constructcM,*'tha» it may all be saved. There should he no outlet to the barn yurd, where the fluids collected in it can run oft'. They should either be taken away and applied directly to the land, or poured upon the compost heaps in and about the barn yard. The turf about his \ wmmmm k '1 11 I: M I : 51 fences and stone walls, or the mud and muck from his swamps, should be collected in heapis or spread around his yard in order to absorb the fertilizing liquids collected there. A. v^l■f^.^ > - i '^ -i *•, / K I. ■% Among the great variety of occupations calling for the farmer'f; attention at different periods of the year, few are so little appreci- ated as farming accounts. Accurate information respecting every item of income or outlay is of the greatest in^portance. With the account book should also be associated a book of experiments and observations, wherein as occasion offers, every circumstance res- pecting the operations of the farm may be recorded. Ample time offers during the long wijiter evenings for reviewing the course pur- sued, and iiie results arrived at during the past year, from which valuable information relative to future proceedings may be derived. Good husbandry implies not only an accurate knowledge of what has been done during the past three or four years, but it also re- quires that iho proceedings of the next three years should as far as possible be marked out. Proper application of certain necessary manures, and the adoption of a profitable rotation of crops can then be pursued : without such foresight it is impossible that a farmer can make his farm produce within one third, and in many cases one half, of what it is capable of yielding in the hands of a careful husbandman. Killing Sorrel. — According to the Michigan Farmer, plough- ing sorrel with a shallow furrow, late in the fall, leaving the roots exposed to the action of the frost through the winter, has been found effectual in destroying this pernicious plant. ' ■ THE COTTAGE IN THE GLEN. A little cottage lieth, i'.mbowered in the glen, Secluded from the bustle And crowded haunts of men. A niountain riseth o'er it, A rill flows by the door, An oak tree stands before it — liesjd*^ the cottage door. Upon its walls are creeping, Fre^h vines of livnig green, While from their dark leaves [)eeping Bright golden flowers are seen. And many birds are singing, Upon the old oak tree, And lightly they are winging Their courses n^er the !ca. A gronp of merry child. en With cheeks of ruddy hue. Are sporting by the streamlet Ho beautiful to view. Around the cottage spreading, On every hill and vale. The golden grain is bending. Before the rising gale. Tlie cot, the hill, the river. The oak tree by the duor. The many birds that revel The cottage front before. Seem like some fairy picture Engraven on tlie eye. The pencilliiigs of fancy, Which vapor-like will fly. But no ! to fairy regions, 'Tis vain for ns to go. To find more glowing pictures Than industry can shew. For beauty ever throwetli O'er rustic life a charm ; Here peace will hover smiling, Secure from strife's alarm. Where'er the farmer dwelleth, Neath thatch or lolly dome. There peace, and joy, and beauty, Will ever find a home. Then let us crown with honor The hardy ions of toil ; May Heaven bless with plenty The tillers of the soil! 52 ^ i sincJ amps, tier to rmer p ppreci- II ; every ith the Its and ice res- le time rse pur- i which lerived. of what also re- as far as jcessary ;an then I farmer ny cases 1 careful , plough- ihe roots has been are tiy. jturea n; iniling, arm. velleth, dome, nd beauty, 1 honor I plenty MISCELLANEOUS. The (i keg OKI an Year — Old and JVew Style.— -The Julian year is observed throughout the greater part of Europe. This mode of computing time is a great improvement of the ancient calendar, but it is not quite correct, as it makes the year eleven minutes longer than the true solar year. This may seem a trifling error, yet it amounts to a whole day in one hundred and thirty years; and, therefore, if allowed to continue uncorrected, roust lead to great mistakes, and irregularity. The Julian mode of reckoning, however, remained unaltered till 1582, when it was found that the year began ten days later than it ought to have done ; that, consequently, the seasons did not fall rightly with the montlis, and that the solstices and the equinoxes hi\ppcned ten days before their lespective dates. This led to many inconveniences. It unsettled the times fixed for the celebration of Easter, and of other moveable feasts con- nected with the christian Church ; many attempts were therefore j made to rectify the error. I In 1582, Pope Gregory the Thirteenth ordered that after the 4th I of October, ten days should be omitted, so that the day which i followed the 4th, in place of being called the 5th, was called the 15tb. By this means the error of the then Julian year was cor- rected. To prevent any such variation from happening in future, he also ordered, that after the year 1600, every hundredth year, which would have been leap year, according to the Julian reckoning, should be a common year for three successive centuries, but that every four-humdredth year should remain a leap year. Thus, the years 1700, 1800, 1900, have the usual number of days, but the year 2000 is to have an additional day. Those centuries, in short will be bissextile, which divide by four without a remainder. In honor of its founder, the new form of year received the name of the Gregorian year. The calendar thus improved Vv^as adopted at once in all Roman Catholic countries. The Protestant states, however, did not con* form to it till a later period, and in England the change was not ! introduced till the year 1752. It was then settled by Act of Par- '; liamcrit that c/euen days should be left out in the month of Sep- I tember, because, one hundred and seventy years having passed since the ten days were omitted, the Sun had gained one day mere upon our timo. ' • On the 2rid of September, 1752, the old mode ceased, and the next day, instead of being called the 3rd, was calh^d the 14th. At the same time, the 1st of January was declared to bo the first day of the year, which had hitherto been said to begin on the ^5thcf March. Since that time, all dates are said to be accoiding to the JVeio SVy/c, and Old Style distinguishes dates previous to the alteration. In reading old books we often find allusion to suoh dates, and we should bear them in mind when perusingchronitjles niid histories Some countries, as Russia, and others, still retain the (^id style. 'i s ! m Hi, '.'i M \ i\ ^1 II * i 53 s ym t»mm I' ' li ;■ I' I lii r ■■■•'' ii > 1m < In the year 1800, which, according to the usual way of reckon- ing, was a leap year, the additional day was omitted, as ha'J been directed when the calendar was reformed ; so that there now are twelve days of difference betwedn the old and new styles. British National Debt— Funded and Unfunded — Charles M. was the first king of Great Britain who adopted a system of bor- rowing on the national credit. This began in 1660* At the abdi- cation of James II. (1688;, the amount of the debt was £660,000, or rather more than half a million sterlifig. In the war of the British revolution, under William 111., there were contracted twenty-one millions. Total debt in 1607, twenty-one millions and a half. Paid off during the peace which ensued on the treaty of Ryswick (1697), five millions. Total debt in 170'2, sixteen mil- lions and a half. To prosecute the war of the tipanish succes- sion, under Queen Anne, there were raised by loans, thirty-seven millions and a half. Total debt in J 71 3, the date of the treaty of Utrecht, iifty-four iwiMions. Paid off during this peace, in the reigns of (jeorge I. and II., seven milliohs and a half; re- j ducing the debt, in 1739, to forty-six millions and a half. The j war with Spain, and of the Austrian succession, under George j II., increased the national responsibilities in 1748, to severiy-j eight millions, the period of the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle. In ' the ensuing eight years of tranquillity, the debt was reduced to! seventy-five millions. In tlio seven years' war, under George II. and 111 , seventy-one millions and a half in loans were contracted; a^jgmenting the total debt, in 1783, to one hundred and forty-six millions and a half Paid olf in the next ten years of peace, ten millions and a half. The American war of independence cost this country one hundred and three njil- lions; making the total debt, in 1783, two hundred and thirty- nine millions. Paid, off after the treaty of Versailles or Paris, five millions. Total debt, in 1793, two hundred and thirty- four millions. In the war of the French revolution there were contracted two hundred and nJnety-two millions. At the treaty of Amiens, concluded in 1802, the debt had reached five huti- dred and twenty-six millions ; and in the next year three mil- lions were added to it. In May, 1803, began the struggle with Buonaparte under George III. and the Prince Regent; and at the treaty of Paris, in 1815, it appeared that the contest hud cost England three hundred and thirty- six millions. The debt was then swollen to eight hundred and sixty-five millions. During the peace under the Prince Regent, George IV., and William IV., it was reduced by not less than eighty-seven millions. In 1835, we had to raise twenty-millions foi slave emancipatioij.. Under William IV and her present majesty there have adso been borrowed about five millions. Total of debt — all raiseeJ^^iy loans — eight hundred and three millions. Besides this, there were] raised fui the purposes of these various wars, in direct taxation, six hundred and thirty -five millions ; making a grand total of one ; thousand four hundred and thirty-eight ihillions, as fho war ex kon- been f are i rc- The eorge ecn n o bee i loans j worii j xatioii, [ of Olio j ivar ex i 4jm dbUm penditure of Great Britain 'in ac6ntury and a half. Total loss of life, in these wars, 3,910,000 ;' Of vvhorii i;40e,000'fel! in the struggle between the allied powers and Napoleon. The foi-e- going account of the public debt is exclusive of the annuities for lives, ftnd terms of jears, which now amount to upwards of four millions annually. I'he sum required yearly to pay the in- terest of the debt, the terminable annuities, and the management, is little l6Ss than twenty-nine millions and a half; being more than the whole expenses of go^vernment. The national debt amounted, in 1848, to upwardsof eight hundrofl ^nillioHs of pounds, being an average of £29 12s. 7d. for .every man, woman, and child in Great Britain; and the 'payment of the tnere interest of which, inflicts an annual tax of upwards of £\ 2s. 2d. upon every hunidu being living in the British J^ingdom. _ .;- . : ■, :\- . ■ ■ \. •■:'-■ .. *riIE •EARTH. The Carth, considerecl as a planet, occupies a favorw! t^iik in the solar iys- tein. U plfm^ed the All- wise Cieiitor to assijfn it a position among tUe heavenly bodies, where nearly all U\i sister p«an«ts are visible to tha naked eye. It is situated between Venus and Mars. Itrevolves I'oitnd the sun from we«t to east, \n SOS days, 5 hours, 56 Ininutes nird 4 secoifits. It revolves on its own axis in 23 houis, 56 minuter, and 4 se- conds. iLs ihfian dititance from the Sun is about 95 millions of ini'les. itcon- fii'qiiently moves in its orbit at the me&i\ rate of 68 ihousdRd inilesan hour, and on its axis at the rate of i040ini!es per hour. 1'hiis, the earth on wliich we ^tand, knd which has ser ved for ages as the unsliakeii fod'ndaiion of the tirniest structures, is every irionien' tu riling, swiftly on its centre, aiid, at the same tinte, luoving onwards with great rapidity through tlie empty space. The Earth pdrfortns one complete revolution on its axis in 23 hours, 56ininutes, and 4,09 seconds, of aoiar time ; this is called a sideral day,'because, ill tliat time, the stars appear to complete one revolution round the Earth. But as the Earth advances almost a degree eastward in its orbit, in the time that it turns east- Ward around' its axis, it is plain that just one rotation never brings the same me- ridian around from tlie Sun to tlie Sun again ;'so th&t the Earth requires as much more than one complete revolution on its axis to' complete a solar day, as. it has gone forvvardMn that time. A sideral day is the time employed in a planet's re- volution round from one star to the same star again. A solar day is that which brings the Earth around from one meridian' to the same meridian again. This dilfcrence between the sideral and solar time may be illustrated by referring to a watch or clock. Wiien both hands set put together, at 12 o'clock, for instance, the minute tian'd must travel more than a whole circle before it will overtake the hour hand, that is, before they will come into conjunction again. fn the savie manner, if a man traoel around the Earth eastioardlyy no matter in what lime, he will reckon one day more, on his arrival at (he place from vohenet he set oat, than they do voho remain at rest ; while the man who travels round th*" EarUi west- wardly, will have leas. From which it is manifest, that, if two persons start from Uie same place at the same time, but go in contrary directions, the one travcllinff east and the other west, and'each goes completely around the globe, although they ahovldboih arrive again at the same hour and at the same place from which they set out, yet they will disagree two wholn days in their reckoning. Sho'uld the day of their return, to the man who travelled west, he Monday, to the man who travelled east, it would be fVedr nesdaij ; while to those who remained at the place itself, it would he Ihiesday. From these facts, we may readily coinjrrfhend the principles ivvolnedin a curious ' ^•''hlem which appeared a few years ago. It was gravely reported by an American | ship, that, m sailing over the oc-an, it- chavced to find six Sundays in February. The . fact was m :ed onl and a solution demunded. There is nothing absurd in this. The man who travels nrouvd the Earth cast, will see tJie Sun go down a little earlier every succeeding day than if he had remained at re.it ; or earlier than they do who live at the j place from which he set. out. The faster he travels towards the rising sun, the sooner \ will it appear above the horizon in the morning, and so much sooner will it set at night, j What he thus gains in time, will brar the same proportion to a .toiar day as the dis- | tan^e travelled (fnes to the clrrvm,ferrnceoftht> Earth, j^v the gUihe ty3P0 degrees in 'ii^tiiamimmmmmtmK^milimmm^^ •JTpTiViiwTiiTi'M— — — ^— — 55 h iiil yt\ i, • mOM rita cireutufermee^ the Sun will appear to move over the S4(A part of its surface, or 15^ , every hour, tohich is 4 minutes te one degree^ Consequently , the Sun will rise, eome to the meridian, and set, 4 minutes sooner at a place 1 ° east vfns thaii it toiU loiUi us; at 2 ® , 8'' sooner ; of 3 ® , 12," and so on. JWno the man who travels one degree to the east, the first day, 7BiUhav$ the Sun on his meridian 4 minutes sooner than ve do who remain at rest ; each successive day being completed 4 minutes earlier than the preceding, until he arrives at the place from tchich he started ; when this continual gain sf 4 minutes per day will have amounted to a whole day in advarce of our time ; consequently, the day vn which he arrives at home, whatever daiy of the tatek it may be, is one day in advance of ours, and he must needs live that day over again f by catting the next day by the same name, in order to make the accounts harmoniie. If this should he the last day of February in a bissextile year^ it would also he the same day of the week that the first was, and be six times repeated, and if it should happen on Sunday, he would, unthtr these eireumsta/nuSf have six Sundays in Feb- ruary. The Earth's motions about its oris being ferfeetly equable and uniformin every putt of its annual revolution, the sidewU days aro always of the same length, but the solar or synodienl days vary very considerably at different timrs of the year. This vavia tion i.« owing to two distinct causes ; the inclination cfthe Earth'' s axis to its orbit, and the inequality of its motion round the Snn. From these two causes it Is, that the time shown by a well regulated clock and that of a true sun dial are scarcely ever the same. The diffsrence between them, which sometiines amotmta to 16| minutes, is called the equation of time, or the equation of solar days^ The difference between mean ani apparent time, er, in other words, between rguinoc- tial and ecliptic time^ may be shown in this way : — Lei it be first premised, that equL noctial time is clock time, and that ecliptic time is solar or apparent time. It appears, that from. Aries to Cancer, the sun tn the ecliptic comes to the meridian before the etjuinoctial sun : from Cancer to Libra, after it ; from Libra to Capricorn, before it .- and from Capricorn to Aries, after it. If we noticf. what months the Sun is in thrse several quarters, we shall find that from the QotA of Dcor.mber to the KJtli of April, and \from the 16th of June to the 1st of September, ;}is ctock is faster tbnn the^/un dial, 'ar sun slow of clock i and that, from the Kith of April to thuld do ' fur a guinea, what, without these appendages, he would tnink it | wicked and infamous to do for an empire." The streets of London were first lighted with gas In 1814. 57 1 i -11 ^•1 III ■A W H% Fur ForeleUinir Oie Heather throuoh all the Lunations of each year \ forever. ^ j I FORMRI) BY 1»R. HKKRCHEf.L, AND BEVISF.HUT DR. APAM CLARKK. ! This table {I'Md tl»o ao.coinpaiiying remarks are the result 'of many j years actual ohservatum the whole beiufi coiistrucied on a due com- I rideratiou of the atlryclion of the sun and tnoon, in their several po- j sitions respecting the earth, 'nnd will by simple inspection sliew the j observer what kind of wealher will rtiost probably follow the entrance i of the moon into any of itsiquarteri*. and that so' near the truth as to i be seldom or fiever found to fail. If the new mboii, tfietlwl <] Hurler, the firH iiio^, or th(; Inst (|uarter happi^ns Between niidniij'ht and 2 in the morri'irig, —2 and 4, ifioriiihg, — 4 and 6. --6a'nd8. " —Sand 10, —10 and 12. •' At 12 noon, and 2 p. m, Betw('en2r.nd ^ p. 'tn. — 4 and G e\'i{*.ijlng. — r> and 8, —3 and 10, —10 and midnight IN SUMMER. IN WINTER. Fair, . « I Cold, an^ showery, Rain, Wind and Rain, Changeahie, . /ij, Frequent -showers, V^ery raiiiy, Uh-mgeable, •" ' Fair, •' . Fair, if wind s. tv. Rainy, H'a. or s. w. Ditto. Ff/ir and frostv. Hard Irost unless tlie wind, fl. or w. tSnowy and stormy. Rain. Stormy. "Cold Ra i n , if th e w i ndj j be w. ; snow if e Cold, and high wind. JSnow or rain. Fair and mild. Fair. 'Fair and frosty if wind is N. OfN. £. Rlainnrsnow,if6. ora w Ditto. Fair and frosty. t)hservations.'^\. The^iearer the time of the ikioon's change, first quarter; full and l&st quarter, are to midaighi, the fairer will thue wea- ther be during the seven days fallowing. 2. The spnce for this caicHlation occupies from ten at night dll two next morning. 3. Thenenrer to mldfki.if or noon, the phases of the moon happen, the more foul or wet weatlher may be expected during the nextsevenj days.. 4. The space for this calculation occupies from ten in the forenoon to two in the arternoan. The.se observations refer princi^tilly to the summer, though they atTect spring und autumn nearly in tho same raJio. j 5 The moon's change, first quartfcr, fulland'lastquarter /happening^ durina" six of the afternoon hours, i. e. from four to ten, rtiay be fol-l lowed by fair weather; but this i.s rho.4tIy dependient on the wind, as is nMed in the table. TliouL'h the weather, from a vatriety of irregnlar cfaftfeos,i8 more nncertHin in the latter part of auttimu, the whole of winter, and the besiunnig of spring, yet, in the maiu, the above observations will apply u» those periods also. 7. T(» prognosticate correctly, e^ipecially in those ca'*os where tht- winii is corirerned, the ob-server shiould be in sight of a good vane,\ wju^re the four cardinal points of tfee heavens are correctly placed. | y^^5« ^♦0- < OO 4^^i oo o5» OOD en — oo *-* oa Sxf. ■ 3i 1 "" 1 S = 3 1 c 1 T L::z:.: 1% » year | ' CK. nnnv coil- 1 tl po- w the 'ance as tu ;s the ny. 5 wind; if E. ^ind. fwirid oraw e, first ; wea. ill two ippen, ^^ eevenj I enooni to the! samel i; •J ienins~oooo ^j o tn j^ wtoj- 'ic ti «a"is >- '- »- — >- ^ i— "^i- 1— ^ »- ►- © c b o's c"c'c «'s"c"b c octoa>e7>O0:eo)Oo>oe>O0>o9>oo>o9)oc:oo>oo.^oc. tb to 4a"fti( •& ijTiij'^ — ^'^'^'^'^~^ ^ 'i^ (^"li^ o o o c o'b c"© b c © P-"*^ 0P O* Cg*'C03ia»0DO»^0 D3i«« O »U OC O .ii. 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S^ >-: -^ fi t! all H J. r ft ♦ = 3 =:! (WO- O ■■ -i *" ^ i — •' *^^ ... .r a a, o « ;;^ X: ' 2 S ;: ^ * try"" I ~. *^ JI ™ "?! 3 » « a. ^ C P ST ^ 3 V 5 •5- 5 5s £1. on ••« 7 "5= "-JC s » -^ *- ^ ^ » ^ "^ • — sa'~3'— _'■ ? It I r-1 pill t^l fii ^M 5£? M-fc- MrriitTia-jwii ii«»i' v ' f\ I DOCK STREET, SAINT JOHN, N. B. X A NEW AND EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF X SUPERFINE CLOTH DRESS, FROCK and SACK COATS, A^^ % VESTS— Silk, Velvet, Satin,Cloth, Tweed, and other Vests. ^^ »^ ^ D A MT A I ft n 18 O S Cloili, CassiMii^re. Biickskii), Doeskin KW mpMi I ALuUNoi Kerseys. Tweeds, &c. &c. Xp I? ^ ' ^^ . WHTTSn CLCTHIHG, " ' If i^y Beaver aud Pilot Over Coats ; Pilot and Beaver Reefing Jackets v'J^' j^ y and Trovvsers: Shirts, Drawers, Caps, Braces &,c. &c. y^^ '^ y Also : Beaver and Pilot Cloth. Superfine Black Cloth, Cassinuires. s/^^ P^X Doe.-ikins and Tweeds. Ctothinrr made to order in the latest fashion. '^'^^'^ ■^. !^ :=;Xrx: ><>CXXX>!s XXX X>•:;^<.>0< >C>c X> o 1=) 1 P3 tALBTO i^i HOUSE! IMPORTERS OF British Merchandise | Have always on hand a well sflected and extensive Stock of j^ FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, Which are offered at the lowest Market rates, \ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. MARKET SaUARE.!- IMPORTERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTlOxN OF DRY GOODS, |? Have constantly on hand a general assortment of Se GREY and WHITE COTTONS ; PRINTS ; BROAD |^ CLOTHS ; CASSIMERES ; TWEEDS ; BUCKSKINS; DOESKINS; MOLESKINS; ^ Orleans Cloths ; Cobiwrgs ; Merinos ; • ^ Worsted and Woollen PLAIDS ; Camblets ; Cloakings ; IT TICKS ; DUCKS ; Osnaburghs ; SILKS ; SHAWLS ; L Ribbons ; ^Handkerchiefs ; Gloves ; Hosiery ; ■" LACE ; Pilot and Beaver CLOTHS ; Cotton WARPS ; BOOTS and SHOES ; - BE< iT^^r^r^^f^^r^^T^^T^ # ^jr**^^>r*V*hr»'«T»^r**® i If! t! ■ .' I STOVES, PLOUGHS, &c I ^ 77ie Subscriber has vow on hand,, and is selling at re* J{^ duced prices.: '^ f^OOKlNG STOVES, of 20 difTe rent patterns. V^* FRANKLINS, ditto, of 1^ do. do. CLOSE WOOD, ditto, of 9 do. do. 4; ROUND COAL, ditto, of 3 do. do. TIGHT AIR, ditto, of improved construction. PLOUGHS, of 7 different patterns, with and without wood work. STOVE PIPE, of all sizes, with ELBOWS to suit. Boilers, Furnace Doors and Bars, Sash weights. Pots, Bake Pans, Tea Kettles, Sad Irons, House Pumps and Lead Pipe, Deep Sea, Hand Net Leads, Tinware, te. &c. &c. and is prepared to execute Orders in Iron^ ^rass or Lead CASTINGS, at short notice. He begs leave to call attention to his IMPROVED "Hathewnay Cooking Stoves/' They have been found to effect a saving of One Half THE Fuel, and cook better than any Stove in use. THOMAS C. EVERITT. St. John, September, 1850. ■'■ }< tr* ,1, ;!■ Bv submitting Certific.ites for the perusal of the public, tho Sub- ' scriber is actuatefi by seltish motives in recommendino- articles of^ his owii mf^ke; but at the same time, he thinks it a du'ty ho owesj to the public, tf) put them on their guard againstpurchasing a quan- * tity of /r«5/(, which is novy thrown into this market from the' Uriited States, — consisting of old worn out Stoves and a variety oC} such as cannot be sold in that country, being of old fashioned and ' unsaleable sorts, and loo light in most cases, to be durable On '■ this subject he hopes they will judge cautiously. It. is after having l tri»>d a number of different Cooking Stoves ift his own 'house, and ■ ! the use of '* HATHEVVAY'S" for the last three years, thai he has ^ been inducod to go largely into the manufacture of that pattern,* of which he now has three sizes, at £6, £7, and £8 each ' THOMAS a EVERITT. '■ SL John, N. B, Sept. 1850. I %m(^ Mr.' . , prr.lmj "*:' hiwo. U ;•(>>> I bout t P'-. Iiavo bi 5^^ It has ; %^ pair. *^^ part vv ^(' I lia ^: Cookir S had "n ■t;^ y<-arH { all don en( Sain 'T; mend i I pu M :if'cooi<.. |:)r, recomi M I find I It broi I double Saiii 2ging&t ^ variou ^in my «!» recom ^ knowl ^ it has @. Sail W We prope; .^ havin ^5^ patter ^ most '* our k fm ^^'"^ tM lOUl i ake 1'^ i Sub. f ?s of ^' jwes uan- the ^ andp vingc4^ and «^,f' ! has ii?.>' Saint Jo/in, N, B. Sep) ember 1845. ^^X Mr, TnqMAS C. Evjeritt .—ftir, in rr»ply to your inquiries res- v;^ pjM.iing the quafities of your " (failio way Cooking a'tovt's," I '^;' iiiive to remark that I havo found ihnf, which I purchased of you '^.>> ihont tliree years ngo to be the host Cooking Stove with which I y'l: havo been ncquointeil. It has don*; all the ('ooking for my lionr- ^•^'^ dinj^IlousB, at which L frequently dino Thirty persons per day. i^l^ It has «»iven the utmof^t satislactitwi, and has uavvr boon out of re- »«'. ;v^. pair. In fact, if I couUl not prcquro another iiUo it, I would not JOSEPH READ. • f t [tart with it now for double its original costt I havftread vvh/it Mr Read has slated rojativo to '* Ilatln'way's ^l Cooking Stove," and do fully concur in what Ijo has said, having ^j had one of them to do the Cooking in my flotel for about three -£i y^'f"*^ post My fireplaoe has been clui^ed up, atii; XXXX >< ><>CK XX ><» -1 >< x>oc ..<•:.< XX>fl>0o«..>C-< J . » • r » \i ' ■ !l t»l Ml , 1 •> ' M« FASHIONABLE . :■'!'■ i\o. 1, Prince lYilliam iSlreef. LOCKHART & CO. I MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS, Offer Wholesale and Retail^ at low prices : \ N extensive assortment of Gentlemen's London Su- i -n. perfine BEAVER HAT^; A Gentlemen's Fronch Velvet, Satin and Silk ditto ; Gent's. Fine and Plated Waterproof Felt and Gossamer do.; X Black and Drab Felt, Beaver and Gossamer Hats (low crownsj ; Children and Youth's Black and Drab Paris HATS ; Men's and Youths' Soft Sporting Hats (all colors) ; Ladies's Kidini? HATS : Ladies' and Misses Black and Drab Beaver BONNKTS; Gentlemen's and Youths' Navy Clolh CAPS, (} Infants* and Youths' Cloth and Velvet Caps and Turbans, with tassels, <) Men's and Youtlis' Silk Velvet and Woollen Glengarry Caps, Plush and Sealet Caps; Scotch Bonnets; Glazed Hats, in great va- iiety ; Hal and Cap Covers. Peaks, Straps, Gold Laces, Brushes, Leather Hat Cases, Umbrellas, Carpet Bags, Travelling Trunks and Valises. Men's and Youths' FUR CAPS, in South Sea Seal, Astrachan, V Nutria, Sable, and Hair Seal—newest patterns. Y (.'loth Caps, tiimmed with South Sea Seal, Astrachan, Nutria, and y Sable Fur. % Gent's. Fur Gloveg and Gauntlets, richest Furs; Gent'?. Fur Coals. l^adiea' Mulls, Buas, Capas, Cardinals, Operas, and Cuffs — richest Furs; Strung Boa«i Bailiilo iiobes. -" '-"^'^ ' "■"'^' also: ; / [■{ //■>>! Table OIL CLOTIlJ^. X V V X I V X V A / T ^) . i ^ Gendemeu's FUl l^> ■ifllNG GOODS, in Shirts, Fronts, Collars, f. Pocket an ' f'^'nck Uatidkcrchicf^, Braces. X GtOVES and ^iCSU'.UY, &c. &c. '-^ ' ' ^ LOCKHART & CO. J •Sx>c«c>0<5^c<;^<^><: c0o..x:xJ I 8) A NDON £ R S . ) Su. ^ amerdo.; y iats (low TS; C '); t rab Beaver / CAPS, X vith tassels, () [/aps, , /) n great va- ^ is, Brushes, <; ing Trunks C Astrachan, \ Nutria, and j^ Fur CoaU!. ); iffs — richest )! '■■/. ts^ Collars, J 1 CO. j «» wr2'«> <;5ec RON RON THE SUnSUUIBEUS m «« Would respccirully inlimalo to their Friends and the Wl public generally, that they keep constantly ou hand, ® AT TliriBS STOUi;, inO!. J. ROBERTSON'S BlillDlSfiS, mm STREET, I kS (Formerly occupied by E. L. Jakvis, Eaquiro,) ^ § A GENERAL ASSORTJIENT OF % iCOMMON AND REFINED IRON,| Sheet Iron, Boiler Plate, ® TIN, OARUM, ^ ; . COACH SPPJITG STZEL, SPIKES, BORAX, Files, Vices. i # IBELLOWS, ANVILS, STOVES, &c. &c. ^ Which, with sundry olher Articles connected l^ich tho^ business, they will sell at the lowest Market rates. SMITH & HAWS. Septtmher 1860. ill I ill t : '.: i 'W J^ \ I 5> » J. HARRIS' § NURSERY AND CONSERVATORIES,! Chipman's Hill^ Saint John^ JV. B, Thi3 thriving Establishment, for the prosecution and innprovement of Horticultural pursuits in New Brunswick, has now been for ten J^ O^ years in successt'ui operation; and, during that period (considering Qtt ^ the comparative infancy of such pursuits in this Province), has ^ ^ effected astonishing resr.Its ia the Floral, Vegetable and Fruit j^ iivi Kingdoms. 1^. FRUITS. APPLES— sorts adapted to this Province. PLUMS— I Suitable kinds, with (if required) a sueMiafaltad p«enllar CtlLIRRlES-i mode of culture. ORMPE^—tha best flavor and best bearers. QOOSEbERRIES— forty one sorts, with or wltj jut name. CURR^^nS—new Black Naples, Red and While Dutch gg R.'l^BERRIES'-Red and White Antwerp. 1^ e British Queen, the most approved kind known ; ^ STRAWBERRIES—} Prince Albert— berries will measure? inches round ; v^' ( Alpine— White and Red. ^ HARDY PEREJ^J\rrjlLS— several hundreds of sorts. BULBS— o[L\l\iea, Tulips, Hyacinths, Crocus, Snow Drops, Alliams, >> Frittilarias, &c. &c. Evergreen and Deciduos SHRUBS and TREES. DAHLTA—Q.W extensive collection from 6«. to 155. per dozen (sorts). tif^ ARTIFICIAL ROCKERY—a large variety of Plants, suitable to plant thereon. ^^ ^ OREEATHOUSE PLAJ\rTS-se\era\ thousands in pots. ^ J^ HALF HARDY ROSES of the following classes— Odoratas, Semperfloreni, ^- ^s Borbonianas, Rernontantes, Kiusettes, &c. ^M HARDY ROSES— onehujidreA kinds, consisting ofthe following classes: Al- 1^ pinae, Sempervirens, Banksianas, Rubifolias, Rubiqinosas, Luteas, Spinosissimas, Centifolia, Muscosa, Gallicas, Albas, and Daroascenas. CULINARY ROOTS OF I ASPARAGUS. /i//C75^/iJ?— New, Solid, Scarlet, and Victorias. , SEA KALE f SPAJ\riSH AJSTD UJfDFRQROUJ^D OmOJ^iii SHALLOTS. W^ CAULIFLOWER— \ ^'^'^'^ of these can be had as early ai the weather will 2a CELERY- ( P«fn»it. BOQUETS packed safely in the Winter season, and sent to a great distance. SEEDS— Vegetable and Flower. PLANTATIONS and VISTAS formed. LAWNS and FLOWER GARDENS laid out with taste, ard bea. )ified. Ig It is J. HARRIS^ special object to prosecute the above useful and importantbravch 2 to its utmost extent ; a.id thus to enable the inhabitants of J^ew Brtmswick to siipplii ^ themselves with Fruits^ Vegetables and Flowers of every possible description, and of m the most superior quality. Every year the enterprising Cultivators of older Coun- ^ tries are advancing In Horticultural improvements ; and there is no reason why this A Province, with its fertile soil and salubrious Climate, should not fully 'nartieipate in § tht ben pttronage which is so necessary to its successful maintenance anu improvement. I^A&Ai. 4 •^ 19 lent |ten^ ingOA has ® Iruit illar na ami, *^ reon. •*: # ireni, »< : A\- Liteas, :enas. ,OTS. irwill tanee. 5ed. i^ ttvd of ^ Coun- hy this mte in rsuits. r dettr- , to ac- Floral § be sue- '. puhlie If. msm ^ f.A*f-^**^*^i^^*-^**^*^-^«*-^fl^^^^"^*-^^-^*^-^**^^ft h h SHIP CHANDLERY AND GROCERY, BOLT AND BAR IRON ic. h ^ h b b |ESTABL1SHMENT,|. T| (Corner Lov«tt'« Slip) . 1 SAIITT JOHH, H. B. •^ The Subscriber would inform Ship Builders, Merchants, j3 Ship Owners, and Farmers, that he keeps constantly on ^ ^, hand, for sale, at the lowest Market rates : fr Ji A good assortment of BOLT and BAR IRON, Common t^ J and Refined; CORDAGE; CANVAS; LINES and ^ •a TWINES, of English importation, the best quality ; f J CHAINS and ANCHORS, ofall sizes, to suit purchasers; L J OAKUM ; PITCH and TAR ; SPIKES and NAILS of ^ ^ ail kinds ; together with a good assoitment of ^ kimm FLOUR. MEAL GROCERIES. M, *^ fl;?* Persons wishing to fit sut small Vessels will find L J good accommodation and low prices. m \ JOHN M'MORRA]N4 ,ii \i 1 «i H ' ;.! HI •'J CHEAP HARDWARE 8T0rE, 11 CORNER MARKIiT SQUARE AND DOCK STREET, SI" SAINT JOHN, N. B. o || Wholesale and Retail. i '^ f-i:^. Importkr of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Steel, Brass, Zinc, Tin, Wire, Saws, Files, Edge Tools, STOVES, Oven Doors, Anvils, Vices, Bellows, Twyer Irons, Borax, Glass, Shovels, Spades, Forks, Hoes, Rakes. Sickles, Scythes, Snealhs, Horse Traces, O:^ Chains, Wrought Nails/Spikes, Ox and Horse Nails, &c. &c. , ^ . AND MANUFACTURER OF >'■.: T MAIIi Offers for sale the best assortment in the Ciiij^ and at ike lowLSt prices for C. Carpetings, Hearth Rugs, and Druggets ; Moreens and (*^-^ Damasks, with Fringes and Trimmings to match ; Cotton & Warps, &c. &c. j.^> p. S,— Personal attention will be given to the selection of Goods fej* for all wholfisale and retail orders received from the Cocmlry. ^ > s s s s ^ s s s s s s ^ s 5 the > • '^ J incl s s 'S s >«> s s s ■^ h t \ Gr '*> A 'S s •s ^ s % \ s s s ^ tM& ^ m VES, |, orax, I'-i. ;kles, ^ ought ^ fSE, r^ ures ; g Iiery ; ^l 3 and r^,-> Bolton ^ It Goods ^^' h r TISDALES iVb. 1, South Market Wharf, St. John, N. B. s s s s 5 fW^ HE Proprietors of this Establishment keep constantly J JL on hand the following GOODS, which they ofier to ij the Public at exceedingly low rates, for Cash only. s Hoole, Stamforih & Co.'s best Mill Saws, rroni^20 to 24 J inch ; Ilocle, Staniforth & Co.'s best IVliil Saws, from 5 to ■ J 7 feet; Rowland's Philadelphia best Mill Saws from 5 to ,J 7 feet; Cross Cut Saws; Pit Saws; Hand, Tenent, and ^ other Saws; Tisdoie's superior Mill Files, combininf^cheap- s ness with an extra good quality ; Vicker'y l)est Mill Saw 'S and other Files and Kasps ; Scythes, Scythe Hooks, ltea)>- •\ ing Hooks ; \Vrou;;ht and Cut Nails, all sizes; Horse and •S Ox Nails; Sparrowbiils ; Blacksmiths' Bellows, Anyils, \ Vices, and Hammers ; Horse Traces and Ox Chains ; Pots, "s Bakepans, Spiders, Griddles, and Frying Pans ; Brass Ket- ^ ties, Tea Kettles, Saucepans, and Glue Pots; Gjidirons; Copper, Clout, and Scupper Nails ; Tacks and Brads ; London Glue ; Curled Hair ; Hair Seatin«.T ; Castors and Borax ; Shoe Thread and Awls ; a superior assortment of Guns and Pistols; Thomson's Augers. Locks, Hinges, Screws ; Latches in great variety ; Carpenter's Beiicii Planes; Fire Irons had Andirons; Horse Bells; Iron, ^ Brass, and Copper Wire, and llivets ; Kettle Ears ; Sknies, ^ Shoe, Butcher, Bread, and Putty Knives; Kazors ; Cam's best Chisels, Gouges, Drawing Knives, and Coopers' Tools; Adzes; Axes; 'i'rowels ; Hammers: Smoothing Irons ; Block Tin a;id Briiannia Meial Tea and Coflee I^:)ts, &c. ; Sheet Iron ; Tm ; Sheet Lead ; Zinc ; Plough Plating, &c. ; Horse Shoes ; a general assortment of Brushes ; Powder and Shot ; together with a general van' ety, comprising one of the best and cheapest Slocks evci oliered lo the Public; Ihcefpre worthy of their atienliou JC^ InsiKction is re spv.if fully solicited. WALKER TISDALE & SON. 1 ^v. i ■M 1 ■ \l •g 'if ••I i ^1 Jj^iJLiiJLisJLif-J^j.iJLiL^::! $^i r -^^j ' ■ "^-^ ^ ■"-■y^ ,tjfvj.. i Jfo .t>l^-^ . t,;!^ •) ^z ^' i 1 v! Ml >.- FAMKD THROUGHOUT TUG GLOBK. Hollowav's Fills. A CASE OF DROPSY. '' " ^ Extract of a LrfJer from Mr. Williain Gardner, of Hanging Ihu^kion^ J\''\jrthuAnj>Um.s}drc^ dajcd September 14, 1847. To Professor Hoi. i.owAV. j , . Sir, — I br'foro inforn^od voh ihrtt my wife had boon tapped lljroe t)mf^« for tiio Dropsy, but l:y ?lio blossinp of God upon your I'ilis, and her jjprsftvf'raricp in t;iUing th"jn, flie water has mow been kept o(i' 18 tnoiiihy bj th«?ir means, \vh:oli \» a great mercv. (fei4jaed} WILLIAM GAllDNER. Eziract of a Lett rr fnnn Mr. J. K licydon, dated 78, Khiir Street^ S-ydney, jYew S(/y;lk U'ldts, the liOth Septernhry 1847. To rrofoReor flor.r.on'A y Sir,— 1 have t}.>c pi^as'iire \o inform you that, Stuart A. Don- aldson, Esq., :in eminent Merchant and Agricullinist, find also a MagistraU:', in lhi< Town, calied on nme on the 18th instant, and I'UrchHfiod your ni^diciiicfl In tl'.e ffujount of 5Nordet' of lls« €Iie§l« Extract of a Letter f ram Mr. William llroinnfi^df lil, Siiulk Mam ^ atreet^ liandon., Ireland^ d.^iicd March "^nd^ IS47. h^ To Pr >feiJsor HorLowAv. jr .Sih\ — A young hidy vvlio was sullerinj!; from a disorder of the [^ (;he«i, with lier hHi;::;s .«o exceedingly delictte, that she had iho -;- c;ue«;, wiin ner iun;::;s .«o exceeuingiy aencue, mac sue naa mo i^ ^d g'-ealf'i)* difSculty of breath; nj.'; if !-dio took a little cold, which was b* '-i, gt^ncrally arcornpariicd by nf^irly total los?; of appetite, to^^ether > ^'^] with >;;ich jr-ineraJ (J' biiily of bo-ly -s to obliife her to rest herself -^ ^i when fi^oing up one tliglil, of s'airs; .'^lie commenced taking your ^'' Pilh about irfix nio'.jths since, and I am hapjiy to inform y ~ Lave reslorcJ her to perft r^ iicalth. (Signed; WILLIAM BROWNE. ^-T^^T^'^T^^M-^^IP^W^W^ ® ^-i^ '"^' ^«V^ * V *' * ' ac if^ ig your |v. ou ihey l^ If p* ^i& ^^fi fing •ped your been a. trerA^ Doa- ilso a , and »s, 10 itated 1 aid, -that ne of nent ; muoh etely ; cure r r i, 'r L t' f r '■* U ^¥awi .^ if the } tho J was elher irself )our ■^Tr">l;;' These celebrated Pills arc tcnndrrfuUy Efficacious in thefolloicing cumplaints : — Bilioua Complaints, Aijne, Asthma, lilotches of the Skin, Bowel Complaints, Colics, Constipation of tho Bowels, Consumption, Dobility, Inflamation, Jaundice, Liver Complaints, Lumbago, Piles, Rheumatism, lletention of Urine, Scrofula or King's Evil, Dropsy, ;^\ '^^^^ Dysenfcrv, Erysipelas, . ' Femalt! Irregularities, Fevers of nil kinds, Fits, Cout, Mead-ache, Indigestion, •J-ore Throats, Stone and (liavel, Secondary Symptoms, Tic-l)ouloureux, 'i'umours, , . , ,. . Ulcers, Venereal Affection*, "Worms of ail kinds, a Weakness from whatever causa, t&c. &c. Sold at the Establishment of Professor IIoi.lowat, 244, Strand, ^near Temple Bar) London, and by most all respectahio Drug- gists, and Dealers in Medicines throughout the civilized vorld, at the ft/llowing prices: — Is l.^d., 2s Ud., 4s. Gd., lis., HU. und 338. eich Box. There is" a considerable saving hv taking the larger sizes N. B, Directions for the guidance of Patients in every disorder are affixed to each Box. , ■ S. L. TILLEr (late Peteus «fe Tilley;, Agent, &?> OIJ^TME *!S T. I CURE OF FISTULOUS SORES AND PLEURISY,^ ^ B'ctract of a I.i'lcr from Mr. Hahrrl C'lh'rr'^ ('litmiU^ Mtokoale^, ;^ 1^ dated Seplc.mhcr :ird, IHiH. , " ||| *^7 T J Prof'^ssor llor.r.ovr AV. T^ Sir, — Mr, Tiiompson, JN'atioral Schoolmasler of this Town, >'jg desires me to send you tho particulars ef l-'i^ too, who had been ^ I'l *;>v«38»<><>«•o<>C:<^<><>c•c^o►xrx>oc^ and a half, and h rece intment. He is d til e greatest benefit a scrofulous con- bad for throe years by the use of your Pills and Uinlment. lie is ot a scrollilous con- () stitution : a pleurisy had left a large collection of matter in the which would have graced and dignified his list of cures." h ^ The native Princes are now using Holloway's celebrated Pills • ■^ and Ointment, in preference to every other medicine, they being ^ V so wonderfully efficacious in the cure of diseases in India. v Cure of a Bad Leg of 30 Years .«^iandinar. A June 7th, ISA?. C "I George Bourne, butcher of Stocton-upon-Tees, do hereby |? certify, that my wife had a bad leg for thirty years by the bursting a of a vein, her suffering was intense, she Iiad been under the care X of the most eminent medical men in the neighborhood, but to no K purpose, and was afterwards perfectly cured in eight weeks by *,^> Holloway'a Pills and Ointment." ,. , h [Signed] y V "X y X V X V /% np X X X , >. V ■ \ V K X GEORGE BOURNE. V Care of Ulcers where there Bone* Existed Diseased Ezlroct of a Letter from Mr. Jas Wctmore^ Hawpton, JVew Bruns- c 2aick, dated February IQth, 1847. Q To Messrs;. Peters & Tillev. v Gentlemen, — I feel it is but due to Professor Holloway to inform A you, as his Agents for this Province, of a remarkable cure per- A fdrm-d ipon my son. He had been afflicted with Ulcers on his y limbs aud body for more than three yearii, from which small pieces y large ^ I Pills 6 being \/ r. 547. ereby P rsting ^ 3 care /il to no X ks by << iscd ^) runs- iform ' per- il his ieces :xxx: X V <> X y V Y V of bone had befin removed. I tried several medical men in St. X X John, but all to no purpose. I was then induced to try Hollo- ^ A way's Pills and Ointment, which made a complete cure. Seve- ^ '^ ral montJjs have since elapsed, but there is not the slightest appear- ^ anco of the cure not being the most complete rSianed] JAi\J JAMES VVETMORE. X •./ A X X y X Cure of Uic Piles. Extract of a Letter from Mr. Joseph Medcalf Beverly y dated June I7th, 1847. To Professor IIoLLowAV. Dkati Sik,— For some years I had labored dreadfully with bleed- )) ing piles. By divine blessing, togetlier with the use of your Pills V and Ointment, I have been perfectly cured, and never was there X a greater sufferer with Piles than myself. [Signed] JOSEPH MEDCALF. V The Testimony of a Physician in the Cure of Shin BiseaMS* A Copy of a Letter from Mr. W. E. Poiodl, M, D , 1() Blessing ton X , ) street^ Dublin, dated February \)th, 1847. ^ (^ To Professor IloLLOWAY. y Dear Sin,--- Having devoted my attention for some years to y cutaneous or skin diseases, I think it but right to inform you that y y 1 have in various cascy recommended the use of your Pills and V )( Ointment, and invariably faund them to have the most peifect ef- Y X feet in removing those diseases. *" X [SignedJ W. E. POWELL, M. D. V These Pills should be used conjointly with the Ointment in V most of the following cases :--- . • = A, Bad Legs, '' Fistulas, Cancers, v^ Bad Breasts, Gout, Contracted & StiflF Joints, O y Burns, Glandular swellings Elephantiasis, ^ 9 Bunions, Chi ego- foot, V Biteof Muschctocs Chilblains, X and Sand Flies, Chapped hands, X Coco- Bay, Corns (Soft; Sore throats. Skin diseases. Scurvy, X 5 Sold hv the proprietor, 244, Strand, f^iear Temple Bar,) Lon- <> 9 don,and'by all respectable Venders of Patent Medicines, through- ^? out the civilized world, in Pots and boxes, Is. l-^d,, 2s Od., 48. 6d., Y lis, 22s ,33s., each. There is a considerable saving in taking ;/ the larger sixes. , ^ . t 51 N. B.— Directions for the guidance of patients are afSxed to V each pot and box. X 4 S. L. TILLEY, (Late Petehs &Tilley), Agent. '^ ill !;\ I liPHCENIX FOUNDRYJ E . . .- : , . POND S TU E E T, •■'! -^r^j ^^^g >fc ^^t^l/ fj;; The Proprietor8 of the above Establishment are nov/ pre- pared to Munui'aciure •:, STEAM m FIBE Ef^GINES. TURNING LATHt:s, SCREW PRESSES, MILL MACHLNERY, BARK MILLS, PATENT PURCHASES, AND OTHER SHIP CASTINGb', nOlH^TlUG WHEEL GEAK, &c. &cJ They will endeavor to keep constantly on hand, an assort* ^ ment of Ships' Cadibooses ; Cooking, Close, and Franklin^ Stoves, Oven and Furnace Mouths, &c. Side Hill,' DouKLE IVlouLD-uoARD, ScD D, IMPROVED D, and other! Pattern Ploughs. Fanning-Mill Wheels, Tiuck and Bar- row Wheels, Wagon and Can Boxes, &:c. &c. &lc. ; FLEMllNG tfe IIUMBEUT. ; 0[^Brass and Iron Castings made lo oider ; Brass' aud Iron Torning. All kinds of Maciiinehy Repaired. ' i ?i '& z*' f^'^ ri g^ PETEIVS WHARF i^ l^-Iiei:) STREET^ THE SUBSCKIDIUl WOULD INFORM ^ JlEilCMnS, SliiPBlILOERS & SBIFOWXERS ^oi'^>& '^^"^ ^^^ A'^pps constant I y on hand ^^5%C«| Foil SALE AT THE LOVVLST WAUEET BATES, ^^"C^ '^ complele assortment ofcverv article \\\ his line, ^.^^ eOSBlSTlJCQ UK i'^^ Cordage, CaiiTas. liinem, Twiues, v^i^T!^ PITCH, TAR, VAUMSH, PAINTS, OIL, S^i PUTTY, COMPASSES, ENSlGxNS and JACKS, S^is,-^' PAJ^H BUUSflE^., SCRAPERS, DECKLIGHTS. •■i/fZ>r, jRittsiacle and STorceastlo I^AMi'S, L.ATTIIOK.'VS, J gi MiJTicAL mmm^ m books ^^v^* Cabin :^:oi'es, Bounded f^fore&f ^1b. ^<--i JOIJN WALKtR A€0. i^:^l^ • -y - O S :3 o ": - o £ ^ CS -* . '" '-F "^ = c3 dj 3 WO oi o o O !5 C- > o • — c = .2 "Pi ^ 4 1/) bD5 3 O 09 o o ** *"" or) •- •' O ''J v > c-i: o ^o " '^ S ^ ^ ^ o c a c o s m O m O US c ^!MM^^sl^Mi ?5 .2 P >» c -" V, — _ o » Si o rf =: -t^ -- §-S ^ 5 5? => o o c j3 o ^ n3 •* C — > f- r- O jr u ifi « 3 0) :* « ., .22 -r _ .22 w -^ -^ ~ .= £ u a fD 3 "^ ^ ^ a TO o o t; -" !^ o i> f3 r^ ___ t-> tw ^ " ^ .- ^ J3 ^ w __ s- O ^ O r- li j_ •— C •-" *-• ^ /<•. G D -* -; I- o CJ r ^ ec rt 03 en -^ •- T3 - c > ^ o c; ■"* o d, s 3 a o rl ►^^ 2 >? fcfi o « 5 o . C - w S g ^ ^ 3 p -J >, ^ 2J o ^ ^ *- ' o c 09 2 ^ G.^ ^'5 o2 §5 ^ S S > c^h ^ o o -a o o 5 ~ ^ 3, rt ^ g c^S o g: o^ c o - X C- " .^ C5 "o "It: c O Qj 2 c- b.o > C -rr C c J:^ •- b o) 03 £= .5 o 't. « 5: o « Q. « ^ s ^ O ^^^ " ■-' o •::: £ fc/D tcti 3 -Q ^ :;:; '^ - -i^ -^ ' r> 3 "^ ri -1 73 « J =^ O c E j: it -n K 2 5g-2 c H t* E o ^* s -5 ^ * .2! ►• S CJ e > "J 7 • ->■ ►« ^ -; h— * 2 C "C -3 — < C • - f ii "H iJ « £.P c O fc- >- 5 aj tr . *^ fN O «- Si « :>h. ■S3 r 2 •rj re •— .— S c t: « ■5 ^ *" = >-, nn C CO J5 •"* rt ^ a; ► 2 »^ •< •- c 0) >J -o © -= J c~ *, ■* a> ^ £ K m 5^ « ^ |.5 3 -..•=; aj fa . 2 J3 o 3QT: r* ^ ,^ o Wh si W >: 'u X PS c a J^' o J^ « p >:; »- a: 5^ A ar, «e r; .=; V ^^. a ^,iJ O rt C ^ — "2 a ^ c 73 .2 -S ,® o K = > O. 3 "" " W3 „- or _z t_, ~ S, J- < - ■~- .*« *^ •^ •« o 2 >^ M s £ s ?; I o^ iH" ^IMi 'MiMMW^MMMMMi^B Mew Brunsi^irick! - •: -r THE SUBSCHIBERS : "= iTakc Ibis method of informing their Friends and the Public^ thai ibey keep conslanly on hand, at the above •^ Establishment, a large nssorimenl of 'kitchen ranges, Fra? CHISELS, cVc. •■ , - „ r p IgjThey are also prepared to furnish STEAM ENGINES,^ ^" and MILL xMACHlNERY, of all descriptions, |? ^^ at the shortest notice. - ^^ ' ^ ', fe? And having their Nail Machinery in operation, will keep^> constantly on hanid aw assortment of f\a ; Stetd Tncks; Meel Plates, Blacking, Peg Brakes, Nippers, 11 am mors, Buckles, Iron Nails, Brafes Nails, Knives, Steel Kilt, aodi Wheels. * Cork Soles, Hook Bills, and Scivers, Patent Peg Awls; Counter size Sticks, «fcc. ; Bogt Trees, Crimps, Clampss, Lasts, Pegs, &c. &c. «&c. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 1 ^- ■V ; 05^ City and Country Orders promptly and faithfulfyW eseecuted, ' ' " .•'**'^ f ' ' '' ' JAMES J. CHRISTIE, I ■' ' ".■ ' Sign of the Side of Leatueu.'S^ KOBERT NISBET, iGabinet Maker &. Uphalsterer,! 1 .'5* !.l rest f^^^^-L, [.LAN- fe> PRINCE WILLIAM STREET, , , • . : NEARLY OPPOSITE THE ,\ ' ! m m^- 2, NORTH MARKET WHARF,! I C.&W. H.ADAMS Keep constantly tin hand a general assortment of Shelf and Heavy HARDWARE, IRONMONGERY, UAR AND BOLT IROiT STEEL, &o. COMMON and Refined Iron; Swedish ditto; BlisteT,3| German and Cast Steel ; Borax; Blacksmiths' Bellows, y^ Anvils, Vices, Sledges, Hammers, ;^c. ; Augers; Hollow $fe Ware, consisting qf Pots, Camp Ovens, Spare Covers,® Boilers, Griddles, Booled Frying Pans, Spiders. CARTfJ and WAGGON BOXES ; Tea Kettles, Saucepans ; Pre- ^ serve Kettles; Glue Pots; Wash Basins, <&c, LOCKS, ^ H[NGE3 and SCREWS of all descriptions; FILES ;S^ PLANES; SAWS; SPIKES and NAILS, every size ;® " Cam's" EDGE TOOLS ; HORSE and OX NAILS ; a B new article of Venetian Shutter Hinge, which required no fastening on the house to keep it open ; Steeled Socked ^ SHOVELS ; Steel and Iron square point Shovels ; Ditching ^ Spades, Scythes and Sneaths ; Sickles and Reaping Hooks ; ^ g Hoes ; Ox Chains ; Horse Traces ; Halter Chains ; Powder L and Shot ; Guns, Pistols, Shot Belts and Powder Flasks ; ^ Sash and Coffin Cord ; Fox Traps ; Skates ; Shovels and ** ^ Tongs ; Fenders ; Dish Covers ; Tea Trays ; Brass and Plated Candlesticks, and Snuffers and Trays; Britannia ^i ^ Metal Tea and Coffee Pots ; Windqw Glass ; Paints and ' ^ Oil ; Paint, Whitewash and other Brushes ; Hoole & Co's. SgGang and Circular Saws ; Rowland's Mill Saws ; Sleigh m ^ Bells, Sheet 'Lead; Sheet Zinc ; Block Tin and Zinc;^ Hair Cloth and Curled Hair; Carriage Springs and Pa ^ tent Axles; Copper and Iron Coal Scoops; Short linked^ ^Chains, J to f in. ; Scales, viz. : Grocers' Stand Scales, |^ Counter Balances, " Salter's" Spring Balances, with and |W ^without Scales; and a great variety of Small Wares, not^ enumerated. (JJ*.4iZ of which they offer^ either Wholesale or "Retail^ at as low j; rates as can be purchased in the City, ^ ^ ■ J FLEWWELLING&READINO, *=Prince William Street,' SAINT JOHN, N. B. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN.l^^ COFFEES, m. WW SPIRITS, &C.&C.i "i Every Article imported direct from the l^^j^ I FOR OUR OWN TRADE, AND CAN BeJI ^iL^^m t WARRANTED OF THE BEST QUALITY. Ip^^^ ^^i (15===* Goods sent to any part of the City freej^^ of charge. M h t< rii *■ i lt()Al)8 AND DISTANCES. From Saint Julin to Frederieton 6y Uio J^erepin JHuad. Hardlnji's (Yorkahire tav.) 4 Watters' 10 Douglas Arms Inn, ^ ' 4 Burton's, 8 Bradley'-'?, 5 IIowelTs, I 2 Darby Gillan'B, *' 7 Gary. (VVm Sinill.'i,) 7 Oromocto. ' 7 Frederictoii, 11-Go Oft tJte East. Side of ths Mner Torryburn. ( GodCrey's,) 7 Gondola Point, ' 9 Kingston. 4 Head of Belleisle. 14 Washademoac, 13 Jemseg Ferrv, 6 Sheffield. (Tilley's,) 13 Widow Perley'a, 8 Fredericton, 12- m Less by the Nerepis Road, 21 Saint John to Saiat Jindrew*. Lakefield, (Byrnes ) 9 Musquash, (Tilton's.) Clements', 6 McGovvan's, ' 8 Pennfield, (McCarr.s,) 12 Macadavic, (Douwlas',) 3| Bocabec, (Mrs. Boyd a,) 10 Saint Andrews, JO Total, 65 Mnint Joka to Marttn** Ileud. To Codv's, Q,uaco, - I Melvin. or Fuller'* Beacb, Big Salmon River, ^ • Little Salmon River, f'r "^ Martin's Head, "**•" Total, Saint John to Shepndy. French Village, (Debou'si) Drumniund's^ M'Manus', Dorman's, glhepody Meeting Iloase, It 9 11 6 3 5 J 49 30 1 12 12 13 Total, 79 Saint John to Jiiaherst (JV. S.) Toiryburn, (Godfrey's,) 7 Wright'n,- I 6 Han)mond River Bridge, 4 Hampton Ferry, : . 7 Hay's. 5i Fin';'er Board, (Baxter's,) A\ Roache's, ,: / • . 10 Check's, 2 M 'Monagle's, 1 To Sussex Vale, 46 Portage, M'Leod'd^ 1 1 Sleeve's, 13 Nixon's. 18 Bend, Lewitf*, pj To Bend of Petitcodiac, 94 1 Memramcook. Charter's, Dorcliester, Hickman's, Sackville. Tantamar, Amherst, To Dorchester, '.'*'^.^'; *;^* V "•*-^ Total, Jirnktrnfta Tlali/ax. To Stewarts's, River Philip, Hewson's, West Chester, Mountain, Purdy's, Londonderry, Truro, Pollok's, r? < J. Woodward's^ Shultz's, Dartmouth, 16 7]8 4 5 10 T5r 10 .5 6 SO 15 16 14 12 18 Total, 124 Bend qf Petiteodiac to RieJiibucta. To Shediac, Sinitli's, ,, Lennan's, Cocaigne Bridge, v \..--- n Little Buctouche, Smith's, Big Buctouche, Keswick's Harris', Richibucto, v «' i 33 1 :6 9 2 7 8 Total. 48 I =1 i ■B* RichibucU) to Mkfamichi. To nanUin'!^ 31. I5i»v (In Viii. Diokcns', IJIack River, M'Dt'ath'*, CiiiUhan), < ! 1 ]2 . 10 12 G Total, . 40 Ckafinm to Baihnrst, {Bay da Chalcur.) To Coodf.'llow's, () C arm titer's, - ■ ^ ' ' 11 Forsin'H, t, -.. ■■ ]y.^ Court Ilouge, » . ^ ■ Total, 43 BalhnrHt to Cayrupbellton. LirtloUock. Rainev's, , 10.^ Bell^MlntJO. Chalmers'. 9.^ Nash'd Crepk Harvey'd, l:i Dalhoijsie, Michfiux's, 18^ iVIapIo Grove, Rohertson*!*, 7 ('airipbellloij, Murray's*, 9 t - '• Total. G75 Bathurst {^y Caraquette) to Newcastle. To Bass River, Janeville. .■ ■ New Bandon^ Grande Anse, ' CarHquette Ferry, Caraqnette, Blackhall's, Pokemo'jche Ferry, Little Tracady Ferry, Big Tracady Ferry, .^ Tabpsintac Ferry, ' Burnt Clnirch, Logie'a, Oak Point. t i Frtderief.on to JUtramichi. To Taymouth, Plant's, M'Leod's, Boiestown, M'Kay'*, Nelson's, DeCantliaeV •* Bor^'on'H, Coffhiin's, .fardine's, Parker's. \Vilson'ri Point, Nevvcaslle, Cbatiiam, 14 8 17 13 10 7 » 7 7 4 Cliafham Ferry, Newcastle, C (> 8 7 B| 7 9 14 3 12 15 9 11 5 .. • Total, 109 Fredcrict^n to ^tiebefi. . " To Long's, I Marshall'rt, * Halfway Mouse, ll^we'«, Guioii's, Poquoic River, Eel River, Jonea* VVoodstork, Victoria, l Bultt'rmilk Creek, ^• Kerr's, River de Chute, > Tohique, , , Restook. Grand Falls % Grand River. . r Kelly's, 11 Mfldawaska, Little Falb, 14 Degle, Lake Temiscouata, 2ii 36 8 7 3 ^_ ... li 12-62 la 9 H lB-73 [9 Total, 120 Portage, La Belle's, Riviere du Loup Kaniouraska, Saint Ann, Riviere Quelle, Saint Thoinad, Saint Joseph. Point Levi, duebec. 18 16 7 13 18 12-8S3 Total, Ei fffw Or.D Friend-* — He who never forgota his old friends, and ch©- rishea his alfachinent for them as warmly as ever, no matter how much time, npaco, or fortune has kept them apart, is (Jne of those rare beingr? with whom Heaven has endowed the earth, that 80|| ciety may not utterly wither, through the influence of ingratitude^ Sflfishness, and incessant changes in life. It is seldom that friend* ship survives the loss of fortune and success with the world. S. . i. caB5? W. L. AVERY. GENERAL Printing Establishment, l^rtrf varint/ of Boor nnd Joh Priktino executed in the nuatest manner, and on the Jowest tormi. Couutiux JMouMC Calendar. || -GO V Jan. V. O >■ o n • 1 X c 9 M o • "3 5 • "ri ► H C • 1 11 in 'SO c ;;1 o ■3. O • c (* c • 1 6 r V. ~2 9 X c s CD "3 10 ►«5 X ^* ► >< • "4 11 OD H G • "5 12 July 5 () 7 910 ""(i"7 12 \A I4'lfi 1617 18 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 I^ iio ■2l!*i 2324 25 •20 21 29 23 24 25 26 L'G ni 2329 :iO 31 27 28 29 30 31 Feb. I Bug 1 2 3 4 5 H 7 8 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1314 15 10 11 12 13 1415 16 It) 17 J8 19 20 21 92 17 18 19 20 2l!22i23ll 33 24 25 2fi 27 28 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Mar 1 Sept 31 • •• I 2 3 4 5 6 o 3 4 6 6 7 10 n l-> 13 14 15 7 8 9 10 11 12 lull U 17 18 19 80 21 22 14 15 IG 17 IH: 19 soil ■?s '2\ 25 96 27 28 29 •21 22 33 24 •35;2:j 27 30 :n •28129 30 1 Jlpl. • • • • • • 1 o 3 4 5 Oct. \ * ■* 1 3 4 b 7 8 » 10 11 12 5 6 7 8 9 lojiiB ]? H '■;:>' U? 17 1819 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 •21) •?i :T-^;^:!:it24i 2526 19 20 21 32 33 34 sa :!8 ■iO;;jo 26 27 26 29 30 31 1 .'\[3^4 1(3 17 18 19 20 31 '» 1 .i^> rif. 2T2a .?9 3031 23 24 30 •35 26 27 28 ^() t J'^iiC ] •^ 4 5 io!]i 1'.' 6 7 Dee .. ] 2 3 4 •5 f) 9 I3I4 7 8 9 10 11 13 13 1 15 ir. r/j!8 19 mai 14 15 l(i 17 18 19 2t fl *>? ni-5^-;] 9.7^3 21 23 3:3 24 25 26 2/11 8 t^^'^!>'' faaai iiw j ii»bi..• tt ^ne«, Pampblete, Caralo checks, Bills olLadinr sho* t notice r.*-j I Handbills, Showbills, GirculaTS, Bank I'ci;oij)ts, Druggists' Labels, &c. printed at 4iUvb uf every description alvvays on hand. Iniu various branchcsj executed with neatness and despatch. All kiad;^ c^J]JJLi^!G executrd on liberal terms. « Ci iiri miimma ^fmamamBM HflttS ■^4 nent, I the ntiAtest o^ ^ S' ■o^ arg, Bank .printed at u hand. espatch ms.