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Les diegrammas suivants illustrent le mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 ' r-1i MMM tSm ^'^^•^^•r'tiit''- m^ TWENTY-SBCtiiND ANNUAL MEETINQ or tHC • Britij^h Columbia ans Home, HILLSIDE AV^UE, VICTORIA, B. C. '^'.W' Held at the City Hell, Victoria. B. C, on FrWay, March 15th. 1895. riR. CHA5. HAYWARD IN THE CHAIR. TH( OOkONMT MIMU. -US'' "■ .»!■ iv' lf$ m m m ■ «*,' ■■;1t4 «pi i t! 1 n ' ■"*! ,Jra - ■* f|9 ^'■^ m 1 H i i m m Hifti^Mii «-^ M i-i iH thf f^^ » ■■ CHAS. HAYWARD, E8Q.J^|^^-; JOHN JESSOP, Esq., - r^^T . A. C. FLUMERFELT, Eb<^^ vi^iV • Prbsidbnt Hon. Secretary Hon. Treasurer * ■ L *f'V^ ,"&-,% eommiTfi " ; The Rt.Rw. Bishop Cii Chas. Hayward, Esq., c E. C. Baker, Esq., . A. C. Flumekpblt, Esq. ' Rev. Dr. Campbell, ' j as. hutchbson, esq., V V , Rev. W. Leslie Clay, iT: Thornton Fell, Esq. , ^Vi';?'''*'-'**'.''"'* ■ ' '■■'•■'»■'■•■'•' ^RftHoitmifiT. ;v. Solomon Cleaver, f ,^&|; I McLellan, Esq., IfoAH Shakespeare, Esq., ^^ *^HN jESsop, Esq., J;, " «iv. P. H. McEwen, '^^ l^ios. Hauohton, Esq., bus B. McNftk, Esq., j^^Rry. Thomas Baldwin. iiADiBs cojdi|i0iifihpipfli. WiSfe. G. A. SARdlSON, Mrs. Maj^y Williams, Mrs. Thos. Earlb, . Mrs. Frank Adams, 1$!rs. Jas. Hutcheson, Mrs. G. L. Milne, Mrs. Sarah Clar^kb, Mrs. James MgOrboor, ^"^ifili EDWARt) Cridob, /'^^'Carr, ■ ^ ilJliyCHAS. KbWT, ^ttHig^^As. Hayward, MrmMs. Haughton, yii^msm- McNapghton, MRS.^^McMlLLAIft Mrs^ W. A. Pier, MRS.^Gf A. SaRgison, 92 Bay Street, Hon, Secretary Ladies Committve. ^Mpi Vlaltpra oan be shown over the BuUdlnss on TaM^fpjrB i^d Thureitoys flrom 8 to 5 P. M. The IMenda of the children may visit on S»tiu4»ye U*3m. % to 6P.M. . .; ^, \\^ .JOH Report of the Proceedings —AT— THE 22nd annual MEETING Held at the City Hall, Victoria, B. C, on Friday, March 15, 1895. it> Ckidgr, LAdlcH Commiitve. 'X'HE Twenty-second Annual Meeting of the sub- * scribers to the Protestant Orphans' Home, held yesterday evening, at the City Hall, while attracting only a limited attendance, was notabie for the import- ance of the business transacted. One step forward was in the direction of interesting the Baptist denomination in the practical good work of the Home, by placing the Baptists upon the same footing as that of the other Protestant churches hitherto represented in the manage- ment. Another motion from which excellent results may be anticipated was that to have the various Pro- testant churches set apart an "Orphanage" Sunday, when special collections are to be taken up toward the maintenance of this deserving charity. Last night's meeting was presided over by Mr. Charles Hay ward, and attended by the following : Mr. James Hutcheson, honorary treasurer ; Mr. John Jessop, honorary secre- tary ; Rt. Rev. Bishop Cridge, D. D., Rev. Dr. Camp- bell, Rev. G. Clement King, Hon. W. J. Macdonald, Mr. Noah Shakespeare, P. M., Mr. H. Cuthbert, Mr. A. C. Flumerfelt and Mr. J. P. Burgess. i III (I j if I*. ■- I 2 PROTESTANT ORPHANS HOMR. The mcetinjf havingf been opened with prayer by Bishop Crid^e and the usual routine business bein^ dis- posed of, the President, Mr. Charles Hayward, presented his annual report, which was to the following effect : *' I.AiiiEs AND Ghnti.kmen, — The past year, although the most successful of the twenty-two of the society's existence, when considered only from the standpoint of the amount of useful and beneficient work done by it, has been one of considerable anxiety to your Managing Committee. In addition to the widespread depression prevailing among all classes of the community, whereby the amount received from donations and subscriptions has been seriously affected ; the loss sustained at the commencement of the year of the sum of $1,632.92, by the failure of Green, Worlock & Co's bank, necessitated the greatest caution and economy in the administration of its affairs. Happily the I^adies' Committee, together with our excellent matron, cheerfully and energetically responded to the necessities of the situation, and by tho exercise of the most commendable care and economy, succeeded in keeping the working expenses down to the lowest possible limit. Your Reception Committee were thus enabled to provide for all of the most necessitous applicants for admission, and to maintain in the house during the year an average of 50.25 poor and destitute children. " There are at present in the Home 54 children, and the necessary permission has been granted for the ad- mission of five more^ although the condition of the treasury does not warrant a single additional burden. Your Committee, however, confidently believe that when the wants of the institution are generally known, that l>l L" rt «. II ■■ I' .n II.- . 1 ■ - t t ANNUAL RUrOKT. 3 the benevolent public of British Columbia will not suffer its usefulness to be curtailed for the want of the neces- sary funds. " The lej^acy of the real estate of the late John G. Taylor, so judiciously realized upon at the rijfht moment and now safely invested in the healthy site and commo- dious buildings at Hillside, and which for generations to come, it is hoped, will remain to perpetuate his memory, has had an unfavorable effect on our income. It has left the general impression that we are wealthy and in no need of help. A glance at the Treasurer's statement quickly dispels this charm, and reveals the fact that we are in the greatest need of assistance. Our purse is practically empty, with only a few annual subscriptions available until the close of the year ; be- sides which the temporary accommodation obtained on the most generous terms from . the Bank of British Columbia must shortly be repaid. *' A careful scrutiny of the financial statement shows that the expenses for maintenance of each inmate of the home has been less than the satisfactory showing of S77 per capita of last year. After charging mainten- ance with $560.51, interest on mortgage, and smaller amounts for taxes, insurance, etc., the total cost for each inmate during the year 1894 has been $71.50, or a trifle less than $6 per month, which, considering that this includes board, lodging, clothing, washing and primary education, can only be regarded as a marvellous tribute to the Ladies' Committee, to whom the internal affairs of the home are entrusted. *' Early in the year a systematic division of the city into collecting districts was made, and collecting books l4< ill :il 5 . f' \'i L-.V i t I'i {! 1 f m 4 PROTKSTANT OKIMIANM IIOMK. specially prepared for the monthly receipt ol' small sums were placed amon^ several kind friends of the home, who succeeded by this means in collectin^^ the hiindsome sum o( $484. (ki, principally in very small amounts. The hearty thanks of the manajjement is extended to these ladies for their arduous and often unpleasant work in this directive and with the hope also that these efforts may be continued during the present year. " Althoujfh the health o( the inmates of the home has been phenomenally jjood, there have been times when the services of a medical man was urg-ently re- quired. On these occasions Dr. (1. L. Milne has always promptly responded to calls upon him, and has as carefully tended and watched over the little ones as he could have done had they been the wards oi' the richest in the land. Vour Committee extend* to him their hearty appreciation o( his ji^-enerous services ; as also to Dr. John Lanj^ and Dr. T. J. Jones, for kind attention to the eyes and teeth, respectively, of the children as required. To the lonjf list of friends who anonymously and otherwise have contributed j^-ifts of various kinds, and in other ways aided the institution, the Committee return their jjrateful thanks. " Since closinjii; the accounts for the year several con- tributions have been received and arc noted in the appen- dix to the Treasurer's Statement. The Committee arc particularly grateful for the receipt, per Mrs. D. W. Higgins, of $486.50, being the net result of a charity ball arranged and carried to a successful issue by a few kind-hearted ladies. " In conclusion, your Committee earnestly commend this charitable and noble institution to those able to ^gl^ ANNl'AL HRPORT. ^{' small sums of the home, the handsome lall amounts, i extemlcil to pleasant work \t these efforts • i of the home ^e been times s urji^ently re- L. Milne has him, and has ; little ones as wards o( the xtend' to him s services ; as nes, for kind ively, of the friends who buted j^ifts of le institution, nks. ar several con- i in the appen- ommittee are Mrs. n. W. ; of a charily issue by a few ;stly commend those able to ender a helpinj;- hand. It is sincerely felt by those who have had the best opportunity of forminjf an opinion, that its primary object as set forth in its dedicatory ser- vices 'for training;' these orphan and destitute children for usefulness in the present life, and for immortal fijiory in that which is to come,' is never lost sij^ht of." Senator Macdonald inquired if it was possible that the Society, enj^aj^ed as it was m a work of charity and benevolence, was Saxed upon its bui!din{>'s and j^-rounds. The Chairman replied that this was the fact. Un- fortunately the Council had power only to exempt from taxation a portion of the Society's property five of the twelve acres of land, he thoujjht it was. Mr. Hutcheson, Honorary Treasurer, explained that the annual taxes upon the present premises amounted to about $ioo; those on the old premises on Rae Street brought the total up to 51)105.25. Senator Macdonald thoujifht that the Act might very properly be amended to permit of the total exemption of the property from taxation. He inquired if the cor- poration made any annual contribution to the funds of the Home. The Treasurer replied that $25 was given at Christ- mas time, and the discussion here terminated, the report, on motion of Rev. Dr. Campbell and Mr. Shakespeare, being received as satisfactory and ordered entered upon the minutes. Mr. James Hutcheson, Honorary Treasurer, next presented his statement of the affairs of the Home for the year just closed, as below : — 6 n<\MiiiMl/\NI OHI'IUNN IIUMK. \\\ HiUrtitoi' WW \\M\A \\\\\\\A\\- lit, lNi).| , I'on |f« MONH \N«> SriisrHirilONH ! I luilill-tl ri«>l\'» l.iiilmv $ 10 A«v»rimi«»n. N, W 7 V' Oionito A«M>t'it, |>r» Ml. Shi»l«ri«|H'rtr»' H(\ on Nti«. WrtlUri, ri«»ti'»lni»l OiplmilN' llntui'. .. in tni r<>i|v»nuioM of Vii'iorln *5 o«i lv\rM«r\INMKNI'S ! W". MiH. » '. Wtnoii $ No iMt r«'» Ml. Miu'lv, «j |>iiuoi'»|h ol roiui'il Mi| iiu I 111 I 11 1 Kniis I.o^jiwy (l»t«lrtHor) M. 'V. NVrtin HoiU»l of rhiltlirii hiscounlv Urtuk of H. T. . .* OlMmUf99KMmNTm. Ntonihly bilK for Mipplios $i/>.)0 i,\ Srtlrtiy of Mrt(i-<>n 46O 07 Wrtjjcs |x\i>l for iHsulo lu'lp .<•>** S'^ NViijjt^s [■\a\k\ ortr|vpniors ifi.S 07 Cost of new l>«il»linn , 18S S7 Kcnoini; a\\\\ inipi-oving grouiuU a|(i 76 h\irniturx? ifij f» } KucI ji^is q>) I.it^ht ..... 68 60 $i.ur»s m l.'M7 U"» ^84 nn iMl J!-^ MM IKl ."<7.l ««• •M ni' VM So l.JV on $^'. M » S7 *J.:aa-5K-J mM $t.«Kt^ ••( u <«< 7\ 7S 7«n w 1411 on i.M<7 u«' 4K4 (Ml irt (M) 7 V» U i $^». «J» s; ,r.|o J4 400 07 ,»«<'* v 165 o; i«H S7 2f,i 76 if'.l ^M (>M 60 I iiMMiiinri* 1 1 1 1 1 1 ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i I > 1 1 1 1 I I • » I I lnl«'H"«l 1 I I < I I ll^^•^ ... , Tl'lt'lilH'lii' ... I'littllii^ hidI t«tlvcill>i|ii)( S(rtt|iiii«'iy, •itiiiii|t •"<|M)"« nii)l liiirit liiri t HiUfyHiM l(»u itiiil miii)liii»« ^rtlv'iiliiMi Aiiity, iMiniil litliiiil l''x|nMtic|M|I||| I/Mi Mi llllllllllO Mil IliHliI , , U i^» lit* II 1 1 • I • •II 1 1 1 < ))') INI ^fMI SI • f»S f^ 4N rid itt 'IS h 7S iM Mfl ,15 "•» riio I'lVUMuri'r riiillipr lopoitnl 'm' icci ipt, sjiu:p llic iUiOiiiilM («»r iH«>4 wore t'luMCil, oltlu' rdlUtviii^nitunuiH: Nil jintr^riU iirCliiiilly Itnll, i-cr Mm. IIIkhIh* |t 4W0 yi Siili i'«ii i i i ' ddressed unneces- t, in con- j covered urer and it to say, jtings of ear have by much all con- me. ^htch the pled the lairman's o that of held on tary was ncy thus by the meeting r on the Vorlock. llan was Rev. E. ated his th much lusiastic ■ice. He friend of Samari- ANNUAL REPORT. 9 The same course was taken with this report as with the two others preceding and with that of the Matron, which was next considered. This latter gave statisti- cal information in regard to the children cared for at the Home, and also contained a complete list of dona- tions received during the year. Before the election of the new Committee was pro- ceeded with. Rev. Dr. Campbell had a suggestion to offer. He believed that all denominations were heartily in sym- pathy with the work of the Home and had every confi- dence in those entrusted with the direction of its affairs. He believed, therefore, that if the attention of the various Protestant churches were directed to the sub- ject, a Sunday might and would be set apart, when special collections would be taken up, the funds of the orphanage being thus benefited to the extent of $300 or $400. This course had in the past been followed with advantage to the Bible Society and to the Jubilee Hos- pital, and he could see nothing in the way of its being adopted for the benefit of the Protestant Orphans' Home. By his suggestion and upon his motion, seconded by Mr. Shakespeare, it was decided that the President and the Honorary Secretary be a committee to interview the clerical union of the Church of England in this mat- ter. Rt. Rev. Dr. Cridge, Rev. Dr. Campbell and Hon. Senator Macdonald forming a similar committee to wait upon the ministerial association — both commit- tees to report to the committee of the Home at the earliest possible opportunity. :-^ \.i..i -^AS/'Mfu-ifiW- '.■»,■' m In . i . l! 1' 1 m 'i '^^^^^H ' Ul^M } '^il^ f * ^^^H^ m i'l 'M ' ■ .ISI ^^n ll. ^ HI lO PROTESTANT ORPHANS HOME. The meetingf then proceeding to the election of the new Committee, Rt. Rev. Dr. Cridge, Mr. E. Crow Baker, Mr. Charles Hayward and Mr. A. C. Flumerfelt were chosen to represent the Episcopalian Churches ; Mr. J. Hutcheson, Rev. Dr. Campbell, Rev. W. Leslie Clay and Mr. Thornton Fell were named as represent- ing the Presbyterian Churches ; and Rev. Solomon Cleaver, Mr. A. J. McLellan, Mr. Noah Shakespeare and Mr. John Jessop the Methodist. Rev. Dr. Campbell could see no reason why the Baptist Churches should not have an equal share in the responsibilities of looking after the orphans as the other Protestant denominations. On his motion, seconded by Rt. Rev. Dr. Cridge, Rev. Thomas Baldwin, Rev. P. H. McEwen, Mr. Thomas Haughton and Mr. A. B. McNeill were named as the Baptist members of the Board of Management. So the election of the Baptist members of the Board was unanimous, and they will doubtless take their seats at the first meeting of that body. It will be held during the next week, when officers will be chosen and the Ladies' Committee named. On motion of Mr. A. C. Flumerfelt and Mr. J. P. Burgess, the cordial thanks of the subscribers — as well as the orphans — were tendered the retiring Committee and Officers for their zealous and successful work dur- ing the year just closed. President Hayward briefly returned thanks on behalf of himself and his associates of the 1894 Committee. It had with them been a labor of love, and though the work had at times been attended by many difficulties, ^£. n of the E. Crow lumerfelt lurches ; V. Leslie jpresent- Solomon kespeare why the ire in the ;he other seconded [in, Rev. r. A. B. of the le Board eir seats d during and the iTr. J. P. as well mmittee 3rk dur- n behalf [imittee. ugh the iculties, ANNUAL REPORT. II with the addition of the Baptist members to the Com- mittee and having in view the good that must surely result from the adoption of Dr. Campbell's valuable suggestion regarding an orphanage Sunday, the new Committee could certainly see sunshine ahead. The Rt. Rev. Dr. Cridge pronounced the benedic- tion and the meeting adjourned. : t I! :■ 1 I! s n In 'Ml 11 i ? .■•■^^ r ^auki 12 PROTESTANT ORPHANS HOME. ANNUAL SUBSCRIBERS, 1894. Note. — The following list of annual subscribers include some amounts received since the date of the last annual meeting, and are therefore not accounted for in the Hon. Treasurer's balance sheet : Aaronson, A. •. $ I oo Atkins, Mrs 2 50 Anderson & Co 2 50 Adams, F 475 B. C. Land & Invest- ment Agency 35 00 Baker, Col 5 00 Burnes, G. H 5 00 Braverman, 1 200 Booth, C 2 50 Baker, J i 25 Braund, C. & Co 2 50 Burgess, J. P 2 50 Bickford, Mrs 2 50 Blackie, W I 00 Berryman, R. H 5 00 Blackelt, J. S i 00 Brackman & Ker 10 00 Barnsley, J 2 00 Bechtel, A. J 2 50 Bossi, C 2 50 Bodwell & Irving 10 00 Baldwin, Rev. T 50 Baker, E. Crow 5 00 Blackwood, E. K 2 50 Bornstein, H I 00 Brownlee, J. H 2 50 Belyea, A. L 5 00 Carmichael, H 10 00 Cridge, Bishop & Mrs. 5 00 Cleaver, Rev. S 2 50 Cs^ssidy, R 500 Challoner & Mitchell.. $ 5 00 Clay, Hy ; 00 Christodolo, C I 00 Cuthbert, H. & Co 2 50 Carmichael, W i 00 Campbell, D. E 2 50 Colbert, John 5 00 Clarke & Pearson 2 50 Conlin, M 50 Cochrane & Munn 3 00 Currell, W. D 2 00 Clearihue, J. & A 5 cx) Cunningham, Thos. ... 2 00 Cameron, W. G 2 50 Crawford, J i 00 Craft, Wm 2 50 Carne, F. , Jr 5 00 Cash I 00 Cash 2 00 Campbell, Rev. Dr • . . . 3 00 Clay, Rev. W. L 3 00 Church, 1 . E 5 00 Crease, Hon. H. P. P. 5 00 Crane, J. E. & Co 5 00 Carmichael, Herbert... 2 50 Cartmel, D 2 50 Drake, Jackson & Hel- racken 1500 Denny, W 5 00 Dawley, F. G 2 50 Dowler, VV. J 2 50 DeCosmos, A 5 00 iiiii ANNUAL REPORT. 14. I Davey, F. C $ 3 00 ■ Day, R. S 5 00 5 00 1 Ditter& Lease iclude some ■ Davie, Hon. Theo . . . . 5 00 ing, and are ■ Drake, Hon. M. W. T. 5 00 e sheet ; Davidson Bros 3 00 sll..$ 5 OO Dwyer, W. J 2 50 i OO Earle, Thomas 20 00 1 OO Erskine, Wall & Co, . . 5 00 2 50 Erskine, R 5 00 I 00 Eberts & Taylor 10 00 • ' • ' 2 50 5 00 El ford & Smith 5 00 . . .. 2 50 Find lay, Durham & B.. 10 00 . . . SO KIcwin, W. H 2 50 • • • • 3 00 Flint & Prosser 5 00 ... 2 00 Fraser, A. B 2 50 ... 5 00 Fullerton, J 2 50 . . . 2 00 Flett, Alf 2 00 2 50 F'-iend 25 I 00 Flewin, Thos I 00 2 50 Kox, M. A 2 50 • ■ • 5 00 Fell, Thornton 10 00 • • • I 00 Fannin, John 5 00 • ■ ) 2 00 . . • 3 00 (Irant, Mrs. Capt 12 00 • • • 3 00 Gillespie, Geo 5 00 ... 5 00 Giffen, J. B 2 50 P. 5 00 , Galletly, A. J. 5 00 5 00 Goodacre, L 5 CO . . • 2 50 (ilover, Geo 2 50 , , , 2 50 Grcigg, W 2 00 (!rey;ory, F". R 5 00 el- 15 00 Gilmore & McCandless. 5 00 5 00 Ilelmcken, Hon. J. S. . 20 00 2 50 2 50 llibben & Co 5 00 10 00 Hudson's Bay Co • • 5 00 Horn fray, R., 1893 5 00 Homfray, R., 1894. ..$ Holmes, A Hastie & Bannerman . . Henshall, Mrs Horner J. & Co Hall & Co Heisterman, H. F. & Co Humber, A. A Henderson, T. M Henderson, J. N Harvey, Rout Hall, Ross& Co Harrison, W Hay ward, Chas. & Mrs Hutcheson, Jas Horner & Co Hall, Dr. F. W Haughlon, Thos Hart, j. J Hall, H. G Hinton, G C 13 5 00 1 00 2 50 50 2 50 1 00 10 00 2 00 5 00 5 oo 2 50 10 00 5 00 10 00 5 00 2 50 2 50 2 50 1 00 2 50 I 00 Jones (Sl Bridgman .... 5 00 Johnson, E M 5 00 Jeffiee, W. J 2 50 Jessop, John 2 50 Jones, C. E 2 50 Jay, George, jr 2 50 Kent, Chas . . Kosche, Mrs. Kinnaird, W. 6 00 50 2 00 Lawson, J . H 5 00 Langley, A. J 25 00 l-eiser, S. & Co 5 00 Lenz & Leiser 5 00 Lettice, Robt 5 oo Lacrosse Match 13 65 14 PROTESTANT ORPHANS HOME. Lubbe, Theo $ lo oo Lilley, H. A 5 oo Lange & Co 5 00 Lovell, J. B 5 00 Lowenberg & Co i 00 Luxton, A. P 2 50 Lewis, L I 00 Milne, A. R 5 00 Marvin, E. B. & Co . . . 5 00 Maynard, George 5 00 Morris, E. A 2 50 Morison, G, & Co 2 50 Mansell, Hy 2 50 Maynard, Jas I 00 Morrow, Holland & Co 2 50 Mason, W. H 1 25 Marchant, VVm i 00 Morley, C 2 50 More, A. W 1 00 Macdonald, Senator. . . 20 00 McPhillips, Wootton & Barnard 5 00 McDowell, VVm 5 00 McCulloch, G. A 2 50 McQuade, P. & Sons. . 10 00 McMillan, J. & Co.... 2 50 McEwen, Rev. P. H . 50 McNeil, A. B 50 McLanchlin Bros 2 50 McLellan, A. J 5 00 NichoUes & Renouf. . . Northcotte, W. W Noltie, S. W Norris, F 5 00 5 00 1 00 2 50 Pearse, B. W 20 00 Pope, Dr. S. D 2 50 Phillips, J. E 2 00 Piercy, J. & Co $ 2 50 Pilher & Leiser 5 00 Porter, R. & Sons 5 00 Powell, Geo 200 Prior, E. G. & Co I o 00 Preece, Thus 5 00 Phillips & Son 2 00 Pemberton, Mrs. J. D. IS 00 Pendray, W. J 10 00 Parker, John 5 00 Powers, M 2 50 Quinlan, VV. J 2 50 Rithet, R. P. &Co 21; 00 Riley, Mrs 5 00 Roberts, General i 00 Richardson, G. A. & Co 2 50 Reid, Samuel 5 00 Ross, Dixi H ....'.... . 20 00 Robertson, H. E. A. . . 2 50 Robertson, lohn 30.) Rattray & Hall 5 00 Russell, G. S I 50 Spencer, D Sehl, J .• Sommers, J Simmons & Co. . .... Savannah, J , Shaw, G. C Sayward Mill Co , Switzer & McCloskey. Serentres, J. P Shakespeare, N . . . . . , Salmon, E. J Shotbolt, Thos Steele, P 5 00 2 50 2 50 2 00 I 00 1 00 5 00 2 50 5" 3 o" I 00 5 00 5 00 Todd, C. & Son 20 00 ti l ,lUlM..!ilL -U - i' ANNUAL REPORT. J5 $ 2 50 5 00 5 00 2 00 10 00 5 00 2 00 15 00 10 00 5 00 2 50 2 50 2S 00 5 00 1 00 2 50 5 00 20 00 2 50 3 o'> 5 o" 1 50 5 o" 2 50 2 5') 2 00 I 00 1 00 5 on 2 50 3 o" I 00 5 00 5 00 20 00 Turner, Beeton & Co. .$ 10 00 Tye, Thos 5 00 Thompson, C. W. R . . 5 00 Tolmie & Stewart 5 00 Turner, J 50 Vincent, V. W 5 00 V'ictoria Transfer Co. .. 10 00 Victoria & Phoenix B. Co $ 5 00 Vowell, A. W 5 00 Ward, Robt. & Co.... 25 00 Wilson, J. Keith 5 00 Weiler Bros 10 00 Wm. Wilson & Co. . . . 5 00 Wailt, M. W. & Co ... 5 00 Warr£n, Capt 5 00 Wilson, W. & J 5 00 Williams, B 5 00 Williams, R 2 50 Walker, Geo 2 50 Worluck, F. H 5 00 Wilby, W I 00 Wllie, L 2 00 Williams, B. &Co.... 5 00 Wriglesworth, J 2 00 Walls, J. P 2 50 Walkem, Hon. G. A . . 5 00 Young, Hy.& Co $ 250 Young Bros i 00 York, Joseph 2 50 MONTHLY COLLECTIONS" By the following Ladies during the year : Carr, Miss $ 20 00 Elford, Miss 68 95 Heisterman, Miss 4 95 Hutcheson, Mi.ss 12 95 Higgins, Mrs 32 5© Kent, Mrs 57 85 McCulIoch, Mrs 39 65 Nesbitt, Mrs 2 85 Peddle, Miss 3 75 Silverthorne, Miss 36 30 Spring, Miss 10 85 Stephen, Miss 23 55 Tolmie, Miss 33 5° Williams, Mrs 43 00 Williams, Miss E 40 25 Welham, Miss 6 25 Wilson, Miss 3^ 25 Walker, Mrs I5 25 Three friends 95 ?>484 60 In addition to the long list of friends who have con- tributed various useful articles, etc., during the year, and which have been publicly acknowledged in the Matron's monthly reports, the following have agreed to send in goods as required to the value set opposite their names : Flumerfelt, A. C $ 24 00 S|)eed Bros 2 50 Fell & Co 10 03 Bayne, Roskell $ 2 50 Watson & Hall 2 50 Cameron, C 5 0° it h X r MHaw 16 PROTESTANT ORPHANS HOME. Brown, R. A $ 5 00 Waller, Hy 12 50 Saunders, Ily 5 00 Broilrick, R 700 Small, F. A 2 50 McMicking, R. B 5 00 Colonist Publish 'g Co..$ 12 00 Annesly & Howell .... 2 50 Muirhead & Mann 5 56 Pennock & Lowe 5 00 J. Partridge 2 50 J. H. Baker 3 00 NANAIMO SUBSCRIBERS. Atkiss, Richard $ i 00 Alsgaard, M 50 Allen, Hugh ^ 50 Alexander, Samuel .... i 00 Allison, J. W 50 Bryant, W. R 2 50 Bryant, T I 00 Baker, J i 00 Brown, T i 00 Barnes, E. C . I 00 Brown, fas. M i 00 Bell, Robt 50 Barbori, Joseph ...... 50 Biggs, Geo 50 Booker, Tom 50 Brenton, Chas 50 Bradshaw, Owen 50 Bate, Mark, jr i 00 Baker, Tom I 00 Burnell, Chas 50 Barton, Wm i 00 Corporation of Nanaimo 25 00 Cheetwood, Chas 50 Carroll, Harry 50 Cunningham, T I 00 Cunningham, P i 00 Carlson, .^lex $ 50 Cox, Joe 50 Chadwick, John 50 Cooper, Wm 50 Corcoran, Tim 50 Chadwick, Sam .' 50 Cornfield, A I 0()» Craig, Wm i 00 Curran, Tom 50 Drake, S i 00 Dennison, W. B i 00 Dixon, Thos 50 Duggan, Jas 50 Duffy, M 50 Diamond, John 50 Deguette. Arthur i 00 Degrcek, Harry 50 Dixon, John. . $0 Duggan, Albert ....... 50 Doward, Enoch 50 Dandiff, August 50 Dinsmojre, Alex 50 Dick, Wm i 00 Elliott, D. H I 00 Edmonston, Wm 50 Edwards, Y. M 50 HNUi ,$ 12 OO 2 50 . 5 56 5 00 2 50 3 00 ,$ 50 50 50 50 50 5<' I Oll» I 00 I 00 I 00 50 5" 5" 50 I 00 50 50 50 50 50 5'^ I 00 I 00 5'> ANNUAL REPORT. Edwaicls, Wm :.$ Edwards, Richard Evans, Jas Elignon, John Friend Friend Fearn, H Friend, A 50 SO 50 50 25 50 50 50 Frame, John i 00 Freeman, Harry 50 Fiack, Tom i 00 Fraser, Alex i 00 Freure, E 50 Good, J. H I 00 00 50 50 50 SO 50 SO 00 SO 00 Gilbert, J. K . . Gibbs, Geo (ialloway, Robt. Gilbert, Robert . (libbs, Austin. . . ( jriffiths, Ben . . . (lufTals, Frank. . Gordon, Wm . . . (ieoffrey, Wm.. ( J rant, Chas Hemans & Walmsby . . Honeyman, Capt Hilbert, Wm. M Hickman, A Harwood, Peter Halverson, John Heddle, W. T Hanna, Wm Hirst, Robt Hunter, A. F Hunter, Wm Haslam, A Happle, G 2 50 I 00 I 00 50 I 00 SO I 00 I 00 I 00 SO 50 5 00 SO Hopple, Jacob $ Hale, John Holm, Chas Hankok, D Hodtjson, Tom Johnston, A. R. & Co. Johnston, John Johnson, Gus Jones, Wm Johnston, Ralph Johns, Dave Johnston, Gus Jones, John D Kerrone, Jas Kenney, Pat Leighton, W, K . . Larss, P. E Lampson, John. . . Land, P. M Le Feuvre, F Lake, Lot Langham, James . Lee, G Langill, Rupert. . . Langill, Robt Lister, Geo ...... Lindholm, Oscar . . »7 50 50 5^ 5<' SO 5 00 so 50 I 00 SO I 00 so SO SO I 00 Morgan, T. C . . . McKenzie, C. C. Manson, L Morton, W. H . , McNeil, R 2 50 I 00 I 00 I 00 so so 50 I 00 I 00 1 00 50 so 1 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 McGregor, J 2 50 Malpass, W i 00 Millar, Wm 1 00 Malcolm, Chas 50 i I. H i I i8 PROTESTANT ORPHAN S HOME. Maitland, Robt . . . McNeil, Robt Mace, Sydney McNeil, Malcolm . . . MeKinnon, Michael. McNulty, E Marshall, Wm McNeil, John McNeil, Mac McAlpine, W. J . . . . McKenzie, John. ... Mulholland, E Mottishaw, Wm .... Milmore, )as Mottishaw, Elijah. . McNeil, Alex McMurdoch, Robt . . McDonald, M MeKinnon, Dan Milea, John McKenzie, Harry... McLellan, Hector.. Manson, Chas Moore, Tom McLellan, Dan Muller, Chas Meredith, Tom Moseley, L. C McKenzie, Wm Milligan, Jas Muncie, Tom McGr^or, Wni Norris, George Newberg, Jonah' Nankwell, J Norris, W. E Neen, Joseph New Vancv'r Coal Co. . SO 50 50 50 50 5" I 00 50 50 50 « 50 50 50 50 I 00 50 50 SO SO 50 I 00 I CO so I 00 so 1 00 I 00 I 00 so 1 00 so 2 so 2 50 so so 1 00 so 50 00 Orr & Rendell $ ^2 50 O'Connell, T 50 O'Malley, Jas 50 O'Dell, John 50 Olde, John i 00 Powers, J. E. T . . . . , Pleace, J. H Peterson, K Potts, E. E Potter, James Pender, James Provens, Jas Piper, Wm Piper, Jos Piper, Thos Perry, Geo Page, Robt Priestly, Wm Piper, Tom, jr Pearce, Wm Pimbury, E . & Co . . . Pawson, John I 00 5 00 SO 1 00 SO SO 2 SO SO I 00 SO so 1 00 so So 50 2 00 2 So Quennell, E 2 So Quinlette, Joachim .... So Quigg, Wm so Rowby, D I 00 Randle, O I 00 So SO SO So so 50 Rice, Jas. . . Roach, A Regard, Leonard Russell, Wm Reese, David Robertson, Thos Ramsay, John I 00 Robins, S. M 2S 00 Stevenson, C. E I 00 ^au rfH $:« 50 50 50 50 1 00 1 00 5 00 50 1 uo 50 50 2 50 50 I 00 50 50 1 00 50 50 50 2 00 2 50 2 50 50 I 00 I ou 5" 50 SO 50 5" 50 I 00 25 00 I 00 ANNUAL REPORT. '9 Sehl.J. J $ 2 50 Stannard, J 2 00 Sullivan, j i 00 Snedden, Jas 25 Swan^ion, Chas 50 Smith, Irvin 50 Sharp, John i 00 Sheaves, Chas 50 Storey, Iko i 00 Scott, Chas. .,. 50 Speck, A I 00' Smith, Jas. J i 00 Slack, Jas i 00 Tagart, J. E. R i 00 Taylor, E 50 Thompson, J 2 50 Tanner, Gordon i 00 Thomas, Wm 50 Thomas, Dan 50 Trevelyan, Tom 50 Taylor, CJeorge i 00 Taylor, John $ i 00 Walls, T I (K) Wall, Wm 2 00 50 50 I no 50 5" I 00 5" 50 I 00 50 White, John Waring, Oeo Wilson, "^hos . . Wilkinson, John . . Woodburn, Peter . Woodburn, M . . . . Watson, Andrew . . Williams, Andrew Wilkison, W Walker, Geo . . . . W'allace, James 2 00 ^'oung, James 2 50 Young, W. A I 10 Young, Reuben 50 Young, John I 00 Total $305 on SPECIAL DONATIONS AND BEQUESTS. 1883 — A Masonic purse $ 250 00 1888 — Richard Carr, legacy 250 cx) J. Bangs, legacy 250 00 Rcbert Dunsmuir, donation 250 00 1889 — John Boyd, legacy 250 00 Thomas Innes, legacy 106 75 1890 — A friend, donation 1,000 00 Mrs. E. E. Hitchcock, legacy 200 00 1892 — A. A. Green, legacy 500 00 1893 — John George Taylor, estate 3o»358 00 M. W. Waitt, legacy 500 00 i i! i ^r ^1 fif' > M < w I, -t' _^Hi 1". ''■ 1. ^rS ^1 1 ^>a i 111 IHti It I! i'ill! ! ,1 I,., I i I ; 20 PROTESTANT ORPHAN S HOME. BOYS IN HOME, JANUARY, 1895. No. Sl'RNAMK. I 2 3 4 7 8 9 lO II 12 13 14 IS i6 17 i8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Brown Brown (jrjint Lusk Thomas Thomas Caflfery Allard Johnson Salton White Butler Hodgson Thomas Thomas Emerson Emerson .... Clemes Woodsworth . Tallis Tallis Collyer Collyer Strulhorst . . . Shepherd .... Christian Nayk. Thomas John . . George Neil Thomas VViMiam James.. Robert Ilenry. . William David Alber Thomas Frank Roy Elgin Charles Walter Henry Geo. Macauley. Henry Augustus Robert Thomas Arthur Edward. Charles Trower. Conrad Roy Oatk Rkckivkp. Dec. Dec. Nov. July Dec. Dec. July Nov. Jan. July Nov. Dec. Aug. Dec. Dec. Oct. Oct. Dec. April April April July July Dec. Dec. 15, 1888. 15, §888. 6, 1889. 17, 1890. 29, 1891 . 29, 1891 . 28, 1891 . 24, 1891 . 26, 1891. 1, 1892. 18, 1892. 2, 1892. 30, 1893 14, 1893 14- S93 4 ^93 4. ^93 23, r893 12, 1894 21, 1894 21, 1894 5. «894 5. 1894 17. 1894, 26, 1894. Ag'e when Admitted. 4 Yrs. 3 2 2 7 5 6 3 4 9 I 6 7 5 4 2 4 4 9 4 10 7 4 2 9M 6 7 2 8 5 I 6 3 5 6 5 3 8 ■'If-- ANNUAL REPORT. QIRLS IN HOME, JANUARY, 1895. 81 No. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo II 12 •3 '4 •5 i6 17 i8 '9 20 21 22 ^3 24 25 26 27 28 29 Surname. Perkins Philips Smith Smith Smith Christopher .. Benuchamp... Beauchamp... Allardice Fdgerton . . . . Edgerton . . . Edgerton . . .. Connant Connan* Grant .. . . . . Lusk Lusk Caffery Sahun Allerdice . . .. Clemes Lambert Smith Tallis Tallis Emerson Williams . . .. Sullivan Sullivan Christian Namr. Dolly Annie Katie Hannah , Isabella Ilellen Nellie Madge , Frances Ada (lertie lane Delia Martina Christina Lena Nellie Nf ary Isabella Ethel Nellie Lottie Florence Ada Elsie Flora Myrtle Sittleth May Maud Datr Kkckivrd. Aug. 8, 1882. April 9. 1883. July 4. 1885. luly 4 1885. July 4. 1885. Oct. 17. 1887. Nov. 1 9, 1888. Nov. •9. 1888. Mar. 14, [889. Mar. 14. [889 . Mar. 14. 14, 1889. [889. Mar. Nov. 17, [890. Nov. •7, 1890. May 2, [890. luly 17. 1890. July >7. 1890. luly 28, 1891. luly I. [892. Oct. 21, [892. Oct. 21, '893- Jan. 3, 1894. April 2, 1894. May 12, 1894. May 12, 1894. June 29, 1894. July 6, 1894. July 9. 1894. July 9, 1894. Age when Admitted. I Yrs. 5 M 3 ' 5 ' 4 ' ' . •*• I * t 4 " 6 ' 3 * 2 * 7 ' 4 ' ' 6" 3 ' 9 * • 2 •» 7 * ' 5 *• 6 ' 4 2 •• 3 • • 9" 7 ' . 7 • . 3.. 4 ' 8 ' ' 3" « 2 " II ♦ . 2 • . 2 '• 10 ' « 2 " 6 • ' 10 " 6 ' 4" 5 ' . , >• 9 ' ' I'A'' 7 ' . 3.. '/^s Nuhiber of inmates at last report 46 Admitted during the year 17 63 Died Placed at service Taken out o I 8 — 9 Total in Home . 54 ! ;-i M ill UJ m iM' H '■ 1 V : -|^H' 1 1 ^■. ' '^H' 'Si ,■: '' ' ^^1'" ;;, S m i 'I^^B'^ 11 « 1 i if ^1 m iM '/■i'%iiiT)(lt«'»'ftfi^W'i''iC' '''">''"' 11 ' 'nn' If . tari'"' . 1.: H :!;l ,.1 »!>«r«**.." ,....2ii^»^^^i,>» •'•