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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed a^ different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exf.3sure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, an many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent §tre filmte d dee taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clich4, il est film^ i partir de Tangle supirieur gauche, de gauche h droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombfe d'images n^cessaire. Les diagranmes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 I LIST OF S<:Le<:€TORS, 181)0, QUALIFIED TO VOTE FOR MEMBERS OF THE UOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. VICTORIA WARD. Alvvard, Silas barrister Allinghum, Junies carpenter Almon, Samu 1 do Archibald William laborer Atkins, Gtiorge music teacher Allan, Henry laborer Ayer, Milton currier Adams, Alexander r r carji Andrews, Thomas carpenter Andrews, Thomas ji' do Addison, Robert laborer Addison, Richard do Addison, James S do Allan, (ieorge do Allinghara, Richard trunk mkr Almon, James ma!$on Anderson, William foreman Atkins, -John musician Allingham» Andrew locksmith Akerly, Oliver saloon keeper Busby, William L coal merch Brennan, Martin laborer Browning, Evans, Edward marmer Elwell, Charles glue maker Elliott, George do clerk caulker machinist accountant cabinet mki Cunnin<;ham, Thomas laborer Crawford, George fireman Cooper, William nail cutter Fisher, Edwin timber dealer Finnigan, Michael teamster Frink! R Walker W ms agent Fowler, William H . filler Forrest, John J barrister Ferguson. William , / "^ ® Fawcett, James laborer Farrcn, Neil «<> VICTORIA WARD. Fitzpatrick, John Flynn, Owen French, John Ferris, William J Ferguson, John machinist seaman r r 6 spinner carpenter Giggey, Tloratio M (losline, William U GoUin, George Griiham, Edward Graham, George Fairweather, G Ernest architect Garnet, John Frith, Henry W Frith, Kenneth Fowler, Josiah Foss, E Ijovel Foster, Thomas IE Ooster, George Fraser,! Joseph Fitzgerald, John Eraser, Alexander Eraser, James E Fall is, John Fanjoy, William Flewelling, John Fawcett, Frank Flood, Matthew Finnigan, Thomas Foshav, John Fawce"tt, William Fox, Matthew Fudge, Robert Foley, Frederick Fallis, Albert Forsyth, William Foster, ('harles H Foster, Robert Foster, William Eraser, James E Fox, Matthew Fanjoy, Georire E Ferguson. Robert barrister yeoman axe manufacr dyer traveller r r laborer laborer do biacksmth clerk r r carpenter carpenter do clerk sexton founder laborer potter tavern laborer potter printer mason fireman clerk printer wood engravr brickmaker Gamet, Matthew Graham, Enoch W Green, Joseph Green, Philip B r r laborer clerk wheelwright laborer potter carpenter laborer brass finishr machinist builder ticket agent Heath, Alfred J Hammond, John Holmes, James Hatiield, William Harrigan, Patrick Hazlehurst, Joseph W founder Hetherington, Malcolm drugist artist laborer carpenter laborer Hamm, Mathias Hamm, Thomas Hunter, William Hunter, Joseph Henderson, John Henderson, John jr Hanley, John Hanley, Patrick 1 lanley, James Hutchinson, William Hutchinson, Herbert grocer wheelwright laborer carpenter teamster r r e blacksmith teamster laborer do painter Hunter, Samuel C draper Hamilton, John R agent Hall, William postal clerk lick son, John Harrison, Morton L blacksmith Harrison, Edward J clerk 1 larris, James F Glynn, John laborer Grover. Albert janitor Green, Wellington carpenter Green, John laborer Gallagher, Peter Goslin, Jacob Graham. Joseph Grant, Oscar Geldert, Oliver A Gandy, Barton Godard, Frederick Green, Frederick do r r watchman teamster letter carrier r r e merchant do carpenter teacher stationer clerk mason Holman, James carpenter Hazlehurst, William founder Henderson, William F fence mr Hamm. James K grocer Hodgin, John laborer Henneberry, Patrick carpenter 1 Luestin, Kennedy do Hayes. Daniel grocer Hall, Ralph laborer Huggard, George founder Haves, Hugh laborer Hahlon, George W potter Hickson, John (^arside, John cotton operative Heyenor. Gideon Gorham, Charlca barber Hall, Percy G teamstei baker do moulder Godfrey, Robert Grant, James Gay, George ^iough, Arthur Hodgins, Robert J f unter, John W Holder, William H Holder, James laborer coppersmith clerk teamster laborer grocer millman M VICTORIA WAUn. Holmes, .lames dyer J^^^' 'S^tn^ Xror'''' iini ThnmMq ir cotton op Lowry, Jolin Ia»)orer HutchSn William D mach'st Lowry, (Jliver A sp.ce dealer nSlte'Toseph L carpenter LeLnscheur, John carpenter Irvine, R( bert Irvine, John J Irvine, Samuel Ingrahiim, Hugh r r e do wheelwright laborer i/iwton, Williiim manufac'r Lane, Walter carpenter wool puller collector dyer news agent Law son. Horatio Led ford, Charles L;iw, Alexander L Lindsay, -lohn Johnston, Alexander teamster Lyon, George W Jones. Ei^astus N clerk loaan ^oU.mon E r:nV^en''vr engineer tlfe^nd,' Robert f= spinner 'nhn^on^ames carpenter Love, William II manufacturer 'jackson John spinner Lattimore, William r r e Ioms?on Andrew M ^cnrpenter Lattimore James laborer accountant barber Jack, I Allen Johnston, James Johnston, John Johnston, John Johnston, Ro'ieit Johnston, Robert Johnston, George James, Charles 1 1 Johnston, William J barrister London, Ralph laborer Lindsay, John J clerk i c r Leonard, Alfred mariner Logan, Thomas, carpentg: LeLascheur, John wool puller Lipsett, John do r r e do coc»per clerk laborer Knox, George Kerr, William Kelly, Daniel Keane, Cornelius Keane, Patrick Kennedy, James Knowles, George Kinnear, James A Kirkpatrick, Frederick Kingston, William M Keenan, Bernard tailor Lindsay, Hezzy L P clerk i c r laborer , braueman Muufovd. Walter carpenter Murray, George H i' '' « Murray, Isaac cotton operative Moi">n, Hugh stonecutter Mahony, James stevedore Moynehan, Patrick cordwnr Murphy, William Murphy, Henry JIurphy, Edwar.l Murphy, Fiancis J Manks*, D Moore Meiiict, Gabriel Myers, Chailes Myeis, James Myles, James Mvles, Andrew caulker merchant laborer draper do merchant r r e clerk carp r r e laborer Kilpatrick, William carpenter Kearnev, James laborer Keefe, Stephen seaman Keyes, James clerk Kenney, John rr laborer ;■-••--> Kirkpatrick, William J teanistr Meehan, John Kelly, John T tide waiter Martin, I ajrick King, John cordwainer Kane, Michael butcher Kelly, Patrick laborer Kirkpatrick, Henry ser ran t Kennedy, James K clerk Kirk, Arthur baker do blacksmith wood turner hatter shipbuilder carpenter laborei carpenter do Mor.ison, John McB mason Miller, William accountant ' ■ tailor laborer Mltcheir, John r r laboi-er Maloney, George do Magcc, Alexander M roofer Magee, Chailes W r r fireman Mann, David ship carpenter Mann, Isaac Mann, Tohdg( r 1 McKec, George McGhiley, William McCarthy, Daniel McDctnaid, Daniel McHugh, Arthur McFarhine, John McCaig, John McCay, Chark's H McMuiray, Alexander McLean, James B McLaughlin, Samuel McBiine, John laborer McConnell, James mason McAfee, John carpeutei' McAfee, John jr moulder McAfee, William carpenter r " e watchman contractor seaman lab do do milk dlr r r lab cord wain r McAllistei', Jam<'8 dyer McLaughlan, Thomas lab McQuarrie, Daniel McDonald, Daniel McGilvray. John McCourt, John McQuarrie. Neil McUann, Daniel Mclnnerny, John McNamara, John McNamara, Thomas McEachi'an, Joseph r r carp farmer r <■ lab carpenter lab caulker tave n lab carpenter founder cllM'k labor<'r teamster laborer ^r r laborer cordwaini' • > laboie* laborer McMinnimin, Patrick lab McKenzie, James ca'p McCurdy, John tavern McFadden, David yeoman McColgan, William teamster McKeown, Charles do MeDonald, Johix lab McNamara, Bartholomew carp McGanity, Irvin do McClure, John hole borer McKee, Gei )vs.e A watchmn i c r McKay, John cottoi. .perativ McHenry, Henry cotton op McAllister, Archibald painter McDade, Wesley lab McLaughlin, Duncan lab Mclsaac, John caulker McKin, John lab McKinlay, William machinist McLellan, Samuel W mariner McLeod, Ilenry carp trader engineer Nugent, John laborer r r e McDonald, James McDonald, Rob(Mt laborei' lab Nuttall, John foreman Northrup, Thomas G carp Northrup, Eli teamster North, George carp Nixon, Robert tavern Nixon, Thomas r r lab Nelson, James potter Nickerson, Thomas lab carpenter Nixon, Thomas carp I 6 VICTOKIA >VAU1>. O'Brien, Williiun lab R«nnick, G.'orgp coidwr Otty, Heniy P p «> clerk lloboitsou, Kt'V .lohii A Olive, Stiinby G accountiint Hycl«'i', Richard Orr, Georee lab Hobo it* .11, .John " • t unkmr KiiBSt'lI, Edward 0'Shiiughnessy,lR( »bert, Osburn, Kobert lab Patriquiii, Lord Ivan servant Patterson .)<>hn engin<-er Penallipan, William A carp Philps, Ernest N clerk Patchell, Robert R g ocer Perkins, George seamun Patchell, Israel carp Peacock, George f( lUnder Puddington, l>avid W clerk Puddington, Edwin teamster Puddington, Frank lab Page. Honry C j.'weller Philps, George ticki't agent Pruice, Thomas W r r e Prince, -lames Palmer, .lames Patrick, William Parlee, Howard Patterson, Frank Pye, Patrick Pinnie, John Peacock, William Paddock, John Pettingal*', .John Pitts, David Quigley, William Reed, Robeit Reed, Jamr wood Biwyer yeoman lab lab g'Ht do cierk gas ingp trav lab machinist r r e do cordwr lab do do grc cer ins agt do r r e ui agei.t dyer do faiier yeoman r r lab currier lab mason clerk brasei finisher painter pattern makr Robi'i'tson. Edwaj'd .J Robinson, George Ross, Thomas Rowley, William Rowley, David Ryder, David operator clerk wool puller mariner student yeoman millman cordwr engineer lal) Seely, Alfred 8eely, -Jacob .1 Smith, William Saunders, Howard Sutcliff, Albert Stephenson, .John Sullivan, -James Schmidt, Peter Sterling, Norman Smith, Andrew G Sndleir, William II B Scovil, Edwaid G Sh«'rman, Thonxas Smart, Herbert Scovil, IltMiry Sinclair, IJavid A Sturdee, 11 I^iwranc^ Sturdee, Henry R Sealey, -James R troas N B R r r e lab teamster spinner lab teamstei* ji'Weller clerk jeweller clerk tea dt'alei* moulder cotton op clerk V r e barrister clerk traveller Sanderson, George bank man'i" Seaton, -lames S printer Scott, William manufactr Steadman, John F r r o Scott, William G carp Scott, Walter clerk Sandall, Harry P customs dep Schofield, George A bank mam* Schofield, Herbert B Sterling, Edwin Seely, William Stevens, Isaac G Stevens, Douglas B clerk r r e g.'nt r r e do Stead, Th; Simpson, '1 Stepheneo' Starkey, \^ Starkey, 11 Shaw,'Cha Sands. Wii Sullivan. I Spence, -J( Sullivan, t Sullivan, .1 Stevenson Sullivan, •' Scott. Wil Scott, Tlio Smith, -Jol Stevenson Stevenson Sheehan, • Sargison, ^ Stocklord, Sheehan, Stephens! Stevenson Schofield, Shaw, Ch: Shaw, -Jol Stephensi Steph«'nsi Stevens, I: Sutclift; I! Stevens, i Stevens, 1 Stockford Simpson, St(jckton, Tufts, Fr( Tait, Hug Thompso Tower, Ci Trites, Ti Town, He Trueman, Travis, CI Ihompso Thumuth Thomas, ' Thompsoi Tatter sal! Tatton, V Toole, Te Trueman, Thompso Tait, And VICTOUIA WAKI>. St'inl, Thomas cUmIc Simpson, Th'nnas lab Stt'phcneon, Thomiiu B hai mr Thorpe, Edward lab Thuiiiuth, William do Tiit'ts, Kivdriick H printer Starkly, Walter Starkoy, Robert Shaw, Chaijfs SuiuIb. William Sullivan. Daniel Spenc<', .lohn G Sullivan, D-nnis Sullivan, -'ohn Stevenson, lames Sullivan, .lauiea Scott. William Scott, Thomas Smith, .lohn -I StevenS) m, A lulrow Stevenson, *'<>' rg*- postal clerk Tait, Hugh ji carp Sheehan, -lolm fishmonger blacksmith bar tender baker lab teamster do dc. carp brick mr police lab do tavern lab r V o teamster lab carp Usher, George Urqnhart, Miles Urquhart, Duncan Venninff, James I£ Vaughan, Martin atone cutter gardeifrr lab founder gent farmer Woodruff. Fi-ederick Whelpley, David Winter, -lohn Ward, Alexander Wilson, Frank J Wetmore, C Newton Weldon, John Williamion, Fred Wilson, Charlt>s Watson, Alexander Waite, George White, William Ward, Robeit Woods, Frank E Wright, Arthui' Frederick wheelwrt Wisdom, Freeman W clerk Wetmore, Allan tailor Waycott, Edwin S cotton op Wilson, -loseph Sargison, William Stocklord, (siaacT Sheehan, William Stephenson, .lames Stevenson. Robei-t Schofield, Rev George Shaw, Charles S mill owner Shaw, .lohn do Stephenson Steph«'n8on, .iam<'3 Stevens, Bi-vei-ly Sutclift", Robert Stevens, Albert G Stevens, Beverly jr Stockford. -Joseph Simpson, .John SUjckton, .1 B clerk Wright, Frederick telegraphr White, ,lohn i c r emp Wilson, .lacob lab do Whitebone, .Jacob Tufts, Frederick sexton Tait, Hugh i" i- e Thompson, William carp Tower, Charle a L mariner Trites, Thomas T r r e Town, Henry teacher Trueman, Thomas P grocer Travis, Charles r r e 1 hompson, .Janus hib Thumuth, Thomas do Thomas, William roofer Thompson, Charleg teamster Tattersall, Jos 'ph cotton op Tatton, William lab Toole, TerreiuM> millwright Tiueman, Walter H student Thompson, Robert lab Tait, Andrew G cotton op Ward, Hen IT Whalley, .John Wiley, Henry Whally, .James Willis, William Watmoth, .Tames Wade, .John Watters, Henry G Willis, William Williams, Geoige Williams, William Wood, .Jacob Wood, Willi*;m Wood, Charles Wood, Samuel Woods, Peter Watters, George Wood, -Joseph C Wood, .Joshua Wo(^(1, iJacob S boltmakr lab do r r lab clerk acct carp macninisi clerk agent cotton op lab lab clerk secretary mercht clerk r r audit3r printer r re waiter lab cigar pedlar carp teamster ' constable boiler maker cabinet mkr weaver do traveler ' stonecutter spar makr do cordwainer do do do yeoman do laborer do do ■:-^ 8 VICTOUIA WAKD. Whit", .lohu A WaKhbouni, G«'Oigc VVJlllB, Siimu'l Wrig^t, Alexander Wilsru, Samuel Ward, H<'niy .1 Wilaon, Alfiod Woods, William Wait*', IL'rbfit Wilson, AiiCi«-w Warn, .I«»hii Wilson, Edwiud grocer , jarp butcher gardenei lab tavern moulder ;ixe maki'r wt'iiver r r e oooper do W^irk, Alexander teamster Willliims, li«'nry spar maker Williams, Georgt^ S teamster Willis, William stonecutter Wilson, Alfn-d .1 cottou op Wilsmi, llarrv clerk W.todrutr, HiM^ bolt maker Wo..d9, .Joshua 1! clerk Wright, G« orge M fori'maii Wright, U>hi\ clerk Young, William letter carrier