IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) W ^ 1.0 ^1^ us I.I ifi. 1.25 1.4 1.6 < 6" ► Photographic Sciences Corporation ^ \ ^ m . 7 Ann St. e Tenant Jl96 Smith, E. G. 10 Westwood St. Owner 201 Siddall, Joseph 4, 5ft 6 Queen st. Owner 89 Tedder, Jame.s •-* .ot 12 Main St. w Tenant 60 Tedder, Alfred c lot 12 Main St. w Ownei Jl'32 Thompson, Wm. 12 Broadway st. s Owner 207 Turney, Hugh 8 Queen st. Tenant J 58 Vanalstine, B. 7 Main st. w Owner 173 Vanalstine, D. L. 7 John St. n Tenant J195 Vanwyek, A. K. 11 & 12 Westwood st. Owner 119 Volway, James 6 Prince st. u Owner J 42 Widenmu. C. pt lot 2 Main st. w Tenant J 43 Watson, Thos. pt lot 2 Main st. w Tenant J 91 Weir, Alex'r pt lot 3 King St. Tenant 171 Williamson, Win. 16 John n Owner 193 Williams, Wn>. 8 Westwood »t. Owner 200 Wells, William 17 ft 18 Westwood st. Owner J202 Willard, Jem 20 ft 21 WestWowl St. Owner 235 York, Koswi 5&8 Duke n Owner 288 York. John park lots I f: 2 V Centre st. Owner PART 2. — Persons entitled to rote art Municii>al eleetions only. NONE. PART 3. — Persons entitled to vote at elections to the Legislatire Assembly only. NONE. POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO. 2. . To consist of all that portion of the Villaffe of Parkhill, lying north of the Grantl Trunk Railway Track. PART 1.— List of perwns entitled to vote at both Municipal Elections and elections to the Legislative Assembly. - b Number on •• Occnpaut, g Auesmijut NAME. Lot. ConceHsion Owner ttr s Boll. or Street. Tenant 326 Appleton, John 24 McG 8t, Tenant J514 Arnold, John 1 to 6 Delaware s Owner 528 Aikens, James 35 k 36 E. Williams st. n Owner j»16 Baird, William 18 McG St. Owner M\ Bayes, Louis pt lot 5 Main st. n Owner 354 Bui-ns, Alex'r pt 13 ft rear pt 12fcl3 Main n , Owner • 362 tiaynton, Wm. 24 Mainn Owner J370 Beaubier, Tho8. 44 to 49 Main n Owner J390 Baird, H, C. 13 14 & 15 Milln Owner 429 Baird, Oliver 9& 10 Broad n I'enant 432 Bennet, Alfred 9 Emily n Tenant J471 Burley, Waters 8& 9 Station st. w Tenant 4 2»7 Burwell, J. W. 9& 10 Pearl e Tenant 487 Bnrley, Heuben n Pearl e Owner 488 Bradt, Jonah 12 Pearl e Owner 497 Bisset, Edward 18 & 19 Pearl w Owner 500 Bray, Ambrose S. 14 Pearl w Tenant 523 Burr, Daniel 29, 30, 31 Ann 1- Owner m \ ^529 Burley, James 25 k 26 E . Williams st. s Tenant t 491 Clark, Janicti 20, 21, * 22 Deleware w Owner J310 Chamberlain, E. 5 McG. St. Owner 313 Cassady, Jame^ pt7 McG. St. Tenant J328 Campbell, D- P. 25 ti. 26 McG. St. Ownei- 47 Caw. William 8 k rear pt 7 Main n Owner 361 Cameron, J, (i. ptlot 11 Main n Tcnaiit 852 Cowey, James pt lot 12 Main n Tenant 368 Cox. (teorge n pt 17, 18 ft 19 Main n Owner 879 Coote, Thos. E, 2 Mills Owner 889 Croxall, 10 Milln Owner 426 Cook, W. W. 4& <^ Broad s Tenant 1 437 Curts, John V Emily n Owner 4« 4{ j51 j81 jSS 3S j42 j4S oiily. Grand ctions ' upant. ner wr • 'euant 'enant ijwnev Owner Owner ^ Owner Owner Owner )wner enant enant :nant wner wner wner snant wner nant wner wner nant ivner • , VT1PI* [laiit lanr viier fuev ■}H'V ^ Number on g AsBeMnient NAlfK- 4 Boll. — . Ooonpant, Lot or gtMBl..' - ^raaror ■Jteiwnt. 465 Cunningham, Thos. 29, 30 & 31 I'-JMktfoB e Owner 406 Curri«, John 32, 33 k 34 Station e Owner 482 Cftgney, Michael /3 11 Union e Tenant Station e 494 Conrad, Joseph 22 Pearl w Owntr 496 Couch, Thomas \Sk 19 Pearl w Tenant J612 Clarke, William pt 7, 8 & 9 Pearl w Ownef J814 Dignan, Thos. 7 McG. St. Owner J335 Dutton, J. J. pt lot 1 Main n Owner 396 Dean, T. C. pt lot 6 Milln Tenant J420 Darrach, John 4&5 Broad n Owner J493 Dickson, Thos. \ 13 Pearl e Tenant 1 e i 20 & 21 Pearl e Owner 495 Dempsey, Samuel 20 k 21 Pearl w Tenant 309 East, John pt lot 5 20th con., W. W. Tenant 398 Elliot, Thomas lot, dwelling Mill B Owner 461 Elliot, William lots 2-^ 26&27 Station e Owner J478 Emery, George Edvofk, Joseph pt iot 6 20th con., W. W. TeniHlt 513 10 ill DelawalV w Ownwr J321 Fussell, Frank fl8 122 McG. St. Main n Owner j850 Fairbanks, Chas. pt 20 k 21 Pearl w Owner 408 Fountain, James 16, 17 k 18 Victoria Owner 436 Forest, James /I, 2&3 6 D<' aware art e Owner J291 Gibbs, John 1 h, . St. Owner j339 Grundy, Thos. pt4 » Main n Tenant J372 Griffeth, John 7 Mills Owner 425 German, William n pt 2 & S Broad s Owner 435 Gray, Abraham 3 Emily s Tenant 439 Glendenning, Robert 1, 2ft 3 VV. Williams st. s Tenant 440 Gilbert, Abram 1, 2 ft 3 W. Williams st. s Owner 525 Gilles, J-imes 34 Ann n Owner 273 Gleeson John ^ eiU park lot 3 Station e | Owner Union e \ 381 Granville, Alex. 6 Pearl s Tenant J292 Holtz, John j pt lot 1 t 5ft6 McG. st Tenant Elk J204 Hawkey, John 8, 9ft 10 McG. St. Owner 636 Howley, John pt lot 2 Main n Tenant; J340 Harrison, A. T. pt lot 5 Main n Tenant J343 Hodgin.s, John hotel, 5 ft 6 Main n Tenant 348 Hodgins, W. A. 35 Ann n Tenant J356 Hill, C. P. 14 Main n Tenant 356 Hunniford, B. 14 Main n Owner 80 Harrison, John 5ft 16 Milln Ownef 441 Hobbs, Daniel 3 W. Williams ot. Tenant 448 Hobbs, J. Henry 3 W. Williams St. Owner 1485 HaG;ernian, Henry 3 &4 Pearl e Owner J344 Hastings, Win. ' 5 20th con., W. W. Owner b KftOitteton Oocuiiant, S AMesameut NAME. Lot. Concession Owner or ^ Bell. or Street. Tenant. J317 Jennings, C. 0. Ift- ItcG. St. Tenant j377 Jarvis, John 1 MUU Owner 391 Jackson, J. W, 19 MUln Tenant 414 James, Geo. F. 45 Richmond Owner 416 Jackson, Finlay 42 & n i 41 Richmond Owner 417 JacksoB, John J. 40 & 8 HI Richmond Owner ?01 Johnson, Geo. G, pt 14 Pearl w Owner « J306 Kinaesteik, Jannes R, s i lot 4 HcG, St, Owner 325 Ketfer, Jacob' 22 ft 23. McG. St, Ovrner J367 KnaptoD, Jame» } 15 14 ft 15 Main n \ Pearl } Owner 397 Kent, Thomas 6 Milln Owner 412 KUbourn, Alonzo 43 ft 47 KichmoBid b Owner 519 Kerr, William c pt 5 ft 6 Elkw Owner 318 Kay, Archy 15 McG, St. Owner J301 Lindsay, Pettr pt lot 8 McG. St. Tenant 324 Lintot, Thoma» 22 ft 23 McG. St. Tenant 333 Lavett, H, pt 12 4ftpt3 Main n Tenant i 36 Lake, Stephen Love, William Mills Owner 498 17 Pearl w Tenant /510 Laogbtcn, J. H. 7, 8, » Delawar« w Tenant J470 Mcintosh, Alexamleii' 2. », ft 4 Station w Owner 438 McKenna, C. P. 11 Emily n Tenant J293 MeCallum, Malcolm pt2 McG. St. Tenant ^294 Matheson, Neil pt2 McG. St. Owner ^295 Miller, Archy M. pt 5 20th con., W. W. Owner J305 McKenzie, Donald pt 3 Owner 322 Mathers, Louis 19 ft 20 McG. St. Tenant 32;) Matliers, Daniel \9ft20 McG. St. Owner 330 Munro, Andrew 27 McG. St. Owner J323 Miller, Erastus n pt 12 Main n Owner 332 Miller, John B, pt6 20th con., W. W. Owner 336 Marks, T. J. 2 Main n Owner 337 Mclntyre, Daniel 3 Main n Owner 1350 Medcof, WiUiam i 20 ft 21 Pearl e Owner *537 Mathei-s, Harvey ) 23 1 28 ft 29 Main n Owner Main n Tenant 319 MathuiS, Stephen. 37 to 40 Main n Owner i 54 McDonaltl, John 11, 12, 1» Mills Tenant 382 McCosh, William 5 Mill D Tenant 400 McDonald, Ronald V 12 ft 13 1 22 ft 23 Mill s \ Front/ Owner 401 McEwen. James 36 ft 37 Victoria Owner 404 Mclntyr^, Ah^u» 29 * Victoria ii Tenant 405 Mclntyre, Neil 2» Victoria n Owner 407 McLeod, John 89 Victoria s Owner 409 Melnnis, Donald 19 Victoria Owner 411 Milliken, John 46 ft 47 Richmond n Tenant 413 Meggs, George 45 Richmond Owner 415 Morrow, Robert 48 Richi. -'id n Tenant 434 Marks, E Assessment NAMR. 4 Roll. Lot. 41 CouoesMon. or Street Ocoupant Owner or Tifnant. 262 Archibald, G. Catherine e Tenant 21 Burns, Robert 33 Boucher, Daniel 249 Bigg, E. M. l-t lots 7 4 8 23 39 4 40 Main e Main e Catherine e Tenant Owner Tenant 258 Campbell. Donald 274 Colovin, Charles 281 Cameron, (laorge 288 Cooper, J. W. (J9 4 70 88 it 88 Catherine e Ellen M ArdrosH n Tain Tenant Owner Tenant Tenant 15 Down. William i2«6 Dickson, JoVti H. 34 Dirksor, Wm. 7 M7 4 Jl-^ 21 4 22 Main c Ellen n Ellen R Ovner Tenant Owner OeoipKnt Owner or Tenant. Tenant Owner Tenant Tenant Tenant Tenant Owner Tenant Tenant Tenant Tenant Owner Tenant Owner Tenant Tenant ibly only. le Grand elections Doctipant Owntr or Tenant Tenant Tenant Owner Tenant Tenant Owner Tenant Tenant Ovner Tenant Owner to Number on K Anessment NAME. 5 BoU. Occupant, Lot. Concession Owner or or Street. Tenant. J 1 English, John pt c 5 19th con., W. W. Owner 40 FuUarton, James 39&:40 Main e Owner 78 Goodman, Kenneth 80 Ellen n Owner 270 Gillies, Samuel 16 Ellen n : Owner 86 Graham, Wallace 26&27 Ellen 8 Owner 67 Gray, John 5 Main e Owner J 8 Houston, John 2 Main • Owner 225 Hodgkinson, 9&10 Mulcraig Owner j267 Hanson, Joseph 18 Ellen n Tenant 255 Jopling, Wm. 5S Catherine e Tenant 261 Jackson, Wm. 3C&40 Catherine w Owner 23 Kay, Archy 244 Kirkpatrick, John 10 & 11 Main e Tenant 7 Mulcraig Owner 246 Kirkpatrick, Wm. pt lot 5 19th con., W. W. Owner J 2 Mulvaney, Terranco pt5 19th con., W. W. Tenant J 3 McLeod, D. N. 1 Main e Owner 6 McLeod, Donald 1 Main e Oiv.ier J 7 McAuley, John 1 Main e Tenant 10 Mcintosh, Donald 8 Main e Owner 11 Me Alpine, R. S. ■ 4 Main o Owner J 24 McDonald, Roderick 18 Main e Owner 27 Mann, Mark 14 Main« Owner J 29 Marrin, W. 0. 18, 19 & 20 ' Main o Owner J 32 Meredith, Edwin 23 Main a Tenant 87 Mott, Sears 31 ft 32 Main o Tenant 245 McMillan, Angus 43 Catherine e Owner 267 McKinnon, Roderick 69 ft 70 Catherine o Owner J272 Mott, John 8 Ellen s '''enant 278 Mathers, Varnon 29 ft 30 Roskeuu n Owner 279 McLean, Donald 81 Roskeuu 8 Owner 280 McFhie, John 8S Roskeen s Owner 282 McOauvern, Stephen 8« Ardross s Owner 238 McLachlan, J. -,. ,,..«•..'- Tain n Owner J247 Niblock, Joseph 11 ft 13 < . Mulcraig Owner j270 Niblock, James / 14 ft pt 6 . tptlot6 Ellen n\ i King Tenant 271 Niblock, John 14&pv6 Ellen n Owner 261 O'Brien, Thos. 41 Catherine o Tenant J268 Owens, J. P. n Ellen n Tenant 284 Terrie, Alex'r m ^ Ardross n Owner J 18 Hobinsou, Alby 49, 60, 61 Union Tonunt J 20 RosH, Hugh pt lots 7 ft fl Main e Tenant 88 Ross, Alexander 81 ft 85} Main e Owner gHombar on SAsMMBisnt 1^ B<^. NAME.. 264 Richardson, Bein.. 268 Rutherford, W. W. 289 Ross, Alexander 27S Reid, John J 19 Shaw, Walter J 29' Simpson, Robert ■ 201 Stewart, Peter J 9 Tudor, Sanford 34 Tierney, John 289 Thompson, Joseph 639 ThompsoE, Wm. J 38 Vance, William J 18 Watson, A. "V. Z69 Waldeck, Thos. liOt. 36 18 20 25 pt lot 7 14 26 8 24 (20 130 25&26 25 ft 26 pt lot 7 16 CoaoeBsion. or Street. Ellen n Ellen n Tain ElTen n Maine Main e Ardrosa ■. Main e Main e Ardross n Roskeen Main e Main e Main e Ellen E. QoanpaaAit Onm^KiiOM'* T«nant.i. PART 2. — Penona entitled to vote at Municipal elections only; NONE. Owner Owner Tenant Tenant Tenant Tenant Ownar Tenant Ownec Ownex Owner Tenant Tenant Tenant PART 3. — Persons entitled to Tote at elections to the Legislative Assembly only. NONE. I, Thomas A. Mayburry, Clerk of the Municipality of Parkhill, in the County of Miadlesex, do hereby certify that parts one and three of the within list constitute a correct list for the year 1888, of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality, to be entitled to vote at elections for members of the Legislative Assembly, and that parts one and two constitute a correct list for the saiuyoar of all persons appearing by the said Roll to be entitled to vote at Municipal elections in said Mupicipality, and I do bIho certify that the aggregate number of names of persons upon the said list who are qualified to serve on juries is one hundred and twenty-one (121), and I lioreby call upon all electors to examine the said list, and if any omissions or other errors are found therein, to. take immediate proceedin^H to liave the said errors corrected according to law. Dated this 18th ^\t^y of July, 1883. THOS. A. MAYRURRV, • Clerk of the aforesaid Village of Parkhill, 4k ' i^ H. -r*^'^ '- ,r^^)< t'j0,fiik > i^^ I. '%s.t if*' '"» "•^ESW!"!!