^, .^/# s nSr V ^ Centimeter T 2 la itvMMMlMMtfhMtanBMii • 1100 /> ^>v ^"F <%<^^ I \ ^■4i?. CIHM Microfiche S«rle» ^ (Monograplis) -«-;; *-<,-■ iCMH Coilection l» l l w tiioii lfrtal(l«4i Hi^ MOT -^ >.. I I- i, * % f ■" tatlit L'< in I ^ ■ I ««li I -n tlWlMI in pniiMfl iIm ffont I c fifst 1M99 wwi 9 prifiMn Of Tom Hi Mil P0f It ptrit M CMWIMM p009 9w I nv WfK rWUfWQ IIWIIW VIV WPSn ihail ooimin tfi« symbol *i«» ( TIKIUIO"). or tiw tymbol ▼ "CON- INOa UndM 10 oyniooio oynivoio ▼ f siflniflo "A tUIVIir . It . ^. MooOt plotM* oholtB* oto*« moy bo fRmod ot cHfiOfonc foduotloii foiloo. Thooo too Iotqo to bo ootivwy bioliiooo in ono OKpoMito oio fwnoo w^mnm^ hi mv iippsr wts nsnv SBfusr • wfi co right and top t§.|NMtofli. ■■ nrnny fiomoo w ■i^kJOaaftfl^^id ^rft^ai '■■kD^^b^aAiM^ ^&^k^aMi^iA^ UI*^^ia^i^BM^ Ak^k looiNfoa* in^^vipoMnngTawQfonw Muomno mo mothod: ^ iMMOO O 000 lo . tntamtx. 1— - - oc do bout dnmogso n Ntuotront io OOUl OnOnd* il WC fomd m pitHWm gOMO h o. do g o oaho * dtoltd. on pfonont 10 nonibfo I I'd ^ . 1 2 \ 3 f / 1 . 2 ' 3 4 5 — ^■6 • 4 ,*^ ^ .f,*i • ^3 (^ .;^ -* .f.1. *3 ' ' '>"! '■ ' 'A ' A -'J ' -^ -*^y i V M S: %-^ 'W^ v^ .■»■ '.H 4 v-: ■■•■■ . ' \' ■ J IV'^i^'I'^-r. .A ^1 ' V .*">' IBJESm.- _ . ».-tJ-^-^ ■1' _L JL ' '• ■ .■ k' •;. 4 r««» !<■ -V.J ''W '-i :^ ^*t \ ^ TE ^ '/- #l4#r <#-■••' A*^ ■^ ? j^C^'^"-^-^ ^•'-^^'•j?^ V-' ^^/<^ - 11'' 911 STATUTES, mw%ao AHA ma^sirAir9a8% imiVERSiTr OF Kmcp a college; IprMiicf tf jut»aiaiiiiMMclt* 1* joHir •iXFioK, vmimru TO *tt «»•*• VOat BseauairT icais»tv. ■■■/.■'^..•'^ '■■■:•■»•••♦ ■■■■ ;';'''^'.,:,'l: ^■, ..■.■■'.. ■ . '■;- ■■■'-■■, ">^ ■■'■■■A ..; . ■-■■ #<^ 7 -is;j •V -ia.- i ii n4j i nn i .i-«>;»!^" iJ ' < >p m » — '" ¥- ^ ■ ■ ^ ■ . ■. ■ ■ ' ' *■ ■ ■^■■^.;-:-v- 1 ■•-*'. -" 'S -■■ ■■ ■ : . -'■ ' ■ ' '■■'■■' ;■ s?" ,/ '" .- ■ 'V' Vv-:::t:-^- 4ll^ fc:''" ;■■ % :. ■ Ur ■ ■-'" .' ■ > ■ "^ * ■ ■■■■.'. -■■- '■■ ■ ■ -'.yjiii^^ ■- WM&^ ■-^^.-■■v, '*■ ' '■ ■■ ■ \'-, ;■ ^. : ■■■ ■■■ ':' ■■■"^ vL::^ .■Mx. '. - — '"' ^^^^gm w^if" \ ' • \' ^-- . ■ ■'.'■■"'*'- '.. * " ■ . . ^^^^^1 wmam^:ioM:i^ ^i-.--' ■ ,• . * *-•- -^ '■'■•■^^^^^•^^i ■ \ ^rcMim:^ ■ m-f^'^' •■ ''■*;:/^ ■t .. ).■■:■■.:• \. • ♦, •*i». '■'^ "***■' ¥1 .. ■■"<■■■ d'f » :.--^7-:.. ■A*^. .^»> T^^i^ A, * NUTiM •#«» COLLEGE OOUIICIL, ■»»««> *£•»:! •• Hi* Hwwr WiLLIAll WJU3K. Ejidta., D. OI^ — TiL. Etww«l EDWIH JAGOB. D. D. T Ih fr iHiii rti Tha Referwd OBOEOE M'OAWLET, A. IL | WILLIAM FEANEUN ODELL, B«|«ii«» GEOEOE FEEDEEICK 8TEEBT. E«|«in. Ba|irtnr, reu,0wtm WM w nAtsvit «m mu» a«» A»tw. * .*"i .'•^i ■v... ,:\\ -iiv .V.,.. ?<¥' .3' •5' ip* .* •^ •■^^ *-■■ ?■ '> :'fe.-::; _:_ A ,f ^ I: : ■ "" . ■ ■ • - ■•.. . ■-■ ■' ' ' ■ ■, . tV -.■■ . ■" '•■ v .■ \0 :- ■ -:.-■ ■ ... ■. -; . I- i -. ^j^^|^^l^|^KraHEJ||g|i ',,.,. ^|^k|^ 1^ ii^£££.ix % / / k. 1^^ ii 1 1 ■iiiii ""^■T^ppilPl ■'..■./'■ ?. yA^ ■'■'. Tut BTATOTBS. RULB8 «« OBDIHANCBH, i tilt Mfi«ity Pf EINO'B COLLBOB, U ^ mm ii >i»'»^<>^"^ OF PBRSQNfl* of wi««rtiNfc •«»*'"»^Jf J3S?3 5L vWtSTii w«tom<» to 1 ThtBl^ofjfceB^ W ^ ■v \^ ^&i N|fw«^^^ , , ' . '^ ' *^ ■* " *■ , f¥ - " ik 1% >.; it It ■, «> ■ / / . \ i in. Th« StotutM, RulMtod OrdinaocM ndU by th« Goun- cil. if diMpprov«a by th« VWtsf within two ymn from tb«ir •nactaMt, b«com« void and ol no dibct firom the tiin« when tho Vbitor's diMpprobftUon tbAU bo tifniflod to tho ChuiceUor. IV. Tho Viiitor •ball not bo roquired to visit tho Collogo «- flrfWonwrothanoncointhrtOTiMtittnlOMhobowquottod, In writinff. undor the bands of three member* of the Counal, or five memben cA the ConvecaUoo, to bold a ViMtation for lome ipecialandiiiventcauM. \ V The ViMtor la hereby authoriied and empowered to lum- ^imn before bita. within the CoUioe. the President, Vice Prcsi. dent. Professors, SchoUurs, and all other members and persons belotiging to the College or University i toexamine them on oath or otherwise, touching the conduct of any ol the OfBcers or memben, or other persons aforesaid ( except that no person shall be compelled to criminate himself; to punish offences accordmg to the Skiatutfs ) end to require a sUict observance of the same« Tit. IU,..-#f tUf Cft^ncHIOtr*. ■ -. .-■ ■ ■ " 1, ■ A, The Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or person admtnis* tenng the Government of the Province for the time being, is the Chancellor. - ^ ^ II. It is the ofBct of the Chancelldr to propose every Statute, Rule and Ordinance fbr the consideration of the Council, hav- ing previoasly consulted wiA the Pl^esident or next senior mem* ber it the Council i and he shall propose, after such consulta- tion, any Statute, Rule or Ordinance which may be placed in htl hands, with a request to that efibct, in writing, under the bandi M any three onembtn ot tbi Council, or flvo mtmbtrs of the ConvocaUon. -^ ;* . ^ III. The Chancellor presides at Ol meetings of the Council - or CoQvoortlon which he maf think it to attend, and appoinU all meetings of the Council (tho annual meeting exctptod, as hereaftertobepro?idod)und^tlie Rules and RegulaUf^na to be hereafter^nade. . ^ * ■\ •■ "^ \ '^ ' ^jtl'kOy.i^ fcilL^asftj^iKii^iiSff^sa&t'^ V ■'• \ '^ /. > ■■ IV Itb tli««ae«oftba(:i^OMQor,ioth«iiMB«Maonih« WuOfdi His M^ty, to appobt allf^oAmon » and ha ii benh by MithoriMd 113 •mpowtnKl, with Um ■*vk» an4 ctooMot of Sfl Council, to nomtiuU* and ippoiat om ofth* Prol«Mori to btVice ftwidanW ■"•■'•• .w ,, jj 4 i , ; ,., ,: ... Tit. TV— #1 tut ••mwO. V • I. Tho formatiim of tlio Cowidl it f^golrttd bjr tho ^ rT^ b tht oiko of W^Bini #miMFii^^ ' Eul«t and Ordinance propoiwl br tbo Chancdlor, and It ia •nd oJdinancS. to preocaad. ftr and oooctming 1^ CoUagJ •nd Univanity \ and dM by any naw Statntea, Rulfj and Ordinancet, •• propoaed, to ravoka, ranaw. M|niant, <»•»{««• MUM I iuliect to tba provirioni and raatrictiona contained in thaCbarter. .... m. The Oonctt iball have tiM tola frort, "Mnagamcnt, inddinKMaiof iha Fimdadf tha CoMagaj of the Unda.Buttd| « Ingt, and all other property, whether toad or mijwabla. It ahall (Vom Uma to ti«e regnlata tha tonaa and conditions of Iwsing the Lands, coUectini.th« Rents, inteatinff the fVindl. and ihe Uke i and shall hare the sole power of aflxing the College 5*al to any paper or instrument by which «iy property shaU be trans- tarred or acquired. . ,, « rV. It is the office of the Council to declare what Pfwessor- ^ ships are necessary Of eipadUent, and therajipMto/eatabluh the iune ; and kU the Officers and Senraiits of the Colleae or Univer- sity, unless where it is otherwise provided by the CMit^ or Oie idaries, fees, and amoUiinents of ill tha Officers aiad Senr^ts of thaCk»Uega er Univir«i^,andordatofaHiBinc tbo |^7««teto be made by t|ie Scholars and aU other meaabers. ^ VI. The Council ahall have a gMMnl superinteodence over aU theiffiuitl»fthe Co^wandUnivafil^.andtvwthecoiiduct of the P^denV Vi^jf lSii4«»l. ft«fiiiwf^ Sch^lwC wdtU : -other meBrt)eii.;^*3;::A'v^'^ v.,;v*j--v-:-:'^-*:^'''-'.»^- '.■.•'■■: *^. V y -J s' Jr. r L'^ "^ r \ 'wr -".•"n-^M!. ^m. TfceCtiKciliWiki inAMMsd afttt w«lKrtrW«d.*t their uinual or oUiw OMfliatti, t»itt«A^ bflo^ tbe Pre- •idMt. Vi^Frawlwt, MMmn«*> SeAlto «iid ill other mem- the saae^ and tOMMBiM them ii)»mi oeth or otherwiie i.«|cept ,contp9m>> «#MnMMnt ftr «e aan/ 4i^ «» |be biisioMi to ^ ChMMMDorwlMMmhe 9»7 thiak preper, op thmd^7«iio. tice in writing Udf gtfen to CKh member bj the Rw»raf i and thaU be held witbS the CoUMe, escept^aeaae otlmr place m IV^^eton thitt b« ip eriaUy ap pmnted Vtho^HMmyllog at the ^*XI. IS^SwSfT ahfttqwvfnof *M^/4 ibo^Co^ withia ten 4m i^ » re^piart ahaU hwrobeen dehveied to him. in writing under the hands U aay thf9«a)e«)Mni «f tha Cousal, orfivamambcmoftltaCqovoqytton, 'Ij", ''r .1 ,V),-i-» Tit. Ilfiifeiiifiifitif. L TheGoa^ooatieii oeodtla, aooordiagtoAa CUi^, oi ih^ Chancellor, rtmdu^MmmfUAmimB%tm^ - H* llie €tavaM0«i M mmmm la tta «SD^|ei in their^ iiiiiit li^i i tii iiat firnrtir lNaiia^iMiillafb^rfuli|bn|t«€on. 4obZk fM^Mplii^^^^ Ave ■ mileaoltlmCottiiife^^^^.-^ >' ^^^ r .. be convoked by the chancellor, Piresiaeot, or Titeo Firendent, fe V- ^ V -?^^p?5 •JXi^i. M I Mir, ^ ?-4^j^Wl;|«ik:«Sil| ,- V , . : i*vT:^^,??f '-sfS^^SsS^"?: «??■ gttjyteyyk^i^* M V- ^ ■# ^/ 'l.^- r /,■ #' ^' at for tiM Ai4% tM; w tfttMb ftdfoi lilindlii tHi mt Ttr ^ u Y-^^— 1^ 1^ I rut lijiliiii ' ili ii 10 llriiiiilij tts" to h«v« t aaOagmm i»«ii»«i^ii^iiiittiHDl4Mife -^ ' eonUni tci'tlMl StMaUfi' tt» iliiil jiir liiOJiMljill "i ^^ ft^>^.,..ui^^-^ .^,. , — htnniiiairrirjj .Mtjoni in MMt ^gj ■111)11 lilillil M.IM HtUlUJiila Vl. Tlia CoBvocfition i»i»iMM^ M> « * t> *J ^ ' iRougbt ne(>M^ fortlMMe purpoNi^ iHth luch nUffiii ai flM« _ X. The ArdidMMtt ^riMJtevlMi it fhg P^tifan if tfi» IL It ifibeofllctt of the Frealdeat to pratide at all Ifoalinga of ^a CoQiicU, which ha naj think At to attand, in tha abtam of thaCJanc^; , ■ ^ - •• '^ ^*i ^ -'^'-^ ^ Uf . V-;:.V in. pa FrMidant ihaU ^m preakte l|l tha abaanca of the Chaaoalloir, at aB aaathiitf «f aia CbilbeA(% ibd dl tht CMIk ^7,^ lif ^^^^^ "^^^ ^ >»»J ^ liSMSMd^tuninilanpbri <& /' f* -^-"t^tf-w-tnJ » I J»??|s5r?'^ "H ' A ^ / i • ' r feuK)ni, and decide my qiwrtiimwttichMpW^jmyw tptcWtt yj^ the Ch^ncdter, waA l y tfiP sMlmf L^^J^!^ fortHetifoe. . ^ . ,„ ;^^ ^. . '^^._._ .^.^ i... ^_ .u-ii .'vy --/^ t^e tbeoi# of AIlttri«*ci*iia tM o0lhflf<)«oe. VII. Every fnMmr ^iit limve|' lelii^out wd moral an^lifi^ those purtf of theit ■% i> , , , ffl !^ A--.- "-. ^ / '-/ ^ c •^ffj '' ' ^ t ^'^ -^ . . „- •J-' » ^ / \ • \ \ / -r'' X 9U«, to tie appointeil by tb« Council. .«>.;..« \ Council. mA Tmmn^j imhjm^¥ *K*^ i!f^» . tir foto ^M« to J^^^mSS^o^fC ^ foe the ^uifr M . Sututct or RMokitiou grounded tliereoo, tball 1>e sufficient au: thority tothe BMlMbirtoJwliwt^l^^^ fiP«B "om «^j||Mtl91^Milllb|«Md, or to add oraShiliuyte''^ r everiourcei Wa&f.m 7 o0«isill , tittD^^itailt^t fe^ ■x; "^■■v^^ ^^':^ K •ffyjiIfii^rl^^riVii ittff.i I #S?MiWWiW! Tf i -t'-^f 'f ' x: >.\4- <*■:? .if ' .c L TwoOi^hiliiibinW wiutDy^ Anodort 1^ the . . I. Two Oii^ti^ «i<^^ III. TfteBnmiMriliNiPII^^ faithfiiU/ diichttg« t&eir dit^. f^i.-j.-r-^'^l-.-iiT r <3 \ \ X .'■ ■' ':V "ik r--*-^. • ^^. \ ' \ ' the Vice Ptetident. . theCoimcUttro«»^*^»«*^^* «idtl«Ufeportev«y de- M Yke Ffeeiident. T7- v'tfe"^.'* ) '*•">' :tlie I. lie Vm |;weidetttiMli>yjg»«ygf &ibleei«r^ dnito* pUHiKii^ ^AMi*^ ^ , Ul£ Bill* cat* iMl «lM«ve^t>a«4i««m^,^«^ approve. \ >^ \ •Ji4>f \, \.:f / ^. .»*• r^< * r ^T^fll rv * »• ^* 1 \.: ^ • A rv' 0^ immm 't ^ III i I ll^ r^iiBiiiillim*~hr* IIL llMmidlli^^ but in thk ftip«ot. » ... '■v.-Mvv -^ ry/ -•'♦■* ' a' » 1 ft,U- it >■' , If ^w *>..*.. *\' ' i '<"• ■.•-4«'*^v««I!« JPUTM** II •• WW* .p I.I II 1 .^"'^.^^^TT^^ Jilt Gouadl II. Th€9ti«wfd JS^i^^i^^ 1«g«, ud •ochMOanr tad •"JT*"? «»« ?»V!i^ ^ J^JS; ♦ ind und«r mch RoImmmI R«gnl«tiiiM> •ndfwfcm mh •»« dati«f,MtlM Council BMj appoint ■ j Tit. xix.^^ec mt^MMmcr. «are, ^ -/ -^ ■v • ^ • • ^ *. / *;*■ -", * * * » ■ 1 * ^ "• ' '"^\ - ^* ' ' , \ * ■1M»'\^ "s V. - '* ^ ' \ -,4 \ \- *" -^ 1 A ' ^ * * t A| » • k # - M ^ ,v ' '"^ 'J "*-~~ ■ \ f^ Tit. XXI.-4N «llf MlllMf ♦JO \a. ^ ^** ••.-"/rtU 'Mft ^'-n"- ^•t -s=- ^^ .»' 1- (v.. J' ■»l.: '% «■ I ■ '\ ll ^ i ;V§i' V M . < * • K ' .' 1 r ■•'!'■ M P[ * s '. M. ■ ....-'(^-'^^^^-SL^ L Tli« Mi l ii i MMiM H rfft« Bwlift i ««i w i .«»* tte- -•> t w ^•♦■. 'f ^▼/ individiud^ and ■ocli addiliow witiita om i p i rtimnti nf «h« Vke-Brwidnt. PlraieHon, and odnr a ia« b a r i » at ana cakoi. latodSTtU J«^|ii»^ tha* L Tlia Baibetoiy if daalfiad*^ J iiall>fodNrCai|Mi»^^ ^yftlia B>iW»i w af»rCidhi^ai«lto Ui i i.grt i |1p j| ifc ^ ^ ^ « ■ .::^aidai^: ^j »i ii ! T .toa.'Oiiig^^ 19^^ of Ai|i^»iaaaidt1EMik^ |bp:MaMii>«f ^Mi «n4 ••/ Sliidaiiti of of Ibor yaaH iUM J ing % aad aXliiid Tla» y ::y; y y / y ,J::l ^m , * J "f* *. I'^Zt :M ^^ ■■X"- ti'T' ■y ajfc liifCluiirt. Tit. IV. PlacM BhaH br «ttign«d in the ChiHpel by the Preeident for v/ the several Offlcere, Graduetee and membeff of the College* according to their Offlce, PefrM Of Standing. Tit. v.~#c (Hf «4iniett. i .' ".■>. , \f: \ No pwMNi ihaU have e Key rf the UWary except the Vict FKudenftead Librarian. ; , ^^ ^ ,^ ^7^*7 11. There ihatt be CaMf i^ LoeMn the library kH vdlH able Bteto, Mtirie, and other tbiiy oTjip itanee . ^ ^ ^ tins libwry ibaU b^ogiii^r ett jMmbeie'of theUnU venity to reid theiiii ftom t«i«Pdodt ta the wm^gut three hi die AetnooB. evwy dey Awtog Te^^tucept JNiadaya and IV. ilcatalogoe^ all tbeBeqkaiiWI »**rty kept bv the Librarian t aod^aBookt whatever ihall Her fwea out or the Lu brarv. except by the Chancellor, PreaTdent (tf Vice PTetident, or on the delivery to tb«Libn^l«l SlC* mi^m Li r * t ^ V n\ 'V /■/ ' / ■ii ■y '■< ■f / ; "^"tS^klsski^^i^fcS^ IfT-^ ^km 4 I •"'- ".,11''. ♦ ujr OF DISCIPLINE. -FT'.^yW' nfilti^ttMitMitimi. IL HopM»«lMlllM MitriMlMidlvHlKRIt nation by tbtnrtc , 'Mw tstnU' " / nMwn. «7 «- ^ic» Pwi'tot^ wWi» Arty it ilMdf b« to MOMtaJQ ifli« be eompolMtiy iMmiiiMI iiithlbo«leinMrt«of tbo iotin •iidOrMliL«iiiiiMw»Midb«GaiMMorvntitif stlMiaioB • givoa suMoeiifljttia ti wdl m In Bagliab. HI. Itapwionbomrtrimiatoa intVaoition. tho toUowiig[ .^ Torni cbdi bn fockoMd at li^ ilnt. -/■; 1-- t The Acstoiol W sImII Mn oo 1^ «nt TKtei^ da/ in October, Mid abaH ooQiMii Fout T«nBt4o ^HUdi aU Scho- lastic EiwGi»^4bfaibtporfbme4»*<- . ^ 1. Tho lint or MicliidflMa Torai« ihaU begin on tho flrat Tbiind^ in Octo^r, and fid on tbo tbird Wodn^wlay in Do. coialMrf ' "^ f. Tho MOaiidt or hmt Toro^' ahaU bMin on tho aocond \ Thun4ur> Ffteuaqr, and ond ontho WM^««iM/pred|#it V kDA BsonMutV UMtt%> atd^ ./ /_ j_ ,/ 1f--1 i In i- ij •^ fiP^ f ", '^ •\ .f^ L^. <2^' ■.!;■'■ #»' ."i^K n. 6a the fim tod bit (toys of •ftr? Ttrm.^^ aftilfii 8«rviM in th* CoUtM Chayil or th« Pftruh Cliiircli «t9W«riG- ^ ion* am ftmUmi or Pwfc*«r of Difinit/ tlNOI P<;«ch • Sjr-^ «Mai tfn Bumhin nf Mm UnivMti^ •ttradiog in ihtir JiU firtim\(ml Habit. III. Tho HoUdayt, Md other pnUic Foitiirdt wid FmU ip- ^t^ b/ conpttMit ii«ll#il^ iM b4 ddly obMr^ 1"'^' :'iiiilt(ll II. No UniBrfraduftte thall rMort to an j^oTlNililft aww ^vSrS^Jm^m of the UaittiiiHgr iliil prtneiplM conlnur/ to Chrifti«B| morali, if to ititationMbyliwoitotiKthod. ^ . ^ IV. NoUbteMMto Ai»r«Mii outoT^^ vitttor in an Ulktoimadui ni^wUlMNitiMidaft n o(. tbe Miy nor an J t«o BMoS of flu 9^otMUnV\ •tNp* wlio telorts thinMfliiiib llfvn; ha«opo««r and attdtori^r to mm ^ MMrtMli tXI. JMiiir4ui^v4toN^iBrto«iftllttlai% , ,ttfMk:aii4tof#^iSt1&^t^ ^, aad olhar lUN^nodM of attentioo aikl civUiif. •* 'I /■ 4* !lt' «'i.* X ■»- "9 V ■t: *•>'•'« ^♦-j -■• J. • ^ ,.'->'• <^ J.^ \ A^-i^ ■>■ » ATI- »C( \ $ -5*^ quired to pay respectful deference to the •dmomtomit of the Pre- Sdent,VlS.Prei^t, VnAtuon, T^ii* Proctort tad Pro. procton. ii-S-^' ]> :i\' ■■'■ ■ >v .'.;^-,,*E I KoUndegnidortethallfeqaW Af StfWtfdto pronde.M^ MpMt ia hSipSSe l««t««it%itta^ .p^wl penuiawoouDder the handoftne Vice miaden^ ^ ». '^i^i ^nSTSwtlte «^ C4»Mtt^^ ihitt be eppowted T:olnL«**«t.piyingiuch8um^ Tii. vin. i^llitff. I The Dreii of all the mtmbefi of the llliiver»ty jlttll be Blun. decent. Mid dwidr, without superfluoM x»rt«ment _^ n" ThTllcitdemiad Hrf>itt«W]« thewme Hth^^ •reworatethe tJnivertity of Oxford, «• they are ippropnated tolJI^lJ^ee, Ruailt^ S^rtion, Situation o# Striding 'iKf Member oTth^ l^ Chupel. Lecture or Refectory, without hit Ac^en^Hjbrt, or ii STtowu of Fredericton inlew by dispensttf^ Fkwtident I. At the end of MichMlme^ Lent »d Trinity Terms alUhe Undeignduates thaU be Ei^nUned by ^^^^'^f^\SL^^^ •ident and Fniemuh and bwckeled according to their retpcct-, SS^rSSinwarrSd Bewds ibaU beconfeiwd.wtHow wh^; niiy'liavepitMdthebMlexamittaUoni. a 'i^ .^^ IL On thTOay ^veimentkwfd Bwhelon of Am and lic^M^ who'«ay be found 4«^^vj ««^ected their stu^. diet or to have coounittcd anr great iijfgulwty. "JlidUow Sieir Term at the diacretiim of^tht PresWent, Tice Phlttdent. andPh)fciMn. , . ^, '-. ."i''i>\ ■ VW'^ B'" 1 Wt^' f \ * V-s- fc : '^E^^^^^ga ^ ; ^ fgk: I « ^ ■ i H^' v ^^ ^^-'- -^ i ^ e,^^ i <«" i « '^ III. Ckndidiitetil^tiMDigreeorBhdielorof ArttorforaLU cence in other SdctM«4b ihall be folemBhr enoused br the Exam, inen. At llart stvm dkyn Notice e# mieh IxMiiioatioii ihall be given in writing hf the Vice.P»eeident» imi eiBxed in the lUn. The £nmTn|ilio|>ihidLbe iatbe Gteek' Mid Latin Lan- guagei, Ck>mpomtton iii litin and Sngliih, and in the Sciences and Artahi which the Statutes ihall have reqiiired attendance on the respective Leetnres. The Azaoiiaalioo shall be open to all members of the University. If the Examiners be satisfied with theprofieienojrof the Ceadidate,wey sbsli give him a written Testimonium under their hands. i IV. At tlie Annual Meeting of the Council there ^hall be a solemn Examination of the Bachdorsjof Arts and Lic^tiates in Civil Lawy and Rewards shall be bestowed upon thej most de- v serving. . ■■ i 'V";,* , '" ' '^ | <.. , Tit. lL^0t HtHfiftMt MlV WUttHvm tlinm*''[^ ' I. No Termsl!ia{lbek«pt»or reckoned towafdia 0^gree,with- out Academical Residence during ti)e whole Temi»,|or at leiist ^three fiuirths of iL , . ,1 11. Academidd Residence shall consist in Boarding in the ^.College andIfOcyngtherein»un]e|M^adis|;ensatlpn be|(ranted to ^he qpntrar/y ii^ y**H"S *'*M**^Pg' ifoy"^ ^ attending Divine Service ud Ifctufes, in peffoMnQg £xercise«» «and in comjdy- ^g with all other Academical Bl%uIatioB^''^accofding to the Statutes. - ^n in. The Keeping of a Term may be disallowed by the Vice President to any Student for neglect of duty, for great irregu- larities, lor not paying the CoUegedues, or for contracting debts elsewhere. ^. . IV. The Terms in which a Student shaH have been matricu- lated, and shall take his Degree, shall be reckoned a» kept with- :. 'out furter residence., > : , . Tir. XJ.^^ 4rolliftr Mfi «ii)i #rf«. L The Cottviod shall, as oflen as (her^y see occasion, regiihite " the l^ymentB to be made to tfie Umversity, Collme, and their Wenu OiBcen and Servants,by Studentt end all other members. ,.!.,; • \ -m '.".■■*iK>v "< W4^iiW^9ifi^S^S'SU''72*^^:'«Mi!i 'the ;V:'l tlie^ ■r .' ■'■ » "> ■,/: Matneolatioik • .'Idtaifc)flf wkMiiii* liMi %a*ifrtii MgiiMBBii» »ii|fii»t*''>" ,^ in. Httball m ;|^ppKi^^ W? > '^^P^^^ .^^»sttv3; ^r- ^;> ^^t - ^^*^- a." jSTK^J *^''^. 1 ■,^ ..i-j;..i_ ■■^ ■i, - »- A / IV. He •hall pnoduca a TeitiQioiu»m Iroro, the Bx»mining IfaMM, ||Ut^Mpl>Hl^iMHI BuipioiUvii rtauiiite for the t KtfiMili alMlt b*adiii|itt«a «o the P«gff« i^^^ Ovil Lew, until he shall hare completed fouryean fWmi tiie terer iMe>4 ^itf^lSUidrdittei- ^ flieti^ II,(!VlieCMtdidale«hdl have «iililiihr veed tw* Leoforee, on •ulgiscCii to th¥ad4nee prepoeed hf biafielf endipproved f)y the IVoAMo)Pioft|f Divioitjr, that iii iiaa pefftnoed^dift iappeiated %^^ ercisea end lubacribed the Thirty Nine Artidei. t^. T' . 'flriT^ w.mM lit A « ■« 4 ' JK^'VV* ' -^ *.!^ ^ ^ ', .i ij»^ # *.i BB» \ fSJ* •MIllMBUMWiiiMiMfa »*<— ^«* ni i»i II I I I III I f ^ i ^ jj^Mii^jiii^,^!,,!,^;,,,^,^,,,,^!!!,^,,,^,,,,^^,,.,,,!,,,^,,^^,,,!,^ Tfr; '?^^' '^ .i tp^ / *•>. SSiK ] ^ m. -p]^i^KSJ-ri5P T r^T7attlwji4ni^ ^^ deit^ that be hat kmt ^ rnniUu^ II^hom fVi4 *^^™*^J^. V 8a#' ^^sdtff^a&xt-. HovMTor •^''^•'^•- - -.ij-BfcAi. :rs:!:i££%^i7s££sf be intf!odiic«d into Ih0 CfN|voGiil)9ft|4ll^ M IV lor^« CiMir by iN P^rjitaMC «f bta-Jpte. or mw CMoM* uppointod b^ tb« FlrwidMil or Vice nftitoi » ana duiU be pra.. ieDtedin«okqHtfi,%P«.. >:^>^^^ . , '^ ' ' - . -- . ;irben die C^f pv Pirf^^ in lelenn ftS| Wwbjdi be «^.K1m ftolo ednOtted to ell the riffbfi end vrii|M*e bfleiv^t^ the Cberl(V eim StMUtep* ' ¥. He iblll dieii ieciie faitOMiocker room $ end leCiknibig in the Hebit of bis 0«ipev#tended br bie ft eee nter , liieU flMko his obeiiance to the ChMHIor and &e BMae» and dannt. VL Thd Digwe iM#bif(tr Uw ii i-i tittiied in iBloiHi.| but lueh honor ehall not entitle lliepersOiHi Who receive iltO'eiieriSiie the powers end authorities, or enjor t)ie i>rivi|egfs„ |>elOD^tag to the respective Degrees, ^hen boofeVi^ m the^%Ms»aiilitier» unless by spedal Df^ehsatiOn ippitif^ by the ttoancU lend «ho Visitor. > ;.-:'i>f 'ijitf^'^v*; ■*;>> jjy^, •itTta1iiir^lftf|iii""''!'"^f'"''''. "- ^'^'''';" i * ■ ■ ' I; ItabldlbeconspeteattoeiifSode^orindividueliOfQaAd Miee ibc MeodMSDa ti th^ J(J4v)eoHt3r»Vit|i the upprobatioii of theCou»ciU;/:»iglie, Beioi»t» l.iedt f '* \^ "^^'-mm. 1 ~^^^r \ I '^■UVTKP -^ ♦/ii'i'- > r- •; % •■y% ..t,^ Vr'^A-^ .k-T^'tirfif. -r* vrjj. ,S;f. a BachclononDiVimtT. v. .9. Doctdft of Medidne. ' ? ' lO: BMhdbnqfCfvULtWi./ v ,, • 11. Doctors of Mtttkib - * r.^Uv 4* V ■f IJ. Mttion of Arfi, .;; . *4'j -,^'» .;i,v *j^ ' t „,fr - 1*. Uc«iti«t«iiiCiwl'Um. jfojv^iisiiii ,Y^;.i,,.j»l t : ., . 16. unifoiyfBdMiM. . . ; . -^ ' ; .^,/i, j^v | ^«.v .f.;* p-^T II. AU QfidiMtM MM Vi^jlfqmdiiafti^ rank, shall Ukt prMdMi ■cttfilutff io the^iktff «l tbm I>c. , t O^'W^eaaied t^^^ an. nuallr, on t^e Ug^ Thundair In Hu^m l ^6l M l imu»4ty » of Uit ell; the th#f V -" \ 'y. •» ■•\\ /; idBoMftetorsof the m^^nk^, ihdfte M^i^tE VI. OoMMtili##l founded bjr Hit JEioelte which max ^ flMr(nr«l . Attthont H^ttSTFHMt prwidiii(KMB6tr. ■'■■.•■■ ,j. '■*. ''•....■■ ■ ■.-,. ■*.' - •.. '■■,., V , . . ,' ■ ; '»■ :■ •..■ ■ ■■ • -« . btrtdtedbj the ddiireridtftliipitttigrjhe r^- Tit. t-^mm mmmm^m mmutn, tiou finuided (M them, i^ iM «S«tii» ofthe OOcen it^. ered to impoM the tune, when do i|pilc pniiiitaient iTdi. • »*rf. ered to impose the tan^ lected hy the Stttotee. ' ^ II* PUDuhmeotf v>»j ht FmaBimf ?i«^i^»ii^K Of utiraet i ■pertniMMi or to CoUetfe; orlUfMdofDigreeti ->%■: C^omicil •hiHthi _,_,.^, Crtlto^Vor ruitk*. 1 apprabition of t|i9 Coiindl, ^^^ ■ M » • -^ I ?;« t^-<$«tl*;J&S^^!?(!g«^«!^'^KT*«^^ i'''.- ,•• ;'r ' ■ ■ ■■ pjf:- ■'■ ■ ' ».'• If.- ■ ■' >i«i ^K r ■ ' ^n W-'& m"'- / Pi / t y / ■ f K •■' p^,:/ ■■■... - • K X ■, cirri«d to tht CoOift Afteom^ vM by Ma r Mi wliff* |h«r tion for ii^uriM, shall iMt ^ # ■•'i^'u thil Cliiirt«lrj%* llco of tho Socrtfsrj.oi tbo Ptovinet , Md Molhar 111.^0 aiAt«l»ayHai bo |»riQt«il^ aod ovwy MmOmt of tb* Universitir on hb admistion sluiU be iiimithod wUb a capj. « IV. The. Appendix herfuatoaonexAi ihall betaken ua part oftbeStippradaeaiMiiiileMiii^^ "^ ■■?T*t.':ii?frF ^ t A. B. do aioearyirimMBbMMl M^i!Mit't Will MMIU ful.aod^trMaU«bBit>i||iiiA^ 80 ** ;• ^ Ve do cerfiiy that A. B. vat liMtottMd bjr ua IL _ ^_^ of Byehetof qf Am acwdflit » tll lir^H<# oaiaffir^ oil #P^^^*iV:J • ;^/dl5|r ^^-v^^J^-^ JMll^tll^ 1lMMll.iifll.it I • / A /- ~^- I t^ '■■•V',:v '.'■.," ■ .» ' V ■ '' ■ '. ■;' ■ '■' ■;., . c ( . . . ."^ ■^ ■^'S» «ilr hand* Uiif .^^" nitu ' -' ly. r-^<»Non»a^|piPU^^^ ^t Rctiaenco for two ternat (or ai tha caia Pfy fte.^ ^ , ^^ ^ -VI; Farm cf Prmiikiiim to a Ik0m, 7 ^_ ^ ■ IntioniiMme Cancellawe (Pfwet aut Vice Pnciw.) pr«- •entoiSrA. B. Scholar^ni »> fccolti^^e Artium (Baccalaureuin, S^i ut admittatur ad O^*^ WiCW^^^^ «« Artlbu. (Ma- ^iwttstut* refuirunt, tptum ^.^€ Uon, that h« nugr b€ MmM^«4 ^ A« /mm* C<^}^ ''^^ 8utt Md^DignTtj in^Up|ivy|Mtj ^hlch l|«ti^iojt ^' D^tnintf; %o admitto te in euniein (Tdili^tiit) 6redum itatum, et difvitaltftt bid apud not quibot oolittilt u apud tUM .■ ■^■- •!'!*."--•*'; .«*W>.t») "!. ")■> "' ' ■' ',0^' -*'**} /» ':; ...^.;■'^ ' " ■ / ■. '■."■ -^-I. -i/r-ritg,: v^-'«:';^i ■ XI. Cfrae0yBtfoH Miah. ^* .'.;** ^t^.-^ '. PtfopUiu$ nobis tdsii, Dci|i Optime Mtxlme} tui«)U<^ doiii* 2 UK benignitate tiia perceptujft lumia. bMMMlicito per JiMuni Ihristum Dominum NotUum. ^ ^ r ,1 ;^ •■ . ' ? . It • •'/ ' niMuia \ buiailUme precantes, ut itUi In tuam gloriam utenjtea, be« - nignitatf /tua niin<^^efin ntf^^mh' perfroamur, par Jesum ^.*' Cnriatun Pominum Nostrum* „. '; . };[,n«,i^Sur * >T ; v^-' ^■"i?*^!'**! v7A,|Knv4 ji-">:'iu'/itl, 'i^t4f'#- ;■'..■'*■ . <-' U>># '•<' Jii MatrV»ilaUa»aclpciM9i|iail0tt ^^. diall pax'ta tfi« Ragiatrar .WWir h <^V9*: . >ilO>r B : d^^. ,.^-^%'fift^:|'--i^3''^'-ir' •."tl ■'>,. w 7^ i# «. .1 n. ^' V, * . ■ « •' •' ^i» ,>H ■ t . ^ ■Wt ^ . ^W' •s. .. ...'i » • . '___^ :^ • H- » , - '',•" ''.'«. ?"*'v" . jiJisJr' " >'v4t 4 » Aife''- Biv U ' ^ ■^' Everr Member of Um Colkfe tludl W for BoftrdrMid Attenduice flw eveiy weokof T^iw ^^ - ^ whicfche •hull mWe in College ^ ^^ ,v. >^ * ^'^ ? * Fo^ *te^ "^tTMiger w1|^ lie iniy Bring to Am Table, i . IV>r Dinnei^ T ■ ■/'"*^*^'*^- -:• - - -: ■ /?«vV.'n-.4^i- ■ -'0" For Break(«4.or Tei^ V v f ^ TEvcry Mtrober*li«U p«/ to each Profewor wliose >ectiire» he 4iali attend, the annual -aamof '';•■■ /■"l^ ' ^^ •.. ;.■ ,.'-^.; ■■'' * ]^veriUod(^{MuftteahaIl pay to his Tutor, < m anniMl aina4it{ \. ^ ■ ivm V^noA tdtaMtteior incqipottted Bach. ^ ^ eMdf Aria, or as » Licentiate in Cifil Law, ^t ? tSB^liil Tutor (or Fresenter,in caaeefla-^;^^^- Tdt^^BMdle, > • .^,nHU..,,f, |V;a.:«;vn^;I. :« t.4> 5:0 1 v6 1 : : 6 b s Admittedor Inoorpbrated Master of Aits* #1 ^^,^„^^„^ Bachelor of'S^tty, feVil |jw. Medicine or Music, /, ^/V g;^'^^ ■r^nJ*^'^'v-';,-.^v-.i--:-'V- ■ . " . To the Vice President. 3 : 10 : To the'PMiessiirtothe Vscultg^, t s « : 8 ,. . To'tNeRegistraiv • :.: v- .'-7;-^^^^^ '^''' ^ ' *£^' 5 1V» the BeidBo^- ■'''••'' ■^^*^*^'"''''^'-**'^ i^^: ^'-^ •■...0 ;■ 7 *- " Admitted Of Ii«*poiiliA 1>^ 9 ; / TriJiie Vice Preaideni^ >^ f '^ *^ ^ Tbthe?it»ttiaororifc#fV|niUj^^ JM « b : t T«the Registrar, p : & To^ Beadle^ ^ -^w^^ ■'w^f: imi' X f 4 >Jlf) ■ramW »»il> •') fl'H *fi f^^fTci *, » /' '. iX ¥ .v;t ,^^»'^(^f4 ■M.'Mt* ♦fr^, ">.M»' ' AH.ljM!iV ♦'♦«l' fc -r^- .- (I «. >*,» if— » - -^-,»-;- i '*■*> ^,J- '^' ?■<»« 'V -^ *•' .f. V fXlt .ii« "^^ ■?«•"! •J-' ', •*4.' J!?*''^ f'5^^ ii^*" t , .V'! '«wr,v..