■^'k. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3} ./o 1.0 I.I 1.25 IM IIIII25 •^ i^ 12.2 2.0 14 III— 1.4 llllli.6 HiotoOTRohic Sciences Corporation a. rb"^" ^ ""i,^ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 i. -Dk. Halivvin. iM. 1*.. .>/ore(/--Th!M the Rule?. HOW rewiU be udopteil as the Constitution ol this Society. The Di. delivered an exLclleiit fc^peeeli,— alter wliich, Jesse Ketcbmu. Esq. M.i' seconilecl the motion. The motion was then put froai the Chair, ami carrieii una- nimously. Motion i>nd.— Db. MoRRisoy then rose and Moved— That tlie lion. John Henry Diuin, Heceiver General of this Provmce, be Fresidem o« this bociety. r, Uuii.nside Mowf?— That Dr. Bi-ld- win, M.Fm Dr. jVIorrison, Jesse Ketchum, I'sq., M. 1*., James E. rimall, Esq., Piarrister, and Robeii Baldwin, Esq., Barrister, be Vice-Presidents of this Society, Mr. iMciiellan seconded the motion — carried, neni, con. Motion itn.— The Rev. William RyERSON rose, and after a very unpressive Speech, , 3ioi'et/--'l lijt Peter Pa- terson, i^sq., Merchant, bs Treasurer — the Rkv. James Harris, and Alexander Stewart, Secretaries— and Mr. Edward Henderson, Depositor of Books. This motion, havuig been seconded by Mr. James Armstrong, was car- ried tmaninvously. Motion 5th.— James E. Small, Esq., Barrister, after an exci-'lleiit, appropiiate Speech, 3ioL'et/— That the loI« lowing persons be Members of Committee, until the next General Meeting in February, 1850, and that the Com- mittee may fill the vacancy if any one relui>es to act. Messrs. Abrm Wilcox, " Peter Seacord, John Ashbridge, u u 4t l( It (• « «l M «« «• M Andrew Johii'ilou, Jiinics Ross, George Deunison, Joliti Gamble, Josh. Van Allan, Thos. Carfrae, Junr Andw. McGliishen, Win. Patrick, puncan Kennedy, •los-oph Wenhain, Jas. S, Howard, Messis. Coiui Di tiuunond, " Jas. Aimstrong-, .las. CocUsliui, HarveyShtp.iei'd, Henry Mosley, Jas. Leslie, .Tolin Ross, Maim. McLcllan, James Mildiel, Jas. Arms' rong, Thos. Armstrong-, Dr. Burnside, John iNlcFarlane, C2. «« 41 «l tt i( (< U u « it tt (( 11ns motion was scconrled \,y Mr. Prki Pati-rs )[• aiul carried — iiein. con. Here ilie Secrciai y ro.ul ilm Adilrcss whfch ancnmp:t- nies these Rules and llesohuiuns, lur tive uitiHobdliuii oi' the .Meeting—after which—* xMotion eth John Rolph, Esq., Bsrrister, M. P., Moved—Th^t the Address noiv read be adopted as the primary Address of Ihe Society, and be printed and cir- culaied, with the Rules, by the Comiaittec. Mr. Rolph, with his ii?ual elnrnience, made a moist appropvi.'itt% and jiJithoiio S^ee ; 1, ^ hich gratified, and animated the Meet- ing. Mr. Mitchel 9pok*» after Mr. Rolph, and seconded the motion, which was carried without opposition. Motion 7i'i.-~RoEERT Baldwin, Ksq. Banister, next addressed the Meeiinn;, with inueh feeling and zeal for the good duse, and with his usual aciunen—and Moved-' That His Eiicellency, Sip. Joiiy Colbornk, K, C. B., Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada, &o. &c. &,c., be respectfully requested to become Patron of this So- ciety. ^ Thi? motion ivas seconded by Mr. Henderson, and car* ried with applause. Motwit £th.— -The Revd. Aiexandkii Stk^aiit, after a few appropriate rpuiarks» A/oi'e(i— That it be recom- ITieTided to Ladies, as well as to Centlenu;n, in York» and in the Gouiuiy around, to form .4s6oc<«f jo«s, in aid of this Society, Mr. James Cockslnit, after a short Speech of st appropvi itt% and animated the Meet* 1, and seconded the position. Ksq. Banister, next feeling ;uid zeal for men— and A/ow<^— >LBORNK, K, C IJ., ;ul;i, &o. &c. &,c., ratrou of this So- [enderson, and car* KR Stkwaiit* after That it be recom- 3nu;n» in York» and ifio«s, in aid of this Speech of M npiian be now opened* for forward- ing this good catis«. This motion wa» seconded hy Dr. Baldwin* and car rictl. Motion 1 2th.— It w^i* then Mowd by John Rolph, Rs^. Barrister, M. P., «»nd seconded by Robert Baldwjn, hscj. Barrister— That the thanks of the Meeting be given to the Hon. J. H. Dunn, for his attentive and pohte rondn. t ,n the Ctiair. Carried with applause* after being put bv Dr. Baldwin, M. P. The Hon. Chairman, in that condescending and poUtc manner, so pe( uliai to himself acknowledged ti»e honor done to hin» by the Society. Motion tSth.— l he Hor.. Joi Seconded by Dr. Baldwin, th^ the Secretary of the Coni.iiiti cause, which was earned—and k of the honor done to him, and ex^; hion to contitHie to exert liimself in tht I ]Mr. Smalj> iVforrc(/— Tliai Mr. Stewart should condndc '' the Meeting by Prayer. After Prayer, a number Subscribed— and to swch an amotmt, that it is evident they feel the importance of the object. The Meeting Ia?ted from Seven o'clock, till a Uttlc past Nine. It i^ hoped tho?e wlm attended reckoned it a feast; and the Conunittee rcj^rei that arr mgements were not ' made for giving all the Speeches to the pubUc at foH length. The "cause is of God. snd 1$ sure to prosper. It is hoopd that many of those who ha"e now stooti aloof, par- ticulirly those who are looked to by others as paJterns of ali th^t is good, « ill soon conie forward and shew their good will to this noblest of causes. We ought not 'o siiisfy ourselves by supporting one I good InstUution, but, in as far as <3od i^as pros|jerfd i», we shouid forward every cause, whitli has the glory of ' God, and the good of our Neighbour for its object. Of '>unn, ^fored'-» he Meeting to ;tiviry in the jiowledgment IS (!etv rnana- .e. all the schemes supportetl hy Clnistians, thep/«ii»'nt stand* tlmnn the list. In ciiculatins the IViUK «'P '^'-"'^ '»«* the Apostles of Christ to preach— the best Missionaries that ever went out,— and Christ has ()romUftl to l-e with them to the end of the worid. They s.jeaktnuh .uul notW intr but the truth. They have the keys ui' i'nc Ki. ii)i,i. o f H eavf ^ Tlie Committee appointed to prepare for<» and call the General Meeting, have acted ancordini; to their ht*t jiidfij- Iiient: and invited those whom they ihousht 'ii'.' best fri**iM»» of the li;stiiiuion to take an active part. Thnf mntf have erred. They may hav;; left out some of its best frienrls, and invited otheis vvho?e /eal is not so great. If m», ihey have don' it in i^unotanee— and thev know that the re^il friends of the In'stilution will manifest their ze-il hy the next time the Society meets. They merely notice thiS that none in.?y take offence; assuredly declaiing that they v\ ished to avoid giving nffence. They wrote to all the Ministers* of Religion in Town. veqnestinK them to intimate tiio Meeting, and to attend themselves to give a Stiniuiuii to the Meeting.* • NoT»:,— It IS hopc(t tijat the sysbfance of «omc of tlip Speeches Wj!l appear in the pviblic prims, and stimtilate other* to form SocJeues for forwarding the »ame laudable purpose. IttioluHona of the Committee, lOlft Xotfmftcr, tS28. Thut the Town of YmU and its Neighhourhood. t)e 'It- vide'l into nine Wards, and that two of the Con.nuttec so to^'-elher as Collectors to each VV-trd, and call at every f :iuse* to .quest Subscriptions and Donations, and to en- nuire into the wants of every person as to Bibles. They are to ascertain Itow much (and at what season) each can give for a Bible or Testament, (the highest, only cost price.) These are to recommend tiecessitous cases to the Secretaries, and give in their list to the Treasurer. To begin their visits next week. Ward Ist.—East of Market Sqtiarc, and south of King Street, to the Don. Co//erfoj«.— Messrs. Mitchel and Cockshut. I , ^^„ j„d._West of Market Squ«e, wud. .f lii«» S.te«. and east of Yong« ^"-'; _,„,, ji,Lert,». W.«» 3rd.-AU«est of Yonge Street, und south rf ^ w.^.r StiPet to number Bay, both Waud 4th.— From Peter btieei, to iiu ^.desof Dundas Su^et. t w^nham. Co«ec/ors.-Mes5r.. Denn.5on and Wenham. ^ «r « ^th -From Peter Street, east to Yor.ge ^ t-fi.. Ward Dtli.— -r rom x ^ ^^^.. „ p.irAulv Town. „orth of King Street, except Pg »f"'-. . Collectors.-iUs«.- Patrick ai.d Shepl.erc. W«. e,U,.-Mc^u.y To,v ,.nd =U north of Vn.^^ Street, on both s.des ut \ oi^ge street, '^ Co«ec....-M,»«. Jul". ««»« »" •^^ ■^™^"7- , School Street* north ut Kirg »^>^eei ^ Coto<«™.-Me»«. Howard and Kenned, . ^ W.ao 8th.-An .a« of Central School Street, »nl W,no xth-From .b. Do- «, M.. Chns, Snrall . Lo.h ride, of -"= t^™^- y^„ j^,„„ ,„., A.„l,r,dge. CoHeclors.— MesstJ. »"■ parnestiv, request ir7» The Co.nmitt,!i respecilully, ' "' ^i" goc eti«, or MhXters of aU denotnioatron. to lor^r Bible ,-oe,et, Aiiociatioiu. »(^|u.se ibov testify ot Jesus. If the l^i 'le lu.s 1, id.tHied our minds-r.r.fied om- hearts-and U\W^ o r sotds with the hope of eternal life, &c. shall we not exert Purselve:, to the utir.ost of our power to convey the sam blessing to other. ? living will not impovensh o own souls, a^Kl we ar. only i3tcwards, ttnder f'"' > "J^^"^ niouev. Is it ros.iblc for us to love our neii^hboui and uotendeav Can we a\ Theie is r ty, howev is nothing friends, b is true w( contrary ready ace the circu guish. 1 side, anc guidance trust — n( in the L against from df They a the sun of God stead ot it will li upon til The upon o and le own Xi thr 5I0( thp \V\\ SUppi" either culatii contri ings. obst.H alone also t by in God by n( tions Can we apply our "^""^y^^^^V^^^U salvatio.i of proper- The.e is r'o cause equaUoths^ l ^^^.^^^ ^^.^j^^ ^^ ,y^ ty, however valuab e, nay f J*;" '"^^j .__Come then, dear i nothhig to the «^^^>-^^^^" "f, S^^fi" 'the good cause. It friends, let -^^^^:;^l^^^L. To suppose the is true we must meet ^un oj^f .^^ ^^ .^], contrary would be to -PP- ^ ^^.^^Lvkness will oppose ready accompUshec ^U who i ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^. the circulation of .\f f 7' * denomination are on our guish. But the faithful "f^^;^;/^ '.'.^"captain. Under his tide, and the great J^^^,;^V^\\;^^^°':^> i , power we may guidance we '-y "^-^ J^^'^ LuJ shall'not be in vain ,,«st-not doubtmg ^^^^^^ ° „^,,,,,.„i .e.sonings of men m the Lord.' Yf-,rnf he word of Jehovah, sprmg against the ^'^^^"•■•^V ♦ Hinn^ and vif.ated feelings.- {^n^ darkened ^^"^^^'^^^""^"^,^' '^efo.^ the pure rays of They cannot stand one mornent be o e , ^^^^ ^^^^^ the/unof nglueousues^, .inch e^^^^^^^^ ^^^ of God. We need n t ear t" ^'^ ^,^,„d^,d of light, ?;-;l,ta^n^'l^;nr:«eci u;;^ them, as the sun has upon the glimmering tap^r. own lesponsibdity, they ^v^" .^jl ,,i^„ ,,due th. good work, and ihey ^^^^'^^ ' drculation. They supp"^^; tb At "^'^'^ '/ ' ^^,i,,„ ,i„, need that exists for cn- citherfr..mv^an Unowm.^^ ^^^^^^ of opporttmit^ of culatu.g tlie huipiu.es, < co,,j,,nial to their feel- contributing their •'"«;; ;^;^;^>^ j,^,i,,y removes every 'r- ;^''^^!^;:""Sh t^h""dixulate\hc Scripture, obst.ide Those *' „^i,y_ai.d those who wish alone have '''^^\^^'*^^ ,^^l;^:'']7l,Lo<,d hooks, can do so ,,,3 to circjiatj. «^;;,f ^J^^ ^^;^that circul ite such by means ot the va uao ^.-^..^^uuion of the-ord of ■••. ^* 1£ t;Ul?arrAhr;«bjrL ove.baUa„oes every objec- lion that can be made. This Society .ould -commend the formation of B^^^^^ associations -"d societies u. town and cou^^^^^^^ ^^^^ Committee will be ready '^J'^^^^y^'\^X and request assistance in their f ^^^^^JeTpS w^^^^^ their Secre- such as wish any advice ^^ «>;;«^P°'^^ ^ ^ Comniit- taries. ^^ ^^^'''^} ""^''^V ZZZTcolLtor. The ,ees, every member owln^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^ 3,,,^. Sas^ tt Prtcd? dlation. If all heartily engage m this good work, it will soon be accomplished. York, U. C. 2d I^ovembcry 1828* .# 4' ■ ''••.^, .1 .•;./» ■ I ■> sary iov limkthe y objec- of Bible . Their Lion and I request ir Secre- Comniit- or. The as accep- >ngag6 in * 'y * i ' I