-V.«:iU;;£k.iUl»4±:ikt£U •ML-^xLAu^.U
was asked to assist the steward, and having consented he faith-
fully at^ onded to his duties for many years. A letter from the
London committee was read, setting forth that in consideration
of the c.ilamitous fires which had occurred in Saint John, as well
as of other adverse events, through the influence of which the
Centenary chapel liad been kept in pecuniary embarassment, and
also as a proof of their anxiety of the spiritual welfare of the so-
ciety, they offered to give a sum of five hundred pounds sterling
tov irds the liquidation of the debt, — providing a further sum
of one thousand pounds was raised for the same object in Saint
John. Whereupon it was resolved, " That the communication,
as made by Mr, Wood, be received with heartfelt gratitude and
that this meeting pledges itself not only to meet the stipulation
of the committee, but, if possible, to collect an amount ecjual
to the difference between the grant and two thousand pounds."
It was decided to make the effort in the early part of June.
The date was extended by a resolution passed on the 29th
June, at a meeting over which Rev. Henry Daniel, superin-
tendent of the circuit, presided. At this meeting it was
resolved to raise two thousand pounds, exclusive of tiie grant,
and further to secure, if possible, upon a reasonable extension
of time, subscriptions to pay off the whole debt. Tuesday, tlie
7th of July, was fixed for the contemplated effort. A thousand
notices of the meeting were sent to pew-holders and others
worshipping in the four cliapels, and the ministers were
requested to publish a notice of tlie meeting in the fullest
manner on the ensuing Sabbath. A statement was prepared
showing the :;hapel debt to be £3,950, principally in promis-
sory notes, on which a large amount of interest had accumu-
lated. From this statement it would appear that the creditors
were chiefly our own Methodist preachers who had made
advances to the trustees. The eftbrt was made and the sum of
J^1,33G lis. 8d. was subscribed, of which, in a .ery short
time, j£l,298 18s. Id. were paid. Messrs. G. T. Ray, Henry
Whiteside and James Smith each subscribed >£100, and Messrs.
R. Whiteside, Mark Varley, George King, William Hamilton
and Aaron Eaton gave £50 each. These were the largest
amounts. The other sums subscribed ranged from the lowest
amount mentioned down to, in one case, a single penny.
Measured by the amount of self-denial involved, perhaps the
noblest subscriptions were among the smaller amounts. There
were one hundred and eighty-two subscribers, and of these the
only persons now worshipping in tlie church are Samuel
Gardner, J. J. Munroe, Jos. Pritchard, James Sullivan and
R. W. Thorne.
The fund was supplemented by public collections in the
churclies; Centenary contributing £74 6s. Id., and Germain
street £34 16s. lOd. The queiition of holding a tea meeting
was considered. There were two dissentient voices, but the
others being in favor of it, it was held. T!ie tickets were to
be one dollar, but the price was reduced to tifty cents, and the
sum of £79 Bs. Id. realized.
From tlu3 Observer, of December 23rd, 1845, we learn that
" some unprincipled wretch broke into the Centenary Wosleyan
chapel last night in this city, and took away some seven or
eight pounds in money, which had been left by the stewards in
one of the closets inside the communion table. They were so
scrupulous as to the coin that a pile of coppers no^". current
here 'ere conscientiously left on the floor ; and so hasty in
their pillaging that a pair of silver cups presented to the Wes-
ley an society by the late John Ferguson, Esq., and use J on
sacramental occasions at this chapel, escaped their searching
eye. They had visited the school-room last week and stole
of the childrens' money about six dollars ; having made a
second search there fruitlessly and being very needy they
forced their way to the upper part of the edifice, violently
breaking open the doors with no tender feelings as to the
damage tliey were doing to the mouldings."
In recent years the cupidity of some individual has mani-
fested itself, as in the above item, though witliout the violence
used by that tliief ; the occasion being the stealing of quite a
sum of money representijig the savings of the members of Miss
Fannie Henderson's society class. These young ladies, imbued
with the very worthy motive of reducing the debt on the present
church, adopted a plan of systematic saving, and accumulating
quite a respectable amount deposited it in what they thought
was a safe place in the church. Tlie eye of sinful man, how-
over, discovered their treasure and it v/as carried away.
Upon another occasion, in late ye-js, a man was caught by
a lady class-leader in the act of carrying away one of the lai'ge
Bibles from the church. It was with ditUculty, and only by the
assistance of outside help, that he was compelled to relinquish
the ';ook. ,, , , . , ,
The large bell of the old church having fallen in the great
lire was removed to the Varley school lot, and being of such
great weight the trustees had no thought but that it was safe
where it was. Such, however, was not the case, as it was un-
lawfully removed and is supposed to have been sold as old metal.
In 184G Rev. H. Daniel and Rev. T. Sutclitle were appointed
to Idnint John, — the former being superintendent. Leaders'
meetings were regularly held, and from the minutes it would
appear that Mr. Daniel was faithful in his exhortation to the
leaders as to their duties; attendance at class was insisted
upon, and at this time the cause seemed to be very prospei'ous.
The following minutes would indicate somewhat the nature of
the business done at these meeting :
Tuesday Evenino, ^Ist November, 1848.
Present ; Rev. Henry Daniel, Messrs. S. Bayard, D. Collins,
G. Whittaker, J. Emison, Henry Marshall, James Sullivan,
Ki tl
Jacob Wilson, Joseph Dougan. The following persons were
reported sick : Mrs. Maxwell, Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Crowthers.
Copies of the annual address of the conference were distributed
to the leaders and stewards, who were notified by the preacher
of the direction of conference to read the rules of society once
in each quarter in full class. After some excellent remarks
from the preacher on the duties of the leaders, the meeting
was closed with prayer by Brother Dougan.
At a meeting held on 12th October, 1846, it was decided
to have the grade of the gallery seats altered at a cost not to
exceed .£50. It would appear that the elevation of these seats
was of a pitch considered ridiculous.
On the 15th April, 1847, the following resolution was
adopted : " Whereas, it appears (after a careful investigation
of the financial state of the Centenary chapel and of its pros-
pective income), that with proper management it will in the
future meet its ordinary expenditure, as well as the interest
accruing on the remaining debt of about £1,700, the trustees
have much pleasure in yielding up the ordinary Sabbath col-
lections to the district meeting, to be again applied to their
legitimate uses, and in doing so they cannot forego the oppor-
tunity of expressing their grateful acknowledgments for the
bestowment of these collections in the past, through which the
chapel was probably saved from very much difficulty and em-
barassment." In reply the following extract, from the district
miinutes, was sent :
"District Room, Sackville, July 26, 1847.
^^ Centenary Chapel, Saint John. A communication from the
trustees of the Centenary chapel acknowledging the kindness
of the district meeting in permitting the appropriations of the
Sunday collections of that chapel for the last four years towards
the payment of their chapel expenses ; and anncuncixig the
pleasing information tliat the chapel was now placed, by a
special effort of our Saint John friends and a grant from the
Wesleyan Missionary Committee, in circumstances in which
they no longer need those collectiont;. and that they will replace
them among the resources of the circuit.
^^ Resolved, That this meeting congratulate the trustees of the
Centenary chapel on the success of their endeavors to reduce
their liabilities, and although the brethren have suffered much
on account of having to relinquish a large amount annually,
for the last four years, in the non-payment of th^ir own
acknowledged and long established allowances, they regret not
the aid thus extended to the trustees as it has afforded an
opportunity of proving their affection for the cause of God ;
and they doubt not that the influence of their example will
long l>e felt by our friends in Saint John.
" WiLLiAM Templk, Secretary."
During the year 1848 gas was introduced into the church.
The last trustee meeting of Centenary board, presided over
by Mr. Daniel, was held on May 7th, 1849. At this meeting
Mr. LeSueur, btlng about to remove from the city, resigned
the trustee stewardship, and Mr. E. Lloyd was appointed in
his place.
At a quarterly meeting held on the 16th May a petition,
signed by eighty pewholders .md members of the congregation,
asking that the board should request a re-appointment of Mr.
Daniel to the circuit for the fourth year, was presented and
complied with. For some reason Mr. Daniel was not sent
back to Saint John, but in his place Rev. Richard Knight
wab appointed, and with him came Rev. Mr. Cooney to Cen-
In a memoir of Dr. Knight, written by his son, it is said in
reference to liis Saint John appointment : *' This appointment
i *
was attended witli peculiar communications of comfort and
liope to his own soul, and on arriving tliore he found the
society prosperous, and many of the members ' living in pos-
session of perfect love.' His anticipations of good were fully
realized, as he was privileged in the second year of his minis-
try to witness a singularly gracious revival, which continued
with little cessation for more than two years."
In March, 1853, he wrote to the Provincial Wesleyan : " The
most extensive and permanent revivals ever recorded l...ve
been those which originated in the church. Much may be
reasonably hoped for when more than ordinary divine iniiuence
begins at the house of God. Thus it was in the present gracious
visitation, with which the Lord has been pleased to bless us in
this city." Many of tlie members wei-e taught of the spiiit to
experience the privilege and power of entire sanctification.
Following a lucid exposioion of this Christian doctrine, he
remarks : " A sanctified ministry and a sanctified church
should be the motto of all the lovers of Zion, and to this both
ministers and people should continually aspire."
In this year (1849) there was a very serious disturbance in
the Home conference, owing to the insubordination of some
eight or ten ministers, who, through tlie medium of what were
known as "Fly Sheets," made shameful attacks upon the otficers
of the conference, particularly Drs. Bunting and Newton. A
strict and deserved application of the discipline terminated
tiieir connection, but not without scattering many thousands
of members and separating them from our communion.
At a meeting of the Saint John (south) quarterly board
held on 29th May, at which there were twenty-seven members
present, it was moved by J. M. Hamilton and seconded by G.
A. Lockhart, that the following resolution be signed by the
circuit and society stewards and handed to Rev. Mr. Knight
to forward to the home conference :
" ^rom a sense of duty which we owe to the executive of our
body in England, as also from a sincere regard to the interests of
that form of Christianity called ' Wesleyan Methodism,' we, the
trustees, local preachers, stewards and leaders, office-bearers in
the Wesleyan church connected with the Germain street and
Centenary Wesleyan chapels in quarterly meeting assembled,
do hereby unanimously agree in expressing our approbation of
the course adopted by the conference of 1849 in the expulsion
of certain ministers from connection with that body, whose
subsequent conduct has fully proved to all right-thinking per-
sons the justice of the course adopted with them ; and likewise
further agree in manifesting our perfect confidence in the in-
tegrity of the missionary committee, treasurer and secretaries.
While with feelings of painful interest we have viewed the
conduct of the expelled, so calculated to lead astray the weak
minded and unwary, we cannot but rejoice in the belief that
their machinations, far from injuring our beloved Zion, will
rather tend to benefit her spiritually, numerically and finan-
cially. ,
" Signed on behalf of quarterly meeting,
" II. Whiteside, Circuit Steward,
" G. P. Sancton,
"W. A. Robertson,
1 " R. W. Thorne,
"T. C. Humbert,
Society Stewards.
On the 5th October in th;s year Mark Variey died ; having
the day before made his will, under which he directed that his
share or interest in the vessel " El Dorado," and his lots of
land on Dock street and in Lower Cove, should be sold and
the proceeds applied to the establishment and mainteriance of
a day school under the supervision of the trustees of the Wes-
leyan Methodist church in the city of Saint John. The trus-
tees, at the time of his death, were Gilbert T. Ray, George A.
Lockhart, George Wliittaker, John B. Gaynor, Edward E.
Lockhart, David Collins, Richard Whiteside, senr., Henry
Wiiiteside, Edward T. Knowles, James Smith, Richard W.
Thorne, Edward Lloyd, Daniel J. McLaughlin, senr., William
Till, Aaron Eaton, George P. Sancton, William A. Robertson,
John Gardner, Michael Thompson, Colin E. Gross, Robert
Salter, Isaac Olive, James Olive, William Beattie, G. B.
Vaughan, J, J. Clarke, Zachariah Adams, Benjamin Tibbits,
Williaui 0. Theal, Thomas Thompson and John Jordan. Mr.
Varley had been a member of Centenary church and a pew-
holder therein from its dedication until the time of his death,
which occurred in his forty-seventh year. He was a native of
Hull, England, and he who searches for Mr. Varley's reputa-
tion will find it truthfully iiiscribed on his monument in the
Rural cemetery : " That during a residence in Saint John of
thirty-four years spent in honorable industry, he was univers-
ally esteemed for kindness of disposition and strict integrity."
From the proceeds of the sale of the property above mentioned
a lot of land was purchased from the trustees of Centenary
church ; a substantial building; erected thereon, and the Varley
Wesleyan Day School established for r,he purpose of imparting
instruction to pupils of both sexes, entirely free from all reli-
gious denominational restriction. This school was maintained
by the income arising from the original bequest ; from moderate
tuition foes, and from grants, in some years quite liberal, from
the Provincial Legislature, and continued as a most effective
institution until the free school system was introduced, when
the school trustees leased it for the purpose of public schools.
In the fall of 1850 the Centenary trustees, deeming it desir-
able for the better accommodation of the congregation as well
as for the general appearance of the building, decided to alter
the entrance and change the front of the building. An out-
line of the changes being a wooden platform supported by
pillars, to be erected on tlie outside of the building extending
the whole length from east to west, terminating in steps of the
same material at each end. The whole to be enclosed by an
iron balustrade and gates ; the rock being previously cut away
and the retaining wall faced with brick. An entrance to the
basement under the platform and two windows to be provided.
In January of the following year tlie trustees, while deem-
ing it essential that tlie proposed changes should be under-
taken, yet felt it to be of primary importance that tlie
existing debt should be reduced. Messrs. Smith, McLaughlin
and Ray were appointed a committee to suggest ways and
means. A gracious revival soon began and the enterprise for
a season was delayed. In June, however, the work was under-
taken. An appeal was made to both congregations ; circulars
placed in the pews of eacli church, and the trustees of Germain
street invited to seats on the platform in Centenary at the
public meeting. The meeting was held on the 19th June.
The trustees from Germain street did not attend as requested,
but there were on the platform Rev. Messrs. Knight and
Cooney and the Centenary trustees. The following statement
was read : )
Amount of debt on the chapel at the time of the
special eiTort in 1846 £4,198 15s. 9d.
Amount raised by such effort, in- . ,. •
eluding tea meeting £1,309 6s. lid.
Weekly collections and other
sources 312 10 6
Received from Home Conference 600 2,221 17 5
Present debt ^ £1,976 IBs. 4d.
As a result of this meeting £759 12s. 6d. was contributed,
and the steward says : " The result is highly gratifying. We
t 11
expect to increase the amount to £1,000, and it shows the
generous expansive character of our beloved Methodism, and
that God, even our own God, delights as ever in liis people.
To Him, indeed, be the glory."
The sum of <£27 9s. 5d. was afterwards contributed from
a meeting held in Germain street chapel, — which was supple-
mented by a donation from Mrs, Bradley of £200 ; from Miss
McGee of £25 and from a lady in Nova Scotia of £9. Just at
this time a sale of one lot and release of another to the Varley
school trust, added £440 to the trust funds.
Having been so successful in the reduction of the debt, the
question of improvements was again considered. The plans
that had been approved, and which subsequently in 1876 were
practically carried out, were now abandoned, and, amid con-
siderable opposition, it was decided to have an inside entrance
instead of one from the outside. The improvements were
effected at a cost of £38G 14s. 6d., and from that time till
1876 the entrance was from the basement on the inside. The
tlianks of the board were tendered to their esteemed friend
and brother, Aaron Eaton, Esq., for " his personal oversight ; his
efficient and gratuitous services during a period of some months
in superintending the repairs, by wiuch the comfort, con-
venience and solidity of the edifice were conserved, praying
also that the issue of it might be blessings to him and his,
especially in their more hallowed enjoyments whilst worship-
ping in the building."
At a meeting of stewards and leaders of the Centenary held
on Monday evening, 19th April, the appointment of the fol-
lowing officers and visitors in connection with the Sabb.ith
school was confirmed. Mention is made of this because it is
the first record of the kind there is in the books, though the
school ha:l been organized some years before : —
John Gardner, superintendent ;
John Jenkins, assistant superintendent;
George P. Sancton, secretary ;
J. V. Troop, teachers' librarian ;
Gilbert Bent, scholars' librarian ;
Mathew Thomas,
Robert Hannah,
George Hardy,
W. J. Starr,
S. Manaton,
Geo. P. Sancton.
Mr. Cooney, having been three years in Centenary, was
appointed to Milltown. He has given us, in an interesting
autobiography, some reminiscences of his pastorate, and, as
his book is quite rare, extracts from it will be appreciated.
He says : "In Saint John South we spent three very
happy years ; as happy and useful as we expect to enjoy
while the Lord permits us to labor in His name. I was
associated in colleagueship with the Rev. Richard Knight,
chairman of the district." (He had been previously, in
the year 1835, associated with Mr. Knight in Halifax.)
" We labored harmoniously and successfully. These three
years were the most prosperous, both in spirituals and tempor-
als, that this station, the most important in the eastern prov-
inces, ever enjoyed. To the glory of God we record it. Both
the congregations and the societies were increased ; the chapel
debts were liquidated and large sums expended upon painting
and repairing the chapels. The first year we brought to the
district a surplus of more than eighty pounds ; the second
year nearly one hundred pounds, and the third year, if I mis-
take not, about one hundred and fifty pounds.
*' I never felt more sensibly, than on this important station,
how great a matter it is for a Methodist preacher to have a
|s N
'" IM IIIII2.2
U III 1.6
WEBSTER, NY. 14580
(716) 872-4503
suitable wife. Mrs. Cooney was> rendered a great blessing to
the church in Saint John, and much of the influence I possessed
was derived, under God, from lier zeal, her prudence and piety.
All the time we were in this circuit, she met a very large and
flourishing class, gathered up from the congregation by herself ;
she also taught the female Bible class in the Sabbath school,
and served to the utmost of her ability in sustaining and ex-
tending the operations of the Dorcas society. Our parting
from these dear people was a sore trial to us ; and, take them
all in all, perhaps we will never meet their like ;igain."
Upon revisiting the city in the following year, he makes
reference to the churches and people, and says : " Preached in
Grermain street in the forenoon and in the Centenary church
in the evening. Morning congregation large, and in the even-
ing the house was crowded. After the evening service we
held a prayer meeting in the basement story at which, proba-
bly, from five to six hundred persons were present. The Lord
was in their midst ; His arm was made bare, and his saving
power displayed."
Mr. William Wright, of the well-known firm of William
and Richard Wright, lived on Brussels street, — in a house yet
standing though said to be the oldest in that section of the
city. He was exceedingly hospitable and kind to the Metho-
dist ministers visiting the city, many of whom, Mr. Cooney
among the number, often made their home with him. He was
a member of the Centenary church and manifested much
interest in it. Mr. Cooney, after making some kind refer-
ence to him and his family, says : " Tliere are many others
of whose Christian courtesy and kindness we have largely
partaken, but want of space and many other circumstances
renders it impossible to do more than gratefully acknowledge
it. It would be almost criminal were we to omit the names
of our dear friends, ' the poor steward ' and his generous
and hospitable wife, — we allude to Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Thorne. Their house was our last resting place in New Bruns-
wick. Their dear faces were among the last we saw, and should
we never see them again on earth, we hope to meet them in
heaven. To these beloved friends in Christ, and to Mr. and
Mrs. Aaron Eaton, in whose dwelling we found our first New
Brunswick home, we now present our lively and grateful re-
Mr. Cooney, as is well known, had previously o joining the
Methodist society, been a Roman Catholic. He was converted
under Rev. Enoch Wood, to whose memory and to the memory
of Messrs. McNutt and Pickles, he pays a high tribute. He
is said to have been a powerful preacher, being particularly
effective in his powers of description. As a lecturer he was
also very popular, and frequently occupied the Mechanics'
Institute platform. Older members of the community often
speak of his addresses at Bible society gatherings and temper-
ance meetings as most powerful efforts.
In a recent letter to the writer, Mrs. Cooney says : *• I be-
lieve my dear husband's memory is still green among our many
Saint John friends. The five years we spent between the city
and Carleton were among the happiest of our itinerant life.
My love for that dear people has not grown cold. It has been
kept alive and warm when memory is active in presenting the
many proofs of disinterested love and affection."
On the 19th May, 1852, Rev. Mr. Knight, in a meeting of
the quarterly board, at which there were twenty-seven members
present, put the following question : Is it expedient in the
opinion of this meeting that there should be another chapel
built within the limits of the Saint John South Circuit 1 To
which tliere was a unanimous response of. Yes ! This decided,
the meeting entered upon the consideration of another subject.
Mr. Cardy having been called to the chair, Mr. Ray and
others addressed the meeting on the subject, if practicable, of
procuring *'^e labors of Rev. Mr. Knight for another year. It
was understood that the meeting did not wish in any v/ay to
wound the feelings of any preacher, or to find fault with any
one that in the wisdom of the district might be appointed to
the circuit. It would seem that the district acquiesced, for
Mr. Knight came for the fourth year, and with him Rev.
John Allison, whose work was to be in connection with
Mention has been made of the decision of the quarterly
board as to the expediency of erecting another chapel. On
the 1st September, 1852, Messrs. Geo. Whittaker and Geo. A.
Lockhart were appointed to wait upon the Hon. Charles
Simonds to ascertain if the lot on Vineg r Hill, adjoining lot
on Brussels street owned by trustees, could be purchased.
This committee afterwards reported : " Saw Mr. Simonds ;
*' would sell the lot in question on time for ^150 to the trustees ;
" time of payment immaterial as long as interest at the rate of
" six per cent, was paid. Would take, instead of mortgage, the
"joint notes of any two or three of the trustees, or if preferred
" to pay cash would make discount of £\S, making price £132."
A committee was appointed to solicit subscriptions on basis
of building a church costing from £1,000 to £1,250. The
matter was further considered at a meeting held in the singing
room of Centenary church on 27th May, 1853, when the fol-
lowing resolutions were adopted, moved by Brother S. Bayard,
seconded by Brother R. Hannah ;
1. That it is deemed necessary that a chapel be built on our
property in Exmouth street.
2. That the building be of sufficient size to accommodate
800 persons.
3. That the cost of the same be limited to £1,500.
4. That a committee of three be appointed to obtain sub-
scriptions ; to commence their operntions after the first Sab-
bath in July, on which day public notice will be given.
With this meeting another conference year closes, and the
officials seem very loth to lose the services of Mr. Knight, who
had been already at Saint John for four years, and the follow-
ing resolution, as a suggestion to the district meeting, was
adopted. Moved by Brother Fraser, seconded by Brother
Hannah :
" This quarterly m.eeting cannot separate without expressing
their gratitude to God for the blessed effects which have
attended the labors of Rev. Mr. Knight during the four years
he labored on this circuit, and in view of the present aspect of
Methodist interests in this city, this meeting thinks it very
desirable that the chairman should be stationed in the imme-
diate vicinity of Saint John.''
The resolution was addressed to the Wesleyan Missionaries
comprising the district meeting at Fredericton. The sugges-
tion was accepted and Mr. Knight was appointed to Carleton,
or Saint John West. This did not sever his intercourse with
a people to whom he was attached by the strongest bonds of
affection. The proximity of his new sphere enabled him to
continue his pastoral visitation among them, — an employment
he greatly cherislied wherever his lot was cast. So abiding,
too, was their confidence, as well as that of his brethren, in
his administrative wisdom, that he was always consulted in
important circuit affairs.
Rev. Mr. Hennigar was sent as superintendent of circuit for
that year, and Rev. Mr. Cardy accompanied him to minister
to Centenary, where he remained for three years. Rev. James
Taylor was sent as the third preacher, in compliance with the
request of the quarterly board. There seemed some doubt as
to what section Mr. Taylor was to look after, and, in addition
to labors in the city, he had also been assigned to work in the
surrounding country. The quarterly meeting insisted that lie
should confine his attention to work in the city and a commit-
tee was appointed to secure a place in which to hold services,
as near the site of the proposed church on Exmouth street as
possible. Mr. Taylor's labors were, however, divided between
the city and the country.
On the 18th July, 1853, a meeting of the two congregations
had been held in Centenary, at which the views of the quar-
terly board were explained in reference to the new building
about to be erected, and subscriptions made towards the build-
ing fund.
In the next year, 29th May, 1854, a deficiency of £29 3s. Id.
was reported, caused by the salary of the third preacher and
expenses incurred in purchasing new furniture for Mission
House ; .£24 were subscribed at the quarterly meeting and the
balance, £5 38. Id., was paid by Mr. G. P. Sancton. On sev-
eral occasions deficiencies like this were met in this way, and
not made a charge on the income of the next year. At this
meeting it was resolved that, owing to the expansion of the
work in this city, the district meeting be requested to fur-
nish for the Saint John South Circuit, exclusively, a third
preacher, — a young man free of incumbrances is strongly urged.
In September, 1853, the first notice of an organ appears.
It was then reported that the instrument was on its way from
England. A large amount had been subscribed for the organ
fund and a tea meeting was about to be held, proceeds of
which were to be applied to that purpose. Up to this time
the official consent of the trustees had not been given. There
was a feeling on the part of some of the trustees adverse to its
admission, and at the first meeting called to consider the mat-
ter there was much discussion. The further consideration was
to be had at " an early adjourned meeting, at which all the
trustees might be present, to calmly consider what, if not
kindly and considerately dealt with, might prove of serious
injury to our hitherto harmonious people."
At the next meeting, after a protracted discussion, the sense
of the meeting was taken, when there appeared for its admis-
sion three, and against, three. The trustees being equally
divided, the Rev, J. G. Hennigar, superintendent of the circuit,
gave his casting vote in its favor, at the same time expressing
his reasons and regret at being compelled to do so. It was
agreed to admit the organ on the understanding that it should
entail no expense on the trust. The steward was opposed to
its admission. It is supposed tliat the question was dealt
with kindly and considerately, as there is no record of the
harmony having been disturbed.
Those who were opposed to the organ managed, for five
years, to hold the others to the understanding upon which it
was admitted into the church ; whilst the committee, to wliom
it was entrusted, sought to be relieved of responsibility. The
trustees would not make provision for the organist's salary,
neither would they pay for insurance on the instrument. In
1856 the organ debt was £190. The trustees, beginning to
show magnaminity, undertook to pay the interest on that
sum if the committee would see that the debt was removed in
eighteen months. They also agreed to pay half the expenses
entailed for fires, etc., on evenings when the choir assembled
for practice. With these concessions the recalcitrants began to
lose ground, and in 1859 it was ordered that the balance due
the organ committee should be paid out of the proceeds of the
sale of some pews which had been added to the church. The
vote was four to three. This conclusion was not reached with-
out one of the brethren requesting that his solemn protest
might be recorded against such action, as it was not only con-
trary to the oft-repeated decision of the board, but in his
humble opinion adverse to the spiritual worship of God, espe-
cially in the singing part {of the service. The chapel steward
then rose and reminded the trustees of his anxiety to see the
debt reduced, which the action of the evening had placed more
distant than ever, and also of his former expressed determina-
tion that should such a decision be arrived at, he would feel it
his duty to resign his stewardship, which he accordingly did.
Mr. Lloyd was present, however, at the next meeting as stew-
ard, and served faithfully for years after and until his removal
from the city took place.
To practice on the organ was regarded as quite a favor, and
none were allowed the privilege without special permission.
Moreover, quite a sharp eye was kept on the choir to see that
they did not offend. Upon one occasion the minister in charge
drew the attention of the trustees to the fact tliat the choir
were in the habit of practising after service on Sunday. The
trustees agreeing with the minister that the act was very
reprehensible, it was resolved to instruct the leader to discon-
tinue the same.
In April, 1854, the declaration was made that the following
persons were the trustees of the church :
R. Whiteside,
E. T. Knowles,
G. T. Ray,
D. Collins,
D. J. McLaughlin,
James Smith,
R W. Thome,
E. Lloyd,
At the next meeting Mr. Eraser appeared before the trus-
tees, on behalf of city temperance organizations, requesting the
use of the church for one evening during a great demonstration
to be held in the city in the following month. He promised
that great care would be taken of the property in pews ; that the
people should be admitted by ticket, and objectionable charac-
ters kept out ; but would not undertake to say that applause
or other demonstration of feeling would not be indulged in.
~i?^i^i^^^-L.--lJ'Jji _.--_:
Whereupon the trustees, having expressed their opinion ns to
the propriety of allowing a building set apart for the worship
of God to be opened to meetings of a secular character, took
time to consider and at the next meeting, by a vote of live to
three, withheld permission.
The trustees recognizing that the church had been dedicated
for the worship of God, for years held to their declaration
with an exactness that was truly conservative. Many appli-
cations were made for the use of the church, but no matter
how much the trustees were in sympathy with the object,
they adhered strictly to their resolution to allow nothing
but what was of a religious service to take place within its
walls. This supports an observation made in an early part of
this paper, that in those days a tea meeting was regarded as a
means of grace, for be it remembered tiiat the tea meeting was a
time-honored institution among the people of this congregation.
In 1861 Mr. McMurray applied for the use of the church
for a lecture by Mr. Narraway, in aid of a brother minister
who had been burned out at Sussex. The request was not
granted and the lecture was given in Mr. Smith's hall on
Prince William street.
In 1862 the Reform Society made application for the use of
the basement for a temperance meeting in connection with a
great gathering that was to be held in the city. The trustees,
or a majority of them at least, though deeply in sympathy
with the temperance movement, did not think it consistent
with the purposes for which the church was dedicated and
would not allow the use of the basement for that purpose.
In 1864 Mr. Narraway applied, on behalf of the Home Mis-
sionary Society, for the use of the church in which to deliver
a lecture in aid of the funds of the society, but the loyalty of
the trustees to their original resolution was such that permis-
sion was not granted.
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In 1865 application was again made for use of the basement
in which a temperance lecture might be given, and the record
is '* all appeared! to V)e of one sentiment favorable to the cause,
but reluctant to grant the use of the place asked, it being
their opinion that a church was not the proper place for such
purpose. However, to avoid offence and in deference to the
feelings of others, the trustees waived their own and, trusting it
would be the last application, and in no way consenting that
it should be regarded as a precedent, granted permission."
Tliis may be regarded as the entering wedge.
On 11th July, 1867, a meeting was called to consider the
advisability of allowing the use of th(; church for two lectures
to be delivered by Dr. Lachlan Taylor and Dr. Stevenson,
who were delegates to the conference from the Canada confer-
ence. Much discussion took place, — reference being made to
former decisions which were very peremptory against the use
of the place of worship for any such purpose ; but permission
was granted, the steward only voting against it.
On July 6th, 1868, Rev. William Morley Punsheon deliv-
ered his celebrated lecture, "John Wesley and his Times."
Upon this occasion there was no dissent to the use of the
church, and from that time the resolution, to which for so
long a time there was so much loyalty, was not strictly applied,
and in later years very considerable latitude has been shown.
At a trustee meeting held in April, 1854, the steward re-
ported that there were £100 in the Commercial Bank to tlie
credit of the trustees, which was considered a gratifying turn
in the financial position of the chapel.
To return to the meetings of the quarterly board we find
that although the district meeting promised to send a young
man, who might be free from incumbrances, to assist the min-
isters in the city, yet they allowed the year to go by without
making the appointment, — perhaps just such an one as was
asked for was not available. In the next year further action
was taken, and on 29tli May, 1855, the followinj^ resolution
was adopted : " The quarterly meeting having thcnr attention
called to the great loss in consequence of tlie dutiijs of the cir-
cuit being altogether too onerous for two ministers ; therefore
Resolved, That we again direct the attention of the district
meeting to the promise made by them to us last year in the
appointment of a third preacher to the city." In response to
this Rev. Charles Stewart was sent.
The year 1855 was one of importance to the Wesleyans in
these provinces, and the church pass(!d through a great and
important change. Hitherto they had been nursed and cher-
ished by the Missionary conmiittee. Now the districts resolved
to relieve the committee of the burthen, and in July of this
year, at Halifax, the naeasure was carried into effect through
the agency of Rev. Dr. Beecham, whom the conference sent
out for that purpose. The conference of Eastern British
America was thus formed. At this time in the bounds of the
conference there were — 71 central or principal stations, called
circuits, with 208 chapels; 88 ministei-s ; 101) local preachers ;
12,540 full and accredited members; 139 Sabbath schools,
and 8,192 scholars.
In the following year conference was held in the Centenary.
Dr. Beecham was expected to be present and pi'eside, but short-
ly before the assembling his deatii occurred. The conference
proceeded with its duties amid the gloom cast upon it by the
sad loss they had sustained. Out of respect to the memory of
one who was much beloved and so prominent in the connexion,
the pulpit of the church was draped in black for a season.
Rev. Mr. Stewart's labors were so appreciated in Saint John
that in the next year he was invited as the second minister.
The invitation included Revs. C. Churchill, C. Stewart and D.
D. Carrie. The conference, however, appointed Rev. Messrs.
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Bottcrell, Albrigliton and Stewart. As a preacher Mr.
Albrighton held a liigh rank, being botli elo(iuent and attrac-
tive. His ministrations in every way were entirely satisfac-
tory ; during his term the congregations were very large, and
the cause was greatly strengthened.
From the month of October, 1855, until the opening of
Exmouth street church, in January, 1857, service was held in
Benevolent Hall. This building was erected by the late D.
J. McLaughlin and still exists. Owing to changed circum-
stances, and the necessities not being what they were, it is
not now used for the purpose for which it was built. It has
been very useful in its day, and in it for years services were
regularly held ; a most successful Sabbath school conducted,
and much good effected.
In the year 1856 Henry Marshall, G. Bent, G. P. Sancton
and W. H. Harrison were elected trustees of Centenary church.
In this year the big bel' broV'' whilst being rung and measures
were taken to replace it.
On t)'e '20th May, 1857, at a quarterly meeting, the disposi-
tion of stewards and leaders was finally arranged, and was as
follows :
Germain Street — T. C. Humbert, R. Hannah, F. Harrison,
Geo. Whittaker, G. T. Ray, Thomas Furness, Robert Elsdon,
Jacob Wilson, David Collins, William Till, James Emison,
William Brent.
Centenary — Geo. P. Sancton, R. W. Thorne, R. Whiteside,
Edward Lloyd, Henry Marshall, Jno. Gardner, Jas. Sullivan,
E. E. Lockhart, Jno. Jenkins, E. T. Knowles, Jno. Bradley,
J. P. Taylor, T. M. Albrighton (the minister's class), A. Eaton,
R. G. Hall, Hugh Rennick.
Exmouth Street — Wm. Clawson, J. T. Smith, Jas. Lemon,
R. Riggs, D. Sullivan, H. Graham, Jno. Ennis, H. Cochran.
Rev. Mr. Botterell reported 707 persons meeting in class in
the Saint John South Circuit.
On the 18th November in this year, a prayer meeting was
established for otHcial members only and was reguhvrly l)old
for some time on Wednesday evenings.
The conference of next year, 1858, appointed Rev. Messrs.
Botterell, William Wilson and Albrighton to Saint John. Tn
the fall of that year two gentlemen, who had long been con-
nected with the society, were removed from it Viy death, — we
refer to Gilbert T. Hay and Richard Whiteside. Their active
interest in and prominent connection with the society call for
something more than a passing notice. Mr. Ray died on
October 23rd, after having been for many years identified with
the Methodist church. He was deeply interested in all Mis-
sionary enterprises. He was one of the original trustees of
Centenary church ; a class-leader and superintendent of the Sab-
bath school in connection with Germain street, and for sonic
years circuit steward of the Saint John South Circuit. His
interest in the city churches and connexional funds was mani-
fested both by generous gifts, and a deep concern in all matters
which to any extent affected them. He was conservative in
his views and did not quickly leave the old paths. His caution
was of great service in his time, and many people were influ-
enced very much by the opinions of Gilbert T. Ray. In a
fortnight after the death of Mr. Ray, Mr. Whiteside quietly
and peacefully entered into rest. He joined the church in
1833, and two years later succeeded Mr. Ray as circuit steward,
which office he continued to hold until the time of his death ;
though during late years, by reason of his infirmities, the duties
were largely performed by Geo. P. Sancton. Mr, Whiteside's
records are a marvel of neatness. The circuit book so long
committed to his trust, with its faultless penmanship and
stainless pages, remains as a memory of his order, diligence
and carefulness, and constitute a pattern worthy the imitation
of his successors in office. As a class-leader for nearly twenty
> ^
years lie was most zealous and exemplary. He was invariably
in his place a quarter-of-an-hour before the time appointed for
meeting that he miglit, by prayerful meditation, prepare him-
self for the exercises which lay before him. Mr. Sancton suc-
ceeded Mr. Wiiiteside, and most elHciently discharged his
oriicial duties for upwards of ten years, or so long as he
remained connectea with Centenary. Mr. Sancton gave much
time and attention to the duties of his office ; always mani-
fested a great interest in the affairs of the church. His
genialty made him very popular with his brethren and the
members of the congregation ; acting as an usher he felt it to
be a privilege to extend kindly greetings to the stranger as he
came within our gates, and in no church would a visitor receive
more hospitable .-ictention or kindlier greetings from its ushers
than would be extended to him by George P. Sancton.
In 1859 it wa3 decided to remove the north gallery and
finish those on the sides to the end ; the vestry below on the
one side and the back stair entrance on the other side to be
removed ; the pulpit to be moved back to the wall and con-
structed on a new design, and tlie square pews around the altar
to be changed into single pews. These changes were made at
a cost of c£126 8s. 5d. The additional pews given, by reason
of the alterations, being sold brought £341. It war- out of
this balance tiiat th.e debt on the organ was paid.
On the evening of February 2nd, 1859, a united meeting in
the interest of the Methodist Sabbath schools was held in the
Germain street church. At this meeting the claim was made
that while Robert Raikes was the founder of Sabbath schools,
yet he could not primarily be considered the originator of the
scheme ; the latter honor belonged to an old Methodist woman
who had long lived on what was called "The Green," in the
city of Gloucester, England, where the children were in the
habit of asscnnblir.g (!very Lord's day. Moved with compas-
» "'I'^'W
sion LOr them, earnestly did she pray that God might be pleased
to employ her in some way to be useful to tliem. She suc-
ceeded in getting then; in her house and interested them in
Scripture stories, illustrating her talk with pictures she had.
In this way she soon found that (iod was answering her prayer.
Mr. Raikes was editor of the Gloucester Jonntal, and hearing
of the incident went to visit the old lady, with the result that
the light from heaven lit up his spirit. Three facts w(M'e
claimed at this meeting : First, that above mentioned ; second,
to a Methodist then living was Saint John indebUsd for its
first Sunday school ; third, to a few Methodists and Baptists
of Saint John was the temperance world indebted for its fii-st
total abstinence society.
On Tuesday, 27th December, 1859, the jubilee of Germain
street chapel was observed. The church was appropriately
trimmed. There were banners in various places bearing the
names of persons who had been prominent in church work in
the city. Rev. Messrs. Wilson, Botterell, England and Lathern
were present, and took part in the exercises. The meeting
was also addressed by one of the fifteen who helped prepare
the foundation. Sixty voices in the choir were led by John
Humbert. The singing was in accordance with old times, and
the tunes were those in " Humbert's Notes," — a book published
by Stephen Humbert, father of the then leader, who also led
the choir from the first for many years.
The appointments for the next year, 1860, were : Revs. J.
McMurray, Wm. Wilson and John Lathern as first, second
and third ministers. The society, and Centenary church in
particular, sustained a loss in this year by the removal of
Henry Marshall to Fredericton. He had been assistant to the
trustee-steward for many years and was, indeed, a very great
help to that ollicei-. Besides being a trustee of Centenary, he
liad been for a long time a member of the quarterly board of
the circuit. In view of his removal, and as a " slight token of
esteem and regard entertained for him as a Christian and a
brother," the quarterly board presented him with a Bible and
hymn book, in which a suitable inscription was placed by the
superintendent and circuit steward.
The society also met with another loss by the death of John
Bradley, a member of Centenary congregation. In the min-
utes of the quarterly book a record is made deploring the loss
and giving expression to the regard in which he was held as a
Changes in the "discipline" of the church wero from time
to time made by the conference, and were usually based upon
memorials from quarterly boards. It would appear that the
public recognition and reception given to persons joining the
church possibly was the outcome of action taken at the quarterly
board of Saint John South. At a meeting held in November,
1860, on motion of James Sullivan, seconded by John Fraser,
it was resolved, " That conference be memorialized requesting
that a public recognition be given to members coming into our
church." It may be of interest to observe in tiiis connection
that in the year 1870, on motion of E. E. Lockhart, seconded
by James Sullivan, at a meeting of Centenary quarterly board
it was resolved, " That a memorial be presented to the next
conference asking that the superintendents of Sabbath schools
be made members of the quarterly boards." Each of these
provisions is now found in the discipline of the Methodist
A new steel bell was placed in position in the tower of Cen-
tenary in 1860, and further improvements, including the paint-
ing of the entire church, were made.
In the year 1861-62 Mr. McMurray remained as superintend-
ent ; Dr. liichey and Mr. Lathern being the second and third
minister, and in the next year Dr. Richey became superin-
tendent, while Messrs. Narraway and Nicholson were the other
appointments. The circuit had been desirous for some time of
securing the services of Mr. Narraway and had extended to him
an invitation for the year before that in whicli he was appointed,
and although the invitation had been accepted by him yet the
conference did not mal;e the appointment. The wisdou. of his
appointment, in consequence of the second invitation, was
manifested in the acceptance with which his pulpit and pastoral
ministrations were received and the success attending his
efforts. In tlie winter of 1862-3 a revival of considerable
importance occurred, but so exacting were its demands upon
Mr. Narraway's strength that his health became so impaired as
to compel a rest for a season. Hoping that a sea voyage and
the air of his native land would prove beneficial he left for
England in the spring of 1863, accompanied by Mrs. Narraway.
Returning in a short time, he again entered upon liis duties,
wliich, until the end of his term, he discharged to the satisfac-
tion of the circuit.
On 2d of January, 1863, the death of John Ennis occurred.
Mr. Ennis was " a man of many virtues," a useful member of
the community in which he lived, upright in all his dealings,
and valuable in church relations. At the age of thirty-eight,
as his life was opening into influence, ho was called from the
church militant to the church triumphant.
In the following year John Eraser, who had been contemp-
orary with Mr. Ennis, removed from the city. In his removal
the Centenary church and Metliodist interests in the city gen-
erally suffered loss. He was a class leader and local preacher.
In the latter capacity, just before his removal, he visited the
localities in which with acceptance he had ministered to the
people and left farewell messages. Having taken up his resi-
dence in Nova Scotia, he resumed the work he had relinquished
in St. John. On the 13th of June, 1864, by the capsizing of
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a boat in the Annapolis River, near Clementsport, he was
drowned. At the time of the accident Mr. Fraser was in his
46th year. He liad already become a useful member of the
community in which he had taken up his abode, and the cause
of religion and the interests of Methodism suffered much by
his sudden and sad removal.
The appointments of 1862 were not disturbed until 1864,
when Mr. Addy was sent as superintendent and Mr. Brew-
ster appointed as the third minister ; Mr. Narraway remain-
ing as the second minister. At the expiration of the year Mr.
Brewster went to England. Previous to starting, the quar-
terly board took occasion to place on record their high appre-
ciation of that gentleman and of his services, earnestly praying
that his future course might be prosperous and useful in the
cause of his divine Master. In the next year, 1865, Mr.
Sponagle was sent to Saint John in the place of Mr. Brewster,
while Mr. Addy remained as superintendent and ^Ir. Narra-
way was appointed for his fcirth year, conference having
been requested to make the appointments.
Previous to his removal the following resolution was adopted :
" That the quarterly meeting respectively tender to Rev. J. R.
Narraway, A. M., an expression of their high esteem for his
courteous and Christian conduct in all his intercourse during
the four years he has officiated on this circuit, and also their
high appreciation of his eminently valuable pulpit services and
j>astoral care over the church generally."
In the fall of 1865 tl f destruction of Centenary was
threatened by a fire in the immediate vicinity. As it was,
considerable damage was occasioned to the northeast corner
and to the end window. The insurance being promptly ad-
justed, the congregation suffered no loss.
Rev. James England succeeded Mr. Narraway in 1866.
Ho was a good preacher, sound in doctrine, but in style quite
different from his predecessors. He had the cause of God at
heart, and his reports to the district meeting show how earn-
estly he sought its advancement. In his opinions he was very
conservative and decided, so much so that by some he was
thought to be unduly attached to them. In his administration
he was brought into conflict upon a few occasions with some of
his people. Probably the difficulties, which at most seem to
have been trifling, were the result of the parties not under-
standing each other. No one who knew James England in-
timately could fail to recognize the purity of his mind and
purposes, although perhaps at times his peculiar traits may
have invested his acts with an appearance that misrepresented
his meaning and motive.
On the 30th August, 1866, the death of Aaron Eaton, in
the 77th year of his age, took place. From the opening of
the church Mr. Eaton had been 9. pew-holder, though he did
not become a resident of Saint John until a few months after
that date. During his residence in the city he was a most active
member of tb^ Methodist church. As already stated, he de-
clined to accept the responsibility of trusteeship, but was often
consulted, and gave much time and attention to the temporal
affairs of the church. On the quarterly board, a position in
which he served until the time of his death, he was a valuable
member. He was also deeply interested in the Exmouth street
cliurch ; contributed largely of his means towards its advance-
ment, and in every way was identified with its progress.
Previous to moving to Saint John Mr. Eaton had been very
active in church work in the Annapolis valley, having be-
longed for some years to the church at Bridgetown, which he
served in almost every official relation. One does not often
find reference made in the district minutes to an individual,
but, under date May 31st, 1867, mention is made of Mr. Eaton
as follows : " The death of Aaron Eaton, a man universally
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fund, by the committee appointed by conference, tlie share
allotted to Centenary was $9,286.
After Mr. Sprague's return from England the condition of his
health was such as, in his opinion, to unfit him in a measure for
the responsibilities that attach to church work of a circuit like
Centenary. To his people his ministrations had been most
satisfactory, and it was with deep concern that his quar-
terly board, in his second yeai-, learned of the possibility
of his accepting the invitation extended to him to become
president of the Mount Allison college. They took early
action ; expi'essed great regret at his possible separation, and
earnestly requested him, if he could deem it in the line of his
duty, to remain another year. Having taken time to consider,
Mr. Sprague, at the next meeting of the board, stated that his
health had very greatly and encouragingly improved and he
would have pleasure in accepting the invitation for the third
year, upon tlie understanding that conference should be asked
to appoint an assistant to him, — such arrangement not to
involve additional expense upon the circuit. This being assent-
ed to the appointments were made, Rev. M. R. Knight coming
as assistant.
On the 10th November, 1878, Mr. Sprague preached from
Exodus, xxxiii., 15 : "If thy presence go not with me, carry
us not up hence." And on the following Sunday, the 17th
November, the Sabbath school-room was opened. Rev. Joseph
Hart, president of the conference, preached in the morning ;
Rev. John Allison addressed the Sabbath School in the after-
noon, and Rev. William Mitchell preached in the evening.
Mr. Hart's subject was love for God's house, and based upon
Psalms, xxiv., 8 : *' Lord, I have loved the habitation of thy
house, and the place where thine honor dwelleth," — being in
part the inscription at the base of the large window in the
Mr. Allison's text in the afternoon was Exodus, ii., 9 : "And
Pharaoh's daughter said unto her, take this child away, and
nurse it for me, and I will give thee thy wages. And the
woman took the child and nursed it."
Mr. Mitchell in the evening preached from Matthew, xii., G :
" In this place is one greater than the temple."
On the following Sunday Rev. B. Ciiappell preached in the
morning and the Rev. Dr. McDonald, missionary to Japan, in
the evening. So that it was not until the third Sunday that
our own pastor occupied the pulpit. On that day Rev. M. R.
Knight preaclied in the morning and Rev. H. Sprague in the
Rev. Joseph Hart succeeded Rev. Howard Sprague, having
been appointed in 1879 upon the invitation of the quarterly
board. The appointment almost came as a matter of course,
because in addition to Mr. Hart's eminent qualifications for
the position, he had for some time been very closely identified
with the interests of Centenary congregation. His influence
was an important factor in the selection of the church plans.
The building of the school room was commenced under him
while acting as superintendent in Mr. Sprague's absence, and
the completion of the greater enterprize was his dream. It
was with high hopes that he entered upon his ministry.
It was not long before he called a meeting of the congrega-
tion with a view of taking immediate action looking to the
erection of the church proper according to the plans already
prepared. He stated his own views and impressed upon the
people what in his judgment was their duty. After an inter-
change of views a subscription was proposed which met with
so hearty a response that the work seemed assured. Matters
were about taking definite shape when it was observed that
the ill health under which Mr. Hart had been suffering for
some time, and which was not viewed with any apprehension
♦ 'i
of danger, was indeed of a very serious character. So anxious
was he to see the work proceed that he bravely contended with
his malady until physical strength became exhausted. On the
first Sunday in November he preached his last sermon.
A quarterly meeting was held at the parsonage on the 12th
December, 1879, presided over by Gilbert Bent until all mat-
ters of business had been dealt with. Mr. Hart then entered
the room, and, according to the minutes of the Recording
Steward, " Stated that the illness under which he had been for
a long time suffering, and which had recently so completely
prostrated him, he had lately discovered to be much more seri-
ous than he had supposed : so serious that he felt his work on
earth to be over. He referred in vei-y touching and impressive
terms to tlie bright anticipations of usefulness which he had
when appointed to Centenary circuit ; anticipations not now
to be realized, in the wise providence of God ; and feelingly
spoke of the Divine consolations which he enjoyed in his pres-
ent sore affliction, and of his hopeful anticipations of the end.
He stated that he had made arrangements for the pulpit to be
supplied for the remaining half of the year " (details of which
are omitted). Proceeding with the record : " Without waiting
for the formality of a resolution, tlie meeting with one voice
heartily and affectionately accepted the proposals of Rev. Mr.
Hart ; tendering him their warmest sympathy in his affliction,
and emphasizing their acceptance of any arrangement which
he should find conducive to his comfort and welfare." Then
retiring from the room visibly affected and in extreme weak-
ness, Mr. Hart for the last time left his quarterly meeting.
It was a touching scene, and one long to be remembered by
those present.
During a long and painful illness Mr. Hart was indeed
sustained by the Divine consolation of wliich he spoke. On
the 19th of March, 1880, in the 46th year of his age and
the 27tli of liis ministry, having "fought the good light of
faith," he entered into that rest that reniaineth to the people
of CJod.
Tlie following resolutions, expressive of the church's grief at
the loss of their pastor, were, at a meeting held on the iJlst of
March, read by A. A. Stockton, and, on motion of Captain
Prichard, seconded by E. T. Knowles, adopted.
1 11 H
"The menihers of the (junrturly bufird of the Centenary Motlio-
diwt church in Saint .John, receive with deepest sorrow tlie announce-
ment of the death of their l)elovere
liesolvml, That we record our sense of the loss sust^iined l)y the
Methodist Church of Canada, our missionary cause, our educational
institutions and the New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island Con-
ference, in common with the mendiership and congregation of the
churcli, in the lamontud douth of the Reverend .Josepli Hurt, while
yet in the prime of his manhood and his mental energy ; and, also,
our grief at the severance of the many strong individual ties of
friendship formed in the circuit in which he was called to labor ;
and be it further
lies 'Ive'l, That conscious of the anguish which must attend the
deeper bereavement sustained by our pastor's widow, we tender to
her our sincerest sympathy in this her severe affliction."
The quarterly board and board of trustees followed the
mourners in the procession to the railway station, from whence
the remains were taken to Halifax for interment.
Rev. John Prince having, at the request of Mr. Hart, al-
ready assumed the duties of superintendent of the circuit,
continued to discharge them until the end of the term.
The trustee steward I). J. McLaughlin, Jr., having taken
up liis residence in another part of the province, tendered his
resignation ; and on the 21st June, 1880, H. J. Thorne was
elected to the position thus made vacant.
The position of the church now involved much responsibility
and it was evident that Mr. Hart's successor should be a per-
son distinguished for his executive ability and an administrat-
or of experience. The reputation of Rev. D. D. Currie, at
that time editor of the Wesleyan, seemed to point to him as a
suitable supply, and on a majority vote an invitation was ex-
tended. The appointment was made and he entered upon his
duties in July, 1880. Mr. Currie, finding plans prepared and
a subscription list already opened, lost no time in getting at
work. The subscription list was revised as to its conditions
somewhat and appeared larger than that made in Mr. Hart's
time, but there really was little difference between them.
Twenty-five persons subscribed $12,900, being upwards of $500
on an average for each individual.
In August, upon the nomination of the superintendent, the
followinpj perr.ona were appointed trustees : H. IJ. White, L. II.
Vaujrl.an, E. Frost, W. H. Hay ward and J. E. Irvine ; and in
September, Judge Palmer, T. A. Temple and W. H. Tuck-
were also appointed. Mr. Tuck declined to act, but the otlieis
assumed office.
Tenders for building the church having been asked for, that
of Messrs. Bond & Milden was accepted. The work was under-
taken and the building opened on the 27th of August, 1882.
When the tower and spire are completed the cut above
presented will correctly indicate the appearance of the church
as it may be viewed from Princess street.
On tlio day of opciiiing, lotig bofore the hour at which thu
service was to begin, the congregation began to asseinbh^, and
soon every scat was occupied. Chairs were phiced in the
aisles and galhn-y whtM'ever it was possil)hi. At 11 o'clock
Uev. Messrs. Daniel, Narraway, Milligan, Pope, Lathei'n and
Currie entered and took th(;ir places on the platform. Hymn
G68 was sung, after which Rev. H. Daniel oH'ered prayer. The
Te Deum was then sung, followed by Scripture lessons pre-
scribed by tlu; liturgy and read by Rev. H. Pope, D. D., and
Rev. (jleo. S. Milligan, J). D. The congregation joined with
the choir in singing the dedication hymn, No. G7G, —
(jvuiit King (if (Jlory, come,
And with Thy favom- crown ^
This tumplc as Thy Immu,
This people as Tliino own :
IJunoath this roof, Oh deign to show
How (jod can dwell with men below.
Rev. Geo. Douglas, D. U., of Monti-eal, had been announced
to preach the dedicatory sermon, but was taken ill ou the
journey to Saint John. In his absence the sermon was
preached by Rev. J. Lathern, whose text was, " Now unto
Him "who is able to do exceeding abundantly tabove all that
we ask or think according to the power that woi'keth in us,
unto Him Ik; glory in the church l)y Christ Jesus, throughout
all ages, world without end. Amen." — Eph. iii., 20-21.
During the oflertory the choir sang Gounod's line anthem,
"Send out Thy Light," and shortly afterwards the congiega-
tion united with them in singing hymn 675, —
Lord of Hosts I to Thoo wo raise
Hero a house of pi'ayer and praise :
Thou Thy people's hearts propave
Here to meet for praise and prayer.
During the singing of this hymn the following trustees,
Joseph Priclmrd, Geo. Thomas, Tliomas A. Temple, Alfred A.
Stockton, Henry J. Thorne, Gilbert Bent, Edward T. Knowles,
Richard W. Thorne, William H. Hayward and Judge Palmer,
going forward to the communion rail, the usual dedication
service was proceeded with, Capt. Prichard, on behalf of the
trustees, saying to the superintendent, "We present unto you
this building, to be dedicated as a church for the worship and
service of Almighty God." The congregation then standing,
Mr. Currie repeated the usual declaration after which the ser-
vice was brought to a close.
The members of the choir present at this service were : Miss
Ennis, organist ; J. Clawson, leader ; soprano, Miss Ella Claw-
son, Miss RoVjinson, Mrs. H. J. Thorne, Miss White ; alto.
Miss Alice Hea, Miss Minnie Hea, Miss Hattie Prichard, Miss
Annie Turner ; tenor, Dr. Daniel, J. Clawson, F. Mclnnis,
William Kain, James A. White ; bass, H. B. White, Henry
Turner, S. Kerr, J. McKillop, John S. Hale.
In the afternoon a Sabbath school service was held, presided
over by Rev. Dr. Pope and addressed by the cliairman and
Rev. Messrs. Read, Shenton and W. W. Lodge.
In the evening Rev. D. D. Currie preached from 1 Kings,
vi., 7, drawing appropriate lessons and making applications
suggested by the passages in their reference to tiie building of
Solomon's temple.
At the evening service Minnie Emily and Harry LeBaron,
children of J. Albert Venning, received the rite of adult bap-
tism, and Ethel Maud, infant daughter of E. V. Hunt, the
rite of infant baptism.
William Kerley, who came recommended in the usual way
from the M. E. Church of Ontario, as a local preacher of
twenty-five years standing, and Mrs. Emma Kerley, his wife,
who came recommended from the Methodist Church in Brant-
ford, Ontario, were received into membership at this service.
The first church was opened on 16th August, 1839, being
the centennial year of the founding of British Methodism.
The second church' was opened on 27th August, 1882, being
the centennial year of Methodism in the Lower Provinces.
The building faces south on Princess street and displays on
the front a surface of masonry 80 feet v/ide, with a total height
to the top of the carved stone on the apex of the roof of 88
feet. A handsome Gothic door-way, flanked by stone columns
with enriched capitals, approached by a flight of stone steps,
is the main entrance to tlie sacred edifice.
The principal window, which is over the door way, is of
large size, being 20 feet wide and 40 high, divided into seven
lights of beautiful design. Heavy stone buttresses support the
corners of the building, which are surmounted with massive
pinacles. The tower is on the east side, about sixteen feet
from tlie front, and Is very imposing, spacious and richly orna-
mented, the angles being stayed by buttresses similar in char-
acter to those of the main building. The tower is 25 feet
square at the base, and at present is built up 40 feet from the
ground. A large Gothic door- way, 14 feet wide and 7 feet
high on the east side, leads into the tower, which forms a
handsome and spacious porch through which access is gained
to the main building.
The Wentworth street elevation, extending north 116 feet,
has six windows in the east aisle 7 by 22 feet and eight clere-
story windows 7 by 12 feet, each divided into three lights and
enriched with elegant tra,cery. The west side is designed and
finished in the same way.
Besides the south and east doors, entrance is obtained to the
church by a door at the south-west and two others ac the
northern end leading from the school room.
The clere-story is supported by massive iron columns, each
24 feet long and weighing 5,000 lbs. The capitals and bases
are of moulded wood.
Immediately within the south porch is a vestibule extending
the width of the nave and built up of ash. The northern side
of the screen and the east and west doors are pierced with
lancet lights, iilled in with stained glass of chaste design, each
light bearing a circular medallion of floral pattern, the inter-
stices between the upper parts of the windows being filled with
smaller medallions, each bearing the Jieur de lis.
The roof, the apex of which is 65 feet above the floor, is
painted a full sky blue, and the ground-work is in imitation of
pitch pine, having at the intersections foliated bosses of lemon
color, — a simple and pleasing combination of tints.
Some six feet from the front range of pews is the communion
rail of black walnut carved in simple open-work design, and
within which, set back four feet, is the platform, raised three
feet above the floor level and extending the full width of the
nave. The pulpit-desk and furniture are the gifts of the con-
tractors ; Mis8 Eaton presented the Bible and hymn book ;
the elegant altar is the gift of A. A. Stockton ; the clock in
the church was given by J. R. Ferguson ; while the beautiful
baptismal font was presented some time afterwards by the
infant class of the Sabbath school.
The organ, which in part was new and in part the organ of
the Mechanics' Institute, is very imposing in appearance, but
disappointing and unsatisfactory in musical ett'ect.
The most approved apparatus was provided for the lighting
of the church, the principal flttings being two pendant sun-
lights of large size, so arranged as to throw a soft and even
light over the whole of the upper and centre part of the inter-
ior, and in the aisles under the galleries are arranged semi-
circular coronals, each having six gas-lights. The whole of
the gas-fittings, including those of the pulpit platform, are of
polished brass. The large reflectors are of white porcelain
highly polished. In late years, in view of some of the porce-
lain having fallen from its place, it was deemed advisable to
introduce a system of net work to conserve the safety of the
The seating capacity is large, there being on the ground
floor 140 pews and 92 in the galleries, providing sittings for
about 1,400 persons. The pews, which have open ends, are
constructed of ash, with mouldings of black walnut varnished.
The School Building, which is a continuation of the main
church and appears externally as transepts to it, covers a plot
of ground about 100 feet by 50 feet, and is of two stories, the
lower floor being given to class-rooms, parlors, etc., all well
lighted. A corridor extends the whole length of the inner side,
with entrances at each end, having very liberal well-planned
stairs in the extended building both front and rear, which form
the ends of the aisles of the main church and are the rear
access to its galleries.
The school and lecture room is on the upper floor and is its
chief attraction, for although the building externally is very
beautiful in its proportions and built entirely of stone of the
neighborhood and commends itself to all beliolders, the mag-
nificent interior will stand as an example of tiie most beautiful
era of Gothic architecture. On one side of the room are six
three-light windows, and in each end are lofty four-light win-
dows, with lancets on each side all filled with elaborate and
massive stone tracery. The whole of the steep-pitched roof is
made to appear internally, and is what is technically known
as the " hammer-beam " mode of construction, all the massive
timber work being wrought out of hard pine, the many span-
drels being filled in with varying tracery work, with mould-
battlevnents and enrichments. All the wood framed-
work is oiled and finislied in its natural colors, the intervening
panels being finished of a brilliant blue vdth an ornamental
border of white and red. The interior is about fifty-six feet
in height to the ridge, and althougli the roof frame-work starts
from the stone corbels ten feet from the floor, there is no tie
or connexion across it below the collar-beam at the top, which
gives to the whole a very airy and roomy appearance, though
it is constructively sound and strong. One end of the lecture
room is partitioned off by ornamental screen work, forming a
library and a large separated infant-school room above, arran-
ged to seat 200 children or 100 adults in an end gallery when
the moveable screen work is opened. All the windovs are
filled with rich stained-glass, largely in geometric patterns.
The principal four-light front window, with its side-lights, be-
ing made a specialty and superior to the rest, the large window
having appropriate texts, surrounding rich foliage in medallion
and the large foliated circle of its traceried head having an
angel with a flowing scroll inscribed in latin, "Peace on earth,"
etc. The side or lancet windows — r both memorial gifts — are
beautiful specimens of artistic work in glass. One represents
the nativity, with the wise men of the east offering their wor-
ship to the infant Saviour ; it bears at the base the inscription
" Presented by Henrietta Temple, A. D. 1878." The other
shows our Saviour taking the little children in flis arms and
blessing them, and has the text, " Suffer little children to come
unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of
heaven," and at the base the words, "In memoriam, Willie
Welch, died 1868, aged 4 years."
The stone work of all the windows and finishings is artificial
and was prepared by D. H. Wheeler. James Thompson was
the mason ; Herman Royeman did the frame work of the roof ;
and Purdy Frencli the balance of the carpenter work.
During the interval between tiie destruction of the old
church and the opening of the new the pilgrimage of some
who had for years been familiar figures in the congregation
was brought to a close. At the mention of the name oi John
Gardiner many will call to mind a quiet, unobtrusive gentle-
man, a christian of deep and steadfast piety, the tenor of
whose life was characterized by meekness and humility. He
was the first superintendent of the Sabbath School, and during
all the time of twenty years in which he filled that office it is
said he missed but two sessions. Many who are now in the
congregation remember him well as their Sabbath School sup"
erintendent and will quickly accord to him the respect to
which his name is entitled. Mr. Gardiner died in the month
of February, 1878.
In the same month the death of William Whiteside took
place. He was a brother-in-law of Mr. Gardiner, and before
the erection of the first church and for many years after that
date had been an active member of the Methodist Society, and
an efficient local preacher. In later years he was not active,
but for some time before his death was in the enjoyment of
that religion which brings to its possessor so much joy and
The death of Henry Whiteside occurred on May 3, 1879.
He was a person whose "face illumined" seemed to indicate
that he had reached mountain peaks of christian satisfaction.
Out of the abundance of his heart his mouth did speak, some-
times in a sudden, joyous, ejaculation, "glory!" that to the
stranger who might be near him produced a sensation quite
startling ; at other times, as opportunity offered, in the social
services, on the street, or at his place of employment, bearing
testimony to the love of God that was in his heart. Quick to
recognize his own duty, he was not slow in indicating to others
what he conceived to be theirs ; particularly vvould this be the
case if the week-night service was a little dull.
Henry and William were sons of Richard Whiteside, who
was Recording Steward of the Circuit for so many years.
Mrs. iiarrett and Mrs. McCarty, wives of two worthy and
respected Methodist ministers, were also of Richard White-
side's family, and are at present members of and worshippers
in Centenary church.
On October 2, 1881, Jacob V. Troop died. Mr. Troop had
been connected with Centenary Church almost from the open-
ing. In the early years, as already stated, he was a member
of the choir and also an officer in the Sabbath School. For
a number of years he had been a trustee and was secretary
of the Varley Trust, in the purposes of which he was deeply
interested. He served faithfully and well as an official in the
church of which for many years he was a member, and was
useful and respected as a citizen. He had much strength
of purpose and force of character and withal the courage of
his convictions. While not ostentatious in his liberality, he
contributed largely toward the support of the church witli
which he was indentified and to such other interests as
merited assistance. At the time of his death he was seventy-
two years of age.
John Jenkins, an Englishman, born in June, 1812, was a
resident of St. John for many years and died in October, 1882.
For a long time he was connected with Centenary church, was
a class leader and for some years assistant to M . Gardiner, as
superintendent of the Sabbath school, in which position he
was efficient and deeply interested. At a time when there
were many prominent workers, he was one of the foremost, and
by liis extraordinary gifts in prayer and fervency in exhorta-
tion added mucii interest to the social services. In the late
years of his life he was much missed in those services, his ab-
sence from them no doubt being largely due to physical
infirmities. While feeling himself obliged to withdraw from
active work in the church, yet by precept and example in
the home circle lie exercised an influence that is now manifest
in the lives of his children.
i ,1
Dennis Suliivan was permitted to see the opening of the
new church and to join in those exercises, but it was not
long before he was visited by a sickness that resulted in his
death on the 6th December, 1882, in the sixty-ninth year of
his age. He was a very worthy member both of the church
with which he was connected and the community in which he
lived. He was respected by all persons whose opinion was
of any value. His piety was deep and uniform, and from the
commencement to the close of liis ciuistian pilgrimage he
walked worthy of his religious profession. His religion was
exhibited in his daily intercourse with society and by his un-
feigned faith and godly sincerity. As a local preacher he was
always at his post and ministered to the people with much
acceptance. He was ever ready to take part in the social
services of the church, and in the class-meeting was sympa-
thetic, helpful and interesting. In taking one of his last
appointments as a local preacher, he was thrown from his
carriage, in consequence of the horse running away, and sus-
tained injuries from which probably he never recovered.
While this accident was not the immediate cause of his death
yet no doubt it greatly aggravated the illness which closed his
exemplary aud religious life.
There are many others of whom mention should have been
made in chronological order, who years before the destruction
of the old church had passed from it, either by reason of death
or of their removal to other scenes of christian labor. Those
removed by death were Johnston Sullivan, Isaac Johnston,
Frederick Harrison, James M. Hamilton, George M. Dixon,
Sampson Manaton and others, who after lives of great useful-
ness passed to their reward. Among those who left St.
John, forming elsewhere home and church ties, were Peter
LeSueur, Edward Lloyd, Henry Marshall, Robert Hannah,
John McMoran, William Warwick and many others.
It will be seen that the personal references in the previous
pages have been to official members. This statement will serve
as an explanation for the omission of names that may have
been looked for — names of persons well reported for good
works, who, though not officially connected with the church,
yet exercised an influence by their piety and usefulness that
will be understood only in the great revealing day. To at-
tempt to do otherwise than has been undertaken would obvi-
ously be both incomplete and unsatisfactory. For this reason,
also, little has been said of the godly women of the church, of
whom there were not a few — mothers in Israel, who were "full
of good works and alms-deeds which they did," given to hospi-
tality, — whose efforts in many instances were characterized by
as much if not more zeal and earnestness than distinguished the
husbands whose names have received mention. Among very suc-
cessful and intelligent class leaders and earnest christian workers
should be mentioned Mrs. Richard Whiteside, Mrs. Hutchings,
Mrs. Drury, Mrs. Chamberlain, Mrs. Hennigar, Mrs. Johnston,
Mrs. McCallum, and Mrs. Henry Whiteside. Mrs. Hutchings
is still connected with the church, but age and infirmities have
long deprived her of its privileges. Mrs. McCallum some
times visits the city and invariably is found in the church
services. Of the others, some have removed, and the rest are
among the redeemed in heaven. In addition to these there
were some who, while active in the old church, continued their
labors in the new, and were of great blessing to many who
came within their influence.
In November following the opening exercises the pulpit in
the new church was for the first time occupied by one of our
General Superintendents, 8. D. Rice, D. D., who preached
from Heb. xL, 26. It will be remembered that Dr. Rice, in
the early years of Centenary Church, labored in St. John, and
was held in high esteem. During the long time in which the
preacher had been separated from the friends of his early
ministry many clianges had taken place, and the few who re-
mained appreciated the privilege of listening to one for whom
they had so much respect, and of renewing an acquaintance
happily formed so many years before.
Early in 1883 the question of union of all the Methodist
bodies in Canada greatly agitated the society throughout the
Dominion. A very strong feeling against the proposal existed
in the minds of many of our ministers, while the laymen were
pronounced in its favor. On 12th of February a meeting of
officials in connection with the St. John Circuits was held in
tlie Centenary, and, upon a vote being taken, seventy-two
voted in favor and one against the proposed basis of union.
In the following March, at a meeting of the Quarterly Board,
the vote stood 23 to 2.
Great preparations had been made for the celebrating, on
the 18th May, 1883, the Centennial of the landing of the
Loyalists. It was deemed fitting that the second century
should be ushered in by a watch-night service to be held in
Centenary Church on the evening of the 17th May. That
service was accordingly held and attended by an immense
gathering. All the aisles and corridors were packed, and the
greatest enthusiasm prevailed. Of this servi o Dr. Elder, in
an editorial in the Daily Telegraph, wrote : " The evening
meeting in the beautiful Centenary Church was happily con-
ceived and well carried out. The presence of the Lieutenant
Governor, Hon. R. D. Wilmot ; Chief Justice Allen ; Ameri-
can Consul, Gen. Warner ; Mayor Jones ; J. W. Lawrence,
Esq., and many of our most prominent clergymen and laymen,
and of an overflowing and deeply interested audience, made
the occasion one of deep interest. Music and sacred song,
solemn addresses, and eloquent speech, the teachings of his-
tory and the sanctions of religion, were all successfully invoked
to make the occasion forever memorable." When the closing
hour of the first century struck, the vast audience arose, and
the grand strains of Old Hundred, sung by almost two
thousand voices, rang through the lofty arches of the church.
Rev. Mr. Daniel then pronounced the benediction, and the
great gathering dispersed after singing "God Save the Queen."
As an incident to the Loyalist celebration, on the third of
the following October, a Literary and Musical Centennial
Harvest Festival in aid of tree planting was held in the Cen-
tenary Church, the Lieutenant Governor being in the chair,
besides whom there were on the platform the United States
Consul, Chief Justice Allen, Hon. S. L. Tilley, C. B., Rev.
Messrs. Dobson, Currie, and others.
In the erection of the church it would not be right, nor is
there any disposition, to withhold from Rev. D. D. Currie the
credit that is due him for the assiduity with which he attended
to details incident to that enterprise. Ii> his board of trustees,
however, he had a band of busy men willing to undertake the
responsibility that attached to their oflBce. It would be invidi-
ous to make distinction. Some may have accomplished more
than others, but all were disposed to do their utmost, and to
them as a body the congregation accord much credit.
Stained glass windows representing miracles and parables of
our Lord have been placed in position. Some were put in dur-
ing Mr. Currie's pastorate and the others in Mr. Dobson's.
They were supplied by J. C. Spence & Son of Mont il, and
are creditable to the skill of the manufacturer, being pleasing
jn appearance and effective in design. Seven are in memory
of friends, while two are simply presentation windows. The
memorial class were placed to the memory of Rev. Joseph
Hart, representing the parable of the sower ; Jacob V. Troop,
the miracle of Christ stilling the tempest ; Mr. and Mrs. Aaron
Eaton, the feeding of the five thousand ; Mrs. A. L. Palmer,
parable of the lost sheep ; Mr. and Mrs. John Frost, the mirac-
ulous draught of fishes ; Mrs. George Tliomas, parable of the
good Samaritan ; Mrs. Eliza Kennay Smith, the raising of the
daughter of Jairus. The otiiers were presented by Miss Troop,
representing tiie parable of the laborers in the vineyard ; and
Mr. E. R. Moore, representing the marriage in Cana.
On June 1st, 1883, Henry J. Thoi'ne having resigned the
position of trustee steward, George A. Henderson was ap-
pointed to that office, and entering upon his duties has dis-
charged them ever since.
With the Conference of 1883 Mr. Currie's ministerial term
expired. An invitation was extended to Rev. William Dobson
and the appointment was made. Mr. Dobson entered upon
his work on July 22, preaching from Acts iv., 13, "And they
took knowledge of them that they had been with Jesus."
The large congregations he had during the three years in which
he ministered to the people showed the popularity in which
as a preacher he was held. Under him the collections increased
and the pew rent roll was augmented by upwards of three
hundred dollars. There were additions to the membership, and
in every department the interest was so well sustained that it
may be said his term was one of success.
The Conference of 1884, by invitation previously extended,
was held in Centenary Church. This is known as the "Long
Conference," as it involved the completion of all business of
the annual Conference in connection with the Methodist Church
of Canada, and in accordance with the terms of union, the organ-
ization of the Conference in connection with the Methodist
Church. At the latter Conference Rev. Dr. Williams presided.
In Mr. Dobson's term the congregation had the pleasure of
listening to a number of distinguished preachers, among whom
were Dr. Parker, of New York, Dr. Meacham, Dr. Williams,
and Dr. Carman ; and in January, 1885, Joseph Cook visited
the city and lectured to large audiences in the Centenary
Church, his subjects being " Seven Modern Wonders of the
World" and "Does Death End All."
On the 17tli February, 1885, David Collins passed to his
reward, in the eighty-sixtli year of his age. Mr. Collins, at
the time of his death, was a member of Exmouth street
Church, but inasmuch as he was one of the original trustees.,
of Centenary, and moreover a Christian who confined not his *
attentions to any one particular church, but was found where-
ever lie might be useful, it is not out of place that in a record
of this kind his name should receive mention. The first place
among Methodists in St. John during a useful life of more
than half a century is conceded to David Collins. He was
warmly attached to the church of his choice. His experience
was rich in spiritual enjoyment that was born within the veil.
The light of his life did shine before men, and withal, his
habitual modesty and deep humility gave to his other excel-
lencies an added lustre. " His spirit and temper were such as
became tlie gospel of Christ, and he departed in peace and
holy hope, full of days and full of honor."
In the following month, March, 1885, the exemplary life of
Ellen Barry Smitli closed at the age of seventy-three. She
was the daughter of Robert Barry, one of the earliest and
most prominent ineinbeis of the Methodist Society in Nova
Scotia, niece of Rev. William Jessop, the noble pioneer of
whom mention has been made as one of the early missionaries
to Saint Jolin ; and the wife of Rev. William Smith, a
faithful Methodist minister, to whom, by actively engaging in
the duties of a minister's wife, she had been a great help.
Becoming a widow in 1863, for a time she resided in Liver-
pool, but between that event and her death the greater portion
of her life was spent in St. John, where she was earnest in her
Master's cause. She was gifted to an unusual degree, power-
ful in prayer, persuasive in exhortation, and as a class leader
earnefc sympathetic and intelligent. She sustained with
wisdom her exalted Christian profession, and of her it may be
said that religion regulated her understanding and her heart.
About this time a Missionary Committee was appointed by
the Quarterly Board, of which James S. Mamie was secretary.
As a result of this organization, and largely through the dili-
gence of Mr. Mamie, the contributions of the congregation to
the funds of the Society were very largely increased, until in
a few years the amount contributed annually was double that
of any year previous to the appointment of the committee.
A Woman's Missionary Society was also formed, the re-
sults which have been most widespread. An account of
this ization was prepared by a committee appointed for
that purpose for the Jubilee record, and may properly be here
woman's missionary society.
In the year 1885 an Auxiliary to the Woman's Missionary
Society was formed in connection with Centenary Church.
Miss Hattie E. Smith, now Mrs. Eaton, of Baltimore, was its
first president, and to her untiring exertions and judicious
management much of its early success was owing.
The work of the New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island
Branch, to which this Centenary Auxiliary belongs, was at
first limited to Japan, but its contributions now augment the
funds of the General Society. Under its present efficient
head, Mrs. C. E. Macmichael, the work is growing and
strengthening. Miss Palmer, its devoted corresponding secre-
tary, has been wonderfully successful in awakening and direct-
ing missionary zeal among the women of our highly favored
Methodism, and during the past year twenty-eight additional
Auxiliaries have been formed. From these, representatives
are sent to the annual meeting of the Branch.
The meetings of the Centenary Auxiliary, of which, also,
Mrs. Macmichael is president, are held once a month, and
have been made interesting from time to time by the reading
of original papers and leaflets bearing on the work of Christian
missions, as well as by letters received from the various fields
to which grants are given. These extend from Japan to New-
foundland, and include the Girl's School at Tokio, the Crosby
Girls' Home at Fort Simpson, the McDougall Orphanage, the
Home at Chillewhack, the French work in Montreal, the
Chinese Rescue Home in British Columbia, and an Orphanage
for the children of fishermen in Newfoundland.
On November 15th, 1887, a Band was formed in connection
with Centenary Auxiliary which has since been doing excel-
lent work. It is known as the Haraiwa Mission Band. Miss
Kate Bartlett was its first president. The well-known monthly
periodical, the Missionary Review, is taken by the Auxiliary
and circulated among its members, while one hundred and
sixty copies of The Outlook tind their Way into the homes of
the people through the agency of the Sabbath School. Last
year, on the Friday of the week appointed for prayer by the
Evangelical Alliance, a union meeting of the city Auxiliaries
was held, and an Easter service has since been inaugurated
whicli it is proposed to make an annual representative gather-
ing, in the belief that there is no more fitting time for woman's
combined and consecrated effort than the time which com-
memorates her heart-cheering commission, "Go your way; tell
his disciples and Peter that he goeth before you into Galilee."
Mr. Dobson having reached the close of his pastorate, the
Quarterly Board, at a meeting lield in June, 1886, recorded its
" high appreciation of his faithful services and of his able and
fearless presentation of the truth to the congregation."
A call was extended to Rev. W. W. Brewer, and he suc-
I 7 gtf?'^^^
'! !.
ceeded Mr. Dobson, beginning his ministty in July, 1836.
Mr. Brewer's public ministrations were marl-ed by great
earnestii ss and fervor, and as a messenger of Christ it was
his endeavor to persuade men by gospel messages clearly and
lovingly given. Under him an interesting and useful paper
called Glad Tidings was published and received with favor.
In his term much evangelistic effort was put forth through
what was known as Band Work, and so far as that work was
directed in the Lower Provinces he was the superintendent.
He was also deeply interested in the outcasts and abandoned,
many of whom received a great deal of care and attention
at his hands. The extra work thus outlined, added to his
circuit duties, represented an amount of labor that few men
having r* ^^ject for their health and strength would dare un-
During Mr. Brewer's pastorate, among distinguisiied preach-
ers occupying the pulpit may be mentioned Rev. E. A, Telfer,
whose sermon on the "Blessed South Wind" is well remem-
bered ; Rev. T. Bowman Stephenson, D. D. ; Father Chiniquy ;
Mark Guy Pearse, who held a series of fou** Bible readings ;
Dr. Williams ; Dr. Carman ; Bishop Tanner, A. M. E. Church ;
Dr. Lowery ; D. Savage ; Bishop Foster, of the M. E. Church ;
and E. Hartley Dewart, D. D.
During his pastorate the ladies of the different Metho-
dist Churches of the city formed a Sustentation Society,
the object of which is to augment the receipts of ministers
upon the dependant circuits of the N. B. and P. E. I. Confer-
ence. This is not peculiarly an institution of Centenary
Church, but inasmuch as its membership is largely made up
of the members and adherents of that church, was organized
within its parlors, in which the regular meetings are still held,
and receives a great deal of sympathy from the congregation,
it should be ranked as an incident calling for notice. The
meoibers of this society are much interested in their work,
and during its existence have, by their contributions and in-
fluence, done much to lielp the funds of the Sustentation
One of the newspapers found in the box which had been
placed in the corner stone of old Centenary contains an ac-
count of the celebration, on June 2l8t, 1838, of the Queen's
coronation. Some extracts from it may be interesting, and
in view of t!ie next item in this history to receive notice, are
here presented : " Business was laid aside, stores and shops
closed, and as tlie day advanced multitudes of well-dressed
people were promenading the streets and visiting those parts
of the city where the oxen, wliich had been provided by the
corporation, were in preparation for a public feast." * * ♦
" Each was trying to outdo his fellow in display, and hundreds
were catching a partial glimpse of the loyal and patriotic actfc
that were flitting before and about them. Thus the time
rapidly passed until the hour of eleven, the time ivheit divine
service commenced in the Wesleyan Chapel. To many persons
King and Queen Squares held forth great attractions — the
roast beef and puddings of old England were sliortly to be
forthcoming." * * * " Then the barracks : there the
military corps, the Royal Artillery and the gallant Eleventh
were to perform thi. ir evolutions on their square ; and those
who were more seriously disposed could enter into the sanctu-
ary and otter up their petitions for the happiness and pros-
perity of the reign they were then engaged in celebrating."
The words in italics are not so printed in the newspaper from
which the extract is taken.
There is also in the same paper an account of the Temper-
ance Soiree or Convention held in the Wesleyan Sabbath
School room, in celebration of the Queen's coronation. This
festive gathering — the iirst of its kind — sectns to have
1 ;
been very social and was marked Vjy great enthusiasm.
Rev. B. G. Gray, president of the temperance society, presided.
"Addresses were delivered by the chairman, His Honor Mr.
Justice Parker, Rev. Mr. Bamford, His Honor Neville Parker,
and Dr. Bayard (Samuel). Tea and coffee, with suitable ac-
companiments, were served up in due order. At intervals was
heard the soft strains of beguiling harmony blending in unison
with some delightful words for the occasion. * * * The
rich and the honorable conducted themselves alike to all ; the
hoary head and the wintry-white locks held unrestrained in-
tercourse with the bloom of youth, male and female being
promiscuously intermingled throughout. Then was manifested
all that true disinterested adherence to British rule that the
heart could long for or the Sovereign Queen desire. ' Bless
God for such meetings, such government as this,' said a rev.
gentleman present in the height of his enthusiasm ; ' I spilt
my blood for this government, and would do it again ; and you,
daughters,' said he, smiling on the youthful glow of female
loveliness that surrounded him, 'you, daughters, would bind
up the wounds.'" When one has heard of the eccentric and
loyal Stephen Bamford, and of the pride with which he re-
ferred to his battle wounds, it is not difficult to identify the
reverend gentleman. The account concludes " Long Live
Victoria Reqina, Patroness op the Temperance Societies
— long may she reign ! !"
We conclude, then, that the gathering in the old Germain
Street Church was the only religious public gathering held in
St. John upon the occasion referred to. There *' the seriously
disposed offered up their petitions for the happiness and pros-
perity of the reign they were engaged in celebrating."
We reverence the people who, while they had hearty sym-
pathy with all that was good in the general rejoicing, and no
doubt entered heartily into the plaudits and acclamation of
the people, yet also recognized the propriety of betaking them-
selves to the house of God and invoking His blessing upon the
young Queen.
When Her Most Gracious Majesty had reigned fifty years
her loyal subjects throughout the vast empire ' ntered with
great enthusiasm into the proper celebration of her Jubilee.
On June 19, 1887, Jubilee Sunday, a commemorative religi-
ous service was held in Centenary Church, when the St. John
Fusiliers in full force attended. The congregation numbered
over two thousand persons. As the ba.ttalion filed into their
places the organist played Viviani's celebrated " March of the
Silver Trumpets," ending with " Harmony in the Dome,'' by
the same composer. The battalion colors were placed near the
prtfacher's desk. The services began by singing hymn 902, a
prayer for the Queen :
King of Kings, thy blessing shed ' • <
On our annointed Sovereign's head I :'
And, looking from thy holy heaven,
■ Protect the crown thyself hast given.
In this, as in other hymns, the organ and choir were accom-
panied by the Battalion Band. Rev. Dr. Pope led in prayer
and read the Scripture lessons. The preacher on the occasion
was the Rev. John Lathern, D. D., who chose as his text Rev.,
viii., 3, 4, 5.
In the afternoon there was a Jubilee Union Sunday School
Service, the body of the church being occupied by the schools
in connection with the Methodist churches of the City and
Portland, while the galleries were packed by parents and friends
of the scholars. His Worship Mayor Thorne, an official of
the church, occupied the chair, and on the platform were Rev.
Dr. Lathern, Rev. J. W. Wadman, Rev. D. D. Moore, J. W.
Lawrence, Esq., and Henry Melick, Esq. Addresses were
delivered by tlie chairman, J. W, Lawrence, Dr. Lathern, and
Rev. J. W. Wadman. There were also exercises in which
members of the schools took part.
In the summer of 1887 the 8t. John Oratorio Society
obtained the use of the church for the purpose of rendering
Haydn's sacred musicial composition " The Creation " and
Mendolssohn's " St. Paul." On the 25th and 26th July large
audiences listened with great delight to the performers, who
were accompanied by the usual instruments. These were
the first complete oratorios rendered in a church in St. John,
and those who appreciate music of that character heard it
then under the most favorable circumstances. The acoustics
of the auditorium proved excellent for the purposes and owing
to the sacred relations in which the people found themselves,
the narrative was given complete without being bi-oken by
bursts of applause ; moreover, in a church it would seem that
the words are received with deeper reverence than in the
ordinary concert hall.
In every year the messenger of death comes to the congre-
gation and levies tribute ; nor was there in Mr. Brewer's
pastorate immunity from his visits. Early in the morning of
Ash Wednesday in 1887, Feb. 23, the message came to Edward
T. Knowles announcing that the hour of his departure was at
hand. To his friends the summons was not unexpected, as for
a long time his health had been feeble, and he had reached the
advanced age of eighty-three years. He had lived in the sun-
light of God's love, and was indeed as ripened grain ready to
be garnered. Mr. Knowles was born in Nova Scotia, but the
greater portion of his life had been spent in St. John, where
he was much respected for his sterling qualities. One of the
original trustees of Centenary Church, he outlived them all,
and as an official in connection with Methodism he was one of
the oldest in the city. He had an abiding interest in the
church, and in the many positions to which he was appointed
.. ,.. ,il,.
or elected he served faithfully and well. A few days after his
death the Quarterly Board placed on record the following
resolution : ''Whereas, since our last quarterly meeting, it has
pleased Almighty God to remove from our society our broth jr
Edward T. Knowles, who for almost half a century has been
an official in connection with this church ; and, whereas, this
Board has the most pleasing recollections of his services, both
in his official and society relations ; therefore resolved, that we
record our profound respect for his memory, and extend to his
family our sympathy in their affliction."
To George Thomas the messenger came much more swiftly.
Though he had for a long time been in poor health, yet his
death took place when it was not looked for. Mr. Thomas
had been a familiar figure in Centenary Church, and until
within a few years of his death was an active and interested
member in its general work. He had also been a trustee for
some years, and gave close and intelligent attention to the
duties incident to that office. He was' painstaking and metho-
dical in all that he did, conservative in his views, and firm, it
may be said, in his conservatism. These qualities, exhibited in
his church relations, at times proved to be of great advantage
in the administration of its affairs. He was deeply interested
in the Varley trust, and was absent from the meetings of that
board only wlien his health or other just reason pi evented his
attendance. His death took place on the 27th of April, 1888,
in the sever ty-ninth year of his age. Mr. Thomas was a
native of Nova Scotia, and came from that part of the prov-
ince which had also given to Centenary Messrs. Eaton, Ray,
Knowles, Troop, Bent, and others.
The last name to be noticed in Mr. Brewer's pastorate is
that of James Emison, a gentleman of kind and trusting dis-
position, of whom no one knew anything discreditable. At
the time of the fire he had been for many years an efficient
class leader ; after that event he met in class while his health
permitted, but did not act as leader. He was pre-eminently a
man of faith and prayer, and his sincerity was manifested by
the intensity, earnestness and simplicity with which he ap-
proached the throne of grace. Few men in the church, per-
haps none, experienced more satisfaction in the religion of
Christ. Though his hearing was impaired and he was largely
shut out from the harmony of sound, yet he was regular in
his attendance upon the public services, and it was evident
that he had a very rich Christian experience which deepened
and matured as he approached the end of his pilgrimage.
There was no darkness in the valley as he passed through it,
but with him "at evening time it was light," and "the Lord
his God gave him rest," on the 17th January, 1889, in the
eighty-sixth year of his age.
Centenary is now approaching its jubilee, and as a suitable
introduction to the observance of that event the session of the
Conference of 1889 was, by invitation, held within its walls.
With this Conference Mr. Brewer's term expired. From one
reason and another, principally from the fact of it being what
was termed an off year, considerable difficulty was experienced
in securing supply for the next year. The Stationing Com-
mittee had a good many sessions, and expressed anxiety to
meet the wishes of the Quarterly Board as communicated to
them through a committee appointed for that purpose. With
each proposition it would seem that some interest was invaded,
and the disposition of the matter involved much wisdom. It
was not until after the Conference adjourned that the matter
was finally disposed of by the special committee in the appoint-
ment of Rev. Edwin Evans, who, as the jubilee exercises
approached, had ministered to the people for a few weeks.
In the growth of a community, as well as in the life of an
individual, interesting points are reached when for a short
time a halt is called and a glance both retrospective and pros-
pective taken. None the less is it proper that a church should
duly observe such periods in its history, giving praise for
achievements, expressing sorrow for failures, and in each case
carefully observing the lessons suggested with a view to the
profitable application of the same in the years yet to come.
Such a point had now been reached in the history of Centenary
Church, and with a view to the appropriate observance of its
jubilee the following programme, prepared by a joint com-
mitte of the Trustee and Quarterly Boards, was carried out :
Augrust 18th, Sunday.
11.00 a. m., Rev. William Dobson
2.30 p. m., • . . Sabbath School Service
7.00 p. m., Rev. H. Sprague, D. D.
Augrust 19tli, Monday, 8 p. m.
A Glance at Methodism, as it Was and as it Is.
Augrust 20th, Tuesday, 8 p. m.
August 21 8t, Wednesday, 8 p. m.
Love Feast.
Augrust 22nd, Thursday, 8 p. m.
Social Reunion,
A feature of which will be a Musical Programme by present
and past Members of Choir.
Augrust 23rd, Friday, 8 p. m.
Unveilino of Tablet, Historical Abstract, Etc.
Augrust 25th, Sunday, 11 a. m. and 7 p. m.
John P. Newman, D. D.,
Bishop of M. E. Church of the United States.
August 26th, Monday, 8 p. m.
Lecture by Bishop Newman. Subject: "March of Civilization."
i i
As the Sundays of 1889 fell upon the same days of the
month as in 1839, it followed that Jubilee Sunday was exactly
the 50th anniversary. The church was made attractive by
floral decorations, and, as a feature both appropriate and
interesting, around the galleries were hung portraits, chiefly
in oil, of gentlemen who in years past took a warm interest in
the church's welfare. The eastern gallery was adorned with
paintings of John Gardiner, Aaron Eaton, J. V. Troop, D. J.
McLaughlin, Senior, and Jeremiah Gove, while on the western
gallery there were those of Gilbert T. Ray, George King,
Thomas Hutchings, and John McAlpine. Over the altar
and in front of the pulpit a fine portrait of Dr. Richey was
placed, and on the northern end, under the gallery, were to be
seen smaller portraits of that gentleman and of Dr. Alder, as
well as an excellent picture of Centenary Church as it was.
It will be remembered that Dr. Richey and Dr. Alder preached
the dedicatory sermons in 1839. In the choir gallery were
placed portraits of Rev. William Temple, a former superin-
tendent of the circuit, and Rev. Dr. Punshon, who on several
occasions in the old church had, by his wonderful oratory, de-
lighted the multitudes, while over and above them all was to
be seen the well-known picture of the founder of the Metho-
dist Society, the beloved John Wesley. The eleven o'clock
service was opened by the singing of Hymn 24 :
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty I
Gratefully adoring our song shall rise to Thee ;
Holy, holy, holy, merciful and mighty,
God in three persons, blessed Trinity.
Prayer was then offered by Rev. J. R. Narraway, followed
by the singing of the Te Deum by the choir. The first lesson
from Leviticus xxx., 8, was read by Rev. Wm. Dobson. The
choir then rendered the first chant :
O come, let us sing unto the Lord !
after which Mr. Dobson read the second lesson — Ephesians,
third chapter, being the chapter in which the first text
preached from in the old church was found. This fact was
referred to V)y the reader as he approached the text.
After singing hymn 211, — *
' ' Blow ye the trumpet, ])low.
The year of Jubilee is come :
Return, ye ransom 'd sinners, home ! "
I' '
Mr. Dobson, the preacher of the occasion, announced as his text
Leviticus xxv., 10 : "And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and
proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabit-
ants thereof : it shall be a jubilee unto you ; and ye shall re-
turn every man unto his possession, and ye shall return every
man unto his family." The synoptic report published in the
Daily Telegraph on Monday was as follows :
" In prefacing his sermon, the reverend gentleman said that
the whole Hebrew dispensation was typical and emblematical
of things unseen and eternal. The journey of the Israelites
through Egypt and into the promised land of Canaan was
figurative of the bondage of sin, the Christian's entry into
eternal life, and a better knowledge of !ieavenly things. The
authority vested in the Jewish chief priest was but typical of
the power held in the Christian's high priest, the Saviour, the
Lamb of God, the pure and exalted One that taketh away the
sins of the world. 'Thus,' said the preacher, as Campbell
said, ' have coming events cast their shadows before.'
"Among the Jewish political institutions, not the least in
importance was their year of jubilee. This jubilee year
derived its significance from the fact that it was instituted
to warn or restrain the tendency of the human heart to ac-
quire property unduly, which evil, even in these days, has
been the cause of creating many monopolies which have been
but the forerunners of much unhappiness. It was also in-
tended to restrain any feeling of lording over weaker brethren,
and, as far as possible, to destroy the perpetuity of slavery in
the land. In tlmt year every man who had forfeited his liberty
I ')
became a free citizen. Yesterday but a slave, to-day he be-
comes a free man. In every heart is implanted a love of the
land of birth. Nowhere, perhaps, is the feeling more hallowed
than in the rural districts. To persons born under such cir-
cumstances it makes the heart aciie to see the old homestead,
where the mother had nursed the children in infancy, and the
father tilled the land, pass into the hands of strangers. All
these old associations Hll the lireast of the Hebrew slave who
had forfeited his liberty; therefore to him the jubilee year was
an important institution, inasmuch as it made him a free man.
"This is but typical of the moral and spiritual freedom
which is promised to all those who obey the dictates of con-
science. Moral freedom consists in the right to manifest all
our nature without any restraint, for where there is any re-
pression there is slavery. Tliere are very few Christians, if
any, whose natures are free in the proper sense of the word.
The reasons for these ai'e two-fold : First, there are very few
who carry about with them a nature that can be manifested,
at all times and under all conditions, in its fulness, without
being restrained by what is called conscience; second, there
are very few men who possess such a nature that they can
manifest it in its entirety without finding themselves enslaved
by God's law. Conscience is a something which is of itself
undefinable, but it is possessed by every human being, and
can never be utterly destroyed or annihilated. It assumes
to itself the right to challenge every individual's actions and
to determine their moral quality. This it does by pressing
home upon all the moral character of their thoughts and
actions. After a day of active work many a man has been
brought face to face by conscience with the effect of his actions,
been charged with unmanliness of action which he dared not
contradict. This is the experience of all ; therefore all are the
slaves, more or less, of conscience. If, therefore, as is proved,
moral freedom be the right to manifest all parts of nature
without any restraint whatever, then all, to a certain extent,
are the slaves of conscience. Why? Because they fear the
lashes which it brings down upon them. They feel that down
in the depths of their nature are elements so opposed to con-
science that if they were allowed to manifest them in their
fulness they must break not only the civil but God's law.
t : I
Hence they curtail tlie attributes of their nature and become
slaves to the moral law. The only way men can become free
is to be brought into harmony with conscience and God's moral
law. This can only be done by the annihilation of certain
parts of the nature. In order to make a successful voyage
of life all men must be obedient to the commands of one
supreme head. This supreme being is found in the Saviour.
His commands must be obeyed, else, like the crew who, on
shipboard, refuse to carry out the orders of the captain, there
will be mutiny and rebellion. Every living being knows he or
she was born for the enjoyment of higher and nobler things
than they ate now enjoying, viz., to become heirs with God
and joint heirs with Christ, possessors of an inheritance which
is incorruptible and fac^ti: not away. Hence Christ's com-
mands must be obeyed, and his plan of redemption must be
accepted. It is said that Whitfield prayed until his face grew
radiant with the glory of God and his heart went out in love
to Jesus and God, and that he loved his neighbor as himself.
This experience of Whitfield's may become the possession of
every member of the human family, for love of God tind accept-
ance of Christianity will bring man iii accord with the moral
law, and make him the possessor of eternal inheritance.
" The preacher then closed with a few words to the members
of the church, expressing the hope that the celebration of their
50th anniversary would fill them with increased energy and
determination to work more earnestly for (Jod and hasten for-
ward the coming of Christ's kingdom."
The cradle o* the church and the nursery from which the
plants are brougl^t is the Sabbath School. Perhaps in no de-
partment of church work is there more success accomplished
than through the well directed efforts of the faithful Sabbath
school teacher. It was therefore very fitting that upon so
historic on occasion as that through which the church was now
passing a special service should be held.
At this service, Miss Sarah E. Smith, one of the lady teach-
I' )
1 ;■;'..
era, read the following original poem, appropriate to the oc-
casion, entitled
In the Hweet story, often read.
Amid the signs and wonders wrought of old,
A chosen people, through the desert led,
Buttling with doubts and dangers manifold.
Came, safe at last, to claim with thankful tears,
The long sought heritage of forty years !
Shall we, whose story is so like the.\r own,
Who fifty years of strange deliveiance see.
To whose weak faith such wonders hive been shown,
Shall wc not celebrate our jubilee V
And shall not in His ear our song be loud
Who leads His people still by fire and cloud?
We may not count the mercies of the way,
Nor all the windings of the path explain.
We only know the darkness turned to day.
And wliore the grief had been was joy again,
Up from the ashes of our buried past
Rose a new life and larger faith at last.
To-day we stand, unshod, with reverent feet,
And gaze adown the vista of the years.
What miracles of change these years repeat.
What growth of science, unforetold of seers.
What giant schemes, what vast designs have birth,
What searching of the secrets of the earth?
And in the realm of spirit, subtler far.
How holy and how grand the triumphs won.
Even as in worth a soul transcends a star.
And shall outshine in heaven the latest sun.
So our high boast such victories shall be
For these we celebrate our jubilee !
We welcome you to-day whose tearful thought
Goes back in yearning to the long ago.
Past all the burdens which the years have brought.
To kindle once again youth's fervid glow.
And people with the vanished forms of yore
The places which shall know them never more.
Perchance when fii'Ht the uncred Temple rose,
And altjir Hros Jiscondud to the skies,
In your child huiirts whs .sown the seed that grows
And blossoms into noblest destinies.
And from your lips the sivme sweet lessons given
Led otlier souls to happiness and heaven.
Rejoice, rejoice that ye were counted meet,
No worthier service could ye do or ask,
Fain wouJd we follow where your willing feet
Were swift to enter .
R. Magee.
John McPherson.
George Lynam.
C. A. (Jurney.
Wm. T. MoLeod.
Miss Lougley.
William (Jreig.
William C, Jordan.
Frank Pittield.
C. D. Stewart.
F. L. Harrison. ' ' '
F. S. Whittaker. ; "
Thomas Jenkins. ; |
Hardress Clarke.
R. AV. McCarty.
Wm.and.LW. Hazelhurst.
J. H,Bai8ley.
C. F. Robertson.
A. C. A. Salter.
Fred. W. Blizard.
Thomas C. Hennigar. "
R. Ward Thorne.
Isaac G. Stevens.
Miss Sullivan.
G. A. Ilorton.
John Mullin,
E. W. Paul.
Mrs. Andrew Lawaon
H. G. Addy, M. D.
John S. Dunn.
« '
I ' u
It was deemed proper that the first week evening should be
set apart for glimpses at Methodism as it was and as it is —
its progress, changes, and present polity. A. A. Stockton,
Esq., LL. D., one of the trustees of the church, occupied the
chair, and in his opening addre.ss contributed much to the his-
toric interest of the occasion. He said the year 1839 was
remarkable in the annals of New Brunswick Methodism, as in
that year not only was Centenary opened, but Mr. Charles F.
Allison iirst made his proposal to the Methodist authorities to
set apart ••* very large portion of his fortune towards the
organization of a Methodist College. Out of his generous
offer grew the splendid .ollege at Sackville In the year 1839
the population of New Brunswick was 154,000, but during
the fifty years it had increased to at least 3r)0,000. The in-
crease of Methodists in the province, though, was more than
the natrral increase of the population during that period.
Of Mr. Narraway's address on the constitutional changes of
Metho'lism in Canada, Dr. Lathern, in the Wesleyan, wrote
as follows : —
"An address by Rev. J. R. Narraway evinced many of the
((ualities which some of us remember so well as characteristic
of his pulpit and platform etibrts and oratory of other days.
It was a genuine Ireat to renew one's impressions of logical
sequence, racine^.s, splendid glow of style, the summer lighten-
ing gleams <■' ■ff\t or humor by wl-.ich the subject was revealed,
and to find that a voice which has been partially silenced for
years l<«ia in some way recovered much of its former tone and
clearness. It is inoie audible than at any period since retire-
ment from full circuit and pulpit work. Mr. Narraway
sk'^tched rapidly the constitutional changes of Methodism in
the Eastern Provinces during the past fifty years; the forma-
tion of the Conference of 1855, in affiliation with British
Methodism ; the union of 1874, the formation of separate Con-
ferences for each pf the Eastern Provinces, and the organiza-
. I
tion of a quadrennial General Conference for Canada; the
more recent union of all branches of Methodism in the
Dominion, with a glance at its distinctive features. In all
these changes, it was believed that on he whole there had
been progress and increased efficiency. In giving impressions
of several distinguished ministers of oui church during the
period under review a beautiful and discriminating tribute was
paid to men whose names we shall not willingly let die. Some
of them long ago rested from their labors, ethers more recently,
but in all cases their lives exhaled so sweet a fragrance that
the perfume lingers yet. We are solemnized by the thought
of having been summoned to take an uitarnished banner from
hands stiffened in death, to be borne on to other successes.
Because of such examples and such trust committed, have we
not a higher character to sustain?"
Of Dr. Tiftthern'a effective address on the progress of
Methodism, it may l)e said that it abounded with interesting
and suggestive 8<^ '^istics, a»»'' was replete with facts and infor-
mation as to th(? wonderful growth of the Methodist Society
from its inception to its ir)Oth year. The hostility with which
its doctrines were received, the obstacles with which it had to
contend, and the success achieved, were admirably placed be-
fore his hearers, whom he exhorted ever to work with an eye
single to the advancement ot God's kingdom and the spread of
Centenary has the unique distinction of numl)ering among
its stated worshippers three or t'le six Judges of the Supreme
Court of the province. One of these, Mr. Justice Tuck, a
loya! adherent of the Methodist church, occupied the chair for
the evening set apart for reminiscences. In talking of old
times there would always be the danger of a speake" mon-
opolizing time, while the idea of the committee for this
meeting was that as many as possible should take part and
that any person might feel free to do so. On account of
! 15
■ it' '
the peculiar character of the meeting there was some fore-
boding as to its success. It was felt that it might be made
interesting, and at the same time, for the reasons stated, there
was the fear of failure. The felicitous address of the chairman,
and the ease, dignity and grace with which that officer presided,
relieved the uncertainty, and though the meeting was con-
tinued until a late hour, it was all too short. • ' '
J. W. Lawrence, Esq., was loudly applauded as he was in-
troduced. Mr. Lawrence is a master in local historic lore, and
delivered an excellent address. Methodist traditions, dates,
and early development seemed as familiar to him as to the
manor born.
Mr. James Sullivan, who had been a member of the Methodist
Society from a period some years before the opening of Centen-
ary Church, and a member of that church during all its fifty
years, and at this date a local preacher, class leader, and probably
the oldest official amoro Methodists in this city, being called
on, furnished incident' find recollections of a most vivid and
interesting character. These were particularly in reference to
Messrs. Smallwood, Allison, Cooney and Albrighton.
It was expected that Senator Lewin would be present and
speak of Rev. Enoch Wood and his pastorate, but he was not
able to attend.
T^ev. Henry Daniel, one of the early superintendents, and
the oldest minister in connection with the N. B. and P. E. I.
Conference, in the course of a most interesting address, re-
ferred in eulogi.stic terms to the labors of Rev. Enoch Wood
and lay meiribers Gilbert Ray, Thomas Hutchings, Aaron
Eaton, George A. Lock hart, and others. Mr. Daniel's address
was considered a marvel of intellectual vigor and sustained
eloquence. It was not surprising that the learned chairman
insti^iited comparison between the speech of the venerable
minister and the prodigious eiForts of Mr. Gladstone.
■-. *i<:i. fttf jef«-,j^.>-,-wrri.:p>mT=' ,•
Mr. Justice Palmer was the last speaker, and as the earlier
part of his life was spent in Westmorland, much of his address
had reference to early incidents connected with Avard and
others in their labors in that county. Judge Palmer had much
to do with the building both of the school room and the
church whose jubilee was being celebrated, and it was with
knowledge of the facts that he awarded the crown of the
present structure to the late accomplished Rev. Joseph Hart,
and paid a graceful tribute to the intelligence, zeal and toil of
that gentleman. _ , , , ,
The Jubilee Love Feast was looked forward to with interest
and is now cherished as perhaps the most pleasant recollection
of the occasion.
From the files of the Wesleyan tiie following is taken: —
The Rev. Dr. Pope conducted £t most blessed service, destin-
ed to be a cherished memory of the jub'lee.
It was according to "the titness of things" that the pro-
gramme of Jubilee celebration should comprise a Love Feast
service. One evening was set apart for that purpose. It was
not like the Moravian Love Feast, held on the first day of the
century commemorated by iho church, at which the Wesleys
received a baptism of the Holy Ghost for special work, con-
tinued until three o'clock in the morning. But like that of
Fetter Lane it was "r pentecostal season indeed," and was
with difficulty closed at a Jate hour: many feeling a sense of
disappointment that there was not time for further testimony.
The Centenary church was well filled on that occasion. No
Methodist gathering in Halifax could show so large a number
of venerable men, their hair once black as the raven's wing,
now white as the snows of winter. Quite a number of theui
had been present at the dedication of the old Centenary
church. More than one spoke of the "narrow stream," ready
to say, "I pray, let me go over, and see that good land, that is
beyond Jordan, that goodly mountain and Lebanon." Many
a tribute was paid to departed worth. It was easy to realiab
( <
in that hallowed hour that there were invisible spectators; en-
compassed about with a great cloud of witnesses. Never were
the words of Wesley felt to be more apposite: "Even now by
faith we join our hands with them that went before."
A report of this meeting was supplied to the Wesleyan by
Mr. E. T. C. Knowles, and is as follows :
Rev. Dr. Pope ezpretied his regret at the absence of Rev. Fred'k Smallwood.
The love feast is peculiarly appropriate to these jubilistio services, having been
from the earliest days an institution of Methodism. The better part of our
gathering to-night are invisible to us. They have crossed the flood. Let us sum-
mon up to mind the pious men of other days. I think to-night of the fathers of
our ministry, many of whom I knew in my boyhood. We join hands with them,
and, like the old Cornish Methodist, I would say, " Good luck to them in glory."
We may be saved as they have been. As we commune with them the stream of
death becomes a little brook. Soon we must cross over and join the majority.
As I look at my venerable brethren, I feel that wc, too, arc to the margin come.
This is my spiritual jubilee. In 18;W I passed from death to life. So I celebrate
my jubilee with you. I thank God the same spiritual pulse of fifty years ago
beats in my heart to-night. In my fellowship with you, both in the pastorate and
as a member of thi.'< church, I have had many seasons of blessed communion
whose memory I will always cherish. As I think of the blessed expectations, I
feel like using the rude expression of the old Yorkshire Methodist woman, who,
when dying, said : " lie has promised to receive me to glory, and if he does he'll
never hear the last of it."
Dr. Lathkbn — My experience is briefly stated in the words: "From sin and
fear," etc. It is fitting that we should hold a jubilee love feast, as the memor-
able centenary year began with a love feast. Dr. Pope made the fire burn in ray
heart as he spoke of the past. I recall many of the honored men who labored
here — those whose portraits look down on us, and others. Thomas Albrighton,
whom I saw iust before his death, having risen to distinction in the British con-
ference ; William Wilson, an indefatigable toiler, who at the close of a Sabbath
afternoon service, died in his carriage, and proved that sudden death was sudden
glory; William Temple, of indomitable will and energy, whose mind wandered
towards the close, but who, when called upon to pray,wii8 at onc^ recollected and
exultant; William Smithson, whose latest theme was the great salvation, and
whose latest utterance was the benediction at the evening prayer meeting -
Arthur McNutt vho said, " Tell the brethren the gospel I preached so long sus-
tains me now," nd whose dying testimony wiis " Hallelujah, the star of Bethle-
hem shines brightly upon me ; " the venerable Dr. Richey (I was with him in his
last moments), recalled to his mind the phrase, " Resting on the infinite atone;
ment of the Son ot God," a wondrous light sufTuscd his face. In the Government
House, at Ilnlitax, and over his mortal remains, the hymn was sung, "Come, lot
UB join our friends above." I began my ministry in this country by preaching in
the old Centenary on the morning of Christmas day, 1855, announcing a theme
"a oiitliae of ^biit baa been pre-
seated in the foregoing pages. The term "outline" is used
rather than "synopsis" or "abstract," as the matter which is
here presented had not then been written. •
Dealing with the financial feature, he showed the cost of the
first church, which has already been stated, and of the new
property. , . .
The School Room cost $26,173 96
. ...New Church 53,437 80
Totfil cost present structure 879,611 76
The insurance applied to the new
building was al)out $15,183 00
Rec'd from Church Relief Fund . 9,286 00
" Varley Trust '• . 7,700 00
Contrib'd by congregation, etc., 19,142 76- $51,311 76
Present indebtedness $28,300 00
From the opening of the church in 1839, the
amount c(Mitributed from pew rents is ... .
Weekly collections
Special ettbrts in ])aying debt of old church . .
l*aid on new church by this congregatiim
To wliich must be added for missions and other
church funds (probably more but say)
Trustees' current liabilities : —
$50,010 00
77,537 00
26,000 00
19,042 00
. 30,000 00
$202,589 00
. £218 1/7
25 0/0
Candles and oil. . . .
17 0/0
Coal and wood
12 10/0
50 00
10 0/0
# •
£332 11/7
Interest $1668 00
Sexton 250 00
Gas 300 00
Fuel 320 00
Insurance 125 00
Choir exjienses 686 00
Water rates.,. . ..;•... .. 100 00
(iround rent 20 00
Repairs to organ and
building 125 00
Incidentjils 80 00
$3674 00
* 1843 is selected as a fair year for comparison as churoh organization
was tbea, weU effected -and tbo oon^re^tions are sai^.^o jia\Q beei^la(ge<
Pew rent recoipts — 184.3 $ 400 00
-ISHJJ 1900 (*■»
TowHi-tls tliu choir fund special HubNcriptionH, ainnuntiiig tn .ihout
From {"i-year (|'rt'ly-paym't subscriptions, S74
Quarterly Board appropriations 500 — .'{274
In what has been said it is clear that our fathers y^re
generous in their contributions, but it is not a fact that the
present congregation is less liberal. During the last twelve
years the contributions have been more than double those of
the previous twelve years.
To the Mite Society, at that time under the presidency of
Miss Bartlett, and with Miss Palmer as treasurer, was accorded
praise for the help extended by it to the church in its financial
relations. The other agencies which had been so efi'ective in
their contributions to the funds of the church received men-
tion, and, though the time was limited, the speaker sought to
place before the audience the leading features of the fifty
years in their relation to the church, its organization, develop-
ment, present position, and outlook.
As the sketch was finished the officials of the church
gathered around the communion rail with a view to the un-
veiling of the tablet, in the active part of which the trustees
were represented by their oldest member, Mr. Richard W.
Thorne, while Mr, James Sullivan, the senior member of the
Quarterly Board, represented that body. Mr. Thorne, in
making the presentation, read the following :
In the name of the Trustee and (Quarterly Boards of this Centen-
ary Church, we ])i'esent this TaVdet in eonnnemoration of its .Jubilee
and in grateful memory of the Pastors wlio have labored among us
during the past fifty years. Richahp W. Tm>RNK,
On behalf of the Trustees.
. .,,,;. ,, . I 'Tas, SrijjVAJT,
On behalf of tlie Quarterly Board.
.<' m
IIM 112.5
:3 6
WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580
(716) 872-4503
i^ MP.
As the reading was concluded, Mr. Sullivan caused the
Union Jack, which had covered the tablet, to be removed.
The tablet was made by R. H. Green, and reflects credit on
his taste and skill. It is shield-shaped, made of brass, mounted
on walnut, and engraved with letters of red and black, and
Ijears the following inscription :
was erected
(iT u 9 V c 9 ii t i n .
Church Dedicated, August 18, 18.'{9.
Destroyed by Fire, June 20, 1877. "
Sabbath School Room Opened, Nov, 17, 1878.
Second Church Dedication, August 27, 1882.
Rev. Mr. Evans and Dr. Pope suitably acknowledged the gift.
Miss Sarah E. Smith then read her beautiful Jubilee poem,
which has already received a place on these pages among the
Sabbath school exercises. Judge Palmer and Judge Tuck de-
livered short addresses, and the exercises were closed by the
singing of the Doxology.
SUNDAY, '2i)TU Aur.usr.
With the unveiling of the tablet it had been intended to
bring the Jubilee services to a close, but just as the pro-
gramme had been completed the pleasing intimation came that
the services of Rev. John P. Newman, D. D., Bishop of the
M, E. Church of the United States, could be had for Sunday,
25th August. Eftorts had previously been made to secure
Bishop Newman's presence, but it was supposed without suc-
cess. He was, however, able to so arrange his plans as to be
in St. John on the day named, and occupied the pulpit in the
morning and evening. Great congregations gathered to hear
the distinguished divine, whose fame as an eloquent pulpit
orator was not confined to the country or continent in which
he I'ved, or to the denomination with which he was connected.
They expected to listen to discourses original in conception
and brilliant in style. Their highest wish was gratified by the
powerful and beautiful expression of the truth as it fell from
the lips of the eloquent preacher. His theme in the morning
was " Consecrated Individuality," based on John xi., 28: "The
Master is come and calleth for thee"; and in the evening he
discoursed on *' The Great Conversion," his text being Acts
xxvi., part of the 14th vers6 : "Saul, Saul, why persecutest
thou me ?"
Mrs. Newman, who accompanied her husband, addressed
the Sabbath school in the afternoon, and on Monday afternoon
she spoke on Missions before the ladies of the Methodist
Missionary Society.
On Monday evening a large and representative audience
assembled in the church and listened with great delight to
Bishop Newman in his lecture on " The March of Civiliza-
tion." Upon this occasion His Honor Judge King presided.
With Monday evening the Jubilee exercises closed. The
design of the meetings was to appropriately observe the inter-
esting period reached in the history of the churcli. That due
recognition was given to that event will be admitted. There
was no determined effort to make it an occasion for raising
money, though collections were made at each service, and an
opportunity given to the friends to make a free-will offering on
Friday night. As a result of tlie contributions the sum of
$628.45 was placed to the credit of the church.
A prominent church is an important factor in moulding the
life of a community — how important no one can tell. Such
for fifty years Centenary has been. It has stamped its inHu-
ence on the life of Haint John. In a restless world change is
always taking place. It is written on the community, on the
congregation, on the home circle. During the fifty years
multitudes have gone from within the walls of our church and
are to be found in all parts of the world, perhaps actuated by
the impulses which were formed in tiie old church home. If
so actuated, it is evident that the influence of a churcu is out-
reaching to an extent altogether unappreciable, and is not
confined to the city within whose bounds it is located.
The history of Centenary Church can never be written in
full. The spiritual struggles, the triumphs of faith, the ex-
erted influence, would be interesting indeed, but will only V)e
known in that day when the hidden things shall be revealed.
Time, the waster, has rubbed most of the names from the list
of fifty years ago. The youth have grown old — the old have
passed away. Depletion has alternated with impletion. The
workmen have been buried, but the work has been carried on.
The services are now conducted by ministers, and the att'airs
of the church administered by officers who, for the most part,
fifty years ago, had not been born. "We spend our years as
a tale that is told," yet "we consider the days of old and tiie
years that are past.' We raise our "Ebenezei*," and inscribe
"Hitherto hath the Lord helped us." Oui- prayer for the
future is, " Peace be within thy walls."
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