re to express my per.;o]ial gratitude for the assistance he has
so generously rendered m- in th- discharge of my offi -ial duties in coimec-
tion with it.
Commimoner of Croicn Lands.
Quebec, ^Gth April, 1883.
ExTUALXs IVom Art "To KacoiuM'jc tlu! l'l,llllill^■ nl' Forest Trees," (i'> Vic, Cip. 13.)
Sec. 10. Till) pivsi'iit Act hIiiiII lunir int.. Innc l.y I'm hiiiiiiti..ii ■'( llii' Kiuntoimnt (JoviTUipr in ('(Hiiiril m
«iich piirtsiif tlio I'lin iiHi' ii.h.h1i:i'i1 l.clixi'il iii sii.li |ir.i.hiiii,itiiiii nr liy any ullirr i.h.i'liiiiiHtinii ti> lir tliiMvaftci' ismiu.l.
Sw. 4. "Anil 111.' 1,1. Ill, ■mini ( i..v.Tn.ii' in ('..iiiuil may a|.i..i'iiil, 'l.y riuclaniati.m, a ilay t.. l..i ..I.h.tvl'I us
" Arli.ir Day " f..i' tin; riaiilni.^ .1' l''..n.tl 'rii'm.'
I'lifVisii: (If i.'i i:::i:i\ I
II.. s. I
Vll'I'DUIA. l.y 111,' lira.-.. ..f (;...l. ..f llic rnitL'.l Kiiii.;il.iiii .if (iivat l!rit;iiii an.l Ir.lan.l, l,lii,.,'n, D.f.'ii.l.i ..f lliu
Kutli, Ai- , A.,, A.-.
T. . all t.. wli'.iii tli.M- |iiv.si'iita iliall ti.in,' ..r «li..in ilir Kami' iii.iy t. .in.' ii liiiKniNi; :
J. A. lI.ii-.-sKAi . I lyilKIJKAS in an.l l.y a ..iTtain Acl ..f tlir la'.^i.slaliiiv ..f Oni' rr..vin,.' ..I' l.hi. I...', [.assnl
Atlij.Ciil. I \V 111 ill.. f,.iiy null yrar ..f I liii lli'iitn, intiliilcd ; " An A.-t t.. rii. ..ina^;.' t'li.' hlaiitint; ..f
f.iriist tivi'S," it IS I nan,. I lliai ili.' .sai.l aol .■nlia!! r..iii,. ml.. t..n'.. l.y l'i..i'laiiiali..ii ..f tile l.i.'iil.'iianl I i'.i\frn..r iii
Ci.inioil ill siiL'li piirts ..f I 'in- »ai,l I'n.v iiiii., as shall lie llxi'.l in siirli l'rinlainiiti.iii ; \\\< WiiKiiK.vs tin. Lii'iitinant
(liiveTiii.r ,.(' i>iir .sai.l rni\...ii. .if <,>ii,.|.ci., has, l.y an.l with lliv a,h iii' ..f tlir Kxcciitivi' Cniiu-il i.f thi' saul I'l..
vincf, .liTiiK'il Ml t.. gi\i.' Lllitt t.. tin- .sii.l a.t l'..i il.,' «li..li' ..f Our saiil l'i'..\ iiuf, anil t.. issue a i.r..,'laiiiali..ii f.T
BiU'li i.iii|..is...
N(l\\ KNKW NIC, that, uii.l.i- (h,- ,iiith..ii(y ..f tlir Act lidvinali.ivi. liti.l. «.■ have ..nler.-il an.l fiile.l, an.l l.y
(till- present rr..,laiiiali..ii. .1.. Iieiehy iii'ilei- an.l nil,., thai tlu' alu.ve iii.'iili..n,'.l A,t, n.iinelj ; tli,' •• A,'t t.'i
etieoui'age the |.lantini; i.r L.ivst lives," is an.l shall e..iiie ti. I..iie fi-,.iii an.l afl.r tliis.lav, tlii.ai.,'li..iit tlu' wh.ilu
I'f dill' t'r..viiiee ,.f (jtiiel.e...
Df all which mir li.viii;; siil.j..,ts an.l all .. thiols uhi.i.i lliese |.res,Mils may c.ncein aiv licieliy ii'.iiiirc.l l.i taku
lii.tice ami |i. t;..vui'ii tliemseUes acci.i-,lin';ly.
I.v Tkstim.iNV W MKHKiiK. We liace .■.iiise.l lli-s,' I lin l.i Iteis t.. lie iiia.l.' I'at.Mit. an.l the lliea'. Seal
iif l■ly sixth y eai' I.f I »iir l!ee:n.
IJy u,.i;iiii ami, ,). ijl.ANCMKT,
<>i KiiF.r. l.st Fi'lintarv. XM--,.
HUN. (I. Ill iMi;r,
Sli;,— Diiviii!^ its hi-i S.'-Mmi i!,,. I, ..,ii.-.liitiin> ,,r il,,. l'r.,\in.i" ni' Qiiri.i.e p^i.s.si.il :iii Aet
(4."> Vic. <'lut|). |:;,) hv will II It i> ,uii..iil;' iilliiTiliiii'js i.|i;iri,.,l : ■• Tlu' LiniliMiiiiit ( loveniiif
ill I'omifil limy a|i|>iiiiii hy pro liiiiiuli.iii a i|;iy lu b,. ol>.s>.i-\ nl a> - Arlior l»:iy," ii.r tin-
plaiitiii;;- iif l-'ori'sl ii.'.'.<."
AiiHiim- our iii'luhl) iiir-; III' ih.. liiitiMl Si.it..-.. this /■,■/,■ known as Arku- Ihi;/. is oKs .rvi'il
ill Miniii'sola. Xi.|>i-:i>k;i, .Mniii-Mii ami srveral (illier sliit.'.s, anil llii' Inri'sl trees planted
every Arhiir l),ii rau h • . ounleil li\ luilliims. Their I'ulleL'-e.s, their seininarie.s, their seliool.s.
all take iheir must ea^■.'r share in thi-. i^h: and yon will iimleisiand 1 am sure the pleasure
that Ihes,. ehildr.'U. yoiiii'j- hoys and liirls, lake in plLinimi;- the.se iree.s and watrhiim- over
their safety and urowth.
The i)ree.iuiions reiiuisit ■ Im- ,iin.,:iii.j- up ih,. tnvs, replanlin
inherited IVoni the lii-.-t s^nl..;-, wlii e.msid.'r.d (one caiiuol hlaiue iheni iT put in tlieii
place) lore.st trees a* so iiuiny nlislades and elienii.'s.
T!' «e times have chanii'ed ; llie descendants ol' those same settlers are b ■iiinuiiiu' to
regret th.. pitiless war liieji- lalher.s wau'.'d on the loiv,.-!.
I ben' you will .submit this suhjeci to the emiiienl in, .11 composini;- the Council of
Pli|)lie Instriielion. They kimw that the l)e.st way of tea.hini;' the i)eople is to heii-iii by
teaching' their children. They will not rela.se to "irraiit their iiowerl'iil assistance to the
movement now heinu- made to reliirn to the Province a part of the r'ches with which
Providence had .so lilieialli, endowed her: but which llie hand of man has to a ^■|vat extent
despoiled her of.
I vcntur,. to hope thai th- Council of Public Inslruction will readily recommend all
the educational esiablishn.enis to u-iant a holiday on the ibiy lixed by His Honor the
Lieutenant Ooveriior as '• Arbor Day." the holiday'to he devoted to Iransjilantiim' tre,-s on
to the lands belonyiii'/ to such eslal)lishiii,>nl.s or I'lpoii any other land that may b • deemed
I am, Sir,
Your obi>dient Servant,
H. a. JOLY,
}l\.,tlrril. -■■'!' I] .1 llii . ( 'uiiiicil. (li'siroiis of s iidin^- tin" iii.iV.'iiii'iit in I'.ivnr of :iil»itii-
ciiliuri', 1 miiiii'iiil III! M'jiiiiils uiul I'ducMtiDiiiil i'.st;il)lisliiii('ii(s Nul).si(li/,,'il liy lli- iJovi'iii-
iiii'iit to li\ ii" A ImliiLiy till- (lay ki'I iipiirl liy Jlis llntior tin' liii'iili'ii:iiii (i()\ i-niDr lor
•• Alitor l»,iy.' till' liolitliiy to 1)1' (Icvolcil to triiiis|il:iiitiiiu' trees on to the lands lu'lonuiiiij;
to .siicli eNliiliiiNlinirnls. or upon any oilier lands that may lie deemed proper. "
The I'kjI -lalll ( 'uhUllitlee Mlloecplellt Iv adopted a leNoilltioll ill the ^allie si'llse.
Kni'I! M"i' I'loni a repml ol' the Comniittee on Agvieulluro, itc , of tli • Leuivlative Assembly,
mlopted :;^lh .Maieh, l^-^'i ;
ItKI'dlif No. I CdMMlTTKK .\(ll!lCll.'ni!K.
'I'luil till' cliiiDiti' is iii>t iiiiil'.inii llir<>ii;;li\»-i*ii till* ii:itfs lit' tlh- lir;;tiiiii]ti; i^i Sjirmi|.
'i'li^il il Hipiilil iml III' :iil\ isalili' In li\ tlir siiiiiu il;iy ill llic S|ii'iiii,' fui' llii' wlinlu I'rnviiiL'r us " .Vrlmr IJay " fur
tlir ti':iiis|i|;iiiliii'.( 111' liiiisl IriTs.
'I'liiit till' i'l'.iviii.i' jiH'.;lil III' iliviili'it ijil'i twn iliytiiils, K.isliTii anil WcstiTii, «e|i:irati'.l li_v a liiii- furiiieil liy
till' Kiislrni fi'iiilii'i' III' I III' Cull III it's III' St. .M.'iiii'ii'i', \ aiiiaska, 1 1111111111111111, Itiiliiii'inil ami ( '<>ui{>tii|i,
'I'lial »i' lii'iii'vi', llial till- .; nf fni'uiit
ti'i'i's nil till' ;_'ininiiU lnl"n"in'; In ilii' .nil nils iir I'lln atinnal cst.itilisliniL'iit.s, nr im any ntlirr lanil wliicii may lio
ili'iinril suii.ilili .
'I'liit \M' lin|ii' lli.il li\ nntifylli'.; lu'l' iii' liaml llic anllmiitii's nf siii'li fu'lmnls anil I'lliii'atiniial i.>sta1ili»liinii'|iai'liiAV " in tlir WKSTKKN DIVISION afnrrsaid ; and that thr SIXTEENTH
day of thr inniuli nf Ma> nrxl lir nlisriMil as " AKHOli DAY " in thr EASTERN DIVISION afi.i'rsaid ;
And wr \\^* lirirly lainrsily rrrniiiinrnd In all thr inhaliitaiits nf Oiir said l*i'n\lnre tn eiiUHerratr the abnve-
ini'litiniird ila\s tn till' ]ilaiitiii'.^ nf fnrrst trrrs ; .\iiil wr rriiiiest all iuiiiiiri|iai, rrliginiis and srhnnl rni'iuiratinns tn
rii-ii]iri'ali' fnr thr sii.'i'rss nf this nrw wmk in this I'lnvinir, and wliiuli |ii'iiinisi's inipnrtant irsnlts ill the near future.
Of all wliirh nur Inviiii^ snlijrrts and all nthrr.s wlmni these presriits may eniirern are hereby rennired tn taku
imlire and tn |,'nveni Ihriiitielves aernrdinyly.
In Tbsti.miinv Wiikhkih', we have caused the.se Our Lrttrrs tn lie made Patent, and the Great Seal of
Onr t.iid I'mviiirr nf (.liirlirr tn lie liei'eiintn atK.iied : Wit.nkss, Our Trusty and Well-Uulnved
the llnnnialile I'llEODOUK KOIUTAILLE, Lirntenant (Inveiiinr nf Oui' .said I'n.vini.e uf
t,)nrlii'e. nu'inliri- nf Onr I'rny Cnuneil fnr t.'anada.
At O ir (invriiiiiiriit llniise, in OiiV City ii| l^ueliee, in Our naid Priivineo nf Quebec, thia TWELFTH
liiy nf ATKlh, in the year nf Our Lnid, niie thuuiaiid ei^it hundred and eighty-thrue, and in
thu fiiity-si\tli year nf Our Ifeijn,
By conim ml,
1. Ohoo::u ti'ujs for tiMusiiliintiii;^ ivon\ the akii'ts of tlic wooJs (as much as po.s;iil>lo) .vliciv tVi v l.tiAc not ln-uu
2. Do not take them over cicjht or Ion foot in height, except with very special caro.
.'J. ])() not ;;i'inl-'o liiK tiiiH! iiuLOS.s.'Uy t'oi' tak.iii,!,' tiiciii up well, with a u'oixl hall.
4. Ill (loi.ijj; sit. try -"Hi'l pt'i'iuTVi' as many I'mitlL'ts aii'l radii'lcs as imssilik-, laMior than l>in I'oi'fs. The .success,
in ]»hi.ntiu',', (Iciicnds uiumi tln' prf-ti'i'vatiim of tliosc ronth'ts and railicles (tiirnui^h which tlic u.Ufi' in thf suil and
xari'ins mineral cU'uii'nts in solutinii nvo taken uj) and cnnvcyi;d, as fo'id, tu the tree)
r>. iSu voi'v cai'i:ful not to allow tlioso rootlets anil radicles to dry up ; .shelter them from tlie sun and wind 'iiu
minient tliev are e\tra'led iVom the ni'onnd, and try and keep them fresh with damp moss or otherwi->e.
it. Trim np neatly the tap root and all the hroken eiidd of lari^e roots, with a slanting cut of tln' knife, (it will
give more surtave foi' the form.ition of rootlets.)
7. If the l;uv-;e ro.it.> uw nuich shortened in extractiu'^ the tree, the lirancV.es oni;ht to he somewhat shortened,
or the roots may not lie al'Ie to sn]ip!y food in snllicient (piantity foi' the liead, and the trei' will snth r.
5. .Make the hoK- for lranspla.nl iu'jj widi'r and deepir than the ball of tin- tree, and partly relill it with good
mellow soil, it will gi\i' a hidter clianee to the rontlets and radicle.-., foi' an innnediate stirt.
!». Do not allow stagnant water in your plantation; if the soil is lialde to gel ovi'!'tlos\ n, |pr.iviilt! foi' itu
ID. D I n it r • ;>la:it tlu' tr,'.' any d;",'p;ark.
14. Keep the ground (wv from gia-is and weeds and [irevenl it hanhmi'ig at the foot of the trees.
If). Feni'e strong eiiougli to l.ee]i away cattle.
. Iti. The ipialities of the soil in \iliich trues are to be re[)lanted, must be carefully considered in ;;eleetini'; tho
. ;For rich, d"ep, mulhiW soil, moderately damp, take butternut, oak, (dm and black-walnut.
Maple aiid bass-uo.id will, of course, do admirably well in such exceilent soil, but a soil presenting the same
qui'iiiji, in a levs dcgrcj, will gice very good results for tiiosu two kin.ls of trees, they are m >r\- ajc >m.ii »datiu^.
. .-V di will do well in cold rather damp compact soil, where maple would not grow.
Tanrirack grows well in low wet l.-md. provided the soil is not too comjiact.
Dry Sandy soil ou'ght to be reserved for pine and spruci'.
N. B. — Tlu; pe.iod li.xed for " Arbor Day" has been chosen with )egard to deciduous trees. In the Provnice fif
Quebec, pine and spruce sujjued better when transplasited later, about beginning of .)une, when tlie buds are an
the. point of opening.
It is g ■iieL'a'ly a huitt.' i thai ihc :.'hca}iest anii safest mode of cultivating forest trees is by .sowing their seed.
/ x-^-!* i'iiere will uo lt'r,.i ciicck, in the [jrowtli, ii the seed c;iii" bo sown at once v,!iere the tree i.'? destined to romain *)^ •*>1
I permanently.
But it is n(»t always practicible todo that, ground may not be ready, may not even have been decided upon, &c.
In that case, sow in seed b.^dsaud rear up seedlings in nur.sery.
The season for sfv.ving b!a'.'k-waluut, butternut, oak, bass-wood, sugar maple, accr negundo, is in the fall, the
moment the seed i.s ripe.
Soft maple and elm ripen their acd abjut the mi.LUe :»f Jriuej an:l it ought to be sown at onco, quite shallow,
sheltered from the sun and moistened.
Sow tir tree seed in the spring.
. - Until, the nurseries nre sutHciently advanced to provide trees fit for transplanting, get them out of the woods,
observing pr.icautious indicated al)o\e.
Those who do not \vi;di to so.v tlioir own troo.s can jjrocuro seedlings at wonderfully low rates from the
nurseries. , . • ...
a,' ^■. '• .>'•'■ - ,'--■■■ • ' - - .-,.'-' • -'- ' ' = » '
■■ •^ • ' .■:'•"■,•' ■'•^^•'
!•iJt^ .=• :,■ •.., '!■■ ■•i.'.'.. ., . . ■ ..J-!',:-, ■l,^^ ■ ,' ,■.,.■■,■ -j^,^.- -.
i^ . '•.... > 'U .*■■('/ I '-, O'i ' ' "I"
- '.f