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Loriqus Is dM^' k. .^-.- **l ■■\ [N presenting our Spring Cdbds Catalogue to the trade we would call your attention to the fact that we are now carrying the largest and most complete stock in Canada of Cutlery, Guns, Ammuni- tion, Sporting Goods, Bicycles, Sundries, Mechanics* ■: Tools, Builders' Hardware, House Furnishing Goods, Seasonal)Ie Goods, l^amess Goods, Fann Tools, Nails, Iron, Metals, Glass, Etc., Etc. An orders sent to us will be filled promptly and carefully at the lowest market prices. r \ ' Caverhill, Learmont & Co,, WHOLtSALt SHKLF 4NO HEAVY HAHDWAHE MEItCHANTS. 4'\ . . MONTREAL. n m^M^4 ^^ ■>■■■' yv. liV fit tic pi f - .■> CAVBRHItt, LBAHMOMT *' CO. Rest Aiiicrican Green ""* 5lacH Wove Itf ire. ;, . " 1 . 11 I I.. w^Sr^ ^ ' " ""^ rB5 HOMER BRAND of Wire* Screen Cloth is justly entitled to the enviable reptttatiun it has attained of being the Be8t,_ Hard Steel, Double Selvage Wire Cloth made. It is standard in gauge and mesh. In placing it before the trade we feel confident it will J^Vc perfect sati8fac|t^li|LtoJ^ consumer. We carry the largest and best assort^^Jock of this line in the Dominion ; the demand being very great at this scasoo of the yciff we would advise our customers sending in their otdcri as early as possible to secure prompt ^(ihipmeot. '^■^^' ■- : :. The following sizes in stock, all in loo feet lengtha;— t* id afi; 2436 j8 30 32 34 36 42 inches wide. ISO i66fi 183^ 200 2i6?4 23i>S 250 c66?4 283JS4 300 350 sq. feet in roll. Pr^lCES dN APPUCATION. "^"^^CanatiiM Wire Screen Cloth iiolder .. . ■ III. I III I . M I l( ■ ■ I II I I I I III . •- - I I . 1 1. "W Ko. I. To hold 8 rolls, / /^h. $7.35 No. 2. To hold 4 rolls. . Bach $5.00 ■" • '■<•;/ , -■-..... ^ tli^ .Hpldi^ are Strongly and substantially made, to hold 50 or 100 feet of ^'■^- • " ' ' ■' " > dwi^ 13 to 36 indhes wide. They answerequally well for Hardware or "^^T^webe. . : . DISCOUNTS ON APPyCifkTION, ■..3i'.' ''■-.•.'n'-- I- J •f# ^^, " W-#flW.^*.i'~^ '# ^--■3i/fa^.JJS.i-- ^ CAVBRHItX, I.BARMONT * CO. 1^ Owosso Hardwood Adjustable Window Screens. . I* SIZES IN STO6K "I "■ ' ^^^^P" No. 13—24 inches High. •• I4r-24 •• J"^ Adjusts 25 j^ to 3I.>^ Inches. ■\ •♦ 29>4 tff 35 >^ ••' •« 33>4 to 39>4 V V .'■;;■■.-_■/".■■"*»'' ■.■■'«? II- " ' • _.;■..., -."^ ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H WlkB CLOTH ■^ OILBD i^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H wi'ON ■■■■■'v-1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H wnti A ottPoraAND ■' ' J ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H . WI0Q8. 1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H . ; ■'■/:,■ b . - '^ '1 '^^^^^^^^H ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H ::i'"#^:;:-- ■■"'■ ] ■">*<. THE OWOSSO Hardwoop Adjustablb Window Scrbbn has become a I^RAUbR over all other screens, and is conceded by all to be the best ; it tteing the most perfect screen in the market. < ; ; The adjustment is simple, p^ect and reliable. The wings are operated by coil springs and are made adjtistable by meiins of steel riO^ screwed intolheni which fdsp prevento them from warping or splitting. The framai are made of hardwfood finished natural color, oiled. The wire cloth oaed is the best in the UMurket. It is fastened' to the fmme by pressing into a groove^ into which a wedge is driven, avoldBng the tne of tadb, PRjiQCShON APm.»0^lOH. I>!>-^ • ifew? * ''^ I'--. T. CAVBRHILt. LEARMONt k C6. Ow osso Flush PanERN Screen Doors. FOUR PANEL. Both tides alike, Wire put on with a Groove arut-^edg^r . %^ in Stock. 3 ft. 8 in. X 6 ft. 8 in. a ft. loin. X 6 ft ibln. 3 ftet X 7 f««t. They are finished in walnut stain, with dark colored mouldings. Green painted wire cloth, thci best in the market, Is fastened to the frame by pfeasing into a groove and made secure, with a wedge, avoiding the uae of tacks. Cloth put on in thia manner cannot sag or stretch. I Hf-'HB 0W08S0 Flush PA4VBB1I ScxXKn tipcm is made from kiln-dried pine, J|; ^ with stiles dther 3 or 4 inches wide. Ji indi thick, 4 panels, bottom rail 7 inches liilil^ lltttii monlditigs pnt tqgetber with eighteen cwttigatod, hardwood doweb and l^^piA loiats. The dowels do not cut away the stiles nearly so mtich as a mortise, JKkli^ >aitog it much stronger than a mortiaed door, in fact it makes a pine door ■14^ miSmioA jointB.' .-^ \ INNOn «te A^MilOAtllNI. c!.>_»^^ CAVBRHILL. LRARMONT Si CO. mmmtmmi^mltt»mimmmm mifm ,4^5.'- \ OWOSSOfANCY PAHERN SCREJEN DOOKS. iwnagiWaaBaBgaqs a M , i , 'i i a |J Oi j ^"' I 'r i ' , ii i ' ' , r , ,' aaaaaaac WITH FLUSH MOULDING . ' Cherry Color Varnlthed, Fancy Moulding. ■■■■.■•■■■■■■. > 7 ■.;■■.■ "'» - • . - V ;..■, '•■ ' -,■■ r ■ ■ .•:f.:-^\ ■• •:^ •.-■%"..> ' iM iMCB irooo. ,' •■■•:■.■■ V< ,-■ ..i-| r.n<- Bieea in Stock. ■ ''No. 199' -■ ^St^9i», X 6 ft. Sin. 3 ft. lo in. X 6 ft. lo iQ. ■ ■' .li«. aoo. ;. 3 feet X 7 feet. U a^ They are utiexcelkd for style and durability. All doors are finished in imitation of cherry, with two coats of varqish. Only the best green wire doth is used; which is stretched and securely fastened to the fritme with a groove and wedge. "5 - THE OWOSSO Fancy PAmtiN Scehsn Dbqii fa made with finsh mouldings, from p^ <»r haMwood lumber thorongiUy Itiht diW together with heavy niaple dowels, set in glue, i >i inches thick^ made with smiles and rails 3 indws wide, b o ttom n ifl 7 inch e s wid e . ' — — — '.; ; ' . P4II0TO Oli«MiUOAiriOllt ■.vl :'*^,. • .*< ,..'•'•'" CAVEUHltt* LRARMONT 9t Ca •TCia^lMiWianaatMMMMM II I «■ HM ChwMso ^ancy Pattern Screen Doors^ . . . . OAK FINISH, FANCY MOULDINQ. 8isoi ia Stocks a ft. Sin. z 6ft. 8 ij|i. »ft 10 ill. X 6 ft. to Id. 3 feet X 7 feet. # ■^f^ EV> This door is made of choice stock, and eqtiaUy well aft our fancy pat- terns. BOTH 8IDB8 . AIJKB :Mi ^ , f. ^». ('-}"!/ I * % »< > *^ ^ n ^ I I 'i-i .-^ /^i j» * ■ ,^ » miect on APPucMn^m, .."."•' .L.^-""' V'"' ,tv"* J^ CAVSRIIILL. LBARMQHT h 00. iiiwi I »i m— H—www<—i Screen Door Sprlnfi: HlncieA. COtUMBIA No. 14. MOT 90I,D BACK. - <•>»■ Cast Iron, Japanned* RPHBSB HinfM ifx« not adjttstaldfe but «fe ptckcd flit. wHK tbe teniaon of tht II flfiriiigii i4jtMit«d/ready for ^^ OCIiey Iwve iio looie parti. ^ ^ • ~ -^j MHOtt Oa APFUOAtlOa. 4 ^,'J«?JI, ^. •r»« X f-*? rs, -. • I' ^^^^^W ^^^*^w^i■^'•lij^'■'#•■^y^^^'^^^^■p^ '"'^^w .'^If^'v ■sprrv •|#»iM^—yi ^t' • - f J as. ICMOXALL Ntt. la HOU>JI4CKk Cfud ||««|, #4|miiiiM; Steel ,^ire, ai«pli^y tempered.' peno^tiag ait ctsy taO: VZit'^;c\,. / -"«^^^^ ■^^■^H •^Ww Hi 9 9MMt« ..;*;■.■'■'-.. I. »« n .>;;%ri;.i'i!^i'fl i — ,•;.•««(»" A,i.-,?v»Tia-!; ' , ■• .*,i' ' ii/^j / • 1 ^ ^tiii^^ ^\L >/*'• ^-".•• WU jWfl^ ^^Wj* ';^ * ■rt , ; m ■M < / ' i ;^iM»' .'•i-j. y i | l' ,.^> ll|lr illi 1 } UK II •;a.: ^ II i ' m W ill 'I n itwiixwii— — ■» s^tr. •f ^*♦f' V « Bi'SW* tT/^^ ^i. f*, 'K V *• *' 1, J^ V'i ^M r^, M- ;'* Cir^^ ■^ L%^ "V ^'^ '-»'.'t<>.v7 ■IS \ V'*'. >^ rifek.. yf •y- .* -> If Kir *_.'..' ^ '.llSvf y»-'4 V^ fpofn |rtlf,«,.r " 1 «.""j ' i"V';. ' ,>. ^ ■'S :»'.l iJ'S^. w . ^M:\ ■■'^KJ^ r-.<^.^^- '. .t*- .'■■< .^.^-^^-..ytf "^ ■■i . Up:' i ■C4X' No. T5461 A. Wiisetlffi Bt 3uitapte:£or Doora ^ to r J^ inch thki. O fl, li#'l:^':^%^ ICnob Hippie. : <* » 1 wi*wwy \ 1%; M^-V* ifc**^ *:'v. oikvipmLti UAfticoirr> ca W'- ftMt Baml Ckiini la th* tUHut^, MtUt Om Biai9» Mi Ntw ruUlMMe Haodto, witli Lacfctaf AttadwiMi %l PHcff ijkt fir the •• htmMr Bwrei CSham." ->^'t: lift. a--HPiv« 0«Ilo%|C3te^^;^v PIm^' iiMifTiaMiiilii i 1. . JrSi'^ tnmt toi9g«ltom.. mott I to i6 gitat* . l*-. ' '^Mi^'^'^ THE BEST bAWN Mower in th^^ HIGH WHEELv iMPROVB|> lili?. NOISELESS tmCASED CAST KNIVES, POUR iBUOE CYUNbEim. InJWBM* ftlNOHi •w INOII*'.. w \ '^-^MffVK^W'^ilSMP^lKPNIWt »^.'"Tl«,Si ,1»,f. ■ , ' V- .. ,,f?a0*ll,©Jw(STlf- f-'C".'" My ',/■ -, S* o t4 CAVBttRlU., IBARMOKT 9t CO. M il _^ i i i ^n I II I I ^ ii | ii M i rtn iii ii 'm > I * i ' Lawii 5f>riiiklers. '"», Jewel Active Futt Cir^lf Only. t>etroit. Half and Full. Detroit No. a. Ft#CMe- *S":,-- . :/•-,: ^ ♦ *<»* Genuine ^'CAbiPQRNIA" bawn Sprinkler. ^«1lwr limto Spriflkler hM ever met with tlie degree of sue- I «tt«iMd by the " California "since its introduction five jmn t^ Its (eptttation has been made solely oA its meriUas fkt dnplMt, most efficient and durable device fe^r the artifical ««taHafilf Lawns. It cornea nearest to being a perfect anb«titnte for Uie " gcttffe sttmmcr rain " of any sprinkler on the market. Ifai«lT«atagca can readily beaeea by ita construction. The bear- lflgi««l» VMdtor the b«at tebl^ lletal and Phaspfa«ir>Bronxe^ Tbcfe UiagmM41i9»kn^n^ltitm^'^ Spri^l^ wiUmn with ve^ligMtf^^ pA^pfij^ And will water a space from ao to 60 feetdiameter evenly • '^■'-^^^^^U^' t^mmf. #pp^e pulled by the rubber hose from one psit of th« lw»»toawtfcerwith<>«twettiigt!»<^«t It is IJandsomely finished, every w<^it^ ^^l^^jade s4 >ii i * s h is fty yyticnlsrr peicie on AFPtioATioN. ^if'\?-i>¥^" ■Twfe-^' m: Ji " \jf'>'*.'^ ■ "^ ■»"« fc;^S^ia&tA43i.-^-.*&5* n^'- ,^ CA)na0$^, tSAUlf ONT H CO. ** 'J II II ' ill » n il i l ii ' i ». c'» «•« 'r/ (fMaiimf Mi.^iniiiB*^: ■■'1 ■,..,,■. ■ , - ' ■ ■.-■,'■■' ?«!»»'< It fMdieal^^ HtAVUT tifllfBi). BEST THAT IS MADE. Ite. 0-17^ inch BM. ao t\Mth. ONE THAT ml$. BMd is of N^. 16. Ptw Gold Rolled 8Im1 b«it ia thestiffcst fonOfiM wUdi^ t«|(ii an Mciircty hM« SodMt it flmlyafMndwHbota rivets <« weld, gnunatecd fob* a«op«. ttladlssof Ash, iaelypoUilMd. this Ra1|«nuisMiooth; its tetthwiU not tesr the sod no^cisc with gnssdr^Mnit. "HODEL" Lawn Rake, ;;SIw.ttVJ?.?"'*'* Qood Seller ;gtttactiveS flnlebed jgnrprtofiiDly Xo#fii|hi0e. X^Nnwi CMi be desMd peffefitljr iHeiilUsnkeialMs ti«ie««^l^ «»4«lri«i a9 fiatiafof fCMi or kMivm ••^^^^^^ ^^^^ffv ^^^VpV>^M^ ^^W^^A A^Nffw e^B^Vff w4ff^^ l^VffVB 90V0lmiA Mtlkite-4l^tf ^mh hMskweid without cdftng k One aidtiott ^iiadtk the ■ " *■' ■_; r-m sar -r .. ■ — . — — ■— - ^ ' — 1 ^ . ... !^ ■— -^ , ^ . 1 , , ' , . i f ... , , ■.,^— -■■■■— —— ■■ ,tMtlllMiMflYi T?5»7- 1 /t'A -'- ^^^Ki»~^*%4'^"^ '^A^^ miiete «» Ai^vueATioif r .-\ cAvipiiu^ cAM^^ COL \ ■ *lll'< »" .««•* -)i wrtif:ii*ijrt»»^. ^iHttimmymimm tike «!sfltedtf i«d tht ilr^dHMibtr. <#immI^ lo tlMt tlie MMdiUkiwrs^ fstlMllMMIM'ifnjr. ■iid:<:te|ii'iynMid by the move^ of tlig^;^^^ it tfittiiedSlM^ fiit».tpriiikiiiig lMNM^fl6#e^ MNH^IftjIiitli^i iiMietOAipfty^lplip^ 1%e pamp li alao trrovidcd witli ^priiikkr for Howeni. ' 1'^ NO/lil^K'' Hose Nozzle. K^sa*" »!« faAlwto n^htlaMded for >« «•>< I«iUi1iom. r ^ tHMlMXYAMf^lRFailCITVUH.- '•cm " Hose S olid 8tmm ooiy. Ttae«|ed for ji or j^ inch hoae. OARDEN SYRIN0E5 toi.-.i8 f»^ . a aottSee. «»4.-t8 iiichee, T " -3 nooles: f aaaf9.-i3 X ,>^ iw^ . 3 no^d^. •I..-" vr-r-i-j ;;;^;;; CA^^nnmx* uujticoifT &^ ca if ^' •■. ■/►" JrV 3 4 6 8 lo 12 14 S the simpteat, neatest/ most ccmvenSnit afid satisf^^ Fills of Best Vbginia White Cedar, Gearing completely covered, Double^A^tioa with self- adjnatiag Scraper. Having Blectric Welded Wire Hoofis. guaranteed not to drop off. Cans made of Heavy Tin-plate with Drawn Steel Bottom, reqniitt Hie wnn fltirt poeabkqinntityQf Ice. . ^ .. .? ■m i-^j .^ii*"?' « ,' n.' .-•S^i " ^T" xjcuwmmH vtMMxsiti m ca O i' «n » ':<0 IlfU^AR ia4eiii[ii)uid dMietmeCkn to our O^^kieeaer, batnidc litevW wA ■iiuMttf > for Hie ptvsMpx. tmMMMfh C(k •■MM*aMli[MBI^Ma^|a mmm. ice ^RBDBBifc » JMag •inply to dmw ^|# the Blade upon a ykot of loe— Ip^^tire appliio prodndng floe or oomm 'flmd, M deshcd. To rcoMyvc the Ibety cat ke from the Cop, giMp the Shredder Mtf hi tile right hood end atrike H, hivcrted, opoii tha left, at the aame thae beioff careful to keep the JM doaed. Then acrape the ke into aome c oavcpl a a t receptacle.' It if not necenary to take the ice oot ^ ,;&iM ^^ tlfc 1^ ♦:*•■ ' ;^ fe^;,;, '•. ''■■•■■■ "'.^ " ■■ ■ A ' ■ ■ . ^ " ' ■ ■ ' - '■ _'■■'-■ '^ ■[ ■ ^ *^ ^i lia. 3$-^iPtened.. :...........„.,,.... ....»;.:.... ,^ ao per DoMa ■ .>':"/^ ^ m^^^^j^^l^^j^^^M^Mn 3^^^M...'^^^K|MMta^^^^iMMriM^^M^y /I ■ • ^^ f •' "^'i^llEO. ,'*-*;a * ■ ^^^ET tlM Kalsifie end ft will remove CverySeed wtthout waeCe. * ■H Ik-'*-' IT It tiaple, ettily tdjtittod, does iu wurk rapidly and cffectutll^ Mfdkg imiimiy w«t or dry. By the uie of ouritmily fixe ieeder, • ponnd am be seeded in lew tliin Jve mimiitii^ ipd wi^ tlte hobd «ise •tll|j|M|ce-il«|«d]y. '^ . ^ -.;- PRICED. No. $S^-9taiiify Skit,. Ko. Vtt Doieii ^10 00 &c • *■«*••*• ••••••«• •••••• 9*fmm»» •• u v-w- 30 00 jW'J^fK aJ il M i fa ii * i r< ii «M' i | | i i i li V» i « iiriirii|i !; «■■ ■ iili | iii l| ii t , m i t lh>"" - 'l "n" ' ' T . i ' ■i nlim.e i T » ii|ii i i U| r H i i «iil« i ^ ■ ' ■■. ...-■ ; ■ ;■■'*>*/■,• /■" ,:■--/<■ ■ w ■'-■ ^^ flPpttS abWii fei^Mttititriit^ li«r ^WiV' - ■;' •^^ ito.,i^tiiite..-.^v.V....^.:> ., 900 ;•. "'^^ Ivi -^^n^SBI^^ .. ^.JB • I -mm , No.' 12 *T*1tll , jTwiUL J|li|jW[ I tllitstrated above ^ intendecl to stone cherries witb the least tl$^ ^ v^ ^oi^^^mi W dlsfignriiig. ^ Every goad housewife will. appreciate this for ^^'*\v ' ^**^ '^^^ «at|ji|ict«y reaidta, as is generatty the case with stoners operating on ' «V':'.' -y:;* »^.-r> :^fj» i i i# 1 1 II 1 CAviftimix. i3Aiuioii9^ ft <3a n % \, a.-^:!,. J COnMNAtMMH Qtid Jettj) Preas TINNSD,: ^^ ^... $300' Ca|»dtyof Hoppei^, 1 qt. , tengtht 12 to. Height 12 m. Weight, 13 lbs. 'T^HE iUiwtratloii repieaents our CdmWtuitioii Fruit Press in operation. , We con- fid^tly guarantee it superior to all dthers in the market. Its pinciple is rtff simple, it is easily operated, saves all the re handling necessary with other praMfM, ts it extracts the juice and ejects, the skins and'seeds to om opeiation. It can be used for rniny porpoM, such as making Wises, Jtm^ mit$ Fnrft Butters ftOBI GmptBi mmwhwitB, Rasplienies, BlsiOcbetties, Huddebeniet, Ooom %itflet» VMerberrles, Craiibert|e0» Cufnuits, TomAUmth finiiifiet, nae- iVi^etfCte. The dryness of pulp or refuse can be regulated by means oflThttub Sct«w at theotttlet. It it advisable to pres^ngsomfe varieties of gn^pea to also put isi the stems. '[ \ rf.? 1^ iiiteg^ 1^ MaldbHi Cidl«« \ '5. I'^^xirtk^fe'^ ? ^i ' 'th ^ '>i -'siyV'S '«<► t^ymmjk iMhWiom * ca t Wf M Ill i I I .< s V>'K t -• ^i\ Irlr, ■^• -1.1,.% ^l, i^«- «.\' •^ THE FAlfilOui.... ' f ♦♦• >#7iiiii?id»«iiti5f^^*" r^ ^elbam JSk^cIe ,i'ii Ii' I'W ! se .' |jt,,!'lt ! , l 'l.,t„W . Vbc 0(€»t CommetciuiiliMbcet •*', Seardb l^ n» A^nififet Sun l4mi«, Asn AmM nMJ>ft vAKVMui 9om GuUty, Messiofer and Hunt^t Saddtet,, Hew Ueparture aad Stfrltaf fielli. EcU||8e Cements, Oils, GrafUte, etc. 3 i« I. R. R. aad Pace'tfitKr JPompoonds, lioMberg WreaHiea, Tee Cliye^ iPlyiiuNith tfaiidte-Bar% Stands, dc; (SyU k tornado Foot PamK U. ft W. Lawpa.) CiiEmi4 lEM^HKWI |t.^^ ''*- ' ' •■ i" '* *• !»?»' X*l ^^^^A^A ^^^ .A'^^MfllM^^'lkkM 4 PPwfwf.; 'fJF^^^WpjfV^yf^ ^'^^'JJs^'t'.'^'^^^S^^ftffW'f J^ i^'^^^lFT^ JMMMUcm^yiSO, Y^'fW '!' jnfH fTTa.^ •IT Oioppcr • . • FdinllV Si?es . • . Xeiivet lio iipcat in and 10 Siistiv Cloned '»■ l^ractfc|^l|^ in TTwo |Me(^8 Can (retaken apart itt|«e4U^ VV, • •\/i;. '«<>.C!kie 4&2S.- V u:- , frT" .1!s>l!JG l?rv-.-:i Bntdiers 8i«e. No. 40. Price #3»oo. Wei^t, 16^ pounds. > Cho(» three potinds p^ minate. VlMkMl«ta*W«fc SlsdM lilUe o«lf witb' eidi Ch). pe ' italeM o.lie.iriMi onjered ^4M it I *. ^tee of Hidci la Pla*:ai : 3-i« incbf SiaadsidU ^ indlr . s-t . tadi. $«indi. ,s, .J, \y ^.•'^■fl>*,r ■ J .■ * . ' . if; Uai^'W^ "' ciwatHtl»4 ti^iiiiiaiir A cd "■■" I . ' 'i ik. ^nibmimMmMf^^ TIMNfiSR... -: fU&.'4^}tJi^f « .,4 Chops cuctljraiitkuirgl, . \^> Sitaddard Plate oilly with eacli Chopper nnleM otherwise ordered. '■"'■'':^^^ SIZE OF HOLES IH^^I^Til^ 3^1 6 ineh. 1-4 inch. ■•?(► '■ l(ioh< 9-tlneh. No. u— Weight, 7 lbs. Choptf two poadds per minute, • PRICB $4.00 Mo. 3a->Wel|ht, u lbs. Chops three ponnds per ninate, Thfa si«e is espedally intended
^lU* Bre^„ Hotels, Restaumots and PubKc Institutions. ^ "weaers, #» So- ja— Weight i8 Iht. Chops fonr pounds per mloute, ■ -. , , _ PlMMii'«to«( J&Ob IJa ja is adapted to Butchere' use, also for the larger Hotels, Restaurants, Public iMti- MwW»» etc., wheie His desired to l»vc a machine capable of chopping Uige rJV»rkonfy,ithieh chops much eiaifir than Bee^ T^ v V '-^i ';l ^.■^ •**P«^WMi«N« ""»' '»»'»*»^W--«l>"»»«— —»»»«— *»»A«>H*»—f-^ II ' ' i I I II I III! Ill I ENTERPRISE il' ▼■• ^'» . w \ Sausage Stiiflief an4 Urd Press ^^'\*^:\ 9ctcw Aovement •I PIRECtlONS -■■♦■■■/' '' rR stuffing sausages, the Tin Strainer and Bottom Plate are to be removed. There are tHro Plunji^-Platei with each niachine^the large one for stuffing and the anaU OM for IMPCssini^ They ca^ be ^iljr exchanged by screwing them on or off iFor pressing Fruit or Lard, the perforated Cylinder and Bottom (as shown in cut) Ire to be pla^ in Press, When in operation, the pressure applied will remain without holding the Crank. When the Phinger is mi^ecl so as to clear the top of the.Cylinder, it caU be readily swung around so 4faat the Prefts can be filled or emptied. We furnish the machines Japanned or Tinned, and &id ibfi hMtt are steadily growihg in favor. ^ A doth or bag »hould be used when pressing fruit or jelly, to prevent the pulp or seeds ' tl»^ p«»*mg through the holes in the Str»iner. IP^ jMJf^iiiM^ IPfiec*. ilo. Yimi^ii 4.00 •»--« tiuiiri, iettir ^ 5.00 30-4 foak, teww - PX|6MI. • 4-S© :rfi..s)'. >. 'u ■« rf *i'^*ltfi*mmmilbmMmm CAVTOMIU., UAJIUOMI' k CO. ENTERPRISE tmfiroved fatcnt Suction and Force Measuring Faucet ■t TINNBD for Molasses, Thick OUs/ Varnish, Ta^^^^M ^A^Jn-EDtomei^ure correctly and draw a gallon of molksses ia winter in one .Iford tot^wlttl:!^''"' "' *~"°"^ P^^^^" ^ ^^-« 0^ «»--"- No grower en' Price faLod . I>XCK»D la IN X eK«»! Advantacps Over th« Old Sty^ Molasses Csie ■■'I'M* •- J,l^ •f. ■'j< K?5 "WKM WfmwmL^,. ,. - ^ » .' «' • • / V • •r - T',^ ■ 4 1 * 1) ' J'.' ' ' ''■ ' . • I - > > > i 1!^ K: 1 / i;*>i^ » . 4^ f;-. v^ \ -f ■',*> FOU, WCII CUT, t»y Ca3t Iron, Japanncdv rBSB Hinges ire net adjustable bttt are packed fltt; witli^ the tenlaon of tb« springs adjtisted, ready foff- use. They have no looie parte. :fl rfmidrnkii^ M mw^'^'W'^ m i . -S^- •'^,- ^