« '^^ \7j I'V swx ■%^ IM/MSE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) s / \ •It' fcr #■ .<^ ^cr .*■ /l^ fc^I-^ %^l4(s *%^ .^r; •y 't- -'W ./ / * '-,' >./ FholDgraphic GcHporatioii v*. 4^ ^' '1 «<^. «ft 21 VMST JMAM STMH WIHIil,N-V. I4SM ^^^ ^ 4^^ %:i^ / s CIHM Series (Monographs) V ^IrMif' ICMH Collection de (monpgraphjes) / :7_ ./ I 1 ■>" - ,/.., V Canadian Inatituta for Hiatorical Microrap(pductiona / InMtut Canadian da microraproductiona hiatoriqu#a -i*.. \<, *s -it Tfldinical and 9ibliographie MotM / NotM tiichniqiMS at bibliographiquat Th«i tO>tll - *^ Tha Instituta has attamptad V> <|i^tain UiDg Hina* the word uhgmfk w»h fir«t coined and found pUc« in our voeabuUry. tt may bi- well therefore to aUte Hi the ontMt that it iaonly intended to deal with the aubject of telegraphy In ita pieient rtage, introducing jurt enough of rctr«ip«.t to'«how the drift, iiofar,of»uoce«fnl rewareh in linet. that, iftbllowed up, will carry oaykothe realiiatlon of perfeetlon.in the art, and Uiat i« nothing lOiort of the oonplel« uUliiation, with tlie utmoiit economy, of the capacity of a Ibe wire for the tramMniwion of electrical edectt. Teli«raph apparatus, and HysU-ma of telegraphy, have been m rapidly multiplied that scores of volumes and tcKlrbooks are exUnt devpted eiolusively to their treatment, either speciBcaUy or generaUy, tnd the student in wading through them flndu difficulty in ricoociling the idea of Advancement with /the cireumaUnce that, whereas indispuuble and i^porUnt propeJtiwKiW"- conductivity and elootro-majjnetism were early discovered, the InvJtationH from time to time introduced, instead of aim- ing to mow and m/re fully utilise these propertieu. appear to have been designed to do iydifferent ways just what had already bee^^ccom- pliahed in the abJnce of a clear rteognition of tie possibilities aninable. Snppoaing, h^- "I > riadUtaorwqroSeW'i A 'o|Mrati(M of tlw othtn. , •>^6. Tlww»yolcwM«BO»«dW«po«to«ortrilm««brtl«y«MMi» tvthelriimefieiiit. / . 7. The wira<«kB be Mrtiied at My Hat, Owrity lbraib« Mr* M|Mnie MMniti horn Mrth to the iwpMrir* teraiMl oAaei; «Mh eireuH beioft opmtiv^ fo/all oT the oMm bthiM im it. a At«ny w»y Mea/tmi winoea be ewitdied t« eoMeel wilk •Bother, the eq«ip»wnt/if the ttM»*el«B ■•«»■. "■ 9. The bMt and T«ajr iavorttel ftaMre U, that te tke iMt aftilMtt- ■iMioD, wbetitaiioo/of mmtgm or' i)iterr«|«ioii by the reeehriag Menter, o« by My/4ther in the etreaU, eaa be ofieted iuMMtly. - TlMeeeNthe«te/>e»iitt&fMlvMtHeth«tdirtiiK«iib«eriOT ' Mone, eod the«/»wi the MlTMtigee that raadar it m yet p r eMai a rt »_ "' had JaJliiwieMfi 7^ *The»Uao;<*er>rte«i«e«e^allofth.»fcatpiei,eQBieq«i-^y Wm U noMi/other eqaaUy edraatageow. A«d it <• ebar that if the ^■rfUacM ofa win ia to be eahaaeed.ita e(|ai|)BMat ihoald bare ia it* «o«|MMitio^ the Heaae te aindiag ia eaeh aeparale liaa of eounl^ lioa the ^Militiea of the UBgle Moree eiteait, It ia fovad, however, oa esaauaation, that thie greatderiderauni bal ■ot bee4 iteared ia uy of the varioae Mthoda that have beietaftr* beea lifted for tbfwpwpoae of iaereaaia^ the praetieal atiHty of the ilfy^,' [JiUimporlmttol>mtrlkUeb*mm»UM»immin4J»J^^ m/ptpir to ill eimdummJ] \ i .". f\ la reriewiag the feld of telegraphy it wiU be bmndeM tOciwiUit 'Iret.the ' ' \,\ ' ' T . ■ anau cnoiiiT 9TitnMi. FioM ti«e to time, datiag ifioai an early period ia th^blAory of oar tuhgnpha, stteMpU have beea aade with nor* or leai ea^ to tnuw- ■M T^g-^ by iaeaa« of aatoaMtie «M*e aad brmb derieei, Mftftrated ilripa aad the lilM, and to efeet their reprodaetioa by the^Mtioa of the earreat iaipaleee apoa awriog itripa of toheaueaUy prapared paper, •fbe apeed atuiaed hM aot Baft«i|aeit)y bee* aMurvdhMB aad fhMy WedlUe. • V ' Withoat enteriw into a diaeaaiioa of what aa^ or amy aothavk^ beMi the eoaditioaaof the eimita a^ tiiMa aor aaaeaaf aHy operated, it will aaAee to atate that the perfoTMoee of theae qratc^ waa aot »ai- tead* good aad reliable. \ . ^ theorctieaUy, My We of theae ayatoM woald atiliae tbe algadSag eapaoityofawirotoitafulleaterteat. Aa abaoat iaeoMmnbly rapid aannwinn &tmmkm aad ftnwAi at the tiaaaiittiag eed of theiiae will frodaaa a eovreapodUai Bavberofdotaarifaahaaoathe nwoidiaK Mrip ' ht Ike leeeinag aad. Aad, aiaee the eanMt eM efaet oheaueal dauMpniiliini ia a ««ty awMb ahertar tiaM tbM it cm prodoM th« fcaalfeatatiim nf ■agantiwa. T* fr -'^'— ♦^-* *'^ »«— f— ' '-^" -: MtbeattaiaedbyMyatiSfi^ieMatdfeketn^pgaeta.' . '- '' \ TUawi|lbeaadeiiloodi^*iewofthefiMit,thatatela9raphiiae3M mm biM ia aapabb of traaaaufiiH , h»Mi«r. aa* te ia the diaao««7«' *•• '■■^ *iiHiilriw aaJlaaj*^^ if- IV \ •> Tha n*. flMfte 1 W M idtaiyba KaH «abt MM la twMMhtai m ^ nj fli^i y-, hmt0 fkawlMtHa «l« ivlia ■iiyiiwHift liiii ■■■! flw W • ''•» T f^^iSf^smrnKsmamaxmA... a ..». ?™«!^««*«?»*W^B^^ Pf:--,^ V '»RW!I« ' ■ " ''"/]■■' '■■■■■ ' B «» 1 k ; ^ \ \ • • X^ ,,M^ ..!««» of tl- p«Fir t.i»t «rf tt to* tfc. »«ilAJ»»tag ..4 HMMKwdtof Uii B*». Wfce» the Mom •^Mm wm dewtoH »" ,|»l iHM wImn Ao •io^ *•!* •» »•»« woeiv«m«»d *»■ dlv"«~ wl»h, . ■gh of wUrf w«t op «to« ewry iiwrter whew the bjui»«- WW of MdWent fohuM 10^*90 m ownuBalMioii of the rtwt w the oouM of • few hOnn wo»k. The. ••to««»ie fa thu rapeot U • retw- gndo miM* ; m it*, woirkiog the jioper tope, fcnn the »o.t unporuot . 4hotoi« ; the perlbrotod and the aiorM "»«•'••> »P»J'y ooenmuloKf, aad if fyled for purpo«ie of refcrew* it iediloolt to get atuy p»rUeu- kr demteh, wd no port of one too bo eo feodil; weogniied •• ti»e Mi^y lyied BMBaoript of deipotoheo sent or leoeived by the Moiee .ye-V. I^ toe, it \ii» hew found that the iMitoaotw tyrtemo eonnot bo »dwtoe«milT V«*^. Md'tho estiemo npidit) of t)^ dptoiool mB«to»i». therefore, fendefedp»otie«UyiMi«»il«Me. . The Dewertopproooh thrthw. been mode to m feoli««tk>n. of the •UMUtioDo' cMUMOoWy eoteiUfaod «^tho, eleotroohemieol .yetem. iji . Aep^fonaoooe of the Wheototooe Antomatio. This oyMe* wo Wt ofooniB«»mi«>bHweeo the eleotWHjheiSieol ond the ordin»»y Mowe. lU troowijter io oMeotioUy the some •» thooe employed iir ite oih« •dtONiotk) nsteme, while itt reoeiw i/ deetromogoetio. The speed rttoiood iiof eourse maoh lower thoo tho» of the eheuiieol oppowto^ «et it io wmorkoMy high oompofed with the work of o direeUy mwii. potetod Morse oireuit. It hss olieody been stotcd, thot fa the i^re- ^ of 00 «Jeotr«H)hemieol sysuoo, 1126 oleete con be produeed per iOoood, «id of the Mowe sysiem, 24; with tho Whootstooo •J*'*"'"* »toottMoobleUo.higho.38«elr)o»«-o««oetio ««MU Pf "^' In oommoB with the other outomotio systemo, howewr, it hos the oliood| jbfaed drmwb»eks lendoring itsgeiieW oppBootfa" itoprootiooMo. Somal printing syi-toms hove been bronght forwoid but how aot M»«od soy greot sooceo*. The ohief dofeet fa theoe is thot ^J»V^. Uag medinm is noeessorily idle during tho time thot the medmsiom- openites to preoeot soeoesoiwly t^ ohorootor. eoUed for by the tron^ i^. With these therefore ooly o port of tho signollfag oopo«9 «»f the wire io «Uli»d, ond . wry high speed i. obriooslyjwrtuinobto. A»ther phooe^of singleoirottit operotioB IS preoedtod in tbo ^y*«fO thot how been do»ioed to trwiofcr the too wire ftom o^jippo^W Mother oMoesRwly ot both ends of tho olrciiit» "I^Ut"™?***, . Wih oorwspooding set s^ intormlttsnt ooMptwr^oropidly roenrdig- OS to ooostitnU o proetiooUy oojlinwrtTono. ^ . 1 tor • hMR time i6or-thot& rf these systems was saggsited, II wos ndewWo^MSsblo, fa ooosequenee rf the difieolty of obtoinfag {^nisito perfeet sod ooo»ionoM syoehrooous oetkm of |ho moohfa' «roithoro^ofthotoo. Inl883,bowom.thoid»Mllyw«g»* «4 ife the odoptotioo, fa Mr. M««y» V«*«»«>" "^^'ftl il^mic «W, o speoiso of oleet«Hootor ; ond more rooendy Li«a P^ tan' boo saeooedod fa odapting on ohomote onrront motor fat tho so«s Mrpose. (See tho Bhctrical VorU, Vol. XIlI, p. 106.) IMooey's moliipies comprise* the boot fcotoieo of oU of Ao syil- •hroooo. systemo ihot preceded it. Ho hoo -weeed^l ii getting with li««oimiusmltoblefertholost«.tMo«etioMmimion. ""•'■«»<^ iUononsomoBoeoin,K.gtond.»dfathoUnHod8«ot«o. ThontiU^ of this mtem. howoTsr, is limited fa oonooqneooe of flOMTory ddhoto thot win bo wftMfOj deolt with loior on. WonowoomotooooooJ^wrotionrftho QOIOLn OIBOOtT BlKlMi. Tho Bomihilitif ofoiimiltofieoos troumioribn in opposite ^ino*^ dtt«ngh\53^wir. wso «i ooriy oo^ptW, Wt Ulfc- WM tlmr3ioi4..fenndpwotWo|pfaolwi. .■; f' " . „4,..m,„^> iUsooB 00 Ao prinoiflo booomopimwHrtao** o*a tMlrtlbOi, tho AM«,oaUio 0*r*«r in 188ft). Far tfc» eMh»»g* nf bwiawa brtwtw «ott«» wlwre thi .»iiwi •» eoii««i»tly neeapi«d, UieQtttdniplM, i« one 'or oilwr of iia fpnik i* nnw MMMivdy mm^ •» ib« «wld M«r. The fcrDcnl Mittrat of tbe qaadrapltt aay bo iUted to aoHirt in MMW for ■fwindbliaf the afMl^gf tlM oaiKoing durrwu io A* r«oeiT- lag iatirumtDUyfiM) for «fliMiia|[ tin prodoetioa oifrigMli on paa rid* by inwwtfe !in^\4«^^ rf tkii Wiriwt?y, »» i» tho ANiprowl *]rMN|J*^Mri«ita«r a givM ■tra^ OB the^« lide anil Iw^fiir^wi^im ofthewaM pobrity ott tha othar itd«i *\ ' \ Aumpla haW ftvqaentl; bean aada to apply theae aieaaa tor tiw pralMlioa of a Lu»phx fMm ; bat the graaler oaeaiaiij for ipaaial deviees sneli ■■ ife oied in tha qoadrnplcz tn obviate iatorftrcaae of the efteta of thl aamnt at one AdH with tha other, iatohraa w great aa aawnnt of eoiiplieation and maehin^iy -m to reader the idea iapraa- Jtm inherent defoela of the meveni qnadraplei ayMeaw eonaist in :— 1. The leeeiving imlmnient ia in erery in rt ana ii dependent for ita aaeigitation upon the batten at the iranMaittinK atation. Thb n«ee»' aitateM niee adjaaiaKni 09 the one band und Mtraor^iaariljr baarjr •nrreatt OB the other. The flne adj^ment of the 'raeeiring iartraaMnt oxposea if to iniln- ane^ aC induction iW>n> atrong enrrenla iranamitted from the aaaie end in iriIrM ninniiiK pamllel to iia circuit, Ab interrapt hiiCearreapondent witboat iniirmptii^ the other two operating on tha aaaie alda. ITbat ia what oeoaia in each of the dnplnes ; eaeh of whieb haa foar, oper- ators, aaender and a raecirer at e:ieh end. HeBeii,(tf4or8operatora at work on one' wire, tlirre are handicapped if the fonrth be ioezpert ; and it baa ibnji JkacoMe neeeMaiy to detail the buxt aruikUe operatota for datj tm da; ik-s and tiuadruphiz oirenite. With thvaa facta belbrc iia we can readily underatand the foinaaa of iu being c»ueaated, th»t the valne of a dnplez ctr««i< ia about 90 par cent., and t qnadruplez eirewt abont 7B par eeat , that of a ainplc Mem: line bet< roen any two afatiooa. In other worda, k (|uadnij^ ia only abiMt aa good aa three atrii^bt Mono eirenita. And we c»n aaa. too, in the lifikt of thcMi ioeta, licir very for theaa Maltipla eireait ayatena have i lUen abort nf the adraatageH of the Maiplc Mane eireait eat forth in tl e beginning of thia paper. At the aaBM tiae, it will be naarked that the work dnnu in rcapeet of theae qwaaia haa bean one af ateady deielopaHttt and eztenaiva applieaiimi in praeiiea; they ham been braoght to that atage wh^ all bat their iabcreat defafita ai« aKmiaated, and we pctoeiro, in view of the abaady aentioMd ai)f - \ aattiag capaeiir of a line wire, thA tlw prineiplM nadariyiag tha* arc Mk the ecRoa^ oaaa oa whieh aa tdtal ayaiaai eaa be baaed. >» mram oohpasid. elaar idea now of tha ^ooipantiva talaa of the ii> wi i /. ia To get a* a qrataaa, we ea • adadt a tfM qaadrapla i, for eiaaple, with the fWI valae of 4 Moiaa eiranita ...aad aat dmw tha highMt ralea of vUih ikay aia tpaetteally tnalad. By elaaaifyiag vaaaaiaadi^ aacl*C"!«^*- qaolad h worki ia pareei^ how tkiy atoad; Abta/WJMiaia Mam 4 !itype Wfil% XBaghca or Phalpa) 50 PyMhnMwMiltiiliK(6«imila)(40.) 840 tib^iUm i^Jbtmmttk. ^ ':■■-. 1 , J ; / ■ i r/ / . 1 / \ I. ■ , { •hMiioal Mtbod, we We iie«« UiMjfel^vmtteror «<• "W^'^WJ ■mmI if ndued by tbu nasewtitflbr dul tr«n«Uti«i of (he ^'''~ tbeWM-liWioftlu) Whealrtone; AatooMlio, .^.Mifof ligMllioK oapaoity. » fiyitMM openUd by direct msDigalktion, the Mmple _ ody one of genertl •tility. The other. »|re, m h*i been poin Mly adftpteble to tcrmiwil »Utioiw j of thew UUer, hqwewr, t ■kniMM multipto i» ihown to h»ve the greatest eftoien^y. Ij ■idM • Mipta olfouit lystem tmU the nearert of any akin to thij ii#ple The indiMtHMW •(« therefore wry okarly de«ned, that the grineipi? mpM wUofc tbe synebroi«>iu multiphix ia baaed is the comet oile to fol- kw «p, with a ww to the f|iU utilisation of the line wire. Weean now with advantage reVert to a. consideration of tha ( prinoir pie, and in dne ooursp it will Jrani^re Mi, by prope^y apply! ig ^t, we •usfMtaapttfcot system of \ / "^ If a moment's eoifidention is giW to the fact, that tnunmitted by. an operator on a Vton^ wire are made up of d and spaces, it wiU be perceived that thew are in these several cmtain periodsof rest. When the ke;^ is open (spacing) f« the dienlt is liUffiling no function. Ca^ this period be Uk of, and thrlii^ wire fcr the Ume of its darattoo, bowevei • Utt^tmA to complete a circuit with other sets of apparat Jl^ is tbe question on which the operation of the synch lutelBnged. sad it has been answered affirmatively. ^S get at an nndeistonding of it, th« action of the h •|f«tro-magnetm«at be considered. 'I ■ It w evident the magnetism develop*! in the iron core Uf the current doss not appew and disappear in its grea uWpUy ; ttaw Intist Hfc^a rise and a fall to it. Some tif-^ JSm* g"**'"» to daTdk4 after (he ' current is applied, ITt^ for the magnfetUn to die away after the current A withdraw^. fksM u as it were a lesidtaal m^nctism in the Are for al brief pan^d '4ftnr|beil«ii*tbfli6k»^^win^the residual magnetism 1 . _ MJitf t)isUe«ttH»-mag|iet wtoe arrsAged to n^Mid to I Iw e«c» oTa iSkAkMent, and a aoong ewVent wereaftptoa, Hkevid mt the m**- MM wouU i<»»iB attnwsted fv some ti««mft* Ae cuii wit W^ «»- ■«4i»ni if ttbourwntweni wilhhili for » hfllif 8p«« tfc. ^jpWiw would M nway > but if the curtcBt wwb re^appUed ver qi gj clMUo-magn«t«ould become «M«ergis^ befdre the-'-"— ■* have had time to bU away. Hepoe, by alternately HrrjZ ~ "^ drawing the e«r»sn(t4!iy rapidly, thb eleetro^magMtw »«M •ppeM l»irfto«Boed l»y a wotinuoitt insiead of an intermittent wwrsnt. K«w, tut b«ing the case, }» is evident that • ivrilM «f pointe in » elide midit hi made the leroiiwib of conductbib leMlini to the eiesto^ •nd a revolving um successively touching then P<>i^^W» of mmn^""'"« 4"c the current to it. In tha i 'MA'ft ■f«W t4i«lfly ^ enrwai to the arm In oidir •»■»**■•»• 2Sl* jMe^'nnd pWto '«b*w««J«« **«>» • ""^ sleeiw-Mgwit,. 'Syil^ M yM it'ia on^ b eonne^tion vilk th*«nMl iMhat signals mi^ bis «■ , jitlioUMiT rtJiBMBoeirbnte Mtei „di»d ^ ptMtiee, wsi «rt H H». Wto» ,» 10 aweital* i« Ae wo* Kg "rf *«|^»»; tkeoMMMHoT i»l«|ilto Itia,] ltopi)>ve. ^.OL. TlMMlMtilll* f 3 > * ■ r . ^ ^ ^ ' ' ■HF i)S»> ■)■■> nnamal iitatl|)llii. ' rr '^ t. U ill iwiigwirjr lo aflbnl in tk.. li....L:~. : -A4L.. fofil U. «*|eh openlor 34 omiUelii prr wcovd ^•r u> tnabl« hiiu to IraaHMit with Uie mm - With Um' liiifjirini, in urdt. ,.. ftwilit, » .« !.„ „nli«rjr oi^^it. Thi, i» ,,„«.lo,l|, ^^rT.U.'io'^ eoBUeta, or .SjiiiipulMii of vnnvwt pr .lot .iKiial. ^ 8. Jh»„pe^ti.w in nmaiH-d u. Hdm mt .loiMHlinK >»«» ■•!«>• h With tlH|«. ftctH^MWr* •» we p«m,ive ,h.t tlnJ".,*,!,,^,, «„,«(. ph.., .ocoKlm^ .o Mr. DoUn..,', i,.v..i,tio.., in .hBciout in ,w.. idipiW- ntlliiu the nifitUUiiiK oapMity «K\W liar win>. ^JVV^h.w. D<4 I., g„ v..ry fiir to .^nrtuin thtf c.»m», ,h,t produc th«,» I« K.vor.1 of the te,|,b.H,k. the l.w. «ov.^„i„^ ,he tr.w,».i-ii„n ..f Fw-cott, 1885. Vol. I, >hM«,„ ,t i. j^„, (^ ,^j„j j^^^ ^ ^.^^ [,T7^'!."!JT'" ••'™'"'*^l'iHt i. .bo« Jireetly pn,p„rti«..l l« the h.BKth of the ««„d«cu.r .^d i»««J, pniportiun.! to iu %„ndw- tivity _ AuMtli.1 vxperi»H.«t i.. cited, p. 395. whereby i( w«, ««er- etir^ IT ■ """ •''■' ^*"' ""'" *""»«''' ""K**" (P»"«ri«'«l) * ' '» ■•««= -h of • Meond i wbihi for 01 \' M anpolanied eli»tro-iu«Kn«l the time rwjaired !■ lUted to be . ~ 1 • • "f » iieooud. , Sl.'*'',"'"!?l'" ^;»'»«''"»"!«") of 12 oonuotaessb; in -Vl **?'»««""»« l-oiot"- Th«H, 8» line coiii^ are ^ "HL \ T*T '"^' •" «•"»' number of contact point, connected .toe.rth, which «*»« to pariiaHy discharge .be line between the .oc oemive ,r^„«„,„,^ „,• current, ». .here ig altogether 168'con..ct "S 1 1 ti n ^ ^' "" '^"'- "^ ^' '" "^ -*"•« "'-"^ Snppow the pan. to'R «f the foUowin« demonaiona :— ,. , , Inohc Total » ^ liine platM, each ^ =i .26 in. x 84 = 21 Earth '< '< i=.26" x 84 ^ 21.0 . Spue, beiween ditto V. =028 " x 168= 4.2 = 4«2 The cireamferenee of the circle i» in tbia eaae 46.2 inohw, ud aa it I. t^averaed ^ the line bmrf, 2 » timea in . «cond, it follow, that . d«.nce of (46.2 x 2.83 ^ ) 130.76 inches per aeooid b coTe«d. Now, a. the fength of time occupied by the brndi in paaaing over a «iven linej,l.te ia the exact mo.«„e of the duration of oont.«t mule with the battery, for the tranaminaion of a cnrwnt, it i. e»id«it that (a.n«B 130.76 : 26 :: 1 : 0019) .he current > iu'eaoh in««L yL •*itediolineforonly(0019=)-i-of.«oind. A«am, it wiU have been noticed in following thw whmktiona that * ith a given .peed of roution of the line bmah, the width of the4k.ea (tetemunca the length of time the current ia put to line ThJ. bdnit the 0.M, it i. obvioua that when the brual. i. paring over « «irth pUte the Jinei. ftlflUing do ftmetioo, it i. idtydi^imr , cT^, iJnenUy with Ihia .rrangemcnt the limi u half of tha lime idle Md ita theore^ cpMity i« utiliMd to the tatent oflw tliui 60 per ZL'sJ^jiS^*^ -'**" »^ U- "<» «««• pUl-o*;. gonug the dightfylRmher JoH. — ""'--h^ Jhrt^ dill diatdvanil^.l, fawpwiUe ftw, ih^ -wiMMi evitet. for the diMhuge of. Uue u jihrajp jower thau the eUm. woA it U -~fy.n thi. qr«e. to ohmte the poaribilhy of .. .pp^W. pwt ofth. eh.,K|, due to the tr.««|«o« of , dgwtl bet^ one P|i»of«»«y,«««gp|.^kel.g- ,^ ^ WHweeted-with the aetitmeaedfa it peir. '■"^^mm^ " ■ ??•?*• ■*•. •**• !»'•'»«« iM^BtWtl in ui^ am* mUw' X "M » to S. j3 h Iti- » ■ 1 ^ - • Thm U la the IbfiRoiMc Ifiww, too, •• •iplaMlina of tlw otW McMMj of tlw •jalcto. Tlw •pparatM in opcralioa tnrnmu ear;^ iwM'ofooljr .0019 IDC. duration; we lw«i) iBeii eiwwherv tbat the tiao raqairiNl to prodace • iiKnkj (thai It, to elhei • foil aUraotion and- .■oveBMBt of the araiaturti of the reeeiriaic InitrnBM'iit) on a line of lOOmileaof No. « iron «ii« in, bj oaloolatioa, .0022 Mie. The dife^- •Me ia 10 wall that the >ip«r«a nay be laid lo^afcnie, However, it in evident the tranamitied enrrunt i» barelj uSoient to prodnoe an cffsot ; an<), aa the length of iimt) rvqqirud lo pntduoe a signal iqoruaws with the length of the oondnctor, it can be nwdily undfrMood why tht- operation of the «yiit«ni is confined to comparatively wry whort oirouit«. With the aynchroaoiu aaultipfex before ua, it« (leBcienoiea dineveiwd, aad the eanaea thei^f traoed to an arithmetical eerteinty, it is an easy matter to delna what the reqniaites are to produce an iJtal system ■.^- 1. The reeeivioK ioatruilMinto should be made lutpouHive 1^ sinfik) pulsations of an ordinary strvD|^ of current, so a» to be iwhApendent of iutarmittonoes. Thia would ooonomiau the NignallinK capacity of ^thaline. > 2. The naeeatity for discharKiuK the line after e«eh puliation should ■y%ttu as poasiUebe eliminated, so as U> admit of minimiiing die earth- pbttea and thua aifofd space for additional lino plates. This would iMwt the flirtheat utiliiation of the Nif(nalling capacity of the line. 3. The system should be applicable to intermediate stations. This would rsnder every one of the several eironita iis ruadi)y available and generally .adaptable as a sin^-le Morwt lino. ;;(^ow, the alUiiimeut of this perfection is not only ptwaible, it ia the .imt thing to au acniuiplislied laot, as will be seen'in' considering the leaulla of the writer's personalJreaearoh in this partioiilar department. TImm resnlta are comprised in mew system comprehensively designated, THl IMTKBOHANOBABLI WAT-WIBB MULTIPLIZ. As this system is somewhat different fVom its predeoeisors in »^ .principh) of its operation, it may bo best introduced for^^^naidentibn by a general sUtement of its characteristics. i _•__:' 1 The conception of it is basejl like the other synehronous ijatm^ on the well-known fact that the manipulation of a key by ibe most expert Morae operator is very slow compared with the rapidity with whioh an eleatrigal efeet can be produced, and flirther, on the aaeert«ined foot that when aignab are [ffodnced by pulsations of alteniaie poUrity, + (doafiig and — opening, 24 eontaeu per mdind (12 oorresponding to dowAwaid movemenu or depressions, and 12 oomspoading to upriaab of the keyj is all that ia neoeaaary for tranamiasion at the rate ot 40 worda per minute. According to thia k^tor finding it is only neoeasary lo make oonneo- tioD between any two oomapoading seta of aniiirahu once in every i/f ofaMnBd, in ord^to intercept eve^ moveafeiit of a given key, and to P^anee V^i'^K^^ ""^ *^^ '" ^ distant reeehw aa would oMhin were th^pphig and reeeiving inalramenta eontinuonalv in ci^Ait. '"">' . ord« that thik may'fc underst^.^^he Upaof a Morae ragiater be taken in an instance where signals have been emboned upon it at the rate of 40 words per minute. The length of a dot will be fitnnd to be ^ of the length of Upe passed over per seoond. Or, a snteaee of 40 words may be written down m Mono eharaetera on paper ruled with horiawlal lines repreaenting unit diviaiona, aUowing 1 unit for « dot, 1 unit for the apace between' the demeata of* letter, 8 nnila for a daah, 2 nnila for the apace between letten, and 4 uaita for the apaoo between wotda; it will be found that the entire sentence oeonptoa 1440 diviaiona s 24 aaiu peraeeoad, thiu sh«wii« that ,<; see. uoninpisil »a th»fomfttiem«f» dolor a tpmet in manipalatioB at the late of 4o worda par miaata. ^v Oa the other hand, it u kaowa that the tiaw leqaiiad for th«pn>- daatioa of a aigaal bjr abeOo-aMgaatiaai ia estroa^j brief; oak "OOB - lit of • Mmd, with nSaiaatly aearilivt jH fnaOtti apiMiMM, oa aa ordinal; No. 8 iraa til^g ia| ih wira 800 wIm ioaK ■ aad ialaHtiMoaaHaaorakortMrlM«ih. It ia thM^ obfia^a tkat the whale piriod (^ «fc) of'** rf 1* ooMaala Aa» «aa to afttdjd la a i»a.4Ja •,?» aaoMMHy m Ifc, diiponl ofoaaopwator. ~~~^~~--— -_^ . liaaa, if ia 0TC17 A «' • M«d tfca Kaa wiviTI «i* a givuB fcqr saOaitaify Img lo jcadaaa «r «A 1^ af a laaiwd an ha aa«VM la ika pn^Mte tf o«tr k^r* «i* wUth it Ml ho WW agnw "T «-—— TT — m 'r nnim nai dkwliipal ifci, lU iMbaot «r«A|^af a laaiwd an ha aa«vM la 'hi |irn»nlik uf «lMiiial rfMaaadir o«tr k^ra «i* wUth it MihoiaMwtatir ■ ■ Ul Itaw thfc itWNw«ha>lfAaii«awwrf>adi,MaiZ \ ■ te»*a.i. \ ' y ^r Now, h wMI haw b«e« ••» ta *• 4««ripA*lfcMfcf,lto»*«p»«ii- «i|;.l Miimr hlHKM «• ^ pn«ibilUy of ih. brkr^mMiiiMi' wtmk •|R-«tiaK *• rwwwf, In mmIi • w»y m lo Uw M^iapnaioa oro* ii _ durdiK Uw inwrv.l o( ito MMOwii^C |Hil«»i««><. TW k »'• + P«i»i»- l.« in iraiwnillad In dw loTBMJtioo of ■ dot or alMh, Uio WMl%« of the rw>.iv»i muM b.i •l»r.«l*l. ••<> •ww»l» ■» M"!* — P»Um»o», (niiMiiiiw) in »ho fcrnintton oT '» tiwai, r«vor»in it* pooiMa. And it 1» •!» «ia«-nt that Ilia r»«o*Ter mut b« ratrMMly mmAxS/n , in ordw io'»«bril i»». muiMUi nnwbw oT iinnailinK iiiAiu «■ • .utTmJlniK ~ t ■ ^ To •aw how ihU in proridW for, il will WrvMBiborwl that in dai\ bg •ilh Um> other vyalMna jnai now, it «na abown thaivi aignd mm b* prudvocd on a UoKtiea' nagnH in ,|, aao. nKainai ,>; aaa. VM|aind ' for elwlmmaKneti. >A olher IhnM. In o»h«r wonk, Um Hnghaa in 8 tiaoa quicker in ila notioB. ' Now, Il haa been limnd in iho ooume oTemwrinMrfla Mad* with N*r- «M« lo thia liyaleni, ilial if an ordinary pokriwd r«ky la on^ntMl ibrouKh' ike-nMllnm "«' an Induotloo ooil, the rtlny la ■■■dared napoa- albtv to • aingle brief pvlantion of enrren^; whoraM, whaa tqiamttd diiMdy. tlir^Je «Beoe<«i»e polantiona nM r«|«lrad^lo prodaea • faft__- aunuition .A it* nnnatMo. That i«tD any, the eoiiSiaatMJi ffib die induetioD '«A\ l\iniHiea a r«ieiving inatrnaMnt equal in oaiarity with |be Ua|(hoa magDet, and ahonld tbareAm bo eapabtot^Mpoana lo a aiiinailiuK »«rwot of ^„ aae. duration ui a 800 aiila^MarNo. 8 iron wira. By Moana of an auiomatia im\m, the ladaeM aurranto . ouMMUBiealed to the ndaf operate la anly one diraatioa dapanda n t , upon thj p«'tarlty ol'^M. tranamltl*! pdantloa. Oooaaqaaady iia Aaa- tara It ■•ilia at not a|ninat one or other of itt limiting alopa, aaeonUnK '< (0 the dIraiptioB of the laat ourrent preaented lo it, and ia nnaffrctrd by * aaoceaaiwpulaatioiwofthe'aamf |«lariiy. Now, hatiagav eoonoaaoal method of aiKnaUiniandUa raquirita •ppnrataa >heiifor, it ia only neoaaaary to aaaoaiaU It with mean! for tranafcrriaK the Hue wire IW>m one aat of inalramanta to aaotbar aimnluacoualy, at aa many autioaa aa daairabie on a liaa, in ordir to produee a mukipllcity of aignaUIng oireniu. In the leferenoea th»t haw already been maatioaad in ooaaaotioo with piwtioua ayatema (»ii., EWttiixA WorU, Vota. II, VI aad 3UII), the meaaa whereby nynchroniam ean be obtained aad maiataiaad ba- twaen autlooa ooaaeoted together in oiwail la aatfarth ia a arfWaatly . clear manner, to obyiato the neoeaai^ for explalniag in deUU the ■ apeoiilo arrangenwnta that hare been deviaed for that pni^oae ia thia. inUDoe, It wiU jmlce to atate here that motora at the tarminal aUtlona of a line a^re brought Into nniaoa by eorreetlng derioea. Ourrentt Ngaiady alwmiting jii poUrity are ooaeurreatly uraaamitted to Une ftomlwth terminab; theae eilrieBtn conjqiaUy operate the motora at «he laieraiedute autioaa, aad ih« »«aaJ» ia a parfeetiy ayaehiowraa Mtioa Uuvnghout the entire ayiitem. Br.maaaa of thia aynohioa^ maehaaiam,' a brtiah ia elaotrioal ooa- aeetioa witir the main liae ia revoWed about the eirebof oonlMta . ' ^ooanevted with the aignaUing apparatar, at all of the aiatiofm in oiroait, . . ' with aaMelent frcqtteney- to put the liae in eontact with eaeh of the . ' MrraMoadingaeta of apparatuaonoeia every l-24of a aaoond; and at ■ «Mh of the twminal atationa the' Aaft that MTolrea the hraih earriea a «0MU*at« of a att«oi*Bt oumlar of aegiaeala to prodaee 84 rewwda ftt aaooad of the main liae battMy whioh ia oonaaotad with I* . Tba mala battcriea at the tertalaal autioaa are moraover nrwiaiy ^gwaalad wkktheeommautora, eaaM)amUy> ptaaantadto Kaa at oae mkl ia mefby — paaaeaud at the oaher aad ; the oarwrta wrttaa la ' the Baa, aqd. aa they are.aheiaatad by ibo rerolriag aoMiatatofa, the H^lBt»Tiriedby»agrf»rlyram»riBg+an4 — pdaatiow^. It wfll be maa, thareftm, that tha pamagf of tka mala liaa krtlh . •,» Iha a««aat ph•" ^ *■'» 1«* ""^^ jITlb. th. lio. br-th 10 .w.ep ov« th. ^.tlr. -rie. of th. .•lo.ltt. Sl»l. how.w.»h\.po-IWlU,.thrtin . CM. •^«« + o«rr«U iTu ;tE thi ««W«.. i>^d - ..r.«.U to «.p«. .h««. .h. «d- S! k.T -Ight b. dq«-«l o«.«»r««U, with th. pr.H«.t.t.oo of . - pL. of t^cnrot, wd .pr-U-d «»ourr«.rfy with the .ucoe«l.n^ + SZ Id Mich . «•• it »• •vid.Pt tl«. ■OYcniMit of th. ke, wauld b.^ £, „„ .h. ~ciT.r ; tbb poiMWHt, I., bowser obv,i..od ^ ^ot . ^i..«t«».ti\ uw-ltur through Which th. •»»«;-«•'•/ J« k'' 'iril.»»«oio.t«d to tWlw. «in».it. -n-. ..per.t.0- i. .imply th,. : If tb^ k.« b d.p«««d to form • dot, tb. fever of » eh-ctm^m.gnH. to toLlJ«5itwWr*.k«,.i.d.pre-«I..nd w-^io. m .h.^f««t.«n, dSr tS ko, U uprai«i, »»til . + P-hSTo- tr»u.-..t.«d U. l.m. rSlTi.^TVl.^.r.n'.U.pr.i-dHi-itloa rtmj- . p..h for th. ^,„g _ p»U.ti«o. A dot ta th«. U^i>^. If th- k., « ZTdJL-i. th. «-« .1»r.tloo i. r.pe.UH» ; » U«jt M th. k.y nnU .rri tnuixmittad " '""" Alt ihe iiu.M*iv« pulMtioo* r«»nr with th^ w^ rapidity gK. r^cirtog »pp.f.t«« » P"""" •" ^»^» «d iloJiT. to oi. ftJl pol-Oioo of dth« pokrity. it » «ot u. .», MAm d« rihrtr.«.i-io. of . .i^Ml to lb. circuit »i-d»MAy J2«dL It i. tbwefow «i«oi«it to pat b«w«n th. mcom-w I»c -12-.% ».r««r ..gm-t for «rth oo«t«^ ^^J^ ^ Srfto Wriy d-r th. liM of th. d«g* rf o«^ potonty brfor. th. JtowZtlad. it Witt b. ,««.b»rf th.» lb. «m«t pd«t»« .1. -li«W«««^Ud ."d iti.th.pft«tio«oflhe k.y. th«» d.t««i».. S^£JS; to'tiL r-,-ea^«^i- . I-^^ ,.«tortoodborl«t*-«ltol.«««.««t«'»««"-*«*«»^ SrSdlof H- ««.t«» pW- «d th. r-t of*. .PP«»».! *• lprf«tlo«.owhiohtb.«o«m.rNpo«d. ,^ "* "^ ^J^j^^T »kit.t th. ..y «*»-. «W P«i»ioo of . glwD k.y dMmiM. tto ;,ib.J» of •*.«."-»■ Nor-iaiy..H.fth.k.y.i..B.'.-«««|i» STuiif .od'iW will foOow-iu »omMiM» |rt*»«-ly " «?» « •'*««:f to., «, «. rftl- tol«il-*li«. «*•« ~P»~* • B''? f«^^ ^lU . .««*to oito .t«W -ly W * «>A«^-«*r^ ii M inr-^JTi I II II r '^- iimr rfth.«*n»ii} l»»»y '-/=•. ^ > iA'a.t ^.^jfciaSfe?.^afiij-;» &ii^^<^itt.*. jtejjjj #-■ /^ \, V m » I ia opmttiVe bviwoen offices whow iMtnunentaiBn adjuted and inoper- ative tn tbowi' whote iDstranienlB are not adjoated or othenrite kwally affected. / ■ . . Now, from what has been stated, UJa evident that we have here a 8;8t*!ni ca|culale<^lo affonl ihe highest possible degree of effioieney and ope that i&tiliies the capacity of the line wire to the fUlisat extent. Uf }i circuits theoretically obiainaltle in a wire 300 miles long, we can CDiint upon at least 9 for signalling purposes ; we might do nan tlisD t^al, but rtKwIlucting tlut tlie number depends upon the length of the surface tr«ventedi>y the line brush per second, the spaoe equivalent to 4 cirdyit plates iti^ty a liberal allowance ta make for the syiiehron- ous circuit plate, the earth plate, and its minor segments and the insulation w^ges. 'All these iuay be ^ken together and set down as nfechuniauintentntiiiH, and therefore a constant quantity; and in any ^ilculaliou we make for a given line, we may subtract die equivalent ,«>f 4 cir/uiis from the thcoreticul Jn order to determine its praotical capacity. Thus, in accordance with thClaw of pro p oriioaa ein ew hew li in this paper, we should obtajnon an ordinary line 150 mile* loni^, as + many as (f JJ x 13 = 2(i, — 4 =) 22 signalling circuits, t now only remains to be seen whether this ean be realised in prac- (BEFEaKKOE SHEET 36.) Khie.—lt is not statnl no, litrrsll;, but it in in eSect : It is Aatcd on p. 'Ml, that " 'i'lir rapidity with wliich succefwive aignals caw lie transmitted drpeiids essf iitially upon ike tiiue required tocharge awl dischai)^ the line." X'lis tiuie, it is oliown on p. SKi, ih on a No. 8 iron wire 300 miles long, about '018 arc., and go an equal leuKtli of No. 6 gau|^ ('20 in diameter), the time required is about -U13 sec. It is stated oo p. 396, that the time required lu produce ah eflect on the No. tt wire was found lobe with a Hughes electro- magnet -003 oer. : nnd '01 sec. is set down lor an utopolarized electro-magnet of the ordiniiry tut in. It lurtber appears, on p. 395, that un a given line with oiie class of appara- tus, the time required lo produce au etteci ih " nearly in proportiou to tbe length, of the line; " and with the other class of apparatus the time required " iDcreaset i^ a much greater proportion than thtolength of tbe liiie." Thene etattinenti' have relerence to lines of 300 miles and over, and it in llierefore very sale to assume that lor linen under 300 miles the time is at the most diicctll proportional to tlie length. The obvious *iuterpreiation p( all ibis is, that the time required to charge a line is the index of its signalling capacity. If we know the rate of eharge of any two wiivs and tbe signalling capacity of one of them, we van, by a simple sum in . proportion, determine the signalling capacity ol the other. According to tliese figures and statements then the time required to pro- duce an eflect on au unpolarixed magnet on the 300 mile No. 6 line is '0072 sec. i the proportion beting 'Olit : '013:: '01 :'0O72. And the time requirrd on a 100 mile length ol the Hame line is ■0