IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I ■44 128 ^ m ^ Hi 2.') 2.2 2.0 1.8 1-25 i 1.4 i 1.6 7 /A '/ Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 145»0 (716) 872-4503 an^y Municipal Ofjicer^ ^-c., ^c, SfC, T9 WHICH (8 APOEP FIFTY STANDING RULES & REGULATIOS?, Jirn^CABLE TO, ANY MUNICIPAL CORFOBATW^. — ALSO— A L>RGE NUMBER Qt' TABLES ANQ FORMS, FOR THE VSE OF MXJI^ICIPAL CORPORATIONS ^TIIFJ^ OFFICERS BV IHOMAS S, 8HEi\ST0N, h P., (isATK DISTRICT ^aVNClLl-OUj QOWTY CL|RK OF THE CQUNTY OF OXFQRO^ C, W. Price, Is. lOid, CuFrcHcy. PRINTED FOR THE PUBLISHER. 1861. . If ■'%. .T""^*^: wH* ,^P ) -:/ 1/ LA 'i>f '-•''■ 9^y \. I i J' i. o •' — ■» THE ■i- COUNTY WARDEN AND MUNICIPAL OFEICERS' ASSISTANT. CONTAINING A COMPLETE SYNOPSIS OP TUB MUNICIPAL COUNCIL AND MUNICIPAL COUNCIL AMENDMENT ACTS, EACH SECTION OV WHICH IS BRIEFLY QUOTED FROM TWO TO TEN TIMES, UNDER ABOUT ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DISTINCT HEADS, ALL MOST CAREFULLY AND ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. IN A SIMILAR MANNER ALSO, UNDER THE SAME HEADS, ARE ARRANGED, SUCH PORTIONS OF THE ASSESSMENT, SCHOOL, JURY, AND TAVERN LICENSE ACTS, AS IMPOSE ANY DUTY UPON ANY MUNICIPAL OFFICER, &:C., &C., &C. To which is added A LARGE NUMBER OF TABLES AND FORMS FOB THE USE OF MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS AND THEIR OFFICERS, BY THOMAS S. SHENSTON, J. P. (late district COUNCILLOR,) COUMTY CliERK, COUNTY OF OXFORD, C. W. Price, Is. IHi. Correney. BRANTFORD: PRINTED AT THE HERALD OFFICE, COLBORNE STREET- *>._., 1851. COPYRIGHT SECURED. Entered i„ p„rs««„oe to the provision, of an Act of the Legislature of the Province of Canada. 4th & 5th Victoria, Chapter 61 in the Offi r u Begistrar of the Province, at Toronto. Nove Jer Jrd. is/o '' ''' THOMAS S. SHBNSTON. PREFACE r tbs In presenting this little work to the Public the compiler begs lenvo to «xplnin the reasons that have induced liirn to assume the responsibility of its publication. The compiler earlj^ expei-ienced, as Distiict Councillor, the veiy gi-ent inconvenience of not being able on the instant, to turn to some particular section or provision of the Act, in order to solve a doubt or confirm an opinion. Since that period, moreover, the Statutes upon which our Municipal Corporations depend, have become much more voluininouB and complex. The present Municipal Act alone contains 330 long sections and sub-sections, and occupies no less than 80 pages in the printed Statutes. The Members of our rural Municipalities are, with great propriety, chiefly chosen from amongst the industrious classes of the people. It is too much to expect (even if they had the Statutes) that they will either have leisure or an inclination to study into the long and tiresome details of the Acts, until all the distinct provisions are imprinted on the memory. With respect to the contents and arrangement a brief examination will, I trust, be sufficient to convince any one that the work affords a safe guide and should be considered an indispensable companion to every Municipal Officer. The work contains a complete digest of the Municipal Act, the Muni* cipal Council Amended Act, and all the Sections of these Acts are briefly quoted from two to ten times, under r- wards of one hundred and fifty distinct heads, most carefully and h.i; abetically arranged, and such portions of the School, Assessment, Jur,/ and Tavern License Acta as impose any duty upon any Municipal officer, and the reader may rest assured that all the information contained in these Acts is fully givea under their respective heads. Notwithstanding the work is contained in a small compass, it has cost the compiler a good deal of labour, thought and care, and he now humbly commits it to the parties whose convenience it is intended to sei-ve, confident a work, which will save an incalculable amount cf time and labour, and numberless mistakes and errors, will be properly appreciated. THOMAS S. SHENSTON, J. P., Compiler. Woodstock, Canada West, December, 1850. THI COUNTY WARDEN AND MUNICIPAL OFFICERS' ASSISTANT. Municipal Corporntion Act 12th Victoria, Chapter 81 . Municipal Amended Act I3th and 14th Victoria, Chflpter 64. AMeismeut Act 13th and 14th Victoria, Chapter 67. School Act 13th and 14th Victoria, Chapter 48. ^^rj^ci 13th and 14th Victoria, Chapter 55. Tarero License Act I3th and 14th Victoria, Chapter G5. EXPLANATIONS. lit. The quotations are in every instance the words of the Act itaelf. 8nd. The sections numbered with Roman figures »/crontalof£GO per annum, or shall be in receipt of £60 of cZl T'r ''m'" "''?'"' ^'""^ '' '"^ °^ ^«''' ^'••«P«''ty within such City. Ihe Mayor of every such City shall be elected from amongst the Aldermen thereof." 87. "The Alderman of such City shall, by Tirfueof his office, be a Justice of tho Peace in and for such City." 135 No Alderman " shall require any property qualification," '• nor any oath be required of him than his oath of office (and qualification) ns such Alderman" to "enable Jiim lawfully to act as n Justice of the Peace." U7. 1 ho oath of office is required to be tuken by " each City Councillor'^ &c.. and " all other officers who shall be appointed under this Act," but no mention is made of "Aldermen," who are not " appointed" but elected. 125. Any Alderman " shall have power and authority to administer any oath or affirmation required to bo taken under this Act relating to the business of the placed which is required to be "duly certified to by him. suhscrcbedbythe party taking the same and deposited in the office of the Clerk "withiu eight days," *^on pain of beingdoemed guilty of a misde- meanor." 96. "Grand Jurors (and 98. Petit) of the Recorder's Court," te be summoned "under precept signed by the Recorder or Alderman." 93 "One or more Aldermen shall preside with the Recorder" at the " Re- corder's Court. 118. "APoliceMagi9tratewithnnytwoAldermen"m«y receive complaints of "any riotous or disorderly conduct in any Imi, ravern. Ale or Beer houses situate within such City," "abrogate the license, or may suspend tho benefit of tho same for any period not exceeding COdays. See Tavern License. 140. The "Mayor or any two Aldertne'n" may " commit to hard labour" such persons as may be by By-law directed to be so sent. 165. Iq certain cnses Aldermen may be eleered " from •inongtt the qual'ifiec] frueholdera and houtoholJeit'* by the " inemLpit of theCoiporntion." Sao Election. 82. City Coi|ioinle |)o>veii"Bhiill he exorciaod by, through, nnd in tha iiaiite ol" iho Mayor, Aldeniion nnd CoiiiniunaUy of BUch city. School Act. 32. Aldermoii shnll be Scliool Vibitors in the citicb where thpy shHll reside. Jury Act. 76. All the powors conferred mid duties imposBd by this Act upon Justices of tlio Pence with respect to Counties, »ire hereby conferrod nnd imposed uiMiU the Aldermen of the dillerent cities. See Justices of the Peace. ' ANIMAL . —See Pounc/ A'ci^xr. ARBITRATION. 197. Any disputes respecting the payment for lands occupied for roads to be setthd by nibitration, each party choosing his own arbitiafora. 196. and 197. Make long provisions with respect to the manner of conducting such arbitration. 200. For the appointment of an arbitration to award the amount of componsatiou to bo paid 'y tli« City Council to the County CouhcjI for the use of the Court House and Gaol. ASSESSOR.— See Quatijications, 1st division. 28. Each Township shall, so soon as conveniently may bev appoint such «nd 80 many Assessors (and Collectors) as shall or may be permitted by Jaw for the Assessment of property. (Assessment Act. 14, "One or more «t discretion,") who sliiill hold office until the third Mondiiy in January of the next yenr after their appointment, "and all vacaiiries to be filled up by a new appointment " It appears by this section that Assessors (and Collectors) may be appointed without a By-law although all other appoint- ments must be by one. 78. Ench Town Council to appoint Assesbors as nbove, •' whose duty it shall be to make nf-Mf-sments in like mnnner as the Assessors in the several Townships." " None of tho Town Counciilorg shnll be eligible to be appointed," or any other person, "unless he shall be rated on the Collector's roll for the year preceding to the amount of £300." 134. Any Assessor may be appointed " for more than one ward in any City or Town." 133. "No person shall be qualified to appointed Assessor of any Township, Village or Ward," "who shnll be n Councillor or Alderman for such," nor " unless he shall, at the time of his appoint- ment, be possessed to his own use, of property sufficient to qualify him robe elected Councillor for such Township (£100), Village (£230), Town (£300), or City" (£300). See Qualification, 2nd division. 129. "Every person elected or appointed under this Act, to any office which requires a qualification of property" shnll "tnke and subscnbethe following oath. (See Form B.) Consequently it is necessary for Assessors to take oath of ofl^ce and " qudijication," they being officers (mid the only ones) ^'appointed" to an office which « requires a in-operfy nualificHtion," 31. (17) Township Councils by By-laws to •' settle theiriemuneration." 8 59. VilJnges, 80, Towns, oncl lOG, Cities, have " the like powers.'* Sm Miscellaneous, 1st divmon. Assessment Act. 14. - The numlfer of Assessors (or Collector.) to be appointed in and for any City. Town, Village, or Township shall b. one or more." and - may appoint the same Assessor (or CollectorUo act ,n any number of Wards." See Propert.j, ,Uo Exemptions. 15 Each City, Town, Village and Township - may divide into coni venient assessment districts, their respective Municipalities. - and may prescribe such regulations for governing the Assessors in the perform- ance of their duties as shall not be inconsistent with law " Township, Villa^rTowrorPtf^i^ ^««««««'' °*' «"«!» the controtof moS^tl au oie nm-fv li . TT'^ °'" T^^T."^^^ ^7 or under 10. - Thereafter (after 1850) the taxes levied or assessed for any year shall in all case, be considered for the thea currentyear. commencing with 1st January, and ending 31st December." 11 vwi^k^ri • ''l'''*^**"^; That between the First day of February and th« Firgt day of April, m each year, the asBassora for each Township, Village or Ward, shall proceed to ascertain by diligent inquiry, the names of all tL taxable inhabitants and parties m their respective Townships, VillaRes and Wards and also all the taxable property within the,\ ,d it. «tent. •mount and value. o*.*oui,, V^nX!J•.^\" w*'*i*T n*^' That the Assessor or Assessors for each Township, Village and Ward, shall prepare an Assessment Roll, in which shall be .St down in separate columus, and according the beat information in their power the names of all taxable parties la the Township, Village or Ward, with the extent or amount of property assessable against each, and containing tha particular, mentioned in the Schedule B. (see Form E.) for each of the ftem. whereof the Assessmeut Roll shall contain a separate column. X Viri .... ]. be it enacted. That it shall be the duty of each party hn, "'^'Pf S^-'g^ «»• ^Vard, if required by the assessor o^r by one if i?»t.m!,nr°"' V *•*"'•'' ^% r'" '['^" ""«' to deliver to such asLssor . •tatement in writing signed by such party (or hik Agent, if such party be •bsent) and containing all the particulars respecting the property oHnc^om; «u -h ?f^^ aga"" such party which are required in tlie Asseslment Roll; 3 •uch statement shall be declared to by such party or his Agent before the and t'r^.' arn '^'' '°nf "Iw^ '^l'^'* '■^''^ *^^ foregoing statement contain, a full and true ace, of all taxable property and income assessable againstme (or agamst C. D.„ .n the Township, (Village or Ward of 1-^^ that the amount or values (or yearly values) therein assigned to the same.^re the full and true amount and value (or yearly value) thereof, to the best of my that I have the means ot kn«wing and do know the extent and value of the property assessable against the said "); And any wilfully false statment in any such declaration, shall be meaner punishable as perjury; and If any such assessable party shalUail to deliver snch statement and declaration to the Assessor or one of the Assessor. when thereunto required, such person shall thereby forfeit to the Municipal Corporation ot the Village Town, City or Township, the sum of Five Pound. Currency, to be recovered as a debt due to such Municipal Corporation in ary way iti which deijts due to it can be recovered : Provided that no .uch •tatement shall bind the Assessor or Assessors further than they shall from their own personal kuowledg , believe the same to be correct, nor shall it excuse them trom making due inquiry whereby to ascertain whether it ia or IS not correct. XIX. Ami be it enacted That when a person shall be assessed as Trustee Guardian, E.^ecutor or Administrator, he shall be -assessed as such with the addition t,o hisname of his lepresentative character, aud such assessment shall be carried out m a separate line from his individual assessment, aud he shall be assessed lor the value of the real estate held by him, whether in hi. individual name or in conjunction with others in such representative character, at the full value thereof, and for the taxable personal property held by him in such character, at the full value thereof, or for the i. roper proportion thereof, if others, resident within the same Municipality be joined with him m such representative character. ^ XX. And be it enacted, That the lands of non-residents shall be designated m the same Assessment lloll, but in a part separate from the other assess- ments, headed " Non-residents' Land Assessments," aud in the manner following, that is to say : If the land to be assessed be a tract not known to be sub-divided into lots, It .hall be designated by its boundaries or other intelligible description; If it be a tract which is knovyu to be sub-divided into lots, or bo part of a tract known to be so subdivided, the Assessors shall proceed as follows : «Jil.7t?'""i'^'^''?-?*.*^ the whole tract in the manner above described with regard to undivided tracts: If they can obtain correct information of the sub-divisions, they shall put 10 downjn theii- assessment rolls, and in a first column, all the unoccupied loto owned by nan-residents, by their numbers and names alone and without th« names ot the owners be-inning at the lowest number and proceedins in numerical order to the highest; in a second column, and opposite to the numberof each lot, thoy shall set down the quantity ofland therein liable to taxation ; in a third column and opposite to the quantity, they shall set down the value of such quantity and it such quantity be a fall lot, it shall bo sutticientiy designated as such by its name or number as aforesaid, but if it partot a lot, the part shall be designated by boundaries, or in some other way by which it may be known. XXI. And be it enacted, That all real and personal property liable to taxation shall be estimated by the Assessors at its full value, (or full yearlr value as the case may be) as they would appraise the same in payment of a just debt from an insolvent debtor. 22. All the male inhabitants of any City, Town, or Village, between the age of 21 and 60 years, " not otherwise assessed, and not exempted by law from performing statute labour," shall pay ten shillings yearly, "and the Assessor shall return their names and give them like notice as the other parties assessed." ^■''Jp^ii^"'^ be it enacted. Thnt the A-isessors shall complete their Assess Al n-; r *"■ '^«'^"^f.«'ichday in every year as the Council or Municipality of the City Town, or Village or Towuship shall appoint. XXV. And be it enacted. That the Assessor shall also immediately after the completion of their Roll, leave for every party named thereon and resident or dom.cded within the City. Town or Village or Township, a notice of theactua or yearly value at which his real property and of the sum at which Ins taxable personal property shall have been assessed by them. n n^Yu* '^"'^ ^^ '* enacted. That imme.liately after the completion of their Rolls, the Assessor, or it there be more than one, the Assessors, or a maioritv of them shall sign the Assessment R ,11. first attaching thereto a certificate signed by them, in the following form : .1,1? '^A ^'"' "^^ 'J'o'n^^'n'y) """'^l^y' ^^''^^ I ("'' we) have Set down in the above Assessment Roll all the real property liable to taxation, situate in the Township Village or Ward of (as the case may be) and the tiue actual (or yearly) value thereof in each case, according to the best of my {or our) intormation and judgement ; and also that the said Assessment Boll contains a true statement of the aggregate amount of the taxable per- sonal property of every party named in the said Roll ; and that I (or we) have belS" ^^°'*' according to the best of my {or our) information and XXVri, And be it enacted. That the Roll thus certified shall, on or before ■uch day as the Council ot the City. Town, Village or Township shall appoint be delivered by the assessor or assessors to the Clerk of the Township Tvil- lage.rown or City, as the case m^^ Ae.) who shall lay the Roll before the Court of Revision hereinafter mentioned. 28. The Assessors to attend, when required, the Court of Appeal. See Court of Appeal. 61. "Any Assessor who shall refuse or neglect to perform the duties required of him" shall forfeit "the sura of £25." 62. For any " unjust or fraudulent assessment, any sum not exceeding £50" [or 6 months' imprisonment] ; " that any real property assessed at an actual or yearly value greater or less than its true value by 30 per cent, thereof, shall he prima facie evidence that such assessment was frau- dulent.." See Form L. 70. If any Assessor " shall neglect or omit to make out and complete his Assessment Roll," "and return the same to the office nftho Plovlr" »i „f loncf- «^ »>..!.„K ..r. _ -, -.. o . i ., .. . .. - .. - p. ..!!.,,!.,!, .,,^ oi i/eit/ic ujc isi oopcemoer "snaii lorieil forevery such ofTenco the sum of £50," and "not torelieve any »uch Assei- 11 ■orfrom theobligalion nf returning such Roll at an earlier period of the y««r, or from any penalty he may incur by not returning the same accordingly." Alluding, no doubt, to any By-litw that may be psssed, making it necessary to return the Roll before the Ist September. 71. Any Assessor who •« at the time of the meeting of the Selectors of J urors'' " shall have the actual charge of the Assessment Rolls" "shall neglect or omit to Yei'foi-m the duties required of him by the XI. section of this Act" [•• to bring such Roll to such annual meeting, and to permit the use of the same for the pui'poses aforesaid"] " shall for every such oftence forfeit the sum of £25." Jury Act. 11. "The Assessor or A^sessois of the respective Cities, Tovirns, Villages and Townships in Upper Canada, shall ba «x oJUcio selectors of Jurors" for such. See Selectors of Jurors. ASSESSED TOO HIGH. — See Cowt of Appeal. AUDITORS. — See Qualification, 1st division. $9. The Township and (40) County Councils " upon the report of the Auditors, shall finally audit and allow all accounts" &c., also those of their Treasurers, and " Collectors, so far as the accounts of such shall relate to Township" or County purposes respectively, (Sect. 172 as amended, provides that all " County moneys" are to be paid into the hands of the Township and Village Treasurers). 143. " At the first meeting in each year, every Corporation erected under this Act" " shall appoint two per- sons to be, and to be called Auditors of such Corporation, one of whom shall be appointed on the nomination of the Head" and the other " in the same manner as other ofTicers." "No member" " Clerk or Treasurer" " nor any person who then shall liave directly or indirectly by himself or in conjunction with any person, any share or interest in any contract" " shall be appointed such Auditor" and before acting must take and sub- scribe the following oath (see Form C.) 144. " It shall be the duty of such Auditors to examine, settle and allow, or report upon all accounta which may concern such Corporation, or within its jurisdiction" " for the year ending on the 31st December, preceding the appointment of such Auditors, and to publish a detailed statement of the receipts and expendi- tures of such Corporation in two newspapers published within the juris- diction thereof, or in the nearest thereunto ; and to file their report thereon in duplicate in the office of the Clerk" within " one month after their appointment." School Act. 27. Each County Council "to appoint annually or oflencr, Auditors, whose duty it shall bo to audit the accounts of the County Treasurers and other officers to whom School Moneys shall have been intrusted, and to report to such Council." 31. Tlie local Super- intendent "to furnish (when required) the Auditors with the Trustees* orders, as the authority for his cheques upon the Treasurer."' BAILIFF. — See Qualification, 1st division. 68. "There shall be in each City (besides n Chief Constable) one High ll 12 Bailiff; who shnlf be nppointed amiualhf and •' may by By-law. if tli«r ■hall deem fit, provide thnt both offices beheld by one and the same person/' 96. The "Grand," and (97; •• Petit Jurors" for the Recorder's Court "to be summoned by the High Bailiff-" 102. ..The Recorder shall hars the power of suspending from the duties of his office any High Baliff'^ •• for any peri, at his discretion" "and must repoit the same, with th* cause thereof" to the Council, - and the said City Council shall thereupon —io their discretion, dismiss such High Bailiff." During such suspension such High Bailiff cannot act " except by the express permission of th» Recorder in writing," nor is he '* entitled to any safery or remuneration for the period of such suspension." The " Recorder may appoint some fit and proper person to act as High Bailiff during the period of such •uspension." Assessment Act. 49 to 66 defines the duties of Sheriffs and Bailiff* with respect to selling lands for taxes, &c. Jury Act 67. Any High Bailiff .'who shall summons, or pretend to summons any men to sei-ve as Jurors other than those whose name* are specified in a warrant signed by the Sheriff," the Court is required « in a summary manner to set such fine as it shall deem meet." 68. If convicted of making any unauthorized alterations in any Jurors' books "shall forfeit the sum of £&0." 77. Allowed to employ a deputy to perform "the duties by this Act required by High Bailiffs." &9. The several High Bailiffs after each Recorder's Court are required to note the names of Jurors attending and serving. 90. On payment of one shilling, required to give any Juryman a certificate of his having served. BANKRUPT. 112. Any member of any Corporation who '• shall be declared a bank- rupt or shall apply to take the benefit of any Act for the relief of insolvent debtors, or shall compound bj- deed with his creditors," " shall thereupon immediately become disqualified, and shall cease to be a member," and •• the vacancy thus created, shall be filled up" in the usual way. BATHING. ,60. (10) Village Councils, are empowered to make By-Laws " For preventing, or regulating the washing or bathing in any public waters, in or near such village." 80, Towns and 106, Cities have " the like power*.*' See Miscellaneous, 1st division. BORROWING MONEY. — See Money. BOUNDARY LINES. 30. " The boundary lines of the iitferent Townships in Upper Canada, shall hereafter bo ascertained and established upon a permanent footing, under the authority of 38 Geo. III. chap. 1 . ( This act was repealed by 12ih Victoria, chap. 35) or under the authority of any act to be passed in the present or any future session for that pnrpoR«." The Act first abova quoted, was passed " (/wnn^ the present session,'' which is generally IW, if tll«f le person." i Court " t© shall hnre igh Baliff'^ I, vritb th* thereupon suspensioo iion of the luneration mint some >d of such nd Baih'/r* r pretend }8e name* 3 required " 68. If >rs' books perform era! High names of 1 required d a bank- insolvent hereupon >er," and rs "For ers.inor powers.** Canadar footing, ealed by >assed io at above enernlly 13 called the "Surveyor's Act." (It repeals the whole of the 38 Geo. III. ^ like poxoers.^' See Miscellaneous, Ist dtmswn. 141. "It shall be lawful for any Village, Town or City to purchase," without or within their limits, lands " foj one or mora public Cemeteries for the interment of tho dead." CENSUS. 10 and 11 Victoria, chapter 14, section 5. "A general Census shall b» taken in the mnaths of March and February" in tho yonrs 1848 ana l»aO, •• and in the same months in every fifth year hereafter." 6. Each Iff Coui jnry Coancfl •• shnll set off each Township into onumoration diviBiont, nnd Hppoint one or more fit nnd proper perion as enumerators in the divisiom so set off." 7. Incorporated Cities, Towns and Villages to appoint •intjilar officers. 8. Enumerators to be paid '• such sums as they (th» respective Corporations) may deem fit." CIIAIRMAIV. 168. "If the person who ought to preside (Warden, Mayor, ReeTe, or Deputy Roovo) at any moetlng shall be absent, it shall and may be- lawful for those present to appoint from amongst themselves a chairman" who shall have the same power and authoiity." CHMPERLAix. See Qualificatimi, 1st division. 171. Each City Council " shall appoint a Chamberlain" " who shaH hold office during pleasure, and shall be paid by such salary oi per centage as they shall appoint, and who shall give security for the faithful, performance 9f hie d utiea. See Treasurer, Uh division. CHIMNIES. 50. Police Villages are empowered to " make and enforce" '• Regu- lations." and (^60,) Villages to make " By-laws" fur the construction, &c., ot chimnies. 80, Town and 106, City CouQcila have '♦ the like powers." See Miscellaneous, 1st division. CIRCUSES. 31. (22.) Township Councils are empowered to make By-Iawi «' for preventing, restraining or regulating circuses," or impose a tax not exceeding £5 for the privilege of acting, dec. 60, Villages, 80, Town», and Cities, 106, have like powers. See Miscellaneous, 1st division. CHARIVARIES. 60. (10.) Village Councils are empowered to make By-laws'* for punishing parties engaged in charivaries and other like disturbance* of the peace," 80, Towns, atid 106, Citie» have the like powers. See H^eeUaneotis 1st division. CONSTABLES. — CHIEF. CONSTABLE. See (Qualification, Ist division, 74. " There shall bo in each Town, (and 88 C}ty)one Chief Constable, and one or more Constables for each Ward," who shall •♦hold their offices during pleasure," ''but shall be liable to be suspended and dismissed as" follows : (71 jt In Town the " Police Magistrate," and in Cities (102) the "Recorder" "shall have the power of suspending from the duties of hie office any (Chief or Ward) Constable" " for any period at their discretion, and immediately after such suspension they shall report the same with the cause thereof" to the Council, « and the said Council shallthereupon in their discretion, dismiss or restore such to the duties of his office,'* " during such suspension shall not bo entitled to any salary," « a fit tnd. 17 proper person" mny be appointed "during such iUBpensfon** by itie ubove pnrtios within their roapective Municipalities. 88. In Citio» '« th» office of High Uiiiiifl iind Chiof Constable may be united in, nnd held by the sama person." 157. All Constables present at any Election ''are enjoinod to assist the Returning Officer," who may (158) nppoint *' Special Constahlas" who are "liiWe to a penalty of £5," « if ho ahull jcfuso to be sworn as such." CIVIL KNGiNEKR. See Qmlificalion, 1st division. . 41. (6) Any County Council may by By-law " appoint one ormor» Civil Engineers," " add to, displace or diminish the number of them." C I T 1 K s . 82 cV 201. The Cities at present incorporated are/Foronto (6 wards.) (See 4th, William IV. chap. 23, sections 9G and 97; and 3rd Victoria, chap. 47. sec. 2.) Kingston, (7 wards :) and Hiimilton (5 wards.) 84. Whenever any Town " shall bo found by the Census returns (whi«h are taken every fifth year from the yoarlSoO, see Census,) to contain more than 15,000 inhabitants, then on petition froni the Town Council," the Governor may by Proclamation " erect such Town into a City." 7. " No part of any city or of the liberties thereof," although lying within the boundaries of n Township, shall, for the purposes of this Act, be held to form part of such Township. 9. Amended Act. When any town shall be erected into a City as above, it " sliall, for llie purposes of representation, cease to form part of the County," but be " in the relative position to the County on the borders whereof it shall be situate," as are the present cities as provided by section 85. (85. All such Cities «< shall for all Municipal and (certain; Judicial purposes, be a County of itself." The County Council "may hold their sittings, keep their public offices," &c. &c. within the limits of such City.) The inhabitunta of Cities are exempted from serving as Jurors at certain Courts. See Jurors. CITY OR COMMON COUNCIL. See Corporation, 7tk division. CLERKS. See Qualification, 1st division. First division applies equally to all Clerks. 169. " It shall be the duty of every Corporation to appoint a County,City, Town, Township or Village Clerk, as the respective cases may require, who shall hold office during pleasure, and shall be paid by such salary as they shall appoint," 173 nnd " shall hold their office until removed therefrom by the Corporation for the time being." 170. The Clerk "shall record, in a book to be provided for that purpose," " all the proceedings of the Council of which he is the Clerk," " make regular entries of all resolutions and decisions, and record the votes of every person entitled to vote on any question" " if requested by any one member present to do so," and "keep the Books, Records and Accounts:" all of which are required " to ^ ^pen, without fee or reward, to the inspection of all e. '>^J^ I:i 18 p.rMniatallieaioni.bI«limc.B.» (J44. AI»oono of thetluplicnto renoif. of the Auditors.) ]73. •• Tho CIcMks" •' shnll hold their ofr.ces until roiiioved therefrom by tho Corpointion fcr tho lime being." 199 •• Original or certified copies of nil ]Jy-lnwH, minutes and proceodinge,"' dec, Rhall bo kept ill tho oftico of tho Clerk, and «' to be open at nil ren«onablo times for tho inspeclion of llie public," and are required "to furnish copies thereof at tho rate of Gd. jum- 100 words." 165. The Clerks, " upon application and payment of his foes" shall, '< within n reasonable time, furnish a copy of any Hy-law certified under liis hand, nnd the seal of the Corporation." 198. M By-Laws must be signed br the Clerk as well as by tho liend. Ii25. Each Clerk "shall have authority to administer any oath or affirmation required to bo taken under this Act, nnd relating to tlio business of the same," " except where V shali be specially provided for," all su(di must bo " duly certified to and svb- icrihed by the party," and deposited in his office '' within 8 days, on pain of being deemed guilty of a misdemoanor." 128. In the absence of nny Judge, Recorder or Police Magistrato (in any Town or City), or Justice of the Peace, the " Head" '• shall be sworn into office" by " tho Clerk in presence of a meeting of such Corporation." M3. Clerks are dis- qualified from being appointed Auditors. 179. Clerks of Corporations to be considered as officers of Court from wliich writ issued for certain purposes. I have observed that it is customary to appoint a Clerk ''2'ro tern.," to act during any temporary absence of the proper Clerk. Such, I think, shotild in every instance take and subscribe the oath of office as *Mc/t Clerk, before acting; especially before signing a By-law, which requires his signature as well as that of the Head, to make it valid. Jury Act. 5. All Clerks are exempted from serving as Jurors ; (see Exemption.) CLERKS. '2nd division Applies to Township, City, Town nnd Village Clerks, in addition to 1st division. 161. "After the close of every Election the Returning Officer shalj return the Poll Books to the Township, Village, Town, or City Clerk" witbanaffidavitattached. See FormsH. & I. 162and 163. "All vacancies which may occur" "shall be filled up by an Election, to be held under a warrant, (see form J,) nnder the hand and seal of the Headj" and " in case of his absence, or the vacancy of such office, then under the hand and seal of the Clerk." 120. " In future the Collector's Roll shall contain the amount of the assessed value of real and personal property of each person" " as well as tlie amount to be collected from such person. Astessment Act. 27. " That in case any party shall deem himself overcharged by the Assessoi-, he or his agents" "shall notify tho Clerk of the City, Town, Village or Township, in writing, of such overcharge by a Court of four members, &c." " If any two members of tho Municipality shall think that any party has been assessed too low, tho Clerk Bhalh on their request iu \yriting, give reasonable notice to such iMl:., 19 pnrty, and to the Assessor, of the time when tho matter will bo trl« I by the said Court, nnd if Ruch pnrty be n non-resident, shidi iiinert Huch notice in uome newspaper publiuhed in the City, Town, Village or Township, or if there bo none, then in one published at tho neareet place in the County, giving in sucli notice either tlie name of the pnrty, or ft general description of the property if tlie name bo not on tho Roll;" " nnd the Roll as finally passed by tlio said Court and certified to hy the. Clerk B9 so pnssod, shall be valid and shall bintl all parties concerned." «• Reasonable notice under this section, shall be understood to mean a notice in writing from the Clerk, to bo left at the residence of the party to whom it is addressed, if known and within tho limits of tlie Munici- pality, or if not so resident, then with any grown person on tho premises assessed, or where any of the personal property assessed, shall be, or Addressed to such party through tho post oftice, posted at least three days before the time when tho matter is to be tried." 30. The City, Town, Township ahd Village Clerk "shall be the Clerk of the said Court" of Appeal. See Court of Appeal. XXXII. And be it nnnctod, Tlmt it shall be tho duty of the Clerk of tho City. Town, Village or Township to make out a Collector's Roll for the Township or Village, or for each Ward in the City or Town, as tho case may be, on which shuU be set down the name ol each pnrty assessed, — the cor- rect assessed value of tho real property of each party — and the amount of personal property for which such party is taxable, as tho valuation on such roll may in any case be affected by any such revision as aforesaid ; and he ■hall also set down on the same roll tlie tine viiluation of the lands of non- residents, opposite to the respective lots, part-lots or parcels of laud, and as the same may he affected by such revision or ecpialization; and he shall also calculate and set down tho amount for which each party, or each lot or piece of land of a non-resident is chargeable, for any sum or sums ordered to be levied by the Municipal Council of each County for County purposes, under the head of "County Kate," the aggregate of which column shall be the whole sum for which the Township, Village or Ward, shall be taxed for County purposes ; and he shall also calculate and set down on the Roll, in a separate column, opposite to the names and hjts therein, tho amount with which each party or lot is chargeable for any sum or sums ordered to be levied by the Township, Village, Town or City, Municipality or Council for Township. Village, Town or City purposes, or for commutation of statute labour, the aggregate of which column sliall bo the whole sum to be levied for such Township, Village, Town or City purposes, and which column shall be head- ed "Township Rate," ''Village Hate," " City Rate," or " Town Rate," as the case may be. 33. '♦ For the purposes of this section (taxes of non-residents may be paid to County Treasurers,) it shall be the duty of the Clerk making out the Collector's Roll, to forward immediately to the County Treas- urer a copy of so mucli of tlie said Roll, as shall relate to taxes on the lands of non-residents." 43. "It shall be the duty of the proper Clerk, previously to the delivery of the Collector's Roll by him to the several Collectors, to furnish the Treasurer of the Township, Village, or Town, or the Chamberlain of the City, with a correct copy of each Roll, so far as the same relates to the lands of non-residents." 46. "And the said arrears (taxes due previous to 1851.) shall be certified to the Clerk of the proper locality by the County Clerk, and shall be added to the assess- ment Roll, for the year 1851, and collected in like manner." so Jx^ryAct li. ..Tl.n City, Tuw,, Village or Township Cle.k of rh* ^ I^-iUb «s 8oI. ch f ;iro entilh'd to lOa ».fnr «v . • ci.KnKs. .'}/•(/ dimim, """=:dd';.sr''"" ''"'■'*"'""' ''-"" ^'°'^» ••"''^''"- «° i.uod 33. No T„wm„evo (or Dop„,,.) .. ,,,„|| ,,„ ,„,.„, ud, (Co„„„.) Coundl, ,„„n .,c »1,„|| ,„„„ „,„j „i,|, , ,e a„ k eh ,/'"'•"""! f- "• " *"'"■ "'" S'"'''""'^'' »f 'I- C.n,„,y Clerk tl,. co„„„ crk „ .,„.„„„ „, •:„ ■:, ,.:^;„i":„:::; -; • ,- .^. Ihe ciiso mny lie,) „f „|| ,|,o tuxnble ro,,l ,,roi,ertv n,„l „r i, ' Ml .1,0 .o„„„o ,„„,„„„, „r„p„r,y „r,„c„ S 2^0 .1^ Z7' °' vised and passed." '""I'ocuvejy, as finally re- CLERKS. 4th division, Apples to City Clerks in addilion to 1st and 2nd divisions. 103 1 he Clerks of the City Council "shall be Clerks of th« P. border's Court, and receive the sameemolur.,Pnt«, no ^''" Clerks of the Peace in Upper Ca^l " i2 Cer"" T'^'r '° ^^^ by the Clerk." ^^*- ^^"^^"^ ^'^^'^ *« be "ta^ed Assessment Act. 2.2. Everv M-ilo ;r.i,oV* ^ bcween *oa,„ „r« andeo, i^anyC^ T^ ^t ^ """'' ""^^^ p.-.y 10s. i„ lie,, of Statnle Ubour ; a 1 [„f ,11., ^'"f»t "''"'""' '" .ho A.e.ssor, "and ,he Clerk of i c ; '", * Uen ° h '"'" '^ and .he sum for which ,hoy are .axabte on ,H. ' T IIm^" "•™'' ciEUKs. 5/;i mamm, Applies to Couuly Clerks i» a,Wift„„ to Ist division co:tiu'::ii?;zir:rid° ^^rf-T''^'- ^°"-" the hand and seal of ^^^Z, ^l o " To^.Tl^rr ii")* fil tor', roll «wora to, « to the e/Toct that tl.o ««,„„ i. , true copy of ,gch Itol , ond that It rontaius tlio numcs of <.|| ,|,„ lnM.h..l.l«,8 uLj houio- holderj of such TowH, TownHliip or VillMge." See Form F. Assessment Act. 31. Th« County CI.tU u«h„||, bek,.o lh« l.t dny of Augu Mt, oncl, yo.r, cortify to tho Clork of o«ch Tosyu, Villnge and Town8lu|) in liiH County llio tofnl Hinount to ho hvL-d tluMviti l\,r tho current yenr for ("nunty purposes." 4 7 Wlih certain imvarM »' it .hall bo the duty of tho County Clo.k of the County hi which the Townshii. then nctually lies, to includo iho amount of such arrears of Taxes du.. iu the Township in his listofarn-nrs of taxes duo on Huch lands, reK,.eclivol^ . for tho year 1851." Seo this section un.ier '* Treasure, .,h division." 48. "The several County Treasurers on or before the Ist Januniy, 1851, •hnll make out and submit to tho County Council a true list of lai, l«." "on which any taxes shall then remain imposed, &c. &:c.," " and o naid arrears shall be cortiliod to the Clerk of the proper localny by ; a County Clerk." ' ' School Act. 27. Tho County Counc il to appoint annually Lncnl Superintendents and "the County Clork ';all forthwith notify Iho Chiei Superintendent of Schools of the app., ntinent and address of each Local Suporintendent, and of tho County ('.■oastirer and shall Hkewiso furnish him with a copy of all proceedings f such Councils, relating to School Assessments and other educutionu matters," (;3th) "Shall also transmit on or before tho 1st day of Ma. I, in each year, a certilied copy of the abstract of such (Auditor's; n port, and also give any explanations thereon as far as he may bo able, which may be renuired by the Chief Superintendent." CLERKS. Gih division. Applies to Township Clerks in addilion to Ist, 3nd and 3rd divisions. 20. " In nil cases in which the Election of C incillor for any Town- ship shall be by general vote of the whole Town lip;" .• the Townsliip Clerk shall be the Returning Officer." 24. "WL n no place is appointed by By-law, tho Township Cleik" "shall af.poin a place for the first meeting of the newly elected Municipality." ^ School Act. 4. "Whenever any School Sect, n shall be formed m any Township the Clerk shall communicate to he person appointed to call the first school meeting for the election of Trustees, the description and number of such section." 12. (').) The Clerk "ia hereby required to allow any one of the Trustees, or their authorized Collector, to make a copy of such (Collector's) I oil as far as tho same shall relate to their School Section." 18. -To furnish the Local Superintendent a copy of all proceedings of sue, (.'ouncil relating to School matters, of the formation or alteration of Sections and all School A sessments." Eieciion Act. 18. " The Returning Officer in eveiy County in Upper Canada shall appoint as liis deputies;" - tho Township Clerks for S9 th© tiino buiijg of tlu) sov'tjitil Townsliijjs." As iho Act requires that u copy of it slmll bo shmI, to ovary ck'puly, previous to hia being called upon to act in tliiit ciip:icily it is usuless to quote imy of it here. CLKUKS. 7i7i division, Api)lio3 to Village and Town ('lurks in uddiiiwi to 1st, 2u(l and 3rd divitiions. 59. Each Village luul (77) Town to electa Townreeve, nnd a Deputy Reeve, (when thoy jjuvo the same nuuiber of inhabitants as Townships are required to have to ciuct one), each required to " have a certificate under tiio hand and seal of the Village Clerk to the effect of tjjeir having taken the oath of qualijication and oClico" before they are allowed to sit i.» the County Council. 73. "The Clerks of the Town Cuuncil of tho said Town shall bo tho Clerks of the Police office of such Towns, and perforin the same duties and receive tho same emoluments as now appertain to the Clerks of Justices iif tho Peace in Upper Canada." Assessment Act. 22. Every male inhabitant not otherwise assessed, between the ago of 21 and GO, in any Town or Village}, have to pay lOs. in lieu of Statute Labour, a list of such is to be taken by the Assessor, <*nnd the Clerk of tho Corporation shall enter their names, and tho sum for which they are taxable, on the Collector's lloll." COLLECTOR. — Soo QuuUjicatlon, 1st dividon. 22. For each Township Election tho Collector " shall produce at the openingof every such Election " " either by himself or some other person ft fair copy of the Collector's Roll, made up next before such election, so far as such Roll contains the names of tho householders and freeholder, of such Township (or Ward.) with the amount of tho assessed value of Real Property, (See Real Property) for which thoy shall be respectively assessed on such Roll," to bo veriiied tin oath, (See Form K.) '• before a Justice of the Peace for the County; "the holder or occupier of any separate portion of of a house having a distinct communication with a street, by an outer door, shall bo considered a householder." 44. For Police Villages just such a copy is " to l)e delivered to the person appointed to preside, or to any person by him ap|)ointed to receive it." 57. For In- corporated Villagesthe Returning OtFicer ^'shallp ?-0(«?-e" just such a copy. 65. For Towns, " it shall be the duty of any person having the custody of the Rolls," " to furnish to the Returning Officer," just such a copy. 83. For Cities, such a Roll " as is hereinbefore provided with respect to Towns.'' 28. " Each Township Council sliall so soon as conveniently may be, after their own election, a[)j)oint as many Collectors for the snld Township as shall be permitted bj' the law." (Assessment Act, Sec. 14, " shall be one or more at discretion,") " who shall hold office until the third Monday in January, or until his successor be appointed." It appears that Collectors (and Assessors) maybe nnpointed unthout a By- |nw, although all other officers must be by one. 33. No deputy Reeve «< shall be entitled to take his seat in the " County Council until he shall ii'ea that u ing called [] and 3i.'d n Deputy townships certificate oir having fed to sit cil of tlie iwns, and 3 as now adii." assessed, ay lOs. in Assessor. 1 the sum xe at the er person ecticn, so eeholder, value of pectively '■ before V of any 1 with a 44. For ppointed For In- h a copy, jstody of )y. 83. spect to eniently for the 3nt Act, d office jinted." it a By- Reeve ho shall I 2S have filed with the Counly Cliwk, a copy of the Ci)lIector's R«»II, for tha previous year, vorilitnl liy llio oatlj of the Colloctor," sworn before some Justice of Iho Peacti for tho Ci)iinry, to tlio olloct that the same is a true copy &c., [.See Fonn F.] No inmition is inado m to wlio is to make the •' copy." 2n. Townsliip and (40) County Councils are required << to finally audit and allow tlio accoiinta of the Collectors as far as such accounts relate to Township (and County) purjjosos." 31. (7.) Town- sliip and f41) County Cijiincils '• to settle the remuneration to be paid" to nil o/ficors. 78. Each Town Council '< shall ajjpoint f'lhreo Assessors ondj one Collector for each Ward," who shall have the same duties ns tlu)SO of the Townsliips. No "Town Councillor shall be eligible." ^See Section 28 above.) 134. "Nulhing herein shall prevent any person from being appointed Collector for more than one Ward in any City or Town." 17:2. ♦' Every Town, Village and Township Treasurer shall receive from the Collector of such, all moneys collected by such Collector for, or on account of the County Rates;" but " nothing herein contained shall in any way exonerate any such Collector from his Hub Hty or limit his liability to the County Council for any of the County R:.->», whenever they shall choose to proceed against him instead of again-si '>itt Corporation of such Town, Village or Township for tho recovery thereof." 179. In certain cases the SheriO' may "levy an amount by rate, and command tlie Collector to collect it." No direct mention is made of the appointment of Collectors in Villages or Cities, but 69 confers on Villages, and lOfi on Cities 'Udl the like powers" aa Town- ships. See MisccUaneous, 1st division. See Lunatic Asylum. Assessment Act. 7. As to joint owners or occupants, " the taxes there- of may be recovered from either or from any future owner or occupant saving his resource against any other party, and if any land be owned or occupied by more than one party, then any one of them may be deemed the owner or owners, occupant or occupants, and shall be liable accordingly." XIV. And be it enacted, That for aikI notwithstaivding any thing in th« Act Inst above citpd, or in any Act or Law to the contrary, the number of nsBessors or collectors to be apponited in and for any «rty mak 1 Inch nnvmpr.t t .J'");^ ''"'' ""'' ^''« ''"'« "l* «lso pay him therewidf a sum eiuu to fi^n ^"^ ^"""'7 Treasurer shall whicfi shall betheremunerio,?ol%'hrr^,'';'T^ '^^ ^'^■^'^« «« I""'d. And such CoHaty aha keo mPiv 7 ^''^^^^'-^r '"'• J'is trouble: ce ved by him, a",.! shall p:;oveV;e^;i''to'tirT"'"* "^ ""/T^ "" '•''- *J»ip8, Towns or Villages to whipl, thL In "" ^ I'^asurer ot the Town- fourteenth day of fee', bern each Lt'"'^^^ ^'^''"^' ''^^"''^ »' ° compelled to p\y overt^e sl'in" 'eC .e'htthllftSr^^^ '"">', "^^ paym^ over such sums, he shall deliver '"'"^^,"'^'^«^"'a"t-r provided ; and on ie pafj, an account, shewing vJureUec to 'f'T'""'" '" ^^''^"'" ^'''^^ "'"^ *« particulars above required in'' hrrecoinf'ive tn 1 '"?' respectively, the for the purpose of this Section it shin.ftl? " *''« P'^^y P»yi%' them, and any Collector's Roll, to foi-S immt iate o H f ? '^'. ^.f^^ "'"^"'"g "»* of^ao^.uch of the said Roll as shall ietfii S.^ S' tlS !:;nT";r„r?Z 3=?^d^s:cS^r?£!^:^S"[^^^^ Bame, or of any goods ofchattc k in , "* "'■*' P"''-^ ^'"^ °"^'''^ ^^ Pny the be found withirthe tLusC Villi tT'''''""vV:'^"V««^-«'- ''' may Collector; and no claim oTp .opertv 1?en .Tn '"^^'^^^ ''^"''^ ''« '"« t'^" shall he available to prevent^ Crsfe' o7Z P'"'"'^?" thereupon or thereto, out of the proceeds thero.rf ' ""■ "'^ r^^nent of, he ^axes and costs t^elfoi-t£'a:i\^^^^^^^^ ^l-'H Siv,3 public .otice of nt least six days previous to the sak bJ « 1 ^ T-''"'*' P^'^Perty is to be sold, least three pub^li J placesln the Tovv.^^ vla '^, ^"^^-1 "P m ni "'s^k^"tdt!il;^:t:5"^l;:t» '''' was made, if „o%laL to \^h ZlZ2^{fj'ZTr'''^^r'^^ '^'•^^'•«»» the ground that the property so d bchmrt, T! i'-"^" ^^/'"y "^^^'^ P^rty. on lien or privilege to such surplus- nn^ff '"",' °V'"* '^^ ^'^ ^"titled by admitted by thi party for whose ^aSet.^^ '"'^' "i^^"^ ^'^^ ™«^« «"J ^^ shalJ bo pa'id to euch^ owner :but-;ucclabn T' '^'^^^'^^'l' ^he surplus money shall be paid over by the Co ect^i tn .1 t contested, the surplus Treasurer, or City Cha.nb/rlain w o «h .n^ tie Township, Village, or Town tive rights of the partiesS bedrtemi^i^^^^^ 'T^ ""''' ^''« '"^^P^^- . XXXVII. And bo it enacted ThS"vn7r*'°"''''^^ orotherwise! is or hereafter shall be assessed ianvT^.r'^^-"°^V.f,* '^^'"'" ^"y ^ax now ahall have removed out o? the same "'^J^ Vdlage, Town or City, tax shall have been collec ed, o? Ta-n mr v «h?ir'''T"*' ""'^ ^'^""'^ ''"^'^ any tax which now is or hereafter ihJni ^ ^ sha 1 neglect or i-efuse to pay Town or City, within the Count . » wl •'' "T^^^'f' M" ^"y '^ °w"«hip. Village, him, it shall be lawSl ^.r th" C ]l ^r. f ''1 'i"" '''''"^^' ^'"^ p''y«bie By City, to levy and collect su'htSwr rsfw d'^:;;r'''^'l''''/"4 J^^" ^' and chattels of the party aforpsm-,? V" -n ^ ^'stressandsaleof the goods which for judicial K..c4 shn 1 he w "^ Tovvuship, Village. Town or City. such partyihallhave srmuove or in wHH h 'Tu^"'}'}'^-' «»d to which or chattels in his possession therein • a .d n. „ '''''" "f ''^^' °'' °*"«"y ^oods any party cannot be recovered ,71;. iL • "•'^ '^'^'^ ^^'^ ^"^^^^ payable by theVma; be recovered! with nteS ZT"^ ?""""'" f T^'^"'^*^'^ ^y ^his Ac{ Town, Township or Vi lu ^e in af/v '. " ? ."n""' " -^"^^ 'i"" *« ^'^^ City the production oVa copy of so .S ^f tf'^n" n^''""' '" ^'^'^ Province ; and the taxes so payable b^suclpartynnrn ,^"''.''1°'^^ ^"" ^« ^'^"" ^^I'^te t, by the Clerk or such CitrTown^Tow?-"^' v-^,*" ""'"^'^^^ "« « true copy evidence of the debt : a n J the t^'v J« T ^i "'' ^'""^e, shall be pHma facie be a special lien on i cMand lSnVl'7'^ "^ '" '^"'•"^ "V «»y ^^ndihall lege or incumbrance of any pm?v e/.^nf^l "n^ "^^^ ""y, ^'"""' !'«"' Privi- ..•:.«..«: ^ . 'V Paity except the Crown htJ -h-!" m-» - - - • .-......»„.. .„ ^.cserve u, and shall bear interest from iho-t,me 'th^y^b.T;': 25 due, which interest shall bo deomed part ofsnrh tnxes : Provided nlwayn that out of the nmouiu recovered ia nny audi suit, the Treasurer of the Town' Towiiship or Village shall pay over to the Treasurer of the County, the nor-' tion [if any] appertaining to the County. '' ^ XXXVIII. And be it enacted. That the Collector shall receive the tnx on any lot, piece or parcel of land separately assessed, although the taxes on stance of such statement in his return to the proper Treasurer or City Chcin berlain totheendthat the part on which the tnx remains unpaid may'ho clearly known, so that such undivided i)art may be excepted in case of the «ale of the remainder XL. And be it enacted, That it shall bo the duty of the Collector to re- ceive taxes upon the lands of non-residents if tendered to him within thetimo of his collection. XLI. And be it enacted, That on or before the fourteenth day of December in each year, or on such other day as the Municipal Council ot the County ehall have appointed, it shall be tlie duty of each Collector to return his Col- lector's Roll to the Treasurer of the Township, Village or Town, or City Chamberlain, and to pay over the amount payable to such Treasurer orChuni- berlain. XLII. And be it enacted. That if any of the taxes mentioned in the Col- lector's Roll shall remain unpaid, and tho Collector shall not be able to collect the same, he shall deliver to the Township, Village or Town Treasurer and to the County Treasurer (or to the City Ciiamberlain. if the account relate to a City) an account of all the taxes remaining due cm the said Roll: and in such account the Collector shall shew, opposite to each sepair assessment, the reason why he could not collect the same, by iasertni"' each case the words " uon resident," or " no ])roperty to distrain" ns the*^ j> s may be, and upon making oath before the Treasr.rer or Chamberlain that U c sums mentioned in such account i-emain unpaid, and that he has not v At diligent enquiry been able to discover any goods or chattels belonging to or iu the possession of the parties charged with or liable to pay such sumi s,°vhereou he could levy the same, he shall bo credited with the amount thereof, and the said account shall be sufficient authority to the County Treasurer or City Chamberlain to proceed to sell the lands on which such taxes reinaia unpaid iu the manner hereinafter provided. 46. Certain arrears of tnxes to bo made out by the County Treasurer certified by the Clerk, and '• added to the Assessment Roll for the year 1851 and collected in like manner, and the proper proportions of the moneys so collected shall be accounted for and paid over to the Treasurers of the several Municipalities for the purposes for which they were origi- nally imposed." 60. See this section under r^caswcr. 62. "IfanyCol- ector shall make an unjust or fraudulent collection," &;c., he " shall bo liable to afinenottoexceed £50 [or6 months' imprisonment]. 63. "If any Collector shall refuse or neglect to pay" to the proper officer •< within 20 days after the payment ought to be made," to be proceeded against. School Ad. 12. The School Trustees are to employ a Collector not necessarily the Collector of tnxes. Jury Act. 5. Collectors exempt from serving as Jurors. See Ex- tmption. COMMISSION TO INVESTIGATE THE ACCOUNT OF ANY CORPORATION. 181. « Upon the petition of one-third or upwards of tho members of any ft, if -\ 26 Corporation," the Governor may appoint a Commission "with tueh powers as are by law vested in Comniissionera appointed under 9 Victoria chapter 38," « to enquire into the financial and monetary affairs of such Corporation," the expenses of which "to be borne by the Municipality" petitioning for it. CONTROVEllTEu KLECTIONS. 146. (Repealed by the amended Act and a long one substituted for it 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, and 153. These sections are too long to copy in full, and too imporlant (when wanted) to be abbreviated. COPY OF BY-LAWS AND I'llOCEEDINGS. 199. The « Clerk shall be bound to furnish copies thereof (By-laws and Proceedings) at the rate of 6d. per 100 words, or at such lower "rate as the Corporation shall appoint." CORONER. See Qualijicalion, 1st division. 136. For every City and Town '^ one or more Coroners shall be appoint- ed." See Jury Act, sections 50, 51, 52, 53 and 50. Also 13 and 14 Victoiia, chapter 56. CORPORATION. 1st division, Applies cg»o% to County, City, Town, Village and Township Corpo- rations. 175. " The Corporation created by this Act in any County, City Town, Village or Township shall be substituted for, and shall be in the' place and stead of the Corporations theretofore existing in and for the sam» CQunty,under the name of District, City,Town, Township, Villa-e or place by virtue of any Act or law in force immediately before the commencement of this;" and all debts due by or to such former Corporations to be paid by and to such latter ones. 108. "The Warden of each County," " Mayor of each City and Town," and the " Townreeve of each Township and -Village" shall be the Heads of the respective Corporations. Amended Act. 15. " In case of there being- an equality of votes on the Election of any Townreeve" or Mayor [no mention is made of Warden] the ^'member who, according to the Collector's Roll for the year next preceding" "shall be assessed for the highest amount, shall have a aecond and casting vote.' 109. The respective Heads "shall ex-officio be Justices of the Peace in and for their Corporations." 110. Should any such Head "absent himself from the duties of his office (without leave by resolution,) at any one time for three months he shall vacate his office," and the members may "elect from amongst themselves a successor." 111. Any Head by coment "may resign his office " 112 *'If any member shall be declared a Bankrupt," he "shall thereupon immediately become disqualified." 113. " The Head" [and in his absence the Chairman] and (125) "Clerk shall have power and authority to administer to any person any oath or affirmation rpqnired to be ta^en under this Act, relating to the business of the place," ''except where it shall IS.:1 'With iu«U r 9 Victoria airs of such iriicipaJity" uted for it. foo long to ad. y^-Iaws and rate as the •e appoint- 13 and 14 ip Corpo- oty, City, be m the r the samu B or place, encement )e paid by ' " Mayor iship and Amended Election den] the ^ear next 1 have a ex-officio lould any (without tU vacate iselves a '." 112. lereupon i absence ;hority to 36 taken re it shall be otherwise specially provided for.'" 116. »' No Corporation shall give to any person any exclusive right," <'or to require that a license to exercise the same be taken out." Ferries excepted. See Ferries. 121. Every person appointed **must bo a naturalized or natural born subject." See Qualification, division. 137. The members of each Corporation " shall be Health Otiicers" within their respective Corporations, under 5th William IV., chapter 10, and "may delegate the powers hereby conferred upon them to others." 143. At the lirst meeting " in each year [» next after the Head'] shall appoint two Auditors," '' one of whom shall be appointed on the nomination of the Head," and the other in the usual manner. See Auditor. 158. " All votes, resolutions and proceedings of such meetings shall be carried by the majority of the votes of the persons comprising such meeting,other than the person presiding, wlio in case of an equality of votes, shall have the casting vote." 166. If the oihce of head becomes vacant, <'shall choose from amongst themselves a g«aZi/ie(j! person to fill such office." All members are " qualilied" to be appointed such Head with the exception of City Councillors. The City Mayor " must be elected from amongst the Aldermen." See Aldermen, section 83. 167. " All Corporations" and "their officers shall hold oihce until their successors shall be elected or appointed and |sworn into office, and the new Corporation complete." 168. At any meeting "a majority of the whole members who shall by law form such Corporation, shall be a quorum for the dispatch of business" and if the Head shall be absent, a chairman may be appointed. 169. Each Cor- poration " shall appoint a Clerk who shall hold olttce during pleasure and paid such a salary as they may appoint." 171. Also a " Treasurer (in Cities a Chamberlain) to hold office during pleasure, and paid such a salary (or percentage) as" they may appoint, who are '< to give security for the faithful performance of his duties." See Treasurers. 172. The Municipal Corporation of each "Town, Township and Village (not City) shall be responsible to the County Council for all County Rates as shall or may be paid to the Township, Town or Village Treasurer. See Collector. 174. All books, &c. are considered " to be chattel property" belongmg to the Corporation. See Embezzlement. 176 and 177. The present Coi-porations required to take charge of all debts due by or to any of the former Corporations for which they are substituted. See Miscellaneous, 2nd division. 178. By-laws passed for raising money shall not be repealed or altered until the loan is fully paid. See Money. 180. The Corporations in debt are required to send an annual statement thereof to the Governor. 181. " Upon the petition of one-third or upwards of the members of any Corporations,'' the Governor may, "if sufficient cause be shewn," "issue a Commission to enquire into the financial aifairs of such." 183. Cannot act as Bankers nor give bonds to a less amount than £25. 191. May by By-law contract with any person to gravel, &c., any road, and allow toll to be collected thereon when com- pleted. 192, Must give one month notice before stopping up any road. 193 and 194. Cannot lay out roads through " lands laid out by the department of Her Maje!^ty's Ordnance." 195, 196 and 197. Wlien any I' 1^ I ''^ $8 unoccupied: exc/p^ fi™ ri",, """"" ""' '"" ""^'-^' "--'■ " the duties of his office, shj.ll en or into „^ Co lector, before entering upon sureties, in such sun. 'as ho M nicimYconril 71^ 'n" '' '""''^ «"«5ciiu 8h,p or Village Municipality, oKown.-/ '^n ^"".i^y- "'• ^'^« Town- any By-Law to be passodin^ hat behalf id „t£i:"""^''' ^^"1^ '•'^y h^n r- ''"[^ '" coHformity to all tl e tovtioni ,1 T' '^?"^''^^ ^^ «««h .shall be to the satisfaction of such Munic ',1 P *"f°'= ""'^ «»«'' ^"'•eties -such bond shall be to the To^^",ship V f^i ^"'■i'"'*^^'«»s respectively, and corporate name, and shall berondkLe, f°. U !^"', ^'l^ °'' ^^°»"ty- by its of such Treasurer, ChamESkhx or Co£tor!''*"^ Performanc^e o/the Vniagesf Towns, Citl":^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^-n.hip. -deduct a sum equal to the deti/T"''"^ '' ^«^««^« «hall lowing year." deficiency from the apportionment on the fol- SuSteX'rcffSa ?oro?a7vTtr''" ^^'«"^« «^"- ^^ief or Local }rr'i:>u^'^« executiorof tSL ic7shlte:n"%'T^,^ ^'^ «^p«S Jund which shall, wholly and viUiou dirnh?-ff • 7* °* *''^ ''°"'"^«» School »ent ot Teachers' salarie^;, as hllS'blfolS pS;a'r '^^^^"'^'^^ ^'^ t'^« Paj* /uri/ Act. 6. All Members and Officers of anv Pnmn .• from sprvincra- !,,„-« o ., '^"'^^ °^ ^"> Corporation exemntpH Corporation, iws shall be aature of tlio oceedirigs of shall be pre- inlerest shall e a writ of Treasurer," levied and id Collector Court out of s'' That all Y Corporate n any such r. Cashier, Township, thereof, or or County eving upon e sufficient the Town- require by ed by such ch sureties tively, and iity, by its mce of the vs, Rules )wnship8, imposing " shall be m or Vil- out of the ols shall I the fol- or Local expenses n School the pay- cemnted 19 conpoRATioN, Qnd division. Applies to City, Town, Village and Township Corporations, in addition to 1st division. 161 .. The Returning, Officer shall return the Poll Book to the Clerk " 162. Any person Elected '^ who shall neglect or refuse to acceprorto be sworn mo O Hce," and (1G3,) ^^,1 vacancies which „,ayo cur by death or otherwuse, shall be filled up." See Vacancies. For the ap^int! ingoReturmng Officers. See Elcclion. 165. ..If in any yearZl «hal be no Election on the appointed day, or a requisite number of Can" d.dates shall not have been Elected, in every such case it shall \n! tTtht'r "V'^^f '''''''-'' "^ -''' ^--P-^*^-' orT;lte"E ec' ed, then those for the next proceeding year," - to supply the deficiencr {Amended Act.) 15. - I„ case of there beurg an equality of Votes on the tottrrrr^^ ^T?*""^''^^^^>'«^'' ''theMember^vho, accoTd n' to tl e last Collector s Roll, shall be assessed for the highest amouuf shall have a second and casting vote." *'"ouui Assessment Act. 6. .'That nil taxes levied under this Act, or 12, Vctoriu, chapter 81, or under any other Act passed or to be passed whereby any local or direct tax shall be authorized to be levied, ondTheo no otber express provision shall be levied upon the whole .^teable, real, and personal property of the locality to be taxed in proportion to Ih^ assessed value thereof, and not upon any one or more kind or specYes of property m particular." 10. .^All taxes which shall have been evied dunng the present year, shall be held to be the taxes of 1850; and here- nf^r he taxes levied in any year shall in all cases be con idered and ken to have been rmposed for the then current year, commencing w" th the 1st January and ending with the 31st December, unless otherwise expressly provided." 11. All sums required for lawful purposes incTies' Towns and Villages, .' tbe taxes shall be imposed by By-Laws, declaring the yearly rate m the pound, to be levied on the yearly value of all me! able p..perty; and the yearly value of taxable personal proper^!,, be held to be six per cent., on the assessed actual value LLl* 2 Whenever the amount of taxes which shall be assessed ''for any nur-* pose shal exceed the charges for such purpose, the overplus shall relio at he credit ot such Village, City, County. Town and Township^-Ti^ :n hke Towns and Villages .^ shall form part of the general funds at hi disr^snl of such Corporations." 14. ^ Notwithstanding any Act or law the contraiy the number of Assessors or Collectors ro I appointed in aiid for any City Town, Village or Township, shall be one or mTre 2 the discretion of the Council thereof;" «. may in their discretion ap^ the same Assessor or Collector to act in and for any number of waT or any City or Town." 15. . If they (City, Town, kge, or Tornship,) distucts," u and may prescribe such regulations for governing the asses- ,._..c.maneo ot their duties, as shall not be inconaifltent with 80 liiw." 22. •• The Municiimlity of nny City, Town, Villnge or Township mny, by By-law to operate generally and rateably, reduce, and at their discretion, increase the number of day's labour to which nny such party rated on the Assessment Roll or otherwise shall be liable under this Act." See Statute Labour. 29. For the guidance of the Courts of Appeal •• the Council of any City, Town, Villnge or Township, is hereby em- powered to make such By-laws," &c., and the Court " shall decide in nccordance with such By-law." 27. To appoint a day when the certified Assessment Roll shall bo delivered to their respective Clerks. 28. To appoint five as a Court of Appeal to revise the Assessment. See Court of Appeal. License Act. Each City, Town, Villnge and Township are required to make By-laws for the regulation, &c., &;c., of Inns. See Tavern License. CORPORATION, 3rd dimsion. Applies to City, Town and Village Corporations, in addition to let and 2nd division. 138. *' The places already established by competent authority as mar- ket places in the several Cities, Towns and Villages, shall be, and remain market places," " and all market reservations " shall be " vested on the Municipality of such City, Town or Village." 141. <' It shall, and may, be lawful, for the Municipal Corporation of any Villnge, Town or City, to purchase" " so much real property lying as well beyond as within the limits of such," " for the purpose of one or more Cemeteries for the interment of the dead," such to be purchased in accordance with a By- Law, which is unrepcalahle. 142. They may also purchase land •' for the purpose of one or more Magazines, for the deposit and safe keeping of Gunpowder." 188. "On the alteration of any Road where the Road thus altered shall not have been an original allowance for Road, or where the same shall lie within any Village, Town or City," " the site of the old Road to be sold to the Corporation." See Highways. School Act. 21. The Town and City Councils "shall be subject to the same obligations as are the Township and County Councils," See 5th and 9th division, with the exception of the appointment of Local Superintendents, which is to " be made by the Board of School Trustees." 24. The Board of Trustees of any Town, City, (26, or Village.) are required to lay before the Councils of such " an estimate of the sum or sums which they should judge expedient," and it is the duty of such Councils " to provide such sums, in such manner, as shall be desired by such Board." 25. " Each Incorporated Village shall possess and exer- cise all the powers," " with regard to levying money," &;c., as City Councils. CORPORATIONS, Ath division. Applies to County and Township Council in addition to 3rd division. 18?-. "It shall not be competent" for aity Township or County or Townsliip , and nt their ly such party ler this Act." ts of Appeal hereby em- lall decide in [1 the certified iS. 28. To See Court are required See Tavern m to let and irity as mar- I, and remain 'ested on the all, and may, m or City, to I within the ries for the 3 with a By- e land " for safe keeping 1 where the for Road, or " "the site mys. B subject to uncils," See snt of Local >1 Trustees." /"illage.) are the sum or luty of such e desired by IS and exer- cc, as City d division. or County 81 Council, «< to paas any By-Law fur stopping up any original allownnco for Rond in any Townsliip or County," <»nor on the limits of any Town, Village or City." See Highways. Assessment Act. 11. <' The gums which shall bo required by law, or by any By-Law of any Township or County, for any lawful purpose, shall, and may be taxed, rated and raised upon esfimnte, of the amount required for any such lawful purpose for each year, in which such tax is to be levied." CORPORATION, Glh (Uvision. Applies to Township Councils, in additionto Ist, 2nd, and 4th division. 2. •• The inhabitants of each Township in Upper Canada, which shall have over 100 resident freeholders, and householders, on the Collector's Roll thereof," •' shall be a body corporate." 8. "It shall, and may, bo lawful," " by a vote of at least four-lifths of its Members to divide such Township into several (15. " shall be divided into live wards.") Wards," or "re-divide, or re-arrango them," &c. 9 and 10. When 80 divided, shall " appoint (by By-Laws,) a person," (and place,) to hold the Election for Councillor in the several Wards. 11. May divide Junior, and (13 and 14,) the reiniiitiing TownHhips of the Union tf Townships, of which such was a part, into Wards, when they have sufficient population. 19. Until so divided " the Election for such Townships shall be by the votes of the whole Township Meeting, at n general Township Meeting. See Eledion. 24. The Township Clerk, "or in case of there being none," " then one of the Councillors returned at such Election shall; when no placo is appointed for that purpose by By-law, appoint a place for the first meeting of the newly elected Muni- cipality," to "be held on the second Monday next after such election, or if not held on that day, then, on some other day hereafter, of which appointment he shall give notice to the other Members, and at such meeting, the Councillors shall proceed to elect from amongst themselves a Town Reeve, and in Townships which shall have 500 resident free- holders and householders on the Collector's Roll, one Deputy Town Reeve for such Township, for such year." 25. May "adjourn their meetings, from time to time at their pleasure, and the Reeve, or (in case of the absence of the Reeve,) Deputy Reeve, shall have power, at any time, to summon a Special Meeting thereof." 26. Allmeei. gs "shall be held in such place, within the Township, as they shall themselves from time to time appoint by adjournment, or by By-Law." 27. <• The Town Reeve (or in his absence, the Deputy,) shall preside at all meetings," and when neither present, "then some other Member." 28. " Shall so soon as conveniently may be, appoint such and so many Assessors, (see Assessors,) and Collectors, (see Collectors,) as shall, or may, be ])ermitted be Law." {Assessors Act, section 14., ''shall be one or morej at the dbcrelion of such Covwil,^') who " shall hold office until S3 l}.« third ModHy 1., January, of the yenr, n- xt after their appointraeut, nnd UDI.I the Council «h«ll nppoint " olhora, - nnd in case ofu vacnncy," the Connc.J Bhall fill it, up " by a now appoint n.eut, at tlie next meet- ing. It appears that Assessor* and Collectors .nay bo appointed with- out n By-Law, altl,.n,f.l, all other orf.cors-as ^oen by the 31st Section- Tn rr- ''• 1''"^'' 'l^"^vn..,hip Council - vpoii the report of (he Anchors, .hall '< finally audit and allow all accounts chargeable against the lown8l„p,andinca«e any chargo shall not bo specially regulated by Law, It shall be their duty to allow, for tho same, such sums as may seem just nnd reasonable." also, - in like manner, audit nnd allow the accounts of the Town.hip Treasurer," and •' Collector, except so far n« respects any (bounty rales." 172. The Collectors are required to pay nil '.County Kates to th. Township Treasurer, and he to pay them to the County Treasurer, .he Township Councils are ''held responsi- be for such County Rates," consequently «// /^a/c.-it would appenr- ehould be audued by the Township Councils since this alteration hn. been made. Umcndcd Act.) 7. The powers imposed by tho 12tl» Vict . chapter 36., section 30 and 31 on County Jouncil. with respect to bounc^u•y hues '• transferred to. and imposed upon the different Town- 8hip Mumc.palmes. and their Treasurers and OfTtcu-.." See Boundary Lines. 15G. All Uy-Laws in force "of any Municipality." on the Ist Januaty 1850, shall remain so, - until repealed by the Municipality sub- * Muted by this Act for such former Muniripali'y." |75. Tlie Coipora. t,ons created in any County. Town, City. Village or Township, by this Act, shall be subsUfufed for, and shall be in the place and stead of the Corporations theretofore existir , in, and for the same." Query-Can n loumslap Council repeal a By-Law of the late Dlstrkt Council T I revtous to 1850 there were no Townslnp Councils, can they therefore ^nany respect be considered as a -Municipality substituted for" bucU District Council ? 31. Each Townsliip Council <' shall have power and authority to make By-Laws for each of the following purposes " mk,' ppuiiitraeoty It vncnncy,'* next niflet- uiiited with' Bt Section — cport of the tible ngriinst y rpguluted J 1)18 (18 may I ulluw the 'pt 80 fur ng led to pny By tJiem to J responsi- i iippenr — Bintion lina 12th Vict., respect to snt Town- Boundary on the Ist ipality suh- > Corpora- ip, by this ead of the lery — Can Council 7 therefore for " such power and s." sonal pro- iihabitnnt» ', when no epair of a eing upon tion. 8 may b« >I Houses, , and pro- ording to c Pounds -Keepers. 98, cattle, ■ poultry, 'or nxnig I be Per- ued irom 23 (•}}!.) For npiinuHiii-,' iliu dnniiigrn to lui |mil snvli 'rovviiNliip. (2J.) For ciHiHiiif; Hiich liorsco, intllf or oilier niiiditils »im rfliiill Ur> iui- poiiiKlnl, to lif MoM, ill thtj itaiMM iiro not citiiiiicti witliiii ii ronMiiirihlH time, or in ciimo the diiiiiiif.'oH, lim-M mul exjiouwes bliiill not he imid HvcnnVuiit to such Hy-Lfnv8 or KegulHtions. ° (ar..) F(»r settling the heiylit und tle8cn[»tion eet, side-walk, crossing, alley, lane, bridge, or ether communication within tho sfimo: Provided always', nevertheless, that no such new, widened, alteiHjd, changed or diverted high- way, road, street, side-walk, crossing, alley, lane, bridge or other communi- cation, shall he laid out so as to run through or eiicio.-ich upon any dwelliu". house, barn, stable, or outhouse or any orchard, garden, yard or pleasaro ground, without the consent in writing of the owner thereof. [Ifi.] For granting money to the Municipal Council of the County in vvhich such Township shall hn situate, or to that of any adjoining County, to aid the making, opening, building, maintaining, widening or improviu" any highway, road, street, bridge or comniunicaticm lying beWeeu such Town- ship and any other Township in the same or any adjoining County, or in tho making, opening, buihling, maintaining, widoning or improving anv high- way, road, street, bridge or communication within such Township, assumed by tUe Municipal Council of the County us a county work, or be assumed by such Municipal Council on tho cond"' " ' ' Jtion of such agreed to grant. [17.] For regulating the manner of grnutin" to associated .Toint Stock Road or Bridge Companies, to which opposition has been made in iccnrdanco with the provisions of the Act nassed in the present Sessiors of PfsrlisT^rl intituled, "An Act to authorize the formation of Joint Stock Companies, for 31 Umi O'.MHlr... .,.,. ut U„a.l- an,l,- wo. Its i., Ij.,,,;,' r,„.ml,.," ,..;, .ni,~M..i, (,, !.".'li?7 'r." ""^ "'"""V'.': "•"'"? ^^'"'i" "'•• .i'"i^'lk(i 1 ..,,1. A ,. i- ail fy, aii.l llm ,„.i..iM.r .,1 ..»i,,mlM as..-...U,i..iMj, an.l .I.tIm. it.-« l„ MX tlMM...,,,;. ..(,„., ..I 11,.. vv.„k. .....l-.•tak..,.^.yH:„•l.(^,...|m.u.•H .•.■H,„.,iivrlv «..• «.H ., y.uitl,, MM
  • HV.I I,, vvirmi.t tliH„. i„ takii.i^ Hi.rj, stock oi- Inulhr^ N,.d. ihd.iov Ioi- llu. fKivaiuv.i.eiit ..I s.i.'li .,..l...|.ii/... All .livi,l(.i..|s, i..i„.vst niai pnirortlK It tiriH^ nr I... .v,;,.v.-.i |,„.., sti. Ii or I, .an I,,,!,,- at all li.M.cs,. t.» III., « ,M.r,M,s..M of H.idi Mm.iri|,alily, an.l to u,< in r.'.l.iclio.i ol till) nil .s .•|.,|i..rr.l to l.o IrVK.-d lor hiicIi iHiipoNcrt. Sro ///.'/.«v//m LIl.J For p.MV.,li..'r, t|,,,to„ ,.a,|, Hi.l.. of any l.i;,M,way, wl.ltl, «|,a'u imH^ • hi-oii-n ,1 vvoo.l, llu. iii..l).'r hIiiiII 1.., cut down lor u not rxc.r.Iii.j. tsVfTity-liv.. I.M.f ,.,, .,;.cl, Hi,|„ ors.Ml, i.i^d.way, hy tho proprietor of tl„. lan.I on wl.i.d. HKcl, i.M,lH.rHl.all>>, or in ti.-lHuil by lliu ov..,-s.-«r of |,i..|.vvaVH orollu«.-ol),or II, vvl.o.sLMlfvi..ion8.icl, land sliall'li.., sucl. lo'^I.o iv- m.veili>ytl..> pi-oprnrlor wiiliin a tim.. to l>.. appointed by tlio JU-Uw or orinJiB.-i delanlt l.y .|.-poH.! connected will, the in.piov.-ment of tho hi-liwavH (ind l.ridw* la h.rt divKMon, or sold l,y him to df-rr.y tho expcses iiunriv.l I.I carl^N-in- ll.o By-r.nNV into viWx; l'.„vided ahvav., that no »y-r.|uv .s.iull a.ifli.rizo or compel iho ciittin^' down' of nny oicliani or M..-„he,y. or of any t.-ees plante.l expressly for or., or 8l.«lter Ll..] 'or tliif protection and preHervatinn of any tin.her. Mtoiie, n.uid i.r ^'ruvel, -.-owin- oc hem- np,,,, any allownnc.. or any appropriation for nny p.iol.c i-oad or roads within such Township, and tor tho w.h, of anv tm.ln'r; or U-mg i.pou „uy road uliuvvunco, if thouglil proper l.v the Conncrr. , . o t j/ • > j LU.] For reKulatin- tlio d.ivin,',' and ridin- on or over any bridge erected or to 1)0 orectod will. munch Tow. .ship. See /;,«V/o.f..;. ° [11.] im- inn«, tavt.rna. nlo ho.i.soM. vjotnallhif? houses, ordiii- nrioH. aiit >dl h .im-s when, (rnit, oy.iters. clams, victnals or spirilnon.s Imnor.-, »|- any other mannl.ictnrod l.«verago may ho «oId, to ho enfeu or dn.nk tlj«rei..,aud all oth,M- places for the recei.tion and enU-rtainment of th"^ piildift within liie.piri.sdiclion of the Corporation of such Towi.shii. and to limit of them, and in all cases when there o.^cists no other nrovLsion hy law l„r the licj.sing of snch houses, to {.rovide ihv tho „roiur l.consinj,' (|» the, at Hi.^i rates as to the C.rporation i,( snch Towimii,, any; the proceeds of such lice.ise, in cases not otherwi^o nppropriat|^.l l)y l,i\v, ' ' '' ' •' «wie.i . ,1, , ', , „ ' , .>....ov, III iwiat-K i,oi oiterwitio npprop,|al^d l,y law, to lor.n part ol the public funds of such Towushii. ami t.. oo .hsposedol as the said Corporatioa may consider advisabj,?. See [20.] Fol im[.osin^ a tax on'tlio owners! possossoru or barbourers of or regulali*^' the manner in which such do-s .nay be allowed to i lu-^'i, or lort^n-eveMliu',' s.jcTi dn-^n from being allowed to run at Inr-'e T IV.'.VIi Ui'Ml:<' [20.] FoS imposing a tax on'tlio owners! possossoruor barbourers of does • »r re:riilalilli.' the m.inner m vvliidi kucIi ,l...,o ...... i ii i . *' ' van at '•' ■ . -I - -! • — .-"•""" ""."e '►"•I Win HI 111 M Ml lafe lit ini- proper t.mes, .u.d lo.- killimr and .lestroying such as a«) found ninnmu at bii-i,'.; contrary to such Uy-law, See Dogs* ' ' ■■ ■ " [-21.] For the [2'2.] For preventing, rosti-ainingor regulating oxblbilioiisof wtrx fi-ntres w.l.l ani,uaK>,j,|„,t ,.1,„wh. wi.-e-,laocing, cii-ous-ri.iing, other idle nets or teats'co.nm;>n .showmen, circos-rideis,. mountebanks or iu»"lers e.xh.bil, p.aci.ce or perfo.m. a..d .eipiiriug the pnyn.eut of nsnm iK.t exceeding five poum Is to (ho Township Treasure.: Ju-fore any and every such exhibition shall be a biwed (o bo bold or to t-dtn hJ-x- - f-JC "". ^' J"*"''" upon the proin-,,t,as or p.-rPmis a, cbargo of such cxhibiuion, jn case they I Ik A i J^ I II XIII ll iMllliil !• I;.' Mccuriliiifj Id H ii-s)>»'«livcly, HI Miith wnrku, y f'lr (ln) pru- • lafcil HfiDil III- I'll II lii'tfiiKii til 'Iik'IiIh III' iliit tiiiMil ur Mriilgii lie jiiri.-i(lii;lii>ii , '>i'ii(it]ii'i*)iitly ii;li iivmisy lor t hikI proi'oi'ilii IK'S a|i[iiii'iiliii> ill rciliicliuii l^hirnifii, ii'li hIiiiU |mNM Diit f'Ati'«'(Iiii;( till- III' the liiinl !■ Ill' liif^livviiys lilt r ti) 1)0 ri'- 1! I'y-L!»vv, or I'lT. ill vvliii'li lHi;or iiH iit'oi-c- lii!,'li\vnyH iiiiil IISI'8 ilH'UI'lVll tlint 11(1 iiiic')i «ny Dicliiini It or plieltt-r. ^, HtmiC, HUIIll injprimioii f»ji- I' wilti III" liny III proper liy riiJyo erectftl iiiiisos, mil ill. or NpiriliKiiiH > Ix' cnteii iir rJ?iiiiineiit. of iiwiiHlii|i, iiud iwlM no oilier r tlio pioixr cli Towufuip ot othorwifiH iiwusliip, and isuble. See f lers of (logH ; f(l In run lit t liirge nt ini- l I'uijniiig lit lis (lotriinoii- vvffx fi<^nrpf«, iier idle nets "!' .JHgglerrt ntfisnm iKit U every Bueh fiusijig a fijio jn case Ihoy 85 oll'lll I'.tllillil \\i'll>)llt ^'xlliltili.|ll, W.l'-llli'r llic MWIIITS I". If ill \ yi;.;: lli. ri'i.l I mI FUi ll ^liiivv stiiitl III' Kii>'\vii or l>y iiiniil^rv mill, I'l Im • iiiit, ill' III iiii(iri.. . li.ii'iit itl ilic pailinH utriMhlinp'. lor niiy tiiiif iml laifcdiu^' onu riili.'uiliir iiiiMifli, mill I'nr tin- H|i|tniiiriiiiiiai i/I'micji miiiiik a.> ii..iv Im riccivi'il "i!' or rocovi'ii'il iiiiilur iiiiy rr^iiliilion or lly-law In li II pii.t^i tl inr llinl piii'poiii- ('2iJJ I'ur pi-oi!iiriii^', ill c.i»in llic itiimo lintli not Immmi iiln-ndy doiu', the iiHci'rl.uiiiiij{ iiiid i.'stiil)li.-.|iini>iit liy piililic mill) «iiiy iiiiordinu' to lnw, of llio hoiiuil.iry Iiuoh of hiicIi '^llWll^)^ill, himI |iiovi(|iiij.» |nr iIh- p •liuilicnl iiiNpi-iMon mid pruHi.'i v.itiuii of iIki iliindilf uiiiiiiiiin'iil.-i liy law n ipiir. d lo lie luocli-il for cviduiu'iiip' llio wiiiiiu, Mild for proi urinji tlio ll"(■l•K^oiilid for llio SliitiK" liilionr liy lln-in n'Hpi«ti\i-ly oii IhiiidiIiN', (or miv liiin not (•xocodiii..' livo yiiiir.i, iit any ral) not, cxct'i'diii;,' two HliilliiiHM iimf nix pi'iici- for oacli il.iyV iiilioiir, and at any tinr- liid'oro ih-! liilioiir I'oiiip.nnidi'd for oii^lil to Im piirfiiruH'd. mid liy niiv hikIi ii';,'iil,iliniiH to dinwi to ulml utlicur in omdi 'rovvnsliip siuU t!onipc<=ilion nioiny ^ImII I»i- paid, and liow i.n«li inoiioy ijliail lio appii.ul and acuuuiUnl for, n'ml to ri',','iil!iti; tlu.- in. inner uini thi? divisionn in vvliicli Ihe Stutuo Lalionr bliail l>o iiorl'iirinod. nr [lay porlorino (''J.*?.) For cnl'orcin;? llm luMforinaiiri' of iSialnio or Unao Lalionr, inont of a (•onuniitnlion in inonuy tln'refor. Sro i-Vutnl,: Ln/niui; M (-•'•>) F'"' IIk' iinpoHiii^' and oolli'cliiij,' by distress and flalu of llio gooiU « and cUuUrU of lliu olVoiidor or oir.'iidiM'M iv.-moniddo pi'iialticn and (iue». not Bxoeodiiif; inany oiwo £.'» ciirrciKiy, mid reii.^onald.! piiiii. «tuduia-tea<;hor» 111 8UCI1 .\i(nlul ocIiDol sli'ill ho lrt;u. tulKi.'yi''f'T'"J'';''''';o' ''*>'''' '^'"^'■''■'^'''>' ^vhereno Sehooln have h.en es- M f . II 'i" ^- T< ^'^ "'"«'. ^" "l'l"""t " l'«^'«"ii ill each new School 8ec- (i I in , ' ■ '"'"^ '^'f ","*• ^'V-"".- '^"<1 t" t^anse such ,.er«on to be liotilicl 111 tho manner iirescnbud in the lonrtlj Section of tliis Act. [1.] To altor any school .section ah-eadyo.staI,h-shed, and to unite two or r . I 1 ^"'' ;,';'' t'"'',''' ""'f' " '""^" "^'^•^'""«' .■x,,iess,.d at a public meeting ..i, .. ^r T T ■'■• *'"■ !'"" I':"l'"«'^: l'n.vid.Ml always, that the first , it.. -1" 11 l''"'^^''"-*. V ,""'', rTV'.'"' '^"""i^tii'y "<■ two or more sections inited. shall be apimnifed and h.-hi in tlie same manner as is ..rovhle,! for ia the iourth section ol this act ,n respect to a new scho.d seclion ; ]'r..vid..d .econ.liy that any alteratnm ,n the b..un.]ari..s of a school secti.m shall not go into et ec the twenty-nrth .h,y of December next after the ti.n« ufiT f H ] •'■" 'l'"'''"' ",'"■ "''"" "">■ '^^'-l' ''t-'talum toward, the alter- t on o the boniularies ot any school section, nor any appbeali.n, bo cnter- :v«n.|",'l .'""''."""' ,>'"l'^'^VV'''"">'''-^'"''>' "IM"'"i"lha. all parties affected by such alteration have been ,I„ly notilied of such intemled itep or applica- tion : Proyule.l llmdly, ih,.t the several parts ol such united or altered t nid to winch they won], luve been .M.title.l, had they not been altered or united . aa--^^nl>^"cl in this clausi in rc^spect to h - terat.ons,, other sehool sections.] by the IJeeves and Local Superintendent m! iM-d'! o'l ; ■' ."": ^ ^^^^"^'''!''^ ""• •.'♦■ I--t« "'• which such' sections are p oposed to be turn.e.l, at am,,eling appointe.l for that purpose by any two T. rn S I .. 1 S • "^''"i^ .n.titied; I'rovided si.xthly, that ei^ch ITui.r Scho(d Sec ion coini.osed of portions of adjoiniuK Towiishi.m shadl t on, an. shall be considered, ,n re.spect to superintemlence and taxing for ^.:x:zt:yt:i^:;:r "^ '^'^-^'"^ '^ ^'^ ''^-^^^'^ - -^^^^^^ (."..) To cause the Clerk of such Township, to the Loral« ten. lent of Schools with a copy of all the p.'.cee.ling8 of such Cm.nci S ,' 19. " On the applieation in writiHi? of hv^lve ornioro re^idont l.r.,d,.of kiiiil.e.,,'- rrquired - fo atukorize tlio o.-^blishuient of one or more .V f 1(1gOflXppvviig)jip MiitliU uler sucli it-jju- Iwiiys, tlint tlio I ot'Hiicli Model tees ill respect It tlin Trustees leirdiscretifiii, IT Sfliools, into udoiit-teachurs Imve been e»- w Sclinul 8ec- li purHoii tu bo Act, unite two or t' tlie freehold- iil)lic meeting that the firnt more sections r<>vi?idf< of 5 or mora 87 •eparate euhuolu for tho Protostauts, Koinan CytlM)lit;8 or Coloured people, and iu such caso it Hhall prescribe the liinita of the division or section for such Scliool," ami appoint a person io hold the Hrst School, meeting for the election of Trustees. *' No Protestant separate school shall bo allowed in any division except where the Teacher is a Itoinnn Catholic," and vice versa. 20. " VVluMiever the mujoiity of the residents of tho several sections in any Township, at a public inoetin.'^ cajied by the Trustees for that purpose, shall desire to abolish local School section divi- sions and have all the schools conducted under one system and one nmn- agement," the Township Council '' shall have authority to comply with their recpiest thus expiessed, by passini> a 13y-law to that elfect." 43. The Legislative School grant payable to the Coun'y Treasuror *»on orbefoi^ the 1st day of July in each year.'* ooni'ORATioNS. 6th division Applies to Incorporated Village Councils in uddilion to 1st, 2nd, and 3rJ divisions. 59. Each Village Corporation " shall be formed in like manner a« Township Councils, and shall have such powers, duties, and liabilities, with and in respect to such Village, as Townships shall have with and in respect to such Townships," and the " Tovvnreevo and Deputy Town- reeve (< when, from the number of iVeeholdors and householders on the Roll, such Village shall be entitled to elect a Deputy') and other olRcer.V* phall also "have tlie like powers and duties," (see Miscellaneous, l»t division,) consecpiently the next iirst above division is applicable to Villages. 53. There shall be elected at the same time, by the same dcsniplionoi' voters, in tlie same manner, the same niunber of Councillors ns in Townships. This is contradictory — as far as voters are concerntHl — to the 57th section, for l)y it Village Voters are ret^uired *< to have bee» assessed" " to the value of £12 lOs./' whereas no amount is mentioned as being necessary for aTowship Voter. See Election. 115. Upon tho petition of the Village Council the Governor may " add to its boundaries.'* 172. Village Councils are responsible to the County Councils for afl County ratesraised within the Village. See this section under 9th divisicm. LX. Each Village shall, moreover, (or in addilicn to those of the Town- ship) have powtM- and authority to make By-laws for tho following purposes : — [1.] For the opening, constructing, making, levelling, jiitching, raising, lowering, gruvelliug, niafadaniiziug, phiiiking, paving, (lagging, repairing, planting, improving, [irescrving and niiiiiitaiiiiiig any new oi" existing high way, road, street H(]iiare, side-walk, crossing, alley, lane, bridge or oilier cominiuiication or any pulilic vviiarf, dock, slip, diaiii, sewer, shore, bay harbour, river or water and tiio shores and banks tliereof within the juris- diction of the Corporation of such Village, and for tlio entering into, per- formii.g and executing any arraugonient or agreement with the Municipal Corporation of the County ar Counties iu which such Village may lie for the execution of any such work at tho joint ex[)ense aud for the joint benetit of the Municipal Corporations of such County or Ciuuiiies, and of such ViU bige and the people they represeut; and tor llic sto|»ping up, ptilling down, ti?f!iift-f rttttiiiii'r fli.'Hi-niT oj' diverlliig of Hiiy suc'h liighvr itj', road, street. WiileUiii't liiiL;, Cii;ilij?inv bridgV, or conunuiticulioij within tho sauio: I'rovidcd ulwaya, ucivorth^Aias, m S3 !, .1 "."■"" '" '■"" ""■""•-'' '"• '''"•'•"•'^•'' iM"'"'n,y g by re ail ,n tbe j.ubbV-. bi.d.WHys, any n.ea/, veLa-table., I'rnh "id. • beer or other bcvera^'o whatsoever; loV regniatin:,^ .be place a. ,1 n , uir of -ve^otibiri- n!l""'^ "'."^ regu atn.g the, IS wlmisover li liijjiiway, Iier uuiiiiiju- .ly, liarlioiiv, 1^ oi'llip [dO- )niji'ciion or g, clctermlii- kN, Btl'Ct'tB, «i' all siR-li niitl ullixiiig >f the saiiif. agro sliiill be "v, ill iiiti of ion ol' such tiieiankiug, icli Village. .stal)lisliing, I' soiling (ir i'ritit, oidiT, ! manner ol' lumber and r selling all 9 or things, .enling the fruits, rooft* if any stub n one mil« ent, lenglh el ; and iVir ent ill any i and niea- I standijrd, elyards or ge, and for tl ; and for or person N !t weights, 1 vehicles, for sale or ^ a reason- It shall be t, poultry, lie rent of e Weight a h Villago, roUeuting i.irbour ill I lie (M'(;o- 30 w. '>5 4k tiiinniKJ iininlciiiinc'! oi'llii' iicr'ts-ffiry iroviiling itii' tlie ffcction and fiit childn^n, a[)- prentioes or servants without ihe comment of iheif legjil protettors ; for suppressing and imposing penalties on the keepers (of low tippling houses and houses of ill fame visited by dissolute mid disprderly cliaraeti^rs ; for licensing and regulating victualling bouses or other .houses of refreslinient where spiiiln(jns liipiors are imt sold; lor the reguiiU.ion (d all public billiard tabliis, and for licensing, r^gidating, or preventing bowling alleys or other iilaces of iunusement; fur regulating or pniveiiting, reslrainiiig or suppressing h'irse-racing and gambling houses, and for entering into them and seizing and deslntying faro-banks, rouge-el-noir, and rouh Ite-tablcs, and other ilevices for ganilding ; for restraining and jjtinishing all vagi-ants, ilrnnkai-ds, vagabonds, meiiilieuntsinid stref'l beggars. and all ptn-sons foumi tlrunk or dis- orderly in any street or public place in such village; tor restraining or regu- lating the licensing (d" all exhibitions ol' natural or artificial curiosities, tM:-atrf'8, circuses, or other shows or exhibitions kept for hire or other prolit. 11!).] For regulating inns, taTerns, nle houses, rictualliiig lir)usc9, ordin- lities find all houses where fruit, oysters, clams, victuals or spirituous liquors, or any other inanufiictured beverage may bo sold, to be eaten or drank therein, and all other places for the reception and entertainment of tlio public, within the jurisdictimi of the Corporation of such Village, and to liaiit the number of them, and in all cases when there exists no otlrer jirovision by law for the licensing of such houses, to provide for the projier licensing of the same, at such rates as to the Corporation of such Village iimy seein expedient, the proceeds of such lif-ense, in cases nf)t otherwise apjiro- priated by law to form jiart of the public fui;d8 td" such Village, and to be disposed of as tho said Coporatiou may consider advisable. See 'Tavern License. [10.1 For abating and causing to be removed all public ntiisanccs; for regulating the construction of privy vauUs ; forcausing vacautlots in central situations when they become nuisances to be proi)er]y enclosed ; for regulating or preventing the erection or continuance of slanghter houses, gas works, tanneries, distilleries or other niauufactories or trades which may prove to be nuisances; for jireventing the ringing ul»lic fouiitaiiu, tViaiB, imni[)8, cisterns, rost-ivoiis and oilier conveiiionces Jor the siipiilr of gooil and wholesome vvsitei- t.r IV.r tlie cxtinguiHiimeiit of fires, and to iiinke reasonable chargo for the nso thereof ; and lor ureveuting the waste aud i onling of pnblic water. * o -^ [13.] For regidating the keeping nn.l transporting of gnnpowdor and other c(.mbusli)le or ihnigerous materials ; and for erecting, re«ul«tin« and proruhng for the support by fees .,f a Village Magazine for the storiiiR of Kiinpowder belonging to private parties, and for compelling persons to storo therein; for prerentiiig or le^nlrumg the use of fire,light8 or candles inlirerr or other stables, cabmet-mukers and carpenters' shops, and combnstiblo places; for preventing or regulating the carrying on of mannfactories «r trades dangerous m causing ,)r j)r.)moti„g fire ; and for regulating the mode of removal, and requinng the sale keeping of ashes in proper deposits; for regnlating, removing or preventing the construction of any chimney flue fire-place,, oven, boiler or other a[.i)aratns or thing in any house! manufactory or business whicii may bo dangerous in causing or promoting fire; for regu ating the construction of chimnies as to the dimensions and thickness, am the carrying of the same to a proper height above the roofs of buildings, and h.r eulorcmg the proper sweeping or cleaning of the same br licensed or other chimney svyeepers ; for guarding agaiiisf the calamities of fire by regulating auu enforcing the erection of party walls; for comneUinc ovyners and occui.aiits of h(,use.s to have scuttles in the roofs and stairs ami ladders leading to the same, and for authorising the officer to be appointed for that purpose to enter at ail reasonable times or hours upon the property of any party subject to such regulations for the purpose of ascertaining that the same properly are obeyed; for requiring the inhabitants of such Villlce to provide so many fire buckets, m such manner and time as they shall prescribe and for regulating the examination of them, and tlio use of them at fires i for regcilating the conduct and eufbrcing the assistance of the inhabitants presentat fires, and the preservation of property thereat; makinir regulations for the suppression of fires and the pulling down or demolishing of adiacent houses, bui h insra nr otIi»r oi.n«i;„..„ < »i ...* . » of adjacent houses buildings or other erections for that purpose- tm establishing and regulating Fire, Hook, Ladder, and property •"•for provulmg medals or rewards for persons who shall purchasing and est saving Companies . . ,. „ „ „. ..- wu...» .or persons wno shall distinguish Ihemselves a hies, and for assisting the widows and orphan. of persons who may be killed by accidents occurring at such fires. [14.] For entering into and examining all dwelling houses, warehouses shops, yards and outhouses, for ascertaining whether any such places are in a dangerous state, with respect to fire or otherwise, and for directing them to be put in a safe and secure cmidition ; for appointing fire wardens and fire engineers; for appointing and removing firemen T for makina .nch rules and i-egulations as may be thought expedient for the concfnct of such tire Companies, Hook and Ladder Companies and Property SavinJ Vilh-e""'^ "^ '""^ "" ^'^^^ *^^ sanction of the Corporation of •uch • ^^^-]h^"'* P^;"'!'^'""? f".*- '■}''' !'««l'h "f tho Village and against the spread- ing of the con agious or infections diseases ; for regulatin| the interment of the dead, and for directing the returning and keepfng of gills of mortoHtr • and lor imposing penalties on physicians, sexton.-, anc? others for defan t lii the; and f.-rprmnding and regulating one or mere Public Cerae" tries for the interment of the dead. ^ome [16.] For laying out improving and regnlating any Pnblic Cemetery for the burial of the dead that they may obtain an«l establish for such ViJaee and tor selling or leasing such porti,.n. thereof as they may think propS' and for declaring in the conveyance thereof to the purchasers or lessJeT th* terms on which such portions are to be held, and for making such othej regulations for tho improvement ornament and protecihm of sueh CemeteJi aa they may thiuk necessary and proper. See Ccmcirict. ^«me«ery -i If. See boek-v^ ul)Iic rouiitMiis, r the Biiji|ily of L's, ami to iiinke the waste auU nnpowiler ancl regit luting and tiie Atoring of lerxoiiBto Btoro iiiidlusinliroiy .1 combnstible innfactorieH «r ting the mode ' ilepusitH; for chiinuey, flue, iu any houso, or promoting iinensions and 'e the roofs of >f the same bj i calamities of or compelling and stairs ami be uppuiuted I the property ertnining that iuclj lall prescribe, hem at fires | ie iubabitants for making • demolishing ptirpose ; for and property ms who shall I and orphans res. warehouses, places are in reeling them wardens anfl nakins ai|ch condnet of ;>erty Saving ttion of auch ' the spread- interment of >f mortality ; >r default in ublic Ceme- emetery for iich Village, link proper, lessees, thd such other h Cemetery 41 tl7.] For preventing the immoderate riding or driving of horses or eattJa in any of the public highways or streets of such Village ; and for preventing the leading, riding or driving of horses or cattle upon the side-walk of thtt streets of such Village, or other improper places therein. [18.] For regulating or preventing the fishing with nets or seines, the use of fishing lights, or the erection or use of weirs for eels or other fish in any harbour, river or public water within the limits of the jurisdiction of the Corporation of such Village. [20.] For preventing the injuring or destroying of trees planted or grow- ing for shade or ornament in such Village, and for preventing the pulling down or defacing of sign boards. [21.] Forborrowiug under the restrictions, and upon the security herein- after mentioned, all such sums of money as shall or mny bo necessary for the execatiou of any Village work within the jurisdiction and the scope of the authority by this Act conferred upon them. See Monet/. [22,] For raising, levying and appropriating such moneys as may 1 re- quired for all or any of the purposes aforesaid, by means of a rate or rates to be assessed equally on the whole rateable property of such Village, ac- cording to any law which shall be in force in Upper Canada, concerning rates and assessments. [23.] For making all such other By-laws as may bo necessary and proper for carrying iuto execution the powers herein vested or hereafter to be ves- ted in the Corporation of such Village, or in any Department or Office thereof, for the peace, welfare, safety and good government of sucii Village, as they may from time to time deem expedient, such By laws not being re- pugnant to this or any other Act of the Parliament of this Province or of the Parliament of Upper Canada, or to the general laws of tliat part of this Province: Provided always, nevertheless, firstly, that no person shall bo subject to be fined more than five pounds, exclusive of costs, or to be im- prisoned more than thirty days lor the Breach of any By-law or regu- lation of such Village: And provided also, secondly, that no person shall be compelled to pay a greater fins than ten pounds lor refusing or neglecting to perform the duties of any Municipal office when duly elected or appointed thereto. [24.] For the repeal, alteration or amendment from time to time of all or any of such By-laws and the making others in lieu thereof, as to them may Beem expedient, tor the good of the inhabitants of such Village. School Act. 25. Villages « shall possess and exercise all the powers and be subject to the same obligation with regard to levying and raising moneys for common School purposes, &c., as Cities." (See 8th division.) CORPORATION. 7//t (livision, Applies to Town Corporations in qddition to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd dtt;tston.t. 67 and 80. Town Councils and Councillors "shall have all such powers, duties and liabilities within and in respect to such Town, as Village Corporations Cand Councillors) shall have in respect to such Village," and the '• Mayor and other officers shall have the like powers and duties, &c." <'asthe Townreeve and other officers" of Villages (seo next above division.) 84. "Whenever any Town" "shall be found by the census returns (taken every ffth year from 1850) to contain more than 15.(X)0, then, on the petition of such Town Council" the Governor may erect such into a City. 66. " On the second Monday next after the yearly Election" the newly elected Councillors, (see Election) "shall meet and choose from amongst themselves a Mayor for such town, who shall have the same powers as Village Reeve." (See Head, ith division.) I: I * ^ 42 Tau iVjayor ana Cuiiuciiiors bhull form the Town Council, and the eaid first meeting shall be lield where the - Town Council shall have held their usual meetings." 68. Tlie County buildings •• of the County withm the limits of wliich such Town shall be situate, shall be and con- liiiue to be" those for the town, so in like manner the several County officers. G9. " Tliere shall bo in every such Town a Police OfTice at which It shall be the duty of the Police Magistrate, (in his absence the Mayor or at his request " any Justice of the Peace having jurisdiction in such Town") to attend daily or at such times as may be necessary for the disposal of the business to l^e brought before him as a Justice of the Peace iorsuch Town." (See Police Magistrate.) 70. Police Magistrate to - be appointed by the Crown" but " shall not in the first instance be appointed, until the Council shall have communicated with the Governor General" that such an officer is wanted. 74. There shall be "one Chief Constable, and one or more Constables for each Ward of such town." rSee Constable.) 75. The Governor may "appoint any num- ber of Justices of the Peace far such Town." 77. Shall "select from amongst themselves one Townreeve" and cue Deputy, if there are over " 500 resident freeholders and householders on the Collector's Roll." 78 " Shall appoint tliree Assessors and one Collector for each Ward " (As to the numfcr,repoaled byAssessment Act, 14,"one or more at discretion.^') LXXXI. And be it enacted, Thnt the Town Cmm.Ml „<•»„ Ik e.x. m which .hull be or rermun unincorp.n'aLd 3ert^.« „ .? *^^ of the Towns, shall moreover have power and a S S to make BvY^vvr;'^ "' l^'' ^''' of the following purposes, that is to sJyf ^'^""'^^ ^°^ "'^^'^ °^ ""^ [1.] For establishiii"' and re"-u]atinfr n p,iK„„ <•„ i ,„ the reliel oi iLe poor and destitute • f..r ,.,.«nt^.„ i """?!'? °] Keluge for providing for the proper keen, ."oi'anvvVnT^ "^ establishing and also ihat „.a| hereafte'r Je crecSln ai ^f^r l^ch To^^n "C" «^ f-^ectioH erecting of buildings and preventing wf.l^^„nr '/""^ ^fgulating the in thickly built partes of such iowlls" " l^^^Wnigs from being ericted [2.] For the purchase of such lands as tlipv T«a„ i purpose of an Indust.ial Farm V(^ such Tovvn ^ ^f ™ necessary for the acris in extent, within ^uck JZ^'^:,^tl i^^^^^^^^ may deem expedient, and for ereotin^ n. hnfi r °V^"^" Town as they buildings, yards and other nclosuiVsLna^b"'^^ '"''' '''°"«""' purposes of such iarm. "^'"""les as may be deemed proper for the ex «uch work to be "lUnn, a:ui sicirfixtu's p ceT n t "b uW^ ^^-^^^^ ciu?Hl:L^c!:^EL!''^iSS*>---Yf I.ive.y stables, Hors^ hire in such Town, and f ,r es ail hh.t' tl^e mtes f n '"'' ,9""i«gJ^« used foi' in a sunnnary mannerthe prompl p ^^.^em ot h" law^fuT f^' '"^ •*" ''""P^^ owner or driver of such Horses C-.b Hnr\, 'awful iare or hire to the riages by the parties lnrin7oru;ni'Mh"amrarfn'^^ ^"'"^ "•"'^ other Car- Stage-drivers and others'in the streets r'n^bir"?'"^^",^"'^ «"""<'". and teasnig passengers and others to tie] in any htril"? "f ""^^ other vehicle. a'cimany ooat, vessel, stage or m i^ md the eaid II have held the County be and con- eral County ce Office at absence the risdiction in jcessary for slice of the Magistrate instance be le Governor 1 be "one rd of such any num- select from sre are over Roll." 78. ard." (As liscretion.^') the Towns, ol this Act. ;ach or any 'r for estab- Refuge for }g and also Gorrectio» ulating the iiig erected aryfor the fo hundred V" as they ch houses, )er for the ;s8ary, the , or othei- I'or the par- ty to allow •remises as be done at !8, Horses, is used for to compel lire to the other Car- Runners, I Boliciting stage or 48 [5.] For a«8098ing the proprietors of such real property in any such Tovfn as may be immediately benefitted by «ucli iiiipioveinenls, for 8uch_ •urn or sums as may at any tune be necessiiry to dtit'niy the expenso of making or re|>airing any ctnnmoii sewer, drain, flagging, posts or puvemeut inany public highway, street, square or place immediately opposite or near to such real property, and for regulating tlio time and manner iu which such assessmeut shall be collected and paid. [6.] For raising, levying at and mnni the petition of two-thirds or up- wards of the freeholders and householders resident in any particular street, «quare, alley or lane of such Town, such sum or sinus of money as may be necessary to defray the expense of sweeping and watering such street, square, alley or lajie by means of a special rate to be assessed equally ou the whole rateable property in such street, square, alley or lane. [7.] For borrowing under the restriction and upon the security herein- after mentioned, all such sums of money as shall or may bo nccessnry for the execution of any Town work within their jurisdiction and the scopo of their authority by this Act conferred upon them. See Money. [8.] For raising, levying, and appropriating such moneys us may be required for all or any of tho purposes aforesaid, by means of a rate to be assessed on the whole rateable property in such Town acconling to any law which shall bo in force iu Upper Canada couceruiug rates and assessments. [9.] For making all such laws as may be necessary and proper for carry- ing into execution the powers herein vested or hereinafter to be vested m the corporation of such Town, or iu any department or otfico thereof, for the peace, welfare, safety and good governuieut of such town as they may from time to time deem expedient, such laws not being repugnant to any other Act of the Parliament of this Province, or of the Parliament of Upper Canada, or the generallaws of that part of this Province : Provided always nevertheless, firstly, that no person shall be subject to be fined niore than five pounds, exclusive of costs, or to be imprisoned more than thirty days for the breach of any By-law or Regulation of such Town: And provided also, secondly, that no person shall be compelled to i)ay a greater fine than £20 for refusing or neglecting to perform the duties of any Municipal olfice when duly elected or appointed thereto. [10.] For the repeal, alteration, or amendment, from time to time, of all or any of such By-law or By-laws, and the making others in lieu thereof, - as to them may seem expedient for the good of the inhabitants of such Town. See Towns. School Act. See 1st and 3rd division. CORPORATION. 8th division, Applies to City Corporations in addition to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd divisions. f 82. The Corporate powers of Cities '< exercised by, through, and in the name of the Mayor, Aldermen and C^;mmonalty of each such City," "with all the duties powers, liabilities, &c., as Towns." (See next above division,) except in so far as such powers may be hereby increased, lessened or modified." 83. For <' every Ward within the limits of such City there shall be chosen" (see Election, 5th division) " two Aldermen and two Councillors," and " the Mayor of such (;ity shall be elected from amongstthe Aldermen thereof." 85. "Each City shall, for all Municipal purposes, and.such judicial purposes as are herein specially provided for, but no other, be a County of itself," but not to prevent the County Council from « holding their sittings keeping their public offices, and transacting all their business" &c. in such City. 96. No .Tup.tice of the Peace of the County « shall, as such, either have or exerciae any jurisdiction over i' #■■! on«nce8 commilted within such Citv '» ftn r i /.■ C'onstaMe (and Constables as is novi i. ?' 7 '^ " ^'•'''«' » °^^''^ ^^/./C'on./«/,/.) .Ha,I ap; Lrone T '' n!ff /""'^ to Towns -(see be appointed annua]Jy,'A..K, if"MW sh' f ^"l ^"''*^^' ^^« '^all provide that the office of Hi. h Dail and Ch fT '' 1?'^'^"* '' '' '^'^ and held by one and the same pt o .^^^ 89 CT'^!"'-^^ ^« "-^^'^ It may seem expedient, erect any Zf of 2 !!^V "" '''^' *°*™«' " City, as their boundaries si^ be'a tthetm ? ''""^"°"^ *° ^"'^'^ Wards. 90 and 91 Makes p ov si^ /ft t Le'nr "' " ""^ ""'^^ ;)oundaries. Seo^ari.. sl 71^0^1 r^^^^^ :^orrectionofthe County ^^shtll be .n^f ? """'"' ^"^ «»"«« «»^ ^louse and House of Let i n ^rs th^^^^^^^ ^,^\^^°'' ^^^ « until such City Council shall othenv L ir^c^^'' 93" eIJ^^ "^r «des a Police Office and Magistrate is nrlv M , u ^ ^'^>'' " ^*^- (vvith the "like powers") thee sh:M ^"^"^^^^^^ ^^''^^ respect to Town. ;;hich .«ha,l bel.lled l^Z:^'s7Z''' 's ^ '^'f ^^''°^'' 104. «A Recorder shall not in t h. fir 7- . \ ^'"' ^^'^o^'^''* Court. City, until after they have eln^^^^^^^^ TT^ '' ^PJ^^^^^d by any such -ch an officer is requ^Td and "v 05^ ^ ''°""" ''^"^"^" ^^'^^ declare their opinion that the nffi? ^ f ^^ "/"^' '""^ communication maybevestediulJ .^1 trs ^f.^?^^^^^^^^^^ Police Magistrate -hall be appointed to bothTh Offices ''u'rtlr"" '-^^ r^ P^^^^ ftirther communication," express a wish .""' *^^" ^«"»ozl shall, » by a See Recorder. 139. It shaH bpl , 7 w '"" *" ^" ^"'^ separately, (or "dispose") It' ill nt '^'^ '^">^,^^^y ^° " have and hold" thereof, as shall o'ma^be L's^^^^^^^^^^ *'^ ^™'^« and liberties Farm." By section 87]ri "^''^f ^'> .^ ^he purpose of an Industrial less tkan Sfi'^'^ u' 7^ P""'^! ^^^^ «-^ ^arm <^ skall non] trate"the grantin ' of I in ^^T^^' '^^'^ «hall be a Police Magis- /^ f'^''""ng ot Licenses to Inn-kepnpr« /Jr„ ^^ u n , "'■''■^is- and belong to such Police Ma<.istrate '' ^f t^ ' n^^" ^^ "^^'^^^ '" «uch power "shall be vested in tidb^Io, ^T. ''^ ^'^'^ Magistrate, i^-n... 106. Each City Counel« ^^^ ^-^- and authorities within such Ckv " tr ^^^^^^"^"^^'"^"lar the powers have with respect to Towns ?n;i 'otT. 7"^'' ^"^ ^ d«^), and authority to make Byr^sfoeaehytffl^ '"'^ P°"«^ . [1-] For erectin.. and esfabiri7 , , followmg purposes:"- 'ng of a City Hal "°Court /it t S"i"''" ^TA^'"^ '"«'• *he proper keep. Industry, i„, and for such Chy.liS the lSL..'^ Correction aL kulH the Inspectors of any such H^ise of L^uJtry ^^^^ '^'''^''^' ""'^ appointing tV^^^:t'^Z^o^ ^he security herein, the execution of any city work withTn t^i^l. f •'^°'' "^^^ ^^ necessary, for quired for all ov\^l?S;^''lt7.r'''^V^''^^^^ moneys as may be re- assessed eayally o„ tL wholi^Xab Won'''?' ^? ™t/.°^ * >•"»• to be any law wlich shall b« in force TnuSP^^nn^i '"''' ^'*y'. ^'^'^ording to assessments. ^ '" upper Canada, conearning ratss an^ »ide» a Ohiaf 'owns;" (seei '), who shall ienl so t3 do, ay be united e to time, as lous to such ' more outer )f any City d House of tJaol, Couit leii officer* City, «.be- t to Towns of Record, fe/'s Court. y any such neral" thai munication Magistrate tme person iIJ, " by a eparately. and hold" i liberties Industrial ^l not he 36 Magis- vested in 'agistrate, se Tavern le powers division), e power s:"— >er keep- House of 'pointing «ng8 and din such herein- sary, for Jcope of r be re- B to bo ding to *S5 sn^ 4f [3.] For making nil such lawi as may bo necessary and proper for earrjp- ing into execution tlio powt-rs herein vested, or hereafter to bo vested in the Corporation of such City, or in any department or otfice thereof, for th« peace, welfare, safety, aifd good government of such City, as they may from time to time deem (-xpedieut, such laws not being repugnant to this or any other Act of the Parliament (d' lliiw Province, or of the Parliament of Upper Canada, or to the general laws of this part of this Province ; Provided al- ways, nevertheless, firstly, that no person shall be nubject to be fined more than five pounds exclusive of costs, or to bo imprisoned more than thirty days for the breach of any By-law or Regulation of such City : And provided also, secondly, that no person shall bo compelled to pay a greater fine than twenty pounds, for reluming or neglecting to perform the duties of ony mun- icipal office, when duly elected or appointed thereto. [6.] For the repeal, alteration or amendment, from time to time, of all or any of such By-law^s. and the making others in lien thereof ai to them may seem expedient for the good of the inhabitants of such City. School Act. See 1st and 3rd divisions. coupoRATioN. 9//t division, Applies to County Corporations in addilion to 1st and 4th division. 33. " The Townreeves and Deputy Townreeves of the several Town- ships, Villages and Towns/' " shall constitute the County Council," but neither of such "shall be entitled to take his seat in such County Council, until he shall have filed with the Clerk " (County,) « a certifi- cate under the hand and seal of the Clerk of the Township, Town or Village," for which he was elected, « of his having been duly elected and taken the oath of Qualification and office as such Townreeve," (see Form G.) in addition to which the Deputies must « also file a copy of the Collector's Roll for such Township, Town, or Village for the previous year, verified by the aifldavit of the Collector.'' See Head, 5th division. It is not stated by whom such " copy" is to be prepared. 34. « Shall meet in the Shire Hall or Court House annually on the fourth Monday in January, or if not on that day then on some day thereafter, and their ' meetings may be adjourned from time to time, and to the same place, or any other place within the County or City lying within the boundaries of such County." " Special meetings may at any time be summoned by the County Warden at the place where the last meeting of such Council shall have been held.'^ 35. They shall at their first meeting " choose from amongst themselves a County Warden, who shall henceforth preside at all meetings." 36. "It shall be the duty of the County Council" to « keep in repair at the expense of the County" " the Shire Hall, County Court House and Gaol, and House of Correction." 37, 38 and 39. These sections all relate to the duties of County Councils with respect to Roads and Bridges, and making all such which lie between two or more Muni- cipalities, County Roads and Bridges. They are too long to copy, and too important to abbreviate, nor is there any need of doing either as all County Councils havecopief? of the Act. 40. <' shall upon the report of the Auditors, finally audit and allow all accounts chargeable against the County," and in the case of " any charge not specially regulated by lavf, it ehall be their duty to allow such sums as may be just and reasonsbl*, I 46 they •hall in like manner audit and allow the accounts of the Coutity Treasurer, and of the Collectors of the several Townships as far as they relateto County purposes." (By section IIQ, as amended, I he Collectors are required to pay all monrys info the handfi of the Township, Town, or Village Treasurer, who is required to pay all County Rales to the County Treasurer, consequently no part of the Collector's account can stndly be called " County Accounts:' Sye Scclion 172 in this division). 10. Amended Act. Any County Council may « establish a Lock-up House in any Town or Incorporated or Police Village." See Lock-up House. 8. Amended Act. May by By-law before the 31st December, 1860, " dis- Bolve all or any unions of Townships formed under the authority of the 3rd section," and may form other unions « of two or more Townships \ying within Ihe County," having less than 100 inhabitants on the Collec- tor's roll and "designating the order of seniority of the Townships forming such unions" "according to the relative number on the Roll" unless some special reason for the contrary. 172. The Corporations of each ''Town, Village and Township shall bo responsible to the County Council foi all such (County) Rates as shall or may bo paid to such Town, Village, or Township Treasurer, who shall, together with his sureties, be responsible to the County Council for the same, as for moneys received by him on account of Town, Village, or Township Rates respectively." The Collectors of any such Corporation " not exonerated from his liabilities to the County Council for any of the County rates whenever they shall choose to proceed against him instead of against the Corporation of such City, (I suppose this is a misprint : it should be Township,) Village, or Town for the recovery thereof." 11. May by By-law "divide any Junior township into wards" whenever any such "shall have within it 100 resi- dents." 42. May give to Hamlets 'Regulations of Police' "upon.the petition of any number of inhabitants of such Hamlet." 187. Certain'roadsnot to be " stopped up." See Highways. 190. "All powers, duties, &c., vested in Magistrates with respect to any particular Road" now vested in the County Council. 41. Each County Council " shall have power and Authority to make a By-law or By-laws for each, all or any of the following purposes:'' — [1.] For the purchase and acquirement of all such reol and personal property, within the County, as may be required for County purposes, and lor the sale and disposal of the same when no longer required. [2.] For the erection, preservation, improvement or repair of a Shire Hall, Court House, Gaol, House of Correction, House of Industry, and of all other houses ard other buildings required by or being upon any land acquired by or belonging to such County as a Corporation: [3. ] For the purchase and acquirement of such real property as mav be required for County Grammar School purposes, and for the ereciion ore- Bervation, improvement and repair of County School Houses for the use of Grammar Schools in such parts of the County, or within any City or the liberties thereof, lying within the boundaries of such County, as the wants of the people most require, for the sale and disposal of the same when no longer required, and for making such provision in aid of such Grammar Schools a* they may deem crpcdient for the advancement of education in tM Mine* li:- S tho County far as they ^e Collectors ', Town, or the County n stndly be ision). 10. p House in House. 8. 860, •' di3- orlty of the rownships ho CoUec- ips forming nlesssomo h « Town, mcil foi all tillage, or esponsible jy him on y." The abilities to hey shall on of such '^illage, or any Junior 1 100 resi- le petition )ad8 not to ■c, vested ed in the ower and ly of the personal )oses, and if a Shire and of all any land 3 may be Sion, pre- he use of ty or the he wants when no Srammar uatiun in '•A At [4.] For making Homo pennniicnt provision f-u- dofniying, out of the nub* lie funds of surh Ooiiuty, thu expense of tiio ntttiudance at the suut of the University ol Toronto, aiiJ tint of Upper Caniitla College, and Royal Onimumr School tlieie, of Miich imd so niiniy of tho Pupils of the diflurent Public Graininiir Schools of such County, us «liiill bo desirous of, uud in the opinion of the respective Musters olMuch Gmniniiir Schools shall boof coai-> petoiit att/iiumonts for euterin:? into competition for iiny of the Scholarships, Exhibitions, or other similar Prizes uH'ered by such University or College to compotition umonRst such l'u|)ilM, but which Pupils, from the ipubility of their Parents or Giiardi.ins to incur the uecessiiry expense of such attend* auce, might otherwise bo deprived of tho opportuuity of competiug for the same. (5. ) For the endowment of such and so many Fellowships, Scholarships, Exhibitions, and other similar Prizes in the University of Toronto, or iu Upper Canada College, and tho Uoyal Grammar School there, to be open to competition amonirst the Pupils of the ditterent public Grammar Schools of such County, us they shall deem cxpediout for the encouragement of learning amongst the /outh of such Couuty. (6.) For the appointment under the Corporate Seal ofCtmnty Council, one or more County Engineers, oue or more Inspectors of the County House of Industry, one or more Overseers of Highways, Road Surveyors, and such und so many other Officers ns may be necessiiry for carrying into effect any of the provisions of this Act ,orof any other Act of the Legislature of this Province, or of the lute Province of Upper Canada, or of any By-law or By- laws of the Municipal Council of such County, and in like manner to displaco all or auy of them, and ap[)oinl others iu their room, and to add to or diminish the number of them, or any of them as often as the said Corporation Buall see fit. (7.) For the settling the remuneration of all County OIHcers in all cases where the same is not or shall not bo settled by At't of the Legislature, and for providing,' for the payment of the remuneration by such A.ct of the Legislature or by the By-Laws of the said Municipal Council tirovided and appointed for all Couuty Oflicers. ' (8.) For regulating all Ferries between any two places in such County, and lor esfubliahing the rates of pay or hire to be taken by the owners or conductors of the boats or vessels employed on such Ferries, [but no By- law for any such purpose shall have any force or effect until the same shall have been assented to by tho Governor of this Province in Council. See Ferries. (9.) For settling and paying a rate at which the Townreeves and Deputy Townreeves forming sucli Municipal Council shall be remunerated for their attendance at such Council : Provided always, nevertheless, that no By-law to be passed for this latter purpose after the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and fifty, shall be valid unless the same shall by the terms of it bo limited to take etfect two whole years at least from tho passius thereof. - *^ ® (9.) For the erection, constructifm or repair of such drains and water- courses as the interests of the inhabitants of such Couuty at large shall in the opinion of the Municipal Council require to be so erected, constructed or repaired, at the public expense of such Township, (11.) For tho opening, conptructing, making, levelling, pitching, raisings lowering, gravelling, macadamizing, planking, repairing, planting, improv- ing, preserving and maintaining of any new or existing highway, road, street, side-walk, crossing, alley, lane, bridge or other communication running, lying or being within one or more Townships or between two or more Townships of such County, or between such County and an adjoining County or City, or on the bimnds of auy Town or Incorporated Village lying within the boundary of such County, a^ the interests of the inhabitants of such County at large shall, in the opinion of the Municipal Council require to be so opened, constructed, made, widened, chansed. diverted- IsveUci 11 hm i 41 pitobad, raiaed, luwered, grnvelltnl. inncmlariiitcil, nlnnkod, rapnirad, ))laiitoU improved, pioservcd or iiiuiiitaiiicd ut tlic public uxiiutivo of auch County; and for oiiU^-in^ into, perroniiiiifr and fxt-cutingnny urrangcmmit or agreement with the Miinicipnl Corpuratioii ofuny hiicIi adjoining County or Uuunties, City or Cities, or ot any Huch Town or Incorpoiatud Village us aforeflaid, for the execution of any such work ut tiie joint expense and for the joint benutit of the Municipal Corj)oration of mucIi Counties, Cities, Towns or Villages and the people thoy represent respectively : and for the stopping ui), pulling down, widening, altering, changing, or diverting of uny such hidiway, road, street, biidgo or coniinunicatious within the same t I'rovided always, nevortheless, that no such now, widened, altered, chaiiKcd or divcrltul highway, road, street, side-walk, crossing, alley, lane, briclgo or other conmiuuication, shall bo laid out so 'aa to run through or encroach upon any dwelling-house, barn, stable, or out- house or any orchard, garden, yard or nleasuro ground, without the consout in writing of iho owner thereof. Sec Highways. (12.) For the protection and preservation of nny timber, stone, stand oi* gravel, growing or beiug upon uuy ullowunco or appropriation for any of auch County roads. [13.] erecte ] For regulating the driving and riding on o • over nny County bridge d or to bo erected under the authority of such Munici|)ul Council. Sua Bridget and Immoderate Driving. [14.] For prevention the immoderate riding or driving of horses or cattle in any of the public highways in such County, whether such highways be Township or County roads. [15. J For making regulations as to pits, precipices and deep waters, or other places dangerous to travollera iu the immediate neighbourhood of any County road or bridge. [16.] For granting to any i „ -n, Township or Village, in such County by way of loan or otherwise, such s mi or sums of monby in aid of such other moneys as may be raised by the Municipal Corporation of such Town, Town- ship or Village, or by voluntary subscription, for or towards the making, opening or erecting of any uew road or bridge iu such Town, Townshij) or Village, in cases where such Municipal Council shall deem such Town, Township or Village work of sulHcient importance to justify the affording such assistance to it, with a view to the general interest possessed by the County at large in such Town, Township or Village, and yet where such work 18 not ofa character, in their opinim, to justify them, in at once assum- ing the same as a County work to be oxecuted wholly at the expense of the County at large. (17.) I\)r attaching ai.y new Township or Townships within such County not having a sufficient populatii a for a rate Municipal organization of their ov a under the provisions if this At .o such c'" the older Townships of such County as they shall deem best for the convenience of the inhabitants of such new Township or Townships, and for tlius forming them into a Union of Townships for the purpose of such Municipal organization. [18.] For regulating the manner of granting to associated Joint Stock Road or Bridge Companies, to which opposition has been made iu Hccordance with the provisions of Xh(t Act passed in the pren^uit Session of rarliament, intituled, "An Act to authorize the formation of Joint f'tock Companies, for thb construction of Heads and other works in Upper Canada," permission to proceed with any roads or bridges within the jurisdiction of such Municipal Council, and the manner of afterwards ascertaining and declaring according to law the completi-u of the works undertaken by such Companies respec- tively, so as to entitle such Incorporated Companies to levy tolls upon such works, and of all exaui; nations, enquiries and investigaiious ntvessaryfor the proper, efficient and j idicious exercise of such power. p9.) For taking stock Rrtrlirn rtnTnnnnv t/\ 1 -■- ock in or lending money to any Incorporated Road or y,'h:ch ^ach Muuicii>ttl Couacil shall have grantsd a 49 llMitM to pruesed vrhh luoh work in ncennlnnc* witli tha reqniremcnti of tho titattitu ill that l)uliair, or in or to any Incurpimteil Unud or UriilgeCiiW pany, in vvli'i4o ron I or liiii {o tliu iiili iltitmiti wiiliin ihu juriMiIiction ofiiicU Miiui('i|>iit (Joiini:il tliall, in tho npini in o,'' niiuIi >Iiiiiiui|>'il Cmincil t>t> iitf- ficiontly intoreatod to w.iir.uit lli tn in fnlun;,' hocIi Hlmk or lending inch in may f»r t .o udvanccni -nt ol Mnidi i;ntiTiirit«t!; all diviiK-ndi^ inliufnti* «nd proivjedii to nriH'.i or bo ri'ci'ivod Ironi Hmdi ntock 'ir lojin being at all tiinoi iip|)lic>ii>lu to till! qnnur-il pnrii'isu-K ol' Hncli .Mnnici|ial Connoil, uiid tu gu in rcdnctiou of ihu rutos reiinirod to be luviod lor mtuli pnrpodus. [■20.] For tlin imposin',' fines not oxcooding in nny fnso ton poundi enrr«ncy, lor tlio brcacii ol' nil or any oi lUu Uy-luw« or Ut-jjiilulioni of suob Municipal Council. [21.] For borrowing 'indor tho rontrictionnnd upon tiin nectirit/liereinartor m-iiitionod. nil (tncli snins ofnioiii-yas hIiiII or nriy lie necensaiy fur the exHcntion of unyC ninty work within their jurindiutiun uiul the tuopu ufth* authority by thi8 Av:t uonforrod upon then:. [•32.] For riidiii',', levyinjf, collooting ami npproprlatinq nnoh tnnnfyi ai may bo roqnireil fur idl or any of tho pnrp is(M al'in-'Haid, eilhi.-r by way of tolhi to bo paid on nny U.>iiiity bri l^'s road or oiliur public work, to deiV.'iy theoxi»i.'nso of making', ri.'p lirin^', or ninintuininL! thu HJiine, or by nieiins ol a rate or rates to bo aa.'ii.'.ssed iMpi.-dly on tho wh ili! rntt.'ablo property of such Connty liablu to asstjsHnient, aicoiiliiig to any law which bhull bo in fur«e in Upper Canndu concerning r.-ites and Asscrtsnic-nt:^. [2-3.] For tho repeal, alteration or amendment from timo to timn of nil or any of such By-laws, and tlr; mikiiiu' other.H in lieu tliercofus to them may •euin expedient for the iidiubitantd of uuch County. Assessment Act. 31. Tho sum to bo loviod for County purposes, th» County Council '* shall by Uy-Iaw direct what portion of finch sunn ahall be levied in each Town, Township and Village in such County." School Act. XX VII. That it shall be the duty of the Municipal Council of each County, — (1 "* To CM iio to bo levied onch year upon thpi several Townships of snch Co ..1 J, 8Uth sum or annis of money for the payment of the H.dnries of legally qualilied Common Scliool Teachers an Nhall at least be equal (clear of all charges of collection) to the anionntof school money ajiportioned to the several townships the^^'of for such year, by the Chief Sn[ierintendent of Schools, us notilied b\ him to snch Council, liinnigh the County Clerk : Provided nlvvnys, that the sum or sums so levied, may bo increased ut the discretion of such Council, eiiher to increase the County School Fund, or to give special ov additional aid to new np needy school sectimis, on the lecom- mendution of one or more Local Snperinlondenfs: I'rovided also, that the sum required to bo levied in ^uch Cennty in each year, for the salary of legally qualified teachers, shidl be cidiectcd tind paid into the hands ol the county treasurer, on or before the (ourteenth day of Decend)er; iin^l>!tU tu appear sh ill titiidlyiieteiiniue l lie matter iinii aHinnonimLMKj the Uoll ajcoid- injj'ly: uml any lliree or more .Menil>ers ol liie court >li.dl lie a quotum, a.d any majority of a qu.irnm may decide all (iuesti(iii,H hefore llie court; iiiihed at the iii'arest place in the Comity, giving in biith notice either the name of tlif party or u general deHcriptiou of the property if the name he not on the roll, and inserlinj; any nnniher of •ucli names or descrijitioi.s in the same advertisenieiil ; and the matter thall be decided in the saine muiiner as complaints by a parly assessed ; and the roll as finally passed by the said « ourt and cerliiied by the clerk lis so passed, shall be valid and shall bind all parties coiicerneil, notwithstanding any defect or error ^jommitted in or with ivganl to sucli roll: I'rovideJl always thatreasonjible notice under ilii.s|sei'ti(m, shall he uiicterstood t(j meait notice in writing from the clerk of the corpiu'ation, to be left at the resi- dence of the party to whom it is addressed, if known and wiihiii the limits oftho Municipality; or if not so resilient then vviih any grown jierson oa lh« premises assi>SMl, holders of the City, Town, Village, or Township, aa the case may be. 164. All Special Elections 'l()yment, for and in the name and on the account of his master, may bo indicted, proceeded against, and punished; Provided always, that nothing herein contaiuful sliall i)revent, lessen or inii)each any remedy which sucli Municipal corporation, or any other party may liave against such oU'ender or his sureties, or against any otlier party whomsoever; but nevertheless, the C(jnviction of any such otfender ohali not oe received in evidence in any suit or action at law or in oqui ty against him. IXEMPTION. CXXXI. And be it enacted, That all persons over sixty years of age, nil members of the Legislative Council, and of the Legislative Assembly, all Officers and others in the service of theCrovvn, either civil or military on full pay, all Judges, Sherifl's, Coroners, Gaolers, and Keepers of houses of correc- * Note. — 208 as anw.iuled. " All such persons as have heretofore (before 1850) had the right to vote or be elected at the aimnal elections of i'arish and Township olfuers, for the several Townsliips in Upper Canada, shall have the right of voting and being el 8 at the t.u.e. theu bofo,-e the clerk of such .,uu. cipal corZ^^^^^^^^^ m the presence otnu.eet..,g of .uch co,-,,o>ntiou. which several cmu-Ts^iu. tices pulgo., rece,-ders, a,.,l p„Iice nu,c,i.t,,„es, an.l justice, of the n^ice and clerk,. a,-e hereby Hev,.,ally authorized and n.^ulJd to ad„ ...iltC- S £n 2;;S- tS i^-LSit:;;: ''" "^'-'-^ --nicateof the ,an.e ha^lu^ 110. If any Head " wuhout leave by resolution" "shall ab.sent him- self from the duties of his oiiiec for apeiiod exceedin- at one time thr«. months" ".shall vacate his oliiee," m. Any Head "may resign his ofhce' with the consent of the Council. H'^ n.„i 125. '' The Head of every Corporation" "shall have power and authority to administer any oath or nlhrmalion" " concerning nny matter submitted to the Corpora- tion or " to the business of the place," " except whae it shall be ohenmc^speclalh, provided for.^^ All such mu,st bo " duly certified to br him, suKscribed by the parly, and deposited in the office of the Clerk" «wtthin eight days on pain of beinf^ deemed jr,:ilty of a misdemeanor. « 196. May als. administer oaths and affirmations ta witnesses " ia all A i 1^^ l. CI m^r^ofdi.putoconcoruin.rend.. 142. The to nomin.t. <«. of tho two aiuhfor. wh.charo roq„ircnl ..> be .-rpp.i.Ue.l annually in .aoh and ca .' S„o Fa.««n... 10(5. Any vacuu-y in tho olii.o of Hoa I shall b. filled uphy tlu, appointment of a ^^v-/:7-/ p<-uon i.o.n amot the.n...lvc.,, " (W.h tho single of City Co unci//.., a] I mom ber, of oach Corporation aro so < .nalllM.' Soo 3rd division.; 168. " All .ote,,. ro.o!ut..ns and proouodings shall bo carritnl by tho rnajoritr who - r"""'^ '^""^^"""'^ ""'^ ™-tIn," other than thel a ' who u.n oasool anoquah.y ofvotes," ...hall have tho castin, vote." 167 .' All Corporat.ons ,u odico" ^. inNnding all Councillors" <. shall hold omco un,d then- succe..n.« aro swo.n into ofiico. and tho new Co..po.;at.on completo." qno.y : Should tho Head ;f tho CoZ Conned (tho next Boction below provides for other„ the even^ . hiB notben,« a n.e,nlu.,-p,esido at tho first meeting of thrnew r ofnnecjuahry ot votos-givo a casting vote? A>neM AcL 13. 0„ .there being an cc,uahty of votes in any Township or Village on the t o7'. . """ lieove."o,..i.. any CityorTownon the emotion of To ; /p n,'"'T ■ "^ '"''' t^orporntion who, according to tho Collector'. Roll " ^.shad be nsso^scd for the highest nmount,slndl hare a •econd or castmg vote." US. In tho absence of the Head (and Deputy Reeve in Townships „nd Villages) .^ a chairman may o^a;. pouued." 198. -All By-laws, bonds, obligations, and other insLment. tob. executed on behalf of any Corporation," "shall bo valid if .eaUd with tho seal of the Corporation and signature of tho Head." ^_^««,m.«^ Act. oo. Kach person " not otherwise assessed" in anr C.ty Town or Vdlnge, is required to pay 10s. in lieu of statute labour, and ,f this sum i« not paid, and 'Mm distress sufficient to satisfy the .aid sum ol 10s. (and costs of warrant) shall be found, it shall be lawful f.r the JJeaU ' to commit to gaol. Scho.i Art .32, "All member, of County Council., and Aldern... •hall be school visitor.." Jur;fAct. I^,ch Head isoneof the Sel.ctors of Juror.. See S.leet^s •J Jurors, and E.vanptions. Licsnse Act. 8. •' If on any occn.ion the Inspector of House, .f Ent.rtamm-.nt shall be equally divided, the Mayor or Town Reev, .hall T«t9 thereon and decide tho qucKtion. MEADS. 2nd division Applies to County Wardens in addition to l.t divi.ioi. a«. The County Council "shall, at their first meeting" "i« eaeh year, dioo.o from amongst themselves a County Warden, who -h-lj k«UM*urth preside at all msotings of 8H«k Ceanoil ;" 34. and may "at t'i !): 11 6S «ny tlm«" "lummotu a sppclnl tn«ellnff at the plaet uhert tkt Utt metting of luc'.i Cuuneil was held. Siit) Form D. Sco lut diviniou. IIKAt)B< '^id division Appllfs to City Miiyora in addition to 3rJ divisioti. 82. "All Jiiicli (City Cii'ijoi'iiti') powtTS sliiill bo cxoiriscd hy, tlirough nnd ill tint mmio of the IMiiyor iiiid AltliTiiifii." 83. Tlu< City Mayor "to 1)0 olcctod fmin mnonj^st tiio AldiMiiicii." S*>o Aldermen. 90. In cpitaiii casta llio Mayor may "l)y proclamalioii uiidnr llio seal of tho City," " anriox'' wards to it. D'J. In tlio aliaoiico (»f tiio Rocordor tlie Mayor nnd Aldonnaii " sliall picsiJo tit tlio llecorder'B Court." Soo Jie- cerder's Court. Siu) Isl division. HKADS. 'lili division Applies to Town Mayors in addition to Ist division. CG. •' On tlio second Monday nfter tlm yearly election," llio Town Counril '< shall cliooso fiom anion^jst llicinselvi's a Mayor for such T(iwn» who shall have tho same powers within snch Town" as the Town Roeve in nny village." (19. " In tho tdisence of tho Police Maj^istrate" "then it shall be tho duty of the Mayor thereof to Httend daily, or at such time nnd periods as shall ho necessary for the disposal of tho business to be brouj^ht before him as n Justice of the Peac(>." "Any Justice of tljo Poaco having jurisdiction in such Town, at tho request of tho Mayor, may sit for such Mayor nt such Police OOice." 72. '-All oflVMicei ngaiiist tho Jiy-Iaws of tho said Town," «5cc, may be prosecuted for before the Police Mn<;istrate, and if none, "then before the Mayor (d" such Town." 7G. "All oaths of office o( the suliordinato oflicers of such town, shall l)e taken l)eforo the Mayor thereof." 80. Tho Town Mayors "shall have tiio like powers, duties and liabilities within nnd in respect to such Town as tho Townreeve of ti Village. See l«t division. IIKAD3. 5th division Appliei to Town, Village, nnd Township Pweevcs nnd Deputies ia addition to 1st division. 77. Each Town [5.3 nnd 59] Villago, nnd [24] Township Council "shall elect from nmongst themselves one Town lleevo," " nnd when nuch shall have 500 resident freeholders and housholders on tho Collec- tor's roll thereof, then idso otio de[)Uty Reeve. 25. Township, nnd 59 Village Town reeves " shall preside at all meetings" of their respective Corpcu'ntions, or in hisnbsence the Deputy Reeve, nnd in the nbsonce of the Deputy, any member." 41. [9] The County Council may by By-law establish tho remuncrntion to be paid Town reeves nnd Deputy reeves. See Remuneration. 33. No Town rcevf shall be entitled to tsks his sent in such County Council until he sb.all Itnvs filed with th« ■ \ : i C3 County Clflik n cortificiitB uihUm- llio linnd ntiil sonl of tlie Town. Villng* or 'rit\vii8lii|) Clfik of his linviiij; I»mii duly «-l »<|)i me »• ' ' , ,, , impounded as nforesaid, and not claimed 33. ''If""y«'^^^'":.^^"7'57,v „'^^^ he know,, by tho before the expiration of 1^ d"^^^^^^^ ^^^_^^^ is advertised to sell, B ,i.l Pound keeper, then -t the dy o J ^^ ^,^^ expiration tol Wl 73 J m ; i^J iJ ;:;. :':;'rs:;;:' ir^;^ 'in- .-•..,, ...u snci. ;!ni.n.,is w;;" |;:!:[;;^7:roi'-;::r:;;;;-^ exauiiao saul duniayes, .l.nJi bo li.Mo t,. „ pcmdty." [Sec Foni Q.] POLICE VILLAGt; OK HAMLETS. Such am not Corporations, but form a part of the Township or Town- ships m which they are situated, and are empowered to make and en- force a number of *' licgula'ions." 53. Whenever the resident freeholders and householders of any "uch Village shall amount to lOOt), the Governor may upon the petition of 100 erect by proclamation any such Village iuto an '' Incorporated Villa-e '» " apart from the Town,^hip in which it is sitaat(.-d.'' 4^>. Any County Council (if situated in more than one County then each,) <• upon tha petition of any number of inhabhants of any un-incorpoiated Viiki'>-e" may by %-la\v <- fix a place in any such Village where the flrot amuial election of Police Trustees shall take place," -'the persju who shall preside,'" and « the hour such meeting shall be opened." 43. *> On tha second Monday in January next, after the end of three calendar months from the passing of By-law," '' it shall be lawful to appoint three Polico' Trustees. See Ekclion, also Highways, section 137. We have omitted to co|)y the Police Regulatious in consequence of their length and think- ing it would accomodate but i'ew. POLICK TRUSTEES. SEE Qaalificawi 1st division. 45. At every election after the first the majority of the Trustees shall ** appoint the person to preside at such election, and the hour at which the same shall commence." 47. See Vacanriss. 48. Any Trustee elected " who shall wilfully neglect or omit to fulhl any of the duties " "shall incur a penalty of 20-j.," 49. "to be recovered within 10 days after the ofience." 15. " All penalties incurred " for the breach of any of the " Regulations" " shall be sued for by the Inspecting- Truitee," (if absent then any other,) "belore a Justice of the Peace." POLICE MAGISTRATE. SEE QiiaUjica'ion 1st division. 70. " The Police IMagislrate for the several Towns " <» shall bs ap- pointed by the Crown duriag pleasure," who "shall be cx-ojfiio a Justice of the Peace in and for the said Town and County, within or on the bofders of which sash Town shall lie, and shall receive u salary of not less than JEIOO per annum, payable quarterly." But « shall not in '* IH N.J It fi\ w 74 (he first instance bo appointed," and not '< until the Corporation of such Town shall liavo communicated 1o tho Governor (.enoral," "thoir opin- ion that t^uch an ollicor is roqiiirecl.-' 7l. May suspoud any Constable. S^e this section und.-r Com!nbb. 72. '' Ml ollencos tho l^y-lavys of the Tow 1, and all p.maltit'^ for rufn d to accept or bo sworn into olHcein wucii Town, aad all other oiLMices over which one -" mom Justices of -trio Peacn l';rve or sliall h;iv-j jurisdiction, committecl witmii \\i3 Tov^'ii ,r.a-i be pio-iecuted and sued i r botoro tlie Police AIa;,'istra.eot Buchl 'wn." VG. "All oaths of odic of the Sabordnuite olFicers of •uch Town, shall be takiMi befor(! the Mayor or Police Ma',nstrate thf-e- of " yi. Confers " Ihc lih: pow rs " on such City olluier. See " ..iis- cellan-oas 1st division." 9 J. In Cities, '« Ikules a Polir.- Ma:,ristrate as pruvid ■ I with respect to Towns" " there shall be a K.HUJider s Court, &©, W.'y. The odice of Poiicn Miv^strato and Recorder may m any City be united and held hv oiu; i.u I .,ie san^e i)erson, and may also be disunited by '• a conimunie.'aion to the (lovemttr Gencial" train tiie City_ Council. 117. In the abstnice of the Mayor the Police Ma^ristrate oi any Town or City "sliall have the power of -rraiitini,' licenses to inn- Keepers," &.-. S:)i-i TivcraLlxa^s. 135. No Poli.vj .Nla^iistratJ '< shall require any property qualidcation to enable him lawfully to act as a Justice of the Peacl'. uor sliall any other oath bo reiiiiirod than hi oath of odioe as such Police Ma',nstiate." HO- " H shall and may be law- ful for any Police Ma^rLstiate" <'to commit to hard labour at, or send to, such Industrial Far.n. (Sjo la'hiH'rial Far/ft) under such re^-u- lations as may b.; wsl.iblis'ied for tlie iioveiiiment thereof, any sucli des- cription of persons as may by the By-laws of the City or Town, be adopted or declared expedient or necessary." POLICE OFFICE. shall be in every such Town a Police 0:Tice, nt which it ityot the Poli.-e Ma^nstratetopuside." Se> 'ic^Mag- 69. "There shall be the duty I istra'c. 7.3. '• The Clerks of tho Towi CjuikuIs, of tiie shall be the Clerks of tho Police Oilier such Towns." lid Townsr POULTRY. SEE Geese, TROVISIONAi. COUNCIL. The 12th Victoria, chap. 78, section 5, Provides that ceTtam Union of Counties -J^m d to iu a Schijdule shall •< for all Judicial and Muiii.dpal purposes" be as one Count v. 18. The County in wli -h the Court House is situated shall be called the Senior, and the remn uing County the Junior County of such Union. 10. '< So soon as b- the c msus taken according to lav," (Se- Census,) any Junior <"ounty skdl ''con- tain 1.5,000 souls it si. ! bf .vful for the Go Tuor " " upo the petition of two-thirds or mor. t owi Reeves o such Junn- ' luiily, by Proclamation, <'eref I M owi. Reovesc such Juni., . mnly into a Provisional Councillor such Jinior County" . •. &c. Amended Municipal Act. 1 1 . Provisional Councils may borrow money and contiact debts for County buildiu-^'s and works, " subject tothe ra- strictions for securiiis: the payment of such loans as other" Councils. See Monetj. V2. Provides for their final dissolution. 13. The Corpor- ations suiistituted for such Provisional Councils, « shall become charcre.i ■vviih all debts, obligations, &c." 14. Then By-law for raismg a loan of inonsy uarepealable. ■'J f eludo both Keal and Porsoiiul. 75 propehtt. The word «« Pfopeiiy " wherever it occurs shall !■- i rordoiiul. PUOPEHTY— -REAL. Pr;fj.Tv-?'w1f/:,, r '^"^l I^^t'-^te.' and .Real olK' n,.., 7"' '"'''^' " !""'"^-' t''« J'l"^' I'^^'l*'. =^li buildings and PROPERTY- PiCIlSONAU ^5S.M?^c/. 3. "Tlietorms < Personal Property,' and 'Personal n vr.r ; \^^*'«'*'^1« '^: All hoi^uvs and neat cattle of [i years old and E The^ ver^'''^^ "*.'^" cJesaiptious all carriages kept ?or oD .ale M^nr^V''.P^ ?''''•' "'' ^^'^"^^' "'' «^«'V Merclmnt, Trfuler, be cot uLe 1 n? r'"' ^'''f'"'^^' or Mechanic, such averatre .lock to ot- .roods o'hVn , , ' T" ^f ''■'■''' }^'' ''^^^'"''-^^ ^^"^' »'^« 1"^«^«» '^'"»"»t Shades ia^\.:n «"^' *""' '^""";-' ^'^"^ >'"'^'- '^'''« '^'"«»'>t «f «»"«k or coii^^e.i uw'?''-' u"''"'''''"'' ^'*^ "^'^'^ ^^^ter Craft e.aployed in the co^iveyance ol freight or passengers, and owned withiu the Muuicipal- PUBLICATION OF BY-LAWS. in.^i!rr, h.M heir, or successors and of ihe lull .^^e of twenty onejeurs. €.m3loV'an'/'' :'« each TownM.,,>, Vilkge, Town ... City eac J i\:e ; ' ^"^r'"I'' ^".'"','-^'- ^'"'"=*'' '1 ■ " "^ City Clerk, and aiid C^ c!^lo V. "l"p ;"■ "'!-^ "A .^''" '"^"'"^ "t:".-.,,id, ...ul each Assessor « cl, r . wV I 1 ' .'f «^f,'"""'S Oili'^'-T and Uetunnng OHice.'s Clerk, and anvMrd 1 r '-."ft-"-, who shall he appointefi under this Act, hy Al a l':^ .ir " " r";;'H!''";"^ "• "• '''*-* '-'"■•'■'^^ h.Howing, [see Form Alii si '''•*«"1^ '"Y«- '-h'"!! lorteu the sum of £10 to the use of ,er i*i ijosiy, ti' n r \x nil cdsts. tXXIX. Anil be it enacted. "' np[»jiiited uadc' this Act, t(» aiu pr();»erty in sc> ihe '. oatU ; is to say : ^Sec rni B.) CXXX. A id be it enacted, Th:i elected or Uj 'oialed to be a Toil' cilhn* or T'.'vv enveof n::.' T :•-•,•;•. or Mayor of any Town or C , or a oveiy person who shall bo elected or Tice which requires a qualification of •e he shall enter into tije duties of hit lirmutiou to the etfect following, that ^ach and every qualified person duly i-ustee of any police village, or Coun- P o: Vilhipic, or a Couriciilor, Alderman, wnship, Village, town, or City Assessor . ^1 «> PrtlF«^;«; ; u V ,i \- ' , ''^"*'"P» " "'age, town, or City Asses «t CdUector, Who shall reiusc such office or who siiiU refuse or neglect wiihiu twunlv .hynnlUT ho *!' ' ' )Z\>'y' ,..• .ou.inly .mlUnrixed to „otic« or Hiicl. .•t..ct,m. or "!M'''' '';'•; '^\.,L.h.o to n.l.niui.t.r tlu- «.....• tl„. Court, nn.l to tin' use ol lloi M ) ;'>•',,,,,., , t,„. (;,„irl : I'lovi.l.-.l liti. sud. cost, oy i''---^ \''''''\;;:,r ;.;:•; I r"u^ .u.- ...i.i om... i...- nUvny.. Una uoprrH... -'';',. ,0 n^LuLu nln.U L-'.cl to i^iivn; .;:;: ..;; 'Cao'a:;:':--;'^ oth^^'or ti. .aa omcc, .^ ti. iucocuUin- siicli servR'c. ,;•••„ oii\HFic.\Tio.N. 2rtfi il(Visinn. •J\)Wii*hii) . Villas" • Vuln^O Town . • fJity iJfiuncillors City Alilermeii police Truciccs No. c.f of tciinnV ,""'," aii*r.t»fd nr '««'"0"|,roi.'ty.renii.l 57 8:1 81 4t iioo I) ni'O 'M) .1(10 1(10 in' it of I 1 i»a .>i,'Pr-'d ' r m ii'ly.|i«3iit»l. £ 23 .10 50 £ t £0 1-J 10 mine. 40 vT) :)() .10 f.O 50 KM) I ,oo~7:No pei-(.i< Hli"ll 1)0 (ippointiul AHSCHHor i.uless Ik; h1.m1I, nt ha to. oh'cu-a Councillor forBUchTownsl>M.,V.ll..j.o or Ward." Seo Saon and Assessor. Sco note at tl.n botlo.u oi puyo 57. QUASH BY LAWS. 155. IllPg"! By-lnws tuny bo quiishcd l.y tho Court of Queen'* I^«»^''- quoucM. 1fi.,,. noted'-' Mt..til tho Cor,, on of such Cty sh..!! jii»tiub.aiii.c J Govi'r..or Genoia that such an ofiioer 11 ^;::t;;; '' '"S Tho ll'dn^e^l- al^old.- a..d PoHco M..,i.r-.te n,..y be V tod i . tho ^.nio porso.." and disu..ited '* by .1 co.t..nunicnt,on lo the G^^JZ that oVoct f.o... tho "ity Cou..cil Dun..s ».o uu;oa of «ach offices tho llocordor not to r e. . .vo any additional sula.y. becorder's court. •! 1. • 1, S3. In each City there ehull bo u Recorder's Court •' and therein lb* [if i ■\H. 1 nn 1 3 I' . I'Utltkl. £ ) , ) 55 1) 80 ) SO 77 Recorder for tlie tiinn bfiin;; slinll prosidc, nsfiHfpcl by one or more Alder- liiHti. or ill lliM iilj.-oiict» ».f ilui KtTt.nlcr. lliti Mnyor or out' of llio Alder- nu'ii, l<» 1)0 ••It'ctod hy ilio Aldnnnc.i iVom iiiiioiiy.xt lluinat'lvtu, t-lndl pri'hid.- ; iiiid 8ii(:li Court hIiiiII in nil cmsch pofscoN tlio liUo iiowtTH, (ll)0. 'iiikI Iho iil,o procoH nnd |)incfi'iliiij;8 slmll iiml inny lio need') ntid Imvo tlio like jiirisdiciiiiii iis to criincH, olii'iiccs .iiid miidi'iiiciiiiorrt coiniiiillod ill Hiich Cily mid lilt) liljfilii-H llicroofns tlio CoiiiN oT (^miMor fejoi-niniia (ifrliu I't'iK.t: now liiivc, or licicnrtcr iiiny Imvc liy liiw in U| [ii-r C'liimdii >villiiii llu'ir locid juiiMlli'iion,'" " na wdi us in nil llios^c iiniiU'iH ol' civil r(Mu:frn not iH'lon'.in;; to iIh* ordimuy jni iMlicii(ni ol' ii C'onil ofJuj-lico." !)'l. Konr Htst-imis sludl li(< In id in incli ynu'. vi/., »• on llio tcctnnl Mondiiy in llic iiionlli>< of.limniny, A|nil. .Inly iiiid(Jcltil)i'r." !l5. "Tlio Gi'iiiid .limns olsncli Cimrty slmll ciiiiisist of *:.' 1 .iiiiins [!)o. Pt-lit .Inioid lint lcr.s Ihiiii ;!() uy iiioro tliiiii CO] lo ho Mjininoiicd liy lie Ili.uli JJi.llil)"" '• uiiilcr inccopt si;;ii('d liy the Uccindor" [or tin* AidtMnion olcrt.d 119 n!)ovi'] in llio smno nninniT iis .Iiiiins iiic .sninimnicd loi (inintfi Sessions. i)m' Jurors. I Hi. T'|>oii lln; iic(|nilliil ol'iiny drl'i'iidiiiit I lie c■o^^lH in ceil 11 in discs "to 1)0 piiid init of llio City I'nndH. ' loy. "'riio Clork of tlio Cuiniiioii Council slnill bo tho Clork'of tlio liocordoi's Cuuit."' nEKVK. si:k, bth division. nisMlJ.NKHATIOX. 31. [7,] Townslilj), and 41, [7,] Cminty Councils niny by T!y-Iriw ♦'Bctllo tlio rciniiiioiatioii ol'idl Tnwiisliip nnd Vtmiiiy rfjicirs in iilfciisrg wlioro tlio siiino i.s not or Hiniil not in; .sciliod by Act oi' I'lnrninifiit." £9, Vil!ii'.M>s, (17, 'J'owiis, nnd 8',', City Counciis linvo " ///c //'Ac ixtwers." Si'o Miscellaneous, isl division. 41. Coiinly Councils niny ninko Jjy-liiws: (.9.) Forsottlin^ nnd jinying n nito nt wliicb tin' Townrcevcs nnd Dppufy Towurcevcs i'mininp: smli Muiui.ipid Gniinuil Ainili bo rcniiincrntod tor llicir ntteiidiuice iit.sncli cnuiicil : I'roviilod nUvnys, nuverllicdcss, tinit no liy-lnw to !)!.• passed I'm- tlii.i lullrr i>iirpos(; id'tcn' lliu yi'iir of mir Lmd, one lliouhiiiid ni^dil irindiH.-d nnd lii'iy.sbidi bo viilid. niilcss ibo snnio slinll by tbe terms of it bo limited to take eifcct two wboic years nt kusl from ibo parsing tbereof. As romunorntinii is rrprcssbj providec) for tlin members of tho County Council, wo would tlieicby ncga:iv(dy infer llnit no otbers wcro «>ntii|eil to liny. Tlio several nicnibcrs ol cncli Municipality uia titc Corporation tind "tlio officers" whoso rcinuneinnon tliey are to scttlo uro liiobo oj'suck Curporaliou — surely nut tho mcinbers coinpubing it. R K S I O iN . 111. "Itslinllnnd mny bo lawful for llio Head of nn)' Coiporniion, nt nny and with tliocoiiseiit of such Cor|)oration, to resign hid offico" as suck Head. RETURNiNO OFFiCKR. sv.E QualificaHon, St division. 124. "Every Returnin^i officer sliall have power to adininistpr all tlio ontlis requirinl (!• iiifr any Elocliini." lu~. Unrin^iiny Election, "shall net as II conservaior of the peace." IGl. At llio close of every Election "shall return tiu! Poll DooL to the CleiU" " willi an affidavit tliereuuto annexed. [Soo FonuH.] See Election, also Hjjcciai jLleciion. noADS, SKK Hi glue ays. ROAD COJIPAMKP. 31. [17,] Township, and 41, [17,] Courity Councils nre 'empowered to make Dy-laws "fur borrowing luuuey uud taking stock iuJuIut Stock * 78 *f m ;.;. i! m ompnnies," and - for granting to Joint Stock Companies Permission t« reed wi li any Roue) or Bridge." [See 12 Victorm, chap. 84 69. •Sh'-o, 67, Town, and 82, City Councils '• have the like powers. See Co 1)1 V .. Misceilancous, 1st division. S A B B A r 11 . 60, (9,) Village Councils are eniprnvored to make By-lnws - f^,r entb ;in.M le due observance of the S,.bl.ath." 67, Town, and 82, City Jounc Is'l ave the - like imccrs.- See Miscellaneous, 1st dmswn. \ 1)0 SCHOOL SITES AND HOUSES. divhhn. 41. [3,1 County Councils l.avo the same w„h respect dimsion. ^'- L , .^ v^ ^,,^i Corporatun, Athdtciswn. 9 Vic. SiS^'irPr^^d^t X^'^ ;^i ^e Uu^:l f.r an, na.ier of persons , i «- n Upper Canada,w!w nia;/ he interested m an ;/ school e.tabUshed otbe sabishcd inann Town or Townsh^' lo ^^elcct ronia>n^n.gst ZlsLs an, na>nber ed from sm- in 'as such juror in c.msequei.ce of hi. having ceased to be seized S^po^s^IIe;? of the lioperty in respect ol which he "-y '-- S^:;;; t na inch iuror between the t me -l enrollment and his being cflta npmi lo ;:Ae as such jiiro" uor shall the same form any ground of challenge to aucU ■'"m' And be it enacted, That whenever property shall be assessed on t!'- JeLne .'oil ot any U.wnship, village or ward, as the property ol two or n r er on ointly, the selec'lors ofWmrs hereinafter mentioned to .vhom k si. dl be on ;\o ext -act iron, such roll the names of those thereon qualified «„d abTe to°serve as jurors under this Act, may, and if they shall have the :;qv"«tte information a^s to the names ''t'^'-- P-'^';? I'^f^'^ l" o«e o tS euch selectors shall, in making such exti-act, and ..r all t''«. '" ^^, ^^f,;' ,,V;;'. Act treat such property as if it belonged to such persons lu eqmi propor- in; and each if such persons as respects his quahlication au.l I'^hdity to Bciie as sucb juror shall be treated by such selectors ol.p.rorsin •"'''^ ' 8 «;« ^ abstract as ilhe had been severally assessec tor such equal proportion ot .ucU property. , . r , • i IV. And be it enacted. That the nmount nfrrcpevty in respect nf which iSvery man shall be qualified and liable to serve as such juror f ''''I J^^^jJ',*^^ miued by the relative amount of property for winch ho shall bo assowed o.l 9-9 les.Uent inl .il.itnnt It .lie time of tin, annunl ficlecti.Mi of inmr.. by ^ tors (or sncli tovv„.l„p v,ll..-e or war.i as lu.r,.i.u,lU.r pr .vi.le. , uU Uiaftho mode for n.scertn.mng tl,e sa,n,.sli.!l l.e ms (ollovvs, th, t is U..^ e n. 8 ot llireo lour .,s ot tl,e asm-B....,! inhabitants of the tow, s hi vi .' or wan . shall becop.e.l IVom the a.ssess,nont roll of such tow 3 in' vi ifce orwaril. com.nencni.g will, iho „a,„e of tho ihm-so,, ,nt.Ml a le'l i ft «mou.ton sach roll a,.,l p,-oceecli„g s-iccossn-ely, town si e n .i,e ?t i o person rated at the lowest a„.o„.,t. „„til ,ho u,nL of tl„-eo ?o, Is , f le pe.-so„s assessed „po„ such ,t11, shall have bee,, copied fro,,, the a S h.Ymnm,tWwlHcly.hc last.,f sach persons shall bo assessed ,po. ,e said roll, sha be that w)„ch sh.ll qwalify every resident inhabitant if u h tSrslT; °" "' "'"^ '" ""'' J"™'-'«-l'--J-- I'i'" liable to ser^eal V. And be it enacted, That nil persons of upwards of sixty years of a ,ich name shall liavo bee,i accidentallv insei'ted in any s,ich Roll, it shall, 'it dinwii in ballot- ting any jiii-v list or drafting any pamd tle-relVom, be set aside ami not in- serted therein, and all such persons shall be moreover absolutely freed niid e.-ernptPtl from being reiunied upmi any gonci-nl pi-ecepl to any sessions of Aasizo or NUi Prvts, Oyer and Terminer or gaol delivery, unp the nomes of -> ii! 60 • 1 rf;,>r, oi-li naiu>l sliull be set asiJe and not jn- sTicli persons ilMrriNVii m clrartms sucli paiui, 8u.f.' iasL-rle.! .a sMrli.vny ''-^ '',;';„' .u>.l iirany ..lllu- .jury lists lur P'--''i''=y-V';":,;V:ii;"a • a! ur^erve.1 ..,0,. aay sac-h ,>au.l a« thHt year, am t ial lie duls ' \'-" ,. • ,„iiul.rr of aamcs (.11' ,oll to make Unvc ««ch ^-'"i; ^ ^-^ l'> ^^ ^i n .eaJ l.V eiiher ol' ll.e janw. A.,.,n having h.s name so i^'^,^" . ; , ^;; '^^ ,1,;, ,.•„ „;„„,. \,,d l.ceu iu erted l,o.,Us of either ol ^1^'VT' I'X; FsS ve . 'ind thai he ha.l so a.leu.led in any of such jary lists ';.' '/ ^ / ^^^ ^year^ and so en, loUc. ciuoHr.. al- a,„l served as atoresaul. ",■',,,;',•, ,,,'l, oouudete uddilioual Jiuj lowin-' one ai dilional year s <'m mj) ion ','/•., ^ tC:i^^ suel. jurors' roll sha "-";;;;,;^ ;;•„,, „,,., i„ ,,. A., eo„- Vlir. AadbeiteuMCted la HO^^^^ tallied, service as a .laror I^'j ' ' 'M ; ,^';, ,? ,,3,,,,/,vho sh dl 8- serve iVom tv or union ot counties, sha ^^^^^^^^^^r^ l.V the hi.d. l.nlilV .m' other aV">8'''''^i".^''^^'i'l'"""''."'"" T ^ Ji 1m- l.ailiNvick of such sheritn p?,.p.,. of any '^"y /^"^^'•^;:;;' ; :;^ ; Zu m- wi.hiu ,he period of ll.„ugh such seryjce ">^'>, ^';, ^^.^^Z ^.^ai s.itiuu of , his Act, norshall ex.n,i.tiou l.rov-ded '^ / "^^^^^^ , ! ^.^i ,,y Uie hi.h hniliir or o.her pn.per unvsuch service up.u. an> ll''''^ ^.,.,/ in the s:nue, „m,erofauysuchcavjK.v,u,auc. dc ;^^^^ ^^^.^^ ^ ^^^ ^ exempt iho person ^^■'"' ^ '"',':',• u': ^ „„,,•„,, ..nnrts ofcria.inal or eivd ,,,„y l-'U.elreturued - H^ ^ i,u'isdiction,l.ytlH'sherti.dthccoH^^ __,^ ,.,,. ,„,i, ,„,„,,,,u- if whicii such city shall he ^\'" '<:'-' ;,;';'^ \ ^ ,or such city vespectivcdy, courts for such coun.y .u- '''';' ';;;,"! It, y such Service, hut ,he Bhall he baUolted w.thoul ai y g- ..... y ^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ inhabitants of every such '•'^> ' '' ^ ' ' . ', ^ eity courts, or or. trials at tho IVoiu serving on ur.^at any - ; , ; ;^^ ^,^' J i„„„„;„. h.w at Toronto bar, ofeilher other M. .,iest,> s sap. H' . c ' 7Vn./».r, and general "^JdSlv^^'^'w";.--- or^auuf ;,f counties within the limits o. on the 'Sri:.anv?dJ^:^™t:^.s.i'''--^ i;r;;;. ca.. 1'---';-:-J;;;;-;;: r^r^h' : l. l>-n or shall be attainted of X. And be ,t enacted, 1'" .'';..'„„ ,.,i„i(, ,h,t is unless ho „ny treason or l-'l'-yvr;: d n l n^ ".-. -1". is under outlawry .s or tl 1" T-Uli^'-!'- 'leivl; Jr agi^md -n- petit jury in any ul the satd courts ou 1;; occasion -l^'-ever. ^^^^^ ^^^ .,,,....nv o.^unon. _ . . 1 Tl,.t the tuavor or townreeve. the city, town, vil- XI. And 1.0 .t -■'<■ -';, ^,''; , ;■ i,^ : :; , „, assessor, if there be ,.,dy on. ^ „, township •: '/''^' ■'■ ;:,/'Vii .,.,,.snndtow,.>hipsii. Upper Canada, shall of dr. respective cities, town .'';;.' ;!";,,^,, i.^vl^hin .n.l village, and lor J, ... o^,-lo selectors ol Jy" "'; ^ ^\.> ^ ,^,, ,„a u. the discharge of then- Lh ..fill'' ^vards ol '-■^•'■'■y ^"^'', : r , n u dly on the eijiib .lay of S.-pte.n- autv «^ s^'ch s dectors ^1'^.^ ^'^^'^^ '^'': IV,',"',';:!?,;,,:, .,r the municipal cnpora- ber ill «'ich year, at the 1! f ,';,;;V;";;;;,;;i.i':;;halfbe nsually held, or at bu. h qualified and liable to servf as iurZ^n ^' \l "T^' "/'"^^ persons as beiug o*- their clmracters, theso^Li" J^^" ■'. "|^^^';^1^^«^ «^^"" ^™'" theintegritj mforrnation, be in throninio of «„.i •'"'^^™^.!'^'' ^'^'^ "^« extent oftheir the„K „,../,; :„J."..?1°P"""" °* such selectors ofjnrors, or ofa majority of uso of the sLe lb 'iLrit^Ss S:;:;^:^^^ -^ ^^--^^'"p- -^^ ^" p-"t th. Tili^S^lto^nsCt'iil^^ ^--^1^ -ty. town, '■« the next S "sec iin o^rs Aof ""'"T"?- °" ',''« ^'^^^ '"'"tioned being a Sunday, or ot^ersStorv holtd. v°-f"" 'IV"'' ^ay. thereafter not be a tSunday or other staintrnvln^-^r^^^ ^"'"^ mentioned day shaU to .elect «ach na/I-s S n luc ^outccl^S '' K-" p" ''-f'lT '^^^' ^''"^'^^'^ less, firstlv th-.t (l>..^- ., . ,, ."''"""'"^c''"i■ ^'^ ^^'^"■'^ -".ber^f pSs soVetf^i .me ui ti In ^^ '' \""' 'T "'^* '""•»'"'*'' "« aforesaid, that is to say ; •me uuitii as nearly as may be mulor ihe iirst of such divisions- two iiinthl ly a^r'lSrK '"? ^^''-^--/l-V-';':''^'!?-!^ divisionsTtwo niLu^I a^Si* u^^adv a' m.v 1 7 1 ' "ii' f' "i ''"'^ t T^' ^^^^^ons, and four ninths a. ucduj ab may bo under (lie fourth ot such divisions. AV. And bo It enacted, That t'ae said selectors of iurors shall therenno. :Z.:i.::^%^,!^^^:^^^^^^^ «-•• duty, a report of such -<>»»»» r 7" -^-=" "•'"■"'• '•- • >ti^ aucu tovvnsnip, viiiage or ward, which report shall be us nearly as may be in the form sot forth In the echeihile t« 82 this Act annexed, marked A, and be filled up agreeably to the direction* contSned n tho Aotes to such schedule, to whicTi sa.d report shall be sub- ioTned a wr t on declaration subscribed by such selectors ol jurors, s at ng joineu a wrmoii u selection and distribution to the TeSo^th rrTugdm^ »>- ^'=*' ^f -'*^°? fear favour or "affection of. to, or for any person or persons whomsoever, gaTn, reward or hope thereof, other than such lees as hey may be lawfully Stitled to receive for the same un der the a uthority ol this Act. SIDE WALK. an ri 1 Village Councils are empowered to make By-laws for •' con- structing, planking, &c, side-walks; "for preventing the encumbering, niS or fouling of any side-walk." and for requiring the removal at any time, of any door steps, projections or ob8t|-uct.ons &c. &c. lor side- walks." 67, Town, and 82, City Councils, '^have the like pow Miscellaneous, 1st division. vers. See SPECIAL ELECTIONS. 162 If any person elected "shall neglect or refuse to accept office or to be sworn or atttrmed into office, within the time in which the oath of office iJiequired to be taken," [Section 130, - within twenty days after ho shaS ^so elected and have had notice of his election''] - the Head of uch Corporation for the preceding year, or in case of his absence or the vacancjif such office, then the Clerk, and in case of the like vacancy in such office, then any one of the members for the preceding yf ar. shnU orthwUh, by warrant under his hand and seal, [see Form J.] directed to leKurniJg Officer, require him to hold a --.f '«f-" : '^^^ ^^"^j^ least eight days after the receipt of such warrant." lf.3. ''AU vacancieB which may occur'- "by death, a judicial decision against the legality of any eleS, or otherwise shall be filled up" as in the next above section. 164 All su^h special elections ns mentioned above " shall be held upon a least four days' public notice to the electors under the hand ot the Returning Officer, and posted in at least four meat public places." [See Form M. SPECIAL MEETING. 34 The County Warden may summon at any time a special rneeting of the County Council ^^ at the place where the. last meetir, g oj such Council shall have heenheidr " and such .peciul meeting may !'« «dj«umed rem time to time, and to the same place or any other place wuhin the Com ty , CUy not excepted. 25. - The Town Reeve, or in case of his death oi absence, the Deputy Reeve, shall have powe)- at a-'y time to summons a fecial meeting thereof.'' It would «,)pear that iio one but a Reeve or Deputy Reeve^ca. convene a special meeting of a Towns^p, but section 168 m-ovidec, «ahat if there shall be a vacancy in the office of Mayor, Warden, or Townreeve," the respective Corporations maj- "choose from iimonest their own number a qualified person to be such Mayor, Warden rSreeve/' 59. Village,\7, Town, and B2- City Counci sh^^^^^^^^ likevotoers.^' Seo Miscella^ieous, 1st division. llOandlll. It the olhee of Xd should become vacant by his resigning, or by bis absenting him- self for thiee months without leave by resolution, " a special meeting thereof shalffor that purpose be convened within three days after such See Form D. Miscellaneous, Isl division. at 83 Atscisment Act. XXIT An,! u„ •. ^city, incorporated town^^^^; jj' ^-g T^ e „,ale inhabitam .. ?Vor 60, not otherwise assessed ami nnM, °® °* ^^' •"" "Pwards, and not »ng statute labour, shall instead Sirh T^''l™P'^'' ^^ '^^ 'ron* Perform- to be levied and collected ^the same iM"' ^^ '"\''* ten shillings yearly. ^Beoftho corporation of the place an-wt'" ^' other local taxes, to Z rolls a hst of the persons liable under hi, assessors shall return on their Jot.ce with othei^ parties assessed^ aJd the' der"k ?nf '" ^''^ *^'^™ '^- enter their names and the sum for wlS thev llA m° corporation shall '«Hl.s and the collectors shall collect mS ^f ^ ^ taxable, on the collection a« other taxes ; and that every Se„hlEt":r '^1 ""'"^ '" "'^« ™«"n^r ages aforesaid and not othervvisTassessed sT.ll "'7 ^'j^^^^'"? between th« tute labour on the roads and hifihwavs in s h! . '" u'-^ *° *^° '^"^^ «*«»«- aasessed upon the assessment rnllr.7 i" such township; and every nartv *tich part/be assessed- "* '"" "' '"^ '°^^"«^^P «ball, if the prop^ei^ty o^" At more ^i^^A\l':t^^^^^ clays labour; A more than £150, but not moJe a £000 ° [?"»•?»>'« labour; At more than £200, but not more t an Im \ • ''^i^'^^? labour ; At more than £,inn hnt «„V .1 *, ^"' to b\x days labour; At more than £500, but not more han^S t ^'?''* '^''^'^ ^^°'»-5 At more than £60o' but not more than £ 800 Tn "'"^^''^y^ ^^bour r At more than £800,' but not more thn^.!- inn /''" "^V^^ ^^bour ; /Ind for every £000 above the suiVoVfooooVn" '^''V'" ,^7? ^^bour; tbe muu.cipality of sucli townsiiip s .11 htve din'nl I'? ^^'^^bour, unless oi money be paid in comunitatio. of s cIi khr>n • • ^ b^aw that a sum visions of this section, as to the sa I Tx , f "^^"^^ all the pro- eommutationmoney tobenaidnmil I n ' «bii!,ng,, shall apply to the that tlie municipalify ofalfoft ;twn villS; '^= ^''^r.^^^'l^lw^Js^firs ly; to "P^erate genekbl/andi4aWy ScV i^^^^^^^^^ ™«y. by by-law number of days labour to whicliVby 8 cb oar ?rS^ r''!'"''"" increasetho or otherwise, shall be liable under this act? Svf 1 " ^^^ assessment roll, no distress, sufficient to satisfy the said sum of f! , ^1^'=°"'^^^' *bat in case "t issuinjj any warrant of dis ?ess s^Sl tl\ ten .hdhngs and the expen.o W the head Jf any such mu'i 4 'c p i^^^tiit^^^^^^^^^^ ""^ ""^1^? ^'-'^'' b« made, to commit the offender to the common .^^^l -T ''°"'PJ«»'t «ball t"- nut exceeding, six days, unless rich u™'an3 fo ts 1'^""*^ ^"'^ "",^ .\XIII, And be it enacted Thnf i\ « Df„f » """^^osis sliaU be sooner pai( . [decoding section simll, alt^^bSionfr: SSs t" a^n?- f °"t^ '" *»^« °«^t for tho sum of two sbillin! r. , J''^''^''''^- '"^"^Q^cation, 1st division. »ea ilW//:.,!or, LriJ;;^ "^ Councils hav« - Ithe ike powers/^ Township, in sucutJ:y^ZZ:^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^or. shall have the over " S of „m?"l^^^^^ T Local Superintendent that the County Clerk' sha 1 for 1 wi h not??y tt'th'^.f', ^'"^.'^^' 'i'^"' of Schools of the nnnoinimnnt " .7"L"5"^^ i^° P*^'«( Superintendent endant " 01 r ' Vc." '.' """^ a^^aica 01 eacn eucii jjocai Siirnrin indent. 21. Local feupenutendoms in Citie. and Towns are „ppoinTd" I'i. I 84 „ by th« Boara of School Tn-«^|"»«'; J^^J J^^^^^^ Supeviuteudents. ^^^^^^^ ucensk. 31 (U,) Township, aud60,(1^0^Yilla,eC^-Usa^emp^^^ where spinluous hquor ^^'l^*^ ^^.^.^^^^'J,;,,, i^t division. U7. When- have "i/ieM/ct'iJOWJers." .^^'^ j^^*'^-""^^^^^ i^ uny 'I'ovvn or City, " th» there shall be a Police ^;^f J^.^,^,^^., '^,,,a the keepin,^ of Ale and power of gra^tnig. licenses l^lm^l^^^^^^ ^^^^.^^^,, . i.^l Beer Houses ^vltlun suoh lown en Uiiy o ^^^^^ whenever tl.ere ba vested in and belong to uUi Police ^^^ . ^,^^ ^ayor. I Ih. «,all be no P^''^*;. ^^Suate or S^^ tw^ Akkn.nen,or J..stiees ot tl«. u The Mayor, Pohce Magstiatc, or any I Township or Peace for iny Town ov City . d e 1 o v u K.. v^^ ^^^^^^y^ „ ^^^^^^ Villa-e with any two J'^f^^";^^, ,"'^'^, if„f any riotous or disorderly cun- tull i,ower 7P^*V;«^^^V^!; St,ve U^te lire same,' ''to disuuss - duet in any Inn, &o. &c , to i -^ ^^^ ^.^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^ ^^^ .. abrogate the 1k'«"««''' "V lvr/L'«sc /tc^undcrCoriiorafion-inddiv periodiu.t exceeding 60 days Sei^i.^^^^^^^^^ ^^ r^^\^^^^^^^^ Coundl - License Act. 4. Lacli \'^y ^ J.'''^,'\^^ i^^^e pow.H- and authority on and after the 1st Mavc? -^^^^ ,,^tXr ^lf Inns and Hous.« to make By-Law9,-For hmmn i ^ ,^,^j .p„,,.„_ of Public entertainment, m ^}^^' ,V J^' ,, ,.3 ^^ be drank therein .,,p^ for whidi,;^n.eto;e^ .^^^ any such license " shall be issued," 01 101 p-umu ^». _ „,i,-^i, «i,„i Sbe issued,'' or ;«tbr,n.iiM^;ng^^ „,id -for fixing the a"^'^;^^^^^^^^^^ license,"-'' the descripfon of plied with, liy any P«''«»" .^^^ ' !« , have,''-the security he shall give house and the accommodat, n he si a^ll^m^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^.^ .^ ^^^^ ^ for the due observance of «" ^^y"^''^^"' , "l' t^^ duty imposed by the U shall pay for such license, ever and al^^3v } " [l;^^ ^^l Act aforesaid." (I'TL^fk}h\^ofAvri 1775, he raised, lemed, ^ere sUall, fro,n af^^ ^^S^A^Zr General of the said P^- collected, andpaid^ unto ^I'f'f^^^^^^^^ and successors, a duty of £1 vince, for the use oj ^^^^^f *j^^'if;*,7 £2 3*. 9i./;. currency,) for every IGs. sterling money oj ^^ff .^/T^^^ Governor, or license that shall be gi anted ^1%^?^^ I a^'l P''''"' or persons for Com> oj ^'^'f^^^^'^J^lcdLa^^^^^ f keeping a hmse or any other place ''^j^*' • ■^„^,„, ;,- Mor,v, within 0^ reLlng -^-ne,Jrajtdy^'r^^^^ oi' such Bv; ,uid Province^ '' '''''^ ^''\ V^^'Z^hi^U they mav lawfully impose' Lhwb, any penalty or Pumshment w^^ ^^-y .^^^^ ^ -, £5 0.) The same " with ^^^^^""^J^^.,,^,^,^ ii„uors ar.^ sold, to be Mother kouses where fermented "^ Jf "V^^'^'.t j ^'"heveh. drank therein." " Provided, always, th a ^^^^^^,,^^,,,,,,, .nd .hall relieve any P"'^^?" ^^.^Ku'iSrein without a license, from the retailing wine and spmtuous '^q'^of^^r^^^" aforesaid, (i^. George III- peimlty imposed for such offence by the Act ai V ^^^ ^.,^_ chapter 88^ 5. " Any P^^^^^i^^^^Xluor wXout s^ License shall ior- tortaimnent, or retaihng any such Liqm^^^^^^^^^ conviction thereof, feit and pay the sum of J.10 lor ^^^}y .^'^^l'^''^. 'Lie for .he same, anrl he 85 " v«., e,„.„. „,,e„ .,„„.„. "^rr;S";^.?."h\,:r„-i!"'' (^1 ,T^n^i on I Th TOWNS. '•f>apu,.r48, rnx'tioi, 2iKlO pShS;,!^^^^ (^^^' ^ Victoria «'ul St. CathHrinr-.s. hV Ku vu ' u^'^ ^ope, ny tlie census reiuvu, (tak 'n evo t 5t ' . P' ^'L":" ^^'-^1^ '"^' i"un,., than 15,000 iiihubilan s/' ,,?, u.^f/J/';^'/;"'" I'^f ') '» contain morj City." 115. Tia^Jove or .! Jon rr S ^"^'^ •■ maya.Utotlioboinulanes .mdm I' V "i ^^ ■''">' '^"^^" <^'"">HI (not )e.s than 3,) of ^u/y t/u ' ^" H .^Nr);J;:'X'' 'V?^' '^'^"'-" thn bonndaries ofa Towisldi) slnll fn,- iU alt^'ough ]yini,r Mitliin !-■' '"'-m any part (.l' sn.-l ' - 'sh ' '/' 7^fe ^'"Tf I' "* "''^ ^^^' ^^'^ ''^"i^i •ncli Township." !?nl ( 4mrrJp/A] tl ■ 1 '''' 'l*"''' '" ''•'''" ]'''« <'f part of the County,'' !' i^t^ut^.^o'n m!''" ' ^r '' '^'"'^ ^^"^•""'' »" >"^ Commons Hous.,^ - a^^.^J] „ Se nr ^^ "" f '''^P'-'^^^'^^^tion in the >vlien any such Town si, be e ti lod f i '^^'''''"^T^ <•^■^•q^t, onN-, My." mien any >.i ch Tn v f T . i '' '■^'P'■'^«-'"^t^^^ in snoh A...em- •action of the Conn.Mi Aci. See^^S! '' ' P''^'«cnbed by the 8!st namei'TownsinActsofih;) rrn'ot 1 ' ^m ''"'^ " Imvinir been -ul it is inexpedient^ to < Jo ;^Sm "fS'n-^^ ^" ^'^ ^'^'^^"^ tlh ,u 10 lie move extensive oo^mi?,tn ^^''^V ,1'"1'""' '"" '" ■""^*J'"ft m -ei.-^.., until by t5^e i^r £ !^rT" '^ I''"'- '' ^'"' ^"^^"^ "'• Vil^ies " -.iuy of the provisions £aS a X bl''^^^^^^ '"'^ >""/,'' ^^'^" '"^^ any snch Town.." 203. T]^ -r't^^^'^ff- ^^ J"^^"« •'jhall extend to bH a body Corpora., an^rrirnn t£ IwS !" ''''' ^^'/V'*^'^^'"" '^ ^^all situated,'' ..with all . .c I;^;^^^^:^?'^:^'^^ T^' f^" ^'^' ccnfernu! npon fnoorpo.-;,',.,; ViUn're^^' t^rt'' r "'L '>'..^^"'" ^^'^ 20 f. The I'owir- named I J"rfv, ■ ^'^rponihon Hth division." ^h'^ Townships wi;^h;nw];n^;;1am':H,ri^^'^' ''"^!'"-'? '^ V'-m of and .hall be snbjeet to the mriSon o it ^P^^^'l'^''-'^'. ^ifii''tr.,l. vales tor the er(>c-tion of VilJao-es into Towns , K'ti ^'^'"''" ^9' ' ^O" J>"-. of 3,000, while by the ex ak-^e^etuni ^^ T "' ^'•""^ '' J-'P"^'^" Amherstbnrg-h. ('hatliam. Grielph. Barrie. L'Oriiiinal. I.s7 division. ^nd division. Perth. Siiru'oe. VVoodstock. Qn«ensiun. Sandwich. 86 I TOWN COUNCIL. SEE Corporation 1st diviition. TOWN HALL. 31 (O) Township Councils are empowreJ to make By-laws " forth. Se MS;:t''J5rai:iSlor'4l/(.) Cou„ty Councils may erect, &c. &c., Shire Halls. TOWN CLERK. sF.K ClerUs 8lh division. TOWNSHIP. o. .The Inhabitants of each Township m UpP" Cmf »- ^^^Jf,^ (J i vision. TOWNSHIPS — JUNIOR. 3. Any Township having loss than 100 resident fVeehc^aers a^ l.ousehoiders i.s to be attached to some f¥'''?';'\:}Zlfe^Jy^^ Countv Council, and called a Junior Township. U. ^Vi^<:."^\''\^2-^i,ul J^id^Township ^^.hall have within it 100 lesu ent ^e ^f ^/.^ householders," the County Council may divide it into ^Vards, iix ^^ Zee fo hodin-the first 'Election," and - appoint Returnm- Oflice.s. ri lucii disSd Junior Township - shall be Incorporated by itself. AmndedAd. 8. The County Councils in f«>;V^"^^^Unimi of To^^^^ sliips " shall designate the orderot semonty of the lo^^nshlps loimiua overy such Union.'' TOWNSHIPS, UNION OF. 3 Junior Townships attached to Senior Townships form a Corpora- iinn under the name of " The United Townships ol- • ^ • Snn cUcil detach Junior Townships when such ^^--}^^^\'^^l loTresk^ents 13. The Township or Townships remain ng /* may Uvid'anewtiieir Wards.'' 14. ]V?akes provisions - /"^ rlTilv law Union of Townships. 41. (17) The County Council may by B> law form Union of Townships. TOWNSHIP COUNCIL. SEE Corporation 5th division. TOWN REEVE. SEE Heads 5th division. TREASURER. SEE Qualification, 1st division. Applies equally to all Treasurers and City Chamberlains. 171 .'It shall be the duty oieach Corporation to appoint a Trensurery tin C lies a Chamberlainl '' who shall l^o'^'''^'^ S' '£K^^^^ 173. "The Treasurer and Chamberlain so to be api.oiiited shaH 1 oiu ihet offices until removed therefrom by the Corporation [«; .; « ;j^« beiiVl and " paid by such a salary or pei- centage as they «';» «P °^^^^^^ nd who shall give such security for the fa thtul ^^-^'for and ,S of his office, and more especially for the f »« ««,'^»"" "S f" '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ over all monies which shall come into Ins hands by v tue «^ '' ;*';'„;^,; the Corporation appointing him may direct. 174. - f^' ,'i'^° f '.J"P^'„^^ accounts or documents, of what kind soever" wdacb ,^1^" ^"'"^jf^JJ. r,v. „„'„ .,„oo^oo;«n u cVinll hfi ri«fimed to be chattels belonging losuui C,^^onr\SeoEna;^dcnunL] 172. '• It shall be the duty of each order of the Corporatiortr " f ?''"" »^e jhrected to do by any W« any wr^ ."execin'., """^ ^« nssiened to J,i,n " " 'i'^^'*"^''""^ to 36 <« Tf "I'i'n'- Plusmonoy shLlToVaSfo"4f |"rfl?rMi"''' for] be contested, the s„r- or Town Treasurer. [nlfCcoZ^l^^l^ '", "T •''"^^•"^'">' ^^'"«fi« the same until tl,e i4spectvor I si/; ^^ '?•'"''';'"!,"' ^^^'« ^l^"" I'etain , XLII. And be it enacte.l Tl, " '''"''"' ^'^"" ^"^ ^^^t^nnined." ector'« roll shall reS'lnjf^ry ^'^ [|'« taxes mentioned iu the col- lect the 6ain.> ho .1, . ;".!''>"•- ••"id the collector shall n„t be 1M0 to t i ;"'d to the comuy tie s.; ;'• r';:; ? ' f *°""^'"'l'' ^'"■•'fe-^ or towzft'eas'^rer ate to a city) auLIiul '•.,,",,' ^-^V chan.beriar„, if the Jl^^^l " such account the collecto sifl 1 '«'"''""!'g due on the said roll: and case the words '• non residen " n < ^ ^'"^ "^™^' ^'-V i"«crlhi" in each ''o, and upon nmkin-^ m I? l c "" I'n>l.erty to distrain" as the case m^ 'nentioned in sS fci ^ t ±7; '''' ''''•7'"'^^\- '" '^''an.berlain t! at the sums ^•"quiry been able to SoVer " ""'T*^' ""l' ^'"" ''° '^''^ ''"tupon fli "e rssession of the paities XrU7w1u;1r;|\i1'^^^:''^'^ "^^^'""s"'? 'o or hftl e could levy the same, he . S be en itid ^, " V/'^ '"''' ''"'"■^' ^^•'^«^--«" "le said account shall Uo s„() , ; ♦ '-Y"'f''^'f ^vifh the amount thereof nnrl !'J''""berlain to p o ee n tie ,""'f ""'^ 1° '!'' ^"""^^ treasurer or ci v >n the manner l/ereinaJtc:; p^cltided "" '"'"''^ ^"^-'^^ '^"'^^'^ ^''^'"""^ ""Pai^ ^^u?L s^iz ^rshXSinin^^'f " -i^^'-^ ^"^-"^ "p- ^j- -furetios, in such su n'- 4^ ^ '^ .^ "^ more sufficient by any By-law to be pa se i ha Mnlf^""/' '''""''' " ^'^"" '•«'l»"e by such By-law, and in con h 'mi v o ,d H ' •"• '''" 1""""^'' ^•^^""•e'i sureties shall bo to the sa i fi ion ni'ilu '^^^'^•"".^ ^'^^''^of 5 «nd such -ScW^cV. 40 uT ' r '"'^^^ ^°''P«''^"ons respectively." Common Sc!,ools7n theseve^l Chi'rr "?"""' i^ «PP'-opnated in aid of but Township,] in Upnei c' irh «h ^"""t'««' ^«wns and Villages [all ^uly in eacl/yiar, iil^Z i^J;;^^r^'^ ^ ^ ^^^0- tL i.t •fury AcL 5. All Treasurers^xempted from serving as Jurors. . ,. ^. TUKASURKR. Qnd division, "";«dtaS;'7°™'- ''"'"^» '■"> '^"™""P Treasurers in «.,,« .„ ■Assessment Art, ai wnnn„K^f ti, i.t , year, or on such oth^z'- day as ht Smm' C "T of December in each lici uuy as tiie Lounty Council shall appoint," eac'- i 1 88 Collector is required •« to return his Collector's roll to the Treasurer of Ihe Township, Villiige or Town, or City Chain norliiin, und to pay over th« nraount payable to such Treasurer or Chamberlain." By thiH suction the City Collectors are required to return their rolls, &c. to the City Chamberlain " on juch day in each year as tho Municipal Council of the CoMni!?/ shall have appointed." This must, we thin! bo a mistake, ai Count''/ Councils can exercise no control over CMtios v.- th officers. XLIII And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the , oper clerk, previousiy to tho delivery of thi« collector's toUh by liiin to tbr several cok- lectors, to fiiruish the treasurer of the township, villnge ur '"wii, ,,rthe chnrn- b.>rluin'oftiie city, with a correct copy of each roll so t-i. ,,* theHnme n uae« to the lanils of non-residents ; and such treaHuror or cliUiiiberlain ehaU ■ nter the same iu a book to bo kept by him for that purpose, together with Xhm taxes chargt 1 upon such hmds. x-.u n * > XI,IV. And bo it enacted, That upon tho return oi the colI<'Ctor s r< to i\ui rtaid treasurer or chandjciliiin, he shall enter in tho said ' 'ok any t <'ei wliich may have ber -i rhargud upon such lands by tiie munii lal c.. sntil of the countv, in whicli the huid is situate, and ho shall also enter il)<> sa'd l)()(,k the'taxes whidi shall appear to have been received on Rucii lauds by tli^; collector. School Art. 21. "All the moneys thu? collected [by tho Town, City or Vitln^o CouncilM, at tho retiuost of tho Board of School 'i'maU ^] shah bo paid into tho hands of tho Chamberlain of such City," or Ti, usurer of such Town or Village. TREASURKU, 3rd division Ajjpliesto County Trensun-r in <'d(Ufinn to 1st division, and City Cham borlain in addition to 1st and 2ud divisions. Assessment Ad. r>^. Collectors may receive the tax on undivided portions rpands, " and if the tax on the remainder of such lot, piece, or parcel of laivi ^hall remain unpaid," th.-y are reipiired to make a return of sue'' ' i» vhe proper Treasurer or City Chamberlain, to the end tliat tht;. part on which the tax remains unpaid may be clearly known." XLV Am 1 bo iteuarted. That it shiill be riie duty of the said countv tren- .urur orchamberlaiu to prep.-ac a list <,tsuch Inndsin each township, village, towu or city upon wliicli any faxes shall reiiiaiu due at too time ot the coi- lector makiuf; bis return, distni-uishinj,' in .^.-[.arate coluinus, and opposite th« lots or parcels of land respective ly, the fimouiifs due tor county rates, ami tne aiuounts due for township, village, town ur city rales, and it shall bo the duty of such county treasurer or chan)i)erlaiii, within one month alter the receipt of such collector's Roll, to nddr-^ss ii ciicular lett.3r through the 1 ost to tli» own-rsoflho several lots or parf-luts of laud respectively, on which taxci. nr,' itiil due, statiuir the amount due. and enllini: upon such owner.s re.-prc- Uvely for payment thereof: Provided always, that iu any case where the county treasurer or chandieriain shall not be able to satisly 'iims.di who the owner of any land in tho said list is, or where he resides, jtsiiall be the .Uitv of such treasurer or chamberlain to publish in the 0\>vrrnmn,t Oj/laal Oazrttt of the Province, a list of such lands, settin- forth the total am.nint due on each, and calling on tho owners for iiayment, charging the exj-ense:; ol pub- bratiou against the lands in ipiestiou in j.roportiou to the ainount due on them respectively; and such expenses shall be levied on such ands witti the taxes due on them, and with the same advantage oi pnvdeged lien. XLVIII. And be it enacted, Tliat the county treasiu'er or city chambe»- laiii shall, within thirty days after tlie collector has made his return, ibsiia «. waa-raut under his liand and seal, directed to the shenirol the county or iiighbailiirof the City, commanding him to levy on the said lands «) non- residents for tho amount of the taxes then remaining due thereon, witli liw "XLIX. And be it enacted. That the Sheiifi'or High bailiff to whom the warrant is directed, shall, within the then currentyoar, cause the sa""^ ^^^J^^* •Koouied, giving atieabt three months notice, and shall make return tneres. 8ft fXfin r.mnty ironsuror or citv<.>,«™i i T"' . ov«r t„ , ,.en.sur,M- ,„• cliHu/l/erli ' '"'"«'"<»"'■ whoreoi shuli t. '• " The lu, nni-B of any Rwil Fsfii»«., . i .• '■ :'7^' «f ar.ytimo within thr.o v. ur from' h !'''"' ^''""''^ "'■^""'••" '^»m,„he,I„in .hall ^ivo t r « , "v'nn!;.'""'^ '^^ ""'* Trealuro o^ « -c.p. .atin, .he .un. .., ^ Inn,?.! "l^r!;, ^ ';„;;i^f i- -ne. mv^f I!" '^'"^ '"' ■' •^'"icte.l. Ti,„t if P^y to tiio.c.niiv, towiiHliip. vil!-.. ^rtoHudiothiTpcrHoa n^ s)in|i i,r tliL-.s,ii,M,.-,mt;iino(l on Im roll. „r d t1jHcou,aytn.iH,u-erorcityohamh Mine whon siuui puyiMcms „uj,ht t h'.-'hundtuKlso.'.l, ,iin,,;t.Mltotl,r <>«HuchiMty,coiiunmi,iiiii,'iiiii, to i ''■■•t"i'HlriIl r..r,iMt, nr n.-.l<.ct to • «.n/.,.d t.M-...coiv,.. t.l„. sMn.r. ""lf"rM.«Harne„,.un"' "'"' '" ^f - -""ty or h>,h baililloi tin. city. a. Zln^flnny^;;:^ '" "" ^'""'""^ return thoreofto tho (iu J^'tJ" ^.^^ nrPr"'^ ''';"^"^^^^' ""*' "-^- •ame," -it shall and m,>y U^nJix] Z^tb^r? '" ^'^ V:'y ^>^*^r tho to make application i.i^i sunm.arv , m ., , ^ ""-'"«.•_ or Chamberlain fuiiy nnrvjoci; or omit to perlortn any .=ntv • ., .,; 1 /, '"""' *"''"" ^^"•'- HHbioroapoi'dtyoffol)'' .:St 'h ft. 7' """^«""-. J'^' ^^hnU I,, Chaniborluin. '"'^ ^^^ *'"' ^ ^'""^v Treasurer or City .^iis^;;-/f;.;r;" it^^i^oSi,;:^.^^^^ f", -r-^ -'-^-' - AcD. shall bo ontitlcd to 10 . t. 1 e^ch Ck k h'"' ''-^Z '^''" "»'i-^ ' "'''•"•" '•^" n-ier this Act. and^rnl^tlu"' ^i™ '^ ^^^'S' ^ :;' ^^n' '^ '''™ ".nod jn the Rolls_ of Juror, by hin. entered n ^ tZJT Z ""i Qtiarter Sessions, cr the Recorder [or prcvsiding oft cer of ^^^^^ '•ourti t'sif Enni- K- ! I ! 1 /•'■■-' "-•■'"-""&, "I'li-Hi 01 Tile Kenovfinr'fi ™rtj t,.M Buch book had beoi. fuim.l,«,l „„d prepared, &c. 4:c, withi. ■i tl ,%S-> tf-: "^J" .^ ^ V IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 1.0 nlHa 1.1 tii^ 12.5 *tt 1^ 12.2 m lU 14.0 |2£ Hiotographic Sciences Corporation , ^0 K K rf> 1-25 |U JI.6 < 6" ► 2i WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. M580 (716) 872-4503 't :; thSraSorihe Lf;f"o^^ ^'^ ^^••"/ °'^'^'' ^"^"^^^ ^^••^"«--' n8 reasonably may be to ?' I ^''"''' °''!"V '■•■'■^'^*'^"'-^' to pay over, as soon vilia-e municin rHtr;hl ti'eusurer ot the j.ropu r Town.^hip, town ,,r tively ^ ^' ^'"^ ''™^'^»' cisuch taxes belonj^ing to them respec- :School Act. 27. [1.] It is required of the County Council "thuttho 1" the .'ainnos of • the hands of tho hiy of Uecemlier" and " in of the f„,„,i ;,," "•' "'7 "'"«' "o leacnersiiall, upon application, be re- SunerintnnT, .' ." J","*^' '"' *'"^ ^"""^^ Treasurer sliali pay any Local Uie n™. r r.l "T "' "•''"'■ '" "^^''^If of l, licipation of lalf S" ."^ '' ^"""'^ '-^■^^""' Assessment, and the County Council TvtZ. "^''^ "«/«««a'y provisions to enable the County TrJa.urer ho Srtv r • "^'"''' ''^'^^"' '''■^^'■^•" [4.] It is a further duty of tli« anr^^.l^r".? .'"T,"*'!"^'"'^^^'*"" ««'^»'% >« given by nil ofHcers" and to see that no deduction be made from the School fund by the Coun- mui nf'" r*" ■ 'f receipt andpayment of School moneys,'' and [5J to "ppoint auditors "whose duty it shall bo to audit tho accounts of theCounl y frZTAT' ?', m. '■ ''^^''^ors to whoui SchooI monevs shall have been in- wusled. 4:2 1 he annual Legislative Scliool Grant "shall be payable on or before the 1st day ot July, in each year, to the Treasurer of eiich PHBo nf fi,„ .. « -.„,v. ...c- i.icx'iui ••oay oiijecpmner'' an Countl T? "On-Paymeut o fany part of such sum into the hands . kZ Ti.f .!"'"'"''7^ ?'l^ ^""«' "o Teacher shall, upon application. TREASURKR. 5(h d'ivision, Applies to Town, Village, and Township Treasuror, in addition to 1st and 2nu division. 172. '< It shall moreover (see 1st division,) be the dutyof evervTo'^- 1 > 02 ehip, Villaffe and Town Treasurer to receive from the Collectors of such "all moneys collected by such Collectors for or on account oi the County Rates, and to pay the same over to ihe County Treasurer within such time as may be prescribed by any By-law of the County Council to U, passed for that purpose." The Corporations "of such lown, yiHaw and Township, shall be responsible to the County Council tor all such County Rates, as shall, or may, be paid to such Viilarre, Town or Town- »tup Treasurer, who shall toirether with his sureties be responsible to •uch County Council for the same, as for moneys received by him on RC<-.ount of the Townsliip Village or Town Rates respectively." <'Lvery Buch Treasurer shall keep nn account in his books with the County Tittasurer, and shall give leceipts for tdl moneys received by him, on account of the County, and receive from the County Treasurer receipts lor all such moneys as he shall pay over to him on account of such (^ounty Kates." "For all County Kates so received and paid over U) the County Treasurer, the Township, Village and Town Treasurer! shall he entitled to receive and take to his own use two and n half pe? cent.'' TKEASUUKR — SUB. SchoolAct. 27. (4) The County Council may " appoint, if it shall jxpedient, one or more Sub-Treasurers of School j«ds« expedient, one or more yub-Tieasurers or scnooi moneys, tor on© or more Townships of such County ; Provided always, that each such Sub-Treasurer shiill he subject to the SMine responsibilities and oblign- Kions iu respect to the accounting for School moneys, and the pnymentof hiwfid orders for such moneys, given by any Local Superintemlent, within the urer, as one parts of the County for whicli he is appointed Suli-Treiis- e imposed by this Act upon each County Treasurer, in res- pect to the pavinc; and accounting for School moneys." (See 4th divis- ion.) Also, to see '• that sulficic-nt security be given by all olhcers of the Council to whom School moneys shall be intrusted," and "to see tliiit no deduction be made from the School lund by the (County or) Sub-Treasurers, Ibr the receipt and i)ayment of School moneys." Tt'UKiKs. sr,K Gcesc. uiMON OF Tow>siin's. si'.v. Townships VACA.XCIES. 28. " In case of Vacancy in the office of Collector or Assessor," th» Township Council shall "till it up." 59, Village. G7, Town, and 82, Citv Councils, have " the like ■jwu-crs.^'' See Mlncdluneovs, 1st divis- ion" 47. Any Vacancy "''.mongst the Police Trustees" may be tilled by the remaining ones. IK). Any Head who shall altsent himself ('without leave by'resolution,) for three nuuiths, at any one time, shall »ac:ite his otfico, and " at a meeting called three days afterwards" such vacancy may be filled up." If!.!. *'* All vacancies which may occur in ftuv Corporation by death, a judicial decision against the legality of any olection, or otherwise, however, shall be fdled up by an election to be held under a warrant (see Form J.) directed to the Returning Olficer, nnder the hand and seal of the Head, or in Ins absence in the vacancy of that office, then, under the hand and seal of the Clerk," "and in sttse of the like vacancy in such office, then, under the hand and seal of any member of such Corporation." 166, " If there shall be any vacuu^ 1-7 in the office of Warden, Mayor, or Town Reeve, by reason of death urr removal, &c.," tlio " Ctn-poration in which such vacancy shall occur, shall, and may, respectively chose, from amongst there owu 93 number, a qualified person to be a Warden, Mayor, or Town Reeve, a« rften as the case may occur," (Ail the '■^ Members'^ of each Corpora- tion are " qualified''' to be appointed such Head, With the exception of City Mayors, in which case they (83) "shall be elected from among»| tile Aldermen thereof.") See Special Election. License AcL 5. Any vacancy in the office of Inspector to be filled up "in Hke manner as vacancies in the office of Councillor." VILLAGES. .58. WlionevBr any uucorporated Village or Hamlet shall contain 1000 freeholders or householders on the Collector's lioll, the Governor may, upon the petition of 100 inhabitants, erect such Village into a Town. 115. " Upon the petition of the Council" of any Village, the Governor may "add to the boundaries" of such. 17. "No psirt of any Village, (City or Town,) although lying within the boundaries of a Township,, shall for the purposes of this Act, be held to be part of such Township." 89. " Whenever any Incorporated Village in Uj)per Canada shall ha found by the census returns (taken every fifth year from 1850,) to con- tain .'>()00 inhabitants, then, upon the petition of such Village Council," the Governor may erect such into a Town. See Corporation 6th divis- tion. See Towns. VILLAGE COUNCIL. SEK Corporation 6th divinion. VOTERS. 160. "If any two or more candidates shi!'< appear to have an equal number of votes," the Returning Officer "shall give a casting vote, (Seo Casting Vote) 208. "That in the (Jities and Towns in which at the pass- ing of tills Act a provision exists for the registration of votes, the same shall continue and be in force until repealed, altered or amended by a Bj Law of the Corporation of such City or Town." See Election. WARDEN. SEE Hcads 2nd diviaion. WARDS. 3, 4, 6, 6 and 7 Sections, provides for the erection of Townships into Wards by the late District Council, before 2nd October, 1849. 8. It shall bo lawful tin- any Township Council " by By-law, to be passed for that piu'pDSis to divide such Township into several Wards," (15, "the same shall be divided into five Wards,") " divide the same anew or re- arrange the same more elfectually." 9. In every such case the Town- ship C CiUKul must a[)i)oint a place (10, and person) in each Ward, •'for holding the election of Townsliip Councillor." 11, 13 and 14, Provides for the dividing into Wards, Junior Townships, &c. &c. 116. Upon the petition of any Town Council, the Governor may " make a new division of the Wards, and to alter the boumlaries of such Wards, so that there be not less than three of them." 205. Any Town or Vil- lage Council, upon petition to the Governor, may have the Wards and limits extended. 80. It shall be lawful for any City Council "to erect any part of the liiiertiee contiguous to such City, as their boundaries uhall be at the time, into one or more outer Wtu'ds," and " alter and vury such," "or any of them, before they shall be annexed to the suid Gity, as hereinafter provided. 90. As soon as " any one of its outer Wards cnntairs as many inha!)itants as by llie census first taken after tbtt passing of this Act, (1850,) shall be found to be contained io tb« n 94 lenat populous of the Wards erected by this Act," "and bv the ireneml Assessment Roll of such City, that such outer Ward contains asTu eh Msessed property as by the first assessment of the said City, 8^72 tt it shnir„nT"''^ 'S ']"' ';rj^««'^hy of the Wards erecfed Sy thS Act, It shall and may be lawful for the Mayor of such City." bv ofo- damalion, to annex such Ward to such City. ^ ^ ^ WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. r«^;»ri? w °'''lT*^^/.'5"§^' "''^ empowered to make By-laws •' for &c^'' 67^ Sf '' ? «t ^""'"i;"' "^r«rding to the lawful sTandarl acc., 67, Tovvn, and 82, City Councils have •WAe like powers See ^^^cdlaneous 1st division. The 4th (George IV. , chapter foTS; 2nd.! Jrd and th sections are in force. The first three provide for the pur chasing of a sett of standard weights and measures in each County. ^ J. ^reX^e^ri rA"" ^'^^ •" ^'f ?r^^««'°" «"y ^^^^g^ts or measures rv for everv nff«^^^^ ^7n """^ f ?^'f ■' ""' '^^'^I'^^' ^^- "^^all forfeit and Tforce bv wWh°f.? ^'r ^"^ ^'"/°"«' «^»P^«^ 1^. The last section In.« h!' ^ ^yi"cJi ''the information of the Inspector upon oath shall in fu- Ihap 85 ?fiX'w ''%V";''"'^« ^"^' conviction'" See ulh vIc., be T; i'«i J ? ^1"- ^^' '^'"P^^"" ''' Provides that grain sold muJi Ind I Cnlt\afu °°i ''^ TT'^' ^«'g^' «« f«J'«^« :-Wheat, 60 lbs ; lbs Bear'4 Ihl h^^^^l ^^ ^^^^.P«"«' 60 '''^ ' B'^r'^y' 48 lbs ; bats, 34 18 Salt 56 lbs ^^ ^ ""'^ ^'°'^' ^'^^' 60 '*'' 5 3rd Viaoria, chap. WITNESSES. Col^'JriSuT'"'^*"""^^'''''^*^"^'^"'^"''^ o'- «ct»onto which any DoSon r„ll h ^ ^ P"i'*^' "° "^«"'''«''' "«^««'-' «r servant of such Co,^ K^f^i ii r""^^ an inco^^c»"" "• ~--- -- — - , 18-AdjOnrnmeni;. ^, ^■ g^cept for ad oummcnt, or pr«mbl, .h.n "= -'™";'' j;3r„n°" Thai cv.r, motion «l,cn .eocded, m«. be r«<* ^® ^®»rd at the Bar.-T}iat whenever any Petition or By-law shall have been referred to « Con.rn.ttee to examine the matter thereof and ?w -1 .1' °/.^y^«'' ""»•' he matter thereof shall have first been roportcl to the Council by the Coinniiltee to whom it was referrt d. ^ c.iho??^^r^}}n°^^l^^7 !^P ^® Presented-'Hiat Petitions, Memorials, and other papers addressed to the Council, shall be presented by a Member in his place wo Mcmoual, .Ve nmy be delivered to, and by any Member, but not after ihi the Council. ^ ""^ ^""™' '^^'■'*'"^'' ""''■'" '' "''"" "'•'''*^ '^"^ "'' '' "'""^■'- l>^'i'"^ a sne!Sl7?,Sm?hf^ Committees ; how appointed.-That the mode of appointing a special shall be, hrst to deternfino the number it shall consist of • then each member numinff one which shall bo written down by the Clerk, tha e who have the inost names shall be taken successively until the number is completed nr.^ 41- Quorum of Committees— That «f the number of Members ai)nointcd to oTSrCoTm. -u '^" '/,""''"" '' preside who .hall have the same authority hi thc5ii; o the Committee as the m the Chair of the Council. The need not leave the Chair on such occasions. ,.,.. , ,f?>7^°*!°^ *? ^i^^ and Report.-Tliat tlie motion in Committee to rise and report the question, shall always be in order, and decided without debate. nnv inTT^'"'!''?'"^ ^^?"''''T '"'"J ''''''" "'troduee a By-law, Petition, or Motion, upon any subject which inny be referred to a select Committee, shall be on^ of the Commit- tee without being named by tlie Council. 45— Standing Committees.— That at the tlrst Session of tho Council in each and every year, standing Committees to consist of Members each, shall be appointed lor the fo lowing purposes, viz.:_l. Finance and Assessment; 2. Roads and l^ridges ; and .3 of Education and Schools, to wliom all matters relating to these objects shall severally be referred. t 46— Names to be Posted —That it shall be the duty of the Clerk, so soon as such Committees are appointed,' to post the names of the Members of each in some con- spicuous place m the Council chamber, and so at each other Session throufrhout the year. " 47— Orders of the Day.— Tliat the orders of the day shall always have the preference to any motion before the Council. 48— Orders, &c- lost for thf v .nt of a Quorum.— That when any order resoluUon, or question, shall be lost b; ti.e Council or Committee breaking up for want of a Quorum, the order, resolution, or question so lof ., shall be the first business to be proceeded with and disposed of at the next meeting of such Committee or Council. 49— That if any motion shall be made in the Council for any oharge upon the people, tlie consideration of the debate thereof shall not presently be entered upon but postponed till such further time as the Council should think fit to appoint, and shall be referred to a Committee of the whole first. 50— That when any question has been finally put by the no member is to speak on the same before voting. I FORMS. 18, So help me God. Swnm tiofn... »,„ .< ^ ^ , Councillor, or (m the CMO may be.) Bwom before me at in the County of.... this. . . . . .day of. . . ....... C. D ) J. P., or (u the cue may be.) Form B. lert of1jJ'r"M2tn5!v ' Ik' .""J'''"' *** " Affli-matlon.") that I am a natural bom for naturalized) »ub. tion rent^g „&lw.. "'^^^k"'^' rr/*'*'' "»*• '' '""'1''' '"•'SiKnaling the .ame by itii local doacrlp- for theTom?Hh?n^n !f;^ r '*°"' i;^"'"^^ me to act in the ofBce of CouncUIor, (ai^tho .•«.,« may b^) Intent «n^mi»^iir"r'*''' ^".^^ T ^^^'J "^ ' <•« '»"' <=«»" «"»y l"^^ "ccordiiw t6 the true hCl^of iLriSSu^'' ^""'°,^^* of the Parliament of this IToTince/paagod in the 12th year of bvonl^^nJifT^Jf"'?;,^"''^'!.^''^'?':^"'^ "An Act to provide of pXpin .nH V^^^/k'^'^*' *'«<='''>'' Of Municipal Corporations, and the establUhment of Reffilatlon* So help me G^d. '*'^" Comities, Cities, Towns, Townships, and Village* in Upper Canada,- a_„_ 1 r . -A B , Councillor, or (as the case mar be.) Sworn before me at. In the County of of.r!^. .. .18.... C D ) J. P., or (as the case may be.) Form C- rn.m;,'^*/^A'„^!K!°*'J?*'®" appointed to the ofBce of Auditor for the Municipal Corporation of the and Rw;iJ thnt I £'iiT°f'^r,;ff 1' "^^ °/ ^"y;2 of. . (as the ca«e may be,) do hereby promise n»d tnrt^min. «nTTV'"'^'^"y P^'^T '^* «*'"'«* °^*"«'' »'"<:«' wjcording to the bestof iny ability whnS f? ' ^ ^ ^° '!"*"■■ ""•* '^'•''"f*' '^»* ^ ^"^« no' directly or Indirectly any share or interest T„,?„„\k„ „ ^ contract, or employment with, by, or on behalf of such Municipal Corporation nrp««n/v!r''«-Fr'i''**'"'^ J^l appointment, and that I have not any contract or employment for the preMeni year, no iielp me God. Sworn before me at the City of this day of. . .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'w. '.'.'. ' ^'*''''°''" C D , Warden, (RoeTo or Mayor.). Form D. County of , Township of ) By virtue of the authority in mo rento^, by the li'ii,»,«^fi«.r>..„.''°,7\T<". ... V V * Twenty-flfth Section, (Couaty 34th Soctlon,; of the ^n.i ?. .r n V'.'r'-i'^ Victoria, I do hereby summons and convene a Special Meeiinr of the Muni- «pal Council of the Township of aforesaid, to be holden at. (County special meetings must be at the place of tb" '.ast meeting of such Council,) on the...?^..Aay of " " • • : next, at the hour of . . . . o'clock, In the (as the case may be,) for the pur- esUblUhedV (or for the general purposes for which such Township Municipalities are A B , (Seal.) Reeve, Township , ,18.... Whether or not it is absolutely necessary for all Special Meetings to be convened by a written warrant under the hand and seal of the Head, we shall not venture to hazard an opinion. Form E- ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE TOWNSHIP OP .185 § RIAL PR0PBRTT,DI8ia' NATION,KZTBNT k. VAl. f "5 ft. S k XedXad I. •a > PIRSONAL PROFCRTT, DISCRIPTION, ARD E OS'S a •Si V I, d ijfsd I 103 of Lot* .185 DeiignBtlon of L«id» br Boundaries or 1 other Intelligible (Ucriptlon, ownad by Quantitjr of Ltmd in each lot liable to tax'n.— acra. I vaLDB of 1 STA-TCTE BUOh I LXBOa. I LASB. I "■ X 8. d. I No.Days, Form*- --,,,^„.^ , in the said r' „n., nf , ) A. B., Of the Township, (Town «' y"'??^''^" the year one thousand eight I Roil for iheTo'wnship aforesaid, Ibrihe yew i Kijoii ^ ^ ,OoUector, ftwholders andhousoholders upon such Roll. Sworn before mtat , County of. .,tbis. of. C .18. ..D.. J. P. Form 0. ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ township ct«K, . . k 1 ■ • •' • inaccordane. With tha 33rd Section (as amended) <>^ '^^j'^^itt?'^^^ statute. Q D , (S«a,)Towi.8hipaerk, Form H. accompanying late M\uiicip»l thecasemay L-,. , .... Lot, on Tuesday and Swornueforemeat .7.V in the County of ^ '•■;•;,,'-«« tr .ualmeth^inswoaHn.paHi.tosuc^^ The usuaimeinuui-"""'"— ? r ,hn„ ubM "thebooK" in nw ngu* """"i — to first read and sign th. a«d»"»; »1« ^^^^. following, viz? " You solemnly swear tl KSS. Sa i» StJ AS itomclally^Che above form. Form I- 18. Esqrs, r^ n V " p"".G.... H....,andl.... J. ••■1 '!'»'l") I hereby certify that A. . . . B. . . ., C. . . . » • • -'^j- ' • ;';;;;. ..,(«., the case may be,) have been thounand eight hundred and...... ■•, ana inai I B» f .r „ .. the Electors present al the close of the Poll. ^ ^ Reluming Officer, Township Form J. iion is to be held, so that a full ^^V^i'cA^^ proper person to serve them as a Councillor Ititbe aualifledto^yoteBt^u^^^^^^^^^^ „uh this warrant, iOWIiBiuiJ'-^'." iT'tTjl'in »hn nrAmisBH VOU biiail Coruiy iv mv, NOTICl!.— PuWio notice is hereby gives to the Mtxnicl- To WIT : ( pal Xleetors of the Township of (as the case may be,) in the County of , that in obedience to a warrant to me directed, and bearing date ,18 I require the presence of the said electors at , la the (aid Township, on the — day of next, at the hour of 11 o'clock In the forenoon, for the purpoaa of eiectir.^, a person aa Township Councillor to represent them in the MuBicipal Couocu of the Township of , aforesaid, that in esse « poll shall be demanded, such poll will be open on the above named and the next following days, from the hour offil o'eleok in the forenoon, to 4 o'clock in the afternoon of the first day, and Arom 10 o'dook in the forenoon, to 4 o'clock In the afternoon nf the second day. Of itll whi«jh every person is hereby required to take notice, and govern himself aecordingtr. Given under my hand, this .... dsy of , 18. . . . A B ., Returning Officer, Townahip , . ' ' FormJT. Wedoherebycertify that A....B....or the nshipof ., (as the ease may be,)inth« County of , hath complied in every respt . vith the requirements of the eeveral By-lawe made in that behalf by the Municipal Council of the said Township, with respoet to the penoneto whom Licensee shall be granted, and we trust that a License may be granted, him to keop » .... at , on the payment by him of thosumof jC.... currency. A........ B. ..••..• C D Totho Municipal Council of the of B F iB^ttetor, Form P. We, the subscribers, freeholders (or householders) in the Township of , . ., pppointed in accordimee with tbe 35th Section of the Slat chapter, 1st Victoria, to appraise certain damages done by some Hogs, (ns the case may be,) belonging to Mr. A. ... B , and to determine upon the law- fulness of the fences of tbe enclosure wherein the said damage was done ; having been to the place and, viewed and ascertained the damage, do hereby certify tbe amount thereof to be .... pounds, .... shillings. And touching the sufficiency of the fence, wa decide that the said fence is good, lawful and suffloient, (or bad and insufficient.) C D B P 0..i H Township of , ....i ,18.... Form Q. Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, Pound Keeper in Division No. . . . Of tha Town- ship of , in tbe County of , have this day at the request of A. . . . B. . . ., of the Ksid Township, impounded in the common Pound of the said Township, situate on the ... . Lot, and Concession, one , (as the case may be,) which was this day found trespassing upon the lands of tlio said A — B — , and unless the owner thereof shall within fifteen days from the date herco'", redeem the said ...., at the aforesaid pound, by paying the damages sustained by the said A — B...., by reason of the said .... so trespassing o« his lands as aforesaid, and the charges of the Pound Keeper, I shall proceed to sell the same at Public Auction, to the highes't bidder, HaU of the said ToWnsUp (or City) by A. n.,Townrecve (or Mayor,) C. D., Town (or City) Clerk, and E. F., G. H., and L /., Aaaes- Bora of the said Townshi p (or Ward,) on the day of , in the year 18 .... , punuaat to tbe directions of the \ct of Parliament of FIRST DIVIfilOS ■ . n ',;i ^or tbe RoU of Grand Jurors to serve in Her liajeity's Superior Ooorta of Criminal JFurisdlatloa V 104 KAMES. ,No. of Lotorttant*, wber* known to th» 8al«ctort. ConceMlon or Street Unincorporated VUlace or Hamlet, where knovn to U>e Beleetort. ADDITIONS. .,liH(M,.>.l John Andareon Peter Cameron For the RoU o f GVand Jurore to .erre in Her M^eety a _^ " — ■ rnnrnuion or street, NAMES. No. of LotorHotue, where known to U»e Selectors. Coneeuion or Street, or Unincorporated Village or Hamlet where known to the Selectori. 9 7 " V ' 4 S ADDITIONS. Gentleman. Yeoman. 1 1. n "11 To Th •bewe To Tl Tc Tt shewe X12 II T< 8i for Sti D WiUlam AdamB. Kiehard House... fcC; ' ~ THIRD DinSION , , j. i, NAMES. Conoeaaion or Street, No. of Lot or Honae, or Unincorporated where known to the Village or fiamlet, Selectors. [where known to the Saleetors. David Boottae. . . . George SolUvan. ttc. 11 3 |\ i>if) kiS ADDITIONS. Merchant. Esquire. ^■^^ .P.. .... ...J^^" r-l^.Ho.o.-H. .. ...^. ^^j,:;^ NAMES. George Gnle. gamael Jones tLC. No. of Lot or Houae, where known to the Selectors. Concession or Street, or Unincorporated Village or Hamlet, where known to the Selectors. 7 15 8 3 ADDITICNS. Tailor. Yeoman. We the above named Selectors of Jurors for the TowMhlpo^.^..,^^d^^^^^^ A. B., [L.B.]Townreeve. C.D.,LL.B.,J iown vier». ^.. ^ » l VMtn^ of Addresses, Petitions, &c- Of BritiANorth America, *c. *c. ax. ^ ^ q^^^ wgembled The Petition of the Municipal Council of the County of ......... » bumbly sheweth : ._ To the Honorable the Legislative Council of ^^^^'^^ °^ ^"'Sroounty Council assembled , The Petition of the Municipal Council of the County of "> uo j bumbly sheweth : To the Honorable the Legislative As«mWy ^l^^^^^'' "' ^Ity Council assembled. ThePetltlon of the Municipal CouncU of the County of m wun., bmnbly sheweth : To the Warden and Beev. of the Municipal Council of «•« W^*^ "^ — ^^ ^^^, of . ... ?i^ litltlo" of the Undersigned, l»h.blU«its of th. Township of »» th. W humbly Bhew«tb : That — rt io(i H.i '»*' The PetiUon of th* Untetigaed, lakabUMtooT Ww ,. Msnicipal Conneil of the Townitaip of tt&bitanta of the 4th and 5tb conoeMioa»of the Townrtiip of To the Mayor and CooncUlon ol the Municipal Council of (he Town of . . .v^ — ;° ^ The Petition of the Undersigned, inhabitants of , in the Town e(- , humbly ,- ? sheweth: That, ,; ^ :' _^ ;,_ ;»: .._|;_.^^ .||. " >.|, X12 10b. Od, Currency. '-^ ["' ' ' 3. '■>..! 'n ' ■■ ?'i : i To the Treasurer of the Township 'f , (or, as the dsee may be.)' ' .' ■ i lO,! Sir,— Please pay to Mr. A . . . . B . . . . , or order, the sum of 13^ Poun#, ^0 .f3hilli||gp, , civrettcy)^ . ,j, for Stationery, (as the case may be.) 'i- ^ '• !• 1 1'- i"; . '^ DoneinopenCouncil, this.... day of ... " "' .'-■<• !,■• • ' ".u .,B. I, ■ ' t ■ 1 -'-■il i:?t J i * |I0 r ■A ->,. I ct vni ":> ^ (; I« . .... t ;..rT{^nre«^e,'..,.^...i''H),f : >: ■■■ '■ ■• : ■ t:-n,S ■ : . ' ' : ^ jUmo.t •■•••' ' T '(! j|£ '}•!> [ODO,* ■■'■•- ; 1 ' •' '■'I ijS !• ?. ''OOO.OI ' ". i ' ! f :': ;•■ :. 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AT }THB of a FKNNT IN THE £. .£150 500 .. . I 11 3 600 .. . 1 17 6 700 .. .339 800 .. 900 .. 1000 .. . 3 10 2 16 3 . 3 8 « v." * 9 , ,' 110 Thrf^wl Clerk'i Beady Beokoner. it* OFA yK wwr HI THt £ . 1.11200/ . d 7 8 10 LI 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 Oi l| 2 3 4 9.\d. 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to 11 1 3 3 4 5 6 G Tl 8 9 10 nil 50 5' 1 22 22 22 22 22 221 22 22 7 22 8 l22 9 22 10 2211 23 23 23 23! 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 5 5 5 5 5 5 [5 8 15 9 15 10i|34 15111124 16 0|34 16 1 24 2I124 3 4 5 G 7 8' 16 16 16 16 16 16 1 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 24 24 34 24 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ....£). 1 4 .... 2 1 8 .... 2 10 .... 2 18 4 .... 3 6 8 .... 3 15 .... 4 3 4 in Innatio Asylum Tax— 6d> in the £100. 13th and 14th Vic. 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Page 83, 6th line from bottoir, for «' X?,» read "XI." Page 85, 34th line from top? ft>r " befcre," read " below." // •ooa 9i I— :f? Ml P TAflitl '- ! !>■ {■; ^i ./■ / ^- :A*„„/^- HOum OISTRICT MUTUAL (IRE mmmi Office— A"©. ■?!, King-St., Toronto, ova Darting Brothers. Insures Dwelling Houses, Warrliouscs, and Build- ings in general, M/> p.handise, Household Furr ^iture, Mills, Manufactories, &c. &c. dIkE^CTOU S : Jons McMuRRlcn, Esquire, PrcsiJcnt. lames Sha\r, A. McGIashan., Joseph SDieanlt, Franklin Jacfces!, \. McMasUr, W. A. Baldwin, Wm. Mathewa, X1)0«. Clarkson,. J. B. Warren, !). W. Smith. J. RAINS, SfiQratcry. 5Cir All Las$es pro7pptl't adjusted— Letters hy Mail, must be post-paid. Toronto, IS&I, ^ ^ , T. S. RHENST(XN. Agent for the County of Oxford. thomasTshEnston , (At the Brick Office, corner of Victoria & Dandas Sireets,; LAi:'\ INSURANpE, AND GENERAt FOB THE TltAXSA