P385M i »" « "» ! » ""* ' ■ » *- ' » ' » ' ' i .,^ ' i» Hi l in y i' .« >|l V » ""»■" < 1" » - ' - y . * t »^ (U ^ 3 AArd «J __^(iflmU OTTAWA iOCg,^^^ RAILWAY. % WESTERN DIVISION SIX MONTHS REPORT Ending 28th February, 1879. • » • • « • > • t • • « • • , » . • . < « • • • • » » * • • • • , t.-i — • — •• •» .••• ••• % « ♦ • • • • • ■,",.. « » • • • • • • • « • • • • 1879 • • • • • 9 • f • • .Vi •■*■' iij.i.i "(^"ti n*j>(/;) Ujn^ UKKICK .IK GkNERAI. Sci'BRrNTENUKNT, Montreal, June 16th, 1879. 6cncral Supcriiitcuticut's ilcport. To THE HoNORAI'.LE H. G. JOLY, Commissioner of Ralhviiys and Public Works, QUEBKC. Sir, — I have the honor to present to you my Report of the operations of the " Western Division " of the Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa & Occidental Railway, for the six months ending the 28th February, 1S79. The Government took possession of the Railway from Mr. McDonald, the contractor, on Monday the 2nd September last, and notwithstanding; the fact that he had had all the Rolling Stock run into the St. Therese gravel Pit, (where it was guarded by a large number of men) the track leading to the main line torn up, and the Eneines disconnected and emptied of their water. Trains commenced running on the morning of the 3rd and have been running with the utmost regularity ever since. The total cost for militia and other services in connection with the taking possession amount to $4,834-57- Your instructions to me to the eflect that I was to retain in the employ of the Railway any of Mr. McDo- nald's employees who were etTicient men and who had not taken any part in resisting the Government, were carried out. After possession of the Road had been fully taken, the different Departments connected with its working had to be organized and put into operation, and I need hardly say that the task was a difficult one ; a regular system had to he established, an entire equip- ment in the way of supplies comprehending forms, sta- tionery, office furniture, tickets, and all the multitudinous items necessary for the economical and methodical working of a Railway. Mr. C. A. Stark (who had been in Mr. McDonald's employ) was retained as General Freight and Passenger Agent, and I must bear testimony to the way in which that gentleman had, with great foresight, established his passenger and freight Taritf to meet the competition with which the line had to contend. It can be readily realized that the organizing and working of ;he Railway in its uncompleted state was made more difficult from the fact that there were no work- shops (the principal repairs having to be done at ma- chine shops, 5 miles from Hochelaga) ; the terminal stations situated a long way from both Montreal & Ottawa cities, approaches to the stations along the line in a very bad condition, the permanent way uncompleted. Rolling Stock requiring extensive repairs, no housing for the Engines, no yard room, and in fiict everything in such a condition as would militate greatly against economic management ; Spring however has opened up with brighter prospects, ballasting and completing the road bed is being vigorously pushed forward by the *" Government and I am in hopes of seeing by the Fall, the Raitway brought within the limits of the cities of Montreal & Ottawa, and commodious buildings con- structed, and in fact the Western Division in a fully com- pleted and ecjuipped state. ....: ., . i... ...... .. .; .^:.j,i,k ^'...^^ I have exercised the strictest economy in every way possible, and considering; the circumstances under whicli I had to hibor, (the six months being the most difficult to operate, out of the twelve), my operating expenses do not shew a large proportion to the gross Revenue. The Laurcntian Railway (running from near St. Therese to St. Lin, 15 miles' is a valuable feeder to this Road netting us about $3,500 for the six months and . I have on that account, given every facility to enable this line to be kept open during last winter. Two stations have been destroyed by fire since the I St September, viz. : Mile End and St. Therese, the first is believed to be the act of incendiarism, and the latter by the explosion of a coal oil lamp, in 1)oth cases we were fully covered by Insurance, new buildings have since been completed in their stead. There have been only two fiital accidents, one the case of a tramp killed near Lachutc at night, supposed to have been asleep on the track, and another near St. Therese, where an old man walking on the track was overtaken by an Engine with snow plough ahead and killed, in neither case were my officials, to blame in the slightest degree as evidenced by the verdicts of the Coronor's Jury. VVe have been entirely free from any casualties even of the smallest kind, up to the present time. I have been instructed by you to make a thorough trial of "Scott's self Coupler" as you have expressed the earnest desire of diminishing as much as practicable the danger to which brakesmen are exposed in the coupling of cars, and you will be happy to hear, that in the trials made on four Box Freight Cars, the result has been very satisfactory. 1 will however be in a position to give you further particulars in a few days^^ >^jw..j -j^. .... ,... ROT.LING STOCK. The stock on llic line when taken possession of consisted in : 4 Passenfijer T>ocnmotives. 6 Freight Locomotives. 4 I St chiss Passenger Cars. 4 2nd class Passenjijer Cars. 3 Baj^j^age Mail and f'xpress Cars. 25 Bo.x Freight (Jars. I 2 r Platform Cars. 2 Snow Ploughs. Considerable expenditure has been necessitated to put this stock in condition and the repairs are being made from time to time as required. The above being totally inadequate for the proper working of the line, the folio wintJ have been added : 'e> 3 Freight Locomotives. 1 Yard Engine. 2 Palace Cars, 2 ist class Cars. 20 l!ox Freight Cars. 30 Platform Cars. 5 Cattle Cars. 2 Snow Ploughs. 2 Flange Scrapers. With four additional 2nd class Cars, I consider the road will be sufficiently well stocked for the present traf- fic. All Passenger Trains are equipped with Miller Platforms and BulTer, and with vacuum brakes. I may add that all the new Rolling Stock (with the exception of the 2 Palace Cars and yard Engine) were built in Canada; the 3 Engines by the Kingston Loco Comparty; one yard Kiigine by the Halduin Loco works, IMiila- dclphia ; 2 I'alace Cars by (iiUnrt and Hush, Co. of 'I'roy ; 2 ist class Cars by Jas. Crossen of Cobourfj. and tlie Freight Cars and Ploughs by 'he Ontario Car Co. and Crossen. The ]^llace Cars, were not intended to be supplied, under the late contract with Mr. McDonald, but they were indispensable, in the equipment of the line to meet the special service and give the travelling public the same comfort as other lines, with your permission they were purchased and will bean increased source of Revenue to the Railway, if however the Government should jirefer it, this service can be assumed by an outside Company who will purchase the Cars, but I can assure you, it is, in the interest of the Government to retain them as they already begin to shew a good result pecuniarily. FUEL. 6,498 Cords of Firewood were taken over from Mr. McDonald and have been paid for to the Government from the Revenue of the Road. The question of economy in consumption of fuel has given me much thought. Fire- wood at the terminal points, has cost delivered on the Engine fully $4 per cord. I have made a test with coal and 1 fmd I can save in my Passenger and Freight business upwards of $8000 per annum in fuel ahjne, not to speak of economy in time. I have therefore had all the Freight and Passenger Engines converted into coal burners. The cordwood purchased for this year's consumption from ist March and already paid for out of Revenue amounting to S24926.39 will be disposed of at a profit and coal substituted therefor, except what may be required for station use and engines working on construction., „. 8 I beg to submit the following statement for the six months working with the tabular statements of receipts and expenditures : • , . MILEAGE, &c. Miles run by Passenger Cars 236,840 " " Freight Cars 376,196 " " Wood Cars 65,605 Total mileage of Cars 678,641 Miles run by Passenger Trains 82,155 " *' Freight Trains 41,100 " " Wood and other Trams 5j559 Total Train Mileage 128,814 PASSENGER TRAFFIC. rT*i Total number of Passengers carried. 48,203 " Receipts for same $64,002 35 Earnings per Passenger $1 32! FREIGHT TRAFFIC. Total number of tons freight carried 3o>342 " Receipts for same $41280 22 Average Receipts per ton «... $1 36 TRAFFIC EARNINGS PER MILE. Average gross earnings per train Mile 89 J " Operating expenses per train mile... 56 Net Earnings 33^^ Since the ist March, the receipts from the road have been considerably increased, a close approximate estimate for the months of March, April and May shews a total of $66,749.39 for the three months, being an average over $22,000 per month. 9 EASTERN DIVISION. The line between Quebec and St. Martin Junction was opened by the Hon. Thos. McGreevy, contractor, for traffic, on February 14th, and a schedule of rates was established for an interchange of traffic over the 13 miles between St. Martin Junction and Hochelaga. The discrimination as to the charges to be made against Revenue^ and Construction and Equipment, was a matter which required considerable attention, and as you submitted the question to Walter Shanley, Esq., my state- ments have been based upon the Report which he has furnished you in that connection. All our accounts and statements have been made in duplicate which have been furnished to the Public Works' Department from time to time. In conclusion, I would bear testimony to the very efficient manner in which the Locomotive, Traffic, and Audit Departments are being conducted by the different heads, and to the efficiency of the employees of the line generally. All of which is respectfully submitted. C. A. SCOTT, General Superinkiideut^ VVKSrEkN UlVlijiuN. iljjKMli »tKJ[ i" .',1 ^. 4<{; !V>'.« m 10 C. A. SCOTT, ESQ., General Superintctident, Q. M. (J. k 0. ll'y, (Western Division) nO!WTKEAI.. Sir, I herewith have the honor to submit my first semi-annual report of the Receipts and Expenditure of the Q., M., O. & O. Ry., (Western Division,) for the half year ending February 28th 1879, with tabular statements annexed. At your request, I also give a close approximate estimate of the Traffic Earnings for the nionths of March, April and May, and 1 may state that the working expenses will shew about the same percentage (if not less) than for the 6 months ending 28th February, 1879. 1 am. Sir, Your obedient s« vant, S SHACKELL, :.\i n'-O.""/:; Auditor. I 11 IlKCEUTS AND EXrENDITURE FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDING FEBRUARY 28tli, 1871t. RECEIPTS. From Passi'iigur Transportiitioa S<)4002 .ia " Freiglit " 41280 22 <' Mails " 3579 32 " Express « 8U5 34 " Extra Baggage " 311 'JO " Sundries " 79(J 13 Total Trauspoitatiou Earnings $1 108G5 26 Less operating Expenses ■ . r>921(5 G'.t Nkt Eahninos ? 4104H 57 Expentlitiire 62 y^^p,- per cent. Revenue 37 -\7 « 1 rt?> STATEMENT OF OPERATING EXPENSES FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENI)IN(J FEBRUARY 28th, 1879. Fuel consumed $837r) 53 Maintenance of Way 14944 46 Mechanical Dopt. [Loco. & Car] 13733 96 Train service, Traffic, Wages, of Con- ductors, Brakesmen, % < H o o pq M C I (A ON 00 > i M M 00 o to § at • • •• . ' • • • • « 4 • ff 12 en u u OS o o H u w si w c/3 o 00 oo z m - o OS H^ m o — o o o C^ 1- f » O t^ t C^ "^ C^ t^ f^ t->. VO ^ X t^ — vO "" — >- — "- M «4 88 OS "-■ ro O O O O •"I PI fi «c Pi PO i-^ o f, M VO t>. O 00 00 P^QO >- 1/1 Tf Tj-O ir^ 111 ^ rt- 1/1 "-• 00 P) 00 I') •" O PO PO "^ ►- PI -" Tt »r^ 00 vO "I 00 •'^ — « p^ « w «>• t^ r<* t» t^ r^ O p<) PO PO •-• On ■* -^ '^ '^ t>- ^ "^ PO r<^ PO — O ir^vO \0 vO vO "1 -4-1 o oi PT t-^ >-i t^ 0\ u^ 00 t^vO t^ « O P^- O N O '-' ►* PO PO PO P) vC o ■^\0 o vo ^^ On «9= en c o H O OSOO t^ 0\vO I- O PO t^ t^ "^ P<5 "^ 'I- PO^O t~^ 3 o u 02 O - OS O -i- - t^o WOO r^"^ p<-, HM r^ « VO "^ T. p^ 00 OS OsvO m 't r^oo N N « M Oi o> O O £ ►" OsvO Ov "^ ''5 r>.vo m 1030 vO M pP5 w ppj 1-^ P'5 00 ovoo t-« r^ t^ ■5 o •4-* g o 00 (1 J3 ^ u ^§ ,-, '-^ >■ ^ . J W <^ ^^ u ^ lU o o u 3 ^ VO N ui vC 00 o PO VO OS o ON PO PO OS 00 N P'S Ov PO PJ eg P^ PO o CO PO N 8 VO PO o 00 t/3 c o IS en •4-* o H Pcrforviancc KNGINEMKXS NAM i:S WIlCIV Xo of EiiKiiii- wa.s lluf/iiic. I built. Diiniii'tcr of (.^yliiulcr. E. Lalumierc J. T. Eiinics J. D. LutVanc'i' N. I'onuuville R. Whitohcud k others U. WhitelR'Sid F. Robidoux R l'i;,a'()n K. LahimitJie , L. Rcllin J. T. EsHiu's ToTALH 9 1(» 1 1 12 3 4 5 i; 7 8 MiUiclirstcr (I u (( 1(1 u li 1( (( <; (I (I (I (• Diainctor ot Drivinti Wheels. oft. ! .-.ft. i r,ft. I 5ft. .")ft. Gin. Td't. t;in. ! oft. Gin. ' r.ft. Gin, % oft. oft. oft. rassengcr Mil Frei-lit (( Mi.\ul (I Wood a Snow >• CoiiKtnutioii •• Shuntini; .1 Miles 18173 G5G1 17»;o-i v\%\ 'J48 177:» 41(»G.', A. DAVIS, Mtnkr Mechanic. ToiAl 3471 7 Note. — Tho above Stutcniont for April i.s siiiiply a saiufdi M,--* »-i ^> V iV MONTHLY STA Per/ormcmrr of Locomotives on the Quebec, Montreal, Otta SHOWING FULL LXPENDLrURE in DETAIL i:\f;iNi;MK.\s namks 1 K. Lalimiii'Tc . J. 'I'. Kum.s I J. D. l-iilrfmcf ' N. I'oiiiiiivilli' ...... I K. Wliitclicfid k others 11. Whitfliciid F. lloliidoux H. I'ij^M'on Va. I.iihiinicre , L. Ildlliii .1. 'I'. Kjhius Wlioro DiumcUr EiiKinc was of built. C^yliiidor. niiiiiictcr I ot - - Drivintr < „ I I WhcHs. .. -P'"^"- iFroiglit.' Mixed ENOI.VK .AIirj;s HUN I!Y KXCI.VKS. vngors. j Totals... !) MiiiicJicstcr a 11 a It a ti \c,- u It u .1 (1 (< I r,ft. .">ft r>{t :>n. .')!'(. Gill. -l,^)i;4 fift. Ciii, L'3 1(.' "jfLOiii. 40'.'5 oft. (Jill, 4717 oft "•ft. 2457 oft. '' 7oG.l 27o4 j (53 I :!2fM I (>:{ Wood. ! Snow. Cons- truc- tion. Shunt- ing. Total. Kngine MilcH Oil. lbs. Tiillow. lbs. 70 ir,o 817 2i!91 702 24-' ..18173 6561 i 17G,-.i 116 3U ' 8G 116 :!44 51 453 361 368 ■iOih 1407 152 Ij H21 ■^20 \\ 3156 1465it| 3020 168 51 148 221 185 J 533 4G5 1384 i 94S I 1779 I 4106.1 I asst'i)ti:cr Frt'i-'ht !\Ii.\((i Wood Snow i'oiistriictioii Sliiiiitiii- Miles 18173 " (!5G1 " 17t;5.! " n84" " 948 " 177;> •' 41{h;.', 4732 2428 4549 1 4;tit2 3361 4133 2118 42 24 7s 84 04 (M 114 99 60 86 76 21 12 4'J 39 :!» 31 57 40 30 45 33 Waste. ' Coal. Wood. 11)8. Tons. I Cords. I 1 34717 82.3 A. DAVIS, 3faster Atechanic. ToT.M 34. 308 3 -. - • • • • G ' 6 (! 10 ; I'j^ G 63 \H I 611 i4i Average cost per mile for Oil, Tallow and Wa •' Fuel " '• Coal " " Kiigiiioinem, Fireim " " Repairs (I Tor,\L Cost pkh Mi LI NoT..-The above Statement for April is simply a sampl. a.loptcd tol^U.^. th , performanee of Loeomotive.s on thi.s Divi,.io. and liiT^ir.;;^^^;;;!^!^ ( STATEMENT. ^real, Ottawa and Occidental Raikvay, Western Division, IN DETAIL FOK THE MONTH of APRIL, 1879. asto. : Coal. Wood VALUK OF 1)8. Tonsi. Oil. Cords. Tallow, Wood. Wasti'. 1 Co.il. lOj :59 2 32 1 1 1 5;{ 75,^ A f)? 5:4 ^ 4.3 HL' 4 f).-) — :5 ui 78 G 15 70 4 12 G.i^, 3 38 70 : 4 111 57| 3 0(1 156 OOJ 50 Oo{ , 3U2 00 238 00' 328 00, , I 121 88 312 00: 280 »! 2*;'! 00 280 00| 2!0 00! Wages ofi Kn«ine IIU'Il, Firemon and CloaiiiTH. 81 (30 j 3 70 45 251 1 15 130 87i| 6 fJ4 138 30' 4 no 179 70 i 1 40 1 10 70 237 24 IGl 42 1 10 80 176 20' 4 6(1 134 45 15!t 00 114 4:ii 25 ]:. '''^ I''^ I 6 11 42 8 7 |2444 00, 121 88,1434 It2;{i0 40 I 112 18, Oil. Tiillow and Wiisti' 12 Fuel 7 03 Coal Fiiuiiienu'in, Firemen & Clcamrw.. 4 01 Kepiiirs 4 o'.t Total Cost pkh Milk 1 f) o7 MctliDil (if jirriviiifr at tlii'ir niiiiiing o.vpens.H. A\