IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) fe /!/, {./ < % '^\^ v. C/u (A 1.0 [rii^ IIIIIM I.I Urn IL25 III 1.4 M ill 1.8 1.6 *^ oSJ^ 11- _x_ Sciences Corporation V iV 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ^ \ ''<^^\ . foundation Is Jksuij CiinisT liRr Lobd; She ij lli^ now creiUicn liy water ami the Word : From Hoav'n Ho came and sought her To 1)0 His iioly IJiide : ;) With His own Hlood Ho bought her, pp And for her life Ho died. «(/" Elect from every nation, Yet ono o'er all the earth, Her charter of Salvation Ono liOHii, one Failh, one Rirtli, One Holy Name sho bl(>.s5e3. Partakes ono Holy Food, Ami to one iiopo she presses With every grace endued. p Though with a scornful wonder Men see her sore opprcst, By schisms rent asunder, ^ liy heresies distrest, cr Vet Siiiuts their watch are kcepinsf. Their cry goes up, " How long ? '' 7n/And soon tlie niglit of woe|)iiig cr Sliall be the morn of soug. ffi/Mid toil, and tribulation, And tumult of her war, Slic waits tlio consummation /) Of peace for evormoro ; cr Till with the vision glorious Her longing eyes are blest, / And the great Church vi('tori()U9 dim Shall bo tlie Uhurc h at rest. mf Yet she on earth 'lath union With Goo the TititKE in O.vk, And mysiic sweet communion With those whose rest is won : /O happy ones and holy I }i Loiu), give us grace that we, Lil"-'> « to this Diocese d.n'in^ t us 1 Jed ye u f or s ^. wH=' "V' fT'^"'^*"'" ^"'"'I'^-'^f^'d At the close of the office there shall be sung :— THE INTROIT HYMN (A. & M. 437). " Compassed about with so great a cloud of wilncssess." / For all the Saints who from their labours ;, And when the strife is fierce, the warfare Wh^TJee by faith before the world eon- Ste^s^n the ear the distant triumph- Tby Xame, Jkso. bo for ever blest ,... \„/u"^\ ■ AHeTni'a'r*- " ^""3'^"^" '"" '''"' A^UdS'iaT "^^ ''■"tir Miglit P"'"' '"'"^ '"''■'''''' -<^ '"/Tl.e golden evening brightens in the west • - ■ '^"1',"'. soon to faithful warriors eonies their rest ; ;* Sweet u the calm of Paradise tlie blest. /-,,.,,,, , , Alleluia ! / IJut lo ! there breaks a yet more glorious tifiy J The Saints triumphant rise in bright array : ° The King of glory passes on His way. '^"•^^f i'i, r^'^ ""='"' ^^^ ^•''='"" crown /r From oarth'« wide bo.nd« fr-m'"'"'*' • of gold. Alleluia! - farthest coast, ' "''^'"^ m/0 blest communion ! fellowship Divine ! '^''couulL?Vw«t°^ ^""'^ '"■'*™' '" *''« cr Y:!l^:Si^^^^^^Z Zl^^r^^lr^ ■' ^"'^"'^ - ^^-^ S-. and Ho.v G„os. their Might : Thou, Loud, their Captain in the well rought light: Thou in the darkness drear their one true Light. Alleluia ! may Thy soldiers, faithful, true, and bold, Figlit as the Saints who nobly fought of riiee, for all. ire Tl Alleluia I line. Alleluia! Amen, ami!clltc!!!llfMm^s^^^^ "^"' ''^^'""^ ^''^'''^' "^i"*"" ^^id RFSPONHES TO THE COMMANDMENTS - - . - E. A. «i.sHor. SPECIAL COLLECT. p Almicrhty God who hast knit togotlier Tliino Elect in one communion and fellow- ship m the mystical Body of Thy Son Christ our Lord. «rant us «r!^ e" o to f 1 ow Uiy blessed Samts m all virtuous ,ind godly living that we nmy come to those ui^^ speakable joys which Thou hast prepared for them that unfeignedly love ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. ' SPECIAL EPISTLE SPECIAL GOSPEL NICENE CREED - Erii. IV, 1-13. S. Matthew XXVIII, 18-20. Merbecke. fMthe Nice>ie Creed the Thnnksgrnny Sermon will be preached hj the Ki.iht Reverend Vr. rotter, the Lord Bishop of New York. j j nuring the^ Collection of fj,e Offerhigs,whk^^^ he devoted totmrds the extension of Mmwnanj IVork in the Diocese, there shall he smuj : ■' THE OFFERTORY HYMN (A. & M. 367.) " Ye ought... to remember the leords of the Lord Jesus, how He said, It is more blessed to aire than to receive.'^ mf Loud of glory, Who hast bought us With Thy Life-blood as the i)iice, Never grudging for the lost ones That tremendous Sacrifice, And with that hast freely given Blessings, countless as the gand, To the unthankful and the evil With Thine own unsparing hand ; Grant us hearts, dear Lord, to yield Thee Gladly, freely of Thine own ; With the sunshine of Thy goodness Melt our thankless hearts of stone ; p Till our cold and selfish natures, cr Warm'd by Thee, at length believe That more happy and more blessed 'Tis to give tuan to receive. w/Wondrous honour hast Thou given To our humblest cliarity In Thine own mysterious sentence, "Ye have done it unto Mo." j> Can it be, gracious Master, Thou dost deign for alms to sue, cr Saying by Thy poor and needy, " Give as I have given to you ? " p Yes : the sorrow and the suffering. Which on every hand we see, Channels are for tithes and oll'erings Due by solemn right to Thee; cr Right of which we may not rob Thee, Debt we may not choose but pay, dim Lest that Face of love and pity Turn ftom us another day. w/LoRD of glory. Who has bought us Will Thy Life"-blood as the price, Never grudging for the lost ones Tliat tremendous Sacrifice, cr Give us faith, to trust Thee boldly, Hope, to stay our souls on Thee: /"But 0, best of all Thy trracns, dim Give us Thine own charity. Amen. 'licet, Epistle and E. A. RtsHor. union and follow- j;riico so to follow OHIO to those uu- iiedly lovo Thcc ; .^11 [, 18-20. ie Ri(iht Kcverend the extension of ore blessed to give OU glVGQ ence, r, sue, 3UV" ffcriiig, e, 'erings e; rob Thee, t pay, d i)ity the Celvlnuitl .iluUl itihlniin the people ImnuduUely after the pn.fntation of Ik,: At,, ana hIihII miij :— Hsk^Zl^.ot"lrv\"' f ''- ^';'''' '" ''•'•'^ •""■ ^'"''''' "^ •'">• «"•' ^'••'"'^^•. I «ould earnestly pern.ane;r^r;;;;;,:t::f\,:::'Lrrete^ N-mll!*r?'.l''''''''V'''l''-'''''?'^''^ >■"•'•' '•^■'^'•l.r.thren.that, in l.le.sin.' (Jod's Holv m^T'it m f H / '"^ "'•^' V^.'-f t''^. t«" societios-the .Society forth.- Pro- ffitZ 1 fv Ti "'"' '''^«"':•"'ty '"•■ »^'">notin« Chri«tiHn Knowle4e,-and a so ork or 1 7 „': fl^s'ci.'u',' r'"' ',"/''"'• '^"' ""'• ="-'"-''^^i"» '-V0 l.eunl.ern.itted to »oiK 101 uo,i ml H18 thurcii and to i)roiiioti; our Ln'owth and success Y.»i ' l,.f ,... pray for the whoh, state of Ch.-isf.s (Jl,,',,,], Militant here on earth ' SURISLM CU1{DA. SANCTU.S. (iLOJtr.V IN HXCELSIS ToiKS IN F. After the Bmedietwti, .sh.,11 hv ,,„„,, the Final l'roee.ssi„„id (A. , Chriatiari Soldiers, .'hircliingus to war, Witli the Cross of Jesus Going on before. CiiiusT the Koval .Master l-.eads against tbe foe ; Forward into battle, ISee, Ills baiuiers go ! /Onward, Christian soldier', JIarcbing as to war, With the (.ross of .iKsci Going OU before. /At the sign of triumph Satan's host, doth flee; On then, Christian soldiers, On to victory. Hell's foundations quiver At the shout of praise ; brothers, lilt your voices, Loud yoin- anthems raise. ..//'Onwnrd, / Like a raiglity army Moves the Church of God nij Brothers, we are treading ko. Where the Saiuts have trod ; We are not divided, All one l)ody we, (•/• Oiie in hope and doctriiu', One in charity. .//' Onward, &c. /' Crowns nnd thrones may perisli, Kingdiima rise and wane, cr Hut tbe Churcli ofJKSus Constant will remain ; / Gates of Hell can never 'Gainst thut church prevail ; We have OmcsTs own promise, Ami that cannot fail. /'Onward, 4c. / t)uward, then, ye people, ■Join our happy throng, IMend with ours'your voices In the triumph song; Glory, laud, and honor Unto CuiiisT the King, This til rough countless ages Men and Angels sing. //' Onward, &c. Amen.