IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 1.0 I.I lAaiM |2.5 itt liii |2.2 IL25 III 1.4 llllim 1.6 V] /) o v: /A 'W 7 Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 072-4503 V V N> ^q) V ' % '<^^ ^^% . ^.^ O^ ttin l)ivi.>iion ; l>ecause, L iviii:^ heruloforc pui-iued "the even tenor of my wa\" thn)U;;h lil'o. without ostentation, luid di'void of tiiiit mttoriety which a parti- cipation ill Uailr(-«d jobs, hind speculations, or viulcnl partizan struggles would have acquir- ed for me, 1 conceive that the Electors are entitled to know upon what pretensions I presume to ask their buffrafes^ . That I have oeen nty droft* hi the hu- man family, but on the contrary, an energetic ontt.1 prising, ami useful labourer among my fellow mon, suh-iintial and enduring eviden- ces in this neighborhood abundantly testify. T loft h\\ native land "of Mountain and n Flood," and arrived in I'pper Canada in 1831 witii my venerable father, (now in his Htiiii year.) a still exMiiig trag'iient of that gloiious band, who fought for freedom and his country, aaniti;d world, and who wears \.\'.">n his hroa-st tl»e emlr ni.a:ly four years, privations and iiai(l.»hips unknown in these later times The KcboUionof 1S37-8 bioii;;lit me to ChnMnm a.- a snltordiiiaie oflicer in the 1> ili-!. Coinnii<-iariat, and in that capa"ity I aiii-'iill r ni('!n!»'red with favor by *M fes- ;di 111-, a-, the biiiiilile instrument of awl to iii.inv a p lor m ;ii. This i^ inpt>raiy appoint- riii'ii! (:.\'i.<(d in IS43. wh ii I became doubly allied to one of the ulde.^1 and most respecta- ble tUniiiicsof this County, by niurrtage and by H mere.intite union, the firm of Eberts, Waddell k Co , is still remembered with good will, by all within the sphere of its operations. The eflorts which were made in 1846-7 to reform the then existing in our po- i.ii' al and adminL^trative system, engaged my eari'i'st yinpathies, and no one fought more maiuulh or more perseveringly than I did under the niie leadership of the late la- mented, Hob't Baldwin, till Church .:!•.. nts and n .nervations of land were secular- ucd, till Municipal Institutions gave to everj ci'i- munity jxiwer to manage its own local alfairs, and till many other ge51'inb reforms w're consummated. That my services were ai>preciatid let the following extract from a letter uddresped to me hy the late Hon^ Robert Baldwin, testify in my behalf. MoDtretl, S9th Auguit 1848. I'd JOHM WaDOBLI., Ksi^'R. Chatham. DsAk> i)iii,~Tbe politic*! reUtiou io which I . •ttnd to ^oq, aod ^oir fuailj, u old ud lUuneh rdenilii of tho uu.<. ^x:7. ~3tittttutional caoas, will, without • mora Intimato pertontl ^cqaaintuoe, luffi- citr.DtiT Justify my proceeding without preface or «i- plinatiun to the enquiry which it tbe'olgect of my proMiit mils, iic. &c., (Sipied,) yours truly, KOBKRT BALDWIN. — The nolo from which the furet^oiii); is taken proceed! Ut npiiuk of my uppointment at Sheriff of tho Wecteni Diitrict iu tht! place of Mr. Foolt, reiigned. In 1847. when Parliamentary Return- ing Officers were appointed at the dictum of tli<; Executive, I, a Merchant, was cho.sen by the then Government, to perform that highly onerous and imp<-.rtant duty at the time the ■two Cameron.s" contested the Election, for the representation of Kent and Lambton. — Karly in 1849, I became SberifTof the Wes- tern Dixtrict, and .sul*-ii{ut'iuiy of the Uni- ted Counties of Esse*. Kent, nnd Lambton. In .lanuary l*>"il. Esse.v became independent, and I was re-«^omiftissione(l Sherifl" of the (!oiin»ies of Kent and Lambton, and finally in tie sinie year, was again re-commissioned as MieiifTof ttie County of Kent, which lat- ter np|W)intment I resigned in favor of the present incumbent in 18t4. On surrender- ing, first, my juri.sdictiou in the County of I received through the Clerk of the Peace of that County, a flattering eulogium upon my conduct from the Chairman and Justices of the County in Seiwiiozis asaembled; iir mil "ii'l wlifii 1 ii-il ii'.iii til.' < ' if \ «'!' liiiialjiiiii ,1 Miiiil.ii iiilir^s \vii~ »>i!i I I i!h-.| :iiul lul \VillilL'(l to MIC taiit' (it' tli;it (/iMiiitv . tlic U'aiiiti!.' iiiliali Willi"', Sin rill', I sv 1- a .■.cconil Inn. Hi turning OlHcer at tlif I'.lectiuii wlnitiu Mr lirowii, Mr. iiarwill, i , I Mr. KaiiUin, wn*; (/aii'lidatr-, and icrtTv I iiikhi that nica^ioii rniiii .Vr. Untwii, a wriitmi cxjirc^sidii aiti:il and crrilitaltU- Mianiier in uliidi the iipxi't-diii^- had lifin " -ueted. In tin' year \>b\, I was oilt-n , the tlun authoiitic.-, a i 'iin- nn>.-i botiiie ^tated. I iiiga-cd ext(n.>>ivel v iu Shi|i|iin^ steam and sail — iu liimlieriiiL;'. and in \m> duce. The eralt 1 coii.-tineteii ujmiii the ll.s- er Tliaino, have given i'ann' ai.d cuaraeter t'ly, and Judiciou-ly, and thi>^ may iiieel the »'_\ e of many who can hear te-liniony, that the ijistressed or poverty stricken man iii\«iaii- |M'ali-d li< ih<' in| eM'iiiptiiih III s.iiii. i iiiaki li'i pli-tfll'ioii- (ii |it'l leelioii, ( t-l r likl' fVi'l S iuaii. hut I lii'lieve I i-aii faei' tlii." eniolituen- ey with ci)niparati\cl\ clean hand> , If I have otleiided an} , let them hea" no malice, tu cir is hnnian tu tiiigivc divine, il 1 have Mi\ed anv, let them jro and do likewi.-e. My political opimoiiN and prinriplo are miMlerate, a> were tlio>e ol" the i:ieat lather nf Ileal Itttiiriii ami lll>l^'|•e-s in Canada, the late Mr. lialdwin . and although 1 wouhi ;.'o a.-> far as any man in aiding to aciMnipli^h ■ necessary relorni, I am not inclined to adeii submissively the ini|'nicticahle nostrum of those demagogues wh>> aim lo accpiire pi.iee and power iiy deludnii: the [lublie will ', ineaningle>- cry. Interested per.sonx desiring to injure iny eharacter with one cla-s or other, denounce me as a Ministerialist, ^r Clear Grit, as may suit their oliject or design. Iain neither the iiniuinee uf the Mini.sU nor tlie nominee of U>e'tfl[lobe 'y*i>\»*pa|X; ani am prepared t'l eiifer tbt niMd agahist i-i^'.,*r of such char- '^iwtflrs, JLiulJi.ijrf'wljjch, if repn't is tat, and it will re-t with the Electors to >av whether they will support nie, the independent advocate ■'f ;rue liberality and progress, free hum par- ty letter-, or support the man. being either the tool of the Executive, nr the slave of an npposing faction. My, hereafter to lie JMUed, will et forth my political views and opinions on current events and subjects, fully, and 1 refer vn.i to it. I cannot possibly think of every lillectur to whom I would wish to address a ropy ol this Circular Letter — and, if, unin- leiitinnally. I shniild Iniiret a friend. I Impe it will be attributed bv bim in the real causi-. accident, and not de-igii. I am. Sir, Ynni'-* ti"i!v JOHN WADDELL. CuMiivM. Kent. |S-»'.*. '^k^^^ 1 ,/•-.- .1" , >4T n Q^ ^ >4 ^ % V ■v^^