jy. wiv«s rom'the boiler through "A" and conneciing the inner tubes^ "E'-E" (see Figures i, 2, 3). By f // ■♦^v . ■» ««Uj4> »> -. 5*^.W,A«i3MJi5P»l■>?»- * 'V* I -Hr «« . ». '>■ . -^ ■H- % » 1^ .» J • 1 *■ 3). By air to circulate through the hollow grate bars and iveaders. . *'■: .Jjji^:-: ' ",aaa^>^.^^^^^ i«|fe,gf^>.,g^ '' i mS^Sm ^^^sWiWHMIH^fflw Y y ^1 :..-jr\ '■-'■•-■ am ^J t' i ' ?» ' ■ . ■ ■ %■■: ' ?>': ■ • ^ 'A -:;;-: • , •' '■ f^ • - . , ,M;;- , w - ■ i ■ • ■ ■■ , ; ' * ' ■-■';;!►. .N ^i--. . ■-#';■' ' - > , -J^.-^, ! i' 'C " i ,>■ . ' _', . ■-■'t ' , « A.. ■'•it ^':" *■ , 1 %: ■■ . i ■ i;\ _ ■V f * *■" *v -f .-». •* -.. ^JJ ' *■ ■« -. . >^, ^ / 4 -il H t i i 'M ( *~ L ... a A^.>n«rgi2ing power, whether in soUds, liquids or gases— all have a molecular structure. . O We ow^our heating power to hydrogen and carbon; sorte of the fuels contain little pr no hydrogen, as, for example, coke, charcoal and anthracite coal, while other fuels, such as wood, peat and bituminous coal^contain Ipoth hydrogen and carbon. The latter fuels are very volatile, and when combustion is perfect the heat evolved is the same as if the hydrogen and carbon in the fuel were burned separately. Hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water, and in that act of union liberates the greatest heat known to scientists, one gram by weight being sufficicSnt to raise 34462 grains of water from 32° to 212°, hence the calorific power of hydrogen is re^r^ented as 34462 thermal units. The calorific power of xrarbon burnt with the requisite amount of air is 14,544, but if burnt in oxygen this may be increased " to 18,317 heat units. It is from the act of union that the heat i aJoip lved, and the law of proportions in respect to the clSH&al affinities are fixed-by natural laws, that science ha^ expressed in figures, thus ■;;■■;■■"'*;;■: t-V'; ':':>:, T: PERFECT COMBUSTION. II ^H mense ressive water >rm of lotion, tieat is friction •rtional eryday lustrial ergy or >es — all carbon; , as, for B other contain re very evolved the fuel ;s with iberates ram by )f water ydrogen calorific it of air icrcased that the spect to iws, that When ii"' parts by weight of carbon unite with 3i»* parts by weight of oxygen to form 43*" parts of carbonic acid, the heat emitted by the act of union is sufficient tojraise 96,960 parts by weight of water from 32° to 212''. %nd when two parts by weight of hydrogen combine with 15"" parts by weight of oxygen to form 17*" parts of water, the quantity of" heat liberated by the act of union is sufficient to heat 68,924 parts, df water from 32° to 212°. What is combustion? It is a chemical action between two agents in the affinity of one for the other. , When, therefore, the conditions of union are unfavorable the combustion will be imperfect; combustibles are either carbonaceous or hydrogenous, and it is necessary to the efficiency of a combustible that the combustion be gaseous; therefore, in the union of the gases of combustion in the furnace is perfect combustion, no smoke consumer can so effectually do the work of combustion as the gases vHthin the furnace in their natural affinity and propor- tfons each for the other. Now, what does imperfect combustion mean in figures? In the perfect combustion y^f^bne pound of carbon there is evolved 14,500 units of heat, but in the imperfect combustion of one pound of carbon 'only 4400 units of heat are evolved, the im- perfectly consumed, highly-heated gases and uncombined air escaping up the chimney as soot, causing the temperature of the furnace to be lessened, leaving ashes and clinker. Too rapid a flow of air will also reduce combustion ; even a gas flame may be rendered non- luminous by an excess of oxygen cooling the flame down, while, therefore, imperfect Combustion will result from an insufficiency of air^or ox|^n, an excess of air or oxygen may be detrimental to perfect combustion. "W '»a«U 12 PERFECT COMBUSTION. . " 11 A;.,, he seen that combustion is an ener- " fWUes^lid, liquid or gaseous, in well- ■ getic union °f ^''';^^';lgV the affinity of each known P"P°'-*'<'"f' *f^°I: wies consist of hydrogen, for the other; *at *e^ W.» ^^. ^.^ hydrocarW or -^"-j;, ,,^^,y^, rendered oxygen or the "f^^ . tj,e act of union. „ gaseous, g™"S;"*,^^r^*L«ribed by the Chicago For "<=»«f'''*""^n^Wholly placed upon the journal, the -^"j^f^y . :f the'lo^omotive is more stoker; very often ^edes.^ ^^^ commended especially '*P°"^*'" f ^.^ do minimize the waste for "careful firing. «"! """"y „„,h jo expect, as from the smoke-stack, but it. s too ^^^bustion expected by "ot a/ew «Jw V -n P^r_^ .^ ^ ,f fuel by stoke^m ^efol fir g^^_^^^ ^ to expecting the stoxe responsible unmanagei^ble air. Many J^^hy P ^ ^^^^ ^^^ „Uway men haye *e ^^^^J d,,rce. some of them enough or too much air, and ev J ^j„„g commendable, is ««>'*«»/^ 'U'The grate-bars; in currents of air under a"* «; ^ f« „ ,he small doing this, in some cases they "^V * ^^„ ^ ,^ ^ pieces and nuggets of ""burnt c<»^ ^.^ ^^ L particles of carbon » =™°^;^'^'^^k "^^f that they ' and expelled *'«««'? ^JT^'-fg^W' perfect may have « too much »' *" / j^e density, rather combustion Ukes place "'"^'"f'" air. excess of such *a«. because of stro.^ '"rtemi"of the furnace. being hurtful '«":'\"f«*Ca« conditions are other- but. notwitteundma .rthe fum ^^^^^ ^^ . wise favourable to perfect comou jure be of heat may be generated *»2^^^»ter votame, of the lowered by the diffusion, m the greater 'W lAdv* ^'\'h^. PERFECT COMBUSTION. U i ener- n well- ' if each drogen, th pure endered Chicago ipon the ! is more amended he waste xpect, as mbustion ntamount e almost •sponsible never get e of them fce strong :e-bars; in the small s from the hcf fire-bed, f that they ' r.» Perfect isity, rather cess of such the furnace, IS are othcr- ime amount iperature be ilume, of the products of combustion by reason of the excess of air. Slow combustion gives out little heat and much uncom- bined carbon, causing, with loss of heat, smoke and soot ; this may be avoided by an intimate and sufficient mixture of air in the furnace, but how is a stoker in all circumstances and under all conditions of the atmosphere to supply that sufficiency? or how guard against a hurtful excess^ of air through the devices in use for driving or drawing strong currents of air through the grate-bars, through the burning fu.el ? As a hot body will cool faster in a strong current of air than in a still atmosphere, so 'will a strong current of air through the burning coal suffer loss of its oxygen in passing through the incandescent fiiel, and failing in intimate mixture with the gases of the combustibles will cause a reduction in the temperature, hurrying with it, as soot, smoke and flame, the uncombined carbon and gases of the com- bustibles that should do service by combustion in union in the furnace. Smoke consumers have been devised to seize upon such particles of carbon and other matter in the form of soot or smoke in tira^t to the chimney, for the purpose of burning them, buf as carbon requires red heat, or say 800" to 1000° for ignition, and then only bums slowly, it will be seen that it is hardly possible to bum sm6ke after it has left the furnace, and such devices are accordingly not satisfactory to the extent proposed to be accomplished by their use. Every engineer and stoker has proof of the non-buming properties of smoke after it has left the furnace, in the difficulty of making steam in boilers with unclean flues, and proof also might be found of the non-buming qualities of soot or smoke by a trial to bum the rafters in works heavily coated with soot or smoke. / .-•v -if lis i .4 H of uDion PERlFECT COMBUSTION. The function of combustion being an ^t between, subsUnc^ co— g w^J,^|t|,, ,,, essential to *«/«"Xi^ "h^ ' u "^ *" ^^l'"'""" solid fuel ^J^:^^;^^^\^^,r^..^oZ^r^^^'' be gaseous, and .t IS «sent r ^ A^.^^^^^y :rrumciencyofoxvg«.^f-— ^^ The importance attachmg to this mi J ^ ^ ■ .ith a sufficiency of ^^g;"' :^'3^^dXXrity:-- „adingthefollowing^extmctf^omasUndard mj^ ^^ .. K, b^ore reachmg *e upper ay^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^^^ cinder, the air has partea wb ^ i ^^ carbonic acid «|tb ^^P;— f ^ ^^aining carbon it burns with a pale blue ^«^^^ alterminid." heat, but to what extent has "°'^'^; bituminous The records of many 'f .^^7 *^;„ !^ pe^ cent, of coal is heated in "'"rts '' y^^'f'XToTaTa^ portion volatile Mroc^rbon^ "^ng *ej«= o^ a ^ ^^ of-its weightof carbon .the very am ^^^ fresh c<^l is shovelled into »^^^2^ ^^ «„ the ,. volatile <»"»«'»<="'« "'=^^"™f„S^med and smoky. ^*«^ "T^Lofdrr^mea separately. . As the constituente of the ^o*" sepirating from they are first dlsunited^by "^^^^'^'^yrogen fgnites the hydrogen in small parties, and » hy ^B_^^ itMrt:Trr;:rn^-»"--.r'- •yJ, ., •■>' <, ^ •.14-l*,>-~i PERFECT COMBUSTION. 4^ 15 LiDion it is it the ustion imoke nately irated, f gases ed by ' rity: — bon or :o form he car- carbon t. The 2l> some 3 oxide, cooling, the lost d." uminous r cent, of » portion ties when ^hen the ;i on the id smoky* eparately, itingfrom en ignites :onsumcd, i, carrying with it the unburned particles of carlion. If consumed in the furnace, and the temperature is sufficiently high to ignite the carbon' in the requisite density of air for per- fect combustion, a dazzling white flame will result, but in proportion as the flame changes to redness or dark- ness, there will be indications of reduceid heat, until, from lack of temperature in the furnace the particles of carbon pass off as soot, or smoke unconsumedi ^-^ Patents are taken dut in Great Britain, the United States, Canada and applications to fdreign countries, for"" " improvements in means for assuring perfect combus- tion." The improvements are a new departure from the means usually resorted to for effecting*, but not effecting! perfect combustion, and to consume, but not wholly consuming, the smoke. The specificatiori following fully explains the aims and claims of the inventor : — , 'lo all whom it may concern : Be it known that I, John Livingstone, of No. 31 York Chambers, Toronto Street, in the City of Toronto, Pro- vince of Ontario, in tlie^ominibh of Canada, manu- facturer, have invented certain new and useful Improvements in Means for Assuring Perfect Combustion, and I do hereby declare that the following is a fuU, clear and exact description of the same, reference being mad^ to the accompanying drawings of one form of the device, ill which itis made to apply to a Portable Boiler of the Locomotive type. * And I do hereby declare the nature of my inveiition for " assuring perfect combustion," and in what manner the same is to be,pcrformcd, to be particularly desicribed and ascertained in and by the following statement : That my invention relates to that class of devices by II \ - "''tJSir^Tsjif ,5 I.ERFECT COMBUSTION. _ > Ihich Steam is introduced into the furnace in th. form of a gas to aid combustion attachment to, ^ That it is f9r use j ^ P^^^^^^^^^ .^^easing the furnaces of every kmd, ^^'^j^^^P^'^the combustion of efficiency of the furnace and to perfect the con^ the fuel. f .t,_ "^team into its That it is for the decomposition of the ^team a„ of neces^ty varied '^ ^^"^'^^^^.o the rooM and kind of each furnace or bo'>«''^f^ f toiler, in a space available, and «*!« "^^^'^^'^lo^Vimity boiler, ina furnace, or in -place in , p thereto for any part of the devic^ ^^ ^^ That the nature of my '"^?''»"" j'\^°"„^,ty wT be from the subjoined descr.pt.on, and the novelty i-Jlpointed out in the claims.' > h^v'-fS form nt to, ig the ion of nto its gst the is and the size le rooni er, in a oximity Y appear 1^ will be 4f^ PERFECT COMBUSTION. 19 Figure i is a longitudinal section of a boiler, showing the furnace and my apparatus connected thereto. In the ^ boiler may be placed zinc pieces, scrap metal, shavings or strips of metal. Figure 2 is a transverse view of a boiler, with the front plates-of the boiler removed so as to show th,e inside of a furnace and part of my apparatus, the superheaters, therein. •1 M m - ■ . ■ : ■ ' .', - -:■ . -^3 * ' 10 \ -^t &iii. I's'KL . % <.\ i8 PER^£CT COMBUSTION. ry,i r f^tf' •c .n enlarged section of the superheaters Figure 3 is an eniargcu .D""D" with combination therein. -•>, t,f V- ■r^rf*^|rHi:@ijK^^ %*'.. . ' ',r., ^ PERFECT COMBUSTION 19 uperheaters Figure 4 is an enlarged section of superheaters "D" "D' with no combination therein. '4\ ^.U." m ly A~ ^ j^ » -1^ *6.»v i»ftATL" t^fcrfT- f-1 . /■ >A t*'J)«k.''«. 1**. 20' \ PERFECT COMBUSTION. Figure 5 is a longitudinal section of a furnace showing -„, apparatus the ,an.e ^,^ ^^^^^^ ^ SakeT-M'-N" across the front and rear end °f *f, .toma« and one hollow straight furnace bar marle device but w esperiaUyto^reventga^sent^jngt^^^^^^^ ^^^ „C.. u -P'P^ ~":p' *°ha„^d 'or'by any mechanica put into the vessel A , oy n ^^^ ,„e, of device ; a glass gauge may ^"!!W,ith secure joint oiUn..heve.sei;A>„da^ndh^„^„.^_^^^^^ may be in any part of the saw , ment or refuse matter. ^^ superheaters of any ..D" (see figures . and 4) repr^" 1^ ^„d desired shape or f°™;, »«f "^^the cyUndri-Waffl^ shap^f :the space ava^''"'^ J ^-^^ ,^„ ,pace in the ofa^correspondjg«»*^^va ^ .^^^^^^ .^ furnace, they may be about swen ptefti^ -'"'^•':^'Sd:':frh:Sti»vi^ ^ing on each side 01 tne ^ ^^^_ ^ ^ ^g on «d; resting upon *« ««" °„^i„g „po„ tho grate bars- upthl^ghthegratebars orstandmg I» ^^^ ^ f ^>^v N supported by any »uit ' «n" ' ^ y^be suitable for the furnace. D "^steeli cast iron or suitable meu^^^ ^ BKKa»!n0 QuiSty of past iron, which may be !"**■*' ^P^,riL I'Ev'any suitable means. . I pre- protected-l^ oatmg^bya y ^^^^ ^ fer the use of the metel wu ^ ^^.^^.^^^ ^^^^g^^ and the superheaters, « D, mu^ >« ^^^ ^^^ . to withstand P--« ?^t!f^te: may be tubes, "E'" . ■insidetheeasingsof D D „^„ »- ■•■ t /f ■I«' :'-l. "T "^"'fJTirv »■>-. ■ 1 in vitK (e of the norc y be inical el of joint isedi- ite ins, and , «D" netal. I may be 3., I pre- or cover, strength he boiler, ubes, "E'* ther suit- )er endto -t- the LpERFECT CGMBUSTICJN 1 23 f:<^ofa^ inside («ee Figure 3), Th^ bottoms oJT ^ of " D " " D " and the tubes, " E " " E," arc and steam tight. «l^ The inher tubes, " E " " E," may be about one-third of the diameter of the outer shells, " D " " D," and have a number of small holes, which may be in parallel rows, drilled through thersides of^each, about half an, inch apart (see Figure 3). Around rE" *'E," and close-fitted thereto, may be sleeves of finfc- woven brass wire-cloth, sewed to said tubes, ^ E*^ " E," with brass wire stitched through the holes in " E " •' E " to the sleeves in which " E " " E " are ^ncased, and within «E" '>E" is also a lining of fine woven brass wire cloth, also stitched to " E " " E " with brass wir«'through the holes in " E " " E " (se^J^re 3). From the inner linings in the tubes " E" "E," but not . passing through the said linings (see Figure 3), there may be one or more (see Figure i) small tubes or nozzles, « F " ** F " " F," " F " " F," " F " made to project through from^ linings (see Figure 3) within "E" " E " through 'HFE" *E" and out«r linings of " E" '* E," and through the superheaters, " D " " D,'*^on the^ircle, or in' angles one to the other, exposing to the fire short, blunt or i . semi-circular points «F" "F" "F" (see Figure i for each superheater). 1 . The opening in the iniier end of each of the nozzles or . tubes," F" "F" « F,'\" F" " F" " F," for about half an inch or less, may be None sixty-fourth of an inch in diameter, or less, increased by tapering the hole in each npzzle tqward the outer or semi-circular enjfi, say to the extent of aboyt three thirty-seconds of an ihclr in diameter at the furnace end or point (see Figur^ 3), for the purpose of blowing through any grit or sediment kr4M M] i^ ** )ii- ,/ -.1';. I ' " ""■ ,'/;, va: %,. ly PERFECT COMBUSTION. that may pass to the nozzles t f ^^^y.. ^ .. pjgure « F" as seen in the sectional view of upper F l«igure : .Instead of nozzles there may be holes, which may be ^ade to taper throu^ ^^ D^. li^, tho^ /^ ft ^^^ , .. The nozzles or tubes "t i* ^» * , in superheaters « D " " D " are made *» Pf J«f • ^ ^f ^^ • by being screwed .through the casing of D D and .. E" " E" (see Figure 3) or they may be made to screw through " D " " D" (see Figu«4) without the combma- Hnn therein, as seen in, Figure 3. ,1: Wthinte spaces (see Figures) between the brass woven wire cloth lining to «E" "E" and the castngs Tn »" D " there are placed4oosely. small pieces of metal andiron' or steel, iron filings, i-^n turnings from .ron riing lathes, and scrap metaj.in,sma,l part.cU... _ The holes or nozzles, " F f ' ^. n in eXf the superheaters. «D" " D " (see F.gure 2 . «e 1^ one above the other (see Figure 3). the lowest be- • &ut ten inches ^.bove the grate ba«. so - tob^ a Me above the level of the top of the fuel when c<«l is • '^'I^ndl placethe others each about four inch« above the other, but they, may be on the crde of D. or angles thereon, one to the other. „ _ „ „ p » ...p •■ The holes in superheaters or nozzles. F r „ pi*"! F " " F." a^ adjusted to point diagonally across the furnace, but the particular angle is not «sentra^ he ther is t^e height at which they »« P>»f • » ^* may be varied to suit conditions reqmrrf by the shape and size of the furnace or kind of fuel used _ _ B' " i. a continuation o f ^t^" P'Pf ' f' r _."?( have a check valve and » =J"t-°'^_/ „ . .. „;^ romthe boiler through « A," and connecting A wrtB tte^ner tube.* «E» "E" (see Figures ..a. 3). By ■" . • f , , r - '-'^'■ • ■.''■'," '. .■.;-,..'. : ■->':; '•■-.v. PERFECT COMBUSTION. 25 4 1 means of it steafin is conveyed into superheaters, " D " "D"(see Figure 2). ' " H " is a movable pipe so arranged that when neces- sary it may be ufeed to increase the draught above the fire bed, or to prevent any excess of volume in the gases escaping through the door (see Figure i), or it may be extended to aid in creating a draught current through hollow grate bars in the furnace. TW headers '* M " " N," may be made from any metal. I prefer to make them from a fire-resisting quality of brass | cast iron, free from blow holes, with the ends closed, the inlet holes limited to the number of hollow furnace grate bars, the metal not less than one-half inch in thickness. The hollow grate bars, " R," may be all of a uniform size, and riiay be about two inches for the outside diameter, with the metal, of the same fire-resisting mater- ial, about one-half inch thick. I prefer the centre tube, as seen in Figure 5, to be of a greater size than the other tubes, and I prefer, as seen in said figure, each tube on eaeh side of the centre tube to be less in gradually lessen- ing, sizes to a size not less than one and one-half inches outside diameter, with same thickness of metal in each for the two tubes nearest the furnace sides of the boiler. The hollow grate bars may be made to fit, and be wedged to fit closely into the inlet openings or holes in "M"«N." Through the front of the furnace, by a mouse-hole opening or aperture, and through the front header, "M," to the hollow grate bar as in Figurp 5, or as I prefer, to the unperfoyated bar |n the^^^j^^^ with the atmosphere for the admission of atmospheric air to circulate through the hoUow grate bars andjleadeik si 'Mf' ^•' ■%-:^5^«0ii?*^^S^^'>- Xk , 26 PERFECT COMBUSTION. Into the opening at the furnace front of the boiler, through header " M," a small jet pipe. « O," of not more iSan half the diameter of the opening, may be earned through the shell of the boiler front, through header M. to a point just entering the.centre tube, " R. _ The headers and or hollow grate bars, other than the centre bar, connected as aforesaid with the atmc^phere and inlet jet, may be perforated on the top with vety small holes, or they may have a large number of small ' plugs of suitable material, with minute perforations, the operation of tk device is as follows =7- After steam has been raised to a pressure lathe boiler it is passe i through the pipe « B " to the ye^sd "A (see Figure I), and from ''A," by the pipe " BN to the tube « E " " E " within and to the superheaters, V U [see Figures i and 2). the steam carrying in its coui^ ^^ units of heat, acting on and acted "P^" ^y the hea^^ metal, or iron turnings, filings or pieces of iron and steel in «A" in the spaces in the superheaters betw^n the linings of " E " ^' E " and the casings of" D D, ^ ana upon the superheaters. « D" « D." and therein becom^g superheated in contact with the iron, particles of iron and metal, is decomposed into its component parts, and exoelled by pressure through the holes or nozzles, l* „ P » « F .. « F " " F " " F." into the furnace above the fire-bed in the form, of combustible gas, energized by the heat and pressure, accelerating motion ^^^^^'^^l' tides in motion in the furnace, and uni^mg by affinity witTthe carbon of the solid fud. for perfect combustion in the union of all the particles of combustion. ^ ' Air may be admitted through the centre grate bar for __eJ^ thrc4 the small perfbrationsintheo^,b^ r tlll ^bedincoi^^^ '( •^•I» :>. boiler, >t more carried er "M," han the osphere th very Df small 3ns. he boiler «A"(see the tubes <'D" (see :ourse its le heated and steel ween the « D," and becoming es of Tron parts, and zzles,"F" above the ized by the ;5t the par- by affinity combustion I. ■:"'''::. [rate bar for ler bars into ig coali"and^ PERFECT COMBUSTION. 27 when desirable for greater efficiency, the current and pressure of air through the hollow, grate bars may be . accelerated by an oil vapour-saturated steam jet " O," from " H,** through the centre hollow grate bar. When desirable, always by preference at low tempera- tures, and preferable as increasing efficiency at all tem- peratures, the vessel " A " is partially filled with oil,Jb(y preference, crude petroleum, which, acted upon by the heat from the steam passing through "B," gives off a vapour, thinned by filtration through the sleeve linings on the pipes, «*b*'^" b*," that in smallest measure saturates the steam from the boiler, overcoming and counteracting the aqueous properties of the steam at low temperatures increasing the gases in the furnace and aiding combustion. Having now particularly described and ascertained the nature of my said invention, and in what manner the same is to be performed, I declare that what I claim is : — ' I. Vessel "A," with woven sleeve lined tubes, tunnels or pipes therein. 2. Superheaters, " D " " D," with woven metal sleeve linings outside and inside of, " E '\ " E," in superheaters 3. The superheaters, "D" "-D," with and without the combination therein, with tapering holes or nozzles, as substantially described (see Figure 4). j 4. The use of zinc strips, shawngs or pieces of metal, and iron filings, turnings or small pieces in the boiler, in vessel "A," and in the superheaters, "D" "D," or in either of them, to prevent the formation of the pre- cipitated lime salts that interfere in making steam, and to split or decompose the steam within the heated super^- l e atcrs, ** D ^^ ^J \ 23 PERFECT COMBUSTION. t The nozzles. " F " " F " « F." or holes, in eacK o( the . superheaters, " D," for the purpose herein stated, as part of said invention, to aid combustion. 6 The use of steam in combination with metal and metal particles, to aid combustion, producing gases sub- "7^^ ::e^^: in combination with metal, metal oarticles and hydrocarbons, to aid combustion. ^ ■^8 The hollow headers, in combination with th, cen re and hollow grate bars, for the admission of air, its c.rcula- Ton though' the oth'er hollow grate ba-^- "-''P-^; and expulsion through the upper part of the bars mto '"'o^tetollow headers, in combination with the centre grate bar, and connection with inlet jet of ste^, to accel- erate mo ion amongst the particles of the mflowmg a>r, for the decomposition qf the jet of steam, ,ts ufhzafon as a gas to aid combustion by its exit into the furnace ,o ?he hollow headers, in combination w.th centre hollow grate bar. and other perforated hollow grate bars, for the conveyance of air above the fire-bed. V, ihe hollow grate bars and headers in comb.nat.on ™'* '*-ST^«ral parts of the described invention as one united whole, for the purposes following :- j^ To aid combustion in furnaces of every k.nd, w.th special reference more especially to land and marme boilers of all kinds. •.,„„_, To aid in the decomposition of the steam ^nto its com^ ponent parts, for use in its superheated, energized and gaseous state to aid combustion. ^^^^ ^ togivetothefumaceaidbyapurerandmoreoxyg^n than acquire^ by the ordinary atmospheric draught by ^ furnace bars^aipport c ombustioa ^^ _^ To comb To air foi To steam firing To the rei the fu To the CO Toi chimn< consur Toi Toi firing s eous el( To p in supe of stear The steam t is satur aqueouj The 1 into con heat. I element: diagonal I across- tl lover the way tl : , °'-':'!*'j^ '/"^IvX ' '■■'% ;tal and sea sub- il, metal e centre circula- ;pansion >ars into ic centre to accel- dng air,- tilization I furnace h centre ate bars. ibioation 3n as one ind, with i marine I its com- [ized and •t ■e oxygen aughjt by PERFECT CQMBUSTION. r\ 29 To accelerate motion amongst the moving particles of combustion in a furnace, aiding combustion. To aid in creating, the requisite density of furnace air for combustion in the furnace. To maintain steam at highest pressures, and make steam economically, with the least measure of labour in firing and stoking. . ' ^ To make combustion perfect by accelerated motion by the required density of furnace air. by decomposition of the fuel, and by natural union of the gases of combustion. To re"'' " r' IMPERFECT COMBUSTION. 33 y Figure 8, an every day sight to travellers by steamer smoke m large masses from two funnels, making the rear ha f of ^he deck of the steamer Saratoga an uncomfort- able part m which to either sit or promenade :k\ 4 SS • i^LiJ- ' 1 [' ' ' - - il!£'H 1 f ': ^H^ by the Means t ^1 * • . . , ■««*■«-**. - A,-:.-,. !:^^^ ^^^jjj^^* -....1. 1^^ t ^^^^ ^•i